HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuWa207sec11-8Alaska Resources Library & Information Services Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Document ARLIS Uniform Cover Page Title: Rare plant study, Study plan Section 11.8 : Initial study report SuWa 207 Author(s) – Personal: Author(s) – Corporate: Prepared by ABR, Inc.-Environmental Research & Services AEA-identified category, if specified: Draft initial study report AEA-identified series, if specified: Series (ARLIS-assigned report number): Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project document number 207 Existing numbers on document: Published by: [Anchorage : Alaska Energy Authority, 2014] Date published: February 2014 Published for: Alaska Energy Authority Date or date range of report: Volume and/or Part numbers: Study plan Section 11.8 Final or Draft status, as indicated: Draft Document type: Pagination: v, 23, 5, 2 p. Related work(s): Pages added/changed by ARLIS: Notes: All reports in the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Document series include an ARLIS- produced cover page and an ARLIS-assigned number for uniformity and citability. All reports are posted online at http://www.arlis.org/resources/susitna-watana/ Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 14241) Rare Plant Study Study Plan Section 11.8 Initial Study Report Prepared for Alaska Energy Authority Prepared by ABR, Inc.—Environmental Research & Services February 2014 Draft DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page i February 2014 Draft TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................... iv 1. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 1 2. Study Objectives .................................................................................................................... 1 3. Study Area .............................................................................................................................. 2 4. Methods and Variances in 2013 ............................................................................................ 2 4.1. Selection of Focal Species and Habitats ........................................................................ 2 4.1.1. Variances................................................................................................................. 3 4.2. Field Surveys .................................................................................................................. 3 4.3. Variances In 2013 .......................................................................................................... 5 5. Results ..................................................................................................................................... 5 6. Discussion ............................................................................................................................... 6 7. Completing the Study ............................................................................................................ 7 8. Literature Cited ..................................................................................................................... 7 9. Tables ...................................................................................................................................... 9 10. Figures .................................................................................................................................. 17 DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page ii February 2014 Draft LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1-1. State Conservation Rank Definitions. ...................................................................... 10 Table 4.1-2. Rare Vascular Plant Taxa Found in a Search of Collection Records within a Broad Region Surrounding the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Area.1 ....................................... 11 Table 5-1. Habitats Sampled for Rare Plants in the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Area, 2013. ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Table 5-2.. Vegetation Types Sampled During the Survey for Rare Plants in the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Area, 2013. ........................................................................................ 14 Table 5-3. Rare vascular plants found during field surveys in the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project area, 2013. ................................................................................................................. 16 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Rare Plant Study Area, Transects Allocated and Those Surveyed in 2013, and the Location of Two Rare Plants Found in 2013; VICAMA - Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd. and ERIVIR - Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Fernald. .......................................... 18 Figure 4.1-1. Regional Subwatershed Area Searched for Rare Vascular Plant Records in the Alaska Natural Heritage Program BIOTICS Database, 2013. ............................................. 19 Figure 5-1. Location of Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd. Population, 2013. .............................. 20 Figure 5-2. Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd.: (A) Close-up of Plant, (B) Forb Meadow Community Where it was Found, 2013. .............................................................................. 21 Figure 5-3. Location of Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Fernald Population, 2013......... 22 Figure 5-4. Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Fernald: (A) Close-up of Plant, (B) Wet Sedge Meadow Community Where it was Found, 2013. .................................................... 23 APPENDICES Appendix A: List of all vascular plant species found and relative rarity (number of days each taxa was found) during the 2013 rare plant surveys; nomenclature according to NRCS (2013). Appendix B: Habitat characteristics for the two rare plant species found in the rare plant study area in 2013. DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page iii February 2014 Draft LIST OF ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND DEFINITIONS Abbreviation Definition ADNR Alaska Department of Natural Resources AEA Alaska Energy Authority AKNHP Alaska Natural Heritage Program CIRWG Cook Inlet Regional Working Group FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission GIS Geographic Information System GPS global positioning system ILP Integrated Licensing Process ISR Initial Study Report PRM Project River Mile Project Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project RSP Revised Study Plan SPD study plan determination USFWS DOI, Fish and Wildlife Service USR Updated Study Report DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page iv February 2014 Draft EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rare Plant Study 11.8 Purpose The primary goal of the Rare Plant Study is to locate populations of rare vascular plant species that may be affected by development activities associated with the proposed Project. The rare plant occurrence data collected in this study will be used to assess the potential direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts to rare plants from Project construction and operations activities. Additionally, the data will be used to develop protection, mitigation, and enhancement measures, as appropriate, to minimize Project impacts to rare plant populations. Status This study was designed so that the entire study area would be surveyed sequentially over 2 years. During July and August 2013, field surveys were conducted in the Watana Reservoir area, portions of the Watana Camp area, and in each of the three alternative Susitna-Watana access and transmission line corridors. A second year of fieldwork will be performed to fully survey the Gold Creek Corridor, some portions of the Chulitna and Denali Corridors, the southwestern portion of the proposed Watana Reservoir, and in the Watana Dam and Camp area. In the second study year, rare plant species found in other Project botanical studies will be collected to confirm identifications, and lists of species found in both study years (including rare species) will be reviewed for any range extensions. Study Components The major study components include: Identify habitats in the Project area that may harbor rare vascular plant species previously found within a broad region surrounding the Project area; Locate populations of rare vascular plant species that may occur in those portions of the Project area that would be disturbed by Project construction and operations activities; and Estimate population sizes for any rare species found and map their locations. 2013 Variances There were no variances from the field survey methods (RSP Section during the 2013 study season. While portions of the study area were not surveyed during 2013 due a lack of access to CIRWG lands, this is not considered a variance because the study was designed as a multi-year effort in which the study area would be sequentially surveyed. The study team will meet study objectives by surveying CIRWG lands in the next study season. Steps to Complete the Study As explained in the cover letter to this draft ISR, AEA’s plan for completing this study will be included in the final ISR filed with FERC on June 3, 2014. DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page v February 2014 Draft Rare Plant Study 11.8 Highlighted Results and Achievements Two rare plant species were found in the portions of the study area surveyed in 2013, Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd. (American vetch) and Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Fernald (thinleaf cottonsedge). V. americana is listed as S2, G5 (imperiled in Alaska, demonstrably secure globally); a population of several hundred plants was found growing with other successional forbs in disturbed clearings in the Gold Creek Camp area at the western end of the Gold Creek Corridor. E. viridicarinatum is listed as S2S3, G5 (rare or uncommon to imperiled in Alaska, demonstrably secure globally); several populations were found in wet sedge meadows below treeline, in the central portion of the proposed Watana Reservoir, on a terrace above the Susitna River west of Watana Creek. DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 1 February 2014 Draft 1. INTRODUCTION On December 14, 2012, Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) filed its Revised Study Plan (RSP) for the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 14241) with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission), which included 58 individual study plans (AEA 2012). Section 11.8 of the RSP described the Rare Plant Study. On February 1, 2013, FERC staff issued its study plan determination (February 1 SPD) for 44 of the 58 studies, approving 31 studies as filed and 13 with modifications. RSP Section 11.8 was one of the 31 studies approved with no modifications. In this study, the appropriate habitats for a set of rare vascular plant species likely to occur in the Project area were identified in 2013, and field surveys are being conducted to search for any populations of rare plants that may occur. The focus of the surveys is limited to those areas in which rare plant populations could be directly or indirectly affected by Project development activities in the Upper and Middle Susitna Basin. RSP Section 11.8 provided goals, objectives, and proposed methods for data collection regarding rare plants. Following the first study season, FERC’s regulations for the Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) require AEA to “prepare and file with the Commission an initial study report describing its overall progress in implementing the study plan and schedule and the data collected, including an explanation of any variance from the study plan and schedule” (18 CFR 5.15(c)(1)). This Initial Study Report (ISR) on the Rare Plant Study has been prepared in accordance with FERC’s ILP regulations and details AEA’s status in implementing the study, as set forth in the FERC- approved RSP (referred to herein as the “Study Plan”). 2. STUDY OBJECTIVES The primary goal of the Rare Plant Study is to locate populations of rare vascular plant species that occur in the Upper and Middle Susitna River Basin (upstream of Gold Creek; see Section 3, Study Area , below) that may be affected by development activities associated with the proposed Project. The specific objectives of the Rare Plant Study, as specified in Section 11.8.1 of the RSP, are to: • Identify habitats in the Project area that may harbor rare vascular plant species previously found within a broad region surrounding the Project area. • Locate populations of rare vascular plant species that may occur in those portions of the Project area that would be disturbed by Project construction and operations activities. • Estimate population sizes for any rare species found and map their locations. DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 2 February 2014 Draft 3. STUDY AREA The study area for the Rare Plant Study is described in RSP Section 11.8.3. The study area includes the areas in and adjacent to those portions of the Project area in which habitat loss, alteration, and/or disturbance would occur (the Watana Reservoir, Watana Dam and Camp sites, and along the three proposed alternatives for the Susitna-Watana transmission lines and access corridor). Because rare plant species typically occur in specific habitats, the survey sites for rare plants were defined primarily by the locations of suitable habitats within the study area that could support rare plant species and could be affected by development activities (Figure 3-1). 4. METHODS AND VARIANCES IN 2013 The rare plant survey involved reviewing the list of rare plants that may occur in the Project area; identifying the habitats for rare species that may occur in the study area; and conducting field surveys in the study area to document the presence (and locations) of rare species and the habitats they may occupy. The rare plant species list used in preparing for the field surveys was provided on request by the Alaska Natural Heritage Program (AKNHP). The list was based on a query of the rare plant database maintained by the AKNHP using a rare plant search area based on subwatershed boundaries (see Section 4.1, Selection of Focal Species and Habitats below). Based on the list provided, preliminary mapping of vegetation, wildlife habitats, and wetlands (see ISR Studies 11.5 and 11.7) and aerial photographs were reviewed to identify habitats that may support the list of possible rare species. Aerial photointerpretation was performed using high-resolution (0.3- to 1-ft pixels) aerial photography and satellite imagery for the Project area. To prioritize the field survey efforts, areas to be searched were categorized as having low, moderate, or high potential for supporting rare plants. Surveys for rare plants downstream of the Project dam site along the Susitna River are not planned because habitat loss, which could affect rare plant populations through the placement of fill and other construction activities, will not occur in those downstream riparian areas. Intensive vegetation surveys in riparian areas along the Susitna River, however, are being conducted in the Riparian Vegetation Study Downstream of the Proposed Susitna-Watana Dam (Study 11.6), and rare vascular plant species were recorded during that work (see Section 5, Results below). 4.1. Selection of Focal Species and Habitats The selection of focal species and habitats during the 2013 field season was completed in accordance with RSP Section with no variances. In early 2013, the study team submitted a request to the AKNHP for a list of the rarer vascular plant taxa (S1, S1S2, S2, and S2S3; Table 4.1-1) that had been collected within a broad region surrounding the Project area. The search area used for the collection-records request (Figure 4.1-1) was designed to encompass, as much as possible, areas with landscape features and habitats similar to those occurring in the Project area. The search area was defined by watershed boundaries in a step-wise selection approach. First, the complete Susitna River drainage basin (hydrologic unit code 6 [HUC 6]) was selected, and added to that (intersected in a geographic information system [ArcGIS]) were the boundaries of five adjacent or partially included areas with similar terrain to that which occurs in the Project area: (1) Denali National Park and Preserve, (2) Nelchina Public Use Area (Alaska Department DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 3 February 2014 Draft of Natural Resources ([ADNR]), (3) Matanuska Valley Wildlife Area and State Range Area (ADNR), (4) areas surrounding the Denali Highway in the Nenana River drainage basin (contiguous with the Project’s Denali Corridor), and (5) the study area for the Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat Mapping Study in the Upper and Middle Susitna Basin (Study 11.5). All of the subwatersheds (HUC 12) that occurred wholly or partially within this intersected set of areas then were selected to yield a preliminary subwatershed search-area boundary. Lastly, a series of deletions of HUC-12 subwatersheds were made to further trim the search-area boundary to those areas with habitat features similar to those in the Project area, and in which rare plant surveys were likely to have been conducted in the past (e.g., along road systems). The HUC-12 subwatersheds that were deleted were those that occur (1) south of the Glenn Highway and west to the confluence of the Susitna and Yentna Rivers, (2) west of the Yentna River and north to the confluence of the east and west forks of the Yentna River (where they intersect the Denali National Park and Preserve boundary), (3) north of the Denali National Park and Preserve boundary up to the Teklanika River, and (4) west of the Teklanika River and north of the hills that occur north of Fish Creek. Using the resulting search area based on subwatershed boundaries, AKNHP staff queried the BIOTICS geospatial database (AKNHP 2013) for rare vascular plant collection records in June 2013. The query results indicated that 14 plant taxa with rarity rankings of S2S3 or rarer had been recorded in the regional subwatershed search area during previous survey efforts. Those 14 taxa, along with 25 other taxa that were ranked as less rare (S3 or S3S4), or were unranked, are listed in Table 4.1-2. Using the habitat information from the BIOTICS database recorded for each collection of these rare taxa in the search area, the suitable habitats for each taxon were identified. For cases in which the habitat information from the collected specimen(s) was sparse, additional information on the suitable habitats for rare taxa was researched using Hultén (1968), Carlson et al. (2006), the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s PLANTS database (NRCS 2013), and by examining specimens directly at the University of Alaska Museum of the North Herbarium. The generalized plant habitats determined for each taxon in this process and the 14 taxa with the rarer State rankings served as the primary focal points for the field survey efforts. 4.1.1. Variances There were no variances from the methods described in RSP Section 11.8 for the selection of focal species and habitats for the Rare Plant Study. 4.2. Field Surveys In 2013, field surveys were conducted in accordance with RSP Section with no variances. While these field surveys did not occur on Cook Inlet Regional Working Group (CIRWG) lands because land-access permits were not available, this was not considered a variance because this study was designed so that the entire study area would be surveyed and mapped sequentially over 2 years. The field survey efforts were focused on surveying suitable habitats for the 14 taxa with the rarer State rankings (S1, S1S2, S2, and S2S3), which were found in the regional subwatershed search area for rare plant collection records. During the fieldwork, those taxa ranked as being less rare in the state (S3 through S3S4 rankings) also were recorded, but the focus of the survey work was DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 4 February 2014 Draft on the rarer taxa. When encountered, rare plants also were recorded during the 2013 field surveys for the Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat Mapping Study (Study 11.5), Riparian Study Vegetation Study (Study 11.6), and Wetland Mapping Study (Study 11.7). Prior to the field surveys in 2013, the preliminary mapping of vegetation, wildlife habitats, and wetlands for the Project, which was conducted in 2012 and 2013 (see ISR Studies 11.5 and 11.7), as well as current, high-resolution (0.3- to 1-ft pixels) aerial imagery were reviewed to identify suitable habitats for the focal rare plant taxa within the study area. The sampling methodology used by the AKNHP (Carlson et al. 2006; modified from Catling and Reznicek 2003) was employed in this study. With this methodology, to maximize the potential of encountering rare species, researchers identified survey areas based on site-specific criteria, including regional or locally unique geological features, suitable habitats for the species of concern (as described above in Section 4.1, Selection of Focal Species and Habitats), areas with high environmental gradients, and logistical feasibility. By combining these landscape characteristics, regions within the study area were categorized as having low, moderate, or high potential for supporting rare plants, and the field survey efforts were prioritized accordingly in those areas with high and moderate potential. Forty-two survey transects were allocated for surveys of rare plants over the duration of the study (Figure 3-1). Seven of those transects were not surveyed in the first year of study (2013) because land access was not authorized, but will be surveyed in the next year of study. A total of 16 survey transects were sampled in the study area during two survey efforts in 2013 (July 1–8 and July 30–August 5). This included 14 of the preselected transects and two additional transects (one at Gold Creek Camp at the western end of the Gold Creek Corridor, and one outside the study area in the upper watershed of Devil Creek north of the Chulitna Corridor) that were selected in the field for sampling. The Devil Creek transect was sampled on a day when low clouds prohibited access to the scheduled transect for that day (which occurs at a similar elevation). Overall, in 2013, transects were sampled in the Watana Reservoir area, the Watana Dam and camp area, and in each of the three alternative corridors for the Susitna-Watana Transmission Line and the Susitna-Watana Road. The timing of the field surveys was designed to coincide with the approximate flowering periods of the focal plant species. Transect length ranged from 1.1 to 6.2 km (0.6 to 4 mi), depending on the number of habitats of interest occurring on each transect. During the field surveys, each plant community encountered along the sampled transects was surveyed for rare taxa and described. Any unknown and/or unusual plants were collected and identified. For the two species found with rarity rankings of S2S3 or rarer (see Section 5, Results, below), the plants and plant community in which they were growing were photographed and global positioning system (GPS) locations were recorded. Detailed site characteristics and plant community data were documented, including a complete plant species list with cover estimates for all dominant species and plant life-forms present. The sizes of the rare plant populations found were estimated by either: (1) counting the total number of individuals and measuring the area of occurrence, or (2) for the locally common species, visually estimating the total percent cover of the species, and determining the extent of the habitat occupied. Because the field crew determined that collecting several plants would not significantly impact the populations, voucher specimens of each of the rare species were collected to confirm identifications. The identifications of rare plants were made initially using DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 5 February 2014 Draft the Flora of Alaska (Hultén 1968), the Alaska Rare Plant Field Guide (Lipkin and Murray 1997), and the Flora of North America North of Mexico (FNAEC, 1993–2012). Final nomenclature for the rare plant species found follows that used in the AKNHP BIOTICS database. Confirmation of the rare plant identifications was made by the University of Alaska Museum of the North Herbarium. 4.3. Variances In 2013 No variances from the field methods described in the Study Plan occurred during the 2013 study season. Because the study was designed to be conducted over two years, the lack of access to CIRWG lands is not considered a variance. The study team will meet the study objectives by completing the field work in the next study season. 5. RESULTS Fourteen generalized plant habitats occurring on the 16 different survey transects in the study area were searched for rare plants (Table 5-1). Calcareous substrates occurred only in the northwest corner of the study area. Scree slopes were uncommon in the study area, and were generally confined to the lowest elevations in the study area, where the Susitna-Watana transmission line and/or access road would be located. During the field surveys, researchers sampled 43 different Level IV vegetation types (Viereck et al. 1992) in the search for rare plant taxa (Table 5-2). The most common vegetation types searched were Mesic Shrub Birch- Ericaceous Shrub and Subarctic Lowland Sedge Wet Meadow. The least common types were Sweetgale-Graminoid Bog, Dryas-Lichen Tundra, Dry Fescue, Subarctic Lowland Sedge-Moss Bog Meadow, and Ferns. A complete list of the vascular plant taxa recorded during the field surveys and a Project-specific (relative) rarity index for each taxon is provided in Appendix A. Researchers found two rare plants: Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd. (S2) and Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Fernald (S2S3) (Table 5-3). Site characteristics and plant community information for the collection localities for both species are listed in Appendix B. V. americana was found in the helicopter landing area of the Gold Creek Camp, the adjacent camp clearing, and the adjacent airstrip (Figure 5-1). The plant was only found in disturbed areas that had been recently cleared of trees or mowed to remove saplings. Hundreds of plants were found around the Gold Creek Camp area, comprising over 1 percent cover in the Mixed Herb Meadows vegetation type (Figure 5-2). Eriophorum viridicarinatum was found growing in a Subarctic Lowland Sedge Wet Meadow wetland surrounded by Open White Spruce-Black Spruce Forest (Figure 5-3). The site, on a terrace above the Susitna River just upstream of the confluence of Watana Creek, supported approximately 100 individual flowering plants, in a narrow zone between the Open White Spruce-Black Spruce Forest surrounding the wetland and the wetter Subarctic Lowland Herb Bog Meadow in the center of the wetland (Figure 5-4). This species was also found in similar habitats by field crews working on other Project botanical studies outside of the rare plant study area, and those records will be reported in the Updated Study Report (USR). DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 6 February 2014 Draft Two additional rare vascular plant species were found outside of the rare plant study area, in riparian habitats along the Susitna River downstream of Gold Creek. These plants were found by field crews working on the Riparian Vegetation Study (Study 11.6). Botrychium virginianum (L.) Swartz, which is listed as S3, G5 (rare or uncommon in Alaska, demonstrably secure globally), was typically found in low abundance in large umbel meadows on inactive/abandoned floodplain surfaces. Viola selkerkii, which is listed as S3S4, G5? (rare or uncommon to apparently secure in Alaska, possibly secure globally), was found with cover estimates sometimes over one percent in the understory of Open Birch Forest and Mixed Spruce-Birch Forest habitats. The identifications of these two species were confirmed by the University of Alaska Museum of the North Herbarium. Data generated in support of the ISR are available for download at http://gis.suhydro.org/reports/isr. The data files are as follows: • Transect locations: ISR_11_8_RAPL_Data_ABR.gdb • Table 5-1: ISR_11_8_RAPL_Table_5_1_Habitats.xlsx • Table 5-2: ISR_11_8_RAPL_Table_5_2_Veg.xlsx • Appendix A: ISR_11_8_RAPL_AppdxA_Vascular_Plant_List.xlsx • Appendix B: ISR_11_8_RAPL_AppdxB_Rare_Plant_Hab_Char.xlsx 6. DISCUSSION The 2013 survey effort was sufficient for achieving the goal of documenting the presence and size of rare vascular plant populations in the study area as described in the Study Plan. Researchers were able to sample a wide range of habitat types that could have harbored rare plants, and found two rare species. The use of long transects that covered several habitat types in a survey day was an effective way of searching for rare plants. Logistical support was excellent, giving researchers access to remote sites via helicopter, with sufficient time between drop-off and pick-up times to adequately survey the transects. Researchers were not able to sample large parts of the Gold Creek Corridor and the southwestern part of the proposed Watana Reservoir in 2013, due to landowner restrictions on access. Field surveys for rare plants will be conducted in those areas during the next study year if access to do so is granted. Researchers from several other botanical studies compiled plant species lists for the Project and were given the list of potential rare plants developed for the Rare Plant Study. The field data from the Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat Mapping Study (Study 11.5), the Riparian Vegetation Study (Study 11.6), and the Wetland Mapping Study (Study 11.7) are undergoing QA/QC, and plant identifications are in the process of being verified. Any additional records of rare plant species will be reported in the USR, once the plant identifications have been verified. Researchers for the Rare Plant Study are in the process of reviewing the 2013 species list for any range extensions or unusual plants that were found in the study area. Any information on range extensions and/or unusual plant collections will be included in the USR when data from the surveys in the two study seasons are available. Information on range extensions and additional DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 7 February 2014 Draft collections of rare species within their known ranges will provide useful information to the AKNHP to use in revising the rarity rankings for plant species in Alaska. 7. COMPLETING THE STUDY [As explained in the cover letter to this draft ISR, AEA’s plan for completing this study will be included in the final ISR filed with FERC on June 3, 2014.] 8. LITERATURE CITED AEA (Alaska Energy Authority). 2012. Revised Study Plan: Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. 14241. December 2012. Prepared for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission by the Alaska Energy Authority, Anchorage, AK. Available on- line at http://www.susitna-watanahydro.org/type/documents/. Accessed October 2013. AKNHP (Alaska Natural Heritage Program). 2012. Rare vascular plant tracking list, Spring 2012. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska, Anchorage, AK. 14 pp. Available on-line at http://aknhp.uaa.alaska.edu/botany/rare-plants-species-lists/. Accessed June 2013. AKNHP. 2013. BIOTICS Rare Species Data Portal. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska, Anchorage, AK. Available on-line at http://aknhp.uaa.alaska.edu/maps/biotics/ (but data for vascular plants currently available only by request). Accessed June 2013. Carlson M., R. Lipkin, H. Cortes-Burns, I.V. Lapina. 2006. Stewart River training area rare plant survey 2006. Prepared for the Alaska Army National Guard, Fort Richardson, AK, by Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Anchorage, AK. 26 pp. Catling, P.M., and A.A. Reznicek. 2003. Basic requirements for comprehensive botanical inventories. Botanical Electronic News No. 317. FNAEC (Flora of North America Editorial Committee). 1993–2012. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 13+ vols. New York and Oxford. Available on-line at http://www.efloras.org/flora_page.aspx?flora_id=1. Accessed October 2013. Hultén, E. 1968. Flora of Alaska and neighboring territories. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, CA. 1,008 pp. Lipkin, R., and D.F. Murray 1997. Alaska rare plant field guide. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Natural Heritage Program, and U.S. Forest Service, Anchorage, AK. NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service). 2013. PLANTS database. Available on-line at http://plants.usda.gov/java/. Accessed September 2013. DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 8 February 2014 Draft Viereck, L.A.; Dyrness, C.T.; Batten, A.R.; Wenzlick, K.J. 1992. The Alaska vegetation classification. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-286. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 278 pp. DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 9 February 2014 Draft 9. TABLES DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 10 February 2014 Draft Table 4.1-1. State Conservation Rank Definitions. Rank Definition S1 Critically imperiled within the state; at very high risk of extirpation because of extremely because of very few occurrences, declining populations, or extremely limited range and/or habitat. S2 Imperiled within the state; at high risk of extirpation because of few occurrences, declining populations, limited range, and/or habitat. S3 Rare within the state; at moderate risk of extirpation because of restricted range, narrow habitat specificity, recent population decline, small population sizes, a moderate number of occurrences. S4 Apparently secure but uncommon within the state; may be a long-term conservation concern. S5 Secure and widespread within the state; not at risk for extirpation because of widespread abundance. G? Inexact numeric rank reflecting inexact data (Global Conservation Rank). S#S# Status of species within a region is best described as a range between two ranks. S#Q Taxon is questionable or uncertain as currently defined but records assigned to that taxon are not questionable. SP Species is likely to occur in Alaska in a natural context based on its natural occurrence in adjacent territories near the Alaska border in habitat that is also present within Alaska. SNA Species cannot be considered rare because all reports were erroneous or based on material from a cultivated or introduced context (these ranks do not appear on the Rare Plant Tracking List but can be found on the Taxa Removed list). SU Species occurs in Alaska in a natural context and is likely rare but cannot be assigned an accurate conservation rank because of substantial uncertainty in the relevant data (i.e. records are incorrectly identified, records are ambiguous and indefinite, or records have not yet been redetermined after recent taxanomic changes). SH Possibly extirpated. Species is known only from records more than 50 years old (historical sources) that are either so vague that they cannot be relocated or that have been searched for unsuccessfully (although not thoroughly enough to presume that the species has been extirpated). DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 11 February 2014 Draft Table 4.1-2. Rare Vascular Plant Taxa Found in a Search of Collection Records within a Broad Region Surrounding the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Area.1 Scientific Name Common Name State Rank2 Global Rank3 Habitat Blysmopsis rufa (Huds.) Link red clubbrush S1 unranked Saline soils, coastal deltas Carex athrostachya Olney slender beak sedge S1 G5 Seasonally moist meadows, marshes, pond and lake margins Artemesia dracunculus L. dragon wormwood S1S2 G5 Exposed bluffs, rocky slopes, low elevation, sunny and dry Carex parryana Dew. Parry sedge S2 G5 Mires, damp meadows, lowlands Erysimum asperum var. angustatum (Rydb.) B. Boivin wallflower S2 G5T2 Dry, south-facing scree slopes, outcrops and dry grasslands Potamogeton robbinsii Oakes flat-leat pondweed S2 G5 Shallow to deep water of ponds, lakes, and slow-flowing rivers Schizachne purpurascens (Torr.) Swallen false melic S2 G5 Low elevation, moist rocky slopes, alder thickets Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd. American vetch S2 G5 Low elevation thickets and meadows Arnica mollis Hooker hairy arnica S2Q G5 Moist meadows and conifer forests, stream banks, late snow- melt areas, montane to subalpine: 1000–4000 m Botrychium ascendens W.H. Wagner upward-lobed moonwort S2S3 G3 Disturbed areas and fields Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Fernald green-keeled cottongrass S2S3 G5 Marshes, meadows, bogs, fens, wet woods Chamaerhodos erecta (L.) Bunge Nuttall's ground-rose S2S3 G5 Low elevation, dry, sandy substrates Saxifraga adscendens ssp. oregonensis (Raf.) Bacig. wedgeleaf saxifrage S2S3 G5T4T5 Rock crevices, sandy places, alpine; 1200-4200 m Potentilla drummondii Lehm. Drummond cinquefoil S2S3 G5 Low elevation, moist woods Botrychium alaskense Wagner and Grant Alaska moonwort S3 G4 Disturbed meadows, roadsides, riverbars Botrychium virginianum (L.)Swartz Virginia moonwort S3 G5 Low-elevation partially vegetated scree slopes Carex eburnea Boott bristle-leaf sedge S3 G5 Conifer or mixed forests, occasionally fens, stable dunes and alvar, on neutral or calcareous substrates Carex heleonastes Ehrh. ex L. f. Hudson Bay sedge S3 G4 Mires, damp meadows, lowlands Carex interior L.H. Bailey inland sedge S3 G5 Wet meadows and prairies, fens, coniferous and deciduous swamps, river and lakeshores, usually on calcareous substrates Cicuta bulbifera L. bulb-bearing water hemlock S3 G5 Marshes, bogs Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. fowl mannagrass S3 G5 Moist ground, low elevation Juniperus horizontalis Moench. creeping juniper S3 G5 Low elevation sand dunes, sandy and gravelly soils, prairies, slopes, rock outcrops, and stream banks DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 12 February 2014 Draft Scientific Name Common Name State Rank2 Global Rank3 Habitat Maianthemum stellatum (L.) Link starry solomon plume S3 G5 Sand dunes, marginal woodlands, oak openings; 0–3200 m Polypodium sibiricum Siplivinskij Siberian polypody S3 G5? Rocks, tree trunks Potamogeton obtusifolius Mert. & W.D.J. Koch blunt-leaf pondweed S3 G5 Medium- to low-alkaline waters of lakes and slow-flowing streams; 50–2000 m Puccinellia vahliana (Liebm.) Scribn. & Merr. Vahl's alkaligrass S3 G4 Stony alpine tundra Carex lapponica O. Lang Lapland sedge S3S4 G4G5Q Sphagnum bogs, wet, nutrient-poor areas, mostly lowlands: 0– 200 m Ceratophyllum demersum L. common hornwort S3S4 G5 Quiet water Erigeron porsildii G.L. Nesom & D.F. Murray Porsild fleabane S3S4 G3G4 Cliffs and talus (often calcareous) slopes, shaley gravel, grassy ravines, dry tundra 600–2100 m Minuartia dawsonensis (Britt.) House rock stitchwort S3S4 G5 Moist, calcareous ledges and gravelly areas; 0–900 m Potamogeton subsibiricus Yenisei River pondweed S3S4 G3G4 Shallow water of ponds and lakes; 0–915 m Viola selkirkii Pursh ex Goldie Selkirk's violet S3S4 G5? Understory of moist, low elevation woods Arnica ovata Greene sticky arnica S3S4Q G5 Moist meadows and conifer forests, stream banks, late snow- melt areas, montane to subalpine: 200–3600 m Mertensia paniculata (Aiton) G. Don var. alaskana (B.) Alaska tall bluebells S3S4Q G5TNR Low elevation woods, riverbanks Oxytropis tananensis Jurtz. field locoweed S3S4Q GNR Dry, sandy places Arnica lessingii ssp. norbergii Norberg arnica unranked G5 Alpine & subalpine meadows Eleocharis kamtschatica (C.A. Mey.) Kom. Kamchatka spike-rush unranked G4 Brackish marshes, meadows, ponds, 0–30 m elevation Eritrichium splendens Kearney ex W. Wight showy alpine forget-me- not unranked G3G4 Alpine to 2000 m, rock crevices Phlox hoodii Richardson spiny phlox unranked G5 Alpine or well-drained river terraces Notes: 1. Rare plant taxa with collection records in the BIOTICS database of rare species (AKNHP 2013), which were found in a regional subwatershed search area surrounding the Project area (see text and Figure 4.1-1); plant nomenclature and rarity rankings from the Rare Vascular Plant List (AKNHP 2012); habitat data from specimen records in the regional search area, from Hultén (1968), Carlson et al. (2006), NRCS (2013), and from review of specimens at the University of Alaska Museum of the North Herbarium. 2. State rarity rankings: S1 = critically imperiled, S2 = imperiled, S3 = rare, S4 = apparently secure, Q = uncertainty about taxonomic status may affect State rank 3. Global rarity rankings: G2 = imperiled, G3 = vulnerable, G4 = apparently secure, G5 = demonstrably secure, T = rank of subspecies or variety, Q = indicates uncertainty about taxonomic status which may affect global rank. DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 13 February 2014 Draft Table 5-1. Habitats Sampled for Rare Plants in the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Area, 2013. Habitat Focal Species: Rare Plant Taxa Found in Habitat in Other Studies Survey Transect No. Alpine meadow Arnica lessingii ssp. norbergii, Phlox hoodii, Puccinellia vahliana 4, 10, 28, 37, 128, Subalpine meadow Arnica lessingii ssp. norbergii, Arnica mollis, Arnica ovata 4, 10, 17, 28, 30, 35, 37, 39, 40, 43, 128 Alpine rocky crevices Eritrichium splendens, Saxifraga adscendens ssp. oregonensis 4, 10, 37, 128 Exposed bluff Artemesia dracunculus, Erigeron porsildii, Polypodium sibiricum 4, 23, 25, 37 Scree slope Botrychium virginianum, Erigeron porsildii, Erysimum asperum var. angustatum, Polypodium sibiricum 128 Alder thickets Schizachne purpurascens 1, 4, 10, 17, 20, 23, 25, 37, 39, 40, 43 Disturbed meadow Botrychium alaskense, Botrychium ascendens, Vicia americana 1, 37, 39, 40, 43, Gold Creek Camp Moist forest Arnica mollis, Arnica ovata, Carex eburnea, Mertensia paniculata var. alaskana, Potentilla drummondii, Viola selkirkii 1, 4, 10, 17, 20, 23, 25, 37, 39, 40, 43 Moist meadows Carex athrostachya, Carex heleonastes 17, 20, 28, 30, 35, 37, 40, 43, 128 Wet meadows, fens, bogs Carex interior, Carex lapponica, Carex parryana, Cicuta bulbifera, Eriophorum viridicarinatum, Glyceria striata 1, 17, 20, 28, 30, 35, 37, 40, 43 Standing water, ponds or lakes Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton obtusifolius, Potamogeton robbinsii, Potamogeton subsibiricus 1, 17, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30, 35, 37, 40, 43 River bar, terraces Botrychium alaskense, Phlox hoodii 10, 20, 23, 25, 28 Calcareous substrates Carex interior, Erigeron porsildii, Minuartia dawsonensis 43 Sand dunes and sandy substrates Chamaerhodos erecta, Juniperus horizontalis, Maianthemum stellatum, Oxytropis tananensis 30, 35 DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 14 February 2014 Draft Table 5-2.. Vegetation Types Sampled During the Survey for Rare Plants in the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Area, 2013.1 Level I Level II Level III Level IV Survey Transect No. I.Forest A. Needleleaf Forest (1) Closed Needleleaf Forest J. White Spruce 1, 39 I.Forest A. Needleleaf Forest (2) Open Needleleaf Forest E. White Spruce 1, 20, 23, 37, 39, 43 I.Forest A. Needleleaf Forest (2) Open Needleleaf Forest F. Black Spruce 20, 23 I.Forest A. Needleleaf Forest (2) Open Needleleaf Forest G. Black Spruce-White Spruce 20, 23, 25, 43 I.Forest A. Needleleaf Forest (3) Needleleaf Woodland C. White Spruce 10, 20, 25, 39, 40 I.Forest A. Needleleaf Forest (3) Needleleaf Woodland D. Black Spruce 1, 17 20, 25 I.Forest B. Broadleaf Forest (1) Closed Broadleaf Forest D. Paper Birch 1, Gold Creek Camp I.Forest B. Broadleaf Forest (2) Open Broadleaf Forest A. Paper Birch 1, 20, Gold Creek Camp I.Forest B. Broadleaf Forest (2) Open Broadleaf Forest B. Quaking Aspen 10, 20 I.Forest B. Broadleaf Forest (2) Open Broadleaf Forest C. Balsam Poplar 10, 17, 20, 35, Gold Creek Camp I.Forest C. Mixed Forest (2) Open Mixed Forest A. Spruce-Paper Birch 1, 23, 25, 35 II.Scrub B. Tall Scrub (1) Closed Tall Scrub A. Willow 23, 25 II.Scrub B. Tall Scrub (1) Closed Tall Scrub B. Alder 1, 4, 10, 17, 37, 43 II.Scrub B. Tall Scrub (2) Open Tall Scrub B. Alder 39 II.Scrub B. Tall Scrub (2) Open Tall Scrub C. Shrub Birch 4 II.Scrub B. Tall Scrub (2) Open Tall Scrub D. Alder-Willow 1, 4, 10, 37, 43 II.Scrub B. Tall Scrub (2) Open Tall Scrub E. Shrub-Birch Willow 17, 20, 30, 35 II.Scrub C. Low Scrub (2) Open Low Scrub C. Mesic Shrub Birch-Ericaceous Shrub 17, 25, 28, 30, 35, 37, 39, 40, 43, 128 II.Scrub C. Low Scrub (2) Open Low Scrub J. Sweetgale-Graminoid Bog 25 II.Scrub D. Dwarf Scrub (1)Dryas Dwarf Scrub A. Dryas Tundra 4, 10, 28, 35, 39, 43 II.Scrub D. Dwarf Scrub (1)Dryas Dwarf Scrub C. Dryas-Lichen Tundra 4 II.Scrub D. Dwarf Scrub (2) Ericaceous Dwarf Scrub A. Bearberry Tundra 4, 37, 43 II.Scrub D. Dwarf Scrub (2) Ericaceous Dwarf Scrub B. Vaccinium Tundra 4, 10, 28, 35, 37, 128 II.Scrub D. Dwarf Scrub (2) Ericaceous Dwarf Scrub D. Cassiope Tundra 4, 10, 35, 128 II.Scrub D. Dwarf Scrub (3) Willow Dwarf Scrub A. Willow Tundra 4, 128 DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 15 February 2014 Draft Level I Level II Level III Level IV Survey Transect No. III. Herbaceous A. Graminoid Herbaceous (1) Dry Graminoid Herbaceous B. Dry Fescue 30 III. Herbaceous A. Graminoid Herbaceous (2) Mesic Graminoid Herbaceous A. Bluejoint Meadow 1 III. Herbaceous A. Graminoid Herbaceous (2) Mesic Graminoid Herbaceous B. Bluejoint-Herb 4, 30, 35, Gold Creek Camp III. Herbaceous A. Graminoid Herbaceous (2) Mesic Graminoid Herbaceous H. Sedge-Willow Tundra 30, 43 III. Herbaceous A. Graminoid Herbaceous (3) Wet Graminoid Herbaceous C. Wet Sedge-Herb Meadow Tundra 17, 23, 30, 40, 43, 128 III. Herbaceous A. Graminoid Herbaceous (3) Wet Graminoid Herbaceous E. Fresh Grass Marsh 1, 30, 40, 128 III. Herbaceous A. Graminoid Herbaceous (3) Wet Graminoid Herbaceous F. Subarctic Lowland Sedge Wet Meadow 17, 20, 25, 28, 30, 35, 40, 43, 128 III. Herbaceous A. Graminoid Herbaceous (3) Wet Graminoid Herbaceous K. Subarctic Lowland Sedge-Moss Bog Meadow 1 III. Herbaceous B. Forb Herbaceous (1) Dry Forb Herbaceous A. Seral Herbs 4, 20, 23, 25, Gold Creek Camp III. Herbaceous B. Forb Herbaceous (1) Dry Forb Herbaceous C. Alpine Herbs 4, 25, 37, 128 III. Herbaceous B. Forb Herbaceous (2) Mesic Forb Herbaceous A. Mixed Herbs 10, 20, 23, 25, 35, 39, 128 III. Herbaceous B. Forb Herbaceous (2) Mesic Forb Herbaceous D. Ferns Gold Creek Camp III. Herbaceous B. Forb Herbaceous (3) Wet Forb Herbaceous C. Subarctic Lowland Herb Bog Meadow 1, 40 III. Herbaceous D. Aquatic Herbaceous (1) Freshwater Aquatic Herbaceous A. Pondlily 17, 20 III. Herbaceous D. Aquatic Herbaceous (1) Freshwater Aquatic Herbaceous B. Common Marestail 28, 30, 35, 37, 43 III. Herbaceous D. Aquatic Herbaceous (1) Freshwater Aquatic Herbaceous C. Aquatic Buttercup 30, 35, 40, 43, 128 III. Herbaceous D. Aquatic Herbaceous (1) Freshwater Aquatic Herbaceous D. Burreed 30, 40, 128 III. Herbaceous D. Aquatic Herbaceous (1) Freshwater Aquatic Herbaceous F. Fresh Pondweed 23, 28, 40, 43 Note: 1. Hierarchical vegetation types, Levels 1 through IV as defined in the Alaska Vegetation Classification (Viereck et al. 1992). DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 16 February 2014 Draft Table 5-3. Rare Vascular Plants Found During Field Surveys in the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Area, 2013. Vascular Plant Geographic Coordinates (Decimal Degrees, WGS 84) Population Estimate Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Fernald 62.8327 N 148.1971 W Approximately 100 individual flowering plants Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd. 62.7648 N 149.6907 W Hundreds of individual plants, with 1–5% cover in camp and airstrip clearings DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 17 February 2014 Draft 10. FIGURES DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 18 February 2014 Draft Figure 3-1. Rare Plant Study Area, Transects Allocated and Those Surveyed in 2013, and the Location of Two Rare Plants Found in 2013; VICAMA - Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd. and ERIVIR - Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Fernald. DRAFT INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 19 February 2014 Draft Figure 4.1-1. Regional Subwatershed Area Searched for Rare Vascular Plant Records in the Alaska Natural Heritage Program BIOTICS Database, 2013. INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 20 February 2014 Draft Figure 5-1. Location of Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd. Population, 2013. INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 21 February 2014 Draft (A) (B) Figure 5-2. Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd.: (A) Close-up of Plant, (B) Forb Meadow Community Where it was Found, 2013. INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 22 February 2014 Draft Figure 5-3. Location of Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Fernald Population, 2013. INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 23 February 2014 Draft (A) (B) Figure 5-4. Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Fernald: (A) Close-up of Plant, (B) Wet Sedge Meadow Community Where it was Found, 2013. INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 February 2014 Draft APPENDIX A: LIST OF ALL VASCULAR PLANT SPECIES FOUND AND FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE (NUMBER OF DAYS DETECTED) DURING THE 2013 RARE PLANT SURVEYS; NOMENCLATURE ACCORDING TO NRCS (2013). INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Appendix A – Page 1 February 2014 Draft Vascular Plant Species Number of Occurrences Vascular Plant Species Number of Occurrences Achillea millefolium 9 Cardamine pratensis 8 Aconitum delphiniifolium 11 Cardamine purpurea 1 Actaea rubra 1 Carex aquatilis 13 Agrostis scabra 7 Carex atrofusca 1 Alnus viridis ssp. fruticosa 12 Carex aurea 4 Andromeda polifolia 15 Carex bigelowii 14 Androsace chamaejasme 1 Carex canescens 10 Anemone narcissiflora 7 Carex capillaris 2 Anemone parviflora 5 Carex chordorrhiza 3 Anemone richardsonii 13 Carex garberi 1 Angelica lucida 9 Carex glacialis 3 Antennaria alpina 1 Carex lachenalii 3 Antennaria friesiana 6 Carex leptalea 1 Antennaria monocephala 4 Carex limosa 3 Anthoxanthum hirtum 2 Carex livida 2 Anthoxanthum monticola ssp. alpinum 10 Carex maritima 1 Arabis holboellii 2 Carex membranacea 9 Arabis lyrata 1 Carex mertensii 2 Arctagrostis latifolia 7 Carex microchaeta 7 Arctophila fulva 3 Carex microchaeta spp. nesophila 1 Arctostaphylos alpina 12 Carex microglochin 1 Arctostaphylos rubra 8 Carex norvegica 3 Arnica alpina 3 Carex pauciflora 1 Arnica latifolia 2 Carex podocarpa 8 Arnica lessingii 5 Carex rariflora 5 Artemisia arctica 9 Carex rostrata 5 Artemisia frigida 6 Carex rotundata 4 Artemisia tilesii 12 Carex saxatilis 2 Aster alpinus var. vierhapperi 1 Carex scirpoidea 5 Astragalus alpinus 7 Carex spectabilis 1 Astragalus bodinii 3 Carex stipata 3 Astragalus umbellatus 4 Carex stylosa 1 Betula glandulosa 10 Carex tenuiflora 4 Betula nana 12 Carex utriculata 1 Betula neoalaskana 8 Cassiope tetragona 7 Boschniakia rossica 6 Castilleja caudata 3 Boykinia richardsonii 8 Chamaedaphne calyculata 2 INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Appendix A – Page 2 February 2014 Draft Vascular Plant Species Number of Occurrences Vascular Plant Species Number of Occurrences Calamagrostis canadensis 15 Chamerion angustifolium 14 Calamagrostis stricta ssp. inexpansa 5 Chamerion latifolium 11 Caltha palustris 3 Chrysosplenium tetrandrum 6 Campanula lasiocarpa 7 Cicuta mackenzieana 1 Cardamine bellidifolia 2 Claytonia sarmentosa 5 Comarum palustre 12 Eurybia sibirica 7 Cornus canadensis 1 Festuca altaica 12 Cornus suecica 14 Festuca brachyphylla 2 Corydalis pauciflora 1 Festuca rubra 5 Crepis nana 1 Fritillaria camschatcensis 1 Crepis tectorum 1 Galeopsis bifida 3 Cryptogramma sitchensis 1 Galium boreale 6 Dasiphora fruticosa 15 Galium trifidum 6 Delphinium glaucum 5 Galium triflorum 1 Deschampsia cespitosa 3 Gentiana douglasiana 1 Descurainia incana 1 Gentiana glauca 5 Diapensia lapponica 8 Gentiana propinqua 3 Diphasiastrum alpinum 5 Geocaulon lividum 3 Dodecatheon frigidum 13 Geranium erianthum 10 Draba alpina 1 Geum macrophyllum 2 Draba glabella 1 Geum rossii 1 Drosera anglica 2 Glyceria maxima 1 Drosera rotundifolia 2 Glyceria pulchella 4 Dryas octopetala 8 Gymnocarpium dryopteris 6 Dryopteris expansa 9 Harrimanella stelleriana 3 Eleocharis quinqueflora 1 Hedysarum alpinum 7 Elymus alaskanus 4 Heracleum maximum 7 Empetrum nigrum 15 Heuchera glabra 1 Epilobium anagallidifolium 1 Hieracium triste 1 Epilobium palustre 7 Hippuris vulgaris 7 Equisetum arvense 15 Honckenya peploides 1 Equisetum fluviatile 9 Hordeum jubatum 1 Equisetum palustre 4 Huperzia selago var. selago 5 Equisetum pratense 1 Juncus alpinoarcticulatus ssp. 2 Equisetum scirpoides 3 Juncus arcticus 2 Equisetum sylvaticum 12 Juncus arcticus ssp. alaskanus 2 Equisetum variegatum 3 Juncus arcticus ssp. littoralis 2 INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Appendix A – Page 3 February 2014 Draft Vascular Plant Species Number of Occurrences Vascular Plant Species Number of Occurrences Erigeron acris 4 Juncus biglumis 8 Erigeron humilus 3 Juncus castaneus 8 Erigeron peregrinus 2 Juncus castaneus ssp. castaneus 2 Eriophorum angustifolium 14 Juncus castaneus ssp. leucochlamys 2 Eriophorum brachyantherum 1 Juncus filiformis 1 Eriophorum russeolum 10 Juncus stygius 1 Eriophorum scheuchzeri 1 Juncus triglumis 4 Eriophorum vaginatum 4 Juniperus communis 7 Eriophorum viridicarinatum 1 Ledum groenlandicum 7 Euphrasia disjuncta 1 Ledum palustre spp. decumbens 12 Linnaea borealis 13 Pinguicula villosa 4 Lloydia serotina 1 Plantago major 4 Loiseleuria procumbens 11 Platanthera dilata 1 Luetkea pectinata 4 Platanthera hyperborea 4 Lupinus arcticus 2 Poa alpina 5 Lupinus nootkatensis 6 Poa arctica 10 Luzula arcuata 4 Poa glauca 3 Luzula confusa 6 Poa paucispicula 1 Luzula multiflora 7 Poa vivipara 1 Luzula wahlenbergii 4 Polemonium acutiflorum 15 Lycopodium annotinum 7 Polygonum alpinum 4 Lycopodium clavatum 6 Polygonum aviculare 2 Matricaria matricarioides 1 Polygonum bistorta 12 Matteuccia struthiopteris 1 Polygonum viviparum 10 Menyanthes trifoliata 5 Populus balsamifera 11 Mertensia paniculata 14 Populus tremuloides 4 Moehringia lateriflora 2 Potamogeton alpinus 1 Moneses uniflora 6 Potamogeton filiformis 1 Myrica gale 2 Potamogeton foliolosus 1 Myriophyllum sibiricum 1 Potamogeton richardsonii 2 Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala 1 Potamogeton zosterifolius 2 Oplopanax horridus 2 Potentilla anserina ssp. egedii 4 Orthilia secunda 2 Potentilla biflora 2 Oxyria digyna 4 Potentilla bimundorum 1 Oxytropis maydelliana 1 Potentilla diversifolia 1 Oxytropis nigrescens var. nigrescens 2 Potentilla norvegica 2 Packera cymbalaria 1 Potentilla uniflora 1 INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Appendix A – Page 4 February 2014 Draft Vascular Plant Species Number of Occurrences Vascular Plant Species Number of Occurrences Packera pauciflora 1 Primula borealis 1 Parnassia kotzebuei 5 Primula egaliksensis 2 Parnassia palustris 9 Pyrola asarifolia 7 Parrya nudicaulis 1 Pyrola minor 9 Pedicularis capitata 6 Ranunculus eschscholtzii 2 Pedicularis labradorica 13 Ranunculus gmellinii 5 Pedicularis lanata 3 Ranunculus hyperboreus 5 Pedicularis langsdorffii 3 Ranunculus lapponicus 2 Pedicularis lapponica 2 Ranunculus nivalis 2 Pedicularis verticillata 1 Ranunculus sceleratus 1 Petasites frigidus 12 Ranunculus trichophyllus var. 3 Phleum alpinus 1 Ranunculus uncinatus 2 Phleum pratense 2 Rhodioloa rosea 9 Picea glauca 13 Rhododendron lapponicum 2 Picea mariana 6 Ribes glandulosum 1 Ribes hudsonianum 1 Sibbaldia procumbens 4 Ribes laxiflorum 1 Smelowskia borealis 1 Ribes sp. 4 Solidago multiradiata 11 Ribes triste 7 Sorbus scopulina 2 Rorippa islandica 2 Sparganium angustifolium 1 Rosa acicularis 13 Sparganium hyperboreum 2 Rubus arcticus 13 Sparganium natans 2 Rubus chamaemorus 14 Spiraea stevenii 15 Rubus idaeus 5 Spiranthes romanzoffiana 3 Rumex acetosa 2 Stellaria crassifolia 7 Rumex arcticus 12 Stellaria longipes 8 Salix alaxensis 10 Stellaria media 1 Salix arbusculoides 4 Streptopus amplexifolius 4 Salix arctica 7 Swertia perennis 11 Salix barclayi 5 Taraxacum officinale 4 Salix barrattiana 1 Taraxacum officinale ssp. 2 Salix bebbiana 3 Taraxacum phymatocarpum 2 Salix fuscescens 9 Tephroseris atropurpurea 4 Salix glauca 7 Thalictrum alpinum 4 Salix hastata 9 Thalictrum sparsiflorum 7 Salix ovalifolia 1 Tofieldia coccinea 2 Salix pulchra 13 Tofieldia pusilla 9 INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Appendix A – Page 5 February 2014 Draft Vascular Plant Species Number of Occurrences Vascular Plant Species Number of Occurrences Salix reticulata 9 Trichophorum alpinum 1 Salix richardsonii 7 Trichophorum cespitosum 6 Salix rotundifolia 1 Trientalis europaea 9 Salix stolonifera 1 Trifolium repens 1 Sambucus racemosa 2 Triglochin palustris 4 Sanguisorba canadensis 12 Trisetum spicatum 8 Sanguisorba officinalis 1 Urtica dioica spp. gracilis 2 Saussurea angustifolia 9 Utricularia intermedia 2 Saxifraga bronchialis 2 Utricularia macrorhiza 1 Saxifraga hieraciifolia 2 Vaccinium ovalifolium 2 Saxifraga hirculus 1 Vaccinium oxycoccos 5 Saxifraga nelsoniana ssp. pacifica 7 Vaccinium uliginosum 15 Saxifraga reflexa 1 Vaccinium vitis-idaea 13 Saxifraga serpyllifolia 1 Valeriana capitata 13 Saxifraga tricuspidata 6 Veratrum viride 4 Scheuchzeria palustris 1 Veronica wormskjoldii 4 Senecio congestus 1 Viburnum edule 4 Senecio lugens 6 Vicia americana 1 Senecio triangularis 1 Viola biflora 1 Shepherdia canadensis 9 Viola epipsila 7 Vascular Plant Species Number of Occurrences Viola sp. 9 Woodsia glabella 2 Woodsia ilvensis 3 Zigadenus elegans 3 INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 February 2014 Draft APPENDIX B: HABITAT CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE TWO RARE PLANT SPECIES FOUND IN THE RARE PLANT STUDY AREA IN 2013. INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Appendix B – Page 1 February 2014 Draft Percent Areal Cover Plant Life-form/Ground Cover Eriophorum viridicarinatum Habitat Vicia Americana Habitat Low shrubs 1 0 Erect dwarf shrubs + 0 Prostrate dwarf shrubs 1 0 Evergreen shrubs + 0 Deciduous shrubs 1 0 Erect forbs 0 95 Non-tussock graminoids 50 1 Fruticose lichen + 0 Pleurocarpous bryophytes 25 5 Acrocarpous bryophytes/Liverworts 0 0 Horsetails 0 + Rocks 0 0 Bare soil/Salt crust 0 0 Water 15 0 Total dead vegetation 30 5 Canopy/Relief Height (cm) Vegetation canopy 25 60 Microrelief 10 0 Site Characteristic Eriophorum viridicarinatum Habitat Vicia Americana Habitat Landform residual plain abandoned alluvial plain Surficial geology/parent material lacustrine organic deposits stabilized alluvium Surficial geomorphology small wetland hummocks featureless Site moisture subhygric mesic Soil moisture very saturated moist to wet Glacial geology bedrock with subsequent deposition reworked alluvial till Topographic position flat flat Estimated snow duration snow free immediately after melt-out snow free immediately after melt-out Disturbance degree none disturbed more than once/year Disturbance type none human activities including clearing, vehicle traffic and walking Stability stable stable Exposure moderate exposure to wind protected from winds INITIAL STUDY REPORT RARE PLANT STUDY (11.8) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Appendix B – Page 2 February 2014 Draft Areal Cover Category (r = rare, + = common, 1 = 1–5%, 2 = 6–25%, 3 = 26–50%) Plant Species Eriophorum viridicarinatum Habitat Vicia Americana Habitat Picea glauca 1 Vaccinium uliginosum 1 Andromeda polifolia 1 Salix fusescens 1 Ledum groenlandicum + Carex lividum 3 Eriophorum viridicarinatum 1 Carex aquatilis 1 Carex limosa + Eriophorum angustifolium + Eriophorum russeolum + Triglochin palustre + Unknown green and black wetland moss 2 Drepanocladus spp. + Cladonia poccilum + Heracleum maximum 3 Chamerion angustifolium 3 Vicia americana 1 Ranunculus bongardi 1 Angelica lucida + Taraxacum officinale + Dryopteris expansa + Urtica lyallii + Mertensia paniculata + Equisetum arvense + Geranium erianthum + Galeopsis bifida + Viola epipsela + Delphinium glauca + Carex stipata + Unknown Pleurocarpous moss 1