HomeMy WebLinkAboutSusitna FERC Vol 3 exhibit F supporting desgin report 1983Ii I ~ i P"""" ! - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION LICENSE APPLICATION EXHIBIT F SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT (PRELIMINARY) FEBRUARY 1983 1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __--J SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXHIB IT F SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT (PRELIMINARY) TABLE OF CONTENTS GENE RA L .•00 •••••••••••••••••II •••••••••0 •••D •••••e _•••••Go lit _•••••••••• pale F- 1 PROJECT PARAMETERS F-l-l APPENDIX FA -Watana Emergency Spi 11 way ..•.•...........••.•..••...•FA-1 APPENDIX FB -Watana and Devil Canyon Embankment Stability Analyses.FB-1 APPENDIX FC -Summary of PMF and Spillway Design Flood Analyses ..•.FC-1 Lis t of Tab 1es i List of Figures ii !"""" ,-, . I ..... co ""co...r...r 0 0 0 ~LO LO ""(Y) (Y) ~a '. 2 -PRO",lECT DESIGN DATA ••••••••••••.••••..••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2.1 -Topographi ca 1 Data .e _••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2•2 -Hyd r 0 log i cal 0 at a 110 •••••••••••• 2.3 -Meteorological Data .,0 •••••••••••• 2.4 -Reservoir Data .."~O •••I!l ••••••••• 2.5 -Tailwater Elevations O ••~•••••••••••••~•••D ••••••••••• 2.6 -Design Floods . 3 -CIVIL DESIGN CRITERIA .•....•.••..••..•.••..••••••••....•..••... 3.1 -Governing Codes and Standards •.•••.••...•..•••.....•.... 3.2 -Design Loads . 3.3 -Stability 8 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3.4 -Material Properties 0 ••••••0 •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 -GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN CRITERIA ••....•....•......••....•.......... 4.1 -Watana .,III •••Ci •• 4.2 -Devil Canyon .,0 •••••• 5 -HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA .......•..•....•..•......••.•....•.... 5.1 -River Flows ~DD •••III •••••0 ••• 5.2 -Design Flows "'". 5.3 -Reservoir Levels "'.~. 5.4 -Reservoir Operating Rule .•..........•..•.•.............. 5.5 -Reservoir Parameters "'.0 ••••••111. 5.6 -Freeboard . 5.7 -Criteria . 6 -EQUIPMENT DESIGN CODES AND STANDARDS . 6.1 -Des;gn Codes and Standards .•..•....•..•.•..•..•••..•...• 6.2 General Criteria 0 •••••111 6.3 -Diversion Structures and Emergency Release Facilities ••. 6.4 -Main Spillway . 6.5 -Outlet Facilities ~..o •• 6.6 -Power Intake III .,••••• 6.7 --Powerhouse " 6.8 -Tailrace Tunnels DCi • F-2-1 F-2-1 F-2-1 F-2-1 F-2-1 F-2-1 F-2-1 F-3-1 F-3-1 F-3-1 F-3-6 F-3-9 F-4-1 F-4-1 F-4-11 F-5-1 F-5-1 F~5-1 F-5-1 F-5-2 F-5-2 F-5-2 F-5-2 F-6-1 F-6-1 F-6-2 F-6-4 F-6-5 F-6-6 F-6-7 F-6-8 F-6-10 "'" -I LIST OF TABLES F.l Pre-Project Flow at Watana (cfs) F.2 Pre-Project Flow at Devil Canyon (cfs) F.3 Typical NOAA Climate Data Record F.4 Summary of Climatological Data· F.5 Recorded Air Temperatures at Talkeetna and Summit in of ; LIST OF FIGURES F.l F.2 F.3 F.4 F.5 Area and Capacity Curves -Watana Reservoir Area and Capacity Curves -Devil Canyon Reservoir Watana Tai lwater Rat i n9 Devil Canyon Tailwater Rating (Tailrace to Portage Creek) Mean Response Spectra at the Devil Canyon Site for Safety Evaluation Earthquake ii - - - - - "'""' f""'I I GENERAL This document sets out the principal project parameters and design cri- teri a for the Watana and Devil Canyon hydroelectric projects and wi 11 form the basis of the detailed engineering design.It has been pre- pared to satisfy the requirements of Section 4.41(g)(3)of the FERC Regulations which specify the submission of supporting information. The purpose of this information is to demonstrate that proposed struc- tures are safe and adequate to fulfill their stated functions. The report has been prepared as a main report with five reference vol- umes attached.This report has been collected as a design criteria document containing a summary of project parameters,design criteria, and codes and standards.The volumes included as reference volumes are independent reports produced as part of the feas i bil ity and pre-l i cense application preliminary design efforts.These volumes contain the de- tailed information necessary for review and independent evaluation of the project features. The reports attached for direct reference are: -1980-81 Geotechnical Report;3 Volumes and 1982 Supplemental Geotech- nical Report (1); -Feasibility Report,Volume 5,Appendix 8,Design Development Studies (2); -Final Report on Seismic Studies,February 1982 (3); -Regional Flood Studies,December 1981 (4); -Feasibility Report,Volume 4,Appendix A,Hydrological Studies (5); and -Feasibility Report,Volume 6,Appendix C,Cost Estimate (6). The report and reference volumes include information in addition to that required in the regulations.For clarity,the following cross- reference has been included.This reference directs the reader to the relevant portion of a reference volume for a specific topic. F-l Topic Site Suitability Investigations -Previous Investigations -Regional Geology -Results of Geotechnical Investigations Reservoir Rim Stability Boring Logs,Geology Reports Laboratory Test Reports Borrow Areas Required Quantities of Construction Materials Stability and Stress Analyses for Watana Dam Bas'is for Seismic Loading Basis for Spillway Design Flood Basis for Probable Maximum Flood WATANA Direct Reference (1),Volume 1,Section 3 (1),Vo lume 1,Section 4 (1),Volume 1,Section 6 (1),Volume 1,Appendix K (1),Volume 1,Appendices Band D (1),Volume 1,Section 6, Appendix F (6) (2),Volume 5,Appendix B6 (3 ) (4),(5)Appendix A3 (5)Appendix A2 - - - Topi c DEVIL CANYON Direct Reference Site Suitability Investigations Reservoir Rim Stability Boring Logs,Geology Reports, Laboratory Test Reports Borrow Areas Required Quantities of Construction Materials Devil Canyon Stress Analyses Stability of Abutment Slopes Basis for Seismic Loading Basis for Spillway Design Flood Basis for Probable Maximum Flood F-2 (1),Volume 1,Section 7 (1),Volume 1,Appendix K (1),Volume 1,Appendi~es C and E (1),Volume 1,Section 7, Appendix G (6) (2),Appendix B5 (2),Appendix 85 Attachment 1 (3) (4),(5)Appendi x A3 (5),Appendix A2 -! ~, - 1 -PROJECT PARAMETERS ,.,.,. - - - """ 1 -PROJECT PARM1ETERS Item River Flows Average flow (over 32 yrs of record) Probable maximum flood inflow Maximum flood inflow with return period of 1:10,000 yrs Maximum flood inflow with return period of 1:25 yrs Maximum flood inflow with return period of 1:50 yrs (unrouted) Normal maximum operating level Average TWL Minimum operating level Area of reservoir at maximum operating level Reservoir live storage Watan a 7,990 cfs 326,000 cfs 156,000 cfs 76,000 cfs 87,000 cfs 2,185 ft MSL 1,455 ft MSL 2,065 ft MSL 38,000 acres 3.74 x 10 6 acre ft F-1-1 Devi 1 Canyon 9,080 cfs 346,000 cfs (routed through Watana) 362,000 cfs (unrouted) 161,000 cfs (unrouted) 165,000 cfs (after routing through Watana) (increase attributed to the assumed overlap of Watana peak outflow and peak flow from intermediate catchment) 37,800 cfs 85,000 cfs (unrouted) 39,000 cfs (after routing through Watana) 98,000 cfs (unrouted) 1,455 ft MSL 850 ft MSL 1,405 ft MSL 7,800 acres 0.35 x 10 6 acre ft Item Reservoir total storage Dam Type Crest elevation Crest length Height Cut-off and foundation treatment Upstream slope Downstream slope Crest wi dth Sadd le Dam Type Crest Elevati on Crest Length Height Cut-off and Foundation Treatment Upstream Slope Downstream Slope Crest Wi dth Watana 9.47 x 10 6 acre ft Rockfill 2,210 ft MSL at center 2,207 ft MS L at abutments 4,100 ft 885 ft above foundation at core Core founded on rock,grout curtai n and down stream drains 1V:2.4H 1 V:2H 35 ft None F-1-2 Devi 1 Can on 1.9 x 10 6 acre ft Concrete arch 1,463 ft MSL (+3 ft parapet wall) 1,650 ft (arch dam including thrust blocks) 646 ft above foundati on Founded on rock,grout curtain and downstream drains 20 ft Earth/Rockfi 11 1472 ft MSL 950 ft 245 ft Core founded on rock, grout curtain and downstream drains. IV:2.4H 1V:2H 35 ft - - - - - em Diversion a ana anyon -Cofferdam types Cut-off and foundat ion Upstream cofferdam crest elevation Downstream cofferdam crest elevat ion Maximum pool level during construction Water passages Outlet structures Diversion capacity Final closure Rockfill Founded on all u- vium with slurry trench to rock 1,545 ft MSL 1,472 ft MSL 1,536 ft MSL 2 concrete-lined tunnels,38 ft dia. Low-level struc- ture with high head slide closure gates 80,500 cfs Mass concrete plugs in line with dam grout curtai n Rockfi 11 Founded on alluvium with grout curtain 947 ft MSL 898 ft MSL 944 ft MSL 1 concrete-l i ned tunnel,30 ft dia. Low-level structure with high head slide closure gates 39,000 cfs Mass concrete plugs in line with dam grout curtain ..... Releases during impounding 6,000 cfs maximu via regulating gates in diversion plug Emergency Reservoir Drawdown 6,000 cfs maximum via low-level fixed cone valves Low level outlet Fixed cone valves tunnel ...., - Maximum capacity 30,000 cfs F-1-3 38,500 cfs em atana anyon Outlet Facilities -capacity 24,000 cfs 38,500 cfs -control struc.Fixed cone valves Fixed cone valves -energy dissip.Six 78"dia.3-90"dia.,four 102" fixed cone valve dia.fixed cone valves - Spi llway Desi gn Floods Mai n Spi llway -capacity Passes pmf pre- serving integrit of dam Passes routed 1:1O,000-yr floo (156,000 cfs) with no damage structures 120,000 cfs Passes pmf preserving integrity of dam Passes routed 1:10,000-yr flood (165,000 cfs)with no damage to structures 123,000 cfs - -control struc.Gated ogee crests Gated agee crests -energy dissip.Flip Bucket Flip Bucket -crest elev,2,148 ft MSL 1,404 ft MSL -gate sizes 3 -49 ft H x 3 -56 ft H x 30 ft W 36 ft W - Emergency Spillway -capacity -type -crest elev. -chute wi dth 120,000 cfs Fuse plug 2200/2201.5 310/200 F-1-4 150,000 cfs Fuse plug 1464/1465.5 200 I~' em Power Intake Type Number of intakes Draw-off requirements Drawdown Maximum discharge/unit Penstocks Type Number of penstocks Watana Massive concrete structure embedded in rock 6 Multi-level 120 ft Concrete-lined rock tunnels with downstream steel 1i ner ... 6 eVl Canyon Massive concrete structure embedded in rock 4 Multi-level 50 ft 3,670 cfs Concrete-lined rock tunnels with down- stream steel liner 4 Di ameter Powerhouse Cavern size 17 ft conc/15 ft 20 ft conc/15 ft steel steel 455 ft x 74 ft x 360 ft x 74 ft x 126 ft 126 ft Separate gallery Separate gallery ..... - Type Transformer area Control room & administration Underground Surface* Underground Underground Access Power Plant -vehicle -personnel Rock tunnel El evator from surface Rock tunnel El evator from surface Number of units Nominal unit output** 6 4 170 MW at 659 ft 150 MW at 542 ft net head net head F-I-5 Item Turbines Rated net head Rated full gate output Rated discharge Station output @ rated hea -best gate -full gate Generator Type Watana 680 ft 250,000 hp 3,490 ft 3/s 936 MW 1,098 MW Vertical synchronous Devi 1 Canyon 590 ft 205,000 hp 3,680 ft3/s 510 MW 600 MW Vert ical synchronous - Rated output (60°C)190 MVA air-167 MVA air-cooled cooled 218 MVA 210 MVA 0.9 0.9 15 kV +5%15 kV +5% Overload (80°C) Power factor Voltage Frequency Speed,rpm Tr ansformers Tailrace Water passages Elevation of water passages Surge Tailwater elevations 60 Hz 225 rpm 9 x 145 MVA 15/345 kV,singl phase Two 34 ft dia. concrete-lined tunnels Below minimum t ai 1water Single surge chamber See Fig.F.3 60 Hz 225 rpm 12 x 70 MVA 15/345 kV.single phase One 38 ft dia.con- crete-lined tunnel Below minimum tail- water Single surge chamber See Fig.F.4 - - *Area control center for both Watana and Devil Canyon plants. **Based on a minimum reservoir level in peak demand month (December). F-I-6 ,~2 -PROJECT DESIGN DATA .- 2 -PROJECT DESIGN DATA 2.1 -Topographical Data The topography of the site is based on aerial survey mapping reduced to a scale of 1 inch:200 feet.Contours are at 5-foot intervals. 2.2 -Hydrological Data The hydrological data are based on records taken over a period of 30 years,supplemented by 2 years of records at site.Streamflows and respective drainage areas are extrapolated and adjusted to give a representative pattern of flows at the damsite.Flows are shown in Tables F.1 and F.2 . 2.3 -Meteorological Data Historical records of precipitation,temperature,and other climatic parameters are collected by NOAA at several stations in the study area. However,there were no stations located within the basin until the es- tablishment of weather stations as part of this study.Consequently, no long-term weather records are available near the damsites.The closest stations with long-term records are at Ta"'keetna and Summit. Data from these stations are given in Tables F.3 to F.5. 2.4 -Reservoir Data Reservoir elevation,area and volume curves for Watana and Devil Canyon are given in Figures F.1 and F.2. 2.5 -Tailwater Elevations Tailwater elevations plotted against flows are given in Figures F.3 and F.4. 2.6 -Design Floods An analysis of major historical floods indicated that snowmelt contri- butes a major part of the floods.The Probable Maximum Flood (PMF)was therefore assumed to occur during the snowmelt season.Snowmelt was assumed to start on June 3 based on the adopted temperature sequence. The Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP)of 8.7 inches above the Watana Dam site was used in the PMF analysis.The average PMP above Devil Canyon was 8.8 inches. The PMF was derived through use of the Streamflow Synthesis and Reser- voir Regulation (SSARR)watershed model.The PMF hydrograph was synthesized assuming an initial base flow of approximately 7,000 cfs F-2-1 and moist antecedent soil conditions.The analysis gave peak inflows of 326,000 cfs at Watana and 362,000 cfs at Devil Canyon.The PMF hydrograph is shown on Figure F.4A.- The PMF was routed through Watana 293,000 cfs.This flood routing Canyon reservoir to 346,000 cfs. Canyon reservoir was 345,000 cfs. reserv ior and the peak outflow was reduced the peak inflow to Devil The routed peak outflow from Devil The 10,000-year flood peak inflows are estimated to be 156,000 cfs at Watana,and 161,000 cfs (unrouted)and 165,000 cfs (routed)at Devil Canyon.The increase in the routed 10,OOO-year peak flow over the natural flood resulted because of the assumption of synchronization of routed fl ood peak and peak from the i nterven i ng area between the two developments. The develoment of the PlVlF and Spillway design floods are presented in Appendix FC. F-2-2 - - ,~ .~ , i 3 -CIVIL DESIGN CRITERIA 3 -CIVIL DESIGN CRITERIA 3.1 -Governing Codes and Standards Where specific standards and design criteria are not covered in these criteria,the following codes and standards shall apply: (a)General -American National Standards Institute,ANSI A58.1; -Uniform Building Code (UBC); -Alaska State Building Construction Code;and -Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standards (OSHA). (b)Concrete -American Concrete Institute -ACI Standard 318 (for reinforced concrete) -American Concrete Institute -ACI Standard 301 -American Concrete Institute -ACI Standard 207 (for mass con- crete) (c)Structural Steel -American Institute of Steel Construction,Steel Construction Manual. 3.2 -Design Loads (a)Dead Loads: Mass concrete Reinforced concrete Steel Water Silt -vertical -hori zontal Backfill (all dams) -dry -saturated -submerged 145 lbs/ft3 (143 lbs/ft3 when lbs/ft 3 checking stability) 150 490 lbs/ft 3 62.5 lbs/ft 3 120 lbs/ft3 85 lbs/ft3 115 lbs/ft 3 ) 130 1bs/ft3 ) -Provisional 70 lbs/ft 3) .- (b)Backfi 11 Loads The lateral earth pressure against vertical faces of structures with horizontal backfill will be computed using the equivalent fluid pressures calculated from: p =kwH F-3-1 Where: p =unit pressure k =pressure coefficient w =unit weight of fill H =height of fill For structures free to deflect or rotate about the base the pres- sure coeffi ci ent will be computed from Rank i ne I s theory,which is: kA =tan 2 (45-0/2) Where 0 =angle of internal friction (degrees). For structures restrained from bending or rotation,the at-rest pressure coefficient will be used: ko =1 -sin 0 Coulomb1s theory will be used for computing lateral earth pres- sures on wall surfaces with slopes flatter than 10V:1H or with .sloping baCkfill steeper than 1V:4H. Where vehicular traffic can run adjacent to the face,a surcharge loading of 500 lbs/ft 2 should be applied. (c)Snow and Ice Loads Special consideration shall be given to prevent accumulation of ice loading due to spray in the final design. Snow load .0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••60 lbs/ft 2 (d)Powerhouse Floor Loads -I Generator Hall Machine Shop Swi tchgear Room Service Bay Control Room Transformer Gallery Offices and Stairs -1000 lbs/ft2 500 lbs/ft2 -300 lbs/ft 2 -1500 1bs/ft 2 or 90 ki p concentrated load in designated areas -200 lbs/ft2 -300 lbs/ft 2 100 lbs/ft 2 F-3-2 (f) (e)Crane Loads The following percentages shall apply to the powerhouse crane and the power intake crane.The minimum deflection to span ratio of crane support beams shall be 1:1000. Vertical impact -25 percent of static wheel load Lateral load -10 percent of crane capacity,trolley,hook, and lifting beam distributed equally be- tween rails. Longitudinal load -10 percent of static wheel loads. Spillway Deck Loads Area designated for service 500 lbs/ft2 Other areas 200 lbs/ft2 (g)Hydraulic Loads All structures shall be designed for full lateral water pressures where applicable,plus full hydrodynamic and uplift forces. (i)Uplift r-Upl ift pressures shall be taken as equivalent to the full head of water on a foundation or structure where no head "differential exists across the structure.Safety factors in accordance wi th normal cond it ions wi 11 app 1y.Where a head differential exists across a structure,uplift forces shall be calculated as follows. -For water-retaining concrete structures provided with drainage galleries and drain holes deep into the founda- tions,uplift shall be considered across the complete rock/concrete interface varying 1 inearly from H1 at the upstream heel to (Hl -H2)+H2 at the drains to H2 at the toe.3 Where H1 =static head upstream H2 =static head downstream. Safety factors in accordance with normal conditions will apply with drains operative. Where there are no pressure re 1 i ef drai ns,normal up 1i ft shall be assumed to vary linearly from headwater at the upstream face to tailwater at the downstream face.Safety factors in accord ance wi th normal cond it ions wi 11 app 1y. The latter uplift condition shall also apply for the ex- treme uplift where drains are to be provided but are assumed to be ineffective in reducing uplift.Safety fac- F-3-3 tors in accordance with extreme conditions will then apply. All owab 1e tens i 1e strength at the rock-concrete i nterf ace shall be zero.If under earthquake loading conditions a crack is considered to develop at the upstream heel,the uplift pressure shall be taken as equal to the normal dis- tribution as described above over 100 percent of the base area. Under PMF condit ions where cracking at the upstream heel develops,upl ift shall be considered to be equal to full headwater within the full depth of the crack,reducing to the values at the line of drains and downstream toe as pro- portioned above. Apron and chute slabs and slab walls against rock shall be designed against uplift resulting from sudden changes in water level. Uplift from centrifugal forces shall be considered where contraction joints occur on the concave floor of chutes. Toe curve pressures on the interior face of training walls at concave chute surfaces shall be calculated in accordance with Plate 21 of Hydraulic Design of Spillways EM 1110-2- 1603 by U.S.Army Corps of Engineers. Hydraulic loads due to earthquakes are given in the follow- ing section on seismic loads. (h)Seismic Loads See Reference No.3. The largest mean peak horizontal ground acceleration that could affect the sites is 0.5g with a duration of 6 seconds. (i)Watana Design of critical concrete structures wi 11 use an 80th percentile response spectrum from the "Safe Evaluation Earthquake"(SEE)with a 10 percent damping ratio scaled down by a factor of 80 percent. (ii)Arch Dam at Devil Canyon The arch dam is to be checked under sei smi c load i ng by dynamic analysis based on trial load method and the ADSAS program developed by the Department of the Interior. F-3-4 - The arch dam wi 11 be designed for a base ground accelera- tion of 0.8 x SEE =0.57g. Arch dam system damping ratio -0.10 of critical*. Acceleration response spectrum -See Figure F.5. For final design,a time-history finite element analysis will be carried out. -Concrete Retaining Structures (other than arch dam) Mass concrete retaining structures wi 11 be designed for 0.8 x SEE using static analysis. -Other Major Structures Non-reservoir retaining major structures will be designed for the 100/1I0-year return earthquake corresponding to 0.2g. -Hydrodynamic Pressure The hydrodynamic pressure due to horizontal earthquake on water-retaining surfaces shall be computed using the theory of Westergaard for the dynamic change in pres- sure: 1/2 P =a.51.25 (hy)lbs/ft 2 Where h =total height of structure (ft) y =depth below reservoir surface (ft) a =ground acceleration/acceleration due to gra- vity The distribution of pressure is parabolic;hence,the total force and moment at a section y ft below water level are given by: F =2/3.P.y M =0.4.F.y *This damping ratio is similar to ones used at Swan Lake, El Cajon and Salinas dams. F-3-5 (i)Temperature and Thermal Loads Expansion and contraction resulting from temperature changes, moisture changes,creep in component materials,"and movement resulting from differential settlement are combined with other forces and loadings for maximum unfavorable effects. The maximum and minimum air temperatures are: Maxi mum M;n ;mu nl Qo It "1;10 0 It &G (j)Horizontal Ice Loads The follow-ing horizontal ice load shall be considered to act at mid-depth of a 4 foot-thick ice cover at the water surface. On the upstream gates ...••.••.••••••10.0 kips/lin ft Excessive ice buildup on trashracks,gates,gate guides,and support structures shall be prevented by heating such equipment. 3.3 -Stability (a)Loads and Forces The following loads and forces shall be used in stability analysis for concrete gravity structures in the loading cases given in Sec- t i on 3.3(d): -Dead load or self weight; -Live load; -Hydrostatic uplift; -Earth pressure; -Water pressure;and -Earthquake loads. (b)Computations The following values shall be computed at the foundation level and at selected intermediate levels within each structure or element of a structure to ensure adequate stabi lity and economy of design within these design criteria: -Stress at upstream face (parallel to slope); -Stress at downstream face (parallel to slope); -Location of resultant force; F-3-6 """ -Sliding factor; -Shear friction factor; -Flotation factor of safety;and -Overturning factor. (i)Sliding Stability Analysis The normal analysis of sliding has been used,relating the resistance to sliding along a horizontal or gently sloping plane to the dri ving force or hori zonta 1 load.The factor of safety F is the ratio of the resisting forces to the driving forces.The following "shear friction"formula shall be used (1): F =(V-U)tan ~+cA Pw (1) Where,for a horizontal potential failure plane: v =total vertical force U =total vertical uplift force acting on the failure planeo=angle of friction along plane c =unit cohesion along plane A =area of potential sliding plane Pw =total horizontal thrust (c)Limiting Criteria,Safety Factors (i)Concrete Gravity Structures Safety Factor Load Conditions Sliding Normal 3 within concrete 4 withi n rock Overturning*Flotation Resultant 1.5 within the center third** Compression 3 on compres si ve strength of concrete 4 on compressive strength of rock Unusual (including 1:100-yr earthquake load case) 2.5 wi t hin 1.3 concrete 3.5 within rock F-3-7 1.3 2.5 on compres- i ve strength of concrete 3.5 on compres- sive strength rock Flotation CompressionLoadConditions Unusual (inc. 100-year return earth- quate &PMF load case) Extreme (including 0.8 x safety evaluation earthquake)for arch dam and reservoir retaining structures only Sliding Overturning 2 withi n 1.1 concrete 2.7 within rock 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 2.0 on compres- i ve strength of concrete 2.7 on compres- sive strength of rock 1.0 - -i Note:*Opinions differ on the use of overturning safety factors. Acres policy is to retain this familiar concept~particularly in regard to unusual and extreme loadings where cracking may occur~in order to provide a measure of the relative safety of the structure. **Safety factor implicitly greater than at least 1.5 (ii)Summary of Results The resu lts of the above load condit ions for the reservoi r retai ni ng concrete gravity structures have been summari zed on the Exhibit F Plates as follows: Watana Main spillway gate structure Plate F13 Devil Canyon arch dam thrust blocks Plate F46 Devil Canyon main spillway gate structure Plate F55 (d)Loading Cases Among loading combinations to be considered at the final design stage will be the following: (i)Intake and Out let Structures Case 1: Case 2: Concrete in place~site dewatered Concrete in place~maximum water level outside structure~inside of structure dewatered (ii)Powerhouse Structure (Surface structures~if applicable) Underground structures and individual elements of struc- tures shall be analyzed for stability and stress consider- ing all applicable loadings including water table in rock~ grouting pressure~and rock support systems. F-3-8 3.4 -Material Properties Reinforced Concrete in all structures except the Arch Dam shall have a compressive strength of 4,000 lb/in 2 at 28 days.The Arch Dam con- crete shall have a compressive strength of 5,000 lb/in 2 at 365 days. ....., -Reinforcing Steel: -Structural Steel: -Penstock Steel Liner: -Bolts,Nuts,and Washers: ASTM A615 Grade 40 minimum ASTM A36 ASTM A516 Grade 70 ASTM A325 -PVC water stops shall be provided in all water-retaining structures as follows: o In all expansion and contraction joints o In all vertical construction joints communicating with dry inter- ior spaces;and o In all horizontal construction joints communicating with dry interior spaces where the concrete thickness is less than 10 feet. F-3-9 - 4 -GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN CRITERIA ~, 4 -GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN CRITERIA 4.1 -Watana (a)General A detailed description of the geology and material properties for the Watana site are provided in reference document "1980-81 Geo- technical Report"and the "1982 Supplemental Geotechnical Report." Design parameters,quantities,and estimates have been based on a comprehensive evaluation of the site geotechnical conditions. Where significant data remains to be obtained,conservative as- sumptions have been made in development of foundation preparation, treatment,material properties,and costs.The following tasks set forth the design considerations,parameters,and criteria for the Watana Dam and related structures. (b)Dam Foundation Preparation and Treatment (i)General Rock foundations must meet the following criteria: -The rock under the core must be nonerodib1e under the seepage gradients; -Core material must be prevented from moving down into the foundation (e.g.,into cracks or joints); -Contact between the core and rock surface must have per- meability no higher than that of the core;and -Any seepage through the foundation must be controlled and discharged to avoid buildup of excessive seepage pres- sures under the structures. (ii)Excavation Under the Core,Filters,and Shells The core,filter,and shell portions of the dam will be founded on sound rock or concrete.All talus on the slopes,river alluvium,and weathered rock in the valley bottom and on the abutments wi 11 be removed.Estimated core foundation rock slopes will be on the average of 1H:2V below Elevation 1800 and 1H:1V above Elevation 1800.The cross cut slopes will be 1H:10V.Dental excavation over and above normal excavation will be performed in intensely sheared and altered zones.Under the core and filter,den- t a1 concrete wi 11 be placed as appropri ate to prov i de a regular surface for fill placement. F-4-1 (i i i)Grouting Grouting will be performed as necessary to improve founda- tion and abutment rock conditions for load bearing,mater- ial piping,and seepage considerations. -Consolidation Grouting The rock under the core and adj acent upstream and down- stream filters will be consolidation grouted to provide a zone of relatively impermeable rock under the entire con- tact.Consolidation grouting would impede relief of seepage,so it will not be performed under the downstream blanket filter.Consolidation grouting will be performed on a 10 foot by 10 foot grid of approximately 30 foot deep holes.Consolidation grouting will be performed as required under the spillway and other appurtenant struc- tures,as well as at the tunnel portals and in any frac- t ured zones encountered underground wh i ch cou 1d be st a- bilized by this method. -Curtain Grouting Curtain grouting will be performed beneath the dam found- ation to a maximum depth of 0.7H (where H is the maximum reservoir hydrostatic head at a particular location above the dam foundation)to a maximum depth of approximately 350 feet.Grouting will be carried out from a series of underground gallaries which will also serve as a drainage collector for a system of drilled drain holes.A double row grout curtain is proposed.Primary grout holes will be considered as exploratory holes and will be core dri lled.Based on exploratory results,the depths and spac.,ing of secondary holes will be decided. All holes will be water-pressure tested.Grouting will be carried out using split spacing with the primary holes at 40-foot spacing.The secondary,tertiary,and quater- nary holes will bring the final hole spacing to 5 feet if required. In area of permafrost,additional boreholes may be re- quired to induce thawing,to be able to form an effective curtain.Further grouting may be required when the full thawing effect of the full reservoir has occurred. Grout holes will be vertical and inclined at angles of 45 degrees to intersect the main joint sets.Additional grouting will also be performed as required in sheared and altered zones and poor qual ity rock if it has been determined that they are potential avenues for seepage. F-4-2 '"'" - The dam grout curtain will also extend under the spillway intake structure to a mi nimum depth of 200 feet.The grout curtain will be stopped approximately 30 feet from the diversion tunnels.Radial grouting will be carried out from the diversion tunnels along the length of the concrete closure plugs to intersect with the grout holes from the surface and form a continuous cutoff,of seepage from the reservoir or the diversion tunnel sections up- stream of the grout curtain. -Contact Grouting Contact grouting will be performed on concrete structures in contact with rock and behind all tunnel linings and tunnel plugs. (iv)Drainage Three-inch diameter drain holes will be drilled from the "galleries beneath the dam foundation and abutments to in- tersect seepage water and to provide pressure relief.Fil- ters may be required in some of the drain holes to prevent washout of fine material. A grid of drainage holes will be provided around the under- ground caverns to depths generally in excess of the deepest rock bolt.Seepage will be collected by pipes or channels and directed into the powerhouse drainage system. A11 rock cuts wi 11 have surface drainage trenches at the crest to prevent small rocks and soi 1 from bei ng washed down the cut,and to reduce the amount of water to be chan- ne 1ed away at the base of the cut.Pressure re 1i ef ho 1es will be drilled into the face and base of cuts as necessary to relieve areas of high ground water pressure. (v)Intake Structure The intake structure will be founded on sound,unweathered rock..Although consoli dat i on grout i ng is not expected to be necessary due to the excavation depth.it will be per- formed if required. Under rapid drawdown conditions,water pressure could bui ld up behind structures cast ag·ainst rock.Therefore, drainage will be provided through all concrete/rock inter- faces that could experience these conditions. Rock excavation faces are anticipated to be stable at very steep slopes.Further data will be required in the area for detailed stability analysis and design of protective support systems. F-4-3 (vi)Spillway The spillway will be founded entirely on rock.The grout- ing and drainage curtains in the dam foundation and under the thrust block will extend under the spillway control structure to reduce seepage and uplift pressures. A drainage grouting gallery will be formed in the concrete rollway of the control structure.This gallery will be similar in size to the·rock tunnel beneath the dam and con- structed as far upstream as possible to achieve a reduction in water pressure over the largest possible area of the foundat ion. The spillway chute concrete/rock contact will be well drained to prevent uplift pressures.Since,however,these drains will be subject to freezing,it is proposed that a spi 11 way drainage gallery be constructed at a depth of at 1east 30 feet below the concrete spill way slab along the entire length of the spillway.A fan of drain holes drilled from the surface drains will drain into the drain- age gallery.The gallery will be approximately 10 feet by 10 feet in section. The foundation for the entire spillway will be consolida- tion grouted to a depth of 20 feet based on a grid of holes spaced 10 feet by 20 feet. Rock anchors will be installed in the spillway chute walls to provide necessary support and fallout protection. (vii)Relict Channel Studies indicate the existence of a buried channel running from the Susitna River gorge immediately upstream from the proposed damsite to Tsusena Creek,a distance of about 1.5 miles.Along the buried channel thalweg,the highest bed- rock surface is about 450 feet below reservoir level.The maximum hydraulic gradient along the buried channel for the edge of pool to Tsusena Creek will be approximately 9 per- cent. Potential problems imposed by the Relict Channel are: Surface Flows -caused by settlement and resulting in a breachlng of the reservoir rim. -Subsurface Leakage -caused by low permeable material that could result in the water loss and potential down- stream piping. -Permafrost -Increased thawing of permafrost in the rel- ~lct channel over time resulting in increased seepage. F-4-4 - - - - "'"'"I ,~ Liquefaction -Filling of the reservoir resulting in sat- uration of material in relict channel that could result in liquefaction under seismic loading conditions causing a breach of the reservoir rim. Remedial measures considered for the relict channel are: -Lowering of the reservoir level to provide adequate free- board to eliminate potential of settlement and surface flow. -Placement of a downstream blanket to control the poten- tial problem of piping. -Long-term monitoring to determine rate of thaw of perma- frost. -Densification,in-place stabiliziation (i.e.,grouting), or excavation and replacement of potentially liquifiable materi al s. Additional explorations are necessary to more closely def- i ne the actual need and/or type of treatment necessary. (c)Rock Slopes (i)Design Methods Since jointing is the prominent geologic structure,planar, two-plane,and three-plane wedge failures were analyzed, providing the basis for excavation and support details. (ii)Factor of Safety ~Factors of safety employed in slope design for civil struc- tures were: Condition F.S. Construction-temporary 1.1 Permanent 1.5 Extreme loading 1.0 (iii)Method of Analysis Plane failures and two-plane wedge failures were analyzed on an equal angle stereogram (Hendron,1971).No external loads were included in these analyses.Analyses included the four principal joint sets identified at the site. r- I F-4-5 Jointing is believed to be the controlling geologic struc- ture.Planes and wedges created by these joints were anal- yzed.Design slopes were selected considering orientations and inferred continuity of each joint set.The following table summarizes recommended slopes for each generic orien- t at i on... Strike Dip Cut Slopes N-S E 3.75V:1H N-S W 4.0:1H E-W N 3.75V:1H NE-SW I~W 4V:1H NE-SW SE 4V:1H NW-SE NE 2.75V:1H NW-SE SW 3V:1H (d)Water Tunnel s Two orientations are favorable for tunnels at Watana t 345°to 025° and 070°to 090°.These two orientations cross the major dis- continuities at high angles and subparallel minor ones.The least favorable orientations are 045°to 065°and 100°to 160°t since they parallel major joint sets and shear zones.Due to the site configuration t the tunnels predominately follow the 070-090° favorable trend. (e)Penstocks The penstock tunnels wi 11 be concrete 1 i ned over thei rent ire lengths t with steel linings placed just upstream of the power- house.Six penstocks,17-feet in diameter t are proposed.Pen- stocks will be spaced 2.5 times the diameter,center to center. The length of steel liner and support required will be dependent on actual rock conditions. (f)Caverns As discussed above t the most favorable orientation for underground structures are either 345°to 025°or 070°to 090°.The selected orientation lies near the 345°trend. Primary support in the powerhouse cavern will consist of rock bolts in the crown having a working load of approximately 80kips. The preferred rock bolt is a tensioned resin-anchored t resin-en- capsulated rock bolt.Wall bolts will be similar to those des- cribed above. Rock bolts for other caverns with spaces between 40 feet and 80 feet will use the same capacitYt spacings,and percentages of bolts as the powerhouses with bolt lengths equal to 1/3 of the span for the crown and 1/10 of the wall height for walls.Shot- crete sets,concrete,and wire fabric will be used as required. Where shear zones intersect underground openings,more extensive support will be required. F-4-6 - - Drainage will be provided for walls and crowns to prevent seepage pressures from affecting stability.Drain holes will be provided extending into the rock a distance greater than the greatest rock bolt length. Caverns wi 11 be spaced a mi nimurn of 1.5 times the 1argest cavern span. (g)Watana Dam (i)General The mai n dam wi 11 consist of a compacted core protected by fi ne and coarse fi lters on the upstream and downstream slopes.The downstream outer shell will consist of allu- vium gravel,and the upstream outer shell of cleaned,pro- cessed alluvium gravel.The dam will be designed to pro- ~,vide a stable embankment under all conditions. (ii)Design Criteria To insure that the impervious core meets the earthquake re- sistant design,the following design features will be in- corporated into the main dam cross section: -The core foundation contact will be widened near the ends of the embankment to ensure seepage control during normal operating conditions and any seismic event. -Thick filter zones will be placed upstream and downstream from the impervious core to prevent breaching of the core from either post-construction settlement and cracking or from any cracking resulting from a seismic event. -The filters will be designed to be self-healing in case of transverse cracks in the core resulting from either post-construction settlement or a seismic event. -The downstream filters will be designed to be capable of handling any abnormal flows that could result from trans- verse cracking at the core from post-construction settle- ment or a seismic event. -The proposed wi dth of the core wi 11 prevent arch i ng of the core caused by transfer of load from the core to the filter materials and shell. i' -Compacted river alluvium gravel will be used to construct the downstream outer shell,and compacted c1 ean ri ver alluvium gravel will be used to construct the upstream outer shell to minimize settlement and displacement that could be caused by a seismic event. F-4-7 (iii)Freeboard and Static Settlement The governing crest elevation excluding static and seismic settlement is 2205 feet. The expected seismic settlement of 0.5 percent of the hei ght of the d am wi 11 be incorporated in the des i gn by lo- cally steepening the slopes of the top of the dam to obtain 5 feet of additional freeboard at the maximum section and 2 feet of additional freeboard at the abutments. (iv)Dam Cross Section The typical cross section is shown in Plate F6.The imper- vious core slopes will be 1.0 horizontal to 4.0 vertically sloped upstream and downstream with a crest of 15 feet. Minimum core foundation will be 50 feet requiring flaring of the cross section at the left end of the embankment. The upstream filter will have the following slopes: -Fine filter zones will be 1.0 horizontal to 3.5 vertical sloped upstream on the reservoir side. Coarse filter zones will be 1.0 horizontal to 2.9 verti- cal sloped upstream on the reservoir side. The downstream filter zones will have the following slopes: -Fine filter zones will be 1.0 horizontal to 3.2 vertical sloped downstream on the tailwater side. -Coarse filter zone will be 1.0 horizontal to 2.7 vertical sloped downstream on the tailwater side. The upstream and downsteam filters are sized to provide protection against possible leakage through transverse cracks in the core that could occur as the result of settlement or displacement during a seismic event.The wide filter zones provide sufficient material for healing of any cracks in the core and the size of the downstream filter zones wi 11 ensure its capabi 1ity to handle any ab- normal leakage flows. F-4-8 - - -,I - r~ The shells of the dam will consist of compacted river allu- vium gravels.To minimize pore pressure generation and to ensure rapid dissipation during a seismic event,the satur- ated upstream shell wi 11 consist of compacted clean river alluvium gravels.This material will be processed to re- move all fines less than ll2-inch size.The downstream shell will consist of compacted unprocessed alluvium grav- els since it wi 11 not be affected by pore pressure genera- tion during a seismic event. Slope protection on the upstream slope will consist of a lO-foot zone of oversized material up to 36 inches in dia- meter placed and compacted by suitable equipment. The typical crest detail is shown in Plate F7.Because of the narrowi ng of the dam crest,the fi lter zones wi 11 be reduced in width and the upstream and downstream coarse fi lter rep 1aced with carefu lly graded and se lected she 11 materials above Elevation 2170.A layer of filter fabric is incorporated to protect the core material against damage from frost penetration and dessication,and to act as a coarse filter where required. (v)Dam Material -Core The core material will be obtained from Borrow Site "0," which consists of a series of glacial tills separated by alluvial and lacustrine materials.Processing and blend- ing will be necessary to provide the required moisture content and gradation and to remove any oversize mater- ial.However,information to date indicates this can be accomplished by selection of a vertical-face mining meth- od and on-fill mixing and raking. Material will be placed in 8-inch lifts at a maximum moisture content of 3 percent above optimum moisture con- tent,and compacted to 95 percent of the maximum density obtained from the Modified Proctor Test (ASTM 0698). -Fine and Coarse Filters Fine and coarse filter material can be obtained from Bor- row Sites E,I,and J.Borrow Site E is the preferred primary borrow source for all the fi lter and alluvium fill material in the dam.The material will require processing to provide the proper gradations for the fine and coarse filters. F-4-9 -Alluvium Fill Material The alluvium fi 11 can be obtained from Borrow Areas E,I, and J.The upstream s-hell of the dam will be constructed using processed river alluvium gravel with no more than 10 percent of the material less than 3/B-inch.The downstream shell wi 11 be constructed using unprocessed alluvium fi 11 material,with mixing of a carefully controlled percentage of waste work from excavations. -Riprap Material The riprap material (slope protection)will be obtained from the oversize material from the various borrow areas, Quarry A,and any other rock excavations.The riprap. material will be placed on the entire upstream slope,and in certain areas of the downstream slope of the dam as pro- tection against wave overtopping and toe erosion. (vii)Stability Analysis Static and dynamic stabi lity analyses have been performed to establish the upstream and downstream slopes of the Watana Dam.A summary of the stability analyses is outlined in Appendix FB.The analyses indicate stable slopes under all conditions for a 2.40 horizontal to 1.0 vertical upstream slope and a 2.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical downstream slope. Therefore,these slopes have been adopted for prel"iminary design purposes unti 1 final design analysis and investiga- tions show steeper slopes are stable. (h)Watana Emergency Spillway Fuse Plug The earthfill fuse plug,with a crest elevation of 2201.5,is locat- ed in the upstream end of the unlined rock channel spillway.The 31.5 feet high fuse plug is designed to be eroded if overtopped by the reservoir and since the crest is lower than the dam embankment, the plug would be washed out prior to overtopping the main dam. Details of the fuse plug design are presented in Appendix FA. Static and dynamic stability analyses have been performed to estab- lish the fuse plug embankment slopes.The studies indicate the embankment slopes of 1:2.4 upstream and 1:1.5 downstream,are stable under all conditions of loading.A summary of the stability analyses is outlined in Appendix FB.The preliminary design is con- sidered suitable for both operational stability and rapid failure if overtopped. F-4-10 - 4.2 -Devil Canyon (a)Foundation Preparation and Treatment - (i ) (i i ) Mai n Dam The enti re area under the dam wi 11 be excavated to sound, fresh rock.In addition,the overburden 100 feet upstream and downstream of the dam wi 11 be removed to enab le founda- tion preparation.The overburden will be excavated to a safe slope,generally 2H:lV. Dental excavation of shear zones and weathered rock wi 11 be performed.Such areas wi 11 be backfi lled with concrete as necessary.Detached blocks of rocks will be removed or rock bo lted and/or grouted.Rock overhangs wi 11 be trimmed and a regular surface formed. Grouting -Consolidation Grouting Consolidation grouting will be performed over the whole area of the dam foundati on and wi 11 extend 100 feet up- stream and downstream of the dam. The consolidation holes will be at 10 feet spacing with depth rangi ng from 30 to 70 feet.The ori entati on of the consolidation holes wi 11 be such that they intersect the majority of discontinuities. -Curtain Grouting The extent of curtain grouting is indicated in Plate F46. The depth of the holes will be a maximum of 0.7H (where H is the maximum head of water at that particular point of the foundation)up to a maximum of 300 feet.On the right bank,the grout curtain will extend under the thrust block and spillway gate structure and beyond the powerhouse.The curtain will be a minimum of 200 feet deep in this area to ensure minimal seepage into the powerhouse cavern area. The grout curtain will extend 100 feet below the excavated foundation of the intake structure. Since the underground powerhouse is to be unlined and water pressures in the rock surrounding the powerhouse wou ld cons i derab ly increase the rock support requi red,an extensive grouting program coupled with a comprehensive drainage scheme is proposed (Plate F46). F-4-11 The grouting wi 11 be performed from tunnel galleries,the general arrangement of which is shown in Plate F46.A maxi- mum slope of 45 0 has been assumed for the inclined galleries. The 9rout galleries will be 10 feet by 10 feet,based on the spac1ng of the grout and drainage curtains and the anticipat- ed size of dri 11ing equipment.Although there is no indica- tion of permafrost at the site to date,if permafrost is en- countered,thawing will be carried out by circulation of wat- er in the grout holes before grouting. (iii)Drainage -Dam The grout galleries wi 11 be used for drainage.The drain- age holes will be 3-inches in diameter and will follow a slmilar arrangement to the grout curtain. The drainage holes wi 11 be installed downstream from the grout curtai n and generally extend 50 feet be 1ow the grout holes.The spacing will be selected to ensure that the maximum number of discontinuities are intersected.Extra holes may be required in shear zones and in possible joint planes. Where possible,drainage holes will be drilled from the galleries to prevent freezing.Where free draining of the lowest grouting/drainage gallery is not possible,pumps w'ill be provided to keep the lowest galleries free of water.Access tunnels will be approximately 10 feet by 10 feet.Drainage holes will be drilled upward from the gall- ery wherever possible to provide the most effective drain- age system.Drainage curtains drilled from upper and lower galleries wi 11 overlap by at least 10 feet.The drainage curtain will be drilled from the gallery and inclined about 10 degrees downstream from the vertical. -Caverns Grouting in and around the powerhouse and transformer gall- ery may be required to reduce excess seepage.Dra1nage will be provided to relieve water pressure around the caverns. Drainage will be provided all around the caverns to a depth generally in excess of the deepest rock bolt,and seepage will be collected by pipes or channels and direct- ed into the powerhouse drainage system. Rock Guts All cuts will have a surface drainage trench at the top to prevent small rocks and soi 1 from washing down the cut. Selective drilling of subhorizontal holes 1n the rock cuts may be performed to release bui ld up of water pressure on the faces of the rock cuts. (:"-4-12 """'I - (iv)Intake Structure The foundation for the intake structure wi 11 be on sound, unweathered rock.Drai nage wi 11 be provi ded through the concrete structure from the concrete/rock interface. Rock excavation faces,against which the structural con- crete is to be placed,should be approximately vertical. Further stability analysis will be required when more in- formation is available on joint shear strength,orienta- tion,and structure location,but no stability or mass structure shear weaknesses are expected to be found. - (v)Spi llway The spillway will be founded entirely on rock.The grout- ing and drainage curtains in the dam foundation and under the thrust block will extend under the spi 11 way control structure to reduce seepage under the structure and reduce uplift pressures. The drainage/grouting gallery will be formed in the con- crete rollway of the control structure.This gallery will be of similar size to the rock tunnel beneath the dam and constructed as far upstream as possible to achieve a reduc- tion in water pressure over the largest area of the founda- tion.To minimize build up of ground water pressure be- neath the spillway chute foundation,the concrete/rock con- tact will be well drained.Steel anchor bars will also be provided for increased stability.Preliminary calculations indicate that these bars should be at 5-foot centers over the foundation area. Because of the susceptibility of the drains under the spillway slab to freezing,a drainage gallery will be con- structed at a minimum depth of 30 feet below the concrete spillway slab,along the entire length of the spillway.A fan of drain holes drilled from the surface drains will drain into the drainage gallery.The gallery will be ap- proximately 10 feet by 10 feet in size.The foundation for the entire spillway will be consolidation grouted as re-q- uired.The grouting will be to a depth of 20 feet based on a grid of holes spaced 10 feet by 10 feet."Anchors will also be provided from the spillway chute walls into rock. F-4-13 (vi)Saddle Embankment Dam -Foundation Excavation Preparation All overburden beneath the proposed saddle dam will be removed.The foundat ion area for the core and fi lters will be excavated to sound rock,whil e the rockfil1 shells will be excavated to competent rock.The final excavated foundation slopes will be no steeper than 1H:1V.The foundation will be regular in shape.Local steep slopes and overhangs will be treated with concrete or appropriately trimmed. Dental excavation over and above normal excavation will be performed in zones of intense shearing or alteration. -Grouting .Consolidation Grouting The rock under the core,upstream fi lter,and down- stream filter will be consolidation grouted to provide a zone of relatively impermeable rock under the entire contact.The consolidation grout holes will be drilled on a 10 foot by 10 foot grid approximately 30 feet deep . .Curtain Grouting The depth of grout holes beneath the dam will be 0.7 x H,where H is the maximum head of water at that parti- cular point on the foundation.The grout curtain will have a minimum depth of 50 feet. On the left abutment,the curtain will extend under the fuse plug emergency spi 11 way and cont i nue 50 feet past the spillway. On the right side of the saddle dam,the curtain will extend beneath the thrust block of the arch dam to meet the main dam grout curtain. The grouting will be carried out using the split spac- ing method with primary holes at 40-foot spacing. Using secondary,tertiary,and quaternary holes,it will bring the spacing to 5 feet if required.A two- row curtain will be required.The spacing between rows will be 5 feet,with the holes in a staggered pattern. F-4-14 - - - .- - Grouting will be performed from a gallery running under the dam along the center of the core.The gallery will be a minimum of 50-foot depth into rock.Access on the left side of the dam will be between the dam and emer- gency spi 11 way;on the ri ght side access wi 11 be from the main dam abutment drainage gallery.On the right side,the gallery under the dam will slope at two per- cent to connect with the abutment drainage gallery. This arrangement allows free drainage of the gallery into the main dam drainage system.The galleries will be 10 feet by 10 feet in cross section. Permafrost is not expected at the site,but isolated frozen lenses may occur,in which case thawing will be carried out prior to grouting. -Drai nage The grout gallery will also be used for drainage.The drainage holes will be 3 inches in diameter and will fol- low a similar arrangement to the grout curtain.The drainage holes will be inclined downstream by 10 degrees from tne vertical. The drainage holes will be downstream from the grout cur- tain and generally extend 50 feet deeper than the grout holes.The spacing will be selected to ensure that the maximum number of discontinuities are intersected and is expected to be approximately 10 feet.Extra holes may be required in the shear and fault zones. (b)Rock Slopes and Foundation Design .... (i )General Rock Slopes Jointing was assumed as the controlling geologic structure for rock slopes.Design slopes were selected considering orientations and continuity of the joint set or sets in- volved.Sets I and II were assumed to control while Sets III and IV are localized,thus presenting minor problems. Therefore,Sets I and II will be cut back to provide in- trinsically stable slopes.Where Set III is present,flat- ter slopes or heavy support may be required.Set IV joints with 060°/40°NW orientation may present localized stabil- ity problems.Other members of this set have shallow dips and should not create problems . F-4-15 - The following table summari zes the slopes for each cut ori- entat ion. Strike Dip Cut Slopes N-S E 4V:1H N-S W 4V:1H NE-SW SE 2V:1H NE-SW NW 4V:IH E-W N 4V:1H E-W S 2V:IH NW-SE NE 4V:1H NW-SE SW 2.75V:IH ,.., (ii)Devil Canyon Arch Dam It is expected that the treated rock mass foundation modul- us is in the range of 1x10 6 psi to 3x10 6 psi.However, if the abutments do prove to be compressible,they may be treated with pre-tensioned cable anchors,thrust blocks may be used to distribute loads,or short adits can be driven back to sound rock and backfi 11 ed with concrete to apply loads deeper in the abutment. (iii)Spillway and Intake Structure Foundations The orientation of subhorizontal joints (Set IV)will con- trol sliding stability of these structures.A better value for shear strengths of these subhori zontal joi nts is re- qui red before anchori ng requirements can be determi ned. Anchors may not be required if these joints are rough and irregular.No subhorizonta1 shear zones have been detected so a friction angle of 35°was used in the sliding stabil- ityana1ysis. Design foundation bearing loads should be less than 5 ksf, and the a110wab 1e beari ng load on "sound 11 rock wi 11 be greater than 10 ksf,so foundation loads will not create excessive differential deformations.These structures will be founded on sound rock. F-4-16 - ,- (c)Tunnels and Penstocks Orientations creating the least problems for the Devil Canyon site tunnels are between 95 0 and 110 0 with an acceptable range of 90 0 to 120 0 •These tunnel orientations cross major shear zones at high angles.Analysis of the jointing indicates that another favorable orientation may be 175 0 to 185 0 •The primary tunnel or- ientations follow a direction of 70 0 to 100 0 • The penstock tunnels will be concrete-lined over their entire lengths and steel linings will be included just upstream from the powerhouse.These steel linings will be designed to withstand full static and dynamic heads.Their lengths will be determined when actual rock conditions are known.Contact grouting is re- quired to insure good contact between the rock,concrete,and stee 1. Four penstocks of 20-foot di~leter are proposed.Penstock spacing will be 2.5 times the diameter,center to center.If further investigations prove excellent rock conditions in the penstock area,spaci ngs may be reduced to twi ce the di ~leter. - - - - (d)Caverns ( i )Support Because of powerhouse sizes and shear zone spacings,sever- al minor shear zones (less than 5-feet thick)may intersect the powerhouse.These zones will require more than nominal support. The intersection of nearly vertical and horizontal joints wi 11 create blocks in the crown requiring support.This support will be provided by pattern bolting.A detailed analysis will be performed when more specific geologic data are available. The crown rock bo lts recommended for pre 1imi nary des i gn have a working load of approximately 80kips.The preferred type is a tensioned,resin-anchored,and resin-encapsulated rock bolt.Wall bolts will be similar to those described in the tunneling section. Rock bolts for other caverns in the powerhouse complex with spans between 40 feet and 80 feet will use the same capac- ity,spacings,and percentages of bolts as the powerhouse, with bolt lengths equal to 1/3 of the span for the crown and 1/10 of the wall height for walls.Shotcrete,sets, concrete and wire fabric will be used as required.Caverns with spans 1ess than 40 feet will be supported using the tunnel criteria. F-4-17 Where shear zones intersect underground openings,more ex- tensive support may be required.Longer,higher-capacity bolts,more closely spaced may be necessary. (ii)Drainage Drainage will be provided for the walls and crown to pre- vent seepage from affecting their stability.Drain holes will be provided,extending into the rock a distance equal to the greatest rock bolt length or greater.Detailed geology of the powerhouse area is required before the drainage system can be fully designed.By selecting a good to excellent rock body,grouting may be minimized. (iii)Spacing The rib spacing between the sides of caverns will be kept to 1.5 times the largest cavern span. (iv)Orientation The most desirable orientation for caverns is either 090 0 to 120 0 or 175 0 to 185 0 •However,for definite orientation and location,additional investigations and testing,using borings and exploratory adits,are required.The selected cavern orientation represents a compromise of rock support and civil arrangement requirements. (e)Devil Canyon Arch Dam (i)Material and Thermal Properties The materi al and thermal properties for the Devi 1 Canyon arch dam are: -unit weight of concrete -150 lb/ft3 -unit weight of water -62.4 lb/ft3 Static Properties Concrete ultimate uniaxial compressive strength at 365 days 5000 ps i allowable compressive stress ".~"••~~811o ••1250 psi sustained modulus of elasticity GO •e ..110 ..Go <]I Q 3 x 106 psi allowable tensile stress ••II ....0'"'OO"G"1IoIPOIt 325 psi -Poisson1s rat 10 <lOO.OOCiOOlleItQlOO ••G"'.OCloClloIJO 0.2 F-4-18 - - ...., -Poisson's ratio 0.2 - - Rock -ultimate compressive strength allowable compressive stress -static modulus of elasticity 20,000 psi (unconfined) 5,000 psi 2 x 10 6 psi - - Dynamic Properties Concrete uniaxial dynamic comrpessive strength ..............•.............6,000 psi -instantaneous modulus of elasticity ..•..........•............5 x 10 6 psi -allowable linear rapid loading tens i 1e strength ...•................750 psi -Poisson's ratio ............•........0.2 Rock -properties assumed as for static conditions. Thermal Properties Concrete -conductivity of concrete ...•..•.....1.52 Btu/ft/hr/oF -specific heat ............•.....•...•0.22 Btu/lb/oF -coefficient of thermal expansion ...•....•......••..•..•..•.5.6xl0-6/ftjOF -diffusivity ......•..•..•..•.••••....-0.046 ft 2/hr (ii)General Parameters The geometry of the dam is shown on Plate F42 and F43. General criteria are as follows: F-4-19 -normal maximum reservoir operating level ..Elevation 1455 -minimum reservoir operation level ..•..•..•Elevation 1405 -dam crest elevation ..•••......•...•.•.••..Elevation 1463 -minimum foundation level •.•..•..•~.•.....•Elevation 820 (iii)Stability Analysis The arch dam has been analyzed for static loadings and seismically-induced ground motion using the computer pro- gram,(ADAS)developed by the USBR based on the trial load method for three-dimensional structures and (SAPIV)for the two-dimension crown cantilever.(See Ref.No.2,Appendix B5). The loads and conditions analyzed follow: Static Loads -self-weight of the dam; hydrostatic pressure from the reservoir; -temperature changes;and -ice load. Dynamic Loads Caused by Seismic Events -(0.57g)seismic shaking of the dam;and -hydrodynamic loads from the reservoir. Loading Combination (a)Usual Load Combination This consists of groups of sustained loadings which can occur simultaneously over the design life of the dam. ULl Dam self wei ght +hydrostatic load with reservoir at EL 1455; UL2 Dam self weight +hydrostatic load with reservoir at EL 1405; UL3 -As ULl plus extreme winter temperature effects; and, UL4 -As UL2 plus extreme winter temperature effects. (b)Extreme Load Combination This consists of the combination of sustained loads together with short-durati on loads caused by sei smi c motion. ELI -UL1 +extreme earthquake loading. F-4-20 - Resu lts The results of the above loading combinations are repre- sented on Plates F45A and F45B.The ice load condition which is not shown in the above mentioned Plates when applied to the ULl combination produced a maximum stress increase of 12 psi in the arch stresses and 11 psi in the cantilever stresses. (f)Sad d 1eDam ,~ .-I ~. (i ) (i i) (iii) Genera 1 The design philosophy for the saddle dam is essentially the same as that for the main dam at Watana.The most signifi- cant difference is the use of rockfi 11 in the shells in- stead of the river gravels used at Watana. Dam Cross Section The central vertical core wi 11 be protected by fine and coarse fi lters on both upstream and downstream s lopes and supported by grave 1 and rockfi 11 she 11 s.The core wi 11 have a crest width of 15 feet and side slopes of 1H:4V to provide a core thickness to dam height ratio slightly in excess of 0.5. The wi de fi lter zones wi 11 provi de suffi ci ent materi alto seal any cracks which might occur in the core due to settlement or as the result of seismic displacement. The saturated sections of both she lls wi 11 be constructed of compacted clean gravel or rockfill,processed to remove fine material in order to minimize pore pressure generation and ensure rapid dissipation during and after a seismic event.Since pore pressures cannot develop in unsaturated sections of the downstream shell,the material in that zone wi 11 be unprocessed rockfi 11 from surface or underground excavations. Protection on the upstream slope will consist of a 10-foot 1ayer of ri prap. Dam Materi a 1 No source of materi a 1 su itab le for the core of the sadd le dam has been identified closer than the borrow areas at Watana (Sites D and H).The current proposal is to use Site D for core material for the saddle dam.The in-place volume of core material is 306,000 cubic yards. F-4-21 The fi lter materi a 1 wi 11 be obtai ned from the ri ver depos its (Site G)immediately upstream of the main arch dam.This area will also be exploited for concrete aggregates.The total vol- ume available in Site G is estimated to be 6 million cubic yards,while the concrete aggregate demand is some 2.7 million cubic yards.The estimated volumes required for the dam are 228,OOO"and 181,000 cubic yards for the fine and coarse filters, respectively.Surplus material from Site G will be used in the upstream shell.The balanceof the shell material will be rock- fill obtained primarily from the excavations for the spillways. The total rockfi 11 required wi 11 be approximately 1.2 mi llion cubic yards.The proportion of sound rock suitable for use in the dam,which can be obtained from the excavations,cannot be accurately assessed at this stage,but it is proposed to make up any shortfall by deepening and extending the emergency spillway cut.If,however,the excavated rock is found unsuitable for construction material,that Quarry Site will be utilized as a primary rock source. (iv)Stability Analysis Speci a 1 precaut ions have been taken to ensure stabi 1ity under earthquake loading by the use of processed free draining gravel and rockfi 11 in the saturated zones of the dam,the incorpora- tion of very wide filter zones,and the removal of all unconsol- idated natural material from beneath the dam. Static and dynamic stability analyses of the upstream slopes of the Watana dam,have confirmed stab le slopes under all condi- tions for a 2.4H:1V upstream slope and a 2H:1V downstream slope (see 4.1(g)(vii).However,further analyses will be required for the Devil Canyon saddle dam. (g)Devil Canyon Emergency Spillway Fuse Plug The earthfill plug,with a crest elevation of 1465.5 is located in the upstream end of the unlined rock channel spillway.The 31.5 feet high fuse plug is designed to be eroded if overtopped by the reservoir and since the crest is lower than the dam embankment,the plug would be washed out prior to overtopping the main dam. Details of the fuse plug for Watana Dam are outlined in Appendix FA. The designs for Watana and Devil Canyon are identical. Static and dynamic stability analyses have been performed to establish the fuse plug embankment slopes.The studies indicate the embankment slopes of 1:2.4 upstream and 1:1.5 downstream are stable under all conditions of loading.A summary of the stability analyses is outlined in Appendix FB.The preliminary design is considered suitable for both operational stability and rapid failure if overtopped. F-4-22 - ~. 5 -HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA 2193.5 ft MSL 1455 ft MSL -I - 5 -HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA 5.1 -River Flows Average annual flow Maximum average monthly flow (June) Minimum average monthly flow (March) 5.2 -Design Flows Probable Maximum Flood (Routed outflow): Derived from SSARR watershed model. Reservoirs assumed at normal maximum operating level. Project Design: 1:10,000-year flood inflow.Derived from annual flood series frequency analysis.Reservoirs assumed at normal maximum operating level. Environmental Criteria: 1:50-year flood (routed).Derived from annual and summer flood series frequency analysis with normal generation assumed. Summer flood series controls design with full reservoir conditions in August and September. Diversion Design: 1:50-year flood (routed)at Watana 1:25-year flood at Devil Canyon.Annual flood series frequency analysis.Devil Canyon diversion assumes normal power operation and storage at Watana. 5.3 -Reservoir Levels Normal Maximum Operating Level: Minimum Reservoir Level: Maximum Reservoir Level:" PMF surcharge level 1:10,000-year surcharge level F-5-1 Watana 7,990 cfs 42,800 cfs 570 cfs 293,000 cfs 156,000 cfs 31,000 cfs 80,500 cfs 2185 ft MSL 2065 ft MSL 2201 ft MSL 2201 ft MSL Devi 1 Canyon 9080 cfs 47,800 cfs 660 cfs 345,000 cfs (routed through Watana Reservoir) 165,000 cfs (routed through Wat an a Reservoir) 39,000 cfs 39,000 cfs 1455 ft MSL 1405 ft MSL 1466 ft MSL 1466 ft MSL ..., 5.4 -Reservoir Operating Rule 1:50-year surcharge level (l:50-year surcharge due to operating rule for restricted discharges and reduced nitrogen supersaturation.) Reservoirs allowed to surcharge before main spillway operation. Outlet operational when Watana reservoir level exceeds Elevation 2185.5. Watana 2193 ft MSL Dev i 1 Canyon 1455 ft MSL Allowable reservoir surcharge above normal maximum operating level. 5.5 -Reservoir Parameters 8.5 ft 38,000 acres 7800 acres 3,740,000 acre-ft 350,000 acre-ft 9,470,000 acre-ft 1,090,000 acre-ft Reservoir area at normal maximum operating level. Reservoir Live Storage: (Storage between normal maximum and minimum reservoir levels) Reservoir Total Storage: (At normal maximum operating leve 1) 5.6 -Freeboard (Hydraulic Considerations) o ft 3 ft 8 ft 5ftAllowanceforwaveheightand run up Allowance for restricted discharges and reduced nitrogen supersaturation above normal maximum operation level 5.7 -Criteria (a)Spillways (i)Capacity Pass PMF while maintaining the integrity of the main water retaining structures.Limited damage to water passages is allowable. -Pass routed 1:10 ,OOO-year flood with no damage.An out- let facility for general operation with a main spillway operated only for short duration is acceptable. F-5-2 -Pass routed 1:50-year flood without elevating nitrogen supersaturation levels above 116 percent. (i i )"Chute -Maximum velocity 90 ft/s without aeration. (iii)Energy Dissipation -Minimum radius of flip bucket greater than 7 x depth of design flow. Plunge Pool (iv)Diversion Minimum release during impounding (v)Reservoir Levels Determined by downstream flow constraints.Range of 1000 to 19,000 cfs. Normal maximum operating limit Maximum elevation of 2250 MSL at Watana.Level should be as low as pos- sible.Economic benefits of any level over 2000 MSL must be clearly demon- strated. Minimum operating level As close to normal maximum as poss ib1e.Economi c benefits of any level lower than 2100 MSL must be clearly demonstrated. Average minimum operating level As close to 2150 MSL or higher.Economi c benefi t of any level lower than 2150 MSL must be clearly demonstrated. -- ..... (vi)Reservoi r Operat ion Downstream discharge during operat;on F-5-3 On a daily basis,dis- charge from tne most down- stream structure should be constant;thi s can be ac- complished through base- load operation or a reregulation structure. Reservoir operation should provide flows consistent with downstream flow mitigation plan. ,~ 6 -EQUIPMENT DESIGN CODES AND STANDARDS - IPi'l'I\!Ilil 6 -EQUIPMENT DESIGN CODES AND STANDARDS 6.1 -Design Codes and Standards (a)Turbines -ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII,Pressure Vessels; -ANSI Standard B49.1; -ANSI Standard B31.1 -Power Piping; -AWS Standard 01.1 -Structural Welding Code; -IEC Publication 193 lIInternational Code for Model Acceptance Tests of Hydraulic Turbines ll ;and IEC Publication 41 "International Code for Field Acceptance Tests of Hydraulic Turbines,Storage Pumps and Pump-Turbines. (b)Gate Equipment -AISC Specjfication for Design,F~brication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings; -AWS 01.1 -Structural Welding Code; ACI 318 -Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete; -ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII,Pressure Vessel s;*and -ANSI Standard B31.1.* (c)Valve Equipment -ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII,Pressure Vessels. (d)Crane Equipment -CMAA Specification No.70 -Specifications for Electric Overhead Travel ing Cranes; -CMAA Specification No.74 -Specifications for Single Girder Overhead Traveling Cranes;and -OSHA Standards. *Hydraulic hoist design. F-6-1 (e)Elevators -ANSI Standard A17.1;and -State Building Codes. (f)Mechanical Systems - -ANSI Standard B31.1 -AWS Standard Dl.1 -NFPA Standards -ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sections 2t 8 and 9 -API Standard 650 t Welded Steel Tanks for Oi 1 Storage -ANSI Standard D31.3 t Petroleum Ref'ining Piping -AWWA St and ard s -Environmental Protection Agency -ASHRAE Guide -State Sui lding Codes Applicable Systems** It 2,3,4 t 6 t 7 -It 2,3t 4 t 5,6,7 3,5 t 8 3,4 5 5 6 6 8 6 t 2 6.2 -General Criteria (a)Turbi nes (i)Operation The turbines will be capable of continuous operation at speed-no-load and at any gate openi n9 between 100 percent and 50 percent full gate output without objectionable sur- ges in power t detrimental vibrations or objectionable nois- es.The turbines will be designed for continuous operation at maximum runaway speed. (i i)Stresses Stresses in turbine components under normal operating con- ditions t including pressure rise on full load rejection, will not exceed 1/3 of the yield strength for materials of steel construction.For miscellaneous materials t stress levels will not exceed the following: **l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, Service Water Systems Domestic Water Systems Fire Protection Systems Compressed Air Systems Oil Storage and Handling Systems Drainage Systems Dewatering Systems Heating and Ventilating Systems F-6-2 Cast iron 2000 1b/in 2 tension 10,000 lb/in2 compression -Bronze bearings.............3000 lb/in 2 -Babbitt bearings 5001b/in2 On extreme loading conditions such as operation at runaway speed,stress levels may be increased provided they do not exceed 2/3 of the yield strength of the material. -Critical Speed The first critical speed in shaft bending for the com- bined turbine and generator will be at least 125 percent of the maximum runaway speed of the turbine. Cavitation The maximum metal loss (in 1b)due to cavitation pitting during any BOOO-hour operating period will not exceed 0.1 times the discharge diameter of the runner (in ft). (b)Gate Equipment """ (i ) (i 1) Gates and Guides For normal loading conditions including hydrostatic and applicable hydrodynamic and lifting loads,stress levels on structural components wi 11 not exceed those permitted in the AISC Specification for Design,Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings.Stresses in welded and bolted connections will not exceed 90 percent of the values permitted by the AISC Specification.For gates subjected to dynami c loading,stresses in structural components and in connect ions will be reduced a further 20 percent.For crowned gate wheels on a flat track,hertz contact stresses (compressive)will not exceed 250 times BHN (in lb/in2). For flat wheels or rollers on a flat track,the load (in lb)per inch width of roller contact will not exceed 1600 times the roller diameter. On extreme loading conditions with the gate becoming jammed on raising,stress levels may be increased by 33 percent. A corrosion allowance of 1/16-inch will be allowed on all gate components in contact with water. Unless provision is made for forcing at gate down,the pre- ponderance for all gates will be at least 15 percent assum- ing static friction coefficient. Hoi sts Hydr au 1ic ho i sts wi 11 be des i gned in·accord ance wi th the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,with a rated capacity of at least 140 percent of the calculated lifting loads and a max i mum working pressure of 2000 1b/in2 .The cyl i nder wi 11 also conform to the criteri a recommended by the Na- tional Fluid Power Association. F-6-3 For wire rope hoists,stresses will not exceed 1/3 of the yield strength of the material for normal loading including an allowance for impact.The load on wire rope will not exceed 1/5 of the mi nimum breaking strength.For extreme loading conditions with a gate becoming jammed,stress lev- els may be increased provided they do not exceed 67 percent of the yield strength of the material.For extreme loading cond it ions,the load 0 n wi re rope wi 11 not exceed 80 per- cent of the minimum breaking strength. (c)Valves Val ves wi 11 be des i gned in accord ance wi th the ASME 80 il er and Pressure Vessel Code.For fixed cone valves,special attention will be given to the prevention of vibration and cavitation. (d)Trashracks Trashracks will be designed with the allowable stresses permitted in (b)above for gate equipment.Rack vibration will also be con- sidered in the design. (e)Cranes Cranes will be designed in accordance with the applicable CMAA Specification.For cranes which handle gates,a jammed gate con- dition will be considered where stress levels and wire rope loads will not exceed those permitted in (b)above for extreme loading on wire rope hoists. (f)Mechanical Systems Full redundancy will be provided for pumps,strainers,and similar equipment which are critical for generating unit operation. 6.3 -Diversion Structures and Emergency Release Facilities (a)Diversion Control Gates Fixed roller vertical lift gates will be provided at the intakes to the diversion tunnels.The gates will be used for closure of the diversion tunnels to permit plugging operations.The gates wi 11 also be used to control flows as necessary when the water level is below the gate opening lintel to prevent passage of ice through the diversion tunnels. The gates will have downstream skinplates and seals.Provision will be made for gate and guide heating if the gates are used for control during cold weather.The gates will be operated by fixed hoists mounted in a tower and bridge structure. The gates in the upper diversion tunnel at Watana wi 11 be removed once tunnel plugging is complete.The gates for the other tunnels will'have retractable rollers for transfer of hydrostatic loads to the guides after diversion closure when the head increases as the reservoir is impounded. F-6-4 (b)High Pressure Sl ide Gates (Watana) High pressure slide gates will be installed in the tunnel plugs in the upper diversion tunnel at Watana.The slide gates will be used for: -Passing required releases during reservoir impoundment;and -Emergency draining of the reservoirs throughout the life of the plant. (c) The gates will be installed after initial closure of the diversion tunnel.The arrangement will consist of three sets of three gates in series.Each set will consist of two gates in an upstream plug (one emergency and one operating gate)and one operating gate in a downstream plug.The area between the plugs will act as an expan- sion chamber to assist in energy dissipation.The gates will be designed to operate at full or partial opening for heads up to the low operating level of the outlet facilities.When closed,the gates will withstand full reservoir level.The two operating gates in series will be operated at equal openings at all times to effectively balance the head across the gates. Trashracks (Watana) Course trashracks will be installed at the Watana upper diversion tunnel at the same time the high pressure slide gates are in- stalled.Provision for rack removftl is not considered necessary. The criteria for the trashracks are as follows: - Maximum bar spacing 2/3 of the high pressure slide gate width Maximum velocity through racks (net)12 ft/s Design differential level 40 ft (approximate) (d)Diversion Tunnel Stoplogs Stoplog guides and stoplogs will be provided at the downstream end of the diversion tunnels to permit tunnel dewatering after diver- sion closure for plugging operations.The stoplogs will be han- dled by a mobile crane with a follower. 6.4 -Main Spillway - 1"'" I - (a)Spi 11 way Gates The spillway gates will be fixed wheel vertical lift gates oper- ated by a double drum wi re rope hoi st mounted on a tower and bridge structure.The hoist housing will be enclosed and heated. Prov is i on wi 11 be made for i nsta11 at i on of heaters in the gates and guides. F-6-5 (b)Stoplogs A set of stoplog guides will be provided upstream from each spill- way gate to permit inspection of the spillway gate guides or rais- ing the spillway gate for maintenance without passing water over the spi llway. One set of stoplogs will be provided to be handled by ,a mobile crane and follower. 6.5 -Outlet Facilities (a)Fixed Cone Valves Fixed cone valves will be used to pass normal discharges,other than the flows through the powerhouse.The valves will also assist in passing required release during reservoir impoundment. At Watana,a single tunnel with a manifold and six valves will be provided.Devil Canyon will have seven valves and individual con- duits for each valve. The valves will be selected within current experience with respect to valve size and design head.In sizing the valve,the cylin- drical gate opening will be assumed to be restricted to about 80 percent of its theoretical maximum to prevent possible vibration~ Each valve body will be heated for winter operation.A heated valve gallery will be provided with crane equipment for servicing and maintaining the valves. (b)Ring Follower Gates One ring follower gate will be provided immediately upstream from each fixed cone valve to: -Relieve the hydrostatic load on the valve when it is not in operation; -Permit inspection and maintenance of the valve;and -Close under full flow conditions in the event of malfunction of the valve. The ring follower gate will be located within a heated enclosure with suitable provision for servicing the equipment. (c)Upstream Maintenance Gate Provision will be made for installation of a gate at the upstream entrance to the outlet tunnel.At Watana,fixed wheel gates will be provided which can close under flowing water conditions.Bulk- head type gates will be provided at Devil Canyon because of the extremely high head. F-6-6 - At Watana.because of the single tunnel.the gates will have fixed hoists.A gantry crane will be used to handle the gates at Devil Canyon. (d)Ttashracks Trashracks will be provided at the upstream end of the outlets. Because the valves serve as the primary discharge facilities.con- sideration will be given to making provision for rack removal. The criteria for the trashracks will be as follows: Maximum velocity (net)12 ft/s Spacing 0.1 x valve size (approximate) Design differential head 40 ft (approximate) 6.6 -Power Intake (a)Trashracks Trashracks wi 11 be install ed upstream from each intake openi ng. Provision will be made for rack removal. The criteria for the trashracks will be as follows: ~- - Maximum velocity (based on gross area)5 ft/s (approx.) Bar spacing maximum spacing not to exceed minimum distance between runner blades Design differential head 20 ft (approx.) (b)Intake Gates Fixed wheel or roller type vertical lift gates will be installed at the entrance to each penstock.The gates will be used to per- mit dewatering of the penstock and turbine water passages for tur- bine inspection and maintenance and for closure in an emergency in the event of loss of control of the turbine. The gates will be operated by individual fixed hoists. (c)Intake Bu1 khead Gates Intake bulkhead gates will be provided for installation upstream from the intake gates.The gates will be handled by a gantry crane or overhead traveling crane.Sufficient gates for one in- take opening at each project will be provided. F-6-7 (ct)Water Level Shutters Removable shutters will be installed in the intake at Watana and Devil Canyon to permit drawing off water at selected elevations. One set of shutters will be provided at each intake opening.The shutters will be designed for approximately 15 feet of differen- tial head.The arrangement will be such that a higher differen- tial head will not occur. 5.7 -Powerhouse (a)Turbines The turbines wi 11 be vert ical shaft Franc is type directly con- nected to synchronous generators.The turbines will have steel spiral cases and concrete elbow draft tubes. The turbine capacity will be established on the basis of the mlnl- mum reservoir level in December (the peak demand month).At Watana,the unit output in December with minimum reservoir level wi 11 be 170 MW.At Devil Canyon,the output wi 11 be 150 MW with minimum December reservoir level. The preliminary turbine data have been established as follows: - Watana Number ,..........6 Head (net) -rat ed 680 ft -maximum ...................•..725 ft -minimum......................600 ft Power at rated speed 250,000 hp Synchronous speed 225 rpm Specific Speed 32.4 Devi 1 Canyon 4 590 ft 603 ft 541 ft 225,000 hp 225 rpm 35.0 - The design or rated head of the turbines for both Watana and Devil Canyon will be the weighted average operating (net)head. The specific speed of the turbines will be selected within current experience with respect to head. (b)Powerhouse Cranes The powerhouse cranes will be of the electric overhead traveling type with main and auxiliary hoists.The cranes will be used for: -Installation of the turbines,generators,and other equipment; and -Dismantling and reinstallation of equipment during maintenance overhaul once the station is in operation. F-5-8 F"" I I ~! Each station will have two cranes.The combined main hoist capa- city of the two cranes will be at least equal to the weight of the generator rotor plus lifting beams. (c)Draft Tube Gates Draft tube gate guides will be provided at the end of each.draft tube to permit dewatering of the turbine water passages for in- spection and maintenance of the turbines. The draft tube gates will be of the bulkhead type handled by a traveling gate crane. (d) (e) Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment Miscellaneous mechanical equipment will include: - A passenger elevator in the powerhouse; -An access elevator from the surface to the powerhouse; -"Alimak"type inspection hoists in the cable shafts;and -Small motori zed or hand-operated monorai 1 hoi sts or·A-frames provided where necessary for servicing miscellaneous equipment. Mechanical Services The mechanical services within the powerhouse will include: -Station service water systems ·water supply ·cool ing water ·domestic water -Fire protection ·fire protection water system ·sprinkler system portable fire protection system F-6-9 Compressed air system service area system tailwater depression air governor air circuit breaker air -Oil storage and handling ·transformer oil system ·governor and lubricating oil system -Drainage and dewatering system clearwater drainage ·unit dewatering and filling system ·sanitary drainage system -Heating and ventilating system 6.8 -Tai lrace Tunnels (a)Stoplogs Stoplog guides and stoplogs will be provided at the downstream end of the tailrace tunnels to permit dewatering of the tunnels for inspection and maintenance.The stoplogs will be handled by a mobile crane with a follower. At Watana,where there will be two tailrace tunnels,stoplog guides and stoplogs will be provided for the tunnel intake (in the surge chamber)to allow dewatering of one tailrace tunnel while still permitting plant operations using the other tunnel.The stoplogs will be handled by a traveling gate crane. F-6-10 - - .- APPENDIX FA r- I \ ~, I""" ! APPENDIX FA -WATANA EMERGENCY SPILLWAY 1 -Selection of Spillway Design 1.1 -Introduction The basic criteria for the Emergency Spillway are that it shall not come into operation until the reservoir elevation reaches Elevation 2200 and that the capacity of the spillway shall be for the PMF routed through the reservoir.In addition,there must be sufficient freeborad on the main dam and rel ict channel saddle dam when the emergency sp;11- way ;s passing the PMF as safeguard against overtopping the dam or breaching the reservoir rim. A number of alternative arrangements and designs were considered for the Watana site.It was concluded that the most appropriate alterna- tive,considering project economics,safety and operational reliabil- ity,was to utilize two spillways.The gate-controlled service spill- way would carry flows in excess of the capacity of the power plant and all flows up to the critical reservoir level at Elevation 2200.The emergency spillway would come into operation at that elevation and be designed to carry the PMF. The following alternative emergency spillway designs were considered: -Uncontrolled open-cut channel; -Gated spillway;and -Open-cut channel with fuse plug. These alternatives are discussed below. 1.2 -Uncontrolled Open-Cut Channel An uncontrolled open-cut channel has the obvious advantage of security. The only risks are cut slope slides into the channel but such material would be removed by regular maintenance and,in any event,would be unlikely to seriously impede PMF discharges. However,to maintain the criteria stated above,the spillway sill would have to be at Elevation 2200.To minimize the height of the main dam, the depth over the sill at PMF flow would have to be as small as possi- ble.At the same time,maximum reservoir level is limited by the saddle elevation in the rel ict channel.An open cut channel to sat- isfy both criteria would have to be very wide (in excess of 1000 feet), would involve extensive excavation and would encroach into the relict channel,where special measures would be necessary to ensure stability of the spillway under PMF flows. FA-1 Alternatively,the spillway sill cold be lowered to incorporate the spillway cut in sound rock,but this could only be achieved by lowering normal operating levels in the reservoir which would adversely affect the project economics. An uncontrolled open-cut spillway was,therefore,considered unsuitable for the Watana site. 1.3 -Controlled Open Cut Spillway To satisfy all criteri a requires that the emergency spi llway not come into operation until the reservoir level reaches Elevation 2200 but that once that level has been reached,the PMF flood will not result in significant surcharging above that elevation. Two methods of achi evi ng these requi rements were studi ed;a gated spillway and a fuse plug. (a)Gated Spillway The gated spillway alternative was considered and costed and proved to be significantly more expensive than a fuse plug in construction and operating costs.Gates were considered less desirable than either an open cut or a fuse plug from a safety, re1 i abi 1ity and rnai ntenance standpoint.Mechanical gates would require long-term maintenance and service throughout the project lifetime.In addition,the gates would require operator action and the effectiveness of the spillway could be jeopardized by human error. (b)Fuse Plug Closure Fuse plug closure was considered most desirable from a rea1iabi1- ity standpoint,both because it is a IIpassiveu system that does not require operator action to function,and it does not have the electrical and mechanical risks of failure of a gated installa- tion. From an initial cost standpoint,the fusep1ug spillway has a lower cost than an open-cut spillway due to the greater flow depth, wh i ch is ach i eved fo 11 owi ng wash-out of the plug,wi th resu 1t ant order-of-magnitude reduction in channel excavation requirements. The earth-fill fuse plug has significantly lower construction costs than a gated installation.Annual maintenance costs for a fuse plug in an open-cut spillway would be lowest,with mainten- ance limited to minor repair of face materials,annual checks to ensure the crest and pilot channel elevations are maintained,and application of herbicides to prevent development of plant growth on the downstream face of the plug. FA-2 - i""'" I f"'" I I ..... I .... Because the emergency spillway is never intended to be used (reservoir operation is designed to safely pass all floods up to the PMF event without emergency spillway use),the capital i zed rep 1acement cost of the plug after use does not come into con- sideration. 1.4 -Recommended Emergency Spillway Based on the above discussions,the fuse plug spillway was determined to be the most economic,safe and reliable design for the Watana arrangement. 2 -FUSE PLUG DESIGN The selected fuse plug design was the result .of four primary criteria: -High seismic stability; -High static stability; -High resistance to failure by seepage;and -Low resistance to failure by overtopping. The fuse plug is primarily a dam,since under normal operating condi- tions,the spillway approach channel will be flooded and there will be up to 15 feet of water acting against the fuse plug.The selected section (Exhibit F,Plate F18)was developed under the first three criteri a along the same 1ines as the main dam,to ensure security during annual pool fluctuations from base (Elevation 2170)to Elevation 2185,and flood surcharging to Elevation 2194.At Elevation 2194,with design wave of 6 feet,the security of the structure was considered adequate,but some form of floating breakwater may be advisable to reduce wave action within the approach channel. To insure rapid failure by overtopping,several variations were made in the design from that of the main dam.The material in the downstream shell is designated as select,washed and sorted gravel.Removal of cohesive properties will ensure rapid erosion.The clean nature of this material also serves to drain any seepage which may occur through the core during normal operation.The core is inclined with the base upstream to induce rapid collapse by undermining when the downstream shell material is eroded when water overtops the plug. The selected shell particle size was based on a requirement for rapid erosion while still maintaining a pervious shell that will readily drain precipitation and seepage and so minimize buildup of ice in the interior of the pl ug.The crushed stone and riprap 1ayers were se- 1ected to provi de the necessary protect ion from erosion by rainfall, snow-slump erosion,and reservoir wave and ice scouring . FA-3 Thelllode of failure of the fuse plug is as follows: -Flood filling of the pilot channel at Elevation 2200; Headwall erosion at the downstream fine filter cap,resulting in gullying of the fine filter; -Progressive gullying of the downstream shell and filter; -Failure of the core cap,either by gullying in the pilot channel area or by underminng by washout of the downstream filters and shell. (These failures could occur simultaneously but,if the core is frozen,its failure would probably be the result of undermining); and -Progressive undermining failure of the core and filter due to washout of the downstream shell when the whole plug is overtopped concurrent with lateral erosion of the plug from the pilot channel area. The riprap and upstream shell materi al are not expected to restrict flow,because,by the time erosion extends to the upstream riprap contact,a hydraulic head of 30 to 32 feet will be eroding the plug on a gradient of approximately 25 percent.This slope will be ITOre than adequate to erode all particle sizes in the plug and wash them out of the spillway channel. As protection against delayed erosion of the pilot channel,general overflow of the plug will occur at Elevation 2200,causing general gullying and washout of the downstream face. 3 -FUSE PLUG OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES The following operational and maintenance procedures are anticipated to provide added security to the fuse plug design: -Routine maintenance to ensure crest elevation and pilot channel are maintained in a clear,clean,level state and at the proper eleva- t ions; -Annual herbicide application to ensure no cohesive or deep-rooted vegetation will grow on the fuse plug; -Standard operational procedure to move excavation equipment to the fuse plug at any time pool level exceeds a pre-set elevation.The equipment waul d be standard project maintenance equi pment such as a backhoe or dragline and would be used to accelerate crest breaching or remove any blockages as necessary if the fuse plug were over- topped;and FA-4 """! - - .. I""'" i ..... r """ - A contingency plan for explosive demolition utilizing pre-placed vertical pipe explosive chambers.The explosive demol ition would be a part of the state emergency preparedness plan,and personnel and explosives could be put on standby at the damsite if the combined hydrologic,reservoir level and meteorologic conditions necessary for a major (greater than 10,000 year flood)flood are present or threaten. 4 -SUMMARY In summary,it is considered that a fuse plug design is preferable to a gated outlet fac il ity,in 1ieu of a vi able open-cut emergency spi 11 way configuration.The design is considered to be suitable,at the pre- 1iminary design level,both for long-term operational stabil ity and resistance to premature failure;and to assure rapid failure if over- topped.The possibility of frozen moisture in the plug has been re- duced by assuring an extremely free-draining material in the shells and filters,so that aside from a thin surficial snow-filled layer,the plug will be in a surface-saturated moisture condition at the worst, and in most areas,dryer than that.This limited amount of moisture will rapidly thaw under the effect of the overflowing water and is not expected to significantly retard the progressive failure mechanism . FA-5 TABLES J ]1 j i J 1 I ~J 1 ~)~-l -~-~-1 TABLE F.1:PRE-PROJECT FLOW AT WATANA (CFS) YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB ~R APR ~Y JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL--- I 4719.9 2083.6 1168.9 815.1 641.7 569.1 680.1 8655.9 16432.1 19193.4 16913.6 7320.4 6648.1 2 3299.1 1107.3 906.2 808.0 673.0 619.8 130:2.2 11649.8 18517.9 19786.6 16478.0 17205.5 7733.7 3 4592.9 2170.1 1501.0 1274.5 841.0 735.0 803.9 4216.5 25773.4 22110.9 17356.3 11571.0 7776.1 4 6285.7 2756.8 1281.2 818.9 611.7 670.7 1382.0 15037.2 21469.8 17355.3 16681.6 11513.5 8035.2 5 4218.9 1599.6 1183.8 1087.8 803.1 638.2 942.6 11696.8 19476.7 16983.6 20420.6 9165.5 7400.4 6 3859.2 2051.1 1549.5 1388.3 1050.5 886.1 940.8 671 a.1 24881.4 23787.9 23537.0 13447.8 8719.3 7 410:2.3 1588.1 1038.6 816.9 754.8 694.4 718.3 12953.3 27171.8 25831.3 19153.4 13194.4 9051.0 8 4208.0 2276.6 07.0 1373.0 1189.0 935.0 945.1 10176.2 25275.0 19948.9 17317.7 14841.1 8381.0 9 6034.9 2935.9 2258.5 1480.6 1041.7 973.5 1265.4 9957.8 22087.8 19752.7 18843.1 5978.7 7769.4 10 3668.0 1729.5 1115.1 1081.0 949.0 694.0 885.7 10140.6 18329.6 20493.1 23940.4 12466.9 8011.0 11 5165.5 2213.5 167:2.3 1400.4 1138.9 961.1 1069.9 13044.2 13233.4 19506.1 19323.1 16085.,6 7954.0 12 6049.3 2327.8 1973.2 1779.9 1304.8 1331.0 1965.0 13637.9 22784.1 19839.8 19480.2 10146.2 860:2.9 13 4637.6 2263.4 1760.4 1608.9 1257.4 1176.8 1457.4 11333.5 36017.1 23443.7 19887.1 12746.2 9832.9 14 5560.1 2508.9 1708.9 1308.9 1184.7 883.6 776.6 15299.2 20663.4 28767.4 21011.4 10800.0 9277.7 15 5187.1 1789.1 1194.7 852.0 781.6 575.2 609.2 3578.8 42841.9 20082.8 14048.2 7524.2 8262.7 16 4759.4 2368.2 1070.3 863.0 772.7 807.3 1232.4 10966.0 21213.0 23235.9 17394.1 16225.6 8451.5 17 5221.2 1565.3 1203.6 1060.4 984.7 984.7 1338.4 7094.1 25939.6 16153.5 17390.9 9214.1 7374.4 18 3269.8 1202.2 1121.6 110:2.2 1031.3 889.5 849.7 12555.5 24711.9 21987.3 26104.5 13672.9 9095.7 19 4019.0 1934.3 1704.2 1617.6 1560.4 1560.4 1576.7 12826.7 25704.0 22082.8 14147.5 7163.6 8032.2 20 3135.0 1354.9 753.9 619.2 607.5 686.0 1261.6 9313.7 1396:2.1 14843.5 7771.9 60.0 491:2.3 21 2403.1 1020.9 709.3 636.2 602.1 624.1 986.4 9536.4 14399.0 18410.1 16263.8 7224.1 6114.6 22 3768.0 2496.4 1687.4 1097.1 777.4 717.1 813.7 2857.2 27612.8 21126.4 27446.6 12188.9 8588.5 23 4979.1 2587.0 1957.4 1570.9 1491.4 1366.0 1305.4 15973.1 27429.3 19820.3 17509.5 10955.7 8963.4 24 4301.2 1977.9 1246.5 1031.5 1000.2 873.9 914.1 7287.0 23859.3 16351.1 18016.1 8099.7 7112.0 25 3056.5 1354.7 931.6 786.4 689.9 627.3 871.9 12889.0 14780.6 15971.9 13523.7 9786.2 6313.7 26 3088.8 1474.4 1276.7 1215.8 1110.3 1041.4 1211.2 11672.2 26689.2 23430.4 15126.6 13075.3 840:2.7 27 5679.1 1601.1 876.2 757.8 743.2 690.7 1059.8 8938.8 19994.0 17015.3 18393.5 5711.5 6834.8 28 2973.5 1926.7 1687.5 1348.7 1202.9 1110.8 1203.4 8569.4 3135:2.8 19707.3 16807.3 10613.1 823:2.6 29 5793.9 2645.3 1979.7 1577.9 1267.7 1256.7 1408.4 11231.5 17277.2 18385.2 13412.1 7132.6 6992.2 30 3773.9 1944.9 1312.6 1136.8 1055.4 1101.2 1317.9 12369.3 22904.8 24911.7 16670.7 9096.7 8183.7 31 6150.0 3525.0 2032.0 1470.0 1233.0 1177.0 404.0 10140.0 00.0 26740.0 18000.0 11000.0 8907.9 32 6458.0 3297.0 1385.0 1147.0 971.0 889.0 1103.0 10406.0 17017.0 27840.0 31435.0 12026.0 9580.4 MAX 6458.0 3525.0 2258.5 1779.9 1560.4 1560.4 1965.0 15973.1 42841.9 28767.4 31435.0 17205.5 9832.9 MIN 2403.1 1020.9 709.3 619.2 602.1 569.1 609.2 2857.2 13233.4 14843.5 7771.9 4260.0 491:2.3 MEAN 4513.1 205:2.4 1404.8 1157.3 978.9 89a.3 1112.6 10397.6 22912.9 20778.0 18431.4 10670.4 7985.9 )1 )]1 j J 1 J -···1 --1 ---] TABLE F.2:PRE-PROJECT FLOW AT DEVIL CANYON (CFS) YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL--- i 5756.2 2404.7 1342.5 951.3 735.7 670.0 802.2 10490 18466.6 21363.4 18820.6 7950.8 7537.8 2 3652.0 1231.2 1030.8 905.7 767.5 697.1 1504.6 13218.5 19978.5 21575.9 18530.0 19799.1 8615.9 3 5221.7 2539.0 1757.5 1483.7 943.2 828.2 878.5 4989.5 30014.2 24861.7 19647.2 13441.1 8918.0 4 7517.6 3232.6 1550.4 999.6 745.6 766.7 1531.8 17756.3 25230.7 19184.0 19207.0 13926.4 9356.4 5 5109.3 1921.3 1387.1 1224.2 929.7 729.4 1130.6 15286.0 188.1 19154.1 24061.6 11579.1 866.9 6 4830.4 2506.8 1868.0 1649.1 1275.2 1023.6 1107.4 8390.1 28081.9 26212.8 24959.6 13989.2 9707.4 7 1647.9 1788.6 1206.6 921.7 893.1 852.3 867.3 15979.0 31137.1 29212.0 2609.8 16495.8 10608.2 8 5235.3 2773.8 1986.6 1583.2 1388.9 1105.4 1109.0 12473.6 28415.4 22109.6 19389.2 18029.0 9666.7 9 7434.5 359Q.4 2904.9 1792.0 1212.2 1085.7 1437.4 11849.2 24413.5 21763.1 21219.8 6986.8 8866.8 10 4402.8 1999"8 1370.9 1316.9 1179.1 877.9 1119.9 13900.9 21537.7 23390.4 28594.4 15329.6 9649.6 11 6060.7 2622.7 2011.5 1686.2 1340.2 1112.8 1217.8 14802.9 14709.8 21739.3 22066.1 18929.9 9004.4 12 7170.9 2759.9 2436.6 2212.0 1593.6 1638.9 2405.4 16030.7 27069.3 22880.6 21164.4 12218.6 10021.3 13 5459.4 2544.1 1978.7 1796.0 1413.4 1320.3 1613.4 12141.2 40679.7 24990.6 22241.8 14767.2 10946.5 14 6307.7 2696.0 1896.0 1496.0 1387.4 958.4 810.9 17697.6 24094.1 32388.4 22720.5 11777.2 10431.8 15 5998.3 2085.4 1387.1 978.0 900.2 663.8 696.5 4046.9 47816.4 21926.0 15585.8 8840.0 9250.7 16 5744.0 2645.1 1160.8 925.3 828.8 866.9 1214.4 12267.1 24110.3 26195.7 19789.3 18234.2 9555.5 17 6496.5 1907.8 1478.8 1478.4 1278.7 1187.4 1619.1 8734.0 30446.3 18536.2 20244.6 10844.3 8697.0 18 3844.0 1457.9 1364.9 1357.9 1268.3 1089.1 1053.7 14435.5 27796.4 25081.2 30293.0 15726.2 10460.4 19 4885.3 2203.5 1929.7 1851.2 1778.7 1778.7 1791.0 14982.4 29462.1 24871.0 16090.5 8225.9 9175.4 20 3576.7 1531.8 836.3 686.6 681.8 769.6 1421.3 10429.9 14950.7 15651.2 8483.6 4795.5 5352.1 21 2866.5 1145.7 810.0 756.9 708.7 721.8 1046.6 10721.6 1711809 21142.2 18652.8 8443.5 7063.9 22 4745.2 3081.8 2074.8 1318.8 943.6 866.8 986.2 3427.9 31031.0 22941.6 30315.9 13636.0 9657.2 23 5537.0 2912.3 2312.6 2036.1 1836.4 1 59.8 1565.5 19776.8 31929.8 21716.5 18654.1 11884~2 10199.0 24 4638.6 2154.8 1387.0 1139.8 1128.6 955.0 986.7 7896.4 26392.6 17571.8 19476.1 8726.0 7736.3 25 3491.4 1462.9 997.4 842.7 745.9 689.5 949.1 15004.6 16766.7 17790.0 15257.0 11370.1 7160.5 26 3506.8 1619.4 1486.5 1408.8 1342.2 1271.9 1456.7 14036.5 30302.6 26188.0 17031.6 15154.7 9609.6 27 7003.3 1853.0 1007.9 896.8 876.2 825.2 1261.2 11305.3 22813.6 18252.6 19297.7 6463.3 7705.5 28 3552.4 2391.7 2147.5 1657.4 1469.7 1361.0 1509.8 11211.9 35606.7 21740.5 18371.2 11916.1 9436.8 29 6936.3 3210.8 2371.4 1867.9 1525"0 1480.6 1597.1 11693.4 18416.8 20079.0 15326.5 8080.4 7765.1 30 4502.3 2324.3 1549.4 1304.1 1203.6 1164.7 1402.8 13334.0 24052.4 27462.8 19106.7 10172.4 9023,0 31 6900.0 3955.0 2279.0 1649.0 1383.0 1321.0 1575.0 11377.0 26255"0 30002.0 20196.0 12342.0 9994.5 32 7246.0 3699.0 1544.0 1287.0 1089.0 997.0 1238.0 11676.0 17741.0 31236.0 35270.0 12762.0 10577.9 MAX 7517.6 3955"0 2904.9 2212.0 1836.4 1178.7 2405"4 19776.8 47816.4 32388.4 35270.0 19799.1 10946.5 MIN 2866.5 1145"7 810.0 686.6 681.8 663.8 696.5 3427.9 14709.8 15651.2 8483.6 4795.5 5352.1 MEAN 5311.8 2382.9 1652.0 1351.9 1146.9 1041.8 1281.5 12230.2 259380 4 23100.9 20709.0 12276.3 9084.4 1 )1 }-""1!l J J ) TAUlE F .J: ] TYPICAL NUAA CLIt,lATE DATA HECOHD 1 J Meteorological Data For 1976 Sr,lion:5U"MlT~ALASKi.5U""IT AlA'ORT S~d time \I":AlASKAN Uilludt:.1·ZO'"lo~tud.:149·01 ...Ell'Yalion Cgrotmdl:231'....Y••r:ill'........ T.mper.lult If AI!I ••ill't Nunnr of dlyl A,Vtf.gePrecipUlliooininch••hurnidil~.p4;1.W'od 0llllfCll diV_ Rn"".".r-;;....Il .;:,;;-i Iblion 8....65 IF -1--I i J .~T.mper.tur,-F ",""," Aller.gn E.u.meI W.UlI equiVII.n1 Snow.11;'pllI.it II SUnriw '0 sunset H mb I I I l.M.xlmum Minimum Manlh --r-~'l--1 -r;----lbl Ell..... E E 5 .E ~II~'~'l 10 ~!~..i b 8&1&~.~~.~i 1 )f r Iz I ~j H h Ii 1 !Ii I-H f Hi:I!:1 I J I!11 140'e ~§!§I §rl A 100'HH l'"Iloc.t lim"ora lu 1:11 bli m.....%"....1\..",1\...D----~. JoN '.0 _J.I 1.6 )'10 -26 •lUI 0 1.1l 1.1'II-I''••7 21.'II-I'67 70 H H ..U 30 6.0 II •16 U 7 0 I 0 19 JI 10fr'••1 -lO.4 -1.1 II ,-n II 191'0 1.11 0.10 •1'.6 ••1 ',6 6'"61 II 07 ZI 3.'11 ••7 6 0 0 0 U Z9 HNIA11.1 Z.Z 10.Z 3D 6 -I'II 1696 0 1.61 0.41 J-''1.1 '.7 )7,67 IS 01 n '.0 ••n II •0 0 0 II II UA'.)6.',..,a.6 II 10 -)U 1110 0 o.I'0.0'U ,..).1 Z6 61 ZO O'I'6.Z ••16 )Z 0 0 0 •30 Z.IV 0\1.t.19.6 )6.',.J 17 1 11.0 Z...1.'0 •'.1 Z.6 •69 17 Z.II 7.,,6 ZO 7 6 0 0 0 0 n 0 JUN 60 0 6 40.'·SO ••14 Z7 H •AlO 0 0."O.JO JO 0.0 0.0 69 II ZZ 17 6 ••6 •16 •o •0 0 ,0 0 0 JUL 61.'4:1.'52.'16 II JJ 6 16.0 1.0'O.U Zi 0.0 0.0 '1 Z9 ZI Z7 '.1 )7 ZI I'0 0 I 4 0 0 0 'UG 61.'\1.1 SZ.J 71 I II ••3n 0 0,,96 O.ZO 1 0.0 0.0 10 ZO Z6 1 II 0 ,0 I 0 SIP 69.1 )1.1 40 ••,.••16 30 11.0 I."0.69 9 0.'0.1 10 76 n n I'7.6 J •II IJ 0 0 Z 0 0 17 0 Del 20 O.IZ VIA' Normals.Means,And Extremes -11IROUCH 19151 , T.mpeJ.lur.'F Norm.1 Pret-ipiUlllon In inc.he.hu:~:~v~t.Wind r .....,nt.ll1'lbM'or dly.",V1f9 --Dtgf.'dlY.i i IlIlion NDrIJl.1 bUI"""8 ••85 "F Will"equl"'llenl $now,Ie.P!l1~'"....._••Fatal ml"~~Sunri.&a ...."",t I:II I ~'IU"M~:~,.. -~--~._~--~a a il I I j ~11 I f J . . $1%,,1 'IRa i b lbl EIoY,~E ~E~~~~~l!'~e ii&J 1&~E ~l II j III .r l!'j-~~~c ~Ii1 ~'"02 O.14 20 I"'i ~1"I 10 ..I .~t i a 1·1 ~..iii &t &t I 1.40' j n H J h ~I ~j §h J ~~~i ~!j ~j ~!1..../1,....1 j ~11 ~~~~Is !~Bah.b ~:I;lill:lJ ~I bA ...~:,.~---._-~- 101 II U U),U J4 II "1 6 • , 1 7 7 7 7 7 ZO • • •......J4 Z J 1.'-4.'1.6"1941 ..1971 19U 0 O.'H 1.11 .."0.0.....0.'0 I'".....I'"16.1 I9n 61 61 61 61 U.I HE ••01 1961 '.'IJ ,II ••0 • 0 10 II ZO 'ZI.' F U.'-..6.6"'42 .,19'1 I6U 0 I.U 4.11 "I ,1110 Z.l.lUI""lUI ZI.O 19 ..16 11 "H II.'HE 61 07 ItH 7.0 6 ,17 10 ,0 I 0 Z6 21 II '11.' M 1'.'1.0 II.Z 69 '61 U 1971 166'0 '.06 4."966 0.07 1961 1.61 IQU 19,1 19"11.1 1'46 16 16 7.n II~'HE ..10 1911 6.Z'6 \6 10 ,0 I 0 It JI I''I7.Z A 12.'1401 n.'n '")0 19..IZH 0 0.61 6.",..0.06 94'0.11 1163 H.1 1970 '.1 1961 .0 11 6'11 7.6 HE JJ 01 1t71 7.Z'7 II 1 •0 I 0 II 10 I 9ZZ.' M ".1 1901 n.6 16 960 HI•.,.u 0 O.ll Z.66 "..0.04 114'0.96 1146 17 ••1951 1.'1946 II 10 ..61 1'.7 W ZI 07 1969 1.'3 •It 1 Z • I •l U ••ZJoI J ".0 19 ••49.0 II 1961 II 19'1 no 0 Z.U 6."I'"0."I94Z Z.U 1967 ••'Ill.1.1 1914 U 11 n 61 '.1 510 Z.ZZ 1970 '.z Z 6 ZZ IZ I Z 1 )0 Z 0 91 ••7. J OO.Z H.'".0 '1 961 II 1110 ~OJ 0 J.O',.,.9B 1.11 .."I.',194..,7 1970 ••1 1'1019 11 61 7Z 7.'5W JO ZJ 1914 '.2 Z 7 ZZ II •Z I ,0 • 0 '1901 ,".0 H.I ".6 '1 96.Zo'"'0'0 I.JO 6.33 "S 0.10 IIH Z.IO 1944 ••0 IU5 6.0 1911 II .,62 16 1.6SW JI ZZ 1911 1.3 Z 6 II II 0 •1 I 0 Z 0 nO.lsUol12.6 n.'lS "7 6'"H)0 Z.II 6.1)110"0.19 196.Z.Ol 1944 21".'IU'16.0 19"II U 19 H 1~'HE U ZJ IIlZ 7.'"10 16 Z • I • I I'0 916.1 a 10.~11.'14.0 19 '6'II 1975 1111 0 1.61 3.19 IUZ O.lZ 1961 1.14 1961 H.'1970 12.6 1'70 IJ II 16 II '.0 NE IS II 1910 1.6"ZI U 7 0 Z 0 II 10 Z 916.7 H ".1 ).1 ••1 u '6Z Z.194'161'0 1.11 6."9IZ 0.06 96)I.JO 196.n.1 1961 21 ••1910 ,.19 11 "II.)HE 19 U 1970 1.1 1 4 19 • ,0 I 0 21 30 U 'ZI.l o 9.Z -).6 Z••6Z 969 U 1961 1915 0 I.ZO ••6)1.51 0.14 19"1.0.1967 '0.7 191.n ••191D 16 11 16 n 1Z~1 NE ..II 1970 ••,.,17 II 6 0 I 0)0)1 I'116.7 UH AN ~G fI U Nay F',MAR VR 13.0 11.0 U.'19 961 ..I'll <161 0 10.06 6.70 'U ,910 Z.19 1911 "01 1961 ZI.O 196''1 16 .,"'.7 HE ••10 1911 7.Z 68 70 zn II.41 ,IZ •171 Ul 16 911.0 NOTE:Oue to h:u thlln full ttoo operation on •variable ec::hedule.manually rt!c:ot'ded .lemenu _-.:-. fram beaken sequt!nces 1n incomplete records ~Dilly tempencu-.-:-e extreme.and pre~lplUtlon tOta1l5 for poctlons of the record may be for other than ..calendar day.'l1le period of 'record for lWII,e e!emenU I,for other than cOfuec:utlve yearl. (a)Length of record,yean,through the current year unhu otherwise nated. b.sed an Janulry dUt. (b)70·and above It All1hn ,tutons. •Lus than ont hilt. T TriCI. NORAAlS ~Based on record for lhe 1941·1970 pettod. DATE OF AA EXIR[Mf ~The IIO$t r~ceflt In cues of lIIuHlple o(.currence. PREVAILING WI"D OIRECTlOH -Record 'hrou.h 1963 . WiNO O1AHTION -Numell15 Indtcate t~nS of deqr~~5 clod",h~ from true north.00 Indl,.tli ulm. FAsTEST MilE NIHil -Speed 15 fUh$l oDur"'4.d l~lIlnutl waive when the dtrectlon 1s In tens 0'degrees,. :~~~~h~~~:~~a~9~O~~~Sro .~363~uary 1968 to date when available fo["full )'eet'. ro["the ~rJod 1~42-195l and January 1968 to dete when avaUable for full )le..-r. Dd d '-01 thh fit_tlon not avaUable for archiving nor .,ubl,l":d(iou of sUIlmar)l effective October 1976. )1 1 1 j )~._.]---]---1 ~_..._]1 ) TABLE F.4:SUMMARY OF CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA MEAN MONTHLY PRECIPITATION (Inches) STAT ION JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL Anchorage 0.84 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.59 1.07 2.07 2.32 2.37 1.43 1.02 i.07, Big Delta 0.36 0.27 0.33 0.31 0.94 2.20 2.49 1.92 1.23 0.56 0.41 0.42 11.44 Fairbanks 0.60 0.53 0.48 0.33 0.65 1.42 1.90 2.19 1.08 0.73 0.66 0.65 11.22 Gulkana 0.58 0.47 0.34 0.22 0.63 1.34 1.84 1.58 1.72 0.88 0.75 0.76 11.11 Matanuska Agr. Exp.Station 0.79 0.63 0.52 0.62 0.75 1.61 2.40 2.62 2.31 1.39 0.93 0.93 15.49 McKinley Park 0.68 0.61 0.60 0.38 0.82 2.51 ~25 2.48 1.43 0.42 0.90 0.96 15.54 Summit \'ISO 0.89 1.19 0.86 0.72 0.60 2.18 2.97 ~09 2.56 1.57 1.29 I.11 19.03 Talkeetna 1.63 1.79 1.54 1.12 1.46 2.17 3.48 4.89 4.52 2.54 1.79 1.71 28.64 MEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURES (OF) Anchorage 11.8 17.8 230 7 35.3 46.2 54.6 57.9 55.9 48.1 34.8 21.1 130 0 Big Delta -4.9 4.3 12.3 29.4 46.3 57.1 59.4 54.8 430 6 25.2 6.9 -4.2 27.5 Fal rbanks -11.9 -2.5 9.5 28.9 47.3 5!lo 0 60.7 55.4 44.4 25.2 2.8 -10.4 25.7 Gul kana -7.3 ~9 14.5 30.2 4~8 54.2 56.9 530 2 430 6 26.8 6.1 -5.I 26.8 Matanuska Agr. Exp.Station !lo9 17.8 230 6 36.2 46.8 54.8 57.8 55.3 47.6 330 8 20.3 12.5 34.7 McKinley Park -2.7 4.8 11.5 26.4 40.8 51.5 54.2 50.2 40.8 230 0 8.9 -0.1(25.8 Summit wsO -0.6 5.5 9.7 230 5 37.5 48.7 52.1 48.7 39.6 230 0 9.8 300 25.0 Talkeetna 9.4 15.3 20.0 32.6 44.7 55.0 57.9 54.6 46.1 32.1 17.5 9.0 32.8 TABLE F.5:RECORDED AIR TEMPERATURES AT TALKEETNA AND SUMMIT IN of TALKEETNA SUMMIT bally Dally Monthly Dai Iy Dai ly Monthly Month Max.Min.Average Max.MIn.Average Jan 19.1 -0.4 9.4 5.7 -6.8 -0.6 Feb 25.8 4.7 15.3 12.5 -1.4 5.5 Mar 32.8 7.1 20.0 18,0 1.3 9.7 Apr 44.0 21.2 32.6 32.5 14.4 23.5 May 56.1 33.2 44.7 45.6 29.3 37.5 June 65.7 44.3 55.0 52.4 39.8 48,7 Jul 67.5 48,2 57.9 60.2 43.4 52.1 Aug 64.1 45.0 54.6 56.0 41.2 48,7 "...Sept 55.6 36.6 46.1 46.9 .32.2 39.6 f I Oct 40.6 23.6 32.1 29.4 16.5 23.0 Nov 26.1 8,8 17.5 15.6 4.0 9.8rDec18,0 -0.1 9.0 9.2 -3.3 3.0 ! Annua I Average 32.8 25.0 r- F' I I~ ,.- FIGURES _-l RESERVOIR AREA (1000 ACRES) 2200 2100 2000 ~ I&.- I"'"~1900 I ~I I ~ IIJ ..J IIJ IIJ 1800(.) r-ifIa:: :) 0 r'"a:: ~1700 C CAPACITY·~ 1600 ISOO o 1400 o 2 4 ••10 STORAGE CAPACITY (MILLION AC.FT.) AREA AND CAPACITY CURVES WATANA RESERVOIR .WITHOUT RESERVOIR SILTATION FIGURE F.I - RESERVOIR AREA (1000 ACRES) 1600 8 7 6 5 4 a I~00 ~-----4------I-----+-----+-----+-----1 1400 -.,.:...-1300 Z I""'"0I I ~ ~ ..J !AI 1200 !AI (,) i! II: ::;) en r-ca:1100 !AI ~ C ~,..... 1000 r~ 900 ,......----+-----+-----+-----f------+----"""'" STORAGE CAPACITY (1000 AC.FT.) AREA AND CAPACITY CURVES DEVI L CANYON RESERVOIR .WITHOUT RESERVOIR SILTATION FIGURE F.2 a 20 40 80 10 100 120 140 160 DISCHARGE (eFS.lOs) 480 1475 l/ ~V /V 1470 / / ~/I1485 VI 1480 / V J 1455 / I ,~ II .N01 .-1'10..1" ~ -I i -WATANA TAILWATER RATING .,.... - -! FIGURE F.3 875 870 <f~8&5 -~...... f""~ ~8&0 % C!) iii-% I !III (!) C (!)855 r- 850 v V'" ~ V ~ /V /I' / /v / / v o 20 ..0 10 eo 100 120 14K)1&0 180 200 DISCHARGE [CFS I fO a ) DEVIL CANYON TAILWATER RATING (TAILRACE TO PORTAGE CREEK) FIGURE F.4 -. rr- - -< ~. '"'":,; :0- 7 ~- -j' /...._. /-I I i I I(~..- .1 - "' I ul I )N;~I - I I~)- I I I • 0 ::r,~~~I !!Q. c( ~-a: "I I I Cl ~I i£=I ,I -0>-=-I I ,::r -'I ......~I ,,'I ~=.J !-~0..-J-IA. ~:i I ~=-I I -IA. I ::IE:-,I I I I Q.-'-~'< I I ~Z =-I I I I ~, I --I 1 ______ I ~ :I I -:I !: ____I ;.. .~- - I I \-.. I I - I .. 1 I I t r I I r t I -....CO ........~..0 0 0 8 ....0 0 ..0 ........ ..0 -'"..N •..•...!!:!~~sa .............'"......... \M)MClU.•.ll4l:)31M1 0001 1 [S~:)l MO'''' -J 1 j --1 J ]]1 -})r 1 M.I 1/4 LOC~L lYENli l DAMPING'0.10 .. 10"-HIICINTILI / V -........~ /,\, MUN V -........100...r\. /V/'"~\. 1/.,/V "'\ .--- 'P-O.Tt Iiii 0.111 "~, "'''''~~ ~~ -•- •.. C) z 2 ~..a III .J III Co) Co).. .J..a ~ Co) III L• I o 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 PIIIIOD (IIC) 2 3 10 MEAN RESPONSE SPECTRA AT THE DEVI L CANYON SITE FOR SAFETY EVALUATION EARTHQUAKE FIGUREF.5 - APPENDIX FB -APPENDIX FB WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON EMBANKMENT STABILITY ANALYSES 1 -Preliminary Design 1.1 -General Stability analyses for the Watana Main Dam and the Devi 1 Canyon Saddle Dam embankments have been conducted in sufficient detai 1 to satisfy project feas i bi 1ity.The fo llowi ng paragraphs summari ze these eva 1ua- tions along with the spillway fuse plug embankments for both dams. 1.2 -Watana Main Dam and Devi 1 Canyon Saddle Dam Although only the Watana main dam maximum cross-section has been analyzed,the safety factors also apply to the Devil Canyon Saddle Dam, which has the same configuration but a much lower height.The embank- ment design (cross-section and foundation treatment)is essentially the same for both embankments (figures FB-1 and FB-2).The quoted safety factors derived from the ±830 foot high dam are conservative for the ±150 high saddle dam. a.Methodology The static analyses were performed using the STABL computer program developed to handle general slope stability problems by adaptation of the Modified Bishop method,and FEADAM,a finite element program for static analysis of earth and rockfill dams,to determine the initial stresses in the dam during normal operating conditions. The dynamic analyses were performed using the QUAD 4 finite element program whi ch incorporates strai n -dependent shear modu lus and dampi ng parameters. b.Static Analysis Case Loading Conditions and Factors of Safety Required Minimum Factor of Safety Calculated Factor of Safety U/S Slope DIS Slope Construction 1.3 Normal Maximum Operating 1.5 Maximum Reservoir Drawdown 1.0 Maximum Reservoir Level During PMF 1.3 c.Seismic Stability Evaluation 2.0 2.0 1.8 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 The safety factor evaluation of the embankment seismic stability was based on a compari son of avai 1ab le shear strength to the earthquake FB-l induced shear stresses.A shear stress exceedance ratio was uti lized to represent an indication of the embankment stabi lity.This ratio is considered to represent a factor of safety against reaching a strain level of 5 percent for a particular element within the dam cross sec- tion.In this type analysis,a ratio less than 1.0 indicates satis- factory performance.Experi ence on embankments,whi ch have been sub- jected to earthquake loading indicates that if the strain within the dam is less than 5 percent,the earthquake had 1itt le or no effect on the stability of the dam.Experience also indicates that the integrity of the dam is not compromi sed if the strain exceeds 5 percent at some locations.The effect of larger strains depends on the extent and 1ocat i on of the occurence.Local i zed shear stress exceedance adjacent to exteri or slopes or near the crest are to be expected and do not indicate overall dam stability problems. During the period of earthquake shaking very little dissipation of excess pore pressures is expected in the impervious core;therefore, the stability should be evaluated on the basis of undrained conditions. In the case of the shells the analysis has utilized both drained and undrained conditions.As there should be negligible build up of pore pressures in these high permeability granular materials,stability should be evaluated on the basis of drained conditions.Evaluations of the plots of the drained and undrained shear stress exceedance for a soft and stiff core on Figures FB-4, FB-5,FB-6 and FB-7 indicate only limited zones of shear stress exceedance adjacent to the toe of the up- ,stream shell,near the crest and in the surface layer of the downstream shell.These are localized zones indicating the dam is safe,as the overall stability is not affected by the seismic action. d.Conclusions Static and dynamic analyses confirm the stability of the upstream and downstream s lopes of the proposed cross -secti ons of the Watana dam shown on Figure FB-1.The analyses indicate stable slopes under all conditions for a 2.4 horizontal to 1.0 vertical upstream slope,and a 2.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical downstream slope. 1.3 -Spillway Fuse Plug Embankments The emergency spi llway fuse plug embankments uti lize exterior slopes and fi 11 materi als simi lar to the dam embankments (Figure FB-l and FB-2). a.Methodology The stabi lity studies for the fuse plug embankments have been carried out using a computer programmed Morgenstern-Price method of analysis. The static analyses have been investigated for loading conditions simu- lating the construction case,normal maximum operation (steady seepage) and maximum reservoir drawdown (sudden drawdown).The seismic analysis utilized only the latter two cases.Newmark (reference 1),Makdisi, and Seed (reference 2)methods were used in a simplified permanent deformation analysis. FB-2 b.Static Analysis Loading Conditions and Factors of Safety Case Construction Normal Maximum Operation Rapid.Reservoir Drawdown c.Seismic Stability Evaluation Required Minimum Factor of Safety 1.3 1.5 1.0 Calculated Factor of Safety U/S Slope 1.75 2.10 2.28 Loading Conditions and Factors of Safety (Pseudo -Static Analysis) Case Normal Maximum Operation Rapid Reservoir Drawdown Required Minimum Factor of Safety 1.0 1.0 Calculated Factor of Safety U/S Slope 1.04 1.19 d.Simplified Permanent Deformation Analyses Loading Conditions and Crest Settlement Resulting From Seismic Shaking Cond it i on (prior to earthquake) Steady Seepage Rapid Drawdown e.Conclusions Settlement (inches) Newmark Makdisi &Seed 8.5 3.3 2.1 1.8 The calculated factors of safety indicate slope stability under static loading conditions.A preliminary simplified embankment response analysis carried out using the seismic safety evaluation earthquake (maximum credible earthquake)as base excitation,indicate the embank- ment is safe. The anticipated effects on the fuse plug embankment caused by the seismic safety evaluation earthquake are modest.The estimated perman- ent displacement of the crest could be up to a maximum of 8.5 inches. FB-3 - References 1.Newmark,N.M.,"Effects of Earthquakes on Dams and Embankments", Geotechnique,Volume XV,No.2,1965. - 2.Makdisi, i ng Dam Journa'l 1978. F.I.,and Seed,H.B.,"Simplified Procedure for Estimat- and Embankments Earthquake Induced Deformat ions ",ASCE Geotechnical Engineering Division,Volume 104,GT 7, FB-4 J 1 }J 1 1 11 .-1 ---1 ----1 1 ~ NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL EL.2185 ""E"'" 2.4 d~· FILTER • '\PROCESSED ORAVEL FILL ~·,.•r EL.1340 ~,.....-_---.,;C:;.;.R;.;;;E;.;:;STE L.2205 ~'.1 L GRAVEL FILL 7 NOTE: FOR DETAILED CROSSECT10N SEE PLATE 9 IN VOLUME 3 OF FEASIBILITY REPORT, WATANA DAM MAXIMUM CROSS SECTION o 20 40 ~--1IIt-----I SCALE IN FEET FIGURE FB - 1 I 1 J }i J J J -]»-]]J ] NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL EL.1455 CHANGE OF SLOPE. AT EL.1400 TOP OF SOUND ROCK EL.1472 ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE J CHANGE OF SLOPE AT EL.1400 EL.1375 _>..<.-" '--COARSE FILTER FINE FILTER DEVIL CANYON SECTION THROUGH SADDLE DAM AT MAXIMUM HEIGHT Y 3P 6f SCALE IN FEET FIGURE FE -2 1 1 -1 J 1 J 1 ···1 1 E J 1 35.0' EL.1434 CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL 3/4'TO I V2" CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL #4 TO 3;4" 2.0'THICK CONC.LINING EL.2201.5 WATANAA:l 'J...EL.1465.5 DEVIL CANYON 4'1 10.0'14' ROAD BRIDGE CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL *4 TO 3/4", DEVIL CANYON AND WATANA TYPICAL SECTION THROUGH FUSE PLUG o 10 20•---::-I SCALE IN FEET FIGURE FB - 3 SYMBOL A B C 0 E F G H I .J VALUE 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 SYMBOL K L M N 0 P 0 R S VALUE 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.0 4.0 6D 8.0 DYNAMIC RUN SOFT CORE DRAINED SHEAR STRESS EXCEEDANCE (TAUdeff/TAUfd) FlliJRE FE - 4 l.J L.----.::-__~_~~~~~ SYMBOL A B C D E F G H I J VALUE 0.1 0.2 0.3 '0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 SYMBJL K L M N 0 P Q R S VALUE 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 ...... DYNAMIC RUN SOFT CORE UNDRAINED SHEAR STRESS EXCEEOANCE (TAU d maxI TAUc) FIGURE FE - 5 Ii] SYMBOL A B C D E F G H I oJ VALUE 0.1 0.2 O.~0.4 0.!5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 SYMBOL K L M N 0 P Q R S VALUE f.I 1.2·I.~1.4 1.!5 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 DYNAMIC RUN STIFF CORE DRAINED SHEAR STRESS EXCEEDANCE (TAUdeff/TAUfd) FIGURE FB - 6 iiJ SYMBOL VALUE SYMBOL VALUE A B C D E F G H -I J 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.15 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 K L M N 0 P Q R S 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.15 2.0 4 •.0 6.0 8.0 DYNAMIC RUNSTfFF CORE UNDRAINED··SHEARSTRESScEXCEEI)ANCE (TAUdmull/TAUc) FIGURE FB-·7 .... - APPENDIX FC i", APPENDIX FC -SUMMARY OF PMF AND SPILLWAY DESIGN FLOOD ANALYSES Introduction The inflow PMF peaks are estimated to be 326,000 cubic feet per second (cfs)for Watana,and 346,000 cfs (routed through Watana)and 362,000 cfs (unrouted through Watana)for Devil Canyon.The 10,000-year flood peaks are estimated to be 156,000 cfs at Watana,and 161,000 cfs (unrouted)and 165,000 cfs (routed)at Devi 1 Canyon.The increase in the routed 10,000-year peak flow over the natural flood resu lted be- cause of the synchronization of routed flood peak and peak from the in- tervening area between the two developments.The major work tasks per- formed to deri ve the PMF and 10,OOO-year flood peaks are summari zed below.Figures and tables are provided to supplement the summary. Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) 1 -Calibration of SSARR Model In the derivation of PMF,the rainfall-runoff relationships,snowmelt criteri a and routing of runoff excess through watershed and channel system,were defined by1(treamflow Synthes i sand Reservoi r Regu 1ati ons (SSARR)watershed model-. The model was cal-ibrated by U.S.Army Corps of Engineers for the Susitna River basin above Gold Creek, a stream gaging located about 12 miles downstream from the Devil Canyon damsite FC-1). (COE)~/ station (Figure .- The model determines runoff excess from average basin precipitation, snowme It,evapotranspi rat ion,deep perco 1ati on and soi 1 moi sture re- plenishment,and uses flow separation techniques to temporarily store this excess as surface storage,sub-surface storage and groundwater storage to provide time delay effect.The ~lic routing scheme is pro- vided in the User's Manual for the Model-.Figure FC-2 provides a schematic representation of the basic elements of the SSARR model . .!/U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,September 1972 (revised June 1975):Program Description and User Manual for SSARR Model, Program 724-KJ-GOOI0,Portland,Oregon. ~/U.S.Army Corps of Engineers:Interim Feasibility Report, South Central Rainbelt Area,Alaska,Appendix I,Part 1, Section A,1975,and Supplemental Feasibility Report,1979. FC-1 The dra"inage area of the basin above Susitna River at Gold Creek is about 6.160 square miles (mi 2 ).The basin was divided in 13 rela- tively homogeneous sub-basins.Flows from these sub-basins were com- bined and routed downstream to derive the flows at specified locations including those where observed flood hydrographs were available. Figure FC-3 shows a schematic layout of the sub-basins.The figure also shows the drainage area of each sub-basin. The COE selected the spring floods of 1964 and 1972 and the summer floods of 1967 and 1971 for the model calibration.The calibration was performed by compari ng daily observed and s imu 1ated flood hydrographs at four stream gaging stations -Susitna River at Gold Creek,near Cantwe 11 and near Dena 1i,and Mac 1aren River near Paxson (see Fi gure FC-3).Daily precipitation or snow h'ater equivalent data observed at Summit,Trims Camp,Paxson,Gulkana or Gracious House (see Figure FC-l for locations)were used.The relationships between parameters in the model and initial values of the parameters voJere estimated initially based on hydrologic characteristics of each sub-basin.The estimated relationships and initial values were then progressively changed until the simulated flows were within acceptable limits of observed flows. Table 1 shows the comparsion of observed and simulated flood peaks. The simulated and observed hydrographs are shown on Figure FC-4 through FC-lO.The derived relationships between the model parameters are shown on Figures FC-ll through FC-17. The input data and calibration procedures used by the COE were reviewed and a few discrepancies in data input were identified.The model cali- bration was checked by removing these discrepancies.As a result, re 1at i onsh ips between the parameters were revi sed in two cases (see Figures FC-ll and FC-14)using the floods of August 1967 and June 1972 and corresponding daily rainfall data.It was'realized that the initial values of the model parameters were not very sensitive except ,for a few days at the beginning of simulation period.The calibrated relationships between the parameters were tested for their validity by us i ng the 1971 flood.Fi gures FC-18 through FC-26 show the s imu 1ated and observed hydrographs.Table 2 1i sts the curve numbers of the parametric relationships and other pertinent data used for each sub-basin.Elevation-area relationships for the sub-basins are given in Table 3. 2 -Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) The PMP's for the basins above Watana and Devil Canyon were estimated from the analysis of the following six historic storms by storm maximization: August 22~28,1955 July 28 -August 3,1958 August 19-25,1959 August 9-17,1967 August 4-10,1971 July 25-31,1980 FC-2 - - - - - r Table 1 COE CALIBRATION RESULTS Comparison of Simulated and Observed Maximum Daily Discharge Obs erved Simulated Percent Discharge Date Discharge Date Difference A Susitna River at Gold Creek May 19 to June 25,1964 85,900 Jun.7 80,500 Jun.5 -6.3 July 1 to August 31,1967 76,000 Aug.15 78,800 Aug.16 +3.7-May 6 to September 30,1971 66,300 Jun.12 53,000 Jun.11 -20.1 77,700 Aug.10 74,100 Aug.12 -4.6 May 2 to September 30,1972 70,700 Ju n.17 60,800 Jun.17 -14.0-26,400 Sep.14 32,300 Sep.15 +22.4 B Susitna River nr.Cantwell May 19 to June 25,1964 49,100 Jun.7 51,100 Jun.4 -4.1 July 1 to August 31,1967 36,400 Aug.15 36,600 Aug.16 +0.1 May 6 to September 30,1971 24,000 Jun.23 32,600 Jun.23 -35.8 36,000 Aug.9 44,000 Aug.11 +22.2 May 2 to September 30,1972 37,600 Jun.17 37,800 Jun.17 +0.5 21,000 Sep.14 22,800 Sep.15 +8.6 C Susitna River nr.Denali May 19 to June 25,1964 16,000 Jun.7 17,200 J.un.4 -7.5 July 1 to August 31,1967 No record 16,000 Aug.16 May 6 to September 30,1971 17,600 Jun 27 17,300 Jun ..24 -1.7 33,400 Aug.10 31,500 Aug.11 -5.7 IMay 2 to September 30,1972 14,700 Jun.16 20,300 Jun.17 +38.1 5,690 Sep.13"15,300 Sep.13 +16.9 D Maclaren River nr.Paxson May 19 to June 25,1964 6,400 Jun.7 6,230 Jun.4 -2.7 July·l to August 31,1967 7,280 Aug.14 7,290 Aug.15 0 May 6 to September 30,1971 5,520 .Jun.25 5,430 Jun.25 -1.6 8,100 ·Aug.11 7,980 Aug.12 -1.5 May 2 to September 30,1972 6,680 Jun.16 7,780 Jun.16 -16.5 3,980 Sep.13 2,950 Sep.12 -25.9 Table 2 SUB-BASIN WATERSHED CHARACTERISTICS INPUT fOR SSARR MODEL Sub-basin Identi fication Number 10 20 80 180 210 220 280 330 340 380 480 580 680------------------ Drainage area,mi 2 221 694 312 477 44 232 307 48 1047 735 1045 628 345 Number of Surface Routing Phases 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 8 3 4 4 4 Surface Storage Time (hI' )6 8 3 3 6 5 3 15 10 3 8 8 8 Number of Sub-Surface Routing Phases 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 1 8 4 4 4 4 Sub-Surface Storage Time (hI')12 20 8 8 12 20 8 0 48 8 15 15 15 Number of Baseflow Routin~ Phases 4 5 5 5 3 5 5 1 8 4 5 5 5 Basenow Storage Time,24 156 156 156 24 156 156 0 200 96 156 156 156 (hr) Baseflow Infiltration Index Time (hI')100 100 100 100 100 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Table No.for PPT Ys.KE (figure FC-15)5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 Table No.QGEN vs.SCA (Figure FC-16)6004 6006 6006 6006 6004 6006 6006 6006 6006 6006 6006 6006 6006 Table No.for Month vs ET (Figure FC-14)4009 4008 4008 4008 4009 4008 4008 4008 4008 4008 4008 4008 400B Table No.for SMI vs ROP (Figure FC-ll)1015 1018 1018 1018 1015 1018 1018 1022 1021 1018 1020 1020 1020 Table No.for BII vs BFP (Figure FC-12)2017 2011 2009 2009 2017 2012 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 Maximum Percent of Runoff to Baseflow 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 9 9 10 9 9 9 Table No.for RGS vs.RS (Figure FC-D)3009 3008 3008 3008 3009 3003 3008 300B J008 3008 3008 3008 J008 Table No.for QGEN vs MELTR (Figure FC-17)7011 7005 7010 7010 7009 7005 7010 7010 7010 7010 7005 7005 7005 Rain Freez.Temp.(oF)35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 Base Temp.for Degree - Day (oF)32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 I ~\lapse Rate (oF/lOOO ft)3.3 3.3 3.31 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 - -- -I - ..... .... Storm Isohyetal Pattern.Precipitation pattern in the Susitna basin is greatly affected by orography.Therefore,it was necessary to develop isohyetal patterns for each storm to define variation in precipitation over the basin.This was done by isopercental technique discussed below.. The isopercental technique requires a base isohyetal pattern,usually mean annual or mean seasonal precipitation pattern.For the purpose of these analyses,the isohyetal pattern of July 1980 storm was used as a base map.The July 1980 storm pattern was well-defined because the storm was recorded at a number of gages within and in the vicinity of the basin. The ratios of the total storm precipitation of a given storm to the July 1980 storm were derived and plotted at each station where data were available for both storms.Isopercental lines were drawn based on these ratios.The ratios on these lines were then lTIultiplied by the July 1980 pattern to yield values to draw isohyetal map for the given storm.The resulting isohyetal patterns are shown on Figures FC-27 through FC-32 • Storm Maximization.The maximization factor for each storm was deter- mined as the ratio between the maximum precipitable water and the precipitable water available during the storm.The maximum precipi- table water was computed using 50-year return period maximum 12-hour persisting dewpoint temperatures.These temperatures were derived from dewpoint temperatures recorded at Anchorage for the months of May through September.The actual storm dewpoint temperatures were derived by examining the temperatures prior to the storm occurrence.The maximization factors are listed in Table 4. FC-3 Table 3 SUB-BASIN ELEVATION-AREA RELATIONSHIP Sub-basin 10 Elevation,ft 2800 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 13,820 Percent area below 0 4.5 17.7 35.9 61,1 84.B 96.1 99.8 99.9 -. Sub-basin 20 Elevation,ft 2440 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10,000 13,820 Percent area below 0 27.7 53.2 81.3 92.8 97.1 98.4 98.9 99.8 99.9 ..., Sub-bas in 80 Elevation,ft 2370 3000 4000 5000 6000 6100 Percent area below 0 35.9 74.4 97.1 99.7 99.9 -Sub-basin 180 Elevation,ft 2350 3000 4000 5000 6000 6200 , "I Percent area below 0 35.0 82.0 96.4 96.5 99.9 Sub-basin 210 ""'ll Elevation,ft 3150 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 8850 Percent area below 0 10.9 24.1 67.2 96.0 99.8 99.9 Sub-basin 220 ., Elevation,ft 2860 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 BODO 8850 Percent area below 0 8.2 50.5 80.1 94.9 98.6 99.8 99.9 Sub-basin 280 -Elevation,ft 2350 3000 4000 5000 5275 Percent area below 0 49.8 96.7 96.8 99.9 Sub-basin 330 Elevation,ft 2361 2363 Percent area below 0 99.9 Sub-basin 340 Elevation,ft 2100 3000 4000 5000 5275 Percent area below 0 68.7 95.2 99.8 99.9 Sub-bas in 380 Elevation,ft 1910 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 7770 Percent area below 0 2.0 15.6 49.1 78.4 96.0 99.8 99.9 Sub-basin 480 Elevation,ft 1450 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 7200 Percent area below 0 3.0 27.7 68.3 91.1 98.9 99.B 99.9 Sub-basin 580 Elevation,fE 910 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 6910 Percent area below 0 2.0 8.4 44.1 79.5 96.2 99.8 99.9 Sub-basin 680 Elevation,ft 677 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 60lB Percent area below 0 3.2 26.1 51.0 80.9 97.1 99.8 99.9 - - TABLE 4 I~AXIMIZATION FACTORS Storm Dewpoint Max.Dewpoint at 1,000 mb at 1,000 mb Precip.Precip. Storm Temp.Water Temp.Water (OF)(mm)(OF)(inch) August 1955 47 18.3 59.5 34.1 Ju ly-August 1958 50 21.0 60.0 35.2 August 1959 48 18.9 59.5 34.1 August 1967 46 17.6 60.0 35.2 August 1971 49 19.9 60.0 35.2 Max. Factor 1.86 1.66 1.80 2.00 1.77 r~ -I PMP.Average percipitation over the basin above Watana was computed uSlng the isohyetal pattern developed for six storms (Figure FC-27 through FC-32).These preci pitati on amounts were mu lti p 1i ed by the maximization factors resulting in maximized total precipitation given in Tab 1e 5. TABLE 5 MAXIMIZED PRECIPITATION Storm August 1955 July-August 1958 August 1959 August 1967 August 1971 Maximized Total Preci pitati on 7.03 4.96 6.82 12.54 9.04 The August 1967 storm resulted in the largest maximized precipitation amount if it were to occur also in August.However,snowmelts in August would be negligible compared to those in late spring and early summer.Therefore,the storm was assumed to occur in June wi th a lower maximization factor,est"imated to be 1.4.This provided an average basin PMP of 8.7 inches above Watana site.The PMP for the basin above Devil Canyon was computed by adding the sub-basin between the two sites to 8.8 inches. Temporal Precipitation Pattern.The August 1967 storm has a duration of 10 days.Dai ly di stri buti on of bas in average preci pi tati on was computed using dai ly storm precipitation observed at stations within and surrounding the basin.This distribution was used for PMP. The daily precipitation amounts were arranged sequentially so that critical flood conditions are produced at the dam sites.This was done FC-4 by assuming that the largest 24-hour precipitation occurs on the eighth day of the PMP storm.The second 1 argest occurs on the seventh and third largest on the ninth day.The entire pattern is shown in Table 6. TABLE 6 TEMPORAL PATTERN OF PMP Daily Precipitation Ranking 11 11 111"is largest and "10 11 is smallest. Storm Duration 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 1 3 5 - Daily precipitation was further distributed into 50 percent 20 percent. 15 percent and 15 percent values for each respective 6-hour period. The 6-hour precipitation was distributed in ascending order for each day up to the ninth day.while the ninth and tenth day's 6-hourly precipitation was distributed in descending order.Table 7 gives the 6-hourly distribution pattern for the PMP over the drainage basin above l..Iatana. 3 -Snowmelt Criteria An analysis of major historical floods indicated that snowmelt contri- butes a major part of the floods.Therefore.to insure adequate snowmelt contribution to the PMF.it was assumed that the snowpack is unlimited for glacial sub-basins (10 and 210).The snowpack for other sub-basins was estimated to be large enough to ensure a substantial residual snowpack during the storm period.The estimates were based on maximum recorded data at stations in and around the Susitna basin. Table 8 gives the estimated initial snowpack for each sub-basin. FC-5 ,~ Day Hour PMP (inch) TABLE 7 6-HOURLY DISTRIBUTION PATTERN Day Hour PMP (inch) Day Hour PMP (inch) 7 6 .19 12 .19 18 .26 24 .65 8 6 .32 12 .32 18 .43 24 1.08 1 6 12 18 24 2 6 12 18 24 3 6 12 18 24 4 6 12 18 24 .00 .00 .01 .01 .04 .04 .04 .05 .13 .13 .13 .13 .10 .10 .15 .35 5 6 12 18 24 6 6 12 18 24 .12 .12 .16 .40 .16 .16 .21 .54 9 10 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 .59 .24 .17 .17 .40 .17 .12 .12 ,fDIlU. TABLE 8 INITIAL SNOWPACK FOR PMF Sub-basin 10 20 80 180 210 220 280 Snowpack (in.) 99 81 35 32 99 62 30 Sub-basin 330 340 380 480 580 680 Snowpack (in.) 33 27 59 57 48 48 The temperature sequences prior to,during,and after PMP are shown on Figure FC-33.Temperature through May are assumed at 32°F to ensure the snowpack is ripening but yielding little or no snowmelt runoff; following th'at,a sudden increase in temperature is assumed.This temperature gradient is based on maximum one to seven day temperature rises observed for the period of records at Anchorage and Talkeetna. Durill9 the PI"1P storm,the temperatures are lowered.After the most significant precipitation has fallen,temperatures are increased again. FC-6 4 -Occurrence of Snowmelt and PMP Storm The snowmelt starts on June 3 based on the adapted temperature se- quences (Figure FC-33).The PMP storm is assumed to occur between June 8 and 17.This provides a 5-day period between start of PMP and start of snowmelt.This time interval was considered adequate for com- bination of.floods resulting from PMP and snowmelt. 5 -Antecedent Conditions The amount of soil moisture present at the on-set of PMP and snowmelt significantly controlled the amount of water available for runoff including its distribution as surface,subsurface,and baseflow com- ponents.Relatively moist soil conditions were assumed for each sub-basin.Table 9 gives the initial values used for the model para- meters. 6 -PMF The calibrated relationships of the model parameters shown in Fig- ures FC-11 through FC-17 and the initial values of parameters shown in Table 9 were used to derive the PMF hydrographs at the dam sites.The resulting inflow peaks are 326,000 cfs for Watana site and 362,000 cfs for Devi1 Canyon site (without Watana).Figures FC-34 and FC-35 show the inflow hydrographs at the two sites. TABLE 9 IN IT IAL VALUES OF SSARR MODEL PARAMETERS Baseflow Runoff Sub-Soil Infl itration Sub-Base- bas in Moisture Index Surface Surface flow (in)(i n/day)(cfs)(cfs)(cfs) 10 8 .03 10·30 60 20 4 .03 10 50 60 80 4 .03 5 10 70 180 4 .03 7 10 108 210 8 .03 10 10 10 220 4 .03 10 10 60 280 4 .03 4 10 70 330 4 .03 18 0 0 340 4 .03 18 20 120 380 4 .03 8 20 130 480 4 .03 16 30 420 580 4 .03 5 10 260 680 4 .03 4 10 140 FC-7 - 7 -Design Floods The main spillway of Watana and Devil Canyon developments are designed to safely pass floods of lO~OOO-year return period.The estimated flood peaks for lO~OOO-year flood are 156~000 cfs and 165,000 cfs, respectively.Figures FC-34 and FC-35 also show the design flood hy- drographs.In case of Devil Canyon development,the inflow hydrograph is composed of flood outflow from Watana and the natural flood flows from the intervening area between Watana and Devil Canyon.This is based on the assumption that Watana dam will be constructed first. The flood hydrographs were derived using 10~000-year flood peak (annual series)and 1-,3-,7-~15-and 30-day flood volumes.The flood peak and volumes frequency curves were developed for the Susitna River at Gold Creek and transposed to the dam sites.The procedures used to develop the frequency curves and tr~?sposition factors are discussed in a report by R &M Consultants,Inc.-• l/R &M Consultants,Inc.,December 1981.Regional Flood Study Task 3,Hydro logy,prepared for Acres Ameri can Incorporated Anchor- age,A1ask a. FC-8 - - MCKINLEY C PARK OSUMMIT TALKEETNAo LEGEND •STREAM GAGING STATION o PERCIPITATION STATION •DAM SITE _.'-RIVER ---WATERSHED DIVIDE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN ABOVE GOLD CREEK FIGURE FC-I o CLEAR WATER TRIMS CAMPo PAXSONo GULKANAo -ill - FIGURE FC-2 -II - - - ~ Z i= ::::)o al: TEMPERATUR EVAPOTRANSPIRATION C) Z i= ::::)o al: STREAMFLOW SSARR WATERSHED MODEL 11 r 1 J 1 J 1 -1 1 1 -],1 1 »]i ] c:=J flOUTING REACH o BASIN OR SUB BASIN o COLLECTION POINT L:::.RESERVOIR illQ!..Q MACLAREN R.HR.PAXSON NON ·GLACIAL 232 SO.III. MACLAREN R.LOCAL ABOVE SUSITNA CONFLUENCE 307 50.1.41. ...-.../, I 2912 \MACLAREN R.NR.PAXSON-I I OBSERVED '-I-'" 330 SUSITNA R.NR.DENALI NON·GLACIAL 694 50.1.41. /"'-',SUSITNA R. ....2910 )OBSERVED '....._...&1 5U51TNA R.NR.DENALI GLACIAL 221 SO 1.41. OSHETNA LOCAL 735 SO.MI. _.........\.qOO ,,-\-{2915 r- \J,_/ SUSITNA R.NR.CANTWELL OBSERVED 4140 SO.MI. WATANA AND DEADMAN CREEK LOCAL 1045 SO.FT. TSUSENA AND DEVIL CREEK LOCAL 52B SO.III. ~2~ "\ 'v-... I \ I 2920 ) \......_/ SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK OBSERVED 6160 SO.III. PORTAGE AND GOLD CREEK LOCAL 345 50.111. SUSITNA R.AT GOLD CREEK CALCULATED TYONE RIVER BASIN 1047 50.1.41.LAKE LOUISE AND SUSITNA LAKE 48 50.111. REFERENCE' U.S.ARIIY CORPS OF ENGINEERS INTERIII FEASIBILITY REPORT.1175 APPENDIX I PART I SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF SSARR COMPUTER MODEL FIGURE FC-3 •i ~111 -. .--. j )1 1 -1 J 1 -1 I 1 I ) PAECIPITATlON ~IHettU o .~!:.;~ ,;j; '.'4· ...! I,.!.. .,.!- -......".,"-twINcrs 10 100,000 70 '0.000 ao 10.000 SO 70,000 " ,I.,'.I I I ,':I 1'1 I I 'I,••.'.G""'.,,,'I I I'"I,I :I :.~.,..~,~.,.~"~..~L..,.~•.'.' •.~.•.~.••..•.jjJ~I I':'I III ti a ••~~_. , I I .;...... . .J';...';I i I I ' . ,".l·I I·'".....;...'.t JI'I '......V'.AC<'1 !1 \''I •.••,'.•.j . r1j !'\'j j .~"N':'.Ar:'.'I"!'I "'."'.'TII""'/~.,.., ... I I,09......i 'I'······ 40 '0,000''':.\.~jJ,.'"'~V·..'..I •••.,.1\,0 ~~:.f~'"'''.''''''J .'''\':/"':'·I·VI ...~,.':-;..1\.,..., .........''\N'"..,....'\' JO .0000..I ':!\':,..":J "'{.•'j j.'..,.....\"..'1 .. a '0.000 .......",.. .\ :\i ' . ". .\._,.:.;,I·,·i L .,,;;......:;....-,).\. ••I",.1"'Ii .",n"'I..),·",.r-''''''•......:.........1\'" ,0,000 I'";,1 1 ;.,u.;.il.'i.::,o:\""Y;,.",i i",'L ... I A,,~,:'I ;,,!,.,.;,.~:~"1:' .I f\·.·'1" 10 ODD ~:""II 'I'I,:', ',".,.".\./~ .,..!...1\.,.j.'.....,...~.::.'':I ,;I I----..:;:r-01 .i j:",-yo ,i ,.)..:...!...:.i·;·'..··,.!.::.,..,!.II...'."" 1 ..•'\"'1".....j...,.•.I.!....,,:i ,1',.~,:I .!J!,ll.,:'1 :....,.,.,.1.,.. I 'j,.j.".1 ..•1 i.··r·tt ..··!·.:,·....I.•..:••!····!'·!:I '....,....r'~.,./......t·····..!.',,:..,"......I.. ....;"::". :..L;i:;Lr:~L·>nHU ':I):i\::.:>'.k 1-'j:];HJ:H;:;.1:;: -'0 ·20 FIGURE FC-4 ~l~rnJ I;. I , 1 l'::~:,;.;, , 1" I I I ',IPRECIPITlTlO"l!I"I I,,,1101 INCHES ';'~".~!!i\1l\\l"'""I ""!l'ad~H'i , ' I.1t;·~':~~~:;:·1 'A '..I'!!I L:__TE'C'P'TATlO~..l.J ,.(\ \ I \ \ I. I 1II l \ .\.. .!2t;I Ii I I'I o ~.i~''j ,.:'.j ,'.'," "'i"J. II~OOO •••••~••. . I 00 I flOW'IN i "i I I: CF$L ~t ,:I !; 10 IOO,OCX>r~":f "J'-;'i"~r' 70 '0.000 I.:.;.,.J..:..:.J.I...,.....I',I ,!I !j iii , I I I I ,I t [ea.ooo I •••","J.,~..1'1'j ..I::t;I I :I! ~IOO)i...~.~.~·"·i"'....1..1 ..:. I ' ' ,., 60,000 I-.',J •.!.. i tiO,OOO j. I . ..opao I,.."Y'~~~~~~~~.~~..;. I . ~,\.'0=1\<&\'" 20,000;• • 0 -10 -10 ~!40 :~ ~ i:l ~10 I~ID § ~0 ~ 1·,,,· J i~:He HYDROGRAPH :SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK.1967,1972REFERENCE, U.S ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS INTERIM FEASIBILITY REPORT,1975 APPENDIX I PART I I IIMI,WIll 1 I c r-- l' r------- l'1 ) ~ 1 i 1 ]1 1 i ) PAlCIPlTATIOJ'I IN INc;HU .[ " ..~...."j' ;~:~.~! ~L:~~~. :::"!~~ "1'.••...•.•• I "1" i.I.':~~ ':":~ ··1·· .~~C n·~'S~~~\'~:'l31 ~,-:t~~\~...~ !,h"B!~~S l ~.I~..I~s'.5 "....'~ :'! j .r:::;~ !•t:.:~!-..~"-~. ·~}h:.....,"'CI' ':l r' ';'f' ..J .!.W ;;..;U:L ~...'.~':~.. I...:...i. I :j:JFf.:.~ 'I"'" j":-.r .~. :t t ~ I I .t: i. 1l~l'n,'"',.:: I ... . ..'1'I .......[~AQ~TliR'E'·Jf/\l[toIP("R,,.••• ••.••j .1. I r.~ ,~.;, ../:.. ~···t\:i..l~\j~ ·t···. Ii'" I FlO.,..IN C" .0 eo.ODD .0 94,000 .0 48,000 SO '~OOD 40 36,000 SO 50,000 10 24,000 10 18,D00 0 12,000 ·10 1,000 ·.0 W\II••• FIGURE FC-S PRfc;IPtTATIOfII IN INeHlS .i·····',"j. I I' t'~;'L~: I I U /"'.:3"~'.if~crPITAflO"t~ ,1 1 ~'I I,' ~ .~.."'..~.1·'Q' ;.::~••'••:.~'<_.-._.".,... r·~+i;;~~. SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL ,1964,1971 lI/>OD 'LO"'"Ncr. .0 OOC>DD 10 ~"\OOO !SO 4z.coo 10 48.POO -10 ·.0 !:!40 >Ii""" ~30 """'"~.. ~10 Z-4POQ ~10 II,DOD 1/1;{' ~0 I2,pOO ~ HYDROGRAPH REFERENCE. US.ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS INTERIM FEASIBILITY REPORT,197~APPENDIX I PART.I Lij, r-----..,r '---'..'~'---.........---.."..--._-...-..,~~f'--, •l ...'1 L),--'."--"]-J •'1 J ".1 1 1 1 l 1 }1 ]) 60 o1',OOD 70 ''',000 PRECIPITATION tH INCHES o.IT .;.I s ..•~'f--..... ;, i ! ,-,"r~~;.·H·•"1:,.,'..",I,I'~(r·t ••• .,/,'''••0.'.•.j i .',!I ii''!~~\~...I T<NP€.'T"""..i·!.!.I J I"'"Ii \'.M 1 ,:'" "',':"1":'1\' J /':)'I :.'J:i,f\r,.~~,..!!:.I '.(",\"IP""ICN~..,.~~l-J'' \I ' "··1 .,,IfV"A,A A/i,~·,···.......··Jrvy,.,r:.. . ...-'J:V'~':V':"""~~""/.\1,'"'".., ' ",..~.__..,r\I .,.".,..J ........~..\........·i~..........\...."\'"........:'......,f\jL" .....'"I::::l,'i~·." ,J/...,i .....!I.·!·I .'....:;..,;J ::i;';';'"!'",':,;.!;.I.~.!,,::,.",-,,'-''.'...........'....197i1.,.,.,.,".,...,....1.,.,.:·I ;.;.:,.••:;;...••••,',•.Ai:;j •.,!,,i;!:j'!!;"•...i:·.·..'h:,j .·~",:I.,:'~.•.i,i ..;,M"II,::!:!;!!!,!:.:ji:!!.!'lil.j,;;l l'i 1,000 30,000 11,000 Il,OOO 38,000 201,ODO 50 42,000' n()Nl~ C'S 10 80,000 ·to -10 t- ~40. ~ ::!O ~ ~ ~ ~~10 I ~10 ~0~ HYDROGRAPH :SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL,1967,1972 'lCNf INcr. 80 lliO,OOO lit.·~.....,~ ~I 70 ~4,OOO 1 loa 4I1,OOC. '0 42,0')0 ....~.. •FIGURE FC-6 PRECIPITATION tNlhCHU o I,.. I.'. .J'"'\:' r i " " ! J' ·S"·:~H:l~"l ....~.l't~l ~.,:~~f>AfC'IP1tATlO!ll., , 1.," 1~1 L\"i·.·,~.~...~.s;~j;j:;i;};;:;:~ ',' " 12.000 U,ooo '" ~.ooo ,.,.. ",000 '•..••.:..r.C>..L.CUC'lEO .1 .;{, .1.000 .......t.\\\J "'-"": alO 1.000 ,...".','..~.. i o !.';;','.J 'c. ~~~~.~:~~~';/1 . ·to ~ ¥40 f:50 ~ ~ ~ ~10 I~'0 a•0~ REFERENCE: U S ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS INTERIM FEAS'BILITY REPORT,197~APPENDIX I PART I ·1 ~,W,iI 1 1 "-'-- 'J l J ,~--'.r----).1 hi }J ]J ))1 1 j ...'. PAECIPtT",nON .,.U,Ct1[S AUGi' ~•·!~a·,"i.!~:}l:1 .i I : 1 I ";I 'I ;-;"1 rl t":'j';":' I'·..Ji .I'I I ., "';';';"'''''11 ..,, , ""I ."i"":.:.."1 .:..; ~•\".I 1I,:'I iii f :/1",.....1 "....1'1',':'['1 l I I I',i I:I i.!."1""1 ..,--I'"I ;.I '\'1 I •I -L....__,,---,r I 'I I ,'I""'!':~'I·',I','"'"I";,.'.!1'1 I·9 I I I ,~• ..:......I..:..I..:·I····!.~1.[;'I :...!..I " '·1·;..:·1 ..;·i.l" :f:;::"J .;:'r ~~::\r.t>I:.:!:::n H~~:I;~m~'i i~~t,.,Lt 'f ".,..."..t ."l:"""J.,.1.•·r·"·:,;,-,;,,,:I,r,~ 'UNI'; 'I' i"" ~ih.1.ii ,., I ..1 i I:"'-!-'....!,... "'1' , ...I .. ,.,''t'. !.:~;1~~[lUl; ~·~vv.,.~..~...-.....•.... fLO'tIII" CFS 10 40,000 10 3',000 10 32,000 '0 J 8,000 40 24.000 10 ZC\OOO 20 16.000 10 I Z,Ooo •,000 ·10 4,;000 ·lO HYDROGRAPH SUSITNA RIVER NEAR DENALI,1964,1971 •FIGURE FC-7 800 ,00 000 ,000 '00 4.00 \00 .00 000 PflEDPl1lo1lClll IN INDiES I. '1,1 ;J:H.i ~ .'I., 1954 l"~_..., :,.; :;~ ~;:::":; ~-;:~,~ ..........~.,, 4000 0000 ,,000 16000 lOOCO .0I0<l0 ,.oa:> :r:aooo ",oa:> 40000 flOW .."!:::.i OF'.I"I I ,;I I r !,, "')1'"..I",.':.......~.',~~. I ['I I:1 I 'R~C""T4T1Ct.,li . \.·t·..,.j.'.."..1....i "'I I:'00II'.,I \ I I I "I I !;.I I i I 1'j'\'i';~:-j'~'/j\)V\!/1..:...:(':.i"":!.,.......'l~.\J .'I i '[ j.......j;.'. .t ••j., I I C"LOJl,t.Ho I I "1 '11 i.L:/!, IA.t 1:100 -'0 -20 eo TO eo eo t:40~ ~JO i:1~to ~I()~ !;; ~0~ REFERENCE, U,S,ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS INTERIM FEASIBILITY REPORT,I9n APPENDI~I PART I L lIiI\11IIII." 1 1 1 I 1 I J I 1 1 1 '1 1 1 ]1 )} 70 3&,000 00 211.000 .0 31,000 PRECJPlT~T'JCI" IN INtH[S o.~• t -..I.Iun'''' .•.•I .~.111'~••'\l",..... .,t ~!'~!Ii\¥",-,"r AVEO '"•I ....;!~"!~~~1S~'M t,·.~,...',_._"...!..:\','i &'",.., r :/"... (~.,... ·S!~'l ~~~.'....Vv".\.''1 ...'\1,\....,..'.......,L •...........''~r .w·LyV.:...'J-:''\;rvvl''''c'''-...!.....! ....V .'....,".W'~.~.~.!.~. , . .............'..,.... !::..;J~ ...........~\',...:~:(::.:.''1':.;. ;,j,::;,i ,.•~~r:i'.•":,....I ,I ~~.r.' !.•!,r:IU:U,:,!:';,:·j"H,:;:l,:'·i, , ...•.••....•....•J.8,000 ".000 IZ,OOO 1&,000 ilO,ODD 24 ,000 FLOW I".., so 40.000 ·10 "~40 ~. ~>0 ~g 20 ~ I ~10~ ~0~ ·10 REFERENCE. US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS INTERIM FEASIBILITY REPORT,197~APPENDIX I PART I HYDROGRAPH SUSITNA RIVER NEAR DENALI,1972 FIGURE Fe - 8 ~i I,/MI W'II ,..---_..-.......-....---~~,~._--"".• -J '1 '--1 . ' j '."-'1 )J 1 -j -J I J }1 J J 1 ,., ~~ I ..!.." ":~ PAECIPITAnOH ,Ito,INCHU I •O\l{l •'II 0~i I',,\. ,:i" ,.,.•.~'.&•..!.":,.~" .1 ~~...lt~~~n\'~~U~~".\U l~\I~!'£'.,.,; '\/I'~f\W':.)'....Cut-.lrE..\.,\.~: .'~v~' "1 ••-.' ··i·· i ;,,:.~, " .:LL I ~;;~­ I ,tr!L :'';;.~I-• /371 ..·IU. ,, t,ooo 8,000 1,000 4,000 ~I '..',.'I I I:iiiSI i',~..' ,I ~t~~~i'.:~j :.'11..I.thll~r'·~~~\~S ~:.ME .i'"'.1.1 ' ,~I ~~~H l~ 7,000 rJ :1"1 ··l·,:~~~,J(,f ,......':' .ti ~~:.,'-J .', .I II : 0!l00 V I V l..ji \.,J'"'","VAt"",'-..It -U (/\.~j \If'''\ .~f''IV 'I,"! ',000 '--J\..V '--1;ri ~8!11E'V ED 2,000 1,000 flOW'IN C"10.00000 '0 00 '0 ~;;; ~40 ~ ~ ~)0 7 10. ~10 ~~ .~ "0 '20 PRECIF'lTATICW IN INOi£S ~"•C't'".,~0"~EC.IPIT."T\Clt----I i .. , I j I I I ---0'/",J\: ..\. 196.:1 ~~ "1' I .-,.,.,/ •C 'LOW IN COS 10000 •000 0000 7000 ". lOCO SOOO 4000 3000 '000 1000 O. 70 '0 -10 00 -.. ~;;; ~40 ~rO ~20 ~~,. ~0 ,lI.ol :} II REFERENCE: U.S.ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS INTERIM FEASIBILITY HYDROGRAPH;MACLAREN RIVER NEAR PAXSON 1964 1971 REPORT,197~APPENDIX I PART I • • FIGURE Fe - 9 ~~~CiJ w'" r--" 1 -1 1 .....---..---~~ J }j ]J 1 ---_.-, 1 }-J J r Pl=I£CIPlTATI()roj I"llttCHE$ R'"0~~~~~~ ~~S~·H ~s.~... ~ ..! 1972 ,~•£ ··t·········· ·t,········· "-';'1 I ................,.....,.. 011 2~~-'..~f'.1 I .....~. . 'Ve...,.,I '!Ili~'"~MT[."~~;;:;;;--":...".,..S .r··~G .~,,~.,~,uR',.S s·'1\\ "-.il'\("S....··i''I I!i n''.j',1\/,\',~.:I".'.,II,.·,le.:.~,.~...\."'-..r '-~r \~~/tV'..'~'.(~l "'""..~/u..JV:·J V ...v"~~........./.•.•..•••2{""'''''''.....••.•••.v"/~. .j.l?v.c..,...'....··l ..j".\'....'v,............v(\ fLOW.,. US '0 10.000 1'CI '.000 10 '.000 eo 7,000 ~140 _,000 :SCI '.000 ~w "~10 4.000 1 ~10 ',000 ~0 2.000 1 ~ -10 l.OQQ -'0 i' ,:I ".;I,'·"j . .';~;~):'j ,',.'. ,J:~_L~.. PA(CIP/TATIQf'Il rt.(l'IIt '''II IH)''''11£$«s 10 10POO".I'e •a~.,I ~~~~...~.0 !~~~l'0 .,,00..~,s ..s I '-PAECIPlT"-tON10'.000'""..' I. ~w.O I~.. 2 ~20 !~10 9.000 : ~°I:' ..10 1.000' 196" 'j' -10 REFERENCE HYus.ARt,lY CORPS OF ENGINEERS INTERIt,l FEASIBILllY DROGRAPH MACLAR EN RIVER NEAR PAXSON.1967,1972 REPORT.1975 APPENDIX I PART I FIGURE FC-llJill~UU '11,1, -1 1 ~l'~T ]1 --l 1 }1 1 J ]1 )} 157 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 SOIL MOISTURE INDEX SMI (INS) 65432 I )--- ---111022 .. 1\1015 I I /'~1~20 ,/I /,/"'1018 , I //:P ~l.--'"" l---.-.---.----.-- Jo-;;V I Vl&)~.,...,. ./1021 --f-----------I----I--r--I------'---Lt- 00 90 20 30 10 100 a. ~70 80 I- ~60 ~w a.50 IJ.. IJ..o ~40a:: SSARR MODEL SMI VS ROP FIGURE Fe -11 [iiJ 1...\Wlil 1 ))))1 I I 1 )I }l J I • 10 FIGURE FC-12 98 SSARR MODEL an VS BFP 3 4 5 6 7 BU-BASEFLOW INFILTRATION INDEX (INS/DAY) 2 -----..1-----------~--~~-----1----7:----- I 2017 1\ \X2OO9 ~""r-..... \011 ""..""-....... ~------~~12 /009 I -....~......---........--...----201\.._-------------=--=...---I--------- 00 100 10 90 It 80w, 3: 9 70 LL. W (f) ~60 g l:::50 oz ~40 LL.o !z 30wucrwn.20 ,--- J 1 ).j 1 ~)1 .-}1 J J J J 1 .8 .5 1.1 1.2 1.0 .9 00 15 20 INPUT RATE -RGS (INS/HRII. ./ V /VV r\3003 /'V ~ I..............1\"-- ~~-3009- I 03 .11 .10 .01 .12 .02 o .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 ·07 .08 .09 .10 INPUT RATE-RGS (INS/HRII. a:: :I: ....... ~D9 (f) a::.08 ILl tt 0::5 .W a.z ~.06 wz ~oo :::!:o U Ij .04 i1. a:: ~.03 SSARR MODEL RGS VS RS FIGURE Fe -13 • .5 .4 ~ .... l- UJ, X UJ 0 .3~ za ~~a::a: (J)z ~octa::.2I-aa.. ~ ,-UJ .1 r---~---~-.., ~4010 (COE)I I I I I I ~4008 (COE) •---- -- ----- -,;E;;S-E;-4 -----,---.-----,010 (li.CRES), I I • T I I I 1 L:-REV:~4008 (ACRE ) T 1.__--1 -------_._--- ---:-----:---~~:---x------- (i l (. 4 5 6 MONTH 7 8 9 SSARR MODEL MONTH VS ETI FIGURE FC -14 ,- 100 cfl 80. VI UJ 3 ~ z 60Q I- U ~o UJa:: ILl tia:: r5 40 ~a:: 0: VI Z<ta:: ba..~20 UJ \ ~ \ \ ~~~.5001 o ·2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 PRECIPITATION RATE -PPT (INS/HR) 1.8 2.0 SSARR MODEL PPT VS KE FIGURE Fe -15 ~ 30 ~ i 20, l - ,--10 ,- r I"""" i 100 90 80 ~70 , <l:u ~60 <l: Wcr <l: fil 50 crw ~ u 40 3:oz C/) ~'~~OO~ "\~... "-,,~ 1\,, \"", !"THEORETICAL SNOW""I '\DEPLETION CURVEK(SNOW HYDROLOGY), I\.,,, i ;) !I 1',I ~I "I ll' "" ~'. ~~" "-- 6006;'1""~" 1 ~ i _ !'t _ 10 2.0 30 40 50 60 70 ACCUMULATED GENERATED RUNOFF %OF SEASONAL TOTAL -QGEN 80 90 100 SSARR MODEL QGEN vs seA FIGURE FC-16 --------------.;.-----~. \- .4 a:.3 !:iw ~, w tia: ...J ...J ~.2 ~ozrn .1 /k:: v v 7 17005 :>----------'------f---foloo-"""'lI /V V V 7009\ /-------- - ---70\- -I I _ r ! \. o 10 20 30 40 50.60 70 80 90 TOTAL SEASONAL ACCUMULATED RUNOFF -QGEN t%} 100 FIGURE Fe -17 SSARR MODEL QGEN VS MELTR I.-=. ]-J ]1 1 J J )-))J ) i i -"---J 80 7~ 70 6~ eo ~ ~ 4!1 8 S?.40 ." t; ~3~ oJ IL 30 Z~ "f--,,II'........-,---,,, "I, ,,/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ;....:, I \ I \ I \II\ I \ "',I "" -,,/'11 ---==----1-...._.,;l_ \ \ \ \ \ \ I~ 10 ~SSARR MODEL CALIBRATION SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK 1967 FLOOD ~~~~(rFIGUREFe-18DATE !!I I !I I I I I !!!I I I!!I !I I !I I !!I I01- - --.."..•.•.•••._._____..-•--'A ..••..••_A _.• CHECKED BV DRAWN BV DESIGNEDBV ,j ',il -J 1 J ]])-]1 I 1 1 I 1 i :1 I'I I '~I CfDf--(~----1 24ZO18IZ14 AUGUST 1064 -------~-----.----.-..·_------1- ___~--J I'I .",\~ I I' I '\ I \ I \ /\/\ I \ I \/, /",'".........,...._-,'" I -...........I ,I ',,,,I ",i ~~~,!--------.-..<--.---...----_.---":1 I 3129Z7 OBSERVED FLOW 211917 /~_...CALCULATED FLO "....,Y W ....----"",-"f'...........;~",........,.... 13 I!I JULV ;... ,,/ ..- / "/' II9 !l0 4!1 40 3!1 §30 M ~2!1 ~ ~ 0 20 oJ... I!I 10 !I 0 I 3 DATE CXoSIGNED BV DRAWN BV CH£O<ED8V S SARR MODEL CALI BRATION SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL 1967 FLOOD FIGURE Fe -19 :i~~f~i ,j ~I~ J J i 1 0)'I 1 -1 ]l J )1 1 -1 2 i!4ZZZD18 ! I ,08SERVED FLOW I IZ 14 16 AUGUST 10864ZZ7Z931 TIME IDAY) DATE Z~Z3ZI1913I~17 JULY iI"'----...- II97~ I -'<I '0_"/""~.'""-,. _.__,_/I _-'7 ~__--n<;«_____I --~-':'"---_~:.-_ \0 8 ~.6 '"LL ~,4 0 ~ 2 0 I 3 DESIGNED BY DRAWN 8Y CHECKED BY SSA RR MODEL CALIBRATION MACLAREN RIVER NEAR PAXSON 1967 FLOOD FIGURE Fe -20 l~~~f~! .•!ll )-J .,---- J ))1 1 '-'1 ))!I 1 :1''fI'I "1 1 'I I I ..I I'·I FLOW I, I I / I I,,..., ........",-~ OBSERVED FLOW ;.f: I \)\ I ...\ , I I I I I I\'II------------fl--L---·--·,----4-----11-----------1f-\I I \ I I, , I , I I I I I I I I \,I I , I 'I \ I I \ I I , \ I "·1 I I \;'\;:/CALCULA1TED \ J \~\ \ \, \,, I I '-i ~/' r •",~-', I \• I ' I ' --~~_I /,\, '\'..G \/ 7~ 7Q 6~ 60 M ~O 40 0 ~40. '"... ~3~•a -'... 30 2~ 20 I~ 10 ~ SSARR MODEL CALIBRATION SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK 1972 FLOOD •<I DESIGHl:C IV CIlAWN IY OE:llUlIY II .10 I~20 MAY 2~301 ~10 I~ JUNE DATE 20 2~30 5 10 I~20 JUL1 2~30 FIGURE Fe -21 !~~~l~,J "II I ]1 --]--1 --)I 1 I 1 )J ,jJ [)(s1GNEO fJ( DRAWNfJ( ct*:CK£Olv Ii I :1 ' ,'II'I 'E'_J~'~-1--~-'~'_"_- 60,1-~~-~--_.~----~_.-~-~~~i ~~ ~o 4~40 0 ~. <II... ~ :J 0 ~ I~ 10 5 SSARR MODEL CALIBRATION SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL 1972 FLOOD FIGURE Fe -22 ~~ 1".1 1 1 r---------, 1 --1 'T 1 -1 j J J 1 1 :I''I"T'I I'I "I I'I I oeSERVED FLOW 10 , 8 1 g 6 ~. VI 5... ~ ~4... 3 2 'I 0 5 10 15 20 25 301 5 10 15 MAY JUNE DATE 25 30 "\,,~CALCULATEO FLOW I -"'''\ I \ I A.."I /'~~I 15 20 JULY 25 30 (L5IONf:O Wi DIl,loWI;IV CW£ClCfO n ~l, SSARR MODEL CALIBRATION MACLAREN RIVER NEAR PAXSON 1972 FLOOD FIGURE Fe -23 1'.1 ]~-]-1 ]j )~J ))1 1 ', 1 I )] . I 'I'~I I ~~:I I " •"F I "nj ~.,_.~ 1"11' FC-24 [~~ r' SSARR MODEL VERIFICATION SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK 1971 i \II I I I I I : I I I I I ! , I I ,,\ I !,I I IiII~,------~ I \~I I \III I I I ( I IIII I f I I,\\I I I \--"CALCULATED FLOW I I I I ,I I I \I II.A ..!I \ 85 80 75 10 65 60 55 50 ~45 ~ '"... l.l-40 ~ 9... 35 30 25 20 15 I 10 I- ,,-- J.- J,h -',~'I~:-C::~ DSN DRW In I~.,n .E,HK ~,l· ] , 1 l 1 J 1 1 )J I )] ~OJ I .;::'I . ,- FIGURE FC-25 il~~~n: 302~ ·--~---I 10 15 20 AUGUST ~30 I T- 2~I~20 JULY 10~ DATE 302~20 SSARR MODEL VERIFICATION SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL 1971 FLOOD 10 I~ JUtlE ~3012~I~20 MAY 10 , H IIII,.~.._,,~""""I I \,,,,"CO"""0'I\~I I ~ -\I I \ \ \ \ \ \ ,\--\l ..... , b ,/;-' ,,''' 0:"J --~-I:e-:=I__II 1_~1_-!;I;---L_..l.-I I III.z;-_-;~---;~I_~~I_~-__.L__L, I I I I_;-~_~I_~~I_~~_-=-_--lL_I!I I!I 60 ~~ ~ 4~ 40 §3~ M ,,!30 ~ ~2~ oJ... 20 I~ 10 ~ DRAWN IlY O£CKtDIIY D£SIGNED IlY 4-dl ))]J'1 1 j J 1 )»J 1 ) ''I''''1''''1''I'"'~'I "'~I I.'I i ~1 __.=_.-_-.____J 10 I I ---.--------------, 9 30 I251520 AUGUST 1052!lI!>20 JU~Y 10530 8 3 2 1 obi ~--('6 10 ,_____I I I I III1 I I I I I II I I 1I I I I I ~!ll A/I /11u~,I l..- og 6 'I: g "... OCSlGNEll oY DAAWN BY CIfj;KEQ BY j,l, DATE SSARR MODEL VERIFICATION MACLAREN RIVER NEAR PAXSON 1971 FLOOD ~----. FIGURE Fe -26IJ~~[~J I'~' r' -1 1 ]]J 1 J J 1 1 J ])j @ \/;~, ~ ..TALKEETNA a4~ L[G[ND, •PRfCIPITATlON LOCATION AND AMOV"l liN.I Z~ _5 -IIOtIftT •''1. /'"-/---- ( .-J"'/ ISOHYETAL MAP STORM OF AUGUST 22-28,1955 TRIMS •CAMP •PAKSON •GULKANA Z46 FIGURE Fe -27 i~~~[~1 L ...~ 1 1 -.' ,._-- I ~J .'~-J '-1 ~--J "--J ~l '--1 J ~1 }])J j J] @ i I C~ULlTN"...-/ •RiVER 1'/LODGE ~ \" •TALKEETNA 2.~1 ~, •PllECIPlTATIQN LOCATION 'AND AIoIOUNT UN IZ,~I ' -3_ISOHY£J -I, ISOHYETAL MAP STORM OF JULY 28 -AUGUST 3,1958 2,- •PAXSON •GULKANA o.9~ FIGURE Fe -2_ L_ 1'"11 ..----..,.-.- 1'-)'1 ------,,.----. J'->1 .J 1 J 1 1 1 »J ] @ e SUMMIT L41 r, CHULITNA ,-/ L~~~i~R,\~/ GOLD CREEk \"""..... /6 ~ 3eW PRECIPITATION LOCATION AND AMOUNT(IN) _3-,ISOtfY[T .~I' ----I ISOHYETAL MAP SlORM OF AUGUST 19-25,1959 e PAXSON e GULKANA 076 FIGURE FC-29 fi~-~m Ir~J ~-., 1 J •]'-J .1 I j 1 1 ]--J 1 @ i, CHULITNA,,...1 RIVER.".I LODGE ~' t ________/1 •GULKANA .34 ,t·l· ~~~I PAECIPfTATlON LOCATION AND AMOUNT liN!FIGURE FC-30 I A~O[Q I 1-'-ISOHYn ISOHYETALMAPSTORM OF AUGUST 9-11,1967 LftUnJLI dlt 1 ) @ ).]J J 1 1 1 •GULKANA 0.47 1 --1 ~: 4.~O PIlEClPlTATIQIl UXATIOH AND AMOUrrr 1II~1 -a-19OIft'lT •i,l, ISOHYETAL MAP STORM OF AUGUST 4 -10,1971 FIGURE Fe -31 ,~~~[~ dJ ]1 -1 l'--I -1 J I i 1 1 --1 'i ]l ----1 ISOHYETAL MAP STORM OF JULY 25-31,1980 •.1 @ / .0 ~, e PRECIPITATION LOCATION AND AMOUNT liN.) l.41_3-ISOHYET elSUMMIT ~ \\./-.." ",-.f )'r r-/--- ( -..J\.,l .0 FIGURE Fe -32 •~.....--' 11.1 1 ---1 ---].-._]1 --1 ----,1 ]1 --j __J 1 35 ----..<-.----------- -- -- --- - 30 25 PMP AND TEMPERATURE SEQUENCE FIGURE Fe -33 ~3025201015 JUNE 301 5 DATE 251520 MAY 105 20 '!I,!!1 !!I !!!! DRAWN BY CHECKED BY O£SIGNED BY lIS5025IS20 TIME (DAYS) 10 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD ) ----- .-.---,......_-1\\/OUTFLCM' I ILl 1\NFLOW,I !\;i;-' r\ Ip'\"EMERGENCY SPILLWAY \I OPERATING \ ~\ I \"-t-t r\I.\I !r·····-·-· I II II/~~~A~7.'sLWAY ~POWERHOUJE AND OUTLET .......J ~~~~~IE:"~~I~~\~~~~~:~--- 0 II 10 15 20 2S 30 lIS TIME (DAYS) PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD .... .~ I--EME1GENCY JPIL~ -OPERATING \ I \ I \ \ I \j f'~\ I \...MAIN SPILLWAY,OUTLET FACILITIES, 8 .POWERHOUSE OPERATING i J ! I---'v i i\-OUTLET FACILITIES AT FULL CAPACITY 2202 120 40 280 21BI 360 2184 o 2200 2196 240 320 21BB 2196 BO ~160 .. "- "200~ ~ ~2194;: ~ ..2/92 E ~I 2190 lIS 3530 3029iii20 TIME (DAYS) 1-10,000 YEAR FLOOD 10 IS 20 2S TIME (DAYS) 1'/0,000 YEAR FLOOD 10 ) A, I ~'-OUTFLON I ~ J \ /~INFLOW V'-rTFLOW M"TCH~I:'-I,FLOW t- lM'iDW~1 ~:,,"".m~_I"_____-'OPERATING POWERHOUSE AND OUTLET FACILITIES AT ,FULL CAPACITY I I POWERHOUSE ANDIOUTLETFACILITIES yERATIN, (MATCHING INFLOW) I: ~ .--L MAX.WSFL 2193- II----INFLOW EXCbrolNG OUTflllW CAPACITY /-\MAIN SPILLWlv OPERJING (MATCHING INFLOW) / V ~rUTLET FACILITIES ATFULLCAPACITY POWERHOUSE AND OUTLET FACILITIES OPERATING (MATCHING INFLON) 2200 120 21B4 o 2188 160 140 20 40 60 2202 2186 2198 160 ..... u 100 ~ ~80 ..:.2/96;; ~ ;:2194 ~ ~ ..2192 § Xl 2190 lIS 393D 302!liii20 TIME (DAYS) I-50 YEAR FLOOD (SUMMER) 10 15 20 25 TIME (O"YS) .'50 YEAR FLOOD (SUMMER) 10 ~.WSEL-2193.0 1/,,! I \ f\ /\ I~DUTlET F..CILITIES 1/'\f'POWER:::~L~::P~~T::TFACILITlES OPERATING (M ..TCHING INFLOW) /\ \ '...-INFLON i\ /-~L ______w.rtL~~ Vl OUTLET FlICILITIES "'"AT FULL CAPACITY V '\:.POWERHDUSE AND DUTLET FACILITIES -OPEj"TINGI(MATYHING INFr)I___J 40 30 50 10 60 70 BO 2184 o 20 90 2168 2188 2190 2194 2\92 2196 2200 2198 2202 WATANA I .HYDROLOGICAL DATA -SHEET I FIGURE Fe -34 !-I~~,RbERVOIJ INFlOW I OUTFlOW !~"\~ ~V OUTFlOW INFLOW-~ t EMERGENCY SPIllWAY OPENING'-...POWERHOUSE ClOSED .rClUTFlOW MATCHING TlOW ).r~~I),~~~~,e:ie ~ -J V rRATnlj POWERHOUSE 302llIII1520 TIME IDAYS! RESERVOIR ROUTING I-SO YR.SUMMER FUlOlI /INFLO -oUTFl 1/N~ I V r'-.-.POWERHOUSE AND OUTLET FACiliTIES OPERATING I oo 10 3D 40 50 20~ s ~ l!530251520 TIMElOAYS) 10 r-.. I 1 II , INFl W.OUTFlOWY 1\ /'""'['..f .."r--. _f;-I :'--MAIN iPlllWAY jERATlj I I"fOWERHOUSE AND .OUTlET FActLiTtS OPERAl'NG 60 40 80 120 180 leO 100 140 0 0 20 3530251520 TIME lOAYS) 10 240 320 80 40 280 360 120 ~160 it s g 200 o ;( 30III152025 TI\I!E lDAYS) RESERVOIR ROUTING I-SO YR.SUMMER FLOOD I lr POWER~OUSE AJO /g~:~il::ClLtT1ESr '(MAJ.WSEL-I458 1452 1460 1454 1450 o g 1458 I!1456 iil I 35302515'20 tIME (DAYS) RESERVOiR ROUTING 1'10.000 YR.FlOOO 10 I lir'WELoUSE,t luTLET FlclLiTIES NO MAIN SPILlW rr OPERATING !'--MAX.JSEL'1455 1452 1450 o ~1458 ~ 1458 1460 j:: !!> ~1454 ~ I 3530251520 TIME (DAYS) 10 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD I I RESE~OIR ELEVATION I MAX.WSEl .r~~~.:t.CY-jut;OPERATING "1..1 £r\oI\POWE~HOUSE~'lNG II'\'"0 \ 0 1\~ 0 I 1480 1460 1450 1410 1470 1420 1400 .;: ~1440 ~.!1430 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD RESERVOIR ROUTING I-10,000 YR.FLOOD DEVI L CANYON HYDROLOGICAL DATA -SHEET FIGURE Fe -35