HomeMy WebLinkAboutBering Straits Native Corp and Sitnasuak Native Corp - Harnessing the Wind in Nome Alaska Report 2007marnessInd dhe Wm_ d m K N rl T l ,. J A joint effort between Hnniessing the Wind in Nome Alaska 1 .1. Executive Summ -air l Toes of Project I HarnessOng the in in Noes s. Contacts; Jerald Brown Vice President, Bering Straits Native Corporation (l3 SNQ PO Box 1008 Nome, Alaska 99762 Mona:907-443--4307 Fax: 907-443-2995 entail ibrowDCti)bp-rjii&straiLi.coiii Neal Taster Vice President, Sitnasuak Native Corporation (SNC) PO Box 905 Noire, Alaska 99762 Phone.907-443-2632 Fax: 907-443-3063 ennail ffoster`7snc.or Briaij Jackson, P.E. Principal, Western Cornmunity Energy, LLC (WCE) 4213 Beriepe Strut Bozeman, MT 59718 Photae:406-579-6164 Fax: 866-903-9951 b_ Size of Project: $5,400,000 c. Description of Project. - This project provides for the installation of eighteen Eategrity E-W-15 wind generators in Nome, Alaska, This is the first cornnierciai wind farm to be installed in the city of isiome which enrrently gets 100% of its power from diesel generation. Nome is a rural community with approximately 3500 residents and is a hub community which supports many villages in the region. The installation of this wind power project will provide a rated 900 M of power- with a maximum output of 1,170 M to the Noind Joint Utility electric grid over a 20 year extendable project timcframe. las Lead of selling the energy at the avoided cost rate allowed by law, the owners of the project have committed to selling the. energy at a fixed or floating price below the avoided coast calculation. The revenues frorn the wind farm will be, shared equally between Sitnasuak Native. Corporation (SNC) and Bering Straits Native Corporation (13SNC). BSNC has further agreed to dedicate 5017a of its profits from this project to development of rouewable energy projects in the villages around Nome. Selling the energy at a rate below avoided costs will provide savings to the utility to Help to lower the energy costs in the Nome area and provide some energy produced locally that is not dependent on imported oil. If oil prices continue to rise drarnatically as they have been, that savings could be significantly higher than currently projected. Providing for renewable energy Projects in villages Should help reduce the dependency on oil in those locations where oil must he flown or barged in �tnd ultimately help reduce energy rates in those, locations. The profits from tare project which are ultimately distributed to the shareholders of BSNC and SNC will help provide income to an area where. many have very limited incomes. Harnessing the Wind in Nome Alaska 2 Ovw-arlI, (Iris project provides a eash and trip credit based VC.VCnL1e Sh-Cain or over $ 1 5 l+Jililion, provides lobs and keel7:: money working ill the community whilo nlcrecas'ing overall powe.1- gc1le.ra1iLj11 reliability by producing it lcically. This is an excellent delllonMration Gr a commercial Opportunity that needs to be eagerly developed. d. Supports State Rural Development Initiatives This project ties in directly and SLIPPO t& several key issues with the State: Golds, Furtilermorre, the I�rojec( is very timely ill that It lines up with the new Administrative Order 238 signed by Governor Nllll ill Alaska on September 14, 2007. Besides expanding renewable energy resource programs, the order" intends t(r "promote aggressive- development of renewable energy sources such as geothe-rnlal, wind, hydroelectric, tidal, and in - stream energy." Furthermore, the governor "is Signing n letter Lllrlt acids Alaska as ail observer to the Western Climate Initiative." Alaska can demonstrate that wiled power generation Ilelps achieve the objectives of the initiative. Alaska Energy Authority Wssi6n: Reduce the oW. of evwavgy its Alaska Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) projects and programs support its mission by 1) providing for the operation and maintenance of existing Authority -owned projects with maximum utility control, 2) assisting in the development of safe, reliable, and efficient energy systems throughout Alaska, which are sustainable and environmentally sound, 8) reducing the cost of electricity for residential customers and community facilities in rural Alaska, and 4) responding quickly and effectively to electrical emergencies. This wind farm will sell energy below the actual avoided cost arid clearly in its own way reduce onergy costs and provide for further development while keeping energy dollars in the colnnaunity by utilizing a local renewable wind resource. e. Project Tirneframe Individuals responsible for overseeing the management of the project are primarily Jerald Brown (B,SNC), Neal Foster (SNC) and Brian D. Jackson, F.F. (WCE), Resume infoi'maltion For all individuals is included in the feasibility study and appropriate sections. A more detailed project task list is included later. Tillnelille Goals & Taslis MAY 2008 ronilaiize Equipment Orders BSNC / SNC JUKE 2008 Secure Anchors and Foundations Electrical and Site Work WCE AUGUST 2008 Wince Turbh>Ee Installation WCE SEPTiCMMER 2008 Final Commissioning WCE / Entegrr7ity Harnessing the Wind in No= Alaska 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.I]nnoutive.................................. ...... ............................... _.2 Title_Project: ................... -...................................... .2 o. Contacts' Jerald ' '^'^~'`......... ^~--^^'--'^^^^^'-'~`'--^^```-~^2 b. Size of Project: $5,400,000 ........... -....... ..................................... ........................................... n. Description nfProject: ..................................................................... ........ ....................... ......... d- Supports State Rural Development Initiatives ................................. _~__,.,_^_,,^,............. e. rcq*t T1mnIraozc............................................................................. _........................................ 3 2. TABLE OFCONTENTS .... '^^^~^^^^`~'-^^^^^^''^~---^^`^-^^---^^-....................................... ..4 3 Z�hnn�Uz�(�vvon�� . ........ ....................... _......... _~...... ......................... '^'-.~--.,..-.-~.^.---.6 Board Resolutions .......................... .................................................... .......................................... 6 4. Community: ................................... .......................................................... ...... ^-............ ................. d Nome; Target City ,^^r,-,.^,^.,'~_-.,........................ ............................ .......................................... 5. Coordination with State Rural Initiatives ................ ........... .......................... ....... _`,^.8 6. PrniontOverview ............. ......... .......... ................. ................................. ........................................... 8uProject ..-..................... ........................................... ........... ........................................... PROJECT ENGINEERING FEASIBILITY STUDY B'yRENAISSANCE ENGINEERING &c DESIGN..................................................... .................................................. ....... ._^,.,._.,.,____ 6u1. Financial Performance Analysis ........ ....................................................................... g _................ 6o2. Data Analysis Summary ....................................... .................................................................... Capacity Factor Calculation with Patched Data from Alaska Energy Authority ................ .,....... 1O l0 9n�oc�Auzcxuonu��cl��ca�uou ---^ ''''^^''''--'''-^^^^^^-'----'~^'^'^^'^'~^--'~-'-''''--.--.-l0 NomeData Report ........ _........................................................................................... .................. Alaska Wind Resource � 10 --u� = -~-^-------'~^^^^'--'-^--^-^---^^-'--^----...l0 6u�. Wind Quote, Manuals, Design, ,Information ........................................... ll Do���������mou �� ~--- zuu/q��-,..................... ^^........................................................................ Il Specifications and 5 year ......................................................................... ................... 1l Customer Information, Technical and Operation Packet ............................................................... 1l On��mz��0em���n�� '--- ........................ ^........................................................ Il ..................... MuintcnnnceqzulInspection Instructions ....................................................................................... ll �D���7o�����a���o�n�m� Special -'--^-^^^^^^^^^--'~----^---^-.-.--~...'ll Special Pier Foundation Designs for Kotzebue and Nome Region ......... .................... _^^.^^^_,.l1 %I��tv. du4 . -----' Interconnection Preliminary Design .......................... 12 0a5. Project Design Support Letters .................... ........................................................................ l3 Idaho National Laboratory Letter ......... ..-................................ ~....................... ........................ l3 National Renewable Energy Laboratory Letter ............................................................................. l3 Idaho D���� �u���on�c��o�r /o/�,�� - '^............................. ......................................... l3 6b. Project`Management ....................................................... -'^...................................................... Brian Jackson - Renaissance - Project Engineer .................................................... ..................... l4 14 JcmaldBrovvu-Bcrbog Straits Native Cmrn-FbnaooiolAcc000t' ....-__,`^.~....... Mitch Erickuou-Locol Manager - Data Collection and Reporting ............. ....................... ........ 14 Mutt Bergan - Experience Installing, Operating, Maintaining Entegrity Turbines ... .................... 14 Eagle Electric - Electrical and General Contracting ................. ....................................... l4 ............ Idaho Tower Company - Experienced Tower Erection Crew .............. _................................. ^.. 14 6o and Other Approvals the ProjectLocation Maps.................................................................................................................. 15 Sample Project Kotzebue Information and Photos........................................................................ 15 AlaskaInterconnection Law......................................................................................................... 15 Matt Ganley VP Land and Resources Resume.............................................................................. 15 6d. Benefits of Project; Goals and Performance Measures .............................................................. 16 Complete Data Collection and Real -Time Performance System ................................................... 16 M,a ngful Commercial Installation NOT an. Experiment ....................... :................................... 16 Lower Local Energy Costs in Nome and Increase Reliability....................................................... 16 Commitment of 50% of Profit to Renewable Energy Installations in Villages ............................. 17 Revenue for BSNC and Sitnasuak Shareholders........................................................................... 17 Inspiration for Future Installations and Future Generations .......................................................... Renewable Energy Alaska Project Letter 17 ...................................................................................... 17 Draker Sentalis Energy Data Analysis Package............................................................................ 17 7. Project Budget ........................:.:.................................................................................................... 18 Detailed Project Itemized Budget Spreadsheet... ........... .................................................... .......... 18 Harnessing the Wind in Nome Alaska 5 3. About the Owners Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC) and Sitnasuak Native Corporation SNC are for -profit Alaska Native Corporations established by Congress in 1971 as part of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. BSNC and SNC together represent over 6,000 shareholders (and also serve over 10,000 descendants of shareholders), all of which are Alaska Natives. BSNC feels a responsibility for its shareholders and their descendants as is evidenced by the mission statement "To improve the quality of life of our people through economic development while protecting our land and preserving our cultural heritage". SNC's Statement of Purpose reads "To earn profits on operations, while protecting our land and culture and benefiting shareholders", Board Resolutions This project has been authorized and is fully supported by the corporations. 4e Community: Nome: Target City Nome is a 1st class City located on the south shore of Alaska's highly mineralized Seward Peninsula, 500 miles west of Fairbanks and approximately 510 miles northwest of Anchorage. Nome lies at approximately 64.25 North Latitude and 165.30 West Longitude, 102 miles south of the Arctic Circle and 161 miles east of Russia. Nome, as the center or "hub" of the Bering Straits/Seward Peninsula region, provides retail, transportation, medical and government services to the surrounding villages as well as city residents. As a "hub" community, all trans -shipment of goods to the region either arrive via air -freight or seasonal main -lime barge service from Anchorage and Seattle, WA. There is no road access to Nome or the villages in the Census area. Nome's population is 3,505 (2000 census), while the regional village based population is estimated at 11,300, Income USDA's Economic Research Service lists the Nome Census Area's unemployment rate at 12.1 % with a median household income (2004) of $40,010 at 763% of the State Median Household Income. However, these numbers are misleading as the State of Alaska's Department of Labor reported "of the 5,765 reported residents age 16 and up, 63.7% percent were employed in 2003. However, of that number, 3,255 or 75.5% earned less than average annual wage of $36,700 and 2,058 or 47,7% earned less than full time minimum wage of $14,872". (State of .Alaska, Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Research and Analysis Section publication "Alaska Economic Trends, June 200511 , "Employment and Earnings Measures of Economic Distress"). Then in a more recent "Alaska Economic Trends — July 2006" noted the "Cost of Food at Horne for a Week in Eight Alaska Cities", cited the 2005 food cost for a family of four with children ages 6 to I 1 was $199.09 per week and 164% of Anchorage. 'These same groceries can be purchased in Portland, Oregon for $94.00. Cost of Harnessing the Wind in Nome Alaska food as well as all other consumer products are driven by the high cost of energy, affecting transportation, heating, lighting, cooling etc. Freight companies also add a substantial fuel surcharge to their base rates. Energy Costs The high cost of energy continues to have a negative impact on homes and businesses. Nome is dependent on fuel oil for both home heating and electrical generation. Nome Joint Utility Systems, Nome's electrical provider, supplies electricity to 2,160 consumers. Their base per Idlowatt rate for residential customers is $.1775/kwh for usage between 200 and 700 kWh per month; however, there is also a fuel surcharge to adjust for the annual fuel cost increases. These fuel surcharges began in 2004 with a surcharge of $.0283, $.0752 in '05 and $.1354 in '06. With the surcharge of $.1354 added to the $.1775 base rate, 2006 per Kilowatt rates were $.3129 plus a $5.00 base service charge and the 5% city of Nome Sales Tax. Nome's two retail fuel suppliers, Bonanza Fuel and Crowley Services report current home heating fuel costs at $3.89/ gallon and $3.99/gallon respectively during the winter of 2007/2008. The average annual fuel oil expense per household in 2006 was $3,209,00. These high hor-ne heating fuel costs are felt monthly as essentially every day is a "heating degree day". Nome has 9,987 "heating degree days", with a high of 1,398 in January and a low of 146 in July (NASA Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy — Available Tables). The University of Alaska — Anchorage Institute of Economic and Social Research (ISER) December 2005 Research Summary states "Diesel is the main energy source in remote communities, and in 2004 diesel outside the rail belt cost about five times as much per unit of energy as natural gas. Community facilities such as electrical plants, water and sewer services and health clinics use diesel fuel." From 1996 to 2006, annual average wholesale and retail princes for heating oil has increased by 187% and 139% respectively, after adjusting for inflation (U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, 2007). The State of Alaska, Division of Community Advocacy, Research and Analysis Section, Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development just completed a report "Current Community Conditions: Fuel Prices Across Alaska, June 2007 Update" which noted on page 2 that "On July 30, 2007, the price of a barrel of Alaska crude oil reached near record highs of $78.58, a remarkable 152% increase over the 1997-2006 average price of $31.15" "Of noteworthy importance, as the State's oil revenues climb, Alaskans continue paying record high energy prices, especially in rural communities". September 20th set a new high for Alaska crude at $82.82 per barrel. The study also noted that western Alaska reported the highest average heating fuel retail price at $4.73 per gallon. In the reports Conclusion, it was noted that "Significantly increased fuel and energy costs combined with high unemployment rates, limited local economies, and local governments struggling to provide basic local services continue to present rural Alaska communities and households with challenging circumstances with no long-term solution in sight". In 2006, the Nome Chamber of Commerce in concert with the City of Nome began researching options to replace diesel as our primary energy source. An Energy Summit was held that looked at the options including.natural gas, geothermal, wind, solar, hydrogen and nuclear energy. Nome's Mayor Denise Michels noted at the same Energy Summit that "the City of Nome has made it a priority to deal with local and regional energy issues". Harnessing the Wind in Noire Alaska 7 In January of 2005, the U.S. Department of the Interior completed a paper called the "Engineering and Economic Analysis of Natural Gas Production in the Dorton B asin' (http://rruns.gov/alaskareNatural_gasNorton.pfd). This study noted that although there is an estimated 18.20 BCF (billion cubic feet) of natural gas located within 30 miles of Nome, it would cost an estimmated $100 million to develop it. The Pilgrim Hot Springs geothermal resource was estimated to cost $40 million for a 20 MW binary plant. It was estimated that it would cost an additional $20 million to tie the plant into the Nome grid. The abundance and quality of wind (Nome's Class 4-wind resource) became Nome's most cost effective way to address our energy needs. 5. Coordination with State Rural Development Initiatives This project ties in directly and supports several key issues with the State Goals. Furthermore, the project is very timely in that it lines up with the nrw Administrative Order 238 signed by Governor Patin in Alaska on September 14, 2007. Besides expanding renewable energy resource programs, the order intends to "promote aggressive development of renewable energy sources such as geothermal, wind, hydroelectric, tidal, and in -- stream energy." Furthermore, the governor "is signing a letter that adds Alaska as an observer to the Western Climate Initiative." Generating clean renewable energy from local wind instead of using imported fuels helps the economy and the environment, The irony is though Alaska exports oil, it must import fuel from refineries in the south. On February 23, 2006 the Bering Straits Native Corporation's Board of Directors passed a Resolution that asked the Department of Energy and the Congress of the United States provide funding for the Tribal Energy Program, more specifically for Native -owned lands in Alaska, on a basis that it reflects the geographic area and energy potential of said lands. The exploration and development of these alternative and renewablc resources would benefit not only the rural residents of Alaska, but would assist in securing domestic non-renewable and renewable energy for the greater good of the people of the United States. Alaska Energy Authority Missions Reduce the cost of Energy in Alaska Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) projects and programs support its mission by 1) providing for the operation and maintenance of existing Authority -owned projects with maximum utility control, 2) assisting in the development of safe, reliable, and efficient energy systems throughout Alaska, which are sustainable and environmentally sound, 3) reducing the cost of electricity for residential customers and community facilities in rural Alaska., and 4) responding quickly and effectively to electrical emergencies. This wind farm will sell energy below the actual avoided cost and clearly in its own way reduce energy costs and provide for further development while keeping energy dollars in the community by utilizing a local renewable wind resource. 6. Project Overview This project is completely ready to move forward from a design, technical, and feasibility perspective. With a timely notice to proceed, these turbines will be on one of the early barge shipments to Nome in the spring of 2008. The goal of the project team is to move ahead with excitement and enthusiasm to build this project in the most efficient manner. Harnessing the Wind in Nome Alaska 8 6a. Project Design This project is a very simple, easy to install design. The turbines are available and the equipment for installation is alz-eady available in Nome. The entire project can be installed and on-line by mid summer 2008. The attached engineering evaluation and summary shows the expected results and performance of the project. Extra expense and time is involved with arctic construction. The good news for this project is it is not inventing a new solution, but implementing a tried and proved method and system. PROJECT ENGINEERING FEASAEiLffY STUDY BY RENAISSANCE ENGINEERING & DESIGN The following key sections 6a1, fiat, 60, and 6a4 are pant of an overall evaluation by Brian D. lack -son (credentials included its Section 6b Management, He states that "This project is completely feasible from a technical and a financial standpoint as a true generation project to contribute meaningful, reliable, renewable, electric energy to the Nome Joint Utility Distribution Grid." The most important thing to note on the design is that nothing here is "revolutionary" or "experimental". The system is benefiting from the past ten years of experimenting that has gone on in Kotzebue, Alaska, The Nome Project is benefiting from all of the lessons Iearned in previous projects and is drawing on the expertise of individuals that were involved with wind projects like this one and even specific to the Entegrity model proposed. Note the exhibits under Tab 6c Regulatory apply specifically to this design section in addition. They show the utility requirements as well as some aspects of the Kotzebue installation where over a 1,000 kW of wind is operational. 6a1. Financial Performance Analysis The attached business model spreadsheet is fairly complex but in a single page represents the operation of this commercial wind business venture over the next 20 years. Over the 20 year life of the project on this sheet, the turbines produce $18M of energy assuming only a 3% inflation rate on the current avoided cost calculation of 23 cents per kWh. (Note that the turbines come with a 5 year warranty and Entegrity specifically states in the specifications that the turbine has a 30 year design life.) The fourth sheet shoves the avoided cost calculations and the effect of the up to five cents per kWh discount that Bering Straits has been discussing with Nome Joint Utility. The budget which drives the capital cost of this project is included here for reference but discussed in greater detail in Section 7. Note that the discount provided to the utility results in a $2.9 million savings over 20 years to Nome Joint Utility which can be transferred on the customers. Also this shows about $10 million being divided among Sitnasuak and Bering Straits and then distributed to the villages and/or shareholders as appropriate. Of particular note in addition in the energy capacity analysis chart the substantial boost in wind energy comes at a time when winter is setting in, particularly October, November, and December which also coincides with extra need for heating oil. Harnessing the Wind in Nome Alaska 9 -1 r if Project Capital Costs Budget 0 ENTEGRITY WIND TURBINES AND TOWERS $ 2,970,000 Transport Shipping and Offloading to Site $ 333,000 Spare Parts, Specialty Tools $ 60,000 Foundation 1 Tower Geotechnical Analysis $ 45,000 Foundation Design Foundations $ 25,000 $ 540,000 Access Roads $ 50,000 Local Tower Install Crew $ 36,000 Crane $ 45,000 Electrical Interconnection Electrical Contractor Labor $ 72,000 480V - 25kV Transformer One per 3-Pack) $ 60,000 125A Disconnect: One per 3-Pack) $ 18,000 Wire: Low Voltage, High Voltage, Ethernet $ 144,000 Power Quality / Capacitor Systems $ 45,000 Conduit $ 5,400 • Trenching and/or Overhead Poles Electrical Permit $ $ 54,000 1,000 Electrical Engineer One -Line $ 4,000 Utility Metering, Interconnection Switch, Plant Upgrades $ 110,00D SGIA Fees $ 5,000 Legal Costs Project LLC Operating Agreement $ 5,000 Permitting Environmental Permitting $ 50,000 WCE's Fixed Program Management Fee (6% of Project Budget) $ 328,632 contingency —21%of Non -Fixed Project Expenses $ 471,172 ENTEGRITY PROJECT BUDGET www.WesternCommunityEnergy.com srgy 6n-2- Data Analysis Sumirpary Energy projections were performed on actual patched wind data from the Nome area. Much of the Anvil Mountahi data had significant icing in it, and was collected and patched by others using airport and other wind data. When comparing actual data to a Rayleigh distribution with the same annual average wind speed, the energy production estimates are very close as seen in the analysis summaries. Using tl- s finding, two more production estimates were performed with Rayleigh distributions and annual average wind speeds closer to the wind classes shown on the Alaska wind reaps for the Nome area. The wind classes shown in the area are Class 4 and 5, and therefore additional energy projections were performed using 15.0 and 16.0 mph annual average wired speeds at 30 meters above ground level. What this means in a summary form is that the financial projections based on a 30% capacity factor are EXTREMELY conservative. At the same time we have included a 95% availability indicating that we expect the turbines to be off-line about 5% of the time due to maintenance or other problems. We know that Tin City which is located at the western point above Kotzebue on the attached wind map exhibits is a CLASS 7 wind resource. Modeling of turbines at that site results in over 50% capacity factor with any turbine at any height tower. Capacity Factor Calculation with Patched Data from Alaska Energy Authority Project Anemometer Locations Nome Data Report Alaska Wind Resource Neaps Harnessing the Wind in: Nome Alaska 10 vviriu Aknaty5m aurnrnary mepon Site Information Project: Nome, AK, Anvil Mtn. Location: Nome, AK, Anvil Mtn. Site Elevation: 900 ft Averaging Time: 60 min Date Range: 111106 0:00-12(31106 23:00 Diurnal V111nd Speed Pattern —Average Wind Speed [mph] —Average rind 17ireciian [degrees] 13 16 i4 r 12 'a 10 a � S v 4 2 a 0i 10 20 30 40 50 Wind Speed [mph] t 0.9 OX N m 0_7 L rn 0.s .9�. 0.5 0 0.4 0:3 Gi 0.2 c 0.1 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Horns r0 60 �+ 50 `may 40 m p 30 C 20 10 0 ,ensor Information Sensodfower Height: Scaled Height: Windvane Offset: AOC 15150, 15m rotor 0 10 20 30 40 s0 so Wind Speed jmph] Frequency Distribution Graph ®Relative Frequency [°%] *Estimated Energy. [kWh] C EKe—InlluluJ lly 98 ft 7310 98 ft 0 degrees Wind Rose Graph Drag wind rose picture dare and! size for best viewI g. Percent of Total Wind Energy Inner Circle = 0% Percent of Total Time Outer Carcle = 70% statistics Days Used in Calculation: 365.00 Hours!Used in Calculation: 8760.00 70M Gust Speed: 133.63838 mptl Gust Time: 2/412006 16:00 6000 Estimated Energy Output: 125937 kWh s000 Calculated Air Density: 1,191 kglm"3 Average Wind Speed: 13.72 mph 4000 ild Average Wind Direction: 0 degrees mar S' Capacity Factor, 0.29 3000 ig " Turbine Manufacturer: AOC/Entegrity E 2000 7 Turbine Model: AOG 15150, 15m rotor w Turbine Rating: 50 kW 1000 jEstimated Annual Production: 125937 kWhNear Scaled Est. Annual Producion: 126661 kWhNear Scaled Air Density: 1.188 kglm"3 Scaled Capacity Factor: 0.29 shape alpha = 2 hours scale bete (metric) = Enter number to choose power carve: 1= GE 1.5MNV, 70.5m rotor.1.2261cgPm3 scale beta = 15.48136217 8760.03 6-.92D591048 7 2 = GE 1.5MW, 70.5m rotor. i A2kg7m3 Enter Mean, In mph Anemometer height, m 3 = GE 1.5MW, 70.5m rater, 1.02kgdm3 13.72 30 Total Gross Energy Production Capacity factor 4 = GE 1.51VIW, 77tn rotor,1,225kgfm3 Scaled Mean, in mph Scaled hub height, m 129078.8613 29 4701 % 5 = GE 1.5MW, 77111 rotor, 1.12kgft5 13,72 30 6 = GE 1.5MW, 77m rotor, 1.02kg1m3. Scaled Mean, in mis Estimated Wind Shear Site Elevation (in feet) Calculated Air Density average lkglmA31, based an elevation 7 = Entenrity 5n KW. Ism rnt 1 99ek„iro 1 0.-1 ase 14Fizo U.14 0 1.225 8=user defined Vflfind Speed Weibull Distribution 300 250 200 s 150 - �Estlmated Curve � E i= too -- 50 _ 1 0. / i 111 i 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 46.00 BUD 55.00 60.00 66.00 70.00 Wind Speed, mph Shape alpha = 2 hours scale beta (metric) = scale beta = 16i92568751. 8760.01) 7.666243857 iLmer Mean; In -mph .Anemometer height, m 15.0,0 34 i otal Gross Energy Production Capacity factor Scaled Mean, In mph Scaled hub height, m 157261.0921 35-90441A 15 30 Enter. number to -choose power curve: 1 = GE 1.5MW, 70.5m rotor, 1 225kgtm3 7 2 = GE 1.5MW, 70.5m rotor, 1.12kg)m3 3 = GE 1.5MW, 70.5m rotor, 1.02kglm3 4 = GE 1,5MW, 77m rotor, 1.225kg)m3 5 = GE 1.5MW, 77m rotor, 1.12kgfm3 6 = GE 1.5MVJ, 77m rotar, 1.02kcr1m3 Scaled Mean, in We Est€mated Winasnear irte t€evauonLin reel) tiamwa[au r;ir uensng eveiaye t ymr-a1. uuoco on �ov� 6,70540903 0,14 0 1.225 Wind Speed Weibull-Distaibution 250 - 200 ' r 150 — e m r 1a6A, - 16. 50 6 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.90 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00- 50.00 55-00 60.00 65.00 70.00 Wind Speed, mph ®Estimated Curve m rat.. 1.2251cghn3 Shape alpha = 2 hours scale beta (metric) := Enternumherto choose powercuive: 1 = GE 1.5MW, 70.5m rotor. 1.225icgfm3 scale beta = 18.05406607 8760.00 8.070S60i 14 7 2= GE 1.5MW, 70.5m rotor, I-12kgfm3 ;Enter Mean, immpliAnemometer height. m 3 = GE 1.5MW, 70.5m rotor, 1.02kgfm3 16:p0 30 Total Gross Energy Production Capacity factor 4 = GE 1.51VIW, 77m rotor, 1.225kgfm3 Scaled Mean, in mph Seated hub height, m 178819.8187 40.8262% 5 = GE 1.5MW, 77m rotor, 1.121cgfm3 16 30 6 = GE 1.5MW, 77m rotor, 1.021cg/m3 Scaled Mean, in mis Estimated Wind Shear Site Elevation (in feet) Calculated Air Density average jkgfm^3l. based on elevation 7 = Entenritv'50 KW. 15m rot- . 1. 4 r.Z15 Wind Speed Weibull Distribution 250 200 1 750: i e' 'a E 100 50 - 0 0.00 5A0 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 05.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.80 70.00 Wind Speed, mph ®Estimated Curare ,I Nome A niometex Locatioas. Note the Snare River Site ir- the open plains. Anvil Mountain site. is on the exposed ridgetop. SITE DESCRIPTION ICAO STATION IDFNTiFlEr2: PASIM DATE PREPARED' €3 3/2005 i l Y, ALAS -!!A e� 't STATE MAP COURTESY OF MSN MAPPOINT Lc►cAL MAP c©I. mTESY or AIRNAV, LLC LATITL 113E 64.517 L ijNr.ITLI©E - i 55.45 ELEVATION > 1.3 M TmWE~R TYPE AS45 TL7WER HEiCGiHT a M MONITOR START 01/1 973 ❑ 1/1 924. MI7NI'70R EN0 12/1981 135/90❑5 NODS DATA SET 702000 Annual Temperature Profile 70 za 10 U 3 [ 4 � Q O © -1tY � [^ I6 -2a 30 JAI`! I EB MR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP X-i NOV OF-C so as ryw 3a ' G a 10 20 , 813 West Northern lights Boulevard • Anchorage, Alaska 89503 907 ! 269-3QgQ • FAX 947 ! 269-3g44 • Toll free (ALASKA ptdLY} 8$813Q0-8534 1 www,al;energyauthoriEy,org 813 West Northern lights Boulevard • Anchorage, Alaska 89503 907 ! 269-3QgQ • FAX 947 ! 269-3g44 • Toll free (ALASKA ptdLY} 8$813Q0-8534 1 www,al;energyauthoriEy,org WIND POWER INFDF2MATIQN AVERAGE F%C wr=:R DirN5vrY 1 4 1 WIND PF3WER CLASS 2 PCIWER RA'r•iNr. MARGINAL Mange Annual Wind SpeOd 10,g 00 QA Bp 7.0 eo a •�u ao I an En � to an E r-r 1 1 � 1 1 1— !- g,o -" ----- ---- ----- � g$ via 0.g 9 4�6 P,g o- 4�0.._. � �° r. �n-t P�• cZy a'o-'iafa-. y�gx ;b.ti-a'axer�'- .iy9}S��tir�u�ua'y Diurnal Average Wind Speed a '^^•'•January 2a ----Jul E 6 E � 7 3 - S Local Standard 71019 (hrs] Wind SE E Speed I3istribufxon Rose (Irtls) N NW �, pAverage pist�if+uUon V V E C1Janu@ry q JWy Monthly Wind Speed Frequency Distribution E14 p12 1U u $ � 6 er 4 W d , �.-NMM11-�M�'e7 Qs,4 r-r t']'ar �}Mti�mbs�NNM VM � T^r-. S^Y-rt-'✓,-�r—NiyNNItiN wrrla sped (mis) Average Wind Speoc! ,a � 20 m 6 w m rn 45Si 3 L� 6 2 5 a 1 g o rySE 12 q g '�•" 4-2. 4.'f h.Z .8 Wind Frequency pistributian Rose (%af Time) N NW E 0Average l3istribution FJ Janua July �7 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard •Anchorage, Alaska 99503 907 ! 2G9-3006 -FAX 907 l ZB9-3i]44 •Toll Free (ALASISA ONLY) 868 ! 360-8534 • www,aidea.ofg Diurnal Average Wind Speed a '^^•'•January 2a ----Jul E 6 E � 7 3 - S Local Standard 71019 (hrs] Wind SE E Speed I3istribufxon Rose (Irtls) N NW �, pAverage pist�if+uUon V V E C1Janu@ry q JWy Monthly Wind Speed Frequency Distribution E14 p12 1U u $ � 6 er 4 W d , �.-NMM11-�M�'e7 Qs,4 r-r t']'ar �}Mti�mbs�NNM VM � T^r-. S^Y-rt-'✓,-�r—NiyNNItiN wrrla sped (mis) Average Wind Speoc! ,a � 20 m 6 w m rn 45Si 3 L� 6 2 5 a 1 g o rySE 12 q g '�•" 4-2. 4.'f h.Z .8 Wind Frequency pistributian Rose (%af Time) N NW E 0Average l3istribution FJ Janua July �7 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard •Anchorage, Alaska 99503 907 ! 2G9-3006 -FAX 907 l ZB9-3i]44 •Toll Free (ALASISA ONLY) 868 ! 360-8534 • www,aidea.ofg q g '�•" 4-2. 4.'f h.Z .8 Wind Frequency pistributian Rose (%af Time) N NW E 0Average l3istribution FJ Janua July �7 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard •Anchorage, Alaska 99503 907 ! 2G9-3006 -FAX 907 l ZB9-3i]44 •Toll Free (ALASISA ONLY) 868 ! 360-8534 • www,aidea.ofg Wind Frequency pistributian Rose (%af Time) N NW E 0Average l3istribution FJ Janua July �7 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard •Anchorage, Alaska 99503 907 ! 2G9-3006 -FAX 907 l ZB9-3i]44 •Toll Free (ALASISA ONLY) 868 ! 360-8534 • www,aidea.ofg �. 10V 952•' 148' 14" 140' s _ Alaska Mainland Regions Arc A& Ocean }, 50 m Wind Power t{atZB� ✓13 a jl T. Ust9ki So>.,r7d 1. 521 r'' ray `1?sQhoi The annual wind power estimates for this map were produced by AVii1S Truewind using their Mesomap system and historical weather data. available surface data by NRE Wind nd i � energy Meteorological consultants. �.. '... GUif Wind Power Classification !'Cl1f1 m' A O Wind Resource Wind Power Wind Speed& WindSpeeda Sea i L Power Potential Density at 50 m at 50 m at 5o m Alaska ' class Nilm mis mph Ste"- �- _ .. - `i?a:. ` 6 _ _ • .. - i 1 Poor 0- 200 0.0- 5-3 0.0- 111.9 iG n0' io'u' 4 ^` 14.y=: 2 Marginal 200- 300 5.3- 6.1 11.9-13,7 $ Fair 300- 400 6,'i - 8.7 13.7 - 15-0 4 Good 400- 500 6.7. 7.3 1560-16.4 5 Excellent 500- 600 7.3- 77 16.4-17.2 1 - 8 Outstanding 600- Boo 7.7- 8.5 17-2-19.0 .. 7 Superb > 600 > 6 5 > 19.0 100 0 100 200 300 400 Klometers U.S. Department of Energy a Wind speeds are based on a Weibull k of 1.8. Watball k values in National Renewable Energy Laboratory 50 _ 0 50 100 150 200 _250 Was ,Alaska very from 1.4 to 2.0_ 'The Department of Energy's Wind Program and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREQ published a new wind resource map for the state of Alaska. This resource map shows wind speed estimates at 50 meters above the ground and depicts the resource that could be used for utility -scale wind development. wind resource at 50 meters. Future plans are to provide wind speed estimates at 30 meters, which are useful for identifying small wind turbine opportunities. As a renewable resource, wind is classified according to wind power classes, which are based on typical wind speeds. These classes range from Class 1 (the lowest) to Class 7 (tile highest). In general, at 50 meters, wind power Class 4 or higher can be useful for generating wind power with large turbines. Class 4 and above are considered good resources. Particular locations in the Class 3 areas could have higher wind power class values at 80 meters than shown on the 50 meter map because of possible high wind shear. Givers the advances in technology, a number of locations in the Class 3 areas may suitable for utility -scale wind development. This map indicates that mainland Alaska has wind resources consistent with utility -scale production. The largest contiguous low elevation area of good -to -excellent resource is located in the western part of the state between Bethel and the Yukon River Delta. Coastal locations along the Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean are likely to have goad -to -excellent resource. Excellent wind resources are located on higher ridge crests crest locations throughout mainland Alaska including the Brooks and Alaska Ranges and the Chugach Mountains. h-Ltp: /lwww. eere.energy.gov/windandhydro/windpowerincameri ca /ractps t_emplate.asp?state.ab=ak - a° 1640 16W 1 %und� . Wind Pow Class DETAIL FROM NI EL WIND MAP FOR ALASKA, NOTE INTENSE COASTAL ZONES AND PREDOMINATE CLASS 4 AND CLASS 5 WINDS IN NOME AREA AND I OTZEBUE AREA 6aS. E°ntegrity Wind Systems Oaote, Manuals, Design, Information This section is self explanatory; however, it is significant to note the Entegrity turbine is the result of almost 10 years of collaborative research and development at die National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The covers of a few select test reports are included after Lary Flowers' support Letter in Section 6a5. Quote for Turbines from Entegrity Specifications and 5 year Warranty Customer Information, Technical and Operation Packet Operation and Service Manual Maintenance and Inspection Instructions Special TILT -UP Tower photos and Instructions Special Fier Foundation Designs for Kotzebue and Nome Region Ha.inessing the Wind in Nome Alaska I IllegI U Renaissance Enghicering and Design 792 Desert Wind Mo.W Oasis, Idaho 364 7-5020 ire}C�TMrarrttyulntJ.ears1:1gi'Ti'fl' ?$:2007 wv xert;�rilyn€Mlrnx■ l : List Price and Ten (10)'rurtsine Mr, Jackson, This letter is V.) acknowledge that Enter&3, Wind Systems Inc. (E-51) intends t) Nvork with Retiaissance Engineering and Design (Renais&in ) in good faith to Delp Rerranuissanc:e develop its proposal to sell ton' (10) EW15 50kW wind turbi-nes fear histallation in Nanae, Alaska. Current list fni,ce on the FEW] 5 5OkW turbine including turbipae, 1 O()' 1a#tice lower and SCADA controller is $165,000 US for tai is scald otmide the lower 4$ (Works EWSI). The price includes a five-year warranty wid five-year O&M afire-enaerat. The price does stot includeshipping (estimated at $13,00 )funit). Please continue to work with Mwk Bounaansour directly to eoordinate aji support, includh g sales mid engin Bring, from EWSI. Wo logic forward to Neon g With Y011 can this exciting prgjevL Pleme let us, know if you need any additknial info rniation to prepare yow proposal. John M Brown Managing Director 303.410.8199 cc: Mark Bournansour. Derek Burns, Chtwles Newc:onA, lti .lcohn Lodge. I-' W' l EW 15 60HZ Specifications SYSTEM Type 3 + Grid Connected Configuration Horizontal Axis Rotor Diameter 15 m (49.2 A) Centerline I-€ub 1.1cight 25 to (82 fl) PERCORMAi*,Cf PARAMETERS Rated Electrical Power 50 kW (aD11.3 cols (25.3 nzph) Maximum Power Rating 66 kW Wind Speed Palings Cut -In 4.6 nth (10:2 mph) Shut -Dawn (high windy 22.4 ads (50 Rtph) Design Speed 59.5 m/s (133 mph) Calculated Net Annual Output 5.4 rnls (12 mph) 87,000 OArh @ 100 °la availability 6.7 ruts (13 mph) 153,0.00kWli 8.0 mis (18 reph)_215,OOo kWh ROTOR Type of Hub reed Fitch Roar Diameter 15 m (49.2 ft) Swept Area 177 mr (1902 ttz) Number of Blades 3 Rotor Solidity 0.077 Rotor Speed n rated wind speed 65 rlmt Location Relativo to Traver Downwind Cone Angle 6° Tilt An& 00 Rotor Tip Speed 5I rrds (114 mplt) Lr`t 64 [ iz Design Tip Speed 6.1 BLADE Length 12 m (23.7 it) Material Epoxy /glass fibre Made Weight 150 kg (330 lbs) approximate GENERATOR Type 3 phase/4 pole asynchronous Frequency 60 Hz Voltage 3 phase 0 60 Hz, 40.0-600 VAC kW (Q Rated Wind Spced 50 kW kW @ Peak Continuous 60 kW lnsuladrut class r Enclosure Totally Enclosed Air OVCC Options Arctic low temp shoiting -40°e TRANSMISSION Type planetary Housing Duedie iron Ratio (rotor to gan_ Speed) I to 26.25 (60 Hz) Rating, output horse power 83 Lubrication Synthetic gear oillnan toxic Heater (option) Arctic version, electric YAW_SYS-73M Normal Flee, passive Optional Yaw dutnp Electrical Twist Cable TOWER Typo Free suandiag galvanized bolted lattice Tower 1-(eighl 24.4 m (60 €t) Options 30.5 in (100 -t), TEL down FOUNDATION Type Concrete pads, pierx or -spacial CONTROL SYSTEM Type Microprocessor based C:ommarications Ethornet/Intenrctmodule for unerggy monitoring and maintenance dispatch Enclosures NEMA 1, NEMA 4 (optionol) Soft Start Optional ROTOR SPEED CONTROL. Running Passive stall regulation Start up Aerodynamic Shut -down Aerodynamic tip brake. Parking brake for SeNicing. BRAKE SYSTEM CONTROL Fail-safe aerodynatnic, electrodynamic, and harking brakes. APPROXIACkTF.. SYSTEM DESIGN WE GHTS Tower 3;210 kg (7,090 €b) Rotor & drive traits 2,420 kg (5,340 lb) Weight on Foundation 5.630 ke (12,420 lb) DESIGN LIFE. 30 Years DESIGN %T&NDARDS. Applicable Standards, AWEA, and lEC IlO(-.tlrvlCNTATION: Installation Guide and Operation & Maintenance Manual 5CREDtILEI) MAINTENANCE: Semi-annual orafter severe evenrs. FOR MORE INPQRMAfl0 N ON THE EW 15 WIND TURBINE PLEASE VISIT 0 RWCBSIT£A7uvww,ente9r1tyw1nd.00MORCALLUSAT 902-365-7171 EW15 Estimated Annual Energy Output 60 Hz 3190000 30000D x 2Sgtlaa 200000 O 150000 ro 100000 �, 5gg00 10 11 Avg Annual Wired Speed ruts nieg. Lry, EVV15 (formerly AOC 15150) Power, Curve Ganz Compiled from data from Bushland Texas, San Gorgonio California, and Burlington Vermont USA Adjcwted fne sea level Ind (nTp_ h) Wind Speed (mIqj ewer I�Vtr) 0.0 0.0 -0.062 1.1 0.5 -0.062 2.2 1.0 -0.061 3.4 1,5 -0.061 4.5 2.0 -0.057 5.6 2.5 -0.056 6.7 3.0 -0.052 7.8 3.5 -0,080 8.9 4.0 -0.326 101 4.5 -0.150 11.2 5.0 1.180 12.3 5.5 3.841 13.4 6.0 7.145 14.5 6,5 10.698 15.7 7.0 14.514 16.8 7.5 18.754- 17.9 &0 23.231 19.0 8.5 27.662 20.1 9.0 31.741 21.3 9.5 36.222 22.4 10.0 40.238 23.5 10.5 44.156 24.6 11.0 47.535 25.7 11.5 51.355 26.8 12.0 53.899 28.0 12.6 56.399 29.1 13.0 58,835 30.2 13.5 60.217 31.3 14.0 61.944 32.4 14.5 62.905 33.6 15.0 63,803 34.7 15,5 64.196 36,8 16.0 64.452 36.9 16.5 64.879 38.0 17.0 64.869 39.1 17,5 64.838 40.3 18.0 64.337 41.4 18.5 64.140 42.5 19.0 63.362 43.6 10.5 63.552 44.7 20,0 63.563 FICA'Ar T3c1rfas Qiy �f.� wwokka tiPsot 0 *J' wp MO_M. Meraga Wind Speed Weltolf distribullort k = 20 MIS MP I Annual Energy 4ufputM*) 4 l 8.9 31171 4.1 9.2 34530 4.2 9.4 38038 . 4.3 9.0 41686 4.4 0:8 45468 4.5 14,1 49377 4.6 10,3 62404 4.7 1015 57542 4,6 10,7 61784 4.9 11.0 66121 5 11.2 70546 5.1 11.4 75052 5.2 11.6 79631 5.3 1119 04275 5.4 12.1 BB979 5.5 12.5 93734 5.6 12.5 98535 5.7 12.8 103374 5.8 13.0 108246 5.9 13.2 113143 6 18.4 118090 6.1 13,6 122592 6,2 13.9 127932 6.3 14.1 1,W75 6,4 14.3 137817 6.5 14.5 142751 6.6 14.8 147673 8.7 15.0 1 452576 6.9 15.2 1 157462 6.9 15.4 162320 7 1.5.7 '167148 7.1 15.9 171942 7.2 10.1 176097 713 16.3 181410 7.4 16,6 186077 7,5 16B 190664 7,6 17.0 195258 7.7 17.2 109766 7.8 17.4 204214 7.8 17.7 20860p 0 17.9 212910 8.1 18.1 217170 8.2 18.3 221350 8.3 18.6 225457 3.4 18.8 229487 B.5 19.0 233439 6.6 19.2 237311 6.7 79.5 241100 6.8 10.7 244806 8.9 19.9 248426 9 20A 251959 9A 20,4 255404 9.2' 20.6 258780 9:3 20.8 262025 9.4 21.0 26,5195 9.5 21.3 268269 9,6 21.5 271269 9.7 217 274iB5 9,0 21,V 276968 9.9 22A 279678 10 22A 282294 1011 22.5 284817 10.2 22.B 287246 1013 23.0 289533 10,4 23.3 291828 10.6 23.5 293030 10.6 23.7 296041 10.7 219 298012 10.8 24.2 299693 10,9 24.4 301685 'l i 24 B 3033B9 EW15 Net Annual Energy Output 60 Hz 35Q000 30090p c 250000 3 200000 160000 - a O 100000 50000 0 n 5 f 7 a A zt� 11 Avg W1od Speed m!s ENTEGRITY WIND SYSTEMS INC. FIVE YEAR WARRANTY ON EW16 WIND TURBINE GENERATOR PART I: WARRANTY The EW15 Wind Turbine Generator and components supplied by Entagrity Wind Systems Inc, (EWSI) are warranted to the original purchaser to be free from defects in material and workmanship to the extant and for the period and subject to the conditions specified hereunder. If a defect in material or workmanship becomes evident during the EWSI warranty period, EWSI will repair, or at its option, replace the component within a reasonable time, and without charge for parts and EWSI direct factory labor. EWSI reserves the right at its sole discretion to replace defective parts with either new or factory re -built parts, and/or to replace complete assemblies instead of individual components thereof. Component parts replaced under this warranty shall carry only the remaining portion of the original warranty. This warranty shall be for alive year period, commencing on the date the turbine is mounted on the tower or on the 91st day after the date of shipment from the place of manufacture, whichever occurs first. For projects requiring multlple EW15 Wind Turbine Generators and requiring a staggered delivery schedule, the warranty commencement date may be negotiable prior to completion of the -sales agreement or purchase order, PART II: DISCLAIMER This warranty is the sole warranty that applies to the EW15 Wind Turbine Generator. EWSI MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED OTHEP THAN THOSE SET FORTE! HEREIN. EWSI MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF SUITABILITY OF PERFORMANCE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND/OR SITE, ART lit: LIMITATIONS OF DAMAGES EWSI shall not be liable for consequential damages or any incidental expenses resulting from any equipment or component failure except that EWSI will cover consequential damages to the EWSI wind turbine system in which the improperly functioning component or part is installed. EWSI's sole responsibility hereunder shall be to replace or repair any defective or non -conforming part as set forth In Part I, PAIN IV: EXCLUSIONS This warranty shall not Include. (a) repair of damage caused by misuse, abuse, or failure to maintain or operate the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions; (b) repair of damage caused by nuclear Incident, war, invasion, hostilities, acts of foreign enemies, civil war, rebellion, insurrection, military or usurped power or martial law or confiscation by order of any government or public authority, terrorism, winds over 120 MPH (54 mis), vandalism, fire, floods and other Acts of God, such as earthquakes, lightning, tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes or, by equipment and/or services provided by any party other than EWSI; (c) repair of damage to equipment other than the wind system components furnished by EWSI; (d) upgrading of the wind system in terms of output or reliability; and (e) cosmetic refinishing which EWSI does not consider essential to the proper functioning of the system. The direct labor component of this warranty covers in factory time by authorised EWSI service personnel. This warranty does not cover travel or other 003% associated with transporting personnel, equipment, tools, or on site labor by EWSI personnel or others. Costs for such items will be billed by EWSI to the Owner at cost, PART V; WARRANTY CLAIM PROCEDURE Owners of EW15 Wind Turbine Generators that qualify under this warranty shall notify EWSI of the equipment serial and identification numbers and the date and nature of the suspected failure or defect. When it is determined that parts or components are to be replaced, Owner shall return the defective parts or components prepaid to EWSI. EWSI will ship repaired or replacement parts or components by most economic means to commercial depot nearest to Owner. PART VI: OTHER RIGHTS AND REMEDIES EWSI reserves the right the make changes and improvements in its products without incurring any obligation to make these changes and Improvements to products previously supplied, EWSI reserves the right to Change the terms of this warranty in the future without incurring any obligation to matte the revised terms applicable to products previously sold or supplied. Effective date from; May 15, 2006 N01 H All rnaltin anbjrcl u, nws� uut4 Spttilird sm p.*t t or t%k manual, 2041e, I.rt�:r_i �r4 15'lail N+%w l'; IIse. te��°�� Wind Systemis Inc. 1+ GENERA TOR Formerly the AOGi5/5o Customer Information Packet PO BOX 832 Charlottetown, PE Canada, CiA 7L9 Tel - IL-902-368.7171 Fax - 1-902-368.7139 Email- info@entegritywind4com www.entegritywind.com TABLE OF CONTENT 1.0 BACKGROUND & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 2 Figure 9-1 EM5 WTG 3 Figures 1-2 Power Curve & 1-3 Energy Output Curve 4, Figure 1-4 Drive Frain Assembly Diagram 5 Figure 1-5 Drive Train Assembly Diagram Detail 6 Figure 1.6 EW15 with Tip Brakes Deployed (photo) 6 2.0 RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT & FIELD TESTING 6 Figure 2-1 Wind Farm in Kotzebue, Alaska (photo) 7 3.0 PROJECT PLANNING S 4.0 DELIVERY SCHEDULE 8 5.0 WARRANTY 8 6.0 INSTALLATION, COlV MISSiONING & MAINTENANCE g 6.1 T ypically Required Installation Tasks 7.0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE g 8.0 SPADE PARTS 9 9.0 WIND TURBINE GENEATOR COST 9 10.0 APPENDIX Item A. Item B. Item C. Item D. Item E. Item F. EW15 50 HZ design Specifications EW16 60 HZ Design Specifications Client Project Questionnaire Tower Loads Specifications Shipping Configurations & Weights Project Planning Outline L Site Factors ii. Utility Factors iii, Permits & Approvals iv. Plans & Drawings v. Construction Planning Considerations vi. Installation Personnel Considerations vii. Foundation Installation Item G. Foundation Specifications, Standard Tower Item H Foundation Specifications, Ti It Tower Item I. Foundation Specification, Pedestal Style Standard Item J. Anchor Belt Specifications Item K. Standard Five -Year Warranty 10 11 12 13 14 14 i5 19 21 23 25 27 Disclaimer Welcome to the EWI5 Wind Turbine Information Package, As used in these Terms and Conditions, the term "EWI5" refers to the Wind Turbine manufactured by Entegrity Wind Systems Inc. (EWSI) as represented at www.entegrhywfnd.com as well as that contained in any publication or advertisements that include, but are not limited to, handouts from trade shows, magazine articles, third party websltes, print advertisements, and other errafled information. Entogrity Wind Systems Inc. does not control, and is not responsible for, any third - party site on which the EW15 wind turbine Is featured or our website is linked to from. Likewise, the term "Information Package" refers to printed Information that Is meant to inform the reader about the specific features of the EW15 Wind Turbine. You agree that your use of the Information Package is subject to the following Terris and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions may be modifred at any time and from time to time; the date of the most recent changes or revisions will appear on this page. Continued use or the Information Package by you will consfitute your acceptance of any changes or revisions to the Agreement. it you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, please do not use this Information Package. The m9tarlals contained on the Information Package Are provided by EWSI as a service to you for Your noncommercial, personal use on an "as is, as available" basis and rrray be used by you for information purposes only. You acknowledge that you are using the Information Package at your own risk, EWSI assumes no responsibility for error or omissions in these materials. EWSI makes no commitment to update the Information contained herein. EWSI makes no, and expressly disclaims any and a11, representatlons or warranties, express or Implied, regarding the Information Package or EWIS Wind Turbine, Including without limitation the accursoy, completeness, or reliability of text, graphics, links; products and services, and other items accessed from of via information Package, or that the Information Package will be error -free, complete, or contain ail Information you require. EWSI also melees no, and expressly disclaims any and all, representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the EVVS1I website, including without limitation the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of text, graphics, links, products and services, and other items accessed from of via the website. No advice or information given by EWSI or any other party referenced herein shall create any warranty or liability. EWSI does not warrant or malts any represantatlans regarding the use or the results of the use of the materials In the Information Package or at our website In terms of their correctness, accuracy, time4news, reliability, or otherwise. Under no circumstances shall EWSI or any of its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, or their respective partners, officers, directors, employees, or agents be held liable for any damages, whether direct, incidental, Indirect, special, or consequential, and including, without lirhltation, lost revenues or lost profits, arising from or in conneatfon with your use, reliance on, or performance of the information contained in the Information Package or on the website. EWSI makes no warranties of merchantability or fitness of its products and services for a particular purpose and/or site. EWSI shall not be responsible for any direct or consequential damages or any incidental expense, including.ecpnomic loss resulting from the use of this document or our website. Their use is intended to provide product evaluation information only. Power curves, as represented In the Information Package and shown on the website are representatNe of typical power available at the controller based on measured and calculated data. Annual energy Is calculated using_power curves and a Rayleigh wind speed distrtbudon_ Energy production may be greater or lesser dependent upon actual wind resources and site conditions, and will vary with wind turbine maintenance, attitude, temperature, topography and the proximity to other structures. For the EWSI website, EWSI periodically schedules system downtime for maintenance and other purposes. unplanned outages also may occur. EWSI shall have no liability for the resulting unavailability of the website: or for any loss Information caused by planned. or unplanned system outages, or any outages of web host providers or the Internet infrastructure and network external to the website. Copyright All materials published In the Information Package or on the website are protected by copyright laws, and may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, resold, displayed, broadcast, or otherwise exploited in any manner witheut the express written permission of either EWSI or, In the case of content licensed by EWSI from third parties, the entity that is credited as the copyright holder of such licensed content. You may download freely accessible material (one copy per page) from the websfte for your personal and noncommercial use only, without altering or removing any trademark, copyright, or other notice from such material. In the event you believe.that any content pasted in the Information Package or on the wabslte Infringes your copyright or other intellectual -property rights, you may notify EWSI by providing the Information required by the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Action of the Digital Millennium Copyright Art,17 U.S.C. 512, to MSI: EWSI PO Box 8$2 Charlotialown, PE, CIA 7Le Attention: Carmen Maeintyre Telephone: (902) 36&7171 E-mail: info@entegritywind.com '41tl IlCk: 1U rtintral %UI-ixrl tt: r:h trs:00 tliNl:lilari\ xjwci fiesl art N.,Ar I Pit thi•.;Ila" 0:11, 20 4f, I-e(10 1� li% IWI SY%Iru4 ,- ills. 1.0 Background & Technical Specifications Together with the U.S. department of Energy (DOE) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL) Advanced Wind Turbine Program, Entegrity Wind Systems Inc, (EWSI) (then known as Atlantic Orient Corporation or AOC) developed an advanced 50 kW wind turbine which produces energy at competitive rates for distributed generation; village electrification, diesel -based utilities and purchased power displacement for agriculture, industry and municipalities. AOC based its design on the Enertech E44 series wind turbines, of which approximately 750 were built between 1982 and 1986. They were installed in wind power stations throughout the United States, as well as in several other countries. Most are still in operation today. AOC evaluated the historic performance of a significant number of E44 series wind turbines, identifying problem areas and ranking them according to their impact on 'turbine downtime. Specific downtime related issues were then targeted and solutions proposed. The impact of the various solutions was then evaluated on an economic and risk basis to further define the benefits of each improvement. Resulting from this analysis, AOC developed a preliminary design for a 50 kW wind turbine - the AOC 15/50. The results obtained were so encouraging that the final design and prototyping of the AOC 15/50 were initiated under separate NREL contracts. The Dutch National Laboratory for Renewable Energy (ECN) performed an independent reliability analysis concluding that the AOC 15/50's design was sound. After an extensive review and analysis of the operating histories of existing wind turbines, AOC's design team incorporated many design features in the AOC 15/50 to enhance its energy production. These features included: -4 Advanced modified NREL thick airfoils -k Electromagnet controlled tip brakes -- Single piece hub casting Innovative slip ring to transfer power to the tip brakes Integrated gearbox with improved internal components Totally -enclosed generator Single piece cast tower top with larger yaw bearings Uniformly tapered galvanized lattice tower -� Advanced controls based upon a microprocessor controller Ethernet communication module for remote monitoring In September 2004, Entegrity Wind Systems Inc, (EWSI) assumed the assets of Atlantic Orient Corporation and officially changed the machine name to the EW15 from the AOC 15/50. The remainder of this information package will refer to the company as EWSI and will be updated soon to reflect the change of name of the machine in the foundation and tower load drawings_ All information on the wind turbine is current. Vfi'I II'i.r �N laulcrti �t+ti}rvi lu +na{rw a!!�i �}hclsllutlti:siK ++n I1:ii,r ; sjt tiff. nfmxw,ll. + SAi114, b.n+ rYii1' �� ltl11 S45I!'Iifti lur. I t itf* 8RAKE MEECRANI W it t 4tit E PDXY-118RECkAS4 1'.iRdCi[�iC 6P,AF:;= � EIIE Pix'.?EE CASI OP � FREE YAW %,Ad$/siShc_'ED u STEEL 3 LEG TCrldER JUNGTtt?N �-Ox W1 4, SO K Oa -Iv I UA.241FE £Gtl VRAC 60, Hx a%A, NVsrrM7YWIO MIX Fiigiire 1-1 EW15 WTG Figure 1-1 illustrates a typical EW15 Wind Turbine Generator (WTG). The 'designation 15 refers to the turbine's 15 m diameter rotor and its rated output of 50 M. The rated output is reached at wind speeds of 12 m/s (26.8 mph) for the 50 Hz WTG and 11.3 m/s (25.3 mph) for 60 Hz WTG. As shown in the power curve in Figure 1-2, the wind turbine is designed to cut in at 4.6 m/s (10.2 mph). The turbine is stall regulated and at about 15 m/s reaches its peak output of 55 M for the 50 Hz WTG and 66 kW for the 60 Hz WTG. Assuming 100% availability and average wind speed of 6.7 mis (15mph), it is calculated to produce 145,000 kWh/year for the 50 Hz WTG and 153,000 kWh/year for the 60 Hz WTIG. Figure 1-3 illustrates the projected net annual energy production as a function of average annual wind speed. Full specification for both the 50 Ilz and 60 Hz configurations are given in the appendix. 110'i'9('F.: Ali tal:afi; 13, ";O)j d w notc> mid specified (106IkgV 1 OfUJ6 111:131MIL r� 2001; LawLgrity Wi11d ,gystesa:s Inc. Pnurar Curves oo Hz 50 Hz is Wind 5peect (: ifs) Figure 1.-2 EW15 Power Curve Annual Energy outptA Averaga wind Speoci (m/s) Figure 1-3 EW15 Projected Net Annual Energy Production NOTE: The power curves show the typical power available at the controller based on a combination of measured and calculated data. Annual energy is calculated using power curves and a Rayleigh wind speed distribution. Energy production may be greater or less depending on the actual wind resources and site conditions and will vary with wind turbine maintenance, altitude, temperature, topography and the proximity to other structures including other wind turbines. 14011C.'r. AH enutent subject to voles and discixiners specifiet] on pa&e 7 oftb'ss m413081. P 206 Futcp ity Wiod Systms Inc. The EW15 has been designed as a robust, economical, low -maintenance wind trrrbine to be utilized in extreme environments. The tower top casting provides a rigid, low cost interface between the gearbox and the tower. The low speed shaft has a sufficiently large diameter and the necessary material strength to accommodate the structural and fatigue loads encountered during operation. The hub consists of a single piece casting for design simplicity. See Figure 1-4 Figure 1-4 EW15 Drive Train Assembly A more detailed view of the turbine assembly is provided in Figure 1-5. The design team aimed for design simplicity. The heart of the design is the integrated gearbox consisting of a single piece, cast housing. The generator is flange -mounted to the planetary gearbox with the enclosed parking brake directly coupled to the totally enclosed generator. There is no nacelle. Paruin,a ertiiea Figure t.-5 EW15 Drive Train Assembly Ept* yICmlas5 POW: Bla&-% ah an' Ini3 PdO'6'ICL: Ali vjnteW SO)IeCt V) no"i"h and di"ChliEnOrs q)e lined ail pag(. i of't16% n..r33Eal. C12006 EnUgrity'Wind `ystellm Flit. The EW15 aerodynamic tip brakes are latched or, released by electromagnet when triggered by the control system. A spring return device assembly is incorporated to return the tip brake to closed position. All components are designed for fail-safe operation. See Figure 1-6 below. Figure 1-6 " EW15 Wind Turbine with Tip Brakes Deployed The EW15 uses an induction generator and can be easily interconnected to an electric utility network (3 Phase, 400 to 600 VAC) or a diesel grid. The details of your installation will be based on the requirements of the interfacing network and/or the local utility. A Single Phase turbine is in development and expected to be field ready in 2007.2008 2.0 Research, Development & Field Testing The EW15 represents the latest technology in highly reliable, affordable turbines. Our design effort is fully supported by design tools, which include FLAP, PROP, YAWDYN, ADAMS and Algor for finite element analysis. EWSI maintains a test facility for continuous testing of key system components. Drive train components, generators, control systems and braking systems have been thoroughly evaluated under a range of loading conditions. Furthermore, long term testing and research continues to provide EWSI with data to refine modeling and analysis techniques, as well as to verify the performance and reliability of its products. Over the past twelve years, EWSI has been involved with a series of test wind turbines in various climates. Some of these wind turbines have been instrument -equipped for structural load evaluation. Locations of these turbines included. Palm Springs GA, Rocky Flats CO, Bozeman MT, Bushland TX, South Burlington VT, Scotland, and the Atlantic Wind Test Site NO -TIC- . All ltniten; sulO leo 00 noi4s wid {O'I.Ndai5ileri . mpesirieii or [Mge 1 of'iliix utaainal. 20[P(a O ih[C�F7iY iii(O Yysle fs Our. 7 on Prince Edward Island, Canada. EWSI, in cooperation with the United States Department of Energy and Kotzebue Electric Association Alaska, has developed a small wind farm during the past six years with twelve EW15s. See Figure 2--1. The project is located in Kotzebue, north of the Arctic Circle, and was monitored and evaluated for performance by the DOE and EPRI Wind Turbine Verification Grogram.' Figure 2-1 Wind F2rnm at I,Ca$zebue, Alaska To date, commercial wind turbines have been located in Canada's Northwest Territory, Northern and Southern Ontario, Saskatchewan, Prince Edward Island, Alaska, Central Russian Siberia, Argentina, Maine, New Hampshire, Texas, North Dakota, Vermont, New York, United Kingdom and Morocco. Currently EWSI is focusing on the North American Market Area only for the EW15 wind turbine. Other areas will be added when production levels increase in 2007-2008 and when marketing and after sales support for these areas are developed. For more information on the Kotniebue project please visit wwvv. koa. coop NOUCE: All comical Nuh.ied to noses afiilt on P:Igi� S ofilaia w-')BUsl. 3.0 Project Pianning The appendix includes a project -planning outline, which includes timelines and basic details on site factors, permits, utility interface, and installation. These sections are intended as checklists to assist our customers in addressing the relevant details of an installation in a logical sequence. Although most items apply to both large and small projects, not every item will apply to every project, To insure thorough planning, it is very important that customer understand why a particular detail is or is not appropriate to the installation. By reviewing the entire list at various stages of the project, the customer should be able to ensure that no details necessary to complete a project have been overlooked. 4.0 Delivery Schedule The EW15 has a delivery time of typically two to six (2-6) months after receipt of deposit. Delivery schedules largely depend on independent project and site -specific characteristics. 6.0 Warranty EWSI will provide its normal five-year warranty on the EW15, which becomes effective at the time of turbine installation and successful commissioning or ninety (90) days after the shipping date, which ever occurs first. See Warranty in the appendix. 6.0 Instalisation, Commissioning & Maintenance Unless otherwise requested and agreed upon, the installation, commissioning and maintenance of the EW15 turbine is the responsibility of the customer. It is highly recommended however that the customer solicit the services of EWSI trained personnel to provide site supervision and commissioning of the wind turbine. A per diem and travel and accommodation expenses apply to any EWSI personnel sent to the customer site. 6.1 Typically Required Installation Tasks (Manual Available) 1. Design and install foundation. Specifications are found in the appendices. 2. Provide weatherized shelter for turbine control boxes. Provide cabling and conduit between the turbines, controllers and utility interface. EWSI can provide controllers mounted in an ISO container or other suitable shelter. NEMA 4 enclosures are also available at extra cost_ 3. Provide utility interface. 4. Wind Turbine Installation. 5. Wind Turbine commissioning. 6. Service and maintenance training. The EW15 requires rnininial O&M. See the Following. K019 `..; AN to illrAj }{11,lt ro II! Jjg4-.:%od div 1ximenJ1VV I firil on =It11;1' I „P 11i1. {I,A itItR1. ., MOW ormw ln:- 7.0 Operation & Maintenance Typically, the system requires 2 man -days of annual inspection and adjustment and Mrs/month or less in routine inspection. A remote monitoring system is also available which will allow remote diagnosis and performance monitoring. At the time of commissioning EW81 will conduct operations and maintenance training for personnel if requested. Monthly Inspection m Visually inspect turbine/site for obvious problems o Record meter & run time readings Inspect for loose fasteners Semi-annual Inspection (every 6 months) Q Check torque of tower bolts Inspect gearbox for leaks © Check torque of blade'and turbine Inspect main shaft for leaks bolts Inspect slip rings or rotary a Inspect yaw bearingllock transformers 0 Inspect & test tip brakes Re -grease yaw bearing and yaw lock e Inspectgenerator—connections (be sure not to over grease) 8.0 Spare Parts Depending on site -specific conditions EWSI will recommend certain spare parts be purchased in order to lessen the likelihood of potential down time. Factors taken into consideration will include site -specific climate conditions, availability of local suppliers in the vicinity of the site, numbers of machines installed, and overall accessibility to the site. Demote or other difficult to reach sites may require more on hand stock due to long delivery times or un-availability of common items such as mechanical hardware or electrical components. 9.0 Wind Turbine Generator Cost The final cost of the EW15 will depend on selected options for specific site conditions. The standard EW15 includes the EW15 drive train assembly, basic controller for grid interconnection, blades, and 100 ft (30 m) SSV tower. 2 80ft (24.4m) and specialty towers available at additional or lesser charge. The foundation is site specific and its design and construction is normally the customer's responsibility. EWSI may have a local install company or may be able to suggest a local contractor for your area. Other available options include arctic and marine weather protection packages, specialized controllers for remote communication and wind -hybrid system integration, and aeronautical obstruction warning equipment. Typical payment terms are as follows, 25% deposit upon placement of order m Balance upon shipment FWSI reserves the rigid to alter price at any 6me. Pricing may also vary depeliding on civantities ordered. Contact us at info@entvgritywind,com or (902) 368-7171 For current pricing, N(YJ h t: ilk molt"I Adilrvt;u Vmv% 400 d;'i; Iielwr•-,Iit6(ird slit p:144- t vI itsi• rst:at"hI, ' .11% 1 WL94(1 ;'L and .OAP a 61M. H 1 .0 Appendix CU, AN rErutcal mnhjrvI kr owirs and +f':+viaim�r.xir�elfir:<.i s:rs p►jst i uflfti> �turprr:d. t 264e EllirgI11% Witod,titivtmN fur. E 15 54 Hz WTG Design Specifications SYSTEM Type 3 t� Grid Connected Con@gurallon Horizonl@I Ails Rotor Diameter 15 m (49.2 ft) Centerline Hub Height 25 m (52 ft) PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS Rated Electrioal Power 50 kW @1,1,3 tnls (25.3 mph) Wind Speed Ratings cuttn sliut-down (Wgh wind) design speed Calculated Net Annual Output @ 100 % availability ROTOR Type of Hub Rotor Diameter Swept Area Number of Blades Rotor Solidity Rotor Speed @ rated wind speed Location Relative to Tower Gone Angle Till Angle Rotor Tip Speed Design 'rip Speed BLADE Length Material Blade Weight GENERATOR Type Frequency Voltage kW @ Rated Wind Speed kW @ Peak Continuous Insulation Enctosure Options TRANSMISSION Type Housing Ratio (rotor to gen. speed) Rating, output horse power Lubrication Heater (option) YAW SYSTEM Normal Optional Electrical TOWER Type Tower Height Options REV. Ntmember 2006 4.6 mis (10.2 mph) 22A mis ( 50 mph) 50.6 mis (133 mph) 5.4 mis (12 mph) 85,000 kWh 6.7 MIS (15 mph) 145,000 kWh 8.0 mis (16 mph) 199,000 kWh Fixed Pitch 15 m (40.2 ft) 177 mx (1902 ft� 3 0.077 62 rpm Downwind 5° 0° 48.6 mis (109 mph) @ 50 lit 6.1 T2 m (23,7 ft) Epoxy /glass fibre 150 kg (330 lbs) approximate 3 phasel4 pole asynchronous 50 Hz 3 phase @ 50 Hz, 400-600 V $0 kW 55 kW Class F Totally Enclosed Air Over Arctic low temp shafting (-40°c) Planetary Ductile Iron 1 to 24.57 (60 Hz) 88 Synthetic gear oil/non toxic Arctic version, electric Free, passive Yaw damp Twist Cable Free standing galvanized bolted lattice 30 m (100 ft) 24.4m(60ft) Monopole So m (100 ft) Tilt clown E�] FOUNDATION Type Concrete pads, piers or special CONTROLSYSTEM Type Micro Processor Based Communications Ethernel Module or Serial link to central computer for energy monitor and maintenance dispatch Enclosures NEMA 1, NEMA 4- (optional) Soft Start Optional ROTOR SPEED CONTROL Running Passive stall regulation Start, up Aerodynamic Shut -down Aerodynamic tip braise. Parking brake for servicing. BRAKE SYSTEM CONTROL Faii-safer aerodynamic and parking brakes. APPROXIMATE SYSTEM DESIGN WEIGHTS Tower 3.210 kg (7,080 lb) Rotor & Drive train 2,420 kg (5,340 ib) Weight on Foundation 5,630 kg (12,420 lb) DESIGN LIFE:30Years DESIGN STANDARDS: Applicable Standards, AWEA and EIA DOCUMENTATION: Installation Guide and Operation & Maintenance Manual SCFIEDULED MAINTENANCE: Semi-annual or after severe events. NOTE 1; F-otegrity Wind Systems Inc. Is constantly working to Improve their products; therefore, product speclfloations are subject to change without notice. NOTE 2: Power curves show typical power available at the controller based on a combination of measured and calculated data. Annual energy is calculated using power curves and a Rayleigh wind speed distribution. Energy production may be greater or lesser dependent upon actual wind resources and site conditions, and wilt Vary with wind turbine maintenance, altitude, temperature, topography and ilia proxlmtty to Other structures Ncluding wind turbines. NOTE 3: For design options in accommodate severe climates or unusual circumstances, please contact the technical and sales offlce in Prince Edward island, CANADA, NOTE 4: Far Integration into high penetration wind -diesel and village eleptrifioation schemes contact the technical & sales office In Prince Edward Island, CANADA for technical support and systems design, ,wten i %nUjree It- n4iie,an die iarsitir, % v,riirieri e,,, t,axr r ortiii. roans.11. 3tMt f:nlr Eri1c ► iind luc, EW S 60 Hz WTG Design SpecificationF, SYSTEM Type Grid Connected Configuration Horizontal Axis Rotor Diameter 15 m (49.2 fit) Centertlne Hub Height 25 m (82 ft) PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS Rated Electrical Power 50 kW @1.1.3 m/s (25.3 mph) Wind Speed Ratings cut-iil shut -down (high wind) design speed Calculated Net Annual Output @ 100 % availablllty ROTOR Type of Hub Rotor Diameter SweptArea Number of Blades Rotor Solidity Rotor Speed @ rated wind speed Location Relative to Tower Cone Angle Tilt Angle Rotor Tip Speed Design lip Speed BLADE Length Material Blade Weight GENERATOR Type Frequency Voltage kW @ Rated Wind Speed KW @ Peak Continuous Insulation Enclosure Options TRANSMISSION Type Housing Ratio (rotorta..gen, speed) Rating, output horse power Lubrication Healer (option) YAW SYSTEM Normal Optional Electrical TOWER Type Tower Height Options PEV. November 2006 4.8 MIS (10.2 mpb) 22.4 mis ( 50 mph) 39.5 m/s (13$ mph) 6.4 m!s (12 mph) 87,000 kWh 6 7 mis (15 mph) 153,000 kWh 8.0 mis (10 mph) 215,000 kWh Fixed Pitch 15 m (49.2 ft) 177 ml (1902 ft� 3 0.077 65 rpm Downwind 66 0" 6:1 MIS 014 mph) A 60 Rz 6.'1 7.2 m (23.7 ft) Epoxy /glass fibre 150 kg (330 fibs) approximate 3 phase14 pole asynchronous (Hx) 60 HZ 3 phase @ 60 Hz, 400-600 V 50 kW 66 kW Class F Totally Enclosed Air Over Arctic low temp, shafting (A &c) Planetary Ductile iron 1 to 28.25 (60 Hz) Be Synthetic gear oiVnon toxic Arctic version, electric Free, passive Yaw damp Twist Cab$0 Free standing galvanized bolted lattice 30.5 m (1 DO ft) 24A m (80 ft) Monopole 30 m (100 ft) Tilt down FOUNDATION Type Concrale pad, pier or special CONTROL SYSTEM Type Micro Proc[assor Based Communications Ethernet Module or Serial link to cential computer for energy monitor and maintenance dispatch Enclosures NEMA 1, NEMA 4 (optional) Soft Start optional ROTOR SPEED CONTROL Running Passive stall regulation Start tip Aerodynamio Shut -down Aerodynamic tip brake. Parking brake for servicing, BRAKE SYSTEM CONTROL Fail-safe aerodynamic and parking brakes. APPROXIMATE SYSTEM DESIGN WEIGHTS Tower 3,210 kg (7,080 Ile) Rotor & Drive train 2,420 kg (5,340 lb) Weight on Foundation 5,6a0 kg (12,42D Ib) 13ESIGN LIFE: 30 Years RESIGN STANDARDS: Applicable Standards, AWEA, EIA and IEC DOCUMENTATION; Installation Gutda. and gperation & Maintenance Manual SC14EDULED MAINTENANCE.: -,Semi-annual or after severe events. NOTE 1: Entegrity Wind Systems Inc. is constantly working to Improve their products; therefore, product specifications are subject to change without notice, NOTE 2: power curves show typical power available at the controller based on a combination of measured and caioulated data. Annual energy is calculated using power curves and a Raylelgh wind speed distribution. Energy production may be greater or lesser dependent upon actual wind resources and site conditions, and will vary with wind turbine maintenance, altitude, temperature, topography and the proximity to other structures Including wind turbines. NOTE 3: For design options to accommodate severs climates or unusual circumstances please contact the technical and sales office In Prince Edward Island, CANADA. NOTE 4: For integration into high penetration wlnd-diesel and village elect 'ircation schernes contact the technical & sales office in Prince Edward Island, CANADA for technical support and systems design. �li r+nl+.'nl rnlslCri ti: tltolt-'. Anil disrlidlsllPra rlbeelrterl sun pa$ta I or ILis glartaat. ZINlNI rilgrgril� Wind 8%lrtsv' tut. 17 U Entecgrity Wind Systerns Inc.: Client P?-ojoct Questionnaire Site Characteristics 1. erirtallation l_ocation(s)o� 2, Aveeoge Annitai Wind Speed iai/s (1 rF➢pli = .44'1 mis) 3. Peads Mind Speed PTI/S 4. Oihtcllow of Prevailing Wind. .� 5. Distant e frafn utility service Point / d esel gonerators to turbine site, 6. Obstrur-dons (Crees, hills, h aildlrigs, aestrJe:fions) 0 Yes 0 No 7'. Please doscribe fits goographic area of the site (Incla & area site in trill accessi iiity and local restaictions relpluve to height, pror;i.- i tys to boundaries, etc:.) and attach to this uestionnaim. Include photo(s) or nvp(s) if possVe. Cost Information 1. !Vet Price of Electricity y � � ,S / ky lhr 2. l taiifty Bay -back Rate / lffhr Grid Parallel Application 1. Load to be displaced — 2. Peak Load Utility Grid Information Transformer Data 1. Taps 9Ueernhor Plus 2, Atioaar tin ='ype Opole OPad 4, Winding 1 anfigiaration Primary 0 VVIe'e 5. Winding Configuration Secondary 6, lei .aiedancq Pee" Unit 7, Surge / Uglitn tig Protection _ Contact Information Name: Address, E wected Pus base Order Date: Phone: Fax: E-maii: - iAuq feed Cornr is. -a in Date: 0 480V C) 6001V 009her Number Minus St`C-1.a Ootti�v° 0 M"lte 0 Ctfiee_ 0 4llffye 0 Delta 0 Mier Additional information will be required for all wired -hybrid applications, :V(A"i'lt'�E: All ronteiasultjn,d to noSr5 aola i kdxii� ne specified ors ;:ige i oilbis snitoual. C- d�4f , Eokvgrity Wind Systems l'it. 14 FOUndation Loads Three Leg SSV Lattice Tower FO>~INDATBON INFORMATION Tower Base Loads (lbsf) Single Leg LoaCls (Ibsf) Vertical Loads (woight) Horizontal Loads (thrust) Overturning Moms nt (ft-lbs) Horizontal Vertical Tension Compression 80ft. SSV 100 ft. SSV 12,400 15,300 21,200 24,400 1,360,000 1,810,000 12,700 14,600 141,000 158,000 150,000 168,000 Loads calculated by spreadsheet at survival wind speed of 59.5 m/s (133 mph). Loads at the maximum operating wind speed of 22.4mis (50 mph) are much lower. The included figures illustrate the typical anchor bolt orientations for the Rohn SSV tower. A typical pad type foundation is also illustrated, Please note that the loads, soil conditions and tower design for the specific site will dictate the foundation design. This information is Intended as a guide for planning purposes only. Monopole tower is a specialty item, Drawings available to purchasers upon request. EWIS WTG Shipping Configurations and Weights 3 Description Qty (pallets) crates€ Dimensions (inches L x W x H) Weights (Ibs) Packing Turbine Drive train 1 120" x 45" x 50" 5300 Crate Blade Set 1 300" x 48" x 50" 1300 Crate Controller Boxes 1 36" x 36" x 36" 350 Crate 80' (24.4m) Tower 100' (30rn) Tower 100' (30') Monopole 1 1 1 240" x 96" x 42" 240" x 96" x 56" 2 pieces 600" x 36" 9000 11,000 15,000 Bundle Bundle Tubes EWSI offers their turbines EXW at the individual points of manufacture. EWSI can arrange the shipping of EVV15 wind turbines to Paints within North America (Canada, USA, Mexico) on the customer's behalf. EWSI will bill all freight, taxes and duties incurred at cost to the customer. For international customers, EWSI can arrange to have your turbine consolidated to the Canadian or US pork of your choice and Packaged into a 40' container. International customers must arrange their own ocean transportation and domestic shipping within their own country. All importation taxes and duties due at the destination country are the customer's responsibility. EWSI will provide customs paperwork (Commercial Invoices, NAFTA, etc) at the request of the customer. EWSI can arrange customs clearance for North American Customers, 3 NOTE: All dimensions and weights are n9proxinmate For estimation purposes only; NI? I h Z;; All rowrol kul+jri I Ill ahm-l:lif rn sj V4 i{li d ul! $Ylus• t ll1' This Illnuu:d. :III}h I IeICr1!I� 11 tat! lilt. 15 Pr llect Planning Outline L Site Factors Site selection may have a significant effect on annual energy production. It is worth the additional time and effort to locate the proper site to maximize energy production. The following site factors should be considered: Wind resource; characteristics Average wind speed Frequency and duration of power producing winds Prevailing wind direction Turbulence Peak wind speed -� Height and location of obstructions Distance from utility service Local height restrictions, proximity to boundaries, etc. Tower height Proximity of wind turbines to each other Site accessibility and its effect on construction and maintenance costs. Safety zone of the site regarding proximity of public access. EWSI is committed to responsible siting of its turbines. EWSI will only sell EW15 wind turbines to customers who have locations where there is sufficient wind and where there is responsible personnel either employed by EWSI or from local companies specializing in renewable energy equipment and retained by the customer that can provide long term routine maintenance and emergency repair for the turbine. ii. Utility Factors The EW15 uses an induction generator, which requires the interfacing electrical system to provide generator excitation. Each turbine includes power factor correction capacitors, The turbine installation must consider specific factors regarding the interfacing utility network to provide for a safe and efficient installation. A "Customer Project Questionnaire" is located in the Appendix and should be completed and returned to EWSI. The following utility related factors should be considered: Interconnection Requirements and Standards Buy back rates, contract options, green pricing, net billing, etc. Available line capacity (kVA) Available fault current d Voltage and phase configuration of the local utility line Distance to connection point Size and winding configuration of the step down transformer if required A To assist EWSI in designing your interface, please complete and return the attached questionnaire. NOI 4 1: All ri,nlcut suiq- et to ook L aWd k1brlui+uri sln•rilitd t,tr lxtu i tll' liar. rttnxs W, _+Ills. t n[r�rils 4'. it+cl �t,l+ui.. isrc- if M. Permits , Approvalls Many wind turbine locations will require permits and approvals. it is normally the customer's responsibility to determine which permits / approvals apply to your particular site. Often these permits & approvals are available from: -I- municipalities or local councils A- Counties 4 States or Provinces Federal (FAA, FCC, etc.) Commissions (energy, heritage, etc.) Utilities Permits may be required in relation to the fallowing factors: Construction Foundation Engineering -� Electrical Interconnection -* Zoning, land use iv. Plans & Drawings Communication Interference Aviation Interference -- Environmental Impact Inspections required for above Safety Suggested items to have on hand or to prepare for efficient and proper site development: and for the submittal, if necessary, for various approvals: Plot plan Site layout Tower foundation drawing Tower assembly drawing Site wiring diagram Control building interior wiring (if applicable) diagram Control building physical layout (if applicable) Utility interface — single line drawing Utility interface -R three line drawing -� Wind turbine wiring schematic Your local wiring inspector should review the design of the electrical installation prior to commencing work at the site. ntol .f+rrifiM an PAXV f vl IWN WithLIa, + 361k. FutrLe::� tS'iir;l INcatsiut. !/ v, Corstr€action Planning Considera-dons To minimize time :and cost, the following items should be considered in the planning process: Subcontractor roles and responsibilities Cable trenches (type, length and depth) Control enclosure design A Site specific weather extremes Tower foundation type Foundation forming details Site accessibility and road conditions Crane availability and cost A Concrete availability and cost vi. Installation Personnel Considerations Backhoe availability and cost Labor skills and related casts Sail Characteristics Depth to significant frost Allowable bearing capacities. Blasting Availability of hand tools Concrete working tools Fencing materials and security The installation of a wind turbine generator requires specialized skills, equipment and experience. EWSI assumes that installation personnel will have the required skills, experience, and equipment to install and/or maintain the wind turbine. Only trained and qualified technicians should attempt to climb the wind turbine tower using IECIOSHA/ANSi approved practice and equipment. It is very highly recommended that a trained EWSI representative be present for the erection, assembly and commissioning of the wind turbine. The turbine warranty is only valid on EWSI commissioned turbines , or those turbines commissioned by EWSI approved and trained installers. In addition the following should also be present at specific times during the installation: 1 to 2 qualified technicians trained in climbing safety to erect and install turbine Qualified crane operator to operate the crane during turbine lifting -A, Certified electrician and/or utility personnel to install cables and wire controllers � Additional labor for tasks such as tower assembly vii. Foundation Installation Foundation types and installation are specific to each site. The foundation must be designed for the load conditions expected at that particular site. Refer to IEC standards for Wind Turbines for additional information. Each leg of the tower should be electrically grounded per electrical standards for the region. See the Items "G" °H" & "I" for information on foundation design loads and foundation layout. The standard foundation for the EW15 can be dug or drilled in locations with cohesive and deep soil conditions. The civil engineer, responsible for the foundation design, should consider site -specific conditions. It may be suitable to excavate for power and control cables at this time_ For wire and cable information, see the installation manual to be provided with shipment or contact your EWSI project manager. Please note that the drawings in this section are still being updated to reflect the name change of the machine and company. Ir L, .III 4:oalra? >ubjro t-. aaly, ,laid e1160atiuer< 6prrifiril oti jnw S of rhi., nlaulu d, EW16 WTG Foundation Specificadons Standard Tower, Normal SoN J L NOTiCE. All coptera sab)cct ki notes mid disulain, en spedriect oll pngv i of til-s w.111jani. ¢� 2o,'76 Eiticgrity Wintt Systtstir Inc. 8 '�LT1 - sl::�y„T?^,'f„4MSc 1s:1E<HRM'J..L•.Ca:PR6�R.E YIRlAICt.t CF All RFS+'Ii1F.`XJ: afF[E iN,l:13E ui::NJ� c"�'11.6.6it'L"411f 1 flIN3l1yA1 V]�_titlLCi::i�«"lltl:tlti Pi!_CR1l.Vi �'M11AL'R.�Ti•9 4 INi �l£,ItL1F 6.:1" .00aTR-Y:S /.YL CLRIf4:.]IUY lH"Ti:_�IIO6, tlEff and:ir:h'4;lS i ,r. T7FWJ: 6[+�t. W"F3 " Ff7R iLvR._J;i7fLY.Vs.N0.:: J1i6�1'PL[1iMN.VS ML F ::W1L`c7wr M m�'IEE.:CF ±YPfR:}.''fR1U FCC t•It•/fN Ni1Vf.IHEiil !:R::i9 M:tt�9iw:iu5F+T 9lKR 31t11' Vi :.LLiY CD '•:f _i WIG'iF r MwtiGl'iKA..f:KFE r�AY.ryIOR INdfti I. fJV: N.L7l.FA . •?!'.tr'h'.i1TIV:yryl alfR.: G'1NFA¢.I gy IC/'AI. 1=�18!V�TJ �f alas-`fglts'..I'LL+AL• ,e vLrc.EaAfl clzK u[>711vQF,'(nrt:l,+R ntasre�a.ax:rsF� .� 8Afq J nfE � ➢Ftd'-'-"if-Akt CC POCV-1A INTiAM V/i: WR�E7 _Jli . 1N Tiv. 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V 2006 l'al grit, V lud Systemlaic. 23 Pedestal Style, Standard Tower, Normal Soil 100ftMI Mr No ME: All euntent subjeel to 1104a and d6chimev% spee94ied am jimV. I Of this t:. ALI.A. -10 2006 Ewe' ity Wili] Systems �Sw. USE OAtVAN1ZED ENO tT TOP t_INLY s GAeYA'!l'CD Mltj x b—�-_ _------------------------ -.... .+SY?-1 : IB . F♦TFP r'iE----- ..., _ - 1 a ' -•—j-�-- I.WO TYP wa�_ CL ^� .y n; 'WtrsttAl?f.;E.,_,1Eft ;t.lEi--I - Ut.GA_':AtJ?CEt'.1�•; - - m .1.vF SlTffOR 'itriPL4TEFATt'NJ�?E4 a� •, M 7 EULT OMJTAr+ON. .a � ANO APC: OLE`r �y___.._.�__.., _ ., 4D �• ac .s�CAIE rEsAF;,+TFS:�^n ty;;; SG'R�EG :F:= � Rs $ °�35k+fG riF!S CfiJt°r? HO+.FP a .w.,RKIS CJti UNE ,c rowi -Yz ®: s, •"-tcv x,%CHOR3o J, St;E. NO SPACim ,. 41,I .500 T!'F g# . N::Li C7?Ci F:!II mil ER,TO^ AJ406 JTTOVU A uFI".�: -kCHOP 30:i LA't'W SEFf_)'T PJS?A:t iiCN ti'H_?E41'O.'7,5lBIP-,Y Ci WE FOUNOAPON CONTRAC70R _ � a Ff +- Y45FY "HAT THE CORRE,^_- ANCHCA EQ7 �.A TE AM 61m. 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ANCHDR SGL-t;W.-J- ORtCN'r-AM714 IM WC. 10, ANchOR GGE,T OGY•=r' 6'virl TFR s SftB" SELF SL1PPORM0 TOWER ! i -- --------�v '~ F.ACESPAf£;DDcWEt *14CE;,-ER'O ftrCENk0--AN'CHOR,R0iTCIP•CLFS T^_ 2OP.,I,-, rAC-F F�F R tjAXAllf.I 7117RERErIC,E EET.'VEEPi ANY TWO 12', lf2• FOUNVAT10h' _JXVAnDKM' TrJWE011�[Qa,Tl� U a�` nr � . , . : ' 1 !fit€wt€c Orient Corporatim '`ROUIT -f-7A€L F X�lrwtvu �-.r:r_ f•- xavNo tN a�• iTr.r cos• -ter yi ?i V.l3T M•.Irl,� JGC JAGG- [ mrreN prttR�et 3a � -� "- EW15 WIND TURBINE OPERATION AND SERVICE MANUAL Entegrity Wind Systems Me ra P.O. Box 832 If ntegrity Charlottetown, PE � Systems , CIA 7L9 Wind. ors e s Inc Tel: (920) 368-7171 Fax: (902) 369-71.39 E-maid: Revised March 2006 EW15 Wine Turbine General Descilption The EW 15 is an intermediate scale wind turbine generator intended for the production of electric power when interconnected to conventional three phase electric power systems having industrial voltage ser vice at 400 — 600 VAC 50 or 60 Hz. The wind turbine is designed for rated output of 501cW and can be operated at higher power- level's under favonrabie conditions. The electrical generator has a rated capacity of 66kW/60 HZ (55 kW/50HZ). The EW 15 uses a three bladed stall re;ulated rotor that drives an induction generator through a two stage planetary gearbox. The generator is connected directly to an electric system into which it will supply electric power when driven by the wind. The system is shut down by deployment of aerodynamic brakes on the tip of the blades and stopped by a parldng brake that is applied when the rotor is slowed by the aerodynamic brakes. The wind turbine is mounted on an 80 or 100 foot galvanized steel lattice tower. It is necessary to climb the tower for general service and maintenance. Skilled and certified persons having fall protection training are required to perform this function on a scheduled and occasional basis. The wind turbine is controlled by a computer based control system located in an enclosure near the base of the tower. The control system also provides electrical protection to mutually prevent damage by faults on the utility or wind turbine system. The wind turbine requires relatively little maintenance and service and is designed for a thirty year life expectance. The machine should however be regularly serviced and inspected to ensure that minor events and conditions do not grow to larger and more serious problems. The information and instructions that follow in this document are intended to provide operators and service personnel with the information necessary to properly operate and inaintain the wind turbine. This version of the manual is provisional and has been composed to reflect many recent changes and revision. Please contact EWSI to report and con2ment on discrepancies and errors you may find so we may make. improvements. Entegrity Wind Systems Inc. P.O. Box 832 Charlottetown. PE, Canada, CIA 7L9 (902) 268-7111 Fax: (9021) 368-7139 EW15 Wind rbhle EW15 Operational Strategy E4 ntegrity Wind Systems Inns P.O. Box 832 �_,_ntegrzty Charlottetown, PE r CIA 7L,9T Wind Systems Inc Tel: (920) 368-7171 Fax: (902) 368-7139 E-mail: I€ t i•i va n �.e a n Revised March 2006 OPERATIONAL STI A fl EGY: The EW15 uses a relatively simple operational strategy to convert the kinetic power or energy of the wind to useful electrical power and energy. A few basic principals and facts of physics and electrical theory nnuist be understood by the reader to fully grasp the information being described in the following description of the method of operation and control of the EW15 wind Turbine. General: The Ewl 5 wind turbine uses the principal if induction or asynchronous generation to enable production of electrical power while connected to a three phase electrical source. By this method the EW 15 is able to utilize what is basically a simple three phase squirrel cage induction motor which, when caused to rotate at a speed higher than the synchronous speed or frequency of the grid, will produce power proportional to the difference in speed between tine EW 15 generator and the generators that supply the grid. The difference in speed varies from about zero (0) to eighty (80) rpm above the fixed 1800 rpm of the grid generators. The EW 15 generator requires that three please grid voltage at the proper level be supplied by the grid and will not generate power or voltage unless this condition is met. The EW15 control system is designed specifically for the voltage level being used at the site or location of the wind turbine. The EW15 generator under certain conditions can be operated as a motor for testing or for special operational reasons. The frequency, voltage and related harmonics of the electricity produced are all established by the electric grid to which the wind turbine is connected. Principal Components: The principal components of the EW 15 are. Tower: A simple galvanized steel lattice structure to support the wind turbine at a height of 80 ft. or 100 it. above ground. The tower incorporates a climbing safety device and ladder pegs to enable access to tine tower top Tower Toll: The lower part of the wind turbine which contains a cable tension hanging apparatus to support power and control cables which extend to ground level and a circular turntable bearing which supports the main turbine components and allows the wind turbine to align passively with the wind direction such that the wind turbine blades are down wind of the tower. A device for locIdnIMP g the yaw actionis provided under the tower top. Drive train: The drive train is the combination of a generator, a gearbox, a parlfiiig brake, a rotor hub and three rotor blades with aerodynamic brakes at the tips. Control System: The control system consists of a PLC (programmable logic controller or computer ndcroprocessor) which allows automatic operation and electrical and mechanical protection of the wind turbine. The controller provides for human control and adjustmerit of the wind turbine operating condition and operational parameters. It is intended for use by technically trained and knowledgeable persons. The wind tuubine and control systems are designed fail safe to avoid possible damage to the wind turbine by accident, failx.nre of a component or improper use. Drive Train Components-, Rotor blades: The rotor blades are specially designed and shaped fiberglass composite structures which efficiently capture the energy of the wind to drive the low speed shaft of the gearbox. The blades and drive train are designed. to operate at nearly constant speed and to passively regulate the maximum power which may be produced over the 5m/s - 25 m/s rated wind speed range for the wind turbine. The blades are designed to stall aerodynamically at higher wind speeds to Einit power and rotor speed. The blades produce very little torque when not rotating at operational speed but do provide sufficient torque to cause initial rotation to begin oper4tiorn from the stopped condition and to accelerate the wind turbine to operational speed. The range of rotational speed of the blades is from 63 to 65 rpm. Gearbox: The EW 15 gearbox is a two stage planetary gearbox with a ratio of 25.5, which increases the rotation of the driven shaft to drive the generator. The generator speed ranges froin 1800 to about 1875 rpm. At about 1850 rprn the generator will develop about 66yW of electrical power which is injected into the electric grid. Generator: The generator is a three phase squirrel cage induction motor (generator) which is driven directly by the gearbox. The generator is connected by three wires that run down the tower to an electrical junction box at the bottom of the tower and then to the control system. Braying system: The CW15 braying system consists of aerodytwnic btalces at the tip of the blades and a disc brake on the rear end of the generator shaft. Tip Brakes: The tip brakes are aerodynamic drag pw-iels at the tip of each blade, which are controlled by the control system. When held closed by an electromagnet they are in operating, position and present very little braking effort to rotation of the blades. When released by the control system to shut the machine down the tip brakes present a highex aerodynamic farce than can be produced by the blades and will cause the rotor to show. The generator is always disconnected from the grid before the tip brakes are released or deployed. The tip brakes are returned by a spring to the closed position when the rotor is parked. Low voltage electric power to energize the tip brake holding electro-magnets is supplied through slip rings located between the gearbox and rotor hub. Parking Brake; The parking brake is a self adjusting disc brave used to hold the wind turbine in the parked or stopped condition, The braise is not applied while the wild turbine is at operating speed. The brake is electrically operated and held in the braked position by a strong sprung. It is released for operation by an electrical control signal from the controller. The brake is applied to park the machine only after a time delay, which allows the rotor to slow to about 12 rpm. This reduces the wear and tear on the parking brake discs. Wind Turbine Sensors There are several sensors, which measure parameters and operation conditions to enable control and protection of the word turbine while parked and while operating. _ Anemometers. Two anemometers located on the tower just below the rotor blades are used to measure the operating wind speed. The wind speech values are used to provide a wind sped indication to the controller and to cause release of the parking brake and holding of the tip brake which will enable possible start up of the wind turbine. There are two anemometers. The highest measured value from the anemometers is chosen by the control system for control. This eliminates the effect of one anemometer being behind the tower and the circtunstance where one anemometer may be out of service because of damage. The failure of one anemometer, or a higher than usual difference in indication will cause an alarm to be set but not a shut down or failure to operate. Rotor Speed Sensors: Two RPM sensors are located on the generator shaft. One is calibrated to measure from zero (0) to 2000 RPM and the other from. 1700 to 2000 RPM. The 0 — 2000 RPM is used for coarse speech indication and the 1700 — 2000 RPM is used for actual control of the wind turbine. The reason for two sensors is also to provide protection against failure of one sensor and possible erroneous speed indication. The speed sensors and RPM value is the most important variable and parameter for control of the wind turbine. Failtare of a speed sensor will prevent operation of the wind turbine. Grid Monitor: A grid voltage and phase sensing relay is installed in the controller to sense improper grid conditions and prevent operation of the wind turbine if grid conditions are not proper. Parking Brake Current Sensor, A current sensing device is installed in the controller that measures ctmnt to the parking brake. If the indication is that the current is not present the wind turbine will not operate. Normal Operation: The normal operation secln.nence for the wind turbine is as follows: This description assumes that the wind turbine is parked in low wields and no Faults are present which will prevent the wind turbine from operating. If faults are present they can be cleared by reset fi-om the STATUS screen. If they cannot be cleared repairs are necessary by a trained and skilled service person. 1, When the wind speed increases above the CUT -IN setting the parking brake and tip brakes will be actuated to allow rotation of the wind tuubine rotor under the influence of the wind. The wind turbine will begin to rotate and accelerate up to operating speed. The acceleration time will depend on actual wind speed and temperature. Cold temperatures slow acceleration. Very cold temperatures may prevent acceleration. In this condition there is a Forced Start option that will force start the wind turbine. 2. When the generator reaches 1800 RPM the wind turbine will connect to the grid and generate, 3. If the generator speed falls below the low generator speed set point because of low wind speed the wind turbine will shut; down or coast dependin-Ig on whether the COAST fiuretion has been selected. 4. If the wind turbine is in COAST mode and the: wind speed falls below the low wind speed cut out the brakes will be applied and the wind turbine will shut down. 5. If the generator speed increases above the set points for over -power or over - speed, the wind turbine will shut down. The wind turbine will automatically restart after these faults. 6. If the generator speed increase above the emergency generator speed the wind turbine will shut down and not restart unless manually reset. This is to prevent possible serious conditions that night cause damage if operated. A trained and skilled person should investigate the cause of the over -speed_ 7. If any fault of the grid, parking brake or speed sensors is detected the wind turbine will shut down. Users of this manual will find that not all possible combination s of possible events, reactions and faults of the wind turbine when operating have been anticipated or described. Careful study of the Operators Instruction and Maintenance and Inspection Sections of this manual will help in diagnoses of problems. EW15 Wind Turbine a Maintenance and Inspection Instructions Entegrity Wind Systems Inc P.O. Box 832 Ckarlottetown, PE CIA '7L9 Tel: (920) 368-7171 Fax: (902) 368-7139 E-mail. axifot#J,ente °itrrayi n .con`ai entegrity LWind Systems Inc 49 Revised March 2006 'rabic of Contents Page Waiver of Liability 3 1. Inspection Instructions 4 1.1 Semi Annual and Post Commissioning 5 1.2 6 Months Post: Commissioning and Every Two Years 7 Z. Log Book 3. Maintenance Attachments: S 0 Snnnxnary Maintenance and Inspection Log Sheet 9 Belt and Bolt Torque Specifications 10 Schematic and Wiring Diagram 11 EWS1 Service Parts and Materials List 12 50 Waiver of Liabihty Entegrity Wind Systems hic. (EWSI) provides these instructions for use by trained and experienced wormers to assist their efforts to ensure the proper operation, inspection and maintenance of the EW] S Wind Turbine. EWST assumes no responsibility or liability for injury, damage or any loss that may occur as the result of or during the execution of this wort{ by any others. It is assumed that the persons using these instructions have been trained by EWSI in the operation of the wind turbine. 51 ] o Inspection Instructions Goxitions All personnel pet;forrraing this work should be trained in the zise, operation and in aintencance, of all technical equipment., tools, components and other• gyslenm associated with the operation and maintenance, of'the rW1 S Bond turbine. a. Ensure that proper fall safety and tower climbing safety procedures, equipment and practice is used at all tinges. b. Inspect all safety equipment before climbing. C. Use a tool bucket and hoisti:ag rope or cable For heavy tools. e, All climbers must be certified and trained for elevated work and rescue. f Use radios for cot-am-anications to ground and controls. g. Ensure yaw lock is applied while working, above yaw bearing or on Ole wind turbine blades. h. Ensure mains power is OFF while working above the yaw bearing and when ill proximity of rotor blades, Remove control wire from Main contactor while itrspectina and testing tip brakes and parkingi�ralce. i, Contact tlxe manufacturer, agent or other trained and experienced persons for advice if -unsure of proper operational information, methods, test methods or trouble shooting of the equipment, 52 1.1 Seed Annual and Post commissioning Operate wind turbine in test mode and in normal operation to confirm proper operation Per operators' instructiolls. Special attention is to be given to operatic��i and retun of tip and parking brakes. Maintain log of findings, conditions and action taleen. See Maintenance and Inspection Summary Log at the end of this section. Instructions a. Rotor Remove slip rung, cover. _____ Inspect slip rings and brushes for wear, contamination and proper operation. laspect low speed stuff seal for oil leaks. See Bolt and Torque Specifications attached. Check torque of inside ringfedder bolts to specification (90 ft-lbs) use 1Omtn key. Marti shaft and hub with permanent marker to create index marl( for firtiire inspection_ Check blade bolt torques to specification (23.5 ft-lbs). b. Generator Ensure all power to the rrlachine is OFF, Remove the generator junction box cover and inspect all wire terminations for proper tightness and signs of damage from beat or corrosion. c. Gearbox Inspect oil level to inid point of sight glass. Draw a 1 oz. sample of oil and inspect for contamination and color, Send sample to EWS1 for analysis. Inspect power wad control cables for proper support: and damage. Adjust and repair/replace as necessary. Inspect accwnulatiotr of twists on power and control cables down tower and unwh-id as necessary. No more than twenty twists should be allowed. 53 d. Parking Brake _ full manual release handle and ensure easy rotation of the rotor. Push handle back in locked position. 1.2. 6 Months Post Commissioning and lEvexT Two Years Perform the following at 6 months after commissioning and then each two years or when the parlcing brake is suspected to be malfunctioning. Remove brake cover and inspect for graphite dust from wear. Inspect brake worn indication and record position a. Tip Brakes b. Tower Place wind turbine in test erode and select tip brake test mode. Test holding power of tip brakes to specification (65 lbs on trailing edge to force open. Release from test and confirm smooth open and close action. Inspect securing hardware for tightness and integrity. Inspect plate .for bending or other- damage. Inspect rubber, bumper. Inspect blade and leading edge tape for damage, Confirm proper operation during normal shutdown and return to closed position. Inspect tower braces and flange fasteners for tightness of pal nuts and torque as necessary (150 ft-lbs and 250 ft-lbs respectfully). Inspect tower top bolts and torque as necessary (600 ft lbs) Inspect the anemometer boom, wiring; and anemometers for proper security and operation. Inspect all fastenings for completeness and torques per specifications, Open and inspect the tower junction box and ensure that all wiring, fittings and weather seal are proper. C. Controller Confirm proper operation of all control and monitoring functions. Confirm wind speed indications from both anemometer Confirm rotor speed indications from both speed sensors during test operation Confirm kW indications during normal operation. 54 C. Display Open each menu itern and confirm proper indication Enter parameter erode confirm all parameter setting to log book values. Enter test erode and confirm action of tip brake and parking brake test functions Enter full test (hand) mode and confirm operation of rotor jog. Switch gtucl€ly fiom jog to On to confrrrn proper operation. 2. Log Book You should record observations made during inspection and testing in a log book. The Siunmary Maintenance and "Inspection Log Sheet following provides a means of recording observations and actions taken. Please FAX or E-mail a completed copy_ to EWSI if you wish us to maintain a record as well 3. Maintenance This work should be performed only during periods and conditions where performance of the work can be executed safely. Avoid working in winds higher than 5.0 rn/s or during very cold and wet weather. a. Yaw Lock and Bearing Apply general purpose heavy duty waterproof grease to the yaw lock device until grease is extruded fiom beneath. Remove excess grease. Engage and disengage the yaw lock several times to ensure smooth operation. Apply general purpose heavy duty waterproof grease to the yaw bearing at lubrication points Guitil grease is extruded from beneath, Remove excess grease. Manually rotate the yaw bearing; several times through 360 degrees applying a little grease with each turn. Ensure flee rotation mud remove all signs of excess grease. b. Drive Train Add oil as specified if not visible on sight glass. C. Brake Follow brake manufacturers instruction to perform this work Replace brake pads when wear indicator is below 20% indication. Follow brake instruction to reset wear indicator acid adjust spring. Ensure proper operation of rotor speed sensors following reassembly. 55 C. Tip Brakes A suitable platform is required to enable easy replacement or adjustment of tip brakes. Consult EW sl for advice and direction on alternatives for accessing tip bran€es. Refer to drawings provided for removal and replacement of Darts. Remove the tip brakes by removing the fastening nuts and disconnect. if tip brakes are to be removed, do so only one, at a time to prevent difficulty in rotating rotor clue to unbalanced gravity loads during reinstallation. f. Controller Inspect power connections for corrosion or heat damage and ensure all cable fittings are tight. _ For controllers located outside inspect the controller enclosure for evidence of leakage or damage from the elements or other sources, Repair as necessary. Visually inspect all components for suns of damage. Repair as necessary. 41. EWI-1, Wind Turbine: Summary Maintenance and Inspection Log Sheet Location: Deported By: Phone No.: FAX - DATE: dd/m m/yy Please repot Action taken, Observations and Comments for each section. Attach additional streets if aaecessary: INSI'GCTId1N ACTION OBSERVATIONS COMMENTS Rotor Generator Gearbox Parking Brake Tip Brakes Tower Controller Display MAINTENANCE Yaw Lock and Bearing Drive Train Parking Brake Tip Brakes Controller Other 57 LIFTING INSTUPCTION COMBINED TURBINE -TOWER ASSEMBLY The following is the recommended procedure for assembly of the tower and turbine prior to erection of the combined tower and turbine components. The following tools are required: 1. Socket Wrenches, 3/8" 1/2" and 3/4.1' drive up to 2° 2. Torque Wrenches, 250 ft-lbs and 600 ft lbs 3. 518 and I" drift pin 4. 2 ton cable puller or chain fall 5. Various hand tools Procedure: 1. raise the tower onto secure blocking placed 16-20 feet from the tower top until the flanges of the tower trip are about 9 feet above the ground. Ensure blocking is stable in all directions, 2. Carefully lift the wind turbine drive train using Fabric slings. Once the drive -train is suspended, fully disengage the yaw locking phi allowing the tower top to be rotated. It is also necessary to orient the wind turbine horizontal with the generator junction box upwards, Use a cable puller or "come -along" attached to the centre gearbox lifting eye and fifting hook to adjust orientation to allow easy fit up to the tower top. Do not use tine lining eyes on the drive -train for main lifting. See diagram 1. + , , - r _.} Diagram l .COMBINED TUR]31NE 'I°OWER ASSE149LY CONT'D 3. Route the blade Carlos through the tower to the base. See diagram 2. Diagram 2, 4. Install the drive -train tv the tower top. The nuts are to be downward. Lbave loose until all are in place. The use of a lining bar may be required to enable bolt insertion. Diagram 3. 5. Torque the nuts to 6001i-/lbs, it may be nece.isa€•y to remove some brace bolts to allow fit of the torclue wrench socket depending on the type. 6. Engage the yaw loch securely. Then release the Come along and sling tension gradually and test: security and stability of the complete tower/drive-train asseMr bly oil the blocking. Adjust as necessary, 7. Release the yaw look and rotate the drive -train so that the hub is downward. Relock the yaw. 8. Complete the installation of anemometer see diagram 4. Diagram 4. Remove the blades from the shippigg crate and attach to the hub with the bolts and washers provided, Support the blade until the bolts are securely tightened. Ensure that the holes u4 the blade inserts are clean. Apply a 1 "x 1/4" strip of Medium Strength thread locking compound to each bolt on insertion. Leave bolts loose but with oval washers filly seated i i hub slots until blade pitching is complete. Ensure no belts are cross threaded upon insertion, See Diagram 5, Dia,gratn 5, 10. Pitch (rotate) each blade clockwise, looking at the tip, about its long axis such that the washers are as fully rotated as possible to one end of the hub slots. In ether words: Push with the bolts sli&tly loose so that the trailing edge of the blade is pushed down towards the around until the pitching washers rest against the side of their slots Tighten the bolts hilly snug with a % drive 1511 G socket. Install all three blades in this fashion before torquing the bolts. Blade Hub 1 1. Using a calibrated torque wrench tighten the bolts in segL1CJ1re beginning with the uppermost bolt. Label this bolt #1. 'Then torque in sequence as shown below to 180ft/lbs and then to 240[Ulbs. See Diagram 6 McHrim TOOL D-OrATION LE LOW ..OnEssup—m Diagram 6, INMAi.TORQUE TO 180 FrJLB3 MM T*WB 240ffJLW 12. Install tip brake plates to each blade end. Connect the tip brake wires at the hub and place cable ties to eliminate any long loops in cable. See Diagram 7, for an example of a properly installed plate. 13. Consult with the crane operator to determine the hest method old lifting the turbine using the crane onsite. Below is the most popular method used for lifting the complete tower and turbine assembly. It is also advisable to have a consultation with the crane company at the time of hooking the sei vice in order to prevent delays onsite on the day of lift. See Diagrams 8, 9 & I O RECOMMENDED SLING POSITIONS DURING LIFT. NOTE SMALL SLING IS USED AS A CHOKER TO BRING TWO MAIN SLINGS TOWARDS CENTER OF TOWER. A 6-8 foot spreader bars inay be necessmy to prevent damage to generator junction box and its associated cables during lift. Diagram 9. READY FOR LIFT t, !-MM 7 --;w 77- 77 � ry if LIFT CONTINUWG Diagram 11. 14. Place one install team member at each foundation anchor bolt location to guide the lifted tower onto the leveled anchor bolt bottom. Minor adjustments to tower leg or bolt orientation may be necessary a Hulce holes in tower flanges fit over bolts. See Diagrams 12. & 13. Diagrw-n 12. Diagram 13. 15. Once all tower legs oriented properly over anchor bolts and secured with nuts and washers provided. Tighten any bolts on legs and cross braces that were loosened in order to make tower fit anchor bolts properly. Climb tower to release crane sling from top of tower. COMPLETED LIFT Diagram 14, 16. Grout the base of the tower legs using the grouting specifications and instructions on the drawing shown. as Diagram 15_ Failure to grout the tower as specified can lead to structural fatigue of tower components. See Diagram 16 for an example of a properly completed grouting of a tower base. Diagram 15 ° GROUT MUST BE STRUCTURAL & MUST OE TOWER LEG 5000 PSI (34.5 MPa) MINIMUM ULTIMATE STREiVliil-[ IgON 5MRINK & NON-MPTALVIC OR APPROACCORDING TO MRNUEQUAL OFACMREWS TOWER BRACE REC DMMENDATiONS. DRAINAGE SLOT MUST BE KEPT FREE OF 0851'RUCY]ON NUTS tEltE4.BYG NU'CS/ I Uao€rr ° IIE�IlI}_1=IlilIlli=l=l1l1=INI�l=i111-1111=1=�1111= _,,, •-�_,�. I ramxu eeuuNrx 112L rzROIJURG AND D€tAYNAG® DETAIL xm 1a+as TILT -UP TOWER ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Raising Kotzebrie 'Wind Turbine I ITI Elmtricai Eagiroeers & Wind Energy Specialists I T � BW F)ll wiikz is fire list ar mate3'ial and egtapmelt neczssarw• for TUti�aaris�g ft!Id re. =s 431 Lire 1haghine. 1 think some of tl�c eyuipm� rat ���. ostti to erect din mashi:�4> way l ined tt'()M ;Ito jOb foal P,a.1 that dt t contraM, 13-M ided so wt nit* have to obtala s anic replAmnefit% Wi1'a C3ble:;(f'urp0Se, dlzmater x leilpth, L)ad, locatiarr) l 1. Mein lifting rixed,1" x 2001, 20,0901b. from tower 70ft. level (lower legs) aver gin pole !o bullldo cr. 2. Gin POW et€;JpOrt #'T, 5/0" x 75ft 10,0001b, frarr� tower 6lift love, (clirrtbfna I�g) to rdln pole ull1d 3. Gin pole safaiy 2d. , 31B" x 120ft, 20001b, from girt pale end to gratjnd arichor, 4. Tower 1,M back, 318" x 200ft, 20001b, from tower top to backhos. Wire or Myton Slings with loops(purpbse, diameter x length, load, quantity) 5, Maim I long, 619" x 20ft, 10,0001b, 2, 6, Gin pole support, 5/8" x 6it, 5.0=b, 1. 7, Gin pole safety, 112" x oft, 20001b9 1. 8- Tower hold knack, 3f8"x oft, 2000Ib, 1 9. Wind turbine assembly, 1/2" x 12ft, 6,0001b2, 10. Wind turbine assembly, 112" x Oft. 6,00016:2. Gable clips(cable diameter, quantity) 11. 1", 12, 12. 518", 15, 13. 51E11, 12, 14. 1121', 16, for miscellaneacrs use. 5hackfes(type, pin diameter, location,quantity) 15. Screw On, 1-314", main lifting cable and lower block anchor,2. 16, screwy pin, 3/4". gin pule support, 2. 17. Sarcw pin, 112", gin pole safety and tower l=.ald back, 4. 18, Scravv pin, 112", miscellaneous use, 4. Tumbuckht (purpose, type, diameter x length, load, quantity) 1g. Gin poly support, jaw &.jaw, 314" x 24", 4,p001b. 'I Cefar to file din G�� nc.r pge £or illiratian of wGcre dw itsrrts ara used. 4tegm'ds, M q C •F 0 Kotzebue Foundation BILL OF MATERIALS NO Q'TYY PIN DESCRIPTION 1 2 10GO4 TlLT-l0WZR HINGED BASE 2 2 10603 TILT11011VER HINGED PLATE 3 4 10621 1 SJS USS FLAT WASHER 4 4 10622 1 5f"UN HEXIIIUT, GRADE 2 5 2 10823 1 518 SUN THREADED ROD, GIR,1011 B7 a 1 10605 TILT TOWER UNHINGED BASE A T741" /v C(fhft- &A cXA,,Yf; 1761Z %,k - 7/3? f9F vrEir 4 6 t7w "Go ymms 5 .1113 TZ eT P,4 ter SrEp Lfiv sAff fw;e ObW. WAGE' MAO- WACIF fL7 X 2 'Gj "O'cri wm tlevsit- srop sa-is VA TZON LLECrr,EC ry'll IN TD11 7CFIS BOTIVU CRnER r,-rV4F7$,, Tm MILL OF HATERIAL- F)Srf "'OQ. I F&ANCH PLATE SPRZArl 71F __T in� Mal PXN Vr.563.AIL GENERAL mums IFUI PIK' F$ s7AWED Ar carrom r" F4e6 Lz. rAc3 SECTnN.A ',T- ACFWOvjrrZF.E,,u 'romm Ho-s. ESIAL CrXrrr�SISFt6WEW AFWfkm CoN. IF fECTZa, ,SETT fd:. .a II,F e HEC•TSfFrNMSEE 71-0 rfAtM A'HfW r QMWIM M ANOMM 6. Z­�L _414-'I'M _--7�_'_ GrL y fklrlle� D.— 1pl ron AO-reA BYAA,,e Zyl Tt?rS LIPAWT."M 13 ft�_ ITOREftrr OF AT fS NOT 'a Ci? VLc GYa %1,202' 7 FFAV CTRONACE WT ITO KA 11TVV401- , — - - - ­_M 0, H, 0,4- LLK X98 GETAXI-6 'pan 5EC,,rDN YNf b (SA R-F.1 7 L t U-5 y o �jW 3 r H L t u �I CV 0 C_J ZM a rL l CU Elf f ' I �1z���W 1 � •-'4 29 11 i o 13 ra o UJ •cn w p z c� El TF Ly x M W In Ld CO x o i< .-J d < CU fU W Lj L i O Lt W Lv = cu CYJ co FW—Z SRC - K U C4 � W CU/} [n 0 cit OO U R Q tom" • 6a4. Utility interconnection Preliminary Design This sketch is a preliminary ONE -LINE Electrical Diagran3 which shows how simple the installation of 14 turbines can be on a distribution line. The layout is subject to final engineering calculations, but the plan is to copy the utility distribution line azrangerneiat from the point of interconnection and simply run out to six separate transformers. Each transformer is sized to accommodate three turbines and an enclosure will be provided for the turbine switches and controls. The turbines will be arranged in a line and in the future more turbines could be added to the end of the line for project expansion. Harnessing the Wind in Nome Alaska 12 X tl�tl+A (aI L)�0 LLJ �i a iL LU m M W ^3 it LL. LU 0 LU z n u� LLL � U 1 U) Lij W >1lj w_ www as " > F (9 'L Z i= ob n. — w QOf i- - > sq i? rz 9m `��� LU 0 y �^ ` - 1- aNi -6 O a (D ct z 7.wto . y' z OLn I lid 0 O O w LLJ N UJp �U) �� C3 z 0(4 0a LU to su to w N mV P ai o O c N OD IFS tCJ !!1 O w Ao > w A a_ O _ z T L) Ln cle)J N UJ N z W ~ s�3 < O Op LL O© 0� r Ul� � aLLJ Oo 2Q E� a < P C%d w� CO LU Cq �= 2.. F-CL zz LO m U3 i Q W i A u M icy.. r z a 6a o Project Design Support Letters Idaho National Laboratory Letter The Idaho National Lab has been analyzing projects around the Nation at DOE sites and others including particularly a project at Tin City around the corner and north of Nome and Kotzebue Alaska. They are very helpful in detailed data analysis and wind resource projections for project development and efforts to assist developers and industry, National Renewable Fnergy Laboratory Letter The National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado helped perform testing and certification as well as design assistance on the Entegrity Wind Turbine. They are instrumental in promotion of wind energy projects around the nation. Key excerpts and information are included with the encouraging letter. Idaho Energy Division - Water Resources Letter The Idaho Energy Division is familiar with Entegrity Turbines with an installation just outside of Boise, Idaho. Hamessing the Wind in Nome Alaska 13 IN11) N04WI lobotatory October 1, 2007 Jerald Brown Vice President Bering Straits Native Corporation PO Box 1008 Nome, Alaska 99762 ibrown@berin,-,sLradts.com beringsLradts.com SUBJECT: BEARING STRAITS NATIVE CORPORATION WIND PROJECT PROPOSAL TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HIGH ENERGY COST PROGRAMS Dear Mr. Brown: Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is a Departinent of Energy (DOE) laboratory based in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Our office provides regional support for Wind Powering America, supports the Idaho Wind Working Group, and regional anemometer loan programs. We also provide support to surrounding states, and have done work throughout Alaska in support of several US Air Force and other wind and energy projects. I have been briefed on your proposed wind power project to install approximately ten 50 KW Entegrity wind turbines on 100 foot towers, and connect to nearby electrical distribution at 25 kV. We are familiar with the location of the project and have some knowledge of wind resource in the area. INL would like to voice our support of the proposed wind project in Nome, Alaska. INL has been involved with wind energy in Alaska for several years now, doing wind data collection and analysis, feasibility studies, and conceptual design work for the Air Force at several remote military installations. This work has led to the current plans to install 250 KW of wind power at an Air Force installation near Tin City. We have studied wind resources in other areas of the Western coast of Alaska including sites in Cape Ramanzof, Cape I.isbunle, Gape Newenham and others. Our work in Alaska has also included support for reduction of issues with wind and radar interaction on the Fire Island wind project near Anchorage. Having been involved in several wind -diesel hybrid power system studies, designs, and implementations over the years, INL is keen on seeing wind power installed in areas such as yours. Wind energy just wakes sense on many levels when there is a reasonable wind resource co -located with high fuel use and cost associated with electric generation from diesel generators. We believe from our work and the work of others that the wind resource in the Nome area is gpod enough to make a significant impact on fucL savings and reduction of electricity costs, not to rmeiltiou all of the other economic, quality of life, and environmental benefits that wind power can bring to Alaska. We, also support the idea of using the Entegrity 50 KW wind turbines for this project. They have been deployed on several projects throughout Alaska and have been proven to operate well in that environment over time. This wind turbine is small enough to make the remote installation aspects much easier to deal with, and for these types of applications it is nice to have multiple units for reliability reasons as opposed to a single, larger wind turbine. RD. Box 1625 • 2525 North Frernont Ave. • Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415 Battelle Energy Alliance, Lt_G — 203-526-0111 0 www.lnl.gov Jerald brown tl . October I, 2007 Page 2 INL supports your proposal to install a wind power project in the Nome area. Y look forward to seeing your grant application go in. fox the USDA High Energy Cast grant program and am hopeful that this will lead to more, development and installation of wind power in. Alaska. As we have worked throughout Alaska on wind prospecting and development activities, we would be interested in continued opportunities to help you make this project a success. Please call me at (208) 526-5022 or Cary Seifert at (208) 526-9522, if you have any questions. Sincerely, .Kurt S, Myers, MSEE, PE Biofuels and Renewable Energy Technologies Dept KSM;mak cc: G.D. Seifert ,ins sauiiannfiaf rs�iOryoffheU.5«i�eparr�snesa?'arf�rt�t�r� l��T��{3/fiE�G�'�,yer�y�f�ci�rt�q�f�eta�wahla�,�t:rr�yf �..,n��calSS9�K�T- � � �, .ry+a� � � � ' ( n �_..,�-�1 I.��1.� r�-coE}4 �- — �•��.� - September 28, 2007 To whom it may concern; The (National renewable Energy Laboratory has been involved in the application of wind -diesel systems for remote communities for more than a decade, during which time our hybrid systems team has been involved with several Alaska village electric systems that have inoorporated wind technologies and the various entities which design, evaluate, implement and operate them. We have worked with the Alaska Energy Authority to measure wind resources and map the wind resources for most of Alaska in a cooperative attempt to help appropriately implement -wind systems to augment diesel in rural villages. We are particularly interested in working with hub communities, which have the capacity to demonstrate effective wind -diesel systems, train operators and service personnel, maintain a span parts inventory, and provide operation and maintenance support capability for the more remote communities. This project proposed for home Alaska looks life an interesting step in this direction and we would loop forward to assisting with the systems analysis portion of the project, as part of our technical assistance to the State of Alaska, one of our priority Wind Dowering America program states. We do feel that it is very important to ensure that all parties, including the local utility, are well informed and actively participate in all phases of the project. It is particularly important to assure a sustainable approach to the operations and maintenance of the system through training and developing local capacity. Because we Have not had the opportunity to study the specifics of this proposal in any detail, this is not an endorsement of its technical, economical, or institutional soundness, rather an expression of interest in it conceptually and the potential that wind technologies could play a role in reducing the communities dependence can high cost, imported diesel fuel. We look forward to a successful collaboration. Re arils, Larry rs Tears Leader National Mind Technology Center 1617 Cole Blvd. k Golden, CO 80401-3393 , (303) 275-3000 0 NREL is operated by Midwest €iesearch Institute a Battelle �. CD a, •a s t i .tom» [? • r Zwf � y r�` 1. M 44 H f— t4 —4 i-" (U E e � c 0 0 • = W Ae/ „ Elilt +o,ersl Ur��J a sow ir✓ f = V D D 4- 00 4— J0�—, 1 ' c /� A } 0 C 0 mil tRa�� U) f> (D ] 0 C m 7 e eenge W CD CN 0 0) yes' lyrs�, `L ' ■■2 00 O _ LO `x 0 4-4 .2 yVf e 0 U) N W w • 0 E T+ef.�I e (D M EA7 ix!, } t Lie ,gp 1 {ram i `Nf= e E 0 CZ ,approval By: Approval By: Approval By: Power Performance Test: Report for the. C 1_515 WHO TurMne, Test SEE Golden, Colorado Conducted for United States Department of Energy Conducted by National Wind `I ocimology Center National Renewable Energy Laboratory 1617 Cole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 8040 R. Jac.obso4 M. Meadors, E. Jacobson, fl. Eire. Revision B ugust 2003 F. Link, NREL Certi!ication Test Engineer / e � Ja& _3 Date Hat -old F Litik, NREL Certification Test Manager ilat� (,-" P.,ffutterfield, NliEL Certification Quality Manager cww Parbemanm Ted Repofor the ACID 'i 0 tffind Tt€rbine, `fed 9 Pw I of 4 Jane. 2003 NREUEL-_500-34017 EaZo U�ZD Wind TurNuze Generator System D'radon 'test Report for the Atlantic Orient 15/50 Wind Turbine by National Wind Technology Center National Renewable Energy Laboratory 1617 Cole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401 Jeroen van Dann Firic Jacobson Hal ITAnk Mark Meadors April 14,2003 Appmwal By-. T�t F U Jemen vain Nim. NREL Tee Etigia-w Uhstt Approval By: I:b1 Liok. NRU L. (1wirica Lftyli Tcq Ml Date Approvid By,, X- ti(ul QA rtjartaggL�r I? I I WAZI(I � NR E Ceffifltl RMY"Ybifin Gmamiw SvEtwn DarmflftA T&A Ramit far the Mardi& Orford I SAO ViInd TurWa Pang I e. 4 June 2003 NR—PLIEL-500-34382 "Approval BY, Whi 'Yarbine Generator System .fey and Function Test Report for the Atlantic Orient 15/5)0 Wind Turbine by National Wind Technology Center National Renewable Energy Laboratory 1617 Vole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 804.01 12 June 2003 Jur(w(i van Dam, NRFC, t``:11ifickdon Tost F,ttl iiiwr Approval By: -ra,& f �. Hal Lint`:, N-REL Certification Test Manager Approval By, - Charles P. i3o1wrfw1ii, NRE.3,Co-01iuniimi QA manager Date Date S Date Ind ` I--AAnM r-�ana nr'gw4mm Raft -AU and pume4ia-a Ta K ptanft4 Fsr kart Afiaft'ip DjAms6 I qMFI Vond T Dann I of 1 Y Wind. Turbine Generator System Acoustic Noise Test Repokl for Me AC 15150 Wind. Tit -loins at the NationalWind Teehnofty Center CBolden, Colorado by National Wind 1eelinologyCenter National Renewable E nergy Laboratory 1617 Cale Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401 'Appm-al By, Arkrdit Hiiskey, Approvaf By! July 1, 1999 Te-,�,r Lingineer Rnmold i" Link, KREL Cxrt bfization Sea iur Tit H-egint^ar Appnwfih By-, OuMug P HuTiter-f eld, MMEL Clartifiic-at ksq, manapr Wre �41-* ' &seyl T� sisa� seas $ a s eta N9c��s'E d 6isr¢lira Al9E; £ [3 P vo eeoaFsiwa poffm 1 1 9 State of Idaho DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 3+22 East Frost Street, P.O. Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0098 Phone. (208) 287-4800 FAX: (208) 287-6700 www.idwY.fdabo.gov C.L. " Bpi TCH" OTTER ER Governor DAVID P_ T0THILL, JR. Dirertor September 29, 2007 Jerald Brown Vice President Bering Straits Native Corporation - PO Box 1008 Nome, Alaska 99762 jbrown@.beringstraits.com RE: Bering Straits Native Corporation wind project proposal to the U.S. Department of Agriculture High Energy Cost Program Dear Mr. Brown, {: I would like to lend my vote of support for this project in Nome. The state of Idaho is almost in as bad a shape as rural Alaska in terms of the percent of energy it imports. For Nome, it is obviously 100% but in Idaho it is still 80%. Fortunately for Idaho, the imported electricity is from coal at relatively low cost. Trade is good if you can't provide that commodity or resource better locally. In Nome's case, it has a great wind resource and it can provide much of its own electricity with this resource more efficiently than importing oil. I worked in Nome for the Alaska Gold Company for several summers in the late 1970s and early 1980s. At that time the company thought it would reduce its operating cost by switching to oil- fired turbines instead of the old piston diesel engine generator sets it had used for decades. It's :reasoning was that the maintenance costs would be much lower. But there was a fuel -efficiency difference, probably 35% for the diesel engines and only 20% for the turbines. In two years the company could see the costs of fuel were killing it. It switched back to the diesel generators. The same case applies to Nome's overall power generation now. Wind can reduce overall costs while reducing the export of fuel dollars. For several reasons the choice of Entegrity turbines is a good one. First, the company has much experience with installations in arctic conditions. There are already several of these turbines in Kotzebue. The incremental size of the Entegrity (501cW) is good for a relatively small grid (2 MW average load,10 MW peak). This size also gives a great deal of flexibility to project expansion compared to 2.5 MW turbines, for example. Equipment for installation already exists in Nome, whereas it would be very difficult to get the size of cranes needed for installation of larger turbines into Nome. While it is true that in the lower 4$ with larger electric grids and access to specialized equipment, larger turbines would come in at lower costs than Entegrity turbines, these are not the circumstances in Nome. The choice of Entegrity turbines for the first phase of what will likely be far more installation of wind is brilliant. Nome has one of the larger micro -grids in rural Alaska, making it an excellent demonstration site for wind integration. Still, the 50 kW size of the Entegrity makes it ideal demonstration for wind additions to much smaller grids. Brian Jackson of Renaissance Engineering and Design has worked with me over several years to build a wind industry in Idaho. Idaho now has 75 MW of installed wind capacity. He and his company have extensive experience in all aspects of wind project development, from site selection to project completion. He was the primary project engineer for the two-Entegrity turbine Idaho Synthetic Energy, Inc. hydrogen production project about 20 miles southeast of Boise, which has been operating well for over a year. This proposal looks great to me. It addresses several of the issues dealing with the selection. of larger turbines that could have stalled another project in mid -stream. I think the likelihood of success with this project is very high and I encourage the funding agency to support it. A success integrating wind into a rural Alaska micro -grid at this time of looming approach of global peak oil production, cannot help but make everyone involved look very good. Sincerely, 1".. - qme'v��� Gerald Fleischman, P.E., MBA Engineer, Technical 1, Wind and Geothermal Power Development Energy Division Project Management Tlris project tealn is completely experienced iii the implementation of evezy aspect of this project. Not only in a general sense, but in the specific uxstallation of this exact turbine model and in the climate and harsh conditions that can affect Nome. Additionally, Kotzebue Electric Association has been very helpful in sharing information that helps develop a detailed solution for the connection to the Nome Joint Utility system. The project will be managed through contractual arrangements as indicated. Preliminary verbal cost estimates and quotes have been negotiated and will be finalized upon notice to proceed. Each entity listed has specifically committed the appropriate time and resources to make this project a priority next year. This project starts saving Nome money the minute it is onlilne. Note that Eagle Electric is an affiliated entity (completely owned by Bering Straits). The contract will be managed, however, as if the relationship does not exist on a competitive procurement basis, Resumes Brian Jackson - Renaissance -- Project Engineer Jerald Brown - Bering Straits Native Corp Financial Accounting Mitch Erickson - Local Manager - Data Collection and Reporting Matt Bergan - Experience Installing, Operating, Maintaining Entegrity 'Turbines Eagle Electric -- Electrical and General Contracting Idaho Tower Company - Experienced Tower Erection Crew Harnessing the Wind in Nome Alaska 14 "ARNESSING THE WIND IN NOME ALASKA 10 ENTEGRITYWIND T'URONES 500 KW RATED 650 IOW MAXIMUM OUTPUT raffiRVALMAJA yj§4 ,SITNASAUK NATIVE CORD LANDOWNER SHARE OF REVENUIES BERING STRAIES NATIVE CORP TURBINE OWNER - PROJECT OWNER JERALD BROWN, VP -GRANT ADMINISTRATION -CONTRACT MANAGEMENT -MAIN CONTRACTING ACCOUNTING - CONTRIBUTES >t 0% OF PROJECT -DEDICATES 50%v OF PROFITS TO RURAL VILLAGE RENEWABLEENERGY SYSTEMS - Experience with Grant Administration, Accounting, Auditing EAGLE ELECTRIC LLC GENERAL CONTRACTOR - Foundation Excavation -Anchor5upp[y and Installation ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR -Turbine and Panel Wiring -Transformer Procurement and Installation -Distribution Pale and Wire Procurement and Installation -Utility Interconnection Relay and Equipment Procurement and Installation RENAISSANCE ENGINEERING c�C DESSIGN IGLOO ENERGY S YSTEMS ENTEGRITY WIND SYSTEMS -WIND TURBINES -WARRANTY -OEM PACKAGE IDAHO TOWER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY TOWER ERECTION CONTRACTOR -Mechanical Assembly of Turbine Towers - Crane coordination and supervision -Complete Erection Services for Wind Turbine Installation - Experience with Entegrity -Experience with towers and construction logistics.in difficult locations BRIAN D. JACKSON, PE -Project Design -Project Engineer -Construction Management - Experience with Entegrity MITCH ERICKSON MATT BERGAN PE BRIAN JACKSON Pi= -installation Supervision - SCADA Programrning -Special Date Draker Sentalis Installation -Data Collection -O&M 24/7 On -Calf -Data Analysis -Report Compilations a - Experience with Entegrity in this region DRAKER. SENTALIS ENERGY DATA PACKAGE AND INTERNET FRONT END EXPERIENCED PROJECT TEAM WITH PROVEN ABILITY TO GET THIS JOB DONE, DIRECT EXPERIENCE IN EACH REQUIRED CATEGORY INCLUDING SPECIFICALLY WITH THIS TURBINE MODEL AND IN THE DIFFICULT ALASKAN TERRAIN Page 1 R" E R A � S N C E Engineerin,o, & Design 2792 Desert Wind Road Oasis, Idaho 83647-5020 208-796-222 www.clever4deas.com COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Man D. Jackson, PE MBA BSME CEM President Cell. 208-859G1882 1a C19ye,r-id asucoon Renaissance Engineering & Design, PLLO is a full -service engineering company providing consulting, system design, and -construction supervision services. Established in the year 2000, Renaissance Engineering & Design provides services across a broad range of disciplines and sciences. The company strives to incorporate Leonardo da Vinci's principles of "Virtutem, Forma, Decorat" (Merit, Beauty, Honor) in developing solutions that have value and make sense. We are experts at designing small & medium -scale renewable energy and distributed power generation projects from several kilowatts to several megawatts. Our clients include farmers and ranchers, cooperatives, Native American Indian Tribes, businesses and other project developers. Renaissance Engineering & Design specializes in: o Feasibility Studies and Brant Application Assistance for renewable energy projects of ail kinds in any location • Renewable Energy Distributed Rower Generation system design and project management (wind, solar, hydra, anaerobic biomass digestion, biomass gasification, and geothermal) Electrical Generation, Cogeneration, and Interconnection products and services (diesel and gas engine sets, gas turbines, microturbines, fuel cells, hydrogen). The greatest values on projects can typically be achieved through strategically targeting specific elements with the greatest payback potential. Renaissance Engineering & Design is committed to seeking this greatest payback for customers through the beauty of simplicity and efficiency. Whether incorporating new technology or evaluating existing systems for improvement, this goal is always present. RENEWABLE IjN AND SUSS AINA�I� iTlra We provide complete solutions, assessing a given site's resources and designing a renewable energy system that takes advantage of those resources, We are experienced with all types of energy generation technologies and the integration into a simple or multi- faceted solution. In short, we design the system to work with the environment not against it. We carry out everything from researching the available natural resources and gathering data to designing the best system to match those resources. We deliver the solutions with structured, efficient project management services as well as offering packages for on- going operation, remote monitoring and maintenance of the renewable energy systems. Our team experiences range from project management of an 18 kW photovoltaic project to engineering on multi -million dollar wind and hydroelectric projects. Current projects include several medium-sized (-20 MW) wind energy projects on farms and sites in Idaho; assessing the wind resource at the Duck Valley Indian Reservation and also for Clark County in Idaho & Nevada; small wind farm development in Oregon; and operation, maintenance, retrofitting & expanding Idaho's first commercial wind farm. Prior work was done on pelletization and biomass gasification of poultry waste and agricultural crops. We successfully obtained four USDA grants in the summer of 2005for clients to build renewable energy projects. These are in addition to several previous grants during the past few years. One of those projects is a hydrogen generation project powered by wind energy near Boise, I D. This project consists of two 50 kW wind turbines that supply power to hydrolyzers which produce 99.999% pure hydrogen. Renaissance was the project engineer on that development. That project is fully operational and produced almost a dozen full tanker trucks of hydrogen during the rest of the year after the project kickoff in early 2006. The other grants in 2005 were for medium -scale on -farm wind projects 1.5 to 2 MW each in Colorado. In 2006 we installed multiple anemometers across the state in conjunction with assessing the wind resource for the Couer D'Alene tribes in Northern Idaho and in support of a grant project awarded in late 2006 to assess the wind resource in the Camas Prairie for farmers in that region utilizing 5 strategically located towers. Our knowledge and experience in designing sustainable renewable energy systems makes our company an indispensable asset for any project that seeks to utilize available energy resources without sacrificing environmental integrity. EE IRIMA1S S 'A N E Engineering & De 4a:/ Seafi����. Mind resource assessn-tent (anemometer data collection & analysis); Renewable Erierciy System Design, Inventions, Product Design & Development:, Prototyping, Simulation, Feasibility Studies, Business Planning, Financial Modeling & Analysis, Energy Evaluations. Field Wor - VVind resource assessment (anemometer installations), Calibration, Troubleshooting and Instrument Setup/Installation Work, Energy Monitoring Installations and Energy Efficiency Surveys, General data Collection, Analysis & Reporting. CONSUI_TINQ PR IEC i E — 6 Years_j2QD01-2®0? Three new rural Oregon Wind Farms: Project engineering, feasibility, development 1.8 MW $3.6M each project, Three $500k USDA grant awards for the separate projects. Assessing the Wind Resource in Camas Prairie Grangeville Idaho, involving 5 anemometer installations and resource comparison across the entire region USDA Value Added Grant $24,000 grant $48,000 project ® Project Engineering Wind io Hydrogen Commercial Demonstration Project Two Wind Turbines and Two Proton Exchange Membrane Hydrolyzers—Construction Completed Early 2006 - $900,000 Total Project. ® Feasibility Study: Assessing the Wind Resource on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation for the Shoshone Paiute Tribes in Southern Idaho $36,000 Contract 3 Farmer Owned Wind Turbine Feasibility Studies: USDA Grant Awards, Eastern Colorado, $1,500,000 total grants Special Grant Feasibility Study: Hydrogen Generation with Two Wind Turbines $200,000 grant application assistance Anemometer Installations and Wind Study Resource Evaluations, Early Project Development Assistance 30MW Wind Farm Buhl Idaho 3 Research Projects involving $140,000 in Grants for Biomass Gasification, Control and Automation, Pelletizing Crop Residue, Developing Pre -production prototype downdraft gasifier unit. n Small Hydropower Feasibility Site Study Baker Oregon and Hagerman Idaho Wind Resource Compilation and Grant Assistance for Shoshone Bannock Tribes in Blackfoot Idaho Tall Tower installation assistance 250' and resource compilation for 20OMW Wind Farm Albion Idaho a Net Metering 20kW Wind Project, $10,000 grant - $40,000 project, Engineering Assistance Energy analysis and Generation Evaluation Wind Farm Hagerman Idaho: 3 separate clients and projects 10 to 40 MW in size Early Project Development and Grant Application Burley Idaho: Farmer Owned Wind Project 1.5MW, $500,000 grant - $2.6 Million Project Feasibility Analysis for Commercial Wind Farm Burley Idaho: $20,000 Grant - $40,000 Project Geothermal Generation Plant Flow Test Metering and Specification Assistance Raft River: US Geothermal Project 10+ MW generation Feasibility Study, PPA Negotiation, Early Development Idaho Falls: Farmer Owned Wind Project 1.5MW to 1 BMW, $400,000 grant - $1.6m Million Project Feasibility Study and Early Project Development Idaho Falls: Farmer Owned Wind Project 1.5MW to 10.5 MW, $600,000 grant - $2.5 Million Project • Multiple Farm and Ranch Site Analysis Work ® Multiple Anemometer Installations and Data Analysis Work across Idaho, 20m-50m-i- VC D-1. R" E N A � S S 64 N C E Brian Dr Jackson, PE, MBA, BGME, CEM — President Project Management Design Engineering, Business onsu n and Feasibility Studies, Energy Analysis & Efficiency Evaluations Brian Jackson is a Professional Engineer with a master's degree in business administration. He combines 17 years of engineering experience in consulting, electrical generation, and project management to provide effective consulting services that are relevant to a client's bottom line through increased productivity and profits or significant savings. He is also a Certified Energy Manager with the American Association of Energy Engineers and spent 11 years working for Idacorp/Idaho Power Company in the field of power generation. Several years as a utility generation engineer involved focusing on various types of renewable energy sources including multi -megawatt hydra -electric power plant construction, photovoltaics, wind, and biomass. He also spent several years working with commercial and industrial customers in the areas of distributed generation and cogeneration. Mr, Jackson has experience in conducting feasibility studies and writing several successful grant applications for internal Projects as well as outside clients. He also has written various business plans for corporate and private ventures. The latest projects involve commercial wind farm analysis and feasibility, studies. He has experience in power generation interconnection issues as well as generator and engine operation. He has been in key leadership roles in small startup subsidiary companies spun off from the electric utility during his role there. He was the key Idaho Power representative managing a business study including complete feasibility and business planning for a distributed/isolated electric power generation business opportunity in Indonesia for villages and off grid communities during 1995 and 1996 involving several business trips to Asia meeting with Government leaders as well as field work. Mr. Jackson has been involved in other startup business ventures including retail sales and residential construction projects. He has managed multiple employees and supervised contractors and subcontractors. 4141.11- �ril At I S Engineering Des!'Sn BRJAN D. JACKSON - IDAHO POWER WOEXPERIENCE ..- ll l Years.- JuRy 2000-December 2001; On -Site Energy Manager, IDACORP Solutions Officially became part or separate company from the utility Idaho Posher. IDACOPP Solutions provided energy related products and services related to energy information, power quality, and on -site energy for commercial and industrial customers throughout the Western United States. Personal responsibility was for of -site energy systems including complete facility evaluation, analysis, and marketing of generation, HVAC, and cogeneration services. Generation products ranged fi•om multiple sizes and configurations of diesel and natural gas reciprocating gensets I0kW to 5MW in size to evaluation of two grid connected microturbiue installations. Evakiated and analyzed next phase products including smaller aeroderivative gas turbines, and special technologies like flywheels, flow -cells, and commercial fuel cells. Responsibilities included all types of on -site facility needs evaluations and preparing and presenting technical feasibility studies for on -site backup and prime power generation alternatives, Also involved local permitting and emissions evaluations as well as sales presentations to customers for the packaged project impleniansation services themselves. This included project management services to coordinate complete installation and fallow -up connnnissioning of equipment at the end of the project. January 1999-June 2000; Energy Information Project Manager, Idaho Power Commercial and Industrial Marketing Business Unit Focused specifically on selection and installation of Customer energy metering systems gathering data from utility electric and gas meters as well as water, steam, and subload electrical Rioters throughout several customers' facilities. Responsibilities included customer site evaluations, developing sales proposals and making sales presentations, as well as managing subcontractors acid coordinating with customers' personnel for installation work. April 1999-December 1998; Technical Products Development, Idaho Power Commercial and Industrial Marketing Business Unit Assigned to new business group to help with development of products and services beyond supply selling energy in the form of electricity and natural gas. New unit was extremely profit oriented and functioned entirely as a separate business unit from Idaho Power Company as much as possible at that time. Responsibilities included project management and engipeering design and evaluation of existing and new technologies. 19964999 International Project Director, Idaho Power Resources Corporation. Assigned to Idaho Power Strategic Plarnning Group to work specifically on business development for International Initiatives, particularly Project Indonesia (project budget over $5700,000). Traveled to many executive events and functions across 0nited States. Three trips to Indonesia totaling about 3 months during 1996 in that country. Trips to Indonesia included meeting with very senior government officials and business executives. Extensive field travel (thousands of road miles) throughout the islands of Borneo, Sulawesi, Java, Sumatra, Timor, Roti, Bali, Nusa Penida. Tremendous experience dealing with local people in outer areas of Indonesia. Quickly learned basic language skills in Bahasa Indonesia. Helped develop extensive business plan and financial models to analyze many potential opportunities in Indonesia for Idaho Power. This entire project was ultimately abandoned due to escalating economic risks. 094-1995 Business Development Associate, Hydro Services Groapa Assigned to Re-]=ng'sneering team responsible for changing direction and focus of Generation Engineering Department. Various tasks and duties including development of abusiness from initial plans and descriptions to market investigation and supplemental positioning analysis. ® Involved directly with full scale marketing efforts of Engineering and Maintenance Services to other companies. Developed contacts both domestic and international for projects and potential patinering possibilities as well as contacts at the project financing level including the 'World Bank and affiliated financing institutions. Responsibility for International Project Evaluation and Recommendations. ■ Developed extensive bid spreadsheet models for Ice Harbor and Shasta Hydro Refurbishment bids to account for every detail yet allow small changes and customization of bid in any area. ■ Site Engineer for the Lucky Peale Valve Project included inspection and evaluation recommendations, managing the project work sequence, billing customer for ingineering and crew time, and completing the final written report for the client. ■ Applying Business Education classes and principles to developing now Business Venture. 19924995 Project Engineer, Solar Photovoltaic Projects: Basic business and engineering work as team member to develop and implement the photovoltaic tariff for marketing custom designed PV systems up to 3 kW to customers. Helped to establish "standard package" systems issues. Involved with component ,selection and spec'ificatift, Designed and managed procurement and assembly of PV Der€ionstration Trailer with complete mobile system including ITV array, building, generator, and propane tank mounted on trailer. Project Manager for grid connected 19 kW 90 module Rooftop Photovoltaic System. This involved complete coordination of contract with EPA, EPRI, and Ascension Technology as well as local contractors. This project involved building permits and street closure permitting and coordination for helicopter airlift of entire crated system to Idaho Power Corporate Headquarters Rooftop. Subsequent dedication ceremony involved coordination with press, City of Boise Mayor's Office, and various officials fro€n Idaho Gower, EPRI, and others. Continued system monitoring and expanded data collection efforts to include data none the Bureau of Reclamation Agri -MET System Sites. Managed Idaho Power's additional related data project with Bonneville Power Administration, Pacificoip, Portland General Electric, and Eugene 'Water and Electric Board and the University of Oregon, Completely designed and initiated fabrication of the metal framework for the 80kW Air Force Photovoltaic System at Grasmere, Idaho. This design involved extensive 3-1) work in Autocad to minimize cost, while maxis, izing safety of design factors and ease of miniival ly supervised field installation. Fabrication and installation processes went extremely well. r 7 1992-1994 Generation Engineer, 'twin la ally Project ($50 Million); Assiggnmentto this project concurrent with other assigmnents for initial mechanical engineering design review for Twin FalIs Hydroelectric Project. • Preparation of FERC License Article Submittals. • Detailed Review and Comment-, on Specifications and Drawings as well as bid evaluation. • Shop inspection of Draft- I`ube and Penstocks. 1991-1993, Generation Engineer, Milner Project ($70 Million): hi tial duties as assistant to the Project Engineer on Milner hydroelectric Project; included various contract management tasks and invoice payment approvals as well as mechanical and civil engineering design review. • invoice tracking and approval for project contracts and deliverables -some at several SM illion, • $ignif%cant efforts for contract bid preparation, evaluation, and award. • Extensive on -site inspection of contractor fabrication items for Penstocks, intake and Radial Gates, T'rashrack and Trashrake. • Completely designed and managed construction of buoy line system across spillway at Milner Dam. • FERC Construction Reports, monthly; Project Record Drawing Review and Approval; Final FEkC `As - Built" Drawing Preparation and Submittal. • Extensive work for analysis, study and final preparation of video for ramp rate and target flow issues in response to FERC License Requirement amendment case. �,LQ-NFERE' NCECS & 'TRAINING. DeLodo mental Classes rind Trrfirring - - Utility Wind Interconnection Workshop, UWIG, Albuquerque, NM Apr 18-20, 04, Trils:Tziban Mesa Wind Comprehensive 5 Day Energy Manager Training Program, Assoc. ofEnergy Engineers, Now Orleans. Dec 2001 MS Ward Long Documents Class, Boise, [lobo November 15, 2001 Project Management Boot Camp, Knight Associates, Boise, Idaho September 17-20, 2001 Industrial Process and Energy Optimization, ETSI Consulting, Boise, Idaho August 28-29, 2001 E-Myth Business Systems Strategy, E-Myth Worldwide, Boise, ldwlo Training, May 3-4, 2001 GeneracGenerators- Authorized Service Technician Training, Spring 2000 Utility Motel' data Gathering Seminar, TECOM,1'articipant and Presenter, San Diego, February 1999 Lessons in Leadership, Series Seminar by Stephen Covey, Tom Peters, Peter Senge, Fall 1996. Stephen Coveys: Seven Rabits ofl-lighly Effective People, IPCo Training; June 8, 1995. Staying On Top!: How to Sustain a Competitive Marketing Advantage.. BSU Outreach; May 18, 1995. Turning Customers into Devoted Fans; Ken Blanebard, One Msnutc Manager; BSU Outreach; March 29, 1995, Increasing human Effectiveness II, IPCo Training; June 1993, Pre,Supervisary Program, IPCo Training; Jan -Feb 1992 n'nr rn e- 'n.r Ca irte-renees aud Somb: re • NW Sustainability Conference, Boise, Idaho March 3-4, 2005 Presented Wind Projects Session • Idaho American Indian Summit -Wind Power Development, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho ,rune 15 & 16, 2004 • Idaho State Energy Office Wind Road Show, March 8-13, 2004; Presented Farm Options for Wind ■ 4`4 Annual Harvesting Clean Energy Conference, Portland Oregon January 20,21, 2004. ■ Small Timber Products Outlook: A Focus on Energy, Post Falls, Idaho, November 20, 2003; Presented Selected Biomass Gasification Case Studies • AWEA Wind Project Financing Workshop, Palm Spriggs, CA, November 10-12,2003 • Windpower for Rome, Farm, Ranch, or Business, Lewiston, Idaho, Sept. 25, 2003; Presented .Farm and Ranch Applications and Models • 3rd Annual Harvesting Clean Energy Conference, Boise,. Idaho February 10-12, 2003 • Bioenergy 2002, Boise, Idaho September 22 26, 2002; Presented Downdraft Gasification Projects • Power -Gen 2001, Las Vegas, December 10-13, 2001 • Idaho Wind Power Conference, Boise, Idaho, October 22, 2001 • Distributed Generation Applications and Interconnection, EUCI, Denver, August 6-10, 2001 • Interconnecting Distributed Generation Conference; Western EneTgy Institute, March 21-23, 2001 San Diego; Presented Microturbine Applications Session • Distributech 2001, San Diego, February 2001 • Idaho Energy Conference, Sun VAlley, Idaho Novemerl5-17, 2000 • Distributech 2000, Miami Beach, February 2000 • Distributech 1999, San Diego, February 1999 • Energy Information Conference, Boston, Fall 1998; Presented Hospital Energy Submetering Installation and Application Case Study e World Sank Roundtable Meeting For Rural Electrification, Washington DC, April, 1997 • NREL Annual Village Power Workshop, Washington DC, February, 1996 and April, 1997 • Soltech/IIPVG Annual Conference, Palen Springs, April 9-12, 1996 • World Renewable Energy Congress, Denver, June 15-21, 4996, • International Executive Conference on Strategic Photovoltaic Business Opportunities for Utilities, Stuff Valley, Idaho; September 17-20, 1995. Presented Focus Group Analysis Results • International Summiton Hydropower Projects in Emerging Markets, New York; Sept, I1-13, 1995, • WaterPower 95 Hydro CoiiL, Booth Exhibitor for Hydro Services Group, Safi Francisco, CA; July 1995_ • ASME Bearing Selection and Maintenance Seminar; June 6, 1995. • Contract Administration and Claims Avoidance Seminar, Meulernan, Miller & Cummings,, September 1993, • Solar 94, ASCS International Solar Energy Conference, San Jose, CA; June 1994. • Solar Insolation Measurement Workshop, NREL, Denver, CO; May 1993. • Photovoltaic Powerplant Design, Operation, and Maintenance Seminal-, PG&E, E.PRI, aid Siemens Solar; Davis, CA; April 6-8, 1993. • Compressed Air System Design and Selection Seminar, MISCOi Boise, ID; Nov. 12, 1992, • Hydro Turbine Maintenance Seminar, Hydropower Technologies Inc,, Hells Canyon, ID; April 28-30, 1992. • Lawrence Pump Design Selection Seminar, MISCO, Boise, iD; Feb. 199I 4 JERALD J. BROWN P.O. Box 1972 Nome, Alaska 99762 March 1994 to Present: Bering Straits Native Corporation Vice President for an ANCSA Regional Corporation headquartered in Nome. Responsible for general administration and finances of the parent corporation (13SNC), and its subsidiaries. This includes management of the investment portfolios, involvement in daily operations for BSNC and all subsidiaries as well as direct oversight of the accounting department. Joined. BSNC in March of 1994 as accounting clerk, promoted to Assistant Controller in June 1995,.Controller in April 1996, V.P. of Finance in January 2000, and fall Vice President in August 2000, Additionally appointed as Vice President of Finance for all subsidiary companies in April 2001. Placed in charge of Alternative energy programs for BSNC in 2005. Currently overseeing installation of 17 kilowatt array of solar panels on the BSNC office building. Majr to August 1993: ARA Denali National Park Night Auditor at hotel resort located in Denali National Park .tune 1985 to June 1992: Glacier Park Inc., Subsidiary of Dial Corporation Computer Operations Manager,1991-1992, responsible for training seasonal and permanent staff in use of applications on computers and cash registers. Glacier Park was a summer resort destination with 700+ rooms & lodge accommodations in Montana and Canada. Winters were spent in Phoenix corporate office concluding seasonal reporting and preparing for the next seasons activities. Accounting Supervisor,1988 to 1990, responsible for training and supervision of accounting staff in payroll, accounts receivable, revenue audit and other related accounting functions. Payroll included compliance with Canadian and U.S. tax rules. Night Auditor, Summers of 1985 through 1987 February 1982 to February 1984: United States Army, Calvary Scout, 6"' Calvary Ft. Houston, TX Honorable Discharge EDUCATION: Ferris State College: Received B.S. in Accountancy June 1987, GPA 3.53 Delta College: A.A. degree in Business Administration, May 1985, GPA 3.78 AZ CPA Cert No. 7544-E (Lapsed) MI'T'CHELL A ERICRS0N 511 Round the Clock Drive PG Box 1967 Nome, Alaska 99762 . 907.443.4830 email: rnitchvick ci.net PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE March 2004 to Present Nome Chamber of Commerce Nome, Alaska Executive Director March 2005 to Present Arctic Western Development Nome, Alaska Owner Gold mining properties, gold properties and land reclamation services October 2000 to March 2004 Alaska Gold Company Nome, Alaska Vice President and Land Resource Manager Created Land Management Plan to classify land resources Responsible for Environmental Managed land, sand, gravel and gold resources May 1997 to November 1999 Situasuak Native Corporation Nome, Alaska Vice President and Human Resource Director for operating subsidiaries including Bonanza Fuel, Nanuaq, Inc, Nanuaq Construction and Nome Native Community Enterprises, Supervised fuel operations including wholesale and retail home heating fuel sales, Avgas, gasoline as well as two gas stations. Developed feasibility study, business plan and construction financing for new Anvil City Station. • Incident Commander for Oil spill Response team. Managed 64 apartment rental units as well as four commercial buildings. Oversaw management of the 18 unit motel complex "Nanuaq Manor." Responsible for budgeting, marketing and profitability as well as regulatory compliance. Reviewed new business proposals as directed by President and Board, Human Resource Director for staff of 75. March 1984 to April 1997 National Bank of Alaska Anchorage, Alaska Branch Manager of Skagway and Nome Branches. Managed staff up to ten people. Responsible for internal and external compliance of banking ides and regulations, Provided customer service, compliance and lending training to staff. Branch lending officer (mortgage, consumer and commercial loans) December 1991 to December 1983 Sedcore Exploration, Ltd. Fairbanks, Alaska Project Supervisor, core drilling EDUCATION Hotel Administration - University of Nevada, Las Vegas 1976-1980 Continuing education -• University of Wisconsin, Madison - Banking and Finance; University of Alaska, Anchorage - Accounting and Real Estate; University of Alaska, Fairbanks - Banking. INTERESTS President - Nome Youth Hockey Association Secretary and Treasurer - Nome Aviation & Military Museum Past President - Nome Rotary Club, Skagway and Nome Chamber of Commerce Past Board Member - Nome Rotary Club, Nome Chamber of Commerce, Skagway Chamber of Commerce, Skagway Elks Nome Iditai•od volunteer - 1992 to present Election Judge - Bering Straits Native Corporation, Ding Island Native Corporation p9 A SI o w D 2 D o c to vD Q o' ° DC w DC7- O cron (A o to c zi �' moo. l9 •�• n Er o �p� n, �. 0 CD � n c m o c �^ o —E a 3 �p Cc {Q cn S, n ., W d n Qa c a D) (D 3 CD So y 0 a •cot-" m =o Q m R D Z �m m m o o W m y o N• 2 _�_, n Fr m W 3 R 0 o 3 n non, tp� Q 3 ID, u 3 y ro m 5i c to a- Q rz Q C? rt m co m N C 3 m m pi m p tp n C o (p CD ua• ro g• fA �' to QN o o �. 0 2 o S. m —m m, m c�c °5 �' m- o ° �a�i °� mopn o CO ro N p co y= m� '6 v cp to v, D _� c a d W 0� Q w a Q u�, a n� O G M boo O �i �C N y SOi t m6 0 3 ap ID C o y o c� (D' C N 3 f2 7 p• p CD 2L [(p� y N c _ n N SS1 C fOn I� i o m m@ m a� � ro o Er C I'1'I 1C° Q' N to W cn O CDW_ b' 7 N v to rn C °' N o �n D D o- m 3 am d m i tag}13� V, ;r La Electrle`ci�adc A Su t dirt r of Clefirrg .rr'tr Wis Alathme Corporation MU7 Old sew aul M"Im"r r9Itcltm"Vey' .41401, 99507 907.344.7121 b 9ll7344,11827 Fa Eagle Electrie is -pleased to submit the following Corporme! Pro rile. Eagle Electric is par( of the Bering Straits Native Corporation fitni ly of companies. We are enninAted to partnership that henef is hoth our shareholders and f he broader corm-iunity in which we both serve. We actively -pursue our c✓onuriitni.eiit to improve t11z duality of life of ow people, protect our land, and preserve our culture and Heritage, Eagle Electric:'s commitment includes offering trninfti andeMplsyrner'-t opportunities to Alaska natives and tribal niernbers. Eagle 171c:ctric provides. an apprentice program in conjune.tion with: Kavvcral_, ]:tac. Kawerak-'s organizational goal is to assist, Aleuska 1.4adw, pcoplr to take Control of their :future. With progratnis nuiging from education to houshig, and natural resource nianagenieiat to econoraic development, Kawerak seeks to improve the Region's sooicri, economic, edaeadonal, cultural and political cogclitlons, Ragde Electric supports Kawerak's Education Employment and Training division, w$tich is designed to provide support wit] assistwice to tribal members who are looking for,job 't aining while they are cont'ixauing their education. 'file purpose of these Programs is to provide applicants the Oppornality to gain Work experience, proinote good work ethics and provide a pub is service to their community. Fifty -percent of Eagla Blectriu's employ= in Dome have beery tniiijed ill this Kawerak division. In addition, Eagle Ele-ctiic is actively involved in developing a riew-tra:ining, program with Kawer,dl to train village msidents. In 2001, Kawerrak began the implementation of village-ba_sect shills training programs. These 2-4 weep programs ate designed for appacntices and ave registered by the federal Departinent (YF Labor. Each training program uties a standard cuixictdUrn that is approved by the National Center for Coastructiorr Education and Research (NCCER), l'aAicipwits carn college -credit through Northwest Colicgc/University of Alaska: To be successful in any indtuary, quality is of the utmost importance. We o for more than sads.l'actory service, with the goal trt`berzoming the Service provider of ulioice, tour ruputadon is sustained by makhig eustoine):s active partners, We value worlung relationships with 'hill and open communication. It is only through this process we iearn our o stomex's needs and insure the highest per'tbrmance levels and complete customer satis't4otion. We appreciate, your irrtcresi in partnersWp with Bering Straits Native.Corporation Grid t;ai le Electric, We look forward to serving with you. . Sincerely, Michael 1. ondoii, Senior Vice President "Builrlllr"'; Our ralurr" Offal ''�3n3�t� 11 frith ej��rfi►���ur�f3►�niriµ� Oyprviipw Eagle Ele-etric has servod ?lI years as it crsustrcrcE ol', renovgtion, ulaintenatree, and dart ical seevica cant -aCtor, !n OW M13, 1980s, the rrt,?rority ref our tvurlc was conewitrated till residential (single and mulickfslnrily ll,)trsin;) to srrnalUlarge scale hotel complexes. Eaf,YW Electric: has grown atsbst:antially, MrftsrTnirl; lamer commercial, industrial, and military pro,iec:ts. Coatiriuecl axpansiolr now involves on -geeing fi'stcility OjMratiotis an(] tilaintenance-w-pport services. Our nationwide opemnorr, are now tntrlaged f om offices in _- 4 NInme AK, �Q F e A,riahorage AK, .. �J O Las Vegas NV, * sunny Milt Nc, Kure! }y ® Goose Creels, SC`. Z476 Metric f3�i�►�tizi�ac �„�tCes Eagle > lcotric's grovitli lras resitit:ed in the addition of NumeAu.x trained managetnent personrul, Wiled estiniators, and Nrtch At<, A3{, Competent project 171r1rr4°Iu. Atli' rrlar:racineni; stag has LesVepasNV, over 100 years' cwrxulrative experience in the construction Sonny Point NO, and kl€►d St;IVI C6 11KI►r$tl'y', Ploj=t a4ftdCA5 liilVr7 :5LIQL�OsSAllly- Game craeit.SC. completed praxects tlrat, vary in s01.rr and size tv over S2()t~1t , In constructoll value. Goal and Purpose Professional A.ffiliatlrlons,, En& Electric is committed to., (1) L:cepticrnal �c�rlcrrrarnsirsp. (2) Competitive pricing, (9) A successful prttject�{-om. the vet), start, (4) RespoWive: perf rmanu, (5) sufrly as a liriri►wY cunuvill, (6) Guarantees on elmli-iral systterli5 we install, (7) Meeting each timeline and project schedule, (8) Complote Cllstolner satisfaction. (9) Praftssiurial & friendly relationsldps, and (10) Reput busItiessl Construction and Service Specialization,,; 6 Des ign-8uild institute of America a C:S,}a MUCtion Financial tvsalnagenjont AssrlCialiun * Society of F niurican Military Engineer:; m Associated General Corgractori of Alaska o constniGoon speui!"lutdons lit&titwe National Association or Woluell, ill C.On$trl►CtiO n rs 'file Alaska S(a) Asaociation FA_gle Electric is a full-servieo firm Pcr'forrrling ©lcutrical cnntt'rlCOM. isteiliiv tnaint[: r#rnod and pperat.iorls services. Caw- genersrl contracting expertise is in design -build, new constatction, renovation, restcrrai:ion, coustruct,iou ►n- nagement, mid services work, Rattle Riff Eric: serves FI4 a prime contractor kmd mbeontmator ts► the U.S. Oover•rnnent Agencies; in multiple capticities, C Qntrrcts involve extensive NAu, safety Rtticl clul,14 central mquirerneats and proc;Mures. Eagle: ElOaTic has e%celled in Ineedlig regulatory sltrd Mfery re+lll>rerxleuts, Current contracts involve; a ElectricaI System Remodelilrg and finprovorrlents a Instillation and Mainteustlee of * Lighting u Fire. Alarm Systems Licet' ed a Tt eph+an-a & [Data 5ystsms Bonded e, Communiention Systems rr Emorgloney Standby Ponder uysiems � Insured u Nume Call / Emergency call systwnis � SBA 8(a) C'.erbfied * Sound and Imercom Systonv; DBLE Ceftil'icd FAA Ilia! Cutllrueluort I Cmmn►ercial, Industrial, Rdsirt4nlid, Sm vico t N4.1inwolm t,; i } Uct:mwd, i30$&.d &I 14FUTO,1 Eagle .electric LLC "fluildhifir oil rut€cr'e"and "Doing if firghP" it' ilk r;;� efive Irrrtmcrships r., Sbuitch��.vut' o Electrical T'estirg o f;iectrlcaluistrtbution c, Electrical i i-ansibr Station In,talladom koadway and Grounds Improvetrienls Piker Ciptic. S}rstomv InrialiRtiou switchgcar Installation INDUSTRIAL Suoid Walliburton) Prl.ld toe Hay, lllita'rktat PI.11(111oe Day Ivluct Mani k xpiarrsiUn & Tv W Motor Control Centas; & related r NcLricui Cooper industrios . Prudhoo Day, .Alaska Industrial Maolihie Shop Oilfield related equipment i.e., Blow Out Praventers Clnsq T Divi .ion I & if F.xlilresirm Pron'f Flartrical hmaliatlnns Nome ,loint Otilities (Al_a, lka Gulch hictt»e, Alaska 'three mile power litre extension to Roc:ic Creep Mitre Cy0V 'RIVAfENT US Army C OE Sunny Point, NC Upgrade- Deployment Sta g..iag & Swmge Areas US Amy C6iJ Sl'umiy Paitj# NC River board improvematiPs US Army COE Sunny Point, NC North and South Wharf Lj.ghiing � r-cderal Aviation A.dntbiistratloa BettIcis, Alaska Flight Service Station ClpciTical Upgrade Natipnal Parks &rviee l ume, AI7skir Employ= Housirtg &Lztrical UWgmdc Bureau of Land Management Aiiellorage, Alaska Federal Building UpDrade &, Installation ofElectrical Office furnishings Social Security Administraxtiwi Anchorage, Alaska Federal Building Upgrade & Installation of Electrical Office rurnishing's Natkotial Park S,c:rvl6e. Icing Salmon, Alitska Upgrade Lighting Tunanek Bost Office Selawtek, Alaska ElcotTita►l Systems lutallatiun for New Construelion Residential How5iaig Selawick, Alaska Cleo,tricsl 5yitentis lnstaall ldon for Now Conatrcrction RE f',l[lilrilVTZT & THEATERS Benihatnat Amhorage, Alaska °Tampuru Kitchens Anchorage, Alaska Baskin Robbins Wassilla, Alaska Gesine's Anclwage, Alaska Wayue's T4e,N is Wfbegtic Anv torztgc, Alw%ka Peldn4- Restaatuant Palmer, Alaska Hear T'oodi Grill & Theater Pub Atiehoratre, Alaska Various Esprerso Stands in Anchoragm & Mat -Su Valley, Alaska Country Village (Mall Wasillat, Alaska Toro rtr:Improvements MecOcal vittuiFCN�flCC L LCL'IIiC(l, 1341fSillil R IILSrlCL�1 E g .[ `ter - LLC "flullifing OuT Fnfflrel' efull `Defiq It flight" U19i8 N„ F['Ikr't�l►dJtliNf,hldce Dimond Center 14.I tuoragc, Alsska TC-naw Improvements wal'-gfare Anoti gage, Alaska Elcr,trical & Ligllthig Upgrades al "vo Stored Payless f Rive -Aid Anct'rorage, Alaska LightirLg Upo-idm at Four, Sioros Hilton Garden lrin Anclror'age, Alaska installifflan of E",lectriral Systems for flew C,)nsiruction of 125 Room Hotel Dimand Center Hotel Ancliorage, Alaska InStallati.on trfElectr•ical Systoms for New C onstrttetiott of log Roorn Hotel Big Lukc Pablrc UMary Bit-3 Lak*, Aiaslca Installation Of Electrical Systems fbi-New Cotrsiruction Paltrier Piunt,tor Flume ADRD Unit Palmer. Alaska Electrical mid Fire Alarm Symms Upgrade and Repair Security Self storage Eagle Mver, Alaslvd Installation of Electrical Systems for New Construction Denali Ike O Center Anchoina, Ala.Ska WaDler €3uilding Alas€ion' ge, Alaska Eleetric:al Upgrades in BLM Offlus arrrl Maintenance Sbop Alaska Later Wub Aaelior rge, AlusLz Installation of Electrical :System, for Now Omstruction iulerrill Field (Genera.] Aviation Ahport) Anchorage, Alaska Twenty-.Fotrr Airplane Hangars Las Vegas Cowitry Club Las Vegas; Nevada I"StRilation of 00otricai Sysrernr for New C onstrucGion & Ulagrades to li-xisting Systems ]+forth West Fancily Part; Las degas, Nevada lnsuillation Ott r1crtrical Sy.jumis for New C;oaistruari m &- tjPgados to Existing systeins Installation of Electrical 4yst`ws f'flr New Constructiorl & Upgrades to Existing Systems Pioneer Park, Las Vegas,'Nevada lastallaticrn of f::lcOrical Systanis Car New Construetion & Upgrades to Existing, 5ysicrt7s Fire Station 44 Las Vegas, Nevada Installatiou of Electrical Systems far New Constructiatt & Upgradcs to .Existing Systems UMC: Hospital Las Vegas, Navacln 1LllIVIdeti to Existing rMectrical systenis Boulevard Mall Las Vega;, Ni:vada Upgrades to Bxistiug Electrical Systetus ldampstead Heathr Anuhorag+e, Alaska Installation ofFtlecti•le;al Systems for Now C:onmroction or98 Llnits with C:lul715ar]Se Bfittarty t'smes Anchora�ge, Alaslcta Installation Cff Electrical Systems for New Cnrtsirtwdo i Prestige 4-plexes Alwhorage, Alaska tr+sititlutltrra cf Cl®ctrierrl SY;.ten1:r for'New Coriztrv,tion Fox-woud Condorainitttns Atioliorap, Alaska Installation ofMectrical 4ysterns for New Construction 056 Units 1 trrnbet7y Tower C~crndoniiniums Las Vegas, Nevada Inst:allatioli of Electrical Systems fdrN2>.v Construction Perh Tower Con€lnnlutitlms .Las Vegas, Nevada uasi'allatiOn of Electrical Systems For Naw Construction ,-Clricul C71j{uraGt4r a COr MIC191, 11tdDMrt9i, ite,itks+tidal, ieraie +Mtin3MrWrCu M 1_SL' ftwt. Guridect 1k Inuircd angle E1,e,aric L L C ��tg 0"nr Fuliue'I and "Dorn, R Right" with gffeetive pariiterships lC.GSTOA1 r10r1sING Sable Ridge Las Vegas, Nevada Spanish Trails Las Vegas, Nevada Southern Highlands Las Vegas, Nevada The Enclaves Las Vegas, Nevada Installation of Electrical Systems for New Construction Business jg olrmatio Type of Business: Date Business Established: Federal Employer I.D. No.: State of Alaska Employer I.D. No. Dun & Bradstreet No.: Alaska Susiaess License No: Alaska Contractor's License No.: Electrical Contractor 1987 92-0164963 0001358626 602061046-1046 255681 25788 Service Classification INKS Cedes 238210 - Electrical Contractors 236116 - Multifamily Housing Construction 236210 -industrial Building Construction 236220 - Commercial & Institutional Building Construction 541330 -- Engineering Services 561210 — Facilities Operations and Support Services 811310 — Commercial & Industrial Machinery & Equipment (except Automotive & Electronic) repair and Maintenance) Service Our service team tailors preventive maintenance plans to suit specific needs and concerns. Ensuring proper operation of equipment can help extend equipment life, resulting in fewer equipment breakdowns, reducing emergency service calla and increasing operating efficiency. On larger projects, we employ prograrn managers to Yelp assure that the projects are organized with a single point of contact for our customers and our project personnel. Selected Experience The following projects have been selected to demonstrate Eagle Electric's capabilities and qualifications in providing prime contracting, building, operation, maintenance and electrical services for a variety of project types. N Chugach View Senior Housing Complex, Contract Amount - $590,689.00 Total of approved Change Orders was $250,121.67 Revised Contract Amount is $840,811. Complete wiring to remodel complex to house seniors while occupied. Project consisted of upgrading systems and ire alarm monitoring and emergency systems. 9 Town. Square Manor- 90 unit, Contract Amount is $31.0,000. Electrical services included wiring for 90 unit apartment complex with garages — including power, lights, and ire alarm system. Electrical Contractors I Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Sen ice & Maintenance fl Licensed, Bonded & Insured "Birildling 011F FrWre" andl "Doing It Right" with effk9he piwinerslrips Uwe's Retail Fui ity, Fairbanks, Contract Amount - $1,011,669 Total of (24) Change Orders for approxinnatel.y $ 150,000, The project consisted of all electrical and systems wiring within this almost 200,000 square foot facility. The building management systems include emergency generator, Novar lighting, automated temperature controls, remote humidity sensors, and occupancy sensors. The General Contractor is Roger Hicicel Contracting. ® A.uchoran Pioneer Biome Fire L—IU l-enlacement ,Contra t Amount 492,333 This State funded project consisted of providing a new code compliant fire alarm system for the Anchorage Pioneer Horne and removing the two existing systems. The Client is the State of Alaska. iil Dome Youth FaciflIX, Contract Amount - $284,729.00 General Contractor is Har&al Construction. Scope of work included a new 600 amp service, all new fighting, approximately 100 fixtures, design and installation of new central lighting control. ® Multi Purpose Facility, King Island Dative Comrrrtrnity Nome, Amount - $96,360 Scope of work included 3,000 scl, ft., complete new 200 atop service, and fire alarm service. Tiie building houses a recreation area, carving room, community conference roam and a store. ® Old Federal Building — BSNC New Headguarters Scope of work included renovation of the entire 3rd floor, including new panels, lights, telecoimmutueations, and updating existing wiring to bring it up to current code. O Anvil Mountain Correctional,Farcility Fire Alarm Reglacement in Nome. Contrast Amount is $125,000, Owner is the State of Alaska, Department of Corrections. project consists of a complete reinstallation/ replacement of the fire alarm, system. electrical Contractors I Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Service & Maintenance I Lieensed, Bonded & Insured tii 4 "Building Our Feiture° ands "Doing It Right" with gffeedve partners; tips Selected NatdoinWide Customers �s Star Software US General 5ervice5 Administration Selected Local Customers 'Q�'y �'Q. #1 T5 ! - wI M US Army cons of Engineer5o I w ar i�3; • A4 A'd, Eaton 91 TerferatCmt r " Ir�Ai 1 Lek ..v-cr ���• X �A ems, � >f ...- r � - .:•; �- � - r Am M -% Sun 0,- � --9- ter' .. a y J-IUM5=dftTOqAIw Cro•Airna arvJ tyse?�^dhuY 7�ur'.�rallh� Rapids Camp Lodge _ _ _ _ ieQtapdd� ASneBe Fie�ing Ff� - Electrical Contractor; 0 Commercial, industrial, € "identhd, Service & Maintenartce 0 Licensed, Banded & Insured Idaho Tower Coikstrueflon Company A 0. fox 4944. Ketchum, ID 83340 (708) 578-3636 rvlvtv.ielahotoaver,com September 30, 2007 John Campbell Com=wications and Wind Tower experience John Campbell is the owner of the Idaho Tower Company. Formerly, he was the owner of the Puerto Rico Tower Company and the BC Construction Group of the Virgin Islands mid Puerto Rico. Since 1992 he has personally erected over 400 self support towers, guyed towers, and monopoles. John's steel erection experience began as an Ironworker, erecting the steel frames of office buildings, airplane hangars, and metal buildings. After Hurricane Huge decimated most of the eomYnunication towers in the Virgin Islands, he started replacing them. As his reputation spread for doing high quality wart: in a fast and efficient manner, he started building towers in Puerto Ricca as well. BC Group became the "go to" company for difficult towers on challenging sites with difficult access or other extraordinary site conditions. When a series of hinTieanes blasted through the islands two years later, and every one of the BC Group towers emerged unscathed, his business flourished. After selling his company in 2000, John moved to Idaho, and started the Idaho Tower Company. In addition to building communications towers, the Idaho Tower Company pursued various wired projects, including turbine erection, and anemometer tower installation. With experience in working in Alaska (John Campbell worked in Anchorage for two summers), with experience erecting over 100 Rohn self support towers, with experience installing the Integrity turbines, and with experience building projects in extremely challenging conditionsat challenging sites with dilicult access, Idaho Tower is uniquely qualified to work on the None Wing Power project. Please call to discuss any questions or corlc'erns. Idaho Tower Construction Company P. 0 Box 4944 , Ketehain, ID 83340 (208) 57&3636 wwi4Udahotower eain Wlio we are: We have been a turnkey provider for over 400 self-support towers, from 35 111 to 400 ft tall, tuoughout the northwest (ID, WY, NV, MT, WA) and Caribbean since 1992. Our experience and expertise gained from the communication tower business has made for a smooth transition into the wind energy market. We look forward to being a maior contributor to wind energy development in the American northwest. Services Provided and Experience: sTurbines: Shipping and Unpacking Transport of all Machinery Excavation Foundation Engineering and Construction Erection and Iron Work •Anemometers: Anemometer Tower Installations Wiring and set up of anemometers, wind vanes, and data loggers dcranes: Hydraulic: up to 250 tons with 330 feet of boom and jib. Lattice: tip to 400 tons with 380 feet of boom and jib. •foundations: Fad and pier as Iarge as 400 cubic yards. Pile Rock Anchor. We have designed and constructed rock anchor foundations to handle tower reactions of uplift and compression in excess of 1,000 Kips. &Safety We pride ourselves on a spotless safety record. *Qrganizafions: N.A.T.E. Climbers certified by Gommtrain oLa5t Projects: *Erected two Integrity turbines for Synthetic Energy in Shoshone, [D. *Hung aneynometers and wind vanes oil 220' Sabre self-support towers at Puget Sound Energy's Wild Horse Wind Farm for Global Energy Concepts. *Numerous Installations of NRG tilt up anemometer towers in ID, MT, and NV. a References Tim Lang UPC Wind 519 272-754.5 519 273-8019 fax dang@upcwind.com Jennifer Bredt Renewable Energy Specialist Division of Energy and Mineral Development 12136 W. Bayaud Ave. Suite 300 Lakewood, CO 80228 720.407.0660 Brian Jackson Renaissance Engineering and Design 2792 Desert Wind Rd. Oasis, ID 83647-5020 208.796.2222 Thomas Griffith Synthetic Energy Ketchum, fD 83340 208.727.0070 John Lyons Lead Test Technician Global Energy Concepts 1809 7th Avenue Suite 900 Seattle, WA 98101 206387-4242 (office) 206387-4201 (fax) For more information please contact: Eric Dernment, Vice President: of Business Development erir,d@idahotower.com 208.578.3636 office 208.578.7682 fax 208.309.0742 celi Or visit our website at www.idahotower.=Tk ENTEGRITY E',ISTALLATtON M IDAIiG 6,. Regulatory and Other Approvals The project site is located on land owned by Sitnasuak Native Corporation. The site is located outside Nome City limits and is not subject to any local city zoning and regulatory codes. An agreement will be required with Nome Joint Utility Systems for the wind project to connect to the grid. The US Army Corp of Engineers will be consulted to determine if a USACE 404. fill permit will be needed for the Snake River site. A Phase I Environmental Review will be conducted to further determine the status of the land; Both properties are undeveloped with no expected environmental concerns. BSNC staff anthropologist Matt Ganley will insure property sheets all state and federal requirements relating to section 106 (NHPA) and environmental reviews (NEPA) and other regulations. An onsite evaluation will be conducted to ensure the project conforms to NAGPRA requirements. Project Location Maps Sample Project Kotzebue Information and Photos Alaska Interconnection Law Matt Ganley VP Land and Resources Resume Harnessing the Wind in Nome Alaska 15 1 W.t-., _ LLyt ,ram • "'"�' `` F rajeet Area M Cris act Area ff , �ti , � '' F t Ca l: �4y, �, .: '' '";�� =w - f f ram`"' �� u /•. p' �: � •� {' N _ ;� � r.. ''�`�'i'V � � � �- its . � y, � �fwe�i V ..'ea�� NOME E Mlr� . r Ile •i •� F s r �� � ,�s�}�tic�lt Tx� � I�LX ;N�� � x + _ },�-�� r r �� • � � '` � ,� C f��+� f i Sr,[a it �,�. b f��', � � i� '`» '� . i . F"�'"� a� �r r' '-R ', s1a � '� � �. - :fs 1 � ,�..5+'r:c :r'•i, �;i:'. ':.-- 4�..�' _..i 1re.'�';�-�-v- 5 irs :�sf �,= . ¢ - i, '� tj1�• ���' i�''� 1rF'a-� �t. - ,1 . � .'� � '` yy-liii` tl'�s�T�"sh� ue f ��'•. � ? � 1� f ah-.+-C�».} •!-�c .Hw-. r - •�n••W � -x:`�Y G • wr r .,H.rG ` �s+.6 •o.Y•:w}k •Ow �i r �.. ..r, . _ _.. ._ 1 -� �w r w � e e �� '� �� - - limn hk F � � } 4 t t !�� � �:. _ i i3 .' h i� ; ti ,� i �y .,� is k �, �t _ I ��' h, �_ NOME e10I T UTILITY SYSTEM a component unit of &MOMM P.O. Box 70 a biome, Alaska 99762 0 (907) 443-NNS a Fax (907) 443-6336 September 28, 2007 Jerald Brown Bering Straits PO Box1008 Nome, AK 99762 Dear Jerald, As you are aware, the Utility Board has long expressed support for and has been investigating alternative energy options that can potentially reduce reliance solely on diesel for power production in Norne. We have been collecting wind data sporadically for several years, and now believe we are close to having a full year of valid data that indicates sufficient wind resource in the Nome area to move toward the goal of adding wind power. The Mayor of Nome requested assistance from the US Department of Energy and the Alaska Energy Authority to study various alternatives that may be available in the area, including wind, coal, geothermal, and natural gas. There are many issues that will need to be considered by the Utility to come to a finai decision to proceed with any alternative energy project, including capital and operating costs, and maintenance and system-intertie considerations. The study is nearing completion and we expect it to be released soon so local decision makers can utilize it in the planning process. I applaud the proactive attitude, initiative and support of the local community in also seeking creative solutions to the high energy costs in the community, This is to confirm our conversation and interest in the possibility of having alternate energy available to the Utility to avoid diesel use. While the Utility may pursue the installation of wind generation on its own, we encourage you to pursue your concept of installing a private wind farm that could provide energy to our grid. Existing Utility Tariffs do provide for co -generation, but these provisions have not been utilized in years, and were envisioned on a smaller scale than what you propose. The potential of having 500kw available would not interfere with the Utility's own conceptual plans. There are numerous system and operational issues that would need to be considered, and a detailed engineering proposal developed, but we look forward to further discussions, and encourage you to pursue any funding opportunities that may be available to make wind power in Nome a reality. Should such a system be available, NJUS would be interested in pursuing a power purchase agreement that would provide a direct energy cost reduction benefit to Nome's residents, Sincerely, tK. Handeland General ManagerlChief Operating Q cer NOME JOINT UTILITY SYSTEM Providing reliable utility services to system ratepayers efficiently and economically by prudently operating and maintaining systems assets in rafiscally responsible manner ML---10- I Article 2 Cogeneration and Small Power Production Section 750. Application purpose, and waiver. 760. Interconnection. 770. Purchases. 780. Sales. 790. Implementation. 800. Disconnection. 810. Dis utes. 820. Definitions. 3 AAC 50.750. Application, purpose. and waiver (a) 3 AAC 50.754 - 3 AAC 50.520 apply to all electric u#iIities subject to the -regulatory jurisdiction of the commission under AS 42.05.361 - 42.05.441. These sections govern interconnection and purchases and sales of electric power between an electric utility and a qualifying facility. (b) The purpose of 3 AAC 50.750 - 3 AAC 50.820 is to encourage cogeneration and small power production by setting out guidelines for the establishment of reasonable, nondiscriminatory charges, Fates, terrris, and conditions under which interconnection and purchases and sales of electric power will occur between an electric utility and a qualifying facility. (c) Any requirement in 3 AAC 50.750 - 3 AAC 50.820 may be waived, in whole or in part, or be modified by order of the commission upon application and a showing of good cause. An entity shall file and the commission will consider an application in accordance with 3 AAC 48.805. History: Eff. 11/20182, Register 84; am 412412004, Register 170 Authority: AS 42.05.141 AS AS 42.05.711 3 AAC 50.760. Interconnection " (a) An electric utility shall make interconnection with a qualifying facility as may be necessary to accomplish purchases or sales wider 3 AAC 50.750 - 3 AAC 50.820 (b) Notwithstanding (a) of this section, an electric utility is not required to interconnect with a qualifying facility if (1) the electric utility, solely because of purchases and sales over the interconnection, would become subject to federal regulation under Subchapter IT of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. § 824; or (2) a qualifying facility does not comply with the safety and reliability standards prescribed for interconnection by the commission. (c) An electric utility may assess a qualifying facility interconnection charges which are reasonable and nondiscriminatory with respect to other customers that have similar load characteristics. (d) Interconnection charges may include the reasonable costs of connection, switching, metering, transmission, distribution, safety provisions, administration, and other costs incurred by the electric utility directly related to the installation and maintenance of the physical facilities necessary to permit interconnected operations with a qualifying facility, to the extent these costs are in excess of the corresponding costs which the electric utility would have incurred if it had not engaged in interconnected operations, but instead generated an equivalent amount of electric power from other sources. Interconnection costs do not include any costs included in the calculation of avoided costs. (e) An electric utility shall offer a qualifying facility the option of reimbursing the electric utility for interconnection charges over a reasonable period of time. The electric utility may charge reasonable interest, to be prescribed in its tariff or special contract, for the financing of the :interconnection costs. (fj If a dispute arises under 3 AAC 50.8I01 an electric utility shall submit to the commission the information necessary to support the methodology and calculations used in developing the charges assessed to a qualifying facility for interconnection. (g) An electric utility shall offer to operate in parallel with a qualifying facility. (h) An electric utility shall offer a qualifying facility that has a generating capacity of 10 kilowatts or less the option of using a single detent meter during parallel operation. History: Eff. 11/20/82, Register 84 Authority: AS 42.05.141 (a) AS 42,05.151 (a) AS 42,05.291 (b) AS 42,05.301 AS 42.05.361 (a) AS 42.05.3 81 (a) 3 AAC 50.770. Purchases (a) An electric utility shall purchase, in accordance with (c) - (f) of this section, any electric power which is made available from a qualifying facility. (b) Notwithstanding (a) of this section, an electric utility is not required to purchase electric power from a qualifying facility if (1) due to operational circumstances, purchases from a qualifying facility result in costs greater than those which the electric utility would have incurred if it had not made such purchases but had instead generated or purchased an equivalent amount of power; if purchases have started, an electric utility seeking to stop purchase under this paragraph shall notify in writing each affected qualifying facility in time for the qualifying facility to stop the delivery of electric power to the electric utility, or the electric utility shall pay the expense it would have incurred had power continued to be purchased from the qualifying facility at established rates during the same period; (2) during a system emergency, purchases from a qualifying facility would further contribute to the emergency; or (3) with the agreement of the qualifying facility, the electric utility transmits the eleethe power to another electric utility which is obligated to purchase that electric power as if it were supplied directly by the qualifying facility. (c) Rates for purchases of electric power must be just and reasonable and must not discriminate against qualifying facilities or adversely affect the consumers of the electric utility. (d) For purchases from a qualifying facility which supplies non -firm power, rates must be based on the '�-..:... cost of energy which the electric utility avoids by virtue of its interconnection with the qualifying facility. Kates under this subsection must comply with the following requirements: (1) Unless otherwise modified by the cortamission, avoided energy costs, expressed in cents per kilowatt-hour, must be determined from the sum of fuel and variable operation and maintenance expenses and the energy portion of purchased -power expense for a 12-month period, approved by the commission, updated by subsequent fuel costs, and divided by the number of kilowatt-hours sold for the same time period. Expenses and kilowatt-hours sold associated with hydroelectric generation must be specifically excluded from the computation of avoided costs for an electric utility which relies on hydroelectric generation for 25 percent or more of its total power requirements. (2) An electric utility shall submit to the commission the following information for the calendar or fiscal year preceding the date of filing, or a more recent 12-month period, to support rates for purchases of non -firm power: (A) the data and computation of avoided energy costs specified in (d)(1) of this section; and (B) at its option, the data and computation of avoided energy costs based on any other methodology deemed appropriate and justifiable by the electric utility. (3) Rates for purchases of non -firm power must be adjusted contemporaneously with fuel -cost rate adjustments and with changes in avoided energy costs in general rate revisions. (e) For purchases from a qualifying facility which supplies firm power, rates must be based oon the costs of energy and capacity which the electric utility avoids by virtue of its interconnection with the qualifying facility. hates under this subsection must comply with the following requirements: ' (1) In determining avoided energy and capacity costs, to the extent practicable, the following factors must be taken into account: (A) the estimated avoided energy costs stated on a cents per kilowatt-hour basis for the current calendar or fiscal year and each of the next five years; (B) the electric utility's plan for the addition of capacity by amount and type, for purchases of frrm energy and capacity, and for requirements for each year during the next 10 years; (C) the estimated capacity costs at completion of the planned -capacity additions and planned -capacity firm purchases, on the basis of dollars per kilowatt and the associated energy costs of each unit, on the basis of cents per kilowatt-hour; these costs must be expressed in terms of individual generating units and of individual planned firm purchases; (D) the availability of capacity or energy from a qualifying facility during system daily and seasonal peak periods; (E) the ability of the electric utility to avoid costs due to the availability of energy or capacity from the qualifying.faciiity; and (F) the costs or savings resulting from variations in line losses due solely to purchases from qualifying facilities. t.; (2) An electric utility shall submit to the commission the information necessary to support the methodology and calculations used in developing rates for purchase of firm power based on avoided energy and capacity costs. (f) Rates for purchases from a qualifying. facility, the construction of which was commenced on or after November 9, 1978, must be set at an electric utility's full avoided costs as determined under (d) or (e) of this section. Dates for purchases from a qualifying facility, the construction of which was commenced before November 9, 1978, may be set at less than full avoided costs, provided that the lower purchase rates are established in accordance with '(c) of this section. (g) An electric utility which is legally obligated to obtain all of its requirements for electric power from another electric utility shall submit to the commission the requisite avoided cost data of its supplying utility and the rates at which it currently purchases such energy and capacity. The supplying electric utility shall make the necessary information available to the purchasing electric utility at the time its wholesale power rates are approved by the commission. (h) An electric utility or qualifying facility may agree by special contract, subject to 3 AAC 48.390, to different rates, terms, or conditions for purchases than otherwise required by this section. A contract between an electric utility and a qualifying facility is valid if the commission determines the rates, terms, or conditions for purchases are just and reasonable to the customers of the electric utility and in the public interest. The contract may not be nullified under 3 AAC 50.770b (1) without prior commission approval. History: Eff. 1.1./20182, ]Register 84 Authority: AS 42.05.141 (a) AS 42.05.151 (a) AS 42.05.291 (c) AS 42.05.361 (a) AS 42.05.391 (a) 3 AAaC 50.780. Sales (a) An electric utility shall provide service to a qualifying facility including, but not Limited to, supplementary power, back-up power, maintenance power, and interruptible power. (b) Notwithstanding (a) of this section, an electric utility is not obligated to provide supplementary power, back-up power, maintenance power, and interruptible power to a qualifying facility upon a showing to and determination by the commission, after reasonable notice and an opportunity for public comment, that compliance with that requirement will either impair the electric utility's ability to give adequate service to its customers or impose an undue burden on the electric utility. (c) Rates for sales must be gust and reasonable and in the public interest and must not discriminate against the other consumers of the utility or against a qualifying facility in comparison to rates for sales to other customers of the electric utility with similar load or other cost -related characteristics. (d) An electric utility shall submit to the commission the information necessary to support the methodology and calculations used in developing rates for sales of electric power to a qualifying facility in conformance with applicable commission regulations. (e) Rates for sales of back-up power and maintenance power (1) must not be based upon an assumption that forced outages or other reductions in electric output by all qualifying facilities on an electric utility's system will occur simultaneously, or during the system peak, or both, unless the assumption is supported by factual data; and (2) must take into account the extent to which scheduled outages of the qualifying facilities can be usefully coordinated with the scheduled outages of the electric utility's facilities, (f) During any system emergency, an electric utility may discontinue sales to a qualifying facility, provided that the discontinuance is on a nondiscriminatory basis. History: Eff. 11/20/82, Register 84 Authority. AS 42.05.141 (a) AS 42.05.151 (a) AS 42.05.221 (c) AS 42.05.301 AS 42.05.361 (a) AS 42.05.381 (a) AS 42.05.391 (a) 3 AAC 50.790. implementation (a) The effective tariff of an electric utility must delineate and authorize interconnection and purchases and sales of electric power between an electric utility and a qualifying facility including, but not limited to, provisions for (1) the charges, terms, and conditions for interconnection to a qualifying facility, including the method and timing of payment of interconnection charges by a qualifying facility; (2) the rates, terms, and conditions for purchases of firm and non -firm power from a qualifying facility; and (3) the rates, terms, and conditions for sales of power to a qualifying facility. (b) Not later than 60 days after receipt of a written request for interconnection from a qualifying facility, an electric utility shall file with the commission for its consideration a tariff for interconnection, purchases, and sales with the requesting qualifying facility in accordance with applicable provisions of AS 42.05.361 - 42.05.441, 3 AAC 48.200 - 3 AAC 48.390, and 3 AAC 50.750 - 3 AAC 50.820. (c) Notwithstanding (a) and (b) of this section, an electric utility may enter into a special contract with a qualifying facility specifying the charges, rates, terms, and conditions of interconnection, purchases, and sales between an electric utility and a qualifying facility, provided use of a special contract otherwise conforms to applicable commission regulations. (d) Not later than 60 days after the effective date of 3 AAC 50.750 - 3 AAC 50,820, each electric utility shall compile and maintain for public inspection upon request the current data and information specified in 3 AAC 50 7, 70(dl (1) and (e)(1)(A) - (e)(1)(C). and a schedule setting forth all current tariff and special contract purchase rates with qualifying facilities. (c) By January 14, 1983, each electric utility shall submit to the commission for inclusion in its tariff, standard rates for the purchase of non -firm electric power from qualifying facilities with a design capacity of 100 kilowatts or less. These purchase rates must be based on the utility's avoided costs is determined under 3 AAC 50.770ld) . History: Ef£ 11/20/82, Register 84 RESLTME MA'1THEW L. CANLEY PERSONAL 10315 Main Tree Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Telephone: 907-644-4700 Fax: (907)868-0126 GENERAL SUMMARY My current employment with BSNC is the culmination of past educational and work - related experience in the fields of cultural and natural resource management combined with a strong knowledge of issues and historical trends stemming from the Alaska native Claims Settlement Act. I have the requisite experience and have conducted a number Section 106 (NHPA) and Environmental Reviews (NEPA) on a project specific basis. EDUCATION (Ph.D.) University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Cultural Anthropology. Completed course work and language requirements. M.A. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska Cultural Anthropology, June 1990. B.A. Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania English Literature, June, 1981. EMPLOYMENT January 2004 to Vice President, Land and Resources Present Bering Straits Native Corporation P.O. Box 1008 Nome, Alaska 99762 Supervisor: Tim Towarak Supervisory Experience! Supervise BSNC Land and Resource Dept. Duties: As VP of Lands I oversee the 2.1 million acres of surface and subsurface estate granted to the residents of the-BSNC region through the Alaska Native Land Claims Settlement Act of 1971. This position requires work in the fields of resource development, cultural resource preservation, tourism development, land management, and mapping. I am currently nego#iating the final allocation of land entitlements for BSNC, as well as overseeing development, tourism, and conservation effort on BSNC lands. May 1993 to ArchaeologistlAnthropologist December 2003 Bering Straits Foundation P.O. Box 1008 Nome, Alaska 99762 (14(h)(1) Program, NAGPRA) Supervisor: Vern Olson/(907)443-5252 Supervisory Experience: Supervised 1-2 individuals. Duties: Current duties include ethnographic research and archaeological fieldwork in conjunction with Native Claims for traditional sites and consultation for the Foundation's NAGPRA program. Bering Straits Foundation has also received contracts for compliance archaeology related to Section lay of the National Historic Preservation Act. A primary responsibility of this position is to work closely with Village Corporations and Tribal entities ih matters of cultural/heritage resource preservation. In 1993,1 developed a plan of organization and secured funding for the Bering Straits Foundation to assist the region's communities in their repatriation efforts (NAGPRA). That program is ongoing and has resulted in the return of numerous ancestral remains to their original resting places. Other duties included grant writing and preparation of 14(h)(1) information for use in Bering Straits Native Corporation's Land Department land status mapping program. August 1999 Expert Witness/Anthropological Research To 2001 Native American Rights Fund and Native Community Eyak 420 L Street, Suite 505 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-1937 Supervisor: Lare Aschenbrenner NARF (907)276-0680 Duties: This contract entails research and completion of the plaintiff's report in the matter of Eyak vs. Daley, a case seeking aboriginal title to the OCS waters for the communities of Eyak, Tatitlek, Chenega, Port Graham. and Nanwalek. Specific work included interviewing people in the participating communities concerning their use of the outer waters, compiling Leer's place name information for use in GIS-based applications, use of the BIA/ANCSA taped interviews for historical information, and preparation of the final report which is to be submitted to the court on August 20. April 1999 Technical Advisor/Mapping Technician To 2004 Southeast Native Subsistence Commission Central Council of Tlinget-Haida Indians 300 Willoughby Juneau, Alaska Supervisor: Torn Thornton (UAS) Duties. Primary work includes the development of GIS based databases and maps from existing Native Place name data. The project includes the digitization of existing hard -copy maps and creation of Raster image maps for use with ArcView and Arcinfo. Large, poster maps were prepared fro each of 10 communities. In 2004, work began on a comprehensive place name atlas for the SE Alaska region. November 1996 Technical AdvisorlMapping Technician To May 1997 Alaska Native Language Center University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska Supervisor • Jim Kari Duties: Preparation of final map projections for Jim Kari's Upper Tanana Place Name inventory. This work consisted of conversion of existing place name data into GIS-based database format, digitization of work maps, and preparation of final maps for publication. November 1996 Expert Witness/Anthropological Consultant to August 1997 Kavairlook et. al. vs. Ryan Air Supervisor: Marc June, Attorney Marc June and Associates Anchorage, Alaska Duties: As a consulting anthropologist on this case, I collected information for the plaintiffs regarding the deceased and the their roles within the community of Koyuk, Alaska, as Tribal leaders, subsistence providers, and family members. The work and resulting report focused on the qualitative aspects of leadership: i.e. how leaders develop, how they contribute within regional, community and familial contexts, and community/familial response to the loss of individuals. June 1991 to ArchaeologistlAnthropologist May 1993 Ahtna, Inc. Regional Native Corporation Land and Resource Department Glennallen, Alaska (14(h)(1) Program) Supervisor: John Devenport, Land Manager/(907)522-3476 Supervisory Experience: Supervised 1-2 individuals. Duties: Duties included ethnographic research and archaeological fieldwork in conjunction with Native Claims for traditional sites and consultation for Ahura, Inc. Regional Native Corporation.. Other duties included Section 106 compliance archaeology for federally funded programs on Ahtna, Inc. lands. June 1987 to Archaeologist August 1987 National Park Service Anchorage, Alaska (Survey-Krusenstern National Monument) Supervisor: Doug Gibson Supervisory Experience: No supervisory experience with this position. Duties: Remote survey and documentation of sites within Cape Krusenstern National Monument were the primary duties of this position, Skills need for this work consisted of site location and mapping, use of aerial photos and USGS maps. May 1985 to Archaeologist August 1985 National Park Service Gates of the Arctic National Park Fairbanks, Alaska (Survey -Gates of the Arctic) Supervisor: Mike Kunz f" Supervisory Experience: Did not supervise in this position. It Duties: Remote site survey and documentation in the Chandler lake and John River areas. August 1984 to Archaeologist September 1984 University of Alaska Museum Fairbanks, Alaska (North Alaska Range Early Man Project) Supervisor.- Roger Powers/(907)474-7288 Supervisory Experience: Did not supervise. Duties: Remote archaeological site survey, testing and excavation within the HealyfNenana Valley area. July 1984 to Archaeological Field Assistant August 1984 Anvik Historical Society Anvik, Alaska Supervisor: Roger Powers/(907)474-7288 Supervisory Experience: Supervised 7 high school students from the middle - lower Yukon River area in a field school setting. Duties: This project was initiated by the Anvik Historical Society to document the amount of erosion that has occurred at old Anvils since the time of DeLaguna's work in the 1930's. we also documented other sites in the immediate area of Anvik with the assistance of the high school students hired through Tanana Chiefs Conference as a field crew. July 1983 to EthnographerfArchaeologist October 1983 Doyon, Ltd. Lands Department Fairbanks, AIaska (Survey/Ethnohistory-Yukon )Flats) Supervisor: Dale Slaughter, Crary Lee/(907)452-4755 (Doyon, Ltd.) Supervisory Experience: Supervised 2 high school students from Fork Yukon and instructed them in basic archaeological survey methods. Duties: In the course of this project I was responsible for site survey and mapping, and documentation of the oral history associated with the sites located during Meld survey. September 1982 Student Assistant June 1983 Project for the Preservation of Oral Histories and Traditions Rasmuson Library University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska Supervisor: William Schneider/(907)474-6672 �. Supervisory Experience: No supervisory experience associated with this position. Duties: As a student assistant for the Oral History Program I assisted in the transcription and cataloging of oral history materials, May 1982 to ArehaeologicaMeld Assistant October 1982 Cooperative Parks Studies Unit University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska (14(h)(1) Survey -Bering Straits) Supervisor: Linda Medlock Supervisory Experience: No supervisory experience associated with this position. Duties: Duties included site survey, mapping, and establishment of site boundaries for the purposes of fulfilling claims wade by Bering Straits Native Corporation pursuant to Section 14(h)(1) ofANCSA. Edo Benefits of Project. Goals and Perfartnance Measures This project is essentially the beginning of a "Pay It Forward" program for the native communities. The BSNC Board of Directors passed a Resolution requiring that 50% of all profits from this project be reinvested in renewable energy projects in the 17 villages that mare up the Bering Straits region. The Board also made the decision to sell the wind energy to Nome Joint Utilities at a rate below the "avoided costs" with a goal to benefit all residents of Nome. Success of this project will lead to exporting the profits and technical expertise to the villages who are suffering even higher costs than Nome, The entire region is in a wind category ranging from Class 4 to Class 7 winds. Wind energy is classified in a scale from 1 to 7, 1 being light winds and 7 on the other end of the spectrum. Wind is a good energy resource when it hits the Class 4 scale. The majority of the villages that mare up the Bering Straits region have primarily a "subsistence lifestyle" as they lacy a true cash economy. Seal, walrus, moose, caribou and fish make up their primary food source. High energy costs for gas, fuel oil and electricity put an even higher burden of distress on these residents. Our native citizens make use of all of the animal resources and eraviroilment, it is time to add the wind and take advantage of what has previously been a burden and source of hardship. The primary goal is to ultimately add wind energy to all the villages of the region, and this is the start. Complete Data Collection and Real -Time Performance System Performance will be measured by the Draker Sentalis system detailed at the end of this section. This system provides a real-time, internet connected data and performance logging and monitoring; package. The extra expense of this package is well justified to not only document the performance of the system and provide for the reporting requirements but more than that: to allow key decision makers and interested parties to monitor the performance moment by moment and see what is working. Western Community Energy, LLC will be responsible as outlined in the Management Section 6b to install and maintain that system as well as create the reports showing the performance. Meaningful Commercial Installation NOT an Experiment This project is a valid commercial venture as outlined in the Project Design. Section 6a. This is not a demonstration project or an experiment. The data has been collected for over a year and the Nome resource is validated. The key is that as a first project in the area, it will be on point and have a high visibility. Bering Straits Native Corp has contracted with the best, most experienced people available to install a proven turbine that is simple and easy to maintain. The harsh Nome environment is well documented. This project needs the leadership that is behind it in this grant application to help make sure the results are achieved. Kotzebue has over 1,000 kW of wind and has been growing their project a little bit at a time since the 908. Name can now follow that example. Install a real and meaningful project. Then grow over time with more wind after this first installation. Lower Local Energy Costs in Nome and Increase Reliability Nome, like the rest of the United States is faced with ever increasing energy cost. Over the past several years Name has experience double digit increases in our cost of living due to the increase in cost of oil. This is reflected in our electricity and fuel oil costs. Nome Joint Utility Systems has been Harnessing the Wind in Nome Alaska 16 forced to pass this increase in fuel oil prices onto the consumer via a fuel surcharge. IN 2004, NJUS began adding the fuel surcharge of $.0283 to the per Kwh rate of $1875. In 2005 they added a surcharge of $.0753 and in 2006, it nearly doubled to $.1354 for a per Kwh rate of $.3129 plus a $5.00 service fee. The same fuel surcharge is added by our barge and air freight services. The average cost for home heating fuel is $3.94 per gallon. Annual household cost for home heating is $3,209.00 per year, well above the national average and nearly double the extremely high energy cost benchmark of $1,882 per year. BSNC's coinrnitanent to the development of renewable energy is also shown in their decision to install 17 Kw of photovoltaic solar panels on their three-story office building in Nome. This project was directly funded by the company without seeking grant funds. This demonstrates a commitment to renewables that will continue into the future. By pioneering a PV project in western Alaska, their success could provide an additional renewable option for the State of Alaska. BSNC has been a leading participant in Nome's drive to find and develop cheaper energy solutions. Bering Straits also wants to become an example for others to follow and is investing extra time and money into documenting and sharing the results from these endeavors. Also, lowering the percentage of imported fuel can help to make a finite resource in a finite storage tank last longer during storms or other events. Commitment of 50% of Profit to Renewable Energy Installations in Villages The Corporations goal to invest 50% of the profits from this venture into renewable projects in our rural villages demonstrates the corporations desim to lower the cost of living for our shareholders. Bering Straits will truly become a promoter of renewable energy through this program and directly affect the household budgets in each community in Nome as well as the rest of the region. Revenue for BSNC and Sitnasuak Shareholders Outside of Nonce the majority of the shareholders of BSNC, and to some extent SNC rely heavily on subsistence activities for their livelihood. Dividends earned by the corporation not only give them a sense of ownership, but also help offset our high cost of living, a cost of living driven by high energy costs. Inspiration for Future Installations and Future Generations As this project is developed and shareholders are trained to provide the many services required to operate and maintain the units, a new industry will be created. There will be a need for trained technicians, installers and designers which will allow BSNC to export our technical expertise to other regions of rural Alaska, who are suffering along with us, Renewable Energy Alaska Project Letter ®raker Sentalis Energy Data Analysis Package Harnessing the Wind in Nome Alaska 17 r Renewable Energy Alaska Project www.alaslcarenewableenergy.org 308 G Street, Suite 218 642 South Alaska Street, Suite 200 REAP; Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Palmer, Alaska 99645 907-929 7770 (phone & fax) 907-745-6000 (phone & fax) September 28, 2007 Jerald Brown Vice President Bering Straits Native Corporation PO Box 1008 Nome Alaska 99762 RE: Support Letter for Bering Straits Native Corporation's Nome Wind Fame. Project Dear Mr. Brown: I'm writing to support Bering Straits Native Corporation in its proposal for funding from the USDA's "High Cost Energy Program" to build a 300 — 500 kW wind farm in the Nome area in partnership with Sitnasualc Native Corporation (SNC). REAP is well aware that energy prices have reached crisis proportions in rural Alaskan communities such as Nome. REAP is also impressed with all the efforts that the community in Nome is making -to implement local solutions, including the large solar project you are currently undertaking. As you know, REAP is the state's first and only renewable energy advocacy and education organizatiop. We're a coalition of large and small Alaska electric utilities, environmental groups, consumer groups, businesses, Native organizations and state and federal agencies who share the goal of increasing the production of renewable energy in Alaska. REAP believes that replacing petroleum based energy with renewable sources in the rural villages of Alaska is critical in this time of escalating fuel prices. Renewable energy can help stabilize and reduce energy costs by displacing polluting diesel fuel. REAP also firmly believes that renewable energy development is a key to building a sustainable economy in rural Alaska. Over the years REAP has enjoyed collaborating with proponents of renewable energy in the Nome region, and we look forward to continuing that collaboration. We wish you the best in all your endeavors related to renewable energy development. If you have any questions, please call me at 907-745-6000 (office) or 907-232-0905 (cell). Sincerely, Chris Rose Executive Director, Renewable Energy Alaska Project DRAKER LABORATORIES 22 Noah Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 wivw.draicartabs.cnm 802,965.3966 Since 1999 Draker Laboratories has strived to provide high performance monitoring and data management solutions for renewable technologies. While capable of encompassing the whole gamut of green power technologies, Draker has focused mainly on photovoltaic, wind, solar thermal and hybrid systems. With Draker's products and services, system owners, installers and distributed utilities have a platfal7m through which they can gain control and complete understanding of their system status. Through the use of our hardware and software you can protect your renewable energy unvestnlent with accurate data acquisition automated data management delivered in real time over the web so that you how your system is performing at all times. When it comes to your renewable energy systern performance, what you don't Know can hurt .you- So whether your dealing with a commercial, industrial or institutional application, we make sure that with the information and the graphical '.interface that we provide, you get all the necessary tools to optimize the system performance of your energy system, maximize the return on your investment, and gain access to performance-basod contracts and financial incentives through our Performance Monitoring and Deporting Services. Sentalis Produce~ Line �!Sentahs Pop-I(rfrmce Monkoriny systoms Sentats- is a complete high performance monitoring system. Even our most basic perfonmance monitoring packages of-Fer rolnust performance monitoring of PV, Wind, Solar Thermal, and Hybrid Systems. This includes natural resource assessment and revenue grade metering. Sentatis packages include field proven performance instrumentation and web -enabled graphical representations that provide comprehensive data management solutions for green technologies. praker's Sentatis line is designed by engineers that spend time in the field and understand the needs of the renewable energy market. Sentatis provides you with the data and tools you need to', * Optimize the performance of your renewable energy system. MiDdlify your energy use behavior, Communicate your organizations commitment to improving and safeguarding our environment, health and planet. Realize the financial benefits inherent to your renewable energy system. Satisfy the reporting requirements of performance -based contracts and government incentive programs. Advanced datalaggers manufactured by Campbell Scientific, known the world over for precisions measurement instrumentation that is highly dependable even in remote and harsh environments, A Inte,rated sensor mounts and interconnect cabling that provides for quick and easy installations. SentaEis I 00OWind Hardware The Hardware of this package Consists of two cup -type anemometers to provide wind speeds at different heights, a wind vane, an electronic kilowatt-hour meter, mounting hardware for the sensor clusters and a set of interconnect cables. The hardware for the 5entalis 100DWind can be expanded to include an rpm sensor, a vertical anernameter, mounting hardware, and cabling. The air density option adds a barometric pressure transducer, a therroistor with a gill shield, mounting hardware to position these sensors near the wind turbine hub height and an integrated cable. For a more detailed analysis of wind turbine performance, the 5entalis 1000Wind can be equipped with additional sensor so that you can graphically interface and monitor turbine rpm, wind vector/turbulence, wired shear, tip speed, and AC power metrics. Graphical User Interface .rt Through this package you wilt have access to graphs in two -clay, past week, and past month formats of AC power and energy, wind speed, wind direction, and total system efficiency. Tile user can N, also define a custom time period for graphing any of these' parameters. The statistics area displays year-to-date totals, yearly sumniaries, and the total energy generated over the life of r �. the system. ' :. LZ - Features a Performance Monitoring Sensors incl, revenue grade power/energy meter Rugged Stainless Steel NEMA 4X enclosure * Performance email FL text message diagnostic alerts a Data download ability and automated reporting 4 Performance Metric Calculations o CEC listed for PMRS ' * Local Data Storage and Battery Backup On -site display 4 Internet display in 'real-time' * AC voltage, current and T HD measurements Datalogger measurement auto -calibration Q Optional Components: o Net Energy for Building Loads o Wireless and Cellular link o Inverter Communications Battery Monitor o Standard Weather Station o Advanced Weather Station o Kiosk Touchscreen n Sensor Expandability o Expandable on -site memory syst€'rn Enclosure Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Physical Size Rating Material Standard Measurements Wind Speed (at two locations) (cup anemometer) -25 to +50 C (non -condensing) -40 to +70 24"x 20" x 6. D" NEMA 4X Stainless Steel Starting Threshold Accuracy Wind Direction (mechanical vane) Range Linearity Dead Band AC Power/Energy (including current Accuracy transformers) Small to Medium Commercial Wind Speed (at two locations) (cup anemometer) Starting Threshold Accuracy Wind Direction (mechanical, vane) lunge Linearity Dead Band AC Power/Energy (including current Accuracy transformers) Advanced Weather Station 1.75mph <0,1m/s (Sm/s to 25 MIS) 360 <1 % 8 maximum, 4 typical <2% 1.75mph <UAM/s (5m/5 to 25 m/s) 360 <I o 8 maximum, 4 typical <2ry, The Advanced Weather Station package expands the weather data to a total of seven measurements. These additional parameters are incorporated in order to give you a more detailed understanding or your energy potential from the natural resources available on -site. These parameters include: horizontal irradiance, ambient temperature, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, barometric pressure, and relative humidity, The heart of this system is 7 Vaisata WXT5"10 integrated measurement unit. "Spoa.cificalions o Afnbloa Tr-mperFature; 0 Accuracy. it 1"C 0 Wind Speed: r.;, type: Sonic * Range: 0 to 60 rnls a Accuracy (0 to 35 mis): Greater of t 03 refs or 3% Accuracy (5 to 60 inls): ± 3% a Wind Direction. r+ TYpe- Sonic Azimuth: 0 to 360" c� Accuracy: 3" I�r+ycipitation: Accuracy: f 5° (wind Induced error excluded) a Barometric pressure: Range: 600 to 1100 hPa r3 Accuracy- t 1 hPa Relative Humidity: u Accuracy (0 to 90%RH): ± 3%RH o Accuracy (90 to 100%R11): ± 5%RH Sentalis IOOOPV Hardware The hardware io this package consists of the core OAQ,-F7"systern unit, sensorz, mounting hardware and cables. e The systern unit is a waterproof (NEMA 4X) enclosure containing i Campbell Scientific data logging engine, supporting electronics, and a battery. d The integrated battery l ackup provides continuous data logging eluting interruptions to the system units normal power spurce. • The bottom of the system unit has weather -tight plug receptacles for matching sensor and power rabtr=s. The instalter is m,t required lc, perform any hard wiring. The sensors include silicon Fyranometers for plane -of -array and horizontal solar irradiance, a therrtristor for back -of -module temperature and an electronic revenue grade AC power and energy meter.. n The package includes mounting hardware and an integrated cable for the Pyranometers and themristor. The advanced GEC. Monitoring option provides a more detailed picture of systern perf6miance, breaking out the solar to DC efficiency and the DC to AC efficiency, Graphical User Interface (GUI) A standard G(Ji is provided to retake system performance visible. These visualizations are organized in well pages and include the following components for e>IjLcring recent, and historical data trends Dials - The dials, or gauges, krrsually give the user a quick aiance into the data. They can be used to show a single value within a range, or to compare multiple values. Data Tables • These dynamic tables display different. values depending on the type of data selected, Tabs below the graph can be r.rsed to change the Lype of data displayed, Graphs - Graphs allow the user tcs expiare the data in more detail. They can chnose to loaf: at tKe last two clays, 7 days. 31 drays, or define a range of their own. Tabs below the graph can be used to change the type of data displayed. Net Energy The Het Energy package gives you the ability to monitor the net energy (to or from the grit}) at the point of, utility interconnection. This allows YOU to compare the energy generated with the energy/7-A t 21h co��suneci (the load). The hardware consists of a revenue -grade pie-�� —.—. �. electronic ltiiar+vatt-hour meter niountec€ in an enclosure with a communications cable. � •- �: A sub -metering option can be added to this package so that you can separately monitor the energy consumption of variotIs parts of your :k7T.; i i•TI-T `..i.1_ facility, Company Overview Founded in 1999 as Dralcer Solar Design, Draper Laboratoriesfm today provides high- performance monitoring and data management systems for green power technologies, including: PV, wind., solar thermal, and hybrid energy systems. With Draper's products and services you cati protect your energy. investment, Accurate data acquisition, data validation, automated data processing and data management, all delivered in real time so you motet how your power and monitoring systems are perfonning at any time. With this information you can optimize the performance of your energy system, maximize the return on your investment and }provide appropriate documentation for government and other performance based contracts. rrierlE:4,Ef"eriiuoi, s, -:or,ii nI CiF.traI-g9er P FCAMPBELL' J55. scmm-romc, uNr--. WREN MEASUREMENTS MATTER ill-oruilloill will) 1�-ec-u i'cis-�r;isl e jlCttilsiltRll(C- 0210010 Measuresmant and Controi Systenji The CR1000 provides precision measurement capabilities hi a nigged, battery-operateel package. It cotagists of a rnedsurement and couii-ol module and a iuiring panel. Standard oper•atitrg rnrzge is -25' to +50'G'j an optional extended range of -55' to +85°C is available, Input/output Cortnectlons— Individually configured For ratiommtdc resistive bridge, thermocouple, switch ciosure, trlgh frequency pulse, low-level ac, serial sensors, and more, C5 YO Port —connects to data transfer and storage peripherals such as phone, RF, short -haul, and multl- drop modems. Features Removable Power Terminal=simpliites connection to external power supply. Computer RS-232— r71provides a 9-pin electri- caflyNolated OCE port, t' Peripheral Port --fine 40-pin port Interfaces with a CFM100 or N015 module, which store data on a CompactFlash card. The NLI15 also supports Ethernet communlcatiens. 4 Ml iyte memory* • Program execution rate of up to 100 Hz ■ CS 1/0 and RS-232 serial parts a 13-bit analog to digital conversions • iG-flit H8S Renesas Microcontroller with 32-bit internal CPU architecture • Temperature compensated real-time clock • Background system calibration for accurate 1-nea- surements over time and temperature changes • Single DAC used'for excitation axid measurements to give ratio metric measurements • Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) protected input's • Data values stored in tables with a time stamp and record number • Battery backed SRAM memory and clock ensuring data, programs, and accurate time are nrtaintained while the CR1p0D is disconnected from its main power so-u:ce • Measures intelligent serial sensors without using an SDM-5104 Storage Capacity* The CR1000 has 2 Mbyte of FLASH memory for the Operating System, and 4 Mbytes of battery -backed SRAM for CPU usage, program storage, and data storage. Data is stared Iri a table format. The storage capacity of the CR1000 can be increased by using a CompactFlaslYO card. Wirier Ponel The CR1000WP is a black, anodized aluminum wiring panel that is compatible with all CR1000 modules. The wiring panel includes switchable 12 V, redistributed analog grounds (dispersed among analog channels rattler than grouped), u npluggable termir ial block for 12 V connection.$, gas -tube spark gabs, and 12 V supply on pin 8 to power our COM-series phone modems and other peripherals. The control module easily discart- nects from the wiring panel allowing field replacement without rewiring the sensors. A description of the Wir- ing pcmel's input/output channels follows. Analog Inputs Eight differential (16 single -ended) channels treasure voltage levels. Resolution 01, the most sensitive range is 0.67 gV, 'Originally, the standard CR1000 had 2 Mbytes of dot a4mogran; iioraga, a qd an optional version, Fite CRjtinU-=hi, had 4 Myles of meruorf. Irr gran$aepiea)uraarbaerin770Y0573, 2the standitrdCR1000 Muted havitag� arnaldng the CRI000-4mobakt,Doil] have a a f kofte memory. The 1 Nlirlite dandcaVgwv roil/ also have a sticker cart ilia canlstcr stating "VM Memory" Pulse Counters Two pulse channels can count pulses from high level. . (5 V square wave), switch closure, or low level ac signals. Switched Voltage Excitations (Three outputs provide precision excitation voltages for resistive bridge measurements. Digital 1/0 Parts Eight ports are provided for frequency measurements, digital control, and triggering. Three of these ports can also be used to pleasure SDM devices. The 1/0 ports can be paired as transmit and receive for measukhig smart serial sensors. RS-232 Port A PC or laptop can be connected to this 9-pin port via an RS-232 cable. CS if 0 Port Data transfer peripherals that require power from the datalogger can be connected to this port via an SC12 cable. This port is also used for connecting the data - logger to a PC via an SC32B or SC-USB interface when optical isolation is required. Peripheral Port One 40-pin port interfaces with the CFM100 Compact - Flash 10, Module or the NL115 Ethernet Interface and -nmpactFlaslt Module. Switched 12 Volt This terminal provides unregulated. 12 V that can be switched on and off sunder program control. Measurement and Control Module The module measures sensors, drives direct commu- nications and telecommu iications, reduces data, con- trols external devices, and stores data and programs in on -board, non-volatile storage. The electronics are RF shielded and glitch protected by the sealed, staWess steel canister. A battery -backed clock assures accurate timekeeping. The module can simultaneously provide measurement and communication .Functions. The on- board, BASIC -like programs ning language supports data processing and analysis routines. Communication Protocols The CR1000 supports the PAr(BusQ communication pro- tocol. PAKBus networks have the distributed routing intelligence to continually evaluate links. Continually evaluating links optimizes delivery times and, in the case of delivery failure, allows automatic switch over to a configured backup route. The CR1000 also supports Modbus RTU protocol —both floating point and long formats. The datalogger can act as a slave, master, or both. Enc�osurelStack Bracket A CR1000 housed in a weather -resistant enclosure can collect data under extremely harsh conditions. The enclosure protects the CRL000 from dust, water, sun- light, or pollutants. An internal mouthing plate is pre - punched for easy system configuration and exchange of equipment in the field. The 17565 Stack Bracket allows a small peripheral to be placed sunder the mounting bracket, thus conserving space. With the bracket, the CR1000 can be attached in a "horizontal" orientation (Le,, the long axis of the CR1000 spanning the short axis of the ENC10/12 enclosure), This :tack bracket also places the terminals on the wir- ing panel at about the same height as the ter - spinals on a PSI 00. The stack bracket as vierved_ vin the side with a CR1060 attache& Poorer Supplies Any 12 Vdc source can power the CR1000; a PS100 or BPALK is typically used. The PS104 provides a 7 Ahr rechargeable battery that should be connected to a charging source (either a wall charger or solar panel). The BPALK consists of eight non -rechargeable D-cell allraline batteries with a 7.5 Alu• rating of 20°C. Alt external AA -cell battery pack supplies power while the D-cells are replaced. Also available are the BP12 and BP24 battery packs, which provide nominal ratings of 12 and 24 Altrs, respectively. These batteries should be connected to a regulated charging source (e.g., a CH100 connected to a unregulated solar panel or wall charger). For information about analyzing the systems power requirements, see our Power Supply product literature or Application Note 5-F, Both can be obtained from: www. campbellsci.com Its lour-poaver dealgrt allozas the CR1000 to operate for up to one yen an the P5100 power supply, deperiding m scau jafe, winrber of•'seiriers, data reh•leval inethod, acid external ternperahac. Data Storage and Retrieval Options 1b determine the best option fo;, an application, consider the raccessibiliky of the site, avarilzabiliry of Services (e.g., cellada?r 7hone of satellite cover a&O. quantity of idata to collect, and desired tinte between data-collechon session§. Some conlinta- nication options can be combiner increasing the flexibility, Convenience, and reliability of the carrtrraFaszicettivsas. Radios Radio frequency (RF) com- munications are supported via narrow -band UW, nar- row -band VFIF, spread spec- trum, or meteor burst radi- os. Line of -sight is required for all of our Imo^ options. Me teo ra l og icl a l .condition s ateaswed at Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada are tele- wetered via phone-to-RF 1hik to a base station. Telephone Networks The CR1000 can communicate with a PC using landlines, Cellular CDMA, or cellular GPRS/EDGE transceivers. A, voice synthesized modern enables anyone to call the CR100.0 via phone and receive a verbal report of real- time site conditions. latellite Transmitters Our NESDIS-certified GOES satellite transmitter pro- vides one-way communications from a Data Collection Platfornn (DCP) to a receiving station. The transmitter complies with the High Data Rate .(HDR) specifications. We also offer an Argos transmitter that is ideal foi, high - altitude and polar applications. This stRfion fir fuse NaHon al Eshiarine Researdh Reseme (NERR) in VDXiaaia transinits daata via our GOES satellite tr'ranstraifter. Multidrop Interface flue MD485 intelligent RS-485 interface permits a PC to address and communicate with one or more data - loggers over a. single two -twisted -pair cable. Distances up to 4000 feet are supported. Short Haul Modems The SRM-5A NAD Short Haul Modern supports commu- nications between the CR1000 and a PC via a fora -wire unconditioned line (two twisted pairs), Direct Links A desktop or laptop PC connects directly to the CR1000's RS-232 port. If optical isolation is required, the PC is connected to the datalo—er's CS 1/0 port via an SC32S 00 or SC-LTSB interface. RDAs Customers can set the CR1000's clock, monitor real-time data, retrieve data, graph data, and transfer CR1000 programs via a PDA. PDAs with a Pa1mrM COS require PCbnnect software (purchased separately); PDAS with a WindowsO Pocket PC/Windows Mobile OS requite PConnectCE software (purchased separately). Keyboard Display The CR1000I<D can be used to program the CR1000, manu- ally initiate data transfer, and display data. The CR10001<13 displays 8 lines x 21 characters (64 x 128 pixels) and has a 16-character keyboard. Custom rnel[us are supported allowing customers to set up choices within the datalogger program that can be initiated by a simple „toggle:" or "pick list". One CR1000KD can be J$i czarrded fivin station to sta- tion daa a CR1000 netuaorrc. --I Ethernet Use of an NL,100 or NLL15 interface enables the CR1000 to communicate over a local network or a dedicated Internet connection via TCP/IP The NLI15 also sup- ports data storage on a CompactFlash card. CompactFlash@ A CFM100 or NLI15 module attached to a CR1000 can store data on a CompactFlash card. The PC reads the CompactFlash card using either the CFI. CompactFlash Adapter or an lmageMateO Reader/Writer. Please note that the CompactFlash carol should be industrial -grade with a storage capacity of 2 Gbytes or Iess. CD295 DataView ll Display This two-line, 32-character LCD displays one real-time value, a description, and units. It is typically mounted in an enclosure lid, which allows customers to view the CR1000's data on -site without opening; the enclosure. Channel Exparpsion 4-Channel Low Level AC Module fhe LLAC4 is a small peripheral device that allows customers to increase the number of available low- level ac inputs by using control ports. This module is often used to measure up to four anemometers, and is especially useful for wind profiling applications. via" Vie L.i.AC4 nz directly to the our eirvirono lariai1 encrutiurem, Synchronous Devices for Measurement (SDMs) SDMs are addressable peripherals that expand the CR1000's measurement and control capabilities. For example, SDMs are available to add control ports, analog outputs, pulse count channels, interval timers, or even a CANbus interface to the system. Multiple SDMs, in any combination, can be connected to one '_R1000 dataloger. Multiplexers Multiplexers increase the number of sensors that can be measured by a CR1000 by sequentially connecting each sensor to the datalogger. Several multiplexers can be controlled by a single CR1000. The CR1000 is compat- ible with the AM16/32A and AM25T. Software Starter Software Campbell Scientific offers easy -to -use starter software intended for first time users or applications that don't require sophisticated communications or datalogger program editing. These software products provide dif- ferent functions and can be used in conjunction with each other. Starter software can be downloaded at no charge from www.campbellsei.com/downloads. Our Resource CD also provides this software as well as Pllp versions of our literature and manuals. Our SCWin Short Cut for Windows(D generates straight- forward CR1000 programs in four easy steps. Short Cut supports programming for our multiplexers and vir- '.ually any sensor that our CR1000 can measure. Our PC200W Starter Software allows customers to transfer a program to, or retrieve data &om, a CR1000 via a direct communications link. Dcatcalogger Support Software Our general purpose datalogger support software pack- ages provide more capabilities than our starter software. Each of these software packages contains program edit- ing, communications, and display tools that can support an entire datalogger network. PC400, our mid -level software, supports a variety of telemetry options, manual data collection, and data dis- play. For programming, it includes bath Short Cut and the CRBasic: program. editor. PC400 does not support combined communication options (e.g., phone-to-RF), Pa1413u50 routing, or srheduled data collection; LoggerNet software is recommended for those applications. Campbell Scientific offers the following tlu°ee LoggerNet Software Packages; LoggerNet, the standard package, is recorrunended for those who have datalogger networks that do not require the more advanced features offered in LoggerNet Admin. It consists of a sewer applica- tion and several client applications integrated into a single product. This software provides all of PC400's capabilities as well as support for combined coin- municatian options (e.g., phone-to-RF), PAXBTJSO) routing, and scheduled data.collection LoggerNet Admin is intended for customers who have large networks. Besides providing better tools for managing large networks, LoggerNet Admin allows customers to remotely manage a datalogger network over TCP/IP, and to remotely and automa- tically distribute data to other computers. s LoggerNetRemole includes LoggerNet Admin clients to administer a running LoggerNet Admin server via TCP/IP from a remote PC. This soft- ware does not include the LoggerNet server. LAggeNel provides a stay to rru:vtaaplrsh alniust all the Wks custo7-ners rieed to cotraplete using a datalogger. Appil§caifons Tlrc trreasurersr.ent p rerisiort, fle.Tibility, long-te"n. reliability, and econornica.I Brice of the CR1000 mutate it idea..l. for scientific, commercial, and ir-riustrial applications. Meteorology The CR1000 is used in long-term climatological monitor- ing, meteorological research, and routine weather mea- surernent applications. Oyr rugged, reliable zrreafher staHoa measures mateor'ological conditions at St. Marys take, Glacier National Park, MT. Sensors the CRI000 can measure include: • cup, propeller, and sonic anemometers • tipping bucket raid gages • wind vanes • pyranometers • ultrasonic dis'ta tee sensors • therrnistors, RTDs, and -thermocouples • barometric pressure sensors • R14 sensors • cooled mirror hygrometers Data is output in a choice of units (e.g., wind speed in miles per hour, meters per second, or knots). Standard CR1000 outputs include wind vector averaging, sigma, theta, histograms, saturation vapor pressure, and vapor pressure From wet/dry bulb temperatures. Agriculture and Acgricultural Research Tl,e versakility of t11e CR1000 allows measurement of agricul- tural processes and equipment in applications such as: • plant water: research • canopy energy balance • machinery performance • plant pathology • crop Management decisions • food processing/storage frost prediction • irrigation scheduling • integrated pest management This vitaculture site in Australia integrates meteurologicol, soil, and crop nieasurerrrenfs. Wind Profiling Our data acquisition systems can monitor conditions at wind assessment sites, at producing whid farms, and along transmission lines. The reliability of these sys- tems ensures data collection, even Under adverse condi- tions. Wide operating temperature ranges -and weather- proof enclosures allow our systems to operate reliably in harsh environments. The CR1000 makes and records measurements, controls electrical devices, and can function as PLCs or RTUs. Because the datalogger has its own power supply (bat- teries, solar panels), it can continue to measure and store and nd perform control during power outages. Typical sensors for wild assessment applications include, but are not limitari fn- • sonic anemometers • three -cup and propeller anemometers (up to 10 artexnom.eters can be measured by using two LLAC4 peripherals) + wind vanes + temperature sensors (air, water, and equipment) ■ barometric pressure • wetness • solar radiation A Campbell Scientific system monitors an ,offshore wind farm in North Wines. For tutbine performance applications, the CR1000 can mon- itor electrical current, voltage, wattage, stress, and torque. Soil Moisture The CR1000 is compatible with the following soil mois- ture measurement technologies: ■ Soil, moisture blocks are inexpensive sensors that estimate soil water potential. • Matric water potential sensors also estimate soil water potential but are more durable than soil moisture blocks. • Tinte-Domain Reflectometry Systems (TDR) use a reflectometer controlled by a CR1000 to accurately measure soil water content. Multiplexers allow sequen- tial measurement of a large number of probes by one reflectoaneter, reducing cost per measurement. • Self-contained seater content reflectometers are sensors that emit and measure a TDR pulse. • Tensiometers measure the soil pore pressure of irrigated soils and calculate soil moisture. 6 Air Quality The CR1000 can monitor and control gas analyzers, par- ticle samplers, and visibility sensors. It can also auto- matically control calibration sequences and compute conditional averages that exclude invalid data (e.g., data recorded during power failures or calibration intervals). Road Weather/RWIS Our fully NTCIP-cornpliant Fnvaonmental Sensor Stations (VSS) are robust, reliable weather stations used for .road weather/RWIS applications. A typical ESS includes a tower, CR1000, two road sensors, remote communica- tion hardware, and sensors that measure wind speed and direction, _* temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, solar radiation, and precipitation. The CR1000 can also measure soil moisture and temperature sensors, monitor bridge vibrations, and control external devices. Water Resources/Aquaculture Our CR1000 is well -suited to remote, unattended moni- toring of hydrologic conditions. Most hydrologic sen- sors, including SDI-42 probes, interface directly to the CR1000. 1pxcal hydrologic measurements: • Water level is rhonitoxed with incremental shaft encoders, double bubblers, ultrasonic level trans- ducers, resistance tapes, or strain gage or vibrating wire pressure transducers. Some shaft encoders require a QD1 Interface. Vibrating wire transducers require an AVW1, AVW4, or AVW100 Interface. • Well draw-doW t tests use a pressure transducer measured at logarithmic intervals or at a rate based on incremental changes irn water level. • ionic conductivity measurements use one of the switched excitation ports from the CR1000. • Samplers are controlled by the !CR1000 as a function of time, water quality, or water level. • Alarm and pump actuation are controlled through digital I/D ports that operate external relay drivers. A turbidity sensor tyros installed in ra Ulbutagl of the Cedv?- Rivet atoslied to monitor inter quality conditions for the city of Seattle, Washington. Vehicle Testing This versatile, rugged datalogger is ideally suited for testing cold and hot temperatrre, high altitude, off - highway, and cross-cow-ttry performance. The CR1000 is compatible with our SDM-CAN interface, GPS'16-HVS receiver, and DSP4 Heads Up Display. Whicle roronito ring includes not only passenger ears, but loco- nr.otives, airplanes, helicopters, tractors, buses, heavy trucks, drilling rigs, race cars, and anotorcycles. The CR1000 cm measure: • Suspension —strut pressure, spring force, travel, mounting point stress, deflection, Lade • Fuel system —line and tank pressure, flow, tempera- ture, injection timing • Comfort control ambient and supply air tempera- ture, solar radiation, fan speed, ac on and off, refrig- erant pressures, time -to -comfort, blower current • Brakes —lime pressure, pedal pressure and travel, ABS, line and pad temperature • Englne--pressure, temperature, crank position, RPM, time -to -start, ail pump. cavitation • General vehicle —chassis monitoiing, road noise, vehicle position and speed, steering, air bag, hot/ cold soaks, wind tunnels, traction, CANbus, wiper speed and current, vehicle electrical loads Other Applications • Eddy covariance systems • Wireless sensor/datalogger networks • Mesonet systems • Avalanche forecasting, snow science, polar:, high altitude • Firms weather • Geotech ni,cal ■ Historic preservation R 1000 Specificaflons "IL1011106l specifications are valid over a o25b to t50C fangs unless Otherwise specifierd; non -condensing environrnent requir .d. To maintain electrical specifications, calnpbell scientific recOrnMOnds recalibfating dataloggels every two yeas. We recafrrmend that the system, con. figuration and Lritical specifications are confirn'ted tv.rith Campbell Scientific befc,re purchase, PROGRAM EXECUTION RATE 10 ms to 30 min. Go 10 Ins increments ANALOG INPUTS 8 diffarertial (CIF) or 1 u single -ended (BE) individually configured. Ctlannel expansion provided by AM16132 and AM25T multipiaxers. RANGES and RESOLUTION: Basic resolutron (Basic Res) is the AID reisolulion of a single conversion, Resolution of DF mcasurements with Input reversal Is half the Basic Res. Input Reler(aq Noise Votta¢a Input DF Basle Ra --)I zuol t aeus r V w5000 667 1333 t2800 353 667 �'250 3313 867 *25 3.33 6.7 x7.5 1.0 2.0 *2,5 0:33 0.67 Range Overhead or �9%exists on 0 ranges to guarantee thal full-scale valuas will not gau,e over -range. eResolution of OF measuramants wilh input reversal. ACCURACY': t(0.06"l of reading + offset), 0° to 40'C fi(O.12lo of reading + offset), -251 to 50°C *(0,1B% or reading + offset), -551 to B54C 3The sensor and measurement nalse are net included end rho of nts are the rallowtng: 011sat for OF wNnpul reversal = 15-Ba51e Res + 1.o pV Offset for OF w10 Input r8var32k c 3-801e Res •r E0 pV Offset for SE » 3-Basle Res + 3.o pV INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE; For DF measurements with input reversat an *2.5 mV input range; digital re56lutfon dominates for higher ranges. 250 ps Integration: 0,34 pV RMS 50/60 Hz Integration: 0,19 pV RMS MINIMUM TIME BETWEEN VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS: Includes the measurement time and conversion to efigineering units. For voltage measurements, the CR1O00 Integrates the input signal for 0.25 ms or a full 16.66 ms or 20 ms line cycle for 50/60 Hz noise rejection. OF measure- ments with Input reversal inoorporate two Integra- tions with reversed lnpul polarities to reduce thormai offset and common mode errors and therefore take twice as long, 250 ps Analog Integration; -1 ms SE 1/60 Hz Analog Integration: -20 ms BE 1/50 H2 Analog Integration: -25 me BE COMMON MODE RANGE: *5 V DC COMMON MODE REJECTION: >100 dB NORMAL MODE REJECTION: 70 dB @ 60 Hz when using 60 Hz rejection SUSTAINED INPUT VOLTAGE W/O DAMAGE: ±16 Vde Max. INPUT CURRENT: :L1 nA typical, *6 nA max. @ 50°C; !�:80 nA @ 85"0 INPUT RESISTANCE: 20 Gohms typical ACCURACY OF BUILT-IN REFERENCE JUNCTION THERMISTOR (tor thermocouple measurements); :EZ0.3•C, -25, to 50°C r;0,0'C, -55' to 85°C (-XT only) ANALOG OUTPUTS 3 switched voltage, active only during measurement, one at a time. RANGE AND RESOLUTION: Voltage outputs pro- grammable between *2.5 V with 0.67 mV resolution ACCURACY: t.(0.06% of setting + o,s mV), Ii° to 40'0 z(6,120,e Of setting + 0.8 mV), -25" to 50°C :-(018% of setting + 0,8 MV), -55° io 85•0 (-XT only) CURRENT SOURCINGISINKING: 2k25 mA RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS MEASUREMENTi TYPES: The CHI Goo provides ratiometric measurements of 4- and 6-wire full bridges, and 2-, 3-, and 4-wire half bridges. Preclso, dual polarity excitation using any of the 3 switehed voltage excitaliorts gtiminates do arrors. RATIO ACCURACY3: Assuming excitation voltage of at feast 1000 MV, not Including bridge resistor error. :t(0.04% of voitaga reading + of€sol)IVx aThe sensor and measuramoril noise are no; Included and the offsets are the rolidwing: Offset for OF wfinput rovertat =1.5•Bastc Ras + 1.0 pV Offset tar OF vto input revaml = 9.6asic Res+ 2,0 pV Offset for 6E = 346esic: Res +o-o IV Offset values are reduced by a factor of 2 when eXCitaVOO reverSal is used. PER(bD AVERAGING MEASUREMENTS The aystage period for a single cycle is determined by measuring the average duration of a specified number Of cycles. The period resolution is 192 ns div[dad by ,the specified number of cycles to be measured; the period accuracy fs :t(0,01% of reading + resolution), Any of the 16 SE analog inputs can be used for period averaging. Signal limiting aria typically required for the BE analog channel. INPUT FREQUENCY RANGE; Input signal (peak to pears}4 Min. max A tnr ere _ n Pulse, *2500 rhv 50o mV 10 v 2.5 ps 200 I(Hz zL256 mV 10 mV 2 V 10 ps 50 kHz ±26 mV 5 mV 2 V 62 ps 8 kHz i2.5 mV 2 mV 2 V 100 ifs 5 kHz 4The signal Is cantered at the dalafogger ground. sThe maximum frequency = I/(Twice Mlnfmuro Pulse Wirilh) for 50 ,. or duty cycle signals. PULSE COUNTERS Two 24-bit Inputs seiectabie for switch closure, high frequency pulse, or low-level ac, MAXIMUM COUNTS PER SCAN; 16:7x106 SWITCH CLOSURE MODE: Minimum Switch Closed Time: 5 ms Minimum Switch Open Time: 6 ms Max. Bounce Time: f ms open wlo being counted HIGH FREQUENCY PULSE MODE: Maximum Input Frequency: 250 kHz Maximum input Voitage: ±20 V Voltage Thresholds; Count upon transition from below 0.9 V to above 2.2 V after input filter with 1.2'ps time eonsiant, LOW LEVEL AC MODS Internai ac couppng removes do offsets up to *0.5 V. Input Hysteresis: 16 mV p 1 Hz Maximum ac Input Voltage: t20 V Minimum ac Input Voltage; S' a wave mV .. snow 20 1 A to 20 200 0.5 to 200 2000 o.3 to 1a,0oo 5000 0.3 to 20,000 DIGITAL 1/0 PORTS. 8 ports software sgiectable, as binary inputs or controi outputs. Ci-08 also provide edge timing, subroutine interrupts/wake up, switch closure pulse counting, high frequency pulse counting, asynchronous cammurlica- tions (UART), SDI-12 communications, and SOM communications. HIGH FREQUENCY MAX: 400 IcHz SWITCH CLOSURE FREQUENCY MAX: 150 Nz OUTPUi' VOLTAGES (no load); high 5,0 V t0.1 V; low <0A OUTPUT RESISTANCE: 330 ohms INPUT STATE: high 3,8 to 5,3 V; low -0.3 to 1,2 V INPUT HYS T ERISIS: 1.4 V INPUT RESISTANCE: IOD kohms SWITCHED 12 V One Independent 12 V unreguialed sources switched on and oft under program control. Thermal fuse hold current- 900 mA @ 20°C, 650 mA @ SfYC, 360 mA @ 85°C. SDI-121N7ERFACE SUPPORT Control ports 1, 3, 5, and 7 may be configured for S13I-12 asynchronous communications. Up to ten SDI-12 sensors are supported per port. It meets SO412 Standard version 1,3 for datafogger mode. CE COMPLIANCE STANDARD(S) TO WHICH CONFORMITY fS DECLARED: tEC81325:2002 CPU AND INTERFACE PROCESSOR: Renews HI3S 2822 (16-bit CPU with 32-bit Internal core) MEMORY; 2 Mbytes of Flash for Operating system; 4 Mbytes of battery -backed SRAM for CPU usage, program storage and data storage. SERIAL INTERFACES: CS 1/0 port is used to interface with Campbell Scientific peripherals; R8432 part is for computer or non-CSI modem connection. PARALLEL INTERFACE: 40-pin interlace for attaching data slorage or communication peripherals such as the CFM1Do module BAUD RATES: S01ectable from 300 bps to 115.2 kbps. ASCII protocol Is one start bit, one stop bit, eight data bits, and no parity. CLOCK ACCURACY: *3 min. per year SYSTEM POWER REQUIREMENTS VOLTAGE: 9.6 to 16 Vdc TYPICAL CURRENT DRAIN: Sleep Mode: -0.6 mA 1 Hz Scan (B diff. meal 50 Hz re)., 2 pulse meas.) LAIRS-232 communication: 19 mA wlo RS-232 communication: 4.2 mA 1 Hx Scan (8 diff. Maas., 250 p5 integ„ 2 purse meas.) w/RS-232 communication: 16.7 mA wJo RS-232 OOMmonication: 1 mA 100 Hz Stan (4 diff. ideas., 250 ps intep.) w/RS-232 communicaton; 27.6 mA w/o RS-232 communication: 16.2 mA CFRODOKO CURRENT DRAIN: inactive; negligible Active w10 backlight 7 mA Active w/backright: 100 mA EXTERNAL BATTERIES; 12 Vdc nominal; revarse Polarity protected. PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS MEASUREMENT & CONTROL MODULE SIZE: 8.5"x3.8"x0.85"(21.6x9.13x2.2am) CR1000WP WIRING PANEL SIZE; 9.4" x 4" x 2.4" (23.9 X 10.2 x 6.1 cm); additional ctaarance required for serial cable and sensor leads. WEIGHT: 2A tbs (1 kg) WARRANTY Three years against defects in materials and work- manship, 815 W, 1 BOO N. I Logan, Utah 84321-178,1 1 USA ) phone (435") 753.2342 1 www.camphellsei,com Copyright 0 2004. 2007 (SEn., Australia i Brazil I Canada ) England I rrvncL- I Germany I South Africa ) Spain 1 USA jheedquartersi Camplidl Srhmi ic, ins. Printed September 2007 7. Project Budget The major project cost component is of course the supply of the wind turbines themselves. A sales agreement has been provided by Entegrity and is specifically included in Section 6a.3 along with the pertinent information about the wind turbines themselves. Note that the price of $165,000 each - includes a five year extended warranty and O&M agreement. This is very valuable for the Nome installation. The shipping cost estimate of a total of $333,000 includes all handling to get the turbines actually to the installation site, uncrate them and haul away the boxes, stage them and ready the units for construction. The turbine erection cost estimate is from John Campbell of Idaho Tower Company based on a verbal quote and his own extensive experience. The cost estimates for the Eagle Electric installation work and the Utility interconnection expenses are based on similar construction projects in the lower 48 states with an estimated increase for the Nome location. The detailed engineering required to specifically quote that part of the contract is included rt the project budget. The project management budget amounts to $330,000, and there is over $470,000 in a project contingency budget item as well. Detailed Project itemized Budget Spreadsheet Harnessing the Wind in Nome Alaska IS