HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4007v4- I ~ ~....-->--_.Z ('~ 6'_1",.',., VOLUME IV -SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION PLAN OF STUDY FOR PROJECT FEASIBILITY AND FERC LICENSE APPLICATION III I HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT, ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY i ANCHORAGE/ALASKA ~.~.'2..ZA ENCINEERINC COMPANY :AEBE R 19 79 Ir~l~li~I~I~lil~li~II~ll~llfl~~ 3 4982 00034219 5 -I VOLU~~1E IV SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION WOOD~lARD-CLYDE CONSULTAt~TS Relevant Experience and Qualifications Project Summaries Seismic Geology and Seismology FLUOR POWER SERVICES,INC. Fluor Corporation Fossil Fuel Power Generation Plants Scope of tvork ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information Services JUlchorage,AJaska INTRODUCTION This volume presents supplemental information on two of Harza's main study subcontractors:a.Woodward-Clyde Consultants (Seismic Geology and Seismology)and b.Fluor Power Services (Alternative Thermal Generation).Information includes general qualifications,project summaries,and a more detailed presentation of their work program. Detailed information,on Harza's capabilities and qualifications were furnished to APA in our previous submittal of June 1, 1979. Woodward-Clyde Consultants RELEVA~T EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS RELEyANT EXPERIENCE General HoodHard-Clyae Consul tants is a practicing in the general fields and env ironmental assessment. Wood,..vard·C~yde Consuitants na tionwide consul t ing firm of g~otechnical engineering We offer such services as earthquake engineering,site selection,engineering, logy,seismology,environmental impact assessment, decision analysis. geo- and He have a staff of about 800 professional and support personnel,three-quarters of whom are graduate engineers and sc ien tis ts or skilled technic ians.Approximately 350 hold advanced degrees in the physical sciences (chemistry, geology,geophysics,hydrology,meteorology,physics,and physical oceanography),engineering (civil,geotechnical, mechanical,nuclear,chemical,and sani tary),the natural sciences (terrestrial and aquatic ecology and biological oceanography),and the social sciences (economics,land-use/ urban planning,sociology). WCC has conducted studies for a larg~number of projects to evaluate the c~a~ac~eristics of 'site ground motions during earthquakes a:1d the poten:'i.a.l for sei;;mically-induced failure of in-situ soil deposits and earth and rockfill dams.Several of these .?rojects are in Alaska.The attach- ed table summarizes the earth and rockfill dams for which seismic stability evaluations have been made by \vCC.Our scope of work for several of these dams is described in the project summaries following this section.The studies have ranged from regional to site-specific evaluations,and from feasibility to final design studies.The Offshore Alaska Seismic Exposure Study (OASES),which is summarized in the attachments,is particularly relevant to and useful for the probabilistic assessments of earthquake ground motions that will be made for the Susitna project. Woodward·C~yde ConsuJiants QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE/GEOLOGY-SEIS~'10LOGY-GEOPHYSICS Woodward-Clyde consultants maintains a talented,multidisci- pI inary group of earth sc ien tis,ts engaged in geolog ical, seismological,and geophysical investigations.The Director of the Geology-Se ismology-Geophys ic s Profess ional Group is Lloyd S.Cluff,an internatio~ally recognized expert in eng ineering geology and seismic ge"ology.Until recently, the Ch ief Se ismolog ist wi th Woodward-Clyde Consul tants has been the late Dr.Don Tocher,a recognized authority in the fields of seismology and engineering seismology.The Geology-Seismology-Geophysics Group is composed of more than 125 professionals and is based in San Francisco,California. This group provides Woodward-Clyde Consultants with un- matched depth of experience and diverse capabilities in the earth science. The Geology-Seismology-Geophysics Professional Group brings to the Susitna project,many hundreds of person-years involved with studies of regional seisillicity,active fault- ing,and seismic hazard evaluation for major engineering projects.These past and present studies are world-wide in distribution and include extensive experience in Alaska. The fault study completed by Woodward-Clyde Consultants for Alyeska Pipeline Service Company 'in 1974 was a landmark investigation that established design parameters for active faul t cross ings and improved the knowledge of earthquak.e sources for the reg ion of the Alyeska pipel ine route.The area examined in detail in the study for Alyeska borders the study area for the proposed Susitna project.The Alyeska study demons tra ted tha t the \'Joodwa rd-Clyde Co n su 1 tan ts project team has the capability to deliver the necessary and appropriate results of complex investigation carried out in Alaskan field conditions. Woodward·C2'Yde Consultants In addition,we have performed regional fault and seismicity studies for Alaska Outer Continental Shelf sites;the proposed NWAP gas pipel ine in Al aska;reg ional and local fault,seismicity,and geophysical 'studies for marine terminal fac il i ties proposed for Yaku ta t,Alaska;numerous seismicity and fault evaluations for nuclear pOHer plant sites in California,Washington,Arizona,New Mexico,Texas, New York,Nicaragua,and Iran;regional seismicity and faul t studies for numerous large dams;and faul t mapping and earthquake recurrence evaluations in Alaska,California, Nevada,Arizona,Utah,Idaho,Washington,Italy,Venezuela, Argentina,Iran,Nicaragua,Guatemala,Colombia,and Ecua- dor.The experience gained in these investigations has resulted in the development of methodologies to effectively acquire,analyze,evaluate,document,and defend varied data analyses and interpretations for major engineering projects under close scrutiny of regulatory agencies.The attached descriptions illustrate the experience and services we have provided in some of our past projects. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING In its Western Region,WCC has a permanent group engaged in earthquake engineering studies.The director of the Earth- quake Engineering Group is Dr.I.N.Idriss,who is an internationally-known expert in this field.A staff of 13 engineers currently comprises the Earthquake Engineering Group in the San Francisco office of WCC's Western Region. An additional 3 engineers in the Earthquake Engineerin~ Group are loca ted in our Orange,Cal ifornia off ice.Th is group of engineers provides a depth of experience and capabilities for a variety of earthqua'ke engineering appli- cations. Woodward·CJ~de Consultants The types of services engaged in by the Earthquake Engineer- ing Group include:a)characterization of earthquake ground motions for design purposes;b)characterization of soil dynamic properties and cyclic strength characteristics;c) nonlinear analyses of the response of soil deposits to earthquakes,including development of improved procedures for analyses and material characterization;d)evaluations of the potential for seismically induced ground fail ures, including liquefaction and slope instability and ground deformations,and development of remedial measures;e) dynamic analyses of soil-structure interaction. For use in characterizing ground motions and conductiny dynamic response analyses,WCC has a data bank on computer files of recorded earthquake ground motions.The motions on file include all those digitized and processed at the California Insti tute of Technology and many other records fro mAl ask a ,J a pan,Sou t h Am e ric a and 0 the r 10 cat ion s acquired,di~itized and processed by WCC. For support in the evaluation of soil dynamic properties and cyclic strength,WCC has one of the finest soil laboratories in the coun try in Oakland,Cal i fornia.The laboratory has extensive experience in dynamic .testing of soils.In addition,the laboratory has conducted extensive testing Df frozen soils,mostly for the Alyeska pipeline project. Field support services for evaluation of soil dynamic properties include a strong geophysics capability,including proven equipment and techniques developed by WCC for the in situ measurements of shear wave velocity. The types of earthquake engineering services summarized above have been applied to a variety of construction pro- Woodward-C1Jde Ccnsu~1:anls jects,includ ing darns,nuclear power plants,offshore oil and gas platforms,port developments,bridges,LNG facili- ties,pipelines,and many other industrial and commercial projects. PROJECT SUM~mRIES ALASKAN STUDIES Woodward·Clyde Consultants ALYESKA PIPELINE EXPERIENCE Project:Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline System Client:Alyeska Pipeline Service Company Location:Prudhoe Bay to Valdez,Alaska Assignment:Geotechnical Engineering Consulting Services General Statement -Woodward-Clyde Consultant personnel participated very widely in the extensive geotechnical engineering effort associated with the trans-Alaska pipeline project.Our involvement covered •the early conceptual studies and government submittals •the main design phase •the preconstruction and construction phases •preparation for pipeline operation. From February of 1971 to April of 1978,we provided personnel working hand- in-hand with Alyeska personnel on engineering tasks.Additionally,personnel located in our offices performed on many specific tasks or projects such as the VSM tests and the earthquake fault studies.All along we made laboratory tests on soil samples shipped from Alaska to our Oakland,California soils laboratory. Throughout this period we also participated with Alyeska in preparing documenta- tion for submittals and presentations to,and discussions with,government re- view personnel. The major identifiable technical tasks performed by WCC personnel fall in the following categories: •geotechnical data gathering •pipeline construction mode and design aspects •VSM field tests •earthquake fault studies •participation in pipeline construction •preparation for pipeline operation In addition to accomplishing these specific tasks,senior WCC personnel also contributed significant concepts and ideas that established direction for the project in the engineering,engineering-management and government-relations fields.Several such contributions are outlined in a later section,following the discussions of the specific technical tasks. Geotechnical Data Collection Soil Exploration -We participated in planning soil and geotechnical explora- tion programs.During the field exploration,WCC personnel technically 2 Woodward·Clyde Consultants evaluated drilling and sampling methods to provide for efficient field operation.At Valdez we made an offshore subsoil investigation utilizing a vibratory core sampler in support of the design of the ballast water outfall. Laboratory Testing -In support of the design work,we conducted several laboratory test programs on samples recovered along the pipeline.These included tests to determine thaw strain due to thawing of initially frozen samples and the shear strength of initially frozen soil samples during and after thaw;the load-displacement-time (creep)behavior of frozen samples at controlled temperatures just below 32°Fi the permeability to hot oil of compacted glacial till samples with and without bentonite admixture;and the thermal energy content (unfrozen moisture content)of frozen samples. Several of these testing programs were without precedent and required design of test equipment and development of test and analysis techniques. Pipeline Design Aspects Thaw Plug Stability -We investigated the "thaw plug"stability along the pipeline,i.e.,the stability of the zone surrounding the buried pipeline or underlying the workpad of the elevated pipeline which is subject to thawing.We established design criteria for thaw plug stability,including consideration of earthquake forces,and made mile-by-mile evaluations for it. The results of this evaluation impacted on construction mode selection.An extensive program of field measurement of pore pressures and shear strengths in developing thaw bulbs complemented this effort. Thaw Settlement -We participated in evaluation of ~ethods to determine thaw settlement of thawing soils based on extensive thaw strain tests,and made mile-by-mile thaw settlement evaluations for use in determining construction modes. construction Mode Selection -For the most part,geotechnical considera- tions governed the selection of construction modes -conventionally buried, specially buried,and elevated on VSM bents.We participated in this selec- tion both in preliminary studies and in detailed mile-by-mile evaluations. Buried Pipeline Design -We investigated soil restraining characteristics (lateral and longitudinal)for bends and straight sections of buried pipeline, for both conventional and special burial.We also generated mile-by-mile geotechnical parameters for use in buried pipeline design,and evaluated foundation design for buried mainline valves. Elevated Pipeline Design -WCC personnel had major responsibility in devel- oping the types of VSM used for support of elevated sections of the line, in developing design criteria for these supports,and in generating mile-by- mile geotechnical information for use in mile-by-mile VSM design.This work was based in large part on the VSM field tests described later.A computer system to design each pile along the pipeline alignment was developed under the technical management of Woodward-Clyde personnel.The system was designed such that new pile designs for above ground pipeline sections could be generated rapidly if field conditions were found to be different during construction than 3 assumed during design. existing program which ground pipe accounting Woodward·Clyde Consultants The loadings for the piles were taken from an produced the mile-by-mile design for the above- for thermal and structural loads. - - - - As Built Data -Following up the design,computer systems were developed that recorded "as-built"pile data,materials used,and other related data. Also a system was set up to record and aid in evaluation of data generated during the hydrotesting that preceded the operational loading of the pipeline. Pipeline Bridges -wee personnel has major responsibility during the field investigation,design and construction of the foundations for all pipeline bridges except the Yukon River Bridge. Remote Valve Sites -We developed foundation recommendations for the equipment building and propane tanks at all remote gate valve sites. eonstr~ction Zone Design -wee personnel participated in developing initial criteria for construction zone grading;i.e.,need for and extent and details of grading,and determination of cut and fill slopes for different thawed or frozen materials.Individual cases of grading problems were evaluated and resolved. VSl-1 Field Tests wee personnel had responsible control of three generations of VSM field tests for the project.The first set of tests,conducted in 1970,resulted in initial design criteria,but also demonstrated that driven VSM without thermal protection would need to be unreasonably long.The second set of tests,in 1972,resulted in second-generation criteria and indicated the superiority of installing VSM in oversized predrilled holes and slurrying the annulus.The third set of VSM tests,in 1975,confirmed the tentatively adopted design criteria for thermal VSM in different soil types.The three sets of tests were instrumental in the evolution of VSM types and design criteria for the project,and resulted in the finally adopted design.wee also participated in planning and documentation of other field VSM load tests made during con- struction,and supervised laboratory VSM load tests at tne University of Illinois. Earthquake Fault Studies wee geologists conducted a detailed study of potential active fault displace- ments along the pipeline route.This study permitted the pipeline designers to minimize the risk from possible future surface faulting,by delineating potentially active faults,estimating the "design"fault motions,and thus permitting specific pipeline design for these motions.Aerial reconnaissance and detailed analysis of aerial photographs were used to locate all linear features or lineaments which might be potentially active faults.Photo- geologic interpretation included the use of Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS)imagery,radar imagery and special low sun angle photog- raphy in selected locations.A later fault evaluation along the alignment of the suspected Clearwater Lake fault permitted elimination of any special design provision in this area. 4 Woodward·Clyde Consultants Participation in Pipeline Construction Preparation of Field Design Change Manual -WCC personnel generated the con- cept of the Field Design Change Manuals (FDCM)and prepared several drafts of both Volume I for VSM Construction and Volume II for belowground construc- tion. Field Engineering -WCC provided personnel for different field engineering functions,ranging from VSM hole logging to field engineering supervisor. In these capacities the personnel participated in ~ll levels of field engi- neering work and decision making on pipeline construction.The work of the field engineers included inspecting construction,instructing the contractor, design change implementation and field documentation. Office Support for Field Engineering -All through construction,WCC per- sonnel were involved in office support of field engineering activities, including review of design changes,documentation,government interface, special field studies,and so forth.The fields for which WCC personnel took major responsibility included all aspects of VSM construction,below- ground pipeline construction,and pipeline bridge foundations.For VSM in particular,there was further development of geotechnical design criteria, work on lateral load criteria,updating mile-by-mile design,and assistance to field engineers in solving VSM installation problems.For belowground construction there was review of bend design and development of overfill concept for as-built bends with insufficient cover. Valdez Terminal and RCA Communication Towers -We provided field geotechnical engineering personnel for the Valdez Terminal and the RCA communication tower foundations.At Valdez we also participated in the evaluation of rock slope stability and embankment stability. VSM Reliability Evaluation -The WCC Decision Analysis group made a fault tree analysis of the failure potential of elevated pipeline due to settle- ment of the VSM.The analysis showed extremely low probability of pipe wrinkling due to VSM settlement. Preparation for Pipeline Operation Surveillance and Monitoring Manual -In 1976 WCC personnel prepared a Geo- technical Surveillance and Monitoring Manual for the pipeline,pump stations and Valdez Terminal.This manual is being utilized by surveillance personnel. Maintenance and Repair Manual -WCC personnel participated in preparing Maintenance and Repair Manuals for geotechnical aspects of both aboveground and belowground sections of the pipeline. Major Concepts and Ideas The previous paragraphs highlight the specific WCC accomplishments on the project.While these accomplishments were vital to the project,we believe that our contributions to the project in the form of concevts and ideas w~re just as significant.Several examples of these are presented below: 5 Woodward·Clyde Consultants A wee team developed many of the concepts for pipe support in the early studies for the pipeline.These concepts form the basis for much of the stress analysis of the pipeline. We foresaw the need for a major field engineering and quality control effort and documented this with various memos to Alyeska.These memos developed into the organizational structure that was adopted and to the Field Design Change Manual,the concept of which was developed by wee personnel wee introduced the concept of the use of heat pipes for controlling degra- dation of the permafrost.The early concept was the use of heat pipes to permit burial of the pipe in high-ice-content soils.This concept did not work out,however,it progressed to the use of heat pipes in the VSM which became the basic design solution for the elevated pipeline. ·wee promoted the concept of task-oriented organization rather than discipline-oriented organization resulting in a reorganization of the engineering effort which was successful in completing the design of the pipeline. •wee personnel developed the concept of prequalification of manufacturers of the heat pipe and pushed this concept through to successfully deliver heat pipes to the project to meet schedule needs. •wee personnel participated in developing many of the strategies that were adopted in developing the design and construction plan and securing approval from the Federal agencies.As a part of this effort,assistance was pro- vided in detailed planning to support the strategies adopted. 6 Project: Client: Location: Assignment: Woodward·Clyde Consultants Proposed LNG Plant at Yakutat,Alaska Pacific Alaska LNG Co.and California Alaska LNG Co. Monti Bay -Yakutat,Alaska Preliminary Site Investigation A preliminary study involving geology,seismology,geophysics,oceanography, and static and dynamic geotechnical engineering was performed on a 400-acre site and the surrounding area to determine the feasibility for a major plant site.The site is located on a terminal moraine underlain by outwash deposits. Major faults with a history of major earthquakes lie within a radius of 50 miles from the site.Tsunami effects have been recorded.Sufficient infor- mation was developed to warrant continued consideration of the site for the plant location. Offshore Geophysics -Boomer,Sparker and Sidescan Sonar surveys were conducted over approximately 2.5 square miles of the bay to develop bathymetry,estimate thicknesses of various subsurface strata and to identify shoals or other shipping obstructions. Geology and Seismology Studies -Using existing data and field reconnaissance, the geologic and seismic regimes which would constrain the use of the site were evaluated.Preliminary design earthquakes were established and tsunami and land level change potentials estimated. Earthquake Engineering -Available data were analyzed in conjunction with the preliminary design earthquakes to develop preliminary design response spectra and to evaluate the potential for ground instability such as liquefaction or spreading.Bluff stability at the shoreline was also evaluated. Foundation Engineering -Soil data were evaluated to establish preliminary design parameters for plant foundations. Site Selection -Using results of the geophysical,geologic,seismologic,earth- quake engineering and foundation engineering studies together with economic studies of grading and pier costs,recommendations were made as to the most suitable location of the plant within the site area. 7 Project: Client: Location: Assignment: Woodward·Clyde Consultants Proposed Northwest Alaskan Gas Pipeline Northwest Alaskan Pipeline Company,and Fluor Engineers and Constructors,Inc. Prudhoe Bay to Alaska/Yukon Border Geotechnical Engineering Consulting Services Since 1977 Woodward-Clyde Consultants has been assisting the Northwest Alaskan Pipeline Company in their geotechnical efforts directed toward construction of the Alaskan portion of the Alaska Highway gas pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to the U.S.Midwest and West.Our work has included the following major tasks: •Monitoring and evaluation of blasting tests •Geotechnical and environmental data review •Environmental review of access routes and realignments •Fault study •Laboratory testing of soil samples These tasks are described in the following paragraphs. Monitor and Evaluate Blast Tests Woodward-Clyde Consultants monitored a series of trench blast tests con- ducted near Fairbanks,Alaska.The purpose of these tests was to demon- strate that effective trench blasting could be conducted very close to the trans-Alaska oil pipeline witho~t generating damaging blast effects.At each of three test sites,geotechnical conditions were assessed using borings, trenches,aerial photography,geophysical techniques,and probings.Ground vibrations and air blast levels from each blast were monitored using seismo- graphs to measure the particle velocities generated.The data generated were analyzed and presented in a detailed report which described all aspects of the tests,the data,and the theory to demonstrate that these blasts would not have significant impact on the oil pipeline.The report has been used by Northwest to demonstrate to the appropriate agencies that the Northwest construction blasting plans are credible. Geotechnical and Environmental Data Review Woodward-Clyde Consultants was retained to examine,catalog,describe,and evaluate existing data that could be used in the design of the Northwest Alaskan Gas Pipeline.This study covered open literature and proprietary data.In the open literature review technical publications,University of Alaska data,USGS information,Alaska Highway Department information and many other miscellaneous sources were examined and cataloged. Proprietary data evaluated included the Canadian Arctic Gas files and the El Paso Natural Gas Company files relating to their efforts to bring Prudhoe Bay gas to the Continental U.S. 8 -, Woodward·Clyde Consultants The final phase of this study was a review of the data generated by Alyeska Pipeline Service Company.The review included examination of the extensive data base,and appraisal of the validity and utility of the data to the gas pipeline project. Environmental Review of Access Routes and Realignments This project involved office and field investigations of access and align- ments for the Delta Junction -Canada portion of the proposed gas pipeline. Biological,hydrologic,and land use evaluations were made.A preliminary office review of 250 access routes identified by Northwest was conducted using interpretation of aerial photographs (color 1:24,000),USGS topographic maps,marked alignment sheets,and literature available describing regional and local environmental characteristics.Based upon the results of our pre- liminary review,Northwest eliminated 51 routes from further consideration. The remaining 199 access routes were evaluated in the field in January 1978. Northwest used the evaluations to select environmentally suitable routes for its permit applications to State and Federal agencies. Fault Study This project identified candidate significant faults in the section of the gas pipeline between Delta Junction,Alaska,and the Alaskan-Canadian border. One objective of the study was to develop a definition of the term "significant fault"for the purpose of designing and constructing the pipeline.The study utilized existing seismographic records to identify microseislllic clusters along the pipeline corridor,as these clusters may relate to faults.Geologic studies included extensive interpretations of aerial photographs and satellite images, and compilations of available geological data.A field reconnaissance of se- lected geological features of-interest was included as part of the study.The results of the study were utilized to identify candidate significant faults and to assess the necessity of detailed field studies along these features. Laboratory Testing of Soil Samples The WCC Oakland laboratory conducted a massive laboratory testing program for the project,in support of the subsurface exploration program in the alignment section from Delta Junction to the Canadian border.The program included every-other-day pickup of samples along the alignment (a round trip of 750 to 800 miles out of Anchorage),an airlift of samples from Anchorage to San Francisco,and testing on a large scale in the Oakland laboratory.A total of about 1,500 samples from 150 borings were received;about two-thirds of the samples were frozen when they were recovered,and this frozen state was main- tained from the recovery through shipment to Anchorage,San Francisco Airport and eventually to Oakland,where the samples were stored in a large freezing room.The large majority of the over 3,000 tests were index property tests, but a limited number of engineering property tests were also made. 9 Woodward·Clyde Consultants PROJECT:Offshore Alaska Seismic Exposure Study (OASES) CLIENT:Consortium of Oil Companies LOCATION:Gulf of Alaska ASSIGNMENT:Assessment of Seismic Exposure in Offshore Alaska This study was conducted for a group of twenty-one oil companies and had as its principal objective the assessment of seismic exposure on stiff ground in nine future oil and gas areas in offshore Alaska.The key results of the study consisted of probabilistic estimates of the amplitudes of earthquake ground motions throughout the lease areas. The study involved three broad steps.In the first step, offshore and onshore seismic sources were characterized in terms of their location,geometry,and the recurrence of earthquakes of various magnitudes.In the second step,the attenuation of ground motions with distance from the sources was characterized by developing probabilistic attenuation relationships.In the third step,the seismic exposure,i.e., the probability of exceedance of given amplitudes of ground motions within given time periods,was calculated for numerous locations within each lease area,and contour maps and tables were prepared to depict the results. The study incorporated several special features not generally present in seismic exposure studies.First,several ground motion parameters of significance to design on offshore platforms,including peak accelerations,peak velocity,RMS acceleration,RMS ve~ocity,and response spectral values at several structural periods were studied,rather than just a single parameter such as peak acceleration.Second,the most current knowledge of plate tectonics was incorporated to supplement the historic seismicity in assessing the frequency of occurrence of earthquakes in space and in time. Specifically,seismic "gaps"on major fault systems were assessed as having a higher potential for causing large future earthquakes in the recent past.For these assessments,formal analysis of probabilities of occurrence were facilitated using subjective (Bayesian)probability analysis procedures.Third, the different tectonic character of some of the seismic sources was explicitly incorporated in defining a seismic source model and in developing attenuation equations. Specifically,it was found that the ground motions caused by Woodward-Clyde Consultants earthquakes at large depths in major tectonic subduction zones would have a significantly different character than the ground motions caused by shallow-focus earthquakes.Thus,the attenuation relationships were developed by sorting available recorded data into two groups associated with different seismic source characteristics.In addition,separate attentuation relationships were developed for rock and stiff- soil subsurface conditions.As part of the study,analytical studies of ground response,including body-wave and surface wave analyses were also made. The results of the seismic exposure studies were compared with current standard criteria describing seismic inputs to be used in the analysis and design of offshore platforms. - Woodward-Clyde Consultants PROJECT:Clearwater Lake Scarp Study CLIENT:Alyeska Pipeline Service Company LOCATION:Clearwater Lake ASSIGNMENT:Investigate possible Active Earthquake Fault The Clearwater Lake escarpment,near Big Delta,Alaska,was interpreted by a 1973 WCC study as possibly being related to active faulting.The escarpment is only a few miles from the pipeline route,and its projtion toward the route raised the question of whether or not it was due to faulting and,if so, where it may have crossed the pipeline. Geophysical studies were made in 1976 that consisted of detailed gravity,ground magnetic,aeromagnetic,and electro- magnetic surveys of an area larger than 100 square miles. These studies were oriented toward determining the configura- tion of the bedrock surface beneath the Quaternary sedimentary fill of the area and toward identifying zones of fault gouge. Detailed logging of the pipeline trench was part of the geologic study as well as new trenches that cross the escarpment.Quaternary geology of the area was mapped,and age dating was accomplished by carbon-14 and paleomagnetic dating and by studying pollen chronology and minerology in the Quaternary materials. Field work was accomplished under conditions of low temperature and safety problems of unstable trench walls. Results of the study showed that no fault is present. Woodward-Clyde Consultants PROJECT:Kodiak Shelf Geotechnical Study CLIENT:Confidential LOCATION:Kodiak Outer Continental Shelf,Alaska ASSIGNMENT:Preliminary Evaluation of Geotechnical Conditions woodward-Clyde Consultants provided a preliminary evaluation of geotechnical conditions on the Kodiak Outer Continental Shelf,designated as a potential lease sale area for offshore oil and gas development.The purpose of this study was to interpret the geologic history of the area to provide preliminary evaluations of the characteristics of the foundation materials to be encountered and to identify,map and discuss active faults and other potential geologic hazards such as slope instability,liquefaction,strong ground shaking and tsunamis in the area.The study was conducted using available published records and maps and offshore marine geophysical survey results. PROJECT: CLIENT: LOCATION: Woodward-Clyde Consultants Yakutat Marine Terminal Earl &Wright,Structural Engineers Yakutat,Alaska ASSIGNMENT:Geotechnical Investigation Offshore Facilities for Onshore and An investigation was made of two potential sites for a marine terminal.The proposed facilities include a timber dock at one site and a concrete dock pier to be supported on steel H piles at the other site.Proposed onshore facilities consist of storage tanks and buildings. Woodward-Clyde Consultants monitored a field investigation consisting of several borings and test pits onshore and five offshore borings.Laboratory testing by another firm was reviewed and evaluated. A study was made of regional and local geology and regional historic seismicity.This study included an assessment of earthquake effects,including potential surface faulting, liquefaction and tsunamis. Recommendations were made for preliminary criteria for site development and foundation design,including allowable bearing presures for spread footings,pile capabilities,site grading rip-rap,and slope stability. Woodward-Clyde Consultants PROJECT:Earthquake Fault Studies,Alaska CLIENT:Alyeska Pipeline service Company LOCATION:Prudhoe Bay to Valdez,Alaska ASSIGNMENT:Active Fault Study In 1973,a team of 15 geologists from Woodward-Clyde Consultants conducted a study of active faults in Alaska for Alyska Pipeline Service Company.The study covered an area of Alaska that extended from Juneau on the south to west of Anchorage,and north to Prudhoe Bay.The study was mainly conducted as an exploration effort to search for active faults,although land erosion and fill,and geomorphic processes were also considered. A thorough review of all pertinent geological literature of Alaska was completed,followed by a geologic photointerpreta- tion of Side-Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR),Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS)imagery and mosaics,infrared (IR) imagery,low-sun-angle aerial photography,and standard black- and-white aerial photography that covered an area larger than 240,000 square miles of Alaska.The interpretation of these images and the literature review produced approximately 8,000 lineaments that were evaluated in the field for their possible relationship to recent fault activity.Field studies of these lineaments and of other features noted in the field were concentrated into four months of helicopter time and 800 hours of fixed-wing aircraft time were utilized.The field studies consisted mainly of on-site evaluation of landforms and geologic units,and included geophysical studies at selected locations.Special low-sun-angle aerial photographs were taken by the Woodward-Clyde Consultants'staff and interpreted during the field season. The studies resulted in identifying and mapping more than 25 potentially active faults in Alaska,some of which were previously unknown,and providing significant new data with regard to surface fault activity and tectonics in Alaska. Detailed studies were undertaken of four potentially active faults crossed by the pipeline design at fault crossings. - Woodward-Clyde Consultants PROJECT:Offshore Drilling Platforms CLIENT:Consortium of Oil Companies LOCATION:Gulf of Alaska ASSIGNMENT:Earthquake Ground Response Studies woodward-Clyde Consultants has performed a series of studies in 1973-1977 to evaluate the seismic response of soft clays offshore in the Gulf of Alaska.This was done for a group of oil companies,prior to and after lease sales,as part of preliminary seismic design studies for drilling platforms. In one part of these studies,clay samples from one offshore boring and from onshore were subjected to laboratory cyclic loading tests to determine the stress-strain behavior of the soil during earthquakes.On the basis of the measured behavior of these and other clays,a new stress-strain model was developed and a new ground response computer program was written. In another part of these studies,the seismic response of one offshore site was evaluated using the new computer program as well as existing state-of-the art procuedres.The evaluation included estimating the ground shaking characteristics near ground surface for seismic design of the structure,the deformations of the soil at different depths for seismic design of piles,and the evaluation of the stability of the ground under the induced seismic loading.This was done for a range of assumed earthquake rock motions which could affect the site. The most recent part of the studies involved a new series of cyclic tests,from which results the stress-strain model and computer code was extended to enable prediction of seismic deformations of soft clay profiles underlying mildly sloping seafloors.In addition the stress-strain characteristics of overconsolidated clays were investigated. PROJECT: CLIENT: LOCATION: Woodward-Clyde Consultants Providence Hospital Additions Skidmore,Owings &Merrill,Architects Anchorage,Alaska ASSIGNMENT:Foundation Studies Investigation and Ground Response - A soil investigation was made and foundation recommendations presented.The regional seismicity was assessed to establish a design earthquake.Ground response analyses were made for the design earthquake and site response values obtained for use in the structural design. PROJECT: CLIENT: LOCATION: Woodward-Clyde Consultants Gastineau Channel Bridge No.740 State of Alaska Department of Highways Juneau,Alaska ASSIGNMENT:Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential in the Foundation Soils Woodward-Clyde Consultants conducted studies to evaluate the liquefaction potential of the foundation soils underlying the bridge piers and abutments. The studies included a preliminary assessment of cyclic strength of the material on the basis of the blow count data determined from field borings. Using currently available empirical procedures,the potential for liquefaction of the foundation soils was evaluated for specified design earthquakes occurring on faults in the vicinity of the structure.In addition,the study provided a qualitative assessment of the possible lateral movements in sloping ground at the location of one of the bridge piers. PC:Oll 097-1 1/79 WCC-SFO SEISMIC GEOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY DETAILED ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION TASK A SUSITNA HYDRO:PLAN OF STUDY SEISMIC GEOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY The Susitna hydropower project is located in a seismically active region that is poorly understood in terms of its seismic potential.Previous studies of the seismic geology of the project area are limited to a two-week reconnaissance by Kachadoorian and Moore of the u.S.Geological Survey,and limited geologic mapping by personnnel of the University of Alaska.These two groups are in conflict with regard to a major issue that must be resolved during the detailed feasibility studies proposed in this task.The personnel of the University of Alaska have mapped a major fault,named the Susitna fault,that may be active and have located it across the Susitna River downstream from the proposed Watana damsite;the fault branches from the Denali fault in the Al aska Range.However,Kachadoor ian and Hoore were unable to identify the fault during their reconnaissance,and they reported no evidence for active faulting along any of the known and inferred faults of the area;they did report scarps with relief as great as 15 feet in bedrock which may have resulted from earthquake activity. The studies outlined in Task A are oriented toward resolving the question of whether or not 'the Susitna fault is present, whether or not it is active,and whether or not it may impact the proposed project.In addition,the proposed studies are oriented toward identifying and resolving the origins of scarps and other lineaments that may be noted during field surveys,and in evaluating their impact,if any,upon the seismic design of the project. A-I The potential for reservoir-induced seismici ty is another major issue that Task A studies \vill address.\'iood\vard- Clyde Consultants has previously completed studies of reservoir-induced earthquakes for darns in many areas of the world.Based upon this experience,it appears that dams and reservoirs in the Susitna area are likely to be subjected to earthquakes,whether or not the earthquakes are induced by the proposed reservoirs impounded by darns on the Susi tna river.The reservoirs are not likely to increase the maximum size of earthquakes that may occur,but the fre- quency of e~rthquakes may be increased and they may present a tr igger-source.The subj ect needs to be addressed and a comprehensive review is proposed. The results of seismic geology and seismologic studies in Task A will provide data regarding the regional earthquake setting and these data will be applied to design in Task B. Task A results will include identification of the maximum sizes of earthquakes on faults,their frequency of occurr- ence,their focal mechanisms (earthquake types),and their locations.In addition,the potential for surface faulting will be addressed on a regional basis,with emphasis on potential faul ting at proposed dams i tes and other spatial critical facilities. A-2 - TASK A.SEISMIC GEOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY Subtask 1.Review of Available Data (a)Objective The obj ective of this subtask is to acquire,compile,and review existing data that are useful in identifying the earthquake setting of the Susitna River area.These data \.,Jill be used to define the seismologic investigations (Subtask 2),of the seismic geology field reconnaissance (Subtask 4),and the seismologic investigations (Subtask 2). (b)Approach Available geolog ical,seismolog ical,and geophys ical data for the region will be gathered from sources such as Wood- ward-Clyde Consultants'(WCC)files,the Department of Geology and the Geophysical Institute of the Universi ty of Alaska,the Alaska Geolog ical Survey,the U.S.Geolog ical Survey,and major colleges and universities involved in research pertinent to the project.In addition,independent researchers wi th on-going programs of study will be con- tacted and the current status of their research will be obtained by discussions and wr~tten correspondence. The main aim of the geological data collecting exercise will be to obtain information on structural features of the earth which may represent active faults.The geomorphic express- ions of these features will ~lso be identified from the available data. Geophysical data regarding the structure of the earth will be acquired and reviewed.Typically,regional gravity and magnetic data are useful in identifing major discontinuities A-3 in the crust of the earth;these discontinuities may be along faults that could produce large earthquakes and surface fault ruptures.Other types of geophysical data,if available,may also be of use in identifying active faults; these other types of data may include seismic refraction, seismic reflection,or electrical resistivity measurements. Seismological data will be acquired for the project area. These data will include historical information about past earthquakes,instrumental data from the Geophysical ~n­ stitute of the University of Alaska,and regional in- strumental data from the u.S.Geological Survey. The geological,seismological,and geophysical data will be compiled in order to obtain a thorough current knowledge of the tectonics of the Susitna River area.The end product of reviewing the acquired information will consist of maps that identify faults,lineaments,and epicenter clusters or al ignments.These maps will prov ide a bas is for further geological and seismological studies in subsequent subtasks. In addition to the data acquired for the project area,other data will be compiled with regard to reservoir-induced seismicity.The world-wide data on reservoir-induced seismicity will provide a partial basis for evaluating whether or not induced earthquakes may be generated in the Susitna River area.Woodward-Clyde Consultants has an extensive file ·on world-wide data on reservoir-induced earthquakes,and is currently being retained for further research in reservoir induced seismici ty by the U.S.Geo- logical Survey. (c)Discussion The se ismic i ty and seismic have only recently begun sources of the Al askan in ter ior to be studied in significant A-4 detail.Hajor interest in the seismicity of continental Alaska was stimulated by the occurrence of the 1964 earth- quake and consisted of initiation of regional.microearth- quake monitoring and augmentation of geological investi- gations to understand the tectonics of Alaska. The seismological environment of the Susitna Project is characterized by two major earthquake sources:shallow earthquake activi ty occurring along crustal faul ts such as the Denali fault,with depth of focus less than approx- imately 20 km;and earthquake activity in a Benioff zone (depth range of 50 to 150 km)associated with the subduction of the Pacific plate beneath Alaska.Geological studies are used,along with seismological data,to investigate the shallow earthquake sources.The deeper-focus earthquake sources are not directly expressed at the earth I s surface and must be investigated using seismological data combined ,J wi th a understand ing of the present-day tectonic acti vi ty. The past occurrence of large earthquakes within the region, such as the 1904 and 1912 Magnitude 7 to 8 earthquakes, indicates that both the shallow and deeper seismic zones may have the potential for generating earthquakes wi th ground motions significant to the project. The Susitna River area is within a zone of active seismicity that extends from the Aleutian trough on the south into central and northern interior Alaska.\'loodward-Clyde Consultants has previously conducted regional studies of seismic geology and seismicity over broad regions of Alaska. These past regional evaluations have been for the Trans- Alaska Pipel ine Project,the proposed Of fshore Continental Shelf regions surrounding Alaska,and for the proposed Alcan Gas Pipeline.These past regional studies provide data regarding the earthquake sources in Alaska,and they also A-5 provide up-to-date knowledge of the current status of research in the area. Past eval ua tions of reservoir-induced se ismic i ty have been completed by Woodward-Clyde Consultants for numerous dams in the western hemisphere,and selected dams in the eastern hemisphere.These past evaluations provide a data bank that will be utilized to evaluate the potential for reservoir induced earthquakes in the Susitna hydroelectric project. The specific products of this subtask include the following: a.Historical earthquake map and catalog:A catalog of reported earthquakes with Magnitude 4.0 and larger from 1899 to the present will be prepared for the reg ion wi thin 200 miles of the site.For the larger earthquakes in the period,the geologic and engineering effects will be dis- cussed.Data quality will be evaluated to estimate complete- ness level of the catalog with respect to magnitude,focal depth,and spatial location. b.Summary of recent regional monitoring:Microearthquake monitoring by the University of Alaska Geophysical Institute and the U.S.Geological Survey will be reviewed and summary plots of seismicity data will be prepared.Results and interpretations based on these data will be reviewed wi th appropriate personnel in governmental and academic organiza- tions.Of particular import'ance is evaluation of the accuracy of focal depth determinations based on these network studies. c.Tectonic model:Based on available seismologic and geologic data,a preliminary kinematic tectonic model will be developed for the reg ion wi thin about 200 miles of the A-6 site.This model will be modified as needed by studies in later subtasks and provides the basis for understanding the interrelated geologic source areas for future earthquake activity in the Alaskan-interior.Applications and im- plications of seismic gap theory will be considered. A-7 TASK A SEISMIC GEOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY Subtask 2.Seismologic Investigations 2.1 Monitoring Program (a)Objective The objective of this subtask seismological data regarding within the Susitna River area. is to provide required basic potential earthquake sources (b)Approach Since the study area is in a remote but seismically active area,additional detailed earthquake source data will be collected by installing and operating localized microearth- quake recording networks.This work is felt to be essential because the sensitivity of the present network operated by the Geophysical Institute is about Magnitude 2 1/2 or larger and does not provide the desired regional information.The ini tial microearthquake stud ies will be carried out for a period of three or more months and will provide data on location,focal depth,and causative stresses orientations of small earthquakes (Magni tude less than about 3)wi thin the study area.These data will supplement the existing regional network operations an~will provide needed accuracy and low detection threshold.The short term study will provide the information needed to properly site the long- term network and to select instrumentation for it.Also,it will aid in planning the seismic geology field studies. Subsequently,long-term microearthquake studies will be implemented using a permanent radio-telemeter network to collect microseismicity data necessary for the evaluation of the possible occurrence of reservoir-induced seismicity. A-8 ..-. - 1.Short-term Hicroearthquake Honitoring:During the summer of 1980 a program of microearthquake monitoring will be carried out in the region.Eight to ten recorders with station spacing of 6 to 15 miles will record microearthquake act i v i t Y with sen sit i v i t Y 0 f abo ut [,1 ag nit u del • 0 0 r 1e s s • Lmv-power radio telemetery will be used to make the field operation as efficient as possible.Helicopter support will be required for installation and maintenance.During the course of the study,some of the stations may be moved to study specific areas of activity.Initial station deploy- ment will be guided by a review of the available data (Subtask 1)and preliminary field reconnaissance.Data analysis will be carried out to locate active seismic sources,evaluate their spatial extent and focal depth,to establish causative stress orientations based on focal mechanism studies,to evaluate seismic attentuation,and to evaluate the statistical features of the microearthquake activity.Liaison will be maintained with the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska and the U.S.Geo- logical Survey to maximize the data base used in our an- alyses.The recording period is initially planned as three months;however,this is dependent on the information collected and may need to be mod i f ied.Appropr ia te recom- mendations will be made during the course of the study. 2.Long-term l-1icroearthquake Moni toring:Following the completion of the short-term monitoring,a detailed program of long-term monitoring will l:;>e prepared,including recom- mended station locations,instrumentation,and long-term operation and data analysis.This study will be designed to establish the background level of seismic activity on shallow crustal faults to provide a data base for the project area.Consequently,emphasis in the monitoring program will be on inexpensive but reliable data collection and for flexibility in data analysis. A-9 3.Source and \vave Propagation Assessment:This analysis effort will utilize the collected data to make assessments of the study area seismicity.Specific results to be obtained include the association of larger earthquakes (such as the 1904 and 1912 events)with probable source structures,determination of depth of the Benioff zone of deeper seismic activity,and attenuation characteristics of subduction zone earthquakes.Se ismic source zonat ion in terms of maximum earthquake potential on the Benioff zone will be done.Comparisons will be made with seismic activ- ity in other comparable tectonic areas to assess attenuation and maximum earthquake potential.The scope of these stud ies may need to be mod i f ied based on the resul ts ob- tained as the work progresses. 2.2 Reservoir-Induced Seismicity (a)Objective The potential for the possible future occurrence of reser- voir-induced seismicity will be evaluated in this task. (b)Approach Woodward-Clyde Consul tants has recently completed a major analys is of geolog ic,se ismolog ic,and hydrolog ic factors associated with past cases of reservoir-induced seismicity. The results of this study w~ll be applied to the known factors for the Susitna project in order to statistically evaluate the potential for reservoir-induced seismicity. This analysis will result in a quantitative assessement of the potential for "the occurrence of reservoir-induced seis- micity as a result of the damming of the Susitna River.A comparison will be made of depth,volume,regional stress, geologic setting,and faul ting at the selected Susitna dam A-IO sites with the same parameters for the world's deep and/or very large reservoirs.Based on this comparison,the probability of reservoir-induced seismicity at the selected Susitna dam sites will-be assessed.A description of known cases of reservoir-induced seismicity will be discussed emphasizing the relationship between filling of the reser- voir and the length of time to the first and largest earth- quakes.The relevance of these data to the Susitna dam sites will also be discussed. A-II TASK A SEISMIC GEOLOGY AND SEISSMOLOGY Subtask 3.Interpretation of Remote Sensing Images (a)Objective The objective of this subtask is to interpret available remote sensing imagery in order to identify topographic features that may be associated with active faulting.These data will be used during the seismic geology reconnaissance (Subtask 4)and field studies of controlling features (Subtask 5)to identify youthful faul ts that may produce future earthquakes and surface fault rupture. (b)Approach Remote sensing imagery and aerial photography of the study area will be obtained for a lineament analysis.These remote sensing data will include available Landsat,SLAR (side-looking airborn radar),and Skylab photography;high altitude U-2 or RB-57 color infrared photographs;and black-and-whi te aerial photographs.The analysis of these data will prov ide the basis for scoping the field program for the fault study. (c)Discussion The remote sensing and high altitude imagery and aerial photographs obtained will be interpreted in terms of the geology,geomorphology,and structure of the study reg ion. Interpretation will help to identify I ineaments and other features that may be related to active faults.Epicenter clusters and alignments identified during the seismicity evaluation (Subtask 2)will be compared with the lineaments identified by the imagery interpretation and the known faults on existing maps to assess the possible relationship of the epicentral locations,surficial lineaments,and mapped faults.The imagery interpretation will be conducted A-12 by geologists experienced in lineament evaluation and in the recogni t ion of features assoc iated wi th active f aul ts,as well as distinguishing these from similar features that result from non-tectonic geologic processes. Following an initial aerial and ground reconnaissance it may be decided that low-sun-angle aerial photography should be acquired for specific geomorphic features that may be fault- related.On this task,aerial photography may be obtained. Low-sun-angle color infrared and black-and-white photography at a scale of approximately 1:24,000 is proposed. Low-sun-angle aerial photography has proven valuable in delineating subtle topographic features that may be faul t- related.The long shadows cast by the low-sun-angle high light subtle topographic features related to faul ts,such as scarps or offsets,that would be undetectable with conventional vertical aerial photographs.This technique is particularly effective in topography of low relief such as the proposed reservoir area. Color infrared photography has proven extremely useful to delineating subtle features in the terrain such as a con- trast in vegetation or in surface moisture.Such features are often associated with faults where ground water is either closest along the fault zone or on only one side of the faul to Woodward-Clyde Consul tants has had extensive experience in utilizing remote sensing imagery for geologic investigations, and continually uses this approach in the study of fault activity.Low-sun-angle photography is an evaluation tech- nique that was developed specifically for fault studies,and has been used by Woodward-Clyde Consultants on projects in Alaska. A-13 A map of lineaments within the project area \Jill be produced as a guide for Subtask 4 and Subtask 5.The 1 ineament map will be supplemented by mapped foul ts from Subtask I,in order to compare known faults with lineaments of various origins. A-14 TASK A SEISMIC GEOLOGY AND SEISHOLOGY Subtask 4.Seismic Geology Reconnaissance (a)Objective The objective of this subtask is to complete a reconn- aissance investigation of lineaments that may be faults and known faults in the Susitna River area,in order to identify active faults and to establish priorities for detailed field investigations. (b)Approach The data developed from work described in previous sub tasks (Subtask 1)and aerial photographic interpretation (Subtask 3)will be utilized to finalize the plan for aerial and ground reconnaissance. The aerial reconnaissance will systematically cover all lineaments and faults identified in previous subtasks.A field analysis will be made in order to identify whether or not each feature may be an active fault and whether it may impact the project area by ei ther being associated wi th a large previous earthquake or being capable of producing future surface faul t rupture.Features wi thin the proj ect area will be studied during the reconnaissance and each linea~ent and fault will be identified by a unique number. In addition,regional reconnaissance of major features such as the Denali fault and the Castle Mountain fault may extend as far as 200 miles from the project area.Interpretations regarding the origin of each feature will be ~ade by expert seismic geologists with past experience on similar projects. Those features that are interpreted to originate from youthful faulting,or features of unknown origin that may be due to youthful faulting,will be considered further in the field reconnaissance by reconnaissance-level geologic mapping. A-15 The reconnaissance-level geologic mapping will be oriented toward identifying whether or not the bedrock units near the feature suggest the presence or absence of a fault.In addition,the Quaternary geomorphic surfaces and strati- graphic uni ts in proximity to each feature will be studied to aid in identifying whether or not faulting has occurred in young geologic units.Reconnaissance-level mapping at a scale of 1:63,360 will aid in identifying those features that will require detailed study during the field season of 1981. (c)Discuss ion The Susitna River area is in a complex tectonic area that is poorly known geologically.Previous work by Kachadorian and Moore indicated the structural complexity of this area,and the large number of linear features at the surface that may be due to faulting or to other origins.Although some surface features may yield their origins with reconn- aissance-level study,other features may require detailed mapping,trending,borings,or geophysical data in order for their origins to be identified. Woodward-Clyde Consultants has conducted seismic geology reconnaisssance investigations over large regions of Alaska and in many other seismically active areas of the world. Based upon this experience,we estimate that reconnaissance- 1 evel i nves t ig a t ions as proposed.in th is subtas k will- definitively identify the origins of about 90%of the lineaments identified on remote sensing images.The re- maining features will be considered for further detailed investigations during the 1981 field season,if these features are ident if ied as be ing poss ible faul ts important for dams and other critical facilities. A-16 _. _. _. The products of this subtask will consist of a map that identif ies recently active faul ts,and features of unknown origins that may be faults significant to one ·or more dam sites and other critical facilities.In addition,all field observations will be tabulated for each lineament stud ies,and prel iminary estimates of the max imum cred ible earthquake and faulting,along with the recurrence of faul ting,will be made for each active faul t and features that may be faults. A-17 TASK A SEISMIC GEOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY Subtask 5.Field Studies of Controlling Features (a)Objectives The objectives of Subtask 5 are to provide input to Sub task 6 by identifying faults that may be active and are in the vicinity of selected dam sites.These data will be used in the final evaluation to identify the maximum credible earthquakes on each fault,and the recurrence of faul ting and earthquakes along each fault. (b)Approach Subtask 5 field stud ies will be based upon resul ts of the Subtask 4 seismic geology reconnaissance,.and upon the results of the Subtask 3 seismologic investigations. In addition,field studies will be pursued along features that may affect the selected dam sites. Subtask 5 will include the following investigations that will be specifically designed for each feature to be stud- ied:geolog ic mapping at a scale of 1:24,000,trenching selected features,boring s,test pi ts,geophys ical inves t- igations,and,or age dating. (c)Discussion The geologic mapping during Subtask 5 will include both more detailed Quaternary data,and also bedrock mapping at selected places along specific lineaments and geologic features,such as the Susitna fault and other features that may be fault-related.Age-dating studies may be required to aid in the identification and correlation of geologic units.Trenches excavated across features that may be fault-related,or borings on either side of these fea- tures,are anticipated to aid in evaluating these features. A-18 - - The trenching (or boring)sites will be selected during the geologic mapping phase and will reflect areas considered to be the more favorable to assess the nature of the faults and the degree of fault activity. As a firsst estimate,we anticipate approximately 3 trench- ing sites,with 2 trenches each,will be identified along the Susitna fault,and an additional 3 trenching sites (with 2 trenches each)along other features may be identified as important features.Geophysical investigation,such as seismic refraction may aid in locating and evaluating the faul ts and the nature of the faul ting.Dur ing the course of the study,other methods of geophysical investigation, such as gravity or magnetic stud ies may be cons idered,as warranted. The data derived from these geolog ic stud ies on important features will be evaluated with regard to their potential as seismic sources.This process will include refining the estimate of the maximum magnitude of an earthquake that may occur along the feature,the frequency of occurrence of seismic events along the feature,the focal mechanism of the event,the distances from the selected dam sites at which the event may occur,and the type of faulting and the amount of fault displacement that may occur on these features. These data will form the basis for design values derived in Subtask 6 ..In addition"the seismic effects in the area of the dam and reservoir will be assessed with regard to landslides and liquefaction that may affect past the dam and other eng ineered structures ei ther directly or i ndi rectly. Products derived from Subtask 5 will include: 1)Documentation,tabulation,and an assessment of linea- A-19 ments,mapped faults,and epicenter locations iden- tified as potential important features. 2)A map (scale 1:24,000)of the selected important features in the vicinity of the selected dam sites. 3)A geologic map (scale 1:24,000)and selected areas along the important features. 4)Trench logs or core data of excavation or borings made to further evalua~e-the important .features~ 5)The interpretation of geophysical data collected along the important features. 6)Es tima te of the max imum earthquake,the type of faulting and the amount of displacement that may occur during that event,the distance of the earthquake from the selected dam sites,and the frequency of occurr- ence of earthquakes of that magnitude along each important feature. 7)An evaluation of significant,related seismic effects that may occur in the selected dam sitea and reservoir area. A-20 TASK A SEISMIC GEOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY Subtask 6.Evaluation and Reporting (a)Objectives The objectives of this subtask are to complete the eval- utions of the seismic environment of the project,to define the earthquake source parameters required for earthquake engineering input in design,to document the studies in reports suitable for use in design studies (Task B),and to provide overall management and coordination of seismic .geology and seismology tasks. (b)Approach The approach of this subtask will be to provide a proba- bilistic analysis of earthquakes along controlling active faul ting,and to estimate maximum credible earthquakes for each active fault.These analyses will first be estimated by an interdisciplinary team using reconnaissance-level information.These data will later be refined,based upon Subtask 5 data.Reporting will be in a format suitable for use in selecting the design basis earthquakes,and will include thorough documentation that will be sui table for FERC and peer group review. (c)Discussion Thorough presentations of conclusions,evaluations and data are desirable for projects that are being carefully reviewed by permitting agencies.Woodward-Clyde Consultants has completed previous similar projects in Alaska and other states where permitting agencies,or other interested groups or agencies,are closely scrutinizing a project.Based upon our past experience,we believe that the Susitna Hydropower Project will undergo close scrutiny,and that the reports of the project should be complete and thorough. A-2l In addition to the technical reporting,we propose to present management reports on a monthly basis that contain indications of our technical and financial progress with respect to plan.These management reports will provide a- basis for early identification of potential changes that may be desirable,and they will minimize the potential for last-minute surprises. The submittals from this subtask include: 1)Technical report with supporting documentation near the end of 1980. 2)Final technical report wi th complete documentation at the end of 1981. 3)Monthly management reports during the course of the investigation. A-22 ATTACHMENT B TASK B.EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING TASK B.EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Subtask 1. (a)Objective Assessment of Ground Motions During Earthquakes The objective of this subtask is to estimate the ground motions (ground shaking)to which proposed project facilities may be subjected during earthquakes.The ground motion characteristics to be estimated include peak parameters (peak accelerations,velocities,and displacements),response spectra (describing the frequency content of ground shaking), and s ignif icant dura tion (describing the time duration of strong ground shaking). (b)Approach Ground motions will be estimated using a probabilistic approach.In this approach,usually called a seismic expos- ure analysis,the probability of exceedance of various amplitudes of ground motions are estimated taking into account the frequency of occurrence of earthquakes on all significant seismic sources and the attenuation of ground motions from each source to the locations of project facil- i ties.Earthquakes of various magni tudes,up to the magni- tudes of maximum credible events,are considered.Attenua- tion relationships are derived from examination and analyses of earthquake recordings made in similar tectonic environ- ments and on similar subsurface geologic conditions,includ- ing available recordings from Alaska.\~oodward-Clyde Con- sul tants has recently conducted a comprehens ive state-of- the-art analysis of seismic exposure in Alaskan offshore - - areas (OASES,1978).The results and data of this previous study,which included assessment of activity for major onshore faults (e.g.,Denali Fault,Castle Mountain fault)as well as offshore faults will be extremely valuable in the present study. The end products of this subtask will consist of estimates of the probabil i ty of exceedance during selected time per iods (e.g.,100 years)of various levels of ground motions at the locations of each proposed major dam and other major facili- ties.For the long transmission lines and access roads,the probability estimates will be given for appropriate segments of the sys terns.Th es~·est imates will be prese~ted·a~d documented in a report.The report will include a discussion of probability levels and corresponding amplitudes of ground motions that may be considered in selecting project seismic design criteria.For major dams,ground motion criteria will be consistent with ground motions associated with maximum cred ible earthquakes,but for less cr i tical project f acil- i ties,ground motions having a higher probabil i ty of being exceeded would likely be used ~s criteria for elastic design of structures. (c)Discussion It is widely recognized that neither the occurrence of future earthquakes nor the resulting ground motions at a site can be predicted with certainty.In fact,there is considerable uncertainty involved in such p~edictions even when they are based on the best available data and models and are made by experts.The approach outlined above recognizes and ex- plicitly includes the uncertainties and consequently the ground motion estimates are presented in a probabilistic B-2 framework.The resulting estimates of probability of exceed- ance of various ground motion aplitudes constitute the seismic exposure of a project facility at a certain location. Although the terms "seismic exposure"and "seismic risk"have often been used interchangeably,it should be recognized that adverse consequences are involved in risk estimates but not necessarily in exposure estimates.For example,a well- designed dam in a highly seismic region may have a very high se ismic exposure bu t a very low se ismic risk.In th is example,the dam has been designed recognizing the very high exposure to seismicity and,by virtue of its design,has a very low chance of failing durL~g an earthquake. B-3 TASK B.EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING - Subtask 2.Preliminary Evaluations of Seismic Stability of Earth and Rockfill Dams -(a)Objective The objective of this subtask is to make preliminary evalua- tions of the seismic stability of proposed earth and rockfill dams.These evaluations will be in the detail needed to .evaluate aspects that could .have a major .impact on dam costs and project feasibil i ty .e-~g.,foundation materials,embank- ment cross-section,embankment materials and placement requirements. (b)Approach A preliminary evaluation of the adequacy of designs of earth and rockfill dams to resist seismic ground shaking involves the following steps: (1)Evaluation of strength characteristics under seismic loading conditions of any insitu soils that ~ay be considered to be left in place in the dam foundation. (2)Evaluation of key static and dynamic properties of embankment materials;particularly important properties are static and cyclic strength characteristics,and permeability. (3)Assessment of the potential for landsliding and large deformations through the embankment and foundation during or following seismic ground shaking. 3-4 - .... ,- - The cyclic strength characteristics of foundation soils will be assessed on the basis of field boring data and laboratory index and classification test data.If unfrozen sands are present in the foundation,blow counts from standard penetra- tion tests (SPT's)in borings will be very useful in evalua- ting the resistance of the soils to liquefaction.Properties of embankment materials will be estimated on the basis of general descriptions,grain size distributions,and compact- ion requirements of proposed borrow materials.The basic field boring and routine laboratory test data,plus exper- ience of wee and Harza staff and pub 1 ished data,are pre- sently felt sufficient to evaluatettle key soiL p~operties for this study.Dynamic tests may be recommended for -final design studies,depending on the nature of the materials and findings of this feasibility study. The potential for landsliding in the embankment and founda- tion will be analyzed using simplified analytical approaches and experience in similar studies.The key evaluations that are needed in the assessment of dam behavior are:first,an evaluation of the potential for generation and dissipation of pore water pressures in the materials during and following an earthquake (strongly dependent on permeability),and second, an evaluation of the potential for sliding using conventional sliding arc or wedge approaches and taking into account the effect of seismically-induced pore pressures on soil and rockf i 11 strengths.Dynamic f ini te-element analyse?of t-he embankment are not needed for the feasibility study but will be considered during the final design phase. The evaluations made in this subtask will be presented and documented in a report. B-5 - (c)Discussion It is generally acknowledged that well-designed and con- structed earth and rockfill dams have a large degree of inherent stability to resist earthquake ground shaking.The thrust of this subtask is to provide evaluations of embank- ment cross-sections,embankment materials and placement requirements,and foundation materials,which have an im- portant influence on embankment stability and project costs.The conduct of this task will likely involve an iterative approach.Experience of the project team will initially be used in.establishing broad guidel~nes for materials and design.I.n-i tial designs .will be evaluated for seismic stability.These resul ts may be used to modify,if necessary,designs which may then be checked by a second evaluation. B-6 FLUOR CORPORATION 1 FLUOR POWER.SERVICES,INC. FLUOR CORPORATION The Fluor Corporation began over 75 years ago as a general contracting firm.As it grew during the years,it began to emphasize one major area -the design and construction of petroleum and petrochemical plants. Its mainstay was -and still is -people.People who helped the company achieve a reputation for strong project management and construction competence for all-around technical capabilities and for excellent cost control and scheduling performance. By the 1950 1 s,Fluor was one of less than a dozen U.S.firms capable of designing and building major process plants -in the $240 million range and larger -on an international basis.Throughout that decade,the firm expanded in both geographic and technological terms. In the 1960·s,a surge of capital spending by U.S.processing firms for new facilities took place.Fluor,along with other engineering contractors in the U.S.,experienced a heavy demand for engineering/construction services.During this period of growth,Fluor also looked into diversification to build technical and marketing strengths so that it could better serve clients in the processing and other energy-related industries. In 1968,Fluor established Fluor Ocean Services,Inc.to offer offshore engineering and construction capabilities to clients.It also added two oil field supply companies to its organization. A year later,Fluor extended its services to the metals and mining industries by acquiring the engineering and construction division of Utah Construction &Mining Company.This division became a new subsidiary renamed Fluor Mining &Metals,Inc. In 1971,Fluor restructured its major operation -the engineering and construction of refineries,petrochemical and process plants.It formed a separate subsidiary,Fluor Engineers and Constructors,Inc.,to oversee the company·s work in these technologies throughout the world. In 1974,the formation of Fluor Pioneer Inc.,later renamed Fluor Power Services,Inc.,extended F1uor 1 s services into the utility power field and brought the total capability of Fluor's engineering and construction experience into another quarter of the energy producing community. In 1977,the acquisition of Daniel International Corporation greatly expanded F1uor l s construction services in commercial,industrial, chemical,and power plant projects.Daniel is a leading constructor of power plants in the United States.In particular,nuclear and fossil power plant construction contracts at that time represented a generating capacity in excess of 16,000 MW. 1.50.1 1/79 FLUOR POWER SERVICES,INC. In 1978,the construction organization of Fluor E&C was restructured as a separate operating entity called Fluor Constructors,Inc.This arrange- ment gives E&C and the other Fluor companies added flexibility to use either Daniel International or Fluor Constructors for a project's construction services,depending on the unique needs of the project. The advantages to Fluor and its clients of having these diverse resources in one company are substantial.On both large and small projects a high 1eve 1 of qual i ty is assured because every project team has conveni ent access within the company to the technical expertise required to solve most types of problems.This access takes on many forms including lines of communication for information or assistance,cooperation in executing a project joi nt 1y,and transfer of personneL Uniformi ty of personnel po 1i ci es permits easy transfer of personnel among subs i di ari es on a temporary or permanent basis. Frequent interaction among groups working in the areas of environmental engineering,nuclear technology,computers,mathematical and physical mode 1i ng,purchas i ng,and others tends to keep the entire organi zation up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in these fields.It also allows the whole company to benefit from any important experience gained on a particular project. On large projects,the extensive capabilities of Fluor are utilized to the fullest extent.By giving a single organization the total responsi- bility for design and construction,the client can benefit from an earlier construction start and a closer interface between engineering and construction.Where several technologies are involved,e.g.,power generation,mining,refining,chemicals,coal gasification/liquefaction, offshore pipelines,etc,the entire project can be performed by a combi- nation of Fluor offices and subsidiaries under one contractual agreement with F1 uor.The project management system used throughout the F1 uor organization assures the client that inter·face among subsidiaries ;s easily accommodated.This project management system has been proven on several multibillion dollar projects and hundreds of smaller ones. F1 uor's experi ence on these projects has afforded the opportunity to develop a corps of experienced project managers and directors qualified to handle projects of all sizes and types. Fluor's worldwide procurement organization is an essential contributor to the success of large projects.The staff of engineers,expediters,and inspectors in strategic locations allover the world has been responsible for obtaining substantial economies,maintaining quality,and directing the flow of huge quantities of materials and equipment to project sites in many countries. In summary,the diversity of the Fluor organization gives us the capabil- ity to handle large or small projects,domestic or international, performing any scope of work from engineering only to single responsibil- ity in virtually any energy technology. - \~"i"FLUOR POWER,.SERVICES,INC. FLUOR POWER SERVICES,INC. Fluor Power Services,Inc.,the power engineering division of the Fluor Corporation,has achieved a proud record of over 75 years of service to the energy industry.With this solid and successful background in the field,Fluor Power Services (FPS)is well qualified and experienced in all phases of power generat i on eng i neeri ng,des i gn,procurement,and construction management and related services for utility and industrial clients.Because of the integrated service capabilities within the Fluor network of companies,FPS is able to provide complete single-responsibil- ity services for all types of fossil-fueled and nuclear-powered installations. Fossil-fuel power plants designed by Fluor Power Services have used a variety of fuels,including coal,coke,distillate,residual oils and natural gas.These fossil-fuel steam electric generating stations have ranged from 5 MW to 550 MW and included both subcritical and supercriti- cal units. Fluor Power Services has extensive experience in detailed engineering, design,procurement,and expediting for simple and combined-cycle gas turbine projects.In the past ten years alone,the company has completed over one hundred simple cycle installations.In many of these gas turbine projects,services have also included start-up assistance, performance testing and construction management,plus responsibility for all phases of construction. As one of the fi rst engi neeri ng fi rms to be i nvo 1ved in the des i gn of nuclear power installations,Fluor Power Services maintains solid state- of-the-art capabilities in the nuclear power generation field.FPS was an early leader in the design of liquid waste systems for nuclear power plants,and recently designed a 3800 MW Standard Nuclear Reference Plant which was issued a Preliminary Design Approval (PDA)by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). In the area of wastewater treatment,Fluor Power Services has served many utility and industrial clients with a team of engineers qualified to solve unique problems and familiar with federal and state pollution comp 1i ance. Fluor Power Services also provides expertise in transmission,substation and power distribution systems.Hundreds of projects in these areas have been completed;many with special requirements and features. FPS maintains its own construction management staff,which is backed by the construction resources of Fluor Engineers &Constructors and Daniel International Corporation.With the collective resources of the Fluor organization FPS has exceptional capability for supervising the construc- tion of major steam and electrical power generating plants,as well as for other heavy construction work. 1.40 2/79 - - - - - ,,:jr FLUOR POWER ~SERVICES,INC. COMPANY SERVICES Fluor Power Services,Inc.offers complete engineering services including conceptual planning,economic analysis and feasibility studies, engineering and design,procurement,construction management and construction services for fossil-fueled and nuclear power generation installations. In providing any or all of these services,Fluor can supplement a client's skills in areas of new technology,establish international supply sources for materials and equipment;and provide a cost &scheduling system to meet project requirements and client's budget. The following highlights the four major services that Fluor can provide: ENGINEERING STUDIES &ANALYSES Fluor Power Services'projects have encompassed a wide range of engineering studies.They have included in-depth investigations in such vital areas as mechanical pipe stress analysis,vibration analysis,wastewater disposal, load flow analysis,seismic analysis and radiation shielding and radioactive effluent analysis. Severa 1 recent studi es conducted by Fl uor Power Servi ces have i ncl uded combined-economics operations,conductor selection,steam distribution, electric distribution,present versus future equipment and load requirement methods,system planning,joint ownership versus independent operation and material handling. ENGINEERING Fluor Power Services maintains a highly qualified and experienced staff of engi neers and related techni ca 1 profess i ona 1s to expertly servi ce every phase of the power generation project.Since the beginning of modern electrical power,Fluor Power Services has proved a capable and innovative leader in its field.Up to the present day,Fluor Power Services maintains its leadership in quality state-of-the-art engineering practice. Among the engi neeri ng servi ces that Fl uor Power Servi ces can offer for power generation projects are the major activities in planning and design, environmental,scheduling,purchasing,expediting,quality assurance and regulatory compliance.Fluor Power Services also offers expertise in site selection and other areas related to the specific sites for power plants. PROCUREMENT Fluor Power Services'procurement service is available to coordinate its activities and cooperate with other Fluor divisions to provide a worldwide 1.20 9/78 - - ,i FLUOR POWER SERVICES,INC. organization with the experience and expertise necessary to support the client1s projects.The procurement function at Fluor Power Services and Fluor incorporates purchasing,expediting.inspection.traffic and subcontracting services. Fluor maintains fourteen permanent worldwide procurement offices staffed by over 1500 personnel.Each office maintains accurate data relating to source of supply,financial condition,price levels,deliveries and general market conditions in its individual trade area. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ,Fluor Power Services maintains qualified.knowledgeable personnel in construction management expertise which spans a broad range of activities. These include the three prime areas of preconstruction activities, construction organization and construction cost control.This capability is complemented by the availability of the world-wide resources of the Fluor Corporation. Initial construction management involvement undertakes various preconstructi on tasks i ncludi ng envi ronmental report input,site layout review,the development of construction schedule logic,consideration of advanced construction techniques,consideration of local trends and general construction interface activities. During actual construction,the construction management team coordinates the field and home office task force to meet planned goals and schedules. The team works to make the same progress objectives of each contractor. Emphas is on thi s concept provi des the fl exi bi 1i ty to incorporate the client's available personnel resources in a timely and effective manner. Following is a general company services listing of specific engineering categories and various applications which utilize one or more of the major servi ces exp 1ai ned above:. FOSSIL-FUELED POWER GENERATION PLANTS ·1.FLUOR POWER SERVICES,INC. FOSSIL-FUELED POWER GENERATION EXPERIENCE Fluor Power Services has been designing fossil-fueled power generation installations for over 75 years.The company has consistently been a leader in the planning and technology of this field.Serving both public and pri vate concerns,FPS provi des engi neeri ng,des i gn,procurement, construction management and construction services for fossil-fuel projects;along with k.now1edgeab1e and timely guidance in the multi- faceted area of environmental considerations. Since 1952,Fluor Power Services has engineered approximately 100 steam electric generating units at 28 stations.Among these installations are plants designed to incorporate co-generation operation to provide steam, as well as electrical power,for heating and processing. Services provided by FPS include site selection,preparation of environmental reports,project scoping and planning,preparation of estimates and schedules,engineering,designing,preparation of specifications,bid evaluations and procurement,construction management and actual construction. The capabilities of Fluor Power Services cover the entire scope of engineering and design services required from boiler selection to coal handli ng equi pment and systems des i gn to fl ue gas desL:1furi zat ion plus precipitator and/or baghouse selection to ash and sludge disposal.Also incl uded with these and other phases are accurate cost estimati ng and schedu1 i ng techni ques,refi ned and proven by Fl uor on numerous power project,providing the client with efficient and effective control methods. 5.10.2 9/78 lil,FLUOR POWER SERVICES.INC. POWER GENERATION PLANTS (50 to 200 MW) Following are representative steam electric power generation projects, utilizing coal,oil,or gas fuels,designed and/or constructed by Fluor and its divisions during the past 30 years . •BURBANK PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT Steam Power Pl ant Burbank,California Engineering and construction management of a two unit 90 MW power plant.Unit 1,44 MW,includes one 425,000 lb/hr gas or oil-fired boiler operating at 1250 psig and 950 0F;one 44 MW preferred standard turbo generator;38,920 sq ft surface condenser;one 34,000 gpm induced draft cooling tower;and all accompanying auxiliaries (oil or gas- fired).Unit 2,55 MW,incluges ons 440,000 lb/hr reheat boiler operating at 1500 psigand 1000 F/1000 F;one 55 MW turbine generator; one 38,000 sq ft surface condenser;one 36,000 gpm induced draft cooling tower;and all accompanying auxiliaries . •CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY Steam Power Plant Highgrove,California Engineering,procurement,and construction of a four-unit 154 MW power plant..Uni ts 1 and 2,66 MW,inc 1ude two 320,000 1b/hr oi 1 or gas- fi red boi 1ers,both operating at 950 ps ig and 900 0F;two 33 MW each preferred standard turbines;two 27,500 sq ft surface condensers. Unit 3,44 MW,includes one 0435,000 lb/hr oil or gas-fired boiler operating at 1250 psig and 950 F;one 44 MW preferred standard turbine; one 35,000 sq ft surface condenser;one 33,000 gpm induced draft cooling tower;and all accompanying auxiliaries.Unit 4,44 MW, includes one 425,a,00 lb/hr oil or gas-fired boiler operating at 1250 psig and 950 F;one 44 MW turbo generator;one 35,000 sq ft surface condenser;one 33,000 gpm induced draft cooling tower;and all accompanying auxiliaries. Steam Power Plant San Bernardino,California Engineering,procurement,and construction of a two"unit 132 MW power plant,inclUding two 475,000 lb/hr throttAe steaw/reheat steam boilers, both operating at 1850 psig and 1000 F/1000 F reheat;two 66 MW. preferred standard turbo generators;two 42,500 sq ft surface conden- sers;two 38,700 gpm induced draft cooling towers;and all accompanying auxiliaries including demineralization systems and deep well systems. 5.30.1 ,FWORPOWER .SERVICES,INC. •CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY (Cont) Cool Water Steam Plant Daggett,California Engineering,procurement,and construction of a two-unit,137 MW power plant.Unit 1,62 MW,includes one 475,000 1b/hr throttle ste~/rehe8t gas or oil-fired steam boiler operating at 1850 psig and 1000 F/1000 F reheat;one 62 MW turbo generator;one 62,000 sq ft surface condenser; one 39,000 gpm induced draft cooling tower,and all accompanying auxil- iaries,including demineralization system and deep well system. Uni t 2,75 MW,i ncWdes one 575,000 1b/hr reheat boil er operating at 1850 psig and 1000 F;one 75 MW turbine generator,one 47,500 sq ft condenser;one 49,000 gpm induced draft cooling tower;and all accom- panying auxiliaries.Both units involved engineering,procurement,and construction. •IOWA SOUTHERN UTILITIES Bridgeport Station Engineering and procurement for a three-unit 66 MW power plant including threeo 160,000 1b/hr coal-fired boilers,all operating at 850 psig and 900 F;and three turbine generators totalling 66 MW. •IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT Imperial,California 80 MW steam power plant -Unit #4 addition to E1 Centro Steam Station. Including one 575,000 1b/hr 1500 psig 1000 0 F reheat boiler,one 80 MW turbi ne generator,one 45,000 sq ft condenser,one gpm induced draft cooling tower plus all auxiliary plant systems.Also included one 18,500,000 gal storage basin and one 3,580,000 gal settling basin. Also 45,000 bb1 oil storage tank.Oil and gas-firing.Engineering procurement and construction. •KANSAS POWER &LIGHT COMPANY Steam Power Plant Lawrence,Kansas Construction of a 50 MW power plant,including one 400,000 1b/hr oil, coal,orgas-fired boiler,one 50 MW turbine,and all accompanying auxil iaries. Steam Power Plant Tecumseh,Kansas Steam power plant addition -including one 942,000 1b/hr boiler unit, one 175 MW turbogenerator,and accompanying auxiliaries (coal,oil,or gas-fired).Construction. ,1"FLUOR POWER','SERVICES.INC. •MADISON GAS &ELECTRIC COMPANY Blount Street Station Madison,Wisconsin Engineering and procurement for two units,totalling 88 MW b including two 425,000 lb/hr boiler,both operating at 1250 psi and 950 F;and two turbine generators totalling 88 MW. •OKLAHOMA GAS &ELECTRIC COMPANY Mustang Station Engineering and procurement for a two-unit 100 MW power plant, including two 0500,000 lb/hr coal or gas-fired boilers operating at 850 psi and 900 F,and two turbine generators totalling 100 MW. •OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT North Omaha Station Omaha,Nebraska Engineering and procurement of a two-unit 200 MW power plant,including two 750,O~0 lb/hr coaloor gas-fired boilers,both operating at 1800 psi and 1000 F with 1000 F reheat;and two turbine generators totall ing 200 MW. •SAN DIEGO GAS &ELECTRIC COMPANY Silver Gate Station Engineering and procurement for a three-unit 180 MW power plant including thres 660,000 lb/hr oil or gas-fired boilers operating at 850 psi and 900 F;and three turbine generators totalling 180 MW. •WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION Wes ton Station Engineering and procurement for a two-unit 141 MW power plant.Uni~1 has a 650,000 lb/hr coal-fired boiler operating at 850 psi and 900 F; Unit 02 has a 600 bOOO lb/hr coal-fired boiler operating at 1450 psi and 1000 F wi th 1000 F reheat.Both have turbi ne generators whi ch total 141 MW. - FLUOR POWER SERVICES,INC. POWER GENERATION PLANTS (200 to 600 MW) Fo 11 owi ng are representative steam e1ectri c power generation projects, utilizing coal,oil,or gas fuels,designed and/or constructed by Fluor and its divisions during the past 30 years . •LOUISVILLE GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Mi 11 Creek Station This station consists of four generating units designed for an ultimate capacity of 1600 MW.All units burn coal as main fuel which is received by rail in standard hopper-bottom cars.The track layout has been designed to accommodate unit trains and provisions have been made for future barge delivery.Environmental considerations have dictated the need for closed cooling tower systems for Units 2,3,and 4.All units have high efficiency electrostatic precipitators and Units 3 and 4 will have,in addition,S02 removal scrubber systems. Trimble County Station This station consists of four generating units designed for an ultimate capacity of 2560 MW.All units will burn high sulfur,midwestern coal and will be equipped with electrostatic precipitators,sulfur dioxide removal system and natural draft-cooling towers.A fully automated coa 1 hand1 i ng system des i gned to accommodate barges wi 11 serve the stati on . •NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Allen S.King Station A single unit,590 MW coal-fired,supercritica1 boiler with cyclones, which has been designed to accommodate an additional unit.Facilities for unloading coal barges are located adjacent to the lake shore.The station has two,99%efficient electrostatic precipitators and a 785-foot stack.The plant I s two cool i ng towers meet envi ronmenta 1 standards set for St.Croix River by governmental agencies. Black Dog Station Engineering and procurement for a four-unit 416 MW power plant, including four 575d OOO 1b/hr coal or gas-fired boiler;Unit 1 operates at 850 pS1 and 950 F;Units 2 and 3 each operate at 1450 psi an~1000 F with 1000 F reheat;and Unit 4 operates at 1850 psi and 1000 F with 1000 0 F reheat.A1so included are four turbi ne generators tota 11 i ng 416 MW. 5.30.2 2/79 "!i FLUOR POWER ..,SERVICES,INC. High Bridge Station Engineering and procurement of a two-unit 256 MW plant including two coal or gas-fired boilers;Unit 1 operates at 1,250,000 lb/hr at 1800 psi and 1000 0F reheat;and two turbine generators totalling 256 MW. Riverside Station Engineering and procurement for a three-unit 320 MW power plant, including three bOiJers operating at 570,000 lb/hr.Twoounits opera~e at 850 ps i and 900 F,and the thi rd,2400 ps i and 1000 F wi th 1000 F reheat;and three turbine generators totalling 320 MW . •OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT North Omaha Station Omaha,Nebrask.a Engineering and procurement of a two-unit 200 MW power plant,including two 750,09,0 lb/hr coaloor gas-fired boilers,both operating at 1800 psi and 1000 F wi th 1000 F reheat;and two turbi ne generators tota 11 i ng 200 MW . •SAN DIEGO GAS &ELECTRIC COMPANY Enci na Station A five unit station with a total capacity of approximately 1000 MW. Oil is received by tank.er and stored in an on-site tank.farm comprised of six storage tank.s with a total capacity of approximately 1,340,000 barrels.Units 1-3,totalling 330 MW,include three oil or gas-fired boilers;Unit 1,700,000 lb/hr;Unit 2,~75,000 1b/hr; Unit 3,800,000 lb/hr;all operating at 1450 psi and 1000 F reheat;and three turbi ne generators tota11 i ng 330 MW.Uni ts 4 and 5,tota11 i ng 627 MW,include one 1,980,000 lbs/hr and one 2,350,000 lbs/hr ooil or gas-fired boilers,both operati~at 1800 8si;Unit 4 at 950 F with 950 0F reheat;and Unit 5 at 1000 F and 1000 F reheat;and two turbine generators totalling 627 MW. South Bay Station A four unit station with a total capacity of 648 MW.Power plant includes four 930,00001b/hr oil 0&gas-fired boilers;Units 1-3 operate at &000 psi a~d 1000 F with 1000 F reheat;and Unit 4 at 1800 psi and 950 F with 950 F reheat;and four turbine generators totalling 648 MW. - •WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Pull iam Station Engineering and procurement of a five-unit 340 MW power plant, including five coal-fired boilers.Unit 4,312,000 lb/hr;Unit 5, 500,000 lb/hr;Unit 6,600,000 lb/hr;Unit 7,625d OOO lb/hr;Unit 8, 650,000 lb/hr.~nit 4 operates at 650 psi and ~OO F;Units 8 and 6 at 850 ps i and 900 F;Uni t 7 at 1480 ps i and 1~00 F wi th 1000 F reheat; and Unit 8 at 1800 psi and 1000 F with 1000 F reheat.Also included are five turbine generators totalling 340 MW. l.UAL-FIKtuCENTRALSTATIONGENERATINGUNITS(Representativelisting)ASHCOOLINGRATINGTYPEOFPRECIPITATORHANDLINGWATERUNITDATEFUEL(MW)CYCLEBOILERORBAGHOUSESYSTEMSYSTEMIOWASOUTHERNUTILITIESCOMPANYBridgeport11953coal22850psig-900FSMechanicalDryCCMW21953coal22850psig-900F SMechanicalDryCCMW31957coal22850psig-900FMechanicalDryCCMWLOUISVILLEGAS&ELECTRICCOMPANYCaneRun11954coal/gas1001450psig-1000FPCElectricalWetOT21955coal/gas1001450psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetaT31958coal/gas1251800psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetaT4*1962coal/gas1561800psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetaT5*1966coal/gas1801800psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalDryaT6*1968coal/gas2502400psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetaTMillCreek1*1972coal3502400psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetOT2*1974coal3502400psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetCCMW3*1977coal4172400psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetCCMW4*1979coal5302400psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetCCMWTypeofBoilerCoolingWaterSystemsC -CyclonePC-PulverizedCoalOT-OncethroughwithoutSupplementaryCoolingS -StokerOTMW-OncethroughwithMechanicalDraft,wetTowersOTCP-OncethroughwithCoolingPondsCCMW-ClosedCyclewithMechanicalDraft,WetTowersCCNW-ClosedCyclewithNaturalDraft,WetTowers*InstallationforS02Removal6.208/79 JI1JIII I IJASHCOOLINGRATINGTYPEOFPRECIPITATORHANDLINGWATERUNITDATEFUEL(MW)CYCLEBOILERORBAGHOUSESYSTEMSYSTEMPaddy'sRun31947coal/gas60850psig-900FPCElectricalWetOT41949coal/gas60850psig-900FPCElectricalWetOT51950coal/gas60850psig-900FPCElectricalWetOT6*1952coal/gas60850psig-900FPCElectricalWetOTTrimbleCountylltllt1*1983coal5502400psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetCCNW*InstallationforS02removalMADISONGAS&ELECTRICCOMPANYBlountStreet61957coal441250psig-950FPCDryOT71961coal441250psig-950FPCDryOTNEVADAPOWERCOMPANYReidGardner41983coal2952400psig-1000F/1000FPCBaghouseDryCCMWWarnerValle~11984coal2952400psig-1000F/1000FPCBaghouseDryCCMW21985coal2952400psig-1000F/1000FPCBaghouseDryCCMWNORTHERNSTATESPOWERCOMPANYAllenS.King11968coal5503500psig-1000F/1000FCElectricalWetOT**EngineeringreleasedforUnit1onlYtsitebeingdevelopedforultimate4unitswithUnit2nominal550MWandUnits3and4nominal730MWeach. 1ASHCOOLINGRATINGTYPEOFPRECIPITATORHANDLINGWATERUNITDATEFUEL(MW)CYCLEBOILERORBAGHOUSESYSTEMSYSTEMBison11949coal5400psig-725FSWetOT21952coal5400psig-725FS·WetOTBlackDog11952gas/coal60850psig-950FPCElectricalWetOTCP21954gas/coal1001450psig-1000FPCElectricalWetOTCP31955gas/coal1001450psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetOTCP41960gas/coal1561850psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetOTCPHighBridge51956coal/gas1001450psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetOT61959coal/gas1561800psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetOTLawrence11948coal/gas12650psig-825F5ElectricalDryOTMW21949coal/gas12650psig-825F5ElectricalDryOTMW31951coal/gas22850psig-950FPCMechanicalDryOTMWRiverside61949coal60850psig-900FPCElectricalWetOT71950coal60850ps;g-900FPCElectricalWetOT81954coal2002400psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetOTWilmarth11948coal12650psig-825F5ElectricalWetOT21951coal12650psig-825F5ElectricalWetOT ASHCOOLINGRATINGTYPEOFPRECIPITATORHANDLINGWATERUNITDATEFUEL(MW)CYCLEBOILERORBAGHOUSESYSTEMSYSTEMOKLAHOMAGAS&ELECTRICCOMPANYHorseshoelakeTopping1948101250psig-950Fnon-condensingWetUnitturbineMustang11950coal/gas50850psig-900FPCWetCCMW21951coal/gas50850psig-900FPCWetCCMWOMAHAPUBLICPOWERDISTRICTNorthOmaha21957coal/gas1001800psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetOT31959coal/gas1001800psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetOTSOUTHERNCOLORADOPOWERPueblo31949coal/oill18650psig-825FPCMechanicalWetOTMWgasWISCONSINPUBLICSERVICEPulliam41947coal30650psig-900FPCElectricalWetOT51949coal50850psig-900FPCElectricalWetOT61951coal60850psig-900FPCElectricalWetOT71958coal751450psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetOT81964coal1251800psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetOTWeston11954coal66850psig-900FPCElectricalWetOT21960coal751450psig-1000F/1000FPCElectricalWetOT ,FLUOR POWER SERVICES,INC. COMBUSTION TURBINE PROJECTS The qualifications of Fluor Power Services as an engineer/constructor for combustion turbine projects have developed from extensive experience with simple cycle and combined cycle combustion turbines.and fuel facility projects.Responsibilities for these projects ranged from engineering and design only to engineering.design.procurement and construction. A recently completed single responsibility combustion turbine project. Gallatin Station for Tennessee Valley Authority)included the engineering, design.procurement.and construction of a four unit 300 MW total combustion turbine plant.inclUding tank farm and river barge fuel unloading terminal.This project was engineered.designed.constructed and started~up within a twelve month period. Our most significant experience using aircraft type combustion turbines were.three installations.Hallam.McCook.and Hebron Stations for Nebraska Public Power District.The combustion turbines were jet engine twin-unit type with evaporative cooler generating approximately 50 MW.Engineering and design,procurement,and construction management for all three stations were provided. Currently,FPS is working on the 150 MW oil-fired combustion turbine project at Rancho Seco Station for Sacramento Municipal Utility District and two 75 MW units at Clark Station for Nevada Power Company. 9.20 9/78 ,FLUOR POWER SERVICES,INC. COMBUSTION TURBINE PROJECTS (1968-78) In the past ten years,Fluor Power Services has been responsible for over one hundred simple cycle and combined cycle combustion turbine installations.Representative projects for the past ten years are listed below . •COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY Waukegan Station (1968)4 oil/JP jet engine units of 27.25 MW each. Calumet Station (1969)12 gas/oil industrial turbine units of 15.5 MW each. Lombard Station (1969)6 gas/JP jet engine units of 17.2 MW each. Joliet Station (1969)8 gas/oil industrial turbine units of 15.5 MW each. Rockford Station (1969)4 gas industrial turbine units of 15.5 MW each. Calumet Station (1970)4 gas/oil industrial turbine units of 16.5 MW each. Rockford Station (1970)4 gas/oil industrial turbine units of 16.5 MW each. Naperville Station (1970-71)16 gas/oil industrial turbine units of 16.5 MW each. Chicago Heights Station (1971)8 gas/oil industrial turbine units of 20.65 MW each . •MADISON GAS &ELECTRIC COMPANY Sycamore Station (1967) Fitchburg Station (1973) 9.30 9/78 1 gas/oil industrial turbine unit of 15.25 MW. 2 gas/oil industrial turbine units of 21.45 MW. - ,FLUOR POWER SERVICES,INC. •MISSOURI PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Nevada Station (1974) Greenwood Station (1975) •NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT Hallam Station (1973) McCook Station (1973) Hebron Station (1973) •NEVADA POWER 'COMPANY Clark Station (1979) 1 oil industrial turbine unit of 20 MW. 2 oil industrial turbine units of 55 MW each. 1 oil jet engine twin-unit with evaporative cooler of 49.7 MW. 1 oil jet engine twin-unit with evaporative cooler of 47.7 MW. 1 oil jet engine twin-unit with evaporative cooler of 49.6 MW. 2 oil industrial turbine units of 75 MW each. •SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT Rancho Seco Station (198 ) •SAN DIEGO GAS &ELECTRIC COMPANY Division Station (1968) El Cajon Station (1968) Encina Station (1968) Combined Cycle Plant 1 oil industrial turbine unit of 150 MW. 1 g~s/oil industrial turbine unit of 14.75 MW. 1 gas/oil industrial turbine unit of 14.75 MW. 1 gas/oil industrial turbine unit of 14.75 MW. 2 350 MW combined cycle units, each consisting of four gas turbines,and two steam turbines; new site;distillate and residual oil capability;electrostatic fuel washing.Project later cancelled. Kearney Station (1969) North Island Station (1972) Kearney Station (1972) Miramar Station (1972) •TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY Gallatin Station (1975) ,FLUOR POWER SE;RVICES,INC. 8 gas/oil industrial turbine units of 15.8 MW each. 2 oil industrial turbine units of 20 MW each. 1 oil industrial turbine unit of 20 MW. 2 gas/oil industrial turbine units of 20 MW each . 4 oil industrial turbine units of 75 MW each;single responsibility project including engineering, design,procurement and field construction . •UNITED STATES NAVY/APPLIED ENERGY,INC. Naval Training Center San Diego,California (1971) U.S.Naval Station San Diego,California (1975) Heat recovery boiler generating 119,000 lb/hr saturated steam at 200 psig from gas turbine exhaust. Also includes a 160,000 lb/hr gas/oil-fired package boiler to augment steam supply. Heat recovery boiler generating 127,700 lb/hr saturated steam at 300 psig from gas turbine exhaust. Also includes a 150,000 lb/hr gas/oil-fired package boiler to augment steam supply. - -----------,---,-"._-----_. SCOPE OF WORK ,FLUOR POWER SERVICES,INC. SCOPE OF WORK INTRODUCTION Fluor Power Services will prepare a study covering alternate sources of power generation for the Railbelt area,using oil,gas,coal,or uranium as fuel.The fuel(s)considered will depend on location.In the Fairbanks and Anchorage area oil,gas,coal,and uranium will be investigated.In the Beluga and Healy areas minemouth coal plants using the area's low Btu and low sulfur coal and nuclear plants will be considered. The total generating capacity as determined from load growth studies performed by Harza will be the basis for siting the generating station(s). The capacity of each uni t wi 11 depend on the area I s power requi rement. Both interconnection of the Anchorage and Fairbanks load centers and isolated plants serving each area will be evaluated. The assumed operating date for the thermal power capacity will correspond to that for the hydro generation. The study will be prepared in two phases.Each phase will be of approxi- mately four months duration.The anticipated start date of the Phase I portion is January 1,1980. PHASE I Using load growth studies prepared by Harza Engineering and assuming the following three sources of fossil fuel: a)Fairbanks Area (Alaska Pipe Line Oil available) Oil,Gas and Coal; b)Anchorage (Local Natural Gas available) Gas,Coal and Oil; c)Beluga &Healy Area (Low Btu,Sulfur Coal found in the area) Minemouth Coal; Fluor Power Services will develop the following: 1.0 Identify Alternate Sources of Generation 1.1 Gas-Fired Plants 1.2 Oil-Fired Plants 1.3 Coal-Fired Plants 1.4 Combined Cycle Plants 1.5 Nuclear ,FLUOR POWER SERVICES,INC. 2.0 Based on load Growth Studies,identify: 2.1 Required number of Generating Plants 2.2 Location of Plants 2.3 Type of Fuel 2.4 Transmission Requirements 3.0 Identify Critical Items affecting Established Environmental Criteria for each Proposed Site (environmental investigations to be performed by Harza): 3.1 Cooling Water Makeup 3.2 Particulate Emissions 3.3 S02'NO and others 3.4 Noise x 4.0 Prepare Drawings to include proposed Power Plant Sitings 5.0 Evaluate Thermal Plant Alternatives 5.1 Conceptual Cost of Power Plant,Transmission Line and other Site-Related Costs 5.2 Fuel Cost including transportatiDn 5.3 Maintenance Cost 5.4 Operating Cost 5.5 Replacement Cost (based on 30-year plant life) 5.6 Transmission Cost 6.0 Prepare a report to Harza,compari ng the thermal a lternat i ves and selecting the most favorable thermal generation scheme for serving the Railbelt power demand as an alternative to the Susitana River Project. Phase II will be started after Fluor Power Services receives authori~ation from Harza. PHASE II 1.0 A more detail ed study of the scheme selected in Phase 1.All the studied conditions indicated in Phase I,Item 5,are to be reviewed in greater detail. 2.0 Develop Preliminary Site Arrangement and Preliminary General Arrange- ment Drawings of the final selected site(s). 3.0 Final report based on detailed study of selected site(s)to Harza. ,FLUOR POWER SERVICES,INC. POWER PLANT SITING The Phase I study,which includes the site selection process,will be based on water availability,terrain,geotechnical aspects and environmental factors including the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)and Ambient Air Quality Standards. The data base will include,but not be limited to: 1.U.S.Geological Survey for geologic and topographic maps and reports 2.Department of Energy report and maps 3.Fluor's experience gathered and data collected during the Alaska Oil Pipe line Project 4.Articles and maps published in the technical literature,state historical society for historic areas,state agencies and National Park Service. The Phase I study of the alternate sources of foss i1 fuel power wi 11 consist of two stages: Stage I -Determination of candidate sites Stage II -Determination of proposed site(s) As the study proceeds from Stage I to Stage II,the evaluation becomes more detailed and refined until a number of proposed sites are established,with location determined by the load centers and growth patterns. The candi date sites wi 11 be selected based on a number of parameters including,but not limited to the following: 1.Fuel Avail abi 1i ty. 2.Water Availability:The impact of this parameter will be minimized by closed cycle cooling. 3.Environmental Impact:One of the parameters for selecting the candidate sites will be the potential to meet State and Federal requirements for significant deterioration increments of sulfur dioxide and particulates.The proposed sites must be environmentally acceptable.This will be verified by the Harza environmental staff. 4.Geophys i ca 1 Impact:The geo logy,topography and geotechni ca 1 aspects of the candidate sites which,in turn,have major impact on cost and schedule of power plant construction will be ,FLUOR POWER SERVICES,INC. reviewed.The region is seismically active which will require careful consideration of slope stability,soil liquefaction and expected seismic acceleration.Permafrost is generally not a factor in the region between Anchorage and Fairbanks,but if encountered,will be a factor in site selection. 5.Transmission Corridor: with terrain which construct i on of towers site. Availability of land and right-of-ways allows expeditious and economical will impact the cost of a power plant 6.Road,Rail and Waterway Access:Availability of transportation impacts the cost and schedule of a power plant. Maps showing exclusion regions will be used to narrow down the region from which candidate sites will be selected.Data gathered during the Phase I study will be utilized to rank the candidate sites or areas. Drawings showing the proposed site 10cation(s)will be made in Phase I. These drawings will provide further opportunity to study the proposed sites and rank them in the order of their cost and environmental impact. Determination will also be made at this stage as to whether there are any localized conditions which render a particular site unacceptable. Information gathered during site visits will be utilized at this stage of the process.The data will be used with load data to determine the number of units per station and the total number of station (sites). ELECTRICAL WORK ACTIVITY PHASES I &II Fluor Power Services will provide assistance in site selection,recommend transmission voltage levels and logical transmission routes from the new sites,develop input for load flow studies to be made by Harza to conform reasonable transmission system selection,assist in plant costing and report preparation. It is assumed that Harza will develop the basic data for any load flow studies required and that Fluor Power Services input will be limited to providing generation levels and transmission line data for the lines serving the various sites.It is further assumed that Harza will provide transmission line costing including right-of-way costs to maintain consistent costs between the hydro and thermal alternatives. EVALUATION OF THERMAL PLANT ALTERNATIVES The economic evaluation of all generating plants that have been sited will compare the following: a)Fuel Cost (coal,oil and gas cost to be supplied by Harza) b)Added Fuel Transportation Installation Cost - ,FWORPOWER SERVICES,INC. c)Maintenance Cost d)Operating Cost e)Replacement Cost (based on 3D-year plant life) f)Transmission Line Cost (Fluor Power Services will define the carrying capacity and routing,and Harza will provide the install ed cost. Estimated power plant costs will be based on construction costs of similar plants in the 48 contiguous states with appropriate adjustment in the labor rates,transportation costs,and construction schedules to reflect conditions in Alaska.The experience gained by Fluor Corporation on the design and construction of the Alaskan Pipe Line &Storage Facilities will be applied to the installation of the power plant(s)in Alaska. Evaluation results will include a recommendation of number,location,and fuel for thermal plants to best meet the load growth. For the sake of consistency,economic factors and evaluation techniques wi 11 be supp 1i ed by Harza: LAW OFFICES HUNTON Be WILLIAMS 1919 PENNSYLVANIA AVE.N.W.SUITE 700 P.0 Box 19230 WASHINOTON,D.C.20036 TELEPHONE 202 223-8650 August 14,1979 Mr.Richard L.Meagher Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 RICHMOND ,VA.OFFICE 707 EAST MAIN STREET P.o.Box 1535 23212 TELEPHONE 804 788-8200 FILE NO. Legal Services for Obtaining a License for the Susitna River Project Dear Dick: .Your letter of August 6,1979 inquiring about the scope of possible legal services for a project on the Susitna River raises a number of interesting questions.I will attempt to respond. You have requested suggestions that would expedite the efforts to obtain a license.Most of my comments will relate to legal services,but one general comment might be in order. Too many utilities fail to implement an effective and aggressive public relations program.It is not sufficient to run newspaper advertisements after the opposition has started or to solicit public participation as the studies progress. Rather,what is needed,from the earliest possible point in time,is a large and coordinated effort of meetings with local officials and residents to inform them in great detail of the range of studies to be undertaken and that their input will be sought and utilized.Too often the opposition to similar projects has effectively organized local opposition by playing on the fears of an uninformed public. As you are well aware,any effort to obtain a license from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC")requires a coordinated and,unfortunately,extensive effort among engineering,environmental and legal consultants.Legal consultation requires both local counsel,who would deal with state and local agencies,access to lands,etc.,and counsel familiar with the requirements and procedures of FERC. - HUNTON &WILLIAMS - 2 - In the initial stages of the licensing effort,the FERC counsel would normally be involved in assisting the client to assure that all of the studies required for a complete application for license are being conducted.This necessarily involves knowledge of the Federal Power Act,FERC's Regulations,the implications of the National Environmental Policy Act and recent developments at FERC anc in related areas,such as the Clean Water Act (discharge permits,dredge and fill permits,state certifications).A detailed list of studies needs to be developed and a careful assignment of responsibilities made.Among other matters,counsel should work with the engineering and environmental consultants to assure the completeness of their studies,review load forecasting methodology,which is becoming a major issue because of the heavy emphasis on conservation,and be certain that the analyses of alternative forms of generation and of alternative hydroelectric sites are sufficient. As the studies are nearing completion and an application is being prepared,counsel would be concerned with the legal sufficiency of the application including such key exhibits as the environmental impact report.Once the application is filed,the legal efforts for perhaps a year are likely to focus on responding to interventions and other pleadings,responding to Federal,State,and local agency comments on the application and ultimately on FERC's Draft Environmental Impact Statement. During the entire licensing period,counsel should be alert to developments at FERC and at other agencies,such as the Forest Service,Environmental Protection Agency and the Corps of Engineers that would impact on either the licensing process or the construction of the project. For any project the size you have suggested,and especially where environmental opposition is strong,FERC will hold a hearing.This is when counsel's time is likely to increase dramatically as testimony is prepared,the hearing held and briefs written.Finally,after an Administrative Law Judge's Initial Decision,the Commission's procedures call for briefs on exceptions and replies thereto before the full Commission acts.Of course,appellate review is always a possibility. Several factors make it difficult to develop a budget estimate for outside legal costs.Perhaps the greatest intangible is the amount of opposition that will surface.If, as is the case with Appalachian Power Company's pumped storage project,a group such as the Sierra Club decides to undertake HUNTON Be WILLIAMS - 3 - an all-out battle,costs can run up quickly. unknowns are the extent to which counsel will. consulting activities or play a major role in editing the environmental impact report. Other major coordinate writing or Based on the time our firm spent in assisting Virginia Electric and Power Company in obtaining the license for the Bath County Pumped Storage Project,I have attempted to prepare a budget estimate.The estimate might be a little on the high side since our firm served as both local counsel and FERC counsel and we spent considerable time in coordinating the various consulting activities and in preparing the environmental report.However,the environmental opposition never reached a particularly high level.(The environmental sensitivity in Alaska may well require substantial additional time.)As difficult as it is to quantify total dollars,it is even more difficult to try to establish a quarterly projection.Too many variables can change even the most carefully anticipated schedule.The schedule I have assumed reflects my idea of an orderly proceeding without undue delays.It could move a little more quickly or a lot more slowly depending on the opposition. Since I would strongly urge that any counsel selected be involved at the time when the scope of consultants'work is being developed,the first quarter shown is designed to cover the initial strategy sessions even before any detailed feasibility studies have begun. Quarter 1 2 3 4 5 6 Activity Selection of consultants; scoping of studies Coordination and review of detailed engineering,environ- mental and economic studies " " " n Cost $25,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $20,000 Quarter 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 -? HUNTON Be WILLIAMS - 4 - Activity Preparation of license application including environmental report " Coordination with FERC Staff; responses to interventions, pleadings,agency comments " " " " Review and response to Draft Environmental Impact Statement Preparation for hearing " Hearing and briefing " Judge writing decision Briefs on exception,opposing exceptions Waiting for Commission action " Appellate review Cost $40,000 $50,000 $20,000 $25,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $40,000 $50,000 $50,000 $75,000 $50,000 $5,000 $45,000 $5,000 $5,000 ? I trust these costs will not deter the Alaska Power Authority from seeking a license.It is important,however, for the Authority to recognize the substantiality of the undertaking and to proceed on the basis of a realistic estimate.It will do them little good to have too Iowan estimate that is constantly exceeded.These figures contemplate a fight,but not a blood-letting.The cost of possible appellate review is too speculative for inclusion. HUNTON Be WILLIAMS - 5 - UnJess there is some question of FERC's jurisdiction over the proposed project,I see no reason to file a Declaration of Intent.If either the Susitna River is navigable or federal lands are invo]ved,FERC would clearly have jurisdiction.The best way to speed the licensing process is to be certain that a complete application is filed.FERC's Staff has been and is likely to be extremely helpful in assisting an applicant toward that end. I have no objection to your integrating these comments and cost estimates into your overall presentation to the Alaska Power Authority and your citing me as the source.I would be delighted to provide additional information if you think that would be helpful. a:;;ur~ Arnold H.Quint 87/cp John Nuveen &Co.Incorporated 209 South LaSalle Street,Chicago,Illinois 60604 September 5,1979 (312)621-3000 Mr.D.L.Glasscock Vice President and Project Nanager Susitna.Hydro Development Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,IL 60606 Dear Dr.d.ght: We are pleased to provide the information requested in your letter of August 23,1979 regarding financing arrangements for the proposed Susitna River hydroelectric project. Prior to financing the APA should enter into various "power sales agreements"which collectively provide for the sale of the entire project ou~put.Commitments for the purchase of the power should be on a "take or pay"basis.The agreement should include the following provisions among others: (1)Term -at least co-extensive with debt service on all bonds issued (2)Billing and method of payment (3)Sale of excess power (4)Obligation to pay--take or pay from initial operating date,or a fixed date certain,whichever is sooner. Binding commitment regardless of whether or not power is taken or plant is operating (5)Scheduled cost of power based on a formula providing for pro-rata allocation of operating costs,debt service (including a coverage factor of between .1% or .2%of maximum annual debt service)and funding of reserve accounts (6)Default---in the event of default on the part of any purchaser,the obligations of all remaining purchasers may be automatically increased,pro-rata,up to 25% of their original share of project output. BOND PROFESSIONALS SINCE 1898 OFFICES:CHICAGO,NEW YORK AND PRINCIPAL CITIES Mr.D.L.Glasscock September 5,1979 Page 2. For municipally owned systems,the execution of such an agreement presents no legal problem but participants will carefully examine expected costs of power and potential liability for cost overruns and project delays.For non-exempt systems (such as REA co-ops)various IRS rulings impose limits on the aggregate amount of project output which they can purchase on a "take or pay basis." The mechanical details of implementing such agreements are relatively straightforward.The APA adopts an annual budget providing for the items required for operation or financial security and a monthly billing rate is established for each participant according to their share of total projected output.As costs,output or other factors deviate from budget, the budget and corresponding monthly bills are amended. Nuveen's interest in the Susitna project will be to act as senior managing underwriter.We are prepared to work with APA,its consultants and engineers and provide any and all advisory services necessary,on a contingent basis.Our compensation will be realized from the underwriting when bonds are issued to finance the project.There would be no need to budget up--front costs. APA may utilize an independent financial advisor to compliment our investment banking services.It is difficult to say what a financial advisor's fees would be and whether or not an advisor would work on a contingent basis.However,if we assume that the financing for the first project would total $1.5 billion,we think that the total advisory fee would be in the order of $1 million.Approximately $50,000 might be paid in equal increments quarterly during the development period prior to financing.The balance would be paid at the conclusion of each financing based on a formula which relates to the sale of specific bond issues. I hope these brief comments meet your immediate needs.If you have questions or seek greater detail regarding any of these items,please don't hesitate to call me. Sincerely, ~aA~Dean~ Assistant Vice President ATD/rs