HomeMy WebLinkAboutAllison Creek Hydropower As-Built Drawings Exhibits A, F, & G - Mar 2017 - REF Project 407038<<Month/Day/Year>> Filed Electronically March 2, 2017 Kimberley D. Bose, Secretary ATTN: OEP/DHAC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Mail Code: DHAC, PJ-12 888 First Street NE Washington, DC 20426 SUBJECT:Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 13124 License Article 305 – As-built Drawings Exhibits A, F and G Informational Signage Plan and Schedule Dear Secretary Bose: Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc., (CVEA), in accordance with License Article 305 of the Order Issuing License issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) on August 1, 2013, herein files the as-built Exhibits A, F and G and a plan and schedule for completing and installing the interpretive signage for the Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project (No. P-13124). Construction of the Project commenced in May 2014 and was completed in October 2016. On December 30, 2016 CVEA required an extension of time to complete this filing under Article 305. FERC granted the request and the deadline was extended to March 6, 2017. CVEA’s filing consists of the following, for FERC approval: Exhibit A – Project Description Exhibit F – Project Drawings Exhibit G – Project Maps Interpretive Signage – Plan and Schedule The Exhibit F drawings contain information defined as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII), and is filed separately in accordance with 18 CFR §§ 388.112 and 388.113. A list of the Exhibit F drawings contained in this filing is included in the public portion. Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 13124 Article 305 – As-built Drawings March 2, 2017 Page 2 If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact me by email at million@cvea.org or by telephone at 907-822-8345. Sincerely, Travis Million Chief Operating Officer cc: Douglas Johnson, Regional Engineer, FERC-PRO Director, Division of Dam Safety and Inspections Director, Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Valdez, Alaska Article 305 – As-built Drawings: Exhibits A, F & G Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. P-13124 March 2,2017 Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Article 305 – As-built Drawings March 2017 FERC Project No. P-13124 i Table of Contents Exhibit A – Project Description..............................................................1 Exhibit F – Project Drawings..................................................................6 Exhibit G – Project Maps ........................................................................7 Informational Signage – Plan and Schedule........................................8 Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Article 305 – As-built Drawings March 2017 FERC Project No. P-13124 1 Exhibit A – Project Description Exhibit A is presented herein and addresses the FERC regulation 18 CFR §4.51 (b). The proposed 6.7 MW Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project (Project) would be a run-of-river hydroelectric generation project located on the south side of Port Valdez, near Alyeska’s Valdez Marine Terminal for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline (TAPS). Maps showing the location of the Project and the proposed Project Boundary are provided at Exhibit G – Project Maps. The Allison Creek watershed includes approximately 6.2 square miles and occupies approximately 130 surface acres. The Project would be located on Allison Creek, which flows into Port Valdez. The proposed Project would include: A 18-foot-high diversion structure spanning 87 feet across Allison Creek with its base at El 1292 feet that includes a 56-foot-wide spillway with its crest elevation at El 1310 feet. An intake structure fitted with two 5-feet tall by 8-feet long trashracks, sluicing gate, penstock intake, and a minimum instream flow release pipe. A steel penstock over 7,000 feet long ranging in size from 40-inch diameter at the intake to 36-inch diameter at the powerhouse. A 750-foot-long 16-foot diameter tunnel housing the 36-inch diameter penstock. A 55-foot x 65-foot powerhouse located at El 130 feet with a cast-in-place concrete foundation, pre- engineered metal building, and a concrete tailrace extending from the powerhouse into Allison Creek. A 6.7 MW turbine and generator package. A substation located adjacent to the powerhouse. A 650-foot-long access road to the powerhouse. A 3.8-mile-long 25 kV transmission line to the CVEA switching station near the Petro Star facility along Dayville Road. Drawings of the project facilities are provided at Exhibit F – Project Drawings.This Exhibit contains information defined as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII), and is therefore filed separately as required by the Commission’s regulation at 18 CFR § 4.32(k) and 18 CFR §§ 388.112 and 388.113. Requests for access to information defined as CEII should be made to the Commission’s CEII Coordinator. (b) Exhibit A is a description of the project. If the project includes more than one dam with associated facilities, each dam and the associated component parts must be described together as a discrete development. The description for each development must contain: 4.51(b)(1) The physical composition, dimensions, and general configuration of any dams, spillways, penstocks, powerhouses, tailraces or other structures to be included as part of the project; CVEA states that the Allison Creek Project does not include a storage dam or reservoir for regulation of normal creek flows. Diversion Structure The diversion structure is located approximately 9,000 feet upstream of the mouth of Allison Creek and approximately 2,500 feet downstream from the outlet of Allison Lake. The diversion structure consists of a concrete gravity structure with a maximum height of 21 feet above a glacial moraine foundation that Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Article 305 – As-built Drawings March 2017 FERC Project No. P-13124 2 backs up a small pool with a surface area of 0.6 acres containing approximately 3.3 acre-feet of water. The structure incorporates a 56-foot-wide ungated ogee spillway section at El 1310 that has a crest height of 14 feet above the glacial moraine foundation. The diversion and spillway configuration are shown in Exhibit F. The purpose of the diversion structure is to direct stream flow into the intake works. The base of the structure is not sealed or grouted to the underlying impermeable rock foundation. As a means to minimize seepage and uplift pressures under and around the structure, an impervious apron is located on the upstream side consisting of an armored geotextile. In addition, a concrete stilling basin apron is located on the downstream side with the dual purpose of increasing the seepage and uplift path below the structure and dissipating the energy of flows over the stepped spillway. These measures are designed to limit seepage that may occur past the diversion structure. Rock erosion protection is provided on the downstream stream bed and creek sideslopes beyond the concrete diversion structure to address potential erosion in the immediate downstream areas beyond the concrete structure. Rock erosion protection is provided immediately upstream of the spillway and on the upstream pond sideslopes. Intake Works The intake structure, with an operating water surface at El 1298.5 feet, incorporates an intake channel, intake chamber, and spillway. The ungated spillway at El 1310 feet allows bed load material to build up to the spillway height and flow over the spillway, bypassing the intake, when there is excess water. Flow is directed into an intake channel and then passes through two trashracks that screen out large debris into an intake chamber. The intake chamber has a sloped bottom and a sluice gate at the bottom of the slope. When debris that isn’t excluded by the trashracks has accumulated in the chamber, the sluice gate will open and flush the debris back into Allison Creek downstream of the intake. From the intake chamber, water flows into the 40-inch penstock through the penstock inlet gate while an 8-inch pipe releases the minimum instream flow. A clean out gate is installed in the intake chamber and can be used to dewater the intake chamber for maintenance purposes. All of the features are incorporated into a concrete structure on the right bank of the creek next to the diversion structure. Penstock and Tunnel The penstock extends from the intake to the powerhouse and is approximately 7,000 feet long. The penstock consists of steel pipe construction and is buried for its entire length. The upper approximately 75-percent of the penstock has an inside diameter (ID) of 40-inches while the lower portion of the penstock including the portion that runs through the tunnel is 36-inch ID. The entire penstock alignment is buried approximately 3 feet below grade to protect against foot traffic, for freeze protection, and to allow wildlife movement across the Project area. A 750-foot-long section is tunneled as a result of the steep slopes. The16-foot horseshoe shape tunnel initiates at the penstock Sta. 64+41 and extends approximately 750 feet at an approximate 15-percent slope to Sta. 71+87. The tunnel is sized for pedestrian and vehicle access for inspections, operations, and maintenance. Powerhouse and Tailrace The powerhouse consists of a concrete/rock filled foundation beneath a prefabricated metal building with steel framed wall panels. The powerhouse and foundation are 55 feet wide and 65 feet long with a floor slab to peak roof height of 48 feet, pitched to guide snow away from parking and entrance to the building. Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Article 305 – As-built Drawings March 2017 FERC Project No. P-13124 3 The 8-foot 9-inch-wide tailrace extends approximately 70 feet from the north side of the powerhouse to Allison Creek via a concrete channel and the existing creek bed. The tailrace is located about 2,000 feet upstream of the mouth of Allison Creek. The powerhouse is accessed by a 650-foot-long, 24-foot-wide access road from the Alyeska pipeline road. 4.51(b)(2) The normal maximum water surface and normal maximum water surface elevation (mean sea level), gross storage capacity of any impoundments to be included as part of the Project; The Allison Creek Project consists of a run-of-river layout and operation. There is no storage / regulating reservoir. The spillway crest of the diversion structure is at El 1310. 4.51(b)(3) The number, type, and rated capacity of any proposed turbines or generators to be included as part of the project; The powerhouse contains a Pelton turbine, rated at 6.7 MW at 0.9 PF, 6.9 kV, 3 phase 60 Hz. The turbine is a horizontal shaft two-jet Pelton machine with deflectors, inlet bifurcation and main inlet shutoff ball valve with emergency counterweight closure. Total installed capacity is 6.7 MW with a total hydraulic capacity of 80 cfs. 4.51(b)(4) The number, length, voltage and interconnections of any primary transmission line proposed to be included as part of the project [See 16 USC 796(11)]; Power output from the units is transmitted via buried cables to the switchyard where one 7.5/9.375 MVA, ONAN/ONAF, main transformer is located. The main transformer is used to step up line voltage from 6.9 kV to 25 kV. The switchyard includes a fenced area containing the main 7.5 MVA transformer, prefabricated-enclosure outdoor switchgear, and standby generator building. Power is transmitted from the switchyard, via overhead, wood pole mounted power cables, to the existing substation at Petro Star. The alignment for the 25 kV transmission line is a cleared path, 3.8 miles long, south and uphill from the existing Alyeska TAPS right-of-way. 4.51(b)(5) The description of any additional mechanical, electrical, and transmission equipment pertinent to the Project; Additional equipment pertinent to the project includes the following: Powerhouse bridge crane with a 35-ton main hoist and a 5-ton auxiliary hoist. A 125 kW standby diesel engine-generator set with an automatic start located in an enclosed building in the switchyard. A bank of 125VDC rechargeable batteries with the ability to supply up to 4 hours of power located inside the powerhouse. Powerhouse control room with turbine-generator control panels and fiber optic termination point. An oil-water separator that collects spilled liquids via the powerhouse floor drains, separates clean water for delivery to the tailrace, and collects oil for removal. Powerhouse restroom with a non-potable water supply and a holding tank under the parking lot that collects sewage for removal. A thermostat-controlled heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Fire alarm system and fire hose. Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Article 305 – As-built Drawings March 2017 FERC Project No. P-13124 4 Emergency eyewash and shower. Fiber optic communication lines to the intake/diversion structure and to the Solomon Gulch powerhouse allowing for control and monitoring of the Project from both the Allison Creek powerhouse and the Solomon Gulch powerhouse. Security cameras at the powerhouse and intake/diversion structure. 4.61(b)(6) Lands of the United States enclosed within the project boundary The Project does not occupy any lands of the United States. Information regarding the proposed project boundary and land ownership is included in Exhibit G – Project Maps. Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Article 305 – As-built Drawings March 2017 FERC Project No. P-13124 5 Table A-1 – Tabular Presentation - Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project Summary Statistics Project Feature Description Drainage Area Natural drainage area Average annual natural outflow from Allison Creek 6.75 square miles 47.5 cfs Allison Creek Normal maximum elevation El 1310 feet Diversion & Intake Structure Diversion Structure Concrete Structure Intake section crest Spillway section crest Intake type 220 feet wide 18 feet tall, 87 feet wide El 1316 ft El 1310 ft, 56 feet wide Intake/sluice channel and intake chamber Penstock & Tunnel Buried steel pipeline and penstock Tunnel portion 40-inch to 36-inch dia. x 7000 feet 16-foot horseshoe dia. X 750 feet Powerhouse & Tailrace Steel frame with concrete substructure housing two turbine/generator units Tailrace – channel release to Allison Creek El 130 ft, 55 feet x 65 feet 70.5 feet long, 8.75 feet wide Generating Units Number and size Type Total Rated capacity Maximum Static Head Design Net Head (including head loss) Total Rated hydraulic capacity Provision for future unit 1 Unit @ 6.5 MW 2 Nozzle horizontal Pelton 6.7 MW 1,179 feet 1,129 feet 80 cfs None Switchyard Fenced and gated, located adjacent to powerhouse – contains power transformer, circuit breakers, and disconnect switches 66 feet x 48 feet Transmission Line Overhead from proposed project switchyard to switchyard at Petro Star 3.8 miles / 25 kV Access Road Compacted processed gravel surface to powerhouse 24 feet wide, 650 feet long Average Annual Generation Potential 23.3 GWh Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Article 305 – As-built Drawings March 2017 FERC Project No. P-13124 6 Exhibit F – Project Drawings The as-built Exhibit F project drawings were produced in conformance with 18 CFR § 4.41 and supersede any previous Exhibit F drawings. This Exhibit contains information defined as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII), and is therefore filed under separate cover as required by the Commission’s regulation at 18 CFR § 4.32(k) and 18 CFR §§ 388.112 and 388.113. The CEII portion of this filing contains the following drawings: Exhibit F-1 Project Site Plan Exhibit F-2 Diversion & Intake Structure Site Plan Exhibit F-3 Diversion & Intake Structure Plan Exhibit F-4 Diversion & Intake Structure Details Exhibit F-5 Diversion Intake Elevation & Details Exhibit F-6 Penstock Plan & Profile Exhibit F-7 Penstock and Tunnel Sections & Details Exhibit F-8 Powerhouse Site Plan Exhibit F-9 Powerhouse General Arrangement Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Article 305 – As-built Drawings March 2017 FERC Project No. P-13124 7 Exhibit G – Project Maps The as-built Exhibit G-1 through G-5 maps were produced in conformance with 18 CFR § 4.41 and supersede any previous Exhibit G maps filed. Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Article 305 – As-built Drawings March 2017 FERC Project No. P-13124 8 Informational Signage – Plan and Schedule The informational signage has not yet been installed. Community outreach and consultation began in August 2015 with a public meeting. At that meeting, the concept of designing 3 different signs was recommended and agreed upon. Preliminary layouts were developed and potential installation sites identified. Input was gathered from CVEA historic files, the City of Valdez, and Valdez Museum to populate the content of the signs. This filing provides the current final draft design that will undergo internal CVEA review. The following schedule has been established to complete the signage design and installation: Final Internal CVEA Draft for review April 2017 Final Stakeholder Draft for review May 2017 Stakeholder 30-day review June 2017 Final Design and Siting August 2017 Fabrication Fall/Winter 2017 Installation Spring 2018 (may occur sooner depending on weather) August 26, 2015 1 McMillen Jacobs Associates Technical Memorandum Initial Planning Meeting Notes To:Meeting Participants Copper Valley Electric Assn Project: Allison Creek Hydro From: Kathryn Peltier Heidi Wahto Steve Padula cc: Stakeholders Date: August 26, 2015 Job No.: 12-103, phase 9000 Subject: Educational Sign Initial Planning/Public Meeting, August 21, 2015 1.0 Participants Phone line was opened at 10am AK, no one called in. Attending in person were the following: Sharon Crisp, CVEA Travis Million, CVEA Lisa Von Bargen, City of Valdez Andrew Goldstein, Valdez Museum Kathryn Peltier, McMillen Jacobs Heidi Wahto, McMillen Jacobs Steve Padula, McMillen Jacobs 2.0 Purpose & Goals The purpose of this meeting was to identify the stakeholders interested in participating in the design and siting of an educational sign that would present information about the industrial and environmental nature of Dayville Road as seen from the Valdez side of the bay. The following topics were covered: Location and number of sign(s) Design content of sign Construction material of sign and associated structure Contacts interested in participating in the planning of the sign Schedule to construction 3.0 Location A view of the Allison Creek project is single most important consideration. Attendees agreed that other considerations include: a high traffic area for more exposure and less likelihood of vandalism, easy Allison Creek Hydro Educational Sign Planning August 26, 2015 2 McMillen Jacobs Associates access, the demographic of likely viewers to include residents and visitors, and easy winter maintenance or seasonal removal. Brainstormed ideas: Picnic table at the top of the hill behind Civic Center - Ruled out due to limited access, possible vandalism, but nice to have under pavilion for winter maintenance. Picnic table area outside of Civic Center conference room- Ruled out due to snow shedding from roof, limited traffic, and not much space. John Thomas Kelsey Municipal Dock & Plaza west of the covered event space - Ideal due to heavy traffic at local events and visitors, one can view all structures on Dayville Rd. (Petrostar to VMT), existing sign frames with no signs, yet metal railing could provide ample space for a set of story boards, and little-to-no maintenance issues. Preferred alternative: metal railing at the Kelsey Municipal Dock & Plaza with potential for 3 story boards. Action item: Lisa to contact Diane Kinney (Port of Valdez) and put her in touch with Kathryn. 4.0 Content Attendees agreed that the preferred overall topic of the storyboards include the relationship of the local environment with the energy needs of industry along Dayville Road (including the history and wildlife). Topics considered to be included are listed below. Petro Star – Oil refinery and state-of-the-art cogeneration plant for CVEA. Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project – Historic and current context of power production and current association with the Solomon Hatchery. CVEA has a couple old photographs. Andrew likely has more at the museum. Ask Jim Gifford about old component. Solomon Gulch Hatchery – Use of powerhouse tailrace for water supply. Poor local fishery prior to hatchery. Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project – Renewable resource to offset diesel use in the winter. VMT – Energy production on the VMT includes steam power run by burning fuel vapors (a waste product). This provides electricity to the VMT as well as reduces the volatiles in the tank(er)s. Coordination with Alyeska will be needed to approve of the content. Ft. Liscum – US Army post located near the current VMT. The Day family – purchased Ft. Liscum land Wilderness – Dayville Rd….bear, birds, sealife, and neighboring Chugach National Forest. Recreation – trails, fish, camping Nice interplay, overlap: Hydropower/renewable energy/environment Wildlife/recreation Methods of grouping/dividing topics: special, temporal, topical. Consensus: Develop three signs based on topics Three topics emerged: Energy o Renewable/hydro (Solomon & Allison) Allison Creek Hydro Educational Sign Planning August 26, 2015 3 McMillen Jacobs Associates o Fossil (VMT, Petro Star) o Technology o CoGen (Petro Star) Environment o Chugach NF o Wildlife o Hatchery o Renewables o Environmental protection/rehabilitation Historical/Human o Recreation – trails, camping, fishing, skiing, snowmachining o Ft. Liscum o Dayville Road development o Commercial fishing 5.0 Materials Concerns include: snow load, moisture, maintenance. Enameled aluminum was recommended by Andrew. 6.0 Schedule A near-term schedule was developed. Although the steps through completion have not been detailed, a target installation date is prior to high tourist season 2016. Date Item Lead August 28, 2015 Meeting notes to all participants/stakeholders Kathryn September 7 Memo providing summary of the main topics (3) and key elements of each Kathryn September 28 Feedback/edits on main topics and key elements memo Participants/stakeholders October (throughout) Ongoing consultation: Develop draft layouts, seek input, make revisions, interactions with all. Kathryn and active participants November 6 In person draft layout review Kathryn and participants Date TBD (prior to fabricating, installing) City Council Lisa 7.0 Action Items Photos – from everyone. Kathryn will request, or please provide. Hatchery – Travis to provide contact information for Buffington. PetroStar – Travis to provide contact information City dock – Lisa to provide contact information for Diane Energy on DayvilleRoadHydroelectricity Environment and IndustryEGG TAKE ANDFERTILIZATIONMATUREIN THE WILDRANCHEDUPON RETURNSALMON RAISEDUNTIL SPRING History of DayvilleThe Midas Mine owned by the Granby Consolidated Mining, located in the Solomon Basin, south of Solomon Lake. Once housing the longest tram in Alaska, ounces of gold, and 15,157 ounces That would be worth over Across the bay from where you stand, Dayville Road borders the shoreline at the century. end of Dayville Road is a Solar turbine and heat Fort LiscumDay HomesteadMarine TerminalAllison CreekHydroelectricThe Allison Creek Hydroelectric generate electricity before returning the water to the creek. from renewable resources.Solomon GulchHatcheryMidas MineSolomon GulchHydroelectric