HomeMy WebLinkAboutScammon Bay Small Hydropower Interim Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment - Mar 1983Scammon Bay, Alaska Small Hyd opower Interim Feasibility I Study and Environmental Assessment US Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District MARCH 1982 11 Small Hydropower Interim Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment SCAMMON BAY, ALASKA ALASKA DISTRICT Corps of Engineers March 1982 SUMMARY Scammon Bay, an isolated Eskimo village in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region of southwestern Alaska, has been subjected to large increases in electrical generation costs. Diesel fired electrical generation costs have more than doubled, from 21.9 cents/kWh in 1975 to 48.3 cents/kWh in 1981. With the prospect of ever increasing fuel costs, village electrical generation costs will continue to increase. This study considered various alternatives that could either supple- ment or replace diesel generation. Two alternatives were identified that could have a significant impact on electrical generation, wind generation and hydropower, neither of which could totally eliminate the use of diesel. Hydropower generation, the selected plan, would displace an estimated 22.9,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) during 1984, the first year of operation. This is estimated to increase to 278,000 and 314,000 by 1990 and 1995, respectively. The hydropower system would consist of a small dam, 3500-foot penstock, and a powerhouse with a 100-kilowatt NW) turbine - generator unit. The estimated first cost in October 1982 dollars is $1,483,000, with operation and maintenance estimated at $22,000 annually. This system could produce an estimated 409,000 kWh from April through October. Approximately 56 percent is estimated to be usable during 1984, the first year of operation. Wind generation appears to have good potential during the winter months when high winds of long duration occur; however, wind potential during the summer months appears relatively poor. The exact extent of Scammon Bay's wind resource has never been assessed, making detailed evaluation difficult. Even if this information were available, the state- of-the-art in wind generation is such that no units are currently commercially available that could meet the village's need for 60-cycle alternating current unless they utilized induction generators. These could only meet a very small portion of the energy needs at any one time (approximately 15-25 percent). If a commercially viable wind system becomes available that could function as an integral part of the Scammon Bay system, it appears that it could complement the hydropower system. Wind potential is greatest during the winter when the hvdrosystem would be shut down and least in the summer when hydropower potential is greatest. i R: 8/82 PERTINENT DATA SHEET SCAMMON BAY GENERAL DATA Project Installed Capacity 100 kW Number of Units 1 Type of Turbine Impulse Average Annual Energy 409,000 kWh Estimated Usable Energy (1984) 229,000 kWh Estimated Usable Energy (1990) 278,000 kWh Dependable Capacity 0 Penstock length 3,500 ft. Penstock diameter 12 in. Gross Head 488 ft. Design Head 430 ft. ECONOMIC DATA Project First Cost $1,483,000 Project Annual Cost $145,000 Project Annual Benefit $170,000 Net Annual Benefit $25,000 Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.2 to 1 iii R: 8/82 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION......................................................I 1.1 AUTHORITY...............................................1 1.2 SCOPE OF THE STUDY......................................1 1.3 STUDY PARTICIPANTS......................................2 1.4 STUDIES BY OTHERS.......................................2 EXISTING CONDITIONS.........................................3 2.1 COMMUNITY PROFILE.......................................3 2.2 NATURAL SETTING ....................................... .7 2.3 ELECTRICITY USE........................................10 PROBLEMS, NEEDS, AND STUDY OBJECTIVES ............................15 3.1 POWER SUPPLY AND FUTURE DEMAND .........................15 FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES .......................20 4.1 ALTERNATIVES ................. .....................20 4.2 SUMMARY OF BEST ALTERNATIVES (SOA).....................28 4.3 NED PLAN...............................................32 4.4 EQ PLAN................................................32 4.5 SELECTED PLAN..........................................32 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS..................................33 5.1 CONCLUSIONS...........................................33 5.2 RECOMMENDATION.........................................33 TECHNICAL T.1 T.2 T.3 T.4 T.5 T.6 T.7 T.8 T.9 T.10 T.11 T.12 PLATES ANALYSIS...............................................35 GENERAL................................................35 HYDROLOGY..............................................35 GEOLOGY........ ... . .., ...........................49 DAM AND SPILLWAY, AND INTAKE ...........................49 PENSTOCK...............................................52 POWERHOUSE.............................................52 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM....................................54 ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS CONSIDERED .........................55 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES ... .. .........................56 PROJECT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ......................56 PROJECT COST...........................................58 PROJECT ECONOMICS......................................59 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT .......................yellow pages ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT...............................yellow pages FISH AND WILDLIFE COORDINATION ACT REPORT................Appendix A PUBLIC VIEWS AND RESPONSES...............................Appendix B iv INTRODUCTION 1.1 AUTHORITY The evaluation of small scale hydroelectric systems was authorized by a United States Senate Resolution dated 1 October 1976. That resolution directed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of installing small prepackaged hydroelectric units in isolated communities throughout Alaska. The full text of the resolution reads as follows: RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE, that the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors be, and is hereby requested to review the reports of the Chief of Engineers on Rivers and Harbors in Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 414, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session; Southeastern Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 501, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session; Cook Inlet and Tributaries, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 34, 85th Congress, 1st Session; Copper River and Gulf Coast, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 182, 83rd Congress, 1st Session; Tanana River Basin, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 137, 84th Congress, lst Session; Southwestern Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 390, 84th Congress, 2nd Session; Northwestern Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 99, 86th Congress, 1st Session; Yukon and Kuskokwim River Basins, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 218, 88th Congress, 2nd Session; and other pertinent reports, with a.view to determining the advisability of modifying the existing plans with particular reference to the feasibility of -installing 5 MW or less prepackaged hydroelectric plants to service isolated communities. 1.2 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This interim study was undertaken to determine if economically and environmentally feasible alternatives exist that could meet or supplement the future electrical energy needs of Scammon Bay. Potentially feasible alternatives were evaluated in sufficient detail to allow expedited implementation. This study considered only electrical energy needs since total energy needs were evaluated in the Alaska Power Authority's (APA) energy study, recently completed by Northern Technical Services (NORTEC). A.summary of findings for the Scammon Bay portion of the APA study is given under Section 1.4 STUDIES BY OTHERS. 1.3 STUDY PARTICIPANTS A multidisciplinary team composed of the following agencies assisted the Alaska District, Corps of Engineers in preparation of this report. - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - U.S. Public Health Service - U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs - Alaska..Power Administration (Federal) Alaska Power Authority (State) Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative Northern Technical Services (NORTEC) The cooperation of the people of Scammon Bay is also gratefully acknowledged: 1.4 STUDIES BY OTHERS The United States Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration, prepared the "Small Hydroelectric Inventory Of Villages Served By Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative" in December 1979. This study assessed the potential for hydroelectric development at over 40 villages in western Alaska. Scammon Bay was found to be the most likely village of those studied to have a feasible hydropower site. This preliminary investigation considered two potential development schemes, one with an installed capacity of 170 kW, the other with 285 kW. These preliminary estimates were based on an estimated average streamflow at the damsite of 9 cubic feet per second (cfs). Subsequent investigations and streamflow measurements by.the Corps of Engineers indicated an average annual streamflow of about 2.5 cfs, well below that assumed. NORTEC prepared a report for the Alaska Power Authority entitled Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements and Alternatives, Togiak, Goodnews Bay, Scammon Bay, and Grayling, February 1981. The NORTEC study addressed all energy needs on a reconnaissance level, including electrical, heating, cooking, and transportation. It projected future energy needs for electrical and heating purposes and evaluated numerous alternatives to meet these needs. Alternatives determined worthy of further consideration included energy conservation, direct waste heat capture, hydropower, and possibly wind generation. The first two alternatives, energy conservation and waste heat recovery, related primarily to the heating load. Hydropower and wind would provide electrical energy, with diesel providing backup in both cases. Other alternatives considered, but determined infeasible, included Rankine Cycle waste heat capture, fuel cells, geothermal, tidal, solar photovoltaic, steam, and gasification. NORTEC's projected energy demand for Scammon Bay took into account the recent addition of a 6,500-square-foot high school and the planned 1981-1982 addition of 24 housing units by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Above that, a conservative growth in energy demand of 0.9 percent was used beginning in 1982. The 0.9 percent estimated growth rate is well below the historical growth rate for Scammon Bay, but past increases were largely due to the initial acquisition of electrical appliances during electrification. NORTEC assumed that increasing costs, coupled with conservation would temper future growth; however, with the passage of the "Power Cost Assistance Program" by the Alaska Legislature in August 1981, power costs will be subsidized (in Scammon Bay) to a level below the 1975 consumer cost. In addition to this change, comments by HUD on the draft report indicate that 39, instead of 24, housing units will be constructed along with a new 7,200-square-foot recreation center. As a result, NORTEC's forecast must be considered low. EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1 COMMUNITY PROFILE Scammon Bay is an Eskimo village located in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region of southwestern Alaska. The village, originally named Mariak, was officially renamed Scammon Bay in honor of Captain Charles M. Scammon who served as marine chief of the Western Union Telegraph Expedition in Alaska from 1856 to 1867. 2.1.1 Population Data from the 1980 census indicate a population of 250 at Scammon Bay. This represents an average population increase of over 4 percent per year since the 1970 census. However, the actual yearly growth rate has varied considerably as can be seen below: Table 2.1 HISTORIC POPULATION OF SCAMMON BAY Year Population 1940 88 1950 103 1960 115 1970 166 1975 165 1976 192 1977 225 1978 193 1979 232 1980 250 2.1.2 Government and Services Scammon Bay was incorporated as a second class city in 1967. The seven -member citycouncil selects the town mayor and administrator. In addition, the city employs a clerk, secretary/treasurer, police, and maintenance personnel. Other employment sources include the Bureau of Indian Affairs School, the Rural Parent -Child Program, and seasonal fire fighting for the Bureau of Land Management. Scammon Bay's native population is represented by a five -member traditional council, which is the official tribal governing body for the village. The council is eligible to administer a variety of Federal programs, including local health care, employment assistance, college assistance, social services, etc. 2.1.3 Transportation and Communication Scammon Bay is accessible by air, water, and winter trail. Fuel and bulk supplies are barged to the community from June to September. The Kun River serves approximately 60 privately owned boats, providing transportation to fish and berry camps. A 2,800-foot gravel airstrip north of the city enables daily sched- uled commercial air service. Principal air carriers include Sea Airmo- tive and Wein. Scammon Bay has approximately 1 mile of gravel road for use by the few vehicles in town. Snowmachines, owned by nearly every household in the community, are the major form of transportation in winter. The community members have access to one telephone located in the community hall. Television is also available from the Alaska Statewide Satellite Communications network. 2.1.4 Economy Year-round employment in the city is available through local govern- ment and trade. In the trade sector, employers include the airport, four small stores, and the general store. Some residents also sell handmade grass baskets, ivory carved jewelry, and other handicrafts. In addition to the government, commercial fishing is the other primary source of income for Scammon Bay. As of 1979, the Yukon District had issued 40 gill net permits to Scammon Bay residents. Commercial species include salmon and to a lesser extent herring. Herring are anticipated to become a larger portion of the cash economy with the investment by the Alaska Renewable Resource Corporation in the construction of approximately 10 herring fishing boats at Scammon Bay. In addition to these commercial catches, noncash landings include whitefish, blackfish, needlefish, smelt, and tomcod. 4 Income from the aforementioned activities is supplemented by subsis- tence hunting and gathering, and to some extent, assistance payments. In addition to fish, residents of the area hunt walrus, seal, geese, swans, cranes, ducks, loons, and ptarmigan. In the fall, various types of berries such as blueberries, cranberries, and salmonberries are har- vested. Bay. Table 2.2 indicates the overall employment distribution for Scammon Table 2.2 SCAMMON BAY 1979 EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY Part -Time Year -Round Gill Netting 40 1/ BLM City 11 Airport 1 BIA School 9 2/ Retail 8 Parent -Child Program 2 Handicrafts TOTAL 40 31 Source: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs 1/ Based on number of gill net permits only. Actual participation is greater. 2/ The new high school has added additional employment beginning in 1980. *Number Unknown SCAMMON BAY HIGH SCHOOL SCAMMON BAY FISHING FLEET 2.2 NATURAL SETTING 2.2.1 Climate The area has a maritime influence.as indicated by its relatively moderate temperatures and. precipitation. The Askinuk Mountains influence the climate at. Scammon Bay, such that the various pressure systems approaching from the ocean or the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta have a direct effect on the village. The nearest climatological station is located at Cape Romanzof Air Force Station approximately 15 air miles away. Although Cape Romanzof is at approximately the 435-foot elevation and has a southwest exposure, it represents the only nearby site for approximation of weather at Scammon Bay.. Cape Romanzof data, obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.(NOAA) records for the period 1453-1978, indicate that average temperature ranges during summer and winter are 341 F to 49° F and 9° F to 31°. F, respectively,with recorded extremes of -26' F and 79° F. The average monthly precipitation ranges between 0.98 and 5.00 inches with an annual average of 25.45 inches. The maximum monthly precipita- tion for the period of record is 10.50 inches with the maximum 24-hour precipitation being 2.77 inches. Table 2.3 and 2.4 provide a monthly breakdown of precipitation, temperature, snow, and wind. 2.2.2 Regional Geology Scammon Bay is situated on the northern foot of the Askinuk Mountains in a region almost entirely composed of the flat, low-lying deltas of the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers, with an occasional rock hill rising several hundred to a couple of thousand feet above the delta plain. Ground moraines in the cirques and valleys indicate extensive glaciation, proba- bly of Wisconsin Age. Permafrost occurs sporadically throughout the region, but may not be evident in rock formations where the moisture content is low. ¢ Ln O r� z Z Ln O N 00 01 LO Q CV r N t\ N 1 rd'O U N r M 00 m 1- w M ° p r�r N00M Ln Ln d r It N •N 1 1 C O Ln t cn t0 01 CV O I Z r Ln r N M r\ N M F— U N W 01 C)1 ct W 4- F-- M O CM r r l0 LLJ O O N�Or O O N M100 L •r NO0) 4- CL j l0 Lf) O O O LLJ (n ct O CV M co M O O �-- ct C0 N • -) s O O O�I- N O O O Q tf) 00N C71MM O O M ct I— M O CU \ .0 rl 0 U - Ln Ln Ln l0 C < O1 ct m N C) C) t0 r CJ_ _ r '-D NttJr 0101r O O C Od M N O r� M 1 •r • z W w N ; Q M '-- CC) C7 •O wOU ZI rC700 M ch Cn = C -i ce ^7 C4 4 M N Ln r M �-+ O ¢ W C) N Cf3 L ~ O O Ud ONOnn J CC) d O1 M C rCMO qrM M CU co J M l0 r' C V O n ct C) O •-• 01 Ct 0� t0 t0 O 0) d 10 Q M O O O N CO O ct C N N k.0 r r-- N d-, I O N r- M LY) M O LO Ln Cr N CO N Ln M r I td r I'D MIO LD Ln d r -�I' N e-- r w O +- C 00 Ln Ln co CT CV r t\ CO LLJ e H CY) I.L. O Ct r 01 00 l0 r" (M Q r C zi- N r _l r0 N r Z rI� O1 cn U r Q r r p1 Cn CO 00 O r _ 7 r CtO N alM l0 O •r r ct CV Z i� C �' 1 O � •r •r r N 1 r r- fC M � C)Lu aY •• U-i O E C 3 W CD w Cm Z LL_ O •r O F- ¢ZO tY ¢ C4�'O Z L C ¢ w C) 2 O Ctf �4 ►-. Y ¢ ¢ a--r 1- LL CL' N I— LU M H w >t a U Rx C=l F— d Q < wz¢ z d Q N W d i Cl ¢ CD _ N� Mt O F- to WQ Q r� W ¢ Cr W Z I- 0- V) 8 cn J Q lfl N � W Z LO Z �O Z r r Q U C� M W I W r CV 00 t0 C) I W Z t0 r Z -00 r Uj r r d C0 W l0 W I Z N r r l0 r c�I O 30 Q • N � Q r N M Q r r Z r N N LL 4-3 W O O J N C Z lx� tp I W Q Q N r r O W >- CO O d U M r Z co r Cl N Q l0 r Z LP r O Lu �I r Z n r co N G? W I W lL O Z r N N Z r7l a` r lD r - C 0) b C Qi C r 2: T O U •r •r- f% N 7 > -0 O a) r m aV i r S- S.- •— ai r N d 3 7 O 38 2.2.3 Biology The most important wildlife resources of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in the vicinity of Scammon Bay are the various species of birds that use the coastal lowlands. Some of the highest density goose breeding areas in the world are found on the outer fringes of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. The majority of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta is classified as wet tundra, which..primarily supports low. stands of sedge and cottongrass with a few woody plants. With thelack of cover and absence of year-round food sources, the western Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta does not support large terrestrial.mamm.als. Only on rare occassions have big game animals been observed near the project vicinity. Five species of Pacific salmon are indigenous to the Scammon Bay vicinity, although no salmon enter the.freshwater.streams near the project.area. The bulk of the salmon found in the marine waters off Scammon Bay are headed for the Yukon River drainage. 2.2.4 Anthropology and Archeology According to the State Historic Preservation Office, no known sites are eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places in the Scammon Bay area. 2.3 ELECTRICITY USE 2.3.1 Historic Use Prior to joining the Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative (AVEC) in 1974, Scammon Bay's limited electrical needs were met with a few individual generators and a small windmill that supplied power for two homes. Since AVEC electrification, energy demand has grown substantially. Table 2.5 shows peak demand in kW and annual energy generation for the years 1975 to 1980. Accurate records were not kept during the early years, resulting in missing data. x Unknown Table 2.5 SCAMMON BAY: (AVEC ANNUAL PEAK AND ENERGY GENERATION) Year Peak kW Energy MWh 1975 * 159.2 1976 * 185.0 1.977 * 203.5 1978 54 214.5 1979 78 269.3 1980 78 310.0 10 2.3.2 Non-AVEC Generation In addition'to AVEC generation, the local BIA elementary school and the newly constructed high school maintain three standby generators totaling 160 kW. Under normal conditions, both schools would purchase power from AVEC. However, with the additional load of the new high school, which opened in September 1980, the standby generators were used almost daily to meet the increased demand. Recent upgrading of the existing AVEC generators from 50 and 75 kW to 75 and 110 kW has rectified this situation. 2.3.3 Users In addition to the. BIA school (three classrooms) and new high school (6,500 sq. ft.), the community has a variety of public and residential structures which comprise the electricity demand of Scammon Bay. Public buildings include the community center; the traditional council building, armory, clinic, post office, Luther Aguchak Memorial Building, and two churches. Four stores, several warehouses, a movie theater, and the AVEC building are also located in the city. Approximately 45 single family dwellings.are in Scammon Bay, mostly of wood -frame construction. Of these, 15 were built in 1970 by the Alaska State Housing Authority. In all, about 60 structures are served by AVEC. Of the 269,300 kWh gener- ated by AVEC in 1979, 101,500 kWh were for residential consumption and 94,800 kWh went to government and school use., with the remaining used by the utility or lost due to distribution system inefficiency. End use data from 1975-1979 for Scammon Bay is shown below: Table 2.6 END USE ELECTRICAL ENERGY 1975-1979.AVERAGE Village Residential Commerical Other* Scammon Bay 35% 5% 60% *Includes schools and other public facilities. - Northern Technical Services 1980 2.3.4 Total Energy Use Scammon Bay is currently dependent upon fuel oil for space and water heating and electrical generation. Propane is used in the village primarily for cooking. Gasoline is used for snowmobiles and fishing boats. There is limited use of driftwood and the local willow brush for home heating. Table 2.7 describes the end use of all energy forms utilized in Scammon Bay during 1979. The amount of fuel oil used for home heating, divided by the number of households, indicates a per household consumption of 680 gallons annually. This figure is low relative to comparable villages. 11 O� W Z N Q � d C O O p_ O Cl- Ci_ W N Z C r r [/) O r- O(Dr- Cn 7 ro dQC°77 CO N � O ^ O O O O t� r Lf} nCT wLD t` N n lD CO N O M co CD O CD O N cl- O ^ O I'O w CV Cf) LO O O O O O c'; O N M '�3- — O Ol O LO w � C. N N 00 00 Ln O O O� O O CDCD O CO LT) r- CDO O n O Ln r W O Cn O - w CO 00 w r N M N 01) CT W r- r r 'ct LC) CV v H r r(1 M GY M Gt cl:: OW U C a1 C C O O t O O •r W ro O rt b C } rt O U O rt5 • r +•) +-) +� +> d S. 3 O O O � N Cl Cl Cl Ln:, r- C Q Ln'— O C Ln C rd C >> C i O S N>1 C U rCS CT (d C1 r0 i ro ec5 O 0-U S L IV .- C L r r+j +J t + M W > U r- U +) N ro rC5 rl C .r r C O C E O r-•' O Q C W O Cl - d-� ,� F Cc L.) � of N = c 0 •r O n N L N +-) N ice. •r O E U N C 4--) N N U N 4- "d 4- C CU � C O r U N +-) L � (U > C CS) O S= U r C1 O L Cl O 4- r' N ' � O 3 �+- Y O N O 4-) M c ° � r 3 N Y N O RS U O 3 •r M r S- r N O N N r CU v O L •r Cil 4- 3 N F� O Q1 CSl r O •r CU 4- Y C U >> O O r •� U 0 r (U w O r L r N w r O f0 r 1-� k- N r M � � >) r U O r- f0 •� O G1 U C L Ci- � V C u f .0 0 CU r C 4J Cn a� i E L N r r C i O r Z C N N U O N Cl a. O L 3 N o +' Cn L a) O O L w U W C'3 Ca- CL r' 0- Z � O O Z r N M N 12 2.3.5 Rate Structures Before the Power Production Cost Assistance Program (PPCA Program) went into effect in November 1980, electric bills were claiming an increasing proportion of the village's cash economy. That proportion stood at approximately 10 percent of annual cash income in 1979. The Power Production Cost Assistance Program dropped the effective kWh cost of electricity from 40.8d to 26.6V for late 1980 and early 1981. On 4 August 1981, the Power Production Cost Assistance Program was repealed by the Alaska Legislature and replaced with the Power Cost Assistance Program (PCA Program).. This new program, effective January 1982, will subsidize 95 percent of electrical energy costs (except return on equity) greater than 12V and less than 45V/kWh during its initial year. This will drop the consumer cost of electricity at Scammon Bay to approximately 21.3�/kWh from the actual utility cost of 48.3¢/kWh. The utility rates since AVEC power was introduced in Scammon Bay are presented in Table 2.8. The single rate schedule shown is applied to all 48 AVEC villages and is designed to recoup the costs of the entire system. Costs attributable to any single village are difficult to ascertain. Table 2.8 AVEC RESIDENTIAL RATE 1975-1981 (75 kWh) Year Rate R per kWh) Consumer Cost (V per kWh) 1975 21.9 21.9 1976 22.8 22.9 1977 29.0 29.0 1978 34.2 34.2 1979 36.7 36.7 1980 40.8 26.6 (PPCA Program) 1981 48.3 21.3 (PCA Program after 1 Jan 82) 2.3.6 Fuel Costs For electrical generation, fuel prices have been the principal source of rising costs. The average cost of diesel fuel delivered to AVEC villages -since 1973 is shown below: Table 2.9 AVERAGE COST OF DELIVERED FUEL TO AVEC VILLAGES 1973-81 Year Cost ($/gal) 1973 0.35 1974 0.52 13 Table 2.9 Con't AVERAGE COST OF DELIVERED FUEL TO AVEC VILLAGES 1973-81 Year Cost ($/gal) 1975 0.58 1976 0.65 1977 0.72 1978 0.78 1979 0.97 1980 1.33 1981 1.62 1982 (est.) 1.68 Based on data provided by NORTEC, AVEC's Scammon gay generators produced an average of 8.7 k.W.h/gal. from January 1979 to September 1980. In 1981, this output reached 9.2 kWh/gallon- As of March 1982, the fuel efficiency of the -existing generators is 7 kWh/gallon because they were altered to increase peak capacity. This fuel efficiency is expected to prevail until 1994, when the useful life of the -generators expires and they are replaced. In 1995, fuel efficiency is expected to be 9 kWh/gallon. R: 8/82 14 PROBLEMS. NEEDS. AND STUDY OBJECTIVES Based upon Scammon Bay's initial study request and subsequent informa- tion gathered during four site visits,.it became apparent that a plan needed to be formulated that would reduce the cost of power to the local residents. With the establishment of the Power Cost Assistance Program by the State of Alaska, the basic objective of reducing cost to the consumer was met, at least for the short term. However, this program is only a subsidy, doing nothing to reduce the real cost of power production. Therefore, the study objectives were reestablished as follows: 1. Reduce the real cost of energy generation.. 1 2. Maintain the existing environment. In addition to the above study objectives, the national objectives of National Economic Development (NED) and Environmental Quality (EQ) must be considered. NED is obtained by increasing the level of output or economic efficiency of the nation and the EQ objective is obtained by preserving, maintaining, or enhancing the cultural and natural resources of the study area. 3.1 POWER SUPPLY AND FUTURE DEMAND This section provides a summary of the generating capabilities of Scammon Bay and an estimation of the future energy needs that must be met by any alternative. 3.1.1 Generating Facilities The generating capabilities of Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative's Scammon Bay generators are shown below. Besides those shown, a 105-kW generator is scheduled for installation during early 1982. 1 - 75 kW, 1,800 rpm, KATO (1971), 120/240, 10, 75.kW 1 -110 kW, 1,800 rpm, KATO (1971), 120/240, 10, 110 kW 185 kW In addition to AVEC's generators, the standby generating capacity of the new high school and BIA school totals 160 kW. The high school generator is new while the BIA units are. between 10 and 15 years old. These are shown below: High School 1 - 100 kW, Newage -.Stamford, 120/240, 10, 100 kW BIA School 1 - 35 kW, Kohler 120/240, 10, 35 kW 1 - 25 kW, Kohler 1201240, 10, 25 kW 160 kW 15 3.1..2 Generation and Transmission Efficiency In 1979, AVEC's gross generation from 31,000 gallons of fuel oil was 269,300 kWh for a conversion efficiency of 22.3 percent. Station service and distribution losses amounted to 67,100 kWh or approximately 25 per- cent of the gross power generated. AVEC's records indicate a total system distribution loss of 47,600 kWh or 18 percent. This is considered typical of a single phase distribution system. 3.1.3 Future Activity And Energy .Needs It is difficult to accurately predict the future electricity demand in rural villages because it is difficult to predict the economicgrowth of an individual community. Economic growth depends on the development opportunities exercised under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, the general economic development of the State and region, and the availability of electricity to the community. In addition, each village is a small isolated unit. A change in the habits of a few households or the local school can have a dramatic effect on the total level or composition of electricity demand in a community. More importantly, the level of demand in any bush village largely depends on government decisions'made outside the control of the community. The electric needs of AVEC villages are mainly determined by the demand generated by the following installations: a. State Schools b. BIA Schools C. Public Health Services d. Housing Authorities e. Federal Aviation Administration f. Satellite Communications Recent construction activities in Scammon Bay include the previously mentioned high school and a water supply distribution system installed by the Public Health Service in the mid 1970's. Construction of 39 new single family homes is scheduled for completion by June of 1982. These new housing structures are expected to vary from 860 to 1,100 square feet. A combination recreation center and gymnasium is also scheduled for construction in 1982 or 1983. This facility would be approximately 7,200 square feet. 3.1.4 Long Term Outlook Looking beyond the 1980's, Scammon Bay presents potential for various growth possibilities. Probably the largest single contributing factor to the future outlook of Scammon Bay and other isolated Alaskan Villages is Alaska's oil wealth. How the State ultimately spends its oil revenues will greatly influence the future growth of remote villages. Any expansion in the Scammon Bay economy besides government positions will probably be in the fishing industry. This influence has already 16 been felt by the previously mentioned investment in herring fishing boats by the Alaska Renewable Resources Corporation. However, expansion in the foreseeable future will most likely continue on a relatively small scale. 3.1.5 Load Forecasts Any forecasts of future energy demand for Scammon Bay are speculative: Beyond the existing demand and the future demand of the new housing units and recreation center, energy forecasts are extremely uncertain. Once new construction is complete, the demand may stabilize, at least until additional unforeseen capital improvements take place. However, with the passage of the PCA Program, which will drop rates to pre 1975 levels, the likelihood of the demand stabilizing substantially appears to be remote. The most recent energy demand forecast was developed by NORTEC for the Alaska Power Authority prior to the PCA Program. Their forecast included the effects of the new high school in 1980 and the 1981-1982 addition of 24 homes. Above that, a conservative growth rate of approximately 0.9 percent was used. This is substantially less than the actual increase over the past five years, but they assumed that the relatively rapid.electrification of individual homes that has taken place since joining AVEC would stabilize. Future increases due to added appliances were assumed to be offset by conservation and more efficient appliances. This energy forecast (Figure 3.1) is now considered to be, the low growth scenario due to the decreased cost to the consumer provided through the PCA program. Also shown on Figure 3.1 are growth projections of 14.3 percent, 11 percent and 4.5 percent. The 14.3 percent figure represents an extrapo- lation of the electrical growth rate between 1975 and 1980 at Scammon Bay. The 11 percent figure corresponds to the 1970 to 1980 growth rate at Bethel, Alaska. Neither of these are considered to be indicative of future growth at Scammon Bay. The first figure represents a very short period of record during the time of initial electrification at Scammon Bay, the latter, which has a longer period of record, represents a larger community with a broader economic base. The R.W. Retherford Division of International Engineering Company, Inc., completed a study of energy requirements and alternatives for 13 villages in west and northwest Alaska. Based on their energy demand analyses, an electrical growth rate of 4.5 percent was found to be the most reasonable for these villages, many of which are similar in size and economy to Scammon Bay. Because of their similarity to Scammon Bay and the previously mentioned effect of the PCA Program, the 4.5 percent growth forecast has been adopted for this study. Figure 3.2 shows the estimated monthly distribution of energy gener- ation for 1984 and 1990. The percentages were based on 1979 usage patterns. The combination of information presented in these two figures was used to provide the basis for evaluating alternative energy plans. 17 J LLJ H c Ld CD - (j cr cr OCf) z (f) Li- o � Qo w o a � .- �~ o m Z L 0 LLI 00 r U. w H H U w L U to LLJ 0 Ld F � � Ln a- = =C d F- .-. w o U M Z co < OU �- O � N w wcr Ozi'',=w voQ d� CLDz Q — L) ~Q W RZ . Ld = (D a U d Ocr ct 0 LLJ 0 crr z a. ocr z�- Q J 3a)OL 0OJz a0 �Zh ~ 000 a<X } w H z LLJ U U w LU z z a J Q O 2 O IT CA ir w w o z w �-z cD z 41 U w a UJ 7)a O 0a J Ki a c a w T } z Li �U } oir UQ crm `_' z a ~ tL m U � w 2 c F a N O w }- z to o (D cn w _z = � O O � J Q a O O a = U C) O w Z = a 3 J LLJ D_ z O 00 = 2 'S S' g � M cp f� (D sanOH — liVMV93W 18 19 FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES 4.1 ALTERNATIVES Under section 1.4, STUDIES OF OTHERS, the work done for the Alaska Power Authority by .NORTEC was summarized. NORTEC's conclusion was that energy conservation (insulation and weatherization), continued use of oil, waste heat recovery, hydropower, and possibly wind generation were the best alternatives for Scammon Bay. These were the only five alternatives that met both requirements of being technically feasible and constructible in the study area. Other alternatives such as geothermal or tidal power are not technically feasible at Scammon Bay due to natural constraints. 4.1.1 Diesel This alternative is effectively the existing condition. Under this scenario, diesel generation would continue to be.used to meet all electrical requirements at Scammon Bay. With the addition of the new 1054W generator,.AVEC should have sufficient capacity to meet village demands until the early 1990's. Impact Assessment The primary impact associated with this alternative is economic. Although the PCA program will lower diesel prices to their 1975 price levels, the cost of diesel fuel will eventually rise again as shortages occur and demand exceeds supply. By continuing to use diesel, the village is leaving itself exposed to possible shortages in the future if supplies are interrupted due to physical or economic constraints. Evaluation Since diesel has been established as the base case by which other alternatives are to be evaluated, it is necessary to estimate the actual generation cost at Scammon Bay for comparison. The Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative 1981 cost is 48.3d/kWh. This system wide cost includes not only fuel and operation and maintenance, but also taxes, insurance, interest, depreciation, and administration. Of this kWh cost, not all can be considered as a savings or a benefit if an alternative is implemented. Only fuel and operation and maintenance costs (0&M) can be claimed as benefits, unless an alternative can be implemented that is reliable enough to prevent the need for acquiring additional diesel generators to meet peak loads; then it can be credited for the firm capacity it provides. This is called the capacity benefit. The two parts of the energy benefit, fuel and operation and maintenance, were determined from information provided by AVEC. AVEC's 1982 diesel cost of $1.68/gallon, coupled with Scammon Bay's generating efficiency, which is 7 kWh/gallon, provides a fuel cost of 24.Od/kWh. R: 8/82 20 This, coupled with AVEC's operation and maintenance cost of 6.850/kWh, renders a cost of diesel generation of 30.85V/kWh for 1982. When comparing this cost to another alternative, consideration must be given to how the fuel cost portion may change in the future. With total fuel price increases at Scammon Bay of 212 percent, from 1974 to 1981, it is easy to see .that energy costs have far outstripped inflationary increases over the same time period. To account for this escalation relative to the general inflation rate, a fuel cost escalation rate must be established for project evaluation. Various fuel cost escalation rates over varying periods of time have been used in the past to estimate future fuel costs. Most of those proposed in the past have fallen short of what the actual escalation rate turned out to be. According to the Bureau .of Labor's statistics for Anchorage (none are available for Scammon Bay), the inflationary increase from 1974 to 1980 was 67 percent compared to fuel cost increases of 156 percent. Based on these data, the annual fuel cost escalation rate (above inflation) was over 11 percent. Although there is little chance that this high of a rate will.continue, it does demonstrate the difficulty of estimating fuel cost escalation. For the purpose of this study, the national fuel cost escalation rate developed by the U.S..Department of Energy (DOE) for the 1981 Annual Report to Congress has been adopted. The proposed escalation rate is shown below: ANNUAL YEAR ESCALATION RATE 1980-1984 1.9 percent 1985-1989 8.0 percent 1990-1995 6.2 percent 1996-2010 1.4 percent These increases would result in the following fuel costs at Scammon Bay: 1985 $1.88/gal 1990 $2.72/gal 1995 $3.51 /gal 2000 $3.76/gal 4.1.2 Conservation Description This alternative requires the implementation of various methods that would reduce or restrict the use of energy. Adding additional insulation, installing storm windows, weather stripping, upgrading the distribution system etc., are the primary methods of implementing this alternative. Some form of load management may also be possible. R: 8/82 21 Impact assessment This alternative has virtually no adverse environmental impacts while having very positive economic and social impacts. If implemented, significant savings in heating costs could be realized by the villages. The impact on electrical use would be slight however, because very little, if any, electricity is used for heating and the overall village electrical energy use is minimal when compared to larger communities. The cost of electricity is so high that minimizing its use has become a way of life. Conversion of the distribution system from single phase to three phase could reduce the 18 percent distribution loss. However, according to AVEC, the relatively small increase in efficiency, coupled with the small size of system, does not warrant the expense of converting the system. Evaluation Energy conservation is probably the simplest method to reduce overall energy consumption in the village. Although its implementation would have minimal effect.on electrical consumption, the benefits from reduced heating costs would be great. Execution of this alternative should be pursued at the earliest possible time. Implementation Responsibility The basic responsibility for implementing this alternative lies with the local residents. To aid in this responsibility and to lessen the burden, various State and Federal programs are available. The State offers energy auditing services, conservation grants, and low interest loans, and the Federal government offers income tax credits. These opportunities should be pursued to the maximum extent possible by the community. 4.1.3 Waste Heat Recovery Description Two forms of potential energy recovery from existing diesel generators are possible. The first is direct waste heat recovery for heating purposes. This is accomplished with the use of heat exchangers which transfer waste heat from the water jacket and exhaust of the diesel generators to another fluid that can be used for hot water or building heating. Direct waste heat recovery requires that the generators be close to.the building or water supply being heated, otherwise heat is lost to the atmosphere. The second form is by use of the Rankine Cycle. This system vaporizes a fluid such as freon with the waste heat from the diesels., The freon, which is under high pressure, is then used to drive a turbine which will produce shaft horsepower to turn the generator for additional electrical power. 22 Impact Assessment The primary negative impact associated with waste heat recovery at Scammon Bay would be the relocation of the AVEC diesel generators because their present location is too far. from any major building or water supply. Although relocation is possible, it is doubtful that it could be economically justified, even at current fuel costs. Evaluation As mentioned in the previous section, the present location of AVEC's power plant in Scammon Bay is not suitable for direct waste heat . recovery. The high school has a 100-kW standby generator that could be used for waste heat recovery for the school, but Alaska State law requires that all schools purchase their power from existing utilities if present. The Rankine Cycle energy recovery systems are now in the development stage. When they do become commercially available, it will probably only be for units above 1000 kW. Implementation Implementation of a waste heat recovery system would be the responsibility of the village of Scammon Bay in conjunction.with AVEC with possible aid from the State of Alaska. 4.1.4 Wind Generation Description The possibility of developing a feasible wind system at Scammon Bay appears relatively good. Although no wind data has ever been gathered at Scammon Bay, it is known that high winds of long duration are common during the winter months. If a wind system were developed it would probably consist of a number of units in the 10-kW range. Based upon Cape Romanzof data, mean yearly wind velocities average 15.6 mph. The wind is predominantly from the northeast during winter months when velocities are the greatest. Although Cape Romanzof data should not be used directly for Scammon Bay due to its higher elevation (434 feet), the mountains in between it and Scammon Bay, and its southwest orientation, it represents the only data source for the area. The general trends in wind speed and duration should tend to apply to Scammon Bay. According to various sources, an economical wind installation is possible when the mean wind velocity ranges between about 12 and 16 mph depending on the size and type of unit, and the degree of sophistica- tion. Simple systems consisting of direct current generators can operate 23 economically at lower wind speeds if the user is willing to use the electricity strictly for d.c. lighting and resistance space or hot water heating. At Scammon Bay, where an electrical system that uses alternating current already exists, it would be necessary to install a wind system that would be compatible with the existing diesel generators. This could be done on a smaller scale with the use of a synchronous inverter, which would depend on the existing utility system to control the voltage. One problem with this system is that the total wind generation capacity that could be used would be limited to a small portion of the utility's total output. If too large of a proportion (more than about 25 percent) was produced by the wind system, the utility could no longer control the voltage. A wind generation system that would be fully compatible with the existing diesel generation system and that could operate as the prime power source for the utility, may double or even triple the cost of the cheaper units. No systems of this type are currently functioning in Alaska and their ability to function in the Scammon Bay climate is unknown. Evaluation To prove feasible, a wind generation system of the type needed for total compatibility with the existing generation system would probably need mean monthly wind velocities in excess of 15 mph. Using Cape Romanzof data, mean velocities in excess of 15 mph occur from October through April. Although diesel generation could not be totally displaced by wind generation because of the need for standby generation during periods of calm, it appears that it could displace a significant amount of diesel fuel, particularly in the winter months. However, until wind data is acquired at Scammon Bay, it is impossible to accurately assess the actual potential or attempt to optimize a wind system design. Implementation Responsibility Implementation of this alternative would be the responsibility of Scammon Bay in conjunction with AVEC, with possible aid from the State of Alaska or the Department of Energy (DOE). According to comments provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on the draft report, pre -application for six 2-kWh wind generators have been received. However, subsequent conversations with HUD indicate that funding is unlikely. 4.1.5 Hydroelectric Description This alternative consists of a rockfilled gabion dam with a top elevation of 600 feet, 3,500 feet of 12-inch steel penstock, and a lOxll-foot powerhouse containing one 100-kW impulse turbine. Based on 24 available streamflow data, the estimated annual energy output from the system is approximately 409,000 kWh, of which 229,000 kWh (56 percent) is estimated to be usable in 1984, the first year of operation. The other 44 percent is produced during the summer and would exceed the community's current demand. Diesel generation would be required as a supplement when inadequate flows exist to meet demands. A detailed discussion of the plant sizing is included under the section TECHNICAL ANALYSIS. Impact Assessment Adverse environmental impacts associated with this project are relatively minor in nature. No fish utilize the small stream where the project would be located. Minor disruption of nesting and rearing shore birds may occur during project construction. Special care would be necessary during project construction to confine work to nonpermafrost areas. Social impacts would be positive over the life of the project because a capital intensive hydropower project would tend to hold down electricity costs in the long run, although initially they may be more expensive, depending on the ultimate means of financing. Evaluation A summary of the associated costs and benefits for the hydroelectric system are shown in Table 4.1. The analysis is based on October 1982 price levels, a discount rate of 7-7/8 percent and a 50-year project life. The benefits are based on the direct displacement of energy that would have to be produced by diesel fuel to meet estimated demands. Figure 4.1 shows the relationship of available hydroelectric energy versus estimated demand. The benefits provided by the hydroelectric system at Scammon Bay were determined strictly by the displacement of fuel and the savings in operation and maintenance on the diesel generator. No credit was given for displacement of diesel capacity since the hydropower system would not operate during the peak demand months. The savings in diesel fuel was computed from a 1982 cost of $1.68/gallon, that was escalated until 2010, according to DOE's estimate. Credit was also given to the project based on its ability to meet the estimated 4.5 percent yearly increase in demand. Savings in Operation and Maintenance was credited at the rate of 6.85¢/kWh. R: 8/82 25 26 Table 4.1 Project Costs And Benefits First Cost $1,483,000 Annual costs Interest and Amortization (7-7/8q 0 50-yrs) 120,000 Interest During Construction 3,000 Operation and Maintenance 22,000 Total Annual Cost 145,006 Annual Benefits Diesel Displacement Benefit Fuel Escalation Benefit Operation and Maintenance Benefit Employment Total Annual Benefits Net Annual Benefits Benefit -Cost Ratio Implementation Responsibility $ 70,000 52,000 23,000 25,000 2000 $ 25,000 1.2 to 1 Various options are possible for the implementation of this alternative. Under all scenarios it is anticipated that the local utility would be responsible for the operation of the plant. The options available are listed below: 1. Construction by the Corps of Engineers with Federal funding. 2. Construction by the Corps of Engineers with State or local funding. 3. Construction by a private firm with State or local funding. R: 8/82 27 N ct- s r0 E= m (10 m N i i S_ L 4J 4- 4-) O 4-) O O O O N C C O E •r C. Z cn 4-) 4-J 4-J > C O O O O _0 Ti O >) r r • r N O • r • r O L N• •) r E (A d d d 4-)O. Q7 U +•) 4-) 4..)O U N C E 0) d d d rM •r b •r >> O 0(0>) S- 4-) C d C N N N C Cl- r 4- E N N E N U •r U +-, 25 C N ro ro ro O (10 O co O i O 4- S- d-J V) O 4-) k/ + - O +-) Y Z t > > > N "O (A C 7 0 N O C RS }-) U S- N N V U O •r O •r O •r +� C O O N 4- •r N O ro C O •r- E S_ •r ro E +) E4-) E4-3 r r •r •r C C X N U 4- L 0= i-) •r O X r O O r0 (0 ro ro ro ro d 3-0 4-) r i •r O rp O O d••) 4- 4 O N U W d Z Z cn C N C ul) C cn O C 4-3 N Q7 O •r 'C A C 7 > r O � •r � •r A .0 O i +•+ O N - 4- A O U 3 4- C "0 N (0 O r O rt ro C fl •r V) O C O + O S. O r '- d U ro O O O O A U •r 4-) O •r L O- O .0) d m C C +3 U> O i 0 O N C \ C •0 O r U A 4J > a•) C ro E •r O i • r U O ..O L r.. r A i 44 >> i 4-) +) O 0) r- ¢t U U O O U i 41 N N r0 r r 3 4J O r0 V) C to C O r b9- b4 O O i i C O O i O O Z Z O 4-) 4-3 O O U i O S. N i i V) m U r� +•e -0 O O O C E r �(A Q 2 •O Fes- V F- 4J d •r r C U C O •r O O r •r a--) O a••) •r � O O C (v O - O 0) 0) 0) 0) \ \ U O O O rrs 0 ( d r D) z z t z i -C i \ r� U U U U Z 0 O rO O O O O -C M U Z Z Z Z 4-3 +.) .r r O S- 3 i— 4-3 U O O N L •r a O N a 4-3 +) E U N O 4-3 > _ a, r0 +3 L O 3 r C C Q •r >, 4- r O 4-) 4-) o a� E 4- \ N U C c r N 4-) O 0 (M +-) d O d-) V1 C N U C C E d N U O O \ >) O r O N O O r m V 4••) i> > rCi E N U S_ N E r L. O C >) O rCS U N O r r 4- O 0:� O O C r (n d C ro rO O Q •r r •r ❑. O O •43 4-) C O X 0) 0- N N m +3 U O O O i co O E O '' U W H- F- m d H W CO O C rC3 i1 r E d r"r d r- lV 1 1 CD I t- i L Q) Q) Q) (V 4i +-) > }> r r •r Q ¢ •4-� ¢ Q) ¢ ¢ ¢ rty Q m I- C: Z (0 Q) r0 (1) L C Q) 0 > > Q) > -C Q) •r Q) -r b 4-)¢ E 4-) co rt (0 ro o V) C cn V) C Z N Q) r0 r r {.J N O O C i O (A O Q) 4- .a U O (L) I N 4- 4 •O O 4-1 i •r U4-j • N C O Q) 07 w O Q) 4•-) i •r• •r- 4- +•) '- N •r- O C i•> r- C •I•) i o) 0) O > U •e- 4- N •r C r0 b to C C U .' >) 4- Q) N r •r- b i •r 3 3 Q.,- O U 4-J r O •r7 V) ro 4-3 ro Q) O O for- L r O U' •r• O O U C Q) i O Q i O Q) C O M i Q) t- 4- •r• Q) S- U • 'a O tm •r O'a RS LA C. Ol �a rd C >1 C O t t r0 C r C i O Q) O •r-' r- +J O (0 4-) (A r 0) i O 0 0 Q) U r 4J •,- .r. •I- r N O w O •r IZ Q) -C O Q) o c U >) -0 4-3 C 3 C it U C 3 • -3 E -C F- -O U O O Q) i •r- U O O > Q) U. O U Q) 4-3 Q) C r0 .0 O r Q) •r- • i O •r- (A O +j i Q) U -0 O i i i 4-) OM 4-) 4-) U 4-) 4-) S. (L• 'O i i O O +3 U to r0 U r C 'C U U 4J'0 N (A 'O C r0 Q) a CL (A O r i Q) O- •r- r O QJ N r r0 r r d > E C O r- (1) 4- ❑. O i 4- C O a) Q1 O a O ro C N C O a) r' G. 4- O C O a••+ 4- 00 S- O O Q) Z t •r F- r' U U: > O to 0 ¢ 3 N Q) CU 3 U 4- 3 'O +J Q) N Q) U � rT iT ro C C C 0- ra rEr U L) C ) 0 O o O Z Z Z Z >> .1.J C d•-) r O r 4-) r r C 4-J O O r Cr Cr r O i i. d a) a) •I••) 4 i r0 ro r- 3 3 ¢ CO 29 Z C) U V) z Q J d W I— Q Z tY W F- J Q LL. C) } <Y N N 4-) N O p 1 ) CL i +s co r QY i i a) O (1) O O C G a) (1) U +? a) N a) I /— a) a) -0 > -s--) X to :3 •r m 'a (z V) > (04-) i •r r r () i C O C (v =3 •h) C •r •i-) N O +J Q Q (1) •r C fb N b (1) R3 +J to 0 0-0 U Q - Q C4-3 a) •r .P -C C E 4- a) i ro a) (v a) IT O U ••- +•) (A i C ro C7) i•> > > U O O. C (V U O a) a) a) E CO (A a) •r Q) •r p Z r V) a) C Z +� S- �[ S- E C E += E +J C >> O 4- i 4- 3 r m m a) m O ro ro ra CO •r co i (V a) 4- O Q U 4-) CL -0 U N C N C 3 E Q (M> a) +•3 3 N 4J U I I IT O (V a) CIO 4- 0) E t 1 � •r a) 44- i . 'C E •I) N C i S_ 3 • N O N ro •r a) • r •r • -) > O (1) a) > 4-) 4- N a) 'O r0 N 'C— U C r-- 'C 4-5 a) O •r cn 4-4 C r-- C •r r0 ro to O .0 E 0 >> i 0 () 0 0— O +> +-3 >> • r E i a) V N 4- 1 N i N 4-J C b ro U ro a) C •r O +•+ C C •r •r 'a S. cn a) C N O a) > C U a) O •r C E O 4- C i 0 to C) •r a) CI •r ,C •r +-) 0. O.•r U •r a) N C O E 4- C +•3 ++ U O N E i C +J i •r rti (A 4- rd U •r -- 4J O a) a) r• U U .0 i w W C 3 > i 4J U •o a) +-3 L) a) C c� i E 4- C i 'G V > 3 aUNN-00 (04 to Zn •E O•C a)N cc—) C to ra i S. C i i 0 - C O N •> z U CL -0 CA CL i -P .0 4J V)U .0 d •C a) a) a) (D a) a) C C C C C C U U U U U U Z Z Z Z Z Z a) r CD- 0 N d s 4- 4-3 N O 3 +J O U +J i C ra C U3 O Q Q1 •r �E+ N U +J aJ +-) U r r s ra r (a 4J C O rn 4-) A Q) r- a) O U _0 r •r (A CL t. E C - - U •r N iJ E •O ro ro C) O •r N O C U a C I I S- c r 4- "0 +) C -V c 4-3 O L •r U rd (1) •I•J O 3 r r0 i rd .N a) r• 4-3 i •r In i Q) N Q O i J R} » •r O O +-) 41 C Q) r Q1 O 'O O •0 (A •r M +a 4- (0 Q1 0) r- O C -0 C 4- Q) h-J •r •I-) C n Q1 (o C •r M 4-3 CMO_•C r- C •r !n C •I--) C () i C a••) b •i E i. •r R5 .a) •r Q) i 3 C •r i +> > r0 (0 0 -0 Q) =3 O -0 '0 U (n Ln -0 to 4-3 3 a) a) In Q) Q) i a) (A > C C 0 0 C r- Q) C � Y 4--1 Q) 3 IZ S-. > -0 4-3 vl (0 O •r to W O Q) 0 .0 O 4- b, = O M Rf C C b Q 4- U 3 •r r 4- CL U 4-) E O (0 Cr M ra 3 •r r0 . M c � •r (V S` •r 4-) i 4-3 I a) Q) +J 0) -rd-- C rnfO o.0 r0 C i 4- Q) C i () =3 i •r Q) E •r a) •0 -o a) -C C r- Q) i C Q) c c a) () r O a) r i Q) a) 0) V) t] Q) 0) 0- (1) E v a) cn U o U 4- -0 U •0 3 i i S- -0 i r- r 4J L 0 Q) 4-) •r- r- 4-) CO 4- U +3 i= U to O U C E Q) •r O 4--� Q) 0 O Q) O r0 r- 3 0-0 3 r- 0 O a) r0 C a) 4- Q7 r0 i o O) i r0 0 () O a) 4j i C 0) i C U S.- "0 o c a) -0 0 c -0 >> r a) C >;•r a) >, un C 2 r0 0) O .0 4-) -0 S •r O r6 I r C CO C •r 1 1 r• C E O O cn r0 r0 r O =3 U C U to i r•- 0) i Q) 0) O 0— O '- C a) 3 a) r Er 4J N 3 to a) 0 C O •r r0 •r O O M rt) M rd a) i-) 4-3UVfa) va) N N O r- •r i '— V1 C SZ •r V1 i r0 t U (b 4-3 a) X .4-3 0 0 U CA 0Z -0 (A a) vl c 4-3 4- •r r •r O Q) () ++ C a) i Q) •r •r O r- U C Vi U c r0 0-0 +) I/I c Q) a) O O Q) O IZ O C •r N •r O r- •r r0 r •r 0 E i i 4.3 4- Q) 4-3 U a) +-I M •r OL M 31 4.3 NED PLAN Federal water resource development policy requires that the alternative providing the greatest amount of net benefits be designated the National Economic Development Plan (NED). For Scammon Bay, the NED Plan is hydroelectric. It would provide net benefits of $25,000 annually. 4.4 EQ PLAN Federal water resource development policy also requires the designation of an Enviromental Quality Plan (EQ). This should be the plan that makes a net positive contribution to the environmental quality of the area. In the case of Scammon Bay, no plan has any significant environmental impacts; however, neither does any plan make a net positive contribution to the environment. Therefore, no EQ plan can be designated. In this case it is necessary to establish an LED Plan (Least Environmentally Damaging). Although the diesel system produces exhaust and noise, it is already in existence and no additional construction would be required, therefore it is designated as the LED Plan. 4.5 SELECTED PLAN The Selected Plan should be the plan that is the best overall scheme to meet national and local objectives. For Scammon Bay, the hydro- electric system is designated as the Selected Plan. This plan is capable of producing approximately 409,000 kWh per year on the average, of which 229,000 kWh is estimated to be usable the first year of operation. R: 8/82 32 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 CONCLUSIONS Based on the analysis contained in this report, hydropower provides the best alternative for electrical generation at Scammon Bay. In addition to providing net benefits of $25,000 annually, other benefits, which were not quantified in this study include, 1) reducing the quantity of diesel fuel shipped to Scammon Bay (this may reduce the number of shipments, and consequently reduce the handling problems and cost), and 2) providing a buffer to allow for late or insufficient fuel shipments due to either physical or economic constraints. A detailed analysis of the .hydropower alternative is included under Section T, TECHNICAL .ANALYSIS. Wind power appears to hold promise, particularly in the winter months when stronger winds of longer duration occur. Based upon the wind data from Cape Romanzof and an assumption that the general trends hold true for Scammon Bay, wind could prove to complement the hydropower system. During the summer months when hydropower is at its peak, wind generation potential is poor. During the winter, when hydropower potential is poor, wind potential is high. However, before a more accurate determination of exact potential can be made, a continuous recording anemometer should be installed. The State Division of Energy and Power Development may be able to provide assistance to Scammon Bay through their anemometer loan program. Weatherizing through insulation, storm windows, and weather stripping could provide significant savings to the community in the area of home heating. Any effect on electrical demand would be small. This option should be pursued to the maximum extent possible by the village. Upgrading of the distribution system does not appear to be feasible at this time. However, if Scammon Bay should show unexpected growth and fuel costs continue to escalate at a rate similar to the past few years, the incremental reduction in distribution losses may warrant conversion to a three phase system. 5.2 RECOMMENDATION I recommend that the Scammon Bay Hydroelectric Project be authorized for construction with such modifications that may be advisable made at discre- tion of the Chief of Engineers. Design and Construction Management would be the responsibility of the Corps of Engineers with an estimated first cost of $1,483,000, which is subject to cost -sharing and financing arrangements satisfactory to the President and Congress. Authorization of this project for Federal implementation should not preclude the development of hydroelectric facilitiesat_fi s site by a qualified nonfederal interest. LEE R. NUIVN Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer R : 8/82 33 NPDPL-PF (31 March 1982) 1st Ind SUBJECT: Small Hydropower Interim Feasibility Study, Scammon Bay, Alaska DA, North Pacific Division, Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box. 2870, Portland, OR 97208 27 May 1982 TO: Chief of Engineers I concur in'the conclusions and recommendations of the District Engineer. MES W. VAN LO N SELS rigadier General, USA Commanding 34 SECTION T TECHNICAL ANALYSIS T.1 GENERAL The selected plan for hydropower development at Scammon Bay is a run -of -the -river diversion project which has a capacity of 100 kW. The project consists of a 50-foot-wide rockfilled gabion dam with its crest at 600 feet elevation, 3,500 feet of 12-inch buried steel penstock, and a lOxll-foot powerhouse.with one 100414 rated impulse turbine unit. This system would provide most of Scammon Bay's current energy needs for approximately 7 months of the year. In late fall it would be necessary to supplement it with diesel. For approximately 5 months of the year it would be shut down due to inadequate streamflow. The system could generate a_n average of approximately 409,000 kWh of an electricity annually at an estimated first cost of $1,483,000, with total annual benefits estimated at $170,000. A detailed description of the design considerations and parameters follows. T.2 HYDROLOGY T.2.1 Basin Description The three -quarter, -square -mile drainage basin varies in elevation from 600 feet at the damsite to almost 1,300 feet at the highest point. Upstream of the damsite, the basin is covered with wet, spongy tundra, which has a tendency to retain water and release it over a period of time. T.2.2 Streamflows The village has historically acquired its water supply from the creek which flows from the Askinuk Mountains. In 1976, the Public Health Service (PHS) built a community water system that treated the water with chlorine and fluoride. Although the village utilizes a portion of the creel, for water supply, there are no records of the amount of streamflow which has actually occurred. During July 1980, a water measurement structure (Parshall Flume) was installed to collect data during the upcoming year and to verify the assumed streamflow values. The flume was installed downstream of the PHS water supply intake and consequently does not include water diverted for domestic use. The measured flow at the flume was correlated with the streamflow at the proposed damsite by measuring the flow at the damsite and determining a correlation coefficient. R: 8/82 35 Table T.1 shows the computed damsite discharges based on flows measured at the flume between July 1980 and July 1981. Table T.1 COMPUTED DAMSITE DISCHARGES (July 1980 - August 1981) Based on discharge measurements at the flume downstream of the damsite. Discharge Month (cfs) ••E Jul 2.0 Aug 2.0 Sep 1.4 Oct 1.5 Nov 0.9 Dec 0.6 1981 Jan 0.6 Feb 1.1 Mar 1.2 Apr. 5.0 May 10.0 Jun 6.0 Jul no available data Aug 2.0 Based on precipitation data for Cape Romanzof, which is located approximately 15 air miles west of Scammon Bay, it appears that the data for streamflow at Scammon Bay reflects a period of low precipitation for the area. Table T.2 compares average and actual temperature and average and.actual precipitation for the period in question. 36 Table T.2 CAPE ROMANZOF MONTHLY RAINFALL AND TEMPERATURE July 1980 -August 1981 Average Actual Average Actual Difference Month Temperature Temperature Precipation Precipation from Avg 1980 Jul 48.2 50:O 2.95 4.79 +1.84 Aug 49.2 47.2 5.00 2.27 -2.73 Sep 43.7 44.2 4.62 3.60 -0.98 Oct 31.1 33.7 2.39 1.50 -0.85 Nov 22.6 25.0 1.56 0.50 -1.06 Dec 12.8 8.9 1.21 0.86 -0.35 1981 Jan 12.9 19.8 1.11 1.33 +0.22 Feb 9.7 12.0. 0.98 1.70 +0.72 Mar 13.5 25.1 1.25 0.72 -0.53 Apr 20.7 27.7 0.97 1.27 +0.30 May 34.4 42.1 1.28 1.32 +0.04 Jun 43.3 47.2 2.13 2.01 -0.13 Jul 48.2 48.4 2.95 1.81 -0.75 Aug 49.2 48.8 5.00 3.85 -1.15 Table T.2 indicates that the average air temperature is below freezing during the months November through April. Precipitation that falls during this time interval will generally accumulate on the ground as snow or ice and not enter the system for hydrologic power generation until April or May. Instream flows during November through March are largely due to groundwater with some periodic melting. During late April, May, and June, the runoff is relatively high due to melting snow and surface runoff. Based on the prevailing temperatures, it appears that the primary ground water recharge will take place between May and September. A statistical analysis of the Cape Romanzof precipitation data for 1981 indicates lower than average precipitation. However, the measured streamflow at Scammon Bay for the corresponding summer months in 1980 and 1981 was quite similar. This would indicate a stabilizing effect of the ground water runoff for this basin. Based on the Cape Romanzof precipitation data it appears the low precipitation experienced during the study period will have a return interval of approximately 15 years. During the 23 years of record the recorded precipitation at Cape Romanzof has twice been lower than was recorded during the summer data gathering periods. 37 The measured discharge for Scammon Bay shows an increase beginning in February 1981. It is more typical for Alaskan streams to show an increase in melt season discharge in April or May. This increased discharge may be a reflection of the above average temperatures which the area experienced between January and June 1981. Scammon Bay discharge 'measurements should be continued to establish the typical monthly flow regime used for design purposes. The proposed hydropower plant at Scammon Bay would operate during the months when the average flow is above 1 cfs. This would provide sufficient flow for water supp.ly at the downstream infiltration gallery. Based on .the actual correlated streamflow for 1980-1981, a 100-kWh plant could produce the following output:" Table T. 3 Potential Hydropower Output - Actual Correlated Flows (1980-1981) Discharge Energy Month (cfs) MWh Jan 0.6 -0- Feb 1.1 24.2 Mar 1.2 29.0 Apr 5.0 72.0 May 10.0 74.4 Jun 6.0 72.0 Jul 2.0 46.9 Aug 2.0 46.9 Sep 2.0 32.4 Oct 1.5 35.7 Nov 0.9 -0- Dec 0.6 -0- Total 433.5 Due to the increased flows in February and March, which were probably caused by the warmer weather and the lower than normal precipitation, the recorded flows were not considered to be indicative of the average. Therefore, some adjustment was considered necessary to obtain a more realistic base for project evaluation. 38 Table T.4 shows the adjusted discharge and energy figures that were used for project evaluation. Table T. 4 Potential Hydropower Output - Adjusted Discharge Energy Month (cfs) MWh Jan 0.6 -0- Feb 0.6 -0- P1a r 0.9 -0- Apr 5.0 72.0 May 10.0 74.4 Jun 6.0 72.0 Jul 2.0 46.9 Aug 2.4 55.8 Sep 2.0 45.4 Oct 1.8 42.4 Nov 0.9 -0- Dec 0.6 -O- Total 408.9 The adjustments eliminated any generation from November through March. Although some generation may he possible during these months, it would not be considered typical. Additional adjustments were made to the discharge and energy figures for August, September, and October. These adjustments represent an average increase of slightly over 0.4 cfs for the 3-month period. The adjustments were made to reflect the lower than average precipitation recorded during this period. The actual post project flows could be greater once intergravel flows are cut off by the dam; however, this is impossible to quantify at this, time. T.2.3 Sedimentation No sediment transport studies were done at Scammon Bay. The discharge during the majority of the year is very clear. The only known time when the ►,rater has any sediment entrained is during the spring runoff. The particle size is probably fairly large and therefore drops out of suspension quickly as the velocity decreases. Some minor maintenance would be needed at the damsite on a yearly basis. T.2.4 Snow And Ice Problems During the winter months, windblown snow is deposited in the ravine through which the stream flows. In places, the windpacked snow reaches depths in excess of 10 feet by the end of winter. 39 A site visit during January 1981 found that the snow had a tendency to drift from the left side to the right, looking downstream. This trend made the left side somewhat barren while the right side had deep windpacked snow. In the middle of the ravine there was in excess of 100 inches of snow, while on the left side there was about 36 inches. The bank on -the left side had places where the tundra was visible. Three snow samples were taken slightly upstream of the village and another three samples taken below the proposed damsite. The average water content was 35 percent. The deep snow along.the stream acts as insulation allowing the stream to flow.(on a restricted basis) when other streams of similar size are long since frozen. This same dense snow that provides insulation also is subject to creep. Because of the creep potential and the fact that access to the penstock would be restricted for nearly half a year due to snow, a buried penstock is preferred to one located above ground. Special design considerations are necessary to account for low winter flows, f razil ice and potential penstock icing problems. These are considered in more detail 'later in the report. T.2.5 Power Potential Table T-5 provides a summary of the average power potential of 50, 75, 100, and 125-kW units. The smallest unit would not meet peak demands even during the first year of operation. On the other hand, the largest unit would not function efficiently during minimum demand periods. The possibility of installing two units was considered during earlier studies; however the extra cost could not be justified. One unit in the range of 100 kW was found to meet most minimum and maximum demands at significantly lesser cost. Table T.5 Average Capacity and Energy Production 50-kW Unit 75-kW Unit 100-kW Unit 125-kW Unit Month kW kWh kW kWh kW kWh kW kWh Oct 5O 37,200 57 42,400 57 42,400 57 42,400 Nov-- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ Dec-- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ Jan-- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ Feb-- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ Mar-- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ Apr 50 36,000 75 54,000 100 72,000 125 90,000 May 50 37,200 75 55,800 100 74,400 125 93,000 Jun 50 36,000 75 54,000 100 72,000 125 90,000 Jul 50 37,200 63 46,900 63 46,900 63 46,900 Aug 50 37,200 75 55,800 75 55,800 75 55,800 Sep 50 36,000 63 45,400 63 45,400 63 45,500 Total 256,800 354,300 408,900 463,600 NX To optimize the turbine size, the information in Table T.5 was compared with the energy demand for the months of April through October, shown of Figure T.I. These load duration curves were developed with the aid of information supplied by AVEC for 1981. The actual load duration curves may vary from year to year, but this approximation is the best available using existing data. The estimated usable energy is stated in tabular form in Table T.6. .dote that during the first few years the 125 kW unit actually displaces slightly less energy than the 100-VW unit. This is due to the larger units inability to operate efficiently at the minimum loads projected. Table T.6 Estimated Yearly Usable Energy Unit 1984 1985 1990 1995 2000 2010 50-kW 202,000 206,000 225,000 234,000 244,000 2T",00 75-kW 226,000 234,000 272,000 302,000 329,000 329,000 100-kW 229,000 236,000 278,000 314,000 342,000 342,000 125-164 2269000 234,000 279,000 321,000 359,000 359,000 Diesel displacement benefits were claimed for the portion of the curve in Figure T.1 that is under the average output of the respective hydropower systems. Although the hydropower output would vary over the month, the limited data precludes a more rigorous analysis. The value of the diesel energy that was determined to be displaced by the hydropower system was calculated in accordance with the analysis outlined in section 4.1.1 of the main report. That is, the base 1982 diesel cost of 1.68/gallon was escalated at the presribed DOE escalation rates. These new values, plus the operation and maintenance benefits, were then applied to the ,energy that the hydropower unit would displace. These annual figures were then present worthed to the power -on-line date using the Federal discount rate of 7-7/8 percent over 50 years. This present worth figure was then converted to an annual cost by applying the same discount rate over 50 years. This represents the average annual cost of the diesel that would he displaced by the hydropower system. The total cost of the hydropower system was then determined by taking the total first cost and applying 7-7/8 percent discount rate over 50 years to determine the average annual cost on a comparable basis with the diesel being displaced. An additional figure of $22,000 was added to account for operation and maintenance on the hydropower system. The cost for the hydropower system was then compared to the cost of the energy from the diesel system. The costs from the diesel system become benefits if the hydropower system is installed. A summary of these costs and benefits is shown in Table T.7. Employment Benefits. NED employment benefits would occur due to construc- tion o the Scammon Bay Hydropower Project. Based on data provided by the Alaska Department of Labor and the eligibility criteria described on page 44 of the WRC Reference Handbook for FY 1982, the Wade Hampton census division (in which Scammon Bay is located) does qualify as an area of "substantial and persistent" employment, as demonstrated below. R: 8/82 41 Criteria 1 - To meet this criteria, the current calendar years' unemploy- ment must exceed 6 percent. The 1981 annual statistics for Wade Hampton revealed a 10.2 percent unemployment rate. Therefore, Wade Hampton meets this criteria. Criteria 2 - To meet this criteria, the unemployment rates must exceed 150 percent of the national average for three of the last four calendar years. Unemployment rates for Wade Hampton for the four preceding calendar years are: 11.1% for 1978, 9.0% for 1979, 10.7% for 1980, and 10.27. for 1981. Unemployment rates which are 150 percent of the national average are: 9.0% for 1978, 8.7% for 1979,.10.65% for 1980, and 11.25% for 1981. The actual Wade Hampton unemployment rates exceed these in three of the last four calendar years (1978, 1979, and 1980), therefore it is an "eligible" area. The Public Works Impact Program (PWIP) allows 43 percent of the amount earned by local skilled labor and 58 percent of the amount earned by local unskilled labor to be used in the NED employment benefit calculation. These percentages are allowable in the case of Scammon Bay due to the existence of a State local hire law #3610 and the hiring practices of the Regional Native Corporation as directed by Federal Executive Order 1124, U.S. Department of Labor. The census area population of Wage Hampton is 4,665 and had a labor force (insured) of 1,124 and an unemployment rate of 17 percent for the quarter ending "-larch 1982. Unemployment among native groups in general is much higher, suggesting that some of the skilled labor required by the project and some of the unskilled labor can come from the villages of western Alaska. It is estimated that 60 percent of the project costs would go to labor which would be 35 percent skilled and 65 percent unskilled. Employment benefits for the Scammon Bay project are based on the following assumptions: a. Most the skilled labor would be imported by the contractor. b. Unskilled labor would be transported from several western Alaska villages to work on the Scammon Bay project. c. The unskilled labor requirement would be supplied by area workers. Labor analysis procedures are taken from guidelines given in Section 713.1207 of the WRC planners manual. Project construction would take advan- tage of the high unemployment condition experienced among native groups. With the policy of local hire in force the higher percentages can be used for deter- mining the amount of local earnings that can be claimed as an NED employment benefit. The following table shows the derivation of employment benefits for the project. Employment Benefits Scammon Bay Construction Costs Amount to Labor (60%) $1,278,700 767,000 R: 8/82 42 w V o- _ Z f OS -< ¢ W �Om a J0 D ie. y OM H Q Q Q 3� oa i _ x - i r i m a W m j I I I $ 8 - a I I mr o W - w m w 7 a I I O r s I o� U o m m w O I I mZ O I m � I oa o a s m m oa F Z o S11tlMOlIN S11tlMOlIN 8� Ig 8 3r i o Y x ; x of in g r Si W w F D: o m oQ W H w o a o I f m ml ow as } I f I I I wQ o w I o o ml m m Im o w a_ I o $ o N o ¢11tlMOlIN r: 3r is o0 COow $ - a_- S11tlMOlIN r o m I 3o y Y o o m O : x � m Q Gd O U a m � a o a LL o � v I o w m - S11tlMOlIN I a wl W I I I V a ¢0 4 $ 8f O O O o 0 N V J N S11tlM OlIN as 0 a o $ m S11tlMOlIN x � 41 rr 1 Skilled (35%) Unskilled (65%) Amount by category $ 268,527 $ 498.,693 Local contribution 20% 100%. Earned by locals .53,705 499$,693 Claimed as NED benefits .43 .58 Total by category 23,093 289,242 Combined Total $312,335 Annual Benefit: - 312,335 x .0806 = $25,174 Rd = $25,000 SurpllusEnergy. During the summer, the project's capacity would exceed Scam►non ayys needs. This surplus energy is estimated to be in excess of 4,200 MWh over the life of the project. If all of this energy were used by a facility such as a cold storage building or for hot water heating, the fuel displacement and escalation benefits would be substantial. Although this type of use is likely in the future, it is difficult to document definite plans for use of surplus energy at this time. Table T.7 provides a breakdown of costs and benefits for the various options. Table T.7 Estimated Costs and Benefits 50-kW 75414 lOO-kW 125-kW First Cost ($) 1,412,000 1,453,000 1,483,000 1,524,000 Annual Cost 50 yrs. 0 7-5/8% ($) 114,000 117,000 120,000 123,000 Operation and Main- 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 tenance ($) Interest During Construction 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Total Annual Costs ($) 139,000 142,000 145,000 148,000 Annual Benefits Fuel Displacement {$) 54,000 68,000 70,000 71,000 Fuel Escalation ($) 38,000 49,000 52,000 53,000 Operation and Main- 17,000 22,000 23,000 23,000 tenance ($) Employment 24,000 25,000 25,000 26,000 Total Annual Benefits ($)133,000 164,000 170,000 173,000 Net Benefits ($) -6,000 +22,000 +25,000 +25,000 Based on this analysis, the net benefits for the 100 and 125-kW units are approximately the same. If the estimated load growth falls short or exceeds that anticipated, or if the streamflows vary significantly from the estimates, R: 8/82 45 the optimum unit size could either increase or decrease. For the purposes of this report, a 100-kW unit was chosen for the selected plan because of its ability to pick up minimum loads more efficiently than the 125 KW unit and its availability as a standardized unit. Additional streamflow information may alter this selection slightly during post authorization design work. However, any change would only affect the turbine -generator sizing; the intake and penstock are sized to accommodate units between 50 and. 150 kW. T.2.6 Water Supply The Public Health Service (PHS) intake for the village's water supply is located a substantial distance below the proposed damsite. The PHS recommended a minimum flow of 28 gallons per minute (GPM or 0.06 CFS) as required for the water supply. This would provide approximately 200 gallons per day per capita which is in excess of the normal requirements of an urban area. The PHS indicated that they believe the actual utilization of the system to be between 50-70 gallons per day per capita. This difference in system capability and actual utilization would provide a margin for development within the community. The drainage area between the dams-ite and the water supply intake is 0.5 square miles which is two-thirds the size of the tributary area to the damsite. By correlating this lower area with the upper drainage basin an approximation of the water available for domestic use can be made as shown in Table T.8. T.8 Water Available for Domestic Use Available Water Total Water Available Water Available Water From Lower Available For Month At Damsite Less Hydropower Basin Domestic Use Oct 1.8 0 1.2 1.2 Nov 0.9 0.9 0.6 1.5 Dec 0.6 0.6 0.4 1.0 Jan 0.6 0.6 0.4 1.0 Feb 0.6 0.6 .0.4 1.0 Mar 0.9 0.9 0.6 1.5 Apr 5.0 1.6 3.3 4.9 May '10.0 6.6 6.7 13.3 Jun 6.0 2.6 4.0 6.6 Jul 2.0 0 1.3 1.3 Aug 2.4 0 1.6 1.6 Sep 2.0 0 1.3 1.3 Based on the above analysis, adequate water would be available year -around to supply the community's domestic needs. Due to the limited operation of the hydropower system, i.e. April through October, the available water during the critical months of winter is unaffected. If, for some unforeseen reason, the water -supply demand did exceed the supply, the planned diversion works are capable of diverting up to 1.2 cfs through the darn on a controlled basis and could be used to supplement the village's water supply if necessary. During winter shut -down due to low flows, the diversion works would divert all flow through the dam to supplement the village water supply and prevent ice -up of the reservoir. A detailed explanation of the winter diversion scheme is included later in the report. 46 T.2.7 Potential Floods An analysis of data from Moody Creek at Aleknegik (STA. 15-3029-00) was utilized to estimate potential floods. The drainage area above the damsite at Scammon Bay is approximately 0.75 square miles while the drainage area at Moody .Creek is.1.28 square miles. Although Moody Creek does not have the same coastal influence that Scammon Bay does, it was believed that Hloody Creek was the best station in the area to use. Its frequency curve is illustrated in Figure 5.1 The Scammon Bay discharges for various frequencies are illustrated below in Table T.9, These discharges were determined by a comparison of the drainage areas between Scammon Bay and Moody Creek. Table T.9 SCAMM014 BAY DISCHARGE FREQUENCIES Return Internal (yrs) 200 100 50 25 10 5 2 T.2.8 Dam Safety Discharge Q (cfs) 135 104 82 49 39 27 The "Recommended Guidelines for Safety Inspection of Dams," provides general criteria for evaluating the safety of darns. Since the actual storage is less than 50-acre-feet and the height of the dam is less than 25 feet, the site classification would be considered "small." The failure of the dam would not be expected to cause any "loss of life" or cause any "economic loss," by flooding. These conclusions result in a hazard potential classification of "low." In actuality, the reservoir storage capacity is so small (approxi- mately 1/10 acre-foot) that any dam failure would not significantly change the downstream flow. Any adverse effects on the dam itself due to flooding would probably be limited to siltation requiring additional maintenance. The two classifications of small size and low hazard potential result in a recommendation by the guidelines for a Spillway Design Flood (SDF) of between a 50 to 100-year frequency. A 100-year discharge (104 cfs) was used. No damage would be anticipated at the powerhouse due to location above the WO -year floodplain. However, damage to the village water supply could be expected where it crosses the stream below the powerhouse 47 site. Two existing culverts pass the streamflow through the road embankment that supports the water lines. These culverts are inadequate to pass the design flow. T.3 GEOLOGY T.3.1 Project Site Geology Local rock is a granodiorite intrusive of probable Tertiary Age. Deep weathering, jointing, exfoliation and/or frost spalling have produced surface boulder fields and thin silty soil. Unsorted glacial overburden overlies the granodiorite bedrock in the project area. The overburden represents ground moraine with interdispersed water -lain deposit. The glacial overburden consists of gravel and sand containing. numerous cobbles and boulders. Composition of the gravel, cobbles, and boulders is primarily granitic. The granodiorite bedrock and granitic glacial overburden weathers quite rapidly due to the climate and mineral- ogical composition. The glacial overburden varies in thickness through- out the area due to the undulating granitic bedrock surface. In the vicinity of the damsite at the 600-foot elevation, the overburden is approximately 8 to 10 feet thick. Near the powerhouse site, overburden varies between 6 and 20 feet. Overburden thicknesses were determined using refraction seismology. Permafrost is absent to sporadic within the immediate project areas. The perennial spring -fed stream and the predictable thick insulation blanket of drifted winter snow within the stream gully results in a thaw zone beneath and adjacent to the stream. Outside of the gully, the surrounding area is underlain by continuous permafrost. Bank erosion is prevalent on streambank slopes between the village and its water supply intake. This is probably due to summer thaw of the active layer. The west bank of the stream, between the village and water supply intake, has a low profile due to subdued erosion. This condition probably causes thinner winter snow drifts to accumulate in the area, hence more exposure to prolonged below freezing temperatures. The powerhouse site is located in an area above the stream where solifluction does not appear to he a problem. T.3.2 Material Sources The borrow area, located on the east edge of Scammon Bay, was sampled and tested for quality of concrete aggregate. Analysis of the test results indicated that the fine and coarse aggregates are of relatively poor quality and will not meet Corps' standards for approval. The exposed granodiorite outcrop near the site could possibly produce quality aggregate, however, more testing is needed. T.4 DAM, SPILLWAY, AND INTAKE T..4.1 Description The dam would be constructed of rockfilled gabions arranged around a cutoff wall that extends into bedrock. This cutoff wall would be 49 constructed of sackcrete and extend approximately 9 feet below the existing ground surface and about 4 feet below the gabions. Layouts of the dam, intake, penstock and powerhouse are shown on Plates 2 through 5. The dam would have a crest length of 50 feet and a maximum height from bedrock of 15 feet. The height above existing ground would be approximately 7 to 8 feet. The nonoverflow section of -this gravity structure would have a top elevation of 600 feet. The ungated weir overflow section would have a total length of 13.5 feet at elevation 598. Overflow from the weir would enter the existing streambed. The dam would consist of one row of standard manufactured galvanized steel gabions on the upstream side of the cutoff wall and two rows on the downstream side. These would be set down into the existing streambed. The gabions would be filled with rocks taken from the reservoir excavation and the nearby area. The intake structure would be a square, metal dropbox set vertically on the right bank. A french drain system would run from the left side of the intake to the left abutment. The french drain would consist of clean gravel which would allow flows to enter a perforated pipe in the drain and be carried through the dam via a metal pipe. A blind flange would be mounted on the drain pipe inside the intake structure to allow access for maintenance and entrance of low flows to supplement power production. A gate valve would be mounted on the drain pipe inside the intake structure to allow regulation of flow through the dam. A 2 X 2.5-foot trashrack would be mounted in the side of the intake structure below the elevation of the overflow section. A movable bulkhead would be mounted above the trashrack intake. This would be lowered to dewater the intake or to shutoff the intake during winter shutdown. The grating of the trashrack would be coated with a hydrophobic fluorocarbon to reduce icing. A USGS-style gage house would be placed on top of the intake structure to keep it free of snow and to allow access during periods of deep snow. A ladder would be installed inside the structure to allow access to the valves and instrumentation that would be located inside the structure. T.4.2 Flushing System The intake structure would not have a flushing system because of its small size. The reservoir bottom would be sloped away from the intake toward the center of the small excavated reservoir to prevent rocks and other debris from accumulating around the intake. If excessive material does build up in the channel, the reservoir could be drawn down and the material removed by hand or with a small tractor. T.4.3 Hydraulic Design The weir overflow section in the rock gabion dam is designed to pass the 100-year flow. The overflow section is 2 feet high and 13.5 feet long. The intake structure is designed to operate year-round regardless of flow. During the warmer months when flows are capable of exceeding the power requirements, the water would flow through the trashrack and into the penstock with excess flow being passed over the weir. When the system is shut down in the winter, all flows would be diverted through the dam via the french drain, perforated CMP and drain pipe. This drain pipe would terminate in another french drain downstream of the dam to prevent freezing. During winter operations much of the intake would be covered with snow;. however, to what extent is unknown. Anchor ice could form on the penstock, diversion pipe and valves. When the hydropower system is shutdown, the penstock would be drained to prevent failure caused by freezing. T.4.4 Operation Automatic shutoff of the system at a power output of less than 15 kW would be designed into the turbine/generator unit. It would also be designed into the manual operation of the plant, When streamflow drops below 0.63 cfs, the minimum needle valve setting for the turbine, any further drop in streamflow would result in a decrease in head. When net head becomes low enough, power output would drop below 15 kW and the system would shut down automatically; first the jet deflector would divert the flow away from the turbine runner, then the needle valve would close slowly (25 seconds). System shutdown (15 kW output) would occur when gross head reaches about 430 feet and discharge about 0.54 cfs. Since -the turbine control mechanism has no way of knowing when the streamflow is high or low, a manual setting of the nozzle for an output of 0.63 cfs with a gross head of 488 feet must be built into the system and must be activated by the operator when streamflow is in the 0.6 to 0.7 cfs range. The same type of manual control must be built in for moderate and high flows since regulation of inflow by load demand alone could cause the penstock to drain unnecessarily. A fail-safe mechanism should also be incorporated into the turbine -generator system to prevent penstock drainage in case of operator error or negligence. T.4.5 Deviatering of Intake Structure The intake structure would be dewatered to the penstock invert by lowering the bulkhead and releasing water through the penstock. Minor maintenance could be done at this time and complete dewatering by pumping or other means would allow any major maintenance work. 51 T.5 PENSTOCK T.5.1 Description The penstock would be buried throughout -its length. It would run within the confines of the ravine through which the stream flows. The streambed is generally a composition of gravel, cobbles, and boulders that varies from 6 to 20 feet in depth with some outcrops of bedrock. The groundline along the stream bottom has an average slope of 13.5 percent. The penstock would cross from the right bank to the left bank of the stream about 550 feet downstream of the dam. The vegetation cover in the streambed is minimal. The penstock tiould be a 12-inch inside diameter steel pipe extending 3,500 feet from the intake invert at the at 589-foot elevation 11 feet below the top of the dam to the powerhouse at 110 feet. The project gross head is 488 feet. A 12-inch diameter manually operated gate valve in the intake structure would allow the penstock to be drained during winter low -flow conditions and during maintenance. A 1-7/8-inch diameter air vent would extend from the penstock immediately downstream of the gate valve up through the gatehouse to the open atmosphere. A screen would cover the upstream end of the gate valve to insure that no small objects are drawn into the penstock. The penstock would be designed for a minimum working pressure of 440 psi with a minimum wall thickness of 0.188 inches. The penstock would be completely encased in select bedding material to insure against point loading that could develop with boulders and bedrock. In periods of cold heather when frazil ice begins to form in the stream, the downstream valve at the powerhouse would remain open until the penstock was completely drained. Penstock drainage would be accomplished by closing the upstream valve to the penstock and allowing the grater to drain by deflecting the water away from the buckets of the impulse turbine. This was determined to be the safest and most cost effective method to avoid penstock freezing. Insulation of the penstock was considered, but would only delay the freeze-up for a few hours at a significantly greater cost. T.6 POWERHOUSE T.6.1 Description The 100-kW unit would have all equipment housed in a lOxll-foot prefabricated, insulated, weather tight, steel structure, built on a 12-inch concrete slab. The powerhouse would be located at elevation 110; the finished floor elevation would be least 3 feet above the maximum tailwater level. An open channel tailrace would be excavated below the powerhouse. 52 Ventilation would he provided by a wall mounted fan. Two fire extinguishers would provide fire protection to the building; none would be provided for the generator. A weather tight, roll -up door would allow access for equipment installation. A 5-ton underhung crane would be installed for equipment handling. A layout of the proposed powerhouse is shown on Plate 5. T.6.2 Turbine, Generators, and Electrical Description The hydroelectric power generation equipment would be procured as a package unit. It would consist of one impulse turbine, a synchronous generator, governor system, voltage regulator, and protective and control devices. Units of this type are readily available from industry, either as pre-engineered standard or custom designs, covering a wide range of heads and flows, connected loads, and operating conditions. In addition to being economical and simplifying installation, package unit procurement reduces the number of supply contracts from three or four to only one. The 100-kW turbine would be a "standardized" horizontal axis impulse or Turgo impulse turhine with one or two adjustable nozzles. The nozzles would he actuated by servomotors controlled by the governor. Jet deflectors would be used for diversion of water from the runner for rapid load change, load rejection, or penstock draining. A cylinder actuated butterfly valve in the penstock would he provided for shutoff of the water. The unit would.be specified to produce power over a range of 15 to 100 kW when operating at 430 feet net head. The expected discharge from the turbine at maximum power is estimated to be 3.4 cfs, and 0.63 cfs at mimimum power (15 W. A flywheel would be provided, if necessary, to limit speed excursions during load changes. The turbine would drive a generator through V-Belts and a parallel shaft gearbox, or through a direct connection to the generator. The choice of the operating speed and power transmission system would be left to the manufacturer. If the gearbox or V-Belt drives were used however, a 4 percent efficiency loss would be charged to the turbine in the determination of its guaranteed performance characteristic. .The governor system would be furnished as an integral part of the turbine -generator package unit. The governor system would be composed of electronic speed sensitive elements (frequency transducer, controller, and amplifier), a servo system consisting of either electric motor and gears or hydraulic pump and electric motor, and the necessary controls. Responding to fluctuations in power demand, the governor would actuate the needle valve in the water supply line, control the amount of water supplied to the turbine and regulate the speed of the unit. The governor size and characteristics (capacity and speed regulation) would be determined by the manufacturer, based on head, WR2, speed, and power of the unit. 53 The synchronous generator would be provided as part of the package. unit. The generator, which should be provided with special bearing and lubricants suitable for operation in extended low temperatures, would be rated single phase, 60 Hz, 100 kW (125 kVA @ 0.8 pf), 120/240 volts with full Class F thermal capacity (C1.ass B temperature rise) and be capable of continuous operation at 110 percent overload and + 5 percent of rated voltage. The generator would be equipped with a brushl.ess, full. wave rotating rectifier excitation system and a saturable transformer type automatic voltage regulator with a response time of 200 milliseconds, capable of regulation of ope,percent from no-load to full -load. The generator would also be furnished with a control and protection equipment group. This consists of a circuit breaker (with shunt -coil type, under -and -over voltage relays, overcurrrent relay, stator thermal relay, instantaneous ground relay, reclosing relay, and lockout device), an ammeter, watt-hour meter, watt -meter, voltmeter, frequency meters, and indicator lights for manual synchronization. In order to prevent moisture build-up, it may be necessary to partially energize the system during winter shut -down. The generator bus would be tapped between the generator circuit breaker and the step -tap transformer to provide three -wire, single phase 120/240 volts to a lighting distribution panel for service station lighting, convenience outlets, a ventilating fan, and other miscellaneous loads. The main power transformer would be single phase, 120/240 volt primary, 12,470/7200 volt secondary, 15 kV class, dry type, and ventilated. It would be floor mounted in the powerhouse. The generator, excitation, breaker, and turbine controls would be mounted on the.governor equipment cabinet. Controls would be included to manually synchronize the excited unit to the line. Metering would be provided for volts, amps, vars and watts. The generators would he provided with voltage restraint overcurrent and overvoltage relays. Underfrequency and overfrequency protection of customer equipment would be provided with speed switches and some form of automatic time error control would he considered. T.7 .TRANSMISSION SYSTEM The electrical connection to the existing distribution system would be by 15 kV, No. 2 AWG aluminum conductor on wood poles from the wall -mounted weatherhead fitting at the powerhouse to the existing 7.2 kV primary capable in the surface -mounted duct bank. Rigid steel conduit would be used to run the cable from the terminal pole to a pad mounted terminal cabinet installed in the duct bank. 54 T.8 ALTE1114ATIVE DESIGNS CONSIDERED T.8.1 Dam Various types of dams were considered, but due to remoteness, lack of material sources, and cost they were ruled out. Alternatives considered included concrete (good aggregate source unavailable), earthfill (access difficulties and limited borrow material), and timber (no local source and potential snow creep problems). The chosen alternative, rock filled gabions is suitable for the small size of the dam. Also the availability of suitable sized rock in the project area is good. A sackcrete cutoff to bedrock was used for estimating purposes; however this may be changed to a membrane cutoff during final design. T.8.2 Penstock Alternatives An above ground penstock was considered in addition to the recommended buried penstock. The buried scheme was selected because it would present less long term problems. It would be less susceptable to vandalism, snow creep, freezing and stream activity. The following pipe materials or combinations of pipe materials were considered for both above and underground installation: 1. Schedule 40 steel entire length 2. 0.188 inch steel entire length 3. High density polyethylene + Schedule 40 4. High density polyethylene + 0.188 inch steel 5. Reinforced plastic mortar pipe entire length Underground installation of 0.188 steel penstock and reinforced plastic mortar (RPM) pipe were found to be the least costly alterna- tives. The steel penstock was chosen because it presents less unknowns regarding installation and bedding. The remoteness of the location, potential difficulties in bedding, high working pressures and general durability were factors considered in pipe selection. T.8.3 Powerhouse Due to the limited flow and high head, the only suitable turbine type is an impulse turbine. Various sized turbines of 50, 75, 100, and 125 kW were considered. In addition, two 50-kW units were previously considered, but were found to be less cost effective than one lOO-kW unit. The 100-kW unit was found to be the optimun choice based of the parameters of flow, energy demand and cost. i •7 55 T.9 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES Due to the delicate nature of the permafrost areas near the project, special care would be necessary to assure that these areas are not disturbed unnecessarily. Tracked vehicles brought in by the State of Alaska to construct the runway in the early 1970`s crossed the permafrost above town when it was unfrozen. This disruption of the vegetative cover reduced its insulating capabilities resulting in the melting of the permafrost. This melting has caused additional loss of vegetation and further melting, resulting in the erosion of gullies nearly 6 feet deep. For construction of the hydroproject, access would be limited to the confines of the ravines through which the stream flows. This area is underlain by a thawbulb in the permafrost. Access over permafrost areas may he allowed for staging materials and equipment if it were done during winter when acceptable conditions of frozen ground and adequate snow cover exist. An equipment access plan would be incorporated into the contract documents. This plan mould delineate construction corridors for both summer and winter access. T.1O PROJECT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Once constructed the project would probably be turned over to the local utility for operation and maintenance in conjunction with the existing diesel generators. It would be the responsibility of the utility for all maintenance associated with the intake works, penstock, powerhouse and distribution system. In addition, spring startup and winter shutdown including penstock drainage would be required. The unit would be capable of matching the necessary load during the time of year when flows equal or exceed the demand. During those low flow times when energy demand exceeds the capabilities of the system, the hydropower unit would operate in a base load mode while the diesel would be utilized for peaking. ` �. � 1 w r �t �. � w I�s�.�•ti. e• :.`.i �:�i s. 4 �! S, � t y� `* c2 A• .M i, •1 •. :. ,� �' r�. +� . � �` � �' '.�`,<,, " ,��` �.r s�-, 1 �� • � � _ r �.r � 1�' +tit � '� %7 W, 311 r�� �• r!, �: � ��. �..'�*4•.• '• Y�', pi '. - �r ti.� `L,�",� `•. �i.:, f.'�6yt�'^`•t .��` �! `�e> t.r 1 'Y `�i;,. �`1 .�S•;►,fir '�� -+, a � .l fi . •.P � i R+ t s • - ` ]]fir"' ,� 'ia�.. a y m < y + 4� Af. { ff � e� T.11 PROJECT COST ITEM DESCRIPTION MOB & PREP WORK LANDS & DAMAGES Administrative Costs Lands DAM, SILL, & RESERVIOR Excavation Sackcrete Reinforcement Gabion Rock Backfill Drain pipe 12" 0 French Drain INTAKE STRUCTURE Steel Intake Bulkhead Gate Trashrack Transducer Manometer Gate Valves 12" 0 Insulated Structure PENSTOCK Steel (12" 0 0.188" thick) Concrete Anchor and Thrust Blocks Excavation Backfill QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 LS 1 LS 1 LS 230 CY 20 54 CY 600 2,700 LB 1.50 216 EA 40 144 CY 160 18 CY 10 90 EF 25 30 CY 50 1,224 LB 5.00 LS 100 LB 5.00 2 EA 7,900 1 EA 88,270 LB 2.70 30 CY 600 3,000 CY 20 3,000 CY 30 RE TOTAL $300,000 $1,000 4,000 5,000 $ 4,600 32,400 4,050 8,640 23,040 180 2,250 1,500 $76,660 $ 6,120 10,000 500 1,200 600 15,800 6,400 $4T,-670— $238,329 18,000 60,000 90,000 $406,329 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL POWERHOUSE Structure LS 1 $ 43,000 Turbines & LS 1 145,000 Generators Auxiliary Systems LS 18,000 Switchyard and LS 28,000 Distribution System Connection $234,000 TAILRACE Excavation 45 CY 25 $1,125 Riprap 15 CY 120 1,800 2,925 SUBTOTAL $1,065,534 20 Percent Contingencies 213,166 CONTRACT COST $1,278,700 Engineering and Design $ 102,000 Supervision and Administration 102,300 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,483,000 T.12 PROJECT ECONOMICS T.12.1 Federal Criteria Under criteria established for Federal water resource projects, the Selected Plan is feasible. Factors influencing the feasibility have been presented in appropriate sections of the report. The results are presented below: ANNUAL COSTS AND BENEFITS Interest and Amortization (7-7/8% @ 50 yrs) $ 120,000 Operation and Maintenance 22,000 Interest During Construction 3,000 Total Annual Cost 145, Annual Benefits Fuel Displacement Benefit $ 70,000 Fuel Cost Escalation Benefit 52,000 Operation and Maintenance Benefit 23,000 Employment Benefit 25,000 Total Annual Benefit $�1/0,0 Net Annual Benefit $ 25,000 Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.2 to 1 R: 8/82 W m 3 R�VER KUN S 0y� 'T' _:.0va�-�� m � 5� ® .' 1 . g GQ9�YJ/J�rr9/�!/•v�%S� 41,n a .W51 � I It §| . ■ � (� . \ k . kL }/— -- - � t 7; « � a FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, the Alaska District, Corps of. Engineers, has assessed the environmental impacts of the following action: SMALL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SCAMMON BAY, ALASKA Hydroelectric power would be developed from the stream which originates south of Scammon Bay and flows through the village. The stream flows from approximately elevation 800 to elevation 50 where it merges with the main channel of the Kun River. A small reservoir (less than one -tenth of, -- an acre-foot of storage) would be excavated upstream of a rock-filled1 gabion dam which would be constructed with a crest elevation of 600 feet. A penstock would run 3500 feet from the intake structure of the dam to an aboveground powerhouse with an installed capacity of 100 kilowatts located near the village's school. An open channel tailrace approximately 50 feet in length would be excavated from the powerhouse to the main stream channel. The estimated flows at the damsite display a high discharge of 10 cubic feet per second in May with a low of 0.3 cubic feet per second during January. These flows could develop about 372,000 kilowatt- hours of electricity annually, of which 275,000 kilowatt-hours is estimated to be usable. Scammon Bay is totally dependent upon fuel oil for space and water heating and electrical generation. Increases in fuel prices have been the principal source of the rising costs of electrical power. The average cost of diesel fuel delivered, to Scammon Bay has increased almost four fold since 1973. Future demand and scarcity of petrochemical products will cause continued price increases. The Environmental Assessment indicates no significant adverse impacts would occur during the construction or the operation and maintenance of the proposed project. A letter of intent to prepare a Finding Of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed project was distributed, to the resource agencies for their review and comment. None of the agencies indicated any objection to the preparation of a FONSI. The Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stated the magnitude of the project and the low levels of wildlife resources in the project area eliminated the need of an environmental impact statement. The environmental review process has indicated to me that the proposed action does not constitute a major- Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement will not be prepared for the small hydroelectric project at Scammon Bay, Alaska. Also, the proposed action does not appear to conflict with .the approved Alaska Coastal Management Program or any other appropriate regulation or program: The Environmental Assessment which has ,addressed the proposed action is available from the District Office upon request. LEE R. NUNN Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NEED FOR THE PROPOSED ACTION The Corps of Engineers was authorized by Congress to conduct feasibility studies for the development of small hydroelectric power facilities at isolated villages throughout Alaska. The village of Scammon Bay requested that the Alaska District study the hydropower potential of a small, unnamed spring -fed stream that runs through their village. Scammon Bay, a member of the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AVEC), is totally dependent upon diesel generation for electric power. Because of the escalating cost. of diesel fuel and concern over its availability, alternative power sources, such as hydroelectric power, could be more economical and reduce the use of nonrenewable resources. COORDINATION AND PUBLIC INPUT The following agencies, interest groups, and individuals were consulted during the feasibility study for the Scammon Bay hydroelectric project: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Alaska Department of Fish and Game; Alaska Power Authority: Public Health Service; Bureau of Indian Affairs; Nothern-Technical Services (NORTEC); AVEC: Homer Hunter, Mayor of Scammon Bay; and residents of Scammon Bay. RELATIONSHIP TO ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS This document was prepared under the guidelines of the National Environmental Policy Act established by the Counsel on Environmental Quality. The document is in full compliance with Federal and State of Alaska regulations, with the exception of the Coastal Zone Management Act which will be met upon completion of the final document review. Although the Scammon. Bay area does not have an approved Coastal Management Plan, this project, as stated, is consistent with the overall Alaska Coastal Management Plan. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provided a Coordination Act Report as per the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1958. A copy of the Coordination Act Report and Corps of Engineers responses is contained in Appendix A. ALTERNATIVES The Corps of Engineers is authorized to study the feasibility of hydroelectric alternatives and, if warranted, recommend them to Congress for construction authorization. Nonhydroelectric alternatives are also assessed; however, the Corps of Engineers is not involved in their design or construction. 3 Wind Generation Continuous wind recordings are available from Cape Romanzof, approximately 14 miles a►est of Scammon Bay on the south side of the Askinuk Mountains. Wind direction varies, but wind from the northeast is the most common. Because of the northeasterly winds, Scammon Bay may experience a higher }rind regime than Cape Romanzof due to its geographic location on the north side of the mountain range. Although no wind data have been collected at the village, residents state that they experience high winds for long durations, particularly during the winter. Before they joined AVEC, taind generation was used by two households. Based on the interpretation of Cape Romanzof wind data, it appears that there is sufficient wind, of both magnitude and duration, to supply Scammon Bay with a portion of their electrical energy needs during the winter. The feasibility of wind generation during the summer is questionable because of the lower average grind velocities at that time. Existing Conditions (Diesel) Scammon Bay presently derives electrical power from diesel -fired generation. The system provides year-round dependable power and meets the needs of the conmunity. The economic feasibility of continued diesel use is questionable because of increasing prices and possibly declining availability. The future costs of producing electrical power from diesel in rural Alaska may become prohibitive. Other alternative energy sources include solar, waste heat recovery, geothermal, coal, peat, timber, municipal solid waste, and tidal. Of these altenatives, geothermal, coal, peat, and timber are not feasible due to the lack of these resources in the immediate area. Scammon Bay's locationon the north side of the mountains makes solar energy infeasible for most of the year. Recoverable waste heat from AVEC's diesel generation could produce 2,090 million Btu's per year. This alternative would require the continued use of diesel generation and the design of an adequate transmission system. If diesel generation continues, this alternative may be a viable energy source for space heating. Municipal solid waste could produce up to 626 million Btu's per year and provide 5 percent of the community's present fuel input requirement. Effective generation from tidal power requires a minimum head of approximately 10 feet. Daily tides at the project area are about 6 to 7 feet. Coupled with the lack of minimum head and the icing conditions of Scammon Bay, this alternative does not appear to be feasible. Hydroelectric (Selected Alternative) Hydroelectric power would be developed from a spring -fed stream located south of the tom of Scammon Bay. The stream flows from approximately elevation 800 to elevation 50, where it merges with the main channel of the Kun River. A small reservoir would be excavated upstream of a rock -filled gabion dam, which would be constructed at elevation 596 (existing ground), about 3,500 feet from the town proper. A penstock would run from the intake structure of the dam to an aboveground powerhouse, which would be located across the stream from the village's Bureau of Indian Affairs school. An open channel tailrace approximately 50 feet in length would be excavated from the powerhouse to 'the main stream channel. Several alternatives for the installation.of the penstock and for the type of pipe are presented here. A dam with a maximum height of 9 feet would be constructed from standard manufactured galvanized steel gabions filled with rocks taken from the reservoir excavation and the stream itself. A sackcrete or membrane cut-off wall extending to bedrock would be constructed at the center of the dam. This cut-off would extend approximately 9 feet below the existing ground surface; its top would be flush with the top of the dam at elevation 600. The dam would extend about 50 feet across the stream gully and would include a spillway with a 13.5-foot-long weir, 2 feet lower than the top of the dam. Two alternatives were studied for the installation of the 12-inch-dianeter penstock. For both alternatives, the invert of the penstock at the intake structure is set at elevation 569, 11 feet below the top of dam at elevation 600. A sluice gate would be installed to regulate the flow through the penstock and for emergency operation. The penstock would run downstream at an average slope of 13.5 percent. Under the proposed plan, the penstock would be entirely buried about 2 feet below the existing grade. A trench would be excavated and backfilled as required. The penstock would be anchored and supported as required. A steel penstock was found to be more suitable than other materials for installation because it is more durable against natural diaster or vandalism. The penstock would cross the stream at a location approximately 550 feet downstream of the dam. The penstock would connect to a valve upstream of the turbine. The powerhouse would be located at elevation 110 and be built on a concrete slab. The finished floor elevation of the slab would be about 4 feet above the mainstream water level. Three different sites for the powerhouse were considered, but geological findings proved that two of the sites were not suitable due to potential flooding and unsuitable soil conditions. The equipment would be housed in a small 10xll-foot structure. The project power would be transmitted through the existing local distribution system. One or two wooden poles may be required for the connection. No clearing of any vegetation would be necessary. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING The village of Scammon Bay is located on the Kun River, approximately 150 miles northwest of Bethel, Alaska. The areas to the north and east of the village are lowland tundra, which is typical of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, with numerous lakes, slow meandering streams, and little relief. To the west is Scammon Bay and the Bering Sea. Immediately south of the village are the Askinuk Mountains, a small isolated range that is an atypical feature of the delta. M Beginning at Cape Romanzof on the Bering Sea, the mountains generally run east and west, terminating approxin.ately 35 miles inland. The mountain range averages less than 6 miles in width. Several peaks south of the village exceed 1,000 feet in elevation. The lowland tundra area supports the vegetative types associated with vet tundra, primarily a sedge and cottongrass mat with a few woody plants where the terrace raises them above standing water. The Askinuk Mountains have two distinct vegetative types. Moist tundra, which extends from the foothills throughout the lower portion of the range, supports uniform stands of cottongrass tussocks, sedges,.and dwarf shrubs. Alpine tundra, found at the higher elevations of the Askinuk tlountians,.supports low -growing mats of herbaceous and shrubby plants. Although the mountain range is relatively steep, the vegetative mat comhined with permafrost holds the trater.to make the slopes moist during the nonf rozen season. Habitats of the project area are predominately moist tundra. The only dry areas are rock outcrops and individual boulders. Wildlife resources are mainly birds and small rodents with only a rare visit of larger mammals. Because of the lack of shelter and year-round food sources, the western Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta is almost devoid of large mammals. Many species of birds use the area near the project. Nesting waterfowl and shore birds are abundant north of the village in the wet tundra.habitat. They contribute to the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta's 1.5 million breeding ducks per year and fall migration of about 3 million ducks. The moist and alpine tundra areas south of the village in the Askinuk Mountains support nesting and rearing habitats for an abundance of shore birds. Although no actual population estimates were made, visual observations indicate that this is a favorable bird -use environment. An active rough -legged hawk nest was located at the top of the mountains directly south of the village. Snowy owls and long-tailed jaegers also use the area for hunting small mammals and birds. An unnamed stream originates near the Askinuk Mountain range summit and is fed by subsurface flow throughout its length. The stream has penetrated the permafrost and formed a relatively wide streambed channel. The rise in streambed elevation is very steep and the stream is mostly a continuous torrent of cascading water. In several places, the strean has cut to bedrock, but 8 to 10 feet of unconsolidated material intermixed with boulders is present at the proposed damsite and 15 to 20 feet of the sane material is present at the powerhouse site. The portion of the stream from its source to near the village has a very stable stream channel, considering the steep slope and resultant high water velocity. No areas of streambank erosion are evident and the amount of fines observed in.the streambed appear lots. Historically, the stream supported a very small run of pink salmon near its mouth i-/here it empties into the Kun River. Several small waterfalls, and one over 6 feet, eliminate any movement of fish from the Kun River in front of the village into the upper section of the unnamed stream. Even if no waterfalls were present, the stream velocity is such that suitable fish habitat is generally nonexistant above the village. IN The pink salmon run no longer exists in the stream and, according to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, no salmon now enter the Kun River. The portion of the stream from the village to the Kun River is a meandering tidal slough. The lower end of the stream is used as a protective mooring and heaching area for small skiffs. The stream is used by the village residents as their drinking water source. The Public Health Service established an infiltration gallery, holding tank, and pumphouse for the water supply system. The infiltration gallery is located several hundred yards upstream of the town and would be between the dam and powerhouse site of the proposed project. The Public health Service has recommended a minimum flow of 27.8 gallons per minute, which is equivalent to 0.06 cfs. This would provide approximately 200 gallons per day per capita, which is well above the present consumption of between 50-70 gallons per day per capita. The holding tank stores approximately 30,000 gallons, which is sufficient to supply the village water requirements for 2 days. There is no approved Coastal Zone Management Plan for the Scammon Bay area. The Alaska Coastal Policy Councils Standards of the Alaska Coastal Management Program (6AA80.070) establishes criteria for energy facilities within the coastal zone. The proposed hydroelectric project is consistant with the suitable site determination outlined by the standards. CULTURAL RESOURCES In earlier times, the village located at Scammon Bay was known by .the Eskimo name "Mariak." The village was later renamed after the nearby bay that honors Captain Charles Pl. Scammon, who served wi-th the Western Telegraph Expedition from 1856-1967. The name Scammon Bay became commonly applied to the village in 1951 when a post office of that name was estabished. Other names that have been applied to this locality are Kutmi iit, Mawagmi ut, rlari akmi ut, and Hari ak. The name Kutmi ut was first mentioned by Dall in 1870 for an Eskimo village located 2.7 miles east of the present village (Orth 1967). The people in this area are of the Plagemiut subdivision or tribe of Yupik-speaking Eskimos. The Magemiut numbered around 400 people at the time of European contact (Oswalt 1968:8) and were essentially an inland oriented people centered between the Yukon and Kuskokwim River about 20 miles south of Mountain Village (Oswalt 1967.6, Zagoskin 1967:210.) The Magemiut were noted for their war -like behavior. This factor, combined with the4r remote location, meant that the Magemiut were not exposed to intensive European/American contact until recent years. Few ethnographic studies have been done on the area so it is difficult to reconstruct aboriginal subsistence patterns. Present day villagers are involved with commericial fishing for salmon and herring; it is likely that these were harvested in the past along with inland resources such as caribou and waterfowl. 7 Good archeological sequences have been worked out for coastal areas north of Norton Sound and south of Bristol Ray, but few studies have been done for the Yukon-Kuskokwin Delta area. The National Register of Historic Places has been consulted and no eligible properties are in or near the project area. The State Historic Preservation Office advised that no adverse impacts would he likely to occur to cultural resources as a result of this project. PROJECT I►1PACTS Hydroelectric (Selected Alternative) Background information and field investigations performed for the hydroelectric alternative indicate that little fish and wildlife activity occurs within the influence of the project area. There are no fishery resources in the unnamed stream with the possible exception of the area north of the village near the Kun River. A run -of -river project, as the one proposed for Scammon Bay, does not include water storage. All or a portion of the existing streamflow above the proposed diversion structure would be utilized for power generation and the water would be returned to the stream above the area of possible fishery activity without changes in water chemistry, temperature, or flow. The stream between the proposed diversion structure and powerhouse would lose some or most of the flow. The portion of the stream between the powerhouse and diversion structure is above several velocity barriers and waterfalls that inhibit fish migration. Because of the existing stream velocity in the area; suitable fish habitat is generally absent. The proposed hydroelectric project would have insignificant impacts on usable stream habitat and possible fishery resources. The placement of the diversion structure, penstock alinement, and tailrace configuration would cause a temporary increase in suspended solids; however, this may be minor.and short termed because of the light load of fines and other small -grained material. To assure that the drinking water standards for the village's water supply are met, construction of the diversion structure and penstock may have to occur in stages. Close coordination with the Public Health Service to determine that acceptable drinking water can be stored and distributed would be continuous until project completion. Minor disruption of nesting and rearing of shorebirds may occur during .project construction if the activity is during the summer months. Although nesting densities are high in the Scammon Bay area, bird utilization in the area of project influence is low. Waterfowl nesting north of the village, shorebird activity in the moist and alpine tundra, and pasterine bird nesting west of the village are far enough removed and the magnitude.of the proposed action is small enough so that only minor disruptions are expected during construction. During actual project operation, the disruption to the bird population should be minimal or nonexistent. Mamnal activity in the project area is extremely low, possibly with the exception of lemmings and voles. The magnitude of the project would cause only short-term minor disturbances of mammals. Construction of the reservoir would require the excavation of approximately 170 cubic yards (cy) of material. The area of excavation would be within the streambed. The majority of this material would be used for the construction of the dam and an additional 30 cy of rock material f ron the surrounding area would be necessary for the completion of the structure. There is enough surface rock nateriai close to the proposed diversion dam so that a quarry site would not be required. The excavation of the material for the reservoir and the collection of surface rock for the completion of the dam would occur in an area of little biological productivity and no impacts on the biological community or physical damage to the environment are expected. Penstock alinement tiould Occur within the stream channel in an area not underlain with permafrost. If the buried penstock alternative is constructed, approximately 3,95n cy of material would be excavated. The penstock would be placed in the excavated area and all the material would be backfilled. This operation Would.cause short -tern adverse impacts to grater quality; however, the stream should return to preproject conditions shortly after construction. The placement of the powerhouse is outside the 100-1year flood plain in a suitable foundation area. Impacts associated with excavation for a 10xll-foot concrete slab and powerhouse are minimal. Intertie with the existing power facilities may require the placement of one wooden pole in an area that has been disturbed. The greatest impact of project construction could be erosion caused by mechanized equipment on the steep slopes. Geological surveys indicate that permafrost is present on all slopes within the project area with the exception of the stream channel and flood plain. Removal of the thin vegetative mat could allow permafrost to that, resulting in ground subsidence and subsequent creation of deep .gullies from erosion. Damage caused by tracked vehicles operating on tundra underlain by permafrost has been well documented. The construction of the diversion structure, penstock alinement, and powerhouse facilities, and the transportation of materials would require the use of a small -tracked vehicle that could avoid erosion -prone permafrost areas. Normally, vehicular movement is not recommended in stream channels because of water quality degradation and its effect on fishery resources. However, the stream channel is of sufficient width to allow the operation of a small -tracked vehicle with little or no instream movement and still avoid permafrost areas. Water quality degradation would be minor and no impacts are expected to the possible fishery resources at the mouth of the stream. If project construction commences during the winter months, materials and equipment could be ferried when the around is snow covered without disturbing the vegetative nat. Plans for hinter and slimmer mobilization have been formulated and are included in Section T.9 of the main report. 0 WIND GENERATION Although the Corps of Engineers has not designed any plans for the wind generation alternative, the facility would probably be located. toward the top of the.mountain range several miles south of the village. The major impact associated with the construction of wind generation would he erosion. In order to service the wind power facilities and install the power poles, a road would probably be required. The construction of a road or even a "jeep trail" over areas underlain with permafrost would cause serious erosion. Permafrost limits the rooting depths of plants, prevents infiltration of water downward through surficial materials, and so increases surface runoff. Surface water accumulates in depressions Where peaty materials fo m, creating a continuously wet environment conducive to marsh and tundra development, The vegetative blanket insulates the permafrost layer, increasing its freezing depth. Disruption of the vegetative cover destroys the fragile thermal balance, resulting -in thaw, subsidence, and erosion. To construct any type of road in the mountains behind Scammon Bay without causing erosion, an insulating gravel pad would be needed. Even if a road with this type of insulating factor were constructed, erosion along the edges of the road still may occur. The construction of wind generation facilities anywhere but within the village proper would probably cause irreversible adverse environmental impacts. 10 Z O F- z C> O U L1J J Q Z _O F- Q z J Q d U cy— f-r d LL O V) L)J U J O N W Z O Z Q J CL LU Z LLI O U LU ry LLJ F- LL O V) U LL LL LL LL) a) a� S_ S- ilo O O V) C O O C -P •r. >) U C C a-' C r 4- O M -0 O 4- 4-) •r r •r •r N r•- W LL 4-) V) LL -0 4-) 4-) Q n U O S.- U U 4- S_ =3 N C 7 :3 r0 C O N S. N r +J S- Q r +) -Q N r- .r ) ,r C v +-) 4--) 4-) A o E + +� a�i O E ++ 4 a) E U U U $- U S U U N () U S- to U N O O (1) a) r0 a) Q) a) a) N a) n O a) 4- 4- 4- S- cn •-) 4- 4- S.• RS 0) 4-J 'r 4- S_ 4- 4- 4- O C 4- 4- Q Q) C U 4- Q N a) Q) a) Q'r 01 a) (V S• •r 0).r (D r0 E S.- C +-) U S.. S_ •I••) +-) O O O O a) o Z Z z C 0 a Z z � Z ZZ,F-• -O `"" •p N N 'a C 4-J C a) C V) rtf E v'- ra v E t.0 N CO 4-3 Or 3 (A-0 � 4-J r0 C r0 CO � 0 •r a) C 4- Cai 4- O Q' O O N U C O U Q) r- r0 Q r Q O cn C 'r E 4- 011 r U m •r _0 •r C r0 4-) (0 O U r0 O co r S- 4-3 'O 4--)O a) N +J U f� n Z C C f) S_ 00 cn :3 S- Q r� O r" N Q) a) U O 00 a) m O M 4- E E Q O m S- C r- N O E U U n d Q a) •r U n > r0 0) N r E +3 •r 4- r 4- r N ro U 4- •r C r-- O '- O Q) N C r 4- r O S_ a) O U rO r0 U r S i d E d +-) S- 4-) U S_ 'L a) r O O E () U N U r a--) Q _0 "O •N C r r Q D Q C O U a) V) r S.. N O O Q r0 N Q C r CD .--a C E +•) S_ O S- U O _0 3 = (I) r0 N — C a) a) Ln r N (.) Q) -a S- +-) a) +•) Q) +J r0 •r S.- •0 > r- C O U C E r0 > co •n Q Q r- a) C •r r6 () E rO •r C 3 •,• 3. C •r r0 CY) r0 4J C E (D 0. O 4-) U C +) C O E E E N S- C = C C r0 Ln r0 U •r (0 -0.- r0 U r0 'p N r0 N C) F) Cr C> a) a) a) r- S- r O C r X r0 N L J 4- rC C r X r- r a. U U W LL L1J Z r0 U O -) L LJ U L LJ U 3 C (A r r0 S- r0 r Q) S S_ E > N r0 aJ N S- 'r a) — -C Q) aJ +) r0 U: U = d' - d-) 4- r- 4- S_ U U r0 r 7 U =5 •r- C -O Q) 4--) r- U a) •r O +J •r C Q•r >) C N S- = Q) r0 N -0 r "p LT +•) Q) N a r0 4-3 C r0 •r N C •r •r U of �' CD--- O . _0 _0 t 3 C rC7 N C r•-- Ln •r 3 N aJ a) •r a =5 r0 4- r 4- S C r r0 U •r N O O r0 O C r (V (V rO C r- r +-) cZS a C S_ r0 011 +•) U rO r0 Q S. S- C t0 N U N (1) 4--1 C r0 •r 4-) -0 O N (3) a) r0 U cn rO a) +•) _s_- 'r O •N Q E Q) .- Q S• •r 0-0 O N O •r 4-•) 4-) r- >> t S- •r r0 r• •r S- S_ (0 a) r F- Q < U U L LJ 4--) U LL S LL = Q a 3 3 3 11 Relationship to Environmental Requirements Federal Policies Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act Clean .Air Act Clean Water Act Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 Endangered Species Act of 1973 Estuary Protection Act Federal..Water Project Recreation Act Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 River and Harbors Appropriation Action of 1899 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act Water Resource Planning Act of 1966 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Flood Plain Management E.O. 11988 Protection of Wetlands E.O. 11990 12 Preferred Alternative Full Compliance Full Compliance Full Compliance Partial Compliance Full Compliance Full Compliance Full Compliance Full Compliance Full Compliance Not Applicable Full Compliance Full Compliance Full Compliance Not Applicable Full Compliance Not Applicable Full Compliance Full Compliance State Policies Alaska Coastal Management Program Anadromous Fish Protection Permit Required Federal Entitlements None Required. Preferred Alternative Partial Compliance Full Compliance Note: The compliance categories used in this table were assigned based on the following definitions: a. Full compliance -- all requirements of the policy and related, regulations have been met. b. Partial compliance -- some requirements of the policy and related regulations remain to be met. c. Noncompliance -- none of the requirements of the policy and related regulations have been met. 13 APPENDIX A Nl OF United States Department of the Interior 4 iM FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, IN REPLY REFER TO: 1011 E. TUDOR RD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907)276-3800 Colonel. Lee R. Nunn District 1?ngineer DEC i^f_'n Alaska District Corps of Engineers Anchorage., Alaska 99510 Dear Colonel Nunn: Attached is the Fina_1.Coordination Act (CA) Report which was prepared in accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 St at. 401, as amended; 16 USC 661 et seq.). The report provides an analysis of biological information to be used by the Corps of Engineers (CE) in planning and constructing a small. hydroelectric project at Scammon Bay, Alaska. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) began participating in the project in April 1980. The report was prepared to satisfy requirements specified in the Scope of Work for the Small Hydropower, Scammon Bay project. Information provided is based on field investigation, a literature review, and coordination with personnel from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the CE, the Alaska Power Admini.Etration, and National Marine Fisheries Service. Should you have any questions, please contact our Western Alaska Ecological Services office. Sincerely, Assistant Area Director Attachment c c : AO I,; S , WA F. S ADF&C, NMFS, ADEC, OCM, Juneau Af)F&G, NMFS, NUT, EPA, Anchorage Scammon Bay Small Hydropower Scammon Bay, Alaska Final Coordination.Act Report Submitted to Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Anchorage, Alaska Prepared by: Paul Hanna, M.L. Nation Approved by: Robert G. Bowker, Field Supervisor Western Alaska Ecological. Services Field Office li.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Anchorage, Alaska November 1980 Table of Contents Page Introduction ................................................ 1 Project Description ......................................... 1 Description of Resources .................................... 5 Physical Inventory.... ******* .......................... nventory..................................... 5 Biological Inventory ................... 6 Scammon Bay Vicinity ................................ 6 Project Vicinity.; ................................. 10 Major Potential Impacts...................................14 Discussion................................................15 Recommendations...........................................17 Literature Cited ................................. ..........18 Appendices................................................1.19 List of Figures Page Figure 1. Location and Vicinity Map........................... 2 Figure 2. Project features in relation to Scammon Bay........ 3 [�'Lgurc 3. Dam and upper penstock........ ................... 4 Figure 4. Powerhouse and tailrace ............................. 6 Figure. 5. View of. Scammon Bay in relation to the unnamed stream running through the village.................11 Figure 6. Typical cross-section of the unnamed stream near the lower end of the project area.............11 Figure 7. One of several velocity chutes preventing fish from ascending the unnamed. stream .................. 13 Figure 8. Eros.on from the thawing of permafrost in the mountains behind Scammon Bay caused by moving heavy .equipment across the tundra .................13 List of Appendices Page Appendix I. Scientific names. of vegetation, birds, mammals, fish, and marine invertebrates appearing in the text ............ ....... '.........19 Appendix I.I. Birds occurring in habitats in the vicinity of Scammon Bay, Alaska.......................:...23 Appendix ITI. Species of whales recorded in the Bering Sea....25 -1- INTRODUCTION The village of Scammon Bay is located in western Alaska on the Bering Sea near the confluence of the Kun River with Scammon Bay (Figure 1). The area is remote, lying 140 miles northwest of Bethel. Access is by air- plane or, seasonally, by boat or snowmachine. The village economy is based primarily on subsistence hunting and fishing. Currently the village depends on diesel generators for electricity provided by the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC). Costs of diesel delivered to AVEC villages during the summer of 1979 reached $2.50 per gallon (U.S. Department of Energy, 1979). This cost of fuel plus service has resulted in power costs to individuals in excess of 40c per kilowatt hour with additional price increases likely. Local. interests contacted the Corps of Engineers (CE) in the spring of. 1919 requesting inclusion of Scammon Bay in the CE small hydroelectric investigation program. The purpose of this study by the CE is to in- vestigate the potential. of small hydropower (5 megawatts or less) devel- opment for Scammon Bay to reduce the village's dependence on high-priced fuel oil. Since the Alaska Power Administration (APA) had studies sched- uled for Scammmon Bay as part of a hydropower inventory for the AVEC, the CE asked the APA to look at Scammon Bay's power potential as part of a cooperative activity: According to the APA, Scammon Bay has the best potential of any of the AVEC villages (U.S. Department of Energy, 1979). On .January 8, 1980, the AVEC filed a declaration of intention with.the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to construct and operate a hydro- electric facility on an unnamed stream near the village of Scammon Bay. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Two hydropower project alternatives are being considered by the CE. Basically, both plans involve a small diversion, a penstock of 12-inch pipe, and a powerhouse capable of generating 150 kilowatts of power (Figure 2). An 8-foot-high dam will be constructed from steel gabions filled with rocks from the stream and reservoir excavation. The dam will extend 50 feet across the stream channel and will include a spillway with a 10-foot- wide weir. A drop box intake structure at elevation 576 will be covered by a steel grating trashrack. Reservoir excavation behind the dam will be limited to elevation 598, with 3 to 1 slopes on all sides (Figure 3). Two alternatives for penstock installation are being examined. Alterna- tive one involves burying the entire penstock approximately 2 feet below the existing grade. A trench would be excavated and backf filled over the pipe. Alternative two involves partially burying the pipe for about 100 feet near the dam. and supporting the remainder of the penstock on piles above ground, anchoring it as needed. The exposed portion of the penstock would he insulated for thermal protection. On bothalternatives, the penstock will crass the stream approximately 550 feet below the dam. ---_'__.--.• , � .., . .( # o a N � . � ^ to ,. # • -!a Siv .`i Mrry,• H ',�� . m 1. '; F ro $ "O^''• i ...[l • 0 7C r 1 Ai S. Ci co .a ,; � '''s t •+ } `�, •.. ' T ; •�,a ,; , ; �y gyp u !'!1. 1?I Jr:i' .rY • ^.fir , 1 t`1' •.b,,• , �t'� Vi� a._..Y' rw N h . 1• H Q � wfe ri I, r.l. .?' f��wt"Q M..` Y� :,'; ',:W :+,�•�" � '� � � .. r zh '1 i ,r+••y pp� .,I,�y �!. Hf; •' � :. (14� •:.;�. �) �,`, r. ,i]� �/� .yl iJ qC 'I.^ 7.A i,l .i.1 �';'� `1� �If�l /.' ; .�yl �i',.. J':, •l,�il',�;•'. y� ,G.i�. ?4 r r ro t ace s!. �� ,. ,,...i`., +` fl 1iq17� '• •'.'I I9 p 4' ',3�yv ,dl�."''i :,; ,��I•,�'• •'IYd 1. .,1 ' i 9 V i ...1--��.---._--.�r-•-T. q"0, h•, l '5''rj lR;41X �.y'JV '!'r 'r,�'r •,{1:•+ :�y� ;�. .....Y .�---•-•--- F r Rs •� � °� . 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'.L'�t`1.'y l�;y ..1111iii���wa Fl�'� c JS T. W � K x w w %' , .�,.. �• •'7.: y',. �/•.r�; -tee<(� � � i •• •(` � i �Q !j bpi +y�� - • '�• ,� fi I`• ,e gym �. +.J J Y Y w Y3 .'rx ' a,..f• ' Ij, �0 �'.1 �'/ J ;}� OU y��• S CJtco O S c z ` k COO V •� Y O t i 41 Z Z- r J �. �i � `• 4 � n y F+ j a CJ S G O O Ica -le e ,D z Y z p Lr 2 W 4 j V 0 H L Q �•1 00� — J- -. Figure 2. Project features in relation to Scammon Bay. i ..-f.'•. r i „ .l • j n r" r t';% — At __ ;t ,r; 21)N .�•x r .�'r'• , 54A SPODIDDe ,75C '�, ' ' ' , I�1 ,• .. N. _ Powerplant �A.`scnrnkon y tal i s;.�_/�i � • - 1 ��; joy '�-' r { t� � • is \ - Penstock r Hru' } i Diversion Darr ! _.. I_, - � is '• _.�s.. .� '; �l� h�. -J- Three options for the type of penstock pipe to be used are being con- sidered: (1) standard weld steel pipe; (2) spiral weld lockseam pipe; and (3) reinforced plastic mortar pipe. The powerhouse will be built on a 12-foot by 12-foot by 1-foot concrete slab at an elevation of 100 feet (Figure 4). The floor of the slab will be about 4 feet above the main stream level. An open channel tailrace 50 feet long will be excavated downstream from the powerhouse; discharge will take place in a riprapped section of the stream channel approximately 50 feet below the powerhouse and 100 feet above the village. An energy dissipator consisting of additional riprap will be placed in the channel. Project power will be transmitted through the local system. No trans- mission line is required; however, there will be a short tie-in line from the switchyard to the transformer. The project installed capacity will be 150 kw and the tie-in line will be 15 kv. No permanent access roads or maintenance facilities will be required for the project. DESCRIPTION OF RESOURCES Physical Inventory The village of Scammon Bay is located in the Alaskan Bering Shelf physio- graphic province (Wahrhaftig, 1965). The Yukon-Kuskokwim coastal lowland section of this physiographic province is a thaw -lake dotted marsh of which more than a third is water surface. Nearly all the coastal areas are in lowland tundra. The lowland tundra is a vast treeless plain, covered with intermittent stands of brush, blind sloughs, and bogs. Uniformity of the delta is broken by an intri- cate pattern of meandering streams and abandoned cut-offs, interconnected sloughs, and countless lakes indicative of a low gradient and poor drainage overlaying permafrost. Elevations as high as 10 to 15 feet above sea level are unusual. The Askinuk Mountains, a small isolated range, lie immediately south of Scammon Bay and are an obvious exception to the relatively flat lowland tundra of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Beginning at Cape Romanzof on the Bering Sea, the mountains generally run east and west, terminating approxi- mately 3.5 miles inland. The mountains are relatively narrow, averaging less that 6 miles wide. Several peaks south of the village rise to over 1,000 feet in elevation. Scammon Bay's climate is more maritime than continental. Winters are cold and often windy along the coast. Summers are cool, with onshore winds, fog, or overcast skies causing even lower temperatures much of the. season. Daily maximum summer temperatures are usually below 70° F and often below 60° F. Temperatures rarely reach the extreme lows and highs encountered in the.Interior. Annual precipitation rarely exceeds 15 inches, but because of frozen soils and the flatness of the tundra, runoff is slow. Open water occurs from breakup in early June to freeze -tip in early October. Northeasterly storms blowing off the Bering Sea occur all year.. t r-�-:, {".n� , r �,_,"�` e 1 � jnpJ 66`�•dejjy+• tt , �/� q1 yt ip:l � 1, ' ' • .. -.� •.- •• -' � ' �' �✓'a �' J \ JAB'- y. `� l,F! �.h..., •� `',I �{'.. i1+(T,i �I '.. � .}.,.'� � e.1•�� J_�.w ���,/1i•ja' lJ (�1 r • q, i � � \ � � 1 � I � '1�/' � dam/ Q qq � 1 ,n„Q•eu VY ••� o �. ,fit y � , .. 1 i• � s � ; ; _,, •I' 1� a,.j 1,;� i�� a` � `,ti r't ;, jJ he ` •, op. .�^ � t", ,'''rye �• 1•✓ ,1 �1 /, _.._._ _-�Y,,�\` � � � ��. s + L...:.. j ✓`� q'� �•r,,�t.1p,z.3 �� �....e;�.•^•.tt'.:' �� i�+t�.yq \ , r,� � �o • � � I \ 4 r tb u '" %� ;•" �� U �!J® l:i) ��'j'� r f ��' `� ner ,'�'%/ 1�f f / . V� � /���r ' i.' �• I r 9. J. 44 6. � , My •s � �- 1 r••n ,wv • . `• �, • y.. ��,, ...•.r, �.`'r �` (i i . `l �� -�,,...•-•"" �-..r,,,..v 1 p 1 ' ' ' • _ _ ,.:.. , �\„ �' ���t �� f� '�• a .,, '� 1 -• �.-.. _. • f Y --.,,, .�•`•, _ •' y l \ � C+, J4 � �v�\. ��'� >! 1 Q � b � � � � b i e �; lr ; , � � .., ,�h p� / _. ,,,,�` •,_ .._ w.. 1 t : � it—�-,� '. �,�'r� •i"1t ..:.:-r::,.-+•^+p• JI ..,,�.• •c it ^! 1 - r 4 G .. • ,., .. _ ,.:_ ._.._ :.,:- -- .0 •rate' `�. `�" -�••-/•}' s ~I _1_ .............. _.. AAD 13 •. �~�"\ \\ r`y1 is - _' `' ......._ IX � •\ \� �\ /' : __..-.__...-._._ _ q_ __.. Fi.:lr, S. l',n•rs�t'lt�nt:•. nncl rniir.r�'i'. � / ____•---r--�.... .._.._.� -,..__.ram.•�.._..•._.-.-•.._..�..,_...._...� _. -7- Recent CE subsurface investigations established that the project is sited on soils composed of unsorted sand and gravel. Excavation pits on the stream banks yielded glacial drift mixed with glacial -fluvial gravels. Approximately 25 percent of the drift contained boulders larger than 1.0 foot in diameter; the remainder of the glacial -fluvial deposits consisted of fine to coarse gravel and cobbles with some sand. Permafrost was net encountered in excavation pits dug at the three possible powerhouse sites and at the penstock site (elevation 600 feet). It was established that a permafrost thaw bulb exists beneath the spring -fed stream; however, permafrost is present everywhere on the slopes adjacent to the stream channel. Biological Inventory Scammon Bay Vicinity Biological resources near Scammon Bay are representative of species associated with coastal lowland tundra of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta and alpine tundra in the Askinuk Mountains. Scientific names of vegetation, birds, mammals, fish, and marine invertebrates discussed are listed in Appendix I. Vegetation in the vicinity of Scammon Bay is characteristic of the coastal lowland tundra associated with the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Viereck and Little (1972) classify this lowland vegetation type as wet tundra. Many shallow lakes, little topographic relief, standing water, and permafrost close to the surface are characteristics of wet tundra. Microrelief is provided by peat ridges and polygonal features related to frost action and ice wedges. Vegetation is primarily a sedge and cottongrass mat, usually not formed into tussocks. A few woody plants (willow and alder) occur on the driest sites where the microrelief raises them above the standing water table. There are no trees. The presence of. the Askinuk Mountains immediately south of Scammon Bay adds two additional. tundra vegetation types normally not associated with. the coastal lowlands of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta - moist tundra and alpine tundra (Viereck and Little, 1972). Moist tundra occupies the foothills and lower elevations of the Askinuk Mountains. This vegetative type varies from almost continuous and uniformly developed cottongrass tussocks with sparse growth of other sedges and dwarf shrubs to stands where tussocks are scarce and dwarf shrubs tend to dominate. Alpine tundra occupies the higher elevations, ridges, and peaks of the Askinuk Mountains. Much of this type consists of barren rocks and rubble inter- spersed with low growing mats of herbaceous and shrubby plants. Dominant plants :in this type are low mats of mountain avens which may cover entire ridges and slopes along with many mat forming herbs, such as moss tampion, black oxytrope, arctic sandwort, and several grasses and sedges. The most important wildlife resource of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in the vicinity of Scammon Bay is the avifauna utilizing the coastal lowlands. The tremendous array of lakes, streams, tidal flats, and bars interspersed with tundra and sedge flats make the delta one of North America's outstand- ing waterfowl and shorebird areas. Approximately 2.8 million acres of -the western Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta south of Scammon Bay is administered by ME tiw FWS ns the Clarence Rhode National Wildlife Refuge. Future additions would encompass the entire delta in the proposed Yukon National Wildlife Refuge. Ninety-six species of. birds (Appendix II) have been documented on the Clarence Rhode refuge and most likely represent the avifauna of the project vicinity. However, the extent to which waterfowl, shorebird, and passerine species utilize habitats near Scammon Bay is not well clr,cumented. Aquatic habitat:, of the western portion of the delta are generally less fertile thran more productive wetlands farther inland (Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), 1973). Annual. aquatic heat budgets are lower, resulting in generally lower productivity. However, lower fertility and productivity are offset somewhat by a greater number of lakes per square mile in the western delta. Shallow and partially drained lake basins and narrow coastal fringes of tideland similar to habitats near Scammon Bay r_ippear to he the most productive. The Yukon-Kusko,kwim Delta is the largest of the western tundra waterfowl. hahi.tnts in.Alaska (ADF&G, 1973). Some of.the highest breeding goose densities in the world are found on the outer fringes of the delta. Most of the black hrant and emperor geese, and nearly all of.the cackling Canada geese and white -fronted geese .in North America breed on the delta (AI)F&G, 1973). Tidal. habitats on the Clarence Rhode refuge support densities of over 200 black brant and geese per square mile. Most of the whistling swans in the Pacific Flyway breed on the delta also. The ADF&C (1973) estimates an average of 1.5 million breeding ducks use the delta which provides a fall flight of about 3 million birds. The most common species are: greater scaup, pintail, oldsquaw, American wigeon, green -winged teal, black scoter, and common, spectacled, and Steller's eiders. Shorebirds, also common in the region, include bar -tailed godwit, semi- pal.niated plover, American golden plover, common snipe, whimbrel, bristle- thi;;lied curlew, spotted, least, semipalmated, and western sandpipers, greater and lesser yellowlegs, dunlin, long -billed dowitcher, sandhil.l crane, loons, and grebes. The. A0F&G (1.978a) indicates that the most common raptors on the clelta are the rough -legged hawk, gyrfalcon, and snowy owl. Sowls et. al. (1978) have documented only one seabird colony along the shores of Scammon Bay. At Cape Romanzof, a few cormorants and horned puffins nest in the cliffs. l'elagi.c connor.arits and tufted puffins are also probably present. Glaucous, nuow, and Sabine's gulls, and arctic terns are abundant on the coastal lowland tundra; tliey nest as solitary pairs or in small colonies of up to 50 pairs or more. Few big game mammals occur near Scammon Bay. Although the delta is a rich habitaa for birds, it is not preferred habitat for most large terrcStrial. species (ADF&G, 1973). A year-round food supply and adequate shelter are not avail -able. Trees are absent on the delta and willow and n1ders are sparse near the coast. According to the ADF&G (1973), moose, brown/grizzly hoar, wolf, wolverine, and lynx are rarely seen on the -9- western portion of the delta. Barren ground caribou were present through- out the delta in the mid-1800's. By the late 1870's, the herd had appar- ently shifted to new ranges and essentially disappeared from the area by 1895. Caribou have not returned to the delta since that time (ADF&G, 1973). Small mammals present on the delta include: arctic fox, red fox, marten, mink, river otter,, short -tailed weasel, beaver, muskrat, porcupine, snowshoe hare, arctic hare, red squirrel, and arctic ground squirrel (ADP&C, 1978a; Jonrowe, 1979). Beaver are abundant in the delta and are expanding into areas of the tundra that appear to be marginal habitat (Jonrowe, 1979). Arctic fox are presently abundant along the coastal fringe, but red fox tend to inhabit the area about 60 to 100 miles inland from the coast (Jonrowe, 1979). .High densities of muskrat, mink, and weasel generally occur in the coastal lowlands (ADF&G, 1978a). Arctic hares occur along a 60-mile band on the coast and are locally abundant wherever willow and alder patches are present (Jonrowe, 1979). Populations of marten, porcupine, snowshoe hare, red squirrel, and arctic ground squirrel either do not occur or occur only occasionally in the lowland tundra near the coast (ADF&G, 1978a; Jonrowe, 1979). Other small. game species on the delta include: rock ptarmigan, willow ptarmigan, spruce grouse, and ruffed grouse (ADF&G, 1978a; Jonrowe, 1979). Willow ptarmigan are distributed throughout the delta wherever suitable brush patches exist. Rock ptarmigan are found near Scammon Bay in the Askinuk Mountains. Spruce grouse and ruffed grouse are normally not found in wet tundra habitats similiar to those near Scammon Bay. Marine mammal abundance is not well documented for the coastal area near Scammon Bay. According to the ADF&G (1973), polar bear, 7 species of pinnipeds, and 16 species of whales (Appendix III) have been recorded in the Bering Sea bordering Scammon Bay. Sea ice conditions and the result- ing distribution of marine mammals along the western coast during any given year depend upon a variety of factors, including weather, winds, and water currents. In some years, the sea ice pack extends south far enough to bring polar bear; bearded, harbor, ribbon, and ringed seals; and walrus close to the shores of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta during the winter and early spring months.. No hauling grounds or rookeries for walrus or seals have been documented by the ADF&G (1973) in or near Scammon Bay. The occurrence of whales off the coast of the Scammon Bay area is also dependent upon the seasonal advance and retreat of sea ice. Beluga and minke whales are probably the most common whales close to shore as they frequently feed in ne.arshore bays and inlets. All five species of. Pacific salmon are indigenous to the Scammon Bay vicinity. Chum salmon are the most abundant. Chinook salmon rank second in abundance, followed in order by coho, pink, and sockeye salmon. Pink and sockeye salmon are present in limited numbers only. The Kun River enters Scammon Bay approximately 0.25 miles north of the village of -10- `�ramqu>n Ray. According to the ADF&G (1978b), no salmon enter the Kun River. The bulk of the salmon found in. the marine waters off Scammon Bay are heading for the Yukon River drainage (ADF&G, 1978b). Pacific he:r.r.ing, as well as several species of smelt, including capelin, are present in the Scammon Bay area also. The ADF&G (1978b) indicates that Pac-ific herring spawn along the south shore of Scammon Bay and are they only fish species in the area utilized by commericial fishermen. Several she.)lfish species, including king crab,, tanner crab, and several species of'shrimp, .are present in the marine waters; however, these shellfish resources are limited in abundance and not currently exploited (ADF&C, 1.978b). The abundance of these shellfish species in the Bering Sea area north of latitude,60°.N is low (ADF&G, 1978b). According to the ADF&C (1978c), the following fish species are present in th o Kean River and fresh waters of the delta near Scammon. Bay: northern pike, burbot, Dolly Varden, and several species of whitefish. Residents of coastal villages where large concentrations of salmon are not common, such as Scammon Bay, rely more heavily on the aforementioned species or travel. to other areas to catch salmon. The presence of threatened or endangered wildlife species near Scammon Ray is not well documented. Eight species of whales listed as endangered by the U.S. Department of the Interior (1979) occur in the Bering Sea. These 8 species are: sperm, bowhead, gray, sei, fin, hump -backed, right, araci blue whales. The extent of the distribution or relative abundance of these endangered species in or close to Scammon Bay is unknown. The peregrine falcon is included in the list of birds occurring on the Clarence Rhode National Wildlife Refuge as an occassional migrant (Appendix 1I). Three subspecies of the peregrine falcon are found in Alaska - American, arctic, and Peale's. Both the American and arctic subspecies are listed as endangered by the U.S. Department of. the Interior (1979). Tb e American peregrine falcon breeds along the lower Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers. llowever, the flat lowland coastal areas are not preferred nesting habitat and no evidence exists that the American peregrine is found near Scammon Ray. Rased on limited data, the western coast of Alaska has no hLstory of having supported more than widely scattered pairs of peregrines (Fyf(_ at. al., 1.976). The cliffs at Cape Romanzof may offer potential nesting habitat but data are lacking. Wide separation of relatively limited brc'Oding sites along the western coast may account for apparent sporadic nesti.nf (Fyf(, et. al., 1976). Project Vicinity A :;m11.1 spring -fed, unnamed stream originates in the Askinuk Mountains directly south of Scammon Bay. This stream flows through the village and presently serves as a source of domestic water (Figure 5). Water from a pipe buried in the stream is collected in a storage tank and then distributed to local residences. The stream is very clear and biologists visually estimated it was flowing less than 10 cubic feet per second (cfs) during field investigations on .July 12 and 13, 1980. The rise in streambed elevotion -is very steep and the stream for the most part is a continuous torrent of cascading water (Figure 5). Several small waterfalls, and one over 6 feat (Fi}.;r1re 6), eliminate any movement of fish from the Kun River in front of the village into the upper section of the unnamed stream. Figure : 'View of Snammon Bay in relation to the unnamed stream running through the village. Photo by Paul Hanna. Figure -. Tyhiral cross-section of the unnamed Stream near the lower end of the project area. Photo by Paul Hanna. The portion of the Stream that flows through Scammon Bay rapidly loses olev;.ition and prier to entering the Kun River becomes a meandering tidal slough. The lower end of the stream is used as a protective mooring and beaching; area for small skiffs. According to one local resident, the stream used to have a pink salmon run but it has disappeared; this is probably a result of. overfishing. That portion of the stream from its source in the Askinuk Mountains to the vicinity of the village has a very stable stream channel in spite of the steep slope and resultant high water velocity (Figure 7). No areas of: streambank erosion were evident, and the amount of fines observed in the str.eambed appear to be very low. Habitats of the project area are predominately moist tundra. Even though the wountains behind Scammon Bay are quite steep, the tundra is soggy and spongy underfoot. The only dry areas are rock outcrops and individual boulders sticking out of the ground. Regardless of the wet conditions close to the surface, the tight absorbent mat of sedges, mosses, lichens, grasses, and low shrubs prevents rapid overland flow of surface water. Plant: species identified .in the project area were: Labrador tea, crow - berry, b,earher.ry, roseroot, horsetail, shooting star, bunchberry, louse- wort,.moss campion, violet, and wild celery. Wildlife resources of the project area are predominately birds and small rodents. The variety and abundance of the avian resources of the Scammon Bay area are impressive. Although the density of nesting birds per square mile is unknown, it must be very high. The interspersion of mountainous terrain, coastal lowlands, and American green alder thickets provides habitat for a great variety of birds within a very short distance of the village. Shorebirds were abundant in the moist tundra and alpine tundra habitats behind Scammon Bay. Although only a few nests and juvenile birds were seen, most of the adult shorebirds displayed nesting behavior. The shorebirds included 10's of western sandpipers, least sandpipers, dun- lins, and rock sandpipers, and a few American golden plovers. Passerine birds were scarce in the moist and alpine tundra habitats. Several lapl.and lo.ngspurs, snow buntings, and one water pipit were observed. Ten s�indhi.11 cranes were feeding at the 1,000-foot-level. Approximately five parasitic jaegers were hunting the area at all times. A snowy owl was nl:;o observcd.perched on a small knoll. A rough -legged hawk nest was found at the top of the ridge behind the village at 1,100 feet. The hawk's nest, established on the ledge of a large rock about 12-15 feet from ground level on the lee side from the prevailing winds, was 2 feet in diameter, shallow, and constructed mainly of sticks. The nest was unoccupied, but numerous fur balls, primary feathers, and down were below 'he nest indicating recent use. Immediately west of the project area.at the 100-foot-level are extensive thickets of American green alder. Passerine birds were very numerous. All of the following, species observed were abundant and many juveniles work, present - lapland l.ongspur, common redpoll, white -crowned sparrow, yellow wagtail, Wi.lson's warbler., yellow warbler, savannah sparrow, gray -checked thrush, and golden -crowned sparrow. -13- i Figure '. One of several velocity chutes preventing fish from . ascending the. unnamed stream. Nhoto by Paul Hanna. Figure Erosion from the thawing of permafrost caused by moving heavy equipment across the tundra in the mountains behind Scammon Bay. Photo by Paul Hanna. -14- Ma rsh and pond areas of the wet tundra habitat characteristic of the lowlands north of Scammon Bay support the greatest.den.sity and variety of birds of any habitat near the village. Biologists surveyed about 10 .acres which consisted mainly of small shallow ponds separated by strips of drier ground. Shorebirds were the most abundant of the avian species represented by 100's of least sandpipers, 10's of western sandpipers, black turnstones, northern phalaropes, rock sandpipers, and dunlins, and several long -billed dowitchers. A few waterfowl attempt to nest in the area, but are subjected to continual hunting pressure from the village teenage boys. Green -winged teal were the most abundant duck, with fewer white -winged scoters, scaup, mallards, and pintails occurring. One pair of whistling swans was nesting across the Kun River from the village and three sandhil7. cranes were seen flying overhead. Other birds included 10's of glaucous gulls, arctic loons, tree swallows, bank swallows, and savannah sparrows, and lesser numbers of glaucous -winged gulls, herring gulls, mew gulls, arctic terns, parasitic jaegers, common snipe, and lapland longspurs. Tunnels, burrows, and runways made by lemmings and voles were the only evidence of mammals present in the project area. Two species of lemmings and.two species cf voles are most likely found in moist and alpine tundra habitats near Scammon-Bay. These species are: collared lemming, brown lemming, northern red -backed vole, and tundra vole. There are no fish in the stream above the village. Due to the stream velocity, suitable fish habitat is generally absent. Several velocity chutes prevent fish species present in the Kun River and adjacent tidal sloughs from ascending the unnamed stream behind the village (Figure 7). The lower portion of the stream eventually loses elevation and meanders through a narrow band of wet tundra and tidal flats before entering the Kun River. MAJOR PROJECT IMPACTS Potential adverse impacts on fish and wildlife resources associated with a small. hydro project on the stream running through Scammon Bay should be insignificant. The greatest impact of the project could be erosion caused by mechanized equipment moving on the steep slopes. Removal of the thin protective vegetative layer could allow permafrost to thaw,. resulting in ground subsidence and subsequent creation of deep gullies from erosion. A minor amount of moist tundra habitat available to nesting birds and rodenta will be lost from excavating rock and soil for a diversion, positioning the penstock, and installing a powerhouse. Birds nesting in the immediate proximity of any of the project features will be disturbed during construction of the presence of human activity and mechanized equipment. Any short-term loss in production from these impacts would be imperceptible in comparison with the total number of birds and rodents using moist tundra habitats near Scammon Bay. There are no fish in the stream above the village and none of the project features should have any impact on the lower portion of the drainage or the Kun River. Likewrise, there are no waterfowl nesting in the foothills -15- immediately behind the village. None of the project features should have any effect on the wet tundra of the coastal lowlands where most of the waterfowl nesting occurs. Due to the steep terrain and the inherent problems associated with moving heavy equipment on the tundra, erosion is a definite hazard. Evidence of "cat" tracks, can easily be seen on the slopes behind town very close to the project area. In several places near the top of the mountain, severe erosion from.the thawing of permafrost has created gullies 3 to 4 feet deep (Figure 8). Because both penstock alternatives involve some excava- tion, there is a possibility of thermal erosion if pockets of discontinuous permafrost are encountered. Since the diversion, penstock, and possibly the powerhouse could all be located above the village's domestic water intake, any erosion could easily enter the water supply unless proper precautions were taken. DISCUSSION Th e.FWS has concluded that few adverse impacts on fish and wildlife resources from the project are anticipated. Those that may occur are judged to be imperceptible provided that methods to minimize erosion are implemented. Erosion from the thawing of .permafrost has been identified as the major environmental impact. Any construction requiring heavy equipment working on the steep tundra slopes must be done to eliminate or minimize removal of the thin vegetative cover. Figure 7 illustrates the consequences of ignoring the impacts of heavy -tracked equipment on alpine tundra south of Scammon Bay. The widespread occurrence of permafrost in Alaska poses special engineering problems in design, construction, and maintenance of all types of structures and facilities. Permafrost limits the rooting depths of plants, prevents infiltration of water downward through surficial materials, and so increases surface runoff. Surface water accumulates in depressions where peaty materials form, creating a continuously wet environment conducive to marsh and tundra development. The vegetative mat insulates the permafrost layer, increasing its freezing depth. Disruption of the vegetative cover destroys the fragile thermal balance, resulting in thaw, subsidence, and erosion. According to the.Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (1976), there are three engineering approaches to permafrost: 1. Avoid it. In areas where permafrost is discontinuous, location of improvements can be directed to areas free of permafrost. 2. Destroy it. Where permafrost is shallow, it can be thawed by stripping the surface of its vegetative cover. In some areas, soils can be excavated and the area refilled with coarser materials. 3. Preserve it. Structures can be developed on gravel or artificial pads to prevent summer thaw after vegetation is removed. It is also feasible to build structures on piles, thereby preventing thermal heat from flowing into the ground and destroying the solid, perma— frost base. Refrigeration units buried in the ground might also be used to maintain cold ground temperatures. Since the CE is still exploring alternatives for the penstock at this time, recommendations concerning minimizing potential impacts from erosion are general and not necessarily site —specific.. Construction of a.diversion will require excavating material and will probably necessitate the use of a tracked vehicle with a blade or bucket. Excavation work in or close to the stream capable of adding sediment and turbidity to the watercourse, such as building the diversion, must be coordinated with the appropriate governmental agency responsible for the Scammon Bay water supply system to insure that drinking water is not contaminated. Fecause no access road is available for transportation of equipment to the diversion, we recommend that the diversion be built after the tundra has frozen in the fall. Impacts from tracked vehicles on the thin layer of tundra vegetation are considerably less when the ground is frozen. No diversion should be built where there is any chance of exposing permafrost close to the surface. Continual slumping of the streambed will occur if the permafrost melts. Where the diversion is built, some type of protective mat should be placed over the exposed soil to prevent .erosion from rain and snowmelt and the area seeded with grass at the beginning of the next growing season. If the CE decides not to construct the diversion when the tundra is frozen, access to the diversion site becomes more of a problem. In many places, the high water stream channel (bank to bank) is wide enough to allow a small "cat" to move up the drainage parallel to the stream avoiding traversing the tundra or negotiating the steep banks adjacent to the stream. Through time, the stream has cut down to bedrock, or close to it, and left a very stable substrate of rock and small boulders capable of withstanding the weight of a small "cat" without damaging the stream channel or stream banks. Although moving equipment close to a stream is not normally recommended, in this instance it would be preferable to constructing a "road" on the tundra. For reasons previously stated concerning permafrost, we recommend that the penstock be elevated and not buried. Furthermore, there appear to be adequate room and suitable foundation support in the thaw zone along the stream.. Placement of the penstock parallel to the stream will make it unnecessary to lay pipe and foundation supports on the tundra. Penstock pipe and other equipment capable of being easily transported by helicopter should be flown to the area and not moved by heavy equipment. If it is necessary to level an area for the powerhouse, we recommend it also be done when the tundra is frozen, and a thick protective gravel pad be placed over the exposed soil to provide insulation. In all instances, any fuel, oil, or lubricants should be stored and handled in such a manner so as to preclude their entering any watercourse. Under provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), the village of Scammon Bay has selected all lands encompassing the project area. However, conveyance of those lands has not yet taken place. Once the boundaries of the proposed Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge are established, use of conveyed lands will still be subject to refuge rules and regulations under Section 22(g) of the ANCSA. At this time, the FWS does not foresee any problems associated with a small hydro project in this area on future refuge management or administration. RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are provided to minimize the potential environmental impacts of constructing a small hydro project at Scammon Bay: 1. that the use of tracked vehicles to construct the diversion take place when the tundra is frozen; 2. that the movement of tracked vehicles used to construct the .diversion be restricted to closely paralleling the rocky stream - bed should the diversion be built when the tundra has thawed; 3. that the CE coordinate all activities in or near the stream with the appropriate governmental agency responsible for the Scammon Bay water supply system; 4. that all areas of exposed soil be covered with a protective mat material or other suitable means and seeded with grasses at the beginning of the next growing season to prevent surface erosion; 5. that the penstock be elevated and closely parallel the existing stream channel; 6. that penstock pipe and other equipment easily transported by helicopter be flown to the construction site and not moved by heavy equipment;. 7. that any leveling for the powerhouse site be done when the tundra is frozen, and a thick gravel pad be placed over the exposed area to provide an insulation layer; and 8. that any fuel, oil, or lubricants be stored and handled in such a manner to insure they do not enter any watercourse. 1.1terattire Cited of FLO; and C.ne. 1973. A1:?nka's 171ldlife and IlUbIt:at. Hited by R. I.eFeRche rind 7. Unman. 143 pp. and 5(.3 ';G I" s . tl1 !sl:a !'.eparv-.,ont of I-10: Arid Oamr. 1978a. !,1:1!fi+.af'� wildlife and t:.t, Vc,Ii w,e TI, CniipIIed 1)y !'..l:lir:bI-nrt.. 74 pp. and 521 r?npz. '?t`T?:1rL '+`•.+t t`l r' lF ll Z1ml, Carr. 197 b. AIan.l:.:i':> f inilcrles atlas, Vt lrr. •• T. ("'',.•O11v0 by L. 1'rL`.An r..nrl K. Dolanvy. 4J pp. Anil 357 l,F FiL!' fallc� Grarlc. 1rf7F!c. In:.;!�[r'r f ishtrles atlas, ;• r. f"[', ;,1.1(.,%1 by T. T'; Ic't+n t,Zd 17. :., l; nvy. 43 pp. and 269 llrct 1c j*A7v1rc:;,:,[•r't.r:l ;nferr:ntlrn ;]n!j Patti Center, 1976. Alacka 1'oluv�r T7I, iionthwe!>t F'(`; ion. l.:dited by !.idia 1'elkrvw,. 31.1 Pp. FVfc+, i'., S. Tcr'iple, nn'.1 T. Cnde. 1976. The 1975 North American ,,`rv..,rin,- f.ilrnn ::survey. CnnL?dlan Field-Laturmlint 90(3)j 224-273. P. 1979. Survey -Inventory proFress re ort. Furbuarers :end mrtnII s;Ia. :c. C; RI 1R - Yulon-E:usla,l:wl,n Delta, 1977-78. IN: ,lrnunl report of purvey -inventory activl t ien, part II. Furbe©rers, %?olf, v.-olverine, srmll „ac-e. Tl d'l aid in wildlife restoration, Vol. I %, Proi . 1•1-17-10. Edited and conpi led by P. lilnrinn. Alnnka ,'r[•purtr.;ent of F 1:it[ and Gann, Juneau. 192 pp. .. ok.j"ti, A., r. Ili)t ich, ane C. Lont,10-.. 197o. of Alaskan aeat)lyd c<,innice. 1'1olo` ;lc.tl Servicer. Pro,crr..m, Firtl an' t:ildlife. Service. 17.5. 1�cvartr'cr?t of tl)f, Tnterior. 32 pp. aul 210t, naps and tables. �+1' ..:"('2'r?y. 1 ?7'i. ii'rtl l ity('roc lectric .invc!'ttory of village.-i servi-.td by Almr!::1 t-Jectric Coonerativo. Alaor'n 17rI•:,`r + %A.%..Irtratton, Junc—.u, 'Till Pl'+,,(!ndices. 1)1',):art:'!'�rC +)f t'•:_• iritorlor. 1971.i!=t of L'E?�..:t7j',i'rCt' and tllrtUt+a'ted I•t.vr 4• (1'). 3/ Vi ')164. tct'!•cl'., 1.. trr.t I a.ttic, Jr. 1'1I.'. Alru:!-i tr ` • ;,-! O-rt,b.q. rt.rftltt `", r�.Ice, J7r.•t':[rt'.lnt ;+f A-rlc�,lr ,rc, A,!riculture Jt1g, C. I W5. rlivi,iorrnpt,Ic. dlvislor.A or Alaska. Geolofical ;,t,r%,cy Pr, i'. i'.?,)rr V.. !'.S. ::ev't Printing Office, inshlni,,tun, T. ':cIvntiflc names of ve.f%etatlon, birds, r..a+rtrals, fish, and m,aritio! invvrt, l:raten npncarinf, in the tt•xt. V!'(t'Tl�TIi'tt: Common l'anc "cierit.lrlc Nnmc I.:I j Ion E;.; t 1•r slip. ncrican Green Aldc.r Cott.c+n Crane t;rir•r,9Oran t+>[�. *"Orsa ("ar.l.-iota nc l,tll.t; ttlt?ck Ox3tropc, ukJ rt,Keens Arctic San(lwort. Jlnraar.tla nrr.tica-- X'ounta_ln Aven•r rvPs lnte,-Xifolia -- l.aibra(tor Tea Leduc^ pFlugtre t'ro lI.e r r v f:mPetrti+w ni-ruva !teorhrrry Arctoatnphyloe alpina t.�ase.r(x,t 'wadwmi race, tin.rsetall I: rLlsctum App. "hoot Starr rlodecntheoo fripj(hir "a.tnch1.)erry Corn+_►u ennadensia Loor.evort Pedicularia spp. V I o 1 e t Violas biflora Wild Celery AnEelica lucl.dA BIC;DS Cor+rion T:arae Sclen tl.f is tiame ('lack Brant P.rantn l ornlcla l:::rerur Goose Philacte cnr►npira.F Cnr..klint• CanaOa foone l;ranta canzidensis rinLmn w V"Ite-fronted t7oo e Ars r nlhifrons i'hlsr ling "wan )1(>r , oln .:Janus Grcatvr Serial, Ara!y 2� ++^iri1..� Pia�t�.11 A11.as nc;tta i'llrlF3(;FUat,f (.l.tirl;'. d a 1"yerwnllta Ai,vrIC:,n 1;'il;cnn Armen ,, n.-orlc,.;tta Craen-..•it�t;c.d !'cnl Arl I, crecc.a !tl�ac:l' ;',c'(ater 'k•lanittn rllgrA co.,. non Nder ; ornt:.eria Tinnissim :`;pvc.tacicd !:1<'( r 5(,_i,tteria f:ischtri Stcllcrls Eider 1'nl�tticte stellerl r--t.ti.lect Co(�t. It Lir osa lopponica °'c:.alhaFlr.,nte,3 Plover Char.ndrlus amipalntltya A,.oricnn Gels!t:n I'lover ['i.nvintia dominlca Co,:,..on 'snipe Ca el.l;a dalitna� lrv,r v1 ; 13-1 vn irtr, p1,ae'o 118 'irliatic-thir,hi d Ckiriew '.'aalIrttiur. tahitiensis `"Nottc�? `an('niper AntltIn macularla lxant Sandpiper CnIIdrl.r., r;ria'a_utilla nt((d ":IT-1d1)1.1,f-r C`tl!('rirs 1?c1.ailia Slrn<apli�er CnIidrIs i ur.l Cr(:• it._r Ye 1(11"1et-,ra "'rin: ;a rael tnnicuca Lesser Yellowlegs Dun1in Long —billed Powitcher Sandli 1 I 1 Crane ,?ou!;h-lep,Yed Hawk Gyrfa Icon Snowy (hil 11c l rwA c Corr,oravn:t Pornc•d Puffin Tut tc(': Puffin Cl:)trc:ous Cull „t,s.r Gull "lab ne'.ry Cull Arrt lc T(.!rn Yock Ptr.rr;lg,nn !ow F'taY:,,J.I ann ,''1'+ruce t'i'�ttac 1•:ul fry' (�rnur;e+ itc Trevr lne Falcon t Ic. Pur.c•.•rine, Falrr.n I'crvj!rLnu- Fnlcon tie i.airl:tard l.bn};el:tsr . 1'a:tc!r Piptit 11ar�+F:lt.la Jnrrvr t,it�-cr(•wuac!. Sparrow is tl r.n' �'nrhlcr Yellut. "ari?Ic•r r �rrlrina?h Sptirrou cr:ali—c'.I:oolced 'hush r-:--c'rK,t iwd Sltr:rrow :!1.1.: rd „! 1.t�e—t�lurrd ;cater 'rrt [r 1.1)on i; 1 r:t:rnur;—t; [ n;•t'rl (:ul 1 t •! a.1i15: !.11l.t iirutdn/Grizzly :',car 1 oIf U(Averint: I.VtIX !.,nrron Ground Carl tA)u ?rct tcrox F'cd Fox Trin ,a f layiprn Calldris nlpina U nnodromus sscolopasceus (+rrtn cAnarlersis Butco la r us Falco rtsstLcolus Nycten scandiaca ('hn lncrocarax. Felayieus Fratercitta cornlculata Lunch; clrrhata LartIs XL)erhoreue I:arun c.-mi s Xemn ttahlnl 'Itern..n pe.r.idlanea rmttm Ln�-.Opt18 1>1':" ;pus Cnnnchlt(!v canrsc?e:neslx ;)nn"cret tn:;�ellue; FAI (-!, a e'r1';yrinys nnaturl 17nlro por.(!4,,rinns ttntriritsst Falco rr:l-rinua e'.E...aloi ca 11cl r ; p t l lcy,:ncr.:in C:alr_arius lnpponicus Plvciraphcnasx nlvalis Anthtsts spinaletta Stercornrlua pAruslticus Carr+iuolit; Flammen .:nnotrichin lcucophryrs "ot";cllla flava A l son lai p-.mil laa 1)en,iroieayotechin ('n.�:r.(•rc+:.ius csaana�riclte:neslt3 C�stl :>rur --lnimurs ;;nn(•Crlc:'+la triCIIpill,t 3"tn1:11"r,)(�"•t Ir,Gntrta el:tnttt r �T;r1�. --- — a,nt.If.lr ;!no ,11cos nIc-v!1 C: r ^ u :< a r c.17!-, Car1.s its pus Lts to rule, rolls 1 -nx Rnn,,Mor raratndus pranti Alopex 11t',o(aus vul pens vulpes t-lttrten Mint- Etiver Ottvr 4Flort—tntIv .. 141asel (Errtlne) Braver ?Iu:ak ro t Porctip1.ne Arctic t;.:arc Ptr ?gtsi rrr.1 Arct. is (;rounv'• Elpti rrel 1 f(i�tt. i•rr1 t:.l. t!�.!•1:C �,1•t! .VrvIc Tundr.ii Voltr r;A 1a.r •� t^ volnr 8c zr Bearded ,'seal V;ir1)or Sval I;, I.hhon Sea l irr!,CO St,al 1. ya 1 risn Ilelu^A ?-!hale. ?'i.nI,c 1.1,ale `'tat"rt;l Whale Bowhend Mule fitly Wlin le gel. WbIlle 1- in E!ha le 1?ur±p—hacked •!hale F'is;llt E?f,ale ;�• IISt: irilalt' (.bun ChInook Snlrer.11 Ctrko :-sloon Pink ;alnon ';ncktXyr. Sat !!rota ' raci f is Pe rring. CrntT 1In !vrthern Pike. Ahl!a; cn P, lac kf itch III l tef ish fturbot !)t11.1y Varden ;'IArten Amoricnns ?!ustola wison I.,ut rA canndenals 77. te7a crfilneu Cantor canAdensls C ne n t rta �zlLc th icus I rethlxcn dctroatutl Lends. nrcricrtnus Le tls tarc.t Icues 7':s�,}.:+r,r.1.L:rt.;r� l;tld,snnicutz ��C�2Y'rthj �7 �.IU�; )ti� rryi.i i;icrc';tc: ; x torquatus L!`.t.t.-nug s 1. h l,rlcue Clc•LltrLuat:�+.•,vA rutilttth ?Ucrotus occonnmus cc. Lent if lc 1!mme Ursum Liaritiraus Pr IL. nathtm barbatus Phnca vltulina . Phoca fat:cl.sta Phoca hlsEtlda (ldohentln rusmarus Delphinapterus loucao Balnenoptcre acutorogtrats PhEse!ter catodon BalAvTIn L"Yoticatusa Ef-tchtichthis rolaustus Balnenoptr..rn borealis 13nlne•noptorr, phynalus ?t(:r:ptern nnvacang.liae "::tl.tr�n.� 1�1C.L11119. R aInenopt.ern t'".Ilf-c.ula,n iltl(;ri?'1;vT'.^.i^SA L:al'n�.aytncha Oncor'livrc:hus lA';utch C'neorll ny chus Korbuscha Oncorh •nchut: nerka �itl�,;ct pnll:t:;il '.allntlth �•illonuss k:�tox ltsr.lus�s I+a1111n 1,cetoral to CorcC :.ont1,7 spp, 1.0tit lotA SAlvtzl.inttrc taa ul "APUT INVEP'Mll-'-ATFS Tnnner Crab Sclentiric Naria Pill-All1thodes cartschatica -chlolloccetes $,pp. APITT113TX TI. .''irds occurrlr,;-.. In is;thit►ttis in tht, vicinity of Scaomon .r.ay, Alaska. STATUS PITGUIS STATUS Cc)r::rs, l,c>on u n _ ^,unow Ptarmigan c-e n Ye.1 lcs -lil 1 le`c' Loon r m Rock Ptrrrrlfan u m l,rr:tic Loon a n Sandhill Creme a n Rc:-Lhroatrd Loran c n Scanlpnlmatnd Plover u n l!or11c•d Crabe u n American Golder Plover c n Poc!-nocscec' Crt:•':f! tt n 13lac.k-b.!llled Plo�'t•r a n t11,11.tll.11y. CL?art. a n Ruddy Turn.,itone. C 21 f,;,tc:lc.l itt;: Cone ,k n I31r•.cl; Turnatone a n (,00ce— c n Con -non Snipe c n c n t,'hI.r.dhr.cI u m Vr+!uernr i;r�rs„ a 11 f3rlrlt lei-th.(J:hrpr.' Curlew u ri lte-fronted (..o(,rle A n Sl�otte� S.snrl;rll+er r cr I,ess(!r Fncs, Coot•.;c: a r.) Greater Yellotrle;',a it n t1 n. Lelssle*r Yellowlegs u tt1 r ri Least Sandplpor u n 1'lnt,tll~_ - a n I;'tit111t) Ft n _ _ A,!# rIr.c+u '-Iis'eon _ c n l,nr.,r,-hlllcrJ Dowitcher c n 'Inrt!;t:rn �hnvc-1er tt r1 ;c olpalrinted sand llipi:r_ u n C. i IiWA N h ZI C k u r•1 ;Jcs+te:rn SsindpipEr a n Cre.itrr Fcnuj,� a n 1'•nr-tnLIt,d C;odwlt�� a n Lr .ner `,csup u ri `.?and url 1-it:- U to 'k;wric"111 Goh',Vnsyc tt C1 'Red Phi!tnropt- c n !sarrou's Colc!eneye 1.1 rt '.orthern i',,;tlarope a n l";r.!'f lel+c•.arf it n 111-wrlrie Jac, -,or a rn a n Varattitic .inc,^,cr c n r t^ I,nnr;-t.11.Icrl ,Irtc','e'r a n `,tvller's I?iticr u n cdasscarrs 1:+111 a n _ Cor, .on 1'lr'r'r n n GInuColl r:-+. .lr.;;rrc! :n:11 it n l idieI7 c M !!errls,r Cull o n _ 1t n :=s:rr "coter It r1 Aretic '101711 a n ;t1;tr:L ''c otr t C.. n A.Ictit la ''c rr u n t:c, -c)rt :'c'r ;;ru rt�-_��� r to "In.n(av r al_ 11-c n 1.1 n I'll ort.--r,rlrt'd +srl c tt Pa%--k 11 n VIoIct -;:tlr t11r_.14 u n yrf,tIcc•n 11 r Tree Swallow c n 1'<:rc,,rfiw Falcon o ct _ Horn ;;trrtl.lc:',j� u n Cr: r.'::ns, edpo 11 c n C1.1 f f ::;oa l low u n u n "ay.annnh Sparro- A n ,.!Iac1•.-Copl•t-d 1-hic'l 10t.-c u n Tree Fparr.n•r it n 1 ,c T 1C.01 EC-111D o n Oiltr-croti-ned ;;p:tt•row u n V.,r.led 'Brush o n Colden-cros.nted "par.rou u n _ Thr.usl-;��_-, c n Pox Sharrrw c n 1'ctio+. l";11,tn11, ----- c n w Lapland Long:;pur a n S'ocary Redpoll _ u n water ripit u n Ora.wa-crouncd Uarbler u n "cKny's. nuntinr a nt Yellow V arb ler u n Snow Buntins c n ource: _ Clarence Rhode Natlenvil Wildlife Refuge, Vethel, Alaska. `ynFols s - sbuvdaint r - rare+ or ace!dentai c - conrnn n - nesting It - till co1,r,.On m - Rigrant (i.tt. non cstinr ourimer o - mcens.innal residents) * - resident all scasonp APPENDIX M. Specien of whales recorded in the Bering Sea. MAY khalvt.� Baleen Wales lk.-Au�'A '111;3je rMer Lhale Marbor purpnIme bottlu—nosed yhajq.s 5tujncr;er'n Waked Oak whah, Sporn whale Cw1ijil Rowhead whole Cry whale rel. whale Anhe whAt- fin whab! ry 0—Yuked Onle Mc Onle rourem: Alanka Departmrnt of fish cnd Cav (1971). M STRICT RESPONSES TO FISH AND WILDLIFE'S COORDINATION ACT. REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That the use of tracked vehicles to construct the diversion take place when the tundra is frozen; Response: The use of tracked vehicles will occur only when the tundra is frozen or along the streambed where permafrost does not occur and the erosion potential is low. 2. that the movement of tracked vehicles used to construct the diversion be restricted to closely paralleling the rocky streambed should the diversion be built whenthe tundra has thawed; Response: Refer to number 1... 3. that the CE coordinate all activities in or near the stream with the appropriate -governmental agency responsible.for the Scammon Bay water supply system; Response: The Alaska District will continue close coordination with the Pu is Health Service and any instream work will be accomplished to minimize impacts on drinking water quality. 4. that all areas of exposed soil be covered with a protective mat material or other suitable means and seeded with grasses at the beginning of the next growing season to prevent surface erosion; Response: The construction should not impact the protective vegetative mat as it is designed.. If any areas are disturbed, adequate measures to prevent erosion will be implemented. 5. that the penstock be elevated and closely parallel the existing stream channel; Response: The proposed penstock alignment.will closely parallel the existing s rt eambed, however, it will be buried. The buried scheme was selected because it.would be less susceptible to vandalism, snow creep, freezing, and stream activity. The proposed alignment is not in an area of permafrost and erosion should not occur. 6. that penstock pipe and other equipment easily transported by helicopter be flown to the construction site and not moved by heavy equipment; Response: Due to the size of the project, there will be no equipment classified as "heavy equipment". The penstock pipe and other construction materials will.be moved either by helicopter or land vehicle during the frozen ground period, with little materials moved up the streambed during the summer months. 7. that any leveling for the powerhouse site be done when the tundra is frozen, and a thick gravel pad be placed over the exposed area to provide an insulation layer; and Response: The area for the proposed powerhouse is not in a perms r� area. 8. that any fuel, oil, or lubricants be stored and handled in such a manner.to .insure they do not enter any watercourse. Response: This will be included in the stipulations to the contractor. APPENDIX B N ''�l e o +w'/ W N .u4 . 4 N H ro A H W H W N W E.W A O D N w to to+j H OJ b b u w v ro 3 w " w > 13 H w O m .i e0 W q . Grn Qti uu.i w N O w a +r W w w W O N o W 1 3 u q u W d H �7 44 H H H W p �i o a N G TO C A y 0 U z o s ro v.o w qw y v m a Elp a H a a w o o a d.°� +' u o d ° w m H .tea " H T N .w H H O W -.0 O G .�-V... 00 :: O H .y W w N w w > o q W d Q r. w; H H N F F N ro W W 1l v� W w H H ♦.. N o ry rJ ro N '� ov q A Lp. e D g ,.� 'tJ cJ �n M N a7 W H .0 y va y ^•� O 6 9 g +1 O 4 • e00 H q e R G �•. H M N N ro F t0 M O U w w .G J c u o m u u N a w W a o 0 W w n +� N •• H y ro u w- W w W W N 1a .Z u N A X M u O N F4 +i H N Ol O " M- W H _+ �. •.-1 m iq H H .� caF+ V1 L W 'O W .G b W N W • U H W W q - M O A M .. H a+ ;l N .a 00O NW W q> O e B to1. A. w O u a n a c. 3 0 0 w a a V) N r✓ O z r c a F U ri N l4 U 9: a1 .H a a . O C) •n C H K O 0 a w w w W O ro�0a �� a4J ,Jornro w(D ro•�cc r Cw..I•4 4.)W•OW a '-4 O C row ro •.� •0 m a row q >,.4 W a to ro 7 7- d m N a O 41 W A a >, U J.) w +) O• to r. ua roCa a 3 E �Oi o •4-ji A °O, 3 U U fn U I > 0 U 0 41 O ro O a U G +) O 411 S O O? F >, 4-3 ° �' o a •-r >>1 a u w •-+ >, a w a a a ro4 10.03:•,jIm n >1 0 w 0�j ro a a) ro ta o•O W° a aro a a a+ mro 0 a :14 > a_ 0 C N •• >• >. 11 C1 •O U •'I th. a n ti ro 0 r- 4 a c 041 0 a a x G 0 10•4 x 0+1 m a A 0 c r- u � x -4 3: a° aa) W w pK •.a •ti •a N .-4 rnrnwa< ( UE a� •4tn E 3 C 0. 0aa O a G C 41 O a N y > N ..+ W 41 a W t a W W to r- • C a 41 > ro C A 0 .a .+ a +1 44 O X 01 O W G a a s to 41 w W 0 U O .-i U O O ro O +1 a E ro 4j •'1 O >• a ..+ ro m W U U > V) a C W 41 x O a m w a A a •-4 x o) • A W •n A w w 41 E a r 0 �o ul w '0 0 U O• O -q m a A 7 M a N a to A G O •.a •'i A UO Vaw� A IN 3a F•4 U 04J F 2 w O Y ro a .,yi W O oro x � a -a c w M O a ro U -P U a a. U i 6 1 I I I C a1 v o v'L 4J ro . a) Y O a+ VI N rod+ N ro L U Ql +•+ 3 O C Y mr t ro :3 4-41 a+oNU -N .— ro a) •- Y Ol4_ d — u cc a) N•r0 ro > 4-- ro U- L N N b q .+ c 41•r 01 m N o q .r •- a 3 O •Z Y i L 0) Y- O Lq ro N4- LCU � N LA C S- o (1) L - o Y a o N c LA eo M •r O >1 (a.10 v N N.C'411 N E b L 4)) c.++tl utv a c - E a) L.a) d 4'>'— v •r a) L vY a1 'A a) N O a 61 talu0c r-• •O 0 c �v �LdaaiioLma4- t4- 41 L O fT C L q cu - U L N- N Y a) a 7 V1 Y O L 0 q d N Y v ro t1 a) C 0 W Y r C Y W Y u L C L Le a)c a •vL•r 7 at-) Er•Yr-No 0 •r a) •r ; v 10 c q c Y rn II C 0 v 0 3 >> L N t 3 O ++ ro ro L aJ <L C •r L () N d a) Q1 L O q N 7 ♦J L N 7 N C 7 L N ro `•r a) a) > Y C Y O X L 4- .-• 7 2 L 0 •r 4.1 L� 7 0 C r 7 ' r m rou a)cvv 'O Y •- ro W W. 7 Y ro W N L ro U N a) a) a 3 . Yq •O N a/ U �/ S L ' O u 0 •r > ro 0.- L > .! al > L vv E �4r LL u v 3 O N q N L .0 a) Y 10 a) O u Y r 0 N •r ro al L > N L 34t 41 0 .c C Y N L d y1 a 'AN a.1 c Y ca) v a) •r a) ONE M a1 V LA cw�+ - al 9 a) •O 2 a ro al r F- O a/ a) •r c� E^ 4)LS- m � U U C G t cYA C 1n .0 U 0M1 a) • 41 0 4) 3 v L. N 3 a 4..1 0 ,, a) aJ • O N 41 4- 0 7 w •- O ft1 0,0d 0 4- C c t W y1 I w U) u N M F-, rn w U .Ni N a) 13 H u N CJ W • 0 �. u a m 6 u u 41 4.1 6 _ u -H a) u 7 T N N- In ai y1• `-. H p C rL d Z A ,Fz d 6 U)O N O 6 G G N 7 7 tlpp 1 e a m 3 a G a) T) o ?L O m w V. ;•. o H 0. ,i uv u v ro m w v: N .� m rl u a C7 u �m la F uii d a r.•f{ y w 000 •rl 0i T •r1 •rl G O r .?; Q) a, G H O u rl 44 w a) G H G°' i N 0. •�", =J W 11) w a) u - 00 1-1 m • 4 4 a0 a) m w m O �' G N O < W N •.Gi •� 00 m a+ m 7 H O 1J 61 V: Q 1] y G G O m w N :3H M W .0 a ••-I O. O 0. N O 0 Jl O N ri •0 V G N U N •� w w N F a 0. n° o a > u 1~0 •Hi d v G m N -+ u 11 co coa) m H 00 J W 'o al m G m u m .G a F. 2 N G 7 N 'O Co(a •,.C� a JC w q v H .•-i t•1 N w H H -4 'O M •rl 10 >. N H u O w co m T 3 7 7 T7 a) G 'O (A 0 r u w a{ a4 O 41 G rl a O u O +1 N a✓ u ✓ ?. O •.i M T m G G .0 G t!) m rl O G QI N L1 W m N . V u m p a F •.d v o u 'O p 0) a N 3 la ;� 0 3 u G g 7Q w d H U .o .--aU � 0. u O 1a tan C •14 6 'O H G 0. G > WO H 7 'O a) m 0 13 O I a m V. v o O U 0. 0 m 14 w 0.. g G H .O N •p W N N 4) rl u 1.1 al a 0 7 O V1 N 0 0. O G O T O N G 0. of coO ' a -A U O •'O I Ci .ti � ,O UI al H U al 4--H F 11 0 G a/ a .a a 4) G OQ -H a1 •• •0 O N cJ N C +i a1 W N u N m •H N N F. u u .0 •rl N u .� . O 1 N W P, .0 u, s 1-1 s+ u ro NLa N Q N 0) �l I O •rr a H N O CD0l N W. 'O 11 G a) V U N U u - > �+ F N M N u 7 00 .+ m O W A G H w G w OQ N U w P. tw1 u C, G G O a) .'-1 U O+ G N O 1C O -A N li j' v Q♦ - N O :3 O aa w o� 1a w N r1 A U{d 7 a A. U 6 •.iN 6� w 6 R•0.a a�i as .NC V v v v v V 4, l W 0 $ O C H v W a, In N 00 w H v v � � o on v Lr) C C a W •6 O 00 W C O 4.1 ttl to u w lai -H N 4 U aH c)d w n T •'I N v 4J E E 8 .-4 v 0 u ro H 9C a a v H H u H vCl p W b T W W O Cw w u ro 0 ro O w u > U ro to H C w pl 'ty 5 M 0 Id o 00 Ol gv WT In N 0 O I C O Id u c e O L N u u ro ro 0 td L p w T CI U d C. N v u H en C) w >. O w as > 4 0 O ro H .G [3 00 �tl u E v a ro C O (n ro a7 , O k > w U H u w ro b 4 w ro ro C �4 3 W u to I C O M w •rl W > ro L W V1 4 v 0 E 41 E O V V N w w O •-1 L t �tl m C e Y VI C O k O aR u N 4 0 0 d b A Sr" 4„ o Y •f m o O a P 'C � q a �+ N C u to C > E -o� N td Lu tj m �+ o y. S t~. C N S 7.. a>1 u L% w -4 7 N > ri C u H o, u1 nc O O .m rn to C q 7 It 7 Y pPp�� 6 m En O ED Op 0 q W W^ O N Y w /C oD 14 N • i 7 O U 0 0 n7 O O >+ +, N C7 . a .st w d m ►. O utl o d v LL Ssv°WC a'>' P4 a "asn R 2 C pOp,� [a U3 M 0 0 7 u u C y 0 a ro CC) T uL N L✓ OL•1 � C mm 4� ^ o u L .u Id N v m o^ c N ro Vm U Et L N C C `t- • L E L p F N Cl •.- C `a t0 E •cUE�E u o u N 3 U. N L C • N a1 C v _O V L N C> v ro CV ro Y a.� L Cl aJ .-• ro L N N 1] L C Y ro oYacE7�N3ur� o N Y •.- O 4- ro .� ro Y .- L c Y�•� E S U b�"a v ro.N c v L ro CJ •� •• • C,L ro N N; OW aJ ++ u+� u Ca+ 0 .a u •n c ro i CJ E Y O L C O ••- �� >ii+cWt n✓E noc u L Y N CJ 41 O. a� L •� 4) CJ O ro ror. roaW a i E v E c v> �•- cr aJ 3 0� w> vOi o •ro �v 01^ a C L C CJ 7 0141 N 7 C. CJ CJ Z3 ro Y ro C •.- V O r_ ro N E n c u v CJ > c 3 V7i 0 7 0 >> CNl i b O O C N L L U L ••- .r L n t C aJ 7 n >> L 2 i �[ 3 3 0 L O. O V C ••- aJ N C O w Y 7 Y C a Y n a1 N ro r- V U O a v E�M CNi�Tr CLlu 0 3 ro n T u 17, 'Ab Q) O C L O V O 0 7 4- ro L C L> O ro Y u •r- U U ro i Y 7 Y ro CJ L ro c c^ 41Y Y OJ N N C) U �• yW.. L N r Y ro ro o o n E u u; y u ro> u E W C C T E C) CTN ••- ro •� L L •r o v ro O c> L. N 4- C C1 CJ i •� r- •� O N O •- O 410 L. C N > yaJ +a 0 7 Ql CJ V L O+ L. CJ S.-4- a) CJ •� Y L •a L CJ •0 CJ F L O_ I" L N N W ro W Cl O. N 6 H I tl N w N O u C al +i 01 aJ L "1, 11 IV W 00 m •O o •H 0aa)i HN u 044 W 6m! w Id aJ •C C O4 um 'a) rn cdH uJ •C aJ 1-4 4 •DO La O O O W O C H U C W W . Z O U O +im u ty 0 0 u 7 41 z U W� V A N 10•i tud :�••• p, u •,O-I N u n N 2 N N J4 .-1 L H 5 •d u .0 O u oaJ W omuu0O zt w 0 C) G . .•� W o P4 a 9,4 w u cr O 0,4 A-J V N Fa+ ; N .0 aJ Z iv+ E L m O O T a • O C M M C N �•-J W u 0.' U 4 .,d pq gy C 1+ N u W N N O M w N O 7 Y aJ O .O W w Y Qi al O1 W c y H N gg Vl �d H 1-41 N> C1 O 'O > 4> aJ m Cd 6 tl Vf ? > w Id u tl nt o v a v u p •eD u 9 VJ aJ .0 q N m H aJ 0 .� C .O U aJ O a A •'1 ,� Vf O tl W aJ aJ .0 O L rl H OD E 8 •' x V C L L U .O 00 aJ -HO N >,N •H •ri aJ 41 .--1 O L 41-4 OD tl H p 00 JJ 14 • - O (1) .� cd aJ rn al v < U • 4 C O G C aJ u 1 '1 .� aJ �C1 N O ✓N �j� .fir, En4+ C) �d +� O al N -4� a1 wO w41 aJ u H 0 u u aJ 1J (� ,4 -1 O -4 H % 14 O aJ aJ WHW•n O O. G rn 15 (a W wN N a) (v[N 6 •d D G. Ol CCC al a N C O u 0) aJ m 0 H aJ N~ 7 7 d U cd GC Ny u u L In7 0) d u U) U w tl 3 H u u Id C to aJ ' u id Z 3 aJ 7 -H 10 o w u r Ol •.4 O •� N u _G' p� W •.� N .,yi O H C) 'D .a al > m •y O u w p u u W L 4.1CO •C (1) (1) U coC• 4 •.a tl N ?' N U 1 C G H W tD -H Z O C 0 a1 C O .1 C +1 N O H N TJ td aJ H rl 00 .0 O �y aJ A k 00 r4 tl al a1 14 -H O C ••4 aJ +J -H 'd • 4 u u 0 -HVJ _4u ai •-1 E O N N L� tC W H O V > O H m H 0J O G A H a1 a 0 a, tl H -Y O N H >. :1H aJ •.� O O •ri al .i � DD 7 ? d .-4 D O aJ '0 L 1 O. N o u H Id (l •ra T7 > tl N a) a x Z .0 .4 'O O aJ rl L 00 IJ a n O W ..{ q U A d W d aJ A al C u A W N 7 aJ H w O C u .d ed aJ U 44 a 0 tl u 0 aJ H H o a 4 I � vyn z 6 L C yyy® O u a7 r+ E O L H v L •.-1 U ti-1 L I W O H A G O C N H N E L L O H Iu O > W ,4 .. A tl W �1)1 aj 4 P4 4 T aJ \ `, • I wto w Ntl C + y I C.D a d •• u qi � 1 Ir 4J = b L In 3 3 3 E b 4L- .0 o A O C y L L. N -0w A A. y y- n= N A i t y, L d E 3 O!- w AaJ �+r• O Ilf C m A L 7 a•+ r a w 3 4- O F- L 0 0 4- 4- C •.U• O •1- • C R a u 41 O Olvwo O O •C VI •b NCwZ'C w 0 C w N Q v L Of uOl to 0 u L 4J ^ = 7 G M ww c d 0 L v a C O 4I .0 w LAL p • N u Mclo w E a41 • • = Oar N +r. �-+ •o b d> N C y a C w L r- a. A 4•.- •O v w L C a N u L q 4, N .Y- 4I �+ N vC a v O N EE w A A L.4J C)N L E 7 ro uruwv u v c . a •� 4-' O W C U OL. N 0 > f.. N m u L 0 o s L A w 0 w .0 7 nt� L A. or v nw w cmA, Y R ••- •r v w A 0 L.cmU w 3> 6r L C A U A 41 O> �4+ 0-4)3ba4+ v0 C A 4- A E t �'� >,r w C off,•.-NwZE3auiaa O.=^v c�a onrw a"o 7 A w 44 U L. to v 0 •.- avi`lea N w v E N oj A N t 'A 5 O ISO A 0 H . 'd 7 N; 41 nw GNl0 uv" 4) IN/Iw- .v awwM� 0EG Cc 41 R w N v w > n 0.- cx O 'A = u b G D r c m .61 w LSc NAY .v O4w,u N4J IM . w 4- 40 L U U w C d t 0 41 x A u ro N L w c C A _ 4J 1 u w a A L w U W L +J Ac v- Olw nN o�c•�ww c>o� >4-4J 00 44 U 44 a a 'U.- •� 0 N r• V w w w w i 0 O �•r a L a w A > N•r TOIL w4�4�adw w CON O A •r- w C U N w o w w O w w d - 0>> • w A A r L 4- O L. w •- N L a L L N N O U 01 • L x N N w N ' L >, cu d OE 1 L of AOu A A 4' N u a 0 N A N w N ro L C3 L = v C w N 41 N 4- �••� 7 O N •. aao w w v w.- .= O O> 4- r- E o . w a 4, c, 3 L 3 > u L 'Au O w O A N O O C1 0 O d Ol L. v 1, w O L C I w N 4JA 4 4J U O >, O c, N .p 4+ A O N •� oIc ror1� N o y oa u +t•+'� v A w c E =M L t/l ill w v b = w L .-w w QrLON w4J L L Cv wu R O .- 4.1 v CL r ro •.- in v A u N A w 41 C C R ++ •E •> 6 •� n a./ Cl > au c C C w 010 >. C c L 00r- w A .Rj L 0 L >, R •� a L L >, u ">> U s u >y a Or- U ro =L d N +•' C 4- ro a A >> 4•• V- b w r N •r- v C C >, w r ro w r- ro 4.1 4-I L O O, N C O w u 41 w .c L w C• c 4•+ u A E A C A p L U.4-I r c -00 N 7 �+ C v LA p u 7 r v C w "o O +� n •� 44 i w 10 ro A L v a L A •� L 4.1 3 G ••- 3 4- O t cm 41 44 x •� C L •N E> A O e .- c 41 C p L w 4J w ro 0 C E 4- ° C O A •.- v L -0C cl w N •� " tit N w 30 41 4Jwroc w co. N E04) wdv w •3 _ w N 41 U M 0 L O C 4- 4J A v C A 4J O 4- R v r •r •'• C1 O G C O n.0 N A 4- w w N 7 w r w N 4-I U w O)e- E > v A 4. u L Vl N L •n- -0E 4Jw A 0 ro L L 3 w v ro w 0 C w v .c w w N 4+ O O L w p v w u w q i •� N w q 4+o a 3>,�wr vd4J b -- O A 41 I t N 0 N - wr L 7 w d 4- LA d N 4J c C w L 0 3 p r >r•� mr w 1Z. A L 0 0 4l 34J 4J 4-I L� v Y E o c u 3 w A ro C O r• 1 NI i0 C >, c u 4J y r L �+ 4• N A O N b E r c w .G O w E d•� •n N ro •� t w Cu d >, N E o 41 N O N V C S.. N C) w w E E 4- w C O 0 O 4+ O 01 .0 4+ p A. 0690 6J O C N G N O C1 N A O •� •� U W E w N N. A L w o .- d c1 w 3 L 7 4- w r 4.1 L w O L uj .r O d O 41 Vf >, L C VI 4j N r r 0.- A A N w O t r L ,A •-- v O C N O N .,.,, VCD N lA L i G, c 4)_ c w w M = t o N 4J = •E A 4-1 t j w' ro L 4J d N L w 3 C d w 3 41 c,Q N L L I w v O a C w ++ w c ♦1 4J L. N 41 O L w C 41. u A N = N E w L w E C• 4J E "� V �' 7 C U C = C Z •- •.•• r N Y w w A w >, w v >,.cI Z C •, — 44J 01 3 E L w O r ro 4..+ w V 4� E L. C O Q e n �+ •N L. v •� x t w >• N aI 'o E U 41 V) dl � 1 IA o yej Q ' w 41 w .a C c0 O.•.-• A O •� _w 4J C N •� O r L N.�1j C 4 ,, •. N U L .+ 4- X 01 U •.- 7 C E[ O C 7 ro L w O u v > N Ill 7 v n m E 41 L. O C C w N w G U O •� >, > ro 4- N o.G C O wr.'• .• y4 �" 1. > . aI •U A U m L U 6. C L. q O >, C 0­ 4•l w U O V- N •� •1 4� a z IO ti, •+� . C L 'A O t I W B 0 L N NN 6 U w w 4J C u Qj CL 4NL.1 L.b > EA r•� �p A •0 •rIAO•-•r i t OC L. A 41 0 4) > S. uj2.w•ENA C_ awN w U •L.- %. QQ,",1 •r1•,' A L1 C]Qtj 44 Oo P.-O Q 4J v A W N .•- VI to C] Vl v U ,» N 7 q q V O •o E � Y t c +� o c Y u ,n Y N Y Y C 'n U N C q ro n c c Y O L N o c d o q Y E c a N q ro u L Y N O Y L L D d O N Y L q L D Y L Y 3 C C 'd > u Y o: L ro L p L cu n u r rn q ro L 1 O V 0 O C Y U L a ,e a E ro a� . L L O N C N L .D � G1 U U C C N Y N L � Y' � •3 ,n O q O E 7 T O L r 1- O U y i U � ^ T N L Y L u. n ip Y L ar A L � :� t L. C ) 0 0LZ U V- U N q n Y n L L A Y t O O N r 7 7 u O i ur O A -V Y N U CM O m t0 U C O,- q L Y 3 O C r 3 E Y F. a O N p N ro ,O 3 O j p p L U 3� 07 Q N y 10 W O O 41 G1 cn •-I W e b Gold7 n o 3 zb Nro O ro N N O yJ 0 t0+ a Iw/411 P+ u 3+ W 'c7 •n x N O` T N . rn U � Ij o 01 ,:1 O93 'O .•� O G1 +i C U O M 00 -N 1 00 OD G C 14 Vf O 7 N 0.4 N u n 0 g 5: ►�+ 60 x ro u xwcoiA¢� En 1=1 3 W O 9 aL N mx ro .� w A n 'e m a N ro rl m H u C G1 O O .O O a 0 N a C +1 d ••1 L+ L - O1 C 0 00 N (a L U U 0. d E 0 � ,~+ O V2 z � c i ro C al N O C r Y •,•- Nat O m ro ++ v N 4J w ro a) L L E a)t.cJ a u 0 4J W a) - 4_ cY c Li ' .J � � Y 1••• Q) N L � Q) Q) L J 4.• w •3 a) Y C. C 4- O Y a1 a) U 'r N Y 3 O L a ••- IV L 41Y ro r• ro O O1 N U C L 01 •r 7 L ++ n a C N a)- C a) C +r U d L N ro p L N F- 4- a; L r- Y O L C a L 3 E 4,w - �aawoa 41 4)a_� 100 3 zma•r4-3 %+.00 = Nccc++t• a a) L 3 0 N r• 7 7 r V) 41 3 C a i O N O Y .- 7 a3 N •n p E m L •r C,; O N v ma o)U N a a) m 41ic S.. C O O) 4101 U a) a a) a +� 'n r• G C 4JU r L ro 0 a) C E O a+ roa O J•r ai a) O E 7 CL U N� 4 0 -- a 0 u a Y O L n ro C a 6) C •r O ro U 6 C C O 0 Y N U Q/ m al C CJ t C) u O L O a > m 4- i 0 a• m •r L 4- 0) a) Y O 41 •r v L C nY r Y Y a) 7 N >> r• L N Y •r tm U a) %- c 7 L L L Io C 7> >> U O al C O> C +� U " L Y 7 •r c t > 4- .r C) Y C O 61 a n c ro - .0 E 3 L 4- Y E a 4- a E n L F- 0 0 C a1 Y N O N N N a) O p a) .0 L i ID O N N r 4.1 a) Cl Cl N O a ^ C Y L O a) �•+ • O -0 Y • a) 7 a L L U O .O 40 N N U a ro a) E C O 3 >) O a) 4J X Y +� N a a) m a) 3 •r C)() •- p N U C C •; u m c o t m 4- = a) a Y CO O a) 7 • E N .0 •N •N a 4-ro a) a) aJ > a) 4J a to > E.v " ro m 41 N, Y 1- 41 C O dada 3 ro ro• a-- a)tY N y�L ro a) m; E • > a) a) 4- L L. L Y O ro aJ tY > Y (1)4Y u O () O 0 41 41 CL C N C L 7 •� C a n T a) 3 m 4J'n U m, •- 4J a N Y C a) a) Y N O E 41•r N 7 C •'. c a) O a) a) C cT N 7= L m N a 3 0 7 N Q)o a c ri Y a) a^aoc O m o roo; c 4- a) C O O N N a) Y a) m In) 4- U m C 0 4- U C CMC L 4- C) a) U r m o a C N . v Cl. u O N 3 - 41 L O 41 E N n Y •OI 0 C a) L .-0 > L E al L 7 m L C) t m m L m v m aLi E a 0 %_ a) E E a) ^ Y a) L O N Cn E N u m ro 4- - 7 3 •r N -C O) • L. a) 4- ; E a) a) n a al a1 Ot O X L O C N C Y n ro t a CO L= L r c nm •r > O N a)F- (,.) p N •r a Y 1041 a m 1. 61 rJ M a) L O N 3 ro ^ al m N N m 41> a d c a) a) E a/ N F+ a) N r 41aJ U L m Y a1 L ro r C L> a U C F- = F- 3 •r F•- E L E a L a) 00 m r L C a) a1 •= 'n - ;p u n •� o 7 CJ N Y O.NI 7Y C 41X a) O N O'N >) Oa O . b . N O N O m O •- V^ a) L a) L C .- N m a U a) L m U 2 U M.-L O .O n m >> Cft 4J Y > '•O-) �. >) U a) a) a) a •r i C N m m N •r C J L > L L t a) F- ♦J .0 a) .- Qt a. Y N m C ++ a L m 4- a) C r t N O O 4J O) 41 L m O m u•r•r Y a OE EE u E L a7 m 3 O Em c O C L L 'O -� vi a• . E a U N 0) cmr) O 4- U a) 41 N L 41 t_ m al V L O L � � 41 u C r N M a L a a) 41 00 t ►- yy to C O O E O 4- •r U N - e ✓) a) 4- a m Qpa a) •n N •r M 7>F m O) Y E a) 'L— 7O 4- L iJ gi 4J a) . 4- Y O E C i N a •r P• N 7 C 0 6) N a l0 N ."'� al a) a C O Q) L Cl. Y m u CA O •r ro >> • t L +� a a) •r m >a C) N •10 Ina N ^ +J U N m EE L r•- 7 N O 4J N O ro •-•) 7 N )O S N •r Y O N N Y N C a O .0 Y n O n t 4J L. C N N a) 'r O a) 7 •.- M n O a) C •r n•r t Q al CJI N C L 4- a) a O Y n 4- 41 f/j E m 0 O a E U a) N m N 4J ; a) G O u L 10.0 a1 aJ ^ n 7 = •N m m C) L L a) a L 4� Y V L .- t �J L C 3 a ++ r 0- 2 C 4- 7 C1 Y C O)a 1 u C Y U t N J +1 aj 'a) a) rn o p E v •r a) m •• a) ^ +) •� >� o o U 3 a ® yy R E c C 03 N O N V a >Ci 4- O c W Y O m n I-U a N .•r a a) a O N LY al M m C a Y Y N 0 C >> C O N a L Y o al a a) o C a) L )•-� C +J +� m o V W 6) •i r c 0 L r 3 QI a) C U O fa aJ .- n m r- 3 m 4- • a i a) C O Y >> a) J L O L O w L v �y al W 4 t a) •r m C N O) N O) 3 'r N ro c .r a a) o c r N v o (a m ro 7 a) L L Lr' s o •r +a )n o) n W ^ m (a a) r a C c _ 55 U C L t •r O Y L 4.r J N C O a i ••- al m C�J 4+ O cyy Y •r al L pEp Cm�a a) n O) L m w Yp E o N L )F A N y i E N L rLO +N+ ++ Q V- v L •• a) act t U i a) 4- N O) 41 E N •r u a) +' N J L a aJ 4- a) r Y CJ t 'AIto F3 U L •••-i +) ++ a L cu N a 6) •n cu En ON a) ca c may d 4-EceO > J61 L L O) L •r O O r p U L C ++ n O 7 L o)a N L� m u •r. •r yy N .m a E c 7 •1-1 a) 4- C N r N a) •N C V) () 4) a) m r- L. L CL N al i L Y Ci () U. N Q a) i N O E J 6) O N C 4J Y O L m Co O\ O al +� Y N U C U m O C •• L a) •r Y iJ C+-+ IJ U N •r r••n r •r n•r na m4- a) U'r 4- •r N r• O Q C a 0) >i a '++ •r r; a) O a.r- O C• L O ++ •V iJ +.) L N 7 N O N O1 L 4, . ION 7 O a •• O+ O i c +) o^ G 7 x g z . � ro 3o. r. o. y a ++ •r d •� 4- .n m;, Lu u I fi O C W aJ N I� 2 N 6) a1 a C aJ O X O) ummi .0 E Em C L a i V �nrnv4m m a u ,. m N t L N N 6! t C Cl N Cl.cu m O U 6) L C C1 aeq _m C 1 '' o.� w ►_ 4_ o o 7 3 r- Y 3 Cl. O O O L E Y U ► 0 C L q! D E N R! A U Y4-- A 4) O GJ +- (D Y nY Y L Y L C► i0 O N q 4- q 7 L ^ E o n►• p C1 aY Y .O4- s LA (UC •r C Co W L •� O u ai Y a� C 4)v C N y C Y n E q O L 0) Orr N ��dd .c a+ .c c v D U X 'C) L a+ (UC a A C G Y W +- Y •;: M Y O N O > C > Gl E 0 3= O L N C 4- L O O L` C O Gl U n N ► v 4_ u ► a L u s .0m n q ID Y Cl 0 O N t Y O C O > Y ► L Ot aYC 4- o Y L >> 4- E^ O Y OI Y ► w a w L. C •r q ,O L. E > Y C L N Y[ C O a . O •r C a a •r W Y O G1 d 4- r- •-•• Y 7 Y L C Gl Q►a 41 •� a .� a y ip 4•, a •ocvr O) N c s -0N - 3 O C oc ► 0 O rn a Inc w o p q It c 441 U c n t •E r N L 7 G1 0Y OJd Y a > C a W N N N► 10 y r Y S •r ► E Y 'r .- ► N 7 N O _ '. N W u N t L d E OY 3 ► s 41 N Ka D Y A 01 N O w a•r A N w J Y C a s t E m t a Y L ► c 3Y 3►Y O 1-0 Y O a d s �••� � c E i CN rn L oao0) 4) c a u u ai v r- •- v • L 01 L r Gl Gl p1 d o Y 7 A► .O L 3 N d .- •r q t !- a L L •r s C n L.Q/ s- d N Y • > > > w .0 L Q1 • t W O O a 3 D n o �►. Y a O1 ai .O L O m L U N w L C Ol YN CO O% _O L Y L L 7 N O Yqq as LY•r C U Y Ol Or G/U .•r u L N O- (D L O U Y 4- G) 01 C C 4- y Y >> O E U Y 7 N C 4- = 4- r a of .+ Y Y v 0 • a 0/ •r QJ N► C)4, L c U 0 7 041 10 C a n •r ► L Q Y 10 O Y to u u o r N E w Y L Lau eia -0n c v yy Gl •r C N Cl me a yy >> E •d L 4- �0 •r O C L.Gl E o •- aL L 4- i n Y 4- O(LI '• ADt Gl v >� 0..- L i 0 L. W l �.+ a► Y N •r 3 Gl Y 6 Y C O Y Y M W C a 7 g d O L Y O a q C Y L N 3> q 7 4) N L N 4- u N M Y M >" 7 4- O N Ql N N /0 01 Gl a •r L 4- •O C y LVNc r rv-c n E 41 C/ a •r >> a 0 0 0 Cl •araiuo in Y L N O > U 3 i0 Y U .0 �O Y E Gl •r L 3 O L •.- 4- O) N Y G O 10 G v O C � Q� 1• •r rt1 �O i M M E N BOA >' N Q: N C%ONN cu mw rn q.►ao t E C OJ a L to Y N E O U N L .c L L r 4j q .r t a> M— N L U Y O u 7 O/ L Y N Cl E 43 O QQ N ^ O' E L O c G1 •r N q 4- C d r+ o Y O Gl O Ya4-t L Y Y 4) C —Y vY L. L N - O Y M Y N N Y •r o LA 0)~ ra Y 4) 4- y Nt•r cu E.L 7 i 7 .0 NE i U► - c o�c►rnNuo, YE a Esa ago O a•r 7 7 C C L LA Y i L Y • L Y q 0 a .0•r '0 E G1 U a a E L i0 N i0 Y L >� N 4j O/ W— L >'C 0 YOB L >o> LLY�m > A~ N L N Ql L 10G! 0v r+ R1 u'1 E O. N 1 w In 2 C w 3 t a a L w (m S 4! 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EE Or N R N'r 7 d d r to d r d EE R •N v V L 1-' O L Y U E d L ro d =tR+E1 d 61 d ccO.O UC d4J> NNmGrne10.0NO2CNO 3M M O F- N 1 C:) a) a) N Ch 4- c, LI •� C C 7 ro O u 4)4-- C L z C L O gl u u y a+ VI Nu >+Ou VI N L Dro O a) ro c L. av c a) a a)_., o 4O L •.- O C 9 u � Id U kA oAe u to a�i voi aLi E�E ro L y L Q N c) c cu cc c L L 7 W ro Ol L VI v a C 4- V, >s•� t O O 4-1 3 LI u •� u C C 4j , A y roo3€roa-n U) u L O E b o d4 G. Io c • —24j (1) u D L L •� Id C a)I.- L L LI •� U Y tt u >, L L. C) a, • G1 Iov ov^v,- to v o a) a) C u C "j ro •� L O N o,dO• QT 7 t N .0 O ; L L u q L G) L N 4- t w 41 L! O I— C ro O 4- +1 v O3 c ro C G) O 1n E +� > N u L V VI r V, p) u C C) 4 v cu E aL)3-4-¢Uuj Z It a r_ ro o q 4. c 41 G/ C a, C) C 7 N r N c 4J C Gl G) U E v ro •� EE d4- C E3 q u uc oL i c n u •� ro q o a a a • 4 C r O u M U O Wen U Y t! 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LI L r41 CL O 41 L q T. •E Y I r il!_ q L 1 4 7 .1 L i7 A C o C, O i d d N d N 9 O N Y q j q C C4 v d C -C w C C t o� c m Y d s� O w u u 13 Q F- z ui O z W a 0 4J 1= v E O v ao t ro 41 > c o LA ' p road 3 L •> .EA !y •r •r C u x� v ro ai 7 4- L L VI Ow W r G) O •o T fa is ,p p U C O 4-N c ro c a =4..E T r •N L+1 ,;4- 0 L m -W ^ J 3 0. O ce P ro MC L _ L N 34 y n-0 rCp W Z = O OY 3 7 A� i NIL--OO >( ~ n' C o w L N > 0 Ip +� +1 O .0 7 ++ .1-1 Y Ir .-r Z Z Q O ro 0) •r .0 Gl 3 •r-• 1 O - Zy O. U ro 4J VI 0) O 01 v >< < In +1 C 61 r• L LU ^ 3 aLi m > vl o c ro .- u in ad o a) E c o N o •r u :; U •L O F- O w C j C L 3 1A Z N L N LGJ O Z7 C r• G�1 O •C O. tW 4- c Y 4- O t U O) .r L 41 7 O W O O O O a O41 y/ N to 4J4- cm'oS C v rob w 'aO+/1- L VIn p, 01 L.114. C of 41 C—L O CL 61 4J O.0 1 O.NN L OI O 4-1 CL EE p a) ' C U 6) G) • • 'o .7 LL O U 6J L 6 ^ L , G1 CS 7 L m Z G/ ^ Y a' E VI c C c 0) U G ro U r 7 .0 U M O) V1 YI 0 7 V) 6) N N VI Y %0 G U N ro 4- o) Z L G) J L 7 C L.O K. O r• ro (N L. +1 4- N N p N C1 C Y O 4 C Q Gl 4-- T7 C .0 H i-1 ro T O i•1 C 41N +) to +J •U X` y W VI J •r X C/ C O 7 ro L G) ro vt fa Fo"goV,�, L U O CO ro O T i-) OG) d C O. N ul y U o ;• O61 •r ro L O 41 N W U U = - C NNO ro rou OC; �� yqy to L W O t N E Cl O N V) O I-. O. 3+1 41 a' m 3 -W L ENVIf10N�� 1 n C O S O 4J 1A 4- a .o r a7 r t 3.L 3 4 ti An a! N N m•%1 �_ PP ! rtt rr •y67 fO 4J E •vo03 h dr t OW y .Or >, aJ L 4JL C •3 •Z 0 O '6 X a) aO•+ V t d 4=1 a-+ of cJ•n L. pp LTJ •ry- y Oggl 0, L L O. Ca-+ 7G N e0 40- of b17 •E u c a r ai •• o N ^ Y O1 41 L. C a ai .o +•+ 0 L. > 'r' n410)441CA3c �v..�c:° A s- Cl- 4: u >1 N Q L C coi C ^ • al !� N LAN +, O L 7[ f a- •� M W a! L r Y to W W 10 al •N 0 G m,.S- Cl ep L • V •m r-nr O 0 u 4J y al O- L C 4- • > > •n eo O =n n cu 0i 141 t cct L. G. C L of pf p L. O L 41 C E d a O • L L •N CL L L cu U L O N aO+ 0_ rn w o >N 3�� c4J Q ^ 4'f Ol 4J O 4J O+•r N 47 �[ fl)C rn O' L � CL M .cE > al '0 ¢ g Et 4J 4- 4J = 4J oc c"' +aIJ ' M c41� s- S. + 0. ° z 0� c s ao ¢ 0 � p' LNQ O-U In U4J , O 6JUC GJ w L. w L. 7= c O C L 4J L L 41 m Z r C o ro o aim �y c ow a)¢ c s 04 c u c W aQm 0'iO A W4-) v b C n V Hate1= Z c��a4 C c� ro b4-V W Q L N H L W 3 15 APPENDIX C STATEMENT RECIPIENTS Federal Agencies Deputy Assistant, Secretary for the Environment, U.S. Dept. of Commerce Director, Office of Environmental Project Review, U.S. Dept. of Interior Director, Environmental Impact Division, Office of Environmental Programs Federal Energy Administration Office of the Chief of Engineers, Civil Works Programs Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Environmental Protection Agency, Region X Director, Alaska Operations Office, Environmental Protection Agency Director, Alaska Region, National Weather Service Regional Administrator, Department of Housing and Urban Development Commander/Director, U.S. Army CRREL, Hanover, New Hampshire Chief, Alaska Division, U.S. Army CRREL, Fairbanks, Alaska Office of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation National Park Service, Anchorage National Park Service, Juneau Waterways Experiment Station, Environmental Laboratory Director, Western Region, NOAA Soil Conservation Service Study Director, Water Resources Studies, U.S. Dept. of Interior, Anchorage Special Assistant to the Secretary, U.S. Dept. of Interior, Anchorage Area Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Field Supervisor, WAES, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Forester, U.S. Forest Service National Marine Fisheries Service, Anchorage Regional Director, National Marine Fisheries Service, Juneau State Director, Bureau of Land Management Director, Anchorage Field Office, National Ocean Survey National Oceanographic Data Center, Environmental Data Service, NOAA Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs U.S.G.S., Waters Resources Division Alaska Resources Library U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors Advance Council on Historic Preservation Honorable Ted Stevens, United States Senate Honorable Frank Murkowski, United States Senate Honorable Don Young, House of Representatives State Agencies Executive Director, Alaska Power Authority Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development, Div. of Energy and Power Development Dept. of Community and Regional Affairs, Local Government Assistance Div. Dept. of Natural Resources, Southcentral District Director, Division of Land and Water Management Commissioner, Dept. of Natural Resources Director, Division of Community Planning Commissioner, Department of Community and Regional Affairs Commissioner, Department of Fish and Game, Juneau Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage Director, Division of Policy Development and Planning Coordinator, Office of Coastal Management State -Federal Coordinator, A-95 Clearinghouse Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Southcentral Regional Office Commissioner, Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Juneau Commissioner, Department of Commerce and Economic Development Dept.. of Natural Resources, Division of Parks Dept. of Natural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office Honorable Jay Hammond, Governor Alaska State Library Alaska Historical Library Honorable Vern Hurlbert, Alaska House of Representatives Organizations Executive Secretary, Alaska Conservation Society Anchorage Audubon Society Trustees for Alaska Director, Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Alaska, Fairbanks Leader, Cooperative Wildlife Research, University of Alaska, Fairbanks Library, University of Alaska, Fairbanks Library, University of Alaska, Anchorage Z.J..Loussac Library Director, Institute of Water Resources, University of Alaska, Fairbanks Arctic Information and Data Center Director, Nunam Kitlutsisti State Representative, Friends of the Earth Alaska Native Foundation Alaska Center for the Environment Marilyn Sigman, The Wildlife Society General Manager, Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative Local Monroe Kaganak, Mayor of Scammon Bay