HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuWa200sec10-9Alaska Resources Library & Information Services Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Document ARLIS Uniform Cover Page Title: Wolverine distribution, abundance, and habitat occupancy study, Study plan Section 10.9 : Final study plan SuWa 200 Author(s) – Personal: Author(s) – Corporate: Alaska Energy Authority AEA-identified category, if specified: Final study plan AEA-identified series, if specified: Series (ARLIS-assigned report number): Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project document number 200 Existing numbers on document: Published by: [Anchorage : Alaska Energy Authority, 2013] Date published: July 2013 Published for: Date or date range of report: Volume and/or Part numbers: Study plan Section 10.9 Final or Draft status, as indicated: Document type: Pagination: 9 p. Related work(s): Pages added/changed by ARLIS: Notes: All reports in the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Document series include an ARLIS- produced cover page and an ARLIS-assigned number for uniformity and citability. All reports are posted online at http://www.arlis.org/resources/susitna-watana/ Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 14241) Wolverine Distribution, Abundance, and Habitat Occupancy Study Study Plan Section 10.9 Final Study Plan Alaska Energy Authority July 2013 FINAL STUDY PLAN WOLVERINE DISTRIBUTION, ABUNDANCE, AND HABITAT OCCUPANCY STUDY 10.9 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 10.9-1 July 2013 10.9. Wolverine Distribution, Abundance, and Habitat Occupancy On December 14, 2012, Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) its Revised Study Plan (RSP), which included 58 individual study plans (AEA 2012). Section 10.9 of the RSP described the Wolverine Distribution, Abundance, and Habitat Occurrence Study. This section focuses on evaluation of existing information and field surveys, modeling wolverine occupancy, and estimating population trends during and after construction of the proposed Project. RSP 10.9 provided goals, objectives, and proposed methods for data collection regarding wolverines. On February 1, 2013, FERC staff issued its study plan determination (February 1 SPD) for 44 of the 58 studies, approving 31 studies as filed and 13 with modifications. RSP Section 10.9 was one of the 31 studies approved with no modifications. As such, in finalizing and issuing Final Study Plan Section 10.9, AEA has made no modifications to this study from its Revised Study Plan. 10.9.1. General Description of the Proposed Study The Wolverine Study is a multi-year project involving evaluation of existing information and field surveys. During 2012, previous data from wolverine monitoring efforts in the study area were assembled. In late winter of 2013, a single aerial Sample-Unit Probability Estimator (SUPE) survey will be attempted. If survey conditions are unsuitable for the SUPE in 2013, then an occupancy survey will be flown and the SUPE survey will be attempted again in late winter of 2014. Occupancy modeling will be used to estimate detection probability for wolverines in the study area and to establish a baseline for estimating population trends during and after construction of the proposed Project. Aerial surveys for the purpose of occupancy modeling will be conducted in 2013 or 2014, assuming that the SUPE survey is successful in the other year. At a minimum, an occupancy survey will be conducted in each year. Study Goal and Objectives The overall goal of this study is to collect pre-construction baseline population data on wolverines in the Project area (reservoir impoundment zone; facilities, laydown, and storage areas; access and transmission line routes) to enable assessment of the potential impacts from development of the proposed Project. This information will be used to estimate the number of wolverines that may be affected by the Project and to evaluate impacts on habitats used seasonally by wolverines. Four specific objectives have been identified for this study: 1) Estimate the current population size of wolverines. 2) Establish a population index for wolverines. 3) Describe the distribution of wolverines in late winter. 4) Describe habitat use by wolverines in late winter. 10.9.2. Existing Information and Need for Additional Information The Project will result in wildlife habitat loss and alteration, blockage of movements of mammals, disturbance, and changes in human activity due to construction and operation of the FINAL STUDY PLAN WOLVERINE DISTRIBUTION, ABUNDANCE, AND HABITAT OCCUPANCY STUDY 10.9 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 10.9-2 July 2013 Project. The Project may result in habitat loss, reduced access, or displacement from seasonally used sensitive habitats in the Middle and Upper Susitna River basin such as denning areas, or prey calving and wintering areas, caused by increased human activity. The Wolverine Study will provide baseline data for the study area, including a late-winter distribution assessment for development of habitat evaluation criteria. The study will provide a basis for impact assessments and for developing any appropriate protection, mitigation, and enhancement measures, which may include resource management and monitoring plans. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) conducted a mark–recapture study of radio-collared wolverines in the upper Susitna River basin for the original Alaska Power Authority (APA) Susitna Hydroelectric Project to investigate population density and distribution, habitat selection, home-range size, and seasonal movements from 1980 to 1983 (see details in ABR 2011). A total of 22 wolverines were equipped with VHF radio collars between April 1980 and April 1983, but sufficient data to estimate home-range size were obtained from only four males and three females. Harvest records, track data, and incidental sightings were also used to help estimate distribution, population size, and food habits of wolverines in the Susitna basin. In addition to collared animals, the carcasses of 136 wolverines that had been harvested in or near the study area were examined. Habitat use by wolverines varied among seasons with respect to both elevation and vegetation types. Wolverines were located at higher elevations in summer and lower elevations during winter (Whitman et al. 1986). Collared wolverines avoided tundra habitats in winter and forested habitats in summer, probably because of seasonal changes in prey availability, and used other habitats in proportion to their availability. The most notable potential impact of the original APA Susitna Hydroelectric Project on wolverine was considered to be permanent loss of winter habitat. A potential decrease in the regional moose population as a result of the Project would have reduced the amount of carrion available to wolverines during winter. Whitman and Ballard (1984) estimated that 45 percent of the wolverines in their study area in the middle Susitna basin used the reservoir inundation zone to some degree. Improved access and a greater human presence in the region would have increased the potential for higher harvest rates of wolverines. No recent estimate of the wolverine population is available for the study area. The relative inaccessibility of much of the area may make it a population source area or refugium (Schwanke 2010) for the wolverine population in Game Management Unit (GMU) 13. ADF&G requested that a population estimate of wolverines be developed for the Project (ADF&G memorandum to AEA; November 22, 2011). 10.9.3. Study Area The study area (Figure 10.9-1) is substantially larger than the Project area because of the need to consolidate sampling blocks for the SUPE technique while still encompassing the reservoir inundation zone, dam site, access and transmission line corridors, and other Project infrastructure and adjacent areas. Most of the study area is within GMU subunits 13E and 13A. Depending on whether the SUPE survey or occupancy survey is conducted in 2013 (see Section 10.9.6 below), the exact boundaries may be refined further before the field survey begins in February 2013. FINAL STUDY PLAN WOLVERINE DISTRIBUTION, ABUNDANCE, AND HABITAT OCCUPANCY STUDY 10.9 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 10.9-3 July 2013 10.9.4. Study Methods An aerial survey using snow-tracking and the SUPE technique (Becker et al. 2004; Golden et al. 2007) will be used to estimate the number and density of wolverines in the Project area. With this method, the survey area is divided into equal-sized sample units (e.g., 25 square kilometers; Golden et al. 2007) that are stratified on the basis of predicted density of wolverines (high, medium, and low density). Sample units are selected at random from each stratum and are surveyed soon (within 36 hours) after a significant snowfall until all tracks within the selected sample units are located. Tracks then are followed in both directions to map the entire movement path since the last snowfall, and the number of animals in the group is estimated. Data are analyzed using program SUPEPOP and formulas from Becker et al. (1998). Surveys sampling 65–70 percent of high-density sample units and 45–50 percent of medium- and low-density sample units should result in a density estimate with a coefficient of variation (CV) of <10 percent. The SUPE methodology requires suitable conditions, including fresh snowfall followed by several days of suitable flying conditions late in the winter when adequate da ylight is available. These requirements may not be met every year. Therefore, a contingency plan is necessary. Occupancy modeling is a viable approach that can be used in conjunction with the SUPE. At a minimum, the quadrats identified for sampling in the SUPE will be flown looking for tracks. Noting presence of tracks is all that is necessary for this survey. Because occupancy modeling does not require following tracks back to their origin and forward to the animal (as does the SUPE), windblown areas and older snow are not as much of an issue. SUPE data can also be used for occupancy modeling. Using this approach will allow ADF&G to use occupancy modeling to track wolverine population trends in the study area over time, as long as the same quadrats are sampled. Sample units of 1,000 square kilometers have been used to define the coarse-scale distribution of wolverines (Gardner et al. 2010). Gardner et al. (2010) suggested using smaller sample units (100 square kilometers) if population contractions in a specific location were to be detected. Using 25-square-kilometer SUPE sampling units will allow for this kind of analysis. A meaningful result from occupancy modeling requires repeated surveys, so surveys for the purpose of occupancy modeling will be flown in both 2013 and 2014. If conditions allow, one of those will be the SUPE. Historical reports from the original APA Susitna Hydroelectric Project study will be reviewed and synthesized, where possible, with data from other recent and current monitoring by ADF&G in GMU Subunits 13A, 13B, 13E, 14B, 16A, and 20A. This portion of the work will occur as a continuation of the wildlife distribution and movements study (AEA 2012), which began in 2012. Although the findings of the Wolverine Study conducted for the original APA Susitna Hydroelectric Project remain relevant and can be used for current Project analyses, the original telemetry data for wolverines are no longer available (R. Strauch, ADF&G, 2012 pers. comm.), so cannot be reanalyzed using newer geospatial techniques. 10.9.5. Consistency with Generally Accepted Scientific Practice The SUPE technique has been used by ADF&G for past wolverine studies in Alaska (Golden et al. 2007). The ADF&G Division of Wildlife Conservation supports the use of a SUPE survey for estimating the wolverine population when feasible (letter from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources [representing state agencies, including ADF&G] to AEA dated May 30, 2012). In FINAL STUDY PLAN WOLVERINE DISTRIBUTION, ABUNDANCE, AND HABITAT OCCUPANCY STUDY 10.9 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 10.9-4 July 2013 recent years, ADF&G and others also have used occupancy modeling (Magoun 2006; Gardner et al. 2010) to assess wolverine populations. 10.9.6. Schedule The schedule for this study is summarized in Table 10.9-1. A single, intensive SUPE survey will be flown in late winter (February or March) 2013 after a significant snowfall. If suitable survey conditions do not occur for the SUPE survey in 2013, then a less intensive survey will be flown for occupancy modeling and the SUPE survey will be attempted again in February or March 2014. Additional wolverine data for 2012–2013, if any, will be added if it becomes available from ADF&G, following completion of data entry, verification, and QA/QC checks. An Initial Study Report and Updated Study Report will be completed within 1 and 2 years, respectively, following FERC’s Study Plan Determination (i.e., February 1, 2013). Project updates will be provided at Technical Workgroup meetings, which will be held quarterly in 2013 and 2014. 10.9.7. Relationship with Other Studies As is depicted in Figure 10.9-2, the two types of surveys conducted for this study will provide complementary data, which will be used to derive a population estimate (SUPE survey) and to characterize current habitat occupancy in late winter and establish a population trend index for future monitoring (occupancy survey). Output from the occupancy model will be used to identify patterns of habitat use and high-value habitat in the Project area. Output from the Wolverine Study will be used in the Evaluation of Wildlife Habitat Use (Section 10.19), which, along with the population data provided directly by the Wolverine Study, as well as data gathered from other studies (e.g., Wildlife Harvest Analysis [Section 10.20]), will be used to assess potential impacts and to develop appropriate protection, mitigation, and enhancement measures for wolverines. Potential impact mechanisms of the proposed Project on wolverine could include the following:  Direct and indirect loss and alteration of habitat from Project construction and operation.  Physical and/or behavioral blockage and alteration of movements due to reservoir water and ice conditions, access and transmission corridors, and new patterns of human activities and related indirect effects, including habitat connectivity and genetic isolation.  Direct and indirect impacts on predator and prey abundance and distribution related to increased human activities and habitat changes resulting from Project development.  Behavioral impacts to wildlife, such as attraction or avoidance, resulting from vehicular use, noise, and increased human presence associated with Project construction or operation.  Behavioral impacts to wildlife, such as attraction or avoidance, resulting from changes in hunting, vehicular use, noise, and increased human presence associated with increased subsistence or recreational access that may be facilitated by Project development.  Direct mortality due to vehicle strikes, exposure to contaminants, and protection of life and property. FINAL STUDY PLAN WOLVERINE DISTRIBUTION, ABUNDANCE, AND HABITAT OCCUPANCY STUDY 10.9 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 10.9-5 July 2013  Potential changes in wildlife mortality rates due to increased harvest facilitated by Project development. Wolverines typically occur at lower densities near human development (May et al. 2006; Gardner et al. 2010) and this may be the primary impact of the Project on wolverines. During the impact assessment that will be conducted for the FERC License Application in 2015, data on the winter distribution, abundance, and habitat use by wolverines in the study area will be used to assess Project impacts of habitat loss and behavioral avoidance. Observed locations of wolverines and, where feasible, abundance data will be plotted on the wildlife habitat map of the Project area and surrounding 4-mile buffer that will be developed for the Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat Mapping Study (Section 11.5) and each habitat type will be ranked by level of use. Direct loss of preferred or important habitats can be evaluated by overlaying the reservoir impoundment, related infrastructure areas, and access road and power transmission corridors onto the wildlife habitat map created for the Project (see Sections 11.5 and 10.19). Indirect loss and potential avoidance can be estimated by applying various buffer distances in the Geographic Information System (GIS), determined from available information on anticipated effects. In this way, the GIS analysis will be combined with information from the literature to estimate the geographic extent, frequency, duration, and magnitude of Project effects on wolverines. The Wildlife Harvest Analysis (Section 10.20) will provide a baseline for assessing the impacts of changes in the level of harvest. 10.9.8. Level of Effort and Cost Multiple pilot/observer teams in small, tandem-seat airplanes (Piper PA-18 or similar) will be used to cover as much of the study area as possible within as short a time period as possible, once suitable survey conditions are achieved following a fresh snowfall. It is estimated that approximately 210 hours of flight time will be required for the SUPE and 105 hours will be required for the occupancy survey. Project costs in 2013 are expected to be approximately $115,000. A second survey for occupancy modeling is planned for 2014, costing approximately $60,000. These efforts may be switched between field seasons, however, depending on survey conditions in 2013. The total cost of the Wolverine Study is estimated at approximately $175,000. 10.9.9. Literature Cited ABR. 2011. Wildlife data-gap analysis for the proposed Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project. Draft report, August 16, 2011, prepared for the Alaska Energy Authority by ABR, Inc.— Environmental Research & Services, Fairbanks, Alaska. 114 pp. AEA. 2012. W-S1: Big-game movement and habitat use study for the Susitna–Watana Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 14241. Draft final version (March 21, 2012). Alaska Energy Authority, Anchorage. Becker, E. F., M. A. Spindler, and T. O. Osborne. 1998. A population estimator based on network sampling of tracks in the snow. Journal of Wildlife Management 62: 968–977. Becker, E. F., H. F. Golden, and C. L. Gardner. 2004. Using probability sampling of animal tracks in snow to estimate population size. Pages 248–270 in W. L. Thompson, editor. FINAL STUDY PLAN WOLVERINE DISTRIBUTION, ABUNDANCE, AND HABITAT OCCUPANCY STUDY 10.9 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 10.9-6 July 2013 Sampling Rare or Elusive Species: Concepts and Techniques for Estimating Population Parameters. Island Press, Washington, DC. Gardner, C. L., J. P. Lawler, J. M. Ver Hoef, A. J. Magoun, and K. A. Kellie. 2010. Coarse-scale distribution surveys and occurrence probability modeling for wolverine in Interior Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 74: 1894–1903. Golden, H. N., J. D. Henry, E. F. Becker, M. I. Goldstein, J. M. Morton, D. Frost, Sr., and A. J. Poe. 2007. Estimating wolverine Gulo gulo population size using quadrat sampling of tracks in snow. Wildlife Biology 13 (Supplement 2): 52–61. Magoun, A. J., J. C. Ray, D. S. Johnson, P. Valkenburg, F. N. Dawson, and J. Bowman. 2006. Modeling wolverine occurrence using aerial surveys of tracks in snow. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 2221–2229. May, R., A. Landa, J. van Dijk, J. D. C. Linnell, and R. Andersen. 2006. Impact of infrastructure on habitat selection of wolverines Gulo gulo. Wildlife Biology 12: 285–295. Schwanke, R.A. 2010. Units 11 and 13 furbearer management report. Pages 130–154 in P. Harper, editor. Furbearer management report of survey and inventory activities 1 July 2006–30 June 2009. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Project 7.0. Juneau, Alaska. Whitman, J. S., W. B. Ballard, and C. L. Gardner. 1986. Home range and habitat use by wolverines in Southcentral Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 50: 460–463. Whitman, J. S., and W. B. Ballard. 1984. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, 1983 annual report, Big game studies, Vol. VII—Wolverine. Report prepared by Alaska Department of Fish and Game for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, AK. 25 pp. FINAL STUDY PLAN WOLVERINE DISTRIBUTION, ABUNDANCE, AND HABITAT OCCUPANCY STUDY 10.9 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 10.9-7 July 2013 10.9.10. Tables Table 10.9-1. Schedule for implementation of the Wolverine Study. Activity 2013 2014 2015 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1Q SUPE survey flown in late winter after significant snowfall If suitable conditions do not occur for SUPE survey, then less intensive occupancy survey will be flown Data QA/QC and analyses Initial Study Report Δ Updated Study Report ▲ Legend: Planned Activity Follow-up activity (as needed) Δ Initial Study Report ▲ Updated Study Report FINAL STUDY PLAN WOLVERINE DISTRIBUTION, ABUNDANCE, AND HABITAT OCCUPANCY STUDY 10.9 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 8 July 2013 10.9.11. Figures Figure 10.9-1. Wolverine study area. FINAL STUDY PLAN WOLVERINE DISTRIBUTION, ABUNDANCE, AND HABITAT OCCUPANCY STUDY 10.9 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 9 July 2013 STUDY INTERDEPENDENCIES FOR WOLVERINE STUDY Sample-Unit Probability Estimator (SUPE) survey Occupancy survey Evaluation of Wildlife Habitat Use (Section 10.19) Population estimate in study area (3Q–2013 or 3Q–2014) Occupancy model: distribution, population index, habitat use (3Q–2014 or 3Q–2013) Figure 10.9-2. Study interdependencies for Wolverine Study.