HomeMy WebLinkAboutHydro Review Article_Replacing Diesel Fuel with Hydroelectric Generation Sep 2002HYDRO* REVIEW r, �rrt�, :- �ft1� North Axterica,i HydrotTe�etric Industry VoL XXI, No. 5, September 2002 Technologies for Tagging Fish Taking a Closer Look at tarn Safety Replacing Diesel Fuel With Hydroelectric Generation By using its new renewable energy source, the 6-MW Power Creek Hydro Project, the Cordova Electric Cooperative will reduce consumption of I million gallons of diesel fuel, improve air quality, reduce consumer power costs, and benefit businesses in this remote Alaskan community. By Kenneth J. Gates and Thom A. Fischer overed with stands of spruce and hemlock, the Chugach Moun- tains in south-central Alaska tower above the city of Cordova. At just 30 feet above sea level, the city is acces- sible only by air or sea. It is bound on the south by the Gulf of Alaska, on the west by Prince William Sound, on the north by 6,000-foot glacial mountains, and on the east by the vast estuary of the Copper River Delta. This area is home to an abundant population of Sitka blackmail deer, moose, and brown and black bears. With a year-round population of 2,600 and a summer census of about 5,000, Cordova's principal industry is fishing and fish processing. It's a pris- tine spot noted for salmon and halibut fishing, as well as big game and water- fowl hunting. The city also serves as a base for hiking the scenic wilderness and for viewing the annual migration of more than 20 million waterfowl and shore birds through the Copper River Ken Gates is CEO and general manager of Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc., owner of the 6-MW Power Creek Hydro Project. Thom Fischer is president of the Whitewater Engineering Corpora- tion, whic4 designed and constructed Power Creek. Delta. It also is noteworthy that the area is prone to avalanches and earthquake activity. These environmental and structural factors figured into the design of the 6- MW Power Creek Hydro Project, which began commercial operation January 1, 2002. The 1,680 residences and businesses that make up the 49-square-mile ser- vice area of the Cordova Electric Co- operative historically have relied on diesel fuel for the generation of elec- tricity. But, in the early 1990s, a com- bination of unstable fuel prices and air quality considerations made construc- tion of a hydro plant on Power Creek attractive. With an average streamflow of 255 cubic feet per second (cfs), glacier -fed Power Creek provides a consistent, reli- able volume of water year-round. Pri- vate developers and government agen- cies have been interested in the site for a bydro project for nearly 100 years. However, geographic challenges to building a dam at the site discouraged development. In the mid 1980s, Cordova Electric's board of directors expressed interest in pursuing two hydro projects —one at Humpback Creek, 7 miles north of Cor- dova, and one at Power Creek, 7 miles east. The board hoped that, in addition to stabilizing costs and reducing emis- sions, the project would help retain and expand existing area businesses, pro- mote economic development, provide lower costs for residential users, and take advantage of a renewable resource. The board tackled the 1.25-MW Humpback Creek project first.' After its completion in 1991, Whitewater Engi- neering Corporation, which had worked with Cordova Electric on the Humpback project, saw an opportunity to build a run -of -the -river project rather than a storage project —on Power Creek. Whitewater filed for a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) prelim- inary permit as an independent power producer. Despite the fact that The Eyak Corporation, a local native corporation that owned the underlying land, chal- lenged the application, FERC issued the preliminary permit to Whitewater in 1992. Four years later, Whitewater, Cordova Electric, and The Eyak Corporation agreed that the way to deliver the least expensive energy to ratepayers was for Cordova Electric to own and operate the project under the following terms: — Cordova Electric would enter into a 50-year lease with The Eyak Corpora- tion for the 25 acres of land the project required; — The Eyak Corporation would assist in obtaining federal grants; and — Whitewater would design and con- struct the facility. In 1997, Cordova Electric contracted with Whitewater to construct the proj- ect, and Whitewater transferred the FERC license to the cooperative. Con- struction began in October 1998. Design Considerations When developers considered the site for a hydro plant as early as 1908, their plans called for a traditional project with a dam and water storage reservoir. How- ever, engineers and geologists ques- tioned whether the local geology would support such a structure because of the inability to reach bedrock. In addition, Power Creek floods in excess of 6,000 34 HYDRO REVIEW / SEPTEMBER 2002 39 HJ DKO KEAIEM \ 2Eb,LEABEK 3003 suq O;ueL gepLl2 9MsA;Low;ue aLSIG2' 2;Lnc;nLe (LIap;). lue a;Lnc;nLe use sU snIOwst!C IL98P ClesueL;Ps; pLn2pG2 lesne2' pLsucNe2' MPGU;ps bL01GC;,2 LnppeL qsw 12 IU;ls;eq' Ms;eL I2 q!Asgsq IU;O;ue uneL2lge COUCLete IU15KG JAstGL tLSAGI2 tpLOfIRP sU GbozX-I!uGq' gSpLI2 smsa I;LOUJ tpG 2tGGj RLJtG2' CIGJUGL tpst pLU2pG2 pLUUCpG2 suq OtpGL LIAGL2IgG TUT-JKG Mltp JU 5ntOUJ5tIC tLs2p of tpG qsw l2 s LGrUtOLcsq COUCLGtG GUOn'Rp MJtCL tOL RGUGLstloU• 11b2tLGUW LIAGL suq' st tpG 2suJc tluJG' lurbonuq lug plRp Uom2 to bs22 psglosq gomu grswstGL• I,pc quw csu pG gG{jstsq qnL- LnppGL qsw q0 tGGt migG' mrtp su g-toot splG BLIq�G2touG lugn2tLlsj bxognct2 dnGutja' MpitGMstGL 2bGCILIGq au luUst- dLsnGJ pGglosq gomu LIAGL• COu2G- cj2' pr.IUijUR s tLGweugon2 swonut of ZrILEO jwbnl2G trlLplUC2• Zpc blsut r2 GxtGLjoL• It porr2G2 tmO 3-y1ff' tmlu-IGt 2tLflCtnLG mltp lu2njutGq 2pGGt UJGful ,I,pG bomGLporr2G 12 s 2tGGj-tLswG upo 12 LGjutoLcsq mrtp LocK pop- CGrllula suq ms112 Ot tpG tnuusj' Mprcp ylorrutslu2. 2p0tCLGtG Jluju� 2tsprJisc2 tpG glswGtGL trruUGI tpLOn�p tpG Cprl�scp ZpG LGwsjuwE 3'000 tGGt 12 s 0-toOt- bsu2tocK' 34000 tGGt of tpG brbc j2 pnLlcq- tLGGSIUE' suq utuluuCpG gswsEG t0 tpG 2loU• ZO wlUrwlsG tpGLwst GxbsrJMW sU GXtGLIOL mLsb to bLOtGCt It jLOw cOLLO- mGlgsq-2tssj bGmtocy- ZpG bcunocK ps2 0; elec;LlCI;A—euonap to Legnce gleael couenwb;Iou pA s2 wncp sa I wllpou 8sllou2- bkolGcf,2;Mo 3-AM';Mo-let lnLao Iwbnl2e;nLplUe2 MITI uuunslIA bLOgnce 30 alasMstt-IJOnL2 eLsf!AG to bnL2ne s LOUGMsple GUGLaA 20nLCG- bLOIGC;IOU2 2lJOM;IJ5; JPG bOMGL CLGGK HAglo nU2tspls gle2el Inel bycea suq sIL dnsl!;A cou2lgeLstlou2 bLOwb;eq;ue COLgons EIGC;uC Coob- UOM LfIU2 OAGL s pLrgRG 9CLO22 boMGL tjou of nupnLJGq bsu2tocK' s 2Gctlou tpst MJtp EEKC TO pna tpG 192t 520-tOot 2GC- E1GCtLIc IJs2 2tUcc tijcq au swsugwGUt 2iRusq to Mltp2tsuq tps2G losg2• COLgons uJsut wonuquU ? suq sucpoL2 MGLG qG- tpst Csu OCCM IU tpl2 sLGs• VII GdrJjb- gG2rRuGq to LG212t pIRV GSLtpdnuyG losg2 GSLtpdnsKG• COUCLGtG 2tLnctnLG2 mGLG tlou CLItGug to wJUJUJJSG gswsfiG I;LOw sU mpltGMstGL s120 toOK juto cou2JgGLs- jusj 2ILGswpsq- tloU' MstGL UOM Ms2 LG2toLGq to tpG OLIR- LlbLsb• fZbou cowbjGtlou Ot Cou2tLrrc- clGsulUR of Gscp jugjnjgnsl bjGCG Ot gnLIUR COu2tLnctroU suq plRp-bLG22nLG gjAGL2IOu Cpsuusj rAjtp RGOtGXQJG tspLlc ygGs2ffLG2 ruclrrgcq gonA1G IluruR tpG 2tLGsw MpGLG TIM 2bsmuluR occrrL2• 191 to wrULstG to tpG JOMGL LGscpG2 Ot tpG botGutrsj JOL UUA 2011 oL LIAGLpsq wstsL- sbbLOxrwstGlA $S wrjJjou to LGgncG tpG 2GLAG tpG tj2p pspttst' tpGA gGAotsq suq MprtGMstGL,2 COWTJJltuJsut to bLG- bnL2rrsut to potp COLgons EIGCtLrC,2 2bsmurUR 2tLGsw• tpst bOMGL CLGGK I2 U UJJIOL 29JUJOU 01 b9Ltrcnl9L COUCGLU tAs2 tpG jsct Vftuck UGGL2' suq tpG EUAlLOUwGUtsJ bLOtGCtIOU 2GLArCG' tpG n•2• VLUJa COLb2 01 EuRI- suq jAIlgjjtG 2GLAICG' tpG fl'2' EOLG2t WULIUG EI2pGLIG2 2GLAICG' tpG E'2• EI2IJ AlLouwGUtsj Cou2GLAstrOu' [PG J49tlousl 20nLCG2' WG VJJ2Ks DGb9LtwGUt Ot EU- V152KJ DGbJLtUJGUt Ot J49tnL9j KG- DGbsLtwsut of Epp suq euuJG' tpG 2lprjrtrs2' Iucjnglu� EEKC' tpG Vjs2Ku URGUCG2 psnluR. 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I.GccrAGq tLouJ jps ?juts of y120' s $I IJJrIIJOu sGlo-rutGLGzt' 30-XGUL EuGI.�.a RI.sut2 totslruR �g•g uJIIIroIY lnugiuR csurG lr.Our fl'2' IDGb9rtuJGrrt ol; of NGbI.G2GUf9QAG2 DOIJ jonula' b9r.tr9l suq yl921m uJGHJPGx 01 tpG f1'2' HOn2s toz2 ZGq ztcncu2 suq pr.sux yjnr.j(om2Ki LUURG• mltp tpc pelb ol; yls2yuu zcus- 9uunsl IIrtGI.G2t UffG2 iu tpG e bGrccut 2GAGr.9I ?IJOr.t-tGI.uJ IODU? mrtp UAGI.UIiG 11ro2t Ot tpG $S,t urIlllou bLOIGct mrtp COPUUY Ot DGIJAGL' COIOLugo' LIu9uCGq E!uauc,u8 jNs bLOIGC� to GIIuJIustG sua uq of quLuuRG- to prrr.a tpG brbG pGUGJtp tpG 2tI.GsuJpGq su sAslsucpG' tpG coobGr.9trnG monlq 11p gc2ri�',LuGq to mltp2tsuq tpG rurbuct jxouJ CLGGr' yltponiip tp12 2Gctrou ps2 pGGu 2nbbl!eq pA OSKsUlj6' b04lsuq' OLeaou 2npwsyus Or 1p!2' 5 w1162 9Ls pnL!eq' suq 2 w1162 ULG 2A2Iew) COLgOAs EI6CILIC COOb6Lgf!AG (120lsjeq K'300 Isel 0152-KA' 3-bps26 l!us Io JLau2w1221ou OL69I Egll2' WOUIsus 2nbbllsq PA F!P64A\HOcKA 1Nonulslu bibs' 3e-!ucp pnjl64lA A91n62 Asinsa suq blblua (,t) Con6L6q M!jp LlbLsb r-!usq Mijp aGolspuC 1Lsbssolq 2pgb6 120 l6ej Iona' 20 I66I Mlgs' I I66j gseb j,9116scs 20 I66I MIg6' 2 I66I g66b to gsllscj psglosq 1jslUIOLCsq COUCL6I6 2jLncjnLG Mllp cnLp I IOOI p6lOM M916L 2n49C6 20-tool-loua' 2-Iool-pop 2lesl dLsle2' Lj!AGk21gG IUI9K6 lu SKG g;L,nctnL.s bLOgnCi2' 1A92pA111s' 16UUG2266 WsunlscjnLsq pA BLlgas2jou6 lugn2lL1s1 9-lo0I g19w6j6L' e0 I66I loud IuI!sjspIs BL!ga6210UG LnPPGL Plsgg6L Dsw 16LLIJOL162' Csusqs /IAp1I6pOL26' k611OMKLJIIG' 00414M62I DLIIIsq pA IAlglu 2jL66j mulua Cowbsuk 2polcL6ls I!usq 3'000 I66I loud' a -fool q!swsl6L lnuusl l!sl suq COww6LClsl n2GL2 IU s va-2dnsLG-wll6 06LAICG 9L69' ILICIIA ILow jps boMGLpon26 10 jps EAsK 2npelsj!ou suq ou Io jps coob6Lsl!AG,2 I'e80 Lealg6u- boMGL CL66K HAgLO blolGcj p uoj I!sq Io 9 aL!q- Iu2I6sq', w1162 OI IM-aUJI221OU IIUG C9LLA GISC- lp6 bOMGLPOn26 12 9 2j661-jL9w6 2lLncjnL6 Mljp IU2nlgj6q 2p661 w6lsl GXI6UOL- 1p6 2ISuq-slou6 W ,k Minimizing Risk To minimize the risk of avalanche damage to the penstock, the first 2,600 feet of the welded steel, epoxy -lined pipe is buried. The remaining section runs through the Chugach Mountains via a 9-foot-diameter tunnel, then continues to the powerhouse. requests are approved, Cordova Electric can lower its project debt and pass along savings realized from reduced debt ser- vice to its customers. Since operations began, hydro gener- ation has met 25 percent of winter demand, with diesel -fuel generation providing the rest. During the spring, summer, and fall months, the hydro plant is expected to meet 100 percent of demand for electricity. On an annual basis, the cooperative expects that hydro generation will meet about 75 percent of overall demand. Operations of the hydro plant have led to a 4-cent-per-kilowatt-hour drop in diesel surcharges users now pay. Pro- jections show an expected annual re- duction of 1 million gallons of diesel fuel. Part of the savings, however, will be offset by debt service requirements. Nonetheless, consumers will benefit not only from lower and stable electricity prices, but also from clean, emissions - free generation. ■ Mr. Gates rnav be contacted at the Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc., 705 Second Street, P.O. Box 20, Cor- dova, AID 99574; (907) 424-5555; Fax: (907) 424-5527, E-mail: legates@ cordovaelectric.com. Mr. Fischer may be contacted at Whitewater Engineer- ing Corporation, 625 Cornwall Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98225; (360) 738- 9999, extension 111; E-mail: thom @ whrtewatereng. cold. Note: 'Smith-Noggle, Laura, "Humpback Creek Supplies Power To Alaskan Village," Hydro Review, Volume XI, No. 6, October 1992, pages 36-40. the economical, one -stop solution for all turf and groundcare problems The Aebi Terratrac is a tireless workhorse with 4-wheal drive, inimitable high safety standardsand virtually armchair comfort. 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