HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1794BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR LICENSE FOR MAJOR PROJECT SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT VOLUME 2A :'OVERNMFt',\1 PUBLICATIONS G SE.eIIO\'-) 405 A,IIG (\R 2001 U.OF WASH,LIBRARIES EXHIBIT B CHAPTER 5 &6 JULY 1983 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT VOLUME 2A EXHIBIT B STATEMENT OF PROJECT OPERATION AND RESOURCE UTILIZATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 -STATEMENT OF POWER NEEDS AND UTILIZATION ..•..................B-5-1 5.1 -Introduction B-5-1 5.2 -Description of the Railbelt Electric Systems .•...............B-5-1 (a)The Interconnected Railbelt Market B-5-2 (i)The Electric Utilities and Other Suppliers B-5-2 -Anchorage -Cook Inlet Area B-5-2 - Fairbanks -Tanana Valley Area B-5-4 -Other Suppliers oo •••••••••••••••••B-5-6 (ii)The Existing Electric Supply Situation ....•........B-5-6 - Total Energy Consumption and Supply B-5-6 -Electric Energy Supply B-5-7 (b)Railbelt Electric Utilities B-5-8 (i)Utility Load Characteristics B-5-8 -Month 1y Peak and Energy Demand...................B-5-8 - Daily Load Profiles B-5-8 -Railbelt Load Diversity B-5-9 (ii)Electricity Rates ..................•...............B-5-10 -Anchorage Municipal Light and Power (AMLP)B-5-10 -Chugach Electric Association,Inc.(CEA)B-5-1O - Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System (FMUS)B-5-11 -Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.(GVEA)..B-5-11 - Other Electric Utilities B-5-11 (iii)Conservation and Rate Structure Program B-5-11 -The Anchorage Municipal Light and Power (AMLP)Program B-5-12 -The Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc. (GVEA)Program...............................B-5-13 - Other Ut il ity Programs B-5-14 -.Other Conservation Programs B-5-14 (c)Historical Data for the Market Area B-5-15 5.3 -Forecasting Methodology B-5-16 (a)The Effect of World Oil Prices on the Need for Power B-5-16 (b)Forecasting Models B-5-17 (i)Model Overview .....................•...............B-5-17 (ii)Petroleum Revenue Forecasting (P"ETREV)ModeL . (iii)Man-in-the-Arctic Program (MAP)Economic Model . -Scenario Generator . -Statewide Economic Sub-Model . -Regionalization Sub-Model . - Input Variables and Parameters . -Map Model Output ..e ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •""••• (iv)Railbelt Electric Demand (RED)Model . -Uncertainty Module ••••••••••••••o.,,~•••••••••••••• -Ho usin9 Mod u1e ................•..e "•••••••••9 •••• -Residential Consumption Module . - Business Consumption Module . -Program Induced Conservation Module . - Miscellaneous Conservation Module . -Peak Demand Module . (c) - Input Data . -Output Data . (v)Optimized Generation Planning (OGP)ModeL .. -Reliability Evaluation .. -Production Stimulation . - Purchases and Sales . - Conventional Hydro Scheduling . -Thermal Unit Maintenance . -Thermal Unit Commitment . -Thermal Unit Di spatch .. - Investment Costi ng . -OGP Optimization Procedure . ..Input Data eo • .,e ••••••••••••• -Output Data . Model Validation ..o •••••••••••••••••e e . (i)MAP Model Validation .. -Stochastic Parameter Tests . -Simulation of Historical Economic Conditions . (ii)RED Model Validation .. B-5-19 B-5-22 B-5-23 B-5-24 B-5-25 B-5-26 B-5-28 B-5-29 B-5-30 B-5-31 B-5-32 B-5-33 B-5-33 B-5-34 B-5-34 B-5-34 B-5-35 B-5-35 B-5-36 B-5-37 B-5-38 B-5-38 B-5-38 B-5-39 B-5-39 B-5-40 B-5-40 8-5-40 B-5-41 8-5-42 B-5-42 8-5-42 B-5-43 B-5-43 5.4 -Forecast of Electric Power Demand B-5-44 (a) Oil Price Forecasts B-5-44 (i)Alaska Department of Revenue (DOR)B-5-44 (ii)Data Resources Incorporated (DRI)B-5-46 (iii)Sherman Clark Associates (SHCA)B-5-48 -Base Case B-5-49 -No Supply Disruption Case (NSD)B-5-51 -Zero Economic Growth (ZEG)8-5-52 (iv)Other Projections B-5-53 (b)Selection of Reference and Other Cases B-5-53 (c)Variables and Assumptions Other Than Oil Prices 8-5-54 (i)PETREV Model B-5-55 (i i)MAP Model B-5-55 (iii)RED Model e ••••••••8-5-55 (iv)OGP Model o."••••••••B-5-57 i i (d) Reference Case Forecast •.....•••.......•.•..•..•.•.••...B-5-57 (i)State Petroleum Revenues .........•..................B-5-58 (ii)Fiscal and Economic Conditions ....•••.•.............B-5-58 (iii)Electric Energy Demand B-5-59 (e) Other Forecasts .•••.••••••..••.••.•••..•...•.....•.....•B-5-61 (f)Sensitivity Analysis B-5-61 (i)MAP Model Sensitivity Tests .••••.•...~..•.........••B-5-62 (ii)RED Model Sensitivity Tests ...•.•..•........•.•..•••B-5-62 (iii)OGP Model Sensitivity Tests ••••...••.••.............B-5-63 (g)Reasonableness of the RED Forecasts .....•.•...•.........B-5-63 (h)Comparison with Previous Forecasts •.•...•••.•...........B-5-66 (i)Impact of Oil Prices on Forecasts ..............••••.•...B-5-67 5.5 -Project Utilization B-5-68 6 -FUTURE SUSITNA BASIN DEVELOPMENT .•••••.••.•.........•......•.B-6-1 REFERENCES LIST OF TABLES c v e C1"e"e e e"e CI e"41"0 CI."••o.II ••eo ••••••ID.(I 0 It e ••II.e (I e ••••B.69 through B.132 LIST OF FIGURES •.eeoeo ••oooooeoeooo •••"••ee •••eClo ••ooeooee •••e"00 ••B.77 through B.104 iii LIST OF TABLES Number Tit 1e B.69 Total 1981 Alaska Energy Consumption B.70 Railbelt 1981 Energy Consumption By Fuel Type For Each Sector B.71 Installed Capacity of the Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area B.72 Installed Capacity of the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area B.73 Generating Plants of the Railbelt Region B.74 Monthly Distribution of Peak and Energy Demand B.75 Projected Monthly Distribution of Peak and Energy Demand B.76 Typical Daily Load Duration B.77 Load Diversity in the Railbelt B.78 Residential and Commercial Electric Rates -Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area,March 1983 B.79 Residential and Commerical Electric Rates -Fairbanks-Tanana Area,March 1983 8.80 Anchorage Municipal Light and Power,Cumulative Energy Conservation Projections B.81 Programmatic Versus Market Driven Energy Conservation Projections in AMLP's Service Area B.82 Average Annual Electricity Consumption Per Household On the GVEA System 1972-1982 B.83 Historic Economic and Electric Power Data 1960-1982 B.84 Monthly Load Data from Electric Utilities of the Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area 1976-1982 B.85 Monthly Load Data from Electric Utilities of the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area 1976-1982 i v LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Number Title B.85 Monthly Load Data from Electric Utilities of the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area 1976-1982 B.86 Net Electric Power Generation By Electric Utilities 1976-1982 B.87 Simulation of Historical Economic Conditions B.88 Comparison of Actual and Predicted Electricity Consumption B.89 Alternative Petroleum Price Projections 1983-2010 B.90 Level of Analysis Employed with World Oil Forecasts B.91 Variables and Assumptions (PETREV Model) B.92 Variabless and Assumptions -MAP Model B.93 Summary of Exogenous Economic Assumptions B.94 Variables and Assumptions -RED Model B.95 Fuel Price Forecasts Used by RED B.96 Housing Demand Coefficients B.97 Example of Market Saturations of Appliances in Single Family Homes for Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area B.98 Parameter Values in RED Price Adjustment Mechanism B.99 Percentage of Appliances Using Electricity and Averaged Annual Electricity Consumption,Railbelt Load Centers B.100 Growth Rates in Electric Appliance Capacity and Initial Annual Average Consumption for New Appliances B.101 Percent of Appliances Remaining in Service Years after Purchase B.102 Variables and Assumptions -OGP Model v LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Number Title B.103 Reference Case Forecast -Summary of Input ~nd Output Data B.104 Reference Case Forecast -State Petroleum Revenues B.105 Reference Case Forecast -State Government Fiscal Conditions B.106 Reference Case Forecast -Population B.107 Reference Case Forecast -Employment B.108 Reference Case Forecast -Households B.109 Reference Case Forecast -Number of Households B.110 Reference Case Forecast -Number of Vacant Households B.111 Reference Case Forecast -Residential Use Per Household B.112 Reference Case Forecast - Business Use Per Employee B.113 Reference Case Forecast -Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation -Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area B.114 Breakdown of Electricity Requirements -Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area. B.115 Reference Case Forecast -Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation -Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area B.116 Reference Case Forecast -Breakdown of Electricity Requirements -Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area B.117 Reference Case Forecast -Projected Peak and Energy Demand B.118 B.119 B.120 Department of Revenue,Mean -Summary of Input and Output Data Department of Revenue,50%-Summary of Input and Output Data Department of Revenue,30%-Summary of Input and Output Data vi LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Number Title B.121 Data Resources Inc.-Summar y of Input and Output Data B.122 FERC +2%-Summary of Input and Output Data B.123 FERC 0%-Summary of Input and Output Data 8.124 FERC -1%-Summary of Input and Output Data B.125 FERC -2%-Summary of Input and Output Data B.126 Results of MAP Model Sens it iv ity Tests B.127 Results of RED Model Sensitivity Tests B.128 Results of RED Mode 1 Sens it iv ity Tests B.129 Results of RED Model Sensitivity Tests B.130 Results of RED Model Sens it iv ity Tests B.131 Results of RED Model Sensitivity Tests B.132 List 0 f Previous Forecasts vii LIST OF FIGURES Number Title B.77 Railbelt Area of Alaska Showing Electrical Load Centers B.78 Location Map Showing Transmission Systems B.79 Monthly Load Variation for Railbelt Area B,80 Daily Load Curves -1982 B.81 Historical Population Growth 1960-1980 B.82 Historical Growth in Net Generation 1960-1980 B.83 Relationship of Planning Models and Input Data B.84 MAP Model System Flow Chart B.85 MAP Economic Sub-Model Flow Chart B,86 MAP Regiona1ization Sub-Model Flowchart B.87 RED Information Flow B088 RED Uncertainty Module B.89 RED Housing Module B090 RED Residential Consumption Module 8.91 RED Business Consumption Module B.92 RED Program Induced Conservaton Module B.93 RED Miscellaneous Consumption Module B.94 RED Peak Demand Module B.95 Optimization Generation Planning (OGP)Model Information Flows B.96 OGP -Example of Conventional Hydro Operations B.97 Data Resources Inc. -U.S.Oil Outlook,Crude Oil Prices and Production vii i LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Number B.98 B.99 8.100 8.101 8.102 8.103 8.104 Title Free World Petroleum -and 8road Sources of Supply -SHCA Alternative Oil Price Projections Alternative State General Fund Expenditure Forecasts Alternative Rai1be1t Population Forecasts Alternative Rai1be1t Households Forecasts Alternative Electric Energy Demand Forecasts Alternative Electric Peak Demand Forecasts ix 5 -STATEMENT OF POWER NEEDS AND UTILIZATION 5.1 -Introduction Electric power demand forecasts have been developed for the Railbelt market that will be served by the Susitna Project.The forecasts begin from the year 1983 and extend to 2010, a period during which the resources of the Susitna Project will be developed. The magnitude of the future power demand depends on a number of factors,the primary one being the future price of oil which affects the revenue to the state and the state's economic activity.To account for a range of world oil price projections,varying demand forecasts are developed. In addition to world oil price,the influence of energy conservation and the relative costs of alternative forms of energy are also important and have been factored into the forecast.Other factors affecting the forecast demand have also been included in the analysis. The following sections present the existing electric power demand and supply situation,the basic approach used to develop the forecasts,the variables and assumptions in the forecasts,and finally the results of the forecasts and their significance. Section 5.2 describes the electric power system in the Railbelt, including utility load characteristics,conservation programs and electricity rates.Section 5.3 presents the methodology for making the forecasts.The section describes the four computer-based models that were utilized in preparing the economic and electric energy forecasts and the generation expansion plan for meeting the loads.Section 5.4 presents the oil price scenarios forming bases for the forecasts,the other key variables involved in producing the forecasts,the results of the forecasts,and the impact of world oil prices on the forecasts. Section 5.5 summarizes the planned utilization of the power from the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Two new reference reports have been prepared to provide technical documentat ion of two of the three computer model s that were developed and utilized in the derivation of the forecasts.The Man-in-the-Arctic Program (MAP)Model Technical Documentation Report provides a complete expl anation of the economic forecasting model.The Rail belt Electricity Demand (RED)Model Documentation Report provides similar information for the load forecasting model. 5.2 Description of the Railbelt Electric Systems In this section,a description of the Railbelt electric systems is presented.First,a general description is given about the B-5-1 interconnected Railbelt market and the electric utilities serving the market.Next,the characteristics of the loads,electricity rates and the conservation programs are discussed.Finally,historical data covering Railbelt electricity demands and regional economic factors are presented. (a)The Interconnected Railbelt Market The Railbelt region,shown in Figure B.77,contains two important electrical load centers:the Anchorage-Cook Inlet .ar ea and the Fairbanks-Tanana Vall ey area.These two load centers wi 11 comprise the interconnected Railbelt market when the intertie currently under construction by the Alaska Power Authority is completed.The Glennallen-Valdez load center is part of the Railbelt region but is not planned to be interconnected nor to be served by the Sus itna Proj ect.It is therefore exc 1uded from discussions in this report. The existing transmission system of the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area extends north to Wi 11 ow and consi sts of a network of 115-kV and 138-kV lines with interconnection to Palmer.The Fairbanks-Tanana system extends south to Healy over a 138-kV line.The intertie is bei ng bui It by the Al aska Power Authority to connect Wi 11 ow and Healy and will operate initially at 138-kV.The existing transmission system in the Railbelt region is illustrated in Figure B.78. (i)The Electric Utilities and Other Suppliers - Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area The Anchorage-Cook Inlet area has two municipal utilities,three rural electric cooperative associations (REAs), a Federal Power Administration,and two military installations,as follows: Municipality of Anchorage-Municipal Light &Power Department (AMLP) ·Chugach Electric Association,Inc.(CEA) Homer Electric Association,Inc.(HEA) · Matanuska Electric Association,Inc.(MEA) · Alaska Power Administration (APAd) Elmendorf AFB -Military Fort Richardson -Military All of these organizations,with the exception of MEA, have electrical generating facilities.MEA buys its power from CEA.HEA and SES have rel atively small generating facilities that are used for standby operation.They also purchase power from CEA. B-5-2 AMLP and CEA are the two principal utilities serv ic mq the Anchorage-Cook In 1et area.AMLP serves most areas within the City of Anchorage except for some sections served by CEA.AMLP al so serves the Anchorage International Airport,and provides electricial energy to Elmendorf AFB and Fort Richardson on a non-firm basis.The customers and associated sales in 1982 are listed below.Residential sales represented slightly over one fourth of total commerci al -sal es .Its most important load is the downtown business and commercial district. Customer Class Number En er ty Sales MWh) Residenti al 14,745 129,010 Commerci al 3,229 474,344 Street Lighting 7,663 Total 17,974 611,017 CEA serves certain urban and most suburban sections of Anchorage.In addition,CEA serves customers at Kenai Lake,Moose Pass,Whittier,Beluga and Hope.CEA also provides bulk power to AMLP,CEA1s residential load is greater than its commercial and industrial loads. Furthermore,CEA's average commercial customer is consistently smaller than that of AMLP.Its 1982 sales are presented below: Customer Cl ass Number Energy Sales (MWh) Residential 46,560 546,736 Commercial &Industrial (50 kVA or less)4,519 161,290 Commercial &Industrial 359 214,679 (over 50 kVA) Public St.&Hwy.Lighting 26 5,216 Sales for Resale 3 702,357 Total 51,467 1,630,278 B-5-3 HEA,MEA and SES provi de e 1ectri c ity servi ce to thei r customers by purchases from CEA.In 1982,HEA,MEA,and SES purchased about 347, 326, and 30 GWh of e 1ectri ca 1 energy respecti ve ly.HEA serves the City of Homer and other customers on the Kenai peninsula.MEA has a ser- vice area encompassing the Matanuska Valley and related areas;SES serves the City of Sewar-d,These areas are depicted in Figure B.78. The Alaska Power Administration provides wholesale power (fi rm and secondary)to MEA,CEA,and AMLP.These utilities are interconnected with the Alaska Power Administration on 115-kV lines owned by the Administration.Fort Richardson and Elmendorf AFB supply thei r own needs.Their e 1ectri ca 1 requi rements in 1982 were approximately 70 and 87 GWh respectively. Both bases have non -fi rm power agreements with AMLP. Fort Richardson has recently entered into a new contract with AMLP to purchase about 30 GWh on an i nterruptab 1e basis. -Fairbanks - Tanana Valley Area The Fai rbanks-Tanana Valley area is current ly served by a REA cooperative and a municipal uti lity.In addi- tion,a university and three military installations have their own electric systems,as follows: •Fairbanks Municipal utilities System (FMUS) • Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.(GVEA) •University of Alaska,Fairbanks •Eielson AFB -Military •Fort Greeley -Military •Fort Wainwright -Military Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.and Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System own and operate generation, transmission,and distribution facilities.The University and military bases maintain their own genera- tion and distribution facilities.Fort Wainwright is interconnected with GVEA and FMUS and is providing both utilities with economy energy. FMUS serves an area bounded by the city limits of Fairbanks,except for several residential subdivisions recently annexed by the city.The Chena River flows through the northern part of the service area with Fort Wainwright Military Reservation providing a border on the east.The downtown business district lies in the northeast corner of the FMUS service area along the B-5-4 south bank of the Chena River.There is an industrial area which is contained in part within the City of Fairbanks.The north bank of the Chena River provides the southern boundary of this industrial area.In addition to serving its own customers,FMUS provides economy energy to Golden Valley Electric Association. The 1982 sales of FMUS are set forth below: Customer Cl ass Number Energy Sales (MWh) Residential 4663 27,758 Commerc ia1 1050 68,695 Government 144 27,923 Street Lighting 4,911 GVEA 1 33,479 Total 5858 162,766 The commercial customers are significant in number but more importantly al so in terms of total energy sal es . The res i dent i a1 and government sectors had about the same level of energy sales in 1982. GVEA serves Fairbanks North Star Borough including portions of the City of Fairbanks not served by FMUS, the City of North Pole,the communities of Fox and Ester,and the two military bases -Eielson Air Force Base and Fort Wainwright.Other major communities within its service area include the Cities of Nenana, Healy,Cl ear,Anderson and Rex. In 1982,GVEA sal es were as follows: Customer Cl ass Number Energy Sales (MWh) Residential 16,176 150,487 Commerci al &Industri al (50 kVA or less)1,859 43,195 Commerci al &Industrial (over 50 kVA)233 129,394 Public St.&Hwy.Lighting 9 328 Sales for Resale 1 9,534 Total 18,278 332,939 The University of Al aska at Fairbanks,Fort Wainwright and Eielson AFB generate their own electrical requirements.At the present time,Fort Wainwright supplies all of Fort Greeley's electricity needs by GVEA wheeling the power on their transmission lines. Fort Wainwright provides economy energy to FMUS and GVEA from coal-fired units.In 1982,Fort Wainwright had net B-5-5 generation of about 80 GWh and"Eielson AFB generated about 59 GWh of electricity. Other Suppliers Several major industrial companies in the Railbelt provide their own electric power supply.During 1981, in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area,such generation accounted for nearly 130 GWh.The major industrial self suppliers are located in HEAls service area.The main industrial firms with operations in Kenai include Union Oil of California,Phillips Petroleum Company,Chevron U.S.A.,Inc.,and Tesoro-Alaskan Petroleum Corp. In 1981,the most recent year for which data are available,industrial sources of self generation in the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area did not produce any electricity. (ii)The Existing Electric Supply Situation Because electricity must compete with alternative fuels in the market place,a brief discussion of the consumption and supply of energy in total is provided for an overall setting. -Total Energy Consumption and Supply The State of Alaska is a major consumer of energy resources.In 1981,Al aska I s total energy input was about 543 trillion Btu.Of that total,273 trillion Btu were consumed; about 184 tri 11 ion Btus were exported;and the remainder was lost in refining, electric generating,and processing activities.The 1 argest share of the input was accounted for by crude oil input to refineries (44%)followed by natural gas (37%)and imported petroleum products (15%).Coal, hydro,and wood resource inputs accounted for the residual 4 percent of total energy input. The 1981 energy consumption for Alaska and the Railbelt are summarized in Table B.69.The total energy consumption for the Rai lbelt area was 236 trill ion Btu in 1981. In 1981,Railbelt per capita consumption was about 752 million Btu,which is approximately 5 percent greater than the average Al askan per capita consumption. B-5-6 The Rail beIt reg ion account s for almost 78 percent of the total energy consumption in the State of Alaska. Table B.70 provides a breakdown of energy consumption by fuel type for various sectors of the state economy.The transportation sector which relies almost entirely on fuel oil is the most energy intensive sector.Besides transportation,the industrial and utility sectors are major energy consumers. Fuel oi 1 represents the most important energy source followed by natural gas.In the industrial,utility, and commercial public sectors,natural gas consumption accounts for over 50 percent of each sector's total consumption.Natural gas consumption in the residential sector is sightly less than that of fuel oil. Other fuels are coal and wood which are of lesser importance.Coal is used by electric utilities and military bases,whereas wood is used in the residential sector. Electric Energy Supply The Anchorage-Cook Inlet area is almost entirely dependent on natural gas to generate electricity.About 92 percent of the total capacity is provided by gas-fired units.The remaining are hydroelectric units (5 percent)and oil-fired diesel units (3 percent). Table B.71 presents the total generating capacity of the Anchorage-Cook Inlet utilities,the two military installations and the industrial sector. For the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area,the total generating capacity of the utilities,the three military installations and industrial self suppliers by type of units are presented in Table B.72. A large portion of the total installed capacity consists of oil-fired combustion turbines (57 percent)and coal steam turbine (30 percent).The remaining capacity is provided by diesel units.The proposed transmission intertie between Anchorage and Fairbanks wi 11 allow Fairbanks utilities to purchase relatively inexpensive power fuel ed by natural gas from Anchorage.It will also allow both load centers to take advantage of the additional peaking capacity available in the Fairbanks area to provide greater reliability. Table B.73 provides a complete list of generating plants of the Railbelt area. B-5-7 (b)Railbelt Electric Utilities (i)Utility Load Characteristics This section presents monthly peak and energy demand, hourly load data for a typical week in April,August,and December,and an analysis of load diversity between the two load centers. - Monthly Peak and Energy Demand Table B.74 presents monthly distributions of peak and energy demand for the period 1976-1982 for the two load centers in the total Railbelt area.Figure B.79 shows a graph of the 1982 monthly load for each load center. Both regions have winter peaks,occurring normally in December,and sometimes in January or February.The peak demand is lowest duri ng the months of May through August,and the ratio of summer to winter peaks varies between 0.55 and 0.65.Although monthly peak demand varies from year to year mainly due to weather conditions,Table B.74 shows that the pattern has remained relatively constant during the period 1976-1982. As denoted by the data in Table B.74,the monthly distribution of energy demand has also remained about the same for the period 1976-1982 and both regions have a similar distribution.The winter months,November through February,had an average monthly demand of about 10 percent of the total annual energy.The summer months,June through August,had an average monthly demand of about 6.7 percent of the total annual energy. These results were compared with an earlier study (Woodward Clyde,1980) based on data through 1978,and found to be consistent.As part of that study,a forecast of the monthly distribution of peak demand was done.Table B.75 summarizes those results,which have been used in the generation expansion studies described in Exhibit D. Daily Load Profiles Figure B.80 presents graphs of the hourly load data for a typical week in April,August,and December 1982. The data from individual utilities were combined to produce representative load curves for each load center and the total Railbelt area.The following three paragraphs describe the weekly load profiles. B-5-8 In April,there is usually a morning peak between 7 and 9 a.m.,and an evening peak between 6 and 8 p.m.The evening peak is usually greater than the morning peak. The night load is about 70 percent of the daily load. The average daily load factor is about 85 percent. In August,the load begins to rise from about 7 a.m., it continues to increase until 11-12 a.m.,when it reaches a peak and decreases slowly'to about midnight and then drops off sharply.The night load is about 55-60 percent of the daily peak load.The average daily load factor is about 82 percent. In December,there is usually a morning peak between 6 and 9 a.m.,and an evening peak between 4 and 7 p.m. The evening peak is usually about 10 percent greater than the morning peak.The night load is about 65 percent of the daily peak load.The average daily load f actori s about 85 percent. Table B.76 presents typical average weekday and weekend daily load duration for the months of April,August,and December. These data were taken from the Woodward-Clyde study (Woodward-Clyde,1980),and found to be consistent with the 1982 data.Similar load duration data were computed for the remaining months. These data have been used in the generation expansion studies described in Exhibit D. Railbelt Load Diversity A system load diversity analysis was done for the peak day in Fairbanks which was December 29, 1981 and the peak day in Anchorage of January 6, 1982.The peak coincident and non-coincident loads were collected from all generating sources and the load diversity was calculated based on the data.Table B.77 shows the hourly load demand for these two peak days.The diversity measure in the total Railbelt was about 0.98. The basic conclusion of the analysis is that the total coincident peak load for the Railbelt would probably be within three percent of the total non-coincident peak demand. For the expansion plans analysis,the Railbelt peak demand is considered to be the sum of the projected peak demand of the two load centers. B-5-9 (ii)Electricity Rates Electric utility companies in the Railbelt have their tariffs approved by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission or another regulatory body with jurisdiction over electric rates.Tables B.78 and B.79 present the current residen- tial and commercial rates for the main utilities of the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area and Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area. Electric rates are considerably less in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area than in the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area.The average residential cost per kWh is approximately 5J/kWh in the Anchorage-Cook In1et area,and 81/kWh and 101 kWh for FMUS and GVEA respectively in the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area.The lower rates in Anchorage-Cook Inlet can be explained by the relatively low cost natural gas supply used for electric generation.The relatively high rates in Fairbanks-Tanana are a result of considerable oil-fired generation.A description of these rates is presented in the following paragraphs. Anchorage Municipal Light and Power (AMLP) AMLP tariff for residential service and general service-small customers comprises a fixed monthly customer charge and a flat energy charge per kWh.The general service-l arge customers schedule has a monthly demand charge in addition to a fixed customer charge and a flat energy charge rate.In addition,AMLP has an experimental program for time-of-day rates for customers dependent on electric space heating. -Chugach Electric Association,Inc.,(CEA) CEA has tariffs for retail customers that reflect a declining block rate structure.The residential and small commercial customers schedules provide for a monthly rate in cents per kWh which declines with increasing blocks of electricity consumption.CEA's schedule for large commercial and industrial customers contains a demand charge as well as an energy charge which decl ines in rel ation to increasing electric consumption per kW of billing demand. CEA has other tariff schedules for retail customer classes such as churches and schools.CEA has a wholesale electric power and energy contract with HEA, MEA,and SESe In addition,CEA has a rate schedule for intertie with AMLP which contains a flat energy charge and certain commitment and start/stop charges. B-5-1O Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System (FMUS) In the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area,FMUS has residential,all electric,and general service rate schedules which reflect declining rates as energy consumption increases in blocks.For general service customers with demand bloc ks of 15 kW or greater,there is (in addition to an energy charge)a monthly minimum charge per meter based on a fixed do l l ar amount times the highest demand reading of the preceding 11 months or times the estimated maximum demand of the first year, whichever is greater. Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.(GVEA) GVEA has a residential schedule with an energy charge for the first 500 kWh and a lower charge for each kWh over 500 kWh of consumption.There is a separate schedule for general service customers depending on their kW demand. For GVEA I S general service customers with electrical demand not exceeding 50 kW,there is only a decreasing energy charge associ ated with three increasing blocks of consumption.General service customers with loads exceeding 25 kW have a schedule which provides for a fixed demand charge per kW plus dec 1 ining energy charges in correspondence wi th four increasing consumption blocks. Other Electric Utilities The remaining electric utilities have tariff schedules which differ in specific details but are similar in structure to those of the larger Railbelt electric utilities.The average residential cost per kWh for the 1 arger util ities in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area would tend to be less than that charged by the other smaller util ities in the area. (iii)Conservation and Rate Structure Programs This section presents conservation and rate structure programs initiated by the electric utilities and government agencies.The effects of these existing programs have been incorporated in the forecasting methodology which is described in Section 5.3. The utilities have various programs aimed at supplying information to the public concerning the dollar savings associated with electricity conservation.In general,the utilities rely on market forces;however,they promote 6-5-11 of by Examples introduced forces. programs consumer recognition of those conservation and rate structure AMLP and GVEA,are described. The Anchorage Municipal Light and Power (AMLP)Program The AMLP program addresses electricity conservation in both residential and institutional settings.It is a formal conservation program mandated by the Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 (FUA).The AMLP program is designed to achieve a 10%reduction in electricity consumption.To achieve this level of conservation,AMLP provides information on available state and city programs to its consumers.Additionally, it has programs to: Distribute hot water flow restrictors; Insulate 1000 electric hot water heaters; Heat the city water supply,i ncreas ing the temperature by 15°F (decreasing the thermal needs of hot water heaters);and Convert two of its boi ler feedwater pumps from electricity to steam. Convert city street lights from mercury vapor lamps to high pressure sodium lamps;and Convert the transmission system from 34.5 kV to 115 kV. AMLP also supplies educational materials to its customers along with "Forget-me-not"stickers for light switches.The uti 1ity has a fu 11 ti me energy engineer devoted to energy conservation program development. The projected impacts of specific energy conservation programs are detailed in Table B.80 for the period 1981-1987.The greatest impact will occur as a result of street light conversion,transmission line conversion, and power plant boiler feed pump conversion.By 1987, these programs are expected to provide 25,000 MWh of electricity conservation,or 72%of the total program- matic energy conservation.In the case of conversion to new sodium lights,the record shows that AMLP installed 96 kw by the end of 1980,an additional 8 kW in 1981, 16.6 kW in 1982,and 14.3 kW of additional sodium lights in 1983 to date. In addition to these conservation programs,AMLP has also projected conservation due to price-induced effects.Table B.81 presents the projections.About 60 percent comes from price-induced conservation. After 1983, the rate of increase in conservation is expected to decline sharply,and price-induced conservation will be the principal contributor. B-5-12 The Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.(GVEA) Program GVEA has an energy conservation program based on a plan established pursuant to REA regulations.The utility employs an Energy Use Advisor who: Performs advisory (non-quantitative)audits; counsels customers on an individual basis on means to conserve electricity; Provides group presentations and panel discussions;and Provides printed material,including press releases and publications. GVEA also eliminated its special incentive rate for all electric homes,and placed a moratorium on electric home hook-ups in 1977.It has given out flow restrictors. It has prepared displays and presentations for the Fairbanks Home Show and the Tanana Valley State Fair. It coordinates its programs with the state and other programs. The efforts of GVEA,combined with price increases and other socioeconomic phenomena,produced a conservation effect as shown in Table 8.82.Although much of the decl ine in average consumption can be attributed to conversions from electric heat to some other fuels,part of the reduction is the direct result of conservation. The data show a reduction from 17,332 kWh/house/yr in 1975 to a level of 9,080 kWh/house/yr in 1981.Table 8.82 also shows a moderate upturn in electricity consumption per household in 1982,indicating that the practical limit of conservation may have been reached in the GVEA system. Currently,GVEA1s load management program is directed toward commercial consumers.A significant lower rate schedule is available to commercial customers whose demand is maintained at less than 50 kW.Larger power customers are advised on ways to manage their electrical load to minimize demands. In addition,seasonal rates are avail able to those large consumers who significantly reduce their demand during the winter peak season.A program is underway to identify customers who operate 1 arge interruptible loads during periods of system peak demand.Various methods of residential load management are under study,but none appears cost effect ive at thi s time other than voluntary consumer response to education programs. 8-5-13 Other Utility Programs Other utilities have progrillns similar to the ones described above. For example,FMUS has two main programs aimed at electric conservation and reducing the consumers'electric bill.FMUS placed an advertisement in a local newspaper about energy conservation and offered to provide a free booklet on the topic.Also, FMUS plans to advertise the av at l abi l i ty of a "Energy Teller"device to allow the customer to determine the direct cost of using a given appliance.These instruments are expected to be avail able for free loan for a period of up to two weeks. Other Conservation Programs There are sever a1 effort s, both pub 1ic and priv ate, under way throughout the State of Al aska.The two main programs that affect the Railbelt area are described in the following paragraphs. The State Program.The Conservation Section of the Division of Energy and Power Development (DEPD)is responsible for the administration of the United States Department of Energy·s low-income weatherization program. This program has involved the following activities: Training of energy auditors; Performance of residential energy audits,which are physical inspections including measurements of heat loss; Providing grants of up to $300/household,or loans,for energy conservation improvements based upon the audit ; Providing retrofit (e.g.insulation,weatherization)for low income homes. The key to the program is the audit,which is performed by private contractors.The forms employed are designed to show savings that can be achieved in the first year, the seventh year,and the tenth year after energy conserv at ion measures have been impl emented.The savings demonstrated provide the basis for qualifying for a grant or loan.The audits focus on major conservation opportunities such as insulation and 8-5-14 reduction of infiltration (e.g.",by weather stripping, caulking,and storm window application). The DEPD program achieved a significant level of penetration into the conservation marketplace. Penetration in the state as a whole achieved 24%;and in the combined load centers of Anchorage and Fairbanks it also achieved 24%.Market penetration is computed by taking the ratio of audits relative to the total number of homes in various regions:Kenai Peninsula,Anchorage, Matanuska-Susitn a,Fairbanks,Southeast Fairbanks,and regional total.It is useful to note that the audit program was more effective in high cost energy areas (e.g.,Fairbanks)indicating that public participation was based upon market forces to some extent. The DEPD program is currently being phased out, for low income family assistance,particularly Bush Communities where it is estimated that 13% homes wi 11 be treated in the next three Educational programs will continue. except in the of the years. The City of Anchorage Program.The City of Anchorage Program is operated by the Energy Coordinator for the City of Anchorage. This program also involves audits, weatherization,and educational efforts.Based on walk-through audits performed on city buildings and schools,detailed audits have been performed. The cl t yvs weatherization program is available to low income families and provides grants of up to $1600 for materials and incidental repairs.Labor is supplied from the comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) program.However,thi s program is being phased out. The educational program has involved working with realtors,bankers,contractors and businessmen.It al so has involved informal contacts with commercial building maintenance personnel.Finally,it has involved contacts with the general public. (c)Historical Data for the Market Area Available economic and electric power data for the State of Alaska and the Railbelt are summarized in Table B.83.The table shows the rapid growth that has occurred in the st at e' s and the Ra i lbel t t s population,economy,and use of electric power.The growth has been especially rapid during the last decade. B-5-15 Between 1960 and 1982,employment in the Railbelt grew from 94,300 to 231,984,an increase of 146 percent,or an average of 4.2 percent per year.The number of households in the Railbelt grew at a faster rate during this period,an average of 4.9 percent per year,reflecting the nationwide trend toward fewer persons per household.Much of the population and economic growth that occurred during this period is attributable to the tremendous increase in state petroleum revenues and general fund expenditures.State petroleum revenues grew from only $4.2 million in 1960 to $3.57 billion in 1982,mainly due to the discovery and development of petroleum on Al ask as North Slope. Between 1960 and 1982 state general fund expenditures rose from less than $100 million per year to $4.6 billion.Figure B.81 illustrates the historical growth in population,showing the growth rate for each five year period from 1960 to 1980. Consumption of electric energy in the Railbelt has risen si gnifi cant 1y faster than the rate of economi c growth.Between 1965 and 1982 total energy generation rose from 467 Gwh to 2,934 GWh,a five-fold increase,or an average of 11.4 percent per year.Figure B.82 illustrates the historical growth in net generation,showing the growth rate for each five year period from 1965 to 1980. Tables B.84 and B.85 present monthly electric power use and peak demand during the period 1976 to 1982 for the Anchorage and Fairbanks load centers.These tables show that while there has been a steady rise in the use of electric energy and in peak demand,there has been considerable variation in monthly energy use and peak demand from one year to the next,most1y due to different weather conditions in the Railbelt.Table B.86 gives the net annual generation of each Railbelt utility between 1976 and 1982. 5.3 -Forecasting Methodology This section presents the methodological framework used for the forecasts of economic conditions and electricity demand in the Railbelt.The first subsection discusses the effect of world oil prices on power market forecasts.Next,the models used for forecasting purposes are identified and fully explained.Finally, model validation is discussed for the economic model (MAP)and electricity demand model (RED). (a) The Effect of World Oil Prices on the Need for Power World oil prices affect the need for electric power in the Railbelt in four basic ways, each of which is explicitly taken into account in forecasting energy demands. First,higher world oil prices produce higher levels of petroleum revenues to the State of Alaska,mainly through production taxes and royalty payments that are tied directly to the market price of petroleum.Because of the importance of state revenues and B-5-16 spending to the Alaskan economy,changes fn the world price of oil have a significant effect on general economic conditions and the growth in electricity demand. Second,world oil prices impact the cost of power generation. Since much of the electricity used in the Railbelt is generated using fossil fuels,the price of electricity to the consumer will be affected by the world price of oil.As long as fossil fuels fire a substantial portion of the Ra i lbe l t t s t qener at lon facili- ties,higher world oil prices will lead to higher electricity prices,decreasing the overall demand for electricity.This factor has been considered in the forecasts of electric demands. The same factor has ~so been integrated in the economic analyses associated with determining the most cost effective generation expansion program for meeting the Railbelt's future electric power demand, which in turn determines the future cost of electricity. Thi rd,world oil pri ces affect the degree to wh ich oil and other fossil fuels may be substituted for electricity in certain applications.Inter-fuel substitution and its effect on the demand for electricity was explicitly considered in the load forecasting analysis for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. The fourth effect that world oi1 prices has on the need for power occurs through the infl uence that petro 1eum pr ices have on the profitability of exploration and development of petroleum reserves as well as other energy resources in Alaska.Higher world oil prices provide an incentive for higher levels of oil exploration and development,which in turn leads to higher levels of employment and gross output in the petroleum sector as well as support sectors such as transportation,construction,and services.The economic development and population growth associated with such activity increases electric power demands in the Railbelt as well as other parts of Alaska. The following sections describe in some detail the ways in which world oil prices and other factors were considered in the economic and load forecasting analyses and generation expansion planning. (b)Forecasting Models (i)Model Overview Four computer-based and functionally interrelated models were used in projecting the market for electric power in the Railbelt and evaluating alternative generation plans for meeting electric power demands.First,a model entitled PETREV,operated by the Alaska Department of Revenue,was utilized to project state revenues from petroleum production based on alternative future petroleum B-5-17 prices.The revenue projections from PETREV and numerous other economic and demographic data were then used by the Man-in-the-Arctic Program (MAP)Model to project economic conditions,including population,employment,and households,for the Railbelt.The economic projections, along with electric power and use information,electricity demand elasticity functions,and other electric power data then served as input to the RED Model to predict electric energy and peak loads in the Railbelt by load center. Finally,the Optimized Generation Planning (OGP)model was used to develop the most cost effective generation plans for meeting projected power requirements.The study on alternative generation expansion plans is described in detail in Exhibit D.The OGP Model is discussed in this chapter in order to describe the total conceptual approach utilized in analyzing the need for power in the Railbelt. The relationship between the models and their principal input and output data are shown on Figure B.83 which al so shows the role of financial analysis in the selection of the final generation expansion plan,also covered in Exhibit D. Figure B.83 illustrates the parameters and variables that are common to different model s and the interdependency of the models.While the planning process moves generally from the PETREV model through the MAP,RED,and OGP models, in one instance output from one model is fed back into a previous model.Electricity prices are estimated and used in the RED model to compute electric energy projections. These projections are then used by the OGP model to develop a generation expansion plan to meet projected demand and the associated cost of electricity.If there is a significant difference between the estimated and computed data,the models are rerun until the cost of supplying power is approximately equal to the price assumptions utilized in the demand model. The following sections describe each of the four principal models,including their respective submodels and modules, key input variables and parameters,and primary output variables.Additional information on the PETREV Model is available in the quarterly issues of Petroleum Production Revenue Forecast (Alaska Department of Revenue,March B-5-18 1983).Additional information on <the MAP model may be found in a technical documentation report (Institute of Social and Economic Research,June 1983) which presents a detailed description of the model including a complete listing of its equations and input variables and parameters.Another technical documentation report (Battelle,June 1983)presents similarly detailed documentation of the RED model.The OGP model is a proprietary program of General Electric Company.The version used in the current study is presented in the Descriptive Handbook,Optimized Generation Planning Program,Financial Simulation Program by General Electric, March,1983. (ii)Petroleum Revenue Forecasting (PETREV)Model Petroleum revenues currently constitute approximately 85 percent of total state revenues.For thi s reason,and because state revenues and expend itures have consider ab 1e potential variability and are important determinants of future state economic conditions,projections of the most important sources of petroleum revenues,production tax and royalties,are generated by a specialized model,PETREV, operated by the Alaska Department of Revenue (DOR).PETREV is structured to take into account the uncertainties of future oi1 prices and other factors associ ated with forecasting petroleum revenues.Using PETREV,the DOR issues updated petroleum revenue projections on a quarterly basis covering a 17 year period,using current data available on petroleum production,a range of world oil prices,tax rates,regulatory events,natural gas prices, and inflation rates. PETREV is an economic accounting model that utilizes a probability distribution of possible values for each of the factors that affect state petroleum revenues to produce a range of possible state royalties and production taxes. The principal factors influencing the level of petroleum revenues are petroleum production rates,mainly on the North Slope,the market price of petroleum,and tax and royalty rates applicable to the wellhead value of petroleum. Wellhead value is estimated by a netback approach whereby the costs of gathering and transporting crude oil and a qual ity differenti a1 val ue are subtracted from the market value at its destination on the West Coast or Gulf Coast of the United States.For petroleum produced on the North Slope,the source of most of the oil produced in Alaska subject to state royalties and production taxes,future wellhead value is estimated as follows.The projected B-5-19 world price of Saudi Arabia medium grade petroleum is adjusted by subtracting (1)the projected cost of pumping oil through the Trans Alaska Pipeline System from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez,including the pipeline tariff,(2)the proj ected cost of shi ppi ng the oil to refi neri es on the West Coast and the Gulf Coast of the United States,and (3) a proj ected quality differential factor representing the difference in qual ity between North Slope petroleum and Saudi Arabia medium grade.The result'is the estimated value of petroleum at pump station #1 at Prudhoe Bay, Al aska. Future royalties collected by the state are estimated by multiplying total projected production in barrels from state lands by the estimated per barrel price at pump station #1,subtracting field costs of production, currently approximately $.68 per barrel,and multiplying the result by .125.This amounts to a 1/8 royalty payment on oil produced after all gathering and transportation costs are met, which the State of Alaska may receive either in kind or in dollars.Future severance,or production, taxes are estimated by multiplying forecasted production, net of the 12.5 percent taken by the state as royalties,by the estimated pump station #1 price and the tax rate adjusted by an economic limit factor (ELF).The tax rate varies between 12.25 and 15 percent of net production value,depending upon the age of production wells.The economic limit factor (ELF)adjustment takes into the account declining well productivity and increased production costs.On the North Slope most production will be subj ect to a 15 percent sever ance tax rate.The average ELF for North Slope petroleum production is expected to decline from its current level of 1.0 to close to 0.6 by the year 1999.The decl ine in the ELF in effect lowers the tax rate to which Alaskan petroleum is subject. A change in the market price of petroleum of a given percentage has a greater percentage impact on state petroleum revenues.This occurs because the costs of petroleum transportation and gathering and the quality differential value are relatively stable,so the wellhead price,on which state petroleum revenues are based,rises and falls almost dollar for dollar with world oil prices, producing a larger percentage effect on the wellhead value. Due to the many uncertainties involved in forecasting revenues,the forecasting model projects a range,or frequency distribution,of state petroleum revenues by year,so that for each year a forecasted petroleum revenue B-5-20 figure may be selected based on a given cumulative frequency of occurrence.The mode 1 accomp 1ishes thi s by iteratively selecting a set of input variable values from among alternative values and computing a petroleum revenue figure for each time period.Each projection is computed using a set of accounting equations that estimate royalties and production taxes from each state oi 1-and gas lease for each time period.By selecting the average value of all input data the model produces an average petroleum revenue forecast. Because of the uncertainties in projecting petroleum prices and their importance in developing alternative generation plans and load forecasts,it is necessary to examine the implications of several different world oil price projec- tions in addition to the price projections developed by the DOR.This need is accommodated by DOR through a petroleum revenue sensitivity accounting model. This sensitivity accounti ng mode 1,whi ch is in effect a submode 1 of the PETREV model,utilizes the accounting equations and average values for all input variables other than world oil prices from PETREV,to compute an adjustment to PETREV I S average petroleum revenue forecasts based on different assumed world oil price forecasts.By executing the sensitivity model with the alternative petroleum price projections, alternative petroleum revenue projections are developed for use in projecting state economic activity in the MAP model. Most of the petroleum revenues are available for state expenditures for operat ions and capita 1 cons truct ion. Twenty-fi ve percent of state roya lti es are,by constitu- tional provision,deposited directly to Alaska's permanent fund. The process of projecting state petroleum revenues and the functions of the PETREV model are presented in some detail in the quarterly report entitled "Petroleum Production Revenue Forecast.II (Alaska Department of Revenue,March 1983).The petroleum revenue projections used in preparing the electric power market and economic forecasts are based on the March 1983 average expected va1ues of all factors, including petroleum production,other than petroleum prices. While production rates can be estimated with reasonable accuracy for the next decade because of the long lead time required to put a field into production in Alaska,higher world petroleum prices could be expected to result in higher levels of exploration and development and, by the B-5-21 1990 1s,higher levels of product i on.Production rates from the North Slope,the source of most state product ion taxes and royalties,are projected to be approximately 1.6 million barrels per day (MMBD)in 1983, to peak at nearly 1.8 MMB/d in 1987,and to steadily decline to .7 MMBD in 1999 (Al aska Department of Revenue March 1983).The petroleum production projections assume continued production from operating fields,production from fields now being developed,and modest levels of production in the 1990 ls from new fields (Alaska Department of Revenue,March 1983) . (iii)Man-in-the-Arctic Program (MAP)Economic Model The MAP model is a computer-based economic model ing system that simulates the behavior of the economy and population of the state of Alaska and each of twenty regions of the state corresponding closely to Bureau of the Census divisions.The Railbelt consists of six of those regions:Anchorage,Fairbanks,Kenai-Cook Inlet, Matanuska-Susitna,Seward,and S.E.Fairbanks.The model was originally developed in the 1970's by the Institute of Social and Economic Research of the University of Alaska, under a grant from the National Science Foundation.The model has been continually improved and updated since it was origially developed,and has been used in numerous economic analyses such as evaluations of the economic effects of alternative state fiscal policies and assessments of the economic effects of development of outer continental shelf petroleum leases.An important appl ication of the MAP model has been in providing economic projections for developing electric demand projections.It has been used since 1980 in preparing economic projections in support of planning and design for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. The MAP model functions as three separate but linked sub-model s,the scenario generator submodel,the economic sub-model,and the regionalization sub-model, as illustrated in Figure 84.The scenario generator sub-model enables the user to quantitatively define scenarios of development in exogenous industrial sectors;i.e.,sectors whose development is basic to the economy rather than supportive.Examples of such sectors are petroleum production and other mining,the federal government,and touri sm.The scenari 0 generator sub-model also enables the user to implement assumptions concerning state revenues from petroleum production. The economic sub-model produces statewide projections of numerous economic and demographic factors based on B-5-22 quantitative relationships between elements of the Alaskan economy such as employment in basic industries, employment in non-basic industries,state revenues and spending,wages and salaries,gross product,the con- sumer price index,and population.The regionalization sub-model enables the user to disaggregate the statewide projections of population and employment to each of the 20 separate regions of the state,using data on histor- ical and current economic conditions and assumptions concerning basic industrial development. Each of the three MAP sub-mode 1s exi sts as a computer program,and each program is supported by a set of input vari ab les and parameters.Each of these programs and the supporting input variables and parameters are dis- cussed briefly in the following sections.Detailed information on each sub-model,including a complete model listing and the input variables and parameters used in executing the model,is provided in the MAP Model Technical Documentation Report. Scenario Generator Sub-Model In order to operate the MAP mode 1, the user must make a number of assumptions concerning the future develop- ment of basic industries in the State.Such assumptions are needed because the state economy is driven by inter- related systems of endogenous and exogenous demands for goods and services.Endogenous demands are generated by the resident population and industries that serve that population. Exogeneous demands originate outside Alaska due to the favorable position of the state to export its minerals and other resources to other states or countri es. In Alaska,exogenous demands stem from the state's natural resource base,especially petroleum,non-energy minerals,federal property,and tourist attractions. Exogenous demands lead directly to employment in basic sectors such as mining,and indirectly to employment and output in industries such as oil field services that support basic industry and industries such as housing and restaurants that support workers in basic industries and their families. The scenario generator model permits the user to build, from among a large number of alternative basic indus- trial cases,economic scenarios that can be used to pro- ject economic conditions in the state of Alaska and, B-5-23 for purposes of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project,the Railbelt.Input data for each of the scenarios are in the form of employment projections by sector and region of the state on an annual basis over the forecast period. The scenario generator model is also used to select the level of state petroleum revenues that should be assumed available to the state's general fund 'for expenditure on state government operations and capital investment.As indicated above,petroleum revenues constitute a large proportion of total state revenues which provide the basis for state expenditures,an important driving force of the Alaskan economy. Key input and output variables and assumptions for the scenario generator are summarized in Section 5.4 of this Exhibit • Statewide Economic Sub-Model The statewide economic model is a system of more than 1,000 simultaneous equations that individually and collectively define the quantitative relationships between economic and demographic factors in Alaska. Values for input variables come from the scenario generator,whose values can be expected to vary from one execution of the model to the next,as well as from files of other necessary exogenous data,whose values do not change across runs.Parameters,whose val ues are generally fixed from one model execution to the next, are provided from another input file.The equations are solved algebraically each time the model is executed to produce a un ique set of val ues for the dependent variables,some of which are computed only incidentally as part of the mathematical process and others of which constitute projections of statewide economic conditions. While the equations in the statewide economic model are solved as a unit each time the model is executed,they are grouped for organizational and conceptual purposes into four modules: economic module,fiscal module, population module,and household formation module, as illustrated in Figures B.84 and B.85. in the economic module express between economic factors such as basic industri al sectors and output and support sectors.Important products from The equations rel ationships emp 1oyment in emp 1oyment in B-5-24 the economic module include projections of employment and payroll by industry and personal income. The fiscal module computes state government revenues and the mi x of government expendi tures,whi ch is used as input to the economic module. A separate module was created for this purpose because of the significance of state expenditures to the state's economy and the model's periodic application in estimating the economic effects of implementing alternative state fiscal policies and assuming various alternative future state revenue levels.This module plays a key role in examin- ing the fiscal and economic effects of different future world petroleum prices and state petroleum revenue levels.Specific assumptions concerning state spend- ing are implemented in the fiscal module as state fiscal policy parameters,which are discussed below. The population module expresses the relationships be- tween population and economic factors recognized as key determinants of population.Such factors include employment,labor participation rates,fertility and mortality rates,and unemployment and wage rate differ- entials between Alaska and the rest of the United States. The economic,fiscal and population modules are operated simultaneously to arrive at the solution.The fourth module, household formation,is operated after the pop- ulation module yields its results. Equations in the household formation module express the relationship between the formation of households in Alaska and population by age group,sex,and race.Each age-sex cohort has its own propensity to form households which, over the last few years has generally increased. This increase is expected to continue. -Regionalization Sub-Model Statewide employment,population,and household pro- jections are disaggregated by the regionalization model, the third sub-model of the MAP economic modeling system. Disaggregation is accomplished by combining statewide projections with regional industrial development data from the scenari 0 generator mode 1 and regi ona1 para- meters based on historical economic and demographic relationships between each region and the state.This process,illustrated in Figure 8.86, 8-5-25 produces projections by region or region group such as the Anchorage and Fairbanks greater metropol it an areas. Input Variables and Parameters As indicated above,some input variables are factors whose values are provided by the user to the model and whose val ues can be expected to change from one execution of the model to the next.Parameter values are generally fixed both over time within each simulation and during the course of successive model executions. The scenario generator model produces sixteen input variables to define the exogenous economic assumptions for each model execution: ·Agriculture Employment ·Mining Employment ·High Wage Exogenous Construction Employment •Low Wage Exogenous Construction Employment ·High Wage Exogenous Manufacturing Employment ·Low Wage Exogenous Manufacturing Employment ·Exogenous Transportation Employment Fish Harvesting Employment Active Duty Military Employment ·Civilian Federal Employment ·State Production Tax Revenue State Royalty Income State Petroleum Lease Bonus Payment Revenue State Petroleum Property Tax Revenue State Corporate Petroleum Tax Revenue ·Tourists Entering Alaska Of these sixteen variables,eleven are used to define discrete industrial development scenarios and are therefore region specific.The remaining five input variables are elements of state revenue forecasts. Estimates of future state petroleum revenue from state petroleum production taxes and royalties are obtained from projections generated by the Alaska Department of Revenue based,for purposes of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project,on alternative projections of world petroleum prices. To produce economic projections in years after 1999, the last year for which petroleum revenue projections are available from the Alaska Department of Revenue, petroleum revenue forecasts were extrapolated to the B-5-26 year 2010 using the average ~nnual rate of change between 1996 and 1999. The Institute of Social and Economic Research provides corresponding estimates of future state lease bonus payments,state petroleum property taxes,and state petroleum corporate taxes.Other variables necessary to execute the MAP Model incl ude less important exogenous factors,such as natural population 'growth rates,and startup val ues. The regionalization model is executed using a data series for 40 exogenous variables,based on 20 state regions,and for each region,the basic sector emp 1oyment and the government sector employment from the scenario generator.Total state population,households, and the ratio of support to total employment are provided by the state economic sub-model. The MAP model utilizes three variable state fiscal policy parameters,and calculated, parameters. types of parameters: parameters,stochastic or non-stochastic, Variable state fiscal policy parameters are used primarily in the fiscal module to represent policy options for the collection of revenues and the timing and composition of state expenditures.In general,these parameters,which may be varied to reflect alternative state fiscal policies or events were left unchanged in preparing the el ectric power market forecasts for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.The most important function of these parameters is to quantitatively define state expenditure and revenue pol icies.In projecting economic conditions for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project,the following assumptions were made: o state expenditures for operations and capital improvements in 1983 dollars will rise in proportion to state population as long as revenues can support this level of expenditure;this assumption is in accordance with a 1982 amendment to the Alaska State Constitution setting a ceiling on state expenditures; o when revenues from exi st ing sources cannot support expenditures at the constant real per capita level, earnings from the permanent fund wi 11 be made available for operating and capital expenditures at the expense of the Permanent Fund dividend program; as B-5-27 revenues decline state spending priorities shift from subsidies to capital improvements; o when revenues from permanent fund earnings and other sources are not sufficient to maintain expenditures at the constant real per capita level,a state personal income tax will be reimposed at its previous rate; o when all of these revenue sources plus accrued general fund bal ances are unable to support expend itures at the constant real per capita level,expenditures will be curtailed so that they will not exceed revenues. Stochastic parameters are coefficients computed using regression analysis.They are used primarily in the economic module of the statewide economic model to express the functional relationships between economic factors such as employment,wages and salaries,wage rates,gross product,and other national and regional economi c factors such as unemployment and consumer pr ice indices.Stochastic parameters are also used in the popul ation module to express the rel ationship between population migration into and out of Alaska and wage rate and unemployment level differentials. Calculated or non-stochastic parameters are generally calculated rates or other quotients,and are used primarily in the population and household formation modules and the regionalization model.Calculated parameters include factors such as survival rates for the population by race,age group,and sex.Calculated parameters used in the regionalization model include factors such as ratio of population to residence and adjusted employment by region. -MAP Model Output Economic forecasts through the year 2010 were generated based on alternative petroleum price and state petro 1eum revenue cases and other input vari ab1es and parameters descri bed above. Specific MAP Model output used directly as input to the Railbelt Electricity Demand (RED)Model are the following: o population by load center,Greater Anchorage and Greater Fairbanks,by year 1981 through 2010; o total employment by load center by year; 6-5-28 o total households in the state by age group of head of household - 24 and under years of age,25-29, 30-54,and over 55 - by year; o total households by load center by year; (iv)Rai1be1t Electricity Demand (RED)Model The Railbelt Electricity Demand (RED)Model is a partial end use -econometric model that projects both electric energy and peak load demand in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet and Fairbanks-Tanana Valley load centers of the Railbelt for the period 1980-2010.The model was originally written by the Institute of Economic and Social Research (ISER) of the University of Alaska (ISER,May 1980).It was later modified and expanded by Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories (Battelle,December 1982,Volume VIII).The present (1983)version is a further modification and improvement,including a validation of the model performance.The results of these efforts are fully documented in the RED Documentation Report (Battelle,June 1983).A summary description of the methodology used by the RED model,and an explanation of each module of the RED model are presented in the following paragraphs.It is followed by a description of the input and output data. The RED model is a simulation model designed to forecast annual electricity consumption for the residential; commercial,small industrial,government;large industrial; and misce11aneous end-use sectors of the two load centers of the Railbelt region.The model is made up of seven separate but interrelated modules,each of which has a discrete computing function within the model.They are the uncertainty,housing,residential consumption,business consumption,program-induced conservation,miscellaneous consumption,and peak demand modules.Figure B.8? shows the basic relationship among the seven modules. The model may be operated probabi1istically,whereby the model produces a frequency distribution of projections where each proj ect ion is based on a di fferent,randomly selected set of input parameters.The model may also be operated on a deterministic basis whereby only one set of forecasts is produced based on a single set of input variables.When operated probabilistically,the RED model begins with the Uncertainty Module, which selects a trial set of model parameters to be used by other modules. These parameters include price elasticities,appliance saturations,end-use consumption and regional load factors. Exogenous forecasts of population,economic activity,and retail prices for fuel oil,gas and electricity are used B-5-29 with the trial parameters by the Residential Consumption and Business Consumption Modules to produce forecasts of electricity consumption.These forecasts,along with additional trial parameters,are used in the Program-Induced Conservation Module to simulate the effects of government programs that subsidize or mand ate the market penetration of certain technologies that reduce the need for power. This program-induced component of conservation is in addition to those savinqs that would be achieved through normal consumer reaction to energy prices. The consumption forecasts of residential and business (commercial,small industrial,and government)sectors are then adjusted to reflect these additional savings.The revised forecasts are used to estimate future miscellaneous consumption and total sales of electricity.These forecasts and separate assumptions regarding future major industrial loads are used along with a trial system load factor to estimate peak demand. After a complete set of projections is prepared,the model begins preparing another set by returning to the Uncertainty Module to select a new set of trial parameters. After several sets of projections have been prepared,they are formed into a frequency di str ibut ion to allow the user to determine the probabi 1 ity of occurrence of any given load forecast. When only a single set of projections is needed,the model is run in certainty-equivalent mode whereby a specific default set of parameters is used and only one trial is run. The RED model produces projections of electricity consumption by load centers and sectors at 5-year intervals.A linear interpolation is performed to obtain yearly data. The outputs from the RED model runs are used by the Optimized Generation Planning (OGP)model to plan and dispatch el ectri c generating capac ity for each year.The remainder of this section presents a description of each module in the RED model. Uncertainty Module The purpose of the Uncertainty Module is to randomly select values for individual model parameters that are considered most subject to forecasting uncertainty. These parameters include the market saturations for major appliances in the residential sector;the price B-5-30 e1ast ic ity and subst itute energy forms and cross-pr ice elasticities of demand for electricity in the residential and business sectors;the intensity of electricity use per square foot of floor space in the business sector;and the electric system load factors for each load center. These parameters are generated by a Monte Carlo routine, which uses information on the distribution of each parameter (such as its expected val ue and range)and the computer I s random number generator to produce sets of parameter values.An overview of information flows within the Uncertainty Module is given in Figure B.88. Each set of generated parameters represents a "tri al". By running each successive trial set of generated parameters through the rest of the modules,the model builds distributions of annual electricity consumption and peak demand.The end points of each distribution reflect the probable range of annual electric consumption and peak demand,given the level of uncertainty. The Uncertainty Module need not be run every time RED is run.The parameter file contains "default"values of the parameters that may be used to conserve computation time. In the current study,the RED model was used in certainty-equivalent mode for all forecasts. Sensitivity runs were performed for the reference case, using the probabilistic mode.The results are presented in Section 5.4. The Housing Module The Housing Module calculates the number of households and the stock of housing by dwelling type in each load center.The Housing Module's structure is shown in Figure B.89. Using regional forecasts of households and total population,the housing module first derives a forecast of the number of households served by electricity in each load center.Next, using exogenous statewide forecasts of households headship rates and age distribution of Alaska's population,it estimates the distribution of households by age of head and size of household in each load center.Finally,it forecasts the demand for four types of housing stock:single family,mobile homes,duplexes,and multifamily units. 8-5-31 The supply of housing is calculated in two steps. First,the supply of each type of housing from the previous period is adjusted for demolition and compared to the demand.If demand exceeds supply,construction of additional housing begins immediately.If excess supply of a given type of housing exists,the model examines the vacancy rate in all types of houses.Each type is assumed to have a maximum vacancy rate.If this rate is exceeded,demand is first reallocated from the closest substitute housing type,then from other types. The end result is a forecast of occupied housing stock for each load center for each housing type in each forecast year.This forecast is passed to the Residential Consumption Module. Residential Consumption Module The Residential Consumption Module forecasts the annual consumption of electricity in the residential sector.The Residential Consumption Module employs an end-use approach that recognizes nine major end uses of electricity,and a "small appliances"category that encompasses a 1arge group of other end uses.They are water heaters,cooki ng,clothes dryers,refri gerators, freezers,dishwashers,clothes washers,and sauna- jacuzzis.Figure 8.90 shows the calculations that take place in this module. For a given forecast of occupied housing,the Residential Consumption Module first adjusts the housing stock to net out housing units not served by an electric utility.It then for ec ast s the residential appliance stock and the portion using electricity,stratified by the type of dwelling and vintage of the appliance. Appliance efficiency standards and average electric consumption rates are app 1ied to that port ion of the stock of each appliance using electricity and the corresponding consumption rate to derive a preliminary consumption forecast for the residential sector. Finally,the Residential Consumption Module receives exogenous forecasts of residential fuel oil,natural gas,and electricity prices,along with "tr i al "values of price elasticities and cross-price elasticities of demand from the Uncertainty Module.It adjusts the preliminary consumption forecast for both short-and long-run price effects on appliance use and fuel switchi ng.The adj usted forecast is passed to the Program-Induced Conservation Module. 8-5-32 -Business Consumption Module The Business Consumption Module forecasts the consumption of electricity by load center for each forecast year.Because the end uses of electricity in the commerci al , small industri al ,and government sectors are more diverse and less known than in the residenti al sector,the Business Consumption Module forecasts electrical use on an aggregate basis 'rather than by end use.Figure B.91 presents a flowchart of the module. RED uses a proxy (the stoc k of commerc i a1 and i nd ustr i a1 floor space)for the stock of capital equipment to forecast the derived demand for electricity.Using an exogenous forecast of regional employment,the module forecasts the regional stock of floor space.Next, econometric equations are used to predict the intensity of electricity use for a given level of floor space in the absence of any rel ative price changes.Finally,a price adjustment simi 1 ar to that in the Residenti al Consumption Module is applied to derive a forecast of business electricity consumption,excluding large industrial demand,which is exogenously determined.The Business Consumption Module forecasts are passed to the Program-Induced Conservation Module. Program-Induced Conservation Module Battelle developed this module for the State of Alaska,Office of the Governor (Battelle,December 1980, Volume VIII)to analyze potential large scale conservation programs that would be subsidized by the State of Alaska.This module permits explicit treatment of such government programs to foster additional market penetration of technologies and programs that reduce the demand for uti 1ity-generated electricity.The module structure is desi gned to incorporate assumptions on the technical performance,costs,and market penetration of electricity-saving innovations in each end use,load center,and forecast year.Figure B.92 provides a flowchart of the process employed. The module forecasts the additional electricity savings by end use that would be produced by government programs beyond that which would be induced by market forces alone,the costs associated with these savings,and adjusted consumption in the residential and business sectors. B-5-33 In the current st udy, th is mod uTe was not used. There were several reasons:existing conservation programs are being phased out;there are many uncertainties in long term government conservation programs;and reliable data to estimate additional electricity savings beyond that which would be induced by market forces alone,is limited for the Railbelt region. Miscellaneous Consumption Module The Miscellaneous Consumption Module forecasts total miscellaneous consumption for second (recreation)homes, vacant houses,and street lighting.The module uses the forecast of residential consumption to predict electricity demand in second homes and vacant housing units.The sum of residential and business consumption is used to forecast street lighting requirements. Figure B.93 provides a flowchart of this module. Peak Demand Module The Peak Demand Modul e forecasts the annual peak demand for electricity.The annual peak load factors were based on an analysis of historical Railbelt load patterns.A two-stage approach using load factors is used.The unadjusted residential and business consumption,miscellaneous consumption,and load factors generated by the Uncertainty Module are used to forecast preliminary peak demand.Separate estimates of peak demand for major industrial loads are then added to compute annual peak demand for each load center.Figure B.94 provides a flowchart of this module. Input Data There are fi ve input data fil es to the RED model.The RDDATA file contains output data of the MAP model, including load center population,households,and emp 1oyment and state househo1d by age group,and the real prices of fuel oil and natural gas,by load center and end-use sector. The RATE DAT fi le contains the real prices of electricity by load center and end-use sector.These prices are derived from present costs of electricity adjusted to future conditions based on the OGP results. The PARAMETER file contains the numerical values that describe the distributions of the parameters varied in B-5-34 the Uncertainty module. These variables are:housing demand coefficients;saturation rate of electrical applicances,floor space elasticities;short-term and long-term own-price and cross-price elasticities for electricity,fuel oi 1,and natural gas;and annual load factors. The EXTRA DAT fi le contains information on the annual electrical consumption and peak demand of large indus- trial projects. Output Data The RED output report contains various tables generat- ed by the program.The main tables are the following: o Number of househo lds for each load center,forecast year (1980,1985,and at five year intervals to 2010),and type of housing (single family,multi- family,duplex,and mobile homes); o Residential appliance saturations for each load center,forecast year,and type of housing; o Residential use per household without price elastic- ity adjustments for each load center,forecast year, and app 1iance category (sma 11 app 1i ance, 1arge appliance,and space heat); o Business use per employee with price elasticity adjustments for each load center,and forecast year; o Electri c energy requi rements for each load center, year,and category of consumption (residential, business,miscellaneous,incremental conservation savings,large industrial,and total; o Peak e1ectri c requi rements for each load center and year. Output from the RED mode 1 is used as input in the OGP computer model for the purposes of analyzing alternative expansion programs. (v) Optimized Generation Planning (OGP)MODEL The OGP program was developed over ten years ago by General Electric Company (GE)to combine the three main B-5-35 elements of generation expansion planning (system rel i eb i l ity,operating and investment costs)and automate generation addition decision analysis.The following description of the model was extracted from GE 1 iterature and the Descriptive Handbook (GE,March 1983). The first calculation in selecting the generating capacity to install in a future year is the rel i abil ity eval uation using either percent installed reserves or loss-of-load probability (LOLP). This answers the questions of "how much"capacity to add and "when"it should be installed.A production costing simulation is also done to determine the operating costs for the generating system with the given unit additions.Ftnal l y,an investment cost analysis of the capital costs of the unit additions is performed.The operating and investment costs help to answer the question of "what kind" of generation to add to the system. Figure 8.95 outlines the procedure used by OGP to determine an optimum generation expansion plan. The next three sections (reliability evaluation~production simulation,and investment costing)review the elements of these computations.Then,the OGP optimization procedure is descr ibed ,followed by a list of the input and output files. Reliability Evaluation H'i st or ic al l y,electric utility system planners measured generation system reliability with a percent reserves index.This planning design criterion compared the total installed generating capacity to the annual peak load demand.However ~thi s approach proved to be a relatively insensitive indicator of system reliability, particularly when comparing alternative units whose size and forced outage rate varied. Since its introduction in 1946,the measure that has gradually gained widest acceptance in the industry is the "loss-of-load probabi 1 ity"(LOLP).The LOLP method is a probabilistic determination of the expected number of days per year on which the demand exceeds the available capacity.It factors into the reliability calculation the forced and planned outage rates of the units on the system as well as their sizes.A LOLP of 1 day in 10 years is a usual industry standard. 8-5-36 Computing LOLP requires an identification of all outage exents possible (in a system with n units,this means 2 events)and then a determination of the probability of each outage event.However,since LOLP is concerned with system capacity outages and not so much with particular unit outages,the probability of a given total amount of capacity on outage is calculated. Utilizing a highly efficient recursive computer technique,capacity outage tables are calculated directly from a list of unit ratings and forced outage rates. The LOLP for a particular hour is calculated based on the demand and installed capacity for the hour.The reserves are given by capac ity mi nus demand.On thi s basis,a deficiency in available capacity (i.e.,loss of load)occurs if the capacity on forced outage exceeds the reserves.The probability of this happening is read directly from the cumulative outage table and is the LOLP for a single hour. In addition to calculating the percent installed reserves,OGP can also calculate a daily LOLP (days/year).The dai 1y LOLP is determi ned by summi ng the probabilities of not meeting the peak demand for each weekday in the year.The hourl y LOLP is cal cul ated by summing the probabilities of not meeting the load for all the hours in the year. Production Simulation Once a system with sufficient generating capacity has been determined by the reliability evaluation,the fuel and rel ated operating and maintenance (O&M)costs of the system must be calculated.OGP does this by an hourly simulation of system operation. The program commits and di spatches generation based on economics so as to minimize costs.However,the user has the option of biasing or overriding the normal economic operation of the system.This can be accomplished in two ways.The user may specify weighting factors for various environmentally rel ated quantities such that the program will operate those units to minimize their impact.The user may al so limit,on a monthly basis,the number of hours that units may run or the amounts of different fuels that may be consumed. B-5-37 The production simulation in OGP is performed in six steps:load modification based on recognition of contractual purchases and sales;conventional hydro scheduling and its associated load modification;monthly thermal unit maintenance scheduling based on planned outage rates;pumped storage hydro or other energy storage scheduling;thermal unit commitment for the rema ini ng loads based on economi cs and/or env ironmenta1 factors,spinning reserve rules,and unit cycling capabilities;and unit dispatch based on incremental production costs and environmental emissions.The pro- duction simulation is for a single utility system or pool.Unrestrained power transfer capability is assumed between areas or compani es i nterna 1 to the pool repre- sented. Purchases and Sales.The OGP production cost load model is an hour-by-hour model of a typical weekday and week- end day for each month,arranged in monotonically decreasing order.These hourly loads are modified to refl ect the fi rm purchases and sales between the area being studied and entities outside that area.Each contract has associ ated with it a demand charge ($/kW/yr)and an energy charge ($/kWh). Convent iona1 Hydro Schedu 1ing.The power and energy avail able from any conventional hydroelectric project used in a simulation is divided into two types:base load and peak load.The base load energy that must be produced is accounted for by subtracting a constant capacity from every hourly load in the month as shown on Figure B.96. This capacity value is referred to as the plant minimum rating.After this baseload energy is used,any remaining energy available is used for peak shaving.In such situations,the program uses the remaining capacity and energy of the hydro unit to' reduce the peak loads as much as possible.If any excess energy exi sts at the end of a month, a user- specified maximum storage amount can be carried forward into the next month. Thermal Unit Maintenance.On a utility system, the planned maintenance of individual units is usually performed on a monthly basis.During these periods,the units are unavailable for energy production.Main- tenance scheduling is normally done so as to minimize the effect of both system reliability and system operating costs.A common strategy for scheduling ma i ntenance,and the method used in OGP,is the levelized reserves approach.Basically,the monthly B-5-38 peak loads are examined throughout the year,and incremental amounts of generating capacity maintenance are scheduled to try to levelize the peak load plus capacity on maintenance throughout the year. Increased maintenance levels which might be required during the first few years of a un it 's operation are modeled using an immaturity multiplier.OGP also allows the user to annually input a pr edet.erm lned maintenance schedule for units for which this information is avail ab1e. Thermal Unit Commitment.After modifications for contracts,hydro,unit maintenance,and energy storage, the remaining loads must be served by the thermal units on the system.In OGP,the units can be committed to minimize either the operating costs,as is usually done, or some combination of user specified environmental factors and operating costs.The operating costs are calculated from the fuel and variable O&M costs and input-output curve for each unit.Fixed O&M costs do not effect the order in which units are committed,but are included in the total production cost. The unit commitment logic determines how many units will be on-line each hour and also attempts to provide an adequate level of operating reliability while minimizing the system operating costs and/or environmental emissions.The operating reliability requirement is met by committing sufficient generation to meet the load plus a user specified spinning reserve margin.Units are committed in order of their full load energy costs or emissions,starting with the least expensive. Thermal Unit Dispatch.If a unit is committed,the unit's minimum loading level requires that its output be at that level or higher.When the final commitment has been established,each unit will be loaded to at least its minimum.Typically the sum of the minimums does not equal the load.Additional load will be served by the un i t s 'incremental loading sections.The dispatching function in the OGP production simulation loads the incremental sections of the units committed in a manner which serves the demand at minimum system fuel cost or emissions.This dispatch technique is the equal incremental cost approach. 8-5-39 Investment Costing The investment cost analysis in OGP calculates the annual carrying charges for each generating unit added to the system.This is computed based on a $/kW installed cost,a kW nameplate rating,and an annual levelized fixed charge rate. OGP Optimization Procedure For the year under study,a reliability evaluation is performed.This determines the need for additional generating capacity.If the capacity is sufficient,the program calculates the annual production and investment costs,prints these values,and proceeds to the next year. If additional capacity is needed,the program will add units from a list of available additions until the rel i abil ity index is met. For each combination of units added to the system,OGP does a production simul ation and investment cost calculation for the year under study.The program uses the information gained from the cost calculations to logically step through the different combinations of units to add,eliminating from consideration combinations that would produce higher annual costs than previously found.This process continues until the expansion giving the lowest annual costs is found.The selected units are added to the system,and the program proceeds to the next year of the study. In cases where operating cost inflation and/or time variation in unit outage rates are present,the OGP optimization logic utilizes a "Iook-ahe ad"feature.The look-ahead feature develops levelized fuel and O&M costs and mature outage rates for use in the economic evaluation.As part of the output information available,the user obtains documentation of the relative costs of all the alternatives examined.After the generating unit selection,the reliability and costing calcul ations are repeated for the chosen alternative so that the expansion report available for the user contains the correct annual values. Input Data There are two major input files to OGP:the Generation file and the Load file.The Generation file model is created for use as a data base representing the 8-5-40 in-service and on-order generating units.For each unit,the following characteristics are described: 0 Type of generator 0 Unit sizes and earliest service year all owab 1e 0 Unit costs 0 Fuel types and costs 0 Operation and maintenance costs 0 Heat rates 0 Commitment minimum uptime rule 0 Forced outage rates 0 Planned outage rates The Load file is specified by the user to represent peak and shape characteristics which are projected to occur for the years included in the OGP study.The user supplies the following load shape data: o Annual peak and energy demand o Month/annual ratios o The 0%,20%,40%,and 100%points on the peak load duration curve,by month o Typical reference weekday and weekend-day hourly ratios by month In addition to these two input files,the user uses the Data Preparation (DP)program and the Generation Planning (GP)program to run the OGP model.The DP program is used in setting up standard tables which descri be the thermal and hydro opt ions.Included are tables for plant capital,O&M,and fuel costs,inflation patterns,planned and forced outages rates,minimum loading points,and environmental data.The GP program includes input data on loss of load probability criteria,hydro firm energy,economic parameters,and output options. Output Data Output options have been designed and included in OGP to provide the user with flexibility in the level of detail and volume of documentation received.Complete output reports as well as summary outputs are available. The output available from the OGP program includes the following information: o Listing of the input data. o Standard tables,as defined by the user,for various unit characteristics. B-5-41 o Listing of the unit types and "sizes available for optimization and their characteristics. o Listing of the Load file for the study period. o Listing of the generating units on the system and their characteristics. o Year-by-year summary of the firm contracts input by the user. o Production simulat ion summari es,1i st i ng all of the generating units of the system"with their energy output,fuel and O&M costs,fuel consumption,and environmental emissions.These summaries can be obtained on a monthly or annual basis,for all the decision passes or just the optimum system. o Summary of all the expansion ~ternatives,with their associated costs and reliability measures,evaluated during the optimization. o Summaries of the final system expansion through time and the associ ated costs. (c)Model Validation Both the MAP and RED models are used to simulate future conditions based on alternative assumptions concerning world and state economic conditions and electricity demand in the Railbelt. Measures that have been taken to ensure that both model s simul ate economic and electricity utilization conditions and relationships as accurately as possible are summarized below. (i)MAP Model Validation Val i dat i on . of the MAP Model has been accompl ished using two separate but interrelated techniques.First,a standard set of statistics was computed for each of the stochastic parameters used in the MAP Model equations. These statistics provide information on the expected accuracy of each coefficient and the probability that each coefficient expresses the correct relationship between variables.Second,the MAP Model was tested to determine the accuracy with which it could simulate observed historical conditions. Stochastic Parameter Tests Stochastic parameters are,as indicated above, coefficients computed using regression analysis,a statistical procedure whereby the quantitative relationship between variables is estimated by one or more computed coefficients.Most of the equations in B-5-42 the economi c modu 1e of the statewi de economi c mode 1 are computed using regression analysis. In estimating coefficients using regression analysis a number of statistics are computed that indicate the accuracy of the coefficient and the overall efficiency of the equation in estimating the 'true value of the dependent variable.Among these statistics are t-values and correlation coefficients.They are used both in selecting the best independent variables for estimating a given dependent variable and in determining the expected accuracy of the final equation. Correlation coefficients,t-values,and several other statistics have been computed for each stochastic equa- tion used in the MAP Model. In each equation efforts have been made to obtain the highest possible values for these statistics in order to ensure that the model reflects actual economic relationships as accurately as possible.As a result of this effort all the coeffi- cients used in the MAP Model have a relatively high level of statistical significance. Simulation of Historical Economic Conditions Although the MAP Model has been in use since 1975, analyses conducted for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project were the fi rst app1i cat ions of the mode 1 in long range projection of economic conditions.Previous applica- tions of the model had been in analysis of economic effects of alternative state policies.It is not poss- ible,therefore,to test the model's projection accuracy using old forecasts.However,the model's accuracy was tested by simulating historical economic conditions by executing the model utilizing historical data and input variables.Table B.87 summarizes the results of simu- lation of selected historical conditions.The table shows that the MAP Model reproduces hi stori ca1 cond i- ti ons with reasonable accuracy,ina peri od when sign i- ficant growth and structural change occurred. (ii)Red Model Validation The accuracy of the RED Model was assessed by sub- stituting historical values for the "inputs"or "drivers" of the model,and then the predicted val ues were compared with actual values.The historical period used in the analysis was brief because of the lack of available B-5-43 data for the end-use forecasting model. Complete historical data on end-use (fuel mode split,appliance saturation,end-use energy consumption,etc.)are only available for 1980.Therefore,the accuracy tests which can be performed on the model are limited.The tests were performed for the period 1980-1982. Table B.88 summari zes the results.The 1982 results obta ined from the RED Reference Case are compared to actual data from utilities.In addition,the model was run using the best estimates of 1982 economic drivers and fuel prices.These results are ~so shown on Table B.88, as the Backcast Case. Even though the RED model is a long term forecasting model which uses 5-year interval inputs,it produces a forecast error of only 0.6 percent in Fairbanks and 1.7 percent in Anchorage when compared to actual data.The remaining discrepancies for the individual sectors appear related to the qual ity of the input data.There might also be some differences in the definition of each sector between the RED model and the utilities.However,the overall results show that the forecasts agree closely with the actual values. 5.4 Forecast of Electric Power Demand (a)Oi 1 Price Forecasts Forecasting the future world price of oil is a complex task and most previous forecasts have been lacking in accuracy particularly over the last ten years when oil markets received radical upward price shocks. Numerous forec ast s of fut ure oi 1 pr ices are av ail ab1e and these vary in methodology used,their purpose and underlying reasoning, and the experience of the forecaster.In providing a complete review of current oil price forecasts,several forecasts are discussed below. (i)Alaska Department of Revenue (DOR): The DOR is the State agency responsible for forecasting State petroleum revenues for the purpose of Al askan state budgeting and economic planning.As State revenue from· petroleum production accounts for almost 90%of the State's annual budget,the forecast prepared by DOR is used to provide information to the Governor and Legisl ature in establ ishing the level of the State government I s B-5-44 expenditures and monitoring the revenue flow during the fiscal year.To assist in this process,DORis forecast estimates the future petroleum revenues on a monthly basis for two years,by quarters for the third year,and annually for the fo 11 owi ng fourteen years.The forecasts are up- dated quarterly. In developing the revenue forecast,a number of State emp Ioyees of the Offi ce of Management and Budget, Department of Natural Resources,and DOR each develop one to ten scenarios of future world oil prices,and assign a subjective probabi 1ity to each scenario.Using the Delphi method,DOR aggregates these individuals'forecasts and develops a probabi 1ity density function using a computer model.The individual probability density functions are then aggregated by the mode 1 to produce a compos ite prob- ability distribution of future world oil prices. The mean or average oil price for each period is determined from the compos ite frequency di stri buti on.The mean oi 1 prices for the March 1983 quarter are summarized below and year-by-year values are presented in Table B.89. Year(s) 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988-1999* Percent Change -%/yr. -17.2 -5.4 -1.4 -1.8 1.3 1.3 Price in Final Year Period - 1983$/bb1 28.95 23.96 22.67 22.35 21.95 25.60 In addit ion to oi 1 pri ces,the DOR also enters into the PETREV the probability distribution of many other vari- ables,including North Slope production rates,which is 'an extreme 1y important factor in future revenues.The mode 1 is then run to arrive at the probability distribution of future revenues.The 30%Revenue Case is used for budget, and the 50%Case is used for economic planning. The two revenue cases mean that there is a probabi 1ity of 70%000%-30%)and 50%000%-50%)respective 1y that reve- nues wi 11 be equal to or greater than the estimated reve- nues calculated for the cases. *If the 1.3%DOR annual escalation is assumed to continue to 2040, a price of $42.48/bb1.would occur. B-5-45 With each of the altern at i ve revenue cases,(30%&50%) there is an implicit oil price forecast which can be estimated using the PETREV model system in a reverse fashion,beginning with revenues and running the models until the associated oil prices are determined using the mean values of other variables.The implicit oil price forecasts for the 30%and 50%Revenue Cases are presented below.. Percent Pr ice in Fin a 1 Year Change -%/yr.of period 1983$/bbl Year (s)30%50%30%50% 1983 -21.5 -17.a 28.95 28.95 1984 -7.7 2.5 22.74 24.04 1985 -3.2 -10.5 21.00 24.63 1986 -3.9 -2.5 20.32 22.05 1987 -1.2 -0.7 19.52 21.49 1988 1.0 -0.4 19.29 21.34 1989 -6.1 -1.1 19.10 21.25 1990 -3.7 -3.4 17.93 21.01 1991 -2.0 -1.1 17.26 20.29 1992 -4.1 -4.1 16.92 20.07 1993 -1.7 -2.0 16.22 19.25 1994 -2.3 -0.5 15.94 18.86 1995 -1.5 -4.1 15.58 18.77 1996 -2.5 -0.3 15.34 18.00 1997 -0.5 -0.9 14.95 17.94 1998 -0.8 -0.6 14.88 17.78 1999*-1.5 -1.1 14.76 17.78 (i i )Data Resources Incorporated (DRI) DRI is a well-known forecasting organization which provides forecasts of GNP,economic indicators,and commodity prices incl uding prices for oil,gas and coal. Extensive use is made of econometric and other computer models including special energy forecasting models such as the DRI Drilling Model,DRI Coal Model and the DRI Energy Model.Supply and demand for oil are estimated to arrive at a forecast price for oil.An example of the forecast oil production and price data that DRI develops is shown in Figure B.97. *If the average DOR rate of change from 1994 to 1999 is extrapolated through 2040,the forecasted prices for the 30%and 50%Revenue Cases would be $7.90/bbl.and $11.40/bbl.,respectively. B-5-46 DRI prepares long term forecasts of oi 1,natural gas,and coal prices quarterly.Their Spring 1983 forecast provides estimated future prices through 2005.**The key macro- economic assumptions behind their oil prices are that the U.S.economy will grow at an approximate 2%real rate in 1983,accelerating to a high 5.2%rate for 1984 and 4.5% for 1985.From 1985 to 1990 the growth rate will stabilize at an approximate 2.8%/yr.rate decreasing to 2.3%/yr.over the longer term,t .e ,after 1990.Inflation,as measured by the Implicit Price Deflator,is assumed to be 4.7% in 1983,5.2% in 1984,and about 6%/yr.from 1985-2000. DRI IS Base-case estimate of future oil prices (average crude acquisition price for U.S.refineries)shows prices dropping to about $25/bbl (1983$)in 1984 and then increas- ing at a real rate of about 6.6%/yr.from 1984-1990 to give a price of about $37/bbl in 1990.The decrease in real prices during 1983 and 1984 reflects a weak economy which strengthens rapidly during 1984 and 1985 allowing OPEC to exercise greater influence over the world oi 1 market such that an average real rate of price increase of 6.6% can be maintained from 1985-1990.After 1990,DRI has assumed that the real rate of increase in oil prices will taper off to 4.4%/yr.for 1990 to 1995,approximately 3%from 1995-2000 and around 1.0% from 2000-2005.DRI's Base-case estimates are summarized below and presented year-by-year in Table 8-89. Year(s) 1983 1984 1985-1990 1991-1995 1996-2000 2001-2005* Real Rate of Price Change -%/yr. -13.1 7.4 6.5 4.4 3.1 1.1 Price in Final Year of Period-1983$/bbl 28.95 25.17 36.99 45.85 53.43 56.54 The 1983 prices listed above were determined by adjusting the 1982 pri ces in the fo 11 owi ng manner:(1)the 1982 pri ces for the years of 1984,1990 and 2000 are increased * DRIls forecast extends to 2005. Assuming the same DRI rate of change (1.1%) from 2001-2005 app 1ies for 2006-2040,the 2040 pri ce becomes $84.15/bbl in 1983 dollars. ** Data Resources,Inc.U.S.Long Term Review,Spring 1983. B-5-47 by the 1983 vs GNP deflator value (4.7%)to provide prices in 1983 dollars;(2)1983 prices for intervening years were interpolated;and (3)prices from 2000 to 2010 are extrapo- lated using Base Case escalation rate of 1.14%. DRl also developed a lOWOll and HIGHOll price scenario stat i ng that uncertai nty over oi 1 pri ci ng makes it usefu 1 to examine alternative scenarios.No specific discussion was given by DRl of the economic or political forces which would underlie the lOWOll HlGHOll scenarios.The lOWOll HlGHOll forecast is: lOWOll HlGHOll Rea 1 Rate of Price in Final Real Rate of Price in Final Price Change Year of Period Price Change Year of Period Years(s)%/yr. 1983$/bbl %/yr. 1983$/bbl 1983 -20.4 28.95 1.3 28.95 1984 3.5 23.04 1.3 29.32 1985-1990 3.5 28.27 7.8 46.07 1991-2000 3.8 40.84 3.8 67.01 2001-2005 1.1 43.22 1.1 70.92 (iii)Sherman H.Clark Associates (SHCA) Sherman H.Clark Associates specializes in all phases of energy and resources economics.Clients include major oi 1 companies,independent oil producers,independent refin- eries and tanker companies,state,federal and foreign government, coal companies,electric utilities and others. SHCAls experience in evaluating and projecting world econ- omics and energy developments has resulted in the develop- ment of an extensive and detailed energy data base which is continuously updated.' SHCA prepares a detailed annual twenty-five to thirty year forecast of the wor 1dwi de supply and demand for all types of energy and estimated prices entitled Evaluation of World Energy Developments and Their Economic Significance. Figure B.98 contains an excerpt from SHCAls May 1983 fore- cast showing petroleum supply and consumption in the free world for 1982-2010. This illustrates the supply/demand analysis that SCHA performs to arrive at its estimates of future world oil prices. The May 1983 SHCA forecast of world oi 1 prices contains three scenarios to which SHCA has assigned estimated B-5-48 * probabilities of occurrence.*These are the base case (BC), the no supply disruption (NSD),and the zero economic growth (ZEG).These scenarios are discussed in more detail below. Base Case. In light of precedent during the 1970's,SHCA's base case envisions that a severe supply disruption will occur in the world oil market in the late 1980's,followed by production-limiting decisions of several key producing countries. Until the supply disruption occurs,SHCA is projecting rea 1 Uni ted States economi c growth at an annua 1 rate of 3.0%and free world economic growth at 3.3%.After the disruption,growth in the U.S.will slow to 2%annually and to 2.7%annually in the free world.Prices,as measured by the Producer Price I ndex are projected to remai n at a 2% annual rate of growth through 1983 and then increase to 5%/yr through 1988.The di srupti on and its resu Hi ng oi 1 price increase will increase United States inflation to 10% annually for the period 1989-90.After 1990, the annual rate of inflation wi 11 decrease to 8%and remain at that level for the remainder of the projected period. SHCA forecasts prices for marker crude oi 1 FOB to remain at the existing OPEC benchmark level for marker crude of $29.00/bbl through 1985 but prices in 1983 dollars wi 11 decrease to $26.30/bbl in 1985 due to the effects of inflation.OPEC will not be able to increase the bench- mark price above $29.00/bbl before 1985 because of the low average OPEC production of 18 MMBD or less which is expect- ed from 1983-1985 versus OPEC's full production capability of around 30-32 MMBD.On the other hand,increasing world economic growth will prevent the benchmark price from dropping below $29.00/bbl. From 1985 until the assumed disruption occurs in about 1988, the annual rate of world economic growth of 3.3%will increase the demand for OPEC oil to 20-25 MMBD which should allow OPEC to increase the benchmark pri ce at a rate to offset the inflation rate.The real price of oi 1 wi 11 remain at $26.30/bbl from 1985 to late 1988 when the supply disruption is assumed to occur. Evaluation of World Energy Developments and Their Economic Significance,Sherman H.Clark Associates,Volume II,May 1983. B-5-49 The effect of the supply disruption",stated in SHCA's own words is:* IIIn our base case,we have a supply interruption in late 1988.(Sentence omitted to improve clarity of description of supply disruption effects.)But whether in the late 1980 ls or after 1990,the necessary conditions include a large disruption such as total loss of Saudi capacity for"a year,and either a permanent loss or a change in OPEC policy that would 1 imit capac ity avail ab1e to about 20 MMBD.With 3%to 4%per year economic growth through 1988,the marker price could increase to about $40 per barrel (1983 dollars)due to the disruption,slowing economic growth thereafter to 2%per year and a ri sing real price would hold OPEC production about const ant ." SHCA's estimate of prices from 1988 to 2040 and the reasons for those prices are summarized by the following quote:** IIIn the base case,the supply disruption in the late 1980s results in a sharp price increase and the limitation in capacity made available by OPEC causes a steady real escalation in prices that extends through 2010.Supplemental oil (and gas)supplies become partially economic by 2000 and generally economic by 2010.From 2010 to 2020 the price escalation slows to 1%per year and after 2020 there is a price plateau that could last for 20 years or perhaps indefinitely;i.e., prices are high enough to encourage all the necesssary substitution for conventional oil production.1I Estimated prices for the Base-case in 1983$/bbl are summarized below and presented year-by-year in Table B.89. * B-5-50 and Their Economic SHCA has assigned a probability of occurrence of 40%to its Base Case scenario. Year 1983 1984 1985-88 1988-89 1989-90 1991-2000 2001-2010 2011-2020 2021-2040 Real Rate of Price Change -%/yr. -4.6 -4.7 0.0 52.1 0.0 3.0 3.5 1.5 0.0 Price in Fin~Year Period -1983$/bbl 28.95 '27.61 26.30 40.00 40.00 53.76 75.75 87.80 87.80 No Supply Disruption Case (NSD) This case is the same as the base case but it is assumed that the supply disruption in the late 1980s does not occur.Economic growth after 1988 is therefore assumed to be at an annual rate of 3%in the United States slowing gradually to an annual rate of 2.5%.Economic growth in the free world will be 3.6%annually.The rate of inflation does not increase after 1988 but remains at an annual rate of 5%until after 2000.An additional assumption for this scenario is that the finding and production rate for non-OPEC crude increases above the rate assumed for the base case. For the years 1983-1988,forecasted oi 1 prices for the NSD scenario are the same as the base case.From 1988-2010 prices increase at a 3.0%annual rate due to the relatively high rate of worl d economi c growth.The rate of price escalation is then assumed to taper off as the oil price approaches the price that will bring forth supplies of alternative fuels.This price occurs around 2035 to 2040. SHCA has assigned a probability of occurrence of 35%to the NSD scenario.SHCA's estimated prices in 1983$/bbl are summari zed below and presented ye arvby-ye ar in Tab 1e B.89. B-5-51 Price in Final Year of Period-1983$/bbl 28.95 27.61 26.30 50.39 64.48 '74.84 82.66 -4.6 -4.7 0.0 3.0 2.5 1.5 1.0 Real Rate of Price Change -%/yr.Year (s) 1983 1984 1985-88 1989-2010 2011-2020 2021-2030 2031-2040 Zero Economic Growth (ZEG).SHCA has al so developed a scenario where world economic growth is zero in the United States and 0.4% in the free world through 1990.The rate of inflation would also be zero.After 1990,economic growth woul d increase at a vi gorous rate of 4%s 1owi ng gradually to 3.2%for the United States and 4.3%slowing to 3.8%for the free world.The assumed low economic growth from 1983-1990 is based on the fact that economic growth for the years 1979-1982 was zero and on the assumption that the zero growth will continue until 1990. Real oil prices under the scenario would decrease from the existing $29.00/bbl to $27.00/bbl toward the end of 1983 and to $21.00/bbl in 1984. A further decrease to $17.00/bbl would occur in 1985 and prices,both real and nominal (since the rate of inflation would be zero)would remain at that level through 1990 where the vigorous resumption in economic growth would allow the real price to increase slowly through 2010.The drop to $17.00/bbl through 1990 reflects a severe reduction,if not a loss,in control by OPEC over the world price of oil.SHCA has assigned a point probability of occurrence of 25%to the ZEG scen ari o. SHCAl s estimated prices in 1983$/bbl are summarized below. SHCA has not projected prices beyond 2010 for this scen ari o. 29.00 27.00 21.00 17.00 17.00 45.11 Pr ice in Fina1 Year of Period -1983$/bbl -6. 9 -22.2 -19.0o 5.0 Real Rate of Price Change -%/yrYear(s) 1983 1983 (4th quar.) 1984 1985 1986-1990 1991-2010 B-5-52 (iv)Other Projections To provide a more complete range of possible future oil price scenarios and the resulting effect on the Railbelt Area demand for electrical energy,the Federal Energy Regul atory Commi ss ion has suggested that several constant price change scenarios be developed.The scenarios presented for sensitivity analysis are 2.0%/yr.,O%/yr., -1.0%/yr.and -2.0%/yr.There is no supply/demand or other type of analysis supporting these price change scenarios presented below: Prices in 1983$/bbl Year +2.0%0%-1.0% -2.0% 1983 28.95 28.95 28.95 28.95 1990 33.25 28.95 26.98 25.13 2000 40.54 28.95 24.40 20.54 2010 49.42 28.95 22.07 16.78 2020 60.24 28.95 19.96 13.71 2030 73.43 28.95 18.05 11. 20 2040 89.51 29.95 16.33 9.15 (b)Selection of Reference and Other Cases. The estimates of future world oil prices presented above illustrate the different views and outlooks on the world economy by various forecasters.The range of forecasts are graphically displayed in Figure 8.99. To assess the impact of future oil prices on the demand for electric energy in the Railbelt,the broad range of forecasts has been analyzed and evaluated.Although it is possible that anyone of the scenarios could prove to be true in the future,some would present 1y seem to be more probable than others.OPEC seems to be holding the line on their new benchmark price of $29.00/bbl and the United States economy is recovering from the 1981-82 recession at a stronger real rate of growth than recently predicted by many economists.The rest of the free world will probably follow the United States lead in economic growth which will increase the worldwide demand for petroleum. In light of the foregoing,the SHCA NSD Case has been selected as the Reference Case.The SHCA NSD case presumes that OPEC wi 11 continue operating as a viable entity and will not limit production during the forecasted period.Recent trends in economic growth in the U.S.and the free world will continue at reasonab 1e rates . Although events may affect thi s forecast,the Reference Case falls in the middle range of the forecasts 8-5-53 evaluated and appears at this time to be a reasonable forecast for the purposes of this analysis. Table B.90 identifies those forecasts which have been selected for analysis and the level of analysis to which each forecast has been carried.Ten world oil price forecasts have been used to estimate Railbelt electrical energy demand,while four- of the forecasts, DOR Mean,DRI,Reference Case,and the -2%/yr.constant price change are carried through the Optimum Generation Planning (OGP) mode 1. (c)Variables and Assumptions Other than Oil Prices Many variables and assumptions other than world oil prices are used in the PETREV,MAP,RED,and OGP models described in Section 5.3(b).Most of these other variables and assumptions,and repre- sentative values for the Reference Case, are listed in Tables B.91 through B.102. Input variables for each of these models are dis- cussed in the following paragraphs. (i)PETRE V Model State petroleum revenues from North Slope oi 1 product i on are expected to account annually for between 93 and 99 per- cent of state petroleum royalties and production taxes dur- ing the period 1983 to 1999.Remaining royalties and pro- duction taxes will be generated by petroleum production on state lands other than on the North Slope and from produc- tion of natural gas. Of the factors listed on Table B.91,North Slope petroleum production has the largest potential impact on state petro- leum revenues,and is therefore a key variable in project- ing economic conditions.Projected North Slope petroleum product ion is the sum of projected product i on from seven fields:Prudhoe Bay-Sadlerochit,Kuparuk,Milne Point, Canning River,Flaxman Island,Point Thompson,and Beaufort Sea.Currently only Prudhoe Bay-Sadlerochit and Kuparuk are producing fields.The other five fields are projected to begin production between 1987 and 1989.Production from the currently producing fields are projected to remain the main producers,accounting for an excess of 75 percent of total North Slope production in 1999 (Department of Re- venue,March 1983).While production rate~during the next eight to ten years can be forecasted wi th some degree of certainty,production rates after this period will depend on the rate of exploration and development of oil fields. Exploration rates will depend largely on the level of world petroleum prices and the demand for petroleum,but develop- ment of oil fields will depend on oil discoveries and production as well as petroleum prices and demand. B-5-54 (ii)MAP Model Table B.92 lists 10 categories of exogenous or basic employment, one measure of tourism,five categories of petro 1eum revenues,and fi ve nat iona 1 economi c parameters that are used as input to the MAP Model. These factors are the principal input variables and parameters to the MAP Mode 1. For purposes of projecting electric energy demand,the values of all the variables listed in Table B.92 other than petro 1eum revenues were 1eft unchanged duri ng each of the MAP Model executions.While sensitivity tests indicated that varying the value of several of these factors produc- ed demonstrable effects on economi c projections,none of these factors affected economi c projections nearly to the extent that petro 1eum pri ces did,through its impact on state petroleum revenues.Based on results of the sensi- tivity tests discussed in Section 5.4 (f),the key input factors to the MAP Model other than petroleum revenues are: state mining employment, which includes petroleum produc- tion;state active duty military employment;tourists visiting Alaska;U.S.real wage growth rate;and price level growth rate.Employment relating to construction of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project was not tested for sensi- tivity.Employment in construction of electric power generating stations is considered in the larger category of construction employment. Table B.93 surrrnarizes the basis for selecting the values for the ten exogenous employment variables.The values for many of the variables listed in Table B.92 are taken from the MAP Model Data Base, a volume of economic and demo- graphic data compiled and maintained by the Institute of Soc ia 1 and Economi c Research.These data are deri ved from information collected by various state and federal govern- mental agencies,published reports,and other sources.The data are organized,adjusted,and in the case of some vari- ables,projected to the year 2010 to meet the input requirements of the MAP Model. (iii)RED Mode 1 Table B.94 lists the main variables that are used in each module of the RED Model. In the Uncertainty module,the fuel price forecasts,the housing demand coefficients,the B-5-55 saturation of residential appliances,and the price adjustment coefficients are the main variables. Table B.95 shows the projected customer real prices of heating fuel oil,natural gas,and electricity for the Reference Case.The heating fuel oil price forecast was derived from 1983 actual price,esca1 ated at the same growth rate as the world oil price.The.natural gas price forecast for the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area was derived from 1983 actual prices and an estimate of the wei1hted average price (old and new contracts)of natural gas I.The new contracts were esca1 ated at the same growth rate as the world oil price.In the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area,a continuation of present practices of using propane for heating was assumed.The price would also escalate with world oil prices.The electricity prices were first estimated using weighted average price of natural gas and the addition of coal-fired generation in the mid 1990's. In addition,allowances to cover administrative and distribution costs were included to reflect retail prices. The prices were later adjusted to reflect the OGP results. The revised numbers are shown on Table B.95 and were used ina11 an a1yses . Table B.96 presents the housing demand coefficients which were used in the housing demand equations for single family,multi-family,and mobile homes.Table B.97 gives an example of market saturations of appliances in single family homes for the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area,and Table B.98 presents the parameter values of the price adjustment mechanism. For the Housing module,the two main variables are the regional household forecast,and the state households by age group.These variables are directly obtained from the MAP output file.Tables B.99, B.100,and B.101 provide detailed information on the annual consumption and growth rate of residential appliances,as well as the survival rate of the existing and new appliances. The main variables of the Business Consumption module are the regional employment, which is an output of the MAP model,and the floor space consumption parameters.Vacant housing,second homes,and street lighting,and their expected annual consumption are the variables of the Miscellaneous module.The annual load factor for the two load centers are the main vari ab1es of the Peak Demand module. B-5-56 Because the RED model is an end-use model,the appliance saturation rate based on the existing stock of appliances is a key variable.Also,the energy usage per appliance has a major effect on electricity demand.Further,the growth rate of consumption per appliance type has a significant impact on residential electricity consumption in future years.In the business sector,the projections of the demand for "f100r space"and the consumption per unit of floor space are key variables.Own-and cross-price elasticities of demand have a significant impact on electricity consumption by influencing consumption behavior in both the short and long term.The own-price elasticity values that are assumed in the model determine the extent and time path of electricity price impacts on residential and commercial consumption.The cross-price elasticities show the impact on electricity consumption due to changes in the price of substitute energy resources for electricity.The own-and cross-price e1ast ic it ies of demand are used to adj ust e1 ectr ic ity consumption for price induced conservation of electrical energy.The last key factor is the regional peak load factor,which is applied to the energy demand forecast to forecast peak loads.The impact of these key parameters is analyzed in Section 5.4 (f)on Sensitivity Analysis. (iv)OGP Model Table B.I02 presents the main variables of the OGP model. The variables are:fuel costs and escalation rates, thermal and hydro plant construction costs,and the discount rate.A detailed presentation of these variables is presented in Exhibit 0 and Appendix 0-1. (d)Reference Case Forecast The Reference Case forecast is based on the SHCA NSD world petroleum price forecast discussed in Sections 5.4 (a) and 5.4 (b) above.These petroleum prices served as the basis for the Reference Case state petroleum revenue forecasts,which in turn were used by the MAP Model to produce the Reference Case economic projections,which were then used by the RED Model to forecast electric energy demands.The Reference Case world petroleum price forecasts were also used to estimate future fuel prices for use in the RED and OGP models. Table B.I03 summarizes the data for the Reference Case,showing the oil price scenario and the corresponding set of 15 input and output variables over the forecast period from 1983-2010, including prices of other forms of energy,revenues,population, and employment.Table B.I03 shows that in the Reference Case, B-5-57 Railbelt population will grow approximately 67 percent between 1983 and 2010,reaching 533,218 by the year 2010. During this same period the Railbelt's electric energy demand is forecasted to rise from 2,784 to 5,709 gigawatt-hours,a 105 percent increase. Peak demand is projected to rise from 576 to 1,187 megawatts,a 106 percent increase during the 27 year period,an average increase of 2.7 percent per year.The following sections summari ze the Reference Case forecasts of state petroleum revenues,fiscal and economic conditions,and electric energy demand. (i)State Petroleum Revenues Table B.104 presents Reference Case projections of state petroleum revenues from each of the primary revenue sources through the year 2010.The first two columns of this table contain projected royalties and severance,or production taxes,respectively.These projections are in nominal dollars,reflecting an annual change in the consumer price index of 6.5 percent.The projections of royalties and severance taxes through the year 1999 were produced by the Department of Revenue's PETREV petroleum revenue forecasting model system,adjusted for minor differences in the future assumed rate of inflation.Projections for the years 2000 through 2010 were extrapol ated using the average annual rate of change between the years 1996 through 1999. Table B.104 also presents projections of state petroleum revenues derived from corporate income taxes,property taxes,lease bonuses,and federal shared royalties.Future revenues from these sources,estimated by the Institute of Social and Economic Research,were used along with the projections of royalties and severance taxes as input to the MAP economic model. (ii)Fiscal and Economic Conditions State petroleum revenues constitute a major proportion of the total funds available to the State of Alaska for expenditure on operations and capital investment,which in turn greatly affects the general level of economic activity in the state.Table B.105 presents projections of several important components of the state's fiscal structure for the Reference Case. These components incl ude unrestricted general fund expenditures,the balance in the general fund, permanent fund dividends,state personal income tax revenues,level of outlays for subsidies,and the percentage of Permanent Fund earnings that are reinvested. The table shows that,based on the fiscal rules summarized in Section 5.3 above,dividends from the Permanent Fund B-5-58 continue to be disbursed through the year 1992,at which time the program is halted.A state personal income tax is reinstituted in the year 1994 in order to augment revenues. State subsidy programs are terminated after the year 1988, and rei nvestment of Permanent Fund dividend send s after 1994.The subsidy programs that may be affected include, for example,mortgage subsidies,student loans and AIDA industrial development loans.Each of these measures is assumed to occur in order to permit state expenditures to grow as closely as possible in proportion to the rate of population growth,taking into account the effects of inflation.However,while these fiscal measures are assumed to be implemented,petroleum revenues are projected to continue to provide the largest share of state expenditures,accounting in the year 2010 for approximately two-thirds of total unrestricted general fund expenditures, those expenditures not funded by revenues dedicated to specific functions. Table 8.106 presents Reference Case population projections for the state,Railbelt,Anchorage-Cook Inlet area,and Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area.Railbelt population is projected to grow by approximately 67 percent between 1983 and 2010,from 320,000 to 533,000.In the Rail belt ,the Anchorage area is projected to grow by 69 percent,compared to the projected growth in Fairbanks of 57 percent. The growth of employment,shown on Table B.107,is uniformly lower than that of population.While statewide non-agricultural wage and salary employment is projected to grow by 61 percent during the next 27 years,total state emp 1oyment is forecasted to increase by only 51 percent. Again the Railbelt is projected to experience a higher employment increase,rising by 61 percent,with the Anchorage area growing by 63 percent compared to 52 percent growth in the Fairbanks area. Table B.108 presents projections of households according to state total,the Railbelt,the Anchorage area,Fairbanks area,and statewi de by age of head of househo1d. In contr ast to proj ected employment,households are proj ected to increase faster than popul ation.Statewide households are projected to increase by 72 percent by the year 2010, compared to a 75 percent increase in the Rail belt,a 78 percent rise in the Anchorage area,and a 67 percent increase in the Fairbanks area. (iii)Electric Power Demand The regional households projections obtained from the MAP B-5-59 model are used in the RED housing module to derive the number of households served by electric utilities and the number of vacant households.Tables B.I09 and B.110 pre- sent the output results for the period 1980-2010.The residential module then computes the annual consumption per type of household based on the market saturation of appli- ances and the annual consumption per ap~liance. Table B.111 summarizes the average consumption per house- hold before and after conservation adjustment and fuel sub- st ituti on. In the Anchorage area,the average consumption per household is expected to decrease from about 13,700 kWh in 1980 to 12,560 kWh in 1990,mainly due to the real increase of electricity price which will continue to cause some conversion from electric space heating to substitute fuels.After 1990,the consumption is expected to slowly increase to about 13,200 kWh in 2010,at an average annual growth rate of 0.25 percent.In the Fairbanks area,the average household consumption is expected to increase from 11,500 kWh in 1980 to 15,200 kWh in 2010,at about an aver- age annual growth rate of 0.9 percent.This increase is due to the stabilization of electricity prices,while the price of substitute fuels are increasing.The projected consumption in year 2000 is similar to the 1975 average consumption. The employment forecasts obtained from MAP are used in the RED Business Consumption module to derive the electric demand in the commercial-government-small industrial sec- tor.Table B.112 summarizes the "bus i ness" use per employee projections.The consumption projections were obtained from a forecast of predicted floor space per employee,and an econometrically derived electricity con- sumption per square feet,wh ich is then adjusted for pri ce impacts.The floor space per employee is expected to increase by 10 percent in Anchorage and 15 percent in Fairbanks to approach current national average by the year 2010.As a result,in the Anchorage area,the average consumption per employee is expected to increase from about 8,400 kWh in 1980 to 11,500 kWh in 2010,at an average annual rate of 1.0 percent.In the Fairbanks area,the consumption per employee is expected to increase from 7,500 kWh in 1980 to 9,900 kWh in 2010, at an average annual growth rate of 0.9 percent. Tables B.113 and B.115 provide a year by year projection of price-induced conservation and fuel switching for the two load centers.Tables B.114 and B.116 give a year by year breakdown of energy consumption projections for the 8-5-60 residential,commercial-government-small industrial,mis- cellaneous,and large industrial sectors for the two load centers.The industrial sector includes projections of large industrial and military loads.Industrial loads were derived from estimates of industrial growth in the Kenai Peninsula.Military loads were derived from discussions with representatives at each military in~tallation. Finally,Table B.1l7 summarizes the annual peak and energy demand projections for each load center and for the total system.The annual load factor is also presented.The average annual growth rate of electricty demand is expected to slowly decrease from about 5.6 percent during the period 1980-1985 to 1.7 percent during the period 1995-2000. After 2000,the demand is expected to increase at an aver- age annual rate of 2.3 percent until 2005, and 2.8 percent for the period 2005-2010. (e)Other Forecasts A broad range of world oil price forecasts has been analyzed in Section (a)and (b).The forecasts are summarized in Table B.89, and displayed in Figure B.99. In addition to the Reference Case, eight scenarios were carried through the MAP and RED models. These scenarios are the OOR-Mean,OOR-50%,OOR-30%,ORI,+2%,0%, -1%,and -2%.The results are presented on Tables B.1l8 through B.125.Historical data and projections of general fund expendi- tures,population,households,energy demand, and peak demand are displayed in Figures B.100 through B.104 for four scenarios:ORI, Reference Case,OOR Mean,and OOR 30%.The OOR 30%and ORI fore- casts are the lowest and highest scenarios,respectively.The Reference Case and OOR Mean are shown for comparison purposes. The State General Fund Expenditures are expected to vary between 6.9 billion dollars and 26.1 billion dollars in year 2010.The Railbelt population is expected to increase from 320,000 in 1983 to 481,000 under OOR 30%and 609,000 under ORI,for the year 2010. The corresponding number of households would increase from 111,500 in 1983 to 175,000 and 223,000.The employment is expected to increase from 159,000 in 1983 to 231,500 under OOR 30%,and 300,000 under ORI,for the year 2010. As shown on Figure B.103,the 2010 energy consumption would vary between 4,950 GWh and 6,965 GWh.The corresponding average annual growth rate over the period 1983-2010 would vary between 2.2 per- cent and 3.4 percent.The peak demand is expected to increase from 570 MW in 1983 to 1,026 MW under OOR 30%,and 1,450 MW under ORI,for the year 2010. (f)Sensitivity Analyses Sensitivity analyses for variables other than oil prices were B-5-61 conducted using the MAP,RED and OGP mcde ls in order to determine the extent to which forecasts are affected by varying the values of selected input variables and parameters,other than world oil prices.Some of these tests were conducted initially prior to execution of the forecasts and others were conducted during the course of the forecasts.These analyses indicated that while other factors do affect electric energy demand in the Railbelt, the effect of anyone or two factors does not approach the effect that world petroleum prices has on economic conditions and electric energy demand.It was largely this finding that led to the definition of alternative energy planning scenarios based solely on alternative petroleum prices. (i)MAP Model Sensitivity Tests For the MAP Model,input variables subjected to sensitivity testing included ten industrial development factors,tourism in Alaska,and four national economic variable parameters.The results of the sensitivity analyses are summarized in Table B.126.The table shows that of the variables tested,projections of households are most sensitive to mining employment, which includes petroleum production,military employment,tourism,growth in real wages,and growth in the consumer price index. Sensitivity tests were also conducted using selected economic model parameters,including those relating to labor force participation rates,Federal tax rates,and population migration.Details of these tests are in the MAP Model Technical Documentation Report. (ii)RED Model Sensitivity Tests Sensitivity analyses were conducted for key variables, using the Uncertainly Module. These variables are (1) appliance saturations,energy consumption by appliance, growth rate of appliance consumption;(2)business consumption;(3)own price elasticity;(4)cross price elasticity;and (5) load factors.The sensitivity analyses were carri ed out for the Reference Case.The results are shown on Table B.127 through B.131. Table B.127 summarizes the results obtained when parameters of the Residential Module were allowed to vary.Table B.97 presents a typical example of market saturation ranges which were used as input into the Uncertainty Module. In addition,the annual consumption per appliance and the expected growth rate of energy consumption were allowed to vary by ±20 percent.As shown on Table B.127,the results on the overall energy demand are within 3 percent of the Reference Case values. B-5-62 The sensitivity analysis of the Business Sector was done by allowing the consumption rate parameter to vary while maintaining a 95 percent confidence level.This resulted in a range of values within +10 percent of the mean value for the Anchorage-Cook In 1et area.As shown on Table B.128,the effects on the overall energy demand are within 5 percent of the Reference Case val ues.Because of the lack of detailed historical data for the Fairbanks area, the range of the consumption parameter value is very large, and the results are not reliable. Table B.129 and B.130 present the results of the own-price and cross-price elasticities variations.The values of the parameters were allowed to vary while maintaning a 95 percent confidence level.The effects on the overall energy demand are within 6 percent of the Reference Case val ues. Finally,a sensitivity analysis was done for the peak demand,using the range of the annual load factors of the two load centers for the period 1970-1982.The results are presented in table B.132. For the year 2010,the peak demand would vary between 1,008 and 1,308 MW,with a Reference Case value of 1,217 MW. (iii)OGP Model Sensitivity Tests Sensitivity tests were al so conducted for the OGP Model. The key variables other than petroleum price dependent variables which were tested are discount rate,Watana capital cost,base fuel price,and real fuel escalation. The sensitivity analyses are described in Exhibit D. (g)Reasonableness of the RED Forecasts In order to test the reasonableness of RED's long-term forecasts,the Reference Case was compared to three comparable long-term forecasts.The three forecasts are:forecasts by Pacific Northwest Power Planning Council (PNPPC)and Bonneville Power Administration for the Pacific Northwest,an area with large electric space heat loads and rising prices;and a forecast by Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WEPCO)for Wisconsin and Upper Michigan,an area with relatively stable electric prices,and low electric space heat penetration.The intent was to compare forecasts from areas similar to the Railbelt Region.The Pacific Northwest forecasts were selected because of the low electricity prices the region shares with the Anchorage load center,while the B-5-63 Wisconsin area closely corresponds to the climate and fuel mode split exhibited in the Railbelt. The Pacific Northwest Power Planning Council,created by an act of Congress to coordinate and direct acquisition of generation resources in the Pacific Northwest,prepared a twenty-year fore- cast of electricity demand in the Northwest.PNPPC modelled four alternate load growth scenarios (low,medium low,medium high,and high)for the purposes of generation planning.We chose the medi um high scenari 0 for comparison because it corresponds more closely to the economic conditions expected to occur in the Rail- belt. The Bonneville Power administration (BPA)markets all federal power in the Pacific Northwest.BPA recently completed construc- tion of their own forecasting tools.We chose to examine BPA's medium scenario as it represents their assessment of the most pro- bable situation. The Wisconsin Electric Power Company markets power to Mi lwaukee- Kenosha-Racine Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area,plus selected counties in central and northern Wisconsin and upper Michigan.Unlike the two Pacific Northwest organizations,WEPCO markets to a service area with relatively little electric space heating.As in the southern Railbelt,the primary fuel source is natural gas,with electricity supplying only 4 to 5 percent of tota 1 energy used.Consequent ly,there are fewer opportuni ti es for savings of electric energy in conservation of building heat than exist in the Pacific Northwest.In contrast to the Pacific Northwest,where annual residential electric consumption in 1980 averaged 17,260 kWh per household,and 11,000 to 13,000 in the Railbelt,WEPCO customers averaged 7,240. The following table presents a decomposition of two commonly used consumption rates for the BPA,PNPPC,WEPCO and RED forecasts: the annual growth rate in use per employee and use per household. The RED forecasts both exhibit higher growth rates than either of the Pacific Northwest forecasts,but lower than the rates in the WEPCO forecast. B-5-64 Comparison of Recent Forecasts,1980-2000 Average Percent Growth Rate Use Per Household Average Percent Growth Rate Use Per Employee Pacific Northwest Power Council -.64 .14 Bonneville Power Admini- stration -.64 -.31 Wisconsin Electric Power Company 1.41 3.97 RED: Anchorage -.36 1.04 Fai rbanks 0.98 0.93 This is the expected relationship of the forecasts.The BPA and PNPPC forecasts assume vigorous conservation programs and rising electricity prices in a region characterized by high market pene- tration of electric space heat and water heat in both the residen- tial and commercial sector.Furthermore,because Pacific North- west electricity prices have been low historically,there are many opportunities available for cheaply saving large amounts of electricity.In contrast,the Railbelt and WEPCO regions do not have as many inexpensive opportunities to save large amounts of power,since most thermal requirements are being met with natural gas.Furthermore,the rate of increase in electricity prices is expected to remain low in the WEPCO region,reducing incentives to conserve.It is also assumed that,in WEPCO's service area, electricity would capture a high (40-60 percent)share of new residential heating appliances due to its projected cost advantage over oil and gas. The RED forecasts occupy a middle ground,both in terms of base year consumption and in terms of the rate of increase in consump- ti on.With moderate rates of e 1ectri city pri ce increases and fewer inexpensive conservation opportunities,RED shows lower rates of conservati on than the Pacifi c Northwest.In comparison with the WEPCO area,the Railbelt is expected to have a declining electric share in space heat and water heat,so the rate of in- crease in use per customer would be less.In addition,since Railbelt customers on the average use more electricity than WEPCO customers and are facing higher projected rates of electricity pri ce increases,the forecasted rate of increase in the rate of electricity consumption should be lower.Based on this compari- son,the resu lts of the RED forecast seem to be consi stent with what other forecasters are predicting. B-5-65 (h) Comparison With Previous Forecasts Two sets of previous forecasts have been used in the early stages of Susitna Hydroelectric Project studies in addition to the power market forecasts presented in detail in this section.In 1980,the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) prepared economic and accompanying end-use electric energy demand projections for the Railbelt.These forecasts were used in several portions of the feasibility study,including the development selection study. In 1981 and 1982,Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories produced a series of load forecasts for the Railbelt,as shown on Table B.132. These forecasts were developed as a part of the Railbelt Alternatives Study completed by Battelle under contract to the State of Al aska.Battelle's forecasts were based on updated economic projections prepared by ISER and some revi sed end-use models developed by Battelle which took into account price sensitivity and several other factors not included in the 1980 projections.The December 1981 Battelle forecasts were used in the optimization studies for the Watana and Devil Canyon developments which were completed early in 1982.The 1981 forecast reflected a projection of world oil prices of $27.45/bbl. in July 1981 to $31.45/bbl.in July 1982, with first quarter prices increasing from $36.35/bbl.to $44.65/bbl.over the next three fiscal years,and then from $53.22/bbl.in the sixth fiscal year to $157.60/bbl.in the subsequent seventeenth fiscal year. These previous forecasts were made for three electric load centers:the Anchorage-Cook Inl et area;the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area;and the Glennallen-Valdez area.When these studies were undertaken,it was not decided whether the Glennallen-Valdez area would be included in the intertied Railbelt electrical system.The decision was subsequently made, based on economics, that the Glennallen-Valdez area would not be initially included in the interconnected area.Therefore,the updated electric load forecasts presented herein do not consider the power requirements of this load center. Both ISER and Battelle produced high,medium and low forecasts for use in Susitna planning studies.The medium forecast was used for determining base generation plans,with the high and low forecasts used in sensitivity analyses. In addition to the ISER and Battelle forecasts performed for the purpose of planning the Susitna Hydroelectric Project,the Railbelt utilities annually produce forecasts for their own respective markets.The bases for these forecasts are not readily avail ab1e. B-5-66 Table B.132 provides a summary comparison of these previous power market forecasts under the medium scenario.While these forecasts are not precisely consistent in the definitions of the market area or in the assumptions relating to the current reference case,the comparison does provide an insight in the change in perception of future growth rates during the time that the various sets of fore- casts were developed. (i)Impact of Oil Prices on Forecasts The world price of oil is a significant factor in the Alaskan economy.As a consequence,world oil prices influence the demand for electric energy and other forms of energy.Although oi 1 prices are important,there are many other economic,social,and political factors which affect future Alaskan economic trends and energy requirements.For example, the anticipated higher price of gas and its limited avai labi lity in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area wi 11 have an impact on future electricity demands and costs of power purchases. The impact of world oil prices in conjunction with other economic causa 1 factors on future economi c conditi ons and e lectri c energy and peak demands has been evaluated.A number of world oil price scenarios were used in the PETREV Model to generate various petro- leum revenues projections.Because royalties and severance taxes are sensitive to changes in world oil prices,different petroleum revenue projections were obtained.The projected petroleum reven- ues along with specified economic development assumptions and other variables were employed in the MAP Model to project economic factors such as households,state government expenditures,and employment.These economic factors were influenced by the various oil price growth rate assumptions.Finally,electric demand fore- casts were produced usi ng the RED Mode 1.The RED Mode 1 emp loyed the output of the MAP Model as well as other assumptions and input data.Fuel data on electricity,natural gas,and oil prices were needed for the planning period.These data,for example, are affected by the growth rates assumed for world oi 1 prices.An electric demand forecast was made for each world oil price scenario.This procedure resulted in the production of an elec- tric demand forecast which incorporated all direct and indirect effects of a given timepath of world oil prices on electric demand in the Railbelt in a comprehensive and consistent manner.The range of electric demand forecast results reflects the overall impact of world oil prices as well as other key variables included in the separate models.These electric demand forecasts are pre- sented in Section 5.4(e)above. B-5-67 5.5 Project Utilization The purpose of this section is to describe how the power generated by the Sus itna Project wi 11 be ut i 1ized in the interconnected rai 1be It system.The discussion that follows is based on the Project's opera- tion under the Reference Case power market forecast. The characteristics of the combined railbelt load are discussed in Section 5.2.Dai ly load curves and monthly load variation are also presented in that section as Figures B.80 and B.79,respectively. The operation of the Susitna Project as stated in Section 3.7 of this Exhi bit wi 11 be as fo 11 ows:the Watana development wi 11 operate as a base load project unti 1 the Devi 1 Canyon development enters operati on at which time the Devi 1 Canyon development wi 11 operate on peak and reserve.The dependable capacity and energy production from Watana operating alone and with Devi 1 Canyon are presented in Section 4.3 of this Exhibit.The firm and average annual energy production,and maxi- mum dependab le capacity in 2020 for the Susitna Project under the Reference Case flow regime,Regime C,are as follows: Average Annual Energy,GWh Firm Annual Energy,GWh Maximum Dependable Capacity in 2020,MW Watana On ly 3499 2618 893 Watana Plus Dev i 1 Canyon 6934 5451 1272 . On-site use of the power and energy from the Project will be negligible in comparison to the Pro.iect t s capability and therefore assumed that all the above capacity and energy wou ld be railbelt system after deduction of transmission losses. shows the dependab le capaci ty of the project year under regimes. it has been used in the Figure B.76 vari ous flow Although no firm sales contracts or commitments have been made by Rail- belt utilities,it is anticipated that each utility's share of the pro- ject would be similar to their proportionate share of the Railbelt power market.Based on energy sales in 1982,each utility covers the B-5-68 following approximate percentage of the total Railbelt market: Uti1ity Chugach Electric Association Anchorage Municipal Light &Power Golden Valley Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Fairbanks Municipal Uti 1ities System Homer Electric Association Seward Light Department TOTAL 8-5-69 Percentage of Rail belt Energy Sales (1982) 40 20 10 10 5 15 100 6 -FUTURE SUSITNA BASIN DEVELOPMENT 6 -FUTURE SUSITNA BASIN DEVELOPMENT The Alaska Power Authority has no current plans for further development of the Watana/Devi 1 Canyon system and no plans for further water power projects in the Susitna River basin at this time. Development of the proposed projects would preclude further major hydroelectric development in the Susitna basin,with the exception of major storage projects in the Susitna basin headwaters.Although these types of plans have been considered in the past,they are neither active nor anticipated to be so in the foreseeable future. B-6-1 REFERENCES Acres American Inc.December 1981. Development Selection Report. Authority. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Prepared for the Alaska Power February 1982a. Geotechnical Report. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,1980-81 Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. March 1982b. Selection Report. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Access Route Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. .March 1982c.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Feasibility------~Report (7 Volumes).Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. April 1982d.Susitna Hydroelectric Project Reference Report, Economic,Marketing and Financial Evaluation.Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. .December 1982e.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,1982 -----=Supplement to the 1980-81 Geotechnical Report.Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. Acres American Inc.and Terrestrial Environmental Specialists,Inc. March 1982.Transmission Line Selected Route. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1978a.Alaska's Fisheries Atlas (Volumes I and II).Anchorage,Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1978b.Habitat Essential for Fish and Wildlife on State Lands.Anchorage,Alaska. Alaska Department of Revenue,Petroleum Revenue Division March 198 Petroleum Production Revenue Forecast. Alaska Economics,Inc.March 1983. Alaska1s Economic Potential: Background. Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories.December 1982.Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study (17 Volumes).Prepared for the Office of the Governor,State of Alaska. Volume I:Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study:Evaluation of Railbelt Electric Energy Plans. Volume VIII:Railbelt Electricity Demand (RED)Model Specifications. Volume IX:Alaska Economic Projections for Estimating Electricity Requirements for the Railbelt. June 1983.RED Model (1983 Version)Documentation Report. CIRI/Holmes and Narver. 1980. 2.04.Land status maps. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Subtask Prepared for Acres American Inc. Commonwealth Associates Inc.November 1980. Anchorage-Fairbanks Transmission Intertie-Transmission System Data. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. Data Resources,Inc.,Spring 1983. U.S.Long-Term Review. Energy Probe.July 1980.An Evaluation of the ISER Electricity Demand Forecast. Friese,N.V.1975.Pre-Authorization Assessment of Anadromous Fish Populations of the Upper Susitna River Watershed in the Vicinity of the Proposed Devil Canyon Hydroelectric Project.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Division of Commercial Fisheries. General Electric Company.May 1979.OGP5 User's Manual. Institute of Social and Economic Research,University of Alaska.May 1980.Electric Power Consumption for the Railbelt:A Projection of Requirements,Technical Appendices. Prepared jointly for State of Alaska House Power Alternatives Study Committee and Alaska Power Authority. October 1981. Alaska Economic Projections for Estimating Requirements for the Railbelt.Prepared for Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories. June 1983.MAP Model Technical Documentation Report. Morrow,J.E.1980.The Freshwater Fishes of Alaska. Alaska Northwest Publishing Co.,Anchorage,Alaska. R&M Consultants.December 1981b.Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Regional Flood Studies.Prepared for Acres American Inc. November 1981a.Terrain Analysis of the North and South Intertie Power Transmission Corridors.Prepared for Acres American Inc. Sherman H.Clark Associates,May 1983.Evaluation of World Energy Developments and Their Economic si3nificance,Volume II.Als Lonr-Term Outlook For Crude oil an Fuel Oil Prices,special ana ysis prepared for Harza/Ebasco,May 18,1983 and price ta of market crude in 1983 dollars provided Harza/Ebasco on May 1983. Trihey,E.W.1981.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Instream Flow Assessment:Issue Identification and Baseline Data Analysis,1981 Study Plan.Prepared for Acres American,Incorporated. u.S.Department of Agriculture,Soil Conservation Service.1979. Exploratory Soil Survey of Alaska. Washington,D.C. Van Ballenberghe,Francis.Alaska Department of Fish and Game. January 1981. Personal communication on habitat data covering an area from Fairbanks/Healy to Ester. Woodward-Clyde Consultants.February 1982. Final Report on Seismic Studies for Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Prepared for Acres American Inc. December 1980. Alaska's Railbelt. Forecasting Peak Electrical Demand for Prepared for Acres American Inc. TABLES AND FIGURES TABLE B.69 TOTAL 1981 ALASKA ENERGY CONSUMPTION Al aska Railbelt Sector Bi 11 ion Btu (%)Bi 11 i on Btu J.!L. Transportat i on 114,672 38 88,715 38 Industri al 64,823 21 44,699 19 Utility 46,344 15 40,115 17 Mil itary 25,847 9 25,847 11 Resident;al 26,571 9 19,434 8 Commercial/Public 11,913 4 10,658 5 Off-highway 13,069 4 6,430 3 Total 303,239 100 235,929 100 Note:The total electricity consumption is only reported in the utility sector. Source:1983 Long Term Energy Plan (Working Draft),Department of Commerce and Economlc Development,Division of Energy and Power Development,State of Alaska.1983 Figure 11-9 p. 11-14. TABLE B.70 RAILBELT 1981 ENERGY CONSUMPTION BY FUEL TYPE FOR EACH SECTOR Energy Consumption Sector/Fuel Type Billion Btu Percent I ransportab on Fuel Oil 88,649 99.9 Coal 66 0.1 Total 88,715 lcm:1i Industri al Fuel Oil 13,264 28.3 Natural Gas 31,435 67.1 El ectri city 2,130 4.6 Total 46,829 100.0 Util ity Fuel Oil 2,152 5.9 Natural Gas 29,652 73.9 Coal 5,407 13.5 Hydro 2,904 7.2 Total 46,115 100.0 Mil itary Fue 1 Oil 15,364 55.8 Natural Gas 4,590 16.7 Coal 5,893 21.4 El ectri city 1,690 6.1 Total 27,537 100.0 Residential Fue 1 Oil 9,647 41.6 Natural Gas 8,109 35.0 Coal 140 ,0.6 Wood 1,561 6.7 El ectri city 3,745 16.1 Total 23,202 100.0 Commercial/Public Fuel Oil 2,256 15.6 Natural Gas 7,333 50.5 Coal 1,069 7.4 Electricity 3,842 26.5 14,500 100.0 Note:Electricity consumption is reported in the utility sector, and also in the other sectors. Source:1983 ~ong Term Energy Plan (Working Draft),Department of Commerce and Economlc Development,Dlvlsion of Energy and Power Development,State of Alaska.Appendix S, Tab 1e S-2. TABLE B.71 INSTALLED CAPACITY OF ANCHORAGE-COOK INLET AREA-1982 HYDRO OIL NATURAL GAS Combustion Steam Hydro Diesel Turbine Turbine Total Ut il it ies Alaska Power Administration 30.0 0 0 0 30.0 Anchorage Municipal Light and Power 0 0 311.6 0 311.6 Chugach Electric Associ aton 15.0 0 448.5 0 463.5 Homer Electric Association 0 2.6 0 0 2.6 Matanuska Electric Associ ation 0 0.9 0 0 0.9 Seward Electric As sociat i on 0 5.5 0 0 5.5 Total 45.0 9.0 760.1 0 814.1 Mi 1itary Install ations Elmendorf AFB 0 2.1 0 31.5 33.6 Fort Richardson 0 7.2 0 18.0 25.2 Subtotal 0 9.3 0 49.5 58.8 Industri al Installations Subtotal 0 9.6 16.0 0 25.6* Total 45.0 27.9 776.1 49.5 898.5 *Figure is for 1981,latest year that data was available. Source:Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories.Existing Generating Facil ities and Planned Add-itions for the Ralfbelt Reglonof Alaska,volume vI,September,1982; Alaska Power Admlnlstratlon 1983; updated by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture,1983. TABLE B.72 INSTALLED CAPACITY OF THE FAIRBANKS-TANANA VALLEY AREA-1982 OIL HYDRO COAL Combustion Steam Diesel Hydro Turbine Turbine Total Ut il it ies Fairbanks Municipal Ut i 1ity System 8.4 0 30.1 30.0 68.5 Golden Valley Electric Associ ation 23.8 0 172.8 25.0 221.6 Un ivers ity of Al aska 5.6 0 0 13.0 18.6 Subtotal 37.8 0 202.9 68.0 308.7 Mi 1itary Install ations Eielson AFB 0 0 a 15.0 15.0 Fort Greeley 5.5 0 0 0 5.5 Fort Wainwright 0 0 0 22.0 22.0 Subtotal 5.5 0 0 37.0 42.5 Industri al Inst allat ions Subtotal 2.8 0 0 0 2.8* Total 46.1 0 202.9 105.0 354.0 * Figure is for 1981,latest year that data was available. Source:Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories.Existing Generatin~Facilities And Planned Additions for the Rallbelt eglOn of Alaska,volume VI,September 1982; Alaska Power Admlnlstratlon 1983; updated by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture, 1983. TABLE B.73 (Sheet 1 of 5) EXISTING GENERATING PLANTS IN THE RAILBELT REGION Namep 1ate Generati ng Prime Fuel Capacity Capac i ty Heat Rate Pl ant/Unit Mover Type Date (MW)@ 00 F (MW)(Btu/kWh) ) Alaska Power Administration Eklutna(a)H 1955 30.0 Anchorage Municipal Light and Power-- Station #l(b) Unit #l SCCT NG/O 1962 14.0 16.3 14,000 Un it #2 SCCT NG/O 1964 14.0 16.3 14,000 Un it #3 SCCT NG/O 1968 18.0 18.0 14,000 Unit #4 SCCT NG/O 1972 28.5 32.0 12,500 Di ese 1 1(c)D 0 1962 1.1 1.1 10,500 Diesel 2(c)D 0 1962 1.1 1.1 10,500 Station #2(d) Unit #5 SCCT 0 1974 32.3 40.0 12,500 Unit #6 CCST 1979 33.0 33.0 Unit #7 SCCT 0 1980 73.6 90.0 11 ,000 Unit #8 SCCT NG/O 1982 73.6 90.0 12,500 Chugach Electric Association Bel uga Unit #1 SCCT NG 1968 15.25 16.1 15,000 Unit #2 SCCT NG 1968 15.25 16.1 15,000 Un it #3(e)RCCT NG 1973 53.3 53.0 10,000 Unit #4 SCCT NG 1976 10.0 10.7 15,000 Unit #5 RCCT NG 1975 58.5 58.0 10,000 Unit #6 CCCT NG 1976 72.9 68.0 15,000 Unit #7(f)CCCT NG 1977 72.9 68.0 15,000 Unit #8 CCST NG 1982 55.0 42.0 TABLE B.73 (Sheet 2 of 5) EXISTING GENERATING PLANTS IN THE RAILBELT REGION Namepl ate Generating Prime Fuel Capacity Capacity Heat Rate Pl ant/Unit Mover Type Date (MW).@ OaF (~W)(Btu/kWh) )- Chugach Electric Association (Continued) Cooper Lake(g) Unit #1,2 H 1961 15.0 16.0 International Unit #1 SCCT NG 1964 14.0 14.0 15,000 Unit #2 SCCT NG 1965 14.0 14.0 15,000 Unit #3 SCCT NG 1970 18.5 18.0 15,000 Bernice Lake Unit #1 SCCT NG 1963 7.5 8.6 23,400 Unit #2 SCCT NG 1972 16.5 18.9 23,400 Unit #3 SCCT NG 1978 23.0 26.4 23,400 Unit #4 SCCT NG 1982 23.0 26.4 12,000 Knik Arm(h) Unit #1 ST NG 1952 0.5 0.5 Unit #2 ST NG 1952 3.0 3.0 Unit #3 ST NG 1957 3.0 3.0 Unit #4 ST NG 1957 3.0 3.0 Unit #5 ST NG 1957 5.0 5.0 Homer Electric Association, Kenai Unit #1 0 0 1979 0.9 0.9 15,000 Pt.Graham Unit #1 0 0 1971 0.2 0.2 15,000 Sel dov i al Unit #1 0 0 1952 0.3 0.3 15,000 Unit #2 0 0 1964 0.6 0.6 15,000 Unit #3 0 0 1970 0.6 0.6 15,000 TABLE B.73 (Sheet 3 of 5) EXISTING GENERATING PLANTS IN THE RAILBELT REGION Pl ant/Unit Prime Fuel Mover Type Date Namepl ate Capacity (MW), Generating Capac i ty @ 0°F (MW) Heat Rate (Btu/kWh) Talkeetna Matanuska Electric Associ ation Unit #1 D °1967 0.9 0.9 15,000 Seward Electric System Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 D D D °°° 1965 1965 1965 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 15,000 15,000 15,000 Elmendorf AFB Mil itary Install ations -Anchorage Area Total Diesel Total ST Fort Richardson D ST °NG 1952 1952 2.1 31.5 10,500 12,000 Total Di~s~l(c)D Total STt 1)ST °NG 1952 1952 7.2 18.0 10,500 20,000 Golden Valley Electric Association Healy Coal Healy Diesel(c) North Pole ST D Coal ° 1967 1967 64.7 64.7 65.0 65.0 13,200 10,500 Combined Diesel D Unit #1 Unit #2 Zendher GTl GT2 GT3 GT4 SCCT ° SCCT ° SCCT ° SCCT ° SCCT ° SCCT ° ° 1976 1977 1971 1972 1975 1975 1960-70 64.7 64.7 18.4 17 .4 2.8 2.8 21.0 65.0 65.0 18.4 17.4 3.5 3.5 21.0 14,000 14,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 10,500 TABLE B.73 (Sheet 4 of 5) EXISTING GENERATING PLANTS IN THE RAILBELT REGION Namepl ate Generating Prime Fuel Capacity Capacity Heat Rate Pl ant/Unit Mover Type Date (MW)@ O°F (MW)(Btu/kWh) University of Alaska - Fairbanks Sl ST Coal 1.50 1.50 12,000 S2 ST Coal 1980 1.50 1.50 12,000 S3 ST Coal 10.0 10.0 12,000 D1 D 0 2.8 2.8 10~500 D2 D 0 2.8 2.8 20,500 Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Chena Uni t #1 ST Coal 1954 5.0 5.0 18,000 Un it #2 ST Coal 1952 2.5 2.5 22,000 Unit #3 ST Coal 1952 1.5 1.5 22,000 Unit #4 SCCT 0 1963 5.3 7.0 15,000 Unit #5 ST Coal 1970 21.0 21.0 13,320 Unit #6 SCCT 0 1976 23.1 28.8 15,000 Diesel #1 D 0 1967 2.8 2.8 12,150 Diesel #2 D 0 1968 2.8 2.8 12,150 Diesel #3 D 0 1968 2.8 2.8 12,150 Military Install~tions - Fairbanks Eielson AFB si,S2 ST 0 1953 2.50 S3,S4 ST 0 1953 6.25 Fort Greeley D1,D2 .~3(i)D 0 3.0 10,500 D4,D5 \1 D 0 2.5 10,500 Ft.Wainwright(j) si,S2, S3,S4 ST Coal 1953 20 20,000 S5(i)ST Coal 1953 2 Legend H D SCCT RCCT ST CCCT NG o Notes TABLE B.73 (Sheet 5 of 5) EXISTING GENERATING PLANTS IN THE RAILBELT REGION Hydro Diesel Simple cycle combustion turbine -Regenerstive cycle combustion turbine -Steam turbine -Combined cycle combustion turbine Natural gas Distillate fuel oil (a)Average annual energy production for Eklutna is approximately 148 GWh. (b)All AMLP SCCTs are equipped to burn natural gas or oil.In normal operation they are supplied with natural gas. All units have reserve oil storage for operation in the event gas is not available. (c)These are black-start units only.They are not included in total capacity. (d)Units #5, 6,and 7 are designed to operate as a combined-cycle at plant. When operated in this mode,they have a generating capacity at OaF of approximately 139 MW with a heat rate of 8500 Btu/kWh. (e)Jet engine,not included in total capacity. (f)Beluga Units #6, 7,and 8 operate as a combined-cycle plant.When operated in this mode,they have a generating capacity of about 178 MW with a heat rate of 8500 Btu/kWh.Thus, Units #6 and 7 are retired from "gas turbine operation"and added to "combined-cycle operations." (g)Average annual energy production for Cooper Lake is approximately 42 GWh. (h)Knik Arm units are old and have higher heat rates;they are not included in in total. (i)Standby units. (j)Cogeneration used for steam heating. Source:Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories.Existing Generating Facilities and Planned Addition for the Rallbelf Reglonof Alaska, Volume VI,September,1982; updated by Harza-E6asco Susltna Joint Venture, 1983. TABLE B.74 (Sheet 1 of 2) MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF PEAK DEMAND Anchorage -Cook Inlet Area 1976 Average 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1976-1982 --r%T -ro \%T -ro \%T -ro "l%T (%) January 94.2 76.8 89.2 90.5 89.9 79.1 100.0 88.5 February 91.2 91.8 85.8 100.0 84.8 84.8 93.3 87.4 March 81.7 75.4 77 .5 85.9 72.4 73.1 83.0 78.4 April 70.9 69.7 70.6 67.8 60.1 69.1 77 .4 69.4 May 63.9 59.8 62.6 58.9 55.7 61.3 64.3 60.9 June 59.9 55.6 59.7 58.5 52.7 61.5 61.8 58.5 July 62.3 54.2 59.4 54.9 54.2 63.0 61.6 58.5 August 63.6 57.6 61.8 55.5 50.4 62.0 63.4 59.2 September 70.1 67.5 66.1 61.9 58.3 69.7 73.8 66.8 October 89.2 78.1 81.5 72.7 69.9 78.7 90.9 80.1 November 88.8 91.7 92.3 80.0 78.7 90.2 94.4 88.0 December 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.0 100.0 100.0 95.6 99.2 Fairbanks -Tanana Valley Area Average 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1976-1982--ro --ro --ro --ro --ro -ro -ro (%) January 100.0 74.8 100.0 88.6 99.8 85.7 100.0 92.7 February 98.6 74.3 98.8 100.0 79.0 94.6 97.0 91.8 March 81.0 73.2 85.4 80.7 73.7 73.1 86.8 79.1 April 64.2 61.9 74.0 65.1 63.3 70.2 77 .1 68.0 May 54.3 51.2 60.6 56.1 58.5 69.4 71.0 60.2 June 49.2 47.9 60.4 53.5 56.8 63.9 66.6 56.9 July 53.6 46.4 57.7 55.4 58.5 62.9 65.4 57.1 August 52.4 47.3 57.7 56.5 62.3 65.5 68.5 58.6 September 59.4 55.7 65.5 59.6 63.9 70.8 73.9 64.1 October 81.3 67.4 75.5 66.3 74.2 77 .4 85.8 75.4 November 83.6 87.1 89.9 71.7 79.2 83.3 94.7 84.2 December 96.3 100.0 87.2 87.0 100.0 100.0 94.4 95.0 Total Railbelt Area Average 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1976-1982--ro ""1%J -ro "l"%T --ro -m -ro (%) January 96.5 76.3 93.7 90.2 91.6 80.2 100.0 89.8 February 93.9 72.4 90.8 100.0 76.4 86.5 94.0 87.7 March 82.2 74.9 81.1 84.9 72.6 73.1 83.6 78.9 April 69.9 67.8 71.9 67.3 60.6 69.3 77 .4 69.2 May 62.1 57.8 63.9 58.3 56.2 62.7 65.6 60.9 June 57.8 53.8 61.4 57.5 53.4 61.9 62.6 58.3 July 60.7 52.3 60.6 55.0 51.9 63.0 62.2 57.9 August 61.4 55.2 62.6 55.7 55.6 62.6 65.3 59.8 September 68.1 64.6 67.7 61.5 59.3 69.8 73.9 66.4 October 88.1 75.5 82.4 71.4 70.6 78.5 90.3 79.5 November 88.3 90.6 94.2 78.3 78.8 89.0 94.4 87.7 December 100.0 100.0 100.0 96.6 100.0 100.0 95.4 98.9 Source:TABLES B.84 and B.85 TABLE B.74 (Sheet 2 of 2) MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF ENERGY DEMAND Anchorage -Cook Inlet Area Average 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1976-1982-m -m '"llT -m -m -m -m (~) January 10.0 9.1 10.2 10.2 10.5 9.3 10.8 10.0 February 9.4 8.0 8.7 10.3 8.6 8.6 9.0 8.9 March 9.1 9.1 9.0 9.0 8.8 8.6 8.9 8.9 Apri 1 7.8 7.9 7.7 7.9 7.5 7.8 7.9 7.8 May 7.2 7.3 7.3 7.1 6.9 7.1 7.2 7.2 June 6.4 6.7 6.7 6.4 6.5 6.8 6.5 6.6 July 6.7 6.5 6.8 6.6 6.7 7.2 6.8 6.7 August 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 7.2 6.9 -6.9 September 7.5 7.1 7.2 7.0 7.2 7.5 7.2 7.2 October 8.9 8.8 8.8 8.2 8.4 9.1 9.0 8.7 November 9.5 10.7 10.0 8.8 9.6 10.0 9.6 9.8 December 10.6 12.0 10.8 11.6 12.3 10.8 10.2 11.2 Fairbanks -Tanana Valley Area Average 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1976-1982-m -m -m -m -m -m -m (%) January 11.9 9.9 11.2 11.0 11.3 9.5 11.0 10.8 February 11.4 8.5 9.7 11.3 8.6 9.1 9.2 9.7 March 9.4 9.7 9.6 9.5 8.6 8.6 8.9 9.2 April 7.4 7.8 7.8 7.9 7.4 8.0 7.9 7.7 May 6.4 6.7 6.9 6.7 7.0 7.3 7.2 6.9 June 5.8 6.0 6.4 6.3 6.3 6.8 6.6 6.3 July 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.6 6.8 6.8 7.0 6.5 August 6.1 6.4 6.6 6.5 6.9 6.8 7.0 6.6 September 6.7 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.3 7.6 7.3 7.1 October 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.1 8.1 8.9 8.7 8.5 November 9.1 11.1 9.5 8.4 9.2 9.4 9.3 9.4 December 11.4 12.7 10.2 10.8 12.5 11.0 10.2 11.3 Total Railbelt Area Average 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1976-1982-m -m -m -m -m -m """T%T (%) January 10.4 9.3 10.4 10.4 10.6 9.3 10.8 10.2 February 9.8 8.1 8.9 10.5 8.6 8.7 9.0 9.1 March 9.1 9.3 9.1 9.1 8.8 8.6 8.9 9.0 April 7.7 7.9 7.8 7.9 7.5 7.8 7.9 7.8 May 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.1 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.1 June 6.2 6.4 6.7 6.4 6.5 6.8 6.5 6.5 July 6.6 6.4 6.8 6.6 6.7 7.1 6.9 6.7 August 6.7 6.7 6.8 6.7 6.8 7.2 6.9 6.8 September 7.3 7.0 7.1 7.0 7.2 7.5 7.2 7.2 October 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.2 8.4 9.0 9.0 8.7 November 9.5 10.8 9.8 8.7 9.5 9.9 9.6 9.7 December 10.8 12.2 10.7 11.5 12.3 10.8 10.2 11.2 Source:TABLES B.84 and B.85 TABLE B.75 PROJECTED MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF PEAK AND ENERGY DEMAND PERCENTAGE OF ANNUAL DEMAND Total Railbelt Area 1990 2000 2010 2020 I Pe akY Energ#PeakY Energ#PeakY Energ#PeakY Energy.!! (%1 (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) January 91.5 10.3 91.4 10.2 91.3 10.2 91.3 10.2 February 86.6 8.9 86.5 9.0 86.4 8.8 86.4 9.0 March 78.5 9.0 78.4 8.9 78.3 8.9 78.3 '8.9 April 69.5 7.7 69.6 7.6 69.6 7.7 69.6 7.7 May 63.0 7.1 63.6 7.1 63.7 7.1 63.7 7.1 June 60.3 6.5 61.7 6.6 61.9 6.6 61.9 6.6 July 59.5 6.5 60.5 6.5 60.5 6.6 60.5 6.6 August 63.2 6.9 64.4 6.9 64.3 6.9 64.3 6.9 September 68.5 7.2 69.4 7.2 69.4 7.3 69.4 7.3 October 79.0 8.7 79.4 8.7 79.3 8.7 79.3 8.7 November 92.2 9.9 92.2 9.9 92.1 9.9 92.1 9.9 December 100.0 11.2 100.0 11.1 100.0 11.2 100.0 11.2 l/Source:Woodward-Clyde,December 1980 Report, Table 3.2.11 2/Source:Results from the OGP Load Model,Reference Case Scenario TABLE B.76 TYPICAL DAILY LOAD DURATION SELECTED MONTHS APRIL AUGUST DECEMBER APRIL AUGUST DECEMBER 1.000 1.000 1.000 .942 .871 .945 .990 .990 .997 .917 .868 .944 .983 .988 .979 .897 .858 .927 .981 .977 .968 .882 .846 .911 .978 .970 .948 .882 .845 .893 .966 .965 .918 .880 .842 .868 .963 .959 .915 .870 .837 .862 .957 .951 .914 .867 .835 .856 .953 .948 .913 .859 .832 .854 .947 .923 .909 .851 .830 .853 .939 .890 .905 .851 .820 .843 .936 .882 .897 .838 .816 .826 .936 .873 .896 .837 .797 .818 .931 .868 .879 .827 .786 .782 .888 .834 .873 .805 .724 .775 .853 .776 .812 .753 .703 .732 .750 .747 .804 .729 .667 .724 .769 .666 .747 .724 .623 .723 .712 .657 .710 .689 .616 .680 .698 .612 .702 .673 .595 .672 .683 .590 .675 .668 .580 .661 .672 .581 .668 .667 .564 .655 .670 .581 .664 .661 .555 .648 .670 .560 .661 .650 .545 .648 Source:Woodward-Clyde,1980. TABLE B.77 LOAD DIVERSITY IN THE RAILBELT~). Railbelt Loads -December 29,1871 Non- Coincident UTILITY 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM Peak CEA 168.55 170.7 178.7 179.4 182.1 180.8 173.2 182.1 AMLP 107 111 110 106 104 100 96 111.0 MEA 52.3 51.4 49.5 49.0 52.2 50.1 47.0 52.3 HEA 48.1 48.3 49.7 50.4 49.7 49.0 46.7 50.4 GVEA 71.8 71.8 75.4 69.1 72 .9 72.2 73.2 75.4 Ft.WR.9.5 11.0 11.7 10.2 9.5 8.8 9.5 '11.7 EIELSON 10.3 10.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.3 U.of A.5.8 5.8 5.6 6.0 4.9 5.3 4.4 6.0 FMUS 27.4 26.7 26.7 25.7 24.0 21.1 18.5 27.4 TOTAL 500.7 507.0 517.3 505.8 509.3 497.3 478.5 526.6 Diversity =Coincidnet Peak =517.3 =.982 Non-colncldent Peak 526.6 Railbelt Loads - January 6,1982 Non- Coincident UTILITY 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM Peak CEA 175 178 194 202 214 210 203 214 AMLP 109 109 117 115 116 112 107 117 MEA 66 71 71 71 73 74 74 74 HEA 57 56 60 62 62 63 61 63 GVEA 66.5 67.8 69.0 74.6 71.9 74.1 74.2 74.6 Ft.WR.11.0 11.7 11.7 9.5 9.5 9.5 8.8 11.7 EIELSON 11.0 11.0 11.2 10.9 10.7 10.4 10.4 11.2 U.of A.6.0 6.2 6.2 6.5 5.7 4.3 5.0 6.5 FMUS 27.4 27.2 29.7 26.2 24.0 23.5 20.4 29.7 TOTAL 528.9 538.3 569.8 577.7 586.8 580.8 563.8 601.7 Diversity =Coincident Pe~k =586.8 =.975 Non-colncldent Peak 601.7 Source: Alaska Systems Coordinating Council,April 16, 1982. TABLE B.78 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC RATES Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area March 1983 Electric Rate Ut il ity Residential Rates (monthly) Energy Used Fixed Rate Rate With Cost of Power Adjustment Anchorage Municipal Light &Power Chugach El ectri c Association,Inc. Commercial Rates (monthly) Anchorage Municipal Light &Power Chugach Electric Association,Inc. Customer Charge $4.50 --- Energy Charge 4.638~/kWh 5.199~/kWh Cost of 1,000 kWh $46.38---$51.99--- First -50 kWh 13.6r kWh 13.916rkWhNext200kWh6.7 /kWh 7.016 /kWh Next 500 kWh 3.9 /kWh 4.216 /kWh Next 750 kWh 3.5 /kWh 3.816 /kWh Over 1,500 kWh 3.0 /kWh 3.316 /kWh Cost of 1,000 kWh $48.45 $51.61 Customer Charge $8.24 --- Energy Charge 5.62~/kWh 6.181~/kWh Cost of 5,000 kWh $281.00---$309.05--- First -100 kWh 9.1r kWh 9.416rkWhNext150kWh6.1 /kWh 6.416 /kWh Next 500 kWh 5.3 /kWh 5.616 /kWh Over 750 kWh 4.8 /kWh 5.116 /kWh Cost of 5,000 kWh $248.75 $264.55 Sources: ~/AMLP,Schedule II Residential Service,effective September 29,1982. -/AMLP,Gas Cost Rate Adjustment,Tariff Sheet Number 101,effective March 1,1983. liCEA,Schedule No.1,General Residential Service,(Urban Areas), effective October 26, 1982. 4/CEA,Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Adjustment Factor,Tariff Sheets No.91-95,effective March 7, 1983. i/AMLP,Schedule 21 General Service-Small,effective September 29, 1982. 2/CEA,Schedule No.3,Commercial Light and Power (Not exceeding 10 kw), effective October 26, 1982. * ** *** TABLE B.79 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC RATES Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area March 1983 Electric Rate Rate Wi th Cost of Power Ut il ity Energy Used Fixed Rate Adjustment* Residential Rates KWH KWH Fairbanks Municipal 0-100 kWh**12000rkWh**---Ut il it ies System 100-400 kWh 8.20 /kWh --- Over 400 kWh 5.90 /kWh ---Cost of 1,000 kWh $ 2.00 --- Golden Valley Customer Charge***$10.00***$10.00*** Electric Assn.0-500 kWh 11.25rkWh 9.73rkWhOver500kWh9.50 /kWh 7.98 /kWh Cost of 1,000 kWh $I 3.75 $8.58 Commercial Rates Fairbanks Municipal 0-100 kWh**12000rkWh**---Utilities System 100-400 kWh 11.30/kWh --- 400-1,000 kWh 9.50 /kWh ---Over 1,000 kWh 7.80/kWh --- Cost of 5,000 kWh $4 4.90 --- Golden Valley Customer Charge***$20.00***$20.00*** Electric Assn.0-500 kWh lSo00r kWh 13048rkWh500-5,000 kWh 11.10 /kWh 9.58 /kWh Over 5,000 kWh 9.50 /kWh 7.98/kWh Cost of 5,000 kWh $5 4.50 $5 8.65 Golden Valley Electric Association electric rates include a Cost of Power Adjustment Clause (CPAC)that raises or lowers the fixed electric rate quarterly to reflect changes in the cost of fuel and the cost of electricity purchased from other utilities.The CPAC for the quarter that begins with the March billing cycle lowers the price of each kWh sold by 1.5171. Fairbanks Munlcipal Utilities System electric rates include a minimum monthly charge of $9.00 per residential customer and $12.00 per commercial customer. Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA)electric rates also include a fixed customer charge of $10.00 per residential customer and $20.00 per commercial customer.The total GVEA monthly bill is,therefore,the sum of the customer charge and the kWh usage charge. Source:Fairbanks North Star Borough.The Energy Report,March,1983. TABLE B.80 ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER CUMULATIVE ENERGY CONSERVATION PROJECTIONS Energy Conservation in MWh Program 1981 19S2 1983 19S4 1985 1986 1987--..-- Weatherizat i on 586 762 938 1,114 1,290 1,466 1,641 State Programs 879 1,759 2,199 2,683 3,078 3,518 3,737 Water Flow 200 464 464 464 464 464 464 < Restrictions Water Heat 3,922 3,922 3,922 3,922 3,922 3,922 3,922 Injection Hot Water NA NA 249 249 249 249 249 Heater Wrap Street Light 0 555 1,859 3,307 4,788 6,306 7,861 Conversion Transmission 0 0 4,119 8,732 9,256 9,811 10,399 Conversion Boiler Pump 7,148 7,148 7,148 7,148 7,148 7,148 7,148 Conversion TOTAL 12,735 14,609 20,896 27,619 30,195 32,614 35,421 Increase NA 14.7 43.0 32.2 9.3 9.8 8.6 From Previous Year % Source:AMLP,1983 TA8LE 8.81 PROGRAMMATIC VS MARKET DRIVEN ENERGY CONSERVATION PROJECTIONS IN THE AMLP SERVICE AREA Year Programmatic Price-Induced Increase From Conservation Con serv ati on Total Previous Year (MWh)(%)(MWh)(%)(MW)(%)(%) 1981 12,735 39.5 19,558 60.5 32,294 100 NA 1982 191,609 34.9 27,243 65.1 41,853 100 29.6 1983 20,896 37.1 35,374 62.9 56,289 100 34.4 1984 27,619 41.1 39,560 58.9 67,133 100 19.3 1985 30,195 40.4 44,536 59.6 74,730 100 11.3 1986 32,614 40.6 48,133 59.4 81,015 100 8.4 1987 35,421 41.0 50,940 59.0 86,363 100 6.6 Source:AMLP,1983 TABLE B.82 AVERAGE ANNUAL ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION PER HOUSEHOLD ON THE GVEA SYSTEM,1972-1982 Annual Consumption Percent Year (kWh)Change 1972 13,919 +5.6 1973 14,479 +4.0 1974 15,822 +9.3 1975 17,332 +9.5 1976 15,203 -12.3 1977 14,255 -6.2 1978 11,574 -18.8 1979 10,519 -9.1 1980 9,767 -7.1 1981 9,080 -7.0 1982 9,303 +2.5 Source:GVEA,1983 TJl.BLE B.83 HISTffiIC ECCNJvIIC JV\ID ELECTRIC IU.JER ffiTA rr f« (1) 1965 1970 1975 1900 Igg2ITEMLhit1960 State Oi 1 CJ1d Gas Revenues to 106x $4.2(2)933.6(3)General Fund 16.3 88.3 2,262.3 3,567.3 State General Fund Expenditures n.a.82.7 188.6 453.3 1,172.8 4,601.9 State Population 226,Lm 265,Lm 3)4,700 lX),000 402,000 437,175 State Einploym:nt 94,lX)110,000 133,400 197,500 211,Lm 231,984 Railbelt Population 140,486 n.a.199,670 n.a.275,818 Il7,107 Railbelt (4) 74,100 88,500 13),400 132,000 154,033finploym:nt n.a. Railbelt Households 37,()s2 n.a.54,057 n.a.94,210 1()S,599 Railbelt Electric(5 Energy Generation Gt.tt Jlnchorage n.a.526 885 1,451 2,~5 2,709 Fairbanks n.a.231 433 617 647 691 Total n.a.757 1,318 2,QS8 3,012 3,400 Railbelt(S,ak M..J 171 296 420 634 655[Bnand n.a. Railbelt Generation Capocity M..J n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.1,143 1,272 Sources :f1ll.P Mxlel Data Base;Federal Energy Regulatory Onmisstcn,PoV€r Systen Staterent;Alaska PoV€r Amtntstrattcn, LhpLb 1i shed Printouts,1983. IlJlnnUal data is not available on a consistent basis for all itens listed. 2 Figure is for 1961. 3 This figure results fron the collection of a large petroleun lease bonus. 4 Excludes agricultural workers and self-enployed. 5)Includes electric utilities,military generation and self-supplied industrial. TABLE B.84 MONTHLY LOAD DATA FROM ELECTRIC UTILITIES OF THE ANCHORAGE-COOK INLET AREA 1916-1982 -------------- 1~16 1977 1919 1980 19811978 1982 NET ENERGY (MWh)l! January 161,141.5 163,477.1 197,195.3 209,274.5 221,099.0 202,340.0 264,648.0 February 151,168.2 143,889.6 167,616.7 210,332.0 181,893.5 187,783.4 220,393.7 March 146,509.1 164,983.4 173,181.4 185,059.4 185,943.1 186,765.9 216,461.3 April 126,761.1 143,022.2 149,674.5 161,606.5 156,987.2 170,237.0 192,249.0 May 117,125.5 131,440.5 141,333.2 145,917.9 146,260.9 154,246.8 176,556.1 June 103,078.8 118,039.1 129,703.3 131,699.7 136,742.5 148,192.0 158,777.1 July 108,553.9 117,770.2 132,305.2 135,651.7 141,134.1 155,776.0 167,278.6 August 110,786.5 123,445.4 132,216.7 138,170.5 143,856.5 157,135.7 168,890.9 September 121,003.0 128,232.2 138,889.5 142,352.1 152,210.2 163,671.3 175,186.4 October 144,716.2 158,886.4 169,395.0 168,032.0 177,254.6 196,922.6 220,848.4 November 154,417.2 193,630.9 191,146.6 179,280.7 202,484.4 218,191.4 234,428.6 December 172,100.4 216,793.6 209,149.0 237,780.1 259,118.5 234,472.2 250,034.5 ---------------------- ----------- --------------------------------- ----------- ANNUAL 1,617,361.6 1,803,610.6 1,931,806.2 2,045,157.1 2,104,984.5 2,175,734.4 2,445,752.6 PEAK DEMAND (MW)Y January 293.1 288.4 341.3 357.8 399.4 351.8 471.7 February 283.7 269.5 328.6 395.1 337.2 377 .0 440.4 March 254.0 283.0 296.6 339.5 321.9 324.9 391.5 April 220.4 261.7 270.3 268.1 266.9 307.3 365.2 May 198.8 224.6 239.8 232.7 247.7 272.5 303.6 June 186.4 208.7 228.6 231.1 234.3 273.4 291.4 July 193.9 203.3 227.4 217.1 224.2 280.1 290.6 August 197.7 216.3 236.6 219.5 240.8 275.9 298.9 September 218.0 253.3 253.1 244.8 259.2 309.7 348.4 October 277.7 293.0 312.1 287.4 310.6 349.9 429.1 November 276.2 344.1 353.2 316.2 349.7 401.3 445.2 December 311.0 375.4 382.8 391.1 444.4 444.7 450.9 ----- ----- ----- ---------- ---------- ANNUAL 311.0 375.4 382.8 395.1 444.4 444.7 471.7 ~Includes total net generation by CEA,AMLP and APAD and sales to other utilities. _ Note:includes AMLP &CEA (This equals total area except MEA purchase from APAD - 5 MW by contract.) C:"'lrce·I\la~l-"Powl'~·'\dmi"'';-"':rat';r..~,urn,·h,lisf'H>rl prin+·~·!ts,1(l~3. TABLE B.85 MONTHLY LOAD DATA FROM ELE£TRIC UTILITIES OF THE FAIRBANKS-TANANA VALLEY AREA 1976-1982 E176 1977 (1978 1979 1980 1981 .1982 NET ENERGY (MWh)(l) January 55,675.0 47,753.3 52,380.1 49,177 .2 50,037.5 42,057.2 53,931.0 February 53,313.3 41,115.2 45,326.6 50,532.3 38,093.0 40,303.0 45,022.0 March 43,844.4 46,759.5 45,014.9 42,322.0 38,220.1 37,927.8 43,698.0 April 34,468.6 37,698.3 36,384.6 35,415.1 32,784.8 35,262.8 38,743.0 May 29,811.4 32,446.1 32,195.9 29,781.9 30,943.3 32,286.2 35,379.0 June 27,063.7 28,787.6 29,783.1 28,091.9 28,015.3 30,163.7 32,428.0 July 28,328.5 28,921.0 30,184.2 29,743.5 30,405.5 30,264.8 34,449.0 August 28,754.2 30,765.5 30,793.2 29,058.6 30,378.0 30,301.7 34,308.0 September 31,311.0 31,474.5 32,455.1 31,404.4 32,232.7 33,661.8 35,637.0 October 40,298.2 41,307.6 40,106.7 36,280.0 36,084.3 39,271.0 42,846.1 November 42,801.7 53,609.9 44,186.7 37,400.1 40,606.1 41,647.1 45,771.0 December 53,334.5 61,015.7 47,394.9 48,370.1 55,500.7 48,820.3 49,885.0 ------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ANNUAL 468,004.3 481,654.2 466,206.0 447,577.1 443,301.3 442,967.3 491,097.0 PEAK DEMAND (MW)(l) January 101.0 87.9 95.8 89.2 95.2 79.8 94.4 February 99.6 87.3 94.7 100.7 75.4 88.1 91.6 March 81.8 86.0 81.8 81.3 70.3 68.1 82.0 Apri 1 64.9 72.7 70.9 65.6 60.4 65.4 72.8 May 54.8 60.2 58.1 56.5 55.8 64.6 67.0 June 49.7 56.3 57.9 53.9 54.2 59.5 62.9 July 54.1 54.5 55.3 55.8 55.8 58.6 61.7 August 52.9 55.6 55.3 56.9 59.4 61.0 70.7 September 60.0 65.4 62.8 60.0 61.0 65.9 69.8 October 82.1 79.2 72.3 66.8 70.8 72.1 82.1 November 84.5 102.3 86.1 72.2 75.6 77.6 89.4 December 97.3 117.5 83.5 87.6 95.4 93.1 89.1 ------------------------------- ANNUAL 101.0 117.5 95.8 100.7 95.4 93.1 94.4 (l)Data for FMUS and GVEA including purchases. Source:Alaska Power Administration,unpublished printout,1983. TABLE B.86 NET GENERATION BY ELECTRIC UTILITY 1916-1982 nmnl YEAR UTILITY 1976 -1977 1978 1.97g-1980 1Y~1 lY~t I Anchorage Municipal 444.9 420.3 443.1 473.1 486.6 485.3 579.5 Light &Power Chugach Electric Asso.1,054.5 1,179.7 1,308.6 1,401.0 1,434.1 1,467.7 1,718.4 Al aska Power Administration 118.0 203.6 180.1 171.1 184.3 222.7 147.9 Anchorage Cook Inlet Subtotal 1,617.4 1,803.6 1,931.8 2,045.2 2,105.0 2,175.7 2,445.8 Fairbanks Municipal 123.3 128.5 124.7 124.7 125.6 126.1 140.7 Ut il ity System Golden Valley Electric 344.7 353.5 341.5 322.9 317.7 316.9 350.3 Associ ation Fairbanks Area Sub-total 468.0 481.7 466.2 447.6 443.3 443.0 491.1 Railbelt Total 2,085.4 2,285.3 2,398.0 2,492.8 2,548.3 2,618.7 2,936.9 Note:Subtotals and total shown may differ from column totals due to rounding. Source:Alaska Power Administration,Unpublished Printouts,1983. TABLE B.87 MAP MODEL VALIDATION SIMULATION OF HISTORICAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Observed Estimated Percent Factor Year Value .Value Difference Difference--•! Non-Agriculatural 1965 70,529 70,406 -123 -.174 Wage and Salary 1970 92,465 88,837 -3,628 -3.924 Employment 1975 161,315 154,893 -6,422 -3.981 1980 169,609 166,281 -3,328 -1.962 Wages and Salaries 1965 721 757 36 4.9 In Al aska -1970 1,203 1,134 -69 -5.7 $million -nominal 1975 3,413 3,408 -5 -0.1 1980 4,220 4,083 -182 -4.3 Personal Income 1965 827 861 34 4.1 In Al aska -1970 1,388 1,309 -79 -5.7 $million -nominal 1975 3,455 3,372 -83 -2.4 1980 5,030 4,972 -58 -1.2 TABLE B.88 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL AND PREDICTED ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION FOR 1982 (GWh) Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area RED Reference RED Ut il it ies Case·Output Adjusted Data Residenti al 1059 1097 1146 Business 1018 1070 972 Others 125 123 123 Total "'2'2U2'~724T Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area RED Reference RED Util ities Case Output Adjusted Data Residential 205 208 178 Business 242 254 269 Others 7 6 5 Total 4'52f 'm;E'457 Table B.89 (Sheet 1 of 2) AL TERNATI VE PETROLEUM PRICE PROJECTIONS 1983-2010 1983 DOLLARS Department Reference Case of Revenu{l)DR I Sherman Cl ark Sherman Clark Mean-4/83 Spring 1983(2)Base Case -4/83 NSD Case -4/83 $/bb 1 %Chg $/bb 1 %Chg $/bbl %Chg.$/bbl %Chg 1983 28.95 28.95 28.95 28.95 4 23.96 -17.2 25.17 -13.1 27.61 -4.6 27.61 -4.6 5 22.67 -5.4 27.02 7.4 26.30 -4.7 26.30 -4.7 6 22.35 -1.4 28.77 6.5 26.30 0.0 26.30 0.0 7 21.95 -1.8 30.64 6.5 26.30 0.0 26.30 0.0 8 22.15 1.3 32.62 6.5 26.30 0.0 26.30 '0.0 9 22.34 1.3 34.74 6.5 40.00 52.1 27.09 3.0 1990 22.55 1.3 36.99 6.5 40.00 0.0 27.90 3.0 1 22.79 1.3 38.61 4.4 41.20 3.0 28.74 3.0 2 23.04 1.3 40.31 4.4 42.44 3.0 29.60 3.0 3 23.32 1.3 42.08 4.4 43.71 3.0 30.49 3.0 4 23.63 1.3 43.92 4.4 45.02 3.0 31.40 3.0 5 23.96 1.3 45.85 4.4 46.38 3.0 32.34 3.0 6 24.31 1.3 47.27 4.4 47.77 3.0 33.31 3.0 7 24.71 1.3 48.74 3.1 49.20 3.0 34.31 3.0 8 25.14 1.3 50.26 3.1 50.68 3.0 35.34 3.0 9 25.60 1.3 51.82 3.1 52.20 3.0 36.40 3.0 2000 25.93 1.3 53.43 3.1 53.76 3.0 37.50 3.0 1 26.27 1.3 54.04 1.1 55.64 3.5 38.63 3.0 2 26.61 1.3 54.65 1.1 57.58 3.5 39.78 3.0 3 29.96 1.3 55.27 1.1 59.58 3.5 40.98 3.0 4 27.31 1.3 55.90 1.1 61.66 3.5 42.21 3.0 5 27.66 1.3 56.54 1.1 63.81 3.5 43.47 3.0 6 28.02 1.3 57.33 1.1 66.04 3.5 44.78 3.0 7 28.39 1.3 58.13 1.1 68.34 3.5 46.12 3.0 8 28.76 1.3 58.95 1.1 70.73 3.5 47.50 3.0 9 29.13 1.3 59.77 1.1 73.20 3.5 48.93 3.0 2010 29.51 1.3 60.61 1.1 75.75 3.5 50.39 3.0 ?~jDOR extrapolated after 1999 at last DOR rate of 1.3%/yr. DRI extrapolated after 2005 at 1ast DRI rate of 1.1%/yr. TABLE B.89 (Sheet 2 of 2) ALTERNATIVE OIL PRICE PROJECTIONS 2010-2040 1983 DOLLARS Department Reference Case of Revenue DRI Sherman Cl ark Sherman Cl ark Mean-4/83 Spring 1983 Base Case-4/83 NSD Case-4/83 $/bbl %Chg $/bbl %Chg $/bbl %Chg $/bbl %Chg 2010 29.51 60.61 75.75 50.39 1 29.89 1.3 61.28 1.1 76.89 1.5 51.65 2.5 2 30.28 1.3 61.95 1.1 78.04 1.5 52.94 2.5 3 30.68 1.3 62.63 1.1 79.21 1.5 54.26 2.5 4 31.07 1.3 63.32 1.1 80.40 1.5 55.61 2.5 2015 31.48 1.3 64.02 1.1 81.60 1.5 57.00 2.5 6 31.89 1.3 64.72 1.1 82.83 1.5 58.42 2.5 7 32.30 1.3 65.43 1.1 84.07 1.5 59.88 2.5 8 32.72 1.3 66.15 1.1 85.33 1.5 61.38 2.5 9 33.15 1.3 66.88 1.1 86.61 1.5 62.91 2.5 2020 33.58 1.3 67.62 1.1 87.80 1.5 64.48 2.5 1 34.02 1.3 68.36 1.1 87.80 0.0 65.45 1.5 2 34.46 1.3 69.11 1.1 87.80 0.0 66.43 1.5 3 34.91 1.3 69.87 1.1 87.80 0.0 67.43 1.5 4 35.36 1.3 70.64 1.1 87.80 0.0 68.44 1.5 2025 35.82 1.3 71.42 1.1 87.80 0.0 69.47 1.5 6 36.76 1.3 72.20 1.1 87.80 0.0 70.51 1.5 7 36.23 1.3 73.00 1.1 87.80 0.0 71.57 1.5 8 37.72 1.3 73.80 1.1 87.80 0.0 72 .64 1.5 9 38.21 1.3 74.61 1.1 87.80 0.0 73.73 1.5 2030 38.71 1.3 75.43 1.1 87.80 0.0 74.84 1.5 1 39.21 1.3 76.26 1.1 87.80 0.0 75.59 1.0 2 39.72 1.3 77 .10 1.1 87.80 0.0 76.34 1.0 3 40.23 1.3 77.95 1.1 87.80 0.0 77 .10 1.0 4 40.76 1.3 78.81 1.1 87.80 0.0 77 .88 1.0 2035 41.29 1.3 79.68 1.1 87.80 0.0 78.65 1.0 6 41.82 1.3 80.55 1.1 87.80 0.0 79.44 1.0 7 42.36 1.3 81.44 1.1 87.80 0.0 80.23 1.0 8 42.37 1.3 82.33 1.1 87.80 0.0 81.03 1.0 9 42.92 1.3 83.24 1.1 87.80 0.0 81.84 1.0 2040 42.48 1.3 84.15 1.1 87.80 0.0 82.66 1.0 Tab le B.90 lEVEL OF ANALYSIS EMPLOYED WITH WORLD OIL PR ICE FORECASTS Oil Price Forecast Model or level of Anal ys is Battelle General Electric Rail belt Optimum DOR Electric Generat i on Petroleum Revenue ISER Demand Planning (PETREV)(MAP)(RED)(OGP) DOR Mean,Spring 83 Yes Yes Yes Yes DOR 50%From PETREV Yes Yes No DOR 30%From PETREV Yes Yes No DR I Spr i ng 83 Yes Yes Yes Yes DRI lOWOIl No No No No DRI HIGHOIl No No No No SHCA BASE CASE No No No No Reference Case Yes Yes Yes Yes SHCA ZEG No No No No +2%Yes Yes Yes No 0%Yes Yes Yes No -1%Yes Yes Yes No 2%Yes Yes Yes Yes TABLE B.91 VARIABLES AND ASSUMPTIONS OTHER THAN OIL PRICES PETREV MODEL Name Year Reference Case Value Source---- North Slope Petroleum Production 1983 1.611 x 10 6 bbl/day Department of Revenue 1999 .699 x 10 6 bbl/day Department of Revenue State Royalty 1981 12.5%Department of Revenue 1999 12.5%Department of Revenue North Slope Production Tax Rate 1983 15%Department of Revenue 1999 15%Department of Revenue Economic Limit Factor 1983 99 Department of Revenue 1999 585 Department of Revenue Transportaton and Quality Differential 1983 $9.93 nominal/bbl Department of Revenue 1999 $13.86 nominal/bbl Department of Revenue TABLE B.92 TOURIST Tourists Visiting Alaska Comm. Comm. Comm. Comm. Source AlasYa Department of Labor MAP Model Data Base Alaska Department of Labor Institute of Social and Economic Research Institute of Social and Economic Research Institute of Soci~and Economic Research Inst itute of Social and Economic Research Institute of Soci~and Economic Research Institute of Social and Economic Research Institute of Soci~and Economic Research Institute of Social and Economic Research Institute of Social and Eocnomic Research Institute of Social and Economic Research Institute of Soci~and Economic Research Institute of Social and Economic Research Institute of Soci~and Economic Research Bureau of Economic Analysis,U.S.Dept.of Comm. Al aska Mil itary Command Alaska Department of Labor Institute of Soci~and Economic Research Alaska Dept. of Commerce &Economic Develop., Division of Tourism PETREV Model Output Institute of Soci~and Economic Research PETREV Model Output Institute of Soci~and Economic Research Inst itute of Social and Economic Research Institute of Social and Economic Research Institute of Social and Economic Research Institute of Social and Economic Research Institute of Social and Economic Research Institute of Social and Economic Research Bureau of Economic Analysis,U.S.,Dept.of Bureau of Economic Analysis,U.S.,Dept.of Bureau of Economic Analysis,U.S.,Dept.of Bureau of Economic Analysis,U.S.,Dept.of Alaska Department of Labor Year 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 1983 2010 VARIABLES AND ASSUMPTIONS OTHER THAN OIL PRICES MAP MODEL Reference Case Value 203 Employees 704 Employees 9,387 Employees 16,282 Employees 3,261 Employees 1,056 Employees 290 EmployeesoEmployees 1,552 Emp 1oyees 3,279 EmployeesoEmployees o Employees 10,433 Employees 11,617 Employees 6,421 Employees 7,096 Employees 23,323 Employees 23,323 Employees 17,989 Employees 20,583 Employees 730,000 Visitors 2,080,000 Visitors 1,480 MM Current $ 699 MM Current $ 1,430 MM Current $ 1,592 MM Current $ 26 MM Current $ o MM Current $ 149 Mt~Current $ 564 MM Current $ 235 MM Current $ 1,601 MM Current $ .01 .06 .015 .065 .9338 Real Wage Growth/Year Unemployment Rate Real Income Growth/Year Level Growth/Year Force Participation Rate U.S. U.S. U.S. Price Labor State Civilian Federal Emp. State Active Duty Military Emp. State Bonus Payment Revenue State Low Wage Manuf.Emp. State High Wage Manuf.Emp. State Petroleum Property Tax Revenue State Petroleum Corporate Tax State Petroleum Production Tax Revenue State Petroleum Royalty Revenue State Mining Employment State Low Wage Exog.Const.Emp. State High Wage Exog.Const.Emp. State Fish Harveting Emp. State Exog.Transportation Emp. Name State Agricultural Employment EMGM RTCSPX EMGC EMMX2 EMT9X EMCNX2 EMMXl EMF ISH EMCNXl MBP9 RPPS RPBS Symbol EMAGRI RPRY GGRWEVS UUS GRDIRPU GRUSCPI LFPART RPTS TABLE B.93 (Sheet 1 of 2) SUMMARY OF EXOGENOUS ECONOMIC ASSUMPTIONS Exogenous Employment Assumptions Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline System Prudhoe Bay Field Employment Upper Cook Inlet Petroleum Production Tertiary Recovery of North Slope Oil OCS Exploration and Development Anchorage Oi 1 Headquarters Beluga Chuitna Coal Production Hydroelectric Projects U.S.80rax Min e Greene Creek Mine Red Dog Mine Operating employment remains constant at 1,500 through 2010. Construction employment developing Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk fields peaks at 2,400 in 1983 and 1986. Operating employment remains at 2,502 through 2010 for overall North Slope production. Employment declines gradually beginning in 1983 so as to reach 50 percent of the 1982 level (778)by 2010. Tert iary oil recovery proj ect util izi ng North Slope natural gas occurs in early 1990s with a peak annual employment of 2,000. The current OCS five-year leasing schedule calls for 16 OCS lease sales subsequent to October 1982,including the Beaufort,Norton, and St.George Sales,which have already taken place (Sales 71,57,and 70). Development is assumed to occur only in the Navarin Basin (1.4 billion barrels of oil) and the Beaufort Sea (6.1 billion barrels of oil).All other sal es are assumed to result in exploration employment only. Several oil companies establish regional headquarters in Alaska in mid-1980s. Development of 4.4 million ton/year mine for export beginning in 1994 provides total total employment of 524. Employment peaks at 725 in 1990 for construction of several state-funded hydroelectric projects around the state. The U.S.Borax mine near Ketchikan is brought into production with operating employment of 790 by 1988. Production from the Greens Creek Mine on Admiralty Island results in employment of 315 people from 1986 through 1996. The Red Dog Mine in the Western Brooks Range reaches full production with operating employment of 448 by 1988. TABLE B.93 (Sheet 2 of 2) SUMMARY OF EXOGENOUS ECONOMIC ASSUMPTIONS Exogenous Employment Assumptions (continued) Other Mining Activity Agriculture Forest and Lumber Products Pu1P Mi 11 s Commercial Fishing-Nonbottomfish Commercial Fishing-Bottomfish Federal Mil itary Employment Federal Civilian Employment Tourism Assumptions Emp 1oyment increases from a 1982 1eve1 of 5,267 at 1 percent annually. Moderate state support results in expansion of agriculture to employment of 508 in 2000. Employment expands to over 3,200 by 1990 before beginning to decline gradually after 2000 to about 2,800 by 2010. Employment declines at a rate of 1 percent per year after 1983. Employment levels in fishing and fish processing remain constant at 6,323 and 7,123 respectively. The total U.S.bottomfish catch expands at a constant rate to allowable catch in 2000, with Alaska resident harvesting employment rising to 733.Onshore processing capacity expands in the Aleutians and Kodiak census divisions to provide total resident employment of 971 by 2000. Employment remains constant at 23,323. Rises at 0.5 percent annual rate from 17,900 in 1982 to 20,583 by 2010. Number of visitors to Alaska increases by 50,000 per year from 680,000 in 1982 to over 2 million by 2010. TABLE B.94 (Sheet 1 of 2) VARIABLES AND ASSUMPTIONS OTHER THAN OIL PRICES RED MODEL d Vintage Specific Survival Rate g Growth Stock of Appliances Symbol Name...,----.-.--..,-----Uncertainty Module Fuel Price Forecast Housing Module THH Regional Household Forecast HH State Households by Age Group Residential Module HI Households by Type of Dwellings AC Average Consumption of Appliances AS Initial Stock of Appliances Source Housing Module Output Battelle-Northwest End Use Survey; Residential Energy Surveys by San Diego Gas and Electric Company and Southern California Edisosn Company; King,et.al 1982; McMahon,1983; Goldsmith and Huskey,1980b. Reference Case Value Table B.95 Tab le B.96 Tab le B.97 Tab le B.98 1983 Actual Data Combined with Escalation Rates Battelle,1983, based on Goldsmith and Huskey 1980b Battelle Northwest End Use Survey,1981 Battelle,1983, based on Mount,Chapman &Tyrrell (1973),and other literature 101,346 Households MAP Output 189,418 Households MAP Output Table B.108 MAP Output Table B.101 Table B.100 Table B.109 Table B.99 Table B.97 &99 Year 1983 2010 Housing Demand Coefficients Saturation of Residential Appliances - Price Adjustment Coefficients b,c,d, A,B, SAT Business Consumption Module TEMP Total Regional Employment 1983 2010 152,502 Employees MAP Output 255,974 Employees MAP Output TABLE B.94 (Sheet 2 of 2) VARIABLES AND ASSUMPTIONS OTHER THAN OIL PRICES RED MODEL Symbol Name".--..-----;~---Program-Induced Conservation Module Not Used Miscellaneous Module VACHG Vacant Housing vh Consumption per Vacant Housing Sl Street Lighting Consumption sh Proportion of Households Having a Second Home Year Reference Case Value Tab 1e B.110 300 kWh 1.0% 2.5% Source RED Housing Module Output Batte 11 e,1983 Battelle,1983 O.S. Goldsmith,ISER, personal communication Peak Demand Module shkWh LF Per Unit Second Home Consumption Annual Load Factor Anchorage Fairbanks 500 kWh 55.7% 50.0% O.S.Goldsmith,ISER, personal communication Battelle,1983 TABLE B.95 FUEL PRICE FORECASTS USED BY RED (1980 doll ars) Anchorage -Cook Inlet Area Fairbanks - Tanana Valley Area Year Residential Business Residential Business Heating Fuel Oil ($/MMBtu) 1980 7.750 7.200 7.830 7.500 1985 6.450 5.900 6.510 6.180 1990 6.840 6.290 6.910 6.580 1995 7.930 7.380 8.010 7.680 2000 9.190 8.640 9.290 8.960 2005 10.650 10.100 10.770 10.440 2010 12.350 11.800 12.480 12.150 Natural Gas ($/MMBtu) 1980 1.730 1.500 12.740 1 11.290 1/ 1985 1.950 1.720 10.600 9.150- 1990 2.880 2.650 11.240 9.790 1995 4.050 3.820 13.030 11.580 2000 4.290 4.060 15.110 13.660 2005 4.960 4.730 17.520 16.070 2010 5.380 5.150 20.310 18.860 Eiectricity ($/kWh) 1980 0.037 0.034 0.095 0.090 1985 0.048 0.045 0.095 0.090 1990 0.052 0.049 0.092 0.087 1995 0.058 0.055 0.094 0.089 2000 0.062 0.059 0.096 0.091 2005 0.065 0.062 0.098 0.093 2010 0.067 0.064 0.100 0.095 1Propane TABLE B.96 HOUSING DEMAND COEFFICIENTS Sing1e Fam il y Mu It i Fam il y Mobile Homes Vari ab 1e Value Vari ab 1e Val ue Var i ab 1e Val ue BA1 -0.303 CAl 0.225 DA1 0.068 BA2 -0.175 CA2 0.086 DA2 0.039 BA4 0.080 CA4 -0.090 DA4 0.014 B2S 0.182 C2S -0.203 D2S 0.008 B3S 0.317 C3S -0.280 D3S -0.020 B4S 0.380 C4S -3.352 D4S -0.016 Note: These coefficients were used in the housing demand equations. A detailed explanation of these equations is presented in the RED Documentation Report. Source:Battelle,1983, based on Goldsmith and Huskey,1980b. TABLE B.97 EXAMPLE OF MARKET SATURATIONS OF APPLIANCES IN SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES FOR ANCHORAGE-COOK INLET AREA Refrigerators Freezers Dishwashers Clothes Washers Year Default Range Default Range Default Range Default Range-- 1980 99.0 --88.3 --78.2 --91.7 1985 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 85.0 80-90 92.0 90-94 1990 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 92.5 90-95 1995 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 93.7 91-96 2000 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 2005 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 2010 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 Water Heater Clothes Dryers Range (cooking)Saunas Jacuzzi s Year Default Range Default Range Default Range Default Range-- 1980 98.6 --90.2 --99.9 --14.1 1985 98.8 95-100 91.2 88-94 100.0 99-100 16.3 13-19 1990 99.0 98-100 92.5 89-95 100.0 99-100 18.7 14-22 1995 99.0 98-100 93.7 90-96 100.0 99-100 21.0 16-26 2000 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 99-100 23.4 18-28 2005 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 99-100 25.7 20-30 2010 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 99-100 28.1 23-33 Note: Acomplete listing of market saturation data for single-family,multi-family,mobile- homes,and duplexes in Anchorage and Fairbanks is presented in the RED Documentation Report. Source:Battelle-Northwest End Use Survey, 1981. 1980 Census of Housing San Diego Gas and Electric Company,1982. Southern California Edison Company,1981. Saturation Survey. 1981 Residential Energy Survey. 1981 Residential Electrical Appliance TABLE B.98 PARAMETER VALUES IN RED PRICE ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM Short-Run Elasticities Own-Price Cross-Price Natural Gas Oil Lagged Adjustment Residential Sector -.1552 +.3304/p* .0225 .01 .8837 Business Sector -.2925 +2.4014/p* .0082 .01 .8724 *Electricity prices measured in mills per kWh,1970 dollars Source:Battelle 1983, based on Mount,Chapman,Tyrrell (1973)and other literature surveys. TABLE B.99 PERCENT OF APPLIANCES USING ELECTRICITY AND AVERAGE ANNUAL ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION,RAILBELT LOAD CENTERS,1980 Anchorage Fairbanks Percentage OSlng Electrlclty Annual kwh Perentage OSlng Electrlclty Annua I kwh Appliance SF MH DP MF Consumption SF MH DP MF Consumption------------ -- -- Space Heat (Existing Stock) 16.0Sing1e Fam il y NA NA NA 32,850 9.7 NA NA NA 43,380 Moblle Home NA 0.7 NA NA 24,570 NA 0.0 NA NA 33,210 Duplex NA NA 22.8 NA 21,780 NA NA 11.7 NA 28,710 Multi Family NA NA NA 44.4 15,390 NA NA NA 14.8 19,080 Space Heat (New Stock Single Family 10.9 NA NA NA 32,850 9.7 NA NA NA 43,380 Moblle Home NA 0.7 NA NA 24,570 NA 0.0 NA NA 33,210 DU)lex NA NA 15.0 NA 21,780 NA NA 11.7 NA 28,710 Mu ti Fami ly NA NA NA 25.0 15,390 NA NA NA 14.8 19,080 Water Heaters tExisting)36.5 50.4 44.0 60.9 3,300 33.1 42.8 43.1 26.2 3,300 Water Heaters New)10.0 0.7 15.0 25.0 3,300 33.1 42.8 43.1 26.2 3.300 Clothes Dryers 84.3 88.1 81.3 86.6 1,032 96.2 94.6 94.4 100.0 1,032 Cooking Ranges 75.8 23.2 85.2 88.2 850 79.0 48.2 95.0 97.1 850 Sauna-Jacuzzis 93.5 100.0 93.7 81.8 2,000 61.8 100.0 60.8 100.0 2,000 Refri gerators 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1,800 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1,800 Freezers 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1,342 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1,342 Di shwashers 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 250 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 250 Additional Water Heating (Existing)36.5 50.4 44.0 60.9 799 33.1 42.8 43.1 26.2 799 Water Heating New)10.0 0.7 15.0 25.0 799 33.1 42.8 43.1 26.2 799 Clothese Washers 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 90 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 90 Additional Water Heating fExisting)36.5 50.4 44.0 60.9 1,202 33.1 42.8 43.1 26.2 1,202 Water Heating New)10.0 0.7 15.0 25.0 1,202 33.1 42.8 43.1 26.2 1,202 Mi sce 11 aneous 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2,110 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2,466 Source:Battelle Northwest End Use Survey,1981 Kina,et ale 1982r'._.._.lon,__83 TABLE B.100 GROWTH RATES IN ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CAPACITY AND INITIAL ANNUAL AVERAGE CONSUMPTION FOR NEW APPLIANCES Average Annual kWh Consumption for Growth Rate in New Appliances (1985)Electric Capacity Appliance Anchorage Fairbanks Post 1985 (annual) Space Heat Sing1e Fam il y 40,000 53,000 0.005 Mobile Home 30,000 40,600 0.005 Duplex 26,600 35,100 0.005 Multi Family 18,800 23,300 0.005 Water Heaters 3,475 3,475 0.005 Clothes Dryers 1,032 1,032 0.0 Cooking Ranges 1,250 1,250 0.0 Sauna-Jacuzzi s 1,750 1,750 0.0 Refri gerators 1,560 1,560 0.00 Freezers 1,550 1,550 0.00 Dishwashers 230 230 Add it iona1 Water Heati ng 740 740 0.005 Clothese Washers 70 70 0.0 Additional Water Heati ng 1,050 1,050 0.005 Miscellaneous Appliances 2,160 2,536 (a) (a) Incremental growth of 50 kWh per customer in Anchorage 5-year period;70 kWh in Fairbanks. Source:King et al.,1982 McMahon,1983. TABLE B.101 PERCENT OF APPLIANCES REMAINING IN SERV rCE YEARS AFTER PURCHASE Years 5 10 15 20 25 30 a.Old Appliances Space Heat (All)0.90 0.80 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 Water Heaters 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clothes Dryers 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 Ranges-Cooking 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Saunas-Jacuzzi s 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Refri gerators 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 Freezers 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 Di shwashers 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clothes Washers 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 b.New App 1i ances Space Heat (A 11 )0.89 0.73 0.56 0.42 0.3 0.1 Water Heaters 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clothes Dryers 1.00 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 0.0 Ranges-Cooking 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Saunas-Jacuzzi s 1.00 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 0.0 Refrigerators 1.00 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 0.0 Freezers 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 Dishwashing 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clothes Washers 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Source:Battelle,1983 based on ISER,Goldsmith and Huskey 1980b TABLE B.102 VARIABLES AND ASSUMPTIONS OTHER THAN OIL PRICES OGP MODEL Name Fuel Costs -Nenana Coal - Beluga Coal - Natural Gas Fuel Escalation Rates -Nenana Coal - Beluga Coal - Natural Gas Thermal Construction Cost Coal Steam -Nenana Coal Steam - Beluga Combustion Turbine Combined Cycle Hydro Construction Cost -Watana -Oev il Canyon Oi scount Rate Reference Value Year Case Reference 1983 1.72 $/MMBtu Appendix 0-1 1983 1.86 $/MMBtu Appendix 0-1 1983 2.47 $/MMBtu Appendix 0-1 1984-2051 2.3 %/yr. 1/Appendix 0-1 1984-2051 1.6 %/yr .1/Appendix 0-1 1984-1988 Vari ab 1e Appendix 0-1 1989-2010 3.0 %/yr.Appendix 0-1 2011-2020 2.5 %/yr.Appendix 0-1 2021-2030 1.5 %/yr.Appendix 0-1 2031-2051 1.0 %/yr.Appendix 0-1 1982 2107 $/kW Exhibit 0 1982 2061 $/kW Exh i bit 0 1982 627 $/kW Exhi bit 0 1982 1075 $/kW Exhi bit 0 1982 596 $x10 6 Exhibit 0 1982 1554 $x10 6 Exhi b it 0 1982 3.0%Al aska Power Authority .!J Coal price escalation assumed only to initial operating date of a over the coal-fired unit at which time there would be no real price escalatfon Beluga life of the unit.Average real escalation of coal prices (Nenana and combined)for period 1993-2051 is about 1%/yr. TABLE B.103 REFERENCE CASE FCRECAST SlJ1vV.\RY (F INPUT AND WPUT ffiTA Iten Description 1983 1985 19~199)am 2005 2010 World Oil Price (1ggJ$Jbbl)28.95 26.30 27.~32.34 37.50 43.47 50.39 Energy Price Use:!by RED (198QJ;) H2ating Fuel Oil -Anchorage ($JMvlBtu)7.75 6.45 6.84 7.93 9.19 10.65 12.35 Natural Gas -And-orage ($/MvlBtu)1.73 1.95 2.88 4.05 4.29 4.%5.38 State Petroleun Revenues 1J(rtxn.$x106) Production Taxes 1,474 1,561 2,032 1,868 1,910 2,150 2,421 Royalty Fees 1,457 1,555 2,43)2,651 3,078 3,799 4,689 State Gen.Fund Expenditures (rtxn.$x106)3,288 3,700 5,577 7,729 9,714 13,035 17,975 State Popu 1at ion 457,836 4~,146 554,634 608,810 644,111 686,663 744,418 State Ernploynent 243,067 258,3%293,689 313,954 325,186 345,701 376,169 Railbelt Population 319,767 341,613 389,026 423,460 451,561 486,851 533,218 Railbelt Bnploynent 159,147 169,197 1~,883 204,668 214,542 231,584 255,974 Railbelt Total Number of Households 111,549 120,140 138,640 152,463 163,913 177,849 195,652 Railbelt Electricity Consunption (GWh) Anchorage 2,322 2,561 3,045 3,371 3,662 4,107 4,735 Fairbanks 481 535 691 8))800 986 1,123 Total 2,003 3,096 3,737 4,171 4,542 5,093 5,858 Railbelt Peak Demand (MW)579 639 777 868 915 1,059 1,217 1Petroleun revenues also inclule corporate incane taxes, oil and gas p-operty taxes, lease bonuses,and federal share:! royalties. TABLE B.I04 REFERENCE CASE STATE PETROLEUM REVENUES (MILLION $) Total to Total General Including Fund (Net Severance Corporate Property Bonuses of Year Royalties Taxes Income Taxes and Permanent Taxes Federal Fund Shared Contri- Royalties but ion) 1982 1530.000 1590.000 668.899 142.700 3960.199 3570.549 1983 1456.661 1473.507 233.969 148.600 3361.836 2985.396 1984 1450.305 1474.080 328.647 153.200 3441.298 3069.956 1985 1555.117 1560.529 365.362 158.000 3668.700 3272.498 1986 1724.811 1705.298 398.724 163.456 4020.278 3582.078 1987 1896.215 1857.760 438.776 169.101 4389.691 3908.677 1988 1997.731 1647.607 396.949 174.940 4245.582 3739.060 1989 2251.456 18S5.795 520.004 180.981 4837.387 4267.234 1990 2480.380 2031.695 591.983 187.231 5321.348 4693.734 1991 2352.500 1857.126 668.435 193.697 5102.781 4506.898 1992 2530.291 192 9.692 794.871 200.385 5487.250 4846.672 1993 2657.006 1986.190 906.959 207.305 5790.461 5117.957 1994 2742.898 2006.949 ·998.581 214.464 5996.891 5302.664 1995 2651.116 1868.193 1084.124 221.870 5860.301 5188.770 1996 2599.817 1737.659 1185.670 229.532 5788.676 5U9.719 1997 2755.836 1856.672 1326.406 237.458 6213.367 5515.156 1998 2865.556 1887.844 1474.798 245.658 6511.852 5785.961 1999 2950.992 1865.044 1549.613 254.141 6758.785 6011.285 2000 3077.885 1909.805 1841.891 252.917 7132.496 6353.023 2001 3210.235 1955.641 2056.580 271.996 7535.449 6722.641 2002 3348.276 2002.576 2296.294 281.389 7970.531 7122.961 2003 3492.252 2050.638 2563.949 291.106 8440.941 7557.125 2004 3642.420 2099.854 2862.802 301.158 8950.230 8028.625 2005 3799.044 2150.251 3196.489 311.558 9502.340 8541.328 2006 3962.404 2201.857 3569.072 322.317 10101.640 9099.540 2007 4132.781 2254.702 3985.082 333.447 10753.010 9708.060 2008 4310.492 2308.815 4449.578 344.962 11461.840 10372.220 2009 4495.844 2364.227 4968.219 356.874 12234.160 11097.950 2010 4689.164 2420.969 5547.316 369.198 13076.640 11891.850 SOURCE:MAP MODEL OUTPUT TABLE B.10S REFERENCE CASE STATE GOVERNMENT FISCAL CONDITIONS (MILLION $) Unre- stricted Percent of General General Permanent State State Permanent Fund Fund Fund Personal Subsidy Fund Year Expendi-Balance Dividends Income Tax Programs Earnings tures Reinvested 1982 4601.891 399.200 425.000 0.000 634.000 0.000 1983 3287.977 478.004 152.608 0.000 500.000 0.500 1984 3389.729 616.992 196.738 0.000 350.000 0.500 1985 3699.507 700.539 223.721 0.000 350.000 0.500 1986 4031.094 821.113 253.168 0.000 350.000 0.500 1987 4375.941 987.922 286.008 0.000 350.000 0.500 1988 4731.574 699.973 322.441 0.000 695.501 0.500 1989 5118.008 588.465 361.817 0.000 0.000 0.500 1990 5576.836 506.125 406.085 0.000 0.000 0.500 1991 5386.480 506.141 455.185 0.000 0.000 0.500 1992 5786.504 506.152 505.111 0.000 0.000 0.500 1993 6528.020 139.531 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 1994 672 9.594 139.543 0.000 338.049 0.000 0.500 1995 7729.250 139.563 0.000 680.847 0.000 0.000 1996 7822.879 139.586 0.000 748.723 0.000 0.000 1997 8361.188 139.609 0.000 809.145 0.000 0.000 1998 8794.711 139.633 0.000 .873.359 0.000 0.000 1999 9190.000 139.652 0.000 941.928 0.000 0.000 2000 9713.740 139.668 0.000 1017.188 0.000 0.000 2001 10278.270 139.691 0.000 1098.944 0.000 0.000 2002 10886.180 139.711 0.000 1188.241 0.000 0.000 2003 11545.180 139.734 0.000 1287.516 0.000 0.000 2004 12261.640 139.766 0.000 1396.169 0.000 0.000 2005 13034.660 139.789 0.000 1513.479 0.000 0.000 2006 13871.350 139.820 0.000 1640.603 0.000 0.000 2007 14777.160 139.852 0.000 1778.121 0.000 0.000 2008 15758.890 139.891 0.000 1926.802 0.000 0.000 2009 16822.770 139.934 0.000 2085.652 0.000 0.000 2010 17975.270 139.980 0.000 2257.400 0.000 0.000 SOURCE:MAP MODEL OUTPUT TABLE B.I06 REFERENCE CASE POPULATION (THOUSANDS) Greater Greater Year State Railbe1t Anchorage Fairbanks 1982 437.175 307.105 239.830 67.277 1983 457.836 319.767 251.057 68.711 1984 473.752 330.202 259.679 70.523 1985 490.146 341.613 269.300 72.313 1986 505.884 352.187 278.082 74.105 1987 517.431 359.054 283.333 75.723 1988 526.823 364.583 287.969 76.615 1989 538.532 375.007 296.794 78.213 1990 554.634 389.026 308.196 80.831 1991 560.786 393.296 311.585 81.712 1992 581.846 405.991 322.865 83.127 1993 594.848 413.788 328.521 85.268 1994 602.027 420.130 332.694 87.436 1995 608.810 423.460 335.464 87.997 1996 616.422 428.574 339.629 88.945 1997 623.782 434.617 344.561 90.057 1998 630.352 440.001 348.981 91.021 1999 636.928 445.519 353.531 91.988 2000 644.111 451.561 358.441 93.120 2001 651.362 457.835 363.501 94.335 2002 658.994 464.362 368.801 95.561 2003 667.660 471.437 374.626 96.811 2004 676.878 478.925 380.769 98.156 2005 686.663 486.851 387.267 99.584 2006 697.022 495.287 394.168 101.119 2007 707.990 504.091 401.364 102.727 2008 719.644 513.431 408.995 104.436 2009 731.592 522.970 416.755 106.216 2010 744.418 533.218 425.115 108.104 SOURCE:MAP MODEL OUTPUT TABLE B.107 REFERENCE CASE EMPLOYMENT (THOUSANDS) State No rr-Ag State Rai1be1t Greater Greater Year Wage and Total Total Anchorage Fairbanks Salary Total Total 1982 192.903 231.984 154.033 UO.533 33.500 1983 202.237 243.067 159.147 125.221 33.927 1984 205.903 246.984 162.259 U 7 .853 34.406 1985 216.612 258.396 169.197 133.668 35.528 1986 225.515 267.895 174.818 138.324 36.494 1987 230.833 273.581 177 .412 140.345 37.067 1988 234.657 277.669 179.422 142.065 37.357 1989 240.213 283.619 184.211 146.124 38.088 1990 249.654 293.689 190.883 151.685 39.198 1991 247.908 291.844 191.360 151.958 39.402 1992 264.012 309.031 199.404 158.995 40.409 1993 266.941 312.180 202.842 161.351 41.492 1994 267.220 312.511 203.630 161.669 41.961 1995 268.534 313.954 204.668 162.466 42.202 1996 270.783 316.404 206.258 163.772 42.486 1997 272.935 318.765 208.212 165.401 42.811 1998 274.346 320.353 210.041 166.916 43.125 1999 276.144 322.374 212.025 168.580 43.445 2000 278.729 325.186 214.541 170.645 43.897 2001 281.498 328.141 217.283 172.875 44.408 2002 284.643 331.499 220.293 175.333 44.960 2003 288.727 335.859 223.703 178.156 45.546 2004 293.137 340.569 227.487 181.265 46.222 2005 297.941 345.701 231.584 184.625 46.959 2006 303.062 351.172 235.985 188.226 47.759 2007 308.504 356.989 240.639 192.025 48.614 2008 314.317 363.203 245.561 196.044 49.517 2009 ·320.082 369.368 250.621 200.146 50.475 2010 326.440 376.169 255.974 204.512 51.462 SOUP~E:MAP MODEL OUTPUT TABLE B .108 REFERENCE CASE HOUSEHOLDS (THOUSANDS) Greater Greater Year State Rai1be1t Anchorage Fairbanks 1982 145.453 106.572 83.678 22.894 1983 153.141 111.549 88.038 23.511 1984 159.154 115.671 91.425 24.246 1985 165.299 120.140 95.165 24.974 1986 171.192 124.275 98.580 25.695 1987 175.620 U 7.053 100.709 26.344 1988 179.287 129.415 102.669 26.746 1989 183.738 133.365 105.994 27.371 1990 189.696 138.640 110.267 28.373 1991 192.234 140.401 111.662 28.739 1992 199.886 145.348 116.024 29.324 1993 204.788 148.405 118.253 30.152 1994 207.695 150.964 119.963 31.002 1995 210.461 152.463 121.197 31.267 1996 213.508 154.590 122.921 31.669 1997 216.470 157.052 U4.921 32.131 1998 219.161 159.242 126.710 32.532 1999 221.854 161.483 U8.549 32.934 2000 224.751 163.913 130.515 33.398 2001 227.670 166.423 132.532 33.891 2002 230.716 169.023 134.636 34.388 2003 234.112 171.820 136.928 34.892 2004 ·231.695 174.758 139.329 35.429 2005 241.468 177 .849 141.853 35.996 2006 245.436 181.121 144.520 36.601 2007 249.609 184.516 141.285 37.231 2008 254.014 188.100 150.203 31.896 2009 258.519 191.748 153.162 38.586 2010 263.323 195.652 156.336 39.316 SOURCE:MAP MODEL OUTPUT TABLE B.10S (CONTINUED) REFERENCE CASE STATE HOUSEHOLDS BY AGE OF HEAD (THOUSANDS) Head Year Total Younger Head Head Head Older Than 25 25-29 30-54 Than 54 1982 145.453 17.141 23.938 81.706 22.667 1983 153.141 18.110 25.128 86.087 23.816 1984 159.154 18.624 25.919 89.726 24.884 1985 165.299 19.085 26:763 93.487 25.964 1986 171.192 19.447 27.532 97.157 27.056 1987 175.620 19.526 27.905 .100.067 28.123 1988 179.287 19.488 28.085 102.516 29.199 1989 183.738 19.617 28.486 105.290 30.345 1990 189.696 20.014 29.285 108.807 31.591 1991 192.234 19.816 29.171 110.503 32.744 1992 199.886 20.529 30.434 114.787 34.137 1993 204.788 20.725 30.930 117.672 35.462 1994 207.695 20.603 30.909 119.437 36.746 1995 210.461 20.508 30.893 121.002 38.058 1996 213.508 20.500 30.996 122.606 39.407 1997 216.470 20.504 31.114 124.079 40.772 1998 219.161 20.485 31.199 125.334 42.143 1999 221.854 20.485 31.321 126.523 43.523 2000 224.751 20.530 31.532 127.771 44.917 2001 227.670 20.583 31.773 129 .000 46.313 2002 230.716 20.656 32.069 130.279 47.712 2003 234.112 20.780 32.472 131.742 49.119 2004 237.695 20.920 32.929 133.319 50.526 2005 241.468 21.077 33.435 135.024 51.932 2006 245.436 21.247 33.987 136.866 53.336 2007 249.609 21.432 34.583 138.856 54.738 2008 254.014 21.634 35.226 141.014 56.139 2009 258.519 21.833 35.878 143.272 57.536 2010 263.323 22.058 36.592 145.736 58.937 SOURCE:MAP MODEL OUTPUT TABLE B.109 REFERENCE CASE FORECAST NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS SERVED Year Single Family Multifamily Mobile Homes Duplexes Total Anchorage-Cook In1et Area 1980 35473 20314 8230 7486 71503 1985 46224 26204 10958 8567 91953 1990 58740 26349 13505 8460 107054 1995 64779 29931 14941 8333 117984 2000 69822 33259 16200 8022 127302 2005 75777 36378 17749 8738 138641. 2010 83343 40411 19721 9649 153124 Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area 1980 7220 5287 1189 1617 15313 1985 10646 5867 2130 1765 20407 1990 11728 7960 2270 2375 24332 1995 14735 7841 3330 2339 28244 2000 16528 7703 3845 2298 30374 2005 17951 8681 4220 2121 32973 2010 19675 9612 4673 2334 36284 TABLE B.110 REFERENCE CASE FORECAST NUMBER OF VACANT HOUSEHOLDS Year Single Family Multifamily Mobile Homes Duplexes Total Anchorage-Cook In 1et Area 1980 5089 7666 1991 1463 16209 1985 509 1496 121 292 2417 1990 646 1005 149 289 2089 1995 713 1616 164 284 2777 2000 768 1796 178 445 3187 2005 834 1964 195 288 3281 2010 917 2182 217 319 3634 Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area 1980 3653 3320 986 895 8854 1985 118 2654 24 722 3518 1990 129 454 25 81 689 1995 162 448 37 80 726 2000 182 440 42 78 742 2005 197 469 46 209 921 2010 216 519 51 77 864 TABLE B.111 REFERENCE CASE FORECAST RESIDENTIAL USE PER HOUSEHOLD After Before Conservation Adjustment and Fuel Substitution Adj ustment Year Small Appliances Large App 1i ances Space Heat Total Total (kWh)(kWh)(kWh)(kWh) (kWh) 1980 2110 6500 5089 13699 13699 1985 2160 6151 4812 13133 12829 1990 2210 6020 4584 12814 12561 1995 2260 5959 4516 12735 12644 2000 2310 5989 4454 12753 12736 2005 2360 6059 4420 12839 12938 2010 2410 6124 4444 12977 13198 Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area 1980 2466 5740 3314 11519 11519 1985 2536 6179 3606 12321 12136 1990 2606 6453 3873 12932 12736 1995 2676 6667 4050 13393 13329 2000 2746 6795 4310 13852 14009 2005 2816 6839 4536 14191 14626 2010 2886 6888 4656 14430 15180 TABLE 8.112 REFERENCE CASE FORECAST BUSINESS USE PER EMPLOYEE Before Conservation Adjustment and Fuel Substitution After Adjustments Anchorage-Fai rbanks-Anchorage- Fairbanks- Year Cook Inlet Area Tanana Valley Area Cook Inlet Area Tanana Valley Area (kWh)(kWh)(kWh)(kWh ) 1980 8,407 7,496 8,407 7,496 1985 9,580 7,972 9,212 7,900 1990 10,355 8,327 9,749 8,281 1995 10,918 8,662 10,078 8,665 2000 11,416 8,958 10,349 9,024 2005 12,090 9,308 10,828 9,446 2010 12,933 9,711 11,502 9,929 TABLE B.113 REFEREf\CE CASE FffiECAST StJ1;AAY (F ffiICE EFFECTS ANCHffiAGE-eoa<INLET MEA Residenti al Sector Business Sector Ovvn-Price Cross-Price Ovvn-Price Cross-Price Year Reduction Reduction Reduction Ra:luction (Gi'Jh)(GtJh)(GtJh)(GNh) 1983 18.5 -1.7 28.0 1.6 1984 24.7 -2.3 37.3 2.1 1985 30.8 -2.8 46.6 2.7 1986 38.5 -10.6 58.2 -0.4 1987 46.1 -18.5 69.7 -3.4 1988 53.7 -26.3 89.3 -6.4 1989 61.4 -34.1 92.8 -9.4 199)69.0 -41.9 104.4 -12.4 1991 115.0 -91.2 119.9 -19.1 1992 161.1 -140.5 135.5 -25.7 1993 207.1 -189.8 151.1 -32.4 1994 253.2 -239.2 166.7 -39.0 1995 299.2 -288.5 182.2 -45.7 1996 234.0 -225.0 198.3 -52.6 1997 168.8 -161.5 214.3 -59.5 1998 103.7 -98.1 230.4 -66.5 1999 38.5 -34.6 246.4 -73.4 2CXXl -26.7 28.8 262.4 -80.4 2001 -7.5 6.5 282.5 -g).2 2002 11.7 -15.9 302.5 -100.1 2003 30.9 -38.3 322.6 -110.0 2004 SO.1 -60.6 342.6 -119.9 2005 69.2 -83.0 362.7 -129.8 2006 78.2 -95.9 388.1 -143.3 2007 87.1 -108.8 413.6 -156.9ars96.0 -121.7 439.1 -170.4zo»104.9 -134.6 464.5 -183.9 2010 113.8 -147.6 490.0 -197.4 TABLE B.114 REFERENCE CASE FCRECAST BREAI1)()WN CF B..ECTRICITY REQJIREMENTS Ilrldur age-O:>ok In let Prea Res i dent i al Business Mi see 11 aneous Indust./Mil itary Total Year Requirenents Requirenents Requirenents Requirenent s Requirenents (GWh)(GWh)(GWh)(GI-kl )(GI-kl ) 1983 1100 1009 25 108 2322 1984 1140 1160 26 116 2442 1985 1100 1231 26 124 2561 1986 1213 12131 27 133 2658 1987 1246 1330 28 151 2755 1988 1279 1330 28 165 2852 1989 1312 1429 29 178 2949 199)1345 1479 30 192 3045 1991 1374 1510 31 195 3111 1992 1404 1542 31 198 3176 1993 1433 1574 32 202 3241 1994 1462 1606 33 205 33()) 1995 1492 1637 34 208 3371 1996 1518 1663 34 214 3429 1997 1544 1689 35 220 3487 1998 1570 1714 35 226 3545 1999 1595 1740 36 232 3604 2000 1621 1766 36 238 J562 2001 1656 1813 37 245 3751 2002 16g)1859 38 252 3310 2003 1725 19)6 39 259 3929 2004 1759 1953 40 266 4018 2005 1794 1999 41 273 4107 2006 1839 2070 42 282 4232 2007 1885 2140 43 2g)4358 2008 1930 2211 44 298 4484 2009 1976 2281 45 307 46aJ 2010 2021 2352 47 315 4735 TABLE B.115 REFEREflCE CASE FffiECAST SlJvM1,RY rr ffiICE EFFECTS FAIRBMKS-TANl\f'¥\VJllLEY MEA Residential Sector Bostness Sector ONn-Price Cross-Price ONn-Price Cross-Price Year Reduction Reduction Reduction Re::Juction (G'lh)(Qtjh)(GWh)(GWl) 1983 0.0 2.3 0.0 1.5 1984 0.0 3.0 0.0 2.1 1985 -0.2 3.8 0.0 2.6 1986 -0.4 4.2 -0.3 2.8 1987 -0.6 4.6 -0.7 2.9 1988 -0.8 5.0 -1.0 3.1 1989 -1.0 5.4 -1.4 3.3 199)-1.0 5.8 -1.7 3.5 1991 -1.0 5.2 -1.7 3.1 1992 -1.0 4.6 -1.6 2.7 1993 -1.0 4.0 -1.6 2.2 1994 -1.0 3.4 -1.6 1.8 1995 -1.0 2.8 -1.5 1.4 1996 -0.9 1.4 -1.2 0.6 1997 -0.7 -0.1 -1.0 -0.3 1998 -0.5 -1.6 -0.7 -1.1 1999 -0.3 -3.1 -0.4 -1.9 200J -0.2 -4.6 -0.2 -2.7 2001 0.1 -6.8 0.2 -3.9 2002 0.4 -9.0 0.8 -5.1 2003 0.7 -11.3 1.2 -6.3 2004 1.0 -13.5 1.7 -7.5 2005 1.3 -15.7 2.2 -8.6 2006 1.8 -18.7 2.8 -10.2 2007 2.2 -21.6 3.5 -11.8 2ffi3 2.6 -24.6 4.1 -13.4 2009 3.0 -27.6 4.8 -15.0 2010 3.5 -30.5 5.5 -16.6 TABLE B.116 REFEREt\CE CASE FffifCAST BRffilWWN CF 8..ECTRICITY REQJIREMENTS Fairbanks-Tanana Valley tcee Resident i al Business Mi see 11 aneous Indust ./Mil itary Total Year Requir81lents Pequirerents Requirerents Requirerents Requirerent s (GWh)(GWh)(GWh)(GWh)(GWh) 1983 219 255 7 0 481 19&4 233 268 7 0 5C8 1985 248 281 7 0 535 1986 260 289 7 10 566 1987 273 298 7 20 597 1988 285 307 7 30 629 1989 297 316 7 40 660 1990 310 325 7 50 691 1991 323 333 7 50 713 1992 336 341 7 50 735 1993 350 349 7 50 757 1994 363 357 8 50 778 1995 376 366 8 50 8)0 1996 386 372 8 50 816 1997 390 378 8 50 832 1998 4C6 384 8 50 848 1999 416 390 9 50 864 2CXX)426 3%9 50 880 2001 437 4C6 9 50 902 2002 448 415 9 50 ~3 2003 460 425 9 50 944 2004 471 434 10 50 965 2005 4~444 10 50 986 2006 496 457 10 50 1013 2007 510 471 10 50 1041 zrs 523 484 11 50 1068 2009 537 497 11 50 1096 2010 551 511 11 50 1123 TABLE B.117 REFERENCE CASE FffiECAST ffiOJECTED PEAK AND ENERGY CfMt\ND Anchor age-Cook Inlet Prea Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Prea Total Systen kea Year ,~)Peak ,erg)Peak ,erg)Peak loed Fector ~GlJh ~GlJh ~(%) 1983 2322 469 481 110 2003 579 55.3 1984 2442 493 508 116 2950 609 55.3 1985 2561 517 535 122 3036 639 55.3 1986 2658 538 566 129 2334 667 55.2 1987 2755 558 597 135 3352 695 55.0 1938 2852 579 629 144 3481 722 55.0 1989 2949 599 660 151 3609 750 54.9 199)3045 619 691 158 3737 777 54.9 1991 3111 633 713 163 3824 796 54.8 1992 3176 646 735 168 3911 814 54.8 1993 3240 659 757 173 3997 832 54.8 1994 3306 672 778 178 4084 850 54.8 1995 3371 686 an 183 4171 868 54.8 1996 3429 697 816 186 4245 884 54.8 1997 3487 709 832 190 4319 899 54.8 1998 3545 721 848 194 4394 914 54.8 1999 3604 732 864 197 4468 930 54.8 2000 3662 744 800 201 4542 945 54.8 2001 3751 762 g)2 206 4652 968 54.8 20CQ 3840 700 923 211 4762 991 54.8 2003 3929 7f£944 215 4872 1013 54.9 2004 4018 816 965 220 4983 1036 54.9 2005 4107 834 986 225 5UB 1059 54.9 2006 4232 859 1013 231 5246 1091 54.9 2007 4358 885 1041 213 5399 1122 54.9 2008 4484 910 1068 244 5552 1154 54.9 2009 4609 936 1096 250 5705 1186 54.9 2010 4735 961 1123 256 5858 1217 54.9 TABLE B.118 [XR+'1EAN SCENl\RIO Sl..fvI'mY (f INPUT JlND OUTPUT DATA Item Description 1983 1985 199J 1995 2CXXl 2005 2010 World Oil Price (1983$/bb1)28.95 22.67 22.55 23.96 25.93 27.66 29.51 Energy Price Used by RED (1900$) Heating Fuel Oil -Anchorage ($/t-'MBtu)7.75 5.97 5.94 6.31 6.83 7.29 7.78 Natural Gas -Ancoorage ($/t-'MBtu)1.73 1.96 2.71 3.25 3.41 3.56 3.71 State Petro1eun Revenues 1/(Nan .$x106) 1,518 1,313 1,283 1,382ProducttonTaxes1,474 1,241 1,488 Royalty Fees 1,457 1,233 1,8t4 1,863 2,079 2,473 2,9U State C£nera1 Fund Expenditures (Nan.$x106)3,288 3,100 5,080 5,834 7,182 9,424 12,677 State Population 457,836 486,247 535,300 574,869 609,9'l4 652,063 708,243 State fmploynert 243,lIS 7 254,316 279,744 294,410 300,491 330,150 359,155 Rai1be1t Population 319,767 339,161 372,777 399,548 427,836 462,5~ffJ7,558 Rai1be1t Emp10ynent 159,147 166,559 179,872 191,122 203,818 220,8t0 244,Oce Rai1be1t Total NUTber of f-buseho1ds 111,549 119,247 132,857 143,731 155,042 168,580 185,697 Rai1be1t Electricity Qmsunption (GWh) Anchorage 2,299 2,523 2,855 3,112 3,414 3,820 4,377 Fatrbaiks 476 527 653 737 814 g)6 1,CQ3 Total 2,776 3,050 3,SCB 3,849 4,228 4,726 5,399 Rai1be1t Peak Demand (MIJ)573 630 730 801 879 9~1,121 1petro1eun revenues also include corporate incane taxes, oil and gas p"operty taxes, lease bonuses,and federal shara:l royalties. TABlE B.119 om 50%SCENL\RIO SlWARY (f INPur JlND ourpur DATA Iten lescript.ton 1983 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 World Oil Price (1983$/bbl)28.95 24.63 21.01 18.77 17.70 16.79 15.93 Energy Price Used by RED (1900$) Heating Fuel Oil -Anchorage ($/Mv1Btu)7.75 6.49 5.53 4.95 4.66 4.43 4.20 Natural Gas -Jlnchorage ($/MvlBtu)1.73 2.00 2.63 2.81 2.71 2.63 2.56 State Petroleun Revenues 1/(Nan.$x106) Production Taxes 1,474 1,251 1,385 969 818 744 677 Royalty Fees 1,457 1,231 1,667 1,366 1,328 1,431 1,543 State Gen.Fund Expenditures(Nan.$x106)3,288 3,111 4,770 4,849 5,552 6,783 8,513 State Popu 1ation 457,836 486,327 533,lSl 563,529 593,612 631,699 684,180 State Emp 1oynert 243,Cfj7 254,400 277,633 286,643 300,109 319,313 346,691 Railbelt Population 319,767 339,204 371,539 391,838 416,~2 448,422 490,~0 Railbelt Employnent 159,147 166,610 178,556 185,903 197,460 213,403 235,394 Railbelt Total Number of Households 111,549 119,262 132,405 140,932 150,se3 163,310 179,313 Railbelt Electricity Gonsunption (GWh) Anchorage 2,304 2,531 2,849 3,029 3,305 3,690 4,218 Fairbznks 476 526 645 704 7fJJ 831 se5 Total 2,78)3,057 3,494 3,733 4,065 4,521 5,143 Railbelt Peak Demand (MW)574 631 726 776 Sl4 938 1,Cfj6 1petroleun revenues also include corporate incane taxes,oil am gas p-cperty taxes,lease bonuses,ard federal sharEd royalties. TABLE B.l20 em 30%SCENARIO SLM'1'lRY CF INPur ,fiND ourpur DATA Item Description 1983 1985 199)1995 2CXXl 2005 2010-- ----- World Oil Price (1983$/bbl)28.95 21.00 17.93 15.58 14.53 13.46 12.46 Energy Price Used by RED (1900$) Heating Fuel Oil -Mchorage ($/Mvbtu)7.75 5.53 4.73 4.11 3.83 3.55 3.28 Natural Gas -Mcoorage ($/M"IBtu)1.73 1.93 2.48 2.53 2.45 2.36 2.26 State Petroleun Revenues l /(Ibn.$xl06) Prodoction Taxes 1,474 1,102 1,034 640 488 457 428 Royalty Fees 1,457 1,092 1,287 950 891 891 891 State General Fund Expenditures (rtrn.$106)3,288 2,7%3,%1 3,89)4,400 5,426 6,89) State Population 457,836 483,812 522,041 548,379 578,103 617,487 671,471 State Employnent 243,067 251,771 269,932 278,384 292,900 313,327 341,269 Railbelt Population 319,767 337,814 364,097 381,365 405,002 438,370 481,497 Railbelt 6mploynent 159,147 165,005 173,452 100,284 192,563 209,228 231,546 Railbelt Total NuIDer of Households 111,549 118,748 129,695 137,079 146,858 159,429 175,691 Railbelt Electricity Qmsunption (GWh) Anchorage 2,284 2,498 2,747 2,893 3,169 3,554 4,071 Fairbaiks 469 516 617 667 721 789 879 Total 2,753 3,014 3,364 3,560 3,89)4,343 4,950 Railbelt Peak D3nand (MiJ)568 622 699 740 as 926 I,CQ6 IPetroleun revenues also include corporate incane taxes, oil ard gas p-operty taxes, lease bonuses,am federal shara:l royalties. TABLE B.121 ffiI SCEflV\RIO Sl.fv1\AAY (f INPlIT JlND OlITPlIT DATA Iten cescription 1983 1985 199)1995 2CXXl 2005 2010 World Oil Price (1983$/bb1)28.95 27.02 36.99 45.85 53.43 56.54 60.61 Energy Price Used by RED (1980$) Heating Fuel Oil -Jlnchorage ($/Mvbtu)7.75 7.12 9.75 12.08 14.08 14.9)15.97 Natural Gas -Jlncmrage ($fMv1Btu)1.73 2.03 3.45 5.10 5.75 6.01 6.36 State Petroleun Revenues 1/(Nan .$x106) 1,474ProductionTaxes 1,624 2,9)3 2,752 2,764 3,067 3,403 Royalty Fees 1,457 1,623 3,568 3,916 4,447 5,~6,519 State General Fund Expendttures (Nan.$106)3,288 3,697 5,547 8,217 12,061 17,554 26,110 State Population 457,836 490,133 550,045 614,876 680,962 751,2tQ 812,794 State Einploynent 243,067 258,382 289,578 320,974 352,300 386,560 433,793 Railbe1t Population 319,767 341,600 383,595 428,092 478,817 535,855 609,094 Railbelt Einploynent 159,147 169,186 186,951 200,761 243,133 261,894 299,610 Railbe1t Total Nunber of Households 111,549 120,136 136,764 154,096 173,69)195,554 223,283 Railbelt Electricity Consunption (GWh) Anchorage 2,328 2,571 3,020 3,494 4,044 4,699 5,603 Fairbalks 483 538 697 817 997 1,158 1,362 Total 2,811 3,100 3,717 4,341 5,041 5,857 6,965 Railbelt Peak C6nand (MtJ)500 642 773 9J4 1,050 1,220 1,450 1Petroleun revenues also include corporate incane taxes,oil an:J gas p'operty taxes,lease bonuses,and federal shara:l royalties. TABlE B.122 +2%SCEflAAIO SLMvY\Ry CF INPlJT JlND OlJTPlJT DATA Iten cescri ption 1983 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 World Oil Price (1983$/bbl)28.95 30.12 33.25 36.72 40.54 44.76 49.42 Energy Price lsed by RED (1gg)$) Heating Fuel Oil -.Anchorage ($/MvlBtu)7.75 7.94 8.76 9.68 10.68 11.79 13.02 Natural Gas -.Ancmrage ($/Mv1Btu)1.73 2.03 3.19 4.26 4.59 4.95 5.34 State Petroleun Revenues 1/(Nan.$x106) Prcduction Taxes 1,474 1,897 2,515 2,120 2,024 2,127 2,235 Royalty Fees 1,457 1,894 3,079 3,000 3,261 3,762 4,340 State General Fund Expenditures (Nan.$x106)3,288 3,701 5,556 8,184 12,178 14,269 18,384 State Population 457,836 4~,157 550,359 614,826 687,750 726,125 769,233 State Inploynert 243,067 258,407 289,000 320,001 357,377 364,115 381,154 Railbelt Population 319,767 341,622 383,836 428,017 486,242 517,048 551,279 Railbelt Emplo,)ffient 159,147 169,205 187,116 209,620 213,937 245,595 259,656 Railbelt Total Number of Households 111,549 120,143 136,851 154,072 176,267 188,800 202,640 Railbelt Electricity tonsurption (GWh) Anchorage 2,353 2,613 3,062 3,548 4,203 4,506 4,957 FairbCflks 486 543 6%834 989 1,066 1,167 Total 2,839 3,156 3,758 4,382 5,192 5,573 6,124 Railbelt Peak Demand (MW)586 652 782 912 1,081 1,159 1,273 1PetroleLffi revenues also include corporate incane taxes, oil cn:I gas p-cperty taxes, lease bonuses,erd federal sharEd royalties. TABLE B.123 0%SCENl\RIO Sl..fvTvW<Y CF INPUT JlND OUTPUT DATA Item Description 1983 1985 199)1995 20CD 2005 2010 World Oil Price (1983$/bbbl)28.95 28.95 28.95 28.95 28.95 28.95 28.95 Energy Price lsed by RED (1908$) Heating Fuel Oil -Anchorage ($/MvlBtu)7.75 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 Natural Gas -Anchorage ($/MvlBtu)1.73 2.01 2.96 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 State Petroleun Revenues 1/(Nan.$x106) 1,474ProdicttonTaxes 1,8)0 2,130 1,642 1,437 1,387 1,339 Royalty Fees 1,457 1,797 2,6CQ 2,330 2,325 2,474 2,632 State General Fund Experdttures (Nan.$x106)3,288 3,701 5,539 7,542 8,367 10,140 12,632 State Popu 1ation 457,836 4~,154 550,151 617,971 641,432 673,537 721,159 State Ernp loyrent 243,rfJ7 258,404 289,626 322,653 320,751 334,939 360,89) Railbelt Population 319,767 341,619 383,665 432,178 450,rfJ9 478,003 517,133 Railbelt Ernplo)fTIent 159,147 169,203 186,982 211,840 211,686 224,292 245,456 Railbelt Total Nunber of Households 111,549 120,142 136,790 155,506 163,382 174,668 189,812 Railbelt Electricity Gonsunption (GWh) Anchorage 2,331 2,575 3,002 3,492 3,613 3,942 4,442 Fatrbaiks 485 542 691 830 872 946 1,051 Total 2,816 3,118 3,693 4,322 4,485 4,888 5,493 Railbelt Peak D:mand (MtJ)582 644 768 9JO 933 1,016 1,141 1Petroleun revenues also tnclule corporate incane taxes, oil am gas p-coerty taxes, lease bonuses,ard federal shared royalties. TABLE B.124 -1%SCENA.RIO SLMvAAY (f INPlJf AND OlJfPlJf DATA Item Description 1983 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 World Oil Price (1983$/bbbl)28.95 28.37 26.98 25.66 24.40 23.21 22.07 Energy Price Used by RED (1900$) Heating Fuel Oil -JIl1chorage ($/fvMBtu)7.75 7.48 7.11 6.76 6.43 6.12 5.82 Natural Gas -JIl1chorage ($fMv1Btu)1.73 2.00 2.87 3.32 3.06 2.96 2.86 State Petroleun Revenues 1/(tbn.$x1(6) Production Taxes 1,474 1,753 1,953 1,438 1,202 1,109 1,023 Royalty Fees 1,457 1,749 2,383 2,040 1,951 1,990 2,030 State Ceneral Fund Expeditures (tbn.$x1(6)3,288 3,702 5,559 6,561 7,324 8,732 10,714 State Popu 1at ion 457,836 4g),387 551,881 601,879 626,068 658,790 706,745 State Employnent 243,067 258,648 290,318 307,313 312,417 32£,554 354,812 Railbelt Population 319,767 341,852 384,89'\.419,075 439,370 467,659 506,906 Railbelt Employnent 159,147 169,404 187,470 200,363 205,960 219,881 241,205 Railbelt Total Nunber of Households 111,549 120,223 137,238 150,881 159,490 170,816 185,906 Railbelt Electricity Consunption (GWh) Anchorage 2,351 2,610 3,047 3,365 3,567 3,<1)4 4,391 Fairbanks 485 541 689 781 833 903 999 Total 2,836 3,151 3,736 4,149 4,400 4,007 5,3g) Railbelt Peak l:Bnand (MtJ)586 651 777 864 915 998 1,119 1Petroleun revenues also include corporate incane taxes, oil and gas p-operty taxes, lease bonuses,and federal shara::l royalties. TABLE B.125 -2%SCEN'lRIO SlJ'IM1RY (F INPlIT ftND OlITPUT DATA Item Description 1983 1985 199)1995 2(0)2005 2010 World Oil Price (1983$/bbl)28.95 27.00 25.13 22.72 20.54 18.56 16.78 Energy Price Used by RED (1~$) Heating Fuel Oil -Anchorage ($/fvMBtu)7.75 7.32 6.62 5.99 5.41 4.89 4.42 Natural Gas -Jlnchorage ($/fvMBtu)1.73 1.98 2.77 3.07 2.88 2.72 2.56 State Petroleun Revenues 1/(Nm.$x1(6) 1,474 1,705 1,786 1,253 1,001 882 477ProductionTaxes Royalty Fees 1,457 1,701 2,176 1,778 1,630 1,598 1,566 State teneral Fund Experditures (Nm,$x1(6)3,288 3,700 5,536 5,953 6,521 7,660 9,285 State Popu 1ation 457,836 490,151 551,818 589,214 613,39)646,700 695,204 State Ernp 1oynert 243,067 258,401 291,431 299,458 3CX5,835 323,689 350,023 Railbelt Population 319,767 341,616 385,935 409,758 430,535 459,156 498,676 Railbelt Ernplo)ffient 159,147 169,200 188,768 194,711 202,130 216,510 237,835 Railbelt Total Nunber of Households 111,549 120,141 137,567 147,521 156,215 167,584 182,700 Railbelt Electricity Consunption (GWh) Anchorage 2,348 2,605 3,063 3,252 3,460 3,7fJ2.4,270 Fairbanks 484 540 689 756 'iJ)2 866 954 Total 2,832 3,145 3,752 4,008 4,262 4,658 5,224 Railbelt Peak Demand (MW)585 650 78)834 886 %7 1,084 1Petroleun revenues also include corporate incane taxes,oil and gas p-cperty taxes,lease bonuses,and federal sharei royalties. TABLE B.126 RESULTS OF MAP MODEL SENSITIVITY TESTS Factor Value in Year 2000 Low ~ Projected Statewide Households in Year 2000 Low High--%DTfTerence 1,066,000 2,566,000 State Agri cult. Employment 1 160 State Mining Emp.-/3,990 State Hi gh Wage Exog.Constr.Emp.0 State Low Wage Exog.Constr.Emp.0 State Exog.Trans.Emp.1,100 State Hi gh Wage Manu.Emp.0 State Low Wage Manu.Emp.8,205 State Fish Harvesting Emp.4,536 State Active DU1~ Military Emp._7 16,892 State Civil Fed.Emp.1/17,800 Tourists Visiting Alaska 2,000 19,107 2,000 1,000 2,968 486 16,000 9,192 33,000 21,719 215,436 200,458 212,523 215,119 214,306 215,824 210,106 213,557 209,936 212,372 209,936 217,352 229,782 217,971 217,579 217,223 216,610 220,833 217,744 224,575 217,962 224,575 .9 14.6 2.6 1.1 1.4 .4 5.1 2.0 7.0 2.6 7.0 U.S.Real Wag!; Growth/Year- U.S.Unemp.Rate U.S.Real Income Growth/Year U.S.Price LeY7l Growth/Year- 1Key Variable. .005 .05 .005 .09 .015 .075 .025 .05 211.335 211,161 215,493 205,924 223,723 222,178 216,272 222,305 5.9 5.2 .4 8.7 TABLE B.127 RESULTS OF RED MODEL SENSITIVITY TESTS ON RESIDENTIAL SECTOR TOTAL ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS WITHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area Maximum 25%GE Mean 50%GE 75%GE Minimum Std Dev Reference Case 1990 TGWfi) 2901 2872 2856 2855 2838 2801 23.4 2854 2000 2010 (GWh)(GWh) 3510 4496 3446 4461 3428 4420 3427 4421 3411 4388 3382 4294 24.3 46.9 3424 4420 Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area Maximum 25%GE Mean 50%GE 75%GE Minimum Std Dev Reference Case 655 648 642 643 637 626 6.9 641 849 1099 835 1082 829 1074 830 1073 823 1068 812 1052 8.2 10.3 830 1073 TABLE B.128 RESULTS OF RED MODEL SENSITIVITY TESTS ON BUSINESS SECTOR TOTAL ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS WITHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL 1990 2000 2010 (GWh)(GWh)(GWh) Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area Maximum 2989 3588 4642 25%GE 2920 3504 4528 Mean 2867 3440 4443 50%GE 2862 3434 4434 75%GE 2826 3391 4375 Minimum 2702 3241 4173 Std Dev 65.9 79.5 107.6 Reference Case 2854 3424 4420 Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area NOT APPLICABLE TABLE B.129 RESULTS OF RED MODEL SENSITIVITY TESTS ON OWN PRICE ELASTICITIES TOTAL ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS WITHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL 1990 2000 2010 TGWh)TGW"h)(GWh) Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area Max imum 2900 3533 4614 25%GE 2877 3477 4516 Mean 2846 3406 4389 50%GE 2849 3412 4400 75%GE 2817 3337 4262 Minimum 2798 3292 4187 Std Dev 31.8 74.3 130.7 Reference Case 2854 3424 4420 Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area Max imum 642 830 1075 25%GE 642 830 1074 Mean 641 830 1073 50%GE 641 830 1073 75%GE 641 830 1071 Mi nimum 641 830 1070 Std Dev 0.4 0.150 1.5 Reference Case 641 830 1073 TABLE B.130 RESULTS OF RED MODEL SENSITIVITY TESTS ON CROSS PRICE ELASTICITIES TOTAL ELECTR IC ITY REQUIREMENTS WITHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL 1990 2000 2010 (GWh)(GWh)(GWh) A.Oil Cross-Price Elasticities Anchorage-Cook In 1et Area Max imum 2870 3435 4498 25%GE 2859 3428 4446 Mean 2854 3423 4417 50%GE 2855 3423 4415 75%GE 2848 3420 4393 Minimum 2837 3412 4342 Std Dey 7.5 5.6 36.1 Reference Case 2854 3424 4420 Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area Maximum 645 833 1092 25%GE 643 831 1079 Mean 642 830 1072 50%GE 642 830 1072 75%GE 640 829 1067 Mi nimum 639 827 1054 Std Dey 1.7 1.3 8.7 Reference Case 641 830 1073 B.Gas Cross-Price Elasticities Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area Maximum 2904 3576 4688 25%GE 2872 3479 4521 Mean 2851 3418 4408 50%GE 2850 3414 4401 75%GE 2832 3359 4301 Minimum 2805 3278 4162 Std Dey 24.0 72.2 127.8 Reference Case 2854 3424 4420 Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area Maximum 645 834 1094 25%GE 643 832 1080 Mean 641 830 1072 50%GE 642 830 1072 75%GE 640 829 1064 Mi nimum 637 827 1053 Std Dey 2.0 1.6 9.9 Reference Case 641 830 1073 TABLE B.131 RESULTS OF RED MODEL SENSITIVITY TESTS ON ANNUAL LOAD TOTAL ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS WITH LARGE INDUSTRIAL 1990 2000 2010 TMWT TMWT TMWT Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area Max imum 661 793 1020 25%GE 641 749 965 Mean 598 698 903 50%GE 596 702 900 75%GE 566 650 846 Minimum 522 618 800 Std Dev 42.7 52.9 69.8 Reference Case 584 701 905 Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Area Maximum 175 227 288 25%GE 164 211 273 Mean 151 194 245 50%GE 152 194 243 75%GE 138 177 223 Mi nimum 126 162 208 Std Dev 13.7 19.2 26.1 Reference Case 146 190 245 TABLE B.132 LIST OF PREV IOUS RAILBELT PEAK AND ENERGY DEMAND FORECASTS (MEDIUM SCENARIO) Battelle 1982 Forecast Battelle Revised ISER Battelle Pl an lA Pl an IB 1982 Forecast Utility Utility 1980 Fcrec ast L'1981 Forecast 2j (wjo Susitna)3j (wj Susitna 3j Plan lA4 j 1982 Forecast 5j 1983 Forecast 5j PEAK ENERGY PEAK ENERGY PEAK ENERGY PEAK ENERGY PEAK ENERGY PEAK ENERGY PEAK ENERGY YEAR DEMAND DEMAND DEMAND DEMAND DEMAND DEMAND DEMAND DEMAND DEMAND DEMAND DEMAND DEMAND DEMAND DEMAND [MW)(GWh)(MW)(GWh)(MW)(GWh)(MW)(GWh)(MW)(GWh)(MW)(GWh)(MW)(GWh) 1980 510 2790 --------521 2551 521 2551 521 2551 1981 --------574 2893 1982 650 3570 687 3431 643 3136 647 3160 615 3000 769 3697 716 3531 1990 735 4030 892 4456 880 4256 924 4482 701 3391 1126 5305 940 4678 1995 934 5170 983 4922 993 4875 996 4894 791 3884 1626 7098 1167 5884 2000 1175 6430 1084 5469 1017 5033 995 4728 810 4010 2375 9067 1420 7335 2005 1380 7530 1270 6428 1092 5421 1073 5327 870 4319 NA NA NA NA 2010 1635 8940 1537 7791 1259 6258 1347 6686 1003 4986 NA NA NA NA IjTable 5.6 - Acres Feasibility Report -Volume 1.Includes 30%of military loads,and excludes industrial self- -supplied electricity. ~Table5.7 - Acres Feasibility Report -Volume 1.Excludes military and industrial self-supplied electricity. ~jTables B.12 and B.13 of Battelle Volume 1.Excludes military and industrial self-supplied electricity. ~jPage xv of Battelle Volume 1. Excludes military and industrial self-supplied electricity. ~At plant net generation. Note:The ISER and Battelle forecasts are for end-use demand,and should be increased by approximately 8 percent for actual at plant net generation. FAIRBANKS-TANANA VALLEY r::-r .............................."..... ::::::.;;;~~~~~:~::::::::::::::::::::............................-........................::::::::::::::::::"........". .....................".... .. . RAILBELT AREA OF ALASKA SHOWING ELECTRICAL LOAD CENTERS FIGURE 6.77 FIGURE B.78 L.OCATION MAP LEGEND \I PROPOSED DAM SITES PROPOSED 138 KV LINE -EXISTING LINES IN MILES OCATION MAP SHOWING '.;. TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS 20 60 ! 600..,....600 TOT AL RAIL BEL T AREA ANCHORAGE-COOK INLET AREA 1-----/:::--~o;;;;;;;;::~=::;::::;;;;;-"L--------tJOO +.+-200 400;-~---_\_---------I---I-------......400 SOO'T-------'oc----------------_I_-----......SOO 3: ~ Q <:300 :; (5 :.::< it 200 l00-t--:/FAIRBANKS-TANANA VALLEY AREA'-=======-i1OO ~------~ o ~....,...-~--r---r---,...---r----,r---T'"""--.--.........---r--.....-..J..0 JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JJlY AUG. SEPT.OCT.NOV. DEC. 1982 MONTHL Y LOAD VARIATION FOR RAILBEL T AREA FIGURE 8.79 500 400 ~ ~300 0z <l:: ~w 0 0-c 2000 ....J 100 o ---~---------------------r--------------_..--~--------_._._---f--- TOTAL SYSTEM ---- . ~ r'-_ o 1/''1 r"I r'",, ·...,1 J 1 _J -- ANCHORAGE-COOK INLET AREA FAIRBANKS-TANANA VALLEY AREA ~-~~"~--.!_-~1 .-11'1 ,-6 ...._.1 1...0-f -~1_..•_--•8 - -~'j,,,-•r r ..-1-..---.-.g -.~~",r ...-'l _~ 500 400 300 200 100 o SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY DAILY LOAD CURVES-APRIL 1982 SHEET 1 FIGURE B.80 I -_.., 500 1-'-----T------------------r l --------r-------------,500 -,III 400 ~300:.?: oz« :.?:wo o«200o -l ...., 'J ,J L ,I TOTAL SYSTEM L.f --------+---- "':r', r'.,. 400 300 " 200 100 ANCHORAGE-COOK INLET AREA I I I ---t-----------l------+I t 100 ".-- •""1)_~! ,-., --,, .--~. -.-~ ..--~1. -. ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS-TANANA VALLEY AREA • I -.- _ • "" o o SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY DAILY LOAD CURVES-AUGUST 1982 I SHEET 2 FIGURE B.80 500 T "I "nT-AlTOTA~(~~:M rf\[)J\I-~\500 400 ,_-'1 I L,'1 ,I,I ! I .'1'I r'-..,·1,r'L,'I I'I -'1'.J t,r"",,.1 L'•r'-.-J", ,'L.I _,-I ' ,•L , '1 'U 'I I"1 I l, •I.....f I I I I I $\),~tt-'I ~I l,V·'"1 I '1rI.",I~300 '1 I -f-I II 300 o I I r ,I "J I Z''I'~r',:r ,~j 'J illo o C3 I -I"~ANCHORAGE-COOK INLET AREA 1 I J -'200 I ---1----~-----200 FAIRBANKS·TANANA VALLEY AREA 100 J I .---4 L-~-J .-J 100 _--'_I _r~~~_I-_I,!~--_.--_II"--_~'''-~/-"_0--·_ •'-"'-'-..~I e-...-·- I I I _I ~I I _I I!!I I o =''-',,'-'~0 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY DAILY LOAD CURVES-DECEMBER 1982 SHEET 3 FIGURE 8.80 300 '"'"'en 2500 0 0 ,-. '-' z 0 I-200 « ...J ;:) a. 0a. I-150 ...J UJ CO:::« a: 100 50 o 3.~%/y/ 3 °7 v 3·V3.6%,/ V 1960 1965 1970 YEAR 1975 1980 HISTORICAL POPULATION GROWTH FIGURE 8.81 3000 ,...... s: 5:2500(J '-'za I- <t:cr:: IJ.J 2000z IJ.J (J >- (J cr:: IJ.Jz 1500IJ.J o cr:: I-o IJ.J ...J 1000IJ.J ...J <t: I-a l- I-- ...J 500IJ.Jco=-ccr:: • 94%/YJ 1107%1/V V 1960 1965 1970 YEAR 1975 1980 HISTORICAL GROWTH IN NET GENERATION FIGURE 8.82 SCENARIO GE~JERAT()H f.1UDf.l INPUT VARIABLES. •INDUSTRIAL CASE FILES • PE TROLEUM REVENUE FORECASTS I I ·ECONOMIC MODULE ·FI~>CAL M''OULE •POPULA Tlon I,IUDULE 'HOUSEHOLD FORMA TiON MODULE INPUT VARIABLES' • U.S.INFLA TION RA TE ~--4 • U.S.UNEMPLOYMENT RATE •OTHERS PARAMETERS. ·STATE FISCAL POLICY PARAMETERS .STOCHASTIC PAR AME TE.RS oNONSTOCHASTIC PARAMETERS NONSTOCHASTIC ~I-__'" PARAMETERS MAP MODEL SYSTEM FIGURE B.84 FISCAL MODULEr - --1 STATE PETROLEW GOVT ACTIVITY r---- LOCAL GOVT. BASIC SECTORS FORESTRY FISHERIES FEDERAL GOVT AGRICUL TURE MAl\lUF.FOR EXPORT MINING TOURISM POPULA TION MODULE r I I I I I I I I I I I I I L_ .., I I I I I I I~-J HOUSEHOLD FORMATION MODULE CONSTRUCTION .., SUPPORT SECTORS TRADE FINANCE SERVICES TRANSPORT A TION COMMUNICATIONS MANUFACTURING PUBLIC UTILITIES MAP ECONOMIC SUB-MODEL STRUCTURE FIGURE B.85 ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY FORECAST MODULE -HOUSING -.STOCK , ~RESIDENTIAL - , ~- \.BUSINESS ,- --.PROGRAM INDUCED ..--CONSERVATION 1· LARGE INDUSTRIAL MISCELLANEOUS 1 ANNUAL SALES ~--t -.---PEAK DEMAND - RED INFORMATION FLOWS FIGURE 8.87 START SELECT PARAMETERS TO BE GENERATED RANDOMLY SELECT NUMBER OF VALUES TO BE GENERATED eN) COMPUTER GENERATES IN RANDOM NUMBERS TRANSFORM RANDOM NUMBERS TO PARAMETER VALUES NO OUTPUT PARAMETER VALUES ASSIGN DEFAULT VALUE OF UNSELECTED PARAMETERS RED UNCERTAINTY MODULE FIGURE B.88 DEMAND PARAMETERS (UNCERT AINTY MODULE) INITIAL HOUSING' STOCK TY REGIONAL FORECAST • POPULATION •HOUSEHOLDS STRATIFY HOUSEHOLDS BY AGE OF HEAD SIZE OF HOUSEHOLD CALCULATE DEMAND FOR HOUSI~G UNITS BY TYPE TY IS DEMAND TV >STOCK TY 7 'AGE DISTRIBUTION OF HOUSEHOLD YEADS ·S I ZE DIS TRIB UTI 0 N OF HOUSEHOLDS NEW C ONSTRUC TIO N OF TYPE TY REINITIALIZE HOUSING STOCKS IL..-__- FILL VACANCIES TY WITH)------4~COMPLEMENTARY DEMAND FORECASTS OF OCCUPIED UNOCCUPIED HOUSING I....~... BY TYPE RED HOUSING MODULE FlGUREB.89 FORECAST OF OCCUPIED HOUSING STOCK BY TYPE (HOUSING MODULE) + !cALCULA TE STOCK OF APPLIANCE LARGE APPLIANCES ....SATURATIONS BY END USE -BY HOUSING TYPE DWELLING TYPE .(UNCERTAINTY MODULE) ~ CALCULATE INITIAL FUEL MODE SHARE OF EACH ...SPLITAPPLIANCE USING -1980 ELECTRICITY•CALCULATE AVERAGE /" EFFICIENCY ELECTRICAL USE IN .... LARGE APPLIANCES ...STANDARDS BY APPLIANCE -,•SUM PRELIMINARY CONSUMPTION FOR APPLIANCE USE BY APPLIANCE,,~ CALCULATE SUM PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY ...CONSUMPTION SMALL APPliANCE ...FOR ALL USE OF ELEC. APPLIANCES•/"PRICE PRICE ADJ. PARAMETERSPRICEAND FORECASTS ...CROSS-PRICE ...RESIDENTIAL SECTOR (EXOGENOUS)...ADJUSTMENTS ... (UNCERTAINTY MODULE) \..•RESIDENTIAL C ONSUMPT 10 N PRIOR TO PROGRAM-INDUCED '-CONSERVATION RED RESIDENTIAL CONSUMPTION MODULE FIGURE 8.90 EMPLOYMENT FORECAST • CALCULATE BUSINESS GOVERMENT LIGHT INDUSTRIAL FLOOR SPACE • CALCULATE PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY BUSINESS USE--COEFFCIENTSBUSINESS ELECTRICAL (UNCERTAINTY CONSUMPTION MODULE) , PRICEPRICEPRICEANDADJPARAMETERS FORECASTS CROSS PRICE !.-BUSINESS SECTOR...~ (EXOGENOUS)ADJUSTMENTS (UNCERT AINTY MODULE) , BUSINESS CONSUMPTION PRIOR TO PROGRAM-INDUCED CONSERVATION RED BUSINESS CONSUMPTION MODULE FIGURE 8.91 BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS (BUSINESS MODULE) .NEW USES •EXISTI'4G uses HOUSEHOt.OS SERVED CRESDENTlAL WOOUU) CALCULATE TOTAl. RESDENTIAL ELECTRICITY SAVINGS BY OPTION TECHNICAL INPUTS -ELECTRICITY SAVED -lIFETIoE -ELECTRICITY PRICES SELECT RESDENTlAL CONSERVATION OPTION START CONSER CALCULATE VALUE OF ELECTRICITY SAVED SlIM ovEft USES -SAVINGS • COSTS CAl.CULATE •SAVINGS -COSTS IN NEW AND EXISTING USES •SAVINGS •COSTS SUM OVER OPTIONS CALCULAte TOTAL COST C#CONSERV ATlON BY OPTION GO TONDT CONSERVATION OPTION 'UNSU8S~ED INSTALLED COST TECHNICAL INf'UT TECHNICAl.INPUTS - SUBSIOIZED INSTALLED COST CALCULATE PAYBACK PERIODS CALCULATE INTERNAL RAn! OF REn.AN RETURN (Al) CALCULATE MAflKn SATURAOON •MAXIMUM SATURATION .PAYBACX ROLE AO.JJST REOUREMENTS FOR SUBSDIZED CONSERV A TION WRITI: •SAT\JRATION .PCS TO CONSERVATION FI.E CONSERVATlON DATA FI.E TECHNICAL INPUT CAl.CULATE AGGREGATE puN CORRECTION FACTOR RED CONSERVATION MODULE FIGURE 8.92 /' RESIDENTIAL PLUS BUSINESS -,CONSUMPTION , CALCULATE CALCULATE CALCULATE SECOND HOME STREET LIGHTING VACANT HOUSING CONSUMPTION REQUIREMENTS CONSUMPTION 1 SUM FOR MISCELLANEQUS ~- CONSUMPTION n /-, MISCELLANEOUS CONSUMPTION RED MISCELLANEOUS CONSUMPTION MODULE FIGURE 8.93 LOAD FACTORS (FROM UNCERTAINTY MODULE) ANNUAL ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS •RESIDENTIAL •BUSINESS •MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATE PRELIMINARY PEAK DEMAND CALCULATE PEAK SAVINGS •ANNUAL SAVINGS DUE TO SUBSIDY • PEAK CORRECTION FACTOR (FROM CONSERVATION MODULE) LARGE INDUSTRIAL DEMAND CALCULATE REVISED PEAK DEMAND PEAK DEMAND RED PEAK DEMAND MODULE FIGURE 8.94 LOAD FORECAST HOURLY BASED PEAKS &ENERGIES GENERATION SYSTEM EXISTING UNITS & ALLOWABLE TECHNOLOGIES STUDY DATA FUTURE ECONOMICS & OPERATING GUIDELINES OPTIMIZED GENERATION PLANNING COGP)•EVALUATE RELIABILITY I~ -I •EVALUATE SELECT UNIT SIZES &TYPES ALL CHOICES •WITH "LOOK-AHEAD"STUDY ~CALCULATE OPERATING &INVESTMENT COSTS ALL YEARS USING "LOOK-AHEAD"~ ~r• CHOOSE LOWEST COST ADDITIONS &CALCULATE CURRENT YEAR'S COSTS I -.. RESULTANT OPTIMUM EXPANSION PATTERN ----E::]&DOCUMENTATION OF NEAR-OPTIMUM PLANS, FINANCIAL SIMULATION PROGRAM (FSP)•FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF EXPANSION PLAN -OUTPUT OPTIMIZED GENERATION PLANNING COGP)PROGRAM INFORMATION FLOWS FIGURE B.95 WEEKDAY WEEKEND DAY 20161284 P =MAXIMUM MINUS 2-1 MINIMUM RATING (MW) PI =MINIMUM RATING (MW) 24 INITIAL LOAD 16 20128 MODIFIED LOAD 4 ~'r'77""7'"".~~'""7'"7"!r:;~~"7"'7'7?'"7"7"'7'/'"7"7"'7'/'7'7'77""T77'/~..L Pl 24To HOUR HOUR OPTIMIZED GENERA TION PLANNING EXAMPLE OF CONVENTIONAL HYDRO OPERA TIONS FIGURE 8.96 SOl SOl SOl TEARS -----------------------------._-._-----------------------------IZTO 82 TO 90 TO 1981 1982 19&3 1984 1985 1990 1995 2000 200s 83 90 2000 R£fIMflS ACQUISITION COSTS (S l'U BARJU:L) Average ao.estic 34.33 31.21 26.82 25.93 29.55 55.23 n.70 ' 141.81 199.29 -1 ••1 7.4 '.9Lower48ConventiORal35.61 32.22 27.31 26.40 :leU7 55.95 92.46 142.41 ZOO.16 -15.2 7.1 9.8 AIm..31.60 28.84 24.81 24.09 27.57 52.48 88.67 139.56 196.16 -1 ••0 7.8 10.3 Shal.33.SO 29.5a 24.73 23.97 27.38 51.68 86.63 135.29 190.15 -16.4 7.2 10.1 Coal Ltquids 31.01 34.37 2'.61 27.62 31.42 51.08 !S.38 145.91 205.16 -16.8 6.a 9.7 Average IlI9O"tld 37.05 33.55 2a.60 21.SO 31.00 55.95 n."142.41 ZOO.16 -14.a 6.6 9.8 Average AcquisitiOA Cost 35.24 31.11 21.24 2S.48 30.03 55.4'n.99 142.05 1".67 -14.5 7.2 9.9 lUIJl£RS ACQUISITIOll COSTS (1982 DOLUAS PER 1IARAll) Average eo.estic 34.38 31.22 25.61 23.55 ZS.3t 35.16 43.65 50.95 53.lIt -18.0 1.5 3.8 Lower 48 Conventtonal 37.82 32.22 26.08 23.97 25.83 35.62 44.02 51.16 54.13 -19.0 1.3 3.7 Alask..33.49 2a.84 23.70 21.81 23.69 33.n 42.%1 50.14 53.05 -11.8 ~l.35.SO 29.51 23.61 21.77 23.52 32.91 41.24 48.61 51.42 -20.2 1.3 4.0 eoal Ltquids 41.42 le.37 27.32 ZS.OI 26.91 34.91 45••1 ·52.44 55.48 -ZO.5 0.9 3.6 . Average I..,0rte4 3t.Z7 33.55 21.31 24.97 2S.63 35.62 44.02 51.16 54.13 -18.6 0.8 3.7 Average Acquisition Cost 37.35 31.11 2S.02 24.04 25.80 35.33 43.19 51.03 54.00 -18.4 1.3 3.7 lUIM£JlS ACQUISITlOll COSTS (1981 DOLUAS PER 1IARAll) Average Ooaestic 34.33 29.45 24.16 22.22 23.95 33.18 41.19 48.07 SO.85 -18.0 1.5 3.8 Lower 48 Conventional 35.61 30.40 24.61 22.62 24.38 33.61 41.53 48.27 51.07 -19.0 1.3 3.7 Al ask.31.60 27.21 ZZ.34 ZO.64 22.35 31.53 39.83 47.31 SO.05 -17.a 1.9 4.1 Shal.33.SO 27.91 22.21 ZO.54 22.11 31.05 38.9l'45.86 48.52 -ZO.2 1.3 4.0 eoal Ltquids 39.01 32.43 25.7'23.66 25.47 34.90 42.84 49.48 52.35 -ZO.5 0.9 3.6 Average IJapOrtld 37.05 31.65 25.77 23.56 25.13 33.61 41.53 48.27 51.07 -18.6 0.8 3.7 Average AcqutstiOl1 Cost 35.24 30.07 24.55 22.61 24.34 33.33 41.32 48.15 SO.95 -la.4 1.3 3.7 PIOOOCT 1011 '....80)eo.estt e 5411)9 11a Lower 48 ConwntiOl1al 6.96 6.98 6.93 6••6.81 6.72 6.65 6.42 6.01 -0.7 -0.5 -0.5 Alm.1.61 1.70 1.72 1.75 1.7'1.15 1.63 1.48 1.le 1.5 0.4 -1.7 .---- Total eonVetlt1onal a.57 ••67 a.65 8.60 '.51 8.47 8.28 7.90 7.43 -0.3 -0.3 -0.7 .Synthetic eoal Liquids 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.10 O.ZO IlC IlC 25.9 Shal.0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.15 0.25 IlC NC ZZ.3 ---- OoMstic Crllde a.57 a.67 8.65 1.61 1.60 a.50 a.37 I.IS 7.88 -0.3 -0.2 -0.4 butic II6l'S 1.61 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.30 1.14 0.91 0.74 0.2 ·2.1 -3.4 OaMstic Liquids 10.1a 10.21 10.1'10.16 10.14 1.80 '.51 '.06 a.61 -0.2 -0.5 -0.8 Crllde [-,ports 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.2%0.21 O.ZO -3.3 -0.5 -0.9 Product E)tJlorts 0.37 0.51 0.5'0.62 0.64 0.61 0.61 0.68 0.68 1.7 2.0 0.0 Uaported Supplies Ciross CI"IIde 4.41 3.lt 3.91 4.28 4.43 4.88 5.11 5.45 6.20 21.5 5.1 1.1 Products-1.60 1.53 1.19 1.92 1.91 2.11 2.30 2.45 2.79 17.0 4.6 1.1 Total 6.01 4.82 5.79 6.20 6.42 7.07 7.40 7.'1 8.99 ZO.l 4.9 1.1 Met CrllcM 4.18 3.05 3.76 4.04 4.19 4.65 4.89 5.24 6.01 23.4 5.4 1.2 Products 1.23 0.95 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.51 1.62 1.17 2.11 26.4 5.9 1.6 Total 5.41 4.00 4.97 5.35 5.54 6.16 6.SO 7.02 s.u 24.1 5.6 1.3 U.S. OIL OUTLOOK CRUDE OIL PRICES AND PRODUCTION FIGURE B.97 nn I«lllJl PEnoULII DDWIll AND aROAD IOUICU or SUPPLY (HlttD) UU-2040 ~••C•••!O lup.I,DI.ruptlo.un l!!1 .!.lli ius !!!!.!!!2 ~lli2 .!2.!!1!l!lli2 1!!§lli2 .!ill ~20)0 1m h04uctlo. )Ion-orte Cru4a U.I 20.4 20.'U.S 22.1 22.S 21..20.'17.1 14.7 I1.J 21.'26.1 21.4 24.1 U.'14.4 IICL 2.S 2.4 2.4 2.'2.4 2.4 2.S 2.1 2.0 1.4 1.1 2.4 2.4 2.1 2.4 1.'1.4 SJ1ItheUc -.2d ..!:l ..!:.!..!:l ...M -2.:.!-L!-Ll ...Ll ..L!...iJ ...2:.!..w -W.~..l:.!~ totd ".-oPEC 22.S n.l 21.1 24.S n.l n.4 26.0 n.7 n.l 20.1 u.s 24.t .)0.2 n.)u.s n.l 20.) orte Cru4a 11.4 U.S U.4 II.S U.2 U.s 22.)24.4 n.7 n.l 21.4 U ••n.o H.2 24.1 n.)22.1 NCL O.t 0.'1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.S 1.4 1.)1.2 1.1 I.S 1... 1.1 1.J 1.4 IJ1Ithetlc ----J:l ~-2.:l -2:.!-l&...M ..!:l .Jh!...2:.!-2.:l------------toul OPEC .lli.!.!ld ~lli!~20.S ill .M ill lli1 ill l!.:.2 lh!lL.i l!:!ll:.!~ toul ,r04ucUoa 41.a ·40.4 44.2 4).'U.S 46.1 ".1 n.)41.'41.'41.1 H.t S4.1 40.7 H.t SO.7 U.7 ••t l.,.rt.fr~SI..-Iovlat Iloe loS 1.'I.'1..1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.'0.7 O.S 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.2 .'rlc•••I ••••1.O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S 0.4 O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S Incr ••••(d.er••••)I.ItOCke (2.0)(1.4)0.7 0.)0.1 0.1 0.)0.4 (0.4)(0.4)(O.S)0.2 O.S 0.'(0.S)(0.4)(0.4) Itatl.tlcal dllt.rlftct ..!:l -W.------ -- ------------ --------- Co"....ptloa 41.'44.4 41.'46.1 41.1 41.S 51.0 n.4 SO.7 41.2 42.S ".0 56.'42.4 sa;7 n.4 47.0 Notl'D.talll .a,not .dd to total.dUI to roundl.l. FREE WORLD PETROLEUM DEMAND AND BROAD SOURCES OF SUPPLY (MMBD) 1982-2040 FIGURE B.98 80 ~--I I I I flO '1/ii i ')/H i 70 I I ..._--- --- ORr Spring --5/33 ---;60 Reference Case -4/83 __150 2% ORr LOWOIL -5/83 SHeA ZEG -4/83 --2% DOR 50% DOR Mean -4/83 130 0% -1% .' ~/ // /' ./ I, /-" ///~L~/I ?/' r:--~-»<>.>/////~~.~ »:.:>:<>: //,/'/,---",/ ,~./ //~./-,>-'---',./ ""./,/-/ .--------.-'-.-'--,---.-'/.// -~-".>// ~- 30 --------~-._----/--- ~' -,..--- 'i -~~=---~-7~"-O 20 50 40 60 4-lo (lJ o ,.-j l-lp.. '0 rl l-lo ;:3: rl •.-jo ,..., C1J C1' rl rl ,0 ..0--0, DOR 30% lO I I I I ,-------f--------------+,------------110 I \I J I I I I 0o 1983 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 ALTERNATIVE OIL PRICE PROJECTIONS-$/bbl (1983 $) FIGURE 8.99 o 1985198019821975 YEARS 19701965 _. L--/ NOTE:PERCENT,A,GESARE /AVERAGE ANNUAL GROWTH IRATESFOR5-YEAR PERIODS /! -/-- /v /'/ // 0\0 to to' / f V Q 0\; /1C:J<'v '0:' PROJECTIONS i /,~~ V::/'~V --I I//V'"~~.~.;/~Q ~I ~~~i ~~i IOOw / ,---~0\0 ---, ! ""I "" I '"?, 200y85199019952000 201 YEARS~ORICAL 209.4 %-- 179.3%191.70/<1' 6 4 o 1960 2 19 22 24 26 28 20 J' :::> Ei7 ~18 0z (j) w 160: ::l f- az w 14o, >< IJ..I az ::l 12u, -' <t 0: W z 10w CJ W f- <t f-8 (j) ALTERNATIVE STATE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE FORECASTS FIGURE 8.100 7 0 0;----------,-----------,---------,--------,-----------, 600+--------j--------I-- 2 0 1 0 1985 2005 1980 1982 2000 1 975 YEARS 1970 1 995 1 965 1 990 ./ YEARS /'2>010~ HISTORICAL »>'2>' '2>0/0~ ~'2>' 0%---I 0 %.---- l.---'2>.. NOT E: PERCENTAGES ARE V--'2>.AVERAGE ANNUAL GIlOWTH -~RATES FOR 5-YEAR PERIODS ! I I! I 200 100 o 1960 4 OO+-·-------+-- r-1985 ~300 ell -I <{ a: z o r- <{ -I :J Q.. o Q.. r--« en o o o ALTERNATIVE RAILBEL T POPULATION FORECASTS FIGURE B.10 1 2 2 5 I I I --tl--------- 2001 I I I I :;;».-/I 2010200520001995 -1.9% -I »>:YEARS ~v 1 0/0______D' 1 010 -----D·--3.8% -3.8%-HISTORICALf-- 50 75 25 1251~~1 I I I I 1985 100 (f) o ....Jo I W (f) ::::J o I f- ....J W OJ ....J « 0: o 1::)60 1965 1970 1975 1980 1982 1985 YEARS NOTE:PERCENTAGES ARE /'.VERAGE ANNUAL GROWTH RATES FOR 5-YEAR PERIODS ALTERNATIVE RAILBEL T HOUSEHOLDS FORECASTS FIGURE B.102 7,000....,---,,I ,--:J o~\ 6,000 I I I I I 7/I 2010 198 519821980 2005 '2..'3 % 1975 2000 YEARS PROJECTIONS 1970 1995 1965 1990 HISTORICAL .>:~ 6 °/0 0%----- y\)' "\'3 .»> 4%---- V i 4. YEARS Io I 1960 1,000 5,000 I I I ____4 ~•.•."~t,t~t~G~~ oo~'3 0 °/0 4,000 I I:;;>--::=:..;;;;>'"...-----I=---===I:::;:;;>'".........-:I I 3,000 P-:=I I I I I 1985 ,---. .I:::. 3= CJ '-' zo I- o, ~ :::::> Cf) zoo >- CJ 0:W 2,000 Z W NOTE:PERCENTAGES ARE AVERAGE ANNUAL GROWTH RATES FOR 5-YEAR PERIODS ALTERNATIVE ELECTRIC ENERGY DEMAND FORECASTS FIG U REB.1 0 3 1600.i I ._, 1400 I I I I I ;;./I PROJECTIONS 20102005 \~~Op---I E-?-.~f',S t\ctc Bt.rt.Bt._~:;>.......----I '3 °/0 --.-WI t.j\ ?-.nOB~~'300/0 OOB 2000 1.1% 19951990 800 I I ..--=......_f-.-r==__--r-=I I 600 I I I I I I 1985 1000 +I~~~~ !C!.<"11200III ~ ~ oz« ~ w o ~« w 0.. YEARS HISTORICAL 8.6 % 0°10 \3· ~_.--~ ________i A .A°/0 --.-----~---- 400 200 NOTE:PERCENTAGES ARE AVERAGE ANNUAL GROWTH RATES FOR 5-YEAR PERIODS 0 1960 1965 1970 YEARS 1975 19801982 1985 ALTERNATIVE ELECTRIC PEAK DEMAND FORECASTS FIGURE B.1 04