HomeMy WebLinkAboutAEA Board HVDC Analysis 3.29.13Economics  of  HVDC  Projects  in  Alaska Alaska  Energy  Authority Board  of  Directors March  29,  2013 HVDC  for  the  Railbelt ƒExamines  North  Slope   power  generation  delivered   to  the  Railbelt  with  HVDC ƒAnalysis  based  on  existing   proposal ƒRecommendation  made  for   future  consideration  of  this   project HVDC  Opportunities  in  Alaska ƒExplores  other   opportunities  to  use  HVDC   to  supply  power  in  Alaska ƒEconomics  modeled  based   on  costs  provided  by   proponents  of  proposed   project ƒ‹•…—••‹‘‘ˆǯ•”‘Ž‡‹ developing  these   opportunities 2 Economic  Analysis  of  HVDC  in  Alaska: Two  Approaches HVDC  for   the  Railbelt ƒHigh  level  analysis  on  the  economics  of  a   stand-­‐alone  project  providing  the  Railbelt  with   North  Slope  power  using  HVDC ƒThis  analysis  is  intended  to  provide  a  clear   answer  on  the  economic  viability  of  the  project ƒAvoids  disputing  any  assumptions ƒAvoids  complex  modeling ƒAnalysis  based  information  from  existing   project  proposal ƒProposed  by: ƒMeera  Kohler,  AVEC ƒDr.  Robert  A  Jacobsen ƒFebruary  2013  (AK  House  Energy  Committee) 3 Economic  Analysis  for  Railbelt  HVDC ƒThree  step  simple  test ƒVery  conservative  approach ƒ‘‡•ǯ–…‘–‡•–ƒ›…‘•– assumptions  in  existing  proposal ƒStep  1:  Isolate  annual  HVDC   transmission  costs ƒStep  2:  Calculate  annual  gas  used   by  new  power  plant ƒStep  3:  Calculate  the  break  even   Railbelt  natural  gas  price ƒThis  analysis  provides  a  simple  test  to   determine  if  the  Railbelt  HVDC  proposal   warrants  further  investigation ƒThe  test  can  be  thought  of  as  a   Dz–Š‘—‰Š–‡š’‡”‹‡–dz ƒThe  test:  Can  a  new  power  plant  on  the   North  Slope  using  HVDC  transmission   beat  a  new  power  plant  on  the  Railbelt? ƒ ˆ‘ǡ–Š‡‹–…ƒǯ–„‡ƒ–ƒ›”‡ƒŽ‹•–‹… Railbelt  generation  scenario ƒUtilizing  existing  Railbelt  generation   capacity  will  only  make  the  HVDC   proposal  less  economic 4 Step  1:  Isolate  Annual  HVDC  Costs ƒCapital  costs  include ƒHVDC  power  lines ƒConverter  Stations ƒAnnual  capital  costs  calculated   as  debt  service  on  capital ƒO&M  calculated  from  proposal ƒO&M  cost  per  MWh  multiplied   by  total  MWh  to  get  annual  cost ƒTotal  annual  savings  would  need   to  exceed  total  annual  HVDC   costs  to  achieve  a  benefit 5 HVDC  Power  Lines $1,860 Converter  Stations $575 Total  Capital  Costs $2,435 Term  (years)30 Interest  Rate 7% Annual  Payment $196 O&M  costs  per  MWh $9.81 Reported  Annual  GWh 6,203                 Annual  O&M  Costs $61 Total  Annual  HVDC  Cost $257 HVDC  Annual  Costs  ($millions) Step  2:  Annual  Gas  Used  by  New  Plant ƒAdjusted  the  current  total   Railbelt  electric  consumption ƒUsed  current  power  demand ƒNetted  out  current  hydro  and   coal  supply ƒHeat  rate  for  new  power  plant   ™ƒ•…ƒŽ…—Žƒ–‡†‘–Š‡’”‘’‘•ƒŽǯ• assumptions ƒMeasured  in  Btu  per  KWh ƒGas  use  will  be  lower  with  better   heat  rate 6 Railbelt  Demand  (GWh)4,294                 Heat  Rate 5,687                 Annual  Gas  Use  (Bcf)24.4                     Annual  Gas  Demand Step  3:  Calculate  Break  Even  Gas  Price ƒTo  break  even,  annual  gas   savings  must  be  greater  than   annual  cost  of  HVDC   ƒThe  gas  price  delta  is  how  much   less  expensive  North  Slope  gas   must  be  to  break  even ƒAdding  the  assumed  North   Slope  gas  price  to  the  gas  price   delta  gives  us  the  break  even   Railbelt  gas  price 7 Annual  HVDC  Cost  ($mill)$257 Annual  Gas  Use  (Bcf)24.4                     Gas  Price  Delta  ($/Mcf)$10.53 North  Slope  Price  ($/Mcf)$3.00 Railbelt  Gas  Price  ($/Mcf)$13.53 Break  Even  Gas  Price What  the  Break  Even  Gas  Price  Means ƒWe  calculated  a  break  even  Railbelt  natural  gas  price  of  $13.53. ƒUnder  this  thought  experiment,  Railbelt  gas  would  need  to  cost   more  than  $13.53  to  make  the  Railbelt  HVDC  proposal  economic. ƒThat  means,  if  our  only  two  choices  were  building  a  massive  new   power  plant  on  the  North  Slope  or  the  Railbelt,  we  would  build  one   on  the  Railbelt  (assuming  gas  will  cost  less  than  $13.53). ƒIn  reality,  producing  power  with  existing  Railbelt  power  plants  is   much  cheaper  than  replacing  them  all  with  one  new  plant. ƒTherefore,  if  the  Railbelt  HVDC  proposal  is  more  costly  than   building  a  new  plant  on  the  Railbelt  it  must  also  be  more  costly   than  producing  power  with  existing  Railbelt  power  plants. 8 HVDC  for   the  Railbelt ƒA  more  extensive  analysis  of  this  proposal   may  not  be  necessary ƒThe  project  does  not  pass  this  simple  and   very  conservative  test ƒThe  added  costs  of  HVDC  outweigh  the   benefit  of  low  cost  North  Slope  gas ƒThe  break  even  gas  price  would  actually   be  much  higher  than  calculated  here ƒA  whole  new  power  plant  would  not  be   needed  on  the  Railbelt ƒUsing  more  complex  and  realistic   assumptions  make  the  project  even  less   economic 9 HVDC   Opportunities   in  Alaska ƒHVDC  projects  have  been  proposed  to   multiple  Alaska  markets ƒThe  Alaska  Railbelt ƒLarge  mines  in  remote  locations ƒRural  Alaska  communities ƒThis  analysis  identifies  potential   opportunities  to  utilize  HVDC  transmission ƒDoes  not  recommend  particular  projects  or   project  designs 10 Economic  Analysis  of  HVDC  Opportunities  in  Alaska ƒThe  economic  benefit  of  HVDC   projects  is  a  function  of  three   variables ƒ1:  Quantity  of  Electricity  (GWhs) ƒ2:  Price  differential  between  the   ends  of  an  HVDC  line  ($/kWh) ƒ3:  Total  annual  cost  of  HVDC   (HVDC  Cost) ƒAnnual  economic  benefit  =                                         GWhs  x  $/kWh  Ȃ HVDC  Cost ƒThis  economic  analysis  uses  cost  data   supplied  by  project  proponents  to   model  the  economics  of  different  HVDC   projects ƒThe  results  of  the  modeling  are  not   exact,  but  should  be  accurate  enough  to   identify  opportunities  in  Alaska ƒWe  model  each  HVDC  project  as  a  stand   alone  project,  providing  power  to  only   one  market ƒIncreased  benefits  may  occur  from   combining  markets  or  projects 11 Quantity  of  Electricity  (GWhs) ƒRailbelt:  includes  all  current   power  demand  not  met  by  hydro   or  coal ƒRemote  Mine:  completely   hypothetical  very  large  mine ƒRural  Alaska:  total  electricity   demand  for  Northwest  Arctic   Borough ƒElectricity  only,  no  heat  demand ƒDoes  not  include  Red  Dog  Mine   demand 12 Price  Differential  ($/kWh) ƒThis  analysis  uses  very  rough   estimates  of  local  power  costs ƒFuel  is  the  largest  driver  of  price ƒNatural  gas  for  North  Slope  and   Railbelt,  diesel  for  mines  and  Rural   Alaska  communities ƒPrice  differential  is  calculated  as: ƒLocal  power  cost  minus  North  Slope   power  cost ƒRailbelt:  $0.03  per  kWh ƒRemote  mine:  $0.40  per  kWh ƒRural  Alaska  community:  $0.47  per   kWh 13 Factor  3:  Total  Annual  Costs  of  HVDC ƒCapital  cost ƒIncreases  with  distance  of   transmission ƒIncreases  with  amount  of  power   system  is  designed  to  carry ƒAnnual  cost ƒDebt  service  on  capital  costs ƒAnnual  O&M ƒData  supplied  by  proponents  of   existing  proposal ƒDoes  not  use  their  existing  system   plans 14 Capital  Cost   $mill Annual  Cost   $mill Railbelt $2,428 $281 Remote  Mine $680 $79 Rural  Alaska $680 $79 Calculation  of  Annual  Benefits ƒAnnual  economic  benefit  =                                         GWhs  x  $/kWh  Ȃ HVDC  Cost ƒThe  potential  savings  are  the   GWhs  multiplied  by  the  price   differential  (GWhs  x  $/kWh) ƒAnnual  savings  are  the  potential   savings  minus  the  HVDC  costs ƒA  positive  annual  savings   indicates  an  economic  project 15 GWhs $/kWh HVDC   Costs Railbelt 4,294                    $0.03 $281 Remote  Mine 1,350                    $0.40 $79 Rural  Alaska 36                                $0.47 $79 Potential   Savings HVDC   Costs Annual   Savings Railbelt $132 $281 ($149) Remote  Mine $535 $79 $457 Rural  Alaska $17 $79 ($62) What  the  Annual  Savings  Mean ƒOf  the  three  stand  alone  HVDC  projects  analyzed,  only  the   Remote  Mine  Scenario  provided  positive  economic  benefits ƒStand  alone  HVDC  projects  to  Rural  Alaska  communities  or   the  Railbelt  from  the  North  Slope  are  not  economic ƒMay  be  possible  to  combine  a  remote  mine  project  to  Rural   Alaska  communities  or  the  Railbelt ƒPotential  to  provide  economic  benefits  to  rural  communities  or   the  Railbelt ƒDependent  on  a  large  remote  mine  pursuing  HVDC  power  first 16 HVDC   Opportunities   in  Alaska ƒHVDC  has  the  potential  to  provide  significant   economic  benefit  for  remote  mines ƒPotential  remote  mining  projects  should   engage  AEA  to  explore  an  HVDC  project ƒAEA  can  help  design  and  integrate  the  HVDC   system ƒAEA  would  ensure  that  the  project  supplies   power  nearby  Alaska  communities 17 AKEnergyAuthority.org 18