HomeMy WebLinkAboutAllison Creek Hydropower Project Grant Closeout Report - Mar 2017 - REF Project 407038ALASKA ,� ENERGY AUTHORITY REF Project 407038, Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project Grant Closeout Report Project Overview Project Title FERC status Grantee/Owner/Developer Project Region Local Electric Utility Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project P-13124 Issued Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) Valdez, Copper River, Glenallen Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) Project Description Developing a hydro project in the Allison Creek drainage is a concept considered for many decades. Like most rural Alaska regions, the high cost of fuel continues to plague CVEA members. Rural Alaskans and CVEA members cannot control the cost of fuel and continually work to lessen their reliance on fuel for power generation. It is with this goal in mind that CVEA worked toward its vision to reduce or eliminate their dependence on fossil fuel and to stabilize the Cooperative's cost of generation with regional, sustainable resources. The Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project is located adjacent to the Prince William Sound, immediately south of Port Valdez, Alaska. CVEA is a member -owned electric cooperative providing electric service to a relatively large geographic area of Eastern Interior Alaska and Prince William Sound. CVEA owns and operates the Solomon Gulch storage hydro project, located on the drainage immediately to the east of Allison Creek, and a diesel electric and a combined cycle electric generation facilities. The Allison Creek Project is a run of the river (ROR) alternative involving construction of a diversion structure on Allison Creek at elevation 1,300 feet. Up to 80 cfs of water is diverted from the creek into a 40 inch buried steel penstock to generate 6.5 megawatts of power via a single twin jet pelton turbine at the powerhouse elevation of 170 feet. The average annual flow from the 6.2 square mile Allison Creek basin is about 47.5 cfs. The estimated potential annual generation for the project is about 23 GWh. The Allison Creek operated in conjunction with the Solomon Gulch storage project at present day demand reduces fossil fuel electric generation by about 15 GWh annually. Because of the higher efficiency associated with the CVEA co-gen facility, the total estimated fuel savings from the Allison Creek hydro will be about 725,000 gallons annually at present day demand. The total cost of development for the Allison Creek hydro is approximately $55 million. Project Features • A 16 foot high diversion structure above a glacial moraine foundation spanning approximately 95 feet across Allison Creek. 613 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 T 907.771,3000 Toll Free (Alaska Only( 888.300.8534 F 907.771.3044 Alaska Energy Authority REF Project 407038, Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project Grant Closeout Report • A 7,900 foot long steel penstock ranging in size from 40 inch diameter at the intake to 36 inch diameter at the powerhouse. • 700 foot long 16 foot diameter tunnel housing the 36 inch diameter penstock. • A 65 foot x 65 foot powerhouse with a floor slab to peak roof height of 48 feet, pitched to guide snow away from parking and entrance to the building. The building also supports a large crane for handling the generation equipment. • A single twin jet 6.5 MW Canyon pelton turbine and a tailrace located above the anadromous salmon reach of lower Allison Creek. • A 3.8 mile long 34.5 kV transmission line to the Copper Valley switching station near the Petro Star facility along Dayville Road. Grant Award(s) and Budgets REF Grant Application Summary: Round App Number Amount Requested Amount Recommended Award Code 1 27 $2,288,000 $2,288,000 2195390 5 816 $6,114,000 $0 6 930 $6,114,000 $6,114,000 7060930 7 1015 $5,914,491 $5,914,491 7071015 REF Grant and AEA Managed Award Summary: AEA Award Code Grant Funds Grantee Funds Total 2195390 $2,288,000 $573,134 $2,861,134 7060930 $2,085,509 $2,085,509 $4,171,018 7071015 $5,914,500 $5,914,500 $11,829,000 7910012 $10,000,000 $0 $10,000,000 Total $20,288,009 $8,573,143 $28,861,152 Grant 7910012 is a legislative appropriation managed by AEA. Execution of work Under the REF grant program, funding began in late 2009 when CVEA was near completion of the feasibility study and FERC license preparation for a project on Allison Lake. The feasibility was then revised at the end of 2010 to focus on a development located on Allison Creek (below the lake). FERC license application completion and submittal occurred shortly thereafter in late 2011. CVEA issued and RFP for the project design and in 2012 which saw completion to 30% by the end of the year. At this stage and RFQwas issued for construction contractors, an RFP for construction management was issued, and FERC issued their Draft EA. Additional design work was expected to occur based on input from a selected construction contractor under a Maximum Allowable Construction Cost type of contract. In early 2013 CVEA awarded the construction contract and the design was at 90%. CVEA was issuing bids for the turbine purchase as well. The FERC license 3/15/2017 Page 2 of 7 Alaska Energy Authority REF Project 407038, Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project Grant Closeout Report was issued on August 1, 2013. At this stage CVEA's contractors completed the 100% design and the plan included tunnel construction which differed from the license application with FERC requiring an amendment. FERC approved the amendment authorizing construction and CVEA made the first progress payment for the turbine purchase by the end 2013 although construction could not begin because of winter weather. Construction started on May 27, 2014 with the lower access road up to the tunnel. By the latter half of 2014 the turbine had been assembled and tested at the factory, the powerhouse foundation was mostly poured, and the transmission line clearing and the tunnel construction was completed. By the end of the 2014 construction season the access road to the diversion site was complete and culverts to bypass water for construction were installed, transmission work was nearly done, penstock installation had begun, and the powerhouse structure was erected and weather tight. Low snow conditions that winter allowed the contractor to begin accessing the site early in April of 2015. Communication connecting the powerhouse and blasting the penstock trench in the tunnel were completed first. Powerhouse electrical and mechanical followed including installation of the bridge crane. Also the coffer dam at the diversion site was complete by June of 2015. The remainder of the season focuses on penstock installation, diversion and intake construction, and powerhouse outfitting with the overall project completion at 88% by the time winter weather forced work to stop early in October. Construction resumed in May of 2016 with continued penstock construction through the tunnel to the intake. The installation on the steep slope required a significant amount of material cut and fill. Penstock installation on the slope began in July while crews also worked on the finishing out the intake structure. Project commissioning and commercial power generation occurred on October 5, 2016. CVEA and their consultants work on final deliverables for FERC in early 2017. Summary of Work, Budget, and Schedule Major Deliverables • Initial Feasibility: Allison Lake Hydropower Development, Final Feasibility Study, May 2010, Hatch Acres). • Final Feasibility: Allison Creek Hydropower Development, Final Feasibility Study, Addendum, January 2011. • Copper Valley Electric Association Inc submits an application for an Original License re Allison Creek Hydro Project under P-13124, CVEA, 8/30/2011. • Notice of application and applicant -prepared EA accepted for filing, FERC, 11/14/2011. • Issued for Construction Drawings and Technical Specifications, 5/3/2013, McMillen, LLC. • As -built Drawings, Exhibits A, F and G, CVEA, 3/2/2017 Major Permits • Memorandum of Land Lease Agreement, CVEA and Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., 7/25/2014. • Order issuing original license re Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc under P-13124, FERC, 8/1/2013. 3/15/2017 Page 3 of 7 Alaska Energy Authority REF Project 407038, Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project Grant Closeout Report Project CostsPhase/Task Amount Source Project Development (Feasibility, Permitting, and Design) $4,550,000 CVEA, 1/12/2017 Construction Contract $46,780,000 CVEA, 1/12/2017 Construction Management $3,920,000 CVEA, 1/12/2017 Total $55,250,000 Schedule • Initial Feasibility S/31/2010 • Final Feasibility 1/31/2011 • License Application filed 8/30/2011 • Design completed 5/3/2013 • License Issued 8/1/2013 • Start of Construction S/27/2014 • Land Lease Obtained 7/25/2014 • Project Commissioning 10/5/2016 • Final As Built 3/2/2017 Performance Evaluation As of the date of this report there is limited information on the project operation. The original expected generation is compared with the available reporting provided to AEA in the table below. Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Expected Predicted Energy Energy Energy Generated Utilization Potential kWh kWh kWh 0 ? 100,000 0 ? 0 0 ? 0 0 ? 100,000 0 ? 2,200,000 0 ? 4,300,000 0 ? 4,800,000 0 ? 4,300,000 0 ? 3,600,000 529,126 ? 2,700,000 337,000 ? 1,000,000 37,000 ? 400,000 903,126 9,900,000 23,500,000 3/15/2017 Page 4 of 7 Alaska Energy Authority REF Project 407038, Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project Grant Closeout Report The 9.9 GWh of generation for Allison is based on the existing loads in 2011. CVEA had also included analysis of a projected 2 MW additional load increasing the expected Allison benefit to about 16 GWh annually. Lessons Learned If there is a single lesson for the Allison project it would be to not give up. Many said a road could not be constructed to access the intake. CVEA persevered and was able to construct the project in a short amount of time and approximately within budget despite the original construction contractor backing out of the work. Future Work and Recommendations CVEA still generates a significant amount of energy with diesel fuel. Pursuing additional hydroelectric resources, in a region where such resources are prevalent, should be a continued goal assuming demand does not drop significantly. Project Location Map LVTI -%Ofl iJ/dW{ .......:.. ::.. ..:.nti=:•.ii:3`.i �?i:5;:.•i: i•.'�k'•• -- �¢: J��i -: ���';i•: �''r' - ' ' ash + gup�r �1 enstock ALTERNATIVE 4 � { P = Diversion Structure oy{ ;: :� ri �'1•' ' r l Allison Lake �{ 3/15/2017 Page 5 of 7 Alaska Energy Authority REF Project 407038, Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project Grant Closeout Report Photographs Powerhouse with City of Valdez across bay in background. Diversion and intake structure - _ , - --+ice 3/15/2017 Page 6 of 7 Alaska Energy Authority REF Project 407038, Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project Grant Closeout Report 3/15/2017 Page 7 of 7