HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1736r" I I ~ ~ 'fl fl i ii u ~ ~, ~. { ~~ t.. ·~ ~q d I i ~i ~i; ~~ ~! I I IJ '~ r. I I I ,. .. - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FEDERAL ENER~Y l;U:GULJ~TORY COM~~3SION PROJECT N~-7114 1984 GEO·TECHNICAL EXP'LORATION PROGRAM W AT ANA DAMSITE APPENDIX B THROL:GH G ~ FINAL REPORT JULY 1984 DOCUMENT NO. t 736 l SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE a,.__.ALASKP\ POWER AUTHORITY=·--_ ____. ~~ I"C :"" j ,., ·::::J c.. . -· i>< i> t-c 1-c lCD ...... I-c. -· )( ·0 ·-·-------------·~ I ------ SUSITRA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1984 GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROGRAM WATANA DAIIS.ITE APPENDIX B THROUGH G Report by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska .Power Authority Final Report July 1984 Document No. 1736 Susitna File No. 5.6.1 r .l I : l I I I [ :I ' ~~ I , :I ANY QUESTIONS Olt COMMENTS CONCERNING Tlll:S RBPOR.~ SBOOLD BB DIREC~ TO THE ALASKA POWER .KOTHOR:ITY SUS:IftA PROJEC~ OPPICB tr ~ 'l ' :11 : tl I Ll .• I I I II I I . I 1984 GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROGRAM WATANA DAMSITE TABLE OP CORTEHTS APPENDIX B -BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA APPENDIX C -HYDRAULIC PRESSURE TEST DATA APPENDIX D -GEOPHYSICAL LOGS APP~~~IX E -LABORATORY TEST DATA/SOILS APPENDIX F -OBSERVATION DEVICES/GROUNDWATER APPENDIX G -POINT LOAD TEST DATA 1 . I I I 11 11 • I f 1984 GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATIOti PROGRAM WATANA DAMSITE APPENDIX B -BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA l TABLE 8-1 I TEST.!J BOREHOLE. TEST INTERVAL MATERIAL ~-INTERVAL (ELEVATIONS) TESTED I ' (FT.) I '! t~ ' 15.2-19.7 2127.9-2123.4 ROCK I I DH84··'1 15.7-28.6 2127.4-2114.5 ROCK I m 22.3-91.0 2120.8-2052.1 ROCK w 14.7 .. 17.2 2149.7-2147.2 OVERBURDEN 14.7-22.9 2149.7-2141.5 OVERBURDEN !J] 14.7-27.0 2149.7-2137.4 OVERBURDEN DH84-4 23.8-31.1 2140.6-2133.3 OVERBURDEN 23.8-39.3 2140.6-2125.1 OVERBURDEN J 63.1-88.5 2101.3-2075.9 OVERBUROEN 95.8-137.6 2068.6-2026.8 ROCK ~ I :t:l :W 2J VERTICAL DEPTH BELOW GROUND SURFACE PERMEABILITY PERMEABILIT:f, TEST K (CM/Sec) PERFORME:D -4 FALLING HEAD 5x10 FALLING HEAD 2x10 -4 FALLING HEAD 7x10 -5 FALLING HEAD 3x10 -4 -4 CONSTANT HEAD 1x10 CONSTANT HEAD 1x1o-4 CONSTANT HEAD 1x1o-4 CONSTANT HEAD 6x1o-5 CONSTANT HEAD 3 X 10-5 CONSTANT HEAD 6x10 -5 ALASKA PO'NER AUTHORtTY SUSITNA HYOROELECmiC pqQJECT WATANA DAM & RESERVOIR FINS AREA IN-SITU PERMEABILITY TESTING SUMMARY :~·~~~ """~ ... .-: ... , "'"'"~ ....__, -... . l 1 '1 -. , .. G .. ) c J ' ~ '.)' ' . 1 ' i '·I I~ tD I 01 1 CASINGt ~11CK-JJP d, 4~ (lo.zcm)-~ I. D. {~W) CAett'k:~ D~ 3.781..'' (~.{gC-m) HOU: DIA, (Ho) -.....J -re:hl OtJI<'Ail0"-1 ~r: 4? ~ec..~ ~F.c:JlJtJD l~')LJ~F~ --- LEN~~ OF~I ~ecnoN {l.NCA~D), ~4.o• I o.~ L 1 5Z.41 {1F731. Z. Cm) INCLINED BORE~OLE VEFITJC.AL. PRDJECTION _ dZ_k [z mL] K-D] J-h 6L {L:.T) :k~ -4 . K :. I xlo c.mj6u, 1\k:::)TE~: L Ft:/RMULAt? lY-:>E.D FOR DeTeRMll\Jit-JC::t PERMEABILITY OBTAINED FRoM PoUN~TIQ~ _?NC::tiNEEBINCa, HAND~t<;., Wlf\trE.RkORN AND FAJ-.Jq > VAN NC>5~Al\JP ReiNHoLD; 1~51 p. ?Z) Fl~-1.11. Nor 10 ~LE. ALASKA POWER AU1110RtTY SUSITNA HYOAOEl..ECTRIC PRO..ECT WATANA DAM & RESERVOIR IN-SITU PERMEABILITY FALLING HEAD TEST TYPICAL EVALUATION ' ~·l!IIUICO ..,. ... ,_~ ......... ---··-................ a.."'JULY 1984 !Figure B-1 I "I-,_ ,I .8 l1 J.1 J 'l! t1; ~URCJ-lAR~fa LE\/eL- I"tAINlAINED I.e' ~N~ 5TfCk-UP OU~INLl ,-e.~ -~ G.ROUND ~RFAC.E He. -7B'{1..37.1 ~m)---.. ---- '-+~r--~'fr:!'l1 ~RoUND ~-rER LEvEL D, 3.76Z,. ( t::j~~c.m) 1--bf-E. DIA. ( ~o) ---J I NC:LINED ~I-IDLE K = 'l_..e... [1f + J I• (tg,L t' J Z1T L H!. f./ -4 '"' = 4"10 t:m/~~ - :: . I 14.e' VERTICAL PRD-lECTlc:N t¥21 E$: l. FORMULA~ 1J?E:D ~R ce IERM 1Nit.JG:t PERMEA- e>t LrT'( Of31.AJNED FROM fC?LNI2ATlo~ EN6J~l~ HANDF!r.::c>K~ WINT'ERKcf<N AND FA~1 VAN No::.TRAND ~E:J N J-401-0, P· ,z, FIG. 1.17 t. ~v :s K'h (A~UMeD) ft.Jc>T Tb ~A I E ALASKA l:lO\\IER AUTHCRtTY SlJSITNA HYOROEtECT'RIC PROJECT WATANA DAM & RESERVOIR IN-SITU PERMEABILITY CONSTANT HEAD TEST TYPIC.~L EVALUATION )r~·l!JI.WCO k.Stf' ..... ,t .... ,..~..., ---, .... _ 0.1'11 ·-~ 1-M.Aa· JULY 1984 l Figure B-2 I CD ::J a. -· )C c r' r r r } r· 1- ! 1984 GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROGRAM W'ATANA DAMSI'l'E APPENDIX C -HYDRAULIC PRESSURE TEST DATA ! ' r r r l r I f f l <'; " w ,, " K r APPENDIX C HYDRAULIC PRESSURE TEST DATA The basic dE~finition of the hydraulic pressure test, in terms of Lugeons, 1S a water takta of 1 litre/meter/minute at 10 bars pressure. Lugeon values for the current program were calculated using non-metric units in the following formula: Lugeon Value = 1820 x Rate of loss (gpm) Interval tested (ft.) x Net pressure (psi) Most of the calculations in the accompanying tabulation involved straight forward use of recorded data. There is some manipulation of data, however, particularly when incremental tests were performed. For example, consider a test conducted . 1n interval 189 ft. to 263 ft.' and a succeeding test conducted in the interval 159 ft. to 263 ft., the second test having a higher total water take. In this example a note would be recorded in the "Remarks" column of Table C-1 as "159-189", meaning that the water take from the shcrter interval has been subtracted from the large~ interval to better indicate the water take from 159 ft. to 189 ft. In some cases, similar to the above example, the water take of the lower test interval exceeded that of the higher interval. In this case, an asterisk ('!<) . the "Remarks" column appears 1n differential could that the water take of Table C-1. This indicates not be subtracted and for conservative estimating, the entire water take was used to calculate the Lugeon value of just the higher interval. Friction loss was not calculated in the standard manner, as losses in the HQ wireline rods were considered to be negligible. The pressure restrictions of the piping within the packer was considered . 1n the calculations, however, see Figure C-1. In all tests where water take rates exceeded 5 gpm, all pressure steps were calculated using a net applied pressure reduced 50592/C 840725 C-1 K ! I !, ! n H H rr u I~ I ~'7 I J (- i f t ... - l I l by the amount of back pressure generated by the packer restrictions while pumping at relatively higher rates. 4 TABLE C-1 WATANA EXPI .. ORATION PROGRAM SPRING 1984 SUMMARY OF WATER PRESSURE BOREHOLE INTERVAL DH84-1 46-154 154-204.5 204. 5-2:!1-7. 5 247.5-297.5 296.5-328"5 327.5-358 • .5 356.5-408.5 404.5-458.5 455-510.5 506-556 557.5-608.5 604.5-656.2 654.5-708.5 707.5-758.5 754-805.5 805.5-848.5 *See description in notes, 50592/C 840725 ;, GAGE PRESSURE/LUGEONS PSI 14 25 35 LU 2.1 I .4 1.4 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 2.7 2.1 2.2 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 1.6 1.0 1.2 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 2.9 2.5 2.1 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 0 0 0 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 0 0 0 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 1.2 1.5 1.3 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 0 0.3 0~2 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 0 0 0 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 1.4 1.5 1.6 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 0 0 0 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 0.3 0.1 0.1 PSI 20 .. 0 30.0 40.0 LU 2.0 1.8 1.7 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 1.1 1.3 1.0 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 0.1 0 0 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 2.7 2.8 3.5 p. C-1 C-2 TESTS 25 15 1.3 1.6 30.0 20.0 2.4 3.0 30.0 20.0 1.5 1.4 30.0 20.0 2.0 2.3 30.0 20.0 0 0 30.0 20.0 0 0 30.0 20.0 1.3 2.0 30.0 20~0 0 0 30.0 20.0 0 0 30.0 20.0 1.6 1.7 30.0 20.0 0 0 30.0 20.0 0.1 0.2 30.0 20.0 1.8 2.1 30.0 20.0 1. 1 1.4 30.0 ~1.0 0 0.6 30.0 20.0 2.7 2.6 REMARKS * * 204.5-247.5 * 754-805.5 I I I ! a H H l1 u ff u n r ~ r i 1:'' ~ /,; r ~ ~ tr ) ): TABLE C-1 (cont.) WATANA EXPLORATION PROGRAM SPRING 1984 SUMMARY OF WATER PRESSURE BOREHOLE INTERVAL GAGE PRESSURE/LUGEONS DH84-2 36-68 PSI 10.0 20.0 30..0 LU 1.8 2.8 5.5 62-1125 PSI 15.0 25.0 35.0 LU 1.8 2.5 2.9 109-162 PSI 15.0 25.0 35.0 LU 5.3 7.3 6.9 158-212 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 2.9 2.9 3.0 208-262 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 5.4 5.4 5.5 259-310 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 0 0.1 0.3 309-359 PSI 20.0 30~0 40.0 LU 0 0.1 0.1 450-500 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 0 0 0 500-548 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 0 0 0 548-598 PSI 20.0 30.S 40.0 LU 0.7 0.2 0.1 598-765 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 0.3 0.3 0.4 DH84-3 33-90 PSI· 10.0 15.0 20.0 LU 8.0 8.7 7.9 90-132 PSI 15.0 25 .. 0 35.0 LU 3.6 3.7 3.5 DH84-4 215-268 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 0.6 0.3 0.4 268-318 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 LU 0 0 0 DH8li\-4A 139-269 PSI 15.0 25.0 35.0 LU 0.6 0.6 0.6 269-399 PSI 15.0 25.0 35.0 LU 0.6 0.5 0.5 399-698 PSI 15.0 25.0 35.0 LU 0.2 0,2 0.2 *See description in notes, P~ C-·1 50592/C 840725 C-3 TESTS 20.0 10.0 3.7 2.1 25.0 15.0 2.5 1.6 25.0 ·4. 7 30.0 20.0 2.5 1.7 30.0 20.0 5.1 4.4 30.0 20.0 0 0 30.0 20.0 0.1 0 30.0 20.0 0 0 30.0 20.0 0 0 15.0 20.0 7.5 8.5 25.0 15.0 3.3 3 .. 4 30.0 20.0 0.8 1.6 30~0 20.0 0.4 0.6 25.0 20.0 0.6 0.5 25.0 35.0 0.5 0.4 25.0 15.0 0.2 0.2 REMARKS 450-500 500-548 548-598 33-90 * 139-269 * 269-399 * I . ' ('~l ······~· II il .·~J· '~ r .. , i l :u r ti ~I .J BOREHOLE DH84-5 DH84-6 DH84-7 DH84-8 TABLE C-1 (cont.) WATANA EXPLORATION PROGRAM SPRING 1984 SUMMARY OF WATER PRESSURE TESTS INTERVAL . GAGE PRESSURE/LUGEONS 40-70 70-102 100-150 150-202 .. 5 217-265 177-265 28-61 59.5-89.9 88.5-143 138-168 PSI LU PSI LU PSI LU PSI LU PSI LU PSI LU PSI "GU PSI LU PSI LU PSI LU 37-72.5 PSI LU 72.5-120 .PSI LU 120-159 PSI LU 159-189 PSI LU 189-263 PSI LU 246.7-257.5 PSI LU 10.0 2.9 15.0 17.2 15.0 1.6 15.0 7.0 20.0 1.5 20.0 5.5 15.0 0.3 15.0 0 15.0 85.7 15.0 11.7 15.0 11.4 15.0 11.7 15.0 1.6 15.0 3.4 15.0 1.6 15.0 0.4 20.0 2.9 25.0 29.6 25 .. 0 1.5 25.0 9 .. 8 30.0 1.5 30.0 9.8 25.0 1.0 25.0 0 25 .. 0 47.7 25.0 13.0 25 .o 10.4 25.0 20.9 25.0 2.2 25.0 3.2 25.0 1.9 25.0 0 30.0 2.8 35.0 26.8 35.0 0.2 35.0 14.8 40.0 1.5 40.0 10.6 35.0 0.8 35.0 0 35.0 53.4 35.0 14.4 15.0 2.6 35.0 36.4 35.0 0.3 35.0 L;.. 5 35.0 1.9 35.0 0.5 20.0 4.0 25.0 22.6 25.0 1.3 25.0 9.0 30.0 1.2 30.0 5.9 25.0 '1. 0 25.0 0 25.0 90.2 25.0 13.0 25.0 33.5 25,0 1.6 25.0 2.2 25.0 1. 4 10.0 3,5 15.0 17.2 15.0 0.2 15.0 7.0 20.0 0.6 20.0 6.6 15.0 0.8 15.0 0 15.0 280 15.0 10.4 15c0 31.0 15.0 0.8 15.0 1.5 18-61 59-100 PSI 10.0 15~0 20.0 15.0 10.0 LU 47.4 61.8 77.9 80.4 46.6 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 LU 53.3 56.6 25.9 27.2 29.1 *See description in notes, P. C-1 50592/C 840725 C-4 REMARKS 40-70 100-150 37-72.5 72.5-120 120-15 9 * ' ,CJ rf] >l. TABLE C-1 (cont.) WATANA EXPLORATION PROGRAM SPRING 1984 SUMMARY OF WATER PRESSURE TESTS BOREHOLE INTERVAL GAGE PRESSURE/LUGEONS DH84-9 250-350 PSI 20.0 30.0 40 .. 0 30.0 LU 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 350-497.5 PSI 20.0 30.0 40.0 30.0 LU 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.5 DH84-10 No Pressure Tests *See description 1n notes, p. C-1 50592/ c 840725 c-5 20.0 0.2 20.0 0.0 REMARKS 250-350 ! f r I ~ ' f ' ' t· • l : I: -I' i : :1 '' r:-t t,; 70 i I ,' I..:.J I' l I l 1Ft I ~' l "" l '~-~ ! , t ,, l ~ r L I • _;,· i, r:-1 60 \ L.:.J . ,.., 'it )., ,, t .;:_:~./ I I ,, ,, r L·t r: ,: ~ l.dt ,, I 50 i:"'' l l ~ '~ -~, L..J ' J , ~ ,, I .f -(J) ·! ' ,i a. ,J ·.:! ""' w ·' a: 40 r:'1 , I ==' '-- ;, ~ ... i I Cl) t ~ C/) 0 WATER METER :://= 1 I • ! w ~i, 0:: l ,, 8 WATER Mt:TER =#= 2 '• a. l il w )r " (!) NOTE: ! 30 -<( (!) DATA POINTS WERE OBTAINED BY PUMPING WATER AT VARIED PRESSURE~: DIRECTLY THROUGH THE WIRELINE PACKE'R SYSTEM TO DETERMINE THE LIMITING t HYDRAULIC CAPACITY OF THE PACKER ASSEMBLY ~ 20 10 ;-------+- I I i ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSfTNA ~lECTRtC PAOJEC T , I CAPACITY CURVE ____ ........ FOR HYDRAULIC PRESSURE TEST EQUIPMENT 16 ___ T'"' __ .,. -·--------......,. ...... ........................... ......... FIGURE C-1 ;;;;----··--..,.---- ~. -..-. JULY H)84 I --:-.c~ ----~ -,. ·~~-;~"' -:;.. •• ~ .• ~"'""".-~.~~~ , •• "" "t)_ -: •: .,;,.~ il't ~*'4~t,, .. -~--4•11A&1~iiJ~1r•,•1t.wfita, . -.Jr';'~ ~,--~. ;. , --,~ "':~--~. :, _-.. ~-., ... ;; . ~\f ·-.... ,.-.. -.-·-~. gg; .• · =·~·.11_..'::.£'~ ...... \·. ------~ ... ~..........__ __ .• _..:......---:::...:..:>.........;_· -"-?1-: 10 l 60 - l 50 --en a., """ LJ.I 40 0: :::::> en (/) w 0: a.. w (!} 30 <( (!) ;4 ,, r.. A', r:- '"":' -.::: _,; ~;' ,~ , ,... .,.., ,-, ,; ..... ~ ,.~· , ,, ,, /'""\ ·" r-.. 20 \J ,~ v ,., ,., ,, ~; ;' ........ ....,.., /'""\ \:I--~ '-" .,_.,- --I -....~~ --~ ----.... ,._.,...- _liS ..... 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 PUMPING RATE (GPM) -.-I I ,~ 'I ,, i, r-t ,, L;..J '~' ,, I;· ,~ .. r-1 ~7 L;J ,~ I 0 WATER METER :://= 1 8 WATER METER # 2 NOTE: DATA POINTS WERE OBTAINED PUMPING WATER AT VARIED PR DIRECTLY THROUGH THE WIRELIN BY ESSURES E PACKER TING ACKER SYSTEM TO DETERMINE THE LIMI HYDRAULIC CAPACITY OF THE P ASSEMBLY ALASKA POweR AUT SUSJTNA HYOAOELECTAIC ·------·~ -·~ HORffY PROJECT CAPACITY CURV E SSURE fOR HYDRAULIC PRE TEST EQUIPMEN T -1 ............ 1..:=::: :.-~uLv ~a4 FIGURE C-1 ~--··_., t l f ., I . .i ~---------~------------ 1984 GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROGRAM WATANA DAMSITE APPEND!~ D -GEOPHYSICAL LOGS L f ' l .. f; ' L ·~ ~-~~----- APPENDIX D GEOPHYSICAL LOGGING Description of Equipment The Watana Site boreholes were logged us~ng a Nount Sopris Model II geophysical borehole logging system. The system consists of components that can be quickly assembled and disassembled in the field by a two man-crew, making it ideal for operations such as Watana that require helicopter transportation. With this system, borehole logs can be obtained to depths of 2700 feet. The components of the system are the instrument cabinet, winch assembly, boreholes probes, generator, radioactive sources, and support gear (electrical cables, power cord, tripod, etc.). The instrument cabinet mounts on top of the winch assembly, making all operating controls ~asily accessible to the operator. The instrument cabinet contains a digital recorder, digital printer and an analog strip~chart recorder~ The digital printout and analog recorder : :~vide hard copy that can be used "as is" for log analysis. and geologic interpretation. The digi.tal tape recorder provides a back-up means of storing data for later playback, manipulation, and printout using a compatible computer system. Three ~orehole proves were used during the 1984 Geotechnical Exploration Program: a combination probe capable of providing readout of resistance, spontaneous potential, and natural gamma activity; a density (gamma-gamma) probe containing a gamma-ray counter to which a Cesium 137 source was attached for each logging run; and a porosity (Neutron) probe containing a thermal neutron counter to which an Americium 241 Beryllium source was attached for each logging run. 50592/D 840725 D-1 \ l t. -----~--~~---------- The radioactive source for-the density (gamma-gamma) probe is a 5 millicure Cesium 137 load contained ~n a threaded subassembly that screw mounts directly to the lower end of the probe. \fuen not in use, the subassembly ~s locked in a carbon steel sheathed lead shield that also serves as an NRC app1:·oved shipping container. The radioactive source for the porosity (neutron) probe is a 1 curie Americium 241 Beryllium load contained in a threaded subassembly that also screw mounts directly to the lower end of its probe. When not in use, the AmBe subassembly is locked in a 14-inch diameter spherical shield constructed of cold-rolled, low-carbon steel filled with a Boron enriched, water-extended polyestero This shield also serves as an NRC approved shipping container. Operation and Data Acquisition Natural Gamma Survey The natural gamma survey was run first in each borehole for two purposes. The first purpose was to ensure that the borehole was in good cc~dition and open to the full survey depth prior to lowering a probe containing a radio- active source. The second was to obtain a log of the natural gamma radiation of the rock penetrated by the borehole. Gamma radiation originates in the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei of various radioactive elements. The radiation intensity at any point in the borehole is directly related to the concentration and activity of the radioactive elements disseminated in the material surrounding the borehole. Variations in natural gamma radiation intensities in boreholes frequently can provide a method to correlate lithologies from borehole to borehole and/or can provide diagnostic data on lithologies and anomalies within a single bo·ehole. Initially, the probe was lowered in the borehole at 25-30 feet per minute ' ' and the instrument response was carefully monitored to determine the most effective scale(s) for recording the gamma log. The borehole was then 50592/D 840725 D-2 f~~f'- t I r ' logged from bottom to top at a speed of 10 feet per @inute, with the data being recorded in both analog and digital formats. Gamma-Gamma (Density) Survey The density survey was run in each borehole immediately after completion of the natural gamma logging run. The purpose of the density log was to obtain a profile of density variations along the borehole axis. The density detector 1s shielded from the Cesium 137 gamma photon source by Mallory-1000 metal. Gamma radiation is absorbed and/or scattered by all materials thro.ugh which it travels. The amount of radiation absorbed is directly proportional to the electro-n density of the material penetrated. The electron density is approximately propor~ional to the bulk density for most materials encountered during borehole geophysical surveys. The number of counts per second recorded by the detector is, therefore, inversely proportional to the bulk density of the material surrounding the density probe. The data from the density log can be used with other borehole logs, to characterize lithologic units, and to detect density changes within individual lithologic units related to weathering, joints, fracture zones, and chemical alteration. The most effective scale(s) for recording the density log was noted as the density probe was lowered into each borehole at 25-30 feet per minute. The boreholes were then logged from bottom to top at 10 feet per minute, with th~ data being recorded in analog and digital formats. Neutron (Porosity) Survey The porosity survey was run in each borehole (except DH 84-4) immediately after the completion of the density logging. Mechanical 1ifficulties precluded obtaining a porosity log for this bor~hole. The purpos~ of the porosity survey was to obtain a profile of porosity variations in the rock 50592/D 840725 D-3 r r,. r· f' ~I r' \( ;.4 \ ... ~ along each borehole axis. The porosity tool contains a neutron-thermal neutron, high energy source separated from a thermal neutron detector. High energy neutrons are introduced into the materials surrounding the borehole and the effect of the environment on the neutrons is measured. The most effective element in moderating neutron speed is hydrogen; therefore, a neutron probe responds most dramatically to the presence of water or hydrocarbons in the rock and soil surrounding a borehole. There are nu naturally occurr1ng concentrations of hydrocarbons in the sub- surface of the survey area, hence a decrease in the number of thermal neutrons pas~ing through the probe mounted detector indicates an 1ncrease 1n the amount of water (i.e. porosity) in the subsurface materials adjacent to the probe. The data from the porosity log can be used, along with other geophysical logs, to delineate lithologic units, and to detect porosity variations within individual lithologic units due to jo.:.nts, weathering, fracture zones, and chemical alteration. As in the other borehole surveys, the instrument response w~s monitored during the run do~\ the hole to select the most appropriate logging scale. The Porosity Probe was lowered at 25-30 feet per minute and then·logged from bottom to top at 10 feet per minute, with the data being recorded in analog and digital formats. Radiation Surveys Prior to and at the conclusion of borehole geophysical surveys that used radioactive sources, the well head and surrounding area were surveyed using a sensitive radiation detection device. Radiation surveys were also performed on the source/shield assemblies before and after each relocation. Both sources were directly tested for any leakage at the qqmpletion Qf each logging op~ration. 50592/D 840725 D-4 r - Interpretation Fractures and Joints Typically, individual fracture zones 1n the diorite at the Watana Site are expressed on the density logs of the coreholes as 200 to 500 cps (counts per second) spikes when logged through the HQ drill rods, and 400 to 1000 cps spikes when logged through the PVC casing. Fracture/joint frequency (lew density spikes) is variable from hole to hole, but tends to increase toward the surface as might be expected from rocks responding to glacial or erosional unloading. This decrease in fracture frequency with depth is best illustrated on the density log of DH 84-2, with very few fractures/joints indicated below 200 feet. There is good correlation between these low density log spikes, low neutron anomalies (higher hydrogen or water content.), and the presence of fractured rock seen 1n the drillcore. Depth to Bedrock There are no un1que diagnostic indicators for identifying top of bedrock on any of the geophysical logse Where bedrock surface was shallow, the most charateristic response was a lower neutron shift to the left (higher pvrosity) and lower density and gamma shifts to the right. Lithologic Correlation/Lithologic Response Correlation between boreholes is not always possible in crystalline rock, however, gross lithologic differences usually are discernable as in DH 84-1 where diorite and andesite prophyry are in contact. The andesite at thi& borehole has a natural gamma response at least twice that of diorite. The high gamma response of andesite is also supported by the high gamma "kick" at the 132-134 ft. interval of DH 84-9 where the borehole passed through an· andesite boulder near the base of the glacial till, and at 321 ft. in DH 84-4A where the borehole passed through a fine grained felsic dike. 50592/D 840725 D-5 I Clayey sand and dense till observed in the core of DH 84-4A 1n the 6 to 52 ft. interval correlates well with similar density and gamma responses 1n the 34-80 ft. interval of DH 84-4 and the 18 to 62 ft. interval of DH 84-10. Similarily, weat1:'qred diorite. in the 62-120 ft. section of DH 84-10 c..orrelates with weathered dio:rite in the 72-125 ft. section of DH 84-4A. Alteration Zones Hydrothermally altered diorite zones and healeci breccia ar.e ~sually matched on the density log by an anomaly that is lower in amplitude and broader ttan the low density spikes occurr1ng opposite fractures and joints (compare, for instance, the fracture response from 80 to 84 ft. in DH 84-8 to the altered diorite in DH 84-9 from approximately 308 to 318 ft.). Weathering One indicator of the depth of weathering as observed from examination of the core is the depth to which iron oxide staining persists in fracturing and jointing. Another is the condition or degree of kaolinization of feldspars, although other processes can cause kaolinization of feldspar. The point at which hard, strong,. fresh diorite is noted in the core equates on the density log to ~ 450 cps for those boreholes logged through the HQ drill rod; ! 700 cps when logged through plastic casing; and Boo· to 1000 cps when logged in open hole. Other Log Responses Not all geophysical log anomalies are caused by the rock formation being logged. The following log responses in boreholes at Watana need to be noted for more accurate log interpretation: a. 50592/D 840725 Logging beyond the end of the drill rod or PVC cas~ng (open hole) causes all three curves to shift to the right because of the decrease in signal atten.utation such as occurs at 690 ft. in DR 84-4A. D-6 I ' I b. Logging up through the water table into the unsaturated zone causes a shift to the right of all three curves because of the decrease in attenuation in air vs. water, such as in DH 84-7 at 79 ft. c. Different weight (wall thickness) drill rods affects the den- sity response as observed in DH 84-4A at~ 330 ft., 420 ft., 490 fta, 530 ft., and 670 ft., where l~ghter HCQ drill rods were used. In contrast, the higher density anomaly in the 308-316 ft. section of DH 84-4 is caused by logging through a section of a twisted-of£ core barrel. Similarily, the low density spike at 663.5 ft. in DH 84-2 is caused by an unscrewed drill rod. 50592/D 840725 D-7 r r .• J. i i ~ I : ... ~.J. I * .. l ! . ..· ·r . I ' .. . I , I l-. • l-~. I I , I I t-·-· --··---· • 1 r i I I ' I I • .•. • .. -~L-.-- I I I I M ..... ' i • • I ·I ' w ..... 1 ~ - I I I I I - I I NOTD: •«NtEHOLE IS INCLINED• OI:GitEES FlfOII VEifTICAL. e/:)gTH$ $HOWN AilE DISTANCE ULOW QlfOUIID$UifF.4CE ALOMI.Oif~HOLE Al(IS. •HOLE CEMENT£D FlfOM 4a TO.,_, FT. •LOOOED 1/tl/M . ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BOREHOLE GEOPHYSICAL LOGS DH84-1 OOh\~121.\a(l~ SUSITNA JOINT VENTIJAE APPROVED ANCHORAGt, DATE OIUWI)t(; NO. ALASKJ. JULY,1814 D-1 - ... : I 1 II CO • 0 . -.... ..J. ~ • i-+ t t---- i' ~· . i--·- ' ! i ' I ·-~· -· •«~~ • !. t r---' -- 1 , .. " •• I'OIIOIITY IHEUTIION) COI.WTS/1«. -- " I) - -I -- ~-... -·----.... -~Of IIOQ ------ t • I ---!. ·--r-__j ' • . -~1 ~ 1 "'---to.a ... ~---....A: l-... -- ---~ ... ·-. I ' t ---·--· -· ·~---"'""" .... ~----• -· .. -r~oniTEJ---+1--..;..---ir---..;;::~-... --+--+---+l--+-.... ' Vlll'l' CLOIELY FMCTUIIIO ' ' ' ,_-' I :II. 141t--·-·--t- ~ --r---+-·· , ... --f-'l"'---l-1 I I I ---~~"-~·--!''-·'""--+.: t l • t r r---+---r--~---~-1-! I t .~--+·-~­ ~: ... " . . ... ~----~--..f...---··~---r----! i I . -----;-----~ --'--. ..... --~--~--·----...--' J ~--· ·· ~-,.-.... ·-t--:-T--~·r ~T --~-t--t-··· , 4 1, '2.a ~ ~ ll '!a 9 ' l I ' I I 1 I . ·· ..... ·--.. ;-l I t -, , --t-. ~-~-· I :. : ; •...f j ! 1 1 ·-···--... , ... -~ f t ' ._S.__J~ ! I l • ! , -t l ,, I ' L :--0; -~~.::-.----:--·r-···r-r·-~--- , I . ~ IEVItiii~MifU!lD I ; I 1 . \ !="7 CLOIELY FMCTUIIIID I I tf=' ' : ,· I ~ .. l f ' • • .. _,. -~~· ' ----•---·-· ... ,-~--r·- • • ~ I I ~ m-~~ , ! --~--i---~ .....----'---·---~·--+ .. :...--1--.---l l I • • • I . . I .. ; .. ! . ' I I I 1-..--i---1.~__;_-1--~--:-:-L+ -~ t l t • ~ t .. ! t ~ ~ ~ . -r:-.-.-.. ~~·--·:~----:-r=:-:r::--: · ·-· 3 -~ • -1 . : .. !. . ,; _ ·. 1 • . a: -: e · • 1 • I I ---------·----r--~--;----r--- ---..;·.--... ----;----- • I • I ! ·t 1--r-. . '--+-_,_ i . -)--;-;------- r ·-t --~ · , ~ r ~--~;---t-~--.. ------t-------.-· • ·-.. . , .. ... ··r·-·-, i----, -··----..... ----r ... -··.---~ ~ 1 l l I · I f . --r -~---r--------t---t---r--;-_~. ! ~ 1 " t • L . ' -~-----.--~-· -·~---'---! I J. f l . J " h • -I! 9 HEA\ID FAACTUM ZOM£ I 1 ·-·-_,_ ___ -,--·-l ·• . ,, Jlll--i--:--:~----·---------1 ~-~ ---~ _;_. _:~---~---t----'1 • I . . . ~ ' J 1 t-I. . -~ -----~------,------~-.. -t-- ...,____...1..,_ __ _:. -· ~I ~ 1 ~ ~-~ -~--­-t-.;_--~--=-----·- :Ia'-··-·-----··--. ~ ,.. ....... . --·-~---- --•· ; __ j ___ -- • 110 - ·-----·-! ------.., -: ___ ~ ---~---:-1 . I --: '! . ~ ~ i! +---, 1-.----· ;t ·--·------.-----·-------, . -t . ~ I I 4 = r.. ....---+--4------~.J __ ._ ... ~----"'---..,--·- ----·· --~---·--- HEALED FMCTUMZONE !:- WITH FELSIC DlltES r -. ---·--·---,.._- ..... __ ,_. _ _., ·-·!"· "L'TlEII\!£0 DKlfiiT£ HAPID TO VEPIY SOFT .L~~~.:;'~ c ·-1. I· 5 I ll r-·· ... ~-.-.-.----------,~--..,. ~ ; ~-:-~-~-----t·--~-------1--~ __ _;_ --· . £....:_, "".:=--_;,;-. --·--· -~ s::;=--=--; i ,-. -. -1-·:---;---_ :·~-:t-.--:---~ --·-\'--'"---.-.. -;,.._ __ .... --~:--,---. -· ---IJII ,. • • • • .. ·-· ...... -~ -I --~ ... ·-I: ·. $ • • I .!, __ .! ···~ l •. t ..;..--~~-~ . ! I . ·-.-~.~ • . . 9 ~( ----------~~~--~-----------------------~ • • • • i -! I 1 .... +" _j " " ~ ' . l t .:.--• .J ... ! ! t ~ .... -.. J,. .... t I -f ---r . -. .. ' t -i'·-. ~-··-1··· j-t-·1-·-l l : • -~ r-t·--t--t-~_·t l I . I I i , . -: t --- 1 -. ---r 1. •• , ! I ' I . I t -1 ·1 ·1 --r-l·~·t· .. l . -i -· I I • • ; I -.. i ! ! 1 • .. ! l ! i l ~ ·.: l· . j·• • . - ! I L~.l . i . -· --. . . ,- I . I l . 1 .1 I l I . l ' . -• 1- I l ~ I I -I r ::; "". I I I ! I I L.: ,. ... i ·--~ l I I l ; I L. - 1-·-l I u• I I l I 1.. I ~ ., I -co-.. .-• ·-.. - -~ l ' I . .. . I --·· t I ·-i -· L i 1 I l - I ' i I i . ~ ! . ! . I· r . ;~-. I '-'!l t L i l t·· 'I i I . I . I ! . ' -I I .. ' ..... r· I I r· ~. ! ; ... I ' !-- j l. I r - 1 I i .. ! r l I I ' I I ! I I I I I i l .. I l !· 1 ' ;· l. ·t . . .L i : . i ... I ! : ... -1 i ' ., • .. -·-·" ~ ..... , I l --(~ I ..+ .. :J .. , ·-, ... -T l -r· I· I I . ;·•- ' ... I r· I J I :·-·T '-. I I i t- ' l j i J ·~ I I l . L i j. l . I ~ ! iS i! • j'' ••.. ~ ·i- 1 .... . ,. L '": !. l 1.. ! t I I ' i ,.,;.,. ....... -t- l I I I I I .... L -. i -. l -; It • I ·I I t t I t • MJTIS: oiiOifiHOLE IS INCLINED :JI DEGffiE$ FffOII VlffncAL oDVTH:s SHOif!tfll Affl DISTANCE IE LOW QIIO(.WD $Uff1'N:I ALONG IIOffEHOU AXIS. oHOU CEIIENTfD FffOII-TO M.l FT. •LOGQED 1/11/0t ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSllTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BO'REHOLE GEOPHYSICAL LOGS DH84-1 m~lll'll~·~ IUSITNA JOINT VfNTUft£ Af'PfiOII£0 AMCHOI'IAGE , DATE I OIUWIHG NO. JULY, 11114 D-1 ALASt\1. ~-.,....-·":';-·----- ~ l (': 1100 IJOII061TY INEUTIION) C(I(JNTS/UC DH84-2 DENSITY IGAMMA-GAI.IMA) C(II/#TS I SIC. , ... -100 1000 :100 100 1010 . ' I i TJ ~+-~ i I r-·-. 2 h '7ANoesiTIC DIKE • l --r· ---! ' . ! :; q ~0 r-.. i -· ' 9 l ,...._., I .. ! ' ' --r---~--~-~~-----~· --~·--__L___J ~ ' -t-t l I I ! I ~-:LTJREO;:: :J • -·-"F'----~-::=:::t:=- -~---t----;-----='!:r-------l-.-·------1-P_OIICMJ~' ~· ----~·---+---+----+---! . I ; r-. .211f---!---. .L ! I I f--~--..__., __ _ ,t ' I : i ~· .. --:--t-·r--: • I ' -~--.,...···T··--- ' 0 I<ATUIIAL GA.-..A COUA'TS/1£. • • ·----~ • c . I "·----,..,,.., .... .., I ~-l .. ~.L~ i ~ ' • IMCIIEAS(D LOGGIN<! .-£€0 TO II.... •· •• -1 l . --...- \ . .. ;~~ I l -·~--;- ~ 1 ~ 9 H) ' I ! ..... ··-·T-· I ,.._ .. .............-.-,,.......,,.. ·-+ ----r--·-'----- i _......__·~-·T --~ .. -- '-r--- \_\ -+--· : -- I ~ ·• . . t ---t ·-L-.~ i ..•. ..l.._ ............ , --, ~---r'= .--..-. -· ~-..... -,.--___,.--.---.,- . ' i ' ··---+· "STRONG HARD DIORITE I I +-. t ' ' 12 l -·+. ! ... I •i J -! i . -~-~-· T • ·..,-" ' HAIID DIORITE ' . ---"1--·+-~ ... ·t-··1 • l • ~.l..--.. J • l ~. • T - I I . t . ~ .. I . r l t· i I I ..J w . "' "' .. .. w . " 8 a R ~ I - . E .. ' I ~ l ~ § § N .... 1:! . ~ ~ -· "1 ft -~ I • j 0 NOT£$; • 10/IEHOLE IS INCLINED J0 DEGfiE£$ ffiOM VEil TICAL. •OEI'THS SHOIJIINAIIE DISTANCE IELOW GROUNOSUIIFACEALONGIOIIEHOLEAX~ oLO/IINDICA1'ES LIGHT 011/LL 1100, • LOGGEO/SI2fi-:Jtl/N. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BOREHOLE GEOPHYSICAL LOGS DH84-2 ~-._.."' .. - IUIITNA JOINT VlNTIJtOl AF'!'IIOV£0 ·-- ANOiOIIAGE , DATE ~~~NO ALA:..\.'\ JULY,1il4 D-2 )1 :~ r: ' ~ II· ;l II• 'I )I 01 ,, ~ t l ROO IOO!l ~~ 1-~8 Z' z~ 300 0· ~00 POROSITY (NEUTRON) COUN'f: I SEC. 700 1100 ~000 «oo DH84-3 DENSITY (GAMMA-GAMMA) COUH'f: I SEC. 5200 &000 0 20 NAT1JRAL GAMMA COUN'f:/SEC. 40 110 100 ---= ~ --C ::;;:.=. --===;;.; ~·: . .:.:.-~ ---- M-" -:::?; .--=2 w'"""" ····-·-. 'j;~: \ ·~ ~ WATERLEVEL -~~~~ooo~=~<!-4~oo~~~=~~~~~~~560GE~~~ :::========:=±=:t:"'!::::> ~ SHIFT SCALESHIFT ~~ :200 300 ~00 1501 4 " IliON-STAIN EO FRACTURES SCALE SHIF'i ~1-~~ GRANODIORITE ~ $ -FtSTAINEOJOINT !_ s -OPENJOINT,CLAV --+--------.:.,.--- . ..........._SLIGHTLY ALT:AEO DIORITE ( I eo-. ' = ___ ,_.-.+' --:-: _..· •• -• .: . JOINTSMCING/INCREASING W/ DEPTH ======!::=:=-50FT,A~TEREO, DIORITE 1 .. ·~ HARD, STRONG, DIORITE ' IV 100._-_. ·_·-'~···_-··---,---=~-·-l....___.. __ ~ .. d; ... -, 400 700 1000 1400 11100 COUN'f:/UC. COUNTS I SEC. I .. .. ., •. .,. i-~• e • I . l 20 •o COUNTS /SEC. 110 110 I g( ;:g . !i (j] ~Jl Ill en )> 0 c r :0 en > m =i (./) z .... c :< ' ~ II ~ I "' ~ m 0 ~ "· zl 0 :I: 0 ,.- m 0 ~ :I: 0 CP ~ "0 I :I: w -< ~ (') )> ,.- ,.- 0 G) C/) -" )> p I -<I \) ~I 0 0 ~ m r rn m :0 () -1 '~ :lJ c 0 -f ...., :I: :0 0 0 c... :0 m () =i -1 -< I I J I ():) ~ ::± " t...-.. ....... '-·-~ ... • L-; ... . -· .. --: ) (t J -+ -- ' . ;-·~-11 I , rr-·- t· I !"" i ' . t+---~ . --:-1·-· • h_; : . . ~-~ I I ) /) r I I: ! I'OIIOOI"'Y INEUTIIOH) -• • ... • •• . ·- Ill• I. - - DHM-4 DENSITY IGAMMA-GAMMAI COUNTS/I& --1010 ·- .. --• TOI' OF WEATHIIIED IIOCI<.- or---~ ' IIITUIIH WAT£11 C~D eot.OR_..,T - t UIOIIITI. . II..IGifTLY ALT£11£0, HARD r~ ---t I ., ~ ·-j . I ...... ,_...:. .. _._~-; ... :;. ....... , ...... .. . . " -,. r ,-... -..-..... --·~-I .. _ ...... _ .. ____ _ • 10 HATUIIAL GAMMA COUf/TS I UC. • ,. ,. COIMJlf /IIC. ----- ,_--; I ........ ., ··-.. --~ ;; 1 I .... j • .. ' • -~ ~ ""'···------1 ·---!....-..! 40 .. 0 h_. ! \ ., I) ,_ ., ; r--l --~ ~. 1 .t l. • ' . .• i .!. r I 1 . rr:- I I . ·t·"· 1-. i I .... ,.....~--,.. I l . , . ·t l .. .1.L. ... . ~ . l . <:>-! '~" ' .. .1 i • ,-..... ..-~ .. T I • -I • :·7 ~l···· . . • l I ~-- L. ~"' . .. ' i . • • ... -----------:"--, -. ------~-: . r--.;:;• ·I I ~mm: oldlffHOU IS IIK:LIIWD. DfftiD ,MJ/11 VfnJCAL. •I¥1'THIIHOIIIII Alii f.VSTIIIICI NLCW 8110(M) JtJif'M:E ALc.81101f/1HOLE AX& •LOOUD~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BOREHOLE GEOPHYSICAL LOGS DHM-4 ~. A LAlKA j J MANUA ~ .1.'· ' ' \ FEEq ' n 1 I I I I 1 ·I I .. ~ J ( 1 ·~ I I I -{"1 t . r r . 1100 I ·- I ,.. !L J ~ 'C: r:'i . ,,...___._ I'OIIOIIT'I' INEUTIIOHI COUNTS/SEC. l 1100 l l , .. 0 - ! 0 . . NAT\JIIAL GAMMA COUNTS/SEC. 10 • ~~ I i : i r~.i 1.> I t I <~ ~· .~-·~•· .:-::::-A~==-=IIIDI D:o::=.lll"l:::""""-=--, ) -~ ~:I [ c -~-r -r-t--t_,_..,+-· ... -1-+.... --+---l--~ ~jl =· +·: .. *f.. l .... -~---1---1---r-·+---l---+ ! I ---t---t--t--+---1--t--·-t--t?-t-t--+-+-+--1--l--l--l----t-·., "~-.. ' . '"'.._ "' I I --t--t--1---!--t-+-+..,...-J---t-·---t--<-·-i I j I I -·-t---+--+--t--1!--+--+-... .....-!----l---r -·~:. ·-• Q .... ·c.. -------·-.,---w-~~--~-- . ' ) 12 ..,--.-=·...,..--..,.....·---~--r---· • ·r .. - ! I -l --r~-r -f -· t --·+-··--1--+--·-l ·-! -i· fi'IESH. HAflO, ~J: ; - ~----~------~·-· I ' II !! • ~TfS: oiOifEHOLE IS INCL/IiED .1f D£GifEES FlfOM VflfTICAL. oOPTHS $HOfiiN AilE DISTANCE •fiLDW G/I(}U(IID $UIIFACE ALONG IOifEHOLE AX/!:, • LDif INDICA Tn LIGHT 011/LL /tOO • LOGGED 6/ZI/K ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ~----'--- BOREHOLE GEOPHYSICAL LOGS DH84-4A ANCHORAGE, ALAS!( A AI'I'RO\It:O OAT£ OltiiWIHG NO. JUL¥,1114 D-<IA r,::; 10 .Jt tX) J: 0 < ::E ::E < (' I < ::E ::E < E. >-1-u; z ... 0 z 0 a: 1-::> w ~ >-1-u; 0 a: 0 a. 0 0 a: ! § I tJ ... ... .. ... I:! § ... 8 0 § ... ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tJ ... .. ... I:! § 8 § . -!'"' .-i\1-1! '·\" ! ·\.., I• ' . ..:1 'l' 1 w • • 1 .... ' . a: !~ -~· j" ~ 1 .... -.. ;--: 0 0 "' ' ' I ,... I 0 -~~ ... ~~-~--,-.... 0 lU ... a: a: ~ '0 w ~ u ~0. .. ~ J .. ~. "' ti a: II. a: ... 0 "" <( >- z '8 a: _. "" ... ll: 0 .... 0 w '0 ..J a: .. j u w :g >-:r !< a: w ... > ~ , I ~rvti~:- ; l i ' ,. ' OEI'TH IN FEET -' ~· ·A ' . i .J ....... ·-· ··-· I ~ FRA~TURED ,!>IORI'TE ~ ~ r i . l -· '-'~·· ... ·.: ~. . ·•·*\ ,. I -·T :w , .... 12 ·a: •o-o :r ~ ~-1 i..~ ... L I . i. ! I I --_,l. ··I ' I i I ! 0 ·~ ! § ~ ... .. ... 1::! § 8 § ... ~ § ~ ~ § ~ ... I:! § § § NOTES: • BOREHOLE IS INCLINED 30 DEGREE$ FIIOM VEil TICAL. • DEPTHS SHOWN ARE DISTANCE BELOW GROUND SURFACE ALONG liOREHOLE AXIS. • LOGGED 5/IB//H, ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BOREHOLE GEOPHYSICAL LOGS DH84-5 lln&OO~£a§@&§©@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTUf'E API'~cvro (iArE T ORAWING NO ANCHORAGE, JULY, 1984 o-5 ALASKA l . FEE~ ' ( . i: DOl N ,.. DOl 01 Ot -:JJS,<SJ.NnO::J 't'WI'IVD 1VHn1VN 0 oooc . t -· ' I ;---k i--- 0 !lOOl: OOQI ,( OOQI DOll 001 •l ·. 0 DOL . ~.L_. _.: .. __ .. --t ' ~ ; I I j ' ' . .. l·· --.-----1 : i ' l l It) ~;:::c:Oc:o I l l >-!:: ex: 0 "T" 1- :::::> <( a: w ;=:: 0 a. < :::t: :/) < ..J < -" ..... ~ ., ......... -o3Y"inv Ai3J.\iiiirao-l'i-o.C:.;il'il!ins 3iiiioia··· . ____,.._ -'-;, ' 'J "' I' • ' I --~-.. ~-·--r·-··. I ' -..--lNOZ 03!1N.:!Vll~ ' ~-·-·· .. r,-·-r ... ; l t l I ! I '"--·•·• .. ---·1 ...... . . I ' I ... -~" ___ _. ~--l. __ __j__ .. _; ___ ~ . I I . . I I ' ---· ·-..1------l-·--- DOll 001 DOt 0 DOL DOt 1- (,) w -:I 0 a: a.. (,) 0: 1- 0 w _J w 0 a: 0 fl ~I Ci5 :::> en -:JIS I SJ.Nno::J ('t'WWVD-VWWVD) AJ.ISN30 (NOHJ.03N) AliSOIIOd 9-veHa (/) G 0 ...l ...l < u en >-co :r: I a. ~ co 0 :r: UJ 0 G w 0 ...l w 0 t; 0: J: &: w <I 0: ~~ 0 aJ <:!~ (!!)> !!9!< ~ii ~~ {5~ ~ii: DOC <D I 0 0 z C> z ~ l5 1--- ;,&. l!! ,.: -' ~ .... "' d 0 -~< <1:0.:: a:VJ 0<1 iS-l z< <[ -, f j r ' ' . ~ Th :t 'f ! ,r· l l I i l l ~ ! l iLJ f t .-' ROO I~ :100 POROSITY !NEUTRON I COUNT$/ SEC. 1100 I COO 1:100 3000 3400 DH84-7 DENSITY ltlAMMA-GAMMAI COU.'/T$/SEC. 0 ............... ~;--~-~ ........ .a .......... . ?~ .. .... ;;~TO~P~~~F~R~OC~K~-~~~~~~~~§§~>~y _. 20·- 40:--• •·c-· · 8 ~S> > ~2!1 ,.z ~(;:IJ. ·2 !IS> >o -. 11>:0 ~Jm "'"' "{!!) >~ ~S> I OJ -~~ Ci @ ::0 ~ ,. m =11 :t: "' "' 0 ~ "' r "' m E ~ 0 G> m i :t: 0 ... ()) -c .;... I :t: ...... -< en C5 f-- !i! )> f£ r 2 r "' z 0 0 G) 0 I (/) ... ..::::::..... .,;;::.:::== VERY CLOSELY FRACTURED .CLOSE TO VERY CLOSE FRACTURU • --t--- VERY CLOSELY FRACTURED ··!-DIORITE, t .. !. HAAOSTRONG DIORITE 800 100 1000 1:100 800 COUNTS I SEC. > en c r- en )> =i CJ) z ~ )> )> :c -< -o C' 0 :0 0 :E m r m m JJ 0 --i )> :n 0 c ....... "'U :I: :n 0 0 c_ ::0 m -t 0 -1 -< -- 6000 ___ _J 1800 :1000 2400 COUNJ'S I SEC. 0 :ro 20 NATURAL GAMMA COUNTS/ SEC. 40 40 eo· COUNTS/SEC. 10 100 ., 10 100 ,.... n i 1 I l I I l i DH84-8 ROO POROSITY (NEUTRON I DENSITY (GAMMA-GAMMAI NATURAL GAMMA COUNTS /SEC. COUNTS /SEC. COUNTS I SEC. 0!1: IOQS 0 !00 :zoo 300 400 1500 400 0 800 I :ZOO 11500 0 20 40 ll(j 110 100 I 1100 TOP OF ROCK 1 -400 SCALE CHANGE 2(). lliORITE, HARD. 40· VERY LIITLEWEATHERING c) ~ •• -BADL~ALTEIIEOBELOW48'- ~ ~ ... "'' "' .... .... 110 ~· .. :r• c iS. ~! -". ----l N 111) • ~. ~ ~1 (Ill 100 0 100 :zoo 300 400 1100 :zoo 300 400 1500 1500 700 0 20 40 eo 10 100 COUNTS /SEC. COUNTS /SEC, COUNTS/SEC, 25 ~~ )> ~s ~~ ,.z ·~ r-2 >a ~ ~ VI:D ~Iii] ;>;> <i!!J > >~ ~S> OJ CfJ -~~ 0 c r- "'@ :c CfJ )> m =i en c ., :I: z " ~ ~ 0 )> "' "' )> ~ r :I: "' m '-c -< "tJ c G) 0 0 r :n ;< 0 m 0 ~ iii :I: 0 'f m (X) 1J r m ~ :I: m ::0 I -< 0 (X) -1 > en :0 C') 5 c i---)> -I 'i! r "'0 ::c l :0 0 z r 0 "' 0 c... ::0 z m 0 G) -I 0 0 (J) -i -< I "' I 1 ,, i 1 ff\ \ ;,., \ : ' ~ , c\ · .. i -n \ I I ;:\ji ~ ... ,~,... I I I j 1 I l 1100 , ... I . ' ' I ~>-..._...,.. __ + : ! 1-. I'OIIOIITY (HEuTIION) !X/(jfi(TJ /UC. -- -- 100 1000 JIIO .. - ' ~-,.----- 11:1110 3llO -COUNT'S /SEC. -. I : 10 0 0 0 I -0 10 2 10 3 I • • 8 I( -+--~--~-+--~--~ • COUNT'S I SEC. 7 I -1 --1 ' -r--l I I I 9 II I . . ~ . ' l ! ..... -~---.--... ~.,...--, ,_.---; .. I 12 a 1 I 1 .. -·•-·tM·j•• • ... ~ • •j -·t--+ +--+--l ---~~ --.... 1 .. --~-L--~~~~-J--~--~-L--L--L--~ -~~--L-~ ..j ..Jo ·~l~T-r c: -+tt--J--1--1-~-~ ~ l I ; . t .. t . ;<. : • j .! • T ! ' • t . . t I Q t 1 ::!' i ~I ! < ~ .::.. ~0 ,. ...... ..J £ l!!"' . T ~. 0 :: ,_,g i "'' 5 ~~' l il ~ 0::0: ~~ ,. wu. a: > t t}; t; ~: ii" ... ... 0:: < ... a: ... , 1 . ;~ ·I ·j § ~ . ..... • . 1:! ' § ~ I ; § ., ~ J ·i ·§ I ~ ..... 1:! § § 1 . ~ ., 0 I NOTES: •IOREHOLE IS INCLINED 36 DfG/IEES FROM VERTICAL. • DEf'THS SHOitW ARE DISTANCE IE LOW GROUND Si.JRftlCE ALONG lORE HOLE AX/$, •LOGGED S/71/N. ~---------------------------------------. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJEC f BOREHOLE GEOPHYSICAL LOGS DH84-9 ~XJ£ro~·~@ SUSITNA JOINT VfNTlJ"E ANO:ORAG£, ALASKA APPRCNED OATE ORMING IW JULY, 19&4 0-lil FOLD l Fer:q 09 LJ '33S/SJ.NfiO'J 01: ~ 01 0 ·-~. . T-·- I -· -~- l ' -' I j -I- t --o:~ ----. .... -r ! . --. i----l---1 . .. ~~~--+-~~~~-~~~~-.~ Ot at ~ "JIJSISJ.NilO:J VWWVD WlinJ.IfN _ ... ;--·-"""' .. _ I l di 0 ~~ I ~- 1 ! t__...,,. ~! - ~· ··- 0001 0001 - > I-C/) !:: 0 (!) w 0 cr: ..., 0 0 ...J :r: a: ..J 0... < ..... (j 0 ::J a: Ci5 < 1->-a: 0 :r. w 0.. w ~\ 0 ;: IJ.l 0 (.!) a.. ~I w < :c ..J < 0 ::at: z :r. U) w !::: ~ en a: ...J ::> 0 <( (,/) OJ " "JIJS/SJ.NilO'J "J3S/ SJ.NfiO:J oc. 0011 oor ~ egg 09t 0111: -091 1 _....,.,. .. -.. ~·-: I I I ; ~ v c l 0 3.1111010 03113HlV3h\ : ,t ~ •...1 ___ ._ l I . ..,.. ... ..,...__.,111!'1'1'!"1'11!~ :.t:JOII 03113HlV3M ~0 dOl 008 "J3S/SJ.NI10:J (VI'H'iVD•VWWIID) J.l1SN30 o~-vaHa ·-- "J3S/SJ.N,10:J (NOil.L03N) A.LISOilOd 091 0 .... I ..q- co :r. 0 O'il g I a 0 z ., ~ ~ ~ ... ~ t\.~ \ &: ';; .. 0 @) ~~ -~;!; ~<[ E)> <[" ~~ a: en ,g~ 0<[ o..J (;:.1)~ z< g~ < ~a 8 SilO I "" t-rl r~~-T~ -1 1 i ! r·.......J-·--.. ~ ; j O'il 1ill0f OOil i i I l l I I 'LJ· . -! i i' J 1~··.· j 'i ~ t ,l ~ l .l l ! I ! l 1 ll :1 ; f • i I , :i l•l· ;j 1984 GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROGRAM WATANA DAMSITE APPENDIX E -LABORATORY TEST DAL~/SOILS r ' r Table E-1 r~ .... :1: PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS ATTERBERG tt)IS iiJRE REMARKS w -.... . a. oct-CONTt~T 0 ,.. lnUin LIMJTS· z .... _,.. SIEVE ANALYSIS (~) O:...Vt •• ~ w -..,_ ~ i:t:i -~nz ~'""~ i t !:::2o COBBlE GRAVEL. SAND SILT/CLAY c .... Wc:(S) a. w ,..~~ L.L. P .L. P. I. c c ~!:. =~= +J• 3" to 14 14tof200 of20Q "' In ==«-~• ::, .... r ! i DH 84-4 -- r .l 3 SOIL 19.4-I CL --48.5 51.5 -30 h 9.8 11.2 -WASHED 20.2 4 iS OIL 62.4-4 19.5 WASHED 64.5 CL-ML --37.5 62.5 -21 17 r ··,! ' '~ DH 84-4A . 2 SOIL 23.0---2 6.' 2.4 13.8 sc 53.5 46.5 -24 WASHED 23.8 n 1 iS OIL 50.5- SW-SM 6.0 8.2 - -94.0 --- -51.35 r J 5 ~OIL 58.5-6.0 SW-SM -87.5 6.5 -- - -13.7 60.4 6 * 7 8.5 -. flOCk 79.5 SW-SM --93.0 7.0 ----16.3 I r I l c 7 * 100.9- ROCK sw --95.5 4.5 ----11.9 101.7 I l I DH 84-9 ~ r l ,, 1 j 9 ~OIL 53.0-sw -7.0 90.0 3.0 - ---8.8 54.5 I ( i fj ! j ! 4 I l ' 11 ~ 8 * 82.2--3.0 93.0 ----ROCk 83.2 SP 4.0 12.4 DH 84-10 '1"'"""'"-' 15 SOIL 17 ;0 -sc 3.0 8 15.0 WASHED -55.0 42.0 -25 17 17.5 ~~ 10 SOIL 35.7-SW-SM --92.0 8.0 ---9.5 -36.7 . 11 SOIL 42.2-sw -5.5 90.5 4.0 ----10.4 '43.2 t 12 SOIL 52.9-sw -8.0 89.0 3.0 54.0 - - --13.2 ~1 13 * 66.4- SP-SM --94.0 6.0 ----14.0 ROCK 67.4 14 * 81.2 - ROCK SP-SM --91.5 8.5 ----13. 1 82.3 ,., ( ~~ j~ * DECOMPOSED BEDROCK ! ·~ . .J BOA E HOLES DH84-4, 4A, 9, r 1i ~j 'dll:i ar • .....,. GRADATION S'IZE ANAL VSIS . U. S. ilan4ar4 II•~• OP!ftlftll Ia l~htl U. $, llandar4 llevt ~lri . Ht•r~l•r u • • l I l l/2 ' l/4 l/Z l/1 4 lO Q 40 l!l 10 lOO 140 ZOO IJO 100 100 "' • ' I' I ' • ~~ I ' ' ' ' -.. ~-........ ~ ~ ~ ~~ r-.~ "-90 r-. -90 ~ ~ ~ \.~~ ~ r-. t\ 1'1... ' 1\_'\ ·' "' ~~ -~ ' I'.. 80 \ "\ ~'~ ~ ~~ " 4 162.4'-)4,. t 80 ./ ~ \ '\~ ~ i\ " I"' :,...V v 70 \ ~\~ 1\ 1\ t\."' f.-3) "19.4'~?1 •r< 1 70 ... 60 I \ 1\\ ~ r\. ~ ro-. .:.-v 60 .. \ 1\~ ' ,, 2) 23.0' ~23,f • -~r\ 1-·y ' c. 6: Itt.. ./ 0. 0. _. I -\ 1\.11 ~ "" v .. .. ~!\ .......... Ja ~50 50 ... ~ r\ ' ~ " ""t<~ 1~ 17.0'-1"" .5' .A A 1\ v ! 40 1\ ~\ 1\ ~lc I---"" ~ " . 40.: ~ r\ 1\, [\' ... ... 1: c ' ~ [\ .. .. 1\ \'' 30 ~ ~ 30 --z. 1\ \ l\\ ~5J 58.5':..S~ .• • • " I~\ [\_ """"'v (10" 35.7'-36. '71 20 V•"'' ~ I-" 20 v v .......... 10 52.9'-54.0. '2 / '~~ .......v 1 50.5'~5L: l~r, 10 I I v ~ ~§ ~~---.... IJ ~ '-.L ol 53.0'-54.5" s ~ r-.~ -t--1 1 42.2';..4.~ -~·. lOOO 100 100 IO lO I ' G.l 0.1· 0.01 O.Ol o.oos O.OOlQ 'rata Sl&l Ia Kllll .. tarl I UAV[l SAIID fiMU IOULO(IS COIIUI I Coar11 I fine Ulr61 I Mad IIIII I .... stU Shu ~hr Stu Ul 1U1 ..0. iOlliiG 110. ,,..,u 110. DlPTK t:U~UfiCAliOM (li\C) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DH84-4,4A VARIES GLACIAL OVERBURDEN IN THE --·--SUSHNA HVOOOCLECTMIC PHOJECT DH84-9, 10 9,1 o. 11. 14,_15 VARIES FINS AREA WATANA DAM & RESERVOiR-· -~ ~I ~UA1 KAHUA1 llA!.S HI UfiOH . . GRADATION ANALYSIS MEDIUM TO FINE WELL GRADED SAND: SIL TV/CLAYEY FINS AREA . SAND. SILT AND CLAY OF LOW PLASTICITY . BOREHOLES DH84-4. 4A 9_.10 ':.J>~I:i:.:01• 'l !lJ:!l/<~@ ,,,,.t"''A a,.,., "''""'•llltf ..,....,_.,u L {/84 Figure E-1 ............... UI &4 a. a-• 7/19/84 .-.. d l 1 I L~ ~ r-:-~ ~ ~w.----. ~' ..._ ____ '"""! ........_....._ . .,,.,~ .,... r --~ ~--.• ..-,_.._"'1 ....... 1 r .. "·1 t211 .. 1 ~l IM!c_t#J! itJtlll fl}JJ!i illiaJIJ 1.,""-;;:: ' ;;_ .. , .. ...._. ___ . n,· -~-.-..-. ~ "'"">! ~•·>-·'V"'"!(_J "-·-<"'~-p -•.-..u 'w..-,-···-"~ -. GRADATION SIZE ANAL VSIS . U. J. 5lan4er4 SIIWI Openla11 Ia lACkll U. S. 5landar4 11•~• ~1r1 Mt4r-.ltr u • • l I 1l/J ' )/4 l/J )/1 4 10 0 40 ao ao 100 uo zoo no 100 100 "" .T I I I I I' ""f-.. ~ I' • ·~ .... -. [T -l to..... ~ ~ ~ ~ 90 -90 !': ~ ~ ' ~~I\ 80 80 "\ 1\~ ~ 70 \· r\~~ 70 \\ I \' ' ·' \I\ I 60 ~ .. 60 ~\ c: ~ "" IC . .,.. 0. .. -1\ ~ I ·~ .111 .. 50 •. 2l 50 . ~. ·, r\ ~ 1\ A ~ ~ r ! 40 ' ~ . 40.: -~ ~ ~3J 66<>4':-.-j .4. tl. ~ 1/ .. 11:. ... (;i" .. c v \ .. \ \ v 30 ~ .. v ~ 30 82 .. 2'-Ba .. 'laY \ ~' 14' 81.2,-82.~ • • .. ~ ~ v ~ 1\.. ,.....v I 20 20 . " ~~p ~6 7 8 .. 5•-79.5': L..-....- -'~~ <;; ;;;;;; 11 I 10 -10 ""r-..;:::~ 7J 100. '!.1 0 1. 7 t J L--1-- o I 1'1:~ I I I ' ---l 0 lOOO noo IGO ao \0 I I 0.1 0.1. 0.01 O.Ol o.oos o.ooa 'r•l• Sire ta Mlllt .. tora C.U.V£l tSAIID I fiMU IOULDliS COQilU {OUII I filii tGant l 1Ct4h,. I ftat ·u 1& Shu lttv She1 lAI lUI 110. IOIIIIIG 110. UltPll ItO. -OlPlli (lA·UifiCAIJOM (li\C) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DH84-4A 6,7 VARIES DEEPLY WEA THEA ED DIORITE --·-----SUSHNA HVOHOHEC rHIC PHO.Jt l.l DH84-9.10 8,13.14 VAR,ES IN THE FINS AREA WATANA DAM & RESERVOH=f- VI ~UAI. twtUAl llA~S Ill (A flO~ GRADATION Af\.tAI v~•~ ·~ .;P r: ~· .. · t· ~· [: I ! t! i . ,.;; ~ '~ MEDilJM ·To FINE POORLY TO WELL GRADED SAND FINS ARf AND SIL TV SAND (DEqOMPOSED ROCK) . BOREHOLES 0 '1,,1.\Wf~.A· 'il!l..t\~~~ I ~JSiflrfA. ,.,, .. , -.,f .. llt•f ..,.....JW'I.it -·--·-- ~~··, , I . [-=:~~ ...... i .. il84 i t-iMu• o t:· -z· ··--1 l~ 7/19184 . ~:] _..,.-. ~ " .. · ..... ~·,.,,;; -.. ~-~~~.ii!Jif;jif .. >U,<\O.ffll'l·"~~·v;~~;:;:t~~--·--·-·· ' d ' ./; • . . ' ~; "' ,. I ' ... !"""~ l~ ~ -~ . l ~ ;~ r.....r--~ ... '· -~-~· -~·--· -t::::~------..., ---c' >..: tz···-·---~. 1iiiiiiiiilili· 'liilirilll ' __ _, .. ~ '';.: ~~~ jT')~) ~-~~ ....... .... , b"'. ' 1 ~-... 1 ,_I Mlr_-., <::'"""'"'!il -I ..... ' ' l " -' r---------------------------~-------------------------------·----------------------------------------------------------------- ,, . " -~ 1 I I I I I ' ) -·~---·\·----; __ ... \ \ 70 ~-.il -~ _, ~ .... .,..., -·-" .. _ -. --.. ·--~ 1--• . • ··---i---I-f-.. ---1-. . .. ~ ---.... .. -1-----f--" f-· ·-. . . --. ---. . 60 I 1----. f---·- ....... -,.,..,.. '#. 50 .._, ·-·t .. ..... --. , . ' . .. .. ·~·· " ! 1--1--}·· ----~ . . l X w Cl 40 --l 1-·· . .. ----. . . ------•..-.. _ --··-... . . f--·--~-. -·-. '. f--. . ---i--. ---. -.. ·-· .. z ... ~' -. - >--· . . CL . ' .. 1-· -.. _... 1-· t--30 0 -1- (f) <( ..J 20 a.. -1----~-. 1---1-· . --~ ---... '--. --1---. -f--·----~-~ . -·---' . .., ~ .. ··--~+--f-· ~ ~ r-·· . -. -----.. ----. --·• 1-· -+---~ ~ ., ... 1-.. .. --. ---~;; -~ ··I--~-.... , . ~ . ~---~ 12 ~ j..-D~ -!I' -. ~ t-. ( 3 v . -t--.... .. I- ,.,_. ·-~-~ ~ J ... I\!. D 1'\ ~ ---I-·· -'-·-·1--~-·-~~. ·-. _J -. biT 7 -, ._._ 'rlr;Th'r 7.·'7 10 0 r7 H;g: CL -MLill7L&' I ~t~~T ~t" 0 10 LEGEND DH84-4A 23.0'-23.8' DH84-4 19.4'-20.2' DH84-4 62.4 1 -64.5' DH84-10 17.0'-17.5' :1 , 1 7kJpU;.dd·y 'l ~ 20 -l\~L&OL ~-.. f-, -,, rrr ~ 30 40 50 LIQUID LIMIT (%) 1---~-1--' ~ ... -., --- .. f-. -. -- •. -1-· 1-..._- .. . ........ -.... - I---... ~ • I •. -··-· ... CH 1----~ ·----!-' t, .,. ~ -· ·-'" .. --- ~ " ~ .. ~ -. .. .. ~ .,. ~ 1 ~>' - . --. -\>'.:-' -!-1----f-. ... ~ "" t--f-- ·-- MH&OH 1-. -- 1----- .... _ _, 1--1----f--. f-· A - ' .,._ ~~ < --· -. ... _,_ - +--.. . . . .. ,. .... --· 60 70 80 90 100 ALA8KA POMR AUTHORITY ll*TNA HYtwlELEC INC ~Ci -·· --··----.. ------- PLASTICITY CHART FINS AREA BOREHOLES DH84-4. 4Ao lO .. -----·----............ .,.. _ __._ ........ ......._.. . .... , ~-----.QQ-AI JULY 1984 FIGURE E-3 '-' G I ., " _; '~ · .. · -·q r~ l- ;: ..,~·-'I. "· ' [ ~ "' ~~ ~~ '- " ~ };.·~ -- l c .·. t . :. : 70 't. I I t i r ''· r , . t .[ I 60 ~ \ t ' ~ I . " '·:o I '#. 50 .\' ......, >< w 0 40 z -~-~-~---· I >- ! I I I I § 30 en c( ..J 20 a.. 10 0 ,. ---Giiiiiliiiiiiiil <>="''-" ·--~--·~ 'iiiiiiiiiiiilit 1"""'~~.i\ '6t·~~.1 (:"·. --,:· ~.,__ ~~.t ~ ... ··-. """! ,. -+' . -... ~-f..-. -· ---. ·-.. • f--- I -· ··---.. ---. --.. ~-.. .,. ---t-.. ---·-- .. f-. ·-... --. I ·-t-f-- -. ·-.. . .. ·t . --. r· > • . -. -. . .. f-· ·-· . -· -. I .. . ~--1---1 ... .. . .. -·---·-•· . " f-__ , .. .. ' ~,.. ---· ---. --1-~.. -· f-·-------...... ---. > - f--• • "'"'. • • > ... CL •· . -. . 1-> ,__ .. -•>--f-· -- ·-----. f--· •• --1-.... ~--- "" -·· •. -1---·-1----·r· -r . T-. ---•. ·-~---t--. ----r·- • ·--·!-·~ til"' .. -"' 1-- ~----+---. (f2 ·-t-. ·--j,-.. - (aD .. ""r:.-~---. .. .. [/ ~ \" .. . 115 . !,¥~~~ ' 1\:..DI'-. -~--·-~---l .. ~~ ----.. ·_ . - 17;7_;/o.,-J·-L.. L-L.. ~~~7-;,-n 'r-. 7-~ 1-H_L~ CL -rrr~r7ll 2 -t--t--ML&OL t-r I t;it" ~ t-· 1-1 ]-1 ]---, -ML - ·' ' 0 10 20 30 40 f- -- -- -- f- r ~ 1iiiiiiiiM i :~----~1 .. ~ ~ . . ·-._,.. ,..._ .... 1-1--u .. , ,_ .. . ~ -~ ""'-~ 1-f-----._. r- 50 LEGEND LIQUID LIMIT (%) DH84-4A 23 0'-23.8' DH84-4 19.4'-20.2' DH84-4 62.4'-64.5' DH84-10 17.0'-17.5' ~l (~ r '"-~·n ..,, -~-t . .L$1 " ··-1- ·-f-.. --· . .. --1- ., ___ r_·-~11 --~-- ~1 ~-Jti:CJI] L'.c[ll) trlCE! l. it' -. -, (,'_· .. - ! .. ... ,. --1-· ... .. -_..II" -. -· ~---. '"'"" .. - CH ·-~ ----~ . -.. . t.., .,. ~ -----· -. -~ . ~ r l~ ~ 1--· 1-· . ·• . 1--~ ~- ~ ~>" ~ . •· -.. -'r;~--r· --.. -·-· -· .• ~ ""' ~ .I c --- 1---- 1-1-- 1-· MH&OH - . -I-I---1-·-f--~· --.. --.,. ~· . -· -... -. ·~ --- ... ---. _.., ...... ... .. ' I---- 60 70 80 90 100 .-----------------------~,.------------------~ . Al.AIK£*, POWEA AUltfONTY .-nM HYOfiOflEC INC P't-..~C T ------· -... _ .. -··-------- PLASTICITY CHART FINS AREA BOREHOLES DH84-4, 4A, 10 -----------· ___ __. ........... ·~· -·~ JULY E-3 L ----------------------·-------------------------------·----------~~------------------~----------~ :1 XJipu:ett.dy , '~ I I I; •' I . [ r 1984 GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROGRAM WATANA DAMSITE APPENDIX F -OBSERVATION DEVICES/GROUNDWATER I I I, I, 1 ' I , I It 'i NOTES 1. 2. 3. 50591/F 840726 APPENDIX F OBSERVATION DEVICES/GROuNDWATER Typical instrumentation d~tails for the installed piezometers are shown in Exhibits F-1 and F-2. In addition to the details shown, some boreholes were instrumented with 2"ID PVC standpipe with a 5 or 10 foot long slotted sectiono The larger diameter standpipe enabled geophysical logging to be done later in the program. In several boreholes, a redundant type piezometer system was installed to enable year-round groundwater monitoring. The pneumatic piezometers are not su~ceptible to freezing during the winter months, which eliminates the need for an anti-freeze mixture in the standpipe piezometers. Shortly after installation all boreholes were purged with nitrogen for the purpose of ml.ni toring groundwater recharge and sampling the groundwater. '\ I I I I I· ·t I ' t 1 l ll 'I ·I .. 1, l• ! I. l I ! l ~ ·1. ~ . t r I, ~; I) ~J ~~ l 3/4 • PVC PIPE --PNEUMATIC PIEZOMETER ·~ " .,.,, -·· METAL TELEPHONE BOX----..J STEEL CASING·-. · GROUND SURFACE OVERBURDEN BEDROCK7 ANGLE BOREHOLE· • C\1 ....... ._ .040 SLOT SIZE 1 112• PVC HYORO-TIP 1 114• PVC PtUG DETAIL PIEZOMETER TIP BOTTOM OF HOLE ,. t ') - 3/411 PVC PIPE PELLETS PRESSURE. CELL PIEZOMETER NOT TO SCALE ALASKA POWER AUTl-tOFITY SUSlTNA HYOROELECTF!IC PROJECT TYPICAL DOUBLE INSTALLATION _ ......... ;l 1.···. I , . t . • 1_ 1:-.. · ! ' t j ; > j . .· ~ 1 'i I l \ PRESSURE CELL LEADS TAPED TO OUTSIDE OF 3/4• PVC PIPE PNEUMATIC PIEZOMETER FRAC SAND PIEZOMETER TIP BENTONITE PELLETS --BOTTOM Of.' HOLE ,f .. - METAL TELEPHONE BOX STEEL CASING ---...... GROUND SURFACE PIEZOMETER TIP No·r TO ·SCALE ALASKA POWER Alf'n;oRITY SUSITNA HYDROELECThiC PROJECT TYPICAL MULTI-LEVEL PIEZOMETER IAoi.U· IIIICII jv;s:.r .. ,g,., -.~•tvttl ~ .......... EXHIBIT F-2 I 2200 i-- ["-~ - 1-f-f-I --··- • i-r- 1-·I-r-!-r-f- f---i-' :---,_. -f----. ---. ·t-- ll' II ~~-,. II " f- 1-f-. ·f--r ·f---0 2100 1-i-1- ·f--1-" r-. -i- t-1-1- --I-~~ r LU w -~' LL '-J ·I-- 1-f-· --- r i-1-•I- l'-1 - - i-1-t-. ~--. I z 0 t- <( > w _J f-i- w -~-. - 1-f-· . .. 2000 r-,,_ -I-~" ~ -- 1-- - i-,_, -· i-c~ ~- --1- 1-r--~ i--. ., i--- -f---0 I ·~ ~ 1900 I L 6 - - _,_ - • 1-" 1-1-- -r-f-1-1- i--"I-. - -r . ---1-~ - 1-·-~- ~L -;· I I I • t • h"" -i- -~ I -I • I~ -~~---. I -: . l Iii i--... -r-~ . . t 1-r-: ~ .. 1-· -t-1-r-. .- ' i-i-~t"' --- ' + 1-f--,, +:.. 1- ,I-r- 1--... 1_ 1-i- -I-1-1-- ---·I-:-· . -;-t--... ·-1-1-t-t- .. •f--r· 1-1-" -- --1-- --·I-1--.. r-- ·I--· -i---i---1-1-r-f-· - "' t--I--r-t- 1-r- 1-1-, .. -i-1- -r- t-r----r- r--.. 1-1- - t-r- ·t-1-- t--r-1---t-i- 1-f-t-1--t-i- 1-i---r-t-- 1--r--i- 1--_, t-t-- i-t-. t-. t-1-1 r---f--1---• 0 f--f----0 1----. --i-. --r-. -0-. -·-i-·r- .,I--I-f---; ·-- 1-· + -r---·-· r-t---.• r-1-r--- ----f-· --' -f--1--1 !'"' -'· ·-- f---, __ 1--r- -_,_ --i-f-- -'" -.. f--i-f---,, ---r--r--.. -1-·I-·---. ·• •· . r--1-- .... -~ -1---i-I; f--r-· t---:-t-1--·I-1-H M AY .. II I.J IJ II J II II --1-- I I I- - lo- I-" l.o' ~ - -i-1- - -I-f-1-- JUNE MONTHS -- r- 1-1- - 1-1--I-r--... ~ -- L. ..... 1-1- 1-1--I-"'-I-·I-~- - " • '41 ..-~ ~ ~ --~!<-,...:.__. '<-~·--·~~-· -.. _._..,., ... ~.· ~ -'"·~--·"-__ _,...._,...,._..._,. __ ~-'"·~~-~ I .•. 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N/A PNEUMATIC • STANDP!PE • I JULY .~ . l I '' I I r"\ t- _,,,~ I L u. '-J z 0 l- <( > UJ ..J w \ \ \ \ 2200 2100 2000 1900 f--I 1-r-f- 1-1- -H·- ·f-f- 1--t-f- -f-f- 1- -~-. --I-- e---f--f-· ·r-t-r- --f--. ~-. --I- ~. :r lA ~·P' 17 -f-- r~ i ... 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"Jr----. ----. ------------· DATE INSTALLED MAY 23,1984 S CAE EN E LEV. 1 8 8 6. 0 -1 8_8 4. 4 PNEUMATJC ELEV.1886. 0 PNEUMATIC • STANDPIPE • j JULY -4 I I .[' r l 1 l {. 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N/ A_ PNEUMATIC y 1-i-...-f-~~-l-1-1-t-t-·H-. 1--f---- . !-I---I-t-f---+--H-t-+-i-t-+-11-t-t-1-t--1--Hrl--HH--f-·1-+-t-H--t-f-+-t-H-1-1-t-t-H sTANDpIpE • l ... t-.. --f--1-f--1--t-1----1-1--r--1--t-+--1-t -f--+-11-i--1-1--t-l--1--4--4--t--t-t--+-+-+-+· . .. 1500~~-~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------------~d J.. MAY -----~~-----JUNE •t4 JULY -, MONTHS GROUNDWATER MONITORING CURVE I I { r t . ~ ~ 4 lJ . . " ' I 1600 . ~ t--,_ -f- 'l . 1-~ '~-. f-. f- 1-_,_ f--i- -f-~ r, '-. "-~ . -~ -- ~ ~--~-1-· 1500 ·n llrt = ·I-f-. r""\ -·I-..... . .. w ---··w u.. I ~ I z :o ...... <( ·> !w _J w ---·- F :-~t ~ -· t-. 1 I t . !-·+ - -~-~-rr· - "l .:::·J --1-1- ~ " -14GO 1-· 1--,-f---.. -. . 1-. 1-- ·--i- . ,-1--1-· I. 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I 1-I-I-I 1-1--i- ·-1-f- 1-f---.... - 1-1--.-f-1--I-1--1- !-1-- 1-1- - t-f- I 1-1--- -f-. 1--l-- DH 84-6 GROUND E LEV. 1 52 1 . 4 Bf:OROCK ELEV. 1513.6 DATE INSTALLED MAY SCREEN ELEV. 1410.5-1 PNEUMATIC ELEV. N/A STANDPIPE • FROZEN F 1 3.1984 393.2 I JULY ----4 r· <~-... , ....... , .. f. •., I' 2200 . . --f-~ -r- •. -r- -~ -· ,---- - -I-·-f---. ·-. --r-· - r--. r-• 2100 I+ -r-. '-· - r-. -·-._ -w .~~-'w --i- u. '-·-i-- I '-' z 0 ._ -r-:l-r-- _j t. r-- ·- <( > II\ _..! 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GROUNDWATER MONITORING CURVE ' ·-f--c- f---· - I - - ·-1--r- - DH 84-9 (DEEP) GROUND ELE''· 2161.5 Bf=DAOCK ELEV. 2040.1 DATE INSTALLED MAY 2 SCREEN ELEV. 1937.1 - PNEUMATIC ELEV. 1937. PNEUMATIC • STANDPIPE e l JULY 5,1984 1935.4 5 I t t r } t:;r; l ,. , I . j -- I I L. z 0 r-< > w _J w 2200 2100 2000 1900 1-f-. f-1- 1-1-l- i-1-1- -I- 1-.... f-... 1- 1-1- 1-r- ·-~ r-1~, - " '! ,. _, --1--. f-- -- --I -I-ill 1-1~-1-- ~-- 1-1-- 1-1-f-• 1-..... 1-<•· --f-- ~-- i--1--.. 1-r-- '""' 1-1--- ·I--- J. ------.. o· t= . ------- - . .. -- . -I-1-I-- -~ -1--i-. - . . -f-1---1--1-1- 0 r~ L 1- t-· 1•,._ I"" . - 1--f- - - 1--r--: 1-f--1-f--1- 1--1-~~---~-- - "' 1-1-1-+- i--1-1-1-1-· -f--1- -I-1-· . .... :- MAY ----------~~~1••~--------JUNE MONTHS .... .... L,.. lw ~ ~ ... ta , L... L... ~ ' . • . I I T .!... i f--r-1- I GROUNDWATER MONITORING CURVE ·~-~-------~- - . ... L... ,_ ... .... _ 1-,·.~~ - ' ' .. DH 84-"10 GROUND ELEV. 2161.5 B~D'~OCK ELEV . 2111.0 I DATE INSTALLED MAY 2 7.1984 051.7 .7 SCREEN ELEV .. 2055.8-2 PNEUMATIC ELEV. 2119 PNEUMATIC • STANDPIPE • ~ JULY -----~ I .· ~ . r· 1 ~·· . lJ'·· ,·~~~~~--. ' I @ l ,, l '; <, f ' ! 1: I f, ,......... r-w ..... ,.IW lL <.....II I z 0 r- <( > w _J w r-. ··-· l: ... r-· { ~ r...- , .. t 2 2 0 0 .-1_,...-,_ r-r-.,.1_,_ r-r·~r-r-r-r-.,-, 11-r1_,_.. Lr-_r:. ,11·-,_ .-r-r•. 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BEDROCK ELEV. 2069.6_ DATE INSTALLED FEB. 7,1983 SCREEN ELEV ....... N ..... I ...... A _ ____, PNEUMATIC ELEV. 2071.6 PNEUMATIC '9 '---1--t--f-t--t-t-t-+-1-·1-1-. -. -·. ---,_ -(-'-:--f-r-·-f--'--t-J --1 ·t-t---t-•-+-+-11--t-----t-t--·----r---· --1-r--1-t-r--t--1-t--t--t-t--STANDPIPE • 1900~~wu~~M~~~~~J~~~~~S~~-~++~N~~~~~~J~4444~~M++~1-HHH~M~-------J~-------~~ ~ 1983--------.,.. --1984---; YEARS GROUNDWATER MONITORING CURVE -,..---·--· ~: ----------.., ....... , ---~ .. -~~.----~-----,,......,----~~--· ':::.::=:::..":~/; l :t . .,\. r~, It··' ·f. 1:~ 't k ~~ . I I I ' ! I t ' l ', i , I I :1 . .u . ,~ I Jt, ,l, IJ J 1984 GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROGRAM WATANA DAMS I TE APPENDIX G -POINT LOAD TEST DATA I I ' ' ' ( I d . , ; .t ' . ' ~ I I.!El ~" I . I i ' j ' ! : f ( ···j -· '1·1 '· i ! 1 Notes APPENDIX G Point Load Test Results 1. All samples were tested &ccording to the diametral pointload test method, where L ~ 1.4D~ 2. Where healed fractures were visible in the sample, the load was applied perpendicular to the plane of weakness. If failure occurred along a healed fracture or other plane of weakness, it was noted on the data sheets. 3o A brief discussion of the results 1s presented ~elow. Abbreviations Lithology: Code: D QD AD A G 1 2 3 Diorite Quartz Diorite Altered Diorite Andesite Porphyry Granite Failure along a healed or tight fracture. Failure by chipping of rock sample Plane of weakness; kaolin, alteration, etc. Calculations 50604 840726 where Is p D = Point load strength = Pressure at failure = Diameter of sample in inches The relationship of point load strength to uniaxial compressive strength is Cfc = KI s Kaq = 24.9 KNQ = 21.8 G-1 where K = Conversion factor, size correlation (Bieniawski, 1974) ,, ' I. fl····.' . I I I f .Li I a ' j I f - ~· - - - I •' 1 ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ A total of 149 point load tests were measured on core samples recovered during the 1984 drilling program. Table G-1 is a summary of the data according to lithology, considering weathering/alteration characteristics; just lithology; and for the total sample populationa In addition, under each of these c.ategories, the summary is organized to compare the total population with those samples which had no apparent planes of weakness. The results of the point load testing of all samples indicate a maan unconfined compressive strength of 15,315 psi with a standard deviation of + 7, 745 psi. S1,1bdividing the results into the two basic lithologies indicates a mean value of 19,617 psi for the andesite porphyry and 14,995 psi for the diorite suite. These values defined in unconfined compressive strength tests performed by Acres American (1982; andesite porphyry = 18,361 psi, diorite = 17 >593 psi). The results are in general agreeme:nt with previous work, and it is possible that the lower values for the diorite suite is in part due to the number of weathered/altered samplea tested. In classifying the rock material for strength, tests show the intact: rock to be of medium to high strength (Bieniawski, 1973). 50604 G-2 840726 ) J ' l .,.1 ,,. { I f ! i· I I ' ' ,-; ' l ~' I! i i r: 1 i I I • ~ ,, ! i -~ \ t I J ; ' I ' . --! .li II Q H I l 1- - : l ~ ' ; i ' { I ~ l ~ I ~ ! Iff ~ in r\ :1 ) i! ! I ~ t ·...; "1 ~ I ! t ~· I I TABLE G-1 SUMMARY OF POINT LOAD TEST RESULTS Lithology -Weath/Alteration Andesite Porphyry Diorite Fresh Slight Weath · Quartz Diorite Fresh Slight Weath Altered Diorite Slight TNeath Moderate Lithology Andesite Porphyry Diorite Quartz Diorite Altered Diorite Diorite Suite Total Samples 50604 840726 n 6 66 13 46 9 6 3 6 79 55 9 143 149 All Samples Mean n 19,617 3147 14,969 7800 12,013 6610 18,022 6303 6,205 7661 13,189 7129 8,718 N/A 19' 617 3147 14,863 7799 16,087 7870 11,699 6583 14 '995 7758 15,315 7745 G-3 Samples with No Apparent Planes of Weakness n Mean n N/A N/A 45 I 19,163 5648 7 14,324 5548 36 19,9"'2 5370 5 9,871 8311 N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 19 '617 3.l47 52 18,512 5872 41 18,714 6679 8 11,293 6950 101 17,874 6522 107 18,158 6420 - ! I I; I 1:.1 Ira !:( ~i I: i! I I' l !1~ I! l l' r i -~ , I l ~ 1 i l \ ' J I I ' l I il I , l 1 I ~ · SUMMARY OF POINT LOAD TEST RESULTS Borehole Number DH84-l Azimuth 244° Dip Depth Interval (Feet) 35.7-36.1 140.3-140.7 177.6 -178.0 198.7-199 .. 1 255.0 -· 255·.4 458.4 -458 .. 8 426.6-427.0 511.0 -511.4 558.1 -558.5 623.5 -623.9 748.7-749.1 765.5 -765.9 50604 840726 5 ,. 0 0 Lithology A A A A QD D QD D D D QD QD Code 2 1 1 1 1 Overburden Thickness 18.5 Ft. Total Depth 848.5 Ft. Diameter Pressure Is iTc (Inch~~2. (Pounds) (PSI) (PSI) 2 .. 40 5500 954.9 23,804.7 2 .. 40 4600 798.6 19 '909. 4 2.40 >5000 >868.1 >21,640.6 2 .. 40 4000 694.4 ~7,312.5 2.40 3100 538.2 13,417.2 2.40 0 0 0 2.40 0 0 . 0 2.40 800 138.9 3,462.5 2.40 300 52.1 1,298.4 2.40 2850 425.3 10,603.9 2.40 4500 781.3 19,476.6 2.41 1750 301.3 7,511.5 G-4 ~~·,~-~. II l :l I· -J ' ·! ! l ' ~ It ' t it 'i SUMMARY OF POINT LOAD TEST RESULTS l II Borehole Number DH84-2 Overburden Thickness 14.7 Ft. Azimuth 019° Total Depth 765.0 Ft. '· I Dip 60° ; j J Depth Intervnl Diameter Pressure Is ~SI) ~~ (Feet) Lithology Code (Inches) (Pounds) (PSI) I 22.9-23.7 D 2.38 5000 890.2 22,192.0 30.1 -31.0 D 2.39 3200 560.2 13,966.1 I 46.9 -47.4 D 2.38 3250 573.8 14,303.8 t 55.0 -55.5 AD 2.37 1000 178.0 4,438.4 71.4-71.9 AD 1 2.38 2250 397.2 9~902.6 t I 79.0 -79.6 D 2.38 4500 794.4 19,805.3 87.0-87.7 D 1 2.38 1200 211.8 5,281.4 103.9 104.4 D 2.39 3100 542.7 13,529.7 ''· J 118.7-119.3 D 2.37 4500 801.2 19,972.8 I 130.5 -131.2 ·D 2 2.40 4750 824.7 20,558.6 142.0-142.7 D 2.38 4500 794.4 19,805.3 i 158.6 -159.2 D 1 2.39 2750 481.4 12,,002.2 a.C -166.1 -166.7 D 2.40 5250 911.5 22,722.7 i Q 176.2-176.7 D 2.40 4600 798.6 19,909.4 '1 j 191.0 -191.5 D 2.39 4800 840.3 20,949.2 I I 203.6 -204.1 AD 2.39 900 157.6 3,928.0 ,., 204.6 -205.1 A 2.38 3200 564.9 14,083.8 • 220.4 -220.9 D 2 2.39 3000 525.2 13,093.3 -243.3 -244.0 D 2.38 3750 662.0 16,504.4 257.0 -257.7 D 2 2.39 4250 744.0 18,548.8 266.3 -267.0 D 1 2.39 2750 481.4 12,002.2 I l 282.2 -282.8 D 2.38 5100 900.4 22,446.0 ! -~ 295.4 -296.0 D 2.38 5500 971.0 24,206.5 l 306.7-307.2 D 1 2.40 1000 173.6 4,328.1 I 322.1 -322.7 D 1 2.38 1250 220.7 5,501.5 ' I -341.9 -342.4 D 2.39 1600 280.1 6,983.1 374.3 -374.8 D 1 2.40 4250 737.8 18,394.5 434.3 -434.8 D 2.40 2500 434.0 10,820.3 l 466.0 -466.5 D 1 2.39 2650 463.9 11 '565. 7 I I -l 479.5 -480.0 D 1 2.40 1000 173.6 4,328.1 I 492.6 -493.0 D 2.40 5500 954.9 23,804.7 J 517.6-518 .. 1 D 2.39 5000 875.3 21,822.1 ~i 537.9-538.4 D 1 2.39 1500 262.6 6,546.6 I 540.0 -540.5 D 2.39 5000 875.3 21,822.1 I t 565.6 -566.0 2.39 6500 1 D 1137.9 28,368.7 --: I 50604 ~ ~ i G-5 840726 __ , .. --·· .~--··--~-~~· -····¥·~-«·. ' ,{ ~,.,_,, -l f :_· l ,: j r j i 1 ' ' I i I SUMMARY OF POINT LOAD TEST RESULTS I t f ~ i l Borehole Number DH84-2 Overburden Thickness 14.7 Ft. ' I I Azimuth 019° Total Depth 765.0 Ft. Dip l ; '! ., , I I I 1 ~ ( l I. t I 1 t t b 1._ 1/ I· 1:•- Depth Interval Diameter Pressure Is ere (Feet) Lithology Code (Inches) (Pounds) (PSI) (PSI) 581.9 -582.3 D 1 2.39 0 0 0 609.1 -609.5 D 1 2.39 1100 192.6 4,800.9 634.5 -635.0 D 2 2.39 >4750" 831.6 20,731.0 652.0 -652 .. 6 D 2.38 4100 723.8 18,044.8 676.5 -676.9 D 2.38 1400 247.2 6' 161. 6 689.5 -690.0 D 2.39 4700 822.8 20,512.8 705.3 -705.8 D 1 2o39 1900 332.6 8,292.4 720.8 -721.4 D 2.38 6250 1103.4 27,507.3 737.4-737.8 D 2.38 4750 838.6 20,905.6 761.6-762.2 D 1 2.38 500 88.3 2,200.6 i I I I~ I·~ I· id ,. I I I I j I• I. 1:. I' li ! I I ; i l ' .. "i I, ; i I -1 ·I : ~ I 50604 G-6 840726 I l ' I I I r,, t I ( l 1-~ I ld I , J I• ' I' I 1: ' I I ,, I I ~ ! I ' i' ,, ' ! I I ! ~ 1 i l I I I I~ I I SUMMARY OF POINT LOAD TEST RESULTS Borehole Number DH84-3 Azimuth Dip Depth Interval Feet 34.2 -34.5 54.7-55.1 61.6 -61o9 75.9 -76.4 91.0 -91.4 108.5 -108.9 117.5-117.9 129.9 -130.3 50604 840726 Lithologz QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD Code 2 2 1 Overburden Thickness Total Depth Diameter Pressure Is (Inches) (Pcdnds) (PSI) 2.40 4100 711.8 2.38 4180 737.9 2.39 5500 962.9 2.40 4250 737.8 2.40 6400 1111.1 2.41 5550 955.6 2.39 3250 569.0 2.40 4300 746.5 G-7 8.5 Ft. 132.2 Ft. ere (PSI) 17,745.3 18,396.9 24,004.3 18,394.5 27,700.0 23,822.2 14,184.4 18,610.9 t~ I ! I i 1 ) I ' l j ! ' I I t I I ; ·l t ! ~ I I '' • I I I ' 1 I i I i ! : l r l ; ! I I I I I I l I JJ 'd j : l '' I I :j I . I ;~! I ' : I I. I SUMMARY OF POINT LOAD TEST RESULTS Borehole Number DH84-4 Azimuth 050° Dip Depth Interval (Feet) 223.6 -223.9 249.5 -250.0 281.7-282.2 315.1 -315.6 334.0 -334.5 365.7 -366.1 50604 840726 Lithology QD QD QD QD QD Q~ Code Overburden Thickness 116.9 Ft. Total Depth 378.0 Ft. Diameter Pressure Is crc (Inches) (Pounds) (PSI) (PSI) 2.38 5200 918.0 22,886.1 2.39 6250 1094.2 27,277.6 2.40 4300 746.5 18,610.9 2.40 6000 1041.7 25,968.8 1. 75 850 277.5 6,02:>0.6 1.75 1950 636.7 13,880 .. 8 G-8 I' \ • I I ':-.' ~ :' .; ; "J . ; I ~ f • i ! l I , . i I , I SUMMARY OF POINT LOa~ TEST RESULTS I Borehole Number DH84-4A Overburden Thickness 72.4 Ft. . I ' Azimuth 040° Tota.l Depth 698.5 Ft. I Dip 55 ° I Depth Interval Diameter Pressure Is Uc (lo,eet) Lithology Code (Inches) (Pounds) (PSI) (PSI) I --- 181.4-181.9 QD 2.40 0 0 0 198.6 -199.1 QD 2.40 1100 191.-0 4,760.9 I 216.8 -217.3 QD 1 2.40 1500 260.4 6,492.2 232 .. 6 -233.3 .AD 2.40 4000 694.4 17,312.5 273.9 -274.5 QD 1 2.40 2100 364.6 9,089.1 I 279.5 -280.3 QD 2 2.40 5200 902.8 22,506.3 343.5 -343.9 QD 1 2.40 0 0 0 400.0 -400.5 QD 2.40 3200 555.6 13,85G.O 436.8 -437.3 QD 2.39 1400 245.1 6,110.2 I 451 • 6 -451 • 9 QD 2.39 5000 875.3 21,822.1 495.1 -'3-95.6 QD 2.40 7050 1224.0 30,513.3 567.7-568.2 QD 2.40 4800 833.3 20,775.0 :~ I 612.2 -612.6 QD 2.40 6000 1041.7 25,968.8 Ci 655.7-656.1 QD 1 2.40 2200 381.9 9,521.9 • l 692.1 -692.7 QD 2.40 4200 729.2 18,178.1 ) I .. .. I. . r I ' i . I I . I 1: I! I I 50604 G-9 840726 I , '·~ I "' I :~ I ,, J I l I ' l l I i I I l ! ! ! ! \ I I I ' l 1 1 I l ! ~ ! I j ' "· I ! I I ', l l 'I 1; ' I ' I ' , I .. I I ~ Q I I I 1: I I I I I I I I SUMMARY OF POINT LOAD TEST RESULTS Borehole Number DH84-5 Azimuth 010° Dip Depth Interval (.Feet) 40.0 -40.4 67.8 -68.3 89.4-89.7 103.4 -103.8 119.3-119.7. 130.4 -130.8 150.9 -151.5 153.0 -153M5 178.0 -178.5 202.5 -202.9 220.9 257.5 - 50604 840726 221.5 258.0 r.ithology D D G QD QD D D D QD AD AD QD Code 1 3 2 1 Overburden Thickness 15.1 Ft. Total Depth 265.0 Ft. Diameter Pressure Is t:Tc (Inches) (Pounds) (PSI) (PSI) 2.38 5500 971.0 24,206.4 2.39 3200 560.2 13,966.1 2.39 2100 367.6 9' 165.3 2.39 5750 1006 •· 6 25,095.4 2.39 4200 735.3 18,330.6 2.40 0 0 0 2 .. 41 >5700 >997.9 >24,877.2 2.38 4100 723.8 18,044.8 2.39 5100 892 .. 8 22,258.5 2.38 3050 538.5 13,423.6 2.40 2050 355.9 8,872.7 2.41 3500 602.6 15,023.0 G-10 j ' I I l ' i I I ·1 i I t I l i l ' I ., I I l I I ·~ I .li ·. , .. II 1: I I I I Borehole Number Azimuth Dip Depth Int:e!..·val (Fe&-;t) 59.5 -60.2 67.6-68.2 69.6 -70.2 76.9 -77.5 85.5 -86.0 96.0-~6.7 97 .. 4-98.0 106.0 -106 .. 6 111.3 -111.9 117.9 -118.4 127.9 -128.7 134.8 -135.4 135.4 -136.0 . 137.2-137.8 149.6 -150.0 151.6 -152.2 164.2 -164.8 165.3 -165.9 50604 840726 SUMMARY OF POINT LOAD TEST RESULTS DH84-6 Overburden Thickness Total Depth 167.8 Ft. D1.ameter Pressure I Uc s Lithology Code (Inches) (Pounds) (PSI) (PSI) D 2.37 5500 979.2 24,411.2 D 1 2.37 3300 587.5 14,646.7 D 2o38 3800 670.9 16,724.5 D 2.40 2700 468.8 11,685.9 D 2 2.39 5950 1041.6 25,968.3 D 2.38 5900 1041.6 25,966.9 D 1 2.38 3100 547.3 13,643~6 D 1 2.37 4500 801.2 19,972.8 D 2.37 2200 391.7 9,764.5 D 1 2.40 1500 260.4 6,492.2 D 2.38 3100 547.3 13,643.6 D 1 2.39 0 0 0 D 2.39 5300 927.9 23,131.4 D 1 2.37 2500 445.1 11,096.0. .D 2 2.39 4200 735.3 18,330.6 D 2 2.39 2750 481.4 12,002.2 D 2.38 2700 476.7 11,883.2 D 1 2.38 3700 653.2 16,284.3 G-11 II ll I I I I I I I I SUMMARY OF POINT LOAD TEST RESULTS Borehole Number DH84-7 Azimuth 025° Depth Interi!al (Feet) _ Lithology 28.7 -29.1 42.2 -42.5 56 • .3 -56.8 78.5 -79.0 85.9 -86.3 97.6-98.0 117.3-117 .. 7 136.4 -136.8 141.3 -141.7 166.8 -167.4 193.1 -193.5 216.1 -216.5 225.7-226.1 249.0 -249.4 252.6 -253.0 263.0 -263.5 50604 840726 QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD Code 1 3 1 1 1 2 Overburden Thickness 4.2 Ft. Total Depth 263.5 Ft. Diameter Pressure Is Uc (Inches) (Pounds) (PSI) (PSI) 2.41 5400 929.7 23,178.3 2.40 3550 616.3 15,364.8 2.40 3550 616.3 15,364.8 2.41 5600 964.2 24,036.8 2.40 4850 842.0 20,991.4 2.40 3300 572.9 14,282.8 2.40 3500 607~6 15,148.4 2.40 4800 833.3 20,775.0 2.40 )5800 >1006.9 >25,103.1 2.40 0 0 0 2.39 850 148~8 3,709.8 2.41 4800 826.4 20,603.0 2. 4.1 4050 697.3 17,383.7 2.40 2000 347.2 8,656.3 2.40 1700 295.1 7,357.8 2.4.0 3500 607.6 15,,148.4 G-12 ! J r I I I ,- 1 I I r I I I I I l .I I I I I. I. l 1 l I I 1 ! l ! SUMMARY OF POINT LOAD TEST RESULTS ~orehole Number DH84-8 Azimuth 012° Dip 60 o Depth Interval (Feet) Lithology Code 40.6 -41.0 50.0 -50.5 65.3 -66.0 76.0 -76.8 84.0 -84.5 95o1 -95.6 99.0 50604 840726 99.5 D 1 AD AD D AD 2 D D Overburden Thickness 8.5 Ft. Total Depth 100.0 Ft. Diameter Pressure Is Cfc (Inches) (Pounds) (PSI) (PSI) 2.38 3200 564.9 14,083.8 2.38 2000 353.1 8,802 .. 3 2 .. 39 6100 1067.9 26,623.0 2.38 3750 662.0 16,504.4 2.37 2700 480.7 11,983.7 2.40 4400 763.9 19,043.8 2.38 3950 697.3 17,384.6 G-13 l I :~~ I , I l I i I ! I ! 1 I ,f I I I I I l l I I I I I I f I ' l I I I I I I I I I l I I I SUMMARY OF POINT LOAD TEST RESULTS Borehole Number DH84-9 Azimuth Dip Depth Interval (Feet) 236.8 --237.2 291.6 -292.1 355.8 -356.4 386.6-387.1 415.8 -416.2 492.2-492.7 50604 840726 225° 55° Lithology D D D D QD D Code 1 1 Overburden Thickness Total Depth Diameter Pressure Is (Inches) (Pounds) (PSI) 2.39 1100 192.6 . 2.39 0 0 2.39 5100 892.8 2.40 6700 1163.2 2e42 5850 998.9 2.39 5250 919.1 G-14 148.2 Ft. 497.5 Ft. <f'c (PSI) 4,800.9 0 22,258.5 28,998.4 24,902.8 22' 913,. 2 :.J I [I l . t l) I ~ ,II l l I l) tl , 1 ~I l • l II ~ I Ld ~:.'1. al~ J 11 t .. i I I '1. I : j I ... I :1 ! t, II I ·I I I I \,. I SUMMARY OF POINT LOAD TEST RESULTS Borehole Number DH84-10 Overburden Thickness 61.6 Ft. Azimuth 230° Total Depth 254.0 Ft. Dip 55° Depth Interval Diameter Pressure Is <fc (Feet) Lithology Code (Inches) (Pounds) (PSI) (PSI) 160.1 -160.5 D 2.40 5000 868.1 21,640.6 191.4 -191.8 QD 1 2.39 2350 411.4 10,256.4 219.1 219.5 QD 2.40 3300 572.9 14,282.8 237.0 -237.4 A 2.39 4800 840.3 20,949.2 50604 G-15 840726