HomeMy WebLinkAboutAkiachak Wind Feasibility & Conceptual Design Community Energy & Wind Resource Analysis - Dec 2016 - REF Grant 7040057Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Akiachak, Alaska WHPacific Inc.December 2016 Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |i TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................................................i ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................................................................iii Executive Summary...........................................................................................................................1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................2 Village of Akiachak............................................................................................................................3 Met Tower Installation......................................................................................................................4 4.1 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Determination.................................................................4 4.2 Met Tower Dismantle ...................................................................................................................6 4.3 FAA Requirement for Dismantling Met Tower .............................................................................6 Wind Analysis....................................................................................................................................7 5.1 Scope of Work...............................................................................................................................7 A. Windographer...............................................................................................................................7 5.2 Approaches and Objectives ..........................................................................................................7 A. Preliminary Area Identification.....................................................................................................7 B. Area Wind Resource Evaluation....................................................................................................7 C. Micrositing....................................................................................................................................8 5.3 Test Site Location..........................................................................................................................8 A. Site information............................................................................................................................8 B. Met Tower Data Synopsis.............................................................................................................8 5.4 Tower Sensor Information............................................................................................................9 A. Data Recovery...............................................................................................................................9 B. Wind Speed.................................................................................................................................10 5.5 Monthly Time Series Graph ........................................................................................................12 5.6 Mean Daily Wind Profile.............................................................................................................12 5.7 Probability Distribution Function................................................................................................12 5.8 Wind Direction............................................................................................................................14 5.9 Wind Shear and Roughness ........................................................................................................15 5.10 Wind Analysis Conclusion ...........................................................................................................16 Solar Power.....................................................................................................................................17 6.1 How Photovoltaics Work ............................................................................................................18 6.2 The Sun’s Energy.........................................................................................................................20 6.3 Akiachak Pyranometer Data .......................................................................................................21 Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |ii 6.4 Collection and Conversion of Solar Energy.................................................................................22 6.5 Akiachak Average Electrical Energy Use .....................................................................................24 6.6 An Akiachak Residential Solar Array...........................................................................................24 A. Residential Solar Array Size.........................................................................................................25 6.7 A Word Regarding 30 Year Solar Data ........................................................................................26 Native Village of Akiachak Electrical Power Analysis......................................................................28 7.1 Akiachak Power Plant..................................................................................................................28 A. Key Monitoring Locations...........................................................................................................29 7.2 Electric Power Monitoring Equipment........................................................................................30 A. Kilowatt (kW) and Kilowatt Hour (kWh) Power and Energy Meter............................................30 B. Current Transformers .................................................................................................................30 C. Data Logger.................................................................................................................................31 D. HOBOware Pro Computer Program............................................................................................31 7.3 Power Analysis............................................................................................................................32 A. School Power Load......................................................................................................................33 B. School Backup Electrical Supply..................................................................................................34 C. School Power Analysis Conclusion..............................................................................................34 7.4 Power Plant Fuel Cost Savings with an Akiachak Solar Array.....................................................35 A. School Monthly Average Energy Consumption ..........................................................................35 B. Establish Akiachak Average Daily Solar Radiance.......................................................................36 C. Calculate Array Size.....................................................................................................................37 D. Calculate Power Plant Fuel Savings.............................................................................................37 E. Power Plant Fuel Cost Savings with an Akiachak Solar Array Conclusion...................................38 APPENDIX........................................................................................................................................39 B. Akiachak MET Tower Installation Memo 6 14 2012 C. FAA Supplemental Notice (7460 2) – Dismantle for 2012 – WTW 3158 OE D. FAA Letter 7 13 2016 TERMINATION Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |iii ACRONYMS AEA Alaska Energy Authority FAA Federal Aviation Administration KPa Kilopascal (pressure) KVA or kVA Kilovolt Ampere KW or Kw Kilowatt KWH or kWh Kilowatt hours M or m Meter MET or met Meteorological Tower MI or mi Miles MWH Megawatt hours mW Milliwatt (1/1000 watt) NREL United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory NSRDB National Solar Radiation Data Base PCE Power Cost Equalization PV Photovoltaic SQ or Sq Square Wh Watt hour Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |1 Executive Summary This report investigates energy use and analyzes and discusses wind and solar renewable energy resources in Akiachak, Alaska. Wind data collected from a meteorological tower for a period of twenty eight months and solar data collected for a period of 13 months was used as a basis of analysis. Additionally, the electrical energy consumption at the school was monitored and collected. Based on the data collected and analyzed this report concludes the following: The wind regime in Akiachak is not sufficient to allow for a cost effective use of this renewable resource given initial results. The wind power class is considered as class 1 and is poor based on mean wind speed, wind occurrence and duration, and other contributing factors. A wind power class 3 is considered fair and wind regimes of this class are worthy of further engineering investigation in order to further consider the feasibility of wind as a renewable energy source. The wind resource is not worthy of further study. Further, solar energy collection and its application in Akiachak is deserving of further engineering study. This first investigation has determined that although the average household electrical consumption exceeds the requirements of small roof top solar collectors, the possibility exists that larger commercial units with a larger collection area may applicable. Further study is warranted. The Akiachak power plant distributes electrical power to the Village of Akiachak solely by means of two electrical distribution feeders. Electrical power data was collected over a 12 week period and particularly from the Akiachak community school. It was determined that the community school is the largest single consumer of electrical energy or approximately 25% of the total power plant load. Lastly, this report concludes that solar energy may be a viable source of renewable energy to reduce energy use, by approximately one quarter with a suitably sized and properly located solar array and is worthy of further investigation. We used the school average energy consumption to illustrate this savings. The continuing leaps in progress of the efficiency of solar cells to convert the sun’s energy to electricity is ongoing and near future improvements in solar cell efficiency and manufacture may significantly reduce the array areas and thus initial construction costs. Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |2 Introduction The Akiachak Native Community’s electrical power is generated solely by the burning of increasingly expensive diesel fuel. Akiachak desires to reduce electrical energy cost as a result of Akiachak’s dependency on diesel fuel by developing its own renewable energy source(s) to augment the production of electrical power produced by fuel dependent diesel generators. The sources of renewable energy examined in this report included the viability of solar power and resulting solar array and the viability of wind power. Akiachak’s village corporation, Akiachak Limited, was awarded funding in the form of a grant through the Alaska Energy Authority’s (AEA) Round IV of the Renewable Energy Fund to complete an analysis that would consider wind energy as a lower cost, local renewable energy source for Akiachak. The grant encompassed a wind feasibility analysis, resource assessment and conceptual design. Also included as part of the overall analysis was a geotechnical reconnaissance study of the proposed area for placement of a possible wind turbine generator(s). Consequently Akiachak Limited authorized this work to be undertaken and was subsequently awarded to WHPacific, Inc. A meteorological (met) tower was erected in Akiachak in June 2012. The tower had to be re erected in November 2013 after it pulled out a portion of its anchoring system and fell down due to a fierce windstorm October 27, 2013. Wind data continued to be collected until April 2016. The tower was ultimately taken down and dismantled in June 2016. After the re erection of the met tower in October 2013, wind data from the met tower was informally analyzed. The Alaska Energy Authority, Akiachak Limited and WHPacific, Inc. determined and agreed that the wind resource in Akiachak may be less than desirable as it relates to any significant harvest of wind energy versus the expense of erecting a new wind turbine. Based upon this determination the project plan was re scoped and implemented in December 2013. The re scoped plan included the gathering of equipment for instrumenting community energy loads, acquire a pyranometer (photovoltaic sensor) to mount on the met tower for measuring the intensity of the sun’s radiance (a possible energy resource), perform an analysis and finally provide a written report. A wind analysis of reduced scope was also included. Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |3 Village of Akiachak Akiachak is an Alaskan Yup’ik village located approximately 14 air miles north northeast of the City of Bethel, along the northern bank of the Kuskokwim River. It has a subarctic climate with long, cold winters and short, mild summers. Summer average highs (measured at Bethel) are around 63° Fahrenheit and the winter record low is 39° Fahrenheit. Annual precipitation is 19.6 inches, with 62.0 inches of snowfall. (Western Regional Climate Center, 2009). The United States census of 2010 shows a population of 627 persons in 183 households. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). During the winter, traversing the nearby frozen Kuskokwim River for a distance of about 25 miles northeast is a common travel option to Akiachak. There are no constructed roads connecting Akiachak to Bethel. The Kuskokwim River is frozen sufficiently during the winter months and provides a primary and most easily accessible route of travel. Conversely, during the summer months, the Kuskokwim River is extensively used for travel between Akiachak and Bethel but at times prove difficult with low water levels, sand bars, and sometimes ice flows. In general, traveling to Akiachak is typically achieved by a short aircraft flight from Bethel, AK. This more direct overland flight route is about 14 miles in length. Figure 3 1: Location of Akiachak, Alaska Alaska Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |4 Met Tower Installation The met tower was installed on June 5, 2012. The met tower supported three anemometers to measure wind speed, a temperature sensor as well as a wind vane to measure wind direction. Later a pyranometer, manufactured by Li cor Biosciences, was installed to measure the sun’s radiance. The pyranometer data was analyzed and used in this report to determine the feasibility of installing solar arrays for the production of electricity as a renewable energy resource. 4.1 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Determination A permit from the FAA was needed to construct a met tower. Among the FAA main priorities is to keep all users of our national airspace safe. To maintain the safest aerospace system in the world, the FAA must make sure the national airspace is navigable and free of obstructions. When anyone proposes new construction or proposes to alter existing structures near airports or navigational aids, the FAA determines how the proposal would affect the airspace. To meet FAA requirements, an application for a study to erect the 30m met tower was submitted to FAA in the fall of 2011. On December 12, 2011 FAA issued Aeronautical Study No. 2012 WTW 11431 OE Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation for Temporary Structure for the installation of a temporary 30m above ground level met tower. Before erecting the tower, a decision was made to move the location of the tower. A subsequent FAA approval was issued on March 23, 2012 FAA for Aeronautical Study No. 2012 WTW 2181 OE Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation for Temporary Structure for the installation of a temporary 30m above ground level met tower. Again, a second decision was made to move the location of the tower, hence the third and final FAA approval was issued on April 26, 2012 for Aeronautical Study No. 2012 WTW 3158 OE Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation for Temporary Structure with an expiration date of October 26, 2013 (see Appendix A – FAA Letter 4 26 2012 – Determination of No Hazard). The figure below identifies the location of the installed met tower. Installation (see Appendix B Akiachak MET Tower Installation 6 14 2012) on the specified location was in accordance with the third and final FAA aeronautical permit. . Figure 4 1 Installed Location of Akiachak Met Tower Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |5 The photographs below show the installation of the met tower. Figure 4 2 Meteorological Tower Installation June 2012 Figure 4 3 Meteorological Tower Installation Complete June 5, 2012 Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |6 4.2 Met Tower Dismantle A return trip was made to Akiachak in the summer of 2016. The met tower needed to be taken down and thus was dismantled on June 15, 2016. The tower had been erected for a total of approximately 48 months. Figure 4 4 Met Tower Removal June 15, 2016 4.3 FAA Requirement for Dismantling Met Tower With the dismantling of the met tower, it was necessary to e file FAA Form 7460 2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, advising FAA that the tower was no longer erect nor a possible flight safety issue. The e filing action took place on June 30, 2016 (see Appendix C – FAA Supplemental Notice (7460 2) – Dismantle for 2012 WTW 3158 OE). The FAA responded on July 13, 2016 and issued a letter of termination thus rendering the permit no longer valid (see Appendix D – FAA Letter 7 13 2016 TERMINATION). This closed the met tower permit process with FAA. Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |7 Wind Analysis 5.1 Scope of Work As explained in the Introduction at the beginning of this report, the wind analysis work was funded from the State of Alaska, Alaska Energy Authority Round IV of the Renewable Energy Fund. A meteorological tower was erected in Akiachak in June 2012. The tower had to be re erected in November 2013 after it fell down during a windstorm in October 2013. Wind data used was collected until February 2016. The tower was ultimately taken down and dismantled on June 25, 2016. The re scoped plan included the gathering of equipment for instrumenting community energy loads, acquire a pyranometer (photovoltaic sensor) to mount on met tower for measuring the intensity of the sun’s energy (a possible energy resource), perform an analysis and finally provide a written report. A wind resource analysis report was also included. A. Windographer The computer program utilized to perform this wind analysis is called Windographer and is a widely recognized and a well respected analysis tool. It reads a wide variety of data files and allows for visualization, quality control and analysis of data sets. The program is version 3.3.9 (June 2015) and is a product of AWS Truepower, LLC. Data collected from the met tower was analyzed using this tool. The tool also allows for statistically filling in small portions missing data based on the given data set. 5.2 Approaches and Objectives Several approaches are utilized when investigating the wind resource within a given land area. The preferred approach depends on wind energy program objectives and on previous experience with wind resource assessment. These approaches can be categorized as three basic stages of wind resource assessment: preliminary area identification, area wind resource evaluation, and micrositing. Two of the three approaches have been employed in this effort to some degree. A. Preliminary Area Identification This process screens a relatively large region (e.g., state or utility service territory) for suitable wind resource areas based on information such as airport wind data, topography, flagged trees, or other indicators. At this stage new wind measurement sites can be selected. For Akiachak, two locations were initially identified, one on the apron at the old airport’s west end, and one near the community landfill. The site near the landfill was preferred and an FAA OE application was filed and approved. It was subsequently determined that this site was too boggy to support a met tower and a second site north of the sewage lagoon was selected. Another site on the bluff about three miles west of town was also considered. It was initially deemed unfeasible due to distance and being across the Gweek River. This was revisited during the rescoping of the project and again dismissed. B. Area Wind Resource Evaluation This stage applies to wind measurement programs that characterize the wind resource in a defined area or set of areas where wind power development is being considered. The most common objectives of this scale of wind measurement are to: Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |8 • Determine or verify whether sufficient wind resources exist within the area to justify further site specific investigations • Compare areas to distinguish relative development potential • Obtain representative data for estimating the performance and/or the economic viability of selected wind turbines. • Screen for potential wind turbine installation sites In this case, one 30 meter (m) met tower was installed northwest of Akiachak to determine and verify whether sufficient wind resources exist within the area to justify further site specific investigations. C. Micrositing Micrositing references wind turbine placement optimization within an already selected area resulting in extracting as much energy as possible from the wind at this location. By carefully analyzing the wind patterns over a plot of land and positioning the turbine carefully, designers can optimize wind turbine power production. This report did not need to address micrositing. 5.3 Test Site Location The 30m met tower was located approximately 1.0 mile northwest of Akiachak. Its location was chosen to de conflict with the Akiachak airport and local aircraft traffic patterns. A. Site information Site number 01050 Latitude/longitude 60° 55' 3.10"N , 161° 27' 20.60"W (NAD 83) Site elevation (above sea level) 6 meters Data logger type NRG Symphonie, 10 minute time step Tower type NRG 30 meter tall tower, 152 mm diameter Anchor type Screw in anchor, hammered into permafrost B. Met Tower Data Synopsis Start date 10/8/2013 15:00 End date 2/2/2016 11:00 Duration 28 months Length of time step 10 minutes Calm threshold 0.4 m/s Mean pressure 101.1 kPa Mean air density 1.163 kg/m³ Power density at 50m 152 W/m² Wind power class 1 (Poor) Power law exponent 0.13 Surface roughness 0.0109 m Roughness class 0.80 Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |9 5.4 Tower Sensor Information Channel Sensor type Height Offset Orientation 1 NRG #40 anemometer 28 m* 0.37 NE 2 NRG #40 anemometer 27 m* 0.39 SW 3 NRG #40 anemometer 21 m** 0.42 E 8 NRG #200P wind vane 28 m -SSW 9 NRG #110S Temp C 2 m -NNE 10 Li cor Pyranometer 2 m -S For reporting purposes * = rounds up to 30 meter height ** = rounds down to 20 meter height Hence forth in this report, the three anemometers noted above will be referenced as follows: The three anemometers were calibrated on February 8, 2012. The calibration results are provided the original met tower installation report in Appendix B (see Appendix B Akiachak MET Tower Installation Memo 6 14 2012, pages 14 16). A. Data Recovery Data recovery was accomplished using a data logging unit manufactured by NRG Systems. The NRG model is called Symphonie with a recorded serial number #30905042. Overall data recovery in Akiachak was very good with a 94.86% recovery for the 28 month recording period. The small percent loss can be due to a small number of icing events or events of similar nature. Data Recovery Summary Table Channel Height Reference Name 1 28m 30A 2 27m 30B 3 21m 20 Possible Valid Recovery DataPoints DataPoints Rate (%) 1 2013 12,150 9,760 80.33 2 2014 52,560 52,560 100 3 2015 52,560 48,822 92.89 4 2016 4,674 4,530 96.92 All Data 121,944 115,672 94.86 Year Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |10 Percent data recovery combined by month for all years Note:Henceforth in this report, a more complete data set is utilized. As mentioned previously, the program was employed to statistically fill in small data gaps existing in the original data set thus providing more complete data tables and diagrams shown below. B. Wind Speed Wind speed data collected from the met tower anemometers during the 28 month period was analyzed Anemometer Data Summary Table and is presented in the Anemometer Data Summary Table above. Month Possible Valid Recovery DataPoints DataPoints Rate (%) 1 Jan 13,392 13,248 98.92 2 Feb 8,274 8,274 100 3 Mar 8,928 8,862 99.26 4 Apr 8,640 8,640 100 5 May 8,928 8,928 100 6 Jun 8,640 8,640 100 7 Jul 8,928 8,928 100 8 Aug 8,928 8,928 100 9 Sep 8,640 8,640 100 10 Oct 12,294 11,652 94.78 11 Nov 12,960 8,272 63.83 12 Dec 13,392 12,660 94.53 All Data 121,944 115,672 94.86 Variable Speed 30m A Speed 30m B Speed 20m Measurementheight (m) 30 30 20 Mean wind speed (m/s) 4.947 4.777 4.613 MoMMwind speed(m/s) 4.871 4.722 4.547 Median wind speed (m/s) 4.6 4.6 4.3 Min wind speed (m/s) 0.4 0.4 0.373 Max wind speed (m/s) 17.5 17.8 17 Weibull k 2.011 1.754 1.961 Weibull c(m/s) 5.551 5.295 5.188 Mean powerdensity (W/m²) 132 127 110 MoMMpowerdensity (W/m²) 124 121 104 Mean energycontent(kWh/m²/yr) 1,153 1,114 966 MoMMenergy content(kWh/m²/yr) 1,090 1,058 914 Energy patternfactor 1.844 1.979 1.912 Frequency of calms (%) 2.58 6.02 3.34 Possible datapoints 121,944 121,944 121,944 Valid datapoints 121,944 121,944 121,944 Missingdatapoints 0 0 0 Datarecovery rate (%) 100 100 100 Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |11 When observing the mean wind speed in combination with a mean wind power density from the table above, the data suggests a poor wind source.Further, the wind power class 1 is poor,as indicated in paragraph 5.3(B) Met Tower Data Synopsis. It is important to note that the mean of monthly means (MoMM) is an average of twelve monthly averages. Because it avoids seasonal bias, the MoMM often provides a better estimate of the long term mean than would a simple mean. Of particular interest in the above Anemometer Data Summary Table is the MoMM wind speed and its importance to wind turbine operation in general. At very low wind speeds, there is insufficient torque exerted by the wind on the wind turbine blades to make them rotate. However, as the speed increases, the wind turbine will begin to rotate and generate electrical power. The typical wind speed at which a wind turbine first starts to rotate and generate power is called the cut in wind speed. For smaller rated wind turbines the cut in speed is typically between 4 5 meters per second. In Akiachak, when the wind blows, the MoMM wind speed is barely 5m/s (highlighted in yellow in Anemometer Data Summary Table) and it is reasonable to expect that when a wind event occurs the average wind speed may not be suitable to turn blades of a wind turbine to generate sufficient electricity. In Akiachak, 55.2% of the time the wind occurred at winds speeds at or below 5 m/s. See paragraph 5.7, Probability Distribution Function,further in this report for more detailed explanation. Additionally, due to the non linear variation of power with a steady wind speed, the mean power obtained over time in a variable wind with a given mean velocity is not the same as the power obtained in a steady wind of the same speed. More simply, an average variable wind will not produce as much power as an average steady wind. The table below depicts different attributes of the wind speed during 28 months of data collection. Annual Wind Speed Data (30m) Year Mean Median Min Max (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) 2013 4.95 4.80 0.40 14.60 2014 4.92 4.70 0.40 17.50 2015 4.80 4.40 0.40 17.50 2016 6.87 6.80 0.40 15.00 All Data 4.95 4.60 0.40 17.50 Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |12 5.5 Monthly Time Series Graph The following graph illustrates the mean monthly wind speed during 28 months of data collection. Ignoring the anomaly dip flanked by November 2014 and February 2015, the wind blows more rapidly during the winter months and slows during the summer months. 5.6 Mean Daily Wind Profile The mean daily wind profile below for Akiachak shows the lowest wind speeds occurring during the mid morning hours and highest during the late afternoon and early evening. 5.7 Probability Distribution Function If one were to total all the times the wind blew in Akiachak, the probability distribution function (PDF) below displays the frequency of a particular wind speed at a height of 30m. The graph shows wind oriented toward the lower speeds compared to a normal wind power shape curve. Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |13 PDF of 30m anemometer Interpreting the above graph, it depicts that if a wind speed of 5m/s is chosen, this speed occurred (at a 30 meter height) approximately 8.5% of the time of all wind events. As noted previously, wind turbines require cut in speeds of approximately 5m/s to begin to generate electricity. Further, wind turbines operate at an optimum output when the wind speeds are steady above 9m/s 10m/s. The collection of data that produced the probability distribution function graph is presented below. This shows a frequency of 55.23% of the time that wind occurred winds speeds are at or below 5 m/s (highlighted in yellow). This implies the wind turbine is essentially idle or not producing much electricity for about half of the time wind occurred. It also suggests that 41% of the time (96.29%55.23%) the frequency of wind speeds are between 5m/s 10m/s and only 3.5% of wind occurrences are above 10m/s. Probability Distribution Function Data Table Bin Endpoints (m/s) Occurrences Frequency Cumulative Bin Lower Upper (%) % 1 0 0.5 3,392 2.78 2.78 2 0.5 1 2,015 1.65 4.43 3 1 1.5 2,569 2.11 6.54 4 1.5 2 4,042 3.32 9.86 5 2 2.5 5,868 4.81 14.67 6 2.5 3 7,693 6.31 20.98 7 3 3.5 9,553 7.83 28.81 8 3.5 4 10,757 8.82 37.63 9 4 4.5 11,076 9.08 46.72 10 4.5 5 10,382 8.51 55.23 Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |14 11 5 5.5 9,595 7.87 63.10 12 5.5 6 8,040 6.59 69.69 13 6 6.5 6,835 5.61 75.30 14 6.5 7 5,703 4.68 79.97 15 7 7.5 4,821 3.95 83.93 16 7.5 8 4,083 3.35 87.27 17 8 8.5 3,524 2.89 90.16 18 8.5 9 3,050 2.50 92.66 19 9 9.5 2,528 2.07 94.74 20 9.5 10 1,888 1.55 96.29 21 10 10.5 1,456 1.19 97.48 22 10.5 11 985 0.81 98.29 23 11 11.5 653 0.54 98.82 24 11.5 12 490 0.40 99.22 25 12 12.5 353 0.29 99.51 26 12.5 13 212 0.17 99.69 27 13 13.5 139 0.11 99.80 28 13.5 14 90 0.07 99.88 29 14 14.5 47 0.04 99.91 30 14.5 15 28 0.02 99.94 31 15 15.5 24 0.02 99.96 32 15.5 16 22 0.02 99.98 33 16 16.5 13 0.01 99.99 34 16.5 17 10 0.01 99.99 35 17 17.5 8 0.01 100.00 All bins 121,944 100 100 5.8 Wind Direction The following graphs are often referred to as “roses” and easily represent wind direction. The Wind Frequency Rose for Akiachak indicates the winds are predominately northerly. The Mean Value Rose depicts that, on the average, the most forceful winds emanate from the north. The Total Energy Rose below, a combination of frequency and mean value roses, indicates the power producing winds are also northerly. Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |15 Wind Frequency vs Direction rose Mean Value Rose Total Energy Rose 5.9 Wind Shear and Roughness Reference is made to “Met Tower Data Synopsis”, paragraph 5.3(B). From the data a wind shear “Power law exponent” of 0.13 (highlighted in yellow) indicates low wind shear at the site. In its most general sense, wind shear refers to the change in wind velocity (speed and direction) with height above ground. The power law exponent (sometimes called the power law coefficient or simply 'alpha') is a number that characterizes the rate at which wind speed changes with height above ground. The variation in the wind speed with height above ground is called the wind shear profile. The wind speed tends to increase with the height above ground, as in the following wind shear profile graph showing mean wind speeds at three measurement heights in Akiachak, at 20m to 30m above ground. Thus during wind events the rate at which the wind speed changes with height above ground is generally low as characterized by the shape of the curve. By comparison, if the power law exponent were a higher number, say 0.40, the curve would move to the left on the graph and the curve (“bend” shape of the curve below the 20m height) would be flatter thus indicating a greater rate of change in wind speed and a greater wind shear. Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |16 Additionally the calculated surface roughness 0.0109 m indicates smooth terrain surrounding the tower or a roughness class of 0.5. Comparably a high roughness class of 3 to 4 refers to landscapes with many trees and buildings, while a sea surface is in roughness class 0. Airport concrete runways are in a roughness class of 0.5, the same roughness class as the surface surrounding the met tower in Akiachak. 5.10 Wind Analysis Conclusion The wind regime in Akiachak is not sufficient to allow for a cost effective use of this renewable resource given the initial results of this study as well as current wind turbine technology. The class of wind power in Akiachak is rated at 1 (of 7) and is considered poor based on mean wind speed, wind occurrence and other contributing factors. Wind power class 3 is considered fair and wind regimes of this class are worthy of further engineering investigation in order to consider the feasibility of wind turbine construction. Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |17 Solar Power Extracting power from the sun’s energy is a sensible topic to explore as a source of renewable energy for Akiachak. The following information is meant to provide a basic understanding regarding solar energy and its possible application in Akiachak. It is not a substitute for an exhaustive engineering analysis but rather provides a solid foundation for making informed decisions about further efforts to apply renewable energy methods. As mentioned in the Introduction of this report, the existing met tower had a pyranometer (photovoltaic sensor) mounted on it to collect data about the sun’s available radiance in Akiachak. The pyranometer started collecting data in December of 2014. The data collection terminated in January of 2016 thus providing approximately 13 months of usable data. In photovoltaic (PV) system design it is essential to know the amount of sunlight available at a particular location at a given time. The two common methods which characterize solar radiation are the solar radiance (or radiation) and solar insolation. The solar radiance is an instantaneous power density in units of kW/m 2 (kilowatts per square meter). The solar radiance varies throughout the day from 0 kW/ m 2 at night to a maximum of about 1 kW/ m 2 during the day. The solar radiance is strongly dependent on location and local weather. Solar radiance measurements consist of global and/or direct radiation measurements taken periodically throughout the day. The measurements are taken using either a pyranometer (measuring global radiation) and/or a pyrheliometer (measuring direct radiation). As mentioned, a pyranometer was used in Akiachak. In well established locations, this data has been collected for more than twenty years. In fact, the solar radiance was measured for a period of more than 30 years in Bethel, Alaska. More about this later in this report (see paragraph A Word Regarding 30 Year Solar Data). An alternative method of measuring solar radiation, which is less accurate but also less expensive, is using a sunshine recorder. These sunshine recorders (also known as Campbell Stokes recorders) measure the number of hours in the day during which the sunshine is above a certain level (typically 200mW/cm2). Data collected in this way can be used to determine the solar insolation by comparing the measured number of sunshine hours to those based on calculations. The diagram below depicts the available sun energy as a resource for the contiguous United States, Alaska and Hawaii. It is not surprising that Alaska shows in the low to mid range at about 4kWh/m 2/day (or 166.7W/m 2) (Source: NREL). Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |18 In order to understand the usefulness of the sun’s energy for Akiachak, we need to understand how to measure the sun’s solar radiance and then we can utilize this information to understand how effective solar power may be as an energy resource. 6.1 How Photovoltaics Work Photovoltaics is the direct conversion of light into electricity at the atomic level. Some materials exhibit a property known as the photoelectric effect that causes them to absorb photons of light and release electrons. When these free electrons are captured, an electric current results that can be used as electricity. The photoelectric effect was first noted by a French physicist, Edmund Bequerel, in 1839, who found that certain materials would produce small amounts of electric current when exposed to light. In 1905, Albert Einstein described the nature of light and the photoelectric effect on which photovoltaic technology is based, for which he later won a Nobel Prize in physics. The first photovoltaic module was built by Bell Laboratories in 1954. It was billed as a solar battery and was mostly just a curiosity as it was too expensive to gain widespread use. In the 1960s, the space industry began to make the first serious use of the technology to provide power aboard spacecraft. Through the space programs, the technology advanced, its reliability was established, and the cost began to decline. During the energy crisis in the 1970s, photovoltaic technology gained recognition as a source of power for non space applications. Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |19 Figure 6 1 A Typical Photovoltaic Circuit The diagram above illustrates the operation of a basic photovoltaic cell, also called a solar cell. Solar cells are made of the same kinds of semiconductor materials, such as silicon, used in the microelectronics industry. For solar cells, a thin semiconductor wafer is specially treated to form an electric field, positive on one side and negative on the other. When light energy strikes the solar cell, electrons are knocked loose from the atoms in the semiconductor material. If electrical conductors are attached to the positive and negative sides, forming an electrical circuit, the electrons can be captured in the form of an electric current that is, electricity. This electricity can then be used to power a load, such as a light or a tool. A number of solar cells electrically connected to each other and mounted in a support structure or frame is called a photovoltaic module. Modules are designed to supply electricity at a certain voltage, such as a common 12 volts system. The quantity of electrical current produced is directly dependent on how much light (solar radiance) strikes the module. Figure 6 2 Photovoltaic Cells Form an Array Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |20 Multiple modules can be wired together to form an array. In general, the larger the area of a module or array, the more electricity that will be produced. Photovoltaic modules and arrays produce direct current (dc) electricity. They can be connected in both series and parallel electrical arrangements to produce any required voltage and current combination. The point to be made is that the efficiency of converting the sun’s energy is very low, approximately 5%20%, thus to energize large loads (many kilowatts) requires large areas to be covered by the modules, as we shall see when we examine the energy use at the school. 6.2 The Sun’s Energy The sun is always there; lots of energy. How many photons (energy) reach the surface of the earth on average? The energy balance in the atmosphere is shown below: The main components in this diagram (courtesy of the University of Oregon) are the following: Short wavelength (optical wavelengths) radiation from the Sun reaches the top of the atmosphere Clouds reflect 17% back into space. If the earth gets more cloudy, as some climate models predict, more radiation will be reflected back and less will reach the surface 8% is scattered backwards by air molecules 6% is actually directly reflected off the surface back into space So the total reflectivity of the earth is 31%. This is technically known as an albedo What happens to the 69% of the incoming radiation that doesn't get reflected back? Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |21 19% gets absorbed directly by dust, ozone and water vapor in the upper atmosphere This region is called the stratosphere and its heated by this absorbed radiation 4% gets absorbed by clouds located in the troposphere. This is the lower part of the earth's atmosphere where weather happens The remaining 47% of the sunlight (often referenced as the sun’s radiance) that is incident on top of the earth's atmosphere reaches the surface. This is not a real significant energy loss 6.3 Akiachak Pyranometer Data How much radiance from the sun reaches the surface of the earth on average and especially how much reaches Akiachak on the average? Incident solar radiance on the ground: Average over the entire earth = 164 watts per square meter over a 24 hour day An 8 hour summer day, 40 degree latitude is 600 watts per square meter. More specifically, in Akiachak, at 60 degrees North latitude, during the month of June, the average incident solar radiance is about 242.1 watts per square meter per day (see graph below) and the sun shines about 18.8 hours a day. The following table was generated from data obtained from the Akiachak met tower mounted pyranometer (solar measuring device) during December 2014 to January 2016. For any given day during each month the table below shows average daily solar radiance documented at the Akiachak met tower. Also tabulated are the average number of daylight hours in Akiachak for any given day during each month. Table 6 3 Met Tower Average Daily Solar Radiance Data in Watts/Sq Meter for Each Month The graph below shows the same data but in graphic form. The graph indicates the average daily incident amount of the sun’s radiance (watts/square meter) that impinged on the Akiachak area per month during the collection period. Additionally, it depicts the average hours of daily sunlight during the month. Month Dec 14 Jan 15 Feb 15 Mar 15 Apr 15 May 15 Jun 15 Jul 15 Aug 15 Sep 15 Oct 15 Nov 15 Dec 15 Jan 16 Jan Dec 2015 YearlyAvg Avg Watts/Sq Meter 6.1 17.9 37.3 98.2 154.5 163.1 242.1 157.8 124 76.3 44.9 17.9 6.1 11.8 95.0 Avg Daylight Hours 6 6.2 8.4 11.1 14 16.8 18.8 18.6 16.4 13.5 10.7 7.9 6 6.2 12.4 Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |22 In science, energy is measured in units of watt hours. A watt is not a unit of energy, it is a measure of power. Thus, ENERGY = POWER x TIME. One kilowatt Hour = 1kWh = 1,000 watts used in one hour. For example, ten 100 watt light bulbs left on for an hour consumes 1kWh of energy. So over this day with an average of 18.8 hours of daylight Akiachak receives: 18.8 hours x 242.1 watts per square meter = 4,551 watt hours per square meter which also equals 4.6 kilowatt hours (1,000 watts = 1 kilowatt) per square meter. This is an average daily solar energy for any day in the month of June 2015. But to go from energy received by the sun to usable energy generated requires conversion of solar radiance into some other form (heat, electricity) at some reduced level of efficiency. As mentioned earlier, the salient point to make here is that the conversion efficiency is quite low! Solar modules (arrays) are about 15% to 20% efficient. 6.4 Collection and Conversion of Solar Energy To effectively capture of the sun’s power for conversion to electricity, a solar array needs to be pointed toward the direction of the sun. This is generally south at latitudes above the earth’s equator. Additionally, the amount of captured solar energy depends on orientation of solar module(s) with respect specifically to the angle of the sun as it moves across the horizon. Under optimum conditions at some locations on earth, one can achieve instantaneous solar radiance (fluxes) as high as 2000 watts per square meter. In Akiachak, the maximum instantaneous quantity recorded on any given was in June 2015 and was approximately 850 watts per square meter (not to be confused with the average daily amount calculated over a month’s time as mentioned above of 242 watts per square meter). 6.1 242.1 11.8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Dec14Jan15Feb15Mar15Apr15May15Jun15Jul15Aug15Sep15Oct15Nov15Dec15Jan16Avg DaylightHoursAvg Watts/Sq Meter Month Akiachak Average Daily Solar Radiance Solar Radiance Daylight Hours Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |23 In the winter, for a location at 40 degrees latitude, the sun is lower in the sky and the average flux received is about 300 watts per square meter. In Akiachak, at 60 degrees latitude, the sun is even lower in the sky thus the maximum instantaneous December 2014 quantity was approximately 120 watts per square meter. Compare this amount with the measured daily December average at only 6.1 watts per square meter. The Akiachak pyranometer was mounted on the met tower to face a southerly direction and its directionality, once set, was static (it did not follow the sun’s movement as it traversed the horizon). The ability for the Akiachak pyranometer to track the sun’s movement was not part of the scope of this report but the overall consequence, had the sun’s movement been tracked, would be to more accurately record the total available sun’s radiance. More importantly, research for this report uncovered a 30 yearlong study referenced by NREL that employed pyranometers that tracked the sun’s movement. The pyranometers were located at 239 different locations across the United States, one of those locations being Bethel, Alaska. This data is presented in paragraph A Word Regarding 30 Year Solar Data further below in this report.) The graph below is typical of data collected during the recording period in Akiachak and depicts the solar radiance in watts per square meter for each day of the month of June 2015. This report employed computer software to analyze the data. The data logger software which produced the graph also calculated the average value of solar radiance, shown at the bottom of the graph, 242.1 watts/square meter. (The name of the data logger software is called Symphonie Data Retriever, Version 7.03.15.) Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |24 6.5 Akiachak Average Electrical Energy Use A typical United States household average energy use is approximately 911 kWh per month (Source: US Energy Information Administration, October 2015). In Akiachak, the average residential monthly electrical energy use is approximately 306 kWh per month (Source: extracted from State of Alaska, Alaska Energy Authority 2015 Power Cost Equalization Statistical Report). The electrical energy use was based on an annual amount and thus was averaged over a year’s time. Data for actual monthly energy used for each household was not available. 6.6 An Akiachak Residential Solar Array So how much daily energy is available that can be used to help displace some of the monthly Akiachak household consumption of 306 kWh? Recall we said earlier “to go from energy received by the sun to usable energy generated requires conversion of solar radiance into some other form (heat, electricity) at some reduced level of efficiency.” We must install a solar array to convert the sun’s radiance into usable electricity. Assume we install a solar array that is about 6 square meters (an area about 64 square feet, about the same size as two sheets of standard plywood laid side by side) in Akiachak. We face the array south and tilt it at about 60 degrees, the same latitude as Akiachak. We can now measure the energy produced. We need to calculate the energy (kWh) the sun provides per month. During an average sunny June day in Akiachak, the average energy available is therefore 242.1 watts/square meter x 18.8 hours/day x 6 square meters is about 27.3 kWh per day. To achieve a monthly total multiply by 30 days per month thus the monthly quantity is 30 days per month x 27.3 kWh per day equals 819 kWh per month. More than is needed for 306 kWh per month. But remember the efficiency problem. Solar arrays need to convert the sun’s radiance to electricity. Solar arrays are currently only 5%20% efficient. Applying this efficiency factor to our summer 819 kWh per month: 5% efficiency results in an average of 40.9 kWh per month 10% efficiency results in an average of 81.9 kWh per month 20% efficiency results in an average of 163.9 kWh per month At the best efficiency factor of 20%, this represents about 53% of the typical household monthly summer energy usage and it assumes the sun shines on the array for about 19 hours each day during the entire month. Cloudy days would naturally reduce each of the quantities calculated above. For winter conditions, the average solar radiance is about 6.1 watts/square meter and the sun shines about 6 hours a day (at a very low angle on the horizon as well). So, 6.1 watts/square meter x 6 hours/day x 6 square meters is about 220 Wh per day. 30 days per month x 220 Wh per day is 6.6 kWh per month. Again, applying the array efficiency to our average winter 6.6 kWh per month: 5% efficiency results in an average of 0.33 kWh per month 10% efficiency results in an average of 0.66 kWh per month Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |25 20% efficiency results in an average of 1.3 kWh per month At 20% efficiency, 1.3kWh per month equates to an average of less than 0.5% needed for a monthly household consumption of 306 kWh per the month of December. A. Residential Solar Array Size So what is the approximate solar energy generated with different sized arrays. The table below identifies some standard array size areas (in meters) and their approximate equivalent sized areas in square feet. Also presented are an approximate physical sized areas in identifiable length and width (in feet. Table 6 4 Solar Array Size Further, the table below shows the estimated average kWh produced per month over a 12 month period using a 20% efficient 6 square meter array. To further compare, arrays sized to 12 square meters and 25 square meters are also presented. Table 6 5 Kilowatt Hours Produced From Different Array Sizes A graphical representation using the values in the table is provided below. The graph also depicts the average Akiachak monthly electrical home usage (kWh). Figure 6 6 Comparison of Different Sized Solar Arrays and Average Energy Generated per Array SolarArrayArea (Square Meters) Approximate EquivalentArea (Square Feet) Approximate Length x Width(Feet) 6 64.6 8x 8 12 129.2 12x 11 25 269.1 15x 18 ArraySize Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 6Sq m(kWh)4.0 11.3 39.2 77.9 98.6 163.9 105.7 73.2 37.1 17.3 5.1 1.3 12 Sqm(kWh)8.0 22.6 78.5 155.7 197.3 327.7 211.3 146.4 74.2 34.6 10.2 2.6 25Sqm(kWh)16.6 47.0 163.5 324.5 411.0 682.7 440.3 305.0 154.5 72.1 21.2 5.5 0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 700.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec AVERAGE KILOWATT HOURS GENERATED WITH DIFFERENT SIZED SOLAR ARRAYS 6 Sq m (kWh)12 Sq m (kWh) 25 Sq m (kWh)Avg Monthly Home Usage (kWh) Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |26 In the case discussed above, the graph shows that the larger sized array may be worth further engineering investigation. 6.7 A Word Regarding 30 Year Solar Data During the research The Solar Radiation Data Manual for Flat Plate and Concentrating Collectors was referenced in this report. This manual provides the solar resource available for the United States and its territories using various types of solar collectors. The data in the manual were modeled using hourly values of direct beam and diffuse horizontal solar radiation from the National Solar Radiation Data Base (NSRDB). The website for NSRB can be found online here: http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/old_data/nsrdb This website contains updates to databases up through 2014. The NSRDB contains modeled (93%) and measured (7%) global horizontal, diffuse horizontal, and direct beam solar radiation for 1961 1990. One of the locations that was monitored during this 30 year period was Bethel, Alaska. Akiachak is 14 miles from Bethel. The terrain is very flat and similar, thus the data is directly applicable. This manual was produced by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Analytic Studies Division under the Solar Radiation Resource Assessment Project. These tasks were funded and monitored by the Photovoltaics Branch of the Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. The manual can be found online at the following website: http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/pubs/redbook/html/redbook_HTML_index.html The collected solar radiance data for Akiachak is not exhaustive in nature, for instance did not track the sun, and was captured over a very modest time period of approximately one year. However, comparing the NREL (Bethel) solar radiance data with Akiachak data is useful. Both sets of data may be compared as they both utilized the same units of measure, i.e., watts/square meter. Figure 6 7 30 Year Bethel Radiance Data vs Akiachak 2015 Data 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecWatts/Sq Meter Bethel 30 Yr Radiance vs Akiachak 1 Yr Radiance Bethel 1961 1990 Akiachak 2015 Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |27 The radiance values shown tend to depict that the 30 year history points to more robust springtime radiance values than recorded during the recent short one year collection. This surprising aspect may be due to the fact that 2015 was a cloudier spring for Akiachak, there was less winter fog in Bethel, the Akiachak pyranometer was pointed in a somewhat different direction than the Bethel collector or perhaps the Bethel collector tracked the sun more effectively. A conclusion might be drawn that the sun’s energy may be more slightly more robust than the Akiachak data suggests. This report suggests that there may be enough existing evidence that solar energy in Akiachak may be a possible renewable energy resource. There would be value in a follow on detailed analysis regarding historical solar data as well as performing an engineering concept design for specific solar arrays located in Akiachak. Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |28 Native Village of Akiachak Electrical Power Analysis The major electrical power loads and directed electrical power consumption of the Native Village of Akiachak, Alaska is examined and analyzed in this report. This section of the analysis determines the total electrical power generated by Akiachak power plant and how much is consumed by the largest load on the electrical distribution system. The intention of understanding how the total quantity of energy is used by Akiachak will assist in determining a possible alternate energy plan for the village thus bringing into a sharper focus the goal of lowering the cost of energy used by Akiachak. 7.1 Akiachak Power Plant The power plant at Akiachak houses four diesel powered engine generator sets manufactured by Caterpillar, a well known manufacturer of power plant generators. Figure 7 1 Akiachak Power Plant Showing West (500KVA) and East (225KVA) Distribution Transformers The installed generator capacity of the plant is 1,500 kW. There are two 500 kW and two 250 kW diesel generators housed in the power plant. Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |29 Figure 7 2Akiachak Power Plant Diesel Generators #1 and #2 Figure7.4.250kW Generator Nameplate The electrical energy is generated at 480 volts three phase and then once immediately outside the power plant it is stepped up to 12,470 volts three phase where upon it is distributed to the village. A. Key Monitoring Locations There are only two electrical feeders that emanate from the power plant. These two feeders provide electrical power to the entire village of Akiachak. These are referenced as the East Feeder and the West Feeder. The largest single electrical load in Akiachak is the School and it is connected to the West Feeder. Thus the three key locations selected to monitor electrical power consumption are: East Feeder (power plant) West Feeder (power plant) School (connected to West Feeder) To determine the profile of the energy produced by the village power plant as well as that of the school, electrical power consumption meters (kWh meters) needed to be installed at key locations and the Figure 7.3 500kW Generator Nameplate Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |30 power consumption captured by the kWh meters need to be recorded (logged) with data recording loggers. The three key locations were chosen such that the entire quantity of electrical energy leaving the power plant would be captured and of that energy, how much was being consumed by the largest single load connected to the power plant. 7.2 Electric Power Monitoring Equipment The equipment required to quantify the power consumed (kilowatt hours) by the circuit of interest as well as keeping a data record of that power is identified below. The equipment was manufactured by Onset Computer Company and Continental Control Systems, LLC and consisted of three primary components. They are: Power and Energy Meter (kW and kWh meter) Current Transformer (one for each phase of the three phase system) Data Logger (recorder) A. Kilowatt (kW) and Kilowatt Hour (kWh) Power and Energy Meter The meter’s primary purpose is to interpret the electrical inputs from the circuit of interest. The meter requires two types of input. These two inputs are current and voltage and are derived from connected current transformers and the connected voltage sources. The meter then automatically calculates the instantaneous power as well as the energy consumed by the circuit. This data can be logged (recorded) on a data logger. The meter is programmable thus allowing for various characteristics of the circuit to be calculated as well as being scalable thus possibly allowing for the multitude different voltages and currents that may be encountered. These characteristics can be shown on the device’s output display. The shown outputs are voltage, current, real power and energy and reactive power and energy. A total of three individual power meters were required, one for each key location being monitored. The model number of the power and energy meter is Onset Computer Company T VER E50B2. B. Current Transformers As the above paragraph states, the power meter requires an electrical current input. Since the electrical currents in the various key locations were greater than the maximum capacity for which the power meter was designed, the currents had to be scaled downward. This was accomplished by installing appropriately sized current meters. The current meters installed were manufactured by Continental Control Systems, LLC. The Akiachak electrical system is a three phase electrical system. This requires a current transformer for each phase of the circuit of interest thus a total of three for each key location. A total of three sets of three each current transformers were installed, one set at each key location. Two different current transformer models were selected. They are: Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |31 East Feeder (power plant); CTS 2000 600 (set of three) West Feeder (power plant); CTS 2000 600 (set of three) School (connected to West Feeder); ACT 1250 400 (set of three) C. Data Logger A data logger records electronic pulses from an external sensing device over a specified time period. The information recorded into the electronic memory of the device can be downloaded to a computer and interpreted by a computer program. The pulse data logger is a versatile, 4 channel energy data logger that combines the functionality of four separate data loggers into one compact unit and easily tracks building energy consumption, equipment runtimes, and water and gas flow rates. The HOBO UX120 Pulse Data Logger utilized had an expanded memory and is capable of over 4,000,000 measurements. The model number of the data logger used is HOBO UX120 017M. A total of three data loggers were used, one data logger for each of the selected locations. The data loggers captured volts (v), amperes (A), kilowatt (kW) power, kilowatt hour (kWh) energy, reactive power (kVAR) and other electrical attributes. Kilowatt (power) and kilowatt hour kWh) are the primary attributes explored in this report. D. HOBOware Pro Computer Program Data analysis of the power and energy data was performed using Onset Computer Company’s data analysis computer program. The HOBOware Pro number is BHW Pro CD version 3.7.1. All required updates to the program were also installed. The monitoring equipment is summarized below: Current transformers – provided data input to the kW/kWh Power and Energy Meter Kilowatt and Kilowatt Hour Power and Energy Meter – captured input data provided by current transformers and voltage sources Data Loggers – recorded output data from Kilowatt and Kilowatt Hour Power and Energy Meter HOBOware Pro Computer Program – analysis tool. Interpreted information recorded by Data Logger Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |32 7.3 Power Analysis Adjustment multipliers were required to adjust raw logger data due to physical limitations of the current transformers. The current transformers were physically too small to encompass all phase conductors. More particularly, to measure current for data collection, for any given phase of a three phase electrical system, the ideal situation calls for passing all current carrying conductors of each phase through the hole of the donut shaped current transformer. For example, if each phase of a three phase power system required four cables per phase, all four cables would need to pass through the hole of the current transformer for that particular phase. In our case, the hole of the current transformers used to measure power data were physically too small to pass all required current carrying phase cables through the hole. The solution is straight forward and simple. In the example above, if the four cables for a single phase cannot physically pass through the hole of the current transformer, then pass only one of the cables through the hole. The collected data for the one phase can then be multiplied by four thus simply accounting for the total current of that phase. This was also the situation for the power plant West feeder as well as the School feeder. The collected data for the West feeder needed to be adjusted to compensate for allowing only two of the three feeders being able to physically fit in the current transformer. The table below identifies each data collection location and the correction “Adjustment Factor” required to normalize all data. Kilowatt (kW) Power Meter Readout Correction Factor Table Circuit Number of conductors per phase Number of phases encompassed by current transformer Meter Reading (kW) Actual Adjustment Factor Meter Reading (kW) Corrected West Feeder 3 2 139 1.5 208 East Feeder 2 2 102 102 School 6 1 7.5 6 45 For the purpose of this table, the “Meter Reading (kW) Actual” are illustrative only. The installation of the energy monitoring equipment at the school’s main electrical service entrance switchgear is shown below: Figure 7.5 kWh Meter installation at school Current Transformers Power and Energy Meter Voltage connection (typ) Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |33 Figure 7.6 Data Logger installation at school The analysis of the data from the data logger determined the following: Power Plant East Feeder Total kW (225 KVA Transformer) Power Plant West Feeder Total kW (500 KVA Transformer) School Total kW (connected to West Feeder) West Feeder kW w/o School Maximum 164.8 249.5 141.8 107.7 Minimum 37.0 49.5 11.7 37.8 Average 102.3 136.6 61.4 75.2 Based on the table above, the total average school load is approximately 45%of the West Feeder load (61.4 kW/136.6 kW) and 25.7%of the total average load of the power plant [61.4 kW/(102.3 kW + 136.6 kW)]. Additionally, further analysis of the data also portrays that the weekend loads at the school (Saturday and Sundays) never exceeded a maximum of 90.3 kW nor a minimum load below 28.2 kW. There were six occasions that the school feeder experienced a loss in power. Of those six occasions it is interesting to note that three occasions were on weekends and of those three occasions two were on a Saturday during the morning hours. A. School Power Load The following graph shows the school’s actual electrical load during the monitoring period. As stated, the graph’s y axis values need to be multiplied by a factor of 6 to compensate for the monitoring equipment’s input signal limitations. The monitoring period was September 10, 2015 to January 14, 2016. Data Logger mounted in school switchgear cabinet Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |34 Figure 7.7 Akiachak School Power Consumption (multiply kW x 6) One can surmise from viewing the graph that the average load is approximately 60 kW [or (10 kW x 6)] which matches closely with the table above 61.4 kW (highlighted in yellow). B. School Backup Electrical Supply In the event that electrical service is interrupted or discontinued, the school does have a backup generator capability that is sufficient for running the entire school load for an extended length of time. C. School Power Analysis Conclusion The total school load is approximately 25% of the average total power plant load of 239kW and is 45% of the average West Feeder load of 137kW. Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |35 7.4 Power Plant Fuel Cost Savings with an Akiachak Solar Array Relative array inefficiency can be compensated for with a suitably sized collecting area. This section describes the relative sizing of a solar array with sufficient area to offset some of the electrical energy used by the school and provides a preliminary power plant fuel cost savings estimate. This section quantifies an array area in square feet and may be used as a preliminary future planning number. The following uses the same methods as described above in calculating the size of a solar array. The quantities required to calculate a solar array size that provides a predetermined amount of energy are the same as noted previously; solar radiance, number of daylight hours and array efficiency. The largest load in Akiachak is the school load and this load can serve as the example load and basis for this calculation. Additionally, the load was measured and metered so it is a logical place to suggest for an example for displacing energy with a renewable energy source thus reducing energy costs for the village. Although the following suggests a need for a more detailed analysis regarding the use of existing historical solar data as well as performing an engineering concept design for specific solar arrays in Akiachak it is worth performing preliminary calculations as a basis for future investigation of solar technology. A. School Monthly Average Energy Consumption In our example, using a school average energy consumption quantity and an average solar radiance quantity one may calculate an array size. As mentioned, the data logger captured multiple electrical attributes of the energy supplied by the power plant feeders and in particular the electrical energy delivered to the school. Besides capturing the power (kW) load the school represents to the power plant, energy (kWh) usage was concurrently recorded by the logger. Below is a graph depicting the energy usage during the same period of time as the power usage graph shown in Figure 7.7, for the duration September 9, 2015 to January 14, 2016. Figure 7.8 Akiachak School Energy Consumption (multiply kWh x 6) Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |36 Both the power (kW) and energy (kWh) graph timelines coincide exactly and thus the graph data can be superimposed one on another producing the graph below incorporating a two y axis graph. Figure 7.9 Graph of school kW and kWh superimposed on top of one another. The load at the school is logically the highest when school is in session, especially during winter months. The period of time during which the data was collected was precisely during this peak consumption period. Further, the consumption of the power at the school shows usage is highest during week days, depicted as the peaks, and is lowest during weekends, depicted in the spaces between peaks. The dip in energy consumption is most notable during the November Thanksgiving and December Christmas holidays timeframe. From Figure 6.7 30 Year Bethel Radiance Data vs Akiachak 2015 Data (page 26), the winter months do not have sufficient solar radiance to help displace any sizable energy consumption during this time, however, there may be enough solar radiance during the spring and summer months to help offset energy use at the Akiachak school with a suitably sized array. Analysis of the kWh logged data determined that the daily school average energy consumption is approximately 1,022kWh/day during the data collection period. We will use this quantity for the following calculations. Additionally, since no other data exists for summer months, for purposes of this analysis, we will assume that summer consumption (likely less than during winter) is the same as the winter consumption. B. Establish Akiachak Average Daily Solar Radiance The daily values of average solar radiance from both the NREL source and the Akiachak met tower are consolidated and shown in the table below. It is the same data already documented above and is shown again in the table below for convenience of the reader. Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |37 Figure 7.10 Average Daily Solar Radiance (watts/square meter) and Average Daily Daylight Hours. Compare NREL 30 year Bethel data (blue numerals) to the Akiachak 1 year met tower collected data (black numerals). NREL data shows higher average radiance values. Comparing NREL 30 year data (blue numerals) to the shorter termed 1 year met tower collected data (black numerals) it is noticeable the NREL data has higher monthly average radiance values thus we will use the NREL radiance for Akiachak. C. Calculate Array Size To size the array that provides a sufficient amount of useful electrical power, we will use the yearly daily average solar radiance, 172.9 watts/square meter/day and the average annual number of daylight hours per day, 12.4 hours/day (both highlighted in yellow in Figure 7 10 above). We will choose to displace approximately 25% of the daily average energy usage of 1,022 kWh or 255 kwh/day. Calculate average kWh/sq m per day and convert to kWh/sq m per day 172.9 w/sq m x 12.4 hours/day x 1kW/1,000 W = 2.14 kWh/sq m/day The array efficiencies range from 10% to 20 %. If 10% is chosen (a conservative choice) the electrical output of the array yields 2.14 kWh/day x 0.10 = 0.214 kWh/sq m/day The school uses 1,022kWh during the day. To offset approximately 25% or about 255 kWh per day, calculate a solar panel array size. 255 kWh divided by 0.214 kWh/sq m = 1,189.4 sq m Convert to square feet 1 sq meter = 10.76 sq ft 1,189.4 sq m x 10.76 sq ft/sq m = 12,797.8 sq ft So an array size of approximately 113 feet x 113 feet (or equivalent) will offset approximately 25% of the school energy consumption and save the burning of fuel at the power plant. D. Calculate Power Plant Fuel Savings Assuming an array size (or equivalently sized) of 113 feet x 113 and produces 225 kWh per day, what is the yearly savings in fuel cost for the power plant? Calculate monthly energy produced by array From above, 255 kWh per day x 30 days per month = 7,650 kWh Calculate quantity of fuel saved Assume generator efficiency is 14.14kWh/gal and price per gallon of diesel fuel is $3.89/gallon (Source: extracted from State of Alaska, Alaska Energy Authority 2015 Power Cost Equalization Statistical Report) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec YearlyAvg 66.7 150.0 233.3 287.5 279.2 270.8 237.5 179.2 154.2 104.2 66.7 45.8 172.9 17.9 37.3 98.2 154.5 163.1 242.1 157.8 124.0 76.3 44.9 17.9 6.1 95.0 Average Akiachak DaylightHours 6 6.2 8.4 11.1 14 16.8 18.8 18.6 16.4 13.5 10.7 7.9 12.4 Average Solar Radiance (w/sqm) Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |38 7,650 kWh x 1/14.14kWh/gal = 541 gal x $3.89/gal = $2,104/mon x 12 mon/year = $25,255/year E. Power Plant Fuel Cost Savings with an Akiachak Solar Array Conclusion Based on this preliminary analysis, a solar array size (or equivalent size) of approximately 113 ft x 113 ft can save approximately 541 gals of diesel fuel and $25,255 at 2015 fuel prices of $3.89. The location of the array does not necessarily need to be placed at the school but should be chosen to best accommodate the sun’s radiance as well as the most effective integration with the existing village electrical system. Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |39 APPENDIX Akiachak Community Energy and Wind Resource Analysis Page |40 Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 2601 Meacham Boulevard Fort Worth, TX 76137 Aeronautical Study No. 2012-WTW-3158-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 04/26/2012 Edward George Akiachak Limited PO Box 51010 Akiachak, AK 99551 The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure: Met Tower Akiachak Met Tower Location: Akiachak, AK Latitude: 60-55-03.30N NAD 83 Longitude: 161-27-26.34W Heights: 20 feet site elevation (SE) 98 feet above ground level (AGL) 118 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the temporary structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is (are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed and maintained in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 K Change 2. Construction of a permanent structure at this location requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination expires on 10/26/2013 unless extended, revised or terminated by the issuing office. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates and heights. Any changes in coordinates and/or heights will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of a structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as Page 2 of 4 indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this temporary structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. Any failure or malfunction that lasts more than thirty (30) minutes and affects a top light or flashing obstruction light, regardless of its position, should be reported immediately to (800) 478-3576 so a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) can be issued. As soon as the normal operation is restored, notify the same number. A copy of this determination will be forwarded to the Federal Aviation Administration Flight Procedures Office if the structure is subject to the issuance of a Notice To Airman (NOTAM). If you have any questions, please contact our office at (907) 271-5863. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2012-WTW-3158-OE ( TMP ) Robert van Haastert Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 Page 4 of 4 300 W 31 st Ave Anchorage, AK 99503 Phone: 907 339 6500 Fax: 907 339 5331 Memorandum To:Akiachak Native Community From:Katherine Keith, WHPacific Date: 6/14/2012 Re: Akiachak MET Tower Installation The information below summarizes the events that occurred while installing the MET tower for the Akiachak Native Community. Please note that there are four appendices included with this memo: photo log, installation log, calibration reports, and FAA Determination letter. Day One (Monday, 6/4/2012) Departed Anchorage at 6:40 A.M. and arrived in Bethel at approximately 8:00 A.M. Northern Air Cargo (NAC) did not open until 9:00 A.M.; so Kristine and I went for breakfast where we met up with WHPacific employee and boat driver, Mike Williams Jr. We drove back to NAC to find that the equipment; which was manifested for the previous Saturday, did not arrive and was scheduled to be on the 1:30 P.M. plane. Efforts to locate another jackhammer began so that we could immediately start working on the anchor holes and have a second jackhammer to speed up the process after the NAC shipment arrived. After many calls we found that Orutsararmiut Native Council (ONC) had one for loan and did not charge a rental fee. After picking up the jackhammer we preceded to Mike’s boat in the harbor and headed out to Akiachak; which took approximately 40 minutes. The power plant operators (Ryan and Joel) were there upon arrival with a truck. After meeting Ryan and Joel we located all the tower sections and components that had been previously sent out. We then moved the equipment out to the wind site. The site was tremendously difficult to access with a combination of deep muddy marsh, steeply sloped hillside, and deep tussaks. The power plant workers had a 4 wheeler that was used to move the equipment. There was a funeral in town so Ryan and Joel were unable to work from that point until 5:00 P.M. The three of us went back to Bethel to get the other equipment from NAC. We then boated back to Akiachak to continue work. Ryan and Joel were needed to work on a water project and therefore could not help. We were also lacking a working generator to start the anchor holes. The operator’s (Ryan’s) brother had one out at fish camp; which he would have ready for the following morning. There were a few missing components including bolts, gin pole rocker, and carabineers. The missing components were planned to be retrieved from Kwethluk the following day. After sorting out the tower as best we could we boated back to Akiak for the night and got in at 9:30 P.M. Total Labor Hours: 48.5 Joel (Powerplant): 3 K. Keith (WHP): 15 K. Zajac (WHP): 15 M. Williams Jr. (WHP): 12.5 R. Nose (Powerplant): 3 Day Two (Tuesday, 6/5/2012) The tower was able to be installed on day two with a crew of seven people throughout most of the day. We used two jackhammers with one 2.8 kW generator. Operating two jack hammers at the same time shorted out the generator; so the two teams of two workers needed to alternate. Although that took slightly more time it did allow for breaks. The generator was rented for $65 a day and the payment went to Ryan Nose’s brother. The anchor placement went well by screwing the end of the anchor into the permafrost. This took a June 19, 2012 Page | 2 combination of hitting the anchor with a sledge hammer, screwing the top with a copper grounding rod, and standing on the anchor to apply pressure. We tried to lift the gin pole as a test run for the rigging and the winch anchor began to pull. This likely happened because the welding on the screw anchor itself was bad. We had to re bury a newanchor (we had brought a spare) and add to it two more copper ground rods placed in the opposite direction (we had extra ground rods). The three anchor points worked very well and created a secure and stable base for the cable hoist. I will use this again moving forward. Since we did not have a rocker plate we had to rig up an alternative solution using shackles and carabineers. This all worked well. Using the cable hoist mechanism went smoothly and proved to be a safe and secure method of raising the tower that only took one man to operate it. The top level lifter cable was too long so we had to lower the gin pole and create a loop/splice in the lifter cable so that it would be the correct tension. Total Labor Hours: 102.5 Eddie (IRA): 12:30 P.M.12:30 A.M. (12) Jack (IRA): 12:30 P.M.12:30 A.M. (12) Joel (Powerplant): 10:30 A.M.10:30 P.M. (12) K. Keith (WHP): 9:00 A.M.1 A.M. (17) K. Zajac (WHP): 9:00 A.M.1 A.M. (17) M. Williams Jr. (WHP): 9:00 A.M.1 A.M. (17) R. Nose (Powerplant): 9:00 A.M.12:30 A.M. (15.5) Akiachak Wind Feasibility Study Akiachak, Alaska Photo Log June 4 6, 2012 Installation WHPacific, Inc. Page 1 Travel by boat to Akiachak from Bethel on the Kuskokwim River. Anchors and ground rods pictured during travel to Akiachak by boat on the Kuskokwim River. Akiachak Wind Feasibility Study Akiachak, Alaska Photo Log June 4 6, 2012 Installation WHPacific, Inc. Page 2 Jackhammer shipped from Anchorage pictured during travel to Akiachak by boat on the Kuskokwim River. Mike Williams Jr. pictured navigating Kuskokwim River by boat. Akiachak Wind Feasibility Study Akiachak, Alaska Photo Log June 4 6, 2012 Installation WHPacific, Inc. Page 3 Facing approximately west. Pictured center: Joel hammering ground rods through tower base plate into the tundra. Temporary removal of organic mat to prepare for digging with a jackhammer and shovel. The mat is replaced after anchor placement to minimize impact on the tundra. Akiachak Wind Feasibility Study Akiachak, Alaska Photo Log June 4 6, 2012 Installation WHPacific, Inc. Page 4 Facing approximately west. Pictured left to right: Jack and Eddie at west anchor site location. Lowest anchor location filled with water after digging with a jack hammer and shovel. Screw anchor is being place at the correct 45 degree angle. Akiachak Wind Feasibility Study Akiachak, Alaska Photo Log June 4 6, 2012 Installation WHPacific, Inc. Page 5 Facing approximately south. Pictured from left to right: Joel, Kat, Mike, and Ryan assembling tower sections. Facing approximately west. Kat connecting anemometers and wind vane to the NRG data logger. Akiachak Wind Feasibility Study Akiachak, Alaska Photo Log June 4 6, 2012 Installation WHPacific, Inc. Page 6 Facing approximately south and looking up. Top of tower section with anemometers and wind vane. Not the spliced loop in the top lifter guy wire to take up excess slack. Northeast anchor site re-covered with organic mat. Akiachak Wind Feasibility Study Akiachak, Alaska Photo Log June 4 6, 2012 Installation WHPacific, Inc. Page 7 Northeast anchor site with guy wires shown looped in order to allow for a winter tower removal that is free of tangles. Yellow strips with reflectors protect snowmachiners. Facing approximately southeast. Assembly crew pictured from left to right: Kat, Jack, Mike, Ryan, and Eddie. Akiachak Wind Feasibility Study Akiachak, Alaska Photo Log June 4 6, 2012 Installation WHPacific, Inc. Page 8 Facing approximately southwest. Gin pole pictured on pallets for easy winter demobilization. Notice the extra ground rods that were used to strengthen the winch Facing approximately northeast. Data collection box pictured. Akiachak Wind Feasibility Study Akiachak, Alaska Photo Log June 4 6, 2012 Installation WHPacific, Inc. Page 9 Facing approximately north from south side of sewage lagoon. Tower pictured. Project Name: Site Number: Nearest Hub: Property Owner: City Manager: Contact Person: IRA Contact & Title: Phone Number: Utility Company: Cell Number: Email: Latitude: Latitude: Longitude: Longitude: Datum Type: Datum Type: Elevation: Installation Date: FormCompleted By: Date of Report: Photos Taken: Description: Nearest Landmarks: Tower Type: Anchors: Tower Height: Aircraft Deterrant: Logger Type: Logger S/N: Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3 Sensor 4 Sensor 5 1 2 3 8 9 #40 aneo #40 aneo #40 aneo #200 wind vane Temperature 92' 89' 9" 70' 5" 92' 7' 45 degrees 220 degrees 270degrees 200 degrees 60.5" 60.5" 60.5" 60.5" 179500196590 179500196592 179500196591 0.766 0.766 0.765 0.37 0.39 0.42 X X X X X Mag Dec:13 degrees ____ Carabiners Lifter Wires ____ Gin Pole Ropes ____ Gin Pole Bolts ____ Rocker Plates ____ Winch Shackle ____ __X__ Gin Pole on pallets _N/A_ Helper pole on pallets __X__ Guy wires taped up aboveground ____ akiachakltd@hotmail.com ____ Helper Pole Bolt ____ Extra SD Card __X__ NRG Screw Driver ____ Pallets NRG 30 meter tower 30 meters Symphonie __X__ Gin Pole ____ Helper Pole Akiachak Wind Project Bethel Edward George, General Manager 1050 20' Tower Location Sensor 1: 92' Equipment Information Sensor Information Planned Location Actual Location Installation Details 6/4 5/2012 6/13/2012 60°55' 3.30" N 161°27' 26.34" W NAD 83 Sensor Number & Height: K. Keith, K. Zajac, M. Williams Jr.(WHP); R. Nose & Joel (Powerplant); Jack & Eddie (IRA) Installation Team: Akiachak Ltd. WHPacific MET Tower Installation Cold Climate Consideration Site Inventory (Equipment left behind) Akiachak Ltd. Edward George 907 825 4328 Boom Length (inches): Serial Number: Slope (m/s / Hz): Offset (m/s): Functional Checks: Instruments Logger Terminal # (channel): Type (#40 ano, #200 vane, ect): Monitoring Height (feet): Boom Orientation (degrees true bearing): 60° 55' 3.1" N 161° 27' 20.6" W Screw anchors with coverplate in permafrost. Red and white painted sections at the top of tower. Sensor 2: 89' 9" Sensor 3: 70' 5" Sensor 4: 92' Tower View From Above Determination Expiration Date:10/26/2013 K. Keith & K. Zajac Tundra & boggy terrain with trees surrounding the area. Sewage lagoon approximately northwest of tower location. Exposure: (Tree height & proximity, terrain description, ect) K.Keith & K. Zajac Sewage Lagoon Diameter/Face (inches):6 inches Snowmachine Deterrant:Yellow protectors ANEMOMETER VANE N APPENDIX B Picture 1: Screw anchor shown. Picture 2: Cable hoist anchor with rebar shown. Notes & Photos 630 Peña Drive, Suite 800 Davis, CA 95618-7726 Office: (530) 757-2264 http://www.otechwind.com Customer Information Instrument Under Test (IUT) NRG Systems, Inc. Model No: NRG #40 Sine 110 Riggs Road Serial No: 179500196590 Hinesburg, VT 05461 Output: Sine Wave USA IUT Power: 0 VDC Heater Power: 0 VDC Mount Diameter: 12.7 mm Test Procedure: OTECH-CP-001 Wind Tunnel Test Facility Data Acquisition Otech Tunnel ID: WT1C Type : Eiffel (open circuit, suction) Test Section Size : 0.61 m x 0.61 m x 1.22 m Software : National Instruments LabVIEW 2010 Manufacturer : Engineering Laboratory Design, Inc.Signal Reduction Method for IUT: FFT Analysis Measuring Equipment Test Conditions Reference Speed Position Correction = 1 Reference Speed Blockage Correction = 1.00735 Mean Ambient Pressure = 101,882 Pa Amb. Pressure : Setra Model 270 Barometer (NIST traceable)Mean Ambient Temperature = 23.5 deg C Amb. Temperature : OMEGA HX94 SS Probe (NIST traceable) Mean Relative Humidity = 45.4% RH Relative Humidity : OMEGA HX94 SS Probe (NIST traceable) Mean Density = 1.1911 kg/cubic meter Hardware : National Instruments CDAQ-9172 USB 2.0 chassis with NI 9205 32-chan 16-bit AI module ANEMOMETER CALIBRATION REPORT Test Date: 8 February 2012 Revision No: 0 Reference Speed : Four United Sensor Type PA Pitot-static tubes sensed by an MKS Barotron Type 220D Differential Pressure Transducer (NIST traceable) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Reference Speed, V [m/s]-0.40 -0.30 -0.20 -0.10 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 Speed Residual, V [m/s]Reference Speed [m/s] Anemometer Output [Hz] Residual [m/s] Ref. Speed Uncertainty 4.028 4.909 -0.100 0.626% std. err. slope =0.00212 m/s per Hz 8.063 10.024 0.019 0.607% 12.083 15.177 0.094 0.600% 16.100 20.477 0.054 0.618% 20.129 25.871 -0.046 0.597% 24.145 31.109 -0.040 0.602% 26.156 33.635 0.038 0.602% 22.125 28.529 -0.085 0.607% 18.098 23.163 -0.005 0.599% 14.085 17.834 0.062 0.607% 10.069 12.593 0.058 0.596% 6.040 7.470 -0.049 0.618% References available upon request.179500196590_2012-02-08.pdf This document reports that the above IUT was tested at Otech Engineering, Inc., a wind tunnel laboratory accredited in accordance with the recognised International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (Certificate number CL-126). This accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory quality management system (refer joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communiqué dated January 2009). Uncertainties estimated at 95 % confidence level. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval from Otech Engineering, Inc. V [m/s] = 0.766 f [Hz] + 0.37 Approved by: John Obermeier, President r = 0.99996 slope =0.766 m/s per Hz offset =0.37 m/s std. err. estimate =0.0665 m/s std. err. offset =0.04501 m/s Regression Parameters Transfer Function Test Results: Page 1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 10 20 30 40Reference Speed, V [m/s]Anemometer Signal, f [Hz] -0.40 -0.30 -0.20 -0.10 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0 10 20 30 40Speed Residual, V [m/s]Anemometer Signal, f [Hz] Note: Generic photo of test set-up APPENDIX 630 Peña Drive, Suite 800 Davis, CA 95618-7726 Office: (530) 757-2264 http://www.otechwind.com Customer Information Instrument Under Test (IUT) NRG Systems, Inc. Model No: NRG #40 Sine 110 Riggs Road Serial No: 179500196591 Hinesburg, VT 05461 Output: Sine Wave USA IUT Power: 0 VDC Heater Power: 0 VDC Mount Diameter: 12.7 mm Test Procedure: OTECH-CP-001 Wind Tunnel Test Facility Data Acquisition Otech Tunnel ID: WT1C Type : Eiffel (open circuit, suction) Test Section Size : 0.61 m x 0.61 m x 1.22 m Software : National Instruments LabVIEW 2010 Manufacturer : Engineering Laboratory Design, Inc.Signal Reduction Method for IUT: FFT Analysis Measuring Equipment Test Conditions Reference Speed Position Correction = 1 Reference Speed Blockage Correction = 1.00735 Mean Ambient Pressure = 101,867 Pa Amb. Pressure : Setra Model 270 Barometer (NIST traceable)Mean Ambient Temperature = 23.5 deg C Amb. Temperature : OMEGA HX94 SS Probe (NIST traceable) Mean Relative Humidity = 45.3% RH Relative Humidity : OMEGA HX94 SS Probe (NIST traceable) Mean Density = 1.1910 kg/cubic meter Hardware : National Instruments CDAQ-9172 USB 2.0 chassis with NI 9205 32-chan 16-bit AI module ANEMOMETER CALIBRATION REPORT Test Date: 8 February 2012 Revision No: 0 Reference Speed : Four United Sensor Type PA Pitot-static tubes sensed by an MKS Barotron Type 220D Differential Pressure Transducer (NIST traceable) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Reference Speed, V [m/s]-0.40 -0.30 -0.20 -0.10 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 Speed Residual, V [m/s]Reference Speed [m/s] Anemometer Output [Hz] Residual [m/s] Ref. Speed Uncertainty 4.018 4.866 -0.125 0.617% std. err. slope =0.00236 m/s per Hz 8.044 9.929 0.029 0.620% 12.083 15.081 0.126 0.602% 16.076 20.442 0.018 0.600% 20.123 25.803 -0.036 0.596% 24.146 31.110 -0.072 0.598% 26.153 33.609 0.023 0.596% 22.113 28.440 -0.063 0.598% 18.065 23.018 0.037 0.613% 14.043 17.727 0.062 0.598% 10.021 12.477 0.056 0.607% 6.035 7.412 -0.056 0.610% References available upon request.179500196591_2012-02-08.pdf This document reports that the above IUT was tested at Otech Engineering, Inc., a wind tunnel laboratory accredited in accordance with the recognised International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (Certificate number CL-126). This accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory quality management system (refer joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communiqué dated January 2009). Uncertainties estimated at 95 % confidence level. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval from Otech Engineering, Inc. V [m/s] = 0.765 f [Hz] + 0.42 Approved by: John Obermeier, President r = 0.99995 slope =0.765 m/s per Hz offset =0.42 m/s std. err. estimate =0.0741 m/s std. err. offset =0.04997 m/s Regression Parameters Transfer Function Test Results: Page 1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 10 20 30 40Reference Speed, V [m/s]Anemometer Signal, f [Hz] -0.40 -0.30 -0.20 -0.10 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0 10 20 30 40Speed Residual, V [m/s]Anemometer Signal, f [Hz] Note: Generic photo of test set-up 630 Peña Drive, Suite 800 Davis, CA 95618-7726 Office: (530) 757-2264 http://www.otechwind.com Customer Information Instrument Under Test (IUT) NRG Systems, Inc. Model No: NRG #40 Sine 110 Riggs Road Serial No: 179500196592 Hinesburg, VT 05461 Output: Sine Wave USA IUT Power: 0 VDC Heater Power: 0 VDC Mount Diameter: 12.7 mm Test Procedure: OTECH-CP-001 Wind Tunnel Test Facility Data Acquisition Otech Tunnel ID: WT1C Type : Eiffel (open circuit, suction) Test Section Size : 0.61 m x 0.61 m x 1.22 m Software : National Instruments LabVIEW 2010 Manufacturer : Engineering Laboratory Design, Inc.Signal Reduction Method for IUT: FFT Analysis Measuring Equipment Test Conditions Reference Speed Position Correction = 1 Reference Speed Blockage Correction = 1.00735 Mean Ambient Pressure = 101,845 Pa Amb. Pressure : Setra Model 270 Barometer (NIST traceable)Mean Ambient Temperature = 23.4 deg C Amb. Temperature : OMEGA HX94 SS Probe (NIST traceable) Mean Relative Humidity = 45.2% RH Relative Humidity : OMEGA HX94 SS Probe (NIST traceable) Mean Density = 1.1908 kg/cubic meter Hardware : National Instruments CDAQ-9172 USB 2.0 chassis with NI 9205 32-chan 16-bit AI module ANEMOMETER CALIBRATION REPORT Test Date: 8 February 2012 Revision No: 0 Reference Speed : Four United Sensor Type PA Pitot-static tubes sensed by an MKS Barotron Type 220D Differential Pressure Transducer (NIST traceable) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Reference Speed, V [m/s]-0.40 -0.30 -0.20 -0.10 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 Speed Residual, V [m/s]Reference Speed [m/s] Anemometer Output [Hz] Residual [m/s] Ref. Speed Uncertainty 4.014 4.871 -0.106 0.616% std. err. slope =0.00219 m/s per Hz 8.038 9.970 0.012 0.620% 12.064 15.090 0.116 0.606% 16.074 20.463 0.010 0.609% 20.115 25.841 -0.069 0.597% 24.145 31.055 -0.033 0.596% 26.155 33.633 0.003 0.599% 22.103 28.388 -0.031 0.602% 18.076 23.080 0.008 0.598% 14.047 17.722 0.083 0.598% 10.025 12.489 0.069 0.600% 6.035 7.450 -0.061 0.612% References available upon request.179500196592_2012-02-08.pdf This document reports that the above IUT was tested at Otech Engineering, Inc., a wind tunnel laboratory accredited in accordance with the recognised International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (Certificate number CL-126). This accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory quality management system (refer joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communiqué dated January 2009). Uncertainties estimated at 95 % confidence level. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval from Otech Engineering, Inc. V [m/s] = 0.766 f [Hz] + 0.39 Approved by: John Obermeier, President r = 0.99996 slope =0.766 m/s per Hz offset =0.39 m/s std. err. estimate =0.0687 m/s std. err. offset =0.04636 m/s Regression Parameters Transfer Function Test Results: Page 1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 10 20 30 40Reference Speed, V [m/s]Anemometer Signal, f [Hz] -0.40 -0.30 -0.20 -0.10 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0 10 20 30 40Speed Residual, V [m/s]Anemometer Signal, f [Hz] Note: Generic photo of test set-up Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 2601 Meacham Boulevard Fort Worth, TX 76137 Aeronautical Study No. 2012-WTW-3158-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 04/26/2012 Edward George Akiachak Limited PO Box 51010 Akiachak, AK 99551 The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure: Met Tower Akiachak Met Tower Location: Akiachak, AK Latitude: 60-55-03.30N NAD 83 Longitude: 161-27-26.34W Heights: 20 feet site elevation (SE) 98 feet above ground level (AGL) 118 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the temporary structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is (are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed and maintained in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 K Change 2. Construction of a permanent structure at this location requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination expires on 10/26/2013 unless extended, revised or terminated by the issuing office. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates and heights. Any changes in coordinates and/or heights will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of a structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as Page 2 of 4 indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this temporary structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. Any failure or malfunction that lasts more than thirty (30) minutes and affects a top light or flashing obstruction light, regardless of its position, should be reported immediately to (800) 478-3576 so a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) can be issued. As soon as the normal operation is restored, notify the same number. A copy of this determination will be forwarded to the Federal Aviation Administration Flight Procedures Office if the structure is subject to the issuance of a Notice To Airman (NOTAM). If you have any questions, please contact our office at (907) 271-5863. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2012-WTW-3158-OE ( TMP ) Robert van Haastert Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 Page 4 of 4 Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 2601 Meacham Boulevard Fort Worth, TX 76137 Aeronautical Study No. 2012-WTW-3158-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 04/26/2012 Edward George Akiachak Limited PO Box 51010 Akiachak, AK 99551 The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure: Met Tower Akiachak Met Tower Location: Akiachak, AK Latitude: 60-55-03.30N NAD 83 Longitude: 161-27-26.34W Heights: 20 feet site elevation (SE) 98 feet above ground level (AGL) 118 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the temporary structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is (are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed and maintained in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 K Change 2. Construction of a permanent structure at this location requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination expires on 10/26/2013 unless extended, revised or terminated by the issuing office. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates and heights. Any changes in coordinates and/or heights will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of a structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as APPENDIX Page 2 of 4 indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this temporary structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. Any failure or malfunction that lasts more than thirty (30) minutes and affects a top light or flashing obstruction light, regardless of its position, should be reported immediately to (800) 478-3576 so a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) can be issued. As soon as the normal operation is restored, notify the same number. A copy of this determination will be forwarded to the Federal Aviation Administration Flight Procedures Office if the structure is subject to the issuance of a Notice To Airman (NOTAM). If you have any questions, please contact our office at (907) 271-5863. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2012-WTW-3158-OE ( TMP ) Robert van Haastert Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 Page 4 of 4 Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2012-WTW-3158-OE Page 1 of 1 Issued Date: 07/13/2016 Edward George Akiachak Limited PO Box 51010 Akiachak, AK 99551 The aeronautical study concerning the following project has been terminated: Structure: Met Tower Akiachak Met Tower Location: Akiachak, AK Latitude: 60-55-03.30N NAD 83 Longitude: 161-27-26.34W Heights: 20 feet site elevation (SE) 98 feet above ground level (AGL) 118 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) We are in receipt of notification that the project described above was dismantled on 06/15/2016. If you need to reactivate the study, it will be necessary for you to re-file notice using the electronic filing system available on our website oeaaa.faa.gov. If we can be of further assistance, please contact Cesar Perez, at (404) 305-5041. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2012-WTW-3158-OE. ( TER -WT ) Mike Helvey Manager, Obstruction Evaluation Group