HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuWa289sec6-6Alaska Resources Library & Information Services  Susitna‐Watana Hydroelectric Project Document  ARLIS Uniform Cover Page  Title:   Fluvial geomorphology modeling below Watana Dam, Study plan Section 6.6, 2014-2015 Study Implementation Report. [ Main report ] SuWa 289  Author(s) – Personal:     Author(s) – Corporate:    Tetra Tech AEA‐identified category, if specified:    November 2015; Study Completion and 2014/2015 Implementation Reports AEA‐identified series, if specified:   Series (ARLIS‐assigned report number):   Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project document number 289   Existing numbers on document:  Published by:    [Anchorage : Alaska Energy Authority, 2015]  Date published:   November 2015 (the attachment and appendices are dated October 2015) Published for:   Alaska Energy Authority Date or date range of report:    Volume and/or Part numbers:   Study plan Section 6.6  Final or Draft status, as indicated:  Document type:   Pagination:  iv, 49 pages (main report only) Related works(s):   (see below) Pages added/changed by ARLIS:   Notes:   Accompanying volumes (each appears in a separate electronic file):  Attachment 1. 2014 fluvial geomorphology model development, technical memorandum.  Attachment 1, Appendix A. 1-D bed evolution model of the middle and lower Susitna River: model development and calibration.  Attachment 1, Appendix B. FA-128 2-dimensional sediment-transport model development and calibration. All reports in the Susitna‐Watana Hydroelectric Project Document series include an ARLIS‐ produced cover page and an ARLIS‐assigned number for uniformity and citability.  All reports  are posted online at http://www.arlis.org/resources/susitna‐watana/    Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 14241) Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Dam Study Plan Section 6.6 2014-2015 Study Implementation Report Prepared for Alaska Energy Authority Prepared by Tetra Tech November 2015 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page i November 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1 2. Study Objectives .................................................................................................................... 2 3. Study Area .............................................................................................................................. 3 4. Methods and Variances ......................................................................................................... 3 Study Component: Bed Evolution Model Development, Coordination, and Calibration 3 4.1.1. Variance from Study Plan ....................................................................................... 4 Study Component: Model Existing and with-Project Conditions .................................. 4 4.2.1. Variance from Study Plan ....................................................................................... 5 Study Component: Coordination and Interpretation of Model Results ......................... 5 4.3.1. Variance from Study Plan ....................................................................................... 5 5. Results ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Study Component: Bed Evolution Model Development, Coordination, and Calibration 6 5.1.1. Cross Section Development for Version 2 of the 1-D Bed Evolution Model ........ 7 5.1.2. Field Data Collection Efforts .................................................................................. 8 5.1.3. Field Equipment .................................................................................................... 12 Study Component: Model Existing and with-Project Conditions ................................ 12 Study Component: Coordination and Interpretation of Model Results ....................... 12 6. Discussion ............................................................................................................................. 12 Study Component: Bed Evolution Model Development, Coordination, and Calibration 13 Study Component: Model Existing and with-Project Conditions ................................ 14 Study Component: Coordination and Interpretation of Model Results ....................... 14 7. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 15 Decision Points from the Study Plan ........................................................................... 15 Modifications to the Study Plan ................................................................................... 15 8. Literature Cited ................................................................................................................... 17 9. Tables .................................................................................................................................... 18 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page ii November 2015 10. Figures .................................................................................................................................. 44 LIST OF TABLES Table 5-1: Summary of cumulative data collected as part of the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Study (Study 6.6) with URLs to access datasets, notes to find description of data in associated report, and identification if data has previously been submitted and superseded. ...... 19 Table 5.1-1. Bathymetric and LiDAR Survey Dates for 1-D Bed Evolution Model Cross Sections ....................................................................................................................................................... 27 Table 5.1-2 Summary of the number of sediment samples collected along the Susitna River, Focus Areas, and Tributaries in 2014 ........................................................................................... 32 Table 5.1-3 Summary of gradation for bank samples collected in the Lower River .................... 33 Table 5.1-4 Summary of gradation for bank samples collected in the Middle River ................... 34 Table 5.1-5 Summary of gradation for surface and subsurface samples collected in the Lower River .............................................................................................................................................. 34 Table 5.1-6 Summary of gradation for surface and subsurface samples collected in the Middle River .............................................................................................................................................. 35 Table 5.1-7 Summary of gradation for surface and subsurface samples collected in the Upper River .............................................................................................................................................. 35 Table 5.1-8 Summary of gradation for surface and subsurface samples collected in the tributaries studied in 2014 .............................................................................................................................. 36 Table 5.1-9 Summary of water surface elevations surveyed along the Susitna River .................. 37 Table 5.1-10 Summary of gradations for bank samples collected in Focus Areas ....................... 38 Table 5.1-11 Summary of gradations for surface and subsurface samples collected in Focus Areas ............................................................................................................................................. 38 Table 5.1-12 Summary of tributaries surveyed in 2014 ............................................................... 39 Table 5.1-13 Sediment sampling conducted at the tributary delta study sites .............................. 39 Table 5.1-14: 2014 collected discharge measurements in Focus Areas. ...................................... 40 Table 5.1-15. 2014 Susitna-Watana airborne LiDAR data specifications. ................................... 42 Table 5.1-16. Middle river corridor vertical accuracy tests results for 2014 LiDAR. .................. 42 Table 5.1-17. Reservoir areas vertical accuracy tests results for 2014 LiDAR. ........................... 43 Table 5.1-18. Comparison of NMAS/NSSDA Vertical Accuracy (ASPRS 2004). .................... 43 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page iii November 2015 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 5.1-1: 2013 and 2014 LiDAR areas and collection. .......................................................... 45 Figure 5.1-2 Field data collection and geomorphic surface mapping in Focus Area 151 Portage Creek ............................................................................................................................................. 46 Figure 5.1-3 Field data collection and geomorphic surface mapping in Focus Area 173 Stephan lake Complex ................................................................................................................................ 47 Figure 5.1-4 Field data collection and geomorphic surface mapping in Focus Area 184 Watana Dam ............................................................................................................................................... 48 Figure 5.1-5: 2014 Middle River LiDAR Acquisition. ................................................................ 49 Figure 5.1-6: 2014 Middle River ground survey point locations. ................................................. 50 Figure 5.1-7: 2014 reservoir areas ground survey point locations. ............................................... 51 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: 2014 Fluvial Geomorphology Model Development Technical Memorandum STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page iv November 2015 LIST OF ACRONYMS Abbreviation Definition ADCP acoustic doppler current profiler AEA Alaska Energy Authority AGL Above Ground Level ASPRS American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing BEI Bank Energy Index BEM Bed Evolution Model FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FVA Fundamental Vertical Accuracy ILP Integrated Licensing Process IMU Inertial Measurement Unit ISR Initial Study Report (AEA 2014) LAS file format for LiDAR Mat-Su Matanuska-Susitna Borough PDO Pacific Decadal Oscillation PRM Project River Mile RSP Revised Study Report SPD Study Plan Determination SVA Supplemental Vertical Accuracy TIN triangulated irregular network TM technical memorandum STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 1 November 2015 1. INTRODUCTION The Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Dam Study, Section 6.6 of the Revised Study Plan (RSP) approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 142241, focuses on modeling the potential effects of the proposed Project on fluvial geomorphology of the Susitna River and to assist in predicting the magnitude of geomorphic response in support of the license application for the proposed Project. A summary of the development of this study, together with the Alaska Energy Authority’s (AEA) implementation of it through the 2013 study season, appears in Part A, Section 1 of the Initial Study Report (ISR) filed with FERC in June 2014. As required under FERC’s regulations for the Integrated Licensing Process (ILP), the ISR describes AEA’s “overall progress in implementing the study plan and schedule and the data collected, including an explanation of any variance from the study plan and schedule.” (18 CFR 5.15(c)(1)). Since filing the ISR in June 2014, AEA has continued to implement the FERC-approved plan for the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Dam Study. As described in detail below, AEA has continued data collection in support of Study 6.6 modeling efforts, continued development of initial 1-D and 2-D bed evolution models for Existing and with-Project conditions, and filed technical memoranda describing data collection and modeling efforts. For example:  In 2014, AEA collected data in the Upper, Middle, and Lower Susitna River Segments including high density LiDAR, tributary cross sections, Upper River cross sections, main channel and tributary bed material surface and sub-surface samples, bank material samples, water surface elevation surveys, and discharge measurements.  On May 25, 2014, AEA filed the Updated Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Approach Technical Memorandm (Tetra Tech 2014a), which included “Attachment A: FA-128 (Slough 8A) Hydraulic Modeling Proof of Concept.”  On June 3, 2014, AEA filed Part A of the Initial Study Report for Study 6.6, which included “Appendix E: Evaluation of 50-Year Simulation Period, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and Selection of Representative Annual Hydrographs.” (Tetra Tech 2014b).  On September 26, 2014, AEA filed the Winter Sampling of Main Channel Bed Material Technical Memorandum (Tetra Tech 2014c).  On September 26, 2014, AEA filed the Decision Point on Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling of the Susitna River below PRM 29.9 Technical Memorandum (Tetra Tech 2014d).  On October 16, 2014, AEA held an ISR meeting for the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Dam Study. In furtherance of the next round of ISR meetings and FERC’s Study Plan Determination (SPD) expected in 2016, this report describes AEA’s overall progress in implementing the Fl uvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Dam Study during calendar year 2014 and into 2015. Rather than a comprehensive reporting of all field work, data collection, and data analysis since the beginning of AEA’s study program, this report is intended to supplement and update the information presented in Part A of the ISR for the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 2 November 2015 Watana Dam Study through the end of calendar year 2014 and into 2015. It describes the methods and results of the 2014-2015 effort, and includes a discussion of the results achieved. This Study Implementation Report also includes Attachment 1, 2014 Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Development Technical Memorandum. The technical memorandum (TM) includes the development of the initial 1-D bed evolution model of the Middle and Lower Susitna River Segments from Watana Dam (PRM 187.1) to Susitna Station (PRM 29.9), development of the initial 2-D bed evolution model of FA-128 (Slough 8A), and initial results from the Existing and Max LF OS-1b conditions models. 2. STUDY OBJECTIVES The overall goal of the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Dam Study is to model the effects of the proposed Project on the fluvial geomorphology of the Susitna River to assist in predicting the trend and magnitude of geomorphic response. More specifically, the purpose of the modeling study, along with the Geomorphology Study (Study 6.5), is to assess the potential impact of the Project on the behavior of the river downstream of the proposed dam, with particular focus on potential changes in instream and riparian habitat. Whether the existing channel morphology will remain the same or at least be in “dynamic equilibrium” under post- Project conditions is a significant question in any instream flow study (i.e., is the channel morphology in a state of dynamic equilibrium such that the distribution of habitat conditions will be reflected by existing channel morphology, or will changes in morphology occur that will influence the relative distribution or characteristics of aquatic habitat over the term of the license? [Bovee 1982]). This key issue prompts four overall questions that must be addressed by the two geomorphology studies:  Is the system currently in a state of dynamic equilibrium?  If the system is not currently in a state of dynamic equilibrium, what is the expected evolution over the term of the license in the absence of the Project?  Will and in what ways will the Project alter the equilibrium status of the downstream river (i.e., what is the expected morphologic evolution over the term of the license under with-Project conditions)?  What will be the expected effect of the Project-induced changes on the geomorphic features that form the aquatic habitat and therefore are directly related to the quantity, distribution, and quality of the habitat? The methods and results from the Geomorphology Study and the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Dam Study address these questions. Specific objectives of the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Dam Study are as follows:  Develop calibrated models to predict the magnitude and trend of geomorphic response to the Project.  Apply the developed models to estimate the potential for channel change for with-Project operations compared to existing conditions.  Coordinate with the Geomorphology Study to integrate model results with the understanding of geomorphic processes and controls to identify potential Project effects that require interpretation of model results. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 3 November 2015  Support the evaluation of Project effects by other studies in their resource areas providing channel output data and assessment of potential changes in the geomorphic features that help comprise the aquatic and riparian habitats of the Susitna River. 3. STUDY AREA RSP Section 6.6.3 initially established the study area for this study. Section 3 of the June, 2014 Study 6.6 ISR includes a detailed description of the study area. The current study area for the 1 - D bed evolution modeling is the portion of the Susitna River from Watana Dam (PRM 187.1) to Susitna Station (PRM 29.9) excluding Devils Canyon, and includes the lower 18.1 miles of the Chulitna River and lower 4.7 miles of the Talkeetna River. The potential need to extend the downstream limit below PRM 29.9 was further evaluated in 2014 in the technical memorandum, Decision Point on Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling of the Susitna River below PRM 29.9 (Tetra Tech 2014d). Based on evaluation of four metrics, the technical memorandum concluded that the downstream limit of fluvial geomorphology modeling did not need to extend below PRM 29.9. While the bed evolution modeling approach includes the application of a 1-D Bed Evolution Model to predict the geomorphic response of the Susitna River to the Project for the entire study area (PRM 187.1 to PRM 29.9 excluding Devils Canyon), the 2-D hydraulic and 2-D bed evolution models are being used to evaluate the detailed hydraulic and sediment transport characteristics on smaller, more local scales where it is necessary to consider the more complex flow patterns to understand and quantify Project effects. The study area for the 2-D models is the ten selected Focus Areas (refer to R2 2013a and R2 2013b for more details on Focus Area selection) within the Middle River Segment. 4. METHODS AND VARIANCES The implementation of the three Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Study components and variances in 2014 are presented in this section. No variances are noted in the Study 6.6 ISR Part A. All proposed study modifications in ISR Part C are discussed below as variances and other new variances are also identified. Study Component: Bed Evolution Model Development, Coordination, and Calibration This study component has progressed in accordance with Study 6.6 ISR, Part A, Section 4.1 and RSP Section It is comprised of 9 subtasks as listed: 1. Development of Bed Evolution Model Approach and Model Selection (RSP Study, 2. Coordination with Other Studies (RSP Study, 3. Model Resolution and Mesh Size Considerations (RSP Study, 4. Focus Area Selection (RSP Study, 5. Model Calibration and Validation (RSP Study, 6. Tributary Delta Modeling (RSP Study, 7. Large Woody Debris Modeling (RSP Study, 8. Wintertime Modeling and Load-Following Operations (RSP Study, and STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 4 November 2015 9. Field Data Collection Efforts (RSP Study 2014 – 2015 activities for subtasks 1, 5, and 6 are ongoing and compiled in the 2014 Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling (FGM) Model Development Technical Memorandum (Attachment 1), which includes model development, hydraulic and sediment transport calibration of the initial 1- D bed evolution model, and sediment calibration of the initial 2-D bed evolution model for FA- 128 (Slough 8A). Activities for subtask 2 are ongoing as needed using methods described in Study 6.6 ISR Part A, Section Activities for subtasks 3 and 4 are complete and described in Study 6.6 ISR Part A. No work has been performed for subtasks 7 and 8 in 2014. These subtasks are intended to address specific conditions and the modeling for these subtasks will be performed when finalized 1-D and 2-D bed evolution models are available and sufficient coordination has occurred with the other studies. Subtask 9, Field Data Collection Efforts is presented within the main body of this report. The subtask is broken into 5 further categories: (1) 1-D Bed Evolution Model, (2) Focus Areas, (3) Tributary Deltas, (4) Field Data From Other Studies, and (5) LiDAR Verification and Acquisition. The field data collection conducted in 2014 was a continuation of the 2013 efforts and followed methods described in Study 6.6 ISR Part A, Section 4.1.1. Variance from Study Plan There were no variances as part of this study component at the time of submitting the ISR Part A. ISR Part C, Section describes a proposed Study Plan modification to include groundwater sources into the 2-D hydraulic models at Focus Areas to more accurately maintain wetted areas in some sloughs and other lateral features when they become disconnected from upstream river sources. This modification is currently considered a variance because it has not been approved, but has been implemented as discussed in the Proof of Concept (Tetra Tech 2014a). This variance increases AEA’s ability to meet the objectives of this study component. Subsequent to submittal of the ISR, one other variance was identified as part of the 1-D bed evolution model sediment calibration. This involved use of the Ackers White (Ackers 1993) sediment transport function rather than the planned use of the Wilcock Crowe (Wilcock and Crowe 2003) function. The Model Development TM (Attachment 1) describes the use of Ackers White and demonstrates its suitability. This variance does not affect AEA’s ability to meet the objectives of this study component. Study Component: Model Existing and with-Project Conditions The goal of the Model Existing and with-Project Conditions study component is to provide a baseline and series of with-Project scenarios of future channel conditions for assessing channel change. This study component has progressed in accordance with Study 6.6 ISR, Part A, Section 4.2 and RSP Study This study component consists of 4 subtasks listed as follows: 1. Existing Conditions – Base Case Modeling (RSP Study, 2. Future Conditions – with-Project Scenarios (RSP Study, 3. Uncertainty (RSP Study, and 4. Synthesis of Reach-Scale and Local-Scale Analyses (RSP Study The activities of this study component are compiled in the 2014 FGM Model Development Technical Memorandum (Attachment 1). The technical memorandum includes application of the calibrated initial 1-D and 2-D bed evolution models for Existing conditions and one with-Project STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 5 November 2015 condition, Maximum Load Following OS-1b. The initial 1-D model was used to demonstrate the suitability of the selected model and approach to conditions on the Middle and Lower Susitna River Segments and was used to support the decision point on whether to extend fluvial geomorphology modeling below PRM 29.9 (Tetra Tech 2014d). 4.2.1. Variance from Study Plan There were no variances as part of this study component at the time of submitting the ISR Part A. ISR Part C, Section includes a Study Plan modification related to representative hydrology (affecting subtasks 1 and 2). The modification, which is currently a variance, is to not consider Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) for open water conditions because it was determined that PDO is not a significant distinguishing factor affecting hydrologic characteristics. Because PDO has not been used to select representative hydrologic conditions used in subtasks 1 and 2 efforts, this is currently a variance from the Study Plan. The basis for this modification is described in Study 6.6 ISR Part A, Appendix E. The modification does not affect AEA’s ability to meet the objectives of this study component. Study Component: Coordination and Interpretation of Model Results The goal of this study component is to ensure that the information from the Geomorphology Study is properly considered and incorporated into the modeling studies, that results of the modeling studies are used to update and refine the understanding of key processes identified in the Geomorphology Study, and to provide the necessary results to the other resource studies. This study component has progressed in accordance with Study 6.6 ISR Part A Section 4.3 and RSP Study This study component consists of 2 subtasks: 1. Integration of Geomorphology and Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Study Results (RSP Study and 2. Coordination of Results with Other Resources Studies (RSP Study 2014 activities for this study component include continued integration of the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Dam Study with the Geomorphology Study (Study 6.5) and coordination and feedback of the Geomorphology Studies (Study 6.5 and Study 6.6) with Other Resource Studies (Study 5.6, Study 7.5, Study 7.6, Study 8.5, Study 8.6, and Study 9.9) (Study 6.6 ISR, Part C, Section Activities in 2014-2015 for this study component include reviewing the initial pre-Project and post-Project 1-D model run in the Middle River, interpreting results in terms of geomorphic response, and refining conceptual models describing the system, where necessary (ISR Study 6.5, Part C, Section 4.3.1. Variance from Study Plan There were no variances in 2014 or 2015 for this study component. 5. RESULTS In 2014, activities for the study components for the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Dam Study are reported in this section. In many cases, the results are reported in technical memoranda filed in 2014 and Attachment 1 of the SIR. In these cases, reference is STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 6 November 2015 made to the technical memoranda presenting the results. A list of all data filed in association with the performance of the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Study (6.6) is provided in Table 5-1. This table is cumulative and includes data from 2013 and 2014. Each of the 9 c olumns of Table 5-1 are described below. The table is broken into two primary columns: (1) Active Data, and (2) Previously Submitted Data (now superseded). Each of these primary columns has sub- columns that further describe the data. To describe Table 5-1 below, the column headings are bolded and underlined, while the description of the contents of each column follow after the colon. Column heading: description of contents Active Data Data: Title of data delivered Data Type: The type of data delivered (i.e. ArcGIS Shapefile, ArcGIS MXD, JPEG, Excel Spreadsheet, MP4 Videos, PDF, GeoTIFF or modeling files) File name: Submitted name of data file. Location (URLs in footnotes): Alphabetical letter noted. Each letter corresponds to a URL of where to find the data. Locations of the data may be found at the following: a: http://gis.suhydro.org/isr/06-Geomorphology/6.6-Geomorphology/ b: http://gis.suhydro.org/Post_ISR/06-Geomorphology/6.6-Geomorphology/ c: http://gis.suhydro.org/raster-data d: http://gis.suhydro.org/SIR/06-Geomorphology/6.6-Fluvial_Geomorphology_Modeling/ Folder Nesting: The folder nesting sequence to locate the specified data at the corresponding URL. Study 6.6 Study Component: Study component number associated with Study 6.6. The study component number corresponds to the number identified in the first decimal position of the RSP, ISR, or SIR section number (i.e. Section X.Y) where X identifies the section number (i.e. methods, results, or discussion) and Y identifies the study component associated with Study 6.6. Data described in following report: Report where data is discussed. Using the indicated report, and study component number (where applicable), one can identify where in the specified report, data is further discussed. Previously submitted Data (now superseded): File Name: Submitted name of data file Location: Alphabetical letter associated with URLs listed in footnotes. Study Component: Bed Evolution Model Development, Coordination, and Calibration Work performed on subtasks 1, 5, and 6 of this study component are compiled and discussed in the 2014 FGM Model Development TM (Attachment 1), which documents the development of STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 7 November 2015 the initial FGM models. This includes, development of the bed evolution model approach and model selection, model calibration and validation, and tributary delta modeling. Work performed on subtask 2 of this study component, coordination with other studies, is described in Study 6.6 ISR, Part A, Section 5.1.2. Work performed on subtask 3, model resolution and mesh size considerations, and subtask 4, Focus Area selection, are complete as described in Study 6.6 ISR, Part A, Sections 5.1.3 and 5.1.4. Large woody debris modeling (subtask 7) and winter conditions modeling (subtask 8) were not addressed in 2014. The primary efforts associated with this study component and performed in 2014-2015 included development and calibration of the initial 1-D Bed Evolution Model (BEM), development and calibration of the 2-D BEM for FA-128 (Slough 8A), updating the initial 1-D model cross sections with 2014 bathymetry and LiDAR, and Field Data Collection Efforts (subtask 9). The initial 1-D BEM development and calibration for the Middle and Lower Susitna River Segments, and the initial 2-D BEM development and calibration for FA-128 (Slough 8A) are reported in Attachment 1. The initial 1-D bed evolution model was used to support the decision whether to extend FGM downstream of PRM 29.9 (Tetra Tech 2014d). The results of the other efforts, which include development of cross sections for the next version of the 1-D BEM and field data collection efforts, are described in the following sections. 5.1.1. Cross Section Development for Version 2 of the 1-D Bed Evolution Model The initial 1-D Bed Evolution Model is comprised of two main reaches: (1) Middle Susitna River (PRM 187.1 to PRM 107.1); (2) Lower Susitna River (PRM 107.1 to PRM 29.9); and the next version will include two additional reaches (3) the lower extent of the Chulitna River (PRM 18.1 to PRM 0.0); and, (4) the lower extent of the Talkeetna River (PRM 4.7 to PRM 0.0). Each reach is defined by cross sections perpendicular to the primary flow path and located to capture key hydraulic controls of each system. Bathymetric data for the cross sections were surveyed by Geovera (Study 8.5 ISR, Part A, Section 5.3.1) in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Table 5.1-1 documents the bathymetric survey dates for each cross section. Between PRM 165.9 and PRM 154.6 (Devils Canyon), the Middle River is inaccessible for surveying, so no cross section surveys were conducted. Simplified trapezoidal geometry developed as part of ISR Study 7.6 Ice Processes in the Susitna River was used for bathymetry in this area. Table 5.1-1 also includes twelve cross section locations that were identified in Study 6.6 ISR, Part A, Figures 5.1-1 through 5.1-8 for which bathymetric surveys have not been completed. One of these was a field-relocated cross section moved 0.3 miles (PRM 166.6 to 166.3 for safety reasons) and 11 were cross sections in the Lower River that were considered unnecessary based on initial model results. Fourteen cross sections that were surveyed in the spring of 2012 were subsequently resurveyed in September and October of 2012. Preference was given to using the more recent survey data in developing the cross section geometry. Table 5.1-1 indicates all cross section locations. Overbank topography for the Middle and Lower River was available from LiDAR mapping. LiDAR data were available for 2011, 2013 and 2014. Figure 5.1-1 shows the coverage for each LiDAR dataset. A composite LiDAR surface was created by merging the three coverages into a single coverage. For overlapping coverage, preference was given to the most recent data. Cross sections were cut through the LiDAR surfaces using HEC-GeoRAS software. At each cross section location, the field surveyed bathymetry was merged into the cross section geometry derived from the LiDAR topography. This was accomplished using an Excel based Visual Basic utility. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 8 November 2015 Some manual editing of the merged cross section geometry was required for each cross section. For the most part, the required editing was necessary only to smooth the transitions between the bathymetric survey and the LiDAR based overbank survey. Preference was given to the field survey. There were instances where more substantial manual editing of the merged cross section geometry was necessary. This was required for one of two reasons. The first reason was due to the fact that the bathymetric survey was not conducted perpendicular to the primary flow path. This was the case for seven of the cross sections, as indicated in Table 5.1-1. The second reason was that bank erosion had occurred between the date of the bathymetric survey and the date of the LiDAR survey. If the horizontal difference between the bathymetric survey and the LiDAR survey was greater than a nominal ten feet, then the merged cross section geometry was manually edited to replace the field survey with the more recent LiDAR topographic survey of the bank position. This was the case for twenty-one of the cross sections, as indicated in Table 5.1-1. If the horizontal difference between the bathymetric survey and the LiDAR survey was less than a nominal ten feet, then the merged cross section geometry was not manually edited beyond smoothing the transition between the bathymetric survey and the LiDAR based overbank survey. 5.1.2. Field Data Collection Efforts Field data presented in this section were collected in 2014 to support both the Geomorphology Study and the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Study. Field data collected during this study year was in continuation with the methods identified for the 2013 field season presented in Study 6.6 ISR, Part A, Section The types of data included: 1. Inputs to the 1-D Bed Evolution Model a. Hydraulic observations, and b. Bed material sampling 2. Characterization of Focus Areas 3. Characterization of tributary deltas 4. Data collected from other studies, and 5. LiDAR verification and acquisition 1-D Bed Evolution Model Data collection efforts for the 1-D Bed Evolution Model planned for 2014 (Study 6.6 ISR, Part C, Section were performed and include channel roughness observations, water surface observations, and sediment sampling. Sediment sampling is further categorized as bank sampling and surface/subsurface sampling. A summary of the number of 2014 bank and surface/subsurface samples along the Susitna River and tributaries is presented in Table 5.1-2. Gradation data for each 2014 collected bank sample is summarized in Table 5.1-3 (Lower River) and Table 5.1-4 (Middle River). Gradation data for each 2014 collected surface and subsurface sediment sample is compiled in Table 5.1-5 (Lower River), Table 5.1-6 (Middle River), Table 5.1-7 (Upper River), and Table 5.1-8 (Tributaries). Water surface measurements collected in 2014 are summarized in Table 5.1-9. Focus Areas Data collection efforts for Focus Areas planned for 2014 (Study 6.6 ISR, Part A, Section were performed for three Focus Areas; FA-151 (Portage Creek), FA-173 (Stephan Lake Complex), and FA-184 (Watana Dam). This data included roughness observations, STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 9 November 2015 sediment sampling, geomorphic surface mapping, and LWD surveys. This data is summarized in several tables and figures. Gradation data for 2014 bank and surface/subsurface sampling in 2014 studied Focus Areas is summarized in Table 5.1-10 and Table 5.1-11. All 2014 Focus Area sediment sample locations (bank and surface/subsurface) are presented on 2014 geomorphic surface mapping in Figure 5.1-2 through Figure 5.1-4. Further, the installation of pressure transducers at Focus Areas (as identified in Study 6.6 ISR, Part C, Section was performed as part of Study 8.5 and the data are included in that study’s Study Implementation Report. LWD survey data is compiled in Study 6.5, Study Implementation Report, Section 5.9. Tributary Deltas Data collection efforts in 2014 for tributaries were performed as planned (Study 6.6 ISR, Part C, Section The 12 surveyed tributaries in 2014 are summarized in Table 5.1-12. A summary of the sediment sampling at the tributary delta study sites is summarized in Table 5.1- 13. Field Data from Other Studies This effort consisted of coordinating with other studies, to the extent possible, on 2014 field data corresponding to cross-section surveys, bathymetric surveys within Focus Areas, water-surface elevation measurements, substrate mapping, acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) measurements, sediment transport measurements, and characterization of groundwater inflows in the lateral habitats within Focus Areas (Study 6.6 ISR, Part C, Section Discharge measurements were collected in conjunction with the Fish and Aquatics IFS (Study 8.5) in September 2014. This consisted of data collected in 7 Focus Areas below Devils Canyon; FA-104 (Whiskers Slough), FA-113 (Oxbow I), FA-115 (Slough 6A), FA-128 (Slough 8A), FA- 138 (Gold Creek), FA-141 (Indian River), and FA-144 (Slough 21). Table 5.1-14 presents discharge measurement locations and estimated discharge. A compilation of discharge data and discharge profile data is compiled in two excel spreadsheets and delivered with the electronic data (Table 5-1). Field Photos collected by the Fluvial Geomorphology team as part of this effort were delivered as part of the 2014 data delivery. Sediment transport measurements were collected in 2014 by the USGS and are identified in Study 6.5, Study Implementation Report, Section 5.2. LiDAR Verification and Acquisition Two LiDAR data sets are available for various portions of the Susitna River. The Matanuska- Susitna Borough (Mat-Su) LiDAR was acquired in 2011 and AEA acquired higher density LiDAR in 2013 and 2014 (SuWa LiDAR). The original Mat-Su LiDAR was not indexed or verified using surveyed ground points. AEA decided to acquire the high-density LiDAR (Su-Wa LiDAR) to provide more accurate information, but unfavorable conditions limited the amount of LiDAR that was acquired in 2013. Therefore, in order to supplement the 2013 LiDAR data, the Mat-Su LiDAR was indexed and verified using 2013 ground survey data. This approach resulted in the best available LiDAR for use until additional LiDAR could be obtained in 2014. Additional LiDAR was then collected in the spring of 2014. The following sections describe the STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 10 November 2015 methods for acquiring and processing the 2014 Su-Wa LiDAR. The previous datasets were addressed in the Study 6.6 ISR, Part A (Section 2014 LiDAR Acquisition and Processing Kodiak Mapping acquired LiDAR data with a Riegl VQ480i LiDAR sensor. The system includes an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), a 480kHz laser repetition rate, multi-pulse capability and four returns from each outgoing pulse. The data were collected to meet a minimum of 8 points per square meter density at 600 meters Above Ground Level (AGL) to support the Project requirements. The 2014 LiDAR acquisition area was collected as two main block areas, the Middle River corridor and the reservoir area. The total 2014 LiDAR area was 223 square miles. Of that, 38 square miles were within the river corridor and 185 square miles were within the reservoir area. Priority areas were determined by the study teams and ranked in order of importance to schedule. Locations of 2014 Middle River LiDAR Acquisition are illustrated in Figure 5.1-5. Locations of 2014 Middle River ground survey points are illustrated in Figure 5.1-6. Locations of 2014 ground survey points in the reservoir area are illustrated in Figure 5.1-7. The airborne LiDAR dataset was requested to meet the specifications shown in Table 5.1-15. Upon receipt of the collected data, LiDAR and GIS specialists reviewed the acquisition report and confirmed the results by performing an initial quality assurance and quality control assessment. This assessment verified LiDAR point cloud data coverage within the study area, point density, vertical accuracy, accurate matching between flight lines, compliance with the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) LAS v.1.2 technical specifications document, and other specifications requested for the 2014 Susitna-Watana project (Study 6.6 ISR, Part A, Section Once the initial quality assurance and quality control assessments were performed and the LiDAR data were validated, the unclassified LiDAR point cloud files (LAS) were prepared for an initial clean-up. All pulses were merged into the “Unclassified” or “Default” class (ASPRS Class 1) to be used by the ground classification routine. A rough minimum elevation threshold filter was applied to the entire dataset in order to eliminate the most extreme low/high point outliers. A second clean-up process was applied to search for isolated and low points using several algorithm iterations using Terrascan macros. The “Low Points” macro searches for possible error points that were clearly below the ground surface. The “Isolated Points” macro then searches for points that were without any neighbors within a specified radius. The “Low Points” as well as the “Isolated Points” were classified into the “Noise” class (ASPRS Class 7), which excludes them from subsequent steps. A first classification process (unsupervised) was performed using all points in the previously cleaned “Unclassified”/”Default” class (ASPRS Class 1). Each laser return was assigned an “echo”: Only, First-of-Many, Last-of-Many, or Intermediate. To begin classification, the ”First- of-Many” and ”Intermediate” returns were removed from consideration as Bare-Earth points by assigning them to the Medium Vegetation class. The remaining points, the “Only” and “Last -of- Many” returns were placed in the “Unclassified”/”Default” class (ASPRS Class 1). The Bare- Earth class was developed from this set of returns by an iterative method. First, a rectangular filter was passed over the points in the “Unclassified”/”Default” class (ASPRS Class 1) , and a set of local low points was selected to seed the Bare-Earth class. Then the rest of the points in STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 11 November 2015 “Unclassified”/”Default” class (ASPRS Class 1) were compared to the triangulated surface defined by the set of Bare-Earth points, and those that were found be close enough to fall within an acceptable angle and height of the surface were added to the Bare-Earth class (ASPRS Class 2). The process was repeated with the expanded Bare-Earth class until the number of points being added to the Bare-Earth class declined. Standard practice in the LiDAR industry acknowledges that no ground classification is perfect. Valid ground points on edges or sharp features are commonly misclassified by LiDAR point cloud processing software packages, leaving blank areas (gaps) in the ground surface. Using proprietary techniques, potential anomalies (artificial pits, “spikes” on the ground, etc.) were identified during the first classification process (unsupervised) to be corrected in further steps. The application of those techniques provides a semi-automated quality control of the first point cloud classifications and improves the efficiency of the next classification process. After the unsupervised classification, a second classification process was applied (supervised), where the Bare-Earth model class (ASPRS class 2) were inspected on a tile-by-tile basis and edited as necessary. The Bare-Earth model was visualized as a triangulated irregular network surface (TIN) with contours and potential gap polygons overlaid. Irregularities or voids in the ground surface were subjected to special scrutiny, typically by generating and studying sectional views of the questionable area. Incorrectly classified points were reclassified as necessary, and the classification routine was re-run locally to correct nearby points. This careful review of each tile was central to making a consistently high-quality DEM. The LiDAR point classification process was completed by performing a second vertical accuracy assessment using only points classified as Bare-Earth (ASPRS Class 2), and exporting the LiDAR-derived data to create the final deliverables. 2014 Su-Wa LiDAR LiDAR data acquisition for the Middle River occurred between May 21st, 2014 and June 3rd, 2014. A total of 3 flight days of acquisition were completed. The 2014 collected airborne LiDAR point cloud dataset covers 38 square miles along the river and is located north of the confluence area of Susitna, Chulitna, and Talkeetna rivers and south of the dam site as well as 185 square miles near the reservoir site as shown in Figure 5.1-1. As shown in Tables 5.1-16 and 5.1-17, the Fundamental Vertical Accuracy (FVA) of the LiDAR meets the target accuracy of RMSEz < 9.25 cm (approximately 0.30 ft.). Including brush, low vegetation, and forested lands, SVA (RMSEz) ranges from approximately 0.25 to 0.56 ft. The vertical accuracy at the 95 percent confidence level is 1.96 times the RMSEz, which is approximately 0.3 ft (river corridor) and 0.56 ft (reservoir area) for open terrain and up to 1.1 ft. for other terrain types. These values indicate that the FVA is 1-ft contour interval equivalent and that the Supplemental Vertical Accuracy (SVA) is approximately 2-ft contour equivalent (presented in Table 5.1-18). The verification process followed the ASPRS guidelines for vertical accuracy reporting for LiDAR data (ASPRS 2004) which recommends,  “A LiDAR dataset’s required ‘fundamental’ vertical accuracy, which is the vertical accuracy in open terrain tested to 95% confidence (normally distributed error), shall be specified, tested and reported.” STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 12 November 2015  “If information is required on the vertical accuracy achieved within other ground cover categories outside open terrain, either to meet the same specification as the fundamental vertical accuracy or a more relaxed specification, then “supplemental” vertical accuracies, that is vertical accuracy tested using the 95th percentile method (not necessarily normally distributed) shall be specified, tested and reported for each land cover class of interest.” Su-Wa LiDAR Verification The 2014 Su-Wa LiDAR meets 1-ft contour equivalence in open terrain (FVA) and 2-ft contour equivalence in brush and forested land areas (SVA). The RMSEz and 95% confidence levels of these data are approximately 0.25 and 0.5 ft for FVA, and 0.5 and 1.1 ft for SVA. These results indicate that the Su-Wa LiDAR meets project specifications for LiDAR acquisition. 5.1.3. Field Equipment There was no field equipment installed in the field nor is there any field equipment remaining in the field. Study Component: Model Existing and with-Project Conditions The results of this effort are reported in the 2014 FGM Model Development Technical Memorandum (Attachment 1). The TM includes the development and results of the initial 1-D Bed Evolution Model (BEM) for the Middle and Lower Susitna River Segments, which was used for the decision whether to extend fluvial geomorphology modeling below PRM 29.9 (Tetra Tech 2014d), and the initial 2-D BEM for FA-128 (Slough 8A). The runs include Existing and the Max LF OS-1b with-Project conditions. Study Component: Coordination and Interpretation of Model Results This study component is part of the ongoing implementation of the Study Plan. Subtask 1 - Integration of Geomorphology and Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Study Results: This task is part of an ongoing investigation. Initial results of this effort are presented in the Study 6.5 Study Implementation Report Section 5.11 as an initial framework to identify Project effects between studies. The framework is intended to be updated in future technical memoranda. Subtask 2 - Coordination of Results with Other Resources Studies: Coordination with other studies has been ongoing in 2014 and is discussed in further detail in the Study 6.6 ISR, Part A, Section 5.3.2. 6. DISCUSSION Significant progress has been made in achieving the objectives of the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Dam Study (6.6). Discussion of progress of the three study components is presented in this section. Much of the progress has been presented in technical memoranda filed in 2013 and 2014. The Study 6.6 ISR and its associated appendices also provide information related to this study. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 13 November 2015 Study Component: Bed Evolution Model Development, Coordination, and Calibration Based on data available in 2013, the initial 1-D Bed Evolution Model (BEM), the initial 2-D hydraulic model of FA-128 (Slough 8A), and the initial 2-D BEM of FA-128 (Slough 8A) were developed and calibrated. The BEMs are described in Attachment 1 of this report and the 2-D hydraulic model is described in Appendix A of Tetra Tech (2014a). The 1-D BEM results were used as the basis of the decision whether to extend fluvial geomorphology modeling below PRM 29.9 (Tetra Tech 2014d). The initial 1-D BEM was developed and calibrated based on the procedures described in detail in the Updated Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Approach technical memorandum (Tetra Tech 2014a). The hydraulic calibration of the 1-D BEM included comparisons of stage and flow measurements at three USGS gaging stations (Susitna River at Gold Creek, #15292000, Susitna River at Sunshine, #15292780, and Susitna River at Susitna Station, #15294350), stage records at Project ESS stations along the Susitna River, and water surface elevations surveyed at cross section locations. The sediment transport component of the 1-D BEM was calibrated primarily based on comparisons of USGS measured and 1-D BEM modeled sediment loads and gradations. The locations of the USGS measurements include the three stations listed above, but also include measurements at the Susitna River near Talkeetna (#15292100), which was the primary location for sediment transport measurements on the Middle Susitna River segment. Although the initial 1-D BEM did not include subsequent cross section surveys, surface and subsurface bed material samples, or complete Su-Wa 2013-2014 LiDAR, the calibrated model is an excellent representation of the reach-scale Susitna River hydraulics and sediment transport conditions. The model results are also very consistent with observations and analyses conducted by Study 6.5 (Geomorphology Study). These results indicate that the very coarse bed of the Middle Susitna River is rarely mobilized during open water flow periods. In the Middle Susitna River, both sand and gravel size material appear to be transported primarily as throughput over a coarser armor and lag deposits. The Lower Susitna River, however, has an active alluvial bed due primarily to the significant sediment input from the Chulitna River, but also from sediment supplied from the Talkeetna River. The 1-D BEM indicates that the Lower Susitna River is aggrading very slowly for existing conditions, which is consistent with the highly dynamic, braided form. Based on the results of the initial 1-D BEM development and calibration, AEA anticipates that the next version of the model will provide the information to assess potential Project effects. The next version of the model will include additional surveyed cross sections, more complete bed material information, more complete flow and sediment inputs from ungaged tributaries, and both the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers as tributary reaches rather than as direct flow and sediment inputs. The initial 2-D models (hydraulic and BEM) of FA-128 (Slough 8A) were developed based on detailed bathymetric survey and 2011 Mat-Su LiDAR available in 2013 and 2014. These models calibrated very well compared to ADCP velocity and water surface elevation measurements, as well as flow distributions of the main channels, side channels, and other lateral features. The 2- D BEM included bed material information collected as part of this Study (6.6) and substrate information collected by Study 8.5, and used flow and sediment boundary condition from the 1- STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 14 November 2015 D BEM. Based on available information, the results of the 2-D BEM are consistent with observed trends throughout the focus area, especially the continued growth of Skull Creek fan. Considerable coordination with other studies occurred as part of this study component this will continue throughout the Project study period. The success of this coordination was demonstrated in the Proof of Concept exercise as described in Appendix A of Tetra Tech (2014 a). The 1-D and 2-D BEMs were developed based on data and information shared between Studies 6.5 (Geomorphology), 7.5 (Groundwater), 7.6 (Ice Processes), 8.5 (Fish and Aquatics Instream Flow), and 8.6 (Riparian Instream Flow). Study Component: Model Existing and with-Project Conditions The initial models developed as part of Study Component 1 were run for Existing and with- Project flow and sediment conditions. The with-Project condition that was simulated was Max LF OS-1b. The results of these simulations for the 1-D and 2-D BEMs are presented in Attachment 1 of this report. The results of the initial 1-D BEM were used as the basis of the decision whether to extend fluvial geomorphology modeling below PRM 29.9 (Tetra Teach 2014d). The with-Project conditions runs were identical to the Existing conditions runs with the exception that Max LF OS-1b release flows from Watana Dam were substituted for the hydrology and no sand or coarser sediment was included in the releases. Even though sediment from ungaged tributaries was not included in these runs, the Middle Susitna River showed very little bed response due to open water flows. The next version of the model will include these sediment sources, which are expected to be primarily gravel sizes, to provide a more complete picture of Middle Susitna River bed evolution. The Existing conditions model results of the Lower Susitna River show gradual aggradation over the 50-year simulation period, which is consistent with the active braided planform of the Lower River. The Max LF OS-1b simulation indicates that aggradation will continue under with-Project conditions, though at a slightly slower rate. This is a very reasonable result considering the dominant sediment input from the Chulitna River. The results of the 2-D BEM model of FA-128 (Slough 8A) are presented in Attachment 1. The models indicate that the Skull Creek fan will extend further into the side cha nnel for Max LF OS-1B conditions, but will not block the side channel. Floodplain areas will also be inundated less frequently under with-Project conditions, which is expected to significantly reduce floodplain sediment accretion rates. The frequency of inundation will also be reduced for unvegetated gravel bars. These areas may become vegetated for with-Project conditions and this possibility will be evaluated in coordination with Study 8.6 (Riparian Instream Flow) and Study 7.6 (Ice Processes). This study component will continue when the next version of the models are developed and calibrated. At that point the other subtasks will also be addressed, which include uncertainty analysis and synthesis of reach-scale and local-scale analyses. Study Component: Coordination and Interpretation of Model Results This effort is described in Study 6.6 ISR, Part A, Section 6.3. The dam effects technical memorandum (R2 Resources and Tetra Tech 2014) identifies information on the orders of effects STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 15 November 2015 that can occur with a hydropower project. Initial First- and Second-order effects for the Susitna- Watana Project have been developed as described in the Geomorphology Study (6.5) study component 11 (Integration of the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Dam Study with Geomorphology Study) in the Study 6.5 SIR Sections 4.11, 5.11, and 6.11). This has provided a basis for integrating the results of the two studies. 7. CONCLUSIONS In summary, significant progress has been made in 2014-2015. The initial 1-D BEM of the Middle and Lower Susitna River segments from Watana Dam (PRM 187.1) to Susitna Station (PRM 29.9) calibrated very well and is a useful tool to evaluate potential Project effects. The initial 2-D hydraulic model of FA-128 (Slough 8A) calibrated very well and was shown to provide the necessary hydraulic and sediment mobilization information needed by Study 8.5 (Fish and Aquatics Instream Flow) to perform habitat characterization (Appendix A of Tetra Tech 2014a). The initial 2-D BEM of FA-128 (Slough 8A) also calibrated well and provides results that are consistent with recent trends. This model was run for existing and with-Project conditions to provide information on future conditions within the Focus Area. In addition to updating these models with data collected in 2014, 2-D hydraulic and BEMs will need to be developed for additional Focus Areas. The procedures that were developed and applied in 2014 to the initial models are sufficient for the updates to existing models and development of additional models. The models will also need to be run for the range of operational scenarios that have been selected. Decision Points from the Study Plan As described in Study 6.6 ISR Part C Section, AEA recommends not extending the 1-D Bed Evolution Model below PRM 29.9. This recommendation is based on the analysis presented in Tetra Tech (2014d). As described in Study 6.6 ISR Part C Section, AEA recommends not including Pacific Decadal Oscillation in the range of representative wet, average, and dry hydrologic conditions as part of the 2-D BEMs. This recommendation is based on the analyses presented in Appendix E of Study 6.6 ISR Part A. One future decision point cannot be evaluated until additional 2-D BEMs are developed and run for a range of operational scenarios. The decision point is described in Study 6.6 ISR, Part C, Section This decision would potentially reduce the number of 2-D hydraulic and 2-D BEM runs, and would be based on the differences in bed evolution between operational scenarios, or if there are only minor differences between year 25 and year 50 conditions. The differences would be evaluated based on either 1-D or 2-D BEM simulations. Modifications to the Study Plan As described in Study 6.6 ISR Part C Section, AEA recommends including groundwater flows as point source inputs to the 2-D hydraulic models at lateral features that are identified as having persistent groundwater sources. This modification was identified during the Proof of Concept exercise (Appendix A of Tetra Tech 2014a) to more accurately represent wetted areas for subsequent habitat analyses. This led to the efforts by Studies 6.6 and 8.5 (Fish and Aquatics STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 16 November 2015 Instream Flow) to measure and estimate flows in lateral features as described in Sect ion resulting in the data reported in Table 5.1-14. This modification will enhance AEA’s ability to meet the objectives of the Study Plan. As described in Study 6.6 ISR Part C Section, AEA proposes to exclude dimensionless critical shear as a parameter to evaluate model sensitivity and uncertainty depending on the selected sediment transport function. Other suitable variables will be included in the sensitivity analysis based on the formulation of the function. This proposed modification does not affect AEA’s ability to meet the objectives of this study component. Subsequent to the submittal of the ISR, a modification was identified as part of the 2 -D model application of the Bank Energy Index (BEI) in Study Component 2, Model Existing and with- Project Conditions and is described in Attachment 1 of this report in Section 6.2.4. The BEI analysis was planned as an approach to address bank erosion and production of large woody debris. As described in Attachment 1, Section 5.2.4, the results indicate that open water flows do not contribute appreciably to bank erosion at FA-128 (Slough 8A) and that bank erosion is more likely related to ice processes. The proposed modification is to perform the BEI at one other Focus Area, and if the results are similar, not continue BEI analyses for open water conditions at the remaining Focus Areas. Because the evaluation of ice processes on channel geomorphology (ISR Part A Section will still be conducted, this modification does not affect AEA’s ability to meet the objectives of this study component. Also subsequent to the submittal of the ISR, a modification was identified as part of the 2-D bed evolution modeling of existing and future conditions (ISR Part A Sections and As described in Attachment 1, Section 5.2.1, in addition to simulating the Wet, Average and Dry open water period hydrographs at FA-128 (Slough 8A), a sequence of 8 annual flow periods was simulated to effectively project conditions out to years 25 and 50. This was due to the continued accretion of the Skull Creek fan. Therefore, at other Focus Areas, additional years may be run in addition to the Wet, Average and Dry representative hydrographs. The number of years will be selected for each Focus Area based primarily on tributary fan development. This proposed modification increases AEA’s ability to meet the objectives of this study component. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 17 November 2015 8. LITERATURE CITED Ackers, P. 1993. Sediment transport in open channels: Ackers and White update. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Water, Maritime, and Energy. Vol. 101 (4). Water Board Technical Note 619. P. 247 – 249. R2 Resource Consultants, Inc. (R2) 2013a. Selection of Focus Areas and Study Sites in the Middle and Lower Susitna River for Instream Flow and Joint Resource Studies—2013 and 2014. Technical Memorandum for Alaska Energy Authority Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project. FERC No. 14241. R2 2013b. Technical Memorandum: Adjustments to the Middle River Focus Areas. Susitna- Watana Hydroelectric Project Prepared for the Alaska Energy Authority. Anchorage, Alaska. R2 and Tetra Tech 2014. Dam Effects on Downstream Channel and Floodplain Geomorphology and Riparian Plant Communities and Ecosystems – A Critical Literature Review. Technical Memorandum. November 14, 2014. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project. Prepared for the Alaska Energy Authority. Anchorage, Alaska. Tetra Tech. 2014a. Updated Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Approach. Technical Memorandum, (includes Attachment A: FA-128 (Slough 8A) 2-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling for Proof of Concept). May 30, 2014. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project. Prepared for the Alaska Energy Authority. Anchorage, Alaska. Tetra Tech. 2014b. Evaluation of 50-Year Simulation Period, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and Selection of Representative Annual Hydrographs (Appendix E of Study 6.6 ISR Part A), June 2014, Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project. Prepared for the Alaska Energy Authority. Anchorage, Alaska. Tetra Tech. 2014c. Winter Sampling of Main Channel Bed Material. Technical Memorandum. September 26, 2014. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project. Prepared for the Alaska Energy Authority. Anchorage, Alaska. Tetra Tech. 2014d. Decision Point on Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling of the Susitna River below PRM 29.9. Technical Memorandum. September 26, 2014. Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project. Prepared for the Alaska Energy Authority. Anchorage, Alaska. Wilcock, P.R. and Crowe, J.C. 2003. Surface-based transport model for mixed-size sediment. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, v. 129, no. 2, February, pp. 120-128. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 18 November 2015 9. TABLES STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 19 November 2015 Table 5-1: Summary of cumulative data collected as part of the Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling Study (Study 6.6) with URLs to access datasets, notes to find description of data in associated report, and identification if data has previously been submitted and superseded. Active Data Folder Nesting Study 6.6 Study Component Data described in following report Previously submitted Data (now superseded) Data Data Type File name (s) Location File name Location Cumulative (2013 & 2014) Subsurface bed-material sample locations ArcGIS shapefile SIR_6_6_FGM_All_FieldData_Sediment.shp d SHAPEFILES 1 Study Implementation Report ISR_6_6_FGM_BedSamp_Subsurface.shp a Cumulative (2013 & 2014) Surface bed-material sample locations ArcGIS shapefile SIR_6_6_FGM_All_FieldData_Sediment.shp d SHAPEFILES 1 Study Implementation Report ISR_6_6_FGM_BedSamp_Surface.shp a Cumulative (2013 & 2014) Bank Material Sample Locations within the Middle Susitna River Segment ArcGIS shapefile SIR_6_6_FGM_All_FieldData_Sediment.shp d SHAPEFILES 1 Study Implementation Report ISR_6_6_FGM_Bank_Samples.shp a Cumulative (2013 & 2014) Cross-section Observations, Surveys and Level Loops Locations ArcGIS shapefile SIR_6_6_FGM_All_FieldData_XC_Pin.shp d SHAPEFILES 1 Study Implementation Report ISR_6_6_FGM_XSec_Obs_Survey.shp a Cumulative (2013 & 2014) Geomorphic Surface Mapping ArcGIS shapefile SIR_6_6_FGM_All_GeomSurface_Mapping.shp d SHAPEFILES 1 Study Implementation Report ISR_6_6_FGM_Surface_Mapping.shp a Upper Susitna River Segment Cross-Sections ArcGIS shapefile SIR_6_6_FGM_FieldData_UR_xsecs.shp d SHAPEFILES 1 Study Implementation Report n/a Focus Area Discharge measurement Locations ArcGIS shapefile SIR_6_6_FGM_FieldData_Qmeas.shp d SHAPEFILES 1 Study Implementation Report n/a Sediment Sample Distribution Spreadsheet - 2013 Summary Excel Spreadsheet SIR_6_6_FGM_SuWa TtFGM 2013 Sediment Distribution Summary QC3 20140120 LWZ.xlsx d DATA AND SPREADSHEETS > SEDIMENT > SUMMARY 1 Initial Study Report n/a Sediment Sample Distribution Spreadsheet - 2014 Summary Excel Spreadsheet SIR_6_6_FGM_SuWa TtFGM 2014 Sediment Sample Distribution Summary QC3 20141230 RAV d DATA AND SPREADSHEETS > SEDIMENT > SUMMARY 1 Study Implementation Report n/a Subsurface (SubS) bed-material field and lab data [surface (Sur) samples at same river location are included in combined spreadsheet] Excel Spreadsheets ISR file name prefix: "ISR_6.6_FGM_SuWa TtGeo" SIR file name prefix: "SIR_6_6_FGM_SuWa TtFGM" File name format: Sur SubS + date collected + PRM + location + S# (where applicable) +DistChart QC3 + initials of QC performer + date of QC File name example: ISR_6.6_FGM_SuWa TtGeo Sur SubS 20130714 PRM 103.9 DistChart QC3 LWZ 20140115 d DATASHEETS AND SPREADSHEETS > SEDIMENT DATA 1 Initial Study Report + Study Implementation Report ISR data previously submitted. Unchanged in SIR submittal. Reposted in SIR data location for cumulative dataset. a STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 20 November 2015 Active Data Folder Nesting Study 6.6 Study Component Data described in following report Previously submitted Data (now superseded) Data Data Type File name (s) Location File name Location Surface bed-material field and lab data Excel Spreadsheets ISR file name prefix: "ISR_6.6_FGM_SuWa TtGeo" SIR file name prefix: "SIR_6_6_FGM_SuWa TtFGM" File name format: Sur + date collected + PRM + location + S# (where applicable) + DistChart QC3 + initials of QC performer + date of QC File name example: ISR_6.6_FGM_SuWa TtGeo Sur 20130817 PRM 144.9A-FA144 DistChart QC3 MRM 20140115 d DATASHEETS AND SPREADSHEETS > SEDIMENT DATA 1 Initial Study Report + Study Implementation Report ISR data previously submitted. Unchanged in SIR submittal. Reposted in SIR data location for cumulative dataset. a Bank Material field and lab data Excel Spreadsheets ISR file name prefix: "ISR_6.6_FGM_SuWa TtGeo" SIR file name prefix: "SIR_6_6_FGM_SuWa TtFGM" File name format: Bank + sample number + date collected + PRM location + LabResults QC3 + initials of QC perfomer + date of QC3 File name example: ISR_6.6_FGM_SuWa TtGeo Bank1 20130907 PRM 145.7 LabResults QC3 LabResults QC3 ALS 20140114 d DATASHEETS AND SPREADSHEETS > SEDIMENT DATA 1 Initial Study Report + Study Implementation Report ISR data previously submitted. Unchanged in SIR submittal. Reposted in SIR data location for cumulative dataset. a Tributary Survey Data - 2013 & 2014 Each tributary may contain the following data: 1. Electronic version of survey data 2. Field form of survey data 3. Field form of tributary channel profile Excel Spreadsheets and PDFs ISR file name prefix: "ISR_6.6_FGM_SuWa TtGeo" SIR file name prefix: "SIR_6_6_FGM_SuWa TtFGM" Tributary Survey Data nested under folder by Tributary: > 4th of July Creek > 5th of July Creek > Caswell Creek > Chinook Creek > Deadhorse Creek > Fog Creek > Gash Creek > Gold Creek > Indian River > Lane Creek > Little Tsusena Creek > Sheep Creek > Sherman Creek > Skull Creek > Slash Creek > Trappers Creek > Tsusena Creek > UNT 113.7 > UNT 144.6 > UNT 173.6 >Whiskers Creek d DATASHEETS AND SPREADSHEETS > CROSS-SECTION DATA > TRIBUTARIES 1 Initial Study Report + Study Implementation Report ISR data previously submitted. Unchanged in SIR submittal. Reposted in SIR data location for cumulative dataset. a STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 21 November 2015 Active Data Folder Nesting Study 6.6 Study Component Data described in following report Previously submitted Data (now superseded) Data Data Type File name (s) Location File name Location Cross-section Level Loop (water surface elevation) data - Set 1, 2013 Excel Spreadsheet ISR_6.6_FGM_WSE_LevelLoops.xlsx d DATASHEETS AND SPREADSHEETS > CROSS-SECTION DATA > SUSITNA 1 Initial Study Report ISR data previously submitted. Unchanged in SIR submittal. Reposted in SIR data location for cumulative dataset. a Cross-section Level Loop (water surface elevation) data - Set 2, 2014 Excel Spreadsheet SIR_6_6_FGM_2014_TetraTech_WSE_level_loops QC3 LWZ 20141219.shp d 1 Initial Study Report + Study Implementation Report n/a Cross-section Observations data Excel Spreadsheet ISR_6.6_FGM_XSec_Obs_Summary.xlsx d 1 Initial Study Report ISR data previously submitted. Unchanged in SIR submittal. Reposted in SIR data location for cumulative dataset. a Upper River Cross-Section data Excel Spreadsheet SIR_6_6_FGM_2014_TetraTech_Upper River Cross-Sections QC3 LWZ 20141219.shp d 1 Study Implementation Report - Study 6.5 n/a Focus Area Discharge Measurements Excel Spreadsheets SIR_6_6_FGM_SuWa_TtFGM_FAFeature_Q-DischargeData_QC3_LWZ_20150521.xlsx SIR_6_6_FGM_SuWa_TtFGM_FAFeature_Q- Discharge&ProfileData_QC3_PJH_20150130.xlsx d DATASHEETS AND SPREADSHEETS > DISCHARGE DATA 1 Study Implementation Report n/a Fieldbooks PDF SIR_6_6_FGM_SuWa_TtFGM_year collected + initials of field worker + location + Field Book QC3 + intials of reviewer + date of review.pdf d DATASHEETS AND SPREADSHEETS > FIELD BOOKS 1 Study Implementation Report n/a 2013 Field Photo Log Excel Spreadsheet Photo Log Master.xlsx d PHOTOS > 2013 FIELD PHOTOS 1 Initial Study Report n/a 2013 Field Photos JPEG Nested under folder by Focus Area, Geomorphic Reach, or Tributary d PHOTOS > 2013 FIELD PHOTOS 1 Initial Study Report n/a 2014 Field Photo Logs Excel Spreadsheet SuWa TtFGM 2014 Other Field Photos Photo Log QC3 RAV 20141231.xlsx SuWa TtFGM 2014 Q meas in Focus Areas Photo Log QC3 RAV 20141231.xlsx SuWa TtFGM 2014 Sediment Photo Log QC3 RAV 20141231.xlsx SuWa TtFGM 2014 Tributary Photo Log QC3 RAV 20141231.xlsx SuWa TtFGM 2014 Upper River Recon Photo Log QC3 RAV 20141231.xlsx d PHOTOS > 2014 FIELD PHOTOS 1 Study Implementation Report n/a STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 22 November 2015 Active Data Folder Nesting Study 6.6 Study Component Data described in following report Previously submitted Data (now superseded) Data Data Type File name (s) Location File name Location 2014 Field Photos JPEG Nested under folders by data type: Other Field Photos, Q measurements in Focus Areas, Sediment Sampling, Tributary, or Upper River Reconnaissance d PHOTOS > 2014 FIELD PHOTOS 1 Study Implementation Report n/a Winter Bed Material Sampling Videos MP4 Video File Name: ISR_MTG_6.6_WintBedMatSamp_date of video collection_GOPRO + video number.MP4 Video Data nested under folders by sample transect name: > CH_7_2 > CH_9_7 > PRM_21.8 > PRM_29.9 > PRM_39.2 > PRM_57 > PRM_75 > PRM_95.6 > PRM_104.1 > PRM_112 > PRM_113.9 > PRM_116 > PRM_129 > PRM_139.5 > PRM_142.7 > PRM_145.4 > PRM_152.1 > PRM_174.4 > PRM_184.3 > PRM_185.4 > PRM_195.6 > PRM_214 > PRM_230.1 > PRM_240 > PRM_253.6 > TK_2 > TK_4.1 b ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Winter Bed Material Sampling TM - Video Data > sample transect name > Video_Extraction 1 Winter Bed Material Sampling TM (Tetra Tech 2014c) n/a Winter Bed Material Sampling Video Log Excel Spreadsheet Video Log.xlsx b ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Winter Bed Material Sampling TM - Video Data 1 Winter Bed Material Sampling TM (Tetra Tech 2014c) n/a Winter Bed Material Sampling Overall Metadata Text File ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Winter Bed Material Sampling TM - Data - OVERALL METADATA b ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Winter Bed Material Sampling TM - Data 1 Winter Bed Material Sampling TM (Tetra Tech 2014c) n/a Winter Bed Material Sampling Sediment Gradation Summary Excel Spreadsheet ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Winter2014_BedMaterial_Gradations_Summary QC3 LWZ 20141009.xlsm b ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Winter Bed Material Sampling TM - Data 1 Winter Bed Material Sampling TM (Tetra Tech 2014c) n/a STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 23 November 2015 Active Data Folder Nesting Study 6.6 Study Component Data described in following report Previously submitted Data (now superseded) Data Data Type File name (s) Location File name Location Winter Bed Material Sampling - Extracted Stills Photo Log Excel Spreadsheet ISR MTG 6.6 WintBedMatSamp Photo Log - Extracted Stills.xlsx b ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Winter Bed Material Sampling TM - Data 1 Winter Bed Material Sampling TM (Tetra Tech 2014c) n/a Winter Bed Material Sampling - Ground Surface Photo Log Excel Spreadsheet ISR MTG 6.6 WintBedMatSamp Photo Log - Ground Surface.xlsx b ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Winter Bed Material Sampling TM - Data 1 Winter Bed Material Sampling TM (Tetra Tech 2014c) n/a Winter Bed Material Sampling - Other Photos Photo Log Excel Spreadsheet ISR MTG 6.6 WintBedMatSamp Photo Log - Other Photos.xlsx b ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Winter Bed Material Sampling TM - Data 1 Winter Bed Material Sampling TM (Tetra Tech 2014c) n/a Winter Bed Material Sampling - Rectified Stills Photo Log Excel Spreadsheet ISR MTG 6.6 WintBedMatSamp Photo Log - Rectified Stills.xlsx b ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Winter Bed Material Sampling TM - Data 1 Winter Bed Material Sampling TM (Tetra Tech 2014c) n/a Winter Bed Material Sampling - Other Photos JPEG ISR_MTG_6.6_WintBedMatSamp_date of photo_P + photo number b ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Winter Bed Material Sampling TM - Data > Winter Bed Material Sampling - Other Photos 1 Winter Bed Material Sampling TM (Tetra Tech 2014c) n/a Winter Bed Material Sample Locations ArcGIS shapefile ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Wint_Samp_Pts.shp b ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Winter Bed Material Sampling TM - Data > Winter Bed Material Sample Points - shapefile 1 Winter Bed Material Sampling TM (Tetra Tech 2014c) n/a STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 24 November 2015 Active Data Folder Nesting Study 6.6 Study Component Data described in following report Previously submitted Data (now superseded) Data Data Type File name (s) Location File name Location Winter Bed Material Sample Data 1. Extracted Stillframes (JPEG) 2. Field photos from Transect (JPEG) 3. Rectified Stillframes (GeoTiff) 4. Field datasheet 5. Electronic version of field datasheet 6. Gradation data 7. ArcGIS MXD linked to rectifed still frame images and gridded sample point grid shapefile 8. Point grid shapefile for sampling JPEG, GeoTiff, Excel Spreadsheet, PDF, ArcGIS MXD, and ArcGIS shapefile Each sample location contains the following: 1. Extracted_Stillframes (folder) 2. Photos_of_Transect_from_Ground_Surface (folder) 3. Rectified Stillframes (folder) 4. ISR_MTG_6.6_WintBedMatSamp_[date of data collection]_[sample transect name] [QC level] [initials of QC personnel] [date of QC].pdf 5. ISR MTG 6.6 WintBedMatSamp [date performed] [sample transect name] [QC level] [initials of QC personnel] [date of QC].xlsx 6. ISR_MTG_6.6_WintBedMatSamp_[sample transect name]_gradation.xlsx 7. ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_[sample transect name].mxd 8. ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_[sample transect name]_pt_grid.shp Data nested under folders by sample transect name: > CH_7_2 > CH_9_7 > PRM_21.8 > PRM_29.9 > PRM_39.2 > PRM_57 > PRM_75 > PRM_95.6 > PRM_104.1 > PRM_112 > PRM_113.9 > PRM_116 > PRM_129 > PRM_139.5 > PRM_142.7 > PRM_145.4 > PRM_152.1 > PRM_174.4 > PRM_184.3 > PRM_185.4 > PRM_195.6 > PRM_214 > PRM_230.1 > PRM_240 > PRM_253.6 > TK_2 > TK_4.1 b ISR_MTG_6_6_FGM_Winter Bed Material Sampling TM – Data > sample transect name 1 Winter Bed Material Sampling TM (Tetra Tech 2014c) n/a LiDAR - 2011 Indexed Unclassified las files, classified las files, DEM, tile index, and metadata > PRM_29_to_188 (folder) c N/A 1 Initial Study Report n/a LiDAR - 2013 Unclassified las files, classified las files, DEM, tile index, and metadata > PA-01 South (folder) Data Extents: PRM 102 to PRM 107 > PA-07 (folder) Data Extents: PRM 65 to PRM 97 > PRM_97_to_102_confluence (folder) Data Extents: PRM 97 to Three Rivers Confluence at PRM 102 c N/A 1 Initial Study Report n/a STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 25 November 2015 Active Data Folder Nesting Study 6.6 Study Component Data described in following report Previously submitted Data (now superseded) Data Data Type File name (s) Location File name Location LiDAR - 2014 Unclassified las files, classified las files, DEM, tile index, and metadata > Block 01 (folder): Data Extents: PRM 107 to PRM 146 > Block 02 (folder): Data Extents: PRM 146 to PRM 188 > Area_1 (folder): Data Extents: PRM 175 to PRM 195 > Area_2_3a (folder): Data Extents: PRM 185 to PRM 202 c N/A 1 Study Implementation Report n/a HEC-RAS Version 5 Beta version used for initial Bed Evolution Modeling HEC-RAS installation of executable files HEC-RAS_5.0_Beta_2014-06-06.exeA d Initial 1-D BEM > HEC-RAS 2 SIR Attachment 1 n/a Initial Middle Susitna River 1-D BEM of Existing conditions HEC-RAS model MRExisting.prjB e Initial 1-D BEM > MRExisting 2 SIR Attachment 1 n/a Initial Middle Susitna River 1-D BEM of Max LF OS-1b conditions HEC-RAS Model MRMAXLFOS1B.prjB e Initial 1-D BEM > MRMAXLFOS1B 2 SIR Attachment 1 n/a Initial Middle Susitna River 1-D BEM of Max LF OS-1b conditions with width change HEC-RAS Model MRMAXLFOS1BWC.prjB e Initial 1-D BEM > MRMAXLFOS1Bwidth 2 SIR Attachment 1 n/a Initial Lower Susitna River 1-D BEM of Existing conditions HEC-RAS model LRExisting.prjB e Initial 1-D BEM > LRExisting 2 SIR Attachment 1 n/a Initial Middle Susitna River 1-D BEM of Max LF OS-1b conditions HEC-RAS Model LRMAXLFOS1B.prjB e Initial 1-D BEM > LRMAXLFOS1B 2 SIR Attachment 1 n/a Initial Middle Susitna River 1-D BEM of Max LF OS-1b conditions with width change HEC-RAS Model LRMAXLFOS1BWC.prjB e Initial 1-D BEM > LRMAXLFOS1Bwidth 2 SIR Attachment 1 n/a SRH-2D version used for initial hydraulic and Bed Evolution Modeling SRH-2D executable files SRH2D.zipC e Initial 2-D BEM > SHR2D 2 SIR Attachment 1 n/a Initial FA-128 2-D hydraulic model SRH-2D hydraulic model Name_sif.datD e Initial 2-D BEM > FA-128 > Hydraulic 2 Updated FGM Approach, Attachment A, Tetra Tech 2014a n/a Initial FA-128 2-D BEM Model SRH-2D sediment model Name_sif.datE e Initial 2-D BEM > FA-128 > Sediment > Existing / MaxLFOS1B > Average_Year_1985 / Dry_Year_1976 / Wet_Year_1981 2 SIR Attachment 1 n/a Notes: * Further information about data can be found within referenced report and corresponds to study component listed herein. The study component number corresponds to sections identified in the first decimal position. (i.e. Section X.Y) where X identifies the initial section number and Y identifies the study component. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 26 November 2015 A Includes HEC-RAS installation and computational engines. B Includes associated input files (geometry, sediment, flow, etc.). C Includes computational engines. D One name_sif.dat “sif” file that contains parameters, boundary conditions, and run control for each flow. Folder also contains associated geometry and initial conditions files. E One name_suf.dat “sif” file that contains parameters, boundary conditions, and run control for each year. Folder also contains associated geometry, bed material and rating curve files. Location, a: http://gis.suhydro.org/isr/06-Geomorphology/6.6-Geomorphology/ Location, b: http://gis.suhydro.org/Post_ISR/06-Geomorphology/6.6-Geomorphology/ Location, c: http://gis.suhydro.org/raster-data Location, d: http://gis.suhydro.org/SIR/06-Geomorphology/6.6-Fluvial_Geomorphology_Modeling/ STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 27 November 2015 Table 5.1-1. Bathymetric and LiDAR Survey Dates for 1-D Bed Evolution Model Cross Sections Cross Section ID (PRM) Bathymetric Survey LiDAR Survey Manual Editing of Merged Cross Section Geometry? Year Month - Day Year Data Set 187.2 2012 June 17 2014 SuWa 2014 186.7 2014 June 17 2014 SuWa 2014 186.2 2012 June 18 2014 SuWa 2014 185.5 2012 June 18 2014 SuWa 2014 185.2 2012 June 19 2014 SuWa 2014 184.9 2012 June 19 2014 SuWa 2014 184.7 2014 June 18 2014 SuWa 2014 184.4 2012 June 19 2014 SuWa 2014 183.8 2014 June 18 2014 SuWa 2014 183.3 2012 June 20 2014 SuWa 2014 182.9 2012 June 20 2014 SuWa 2014 182.2 2014 June 18 2014 SuWa 2014 181.6 2012 June 20 2014 SuWa 2014 180.7 2014 June 18 2014 SuWa 2014 180.1 2014 June 19 2014 SuWa 2014 179.5 2012 June 21 2014 SuWa 2014 179 2014 June 19 2014 SuWa 2014 178.5 2012 June 16 2014 SuWa 2014 177.8 2014 June 19 2014 SuWa 2014 177.3 2014 June 19 2014 SuWa 2014 176.5 2012 June 21 2014 SuWa 2014 175.9 2014 June 19 2014 SuWa 2014 174.9 2012 June 21 2014 SuWa 2014 173.6 2014 June 20 2014 SuWa 2014 173.3 2014 June 20 2014 SuWa 2014 173.1 2012 June 21 2014 SuWa 2014 172.2 2014 June 20 2014 SuWa 2014 171.7 2014 June 20 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 170.8 2014 June 20 2014 SuWa 2014 170.1 2012 June 22 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 169.7 2014 June 21 2014 SuWa 2014 168.8 2014 June 21 2014 SuWa 2014 168.1 2012 June 22 2014 SuWa 2014 167.4 2014 June 21 2014 SuWa 2014 166.6 n/a field relocated to 166.3 2014 SuWa 2014 166.3 2014 June 21 2014 SuWa 2014 165.9 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 165.5 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 165.2 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 164.9 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 164.7 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 164.4 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 164.3 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 164.1 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 163.9 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 163.6 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 163.4 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 162.8 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 28 November 2015 Cross Section ID (PRM) Bathymetric Survey LiDAR Survey Manual Editing of Merged Cross Section Geometry? Year Month - Day Year Data Set 162.2 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 161.8 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 161.6 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 161.2 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 161 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 160.4 n/a n/a 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 160.1 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 159.3 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 158.9 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 158.4 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 158.2 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 158 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 157.5 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 157.3 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 155.8 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 155.1 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 154.6 n/a n/a 2014 SuWa 2014 Devils Canyon 153.7 2012 June 25 2014 SuWa 2014 153.3 2014 June 27 & July 6 2014 SuWa 2014 152.9 2012 June 26 2014 SuWa 2014 152.1 a 2012 Sept 29 2014 SuWa 2014 151.8 2014 June 27 2014 SuWa 2014 151.5 2014 June 27 2014 SuWa 2014 151.1 2012 June 25 2014 SuWa 2014 150.6 2014 June 28 2014 SuWa 2014 150.1 2014 June 28 2014 SuWa 2014 149.3 2014 June 28 2014 SuWa 2014 148.8 2014 June 28 2014 SuWa 2014 148.3 2012 June 26 2014 SuWa 2014 147.9 2014 June 28 2014 SuWa 2014 147.5 2014 June 28 2014 SuWa 2014 147 2014 June 29 2014 SuWa 2014 146.6 2012 June 27 2014 SuWa 2014 146.2 2013 Aug 4 2014 SuWa 2014 145.7 a 2012 Sept 29 2014 SuWa 2014 145.5 2012 June 27 2014 SuWa 2014 144.9 2012 June 27 2014 SuWa 2014 144.3 2012 June 27 2014 SuWa 2014 143.9 2013 Aug 4 2014 SuWa 2014 143.5 2012 June 28 2014 SuWa 2014 143 2012 June 28 2014 SuWa 2014 142.2 a 2012 Sept 29 2014 SuWa 2014 141.9 2012 June 28 2014 SuWa 2014 141.7 2012 June 28 2014 SuWa 2014 141.5 2014 June 29 2014 SuWa 2014 141.2 2013 Aug 4 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 140.8 2013 Aug 4 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 140.5 2013 Aug 5 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 140.2 2014 June 30 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 140 a 2012 Sep 30 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 29 November 2015 Cross Section ID (PRM) Bathymetric Survey LiDAR Survey Manual Editing of Merged Cross Section Geometry? Year Month - Day Year Data Set 139.8 2012 June 29 2014 SuWa 2014 139 2012 June 30 2014 SuWa 2014 138.7 2012 June 30 2014 SuWa 2014 138.4 2013 Aug 5 2014 SuWa 2014 138.1 2012 June 30 2014 SuWa 2014 137.7 2014 June 25 2014 SuWa 2014 137.6 a 2012 Sep 30 2014 SuWa 2014 137.2 2013 Aug 5 2014 SuWa 2014 136.8 2014 June 25 2014 SuWa 2014 136.7 2012 July 1 2014 SuWa 2014 136.2 2012 July 1 2014 SuWa 2014 135.7 2013 Aug 6 2014 SuWa 2014 135.4 2014 June 30 2014 SuWa 2014 135.2 2014 June 30 2014 SuWa 2014 135 2012 July 1 2014 SuWa 2014 134.7 2013 Aug 6 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 134.3 a 2012 Oct 1 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 134.1 2012 July 2 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 133.8 2012 July 2 2014 SuWa 2014 133.3 2012 July 2 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 132.6 2012 July 2 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 132.1 2013 Aug 7 2014 SuWa 2014 131.4 2012 July 3 2014 SuWa 2014 Yes - Skew 130.9 2013 Aug 8 2014 SuWa 2014 130.5 2013 Aug 9 2014 SuWa 2014 130.2 2014 July 1 2014 SuWa 2014 129.7 a 2012 Oct 1 2014 SuWa 2014 128.1 2012 July 4 2014 SuWa 2014 127.8 2013 Aug 9 2014 SuWa 2014 127.4 2014 Jul 1 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 126.8 a 2012 Oct 1 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 126.5 2013 Aug 10 2014 SuWa 2014 126.1 2012 July 5 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 125.9 2014 July 2 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 125.8 2013 Aug 11 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 125.4 2012 July 5 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 125 2013 Aug 11 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 Yes - Skew 124.6 2014 June 30 2014 SuWa 2014 124.5 2013 Aug 11 2014 SuWa 2014 124.1 a 2012 Oct 1 2014 SuWa 2014 124 2014 June 30 2014 SuWa 2014 123.7 2012 July 6 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 123.2 2013 Aug 12 2014 SuWa 2014 122.7 2012 July 6 2014 SuWa 2014 Yes - Skew 122.6 2012 July 6 2014 SuWa 2014 122.1 2013 Aug 12 2014 SuWa 2014 121.4 2013 Aug 12 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 120.7 2012 July 6 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 Yes - Erosion 120.3 2013 Aug 12 2014 SuWa 2014 119.9 a 2012 Oct 3 2014 SuWa 2014 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 30 November 2015 Cross Section ID (PRM) Bathymetric Survey LiDAR Survey Manual Editing of Merged Cross Section Geometry? Year Month - Day Year Data Set 119.5 2014 July 1 2014 SuWa 2014 119 2013 Aug 14 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 118.4 2012 July 7 2014 SuWa 2014 Yes - Skew 118.2 2014 July 1 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 117.9 2013 Aug 14 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 117.4 2012 July 7 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 117.1 2013 Aug 14 2014 SuWa 2014 116.8 2014 July 2 2014 SuWa 2014 116.6 2012 July 7 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 116.3 2012 July 8 2014 SuWa 2014 115.7 2012 July 8 2014 SuWa 2014 115.4 2012 July 8 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 114.4 2012 July 8 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 113.6 a 2012 Oct 3 2014 SuWa 2014 113.1 2013 Aug 15 2014 SuWa 2014 Yes - Skew 112.5 2013 Aug 15 2014 SuWa 2014 111.9 2012 July 9 2014 SuWa 2014 111.2 2014 July2 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 110.5 a 2012 Oct 3 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 109.7 2014 July 3 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 109 2013 Aug 15 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 108.3 2012 Aug 18 2011 / 2014 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2014 107.8 2013 Aug 15 2014 SuWa 2014 107.4 2014 July 3 2014 SuWa 2014 107.1 2012 July 9 2014 SuWa 2014 106.9 2014 July 3 2014 SuWa 2014 106.6 2013 Aug 15 2013 / 2014 SuWa 2013 / SuWa 2014 106.1 2012 Aug 18 2013 / 2014 SuWa 2013 / SuWa 2014 105.3 2012 Aug 18 2013 SuWa 2013 104.7 2012 Aug 18 2013 SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 104.1 2012 Aug 19 2013 SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 103.5 2012 Oct 1 2013 SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 102.7 2012 July 10 2013 SuWa 2013 102.1 2013 Aug 16 2013 SuWa 2013 101.4 a 2012 July 10 & Oct 15 2013 SuWa 2013 100.7 2013 June 10-11 & July 17 2013 SuWa 2013 99.9 2013 June 11 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 Yes - Skew 99.1 n/a n/a 2013 SuWa 2013 98.4 a 2012 July 11 & Oct 5 2013 SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 97.9 n/a n/a 2013 SuWa 2013 97 2012 July 11 2013 SuWa 2013 96.2 2013 June 12 2013 SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 95.3 2014 July 4-5 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 94.8 2013 June 12 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 94 2013 June 13 2013 SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 93.2 2013 June 13 2013 SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 92.3 2013 June 13 2013 SuWa 2013 91.6 2012 Aug 21 2013 SuWa 2013 91 2012 July 12 2013 SuWa 2013 90.2 2013 June 14 2013 SuWa 2013 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 31 November 2015 Cross Section ID (PRM) Bathymetric Survey LiDAR Survey Manual Editing of Merged Cross Section Geometry? Year Month - Day Year Data Set 89.5 2013 June 14 2013 SuWa 2013 88.9 n/a n/a 2013 SuWa 2013 88.4 2012 Aug 22 2013 SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 88 2013 June 15 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 87.6 2013 June 15 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 87.1 2012 July 12 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 86.3 2012 July 13 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 85.4 2012 Aug 22 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 84.4 2012 Aug 23 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 83.5 n/a n/a 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 83 2012 July 13 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 82.3 2012 Aug 23 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 81.4 2013 June 16 2013 SuWa 2013 80.7 2013 June 16 2013 SuWa 2013 Yes - Skew 80 2012 Aug 24 2013 SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 79 2013 June 17 2013 SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 78 2013 June 17 2013 SuWa 2013 77 2013 June 18 2013 SuWa 2013 75.9 2013 June 18 2013 SuWa 2013 75 2013 June 19 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 Yes - Erosion 74.1 2013 June 19 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 73.1 2013 June 20 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 71 2013 June 20 2013 SuWa 2013 70.1 n/a n/a 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 69.2 2013 June 23 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 68.2 2013 June 23 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 67.2 2013 June 23 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 66.1 2013 June 24 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 64.6 2013 June 26 2011 / 2013 MatSu Indexed 2011 / SuWa 2013 63.6 n/a n/a 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 62.7 2013 June 27 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 61.7 n/a n/a 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 60.3 2013 June 26 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 59.1 2013 June 28 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 57.8 2013 June 28 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 56.8 n/a n/a 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 55.4 2013 June 29 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 54.2 2013 June 30 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 52.1 2013 July 2 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 51.1 n/a n/a 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 49 2013 July 4 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 47.9 2013 July 4 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 47.1 2013 July 5 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 46.3 2013 July 5 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 Yes - Erosion 45.6 2013 July 7 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 44.5 2013 July 7 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 42.8 n/a n/a 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 41.3 2013 July 8 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 40.4 2013 July 8-10 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 39.5 2013 July 10-11 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 32 November 2015 Cross Section ID (PRM) Bathymetric Survey LiDAR Survey Manual Editing of Merged Cross Section Geometry? Year Month - Day Year Data Set 38.3 2013 July 11-12 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 36.4 2013 July 11 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 34.8 2013 July 13 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 33.7 2013 July 14 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 33 n/a n/a 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 32.4 2013 July 14 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 31.6 2013 July 15 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 30.8 2013 July 14 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 29.9 2013 July 15 2011 MatSu Indexed 2011 Notes a Two separate bathymetric surveys conducted at this location in 2012 n/a = bathymetric survey not conducted Table 5.1-2 Summary of the number of sediment samples collected along the Susitna River, Focus Areas, and Tributaries in 2014 Location Susitna River Surface Samples Surface / Subsurface Samples Bulk Samples Bank Samples Lower River 3 0 0 52 Middle River 2 13 0 3 Upper River 7 3 1 0 FA-151 (Portage Creek) 1 0 0 0 FA-173 (Stephan Lake Complex) 8 3 0 5 FA-184 (Watana Dam) 2 2 0 3 Location Tributaries Surface Samples Surface / Subsurface Samples Bulk Samples Bank Samples Caswell Creek 4 0 4 0 Sheep Creek 3 1 0 0 Birch Creek 1 0 0 0 Deadhorse Creek 2 1 0 0 5th of July Creek 3 1 0 0 Sherman Creek 1 1 0 0 4th of July Creek 2 1 0 0 Portage Creek 3 2 0 0 Chinook Creek 3 1 0 0 UNT-173 2 2 0 0 Little Tsusena Creek 2 1 0 0 Tsusena Creek 1 1 0 0 Fog Creek 2 1 0 0 Oshetna Creek 1 0 0 0 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 33 November 2015 Table 5.1-3 Summary of gradation for bank samples collected in the Lower River PRM Sample Name Date Sampled Bank Gradation (mm) D16 D50 D84 D90 22.4 S5A 8/28/2014 0.08 0.15 0.23 0.24 22.4 S5B 8/28/2014 0.04 0.09 0.22 0.28 22.4 S5C 8/28/2014 0.26 0.35 0.47 0.50 23 S6A 8/28/2014 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.12 23 S6B 8/28/2014 0.03 0.07 0.11 0.12 23 S6C 8/28/2014 0.07 0.13 0.21 0.23 27.3 S8A 8/28/2014 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.11 27.3 S8B 8/28/2014 0.03 0.07 0.11 0.12 27.3 S8C 8/28/2014 0.28 0.39 0.66 0.81 29 S9A 8/28/2014 0.05 0.08 0.16 0.19 29 S9B 8/28/2014 0.04 0.08 0.13 0.16 29 S9C 8/28/2014 0.03 0.08 0.12 0.13 35.8 S10A 8/28/2014 0.06 0.11 0.19 0.21 35.8 S10B 8/28/2014 0.06 0.10 0.18 0.21 35.8 S10C 8/28/2014 0.03 0.07 0.12 0.13 37.3 S11A 8/28/2014 0.03 0.06 0.11 0.12 37.3 S11B 8/28/2014 0.13 0.20 0.35 0.40 37.3 S11C 8/28/2014 0.27 0.35 0.47 0.49 47.5 S3A 8/28/2014 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.23 47.5 S3B 8/28/2014 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.17 47.5 S3C 8/28/2014 0.25 0.34 0.46 0.48 51.2 S5A 8/27/2014 0.07 0.13 0.20 0.22 51.2 S5B 8/27/2014 0.02 0.04 0.10 0.11 51.2 S5C 8/27/2014 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.22 52 S1A 8/28/2014 0.08 0.15 0.23 0.25 52 S1B 8/28/2014 0.02 0.05 0.09 0.11 52 S1C 8/28/2014 0.05 0.08 0.12 0.14 55.6 S4A 8/27/2014 0.13 0.20 0.36 0.41 55.6 S4B 8/27/2014 0.07 0.12 0.20 0.22 55.6 S4C 8/27/2014 0.02 0.05 0.14 0.19 61.1 S3A 8/27/2014 0.08 0.15 0.22 0.23 61.1 S3B 8/27/2014 0.08 0.16 0.23 0.25 61.1 S3C 8/27/2014 0.03 0.08 0.15 0.21 68 S2A 8/27/2014 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 68 S2B 8/27/2014 0.06 0.11 0.20 0.22 68 S2C 8/27/2014 0.03 0.07 0.11 0.12 75 S1A 8/27/2014 0.01 0.04 0.10 0.11 75 S1B 8/27/2014 0.13 0.27 0.42 0.46 75 S1C 8/27/2014 0.07 0.12 0.20 0.22 80.8 S5A 8/26/2014 0.08 0.16 0.23 0.24 80.8 S5B 8/26/2014 0.01 0.03 0.10 0.12 80.8 S5C 8/26/2014 0.13 0.19 0.33 0.38 83 S4A 8/26/2014 0.03 0.08 0.13 0.16 83 S4B 8/26/2014 0.03 0.08 0.11 0.12 84.7 S3A 8/26/2014 0.08 0.16 0.22 0.24 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 34 November 2015 PRM Sample Name Date Sampled Bank Gradation (mm) D16 D50 D84 D90 84.7 S3B 8/26/2014 0.16 0.30 0.43 0.46 84.7 S3C 8/26/2014 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.11 91.7 S2A 8/26/2014 0.08 0.15 0.23 0.25 91.7 S2B 8/26/2014 0.07 0.14 0.22 0.23 91.7 S2C 8/26/2014 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.11 97.9 S1A 8/26/2014 0.05 0.09 0.16 0.19 97.9 S1B 8/26/2014 0.01 0.03 0.08 0.09 Table 5.1-4 Summary of gradation for bank samples collected in the Middle River PRM Sample Name Date Sampled Bank Gradation (mm) D16 D50 D84 D90 147.5 S1A & S1Ba 7/25/2014 0.10 0.11 0.26 0.34 148.8 S2A & S2Ba 7/25/2014 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.20 185.9 S4A & S4Ba 7/20/2014 0.00 0.09 0.19 0.23 Notes: a samples combined in lab by error Table 5.1-5 Summary of gradation for surface and subsurface samples collected in the Lower River PRM Sample Name Date Sampled Surface Gradation (mm) Subsurface Gradation (mm) D16 D50 D84 D90 D16 D50 D84 D90 PRM 27.0 S7 08/28/2014 20.3 32.3 43.5 48.0 NA NA NA NA PRM 27.8 S4 08/28/2014 19.3 34.4 53.7 58.6 NA NA NA NA PRM 50.5 S2 08/28/2014 19.0 37.9 63.2 73.0 NA NA NA NA Notes: NA = No sample collected STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 35 November 2015 Table 5.1-6 Summary of gradation for surface and subsurface samples collected in the Middle River PRM Sample Name Date Sampled Surface Gradation (mm) Subsurface Gradation (mm) D16 D50 D84 D90 D16 D50 D84 D90 PRM 147.2 S2 06/24/2014 33.6 72.5 118.4 130.9 1.9 41.5 106.2 119.7 PRM 147.8 S1 06/24/2014 47.2 94.9 165.7 179.6 2.2 51.5 126.4 157.2 PRM 148.8 S4 06/20/2014 45.1 112.2 182.6 211.0 2.8 39.7 145.8 164.0 PRM 149.3 S3 06/20/2014 40.8 88.6 180.0 222.4 NA NA NA NA PRM 150.7 S2 06/20/2014 51.6 104.3 173.3 204.8 2.3 48.2 115.7 144.9 PRM 152.9 S1 06/20/2014 59.5 138.9 223.7 256.0 3.5 81.6 213.4 228.5 PRM 167.0 S3 07/09/2014 32.5 59.6 110.2 124.3 1.3 35.9 83.4 98.8 PRM 169.2 S1 07/16/2014 24.6 94.5 211.4 254.5 2.0 45.3 167.0 283.9 PRM 173.3 S2 07/09/2014 33.5 75.5 151.1 180.0 0.3 34.6 97.4 117.4 PRM 178.5 S1 07/11/2014 23.7 50.7 91.5 108.2 2.1 23.6 80.7 98.3 PRM 179.9 S2 07/10/2014 11.7 31.8 74.7 90.0 0.6 23.3 77.8 95.0 PRM 181.4 S2 07/11/2014 34.1 65.6 117.5 133.4 2.5 35.5 81.3 93.2 PRM 182.2 S1 07/12/2014 13.1 26.9 57.1 69.7 0.7 17.2 62.3 79.2 PRM 183.1 S5 07/21/2014 33.0 59.0 111.3 127.5 2.5 45.5 94.6 116.2 PRM 185.9 S5 07/20/2014 33.9 84.9 184.6 214.7 NA NA NA NA Notes: NA = No sample collected Table 5.1-7 Summary of gradation for surface and subsurface samples collected in the Upper River PRM Sample Name Date Sampled Surface Gradation (mm) Subsurface Gradation (mm) D16 D50 D84 D90 D16 D50 D84 D90 PRM 190.1 S4 08/16/2014 34.4 56.7 90.0 111.2 NA NA NA NA PRM 190.1 S5 08/16/2014 29.3 54.9 86.2 97.6 NA NA NA NA PRM 195.0 S3 08/16/2014 19.0 35.3 56.2 62.8 NA NA NA NA PRM 196.5 S2 08/16/2014 17.1 26.1 41.5 47.7 NA NA NA NA PRM 208.0 S1 08/15/2014 22.0 47.5 88.4 105.3 NA NA NA NA PRM 224.6 S1 08/14/2014 30.6 68.3 130.6 147.3 0.8 27.3 87.3 104.3 PRM 234.8 S1 08/13/2014 14.4 45.8 90.0 105.9 1.2 17.9 57.4 70.4 PRM 250.9 S2 & S3 08/11/2014 14.4 30.0 53.7 61.8 NA NA NA NA PRM 254.3 S1 08/11/2014 19.7 32.3 46.9 53.1 NA NA NA NA PRM 258.6 S2 08/10/2014 22.7 40.5 64.8 74.6 0.7 10.1 36.0 42.4 PRM 276.2 S1 (Grab)1 08/09/2014 0.6 4.2 13.4 16.0 NA NA NA NA Notes: 1. Sample represents both the surface and subsurface layer. 2. NA = No sample collected STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 36 November 2015 Table 5.1-8 Summary of gradation for surface and subsurface samples collected in the tributaries studied in 2014 PRM Sample Name Date Sampled Surface Gradation (mm) Subsurface Gradation (mm) D16 D50 D84 D90 D16 D50 D84 D90 Caswell Creek CA-2 S-4 (Sur and Bulk) 08/15/2014 22.5 43.7 74.3 84.4 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.5 Caswell Creek CA-10.5 S-2 (Sur and Bulk) 08/15/2014 17.3 40.2 59.9 64.0 4.0 23.7 39.0 41.1 Caswell Creek CA-10 S-3 (Sur and Bulk) 08/15/2014 18.8 36.4 57.7 62.4 1.5 16.0 35.5 38.8 Caswell Creek CA-13 S-1 (Sur and Bulk) 08/15/2014 14.7 34.1 59.2 64.0 1.3 16.5 37.0 39.8 Birch Creek S1 08/09/2014 16.7 32.9 74.1 85.7 NA NA NA NA Sheep Creek S2 08/12/2014 19.6 43.5 87.7 104.2 NA NA NA NA Sheep Creek S1 (SH-1) 08/12/2014 18.8 35.2 61.8 77.5 1.7 26.1 59.3 77.5 Sheep Creek S4 08/12/2014 10.4 17.9 31.3 38.7 NA NA NA NA Sheep Creek S3 08/12/2014 20.1 41.6 75.3 83.0 NA NA NA NA Sherman S2 06/21/2014 45.2 123.3 283.4 382.5 NA NA NA NA 4th of July S1 06/22/2014 20.3 68.5 153.3 172.9 NA NA NA NA 4th of July S3 06/22/2014 2.7 19.4 56.2 70.8 2.7 19.4 56.2 70.8 4th of July S2 06/22/2014 26.1 83.3 177.8 229.3 NA NA NA NA Portage S1 06/19/2014 21.3 50.1 101.4 115.2 2.1 23.3 73.1 92.5 Portage Trib Fan 06/19/2014 53.7 136.2 412.1 462.7 NA NA NA NA Portage S3 07/19/2014 58.6 132.0 245.0 293.4 NA NA NA NA Portage S2 07/19/2014 387.5 463.3 554.0 571.8 NA NA NA NA Portage S1 07/19/2014 21.0 56.2 88.9 107.3 1.7 25.1 78.2 93.6 Chinook Cr S1 07/07/2014 23.7 113.8 244.0 330.6 NA NA NA NA Chinook Cr S2 07/07/2014 73.8 180.0 414.5 512.0 NA NA NA NA Chinook Cr S3 07/07/2014 26.8 62.9 157.9 188.1 NA NA NA NA Chinook Cr S1 07/22/2014 41.4 94.5 174.1 202.2 1.8 32.3 97.7 122.2 UNT 173.8 S2 S3 06/25/2014 16.5 56.3 143.4 164.4 NA NA NA NA UNT 173.8 S1 07/09/2014 16.9 36.4 71.1 83.2 4.1 33.1 69.6 82.8 UNT 173.8 S1 06/25/2014 39.6 97.3 184.9 217.6 NA NA NA NA UNT 173.8 S4 07/18/2014 16.6 39.8 83.1 96.0 1.5 12.8 43.2 54.6 Little Tsusena S2 07/21/2014 17.1 62.4 132.0 159.0 4.2 49.5 117.9 194.5 Little Tsusena S3 07/21/2014 40.6 77.2 164.4 194.7 NA NA NA NA Little Tsusena S4 07/21/2014 399.3 505.0 693.2 763.5 NA NA NA NA Tsusena Creek S7 07/21/2014 NA NA NA NA 1.1 12.1 39.0 45.8 Tsusena Creek S6 07/20/2014 36.5 118.0 265.8 352.6 NA NA NA NA Fog Creek S2, S3 07/22/2014 28.9 73.1 188.5 226.5 NA NA NA NA Fog Creek S4 07/22/2014 17.9 31.1 58.6 70.5 NA NA NA NA Fog Creek S3 07/11/2014 43.6 80.5 154.3 174.1 32.4 75.9 242.5 287.2 Oshetna S1, S2, S3 08/12/2014 16.9 31.2 111.6 155.9 NA NA NA NA Notes: NA = No sample collected STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 37 November 2015 Table 5.1-9 Summary of water surface elevations surveyed along the Susitna River PRM Pin Pin Northing (ft) Pin Easting (ft) WSE (NAVD88) WSE Survey Date and Time Discharge at Gold Creek (cfs) 147.9 RB_Pin 3223955.297 1722684.481 792.18 7/25/2014 @ 11:00 24,100 148.8 LB_Pin 3224665.432 1727247.657 802.31 7/25/2014 @ 11:45 24,400 149.3 LB_Pin 3225552.973 1729640.169 806.27 7/19/2014 @ 16:30 23,200 150.1 RB_Pin 3227447.47 1733351.005 817.11 7/25/2014 @ 12:30 24,700 150.6 LB_Pin 3227073.968 1735820.919 823.23 7/25/2014 @ 13:00 24,700 151.1 RB_Pin 3228551.031 1738634.158 830.36 7/25/2014 @ 14:00 25,000 151.5 RB_Pin 3227391.923 1740070.876 833.30 7/25/2014 @ 14:15 25,100 151.8 LB_Pin 3226659.377 1741530.949 837.65 7/19/2014 @ 15:50 23,000 152.1 RB_Pin 3227301.202 1743124.673 842.09 6/24/2014 @ 15:10 21,800 152.9 RB_Pin 3225596.583 1747115.94 851.32 6/24/2014 @ 16:40 21,600 152.9 RB_Pin 3225596.583 1747115.94 851.65 7/25/2014 @ 15:00 25,200 174.9 RB_Pin 3204853.977 1837600.1 1328.43 7/22/2014 @ 15:15 24,900 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 38 November 2015 Table 5.1-10 Summary of gradations for bank samples collected in Focus Areas PRM Sample Name Date Sampled Bank Gradation (mm) D16 D50 D84 D90 FA-173 Stephan Lake Complex 173.6 S1A 7/18/2014 0.1 1.2 22.5 33.9 173.6 S1B 7/18/2014 0.2 2.3 13.8 20.1 174.1 S2 7/18/2014 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 174.8 S8A & S8B 7/22/2014 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 175.2 S7 7/22/2014 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 FA-184 Watana Dam 184.7 S1A 7/21/2014 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 184.7 S1B 7/21/2014 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 185.4 S2A & S2B 7/20/2014 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.4 Table 5.1-11 Summary of gradations for surface and subsurface samples collected in Focus Areas PRM Sample Name Date Sampled Surface Gradation (mm) Subsurface Gradation (mm) D16 D50 D84 D90 D16 D50 D84 D90 FA-151 Portage Creek PRM 151.8 S4 07/19/2014 54.4 111.2 201.3 221.6 NA NA NA NA FA-173 Stephan Lake Complex PRM 173.8 S3 07/18/2014 276.3 337.5 445.5 471.0 NA NA NA NA PRM 174.1 S2 07/17/2014 29.3 65.0 114.8 129.8 1.4 38.9 133.2 149.1 PRM 174.3 S4 06/25/2014 69.2 135.0 217.6 256.0 NA NA NA NA PRM 174.3 S3, S4, S5 07/17/2014 15.4 43.8 114.8 137.8 NA NA NA NA PRM 174.4 S2 07/16/2014 26.7 65.7 116.5 132.4 0.8 27.0 82.0 110.9 PRM 174.5 S6 07/17/2014 27.8 96.6 180.0 218.1 NA NA NA NA PRM 174.5 S1 07/17/2014 59.3 117.8 188.7 217.2 NA NA NA NA PRM 174.6 S7 07/17/2018 38.5 95.8 228.9 251.3 NA NA NA NA PRM 175.0 S9 07/17/2014 29.8 93.4 171.0 195.2 NA NA NA NA PRM 175.0 S8 07/18/2014 26.6 57.1 106.7 123.4 0.5 21.8 90.2 117.8 PRM 175.1 S6 07/22/2014 32.7 94.6 190.0 223.6 NA NA NA NA FA-184 Watana Dam PRM 185.2 S3 07/20/2014 27.6 54.3 105.9 124.6 NA NA NA NA PRM 185.3 S8 07/20/2014 27.9 47.5 82.6 99.5 NA NA NA NA PRM 185.4 S1 07/20/2014 34.9 68.3 136.8 162.2 1.6 26.5 87.4 105.4 PRM 185.4 S2 07/12/2014 17.5 36.3 60.3 72.0 1.3 23.9 60.3 72.0 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 39 November 2015 Table 5.1-12 Summary of tributaries surveyed in 2014 Tributary Name PRM Tsusena Creek 184.6 Little Tsusena Creek 184.0 Fog Creek 179.3 Un. Tributary 173.8 Chinook Creek 160.5 Portage Creek 152.3 Fourth of July Creek 134.3 Sherman Creek 134.1 Fifth of July Creek 127.3 Deadhorse Creek 124.4 Sheep Creek 71.7 Caswell Creek 67.2 Table 5.1-13 Sediment sampling conducted at the tributary delta study sites Tributary PRM Surface Sample Subsurface Sample Size (mm) Sand Cover1 (%) Size (mm) Less Than 2 mm2 (%) D16 D50 D84 D16 D50 D84 Caswell CA-2 22.5 43.7 74.3 0 0.0 0.1 0.4 81.1 Deadhorse 124.4 19.0 42.4 112.2 0 4.1 27.4 72 7.4 5th of July 127.4 1.9 3 26.1 3 69.4 3 16.2 2,3 NA NA NA NA Sherman 134.1 106.4 162.3 360 0 2.4 21.0 55.5 13.9 4th of July 134.4 9.1 30.7 72.7 0 2.7 19.4 56.2 11.0 Portage 152.2 21.3 50.1 101.4 2.7 2.1 23.3 73.1 15.1 Chinook 160.4 23.7 113.8 244.0 5 NA NA NA NA UNT 173.8 173.8 16.6 39.8 83.1 1.0 1.5 12.8 43.2 16.9 Fog 179.3 28.9 73.1 188.5 3.5 NA NA NA NA Little Tsusena 184.0 17.1 62.4 132.0 0.0 4.2 49.5 117.9 9.8 Oshetna 235.1 16.9 31.2 111.6 0.0 NA NA NA NA Notes: 1. Value is the percent of the surface that was covered with a layer of sand and finer material 2. Value represents the percent of the subsurface sample that was less than 2 mm which is the upper limit of sand. 3. Sample represents both surface and subsurface layer. 4. NA = No sample taken STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 40 November 2015 Table 5.1-14: 2014 collected discharge measurements in Focus Areas. Date Flow (cfs) Location Reference PRM Northing (feet) Easting (feet) FA-104 Whiskers Slough 9/27/2014 10a Near head of right bank side channel 105.8 3,063,308 1,615,080 9/27/2014 1a Upstream connection into Slough 3B 105.4 3,062,647 1,613,263 9/27/2014 0.1a Near head of left bank side channel 104.9 3,059,123 1,613,857 9/27/2014 0.14 Near head of left bank side channel 105.2 3,060,336 1,613,509 9/27/2014 0.3a Near mouth of left bank side channel 104.9 3,058,879 1,613,582 9/27/2014 1.22b Downstream of beaver dam in Slough 3B 105.4 3,062,266 1,612,578 9/27/2014 0.07 Near head of left bank side channel 105.2 3,060,134 1,613,640 FA-113 Oxbow 9/23/2014 0.82 Mouth of Oxbow I 113.7 3,101,369 1,623,125 9/23/2014 6.20 Mouth of Gash Creek 115.1 3,107,391 1,622,840 9/23/2014 0.46 Mouth of Slash Creek 114.8 3,106,250 1,623,153 FA-115 Slough 6A 9/23/2014 0.45b Mouth of Unnamed Tributary 115.4 115.4 3,108,780 1,621,080 9/23/2014 0.15 Inflow from beaver dam at head of Slough 6A 116.1 3,112,010 1,619,438 9/23/2014 0.32 Groundwater inflow at head of Slough 6A 116.1 3,111,090 1,619,438 9/23/2014 1.04 Mouth of tributary into Slough 6A 116.0 3,111,431 1,619,417 9/23/2014 0.84b Side channel in mid-channel island 115.9 3,111,547 1,620,764 FA-128 Slough 8A 9/26/2014 1.01 Near head of Slough 8A 130.1 3,167,600 1,659,832 9/26/2014 1a Unnamed Tributary to Slough 8 A 129.9 3,166,924 1,659,026 9/26/2014 1a Unnamed Tributary to Slough 8A 130.0 3,167,209 1,659,443 9/26/2014 4.65 Downstream of beaver dam on Slough 8A 129.7 3,166,393 1,658,118 9/26/2014 10a Channel across mid-channel island 128.3 3,165,013 1,650,820 9/26/2014 0.1a Mouth of channel on south side of mid-channel island 128.6 3,164,469 1,652,751 9/26/2014 0.1a Mouth of channel on north side of mid-channel island 128.8 3,166,472 1,652,610 9/25/2014 1a Near head of channel into Slough 8A 129.5 3,166,780 1,656,565 9/25/2014 1.39 Near mouth of channel into Slough 8A 129.4 3,166,043 1,656,332 9/25/2014 9.22 Slough 8A above confluence with channel 129.4 3,165,724 1,656,500 9/25/2014 0.51 Near mouth of Slough A 128.1 3,163,824 1,650,824 9/25/2014 0.60 Head of channel across mid-channel island 128.7 3,166,031 1,652,420 9/25/2014 No flow Near head of Half-Moon Slough 128.9 3,165,827 1,653,557 9/25/2014 1.96 Near mouth of channel across mid-channel island 128.4 3,164,548 1,651,705 FA-138 Gold Creek 9/24/2014 1.69 Near head of Upper Side Channel 11 139.9 3,203,504 1,691,698 9/24/2014 2.13 Near mouth of Upper Side Channel 11 139.6 3,202,738 1,689,788 9/24/2014 60a Near head of channel into mouth of Slough 12 138.7 3,199,419 1,688,668 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 41 November 2015 Date Flow (cfs) Location Reference PRM Northing (feet) Easting (feet) 9/24/2014 0.1a Near mouth of Slough 12 138.8 3,199,475 1,689,142 9/24/2014 0.21 Near mouth of Slough 13 139.0 3,200,668 1,688,970 9/24/2014 1a Outlet from beaver impounded pond along right bank 139.5 3,203,481 1,688,936 9/24/2014 0.25 Near head of Slough 11 139.4 3,202,434 1,690,710 9/24/2014 0.37 Left channel downstream of beaver dam in Slough 11 138.9 3,200,220 1,690,204 9/24/2014 1.16 Middle channel downstream of beaver dam in Slough 11 138.9 3,200,235 1,690,195 9/24/2014 0.62 Right channel downstream of beaver dam in Slough 11 138.9 3,200,249 1,690,182 9/24/2014 1.56 Left channel near mouth of Slough 11 138.7 3,199,033 1,689,404 9/24/2014 1.65 Right channel near mouth of Slough 11 138.7 3,198,943 1,689,382 FA-141 Indian River 9/25/2014 0.1a Mouth of Slough 17 142.3 3,211,169 1,698,990 FA-144 Slough 21 9/24/2014 14.3 Mouth of Unnamed Tributary 144.6 144.5 3,217,382 1,708,369 9/24/2014 10.3 Side Channel 21 near mouth of Unnamed Tributary 144.6 144.6 3,217,686 1,708,391 9/24/2014 1.25 Mouth of channel across mid-channel island 144.9 3,218,990 1,709,017 9/24/2014 No flow Mouth of channel across mid-channel island 145.0 3,219,661 1,709,360 9/23/2014 300a Mouth of channel across mid-channel island 144.5 3,217,850 1,707,901 9/24/2014 1a Near inlet berm into channel on mid-channel island 145.5 3,221,584 1,711,078 9/24/2014 0.01a Near head of channel across mid-channel island 145.5 3,221,237 1,711,539 9/24/2014 0.23 Downstream of beaver dam in Slough 21 145.2 3,219,949 1,710,390 9/24/2014 0.90 Slough 21 145.1 3,219,801 1,710,244 9/24/2014 1.50a Mouth of channel across mid-channel island 145.1 3,219,801 1,709,815 Notes: a = estimated flow b = flow measured with current meter STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 42 November 2015 Table 5.1-15. 2014 Susitna-Watana airborne LiDAR data specifications. Data Specification Description Point density Minimum 8 points per square meter Nominal point spacing 0.45 meter Field of view 60° angle Returns per pulse 4 Horizontal projection NAD 1983 State Plane Alaska 4 FIPS 5004 Vertical projection NAVD 88 – GEOID09 Horizontal accuracy (RMSEr) ≤ 17 cm (~0.56 ft) Vertical accuracy (RMSEz) ≤ 9.25 cm (~0.30 ft) LiDAR intensity values 0 to 255 (8 bits) LiDAR files version ASPRS LAS files version 1.2 Vertical and horizontal units U.S. Survey Feet Table 5.1-16. Middle river corridor vertical accuracy tests results for 2014 LiDAR. LiDAR Vertical Accuracy Test Cover type # Survey points Max (ft) Min (ft) Mean (ft) STD (ft) RMSEz (ft) Vertical accuracy at 95% confidence level (ft) # of Outliers Fundamental Vertical Accuracy Test Open terrain 86 0.474 -0.311 -0.004 0.158 0.159 0.311 0 Supplemental Vertical Accuracy Test Brush land/Low vegetation 30 0.393 -0.42 -0.127 0.217 0.252 0.493 2 Consolidated Vertical Accuracy Test All land cover types 116 0.474 -0.42 -0.036 0.184 0.187 0.367 2 STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 43 November 2015 Table 5.1-17. Reservoir areas vertical accuracy tests results for 2014 LiDAR. LiDAR Vertical Accuracy Test Cover type # Survey points Max (ft) Min (ft) Mean (ft) STD (ft) RMSEz (ft) Vertical accuracy at 95% confidence level (ft) # Outliers Fundamental Vertical Accuracy Test Open terrain 9 0.488 -0.535 0.012 0.288 0.288 0.564 0 Supplemental Vertical Accuracy Test Brush land/Low vegetation 16 0.155 -0.891 -0.435 0.793 0.536 1.05 1 Forest land 7 0.394 -1.137 -0.23 0.685 0.558 1.09 1 Consolidated Vertical Accuracy Test All land cover types 32 0.488 -1.137 -0.264 0.407 0.485 0.95 2 Table 5.1-18. Comparison of NMAS/NSSDA Vertical Accuracy (ASPRS 2004). NMAS Equivalent Contour Interval (ft) NSSDA RMSEz (ft) NSSDA Vertical Accuracy at 95% confidence level (ft) Required Accuracy for Reference Data for “Tested to Meet” (ft) 0.5 0.15 0.30 0.10 1 0.30 0.60 0.20 2 0.61 1.19 0.40 3* 0.92* 1.79* 0.60* 4 1.22 2.38 0.79 5 1.52 2.98 0.99 10 3.04 5.96 1.98 Notes: * Average of 2 and 4 ft equivalent contour interval rows in ASPRS 2004. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 44 November 2015 10. FIGURES STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 45 November 2015 Figure 5.1-1: 2013 and 2014 LiDAR areas and collection. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 46 November 2015 Figure 5.1-2 Field data collection and geomorphic surface mapping in Focus Area 151 Portage Creek STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 47 November 2015 Figure 5.1-3 Field data collection and geomorphic surface mapping in Focus Area 173 Stephan lake Complex STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 48 November 2015 Figure 5.1-4 Field data collection and geomorphic surface mapping in Focus Area 184 Watana Dam STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 49 November 2015 Figure 5.1-5: 2014 Middle River LiDAR Acquisition. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 50 November 2015 Figure 5.1-6: 2014 Middle River ground survey point locations. STUDY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY MODELING BELOW WATANA DAM (STUDY 6.6) Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority FERC Project No. 14241 Page 51 November 2015 Figure 5.1-7: 2014 reservoir areas ground survey point locations.