HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuWa289sec5-7Alaska Resources Library & Information Services  Susitna‐Watana Hydroelectric Project Document  ARLIS Uniform Cover Page  Title:   Mercury assessment and potential for bioaccumulation study, Study plan Section 5.7, 2014 Study Implementation Report. [Main report] SuWa 289  Author(s) – Personal:     Author(s) – Corporate:    URS Corporation Tetra Tech, Inc. AEA‐identified category, if specified:    November 2015; Study Completion and 2014/2015 Implementation Reports AEA‐identified series, if specified:   Series (ARLIS‐assigned report number):   Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project document number 289   Existing numbers on document:  Published by:    [Anchorage : Alaska Energy Authority, 2015]  Date published:   November 2015 (the appendix is dated October) Published for:   Alaska Energy Authority Date or date range of report:    Volume and/or Part numbers:   Study plan Section 5.7  Final or Draft status, as indicated:  Document type:   Pagination:  viii, 119 pages (main report only) Related work(s):   Appendix A, Mercury assessment pathways analysis technical memorandum   Pages added/changed by ARLIS:  Notes:   The two parts of Section 5.7 appear in separate electronic files. All reports in the Susitna‐Watana Hydroelectric Project Document series include an ARLIS‐ produced cover page and an ARLIS‐assigned number for uniformity and citability.  All reports  are posted online at http://www.arlis.org/resources/susitna‐watana/    Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 14241) Mercury Assessment and Potential for Bioaccumulation Study Study Plan Section 5.7 2014 Study Implementation Report Prepared for Alaska Energy Authority Prepared by URS Corporation/Tetra Tech, Inc. November 2015 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page i November 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1 2. Study Objectives .................................................................................................................... 2 3. Study Area .............................................................................................................................. 2 4. Methods and Variances ......................................................................................................... 2 4.1. Summary of Available Information ............................................................................... 2 4.1.1. Variances from the Study Plan ............................................................................... 3 4.2. Collection and Analyses of Samples for Mercury ......................................................... 3 4.2.1. Vegetation and Soil ................................................................................................. 3 4.2.2. Water ....................................................................................................................... 3 4.2.3. Sediment and Sediment Porewater ......................................................................... 4 4.2.4. Piscivorous Birds and Mammals ............................................................................ 5 4.2.5. Fish Tissue .............................................................................................................. 6 4.3. Modeling ........................................................................................................................ 7 4.3.1. Harris and Hutchison Model ................................................................................... 7 4.3.2. Phosphorous Release Model ................................................................................... 7 4.3.3. Pathways Assessment ............................................................................................. 7 5. Results ..................................................................................................................................... 8 5.1. Summary of Available Information ............................................................................... 8 5.2. Vegetation ...................................................................................................................... 8 5.3. Soil 8 5.4. Water .............................................................................................................................. 9 5.5. Sediment and Sediment Porewater............................................................................... 10 5.5.1. Sediment ............................................................................................................... 10 5.5.2. Porewater .............................................................................................................. 10 5.6. Piscivorous Birds and Mammals .................................................................................. 10 5.7. Fish Tissue ................................................................................................................... 10 5.7.1. Lake Trout ............................................................................................................. 11 5.7.2. Longnose Sucker ................................................................................................... 11 5.7.3. Dolly Varden ......................................................................................................... 11 5.7.4. Arctic Grayling ..................................................................................................... 12 5.7.5. Burbot ................................................................................................................... 12 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page ii November 2015 5.7.6. Slimy Sculpin ........................................................................................................ 12 5.7.7. Whitefish sp. ......................................................................................................... 13 5.8. Modeling ...................................................................................................................... 13 5.8.1. Harris and Hutchison ............................................................................................ 13 5.8.2. Phosphorous Release Model ................................................................................. 13 5.8.3. Pathways Assessment ........................................................................................... 14 6. Discussion ............................................................................................................................. 16 6.1. Summary of Available Information ............................................................................. 16 6.1.1. Mercury Sources ................................................................................................... 16 6.1.2. Mercury Bioaccumulation .................................................................................... 18 6.1.3. Mercury Behavior in Reservoirs ........................................................................... 19 6.1.4. Potential Ecological Impacts ................................................................................. 20 6.2. Vegetation .................................................................................................................... 21 6.3. Soil 21 6.4. Water ............................................................................................................................ 22 6.5. Sediment and Sediment Porewater............................................................................... 22 6.6. Piscivorous Birds and Mammals .................................................................................. 23 6.7. Fish Tissue ................................................................................................................... 24 6.8. Modeling ...................................................................................................................... 25 6.8.1. Harris and Hutchison ............................................................................................ 26 6.8.2. Phosphorous Release Model ................................................................................. 27 6.8.3. Pathways Assessment ........................................................................................... 27 7. Completing the Study .......................................................................................................... 28 8. Literature Cited ................................................................................................................... 28 9. Tables .................................................................................................................................... 36 10. Figures .................................................................................................................................. 76 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page iii November 2015 LIST OF TABLES Table 4.2-1. Sampling Parameters and Media ............................................................................. 36 Table 4.2-2. Vegetation and Soil Sample Locations .................................................................... 36 Table 4.2-3. Baseline Water Quality Monitoring Sites ................................................................ 38 Table 4.2-4. Focus Area Water Monitoring Sites ........................................................................ 38 Table 5.1-1. Historic Mercury Concentrations at Gold Creek (PRM 140.1) ............................... 39 Table 5.1-2. Historic Mercury Concentrations at Susitna at Parks Highway East (PRM 87.8) .. 40 Table 5.1-3. Historic Mercury at Susitna Station (PRM 29.9) .................................................... 41 Table 5.1-4. ADEC Mercury Statewide Data Compared to Susitna-Watana .............................. 43 Table 5.1-5. ADEC Mercury Data from Susitna Watershed ....................................................... 44 Table 5.1-6. Mercury in Cook Inlet Freshwater Sediments and Slimy Sculpin Tissue ............... 45 Table 5.1-7. Mercury Partitioning in Cook Inlet Freshwater Sediments and Fish ...................... 46 Table 5.1-8. WACAP Data for Lichen Samples .......................................................................... 47 Table 5.1-9. WACAP sand USGS Data for Alaska Fish ............................................................. 47 Table 5.2-1. Plant Species Observed and Collected at Each Sample Site ................................... 48 Table 5.2-2. Vegetation Results .................................................................................................... 49 Table 5.3-1. Soil Results ............................................................................................................... 51 Table 5.4-1 Surface Water Results Baseline Water Quality ......................................................... 54 Table 5.4-2. Surface Water Results Focus Areas ......................................................................... 59 Table 5.5-1. Sediment and Porewater Results .............................................................................. 61 Table 5.5-2. Sediment and Porewater Results .............................................................................. 62 Table 5.6-1 Results for Mammal Samples .................................................................................... 63 Table 5.7-1. Lake Trout Analytical Results .................................................................................. 64 Table 5.7-2. LNS Analytical Results ............................................................................................ 65 Table 5.7-3. Dolly Varden Analytical Results .............................................................................. 66 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page iv November 2015 Table 5.7-4. Arctic Grayling Analytical Results .......................................................................... 67 Table 5.7-5. Burbot Muscle Tissue Analytical Results ................................................................ 68 Table 5.7-6. Burbot Liver Analytical Results ............................................................................... 68 Table 5.7-7. Slimy Sculpin (Whole Body) Analytical Results ..................................................... 69 Table 5.7-8. Whitefish (sp.) Analytical Results ............................................................................ 70 Table 5.8-1. Predicted Peak MeHg Concentrations in Fish .......................................................... 71 Table 5.8-2. Factors that Influence Potential Bioavailability of MeHg ....................................... 72 Table 6.1-1 Mercury in Soil and Vegetation ................................................................................ 73 Table 6.5-1 Mercury SQuiRT Standards in Sediment .................................................................. 74 Table 6.8.1. Comparison Between Predicted Peak MeHg Concentrations in Fish ....................... 75 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1. Water Quality Sample Locations ............................................................................... 77 Figure 4.2-1. Vegetation and Soil Sampling Locations ............................................................... 78 Figure 4.2-2. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 1 ........................................................ 79 Figure 4.2-3. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 2 ........................................................ 80 Figure 4.2-4. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 3 ........................................................ 81 Figure 4.2-5. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 4 ........................................................ 82 Figure 4.2-6. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 5 ........................................................ 83 Figure 4.2-7. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 6 ........................................................ 84 Figure 4.2-8. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 7 ........................................................ 85 Figure 4.2-9. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 8 ........................................................ 86 Figure 4.2-10. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 9 ...................................................... 87 Figure 4.2-11. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 10 .................................................... 88 Figure 4.2-12. Focus Area Sampling Location Overview ........................................................... 89 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page v November 2015 Figure 4.2-13. Example Detail of Focus Area 104: Whiskers Slough ......................................... 90 Figure 4.2-14. Detail of Focus Area 113: Oxbow I. .................................................................... 91 Figure 4.2-15. Detail of Focus Area 115: Slough 6A. ................................................................. 92 Figure 4.2-16. Detail of Focus Area 128: Slough 8A. ................................................................. 93 Figure 4.2-17. Detail of Focus Area 138: Gold Creek. ................................................................ 94 Figure 4.2-18. Detail of Focus Area 141: Indian River. .............................................................. 95 Figure 4.2-19. Detail of Focus Area 144: Side Channel 21. ........................................................ 96 Figure 4.2-20. Map of Sediment/Porewater Sampling Locations ................................................ 97 Figure 4.2-21. Sediment and Porewater Sample Locations for Goose and Jay Creeks ............... 98 Figure 4.2-22. Sediment and Porewater Sample Locations for Kosina Creek and Oshetna River ....................................................................................................................................................... 99 Figure 4.2-23. Sediment and Porewater Sample Locations for Above and Below Dam Site ... 100 Figure 4.2-24. Sediment and Porewater Sample Locations for Watana and Tsusena Creeks ... 101 Figure 4.2-25. Sediment and Porewater Sample Locations for Deadman and Fog Creeks ....... 102 Figure 4.2-26. Fish Tissue Sample Collection Locations .......................................................... 103 Figure 5.1-1. ADEC Fish Tissue Sample Collection Locations ................................................ 104 Figure 5.1-2. USGS (Frenzel 2000) Sample Locations ............................................................. 105 Figure 5.4-1. Total Mercury by Location in Mainstem Susitna River ....................................... 106 Figure 5.4-2. Total Mercury over Time at Susitna Station (PRM 29.9) .................................... 106 Figure 5.6-1. Sample Locations for Piscivorous Mammals ....................................................... 107 Figure 5.7-1. Lake Trout Fork Length and Age ......................................................................... 108 Figure 5.7-2. Lake Trout Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) ........................................................ 108 Figure 5.7-3. LNS Fork Length and Age ................................................................................... 109 Figure 5.7-4. LNS Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) ................................................................... 109 Figure 5.7-5. Dolly Varden Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) .................................................... 110 Figure 5.7-6. Arctic Grayling Fork Length and Age in the Upper Susitna ............................... 110 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page vi November 2015 Figure 5.7-7. Arctic Grayling Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) ................................................. 111 Figure 5.7-8. Burbot Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) ............................................................... 111 Figure 5.7-9. Slimy Sculpin Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) ................................................... 112 Figure 5.7-10. Round Whitefish Fork Length and Age ............................................................. 112 Figure 5.7-11. Round Whitefish Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) ............................................. 113 Figure 5.8-1. Factors that Effect Mercury Bioconcentration and Bioaccumulation. ................. 114 Figure 5.8-2. Potential Mercury Processes Under Existing Conditions. ................................... 115 Figure 5.8-3. Sediment Mercury Concentrations Under Existing Conditions ........................... 115 Figure 5.8-4. Porewater Mercury Concentrations Under Existing Conditions. ......................... 116 Figure 5.8-5. Sediment Selenium Concentrations Under Existing Conditions. ........................ 116 Figure 5.8-6. Surface Water pH Conditions at Sediment Interface Under Existing Conditions. ..................................................................................................................................................... 117 Figure 5.8-7. Surface Water Temperature Conditions at Sediment Interface Under Existing Conditions. .................................................................................................................................. 117 Figure 5.8-8. Surface Water Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations at Sediment Interface Under Existing Conditions. .................................................................................................................... 118 Figure 5.8-9. Surface Water Reduction/Oxidation Potential at the Sediment Interface Under Existing Conditions. .................................................................................................................... 118 Figure 6.7-1. Comparison Between Fish Age and Mercury Concentrations. ............................ 119 Figure 6.7-2. Arctic Grayling Mean Size and Total Hg Comparison. ....................................... 119 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A - Mercury Assessment Pathways Analysis Technical Memorandum STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page vii November 2015 LIST OF ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND DEFINITIONS Abbreviation Definition AEA Alaska Energy Authority ADEC Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation ADF&G Alaska Department of Fish and Game AK-DHSS Alaska Department of Health and Social Services APA Alaska Power Authority AWQS Alaska Water Quality Standards CFR Coe of Federal Regulations CIRWG Cook Inlet Region Working Group Cm Centimeter DO dissolved oxygen Dw dry weight DNP Denali National Park EFDC Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code ELA Experimental Lakes Area EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency F Female FAMS Florida Atmospheric Mercury Study FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FDA Food and Drug Administration g gram GAAR Gates of the Arctic National Park Hg Mercury HgS Hydrogen sulfide ILP Integrated licensing process ISR Initial Study Report Kg Kilogram Km2 Square kilometer Km3 Cubic kilometer LNS longnose suckers LOER Lowest observed effects residue m male m2 square meters(s) MeHg Methylmercury mm Millimeters MW Megawatts ng Nanograms ng/g nanograms per gram ng/l nanograms per liter ng/m2/yr. nanograms per square meter per year NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page viii November 2015 Abbreviation Definition NOAT Noatak National Preserve NOER No observed effects residue NM Not measured NS Not sampled Project Susitna-Watana Project PRM Project River Mile QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan QA/QC quality assurance/quality control RSP Revised Study Plan Sp. Species SPD Study Plan Determination SQuiRTs Screening Quick Reference Tables THg Total mercury TOC total organic carbon µg Microgram µg/kg microgram per kilogram µg/L micrograms per liter USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service UV Ultraviolet USGS U.S. Geological Survey WACAP Western Airborne Contaminants Assessment Project WSENP Wrangell-St. Elias National Park ww wet weight Yr. Year STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 1 November 2015 1. INTRODUCTION On December 14, 2012, Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) its Revised Study Plan (RSP), which included 58 individual study plans. Included in the Study Plan was the Mercury Assessment and Potential for Bioaccumulation Study, Section 5.7. This part of the study focuses on determining the current concentrations and methylation rates for mercury in the study area, and what changes could occur with construction of the Susitna-Watana Project (Project) reservoir. On February 1, 2013, FERC staff issued its study determination (February 1 Study Plan Determination (SPD) for 44 of the 58 studies, approving 31 studies as filed and 13 with modifications. On April 1, 2013 FERC issued its study determination (April 1 SPD) for the remaining 14 studies; approving one study as filed and 13 with modifications. Study Plan Section 5.7 was one of the 13 approved with modifications. In its April 1 SPD, FERC recommended the following: Use of Harris and Hutchinson and EFDC Models for Mercury Estimation We recommend that AEA use the more sophisticated Phosphorus Release Model to predict peak methylmercury levels in fish tissue, regardless of the outcome of the other two models. Mercury Effects on Riverine Receptors We recommend that AEA include likely riverine receptors (i.e., biota living downstream of the reservoir that may be exposed to elevated methylmercury concentrations produced in the reservoir and discharged to the river) as part of the predictive risk analysis. The additional study element would have a low cost (section 5.9(b)(7)) because AEA would simply add consideration of additional receptors to the existing analysis. This information is necessary to evaluate potential project effects downstream of the reservoir (section 5.9 (b)(5)). In accordance with the April 1 SPD, AEA has adopted the FERC requested modifications. Following the first study season, FERC’s regulations for the Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) require AEA to “prepare and file with the Commission an initial study report describing its overall progress in implementing the study plan and schedule and the data collected, including an explanation of any variance from the study plan and schedule.” (18 CFR 5.15(c)(1)) On June 3, 2014, AEA filed with the Commission the Initial Study Report (ISR) on Mercury Assessment and Potential for Bioaccumulation in accordance with FERC’s ILP regulations. The ISR details AEA’s status in implementing the study, as set forth in the FERC-approved RSP as modified by FERC’s April 1 SPD and the Quality Assurance Project Plan for Mercury Assessment and Potential for Bioaccumulation Study for the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project (QAPP) (collectively referred to herein as the “Study Plan”). STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 2 November 2015 2. STUDY OBJECTIVES Previous studies have documented increased mercury concentrations in fish and wildlife following the flooding of terrestrial areas to create hydroelectric reservoirs. The purpose of this study is to assess the potential for such an occurrence in the proposed Project area. The study objectives as established in Study Plan (Section 5.7.1) are as follows:  Summarize available and historic mercury information for the Susitna River basin, including data collection from the 1980s Alaska Power Authority (APA) Susitna Hydroelectric Project.  Characterize the baseline mercury concentrations of the Susitna River and tributaries. This will include collection and analyses of vegetation, soil, water, sediment pore water, sediment, piscivorous birds and mammals, and fish tissue samples for mercury.  Utilize available geologic information to determine if a mineralogical source of mercury exists within the inundation area.  Map mercury concentrations of soils and vegetation within the proposed inundation area and use this information to develop maps of where mercury methylation may occur.  Use the water quality model to predict where in the reservoir conditions (pH, dissolved oxygen [DO], turnover) are likely to be conducive to methylmercury (MeHg) formation.  Use modeling to estimate MeHg concentrations in fish.  Assess potential pathways for MeHg to migrate to the surrounding environment.  Coordinate study results with other study areas, including fish, instream flow, and other piscivorous bird and mammal studies. 3. STUDY AREA As established in Study Plan Section 5.7.3, the study area begins at project river mile (PRM) 19.9 and extends upstream from the proposed reservoir to PRM 235.2 (Figure 3-1). 4. METHODS AND VARIANCES The following section provides a brief summary of the tasks performed, the methods utilized, and any variances from the methods described in the Study Plan (Section 5.7.4 of the RSP 5.7). 4.1. Summary of Available Information Existing literature was reviewed to summarize the current understanding of the occurrence of mercury in the environment. This review was previously presented in the study plan and the ISR Section 5.7 filed June 3, 2014. Information derived from the initial review has been carried STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 3 November 2015 forward here for use as a comparison to data generated as part of this study. Sources included the following:  APA Susitna Hydroelectric Project  Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation  U.S. Geological Survey (Frenzel 2000)  Western Airborne Contaminants Assessment Project (WACAP)  Jewett and Duffy (2007)  Geologic Data in ISR Section 4.1.1. Variances from the Study Plan AEA implemented this portion of the plan using the methods as described in the Study Plan (Section 5.7.4 of the RSP 5.7) with no variances. 4.2. Collection and Analyses of Samples for Mercury Samples were collected from vegetation, soil, surface water, sediment, sediment pore water, and fish tissue (Table 4.2-1). The sample methods have been detailed in the study plan and in ISR Section 5.7. The ISR also includes any variances from the study plan. In most cases the samples were collected in 2013, however, the analytical results were received from the laboratory too late for inclusion in ISR Section 5.7. Those results are presented in this report. The following sections provide a brief description of the work performed, and any additional variances that were encountered in 2014. 4.2.1. Vegetation and Soil Vegetation and soil samples were collected from within the proposed inundation zone in August 2013. Samples were collected from five sites at each of ten locations (Figure 4.2-1 through 4.2- 11 and Table 4.2-2). The sampling methods and preliminary results were previously discussed in the ISR Section 5.7. Analytical results are presented in this report. Variances from the Study Plan No additional work was performed in 2014, and thus there were no variances in addition to the soil sampling method variance that occurred in 2013 as noted in the ISR Section 4.2.2. Water There were two types of monitoring programs used to characterize mercury concentrations in surface waters: Baseline Water Quality Monitoring (Study 5.5, Section and Focus Area Monitoring (Study 5.5, Section These programs were distinguished by the frequency of water sampling, the density of sampling effort in a localized area, and parameters analyzed. Sampling programs for the surface water were initiated in 2013 and carried through to 2014. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 4 November 2015 Baseline Sampling Protocols For the baseline sampling protocols, water quality data collection occurred at various intervals from the mouth of the river to above the inundation zone (Figure 3.1 and Table 4.2-3). The sampling methods were previously discussed in the ISR Section 5.7 filed June 3, 2014. Analytical results are presented in this report. Focus Area Sampling Protocols The Focus Areas had a higher density of sampling locations, in contrast to the mainstem network, so that prediction of change in water quality conditions from Project operations could be made with a higher degree of resolution. These were discrete samples taken at each collection point (Figure 4.2-12 to 4.2-19 and Table 4.2-4). The sampling methods were previously discussed in the ISR Section 5.7 filed June 3, 2014. Analytical results are presented in this report. Variances from the Study Plan Per Section of the RSP, water quality sampling for mercury was supposed to be discontinued after the March 2014 sampling if mercury concentrations did not exceed regulatory criteria or thresholds. However, additional total mercury sampling was performed in 2014 due to laboratory results that were qualified as “estimated”, and to further fine-tune a mercury model pathways analysis. This decision was detailed in ISR Section 5.7 Part C: Executive Summary and Section 7 filed June 3, 2014. This variance should enhance the results of this study. 4.2.3. Sediment and Sediment Porewater In 2013 sediment samples were collected at four of the ten proposed sample locations at mouths of Jay, Kosina, and Goose creeks, and the Oshetna River at the downstream of islands, and in similar riverine locations in which water velocity was slowed, favoring accumulation of finer sediment along the channel bottom. As detailed in ISR Section 5.7 Part C: Executive Summary and Section 7 dated June 2014, the remaining sites could not be accessed in 2013, and were sampled in 2014. These remaining sites were from the mainstem Susitna River just above and below the proposed dam site, and at the mouths of Fog, Tsusena, Deadman, Watana, and Kosina Creeks. The analytical results of the sediment sampling in 2013 were received from the contract laboratory too late for inclusion in the ISR Section 5.7 dated June 3, 2014 and are included here along with the 2014 results. A map of all the sediment/porewater sampling locations is shown in Figure 4.2-20. Images of each sampling location can be seen in Figures 4.2-21 and 4.2-25. Variances from the Study Plan Sediment in the upper Susitna River was generally very coarse at accessible sample locations. At each sample location several test pits were dug to attempt to locate the finest grained sediment for sampling, however, only 30% of the samples had more than 5% fines as required in the Study Plan. This does not appear to have adversely impacted the study results because mercury concentrations in the sediments appear to be only poorly correlated with grain size, and sites with few fines had similar mercury concentrations to those with more fines. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 5 November 2015 As detailed in ISR Section 5.7 Part C: Executive Summary and Section 7 dated June 2014, sample locations for sediment, and sediment porewater sites in the Upper River were modified slightly due to lack of access (landing access for helicopters, river stage levels, property ownership, and boat availability) (ISR Section These minor modifications to proposed sample locations in the Upper River did not impact AEA’s ability to meet the study objectives. 4.2.4. Piscivorous Birds and Mammals The purpose of the bird and mammal surveys was to collect biological specimens (fur and feathers) and test them for mercury. An important part of this study is to collect, to the maximum extent possible, biological specimens from the immediate vicinity of the inundation area. This would allow the mercury concentrations found to be correlated with mercury concentrations observed in fish, water, sediment, soil and vegetation. Mammals and birds from other drainages may be exposed to higher or lower mercury concentrations, and data from those sources may not be relevant to this study. The drawback of this approach is residency. If the birds and mammals are not present, or present at very low population levels, then it may not be possible to locate bird or mammal samples for sample collection. Because of the small populations, there were concerns that lethal sampling techniques would adversely impact populations, and only non-lethal methods (salvaging feathers from nests, fur snags), and purchasing furs from commercial trappers, were utilized. Birds AEA submitted a discussion of this issue in the ISR Section 5.7, Part C: Executive Summary and Section 7 (June 2014). Attempts at collecting samples were unsuccessful due to the low populations of piscivorous birds in the area. In addition,  Feathers of Bald Eagles could not be collected because the study team and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) did not possess the necessary federal permit for salvage of eagle feathers, and the permit could not be obtained in time to collect samples in the 2013 season.  Lack of access to Cook Inlet Region Working Group (CIRWG) lands in 2013 limited the number of areas where nests could be examined; however, populations of piscivorous birds in the inundation area appear to be relatively low, and it is not clear whether access to CIRWG lands would have improved the study results.  Opportunistic collection of feathers from some species of piscivorous birds (Belted Kingfisher and Osprey) for mercury analysis, as described in RSP Section, was unsuccessful because these species do not appear to be resident in the study area. For these reasons, it was determined that the results from mercury analysis of wildlife tissues will not be necessary until the predictive reservoir and riverine models are complete and can provide an accurate evaluation of the potential for transfer from the aquatic environment to the terrestrial environment. The vegetation, soil, sediment, and fish tissue samples will be used to perform a pathways analysis of potential bioaccumulation of mercury and MeHg throughout the food chain. The results of the pathways analysis will help to determine the need for additional STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 6 November 2015 sample collection from birds. No additional work was completed on this task, and no new results were generated in 2014. Mammals As noted in the study plan (Section populations of piscivorous mammals are relatively small in the study area, and sampling efforts collected few samples. Further hampering efforts was an attempt to avoid a lethal take, which would damage the relatively small populations of these species. The study plan specified that an attempt would be made to collect samples by the following means:  Obtain fur samples from river otters and mink from animals harvested by trappers in the study area.  Utilize data obtained in other studies on background concentrations of MeHg in natural northern environments.  Place hair-snag “traps” at or near the mouths of tributaries near the proposed dam site, including Fog, Deadman, Watana, Tsusena, Kosina, Jay, and Goose creeks, and the Oshetna River. Variances from the Study Plan Birds ISR Section 5.7 Part C: Executive Summary and Section 7 dated June 2014 describes the variances for the sampling. No additional variances have occurred since that report was submitted. Mammals During the aquatic furbearers study (Study 10.11) evidence of aquatic furbearers (tracks) was only observed on Kosina and Deadman Creeks. Hair snags were not placed at the remaining creeks. In ISR Section 5.7 Part C: Executive Summary and Section 7 dated June 2014, the decision to collect additional samples from piscivorous mammals has been deferred until the pathways analysis has been completed and a determination made as to the potential for mercury to bioaccumulate in aquatic receptors. If there is a potential for mercury transfer from aquatic to the terrestrial environment, additional sampling may be performed. 4.2.5. Fish Tissue The sampling methods and preliminary results were previously discussed in the ISR Section 5.7 dated June 3, 2014. Analytical results are presented in this report. No additional sampling or analyses was performed in 2014. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 7 November 2015 Variances from the Study Plan Variances from the study plan were detailed in ISR Section 5.7 Part C: Executive Summary and Section 7 dated June 2014. No additional variances are noted. 4.3. Modeling 4.3.1. Harris and Hutchison Model A detailed description of the Harrison and Hutchison model was presented in the Study Plan (Section 5.7.4 of the RSP 5.7). This model is a linear regression model based on studies of the relationship between various reservoir parameters and the resulting mercury concentrations seen in fish after reservoir construction. The model assumes that the primary source of MeHg in a new reservoir is the flooded terrain, while the primary MeHg removal mechanism is outflow/dilution. The highest MeHg concentrations in fish are therefore associated with reservoirs that flood large areas, but have low flow-through. The results are adjusted for piscivorous and non-piscivorous species of fish. The use of area in the calculation reflects an assumption that MeHg removal mechanisms other than outflow are primarily related to reservoir area (e.g., photodegradation, burial and sediment demethylation) rather than reservoir volume. 4.3.2. Phosphorous Release Model A detailed description of the Phosphorous Release model was presented in the Study Plan (Section 5.7.4 of the RSP 5.7). This model is not necessarily more accurate than the Harrison and Hutchison model, and in fact may be slightly less accurate given the larger number of parameters necessary to perform the calculations. However, it has the added benefit of predicting when peak mercury concentrations are likely to occur after inundation, and how long they are likely to persist. The model pays special attention to flood zone characteristics, because decomposition of organic materiel after flooding is a key driver for increases in MeHg levels in new reservoirs. The model is semi-empirical: decaying organic material releases phosphorous at a set rate (the phosphorus release curve), which controls decomposition of the organic material in the inundation zone. This turns out to be a fairly accurate measure of the bioavailability of mercury for fish, and can be used to predict mercury concentrations in muscle tissues. Note that the predictions from this model generally tend to overestimate mercury concentrations that will occur. This situation reflects a conscious choice on the part of the developers of the formula to be conservative with their predictions. 4.3.3. Pathways Assessment A detailed description of the pathways assessment method was presented in the Study Plan (Section 5.7.4 of the RSP 5.7). Potential for bioaccumulation of mercury in aquatic life is evaluated by reviewing water quality conditions that would increase mercury concentrations. Examples of parameters that increase mercury concentrations are: low pH, low dissolved oxygen concentrations, increased nutrients, increased temperature and several others. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 8 November 2015 The pathways assessment is intended to identify water quality characteristics that would increase mercury concentrations under different operational scenarios. Potential for bioaccumulation of mercury during post-Project scenarios will be evaluated by inserting predicted water quality conditions from the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) into the pathways assessment model. A separate pathways assessment for mercury will use the predicted water quality conditions to evaluate potential for bioaccumulation during each operational scenario in the reservoir and immediately below the dam. The pathways assessment cannot be fully completed until the modeling for the reservoir is complete (Study 5.6). However, the potential pathways assessment and impacts for existing conditions in the inundation zone is presented in this report. Variances from the Study Plan There were no variances to the modeling methods described in the study plan. 5. RESULTS 5.1. Summary of Available Information The available information on the concentrations of mercury in various media in Alaska is extensive and fairly well documented. This information was summarized in the ISR Section 5.7 dated June 3, 2014. Additional information on mercury concentrations in Alaska fish has been added (USGS 2014). Information generated from the review is summarized on Tables 5.1-1 to 5.1-9, and Figures 5.1-1 to 5.1-2. 5.2. Vegetation The vegetation found at each of the sample sites is shown on Table 5.2-1, and was previously summarized in the ISR Section 5.7. The analytical results of the vegetation analyses were received from the contract laboratory too late for inclusion in the ISR and are presented in Table 5.2-2. In summary, there was little difference in the mercury concentrations between the various sample locations inside the inundation zone. Concentrations of total mercury ranged from 7.00 to 16.1 nanograms per gram (ng/g) dw (dry weight), and 2.06 to 4.36 ng/g wet weight (ww) (Table 5.2-2). There was little correlation between plant species and mercury concentrations, which is consistent with the fact that relatively few species such as alder, willow, bog blueberry, and low bush cranberry made up a majority of the vegetative mass at most locations. 5.3. Soil As reported in the ISR Section 5.7, the soil samples each consisted of a combination of surface moss, peat, and mineral soil (Table 5.3-1). At each sample location there was a significant fraction of organic material (moss and peat) above the mineral soil. This material is the primary potential source of mercury methylation in the reservoir after impoundment. The analytical results of the soil analyses were received from the contract laboratory too late for inclusion in the ISR and are presented here. Total mercury concentrations in the soil ranged STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 9 November 2015 from 27.1 to 119 ng/g dw, with a mean of 61 ng/g dw. The highest concentration of mercury seemed to be located at SITE-3, which was also found to have the thickest accumulation of peat in all the sample areas. Peat is well known as an ac cumulator and concentrator of mercury in the environment (Mitchell et al. 2008). Periodic detections of relatively high (> 1 ng/g) concentrations of MeHg were observed as well (Table 5.3-1). These elevated detection had little effect on the total mercury concentration. There was very little difference in the reported total mercury concentrations based on the type of extraction method utilized. MeHg concentrations were generally found to be 2-3 times higher using the organic extraction method; however, detection limits were also elevated, reducing the value of this method. 5.4. Water The analytical results of the water sampling were received from the contract laboratory too late for inclusion in the ISR Section 5.7 dated June 14, 2014 and are summarized on Tables 5.4-1 and 5.4-2. The complete results are available at the Susitna project data website, and the Baseline Water Quality Site Completion Report (Study 5.5). The following is a summary of the results:  There was very little difference in mercury concentrations collected in the middle of the river to those collected at the margins, and little difference in mercury concentrations with depth, suggesting the mercury present is well mixed in the river.  Total mercury concentrations ranged from 78.3 nanograms per liter (ng/L) to non-detect (<0.5 ng/L).  Samples analyzed for dissolved mercury typically were one to two orders of magnitude lower concentration than total mercury. The highest dissolved concentration of mercury in water was 1.7 ng/L; however, most detections were at or below the detection limit (0.5 ng/L).  The 2013 total mercury data should be considered an estimate. While the samples were collected and analyzed according to the Study Plan and appropriate guidance from EPA and ADEC, high concentrations of suspended solids are believed to have biased the results high. This is discussed in more detail in Water Quality Study Completion Report (Study 5.5).  Concentrations of mercury generally decreased moving up river from Susitna Station (PRM 29.9) to Oshetna River (PRM 235.2) (see Figure 5.4-1).  There is a strong seasonal component in the mercury concentrations, with higher concentrations noted in the spring, and diminishing in the fall and winter (Figure 5.4-2). Mercury is largely absent from the river water in the winter. This change tracks the seasonal suspended sediment concentrations in the river.  The Deshka River has a significantly lower mercury concentration than the main stem Susitna River.  Similar ranges of mercury concentrations were observed in the focus area samples, suggesting that the focus areas are no more prone to mercury accumulation than the main stem Susitna River. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 10 November 2015 5.5. Sediment and Sediment Porewater 5.5.1. Sediment Figures 4.2-20 to 4.2-25 show the sampling areas selected for the study. Sediment concentrations of mercury ranged from 1.00 to 17.4 ng/g total mercury dw (Table 5.5-1). Sediment tended to be fairly coarse grained in the upper river, with little fines (Table 5.5-2). 5.5.2. Porewater Porewater samples were co-located with sediment samples. Results ranged from non-detect (< 0.51 ng/L) to 9.54 ng/L. In general the results were fairly low, with 24 of the 30 analytical results under 2 ng/L (Table 5.5-1). This suggests that there is currently a very low primary productivity of mercury in the river. 5.6. Piscivorous Birds and Mammals No additional attempts at sampling tissues from piscivorous birds were performed, and as detailed in the ISR Section 5.7, Part C: Executive Summary and Section 7 (June 2014), there are no plans to attempt any additional tissue sample collection. Fur samples from river otters and mink were sought from animals harvested by trappers in the study area in 2013. However, state regulations prevent identification of trappers and harvest locations using ADF&G data. The information was discussed in the ISR Section 5.7. One river otter pelt and two mink pelts were obtained in late winter 2014 from a trapper who harvested them near Chulitna River/Indian River (Figure 5.6-1). The exact location where the furs were trapped was not recorded. The furs had been dried, but not tanned. Both the fur and the pelt were analyzed for mercury. Concentrations were nearly identical for all three furs, ranging from 6,330 to 7,670 ng/g dw (Table 5.6-1). Eight hair snares were set at two main locations on March 8, 2014 - four were set at three sites along Kosina Creek and four snags were set at three sites near Deadman Creek. The hair snags were checked on March 25 and April 11, 2014 with no reported collection. One additional hair snag was deployed along Kosina Creek on April 11, 2014. All snares were removed on April 23, 2014. The effort produced only four hairs from a single river otter at one of the sites. Despite the low sample volume, the sample was analyzed for total mercury and the results indicated a mercury concentration of 417 ng/g ww. No other analyses could be performed due to the small sample size. 5.7. Fish Tissue The following sections discuss the available data on a species by species basis. While the fish tissue samples were collected in 2013 and sampling details incorporated in the ISR Section 5.7 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 11 November 2015 dated June 3, 2014, the analytical results were received from the contract laboratory too late for inclusion in the ISR and are presented here. 5.7.1. Lake Trout Lake trout were collected from Sally Lake and Deadman Lake which would be hydrologically connected to the proposed reservoir after filling (Figure 4.2-26). Otoliths were extracted from all seven of these fish. While lake trout were present in Cushman Lake, none were caught during the study period. Previous studies of lake trout from various lakes in the Susitna drainage and in Deadman Lake (Burr 1987) found there to be a good relationship between fish fork length and age (Figure 5.7-1). It should be noted that the relationship between lake trout length to age may be lake specific, and even small changes in lake conditions can impact growth significantly (Burr 1987). Based on otolith data extracted from the lake trout, the fish captured for this study ranged from 7 to 26 years old, which is consistent with the information from Burr (1987) (Figure 5.7-1). The fish ranged in size from 355 to 625 millimeters (mm) fork length, and 500 to 2,200 grams (g) in weight (Table 5.7-1. As anticipated, lake trout showed the highest concentration of mercury in their tissues, and the concentration was closely related to the size of the fish (Figure 5.7-2). Concentrations ranged from 136 to 637 ng/g total mercury ww, and 592 to 2,920 ng/g dw. As anticipated, a majority, if not all, of this mercury is MeHg (Table 5.7-1). 5.7.2. Longnose Sucker A total of seven longnose suckers (LNS) were captured from the river. Five of these fish were captured at the confluence of the Susitna and Oshetna Rivers, the remainder in the mainstem Upper Susitna River (Figure 4.2-26). The fish ranged in size from 315 to 430 mm, and in weight from 303 to 500 g (Table 5.7-2). Otoliths were successfully extracted from 5 of these fish. Previous studies of the LNS in the Susitna Middle River (APA 1984b) found there to be a good relationship between fish fork length and age (Figure 5.7-3). Based on that relationship and the data collected in this study, the LNS captured in this study ranged from seven to over 13 years old. Mercury concentrations in the fish tissue ranged from 33.1 to 640 ng/g ww, and 153 to 640 ng/g dw (Table 5.7-2). There appeared to be a poor correlation between fish size and mercury concentration (Figure 5.7-4), which may be due to the narrow range of fish sizes sampled. As anticipated, a majority, if not all, of this mercury is MeHg. 5.7.3. Dolly Varden Dolly Varden were found to be rare in the inundation zone, with the only area of their occurrence being the upper Watana Creek (Figure 4.2-26). A total of seven fish were captured from this location. The fish narrowly ranged in size from 177 mm to 204 mm, and in weight from 47 g to 70 g (Table 5.7-3). Otoliths were successfully extracted from four of the fish as part of this study. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 12 November 2015 The fish were found to be essentially the same age, and had mercury concentrations ranging from 20.8 to 83.7 ng/g ww, and 88.3 to 359 ng/g dw (Table 5.7-3). Only a weak correlation was found between fish size and mercury concentration (Figure 5.7-5). This may be because of the narrow range of sizes sampled. As anticipated, a majority, if not all, of this mercury is MeHg. 5.7.4. Arctic Grayling A total of 16 Arctic grayling were captured as part of this study. Most were captured from Kosina Creek in 2013, where the species appears to be plentiful (Figure 4.2-26). The fish ranged in size from 75 mm to 340 mm, and in weight from 12 g and 385 g (Table 5.7-4). Two fish were also captured in 2012 from Watana Creek, and one was captured from the Oshetna River. Some of the fish captured appeared to be juveniles (<2 years old), however, the field crews were directed to keep any fish accidentally killed during other studies for inclusion in this study. No otoliths were successfully extracted from Arctic grayling. Previous studies of the Arctic grayling in the Upper Susitna River (APA 1984a) found there to be a good relationship between fish fork length and age (Figure 5.7-6). Using this data, it would appear that the fish captured in 2013 ranged from 0.5 to over 8 years old. Mercury concentrations in the fish tissue ranged from 19.3 to 100 ng/g ww, and 78.1 to 533 ng/g dw (Table 5.7-4). There is a weak correlation between fish size and mercury concentrations (Figure 5.7-7). As anticipated, a majority, if not all, of this mercury is MeHg. 5.7.5. Burbot A total of eight burbot were collected from the mainstem of the Upper Susitna River in the inundation zone, two were captured in 2012, and six in 2013 (Figure 4.2-26). The fish ranged narrowly in size from 390 mm to 467 mm, and in weight from 312 g to 553 g (Table 5.7-5). Two otoliths were successfully extracted from the burbot, and in both cases the fish was found to be approximately 5 years of age. For the fish collected in 2013, burbot livers were also analyzed for mercury and other metals. Mercury concentrations in the fish tissue ranged from 39.8 to 113 ng/g ww, and 200 to 547 ng/g dw (Table 5.7-5). Mercury concentrations in liver tissue were generally lower, ranging from 14.7 to 44.2 ng/g ww, and 31.6 to 241 ng/g dw (Table 5.7-6). There is a weak correlation between fish size and mercury concentrations (Figure 5.7-8), which may be due to the narrow range of sizes sampled. As anticipated, a majority, if not all, of this mercury is MeHg. 5.7.6. Slimy Sculpin A total of seven slimy sculpin were collected from the mainstem of the Upper Susitna River in the inundation zone in 2013 (Figure 4.2-26). Unlike the other species studied here, the analytical results of the slimy sculpin were evaluated for whole fish. The fish ranged narrowly in size from 74 mm to 100 mm, and in weight from 3.6 g to 6.6 g (Table 5.7-7). Otoliths were not sampled due to the small size of the fish. Mercury concentrations in the fish tissue ranged from 23.3 to 85.1 ng/g ww, and 104 to 387 ng/g dw (Table 5.7-7). There appears to be a poor correlation between slimy sculpin size and mercury concentration (Figure 5.7-9), however, this may be STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 13 November 2015 because the total mercury concentrations in the fish were nearly the same for all sizes. As anticipated, a majority, if not all, of this mercury is MeHg. 5.7.7. Whitefish sp. A total of 13 whitefish were collected from the mainstem of the Upper Susitna River in the inundation zone in 2013 (Figure 4.2-26). Humpback whitefish were found to be rare in the inundation zone. Only a single fish was positively identified; however, two other unidentified whitefish were also captured. The remaining 10 whitefish captured appeared to be round whitefish. The fish were captured throughout the proposed inundation zone. Otoliths were extracted from three of the fish for analyses. Three of the whitefish captured appeared to be juveniles, but were analyzed since they had been accidentally killed in rotary screw traps. Including the juveniles, the fish ranged in size from 140 to 450 mm, and in weight from 57.1 to 470 g (Table 5.7-8). Previous studies of the round whitefish in the Susitna Middle River (APA 1984b) found there to be a good relationship between fork length and age (Figure 5.7-10). Based on the data collected in this study the fish captured for this study ranged from 1 to 20 years. It should be noted that the Middle River is more productive than the Upper River, meaning the same size fish may be younger in the Middle River than the Upper River because there is more food available. Therefore using age data from the Middle River could underestimate age for Upper River fish. Mercury concentrations in the fish tissue ranged from 5.68 to 102 ng/g ww, and 26.9 to 379 ng/g dw (Table 5.7-8). The concentration of mercury appeared to be reasonably correlated with fish size (Figure 5.7-11). As anticipated, a majority, if not all, of this mercury is MeHg. 5.8. Modeling 5.8.1. Harris and Hutchison Results of the model simulation to predict peak increase factors (relative increases) for the proposed the project are shown on Table 5.8-1. These predicted relative increases are low (2.77 for non-piscivorous fish and to 4.24 for piscivorous fish) compared to what has been observed in Canadian reservoirs (Schetagne et al. 2003; Bodaly et al. 2007). The low predicted peak values were due to both low relative increases and relatively low baseline concentrations of mercury at the site. 5.8.2. Phosphorous Release Model The phosphorous release model cannot be completed at this time because it requires inputs from the reservoir model (Study 5.6). STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 14 November 2015 5.8.3. Pathways Assessment The pathways assessment cannot be fully completed because it requires inputs from the reservoir model (Study 5.6), particularly predictions of mercury and phosphorous concentrations in water and sediment post impoundment. However, an assessment of the existing mercury pathways can be presented here. The primary source of mercury to the reservoir will be atmospheric deposition, and degradation of mercury inside the inundation zone that is stored in vegetation, peat, and shallow soil s. The existing relationship between mercury in the environment in the inundation area can be summarized as follows:  Atmospheric deposition (336 ng/m2/yr.) (from WACAP 2008).  Vegetation uptake (9.16 ng/g dw)  Concentration of vegetation in organic soils (58.25 ng/g dw)  Transport in surface water (5 ng/L)  Concentration in sediment/porewater (9 ng/g dw)  Concentration in bacteria  Concentration in invertebrates  Concentration in non-piscivorous fish (205 ng/g dw)  Concentration in piscivorous fish (1,088 ng/g dw) and mammals (7,000 ng/g dw) Transferability of mercury between media (e.g., sediment to pore water) is enhanced by several environmental factors that increase methylation from sediments or in pore water or that sequesters mercury into sediments (Figure 5.8-1). The Technical Memorandum Mercury Pathways Analysis describes in detail approach and methods for conducting this pathways assessment for mercury (Appendix A). An increase in the methylation rate might be due to the following conditions:  Presence of aquatic vegetation;  A reducing environment (redox potential) or low oxygen concentrations;  Increased nutrients;  Increased temperature;  Increased microbial respiration;  Presence of dissolved organic carbon;  Neutral to low pH. A decrease in the methylation rate in sediments or pore water (Figure 5.8-1) could be a result of:  Higher dissolved oxygen concentrations;  Presence of sulfides or acid-volatile sulfides;  Presence of selenium in sediments. Mercury sequestered in sediments, entrained in pore water, or in the water column can be bound to organic matter or exist in a methylated form. The transfer process from sediment to bioaccumulation in the food chain is shown on Figure 5.8-2. Elemental mercury or mercury adsorbed to organic particles can be physically transferred in a riverine setting from sediment to pore water to surface water by moving water that re-suspends adsorbed mercury on organic STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 15 November 2015 particles from the sediment. The increase or decrease in MeHg in any of these compartments are dependent on factors that either enhance or diminish the methylation process. The pathways assessment is completed in two steps: 1) determination of potential toxic concentrations in sediment or pore water and if exposure of aquatic life results in chronic or acute effects, and 2) examination of water quality factors that could enhance methylation of mercury and aquatic life are exposed to lethal concentrations. The presence of mercury under existing conditions was evaluated for potential toxicity to aquatic life using available criteria: 1) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Screening Quick Reference Tables (SQuiRTs) for sediments, and 2) Alaska Water Quality Standards (AWQS) for pore water and surface water. Sediment was collected from three points at each sample site with analysis for mercury described separately (Figure 5.8-3). The SQuiRT threshold for mercury in sediment is 174 ng/g dw with all observations for mercury in sediment falling well below this concentration at all sites. Porewater was collected and analyzed for mercury at the same sites as the sediment samples. The results were compared to AWQS, and are well below the environmental thresholds for protection of aquatic life. The controlling state standard for mercury in surface water is 0.050 micrograms per liter (µg/L) or 50 ng/L and is intended to protect aquatic organisms from exposure as well as protection of potable water sources. Dissolved mercury results for porewater were less than one-quarter of the water quality standard for protection of the designated beneficial uses. Most of the porewater concentrations from tributary sediments were at or near detection limits; detection limits are shown on Figure 5.8-4. Some factors diminish the toxic effects of MeHg. For example, the selenium in sediments will typically bind with mercury forming mercury selenide, reducing the formation of MeHg. Selenium will also reduce the toxicity of mercury inside an organism. Once uptake of Hg has occurred in aquatic organisms, the body burden of this metal does not determine toxicity, rather, a combination of the presence of selenium and mercury better represent potential toxic effects. Peterson et al. (2009) indicated that the concentration of mercury in tissues is not the critical indicator for toxicity. Instead toxicity is determined by the ratio of moles of mercury to the moles of selenium in the organism. As the molar ratio for selenium: mercury approaches or exceeds 1:1, mercury toxicity decreases. The upper river sites had low concentrations of selenium in sediment (Figure 5.8-5) and non- detectable concentrations at several sample points (e.g., Kosina, Jay, Goose, and Oshetna Creeks). However, the concentration of selenium in sediments was typically two orders of magnitude (100 times) larger than mercury sediment concentrations from the same sample points, suggesting that the toxicity of mercury in the ecosystem is low. Additional factors and fate processes that influence increases in mercury methylation rates include: pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature, and redox potential. These factors are further examined for compliance with current water quality standards in Figure 5.8-6 through Figure 5.8-9. Field observations for these factors were within water quality standards as reported in select graphs (Figure 5.8-6 through Figure 5.8-8); the one exception was one dissolved oxygen concentration among the sample points collected from Oshetna River (Figure 5.8-8). All other STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 16 November 2015 results were within a range that are protective of beneficial uses, including aquatic life, and were not considered influential for increasing methylation of mercury. Individual data points for factors and fate processes, as reported in Figure 5.8-6 through Figure 5.8-9, that influence mercury methylation rates are found in Table 5.8-2. Increased nutrients can contribute to increased mercury methylation rates. A surrogate indicator, percent TOC, was examined for nutrient content in sediment samples. TOC at all sample points represented in sediments was less than one percent, indicating a dominance of inorganic material present at all locations (Table 5.5-1). 6. DISCUSSION 6.1. Summary of Available Information The available information on the concentrations of mercury in various media in Alaska is extensive and fairly well documented in the ISR Study Plan Section 5.7. The following is a discussion of information on the general characteristics of mercury in the environment, the accumulation of mercury in biological organisms, and the potential impacts to ecological resources. It is included here to allow for a better understanding of the analytical data generated, and the Harris and Hutchison modeling and pathways assessment. 6.1.1. Mercury Sources In nature, the mineral cinnabar (mercury sulfide or HgS) occurs in concentrated deposits and has been used as the primary source of commercially mined mercury. However, mercury is bound very tightly to sulfur in cinnabar, and typically weathers slowly (USGS 2013). In areas that lack the necessary mercury mineralization, the mercury concentration in parent geologic materials is typically very low, and cannot explain the mercury concentrations observed in sediment in aquatic ecosystems (Fitzgerald et al. 1998; Swain et al. 1992; Wiener et al. 2006). This is because numerous studies have shown the primary source of mercury to aquatic ecosystems is atmospheric. For example, the 1992-1996 Florida Atmospheric Mercury Study (FAMS) demonstrated that atmospheric deposition accounts for more than 95% of the mercury in the Everglades each year (Guentzel et al. 1994). Because the primary source of mercury is atmospheric, mercury can create problems in aquatic ecosystem even when a primary source of mercury is distant. This would appear to be true for the proposed reservoir; given the rock types and mineralization in the proposed inundation zone do not appear to contain significant sources of mercury, however, this does not mean that mercury concentrations in the resulting reservoir will not be elevated over background. The primary sources of mercury to the atmosphere are 1) Volcanic eruptions 2) Forest fires, and 3) coal burning. Volcanic eruptions cycle mercury into the atmosphere from deep in the Earth. Forest fires liberate mercury that has previously been deposited on the land, and has been absorbed by plant life. Coal is fossilized plant life, which contains the trace amounts of mercury STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 17 November 2015 that was present in the plants when they died and were buried. Burning coal liberates this mercury into the environment. In 2000 it was estimated that as much as two-thirds of the total anthropogenic emissions of mercury world-wide was from the combustion of fossil fuels (Pacyna et al. 2006), mostly coal. It is estimated that over the last 100 years, anthropogenic mercury has accounted for approximately 70% of the total atmospheric deposition of mercury at the location of the Upper Freemont Glacier in the western United States, with the remainder coming from other sources (Schuster et al. 2002). WACAP (2008) observed an annual atmospheric influx of mercury of 336 ng/m2/yr. at Wonder Lake. It is expected that a similar influx would occur at Watana. Given the reservoir will be 23,500 acres (95.1 million square meters), annual atmospheric contributions to the reservoir would be approximately 31.95 grams per year. This influx of mercury has been incorporated into the vegetation in the inundation zone. The estimated vegetative mass per square meter at the site is 4 kg ww (derived from Mead 1998). Assuming an average concentration in the vegetation of 2.8 ng/g of mercury ww, the total mercury stored in the vegetation of the inundation zone is estimated at 11,200 ng/m2. Viewed from another perspective, the vegetation has captured and stored approximately 33 years of atmospherically deposited mercury. An average of 60 ng/g dw of mercury was present in the organic soils (peat) within the inundation zone. The average thickness of this layer was found to be 10 cm. Peat has a dry density of 4 g/cm3. Therefore each square meter of soil would therefore contain 400,000 g of organic soils (dw). This equals 24,000,000 ng/m2. Viewed from another perspective, the organic soils are storing approximately 2,143 times the amount stored in the vegetation. This relationship between atmospheric mercury deposition, vegetation, and peat is logically consistent, in that vegetation takes many years (or decades) to grow, and peat takes hundreds, if not thousands of years, to form from the vegetation. These calculations also clearly illustrate why mercury concentrations typically spike after inundation of a reservoir. As the vegetation and especially the fine organic soils are broken down by bacteria, the accumulated atmospheric mercury is released to the reservoir, and is available to aquatic organisms. This influx of mercury can be many times what may occur via natural atmospheric deposition. It should be noted that not all the vegetation and organic soils are susceptible to biological break down. Woody debris degrades very slowly in cold water, and organic material at the bottom of the reservoir tends to get sequestered in fine sediment, and degrades slowly, if all. Most of the biological breakdown of plants and organic soils occurs in fine organic material on the margins of the reservoir. Previous studies have found that increases in MeHg concentrations in a reservoir after filling are not related to atmospheric deposition. Rudd (1995) has shown that only 0.3% to 3% of the mercury in a newly formed reservoir is derived from precipitation, while the remainder is from inundated fine organic soil particles. Studies have found that the primary source of mercury to a new reservoir is inundated soils (Meister et al. 1979), especially the upper organic soil horizon (Bodaly et al. 1984). STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 18 November 2015 6.1.2. Mercury Bioaccumulation As a volatile liquid, in some ways, mercury behaves much like water does as part of the hydrologic cycle (Figure 5.8-2). Under the right conditions, it evaporates from the Earth’s surface, can travel as a vapor, and can be precipitated at remote locations, changing its chemical form as it moves. Ultimately, mercury is sequestered in sediments, absorbed by fish, plants, and wildlife, or evaporated back to the atmosphere by volatilization. Mercury exposure to the ecosystem via water, sediment or soil is typically low, and concentrations of mercury in these media are often undetectable. The various forms of mercury can be converted from one to the next; most important is the conversion to MeHg, which is more toxic and hazardous because it bioaccumulates in species. In water bodies, bacteria generate MeHg as part of their metabolic processes. Bacteria pass the MeHg up the food chain, where it becomes slowly concentrated in higher organisms (Figure 5.8-2). The rate of bioaccumulation is often specific to each organism. Size, age, diet, and species greatly influence the rate of mercury bioaccumulation. In general, the longer an organism lives, the higher trophic level it occupies, the more mercury it will tend to bioaccumulate. For example, Arctic grayling may live shorter lives, and generally subsist on insects and fish eggs. Lake trout typically live longer, and feed on insects, but also on small crustaceans, and fish. Because of this, lake trout typically bioaccumulate higher concentrations of mercury in similar ecosystems than Arctic grayling. Physical factors can also greatly influence the formation and uptake of MeHg. Ocean, lake, and stream habitats each have different physical properties that affect the input and retention of mercury in the system. In general lakes and ponds retain mercury longer than streams and rivers. Photodegradation is a primary demethylation mechanism for MeHg, and water bodies with high levels of circulation offer greater opportunities for this mechanism to occur (Seller et al. 1996). Water quality parameters also affect MeHg uptake rates for aqueous organisms. Wiener et al. 2006 concluded that high dissolved sulfate, low selenium, low lake water pH, and high organic carbon favored MeHg bioaccumulation. Lake temperature has also been implicated in methylation (Schindler et al. 1995; Lambertson and Nilsson 2006; Power et al. 2002). Krabbenhoft et al. (1999) showed that the density of nearby wetlands was the most important factor increasing methylation rates. The location of sampling in relation to point sources of mercury contamination also clearly has an effect on mercury levels in fish. In general, total mercury in fish consists of > 85% MeHg, but in some species (such as pike) MeHg has been found to be is nearly 100% of the total mercury (Jewett et al. 2003). This was consistent with the results of this study. MeHg is most likely to be present in fish because it bioaccumulates in tissue, whereas elemental mercury can pass through organisms relatively quickly. Because mercury, unlike many other contaminants, concentrates in the muscle tissue of the organism, it cannot be filleted or cooked out of consumable game fish. Looking at the results of this study, the non-piscivorous fish (Arctic graying, whitefish, and longnose suckers) seemed to have concentrations of total mercury of around 40 to 80 ng/g ww. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 19 November 2015 Piscivorous species (lake trout) had a mean total mercury concentration of 247 ng/g ww, or approximately 4 times the concentration of the non-piscivorous species. This suggests a fairly typical mercury relationship between trophic levels (Tremblay 1999). Slimy sculpin were analyzed as whole body. Adjusting for this factor and slimy sculpin would have similar total mercury concentrations of muscle tissue to other non-piscivorous species. The burbot results were anomalous. While burbot are typically a piscivorous species, they typically don’t begin feeding on other fish until their 5th to 6th year in the aquatic environment. All of the burbot captured during this study were below this threshold age, and are therefore considered non-piscivorous for the purposes of this study. Their mercury concentrations were largely consistent with what was observed for other non-piscivorous fish studied at the impoundment area. 6.1.3. Mercury Behavior in Reservoirs Many studies have documented increased mercury levels in fish following the flooding of terrestrial areas to create hydroelectric reservoirs (Bodaly et al. 1984; Bodaly et al 1997; Bodaly et al 2004; Bodaly et al. 2007; Rylander et al. 2006; Lockhart et al 2005; Johnston et al. 1991; Kelly et al. 1997; Morrison 1991). These problems have been sometimes acute in hydropower projects from northern climates including Canada and Finland (Rosenberg et al. 1997). When boreal forests are flooded, substantial quantities of organic carbon and mercury stored in vegetation biomass and soils become inputs to the newly formed reservoir (Bodaly et al. 1984; Grigal 2003; Kelly et al. 1997). This flooding accelerates microbial decomposition, causing accelerated microbial methylation of mercury. Part of the MeHg produced is released into the water column where it may be transferred to fish via zooplankton. Insect larvae feeding in the top centimeters of flooded soils can assimilate the MeHg available and transfer it to fish (Figure 5.8-2). The production and transfer of MeHg is governed by the amount and type of flooded organic matter and by biological and physical factors such as bacterial activity, water temperature, oxygen content of the water, etc. of the newly formed reservoir. Because the fine organic material that is being inundated is a finite source, and is slowly consumed by the bacteria, or sequestered under accumulating sediment, MeHg concentrations in the reservoir generally return to background concentrations. Studies have shown this increase lasts between 10 and 35 years (Hydro-Quebec 2003; Bodaly et al. 2007). The magnitude and timing of the change in MeHg concentrations can vary significantly by trophic levels in the same reservoir. Peak MeHg concentrations first occur in the water column, in lower trophic level organisms and young fish, and later in top predators, such as lake trout (Bodaly et al. 2007; Schetagne et al. 2003). These trends are consistent with a pulse in MeHg production that peaks within a few years after inundation, and then takes time to move through the food web to top predators. The peak MeHg concentrations in some higher tropic level fish (lake trout) species are typically 4 to 7 times greater than background levels (Bodaly et al. 2007; Schetagne et al. 2003). Lower trophic level fish species such as Arctic grayling tend to have lower concentrations and slightly lower relative increases (2 to 5 times above baseline). Increased mercury concentrations have STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 20 November 2015 also been noted at other trophic levels within aquatic food chains of reservoirs, such as aquatic invertebrates (Hall et al. 1998). However, it is not uncommon for concentrations at lower trophic levels to be too low to measure. Fish mercury concentrations downstream of some reservoirs can increase as well (Schetagne et al. 2003; Anderson 2011). The distance downstream of reservoirs where increased fish MeHg levels occur depends on system-specific features. A study was performed to identify how mercury is transported downstream from reservoirs and to assess the amount of mercury being exported (Schetagne et al 2000). The results indicated that the dissolved MeHg and the suspended particulate matter are the major components by which mercury is transferred downstream of reservoirs, accounting for 64 and 33%, respectively, of the total amounts exported. Plant debris, benthic invertebrates, fish, phytoplankton, and zooplankton were found to be much less important pathways for mercury export because of their very low biomass per water volume coming out of the generating station, as opposed to the high biomass of suspended particulate matter. In the case of the Susitna-Watana Dam downstream export appears unlikely. The river downstream of the dam will be relatively shallow and highly oxygenated. MeHg is not stable in water exposed to air and sunlight, and quickly breaks down. Lehnherr and St. Louis (2009) found that, depending on the quantity and type of radiation, up to 75% of MeHg in lakes can be demethylated by sunlight. UV radiation accounts for 58% and 79% of the photodemethylation activity in a clear and colored lake, respectively. Chetelat et al. (2008) studied MeHg transfer to fish in high arctic lakes and found that mercury is bound to organic material rather than inorganic particles, and low organic carbon in water and sediment reduce mercury retention in lakes. The capacity of the sediment bacterial community to generate MeHg may be strongly limited by poor environmental conditions for methylation rather than the availability of inorganic mercury. 6.1.4. Potential Ecological Impacts In fish, mercury accumulation is typically age-dependent. This was certainly found to be the case in this study (Figures 5.7-2, 5.7-5, 5.7-7, and 5.7-8). However the correlation appears to be weak with whitefish, and nonexistent with slimy sculpin (Figures 5.7-9 and 5.7-11). This difference is likely diet related. As fish get older their diet may consist of larger prey, at a steadily higher trophic level. However, round white fish feed mostly on invertebrates, such as crustaceans, insect larvae, and do not typically feed at much higher trophic levels as they get older. Slimy sculpin are very small, and have limited choices of prey as they age. WACAP (2008) found that the increase in mercury concentrations with age generally diminished after 15 years. It has been theorized that after 15 years the highest trophic level of feeding for each species has been reached (Kidd et al. 1995; Evans et al. 2005), or that some sort of metabolic balance is achieved (Trudel and Rasmussen 1997). A third possible explanation is that mercury might increase steadily, until it eventually reaches toxic levels (WACAP 2008). As a result, only fish with fairly low starting concentrations of mercury live past 15 years. Because the source of mercury is atmospheric, the rate of mercury bioaccumulation in an ecosystem is typically not source dependent, that is to say the rate of mercury bioaccumulation is dependent STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 21 November 2015 on site specific conditions for the formation of MeHg. It has been documented extensively that areas can have concentrated mercury sources, but low methylation rates, and hence low concentrations of mercury in fish tissue (Bloom 1992). WACAP (2008) found that sites with elevated mercury flux in snow and sediment were found to have lower concentrations of mercury in fish, while areas with low mercury deposition were found to nonetheless have high concentrations of mercury in fish. On this basis, it appears that even though atmospheric deposition is a primary source of mercury to most ecosystems, the linkage between atmospheric deposition rates and fish concentrations is weak. These results indicate that we should not expect a direct relationship between mercury concentrations in soil, vegetation, precipitation, and fish at the project site. Indeed, the WACAP study of several Alaska National parks found there to be none. 6.2. Vegetation The vegetation types at the site do not appear to be variable within the inundation zone, with only three to four species representing the majority of the vegetation mass. However, there was a considerable mass of organic material (moss and peat) at almost all the sample locations. Friedli et al. (2007) found there to be a significant variation in mercury concentrations between plant species, with moss, lichen, and leaf litter typically showing the highest concentrations of mercury (Table 6.1-1). These concentrations are consistent with concentrations observed in the soils at the site, as opposed to the vegetative matter. Table 5.1-8 presents the results for the lichen collected as part of the WACAP study in Alaska, and shows similar results. There are no regulatory standards for mercury in vegetation; however, the concentrations are typically very low. 6.3. Soil Where soils have developed on uniform parent material vegetation, cover type and cover age are important variables affecting concentration of mercury in soils (Grigal et al. 1994). This is certainly true in an upland boreal forest in the Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada (Friedli et al. 2007). They found that 93 to 97 percent of the mercury resided in the organic soil (peat and forest litter) above the mineral layer. They also found that periodic forest fires can “reset” the mercury concentration to a lower level, and that mercury concentrations increase slowly in the soil over time (Table 6.1-1). Soil concentrations of mercury can be compared to the NOAA SQuiRTs. These are thresholds used as screening values for evaluation of toxics and potential effect to aquatic life in several media. It is suggested that mercury concentrations should be <100 ng/g dw in soil to protect invertebrates, and < 300 ng/g dw to protect plants. The highest concentration of mercury noted in the soil was 119 ng/g dw at SITE-3 N2, but most samples were well below this concentration (Table 5.3-1). MeHg concentrations need to be below 1.58 ng/g dw to protect the reference species of voles used for establishing the cleanup standard. While most of the samples had MeHg concentrations below this level, a few samples significantly exceeded this concentration (Table 5.3-1). STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 22 November 2015 The SQuiRT table indicates that the mean background concentration of mercury in soil nationwide is 58 ng/g dw. This is close to the mean for all the soils samples collected in the inundation zone of 61 ng/g dw. This suggests that the soils present in the inundation zone show no particular evidence of mercury accumulation above nominal background levels. In July 2012 ADEC set the following cleanup standards for mercury in soil: • MeHg in soil of 0.012 mg/kg (12 ng/g dw) • Total Mercury 1.4 mg/kg (1,400 ng/g dw) None of the soil samples were found to exceed these concentrations. Both of these cleanup levels assume that migration to groundwater (and surrounding water bodies) is the primary exposure pathway. 6.4. Water While mercury samples were collected during studies conducted in the 1980s, it appears that the analytical methods utilized at the time were not sensitive enough to detect mercury concentrations in the water. Their detection range was <0.1 µg/L (<100 ng/L), compared to current detection limits of approximately 0.5 ng/L. Most detections of mercury reported in the 1980s were at or very near the detection limit for the analytical method (Tables 5.1-1 to 5.1-3). Such detections are often suspect, given they are close to the theoretical maximum sensitivity of the equipment. Modern analyses by the USGS (Table 5.1-1 to 5.1-3) and in this study (Tables 5.4-1 and 5.4-2) indicate that total mercury concentrations in the water range from <0.5 to 68 ng/L, and is largely undetectable as dissolved mercury, suggesting that the majority of the mercury detected is associated with suspended sediment. As previously stated, mercury sorbs onto fine carbon, and that may be the reason for this result. Surface water concentrations of mercury can be compared to the NOAA SQuiRT tables. NOAA recommends screening levels of 1,400 ng/L for total mercury (acute), and 770 ng/L for total mercury (chronic). AWQS (18 AAC 75.345) has set a cleanup level for surface and groundwater of 2,000 ng/L. Total mercury concentrations in the Susitna River, as expected, are well below these concentrations (Tables 5.4-1 and 5.4-2). 6.5. Sediment and Sediment Porewater The methylation process is largely mediated by anaerobic bacteria in aquatic bed sediment (Gilmour et al. 2011; Fleming et al. 2006). Once formed, MeHg can enter the benthic food web. The purpose of the sediment and porewater sampling was to document the primary production of MeHg at the base of the food web. Total mercury concentrations ranged more than an order of magnitude between sample locations. Concentrations of mercury in porewater and sediment from this study (1.00 to 17.4 ng/g dw in sediment and <0.5 to 12.5 ng/L in porewater) is on the low end of what has been observed in STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 23 November 2015 other freshwater streams (1.9 to 4,517 ng/g dw) reported in a survey of 106 streams throughout the United States (Marvin-Depasquale et al. 2009). Concentrations of mercury in sediment also appeared to be low (Table 5.1-6) when compared to concentrations found in other freshwater streams and rivers around Cook Inlet (Frenzel 2000). Table 5.1-7 shows the partitioning of mercury in select samples from the Frenzel (2000) study. Concentrations of mercury at the site were low compared to most of the other sites, but in sediment, fish, and water. Interestingly, the one site sampled by Frenzel (2000) with similar mercury concentrations was Costello Creek, which is located north of the project site near Cantwell (Figure 5.1-2). Sediment grain size and TOC typically exert a dominant influence on sediment mercury concentrations at most sites; however, in this study there appeared to be little correlation between TOC and mercury concentrations. It is likely the cause of the breakdown in this relationship is the overall low concentrations of TOC observed in the sediments (Table 5.5-1). Total mercury concentrations did appear to be loosely related to the sediment size, with finer grained sediments often producing higher concentrations of mercury, however this was not always the case. Overall the data suggests that there is a low primary productivity for MeHg in upper Susitna within the inundation zone. These sediment concentrations can be compared to NOAA Squirt guidelines (Table 6.5-1). As with the soil and water results, the concentrations of mercury in sediment at the site were well below screening levels. 6.6. Piscivorous Birds and Mammals Efforts to collect bird specimens have so far been unsuccessful. This potential problem was identified in the Study Plan and discussed with the TWG, in that it is difficult to collect non- lethal samples for animals with very low population densities in rugged terrain. Lack of access to CIRWG lands and a Bald Eagle collection permit further limited the potential for sample collection. For the two samples of otter hair analyzed, one of the samples exhibited a very low concentration of mercury (417 ng/g ww; Table 5.6-1). It is possible that the individual hairs found in the trap may belong to a juvenile, which would explain their relatively low concentration of mercury compared to the adult sample. However, the mercury concentration in the adult fur sample also seems relatively low (1,610 ng/g ww) compared typical concentrations found in other studies (Yates et al. 2005), and these concentration are consistent with relatively low mercury concentrations found in fish, sediment, and surface water. It is also consistent with the relatively low concentrations of mercury found in the mink pelts. Other studies have documented mercury levels in river otter fur ranging from 2,800 to 73,700 ng/g ww in Maine, with a mean of 20,700 ng/g ww (Yates et al. 2005). This compares to 417 to 1,610 ng/g ww found during this project. Concentrations of total mercury in fur samples from Nova Scotia averaged 25,000 ng/g dw, ranging from 1,400 to 137,000 ng/g dw (Spencer et al, 2011). This compares to 6,330 ng/g dw found during this project. Overall the concentrations found appear to be relatively low compared to concentrations seen elsewhere. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 24 November 2015 Studies have documented mercury levels in mink ranging from 1,780 to 68,500 ng/g ww in Maine, with a mean of 17,500 ng/g ww (Yates et al. 2005). This compares to 2,170 to 2,970 ng/g ww found in the mink samples collected as part of this study. Again, these results are consistent with the relatively low concentrations documented in the sediment, water, and fish tissues at the site. 6.7. Fish Tissue The data indicates that mercury concentrations in trout continue to increase as the trout age (Figure 6.7-1). This is consistent with the fact that as trout age they get larger and feed at progressively higher trophic levels. This relationship was not observed as much with the non- piscivorous fish. This is especially noticeable for the Arctic grayling and whitefish (sp.) (Figure 6.7-1). Arctic grayling showed a correlation between age and mercury concentrations, but the results were more scattered, and had more exceptions. Whitefish showed only a moderate increase in mercury concentrations with age. The burbot showed somewhat anomalous results, with relatively low concentrations for a piscivorous species (Figure 5.7-8). The feeding habits of burbot are complex, and may vary seasonally, and with life stage (Dixon and Vokoun, 2009). It is possible that burbot captured were non-piscivorous, and their close range in size suggests that all the fish captured are at the same life stage. In general, mercury concentrations reported in fish captured inside the inundation zone were consistent with results for the same species captured elsewhere in Alaska. Comparing the results from this study to ADEC statewide results (ADEC 2012), the results for the Upper Susitna seemed to be on the low end of the average observed for the state (Table 5.1-4). Overall the mean and median were lower for all species of fish, except for longnose suckers. However, these results represent an average for ADEC sampling across the state, and ADEC tends to focus on sampling watersheds where a problem may exist. In addition, the ADEC analytical method does not follow standard EPA procedures, and results from these analyses should be considered estimates. Table 5.1-5 presents the samples from the previous ADEC study, but only for samples from the Susitna River Drainage (Figure 5.1-1). Again, the results from this study of the Upper Susitna River appear to be slightly lower than concentrations found elsewhere in the drainage. Comparing slimy sculpin concentrations to those found in various freshwater streams around Cook Inlet (Frenzel (2000), it appears the concentrations are consistent with what has been recorded elsewhere (Table 5.1-6, Figure 5.1-2). The WACAP study looked at concentrations of mercury in fish in relatively pristine national parks in Alaska. Concentrations of mercury in lake trout and burbot caught in these lakes were very similar to the concentrations reported as part of this project (Table 5.1-9). Looking through the literature, Arctic grayling appear to be the fish most commonly analyzed for mercury in Alaska. The results from multiple studies have been compared on Figure 6.7-2. The results are graphed on the basis of mean weight and mean mercury concentration per capture STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 25 November 2015 location, to better adjust for the increase in mercury concentrations in larger fish. In summary, the results from this study appear to reside on the lower end of mercury previously observed for Arctic grayling in Alaska. 6.8. Modeling After construction of a reservoir, mercury concentrations in fish typically increase several times above background levels. These fish tissue concentrations typically peak 5-15 years after flooding, and may take 2-3 decades to diminish back to background concentrations. This phenomenon is well understood and studied, and the cause of this pulse of mercury though the ecosystem is the decay of naturally occurring fine organic materiel within the inundation zone. The volume of organic soils, biological productivity, rate of breakdown of this materiel, reservoir flow through, and other factors determine the rate and amount of mercury that will accumulate in fish species. The exhaustion of the fine organic materials in the reservoir is typically what causes the mercury concentrations in fish to slowly return to background over decades. Several models have been created to predict mercury concentrations in reservoirs post impoundment. These models have been tested against multiple reservoirs, as well as the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA)in Ontario, Canada (Bodaly et al. 2005). Two of these models have been considered as part of this study. Schetagne et al. (2003) found a strong correlation between the ratio of flooded area, the mean annual flow through of the reservoir, and maximum mercury concentrations in fish tissue. This approach was further refined by Harris and Hutchinson (2008) to provide a predictive tool for MeHg concentrations in fish. Regression calculations using historical data from multiple reservoirs have determined the coefficients that control these equations. The drawback to these models is that they only predict peak MeHg concentrations, not when these concentrations will occur or subside. The advantage of this type of model is that it is simple, and requires relatively few input parameters. Because the input data is relatively simple to determine and calculate, this type of model is often used to screen potential impacts. This screening function is not meant to imply that the model is any less accurate than alternatives, in fact, given the model relies on easily and accurately determined parameters, it may be more accurate than more complex models. The phosphorous release model is a more complex method of estimating MeHg impacts. It was pioneered by Messier et al. (1985) based on the work of the whole-ecosystem reservoir experiments at the ELA (Bodaly et al. 2005), and confirmed by decades-long studies of reservoirs by Hydro-Quebec (2003). The model is more complex than the Harris and Hutchison model, however, the purpose of the additional complexity is to allow for a prediction of when the peak mercury concentration would likely occur, and how long elevated mercury concentrations in fish would be likely to persist. The model pays special attention to flood zone characteristics, because decomposition after flooding is a key driver for increases in MeHg levels in new reservoirs. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 26 November 2015 6.8.1. Harris and Hutchison The Harris and Hutchison model results are presented in Section 5.8.2 of this study report, and suggest that that inundation of the Susitna-Watana reservoir is unlikely to increase concentrations of mercury in fish to concentrations that may adverse impact human health and the environment (Table 5.8-1). The maximum predicted mean concentration for piscivorous fish species was 1,047 ng/g ww, while for non-piscivorous species it was 212 ng/g ww. It should be noted that this maximum concentration may only be present in the reservoir for a brief period, and would decline shortly thereafter. It is difficult to precisely determine the impact of mercury in fish tissue on various species of mammal, birds, as well as humans. This is because the sensitivity of these receptors varies with species, as well as feeding habits and frequency. For human health risk, muscle mercury concentrations can be compared to fish consumption guidelines recommended by the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (AK-DHSS) to protect women who are or can become pregnant, nursing mothers, and young children (Verbrugge 2007). These consumption guidelines suggest the following: 0 to 150 ng/g ww – unlimited fish consumption. 150 to 320 ng/g ww – limit to 4 meals per week. 320 to 400 ng/g ww – limit to 3 meals per week. 400 to 640 ng/g ww – limit to 2 meals per week. 640 to 1,230 ng/g ww – limit to 1 meal per week. >1,230 ng/g ww fish should not be routinely consumed. These numbers are considered to be fairly conservative, given they were calculated based on the most vulnerable parts of our population. Based on the Harris and Hutchison model, it would appear that mercury concentrations in fish at the proposed reservoir may cause a need to place certain catch limits and consumption guidelines during the period of time when mercury concentrations peak in the fish, however, these restrictions would not appear to be significant, and would likely last only a brief period of time. While muscle tissue results best represents potential exposure to humans, whole body results more accurately estimate ecosystem exposures. These muscle tissue results can be converted to whole body concentrations in order to assess the toxicological risks of mercury to wildlife (Peterson et al. 2005). The whole body fish concentrations for piscivorous fish (lake trout) would be 281 ng/g ww, and 67 ng/g ww for non-piscivorous fish. To assess potential toxicological effects of mercury to fish, the estimates of whole-body mercury can be compared to a no-observed-effects-residue (NOER) of 200 ng/g ww (Beckvar et al. 2005) and a lowest-observed-effects-residue (LOER) of 300 ng/g ww (Sandheinrich et al. 2011). Fish with whole body mercury concentrations less than the NOER benchmark are not commonly STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 27 November 2015 associated with altered behavioral, development, growth, or reproduction. Fish with whole body mercury concentrations greater than the LOER benchmark have been consistently associated with sublethal effects, including changes in reproductive health. Based on these criteria, concentrations of mercury in non-piscivorous fish are unlikely to ever exceed the NOER, and concentrations in piscivorous fish are unlikely to exceed LOER. Overall it appears unlikely the concentrations of peak mercury will have significant or noticeable impact on fish populations. For piscivorous birds, whole-body mercury concentrations can be compared to toxicological benchmarks representing risks to sensitive species. A review of field and laboratory studies on mercury toxicity in common loons found that mercury concentrations greater than 180 ng/g ww whole body in prey fish were associated with significant reductions in reproductive success (Depew et al. 2012). The non-piscivorous fish would appear to be well below this standard, however, the piscivorous fish may exceed this standard. Given that the piscivorous birds would be unlikely to feed exclusively on one species of fish (lake trout), it appears unlikely that adverse impacts would occur. Another method to evaluate these results is to compare them to other reservoirs in Alaska. If similar concentrations of mercury were present in other Alaska reservoirs without adverse impacts human health and the ecosystem, it would be unlikely to do so in the case of this project. Unfortunately mercury accumulation in reservoir fish has not be previously studied in Alaska, and no baseline data exists for actual (versus predicted) mercury accumulation rates. However, the same Harrison and Hutchison linear model can be applied to other constructed reservoirs in Alaska. This comparison can be seen on Table 6.8-1. Significant ecological and human health impacts from mercury have not been observed in these older reservoirs, and it appears that this project would have similar impacts. 6.8.2. Phosphorous Release Model Because of its greater complexity, the phosphorous release model requires more data inputs. Some of these inputs, such as phosphorous concentrations in the reservoir water after inundation, will be generated by the EFDC modeling being performed under Study 5.6. Until that modeling is done, the phosphorus release model cannot be completed. 6.8.3. Pathways Assessment Several factors can affect the potential for bioavailability of mercury in the aquatic environment. Factors affecting bioavailability are described in Figure 5.8-1 and the processes of circulation in the ecosystem (e.g., sediments, surface water, biotic) in Figure 5.8-2. Fate processes and factors that increase methylation of mercury or decrease the chance for methylation to occur were the focus for evaluation of existing conditions immediately below and in the proposed reservoir area. The procedure for evaluating potential pathways where risk for bioavailability of mercury occurs under existing conditions is the following:  Identify factors and fate processes that increase potential exposure of aquatic life; STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 28 November 2015  Determine if factors (fate processes) are within water quality standards; and  Interpret potential for mercury transfer between media and aquatic life at risk from exposure resulting from this transfer. An evaluation of factors and fate processes with a focus on potential increases of methylation of mercury are reported in Table 5.8-2. Examination of how each factor contributes to increases in methylation of mercury and an assessment of data describing existing conditions at each sample site informed on potential for exposure from this bioavailable form. Low concentrations of mercury in sediments from the sites and absence of critical factors or fate processes that would contribute to methylation of mercury are evidence that risk of exposure to aquatic life is low (Table 5.8-2). This evaluation will be revised when the EFDC model for the reservoir is complete (Study 5.6). 7. COMPLETING THE STUDY Significant progress has been made since June 2014 in meeting the objectives of the Mercury Study. Sample collection efforts have met all the objectives outlined in Section 2 of the ISR. No additional field work is planned or would appear to be necessary at this time. The remaining tasks for this study include:  Phosphorous release modeling for evaluating potential mercury concentrations in fish after reservoir development. Completion of this modeling is dependent on completion of the EFDC modeling (Study 5.6) for the surface water.  Update of the pathways assessment to include information generated from EFDC modeling (Study 5.6) for the surface water.  A decision on additional terrestrial biological sampling (mammals and birds) will be made based on the results of the two previous bullet items. Based on the results of the Harris and Hutchison modeling, as well as all the currently available information, additional sampling of terrestrial tissues is unlikely to be necessary, given the concentrations of mercury in fish are unlikely to exceed levels of concern. 8. LITERATURE CITED Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). 2012. Mercury concentration in fresh water fish Southcentral Susitna Watershed. Personal communication with Bob Gerlach, VMD, State Veterinarian. June 2012. Alaska Power Authority (APA). 1984a. 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STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 36 November 2015 9. TABLES Table 4.2-1. Sampling Parameters and Media Parameter Media Vegetation Soil Surface Water Sediment Sediment Porewater Piscivorous Birds and Mammals Fish Tissue Filet Liver TOC X X Mercury Total Total Total, Dissolved Total Dissolved Total Total Total Methyl Mercury X X X X X Sediment Size X Total Solids X See ISR Section 5.5 for additional parameters collected for Baseline Monthly and Focus Area Water Quality Sampling Table 4.2-2. Vegetation and Soil Sample Locations Sample Site Latitude Longitude Nearest PRM Site 1 N1 62.8206 -148.1557 200.3 Site 1 N2 62.8207 -148.1560 200.3 Site 1 N3 62.8206 -148.1553 200.3 Site1 N4 62.8207 -148.1562 200.3 Site1 N5 62.8206 -148.1552 200.3 Site 2 N1 62.7976 -148.0707 203.8 Site 2 N2 62.7975 -148.0706 203.8 Site 2 N3 62.7974 -148.0704 203.8 Site 2 N4 62.7976 -148.0708 203.8 Site 2 N5 62.7973 -148.0703 203.8 Site 2 N6 62.7973 -148.0703 203.8 Site 3 N1 62.7895 -148.0556 208.0 Site 3 N2 62.7895 -148.0561 208.0 Site 3 N3 62.7897 -148.0551 208.0 Site 3 N4 62.7896 -148.0563 208.0 Site 3 N5 62.7898 -148.0552 208.0 Site 3 N6 62.7898 -148.0552 208.0 Site 4S alt1 62.7884 -148.0074 206.2 Site 4S alt2 62.7883 -148.0077 206.2 Site 4S alt3 62.7883 -148.0071 206.2 Site 4S alt4 62.7883 -148.0079 206.2 Site 4S alt5 62.7883 -148.0068 206.2 Site 4S alt6 62.7883 -148.0068 206.2 Site 5S 1 62.7842 -147.9521 208.2 Site 5S 2 62.7845 -147.9521 208.2 Site 5S 3 62.7842 -147.9520 208.2 Site 5S 4 62.7846 -147.9524 208.2 Site 5S 5 62.7840 -147.9519 208.2 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 37 November 2015 Samples collected from August 6 to 7, 2013. Site 6S-1 62.7790 -147.9189 209.8 Site 6S-2 62.7789 -147.9195 209.8 Site 6S-3 62.7790 -147.9185 209.8 Site 6S-4 62.7788 -147.9198 209.8 Site 6S-5 62.7792 -147.9183 209.8 Site 7 N1 62.7784 -147.8787 211.5 Site 7 N2 62.7784 -147.8787 211.5 Site 7 N3 62.7786 -147.8787 211.5 Site 7 N4 62.7782 -147.8789 211.5 Site 7 N5 62.7787 -147.8789 211.5 Site 7 N6 62.7787 -147.8789 211.5 Site 8 S1 62.7728 -147.8483 212.5 Site 8 S2 62.7729 -147.8481 212.5 Site 8 S3 62.7725 -147.8484 212.5 Site 8 S4 62.7731 -147.8480 212.5 Site 8 S5 62.7724 -147.8486 212.5 Site 9 N1 62.8509 -148.2314 NA Site 9 N2 62.8508 -148.2316 NA Site 9 N3 62.8509 -148.2311 NA Site 9 N4 62.8510 -148.2317 NA Site 9 N5 62.8507 -148.2310 NA Site 9 N6 62.8507 -148.2310 NA Site 10 N1 62.8577 -148.2133 NA Site 10 N2 62.8574 -148.2131 NA Site 10 N3 62.8572 -148.2134 NA Site 10 N4 62.8576 -148.2129 NA Site 10 N5 62.8571 -148.2136 NA STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 38 November 2015 Table 4.2-3. Baseline Water Quality Monitoring Sites PRM Description Latitude Longitude Location Rationale 29.9 Susitna Station 61.544280 -150.515560 Influence of upstream tributary 32.5 Yentna River 61.587604 -150.483017 Major tributary 33.6 Susitna above Yentna 61.575950 -150.427410 Above major tributary 45.1 Deshka River 61.710142 -150.324700 Major tributary 59.9 Susitna 61.862200 -150.184630 Above major tributary 87.8 Susitna at Parks Highway East 62.174531 -150.173677 Mainstem river site 102.8 Talkeetna River 62.342430 -150.112660 Major tributary 107 Talkeetna 62.397240 -150.137280 Upstream of existing townsite; Historic (1980s) monitoring site 118.6 Chulitna River 62.567703 -150.237828 Major tributary 124.2 Curry Fishwheel Camp 62.617830 -150.013730 Important side channel habitat 140.1 Gold Creek 62.767892 -149.689781 Major tributary 142.2 Indian River 62.78635 -149.658780 Major tributary 142.3 Susitna above Indian River 62.785776 -149.648900 Historic (1980s) monitoring site 152.2 Susitna below Portage Creek 62.830397 -149.382743 Downstream of major tributary 152.3 Portage Creek 62.830379 -149.380289 Major tributary 152.7 Susitna above Portage Creek 62.827002 -149. 827002 Historic (1980s) monitoring site 187.2 Susitna at Watana Dam site 62.822600 -148.553000 Boundary condition between the reservoir and riverine models 235.2 Oshetna River 62.639610 -147.383109 Uppermost tributary in the Project area PRM = project river mile Table 4.2-4. Focus Area Water Monitoring Sites Focus Area PRM Latitude Longitude Whiskers Slough 104 62.3729 -150.1572 Oxbow I 113 62.5015 -150.1027 Slough 6A 115 62.5142 -150.1115 Slough 8A 128 62.6605 -149.9193 Gold Creek 138 62.7657 -149.7079 Indian River 141 62.7856 -149.6459 Slough 21 144 62.8110 -149.5898 PRM = project river mile STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 39 November 2015 Table 5.1-1. Historic Mercury Concentrations at Gold Creek (PRM 140.1) Date Mercury in water (filtered, µg/L) Mercury in water (unfiltered, µg/L) Mercury in suspended sediment (µg/kg) 6/14/77 NS <0.5 NS 8/10/77 NS <0.5 NS 10/4/77 NS 0.2 NS 6/23/81 NS 0.4 0.4 7/21/81 0.2 0.3 0.1 3/30/82 <0.1 <0.1 NS 7/1/82 <0.1 0.2 NS 9/16/82 <0.1 0.2 NS 3/18/83 <0.1 <0.1 NS 6/28/83 <0.1 0.1 NS 7/28/83 <0.1 0.3 NS 6/27/84 <0.1 0.1 NS 7/25/84 0.2 3.0 NS 6/27/85 0.2 0.0 NS 7/24/85 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 8/28/85 <0.1 <0.1 NS 3/24/86 <0.1 0.1 NS 6/25/86 <0.1 <0.1 NS 7/30/86 0.2 0.1 NS 8/25/86 0.8 0.5 NS 6/6/12 <0.005 0.007 NS 8/15/12 <0.005 0.008 NS 6/6/13 <0.005 0.023 NS NS = not sampled < = detection limit µg/L = micrograms per liter µg/kg = micrograms per kilogram STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 40 November 2015 Table 5.1-2. Historic Mercury Concentrations at Susitna at Parks Highway East (PRM 87.8) Date Mercury in water (filtered, µg/L) Mercury in water (unfiltered, µg/L) Mercury in suspended sediment (µg/kg) 6/15/77 NS <0.5 NS 8/10/77 NS <0.5 NS 10/4/77 NS <0.10 NS 3/25/81 0.10 0.1 0.0 6/25/81 0.00 0.6 0.6 7/23/81 0.10 0.3 0.2 7/2/82 <0.10 0.2 NS 9/15/82 0.10 0.2 0.1 10/13/82 0.10 0.1 0.0 1/20/83 <0.10 NS NS 3/17/83 <0.10 <0.10 NS 6/24/83 <0.10 0.2 NS 7/27/83 <0.10 0.3 NS 6/14/84 <0.10 0.9 NS 7/19/85 <0.10 0.1 NS 1/10/85 <0.10 <0.10 NS 6/25/85 <0.10 0.1 NS 7/23/85 <0.10 <0.10 NS 8/27/85 <0.10 <0.10 NS 3/18/86 <0.10 <0.10 NS 6/25/86 <0.10 <0.10 NS 6/5/12 <0.005 0.015 NS 8/13/12 <0.005 0.023 NS 6/3/13 <0.005 0.035 NS NS = not sampled < = detection limit µg/L = micrograms per liter µg/kg = micrograms per kilogram STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 41 November 2015 Table 5.1-3. Historic Mercury at Susitna Station (PRM 29.9) Date Mercury in water (filtered, µg/L) Mercury in water (unfiltered, µg/L) Mercury in suspended sediment (µg/kg) 1/20/75 <0.5 <0.5 0.0 5/23/75 <0.5 <0.5 0.0 8/27/75 <0.5 <0.5 0.0 10/3/75 <0.5 <0.5 0.0 3/17/76 <0.5 <0.5 0.0 5/28/76 <0.5 <0.5 0.0 7/26/76 <0.5 <0.5 0.3 10/6/76 <0.5 <0.5 0.0 3/9/77 <0.5 <0.5 NS 5/23/77 <0.5 <0.5 0.0 8/19/77 <0.5 <0.5 0.2 12/13/77 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 4/5/78 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 5/24/78 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 7/17/78 <0.1 0.2 0.1 1/15/79 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 5/14/79 <0.1 0.2 0.2 6/19/79 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 9/17/79 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 3/12/80 0.0 0.1 0.1 6/16/80 0.0 0.1 0.1 7/30/80 0.1 0.1 0.0 4/9/81 0.0 0.1 0.1 6/12/81 0.0 0.3 0.3 7/15/81 0.2 0.8 0.6 4/9/82 <0.1 <0.1 NS 5/19/82 <0.1 0.1 NS 7/14/82 0.2 0.2 0.0 10/5/82 0.1 NS NS 4/5/83 <0.1 NS NS 6/22/83 0.1 NS NS 7/27/83 <0.1 NS NS 9/30/83 <0.1 NS NS 4/6/84 <0.1 NS NS 5/18/84 <0.1 NS NS 7/18/84 <0.1 NS NS 9/20/84 <0.1 NS NS 3/27/85 0.1 NS NS 5/24/85 <0.1 NS NS 7/18/85 0.2 NS NS STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 42 November 2015 Date Mercury in water (filtered, µg/L) Mercury in water (unfiltered, µg/L) Mercury in suspended sediment (µg/kg) 9/19/85 <0.1 NS NS 12/4/85 0.1 NS NS 7/29/86 0.1 NS NS 9/25/86 3.0 NS NS 5/30/13 <0.005 NS NS NS= not sampled < = detection limit µg/L = micrograms per liter; µg/kg = micrograms per kilogram STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 43 November 2015 Table 5.1-4. ADEC Mercury Statewide Data Compared to Susitna-Watana Species Date source Tissue Number Mean and Std. Dev. (ng/g ww) Median (ng/g ww) Range (ng/g ww) Lake trout ADEC Fillet 53 360 ± 180 320 64-740 Susitna-Watana Fillet 9 247± 171 173 136-637 Arctic grayling ADEC Fillet 48 87 ± 34 82 33-180 Susitna-Watana Fillet 16 44 ± 24 37 19-100 Dolly Varden ADEC Fillet 22 120 ± 160 58 11-550 Susitna-Watana Fillet 7 43 ± 24 47 17-84 Humpback whitefish ADEC Fillet 98 67 ± 32 66 8-18 Round whitefish ADEC Fillet 12 75 ± 56 68 8-200 Susitna-Watana Fillet 13 57± 29 55 6-102 Burbot ADEC Fillet 27 330 ± 280 250 ND–850 Susitna-Watana Fillet 8 68 ± 27 64 36-113 Longnose sucker ADEC Fillet 3 71 ± 12 73 59-82 Susitna-Watana Fillet 7 77 ± 42 68 33-138 All results are total mercury ADEC = Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation ng/g ww = nanograms per gram wet weight. Susitna-Watana results are from this study. ADEC results are from ADEC (2012) STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 44 November 2015 Table 5.1-5. ADEC Mercury Data from Susitna Watershed Species Site Name Fish Length (mm) Fish Weight (g) Age Sex Hg (ng/g dw) Lake trout Lakes near Tyone Creek 600 2,939 NM M 130 Lakes near Tyone Creek 610 3,089 NM M 270 Lakes near Tyone Creek 730 5,294 NM F 740 Arctic grayling Lake Louise 288 200 4.5 M 110 Lake Louise 290 230 4 M 110 Lakes near Tyone Creek 200 NM 2 NM 95 Lakes near Tyone Creek 201 NM 2 NM 91 Lakes near Tyone Creek 330 340 5 F 180 Lakes near Tyone Creek 278 200 <1 F 160 Lakes near Tyone Creek 220 110 2 M 110 Lakes near Tyone Creek 270 190 3.5 F 80 Lakes near Tyone Creek 290 230 4 NM 80 Finger Lake 370 460 7 M 67 Fishook Lake 310 310 4 F 77 Fishook Lake 370 160 7 F 100 Fishook Lake 320 350 5 M 130 Upper Talkeetna River 360 420 6.5 NM 93 Upper Talkeetna River 370 430 7 M 51 Christianson Lake 260 160 3.5 F 120 Christianson Lake 204 10 2.5 NM 130 Christianson Lake 272 190 3.5 F 59 Burbot Big Lake 579 1,038 9 NM 94 Round whitefish Knob Lake 390 490 20 F 120 Knob Lake 360 310 7 F 200 Knob Lake 340 220 8 F 78 Knob Lake 320 230 6 M 58 Knob Lake 280 150 1 M 90 Coal Creek Lake 330 290 12 M 140 Coal Creek Lake 310 220 13 F 79 mm = millimeters, g = grams, NM = not measured, M=male, F = female ng/g dw = nanograms per gram dry weight All results are from ADEC (2012) STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 45 November 2015 Table 5.1-6. Mercury in Cook Inlet Freshwater Sediments and Slimy Sculpin Tissue Site Name Sediment Hg (ng/g dw) Slimy Sculpin Hg (ng/g dw) Susitna-Watana (this study) 6.7 (mean) 178 (mean) Ninilchik River 50 150 Kenai River at Soldotna 30 200 South Fork Campbell Creek 30 210 Chester Creek 180 100 Talkeetna River 40 80 Deshka River 460 110 Moose Creek 200 160 Kamishak River 40 90 Johnson River 130 NS Kenai River Below Russian 70 120 Kenai River at Jim’s Landing 90 140 Kenai River below Skilak Lake Outlet 70 150 Colorado Creek 180 NS Costelllo Creek 230 80 National mean 60 NA National mean is derived from Gilliom et al (1998) Fish and sediment data for Cook Inlet freshwater is derived from Frenzel (2000) ng/g dw = nanograms per gram dry weight STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 46 November 2015 Table 5.1-7. Mercury Partitioning in Cook Inlet Freshwater Sediments and Fish Site Name Total Hg in Sediment (ng/g dw) MeHg in Sediment (ng/g dw) Total Hg in Fish (ng/g dw) Total Hg in Water (ng/L) MeHg in water (ng/L) Susitna-Watana at Dam site (This Study) 6.7 (mean) NS 178 Slimy Sculpin (mean) 3.531 NS 183 Dolly Varden (mean) South Fork Campbell Creek 200 0.67 292 Slimy Sculpin 2.50 0.02 429 Dolly Varden Chester Creek 109 0.38 152 Slimy Sculpin 2.96 0.02 ND Dolly Varden Deshka River 21 5.10 246 Slimy Sculpin NS NS Johnson River 50 0.01 NS 9.78 0.02 Costelllo Creek 169 0.04 ND Slimy Sculpin 4.97 0.02 101 Dolly Varden ND = not detected. NS = not sampled. Fish and sediment data for Cook Inlet freshwater is derived from Frenzel (2000) 1 = as measured at dam site July 2014. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 47 November 2015 Table 5.1-8. WACAP Data for Lichen Samples Site Name Species Number Median Hg (ng/g ww) NOAT Masonhalea richardsonii 3 17 NOAT Flavocetraria cucullata 2 23 GAAR Masonhalea richardsonii 2 22 GAAR Flavocetraria cucullata 4 26 DNP Masonhalea richardsonii 6 12 DNP Flavocetraria cucullata 6 21 NOAT = Noatak National Preserve; GAAR = Gates of the Arctic National Park; and DNP = Denali National Park ng/g ww = nanograms per gram wet weight Data from WACAP (2008) Table 5.1-9. WACAP sand USGS Data for Alaska Fish Site Name Species Number Mean Age Mean Hg (ng/g ww) Susitna-Watana (This Study) Lake trout 9 12 173 Susitna-Watana (This Study) Burbot 8 5 64 Susitna-Watana (This Study) Arctic grayling 16 4 44 NOAT Burial Lake Lake trout 10 20 130 GAAR Matcharak Lake Lake trout 10 18 218 DNP Wonder Lake Lake trout 10 17 113 DNP McLeod Lake Burbot 4 4 58 WSENP Copper Lake Lake trout 15 13 145 WSENP Grizzly Lake Burbot 15 11 41 WSENP Tanada lake Lake trout 15 14 372 WSENP Tanada lake Burbot 13 11 383 WSENP Tanada lake Arctic Grayling 10 11 109 Results are for whole body samples. NOAT = Noatak National Preserve; GAAR = Gates of the Arctic National Park; DNP = Denali National Park; WSENP = Wrangell St. Elias National Park ng/g ww = nanograms per gram wet weight. Data from WACAP (2008) and USGS (2014) STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 48 November 2015 Table 5.2-1. Plant Species Observed and Collected at Each Sample Site Species Site-1 Site-2 Site-3 Site-4 Site-5 Site-6 Site-7 Site-8 Site-9 Site-10 Alder (Alnus spp.) X X X X X X X X Willow (Salix spp.) X X O X X X X X X X Bog Blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) X X X X X X X X X X Low-bush Cranberry (Vaccinium vitus- idaea) X X X X X X O X X Salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis) X X Prickly Rose (Rosa acicularis) X O X O X X Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum) X X O O X O American Red Currant (Ribes triste) X Clover (Trifolium sp.) X Spruce (Picea sp.) X O O Sweet Gale (Myrica gale) X O Arctic Coltsfoot (Petasites frigidus) O O O X X X Horsetail (Equisetum sp.) O O O O O O O O Bog Birch (Betula glandulosa) O O O O O O O O O Bush Cinquefoil (Dasiphora fruticosa) O O O O O O Common Labrador Tea (Ledum groenlandicum) O O O O O O O O O Cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) O O O Wintergreen (Pyrola sp.) O O O Dwarf Dogwood (Cornus canadensis) O O O Soapberry (Shepherdia canadensis) O Twisted Stalk (Streptopus amplexifolius) O Fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium) O Marsh Five-finger (Comarum palustre) O Red Bearberry (Arctostaphylos rubra) O O O O O X are plants included in the sampling. O are plants observed, but not included due to low vegetative mass. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 49 November 2015 Table 5.2-2. Vegetation Results Location Latitude Longitude PRM % solids Total Hg (ng/g dw) Total Hg (ng/g ww) MeHg (ng/g dw) MeHg (ng/g ww) SITE-1 N1 62.8206 -148.1557 200.3 29.10 8.61 2.51 <3.42 <1.00 SITE-1 N2 62.8207 -148.1560 200.3 39.11 7.00 2.74 <2.54 <0.99 SITE-1 N3 62.8206 -148.1553 200.3 25.52 10.1 2.59 <3.73 <0.95 SITE-1 N4 62.8207 -148.1562 200.3 31.94 8.63 2.75 <3.08 <0.99 SITE-1 N5 62.8206 -148.1552 200.3 33.60 7.79 2.62 <2.90 <0.98 SITE-2 N1 62.7976 -148.0707 203.8 35.50 7.46 2.65 <2.73 <0.97 SITE-2 N2 62.7975 -148.0706 203.8 36.32 7.31 2.66 <2.54 <0.92 SITE-2 N3 62.7974 -148.0704 203.8 35.72 8.04 2.87 <2.61 <0.93 SITE-2 N4 62.7976 -148.0708 203.8 30.30 9.54 2.89 <3.18 <0.96 SITE-2 N5 62.7973 -148.0703 203.8 36.63 7.39 2.71 <2.55 <0.93 SITE-2 N6 62.7973 -148.0703 203.8 37.52 7.48 2.81 <2.57 <0.96 SITE-3 N1 62.7895 -148.0556 208.0 32.63 13.3 4.32 <2.93 <0.96 SITE-3 N2 62.7895 -148.0561 208.0 33.63 13.0 4.36 <2.75 <0.92 SITE-3 N3 62.7897 -148.0551 208.0 34.53 8.15 2.82 <2.65 <0.91 SITE-3 N4 62.7896 -148.0563 208.0 34.73 9.23 3.20 <2.75 <0.95 SITE-3 N5 62.7898 -148.0552 208.0 36.62 8.97 3.29 <2.68 <0.98 SITE-3 N6 62.7898 -148.0552 208.0 31.86 10.7 3.40 <3.06 <0.97 SITE-4S alt1 62.7884 -148.0074 206.2 37.09 7.98 2.96 <2.68 <0.99 SITE-4S alt2 62.7883 -148.0077 206.2 32.04 9.04 2.9 <2.96 <0.95 SITE-4S alt3 62.7883 -148.0071 206.2 31.84 9.01 2.87 <3.07 <0.98 SITE-4S alt4 62.7883 -148.0079 206.2 28.84 8.08 2.33 <3.24 <0.93 SITE-4S alt5 62.7883 -148.0068 206.2 33.01 8.39 2.77 <2.81 <0.93 SITE-4S alt6 62.7883 -148.0068 206.2 30.62 6.71 2.06 <3.08 <0.94 SITE-5S 1 62.7842 -147.9521 208.2 27.77 7.56 2.10 <3.44 <0.96 SITE-5S 2 62.7845 -147.9521 208.2 24.23 9.80 2.38 <3.87 <0.94 SITE-5S 3 62.7842 -147.9520 208.2 31.16 11.2 3.49 <3.06 <0.95 SITE-5S 4 62.7846 -147.9524 208.2 21.11 16.1 3.39 <4.77 <1.01 SITE-5S 5 62.7840 -147.9519 208.2 29.13 8.75 2.55 <3.23 <0.94 SITE-6S-1 62.7790 -147.9189 209.8 33.38 7.19 2.4 <2.97 <0.99 SITE-6S-2 62.7789 -147.9195 209.8 35.96 8.92 3.21 <2.69 <0.97 SITE-6S-3 62.7790 -147.9185 209.8 33.73 7.00 2.36 <2.96 <1.00 SITE-6S-4 62.7788 -147.9198 209.8 35.50 11.2 3.99 <2.60 <0.92 SITE-6S-5 62.7792 -147.9183 209.8 31.42 7.88 2.48 <3.13 <0.98 SITE-7 N1 62.7784 -147.8787 211.5 22.39 10.3 2.32 <4.28 <0.96 SITE-7 N2 62.7784 -147.8787 211.5 29.17 9.16 2.67 <3.23 <0.94 SITE-7 N3 62.7786 -147.8787 211.5 26.71 12.2 3.26 <3.68 <0.98 SITE-7 N4 62.7782 -147.8789 211.5 27.57 12.3 3.38 <3.32 <0.91 SITE-7 N5 62.7787 -147.8789 211.5 18.70 11.4 2.14 <5.15 <0.96 SITE-7 N6 62.7787 -147.8789 211.5 20.47 10.5 2.14 <4.93 <1.01 SITE-8 S1 62.7728 -147.8483 212.5 31.62 7.45 2.35 <3.03 <0.96 SITE-8 S2 62.7729 -147.8481 212.5 29.63 8.56 2.54 <3.36 <1.00 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 50 November 2015 Location Latitude Longitude PRM % solids Total Hg (ng/g dw) Total Hg (ng/g ww) MeHg (ng/g dw) MeHg (ng/g ww) SITE-8 S3 62.7725 -147.8484 212.5 24.31 11.4 2.77 <3.82 <0.93 SITE-8 S4 62.7731 -147.8480 212.5 30.33 9.36 2.84 <3.22 <0.98 SITE-8 S5 62.7724 -147.8486 212.5 27.78 7.57 2.10 <3.48 <0.97 SITE-9 N1 62.8509 -148.2314 NA 31.71 7.45 2.36 <2.95 <0.93 SITE-9 N2 62.8508 -148.2316 NA 31.14 7.91 2.46 <3.17 <0.99 SITE-9 N3 62.8509 -148.2311 NA 31.26 7.89 2.47 <3.13 <0.98 SITE-9 N4 62.8510 -148.2317 NA 29.11 9.02 2.63 <3.27 <0.95 SITE-9 N5 62.8507 -148.2310 NA 34.55 7.79 2.69 <2.85 <0.99 SITE-9 N6 62.8507 -148.2310 NA 32.96 8.27 2.73 <2.85 <0.94 SITE-10 N1 62.8577 -148.2133 NA 27.93 10.7 3.00 <3.28 0.92 SITE-10 N2 62.8574 -148.2131 NA 31.02 8.78 2.7 <3.03 <0.94 SITE-10 N3 62.8572 -148.2134 NA 32.11 10.7 3.42 <3.05 <0.98 SITE-10 N4 62.8576 -148.2129 NA 32.11 7.79 2.5 <2.94 <0.95 SITE-10 N5 62.8571 -148.2136 NA 30.20 9.60 2.9 <3.09 <0.93 ng/g dw = nanograms per gram dry weight ng/g ww = nanograms per gram wet weight Hg= mercury MeHg = methylated mercury STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 51 November 2015 Table 5.3-1. Soil Results EPA Method 1631 (Sed./Soil) EPA Method 1631 (Organic) Location Sample Number Latitude Longitude PRM Soil Description Moss (cm) Peat (cm) Total organics (cm) % Total Solids Total Hg (ng/g dw) Total MeHg (ng/g dw) Total Hg (ng/g dw) Total MeHg (ng/g dw) SITE-1 N-1 62.8206 -148.1557 200.3 Silt with clay 4.50 9.5 14.0 25.05 64.6 0.570 59.0 <3.90 SITE-1 N-2 62.8207 -148.1560 200.3 Silt with clay 6.50 18.0 24.5 19.59 60.8 1.30 50.0 <4.70 SITE-1 N-3 62.8206 -148.1553 200.3 Silt with clay 5.00 13.0 18.0 20.68 50.7 0.283 51.6 <4.74 SITE-1 N-4 62.8207 -148.1562 200.3 Silt with clay 3.50 6.5 10.0 21.23 59.6 2.62 57.1 <4.69 SITE-1 N-5 62.8206 -148.1552 200.3 Silt with Clay 4.00 14.5 18.5 41.76 43.9 0.224 39.0 <2.28 SITE-2 N-1 62.7976 -148.0707 203.8 Silt 4.50 8.9 13.4 27.19 59.1 0.365 58.6 <3.50 SITE-2 N-2 62.7975 -148.0706 203.8 Silt 3.60 15.0 18.6 23.69 77.9 0.341 80.5 <4.11 SITE-2 N-3 62.7974 -148.0704 203.8 Clayey silt 8.50 13.0 21.5 27.93 68.3 0.247 59.2 <3.34 SITE-2 N-4 62.7976 -148.0708 203.8 Silt 4.80 19.0 23.8 31.25 68.5 0.214 65.7 <3.07 SITE-2 N-5 62.7973 -148.0703 203.8 Clayey silt 3.80 9.2 13.0 23.55 63.9 0.188 54.5 <4.16 SITE-2 N-6 62.7973 -148.0703 203.8 Clayey silt 3.80 9.2 13.0 19.65 67.0 0.371 51.4 <5.06 SITE-3 N-1 62.7895 -148.0556 208.0 Clayey silt 4.50 28.5 33.0 26.12 64.2 0.469 61.8 <3.76 SITE-3 N-2 62.7895 -148.0561 208.0 Clayey silt 4.50 20.5 25.0 26.02 119 0.210 129 <3.51 SITE-3 N-3 62.7897 -148.0551 208.0 Clayey silt 4.50 15.3 19.8 28.30 107 0.225 89.6 <3.30 SITE-3 N-4 62.7896 -148.0563 208.0 Clayey silt 3.50 9.0 12.5 28.01 105 0.135 106 <3.47 SITE-3 N-5 62.7898 -148.0552 208.0 Clayey silt 7.00 5.0 12.0 27.28 70.1 0.384 64.2 <3.50 SITE-3 N-6 62.7898 -148.0552 208.0 Clayey silt 7.00 5.0 12.0 25.91 73.6 0.280 64.2 <3.66 SITE-4S alt 1 62.7884 -148.0074 206.2 Silt 3.80 6.2 10.0 19.25 48.0 0.424 45.7 <4.98 SITE-4S alt 2 62.7883 -148.0077 206.2 Silt 12.50 4.2 16.7 22.44 48.1 0.213 45.8 <4.60 SITE-4S alt 3 62.7883 -148.0071 206.2 Silt 4.20 8.2 12.4 26.26 58.2 0.228 54.6 <3.48 SITE-4S alt 4 62.7883 -148.0079 206.2 Silt 1.90 0.0 1.9 20.32 50.5 0.325 53.8 <5.37 SITE-4S alt 5 62.7883 -148.0068 206.2 Silt 8.20 6.2 14.4 25.60 46.2 0.257 43.8 <3.71 SITE-4S alt 6 62.7883 -148.0068 206.2 Silt 8.20 6.2 14.4 26.42 43.0 0.102 38.7 <3.61 SITE-5S 1 62.7842 -147.9521 208.2 Silty sand 4.00 4.0 8.0 38.09 60.2 0.267 54.1 <2.73 SITE-5S 2 62.7845 -147.9521 208.2 Clayey silt sand 5.00 8.0 13.0 33.27 40.2 0.159 39.6 <3.27 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 52 November 2015 EPA Method 1631 (Sed./Soil) EPA Method 1631 (Organic) Location Sample Number Latitude Longitude PRM Soil Description Moss (cm) Peat (cm) Total organics (cm) % Total Solids Total Hg (ng/g dw) Total MeHg (ng/g dw) Total Hg (ng/g dw) Total MeHg (ng/g dw) SITE-5S 3 62.7842 -147.9520 208.2 Silty sand 4.50 15.0 19.5 35.95 47.7 0.198 49.8 <2.87 SITE-5S 4 62.7846 -147.9524 208.2 Clayey silty sand 3.80 8.1 11.9 44.67 37.8 0.136 37.3 <2.34 SITE-5S 5 62.7840 -147.9519 208.2 Clayey silt 4.30 2.5 6.8 23.48 74.8 0.171 75.2 <4.33 SITE-6S 1 62.7790 -147.9189 209.8 Silty sand 3.50 1.0 4.5 30.25 37.3 2.55 34.3 8.80 SITE-6S 2 62.7789 -147.9195 209.8 Silty sand 2.50 0.0 2.5 54.53 27.1 0.305 33.3 <1.88 SITE-6S 3 62.7790 -147.9185 209.8 Silt 5.50 2.0 7.5 28.91 35.3 3.97 36.9 8.03 SITE-6S 4 62.7788 -147.9198 209.8 Silty sand 2.00 0.0 2.0 29.87 27.3 0.192 26.8 <3.43 SITE-6S 5 62.7792 -147.9183 209.8 Clayey silt 6.00 10.0 16.0 23.90 33.7 4.34 35.8 6.51 SITE-7 N-1 62.7784 -147.8787 211.5 Silt 4.30 0.0 4.3 18.44 45.2 0.137 49.2 <4.91 SITE-7 N-2 62.7784 -147.8787 211.5 Silt 3.50 0.0 3.5 19.47 60.4 0.252 61.9 <5.34 SITE-7 N-3 62.7786 -147.8787 211.5 Silt 6.00 0.0 6.0 20.71 70.1 0.190 71.0 <5.05 SITE-7 N-4 62.7782 -147.8789 211.5 Silt 4.50 5.0 9.5 23.41 100 0.508 100 <4.22 SITE-7 N-5 62.7787 -147.8789 211.5 Silt 3.80 0.0 3.8 23.61 72.8 0.266 75.6 4.05 SITE-7 N-6 62.7787 -147.8789 211.5 Silt 3.80 0.0 3.8 19.50 48.9 0.157 51.3 <5.07 SITE-8 S-1 62.7728 -147.8483 212.5 Silt 3.50 0.0 3.5 37.62 42.4 1.10 42.7 2.67 SITE-8 S-2 62.7729 -147.8481 212.5 Silt 4.00 0.0 4.0 26.54 77.8 0.349 65.6 <3.63 SITE-8 S-3 62.7725 -147.8484 212.5 Silt 4.00 0.0 4.0 42.70 44.8 0.681 48.0 <2.48 SITE-8 S-4 62.7731 -147.8480 212.5 Clayey Silt 3.80 0.0 3.8 28.67 52.6 0.193 54.9 3.62 SITE-8 S-5 62.7724 -147.8486 212.5 Clayey silt 3.50 0.0 3.5 35.36 59.8 2.37 59.3 2.99 SITE-9 N-1 62.85085 -148.2314 NA Clayey silt 3.50 7.5 11.0 27.66 44.9 0.096 44.5 <3.40 SITE-9 N-2 62.85083 -148.2316 NA Silt 3.00 6.5 9.5 32.48 106 0.218 109 <2.81 SITE-9 N-3 62.85089 -148.2311 NA Silt 3.50 11.5 15.0 17.51 30.6 0.189 36.5 <5.22 SITE-9 N-4 62.85104 -148.2317 NA Clayey silt 4.00 9.5 13.5 25.17 49.8 0.205 40.0 <3.85 SITE-9 N-5 62.85074 -148.2310 NA Clayey silt 6.00 7.5 13.5 30.99 42.3 0.182 47.3 <3.09 SITE-9 N-6 62.85074 -148.2310 NA Clayey Silt 6.00 7.5 13.5 26.73 49.9 0.193 53.7 <3.69 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 53 November 2015 EPA Method 1631 (Sed./Soil) EPA Method 1631 (Organic) Location Sample Number Latitude Longitude PRM Soil Description Moss (cm) Peat (cm) Total organics (cm) % Total Solids Total Hg (ng/g dw) Total MeHg (ng/g dw) Total Hg (ng/g dw) Total MeHg (ng/g dw) SITE-10 N-1 62.8577 -148.2133 NA Clayey Silt 7.00 6.5 13.5 27.14 97.4 1.67 67.1 <3.47 SITE-10 N-2 62.8574 -148.2131 NA Clayey silt 5.50 7.5 13.0 27.85 69.6 0.539 67.7 <3.43 SITE-10 N-3 62.8572 -148.2134 NA Clayey silt 4.50 6.8 11.3 29.75 84.5 0.843 76.3 <3.08 SITE-10 N-4 62.8576 -148.2129 NA Clayey silt 4.50 6.5 11.0 25.24 81.7 0.321 75.5 <3.83 SITE-10 N-5 62.8571 -148.2136 NA Clayey silt 2.5 1.5 4.0 23.98 55.0 0.689 53.3 <4.14 NA = not applicable - site is inside inundation zone, but equidistant from more than one part of the river. PRM = project river mile cm = centimeter ng/g dw = nanograms per gram dry weight STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 54 November 2015 Table 5.4-1 Surface Water Results Baseline Water Quality Location PRM Month N Min Total Hg (ng/L) Max Total Hg (ng/L) Mean Total Hg (ng/L) Min Dissolved Hg (ng/L) Max Dissolved Hg (ng/L) Mean Dissolved Hg (ng/L) Susitna Station 29.9 June 2013 6 22.6 29.1 25.9 <0.5 0.642 <0.5 July 2013 6 27.4 32.1 29.1 All samples <0.5 August 2013 6 15.9 26.5 21.4 All samples <0.5 September 2013 6 6.90 16.3 12.7 0.799 1.48 0.989 January 2014 1 2.26 2.26 2.26 1.19 1.19 1.19 March 2014 2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 June 2014 1 18.7 18.7 18.7 NA NA NA July 2014 1 14.1 14.1 14.1 NA NA NA August 2014 1 25.1 25.1 25.1 NA NA NA September 2014 1 6.09 6.09 6.09 NA NA NA Yentna River 32.5 June 2013 4 30.6 27.2 28.7 0.523 0.874 0.729 July 2013 6 27.1 33.6 29.4 <0.5 0.680 <0.5 August 2013 6 14.4 21.5 17.8 All samples <0.5 September 2013 6 14.0 19.2 15.3 0.581 0.809 0.683 June 2014 1 13.6 13.6 13.6 NA NA NA July 2014 1 8.43 8.43 8.43 NA NA NA August 2014 1 31.4 31.4 31.4 NA NA NA September 2014 1 10.6 10.6 10.6 NA NA NA Susitna above Yentna 33.6 June 2013 6 37.5 44.9 41.5 0.712 1.23 0.866 July 2013 6 56.3 66.6 60.7 0.653 0.743 0.696 August 2013 6 25.3 33.7 29.3 <0.5 1.59 0.517 September 2013 6 9.82 60.5 19.7 <0.5 0.720 0.513 June 2014 1 8.37 8.37 8.37 NA NA NA July 2014 1 13.6 13.6 13.6 NA NA NA August 2014 1 13.4 13.4 13.4 NA NA NA September 2014 1 3.18 3.18 3.18 NA NA NA Deshka River 45.1 June 2013 6 1.00 1.64 1.22 0.713 0.838 0.810 July 2013 5 1.11 1.54 1.25 1.00 1.34 1.25 August 2013 5 0.923 1.31 1.13 0.650 1.31 0.783 September 2013 5 3.75 4.17 3.98 2.91 3.36 3.14 June 2014 1 1.09 1.09 1.09 NA NA NA STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 55 November 2015 Location PRM Month N Min Total Hg (ng/L) Max Total Hg (ng/L) Mean Total Hg (ng/L) Min Dissolved Hg (ng/L) Max Dissolved Hg (ng/L) Mean Dissolved Hg (ng/L) July 2014 1 1.26 1.26 1.26 NA NA NA August 2014 1 0.58 0.58 0.58 NA NA NA September 2014 1 0.99 0.99 0.99 NA NA NA Susitna 59.9 June 2013 5 51.7 58.7 55.8 <0.5 0.892 0.632 July 2013 5 28.0 34.3 30.8 <0.5 0.674 <0.5 August 2013 5 24.8 28.7 27.6 <0.5 2.15 0.630 September 2013 5 6.48 7.55 6.88 All samples <0.5 June 2014 1 10.4 10.4 10.4 NA NA NA July 2014 1 10.8 10.8 10.8 NA NA NA August 2014 1 13.3 13.3 13.3 NA NA NA September 2014 1 2.75 2.75 2.75 NA NA NA Susitna at Parks Highway East 87.8 June 2013 5 51.0 80.1 66.8 <0.5 0.815 0.5 July 2013 5 33.4 60.2 39.9 <0.5 0.558 <0.5 August 2013 5 26.5 32.4 29.3 <0.5 1.54 0.618 September 2013 6 12.3 22.4 18.4 0.599 0.762 0.700 January 2014 1 1.18 1.18 1.18 0.636 0.636 0.636 March 2014 1 All samples <0.5 All samples <0.5 June 2014 1 21.1 21.1 21.1 NA NA NA July 2014 1 5.8 5.8 5.8 NA NA NA August 2014 1 14.8 14.8 14.8 NA NA NA September 2014 1 3.49 3.49 3.49 NA NA NA Talkeetna River 102.8 June 2013 4 40.6 67.3 51.1 1.07 1.15 1.12 July 2013 3 NS NS NS 0.912 2.54 1.48 August 2013 3 57.4 78.3 67.9 0.509 0.855 0.709 September 2013 4 4.3 28.4 13.0 0.768 1.06 0.880 June 2014 1 2.64 2.64 2.64 NA NA NA July 2014 1 18.5 18.5 18.5 NA NA NA August 2014 1 23.0 23.0 23.0 NA NA NA September 2014 1 2.66 2.66 2.66 NA NA NA June 2013 6 13.2 17.9 14.8 <0.5 1.21 0.640 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 56 November 2015 Location PRM Month N Min Total Hg (ng/L) Max Total Hg (ng/L) Mean Total Hg (ng/L) Min Dissolved Hg (ng/L) Max Dissolved Hg (ng/L) Mean Dissolved Hg (ng/L) Talkeetna 107.0 July 2013 5 12.2 13.1 12.8 <0.5 0.819 <0.5 August 2013 5 18.3 25.3 19.2 <0.5 1.11 0.511 September 2013 6 11.0 14.7 12.9 <0.5 0.668 0.524 June 2014 1 2.39 2.39 2.39 NA NA NA July 2014 1 3.65 3.65 3.65 NA NA NA August 2014 1 2.36 2.36 2.36 NA NA NA September 2014 1 1.02 1.02 1.02 NA NA NA Chulitna River 118.6 June 2013 6 38.8 54.5 47.1 0.563 0.874 0.660 July 2013 6 35.3 52.4 41.0 <0.5 1.57 0.549 August 2013 6 32.4 45.3 38.3 <0.5 3.54 0.798 September 2013 6 19.1 39.1 29.7 0.632 0.898 0.779 June 2014 1 24.6 24.6 24.6 NA NA NA July 2014 1 23.2 23.2 23.2 NA NA NA August 2014 1 27.1 27.1 27.1 NA NA NA September 2014 1 4.95 4.95 4.95 NA NA NA Curry Fishwheel Camp 124.2 June 2013 6 11.1 15.8 12.9 <0.5 0.612 <0.5 July 2013 6 12.7 16.0 14.2 <0.5 2.28 1.39 August 2013 6 15.2 18.5 17.1 <0.5 0.521 <0.5 September 2013 6 4.84 6.04 5.25 <0.5 0.669 <0.5 June 2014 1 3.41 3.41 3.41 NA NA NA July 2014 1 4.98 4.98 4.98 NA NA NA August 2014 1 2.81 2.81 2.81 NA NA NA September 2014 1 1.09 1.09 1.09 NA NA NA Gold Creek 140.1 June 2013 6 14.3 21.1 18.1 <0.5 0.631 <0.5 July 2013 5 10.5 12.3 11.2 0.501 0.815 0.576 August 2013 6 15.3 16.7 16.0 <0.5 0.664 <0.5 September 2013 5 3.41 8.54 5.30 <0.5 0.637 <0.5 January 2014 3 0.57 1.04 0.763 <0.5 0.524 <0.5 March 2014 1 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 57 November 2015 Location PRM Month N Min Total Hg (ng/L) Max Total Hg (ng/L) Mean Total Hg (ng/L) Min Dissolved Hg (ng/L) Max Dissolved Hg (ng/L) Mean Dissolved Hg (ng/L) June 2014 1 3.72 3.72 3.72 NA NA NA July 2014 1 5.08 5.08 5.08 NA NA NA August 2014 1 2.36 2.36 2.36 NA NA NA September 2014 1 1.53 1.53 1.53 NA NA NA Indian River 142.2 June 2013 6 15.8 25.0 20.8 <0.5 0.658 0.536 July 2013 6 9.09 10.9 10.2 <0.5 0.704 <0.5 August 2013 5 17.9 21.3 19.8 <0.5 0.949 <0.5 September 2013 6 3.34 9.75 5.52 0.513 4.02 1.16 June 2014 1 3.78 3.78 3.78 NA NA NA July 2014 1 9.69 9.69 9.69 NA NA NA August 2014 1 2.07 2.07 2.07 NA NA NA September 2014 1 1.69 1.69 1.69 NA NA NA Susitna above Indian River 142.3 June 2013 5 11.9 15.6 13.4 <0.5 0.683 0.538 July 2013 4 7.74 8.74 8.15 <0.5 1.01 0.511 August 2013 5 19.0 23.1 20.7 <0.5 0.851 0.602 September 2013 6 3.22 5.37 4.06 0.521 0.699 0.594 June 2014 1 3.31 3.31 3.31 NA NA NA July 2014 1 4.50 4.50 4.50 NA NA NA August 2014 1 3.44 3.44 3.44 NA NA NA September 2014 1 1.92 1.92 1.92 NA NA NA Portage Creek 152.3 July 2013 6 17.8 23.0 20.5 All samples <0.5 August 2013 6 3.69 30.6 19.7 <0.5 0.583 <0.5 September 2013 6 1.75 4.84 3.68 0.723 2.20 1.29 June 2014 1 3.86 3.86 3.86 NA NA NA July 2014 1 3.74 3.74 3.74 NA NA NA August 2014 1 1.76 1.76 1.76 NA NA NA September 2014 1 1.77 1.77 1.77 NA NA NA Susitna above Portage 152.7 July 2013 6 19.6 22.9 21.9 All samples <0.5 August 2013 6 23.2 25.8 24.4 <0.5 0.672 <0.5 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 58 November 2015 Location PRM Month N Min Total Hg (ng/L) Max Total Hg (ng/L) Mean Total Hg (ng/L) Min Dissolved Hg (ng/L) Max Dissolved Hg (ng/L) Mean Dissolved Hg (ng/L) September 2013 6 4.23 5.50 4.88 0.801 0.958 0.871 June 2014 1 5.20 5.20 5.20 NA NA NA July 2014 1 6.39 6.39 6.39 NA NA NA August 2014 1 3.32 3.32 3.32 NA NA NA September 2014 1 2.94 2.94 2.94 NA NA NA Susitna 174.0 August 2014 2 2.32 10.0 6.16 All samples <0.5 September 2014 1 2.99 2.99 2.99 1.70 1.70 1.70 Susitna at Watana Dam 187.2 June 2013 1 22.0 22.0 22.0 All samples <0.5 July 2013 1 12.6 12.6 12.6 0.722 0.722 0.722 August 2013 2 11.3 12.6 11.7 <0.5 1.17 0.629 September 2013 1 3.31 3.31 3.31 1.46 1.46 1.46 185.01 January 2014 1 0.784 0.784 0.784 All samples <0.5 March 2014 1 0.536 0.536 0.536 All samples <0.5 187.2 June 2014 1 3.40 3.40 3.40 NA NA NA July 2014 1 3.53 3.53 3.53 NA NA NA August 2014 1 2.81 2.81 2.81 NA NA NA September 2014 1 0.83 0.83 0.83 NA NA NA Oshetna River 235.2 June 2013 1 22.2 22.2 22.2 0.762 0.762 0.762 July 2013 1 15.6 15.6 15.6 0.971 0.971 0.971 August 2013 1 3.43 3.43 3.43 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 September 2013 1 3.15 3.15 3.15 1.57 1.57 1.57 225.01 January 2014 1 0.705 0.705 0.705 0.525 0.525 0.525 March 2014 1 All samples <0.5 All samples <0.5 235.2 June 2014 1 2.94 2.94 2.94 NA NA NA July 2014 1 3.16 3.16 3.16 NA NA NA August 2014 1 0.99 0.99 0.99 NA NA NA September 2014 1 3.09 3.09 3.09 NA NA NA 1 alternate winter sample location based on limited site access STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 59 November 2015 Table 5.4-2. Surface Water Results Focus Areas Location PRM Month N Min Total Hg (ng/L) Max Total Hg (ng/L) Mean Total Hg (ng/L) Min Dissolved MeHg (ng/L) Max Dissolved MeHg (ng/L) Mean Dissolved MeHg (ng/L) Whiskers Slough 104 July 28, 2013 14 11.3 14.5 12.2 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 August 11 2013 14 5.8 19.4 10.1 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 August 30, 2013 14 13.4 24.7 17.9 <0.020 0.08 <0.020 July 24, 2014 6 1.94 4.05 2.86 NS NS NS September 17, 2014 6 3.88 5.03 4.51 NS NS NS Oxbow 1 113 July 27, 2013 8 11.5 13.9 12.5 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 August 10, 2013 8 8.76 14.9 12.4 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 August 20, 2013 8 18.2 23.0 20.2 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 July 17, 2014 3 3.69 4.21 3.96 NS NS NS September 16, 2014 3 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 NS NS NS Lane Creek 115 July 26, 2013 14 11.4 20.8 13.5 <0.020 0.025 <0.020 August 9, 2013 14 11.9 14.4 12.7 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 August 24, 2013 14 7.07 14.9 9.5 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 July 17, 2014 6 3.63 4.63 4.21 NS NS NS September 6, 2014 6 3.06 3.38 3.21 NS NS NS Skull Creek Complex 128 July 25, 2013 11 11.1 15.0 12.3 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 August 8, 2013 11 8.49 12.0 10.1 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 August 25, 2013 11 6.54 11.4 7.90 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 July 17, 2014 5 4.19 5.31 4.85 NS NS NS September 16, 2014 5 0.89 1.22 1.02 NS NS NS Gold Creek 138 July 24, 2013 6 10.5 14.8 12.4 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 August 7, 2013 6 9.83 10.5 10.2 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 August 23, 2013 6 4.92 5.60 5.30 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 July 16, 2014 2 3.6 15.3 9.45 NS NS NS September 14, 2014 2 0.83 1.43 1.13 NS NS NS Indian River 141 July 23, 2013 9 10.9 13.4 12.3 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 August 6, 2013 9 9.33 12.9 11.4 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 August 22, 2013 9 25.5 84.3 47.2 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 July 15, 2014 3 7.05 9.87 8.13 NS NS NS September 10, 2014 3 1.23 1.35 1.28 NS NS NS STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 60 November 2015 Location PRM Month N Min Total Hg (ng/L) Max Total Hg (ng/L) Mean Total Hg (ng/L) Min Dissolved MeHg (ng/L) Max Dissolved MeHg (ng/L) Mean Dissolved MeHg (ng/L) Side Channel 21 144 July 22, 2013 10 13.8 25.5 16.3 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 August 5, 2013 10 13.9 15.7 14.6 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 August 21, 2013 10 15.3 47.2 26.2 <0.020 0.085 <0.020 July 15, 2014 3 6.72 8.46 7.51 NS NS NS September 10, 2014 3 0.95 1.21 1.04 NS NS NS PRM = project river mile N = number of samples Hg = mercury MeHg = methylmercury ng/L = nanograms per liter < = detection limit Max = maximum Min = minimum NS = not sampled STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 61 November 2015 Table 5.5-1. Sediment and Porewater Results Location Latitude Longitude PRM % solids Total Hg Sediment (ng/g dw) TOC Sediment (% dry) Total Hg Porewater (ng/L) TOC Porewater (mg/L) Fog Creek 62.77542 -148.71762 179.3 78.1 14.1 <0.05 0.58 1.87 62.77553 -148.71740 179.3 80.7 8.59 <0.05 0.54 1.60 62.77583 -148.71697 179.3 82.1 11.8 <0.05 0.55 1.54 Tsusena Creek 62.82242 -148.61498 184.6 79.9 1.71 <0.05 0.82 0.777 62.82315 -148.61578 184.6 79.8 1.75 <0.05 <0.51 0.726 62.82335 -148.61630 184.6 77.9 4.32 0.092 4.49 0.713 Below Dam Site 62.82177 -148.57805 187.1 78.3 5.34 0.141 <0.51 1.7 62.82193 -148.57743 187.1 81.1 5.60 0.188 4.99 8.37 62.82220 -148.57653 187.1 82.3 5.16 0.138 0.73 1.23 Above Dam Site 62.82300 -148.53540 187.3 80.9 17.4 0.072 0.70 3.68 62.82320 -148.53567 187.3 80.0 4.10 0.094 0.99 5.93 62.82317 -148.53640 187.3 80.1 3.73 0.084 1.90 4.54 Deadman Creek 62.82942 -148.47590 189.3 82.6 1.00 <0.05 0.66 1.36 62.82942 -148.47643 189.3 82.0 1.31 <0.05 <0.51 1.37 62.82930 -148.47867 189.3 84.3 1.08 <0.05 0.65 1.14 Watana Creek 62.82923 -148.25803 196.8 80.6 6.86 <0.05 0.63 1.70 62.82943 -148.25895 196.8 77.4 8.49 0.053 <0.51 2.04 62.82953 -148.25927 196.8 80.1 12.1 0.364 <0.51 1.64 Kosina Creek 62.78349 -147.94318 209.1 70.9 13.6 0.215 <0.50 1.92 62.78342 -147.94299 209.1 78.3 2.09 0.058 0.529 1.73 62.78288 -147.94221 209.1 82.8 1.82 0.027 0.814 2.38 Jay Creek 62.77716 -147.88979 211.0 77.5 7.10 0.156 0.527 1.92 62.77729 -147.88992 211.0 75.6 10.1 0.145 0.607 1.73 62.77743 -147.89046 211.0 75.6 14.7 0.145 <0.5 2.38 Goose Creek 62.64403 -147.43614 232.6 72.1 12.2 0.785 1.17 4.53 62.64426 -147.43553 232.6 74.3 8.56 0.144 1.32 4.44 62.64451 -147.43544 232.6 79.4 5.62 0.158 0.886 9.18 Oshetna River 62.63880 -147.38757 235.2 80.5 6.75 0.057 8.69 26.5 62.63852 -147.38806 235.2 85.8 6.59 0.024 9.54 24.9 62.63992 -147.38428 235.2 85.7 5.21 0.046 12.5 1.82 PRM = project river mile. ng/g = nanograms per gram. ng/L = nanograms per liter. mg/L = milligrams per liter. Hg = mercury. TOC = Total organic carbon. dw = dry weight STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 62 November 2015 Table 5.5-2. Sediment and Porewater Results Location Latitude Longitude PRM Soil Type Sieve Results (% passing) #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 Fog Creek 62.77542 -148.71762 179.3 SP 100 100 100 97 61 8 0.8 62.77553 -148.71740 179.3 SP 99 88 53 20 6 1 0.6 62.77583 -148.71697 179.3 SP 96 82 46 7 1 0 0.1 Tsusena Creek 62.82242 -148.61498 184.6 SP 85 73 38 8 2 1 0.8 62.82315 -148.61578 184.6 SP 93 92 70 22 6 2 0.5 62.82335 -148.61630 184.6 SM 100 100 95 82 44 29 15.3 Below Dam Site 62.82177 -148.57805 187.1 SP 100 100 99 71 37 10 0.5 62.82193 -148.57743 187.1 SP 100 100 95 65 33 16 2.3 62.82220 -148.57653 187.1 SP 99 96 88 70 45 21 3.1 Above Dam Site 62.82300 -148.53540 187.3 SP 98 98 91 36 8 3 2.7 62.82320 -148.53567 187.3 SP-SM 100 100 100 98 74 28 6.3 62.82317 -148.53640 187.3 SP 100 100 100 96 66 13 1.4 Deadman Creek 62.82942 -148.47590 189.3 SP 100 99 59 11 2 0 0.2 62.82942 -148.47643 189.3 SP 99 97 78 36 10 2 0.7 62.82930 -148.47867 189.3 SP 84 82 69 26 8 3 1.0 Watana Creek 62.82923 -148.25803 196.8 GP 44 36 27 16 7 3 1.2 62.82943 -148.25895 196.8 SP 100 99 95 80 32 7 1.6 62.82953 -148.25927 196.8 ML 96 95 93 89 83 71 50.5 Kosina Creek 62.78349 -147.94318 209.1 SP-SM 81 77 68 48 30 17 5.2 62.78342 -147.94299 209.1 SP 87 76 48 19 9 6 3.1 62.78288 -147.94221 209.1 SP 66 45 24 12 7 2 0.6 Jay Creek 62.77716 -147.88979 211.0 SM 88 83 78 76 71 55 21.2 62.77729 -147.88992 211.0 SM 99 94 88 80 70 58 28.9 62.77743 -147.89046 211.0 SM 100 100 99 97 95 78 25.7 Goose Creek 62.64403 -147.43614 232.6 SM 92 91 68 71 57 37 16.9 62.64426 -147.43553 232.6 SM 78 73 68 66 64 52 26.5 62.64451 -147.43544 232.6 SP-SM 96 95 81 45 25 15 6.0 Oshetna River 62.63880 -147.38757 235.2 SP 63 46 34 27 14 6 2.8 62.63852 -147.38806 235.2 SW 62 35 23 15 6 2 1.4 62.63992 -147.38428 235.2 GP 40 27 15 8 4 2 1.2 PRM = project river mile. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 63 November 2015 Table 5.6-1 Results for Mammal Samples Mammal % Solids Total Hg (ng/g dw) Total Hg (ng/g ww) Mink Fur 1 28.22 7,670 2,170 Mink Fur 2 47.23 6,530 2,970 Otter Fur 1 24.48 6,330 1,610 Otter Fur 2 (4 strands) 28.84 NA 417 NA = not analyzed ng/g = nanograms per gram dw = dry weight ww = wet weight Hg = mercury STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 64 November 2015 Table 5.7-1. Lake Trout Analytical Results Drainage Latitude Longitude PRM Sample Date Fish Fork Length (mm) Fish Weight (g) Estimated Age (yr.) % Solids THg (ng/g dw) THg (ng/g ww) MeHg (ng/g dw) MeHg (ng/g ww) Sally Lake 62.8381 -148.1907 194.1 8/5/2012 510 1806 14 22.08 912 201 1000 222 430 1082 8 28.66 633 181 631 181 Deadman Lake 63.0076 -148.2364 NA 09/20/13 625 2200 26 21.83 2920 637 2860 624 450 1000 9 25.94 609 158 603 156 460 1000 9 27.29 633 173 548 149 590 1600 22 20.12 2140 431 2140 430 455 800 9 22.63 747 169 907 205 355 1300 6 22.39 612 137 645 145 380 500 7 22.91 592 136 563 129 PRM = project river mile; NA = not applicable; mm = millimeters; g = grams; yr. = year; THg = total mercury; MeHg = methylmercury, ng/g = nanograms per gram. ww= wet weight. dw = dry weight. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 65 November 2015 Table 5.7-2. LNS Analytical Results Drainage Latitude Longitude PRM Sample Date Fish Length (mm) Fish Weight (g) Estimated Age (yr.) % Solids THg (ng/g dw) THg (ng/g ww) MeHg (ng/g dw) MeHg (ng/g ww) Oshetna River 62.639 -147.382 235.2 8/13/2013 350 500 9 23.50 295 67.9 313 72.1 430 380 >10 24.15 471 114 420 101 340 370 8 18.00 579 104 546 98.3 315 350 7 22.43 188 42.2 167 37.5 8/14/2013 350 355 9 21.48 640 138 644 138 Upper Susitna 62.834 -148.301 195.5 8/9/2013 320 303 7 22.65 161 36.4 152 34.4 Upper Susitna 62.754 -147.720 217.1 9/12/2013 330 371 8 21.63 153 33.1 137 29.7 PRM = project river mile; NA = not applicable; mm = millimeters; g = grams; yr. = year; THg = total mercury; MeHg = methylmercury, ng/g = nanograms per gram, ww= wet weight. dw = dry weight STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 66 November 2015 Table 5.7-3. Dolly Varden Analytical Results Drainage Latitude Longitude Sample Date Fish Length (mm) Fish Weight (g) Estimated Age (yr.) % Solids THg (ng/g dw) THg (ng/g ww) MeHg (ng/g dw) MeHg (ng/g ww) Upper Watana Creek 62.9107 -147.9714 9/18/2013 187 55 4 23.59 88.3 20.8 82.3 19.0 204 70 4 20.78 120 24.9 107 22.3 -147.8966 10/3/2013 195 64 4 23.33 359 83.7 360 83.9 -147.9349 10/3/2013 194 68 3 24.35 255 62.0 214 52.2 186 57 4 21.94 218 47.9 222 48.6 196 69 4 27.18 172 46.7 139 37.8 PRM = project river mile; NA = not applicable; mm = millimeters; g = grams; yr. = year; THg = total mercury; MeHg = methylmercury, ng/g = nanograms per gram; ww = wet weight; dw = dry weight STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 67 November 2015 Table 5.7-4. Arctic Grayling Analytical Results Drainage Latitude Longitude PRM Sample Date Fish Length (mm) Fish Weight (g) Est. Age (yr.) % Solids THg (ng/g dw) THg (ng/g ww) MeHg (ng/g dw) MeHg (ng/g ww) Watana Creek 62.9034 -148.1185 194.1 8/11/2012 248 148 4 24.72 78.1 19.3 102 25.1 62.9034 -148.1185 194.1 8/11/2012 340 385 8 26.54 143 38.1 117 31.0 Kosina Creek 62.8921 -148.1365 209.2 6/25/2013 160 102 2 19.76 126 24.9 101 19.9 62.8921 -148.1365 209.2 6/25/2013 225 233 3 21.45 142 30.5 107 22.9 62.8921 -148.1365 209.2 6/25/2013 155 84 1.5 21.38 97.0 20.7 79.6 17.0 62.8921 -148.1365 209.2 6/25/2013 185 125 2.5 19.34 142 27.4 113 21.8 62.8921 -148.1365 209.2 6/25/2013 220 250 2.5 20.99 176 37.1 145 30.4 62.8921 -148.1365 209.2 6/25/2013 180 119 2.5 23.22 125 29.0 86.4 20.1 62.8921 -148.1365 209.2 6/25/2013 170 106 2 21.38 126 27.0 92.0 19.7 62.8921 -148.1365 209.2 6/25/2013 215 221 3 22.68 215 48.8 158 35.8 62.8921 -148.1365 209.2 6/25/2013 215 241 3 22.49 272 61.3 213 47.8 62.8921 -148.1365 209.2 6/25/2013 235 269 4 20.62 185 38.1 159 32.9 62.7827 -147.9417 209.2 8/4/2013 300 300 6 21.87 326 71.4 334 73.1 62.7560 -147.9552 209.2 8/4/2013 330 320 8 20.67 421 87.1 395 81.7 62.7560 -147.9552 209.2 8/4/2013 310 251 7 18.79 533 100 452 84.9 Oshetna River 62.6394 -147.3813 235.2 6/25/2013 75 12 0.5 20.98 180 37.7 139 29.2 PRM = project river mile; NA = not applicable; mm = millimeters; g = grams; yr. = year; THg = total mercury; MeHg = methylmercury, ng/g = nanograms per gram; dw= dry weight; ww = wet weight. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 68 November 2015 Table 5.7-5. Burbot Muscle Tissue Analytical Results Drainage Latitude Longitude PRM Sample Date Fish Length (mm) Fish Weight (g) Est. Age (yr.) % Solids THg (ng/g dw) THg (ng/g ww) MeHg (ng/g dw) MeHg (ng/g ww) Upper Susitna 62.8308 -148.4666 186.8 8/5/2012 410 553 5 19.85 200 39.6 207 41.1 62.8346 -148.3017 192.6 8/3/2012 410 553 5 18.56 297 54.7 321 59.5 62.8246 -148.4226 195.3 8/9/2013 443 541 5 22.13 338 74.7 298 66.0 62.8284 -148.3713 193.1 8/28/2013 454 503 5 19.26 311 59.9 239 46.1 62.6966 -147.5645 224.3 8/16/2013 467 470 4 20.72 547 113 474 98.3 62.7528 -147.7208 217.1 8/17/2013 390 362 3.5 20.78 324 67.3 242 50.2 62.7608 -147.7938 214.7 10/4/2013 451 437 4 19.58 513 100 461 90.3 62.7608 -147.7938 214.7 10/4/2013 417 312 3 18.84 498 93.8 423 79.7 PRM = project river mile; NA = not applicable; mm = millimeters; g = grams; yr. = year; THg = total mercury; MeHg = methylmercury, ng/g = nanograms per gram; dw = dry weight; ww = wet weight Table 5.7-6. Burbot Liver Analytical Results Drainage Latitude Longitude PRM Sample Date Fish Length (mm) Fish Weight (g) Est. Age (yr.) % Solids THg (ng/g dw) THg (ng/g ww) MeHg (ng/g dw) MeHg (ng/g ww) Upper Susitna 62.8246 -148.4226 195.3 8/9/2013 443 541 5 38.72 44.3 17.1 43.5 16.8 62.8284 -148.3713 193.1 8/28/2013 454 503 5 46.39 31.6 14.7 31.1 14.4 62.6966 -147.5645 224.3 8/16/2013 467 470 4 46.97 47.1 22.1 34.4 16.1 62.7528 -147.7208 217.1 8/17/2013 390 362 3.5 30.88 106 32.6 94.0 29.0 62.7608 -147.7938 214.7 10/4/2013 451 437 4 18.39 241 44.2 199 36.6 62.7608 -147.7938 214.7 10/4/2013 417 312 3 17.91 200 35.9 170 30.5 PRM = project river mile; NA = not applicable; mm = millimeters; g = grams; yr. = year; THg = total mercury; MeHg = methylmercury, ng/g = nanograms per gram; dw = dry weight; ww = wet weight STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 69 November 2015 Table 5.7-7. Slimy Sculpin (Whole Body) Analytical Results Drainage Latitude Longitude PRM Sample Date Fish Length (mm) Fish Weight (g) % Solids THg (ng/g dw) THg (ng/g ww) MeHg (ng/g dw) MeHg (ng/g ww) Upper Susitna 62.7302 -147.6672 219.5 9/12/2013 85 5 24.02 165 39.7 137 33.0 62.7302 -147.6672 219.5 9/12/2013 86 5 22.01 387 85.1 248 54.5 62.7302 -147.6672 219.5 9/12/2013 87 5.3 23.05 158 36.4 102 23.4 62.8006 -148.1006 202.7 9/16/2013 100 6.6 23.81 159 37.9 220 52.3 62.8006 -148.1006 202.7 9/16/2013 87 5.4 22.39 104 23.3 121 27.0 62.8006 -148.1006 202.7 9/16/2013 92 6.9 22.71 125 28.3 117 26.5 62.8330 -148.3018 195.5 9/18/2013 74 3.4 25.71 149 38.3 146 37.5 PRM = project river mile; NA = not applicable; mm = millimeters; g = grams; yr. = year; THg = total mercury; MeHg = methylmercury, ng/g = nanograms per gram; dw = dry weight; ww = wet weight STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 70 November 2015 Table 5.7-8. Whitefish (sp.) Analytical Results Drainage Latitude Longitude PRM Sample Date Fish Length (mm) Fish Weight (g) Est. Age (yr.) % Total Solids THg (ng/g dw) THg (ng/g ww) MeHg (ng/g dw) MeHg (ng/g ww) Watana Creek 62.861 -148.200 194.1 8/30/2013 278 155 4 25.54 150 38.3 136 34.8 Upper Susitna 62.826 -148.442 190.7 8/29/2013 309 258 6 24.94 177 44.2 175 43.6 62.730 -147.668 219.5 8/16/2013 450 415 20 26.39 262 69.1 225 59.4 62.775 -147.857 212.3 8/18/2013 372 495 10 30.68 332 102 258 79.3 62.781 -147.922 209.9 8/18/2013 317 310 6 28.56 137 39.2 116 33.2 62.645 -147.405 233.9 9/10/2013 140 256 1 23.40 350 81.8 279 65.4 62.645 -147.405 233.9 9/10/2013 175 263 1.5 26.53 208 55.3 167 44.2 62.645 -147.405 233.9 9/10/2013 342 365 8 27.98 171 47.9 131 36.6 62.782 -148.049 205.1 9/16/2013 355 470 9 27.64 201 55.6 219 60.5 Kosina Creek 62.756 -147.996 209.2 8/14/2013 365b 340 10 23.97 379 90.8 269 64.5 Oshetna River 62.640 -147.383 235.2 8/13/2013 190b 57.1 1 23.95 76.5 18.3 126 30.2 62.640 -147.383 235.2 8/13/2013 340a 370 8 31.74 273 86.6 281 89.2 62.639 -147.381 235.2 6/26/2013 130 55 1 21.10 26.9 5.68 25.2 5.31 All fish are round whitefish with the exception of a (humpback whitefish) and b (whitefish species unknown). PRM = project river mile; NA = not applicable; mm = millimeters; g = grams; yr. = year; THg = total mercury; MeHg = methylmercury, ng/g = nanograms per gram; dw = dry weight; ww = wet weight STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 71 November 2015 Table 5.8-1. Predicted Peak MeHg Concentrations in Fish Species N Predicted peak increase factor (relative increase) Current Mean Total Hg in fish tissue (ng/g ww) Predicted Peak Mean Total Hg in fish tissue (ng/g ww) Lake Trout 9 4.25 247 1,047 Arctic Grayling 16 2.75 44 121 Dolly Varden 7 2.75 43 119 Slimy Sculpin 7 2.75 41 114 Round Whitefish 14 2.75 57 157 Burbot 6 4.25 68 289 Longnose Sucker 7 2.75 77 212 Calculation performed using formula from Harris and Hutchison (2008) MeHg = methylmercury N = sample number Hg = mercury ng/g ww = nanograms per gram wet weight STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 72 November 2015 Table 5.8-2. Factors that Influence Potential Bioavailability of MeHg Fate Processes Affecting Methylation of Mercury Evaluating Potential for Bioavailability of Mercury under Existing Conditions Likelihood of Increasing Methylation under Existing Conditions and Potential for Bioavailability Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Selenium (in sediment) Presence of selenium in sediments reduce potential for toxic effects of mercury by complexing. Mercury selenide (HgSe) is formed and reduces toxic effects of mercury, when present. Selenium is present and in higher concentrations than mercury in sediment. Formation of HgSe is likely and will reduce potential for bioavailability. X Dissolved Oxygen Anaerobic conditions enhance microbial respiration that increases the rate of mercury methylation. Anaerobic conditions are characterized by low pH and low dissolved oxygen concentrations. Oxygen concentrations at the sediment/surface water interface are within water quality standards. The exception was at a single sample point on Oshetna River. X pH Mobilization of mercury from sediments tends to occur in the presence of surface water conditions with low pH. Adsorption of bioavailable mercury (dissolved) in the water column to organic particles is minimized under conditions with low pH. All pH readings at the surface water sediment interface were within water quality standards and unlikely have an effect on release of mercury from sediments. X Temperature Rate of microbial respiration may be enhanced with increased water temperature. Warmer water temperatures promote lower dissolved oxygen concentrations. Water temperatures at the sediment/surface water interface were consistently below the water quality standard at these Upper River sampling sites. X Redox Potential Redox potential is primarily a function of oxides or sulfides present in sediments which is, in turn, a function of the oxygen concentration in the overlying water (Chapman et al. 2003). Surface water redox potential near the sediment was high at all sample points. The potential for bioavailable mercury is low under existing conditions. X STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 73 November 2015 Table 6.1-1 Mercury in Soil and Vegetation Media Hg (ng/g, dw) 39 year old stand Hg (ng/g, dw) 133 year old stand Hg (ng/g dw) 180 year old stand Moss 94.5 108 90.6 Aspen leaves NS 8 NS Spruce needles 9.9 NS NS Aspen bark NS 15.9 NS Jack pine bark 38.6 NS NS Lichen 30.6 74 227.1 Leaf litter 68.3 NS 127.1 Aspen wood NS 2.08 NS White spruce wood 1.86 NS NS Organic soil 100-160 120 - 300 160-250 Mineral soil 9.2 8.8 25.2 Hg = mercury ng/g dw = nanograms per gram dry weight Information from Friedli et al. 2007 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 74 November 2015 Table 6.5-1 Mercury SQuiRT Standards in Sediment NOAA SQuiRT (ng/g) Maximum concentration Observed on Site (ng/g) Background TEC TEL LEL PEC SEL 4-51 189 174 200 1060 2000 17.4 from NOAA (2015). TEL = Threshold Effects Level: A chemical concentration in some item (dose) that is ingested by an organism, above which some effect (or response) will be produced and below which it will not. This item is usually food, but can also be soil, sediment, or surface water that is incidentally (accidentally) ingested as well. TEC = Threshold Effects Concentration: A concentration in media (surface water, sediment, soil) to which a plant or animal is exposed, above which some effect (or response) will be produced and below which it will not LEL = Lowest Effect Level. The lowest level of a chemical stressor evaluated in a toxicity test that shows harmful effects on a plant or animal. PEC = Probable Effects Concentration: The level of a concentration in the media to which a plant or animal is directly exposed that is likely to cause an adverse effect. PEL= Probable Effects Level: A chemical concentration in some item (dose) prey that is ingested by an organism, which is likely to cause an adverse effect. The ingested item is usually food, but can be soil, sediment, or surface water that is incidentally (accidentally) ingested. SEL = Severe Effect Level: is that at which pronounced disturbance of the sediment-dwelling community can be expected. This is the concentration that would be detrimental to the majority of the benthic community. ng/g = nanograms per gram STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 75 November 2015 Table 6.8.1. Comparison Between Predicted Peak MeHg Concentrations in Fish Facility Capacity (MW) Area Flooded (km2) Area Total (km2) Mean Annual Flow (km3/yr.) Predicted piscivorous fish peak increase factor (times background) Predicted non-piscivorous fish increase factor (times background) Susitna-Watana 600 86.74 103.38 7.23 4.24 2.77 Bradley Lake 126 10.43 15.46 0.62 4.27 2.99 Solomon Gulch 12 2.08 2.49 0.11 4.81 3.39 Swan Lake 22.4 1.82 6.07 0.39 2.69 1.67 Terror Lake 20 2.99 4.13 0.22 4.18 2.82 MeHg = methylmercury MW = megawatts Km2 = square kilometers Km3 = cubic kilometers STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 76 November 2015 10. FIGURES STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 77 November 2015 Figure 3.1. Water Quality Sample Locations STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 78 November 2015 Figure 4.2-1. Vegetation and Soil Sampling Locations STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 79 November 2015 Figure 4.2-2. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 1 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 80 November 2015 Figure 4.2-3. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 2 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 81 November 2015 Figure 4.2-4. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 3 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 82 November 2015 Figure 4.2-5. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 4 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 83 November 2015 Figure 4.2-6. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 5 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 84 November 2015 Figure 4.2-7. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 6 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 85 November 2015 Figure 4.2-8. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 7 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 86 November 2015 Figure 4.2-9. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 8 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 87 November 2015 Figure 4.2-10. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 9 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 88 November 2015 Figure 4.2-11. Vegetation and Soil Sample Location: Site 10 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 89 November 2015 Figure 4.2-12. Focus Area Sampling Location Overview STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 90 November 2015 Figure 4.2-13. Example Detail of Focus Area 104: Whiskers Slough STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 91 November 2015 Figure 4.2-14. Detail of Focus Area 113: Oxbow I. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 92 November 2015 Figure 4.2-15. Detail of Focus Area 115: Slough 6A. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 93 November 2015 Figure 4.2-16. Detail of Focus Area 128: Slough 8A. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 94 November 2015 Figure 4.2-17. Detail of Focus Area 138: Gold Creek. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 95 November 2015 Figure 4.2-18. Detail of Focus Area 141: Indian River. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 96 November 2015 Figure 4.2-19. Detail of Focus Area 144: Side Channel 21. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 97 November 2015 Figure 4.2-20. Map of Sediment/Porewater Sampling Locations STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 98 November 2015 Figure 4.2-21. Sediment and Porewater Sample Locations for Goose and Jay Creeks STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 99 November 2015 Figure 4.2-22. Sediment and Porewater Sample Locations for Kosina Creek and Oshetna River STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 100 November 2015 Figure 4.2-23. Sediment and Porewater Sample Locations for Above and Below Dam Site STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 101 November 2015 Figure 4.2-24. Sediment and Porewater Sample Locations for Watana and Tsusena Creeks STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 102 November 2015 Figure 4.2-25. Sediment and Porewater Sample Locations for Deadman and Fog Creeks STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 103 November 2015 Figure 4.2-26. Fish Tissue Sample Collection Locations STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 104 November 2015 Figure 5.1-1. ADEC Fish Tissue Sample Collection Locations STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 105 November 2015 Figure 5.1-2. USGS (Frenzel 2000) Sample Locations STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 106 November 2015 Figure 5.4-1. Total Mercury by Location in Mainstem Susitna River Figure 5.4-2. Total Mercury over Time at Susitna Station (PRM 29.9) 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 50 100 150 200 250Mean Total Hg (ng/L)PRM Jun-14 Sep-14 Susitna Station Watana Dam site 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 May-13 Aug-13 Nov-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14Total Hg (ng/L)Total Mercury Concentration Above Yentna River Oshetna River STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 107 November 2015 Figure 5.6-1. Sample Locations for Piscivorous Mammals STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 108 November 2015 Figure 5.7-1. Lake Trout Fork Length and Age From Burr (1987) and this study Figure 5.7-2. Lake Trout Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30Fork length (mm)Age (years) Various Susitna Drainage Lakes (1966) Deadman Lake (1966) Deadman Lake (2013) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650Total Hg (ng/g dw)Fork Length (mm) STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 109 November 2015 Figure 5.7-3. LNS Fork Length and Age Susitna Middle River Data from APA (1984b) Figure 5.7-4. LNS Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Fork length (mm)Age of Fish (years) LNS Susitna Middle River (1980s) LNS Upper Susitna (This Study) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 250 270 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 450Total Hg (ng/g dw)Fork Length (mm) STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 110 November 2015 Figure 5.7-5. Dolly Varden Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) Figure 5.7-6. Arctic Grayling Fork Length and Age in the Upper Susitna Susitna Middle River Data from APA (1984a) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210Total Hg (ng/g dw)Fish Fork Length (mm) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14Fork length (mm)Age (years) STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 111 November 2015 Figure 5.7-7. Arctic Grayling Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) Figure 5.7-8. Burbot Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400Total Hg (ng/g dw)Fish fork length (mm) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480Total Hg (ng/g dw)Fork Length (mm) STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 112 November 2015 Figure 5.7-9. Slimy Sculpin Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) Figure 5.7-10. Round Whitefish Fork Length and Age Susitna Middle River Data from APA (1984b) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105Total Hg (ng/g dw)Fork Length (mm) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Fork length (mm)Age of Fish (years) Susitna Middle River This Study STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 113 November 2015 Figure 5.7-11. Round Whitefish Fork Length and Total Hg (dw) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500Total Hg (ng/g dw)Fork length (mm) STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 114 November 2015 Figure 5.8-1. Factors that Effect Mercury Bioconcentration and Bioaccumulation. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 115 November 2015 Figure 5.8-2. Potential Mercury Processes Under Existing Conditions. Figure 5.8-3. Sediment Mercury Concentrations Under Existing Conditions 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Sediment Mercury (ng/g)Sample Pt. 1 Sample Pt. 2 Sample Pt. 3 SQuiRT:Threshold Effects Level = 174 ng/g STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 116 November 2015 Figure 5.8-4. Porewater Mercury Concentrations Under Existing Conditions. Figure 5.8-5. Sediment Selenium Concentrations Under Existing Conditions. 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Porewater Dissolved Mercury (ng/L)Sample Pt. 1 Sample Pt. 2 Sample Pt. 3 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Sediment Selenium (mg/kg)Sample Pt. 1 Sample Pt. 2 Sample Pt. 3 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 117 November 2015 Figure 5.8-6. Surface Water pH Conditions at Sediment Interface Under Existing Conditions. Figure 5.8-7. Surface Water Temperature Conditions at Sediment Interface Under Existing Conditions. 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 pHSample Pt. 1 Sample Pt. 2 Sample Pt. 3 Water Quality Criteria 6.5 -8.5 pH units 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 Temperature (°C)Sample Pt. 1 Sample Pt. 2 Sample Pt. 3 Water Quality Criteria 13°C - 20°C STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 118 November 2015 Figure 5.8-8. Surface Water Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations at Sediment Interface Under Existing Conditions. Figure 5.8-9. Surface Water Reduction/Oxidation Potential at the Sediment Interface Under Existing Conditions. 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)Sample Pt. 1 Sample Pt. 2 Sample Pt. 3 Series4 Series5 Water Quality Criteria ≥ 7.0 and ≤ 17.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 ORP (mV)Sample Pt. 1 Sample Pt. 2 Sample Pt. 3 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT MERCURY ASSESSMENT AND POTENTIAL FOR BIOACCUMULATION STUDY (STUDY 5.7) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 119 November 2015 Figure 6.7-1. Comparison Between Fish Age and Mercury Concentrations. Figure 6.7-2. Arctic Grayling Mean Size and Total Hg Comparison. Data from this study (green markers), as well as ADEC (2012); Jewett et al (2003); Gray et al (1996); Mueller and Matz (2002); Mueller et al. (1993); and Snyder-Conn et al. (1993)r 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 5 10 15 20 25 30Total Hg (ng/g dw)Age (yrs.) Lake trout Arctic Grayling Whitefish (sp.) Watana Creek Kosina Creek Oshetna River Lake Loise Lakes near Tyone Creek Finger Lake Fishhook Lake Upper Talkeetna River Christianson Lake Yukon River (Andreafsky R.) Kuskokwim River (Geroge R.) SW Alaska (8 rivers) Innoko NWR Selawik NWR Nowita NWR Kanuti NWR 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500Mean Total Hg (ng/g ww)Mean size of fish (g)