HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlaska Energy Authority - Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report - Final - 20231 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund: Impact and Evaluation Report 2023 2 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 4 Introduction 4 Report Overview 4 REF Background 4 Project Requirements 5 Project Evaluation Process 6 Current Program Status 6 Key Findings 7 Impact Models 7 Grant Funding Profile 10 Grantee Experience & Perceptions 11 Conclusions 12 Objectives and Methodology 14 Research Objectives 14 Research Methodology 14 Report Structure 16 Impact Models 17 Fuel Displacement Analysis 17 Environmental Benefits Analysis 20 Avoided Social Costs 20 Cost Savings Analysis 21 3 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Economic Benefits Analysis 22 Cost-Benefit Analysis 24 Grantee Outreach 26 Survey Results 26 Grant Recipient Profile 26 Grant Funding Overview 29 Benefits & Challenges 30 Executive Interview Summaries 33 Grantee Experience & Perceptions 33 Program Strengths & Weaknesses 34 Conclusion and Recommendations 36 Appendix A: Methodology 38 Fuel Displacement 38 Environmental Benefits Analysis 38 Cost Savings Analysis 39 Economic Benefits Analysis 39 Appendix B: Selected Inputs for the Impacts Analysis 41 4 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Introduction Report Overview The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) commissioned BW Research Partnership to conduct research into the economic, community, and environmental impacts of the state’s Renewable Energy Fund (REF). Alaska’s legislature established the REF and the associated Renewable Energy Grant Recommendation Program in 2008 via Chapter 31 SLA 2008. The bill included a new statute, AS 42.45.045, which outlined the program and assigned AEA responsibility for administering the program. AEA also adopted regulations under 3 AAC 107.600 – 695 for the purpose of implementing the program.1 In May 2023, with the signing into law of House Bill 62, the REF was renewed in perpetuity. REF Background According to the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA), the oil and gas industries are a key part of Alaska’s economy, and the state ranks third in the nation in terms of energy consumption per dollar of gross domestic product. Alaska’s North Slope contains six of the 100 largest oil fields in the U.S. and one of the 100 largest natural gas fields. In addition, Alaska’s recoverable coal reserves rank 13th among the states, and its rivers offer significant hydroelectric power potential. Large sections of the state’s coastline have significant wind energy potential, and its volcanic areas offer geothermal energy potential. Owing to Alaska’s climate, economic structure, and population size, Alaska’s per-capita total energy consumption is the second highest in the nation. Natural gas fueled 42 percent of Alaska’s total electricity net generation in 2022, and hydroelectric power fueled 29 percent. In total, renewable energy accounted for approximately 33 percent of Alaska’s total electricity generation in 2022.2 However, a non-binding goal, set in 2010, aims to increase this percentage to 50 percent by 2025.3 Alaska’s REF has been crucial in helping the state transition to a clean economy. The fund is designed to produce affordable renewable power to meet Alaskans’ energy needs.4 The REF has been an important tool in catalyzing renewable energy growth in Alaska and will help the state to meet its clean energy goals. In addition, the REF has helped local communities stabilize energy prices by reducing their dependence on diesel fuel for power generation and heating needs. 1 https://www.akleg.gov/basis/aac.asp#3.107%20article4 2 https://www.eia.gov/state/analysis.php?sid=AK 3 http://www.launchalaska.com/blog/2023/1/18/alaskas-renewable-energy-fund-a-critical-catalyst-in-our-energy-transition 4 https://alaskarenewableenergy.org/ppf/the-renewable-energy-grant-fund/ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report The REF provides grants for development of renewable projects across the state.5 So far, the fund has financed over 100 renewable projects, which are primarily wind and hydroelectric, with 60 more currently in development. Since its inception, the REF program has secured over $317 million in state funds, leveraging over $300 million in federal and local funds. Project Requirements Per Alaska’s regulatory statutes, to qualify for REF funding, eligible projects must be a new project not in operation in 2008, and must: Operate as a hydroelectric facility Directly use renewable energy resources Generate electricity from fuel cells that use hydrogen from renewable energy sources or natural gas (subject to conditions) Generate electricity using renewable energy Natural gas applications must also benefit communities that have a population of 10,000 or less and do not have economically viable renewable energy resources that can be developed. 5 https://alaskarenewableenergy.org/ppf/the-renewable-energy-grant-fund/ Since its inception, the REF program has secured over $317 million in state funds, leveraging over $300 million in federal and local funds. 6 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Project Evaluation Process In selecting projects for program funding, AEA assigns the greatest weight to “projects that serve any area in which the average cost of energy to each resident of the area exceeds the average cost to the resident of other areas of the state.” In addition, significant weight is assigned to the availability of matching funds available to a particular project.6 AEA initially assesses applicant eligibility, including formal authorization and ownership, site control, and operation; project eligibility; and application completeness. Subsequently, AEA’s team and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources assess technical feasibility, including but not limited to the sustainability of current and future availability of renewable resources, site availability and suitability, technical and environmental risks, a nd the reasonableness of the proposed energy system; and economic feasibility, including project cost-benefit ratio, financing plans, and other public benefits attributable to the project. The evaluation of economic feasibility and related cost-benefit analyses are performed by third-party, competitively procured economists and reviewed by AEA. Based on these internal and external evaluations, AEA rejects applications that are determined to lack technical and/or economic feasibility, or which are deemed not to provide sufficient public benefit to justify support through the REF. Eligible projects are then preliminarily ranked by AEA, taking into consideration the following factors: cost of energy, applicant matching funds, project feasibility, project readiness, public benefits, sustainability, local support, regional balance, and compliance. In the final ranking stage, AEA’s team assesses the cost of energy burden associated with each project to determine target funding allocations by region. Funding limits may apply depending on the requested phase of the application and the technology type. AEA solicits advice from the Renewable Energy Fund Advisory Committee (REFAC) relating to recommendations in changes to funding levels, ranking, and/or the total amount of funding and number of projects funded by the REF program. AEA, in conjunction with the REFAC, forwards a final list of prioritized projects to Alaska’s legislature for funding consideration and approval. Once funding is approved, reimbursement is provided to grantees on a cost-reimbursable basis based upon a predetermined schedule outlined in the respective final grant agreements. While AEA may authorize a percentage of grant funds as advance payment, grantees are still obligated to document all expenditures of grant and matching funds, including advance payment, in subsequent requests for reimbursement. AEA also withholds a percentage of the total grant subject to project completion and submission of final documentation required by the program. Current Program Status In May 2023, Alaska Governor Michael Dunleavy signed into law House Bill 62 extending the REF in perpetuity. According to Governor Dunleavy, “The Renewable Energy Fund has a successful track record of increasing energy security for Alaskans.”7 The fund had initially been authorized for just five years but was extended in 2012 until June 6 Information regarding the project evaluation process summarized in this section was obtained from the “Round 15 (FY 2024) Renewable Energy Fund (REF) Status Report” prepared by AEA for the Alaska State Legislature in April 2023 at: https://www.akenergyauthority.org/Portals/0/Renewable%20Energy%20Fund/2023.04.07%20AEA%20REF%20Round%2015%20Status %20Report%20(Final).pdf?ver=mW0S1n0vZfCcCf_g89AluQ%3d%3d. 7 https://gov.alaska.gov/governor-dunleavy-signs-bill-to-continue-renewable-energy-grant-fund/ 7 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report 2023.8 This recent extension has repealed any sunset dates for the program, cementing it as a permanent component of Alaska’s energy infrastructure-development toolkit. In June 2023, the Alaska Legislature approved an appropriation of $17 million of general funds to the REF, to fund 18 AEA-recommended REF grant projects for the 2024 fiscal year.9 This $17 million capitalization for fiscal year 2024 was the largest capital injection into the REF since the prior fiscal year 2023, which had been the largest appropriation since fiscal year 2014. Key Findings Impact Models The REF program has significantly reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and PM2.5 pollutants10 in Alaska. The evaluation assessed the magnitude of switching from fossil fuels to renewable fuels and calculated the associated GHG emissions and PM2.5 pollutant reductions. 8 http://www.launchalaska.com/blog/2023/1/18/alaskas-renewable-energy-fund-a-critical-catalyst-in-our-energy-transition 9 The Alaska Legislature created the Power Cost Equalization (PCE) Endowment Fund under AS 42.45.070 as a separate fund of the Alaska Energy Authority. The purpose of the PCE Endowment Fund is “to provide for a long -term, stable financing source for power cost equalization which provides affordable levels of electric utility costs in otherwise high -cost service areas of the state.” More information about the PCE Endowment Fund is available at: https://treasury.dor.alaska.gov/home/investments/power -cost- equalization-endowment-fund#:~:text=The%20Alaska%20Legislature%20created%20the,of%20the%20State%20of%20Alaska. 10 PM is defined as particulate matter and can come in many sizes and shapes. PM can be made up of hundreds of different chemicals. PM contains microscopic solid or liquid droplets that are so small that they can be inhaled and cause serious heal th problems. Of these, PM2.5, or fine inhalable particles with diameters that are generally 2.5 micrometers and smaller, pose the greatest risk to human health. For more information, see https://www.epa.gov/pm-pollution/particulate-matter-pm -basics#PM Approximately, 85 million gallons of diesel and approximately 2.2 million cubic feet of natural gas have been displaced cumulatively through 2022. 8 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Approximately 85 million gallons of diesel and approximately 2.2 million cubic feet of natural gas have been displaced cumulatively through 2022. This amount of diesel fuel is equivalent to roughly five percent of all petroleum consumed in Alaska in 2021.11 Hydro projects account for the largest share of diesel displaced of all technology types, as well as the largest share of natural gas displaced through the program. (Figure 1 through Figure 4) Approximately 1,110,424 gross metric tons of CO2 and approximately 1,063,548 net metric tons of CO2 were mitigated cumulatively through 2022. This is equivalent to three percent of Alaska’s total energy-related CO2 emissions in 2016.12 Diesel accounted for all CO2 mitigated for off-grid projects. For on-grid projects, natural gas accounted for the majority of CO2 mitigated, followed by diesel. (Figure 5) The associated net avoided social cost of carbon (SCC) is estimated at $54 million.13 (Figure 6) The avoided cost of PM2.5 pollutant reduction through 2022 is estimated to range from $29 million to $43 million. These avoided costs include additional costs associated with healthcare, declines in productivity due to illness, and other factors. Cumulative gross energy cost savings from 2008 through 2022 reached $357 million, while cumulative net energy cost savings reached $53 million. These figures demonstrate the REF program has generated significant energy savings over the course of the program, even after accounting for the costs of additional electrical infrastructure and other renewable energy infrastructure. (Figure 7) 11 https://www.eia.gov/state/data.php?sid=AK 12 “Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by State, 2005-2016”. U.S. Energy Information Administration. https://www.eia.gov/environment/emissions/state/analysis/ 13 The social cost of carbon (SCC) is an estimate of the cost, in dollars, of the damage done by each additional ton of carbon emissions. It is also an estimate of the benefit of any action taken to reduce a ton of carbon emissions. Estimates of the SC C vary. The Biden administration currently values the SCC at $51 per ton globally, but in November 2022, the U.S. Environmental Prote ction Agency proposed a nearly fourfold increase, to $190. For more information, see: https://www.brookings.edu/2023/03/14/what -is- the-social-cost-of-carbon/ 9 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report The REF program has made a significant contribution to Alaska’s economy. Every dollar deployed through the REF program resulted in $2.07 in benefits returned to residents and the economy. Through 2022, the REF program spent roughly $245 million in funds directly, which helped catalyze $558 million in project portfolio development. The cumulative wide range of benefits — including the SCC, the avoided costs of energy, and the value added thr ough additional economic activity — amounted to nearly $507 million in total net benefits.14 This suggests that this program is tremendously successful in providing a return on investment to Alaska residents. The REF program has created 2,931 new jobs, $237 million in labor income, and $399 million in value added. The largest share of new jobs created were in the Construction sector (1,540), followed by Professional & Business Services (211), Utilities (201), Healthcare (175), Retail Trade (172), and Manufacturing (151). (Table 1 and Figure 8) 14 This net benefit calculation incorporates the additional costs of renewable energy infrastructure and other input capital, bu t it does not include the potential benefits of a counterfactual scenario or alternative use of REF funds. Every dollar deployed through the REF program resulted in $2.07 in benefits returned to residents and the economy. 10 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Grant Funding Profile The REF is a catalyst for project development. Most grant funding has been used for project development: 60 percent of funded grants were primarily used to support the creation of a new project, 24 percent was used to assess feasibility of a project that was ultimately never built, and 11 percent was used to renovate or retrofit an existing facility or infrastructure. (Figure 15) These findings highlight the vital role that REF funding played in the development of these projects. Grantees indicated that the most common primary goal for grants received was to reduce fossil fuel use. The second most-common goal was to provide reliable sources of energy for communities in need. Approximately 90 percent of grants were primarily used for fuel displacement purposes, with approximately 94 percent of grants reportedly having achieved this goal. In addition to fossil fuel reduction, other goals or objectives of REF grant funding cited by grantees were: to provide reliable sources of energy for communities in need (27 percent), to reduce GHG emissions in Alaska (16 percent), to provide economic and employment opportunities for communities in need (15 percent), and to determine if a project or investment would be feasible (13 percent). (Figure 16) Wind energy projects topped the list of grants received. Wind energy projects accounted for 47 percent of projects funded for surveyed grant recipients. Biomass, landfill, and wood processing projects; hydropower projects; and heat recovery system projects each accounted for at least 10 percent of the grants received. Solar energy projects, heat pump projects, and other geothermal projects each accounted for less than five percent of the grants received (Figure 14). 11 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Grantee Experience & Perceptions The REF has made a valuable contribution to the economy of many communities. Approximately 95 percent of grantees surveyed felt that the grants they received supported small and rural communities in need. Approximately 72 percent also felt that the REF grants supported economic and employment opportunities in underserved communities. (Figure 18) The REF has generated significant environmental benefits. Approximately 77 percent of grantees surveyed felt that REF grants supported the growth of valuable clean technologies in Alaska, 76 percent believed that REF grants reduced the amount of GHG emissions, and 71 percent believed that REF grants reduced local pollution. (Figure 18) Proper funding is critical to success. When asked about key lessons learned from working with the REF program, the most common response (24 percent) was that securing adequate funding is critical to project success. Other lessons learned include lack of feasibility of a proposed project, the critical role of the community and local workforce to project success, and the viability of renewable energy as a means to bringing more affordable energy to Alaskans. There are some challenges to the grant application process. Approximately 38 percent of respondents cited the length of the application and award process as a challenge, 33 percent cited difficulty in obtaining technical support, 33 percent cited information requirements, and 29 percent cited the complexity of the application process as challenges. Only 10 percent of respondents reported that they experienced no challenges in applying for REF funding. (Figure 20) While the selection process for funding has become more competitive in recent years, the process is considered fairly transparent and often easier to access than other grants. Some program recipients worked on obtaining grants from the state of Alaska prior to the REF’s inception and remember it as a less onerous process. However, others applaud the transparency of the program regarding the type of projects they are looking to invest in and the REF program’s responsiveness to inquiries. The REF program is critical to displacing diesel generation in rural communities of Alaska. Several program recipients noted that there were not as many grant opportunities targeted at creating renewable alternatives to diesel before the REF. This means more rural communities are seeing lower energy prices and greater access to energy due to REF investments. 12 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report REF funds are catalytic and attract other investors to projects in rural Alaska. Numerous grant recipients noted that securing REF funds was crucial in signaling credibility to other investors and bridging gaps in funding that otherwise may have stalled a project or forced it to be abandoned. AEA has also allowed for cost- sharing with other grants, which gives utilities and cooperatives more opportunities to develop rural energy infrastructure. Approximately 52 percent of grantees surveyed indicated that REF grants allowed them to obtain additional funding from federal sources. (Figure 18) Some rural communities incur significant costs when applying for grants, including costs associated with hiring consultants and grant writers to compete successfully against larger utilities with experience obtaining grants from AEA. While experienced program recipients indicated that the grant application process was relatively easy, other recipients emphasized that some small cooperatives are understaffed and do not have the necessary experience applying for grants, which can lead to difficulties competing for REF funding. Conclusions Based on the results of the analyses, the REF program has played a key role in supporting the development of Alaska’s renewable energy sector. The evaluation concluded that the REF program led to the displacement of approximately 85 million gallons of diesel and approximately 2.2 million cubic feet of natural gas through 2022. The program has also led to the avoidance of approximately 1.1 metric tons of GHG emissions between 2008 and 2022. GHG emissions and PM2.5 pollutants are associated with numerous negative human health and social impacts. Reducing PM2.5 pollutants and GHG emissions results in healthier communities and lower public health costs. 13 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Based on an investment of approximately $245 million15 in grant funding, the REF program has resulted in the following avoided costs/monetary benefits through 2022: Over $357 million in cumulative gross energy cost savings, and over $53 million in cumulative net energy cost savings due to fuel switching Approximately $54 million in net avoided Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) Up to $43 million in avoided costs associated with PM2.5 pollutant reduction Approximately $237 million in labor income and $399 million in value added from 2,931 new jobs created, and the associated boost in spending for local communities generated from those new jobs The REF program has also helped local communities stabilize energy prices by reducing their dependence on diesel fuel for power generation and space heating, and has supported AEA’s drive to diversify Alaska's energy portfolio increasing resiliency, reliability, and redundancy through the sustainable deployment of viable renewable energy sources. Stakeholder interviews indicated that program participants believed that REF grants were successful in reducing fossil fuel use and in attracting other investors to projects in rural Alaska, where communities face limited access to private capital due to the small scale renewable energy projects and the perceived risks associated with private lending. According to stakeholders, the ability to leverage REF funding has effectively lowered barriers to project financing for grant recipients, allowing them to invest in new renewable energy projects that might not have otherwise been feasible to pursue. 15 According to the project database, $273 million has been budgeted toward the REF, but only $245 million ha s been spent to date as of July 2023. 14 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Research Objectives The primary research objectives of this study included: 1 To quantify the overall impact of the REF on local communities in Alaska, including job growth, GHG emissions and PM2.5 pollutant reductions, fuel displacement, and cost savings. 2 To profile the types of projects and investments primarily funded by the REF by technology type, investment use, primary goals, and benefits. 3 To understand grantee experiences and perceptions with the REF program, including overall experience with the application process, major benefits, suggestions for improvement, and lessons learned. 4 To offer potential recommendations or opportunities for improvement for the future of the REF program. Documenting the retrospective benefits of the REF program using credible and transparent methods is crucial to demonstrating to taxpayers that REF funds were effectively spent in promoting energy savings, reducing emissions, and fostering local economic development within Alaskan local communities. Beyond documenting savings and attribution, however, measurement and verification of the economic benefits generated by the REF program fosters more effective use of program resources and justifies an increased level of investment in Alaska’s renewable energy programs in the long run. Research Methodology In order to assess the direct and indirect benefits generated by the REF program through 2022, BW Research conducted a targeted review of project-specific financial, economic, and performance data compiled by AEA, which included information on grant amounts received, project start dates, installed capacities, and goals for projects OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY VE SUMMARY 15 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Direct, indirect, and induced impacts for employment, Gross Regional Product (GRP or Value Added), and labor earnings (Employee Compensation) by sector Employment by industry or industry group for each sector funded by the REF.16 BW Research also synthesized available data in order to populate missing values in the operational project dataset, classifying operational projects by technology type 17 and location status (on-grid vs. off-grid)18. For heat recovery projects lacking data on diesel gallons displaced (DGD), BW Research applied EIA conversion rates to goal net heat recovery rates to calculate DGD. For other types of projects for which DGD data was unavailable, BW Research calculated average DGD values by technology type based on available data and applied those values as a proxy for missing data. BW Research then applied data obtained from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to calculate GHG emissions reductions and PM2.5 pollutant reductions due to REF funding. To calculate gross avoided energy costs, BW Research obtained historical data on Alaskan energy prices for 2008 to 2020 ($/MMBtu) from EIA and applied these prices to the volumes of diesel and natural gas displaced.19 Net avoided energy costs were calculated after deducting annual biomass and on-grid electricity costs, as well as project costs.20 Then, BW Research conducted an economic benefits analysis to quantify: 16 However, it should be noted that the impacts evaluation relied heavily upon data provided by the AEA. The BW Research team ha s not audited this data and can make no assurances regarding the reliability or the accuracy of the underlying data. 17 BW Research extrapolated project types based on an analysis of project descriptions. Classification by project type allowed g reater precision in calculating economic impacts of the REF, as different multipliers were applied to each of the technology types funded by the REF to quantify the levels of jobs created, and value added generated as the result of the funding of each type of project by the REF. 18 BW Research obtained coordinates for each operational project for which location data was available, and mapped each project against Alaska’s grid, to determine whether projects were located on- or off-grid. The determination of location status (on-grid vs. off-grid) allowed the BW Research team to more precisely calculate GHG emissions avoided due to the REF, as on -grid projects were assumed to emit different levels of GHG as compared to off-grid projects. 19 Gross energy savings are defined as changes in energy consumption that are directly attributable to measures installed due to funding received from the REF program, regardless of why grantees participated in the REF program. 20 The primary difference between gross and net energy savings represents free riders (participants who would have implemented the same or similar renewable energy projects absent REF program funding) and spillover effects (savings that result from act ions taken due to the REF program, but which were not directly subsidized by the program). 16 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report BW Research created custom multipliers in IMPLAN, an input-output economic modeling software, leveraging existing BW Research models, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) technical data, and NREL’s Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) models, to calculate the economic impact of grants awarded through the REF. Economic benefits were calculated using REF project information for select projects from Round 1 to 14, based on AEA’s data and assumptions regarding project funding amount and type, project life, project benefit/cost ratios, fuel prices, utility rates, and future loads, for all scenarios. BW Research then conducted a basic cost-benefit analysis for the REF, wherein the economic impacts per million dollars invested in funding the REF were calculated. As mentioned previously, a more complete methodology is outlined in Appendix A on page 36. Key inputs for the impacts analysis are presented in Appendix B on page 41. Finally, BW Research conducted surveys with current and past grant recipients, as well as executive interviews with utility companies, energy cooperatives, and energy program managers that had knowledge of or had taken part in the REF program, in order to understand grantee experiences and perceptions with the REF program, including overall experience with the application process, major benefits, suggestions for improvement, and lessons learned .21 Report Structure The preceding section provided an executive summary of the report, including a high-level overview of the findings of the REF program evaluation. The remainder of the report is organized as described below. Appendix A provides a more detailed description of the methodology underlying the impact analyses, while Appendix B summarizes key inputs and assumptions used in the impact analyses. 21 While 29 grant recipients participated in the survey, grant funding information was only available from 21 of those responden ts, which provided information for 62 individual grants in aggregate. The Objectives and Methodology section provides a high-level overview of the research objectives and methodology applied in this report. The Impact Models section summarizes the results of the impact analyses performed to quantify the overall impact of the REF on local communities in Alaska, including job growth, GHG emissions reductions, fuel displacement and cost savings. The Grantee Outreach section summarizes survey results and anecdotal feedback obtained from grantees, including experience with and perceptions of the grant application process, primary benefits of the grant funding, and challenges or opportunities moving forward. The Conclusion and Recommendations section summarizes the key results of the analyses and recommendations based on the results of the evaluation. 17 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report This section describes the impact analyses conducted for the REF program to quantify the overall impact of the REF on local communities in Alaska, including job growth, GHG emissions reductions, and fuel displacement and cost savings. The analyses were based on data provided by AEA for projects funded by the REF program. The project database included the following information: • Grantee name • Project name • Grant amount ($) • Project stage (Construction, Feasibility, or Final Design) • Operation start date • Diesel gallons displaced • Installed capacity (MW) • Goal net heat delivery (MMBtu/yr.) • Goal electric generation (MWh/yr.) However, complete data was not available for all projects. Where data was unavailable, BW Research applied assumptions to populate the missing data, as described in the following sections. Fuel Displacement Analysis The purpose of the fuel displacement analysis was to identify any fuel switching or elimination resulting from projects funded by the REF program, and to calculate the cost savings or increases associated with such switching/displacement. Fuel displacement is a crucial element in Alaska’s transition toward a clean economy, as reducing reliance on expensive diesel -fueled electricity in favor of more cost-effective renewable generation enhances both self-sufficiency and sustainability in Alaska’s local communities. Figure 1 through Figure 4 summarize the results of the fuel displacement analyses by technology type. As shown in Figure 1, approximately 85 million gallons of diesel have been displaced cumulatively by REF-funded projects through 2022. Diesel displacement ramped up robustly between 2013 and 2014 and remained elevated through 2022. IMPACT MODELS 18 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Figure 1. Cumulative Diesel Gallons Displaced by Technology Type, 2008-2022 As shown in Figure 2, hydro projects account for the largest share of annual diesel gallons displaced, with an approximate 70 percent share from 2014 through 2022. Wind projects, heat recovery projects, and biomass projects accounted for the next highest shares of annual diesel gallons displaced through 202 2. As of the end of 2022, approximately 9.2 million gallons of diesel were displaced annually by all projects funded by the REF program. Figure 2. Annual Diesel Gallons Displaced by Technology Type, 2008-2022 0 10,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000 60,000,000 70,000,000 80,000,000 90,000,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TRANSMISSION WIND HEAT PUMPS HEAT RECOVERY SOLAR HYDRO STORAGE BIOMASS LANDFILL GAS 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 10,000,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TRANSMISSION WIND HEAT PUMPS HEAT RECOVERY SOLAR HYDRO STORAGE BIOMASS LANDFILL GAS 19 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report As shown in Figure 3, approximately 2.2 million cubic feet of natural gas has been displaced cumulatively by REF- funded projects through 2022. Figure 3. Millions of Cubic Feet of Natural Gas Cumulatively Displaced by Technology Type, 2008-2022 As shown in Figure 4, from 2012 to 2014, one landfill gas project was solely responsible for all-natural gas displaced. Subsequently, from 2015 through 2022, hydro projects accounted for approximately two -thirds of natural gas displaced on an annual basis, with a single landfill gas project accounting for the remaining third.22 Figure 4. Millions of Cubic Feet of Natural Gas Displaced Annually by Technology Type, 2008-2022 22 Only a few projects were identified as having displaced natural gas, and the first project that did so became operational in 2012. 0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TRANSMISSION WIND HEAT PUMPS HEAT RECOVERY SOLAR HYDRO STORAGE BIOMASS LANDFILL GAS 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TRANSMISSION WIND HEAT PUMPS HEAT RECOVERY SOLAR HYDRO STORAGE BIOMASS LANDFILL GAS 20 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Environmental Benefits Analysis The purpose of the environmental benefits analysis was to calculate GHG emissions reductions resulting from fuel switching/displacement for projects funded by the REF. GHG emissions have been implicated in long-term damage to agricultural productivity, human health, and other factors, so reduction of GHG emissions represents a significant benefit of the REF program. Figure 5 illustrates gross and net GHG emissions avoided from 2008 through 202 2. As shown, avoided GHG emissions increased gradually from 2008 to 2013, and rose sharply in 2013 and 2014. Avoided GHG emissions remained relatively stable between 2015 and 2019, increasing slightly in 2019 before plateauing in 2020 and remaining stable through 2022. Approximately 1,110,424 gross metric tons of CO2 were mitigated cumulatively through 2022, and approximately 1,063,548 net metric tons of CO2 were mitigated cumulatively through 2022. Figure 5. Metric Tons of Gross and Net GHG Emissions Avoided, 2008-2022 Diesel accounted for all CO2 mitigated in off-grid projects. For on-grid projects, natural gas accounted for the majority of CO2 mitigated, followed by diesel. Avoided Social Costs Figure 6 illustrates cumulative gross and net avoided SCC for projects funded by the REF. As shown, the cumulative net avoided SCC was calculated at $54 million, while the cumulative gross SCC was calculated at $5 7 million. 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Net GHG Emissions Avoided Gross GHG Emissions Avoided 21 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Figure 6. Cumulative Gross and Net Avoided Social Cost of Carbon ($), 2008-2022 Cost Savings Analysis Subsequently, BW Research sought to quantify gross and net avoided energy costs for projects funded by the REF program. BW Research applied deemed savings calculations, applying engineering algorithms to calculate energy savings based on stipulated assumptions for various parameters. Figure 7 illustrates gross and net energy cost savings from REF-funded projects over the period from 2008 to 2022. Net avoided energy costs are calculated by deducting annual biomass costs, on -grid electricity costs, and project costs from gross energy costs.23 Netting out project costs results in negative net avoided energy costs in the early stages of a project, but as energy savings accrue over time, annual avoided energy costs turn positive. As shown, as of 2022, total cumulative gross energy cost savings from REF-funded projects reached $357 million, while total cumulative net energy cost savings reached $53 million. 23 Annual biomass and on-grid electricity costs are calculated by converting annual diesel and natural gas displaced to MMBtu of biomass and electricity consumption. On-grid electric generation projects result in 0 net cost savings, while off -grid electricity costs for hydro, solar, and wind are limited to project costs. $0 $10,000,000 $20,000,000 $30,000,000 $40,000,000 $50,000,000 $60,000,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Net Avoided SCC Gross Avoided SCC 22 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Figure 7. Gross and Net Energy Cost Savings ($), 2008-2022 Economic Benefits Analysis The economic benefits analysis quantified the incremental economic activity generated by each grant, including capital expenditures, operational expenditures, cost savings, and other impacts. In the economic benefits analysis, BW Research calculated: • Direct, indirect, and induced impacts for employment, Gross Regional Product (GRP or Value Added), and labor earnings (Employee Compensation) by sector • Employment by industry or industry group for each sector Economic benefits were calculated using REF project information for select projects from Round 1 to 14, based on AEA’s data and assumptions regarding project funding amount and type, project life, project benefit/cost ratios, fuel prices, utility rates, and future loads, for all scenarios. Table 1 and Figure 8 present the employment effects of the REF program by industry. As shown, a total of 2,931 jobs were created due to the REF program, including 1,672 jobs created through direct effects, 555 jobs through indirect effects, and 704 jobs through induced effects. Approximately 57 percent of jobs created were due to direct effects; 19 percent were created due to indirect effects, and 24 percent were created due to induced effects. ($40,000,000) ($30,000,000) ($20,000,000) ($10,000,000) $0 $10,000,000 $20,000,000 $30,000,000 $40,000,000 $50,000,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Net Energy Cost Savings Gross Energy Cost Savings 23 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Table 1. Job Creation by Industry Industry Direct Indirect Induced Total Agriculture 28 8 2 38 Manufacturing 9 114 29 151 Mining & Extraction 0 6 0 6 Utilities 135 63 3 201 Wholesale Trade 0 21 10 31 Retail Trade 0 66 107 172 Transport 0 27 16 43 Distribution 0 5 5 10 Information 0 5 7 12 FIRE 0 40 60 99 Professional and Business Services 66 103 41 211 Education 0 0 14 14 Healthcare 0 0 175 175 Entertainment 0 3 27 29 Construction 1,432 51 57 1,540 Hospitality 0 9 73 82 Other 2 28 75 105 Government 0 8 2 10 All Industries 1,672 555 704 2,931 Furthermore, as shown in Figure 8, the Construction industry accounted for the largest share of new jobs, as 53 percent of all jobs created were in the Construction industry. The Utilities and Professional and Business Services industries generated the second-highest levels of job growth, with each accounting for seven percent of new jobs created; followed by the Healthcare and Retail Trade industries, which each accounted for six percent of new jobs created. 24 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Figure 8. Job Creation by Industry Table 2 summarizes the total economic impacts generated by the REF program. As shown, the program was responsible for generating 2,931 new jobs, $237 million in labor income, and $399 million in value added. Table 2. Total Economic Impacts of the REF Program Employment Labor Income Value Added Direct 1,672 $154,422,454 $251,188,991 Indirect 555 $41,110,106 $74,980,043 Induced 704 $41,152,349 $73,142,672 Total 2,931 $236,684,909 $399,311,706 Cost-Benefit Analysis A cost-benefit analysis evaluates projects based on the direct cost (grant amount) and the savings and avoided costs for the project, and typically serves as the baseline assessment of the value of a particular project. The direct cost- benefit analysis provides crucial information on whether an investment ultimately saves more money than it costs in the long run and is thus often the first and primary metric developed to measure a project’s success. As shown below, BW Research calculated the economic impacts per million dollars invested, and per million dollars invested by the REF program. As shown, 12 jobs were created per million dollars invested by the REF program . In addition, 4,345 metric tons of net GHG emissions were avoided and $217,375 in net energy costs were avoided per million dollars invested in the REF program. Agriculture 1% Manufacturing 5%Mining & Extraction 0% Utilities 7% Wholesale Trade 1%Retail Trade 6% Transport 1%Distribution 0% Information 0%FIRE 3% Professional & Business Services 7% Education 0% Healthcare 6% Entertainment 1% Construction 53% Hospitality 3% Other 4% Government 0% 25 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Table 3. Economic Impacts per $Million Invested by the REF Program Jobs Created Direct 6.8 Indirect 2.3 Induced 2.9 Total 12.0 Table 4. Avoided GHG Emissions (Metric Tons CO2) per $Million Invested by the REF Program Avoided GHG Emissions Net 4,345 Gross 4,536 Table 5. Net and Gross Avoided Energy Costs ($) per $Million Invested by the REF Program Avoided Energy Costs Net $217,375 Gross $1,458,725 26 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report As part of the evaluation efforts for the REF program, the research team conducted outreach with current and past grant recipients. The following sections provide quantitative survey results and anecdotal feedback from grantees, including experience with and perceptions of the grant application process, primary benefits of grant funding, and challenges or opportunities moving forward. Survey Results Grant Recipient Profile Approximately 96 percent of survey respondents indicated that their business has been in operation in Alaska for 20 years or more, while the remaining four percent indicated that they have been operating in the state for 10 to 19 years. None of the surveyed organizations have been conducting business in Alaska for fewer than 10 years. As shown in Figure 9, 50 percent of survey respondents indicated that they primarily work in the utilities sector, followed by a governmental entity, which includes tribal councils and housing authorities (43 percent), and local government (29 percent). Approximately 18 percent of respondents indicated that they are either an Independent Power Producer (IPP), and 18 percent indicated that they worked at a construction firm. Figure 9. Industry Focus As shown in Figure 10, 30 percent of firms surveyed that received REF grant funding indicated that they have 50 or more employees, and 26 percent indicated that they have five to nine employees. 7.0% 18.0% 18.0% 29.0% 43.0% 50.0% Other Construction Independent Power Producer (IPP) Local Government Governmental Entity (including tribal councils and housing authorities) Utilities GRANTEE OUTREACH 27 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Figure 10. Firm Size Furthermore, as shown in Figure 11, 59 percent of survey respondents indicated that employment at their organization has remained constant over the last three years, while 26 percent reported that employment has grown, and 15 percent reported that employment has declined. Figure 11. Historical Employment Growth As shown in Figure 12, 30 percent of survey respondents reported that they expect their organization to grow in employment over the next 12 months, and 52 percent predicted that they would have the same number of employees in the next year. Only four percent of respondents expected a decline in employment over the next 12 months. 4.0% 30.0% 15.0% 15.0% 26.0% 11.0% Don't know/ Refused 50 or more employees 25 to 49 employees 10 to 24 employees 5 to 9 employees Less than 5 employees Grown, 26.0% Stayed the same, 59.0% Declined, 15.0% 28 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Figure 12. Employment Growth Projections Approximately 33 percent of survey respondents indicated that the primary challenge to growing or maintaining their businesses/organizations is a small applicant pool or lack of qualified candidates. Approximately 26 percent reported lack of funding is a challenge, followed by inflation or the high cost of goods (22 percent), lack of housing (seven percent), and the COVID-19 pandemic (four percent) (Figure 13). These findings suggest that while finding funding is a significant challenge for many, finding qualified talent is an even more common challenge. Given Alaska’s relatively fixed labor pool, it will be important to ensure that the clean energy workforce is prepared to support Alaska’s growing portfolio of renewable energy projects and accompanying infrastructure. Figure 13. Business Challenges More, 30.0% Less , 4.0% Same number of employees, 52.0% Don't know/ Refused, 15.0% 7.0% 4.0% 7.0% 22.0% 26.0% 33.0% Other COVID-19 pandemic Lack of housing Inflation or high cost of goods Lack of funding Small applicant pool or lack of qualified candidates 29 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Grant Funding Overview As shown in Figure 14, among surveyed grant recipients, the main technology that has received funding thus far is wind energy. Approximately 47 percent of survey respondents reported that the primary purpose of the REF grants their organizations have received was for a wind energy project. Biomass, landfill, and wood processing; hydropower; and heat recovery systems each accounted for at least 10 percent each of the grants received. Figure 14. Primary Technologies Funded As shown in Figure 15, most grants supported the creation of a new project, with 60 percent of grants being used for this purpose. Approximately 24 percent of grants were used to assess feasibility of a project that ultimately was not built, and 11 percent of grants were used to renovate or retrofit an existing facility or infrastructure. Figure 15. Grant Use/Reason for Funding 11.0% 2.0% 2.0% 3.0% 10.0% 13.0% 13.0% 47.0% Other Geothermal, excluding heat pumps Heat pumps Solar energy Heat recovery systems Hydropower Biomass, landfill, or wood processing Wind energy Grant was used to support the creation of a new project, 60.0% Grant was used to assess feasibility of a project that was ultimately not pursued, 24.0% Grant was used to renovate or retrofit an existing facility or infrastructure, 11.0% Other, 3.0%Don't know/ Refused, 2.0% For the following section in Figure 14 through Figure 20, the topline data is based on responses from 21 grant recipients that provided information for 62 individual grants. As such, the data presented herein is based on these 62 grants. 30 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report As shown in Figure 16, 90 percent of grant recipients indicated that the primary goal of grant projects was fuel displacement, or a reduction in fossil fuel use. Other goals or objectives of these projects included providing reliable sources of energy for communities in need (27 percent), reducing GHG emissions in Alaska (16 percent), providing economic and employment opportunities (15 percent), and determining if a project or investment would be feasible (13 percent). Figure 16. Primary Goals/Objectives of Grant Projects Benefits & Challenges Most grant recipients indicated that their projects ultimately achieved the primary goal of fuel displacement. As shown in Figure 17, 94 percent of grant recipients indicated that the primary benefit of REF funding was f uel displacement. Approximately 31 percent of grant recipients indicated that the primary benefit was the provision of reliable sources of energy for communities in need. Figure 17. Reported Benefits Realized by Funded Projects Furthermore, as shown in Figure 18, 95 percent of surveyed grantees felt that the grants they received supported small and rural communities in need. Approximately 72 percent also indicated that the grants supported economic 2.0% 2.0% 13.0% 15.0% 16.0% 27.0% 90.0% Other Leverage additional resources from outside of Alaska Determine if a project or investment was feasible Provide economic and employment opportunity for communities in need Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Alaska Provide reliable sources of energy for communities in need Fuel displacement (reduction in fossil fuel use) 10.0% 11.0% 13.0% 23.0% 31.0% 94.0% Provide economic and employment opportunity for… Determine if a project or investment was feasible Increase employment in Alaska Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Alaska Provide reliable sources of energy for communities in… Fuel displacement (reduction in fossil fuel use) 31 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report and employment opportunities in underserved communities, and 52 percent also felt that the grants allowed them to obtain additional funding from federal sources. Additionally, 77 percent of respondents indicated that the grants supported the growth of valuable clean technologies in Alaska, 76 percent felt that the grants reduced the amount of GHG emissions, and 71 percent felt that the grants reduced the amount of local pollution. Figure 18. Additional Grant Benefits Approximately 52 percent of grant recipients indicated that they track information measuring the impact of the project(s) that were supported through REF grant funding. However, 41 percent of grant recipients reported not knowing the types of impacts measured, or refused to respond when asked what types of impacts were measured. Approximately 19 percent of respondents indicated that they shared data with AEA. As shown in Figure 19, for those respondents that provided additional information on impacts measured, 13 percent reported measuring amounts of fuel consumption reduced, six percent reported measuring kWh of electricity produced, and six percent reported measuring annual performance. 38.0% 57.0% 48.0% 56.0% 57.0% 67.0% 76.0% 14.0% 14.0% 24.0% 20.0% 19.0% 10.0% 19.0% 33.0% 24.0% 29.0% 12.0% 19.0% 24.0% 5.0% 10.0% 5.0% 12.0% 5.0% The grant(s) allowed us to get additional funding from federal sources The grant(s) reduced the amount of local pollution The grant(s) supported economic and employment opportunities in underserved communities The grant(s) supported a useful feasibility assessment of a potential renewable energy project The grant(s) reduced the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in Alaska The grant(s) supported the growth of valuable clean technologies in Alaska The grant(s) supported small and rural communities in need Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/ Refused 32 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Figure 19. Types of Impacts Measured Grantees were also surveyed to determine perceived lessons learned from participation in the REF program. The key lesson learned from grantees is that proper funding is critical to project success; this was the top reported lesson learned by 24 percent of respondents. Approximately 14 percent of respondents also reported learning that community and local workforce are critical to project success, and approximately 10 percent reported learning that the development and operation and maintenance phases of thei r projects were critical to success. Approximately 19 percent of respondents ultimately determined that their projects were not feasible following assessments. Furthermore, only 10 percent of respondents indicated that their projects had met or exceeded their expectations. Figure 20 illustrates the primary challenges cited by respondents in working with the REF program. As shown, only 10 percent of respondents reported that they encountered no challenges in working with the REF program. Of those grantees that indicated having faced challenges with the REF program, 38 percent cited the length of application/award process, 33 percent cited difficulties associated with getting technical support or assistance, 33 cited information requirements, and 29 percent cited the complexity of the application process as the primary challenges associated with the program. Figure 20. REF Program Primary Challenges 6.0% 6.0% 13.0% Annual performance reports kWh production Reduced fuel consumption 29.0% 10.0% 5.0% 29.0% 33.0% 33.0% 38.0% Don't know/ Refused None Other Complex application process Information requirements Getting technical support Length of application/award process 33 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Executive Interview Summaries The following section summarizes the findings from executive interviews with six stakeholders across utility companies, energy cooperatives, and energy program managers that have knowledge of or have taken part in the REF grant program. The major themes discussed by the research team during these interviews included, but were not limited to, challenges and opportunities pertaining to the REF program, thoughts on the efficacy of the program, and suggestions regarding the program overall. Grantee Experience & Perceptions The Renewable Energy Fund contributed to improving the economy and environment of many communities. According to program recipients, their respective communities are thriving because of affordable energy rates, and state revenues are growing due to the REF program. Although the program has become more competitive in recent years, program recipients consider the process fairly transparent and easier to access than other grants. Some program recipients have worked on obtaining grants from the state of Alaska prior to the REF’s inception and remember it as a less onerous process. However, others applaud the transparency of the program regarding the type of projects they are looking to invest in and their responsiveness to inquiries. “We’ve participated in a lot of other grant and funding opportunities (…), and AEA’s process by far is the best, from start to finish.” “AEA funds contribute to improving the economy of our community, its safety, prosperity, and positive impacts on the environment.” “The REF helps to reduce and stabilize electric rates for the economic drivers in the community, primarily, and that’s awesome.” “We’ve participated in a lot of other grant and funding opportunities (…), and AEA’s process by far is the best, from start to finish. Reporting is streamlined and straightforward, reimburses you very quickly, and if you call with questions, you get answers and some guidance.” “I think the REF application process is kept at a level that is acceptable — it’s not an overly onerous burden for the applicant to submit, especially compared to a lot of federal funding opportunities that are incredibly complicated and cumbersome in time and energy needed to put in a good application.” 34 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Program Strengths & Weaknesses The REF program is critical to displacing diesel generation in rural communities of Alaska. Several program recipients have explained that there were not as many grant opportunities targeted at creating renewable alternatives to diesel before the REF, which is making those communities less reliant on fossil fuel generation. REF funds tend to attract other investors to projects in rural Alaska. Recipients of the fund have explained that such projects would rarely make economic sense on their own, and that being backed by state dollars lends them credibility. AEA has also allowed for cost-sharing with other grants, which gives utilities and cooperatives more opportunities to develop rural energy infrastructure. “What has the program done for our community? Saved a boatload of diesel… [it’s been] 10 years and we’ve already saved millions of dollars in diesel fuel.” “What has the program done for our community? Saved a boatload of diesel . . . REF has reduced our operations and maintenance, increased safety of projects, increased amount of diesel offsetting, resulted in substantial cost saving to our customers of every rate class . . . Just this year alone it saved $600,000 in diesel fuel… [it’s been] 10 years and we’ve already saved millions of dollars in diesel fuel.” “It does help attract other investors, very few of these projects in rural Alaska make economic sense on their own, so it’s hard to get other funding agencies to commit because they don’t see the end product, but if they know the state has provided partial funding, it’s easier to leverage other opportunities.” 35 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Most program recipients complained about the lack of data tracking of projects that have received REF funding. Some recipients provide metrics to the state, in order to ensure continued program funding. However, recipients have argued that there needs to be more diligence pertaining to tracking key metrics and publishing quantitative and qualitative measures of success for past projects, in order to keep improving project development and funding allocation policies. “The state providing cost share for the other grants provided by the federal government is very critical because we can get more projects in the pipeline done – this is really critical.” “The state providing cost share for the other grants provided by the federal government is very critical because we can get more projects in the pipeline done — this is really critical.” “I would like to see better metrics about the program, as a funder I would like to see how well the program is contributing to the overall clean energy transition in Alaska. I think it would be really interesting to see with some sort of regularity… to know how many different types of projects have been funded. . . .That kind of report can be used to make important policy and funding decisions… a lot of that can be useful for determining what’s next for that community in terms of transitioning to locally available, cleaner, cheaper resources.” 36 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Based on the results of the analyses, the REF program has played a significant role in supporting the development of Alaska’s renewable energy sector: 1 The REF has been crucial in helping Alaska transition to a clean economy and supporting grantee efforts to produce affordable renewable power to meet local energy needs. 2 The REF has helped local communities stabilize energy prices by reducing their dependence on diesel fuel for power generation and space heating. 3 The REF has reduced environmental pollutants, resulting in healthier communities and lower public health costs. 4 The REF has created new local jobs, fueling local economic growth, and has generated significant labor income and value added. 5 The REF has attracted other investors to projects in rural Alaska, effectively lowering barriers to project funding for grant recipients. Thus, the REF has allowed grant recipients to invest in new renewable energy projects that might not otherwise have been economically feasible. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 37 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Moreover, the REF program has been highly successful in supporting local communities, with 95 percent of grantees surveyed indicating that the grants they received supported small and rural communities in need and 72 percent of respondents noting that the REF program supported economic and employment opportunities in underserved communities. However, some challenges remain, particularly for potential first-time applicants and applicants from smaller communities. Based on the stakeholder interviews, BW Research developed the following recommendations for improvements to the REF program to increase efficiency while maintaining high levels of participant satisfaction : Reduce, simplify, or eliminate certain requirements for the application process. As mentioned previously, a significant proportion of grant recipients indicated that the length of the award process was a challenge. Streamlining application requirements could increase both participation in, and participant satisfaction with, the REF program. Maintain complete project records. Numerous grant recipients indicated that they prefer a higher level of diligence in tracking key metrics and publishing quantitative and qualitative measures of success for past projects, to improve project development and funding allocation policies. Maintaining thorough project records will also support future program evaluations. Based on an investment of approximately $245 million in grant funding, the REF program has resulted in the following avoided costs/monetary benefits through 2022: • Over $357 million in cumulative gross energy cost savings, and over $53 million in cumulative net energy cost savings due to fuel switching, as approximately 85 million gallons of diesel and 2.2 million cubic feet of natural gas were displaced as a result of REF program funding • Approximately $54 million in net avoided SCC, as approximately 1.1 metric tons of GHG emissions were reduced due to REF program funding • Up to $43 million in avoided costs associated with PM2.5 pollutant reduction • Approximately $237 million in labor income and $399 million in value added from 2,931 new jobs created, and the associated boost in spending for local communities generated from those new jobs. 38 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Appendix A: Methodology Fuel Displacement The first step in the analysis included categorizing the projects in AEA ’s database as “off-grid” or “on-grid,” as different assumptions were employed to calculate fuel displacement for projects that were on -grid versus off-grid. To determine project location, BW Research searched for project coordinates and compared them to maps of Alaska’s electricity grid. Subsequently, BW Research sought to populate the missing values for annual DGD in AEA’s dataset for operational projects.24 Key assumptions for the extrapolation process by project type are listed below: Biomass BW Research calculated the average DGD by grant amount based on data for the 18 biomass projects for which annual DGD was available. For biomass projects lacking annual DGD data, BW Research applied the average DGD by grant amount as a proxy to estimate annual DGD. Heat Recovery BW Research calculated annual DGD for heat recovery projects with available data by applying an U.S. EIA conversion rate to available data on goal net heat delivered (MMBtu/year). For heat recovery projects lacking data, BW Research applied the average ann ual DGD by grant amount as a proxy to estimate annual DGD. Heat Pump Similarly, BW Research calculated annual DGD for heat pump projects with available heating data by applying an EIA conversion rate (Btu/gal Diesel) to actual goal net heat delivered. For heat pump projects lacking data, BW Research applied the average DGD by grant amount as a proxy to estimate annual DGD. All Other Projects (Hydroelectric, Solar, Storage, Wind, Gas, & Transmission) BW Research calculated annual DGD for projects with available goal net electric generation data (MWh/year) data, using EIA conversion rates (Btu/gal diesel, Btu/kWh). For projects lacking data, BW Research applied the average goal net electric generation per installed capacity (MW) as a proxy to estimate annual DGD. Environmental Benefits Analysis To calculate gross annual avoided GHG emissions, BW Research multiplied U .S. EPA data on GHG emissions for diesel and natural gas consumption by annual DGD and MCF natural gas displaced. For on-grid renewable electric generation projects, annual fuel displacement was converted to emissions from electricity consumption, assuming current electricity usage and generation mix from U .S. EPA’s Alaskan electricity output emissions data. 24 BW Research was unable to extrapolate annual fuel displacement for non-operational projects included in the grant portfolio dataset because projects were listed as “closed,” and no data existed from which extrapolations could be made (start/end date, technology, capacity, generation, heat delivery, etc.). 39 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report To calculate net avoided emissions, BW Research subtracted emissions from biomass consumption, assuming GHG emissions were approximately equal to fossil fuels, as per NREL’s Biomass Energy Basics.25 Renewable energy generation (solar, wind, storage, hydro), heat recovery, and ground source heat pumps were assumed not to produce GHG emissions during heat and electricity generation. To calculate the avoided SCC, BW Research used annual avoided metric tons of carbon emissions, multiplied by the current SCC, $51.2.26 To calculate the social cost of PM2.5 avoided, BW Research used annual avoided diesel gallons and MCF natural gas, multiplied by average emissions factors calculated by the Argonne National Laboratory.27 This estimates the pounds of PM2.5 emitted, which is then multiplied by two estimates of social cost of PM2.5 emissions, to create a low and high estimate.28 29 Cost Savings Analysis For the cost savings analysis, BW Research first obtained data on Alaskan energy prices for 2008 to 2020 ($/MMBtu) from EIA. However, since data for 2021 and 2022 was unavailable, BW Research used 2020 prices as a proxy. To calculate gross avoided energy costs, BW Research multiplied EIA prices by annual off -grid diesel gallons and MCF natural gas displaced (converted to MMBtu), and on-grid diesel gallons and MCF natural gas displaced. To calculate net avoided energy costs, BW Research deducted annual biomass and on -grid electricity costs. These were calculated by converting annual diesel and natural gas displaced to MMBtu of biomass and electricity consumption.30 BW Research then deducted project costs. Costs from projects without dates were distributed across years based on the given annual cost distribution.31 Economic Benefits Analysis For the economic benefits analysis, BW Research used project descriptive information to identify the technology funded by each grant, as not all projects listed within the database listed this information. The projects were then grouped into 10 sectors: Biomass, Energy Storage, Geothermal, Heat Pump, Heat Recovery, Hydroelectric, Solar, Transmission, Wind, and Various. The total spending in each sector is shown in Table 6. 25 https://www.nrel.gov/research/re- biomass.html#:~:text=Greenhouse%20Gas%20Emissions%20Reduction&text=Burning%20biomass%20releases%20about%20the,ess entially%20%22new%22%20greenhouse%20gas. 26 Ibid. 27 https://publications.anl.gov/anlpubs/2012/07/73844.pdf 28 https://cedmcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Public-Health-Costs-of-Primary-PM2.5-and-Inorganic-PM2.5-Precursor- Emissions-in-the-United-States.pdf 29 Note that this was a gross analysis and did not account for PM 2.5 emissions from biomass consumption. 30 On-grid electric generation projects result in net 0 cost savings, while off -grid electricity costs for hydro, solar, and wind are estimated to be limited to project costs. 31 Netting out project costs results in negative annual avoided energy costs in early years, but as annual energy savings accumu late over time, annual avoided energy costs turn positive. 40 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Table 6. Total Spending by Sector ($ Millions) Technology Renewable Energy Fund Budget Actual Community Contributions Budget Actual State, Other Actual Federal Actual Total Actual Biomass $27,681,228 $26,917,286 $8,579,424 $8,170,574 $185,109 $0 $35,272,970 Energy Storage $2,325,000 $0 $600,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Geothermal $9,996,966 $9,996,966 $5,618,386 $5,835,311 $3,798 $94,001 $15,930,077 Heat Pump $7,026,473 $6,389,473 $1,266,847 $3,038,625 $1,333 $0 $9,429,431 Heat Recovery $18,093,800 $16,193,096 $3,752,300 $3,790,241 $324,606 $0 $20,307,943 Hydroelectric $94,243,909 $81,995,267 $152,766,068 $174,482,032 $52,779,937 $221,651 $309,478,888 Solar $5,140,635 $447,385 $2,359,661 $101,190 $1,665 $0 $550,240 Transmission $9,123,521 $8,748,125 $705,236 $1,036,662 $150,446 $2,402,838 $12,338,070 Various $5,781,485 $4,296,410 $982,691 $420,621 $10,060 $0 $4,727,091 Wind $94,033,314 $89,792,948 $50,505,342 $49,982,067 $10,277,279 $0 $150,052,294 TOTAL $273,446,331 $244,776,957 $227,135,955 $246,857,324 $63,734,233 $2,718,490 $558,087,003 BW Research then created custom multipliers in IMPLAN, an input-output economic modeling software, leveraging existing BW Research models, NREL technical data, and NREL’s JEDI models, to calculate the economic impact of grants awarded through the REF. Sector-specific assumptions are detailed below: • For the storage, solar, and biomass sectors, BW Research used NREL technical cost data leveraged from previous work. • For the heat pump and heat recovery sectors, BW Research used commercial heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, or HVAC, spending patterns leveraged from previous work. • For the hydroelectric, transmission, and various sectors, BW Research assumed a general split of spending on capex/construction activities versus activities the utility would handle (siting, engineering, operations), which BW Research leveraged from previous work splitting costs into capex/construction versus engineering/operations and maintenance. • For the geothermal and wind sectors, BW Research used NREL’s JEDI models for geothermal and land - based wind, for projects in Alaska. 41 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report Appendix B: Selected Inputs for the Impacts Analysis Table 7. Alaska Historical Electricity Consumption (2008-2021) 32 YEAR TYPE OF PRODUCER ENERGY SOURCE (UNITS) CONSUMPTION for ELECTRICITY 2008 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 497,114 2008 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,654,644 2008 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 44,153,394 2008 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 210,256 2008 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,574,120 2008 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 43,199,130 2008 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 197,436 2008 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Coal (Short Tons) 89,422 2008 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 7,376 2008 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 0 2008 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 73,148 2008 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 954,264 2009 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 512,959 2009 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,996,320 2009 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 38,950,168 2009 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 204,928 2009 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,907,675 2009 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 38,078,331 2009 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 226,727 2009 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Coal (Short Tons) 81,304 2009 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 10,525 2009 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 0 2009 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 78,120 2009 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 871,837 2010 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 496,500 32 Data obtained from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), as re -released in March 2023. 42 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report YEAR TYPE OF PRODUCER ENERGY SOURCE (UNITS) CONSUMPTION for ELECTRICITY 2010 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,622,296 2010 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 40,676,974 2010 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 188,767 2010 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,535,173 2010 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 39,731,774 2010 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 218,160 2010 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Coal (Short Tons) 89,573 2010 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 10,111 2010 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 4,329 2010 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 77,012 2010 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 940,871 2011 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 511,662 2011 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 42,590,510 2011 Total Electric Power Industry Other Gases (Billion Btu) 36 2011 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,613,261 2011 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 175,018 2011 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 41,737,759 2011 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,516,863 2011 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Pow Natural Gas (Mcf) 833,555 2011 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Pow Other Gases (Billion Btu) 36 2011 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Pow Petroleum (Barrels) 92,213 2011 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 230,632 2011 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Pow Coal (Short Tons) 106,012 2011 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Pow Natural Gas (Mcf) 19,196 2011 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Pow Petroleum (Barrels) 4,185 2012 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 530,213 2012 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 40,382,971 2012 Total Electric Power Industry Other Gases (Billion Btu) 42 2012 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,710,072 2012 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 606,410 2012 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Other Gases (Billion Btu) 42 2012 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 86,440 2012 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Coal (Short Tons) 105,118 43 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report YEAR TYPE OF PRODUCER ENERGY SOURCE (UNITS) CONSUMPTION for ELECTRICITY 2012 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 18,151 2012 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 8,863 2012 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 218,715 2012 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 206,380 2012 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 39,758,410 2012 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,614,769 2013 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 729,018 2013 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 34,801,335 2013 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,385,776 2013 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 184,629 2013 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 33,943,685 2013 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,306,653 2013 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 820,797 2013 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 73,554 2013 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 210,117 2013 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Petroleum (Barrels) 0 2013 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Coal (Short Tons) 334,272 2013 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 36,853 2013 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 5,569 2014 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 486,750 2014 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 32,851,046 2014 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,261,465 2014 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 892,416 2014 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 89,263 2014 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Coal (Short Tons) 44,317 2014 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 14,630 2014 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 3,829 2014 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 212,780 2014 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Petroleum (Barrels) 0 2014 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 229,653 2014 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 31,944,000 2014 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,168,373 2015 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 555,683 44 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report YEAR TYPE OF PRODUCER ENERGY SOURCE (UNITS) CONSUMPTION for ELECTRICITY 2015 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 31,139,120 2015 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,345,877 2015 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 932,522 2015 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 79,029 2015 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Coal (Short Tons) 43,830 2015 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 6 2015 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 7,297 2015 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 219,555 2015 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Petroleum (Barrels) 0 2015 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 292,298 2015 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 30,206,592 2015 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,259,551 2016 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 443,129 2016 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 28,498,217 2016 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,453,554 2016 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 267,317 2016 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 68,079 2016 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Coal (Short Tons) 36,687 2016 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 6,932 2016 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 3,202 2016 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 157,949 2016 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Petroleum (Barrels) 0 2016 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 248,493 2016 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 28,223,968 2016 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,382,273 2017 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 414,067 2017 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 29,215,559 2017 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,584,761 2017 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 260,609 2017 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 62,155 2017 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Coal (Short Tons) 36,223 2017 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 21,555 2017 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 5,408 45 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report YEAR TYPE OF PRODUCER ENERGY SOURCE (UNITS) CONSUMPTION for ELECTRICITY 2017 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 152,073 2017 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Petroleum (Barrels) 0 2017 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 225,771 2017 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 28,933,395 2017 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,517,198 2018 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 496,101 2018 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 25,668,703 2018 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,453,797 2018 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 273,251 2018 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 59,259 2018 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Coal (Short Tons) 35,669 2018 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 2,554 2018 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 6,345 2018 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 148,123 2018 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Petroleum (Barrels) 0 2018 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 312,309 2018 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 25,392,898 2018 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,388,193 2019 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 555,952 2019 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 24,686,921 2019 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,608,212 2019 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 285,775 2019 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 64,665 2019 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Coal (Short Tons) 31,540 2019 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 140 2019 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 8,385 2019 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 154,717 2019 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Petroleum (Barrels) 0 2019 Electric Generators, Independent Power Producers Petroleum (Barrels) 4,967 2019 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 369,695 2019 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 24,401,006 2019 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,530,195 2020 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 587,878 46 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report YEAR TYPE OF PRODUCER ENERGY SOURCE (UNITS) CONSUMPTION for ELECTRICITY 2020 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 23,109,741 2020 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,783,540 2020 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 268,152 2020 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 71,882 2020 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Coal (Short Tons) 40,822 2020 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 263 2020 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 3,709 2020 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 157,946 2020 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Petroleum (Barrels) 0 2020 Electric Generators, Independent Power Producers Petroleum (Barrels) 4,548 2020 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 389,110 2020 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 22,841,326 2020 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,703,401 2021 Total Electric Power Industry Coal (Short Tons) 590,542 2021 Total Electric Power Industry Natural Gas (Mcf) 25,782,213 2021 Total Electric Power Industry Petroleum (Barrels) 1,593,555 2021 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 271,618 2021 Combined Heat and Power, Industrial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 65,851 2021 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Coal (Short Tons) 51,356 2021 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Natural Gas (Mcf) 305 2021 Combined Heat and Power, Commercial Power Petroleum (Barrels) 1,440 2021 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Coal (Short Tons) 146,844 2021 Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power Petroleum (Barrels) 0 2021 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Coal (Short Tons) 392,342 2021 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Natural Gas (Mcf) 25,510,290 2021 Electric Generators, Electric Utilities Petroleum (Barrels) 1,526,264 47 2023 Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Impact and Evaluation Report