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Study of fish passage feasibility at Watana Dam, Study plan Section 9.11 :
Final study plan SuWa 200
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Alaska Energy Authority
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Final study plan
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Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project document number 200
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[Anchorage : Alaska Energy Authority, 2013]
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July 2013
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Study plan Section 9.11
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12 p.
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Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project
(FERC No. 14241)
Study of Fish Passage Feasibility at Watana Dam
Study Plan Section 9.11
Final Study Plan
Alaska Energy Authority
July 2013
Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority
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9.11. Study of Fish Passage Feasibility at Watana Dam
On December 14, 2012, Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) filed with the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) its Revised Study Plan (RSP), which included
58 individual study plans (AEA 2012). Section 9.11 of the RSP described the Study of Fish
Passage Feasibility at Watana Dam. This section focuses on conducting a study to develop, to
the feasibility level, a fish passage strategy in support of the license application for the proposed
project. RSP 9.11 provided goals, objectives, and proposed methods for assessing the feasibility
of fish passage at Watana Dam.
On February 1, 2013, FERC staff issued its study determination (February 1 SPD) for 44 of the
58 studies, approving 31 studies as filed and 13 with modifications. RSP Section 9.11 was one
of the 31studies approved with no modifications.
On February 21, 2013, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) filed a notice of study
dispute pursuant to section 5.14(a) of the Commission’s regulations. This dispute included four
elements of RSP Study 9.11.
On April 3, 2013, a dispute resolution panel held the technical conference, which was attended
by representatives from NMFS, AEA, the Commission, and other licensing participants. On
April 12, 2013, the panel filed its findings with the Commission, and recommended the
following modification to RSP Section 9.11:
AEA is required to review existing literature relevant to glacial retreat and summarize the
understanding of potential future changes in runoff associated with glacier wastage and retreat,
as described in RSP section RSP section 9.11.1, General Description of the Proposed
Study, is modified to delete the text that reads: “(2) Can the fish passage alternative be
constructed and operated while maintaining the original purpose of the project?” The deleted
text shall be replaced with the following: “(2) Can the fish passage alternative be constructed
and operated while allowing an economically feasible Project?”
On April 26, 2013, the Commission issued a formal study dispute determination and adopted the
recommended changes.
9.11.1. General Description of the Proposed Study
The proposed Watana Dam would create a fish passage barrier on the Susitna River. Information
regarding the fish passage feasibility and the engineering feasibility of passage at this location is
important to the resource management decisions that pertain to the License Application for
construction and operation of the proposed Project. In implementing this study plan, AEA will
compile the available biological information from the 1980s through the 2013–2014 studies and
will develop new information regarding the feasibility of engineering alternatives to fish passage
at the proposed dam site. AEA will assimilate this information and conduct a feasibility analysis
of engineered passage solutions.
In this study plan, feasibility is defined in a technical sense and includes both engineering and
fish passage feasibility. Engineering feasibility is governed by physical dam and reservoir
characteristics, hydrology, primary water storage and release operations, and operating and
construction cost. Fish passage feasibility is governed by fish behavioral responses to site
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conditions, including migration timing, and migratory pathways. The intent of this feasibility
assessment is to address two basic questions: (1) Can a fish passage alternative be identified that
will effectively and safely collect and pass migratory fish? (2) Can the fish passage alternative
be constructed and operated while allowing an economically feasible Project?
This study plan is limited to analyzing the feasibility of fish passage and does not analyze the
necessity of fish passage at the proposed Project. AEA has not made any decisions regarding
whether to include fish passage as part of its proposed Project. In developing its License
Application for the proposed Project, AEA will assess whether to propose fish passage based on
the results of other study plans and other available information along with input from federal and
state agencies and other licensing participants.
Study Goals and Objectives
The goal of this study is to develop, to the feasibility level, a fish passage strategy in support of
the License Application for the proposed Project. This study plan outlines the process that will
be used to achieve this goal. A variety of engineering, biological, sociological, and economic
factors will be considered during this process. The study will explore various alternatives in
support of three basic strategies related to fish passage: (1) proposed Project without fish
passage, (2) integration of upstream and downstream passage features into the current dam
design, and (3) the retrofit of upstream and downstream fish passage features to a dam designed
without passage.
9.11.2. Existing Information and Need for Additional Information
The central feature of the proposed Project is the approximate 750-foot-high Watana Dam (as
measured from sound bedrock) at river mile (RM) 184 on the Susitna River. The dam would
block the upstream passage of Chinook salmon, possibly other salmon species, and resident fish
that migrate through and otherwise use the proposed Watana Dam site and upstream habitat in
the Susitna River and tributaries. Chinook salmon were documented in two tributaries to the
proposed reservoir during Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) sampling efforts in
2003 and 2011. Juvenile Chinook were found in Kosina Creek in 2003 and one adult was
observed in 2011 at an approximate elevation of 2,800 feet; juveniles were also found in the
Oshetna River near its confluence with the Susitna River, but none were observed in 2011
(ADF&G 2003a and b, 2011). Aside from these observations, other salmon species have not
been documented above the dam site, but little else is known about migration patterns and habitat
use upstream of the proposed dam site for other anadromous species in the Susitna River. In
addition, there are migratory resident fishes, including burbot, Dolly Varden, and whitefish that
have been documented both upstream and downstream of the proposed dam site.
There is currently no specific engineering information and little biological information to provide
a basis for determining feasibility of passage at the proposed Watana Dam. Pacific salmon (all
five species) were documented throughout the Lower and Middle Susitna River during the
1980s. The extent of their presence in the Upper River has not been well documented. Coho,
chum, sockeye, and pink salmon were found in the Lower and Middle Susitna River during the
1980s, but have not been observed upstream of Devils Canyon. Chinook salmon is the one
anadromous species that migrates past Devils Canyon at relatively low numbers (Thompson et
al. 1986). Recently ADF&G radio-telemetry studies using sockeye, coho, and chum salmon
from the Lower River have been conducted for several years and have not documented any
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tagged fish above Devils Canyon. In 2012, AEA expanded these studies in coordination with
ADF&G to include additional species and add a focused investigation of distribution of coho,
Chinook, sockeye, chum, and pink salmon above Devils Canyon.
Preliminary results from 2012 indicated that 12 Chinook salmon that were radio-tagged at Curry
station passed upstream of the uppermost impediment within Devils Canyon. Four of these fish
migrated to Kosina Creek and were last observed as mortalities. The rest of the tagged fish
detected upstream of Devils Canyon were last detected in Cheechako Creek, Portage Creek, in
Devils Canyon itself, or in the mainstem river downstream of the canyon. Additionally,
information regarding Chinook salmon distribution comes from the 2012 spawner surveys.
During these aerial surveys, 19 Chinook salmon were observed spawning in Kosina Creek,
including the 4 radio-tagged fish mentioned earlier. No other adult Chinook salmon were
observed upstream of the proposed dam site during the 2012 field observations.
Chinook salmon are the only anadromous species known to rear in the Upper Susitna River and
tributaries. Juvenile Chinook salmon have been documented in Fog Creek, Kosina Creek, and
the Oshetna River (Buckwalter 2011). Little is known about Upper Susitna Chinook salmon in
terms of run size and inter-annual variability; locations of spawning, rearing, and over-wintering
areas; and timing and duration of key life history events (e.g., upriver migration and spawning,
period of freshwater residency, smolt out-migration). However, historic data from the 1980s did
document the life history of Chinook salmon in the Middle River. In summary, these historic
studies indicated that Susitna River Chinook salmon spawning is limited to tributary habitat. No
Chinook salmon have ever been documented spawning in the mainstem river. These fish
overwinter in the gravels and fry emerge in March or April (Harza-Ebasco 1985). Chinook
salmon fry remain near their natal areas in tributaries for a brief period—one or two months—
before beginning a downstream movement into rearing and overwintering areas (ADF&G 1984).
Some Chinook salmon juveniles move into the Susitna mainstem and have been collected
throughout the basin during summer (Harza-Ebasco 1985). Other juveniles apparently remain in
natal tributaries for early rearing and overwintering (ADF&G 1984).
In addition to the anadromous salmon, humpback whitefish and Dolly Varden also express
anadromous life history patterns (Morrow 1980), but these life history patterns have not been
documented for Susitna River populations. Both of these species have been documented in the
Upper Susitna River (Delaney et al. 1981). In 2012, otoliths were collected in order to evaluate
the presence of anadromy for Susitna populations of Dolly Varden and humpback whitefish.
Pacific lamprey exhibit an anadromous life history pattern and have been observed in nearby
river systems (Chuit River; Nemeth et al. 2010), but do not have a documented presence in the
Susitna River. Other resident fishes present in the Upper Susitna River that may have migratory
components and may be affected by changes in connectivity between the Upper and Lower River
include Arctic grayling, burbot, round whitefish, and possibly rainbow trout.
9.11.3. Study Area
The study area (Figure 9.11-1) extends from the confluence with Portage Creek (RM 148)
upstream to the Oshetna River (RM 233.4). It is assumed that any potential upstream passage
facilities to be considered (e.g., a trap-and-haul facility) would be located in the mainstem
upstream of the confluence with Portage Creek.
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9.11.4. Study Methods
This feasibility evaluation includes six tasks needed to determine fish passage technical
feasibility for the Project. This study will generally follow the guidance provided in the National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Anadromous Salmonid Passage Facility Design document
(NMFS 2011). These tasks are summarized below.
1. Establish a Fish Passage Technical Workgroup (TWG) to provide input on the feasibility
2. Prepare for feasibility study.
3. Conduct site reconnaissance.
4. Develop concepts.
5. Evaluate feasibility of conceptual alternatives.
6. Develop refined passage strategy(ies).
Task 1: Establish the Fish Passage Technical Workgroup to provide input on the
feasibility assessment.
In cooperation with state and federal agencies and other interested licensing participants, AEA
will establish a Fish Passage TWG with representatives from state and federal agencies, FERC,
and other interested licensing participants. This workgroup will be convened regularly (likely bi-
monthly [once every other month]) throughout the study to provide input on assessing additional
data needs, developing evaluation criteria, and developing conceptual design passage strategies.
As part of this process, the regular meetings may be substituted with workshops that engage a
broader group of participants. Four workshops will be scheduled at study milestones addressing
the following topics: (1) review of dam design and operational concepts, biological, physical and
site specific information, (2) conceptual alternatives brainstorming, (3) critique and refinement
of concepts and packaging of conceptual components into alternatives, and (4) alternatives
selection, refinement, and costs. The first Fish Passage TWG meeting will be convened to
identify goals, set schedules, establish process, and refine and obtain input on list of information
needed for Task 2.
Task 2: Prepare for feasibility study.
Task 2 is focused on technical preparation for the concept development brainstorming session
described in Task 4. AEA will compile the existing and salient background information listed
below, and the information will be disseminated and presented to the Fish Passage TWG. In
addition, AEA will prepare workshop materials including further development of evaluation
criteria and an evaluation process. The review will allow the Fish Passage TWG to become
familiar with the operational, physical, hydrologic, and biological setting of the Watana Dam.
This information will assist the Fish Passage TWG in providing input to alternatives identified
by AEA that can reasonably and realistically fit within the construct of the proposed Project
operations, and that are compatible with hydrological and physical constraints.
Existing data will be obtained from the 1980s Susitna studies, ADF&G surveys conducted
between 2003 and 2011, AEA survey reports, and engineering documents prepared in 2012.
Additional data will be developed during the licensing baseline study program in 2013 and these
data will be used to inform development of alternatives and conceptual design. The following
information will be compiled as part of Task 2.
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• Biological
o List of potential target fish species and life stages that will benefit from passage
o Species and life stage-specific periodicity
o Life stage-specific parameters: size, migratory behavior, swimming behavior,
swimming ability, and other physical passage constraints
o Fish relative abundance and distribution upstream and downstream of the proposed
Watana Dam site
o Locations of spawning and rearing habitats
o Migratory characteristics (seasonal timing, duration) by species and life stage
o Identification of existing ecological conditions (e.g. presence of predatory and/or
invasive species, light, temperature and flow) and how they might be affected by
passage facilities
• Physical
o Topographic survey
o Water quality and water temperature
o Hydrologic and hydraulic information (e.g., 5 percent and 95 percent exceedance
o Ice processes
o Sedimentation transport processes
o Geomorphology
• Project Features
o Project conceptual drawings
o Project operations (e.g., reservoir storage, powerhouse, and spillway flows)
o Aerial photos
o Seasonal flows downstream of the Project (e.g., tailwater rating curves, flow
duration curves)
o Seasonal pool elevation (e.g., forebay rating curves, fluctuations, etc.)
o Project design components (e.g., dam layout, cross-sections, turbine type, draft
tube velocity, sediment capacity, power availability, etc.)
o Project access or restrictions to access for operations and maintenance
Due to the nature of this Project, particularly with respect to its location in the Upper River and
the uncertainty around the potential benefits and risks of passage to fish species, this task also
involves development of a spreadsheet-based biological performance tool. This tool will be used
to qualitatively estimate potential passage success using concepts to be identified and refined in
the feasibility study. Examples of challenging issues that can be addressed with this tool include
the following: low survival success of downstream migrants through the reservoir, the potential
for transporting adult Chinook salmon upstream that do not intend to go there, and the potential
for spread of non-native fishes. The biological performance tool will present the positive and
negative biological effects associated with the various passage concepts under consideration. In
addition, compiling information on migratory behavior, preferably behavior specific to the
Susitna River, will help identify the type, location, size, and timing of potential upstream and
downstream fish passage facility components. Additional information needs may be defined
during the compilation.
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The deliverables for this task are a draft of the biological performance tool; base drawings; maps;
synthesized biological, physical, and site data listed above; and operational protocols necessary
to conduct the study.
Task 3: Conduct site reconnaissance.
AEA will conduct a site reconnaissance to observe conditions and collect information, as
appropriate, for concept development. At a minimum, the reconnaissance will consist of a
helicopter fly-over of the study area from the mouth of Portage Creek to the proposed Watana
Dam site at RM 184, as well as tributaries to the proposed reservoir where Chinook salmon have
been documented (i.e., Kosina Creek and Oshetna River).
Task 4: Develop concepts.
This task will utilize a facilitated two-day brainstorming workshop to identify fish passage
concepts. Two days will be required to ensure that the brainstorming covers upstream and
downstream passage for both the integrated with-dam design and retrofit strategies. The
workshop environment will allow rapid and complete generation of fish passage concepts, based
on the Fish Passage TWG’s diverse expertise and experience with related facilities. During the
workshop, AEA will develop concepts based on the professional judgment of participants as well
as on studies, experience, and history of other fish passage facilities and specific criteria and
guidelines published by NMFS. Concepts might be components of fish passage facilities,
operational procedures, locations of facilities, or entire facilities.
Following the brainstorming workshop, AEA will organize the concepts, and, with input from
the Fish Passage TWG, will perform an initial “fatal flaw analysis” to eliminate any concept that
cannot meet the basic criteria. Concepts at this early phase of development that are fatally
flawed will be documented, but will not be further developed. Fatal flaws might include dam or
personnel safety issues, constructability concerns, or poor chance of satisfying fish passage
objectives. Concepts without fatal flaws will be further analyzed and developed.
The biological performance tool developed in Task 2 will be reviewed by the Fish Passage TWG
and tested at the meeting to ensure that all necessary parameters and data are provided to address
the short list of passage concepts. The goal of this exercise is to obtain feedback and critique of
the biological tool by all participants to ensure that all parameters and tool needs are included
prior to more formal use of the tool in Task 5.
After the workshop, AEA will refine the fish passage concepts identified in this task into fish
passage alternatives applicable to the proposed Watana Dam site to address site-specific
applicability, hydraulic functional design, construction and operating cost estimates, and general
layout, and to identify any uncertainties for further examination. Performance of the alternatives
will be identified using the biological performance tool (Task 2). Alternatives that are not
technically feasible will be dropped from consideration and the reasons for them being dropped
will be described. The alternatives will be combined into strategies consistent with an integrated
dam design and a retrofit. The explanation of operation and biological performance of the
alternatives will be presented to the Fish Passage TWG at the third workshop.
Task 5: Evaluate feasibility of conceptual alternatives.
Based on the alternatives developed through Task 4, an evaluation of the alternatives will be
performed and documented in Task 5. An evaluation matrix will be used to prepare the first
evaluation of the alternatives that will advance the existing state of each alternative’s conceptual
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design for better performance, and will allow a relative comparison of the alternatives. The
evaluation will be done by using a grid analysis technique, or Pugh Matrix, which breaks the
alternatives down into discrete elements for comparison, evaluation, and optimization. Breaking
the alternatives into discrete elements reduces the possibility of alternatives being selected based
on general prejudiced opinions. The matrix will result in consolidated scores that reflect the
relative success of achieving criteria, and will thus help rank or prioritize alternatives.
The results of the grid analysis can be used to further refine facility components, identify data
gaps, and assess the potential influence of uncertainties. However, the grid analysis is only a
tool to help the Fish Passage TWG evaluate, repackage, and refine alternatives; the results of the
matrix exercise are used to influence but not dictate decisions. Therefore, it is important to
consider all relevant criteria with the potential to inform the feasibility of the alternatives.
Through this process, the characteristics and effectiveness of upstream and downstream fish
passage facilities will be evaluated, and the results used to refine and optimize the location, size,
and timing of each type of passage facility.
Based on the results of this initial evaluation, AEA will work to update descriptions and
drawings for the fish passage alternatives. The results will be presented to the Fish Passage
TWG at the fifth and final workshop, with the goal of selecting a final list of alternatives for
refinement in Task 6.
Task 6: Develop refined passage strategy(ies).
Task 6 will focus on the refinement of the remaining fish passage alternatives that may be
technically feasible. In addition to further development of the conceptual design drawings, AEA
will prepare an opinion of probable construction and operating cost for each alternative, describe
operational protocols and issues, address comments from Task 5, perform final runs of the
biological performance tool, prepare a final quantitative evaluation of the alternatives using the
final Pugh Matrix and evaluation criteria, and address constructability issues and any remaining
data needs or significant risks. A minimum of three distinct passage strategies will be evaluated
and compared under this task, including one each for (1) Watana Dam without fish passage, (2)
integration of upstream and downstream passage features into the dam design, and (3) the retrofit
of upstream and downstream fish passage features to a dam designed without passage.
9.11.5. Consistency with Generally Accepted Scientific Practices
The study approach generally follows steps outlined in federal guidelines for anadromous fish
passage design published by NMFS (2011).
9.11.6. Schedule
Upstream and downstream fish passage facilities can have a significant effect on the overall
design and cost of the Project. Consequently, conceptual alternatives will be completed during
2013 so that further refinement of the top-ranked conceptual design(s), if determined to be
needed and technically feasible, can continue during 2014 (Table 9.11-1). Anticipated
milestones are as follows:
• Establishment of the Fish Passage TWG
• Preparation for the study with compilation, review, and summary of information
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• Site reconnaissance
• Development of concepts
• Evaluation of conceptual alternative feasibility
• Refinement of passage strategies
• Completion of an Initial Study Report
• Completion of an Updated Study Report
The preliminary schedule for these tasks and workshops is shown in Table 9.11-1. In
addition, Fish Passage TWG meetings will be held bimonthly, beginning the first quarter of
9.11.7. Relationship with Other Studies
The Study of Fish Passage Feasibility at Watana Dam will interrelate with other AEA Project
studies (Figure 9.11-2). Along with a comprehensive literature review, the Study of Fish
Distribution and Abundance in the Upper Susitna River (Section 9.5), the Study of Fish
Distribution and Abundance in the Middle and Lower Susitna River (Section 9.6), the Salmon
Escapement Study (Section 9.7), and the Study of Fish Passage Barriers in the Middle and Upper
Susitna River and Susitna Tributaries (Section 9.12) will provide baseline biological inputs on
migratory timing and behavior as well as distribution over various life stages in the vicinity of
the proposed dam site. The Future Watana Reservoir Fish Community and Risk of Entrainment
Study (Section 9.10) will interrelate by providing and receiving biological information on the
anticipated reservoir fish assemblage and entrainment risk. Along with information on Project
design and operations, physical studies on Geology and Soils (Section 4), Water Quality (Section
5), Ice Processes (Section 7.6), Geomorphology (Section 6.0), hydraulics, sediment transport,
and others will provide input for the Study of Fish Passage Feasibility at Watana Dam.
The Study of Fish Passage Feasibility at Watana Dam will provide output information back to
facility design and operations analyses and to the Future Watana Reservoir Fish Community and
Risk of Entrainment Study (Section 9.10), the Analysis of Fish Harvest in and Downstream of
the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Area (Section 9.15), and the Recreation Resources
Study (Section 12.5).
The flow of information into and out of the Fish Passage Feasibility Study is anticipated to occur
over the two-year study period through an iterative process. As relevant data (described above) is
collected, it will be disseminated from the Fish Program to the Fish Passage TWG. In addition,
three milestone deliveries of data that has been through a QA/QC procedure are anticipated: (1)
data from the 2012 Upper River Fish and Escapement Studies will be incorporated into the
Feasibility Study in Q1 2013; (2) data from the Salmon Escapement Study (Section 9.7) will be
delivered by October 2013 and, if necessary, again in October 2014; and (3) data from Upper and
Middle River radio telemetry studies will be delivered quarterly in 2013 and for the first two
quarters of 2014 as necessary.
Information flowing out from this feasibility study regarding target species and passage
alternatives will be communicated amongst study leads. Additional formal data sharing will also
occur among studies after completion of QA/QC procedures and with delivery of the Initial
Study Report (Q1 2014) and Updated Study Report (Q1 2015).
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9.11.8. Level of Effort and Cost
This study will not include any fieldwork other than the site reconnaissance. However,
coordination with resource agency engineers and biologists is anticipated. In addition,
engineering design work will be necessary to develop conceptual drawings. The anticipated cost
for completing this study is $1,000,000.
9.11.9. Literature Cited
ADF&G (Alaska Department of Fish and Game). 1984. Resident and juvenile anadromous fish
investigations (May – October, 1983). Part II: The distribution and relative abundance of
juvenile salmon in the Susitna River drainage above the Chulitna River confluence.
Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Report No. 2, Draft. Prepared for Alaska Power
ADF&G. 2003a. Fish Survey Nomination Fish Distribution Database, Nomination 04-067,
Waterway 247-10-10200-2880. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage,
ADF&G. 2003b. Fish Survey Nomination Fish Distribution Database, Nomination 04-066,
Waterway 247-10-10200-2810. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage,
ADF&G. 2011. Synopsis of ADF&G’s Upper Susitna Drainage Fish Inventory, August 2011.
Buckwalter, J.D. 2011. Synopsis of ADF&G's Upper Susitna Drainage Fish Inventory, August
2011. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Anchorage, Alaska.
27 pp.
Delaney, K., D. Crawford, L. Dugan, S. Hale, K. Kuntz, B. Marshall, J. Mauney, J. Quinn, K.
Roth, P. Suchanek, R. Sundet, and M. Stratton. 1981. Resident Fish Investigation on the
Upper Susitna River. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage, AK. 157 pp.
Harza-Ebasco. 1985. Fish, wildlife, and botanical resources. Exhibit E, Volume 9. Alaska
Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska.
Morrow, J.E. 1980. The Freshwater Fishes of Alaska. Alaska Northwest Publishing Co.,
Nemeth, M.J., A.M. Baker, B.C. Williams, S.W. Raborn, J. T. Preist, and S.T. Crawford. 2010.
Movement and abundance of freshwater fish in the Chuit River, Alaska, May
through July 2009. Annual Report, Anchorage, Alaska.
NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service). 2011. Anadromous Salmonid Passage Facility
Design. NMFS, Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon.
Thompson, F. M., S. Wick, and B. Stratton. 1986. Adult Salmon Investigations: May – October
1985. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Anchorage,
Alaska. 173 pp.
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9.11.10. Tables
Table 9.11-1. Schedule for implementation of the Study of Fish Passage Feasibility at Watana Dam.
Activity 2013 2014 2015
1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q
T1. Establish Team and Define Process
T2. Prepare for Feasibility Study
T3. Site Reconnaissance
T4. Develop Concepts
T5. Evaluate Feasibility of Alternatives
T6. Develop Refined Passage Strategies
Initial Study Report Δ
Updated Study Report ▲
Planned Activity
----- Follow-up activity (as needed)
• W1: Workshop 1
Δ Initial Study Report
▲ Updated Study Report
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9.11.11. Figures
Figure 9.11-1 Study area for Fish Passage Feasibility, from the confluence with Portage Creek (RM 148) upstream to the Oshetna River (RM 233.4).
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Figure 9.11-2. Fish passage feasibility interdependencies with other AEA studies.