HomeMy WebLinkAboutAK Environmental Power (Delta Wind Farm) - Power Purchase Agreement - 2012 - REF Grantt 2195370PO Box 71249, Fairbanks, AK 99707-1249 • (907) 452-1151 - www.gvca.com lourTouchscone Energy° Cooperative STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM PO Box 71249, Fairbanks, AK 99707-1249 • (907) 452-1151 • www.gvea.com Your Touchstone L neagry' Cooperative( STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES 111► 0011IMY110 EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM THIS STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES (Agreement), is being entered into this 3wh day, of January, 2012, by and between Alaska Environmental Power, LLC ("Seller") and Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. ("GVEA") in order to set forth the terms and conditions under which Seller shall generate and deliver and GVEA will purchase and receive energy from Seller's member -owned renewable resource generation facility under GVEA's Experimental Renewable Resource Purchase Program. Seller and GVEA may be referred to individually as "Party," or collectively as the "Parties." This STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES supersedes the STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES dated April 15, 2010. Recitals: A. Seller is a member -consumer of GVEA and plans to develop a small-scale renewable resource electric generation facility that does not exceed 2,000 kW in nameplate capacity. B. GVEA wishes to promote the development of small-scale renewable resource electric generation facilities by its member -consumers. C. GVEA has developed this limited program and will offer it on an experimental basis, so GVEA can analyze the effects of such development on its utility system. PAGE 1 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM D. Seller intends to construct, own, operate and maintain a renewable resource facility for the generation of electric power located in District Six (6) of GVEA's certificated service territory with a Nameplate Capacity Rating of up to 2,000 kilowatts ("kW"), consisting of two 900 kW EWT wind turbines, a NW 100a 100 kW wind turbine, and seven 1.8 kW Sky Stream wind turbines. The renewable resource facility is further described in Exhibit A — Description of Facility (the "Facility"). E. Seller shall sell and GVEA shall purchase the entire Net Output of the Facility, including all Environmental Attributes associated with the Facility, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Therefore, the Parties agree as follows: SECTION 1 ELIGIBILITY The terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement are provided by GVEA in order to promote the development of renewable resource generation facilities by GVEA member -consumers on an experimental basis. Unless otherwise expressly agreed to in writing by GVEA, Seller must, at all times, be a member -consumer of GVEA and own and operate an Approved Renewable Resource Electric Generation Facility with a nameplate capacity that does not exceed two thousand kilowatts (2,000 kW) to be eligible to sell energy to GVEA pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. SECTION 2 DEFINITIONS When used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 2.1 "As -built Supplement" means the supplement to Exhibit A — Description of Facility provided by Seller in accordance with Section 5.2, describing the Facility as actually built. 2.2 "Approved Renewable Resource Electric Generation Facility" means an electric generation facility using water, biomass, geothermal, wind, or solar resources to generate power that has satisfied the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Electric generation facilities using other renewable resources may be evaluated by GVEA for inclusion in the experimental program on a case -by -case basis. 2.3 "Billing Period" means the interval between GVEA's scheduled Facility power purchase billing meter readings in the normal course of GVEA's business. Such intervals are approximately thirty (30) days long, but typically vary and may not coincide with calendar months. 2.4 "Commercial Operation Date" means the date that the Facility is deemed by GVEA to be properly interconnected to GVEA's utility system, fully operational, and ready to PAGE 2 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366980/I/WHP/052273-0180 Provide reasonably reliable energy which shall require, among other things, that all of the following have occurred: 2.4.1 Seller has provided GVEA with a certification from a Licensed Professional Engineer (LPE), in a form reasonably acceptable to GVEA, stating that the Facility is capable of reliably generating electric power in the amounts set forth in this Agreement and in accordance with all other terms and conditions of this Agreement; and 2.4.2 Start-up Testing of the Facility has been successfully performed as required by the terms of this Agreement; and 2.4.3 Seller has provided GVEA with a certification from an LPE, in a form reasonably acceptable to GVEA, stating that: (i) all required interconnection facilities have been constructed; (ii) all required interconnection tests have been successfully completed; and (iii) the Facility is physically interconnected with GVEA's electric. system in accordance with the requirements of GVEA's Generation Interconnection Requirements; and 2.4.4 Seller has provided GVEA with a certification representing and warranting that Seller has obtained all Required Facility Documents and, if requested by GVEA in writing, has provided GVEA copies of any requested Required Facility Documents. 2.5 "Commission" means the Regulatory Commission of Alaska. 2.6 "Contract Price" means the price option selected by Seller in Section 6, Contract Price. 2.7 "Contract Year" means the twelve (12) month period commencing at 00:00 hours on January 1 and ending at 24:00 hours on December 31; provided, however, that the first Contract Year shall commence on the Commercial Operation Date and end on the next succeeding December 31; and the last Contract Year shall end on the Termination Date. 2.8 "Effective Date" is the date this Agreement is executed by the authorized representatives of both Parties. 2.9 "Environmental Attributes" means any and all current or future credits, benefits, emissions reductions, environmental air quality credits, emissions reduction credits, offsets and allowances, howsoever titled, resulting from the avoidance or mitigation of the emission of any particulate, gas, chemical or other substance attributable to the Facility's operation and maintenance during the Term, or otherwise attributable to the generation, purchase, sale or use of energy from or by the Facility during the Term. This shall include, without limitation, Green Tags; Green Certificates; Renewable Energy Credits; Tradable Renewable Certificates (as those terms are commonly used in the region); and any credit, right, PAGE 3 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366980/1AV"P/052273-0180 tag, or certificate arising out of legislation or regulation concerned with oxides of nitrogen, sulfur or carbon, with particulate matter, soot or mercury, or implementing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (the "UNFCCC") or the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC or crediting "early action" emissions reduction, or laws or regulations involving or administered by the Clean Air Markets Division of the Environmental Protection Agency or successor administrator, or any State or federal entity given jurisdiction over a program involving transferability of Environmental Attributes, and any rights whatsoever to such Environmental Attributes. 2.10 "Experimental Renewable Resource Purchase Program" means the program established by GVEA, on an experimental basis, to purchase power from member -consumers that own and operate renewable resource generation facilities at a Nameplate Capacity Rating greater than that allowable under its Sustainable Natural Alternative Power ("SNAP") program but under a Nameplate Capacity Rating which does not exceed 2,000 W. This program has been established in order to provide GVEA with data regarding the effect of such generation on its utility system. 2.11 "Facility" means the Approved Renewable Resource Electric Generation Facility as more specifically described in Exhibit A — Description of Facility. 2.12 "Force Majeure" has the meaning set forth in Section 13, Force Majeure. 2.13 "Generation Interconnection Agreement" means the generation interconnection agreement separately executed between Seller and GVEA, providing for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the GVEA interconnection facilities required to accommodate deliveries of Seller's Net Output. A copy of the Generation Interconnection Agreement is attached as Exhibit B — Generation interconnection Agreement. 2.14 "Licensed Professional Engineer" or "LPE" means a person who is a licensed engineer in the state of Alaska. Such Licensed Professional Engineer shall be licensed in an appropriate engineering discipline for the required certification being made and be acceptable to GVEA in its reasonable judgment. Certifications by an LPE can be provided by one or more LPEs, at the discretion of the Seller. 2.15 "Maximum Net Output" is 17,520,000 kWh of Net Output, which Seller shall deliver from the Facility to GVEA at the Point of Delivery during each Contract Year or pro rata for Contract Years less than twelve (12) months. 2.16 "Nameplate Capacity Rating" means the maximum capacity of the Facility as stated by the manufacturer, expressed in kW, which shall not exceed 2,000 kW. 2.17 "Net Dependable Capacity" means the maximum energy generating capacity that the Facility can realistically sustain over a specified period with due consideration to seasonal limitations and operational variability such as the availability of feedstock for fuel or a PAGE 4 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366980111WHPI052273-0180 sufficient wind resource in the case of a wind -turbine generator, reduced by the capacity required for station service and other parasitic loads. 2.18 "Net Output" means the energy, expressed in kWh, produced by the Facility over a specified period, less that amount of energy used for station service and other parasitic loads or on -site uses and less transformer and transmission losses. Net Output does not include any environmental attributes. For purposes of this Agreement, station service does not include residences, businesses or other non -generation facility uses. 2.14 "Point of Delivery" means the high side of the generation step-up transformer(s) located at the point of interconnection between the Facility and GVEA's distribution or transmission system, as specified in the Generation Interconnection Agreement. 2.20 "Prudent Electrical Practices" means those practices, methods, standards and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric power industry in the state of Alaska and that are in compliance with the regulations for electrical safety and reliability in that state. Prudent Electrical Practices are those that at the relevant time period, in the exercise of reasonable judgment and in light of the facts known or that should reasonably have been known at the time a decision was made, would have been expected to accomplish the desired result in a manner consistent with good business practices, reliability, economy, safety and expedition, and which practices, methods, standards and acts reflect due regard for operation and maintenance standards recommended by applicable equipment suppliers and manufacturers, operational limits, and all applicable laws and regulations. Prudent Electrical Practices are not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method, standard or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to those practices, methods and acts generally acceptable or approved by a significant portion of the electric power generation industry in the relevant region, during the relevant period, as described in the immediately preceding sentence. 2.21 "Required Facility Documents" means all licenses, permits, authorizations, and agreements necessary for construction, operation, interconnection, and maintenance of the Facility, including, without limitation, those set forth in Exhibit C — Required Facility Documents. 2.22 "Start-up Testing" means the completion of applicable required manufacturer and performance or safety tests as certified in writing by a LPE in a form satisfactory to GVEA. 2.23 "Term" shall mean the period beginning on the Effective Date and ending on the Termination Date. 2.24 "Termination Date" shall be the date designated in Section 3.1, or on the date the Agreement is terminated in accordance with Section 11 or Section 12.2, whichever is earlier. 2.25 "Test Period" shall mean a period of thirty (30) consecutive days without a forced outage, or a commercially reasonable period determined by the Parties. With respect to wind -powered generation, a period of low, or no wind does not qualify as a forced outage. PAGE 5 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366980/1/WHP/052273-0180 SECTION 3 TERM; COMMERCIAL OPERATION DATE 3.1 The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall end on January 30, 2032 [date to be chosen by Seller, but no more than twenty (20) years from the Commercial Operations Date], unless terminated sooner. Seller. 3.2 Seller's ability to meet the following requirements shall be material obligations of 3.2.1 On or before September 30th, 2012 [date to be determined by the Seller and must be reasonably acceptable to GVEA], Seller shall begin initial deliveries of Net Output; and 3.2.2 On or before September 20th, 2012 [date to be determined by the Seller and must be reasonably acceptable to GVEA], Seller shall have completed all requirements provided in Section 2.4, Commercial Operation Date, and shall have established the Commercial Operation Date, which Seller shall certify in a writing executed by an authorized representative of Seller and acknowledged in the same manner by GVEA. SECTION 4 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 4.1 Seller represents and warrants as follows: 4.1.1 Seller is a member -consumer of GVEA. 4.1.2 Seller has the requisite power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform according to the terms hereof, including obtaining all required regulatory approvals to make sales from the Facility. 4.1.3 Seller has taken all actions required to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby. 4.1.4 Seller has an Approved Renewable Resource Electric Generation Facility. 4.1.5 Seller will design and operate the Facility consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices. 4.1.6 Seller has obtained all Required Facility Documents, PAGE 6 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366980/1IWHP/052273-0180 4.1.7 Seller will deliver all the Net Output from the Facility to GVEA at the Point of Delivery, but such deliveries shall not exceed the Maximum Net Output. 4.1.8 Seller has an effective Generation Interconnection Agreement with GVEA for a term of not less than the term of this Agreement. 4.2 GVEA represents and warrants as follows: 4.2.1 GVEA is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the state of Alaska. 4.2.2 GVEA has the requisite power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform according to the terms hereof, including all required regulatory authority to make purchases from the Facility. 4.2.3 GVEA has taken all actions required to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby. 4.3 If, at any time during this Agreement, any Party obtains actual knowledge of any event or information which would have caused any of the representations and warranties in this Section 4 to have been materially untrue or misleading when made, whether the event occurred or information was acquired before or after the Effective Date, such Party shall provide the other Party with written notice of the event or information, the representations and warranties affected, and the action, if any, which such Party intends to take to make the representations and warranties true and correct. The notice required pursuant to this Section 4 shall be given as soon as practicable after the occurrence of each such event. SECTION 5 DELIVERY OF POWER 5.1 Commencing on the Commercial Operation Date and continuing through the Term of this Agreement, Seller shall sell and GVEA shall purchase the entire Net Output delivered from the Facility at the Point of Delivery. 5.2 Upon completion of construction of the Facility, Seller shall provide GVEA an As -built Supplement to specify the Facility as actually built. Seller shall not increase the Nameplate Capacity Rating above that specified in Exhibit A — Description of Facility, or increase the ability of the Facility to deliver Net Output in quantities in excess of the Net Dependable Capacity, or the Maximum Net Output as described in Section 4 above, through any means, including, but not limited to, replacement, modification, or addition of existing equipment, except with prior approval by GVEA. In the event Seller increases the Nameplate Capacity Rating of the Facility pursuant to this section, GVEA shall pay the Contract Price for the additional delivered Net Output; provided, however, that for the purposes of this Agreement, PAGE 7 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366980/1/WHP/052273-0180 the Nameplate Capacity Rating shall not be increased above 2,000 kW and GVEA shall have no obligation to pay for additional delivered Net Output resulting from such an increase. If Seller increases the ability of the Facility to deliver Net Output without prior approval by GVEA, GVEA may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement. 5.3 Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by GVEA, all costs associated with the modifications to GVEA's interconnection facilities or electric system occasioned by or related to the interconnection of the Facility with GVEA's system, or any increase in generating capability of the Facility, or any increase of delivery of Net Dependable Capacity from the Facility, are the responsibility of the Seller. 5.4 Any and all Environmental Attributes produced with respect to the Facility shall be the property of GVEA, and Seller shall not represent that such Environmental Attributes belong to Seller; provided, however, that any applicable production tax credits shall be the property of Seller. SECTION 6 CONTRACT PRICE 6.1 GVEA shall pay Seller the contract price option of either Section 6.1.1 or Section 6.1.2 selected below, pursuant to this Section 6. Seller shall indicate which price option it chooses by causing its authorized representative to place their initials indicating Seller's pricing option choice below. 6.1.1 NIA Fixed Price of NIA per kWh (for the term of the Agreement); or 6.1.2C GVEA's avoided cost price (adjusted quarterly). Except as provided in this Agreement, Seller's selection is for the Term and shall not be changed during the Term. 6.2 Each Party agrees that, if it seeks to amend any applicable avoided cost pricing methodology or wholesale power sales tariff during the Term of the Agreement, such change or amendment will not in any way affect this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party. Each Party further agrees that it will not assert a claim or cause of action, or defend itself, on the basis that any applicable tariff is inconsistent with this Agreement. SECTION 7 OPERATION AND CONTROL 7.1 Seller shall operate and maintain the Facility in a reliable and safe manner in accordance with the Generation Interconnection Agreement and Prudent Electrical Practices. GVEA shall have no obligation to purchase Net Output from the Facility to the extent the interconnection of the Facility to GVEA's electric system is disconnected, suspended or PAGE 8 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366980/UWHP/052273-0180 interrupted, in whole or in part, pursuant to the Generation Interconnection Agreement, or to the extent generation curtailment is required as a result of Seller's noncompliance with the Generation Interconnection Agreement. Such curtailments shall not be consider a Force Majeure event. Upon reasonable notice to Seller, GVEA shall have the right to inspect the Facility to confirm that Seller is operating the Facility in accordance with this Agreement. Seller is solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Facility. GVEA shall not, by reason of its decision to inspect or not to inspect the Facility, or by any action or inaction taken with respect to any such inspection, assume or be held responsible for any liability or occurrence arising from the operation and maintenance by Seller of the Facility. 7.2 Seller agrees to provide fourteen (14) days advance written notice of any scheduled maintenance that would require shut -down of the Facility for any extended period of time. 7.3 If the Facility ceases operation for unscheduled maintenance or as the result of a forced outage or curtailment exceeding fifty percent (50%) of Net Dependable Capacity (other than curtailments due to lack of motive force, i.e., no wind resource), Seller immediately shall notify GVEA of such unscheduled outage, the time when any remedial work has occurred or will Occur, and the anticipated duration of the outage. Seller shall take all reasonable measures and exercise commercially reasonable efforts to avoid unscheduled maintenance and forced outages, and to limit the duration of such unscheduled maintenance and outages. SECTION S METERING 8.1 GVEA shall design, furnish, install, own, inspect, test, maintain and replace all metering equipment at SeIler's cost and as required pursuant to the Generation Interconnection Agreement. 8.2 Metering shall be performed at the location and in a manner consistent with this Agreement and as specified in the Generation Interconnection Agreement. All Net Output purchased hereunder shall be adjusted to account for electrical losses, if any, between the point of metering and the Point of Delivery, so that the purchased amount reflects the net amount of energy flowing into GVEA's system at the Point of Delivery. 8.3 GVEA shall periodically inspect, test, repair and replace the metering equipment as provided in the Generation Interconnection Agreement. If any of the inspections or tests discloses an error exceeding two percent (2%) of the actual energy delivery, either fast or slow, proper correction, based upon the inaccuracy found, shall be made of previous readings for the actual period during which the metering equipment rendered inaccurate measurements, if that period can be ascertained. If the actual period cannot be ascertained, the correction shall be made to the measurements taken during the time the metering equipment was in service since last tested, but not exceeding three (3) months, in the amount the metering equipment shall have been shown to be in error by such test. Any correction in billings or payments resulting from a correction in the meter records shall be made in the next monthly billing or payment rendered. PAGE 9 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366980/1/WHP/052273-0180 Such correction, when made, shall constitute full adjustment of any claim between Seller and GVEA arising out of the inaccuracy of metering equipment. 8.4 To the extent not otherwise provided in the Generation Interconnection Agreement, all of GVEA's costs relating to all metering equipment installed to accommodate Seller's Facility shall be borne by Seller. SECTION 9 BILLINGS, COMPUTATIONS AND PAYMENTS 9.1 On or before the thirtieth (30th) day following the end of each Billing Period, GVEA shall send to Seller payment for Seller's deliveries of Net Output to GVEA, together with computations supporting such payment. GVEA may offset any such payment to reflect amounts owing from Seller to GVEA pursuant to this Agreement, the Generation Interconnection Agreement, and any other agreement between the Parties. 9.2 GVEA shall have up to eighteen (18) months to adjust any payment made pursuant to Section 9.1. In the event GVEA determines it has overpaid Seller for any reason, GVEA may adjust Seller's future payments accordingly in order to recapture any overpayments in a commercially reasonable time. 9.3 Any amounts owing after the due date thereof shall bear interest at a rate equal to GVEA's cost of capital plus one percent (1%) from the date due until paid; provided, however, that the interest rate shall at no time exceed the maximum rate allowed by applicable law. SECTION 10 DEFAULT, REMEDIES AND TERMINATION 10.1 The following events shall constitute defaults under this Agreement: 10.1.1 Breach by Seller or GVEA of a material term, including, without limitation, a breach of any representation or warranty set forth in this Agreement. 10.1.2 Seller's loss of eligibility required under Section 1. 10.1.3 Seller's inability to meet requirements of Section 3.2 10.1.4 Failure of GVEA to make any required payment pursuant to Section 9.1, unless disputed in good faith. 10.2 In the event of a default hereunder, the non -defaulting Party may immediately terminate this Agreement at its sole discretion by delivering written notice to the other Party, and may pursue any and all legal or equitable remedies provided by law or pursuant to this Agreement. Such termination shall be effective upon the date of delivery of notice, as provided in Section 21. The rights provided in this Section 10 are cumulative such that the exercise of one or more rights shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights. PAGE 10 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366980/1JWHP/052273-0180 10.3 If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section 10, GVEA shall make all payments, within thirty (30) days, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, that are owed to Seller as of the time of receipt of notice of default. GVEA shall not be required to pay Seller for any Net Output delivered by Seller after such notice of default. 10.4 Sections 10, 11, and 20 shall survive termination of this Agreement. SECTION 11 INDEMNIFICATION AND LIABILITY 11.1 Seller agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless GVEA, its directors, officers, agents, and representatives against and from any and all loss, claims, actions or suits, including costs and attorney's fees, both at trial and on appeal, resulting from, or arising out of or in any way connected with Seller's delivery of electric power to GVEA or with the Facility or any appurtenant facilities at, or prior to, the Point of Delivery, or otherwise arising out of this Agreement, including, without Iimitation, any loss, claim, action or suit, for or on account of injury, bodily or otherwise, to, or death of, persons, or for damage to, or destruction or economic loss of property belonging to GVEA, Seiler or others, except to the extent such loss, claim, action or suit may be caused by the negligence of GVEA, its directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives. 11.2 GVEA agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Seller, its directors, officers, agents, and representatives against and from any and all loss, claims, actions or suits, including costs and attorney's fees, both at trial and on appeal, resulting from, or arising out of or in any way connected with GVEA's receipt of electric power from Seller or with the facilities after the Point of Delivery, or otherwise arising out of this Agreement, including, without limitation, any loss, claim, action or suit, for or on account of injury, bodily or otherwise, to, or death of, persons, or for damage to, or destruction or economic loss of property belonging to GVEA, Seller or others, except to the extent such loss, claim, action or suit may be caused by the negligence of Seller, its directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives. 11.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any person not a Party to this Agreement. No undertaking by one Party to the other Party under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Party's system or any portion thereof to the other Party or to the public, nor affect the status of GVEA as an independent public utility corporation or Seller as an independent individual or entity. 11.4 NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER ARISING FROM CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, STATUTE, OR OTHERWISE. PAGE 11 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366980/1/WIiP/052273-0180 SECTION 12 INSURANCE 12.1 Prior to the connection of the Facility to GVEA's electric system, provided such Facility has a design capacity of 200 kW or more, Seller shall secure and continuously carry for the term hereof, with an insurance company or companies rated at least "A" by the A. M. Best Company, insurance policies for bodily injury and property damage liability. Such insurance shall be on an occurrence basis and include provisions or endorsements naming GVEA, its directors, officers and employees as additional insureds; contain provisions that such insurance is primary insurance with respect to the interest of GVEA, and that any insurance maintained by GVEA is excess and not contributory insurance with the insurance required hereunder; include a cross -liability or severability of insurance interest clause; and have provisions that such policies shall not be canceled or their limits of liability reduced without thirty (30) days prior written notice to GVEA. Initial limits of liability for all requirements under this Section 12 shall be Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) single limit, which limits may be required to be increased or decreased by GVEA as GVEA determines in its reasonable judgment that economic conditions or claims experience may warrant. 12.2 Prior to the connection of the Facility to GVEA's electric system and at all other times such insurance policies are renewed or changed, Seller shall provide GVEA with a copy of each insurance policy required under this Section 12, certified as a true copy by an authorized representative of the issuing insurance company or, at the discretion of GVEA, in lieu thereof, a certificate in a form satisfactory to GVEA certifying the issuance of such insurance. If Seller fails to provide GVEA with copies of such currently effective insurance policies or certificates of insurance, GVEA, at its sole discretion and without limitation of other remedies, may, upon ten (10) days advance written notice by certified or registered mail to Seller, either withhold payments due Seller until GVEA has received such documents, or purchase the required insurance and offset the cost of obtaining such insurance from subsequent power purchase payments under this Agreement. 12.3 Insurance coverage shall be maintained by Seller for a minimum period of five (5) years after the completion of this Agreement and for such other length of time necessary to cover liabilities arising out of the activities under this Agreement, unless otherwise agreed. Two (2) years after completion of this agreement the Seller may request a review of the need to maintain the coverage. SECTION 13 FORCE MAJEURE 13.1 As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Seller or of GVEA which, despite the exercise of commercially reasonable diligence, such Party is unable to prevent or overcome. By way of example, Force Majeure may include, but is not limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, utility system outages and disturbances, hostilities, civil strife, strikes or other labor disturbances by other than the employees of the Party claiming Force Majeure, earthquakes, PAGE 12 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366980/1/WHP/052273-0180 fires, lightning, epidemics, sabotage, restraint by court order or other delay or failure in the performance of an obligation as a result of any action or inaction on behalf of a public authority which by the exercise of reasonable foresight such Party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid and which by the exercise of commercially reasonable due diligence, it shall be unable to overcome. Force Majeure, however, specifically excludes the cost or availability of resources to operate the Facility, changes in market conditions that affect the price of energy or transmission, wind or water droughts, and obligations for the payment of money when due. 13.2 If either Party is rendered unable to perform its obligations, either wholly or in part, under this Agreement because of an event of Force Majeure, that Party shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure to the extent and for the duration of the Force Majeure, after which such Party shall re -commence performance of such obligation, provided that: 13.2.1 the non -performing Party, shall, promptly, but in any case within one {1) week after the occurrence of the Force Majeure event, give the other Party written notice describing the particulars of the occurrence; and 13.2.2 the suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the Force Majeure event; and 13.2.3 the non -performing Party uses every commercially reasonable effort to remedy its inability to perform its obligations under this Agreement. 13.3 No obligations of either Party which arose before the Force Majeure event causing the suspension of performance shall be excused as a result of the Force Majeure event. 13.4 Neither Party shall be required to settle any strike, walkout, lockout or other labor dispute on terms which, in the sole commercially reasonable judgment of the Party involved in the dispute, are contrary to the Party's best interests. 13.5 GVEA may terminate the Agreement if Seller fails to remedy Seller's inability to perform, due to an event of Force Majeure, within six (6) months after the occurrence of the event. SECTION 14 SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be construed to create an association, trust, partnership or joint venture, or to impose a trust or partnership duty, obligation or liability between the Parties. If Seller includes two (2) or more parties, each such party shall be jointly and severally liable for Seller's obligations under this Agreement. PAGE 13 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366990/l/WHP/052273-0180 SECTION 15 CHOICE OF LAW This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state of Alaska, excluding any choice of law rules. which may direct the application of the laws of another jurisdiction. SECTION 16 PARTIAL INVALIDITY It is not the intention of the Parties to violate any laws governing the subject matter of this Agreement. If any of the terms of the Agreement are finally held or determined to be invalid, illegal or void as being contrary to any applicable law or public policy, all other terms of the Agreement shall remain in effect. If any terms are finally held or determined to be invalid, illegal or void, the Parties shall enter into negotiations concerning the terms affected by such decision for the purpose of achieving conformity with requirements of any applicable law and the intent of the Parties to this Agreement. SECTION 17 WAIVER Any waiver at any time by either Party of its rights with respect to a default under this Agreement or with respect to any other matters arising in connection with this Agreement must be in writing and executed by the authorized representative of the Party granting the waiver, and such waiver shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. SECTION 18 GOVERNMENTAL JURISDICTION AND AUTHORIZATIONS This Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of those governmental agencies having control over either Party or this Agreement. Seller shall, at all times, maintain in effect all local, state and federal licenses, permits and other approvals as then may be required by law for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Facility, and shall provide, upon request, copies of the same to GVEA. SECTION 19 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement and all of the terms hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties. No assignment hereof by either Party shall become effective without the written consent of the other Party being first obtained, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either Party may assign this Agreement without the other Party's consent as part of (a) a sale of all or substantially all of the assigning Party's assets, or (b) a merger, consolidation or other reorganization of the assigning Party so long as the requirements regarding eligibility and Facility operation set forth in this PAGE 14 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366980/1/WHP/052273-0180 Agreement are satisfied. This Agreement shall not impart any rights enforceable by any third party (other than a successor or permitted assignee bound to this Agreement). SECTION 20 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 20.1 This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, proposals, representations, negotiations, discussions or letters, whether oral or in writing, regarding GVEA's purchase of Net Output from the Facility. No modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by both Parties. 20.2 By executing this Agreement, Seller agrees to release, defend, and hold GVEA harmless from any claims related to the Facility, known or unknown, which may have arisen prior to the Effective Date. SECTION 21 NOTICES All notices, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, shall be in writing, shall be directed as follows, and shall be considered delivered if delivered in person or when deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid by certified or registered mail and return receipt requested: To Seller: Michael A. Craft 1160 Pickering Drive Fairbanks, Alaska 99709 with a copy to: Richard Clymer 3411 Airport Way Fairbanks, Alaska 99709 To GVEA: Brian L. Newton, President and CEO Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. 758 Illinois Street PO Box 71249 Fairbanks, AK 99707-1249 with a copy to: Henri F. Dale, Manager/Dispatch Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. 758 Illinois Street PO Box 71249 Fairbanks, AK 99707-1249 21.1 The Parties may change the person to whom such notices are addressed, or their addresses, by providing written notices thereof in accordance with this Section 21. PAGE 15 OF 16 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 366980/11WHP/052273-0180 SECTION 22 RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES The Parties shall not be deemed in a relationship of partners or joint venture by virtue of this Agreement, nor shall either Party be an agent, representative, trustee or fiduciary of the other. Neither Party shall have any authority to bind the other to any agreement. This Agreement is intended to secure and provide for services of each Party as an independent contractor. SECTION 23 ADDITIONAL OBLIGATIONS OF SELLER Seller is and will remain a "forward contract merchant" within the meaning of the United States Bankruptcy Code. Seller has not sold and will not sell to a third party any benefit associated with the Environmental Attributes, including, but not limited to, emissions. Seller shall not use the Environmental Attributes that are used to fulfill the requirements of this Agreement to meet any federal, state, or local renewable energy requirement, renewable portfolio standard, or other renewable energy mandate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names as of the Effective Date. Seller: Alaska Environmental Power, LLC By: Michael aft Managing Partner GVEA: Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc B y: Brian L. Newton President and CEO PAGE 16 OF 167 - STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM 36698011/WHP/052273-0180 EXHIBIT A TO STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY A. Location of Facility - Mile 1418 Alaska Highway B. Interconnect Point on GVEA System - JCS R2 Scott #1365 C. Capacity Rating of Facility —1.9 MW D. Net Dependable Capacity of Facility — 0 MW E. Estimated Average Annual Net Output to be Delivered by the Facility to GVEA — 30 % F. Type of Equipment — One Northern Power 100 kW and two EWT 900 kW wind turbines G. If Wind Generation, the characteristics of the wind resource and other data prescribed by GVEA — Class 2 at 250 watts per square meter ExH1Brr A 366980111WHP1052273-0180 EXHIBIT B TO STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM GENERATION INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. (GVEA) :►1 ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL POWER, LLC (SELLER) f Attachedl EXHIBIT B 366980/ 1/WHP/052273-0180 �K d5 i L GVEA Interconnection Agreement with Alaska Environmental Power, LLC An Agreement Describing, Procedures and Responsibilities for the Operation, Metering, Monitoring, and Protective Relaying of a Non -Utility Power Producer Installation Revised April2009 Fairbanks • P O Box 71249, Fairbanks AK 99707 a 452-1151 Delta Junction • P O Box 909, Delta Junction AK 99737 • 895-4500 Nenana • P O Box 00130, Nenana AK 99760 • 832-5481 1-800-770-GVEA (4832) • www.gvea.com Low fo. IAFD Interconnection Agreement for Operation, Metering end Protective Relaying for Non -Utility Power Producers and Co-Generalors Table of Contents 1.0 Scope and Limitations of Agreement.................................................................................... 2 2.0 General Requirements............................................................................................................... 3 3.0 Specific Requirements...............................................................................................................5 4.0 Right of Access............................................................................................................................ 6 5.0 Maintenance of. Interconnection Facilities............................................................................ 6 APPENDIX A — Specific Requirements and Deviations from the Interconnection Specifications ......... .... ................................ »............... »................................................................................. .............. ........ 10 APPENDIXB — One -Line Diagram................................................................................................. .1 i Page 1 Interconnection Agreement for 4peraGon, Metering and Protective Relaying for Non -Utility Power Producers and Co-Generaws 1.0 Scope and Limitations of Agreement 1.1. This Interconnection Agreement is an appendix to Power Purchase Agreements executed by Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. (GVEA) and Alaska Environmental Power LLC (AEP), the "Customer" for a generation site located at MP 1418 Alaska Highway, Premises # 10010715. 1.2. This agreement relates solely to the conditions under which GVEA and AEP agree that AEP's generation system and equipment located near MP 1418 Alaska Highway may be interconnected to and operated in parallel with GVEA's electric system. The generation at this Facility consists of up to two Northwind 100 Wind Turbines and up to two AWE 900 Wind Turbines. 1.3. This document provides project specific requirements where necessary to supplement the general requirements stated in the document "GVEA Interconnect Specifications - A Technical Guide for Operating, Metering, Monitoring, and Protective Relaying of Non -Utility Power Producers and Co - Generators" (a.k.a. Interconnection Specifications). This document shall be interpreted in the context of the definitions and requirements of the Interconnect Specifications. 1.4.This agreement applies to this Facility only if the sum of nameplate capacity of all connected generation is less than or equal to 2,000kW (or 2,000 kVA). 1.5.This Agreement does not guarantee that GVEA's system can accept 2,000kW of generation at this location, Additional engineering studies will be required for any incremental addition of generation above the existing 100kW to determine if any system improvements are required. The Customer is responsible for the cost of the engineering studies. 1.6. Designs and specifications of the Facility must be provided to GVEA no less than six months before construction begins. The design information shail be sufficiently detailed to confirm that the installation can be expected to meet GVEA's requirements for interconnection. Page 2 Interconnection Agreement for Operation, Metering and Protective Relaying for Non -Utility Power Producers and Co -Generators 13. This Agreement does not constitute an agreement to purchase or deliver the Customer's power. The purchase or delivery of power and other services is covered under separate agreements. 2.0 General Requirements 2.1. Refer to "GVEA Interconnect Specifications - A Technical Guide for Operating, Metering, Monitoring, and Protective Relaying of Non -Utility Power Producers and Co -Generators" for general requirements for interconnection. Several of those requirements are discussed below along with modifications to them that are speck to Customer's Facility and this agreement. The Customer's facilities shall fully comply with all relevant Interconnection Specifications even if not discussed in this agreement. The requirements set out in this agreement modify certain of the Interconnection Specifications for purposes of this agreement and apply to Customer's Facility as described by Customer as of the date of this agreement. If any modifications to Customer's Facility, in the sole reasonable judgment of GVEA, so require, GVEA may further modify these requirements as necessary to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the GVEA system at any time and without further notice. 2.2.The Customer's Facility shall not under any circumstance be permitted to cause any reduction in the quality of service being provided to other GVEA Customers or Members. No abnormal voltages or harmonic distortions shall be permitted. If credible high or low voltage complaints or flicker complaints result from operation of the Customer's generation, such generating equipment shall be immediately isolated from GVEA's system until the problem is resolved. 2.3-The Customer may not commence parallel operation of generator(s) until final written approval has been given by GVEA. GVEA reserves the right to inspect the Customer's Facility and test or witness testing of any equipment or devices associated with the Interconnection at any time and without further notice.. 2.4.Once a GVEA distribution circuit is de -energized for any reason, the Customer shall disconnect from the GVEA system and will not be permitted to reconnect to GVEA's system until GVEA has first energized its system. 2.5. Fault coordination of a GVEA distribution feeder shall not be adversely affected by the Customer. The Customer shall coordinate with the GVEA reclosing strategies. 2.6.Operation of the Customer's generator shall not adversely affect the voltage regulation of GVEA's system to which it is connected. Adequate voltage control shall be provided by the Customer to minimize voltage fluctuation on Page 3 Interconnection Agreement for Operation, Metering and Protective Relaying for Non -Utility Power Producers and Co -Generators GVEA's system caused by changing generator loading conditions and to meet the specifications required by GVEA. 2.7. Sufficient generator reactive power capability shall be provided to withstand normal voltage changes on GVEA's system. The generator reactive power requirements, voltage regulation, and transformer ratio settings will be jointly determined by GVEA and the Customer to ensure inter -system coordination and operating capability. Customers are required to generate their own reactive power requirements to assure generation at the specified power factor. 2.8.The Customer shall maintain the equipment in good order. GVEA reserves the right to inspect the Customer's facilities whenever it appears that the Customer may be .operating in a manner detrimental to GVEA's system integrity or out of compliance with this Interconnection Agreement. 2.9. The Customer shall discontinue parallel operation when requested by GVEA: 2.9.1. To facilitate maintenance, test or repair of GVEA or other Customer facilities. 2.9.2. During system emergencies. 2.9.3. When the Customer's generating equipment is interfering with other Customers or Members on GVEA's system. 2.9.4. When an inspection of the Customer's generating equipment reveals a condition that would cause a potential or actual threat to safety, or to GVEA system stability, reliability or power quality. 2.9.5. When an inspection of the Customer's generating equipment reveals an apparent lack of adequate maintenance of equipment necessary to protect GVEA's system. 2.10, Total harmonic current output than 5% total harmonic distortion. currents shall be limited to the mos! 1547-2003. of power inverters shall not be greater Higher order even and odd harmonic restrictive of that specified in IEEE std. 2.11. Harmonic voltage distortion shall not be greater than 5% total harmonic distortion. Higher order harmonic voltages shall be limited to the most restrictive of that specified in UL 1741 Section 45.4, IEEE 1547-2003. Page 4 Interconnection Agreement for Operation, Metering and Protective Relaying for Non -Utility Power Producers and Co -Generators 2.12. If a Customer's parallel generation is found to be interfering with other Customers or Members, or does not meet the requirements of the UL or IEEE specifications, GVEA may disconnect the Facility until it determines that the Customer has satisfactorily corrected the problem or condition. 2.13. GVEA does not assume any responsibility for protection of the Customer's generator(s) or any other portion of the Customer's electrical equipment. The Customer is fully responsible for protecting their equipment in such a manner that faults or other disturbances on the interconnected system do not cause damage to the Customer's equipment. It is the Customer's responsibility to provide adequate protection of the Facility from electrical disturbances on GVEA's system, including over -voltage, frequency variation, under -voltage, lightning, recloser actions, and switching transients. 3.0 Specific Requirements 3.1.This Facility is metered by a primary metering arrangement at a nominal 25kVLL. The metered quantities are kW hours, kW peak demand (15 minute rolling average), and WAR -hours. These quantities are metered separately in each direction. 3.2. Power that is consumed by the Facility will be billed at the GS-2(2) rate. 3.3. The Point of Delivery is shown on the One -Line Diagram (see Appendix B), and is near the fused cutouts next to the instrument transformers used for GVEA's meter. 3A.The requirements of this agreement are in some part dictated by operating conditions related to the number of systems or other facilities interconnected with GVENs electrical system. As more Producers connect generation to the GVEA system, and especially to this 25kV feeder, additional restrictions on operation, control systems, communications systems, and protective relaying may be required for safe and reliable operation. It shall be the Customer's responsibility to provide, at its sole expense, equipment data and settings to assist in the engineering of systems that may be required for the safe and reliable operation of the GVEA system as additional generation is installed. 3.5. To limit flicker at other locations on the feeder, voltage variations caused by the Facility shall not exceed the following: 3.3% four times per day, 2.5% once per hour, 1.7% once per minute, 0.8% once per second, or 0.5% four times per second. Page 5 Interconnection Agreement for Operation, Metering and Protective Relaying for Non -Utility Power Producers and Co -Generators 3.6. An exception to the Interconnect Specification was made for this Facility to allow the use of a step-up transformer with a wye-delta winding configuration instead of a wye-wye winding configuration for the Northwind 100 wind turbine interconnection. The use of the wye-delta transformer connection increases the probability that ferro-resonance will damage the transformer. It also requires that the primary side (25kV) neutral bushing be left. disconnected to avoid damage due to line -to -ground faults on GVEA's 25kV distribution line. 3.7. Limited to the Northwind 100 installation GVEA has accepted the use of a SEL-547 relay in lieu of an inverter based power conversion system that is certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory to meet the specifications of UL 1741. 3.8. The . Power Factor of the energy delivered by this project shall be within the band of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging at the Point of Delivery on GVEA's 25kV feeder unless required to maintain an acceptable voltage at the point of interconnection. 3.9.This Facility is within the Type 3 interconnection category as defined by the Interconnection Specifications. The requirements are summarized in Table 3.2 of the Interconnection Specifications and the table is included as Exhibit A of this agreement. 4.0 Right of Access 4.1. Data about the operating parameters of the Facility is essential to the safe and reliable operation of GVEA's member -owned electrical system. Failure to provide current data shall be cause for disconnection of the Facility at the sole discretion of GVEA at any time and without further notice. 4.2. The duly authorized agents of GVEA shall have the right of ingress and egress to the premises of the Customer at all hours, over the same general route as Customer utilizes, for the purpose of reading meters, inspecting GVEA's wiring and apparatus, changing, exchanging, or repairing its property on the premises of Customer and to remove such property at the time of or at any time after the suspension of interconnection of the Facility or termination of this Agreement. GVEA shall have access to Customer's Isolation Device at all times. 5.0 Maintenance of Interconnection Facilities 5.1. Customer shall maintain the Facility in a safe and prudent manner, conforming to all applicable laws and regulation. The Customer shall reimburse GVEA for any and all losses, damages, claims or liability GVEA incurs as a result of Page 6 tnterconneclion Agreement for Operation, Metering and Protective Relaying for Non -Utility Power Producers and Co -Generators Customer's failure to maintain the Facility in a safe and prudent manner or failure to obtain or maintain any governmental permits or authorizations required for construction and operation of the Facility. 5.2. The Customer shall reimburse GVEA for labor and expenses required to respond to requests from the Customer for assistance, Work requested may include engineering, billing questions or electrical construction or testing. Failure to reimburse GVEA shall result in disconnection of the Facility at any time and without further notice. 5,3.GVEA is not obligated to reimburse the Customer for any revenue lost for any reason including due to power outages or due to disconnection of the Facility by GVEA for reasons described elsewhere in this agreement. 5.4. Customer protection systems and Compliance with IEEE 1547-2003 and UL 1741 shall be as follows: 5.4.1. Generation equipment shall meet the requirements of IEEE 1547-2003 and UL 1741 along with any supporting documents created for testing, clarification, or information follow up of each article. 5.4.2. The Customer shall provide information on the type of anti4slanding protection used and coordinate those protection schemes such that any GVEA circuit reclosing will not be adversely affected. 5.4.3. Harmonic output of power inverters will comply with IEEE 1547 and UL 1741. If a Customer is found to be interfering with other Customers or Members, or is worse than IEEE recommended specifications, the Customer may be required to install filtering to bring the harmonic output of their inverter(s) to an acceptable level. 5.4.4. The Customer shall provide protective devices to detect and clear the generator(s) from short circuits or grounds on the GVEA facilities serving the Customer. Such devices shall meet GVEA's specifications and requirements for those devices. 5.4.5. The Customer shall provide protective devices to detect the voltage and frequency changes which can occur if the GVEA facilities serving the Customer are disconnected from the main system; and if abnormal voltages or frequencies exist, these relays would then clear the Customer generation from the isolated system. Isolation from the GVEA system should be such that it will not affect the GVEA reclosing cycle .(i.e. fault coordination) normally employed on the serving facilities. Such devices shall meet GVEA's specifications and requirements for those devices. Page 7 Interconnection Agreement for Operation, Metering and Protective Relaying for Non -Utility mower Producers and Co -Generators 5.4.6. Phase under/over-voltage relays (Device 27159). Under -voltage Relays should be adjustable from 75-90% of nominal voltage and have time delay to prevent unnecessary tripping of external faults. The time delay should coordinate with the utility reclosing cycle. Over -voltage relays should be adjustable from 110-120% of nominal voltage and should be instantaneous. Setting change with temperature variation should not exceed t 2 volts over the expected temperature range. 5.4.7. Under/over frequency relays (Device 81). The Under -frequency relay should be adjustable from 55-60 Hz and the over -frequency relay from 61- 65 Hz. Setting change with temperature variation over the expected range, or voltage variation over + 10%, should not exceed + 0.008 Hz. Time delays should be settable from no intentional delay up to 60 cycles in one cycle increments. 5.4.8. Phase sequence/under-voltage relay (Device 47/27). To permit paralleling when GVEA voltage and phase sequence are normal. 5.5. All protective devices supplied to satisfy these requirements shall be tested, certified and sealed by qualified personnel at the time of installation and at intervals recommended by the manufacturer. Special tests may also be required by GVEA to investigate apparent mis-operations or to compile a record of performance. 5.6. Test records for protective devices shall be made available to GVEA with 48 hours notice. Testing of protection systems shall be limited to records of compliance with standard acceptance procedures and by industry standards and practices. These records shall include testing at the start of commercial operation and periodic testing thereafter. Page 8 I I . Interconnection Agreement for Operation, Metering and Protective Relaying for Non -Utility Power Producers and Go -Generators IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names as of the date of the later of the two signature lines below. Seller: P A,/11Pt)'VWV'44/ lltan— By: Nar, TitlE Date STATE OF ALASKA } )s FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) f it- NOTARY '=7 A ' PUBLIC l a i 70.7 GVEA: GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. By: Michael J. Wright Vice Presid, Transmissiorf & Distribution Date: 2 6, Z a-5 The foregoingrinstrument was acknowledged before s me this ""�"•L day of , 2009, by if tt j� Notary Public in d for Alaska My Commission Expires:ja �� i Page 9 Interconnection Agreement for Operation, Metering and Protective Relaying for Non -Utility Power Producers and Co -Generators APPENDIX A — Applicable Requirements of the Interconnection Specifications Table 3.2 - Minimum requirements for Interconneebon Types T 2 TT N N Single Phase Connection Limited WA See Notes Y Y Lockable Disconnect with Visible Open Y Y Y Y Interconnect Breaker or Fuse F B or F B of F B B ltdOut Metering Y Y Y Y -Energy Recorder. N N N Y Dedicated Transformer N N Y Y Transformer - Customer Pas I Utility Owns I Y Y N N Transformer - Customer Pays 1 Customer Owns N N Y Y Under -Voltage 27 Y Y Y Y j Over -Voltage 59 Y Y Y Y Under-F uen 81U I T Y Y Y Y Over -Fr uenc B10 Y Y Y Y Phase Over -Current 50/51 Fr Y Y Y Y Neutral Over -Current 51N N N Y Y Transfer Trip N N TBD TBA Close Permissive Required N N Y Y Automalic Synchronlzer (synchronous machine 25 , 25a Y Y Y Y Automatic Synchronizer induction machine 25 , 25a N N N N Automatic Synchronizer UL 1741 inverter 25 , 25a N N N TBD Isolation Detection I Antimlstandin Y Y Y Y Comm - voice Y Y Y Y Telemet Y'" Y" Y Y"' Power QualityMonitoring N N Y Y Export Power Control Equipment N N Y Y Operational Data Legging N N Y Y Sequence of Event Repofto N N Y Y Fault Recording N N Y Y PSSIE Modeling N N N Y Macon Tessin N N N Y Meteft CTs Supgied By GVEA jCustorner Installs NIA Y Y N Melefl CTs Supplied By Customer jCustomer Installs NIA N N Y Momentary Paralleling Y Y N N Notes: TBD means To Be Determined during design phase ' Three Phase Only, may not be required for inverters or induction machines " Minimal Telemetry may be required Dedicated Telemetry t These requirements are met if Grid Interactive equipment Is used. it Physical distribution feeder conditions may limit interconnect size Short Circuit Current Ratio of 50 or less will require a protection study to determine any addifionaf needed protection 225 WA Maximum Three -Phase Pole Mount Transformer Limit 75 WA Maximum Single -Phase Pole Mount Transformer Limit 167 WA Maximum Single -Phase Pad Mount Transformer Limit 2000 kVA and Greater Special Requirements Apply Regardless of Interconnection Type: Dedicated Telemetry— Arrange for Spinning Reserve, See Section Page 10 1 E 1 1 I 1 I W T- EXHIBIT C TO STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM REQUIRED FACILITY DOCUMENTS 1. Statement that all permits are in place. 2. Contractor's Administrator Verification 3. Certificate of Insurance 4. PE Statement of Facility Generation Capability EXHIBIT C 366980/1/WHP/052273-0180 EXHIBIT D TO STANDARD POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MEMBER -OWNED SMALL-SCALE RENEWABLE RESOURCES UNDER THE EXPERIMENTAL RENEWABLE RESOURCE PURCHASE PROGRAM START-UP TESTING [Seller identify appropriate tests] Required factory testing includes such checks and tests necessary to determine that the equipment systems and subsystems have been properly manufactured and installed, function properly, and are in a condition to permit safe and efficient start-up of the Facility, which may include, but are not limited to (as applicable): 1. Pressure tests of all steam system equipment; 2. Calibration of all pressure, level, flow, temperature and monitoring instruments; 3. Operating tests of all valves, operators, motor starters and motor; 4. Alarms, signals, and fail-safe or system shutdown control tests; 5. Insulation resistance and point-to-point continuity tests; 6. Bench tests of all protective devices; 7. Tests required by manufacturer of equipment; and 8. Complete pre -parallel checks with GVEA. Required start-up tests are those checks and tests necessary to determine that all features and equipment, systems, and subsystems have been properly designed, manufactured, installed and adjusted, function properly, and are capable of operating simultaneously in such condition that the Facility is capable of continuous delivery into GVEA's electrical system, which may include, but are not limited to (as applicable): 1. Turbine/generator mechanical runs, including shaft, vibration, and bearing temperature measurements; 2. Running tests to establish tolerances and inspections for final adjustment of bearings, shaft run -outs; 3. Brake tests; PAGE 1 — EXHiBrr D 366980/I /WHP1052273-0180 W 4. Energization of transformers; 5. Synchronizing tests (manual and auto); 6. Stator windings dielectric test; 7. Armature and field windings resistance tests; 8. Load rejection tests in incrementaI stages from 5, 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent load; 9. Heat runs; 10. Tests required by manufacturer of equipment; 11. Excitation and voltage regulation operation tests; 12. Open circuit and short circuit saturation tests; 13. Governor system steady state stability test; 14. Phase angle and magnitude of all PT and CT secondary voltages and currents to protective relays, indicating instruments and metering; 15. Auto stop/start sequence; 16. Level control system tests; and 17. Completion of all state and federal environmental testing requirements. PAGE 2 — ExxrBrr D 366980/ t/WH P/052273-0180