HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS5010Cm$iel Ad Ciacotta, Jay R S~aaffe~~ .l~, a~d Ch~r&g H &ca tf2 - Y'i t2Cq8y*RALT; &A& ap~3Eab%ty 938 U. g, EZIV~OE~GR~I fia$g@Qion Agency" [6US&P@ wa&ar Iemperwure h ev8luating the imp~ct of a thermsE &scl~auge from L19e P, Ckkfaiter hp;~ %mparyI Sp~ag G~ove, Perd-5yhmk is mdyeeb A review of the Eterafure 'iebtive drla 3, B ternpaataxe ~~ite&i %s% wnduct& for six fkh species d~si~;ated by the USEPA as 'k~eprege~tativa kapozt&qe s~ciet"RIS$ of the $West B~&xih31,~ Cqdoras Qmk, $~sqkeeh,ama Pdver &&age. The spdes ware:. Iv~f@mig~n~d CY#Y~Q!~UC&C (&OE&E~ ~b~e~), $f@P$~pf$ @~!o&Bs~@E@~ @86aP& & l.2~~@rj, ",-.-a Rhi~iehthys @ti"8$~fi&$ @h~ka~~e c~w)~ @$OS$GTEUS C8MmP- soni (v&dte sucker), Upof~Bs &Bbog~o (pamp!&wd), axid P&ii~"?~p ~&FOUS sal~~oi~le~ [kgemo@& bms)* &it was found &.st 'by yppkyhg s;.~z&y USEPA sugeszed cddsrk kbt a complete elpaitt~fi~n w not fa~tory. 'remperawse Ireb~~isr dataa, specscdy prsfeze13cli: m6 a..iai@mse k~fgzjrrga~~oit~ cm,~gled with fielcl amp%ag $~JS needed to prc~ pg~1.~ assess the ~ffe~tg 8f the OEI[BBE~~ ~ffi~e~tr The iha% amHysi9 h- &catad $hat the C~ermB &schgg of $ie pspr company ghould bye rakik~kd effem on eke fish CO~;%BIU~AIY of &d.o:ms Creek. (K,E*f TEEMS: tempmatu~e cx+ieda; t.he~~sd l>eka%40~' ; ther~a &s- charges; bioBo@c J inregity ,) INTRODLJCTION The Federal Water IBoIlu%ion Cwatrsl Act (Public Law 92-500) states [hat tkd objective of our ~cratzsfial water poliel~ is ts "resxsra md nraiatain the ~therrs.icd and bioEo$cd ktegtl-i"ly. of the $4atiion% vw3tersaw "%he lavd dslr autb-orhea tk U.S, Erk- viroaa~iental fio~ectlon Ageilrcy (US !%A) to c;@abli& guirb %H~eg Birnixkkg ind~~sdgial dischdtgges, an$ sets fox& a schedde for compl AGE. Sectic~~l 3 1 &<a) ofPL 92-500 alistxs a . *cz HII regard $0 thexriaj efflueiats if; an owner or OXXI~~OH GGAP 8uff"i- dently demonstrate ikat the fjrd~~>~sd the>3na1 &s~harg% rew gatlsns ,are nlors strdngg?nd fkjari aeGessaqf 80 8ssure the g>rstee- tion znc."8 propagation af a balaqced hndigenaus pnpuliltiorr of s,beI1Qsh, Wsh, ai~d wildlife in rm "ag azspcctiv5 waters inm wbAc'1. rhi; discharge is ;n;ede, Wsweve~, it is the resposrsibiliw i,$ (he dhicfiargej tzs pt-~ave that *&e y$~o&i2ealinn will illdeed protect tllr: bioio$c"d t:orr!mufii'iy. r~qt i lib Fadei~J Re@sic;r -( 1974) i~i;!icates thee types of demon- jir;a'Lloes by rvh'~h xhrt discharger may s~briLir evidence f~r a T~~~ 6s#s .. ;*L2mgea s,.e t ~ft! ueat xeq~1i,g4::~ke11t [LC*% ;+ mfi:i~~e)e 'T%E three den14j;>gtgaticn xypes 3~: ('1 &e use of a.a-&s dah tia demanstxate absence of p~br appreciable harm lo the biolod- nnify, (31) s dem~nstxation using the UfEPA's y&gr ternprature cr4tef.i~- jkat.~c"dndi$i%sns at thg site ~wodd prate~t " -- -- - - rzEreserntarive impp~jant species {[RIS), and (113) the use of a w. . - comb&atian of biolo@r,al and ngineerins &2ta to den~onstrafe no adverse effect^, Gnes~JIy, a Type I% demsnstration is recsmmc?nded (USEPA, 1977), unless extensive on-dte data are available POP the a~quatic corrr~n3nities. A Type HI demonstratioa in regard $O ichthysfauna is faegitated by utaizhg the aecerady Zina'hized pxotseol and pro- cedwas f~ sstabligMng water temperature crireda (B~~xngs;. and JQ~~S? 1977) Generally, these crite~a, ~vhi~h. were de- sigad specifieagy far fresh wwater fishes, are csmgrised from two phcipd ree~z~m~errdatiam~ First, the xna~nurm ~$!eaMy s.~e~g@-J$~emku~gs (FdWA"6) shodd not surpass (he faHow.. Lqg criteria ~sta'ali&~Z for RliS: (I) the optimum tempraiure for gowlk. plus one-il&d the rage beicveen optimum and ulti- ate upper incipieat le&d tar~pebpa"ture: (2) the cold shock --- - ----- &-~l~~g.t;me, that is, a temgxrature achieved by a rapid dzoi~ $0 axi!biect tgrngegatum caushg neirtdity; and (3) ten?pcra= tu~e that would prevent successfril reproduction and develc~lop~ meat, Secsndy, at as time stisuld the hfVlAT exce~tj the applicable ~naxLqum temperwtur3 e%posuses for short B~PFITI summer sgardvd and spakmlng far important species, The m&maarn weekJjr average ternpcratuira, v~hich is ari kkiegd CO~~~~BOW~R~ of a Type hI dennonstration, is caiculated by at least a~ nre&kuds (D~G~SUII, ~t at, 1 976). Orre approach averdges the mews, of weaMy rea&a~;s (recorded daily e\fcle>f Itw hours) far at least a one-yen period. 'Fnus, there would be 52 ternpe~atss~e vajases yearly, ~p~ith each .s~,eor&ng fcp~esnting the mean of foiw weekly rnar.h~?urn average tennf~eratures for a spedac -week in h.8 ~espective time fxarne* 'The secolld !nethod is to select the lhighest vjeekly average ternperattrre fr~rn the montkdy possibgiklcs, The IISFiPA (1 9'97) desig lrcs XIS by reviet~qhng eilc eaistir ip, iite.eiaturl: icir the respective site and aibplying a six-fold ~CG.. nitian to potentiid carrdidates (see 1ROl3i?. docrna~i?ni ~QI ~su~~~ptioas tB,;t aid $he R$S deei~j~8y.r pr"r:r:r"~s) r4r;;j: ;;IF~J~ ~~~ii;sf &n;cllie&ij y &ls;%u cjes &jose species age: 1 ) corrnie ccfi +j&y o-j= recse3G09iBGy aydoble die@,, yAihki aqe top ken species landg6 by do2>ar v&ue), 2) Ihrea~ensd and en- dzjigexad, 3) r;zi*icd it-> the fu%z::lisn of the ecoio@c& system, 4) p~lerili~-By capable sf becornkg Soc?Jdz& nuiss~ee gpecies; 5) necessary ihi; food for ihe xr:v~e:i being of the spcles determined ifi 1-4, si $1 repfesenaatlve of the s&errmJ require- r?";entr; of jmp,r@smt species $umbi& may not *& mpa ian i, "!!re ipf m ti **rep~e~&ntative'' Lqik;I~des those species wIGck4 zxe b6yi.epge~e~j,ati in the regxis of i&seir $Lsld;r@cd re- quire~aente of a bdatcecj, ix~d~gepa-ous CO~~~UAIP;' of ~EaegW~k, '"- .,* $1~11, and v~ijdife ixi .i.5e $~&j OP VJB~~H hta which -&~e d%f~- charge iis made" (!JSELA, 1877), it ~klwfd :s nsted that, d- thaugk the wmin indi1;erious ds srsed irk the ia.~, asnastive species caar be cb~~s~ri 2s RlS (tJSEP$h3 1977), Dicbon, et 8% (!946), indicaj,eg th3.i. fi"ica-l Iu,tJly, i~~i;;ter te~~pararure crE&~k& shcjl~ld be applic6 irnporka~t aepzese~Qtive org8ndtms far f:rsphic levels in she aq~iatic comz~u~Gty~" However, as they fuatkdr di~uss, t!iic, ibj3plh?pa~kk i% wst re8Jistiih: $iilce daba csn- ceming tkiii;x~:81 responses of aquatic anids other thdn f3& are lacking. 's;'husi it is generdly acceptable to apply khc criteria to cjnly Gghes in 8 TYpe 11 demonstngrisn, as &g- cussed by Woeut"r.and Shg~ffei (e,~,, SOCU~~~ et dl, 1378; $7 ,r~&auffer, GL, 1978; Sta~ifeg and H~gtuaet, 198305 Hgndgi~::~ 6,'t &%, %880], fish. are e~~irable far biox~of~itorhg since (1) they pass tk~o-uc#k or occupy a variety sf ti~~ldc S~M~S above the p:ili,ary produczr level dill ing $&sir development; (2) their ppggena iri:iirplies dre pi-e?$zn~e: af otk51 pl~yletic groups, sil-ze occupy the top of' the food chah 431 rnosi aquatie eco- s;jstcn%~:; and (3') sbqce they 1.1suaily xepregent the tap consumer law ,,gel in aquatic system, hey integrais. the responses ofthe .g Rood ck~aba XE~ CWV~PO&"PX"EI~D~~~ S~ESS, v$"- k'he purpost: of ti& paper ts $0 (Ij review the literature re- iathe to 11 desig12r;ed temprature criteria f~ six && (2) as- s@$~ ikie applical~ilrty of USEPA vialer quality criteria ro a fionuiiiiry thermal discharge9 (3) evaluate the importance of' behavioral data irl ther111d imps~t SSX~S$P,'E:~~R$S~ The P, K OEsrfeiter Pay,er ronipaliy (PNFC), Sisring Grove, !?eltnsylvs~lis, ifi appiicaticn nf a 3 f fi(a) kariaace for ih.eir Sr~BPSa"ce , effja.~efit? t;$pllte a~ ted the WppdaC~i~t Envix onlat+nk~d I,atoraxof:t (AEI-), Fro:;:bi~rg;~ Ma~~ylkuiJ, tcs secufe diaatii in sup- -, port of 2 'i\/pe 11 dcn?u~;?.atioii. j-a$.a corrry;?ei! and literature p%- i \y" " ". . is I: r ti p, -4: only a partial fd- fiIllficr\t of illis demont;txaiiow, Y -; 3 rtG j?I-jC;Cl: is locaged iiz elre k#esh Bakrlch Codog~as Creek 7% x 4 :it Mver &aiilaye), 'fork Ccjiliiir, E'enasy lvdjiia d4kyrl,, gj, "5.. kilt. !West 3rancir k a itiajof ii.ilrilia?; (0.85 na3/s) ttl t!it, P,.;;$J~~US a6ek draiuage, (Todonss C:eek "lovqs a 5'5.2 :. * '# disc.ceis_.ln d. d tkii i6.~g3]~ *Y';igk3 the laig~?s& dik2 ,7etit5klr: tjlc *>;l;,ii.~::{-~':ld &:I;$ ,.jd:?dl:,d :.j3fiI.rb:;/mqtgiy 8 4 k~i?n 0 + j j' , 1, in i:fi;~r. The * 3ia:fiu;;c i:rsifi e:!Lor;ijJar!.=.i apoi-oni, rlatciy 76 / l~tr .' c#? i g;n 17 j~rjlle<-~:~ s;+if4;ck\ j;;'ji;,;: illi $I 1q~j~1j.0~ ffq~n :')i ~5 jtn tilt.; he:atB- (;:;f2 y: i[$ ,![I j*f pJ [itdk ii]{)!?t;j. PT,"1" - &bt, located 15 temperatuna moplilaaing staiioaa C~aa- Bopds ~g&g eg$abai9bb p&\vA$ (Table 1, pkgg~e 11, Station 1, Iscated above L&.e M,arbuag, and Stabion 14 VBEFG dcsipased as ~ef~xence shtions, Zit8agsn 1 was k~4ktasm-3 bg~au~ Et was u~df~~ted by the hjrpalk~aiai ~elea~d water af Lake tdazburg, bug$ by PHGC fax Bsvj aaumswtation, %haa tifon f 4, found on the Ssuth Branch Cadom$, was chsaa as the second site, it ~18s ~08 affected by PHGC disehaaggs, M ootker statiolns were dowsikre,am of THC4 ddisci~rgeg, ex- mp* for Stat.;on 3 ota 02 Cseek v~here a hot water emueat froa~ 3 se~vage tr2atfi2eat plmt vvas k~awa to siadficmdy affect t3i.e rjxbient stream tenrprailans (Ck~otts, ePd, 1976)* MWATgs were esbablis%ed with the use of m~m~rn/rnink~un~ &ern2ometess for a oneysar pxlod, employing the tempera- WESrnMtiCH CODORUS CREEK 4, VJb& Bra1ch C~J~OXUS 8% head sf M3.l Pofid, Sprhg Grove, l%~agyB- V~B~. 5, Wesf Br~~ch @Q~~~SUB 3.t .f&U 12~x-d @HGc FjIgaa flan&j, sp*lg Ggwe, Pea?,wsyl;imh 6, ijJeot BxmcB 0~9%t;tlt*us at Pdji Pond (PEgGC lxawer Ei~~ge), gp^&1g Ggavg, Peiiagykd &fa?58 7, $Vea dranef~ Codoms st Sosis .Re.. I I$ bai%gc 8, Ydesi Brwtck1 Codorus at Hcrr81ey ktoad bmrdg~ 13, vJa:st $p&%eh &&~rt:s at jtlg~ctiua of "Yt~rk N~BW 3dsg~i Ri%sd 14, saulb 33% anch Codczus at Yaak Ydate~ C~rapsaiy 15, pp&~c SrerB ()>da~rus ere& ae Vork County bridge 86 eci12: .kne PJtiiVA$ fm the Bxsnch Ccjdaruu Greek ~eported p% GF.7 -P .. ri4.L moiiiti~iing sj,atio~i~ (Table I , Figlire I j are ~IOW~I ili lfiatfi: L?. {;ei;eraJiy, w;irpg tejn~c.ratnras were cc;rripagabje fgorrl Statil-s~s 1-8, %>~ir.la n~tii;eable k~ceeasas ai Slations 18 % 2 bejow '3-7 3 -q I- rhe fnc..&; sewage li:::iitnenr piarlt ciincharge canal (3 i;rtioil 9). Bar%' r C-ie foilovdng assssment &id use Ststian 9 orJy as a refiseuca point, cinse screerrs picvent, for ths rnusl part, cnovexrreni of fishss into tiit3 6i~cI~arge G~~IB%~ $;tation 10) in~mediatek~~ be- !ow !he dischuge, i*ev&rded ci.iffc2.1 emes railging from 4- 1 El C (inem, 7.2 C) ~YEL~ 3.1 0 C (meail. 6. l i'j wkieii cor~ip:ii*ed to cnm- triil Siatlona 1 &nil 14, respei:iivrly. ii~t;riy, it skilritu!d he iloieil. thg! siri;afil Ieg~rpt?xatkrfes begig1 $0 m;cfum to gmbi@- ..ad $t?~fipe~8* iu:es at Stathln 13 ji.i:., cumpare with Slstinns i -8), r* hi"? bne {act 111:. eievatod iemperalurgs uf the GlatFel~er jjscj!irqs ~=esillt 6r;irg ;irk industri~i process ~tthes $Isam 8 cooli?: process ns particulii!lgf inii~oi~a!il to no:&, since tit@ tenaprairrre of tjte zt:st~j%axln'k affluerit i.erfialns rdati~rely canstsat for at least sevelp dfi~l~kRs of the year, (m)] , the edhated ULriL'T (T2, 35.0 C), and the short tern-1 m~xhnum temp~ature hr survlvd ofjuven2es and adults Bur. iplg the sBmmer (TI 1, 32.5) were not exceeded by the mad- mum sxrcan temperatures; G%eref~re, g32deb; shi~er juveniles 2nd &.ults, which have a high i:emperature rolerance (Mart; 19523, should survive: anyv~here &I the vicinity of the PWGC: heated effluent* Furthermore, it shsuld be noted that the UUTCr rn~gktt 5e underesk,imated based an data gewerated by Wpaugh f 1972). We demc;natrated s 40 C: lethal temix~allare fez spcies, r?ti:izh~g a methoiiology which may be cspabie cf predicting UUIdJT [Fry3 3971 j. During the summer, the maxk2um stream temperatlire sitrpasses the allowable upper limit for growth (TIo, 27.5 C), which is defrned as one-third the range between optirnlrm terr~peiarvr~ for gtol*nh and rhe WILT, Thus, d~rLqg ~varrn %wea"Eer water temperatures arr: eowducive to good growth of this species in most ax%as of the arp irest Branch, except En a ca. 2 km regioa immediate1q.f belaw X~IP &schagge can& (i.~,, between Statsons 9- 1 3). 31e ja$orato13t preference t<!mpcratwe, which was only behz~1o: data surpassed by the BiPiVAT, was exceeded at both control azad kherraally L~lazneneed areas of the ~trean2, Preference data (T4> 23.8 C) sugest axat the goiden s~ner will select waters above the theirnal discharge (Station 9) arrd below Y tation 12 Jutirlg satkmtter. ~kvoldlanace data also suppore this prediction, since hkGs specier; vA..D avoid 38 C when aei:%i- r~aked io 24 C (Cincottz %PC! Staufitr, in seulew). M~reovef, the golder, si~ilinzr is capable of avoiding tenkpcratureu (Tj, 39-0 Cj sf ax least 9 @ above the kie"pj^sest PdtNAT (30 C)* Press ferenee data also suggest ihar the gukden shiner will be at- b~acted to the ahifi~idy headed xrinzer waters, however cold simck informarlon c3'6, Tabie 3) inrply negligible effects to the pa~stdalfsn if a ~iern~i~l slshutdui+~r~ wcke l11.1 occur, The spawning temperature (T7, 15.&21.0 C), the tikaxi- munn weekly average isn~peraiure fax rpevining fT8, 18.3 C), arrd the short term maxirnum temperature for e~nbryo survivii (Tg, 21.0 @), viere exceeded by the FdfWAT at boll1 contrcd and kempa~atlinze affecxed axe2s ("gure 3 axad 4), %ht;s, these data z~g~3st that the gddeg bhin"re has 3 Ii13ited arnount of skiit able water te~xperatus-es avwUab>e a~~ybw%iere (iurbtg spawaiijrlg seasorn QMny-June), H3ot"r"e\je$, ~bserva"%ioa!; tsy the iiuthars md die;- tdbotianal ianf~rmatiian (Denancoitn and Stambaugh, 1974; Deaaoacoun , pegs, cenrm, , 3f~pfk C:o!iege of Fbe9r.~~~~lvitni~~ir Vork) appears lo contradict cxj~.i.cbarf sn$;twiting capabilitit:~ ;in[% cinbxya susvlv?tj+ This 8pet:ics was ai16cr;ved 2s one sf &hi:. 1~lC~6ik abundza~t fi~lres dub th~ wwdntca r&lanrhs sf 13"7$-.7t;, but. bccnrne rase during the spring ad. stunlr,-aer. tqlapst syecianernr: ~kbi:cil i~h441 138 wilit.:f were frsvn a apaisg %nd pood betwei:rs 1It:l~Irc~ BC~~~L~ i " Dam tm~i MdL Dam, hcatesd abt~ve tlre diseiiaa.sge c;kl::ai; r ua%: I), Denencourt and Shambau~)lia jj; 974) usa.;;.\ly i'ibjiiild ii~:i,, golden sl~jriei to be rare in i'od~~i;is C'ire!ry wirh iiie I;nrf:est popula~onr Bocaeed near Siatioa: 1 .; ise101.v tisl- .-irsc$laxgc C;IEI~E, In surnanaiy, these data i;ugesr tf~ailt ij:,,: g5~Bdc:n 4li;'i:x is sa1a::- a- ubdafquljy -acgr spaw~rti~~g~ hktlcilsib~g> ailid dcvetul~j;~;; *,- ihsn !49es1 k$larzfi:il [i~t,)t~;aa us ~Ci,~ef~ ;rbuqc. ali;5 ~je-l~~s k*l iQ *: ' !:: ,, apxi r*dl iluci~$~ de:;pit~ ih~ liri~ii~:t! :;fj:jvqtlki~i~a t:oyj{li(ii~~~:; L-~; 11 ;iptjk:~it:ti{ irijtfi thi? \ijiai$ki i-kij~i;~ ;~pijt;;lJ:; iFk:*$ ;tho! f;,<; ;!,pf;;, ~J:K - tk1.k; sf~ct;ies 1s i!i{Jl 10 [!lC (:tlL!o<~i5 fiq,!,*{ b* [\h&yl! ' 2%1 kGg&est temperature a% whir,;h specks was observed i~ sisdru. %+ = ul"iimalr-; uppa kkclpient lethal te~nprzxai:~,~ L T, r: find fit.1~1 temnpexatu;a: przf'cfernce. J 1 ; ('ioa.! Inboiaiuiy ternycraziliz prefcrriio;. = !i;boi&loiy upji;:r avoj&j?cir (smperature at highssl ac~knalion temgKralurz. 'fG abrupt cold rhoik ttrfipzraturs. * 9 .! = q~aaaii:g icmpexuf rli e. 'I'8 ;r mxim~m wcs1d.y average Iemp~ralure lor spa T, shr~rt ccerxaa maxirntlsm teinycratu~e fof errrbryo sufvivzl, 2 'TIO = rna~xrnfia '~{eekiy aveisgz teinperaluie for gqrow%h of juvenile^ md adults. ' = sIiast zetm n,nlaxl:-ilusn%, Icjnp~eature for SIZI~P~~I af juvznges and ~dults daring summer. 8 1 p.j$"T'CS: 3 Onr-srhe data <C:jx~coz~s and Srkuffer, 531 review), "lctihted i'roira f~~snaulas presented Imi Brtn~igs and bones (a977). 23.6 = b~&tonri water ii:mpera%zre, while surfaei: w~ter ternparatune " 40 6. >"%iilIltt?, '44i&csr. feporecd apprr lethal torrzp..-- '~~timbtr? or mesa ralrge of sgew~tk~g resaipratmes s-ep~rred, a sugestad by Bmags mb Jhiznes Q19%VZ 5 - Gpp~z tenlpei.acui~ i~r sucessfitl ~rrze~iabatian imd l.:atcPlhg repo~tad or upper teEIp&r&"ke for sgaw~&~g, as sugested by Brui%,g% and 50aes (1917). 'l;inai isb~fbtoiy 1 srei-iencz rimpe::iture and/or higl:esi reported uppr Letpal tcnperarure sohtituted in Formuia whan optimum g~o-&h ierra&wratanr. anit2 /or' ~ktl~~~~a~ IS~I kici~jie;ilt letha1 temp;;arab$nx@ were ;iko& ~v&B~%E;, ixk;FE&Eiqck 5 "~~;l-.~. td 9; L 'ei, 1936; C"- .OX ys zfid Jones, 1977; "~ou~er and Fuller, 1945; e~enonwuir &id Wocu tt (linpuhlishr-~1 dab]; E Fomey, 1957; gmtS k Z 1947; 't-icri, 1952, 'iiathav~iia~, 1527; j~omit and Denoncourt (~npub~ed &a); Hor& aid Fdmer, 1964; kmer and $mi&, 1960; "'~ei~i &I& $4fagn?ison. i 974 "~zne~, i 940; '~chwairr, I Y 5 8; ~tiiilffer~ er nL, 1976; 9~tan@, 1940; '~rautman, 1957; S~reaabiey, 1961 ; "~d'oj~aik (oxap.ab&hzd dab, ~iBa;i% h? IS&', Atad. Sci, 197 14). Satinlji~ Slliaer iklo,ra.oyis analustangs laboratory preference data (?I4,, 27.2 f) skkows thail. this 'i tcii; pera ti!:e icqt~ireilic~nt: fox tire ss tin fin shiner il relatinrr tfrp (fie 1vi9VAPI' ksuikd 4hi ~'ix/rx us Cissek arc graphically depicted by ky:;igu~cs 5 la:-i~: 6, h13l;f i~ri ski09 t te~~n xaf1txifiikirfl zerliperature ibr iur~i~~ili of' jitverrj?es ;irld :idj~lta tiuring sunin er (TI I 1, and the iiiia? fiehi' ii;;tfer::ilce iertrperaturc- {T3j were not avajlabie. R1' 1 hi: ikigxikfl~~~ki gelhipera3 uie 8% ~,viiich &is sp>?c;je$i bgjas ~bse~~~fed iri ~il?i' (2 i, 36.7 C) aiitl il~e llighest kii~w;i icllini iemperahlrc (I"'?, 34.3 Cj aii: i:ol exceeded by ihe MWA?'. *fiius, silrvivaf ol' jitvei:iii 2nd adiiii ::atjnfin sliiilers iri ilre vici~liry of PHCC skeri.alal edb f'jileii! ~lio~il~i ii~: e;asily maintained, 'l'he fdil&AT sligii~ly :;ilrp.sse: I is, ;!*4 C) (lie hi;$'jle~i accrplak~ie leinpera- !!;it; f*<~.t j"J;k~v~!tll of Ajki~~cili~c~; amJ a~ltlji!$ :(9*5 c') I>cI%YQ~~! :;!,:i[!&j?# #;* "I ; t"it& llq; 1~jC lkl{ljk~l~ (I! *billid. triicit2f~rc7 tikc *. j*$<3$t~di i2 f)fj$~~~j~]~~~ {)i [jki:l c3f]k;(~i{:s$ ~~~${J~\~{~ kjc ly3< fi 1yi$3~i ~1 ('$?211! 63 species prefers tvabers warmer; than e;risth~g ambient streal condition~;; thus, this species? g~~hich is capable of aproidisng trrtlp:ratiires ('f5, 39.0 C) well above the ki#~est 8414JAii of 30 C, vidl prsbablgt. bs found in the t12t3rsnaiky inflr-~~snc~~t~ i:*- gic~irs csf the West Blanch f:oa$arjts, $%~e attraction 80 lie:$&eb ~fii:ii*i. %f3t(1"15 ~431 )ii~fi hv pre(/ii:ttu Cclrir laboratory prci'i.r~i<tci data, h~f~ever, its cold ~1ioi:bc kahera~rr:a as iiaa,&cakcd ir~ the i " lderaiilre (T6, Rdb!e 3) alrd by the USEdP14 ilcrrnug??-aa~ll (B'ig.. uxe 2) suggcxes no shock related ~ihor~dltit:~, 'The satf rfi~~ ashkner syitwns f'mm bhy to rr1i<l-r4tlagg~st ~kiie~u, vdaler tcmper?kt~~,lcs afspsoahth I8 g: (S$OFR~, I514dI), F~BSZC! t., .$ &I,* al)d,;cii\ti,tlil gr"e2k~y tlv$;;tgt: Peilnf~criltera~: rtrg;Uitar* {i"k~;tx?c;i I ;qlJ (b) 311 -f t&yi$4?)$3 r4+1 lifyi f 41 s~3;:~~~lit~f; 4% *;\q (3 $?$?$$ (pic: )$gb)A'f+ 'i'il6' 1~ {~C@*J&~$I, $~~~$$'{~~\k~fi tk?i'&lf!{'fi3( t!kf$- idi\i'a~' (*y* ) j ti,;) $ ',k,t) ij\ ;';.QC~ i!,,, ,:[91818 ictlllr ijzsbxiijx(:Y1~ i~:~f~i~,+*;;s;3~:"" :~b Bbc$aose Dace 2. 2e 6.8' 5.0 d W~i"a, Sackar 2.sd - 2g F" 6.0~ 2.58 29 leOgli Fd rrilaEnsead 42 ll,S f 6.8 b 9-6f" P 8,O c ST !=gernsratk Bass 3.sgS 5.ze 13.6' 16.0~' 7,0' 19.5~* 4-58 5*se *;-" " L~LW~ peacmt s~ greater su~%~al occurred (i,e., kformatiesn provided for reference), R-ElTERENCES: d a Ciim~iu, eP. al, iir review, cn site &ta; b~ecker, eg 1977; reit it, 1944; Wdt, iii47F~~t, 1952; 'peterson and Schutty, 1976, data seleciiviiy taken from among st:verai acclinuiion test temperatures; g~gtersopl and Sckutsky, 1977. embryo survival (T9, 25.0 C), were usually exceeded by the max&=nurn stfern temperatuaes between Stations 9- 13 in the vair.asser. rnorirhs cdy. The rnaxiniu~n average temperatkaie fg~r spav~aing (T8, 22.5 C) was surpassed by the PvfRi'AT in both am- bient md Bleated wgtex-~~ Therefore9 data suggest that this species wili be found spawnkg and developing in waters below 3saPisn 13 and above the discharge canal. Iehthyofaunaf dis- tribution and relative abundance data in Gsdorus Creek col- lected by Deqoco~rr and St@nltari& (l974) and Cincoita (pa- sorid experience) indicate that tire satinfin shiner populaiicn is concent~gted above Hershey Road ~2m, as expected, In fact, this species is the rfiosi, abundant fjrage fish in the immediate xea of Spring Clove, including tiiz thermdjy afkc~ed rigioa BlheEaw lhe P146C dischafge. Thus, spawniuag eiirePia may be alnden-estimated fsr the Godorus Creek satb~fifi sbdnes popula- $ion t;>r si~ffisient spa3~rting areas fex xhis spzcies are located in the vHchkSty, r ' fernperat ufe crl tcrir for the blaekrlose dace in relation t zt $he FJIGHA"~ fi~uald in Godorus Creek are Baoarri an l2igk~res 7 ami 8. Data fcr final field temperatnit. preference (T3) arc "at available. k:';!:hougl~ specks has a fiiiiiy lour UUIIII' (T2. 29-5 C), ir has teen relioited from 33.9 i' j waters. Tei*piri, ;?$ ($+ {i%]?G); qiiggehxed rhgr the iit.ll!-drr of blackncise dace was us.tfjc;sestirni$.tt:~,~; ihu& u&it5i'efice call be matte "@gat juverraes axid ;td sjts &$oufd be able to survive ira the !Vest jjra:1ctr CO~Q~US, exrcpt for the area:: Ije:tweex~ Statlcrrs 9 arrd i 2 dttriny June, wiihgre uirly shuri icrm survival (7'1 1, 29.6 Cj is [jroirabic (i.e., thf: &igh;:;;r ?4Wkrr tva:; orily 0.4 C ilii;hcr ljiar! '6' 8 1). 7'he maxi- 1r:uln !t:r~:per;,iu: L: for n,rwr~ii~ !:!' : 9 -13 a 26.1 C:) is excei;de;? by tlrr: jk4$/iiPf iji ikjt: $yc"$l &a:if:Akl cjkifiijk; [jit; ~~If~~j~l~f r$lifjii#i Ctj* kl;j !j]g:;Lt~ $2 $!"r~ G4aj b]c2]():+/ ;;jx:i<3ii <I" .ii;;iit oi ij~f? f&;! i,i.!;tt thi:; <$f!:L# I;;*# ; !)B~J~QJ~J~]<:S;~ ittCftX"tj!kfl%: tt.b cii$:j[j ~~~"C~ll)$~ steep gadienls QStarsett, B 950; Traistman, 19571, it is hypo- thesked that the biacknctsi: dace is spaiv~-iEng and rr;aint;;"lirig itself in small tributary streams within the study area (Dere~n- GOIZ~~~ pers. ~rjmm.];",. Observations by the authors and R. F, mnoncoeart during the study period indicate that this species is still p~esent in good. numbers in seerrzi~igly go~d eol~di- tion inside xkae heat& area at temperatures that approach its UUIL>T, Furthermore, ather work suggests ahat this species is c?arn~non ~IXPOU&QU% the l%r&3age (Cineotta, et dl, 1974; Densncourt and Stambau@~, % 9749, l'herefore, "ehe btachnose dace has suitable jvaQers far g~oiidth within most of Gae West Branch Codaxus, but gufvth may be hampered ipr Sune-August ir~unediately belew the PHCC discharge* LnGiliai~~ry tenipiaruie prefere~lce data (T4, 24.6 C) reveal that the majority af mlbient water temperatures are sli&ily csaler than would be selected by ti12 blackrasse dace., Thus, this species would prahabXy move to warmer stream waters, excBt~dhg szrmxer water above 246 C fc3~~1d i~~xklinediatejy be- Isw Sf atio~n 9. Laboratory avoidance $a ta (Cinccjt r:i ;in rl St~effer, irk re~ier,v) s~pi3orb this exp~c"eatior1, sirsee this sl2ecies avoids 27 C %?ken acclii-rlated ts 24 G (i,e., equd approrcirrraat~ly to T4& Thd~ighest upper avoidance ieinperaturr (TS7 34 C) sugg2ses f'tirther that the biackvnsse Eaaee shokild f~or Ipr: ~X~SF- pated frc~fi~ titi: tkerrse;l4by nf'fected regioil as lorrzg as cooler water$ @an be t:ventually re~~chetj. These bellavigarai dratst ;tlstt SH~EC:~~ &at 'rkki: species evil1 yre1.r 1h4: artiiic:i;j\!j~ ~lr:3;;~ !tUat strekmk te~nperaruses cs'l;;r tcd by the Pi-SC:C .li,cinar gc iji wantt:a howevei cold SA z oclr inf4~rrnatiori ('E'6y l'iihlt: 3) and ir: tc! I USEl3*1 vdames (Figure 2) i~ldieate if-~;li alrias %p:ci$s shorald, i~ot be signif~casatly affect& by a ihelajrak sluti~i<~lil"~?, i li The Sxil$ust icrxisilrclre sp;i\qtrlbag tralarq?ekatar~c d,? _ ? l i i 1, @al\ !!!;3;< Jixkilliti ijVf?i ;q3#C h13:jvi11iilg fi!iripf:l~iilil~: r11;3, i 8-4 i #* t14tta 1 iu sh(>#t tf'rti-( ~~~>~~~~jj\~~~~ {(?lj\i; :f:~l!ilt: f(3r (:l~~gbf~!(b y+jj \'!tb3] ['! 7; r h i &;j * 1 $ +) 'lqc$By: l-j! f+pji (;:fty(q!~q~ pyb,g/A: i-) ;y ti;+ Tenjpersture erite~ja of Che ~~d=Gte suckex LQ relation to the &NJAT f~ufid in codorus creek ;%Te depicted ia Fig~xe 9 9and ! 0. The estimated U0aET fcr thki species (T2. ?9.3 6) and the &art term tempraeure for silivival (TI ;, 28.4 C) appea io is* .ta,a,:, accuxatea, siance this species rarely has been $&&a kw wa- ters above these cPiteria temperatures. The hi@ie~?p.st known i~z si& obsewatioa (TI) of 30.6 C: wss recenliy recorded by Stauffe~, ef rrl. (1376). ?Tius, M~efe crite~a (TI2 1'7? -* Fl - - which are appror.ima?eiy evd lo or below the Iii@~est FATVAT of 36 6, should aohadersely affect this widely %istd"s;lubcd and sbuadant spcies jCincsf$a, ct aL, 1646; D~nsnc~urt and Stambau&l, 1974) iri, the West Branch Godorus Greek. 132e mavki~cna dlowa'oie temperature for growth (% g. 28.0 @) .By 8z mmeded by &r@AT h the ca. 2 km stresm area below the d~sc~bsge, Sin= these data are based an an application $0 lwae (B~ung and Jones, 197'7), co~clusionr of juve~sile and adult grs~ah ~~ay bc biased, Eiawever, distributisnd data (Cinco~Pa~ t?Z a%, f 976; B~B~~GOUS: t and Sta~baug2:. 19'74) asad persand obsag~~atisns during the study may suppox3 the pre- dse that juvenile and adult sepents of the West Bra~ch Codorus -white sucker pspulatiaa ere auec~sful above aad below he FKGG. Find field awd Zabaratsry tes~perature preferenc~ ~;;-ti13- -+:s a &I 2- lions (T3, 14-1-21 .I iand T4, 27.1 C, mspectively) vary can- sidezabjy . Such disrepa~eies have *been Qisussd (Rehaeds, et al, B977)), but the vdi&t>f of' either vdue may be argued OH a case-to-case basis, Assumkg merit for both e~ti~tatio~s~ it may be oalcjuded that this species VKU select a %caxie@ of gvarer temperatures. However, the fact that the fhd iie%d pH@- fegence is often nsuxpassed at both. control Seations I and 14 ray lend credence to an underestkxated field v~Jue, Thus, "f ABLE 4, hhwinrtlm Weokay Average Temperataxes (C$ for 1 976 By Manth at dl Pe 13, Glatfelter Company Mowi$arkag Sea~sns on Codoms Ckeelc, Figkre 1 and Rb%e P kleE4.cate stslisrt Is~3EGss ($ ^" watro% station, a* .- drl-;rrnlid dbcharga axd), -i~~~-^---e~~-~.~~---r----.i?r;--II-..~~~,~--~-~m~~~~~C IIICI~~~*,&~~-- B * 3 9 10 a9 3 '7 2 3 20 21 16 3.4 11 5 2 2 8 a 6 3 4 18 16 15 14 14 1 -$. S 9 10 20 I7 2 3 23 24 88 15 's 3 3 $3 5 4 3 8 1 fj 19 17 22 18 18 9 6 4 5 12 6 i; 3 4 f i 2 20 $9 2 3 28 2 1 18 16 13 8 G 3 B B 14 2 3 20 2. '1 2 3 23 Ti 9 16 15 y d 4 1 % 13 2 3 20 33 2 3 24 28 17 I5 1 41 3 ! 1 Cl r ti 12 a2 :HI 25 24 3 ,I 20 67 i 3a ii 0 .$ A* 2'2 3 3 3 6 35 3 3 38 3 6 38 36 3 5 34 ""Q ! 0 7 B Q 18 26 24 30 2 4 29 24 2 1 17 l! 5 r g 4 16 14 24 2 3 3 0 LO 2% 2 3 2 8 19 1 a$ r *. 12 4 0 I *! 2q 2 3 29 25 27 22 zB] 13 3 14 23 20 26 24 26 E 3 4 $3 2 6 B & 16 4 0 r+i$ 9 1 jt a 0 l9 I8 25 24 24 6 9 15 1" !I a I 9 -5 3 0 19 2 5 2 4 2.i e ,?(a! 1 6 t 4 c Figi~rc 7, Q$Zlg;HB Te/i~~erafaipl; C24tea-k flg.72, T4-1 :: see =b19; 2 tcu the BiacCrassa Dam 5~uperimmsed Over the M~airnuwx 395twk1y kgczage Ts~~pzra"bm& el;f &%C)PUS Cf88k at Station3 1 md $ O {B). Sm~~tifig pzxiod is nsksd (SPj, Figure 8. Crilical 'rzmpersture C~teria T4i see 'TaUe 2) for the Bkck~ow Dam Suprisnpssed ear the M~<bam WeeUy &garage 'T~r~psraturas of adorus Creek st Sb~ons 13 $A) and 14 (B), Spadng pedsd is noted (SPb 4'"- " dus species vic.,~ald probably n6;r be f~e(ln4 bet*i."ieefi s~ati~gis '" 9-1 3 :XI rhr warni'er months. The upper avoidalee temperature (2 5') if 30 i: f~r C&s species supports this summer distr;buticn rre&e%bon, A w-i~te~ rasvemenl htc fieat& stream - - wou;a &a ce pqp, *dAper;k.ed from preference data sssulrs, TIis LI-- ibrmation places :he v~i~ite sucker in 23% area jzscxptible to 83446 ..<A, ": iemper2ture decreases, however, with the id of data $y g+aTt a&. * (4 9/47, sg'ai--j ~le 3) and the USEPA nomogap'n (Figdre 2), it car1 be gredicted that no appr-ciabie cold shock rnortdiiies shokdd occur, B 1 1 he white suckel. gcncraliy spawils in early spring (Pvfarch- hne) in coal &&low areas of gmdj rtresms (Dichan, ef gd, I 976; Scott and Crossman, 1 975). ?'he extremely variable spzwi~ing temperature range (*FFj, 6. i -23.2 C) allows this species os kd mTm~l 3ga~+m in rnm: area aof the stream (Figures 9-1 0, Table 4). k ie,;, *Gs ihr skciit ierrri ernbryi~ survivd ('Ky, 2U.O Cj silould &so be sariifac:c,ry due to rhe adequate water temperatures ji.e., leas thaq 26,0 C) found iri "khe Weft Branch Godorus Creek and its snnaller theimaily unaffected "Iributaries (Table 4). The .a* si~e-,reiical n~~ximum spawning temperature (T8> 10.0 C) rnusi be severely undtizsli~riated, siace ally concfusions drawn &om these data wouid suggert Liriie or no spawning water available anyr,gsl;e;e in tile west Branch Codartas (F~gtnres 9 and 101, since znbienl siream cundilions exceed rXe rcqrliiemcnt in dl months, except h-~ March w'sreik the niaimum of 18,0 C is zq~ralsd. The authors, Cincotta, er a: (19761, and Benon- ioijrt and Stambaugl-L (j!Zi74j observed a healthy white sucker pspulatio~a (i.e., good nu13bers and conditisna) in the study rezch, induding in thcl thermal discilarge regioli, &iticd temperature requirements for the pumpbnseed ia gelation xs the h$%f~T fcxwd b~ CQ~OIQS Creek indicated $:ig&re~ 1 1 1 2; data srr the short texrra ~naxknum tem- lieratrile far juvertile and adtdt summer sury?ilvd (TI are not available, 1'krrs species is ex~reit-aely hoHeran~ crE heat 3% den~on- 5tsa"ad by ~PPC Ini@est k~swn i~ ssifid obseirvsnion sT 38,0 C (T ) arld ilrc: Ijiglesi knovir. iippei lethal temperataxe of 36.9 Z lreither af vfhich are furpassed by the MWAT. T'nerg- f~a'~: the juvari3e axid adtrlk sunfish &~otrBd be able to exht ~*.ns&i~hasut this strearn, k?~r~tSlef3~io~b, t;ie Isighest perndssibkle gogvtvtir lempiireture (TI 0, 33.0 Cj for juv~-nili~ arid udlrlt fishes is 33 C zbov6: the knov~n aptixn$aiea tsesrrp2ratufe fcx gal$~fh (P:s~LIJI and Powlss. 1974) md the rnaxirnrairi strearlz tenlwra- tore vrhicii are both equd ir~ 30 f3. Ti~us~ ibr ijvrr;jli growth ~:oulc! bc realizr,i$ inn tine 2 k2k heated SY~:~QW &he dds- ci>.a::j;~ ~2csna9, especiajiv ia B:?nr: ad Atrg11~t. r~T4,,g &lie 8.. iigd _, :\el& xernljer'akiare prefexerict ('1'3, 3 I. I C) does no: exceed %hi; $div~~.5".krT. Tklese data i;ugged rhat tl~: pumpkin- seed ;*~oarld ralws~. Bike* occ:.rl- in the vichity of' khs PkiG@ thc~ md efflrreni: ira the summer axfib winzter rac~nths, i4*i&fasug!1 no ;$averse effecits ~h<~lr!d be 2mcountered h summer, Ij?e ~JBOSS~$J~- Yay of cold shc~ck deae$~s due the;: P4tA7j-vf, wjwieka of"ge5.a~ r:x,c:ee(#g :',ge i;~jl<i ,;hf~c;k c;it,rrls ('i;",~) in witilea:, i%nvt6;vct-, , " p - 0 " "* a ,ti j) r LJ: tJj,i: ~Lje.t:ic~ j~j ~,t)ict tlt~ t;ji~~iii~t;iit~~ djtjck : Crir i*.il;ich. r$'T,c. laic& tjf !:x~~u~(vi.~y ikigii :[ rcit~~ ienigrt:i;iiudas ; Bji $*lg;l a)i?;~% [{~](:~:II~B;C iij;f tfijs sp@g';i~"~ 'F,Rc~~cc@~~$ that this specks ~kgiji not be affeicted by !MWAT (i.e., hig~est summer stream temperatures w;rs 9.0 below Ts, 39.0 C). Thcugi2, it may be warth noting that the kxdiscemi$le woi- daace data for the young-ssGyeas specimens acdiniated to 6 and IfE +C may suggest that juvenges ejf this deme is rdgceptlble "as haat shock, T'a : ne known spa~;~k?g temperature ran2e 20362 C) cand the hi&il6d ~h~rt tern temperature for embryo survivaf (Tg, 35.1 @) are not surpassed by tke MJVAT, but the theoreti- id mu&%um ~pzwni~g lemperzrttlre (T8$ 28.5 C) is surgasgd in Juae at Stations P @ S 3 and 6-'7, This informsgisn sugses$$ tlhahat Jime waxer tempeaatilres hinder s~awn9ng in the eg. 2 krn reach below the discharge. tiovd~~ver, ihe 36.1 C obsewatian of the p~rnp~nsecd spav~ning (Denoncourt and Hoc-utt, an- pesbbked data*) seaggssts an ~deetimtd maximura spawn- ing temperature (Tp, 28.5 C) and an overestimated short tern! maxtmum tempe~:i.ature far embq~o surb.ival (Tg, 36.1 C). AJ- g2ou@1 no ii2formation axe av&ab%e ior the p~mpkin%ed% the know xange for successful incilbstiun a~ld h;tte&qg for the closely related bluegill sunfi%h jkpomis rnlrri~ct~i~~s) is 22-34 C (Banner and VanPuman, 1972). Ifherefbre, a more redistic prctdictiofi for tile pumpkinsed relative to both cri- teria v~ouBd be s~thi~ the rz~gt of 30-34- Ca Assun~ing this rsnge is mare accurate, this spcies will not be advt~eiy a& fe~ted say-where %a the V~CS~ Branch C&J~QBUS Cfeek during its May-Aupst spawniag semsn, xagen20u ah Bass Edieropter~us 8@2"~~noides MVJAT found ba%, Codorus Creel< are presnted in Figures 13 and 14. Hi&ihesl knwwt in ~3im ternpasture (T 1) and letha? tcmpzratilre (TZ) of 35.0 G for juveniies and adults of this species are not excegded by wmbient s~ heated te~~rperatuges. Other ixnportant cdte~ia, the maximrdm aidcek,table tenaperam twec far g~wth (T~D 32.0 C) &~l?d short tern suneitd ('I) 1 34,O C), were witl~n a margn of ~:'kfety f~xju~s'tnUes and adel&* H~PI~, the dist~butio~~, gravith, axid SUI~~X~ of" j i:%venije an&! adulro d~suJd gist be advezsely affected by the p~esant atreana con&$isns in any part sf the shdy aa;rea, 'The fi-d field temwrrat-me prefezence rang: sf 26, 5-3ibe9 9; cS3-) and find llaboratony vdue af 32.2 C [T4) vwere much IGghef tha~ sulm23eg gqnbient k~2peratxaes, a w d 'v'r:ze rj%igi~tBgt kdgj~cr (8,9 and 22 6, respectively) fJ~.~a"l the hig$\esb IaWAT, Tkaus, tkijs spak:ies slrodd ba attracted to "eha aatificidly %~eateja% r rrt xegons of' the 9trea:i in ualmer, Ihese data aha p~edict that the %aige1~lig3uth bas8 1441 be attri~,el,ed t~ L1c;lfsq~! lgja~ i~i. ~;~:ltsrs, Eioweveier, cdd silo~k. data (Tg, *Cable 3 slid i;i#i!i: 2) pii\jer:i no appwciabiie temperature related irro, ralities. $llrtkit:xc- :;j5t the iernperature avcida~ce capa hiJiiii:s of .this qrecies 6 T5, 390 C) anre vdetl beyimd the !5iidxsr exie"ail;,g ter~~yer iiturci: (sS' this ~tgezrri (i,e, Ertiginest Wd Ark = 3 0, %i C). ri Ihe laoflfkern seibsisgecies of jffk 8&/27edli<dc;~"s 8J?aBgeJl;S IJr;",?~~r"i3~i~ Apri8-8raljl in w relatively I.aarrovf l~c,i:er Ir:bPBlb X?i::$ 03 ic asjq\\$s Icy sY, 15,&.21,2 g:)* ?'he ppex. lel~i.ii aaf $hi:; r:,U#: [ ?!. 1 9 'E, :~i~i~:[i i,' : t3111~~:4ikg1~ii,e13r cgj~~al tcj t:s\ ijj 1:itt:d AWIT~ iJ* 2~~3 iiiUt%* ::k:~vb~~~~i~~~~~h ~~~~)~~f~~~~j~~ ('r8> :ll (-:)$ $jly ?tkr$tblt8!1ti istVf% \\jl?'j* 4' i;jUt&,ia ~;~~g~q<td;~~~~?;"g$ ~ix %jcl~~~ i'(l;s)~i .d ;q~a*j ;"\i.l;: -"2is"pc* . ! :' ii t~: @;;6 "*% '7 ," e ,4b.r,ixi8 {$?agb,~i:a?% id and 1/41, nl'&s, due 90 the erratic eccur- ~wila of idtgal ~ga.~+rrlin$ gerkp$rateage$, ~pp~~~~ that the WB~GI 4%- i?~" * = g~~zdperg;IUxe of C0d0~83 1,s g;~nd.g~iye to $&he propa- gation of fasmct~lth b~39, lfifc>rmlti~~ COQC~EX~~ a2e Ii~d4ed ~~~~~$~~t~~f~k afld ~ug,qbe$~ ~3% ydjthm the drainage *?a bdpi,wa .- Lmprrzh 6 BkGs concausioat (Ck1~.7oeea, e$ @i, 1 976; Denoncourt s~~d S.tarnPsat3gi-t, 1974), Dcw~ncourt (per% COIE~~,) hypsthe- sizas ahtit the pregence of ahis nonnratiire species in the vicinity of PHCsC is the renuLt of spawning in &fill Pmd (Figure 1'). He basra this eontention on the he& t%g,~t juvea~eg doa6nate $lie %agcmatatki bass catch Ba regula cojlecting surveys r "he West Braacir Cad.~rirs. Criteria regarding embryc~ 2d.n .a? (Tg, ' ""r i , .Q @) sre stirpassed ody in Ihe ca, 2 km regon below the heated effluant ditz~ing June md August, Herl~e, embfya SUE- yiVd should not be the Ih~iting factor 04" && bass population 6; Godorug Creek, fP r~ibst be fecogiizts that <he tempezature effects 013 aquatic fauna are of' a sire specific sraturs, ad may vary CIPE"~- siderably dbe to the corizpositiout sf faurka, uniqtik: pl~ysicd ax-~d cher'iicd shgactezietics sf each respctive environment, vari- s%!e elimwti~ re&n:es$ etc, Fsa rhese geasons, %eveaa"%authsrs have sugg~oted tho adoptiort of additiiand informakicc, pati- cdarly erlefcio.st,e ax-kd :i~fiid;jnce data, fid~ditate the impzct assessineats of sr tifieidly heated aquatic environmen tr (Cou- 'r B ,? P ~,&n$, B 975; Bickss-., et w&, 19l6; I<jashaads, e$ al, 1977; StaufEer, ef gl, % 975)- t118k~af:t asst?ss~gi~~it ~ICC~S~UI~S fii~y bc uxpedited wit11 pge- fexb,.uc~ &id ayoidaircc ow RIS in sevepd iiwslagrces, Srauffe~, et aL 19Y9, &scuss the necessity of prefereace and avaidaace dak consideration zsn a site ~pxific basis, especially in lotic S~S$~R~S where the told healed discharge is small corn- pared to the mean an:mual 'Tt~ey indicate that this ap- pgoael-8 wrju3d bc of p81tlcdaa' ii2-:postanrcc in a a;lmwa fi311erj if it c~irid be denlngist~ased that: (I) RIS prefer water $^rb"aK;enelB thexi alabieergk cc~riditions os wilB avdd v~arrfier v~ater ~LIIB~E~ periods when effllaeral eernperatures excee. theif (~tjg~ rj*a rg-3~+r:-- a,,2. a:njsg,br %,--- t~m~t~Sreiri-e sfor optimum gi:awtfiu repro- dir~.ijhs$r, Or ~kiarl kei'rn :.~ud~aT: (i) L~IG ~voi(j23l~t~ of gk~~t&id 1.3 r.9 ~er:; by iebl..i rlni.~ $tot sjgaificanily decrease the arcas nei:ded jk.sz rs;prrli,t~d:kio~a, gi~wljlp, 3rd r~~ane bf a viabhs popdh- lcj;b; afid (3) it2f$lge ZTZS~~ available f~y F<lSB Andher cig- ctrnir;tan . v~b~egh k~~kairi~~ infbrmarion aids an aszc*ssjnent " '5 :>eCUig Inn LIPC gj~;~ ~~I~SIE lati klida;b "rr"j~2:e wuiveys are i.ii;aially Ilmcizred ami many rir;ies karrpossibla in mid-vrinter; tllirs, the kitawie-lgt:i: :if 'i~eliavior s?t;,uld hdp fi1rei;ast cilsirihution and po~rttizQ i:%etrirj.se.wtd rs:sdjiions fox sy~itcicu. T?;~-rhpcr ,r iue Ikx fa;trinatia:l 1 &eive to cer 4 cdn variables su& as gig; ~e,l~~ersat u:a+ L. (!dt?ld;im, ~;lspuLHid,cd data, ffi: Cifi-, 59717), itedignb ( ihviC; $g~~~":~jr/c-:r ~r~i;~ CM;~), alj~e;~s:s: {j?wp:".l<~, eli EL, I Gti:h'Fi, ; ~iici i [:;ir b~~~:!~~i;:j ~e~j~i):i~~~ u~!':xP/:L~:?~? b!~ ",&'it # * at,") I" ##- <,*:$butc4ij !"j:="f>,$ 3- f,fjl~;iic: ;ij~j~l~; &&,!I j~~~iifcc! bbiteht tfN prt?** iiJ8t:gjt;:: (LC:;~ $:;is ijc,;:gl tp,c*tjpjq~~:i$iJ i~y t$i~ l)SEi8[+ (k~tlt~tg~ ;$owes, 1977 ; USZPA, B 977). Fir;$ ter~~snpsaiiure preferenda are eonsidered to be correla"%ed vgieia grg%wth 0pfim2, %~SY peen- aidjy elkaina",iag the generation af the more expensive 8ild lime consearaing possth data* Behavior& infa~~ia :on of fishes my dm be utgized by industas$ ijuriwg p~ccswsa~dctioa assess ments of tkerm* dixha~ges, Gift (19'7'7) ~%SG~JSS+S severat construction des&ps de~elsped with ebe pg~aid aid of pre- ference and avoidance data to nknimize dr:tgriental impacts on biota, Pas" ahemid addition standards fm our natiogtgs w&tefivlays shodd be justi5able appropr~sle (S~auUer, S 975; Stauffer, er at",, B988). Wecopition of the 8~ggei by SWU~~~F (1 975) may prove to be a sound rnmagemex~t pbGB~~f-iphy (xe preVicus paragraph). %is study indicsted the Eaigllest. sun-nmer water ~emp~atui-e of the West Branch Cadorus ts be 30 G vubhich pfas sPil below th. find prcfesenda (is,, considered by rnaay re- searchers bs be correlated ts sealers1 phys%ols@cal aptima) of the %argea2auth bas an6 pumpkinseed, This temperature, adrieved in only one area (Stztion 10) during the month of JU~C, was a tcmpralure extreane and not a3 average (see eadiea e;,pianation of establishing the M\R!A'r)+ Eiese data lend erede~ce ts conclusion ",at dl RE are maintzin61zg viable population nurnbers {i.e., areas for reproduction and gowth are airdable] in d life kidstory stages, despite $he effcci sf the thermal discharge. Ad~ktisndHy, plznty of refuge w8as appear accessi"sale to RBS, Fish usudly select the warmest w~te~. temperatures avail- able in wbter, This response increases their s~isceptibiiiey to eokd shock m0rdra14Pie~~ Prefere~ce d8ta support thi~ premise; thus, all RIS arc potential candidates for this (jetrim&~i%d ganter phenomenon, 1-l~~ 3vq it VJ~S ~ar~i",lt~Jed I'L'OII~ gja~t research (Table 3) and the (ISEPA norl~ograph (Fiyxe 2) ihat cdd shock deaths would not be appreciable, The data from Table 3 supported this es~.ac%usig%n bas& ail the &fferewtaa; frt3n-e the maximum water le~-~ppralzsre sf Station i0 arid. am- bient rednpra"Lu,re horn Station I (i.e., rnaxi~~kun~ co~nrrsi difw fereatiai), me largest diffezewce of %Q,O @ recorded in LBecemi- ber (Taole 4) should be considered ;3 consexvakive ds~ck dif- fereatid because th.8 gS0 C wdter telq4*8per8t~ae a$ Sharion 8 would in reality be the replacirrg water s6lailee [i.e*, causirtg oidy n 7.0 U telnperature change). Data of Cirlccitta, er sr!, (in re%jiaw) were considered the rssost aoc~t~-cliw~fbea;% applicable (i.a., depeihdirtg orr acclin-ration fez: ter np:~ :ii vrz j, sirrcc c:rl?ci~ tart specix~~cfis were taken frog).', the vii*~$~jBjt nj. tfte 61~~dy agi:;:l, 'I'kieif data, however, wer e ondy rs>d~b'tr! fiax predii:i iorzs relative Is t.be ';ii,glies% ielnpcriatui? e;xticir-es ('Li:., eBi8"~~ a;.r5%itni~tioi~ test tempexatares wc;le 2.4 t: above). %an the aB1~1bh;e d on-site dnl~, ~~&c:F~E~zv@ souzccs &vme tdki$j:<ed, '$d&eal \ti?; dar2 vdexe none~cisteiiit o~ POI appllic:?F~le tlacn the !+,l:i2XV4 ntsnrlik,- pj~ph us utilieed (Pigtire 3) Bwurags anti Jones (1977) in~f~icate t!i-rl~t Bll:. coiil q3je-i~:4. a.i;cnx-kr~g{rag~{~ r*i~lt~e~~;Les n rsrd~i;'in*:a y (if i~t;,k~;i ih)4:ij)ihii~~ it: ~86,?3 el ~r~g32~~~~[i~~,$ i[jt ii(;si! \r;;ib.:$b +:ilt*7; (!-+~,!!lt~+ '-ibij4:y k\i~iqq*:bh *;jg i<jgic [I!" i! 1-5 8y;l$(*:;sl~%b83 Iillt~ $i~\l~l:R~~~;:i~~,~j! (it $!1(~*5" >J\: l;h!f;iic;ly g;~~*$~~:~ ijjk: k]lt~t~k t?;j;{::tt4~ifb~ 6);' 'k4:tji(i %Y+, bkpt ,. t;gfi5i&i~~k ~p~~~g~'' pfid ''~t~~g~~~ species" (wone of -$31gs 'Serrfi:; ac2 b$efi.a~c;d). 'I i-2~~ displacen~ent reveals bhat at no time is j.1 g~srnlsi~jf~l.: 10 Bh8tiil;l ggcater th;~d~ l(j,O and S,O C difleren&l$ betweerr amb~ent and plume "9mpdratures foa the former and fbei.ea spies groups, respectively (Figure 3)" Furiherms=.ze, * * the gxaph has a buik-in 2.0 C safety factor, Scs ensufe total sulvbvd of dl~~:iced R-IS, Ti~us, c~ns~m.~ative esti~~a$ions would i;:: zxpe~ecil fsr many IClS if na ol.i-site data or pas%, life-batilre are accessible ha an a@plication. Dick~en, ef nl ( 1 476J, noted two requiaenrents necessaqf to efik<:ti?i"ely apply the JJf'iEPA draft water "Eemperatuure cai"c,c,.ia (Bgufigs, 1974) New River fishes nea Gkea kyn; VixwBa: (1) tinere must be h reibs~wagike basis for the selection sf RPS arad (2) inf~rmaticjs;k on the responpzs ofthose species must be avaif3ble, jwi'kfl@ 6P no diffkcbl~y W~S met in fulfilling ";he far- rnm req~direrfienk at Glea, Lyn, sislgce rngch ~esea~h had bee11 ~~nducted at the 5i-ie",cjwevez, data rieeded far seyerd USEPA sugg$sted draft water teir~perzi~ire criteria (i.e., Table 9, T2, The. 1 ; Drungs, 071; USEPA, 1074) were iacking to fulfill the laster requirerneilr, asper:ial!y far nangami; fishes. On the Wma Brmch Godl~rizs Creek, the fist reqLzi.aerneat of se!es,r.;n.g the K1S rjf fish was ac&-oanpiighed $y rek$ewiakg the efforts of [Z~PICQ~~~, c"t ai. ( I. 9761, De~csi.,r;aji.jrt end Stambail& 91 9'741, ail8 regular surveys fef R. F'. Demncouze (pegs, ~~mm,, unp:biislsl:d data collected for PHG@ ii~p8~h evdaatiorn). The second requir~n~eilit 0$ corapding ter~iperabk~ire inf~rr~ati6"sn v~as - r~u;.td1 y pro bheril;~t1~, especial] y lor nsktgame spzzcies, Ho"4~eves; du~ing the course of t!he s~udy the USEPA Gnaiized the water i2nrpcralurt5 cliteria (Br~i'ag~ aitd Scslres, 1 977)- 'his document s;a~i*a=vLd;.d boVbx tklc b~iji2irtrerr~ of' ~e,"lat~d data fa the same fish species and/or. by '"extrap~fatrng'' th;: same sr related 4ata fr~m species with t;imj-isr railu-rements, wBuaii data were nnt aqailabji- ("i,~,, abfe 2, footnotes 5-71" fk$sreotre~, these other bp~cim, $teed r~a"ae a ciose reiative to the respeceive MS. 'The USEPA'S procedural ieco1~reaendatia13.s for RIS in rc- gard ts unavailable data presents a seriotas hkplicati~?: that i:erutd adale1 sc!y as'ittct aquatic envih-an~isents, If p~rn~ftti~ng the use ot alternate (i.e , f~om ~rhm species behavioral awa/or pi-iyslg.=tEsgis;t ~:flterka as a repbacer~enr for species specific pliy;ioZo@clel inforl-rnatl~al is legiti~~ate (3s sl.zggestad by Brunlgs <f-r"dS and Juries, r 3 l ig it~csnr this $$ecun3enlb sets precedent for cziti- [:a] [ersaperattire data (I,e., cfsterla) sasbstltutio~~ in i~npacl evaluaeions, i_ q I tl:; iise of citins.r;Biu~#ed irxi'rrzmaticri (Bruang~ and Jones,, 1977,) ifliplies di pra6tii;al ptlr~~~sw tl"a2i: WBS are "bioB~@- ra'b thwrniil equjrinhmts." Prernised ijri L~~OJ~~~ILS of 13%v:i1~ (1 859)?, StauCfer atid lic;cuar: (1 980) slate "3l'a.ra whidi art more i:koc;ely fclaice% to ame another, occupy most sirrdar rril:%zes z$kaib tjkiiue fir)[ C~<,::G~Y rf;]aZed taxoi~offilcdly.'~ dthaugl Bs~.inf;t; 2ia.i.d .f~ifi~s (197 Ij eaptlhsjse ffnai extennrietiwg cii;:'r.srn- i;l;ar!l:c.; (e,g., iet~pei re senssitivc elrdailgmed species or y @j!typd ixr~:j6'~; y~ei*idi/~ t#~n iC:c ct- ll! r;eadr:d for ganbcl@ f-i~:ateifaji~gi ;Y ny;iltr;i !j;< ti101 ot~t(ci%~ c;<P~: tkeres,? igz, the overcall . . t:.rairiallo;i, 11 r:, Iti$dj; kriz!il-:eb tki3& ri .I a~"%.ocia$i.;s% spec it?^ ,'5. I"-r) vdi"f li:,e r.i.;:;diy uai;ee rcr. i@d I sit,: rrixe'.tSlta;l. 1; ihk~ ~fff:i:t ~31C~~d.t~ fi , ~t iliaji A; : iijile ro be i Y'i te.~jl;i::~i~ j bij: i::,j.alit.,ir irj,i r:., h:i:;ei,l 4);; tile i.lii:imc; cl~ni..c[jl, %?:rt fib 1;p31 {>{,- ! ,j\,! &~~iI~~~~C ~f{P3l ilc)it,$ tilt;! tc:;pe6:iivc fllulti** hhaensional enykoni-negat (Mu~:chLy%son, 1957; Sc&oensr, 1!274), AA 83Bexagion of %pr~peaal:jt:e, one of the most iwfl,u@n- ti& c~itical enyipsfinlent$ fgetoss (FI~, 1 947BS v~illl surely upset xhe existing ecosystem equgibrikarn of mswy aquatic, and to a lesser degree, PerreatriaT bia%d, Ti4? ws, it raay be said a "&%er~~al equivdent" phGoshphy may have xest~cted merit if earefulJy exercised with taxo~o~icdly xetaV2d species, but if utnized othexsise may lead to an ove~es:t~fi2atiow thgt would be ual- cecessaily pmrective to f~nna, rand would deprive an wplicant of a varimce jenatifiably dko~vcd by law, Cowersely, under- estimation may Iaad t83r harm ~mgiag from dighe $0 k~tp~r-s able 8x-s;mgs axid Jaaes ("8979) bdicated $hat the ch~im of RJS for a demonstratiow (i,e,, usudly Type 11) is a 'bss@i& economic deeisiaiz," The restilting decision, ha~~iever, a?ay no8 be bEolsgc&y justifiable ax app~opride, Geneadly, in the absence of prefea-each=, avoidance nwd on- site Eeid data, the use of only USEQA prameters (Brungs and jorres, 1977; USEM, ! 9473 in this application (TaMc 2, T-,, Ths.T1 I) would be of limited vslrde. Reiep;ardles$ of :he atgia.3- tian of the questissraable """ihermal equivdents," p~edic"riows coalerwh2g spa$pa~ing, early develrrpment, gx8Wh3 md SU-~J& of ju?jenfle and addts could be psrlsjected, but optq if adeqmak data were previously k2~wn. Mok-cover> the ~eliabgi@ of ~hese data mzy be cheiiengzd by the fact that a limited amount (if any) sf data. wsidd have been get~erated ~n Pd% fouad at the appiicatifan site, However, as demsa.sstrated iw this xepsrt, with "Ghe added perspective GP: p8.ek1encs, avoidance, axid a- site field i~Ca~ma%i$-r~~ =I accuiate hxapk.ac$ evduatiow sn bic~ lo@c~J inaeg~icq rney then be moxe feaible (13ic&an, ef ak, 4 976Ia This is partic&: ,rly so, s*ice -&me data predict and confirm the reactions of the RIS to dtrrc-d ter~~pratu~e reginne s, Prom the data presented, it can be said with reasonable a- sktzgnce that the $5tECc disharge is not cuxrently ~dvefsciy aa"$eeting the RIS of fisfles fx~i the \Vest BY~IC~ CO(%OTUS Creek, T"@is esn8-,lusion, ~1~~1% is a realistic aa~essw~ent, is ijdy possible by co~~plbining %he presertt USEPA water temyk+xata~xe srdte~ia (Brungs and Jal-res, % 937) with oal-$$la belsa'vior (is@,, rmost fishes coliected fgon~ sfeldy axe31 and f3ei%d data. Utiliza. tisn of (9prdy LfSl5PA criteria would have nesulred iw 3 ljaguc:, questiaaxable assess~izn"k 1x1 either case, a reg~ila~. ~liandto~hng sehedanle is rteeded bo enxura tkka"%arss aanfc1r8secrea'~. OK kj~ow- ledgeable (i.e,, vaPaance granted alterstio8"gs to the e~~virow-. n-aent act detriEaewtaUy toward the biota 01" this ecosysten3, ~ Fisli kel;po~c,sas 'to '$enaperature ie be~se;73 Effects 09 rfiez~d Dischaxge on Biological Integrity Ba~aer, hi aria 5, A "1Jk.a Ax~t~31 f 97 2, Thsezi~1 Effects on Egge, Lax- c~3d Ju.~~e,$aes @f BHueg~x gawflsh, Rapt, No, EPA-R-3-7 3-04 1, !JeSe Envii anp:aenrd :3 of ectit3n &ency, Dulu~h, m-~nasob, Becker, 6, D,, R, C, Cfi:Lo.;?tay, a~d Me J, ,%k~2eader, 1977, Gomprji_8.a~..ie Cold Resis83ac~ sf Thee c~iugnbh River Orgmb~is, T~GPI'~, Am-eaS pi;a, SGG, I 06g21: "k88% M, Bxa&er $, !%+, ;re, .I 936, 1%~ RRdpr0ducth9., EktbiQs of the Msrtb &.@x&- c2,,w Szafakes (FarpAy centzac; &el, 21 (1 j : 148, Brext, 3, Re, 8844, Same btbd "iersaprature KtetGo~s of Alga~quh kBw& F%&ies, lJtx;,i, TOKO~~$Q Studies Bid %a", 5%: 1-49, BPURP, %*, s,, 1974, P~esh~~gtbr Tsrfi:xrabure cyifers --- %fg&. Mad, Wat, QuJ, Eab,, Duluth, ?v&-~nepoQ, Pt drung: %Ye S, a~~d B, R Jones, $9"aa, Tempexa"ire C?iteria far Fzesb 7- d. *r ~dkh-,r Fish: &cte~=s3l and howdures, Eavken, Rcs, hb, EcsL Res, %r, EPA-600J%7"/-06l. Offe Rss, DeveL, U,$, Envkon, I%atccg~n Agc:n.;y, DuHuLb, V&ineso"ka, Cha>tb, B, A, R, F, Denon~stxt, and $, R Stauffer, Jr*, 6976, A Study e,.f bhec~ok-ivertebz"areg a~d Fishes Abrje a~d Bal~w T.g~o $2~~;2ge Ta"eat~~an$ Pw~ias i@~ %he S~~Q~QE Cfe& of$nsge, Cbuwty, Penolaylvs~k, Pmc, Pa, Amd, Sd, 58:.59z6P. 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