HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS5009The majority of educational programs for A-level Biology that are currently avsilable rely mainly upon monochrome disp!ays with little use of graphics other than to produce graphs, histogiarns, or maybe diag- rams of organisms. Now lhac the Research machines 480-Z has been ioined by the BBC Micro and the Sillclair Spectrum in the Do1 scherne t'or Micros in Schools (Kewney, G., 1982). the :tvaiiability of such machines that allow the production of use!.-defined graphics chiiracters displayed sirnultailrously in a variety of colours presenis the opportunity to repre- sent more ot ihe complexity of hiolrigic2:l situations than w2s previousiy possible. This i'iiciiity, together % with ihe ability to r-cdilcc considerably the dxrration of an eupuriment and tn explore situations that might otherwise be hazardous to experimenter. apparatus, or p -. I iave material makes compt~ter sincsulatim much iilctr-e valuable as a teaching aid. The field observations at Gore Point, Somerset, upon which this sizni~lation is bused, are described iind discussed in a previous paper (Wilson, Crothers, and Oidl~aun, 1983). The essential feature is tirat the usual zc~naiitrn paktcrns of certain species on thc shore ;~t-c disrupted by the flow of kesh water down the beach fionn a sn?a%l Exrkcj~7ir strea1-n. 'The nnatrices @f" values i,l-ii:i inrd li.iinp, ;i scriei of p;jr:iiiel hnrizont;il irarisecl s can be plotted as maps to reveal a relationship between salinity at~d species distribution (figures 3 to 6 in Wilson et a/.; figure 1). In particular, low salinity at low water appears to prevent successful predation of mussels by dogwh~lks~ and grazing of a green alga (Ej~ieron~t sp.) by herbivores (topshells). This leads to the development of patches of green alga and nlrrssels in and around ihc! stream at the top of the shore. Away from the stream and high water nrark, predation occurs and these two species are unable to become successEully established. The distrih~ltion pat- tern ofthe red aiga Co~nliinil reRecrs that of ssline rock -- pools away fro!~ ehc inRuet~c,c. of the strerir~. .l! his is typical of those species which have poor tolerance of both high insolation or desiccatiorl and hrther re- duction in salitlity of, the estuaritle wiiter. The coilventinnal pattern on the shore is for inosr species tc occur in wider or narrower bands parallel to mean sea le-vei. The precise laisaiiow of each hand betweert high water mark and Isw water nnark is largely dependent upon exposure or the organisms to rough weather (B;rll.intine, 196 i ; Jones, 1959; anil Lewis. 1964). Changes in exposure are reflected by rnovemeilt of the hands up or down the beach, with displacement of one species by another under extrelne condtrions. In very gerlerai terms, tlrc effect of any sireanr on littoral zonatiiin 131a-y depend ilpoit its width, the bank height, tiqe speed and ~oikaarzc of Cresh water RCIW, nr~d ,-?, the rrresence suspended mitler. 1 hew ir~ tnrua siklill inliuelice vihcr Ckictors sirclr as siili~~iiy~ ik~jkjidity~ dci~sily, desiccation, tcilipcritiuihc, ant! ilrc s~il>ply oi' organic matter, which :ire of varyirlg importance to rh~: survival of'dlfTeieni isrgar~isms c~n the slntsrtt. At Gore L3o2~n*e, hovie~ier, tkx strekira~ is i~;.irrc~w \i\/i~h YIO bilrll~t?; aid has o~ly a inodcr;iic id;itc ul flow. SLII-~I~: f~irii~~:i* i~i~~~oriiijit Fii~*i~~t~~$~ :?I~C!I as I :ii~~fiiil, illst?i;ltiu!l* l:2tit!*i4"ic5 tiilci ~c~12~~cl~ikt!irth :i!lt%l ti~jiii r;4ll'~,t;?;~ iirc indcpcurlerlt o!'ilow am..! exposure. !-io\nicver, ir w;is 1101 ~~~~ss~\*~~L' i~~$~~~:;ti~'i~ik? nlO8"i' 1 11 ~IC [\'b!6' :,])CL~[:;? iil~d % ji~lt> 131~1,iit fi$t'lt~~; !\i(b~3kit)i~i*ti ;ibt~~f~, :ik) nntsx-c3 $laan 2.5 k of RANI is irv;alfcl!>ls;s $12 nP~e i'mr 0301a;~.4 rniridr: jr~lcacie 5) ol' l!so %-8139>11oiic\ A t*i~i3l)k~i1~~1~ Simulated ecoiogicai mapping Ken? Figure B Map of species dist~ibuitisn at Gore Point derived fr~m a VypicaS set of studentss' observations. Figures indica'e sample positior~s at 5 rn intervals starting froan the stream centre at High Water ~Vark. Symbols inldicaiee the presence sf a high density of india~idrzals to avoid slaperimpositions; records of Etztoromi:~pi~u have been omitted from points 2,3 and 3,4 for the same reason. See fisure 2 for identities of r'ymboIs. :- ph. -' ;I, ~jtaoua, hit it soon beca~3e clear that the data available were insrifficienrly detailed to y ieid precise iiuv~ericat rt:!aticiusi.iips bet~vcen the valucs for en- vir-onmental factors and the responses of the various organisms. Instead, ir was decided to develop a program that produced displays which were qualir- i ativeiy compatible with i he observed distribution patterns. The maxi~nrim and minimutn for each factor were srl at 9 and 0 (as trscd by Wilsoil ci id. liir conductivii y), and the ibrmillae wcrr adjusted empiri- cally to give ;jil even spread of values. This sirnpliri- csrion fi*ci!itated pr~giali~tning the comparisok2 with rhc pi-esel physiological limits and the presentati~~n of el~e matrices for singlc factors, and also gave wide! icttpc lor silbscquent interl~rciatiori in gel~eriil terms. Any i?rccisi. rzl;itic;nship bctweerl these scales arid real iiialii 5;11~:1::; ( )~ljii he cst;lb!isl:cd sub~cijuentl y if rc- quircd. /$ scl-ceir display pru:!uccd by tlic liiiC ccniputcr - * cijieratillg in Pdoiic 3 is 32 Lil~iis oi' 20 contigritru.; cjji;ll-;li:i.cls Irt.:l~$: ~41611 :a. 1~1l:gxi~~ttal~ of I;sur coIours (inc~iuiiing i-~lac:iij or; 8lhc :;crcen 211 ciirce, This rcsoluiivn is t;c~~-l pariiisic to rt:ii/lski,: ~c.oicii4ic;ii s;m plillg rates ~ii~<: i~i~tj :;~~ili~it:~ji lt>js ~IIC ~I~*CJC!U~JI i~jn tjf :jiii~iil~i~~~i :ji:[~~-~~*j;~ii~~ ~i~~2~>~~43 tji:3il-ii:~tl~"ioj~ ~I~xY~~B, ))i~t:h i,jh III~~II! bt: r- _l prtiiiiit:itl !.Y'iiiri pt~ifii tlil2itiliii ti,iiii. 1 t.1 i.ii!{iici: (hi: t;iflc2 " 1 rt*;q~ii~-v-i t;iich j>lottii2j? :*!in a~d j~~'~~vidg,: :;pitci: ['or ~~~fl3$.~1~;~~~<~11 itrit; il-if~**3b~;:L::7+ ii3f2 !*lppc!- hi>* !ii3~*&> of ii2c :ii:jpj;i> :tnB :jv~j 10 ~~:!I~-CSL*~II the hvai;!i ;~bt-~\t: i i VVPdi tJdi8ljt* !<Jbilt~%l ij.ll(: iiH!i~::l~c~~, ~,bfv'\@. A/l!~~O~i~,ll i/>t> j;i:i{j (icit:~ ~:*jci.( t oj/t,:c%i~*d O!il;f !o kli<* t::i\i 01 the :\!ie;i!tl* tb , j i$iiii ill(: ')jii.;iilj !il [/I(' 4'CilllO , j- it! i- t! tri' /*i !;I*ii4<,i'! After defining thz shapes and ioiours (algae: prim- ary pmduucer - green; topshells and inussels: herbivore tnagenta: dogwhelks: carnivore--- red) of the species (figbir"~ 21, :rppcr beash (red), and cetitral stream (green). the cur, dnt values of Row and exposure are supplied from the keyboard. It was illtended that these f;~cnurs should be expressed on arbitrary non- linear 10 point ii-itege: scales (0-4) !hr con-veniencc but it was subsequciltiy found that any nnn-negative decirnal value is accepted. These can. the21 be uscd to calculate the sate ohsprcad nf kcsh water :is ihe streal% Rows down the shore. and the effect of exposure in welling the upper shore with :pray. The ir;tcrval between cbb and floc>d tides (uncoveo is estimated separately with nri ,iiiuwance fix spising or ne:lp tides. Note rl-a1 the exi~o.;urc scale ihllows tlr;t~ of ioires (8 = caino r-;ither than than t~f' Raliiri~tii~e. As thc. inap 3x23 is scaliriod, the ithovc ci~lcul;itions ;are ~dlkidk? ,"br ~ik43811 of' 111~ 25 i-OW5 lind ti1(;3. li"t:~ll!t~ i$rG used tc cstirrlaie the lociii exlti,surc io :)alii~ity i'rx each ?- %< oB' the 20 calfs ill cadi J*C)V~, 5(hd~ f6i~~11 V~IHBI~:S f'~r zxi,osiir8e, iiziccive;B, aild saiir~ity arc ~~ili~iir~d wiili ixubct upper ~HN! lower. i,iiy>Yiologii:iii iiinits ibr c:~cii spccics. 8 1' itli) ti r ia 1 c L 112 itrier;i~rc:e c.;rnge, \i!i.i~ tilai si7c~ics citt~lrot oc~*ilr in ii~;ti c-cii. 'l'lic c i,ccuri+ciici; o!' a i,rt.ciati)i* ;liio !,~~iiide:> !. hc p!*cscili'C 01' [3I.cv til~i- ', si11~2 t!Oj:\.\ lki'i hi c;sn iisigraic, ;il!-.lh~it 1-;11ial:r- :;!o\\.fy CC 'l"~,'rliQaci^~~ pt;r:si.rbx.i I ~~~~i~~~I~i~!~ic~~iti~~~~) :inti, ;itt;iCi\ id! fil~i ~~c&~t:\"lt~~~*~~ $2li\>#%~k\ ~~rc*~ci~it*ci hy io\v si~ii~~i~j/. Sii~~ii;t\-!;/% t!:~ l'tu ot' itk: ~~~~l~~~~~l~l~~~r/~~~~d )j;tl[tbitl hnil~*Cfi:~ iii; lx!:ii;iii:lii ti! ;lt>:*c"if Of1 t~l/7:B!ik~~~ ;1ctivjiy I-?;? hvt* !*;iiiillk;? ilti i *t3*i*!lith!t fj;!l4-!iy ;iffi;;il; i'ro~ll i j !h/l\J* i]i[lt*~ i)!~\#,l!-i* L.yj !-t*J; tiit**\ ll&i) i* :;la,4 f IS\^\\ j4;< ; 13 i)<b " @ - - Me- '.=* m ' , - * -- (. - * Me* I* .I.. sac -- 1- OIY '* w- W'S L . O 10 M - emma n a. +a*'.<- -- " % * * * * 6 em* a- - *- earn m - e- ** -- * = " w QWW ..- m a - * . * -- <.- w* -'.w w - "W -- *es.s* (LB^u* ma- - - car nm Lxxxama 0 "0 o e C61- ma0 . a ... us- " * * -a- *.- Siroulated sco-;\logicai mapping Kent Figanre 3 Print of screen dtsplay: full display sr stlore sl~owiag species d!stn.ibuticsa~s far a strear11 facjv~ r.;lk 4 Ila~tl ;~l.n exposure of' 4. On the scrmrt, the ;.upper beach wc>saici be red, the %GXI bBi~ck and the ceneral stream green, C'oic~~u.:, of other symbols would be as g4vt:rnr for figure 2. i -"- ciiflcrent each time, giviilg the illusion of repeated 1 he defiilitiori of" graphics char:ictcrs alld the coil- r;aini~lirig in ;r srabic eiivii,oninent. I'or exam1,lc in trol ol'coloiir display are generally cc>mputi:~- sl~ccilic, uui.cessive yc~s or t).; successive investigators. so will not be dcscvibcd hcrc. 'fhe oper:liions at eiich pa1 ~iclll2kr li11c ~~~ill~3er arc: 260 keel, {ally of' uul-rent cell i?o?;iiii,ll 27";clwulale :i;~iii~iiy tBdg8-@gham 110te~ %%I st:t el~acowcl- in strc;;n-ern dt:i"kt h icgnrcfit ofthc pi-ok;!,r;in-i ciealinh: wiih syrnb:,l display 285 print clirrciit s';tlr e ii'ontl factcira Ji .i;l:i\ lcctc~f J 1 'I it 1 r fig 5. 1 9 3 5 0, 5 hrlcnch to ncil f-.ii'ii ;ifi-.\r-ilitig lo [-L. nciicd tijar iiiK' B;i:,ic ;iliocv:i cck iain iihcrties to i2c. i!ispliiy :ieicctcd i;ike~~ that i~t:i+r-flir i CI; pacltii?g oi* thc progranr inlo tt 295 skip topshcii symhcii prii~t it' ;i!g;ti tiiaijl:!v st~1i.c- :- :LC pi ' ti - I ieri 1, ti 1 J ( 1) ;iiiii i:Al.Sli' [Of 300 set pl ribiihility i'~1~ tvpshcll lli*ix i I~~~~~ iii;jy bc ii?,i.L( iii ;li-llhlili:tic ~~l)j*i:'i~iOll~, [ill(: 11111#1h"$'h 305 :Kt t(>i?:;k~~Ij [?~Ok~:tkji/iiy jl&g : .i h it . I . . 311) prjiil I~>!IS!IC~~ :iyt~k!joi 11' t*oiitjjtjt311:~ :~i,>*! p!(~- > i'(ji ji:...~ it:(: ~~:i!'l:!~-l!i~ 1l~:Vci pO!ll!.?, to tile illl!>:@,illj? k7;!l-)iiii>/ !3~*i-!llit Y ' , rp- Ijt,sjj[jv J]~l,. i-4: ,'I i lil.cti .: !*O1liiwi.ll iry illc $20 ilr-:l!iii! ;it-c,ii? tlilil: 111 biriritkklihl iiiit i'~.~ll : 4 ~\iii~~~t :k13{~; 0[1f-i;1 tt: l(l()!j vi; k"i:hijjt * pO:>:sji?it? 01 111 itl\t ~1 -@ B Simulated ~coiorpicai mapping Kent gigune 4 Print of screen ciispiay: disisitiltioz~ pttern oT mussel:, with respect to saiinity (organism 4 3:16 fi~~tojf. 3 figure 2) for a sit-er:nr flow r;.ie of 6 and sn expilstkrc of 4-& Tlae rnussclt; ;tppei~s as it horse-shoe shaped k~:d ;if s;-llinity wluex 4 ancl 5. 01~ rhe screen the culoriss tt: ilpper beach, xexr itnd musse%s wouii4 be iis given in fig~ii-cs 2 and 3, and the rl-iatrix ~rr%tn~;rals wo~sid be green. prcibai-~iiity permit 450 s'ic ip ilogwirt.iL syllll,c~l pt+irlt if' :ilussel disi?l;r y :$~lc;t;r ~d 5~2~ ?.I pi-cal 7~1 i..- diiy fiir ticigwllelk pi-esence 5 10 print tdtr;fwh~ik s,yi,il,oi il' ec:l!ti;iirln!, and prow ~~~1'111~~ Ocii; 6,i;q' I~~LCS?~ if' cicigwl,,:iii possiblc .!it: ~:t uppcr skorc iina~t hr rnt6sk;cls in sire;aiar $rid1 print :i"~e~"~:t:i :;yxrlh<lf it' ce?,x:diii<;isc ;trb.: pro- f,,, aru!.rjfl~y , ~ICTT~I~:" i?"U,l :bklj; < yuj ~l//i!/~! [~!-i!lt of k1ci :;p2c:ic5 :ili*c:tldy p! w.,ll[ (/!(i pi-ijii i 'i~r !i/iiiilr *,yiiiii:~i if' !.tiiiilii icirr.; ;irrti l~io - ;;;il>jlj; 4 1 qllb if,[; A:)~;J&* lpij :t) ~3q;*f lyjj syrr,bo!, alld prob:ihiiity that ail org,,nisnl will occul. It C!ICL~~ jiiii~)~. V~~IIICS ili:iiitl~~ tfl2 presel iiiuii:,, ilicrc - lncnth i.iN if' preserlcc is possible, and ptiflts tiic ;ipl~l'opriate b3y.a 501 if' t l-~c lit'ol?ai~i!ity pi:l-m;is. i~~~~.~$,~ I $.r . i?i:tail~ of the sin~ulation prc~gr;lnl il,;iv hi: tr":-,i ;iint-t.ji Fr-e~ulr tl:c a u~i~t-~i., wlri%lb a vca sirm ol'iilis ;i.i~td, ii ~~c~~~tc~~ ~~iA~lg~-:t~ll ror i B ijc illOd~~! f3 ii rc jlllh!i:;ilL~~i 17~1 Ci:iri:~~k(J c'on~p~iti~~g> 35 Dciti~ 1 Mi, !31yik~t~ut!~~ 1 azTT'Yk: i'"?) =.&-ir,/-r <jZ#i,~[~jc,,b- ; ~~,'-j.-c~~j~ <c"$.-.T j , ,, :?:.,-+- -: ;c~ j ,- .- .. I*. ' - :-. ' .-- ' , , -, . t: '. - -K. ' , -. -. . a ,,, ri jj:!7ar-s lgeBr 4j. 5 C, .st-r- 7 - I ~.~,b,~a~rtb of Ciorrs Pr~int sir?~~ni;ntioi? flrisgram that ctcals with tlse indivicirlal cell display. See relit fc~r; iJee;;l,ili;. - I<eferegBces !Vflscln, C', PvI., C~i7tltitfrs~ $9, Ha. and O'Idlwrn, J. I-!. (1483) Bit'ni;.na~tinc., br, .1, ( I96f j bioicsgicalt y-defi~~ed exposure Realized niche: the etTccts of si21:ill stream on seia- scale for I klc cc~~npariitive dcscripiiori ol rocky S~QT~S, shore $istribr!",ttrl palteras, fiu!'d ,"jt:rsrc/ic.,s;, B (31, !- li! E~J~t~*~~ijo~l, 17 ( f ), 5 1 -58. Jones, iY. E. (t 959) 'F'i~e rfft:crs of cxpraslare 01% the zl.irnatic.>~ 01' algae rslz B;triJscy Islktzl<l. Rcli. BIJ~~LCC~: Oh,;. (Extr~sct), 1 6. --, , . ------------"..%p- 7 Kcwncy, C. 6 t 982) bEoi-c niicn-ais for srhotjle;. Per.soizcr/ I ix: autho~~ C-oji~pzirrt- Sliirr-ill, 5 (9), 89 91 , .:', bi'. KBI~~ i~ la Lccrntrer iir Bio(og.i in the. Ri;ri(~~~i~~~~il/ rrJ' Lcwiii, 1. i 964) 7;11a~ ~a'r~io,q-i- of ~"cit,ic,i; .~hr,r.c.i.. English lktrrr~iif?iii~'s ritj~: Si'i~wi*o, Soitlicrsc~r Coli(~3~1;'c rl(' .4r-ts curd &jniversities Press, TC>C'/?~Z:>~U~,~', >~i!~folr, S01'71~r.sef TA 1 3.A X.