HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1039_excerptThis document is copyrighted material. Alaska Resources Library and Information Services (ARLIS) is providing this excerpt in an attempt to identify and post all documents from the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. This document is unable to be posted online in its entirety. Selected pages are displayed here to identify the published work. The item is available in print at ARLIS. WILDLIFE IN ALASKA AN ECOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE By A. STARKER LEOPOLD ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY, MUSEUM OF VERT~BRATE ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY and F. FRASER DARLING SENIOR LECTURER IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH Sponsored by The New York Zoological Society and The Conservation Foundation THE RONALD PRESS COMPANY 1 NEW YORK Copyright, 1953, by THE CoNSERVATION FouNDATION, INc. All Rights Reserved The text of this publication or any part thereof may not be reproduced in-any manner whatsoever without permission in writing from the publisher Library of Congress Card Number: 53-12201 PRIN'tED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE 1 THE TASK AND THE ITINERARY 3 2 THE OPPORTUNITY FOR WILDLIFE CONSERVATION IN ALASKA 11 3 WILDLIFE IN RELATION To OTHER REsouRcEs 14 4 NATIVE PEOPLES IN RELATION TO WILDLIFE 35 5 THE STATUS OF THE CARIBOU 47 6 THE STATUS OF THE REINDEER 68 7 THE STATus OF THE MoosE • 83 8 THE STATUS OF OTHER BIG GAME SPECffiS . 97 9 A BROAD APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT 109 BmLIOGRAPHY 117 INDEX 123 Vll MAPS FIGURE PAGE 1. The itinerary of the authors during the period of field work in Alaska, June 1 to September 29, 1952 6 2. Original and present ranges of the caribou in Alaska, showing shrinkage of area occupied in central and southern regions . 49 3· Area in Alaska occupied by reindeer at the period of maximum numbers (193o-38) and at present 72 4· The present distribution of moose in Alaska. The range is now more extensive than it was fifty years ago and local densities are higher 84 5· Ranges of black-tailed deer, muskox, bison, and e}k in Alaska in 1952 99 6. Ranges of Dall sheep and mountain goat in Alaska in 1952 103 ix