HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Lake Proposed Hydroelectric Project - Jul 1954SCATTLE WASHINGTON I.O. TO.CR "UILOINO TCLCPHOwC CLIOT 0707 IN R. PLV&C/Ia) (PTO: L.ULURAG❑ S COLORAOU i71 CA.T 1•E. P•A• AV NYC TC C►HONC R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES PUBLIC UTILITV A .n_VSTS AN() ENGINEERS r. ILO U* 7lavee, -'rI Mdds" or-ij.t Laic• leottle POWW Cam# 1009 ottr Mrs 'Amveis I COLUM.UB• MWORASKA COLUM.U..ANK *U1601NO TCLC►HQN. 0OI0M4111Y. 7... SEATTLE 1, WASH NOTON wQ at In s000rctanoe wlfa your irstrvotions,, ve bara PropwW a ra stu4y of they ;rop000d hqui "looUlc %!wmlc,,—,A i at atiat lake now asmwdg lAsku by tore rant Lake "Isetri. "or : Omer, Zoo. *Lr sta# is too" CA a cL,rrcr7 mrssineati-•a of Ulo I,"Itim ou iaforutioa availabi to this a me at this+ Ume. As haridmftles eattfreteeg oaftda sssu%�tsoas have bola soft if oar ;rwlLai ia" •t y, 3n; i be r-AmSu sod that 4.s data sal Womo - tion aoutultod nerrain is ►rmlial.mry ami may bi* rev3srd asrd wed a!'irr a acre dotailed 2%W4 t.rm ► &am slaotoo Tiff*, flurp j:• 4f this pr�illlr 1 r -"`, rop:rt is to supply Feu teltb MGM— oie;It ,n :xx�ck, sal lees<e'"satior. to reaoh sa sa7 +ssrt is pt mmilpel vltb yes^_r mosveo Aivvo - jpt. wWv ash to you *W yotx Poatrd of Ldjmc-v4" with s li161'ie nos lrlThertlt;rl rA aiot►zrs Mr tiae utrl.crswi devel(-. &nd the ti.atmdal us- i�*�:•ta coJ tc;, reiatir • to the ;$dyrnrs of ea tau*wowy bveds to soo. a t-t•w-t the ri-. i... _ as. I^tW K-SUM mew _-.a='+„'M 128reIS d-3nnoloned sboad not for ro;�,atruwl as flail .riA ;,o1.r ors! ?wlotieatlom* with your pros. oetive Tale teas re' tte' %w to :o)•.,:1•op he infor etioa sweesesry to .vu:act r.stoll•%d fo%sibi City st.;.�y of U r 1josed -roYeoto and we haN WWV r.�t.3lr &s8•_rnttors roprarilm, ;.he to;tia'r%T'_J me by- mla"-f of the aiw, tlu pro:t a*L * lvM l,on '", raj.! cVt _%r 6 r-t! %: r:: : -Y ::. •mich mop rr f ollovsr (1, There is srr^.lAt wf tor .)n tie ter wed, 1. vith Ow irstalln... L.ou of `its• ,+!tee �i �.,se, I:,v.li .<<I st9raKea an ju 4a:a21rAd torvidle tso apoes&sx-y �ortr,l oi' th•• ;t.trr. r-Aisd.wry sa+L�gtee Wi-satd ths:t t E-rt it s►f+'i'.ici••Int r•,.r f ire trra rant laxe ' %sin durlN tt t avora,�* yw-.r , .•vdop 3n ,vor�. a of �q 00 kil,3w4tts of ioaver. -a- (2) atisfactory agreements "a be reaahed mItA the %ited States ftrestry derviee for censtrastiom of the faellitLes. (3) No ertausive clearing of either the reeaaowir, 1 moteoirs or transmission sites will be req aired. (4) Subsurface oonditions at tho don altos are suak that an extensive aad/ar expemisive constractios operations will be required otbee than tbat whiat would morally be expected for mA starmetwes. All availabis later&tioa iedi**tee sne8411"t fe+iaUUM MOMIsd existep howevert this crust be verified by detailed field its embfig ties. (5) The arerase 4a aad axed the total kilarat r sales dwtiat Um first five-year period of oper+stloe as osntaiaed is the "UtIm stet Aaaral ftdg.t for the Tears 1956, 1y379 190, 1999 and 19W stunted to yvwr letui r dated July 10 1754 have been used is sar pre rows po j oetioa of am"d earedaas. (6) Deprooiatioa at plant asd pneportims is based on a sue• your period. (7) Dead r tiromm at is based on s per ooat interest aid a twaotyyear am rtisatian period. In addition to the asawl istsr"t charges, a Rwwrfe Acoov art sufficient to corer tea priaelpal au met of debt sere ce fat s per cast, twenty-juar bonds bas lees estaylisasd. If the bends are non. -red mmabla for the first fin years a!'ter lasma mm4 this eserve com t will provide tat necessary fuadts to itswo the payment of the mood primelpal. For this reason we belie" it is a necessary reserve wt:iah rant be asta:;l.ished is dervelopiad the rates and the an wal l uddet. (8) The taxes shows in Ap ma lix I represent ine*ms taxes easy. Wither taxes. #mob as property or utility taxes" suat be added to W;we ano-m. easlerstod tax write-off or oti,er fum of tax exause have not bsae considered In this report, howaver,, they aborld be oomsddered and inv�esti *ted before final glans for tt,e levelopment have beem aaa- pleted. (9) a►saarWd of eVa ti aA . f tbC. Qtroaa bad at the outlet of ;rant% Lak* . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 feet *aeum,ed ale"t.ion+ &' the toy _ }' the f+tlL. . . 670 " Assvzod eleration at %Ae Lott" of the falls . 640 ' ssumed elevation at Lover :rail Late. . . . . 4& ' Asaw !!O. 31Rvati 7. of the powerhouse tailrace . 430 Us the 4uis of tAo ..hove aeaeus_ tious,, our prollatlnary study of On propose-d must Lake &Vvroelectric welo;.wnt is herowty, xresented. -3- Ae general plat of developing Nwer frea A aat Lake Wdeb appeals sort ` seaible at girl tiaa call s for a two-etap d srYaiep.aslt: et the Sao. "W wtuLtuv Will develop approxii tilt' �-s sae patemmai at OW ate aid will be so designed that the secoW. sing. of divitepmeet Baas be 4e4pleled vtwm the dsaauaetada warrant expatrior.. The possuck sad tke trasasiemfsm Use for th• initial developmat kill be sued for the ultimate deeder� -1 ad likewise the powerhouse, struetwe will contain the asacessary elements lbat VW installation of a eecaad anit. If, after a more 446miled stodyp The prljm Iced power dmwxAs ►w7 face► those shown in ,ppeadis 19 it tad be tI ke I ad atme to soaaaider the issetallatieaa of a asallor peasteek daring thee isiW61 ims allatios and plan to add a stick! p.nstosk uaea the► seemed plaaso of the, tsvda pm 1, to oseastrustod. The Initial plea of so a at a d• at or near the eutiet of the Lain, therrew mist" tine seater easf ee and pro- vidia4 sufficient storage for daily cad smaml ree4atloa of tie numeff. The water will as aem&mft#d thr %Wk a 60-im* weed s Uve pasmlU& to a poverh mass loeaW t i.,ower Trail lake. The sinimm water sarfaee alevaUss of the reservoir will be .apprsadaaately the 020vatiaaa of the tatlasae at th� pKreri eWG Will thus proAftni a minutia irsim elatic lead at ippr: �wt. sai ov the projested pa~ demands &W lead lastam, It appem" timtt Us installAian of a sirglee gaasntixZ iapAt q } 0,W k, eatie is justified. Tho a1*4 ua►i•. also leradf itself to satmatis a80Z reacts oestrol operaW on, standby unit ►e". not be iustulisd slam the 34y at ieward ova* diesel unit* of ni rficient ; "elty to prerieia st+aWW paver in the e% Rnt of a plant failmr e. A sin4i -. owl laepW&e tiled vita, a *16419 )et 11 drive, the, .iww-s+t r. jio atteapt has been wade to doter ime the prim. cipal aemign L'Uturrs of Me «lqui; n- sat included in this rep*K. The aceeem road to tee aau2 mV ties penstock can be loasted alb thm t4 of &%at reek. ppmxiaetmly thiry Al" 1' traweeission line 'hetwom the powwL--iae a: 7 kais sunstation at amrd ,Ton] I _ - : orstmet;eed . seder the initial pl az,. °v, ti onai trunssi scion line to a000r l e landing could be constrwted at a is eats uteien the --a nAs awake te;,, irst:,I- tioat feasible. Tr-umm Aslae vili !� zi. ..:OJOO velte 4n.- L trejs�tission line will be sised to aarrf the leads et 11 devoleTwumt of the proes.t. A oroliaeiria7 ravio. of vaileble hpdrolojical ,late, on :savant t'rfte+ rer'i aasa;-aris_.r of the r in, 1 tea►- rumbff records pith tbvae of ,X(Ij «. Tart vutsrah#" i "tts I t merago annual rainfall in the irant L4 ; itershod is .pper=iwately 77 manC the %verage ruraaff is approad- ,,,.t-j:7 200 cubic feet or s,peoppd rF l:;r is Rui'tioiecct to develop as aver ag. a -4- amtistear power eu"t of approximat4y 390M kilowatts or peek damod at 60WO kilwsratts at fifty' per o4nt load factor. The la UA1 st"s st develop• eat at 3,000 kilowatts Installed oapacitY„ or an tvstaio esatiWwssr pot! sapauitRy of 19500 kilowatts, will require an avers4o of M sands test p! seemd. In dotesmi,ai.ct,: water rsquiremests for the: pro joet sm orrsMll mtDw to wire offiaismay of eighty per cent and truw&Lwioa losses at swvea per cast have bout asavtr.eu. The rsw.f f 'Imsi'tR the 1949 water leas WWW the INOWt rrrtf tltr :rant reek of the rears dar3.a4 wbiab readings wwe Ukes. Dot" 1%9a the flow in grant Crook was less than 14S onbde Abet per woasad fir M osssoee, tine UA7e as shows in the felloring tablet No. at Brays at FSeer Avg* !Ursa.. iA Look {aia_. .Aft..,. _*, WoYmber. . . . . . . 1L 54•6 764 L4c atb art . . . . . 31 25.9 �t 3 uwary 31 15.0 Febnusy. . . . . . 28 12.4 — arsh . . . . . . . . 31 14.4 +pri3 30 17.1 94 , ay Q 27.7 total 185 , -v*m(,m flow far 165 iayes 0 1:4i The difference `►et woes this .vsrage runoff an this los oubic loet ter .. _nd rewired for ovw aanerntivjr ;Id of couYve havo to be supplied frost storage is .tram •,ak . Ca the beets of the 1. r. ,ter year h* storage Qspeeitt of waust be (105 - 21.1)(165 15052) cfe days, or 31,060 acre-feet. 'rho atorayre rec airoswe: us of tho rant Lake reservotr stet be eapa%lo of tiafyiu; tho miniatur runoff condition vtdcb may be eswurtered. Our a is* ittdicst , t:• t tre r.,-noff durt,�, t o 194,C water year was +a�voriae R,1T 12, ?r cent. of Ue, mi:si.-gun armunl r-moff u:1/ ch can be expected in the tree. onew wt:< I tly, an tae btiai: of =- miri.Ac. a v: tar year, the total andlablo star.&* ea; acity of 'raaL Lek.- will ba 1.-4 :i%ev tho 1 41i storage regviretmts, or 37,2dJ acre -Moot. a1&r"A& booed (m 1., L sgk:sre mile., or 1,54U &eras of lake surfaee in �rstst Laic , a depth of 44.1 : set of v . o- ble stoma ; is renair". Alloying throe —s— teat for too wW few feat for pretwstioa asaiwt wawa aotieep tie lyd W of tho wwt of w ass wart be 31.1, or aw n ttiK, abe" tb s ab= war 10"i. ft provide the 37,2W acrs-foot of aTallali A siwSM In JAL iit% [acres, pwdUe sit" have bow oowsidwred for this dat P1aa t - A raak-tIIW, eowrote-faced daa at tho w&U44 ai the Locke. Plan 1 - A W dam at the trp at the fallr. Plea a - ♦ eo*a-- coca[ dew at tir ietMw of tM ta" VISLA ♦ peak nllsda dM w T me f"t 30M howl" "do alopns at As l as abw aw Draw&" M. 3y rawi♦ be k►saw rase tin sntuo of Qraat Lab. !b iatbke at the rnrt mk 411 1w �tMd d a* N"I " ea. lot ot Ond Lab. the ■dadar +tatrr aarlarn *1410RU a N"W rim ♦ vdu w at do tea/ at tea Wake pil% or appara'lwatra,,7 Me Wd tie asari of tin an will two at eLvwatdow 7X to p wile tkn ase*rasty stewaio, trial[ M is a aaaiwu. Wot of the ar of 3, root. "0 am Vila ro c�ts W so teat "fttiowd beLot eas be adtad %Wm the seooae pasao st V o pnjnat is 4NVWLQpt9. ,pproxisatelt 49M Mteal foot of ie-im* diasets ward stag p w6b* will be required between th* dan and the poverhwrn. k bridge aid amour v*W to the PWOM MWO, and as aesese road aw Moak rlcm-or-vey toom ern f,rtmaso and the dam sro Imlvded in nan i. The estiwatad oowntrustion costs her the facilities pro}rsod aadw r10ja A are as folltna t "CST -3n. Y * TI Man '* at Rook - 2'I'V axe ati.Yd. 4. 30 • . . . . . #%, 08p �aswyte -- 370 v a.rd. U00.00 . . . . . . 37,t70D Iatako str%ctnrs wd Spillway . . . . . . . . lam We= ,`:aoww !toad anti brid;a to ',ow*rhmw*. • . . • . . . . . 2001W dacoas :*&A to an Incl adIng .wring for Penstock . . IWt 000 L�*nstoeh - 464" lin.ft. 60`-inch wood stave pipe �64.00,/iia.fL. 214,000 lwsrdo�arot %Areetr:re Turbine 000 'etaatnatQ! (3, JU RW). • GS,000 Cot/nter�,�.... . .. . . . . . . • . • . . . i3O�0© .Load �.r t:arriod forward $ 727,JOd -6- MST bZ MAT$ Flan A_".OS&U Carried forward .. . $ "TOM deep-� Trasr!'el+sseStatioa . . . . . !lsessissiea JAW - 30 wiles R U2pM/ail*, i"I"ift ol,earigd• • • . . . . . . • . . . . • • ♦ t . .Mrd ,Ii�sifatiaal . • • . . . . . • . . • • • . . . • • • GoatladsseiM 1Q� • .. . 0 . TOtal i. evwtrwuox CM%, • • • • • • • • • +�y-irsilsd 7• 5% .... ad FINSM8I946 • • • • • • • • • • • !' ratw"t Qwis< 3'• • • TOTAL M0f ! "NIM ♦ . t t �i'�j� '� (it addltlamal jw4tva rabstatless we 1'VqWle4s 00 owk utll be apWozimtdr $15v= oa*. ) Plan B proposes the aeastroctioo of a assorofs-4wO d• 0 WW to of the falls approximately 600 feet below the eatlat at bast tips. So misdo. area voter surface olovatias of the storage lab will be at the pros" slw %m from 3rrat Lake, or at elevation 700, and to pmwids the sevesmW starve to olwntion of tke are" of the dos will he at elewstiou 731. Asewdad that The drouni olawatioa at the top of tie falls is 6700 as over-all hsdtht of the des will bo 41 fool,. r1reRlir+ioary investi utloas iwdieats %bat the oveme laws* of the :im will be aM)roxiansttll 200 feel, and is order that additional boISR sax lro added to t►e ins rhea the oseoad phase of the projest is wrtruol A . a bass AM of ton foot and a arest vidth of six foot art eentemplatei• as shown an brarving No. 11. Appraxiaately 4,300 lineal feet. of 60-look Qimaeter wood stave peop.. st di will oomaect the d"M cad the powerla"". •oesse roads and often• twlli- ties required for Plan a are tbo sam^ as thosa for "las A. The estimated a0rastreation coots of the facilities prep" osdw Mai 5 are as folloMi :.w -7- COST 35TVI1Ta _ m * . tent Caawsto - 3,UO eu.rd. ~ 645.00/Yu.Yd• . • • �I■" PM .y Intahe dt wture asp! 313LU of . . . . # 12000 !T Dan at arDA LOW . . . . . . . . • 4e09p 14oad mad bridge. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 'teaaas mod sad Perat 4* Aiot-of-Asr U ft96 . . . . . . Mewte" - M lid. ft. 60-iamb Mood stags pLia Lssd rental . . . .. .... sow kutewtia bdtat~. . • . . . . • . . . . . 3tap-np Tlotittl4sletis!' �'IatsM atr !r'w! r • • • • 'th'nasat,/a1as Liar - 30 a11as a ,0�00 isaivdlft elaaring. . . . . • . . . . • . . . Swe" gulatatieo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L9W Gesrtruotsaa . . . . . . 0 . . Etais"rL eg 7. Ss . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leal Oind 7itaasiae. . . . . . . . Isit,srest 5%xr1n4 aenstmatioap 1 Jr. ys . T''T;L (If additlotwl 503-Kr'a substaUens are regtdrod, the coot brill be appao xiemet*4 "15p OW eftd', - ) 14*90M WM Uaf00 sw naa C p repasas the oess trua Lion of a ea dad at tM bsre of t i* falls. This site tN oars to ofior more favorable tepopupby fw tbo uenetr..atioa of as uvL das them this sit., at the top of the fa1Ls aw tiwa it will require approximately 30 feet additicLA beijbt on We dw. It ad". tioa to the more favorable topoosAy of the loww *Step approxiaat4g 7i0Rf fort of *"&to(* grit be •need by pldoiny the deer at tus site. The sle"tion at the bass of the 4sa to approximately kO asd tips eleratioo of thog great of 00 last to for Plan ti is 791, tWw reQttt"Re ter oamstruation of a 91-teat bl4 t Asa. (*Wvory limstijetiow of the site INKMge - a_ that tba av"o laogth of the daa gill to r►R.�a oxim% 1 US few% a Yale vldih at Qftfm% and a crew width of six rest an propmed ad +deli pMetN for the adAtleaal hd4kt to be added to the den stM ter sessed phre at 60 prejeat is sotstraelood. obetch of the proposed &m Is dwm as Iift Re. m • ApR'oodimteV 40OW llama feet of 60-lrob disaetas vW Own rsm- steak will oonbao`t the dam and the powerhouaa. Access reads MA otOd W lbmLU- ties required for Fla* C axe the awe as than for 1*1ano A apt/ X TU satimted aeastruttlon matiot Ma hALUUas prepNsi mdw ?Us, C a" as follows con 98M.Am r� a _vat r.OMWOte - 19706 sa.,rd.:* $9©•0WGm*rt. . . . SWOON Intake &%rustve eat ipillmor . . . • . . .. 1s,000 tOMPOMry 3as . • . . . . . • . . . . . . .. laasss 89" a" 3sL4ta. . . . . .. . . . . . . tees! Aoad asc3 tartaat 11A4.of- 4W to Daa. . . . . :"anstvric3m 11ni . ft. GN4JU wood atar pip; U 1i0. i't. . . • . . • • . . . . . . Pav*A4W"ss Struetorr . . . . . . . a . . . • . . . . . . = ADr000 740amter (3, OCOi i+) . . • . • • . • . . . . . 45 r 0" t+aad CISll'taL' . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . . . S, 000 AKtM&tZC :illt.chjeAr. . . . . . . . . . . . _ LM Ste} -up lranstsssar 3tatioa at 70.�erkorsae . . . . . . . . 17nassslalti*a ..lna - 30 Mlles t, gjOQIAUA, iftivau :leawrizi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total -"omtr=ti4n ..owti. • �mglms lft 7.5% . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laial amd t :� • • • • • • • • • • • • lutoroct =urind (If a d litlonal 503-Kra substations are rectate—aA tic Coat win be apr.rcxieately t15,300 aaeb. ) iSa0�00 r 40000 WOM s" "059090A -9- VW po�al trtism� aM al operat1,4940 ales't%MMWer ad dam Onrl►M nests for the initial stage of developwout have boa 4+we4rtW fVm do% w prejoats of AuLlar also OW type. Tbo operatic mad tab ae Sm" NOW taiaed is yew ostivoted Aaaaal %miget were eampared wit► tie r! MiLar projoeto and are used in thia report, feet the preliatn "7 east eetisatso it aPPearo tbah SIUM !#as • or plea O prooaeto %be most feasible plan of dawel,opmoM mad a acute 4460AW sta4y will be requLred to eotaWmb whieb at than We pLo absuM be felloomm. tar prrpeoos at ea■ wwog the ame al cots Md et Mws1v&ft a mats* the mer mt of ►odds regsd>red for the pmjoot will be mod a U1,90,OOA. V&K oonloe as 049wrom at !lw paeaofo AMv bomb M iavlsded in the samm al safer ate as aorlte884 a Moan" iM/GR% Is atdition M do animal lorWwk obarpra Is Ltsl ftd !a wit rfe believe the o"abusba" et sett& a Ram"m :oawrsf Is araosMrt fo low" Us sale of Ibe boalo and is a sessmow as■wl Mai* The depsooiatlooe oveseo skem la , - I an Y r " twlia LImaq r 000rwai a, r Dowsmiouse atesersfil Additbm* prov"m a slat• wa mmml ressom a fat dgresiattaa bared oa a sAacW-Vftr iepmalr tlas psrlwl. It ■i*t be desdrable te redtae the sinirw m sa mml doteresiatiLot ai3+wior.oe below that required for uniform deprssiatiom idles the loads ate uW the first low of operatiot uW to sake up this mwu" dwrind the later Yoft" %&m Power oeiAer apt 000eetuoulay rovemesr isaleeaw. data re[uemes is the anal oosi, uW oensequont4 in paver seater oseli be realised Is We way. Us apse power ooneumptior sae halal kilewtt-*~ oelso are a• oeatained is FoW Astiaated Anneal Hragetr ea OW% that the total kIISmRU- hear sales for the year 19W knave road increased to ronoat the aveoede toemd of 105W kilowatts for that year. The peak laimuAs are used on a varyin lead faotore Thle methed was used to illustrate how the average cost of power to the Cie► eas be rrb+ooei by the Uty isprsvW their system load flatere The load fasters shows in appendix I vore arbitrarily established, however, we believe they use rrpoerabte %M roprosaotativo of ghat aight be expeetede Tbo raven,.** from the sale of power are based on the smorat soommeary to eatisfT the Oparutime Lxpesseer, -obt Awvio% LepreeiatIotr and Iamem Un sm. A teuUti" rater based on the estlaated 1958 demander IAs boom developed. This mto oontstplatmm a teased Charge for the peak power demawd per mmok u d as "nerp Pardo based on the mabor of kilowatt -bents soli. A bresbdomws of thee* rates are as follouai -10- aadd :iar�u (lased on reooreriad Mw Bo Idea sad ow -salt of tau deb4 gor. so) i�epeoai atlas. . Oso4baif of Debt sit-v►loa. . . . $25two .. m Per yew w f 7,oli.lo Per ■ W& Hawed ou the 1938 peak cfwaud of 2,400 6% Us ftmW (bamw so the eooi Per bilwwlti•liwr asseww7 to reeover lie aiatmoms oOal roster Auk to she" baler) brit l�edso. . ..p�alii i�arslL� dposeao . .. �►400 ►°.iataas► AJUMI 4+ TOUSo. . . W8,30 Less DOOMW Harp . . AMMI SOW67 Ckarde . . . . . 4rrp Gordo based an 1958 owargy sales rrlll 1e _ $0.016 per kilowtt4~. AS appliaatiea of the aba" r UG# is as fellowar to'lat rook Total Kwb end Haeep 6non41 1954 10955 78,708ldW 700,380 &123,341 61930U 1957 21024 9,1U,200 a0,0iti 1469472 2*99Wi) 195= 29420 10159 96W :7,120 16999CA 156,73E 1959 2,594 1200450000 vj,384 1929720 266,1" 1960 2, d00 13.4E'a.000 100,100 215, UO 314960 (1) "Veftww awing the years 1956 sod 1957 are act safile1"t to previ d• the minimum annual revere of $2 51, 390 asoes - saxr to to tko system. lummefore, a SIXIM a asaual ebarge suffiaioat to reeovsr tbose wets is prepoesd. The revenues for Ue you 1956 and 1957, as aura la Appendix I, reflect the above seatlaasd aiaLo a arwl rev+enas. U dW 1 p V jMtien of the pro forma AnN al howsenee eetd lkpwos 1s inolsied as Appoetdix 1. , a sh Vft is this pro j oohs% US, 3" per ymo r 1s set sat do in the Rsaee-V Aeeaa01 t for peyeoat bt bessl priseipal. Iat aM MAN to tkis sneaesi9 pef ies►ts Laud the tieserve ,,eoo=t east be egad, Bees w fftM Available far Rosevels, Replacements, Depreciation# aid d'eesal k&KUm M during the years woos that f% d excesds the 425,0M reguirsd fW daxtiarl dspresiatiw. 1lorwver, it ay be desirable to sairtais this fusd as a rumor fear fhtsre oenstr etioa requirements. During the first two years of operatioug the averap most it peer► to the City or Sevard will be is eMoors of the Was po r kilorttl►- )MV. This results from, the lover dimmed &,grim= the tiro! timer !fie at spewll+N. This osaftU m is impserod as the donaal iserseees surd •sill sesU s e to iW e v with further iseremoss is dasani. Witham isd'oarmatieu avaiume, at frls !user and for titan PWV"O fly which t►is report Is intended, the figures moodaisei bmrsda sop meft a realla- tie paietwo at the proposed isoe3ep•eat. So setAmUm and oemle eom efised bonds s are, we ban*", sommer ttivo, and of nor son detailed slatly Md refto- nest, it my be posrdble to red%" ease of the eonstrusties on opswtim sorts. Am== an the basis of Qw information available at this tines the pt+posoi Grant Lake Nydreslevtria Project would be developed as outlisod is Plat h or Plea ". The initial stage of development will provide as average w" at 195W kilowatts mad a psaking capecity of 3,J00 kiloweAto. To isw o the sale of the bandar it is our opdsdos that a long -torus sentraet for the sass of electric snargy is issiraDlm sort uecexaary and that a aLaiane amml aborro should be established. The minimum aharZo ahoe,ld be suffiaiesrt Is sorer as, Oparsting ftpondww, Jobt 3ervioe, •prsaiatieey and Inooias Uxes umiak, asooard- isg to outr preliniss►ry selculatioas, is $251,34!0 Per Year* Is oe`der to prorlie the wet advastagovms and attraative rate for your prosp•otive ouotemers, we foropose that a rate bajmW os a Demand ::harge ass& an Raergy Charge be so Ubl.ishod. e have testatively established a mmand Charge of 43.00 per kilevatt per month and era -jww y Charge of 16 wills ($0.316) per kilowatt- mw of soma deliveted to the ;.ity's waster actor. Ie this wy the City of reward can reftliso ess� *V,enable savings is the cost of purchased war tr isp"ovin.t thodr systss lead faster. This vill also enhance the feasibility of the propoasd devmlopmevl. Asopectfully subssitted, A. W. fin A AbY IMII+'4h.•IF'.•�� aupervisisd Senior Sinew A, AG ISD b'I t 44 Lz)_z1aa 4 ,Irlic-i pea SW-s r*er E,'P�iD1X I Pro Forrx n= l Rarsaaa aW %TeMnr Awrass *SaMp ft ..._1916_.. df10 _.I1. ..� 10043 M 103% .... .�� I* M .. 16110 Lead ftatw . . . .4S .47 090 .'1► .w Twk )*&.0 1, ICY 20M 204n 20,"4 29M TOW Kwh Sal" . . . . . . . 7,708,900 9,154,aw 3i0il94ifi0a 12,OiS,00o u94," QPSMUi4 ft• • . . • • • u31,390 M.720,3" �� +MOld, 40Oper.uft.a...• • • • • met aperatiad ftVV=M • WPM • Debt :,aarvic•t Int•rst. 75pOW 759000 # 7510©0 1 75,000 $ 7Sa00 rrrrre A•ooant -A Totel Debt S•r�►ise 120 1?A 3% Ov'sR� �.71 1.71 1.76 2.00 *is lalauc3 ,Nor Debt 3rrvice. d59626 85,626 90,950 8=9344 $I^$% / Larsi ; coapa Tax (am b�loar). ._ia. t ". 3-M ...JUmAK _...&so Available for renewals, Rap1ao.W,,t6� r+preeiatiaa, 4 Normal .dditieas. . . . • 4 25,OW 250000 6 27,27V $ 39940 4 00927 � Av*rrg , oat of rover 0.0326 J,W?5 $ 0.0242 S O.W37 S 0.09" bet +•rit1aj Y11205,95P0 $2050'?w 121163U "0704 S271,21 Le"r�ruiatiw 990 13i? p 490 1 3 15 Le" Table At Taxable U ' 05,940 05,3 1 9�A 4 M srnat J,od•ral Tax 52% . x 55,115 t 550115 57:U3 S 73v1 6 A9,04S Territorial Tax 5.2%. . �97@949 Total loom* Tax . 9 � T .o z 0 z 0 LAI O r w •r n to CL th TI ALI tq