HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuWa221Alaska Resources Library & Information Services Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Document ARLIS Uniform Cover Page Title: Synopsis of ADF&G's upper Susitna drainage fish inventory, August 2011 SuWa 221 Author(s) – Personal: Joseph D. Buckwalter Author(s) – Corporate: Alaska Division of Sport Fish AEA-identified category, if specified: AEA-identified series, if specified: Series (ARLIS-assigned report number): Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project document number 221 Existing numbers on document: Published by: Anchorage, AK : ADF&G Division of Sport Fish, [2011] Date published: November 22, 2011 Published for: Date or date range of report: Volume and/or Part numbers: Final or Draft status, as indicated: Document type: Pagination: 173 p. Related work(s): Pages added/changed by ARLIS: Notes: Not listed on Susitna-Watana documents website. Page 3 mentions the Watana Dam, and the content covers the Susitna-Watana impact area. All reports in the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Document series include an ARLIS- produced cover page and an ARLIS-assigned number for uniformity and citability. All reports are posted online at http://www.arlis.org/resources/susitna-watana/ 1 SYNOPSIS OF ADF&G’S UPPER SUSITNA DRAINAGE FISH INVENTORY, AUGUST 2011 Principal investigator: Joseph D. Buckwalter Address: ADF&G Division of Sport Fish; 333 Raspberry Rd; Anchorage, AK 99518 Telephone number: 907-267-2345 E-mail address: joseph.buckwalter@alaska.gov Date prepared: November 22, 2011 This synopsis provides preliminary results of our August, 2011 fish inventory in the Upper Susitna River Subbasin (Hydrologic Unit Code 19020501), which comprises the portion of the Susitna River basin upstream of Talkeetna–See Figure 1. An ADF&G Fishery Data Series (FDS) report describing this project in detail will be prepared early in 2012. Background Goal 6 of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Division of Sport Fish’s (DSF) Strategic Plan is to “Conserve habitat to sustain recreational fisheries resources”. In the ADF&G-DSF’s Alaska Freshwater Fish Inventory (AFFI) program, one way we contribute to this goal is by conducting inventories to expand the coverage of the Anadromous Waters Catalog (AWC) and AFFI database (AFFID, which also includes nonanadromous species). Since 2002, we have conducted annual regional-scale, watershed-based fish inventory projects in selected areas of Southcentral, Southwestern, Interior, Western, and Northwestern Alaska. In August 2003, we conducted a reconnaissance inventory in the Upper Susitna River Subbasin, visiting 19 reaches, all upstream of Devils Canyon. Sampling with a backpack electrofisher with access by helicopter, we found juvenile Chinook salmon at 4 reaches in Susitna River tributaries, including 1 reach at Fog Creek (AFFI Station ID FSS0305A01—AWC nom # 04-024), 2 reaches at Kosina Creek (Station IDs FSS0306A01 and FSS0307A06—AWC nom # 04-066), and 1 reach at the Oshetna River (Station ID FSS0306A05—AWC nom # 04-067). During a 1-day aerial (helicopter) survey of selected upper Susitna River tributaries between Devils Canyon and Jay Creek on August 1, 2003, we also saw adult Chinook salmon in 2 streams, Fog Creek (Station ID FSS03USU01—AWC nom # 04-024) and Tsusena Creek (Station ID FSS03USU02—AWC nom # 04-025). In 2011, as part of a larger AFFI project comprising the Susitna, Matanuska, and Knik river basins (excluding conservation units), we returned to the Upper Susitna River Subbasin to complete a standard AFFI fish inventory. We also conducted a helicopter survey to locate Chinook salmon spawning aggregations upstream of Devils Canyon. Objectives Objective 1: To complete a baseline inventory, using standard AFFI protocols, of fish (with emphasis on anadromous fish) distribution in the Upper Susitna River Subbasin. Objective 2: To record characteristics, using standard AFFI protocols, of aquatic and riparian habitats at each fish-collection reach. Objective 3: To identify locations of spawning Chinook salmon aggregations in Upper Susitna River Subbasin tributaries upstream of Devils Canyon. 2 Methods From August 3–16, 2011, according to standard AFFI protocols (Buckwalter et al. 2010), three 2-person teams inventoried fish communities by single-pass electrofishing in 60 stream reaches throughout the entire Upper Susitna River Subbasin (Figure 1). At a single habitat transect in each reach, all teams measured a standard suite of aquatic and riparian habitat characteristics. Table 1 lists the variables recorded for each reach. Three sets of target streams were selected in advance based on watershed area. Streams upstream of obvious barrier falls (Figure 1) were excluded: • Mainstem rivers–rivers draining at least 1500 km2 (575 mi2). All 3 Mainstem rivers in the subbasin were sampled by boat electrofisher (Smith-Root GPP 2.5 generator-powered electrofisher mounted on a 13-ft inflatable cataraft), including the upper Susitna River mainstem (2 reaches sampled), Maclaren River (1 reach sampled), and Tyone River (1 reach sampled). • Intermediate streams–streams draining at least 200 km2 (77 mi2). 19 of the 22 Intermediate streams in the subbasin were sampled (1 reach each) by boat electrofisher (same electrofishing system as Mainstem rivers). The 3 remaining Intermediate streams (Tsisi Creek, Goose Creek, and an unnamed Maclaren River tributary) were not raftable, but all 3 had at least 1 Headwater reach that was sampled by backpack electrofisher in 2003 or 2011. • Headwater streams–streams draining at least 50 km2 (19 mi2). 37 of the 74 Headwater streams in the subbasin were sampled (1 reach each) by backpack electrofisher (Smith- Root LR-24). Since we could not sample all 74 of them, we left out some Headwater streams where: 1) relatively little stream length (e.g., < 5 km) would be added to the AWC; 2) we thought anadromous fish (especially Chinook salmon) were least likely to occur (e.g., high elevation, high gradient, or still or slow-flowing with muddy bottom); 3) a nearby Headwater stream was sampled and no anadromous fish found, or; 4) the helicopter pilot could not find a suitable place to land. On July 27 and 28, 2011, we conducted a 2-day helicopter survey looking for adult salmon in the upper Susitna River mainstem and lower reaches of selected tributaries upstream of Devils Canyon, including Fog Creek, Tsusena Creek, Watana Creek, Kosina Creek, Jay Creek, Windy Creek, Valdez Creek, Boulder Creek (north of Valdez Creek), Oshetna River, Little Oshetna River, Tyone Creek, Tyone River, Clearwater Creek, Little Clearwater Creek, West Fork Maclaren River, Maclaren River, and Boulder Creek (upper Maclaren river tributary). The helicopter survey was scheduled during the time when ADF&G typically conducts Chinook salmon aerial surveys in upper Susitna River tributaries downstream of Devils Canyon (S. S. Ivey, Sport Fish Area Management Biologist, ADF&G, personal communication June 16, 2011). Results Table 2 provides a list of all the fish species we found at electrofished reaches in the Upper Susitna River Subbasin in 2003 and 2011, along with the number of reaches where we found each species. Figure 1 is an overview map of the Upper Susitna River Subbasin showing reaches we electrofished in 2003 and 2011. Figures 2–15 are detail maps of the Upper Susitna River Subbasin showing reaches we electrofished in 2003 and 2011, with reach ID, species found, and AWC streams labeled. Station reports summarize the data we collected at each reach. Reach 3 locations, station reports, and photos will soon be posted on the AFFI online mapping application at http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=ffinventory.main. Results from the August 2003 inventory are already posted. We found anadromous fish (juvenile Chinook salmon) in 4 of the 60 electrofished reaches in the Upper Susitna River Subbasin, including: 1 reach in Fog Creek (Station ID FSS1104C01— AWC nom # 110582); 2 reaches in Portage Creek (Station IDs FSS1109C01—AWC nom # 110585 and FSS1111C04–AWC nom # 110587); and 1 reach in the mainstem Susitna River at Lane Creek, 16 miles upstream of Talkeetna (Station ID FSS1106D01—AWC nom # 110493). Only 1 (Fog Creek) of these 4 reaches was located upstream of Devils Canyon. During the helicopter survey on July 27, 2011, we also saw 1 adult Chinook salmon in Kosina Creek (Station ID FSS1101G04—AWC nom # 110485). We submitted AWC nominations for all 5 sites where we found Chinook salmon. We collected specimens of optionally-anadromous fishes a Recommendations , including humpback whitefish and Dolly Varden, from several reaches upstream of Devils Canyon. During the winter of 2011/2012, we will have otoliths from these specimens tested to detect periods of saltwater residency. If the otolith-chemistry tests provide evidence of saltwater migration, we will also nominate for inclusion in the AWC the streams where these specimens were found along with the downstream route to saltwater. Due to its proximity to the proposed Watana Dam site and impoundment, and due to the documented presence of Chinook salmon in other nearby tributaries, one of the Headwater target streams we missed should be considered a priority for future fish inventory work. This is the unnamed right-bank Susitna River tributary located between Watana Creek and Deadman Creek (mouth located at N 62.834, W 148.322; Seward Meridian, T32N, R06E, Section 27). The lower reaches of this stream should be sampled to check for the presence of Chinook salmon (particularly rearing juveniles). In this investigation, we did not select any target streams draining less than 50 km2 or lakes. Small streams and lakes, especially those draining directly to an AWC-listed stream, should be considered for future fish-inventory studies. Our investigations in 2003 and 2011 suggest a small Chinook salmon stock persists in the Upper Susitna River Subbasin upstream of Devils Canyon. While sampling a relatively small number of isolated reaches scattered throughout the Upper Susitna River Subbasin, we documented the occurrence of both juvenile and adult Chinook salmon upstream of Devils Canyon during both 2003 and 2011. A common assumption is that a few Chinook salmon may pass through Devils Canyon only in low-water years; however, in 2003, we found adult Chinook salmon in Fog and Tsusena creeks when Susitna River daily mean discharge at Gold Creek during July 2003 a All salmonids (salmon, trout, char, grayling, and whitefish) spawn in freshwater, and some spend their entire lives there. However, many migrate to sea to feed and mature and then return to freshwater to spawn. This life-history pattern is known as anadromy. Salmonid species and populations exhibit differing degrees of anadromy. Some species, such as pink, chum, and Chinook salmon, are generally considered to be obligatory-anadromous species. Others, such as trout, char, and whitefish species, are considered to be optionally-anadromous, meaning they may have nonanadromous populations or individuals. Therefore, before nominating optionally-anadromous species for listing in the AWC, evidence of anadromy is needed. 4 averaged 29,200 cfs, the highest July value reported during the past 10 years (2002–2011; USGS 2011). Very little is known about Upper Susitna Chinook salmon in terms of run size and interannual variability, locations of spawning, rearing, and over-wintering areas, and timing and duration of key life-history events (e.g., upriver migration and spawning, period of freshwater residency, smolt out-migration). Further investigation would be needed to obtain information on the status of this stock, beginning with an investigation of spawning run size and the distribution of spawning aggregations, preferably spanning several years. Funding statement This investigation was funded in part by: qualified outer continental shelf oil and gas revenues by the Coastal Impact Assistance Program, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement, U.S. Department of the Interior; State Wildlife Grant T-10-4 under Project P- 10; and Alaska Energy Authority under the Watana Hydroelectric Project. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by the U.S. Government. References cited Buckwalter, J. D., J. J. M. Kirsch, and D. J. Reed. 2010. Fish inventory and anadromous cataloging in the lower Yukon River drainage, 2008. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series No. 10-76, Anchorage. http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/FedAidPDFs/FDS10-76.pdf. USGS (U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey). 2011. Annual Water Data Reports. http://wdr.water.usgs.gov/ (Accessed November 2011). 5 TABLES 6 Table 1.–List of variables recorded at each reach. Variable name Equipment Units/Domain Precision Comment Geographic information Project Code & Station ID - text - 5-digit alphanumeric—see Buckwalter et al. 2010, Stations heading. Station location consumer-grade GPS unit (e.g. Garmin GPSmap 60CSx or 76S) decimal degrees: latitude (DD.DDDDD); longitude (-DDD.DDDDD) 0.00001 degrees Location of habitat transect. Upper end of reach Lower end of reach Geodetic datum text - Default is WGS84. Water-body name Water-body name from USGS topo map text - Geographic comments - text - Describes location of study site in relation to adjacent long-term or permanent geographic features Observers - list of field staff - Date/time field notebook computer mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss 1 s Value input automatically from computer's clock when data entry is begun Camera counter - sequential integers - List of photo filenames (last 3 digits only) associated with each station Visit comments - text - Physical and biological conditions at the station during the visit—focus on ephemeral conditions, such as weather or stream conditions, or the dynamics of riparian conditions, that may help explain other recorded observations Wildlife comments - text - Anecdotal wildlife observations, particularly those that relate to fish. Water quality Water temperature YSI 556 meter °C 0.01 °C Measured in thalweg pH pH units 0.01 pH units Dissolved oxygen mg/L, % saturation 0.01 mg/L, 0.1% Conductivity µS/cm 1 µS/cm Ambient conductivity (not temperature corrected). Turbidity LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter NTU 0.1 NTU Water color - see Appendix B4 b - . -continued- b All appendices referred to are from Buckwalter et al. 2010. 7 Table 1.–Page 2 of 4. Variable name Equipment Units/Domain Precision Comment Channel morphology Channel widths (wetted and bankfull [BF]) 30-m fiberglass tape m 0.1 m In wadeable channels < 30 m wide laser range finder (Bushnell Yardage Pro) m 1 m In nonwadeable channels, or where width > 30 m Thalweg depth (wetted and BF) graduated rod m 0.01 m All teams–wadeable channels handheld sonar (wetted depth); rod and clinometer (to measure BF height) m 0.1 m For nonwadeable channels Stream gradient clinometer (Sokkia 5x magnifying abney level with clinometer, or Suunto PM-5) % 0.1% Water surface angle between consistent channel features near habitat transect. Substrate composition visual estimate see Appendix B4 - 3 most dominant substrate classes within scoured portion of streambed in a 5-CW (<100 m) section centered on habitat transect. Embeddedness category visual estimate negligible (<5%), low (5–25%), moderate (25–25%), high (50–75%), very high (>75%) - Estimated embeddedness of gravel, cobble, and boulder particles in, or as near to as possible, the thalweg in a 5- CW (<100 m) section centered on the habitat transect. Entrenchment ratio category visual estimate or laser range finder (flood-prone width), and see channel width (BF) 1.0–1.4=entrenched; 1.41–2.2=moderately-entrenched; >2.2=slightly-entrenched - Entrenchment ratio (Rosgen 1994) = flood-prone width ÷ BF width. Flood- prone width is the width of the floodplain measured at a water level of twice the thalweg BF depth. Channel type see Channel width, Thalweg depth and Stream gradient Rosgen (1994) level-II channel types, plus the following: Lake/Pond; Slough; Beaver pond complex; Wetland; or No defined channel - To be determined in the office following fieldwork based on BF width and BF depth (width-to-depth ratio), gradient, entrenchment ratio, dominant substrate, and estimated sinuosity values. Stream flow Stream stage - dry, low, medium, high - Water level relative to BF stage. 48-hour precipitation - none/trace, moderate, heavy - -continued- 8 Table 1.–Page 3 of 4. Variable name Equipment Units/Domain Precision Comment Stream flow (continued) Thalweg velocity Transparent velocity-head rod (TVHR) Head depth (mm)mean water column velocity (m/s) 1 mm (0.1 m/s) Wadeable streams, depth <0.9 m Whole orange, fiberglass tape, stopwatch m/s 0.1 m/s Wadeable streams (alternate method). Timed orange float through a 6-m length. consumer-grade GPS unit (Garmin GPSmap 60CSx or 76S) m/s 0.1 m/s Nonwadeable streams—maximum sustained GPS velocity of boat drifting in thalweg. Meter type - TVHR, orange, or GPS - Riparian vegetation communities Riparian vegetation composition - Viereck et al. (1992) vegetation communities - Dominant vegetation community recorded in 8 zones (4 zones on each bank): 0-5 m (from BF level); 5-10 m; 10-20 m; 20-30 m Canopy height graduated rod (< 1.5 m); clinometer & range finder (> 1.5 m) m 0.1 m (< 1.5 m); 0.5 m (>1.5 m) Recorded for each of the 8 zones described above Fish-collection events Channel - main-, side-, or off-channel - Channel type of fish-collection event Fish-collection method - backpack electrofisher, boat electrofisher, visual observations (ground, boat, or helicopter), dipnet, angling, none - Waveform electrofisher setting DC-pulsed; DC-unpulsed - Voltage V 1 V (LR-24 only) Range Low or High - (GPP 2.5 only) Percent of range 0–100 % Continuous (GPP 2.5 only) Frequency pulses per second (pps) 1 pps Duty cycle % 1% (LR-24 only) Current electrofisher output meter A 0.01 A (LR-24); 0.1 A (GPP 2.5) Peak current (LR-24); average current (GPP 2.5) Power electrofisher output meter W 1 W Peak power (LR-24 only) Electrofisher on-time electrofisher timer s 1 s Efficiency - excellent, good, fair, poor - Perceived electrofishing efficiency, relative to optimal conditions. -continued- 9 Table 1.–Page 4 of 4. Variable name Equipment Units/Domain Precision Comment Catch Reach length GPS (trip computer mode, or track) m 1 m Indicate actual length of fish-collection reach, measured by GPS. Species - see Appendix B5 - Life stage - see Appendix B1 - Life history - anadromous, freshwater-resident, marine, unknown, N/A - Suspect spawning - yes, no - Barrier - see Appendix B3 - Fork length fish measuring board mm 1 mm Sex - male, female, blank (if sex was not determined) - Anomalies - see Appendix B2 - Retained - Checkbox (Y/N) - Indicate each individual fish retained. Tag No. - 10-digit alphanumeric text - For retained specimens, indicate the tag number affixed to each fish. Vial No. - 10-digit alphanumeric text - If a tissue sample was taken, indicate the vial number. Photo No. Digital camera 3-digit positive integer 1 For each fish photographed, indicate the photo number (last 3 digits of the photo filename) for each photo taken. Individual fish comments - text - Comments pertaining to an individual fish (e.g., sampling injuries or mortalities, unusual features or behavior) Additional counts - integer, no. of fish 1 fish Count of additional fish collected or observed (not including any fish measured individually) Estimated - yes, no - Indicates whether the no. of additional fish recorded above was an estimate or a direct count Species-life-stage comments - text - Comments pertaining to an entire group of fish of the same species and life stage 10 Table 2.–List of species found at electrofished reaches in the Upper Susitna River Subbasin during August 2003 and August 2011 fish inventories, along with species codes, and the number of reaches where each species was found. Species Number of reaches Family Scientific name Common name Code 2003 2011 Catostomidae Catostomus catostomus longnose sucker NOS 1 13 Salmonidae Coregonus pidschian humpback whitefish WHB 0 4 Prosopium cylindraceum round whitefish WRN 0 20 - whitefish-unspecified WHF 1 0 Thymallus arcticus Arctic grayling GRA 12 46 Oncorhynchus mykiss rainbow trout TRB 0 1 Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook salmon SCK 4 4 Salvelinus malma Dolly Varden CDV 1 13 Gadidae Lota lota burbot GBR 1 13 Cottidae Cottus cognatus slimy sculpin USL 16 52 - - no fish found XXX 1 1 Total number of reaches sampled. 19 60 11 FIGURES 12 Figure 1.–Map of the Upper Susitna River Subbasin. 13 Figure 2.–Susitna Glacier vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 14 Figure 3.–Denali Highway crossing vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 15 Figure 4.–Clearwater Creek vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 16 Figure 5.–Maclaren Glacier vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 17 Figure 6.–Lower Maclaren River vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 18 Figure 7.–Coal Creek vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 19 Figure 8.–Lake Louise vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 20 Figure 9.–Upper Oshetna River vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 21 Figure 10.–Lower Oshetna River vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 22 Figure 11.–Kosina Creek vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 23 Figure 12.–Watana Creek vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 24 Figure 13.–Fog Creek vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 25 Figure 14.–Devils Canyon vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 26 Figure 15.–Susitna River downstream of Gold Creek vicinity map. Note: See Table 2 to lookup species names. 27 STATION REPORTS Station FSS0305A01 Date/Time: 08/13/2003 1:06 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Fog Creek 62.77432 -148.70844 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number:247-41-10200-2696 Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):9.40 Stream Gradient (%): 2 Width DO (mg/L):12.03 Turbidity (NTU): 18.0 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth Boulder Water Color:Clear Cobble Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-4 Visit Comments:Width estimated. Velocity measured in thalweg (depth 2.0 ft) at 60% of depth with AA meter. 71 revolutions in 40.1 seconds. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Balsam Poplar-White Spruce Forest Closed Balsam Poplar-White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.12Conductivity (µS/cm):118 Rosgen Class:B3 Moderately entrenched, moderate gradient, riffle dominated channel, with infrequently spaced pools. Very stable plan and profile. Stable banks. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S031N004E16 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 4 25 25 25 3 3 20 20 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):1.20 3.9 Elevation NED (m)(ft):426 1398 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Chinook salmon Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:5 Min:56 Max:91 Mean:71Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Fork length of additional fish was about 60 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:73 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:87 Max:87 Mean:87Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:87 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:53 Max:53 Mean:53Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:53 Species:whitefish-unspecified Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Did not capture; may have been a sucker. F.L. was about 300 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (1) Life Stage:adult Median: -continued- 28 Station FSS0305A01 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:Visual estimate Channel Depths: Turbidity: Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 29 Station FSS0305A02 Date/Time: 08/13/2003 3:21 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Tsusena Creek 62.84005 -148.57626 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):8.20 Stream Gradient (%): 2 Width DO (mg/L):12.31 Turbidity (NTU): 43.0 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.50 Cobble Water Color:Clear Boulder Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Waterfall about 2 km upstream at station 05A05 is a barrier to upstream migration of all species and life stages. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-4 Visit Comments:Stream not wadeable. Width, depth estimated. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Alder Shrub Closed Balsam Poplar-White Spruce Forest Closed Balsam Poplar-White Spruce Forest Closed Balsam Poplar-White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.16Conductivity (µS/cm):64 Rosgen Class:B2 Moderately entrenched, moderate gradient, riffle dominated channel, with infrequently spaced pools. Very stable plan and profile. Stable banks. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S032N005E29 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2 20 20 20 4 24 24 24 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):496 1627 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Fish Observations Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:84 Max:84 Mean:84Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:84 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:52 Max:52 Mean:52Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:52 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:Visual estimate Channel Depths:Visual estimate Turbidity: Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 30 Station FSS0305A03 Date/Time: 08/13/2003 4:21 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Watana Creek 62.89774 -148.12112 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):10.20 Stream Gradient (%): 1 Width DO (mg/L):11.38 Turbidity (NTU):1.00 19.5 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.70 Sand/Silt/Clay Water Color:Clear Gravel Boulder Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-3 Visit Comments:Main channel not wadeable. Depth, width estimated. Landslides about 5 km downstream depositing sediment into channel. Water clear above, but highly turbid below landslides. Landslides appear to be recent, probably triggered by earthquake in 2003. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.49Conductivity (µS/cm):186 Rosgen Class:C4 Low gradient, meandering, point-bar, riffle/pool, alluvial channels with broad, well-defined floodplains. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S032N007E03 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 3 25 25 25 2 2 2 15 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):640 2100 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Fish Observations Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:44 Max:45 Mean:44Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:44 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:Visual estimate Channel Depths:Visual estimate Turbidity:Horiba U-10 Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 31 Station FSS0305A04 Date/Time: 08/13/2003 5:38 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: 62.84628 -148.23525 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):9.50 Stream Gradient (%): 2 Width 3.0 DO (mg/L):11.54 Turbidity (NTU):1.00 3.0 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.30 Cobble Water Color:Clear Boulder Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Left-bank tributary to Watana Creek USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-3 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.64Conductivity (µS/cm):370 Rosgen Class:B2 Moderately entrenched, moderate gradient, riffle dominated channel, with infrequently spaced pools. Very stable plan and profile. Stable banks. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S032N006E24 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 3 20 20 20 3 4 4 20 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):508 1667 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:126 Max:145 Mean:135Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:135 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:63 Max:63 Mean:63Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:63 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:Horiba U-10 Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 32 Station FSS0306A01 Date/Time: 08/14/2003 10:00 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Kosina Creek 62.76548 -147.94932 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):10.40 Stream Gradient (%): 2 Width DO (mg/L):10.85 Turbidity (NTU):0.00 20.0 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.70 Cobble Water Color:Clear Boulder Sand/Silt/Clay Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-2 Visit Comments:Stream not wadeable. Width, depth estimated. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder Shrub Open Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Open Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder Shrub Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.38Conductivity (µS/cm):103 Rosgen Class:B2 Moderately entrenched, moderate gradient, riffle dominated channel, with infrequently spaced pools. Very stable plan and profile. Stable banks. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S031N008E22 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2 3 10 10 2 3 20 20 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):577 1893 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:61 Max:84 Mean:72Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:72 Species:Chinook salmon Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:73 Max:73 Mean:73Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:73 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:71 Max:71 Mean:71Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:71 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:20 Max:27 Mean:22Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median:23 -continued- 33 Station FSS0306A01 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:Visual estimate Channel Depths:Visual estimate Turbidity:Horiba U-10 Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 34 Station FSS0306A02 Date/Time: 08/14/2003 11:30 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Jay Creek 62.78032 -147.87877 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):7.40 Stream Gradient (%): 2.5 Width 10.3 DO (mg/L):12.10 Turbidity (NTU): 9.6 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.40 Boulder Water Color:Clear Cobble Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-2 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Balsam Poplar-White Spruce Forest Closed Balsam Poplar-White Spruce Forest Closed Balsam Poplar-White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.59Conductivity (µS/cm):206 Rosgen Class:B3 Moderately entrenched, moderate gradient, riffle dominated channel, with infrequently spaced pools. Very stable plan and profile. Stable banks. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S031N008E13 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 3 3 4 4 3 25 25 25 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):0.91 2.9 Elevation NED (m)(ft):548 1798 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:3 Min:83 Max:83 Mean:83Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. of additional fish was about 70 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) VOG (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:83 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity: Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 35 Station FSS0306A03 Date/Time: 08/14/2003 2:12 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Susitna River 62.75510 -147.72154 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):11.70 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width DO (mg/L):11.10 Turbidity (NTU): 100.0 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth Cobble Water Color:Clear Sand/Silt/Clay Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Susitna River and right bank side channel. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-2 Visit Comments:River not wadeable. Width estimated - main channel only. Water quality parameters entered above were measured in side channel. Main channel: temperature (C) 8.5, pH 7.66, conductivity 155, turbidity 999 (exceeds maximum value), D.O. 11.69, color - high glacial turbidity. Stage - medium. Substrate: cobble, silt, boulder Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder Shrub Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder Shrub Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.56Conductivity (µS/cm):300 Rosgen Class:C5 Low gradient, meandering, point-bar, riffle/pool, alluvial channels with broad, well-defined floodplains. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S031N009E23 Station Info Wildlife Comments:Major caribou migration trails. Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2 2 3 20 2 2 4 15 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):539 1768 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:10Total Fish Count:20 Min:62 Max:133 Mean:74Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. of additional fish was about 70 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (10) VOG (10) Life Stage:juvenile Median:97 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:23 Min:32 Max:115 Mean:64Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:F.L. of additional fish ranged from about 50 to 120 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) VOG (20) Life Stage:juvenile Median:73 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:71 Max:101 Mean:86Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:adult Median:86 -continued- 36 Station FSS0306A03 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:3 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. was about 50 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:35 Max:35 Mean:35Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:35 Species:whitefish-unspecified Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:51 Max:54 Mean:52Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) Life Stage:juvenile Median:52 Species:no fish collected or observed Life History:Not Applicable Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:0 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (0) Life Stage:not applicable Median: Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:Visual estimate Channel Depths: Turbidity: Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 37 Station FSS0306A04 Date/Time: 08/14/2003 3:30 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Goose Creek 62.62784 -147.45495 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):11.10 Stream Gradient (%): 2 Width 15.0 DO (mg/L):10.99 Turbidity (NTU):0.00 14.7 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.60 Cobble Water Color:Clear Boulder Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-1 Visit Comments:Algae covers substrate. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Open White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.55Conductivity (µS/cm):104 Rosgen Class:B2 Moderately entrenched, moderate gradient, riffle dominated channel, with infrequently spaced pools. Very stable plan and profile. Stable banks. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S029N011E06 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2 20 20 20 2 2 2 15 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):690 2264 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:72 Max:72 Mean:72Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:72 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:74 Max:74 Mean:74Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:74 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:15 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. was about 50 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (15) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:21 Max:33 Mean:24Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) Life Stage:juvenile Median:27 -continued- 38 Station FSS0306A04 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:Horiba U-10 Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 39 Station FSS0306A05 Date/Time: 08/14/2003 4:54 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Oshetna River 62.61765 -147.38179 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.80 Stream Gradient (%): 1 Width DO (mg/L):11.28 Turbidity (NTU): 3.5 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.10 Cobble Water Color:Clear Boulder Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Station located at left bank side channel of Oshetna River. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-1 Visit Comments:Above data pertain to side channel. Main channel: Conductivity 146; turbidity 35; D.O. 10.97; temperature (C) 10.4; pH 7.57; substrate boulder, gravel, cobble; Rosgen type C2. Stream stage high; Water color - high glacial turbidity; velocity - fast. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.97Conductivity (µS/cm):1170 Rosgen Class:C2 Low gradient, meandering, point-bar, riffle/pool, alluvial channels with broad, well-defined floodplains. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S029N011E10 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2 10 10 10 2 20 20 20 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):681 2234 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:7Total Fish Count:7 Min:48 Max:72 Mean:59Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (7) Life Stage:juvenile Median:60 Species:salmonid-unspecified Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. was about 70 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median: Species:Chinook salmon Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:52 Max:67 Mean:61Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median:59 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:52 Max:52 Mean:52Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:52 -continued- 40 Station FSS0306A05 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:16 Min:21 Max:25 Mean:23Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. of additional fish was about 40 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) VOG (12) Life Stage:juvenile Median:23 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity: Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 41 Station FSS0307A01 Date/Time: 08/15/2003 10:39 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: 62.54810 -147.13653 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):9.50 Stream Gradient (%): 1 Width 14.6 DO (mg/L):10.62 Turbidity (NTU):1.00 10.4 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.50 Sand/Silt/Clay Water Color:Clear GravelDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Unvegetated Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.16Conductivity (µS/cm):366 Rosgen Class:C4 Low gradient, meandering, point-bar, riffle/pool, alluvial channels with broad, well-defined floodplains. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S028N012E01 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2 2 2 25 25 25 25 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):767 2516 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:20 Min:62 Max:62 Mean:62Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:F.L. of additional fish ranged from about 75 to 140 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) VOG (19) Life Stage:juvenile Median:62 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. was about 50 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:Horiba U-10 Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 42 Station FSS0307A02 Date/Time: 08/15/2003 12:20 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: 62.67477 -147.05419 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):12.60 Stream Gradient (%): 2 Width 6.0 DO (mg/L):10.40 Turbidity (NTU): 5.3 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.30 Cobble Water Color:Clear GravelDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Tall Willow Shrub Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Open Tall Willow Shrub Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.27Conductivity (µS/cm):106 Rosgen Class:F4 Entrenched meandering riffle/pool channel on low gradients with high width/depth ratio. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): C010N010W02 Station Info Wildlife Comments:1 curious caribou. Kingfisher, bald eagle. Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2 20 20 20 2 15 15 15 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):716 2349 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:F.L. was about 250 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:5 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. was about 45 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (5) Life Stage:juvenile Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. was about 30 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median: Species:no fish collected or observed Life History:Not Applicable Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:0 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (0) Life Stage:not applicable Median: -continued- 43 Station FSS0307A02 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity: Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 44 Station FSS0307A03 Date/Time: 08/15/2003 1:02 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Tyone River 62.67445 -147.05508 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):13.00 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width DO (mg/L):10.70 Turbidity (NTU): 26.5 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.31 Cobble Water Color:Clear Gravel Sand/Silt/Clay Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): At confluence with 07A02 stream. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.43Conductivity (µS/cm):271 Rosgen Class:C4 Low gradient, meandering, point-bar, riffle/pool, alluvial channels with broad, well-defined floodplains. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): C010N010W02 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2 20 20 20 2 20 20 20 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):716 2349 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:73 Max:73 Mean:73Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:73 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:F.L. was about 90 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:F.L. was about 70 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity: Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments -continued- 45 Station FSS0307A03 Page 2 of 2 Water Quality:Horiba U-10 46 Station FSS0307A04 Date/Time: 08/15/2003 2:30 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Oshetna River 62.50392 -147.47704 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):9.80 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width DO (mg/L):11.31 Turbidity (NTU):1.00 20.0 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.70 Cobble Water Color:Clear GravelDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Reach located immediately upstream of confluence with Black River (glacial origin). USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-1 Visit Comments:Unwadeable - width, depth estimated. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Open White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.42Conductivity (µS/cm):219 Rosgen Class:C4 Low gradient, meandering, point-bar, riffle/pool, alluvial channels with broad, well-defined floodplains. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S028N011E19 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 15 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):823 2700 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:11 Min:54 Max:72 Mean:59Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. of additional fish was about 80 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (6) VOG (5) Life Stage:juvenile Median:63 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:72 Max:72 Mean:72Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:72 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:17 Min:53 Max:65 Mean:59Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. of additional fish was about 50 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) VOG (15) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:59 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:34 Max:43 Mean:38Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) Life Stage:juvenile Median:38 -continued- 47 Station FSS0307A04 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:Visual estimate Channel Depths:Visual estimate Turbidity:Horiba U-10 Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 48 Station FSS0307A05 Date/Time: 08/15/2003 4:30 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Tsisi Creek 62.69465 -147.99674 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):12.10 Stream Gradient (%): 4 Width DO (mg/L):10.72 Turbidity (NTU): 8.0 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.50 Cobble Water Color:Clear Boulder Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Left bank tributary of Kosina Creek. Station located at downstream end of reach. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-2 Visit Comments:Not wadeable - width, depth estimated. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Shrub Birch Closed Low Shrub Birch Closed Low Shrub Birch Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Shrub Birch Closed Low Shrub Birch Closed Low Shrub Birch Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.44Conductivity (µS/cm):125 Rosgen Class:A2 Steep, entrenched, cascading, step/pool streams. Very stable. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S030N008E17 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):778 2552 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Fish Observations Species:no fish collected or observed Life History:Not Applicable Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:0 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (0) Life Stage:not applicable Median: Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:Visual estimate Channel Depths:Visual estimate Turbidity: Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 49 Station FSS0307A06 Date/Time: 08/15/2003 5:01 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Kosina Creek 62.69379 -147.99668 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):12.70 Stream Gradient (%): 2 Width DO (mg/L):9.89 Turbidity (NTU): 30.0 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.50 Cobble Water Color:Clear Boulder Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Mainstem reach immediately upstream of 07A05. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-2 Visit Comments:Unwadeable - width, depth estimated Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Shrub Birch Closed Low Shrub Birch Closed Low Shrub Birch Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Shrub Birch Closed Low Shrub Birch Closed Low Shrub Birch Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.30Conductivity (µS/cm):73 Rosgen Class:B2 Moderately entrenched, moderate gradient, riffle dominated channel, with infrequently spaced pools. Very stable plan and profile. Stable banks. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S030N008E17 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):781 2562 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:56 Max:56 Mean:56Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:56 Species:salmonid-unspecified Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:3 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. was about 70 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median: Species:Chinook salmon Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:70 Max:75 Mean:72Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:72 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:55 Max:55 Mean:55Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:55 -continued- 50 Station FSS0307A06 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:Visual estimate Channel Depths:Visual estimate Turbidity: Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 51 Station FSS0308A01 Date/Time: 08/16/2003 10:01 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Fog Creek 62.76313 -148.51478 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number:247-41-10200-2696 Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):7.20 Stream Gradient (%): 1.5 Width 8.9 DO (mg/L):12.30 Turbidity (NTU): 7.6 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.40 Gravel Water Color:Clear CobbleDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-4 Visit Comments:Thalweg velocity measured at 60% of depth with Pygmy meter; 136 revolutions in 40.0 seconds. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.30Conductivity (µS/cm):143 Rosgen Class:C3 Low gradient, meandering, point-bar, riffle/pool, alluvial channels with broad, well-defined floodplains. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S031N005E22 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2 2 2 8 2 20 20 20 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):1.00 3.2 Elevation NED (m)(ft):636 2087 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Yes Comments:1 was in spawning colors. Average F.L. was about 300 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (2) Suspected Spawning: Life Stage:adult Median: Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:10Total Fish Count:15 Min:41 Max:57 Mean:48Fork Lengths (mm) Yes Comments:Average F.L. of additional fish was about 50 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (10) VOG (5) Suspected Spawning: Life Stage:juvenile Median:49 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity: Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 52 Station FSS0308A02 Date/Time: 08/16/2003 12:10 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Butte Creek 63.06009 -147.71604 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):9.20 Stream Gradient (%): 1 Width DO (mg/L):12.34 Turbidity (NTU): 40.0 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.60 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Boulder Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Healy A-2 Visit Comments:Stream unwadeable - width, depth estimated. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Open Low Shrub Birch-Ericaceous Shrub Bog Open Low Shrub Birch-Ericaceous Shrub Bog Open Low Shrub Birch-Ericaceous Shrub Bog Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Open Low Shrub Birch-Ericaceous Shrub Bog Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.50Conductivity (µS/cm):201 Rosgen Class:F3 Entrenched meandering riffle/pool channel on low gradients with high width/depth ratio. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): F021S001W27 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):829 2720 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:77 Max:77 Mean:77Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:77 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:4 Min:63 Max:67 Mean:65Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. of additional fish was about 60 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) VOG (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:65 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:13 Max:37 Mean:25Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:25 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:Visual estimate Channel Depths:Visual estimate Turbidity: Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments -continued- 53 Station FSS0308A02 Page 2 of 2 Water Quality:Horiba U-10 54 Station FSS0308A03 Date/Time: 08/16/2003 1:54 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Kosina Creek 62.58810 -148.04649 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):11.40 Stream Gradient (%): 1 Width 160.0 DO (mg/L):10.82 Turbidity (NTU):0.00 160.0 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.70 Gravel Water Color:Clear Boulder Sand/Silt/Clay Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-3 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Low Mixed Shrub-Sedge Tussock Tundra Open Low Mixed Shrub-Sedge Tussock Tundra Open Low Mixed Shrub-Sedge Tussock Tundra Open Low Mixed Shrub-Sedge Tussock Tundra Left Bank Vegetation Type Open Low Mixed Shrub-Sedge Tussock Tundra Open Low Mixed Shrub-Sedge Tussock Tundra Open Low Mixed Shrub-Sedge Tussock Tundra Open Low Mixed Shrub-Sedge Tussock Tundra Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.32Conductivity (µS/cm):64 Rosgen Class:F2 Entrenched, relatively low to moderate sinuosity, riffle/pool channel on low gradients with high width/depth ratio. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S029N007E24 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):874 2867 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:F.L. was about 200 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:18 Min:51 Max:57 Mean:53Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. of additional fish was about 55 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (6) VOG (12) Life Stage:juvenile Median:54 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:10 Min:53 Max:62 Mean:58Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. of additional fish was about 50 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) VOG (6) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:57 -continued- 55 Station FSS0308A03 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:Visual estimate Turbidity:Horiba U-10 Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 56 Station FSS0308A04 Date/Time: 08/16/2003 3:35 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Delusion Creek 62.90009 -148.23165 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, John Wells, Jim Lazar LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):11.30 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 4.8 DO (mg/L):10.68 Turbidity (NTU): 5.2 O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.40 0.40 Gravel Water Color:Muddy Cobble Sand/Silt/Clay Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-3 Visit Comments:Sample reach located upstream of a beaver pond. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Bluejoint-Herb Bluejoint-Herb Bluejoint-Herb Closed Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Bluejoint-Herb Bluejoint-Herb Bluejoint-Herb Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.30Conductivity (µS/cm):202 Rosgen Class:E3 Low gradient, meandering riffle/pool stream with low width/depth ratio and little deposition. Very efficient and stable. High meander width ratio. Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S033N006E36 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):730 2395 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:7 Min:51 Max:59 Mean:55Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Average F.L. of additional fish was about 55 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) VOG (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:55 Stream Gradient:handheld optical clinometer Water Quality:Horiba U-10 Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity: Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments 57 Station FSS03USU01 Date/Time: 08/01/2003 9:11 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Fog Creek 62.77405 -148.70653 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number:247-41-10200-2696 Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, J Johnson LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C): Stream Gradient (%): Width DO (mg/L):Turbidity (NTU): O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth Water Color: Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Station waypoint marked while flying. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-4 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Left Bank Vegetation Type Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:Conductivity (µS/cm): Rosgen Class: Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S031N004E16 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):426 1398 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Visual Observation, Helicopter(VOH) Fish Observations Species:Chinook salmon Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Yes Comments:No chinook observed upstream at 08A01. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOH (2) Suspected Spawning: Life Stage:adult Median: Stream Gradient: Water Quality: Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths: Channel Depths: Turbidity:Electrofisher: Instruments 58 Station FSS03USU02 Date/Time: 08/01/2003 9:31 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Tsusena Creek 62.83455 -148.59018 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, J Johnson LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C): Stream Gradient (%): Width DO (mg/L):Turbidity (NTU): O.H.W. Wetted Thalweg Depth Water Color: Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:NAD83 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Impassable falls upstream at station 05A05. Station waypoint marked while flying. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-4 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Left Bank Vegetation Type Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:Conductivity (µS/cm): Rosgen Class: Reach Coordinates (Upstream / Downstream) Legal Description (MTRS): S032N005E30 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft):472 1549 Stream Discharge(cu m/s)(cu ft/s): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Visual Observation, Helicopter(VOH) Fish Observations Species:Chinook salmon Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:No chinook observed upstream at 05A02. Waterfall about 2.5 miles upstream at 05A05 is a population barrier to Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOH (1) Life Stage:adult Median: Stream Gradient: Water Quality: Stream Velocity:Price pygmy meter Channel Widths: Channel Depths: Turbidity:Electrofisher: Instruments 59 Station FSS1101A01 Date/Time: 08/03/2011 12:00 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Coal Creek 62.93620 -147.28810 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Daniel Reed, Tim Sundlov LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):8.17 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 21.5 DO (mg/L):10.81 Turbidity (NTU):1.24 19.8 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.46 0.33 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Silt/Sand Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Open White Spruce Forest Closed Black Spruce Forest Closed Black Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Open Low Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Open Black Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:Conductivity (µS/cm):23 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.92624 -147.26120 Legal Description (MTRS): S033N011E24 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.5 1 1.5 5 1 5 4 5 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.93620 -147.28810 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):91.70 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 2909Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:19Total Fish Count:32 Min:332 Max:407 Mean:356Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (19) VOB (13) Life Stage:adult Median:369 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:27Total Fish Count:29 Min:29 Max:50 Mean:42Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (27) VOB (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:39 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:8Total Fish Count:15 Min:52 Max:58 Mean:55Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (8) VOB (7) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:55 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:7 Min:296 Max:325 Mean:310Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (6) VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:310 -continued- 60 Station FSS1101A01 Page 2 of 2 Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:6 Min:280 Max:372 Mean:322Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:326 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:51 Max:51 Mean:51Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:51 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Orange Float Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 61 Station FSS1101B01 Date/Time: 08/03/2011 11:34 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Clearwater Creek 62.95278 -147.00649 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Jonathan Kirsch, Ashley Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):7.45 Stream Gradient (%): 1 Width 38.0 DO (mg/L):11.49 Turbidity (NTU):1.24 18.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.50 0.75 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Silt/Sand Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): IU6 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:5.75Conductivity (µS/cm):103 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.93615 -147.00451 Legal Description (MTRS): C014N009W31 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 3.3 3.3 3.3 13 2.7 9 9 9 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):0.50 1.64 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.95278 -147.00649 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):95.70 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 889Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:20 Min:360 Max:380 Mean:370Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) VOB (18) Life Stage:adult Median:370 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Event O arctic grayling approximately 95mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:297 Max:307 Mean:303Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:302 -continued- 62 Station FSS1101B01 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 63 Station FSS1101c01 Date/Time: 08/03/2011 9:44 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: East Fork Maclaren River 63.26862 -146.41500 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Joe Buckwalter LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):5.40 Stream Gradient (%): 2 Width 41.0 DO (mg/L):11.50 Turbidity (NTU):185.00 20.4 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.80 0.36 Boulder Water Color:Glacial, High Turbidit Cobble Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU101 Habitat transect down Stream of the mouth of unnamed tributary. USGS Quadrangle:Mt Hayes B-5 Visit Comments:Right bank has a vegetated gravel bar below bankful level. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.10Conductivity (µS/cm):68 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.26993 -146.42260 Legal Description (MTRS): F019S007E16 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.26993 -146.42260 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Moderatley Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):88.60 Key To Fish Sampling Methods ()Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:10 Min:127 Max:185 Mean:162Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) VOG (4) Life Stage:juvenile Median:156 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:59 Min:56 Max:66 Mean:61Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) VOG (45) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:61 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:71 Max:110 Mean:88Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) Life Stage:adult Median:90 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:5 Min:35 Max:48 Mean:42Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (5) Life Stage:juvenile Median:41 -continued- 64 Station FSS1101c01 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 65 Station FSS1101c02 Date/Time: 08/03/2011 3:15 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Boulder Creek 63.19090 -146.42755 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Joe Buckwalter LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):10.88 Stream Gradient (%): 0 Width 13.1 DO (mg/L):9.56 Turbidity (NTU):1.00 12.7 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.25 1.10 Gravel Water Color:Clear Sands Boulder Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU46 USGS Quadrangle:Mt Hayes A-5 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Subarctic Lowland Sedge-Moss Bog Meadow Subarctic Lowland Sedge-Moss Bog Meadow Left Bank Vegetation Type Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Bryoid herbaceous Unvegetated Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:5.56Conductivity (µS/cm):16 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.19168 -146.43001 Legal Description (MTRS): F020S007E09 Station Info Wildlife Comments:4 Caribou. Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.3 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.19090 -146.42755 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Very High LongitudeLatitude DO (%):86.60 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:10 Min:35 Max:35 Mean:35Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) VOG (8) Life Stage:juvenile Median:35 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:36 Min:51 Max:65 Mean:54Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (6) VOG (30) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:58 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:69 Max:89 Mean:79Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) Life Stage:adult Median:79 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:12Total Fish Count:12 Min:30 Max:40 Mean:36Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (12) Life Stage:juvenile Median:35 -continued- 66 Station FSS1101c02 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality: Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths: Channel Depths: Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher: Instruments Transparency: 67 Station FSS1101G04 Date/Time: 07/27/2011 1:39 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Kosina Creek 62.60033 -148.03957 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: 247-41-10200-2810 Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, Raye Ann Neustel LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C): Stream Gradient (%): Width DO (mg/L): Turbidity (NTU): Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth Water Color:Clear Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Aerial survey from mouth to about 15 miles upstream. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-3 Visit Comments:An adult Chinook salmon was observed at N62.67335 W148.00421 (WGS84). Water was clear, but visibility was poor due to turbulence. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Left Bank Vegetation Type Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:Conductivity (µS/cm): Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.78439 -147.94441 Legal Description (MTRS): S029N008E18 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.60033 -148.03957 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Embeddedness: LongitudeLatitude DO (%): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Visual Observation, Helicopter(VOH) Fish Observations Species:Chinook salmon Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Yes Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOH (1) Suspected Spawning: Life Stage:adult Median: Species:salmonid-unspecified Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:500 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Schools of other large fish (probably grayling and round whitefish) were observed. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOH (500) Life Stage:adult Median: Stream Gradient: Water Quality: Stream Velocity: Channel Widths: Channel Depths: Turbidity: Electrofisher: Instruments Transparency: 68 Station FSS1102A01 Date/Time: 08/04/2011 9:53 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Butte Creek 63.06142 -147.60439 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Daniel Reed, David Pluth LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):8.28 Stream Gradient (%): 1 Width 29.0 DO (mg/L):11.07 Turbidity (NTU):0.32 18.9 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.12 0.66 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Silt/Sand Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): IU8. USGS Quadrangle:Healy A-2 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Black Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Unvegetated Unvegetated Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:Conductivity (µS/cm):35 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.06053 -147.55556 Legal Description (MTRS): F021S001E29 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 3 5 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.06144 -147.60517 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):94.60 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 1986Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:10Total Fish Count:10 Min:210 Max:315 Mean:273Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (10) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:262 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:4 Min:385 Max:429 Mean:407Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) VOG (2) Life Stage:adult Median:407 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:33 Max:47 Mean:40Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:40 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:83 Max:83 Mean:83Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:83 -continued- 69 Station FSS1102A01 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Orange Float Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 70 Station FSS1102B01 Date/Time: 08/04/2011 10:25 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Watana Creek 62.85475 -148.22310 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Jonathan Kirsch, Ashley Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):11.75 Stream Gradient (%): 1 Width 22.0 DO (mg/L):10.70 Turbidity (NTU):6.33 14.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.00 0.60 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Boulder Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): IU21 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-3 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:Conductivity (µS/cm):44 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.84066 -148.24245 Legal Description (MTRS): S032N007E19 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):5.40 17.71 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.85475 -148.22310 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Moderatley Entrenched Embeddedness: Moderate LongitudeLatitude DO (%):98.70 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 659Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:91 Min:235 Max:252 Mean:243Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) VOB (89) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:243 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:103 Min:190 Max:315 Mean:249Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) VOB (98) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:252 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:5 Min:110 Max:145 Mean:128Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) Life Stage:juvenile Median:127 -continued- 71 Station FSS1102B01 Page 2 of 2 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:195 Max:195 Mean:195Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:195 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 72 Station FSS1102c01 Date/Time: 08/04/2011 9:21 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: 63.40664 -147.17268 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Joe Buckwalter LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):8.20 Stream Gradient (%): 1 Width 22.6 DO (mg/L):9.93 Turbidity (NTU):0.20 7.6 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.00 0.70 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Sands Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU88 Within sight of Susitna Glacier Moraine. East Fork Susitna. USGS Quadrangle:Healy B-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Halophytic Grass Wet Meadow Halophytic Grass Wet Meadow Halophytic Grass Wet Meadow Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.24Conductivity (µS/cm):84 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.40526 -147.17453 Legal Description (MTRS): F017S003E28 Station Info Wildlife Comments:Beaver dam complex (upstream & downstream). Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.3 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.40550 -147.17411 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):84.30 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 276Estimated reach length (m): Portable Electrofisher(PEF)Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:12 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (12) Life Stage:juvenile Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:4 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) VOG (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:40 Max:40 Mean:40Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:40 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:90 Max:90 Mean:90Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:90 -continued- 73 Station FSS1102c01 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 74 Station FSS1102c02 Date/Time: 08/04/2011 11:28 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Boulder Creek 63.29864 -147.06781 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Joe Buckwalter LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):7.37 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 27.2 DO (mg/L):10.25 Turbidity (NTU):8.80 17.3 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.10 0.45 Silt/Sand Water Color:Glacial, Low Turbidit GravelDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU48. Habitat transect located downstream of one clear tributary & one glacial tributary. USGS Quadrangle:Healy B-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.67Conductivity (µS/cm):85 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.30010 -147.06947 Legal Description (MTRS): F019S004E06 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.30010 -147.06947 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):85.30 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 337Estimated reach length (m): Portable Electrofisher(PEF)Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:35 Max:35 Mean:35Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:35 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:53 Max:53 Mean:53Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:53 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 75 Station FSS1102C03 Date/Time: 08/04/2011 1:41 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Valdez Creek 63.21714 -147.21956 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Joe Buckwalter LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):9.27 Stream Gradient (%): 0.75 Width 42.0 DO (mg/L):9.89 Turbidity (NTU):0.10 9.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.70 0.30 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Sands Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU34 USGS Quadrangle:Healy A-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.70Conductivity (µS/cm):112 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.21684 -147.22313 Legal Description (MTRS): F020S003E05 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.21684 -147.22313 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: High LongitudeLatitude DO (%):86.10 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 279Estimated reach length (m): Portable Electrofisher(PEF)Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:7Total Fish Count:29 Min:24 Max:36 Mean:29Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:20 fry & 2 parr @ approximately 150mm Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (7) VOG (22) Life Stage:juvenile Median:30 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:8 Min:30 Max:41 Mean:35Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (5) VOG (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median:35 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 76 Station FSS1102C04 Date/Time: 08/04/2011 3:52 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Windy Creek 63.11157 -147.47378 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Joe Buckwalter LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):10.64 Stream Gradient (%): 3 Width 23.0 DO (mg/L):9.54 Turbidity (NTU):0.60 15.1 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.75 0.50 Cobble Water Color:Clear Boulder Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Healy A-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Alder-Willow Shrub Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Closed Low Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.56Conductivity (µS/cm):92 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.11140 -147.47812 Legal Description (MTRS): F021S001E12 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2.51.3 30 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.11140 -147.47812 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):85.80 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 300Estimated reach length (m): Portable Electrofisher(PEF)Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:275 Max:275 Mean:275Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:275 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:7 Min:35 Max:161 Mean:103Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (5) VOG (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:98 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:7 Min:97 Max:103 Mean:100Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) VOG (4) Life Stage:adult Median:100 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:5 Min:35 Max:44 Mean:39Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (5) Life Stage:juvenile Median:39 -continued- 77 Station FSS1102C04 Page 2 of 2 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:205 Max:205 Mean:205Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:205 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 78 Station FSS1103A01 Date/Time: 08/05/2011 1:00 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Tyone Creek 62.50381 -147.06345 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, David Pluth LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):10.03 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 23.5 DO (mg/L): Turbidity (NTU):2.19 22.6 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.02 0.65 Silt/Sand Water Color:Clear Gravel Cobble Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Floodprone width is 30 m. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-1 Visit Comments:Dissolved oxygen probe not working on YSI 556 water quality meter. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Open Black Spruce Forest Open Black Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.15Conductivity (µS/cm):283 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.51550 -147.05959 Legal Description (MTRS): C008N010W03 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.4 0.4 7 7 0.4 0.4 5 5 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.50381 -147.06345 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Entrenched Embeddedness: Moderate LongitudeLatitude DO (%): Key To Fish Sampling Methods 4157Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:10 Min:249 Max:330 Mean:290Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Longnose sucker in Event A was approximately 300 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) VOB (5) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:289 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:9Total Fish Count:105 Min:53 Max:67 Mean:61Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Slimy Sculpin in Event AA was approximately 50 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (29) VOB (76) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:60 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:7 Min:370 Max:430 Mean:410Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (6) VOB (1) Life Stage:adult Median:400 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:24Total Fish Count:25 Min:19 Max:50 Mean:39Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (24) VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:34 -continued- 79 Station FSS1103A01 Page 2 of 2 Species:Pacific salmon-unspecified Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Salmon referred to in event a approximately 150 mm and probobly round whitefish. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median: Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:297 Max:297 Mean:297Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:297 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:4 Min:63 Max:73 Mean:67Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Arctic grayling in event L approximately 60 mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (4) Life Stage:juvenile Median:68 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:2 Min:40 Max:40 Mean:40Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:40 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:70 Max:76 Mean:72Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) Life Stage:adult Median:73 Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:202 Max:256 Mean:229Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:229 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Orange Float Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 80 Station FSS1103B01 Date/Time: 08/05/2011 9:22 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: 62.29481 -146.61988 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Jonathan Kirsch, Ashley Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):11.52 Stream Gradient (%): 0.2 Width 13.0 DO (mg/L):10.51 Turbidity (NTU):1.71 10.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.80 0.40 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Silt/Sand Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): IU4 USGS Quadrangle:Gulkana B-6 Visit Comments:Habitat transect downstream from upper reach point (pictures 312-313) and upper reach pictures are 309- 311. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.45Conductivity (µS/cm):88 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.30854 -146.60589 Legal Description (MTRS): C006N008W13 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 14 14 9 9 12 12 8 8 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):0.50 1.64 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.30016 -146.60692 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):92.00 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 1102Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:6507 Min:285 Max:345 Mean:315Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) VOB (6505) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:315 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:200 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Event B made up of tiny longnose sucker fry. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (200) Life Stage:juvenile Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:39 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (39) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:8 Min:385 Max:440 Mean:412Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) VOB (6) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:412 -continued- 81 Station FSS1103B01 Page 2 of 2 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:859 Min:210 Max:245 Mean:220Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (4) VOB (855) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:227 Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:5 Min:175 Max:225 Mean:195Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) Life Stage:juvenile Median:200 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:127 Min:253 Max:255 Mean:254Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) VOB (125) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:254 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:385 Max:385 Mean:385Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:385 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:45 Max:45 Mean:45Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:45 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:5 Min:145 Max:193 Mean:163Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) Life Stage:juvenile Median:169 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:88 Max:186 Mean:137Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:137 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 82 Station FSS1103c01 Date/Time: 08/05/2011 9:53 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Tyone Creek 62.32449 -147.37042 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.52 Stream Gradient (%): 0.75 Width 10.4 DO (mg/L):12.23 Turbidity (NTU):0.20 9.9 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.58 0.83 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Boulder Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Mining marker 300 meters off of right bank & near transect site. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts B-1 Visit Comments:Thalweg on river left. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Willow Shrub Low Scrub Low Scrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.02Conductivity (µS/cm):257 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.32573 -147.36840 Legal Description (MTRS): S026N011E23 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1.3 2.3 2.1 2.1 1.5 1.5 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.32573 -147.36840 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):99.70 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 300Estimated reach length (m): Portable Electrofisher(PEF)Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:9 Min:200 Max:324 Mean:263Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (6) VOG (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:262 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:11Total Fish Count:21 Min:54 Max:66 Mean:60Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (11) VOG (10) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:60 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:124 Max:173 Mean:149Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median:148 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:9Total Fish Count:9 Min:69 Max:91 Mean:80Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (9) Life Stage:adult Median:80 -continued- 83 Station FSS1103c01 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:41 Max:41 Mean:41Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:41 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 84 Station FSS1103c02 Date/Time: 08/05/2011 1:52 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: 62.74560 -147.47480 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):8.96 Stream Gradient (%): Width 4.8 DO (mg/L):10.35 Turbidity (NTU):0.60 4.5 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.70 0.35 Cobble Water Color:Humic BoulderDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Mining camp approximately I mile downstream. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.41Conductivity (µS/cm):127 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.74544 -147.47428 Legal Description (MTRS): S031N011E30 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.60.7 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.74560 -147.47480 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):89.60 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 85 Station FSS1104A01 Date/Time: 08/06/2011 9:30 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Susitna River 62.65552 -147.31278 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, David Pluth LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.75 Stream Gradient (%): Width 153.0 DO (mg/L):10.95 Turbidity (NTU):254.00 139.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 3.80 2.30 Cobble Water Color:Glacial, High Turbidit Boulder Silt/Sand Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): MU9. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-1 Visit Comments:pH sensor not working. Generator low on gas, so sampling crew skipped approximately 1 subreach after subreach 5 in order to reach Oshetna River mouth (subreach 6). Then skipped to mouth of Goose Creek and then to mouth of Jay creek to sample. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Open Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Open Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Open Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:Conductivity (µS/cm):86 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.69473 -147.46353 Legal Description (MTRS): S030N011E25 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):2.50 8.20 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.65552 -147.31278 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Entrenched Embeddedness: LongitudeLatitude DO (%):89.60 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 5827Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:7 Min:224 Max:231 Mean:228Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) VOB (4) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:227 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:4 Min:163 Max:181 Mean:170Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:172 Species:general fish observation, no s Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: -continued- 86 Station FSS1104A01 Page 2 of 2 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:8Total Fish Count:17 Min:362 Max:405 Mean:379Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (8) VOB (9) Life Stage:adult Median:383 Species:whitefish-unspecified Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:87 Max:87 Mean:87Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:87 Species:sculpin-unspecified Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:7 Min:223 Max:333 Mean:262Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (4) VOB (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:278 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:6 Min:196 Max:324 Mean:233Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (6) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:260 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:135 Max:273 Mean:223Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median:204 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:12 Min:335 Max:360 Mean:347Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (10) VOB (2) Life Stage:adult Median:347 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:320 Max:325 Mean:322Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:adult Median:322 Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:497 Max:497 Mean:497Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:497 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:70 Max:70 Mean:70Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:70 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:handheld sonar depth finder Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 87 Station FSS1104B01 Date/Time: 08/06/2011 10:35 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Fog Creek 62.76426 -148.46492 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Jonathan Kirsch, Ashley Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.33 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 18.0 DO (mg/L):12.50 Turbidity (NTU):16.80 14.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.80 0.50 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Silt/Sand Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): IU25 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-3 Visit Comments:Large salmon redds (almost certainly Chinook) were observed at waypoint "SCKred". Photos 321-327 were taken in an effort to document these redds, but none came out particularly good. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:5.58Conductivity (µS/cm):78 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.76308 -148.48293 Legal Description (MTRS): S031N005E23 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 14 14 14 14 3 3 18 18 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.76426 -148.46492 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):101.30 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 947Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:8Total Fish Count:28 Min:100 Max:278 Mean:202Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (8) VOB (20) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:189 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:14 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (14) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:50 Max:50 Mean:50Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:50 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:125 Max:125 Mean:125Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:125 -continued- 88 Station FSS1104B01 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 89 Station FSS1104c01 Date/Time: 08/06/2011 7:56 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Fog Creek tributary 62.68394 -148.58511 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.38 Stream Gradient (%): 1.25 Width 18.6 DO (mg/L):10.86 Turbidity (NTU):1.00 11.1 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.65 1.05 Cobble Water Color:Clear BoulderDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Fog Creek has a series of 4 ledges less than 15 ft each, last 2 km before confluence with Susitna River. HU56 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-4 Visit Comments:Very fast moving water in main channel with rearing habitat parallel to river continually until canyon section approximately 2 km above confluence with Susitna River. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Tall Scrub Fireweed Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.68Conductivity (µS/cm):43 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.68501 -148.58498 Legal Description (MTRS): S030N005E18 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 5 6 3 5 5 5 5 5 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.68477 -148.58492 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):88.10 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 300Estimated reach length (m): Portable Electrofisher(PEF)Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Chinook salmon Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:8 Min:49 Max:61 Mean:55Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (5) VOG (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median:55 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:94 Max:94 Mean:94Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:94 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:4 Min:51 Max:52 Mean:51Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) VOG (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:51 -continued- 90 Station FSS1104c01 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:43 Max:50 Mean:46Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median:46 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 91 Station FSS1104c02 Date/Time: 08/06/2011 10:12 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Tsisi Creek 62.61258 -148.31368 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.29 Stream Gradient (%): 1.25 Width 21.6 DO (mg/L):10.90 Turbidity (NTU):0.00 20.1 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.94 0.53 Cobble Water Color:Clear Boulder Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-3 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.91Conductivity (µS/cm):69 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.61421 -148.31099 Legal Description (MTRS): S029N006E10 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 4 2.5 1 3.5 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.61421 -148.31099 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):88.30 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:78 Max:92 Mean:87Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median:85 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:52 Max:59 Mean:54Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:55 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:11 Min:30 Max:50 Mean:43Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (6) VOG (5) Life Stage:juvenile Median:40 -continued- 92 Station FSS1104c02 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 93 Station FSS1104c03 Date/Time: 08/06/2011 7:41 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Fog Creek 62.76374 -148.40418 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):8.26 Stream Gradient (%): 0.75 Width 9.9 DO (mg/L):10.95 Turbidity (NTU):0.20 9.4 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.07 0.50 Cobble Water Color:Clear BoulderDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-3 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Open White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:8.09Conductivity (µS/cm):87 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.76370 -148.40413 Legal Description (MTRS): S031N006E19 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 253.5 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.76374 -148.40418 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):93.10 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:15Total Fish Count:15 Min:30 Max:50 Mean:42Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (15) Life Stage:juvenile Median:40 Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Resident Fish Measured:15Total Fish Count:21 Min:84 Max:265 Mean:123Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (15) VOG (6) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:174 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:15Total Fish Count:15 Min:70 Max:111 Mean:88Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (15) Life Stage:adult Median:90 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:17Total Fish Count:35 Min:54 Max:64 Mean:58Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (17) VOG (18) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:59 -continued- 94 Station FSS1104c03 Page 2 of 2 Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Resident Fish Measured:18Total Fish Count:18 Min:39 Max:79 Mean:46Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (18) Life Stage:juvenile Median:59 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 95 Station FSS1105A01 Date/Time: 08/07/2011 9:24 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Oshetna River 62.49302 -147.47168 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, David Pluth LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):7.02 Stream Gradient (%): 1.5 Width 48.0 DO (mg/L):11.21 Turbidity (NTU): 30.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.62 0.80 Boulder Water Color:Clear Cobble Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts B-1 Visit Comments:Put-in above, take out below, Black River confluence. Oshetna River is clear, Black River, turbid (glacial). pH sensor not working. Habitat transect at large, light-colored granite boulder (1 M long) at wetted edge of right bank. At end of sample reach, continued to raft down the Oshetna River to within a mile of IU58, electrofishing intermittently (2311 seconds total). Observed all the same species that were caught/observed during sample reach. Took out at N 62 36.72', W 147 23.46'. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Open Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Open Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Open Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:Conductivity (µS/cm):124 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.53251 -147.45820 Legal Description (MTRS): S028N011E29 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1.4 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):1.94 6.36 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.49302 -147.47168 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):92.50 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 3188Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF) Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:7Total Fish Count:31 Min:54 Max:61 Mean:56Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (7) VOB (24) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:57 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:11 Min:336 Max:415 Mean:360Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (6) VOB (5) Life Stage:adult Median:375 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:12Total Fish Count:13 Min:200 Max:326 Mean:251Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (12) VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:263 -continued- 96 Station FSS1105A01 Page 2 of 2 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:7 Min:341 Max:408 Mean:387Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (6) VOB (1) Life Stage:adult Median:374 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:8Total Fish Count:16 Min:380 Max:411 Mean:389Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (8) VOB (8) Life Stage:adult Median:395 Species:general fish observation, no s Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Event N is probobly a round whitefish at approximately 200mm. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median: Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:332 Max:341 Mean:336Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:336 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:261 Max:318 Mean:296Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:289 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:7Total Fish Count:9 Min:70 Max:188 Mean:146Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (7) VOB (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:129 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:82 Max:82 Mean:82Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:82 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:6 Min:24 Max:49 Mean:35Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (6) Life Stage:juvenile Median:36 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 97 Station FSS1105B01 Date/Time: 08/07/2011 10:48 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Sonona Creek 62.50195 -147.17393 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Jonathan Kirsch, Ashley Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):7.92 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 25.5 DO (mg/L):10.71 Turbidity (NTU):15.00 11.2 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.20 0.65 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Silt/Sand Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): IU12 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-1 Visit Comments:pH sensor may have been malfunctioning. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub Open White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Open Tall Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:4.45Conductivity (µS/cm):184 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.51330 -147.16673 Legal Description (MTRS): S028N012E23 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.8 22 22 22 2.2 2.2 2.2 20 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):1.10 3.61 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.50195 -147.17393 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):90.00 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 921Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:100 Max:100 Mean:100Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:100 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:4 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (4) Life Stage:adult Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:21 Min:52 Max:52 Mean:52Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) VOB (20) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:52 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:6 Min:290 Max:290 Mean:290Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) VOB (5) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:290 -continued- 98 Station FSS1105B01 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:75 Max:75 Mean:75Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:75 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 99 Station FSS1105c02 Date/Time: 08/07/2011 10:28 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Little Oshetna River 62.18462 -147.71460 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):5.46 Stream Gradient (%): 0.75 Width 43.0 DO (mg/L):12.21 Turbidity (NTU):1.00 10.6 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.78 0.38 Cobble Water Color:Clear Boulder Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU15. Barrier to fish passage 300 m upriver, waterfalls (3) photos 101-103. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts A-2 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Willow Dwarf Shrub Tundra Willow Dwarf Shrub Tundra Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.96Conductivity (µS/cm):161 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.18588 -147.71058 Legal Description (MTRS): S024N009E12 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.1 0.1 1.7 1.7 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.18553 -147.71104 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):96.80 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:8 Min:200 Max:214 Mean:208Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) VOG (5) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:207 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:17Total Fish Count:17 Min:71 Max:115 Mean:88Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (17) Life Stage:adult Median:93 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:28 Min:57 Max:57 Mean:57Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) VOG (27) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:57 -continued- 100 Station FSS1105c02 Page 2 of 2 Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:81 Max:81 Mean:81Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:81 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 101 Station FSS1105c03 Date/Time: 08/07/2011 12:38 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Gold Creek 62.28690 -147.70756 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.20 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 29.5 DO (mg/L):11.26 Turbidity (NTU):0.00 9.1 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.87 0.38 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Boulder Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU95 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts B-2 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Seral Herbs Seral Herbs Seral Herbs Open Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Seral Herbs Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.20Conductivity (µS/cm):105 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.28813 -147.70661 Legal Description (MTRS): S025N009E01 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.3 1 1 1 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.5 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.28793 -147.70688 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):91.10 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:5 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (5) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:2 Min:79 Max:79 Mean:79Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:79 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:364 Max:364 Mean:364Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:364 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:3 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: -continued- 102 Station FSS1105c03 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 103 Station FSS1105c04 Date/Time: 08/07/2011 2:18 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: 62.44560 -147.54899 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):10.15 Stream Gradient (%): 1.75 Width 7.4 DO (mg/L):10.33 Turbidity (NTU):0.70 6.7 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.75 0.30 Cobble Water Color:Clear BoulderDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU113 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts B-2 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Shrub Birch Closed Low Shrub Birch Closed Low Shrub Birch Closed Low Shrub Birch Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.38Conductivity (µS/cm):36 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.44684 -147.54768 Legal Description (MTRS): S027N010E11 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1 1 1 1 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.44684 -147.54768 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):91.90 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (2) Life Stage:adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:10 Min:93 Max:93 Mean:93Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) VOG (9) Life Stage:juvenile Median:93 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:5 Min:87 Max:118 Mean:100Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (5) Life Stage:adult Median:102 -continued- 104 Station FSS1105c04 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:5 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (5) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 105 Station FSS1105c05 Date/Time: 08/07/2011 4:25 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Goose Creek 62.52246 -147.76267 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):8.80 Stream Gradient (%): 0.2 Width 19.9 DO (mg/L):10.57 Turbidity (NTU):0.20 19.3 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.60 0.39 Gravel Water Color:Clear Sands Cobble Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU16 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-2 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Low Mixed Shrub-Sedge Tussock Bog Open Low Mixed Shrub-Sedge Tussock Bog Open Low Mixed Shrub-Sedge Tussock Bog Unvegetated Left Bank Vegetation Type Crustose Lichen Wet Graminoid Herbaceous (emergent) Wet Graminoid Herbaceous (emergent) Wet Graminoid Herbaceous (emergent) Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.80Conductivity (µS/cm):25 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.52160 -147.76030 Legal Description (MTRS): S028N009E15 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.52160 -147.76030 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Moderate LongitudeLatitude DO (%):91.00 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:12 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (12) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:8Total Fish Count:20 Min:36 Max:189 Mean:74Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (8) VOG (12) Life Stage:juvenile Median:112 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:6 Min:73 Max:116 Mean:94Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) VOG (2) Life Stage:adult Median:94 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:10Total Fish Count:73 Min:53 Max:64 Mean:58Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (10) VOG (63) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:58 -continued- 106 Station FSS1105c05 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:16Total Fish Count:16 Min:31 Max:50 Mean:38Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (16) Life Stage:juvenile Median:40 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 107 Station FSS1106A01 Date/Time: 08/08/2011 10:00 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Susitna River 63.31106 -147.39440 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, David Pluth LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):4.96 Stream Gradient (%): 0 Width 83.0 DO (mg/L):12.34 Turbidity (NTU):41.50 78.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.88 1.10 Silt/Sand Water Color:Glacial, High Turbidit Gravel Silt/Sand Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Healy B-1 Visit Comments:Upper point of reach in a clear, right bank Susitna River tributary. We floated/electrofished down to the Susitna River mainstem and established a habitat transect pH meter not working. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:Conductivity (µS/cm):89 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.28021 -147.44041 Legal Description (MTRS): F018S002E32 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):1.31 4.30 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.30504 -147.38915 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: High LongitudeLatitude DO (%):96.60 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 4087Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (1) Life Stage:adult Median: Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:14Total Fish Count:22 Min:349 Max:415 Mean:381Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (14) VOB (8) Life Stage:adult Median:382 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:8 Min:56 Max:56 Mean:56Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) VOB (7) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:56 Species:whitefish-unspecified Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: -continued- 108 Station FSS1106A01 Page 2 of 2 Species:humpback whitefish Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:5 Min:378 Max:443 Mean:413Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) Life Stage:adult Median:410 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:410 Max:410 Mean:410Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:410 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:4 Min:215 Max:310 Mean:262Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:262 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:4 Min:63 Max:167 Mean:115Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) VOB (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:115 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:9 Min:205 Max:296 Mean:255Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (6) VOB (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:250 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:104 Max:154 Mean:129Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:129 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:6 Min:336 Max:345 Mean:340Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) VOB (4) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:340 Species:humpback whitefish Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:82 Max:272 Mean:182Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (4) Life Stage:juvenile Median:177 Species:humpback whitefish Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:5 Min:295 Max:325 Mean:307Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) VOB (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:310 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:5 Min:80 Max:112 Mean:90Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) Life Stage:adult Median:96 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:47 Max:47 Mean:47Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:47 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:178 Max:178 Mean:178Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:178 Stream Gradient: Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:handheld sonar depth finder Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 109 Station FSS1106B01 Date/Time: 08/08/2011 10:35 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: East Fork Susitna River 63.37322 -147.00434 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Jonathan Kirsch, Ashley Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):3.85 Stream Gradient (%): 0.25 Width 40.0 DO (mg/L):10.72 Turbidity (NTU):150.00 15.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 2.00 1.10 Silt/Sand Water Color:Glacial, High Turbidit GravelDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): IU10 USGS Quadrangle:Healy B-1 Visit Comments:Most fish caught during subreaches at the mouth of clearwater tributaries. Large number of caddis fly larvae present. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.85Conductivity (µS/cm):39 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.36795 -147.08594 Legal Description (MTRS): F018S004E09 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):1.30 4.26 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.37322 -147.00434 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Moderate LongitudeLatitude DO (%):81.50 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 1539Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:3 Min:347 Max:404 Mean:375Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) VOB (1) Life Stage:adult Median:375 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:45 Max:45 Mean:45Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:45 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:10 Min:235 Max:316 Mean:280Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) VOB (7) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:275 -continued- 110 Station FSS1106B01 Page 2 of 2 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:17 Min:210 Max:295 Mean:239Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) VOB (12) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:252 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:122 Max:122 Mean:122Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:122 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:115 Max:170 Mean:142Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:142 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:348 Max:348 Mean:348Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:348 Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:250 Max:255 Mean:252Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:252 Species:sculpin-unspecified Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:70 Max:70 Mean:70Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:70 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 111 Station FSS1106c01 Date/Time: 08/08/2011 9:34 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: 62.73396 -149.39626 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):7.38 Stream Gradient (%): 1 Width 24.5 DO (mg/L):11.03 Turbidity (NTU):0.00 11.2 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.06 0.85 Sands Water Color:Clear Cobble Boulder Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU85 Small dirt road parallel to creek approximately 50 M upriver of transect site and ending at that point. Unnamed tributary of Susitna River. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-5 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Low Mixed Shrub-Sedge Tussock Tundra Open Low Willow Shrub Crustose Lichen Crustose Lichen Left Bank Vegetation Type Open Low Willow Shrub Unvegetated Fireweed Mixed Herbs Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.23Conductivity (µS/cm):16 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.73537 -149.39327 Legal Description (MTRS): S031N001W35 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.73537 -149.39327 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Moderatley Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):91.80 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 300Estimated reach length (m): ()Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:7Total Fish Count:32 Min:91 Max:154 Mean:122Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (7) VOG (25) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:122 Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:11Total Fish Count:11 Min:36 Max:79 Mean:47Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (11) Life Stage:juvenile Median:57 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:69 Max:78 Mean:72Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) Life Stage:adult Median:73 -continued- 112 Station FSS1106c01 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:8 Min:56 Max:56 Mean:56Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) VOG (7) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:56 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:36 Max:37 Mean:36Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:36 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 113 Station FSS1106c05 Date/Time: 08/08/2011 4:07 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: 62.96324 -148.06820 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):7.90 Stream Gradient (%): 0.75 Width 14.8 DO (mg/L):10.58 Turbidity (NTU):0.20 9.6 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.49 0.32 Sands Water Color:Clear Cobble Boulder Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU54 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-3 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Wet Sedge-Grass Meadow Tundra Wet Sedge-Grass Meadow Tundra Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.62Conductivity (µS/cm):131 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.96210 -148.07029 Legal Description (MTRS): F022S003W35 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.4 0.4 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.96210 -148.07029 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Moderate LongitudeLatitude DO (%):89.20 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:330 Max:349 Mean:339Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:adult Median:339 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:11Total Fish Count:32 Min:199 Max:315 Mean:264Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (11) VOG (21) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:257 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:10Total Fish Count:24 Min:3 Max:94 Mean:39Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (10) VOG (14) Life Stage:juvenile Median:48 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:69 Max:103 Mean:78Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) Life Stage:adult Median:86 -continued- 114 Station FSS1106c05 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:7Total Fish Count:52 Min:52 Max:65 Mean:58Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (7) VOG (45) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:58 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:38 Max:40 Mean:39Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) Life Stage:juvenile Median:39 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 115 Station FSS1106D01 Date/Time: 07/19/2011 2:30 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Susitna River 62.53343 -150.10374 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: 247-41-10200 Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, Jonathan Kirsch, Raye Ann Neustel LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):12.73 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 167.0 DO (mg/L):10.95 Turbidity (NTU):103.10 157.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 5.14 2.90 Gravel Water Color:Glacial, High Turbidit Cobble Sands Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): 16 miles upstream of Talkeetna. Railroad runs along left bank. Upstream end of fish-collection reach located at mouth of Lane Creek (left bank Susitna River tributary). USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna C-1 Visit Comments:Most of the fish (except suckers) from this reach were collected from clear water (Lane Creek) at the upstream end of the reach. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Balsam Poplar (Black Cottonwood) Forest Open Balsam Poplar (Black Cottonwood) Forest Open Balsam Poplar (Black Cottonwood) Forest Low Scrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Open Balsam Poplar (Black Cottonwood) Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.81Conductivity (µS/cm):80 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.45053 -150.12639 Legal Description (MTRS): S028N005W12 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 3 3 3 32 32 32 32 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):2.22 7.28 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.52663 -150.11449 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):103.40 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 4310Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF) Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:8Total Fish Count:11 Min:219 Max:310 Mean:274Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (8) VOB (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:264 Species:Chinook salmon Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:11Total Fish Count:27 Min:56 Max:73 Mean:65Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (11) VOB (16) Life Stage:juvenile Median:64 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:21Total Fish Count:47 Min:190 Max:345 Mean:275Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (21) VOB (26) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:267 -continued- 116 Station FSS1106D01 Page 2 of 3 Species:rainbow trout Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:11 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (11) Life Stage:adult Median: Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:10 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (10) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:17Total Fish Count:108 Min:51 Max:66 Mean:60Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (17) VOB (91) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:58 Species:Chinook salmon Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:6 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (6) Life Stage:adult Median: Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (1) Life Stage:adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:179 Max:179 Mean:179Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:179 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:109 Max:168 Mean:147Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median:138 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:372 Max:410 Mean:391Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:adult Median:391 Species:rainbow trout Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:153 Max:385 Mean:269Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:269 Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:148 Max:275 Mean:211Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:211 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:11Total Fish Count:11 Min:33 Max:50 Mean:45Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (11) Life Stage:juvenile Median:41 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:12Total Fish Count:12 Min:70 Max:110 Mean:79Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (12) Life Stage:adult Median:90 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:185 Max:185 Mean:185Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:185 -continued- 117 Station FSS1106D01 Page 3 of 3 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:handheld sonar depth finder Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 118 Station FSS1107A01 Date/Time: 08/09/2011 2:28 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: West Fork Susitna River 63.31049 -147.55004 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, Joe Giefer LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):2.43 Stream Gradient (%): 0.2 Width 76.0 DO (mg/L):12.46 Turbidity (NTU):210.00 54.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.70 0.80 Gravel Water Color:Glacial, High Turbidit Silt/Sand Boulder Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Healy B-2 Visit Comments:Started reach in a clear, right bank tributary for sampling events A and B. Waypoint 009 is mouth of clear tributary. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.89Conductivity (µS/cm):81 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.28756 -147.50504 Legal Description (MTRS): F018S001E33 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):1.94 6.36 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.29768 -147.51377 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Moderatley Entrenched Embeddedness: Moderate LongitudeLatitude DO (%):91.30 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 2148Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:40 Max:46 Mean:43Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:43 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:8Total Fish Count:43 Min:202 Max:316 Mean:256Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (21) VOB (22) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:259 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:3 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:17 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (17) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: -continued- 119 Station FSS1107A01 Page 2 of 2 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:6 Min:372 Max:458 Mean:419Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (6) Life Stage:adult Median:415 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:314 Max:314 Mean:314Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:314 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:6 Min:338 Max:339 Mean:338Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (6) Life Stage:adult Median:338 Species:humpback whitefish Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:5 Min:400 Max:435 Mean:420Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) Life Stage:adult Median:417 Species:humpback whitefish Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:345 Max:390 Mean:366Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) Life Stage:adult Median:367 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 120 Station FSS1107B01 Date/Time: 08/09/2011 12:53 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Susitna River 63.10460 -147.51791 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Jonathan Kirsch, Stormy Haught LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):5.42 Stream Gradient (%): 0.1 Width 210.0 DO (mg/L):11.08 Turbidity (NTU):108.00 200.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 3.20 2.20 Water Color:Glacial, High Turbidit Silt/SandDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): MU10 USGS Quadrangle:Healy A-2 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Open Black Spruce Forest Open Black Spruce Forest Open Black Spruce Forest Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.06Conductivity (µS/cm):89 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.02283 -147.41879 Legal Description (MTRS): F021S001E10 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 5 5 5 1 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):1.00 3.28 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.07611 -147.52875 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Moderatley Entrenched Embeddedness: Very High LongitudeLatitude DO (%):87.80 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 8098Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:4 Min:300 Max:340 Mean:320Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) VOB (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:320 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:7 Min:210 Max:210 Mean:210Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) VOB (6) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:210 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:8 Min:235 Max:280 Mean:250Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) VOB (5) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:257 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:130 Max:130 Mean:130Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:130 -continued- 121 Station FSS1107B01 Page 2 of 2 Species:humpback whitefish Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:13 Min:365 Max:415 Mean:391Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) VOB (10) Life Stage:adult Median:390 Species:humpback whitefish Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:6 Min:320 Max:325 Mean:322Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) VOB (4) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:322 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:340 Max:365 Mean:352Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:adult Median:352 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:355 Max:415 Mean:391Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) Life Stage:adult Median:385 Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:165 Max:165 Mean:165Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:165 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:handheld sonar depth finder Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 122 Station FSS1107c01 Date/Time: 08/09/2011 10:08 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Osar Creek 63.05533 -146.76440 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):9.70 Stream Gradient (%): 0.25 Width 4.4 DO (mg/L):9.14 Turbidity (NTU):2.20 3.4 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.51 0.44 Cobble Water Color:Humic BoulderDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): Approximately 20M from Denali Highway and Osar creek crossing. USGS Quadrangle:Mt Hayes A-6 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:8.60Conductivity (µS/cm):52 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.05436 -146.76554 Legal Description (MTRS): F021S005E34 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.05451 -146.76549 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: High LongitudeLatitude DO (%):80.40 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:141 Max:147 Mean:144Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:144 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:337 Max:337 Mean:337Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:337 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:32 Min:214 Max:244 Mean:227Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) VOG (29) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:229 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:135 Max:135 Mean:135Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:135 -continued- 123 Station FSS1107c01 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:79 Max:115 Mean:97Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:adult Median:97 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:12 Min:67 Max:67 Mean:67Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) VOG (11) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:67 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:19 Max:25 Mean:21Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median:22 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:265 Max:289 Mean:277Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:277 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 124 Station FSS1107c02 Date/Time: 08/09/2011 1:36 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Little Clearwater Creek 63.12165 -146.79579 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.55 Stream Gradient (%): 1.25 Width 30.6 DO (mg/L):10.35 Turbidity (NTU):0.20 11.3 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.01 0.70 Boulder Water Color:Muddy Cobble Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU52 USGS Quadrangle:Mt Hayes A-6 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Unvegetated Unvegetated Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.25Conductivity (µS/cm):23 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.11925 -146.79703 Legal Description (MTRS): F021S005E04 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.11925 -146.79703 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Moderatley Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):84.30 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:5 Min:70 Max:80 Mean:75Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) VOG (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median:75 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:69 Max:69 Mean:69Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:69 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:13 Min:52 Max:63 Mean:59Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) VOG (9) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:57 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:6 Min:24 Max:43 Mean:34Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (6) Life Stage:juvenile Median:33 -continued- 125 Station FSS1107c02 Page 2 of 2 Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:87 Max:87 Mean:87Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:87 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 126 Station FSS1107c03 Date/Time: 08/09/2011 3:33 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Waterfall Creek 62.96847 -147.20762 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):7.77 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 9.5 DO (mg/L):10.85 Turbidity (NTU):7.30 6.5 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.32 0.90 Cobble Water Color:Feric Gravel Sands Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU106 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Open White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.47Conductivity (µS/cm):52 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.97010 -147.20495 Legal Description (MTRS): F022S003E32 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1 1 1 28 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.97010 -147.20495 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):91.10 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:71 Max:122 Mean:96Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:96 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:11 Min:246 Max:265 Mean:255Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) VOG (9) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:255 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:6 Min:42 Max:111 Mean:62Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (6) Life Stage:juvenile Median:76 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:69 Max:86 Mean:74Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) Life Stage:adult Median:77 -continued- 127 Station FSS1107c03 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:20 Min:53 Max:67 Mean:60Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) VOG (17) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:60 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:18Total Fish Count:18 Min:30 Max:50 Mean:41Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (18) VOG () Life Stage:juvenile Median:40 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:134 Max:134 Mean:134Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:134 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 128 Station FSS1108A01 Date/Time: 08/10/2011 11:51 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Black River 62.45961 -147.58261 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, Joe Giefer LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.85 Stream Gradient (%): 1 Width 37.0 DO (mg/L):10.68 Turbidity (NTU):7.63 21.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.50 1.00 Cobble Water Color:Glacial, Low Turbidit BoulderDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts B-2 Visit Comments:Wetted width measured to edge of flowing water--some standing water between boulders on right bank was not included. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.55Conductivity (µS/cm):46 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.47370 -147.53950 Legal Description (MTRS): S027N010E03 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):1.39 4.56 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.45961 -147.58261 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):87.70 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 1700Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:8 Min:215 Max:305 Mean:278Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) VOB (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:260 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:6 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (6) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:general fish observation, no s Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:5 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Event B probobly round whitefish. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (5) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:8 Min:70 Max:87 Mean:79Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) VOB (3) Life Stage:adult Median:78 -continued- 129 Station FSS1108A01 Page 2 of 2 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:4 Min:160 Max:185 Mean:173Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:172 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:12 Min:210 Max:305 Mean:251Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) VOB (7) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:257 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:4 Min:345 Max:345 Mean:345Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) VOB (3) Life Stage:adult Median:345 Species:salmonid-unspecified Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (2) Life Stage:not recorded Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:50 Max:50 Mean:50Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:50 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 130 Station FSS1108B01 Date/Time: 08/10/2011 9:09 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Little Oshetna River 62.30904 -147.50218 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Jonathan Kirsch, Stormy Haught LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):4.68 Stream Gradient (%): 0.8 Width 25.5 DO (mg/L):11.70 Turbidity (NTU):1.42 12.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.50 0.52 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Bedrock/Boulder Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): IU23 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts B-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.86Conductivity (µS/cm):186 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.32078 -147.48383 Legal Description (MTRS): S026N011E30 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.8 1.8 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):1.61 5.28 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.30904 -147.50218 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):91.00 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 932Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:10Total Fish Count:10 Min:330 Max:365 Mean:341Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (10) Life Stage:adult Median:347 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:36 Min:280 Max:300 Mean:290Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) VOB (34) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:290 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 131 Station FSS1108c01 Date/Time: 08/10/2011 9:20 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Butte Creek 63.14078 -147.92446 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.13 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 20.9 DO (mg/L):11.33 Turbidity (NTU):0.50 20.6 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.50 0.31 Boulder Water Color:Clear Cobble Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU11 USGS Quadrangle:Healy A-2 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Midgrass-Shrub Midgrass-Shrub Midgrass-Shrub Midgrass-Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.72Conductivity (µS/cm):85 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.13915 -147.92661 Legal Description (MTRS): F020S002W34 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.13928 -147.92662 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Moderatley Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):91.30 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:30 Min:207 Max:305 Mean:250Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (5) VOG (25) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:256 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:6 Min:37 Max:182 Mean:63Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (6) Life Stage:juvenile Median:109 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:70 Max:97 Mean:81Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) Life Stage:adult Median:83 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:10 Min:57 Max:65 Mean:61Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) VOG (8) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:61 -continued- 132 Station FSS1108c01 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:42 Max:42 Mean:42Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:42 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:293 Max:293 Mean:293Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:293 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 133 Station FSS1108c05 Date/Time: 08/10/2011 5:08 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: 63.02121 -147.54747 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.83 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 18.0 DO (mg/L):10.46 Turbidity (NTU):0.10 3.5 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.22 0.31 Gravel Water Color:Clear CobbleDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU142 USGS Quadrangle:Healy A-2 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.07Conductivity (µS/cm):44 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.02336 -147.54752 Legal Description (MTRS): F022S001E09 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 6 29 29 3 28 28 28 28 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.02336 -147.54752 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):85.80 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:109 Max:151 Mean:121Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:130 Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:39 Max:45 Mean:42Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median:42 Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:138 Max:138 Mean:138Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:138 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:8 Min:244 Max:300 Mean:274Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) VOG (5) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:272 -continued- 134 Station FSS1108c05 Page 2 of 2 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:117 Max:117 Mean:117Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:117 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 135 Station FSS1109b01 Date/Time: 08/11/2011 9:09 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: West Fork Maclaren River 63.18811 -146.71994 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Jonathan Kirsch, Stormy Haught LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.75 Stream Gradient (%): 0.2 Width 43.0 DO (mg/L):12.65 Turbidity (NTU):13.80 19.2 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 2.00 1.10 Silt/Sand Water Color:Glacial, Low Turbidit GravelDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): IU3 USGS Quadrangle:Mt Hayes A-6 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.19Conductivity (µS/cm):147 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.17903 -146.70401 Legal Description (MTRS): F020S005E14 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):3.50 11.48 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.18811 -146.71994 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Moderate LongitudeLatitude DO (%):103.70 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 1140Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:48 Min:230 Max:310 Mean:260Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (4) VOB (44) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:270 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:3 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:60 Max:155 Mean:107Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:107 -continued- 136 Station FSS1109b01 Page 2 of 2 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:320 Max:320 Mean:320Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:320 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 137 Station FSS1109c01 Date/Time: 08/11/2011 9:14 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Portage Creek 63.00527 -148.84350 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: 247-41-10200-2585 Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):4.57 Stream Gradient (%): 1.75 Width 15.9 DO (mg/L):12.77 Turbidity (NTU):0.75 13.6 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.32 0.62 Boulder Water Color:Clear Cobble Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU59 USGS Quadrangle:Healy A-4 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Shrub Birch-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Shrub Birch-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Shrub Birch-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Shrub Birch-Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:5.71Conductivity (µS/cm):43 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.00402 -148.84622 Legal Description (MTRS): F022S007W14 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2412 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.00426 -148.84548 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):98.90 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 360Estimated reach length (m): Portable Electrofisher(PEF)Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:18 Min:115 Max:115 Mean:115Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) VOG (17) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:115 Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:12Total Fish Count:12 Min:57 Max:81 Mean:71Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (12) Life Stage:juvenile Median:69 Species:Chinook salmon Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:3 Min:37 Max:37 Mean:37Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) VOG (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:37 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:75 Max:81 Mean:79Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) Life Stage:adult Median:78 -continued- 138 Station FSS1109c01 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:7 Min:65 Max:65 Mean:65Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) VOG (5) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:65 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 139 Station FSS1109c05 Date/Time: 08/11/2011 7:40 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Alpine Creek 63.02718 -147.28695 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Jonathan Kirsch LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.98 Stream Gradient (%): 1 Width 7.8 DO (mg/L):11.55 Turbidity (NTU):3.00 6.2 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.60 0.80 Gravel Water Color:Clear CobbleDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU157 USGS Quadrangle:Healy A-1 Visit Comments:Drove to sampling site from Alpine Creek Lodge via ATV. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Closed Spruce-Paper Birch Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.65Conductivity (µS/cm):65 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.02710 -147.28957 Legal Description (MTRS): F022S002E12 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 25 25 25 25 28 28 28 28 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.02710 -147.28957 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):90.40 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:16 Min:334 Max:334 Mean:334Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) VOG (14) Life Stage:adult Median:334 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:11Total Fish Count:11 Min:265 Max:320 Mean:286Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (11) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:292 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:15Total Fish Count:15 Min:65 Max:116 Mean:104Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (15) Life Stage:juvenile Median:90 -continued- 140 Station FSS1109c05 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 141 Station FSS1110A01 Date/Time: 08/12/2011 12:40 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Maclaren River 63.20932 -146.55297 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, Joe Giefer LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):7.47 Stream Gradient (%): 0 Width 70.0 DO (mg/L):7.32 Turbidity (NTU):25.70 3.1 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.52 1.10 Silt/Sand Water Color:Glacial, High Turbidit GravelDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Mt Hayes A-6 Visit Comments:Put in at the mouth of a clear right bank tributary (photos 484-485) with water quality readings of 9.6 C, 74 uS/cm conductivity, 59.5% saturation for dissolved oxygen, 6.78 mg/L dissolved oxygen, pH 7.59} and electrofished down into Maclaren River, almost to confluence with West Fork of Maclaren River. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.78Conductivity (µS/cm):85 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.16215 -146.54977 Legal Description (MTRS): F020S006E02 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):1.30 4.26 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.20435 -146.55463 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Moderate LongitudeLatitude DO (%):61.10 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 3839Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:13 Min:199 Max:293 Mean:251Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (6) VOB (7) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:246 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:24 Min:340 Max:350 Mean:345Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) VOB (21) Life Stage:adult Median:345 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:9Total Fish Count:28 Min:51 Max:68 Mean:57Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (9) VOB (19) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:59 -continued- 142 Station FSS1110A01 Page 2 of 2 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:9Total Fish Count:10 Min:195 Max:306 Mean:260Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (9) VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:250 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:5 Min:52 Max:52 Mean:52Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) VOB (4) Life Stage:juvenile Median:52 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:7Total Fish Count:9 Min:72 Max:160 Mean:115Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (7) VOB (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:116 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:246 Max:314 Mean:287Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:280 Species:general fish observation, no s Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (1) Life Stage:not recorded Median: Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:98 Max:98 Mean:98Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:98 Species:salmonid-unspecified Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:9 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Event X either round whitefish or arctic grayling. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (9) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:38 Max:50 Mean:44Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:44 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:69 Max:87 Mean:75Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (4) Life Stage:adult Median:78 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:325 Max:325 Mean:325Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:325 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 143 Station FSS1110C01 Date/Time: 08/12/2011 9:19 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Clarence Creek 62.66996 -147.87193 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.99 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 17.2 DO (mg/L):12.07 Turbidity (NTU):0.50 16.5 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.15 0.74 Cobble Water Color:Clear Sands Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU133 Down river of lake. There is a smaller creek flowing out of the opposite end of the lake as well. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-2 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Mesic Sedge-Grass Meadow Tundra Mesic Sedge-Grass Meadow Tundra Mesic Sedge-Grass Meadow Tundra Bluejoint Meadow Left Bank Vegetation Type Bluejoint Meadow Bluejoint Meadow Bluejoint Meadow Fresh Grass Marsh Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:5.81Conductivity (µS/cm):67 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.67037 -147.87374 Legal Description (MTRS): S030N008E24 Station Info Wildlife Comments:River otter 10m below transect site. Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.67037 -147.87374 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):99.20 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 340Estimated reach length (m): Portable Electrofisher(PEF)Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:25Total Fish Count:25 Min:35 Max:157 Mean:57Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (25) Life Stage:juvenile Median:96 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:5 Min:69 Max:77 Mean:73Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (5) Life Stage:adult Median:73 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:6 Min:52 Max:63 Mean:55Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (6) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:57 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:15Total Fish Count:15 Min:23 Max:49 Mean:38Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (15) Life Stage:juvenile Median:36 -continued- 144 Station FSS1110C01 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 145 Station FSS1110C02 Date/Time: 08/12/2011 11:10 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Oshetna River 62.16392 -147.95414 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Raye Ann Neustel LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):5.14 Stream Gradient (%): 1 Width 84.9 DO (mg/L):12.58 Turbidity (NTU):0.85 20.9 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.18 0.38 Cobble Water Color:Clear Boulder Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU5 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts A-2 Visit Comments:Upstream electrofishing pass only, electrofisher malfunction. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Unvegetated Unvegetated Unvegetated Unvegetated Left Bank Vegetation Type Crustose Lichen Crustose Lichen Crustose Lichen Crustose Lichen Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.57Conductivity (µS/cm):68 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.16684 -147.96385 Legal Description (MTRS): S024N008E15 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.16684 -147.96385 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Moderatley Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):99.30 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 522Estimated reach length (m): Portable Electrofisher(PEF)Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:155 Max:155 Mean:155Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:155 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 146 Station FSS1110C03 Date/Time: 08/12/2011 1:21 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: John Creek 62.49724 -148.13784 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):11.62 Stream Gradient (%): 0.25 Width 21.0 DO (mg/L):8.74 Turbidity (NTU):0.52 19.9 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.17 1.02 Sands Water Color:Clear Boulder Cobble Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU97 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts B-3 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Wet Sedge Meadow Tundra Closed Low Ericaceous Shrub Closed Low Ericaceous Shrub Closed Low Ericaceous Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Ericaceous Shrub Closed Low Ericaceous Shrub Closed Low Ericaceous Shrub Wet Sedge Meadow Tundra Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.86Conductivity (µS/cm):56 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.49775 -148.13780 Legal Description (MTRS): S028N007E22 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.49775 -148.13780 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Moderate LongitudeLatitude DO (%):82.20 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:13Total Fish Count:36 Min:80 Max:150 Mean:101Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (13) VOG (23) Life Stage:juvenile Median:115 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:70 Max:84 Mean:75Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) Life Stage:adult Median:77 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:29 Min:51 Max:58 Mean:54Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) VOG (27) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:54 -continued- 147 Station FSS1110C03 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 148 Station FSS1110C05 Date/Time: 08/12/2011 4:00 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Gilbert Creek 62.57441 -147.90155 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):10.01 Stream Gradient (%): Width 11.1 DO (mg/L):11.31 Turbidity (NTU):0.76 9.7 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.22 0.91 Boulder Water Color:Feric CobbleDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU23 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-2 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra Left Bank Vegetation Type Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.62Conductivity (µS/cm):20 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.57510 -147.90150 Legal Description (MTRS): S029N008E26 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.57510 -147.90150 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):100.10 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:71 Max:71 Mean:71Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:71 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:5 Min:31 Max:50 Mean:36Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (5) Life Stage:juvenile Median:40 -continued- 149 Station FSS1110C05 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 150 Station FSS1111C03 Date/Time: 08/12/2011 9:12 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Watana Creek 62.91655 -147.89921 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):7.24 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 15.1 DO (mg/L):8.99 Turbidity (NTU):0.20 13.1 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.55 0.38 Cobble Water Color:Clear Gravel Sands Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU18 Beaver dam complex approximately 200m upstream. USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-2 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Crustose Lichen Crustose Lichen Crustose Lichen Left Bank Vegetation Type Unvegetated Unvegetated Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:5.89Conductivity (µS/cm):118 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.91660 -147.90254 Legal Description (MTRS): S033N008E26 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.3 1.1 2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.91655 -147.90203 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Moderate LongitudeLatitude DO (%):74.40 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 421Estimated reach length (m): Portable Electrofisher(PEF)Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:34Total Fish Count:34 Min:83 Max:270 Mean:133Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (34) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:176 Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:13Total Fish Count:13 Min:35 Max:78 Mean:47Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (13) Life Stage:juvenile Median:56 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:6Total Fish Count:6 Min:73 Max:108 Mean:88Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (6) Life Stage:adult Median:90 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:5 Min:54 Max:68 Mean:59Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (5) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:61 -continued- 151 Station FSS1111C03 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 152 Station FSS1111C04 Date/Time: 08/13/2011 12:04 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: 62.99728 -149.08085 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: 247-41-10200-2585-3223 Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):5.78 Stream Gradient (%): 1.5 Width 22.8 DO (mg/L):11.98 Turbidity (NTU):0.10 15.7 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.81 0.76 Cobble Water Color:Clear Boulder Gravel Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU111 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-5 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Shrub Birch-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Shrub Birch-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Shrub Birch-Willow Shrub Closed Tall Shrub Birch-Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Fireweed Open Tall Willow Shrub Open Low Mixed Shrub-Sedge Tussock Tundra Closed Tall Alder Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.43Conductivity (µS/cm):82 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.99614 -149.08337 Legal Description (MTRS): F022S008W21 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 2 5 0.5 4 35 35 35 35 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.99728 -149.08085 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Moderatley Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):95.60 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:9Total Fish Count:28 Min:85 Max:167 Mean:119Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (9) VOG (19) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:126 Species:Chinook salmon Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:37Total Fish Count:76 Min:38 Max:66 Mean:44Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (37) VOG (39) Life Stage:juvenile Median:52 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:27Total Fish Count:27 Min:33 Max:81 Mean:63Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (27) Life Stage:juvenile Median:57 -continued- 153 Station FSS1111C04 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:0Total Fish Count:0 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (0) Life Stage:juvenile Median: Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 154 Station FSS1111C05 Date/Time: 08/13/2011 3:03 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Pass Creek 63.16788 -147.03713 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):8.51 Stream Gradient (%): 0.25 Width 13.8 DO (mg/L):10.21 Turbidity (NTU):0.03 12.4 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.85 0.45 Gravel Water Color:Clear CobbleDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU6 USGS Quadrangle:Healy A-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Dry Forb Herbaceous Closed Tall Willow Shrub Dry Forb Herbaceous Closed Tall Scrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.99Conductivity (µS/cm):118 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.16846 -147.03502 Legal Description (MTRS): F020S004E19 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.3 0.3 0.3 5 13 13 13 13 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.16846 -147.03502 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):87.30 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:3 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:61 Max:61 Mean:61Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:61 -continued- 155 Station FSS1111C05 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 156 Station FSS1111C09 Date/Time: 08/13/2011 9:56 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Portage Creek 62.99865 -148.86176 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: 247-41-10200-2585 Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C): Stream Gradient (%): Width DO (mg/L): Turbidity (NTU): Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth Water Color: Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU59 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts D-4 Visit Comments:No habitat data recorded. This target stream was first visited on 08/11/2011 (Station ID 09C01)--habitat data was collected during that visit. At 11C09 on 8/13/11, we sampled fish in a short reach (~100 m) approximately 1 km downstream of 09C01 to confirm the occurrence of juvenile Chinook salmon. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Left Bank Vegetation Type Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:Conductivity (µS/cm): Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates Legal Description (MTRS): F022S007W22 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): Elevation NED (m)(ft): Entrenchment: Embeddedness: DO (%): Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Chinook salmon Life History:Anadromous Fish Measured:14Total Fish Count:25 Min:38 Max:48 Mean:42Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (14) VOG (11) Life Stage:juvenile Median:43 Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:10 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (10) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Stream Gradient: Water Quality: Stream Velocity: Channel Widths: Channel Depths: Turbidity: Electrofisher: Instruments Transparency: -continued- 157 Station FSS1112B01 Date/Time: 08/14/2011 9:11 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Kosina Creek 62.63762 -148.02504 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Jonathan Kirsch, Stormy Haught LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):8.22 Stream Gradient (%): 0.3 Width 35.0 DO (mg/L):11.23 Turbidity (NTU):10.10 27.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 2.60 1.80 Gravel Water Color:Clear Cobble Boulder Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): IU15 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-3 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.46Conductivity (µS/cm):44 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.67307 -148.00257 Legal Description (MTRS): S029N008E06 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.5 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):2.28 7.48 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.63762 -148.02504 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Moderatley Entrenched Embeddedness: Moderate LongitudeLatitude DO (%):95.30 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 2730Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:16 Min:55 Max:65 Mean:60Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) VOB (13) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:60 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:4 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (4) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:14 Min:295 Max:295 Mean:295Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) VOB (13) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:295 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:385 Max:385 Mean:385Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:385 -continued- 158 Station FSS1112B01 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:85 Max:85 Mean:85Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:85 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:35 Max:35 Mean:35Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:35 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 159 Station FSS1112C01 Date/Time: 08/14/2011 8:59 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: 63.42189 -147.33146 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):4.55 Stream Gradient (%): 0.25 Width 35.7 DO (mg/L):10.25 Turbidity (NTU):2.00 13.9 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.03 Cobble Water Color:Clear GravelDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU33 Glacier within site of transect. USGS Quadrangle:Healy B-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Unvegetated Alpine Herbs Alpine Herbs Open Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:5.06Conductivity (µS/cm):117 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.42035 -147.33152 Legal Description (MTRS): F017S002E22 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.1 0.1 1.2 1 1 1 1 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.42035 -147.33152 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):79.30 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 401Estimated reach length (m): Portable Electrofisher(PEF)Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:3 Min:84 Max:156 Mean:120Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:120 Species:Dolly Varden Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:49 Max:49 Mean:49Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:49 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:330 Max:335 Mean:332Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:adult Median:332 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:8 Min:275 Max:280 Mean:277Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) VOG (6) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:277 -continued- 160 Station FSS1112C01 Page 2 of 2 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:37 Max:37 Mean:37Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:37 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:91 Max:101 Mean:96Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:adult Median:96 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:2 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOG (2) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 161 Station FSS1112C02 Date/Time: 08/14/2011 9:14 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: West Fork of the McLaren River 63.33120 -146.70943 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):4.20 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 14.7 DO (mg/L):11.49 Turbidity (NTU):48.00 10.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.17 0.54 Boulder Water Color:Glacial, High Turbidit CobbleDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU3 USGS Quadrangle:Mt Hayes B-6 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Unvegetated Unvegetated Unvegetated Unvegetated Left Bank Vegetation Type Unvegetated Unvegetated Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:5.70Conductivity (µS/cm):111 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.32985 -146.70624 Legal Description (MTRS): F018S005E25 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 3 4 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 63.32985 -146.70624 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):88.20 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:2 Min:83 Max:83 Mean:83Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) VOG (1) Life Stage:adult Median:83 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 162 Station FSS1112C03 Date/Time: 08/14/2011 11:06 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Maclaren River 62.94959 -146.53900 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):7.26 Stream Gradient (%): Width 93.6 DO (mg/L):10.86 Turbidity (NTU):51.50 47.2 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.50 0.70 Cobble Water Color:Glacial, High Turbidit Gravel Silt/Sand Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): IU34b USGS Quadrangle:Gulkana D-6 Visit Comments:Large river, braided. Sampled 1 braid and side-channel habitat. Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Wet Sedge-Herb Meadow Tundra Wet Sedge-Herb Meadow Tundra Wet Sedge-Herb Meadow Tundra Wet Sedge-Herb Meadow Tundra Left Bank Vegetation Type Mesic Sedge-Grass Meadow Tundra Mesic Sedge-Grass Meadow Tundra Mesic Sedge-Grass Meadow Tundra Closed Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.74Conductivity (µS/cm):98 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.94930 -146.54235 Legal Description (MTRS): C014N007W34 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.3 0.3 0.3 2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.94925 -146.54038 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):90.00 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:2 Min:174 Max:174 Mean:174Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) VOG (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:174 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:15 Min:220 Max:220 Mean:220Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (1) VOG (14) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:220 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:15 Min:62 Max:174 Mean:118Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (5) VOG (10) Life Stage:juvenile Median:118 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:16Total Fish Count:71 Min:52 Max:63 Mean:56Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (16) VOG (55) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:57 -continued- 163 Station FSS1112C03 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:5 Min:73 Max:75 Mean:74Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (5) Life Stage:adult Median:74 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:17Total Fish Count:17 Min:26 Max:50 Mean:41Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (17) Life Stage:juvenile Median:38 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths: Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 164 Station FSS1112C04 Date/Time: 08/14/2011 12:57 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: 62.86964 -146.93925 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):6.41 Stream Gradient (%): 0.25 Width 5.8 DO (mg/L):10.71 Turbidity (NTU):1.77 5.5 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.51 0.31 Cobble Water Color:Clear GravelDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU149 USGS Quadrangle:Gulkana D-6 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Open White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.22Conductivity (µS/cm):71 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.86941 -146.94139 Legal Description (MTRS): C013N009W33 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 16 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.86964 -146.93925 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Low LongitudeLatitude DO (%):86.90 Key To Fish Sampling Methods Portable Electrofisher(PEF) Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:2Total Fish Count:2 Min:112 Max:118 Mean:115Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (2) Life Stage:juvenile Median:115 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:69 Max:74 Mean:71Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) Life Stage:adult Median:71 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:3 Min:61 Max:68 Mean:63Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (3) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:64 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:39 Max:50 Mean:43Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):PEF (4) Life Stage:juvenile Median:44 -continued- 165 Station FSS1112C04 Page 2 of 2 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 166 Station FSS1112C05 Date/Time: 08/14/2011 7:18 PMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: East Fork Susitna River 63.39560 -146.86753 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Raye Ann Neustel, Daniel Reed LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):2.75 Stream Gradient (%): 0.5 Width 38.0 DO (mg/L):12.15 Turbidity (NTU):92.10 35.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 0.70 0.40 Cobble Water Color:Glacial, High Turbidit BoulderDominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): HU1 Within site of Susitna glacier. USGS Quadrangle:Mt Hayes B-6 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Unvegetated Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Closed Tall Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.19Conductivity (µS/cm):43 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 63.39439 -146.87052 Legal Description (MTRS): F017S005E31 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s): /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Fish Observations No Fish Found Station Coordinates 63.39439 -146.87052 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Negligible LongitudeLatitude DO (%):89.80 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 391Estimated reach length (m): Portable Electrofisher(PEF)Visual Observation, Ground(VOG) Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:Velocity Head Channel Widths:measuring tape Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root LR-24 Instruments Transparency: 167 Station FSS1113A01 Date/Time: 08/15/2011 9:52 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Maclaren River 62.88313 -146.95309 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Joe Buckwalter, Joe Giefer LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):7.46 Stream Gradient (%): 0.6 Width 62.0 DO (mg/L):13.11 Turbidity (NTU):41.00 55.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 2.42 1.32 Gravel Water Color:Glacial, High Turbidit Cobble Silt/Sand Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum:WGS84 Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): USGS Quadrangle:Gulkana D-6 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Open Spruce-Balsam Poplar Open Spruce-Balsam Poplar Open Spruce-Balsam Poplar Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Closed White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.25Conductivity (µS/cm):101 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.84805 -147.03869 Legal Description (MTRS): C013N009W28 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 14 14 14 14 1 13 13 13 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):1.67 5.48 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.88313 -146.95309 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Moderate LongitudeLatitude DO (%):109.30 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 4753Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:8Total Fish Count:157 Min:51 Max:68 Mean:58Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (16) VOB (141) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:59 Species:general fish observation, no s Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:3 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Event AA possibly longnose sucker. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (3) Life Stage:juvenile Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:24Total Fish Count:60 Min:216 Max:312 Mean:255Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (35) VOB (25) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:264 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:8Total Fish Count:9 Min:205 Max:314 Mean:274Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (8) VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:259 -continued- 168 Station FSS1113A01 Page 2 of 2 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:16Total Fish Count:22 Min:257 Max:345 Mean:296Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (16) VOB (6) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:301 Species:salmonid-unspecified Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:20 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments:Event BB possibly arctic grayling or round whitefish. Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (20) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:4 Min:380 Max:380 Mean:380Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) VOB (3) Life Stage:adult Median:380 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:13Total Fish Count:33 Min:33 Max:50 Mean:41Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (13) VOB (20) Life Stage:juvenile Median:41 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:4 Min:110 Max:139 Mean:124Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:124 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:3 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (2) VOB (1) Life Stage:adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:8Total Fish Count:8 Min:92 Max:189 Mean:121Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (8) Life Stage:juvenile Median:140 Species:general fish observation, no s Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:17 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (17) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:general fish observation, no s Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:7 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (7) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:humpback whitefish Life History:Unknown Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:66 Max:66 Mean:66Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:66 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:9Total Fish Count:9 Min:69 Max:86 Mean:76Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (9) Life Stage:adult Median:77 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:handheld sonar depth finder Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 169 Station FSS1113B01 Date/Time: 08/15/2011 9:11 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Tyone River 62.65724 -147.03872 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Jonathan Kirsch, Stormy Haught LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):9.84 Stream Gradient (%): 0.3 Width 50.0 DO (mg/L):10.90 Turbidity (NTU):6.46 26.5 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 1.80 0.98 Silt/Sand Water Color:Humic Gravel Cobble Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): IU12 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-1 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Closed Black Spruce-White Spruce Forest Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:7.68Conductivity (µS/cm):25.6 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.66999 -147.10063 Legal Description (MTRS): C010N010W11 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 4 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):1.28 4.20 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.65724 -147.03872 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: Moderate LongitudeLatitude DO (%):96.30 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 4500Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:236 Min:290 Max:345 Mean:325Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (4) VOB (232) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:317 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:11Total Fish Count:203 Min:55 Max:68 Mean:60Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (11) VOB (192) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:61 Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:7Total Fish Count:44 Min:64 Max:150 Mean:82Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (7) VOB (37) Life Stage:juvenile Median:107 Species:burbot Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:1 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (1) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: -continued- 170 Station FSS1113B01 Page 2 of 2 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:7 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (7) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:11 Min:250 Max:295 Mean:273Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) VOB (8) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:272 Species:longnose sucker Life History:Resident Fish Measured:5Total Fish Count:5 Min:349 Max:410 Mean:385Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (5) Life Stage:adult Median:379 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:45 Max:45 Mean:45Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:45 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:177 Max:177 Mean:177Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:juvenile Median:177 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:75 Max:75 Mean:75Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:75 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 171 Station FSS1114B01 Date/Time: 08/16/2011 10:28 AMObservers: Geographic Comments: Waterbody Name: Gilbert Creek 62.66908 -147.86698 Anadromous Waters Catalog Number: Coordinate Determination Method:Non-Differential GPS Field Measurement Jonathan Kirsch, Stormy Haught LongitudeLatitude Water Temp (C):9.86 Stream Gradient (%): 0.1 Width 22.0 DO (mg/L):11.50 Turbidity (NTU):6.80 20.0 Bank Full Wetted Thalweg Depth 2.50 1.60 Gravel Water Color:Clear Silt/Sand Cobble Dominant Substrate: Subdominant Substrate 1: Subdominant Substrate 2: Datum: Water Quality \ Stream Flow Channel Dimensions (m): IU28 USGS Quadrangle:Talkeetna Mts C-2 Visit Comments: Dist. from Bank (m) 0 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed White Spruce-Paper Birch-Balsam Poplar (Black Cottonwood Forest) Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Left Bank Vegetation Type Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Closed Low Willow Shrub Right Bank Vegetation Type Riparian Vegetation Communities (Viereck et al. 1992) pH:6.94Conductivity (µS/cm):64 Rosgen Class: Sample Coordinates 62.66764 -147.90938 Legal Description (MTRS): S030N008E24 Station Info Wildlife Comments: Stream Channel Catchment Area(sq. km): 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 Canopy Height(m) Canopy Height(m) Thalweg Velocity (m/s)(ft/s):0.28 0.92 /Elevation NED (m)(ft): Station Coordinates 62.66908 -147.86698 LongitudeLatitude Entrenchment: Slightly Entrenched Embeddedness: High LongitudeLatitude DO (%):98.00 Key To Fish Sampling Methods 1465Total Electrofishing Time (s): Boat-Mounted Electrofisher(BEF)Visual Observation, Boat(VOB) Fish Observations Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:3Total Fish Count:223 Min:220 Max:325 Mean:265Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (3) VOB (220) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median:272 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:Total Fish Count:33 Min: Max: Mean:Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):VOB (33) Life Stage:juvenile/adult Median: Species:Arctic grayling Life History:Resident Fish Measured:9Total Fish Count:9 Min:350 Max:425 Mean:388Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (9) Life Stage:adult Median:387 Species:round whitefish Life History:Resident Fish Measured:4Total Fish Count:4 Min:335 Max:450 Mean:413Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (4) Life Stage:adult Median:392 -continued- 172 Station FSS1114B01 Page 2 of 2 Species:slimy sculpin Life History:Resident Fish Measured:1Total Fish Count:1 Min:75 Max:75 Mean:75Fork Lengths (mm) Comments: Sampling Method (No. of fish):BEF (1) Life Stage:adult Median:75 Stream Gradient:handheld abney level Water Quality:YSI 556 Stream Velocity:GPS Float Channel Widths:handheld laser rangefinder Channel Depths:graduated wading rod Turbidity:LaMotte 2020e turbidimeter Electrofisher:Smith-Root GPP 2.5 Instruments Transparency: 173