HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuWa71Alaska Resources Library & Information Services Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Document ARLIS Uniform Cover Page Title: Technical memorandum, riparian physical process modeling SuWa 71 Author(s) – Personal: Author(s) – Corporate: Prepared by R2 Resource Consultants, Inc. AEA-identified category, if specified: 2012 Environmental Studies AEA-identified series, if specified: Series (ARLIS-assigned report number): Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project document number 71 Existing numbers on document: Published by: [Anchorage, Alaska : Alaska Energy Authority, 2013] Date published: March 2013 Published for: Prepared for Alaska Energy Authority Date or date range of report: Volume and/or Part numbers: Final or Draft status, as indicated: Document type: Technical memorandum Pagination: iv, 29 p. Related work(s): Pages added/changed by ARLIS: Notes: All reports in the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Document series include an ARLIS- produced cover page and an ARLIS-assigned number for uniformity and citability. All reports are posted online at http://www.arlis.org/resources/susitna-watana/ Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 14241) Technical Memorandum Riparian Physical Process Modeling Prepared for Alaska Energy Authority Prepared by R2 Resource Consultants, Inc. March 2013 RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page i March 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................1 2. Riparian IFS Physical Process Modeling Elements ........................................................2 2.1. Climate, Hydrology and Seed Dispersal – Degree-day Climate and Recruitment Box Models ...................................................................................2 2.2. Ice Processes and Floodplain Vegetation ..........................................................3 2.3. Geomorphology and Floodplain Vegetation ......................................................4 2.4. Surface Water / Groundwater Regime and Floodplain Vegetation ...................5 2.4.1. Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction Modeling .................. 5 3. References ...........................................................................................................................6 4. Tables ..................................................................................................................................8 5. Figures ...............................................................................................................................16 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Integration of Riparian IFS physical modeling schedule with other studies. .................. 9 Table 2. Information and products required by the Riparian IFS Study from other studies. ....... 11 Table 3. Information and products the Riparian IFS Study will provide to other studies. ........... 12 Table 4. Primary output variables for which values are taken directly from the 1-D and 2-D mobile-boundary models and relevance to other studies. ..................................................... 13 Table 5. Key variables needed for the impact assessments for which results are obtained through additional analysis of predictions taken directly from the 1-D and 2-D mobile-boundary models. .................................................................................................................................. 14 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Susitna River Project Area. .......................................................................................... 17 Figure 2. Study interdependencies for Riparian Instream Flow Study. ....................................... 18 Figure 3. Floodplain Vegetation Study Synthesis, Focus Area to Riparian Process Domain Scaling & Project Operations Effects Modeling ...................................................... 19 Figure 4. Seed Dispersal, Hydrology and Climate Synchrony Study8. ........................... 20 Figure 5. The riparian “Recruitment Box Model” describing seasonal flow pattern, associated river stage (elevation), and flow ramping necessary for successful cottonwood and willow seedling establishment (from Amlin and Rood 2002; Rood et al., 2005). Cottonwood RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page ii March 2013 species (Populus deltoides), willow species (Salix exigua). Stage hydrograph and seed release timing will vary by region, watershed, and plant species. ........................................ 21 Figure 6. Cottonwood (Populus) life history stages: seed dispersal and germination, sapling to tree establishment. Cottonwood typically germinates on newly created bare mineral soils associate with lateral active channel margins and gravel bars. Note proximity of summer baseflow and floodplain water table (Braatne et al. 1996). .................................................. 22 Figure 7. River Ice-Floodplain Vegetation Establishment and Recruitment .................. 23 Figure 8. Relationship of ice observations to other studies. ........................................................ 24 Figure 9. Floodplain Erosion, Sediment Deposition & Floodplain Vegetation Study ... 25 Figure 10. Study interdependencies for the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Study. ............... 26 Figure 11. Floodplain Vegetation Groundwater & Surface Water Study ....................... 27 Figure 12. Study interdependencies for the Groundwater Study. ................................................ 28 RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page iii March 2013 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND SCIENTIFIC LABELS Term Definition Active floodplain The flat valley floor constructed by river during lateral channel migration and deposition of sediment under current climate conditions. Aggradation 1. Geologic process in which inorganic materials carried downstream are deposited in streambeds, floodplains, and other water bodies resulting in a rise in elevation in the bottom of the water body. 2. A state of channel disequilibrium, whereby the supply of sediment exceeds the transport capacity of the stream, resulting in deposition and storage of sediment in the active channel. Alluvial Relating to, composed of, or found in alluvium. Bank The sloping land bordering a stream channel that forms the usual boundaries of a channel. The bank has a steeper slope than the bottom of the channel and is usually steeper than the land surrounding the channel. Braid Pattern of two or more interconnected channels typical of alluvial streams. Channel A natural or artificial watercourse that continuously or intermittently contains water, with definite bed and banks that confine all but overbank streamflows. Confinement Ratio of valley width (VW) to channel width (CW). Confined channel VW:CW <2; Moderately confined channel VW:CW 2-4; Unconfined channel VW:CW >4. Confluence The junction of two or more streams. Cubic feet per second (cfs) A standard measure of the total amount of water passing by a particular location of a river, canal, pipe or tunnel during a one second interval. One cfs is equal to 7.4805 gallons per second, 28.31369 liters per second, 0.028 cubic meters per second, or 0.6463145 million gallons per day (mgd). Also called second-feet. Deposition The settlement or accumulation of material out of the water column and onto the streambed. Disturbance regime Floodplain vegetation disturbance types found within the Susitna River Study Area corridor include: channel migration (erosion and depositional processes), ice processes (shearing impacts, flooding and freezing), herbivory (beaver, moose, and hare), wind, and, to an infrequent extent, fire. Floodplain soil disturbance is primarily ice shearing and sediment deposition. Drainage area The total land area draining to any point in a stream. Also called catchment area, watershed, and basin. Embeddedness The degree that larger particles (boulders, large wood, rubble, or gravel) are surrounded or covered by fine sediment. Usually measured in classes according to percent of coverage. Floodplain 1. The area along waterways that is subject to periodic inundation by out-of-bank flows. 2. The area adjoining a water body that becomes inundated during periods of over-bank flooding and that is given rigorous legal definition in regulatory programs. 3. Land beyond a stream channel that forms the perimeter for the maximum probability flood. 4. A relatively flat strip of land bordering a stream that is formed by sediment deposition. 5. A deposit of alluvium that covers a valley flat from lateral erosion of meandering streams and rivers. Geomorphic mapping A map design technique that defines, delimits and locates landforms. It combines a description of surface relief and its origin, relative age, and the environmental conditions in which it formed. This type of mapping is used to locate and differentiate among relief forms related to geologic structure, internal dynamics of the lithosphere, and landforms shaped by external processes governed by the bio- climate environment. RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page iv March 2013 Term Definition Geomorphology The scientific study of landforms and the processes that shape them. Gradient The rate of change of any characteristic, expressed per unit of length (see Slope). May also apply to longitudinal succession of biological communities. Gravel Substrate particles between 0.1 and 3.0 inches in size, larger than sand and smaller than cobble. Groundwater In general, all subsurface water that is distinct from surface water; specifically, that part which is in the saturated zone of a defined aquifer. Habitat The environment in which the fish live, including everything that surrounds and affects its life, e.g., water quality, bottom, vegetation, associated species (including food supplies). The locality, site and particular type of local environment occupied by an organism. Ice dam A stationary accumulation of fragmented ice or frazil that restricts or blocks a stream channel. Large woody debris (LWD) Pieces of wood larger than 10 feet long and 6 inches in diameter, in a stream channel. Minimum sizes vary according to stream size and region. Instream flow The rate of flow in a river or stream channel at any time of year. Pool Part of a stream with reduced velocity, often with water deeper than the surrounding areas, which is usable by fish for resting and cover. Riparian Pertaining to anything connected with or adjacent to the bank of a stream or other body of water. Riparian vegetation Vegetation that is dependent upon an excess of moisture during a portion of the growing season on a site that is perceptively more moist than the surrounding area. River A large stream that serves as the natural drainage channel for a relatively large catchment or drainage basin. River mile The distance of a point on a river measured in miles from the river's mouth along the low-water channel. Scour The localized removal of material from the streambed by flowing water. This is the opposite of fill. Sediment Solid material, both mineral and organic, that is in suspension in the current or deposited on the streambed. Three Rivers Confluence The confluence of the Susitna, Chulitna, and Talkeetna rivers at Susitna River Mile (RM) 98.5 represents the downstream end of the Middle River and the upstream end of the Upper River. RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 1 March 2013 1. INTRODUCTION The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is preparing a license application that will be submitted to the FERC for the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project (Project) using the Integrated Licensing Process. The Project is located at RM 184 on the Susitna River, an approximately 300-mile long river in the Southcentral region of Alaska (Figure 1). As currently envisioned, the Project would include a large dam with an approximately 35,000-acre, 41-mile long reservoir. Project construction and operation would have an effect on the flows downstream of the dam site, the degree of which will ultimately depend on final Project design and operations. Key flow changes will likely occur in the form of load following during the portion of the year when the reservoir is not full. Seasonal variation will result in flows higher during the winter months and lower during summer reservoir refill, June through August. The alteration in flows might influence downstream resources and processes, including fish and aquatic biota, and their habitats, and riparian and wildlife communities. Alterations to channel form and function might include changes in natural flow regime, sediment transport, large woody debris recruitment and transport, water quality, groundwater/surface water interactions, and ice dynamics. Potential operational flow-induced effects of the Project will be evaluated as part of the licensing process, through studies spanning 2012 through 2014. The evaluation is important from both the impact minimization and operational optimization perspectives. In both cases, AEA desires to move from study results to decisions affecting flow releases in terms of (i) timing (seasonal, daily, diurnal), (ii) steady flow magnitudes, and (iii) magnitude and rate of change of unsteady flow. These three aspects of flow regime influence physical habitat quantity and quality and geomorphic processes, which in turn influence carrying capacity and overall suitability for target fish species and riparian vegetation. The goal of the 2013–2014 Riparian Instream Flow Study (hereafter Riparian IFS) is to provide a quantitative, spatially-explicit model to predict potential impacts to downstream floodplain vegetation from Project operational flow modification of natural Susitna River flow, sediment, and ice process regimes. To meet this goal, a physical and vegetation process modeling approach will be used. First, existing Susitna River groundwater and surface water (GW/SW) flow, sediment and ice process regimes will be measured, and modeled. Second, floodplain plant community composition and structure will be characterized and mapped. Third, probabilistic models of floodplain vegetation type and physical process regimes will be developed. Fourth, predictive models will be developed to assess potential Project operational impacts to floodplain plant communities and provide operational guidance to minimize these impacts. Fifth, the predictive models will be applied throughout the Project study area and the results, using Geographic Information System (GIS), will be displayed in a series of maps of potential floodplain vegetation changes under alternative operational flow scenarios. This technical memorandum provides a summary overview of the various climatic, seed dispersal, ice process, geomorphologic, and groundwater physical process modeling studies conducted in support of the Riparian IFS. The Riparian IFS Revised Study Plan (hereafter RSP), Section 8.6, provides complete details of both physical and vegetation studies, however, all of the various supporting physical modeling elements are found in their respective RSP Sections. For a complete picture of the physical modeling studies supporting the Riparian IFS the reader must consult all of the following RSPs: Riparian IFS (Section 8.6); Instream Flow Study RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 2 March 2013 (Section 8.5); Geomorphology Study (Section 6.5); Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Study Dam Study (Section 6.6); Groundwater Study (Section 7.5); Ice Processes in the Susitna River (Section 7.6); and Riparian Vegetation Study Downstream of the Proposed Watana Dam (Section 11.6). The objective of this technical memorandum is to bring together for the reader, in one document: (1) a description of the various Riparian IFS physical process modeling elements, (2) illustrations of how each model contributes to specific Riparian instream flow studies, and (3) an integrated schedule of model deliverables. Table 1 provides the schedules for completion of studies that will be integrated into the Riparian IFS modeling. Tables 2 and 3 outline physical modeling input and output parameters that will be needed from or provided to other studies. 2. RIPARIAN IFS PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING ELEMENTS The Riparian IFS interdependencies, including physical process modeling elements, are presented in Figure 2. In addition to physical process modeling, a series of descriptive and analytical studies comprise the overall Riparian IFS (Figure 2). The logical sequencing of all of the analytical and modeling studies, and how they feed into final Project operations effects modeling, is presented in Figure 3. In this Section, Riparian IFS physical process modeling elements will be discussed as presented in RSP Section 8.6 beginning with Section ‘degree-day’ climate and ‘recruitment box’ modeling in support of characterization of seed dispersal and seedling establishment groundwater and surface water hydroregime requirements. Next, RSP Section ice process modeling characterization of the role of river ice in the establishment and recruitment of dominant floodplain vegetation is presented followed by RSP Section fluvial geomorphic bed-evolution and sediment transport modeling characterization of Susitna River floodplain surfaces, the physical template for vegetation establishment; and finally, RSP Section groundwater and surface water interaction modeling of critical hydroregimes necessary for floodplain vegetation establishment and maintenance is presented. RSP Section Project operations effects modeling approach will not be presented here as the modeling approach will be developed in detail during Q1 through Q4 2013. 2.1. Climate, Hydrology and Seed Dispersal – Degree-day Climate and Recruitment Box Models The goal of Riparian IFS RSP Section climate, hydrology and seed dispersal study is to first, characterize groundwater and surface water hydroregime requirements for poplar (Populus balsamifera) and willow (Salix spp.) species seed dispersal and seedling establishment and second, to develop a predictive model of potential Project operational impacts to seedling establishment. Specific study objectives are to: 1. Measure cottonwood and select willow species seed dispersal timing. 2. Model local Susitna River valley climate, and associated seasonal peak flows, relative to cottonwood and willow seed dispersal. RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 3 March 2013 3. Develop a recruitment box model of seed dispersal timing, river flow regime, and cottonwood and willow seed dispersal and establishment. Physical process modeling in support of this study include: (1) ‘degree-day’ climate model and (2) recruitment box model. The degree-day model incorporates seed release observations and continuous air temperature records from the Susitna River floodplain sites. The degree-day model characterizes annual plant development stages such as onset of vegetative and reproductive growth (seed release) as a cumulative daily heat load above a specific threshold temperature (Stella et al. 2006). The degree-day model will be parameterized by empirically calculating the heat-load that best predicts the onset of peak poplar and willow seed release. The model is based upon accurate local temperature records (Stella et al. 2006). The degree-day climate model element of the climate, hydrology and seed dispersal study is shown in Figure 4. The “Recruitment Box Model,” an empirical model, captures cottonwood and willow seed dispersal, flow response and establishment requirements (Figure 5; Mahoney and Rood 1998; Rood et al. 2003). The empirical model characterizes seasonal flow pattern, associated river stage (elevation), and flow down ramping rates necessary for successful cottonwood and willow seedling establishment (Figure 5 and Figure 6). The recruitment box model is based upon the results of the seed release study and flow routing physical process model (Aquatic IFS RSP Section Study interdependencies are presented in Figure 4. 2.2. Ice Processes and Floodplain Vegetation The goal of Riparian RSP Section river ice and floodplain vegetation interaction study is to characterize the role of river ice in the establishment and recruitment of dominant floodplain vegetation. Although the role of fluvial disturbance (erosion and sediment deposition) in the development of floodplain vegetation has been well investigated (Naiman et al. 1998; Rood et al. 2007), the role of river ice processes has seen little study (Engstrom et al. 2011; Prowse and Beltaos 2002; Prowse and Culp 2003; Rood et al. 2007). Impacts of ice-related processes to riparian habitat typically occur during break-up when ice scours channel and floodplain surfaces (Prowse and Culp 2003). During break-up, ice accumulation in meander bends can create ice dams elevating backwater surfaces, forcing meltwater to bypass the bend and scour a new meander cutoff, generating new side channels (Prowse and Culp 2003). Elevated backwater, resulting from ice dams, may also float ice blocks onto and through vegetated floodplain surfaces, causing mechanical shearing effects including tree ice-scarring and abrasion, removal of floodplain vegetation, and disturbance of floodplain soils (Engstrom et al. 2011; Rood et al. 2007; Prowse and Culp 2003). The objective of the ice effects vegetation study is to quantitatively describe floodplain plant community composition, abundance, age, and spatial pattern to assess the role and degree of influence ice processes have on Susitna River floodplain vegetation. Specific objectives of the ice processes floodplain vegetation interaction and modeling study are to: 1. Develop an integrated model of ice process interactions with floodplain vegetation. 2. Conduct primary research to identify the effects of ice on floodplain vegetation within mapped Susitna River ice floodplain impact zones. RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 4 March 2013 3. Provide Project operational guidance on potential effects of operations flow on ice formation and floodplain vegetation development. The ice process study (RSP Section 7.6) will develop and calibrate a dynamic thermal and ice processes model. The model will provide maps of ice cover progression and decay, ice cover extent and thickness, and effects of Project operational flow fluctuation on ice cover development and stability. The ice process modeling study will provide the riparian ice vegetation study with estimated horizontal and vertical zones of ice formation, ice thickness, and floodplain impact zones. Model output will be used in conjunction with the empirical survey data to (1) empirically test model output with mapped riparian domains of ice floodplain vegetation interaction, and (2) model changes in locations and types of ice formation processes due to Project operational flow regime. Study interdependencies are presented in Figures 7 and 8. 2.3. Geomorphology and Floodplain Vegetation The Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Study will support Riparian IFS RSP Section characterization of the role of fluvial geomorphologic processes (erosion and sedimentation) in the formation of floodplain surfaces, soils and vegetation. The geomorphology study consists of two individual studies: (1) Geomorphology (RSP Section 6.5) investigation of historical and current geomorphology and geomorphic/geologic controls of the Susitna River by geomorphic reach using available information and additional information collected as part of the licensing effort; and (2) Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Study (Section 6.6) that will apply 1-D and 2-D hydraulic and bed evolution models to quantify geomorphic processes in the existing river, equilibrium status of identified reaches and associated, potential Project effects on river geomorphology, and thus, habitats, including floodplain development. Finally, the results of the fluvial geomorphology modeling study will support the development of a predictive model to assess potential Project effects on riparian seedling establishment. The dynamics of channel migration—sediment transport, and resulting floodplain erosion and sediment depositional patterns—is a critical physical process directly affecting floodplain soil development, and vegetation establishment, recruitment, and spatial location, throughout alluvial segments of the river network (Richards et al. 2002). The life history strategies and establishment requirements of floodplain plant species are adapted to natural flow and sediment regimes (Braatne et al. 1996; Naiman et al. 1998; Karrenberg et al. 2002). As such, alterations of natural hydrologic and sediment regime seasonal timing, magnitude, frequency, and duration may have effects on plant species establishment, survival, and recruitment (Braatne et al. 1996). The goal of this study is to characterize the role of erosion and sediment deposition in evolution of floodplain plan form, soil development, and trajectory of plant community succession, especially vegetation establishment stage. This study will investigate the geomorphic evolution of the Study Area floodplain with an emphasis on floodplain sediment deposition, stratigraphy, soil development, and associated plant community succession. Historic sediment deposition rates will be measured throughout the Study Area river network and variations in floodplain forming processes will be assessed. Finally, a predictive model will be developed with the Fluvial Geomorphology Study (see Section 6.6) to assess Project operational effects on hydrologic and sediment regimes, and effects on soil and floodplain plant community development. RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 5 March 2013 The fluvial geomorphology modeling approach (see RSP Section 6.6) is based upon (1) 1-D / 2- D modeling of river discharge and stage, (2) 1-D / 2-D sediment transport model, and (3) channel bed evolution model. Study interdependencies are presented in Figures 9 and 10. Data input and output from 1-D and 2-D models are presented in Tables 4 and 5. The objectives of the study are as follows: 1. Measure the rates of channel migration, and floodplain vegetation disturbance or turnover, throughout the Study Area. 2. Measure the rates of sediment deposition, and floodplain development, throughout the Study Area. 3. Assess / model how Project operations will effect changes in the natural sediment regime, floodplain depositional patterns, and soil development throughout the Study Area. 4. Assess / model how Project operations changes in sediment transport and soil development will affect floodplain plant community succession. 2.4. Surface Water / Groundwater Regime and Floodplain Vegetation The Groundwater Study (RSP Section 7.5) will support the Riparian IFS in providing a surface water/ groundwater (SW/GW) interaction model at select Focus Area sites. The SW/GW model will characterize and model natural floodplain vegetation groundwater and surface water hydroregimes and be the basis for developing a predictive model to assess potential Project operational changes to natural hydroregime and floodplain vegetation. The goal of the floodplain vegetation GW/SW interaction modeling effort is to empirically sample, statistically characterize, and model the relationship between floodplain groundwater and surface water hydroregime and associated floodplain plant communities and to use this model to predict Project operation effects on floodplain vegetation throughout the Study Area. This investigation will (1) characterize dominant floodplain woody plant species establishment and maintenance life stage water sources through stable isotope analyses of groundwater, soil water, and xylem water; (2) develop a floodplain GW/SW model; and (3) develop floodplain vegetation-flow response models. 2.4.1. Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction Modeling A physical model of GW/SW interactions will be developed for each of five Focus Area sites, of riparian concern, to model floodplain plant community GW/SW relationships. Developing conceptual model and numerical representations of the GW/SW interactions, coupled with important processes in the unsaturated zone, will help evaluate natural variability in the Susitna River riparian floodplain plant communities, and assesses how various Project operations may potentially result in alterations of floodplain plant community types, as well as improve the understanding of what controlled fluctuations of flow conditions would result in minimal riparian changes. MODFLOW (USGS 2005), the most widely used groundwater model in the U.S. and worldwide, will be used. Additionally, RIP-ET (riparian−evapotranspiration MODFLOW package; RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 6 March 2013 Maddock et al. 2012), developed to help better represent plant transpiration processes in the unsaturated zone, will be utilized to more accurately calculate evapotranspiration, separating out plant transpiration from evaporation processes. The riparian vegetation GW/SW interactions study approach and design will be integrated with the findings of the riparian plant community succession, geomorphology, and ice processes modeling to characterize physical processes and riparian plant community relationships. The results of these studies will be used to assess (1) changes to physical processes due to dam operations, and (2) response of riparian plant communities to operations alterations of natural flow and ice processes regimes. Study interdependencies are presented in Figures 11 and 12. The detailed GW/SW interaction study approach and methods are presented in the Groundwater Study, RSP Section 7.5. 3. REFERENCES Amlin N.M. and Rood S.B. 2002. Comparative tolerances of riparian willows and cottonwoods to water-table decline. Wetlands22: 338-346. Braatne, J.H., S.B. Rood and P.E. Heilman. 1996. Life history, ecology, conservation of riparian cottonwoods in North America. In: Biology of Populus and its Implications for Management and Conservation (Eds. R.F. Stettler, H.D. Bradshaw, P.E. Heilman and T.M. Hinckley), pp. 57-86. NRC Research Press, Ottawa. Engstrom, J., R. Jansson, C. Nilsson and C. Weber. 2011. Effects of river ice on riparian vegetation. Freshwater biology 56: 1095-1105. Karrenberg, S., P.J. Edwards and J. Kollmann. 2002. The life history of Salicaceae living in the active zone of floodplains. Freshwater Biology 47: 733-748. Mahoney, J.M. and S.B. Rood. 1998. Stream flow requirements for cottonwood seedling recruitment−an integrative model. Wetlands 18: 634-645. Maddock, Thomas, III, Baird, K.J., Hanson, R.T., Schmid, Wolfgang, and Ajami, Hoori. 2012. RIP-ET: A riparian evapotranspiration package for MODFLOW-2005: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A39, 76 p. Naiman, R.J., K.L. Fetherston, S.J. McKay, and J. Chen. 1998. Riparian forests. Chapter 12 In Naiman, R.J. and R.E. Bilby, River Ecology and Management, Lessons from the Coastal Pacific Northwest. Springer, New York. Prowse, T.D. and S. Beltaos. 2002. Climatic control of river-ice hydrology: a review. Hydrological Processes 16: 805-822. Prowse, T.D. and J.M. Culp. 2003. Ice breakup: a neglected factor in river ecology. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 30: 128-144. RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 7 March 2013 Richards, K., J. Brasington and F. Hughs. 2002. Geomorphic dynamics of floodplains: ecological implications and a potential modeling strategy. Freshwater Biology 47: 559-579. Rood, S.B., J.H. Braatne and F.M.R. Hughes. 2003. Ecophysiology of riparian cottonwoods: stream flow dependency, water relations and restoration. Tree Physiology 23: 1113-1124. Rood, S.B., L.A. Goater, J.M. Mahoney, C.M. Pearce and D.G. Smith. 2007. Floods, fire, and ice: disturbance ecology of riparian cottonwoods. Canadian Journal of Botany 85: 1019- 1032. Stella, J.C., J.J. Battles, B.K. Orr, and J.R. McBride. 2006. Synchrony of seed dispersal, hydrology and local climate in a semi-arid river reach in California. Ecosystems 9: 1200- 1214. USGS (U.S. Geological Survey). 2005. MODFLOW-2005, The U.S. Geological Survey modular ground-water model—the Ground-Water Flow Process: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A16. RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 8 March 2013 4. TABLES RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 9 March 2013 Table 1. Integration of Riparian IFS physical modeling schedule with other studies. Activity 2012 2013 2014 2015 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1Q Ice Processes Study (Section 7.6) Existing Condition 1-D Model Development Proposed Condition 1-D Model Development Intensive Site Models Geomorphology Study (Section 6.5) Integration with & Support of Interpreting Fluv. Geomorph. Modeling Results Fluvial Geomorphology (Section 6.6) Coordination w/ Other Studies on Modeling Needs Including Focus Areas ● Coordinate with Other Studies on Processes Modeled Perform 2-D Modeling of Existing Conditions Perform 1-D Modeling of Alternative Scenarios Perform 2- Modeling of Alternative Scenarios Post Process and Provide Model Results to Other Studies Interpretation of Channel Change and Integration with Other Studies Groundwater Study (Section 7.5) Riparian Vegetation Dependency on SW/GW Interactions Fish and Aquatics Instream Flow Study (Section 8.5) Hydraulic Flow Routing (Section Distribute final mainstem (open-water) routing model to TWG for review ▲ Use final mainstem (open-water) routing model for scenario evaluations Hydrologic Data Analysis (Section TWG meeting to review complete hydrologic record ▲ Use hydrologic record for scenario evaluations RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 10 March 2013 Legend: ─ Planned Activity - - - Follow-up activity (as needed) ● Technical Memorandum or Interim Product Δ Initial Study Report ▲ Updated Study Report RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 11 March 2013 Table 2. Information and products required by the Riparian IFS Study from other studies. Source of Product or Information Information or Product to be Provided Timing Information or Products Required for: Recruitment Box Model of Seed Dispersal Timing and Flood Regime IFS Flow Routing (Section 8.5) Flow Modeling (Frequency, magnitude, duration, and seasonal timing) Q4-13 Q4-14 Geomorphology Study (Section 6.5) Information or Products Required for: Seedling Establishment and Recruitment Study Fluvial Geomorphology Study (Section 6.6) Groundwater, surface water, and sediment regime characteristics of seedling sites Q4-14 Groundwater (Section 7.5) Q4-14 Ice Processes (Section 7.6) Ice influence vertical and horizontal zones Q4-14 Information or Products Required for: River Ice and Floodplain Processes Study Ice Processes (Section 7.6) Ice Process modeling results – Spatial location of ice, vertical extent of ice, and potential ice dam locations Q4-13 Q4-14 Information or Products Required for: Role of Erosion and Sediment Deposition in Floodplain Processes Fluvial Geomorphology Study (Section 6.6) Historic channel migration rates, floodplain vegetation disturbance or turnover rate Q4-13 Flood frequency, magnitude, duration, and timing Q4-13 Sediment transport and depositional spatial model Q4-14 IFS Flow Routing (Section 8.5) Study Area-wide flood frequency, magnitude, duration, and timing Q4-13 Q4-14 Riparian Botanical Survey (Section 11.6) Sediment and soils stratigraphic description, strata management and floodplain sediment dating Q4-13 Q4-14 Information or Products Required for: Groundwater and Surface Water Maintenance Hydroregime Groundwater (Section 7.5) GW/SW interaction modeling seasonal statics including frequency, timing, and duration of water levels. Q3-13 through Q4-14 RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 12 March 2013 Table 3. Information and products the Riparian IFS Study will provide to other studies. Study the Product or Information is Provided to Information or Product to be Provided Timing Groundwater Study (Section 6.5) Evapotranspiration model data for incorporation into MOD-FLOW Q4-13 & Q4-14 Riparian Botanical Survey (Section 11.6) Dendrological studies results: ITU sample plot tree ages, and shrub and tree composition and abundance measurements Q4-13 & Q4-14 RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 13 March 2013 Table 4. Primary output variables for which values are taken directly from the 1 -D and 2-D mobile-boundary models and relevance to other studies. Variable Description of Model Output Spatial Resolution Relevance to Other Studies 1-D mobile-boundary model Water-surface profiles Steady-state water-surface profiles for all discharges Cross section Geomorphology Cross-sectionally averaged hydraulic conditions Flow depth, velocity, bed shear stress, channel top width Cross section FA-IFS, R-IFS, Geomorphology Bed material load transport rates Transport rates by grain size fraction Cross section Geomorphology Bed material (i.e., substrate) gradations Change in surface layer bed gradations by cross section over time (0, 25, 50 years) Cross section FA-IFS, Geomorphology Bed elevation Changes in bed elevation with time Cross section, longitudinal profile FA-IFS, R-IFS, Geomorphology, GW 2-D mobile-boundary model Water-surface elevations Steady and unsteady water-surface elevations Grid element FA-IFS, R-IFS, Geomorphology, GW Depth-averaged hydraulic conditions Flow depth, velocity (magnitude and direction), bed shear stress Grid element FA-IFS, R-IFS, Geomorphology, GW Flow distribution among multiple channels (including side channels) Discharge in each branch (including side channels) over range of flows; changes associated with bed evolution model results Channel width FA-IFS, R-IFS, Geomorphology, GW Bed material load transport rates Transport rates by grain size fraction, including supply to and transport through side channels Grid element FA-IFS, R-IFS, Geomorphology, GW Bed material (i.e., substrate) gradations Change in substrate gradations by grid element over time, including side channels and side sloughs Grid element FA-IFS, R-IFS, Geomorphology, GW Bed elevation Changes in bed elevation with time, including side channels and side sloughs. Evolution of mouths and spawning areas of particular interest Grid element FA-IFS, R-IFS, Geomorphology, GW Breaching flows Magnitude, frequency and duration of flows overtopping control at the head of side channels Grid element →side channel width FA-IFS, Geomorphology RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 14 March 2013 Table 5. Key variables needed for the impact assessments for which results are obtained through additional analysis of predictions taken directly from the 1-D and 2-D mobile-boundary models. Variable Description Spatial Resolution Relevance to Other Studies 1-D mobile-boundary model Wash load transport rates Correlations between wash load transport rates and discharge Gage locations WQ, R-IFS Overbank sedimentation rates Rate of sediment delivery into overbanks and vertical accretion rates Reach-averaged R-IFS, Geomorphology Breaching flows Magnitude, frequency and duration of flows overtopping control at the head of side channels Site R-IFS, Geomorphology Side channel connectivity Frequency, duration and inundation extent of backwater flows into side channels Site R-IFS Bed Material Motion Thresholds (aka Incipient Motion Analysis) Frequency and duration of flows sufficient to cause general mobilization of bed material Cross section and/or reach- averaged FA-IFS, Geomorphology Bed material transport capacity rating curves Bed material transport capacity (total and by-size fraction) as a function of discharge Cross section and/or reach- averaged Geomorphology Effective Discharge Magnitude and frequency of flows that transport the most sediment over defined period of time Reach-averaged Geomorphology Bank erosion rates Estimated rate of erosion into main and side channel banks Cross section and/or reach- averaged R-IFS, Geomorphology LWD recruitment Quantities of LWD delivered to mainstem and side channels due to bank erosion Reach R-IFS, Geomorphology Deposition rates at tributary mouths Evolution of tributary mouth fans/bars over time Geomorphology unit FA-IFS, Geomorphology Hydraulic conditions at tributary mouths Potential effect of changes in tributary mouths and effects on fish passage into tributaries Geomorphology unit FA-IFS, Geomorphology 2-D mobile-boundary model Weighted-useable-area versus discharge curves Hydraulic conditions (velocity, depth, substrate size) provided to FA-IFS for WUA estimates Grid element→ Habitat unit FA-IFS, Geomorphology Overbank sedimentation rates Rate of sediment delivery into overbanks and vertical accretion rates Grid element R-IFS, Geomorphology Bed Material Motion Thresholds (aka Incipient Motion Analysis) Frequency and duration of flows sufficient to cause general mobilization of bed material Grid element→ Habitat unit FA-IFS, Geomorphology Bank erosion rates Changes in bank shear stress and bank energy index (BEI) Model reach R-IFS, Geomorphology Changes in side channel, side slough and upland slough geometry Evolution of channel width and depth Grid element →side channel width FA-IFS, R-IFS, Geomorphology Fine sediment interactions in spawning areas Potential for infiltration and flushing of fines from spawning substrate, including side channels and side sloughs Grid element→ Habitat unit FA-IFS, R-IFS, Geomorphology RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 15 March 2013 Variable Description Spatial Resolution Relevance to Other Studies LWD recruitment Changes in bank erosion rates that could affect LWD recruitment Grid element FA-IFS, R-IFS, Geomorphology RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 16 March 2013 5. FIGURES RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 17 March 2013 Figure 1. Susitna River Project Area. RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 18 March 2013 Figure 2. Study interdependencies for Riparian Instream Flow Study (Source: RSP Section 8.6). IFS F & A 8.5 IFS Riparian 8.6 Groundwater 7.5 Ice Processes 7.6 Riparian Botanical 11.6 Fluvial Geomorphology 6.6 Groundwater 7.5 Ice Processes 7.6 Project Area Riparian Vegetation & Soils Mapping & Quantitative Description (Q 4, 2013; Q4 2014) Site Selection Riparian Process Domain Modeling Needs Field Data Sharing (Q 4-2012, Q1-2013) Groundwater / Surface Water Interaction Study Model •Groundwater Depth •Seasonal Statistics •Project operational effects (Q3-4, 2014) Geomorphic Processes Sediment Supply Regime Hist. Channel Change Flood Freq. & Flow Duration (Q4, 2013; Q3-4, 2014) Ice dam regime and river network location Ice / floodplain interactions (Q3-4, 2014) STUDY INTERDEPENDENCIES FOR RIPARIAN INSTREAM FLOW STUDY SECTION 8.6 Vegetation Sampling, Dendrochronology, Seed Dispersal, Seedling Recruitment (Q2-4, 2013; Q2-4, 2014) Scaling Model −from Reach to Riparian Process Domain Geomorphology 6.0 Potential Changes in Floodplain Vegetation Habitats & Plant Community Succession: -Relative Spatial Distribution -Types of projected change (Q4, 2013; Q1, 2015) Vegetation Flow- Response & Physical Process Regime Modeling (Flooding, Sediment, Ice, Channel, Climate) Ice Processes 7.6 River Productivity 9.8 Project Operational Flow Design Sediment Dating (dendrochronology & Isotopic/Radiogenic) (Q4, 2013; Q4 2014) Dendrochronology (tree ice scar) (Q4, 2013; Q4 2014) Seed Dispersal, Hydrology, Climate Synchrony Model Riparian Botanical 11.6 Wildlife 10.0 Geomorphology Large Woody Debris RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 19 March 2013 Figure 3. Floodplain Vegetation Study Synthesis, Focus Area to Riparian Process Domain Scaling & Project Operations Effects Modeling (Source: RSP Section Riparian Botanical 11.6 Fluvial Geomorphology 6.6 Riparian Process Domain Map Ice Processes 7.6 1.Study Area floodplain vegetation mapping. 2.Forest succession models (Q 4 2014) Project riparian process domain map (Q4 2013) Geomorphic Processes Sediment Supply Regime Hist. Channel Change Flood Freq. & Flow Duration (Q4 2014) Ice process modeling 1.existing conditions 2.project operations scenarios (Q4 2014) FLOODPLAIN VEGETATION STUDY SYNTHESIS, FOCUS AREA TO RIPARIAN PROCESS DOMAIN SCALING & PROJECT OPERATIONS EFFECTS MODELING Spatially explicit mapping of modeled Operations scenarios floodplain vegetation effects. Q1-2 2015 Floodplain erosion and sediment deposition vegetation model 1.Ecological model of Susitna River floodplain vegetation establishment and recruitment. 2.Floodplain vegetation Operations effects simulation model. Q1-2 2015 Seed Dispersal, hydrology climate model Project Operational Flow Design Sediment transport & deposition rates (Q4 2014) Seed dispersal timing and flow regime requirements (Q4 2014) Seedling establishment study Seedling establishment flow & sediment regimes requirements (Q4 2014) Floodplain ice process interaction zones (Q4 2014) River ice effects floodplain vegetation study Floodplain plant community GW/SW regime requirements (Q4 2014) Floodplain vegetation GW/SW interaction model RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 20 March 2013 Figure 4. Seed Dispersal, Hydrology and Climate Synchrony (Source: RSP Study Flow Routing 6.5 Historic peak flow hydrograph analyses (Q2-Q4, 2014) SEED DISPERSAL, HYDROLOGY AND CLIMATE SYNCHRONY STUDY Model of Poplar and willow seed dispersal, hydrology and climate (Q4 2014) Riparian IFS Scaling & Project Effects Modeling Project Operation Design 1. Seed dispersal field surveys (Q2 2013; Q2 2014). 2. Hydrologic analyses, 3. Climate modeling. RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 21 March 2013 Figure 5. The riparian “Recruitment Box Model” describing seasonal flow pattern, associated river stage (elevation), and flow ramping necessary for successful cottonwood and willow seedling establishment (from Amlin and R ood 2002; Rood et al., 2005). Cottonwood species (Populus deltoides), willow species (Salix exigua). Stage hydrograph and seed release timing will vary by region, watershed, and plant species. RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 22 March 2013 Figure 6. Cottonwood (Populus) life history stages: seed dispersal and germination, sapling to tree establishment. Cottonwo od typically germinates on newly created bare mineral soils associate with lateral active channel margins and gravel bars. Note proximity of summer baseflow and floo dplain water table (Braatne et al. 1996). RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 23 March 2013 Figure 7. River Ice-Floodplain Vegetation Establishment and Recruitment (Source: RSP Section Riparian Botanical 11.6 Botanical survey mapping of: 1.tree ice-scars, 2.shrub scars, 3.floodplain ice gravel and soil shearing , 4.plant community types. (Q 4, 2013; Q4 2014) 1.Seasonal ice formation and break-up videography (Q4 2012, Q1-2, 4 2013; Q1-2, 4 2014) 2.Summary of 1980’s ice process studies. 3.Ice process modeling results (Q4 2014) RIVER ICE− FLOODPLAIN VEGETATION ESTABLISHMENT AND RECRUITMENT 1.Using ice process domain map, develop quantitative study comparing ice influenced and non- ice-influenced floodplain plant community establishment and recruitment. 2.Characterize role, and degree of influence ,of ice processes in Susitna River floodplain vegetation. 1.Vegetation study design (Q2 2013). 2.Characterization of ice process effects on floodplain vegetation (Q4 2014). Riparian IFS, Riparian Botanical 11.6 Ice Processes 7.6 Ice Processes 7.6 1.Tree ice scar and gravel deposit mapping (Q3-4 2012; Q1-3 2013; Q1-3 2014). 2.Interview local Susitna residents about ice dam locations (Q1-2 2013). 3.Develop iterative map of river ice floodplain vegetation interaction domains (Q2 & Q4 2013; Q4 2014). Riparian IFS Scaling & Project Effects Modeling RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 24 March 2013 Figure 8. Relationship of ice observations to other studies (Source: RSP Section 7.6.11) . RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 25 March 2013 Figure 9. Floodplain Erosion, Sediment Deposition & Floodplain Vegetation Study (Source: RSP Section Riparian Botanical 11.6 Fluvial Geomorphology 6.6 1.Floodplain sediment & stratigraphy descriptions. 2.Floodplain soils analyses. 3.Floodplain isotopic sediment dating. 4.Plant community mapping. (Q 4, 2013; Q4 2014) 1.Focus Areas (FA) channel migration rates. 2.FA’s floodplain disturbance rates. 3.FA’s flood frequency, magnitude, duration, timing hydrograph and modeling analyses. 4.2-D sediment transport and floodplain sediment deposition modeling. (Q3-4, 2013; Q3-4 2014) Project Area wide 1-D hydraulic modeling of historic flood frequency, magnitude, duration and timing (Q4 2013). FLOODPLAIN EROSION, SEDIMENT DEPOSITION & FLOODPLAIN VEGETATION STUDY 1.FA sediment deposition rate characterization and mapping. 2.FA sediment and soil development rate analyses. 3.Floodplain and floodplain vegetation development conceptual model. (Q4 2014) Riparian Botanical 11.6 Fluvial Geomorphology 6.6 Flow Routing Modeling IFS 8.5 1.Dendrochronologic studies (tree / floodplain dating) (Q4 2013; Q4 2014). 2.Floodplain sediment deposition rate analyses (Q4 2013; Q4 2014). 3.Analyses of floodplain plant community types & sediment characteristics. (Q4 2013; Q4 2014) Riparian IFS Scaling & Project Effects Modeling RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 26 March 2013 Figure 10. Study interdependencies for the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Study (Source: RSP Section 6.6). RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 27 March 2013 Figure 11. Floodplain Vegetation Groundwater & Surface Water Study (Source: RSP Section Riparian Botanical 11.6 Fluvial Geomorphology 6.6 Groundwater 7.5 Focus Area Vegetation mapping & survey sampling Soils mapping & characterization (Q 4, 2013; Q4 2014) Groundwater / Surface Water Interaction Study Model •Measure and model frequency, magnitude, duration & timing of surface & groundwater flux •Model project operational GW/SW effects (Q3-4, 2014) Focus Area Surface water flow regime modeling •Stage/discharge regime •1D/2D model (Q4, 2013; Q3-4, 2014) FLOODPLAIN VEGETATION GROUNDWATER & SURFACE WATER STUDY Probabilistic floodplain vegetation GW/SW regime response curves (Q4 2013; Q4 2014) Analysis of floodplain vegetation water sources (Q4 2013, Q4 2014) Vegetation flow- response & GW/SW modeling . Isotopic analysis of floodplain vegetation water sources (Q4, 2013; Q2-4 2014; Q1 2015) Riparian IFS Scaling & Operations Modeling RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 28 March 2013 Figure 12. Study interdependencies for the Groundwater Study (Source: RSP Section 7.5). Geology and Soils (4) IFS Fish (8.5) IFS Riparian (8.6) Fluvial Geomorphology (6.6) Ice Processes (7.6) Fish Studies (9) ADNR/GINA Mapping Information Ice Processes (7.6) Water Quality (5.0) Geologic and Terrain Mapping Layers ((Q1-13) Background Information (Q1-13) Geologic Data Geotechnical Data Ice and IFS Data (Q2-Q4-13) Winter Aerial Surveys Water Quality ( Q2-Q3-13, Q1-14) STUDY INTERDEPENDENCIES FOR GROUNDWATER STUDY Existing Data Synthesis Geohydrologic Process- Domains and Terrain Upwelling/ Springs Broad-Scale Mapping All Studies Groundwater Hydrology and Upwelling Evaluations (Q1-14/Q4-14) Draft Annotated Bibliography (Q2-13) Annotated Bibliography (Q4-13) Watana Dam/Reservoir All Studies Groundwater Evaluation Potential Effects of Construction Potential Effects of Operations (Q1- 14/Q4-14) Geology and Soils (4) Fluvial Geomorphology (6.6) Ice Processes (7.6) IFS Fish (8.5) IFS Fish (8.5) IFS Riparian (8.6) Draft Process Domain Mapping (Q2-13) Process Domain Mapping (Q4-13) IFS Fish (8.5) IFS Riparian (8.6) RIPARIAN PHYSICAL PROCESS MODELING Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 29 March 2013 Figure 12. Study interdependencies for the Groundwater Study (Source: RSP Section 7.5) (continued).