HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuWa252Alaska Resources Library & Information Services Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Document ARLIS Uniform Cover Page Title: SuWa 252 Salmon escapement study (Study 9.7), 2014 implementation and preliminary results, technical memorandum Author(s) – Personal: Author(s) – Corporate: LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. AEA-identified category, if specified: September 30, 2014 technical memorandum filings AEA-identified series, if specified: Series (ARLIS-assigned report number): Existing numbers on document: Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project document number 252 Published by: Date published: [Anchorage, Alaska] : Alaska Energy Authority, [2014] September 2014 Published for: Date or date range of report: Alaska Energy Authority Volume and/or Part numbers: Final or Draft status, as indicated: Attachment E Document type: Pagination: Technical memorandum v, 43 p. Related work(s): Pages added/changed by ARLIS: Cover letter to this report: Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project no. 14241-000; Third set of 2014 technical memoranda for Initial Study Plan meeting. (SuWa 247) Attachments A-D (SuWa 248-251) and F (SuWa 253) Added cover letter (3 pages) Notes: All reports in the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Document series include an ARLIS- produced cover page and an ARLIS-assigned number for uniformity and citability. All reports are posted online at http://www.arlis.org/resources/susitna-watana/ September 30, 2014 Ms. Kimberly D. Bose Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20426 Re: Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project, Project No. 14241-000 Third Set of 2014 Technical Memoranda for Initial Study Plan Meetings Dear Secretary Bose: As the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) explained in its September 17, 2014 filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission or FERC) for the proposed Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 14241 (Project), the June 3, 2014 Initial Study Report (ISR) provided for AEA to prepare certain technical memoranda and other information based on 2014 work. In accordance with Commission Staff direction, on September 17 and September 26, AEA filed and distributed the first and second sets of technical memoranda and other information generated during the 2014 study season. With this letter, AEA is filing and distributing the third set of technical memoranda generated during the 2014 study season, as described below. This third set of technical memoranda includes: • Attachment A: Baseline Water Quality Study (Study 5.5) and Water Quality Modeling Study (Study 5.6), Water Quality and Lower River Modeling Technical Memorandum. This technical memorandum evaluates water quality data collected during 2013 and 2014 for adequacy in representation of current riverine conditions. This Technical Memorandum further includes an assessment of whether to extend the Water Quality Modeling Study’s riverine model below PRM 29.9. • Attachment B: Mercury Assessment and Potential for Bioaccumulation Study (Study 5.7), Evaluation of Continued Mercury Monitoring Beyond 2014 Technical Memorandum. This technical memorandum evaluates the need for continued monitoring of mercury data beyond 2014 and whether the existing data collection efforts are sufficient to satisfy objectives for characterizing baseline mercury conditions in the Susitna River and tributaries (Revised Study Plan (RSP) Section 5.7.1). 2 • Attachment C: Groundwater Study (Study 7.5), Preliminary Groundwater and Surface-Water Relationships in Lateral Aquatic Habitats within Focus Areas FA-128 (Slough 8A) and FA-138 (Gold Creek) in the Middle Susitna River Technical Memorandum. This technical memorandum provides an overview of the types of data and information that are being collected to support the Task 6 activities of the Groundwater Study, and describes the methods and techniques that are being applied in analyzing the data leading to development of response functions to be used for evaluating Project operational effects. The TM centers on the analysis for FA-128 (Slough 8A) and to a lesser extent FA-138 (Gold Creek) and represents an expansion of the presentation materials provided during the Proof of Concept meetings held on April 15-17, 2014. • Attachment D: Groundwater Study (Study 7.5), Groundwater and Surface- Water Relationships in Support of Riparian Vegetation Modeling Technical Memorandum. This technical memorandum provides an overview of the types of data and information that are being collected to support the Task 5 activities within the Groundwater Study, and describes the methods and techniques that are being applied in analyzing the data leading to development of response functions for evaluating Project operational effects. The TM provides analysis objectives for FA-115 (Slough 6A) as a primary example of upland versus riverine dominated groundwater conditions. Additional examples are shown for FA-128 (Slough 8A) and FA-138 (Gold Creek). • Attachment E: Salmon Escapement Study (Study 9.7), 2014 Implementation and Preliminary Results Technical Memorandum. This technical memorandum describes 2014 implementation (including methods and variances) of and preliminary results from the Salmon Escapement Study. • Attachment F: Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Study Plan (Study 9.17), 2015 Implementation Plan Technical Memorandum. This implementation plan describes the methods for study activities proposed for 2015 that would implement the Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Study (instead of those described in RSP Section 9.17.1). AEA appreciates the opportunity to provide this additional information to the Commission and licensing participants, which it believes will be helpful in determining the appropriate development of the 2015 study plan as set forth in the ISR. If you have questions concerning this submission please contact me at wdyok@aidea.org or (907) 771-3955. 3 Sincerely, Wayne Dyok Project Manager Alaska Energy Authority Attachments cc: Distribution List (w/o Attachments) Attachment E Salmon Escapement Study (Study 9.7), 2014 Implementation and Preliminary Results Technical Memorandum Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 14241) Salmon Escapement Study (Study 9.7) 2014 Implementation and Preliminary Results Technical Memorandum Prepared for Alaska Energy Authority Prepared by LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1 2. Study Objectives................................................................................................................ 1 3. Study Area ......................................................................................................................... 1 4. Methods .............................................................................................................................. 2 4.1. Objective 1: Capture, radio-tag, and track adults of five species of Pacific salmon in the Middle and Upper Susitna River in proportion to their abundance. Capture and tag Chinook, coho, and pink salmon in the Lower Susitna and Yentna rivers. .................................................................................2 4.1.1. Fish Capture .....................................................................................2 4.1.2. Variances..........................................................................................3 4.2. Objective 2: Determine the migration behavior and spawning locations of radio-tagged fish in the Lower, Middle, and Upper Susitna River ....................4 4.3. Objective 3: Characterize adult salmon migration behavior and timing within and above Devils Canyon ..................................................................................4 4.3.1. Fixed-station Monitoring .................................................................4 4.3.2. Aerial Telemetry Surveys ................................................................4 4.3.3. Aerial Spawner Surveys ...................................................................4 4.3.4. Using Sonar to Enumerate Salmon at the Proposed Dam Site ........5 4.4. Objective 4: Use available technology to document salmon spawning locations in turbid water.....................................................................................6 4.5. Objective 5: Compare historical and current data on run timing, distribution, relative abundance, and specific locations of spawning and holding salmon....6 4.6. Objective 6: Generate counts of adult Chinook salmon spawning in the Susitna River and its tributaries .........................................................................6 4.6.1. Variances..........................................................................................7 4.7. Objective 7: Collect tissue samples to support the Fish Genetics Study ...........7 5. Results ................................................................................................................................ 8 5.1. Objective 1: Capture, radio-tag, and track adults of five species of Pacific Salmon in the Middle and Upper Susitna River in proportion to their abundance. Capture and tag Chinook, coho, and pink salmon in the Lower Susitna and Yentna rivers. .................................................................................8 5.1.1. Fish Capture .....................................................................................8 5.1.2. Radio-tagging ...................................................................................8 5.1.3. Numbers and Size of Marked and Unmarked Fish at Selected Locations ..........................................................................................9 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page i September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS 5.2. Objective 2: Determine the migration behavior and spawning locations of radio-tagged fish in the Lower, Middle, and Upper Susitna River ....................9 5.2.1. Stock Classifications and Spawning Locations – Lower River .......9 5.2.2. Stock Classifications and Spawning Locations – Yentna River ......9 5.2.3. Stock Classifications and Spawning Locations – Middle and Upper River .................................................................................................9 5.3. Objective 3: Characterize adult salmon migration behavior and timing within and above Devils Canyon ................................................................................10 5.3.1. Species, Number, and Destination .................................................10 5.3.2. Migration Timing for Fish Passing Above Devils Canyon ...........11 5.3.3. Relative Abundance of Salmon Passing Above Devils Canyon ....11 5.3.4. Size of Chinook Salmon Tracked In and Above Devils Canyon...11 5.3.5. Aerial Spawner Surveys .................................................................12 5.3.6. Using Sonar to Enumerate Salmon at the Proposed Dam Site ......12 5.4. Objective 4: Use available technology to document salmon spawning locations in turbid water...................................................................................13 5.5. Objective 5: Compare historical and current data on run timing, distribution, relative abundance, and specific locations of spawning and holding salmon..13 5.5.1. Run Timing ....................................................................................13 5.5.2. Relative Abundance .......................................................................13 5.5.3. Spawning and Holding Salmon Locations .....................................14 5.6. Objective 6: Generate counts of adult Chinook salmon spawning in the Susitna River and its tributaries .......................................................................14 6. Literature Cited .............................................................................................................. 14 7. Tables ............................................................................................................................... 16 8. Figures .............................................................................................................................. 32 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page ii September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS LIST OF TABLES Table 5.1-1. Number of Chinook salmon captured at three fishwheel sites in the Middle River, by size category and year. ...................................................................................... 17 Table 5.1-2. Number of Chinook salmon radio-tagged at three fishwheel sites in the Middle River, by size category and year. ......................................................................... 17 Table 5.2-1. Classifications for radio-tagged Chinook salmon in 2014, by size category and release site. ................................................................................................................. 18 Table 5.3-1. Details of the radio-tagged Chinook salmon that approached or passed the Middle River impediments, 2014. .................................................................................... 20 Table 5.3-2. Destinations of radio-tagged Chinook salmon that passed each Middle River impediment, 2014. ............................................................................................................ 23 Table 5.3-3. Details of impediment-passage events for radio-tagged Chinook salmon, 2014................................................................................................................................... 24 Table 5.3-4. Number of Chinook salmon counted during aerial spawner surveys, by location and survey period, 2014. ..................................................................................... 26 Table 5.3-5. Sample effort, CPUE, and net upstream count of fish measuring 50 cm or greater at two ARIS units located at PRM 187.1 in the Upper River, 2014. .................... 27 Table 5.4-1. Survey effort and observations using DIDSON to identify Chinook salmon spawning behavior in turbid water, 2014. ......................................................................... 29 Table 6.4-1. Number of adult Chinook salmon counted during aerial spawner surveys in the Indian River, by date and river section, 2014. ............................................................ 31 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Susitna River watershed showing fish capture sites (fishwheels) and the locations of fixed-station telemetry receiver sites, 2014. ................................................. 33 Figure 4.1-1. Daily fishing effort (hours) and rotational speed (RPM) at three fishwheel sites in the Middle River, 2014. ........................................................................................ 34 Figure 4.1-2. Daily discharge of the Susitna River at Gold Creek from April 1 to November 30, 2012-2014. ................................................................................................ 34 Figure 4.3-1. Ortho image showing the ensonified wetted width coverage of each ARIS unit near the Watana Dam Site, 2014. .............................................................................. 35 Figure 5.1-1. Cumulative length-frequency distributions for Chinook salmon captured at the Middle River fishwheels, by size category and capture site, 2014. ............................ 36 Figure 5.1-2. Cumulative length-frequency distributions for Chinook salmon captured and radio-tagged at the Middle River fishwheels, by size category, 2014. ...................... 36 Figure 5.2-1. Classifications for radio-tagged Chinook salmon released in the Lower River (left panels) or Middle River (right panels), by size category, 2014. ..................... 37 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page iii September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Figure 5.2-2. Potential mainstem spawning sites for radio-tagged Chinook salmon in the Lower River, 2014. ........................................................................................................... 38 Figure 5.3-1. Tracking history of a radio-tagged Chinook salmon (tag #537) that was detected above Impediment 3, 2014. ................................................................................ 40 Figure 5.3-2. Tracking history of a radio-tagged Chinook salmon (tag #787) that was detected above Impediment 3, 2014. ................................................................................ 41 Figure 5.3-3. Daily numbers of large Chinook salmon that approached and passed each of the three Middle River impediments in 2014. .............................................................. 42 Figure 5.5-1. Comparison of Chinook salmon catches (top panel), relative proportion of catches (middle panel), and cumulative proportion of catches (bottom panel), at the Middle River fishwheels near Curry, 1981-2014. ....................................................... 43 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page iv September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS LIST OF ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND DEFINITIONS Abbreviation Definition ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler ADF&G Alaska Department of Fish and Game AEA Alaska Energy Authority ARIS Adaptive Resolution Imaging Sonar AUC area under the curve cfs cubic feet per second cm Centimeter CPUE catch per unit effort DIDSON Dual Frequency Identification Sonar FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FOV field-of-view ft Feet GPS global positioning system ILP Integrated Licensing Process in Inch ISR Initial Study Report km Kilometer LZ landing zone m Meter mi Mile METF mid-eye to fork MHW mean high water PRM Project River Mile Project Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project RPM revolutions per minute RSP Revised Study Plan SPD study plan determination TL total length USGS United States Geological Survey Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page v September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS 1. INTRODUCTION This Technical Memorandum was prepared by AEA to describe part of the methods, variances, and preliminary results of the 2014 Salmon Escapement Study. The methods and variances described herein are focused on activities conducted in the Middle and Upper rivers, and preliminary results are focused on Chinook salmon. It is important to note that 2014 field activities were still underway at the time this document was prepared. As such, results presented here are subject to change as additional field data is collected and existing data is more thoroughly reviewed. The preliminary results presented in this Technical Memorandum will be updated and presented as a component of a larger Escapement Study Report once all of the third year of data has been collected, data QAQC and analysis has been completed. At the time this document was prepared, the QC level of data review for various study components included: • Middle River fishwheels and tagging – QC3 level review completed for data collected through August 11, QC2 level review for data collected from August 11 to September 7; operations are scheduled to continue through September. • Curry sonar (at Site 1) – QC3 level review completed for all data collected through June 25; and QC2 level review for data collected in August and September. • Fixed- and mobile-tracking telemetry data – QC2 level review for all data collected through August 31; telemetry operations are scheduled to continue into October. • Indian River weir and video – QC3 level review for all data; operation ended June 26. • Watana sonar – QC3 level review of sonar imagery through August 14 on the river right unit and August 22 on the river left unit, QC2 level review completed for all data; operations ended August 22. • Turbid water sonar – QC3 level review for all data; operations ended July 25. 2. STUDY OBJECTIVES The study objectives were established in RSP Section and they remain unchanged and are indicated below in the Section 4 Methods. 3. STUDY AREA As established by RSP Section 9.7.3, the study area encompasses the Susitna River from Cook Inlet upstream to the Oshetna River, or as far upstream as Chinook salmon are detected (Figure 3-1), with an emphasis on wherever salmon spawn in mainstem habitats of the Susitna River. The mainstem Susitna River was divided into three segments: the Lower River (Project River Mile [PRM] 33–102.4), Middle River (PRM 102.4–187.1), and Upper River (PRM 187.1– 261.3). RSP section 9.7.3 used Historical River Miles (RM) which are: Lower River (RM 30– 98), Middle River (RM 98–184), and Upper River (RM 184–260). Devils Canyon extends from approximately PRM 153.4 to PRM 166.1 (RM 150 to 163, respectively). Within Devils Canyon, the channel constricts and increases in vertical gradient to form three potential fish passage Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 1 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS impediments (referred to as Impediments 1, 2, and 3) that may block or delay fish passage (see Section 3.2 in AEA [2013] for more detail on the impediments). 4. METHODS Descriptions of the study methods are organized below by objective. This is a multi-year study initiated in 2012 (AEA 2012, 2013, 2014). The methods below refer to research conducted in 2014. 4.1. Objective 1: Capture, radio-tag, and track adults of five species of Pacific salmon in the Middle and Upper Susitna River in proportion to their abundance. Capture and tag Chinook, coho, and pink salmon in the Lower Susitna and Yentna rivers. In 2014, AEA implemented the methods with respect to Objective 1 as described in the Study Plan with the exception of variances explained below (Section 4.1.2). Tasks to address Objective 1 were listed in RSP Section 4.1.1. Fish Capture In the Middle River, three fishwheels and gillnets were used to capture adult Chinook salmon for tagging in 2014. Two of the fishwheels were operated at the same two locations used in 1981– 1985, 2012, and 2013 (sites 1 and 2), and a third fishwheel was operated at a site that was first used in 2013 (site 3; Figures 3-1). From June 6 to September 7, the Site 1 fishwheel operated for 1,371 hours (61.3 percent of the time it was in place) on the west bank of the Susitna River (PRM 124.1; Figure 4.1-1). Excluding the days it did not operate, daily fishing effort at Site 1 averaged 14.9 hours (range: 8.3–24 hours). The targeted amount of daily fishing effort at Site 1 varied by period: 13 hours from June 6–11, 15–17 hours from June 12–28, 24 hours from June 29 to July 28, 12 hours from July 29 to August 28, and 10 hours from August 29 to September 7. The Site 1 fishwheel did not operate during high water and heavy debris loads on June 26, June 27, and part of June 28 (Figure 4.1-2). From June 12 to September 7, the Site 2 fishwheel operated for 1,270 hours (60.6 percent of the time it was in place) on the east bank of the river (PRM 123.0; Figure 4.1-1). Daily fishing effort averaged 14.8 hours (range: 8.8–24.0 hours). Targeted daily fishing effort varied at Site 2: 15– 17 hours from June 12–29, 24 hours from June 30 to July 18, 12 hours from July 19 to August 29, and 10 hours from August 30 to September 7. The Site 2 fishwheel did not operate during high water and heavy debris loads on June 26, June 27, and part of June 28). From June 9 to September 7, the Site 3 fishwheel operated for 1,302 hours (60.2 percent of the time it was in place) on the west bank of the Susitna River at PRM 126.0 (Figure 4.1-1). Daily fishing effort averaged 14.8 hours (range: 4.8–24.0 hours). Targeted daily fishing effort varied at Site 3: 15–17 hours from June 9–29, 24 hours from June 30 to July 18, 12 hours from July 19 to Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 2 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS August 29, and 10 hours from August 30 to September 7. The Site 3 fishwheel was not operational during high water from June 26–28. During daylight operations, crews were never away from the fishwheels for more than one hour. From late June to mid-July, the fishwheels were left unattended overnight (~11:30 P.M. thru 9:00 A.M. the following morning). On June 25, four sets were made using gillnets (60 ft long, 10 ft deep, 3.5 in. mesh [stretch]) in the vicinity of Curry. Total fishing time was 109 minutes (6–49 min. per set). 4.1.2. Variances Fish Capture As per Section of the ISR, land access limitations prohibited operation of a fishwheel at Devils Canyon in 2013 (as proposed in the RSP). In response, AEA increased the tagging goal from 400 to 560 large Chinook salmon at Curry (ISR Section 4.1.4) to offset the loss of applying tags at Devils Canyon. In 2013, AEA demonstrated that it was feasible to capture and tag over 600 Chinook salmon with two Middle River fishwheels, and outlined a rationale for not tagging at Devils Canyon. It was decided that three Middle River fishwheels operating in 2014 would be sufficient to increase the sample size of radio-tagged Chinook salmon and provide sufficient opportunity to observe them ascend Devils Canyon. Specifically, AEA increased the tag goal from 400 (Curry plus Devils Canyon) to 650 fish at Curry (550 large and 100 small). AEA also increased fishing effort at the fishwheels (ISR Section The Site 3 fishwheel operated over the entire Chinook salmon run past Curry in 2014. These changes in activities are a variance from the 2013 RSP, but are consistent with modifications stated in the ISR for 2014 study implementation. Assessing Any Stock- and Size-selective Capture RSP Section indicated that Chinook, sockeye, and chum salmon would be examined on selected spawning grounds to test whether fish were equally vulnerable to being captured and radio-tagged. However, results from spawning ground surveys in 2012 indicated that it was going to be difficult to achieve useful sample sizes from surveying spawning grounds on foot and from the water. Therefore, AEA determined that a floating picket weir and underwater video system on the lower Indian River would be a more effective means of examining a large number of fish in 2013. Results from the 2013 field season showed that operating a video weir in the lower Indian River was a highly effective method. The same two metrics (i.e., mark rate and size distribution of tagged/untagged fish) would be developed from fish counts at the weir that would have been developed from spawning ground surveys. Unfortunately, the video weir installed in June 2014 was washed out during a higher water event and could not be salvaged prior to Chinook salmon passing the site (see Section for more detail). In response, AEA increased the frequency of aerial spawner surveys and aerial telemetry surveys in Indian River, in the event that these additional data could be used in lieu of video weir data to develop mark rates (see Section 4.6.1 for more detail). Fish size distributions could not be developed using these methods. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 3 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS 4.2. Objective 2: Determine the migration behavior and spawning locations of radio-tagged fish in the Lower, Middle, and Upper Susitna River AEA implemented the methods with respect to Objective 2 as described in the Study Plan with the exception of modifications described in Section 7 of the ISR. Tasks to address Objective 2 were listed in RSP Section 4.3. Objective 3: Characterize adult salmon migration behavior and timing within and above Devils Canyon AEA implemented the methods with respect to Objective 3 as described in the Study Plan with no variances. Tasks to address Objective 3 were listed in RSP Section 4.3.1. Fixed-station Monitoring A combination of aerial telemetry surveys and fixed stations below, within, and above Devils Canyon was used to determine the migration timing and behavior of radio-tagged salmon that passed into the Upper River (Figure 3-1). Fixed stations were deployed at locations where they had the highest probability of detecting radio-tagged salmon. The fixed stations deployed at the confluences with Kosina Creek and Oshetna River provided additional information that was used to assess the detection efficiencies for all mainstem fixed stations downstream from these sites. The data from these fixed stations was also used to guide the aerial and ground-based survey efforts needed to identify spawning areas in the Upper River. 4.3.2. Aerial Telemetry Surveys Aerial telemetry surveys provided location data for radio-tagged fish in areas that were not directly monitored by fixed-station receivers (e.g., in the mainstem between receivers; within tributaries, etc.). These detections assisted with the successful tracking of fish movements within and above Devils Canyon, providing day-to-day locations, passage timing, and hold durations. The aerial telemetry data were critical for the identification of potential spawning behavior, and for detecting potential spawning locations. The goal of 300 m accuracy of geographic position when locating tagged fish, including spawning fish, (RSP Section was achieved by the combined effect of airspeed, flight path, antenna direction, and receiver gain control. In addition, the aerial detections contributed to the estimation of detection efficiencies for each fixed station. The timing and proportion of all tagged salmon that passed Devils Canyon was calculated and compared to the remaining tagged population, and their final spawning locations were identified. 4.3.3. Aerial Spawner Surveys Aerial visual-observation surveys to determine the distribution and relative abundance of adult salmon were conducted in Susitna River tributaries within and above Devils Canyon, upstream to and including the Oshetna River. A total of seven aerial spawner survey events were conducted at approximate weekly intervals from July 14 through August 19, 2014. The survey extent covered the same major tributaries and clear water areas of the Susitna River as during 2013. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 4 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS From Cheechako Creek to the Oshetna River, a total of 18 streams were surveyed; 15 tributaries to the Susitna River and three secondary tributaries. Additionally, two lakes in the Tsisi Creek drainage were surveyed during August specifically to look for spawning sockeye salmon. All streams were surveyed from their confluence up to 3,000 feet in elevation, or to a predetermined barrier to anadromous fish passage, or to the stream’s headwater origin, whichever came first. 4.3.4. Using Sonar to Enumerate Salmon at the Proposed Dam Site The FERC SPD recommended that AEA evaluate the feasibility of putting in a weir or operating a sonar counting station at or near the dam site in the next year of study to count fish migrating through Devils Canyon (FERC 2013). Prior to the 2013 field season, operation of a weir near the dam site was determined to be not feasible due to the physical impossibility of any structure handling the normal levels and range of discharge for the mainstem Susitna River. In 2013, AEA assessed the feasibility of placing a sonar counting station at or near the dam site (see Appendix G in AEA [2014]). In 2014, AEA implemented the methods for achieving the objectives of sonar monitoring near the proposed Watana Dam site as described in the ISR. An initial feasibility study was conducted in July of 2013 to assess the suitability of different locations in the vicinity of the Watana Dam Site for applying Adaptive Resolution Imaging Sonar (ARIS) methods to estimate adult Chinook salmon passage. To find the optimal location for sonar sampling along the selected reach, an ARIS 1200 unit was used on July 6, 2014 to map the bathymetry along multiple transects from the right and left banks. Bottom-profiling allows for determination of optimal sonar alignment and aiming angles, and determination of the presence of depressions or troughs in the field-of-view (FOV) that would allow for fish to move past the sonar undetected (Maxwell and Smith 2007; Faulkner and Maxwell 2009). A single sonar location was established on each side of the river just below the proposed Watana Dam Site. In 2014, data collection started at the left bank station at 4:51 P.M. on July 6 and at 12:12 P.M. on July 7 at the right bank station. Data were collected continuously in consecutive 10-minute files until the study period ended on August 22 (with the exception of the period 10:40 A.M. on July 30 through 1:45 P.M. on August 7 when the left bank station was shut down temporarily until an extension for CIRWG land access at this site could be obtained). The maximum sample ranges used for analysis were based on the extent to which substrate was visible in the FOVs. The gradually sloping bottom along the left bank allowed for substrate to be evident out to 37 m (121.4 ft) in range, whereas the bottom dropped off at 16 m (52.4 ft) in range along the right bank. Seeing substrate throughout the FOV ensures that no depressions or troughs exist that would allow for fish to move past the ensonified area undetected. An aerial photograph of the sampling locations with depictions of the ensonified areas in plan-view is shown in Figure 4.3-1. To support further assessment of the fish migration corridor, seven serial ADCP transects at approximately 80-foot intervals were conducted. To supplement the velocity transects, bathymetric data was collected using an Odom CV-100 echosounder and a TopCon GPS receiver. Information forthcoming from that data collection includes velocity profiles and bathymetric maps of the river channel in proximity to the sonar arrays. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 5 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Any fish targets measuring 50 cm or greater in estimated total length (TL) were classified as large Chinook salmon. For each Chinook salmon detected, the following parameters were recorded: estimated total length, range at first and last detection, and direction of travel. Any fish targets measuring less than 50 cm TL were not classified by species, and only their estimated total length was recorded. The accuracy of length measures from the sonar data is approximately ± 10 percent based on known targets. Level-three quality control on the data review process was conducted by a senior scientist with sonar expertise. 4.4. Objective 4: Use available technology to document salmon spawning locations in turbid water AEA implemented the methods with respect to Objective 4 as described in the Study Plan with no variances. 4.5. Objective 5: Compare historical and current data on run timing, distribution, relative abundance, and specific locations of spawning and holding salmon AEA implemented the methods with respect to Objective 5 as described in the Study Plan with no variances. 4.6. Objective 6: Generate counts of adult Chinook salmon spawning in the Susitna River and its tributaries AEA implemented the methods with respect to Objective 6 as described in the Study Plan with the exception of variances explained below (Section 4.6.1). This objective was addressed by attempting to operate a weir on the Indian River and conducting aerial spawner surveys in the Indian River (see Section 4.3.3) in 2014. The purpose of this work was to establish survey-area mark rates (proportion of fish tagged in different areas) that would support inferences about the representativeness of tagging across spawning stocks. In addition, mark rates from these areas could be used to estimate the abundance of salmon passing the tagging sites. For the aerial spawner surveys conducted in the Indian River, Chinook salmon counts were stratified into three river sections. Section 1 included the clear water plume at the Indian River mouth up to Bridge 1 in the lower river; Section 2 extended from Bridge 1 to the power line crossing; and Section 3 extended from the power line crossing to the Forks. These aerial spawner surveys did not provide a direct estimate of the total Chinook salmon abundance. Instead, they provided a minimum count, and then helped to establish minimum and likely tributary-specific mark rates, as was done for Portage Creek (2012) and the Indian River (2012 and 2013). Concurrent aerial telemetry surveys were conducted in the Indian River in July and August 2014 to determine the number of live radio-tagged Chinook salmon present. Protocols developed based on 2012 and 2013 experiences were implemented in 2014 to survey the Indian River. Multiple aerial telemetry surveys were flown bracketing the entire spawning period of Chinook Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 6 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS salmon. Survey aircraft were equipped with telemetry receivers and GPS to identify positions of radio-tagged fish. 4.6.1. Variances Results from the 2012 escapement study indicated that it would be unlikely to obtain sufficient numbers of fish samples through spawning ground surveys to provide a robust mark rate, and in- turn, an estimate of the numbers of fish above Devils Canyon (as established during the FERC Study Dispute process). Therefore, a decision was made to replace spawning ground surveys with operation of a weir and an underwater video system on the Indian River to enumerate tagged and untagged fish, and establish mark rates. The methods and approach of using weirs to obtain this information is consistent with RSP Sections and However, as described in Section and Section, the Indian River weir was washed out during a high water event prior to the onset of the Chinook salmon run in 2014. As a result, at the end of June 2014, AEA considered alternative methods for estimating the mark rate of Chinook salmon in the Indian River to ensure the study objective was met. One option AEA considered was to install a sonar unit at or near the weir site to count passing fish. However, the advantages of being able to install a sonar unit soon after the weir was blown out were outweighed by the fact that multiple salmon species would be present in the river by mid- July, and thus Chinook salmon could not be reliably counted (since sonar cannot distinguish between species). AEA considered conducting a gillnet operation below the Indian River weir site to capture and sample Chinook salmon. Although physically handling fish is a reliable method of collecting mark-rate and length data, physical conditions in the lower river were not suitable for gillnetting, so it was unlikely crews could capture a sufficient number of fish. Also, there may be negative impacts on fish health due to the capture and handling process. AEA also considered stream walks to count Chinook salmon, but their experiences in 2012 proved this method was unlikely to succeed. Since Chinook salmon were already staging at the mouth of the Indian River, AEA decided that the best available option was to increase the frequency (every 3rd day during the spawning period) of aerial spawner surveys and aerial telemetry surveys in the event that these additional data could be used in lieu of video weir data to develop mark rates. In theory, fish counts from aerial spawner surveys and area-under-the-curve (AUC) methods (Ames and Phinney 1977; English et al. 1992) could be used to generate an escapement estimate for Chinook salmon returning to the Indian River in 2014. The marked fraction of Chinook salmon present in the Indian River, as well as estimates of residence time (i.e., the length of time Chinook salmon are present in the river) could be estimated from detections of radio-tagged fish that were released at the Middle River fishwheels. 4.7. Objective 7: Collect tissue samples to support the Fish Genetics Study AEA implemented the methods with respect to Objective 7 as described in the Study Plan with no variances. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 7 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS 5. RESULTS 5.1. Objective 1: Capture, radio-tag, and track adults of five species of Pacific Salmon in the Middle and Upper Susitna River in proportion to their abundance. Capture and tag Chinook, coho, and pink salmon in the Lower Susitna and Yentna rivers. 5.1.1. Fish Capture From May 22 to August 26, 2014, a total of 2,048 large Chinook salmon were captured in the Lower River, of which 1,880 were captured in fishwheels and 168 were captured in gillnets. From May 22 to June 25, a total of 2,990 large Chinook salmon were captured in the Yentna River (at the tag deployment site), of which 2,594 were captured in fishwheels and 396 were captured in gillnets. A total of 877 adult Chinook salmon (672 large, 205 small), including recaptures, were captured at the Middle River fishwheels in 2014 (Table 5.1-1). The largest proportion of Chinook salmon were captured at Site 3 (48 percent), followed by Site 1 (41 percent) and Site 2 (11 percent). All fishwheels combined, peak catch of large Chinook salmon occurred on July 1 (58 fish), whereas catches of small Chinook salmon peaked on June 21 and July 6 (17 fish). CPUE for large Chinook salmon was highest at Site 1 (1.6 fish/hour on June 30), followed by Site 3 (1.1 fish/hour on July 1) and then Site 2 (0.5 fish/hour on July 5). Large Chinook salmon captured in the Middle River averaged 72 cm METF (28.2 in) and small Chinook salmon averaged 36 cm METF (14.2 in.). Cumulative length-frequency distributions for Chinook salmon captured in the Middle River fishwheels, by capture site, are shown in Figure 5.1-1. One small Chinook salmon (35 cm METF) was captured on June 24 while set gillnetting along river left approximately 1 mile downstream of Site 2 (lat/long: 62.58747, -150.03842). 5.1.2. Radio-tagging In the Lower River, 651 large Chinook salmon (527 caught in fishwheels, 124 caught in gillnets) were radio-tagged in 2014. In the Yentna River, 294 large Chinook salmon were radio-tagged (190 caught in fishwheels, 104 caught in gillnets). A total of 623 Chinook salmon (590 large, 33 small) were radio-tagged at the Middle River fishwheels in 2014 (Table 5.1-2). The daily number of radio tags applied peaked at 51 for large Chinook salmon (July 1) and three for small Chinook salmon (June 30 and July 1, 2, and 5; Table 5.1-2). Radio tags were deployed in proportion to catch for large Chinook salmon since all healthy fish captured were tagged. In contrast, only 16 percent (33 of 205) of small Chinook salmon captured received a radio tag due to difficulties inserting the tags into smaller-sized fish. Cumulative length-frequency distributions for Chinook salmon captured and radio-tagged at the Middle River fishwheels, by size category, are shown in Figure 5.1-2. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 8 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS 5.1.3. Numbers and Size of Marked and Unmarked Fish at Selected Locations Indian River Weir The underwater video system at the Indian River weir was operated 24 hours a day, and collected 89 hours of video footage from 1:30 P.M. on June 22 to 6:29 A.M. on June 26, 2014. Due to poor visibility, 5.2 hours of video imagery collected on June 26 was not reviewed. Persistent rain on June 25 and June 26 contributed to high-water conditions in the Susitna (Figure 4.1-2) and Indian rivers. At approximately 6:29 A.M. on June 26, due to high flows and debris loading, the anchoring system failed and the majority of the weir components were flushed approximately one mile down river. A portion of the weir components were retrieved from July 4–8, and the remainder were retrieved on August 15 when water levels were considerably lower. In total, three rainbow trout and two round whitefish, but no salmon, were observed on the video footage. 5.2. Objective 2: Determine the migration behavior and spawning locations of radio-tagged fish in the Lower, Middle, and Upper Susitna River 5.2.1. Stock Classifications and Spawning Locations – Lower River Of the 656 large Chinook salmon tagged in the Lower River, 581 (89 percent) were classified by destination. Of these, 574 (99 percent) went to tributaries (mainly the Yentna, Deshka, Talkeetna, or Chulitna rivers), and 7 (1 percent) went to destinations in the mainstem Susitna River (Table 5.2-1; Figures 5.2-1 and 5.2-2). The remaining 75 Chinook salmon exhibited movements that prevented conclusive assignment to the mainstem or tributaries (see “Other Classifications” in Table 5.2-1). 5.2.2. Stock Classifications and Spawning Locations – Yentna River Chinook salmon radio-tagged in the Yentna River were expected to stay within this major tributary, and significant movement to other Susitna River tributaries was not expected (relative to Chinook salmon tagged in the Lower River). Two hundred nineteen of the 295 Chinook salmon released in the Yentna River (74 percent) were classified with a Yentna destination, and 8 (3 percent) were classified in other Susitna River tributaries (Little Willow and Willow creeks, or Deshka or Chulitna rivers; Table 5.2-1). The remaining 68 salmon exhibited movements that prevented conclusive assignment to a specific destination. 5.2.3. Stock Classifications and Spawning Locations – Middle and Upper River Of the 590 large Chinook salmon radio-tagged in the Middle River, 473 (80 percent) were classified by spawning destination (Table 5.2-1). Of those classified by spawning destination, 437 (92 percent) went to tributaries (mainly Portage Creek or Indian River) and 36 (8 percent) went to destinations in the mainstem Susitna River below Devils Canyon (Table 5.2-1; Figures 5.2-1 and 5.2-3). Destinations of the remaining 117 large Chinook salmon could not be Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 9 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS classified, due to movements that prevented conclusive assignment to the mainstem or tributaries (Table 5.2-1). In addition to the large Chinook described above, 33 small Chinook salmon were radio-tagged and released in the Middle River. In all, 25 (76 percent) were classified by destination (Table 5.2-1). Of these, 21 (84 percent) went to tributaries (mainly Indian River or Portage Creek) and 4 (16 percent) went to destinations in the mainstem Susitna River (Table 5.2-1; Figure 5.2-1). Destinations of the remaining 8 small Chinook salmon could not be classified (Table 5.2-1). Chinook salmon were tracked to 18 potential mainstem spawning sites in the Middle River between PRM 111.03 and PRM 155.9 (Figure 5.2-3). 5.3. Objective 3: Characterize adult salmon migration behavior and timing within and above Devils Canyon 5.3.1. Species, Number, and Destination Of the 590 radio-tagged large Chinook salmon released at the Middle River fishwheels, 491 were detected above Gateway Station (PRM 130.1) after tagging. Of these 491 fish, 11 (2.2 percent) were tracked above Impediment 1, 8 (1.6 percent) above Impediment 2, and 2 (0.4 percent) above Impediment 3. Two of the Chinook salmon radio-tagged and released at the Lower River fishwheels were tracked above Impediment 1, one of which subsequently passed Impediment 2 (Table 5.3-1). Of the 33 radio-tagged small Chinook salmon released at the Middle River fishwheels, 25 were detected above Gateway Station after tagging. Of these 25 fish, none passed Impediment 1. The likely spawning areas for each of the total 13 Chinook salmon tracked above Impediment 1 are provided in Table 5.3-2. Three (43 percent) of the seven Chinook salmon that passed Impediment 2 (but not Impediment 3), dropped back to destinations downstream of Impediment 2. One (25 percent) of the four Chinook salmon that passed Impediment 1 (but not Impediment 2) likely spawned in an area downstream of Impediment 1. One of the two Chinook salmon that passed Impediment 3 died below Impediment 3 and the other moved into Kosina Creek (Figures 5.3-1 and 5.3-2). Overall, 31 percent of the Chinook salmon that passed at least one of the three impediments dropped back to destinations downstream of the last impediment they passed – two of these went to Portage Creek, one in Cheechako Creek, and one in the mainstem near the mouth of Cheechako Creek. Two Chinook salmon passed Impediment 3, each showing markedly different behaviors (Figures 5.3-1 and 5.3-2). One Chinook salmon just barely passed Impediment 3, subsequently returned downstream of it, and eventually died in the mainstem downstream of Impediment 1 (Figure 5.3- 1). The other Chinook salmon travelled directly into Kosina Creek, spent 6 days therein, then took 5 days to swim to and return from Oshetna River (40 km [25 mi] each way), before returning to Kosina Creek (Figure 5.3-2). This latter fish stayed in Kosina Creek for another 6 days, and then drifted out, settling just downstream of the mouth of Fog Creek. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 10 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS 5.3.2. Migration Timing for Fish Passing Above Devils Canyon The first successful fish passage past Impediment 1 occurred on June 30 when flow at the Tsusena Creek gage was 19,400 cubic feet per second (cfs; 26,000 cfs at the Gold Creek gage; Figure 5.3-3). Other fish passed on July 1 and on July 6, during flows of 23,200 cfs or greater at the Tsusena Creek gage (27,900 cfs or greater at the Gold Creek gage). No other fish passed until the period from July 18–August 1, when Tsusena Creek gage flows ranged between 15,500 and 23,400 cfs (18,800–27,100 cfs at the Gold Creek gage). There was a period with no fish passage from July 7 to 17, in which flows ranged from 19,900 to 35,300 cfs at the Tsusena Creek gage (24,200–36,500 at the Gold Creek gage; Table 5.3-3; Figure 5.3-3). Both Chinook salmon that passed Impediment 3 had passed Impediment 1 on the same day (July 20; Table 5.3-3). Fish showed noticeable milling or holding behavior below Impediment 1 and Impediment 3. Fish that moved past Impediment 1 held below it for an average of 3.9 days, similar in duration to individuals that did not pass (average 4.5 days; Table 5.3-3). Four fish that passed Impediment 1 did not attempt to pass Impediment 2, rather they moved into Cheechako Creek, back-tracked to Portage Creek, or dropped downstream and died. All of the fish that approached Impediment 2 passed it quickly (≤ 1 day; Table 5.3-3). Three fish that passed Impediment 2 did not attempt to pass Impediment 3, rather, they explored the area around Chinook Creek, and eventually dropped back downstream. For the six fish that approached Impediment 3, the hold times were shorter and approach dates were later for the fish that passed, compared to those that did not pass. The two fish that passed Impediment 3 held below it for an average of 6.8 days, whereas those that did not pass, held for an average of 11.3 days before moving downstream. The two fish that passed approached on or after July 30, where approach dates of the non-passing fish ranged from July 2 to 28. Discharge when the two fish passed Impediment 3 ranged from 15,500 cfs (July 30) to 16,200 cfs (August 4) at the Tsusena Creek gage (19,200–19,400 cfs at the Gold Creek gage). 5.3.3. Relative Abundance of Salmon Passing Above Devils Canyon Chinook salmon was the only species with radio-tagged fish detected upstream of Devils Canyon. Of the 491 Chinook salmon tagged at the Middle River fishwheels and detected moving above Gateway Station, two passed Impediment 3 (0.4 percent), and only one (0.2 percent) successfully migrated beyond Devils Canyon (Table 5.3-1). No Chinook salmon radio- tagged in the Lower River were detected upstream of Devils Canyon. Given the positions of the fixed-station receivers and the extensive mobile survey effort, it is unlikely that any radio-tagged fish passed upstream of Devils Canyon undetected. 5.3.4. Size of Chinook Salmon Tracked In and Above Devils Canyon Of the 38 radio-tagged large Chinook salmon that entered Devils Canyon (6 tagged in Lower River, 32 tagged in Middle River), the mean body length of fish that approached but did not pass Impediment 1 (79.7 cm [31.4 in]) was not significantly different from that of fish that passed Impediment 1 (77.3 cm [30.4 in]; Table 5.3-1; t36 = 0.28, P = 0.60). The mean length of fish that approached, but did not pass, Impediment 3 (79.0 cm [31.1 in], n = 4) was identical to that of fish that passed Impediment 3 (n = 2; Table 5.3-1). These observations are suggestive that length was not a factor in successful passage through Devils Canyon for Chinook salmon. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 11 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS 5.3.5. Aerial Spawner Surveys Chinook salmon were the only salmon species observed from Cheechako Creek upstream to the Oshetna River. Adult Chinook salmon were observed in Middle River tributaries between Impediments 1 and 2 (Cheechako Creek [0–17 fish]), between Impediments 2 and 3 (Chinook Creek [0–5 fish]), and above Impediment 3 (Devil [0–10 fish] and Fog [0–3 fish] creeks). No adult salmon were observed during spawning surveys in the mainstem Susitna River or in any Upper River tributaries (e.g., Deadman, Watana, and Kosina creeks, and the Oshetna River; Table 5.3-4). 5.3.6. Using Sonar to Enumerate Salmon at the Proposed Dam Site The FERC SPD (Feb 2013) requested a feasibility assessment in 2013 of putting in a weir or sonar station near dam site in 2014 to provide a count of fish. Results from 2013 field activities showed that it was likely feasible to count salmon-sized fish (50 cm TL or greater) and corroborate counts with radio-telemetry. In 2014, AEA used ARIS sonar to count the number of salmon-sized fish (50 cm TL or greater), as well as those measuring less than 50 cm TL, passing the proposed Watana Dam site from July 6 to August 22, and collected bathymetry and water- velocity profiles at the monitoring sites. During sonar operations from July 6 to August 22, Susitna River flows at the Tsusena Creek gage ranged from 14,200 to 35,300 cfs (16,700–36,500 cfs at the Gold Creek gage). Discharge in the Upper Susitna River generally decreased during the sonar sampling period after a peak of 35,300 cfs at the Tsusena Creek gage on July 8 (36,500 cfs at the Gold Creek gage). Periodic increases in discharge occurred in mid to late July. Throughout August, discharge remained below 19,000 cfs at the Tsusena Creek gage (below 22,000 cfs at the Gold Creek gage). With the exception of the period from July 30 through August 7 when the left bank station was demobilized due to permit compliance, both stations operated continuously throughout the sample period. After initial setup of the sonar systems, the left bank station insonified an estimated 41.5 percent of the wetted channel width and the right bank station insonified an estimated 16.1 percent of the wetted channel width. With respect to overall scope, the systems covered 57.6 percent of the wetted channel widths, leaving 42.4 percent of the thalweg section of the river uncovered with sonar. Cross-sectional coverage of the water column throughout the sampling ranges of the left and right bank sonar systems is forthcoming. A total of 24 net upstream-migrating (26 upstream, 2 downstream) Chinook salmon (50 cm TL or greater) were counted at the sonar stations in 2014 (Table 5.3-5). Twenty-two of the 24 fish (92 percent) were observed with the right bank sonar station. All fish detections were within 4 m from the sonar units with most occurring at 3 m (9.8 ft) in range. In addition, 213 fish measuring 40–49 cm TL, and 1,044 fish measuring less than 40 cm TL, were counted at the sonar stations (direction of movement for these fish was not recorded). These fish were not identified. For fish which were less than 50 cm TL, while a percentage of these fish could potentially be small Chinook salmon (as based on measurements at the Middle River fishwheels (minimum 27 cm MEF; see Figure 5.1-1)), the potential species as based on Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 12 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS sampling from Study 9.5, and in order of likelihood in the observed size range, include Arctic grayling, burbot, round whitefish, and longnose sucker. 5.4. Objective 4: Use available technology to document salmon spawning locations in turbid water From July 19 to July 25, 2014, 37 potential Chinook salmon spawning sites were visited and 15 were surveyed using DIDSON (Table 5.4-1). Confirmation visits were made at three of the 37 sites where Chinook salmon were previously observed milling or holding in areas considered to contain substrate suitable for redd construction. Several potential spawning sites could not be accessed via boat and others sites had physical characteristics not suitable for sonar sampling (e.g., low water or entrained air). The presence of chum salmon at some locations made confirmation of Chinook salmon difficult. Chinook salmon were confirmed at nine sites, including the three confirmation sites. Behavior indicative of Chinook salmon spawning was observed at one mainstem location, approximately 8 m (26 ft) downstream of the confluence of Jack Long Creek and the mainstem. At this site, Chinook salmon were observed holding over and guarding a redd, located outside of the tributary’s clear water zone of influence. In addition to the redd observed near Jack Long Creek, a second redd was identified downstream of the confluence of 4th of July Creek and the mainstem. Due to bathymetry and size of substrate, many redd locations could not be visualized in the sonar imagery. Similarly, redd digging behavior could not be captured, despite collecting several hours of imagery containing Chinook salmon in areas considered to provide suitable substrate. This often occurred, when a fish swam into a depression and could not be observed due large cobble or small boulders between the sonar and the target fish. 5.5. Objective 5: Compare historical and current data on run timing, distribution, relative abundance, and specific locations of spawning and holding salmon 5.5.1. Run Timing In 2014, Chinook salmon (all size groups) were captured at the Middle River fishwheels from June 11 to August 24 (Figure 5.5-1). The earliest a Chinook salmon has been captured at the Middle River fishwheels is June 9 (1984), and the latest is August 20 (1981). The midpoint of catches in 2014 occurred on July 2, which was earlier than midpoints in 1981, 1983, 1984, and 2013 (range: June 24–30), but later than those in 1982, 1985, and 2012 (range: July 3–9). Dates of peak catch were similar over the recent 3-year period (July 2 in 2012 and 2013, and July 1 in 2014). 5.5.2. Relative Abundance In recent years, total catch of Chinook salmon (all size categories) was highest in 2013 (952), followed by 2014 (877), and then 2012 (566; Table A-1). High catches in 2012 were due largely to the abundance of small Chinook salmon (336), as more large Chinook salmon were captured Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 13 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS in 2014 (672) than in 2013 (616). The majority (61–83 percent) of large Chinook salmon were captured at Site 1 in 2012 and 2013, compared to only 41 percent in 2014. Operating a third fishwheel at Site 3 throughout the entire Chinook salmon run in 2014 improved overall catches as 48 percent of large Chinook salmon were caught at this site. Over eight years of operation (1981-1985 and 2012-2014), the highest catches of adult Chinook salmon at the Middle River fishwheels occurred in 1984 (1,589) and lowest in 1981 (284). Catches in 2012, 2013, and 2014, ranked 7th, 4th, and 5th, respectively. 5.5.3. Spawning and Holding Salmon Locations Potential spawning sites of Chinook salmon in the mainstem river were identified using radio telemetry (Sections 5.2.1 to 5.2.3), and confirmed with sonar (DIDSON) in the Middle River. In 2014, radio-tagged Chinook salmon were tracked to four potential spawning sites in the Lower River, and 17 sites in the Middle River. The only confirmed spawning site for Chinook salmon was at the mouth of Jack Long Creek in the Middle River (Table 5.4-1). Similarly, tributary deltas were the only mainstem habitats confirmed for Chinook salmon spawning during the 1980s surveys (Barrett et al. 1985; Thompson et al. 1986). 5.6. Objective 6: Generate counts of adult Chinook salmon spawning in the Susitna River and its tributaries From July 7 to August 19, 11 aerial spawner surveys were conducted in the Indian River (approximately every 3rd day; Table 6.4-1). Data collected for this task could support alternative methods to assess mark rates. 6. LITERATURE CITED AEA. 2012. Revised Study Plan: Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. 14241. December 2012. Prepared for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission by the Alaska Energy Authority, Anchorage, Alaska. http://www.susitna- watanahydro.org/study-plan. AEA. 2013. Adult Salmon Distribution and Habitat Utilization Study. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 14241. February 2013. Anchorage, Alaska. http://www.susitna-watanahydro.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Attachment-A-AS.pdf AEA. 2014. Initial Study Report, Salmon Escapement Study, Study Plan Section 9.7, Part A. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 14241. June 2014. Anchorage, Alaska. http://www.susitna-watanahydro.org/wp- content/uploads/2014/05/09.07_ESCAPE_ISR_PartA.pdf Ames, J., and D. E. Phinney. 1977. 1977 Puget Sound summer-fall chinook methodology: escapement goals, run size forecasts, and in-season run size updates. Wash. Dep. Fish. Tech. Rep. No. 29: 71 p. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 14 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS English, K.K., R.C. Bocking, and J.R. Irvine. 1992. A robust procedure for estimating salmon escapement based on the area-under-the-curve method. Can. J. Fish. Aqu. Sci. 49: 1982. Faulkner, A. V. and S. L. Maxwell. 2009. An aiming protocol for fish-counting sonars using river bottom profiles from a Dual-frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON). Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Manuscript No. 09-03, Anchorage, AK. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Office of Energy Projects. 2013. Study Plan Determination for the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. Issuance: 20130201-3041. Maxwell, S. L. and A. V. Smith. 2007. Generating river bottom profiles with a Dual- frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON). North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:1294-1309. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 15 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS 7. TABLES Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 16 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.1-1. Number of Chinook salmon captured at three fishwheel sites in the Middle River, by size category and year. Table 5.1-2. Number of Chinook salmon radio-tagged at three fishwheel sites in the Middle River, by size category and year. Species (Size)Site 2012 2013 2014 All Years Chinook Salmon Site 1 256 514 273 1,043 (Large)Site 2 166 89 79 334 Site 3 13 320 333 All Sites 422 616 672 1,710 Chinook Salmon Site 1 83 262 85 430 (Small)Site 2 61 64 18 143 Site 3 10 102 112 All Sites 144 336 205 685 Total 566 952 877 2,395 Notes: Totals include all tagged fish recaptured at the fishwheels. Large: 50 cm METF or greater; Small: less than 50 cm METF. Site 3 was not used in 2012; and it was not used in 2013 until July 17. Species (Size)Site 2012 2013 2014 All Years Chinook Salmon Site 1 214 449 247 910 (Large)Site 2 138 81 75 294 Site 3 -6 268 274 All Sites 352 536 590 1,478 Chinook Salmon Site 1 0 55 18 73 (Small)Site 2 0 12 2 14 Site 3 -0 13 13 All Sites 0 67 33 100 Total 352 603 623 1,578 Notes: Large: MEF 50 cm or greater; Small: MEF less than 50 cm. Site 3 was not used in 2012; and it was not used in 2013 until July 17. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 17 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.2-1. Classifications for radio-tagged Chinook salmon in 2014, by size category and release site. Classification Lower River Middle River Yentna Middle River Tributary Destinations (total)574 437 227 21 Yentna 113 0 219 0 Deshka 136 0 4 0 Willow 30 0 2 0 Little Willow 22 0 1 0 Kashwitna 16 1 0 Goose 3 1 0 Sheep 6 0 0 Montana 16 5 0 Sunshine 1 0 0 Birch 2 1 0 Talkeetna 89 25 1 Chulitna 109 15 1 0 Whiskers 1 1 1 Lane 0 3 2 4th of July 0 8 0 Gold 0 6 0 Indian 17 182 9 Jack Long 0 3 0 Portage 12 183 8 Cheechako 1 2 0 Kosina 0 1 0 Mainstem Destinations (total)7 36 0 4 Mainstem Proper 3 8 0 Downstream of Lane 3 1 0 no prior spawn location 3 1 0 Upstream of Lane 0 7 0 no prior spawn location 0 6 0 was in Portage Creek 0 1 0 Tributary Mouths 2 21 3 Talkeetna Mouth 1 0 0 Lane Mouth 0 1 0 no prior spawn location 0 0 0 was up Talkeetna River 0 1 0 5th of July Mouth 0 3 0 4th of July Mouth 0 2 0 no prior spawn location 0 0 0 was up Indian River 0 1 0 was up 4th of July Creek 0 1 0 Indian Mouth 0 10 3 no prior spawn location 0 8 1 was up Indian River 0 2 2 Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) Chinook Salmon (<50 cm) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 18 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.2-1. Continued. Classification Lower River Middle River Yentna Middle River Gold Mouth 0 1 0 Portage Mouth 0 4 0 no prior spawn location 0 2 0 was up Portage Creek 0 2 0 Cheechako Mouth 1 0 0 no prior spawn location 0 0 0 was up Cheechako Creek 1 0 0 Side Channels & Sloughs 2 7 1 Slough 8A 0 0 0 Slough 9 0 0 0 Slough 11 0 0 0 Slough 21 0 0 0 Other areas 2 7 1 no prior spawn location 2 6 1 was up Indian River 0 1 0 Other Classifications (total)75 117 68 8 Other Mainstem 31 59 4 3 Max Zone downstream of Lane 30 0 4 0 Max Zone upstream of Lane 1 59 0 3 Downstream Only 16 40 46 4 Near Release Site 13 17 9 1 No or Single Detections 15 1 9 0 Total Tags Released 656 590 295 33 Notes: Fish that were detected on several occasions within a limited area were classified with a 'Mainstem Destination' (either in side-channel/slough locations, in a tributary mouth, or in the mainstem proper). Some of the fish that showed the ‘Mainstem Destination’ detection pattern did so after entering a spawning tributary (those that had at least one live detection in the mainstem location and that spent less than 6 days in the tributary location are noted in the table – otherwise the mainstem detection was ignored and the fish was assigned to the tributary location). Tags that were recovered or returned were included in this table either under the 'Other Mainstem' classification (if the recovery date was outside of the range of probable spawning dates) or within the row that was associated with the recovery location (if recoveries were from within a tributary, or were in a possible mainstem spawning location). Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) Chinook Salmon (<50 cm) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 19 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.3-1. Details of the radio-tagged Chinook salmon that approached or passed the Middle River impediments, 2014. Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) that Passed Impediment 3 Tag Number Species Capture/ Release Site Capture Date METF Length (cm)Sex First Detection Above I-1 First Detection Above I-2 First Detection Above I-3 Comments 537 CN Curry, Site Three 4 Jul 80 Male 20 Jul 20 Jul 4 Aug just above I3, then mort DS 787 CN Curry, Site Two 11 Jul 78 Undetermined 20 Jul 20 Jul 30 Jul Kosina (8/2-8/7), Oshetna (8/9), then Kosina (8/12-18), drfited to below Fog Ck. Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) that Passed Impediment 2 but not Impediment 3 Tag Number Species Capture/ Release Site Capture Date METF Length (cm)Sex First Detection Above I-1 First Detection Above I-2 First Detection Above I-3 Comments 17 CN Curry, Site One 14 Jun 70 Undetermined 30 Jun 30 Jun -Below I3, then Cheechako (7/10) then Portage (7/14- 8/6) then mort DS 139 CN Curry, Site One 21 Jun 61 Undetermined 24 Jul 28 Jul -Cheechako (7/25-26) then mort near Chinook Creek 222 CN Curry, Site Two 24 Jun 75 Undetermined 6 Jul 18 Jul -Below I3, then mort DS 516 CN Curry, Site One 4 Jul 87 Undetermined 1 Aug 1 Aug -Cheechako to Chinook mouths, then Cheechako (8/9) then out, mort at mouth 882 CN Curry, Site Three 16 Jul 51 Undetermined 25 Jul 1 Aug -Chinook mouth then Cheechako (8/3-9) then mort DS 903 CN Curry, Site Three 17 Jul 78 Undetermined 23 Jul 24 Jul -Below I3, mort between Chinook and I3 5531 CN Lower River, gill net 12 Jun 93 Undetermined 18 Jul 18 Jul -Below I3, then in Cheechako (8/12) and at mouth (8/15 onwards) Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) that Passed Impediment 1 but not Impediment 2 Tag Number Species Capture/ Release Site Capture Date METF Length (cm)Sex First Detection Above I-1 First Detection Above I-2 First Detection Above I-3 Comments 221 CN Curry, Site One 24 Jun 92 Undetermined 20 Jul --Portage (7/10), just Above I1, then Below I1, drifted as mort DS 828 CN Curry, Site Three 13 Jul 55 Undetermined 18 Jul --Cheechako Stn, then Portage 868 CN Curry, Site Three 15 Jul 94 Male 23 Jul --Cheechako (7/31-8/1 and 8/6-8/12), mouth (to 8/18) then drifted DS to below Portage 5702 CN Lower River, gill net 23 May 91 Undetermined 1 Jul --0.75 mi above Cheechako Stn, then in Cheechako Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 20 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.3-1. Continued. Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) that Approached Impediment 1 but did not Pass Tag Number Species Capture/ Release Site Capture Date METF Length (cm)Sex First Detection Above I-1 First Detection Above I-2 First Detection Above I-3 Comments 23 CN Curry, Site Two 14 Jun 63 Undetermined ---Below I1, Portage (7/25-8/4), then mort DS 33 CN Curry, Site Two 15 Jun 63 Undetermined ---Below I1, then Talkeetna 40 CN Curry, Site Two 16 Jun 68 Undetermined ---Below I1, then Portage 91 CN Curry, Site Three 19 Jun 92 Undetermined ---Below I1, then Portage 103 CN Curry, Site One 20 Jun 81 Undetermined ---mort Below I1 108 CN Curry, Site Two 20 Jun 99 Undetermined ---Below I1, Portage (7/22-23) then DS 111 CN Curry, Site Three 20 Jun 97 Undetermined ---Portage (7/4-7/5), Below I1, Portage (7/19-onwards) 166 CN Curry, Site One 22 Jun 63 Undetermined ---Below I1, Portage (7/14), Portage mouth (7/22-8/4), mort DS 198 CN Curry, Site One 23 Jun 78 Undetermined ---Below I1, then Talkeetna 237 CN Curry, Site One 25 Jun 93 Male ---Below I1, Indian (7/22-8/6) then DS 239 CN Curry, Site One 25 Jun 87 Female ---Below I1, then Portage 244 CN Curry, Site Two 25 Jun 84 Undetermined ---Below I1, then Portage (mid-Aug onward, incl mort 8/20) 264 CN Curry, Site One 28 Jun 78 Undetermined ---Below I1, then Gold Creek 300 CN Curry, Site One 29 Jun 66 Undetermined ---Portage mouth , Below I1, then up Portage 359 CN Curry, Site Three 30 Jun 59 Undetermined ---Below I1, then mort DS 562 CN Curry, Site One 5 Jul 79 Undetermined ---Below I1, then Portage 611 CN Curry, Site Three 5 Jul 91 Undetermined ---Below I1, then Portage 621 CN Curry, Site One 6 Jul 87 Undetermined ---Below I1, then Portage 668 CN Curry, Site Three 6 Jul 80 Undetermined ---Below I1, then Portage 716 CN Curry, Site One 8 Jul 95 Undetermined ---Below I1, then mort DS 818 CN Curry, Site Two 13 Jul 64 Undetermined ---Below I1, then Indian (7/26-8/5) then mort DS of mouth 5242 CN Lower River, East Bank 4 Jun 75.5 Undetermined ---Chulitna, Below I1, then Chulitna 5255 CN Lower River, East Bank 7 Jun 83 Undetermined ---Deshka, Below I1, then Portage 5384 CN Lower River, West Bank 17 Jun 73.5 Undetermined ---Below I1, then mort DS 5408 CN Lower River, gill net 31 May 93 Undetermined ---Below I1, then Portage Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 21 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.3-1. Continued. Chinook Salmon (< 50 cm) that Approached Impediment 1 but did not Pass Tag Number Species Capture/ Release Site Capture Date METF Length (cm)Sex First Detection Above I-1 First Detection Above I-2 First Detection Above I-3 Comments 574 CNj Curry, Site One 5 Jul 41 Undetermined ---Below I1, Portage (7/25-8/4), then Indian (8/9), then back to Portage (8/15-onwards) Notes: Fish characteristics include 'tag numbers' (unique numbers assigned to each individual radio-tagged fish), species (CN = Chinook salmon ≥ 50 cm; CNj = Chinook salmon < 50 cm; and SO = sockeye salmon), capture and release site, capture date, METF (mid-eye to fork length, in cm) and sex. Tracking details include the date of first detections above each impediment, and a comment about the general movments of the fish. Top panel: Chinook salmon (≥ 50 cm) that passed Impediment 3. Second panel: Chinook salmon (≥ 50 cm) that passed Impediment 2, but not Impediment 3. Third panel: Chinook salmon (≥ 50 cm) that passed Impediment 1, but not Impediment 2. Fouth panel: Chinook salmon (≥ 50 cm) that approached within 1 km of Impediment 1, but did not pass. Fifth panel: Chinook salmon (< 50 cm) that approached within 1 km of Impediment 1, but did not pass. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 22 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.3-2. Destinations of radio-tagged Chinook salmon that passed each Middle River impediment, 2014. Passed I1 but not I2 Passed I2 but not I3 Passed I3 Total Classification Tributary Destinations Portage Creek 1 1 2 Cheechako Creek 2 1 3 Kosina Creek 1 1 Mainstem Destinations Mouth of Cheechako 1 1 Unknown Destination 1 4 1 6 Total 4 7 2 13 Downstream from Impediment Number 1 3 0 4 Percent 25%43%0%31% Notes: An “I” refers to “impediment.” Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 23 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.3-3. Details of impediment-passage events for radio-tagged Chinook salmon, 2014. Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) that Passed Impediment 3 Tag Number First Detection Above I-1 First Detection Above I-2 First Detection Above I-3 Hold Time Below I1 (d) Hold Time Below I2 (d) Hold Time Below I3 (d) Flow at I-1 Passage (cfs) Flow at I-2 Passage (cfs) Flow at I-3 Passage (cfs) 537 20 Jul 20 Jul 4 Aug 4.5 0.5 8.0 21,100 21,100 16,200 787 20 Jul 20 Jul 30 Jul 2.5 0.5 5.5 21,100 21,100 15,500 Average 20 Jul 20 Jul 2 Aug 3.5 0.5 6.8 21,100 21,100 15,850 Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) That Passed Impediment 2 but not Impediment 3 17 30 Jun 30 Jun -1.0 0.5 4.5 19,400 19,400 - 139 24 Jul 28 Jul -7.0 1.0 d.n.a.17,800 16,500 - 222 6 Jul 18 Jul -1.0 0.5 17.0 23,700 18,700 - 516 1 Aug 1 Aug -10.5 0.5 d.n.a.15,700 15,700 - 882 25 Jul 1 Aug -4.5 0.5 d.n.a.17,600 15,700 - 903 23 Jul 24 Jul -0.5 0.5 10.5 17,800 17,800 - 5531 18 Jul 18 Jul -2.5 0.5 13.0 18,700 18,700 - Average 18 Jul 22 Jul 3.9 0.6 11.3 18,671 17,500 Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) That Passed Impediment 1 but not Impediment 2 221 20 Jul --4.5 d.n.a.-21,100 -- 828 18 Jul --2.5 d.n.a.-18,700 -- 868 23 Jul --6.5 d.n.a.-17,800 -- 5702 1 Jul --3.0 d.n.a.-23,200 -- Average 16 Jul 4.1 -20,200 Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) That Approached Impediment 1 but didn't pass Tag Number First Detection Above I-1 First Detection Above I-2 First Detection Above I-3 Hold Time Below I1 (d) Hold Time Below I2 (d) Hold Time Below I3 (d) Flow at I-1 Passage (cfs) Flow at I-2 Passage (cfs) Flow at I-3 Passage (cfs) 23 ---3.0 ----- 33 ---4.5 ----- 40 ---1.5 ----- Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 24 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.3-3. Continued. Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) That Approached Impediment 1 but didn't pass Tag Number First Detection Above I-1 First Detection Above I-2 First Detection Above I-3 Hold Time Below I1 (d) Hold Time Below I2 (d) Hold Time Below I3 (d) Flow at I-1 Passage (cfs) Flow at I-2 Passage (cfs) Flow at I-3 Passage (cfs) 91 ---4.5 ----- 103 ---25.5 ----- 108 ---5.0 ----- 111 ---5.0 ----- 166 ---1.5 ----- 198 ---1.5 ----- 237 ---4.0 ----- 239 ---1.5 ----- 244 ---13.5 ----- 264 ---7.5 ----- 300 ---2.5 ----- 359 ---1.5 ----- 562 ---1.5 ----- 611 ---2.5 ----- 621 ---12.0 ----- 668 ---0.5 ----- 716 ---0.5 ----- 818 ---1.0 ----- 5242 ---2.0 ----- 5255 ---3.0 ----- 5384 ---5.5 ----- 5408 ---1.5 ----- Average 4.5 Chinook Salmon (< 50 cm) That Approached Impediment 1 but didn't pass Tag Number First Detection Above I-1 First Detection Above I-2 First Detection Above I-3 Hold Time Below I1 (d) Hold Time Below I2 (d) Hold Time Below I3 (d) Flow at I-1 Passage (cfs) Flow at I-2 Passage (cfs) Flow at I-3 Passage (cfs) 574 ---1.5 ----- Average -1.5 - Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 25 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.3-4. Number of Chinook salmon counted during aerial spawner surveys, by location and survey period, 2014. River Section Waterbody Miles Surveyed Jul 14 - Jul 15 Jul 19 - Jul 20 Jul 25 - Jul 26 Jul 31 - Aug 1 Aug 6 - Aug 7 Aug 12 - Aug 13 Aug 18- Aug 19 Middle River -Cheechako Creek Susitna 155.9 2.4 11 16 8 13 7 0 0 Below Impediment 3 Chinook Creek Susitna 160.4 8.7 0 5 5 2 2 0 0 Middle River -Devil Creek Susitna 164.8 2.5 0 0 0 2 10 5 2 Above Impediment 3 Fog Creek Susitna 179.3 19.3 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 Fog Creek Tributary L1 Fog Mile 5.1 7.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unnamed PRM 184.0 Susitna 184.0 5.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unnamed PRM 184.0 Tributary R1 Unnamed 0.8 8.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tsusena Creek Susitna 184.4 3.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Upper River -Deadman Creek Susitna 188.4 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Within Reservoir Watana Creek Susitna 196.9 21.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Watana Creek Tributary R5 Watana 8.6 8.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kosina Creek Susitna 209.2 18.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gilbert Creek Kosina 6.2 6 0 NS2 NS2 0 0 0 0 Tsisi Creek Kosina 7.3 6.4 0 NS2 0 0 0 0 NS1 Tsisi Lake 1 Tsisi 7.2 2.8 NS1 NS1 0 0 0 0 0 Tsisi Lake 2 Tsisi 10.6 5.2 NS1 NS1 0 0 0 0 0 Jay Creek Susitna 211.0 13.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Upper River -Goose Creek Susitna 232.9 11.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Above Reservoir Oshetna River Susitna 235.1 26.3 0 0 0 0 NS2 0 0 Black River Oshetna 6.2 0 0 0 0 NS2 0 1 No survey - surveys targeting sockeye salmon began July 25-26. 2 No survey - high and/or turbid water prevented survey. Confluence Project River Mile Survey Dates Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 26 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.3-5. Sample effort, CPUE, and net upstream count of fish measuring 50 cm or greater at two ARIS units located at PRM 187.1 in the Upper River, 2014. Mean daily discharge of the Susitna River at Tsusena Creek is also shown. Date Upstream Down- stream Net Upstream Sample Effort (h) CPUE (fish/h)Upstream Down- stream Net Upstream Sample Effort (h) CPUE (fish/h) 06-Jul 0 0 0 7.1 0.00 23,648 07-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 11.8 0.00 31,521 08-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 35,331 09-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 29,431 10-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 28,232 11-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 23.7 0.00 27,668 12-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 1 -1 24.0 -0.04 30,000 13-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 31,527 14-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 31,069 15-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 25,300 16-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 2 0 2 24.0 0.08 21,900 17-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 19,900 18-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 18,700 19-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 1 1 0 24.0 0.00 18,500 20-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 21,100 21-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 23,400 22-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 20,400 23-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 17,800 24-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 17,800 25-Jul 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 17,600 26-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 20,000 27-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 18,600 28-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 16,500 29-Jul 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 16,100 30-Jul 0 0 0 10.7 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 15,500 Mean Discharge (cfs) River RightRiver Left Fish Count Fish Count Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 27 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.3-5. Continued. Date Upstream Down- stream Net Upstream Sample Effort (h) CPUE (fish/h)Upstream Down- stream Net Upstream Sample Effort (h) CPUE (fish/h) 31-Jul 2 0 2 24.0 0.08 15,600 01-Aug 3 0 3 24.0 0.13 15,700 02-Aug 2 0 2 24.0 0.08 15,900 03-Aug 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 16,200 04-Aug 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 16,200 05-Aug 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 16,600 06-Aug 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 17,300 07-Aug 0 0 0 10.3 0.00 0 0 0 23.9 0.00 16,200 08-Aug 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 15,600 09-Aug 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 15,700 10-Aug 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 14,800 11-Aug 0 0 0 23.7 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 14,200 12-Aug 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 14,700 13-Aug 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 14,800 14-Aug 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 14,500 15-Aug 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 14,700 16-Aug 1 0 1 24.0 0.04 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 16,400 17-Aug 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 17,300 18-Aug 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 18,000 19-Aug 0 0 0 23.8 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 17,700 20-Aug 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 16,200 21-Aug 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 0 0 0 24.0 0.00 15,400 22-Aug 0 0 0 10.1 0.00 1 0 1 12.0 0.08 14,700 Total 2 0 2 891.5 24 2 22 1067.2 River left sonar not operational Mean Discharge (cfs) River RightRiver Left Fish Count Fish Count Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 28 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.4-1. Survey effort and observations using DIDSON to identify Chinook salmon spawning behavior in turbid water, 2014. Site Date Sample Location Latitiude Longitude DIDSON Used Chinook Observed Spawning Observed Redds Observed Comments 1 19-Jul Gateway Slough 62.67643 -149.89302 Yes No -- 2 19-Jul Mainstem gravel bar, d/s PRM 133 62.70674 -149.84082 No No -- 3 19-Jul 4th of July Slough (60 m u/s of outlet)62.71587 -149.80301 Yes No -- 4 19-Jul Mainstem side channel, PRM 135.5 62.72485 -149.75978 No No --Inaccessable by boat 5 19-Jul Mainstem slough, river right, near PRM 137 62.73609 -149.74144 No No -- No potential sampling sites 6 19-Jul Slough 11 62.74281 -149.72163 No No --Inaccessable by boat 7 20-Jul Slough between PRM 121 and 122 62.58162 -150.04994 Yes No -- 8 20-Jul Mainstem side channel, near PRM 117 62.53128 -150.10338 Yes No -- Entrained air and river velocity precluded usable sonar imagery 9 20-Jul Mainstem d/s 4th of July Cr. mouth 62.71481 -149.80823 Yes Yes No No Individuals observed milling/holding 10 20-Jul 4th of July slough (30 m u/s of outlet)62.69163 -149.85922 No No -- 11 20-Jul 4th of July Cr. Slough (100 m u/s outlet)62.72582 -149.75722 No No --Large cobble substrate 12 21-Jul Portage Creek mouth, river right 62.83034 -149.38153 No No -- 13 21-Jul Mainstem d/s Portage Cr. mouth, river right 62.83035 -149.38403 Yes Yes No No Individuals observed milling/holding 14 21-Jul Mainstem d/s Portage Cr. mouth, river right 62.83116 -149.38715 No No -- 15 21-Jul Mainstem u/s Jack Long Cr. mouth, river left 62.82270 -149.49220 No No --Sand substrate 16 21-Jul Mainstem u/s Jack Long Cr. mouth, river left 62.82143 -149.50706 No No --Large cobble substrate 17 21-Jul Mainstem d/s Jack Long Cr. mouth, river left 62.82245 -149.49872 Yes Yes Yes Yes Individual observed guarding and holding 18 21-Jul Mainstem d/s Jack Long Cr. mouth, river left 62.82150 -149.50507 Yes No -- 19 21-Jul Mainstem d/s Gold Cr. mouth, river left 62.76779 -149.69141 No No -- 20 21-Jul Mainstem d/s Sherman Cr. mouth, river left 62.71310 -149.81103 No No -- 21 21-Jul Mainstem d/s Skull Cr. mouth, river left 62.67699 -149.86920 No No -- 22 22-Jul Side channel entrance u/s Indian R., river right 62.79191 -149.62464 No No --Areas of upwelling 23 22-Jul Side channel exit u/s Indian R., river right 62.78956 -149.63977 No No -- 24 22-Jul Mainstem below side channel, river right 62.78861 -149.64438 No No --Sand substrate 25 22-Jul Mainstem at Beaver impoundment exit, river right 62.78752 -149.65044 No No -- Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 29 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 5.4-1. Continued. Site Date Sample Location Latitiude Longitude DIDSON Used Chinook Observed Spawning Observed Redds Observed Comments 26 22-Jul Mainstem d/s Indian R. delta (10 m), river right 62.78514 -149.65891 Yes Yes No No Individuals observed milling/holding 27 22-Jul Mainstem d/s Indian R. delta, over flow channel, river right 62.78413 -149.66248 No No -- 28 22-Jul Mainstem d/s Indian R. slough entrance 62.78296 -149.66805 Yes Yes No No Individuals observed milling/holding 29 22-Jul Mainstem d/s Indian R., river right 62.78377 -149.65660 No No -- 30 22-Jul Mainstem d/s Indian R. slough exit 62.77943 -149.68706 Yes No -- 31 23-Jul Slough u/s Gold Cr., river left 62.77146 -149.68672 No No -- Sand and large cobble substrate 32 23-Jul Mainstem d/s Gold Cr., river right 62.76829 -149.69449 No No -- 33 23-Jul Mainstem d/s Gold Cr., river right 62.76650 -149.71121 Yes Yes No No Traveling u/s observed 34 23-Jul Mainstem channel d/s Curry unnamed tributary delta, river right 62.59989 -150.03344 No No -- 35 25-Jul Confirmation: d/s Portage Cr Mouth 62.83044 -149.38871 Yes Yes No No Individuals observed milling/holding 36 25-Jul Confirmation: d/s Jack Long Cr Mouth 62.82243 -149.49821 Yes Yes No No Individual observed milling/holding 37 25-Jul Confirmation: d/s 4th of July Cr Mouth 62.71475 -149.80908 Yes Yes No Yes Individual observed milling/holding Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 30 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 6.4-1. Number of adult Chinook salmon counted during aerial spawner surveys in the Indian River, by date and river section, 2014. Survey Date River Sectiona Observed Count Comment Survey Date River Sectiona Observed Count Comment 07-Jul 1 36 Good conditions 01-Aug 1 47 Good conditions 2 91 Most fish holding in pools 2 351 3 0 pool count estimated 3 146 Total 127 Total 544 10-Jul 1 82 Fair conditions 03-Aug 1 59 Good conditions 2 184 dark, light rain 2 323 3 29 Most fish holding in pools 3 96 Total 295 pool count estimated Total 478 14-Jul 1 123 Good conditions 06-Aug 1 34 Good conditions 2 233 Some fish holding in pools 2 214 3 72 pool count estimated 3 58 Total 428 Total 306 17-Jul 1 110 Good conditions 09-Aug 1 18 Good conditions 2 389 Less fish in pools 2 127 3 101 Spawning activity 3 24 Total 600 Total 169 19-Jul 1 61 Poor conditions 12-Aug 1 6 Good conditions 2 330 Bad weather 2 55 3 56 dark and rainy 3 14 Total 447 Total 75 22-Jul 1 160 Excellent conditions 15-Aug 1 5 Good conditions 2 490 Fish evenly distributed 2 16 3 148 on spawning grounds 3 4 Total 798 Total 25 26-Jul 1 70 Fair conditions 18-Aug 1 0 Good conditions 2 327 Turbidity in lower reaches 2 2 3 108 following high water event 3 1 Total 505 Total 3 29-Jul 1 67 Excellent conditions 19-Aug 1 0 Good conditions 2 379 Fish redistributed 2 2 3 160 following high water event 3 1 Total 606 Total 3 a Section 1 = clearwater plume to Bridge 1; Section 2 = Bridge 1 to Powerline; Section 3 = Powerline to Forks. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 31 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS 8. FIGURES Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 32 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Figure 3-1. Susitna River watershed showing fish capture sites (fishwheels) and the locations of fixed-station telemetry receiver sites, 2014. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 33 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Figure 4.1-1. Daily fishing effort (hours) and rotational speed (RPM) at three fishwheel sites in the Middle River, 2014. Only data through August 11 was included. Figure 4.1-2. Daily discharge of the Susitna River at Gold Creek from April 1 to November 30, 2012-2014. Historical (1949-2013) minimum, maximum, and mean discharges are shown for reference. Source: USGS National Water Information System (http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis). Date (m/d)Rotational Speed (RPM)Daily Fishing Effort (h)0 2 4 6 8 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 6/66/136/206/277/47/117/187/258/18/88/158/228/299/5Effort RPM Site 1 (Right Bank) 0 2 4 6 8 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 6/66/136/206/277/47/117/187/258/18/88/158/228/299/5Site 2 (Left Bank) 0 2 4 6 8 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 6/66/136/206/277/47/117/187/258/18/88/158/228/299/5Site 3 (Right Bank) 0 15,000 30,000 45,000 60,000 75,000 90,000 4/14/114/215/15/115/215/316/106/206/307/107/207/308/98/198/299/89/189/2810/810/1810/2811/711/1711/27Discharge (cfs)Date (m/d) 2014 2013 2012 Min/Max (1949-2013)Mean (1949-2013) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 34 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Figure 4.3-1. Ortho image showing the ensonified wetted width coverage of each ARIS unit near the Watana Dam Site, 2014. Ensonified coverage is scaled to match the width of the river. River flow is from right to left. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 35 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Figure 5.1-1. Cumulative length-frequency distributions for Chinook salmon captured at the Middle River fishwheels, by size category and capture site, 2014. Figure 5.1-2. Cumulative length-frequency distributions for Chinook salmon captured and radio-tagged at the Middle River fishwheels, by size category, 2014. Cumulative ProportionMid-eye to Fork Length (cm) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 Chinook Salmon (Middle River) Site 1 (n = 337) Site 2 (n = 99) Site 3 (n = 104)Cumulative ProportionMid-eye to Fork Length (cm) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 Chinook (≥ 50 cm) Captured in the Middle River Radio-tagged 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 25 30 35 40 45 50 Chinook (< 50 cm) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 36 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Figure 5.2-1. Classifications for radio-tagged Chinook salmon released in the Lower River (left panels) or Middle River (right panels), by size category, 2014. Top panels: Fish that were detected on several occasions within a limited area were classified with a 'Mainstem Destination' (either in side-channel/slough locations, in a tributary mouth, or in the mainstem proper). Some of the fish that showed the 'Mainstem Destination' detection pattern did so after entering a spawning tributary, and those that had at least one live detection in the mainstem location. See text and Table 5.2-1 for more detailed classifications. Middle Panels: Relative use of side-channel/slough locations, tributary mouths, and the mainstem proper, by fish that were classified with a 'Mainstem Destination.' Bottom Panel: Relative use of sloughs vs. side-channel habitats by fish classified with a 'Mainstem Destination.' 'tbd' = to be determined. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Chinook Salmon Pink Salmon Coho SalmonRelative FrequencyTributary Mainstem General Classification Releases from Lower River 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Chinook Salmon Pink Salmon Coho SalmonRelative FrequencyMainstem Proper Tributary Mouths Side-channel / Sloughs Mainstem Use Releases from Lower River 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Chinook (≥ 50 cm) Chinook (< 50 cm) Pink Salmon Coho Salmon Sockeye Salmon Chum Salmon General Classification Releases from Middle River 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Chinook (≥ 50 cm) Chinook (< 50 cm) Pink Salmon Coho Salmon Sockeye Salmon Chum Salmon Mainstem Use Releases from Curry 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Chinook (≥ 50 cm) Chinook (< 50 cm) Pink Salmon Coho Salmon Sockeye Salmon Chum SalmonRelative FrequencySlough 8A Slough 9 Slough 11 Slough 21 Side-channels Side -channel / Slough Use Releases from Curry Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 37 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Figure 5.2-2. Potential mainstem spawning sites for radio-tagged Chinook salmon in the Lower River, 2014. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 38 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Figure 5.2-3. Potential mainstem spawning sites for radio-tagged Chinook salmon in the Middle River, 2014. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 39 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Figure 5.3-1. Tracking history of a radio-tagged Chinook salmon (tag #537) that was detected above Impediment 3, 2014. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 40 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Figure 5.3-2. Tracking history of a radio-tagged Chinook salmon (tag #787) that was detected above Impediment 3, 2014. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 41 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Figure 5.3-3. Daily numbers of large Chinook salmon that approached and passed each of the three Middle River impediments in 2014. Orange bars: fish that approached but did not pass. Blue bars: fish that approached and successfully passed. Figures show the date of first detection above the impediment (blue) or the date of first detection below the impediment (orange). Also shown is the average daily flow of the Susitna River as measured at the Tsusena Creek gage. 0 2 4 6 8 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 6/10 6/13 6/16 6/19 6/22 6/25 6/28 7/1 7/4 7/7 7/10 7/13 7/16 7/19 7/22 7/25 7/28 7/31 8/3 8/6 8/9 8/12 8/15 8/18 8/21 8/24Number of Fish at I1Tsusena Discharge (cfs)Date (m/d) Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) Impediment 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 6/10 6/13 6/16 6/19 6/22 6/25 6/28 7/1 7/4 7/7 7/10 7/13 7/16 7/19 7/22 7/25 7/28 7/31 8/3 8/6 8/9 8/12 8/15 8/18 8/21 8/24Number of Fish at I3Tsusena Discharge (cfs)Passed Approached (did not pass) Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) Impediment 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 6/10 6/13 6/16 6/19 6/22 6/25 6/28 7/1 7/4 7/7 7/10 7/13 7/16 7/19 7/22 7/25 7/28 7/31 8/3 8/6 8/9 8/12 8/15 8/18 8/21 8/24Number of Fish at I2Tsusena Discharge (cfs)Chinook Salmon (≥ 50 cm) Impediment 2 Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 42 September 2014 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2014 SALMON ESCAPEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Figure 5.5-1. Comparison of Chinook salmon catches (top panel), relative proportion of catches (middle panel), and cumulative proportion of catches (bottom panel), at the Middle River fishwheels near Curry, 1981-2014. These data include Chinook salmon of all size categories, and catches at two (1981-2012) or three (2013-2014) fishwheels. Date (m/d) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 6/16/66/116/166/216/267/17/67/117/167/217/267/318/58/108/158/20Cum. Proportion of Catch0 30 60 90 120 150 180 6/16/66/116/166/216/267/17/67/117/167/217/267/318/58/108/158/20Catch (# fish)1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 2012 2013 2014 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 6/16/66/116/166/216/267/17/67/117/167/217/267/318/58/108/158/20Rel. Proportion of CatchSusitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 43 September 2014