HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlaska Sealife Center Seawater Heat Pump Project Final Design - Nov 2010 - REF Grant 7030017 Sea Water Heat Pump Project Final Design Documents 11-30-2010 Specifications: Division 1 General Division 15 Mechanical Division 16 Electrical Division 17 - Instrumentation IN ASSOCIATION WITH ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01730 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01730 OPERATING & MAINTENANCE DATA (For Suppliers Of Equipment And Materials) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. Compile product data and related information appropriate for Owner's maintenance and operation of products furnished under contract. B. Prepare as specified herein and in other specification sections. C. Instruct Owner's personnel in maintenance of products and in operation of equipment and systems. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Divisions 15, 16, & 17 Mechanical, Electrical, and Instrumentation Equipment, respectively. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Data preparation shall be done by personnel: 1. Trained and experienced in maintenance and operation of described products. 2. Completely familiar with requirements of this section. 3. Sufficiently skilled as technical writer to communicate essential data. 4. Sufficiently skilled as drafter to competently prepare required drawings. 1.4 FORM OF SUBMITTALS A. Prepare data in the form of an instructional manual. B. -1/2 by x 11" three D side ring binders with durable plastic covers; 3 inch maximum ring size. When multiple binders are used, correlate data into related consistent groupings. C. Cover: Identify each binder with typed or printed title "OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS"; identify title of Project; identify subject matter of contents. D. Provide tabbed indexed for each separate product and system, with typed description of product and major component parts of equipment. E. Text: Manufacturer's printed or typewritten data. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01730 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project F. Drawings: Provide with reinforced punched binder tab. Bind in with text; fold larger drawings to size of text pages. 1.5 O&M MANUAL CONTENT, GENERAL A. Neatly typewritten Table of Contents for each volume, arranged in systematic order. B. List: 1. Supplier, name of responsible principal, address, and telephone number. 2. Each product including name, address, and telephone number of: a. Manufacturer. b. Recommended maintenance contractor c. Local source for replacement parts 3. Product name and other identifying symbols as set forth in contract documents. C. Product data: 1. Include only those sheets which are pertinent to specific product. 2. Annotate each sheet to: a. Clearly identify specific product or part installed. b. Clearly identify data applicable to installation. c. Delete references to inapplicable data. D. Drawings: 1. Supplement product data with drawings where necessary to clearly illustrate: a. Relations of component parts. b. Control and flow diagrams. E. Written text: 1. Provide where necessary to supplement product data and drawings. 2. Write all text in English. 3. Organize in consistent format under separate headings for different procedures. 4. Provide logical sequence of instructions for each procedure. F. Warranties, Bonds, & Maintenance Contracts: 1. Provide copy of each. 2. Include the following: a. Proper procedures in event of failure. b. Instances which might affect validity of warranties, bonds, or contracts. 1.6 O&M MANUAL FOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT & SYSTEMS A. Include the following manufacturer's data: 1. Description of unit and component parts including: a. Function, normal operating characteristic, and limiting conditions. b. Performance curves, engineering data, and tests. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01730 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project c. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replacement parts. 2. Operating procedures including: a. Start-up, break-in routine and normal operating instructions. b. Regulations, control, stopping, shut-down and emergency instructions. c. Summer and winter operating instructions. d. Special operating instructions. 3. Maintenance procedures including: a. Routine operations. b. Trouble-shooting guide. c. Disassembly, repair, and reassembly. d. Alignment, adjusting, and checking. e. Servicing and lubricating schedule, including recommended lubricants. 4. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions. 5. Control systems operation sequences. 6. Parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings, and diagrams necessary for maintenance, including: a. Life expectancy of parts subject to wear. b. Items recommended to be stocked as spare part. 7. As-installed control system diagrams. 8. Color-code legend, if any. 9. Valve tag number chart, with location and function of each valve. B. Submit specified information for the following: 1. Equipment specified in Divisions 15. 1.7 MANUAL FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & SYSTEMS A. Include the following manufacturer's data: 1. Description of unit and component parts including: a. Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions. b. Performance curve, engineering data and test. c. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replacement parts. 2. Panel board circuit directories indicating: a. Electrical service b. Controls c. Communications, if any 3. As-installed wiring color-code legend, if any. 4. Operating procedures, including: a. Routine and normal operating instructions b. Sequences required c. Special operating instructions 5. Maintenance procedures including: a. Routine operations b. Trouble-shooting guide c. Disassembly, repair, and reassembly ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01730 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project d. Adjustment and checking e. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions. f. Parts List, including current prices, and recommended spare parts to be maintained in storage. B. Submit specified information for the following: 1. Electrical equipment specified in Divisions 16 & 17. 1.8 O&M MANUALS A. Operating and Maintenance Manuals: Submit four (4) sets of manuals for equipment delivered in each identified category. 4. Mechanical Equipment and Systems Manual 5. Electrical Equipment and Systems Manual 6. Instrumentation Equipment and Systems Manual B. Warranty and Special Warranty Manual: Submit four (4) sets of manual. 1.9 ADDITIONAL DATA A. Prepare and include the following: 1. Additional data when need becomes apparent during instruction of 2. Additional data specified in other sections of specifications to be included. 1.10 SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE A. Submit two copies of preliminary draft or proposed formats and outlines of contents before start of manufacturer or delivery. Owner will review draft and return one copy with comments. B. For equipment, or component parts of equipment put into service during construction and operated by Owner, submit one advance copy of documents within ten days after acceptance. Include same information within final Operations and Maintenance documents. C. Submit 1 draft copy of completed volumes 30 days following acceptance of Project Submittals. Allow 21 days for Owner and Engineer review and return to Supplier. Provide Owner resubmittal within 14 days. Allow 14 days for Owner and Engineer review of resubmittal. Revise content of all document sets as required prior to final submission. D. Submit fully approved final volumes within 60 days after acceptance of Submittals or 10 days prior to delivery, whichever occurs first. 1.11 INSTRUCTION OF OWNER'S PERSONNEL FOR HEAT PUMPS & LOOP PUMP CONTROLLER A. Prior to final acceptance of Heat Pumps, Instrumentation and Loop Controller, Supplier of Heat Pumps and Loop Pump Controller (HPLC) shall instruct Owner's ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01730 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project personnel in necessary operation, adjustment, and maintenance of products, equipment, and systems. B. Operating & maintenance manual shall constitute basis of instruction. Submit training materials and instruction schedule for Owner's review and acceptance at least 30 days prior to training session. C. Training: 1. Location: at project site. 2. Review manual contents with owner's personnel in detail to explain all aspects of operations and maintenance. 3. At least one month prior to training meeting, arrange Training meeting time and location with Owner. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01630 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01630 SUBSTITUTIONS (For Suppliers Of Equipment and Materials) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and other Division 1, 15, 16, or 17 Specification Sections may apply to this Section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The Supplier B. Requests for substitution products. 1.3 SUPPLIER S OPTIONS A. Definitions in this Article do not change or modify the meaning of other terms used in the Contract Documents. B. Reference to any equipment, material, article or patented process by trade name, make or catalog number shall be regarded as establishing a standard of quality and characteristics of products that will be satisfactory and shall not be construed as limiting competition. C. Whether or not specifically named equipment or material is followed by the term "equivalent" or "equivalent product" or "approved equal", it shall not exclude other manufacturer's equipment or materials from consideration, unless "NO SUBSTITUTIONS" called out in the specification sections. In this usage, the terms "equivalent" and "equal" or "approved equal" are interchangeable though a product or method considered for substitution may be equivalent to a specified product or method without actually being equal, by virtue of performance, appearance, and meeting specified or implied criteria. D. No item will be considered for substitution prior to the opening of quotations. Consequently, the Supplier shall make its own determination if a substituted item will be equivalent to or better than that specified or indicated in regards to quality, workmanship, finish, space requirements, electrical requirements, performance and guarantees or warranties. Any change in price due to any subsequent rejection of product found "not equivalent" will not be considered. E. After the Notice to Proceed the Supplier shall submit sufficient data in accordance with this Section to establish equality. The Owner's Representative (Engineer) shall be the sole judge of equality and acceptability. F. Acceptance of substitute materials will not relieve the Supplier of the responsibility for any changes in the Owner's own work or in the work of other ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01630 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project trades caused by the substitution. Any additional costs resulting from substitutions are the responsibility of the Supplier. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Substitution Request Submittal: The Owner will consider requests for substitution if received within 14 days after Purchase Order is issued by the Owner to the Supplier. Requests received more than 14 days after commencement of the Work may be considered or rejected at the discretion of the Owner. 1. Submit 3 copies of each request for substitution for consideration. Submit requests in the form given at the end of this specification section, and according to procedures required herein. 2. Provide complete documentation showing compliance with the requirements for substitutions, and the following information, as appropriate: a. Coordination information, including a list of changes or modifications needed to other parts of the Work and to construction performed by the Owner and separate contractors, that will be necessary to accommodate the proposed substitution. b. A detailed comparison of significant qualities of the proposed substitution with those of the Work specified. Significant qualities may include elements, such as performance, weight, size, durability, and visual effect. c. Product Data, including Drawings and descriptions of products and fabrication and installation procedures. d. Samples, where applicable or requested. e. A statement indicating the substitution's effect on the chedule compared to the schedule without approval of the substitution. Indicate the effect of the proposed substitution on overall Delivery Time. f. Cost information, including a proposal of the net change, if any in the Procurement Contract Sum. g. The Supplier's certification that the proposed substitution conforms to requirements in the Contract Documents in every respect and is appropriate for the applications indicated. h. The Supplier's waiver of rights to additional payment or time that may subsequently become necessary because of the failure of the substitution to perform adequately. 3. If necessary, the Owner will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within one week of receipt of a request for substitution. The Owner will notify the Supplier of acceptance or rejection of the substitution within 2 weeks of receipt of the request, or one week of receipt of additional information or documentation, whichever is later. Acceptance will be in the form of a change order. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01630 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.5 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Conditions: The owner will receive and consider the Supplier's request for substitution when one or more of the following conditions are satisfied, as determined by the Owner. If the following conditions are not satisfied, the Owner will return the requests without action except to record noncompliance with these requirements: 1. Extensive revisions to the Contract Documents are not required. 2. Proposed changes are in keeping with the general intent of the Contract Documents. 3. The request is timely, fully documented, and properly submitted. 4. The specified product cannot be provided within the Delivery Time. The Owner will not consider the request if the product or method cannot be provided as a result of failure to pursue the Work promptly or coordinate activities properly. 5. The request is directly related to an "or-equal" clause or similar language in the Contract Documents. 6. The requested substitution offers the Owner a substantial advantage, in cost, time, energy conservation, or other considerations, after deducting additional responsibilities the Owner must assume. The Owner's additional responsibilities may include compensation to the Engineer for redesign and evaluation services, increased cost of other construction by the Owner, and similar considerations. 7. The specified product or method of construction cannot receive necessary approval by a governing authority, and the requested substitution can be approved. 8. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided in a manner that is compatible with other materials and where the Supplier certifies that the substitution will overcome the incompatibility. 9. The specified product or method of construction cannot be coordinated with other materials and where the Supplier certifies that the proposed substitution can be coordinated. 10. The specified product or method of construction cannot provide a warranty required by the Contract Documents and where the Supplier certifies that the proposed substitution provides the required warranty. 1.6 SUPPLIER REPRESENTATION A. Request for substitution constitutes a representation that Supplier has investigated proposed product and has determined that it is equal to or superior in all respects to specified product. B. Supplier shall provide same warranty for substitution as for specified product. D. Supplier waives claims for additional cost caused by substitution which may subsequently become apparent. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01630 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01630 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project EQUIPMENT/PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION REQUEST FORM (Section 01630) TO: ______________________________________ PROJECT: ______________________________________ We hereby submit for your consideration the following product instead of the specified item for the above project: Section, ______ Page ____ Paragraph, ______ Specified Item ________ Proposed Substitution: __________________________ _ Attach complete Product description, drawings, photographs, performance and test data, and other information necessary for evaluation. Will changes be required to building design in order to properly install proposed substitution? Yes ___ No ___ If Yes, explain: (Add second sheet). Will the undersigned pay for changes to the building design, including engineering and drawing costs, caused by requested substitution? Yes __ No ___ . What differences exist between proposed substitution and specified item? Does substitution affect Drawing dimension? Yes ___ No ___ If Yes, explain: (Add second sheet.) What affect does substitution have on other trades? Does Manufacturer's warranty of proposed substitution differ from that specified? Yes ___ No ___ If Yes, explain: (Add second sheet.) Will substitution affect Progress Schedule? Yes __ No ___ If Yes, explain: (Add second sheet.) Will substitution cost more than specified Product? Yes ___ No ___ If Yes, explain: (Add second sheet.) Do substitutions affect the Commissioning process and checklists included in Division 17? Yes __ No ___ If any, attach a marked-up copy of the appropriate Checklist(s) from Division 17 for Owner's approval. Will maintenance and service parts be locally available for substitution? Yes __ No ___ If Yes, explain: (Add second sheet.) Submitted by: Signature: ________________ For Owner's Representative's Use Only: Supplier:_____________________ Accepted ( ) Not Accepted ( ) Address: __________________ Accepted as Noted ( ) Received Too Late( ) City:______________________ By: _______________________________ Date:_____________________ Date: _____________________________ Remarks: _________________________ Phone: ___________________________ ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01340 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS, PROJECT DATA & SAMPLES (For Suppliers Of Materials And Equipment) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and Division 15, 16, & 17 Specification Sections apply to this Section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION A. Submit Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples as may be required, whether mentioned specifically in Contract Documents or not. B. Individual submittals shall not include material covering more than one section of the specifications. C. Products fabricated prior to approval of submittals are subject to demand for the Owner. D. Shop drawing submittal cannot be used for product substitution submittal. See Section-01630 Substitutions. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01630: Approval for Substitution and Product Options B. Section 01730: Operating And Maintenance Data 1.4 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Prepare original drawings (by manufacturer, supplier, or distributor), which illustrate some portion of the work; showing fabrication, layout, setting or erection details. B. Prepare shop drawings for this particular project. Drawings prepared for other projects and revised for this project will be rejected. C. When necessary, base shop and setting drawings upon actual measurements taken at site and other job conditions. Show any variations and revisions to Contract Documents that are necessary for proper installation of work. Fabrication or delivery shall not be started until shop or setting drawings have been reviewed and returned by Owner, with stamp and comments. D. Identify details by reference to sheet and detail, schedule or room numbers shown on Contract Drawings. E. -size sheet submittals. Use ½ x 11" format subject to readability and approval of Engineer. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01340 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.5 PRODUCT DATA A. Manufacturer's standard schematic drawings: 1. Modify drawings to delete information which is not applicable to project. 2. Supplement standard information to provide additional information applicable to project. B. Manufacturer's catalog sheets, brochures, diagrams, schedules, performance charts, illustrations, and other standard descriptive data. 1. Clearly mark each copy and identify pertinent materials, products or models. 2. Show dimensions and clearances required. 3. Show performance characteristics and capacities. 4. Show wiring diagrams and controls. 5. Catalog cuts and descriptive data sheets shall include a complete listing of repair and replacement parts for all equipment and the name and address of a source of supply for parts and service. 1.6 SAMPLES A. Physical examples to illustrate materials, equipment or workmanship and to establish standards by which completed work is judged. B. Office Samples: Of sufficient size and quantity to clearly illustrate: 1. Functional characteristics of product or material, with integrally related parts and attachment devices. 2. Full range of color, texture and pattern. 1.7 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Make all submittals far enough in advance of scheduled dates for delivery to provide all required time for review, for securing necessary approvals, for possible revision and resubmittals and for placing orders and securing delivery. Submission of all shop drawings shall be through the Owner. B. The Supplier shall allow at least 21 days for review by Owner and Engineer of original submittals and 14 days for review of resubmittals. C. Submit one (1) reproducible unfolded transparency print of shop drawing. Upon Engineer approval, Supplier shall provide five (5) opaque prints for Owner s use. D. Submit four (4) each of samples, E. Unless otherwise specifically permitted by the Owner, make all submittals in groups containing all associated items. Partial submittals may be rejected. F. Accompany submittals with transmittal letter, in duplicate, containing: 1. Date 2. Project Title and number 3. Supplier's name and address ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01340 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 4. The number of each shop drawing, product data and sample submitted G. Submittals shall include: 1. Date and revision dates 2. Project title and number 3. The name of: a. Owner b. Engineer c. Supplier d. Manufacturer e. Separate detailer when pertinent 4. Identification of product or material 5. Relation to adjacent structure or materials 6. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such 7. Specification section number 8. Applicable standards, such as ASTM number or Federal Specifications 9. A blank space, for Engineer's review stamp 1.8 SUPPLIER RESPONSIBILITIES A. Review shop drawings, product data, and samples prior to submission. B. Include noted and required corrections and indicate by stamp and signature that submittal is acceptable to Supplier, submittals without signature will be rejected, C. Verify: 1. Field measurements. 2. Field Construction criteria. 3. Conformance with specifications. D. Coordinate each submittal with requirements of work and Contract Documents. E. Supplier's responsibility for errors and omissions in submittals is not relieved by Engineer's review and approval. F. Supplier's deviations in submittal requirements shall not relieve Supplier from completing Contract requirements. G. The submittals shall be transmitted on the Owner's form. Any submittals that do not have the form completed will be returned without review. Number the submittals with the CSI Section then a dash then the numerical order (01650-1). Resubmittals shall have the same number with an alpha at the end. (01650-1A). H. Supplier will provide Submittal Log to Owner and Engineer on a weekly basis until Submittal process is complete. 1.9 RESUMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Revise initial drawings as required and resubmit as specified for initial submittal. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01340 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Indicate on drawings any changes which have been made other than those requested by the Engineer. C. Project data and samples: Submit new data and samples as required for initial submittal. 1.10 ENGINEER A. Review submittals with a turn-around time to Owner for review of original or resubmittal of no more than fourteen (14) calendar days. B. The review will be for conformance to the design concept and compliance with information given in the Contract Document. The Engineer will make notations directly on the reproducible. C. The review is intended to foresee unacceptable products to avoid the possibility of their rejection upon delivery to the site. The review shall not be construed as: 1. Permitting a departure from the Contract Documents, unless specifically so noted. 2. Relieving the Supplier of the responsibility for errors or omissions. 3. Acceptance of an assembly in which an approved item is a part. 4. Approval of variations from previously approved items. 5. Approval of dimensions. D. The Engineer will review all samples. Such review will be for appearance only. Compliance with all other requirements is the responsibility of the Supplier. E. Affix stamps and initials or signatures certifying the review of submittal. F. Where the Contract Documents require the design of the structural, mechanical, or electrical systems or components of systems by the Supplier, such systems or components shall be designed by a registered professional engineer and all calculations submitted to the Engineer for his records, prior to starting fabrication or delivery of the work. The Engineer will not be responsible for the designs of such other Professionals. 1.11 VARIATIONS FROM CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. See Section 01630 Substitutions for procedure. B. If the Supplier fails to mention variations from the Contract Documents, he will not be relieved of the responsibility for delivering on time equipment and products in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.12 DISTRIBUTION OF SUBMITTALS AFTER REVIEW A. Owner shall distribute copies of shop drawings and product data which carry Engineer's stamp, to the: 1. Supplier (as required) 2. Fabricator (as required) 3. Others (as required) ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01340 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01750 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01750 CLOSEOUT FORMS PART 1 GENERAL THE FOLLOWING FORMS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO FINAL PROJECT CLOSEOUT. 1.1 CERTIFICATION OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. Use Form 101 attached herein. 1.2 YMENT OF DEBTS AND CLAIMS A. Use Form 102 attached herein. 1.3 RELEASE ON CONTRACTS A. Use Form 103 attached herein. 1.4 CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT A. Use Form 104 attached herein. 1.5 CONSENT OF SURETY TO REDUCTION IN OR PARTIAL RELEASE OF RETAINAGE A. Use Form 105 attached herein. 1.6 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE A. The Contractor shall submit a notarized Certificate of Compliance, contained in this section, with his application for Final Payment. 1.7 WARRANTY OF WORK AFTER FINAL PAYMENT A. The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner a notarized Warranty of Work after Final payment, contained in this section, with his application for Final Payment. 1.8 AHERA EXCLUSION DOCUMENT A. The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner a signed AHERA Exclusion document, contained in this section, with his application for Final Payment. 1.9 CLOSEOUT CHECKLIST A. The closeout checklist is designed to assist the Contractor and Owner in the process of completing the project. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01750 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Project Name:______________________ContractorNumber:_______________ Contractor:_________________________Contract Date:__________________ Date of Issuance:________________ Owner: Project Shall Include: The work performed under this contract has been reviewed and found to be substantially complete. The date of Substantial Completion is hereby established as, _________________________________________________________________ Definition Of Date Of Substantial Completion: The date of substantial completion of the project is the date certified by the Owner when the work is substantially complete in accordance with, and defined in the Contract Documents. A list of items to be completed or corrected, prepared by the Owner and verified and amended by the Engineer is appended hereto. The failure to include any items or such list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete the project in accordance with the Contract Documents. Engineer: _____________________By: _________________ Date:_____________ The Contractor will complete or correct the work on the list of items appended hereto within 30 days from the date of substantial completion, Contractor: _____________________By: ________________ Date:,____________ The responsibilities of the Owner and the Contractor for maintenance, heat, utilities, and insurance shall be as follows: ________________________________________ In reliance upon the certification of the Contractor and the Engineer, the Owner hereby accepts the project as substantially complete, In accordance with the Contract Documents, the Owner hereby elects Not To: To assume occupancy at a.m. / p.m. on _________ Form 101 ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01750 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND CLAIMS Whereas, entered into by the terms of a Contract dated Entered into by [Owner] and for the construction of [Project] The under signed, pursuant to the General Conditions of the Contract for the construction, hereby certifies that, except as listed below, he has paid in full or has otherwise satisfied all obligations for all materials and equipment furnished, for all work, labor, and services performed, and for all known indebtness and claims against the Contractor for damages arising in any manner in connection with the performance of the Contract referenced above for which the District or his property might in any way be held responsible. EXCEPTIONS: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the seal of the undersigned Contractor have been hereunto set this day of_________________, at_______________________, By being first duly sworn, say that I am the agent for and executed the foregoing under authority of said company to do so; that I have read the same, know the contents thereof, and the matters set forth therein are as I truly believe. By Subscribed and sworn to before me this ____________________________day of, _____________________________. Notary Public in and for______________________________________________ My Commission Expires:_____________________________________________ Form 102 ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01750 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project RELEASE ON CONTRACT WHEREAS, by the terms of a contract dated, _______________entered into by the, [Owner-edit] and _________________ for the construction of __________________ ___________________________________________________, it is provided that: "Neither the final payment nor the remaining retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor shall provide the Owner (1) with a waiver and release of liens, on the forms provided by the Owner, executed by the Contractor ..." NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the payment by the [Owner-edit] to the undersigned Contractor of the amounts due under the contract and any changes or modifications thereto, to wit, the sum Of: $ ______________________________________________________Dollars. (Numbers) (In Words) the undersigned Contractor hereby releases and forever discharges the [Owner-Edit] including its property, particularly that real property known as:_________________________________________________of the [Owner-Edit], of and from all manner of debts, dues and sum or sums of money, accounts, claims, and demands whatsoever, in Law and in equity, under or by virtue of said contract. and warrants good title to all material, supplies and equipment installed or incorporated in the project and all work delivered to the premises, together with all improvements and appurtenances constructed thereon by:________________________________________________________to the [Owner-Edit] free of any claims, liens or encumbrances. Neither the undersigned nor any person, firm or corporation furnishing material or labor for any work covered by this Contract has any right to a lien upon the premises nor improvement thereon, except:_____________________________________________________________ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Signature of the undersigned Contractor has been hereunto set this _____________day of __________ 20____, at _______________, Alaska Signature: ______________________ Printed Name: ____________________ I, being first duly sworn, say that I am the agent for and executed the foregoing under authority of said company to do so; that I have read the same, know the contents thereof, and the matters set forth therein are as I truly believe, Signature: _________________ _ Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______day of _______ , 20_____, at _________ ____, Alaska. Notary Public in and for _________________ My Commission Expires: ________________ Form 103 ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01750 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT PROJECT: _____________________PROJECT NUMBER:__________________ TO: [Owner-Edit] CONTRACT DATE: __________________ CONTRACTOR: _____________________ In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above: ________________________________________________________________ (Surety Company) on bond of _________________________________________________________________ (Contractor) hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to [Owner Edit], Owner as set forth in said Surety Company's bond. Surety expressly agrees that any and all valid claims of sub-Contractors and all persons supplying labor or materials to the project will be satisfied by Contractor or Surety in a timely manner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this day of __________ , _______________, 20_____________. Name of Surety Company:______________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Representative:_______________________________ Title:_________________________________________ Form104 ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01750 6 Sea Water Heat Pump Project CONSENT OF SURETY TO REDUCTION IN OR PARTIAL RELEASE OF RETAlNAGE PROJECT:_____________________ PROJECT NUMBER:___________________ TO: [Owner edit]_______________________ CONTRACT DATE:_____________ CONTRACTOR: In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, The: ___________________________________________(Surety Company) on bond of __________________ ___________________________(Contractor) HEREBY APPROVES OF THE REDUCTION IN OR PARTIAL RELEASE OF RETAINAGE to the Contractor as follows: The surety agrees that such reduction in or partial release of retainage to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety of any of its obligations to [Owner- Edit], OWNER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this day of, _________________________ Name of Surety Company Attest __________________________ Signature of Authorized Representative Form 105 ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01750 7 Sea Water Heat Pump Project CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE No final payment shall be made until the Contractor shall file with the Owner, prior to acceptance of the work, a notarized Certification of Compliance in the following form: The Contractor does hereby certify that all work has been performed and materials supplied in accordance with the Drawings, Specifications and Contract Documents for the above work, and that: No less than the prevailing rates of wages as ascertained by the governing body of the Contracting Agency has been paid to laborers, workmen and mechanics employed on this work; There have been no unauthorized substitutions of Subcontractors; nor have any subcontracts been entered into without prior notice having been submitted to the Owner prior to the start of such subcontracted work; No subcontract was assigned or transferred or performed by any Subcontractor other than the original Subcontractor, without prior notice having been submitted to the Owner together with the names of all Subcontractors; All claims for material and labor and other paid service performed in connection with these specifications have been paid. All monies due the State Industrial Accident Fund, the State Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund, the State Tax Commission, Hospital Associations and/or others have been paid. In WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument this: _____________ day of ___________________ ,20_____ _______________________ (Firm Name) ________________________ (Signature) ________________________ (Title) (Attest) (SEAL IF BIDDER IS A CORPORATION) As determined necessary, evidence of compliance may be required to be submitted with and made a part of this Certificate of Compliance. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01750 8 Sea Water Heat Pump Project WARRANTY OF WORK Prior to Final Payment, the Contractor shall furnish to the Owner a Warranty of Work in the following form: ********** The Contractor does hereby warrant all work and materials to be in full and complete accordance with the Contract Documents and Agreement between Owner and Contractor, and requirements appertaining thereto; that all work and materials are free from any and all defects and imperfections, and fully suitable for the use and purposes for which each and every part is intended. The Contractor also agrees that, should any defect develop or appear which the Owner or Owner's Representative finds was Not caused by improper use, the Contractor shall promptly, upon demand, fully correct, substitute and make good any such defective material without any cost to the Owner and will save the Owner harmless against any claim, demand, loss or damage by reason of any breach of this warranty. The period of this warranty shall commence on the date of Substantial Completion. The warranty shall continue to be in full force and effect for the period of one (1) year, except for those items for which a longer period of warranty is specifically stated in the Warranties for work in Technical Sections of the Specifications. Warranties for work stated in Technical Section shall continue in full force and effect for the respective periods expressly stated. In WITNESS WHERE, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument this ________, day of, ________ , 20______. (Firm Name) ____________ (Signature) ______________ (Title) ___________________ (Attest) ________________ (SEAL IF BIDDER IS A CORPORATION) ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01750 9 Sea Water Heat Pump Project AHERA Exclusion Document Contractor's Verification of Asbestos-Free Construction Project: ________________ Project Number:__________________________ Contractor: _______________ ___________Date: ______________________ To: [Owner-Edit] To the best of our knowledge, no asbestos-containing building materials were installed in this project. Attest:____________________________________ Signature of Authorized Representative ____________________________________ Title ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01750 10 Sea Water Heat Pump Project Project Title:_______________________Project Number:________________ Project Closeout Checklist Number Required Number & Date Delivered Inspection Documents Substantial Completion Inspection Documents 1 Substantial Completion Punch List 1 Final Inspection Documents 1 Final Inspection Punch List 1 Certificate of Substantial Completion (Form 101) 1 Contractor Submittals As-built drawings to Engineer of Record (Section 01700) 1 All project record documents (Section 01720) 1 Maintenance and Operations Manuals (Section 01730) 4 Warranty and Special Warranty Manuals (Section 01740) 4 Certificate of Domestic Water Disinfection (Section 01700) 2 Warranty of Work (Section 01750) 1 Certificate of Compliance (Section 01750) 1 Owner s Certificate of Mechanical and Electrical Inspection 3 Owner's Certificate of Completion 3 AHERA Response Action Report (RAR) 1 AHERA Exclusion Document 1 ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01750 11 Sea Water Heat Pump Project Project Title:_______________________Project Number:________________ Project Closeout Checklist Number Required Number & Date Delivered Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims Form102) 1 Consent of Surety Company to Final Payment (Form 104) 1 Release on Contract (Form 103) 1 Consent of Surety to Reduction in/or Partial Release of Retainage (Form 105) 1 Engineered As-built drawings and special system drawings on reproducible CD's (not zipped) 1 Engineered As-built drawings and special system Drawings; reproducible. 2 Spare Parts deliverables 1 Notice of Completion of Public Works (Approved DOL Clearance Form) 1 Final Application and Certificate for Payment 1 _____________________________________________ _______________________ Owner Signature Date ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01740 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01740 WARRANTIES & BONDS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Compile specified warranties and bonds. B. Compile specified services and maintenance contracts. C. Review submittals to verify compliance with contract documents. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Bid Bond B. Perform Bond, Labor, and Material Payment Bond, General Warranty of Construction C. Section 01700 - Project Closeout D. Section 01730 - Operating & Maintenance Data E. Warranties & Bonds required for Specific Products: see respective specification sections. 1.3 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Assemble warranties, bonds, and services and maintenance contracts, executed by each of the respective manufacturer's, suppliers and subcontractors. B. Number of original signed copies required: provide 1 for each volume of owner's maintenance manual as specified in Section 01730. C. Table of Contents: neatly type in orderly sequence. D. Provide complete information for each item: 1. Product or work item. 2. Firm, with name of Principal, address, and telephone number 3. Beginning date of warranty, bond, or service and maintenance contract. 4. Duration of warranty, bond or services and maintenance contract. 5. Provide the following information for Owner's personnel: a. procedure in case of failure or malfunction b. instances which affect warranty or bond validity. 6. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address, and telephone number ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01740 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.4 SUBMITTAL FORM A. Punch sheet for standard 3-ring binder. B. Size: 8 1/2 x 11 inches C. Fold larger sheets to fit into binder. D. Cover: Identify each packet with printed title "WARRANTIES & BONDS". E. List: 1. Title of project 2. Name of contractor 1.5 SUBMITTAL TIME A. See Section 01730. 1.6 SUBMITTAL LOCATION A. Bind into Owner's maintenance manuals specified in Section 01730. 1.7 MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTIES A. In addition to contractor's warranty, manufacturer's warranties shall pass to owner and shall not take effect until affected work has been accepted in writing by Owner. END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01730 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01730 OPERATING & MAINTENANCE DATA PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. Compile product data and related information appropriate for owner's maintenance and operation of products furnished under contract. B. Prepare as specified herein and in other specification sections. C. Instruct owner's personnel in maintenance of products and in operation of equipment and systems. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Section 01300 Submittal Procedures B. Section 01400 Quality Control C. Section 01600 Material and Equipment D. Section 01700 - Project Closeout E. Section 01720 - Record Documents F. Section 01750 Closeout Forms G. Divisions 15, 16 & 17 - Demonstrating Mechanical, Electrical, and Instrument Equipment, respectively. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Data preparation shall be done by personnel: 1. Trained and experienced in maintenance and operation of described products. 2. Completely familiar with requirements of this section. 3. Sufficiently skilled as technical writer to communicate essential data. 4. Sufficiently skilled as drafter to competently prepare required drawings. 1.4 FORM OF SUBMITTALS A. Prepare data in the form of an instructional manual. B. -1/2 by x 11" three D side ring binders with durable plastic covers; 3 inch maximum ring size. When multiple binders are used, correlate data into related consistent groupings. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01730 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. Cover: Identify each binder with typed or printed title "OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS"; identify title of Project; identify subject matter of contents. D. Provide tabbed indexed for each separate product and system, with typed description of product and major component parts of equipment. E. Text: Manufacturer's printed or typewritten data. F. Drawings: Provide with reinforced punched binder tab. Bind in with text; fold larger drawings to size of text pages. 1.5 MANUAL CONTENT, GENERAL A. Neatly typewritten Table of Contents for each volume, arranged in systematic order. B. List: 1. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address, and telephone number. 2. Each product including name, address, and telephone number of: a. Subcontractor or installer. b. Recommended maintenance contractor c. Local source for replacement parts 3. Product name and other identifying symbols as set forth in contract documents. C. Product data: 1. Include only those sheets which are pertinent to specific product. 2. Annotate each sheet to: a. Clearly identify specific product or part installed. b. Clearly identify data applicable to installation. c. Delete references to inapplicable data. D. Drawings: 1. Supplement product data with drawings where necessary to clearly illustrate: a. Relations of component parts. b. Control and flow diagrams. 2. Do not use project record documents as maintenance drawings. E. Written text: 1. Provide where necessary to supplement product data and drawings. 2. Write all text in English. 3. Organize in consistent format under separate headings for different procedures. 4. Provide logical sequence of instructions for each procedure. F. Warranties, bonds, & Maintenance Contracts: 1. Provide copy of each. 2. Include the following: a. Proper procedures in event of failure. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01730 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project b. Instances which might affect validity of warranties, bonds, or contracts. 1.6 MANUAL FOR MATERIALS & FINISHES A. Building Products, Applied Materials, and Finishes: Include product data, with catalog number, size, composition, and color and texture designations. (Provide information for reordering custom manufactured Products.) B. Instructions for Care and Maintenance: Include manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning agents and methods, precautions against detrimental agents and methods, and recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance. C. Moisture Protection and Weather Exposed Products: Include product data listing applicable reference standards, chemical composition, and details of installation. Provide recommendations for inspections, maintenance, and repair. D. Additional Requirements: As specified in individual Product specification sections. E. Provide a listing in Table of Contents for design data, with tabbed fly sheet and space for insertion of data. 1.7 MANUAL FOR WEATHER PROTECTION MATERIALS A. Include manufacturer's instructions for inspection, maintenance & repair. 1.8 MANUAL FOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT & SYSTEMS A. Include the following manufacturer's data: 1. Description of unit and component parts including: a. Function, normal operating characteristic, and limiting conditions. b. Performance curves, engineering data, and tests. c. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replacement parts. 2. Operating procedures including: a. Start-up, break-in routine and normal operating instructions. b. Regulations, control, stopping, shut-down and emergency instructions. c. Summer and winter operating instructions. d. Special operating instructions. 3. Maintenance procedures including: a. Routine operations. b. Trouble-shooting guide. c. Disassembly, repair, and reassembly. d. Alignment, adjusting, and checking. e. Servicing and lubricating schedule, including recommended lubricants. 4. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions. 5. Control systems operation sequences. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01730 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 6. Parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings, and diagrams necessary for maintenance, including: a. Life expectancy of parts subject to wear. b. Items recommended to be stocked as spare part. 7. As-installed control system diagrams. 8. Color-code legend, if any. 9. Valve tag number chart, with location and function of each valve. B. Submit specified information for the following: 1. Mechanical equipment specified in Division 15. 1.9 MANUAL FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS A. Include the following manufacturer's data: 1. Description of unit and component parts including: a. Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions. b. Performance curve, engineering data and test. c. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replacement parts. 2. Panel board circuit directories indicating: a. Electrical service b. Controls c. Communications, if any 3. As-installed wiring color-code legend, if any. 4. Operating procedures, including: a. Routine and normal operating instructions b. Sequences required c. Special operating instructions 5. Maintenance procedures including: a. Routine operations b. Trouble-shooting guide c. Disassembly, repair, and reassembly d. Adjustment and checking e. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions. f. Parts List, including current prices, and recommended spare parts to be maintained in storage. B. Submit specified information for the following: 1. Equipment specified in Divisions 16 & 17. 1.10 MANUALS A. Operating and Maintenance Manuals: Submit four (4) sets of manuals for each identified category. 1. Water Balance Report 2. Instrumentation Loop Testing Reports 3. Mechanical Equipment Manual 4. Electrical Equipment and Systems Manual 5. Loop Pump Controller Manual ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01730 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 6. Instrumentation Equipment Manual B. Warranty and Special Warranty Manual: Submit four (4) sets of manual. 1.11 ADDITIONAL DATA A. Prepare and include the following: 1. Additional data when need becomes apparent during instruction of 2. Additional data specified in other sections of specifications to be included. 1.12 SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE A. Submit two copies of preliminary draft or proposed formats and outlines of contents before start of Work. Owner will review draft and return one copy with comments. B. For equipment, or component parts of equipment put into service during construction and operated by Owner, submit one advance copy of documents within ten days after acceptance. Include same information within final Operations and Maintenance documents. C. Submit 1 draft copy of completed volumes 30 days following acceptance of Project Submittals. Allow 21 days for Engineer review and return to Contractor. Provide Contractor resubmittal within 14 days. Allow 14 days for Engineer review of resubmittal. Revise content of all document sets as required prior to final submission. D. Submit fully approved final volumes within 60 days after acceptance of Submittals or 10 days prior to Substantial Completion, whichever occurs first. 1.13 INSTRUCTION OF OWNER'S PERSONNEL A. Prior to final acceptance, instruct owner's personnel in necessary operation, adjustment, and maintenance of products, equipment, and systems. B. Operating & maintenance manual shall constitute basis of instruction. Submit training materials and instruction schedule for Contracting Officer's review and acceptance at least 30 days prior to training session. C. Training: 1. Location: at project site. 2. Review manual contents with owner's personnel in detail to explain all aspects of operations and maintenance. 3. At least one week prior to training meeting, notify Contracting Officer of meeting time and location. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01720 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 REQUIREMENTS A. Maintenance of record documents and samples. B. Submittal of record documents and samples. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Section 01300 Submittal Procedures B. Section 1340 Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples C. Section 01730 - Operating & Maintenance Data 1.3 MAINTENANCE OF DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES A. In addition to requirements in General Conditions, maintain at the job site for Owner's use one record copy of: 1. Contract Drawings. 2. Specifications. 3. Addenda. 4. Change orders and other modifications to the Contract. . 5. Reviewed shop drawings, product data and samples. 6. Field test records. 7. Inspection certificates. 8. Manufacturer's certificates. 9. Request for Information (RFI) 10. Request for Proposal (RFP) 11. Current Construction Network. B. Store in contractor's field office apart from documents used for construction. C. Provide files, shelving and cabinets necessary to safely and securely store documents and samples. D. Maintain documents clean, dry, legible, and in good order. E. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. F. Make documents available at all time for Owner s inspection. G. Owner will monitor record documents prior to each contractor's application for payment. Up-to-date record documents are prerequisite to acceptance and approval of payment application. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01720 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.4 DRAFTER'S QUALIFICATIONS A. Drafting must be accurate and legible. B. If Owner deems submitted drafting to be unacceptable, redraft until acceptable at no additional cost to owner. 1.5 WORK SET MARKING DEVICES A. Waterproof pens B. Color code, unless otherwise directed or approved: 1. Red: document changes. 2. Green: work deleted. 3. Blue: dimensional and other notations. 1.6 RECORD DRAWINGS A. Maintain 1 print of contract drawings as work-set; use marking devises specified above to record all contract changes. B. Show actual conditions where installation varies substantially for work shown on drawings. Give particular attention to concealed work that would be difficult or impossible to record at later date. Record backing and other concealed items required for installation of future work by owner. C. Mark whichever contract drawing or shop drawing is most appropriate and most capable of accurately and clearly showing actual "field conditions". Where shop drawings are used to record changes, record cross-reference on appropriate contract drawing. D. Where applicable, indicate change order numbers with each change. E. Note related specification or product data revisions, where applicable. F. Contractor may retain work-set for his/her records. 1.7 RECORD SPECIFICATIONS A. Maintain 1 complete copy of project manual including specifications; any addenda; and other written documents such as change orders, supplemental instructions, and similar written modifications issued during course of work. B. Mark documents to show actual conditions where installation varies substantially from specified work. Give particular attention to concealed work that would be difficult or impossible to record at later date. C. Note related record drawing and product data revisions, where applicable. 1.8 RECORD PRODUCT DATA A. Maintain 1 copy of each product data submittal. B. Mark documents to show actual conditions where installation varies substantially from contract specifications or drawings. Include any variations in installed ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01720 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project products or in manufacturer's installation instructions. Give particular attention to concealed work that would be difficult or impossible to record at later date. C. Note related record drawing and specifications revisions, where applicable. 1.9 RECORD SAMPLES A. Immediately prior to substantial completion date, contractor shall arrange jobsite meeting with Owner to determine which, if any, contractor-maintained samples shall be submitted for owner's permanent record. 1.10 RECORDING A. From the copies of Contract Documents to be furnished by Owner, the Contractor and/or Subcontractors shall record on a set of clean, new prints each and every change that is made, at time it is made, in red. This includes any changes that are made in partitions, doors, or otherwise in arrangement of construction of buildings as well as a complete record of exact manner in which electrical and mechanical work, piping, etc., are installed. All Change Orders, RFl's, and Information Bulletins shall be incorporated. Dimensions shall be included where necessary to accurately locate piping and other items that will be concealed underground or in finished building that may later be necessary to service. B. Contract Drawings: Legibly mark to record actual construction. 1. Horizontal and vertical location of underground utilities and appurtenances referenced to permanent surface improvements. 2. Field changes of dimensions and detail. 3. Changes made by Change Order and other modifications. 4. Details not on original contract drawings. 5. References to related shop drawings and modifications. C. Shop Drawings: Maintain as record documents, legibly annotate appropriate drawings to record changes made after review. D. Specifications and Addenda: Legibly mark up each section to record: 1. Changes made by Change Order. 2. Manufacturer, trade name and catalog number of each product actually installed, particularly optional items and substitute items. 3. Changes made by addenda and modifications. 4. Other matters not originally specified. E. Label each document "PROJECT RECORD" in printed letters. F. Keep record documents current. No progress payments will be made until record documents are verified by the Project Manager as being current. G. Do not permanently conceal any work until required information has been recorded. H. Methodology: 1. Changes to Work are described by source documents, including, but not limited to Field Directives (FD), Information Bulletins (IB), ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01720 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project Requests for Information (RFI), and Request for Proposals (RFP), and their attachments. 2. Project Record drawings are to completely and clearly reflect all changes to work by graphically showing actual changes to dimensions, locations, materials, assemblies, and other conditions; by graphically deleting conditions replaced by such changes; and by indicating applicable source document's reference number. Such reference number shall not be the sole representation of Changes to Work shown on Project Record drawings. 3. Where Engineer furnishes supplemental drawings, Project Record drawings are to show both the Engineer's supplemental drawing reference number and the source document's reference number at the affected location. 1.11 SUBMITTAL A. Organize record documents into manageable sets, bind together with durable cover sheet, and print on cover of each set the following: 1. Project title. 2. Date. 3. Contractor's name and address. 4. Title and number of each record document. 5. Name of person who prepared sheet. 6. Signature of contractor, or his authorized representative. B. Submit to Owner for forwarding to owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01710 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01710 CLEANING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Related Requirements Specified Elsewhere: 1. Summary of Work, Section 01010. 2. Contract Closeout, Section 01700. 3. Cleaning for Specific Products or Work: Specification section for that work. B. Maintain premises free from accumulations of waste, debris, and rubbish, caused by operations. C. At completion of work, remove waste materials, rubbish, tools, equipment, machinery and surplus materials, and clean all sight-exposed surfaces; leave project areas clean and ready for occupancy. 1.2 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS A. Maintain project in accordance with all applicable safety and insurance standards. B. Hazards Control: 1. Store volatile wastes in covered metal containers, and remove from premises daily. 2. Prevent accumulation of wastes which create hazardous conditions. 3. Provide adequate ventilation during use of volatile or noxious substances. C. Conduct cleaning and disposal operations to comply with local ordinances and antipollution laws. 1. Do not burn or bury rubbish and waste materials on project site. 2. Do not dispose of volatile wastes such as mineral spirits, oil, or paint thinner in storm or sanitary drains. 3. Do not dispose of wastes into streams or waterways. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Use only cleaning materials recommended by manufacturer of surface to be cleaned. B. Use only cleaning materials which will not create hazards to health or property. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01710 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Execute cleaning to ensure that work areas are maintained free from accumulations of waste materials and rubbish. B. At reasonable intervals during progress of work, clean work areas, and dispose of waste materials, debris and rubbish. D. Provide on-site containers for collection of waste materials, debris and rubbish. E. Remove waste materials, debris and rubbish from site and legally disposes of at public or private dumping areas off Owner's property. F. Handle materials in a controlled manner with as few handling as possible; do not drop or throw materials from heights. END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01700 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL CONDITIONS A. Definitions: Close-out is hereby defined to include general requirements near the end of contract time, in preparation for final acceptance, final payment, normal termination of contract, occupancy by Owner and similar actions evidencing completion of the work. Specific requirements for individual units of work are specified in sections of Division 2-16. Time of Close-out is directly related to 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Substantial Completion Inspection B. Final Inspection C. Closeout Submittals D. Final Application for Payment E. Final Certificate for payment F. Post-Construction Inspection 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Time of Final Payment: The Agreement. B. Completion; Waiver of Claims: General Clauses C. Liquidated Damages: General Clauses D. Schedule of Values: Section 01370. E. Cleaning: Section 01710. F. Project Record Documents: Section 01720. G. Operation and Maintenance Data: 01730 H. Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials: The respective sections of Specifications. I. Closeout Submittals Required of Trades: The respective sections of Specifications. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01700 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.4 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. When Contractor considers work substantially complete as defined in contract conditions, he shall submit to the Owner: 1. Written notice that work, or designated portion thereof, is substantially complete. 2. List of items to be completed or corrected. 3. Conditional Certificate of Occupancy from governing authorities. 4. Project Records and Contract Record Drawings. B. Owner will, at the mutually agreed time, make inspection to determine completion status. 1. Should Owner determine that work is not substantially complete: a. Owner will promptly notify Contractor, in writing, giving reasons therefore. b. Contractor will remedy work deficiencies, and send second notice of substantial completion to Owner. c. Owner will re-inspect work with his cost and/or expense for such to be the Contractors responsibility. 2. When Owner concurs that work is substantially complete, the Engineer will: a. Prepare Certificate of Substantial Completion accompanied with Contractor's list of items to be completed or corrected, as verified and amended by the Owner and Engineer. b. Submit certificate to Owner and Contractor for their written acceptance of the responsibilities assigned to them in the certificate. 1.5 FINAL INSPECTION A. When Contractor considers work complete, he shall submit written certification that: 1. Contract Documents have been reviewed. 2. Contractor has inspected work for compliance with contract documents. 3. Work has been completed in accordance with contract documents. 4. Equipment and systems have been tested and operated in presence of Owner's representative and are operational. 5. Copy of substantial completion punch lists stating that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance. 6. Project is completed and ready for final inspection. B. Owner will at the mutually agreed time, inspect the work to verify completion status. 1. Should the Owner consider work incomplete or defective: a. Owner will promptly notify Contractor in writing of any incomplete or defective work. b. Contractor shall immediately remedy deficiencies, and send written certification to Owner that work is complete. c. Owner will re-inspect work. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01700 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 2. When Owner finds the work acceptable under contract documents, he will request Contractor to make closeout submittals. 1.6 RE-INSPECTION FEES A. Should Owner and or Engineer be required to make more than one substantial and/or final inspection due to Contractor's failure to correct specified deficiencies, the Contractor shall bear all costs made necessary by such additional inspections. 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents: See requirements of Section 01720. B. Operation and Maintenance Data: See Requirements of Section 01730 C. Warranties and Bonds: In accordance with submittal requirements of individual sections. 1. Provide duplicate, notarized copies. Execute Contractor's submittals and assemble documents executed by Subcontractors and Suppliers. Provide table of contents and assemble in binder with durable plastic cover. 2. Submit material prior to final Application for Payment. For equipment put into use with Owner permission during construction, submit within 10 days after first operation. For items of Work delayed materially beyond Date of Substantial Completion, provide updated submittal within ten days after acceptance, listing date of acceptance as start of warranty. D. Deliver Certificate of Insurance for Products and Completed Operations. F. Warranty of work after final payment Section 01750. G. Certificate of Compliance -Section 01750. H. AHERA Exclusion document Section 01750. J. Evidence of Payments and Release of Liens 1. Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debt and Claims. 2. Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens including the following: a. Consent of Contractor's Surety to Final Payment. b. Contractor's Release of Waiver of Liens. c. Separate releases of Waivers of Lien for each subcontractor, supplier, and others with lien rights against Owner's property. L. Closeout Checklist Section 01750 1. A closeout checklist is provided for convenience in tracking the necessary documentation and deliverables for project closure. This checklist should be updated and submitted with each closeout deliverable. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01700 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.8 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT A. Contractor shall submit final application in accordance with requirements of the Bidding and General Clauses. 1.9 FINAL CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT A. Contracting Agency will issue final certificate in accordance with provisions of General Clauses. B. Should final completion be materially delayed through no fault of Contractor, the Contracting Officer may issue a Semi-Final Certificate for Payment. 1.10 POST-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION A. Prior to expiration of one year from Date of Substantial Completion, Owner will make visual inspection of project to determine whether correction of work is required, in accordance with provisions of General Conditions. B. For guarantees beyond one (1) year, Owner will make inspections at the site. C. Owner will promptly notify Contractor, in writing, of any observed deficiencies. PART 2- PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01630 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01630 SUBSTITUTIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. B. Requests for substitution products. 1.3 A. Definitions in this Article do not change or modify the meaning of other terms used in the Contract Documents. B. Reference to any equipment, material, article or patented process by trade name, make or catalog number shall be regarded as establishing a standard of quality and characteristics of products that will be satisfactory and shall not be construed as limiting competition. C. Whether or not specifically named equipment or material is followed by the term "equivalent" or "equivalent product" or "approved equal", it shall not exclude other manufacturer's equipment or materials from consideration, unless "NO SUBSTITUTIONS" called out in the specification sections. In this usage, the terms "equivalent" and "equal" or "approved equal" are interchangeable though a product or method considered for substitution may be equivalent to a specified product or method without actually being equal, by virtue of performance, appearance, and meeting specified or implied criteria. D. No item will be considered for substitution prior to the bid opening. Consequently, the Bidder shall make its own determination if a substituted item will be equivalent to or better than that specified or indicated in regards to quality, workmanship, finish, space requirements, electrical requirements, performance and guarantees or warranties. Any change in bid andlor contract amount due to any subsequent rejection of product found "not equivalent" will not be considered. E. After the Notice to Proceed the Contractor shall submit sufficient data in accordance with this Section to establish equality. The Owner's Representative shall be the sole judge of equality and acceptability. F. Acceptance of substitute materials will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for any changes in the Contractor's own work or in the work of other ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01630 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project trades caused by the substitution. Any additional costs resulting from substitutions are the responsibility of the Contractor. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Substitution Request Submittal: The Contracting Officer will consider requests for substitution if received within 14 days after commencement of the Work. Requests received more than 14 days after commencement of the Work may be considered or rejected at the discretion of the Contracting Officer. 1. Submit 3 copies of each request for substitution for consideration. Submit requests in the form and according to procedures required for change-order proposals. 2. Provide submittal with Substitution Request Form completed, in Section 01630. 3. Provide complete documentation showing compliance with the requirements for substitutions, and the following information, as appropriate: a. Coordination information, including a list of changes or modifications needed to other parts of the Work and to construction performed by the Owner and separate contractors, that will be necessary to accommodate the proposed substitution. b. A detailed comparison of significant qualities of the proposed substitution with those of the Work specified. Significant qualities may include elements, such as performance, weight, size, durability, and visual effect. c. Product Data, including Drawings and descriptions of products and fabrication and installation procedures. d. Samples, where applicable or requested. e. A statement indicating the substitution's effect on the Contractor's Construction Schedule compared to the schedule without approval of the substitution. Indicate the effect of the proposed substitution on overall Contract Time. f. Cost information, including a proposal of the net change, if any in the Contract Sum. g. The Contractor's certification that the proposed substitution conforms to requirements in the Contract Documents in every respect and is appropriate for the applications indicated. h. The Contractor's waiver of rights to additional payment or time that may subsequently become necessary because of the failure of the substitution to perform adequately. 4. Owner's Action: If necessary, the Owner will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within one week of receipt of a request for substitution. The Owner will notify the Contractor of acceptance or rejection of the substitution within 2 weeks of receipt of the request, or one week of receipt of additional information or documentation, whichever is later. Acceptance will be in the form of a change order. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01630 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project a. Use the product specified if the Owner cannot make a decision on the use of a proposed substitute within the time allocated. 1.5 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Conditions: The Owner will receive and consider the Contractor's request for substitution when one or more of the following conditions are satisfied, as determined by the Owner. If the following conditions are not satisfied, the Owner will return the requests without action except to record noncompliance with these requirements. 1. Extensive revisions to the Contract Documents are not required. 2. Proposed changes are in keeping with the general intent of the Contract Documents. 3. The request is timely, fully documented, and properly submitted. 4. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided within the Contract Time. The Owner will not consider the request if the product or method cannot be provided as a result of failure to pursue the Work promptly or coordinate activities properly. 5. The request is directly related to an "or-equal" clause or similar language in the Contract Documents. 6. The requested substitution offers the Owner a substantial advantage, in cost, time, energy conservation, or other considerations, after deducting additional responsibilities the Owner must assume. The Owner's additional responsibilities may include compensation to the Engineer for redesign and evaluation services, increased cost of other construction by the Owner, and similar considerations. 7. The specified product or method of construction cannot receive necessary approval by a governing authority, and the requested substitution can be approved. 8. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided in a manner that is compatible with other materials and where the Contractor certifies that the substitution will overcome the incompatibility. 9. The specified product or method of construction cannot be coordinated with other materials and where the Contractor certifies that the proposed substitution can be coordinated. 10. The specified product or method of construction cannot provide a warranty required by the Contract Documents and where the Contractor certifies that the proposed substitution provides the required warranty. 11. Where a proposed substitution involves more than one prime contractor, each contractor shall cooperate with the other contractors involved to coordinate the Work, provide uniformity and consistency, and assure compatibility of products. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01630 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.6 CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATION A. Request for substitution constitutes a representation that Contractor has investigated proposed product and has determined that it is equal to or superior in all respects to specified product. B. Contractor shall provide same warranty or bonds for substitution as for specified product. C. Contractor shall coordinate installation of accepted substitute, making such changes as may be required for work to be complete in all respects, specifically including any related redesign costs. D. Contractor waives claims for additional cost caused by substitution which may subsequently become apparent. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01630 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SUBSTITUTION REQUEST FORM (Section 01630) TO: ______________________________________ PROJECT: ______________________________________ We hereby submit for your consideration the following product instead of the specified item for the above project: Section, ______ Page ____ Paragraph, ______ Specified Item ________ Proposed Substitution: __________________________ _ Attach complete Product description, drawings, photographs, performance and test data, and other information necessary for evaluation. Will changes be required to building design in order to properly install proposed substitution? Yes ___ No ___ If Yes, explain: (Add second sheet). Will the undersigned pay for changes to the building design, including engineering and drawing costs, caused by requested substitution? Yes __ No ___ . What differences exist between proposed substitution and specified item? Does substitution affect Drawing dimension? Yes ___ No ___ If Yes, explain: (Add second sheet.) What affect does substitution have on other trades? Does Manufacturer's warranty of proposed substitution differ from that specified? Yes ___ No ___ If Yes, explain: (Add second sheet.) Will substitution affect Progress Schedule? Yes __ No ___ If Yes, explain: (Add second sheet.) Will substitution cost more than specified Product? Yes ___ No ___ If Yes, explain: (Add second sheet.) Do substitutions affect the Commissioning process and checklists included in Division 17? Yes __ No ___ If any, attach a marked-up copy of the appropriate Checklist(s) from Division 17 for Owner's approval. Will maintenance and service parts be locally available for substitution? Yes __ No ___ If Yes, explain: (Add second sheet.) Submitted by: Signature: ________________ For Owner's Representative's Use Only: Firm:_____________________ Accepted ( ) Not Accepted ( ) Address: __________________ Accepted as Noted ( ) Received Too Late( ) City:______________________ By: _______________________________ Date:_____________________ Date: _____________________________ Remarks: _________________________ Phone: ___________________________ ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01610 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01610 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Provide for expeditious transportation and delivery of products to project site undamaged on schedule to avoid delay of work. B. Providing equipment and personnel at site to unload and handle products in manner to avoid damage to products. C. Provide secure storage and protection for products to be incorporated into the work, and maintenance and protection for products after installation and until completion of the work. 1.2 DELIVERY A. Arrange deliveries of products in accord with construction schedules and in ample time to facilitate inspection prior to installation. B. Coordinate deliveries to avoid conflict with work and conditions at site. Contractor deliveries must not conflict with: 1. Work of other Contractors, or Owner. 2. Limitations of storage space. 3. Availability of equipment and personnel for handling products. 4. Owner's use of premises. C. Deliver products in undamaged condition in original containers or packaging, with identifying labels intact and legible. D. Partial deliveries of component parts of equipment shall be clearly marked to identify equipment, to permit easy accumulation of parts and to facilitate assembly. E. Immediately upon delivery, inspect shipment to assure: 1. Product complies with requirements of contract documents and reviewed submittals. 2. Quantities are correct. 3. Containers and packages are intact, labels are legible. 4. Products are protected and undamaged. Minor damages may be repaired, provided finish items are equivalent in all respects to new work 1.3 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Provide equipment and personnel necessary to handle products, including those provided by Owner, by methods to prevent soiling or damage to products or packaging. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01610 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Provide additional protection during handling as necessary to prevent scraping, marring, or otherwise damaging products or surrounding surfaces. C. Handle products by methods to prevent bending or over-stressing. D. Lift heavy components only at designated lifting points. 1.4 STORAGE A. Store products immediately on delivery, and protect until installed in the Work. Store in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. B. Store products subject to damage by elements in substantial weather-tight enclosures. 1. Maintain temperatures with ranges required by manufacturer's instructions. 2. Provide humidity control for sensitive products, as required by manufacturer's instructions. 3. Store unpacked products on shelves, in bins, or in neat piles, accessible for inspection. C. Exterior Storage 1. Provide substantial platforms, blocking, or skids to support fabricated products 4" above ground, prevent soiling or staining. 2. Cover products, subject to discoloration or deterioration from exposure to elements, with impervious sheet coverings. Avoid use of non-vented plastic or canvas shelters which could create humidity chambers. Provide adequate ventilation to avoid condensation. 3. Store loose granular materials in solid surfaces such as paved areas, or provide plywood or sheet materials to prevent mixing with foreign matter. a. Provide surface drainage to prevent flow or ponding of rainwater. b. Prevent mixing of refuse or chemically injurious materials or liquids. 4. Provide exterior storage area within Contractor Secure area. D. Arrange storage in manner to provide easy access for inspection. 1.5 MAINTENANCE OF STORAGE A. Maintain periodic system of inspection of stored products on scheduled basis to assure that: 1. State of storage facilities is adequate to provide required conditions. 2. Required environmental conditions are maintained on continuing basis. 3. Surfaces of products exposed to elements are not adversely affected. Any weathering of products, coatings, and finishes is not acceptable under requirements of contract documents. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01610 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Mechanical and electrical equipment which requires servicing during long-term storage shall have complete manufacturer's instructions for servicing accompanying each item with notice of enclosed instructions shown on exterior of package. 1.6 PROTECTION AFTER INSTALLATION A. Provide protection of installed products to prevent damage from subsequent operations, usage or vandalism. Remove when no longer needed, prior to completion of work. B. Control traffic to prevent damage to equipment and surfaces. C. Provide coverings to protect finished surfaces from damage 1. Cover projections, wall corners, jambs, sills, and soffits of openings, in areas used for traffic and for passage of products in subsequent work. 2. Protect finished floors and stairs from dirt and damage. a. In areas subject to foot traffic, secure heavy paper, sheet goods, and other materials in place. b. For movement of heavy products, lay planking or similar materials in place. c. For storage of product, lay tight wood sheathing in place. D. Waterproofed and Roofing Surfaces 1. Prohibit use of surface for traffic and any kind, or for storage of any products. 2. When some activity must take place in order to carry out Contract, obtain recommendations from installer for protection of surface. a. Install recommended protection and remove on completion of that activity. b. Restrict use of adjacent unprotected areas. 1.7 DAMAGED PRODUCTS A. Remove damaged or deteriorated materials from the premises. Replace materials which have been damaged. PART 2. PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3. EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01600 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01600 MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. Materials and equipment incorporated into work shall: 1. Conform to applicable specifications and standards. 2. Comply with size, make, type, and quantity specified, unless otherwise approved in writing. B. Manufactured and Fabricated Products: 1. Manufacture like parts of duplicate units to standard sizes and gauges, and to be interchangeable. 2. Two or more items of same kind shall be identical, and by same manufacturer. 3. Products shall be suitable for service conditions. 4. Equipment shall comply with capacity, sizes, and dimensions shown or specified, unless otherwise approved in writing. C. Do not use materials or equipment for any purpose other than that for which designed or specified. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Section 01010 - Summary of Work B. Section 01340 Submittals, Shop Drawings, Product Data, & Samples C. Section 01630 - Product Substitutions D. Section 01710 - Cleaning 1.3 CONTRACTOR'S OPTIONS A. For products specified only by referenced standard, select any product meeting standard. B. For products specified by naming several products, select any one complying with specification. C. For products specified by naming one or more products and "or approved", select any one specified product or submit request for substitution as specified in Section 01630 - Product Substitutions. 1.4 INAPPROPRIATE PRODUCTS & METHODS A. If contractor believes that any specified product, method, or system is inappropriate for use he shall, if possible, so notify The Owner at least 5 working days prior to bid opening, and if not possible such notice shall be given before performing work in question. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01600 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. If notice of objection is not received within the time limits specified above, it will be assumed by the owner that the contractor agrees that the specified products, methods, and systems are not inappropriate for use on this project. C. No asbestos containing materials are to be incorporated into the project. Certification signed by the General Contractor shall state that Asbestos containing materials have not been installed under this Project. Turn certification in to the Owner no later than first payment application submittal. Recertify to Owner at substantial completion inspection. 1.5 QUANTITY OF PRODUCTS REQUIRED A. Whenever in specifications a product is referred to in singular number, such reference shall include as many such products as are shown on drawing or are required to complete the work. 1.6 PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS A. Refer to Section 06130. 1.7 PRODUCTS LIST A. Before contractor's first request for payment, submit to Contracting Officer complete list of major products proposed for use; include proprietary product names, manufacturer's name, and installing subcontractor's name. 1.8 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A. Perform work in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Do not omit preparatory or installation procedures required by manufacturer, unless specifically modified or exempted by contract documents. C. When contract documents require work to comply with manufacturer's instructions, obtain and distribute such instructions to parties performing work including 2 copies to the Owner. Maintain 2 set at jobsite during installation and until acceptance. D. Handle, install, connect, clean, condition, and adjust products in strict accord with such instructions and in conformance with specified requirements. E. Should job conditions or specified requirements conflict with manufacturer's instructions, consult Owner for further instructions. F. Do not proceed with work without clear instructions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01546 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01546 SAFETY & HEALTH PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only. 1. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), a. OSHA General Industry Safety and Health Standards (29 CFR 1910), Publication V2206; OSHA Construction Industry standards (29 CFR1926). One source of these regulations is OSHA Publication 2207,which includes a combination of both Parts 1910 and 1926 as they relate to construction safety and health. It is for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. b. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (40 CFR, Part 61). c. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Final Rule (40 CFR Part 761) dated July 17, 1985. 2. Federal Standard (Fed. Std.): a. 313A Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), Preparation and the Submission of. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Safety Meeting: Representatives of the Contractor shall meet with the Owner prior to the start of work under this contract for the purpose of reviewing the Contractor's safety and health programs and discussion implementation of all safety and health provisions pertinent to the work to be performed under the Contract. The Contractor shall be prepared to discuss, in detail, the measures he/she intends to take in order to control any unsafe or unhealthy conditions associated with the work to be performed under the contract. If directed by the Owner, this meeting may be held in conjunction with other meetings which are scheduled to take place prior to start of work under this contract. The level of detail for the safety meeting is depended upon the nature of the work and the potential inherent hazards. The Contractor's principal on-site representative(s), the general superintendent and his/her safety representative(s) shall attend this meeting. B. Compliance with Regulations: All work, including contact with and handling of hazardous materials, the disturbance or dismantling of structures containing hazardous material and/or the disposal of hazardous materials shall comply with the applicable requirements of 29 CFR 1910/1926 and 40 CFR 761. Work involving the disturbance, dismantling of asbestos or asbestos-containing materials; the demolition of structures containing asbestos; and/or the disposal and removal of asbestos, shall also comply with applicable state and municipal ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01546 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project safety and health requirements. Where there is a conflict between applicable regulations, the most stringent shall apply. C. Contractor Responsibility: The Contractor shall assume full responsibility and liability for compliance with all applicable regulations pertaining to the health and safety of personnel during the execution of work, and shall hold the Owner harmless for any action on his/her part or that of his/her employees or subcontractors, which results in illness, injury or death. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Accident Reporting: A copy of each accident report, which the Contractor or subcontractors submit to their insurance carriers, shall be forwarded to the Contracting Officer as soon as possible, but in no event later than seven (7) calendar days after the day the accident occurred. B. Permits: If hazardous materials are disposed of off- site, submit copies of permits from applicable Federal, State or municipal authorities and necessary certificates that the material has been disposed of as per regulations. C. Other Submittals: If agreed to in writing at the safety meeting, other submittals shall be required. One such submittal which may be included is a plan of action for handling hazardous materials which may be discovered as a result of the work which was not anticipated in the Contract Documents. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Special facilities, devices, equipment, clothing, and similar items used by the Contractor in the execution of work shall comply with the applicable regulations. 2.2 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A. The Contractor shall bring to the attention of the Owner any material suspected of being hazardous which he/she encounters during execution of the work. A perform tests to determine if the material is hazardous. If the Owner directs the Contractor to perform tests, and/or if the material is found to be hazardous and additional protective measures are needed, a contract change may be required, subject to applicable provisions of this Contract. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 STOP WORK ORDERS A. When the Contractor and his/her subcontractors are notified by the Owner of any noncompliance with the provision of the Contract and the actions(s) to be taken, the Contractor shall immediately, if so directed, or within 48 hours after receipt of a notice of violation, correct the unsafe or unhealthy condition. If the contractor fails to comply promptly, all or any part of the work being performed may be stopped by the Owner with a "Stop Work Order". When, in the opinion of the Owner, satisfactory corrective action has been taken to correct the unsafe and unhealthy condition, a start order will be given immediately. The Contractor shall ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01546 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project not be allowed any extension of time or compensation for damages by reason or in connection with such work stoppage. 3.2 PROTECTION A. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent injury to the public, building occupants, or damage to property of others. For the purposes of this Contract, the public or building occupants shall include all persons not employed by the Contractor or a subcontractor working under his/her direction. B. Storing, positioning or use of equipment, tools, materials, scraps, and trash in a manner likely to present a hazard to the public or building occupants by its accidental shifting, ignition, or other hazardous qualities is prohibited. C. Work shall not be performed in any area occupied by the public or Owner employees unless specifically permitted by the contract or the Owner and unless steps are taken for the protection of the public or Owner employees. D. Wherever practicable, the work area shall be barricaded or otherwise blocked off from the public or building occupants to prevent unauthorized entry into the work area. E. Alternate Precautions: When the nature of the work prevents isolation of the work area and the public or building occupants may be in or pass through, under or over the work area, alternate precautions such as the posting of signs, the use of signal persons, the erection of barricades or similar protection around particularly hazardous operations shall be used as appropriate. END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01500 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. General Conditions 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Submit schedule of proposed connection and termination dates 15 days before implementation. B. Submit site plan showing temporary facilities, utility connections, and construction personnel parking areas. 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS A. Definitions: Specific administrative and procedural minimum actions are specified in this section as extensions of provision in General Conditions and other Contract Documents. These requirements have been included for special purposes as indicated. Nothing in this section is intended to limit types and amounts of temporary work required, and no omission from this section will be recognized as an indication that such temporary activity is not required for successful completion of the work and compliance with requirements of Contract Documents. Provisions of this section are applicable to, but not by way of limitation, utility services, construction facilities, support facilities, and security provisions. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. In addition to compliance with governing regulations and rules/recommendations of utility companies, comply with specific requirements indicated and with applicable local codes and industry standards for construction work. 1.5 JOB CONDITIONS A. General: Establish and initiate use of each temporary facility at time first reasonably required for proper performance of the work. Terminate use and remove facilities at earliest reasonable time, when no longer needed or when permanent facilities have, with authorized use, replaced the need. B. Conditions of Use: Install, operate, maintain, and protect temporary facilities in a manner and at locations which will be safe, non-hazardous, sanitary, and protective of persons and property, and free of deleterious effects. C. Pay all costs for such general services and temporary facilities, except as otherwise specified, until final acceptance of the work and/or Owner's beneficial occupancy of completed portions of the work. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01500 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS A. Portable, UL rated; with class and extinguishing agent as required by locations and classes of fire exposures. 2.2 FIELD OFFICES AND SHEDS A. Office: Suitable for CONTRACTOR field management, weather-tight, with lighting, electrical outlets, heating equipment, janitor service, and equipped with sturdy furniture, drawing rack and drawing display table. B. Provide space for project meetings, with table and chairs to accommodate ten persons. C. Locate offices and sheds a minimum distance of twenty feet from project structure. D. Provide fire resistant rated walls where closer than 30 feet to other permanent buildings or interior property lines. Not required at public right of way. E. may be used. 2.3 TEMPORARY TOILET FACILITIES A. Provide toilet and washing facilities in accordance with governing regulations. B. For enclosures accommodating more than 1 person, provide privacy screens for each toilet fixture. C. If both men and women are working, provide separate facilities for each sex. D. Maintain each toilet with toilet tissue on suitable dispenser. E. Remove temporary toilets and use building fixtures as soon as feasible. F. Where necessary, disinfect premises after toilet removal and restore to specified condition. 2.4 ELECTRICITY A. Make all arrangements and pay for temporary electrical service to the construction area. Provide all equipment necessary for temporary power and lighting, and pay all charges for this equipment, and the installation thereof. Verify that electrical service is of adequate capacity for all construction tools and equipment without overloading the facilities. B. Provide power distribution as required throughout for construction operations of all trades. The termination of power distribution shall be at convenient locations in the building. Terminations shall be provided for each voltage supply complete with circuit breakers, disconnect switches, and other electrical devices as required to protect the power supply system. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01500 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. A temporary lighting system shall be furnished, installed and maintained as required to satisfy minimum requirements of safety and security. The temporary lighting system shall afford general illumination in all building areas and shall supply no less than 1-waU per square foot of floor area for illumination in the areas of the building where work is being performed. D. All temporary equipment and wiring for power and lighting shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the governing codes. All temporary wiring shall be maintained in a safe manner and utilized so as not to constitute a hazard to persons or property. E. When permanent electrical power and lighting systems are in operating condition they may be used for temporary power and lighting for construction purposes, provided that Contractor assumes full responsibility for the entire power and lighting systems, and pays for power consumption until final acceptance or beneficial occupancy, whichever is first. F. At the completion of the construction work, all temporary wiring, lighting, and other temporary electrical equipment devices shall be removed. 2.5 TEMPORARY HEATING AND VENTILATING A. Provide temporary heat and ventilation throughout enclosed construction areas to: 1. Facilitate work progress. 2. Protect work and products against dampness and cold. 3. Prevent moisture condensation on surfaces. 4. Provide suitable ambient temperatures and humidity levels for installation and curing of products. B. Expedite work so permanent facilities will be structurally, mechanically, and as possible. C. Operate no permanent heating or ventilating equipment without mechanical rly installed, has clean air filters, and is otherwise properly prepared. Replace any temporary air filters with new units and restore system to like-new condition immediately prior to turning project over to Owner. D. Provide temporary portable heaters as may be required. E. Continue temporary heating and ventilating until Owner occupies or finally accepts project, whichever is sooner. F. Maintain ventilated areas in clean condition to avoid undue circulation of dust and airborne particles. G. Minimum temperature to be maintained: 1. Generally, 24 hours a day: 40 degrees F. 2. Temperatures required for work of various trades: see specific specification sections. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01500 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project H. Permanent building system may be used provided system is properly maintained and protected with clean air filter. Immediately prior to substantial completion of project. I. Fuel costs shall be paid by Contractor. 2.6 WATER SERIVCE 1. Provide all water necessary for construction purposes. 2. Furnish drinking water with suitable containers and cups for use of employees. Drinking water dispensers shall be conveniently located in the building where work is in progress. 2.7 TEMPORARY TELEPHONE A. Provide non-coin operated system as follows: 1. 1 direct- - B. Subcontractor shall provide and pay for any separate additional instruments that they may require. C. Allow those connected with work to use, provided they pay for toll calls. D. Install when work is started, maintain until full completion, and pay all charges. E. Provide wall-mounted directory at each instrument listing name and business phone number of at least the following: 1. Each contractor and subcontractor. 2. Engineer. 3. Engineer 5. Testing laboratories. 6. Physicians. 7. Hospitals. 8. Ambulance. 9. Local Fire Department. 2.8 COMPUTER AND COPY SERVICE A. Provide, maintain and pay for all computer service on a dedicated telephone line to field office at time of project mobilization. B. Provide, maintain and pay for 81/2 by 11-inch copy machine in field office. 2.9 ACCESS PROVISIONS A. Provide ramps, stairs, ladders, and similar temporary access elements as reasonably required to perform the work and facilitate its inspection during installation. Comply with reasonable requests of governing authorities performing inspections. 2.10 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01500 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project A. Provide and maintain all fences, barricades, lights, shoring and other protective structures or devices necessary for the safety of workmen, equipment, the public and property as required by state or municipal laws and regulations, and local ordinances, laws and other requirements of the municipality, state, and other authorities having jurisdiction with regard to safety precautions, dust control, and fire hazards. 2.11 SECURITY AND PROTECTION PROVISIONS A. The types of temporary security and protection provisions required include, but not by way of limitation, fire protection, personnel security program (theft prevention), and similar provisions intended to minimize property losses, personal injuries, and claims for damages at project site throughout construction period. B. Building Enclosure and Lock-up: At earliest possible date secure building against unauthorized entrance at times when personnel are not working. Provide secure temporary enclosures at ground floor and other locations of possible entry, with locked entrances. 2.12 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION A. Provide and maintain 4 foot high by 8 foot wide project sign of exterior grade plywood and wood frame construction, painted or printed by professional sign to Contractor. B. Erect on site at location established by ARCHITECT. 1. Mount on two 4 x 4 painted wood posts buried three feet so that sign board bottom is three feet above ground. C. No other signs are allowed without OWNER permission except those required by law. 2.13 TRAFFIC A. Conduct operations and the removal of debris to ensure minimum interference with adjacent occupied facilities. B. Do not close or obstruct other occupied facilities without required permission. Provide alternate and safe routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways IT required. C. Whenever Contractor's operations affect public vehicular or pedestrian traffic, Contractor shall be responsible for installation and maintenance of any and all traffic control devices as seemed necessary by authority having jurisdiction. 2.14 TEMPORARY EQUIPMENT A. Thermometer: 1. Maintain one twelve inch minimum size high/low register outdoor thermometer. Mount at convenient location not in direct sunlight. Contractor to record daily high and low temperatures. 2. Thermometer Range - Minus 60 to plus 110 F. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01500 6 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Protective Headgear: 1. Provide for visitor's use ten (10) new adjustable OSHA-approved hard hats. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Locate facilities where they will serve Project adequately and result in minimum interference with performance of the Work. Relocate and modify facilities as required by progress of the Work. 3.2 WEATHER CONTROL A. Provide temporary insulated weather-tight closure of exterior openings to accommodate acceptable working conditions and protection for products to allow for temporary heating and maintenance of required ambient temperatures identified in individual Specifications Sections, and to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. Provide access doors with self-closing hardware and locks. 3.3 EXTERIOR ENCLOSURES A. Provide temporary insulated weather-tight closure of exterior openings to accommodate acceptable working conditions and protection for products, to allow for temporary heating and maintenance of required ambient temperatures identified in individual Specification Sections, and to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. Provide access doors with self-closing hardware and locks. 3.4 PROTECTION OF INSTALLED WORK A. Protect installed Work and provide special protection where specified in individual Specifications Sections. B. Provide temporary and removable protection for installed products. Control activity in immediate work area to minimize damage. C. Provide protection covering at walls, projections, jambs, sills, and soffits of openings. D. Protect finished floors, stairs, and other surfaces from traffic, dirt, wear, damage, or movement of heavy objects, by protecting with durable sheet materials. E. Prohibit traffic or storage upon waterproofed or roofed surfaces. If traffic or activity is necessary, obtain recommendations for protection form waterproofing or roofing material manufacturer. F. Prohibit traffic from landscaped areas. 3.5 SECURITY A. Provide security and facilities to protect Work from unauthorized entry, vandalism, or theft. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01500 7 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 3.6 ACCESS ROADS A. Construct and maintain temporary roads accessing public thoroughfares to serve construction area. Locate temporary roads in same location as permanent roads, protecting existing vegetation to be saved. B. Extend and relocate as Work progress requires. Provide detours necessary for unimpeded traffic flow. C. Provide and maintain access to building, and fire protection free of obstructions. D. Provide means of removing mud and dust from vehicle wheels before entering streets. E. Provide traffic controls complying with authorities having jurisdiction. 3.7 PARKING A. Arrange for parking areas to accommodate construction personnel. B. When site space is not adequate, provide additional off-site parking. C. Designate one parking space for the OWNER on site. 3.8 PROGRESS CLEANING A. Maintain work and storage area free of waste materials, debris, and rubbish. Maintain site in a clean and orderly conditions to maintain site passage and exits, and to avoid fire hazard. B. Provide waste-collection containers in sizes adequate to handle construction waste. C. Remove debris and rubbish from pipe chases, plenums, attics, crawl spaces, and other closed or remote spaces, prior to enclosing the spaces. D. Broom and vacuum clean interior areas prior to start of surface finishing, and continue cleaning to eliminate dust. E. Remove waste materials, debris, and rubbish from site periodically at least once weekly and dispose off-site. 3.9 REMOVAL OF UTILITIES, FACILITIES AN CONTROLS A. Maintain all temporary facilities and controls as long as needed for safe and proper completion of Work. Remove all such temporary facilities and controls as rapidly as progress of the Work will permit, or as directed by Project Manager. Clean and repair damage caused by temporary installations or use of temporary facilities. Restore existing facilities used for temporary services to specified or original condition. 3.10 DEWATERING FACILITIES AND DRAINS A. Maintain project site, excavations and construction free of water. 1. Dispose of rainwater and snow melt in lawful manner. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01500 8 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 2. Remove snow and ice as required for work. 3. Provide soil erosion and dust control. END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01400 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01400 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. General Conditions: Inspection and testing required by governing authorities for permits. B. Section 01300 - and Certificates. C. Section 01600 Materials and Equipment. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE CONTROL OF INSTALLATION A. Specific quality requirements are specified in the specification sections that specify these activities. B. Monitor quality control over suppliers, manufacturers, products, services, site conditions, and workmanship, to produce Work of specified quality. C. Comply with manufacturers instructions, including each step in sequence. D. Should manufacturers instructions conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from ENGINEER before proceeding. E. Comply with specified standards as a minimum quality for the Work except when more stringent, codes, or specified requirements indicate higher standards or more precise workmanship. F. Perform work by persons qualified to produce workmanship of specified quality. G. Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to withstand stresses, vibration, physical distortion or disfigurement. 1.3 DELEGATED DESIGN A. Performance and Design Criteria: Where professional design services or certifications by a design professional are specifically required of Contractor by the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, provide products and systems complying with specific performance and design and design criteria indicated. 1. If criteria indicted are not sufficient to perform services of certification required, submittal written request for additional information. 1.4 TOLERANCES A. Monitor tolerance control of installed products to produce acceptable work. Do not permit tolerances to accumulate. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01400 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from ENGINEER before proceeding. C. Adjust products to appropriate dimensions; position before securing Products in place. 1.5 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS A. Conform to reference standard by date of issue current on date of Contract Documents. B. Obtain copies of standards referenced by Contract Documents. Maintain copy at job site during progress of the Work. C. Should specified reference standards conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from ENGINEER before proceeding. Most stringent requirements of code authorities shall apply. 1.6 FIELD MOCKUP A. Install field mockup samples at the site as required by individual SPECIFICATION Sections for review. B. Acceptable mockup are representative of the quality level for the Work. C. Where field sample is specified in individual sections to be removed, clear area after field sample has been accepted by the ENGINEER. 1.7 INSPECTION AND TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES A. CONTRACTOR shall employ and pay for services of an Independent Inspection and Testing Firm with a minimum of three years experience in the required testing to perform inspections, tests, and other services required by various SPECIFICATION Sections. 1. OWNER may employ and pay for services of additional inspection and testing firm, not required by Contract Documents. 2. ifts and scaffolding if required. B. The independent firm will perform inspections, tests, and other services specified in individual SPECIFICATION Sections and as required by governing authorities. 1. Final reports shall be signed by an Alaskan Registered Engineer. C. Reports will be submitted by the independent firm to the ENGINEER, in duplicate, indicating observations and results of tests and indicating compliance or non- compliance with Contract Documents. D. Cooperate with independent firm; allow work access, furnish samples of materials, design mix, equipment, tools, storage and assistance as requested: 1. Notify ENGINEER and independent firm twenty-four (24) hours prior to expected time for operations requiring services. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01400 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 2. Make arrangements with independent firm and pay for additional E. Retesting required because of non-conformance to specified requirements shall be performed by the same independent firm on instructions by the ENGINEER at no additional cost to the OWNER.. 1.8 A. When specified in individual SPECIFICATION Sections, require material or product suppliers or manufacturers to provide qualified personnel to observe site conditions, conditions of surfaces and installation, quality of workmanship, start- up of equipment, test, adjust, and balance of equipment as applicable, and to initiate instructions when necessary. B. Submit qualifications of observer to the ENGINEER thirty (30) days in advance of required observations. Observer subject to approval of OWNER. C. Manufacturer representative shall report observations and site decisions or instructions given to applicators or installers that are supplemental or contrary to manufactu D. Submit report in duplicate within seven (7) days of observation to the ENGINEER for review. PART 2 - PRODUCTS ( NOT APPLICABLE PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01380 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01380 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Construction Photographs. B. Submittals. 1.2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01720 Project Record Documents 1.3 PHOTOGRAPHY A. Provide photographs of construction throughout progress of work. B. Take photographs prior to covering completed work. C. Take photographs at beginning and completion of elements of construction, including, but not limited to the following: 1. Site work. 2. Foundation work. 3. Framing Work 4. Insulation work. 5. Air infiltration and/or vapor barrier installation 6. Finish work. 7. Final completion. 1.4 PRINTS A. Full color; one print of each view. B. Size: 4 x 6 inch. C. Identify each print on front: list name of project, phase, orientation of view, date and time of view. 1.5 TECHNIQUE A. Provide factual presentation. B. Provide correct exposure and focus, high resolution and sharpness, maximum depth of field and minimum distortion. C. The Contractor shall furnish access, labor and facilities to assist photographer(s). Photographs shall be taken with a 35 mm Data-Back type camera with flash attachment in working order. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01380 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1. Furnish the Owner with a quantity equal to four photographs per work area per day on color print film taken with ASA appropriate to lighting conditions. 2. Provide three disks of electronic media identified by project name, location and date to the Owner at each weekly meeting. 1.6 VIEWS A. Consult with Owner for instructions on view required. 1.7 SUBMITTALS A. Deliver prints with application for payment. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01370 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01370 SCHEDULE OF VALUES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and General Provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Related Requirements Specified Elsewhere: 1. Project Schedule, Section 01311. B. Submit to Owner a Schedule of Values, at least fifteen (15) days prior to submitting first Application for Payment. C. Upon request by Owner, support values given with data that will substantiate their correctness. D. Submit quantities of stored or other designated materials. E. List quantities of materials specified under unit price allowances. F. Payment for materials stored will be limited to those materials supported by invoice per l.5 below. G. Use Schedule of Values only as basis for Contractor's Application for Payment. 1.3 FORM OF SUBMITTAL A. Submit typewritten Schedule of Values on a form provided by Owner. B. Use Table of Contents of this Specification as basis for format for listing costs of work for SECTIONS under Divisions 2 through 16. C. Identify each line item with number and title as listed in Table of Contents of this Specification. 1.4 PREPARING SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Itemize separate line item cost for each of following general cost items: 1. Performance and Payment Bonds. 2. Field Supervision and Layout. 3. Temporary Facilities and Controls. 4. Insurance. B. Itemize separate line item cost for work required by each section of this Specification. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01370 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. Round off figures to nearest dollar. D. Make sum of total costs of all items listed in Schedule equal to total Contract Sum. E. Include in each line item a directly proportional amount of Contractor's overhead and profit. F. Revise schedule to list Change Orders for each application for payment. G. In addition to the above, values shall be listed for the following close out items. 1. As-builts. 2. O& M Manuals. 3. Warranties. 4. Owner Training. 5. Demobilization (if mobilization is itemized). 6. Project close-out. 1.5 PREPARING SCHEDULE OF STORED MATERIALS A. Submit separate recap for all stored materials which are included in the schedule. B. The Contractor shall request approval from the Owner of any location for stored materials other than the construction site, prior to submittal of Application for Payment. C. All stored materials listed on recap shall be substantiated by invoices for the material and copies of the invoices shall be attached to the recap. If any stored materials are being claimed which are not stored on the construction site, itemized listing shall show location materials. D. Contractor must show proof of adequate insurance for materials stored offsite. E. Stored material prices shall include cost of material, related freight costs and applicable taxes. All of which must be substantiated by invoice. 1.6 SUBSTANTIATING DATA A. When the Owner requires substantiating information, submit data justifying line item amounts in question. B. Provide one copy of data with cover letter for each copy of application. Show application number, date and line item by number and description. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01340 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS, PROJECT DATA & SAMPLES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and Division 15, 16 & 17 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION A. Prepare and submit to the Owner with the Construction Schedule, a separate schedule listing dates for submission and of review for shop drawings, product data, and samples, refer to General Conditions Include installing Subcontractors name responsible for that portion of the Work. B. Submit Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples as may be required, whether mentioned specifically in Contract Documents or not. C. Individual submittals shall not include material covering more than one section of the specifications. D. Products fabricated and/or installed prior to approval of submittals are subject to demand for the Owner. E. Shop drawing submittal can not be used for product substitution submittal. See Section-01630 Substitutions. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01311: Project Schedule B. Section 01630: Approval for Substitution and Product Options C. Section 01720: Project Record Documents Manufacturer's standard schematic 1.4 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Prepare original drawings (by Contractor, subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier, or distributor), which illustrate some portion of the work; showing fabrication, layout, setting or erection details. B. Prepare shop drawings for this particular project. Drawings prepared for other projects and revised for this project will be rejected. C. When necessary, base shop and setting drawings upon actual measurements taken at site and other job conditions. Show any variations and revisions to Contract Documents that are necessary for proper installation of work. Fabrication or installation of work shall not be started until shop or setting drawings have been reviewed and returned by Architect, with his stamp and comments. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01340 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project D. Identify details by reference to sheet and detail, schedule or room numbers shown on Contract Drawings. Section 01340 E. -size sheet submittals. Use of nd approval of architect. 1.5 PRODUCT DATA A. Manufacturer's standard schematic drawings: 1. Modify drawings to delete information which is not applicable to project. 2. Supplement standard information to provide additional information applicable to project. B. Manufacturer's catalog sheets, brochures, diagrams, schedules, performance charts, illustrations, and other standard descriptive data. 1. Clearly mark each copy and identify pertinent materials, products or models. 2. Show dimensions and clearances required. 3. Show performance characteristics and capacities. 4. Show wiring diagrams and controls. 5. Catalog cuts and descriptive data sheets shall include a complete listing of repair and replacement parts for all equipment and the name and address of a source of supply for parts and service. 1.6 SAMPLES A. Physical examples to illustrate materials, equipment or workmanship and to establish standards by which completed work is judged. B. Office Samples: Of sufficient size and quantity to clearly illustrate: 1. Functional characteristics of product or material, with integrally related parts and attachment devices. 2. Full range of color, texture and pattern. C. Field Samples and Mock-Ups: 1. Erect at project site at location acceptable to Owner. 2. Construct each sample or mock-up complete, including work of all trades required in finished work. 3. After review, samples may be used in construction of Project. 1.7 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Make all submittals far enough in advance of scheduled dates for installation to provide all required time for review, for securing necessary approvals, for possible revision and resubmittals and for placing orders and securing delivery. Submission of all shop drawings shall be through the General Contractor. B. The contractor shall allow at least 21 days for review of original submittals and 14 days for review of re submittals. C. Submit one (1) reproducible unfolded transparency print of shop drawing. Upon Architects approval, Contractor shall provide five (5) opaque prints for owner s ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01340 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project use. Transparency will be returned to Contractor for printing and distribution as needed. Additional copies will be returned without review or mark-ups., D. Submit four (4) each of samples, E. Unless otherwise specifically permitted by the Owner, make all submittals in groups containing all associated items. Partial submittals may be rejected. F. Accompany submittals with transmittal letter, in duplicate, containing: 1. Date 2. Project Title and number 3. Contractor's name and address 4. The number of each shop drawing, product data and sample submitted G. Submittals shall include: 1. Date and revision dates 2. Project title and number 3. The name of: a. Owner b. Contractor c. Subcontractor d. Supplier e. Manufacturer f. Separate detailer when pertinent 4. Identification of product or material 5. Relation to adjacent structure or materials 6. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such 7. Specification section number 8. Applicable standards, such as ASTM number or Federal Specifications 9. A blank space, for Engineer's review stamp 1.8 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES A. Review shop drawings, product data, and samples prior to submission. B. Include noted and required corrections and indicate by stamp and signature that submittal is acceptable to Contractor, Submittals without stamp and signature will be rejected, C. Verify: 1. Field measurements. 2. Field Construction criteria. 3. Conformance with specifications. D. Coordinate each submittal with requirements of work and Contract Documents. E. Contractor's responsibility for errors and omissions in submittals is not relieved by Engineer's review and approval. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01340 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project F. Contractor's deviations in submittal requirements shall not relieve Contractor from completing Contract requirements. G. The submittals shall be transmitted on the Owner's form. Any submittals that do not have the form completed will be returned without review. Number the submittals with the CSI Section then a dash then the numerical order (01650-1). Resubmittals shall have the same number with an alpha at the end. (01650-1A). H. Contractor will provide Submittal Log to Owner and Engineer on a weekly basis until Submittal process is complete. 1.9 RESUMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Revise initial drawings as required and resubmit as specified for initial submittal. B. Indicate on drawings any changes which have been made other than those requested by the Engineer. C. Project data and samples: Submit new data and samples as required for initial submittal. 1.10 ENGINEER A. Review submittals with a turn-around time for review of original or resubmittal of no more than fourteen (14) calendar days, except as indicated in paragraph 1 .07B above. B. The review will be for conformance to the design concept and compliance with information given in the Contract Document. The Engineer will make notations directly on the reproducible. C. The review is intended to foresee unacceptable products to avoid the possibility of their rejection at the site. The review shall not be construed as: 1. Permitting a departure from the Contract Documents, unless specifically so noted. 2. Relieving the Contractor of the responsibility for errors or omissions. 3. Acceptance of an assembly in which an approved item is a part. 4. Approval of variations from previously approved items. 5. Approval of dimensions. D. The Engineer will review all samples. Such review will be for appearance only. Compliance with all other requirements is the responsibility of the Contractor. E. Affix stamps and initials or signatures certifying the review of submittal. F. Where the Contract Documents require the design of the structural, mechanical, or electrical systems or components of systems by a supplier, such systems or components shall be designed by a registered professional engineer and all calculations submitted to the Engineer for his records, prior to starting fabrication or Installation of the work. The Engineer will not be responsible for the designs of such other Professionals. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01340 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.11 VARIATIONS FROM CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. See Section 01630 for procedure. B. If the Contractor fails to mention variations from the Contract Documents, he will not be relieved of the responsibility for executing the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.12 SUBMITTALS FOR COLOR SELECTION A. The Contractor shall take particular note that color selections cannot be made for the project submittal has been made, the Engineer with Owner's concurrence will within fourteen (14) days, make a complete color selection for the entire project. B. It will be the contractor's responsibility to review the Contract Documents completely to determine items requiring color selection, obtain color samples from the manufacturer and submit to the Engineer at the earliest possible date. 1.13 DISTRIBUTION OF SUBMITTALS AFTER REVIEW A. Contractor shall distribute copies of shop drawings and product data which carry Engineer's stamp, to: 1. Contractor's file (required) 2. Job-site file (required) 3. Record Documents file (required) 4. Other prime Contractors (as required) 5. Subcontractors (as required) 6. Supplier (as required) 7. Fabricator (as required) 8. Others (as required) PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01311 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01311 PROJECT SCHEDULE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. The work under this Section consists of Project Schedule requirements including the preparation of a Preliminary Schedule, a Detailed Schedule, Schedule Updates, Schedule Revisions and Time Impact Analysis. The Project Schedule shall be based upon the Critical Path Method (CPM) for planning, scheduling, and reporting progress of work. The Project Schedule shall be developed by the Contractor and shall be in accordance with the requirements of this Section 01311. No direct payment will be made to the Contractor for performing and complying with the requirements of this Section 01311. B. The requirement for CPM is to insure adequate planning and execution of the Work so that the Work is completed within the time stipulated by the Contract and to assist the Owner in evaluating progress of the Work. C. The schedule will be prepared by the Contractor for this Project and made available to the Owner. It is intended that these schedules will reflect the Contractor's actual construction plan. The existence of schedules, networks, vector charts or any other charts or services, shall in no way relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of the Contract Document including, but not limited to the responsibility of completing the Work within the contract time and the responsibility of planning, scheduling and coordinating the Work. D. Within seven (7) calendar days after award of the Contract, the Contractor shall designate in writing and submit to the Project Manager the qualifications of an authorized representative of the Contractor who shall be responsible for coordinating with the Project Manager during the preparation and maintenance of the Project Schedule. The Schedule Representative will be responsible for preparing input information for the Construction Network, monitoring progress, providing input for updating and revising logic diagrams when necessary. 1.2 REFERENCES A. Associated General Contractors of America, "Construction Planning & Scheduling," Copyright January 1994 (AGC's Manual), also referred to as AGC Publication No. 1107.1. The general principles stated in the AGC's Manual shall be used in preparing and updating the Project Schedule, except that the requirements of this Section shall govern. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01370 Schedule of Values ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01311 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE A. Within fourteen (14) calendar days following the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall submit for the Owner's review, comment and acceptance, a Preliminary Project Schedule. The Contractor shall prepare this Schedule using an activity-on-event format Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM). The Preliminary Project Schedule shall contain a detailed breakdown of the activities that the Contractor expects to perform during the first one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days following the Notice to Proceed, and a summarized schedule for the balance of the remaining Work under the Contract. Procurement activities to list on the Preliminary Project Schedule include: 1. Shop Drawings, Product Data and Sample Submittals; and the fabrication and delivery of key and long-lead procurement items. Include intended submittal and realistic delivery dates for fabrication and delivery activities. 2. The ENGINEER's and OWNER S review and approval of shop drawings, product data, and samples shall be identified as separate schedule activities. The detailed breakdown portion of this schedule shall comply with the requirements for the Detailed Project Schedule as described under Paragraph 2.02. The summarized portion of the schedule for the balance of the Work shall show the remaining activities of work in sufficient detail to demonstrate that the Contractor has a reasonable and workable plan to complete the Project in accordance with the Project Schedule Milestone Dates set forth under Section 00200 of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall submit four(4) prints of the Preliminary Network Diagrams to the Owner, which shall be neatly organized and time scaled from left to right on 24 in. x 36 in. standard size sheets with suitable notation relating to the interface points among sheets. The Contractor shall also submit four (4) copies of the accompanying Schedule Reports identified in Paragraph 2.02. B. Within five (5) calendar days of receipt of the Preliminary Project Schedule, the Owner shall meet face to face with the Contractor to review the plan and to determine if there are any concerns regarding the Contractor's plan to execute the work. If a resubmittal of the Preliminary Project Schedule is required by the Owner, the Contractor shall revise and resubmit the Preliminary Project Schedule incorporating the Owner's comments within seven (7) calendar days after this review meeting. Progress payments will be withheld until the Contractor submits an approvable Schedule. C. Upon acceptance of the Preliminary Project Schedule by the Owner, the schedule shall be updated by the Contractor on a monthly basis at a date designated by the Owner until the Detailed Project Schedule is finalized and accepted. The monthly updating of the Preliminary Project Schedule shall be consistent with the schedule updating procedures and requirements described in Paragraph 2.03. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01311 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project D. Revisions to the Preliminary Project Schedule shall be done in accordance with paragraph 2.04. 2.2 DETAILED PROJECT SCHEDULE A. Within thirty (30) calendar days following the Owner's acceptance of the Contractor's Preliminary Schedule, the Contractor shall submit for the Project Manager's review and comment a Detailed Project Schedule ("Schedule") for the entire Project. The Schedule shall incorporate the first one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days of work as detailed in the accepted Preliminary Project Schedule. The Schedule shall conform to all of the requirements in this Section. 1. The Contractor shall prepare the Schedule using the Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM). The following shall be depicted in the Schedule for each individual activity: a. Activity Identification (ID) numbers: The Contractor shall utilize numerical designations to identify each and every schedule activity. Numbering of activities shall be in increments of not less than ten (10) digits. b. A concise description of the work represented by the activity [maximum forty-eight(48) characters]. Non- standard abbreviations and descriptions referring to a percentage of a multi-element item (i.e., construct deck 50%) are not allowed. Separate activities shall be included to represent different elements of multi element items (i.e., construct forms, install reinforcing, place concrete, etc.). Multiple activities with the same work description shall include a location as part of the description. c. Activity duration in whole working days with a maximum duration of fifteen (15) work days each, unless otherwise approved by the Owner, except for non-construction activities including mobilization, shop drawing and sample submittals, review and approval of submittals by the Owner, fabrication of materials, delivery of materials and equipment and concrete curing. If requested by the Owner, the Contractor shall furnish production rates or other required information necessary to justify the reasonableness of the indicated activity durations. d. Activity Codes: At a minimum, the Contractor's Schedule shall contain the following activity/work breakdown codes. These codes shall be limited to a maximum of four (4) alpha-numeric characters: 1) Work Area: As requested by the Owner, either prior to or subsequent to the acceptance of the Detailed Network, the Contractor shall provide, without additional cost to the Owner, a graphic illustration of the relationship of construction activities to intended work areas as identified by the Contractor on copies of the Contract Drawings. 2) Category of Work: Indicates the category of work (i.e., design, shop drawings, procurement, ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01311 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project construction) that the particular schedule activity pertains to. 3) Responsibility: Indicates the Contractor or Subcontractor responsible for performing the majority of the work on each particular activity. e. The assigned dollar value (cost-loading) of each activity of the Network, which shall cumulatively equal the Contract Sum. Mobilization, bond and insurance costs may be shown separately; however, the other general requirement costs, overhead, profit, etc., shall be prorated throughout all activities. Activity cost estimates shall be stated in at least the same level of detail as, and shall correlate 2. In developing the Schedule, the Contractor shall be responsible for assuring that all Subcontractor and Sub-subcontractor work, as well as its own work, is included in the Schedule. 3. Each submittal shall be placed on the Schedule on the actual date that the Contractor anticipates preparing and submitting it. Submittals should not be congregated or lumped together in the initial phase of the Schedule. 4. The Schedule shall indicate a date for a pre-construction meeting a minimum of ten (10) days prior to each major Subcontractor starting work. 5. The Schedule shall clearly indicate the sequence and interdependence of activities required for complete performance of the Work. The Contractor shall be responsible for assuring that all work sequences are logical and that the Schedule indicates a coordinated plan for accomplishing the work. 6. Proposed durations (in work days) assigned to each activity shall be the Contractor's best estimate of time required to complete the activity considering the scope of work and resources planned for the activity. Schedule durations are to be continuous, not interruptible. 7. Total Float is to be calculated as finish float. 8. Seasonal weather conditions shall be factored into the planning and scheduling of all Work that could be affected by low ambient temperatures and/or precipitation, to ensure completion of all Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Seasonal weather conditions shall be determined by an assessment of average historical climatic conditions based upon the preceding ten (10) year records published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and entitled "Local Climatological Date." 9. The Contractor shall provide a written narrative report as part of the initial Schedule submittal describing the original planned ("projected") critical path to completion, sequence of work, number of shifts per day, number of hours per shift, composition and number of crews, and the equipment to be utilized on the Project. Any abbreviations used in preparing the Schedule shall be explained in the narrative report. The Contractor shall include a listing and explanation of all activity codes used in the Schedule. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01311 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 10. The Contractor shall provide to the Owner a graph (curve) illustrating its planned cash flow for the construction of the Project. Two curves shall be shown on the graph, the first indicating the planned cash flow based upon the projected early start and finish dates for the Work in the Schedule. The second curve shall be based upon the projected late dates. 11. The Contractor shall not sequester "float" through such strategies as calendar manipulation, the inclusion of lags in the schedule, or extended durations to fill up available float time. Float is not for the exclusive use or benefit of the Owner or the Contractor. Extensions of time to the Milestone Dates under the Contract will be granted only to the extent that the time adjustments to the activity or activities affected by a change order or delay extends any interim Milestone Date or the date of Substantial Completion as set forth under Section 00200 of the Contract Documents. 12. If the Owner questions the Contractor's proposed activities, logic, durations, or cost loading, the Contractor shall, within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the Owner's questions/request, provide a satisfactory revision to, or adequate justification for, the activities, logic, durations, or cost loading to the satisfaction of the Owner. B. Tabular Reports: 1. The heading of each tabular report shall include, but not be limited to, the project name, contract number, name of Contractor, report date, data date, report title and page number. 2. The following tabular reports will be required with each Schedule submission: a. Detailed Predecessor - Successor Report: sort activities in ascending order by Activity ID number. Report shall include a detailed listing of all predecessor and successor activities (for each activity) below the activity line. b. Total Float - Early Start Report: sort activities in ascending order by total float and then by their early start dates (earliest date first). c. Early Start - Total Float Report: sort activities by early start date (earliest date first) and then in ascending order by total float. d. Cost Report: sort activities in ascending order by Activity ID number. Report shall include, for each activity, the associated total budget or cost for the activity; the percentage complete as of the report date; the amount earned to date (budget x percentage complete). The sum of the cost for all activities shall equal the contract sum. The initial Cost Report, when accepted by the Project Manager, will serve as the Schedule of Values identified in Section 1370. 3. At a minimum, each of the required tabular reports shall contain the following information for each activity: a. Activity 10 b. Original Duration (in workdays) ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01311 6 Sea Water Heat Pump Project c. Remaining Duration (in workdays) d. Responsibility Code e. Activity Description f. Early Start Date g. Early Finish Date h. Late Start Date i. Late Finish Date j. Percent Complete k. Total Float C. Network Diagrams: 1. Computer-generated bar charts (Gantt) shall be provided in legible time-scaled format. The diagrams shall be neatly organized and time-scaled from left to right on 24 in. x 36 in. standard size sheets. The activities contained within this bar chart shall be grouped by area and then sorted by ascending early start date. The Contractor shall submit four (4) prints of the Network Diagram sheets. 2. The network diagrams must clearly indicate the critical path to completion. 3. For every Schedule submission and update, the Contractor shall provide to the Owner an Electronic copy of all schedule data. Included on the diskette shall be all of the tabular report data and graphic data and information required under this Section 01311. D. Joint Review, Revisions, and Acceptance 1. The Owner and Contractor shall meet within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the Contractor's proposed Detailed Schedule for joint review, correction or adjustment of the proposed Schedule. Any aspect of the proposed Schedule which, in the opinion of the Project Manager, conflicts with timely completion of the Project in accordance with Section 00200 of the Contract Documents, or is in any respect at variance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, shall be subject to revision by the Contractor. The Project Manager has the right to reject the Contractor's Schedule if, in the Project Manager's opinion, the Contractor has unreasonably failed to revise the Schedule as requested or has unreasonably cost-loaded the Schedule. 2. In the event the Contractor fails to define any element of work, activity, or logic and the Project Manager's review does not detect this omission or error, such omission or error, when discovered by the Contractor or Project Manager, shall be corrected by the Contractor at the next monthly updating of the Project Schedule (discussed hereafter) and shall not serve as a basis for extending the Contract Time. Failure by the Contractor to include any element of Work required for performance of the Contract shall not excuse the Contractor from completing all Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 3. Within seven (7) calendar days after the joint review meeting between the Contractor and Project Manager, the Contractor shall ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01311 7 Sea Water Heat Pump Project revise and resubmit the Schedule in accordance with agreements reached during the joint review. 4. Within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the revised Schedule, the Project Manager will notify the Contractor (in writing) of any additional concerns that the Project Manager may have regarding the revised Schedule and the Contractor's plan to execute the work. If an additional resubmittal of the Schedule is required by the Project Manager, the Contractor will perform this revision and resubmit the Schedule to the Project Manager within seven (7) calendar days. The procedures outlined within this Subsection shall be followed by the Contractor and Project Manager until the Schedule is accepted by the Project Manager. 5. Upon establishment of an agreed-upon Detailed Project Schedule, the Contractor shall sign on the face of the Project Schedule documents (including five required copies of the Detailed Project Schedule Network Diagrams and computer-produced schedule and cost report), which shall indicate the Contractor's approval of the Detailed Project Schedule. The Contractor's Signature on the face of the Project Schedule documents represents the Contractor's statement and certification to the Owner that the Contractor's Detailed Project Schedule represents the Contractor's and its Subcontractor's approach to performing the Work under the Contract. Final review and acceptance by the Project manager will take place subsequently within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the signed schedule documents from the Contractor. 6. Acceptance by the Project Manager of the Contractor's approved Schedule will be a condition precedent to the making of any progress payments under the Contract following the first one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days after the date of commencement of the Work as prescribed in the Notice to Proceed. 7. Upon acceptance of the Schedule by the Project Manager, the cost loaded values of the Project Schedule will be used as the basis for determining progress payments. Monthly progress payments shall be based upon information developed at the monthly Schedule Update meeting. The computer-produced Cost Report will be utilized by the Project Manager and the Engineer for verification of the Application for Payment submitted by the 2.3 PROJECT SCHEDULE UPDATES A. throughout the entire Contract Time and until final acceptance of the Project. B. The Contractor shall meet with the Owner each month at the Schedule Update meeting to review actual progress achieved to date, including the actual start and finish dates for activities started and completed during the update period, and the actual start date, percentage of work completed, and remaining duration for each activity started but not yet completed as of the data date. In addition, the meeting will address submittals, the Contractor's current allocation of manpower and ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01311 8 Sea Water Heat Pump Project major equipment, as well as the current status regarding procurement of materials. C. The date of each Schedule Update shall be on or before the twenty-fifth (25th ) day of each month. D. Following the conclusion of the Schedule Update meeting, the Contractor will update the Schedule to reflect progress to date and any agreed-to revisions to the Schedule and submit the updated Schedule to the Project Manager. Submittal of an updated Schedule is a prerequisite for processing of an Application for Payment. 1. Actual starts and finishes, remaining duration, or percent complete shall not be automatically updated by default dates in the software system, but shall be updated to reflect true activity status. 2. Contractor must receive prior authorization from the Project Manager to initiate an activity when the predecessor activity is only partially complete. Logic changes will be required to the Schedule to correct all such out of sequence activity starts. E. Narrative Report: Included with the updated network diagrams and tabular reports, the Contractor shall submit a written narrative report which shall include, but not be limited to: 1. A description of any and all changes (revisions) made to the Schedule since the last updating of the Schedule, including a detailed explanation of why the changes were necessary. 2. Description of current projected critical path to completion. 3. Analysis of any activity sequences that the Contractor considers a priority. Anticipated problem areas, or delaying factors, and possible corrective actions. 4. A detailed listing of any and all activities added to or deleted from the Schedule for the updating, along with a detailed explanation of why the addition/deletion was necessary. 2.4 PROJECT SCHEDULE REVISIONS A. Should the Contractor, after acceptance of the Schedule, desire to change his plan of construction, he shall submit his proposed revisions to the Owner, along with a written rationale for the revisions. Only the requested changes accepted by the Owner will be incorporated into the Schedule in the next reporting period. 2.5 TIME IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR CONTRACT MODIFICTIONS, CHANGES OR DELAYS A. If the Contractor believes that a change under the General Conditions causes an increase or decrease in the Contractor's time for completing the Work, he shall complete a Time Impact Analysis as follows: 1. A narrative and Fragmentary CPM Network (Schedule Fragment Analysis), demonstrating how the Contractor proposes to incorporate or has incorporated the Change into the Schedule and the time impact, if any, on the Schedule Milestone Dates set forth under Section 00200 of the Contract Documents. The Time Impact Analysis shall demonstrate the time impact based upon the ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01311 9 Sea Water Heat Pump Project date the Change in Work is directed by the Project Manager; the status of construction at that point in time; and the event time computations of all affected activities. The event times used in the Time Impact Analysis shall be those set forth in the update of the Schedule in effect at the time the Change in Work is directed by the Project Manager. 2. The Time Impact Analysis is based on an "as-planned" to "as- built" comparison of the event times. In developing an as-built schedule of performance, the Contractor shall utilize actual daily performance data from Schedule Updates and the Contractor's daily construction reports to graphically depict the sequence and manner in which the Contractor actually performed the Work under the Contract, including the actual, (as-built) critical path to completion through this time period. B. Activity delays shall not automatically mean that an extension of the Contract Time is warranted or due the Contractor. It is possible that a modification, change or delay will not affect projected or as-built critical activities or cause non-critical activities to become critical. A modification, change or delay may result in only absorbing a portion of the available total float that may exist within an activity chain of the Schedule, thereby not causing any effect on the Contract Time. Float ownership is defined in Paragraph 2.2, Subparagraph 12. C. Each Time Impact Analysis shall be submitted as follows: 1. Within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of a written order designated or indicated to be a change in accordance with General Conditions, Changes in the Work; 2. Within fourteen (14) calendar days after the furnishing of written notice by the Contractor; 3. Within fourteen (14) calendar days from the commencement of a delay related to Contract Documents regarding said condition. D. In cases where the Contractor does not submit a written request for extension of time and Time Impact Analysis within the time stated above in Paragraph 2.5, it is mutually agreed that the Change in the Work does not require an extension of the Contract Time. E. Acceptance or rejection of each Time Impact Analysis which requests an extension of the Contract Time shall be made by the Project Manager within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of each Time Impact Analysis, unless subsequent meetings and negotiations are necessary. Upon acceptance, the Time Impact Analysis shall be incorporated into the Schedule in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph 2.3. F. Time Impact Analysis related to requests for an extension of the Contract Time and/or Change Order work shall be incorporated into and attached to the applicable Change Order(s). G. No revision to any Schedule Milestone Date or contractually mandated schedule provisions will be permitted without authorization from the Project Manager. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01311 10 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 2.6 COMPLIANCE WITH THE SCHEDULE A. The Contractor shall furnish sufficient labor and equipment resources, offices, and facilities, and shall work such hours including night shift and overtime operations as necessary, to ensure the prosecution of the Work in accordance with the current monthly Schedule Update. If the Contractor falls behind in meeting the Schedule as presented in the current monthly Schedule Update, the Contractor shall take such steps as may be necessary to improve its progress. If the Contractor fails to take such steps, the Project Manager may require the Contractor to increase the hours of work, the number of shifts, overtime operations, the number of workers and/or the amount of construction plant and equipment without additional cost to the Owner. The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed as prohibiting work on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, if the Contractor so elects and gives 24 hours notice to the Project Manager. B. Failure of the Contractor to comply with the requirements of this Subsection 2.6 shall be a basis for determination by the Project Manager that the Contractor is not prosecuting the Work with such diligence as will ensure completion of the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Upon such determination, the Project Manager may terminate the Contractor's right to proceed with the Work or any separable part thereof, in accordance with the clause entitled "Termination of Contract" of the Contract Documents, or may take such other actions as he may deem appropriate. 2.7 PERFORMANCE MONITORING A. The Project Manager may elect throughout or at any time during the Project to record the number of workers and construction equipment working on each schedule activity in each area of the Project and provide a copy of this log to the Contractor who shall be responsible for advising the Project Manager. without additional cost to the Owner, of any error in this work history, in writing, within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of same. This information will be used by the Project Manager in his evaluation of the adequacy of the Contractor's performance and on-site manpower staffing and equipment utilization, as well as in the evaluation of any Contractor requests for time extension or claims. B. Each week the Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager, on portions of the computer-produced Schedule Reports, a report that includes a check mark indicating which activities the Contractor plans to start or to continue during the following week. This status report shall serve as a basis for discussion at the weekly Contractor's meeting. PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01300 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01300 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 REQUIREMENTS A. Procedures B. Construction Progress Schedules C. Schedule of Values D. Shop Drawings E. Product Data F. Samples G. Manufacturer's Instructions H. Manufacturer's Certificates 1.2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01010 -Summary of Work B. Section 01311 -Project Schedule C. Section 01340 -Shop Drawings Product Data D. Section 01370 -Schedule of Values E. Section 01400 -Quality Control F. Section 01630 -Approval for Substitutions and Product Options G. Section 01700 -Project Close Out H. Section 01710 -Cleaning I. Section 01720 -Project Record Documents J. Section 01730 -Operating and Maintenance Data K. Section 01750 -Closeout Forms 1.3 PROCEDURES A. Deliver submittals to the Owner. Number each submittal with the section number, dash, numerical order of the submittal, example 03300-1. Add an alpha to each resubmittal: example, 03300-1A. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01300 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Transmit each item with company submittal. Identify Project, Contractor, subcontractor, major supplier; identify pertinent Drawing sheet and detail number and specification section number, as appropriate. Identify deviations from Contract Documents. Provide space for Contractor and Architect/Engineer review stamps. C. CONTRACTOR shall stamp, sign, and certify that review, verification of products required, field dimensions, adjacent construction work, and coordination of information, is in accordance with the requirements of the Work and Contract Documents. D. Submit initial progress schedules and schedule of values in duplicate prior to issuance of Notice to Proceed. After review by the Architect/Engineer, revise and resubmit as required. Submit revised schedules with each application for payment, reflecting changes since previous submittal. E. Comply with progress schedule for submittals related to work progress. Coordinate submittal of related items. F. Distribute copies of reviewed submittals to concerned persons. Instruct recipients to promptly report any inability to comply with provisions. Review with subconsultants/suppliers any inability to meet requirements of project. Find solutions with subconsultants/suppliers making conformance with documents possible. Review solutions with owner and architect for acceptance prior to proceeding with work. 1.4 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES A. Review Shop Drawings, Project Data and Samples prior to submission. B. Verify: 1. Field measurements. 2. Field construction criteria. 3. Catalog numbers and similar data. C. Coordinate each submittal with requirements of work and of Contract documents. D. relieved by Contracting O E. of submittals, unless Contracting Officer gives written acceptance of specific deviations. F. Notify Contracting Officer in writing at time of submission of deviations in submittals from requirements of Contract Documents. G. Begin no work which requires submittals until return of submittals with inside initials or signature indicating review has been received. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01300 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.5 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Schedule submissions at least twenty-one (21) working days before dates reviewed submittals will be needed. B. Submit one opaque print of shop drawings, and number of copies of project data which Contractor requires for distribution, plus three (3) copies which will be retained by the Owner. C. Submit number of samples specified in each Specification section. D. Accompany submittals with transmittal letter, in duplicate, containing: 1. Date. 2. Project title and number. 4. The number of each shop drawings, project datum and sample submitted. 5. Notification of deviations from Contract Documents. 6. Other pertinent data. E. Submittals shall each include a form created to provide: 1. Date and revision dates. 2. Project title and number. 3. The names of: a. Architect/Engineer. b. Contracting Officer. c. Contractor. d. Subcontractor. e. Supplier. f. Manufacturer. g. Separate detailer when pertinent. 4. Identification of product or material. 5. Relation to adjacent structure or materials. 6. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such. 7. Specification Section number and Submittal Number. 8. Applicable standards, such as ASTM number or Federal Specification. 10. Identification of deviations from Contract Documents. verification of field measurements and compliance with Contract Documents. 12. Cross out all information not related to submit product. 13. Provide an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for each product. F. Submittal Binder: 1. All submittals shall be submitted in a binder appropriate to the quantity of information submitted. 2. Binder shall be labeled on front and edge with project title, project number, date and facility name. 3. Submit all Division 15 items at one time and in one binder; submit all Division 16 items at one time and in one binder ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01300 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project and submit all Division 17 items at one time and in one binder. 4. Provide an index using tabs for separate specification divisions. 5. Number separate submittals within each Division sequentially. rovided, submit in 2 or more binders. 7. If drawing size information is required, refer to drawings in the binder submittal information. G. Quantity: refer to General Clauses for quantity. Provide extra copies that may be H. Refer to Divisions 15, 16 and 17 for additional submittal requirements. 1.6 RESUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Shop Drawings: 1. Revise initial drawings as required and resubmit as specified for initial submittal. 2. Indicate on drawings any changes which have been made other B. Project Data and Samples: Submit new data and samples as required for initial submittal. 1.7 DISTRIBUTION OF SUBMITTALS AFTER REVIEW A. Distribute copies of shop drawings and project data which carry to: 2. Job site file. 3. Record Documents file. 4. Subcontractors. 5. Supplier/Fabricator. B. Distribute samples as directed. 1.8 A. Review submittals with reasonable promptness. B. Review for: 1. Design concept of project. 2. Information given in Contract Documents. C. Review of separate item does not constitute review of an assembly in which item functions. D. Affix stamp and initials or signature certifying to review of submittals. E. Return submittals to Contractor for distribution. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01300 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.9 PROPOSED PRODUCTS LIST A. Within [verify 30] days after date of Owner-Contractor Agreement, submit complete list of major products for use, with name of manufacturer, trade name, and model number for each product. B. For products specified only by reference standards; give manufacturer, trade name, model or catalog designation, and reference standards. 1.10 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES A. Submit Project Schedule as called for in Section 01311, Project Schedule. 1.11 SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Submit Project Schedule as called for in Section 01370, Schedule of Values. 1.12 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES A. Submit in the form as called for in Section 01340. 1.13 MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS A. When specified in individual specification sections submit instructions for delivery, storage, assembly, installation, start-up, adjusting, balancing and finishing, in quantities specified for Product Data. B. Indicate special procedures, perimeter conditions, and special environmental criteria required. C. Documents. 1.14 A. When specified in individual Specifications Sections, submit certificates to ENGINEER for review, in quantities specified for Product Data. B. Indicate material or product conforms to or exceeds specified requirements. Submit supporting reference data, affidavits, and certifications. C. Certificates may be recent or previous test results on material or product, but must be acceptable to the ENGINEER. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01200 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 01200 PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: 1. In general, project meetings will be held weekly at the job site in accordance with mutually acceptable schedule. The Owner will conduct project meetings throughout the construction period. 2. The purpose of the project meetings is to enable orderly review of progress during construction and to provide for systematic discussion and analysis of problems that might arise between the Owner, Engineer,and/or Contractor relative to execution of the work. B. Related Work described elsewhere: 1. The Contractor's relations with his subcontractors and material suppliers, and discussions relative thereto, are the Contractor's responsibility and are not part of project meetings content. 2. Section 01400 describes the requirements for quality control meetings that will be held. 1.2 AUTHORITY DESIGNATION A. Persons designated by the Contractor to attend and participate in project meetings shall have all required authority to commit the Contractor to solutions as agreed upon in the project meetings 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Agenda Items: To the maximum extent possible, advise the Owner forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the project meeting regarding all agenda items to be discussed, including tours in advance of the meeting. 1.4 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING A. The Owner will conduct this meeting within fifteen (15) days after date of Notice to Proceed. B. Location: At Owner s facilities. C. Attendance: a. Owner s Construction Manager b. Owner s Project Manager c. Engineer and his Professional Consultants d. Contractor's Project Manager and Superintendent e. Major Subcontractors, as appropriate f. Major Suppliers, as appropriate D. Agenda items will include, but not be limited to: ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01200 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project a. Designation of responsible personnel b. Distribution (by Contractor) and discussion of list of major Subcontractors and Suppliers with addresses and telephone numbers c. Project coordination d. Procedures and processing of: 1) Field decisions 2) Submittals 3) Proposal requests 4) RFI's Change Orders 5) Applications for Payment 6) Schedules and Reports e. Discussion of initial Project Schedule f. Critical work sequencing g. Major equipment deliveries and priorities h. Adequacy of Contract Documents distribution i. Procedures for maintaining Record Documents j. Use of premises: 1) Office, work and storage area 2) Owner's requirements k. Construction facilities, controls, and construction aids l. Temporary utilities m. Safety and first-aid procedures n. Security procedures o. Housekeeping procedures p. Submittal of Executed Bonds and Insurance Certificates 1.5 COORDINATION MEETINGS A. Conduct project Coordination Meetings at a regularly scheduled time convenient to all parties involved. Project coordination meetings are in addition to specific meetings held for other purposes. B. Request representation at each meeting by every party currently involved in the coordination or planning for the construction activities involved. C. Record meeting results and distribute copies to everyone in attendance and to others affected by decisions of actions resulting from each meeting. 1.6 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Conduct Progress Meetings at the Project site at regularly scheduled intervals. Notify the Owner and Contracting Officer. Coordinate the dates of meetings with the preparation of the payment request. B. Attendees to include the Owner project representative, each sub-contractor concerned with current activities or planned future activities. C. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of the previous progress meeting. Review other items of significance that could affect progress; including topics for discussion as appropriate to the current status of the project. ASLC YCE/EDC 11/30/10 01200 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1. Meeting Agenda will include but not be limited to: a. Attendees and company they represent b. Minutes Review: Corrections, additions, and/or deletions to previous minutes c. Outstanding Action Items: Review of items not resolved from previous meeting d. Submittal status e. Request for Information status f. Request for Proposal Status g. Schedule Review: h. Project job concerns i. Next meeting j. Summarize and Review of all Action Items D. Report no later than 3 days after each progress meeting date, distribute copies of minutes of the meeting to each party present and to other parties who should have been present. Include a brief summary, in narrative form, of progress since the previous meeting and report. E. Update the construction schedule after each progress meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognized. Issue the revised schedule concurrently with the report of each meeting. 1.7 MINUTES A. The Owner will compile minutes of each project meeting and will distribute copies to all interested parties within seven (7) calendar days after the meeting. Items in the minutes shall be numbered consecutively and grouped under divisions and sections. Each item shall be carried forward until resolved. B. The minutes compiled by the Owner will be the official record minutes and all clarifications and/or corrections shall be transmitted in writing to the Owner within fourteen (14) days of date of receipt of the minutes or unless noted during the next scheduled meeting under the appropriate agenda item. Transmitted corrections shall be legibly submitted on company letterhead. C. At least one (1) bound volume of all minutes shall be maintained by the Contractor in the job office until project completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 17510 HEAT PUMP LOOP CONTROL SYSTEM PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES: A. Products Integrated with the Work of this Section 1. Motor Operated Valves 2. Pressure Switches 3. Temperature Sensors, Wells and Sockets 4. Flow Meters 5. Refrigerant Leak Detectors 6. Power Monitor 7. Chiller Controls 8. Motor Starters 9. Variable Frequency Drives 10. Existing Building Control Johnson Metasys System 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. The General Conditions of the Contract, Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements are a part of these Specifications and shall be used in conjunction with this Section as a part of the Contract Documents. Consult them for further instructions pertaining to this work. The Contractor is bound by the provisions of Division 0 and Division 1. B. The following sections constitute related work: 1. Division 15 - Mechanical Requirements 2. Division 16 - Electrical Requirements 1.3 DESCRIPTION A. General: The Heat Pump Loop Control (HPLC) system shall be as indicated on the drawings and described in the specifications, and shall consist of a peer-to- peer network of digital building control panels and operator workstation(s). The user interface shall be through any personal computer available on the network. The PC shall provide users an interface with the system though dynamic color graphics of the heat pump process loops and systems. B. Direct Digital Control (DDC) technology shall be used to provide the functions necessary for control of systems defined for control on this project. C. The control system shall accommodate simultaneous multiple user operation. Access to the control system data should be limited by operator ID and password. An operator shall be able to log onto any PC on the designated network and have access to all designated data. D. The control system shall be designed such that each mechanical system will operate under stand-alone control. As such, in the event of a network ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project communication failure, or the loss of other controllers, the control system shall continue to independently operate the unaffected equipment. E. Communication between the control panels and all workstations shall be over a high-speed network. All nodes on this network shall be peers. A modem or internet connectivity may be provided for remote access to the system. 1.4 APPROVED CONTROL SYSTEM CONTRACTORS AND MANUFACTURERS A. Approved Control System Contractors and Manufacturers: Trane Tracer system 1. The above list of manufacturers applies to user interface, controller software, the custom application programming language, Building Controllers, Custom Application Controllers, and Application Specific Controllers. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. System Installer Qualifications 1. The Installer shall have an established working relationship with the Control System Manufacturer of not less than three years. 2. The Installer shall have successfully completed Control System Manufacturer's classes on the control system. The Installer shall present for review the certification of completed training, including the hours of instruction and course outlines upon request. 3. The installer shall have an office within 200 miles of the project site and provide 24-hour response in the event of a customer call. 1.6 CODES AND STANDARDS A. Work, materials, and equipment shall comply with the rules and regulations of all codes and ordinances of local, state and federal authorities. As a minimum, the installation shall comply with the current editions in effect 30 days prior to receipt of bids of the following codes: 1. National Electric Code (NEC) 2. International Building Code (IBC) 3. International Mechanical Code (IMC) 4. Underwriters Laboratories: Products shall be UL-916-PAZX listed. 5. ISO/IEC 14908-1 (LonTalk) 1.7 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE A. Performance Standards. The system shall conform to the following: 1. Page Display. The system shall display a web page within 5 seconds of the request. 2. Page Refresh. The system shall update all within 10 seconds. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 3. Graphic Refresh. The system shall update all dynamic points with current data within 30 seconds. 4. Object Command. The maximum time between the command of a binary object by the operator and the reaction by the device shall be 10 seconds. Analog objects shall start to adjust within 10 seconds. 5. Object Scan. All changes of state and change of analog values shall be transmitted over the high-speed network such that any data used or displayed at a controller or workstation will be current, within the prior 60 seconds. 6. Alarm Response Time. The maximum time from when an object goes into alarm to when it is annunciated at the workstation shall not exceed 30 seconds. 7. Program Execution Frequency. Custom programs shall be capable of running as often as once every second. The Contractor shall be responsible for selecting execution times consistent with the mechanical process under control. 8. Performance. Programmable Controllers shall be able to execute DDC PID control loops at a selectable frequency from at least once every 5 seconds. The controller shall scan and update the process value and output generated by this calculation at this same frequency. 9. Multiple Alarm Annunciation. All users on the network shall receive alarms within 10 seconds of each other. 10. Reporting Accuracy. Table 1 lists minimum acceptable reporting accuracies for all values reported by the specified system. Table 1 Reporting Accuracy Measured Variable Reported Accuracy Water Temperature ±0.5°C [±1°F] Delta-T ±0.15°C[±0.25°F] Water Flow ±5% of full scale Electrical Power ± 5% of reading ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.8 SUBMITTALS A. specification data sheets on all hardware and software to be provided. No work may begin on any segment of this project until the Engineer and Owner have reviewed submittals for conformity with the plan and specifications. Provide submittals in accordance with Section 01300. All shop drawings shall be provided to the Owner electronically as .dwg or .dxf file formats. B. Quantities of items submitted shall be reviewed by the Engineer and Owner. Such review shall not relieve the contractor from furnishing quantities required for completion. C. Provide the Engineer and Owner, any additional information or data which is deemed necessary to determine compliance with these specifications or which is deemed valuable in documenting the system to be installed. D. Submit the following: 1. A complete bill of materials of equipment to be used indicating quantity, manufacturer and model number. 2. Provide manufacturers cut sheets for major system components. When manufacturer's cut sheets apply to a product series rather than a specific product, the data specifically applicable to the project shall be highlighted or clearly indicated by other means. Each submitted piece of literature and drawings shall clearly reference the specification and/or drawing that the submittal is being submitted to cover. Include: a) Building Controllers b) Custom Application Controllers c) Application Specific Controllers d) Auxiliary Control Devices e) Proposed control system riser diagram showing system configuration, device locations, addresses, and cabling f) Detailed termination drawings showing all required field and factory terminations. Terminal numbers shall be clearly labeled g) Points list showing all system objects, and the proposed English language object names h) Sequence of operations for each system under control. This sequence shall be specific for the use of the Control System being provided for this project i) Color prints of proposed graphics with a list of points for display ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project E. Project Record Documents. Upon completion of installation submit three (3) copies of record (as-built) documents. The documents shall be submitted for approval prior to final completion and include: 1. Project Record Drawings. These shall be as-built versions of the submittal shop drawings. One set of electronic media including CAD .DWG or .DXF drawing files shall also be provided. 2. Testing and Commissioning Reports and Checklists. 3. Operating and Maintenance (O & M) Manual. These shall be as-built versions of the submittal product data. In addition to that required for the submittals, the O & M manual shall include: a) Names, address and 24-hour telephone numbers of Contractors installing equipment, and the control systems and service representative of each. b) Provide on-line help for documenting operator instructions c) A listing and documentation of all custom software created using the programming language including the point database. One set of magnetic media containing files of the software and database shall also be provided. d) One set of electronic media containing files of all color-graphic screens created for the project. e) Complete original issue documentation, installation, and maintenance information for all third party hardware provided including computer equipment and sensors. f) Licenses and warranty documents for all equipment and systems. g) Recommended preventive maintenance procedures for all system components including a schedule of tasks, time between tasks, and task descriptions. F. Training Materials: The Contractor shall provide a course outline and training material for all training classes at least six weeks prior to the first class. The Owner reserves the right to modify any or all of the training course outline and training materials. Review and approval by Owner and Engineer shall be completed at least 3 weeks prior to first class. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 6 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.9 WARRANTY A. Warrant all work as follows: 1. Labor & materials for control system specified shall be warranted free from defects for a period of twelve (12) months after final completion acceptance by the Owner. Control System failures during the warranty period shall be adjusted, repaired, or replaced at no charge or reduction in service to the Owner. The Contractor shall respond to the Owner's request for warranty service within 24 hours during customary business hours. 2. At the end of the final start-up/testing, if equipment and systems are operating satisfactorily to the Owner and Engineer, the Owner shall sign certificates certifying that the control system's operation has been tested and accepted in accordance with the terms of this specification. The date of Owner's acceptance shall be the start of warranty. 3. Operator workstation software, project specific software, graphics, database, and firmware updates shall be provided to the Owner at no charge during the warranty period. Written authorization by Owner must, however, be granted prior to the installation of such changes. 4. The system provider shall provide a web-accessible system and support on-line resource that provides the Owner access to a question/answer forum, graphics library, user tips, upgrades, and manufacturer training schedules. 1.10 OWNERSHIP OF PROPRIETARY MATERIAL A. All project-developed hardware and software shall become the property of the Owner. These items include but are not limited to: 1. Project graphic images 2. Record drawings 3. Project database 4. Project-specific application programming code 5. All documentation ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 7 Sea Water Heat Pump Project PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.0 MATERIALS A. All products used in this installation shall be new, currently under manufacture, and shall be applied in similar installations for a minimum of 2 years. The installation shall not be used as a test site for any new products unless explicitly for at least 5 years after completion of this contract. 2.1 COMMUNICATION A. This project shall comprise of a network utilizing high-speed LonTalk for communications between Building Controllers. . LonTalk sub-networks shall be used for communications between Building Controllers, Custom Application Controllers and Application Specific Controllers. B. The Owner will provide all communication media, connectors, repeaters, network switches, and routers necessary for the internetwork. An active Ethernet jack will be provided adjacent to each Building Control Panel and PC Workstation for connection to this network. All Building Controllers shall have a Ethernet communications port for connections with the operator interfaces. C. Remote operator interface via a 56K baud modem shall allow for communication with any and all controllers on this network as described in the following paragraph. D. Communications services over the internetwork shall result in operator interface and value passing that is transparent to the internetwork architecture as follows: 1. Connection of an operator interface device to any one building controller on the internetwork will allow the operator to interface with all other building controllers as if that interface were directly connected to the other controllers. Data, status information, reports, system software, custom programs, etc., for all building controllers shall be available for viewing and editing from any one building controller on the internetwork. 2. All database values (i.e., points, software variable, custom program variables) of any one building controller shall be readable by any other building controller on the internetwork. This value passing shall be automatically performed by a controller when a reference to a point name not located in that controller is entered into the controller's database. An operator/installer shall not be required to set up any communications services to perform internetwork value passing. F. The time clocks in all building controllers shall be automatically synchronized daily. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 8 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 2.2 OPERATOR INTERFACE A. User Interface 1. The system user interface shall be web based graphically orientated. Provide a method for the operator to easily move between web pages. Dynamic points shall include analog and binary values, dynamic text, static text, and animation files. Graphics shall have the ability to show animation of equipment. Animation capabilities shall include the ability to show a sequence of images reflecting the position of analog outputs, such as valve or damper positions. Graphics shall be capable of launching other web pages. 2. Custom background images. Custom background images shall be created with the use of commonly available graphics packages such as Adobe Photoshop. The graphics generation package shall create and modify graphics that are saved in industry standard formats such as BMP, GIF and JPEG. 3. Graphics Library. Furnish a library of standard HVAC equipment including, rooftop units, and VAV boxes, in 3-dimensional graphic depictions. The library shall be furnished in a file format compatible with the graphics generation package program. 4. Engineering Units. Allow for selection of the desired engineering units (i.e. Inch pound or SI) in the system. Unit selection shall be able to be customized by locality to select the desired units for each measurement. Engineering units on this project shall be Inch Pound. B. System Applications. Each building controller shall provide storage of system information. Provide the following applications at each building controller: 1. Database Save and Restore. A system operator with the proper password clearance shall be able to archive the database on the designated operator interface PC. The operator shall also be able to clear a panel database and manually initiate a download of a specified database to any panel in the system. 2. System Configuration. The workstation software shall provide a graphical method of configuring the system. The user with proper security shall be able to add new devices, and assign modems to devices. This shall allow for future system changes or additions. 3. On-Line Help and Training. Provide a context sensitive, on line help system to assist the operator in operation and editing of the system. On-line help shall be available for all system functions and shall provide the relevant data for that particular screen. Additional help shall be available through the use of hypertext links onscreen. 4. Security. Each operator shall be required to log on to the system with a user name and password in order to view, edit, add, or delete data. System security shall be selectable for each operator. The system supervisor shall have the ability to set security levels for all other operators. Each operator password shall be able to ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 9 Sea Water Heat Pump Project system application, full screen editor, and object. Each operator shall automatically be logged off of the system if no keyboard or mouse activity is detected. All system security data shall be stored in an encrypted format. 5. System Diagnostics. The system shall automatically monitor the operation of all, network connections, building management panels, and controllers. The failure of any device shall be annunciated to the operator. 6. Alarm Notification. Operator shall be notified of new alarm as they occur while navigating through any part of the system with an alarm icon. Alarm messages shall use full language, easily recognized descriptors for alarm. System will have the capability to acknowledge Alarms and add and save comments for the alarm. 7. Alarm Processing. Any object in the system shall be configurable to alarm in and out of normal state. The operator shall be able to configure the alarm limits, warning limits, states, and reactions for each object in the system. 8. Alarm Reactions. A user shall be able to determine what actions will occur if any, upon receipt of an alarm. Actions shall display on the screen, logging, start a custom control program, displaying messages, send a SMTP e-mail message that can be directly displayed on a smart phone, or forwarded to a cell phone via a text message. . Each of these actions shall be configurable by any PC and time of day. 9. Event Log. The operator shall be able to view all logged system alarms and events from any location in the system. The operator shall be able to sort and filter alarms from events. Alarms shall be sorted in up to 4 categories based on severity. An operator with the proper security level may acknowledge and clear alarms. All that have not been cleared by the operator shall be stored by the building controller. Provide a comment field in the event log that allows a user to add specific comments associated with any alarm. 10. Trend Logs. The system shall automatically create trend logs for a minimum of 5 key measurements for each controlled device. The automatic trend logs shall monitor these parameters for a minimum of 24 hours at 15 minute intervals. The automatic trend logs shall be user adjustable. A user shall also be able to define a trend log for any data in the system. This definition shall include interval, start-time, and stop-time. Trend intervals shall be as frequently as 1 minute up to yearly sampling and shall be selectable. Trend data shall be sampled and stored on the Building Controller panel and can be archived on a PC. Trend data shall be able to be viewed and printed from the operator interface software. Trends must be viewable in a text-based format or graphically. Trends shall also be storable in a CSV or PDF format for use by other industry standard word processing and spreadsheet packages. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 10 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 11. Dynamic Graphical Trending. The system shall have the ability to save the data collected by a trend object and display that collected data in a graphical chart. Trend viewing capabilities shall include the ability to show up to 6 points on a chart, to include live and/or historical data. Each data point trend line shall be an individual color. Navigation and viewing functions shall include scrolling and zooming of x and y axes, and a trace display of the associated time stamp, and values for any selected point along the x-axis. 12. Point Control. Provide a method for a user to view, override, and edit if applicable, the status of any object and property in the system. These statuses shall be available by menu, on graphics or through custom programs. 13. Clock Synchronization. A designated building controller shall synchronize all other building controllers on the network. A building controller shall also be able to synchronize with a NTP server for automatic time synchronization. The system shall automatically adjust for daylight savings time if applicable. 14. Reports and Logs. Provide a reporting package that allows the operator to select reports. A number of different reports shall be available to be selected by the user and provide current data. All reports can be set up to be run at specified intervals of time. Reports and logs shall be stored on the building controller in a format that is readily accessible by other standard software applications including spreadsheets and word processing. Reports and logs shall be readily printed to the system printer. The operator shall be able to designate reports that shall be printed or stored to disk at selectable intervals. Provide a means to list and access the last 10 reports viewed by the user. a. All Points in Alarm Report: Provide an on demand report showing all current alarms. b. All Points in Override Report: Provide an on demand report showing all overrides in effect. c. Commissioning Report: Provide a one time report that lists all equipment with the unit configuration and present operation. d. Points report: Provide a report that lists the current value of all points F. Workstation Applications Editors. Provide editors for each application at the PC workstation. The applications shall be downloaded and executed at the appropriate controller panels. 1. Controller. Provide a full screen editor for each type custom application, and application specific controller that shall allow the operator to view and change the configuration, name, control parameters, and system set- points. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 11 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 2. Scheduling. An editor for the scheduling application shall be provided at each workstation. Provide a monthly calendar for each schedule. Exception schedules and holidays shall be shown clearly on the calendar. Provide a method for allowing several related objects to follow a schedule. An advance and delay time for each object shall be adjustable from this master schedule. An operator shall be able to modify the schedule. Schedules shall be able to be easily copied between objects and/or dates. 3. Manual Control and Override. Provide a means of manually controlling analog and binary output points. Control overrides shall be performed through a simple. Provide a specific icon to show timed override or operator override, when a point, unit controller or application has been overridden manually. 2.3 APPLICATION AND CONTROL SOFTWARE A. Furnish the following applications software for building and energy management. All software applications shall reside and run in the system controllers. Editing of applications shall occur at the operator workstation. B. System Security 1. User access shall be secured using individual security passwords and user names. 2. Passwords shall restrict the user to only the objects, applications, and system functions as assigned by the system administrator 3. User logon/logoff attempts shall be recorded. 4. The system shall protect itself from unauthorized use by automatically logging off following the last keystroke. The delay time shall be user definable. C. Scheduling. Provide the capability to schedule each object or group of objects in the system. Each of these schedules shall include the capability for start, stop, optimal start, optimal stop, and night economizer actions. Each schedule may consist of up to [10] events. When a group of objects are scheduled together, provide the capability to define advances and delays for each member. Each schedule shall consist of the following: 1. Weekly Schedule. Provide separate schedules for each day of the week. 2. Exception Schedules. Provide the ability for the operator to designate any day of the year as an exception schedule. This exception schedule shall override the standard schedule for that day. Exception schedules may be defined up to a year in advance. Once an exception schedule is executed it will be discarded and replaced by the standard schedule for that day of the week. 3. Holiday Schedules. Provide the capability for the operator to define up to 99 special or holiday schedules. These schedules may be placed on the ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 12 Sea Water Heat Pump Project scheduling calendar and will be repeated each year. The operator shall be able to define the length of each holiday period. 4. Optimal Start. The scheduling application outlined above shall support an optimal start algorithm. This shall calculate the thermal characteristics of a zone and start the equipment prior to occupancy to achieve the desired space temperature at the specified occupancy time. The algorithm shall calculate separate sets of heating and cooling rates for zones that have been unoccupied for less then and greater than 24 hours. Provide the ability to modify the start algorithm based on outdoor air temperature. Provide an early start limit in minutes to prevent the system from starting before an operator determined time limit. D. Remote Communications. The system shall have the ability to transmit alarms to multiple associated alarm receivers. Receivers shall include PC Workstations, email addresses, and cell phones. The alarm message shall include the name of the alarm location, the device that generated the alarm, and the alarm message itself. The operator shall be able to remotely access and operate the system utilizing the system Ethernet communications, or dial up communications via modem, in the same format and method used on site as described under the Operator Interface section of this specification. E. PID Control. A PID (proportional-integral-derivative) algorithm with direct or reverse action and anti-wind-up shall be supplied. The algorithm shall calculate a time-varying analog value used to position an output or stage a series of outputs. The controlled variable, and set-point, shall be user-selectable. The set-point shall optionally be chosen to be a reset schedule. F. Point control. User shall have the option to set the update interval, minimum on/off time, event notification, custom programming on change of events G. Timed Override. A standard application shall be utilized to enable/disable temperature control when a user selects on/cancel at the zone sensor, workstation, or the operator display. The amount of time that the override takes precedence will be selectable from the workstation. H. Anti-Short Cycling. All binary output points shall be protected from short cycling. 2.4 BUILDING CONTROLLERS A. General. Provide Building Controllers to provide the performance specified in section 1 of this division. Each of these panels shall meet the following requirements. 1. The Building Automation System shall be composed of one or more independent, standalone, microprocessor based Building Controllers to manage the global strategies described in System software section. 2. The Building Controller shall have sufficient memory to support its operating system, database, and programming requirements. 3. The controller shall provide a USB communications port for connection to a PC. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 13 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 4. The operating system of the Controller shall manage the input and output communications signals to allow distributed controllers to share real and virtual point information and allow central monitoring and alarms. 5. Controllers that perform scheduling shall have a real time clock. 6. Data shall be shared between networked Building Controllers. 7. The Building Controller shall utilize industry recognized open standard protocols for communication to unit controllers. 8. The Building Controller shall continually check the status of its processor and memory circuits. If an abnormal operation is detected, the controller shall: a. Assume a predetermined failure mode. b. Generate an alarm notification. c. Create a retrievable file of the state of all applicable memory locations at the time of the failure. d. Automatically reset the Building Controller to return to a normal operating mode. A. Communications. Each Building Controller shall reside on the Enterprise wide network, which is same high-speed network as the workstations. The Enterprise wide network will be provided by the owner and supports the Internet Protocol (IP). Local connections of the Building Controller shall be on ISO 8802-3 (Ethernet). Each Building Controller shall also perform routing to a network of Custom Application and Application Specific Controllers. Each Building Controller shall perform communications to a network of Custom Application and Application Specific Controllers using LonTalk FTT-10 and LonMark profiles to perform communications to a network of Custom Application and Application Specific Controllers. B. Environment. Controller hardware shall be suitable for the anticipated ambient conditions. Controller used in conditioned ambient shall be mounted in an enclosure, and shall be rated for operation at -40 C to 50 C [-40 F to 122 F]. C. Serviceability. Provide diagnostic LEDs for power, communications, and processor. The Building Controller shall have a display on the main board that indicates the current operating mode of the controller. All wiring connections shall be made to field removable, modular terminal connectors. The building controller shall utilize standard DIN mounting methods for installation and replacement. D. Memory. The Building Controller shall maintain all BIOS and programming information indefinitely without power to the building controller. E. Immunity to power and noise. Controller shall be able to operate at 90% to 110% of nominal voltage rating and shall perform an orderly shut-down below 80% nominal voltage. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 14 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 2.5 CUSTOM APPLICATION CONTROLLERS A. General. Provide Custom Application Controllers to provide the performance specified in section 1 of this division. Each of these panels shall meet the following requirements: 1. The Controller shall have sufficient memory to support its operating system, database, and programming requirements. 2. Controllers that perform scheduling shall have a real time clock. 3. The operating system of the Controller shall manage the input and output communications signals to allow distributed controllers to share real and virtual point information and allow central monitoring and alarms. 4. The Controller shall continually check the status of its processor and memory circuits. If an abnormal operation is detected, the controller shall assume a predetermined failure mode, and generate an alarm notification. 5. Custom application controllers shall communicate using LonTalk. Controllers shall use FTT-10 transceivers. All communications shall be with the use of LonMark-approved SNVTs. B. Environment. Controller hardware shall be suitable for the anticipated ambient conditions. Controller used in conditioned ambient shall be mounted in NEMA 4 type enclosures, and shall be rated for operation at 0 C to 50 C [32 F to 120 F]. C. Serviceability. Provide diagnostic LEDs for power, communications, and processor. All low voltage wiring connections shall be made such that the controller electronics can be removed and/or replaced without disconnection of field termination wiring. D. Memory. The Controller shall maintain all BIOS and programming information in the event of a power loss for at least 72 hours. E. Immunity to power and noise. Controller shall be able to operate at 90% to 110% of nominal voltage rating and shall perform an orderly shutdown below 80% nominal voltage. 2.6 APPLICATION SPECIFIC CONTROLLERS A. General. Application specific controllers (ASC) are microprocessor-based DDC controllers, which through hardware or firmware design are dedicated to control a specific piece of equipment. They are not fully user programmable, but are customized for operation within the confines of the equipment they are designed to serve. 1. Each ASC shall be capable of stand-alone operation and shall continue to provide control functions without being connected to the network. 2. Each ASC will contain sufficient I/O capacity to control the target system. B. Environment. The hardware shall be suitable for the anticipated ambient conditions. Controller used in conditioned ambient spaces shall be mounted in ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 15 Sea Water Heat Pump Project NEMA 4 type rated enclosures. All controllers shall be rated for operation at 0 C to 50 C [32 F to 120 F]. C. Serviceability. Provide diagnostic LEDs for power and communications. All wiring connections shall be clearly labeled and made to be field removable. D. Memory. The Application Specific Controller shall maintain all BIOS and programming information in the event of a power loss for at least 90 days. E. Immunity to Power and noise. Controller shall be able to operate at 90% to 110% of nominal voltage rating and shall perform an orderly shutdown below 80%. F. Transformer. Power supply for the ASC must be rated at minimum of 125% of ASC power consumption, and shall be fused or current limiting type. G. Application Specific Controllers shall communicate using LonTalk. Controllers shall use FTT-10 transceivers. All communications shall follow LonMark profiles. ASCs which do not have a profile that applies must comply with LonMark standards, utilize SNVTs for all listed points, and be provided with a XIF file for self-documentation. 2.7 INPUT/OUTPUT INTERFACE A. Hard-wired inputs and outputs may tie into the system through Building, Custom, or Application Specific Controllers. B. All input points and output points shall be protected such that shorting of the point to itself, another point, or ground will cause no damage to the controller. All input and output points shall be protected from voltage up to 24V of any duration, such that contact with this voltage will cause no damage to the controller. C. Binary inputs shall allow the monitoring of on/off signals from remote devices. The binary inputs shall provide a wetting current of at least 12 mA to be compatible with commonly available control devices. D. Pulse accumulation input points. This type of point shall conform to all the requirements of Binary Input points, and also accept up to 3 pulses per second for pulse accumulation, and shall be protected against effects of contact bounce and noise. E. Analog inputs shall allow the monitoring of low voltage (0-10 Vdc), current (4-20 ma), or resistance signals (thermistor, RTD). Analog inputs shall be compatible with, and field configurable to commonly available sensing devices. F. Binary outputs shall provide for on/off operation. Terminal unit and zone control applications may use 2 outputs for drive-open, drive-close (tri-state) modulating control. G. Analog outputs shall provide a modulating signal for the control of end devices. Outputs shall provide either a 0-10 Vdc or a 4-20 ma signal as required to provide proper control of the output device. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 16 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 2.8 AUXILIARY CONTROL DEVICES A. Temperature Sensors 1. Temperature sensors shall be Resistance Temperature Device (RTD) or Thermistor. 2. Immersion sensors shall be provided with a separable stainless steel well. Pressure rating of well is to be consistent with the system pressure in which it is to be installed. B. Relays 1. Control relays shall be UL listed plug-in type with dust cover. Contact rating, configuration, and coil voltage suitable for application. 2. Time delay relays shall be UL listed solid-state plug-in type with adjustable time delay. Delay shall be adjustable plus or minus 200% (minimum) from set-point shown on plans. Contact rating, configuration, and coil voltage suitable for application. Provide IP 20 Type enclosure when not installed in local control panel. C. Transformers and Power Supplies 1. Control transformers shall be UL listed, Class 2 current-limiting type, or shall be furnished with over-current protection in both primary and secondary circuits for Class 2 service. 2. Unit output shall match the required output current and voltage requirements. Current output shall allow for a 50% safety factor. Output ripple shall be 70.0 mV maximum Peak-to-Peak. Regulation shall be 5% line and load combined, with 50 microsecond response time for 50% load changes. Unit shall have built-in over-voltage protection. 3. Unit shall operate between 0 C and 50 C. 4. Unit shall be UL recognized. LOCAL CONTROL PANELS A. All indoor control cabinets shall be fully enclosed IP 20 Type construction with hinged door, and removable sub-panels or electrical sub-assemblies. B. Interconnections between internal and face-mounted devices shall be pre-wired with color-coded stranded conductors neatly installed in plastic troughs and/or tie-wrapped. Terminals for field connections shall be UL listed for 600-volt service, individually identified per control/interlock drawings, with adequate clearance for field wiring. Control terminations for field connection shall be individually identified per control drawings. C. Provide on/off power switch with over-current protection for control power sources to each local panel. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 17 Sea Water Heat Pump Project PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.0 EXAMINATION A. The project plans shall be thoroughly examined for control device and equipment locations, and any discrepancies, conflicts, or omissions shall be reported to the Architect/Engineer for resolution before rough-in work is started. B. The contractor shall inspect the site to verify that equipment is installable as shown, and any discrepancies, conflicts, or omissions shall be reported to the Architect/Engineer for resolution before rough-in work is started. 3.1 PROTECTION A. The Contractor shall protect all work and material from damage by his/her work or workers, and shall be liable for all damage thus caused. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for his/her work and equipment until finally inspected, tested, and accepted. The Contractor shall protect his/her work against theft or damage, and shall carefully store material and equipment received on site that is not immediately installed. The Contractor shall close all open ends of work with temporary covers or plugs during storage and construction to prevent entry of foreign objects. 3.2 GENERAL WORKMANSHIP A. Install equipment, piping, wiring/conduit parallel to building lines (i.e. horizontal, vertical, and parallel to walls) wherever possible. B. Provide sufficient slack and flexible connections to allow for vibration of piping and equipment. C. Install all equipment in readily accessible location as defined by chapter 1 article 100 part A of the NEC. Control panels shall be attached to structural walls unless mounted in equipment enclosure specifically designed for that purpose. Panels shall be mounted to allow for unobstructed access for service. D. Verify integrity of all wiring to ensure continuity and freedom from shorts and grounds. E. All equipment, installation, and wiring shall comply with acceptable industry specifications and standards for performance, reliability, and compatibility and be executed in strict adherence to local codes and standard practices. 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. All work, materials and equipment shall comply with the rules and regulations of applicable local, state, and federal codes and ordinances as identified in Part 1 of this Section. B. Contractor shall continually monitor the field installation for code compliance and quality of workmanship. All visible piping and or wiring runs shall be installed parallel to building lines and properly supported. C. Contractor shall arrange for field inspections by local and/or state authorities having jurisdiction over the work. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 18 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 3.4 WIRING A. All control and interlock wiring shall comply with the national and local electrical codes and Division 16 of these specifications. Where the requirements of this section differ with those in Division 16, the requirements of this section shall take precedence. B. Where Class 2 wires are in concealed and accessible locations including ceiling return air plenums, approved cables not in raceway may be used provided that: 1. Circuits meet NEC Class 2 (current-limited) requirements. (Low-voltage power circuits shall be sub-fused when required to meet Class 2 current-limit.) 2. All cables shall be UL listed for application, i.e., cables used in ceiling plenums shall be UL listed specifically for that purpose. C. Do not install Class 2 wiring in conduit containing Class 1 wiring. Boxes and panels containing high voltage may not be used for low voltage wiring except for the purpose of interfacing the two (e.g. relays and transformers). D. Where class 2 wiring is run exposed, wiring shall be run parallel along a surface or perpendicular to it, and bundled, using approved wire ties at no greater than 3 m [10 ft] intervals. Such bundled cable shall be fastened to the structure, using specified fasteners, at 1.5 m [5 ft] intervals or more often to achieve a neat and workmanlike result. E. All wire-to-device connections shall be made at a terminal blocks or terminal strip. All wire-to wire connections shall be at a terminal block, or with a crimped connector. All wiring within enclosures shall be neatly bundled and anchored to permit access and prevent restriction to devices and terminals. F. Maximum allowable voltage for control wiring shall be 120V. If only higher voltages are available, the Control System Contractor shall provide step down transformers. G. All wiring shall be installed as continuous lengths, where possible. Any required splices shall be made only within an approved junction box or other approved protective device. H. Install plenum wiring in sleeves where it passes through walls and floors. Maintain fire rating at all penetrations in accordance with other sections of this specification and local codes. I. Size of conduit and size and type of wire shall be the design responsibility of the Control System Contractor, in keeping with the manufacturer's recommendation and NEC. J. Control and status relays are to be located in designated enclosures only. These relays may also be located within packaged equipment control panel enclosures. These relays shall not be located within Class 1 starter enclosures. K. Follow manufacturer's installation recommendations for all communication and network cabling. Network or communication cabling shall be run separately from other wiring. L. Adhere to Division 16 requirements for installation of raceway. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 19 Sea Water Heat Pump Project M. This Contractor shall terminate all control and/or interlock wiring and shall maintain updated (as-built) wiring diagrams with terminations identified at the job site. N. Liquid-tight, flexible conduits shall not exceed 3' in length and shall be supported at each end. Flexible conduit less than 1/2" electrical trade size shall not be used. In areas exposed to moisture, including chiller and boiler rooms, liquid-tight, flexible metal conduits shall be used. 3.5 INSTALLATION OF SENSORS A. Install sensors in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. B. Mount sensors rigidly and adequate for the environment within which the sensor operates. C. All pipe mounted temperature sensors shall be installed in wells. Install all liquid temperature sensors with heat conducting fluid in thermal wells. 3.6 ACTUATORS A. Mount and link valve actuators per manufacturer's instructions. 1. Check operation of actuator to confirm that actuator smoothly operates valve to both open and closed positions. 2. Valves - Actuators shall be mounted on valves with adapters approved by the actuator manufacturer. Actuators and adapters shall be mounted following manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Adjust valve open and closed position limit switches so that they accurately report valve position status. 3.7 WARNING LABELS A. Affix labels on each starter and equipment automatically controlled through the DDC System. Warning label shall indicate the following: CAUTION This equipment is operating under automatic control and may start or stop at any B. Affix labels to motor starters and control panels that are connected to multiple power sources utilizing separate disconnects. Labels shall indicate the following: ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 20 Sea Water Heat Pump Project CAUTION This equipment is fed from more than one power source with separate disconnects. Disconnect all power sources before servicing. 3.8 IDENTIFICATION OF HARDWARE AND WIRING A. All wiring and cabling, including that within factory-fabricated panels, shall be labeled at each end within 2" of termination with a cable identifier and other descriptive information. B. Permanently label or code each point of field terminal strips to show the instrument or item served. C. Identify control panels with minimum 1- D. Identify all other control components with permanent labels. Identifiers shall match record documents. All plug-in components shall be labeled such that removal of the component does not remove the label. 3.9 CONTROLLERS A. Provide a separate Controller for each major piece of equipment as shown on the drawings. A custom application controller may control more than one system provided that all points associated with that system are assigned to the same controller. Points used for control loop reset such as outside air or space temperature are exempt from this requirement. 3.10 PROGRAMMING A. Provide sufficient internal memory for the specified control sequences and trend logging. There shall be a minimum of 25% of available memory free for future use. B. Point Naming: System point names shall be modular in design, allowing easy operator interface without the use of a written point index. C. Software Programming 1. Provide programming for the system as written in the specifications and adhere to the sequence strategies provided. All other system programming necessary for the operation of the system but not specified in this document shall also be provided by the Control System Contractor. Imbed into any custom-written control programs sufficient comment statements or inherent flow diagrams to clearly describe each section of the program. The comment statements shall reflect the language used in the sequence of operations. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 21 Sea Water Heat Pump Project D. Operators' Interface 1. Standard Graphics. Provide graphics for each major piece of equipment and floor plan in the building. This includes each Chiller, Heat Exchanger and Pump. These standard graphics shall show all points dynamically as specified in the points list. 2. The controls contractor shall provide all the labor necessary to install, initialize, start-up, and trouble-shoot all operator interface software and their functions as described in this section. This includes any operating system software, the operator interface database, and any third party software installation and integration required for successful operation of the operator interface. 3. As part of this execution phase, the controls contractor will perform a complete test of the operator interface. Test duration shall be a minimum of 16 hours on-site. Tests shall be made in the presence of the Owner or Owner's representative. E. Demonstration: A complete demonstration and readout of the capabilities of the monitoring and control system shall be performed. The contractor shall dedicate a minimum of 16 hours on-site with the Owner and his representatives for a complete functional demonstration of all the system requirements. This demonstration constitutes a joint acceptance inspection, and permits acceptance of the delivered system for on-line operation. 3.11 CLEANING A. This contractor shall clean up all debris resulting from his or her activities daily. The contractor shall remove all cartons, containers, crates, etc. under his control as soon as their contents have been removed. Waste shall be collected and placed in a location designated by the Construction Manager or General Contractor. B. At the completion of work in any area, the Contractor shall clean all of his/her work, equipment, etc., making it free from dust, dirt and debris, etc. C. At the completion of work, all equipment furnished under this Section shall be checked for paint damage, and any factory finished paint that has been damaged shall be repaired to match the adjacent areas. Any metal cabinet or enclosure that has been deformed shall be replaced with new material and repainted to match the adjacent areas. 3.12 TRAINING A. Provide a minimum of one 8-hour classroom training session for personnel designated by the Owner. B. Train the designated staff of Owner's representative and Owner to enable them to proficiently operate the system; create, modify and delete programming; add, remove and modify physical points for the system, and perform routine diagnostic and troubleshooting procedures. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17510 - 22 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. Additional training shall be available in courses designed to meet objectives as divided into three logical groupings; participants may attend one or more of these, depending on the level of knowledge required: 1. Day-to-day Operators 2. Advanced Operators 3. System Managers/Administrators D. Provide course outline and materials as per Part 1 of this Section. The instructor(s) shall provide one copy of training material per student. E. The instructor(s) shall be factory-trained instructors experienced in presenting this material. F. Classroom training shall be done using a network of working controllers G. This training shall be made available in addition to the interactive audio-visual tutorial, provided with the system. 3.13 ACCEPTANCE A. The control systems will not be accepted as meeting the requirements of Completion until all tests described in this specification have been performed to the satisfaction of both the Engineer and Owner. Any tests that cannot be performed due to circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor may be exempt from the Completion requirements if stated as such in writing by the Owner's representative. Such tests shall then be performed as part of the warranty. -END OF SECTION - ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17200 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 17200 CONTROL PANELS PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. General: The CONTRACTOR shall provide control panels, complete and operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. The requirements of Section 17100 Process Control and Instrumentation Systems apply to this Section. C. The provisions of this Section apply to local panels provided in equipment systems specified in other sections, unless indicated otherwise in those sections. D. The panels shall be built to UL, ETL, or an independent testing laboratory acceptable to the local code enforcement agency having jurisdiction. The panels shall have UL or ETL labels attached to them by the panel builder. The panel builder shall provide with each panel a certification from the independent testing lab inspector that the panel is built to their standards. 1.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. General: Submittals shall be furnished in accordance with Section 01300 Contractor Submittals. B. Control Panel Engineering Submittal: The CONTRACTOR shall submit a control panel engineering submittal (CPES) for each control panel and enclosure provided under Division 17. The CPES shall completely define and document the construction, finish, fuses, circuit breakers, internally- mounted hardware, communications hardware, and control system components. All panel drawings shall, as a minimum, be "B" size with all data sheets and manufacturer specification sheets being "A" size. The submittal shall be in conformance with ISA-S20 Standard Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, Primary Elements and Control Valves, shall be submitted as a singular complete bound volume or multi-volume package within 60 calendar days after Notice to Proceed, and shall have the following contents: 1. A complete index shall appear in the front of each bound volume. All drawings and data sheets associated with a panel shall be grouped together with the panels being indexed by systems or process areas. All panel tagging and nameplate nomenclature shall be consistent with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 2. Scale construction drawings which define and quantify the type and gauge of steel to be used for panel fabrication, the ASTM grade to be used for structural shapes and straps, panel door locks and hinge mechanisms, type of bolts and bolt locations for section joining and anchoring, details and proposed locations for "UNISTRUT" members, stiffener materials and locations, electrical terminal box and outlet locations, electrical access locations, print ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17200 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project pocket locations, writing board locations, and lifting lug material and locations. 3. Cutout locations with nameplate identifications shall be shown. 4. The Contract Drawing wiring diagrams shall be edited to identify electrical devices, terminals, and interconnecting wiring. These diagrams shall show interconnecting wiring by lines, designate terminal assignments, and show the physical location of all electrical and control devices. 5. Completed ISA-S20 data sheets for all instrumentation devices associated with each control panel supplemented with manufacturer specification sheets which verify conformance to the requirements of the Contract Documents. 6. A bill of materials which enumerates all devices associated with the control panel. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Environmental Suitability: All indoor and outdoor control panels and instrument enclosures shall be suitable for operation in the ambient conditions associated with the locations designated in the Contract Documents. Heating, cooling, and dehumidifying devices shall be provided as shown on the Drawings in order to maintain all instrumentation devices 20 percent within the minimums and maximums of their rated environmental operating ranges. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all power wiring for these devices. Enclosures suitable for the environment shall be provided. All instrumentation in hazardous areas shall be suitable for use in the particular hazardous or classified location in which it is to be installed. B. Panel construction shall conform to Article 409 of the National Electric Code. C. The control panel controls shall preferably be 24 VDC, but may be 120 VAC. Control conductors shall be provided in accordance with the indicated requirements. D. Unless indicated otherwise, control panels shall be housed in NEMA 4- rated enclosures as shown on the Drawings. Control panels shall be either wall-mounted, pedestal-mounted or equipment skid-mounted, as indicated. Internal control components shall be mounted on an internal back-panel or side-panel as required. 1. All control or relay panels mounted above ground level shall be NEMA 4 unless otherwise shown. E. disconnecting fused terminal blocks or DIN rail mounted relays. Each control panel shall be provided with identified terminal strips for the ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17200 - 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project connection of all external conductors. The CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient terminal blocks as shown on the Drawings. F. Discrete outputs from the control panels shall be provided by electrically isolated contacts rated for 3 amps at 24 VDC or 5 amps at 120 VAC. G. All control panel mounted devices shall be provided as shown on the Drawings. H. Painting: Steel control panels shall be thoroughly cleaned and sand blasted per Steel Structures Painting Council Specification SSPC-SP-6 (Commercial Blast) after which surfaces shall receive a prime coat of Amercoat 185, or equal, 3-mils DFT, for a total thickness of the prime plus finish system of 6 mils. The finished color of the outside surfaces shall be ANSI 61 gray paint. Interior of the control panel, back-panel, and side-panels shall have a white finish coat. 2.2 CONTROL PANELS A. NEMA 4 1. Enclosures and Panels shall be as manufactured by Hoffman, or equal. B. Fabrication 1. Doors shall be flush-fitting, gasketed, and be of the hinged type with door handles. Screwdriver 1/4 turn or Dzus type fasteners are not acceptable. a. The flanged edges of all panels shall be straight and smooth. Corners shall be welded and ground smooth. b. The face of the panel shall be true and level after flanging. c. All panel cut-outs and holes may be cut or drilled by any standard method that does not cause deformation. Burrs shall be ground smooth. d. Adjacent panels shall assemble with faces flush. Gaps or cracks shall not be visible from the front of the assembled instrument board. e. Stiffeners shall be welded to the back of panels, as required to prevent panel deformation due to the weight of face- mounted instruments. f. Panels shall be self-supporting as defined below. C. Preparation of Panel Surface 1. The following requirements apply to the front and rear face of the panel, both sides and the edges of all flanges, and the periphery of all holes or cut-outs. a. All high spots, burrs, and rough spots shall be ground smooth. b. The surfaces shall be sanded or sandblasted to a smooth, clean, bright finish. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17200 - 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project c. All traces of oil shall be removed with a solvent. d. The first coat of primer shall be applied immediately. D. Instrument Finishing: The final coats applied to painted surface of instrument cases, doors, or bezels that are visible from the front of panels shall be manufacturer's standard, unless otherwise indicated. Black japan or "crinkle" finishes on instrument cases are not acceptable. E. Mounting of Instruments 1. The panel vendor shall provide cut-outs, and shall mount all instrument items indicated to be panel-mounted, including any instruments indicated to be furnished by other vendors but installed in the panel. 2. The panel vendor shall also mount behind the panels other instrument accessory items as required for functionality or as indicated. 3. Equipment mounted at the rear of panel shall be installed to allow for commissioning adjustments, servicing requirements, and cover removal. 4. Spare space shall be kept clear of wiring, etc., to give maximum space for future additions. F. Electrical Requirements 1. The CONTRACTOR shall provide conduit, wireways, switches, wire, and electrical fittings for all 24 VDC and 120 VAC circuits to instruments and other electrical devices as required for a complete and operable installation. 2. Conduit, wireways, junction boxes and fittings shall include those required between sensors and transmitters and between the junction boxes and instruments. 3. Each terminal connection shall have a plastic plate with a terminal and instrument tag number. Wiring shall be identified with stamped tubular wire end markers. 4. Wiring Methods: Wiring methods and materials for all panels shall be in accordance with the N.E.C. requirements for General Purpose (no open wiring) unless otherwise indicated. 5. Signal and Control Circuit Wiring a. Wire type and sizes: Conductor shall be flexible stranded copper wire, UL. Wires for instrument signal circuits and alarm input circuits shall be No. 16 AWG Type MTW rated for 300 volts. The analog cables between the controller I/O card and terminal strips shall be (8) conductor No. 18 AWG cable rated 300 volts for loop powered devices and 8-pair shielded No. 18 AWG cable rated 300 volts for 4-wire loops. requirements. b. Wire Insulation Colors: ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17200 - 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1) 120 VAC Power - Black 14 AWG minimum 2) 120 VAC Neutral - White 14 AWG minimum 3) 120 VAC Ground - Green 14 AWG minimum 4) 120 VAC Control - Red 14 AWG minimum 5) 120 VAC Foreign Power - Yellow 16 AWG minimum 6) 120 VAC Foreign Neutral - Yellow 16 AWG minimum 7) DC Positive - Blue 16 AWG minimum 8) DC Negative - White/Blue 16 AWG minimum All 120 VAC power wiring protected by the main circuit breaker and incoming power service shall be No. 12 AWG. c. Wire Marking: Wire numbers shall be marked using white numbered wire markers made from heat-shrink plastic. Wires shall be marked as shown on the Drawings. Numbers shall read from left to right. G. Labor and Workmanship: Panels shall be fabricated, piped, and wired by fully qualified workmen who are properly trained, experienced, and supervised. 2.3 MARKING A. Control panels shall be marked with the following information that is plainly visible after installation: 1. 2. Supply voltage 3. Name of the project and site 4. Enclosure rating PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Preparation for Shipment and Shipping 1. Panels shall be crated for shipment using a heavy framework and skids. Panel sections shall be cushioned to protect the finish of the instruments and panel during shipment. Instruments that are shipped with the panel shall further have suitable shipping stops and cushioning material installed to protect parts that could be damaged due to mechanical shock. Each separate panel unit shall be provided with removable lifting lugs to facilitate handling. 2. All control panel factory testing and inspection shall be performed prior to shipping. 3. Control panels shall be installed in accordance with Section 17100 Process Control and Instrumentation Systems. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17200 - 6 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 3.2 CONTROL PANEL SIGNAL AND CONTROL CIRCUIT WIRING A. Wiring Installation: All wires shall be run in plastic wireways except (1) field wiring, (2) wiring between mating blocks in adjacent sections, (3) wiring from components on a swing-out panel to components on a part of the fixed structure, and (4) wiring to panel-mounted components. Wiring run from components on a swing-out panel to other components on a fixed panel shall be made up in tied bundles. These bundles shall be tied with nylon wire ties and shall be secured to panels at both sides of the "hinge loop" so that conductors are not strained at the terminals. B. Wiring run to control devices on the front panels shall be tied together at short intervals with nylon wire ties and be secured to the inside face of the panel using adhesive mounts. C. Wiring to rear terminals on panel-mount instruments shall be in plastic wireways secured to horizontal brackets above or below the instruments in about the same plane as the rear of the instruments. D. Shop Drawings shall show conformance to the above wiring installation requirements. E. Wire Marking: Each signal, control, alarm, and indicating circuit conductor connected to a given electrical point shall be designated by a single unique number as shown on the Contract Drawings. These numbers shall be marked on all conductors at every terminal. 3.3 CALIBRATION, TESTING, AND INSTRUCTION A. General: Calibration, testing, and instruction shall be performed in accordance with Section 17100 Process Control and Instrumentation Systems. B. Inspection and Approval 1. Panel fabricator shall conduct the following tests prior to arrival of the ENGINEER or before shipment, if the ENGINEER chooses not to witness factory testing. a. All status, control, analog and alarm circuits rung out to determine their operability. b. All electrical power circuits checked for continuity and where applicable, operability. c. Any other test required to place the panel in an operating condition. 2. It shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to furnish all necessary testing devices and sufficient manpower to perform the tests required by the ENGINEER. 3. Field Testing: Each control panel shall be tested again for functional operation in the field after the connection of external conductors and prior to equipment startup. - END OF SECTION - ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17100 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 17100 PROCESS CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMS PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all Process Control and Instrumentation Systems (PCIS), complete and operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. The requirements of this Section apply to all components of the PCIS, unless indicated otherwise. C. Responsibilities 1. The CONTRACTOR, through the use of an Instrumentation Supplier, panel fabricator, and qualified electrical and mechanical installers, shall be responsible to the OWNER for the implementation of the PCIS and the integration of the PCIS with other required instrumentation and control devices. 2. Due to the complexities associated with the interfacing of numerous control system devices, it is the intent of these Specifications that the Instrumentation Supplier be responsible to the CONTRACTOR for the integration of the PCIS with devices provided under other sections, with the objective of providing a completely integrated control system free of signal incompatibilities. 3. As a minimum, the Instrumentation Supplier shall perform the following WORK: a. Implementation of the PCIS 1) prepare hardware submittals 2) prepare the test plan, the training plan, and the spare parts submittals 3) procure hardware 4) oversee and certify hardware installation 5) oversee, document, and certify loop testing 6) prepare Technical Manuals 7) prepare edited set of record drawings 4. Any Instrumentation Supplier responsibilities in addition to the list above are at the discretion of the CONTRACTOR and the Instrumentation Supplier. Additional requirements in this Section and throughout Division 17 which are stated to be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility may be performed by the ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17100 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project Instrumentation Supplier if the CONTRACTOR and Instrumentation Supplier so agree. D. Control System Supplier 1. Control System Supplier (CSS): The control system panel, and all other panels that have control system hardware or communication hardware within them, shall be fabricated by the CSS. The CSS shall perform the following work: a. Edit contract loop drawings and control panel designs to show any and all changes to the design. b. Test the panels at the factory. c. Fabricate and ship the panel. 2. CSS Qualifications: The CSS shall have the resources, space, and personnel needed to design and fabricate the panels. The CSS shall meet the following minimum qualifications: a. The CSS shall have been in the business of building panels and bonding the construction of these panels for at least 5 years. The bonding shall be under the name and ownership of the company fabricating the panels for this project. b. The CSS shall build the panels to UL standard 508A, shall be certified to build panels to UL standard 508A, and shall attach a UL label on all new panels, or the panel builder shall build to an equal standard, shall be certified to an equal standard, and shall attach a label to all new panels. 1.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 01300 Contractor Submittals and the following: 1. All equipment tags used in the submittals, O&M manuals, and field identification shall be the instrument tag shown on the drawings. 2. The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate the instrumentation work so that the complete instrumentation and control system will be provided and will be supported by accurate Shop Drawings and record drawings. 3. Exchange of Technical Information: During the period of preparation of these submittals, the CONTRACTOR shall authorize a direct, informal liaison with the ENGINEER for exchange of technical information. As a result of this liaison, certain minor refinements and revisions in the systems as indicated may be authorized informally by the ENGINEER, but will not alter the scope of work or cause increase or decrease in the Contract Price. During this informal exchange, no oral statement by the ENGINEER shall be construed to give approval of any component or method, nor shall any statement be construed to grant exception to or variation from these Contract Documents. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17100 - 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 4. Symbology and Nomenclature: In these Contract Documents, all systems, all meters, all instruments, and all other elements are represented schematically, and are designated by symbology as derived from Instrument Society of America Standard ANSI/ISA S5.1 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification. The nomenclature and numbers designated herein and on the Drawings shall be employed exclusively throughout Shop Drawings, and similar materials. No other symbols, designations, or nomenclature unique to the manufacturer's standard methods shall replace those prescribed above, used herein, or on the Drawings. B. Shop Drawings 1. General a. Shop Drawings shall include the letterhead or title block of the Instrumentation Supplier. The title block shall include, as a minimum, the Instrumentation Supplier's registered business name and address, project name, drawing name, revision level, and personnel responsible for the content of the drawing. The quantity of submittal sets shall be as indicated in Section 01300 Contractor Submittals. b. Organization of the Shop Drawing submittals shall be compatible with eventual submittals for later inclusion in the Technical Manual. c. Shop Drawing information shall be bound in standard size, three-ring, loose-leaf, vinyl plastic, hard cover binders suitable for bookshelf storage. One set of drawings for each facility is to be hung inside the control panel. The drawings are to be enclosed in PVC pockets suitable for hanging from a 3-ring binder, two drawings per pocket. The ring binder is to be attached to the inside of the front panel door. d. Interfaces between instruments, motor starters, control valves, variable speed drives, flow meters and other equipment related to the PCIS shall be included in the Shop Drawing submittal. 2. Hardware Submittal: The CONTRACTOR shall submit an hardware submittal as a complete bound package at one time within 60 calendar days after the commencement date stated in the Notice to Proceed, including: a. A complete index which lists each device by tag number, type, and manufacturer. A separate technical brochure or bulletin shall be included with each instrument data sheet (original documents only photocopies are not acceptable and will be rejected). The data sheets shall be indexed in the submittal by systems or loops, as a separate group for each system or loop. If, within a single system or loop, a single instrument is employed more than once, one data sheet with one brochure or bulletin may cover all identical ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17100 - 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project uses of that instrument in that system. Each brochure or bulletin shall include a list of tag numbers for which it applies. System groups shall be separated by labeled tags. b. Fully executed data sheets according to ISA-S20 Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, Primary Elements and Control Valves, for each component, together with a technical product brochure or bulletin. The technical product brochures shall be complete enough to verify conformance to all Contract Document requirements. The data sheets, as a minimum, shall show: 8) Component functional description used in the Contract Documents 9) Manufacturer's model number or other product designation 10) Project tag number used in the Contract Documents 11) Project system or loop of which the component is a part 12) Project location or assembly at which the component is to be installed 13) Input and output characteristics 14) Scale, range, units, and multiplier (if any) 15) Requirements for electric supply (if any) 16) Requirements for air supply (if any) 17) Materials of component parts to be in contact with or otherwise exposed to process media and corrosive ambient air 18) Special requirements or features c. Priced list of all spare parts for all devices. d. Instrument installation, mounting, and anchoring details shall be submitted in an electronic hard copy format. Each instrument shall have a dedicated 8-1/2-inch by 11-inch detail which only pertains to the specific instrument by tag number. Each detail shall be certified by the instrument manufacturer that the proposed installation is in accordance with the instrument manufacturer's recommendations and is fully warrantable. These certifications shall be embedded in the CAD files and also appear as a stamp on the hard ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17100 - 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project copies. As a minimum, each detail shall have the following contents: 19) Show all necessary sections and elevation views required to define instrument location by referencing tank, building or equipment names and numbers, and geographical qualities such as north, south, east, west, basement, first floor. 20) Process line pipe or tank size, service and material. 21) Process tap elevation and location. 22) Upstream and downstream straight pipe lengths between instrument installation and pipe fittings and valves. 23) Routing of tubing and identification of supports. 24) Mounting brackets, stands, and anchoring devices. 25) Conduit entry size, number, location, and delineation between power and signal. 26) NEMA ratings of enclosures and all components. 27) Clearances required for instrument servicing. 28) List itemizing all manufacturer makes, model numbers, quantities, lengths required, and materials of each item required to support the implementation of the detail. 3. Test Procedure Submittals a. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the proposed procedures to be followed during tests of the PCIS and its components. b. Preliminary Submittal: Outlines of the specific proposed tests and examples of proposed forms and checklists. C. Technical Manual 1. General: Information in the Technical Manual shall be based upon the approved Shop Drawing submittals as modified for conditions encountered in the field during the WORK. 2. The Technical Manual shall have the following organization for each process: a. Section C Edited As Built Drawings b. Section D Instrument Summary c. Section E Instrument Data Sheets ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17100 - 6 Sea Water Heat Pump Project d. Section G Instrument Installation Details e. Section H Test Results 3. Signed results from Loop Testing and FAT test. 4. Initially, two sets of draft Technical Manuals shall be submitted for review after return of favorably reviewed Shop Drawings and data required herein. Following the ENGINEER's review, one set will be returned to the CONTRACTOR with comments. The Manuals shall be revised and amended as required and the final Manuals shall be submitted 15 days prior to start-up of systems. D. Record Drawings 1. The CONTRACTOR shall keep current a set of complete loop and schematic diagrams which shall include all field and panel wiring, piping and tubing runs, routing, mounting details, point-to-point diagrams with cable, wire, tube and termination numbers. These drawings shall include all instruments and instrument elements. Two sets of drawings electronically formatted in AUTOCAD on CD- ROM and two hard copies shall be submitted after completion of all commissioning tasks. All such drawings shall be submitted for review prior to acceptance of the completed work by the OWNER. 1.3 WARRANTY A. The warranty shall start from the date of final acceptance of the completed project, and shall extend for 1 year. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Code and Regulatory Compliance: PCIS WORK shall conform to or exceed the applicable requirements of the National Electrical Code and local building codes. B. Current Technology: Meters, instruments, and other components shall be the most recent field-proven models marketed by their manufacturers at the time of submittal of the Shop Drawings, unless otherwise required to match existing equipment. C. Hardware Commonality: Instruments which utilize a common measurement principle (for example, d/p cells, pressure transmitters, level transmitters which monitor hydrostatic head) shall be furnished by a single manufacturer. Panel-mounted instruments shall have matching style and general appearance. Instruments performing similar functions shall be of the same type, model, or class, and shall be from a single manufacturer. D. Loop Accuracy: The accuracy of each instrumentation system or loop shall be determined as a probable maximum error; this shall be the square-root of the sum of the squares of certified "accuracies" of the designated components in each system, expressed as a percentage of the actual span or value of the measured variable. Each individual instrument ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17100 - 7 Sea Water Heat Pump Project shall have a minimum accuracy of plus and minus 2 percent of full scale and a minimum repeatability of plus and minus 1 percent of full scale when installed in the field, unless otherwise indicated. Instruments that do not conform to or improve upon these criteria are not acceptable. E. Instrument and Loop Power: Power requirements and input/output connections for all components shall be verified. Power for transmitted signals shall, in general, originate in and be supplied by the control panel devices. The use of "2-wire" transmitters is preferred, and use of "4-wire" transmitters shall be minimized. Individual loop or redundant power supplies shall be provided as required by the manufacturer's instrument load characteristics to ensure sufficient power to each loop component. Power supplies shall be mounted within control panels or in the field at the point of application. F. Loop Isolators and Converters: Signal isolators shall be provided as required to ensure adjacent component impedance match where feedback paths may be generated, or to maintain loop integrity during the removal of a loop component. Dropping precision wirewound resistors shall be installed at all field side terminations in the control panels to ensure loop integrity. Signal conditioners and converters shall be provided where required to resolve any signal level incompatibilities or provide required functions. G. Environmental Suitability: Indoor and outdoor control panels and instrument enclosures shall be suitable for operation in the ambient conditions associated with the locations designated in the Contract Documents. Heating, cooling, and dehumidifying devices shall be provided in order to maintain all instrumentation devices 20 percent within the minimums and maximums of their rated environmental operating ranges. The CONTRACTOR shall provide power wiring for these devices. Enclosures suitable for the environment shall be furnished. All instrumentation in hazardous areas shall be suitable for use in the particular hazardous or classified location in which it is to be installed. H. Signal Levels: Analog measurements and control signals shall be as indicated herein, and unless otherwise indicated, shall vary in direct linear proportion to the measured variable. Electrical signals outside control panels shall be 4 to 20 mA DC, except as indicated. Signals within enclosures may be 1-5 VDC. Electric signals shall be electrically or optically isolated from other signals. Pneumatic signals shall be 3 to 15 psig, with 3 psig equal to 0 percent, and 15 psig equal to 100 percent. I. Alternative Equipment and Methods: Equipment or methods requiring redesign of any project details are not acceptable without prior written approval of the ENGINEER through the "or equal" process of Section 01600 Products, Materials, Equipment, and Substitutions. Any proposal for approval of alternative equipment or methods shall include evidence of improved performance, operational advantage and maintenance enhancement over the equipment or method indicated, or shall include evidence that an indicated component is not available. To match existing equipment and future equipment being installed under other contracts, ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17100 - 8 Sea Water Heat Pump Project equipment substitutions for equipment specified as no equal will not be accepted. J. Instrument Brackets and Mounting Hardware: All instrument brackets and mounting hardware shall be stainless steel. 2.2 OPERATING CONDITIONS A. The PCIS shall be designed and constructed for satisfactory operation and long, low maintenance service under the following conditions: 1. Indoor Temperature Range - 32 through 84 degrees F 2. Relative Humidity - 20 through 90 percent, non-condensing 3. Seismic Zone 4 2.3 SPARE PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the following: 1. Spare parts as listed in equipment specifications in Division 17. B. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish a priced list of all special tools required to calibrate and maintain the instrumentation provided under the Contract Documents. After approval, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish tools on that list. C. Special tools and spare parts shall be submitted before startup commences, suitably wrapped and identified. PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.4 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Shipping Precautions: After completion of shop assembly, factory test, and approval, equipment, cabinets, panels, and consoles shall be packed in protective crates and enclosed in heavy-duty polyethylene envelopes or secured sheeting to provide complete protection from damage, dust, and moisture. Dehumidifiers shall be placed inside the polyethylene coverings. The equipment shall then be skid-mounted for final transport. Lifting rings shall be provided for moving without removing protective covering. Boxed weight shall be shown on shipping tags together with instructions for unloading, transporting, storing, and handling at the Site. B. Special Instructions: Special instructions for proper field handling, storage, and installation required by the manufacturer shall be securely attached to each piece of equipment prior to packaging and shipment. C. Tagging: Each component shall be tagged to identify its location, instrument tag number, and function in the system. A permanent stainless steel tag firmly attached and stamped with the instrument tag number, as given in the tabulation, shall be provided on each piece of equipment in the PCIS. Identification shall be prominently displayed on the outside of ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17100 - 9 Sea Water Heat Pump Project the package. The complete tag shall be the instrument drawing tag shown on the contract drawings. D. Storage: Equipment shall not be stored outdoors. Equipment shall be stored in dry, permanent shelters, including in-line equipment, and shall be adequately protected against mechanical injury. If any apparatus has been damaged, such damage shall be repaired by the CONTRACTOR. If any apparatus has been subject to possible injury by water, it shall be thoroughly dried out and put through tests as directed by the ENGINEER. If such tests reveal defects, the equipment shall be replaced. 3.5 INSTALLATION A. General 1. Instrumentation, including instrumentation furnished under other Divisions, shall be installed under Division 17 and the manufacturers' instructions. 2. Equipment Locations: The monitoring and control system configurations indicated are diagrammatic. The locations of equipment are approximate. The exact locations and routing of wiring and cables shall be governed by structural conditions and physical interferences and by the location of electrical terminations on equipment. Equipment shall be located and installed so that it will be readily accessible for operation and maintenance. Where job conditions require reasonable changes in approximated locations and arrangements, or when the OWNER exercises the right to require changes in location of equipment which do not impact material quantities or cause material rework, the CONTRACTOR shall make such changes without additional cost to the OWNER. B. Conduit, Cables, and Field Wiring 1. Conduit shall be provided under Division 16. 2. Process equipment control wiring, 4-20 mA signal circuits, signal wiring to field instruments, control panel input and output wiring and other field wiring and cables shall be provided under Division 16. 3. Network equipment cables, data highway communication networks shall be provided under Division 17. 4. Terminations and wire identification at PCIS equipment furnished under this or any other Division shall be provided under Division 17. C. Instrumentation Tie-Downs: Instruments, control panels, and equipment shall be anchored by methods that comply with seismic requirements applicable to the Site. D. Existing Instrumentation: Each existing instrument to be removed and reinstalled shall be cleaned, reconditioned, and recalibrated by an authorized service facility of the instrument manufacturer. The ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17100 - 10 Sea Water Heat Pump Project CONTRACTOR shall provide certification of this work prior to reinstallation of each instrument. E. Ancillary Devices: The Contract Documents show all necessary conduit and instruments required to make a complete instrumentation system. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for providing any additional or different type connections as required by the instruments and specific installation requirements. Such additions and such changes, including the proposed method of installation, shall be submitted to the ENGINEER for approval prior to commencing the WORK. Such changes shall not be a basis of claims for extra work or delay. F. Installation Criteria and Validation: Field-mounted components and assemblies shall be installed and connected according to the requirements below: 1. Installation personnel have been instructed on installation requirements of the Contract Documents. 2. Technical assistance is available to installation personnel at least by telephone. 3. Installation personnel have at least one copy of the approved Shop Drawings and data. 4. Instrument process sensing lines shall be installed under Section 15015 Piping and Tubing Systems. 5. Flexible cables and capillary tubing shall be installed in flexible conduits. The lengths shall be sufficient to withdraw the element for periodic maintenance. 6. Power and signal wires shall be terminated with crimped type lugs. 7. Connectors shall be, as a minimum, watertight. 8. Wires shall be mounted clearly with an identification tag that is of a permanent and reusable nature. 9. Wire and cable shall be arranged in a neat manner and securely supported in cable groups and connected from terminal to terminal without splices, unless specifically approved by the ENGINEER. Wiring shall be protected from sharp edges and corners. 10. Mounting stands and bracket materials and workmanship shall comply with requirements of the Contract Documents. 11. Verify the correctness of each installation, including polarity of electric power and signal connections, and make sure process connections are free of leaks. The CONTRACTOR shall certify in writing that discrepancies have been corrected for each loop or system checked out. 12. The OWNER will not be responsible for any additional cost of rework attributable to actions of the CONTRACTOR or the Instrumentation Supplier. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17100 - 11 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 3.6 CALIBRATION A. General: Devices provided under Division 17 shall be calibrated according to the manufacturer's recommended procedures to verify operational readiness and ability to meet the indicated functional and tolerance requirements. B. Calibration Points: Each instrument shall be calibrated at 20, 60, and 100 percent of span using test instruments to simulate inputs. The test instruments shall have accuracies traceable to National Institute of Testing Standards. C. Bench Calibration: Instruments that have been bench-calibrated shall be examined in the field to determine whether any of the calibrations are in need of adjustment. Such adjustments, if required, shall be made only after consultation with the ENGINEER. D. Field Calibration: Instruments that were not bench-calibrated shall be calibrated in the field to insure proper operation in accordance with the instrument loop diagrams or specification data sheets. E. Analyzer Calibration: Each analyzer system shall be calibrated and tested as a workable system after installation. Testing procedures shall be directed by the manufacturers' technical representatives. Samples and sample gases shall be furnished by the manufacturers. F. Calibration Sheets: Each instrument calibration sheet shall provide the following information and a space for sign-off on individual items and on the completed unit: 1. Project name 2. Loop number 3. Tag number 4. Manufacturer 5. Model number 6. Serial number 7. Calibration range 8. Calibration data: Input, output, and error at 20 percent, 60 percent and 100 percent of span 9. Switch setting, contact action, and deadband for discrete elements 10. Space for comments 11. Space for sign-off by Instrumentation Supplier and date 12. Test equipment used and associated serial numbers G. Calibration Tags: A calibration and testing tag shall be attached to each piece of equipment or system at a location determined by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall have the Instrumentation Supplier sign the tag when calibration is complete. The ENGINEER will sign the tag when the calibration and testing has been accepted. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17100 - 12 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 3.7 LOOP TESTING A. General: Individual instrument loop diagrams per ISA Standard S5.4 - Instrument Loop Diagrams, expanded format, shall be submitted to the ENGINEER for review prior to the loop tests. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER of scheduled tests a minimum of 30 days prior to the estimated completion date of installation and wiring of the PCIS. After the ENGINEER's review of the submitted loop diagrams for correctness and compliance with the Specifications, loop testing shall proceed. The loop check shall be witnessed by the ENGINEER. B. Control Valve Tests: Control valves, cylinders, drives and connecting linkages shall be stroked from the operator interface units as well as local control devices and adjusted to verify proper control action, hand switch action, limit switch settings, torque settings, remote control actions, and remote feedback of valve status and position. Control valve actions and positioner settings shall be checked with the valves in place to insure that no changes have occurred since the bench calibration. C. Instrument and Instrument Component Validation: Each instrument shall be field-tested, inspected, and adjusted to its indicated performance requirement in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and instructions. Any instrument which fails to meet any Contract requirement, or, in the absence of a Contract requirement, any published manufacturer performance specification for functional and operational parameters, shall be repaired or replaced, at the discretion of the ENGINEER and at the D. Loop Validation: Controllers and electronic function modules shall be field-tested and exercised to demonstrate correct operation of the hardware and wiring. Control loops shall be checked under simulated operating conditions by impressing input signals at the primary control elements and observing appropriate responses at register in the control processor. Actual signals shall be used wherever available. Following any necessary corrections, the loops shall be retested. E. Loop Validation Sheets: The CONTRACTOR shall prepare loop confirmation sheets for each loop covering each active instrumentation and control device including simple hand switches and lights. Loop confirmation sheets shall form the basis for operational tests and documentation. Each loop confirmation sheet shall cite the following information and shall provide spaces for sign-off on individual items and on the complete loop by the Instrumentation Supplier: 1. Project name 2. Loop number 3. Tag number, description, manufacturer and model number for each element 4. Installation bulletin number 5. Specification sheet number ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 17100 - 13 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 6. Adjustment check 7. Space for comments 8. Space for loop sign-off by Instrumentation Supplier and date 9. Space for ENGINEER witness signature and date F. Loop Certifications: When installation tests have been successfully completed for all individual instruments and all separate analog control networks, a certified copy of each test form signed by the ENGINEER or the ENGINEER's representative as a witness, with test data entered, shall be submitted to the ENGINEER together with a clear and unequivocal statement that the instrumentation has been successfully calibrated, inspected, and tested. 3.8 PERFORMANCE TEST A. The entire PCIS hardware, field instruments, power supplies, and wiring shall operate for 30 days without failure. B. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish support staff as required to satisfy the repair or replacement requirements. C. If any component, other than field instruments, fails during the performance test, it shall be repaired or replaced and the PCIS shall be restarted for another 30-day period. 3.9 REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. For the purpose of this Section, the following conditions shall be fulfilled before the WORK is considered substantially complete: 1. Submittals have been completed and approved. 2. The PCIS has been installed, calibrated, and loop tested. 3. Spare parts and expendable supplies and test equipment have been delivered to the ENGINEER. 4. The performance test has been successfully completed. 5. Punch-list items have been corrected. 6. Record drawings in both hard copy and electronic format have been submitted. 7. Revisions to the Technical Manuals that may have resulted from the field tests have been made and reviewed. 8. Debris associated with installation of instrumentation has been removed. 9. Probes, elements, sample lines, transmitters, tubing, and enclosures have been cleaned and are in like-new condition. - END OF SECTION - ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16950 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 16950 ELECTRICAL TESTS PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. This Section specifies the WORK necessary to test, commission, and demonstrate that the electrical WORK satisfies the criteria of these Specifications and functions as required by the Contract Documents. B. The requirements of Section 16050 Electrical Work, General, apply to the WORK of this Section. 1.2 TESTING A. The following test requirements supplement test and acceptance criteria that may be stated elsewhere. 1. Demonstrate that power monitor is functional. 2. Demonstrate mechanical and/or electrical interlocking by attempting to subvert the intended sequence. 3. Cable Testing: 480-volt circuits shall be tested for insulation resistance with a 1000-volt megohm meter. Testing shall be done after the 480-volt equipment is terminated. Control and signal wires shall be tested for continuity and resistance to ground. 4. A functional test and check of all electrical components is required prior to performing subsystem testing and commissioning. Compartments and equipment shall be cleaned as required by other provisions of these Specifications before commencement of functional testing. Functional testing shall comprise: a. Visual and physical check of cables, circuit breakers, transformers and connections associated with each item of new and modified equipment. b. Circuit breakers that have adjustable time or pick-up settings for ground current, instantaneous overcurrent, short-time overcurrent, or long-time overcurrent, shall be field-adjusted by a representative of the circuit breaker manufacturer. Setting shall be tabulated and proven for each circuit breaker in its installed position. Test results shall be certified by the person performing the tests and be transmitted to the ENGINEER. B. Subsystem testing shall occur after the proper operation of alarm and status contacts has been demonstrated or otherwise accepted by the ENGINEER and after process control devices have been adjusted as accurately as possible. It is intended that the CONTRACTOR will adjust limit switches and level switches to their operating points prior to testing and will set pressure switches, flow switches, and timing relays as dictated by operating results. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16950 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. After initial settings have been completed, each subsystem shall be operated in the manual mode and it shall be demonstrated that operation is in compliance with the Contract Documents. Once the manual mode of operation has been proven, automatic operation shall be demonstrated to verify such items as proper start and stop sequence of pumps, proper operation of valves, proper speed control, etc. D. Motor operated valves shall be tested after having been phased and tested for correct motor rotation and after travel and torque limit switches have been adjusted by a representative of the valve manufacturer. Tests shall verify status indication, proper valve travel, and correct command control from local and remote devices. E. Subsystems shall be defined as individual and groups of pumps, valves, meters, etc. F. General: Carry out tests indicated herein for individual items of materials and equipment in other Sections. PART - 2 PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART - 3 EXECUTION (Not Used) - END OF SECTION - ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16480 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 16480 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL CENTERS PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. The Contractor shall furnish and install the motor control centers as specified herein and as shown on the contract drawings. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Sections 16460 Adjustable Frequency Drives 1.3 REFERENCES A. The Motor Control Centers and all components shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest applicable standards of NEMA, ANSI and UL 845. 1.4 SUBMITTALS FOR REVIEW/APPROVAL A. The following information shall be submitted to the Engineer: 1. Master drawing index 2. Front view elevation 3. Floor plan 4. Top view 5. Unit wiring diagrams 6. Nameplate schedule 7. Starter and component schedule 8. Conduit entry/exit locations 9. Assembly ratings including: a. Short-circuit rating b. Voltage c. Continuous current 10. Major component ratings including: a. Voltage b. Continuous current c. Interrupting ratings 11. Cable terminal sizes 12. Product data sheets B. Where applicable the following information shall be submitted to the Engineer: ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16480 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1. Busway connection 2. Connection details between close-coupled assemblies 3. Key interlock scheme drawing and sequence of operations 1.5 SUBMITTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION A. The following information shall be submitted for record purposes: 1. Final as-built drawings and information for items listed in Paragraph 1.04, and shall incorporate all changes made during the manufacturing process 2. Unit wiring diagrams 3. Certified production test reports 4. Installation information 5. Seismic certification and equipment anchorage details as specified 1.6 QUALIFICATIONS A. The manufacturer of the assembly shall be the manufacturer of the major components within the assembly. B. For the equipment specified herein, the manufacturer shall be ISO 9001 or 9002 certified. C. The manufacturer of this equipment shall have produced similar electrical equipment for a minimum period of five (5) years. When requested by the Engineer, an acceptable list of installations with similar equipment shall be provided demonstrating compliance with this requirement. D. Provide Seismic tested equipment as follows: 1. The equipment and major components shall be suitable for and certified to meet all applicable seismic requirements of the International Building Code (IBC) for zone 4 application. Guidelines for the installation consistent with these requirements shall be provided by the switchgear manufacturer and be based upon testing of representative equipment. The test response spectrum shall be based upon a 5% minimum damping factor, IBC: a peak of - equipment. The tests shall fully envelop this response spectrum for all equipment natural frequencies up to at least 35 Hz. 2. The following minimum mounting and installation guidelines shall be met, unless specifically modified by the above referenced standards. a. The Contractor shall provide equipment anchorage details, coordinated with the equipment mounting provision, prepared and stamped by a licensed civil engineer in the state. Mounting recommendations shall be provided by the manufacturer based upon approved shake table tests used to verify the seismic design of the equipment. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16480 - 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project b. The equipment manufacturer shall certify that the equipment can withstand, that is, function following the seismic event, including both vertical and lateral required response spectra as specified in above codes. c. The equipment manufacturer shall document the requirements necessary for proper seismic mounting of the equipment. Seismic qualification shall be considered achieved when the capability of the equipment, meets or exceeds the specified response spectra. 1.7 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. The motor control centers shall bear a UL label. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. instructions. One (1) copy of these instructions shall be included with the equipment at time of shipment. 1.9 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Equipment operation and maintenance manuals shall be provided with each assembly shipped and shall include instruction leaflets, instruction bulletins and renewal parts lists where applicable, for the complete assembly and each major component. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Eaton/Cutler-Hammer B. The listing of specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. Products in compliance with the specification and manufactured by others not named will be considered only if pre-approved by the Engineer ten (10) days prior to bid date. 2.2 RATINGS A. The Motor Control Center(s) shall be 600-volt class suitable for operation on a three-phase, 60 Hz system. The system operating voltage and number of wires shall be as indicated on the drawings. 2.3 CONSTRUCTION A. Motor Control Center(s) shall be equal to Cutler-Hammer type F2100 design. B. Structures shall be totally enclosed, dead-front, free-standing assemblies. They shall be 90 inches high and 16 inches deep for front-mounted units and 21 inches deep for back-to-back mounted units. Structures shall ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16480 - 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project contain a horizontal wireway at the top 9 inches tall, isolated from the horizontal bus via metal barriers and shall be readily accessible through a hinged cover. Structures shall also contain a horizontal wireway at the bottom 9 inches tall that is open to the full rear of the structure. Adequate space for conduit and wiring to enter the top or bottom shall be provided without structural interference. C. Compartments for mounting control units shall be incrementally arranged such that not more than six (6) Size 1 starters for front-mounted only can be mounted within each vertical structure. Guide rails shall be provided. D. A vertical wireway with minimum of 35 square inches of cross-sectional area shall be adjacent to each vertical unit and shall be covered by a hinged door. Wireways shall contain steel rod cable supports. E. All full voltage starter units through NEMA Size 5 and all feeder breakers through 400 Amp shall be of the draw-out type. Draw-out provisions shall include a positive guide rail system and stab shrouds to absolutely ensure alignment of stabs with the vertical bus. Draw-out units shall have a tin- plated stab assembly for connection to the vertical bus. No wiring to these stabs shall extend outside of the draw-out unit bus. Interior of all units shall be painted white for increased visibility. Units shall be equipped with side-mounted, positive latch pull-apart type control terminal blocks rated 600 volts. Knockouts shall be provided for the addition of future terminal blocks. All control wire to be 14 gauge minimum. F. All draw-out units shall be secured by a spring-loaded, quarter turn, indicating type fastening device located at the top front of the unit. With the exception of the dual-mounted units, each unit compartment shall be provided with an individual front door. G. An operating mechanism shall be mounted on the primary disconnect of each starter unit. It shall be mechanically interlocked with the unit door to shall be provided to bypass this interlock. With the door open, an interlock shall be provided to prevent inadvertent closing of the disconnect. A second interlock shall be provided to prevent removal or reinsertion of the ties shall be provided to padlocks with the door open or closed. In addition, means shall be provided to padlock the unit in a partially withdrawn position with the stabs free of the vertical bus. 2.4 BUS A. Each structure shall contain a main horizontal tin-plated copper bus, with minimum ampacity of 600 amperes. The horizontal bus shall be rated at 65 degrees C temperature rise over a 40 degrees C ambient in compliance with UL standards. Vertical bus feeding unit compartments shall be tin-plated copper and shall be securely bolted to the horizontal main bus. All joints shall be front-accessible for ease of maintenance. The vertical bus shall have a minimum rating of 300 amperes for front-mounted units. Both vertical and horizontal bus shall be fully rated; but shall not be ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16480 - 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project tapered. Vertical bus shall not be reduced rated via center feeding, and be fully rated, top and bottom, from centerline bus. B. The vertical bus shall be completely isolated and insulated by means of a labyrinth design barrier. It shall effectively isolate the vertical buses to prevent any fault-generated gases to pass from one phase to another. The vertical bus shall include a shutter mechanism that will allow the unit stabs to engage the vertical bus every 6 inches and provide complete isolation of the vertical bus when a unit is removed. C. Buses shall be braced for 65,000 amperes RMS symmetrical. D. A tin-plated copper ground bus shall be furnished firmly secured to each vertical section structure and shall extend the entire length of the motor control center. The ground bus shall be located in the top horizontal wireway. 2.5 WIRING/TERMINATIONS A. Wiring shall be NEMA Class I, Type B. 2.6 MOTOR CONTROLLERS A. Combination starter units shall be full-voltage non-reversing, unless otherwise shown, and shall utilize Cutler-Hammer type HMCP Motor Circuit Protectors. 1. Each combination unit shall be rated 65,000 AIC symmetrical at 480 Volt. The HMCP shall provide adjustable magnetic protection and be adjustable to 1700% motor nameplate full load current to comply with NEC requirements. All HMCP combination starter units -to- test button on the HMCP. Type HMCP motor circuit protectors through size 4 shall include transient override feature for motor inrush current. B. Motor Starters 1. Magnetic starters through NEMA Size 9 shall be equipped with double-break silver alloy contacts. The starter must have straight- through wiring. Each starter shall have a minimum of one (1) normally open auxiliary contact 2. Coils shall be of molded construction through NEMA Size 9. All coils to be color-coded through size 5 and permanently marked with voltage, frequency and part number 3. Solid-State Overload Relay a. Provide a solid-state overload relay for protection of the motors. The relay shall be Cutler-Hammer type CEP7 with Modbus communications capability or approved equal. b. The overload relay shall provide high accuracy through the use of state-of-the-art microelectronic packaging technology. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16480 - 6 Sea Water Heat Pump Project The relay shall be suitable for application with NEMA Size 1 through Size 7 motor starters. c. The overload relay shall be modular in design, be an integral part of a family of relays to provide a choice of levels of protection, be designed to directly replace existing electromechanical overload relays, and be listed under UL Standard 508. d. The overload relay shall have the following features: 1). Self-powered 2). Class 10 or 20 fixed tripping characteristics 3). Manual or automatic reset 4). Phase loss protection. The relay shall trip in 2 seconds or less under phase loss condition when applied to a fully loaded motor 5). Visible trip indication 6). One normally open and one normally closed isolated auxiliary contact 7). Test button that operates the normally closed contact 8). Test trip function that trips both the normally and normally closed contacts 9). A current adjustment range of 3.2:1 or greater 10). Ambient temperature compensated 11). Modbus communications capability. All necessary wiring and/or programming shall be provided such running, fault, H-O-A stop/start are available though the Modbus network. 4. NEMA Size 00 through 2 starters shall be suitable for the addition of at least six (6) external auxiliary contacts of any arrangement normally open or normally closed. Size 3 through 8 starters shall be suitable for the addition of up to eight (8) external auxiliary contacts of any arrangement normally open or normally closed 5. Motor starters shall be Cutler-Hammer FREEDOM Series or approved equal C. Each starter shall be equipped with a fused control power transformer, two (2) indicating lights, Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) selector switch, and two (2) normally open contacts, unless otherwise scheduled on the drawings. A unit-mounted device panel shall have space to accommodate six (6) 30 mm oil-tight pilot-control devices or indicating ammeters, voltmeters, or elapsed time meters. In order to improve maintenance capabilities, the device panel shall withdraw with the unit. Door-mounted pilot devices are not acceptable. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16480 - 7 Sea Water Heat Pump Project D. Adjustable frequency drives shall be provided in MCC(s) where scheduled. Adjustable frequency drives shall be Cutler-Hammer type SVX 9000 for variable or constant torque loads. Drives for variable torque loads shall be rated a minimum of 110% over-current for one (1) minute. Drives larger than 1horsepower shall have identical keypads, control terminals and programmable parameters. Drives shall be capable of providing 200% starting torque. Drives over 150 horsepower shall be located next to the main section to reduce bus loading and heating. All controllers shall be combination type and shall include options as specified. Drives shall have communication cards capable of communication LonWorks. Drives shall be capable of using a V/Hz, open loop vector, or closed loop vector control architecture. 2.7 OVERCURRENT DEVICES A. Circuit Breakers 1. Individual feeder breakers shall have a minimum interrupting capacity of 65 kAIC at rated voltage or as scheduled on the drawings 2.8 NETWORK DEVICES A. Motor Control Center assemblies shall be provided with factory assembled LonWorks and Modbus communications networks providing direct connectivity between MCC devices and the Heat Pump system controller and/or HMI. B. The LonWorks and Modbus systems installed in the MCC shall include a complete and tested cabling system compliant and approved by the network standard. The cabling system shall consist of cabling including all splice and tap connectors and terminating resistors. The cabling shall be 600 Volt insulation and include electrical shielding as per the standard specification. C. LonWorks and Modbus communications modules shall be provided at each device interfacing to the associated network. The communications modules shall be installed in the unit device compartment or bucket, and shall be direct-connected to the network cable. Each device shall be provided with the appropriate factory fabricated cable for interfacing the communications module with the associated network device. D. Port expanders shall be provided where required to permit multiple device communications. The port expander shall be installed in the associated unit device compartment. E. A Modbus to LonWorks converter (gateway) shall be provided to allow those devices within the MCC that do not have LonWorks communications capability, but do have Modbus communications capability the ability to communicate on the LonWorks network. Devices include the across-the- line starters and the power monitor. Gateway shall be Echelon model 72101R-430i.Lon Smart Server. Provide all programming and addressing as required. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16480 - 8 Sea Water Heat Pump Project F. As a minimum, the LonWorks network shall be able to read and report the following: motor starter/VFD status running, fault, H-O-A position; VFD three-phase current, speed; power monitor three-phase voltage and current, kW, kWH, kW demand, VA, VAR and power factor. 2.9 INCOMING FEEDER TERMINATIONS AND DEVICE A. Incoming cable shall terminate within the control center on a main lug termination point. Main lug terminations shall have adequate dedicated space for the type and size of cable used and the lugs shall be standard mechanical screw with anti-turn feature. 2.10 OWNER METERING A. Where indicated on the drawings, provide a separate, owner metering compartment with front hinged door. B. Provide as a minimum of three (3) current transformers for each meter. Current transformers shall be wired to shorting-type terminal blocks. C. Provide fused potential taps as the potential source for metering. D. Provide Microprocessor-Based Metering System per paragraph 2.14. 2.11 ENCLOSURES A. The type of enclosure shall be in accordance with NEMA standards for type 2 drip-proof. All enclosing sheet steel, wireways and unit doors shall be gasketed. 2.12 NAMEPLATES A. Each unit will have a 1.0 x 2.5-inch engraved nameplate. The lettering shall be 3/16-inch high, black on a white background. 2.13 FINISH A. The control center shall be given a phosphatizing pretreatment. The paint coating shall be a polyester urethane, thermosetting powder paint. ed. All structural steel and panels will be painted. B. The control center finish shall pass 600 hours of corrosion-resistance testing per ASTM B 117. 2.14 MICROPROCESSOR-BASED METERING EQUIPMENT A. Provide a digital line Meter Monitor device equal to Cutler-Hammer IQ 200 Series having the features and functions specified below. In addition, the device shall meet the accuracy portion of ANSI C12.16 Class 10 for revenue metering. The device shall consist of a single microprocessor- based unit capable of monitoring and displaying the functions listed below with the accuracy indicated. The device shall have the capability to communicate data via a ModBus twisted pair network. The device shall be ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16480 - 9 Sea Water Heat Pump Project UL listed, cUL, CSA and CE certified and also meet ANSI standard C37.90.1 for surge withstand B. The device display shall mount in a standard DIN 96 mm x 96 mm square cutout or a standard ANSI round 100 mm cutout and shall offer a display via a standard Category 5 cable. The meter base shall be capable of being remote panel or DIN-rail mountable or mounting directly to the display. The membrane faceplate shall be designed and tested to allow mounting in NEMA 1, NEMA 12 or NEMA 3R enclosures. The device display shall be a 4 x 20 character LED backlit LCD display to allow simultaneous viewing of multiple parameters C. All monitored parameters shall be viewable at the display or via network communications. The meter shall be completely programmable using the display keypad or via network communications. All set points and recorded minimum and maximums shall be stored in non-volatile memory D. Metered Values shall be as follows with accuracy in percent of full scale as indicated: 1. Ac Phase Amperes +/- 0.5% 2. Ac Phase Voltage +/- 0.5% 3. Watts +/- 1.0% 4. VA +/- 1.0% 5. Vars +/- 1.0% 6. Power Factor +/- 2.0% 7. Frequency +/- 0.1 Hz 8. Watthours +/- 1.0% 9. Varhours +/- 1.0% 10. VA hours +/- 1.0% 11. Watt Demand with 10-, 15-, 20-, 25-, 30-, 45-, 60-minute interval 12. Voltage minimum/maximum 13. Current minimum/maximum 14. Power minimum/maximum 15. Power Factor minimum/maximum 16. Frequency minimum/maximum 17. Peak Demand E. Input ranges of the device shall accommodate external current transformers with ranges from 5/5 through 8000/5 amperes. Provide external current transformers with rating as indicated on the drawings. Fused potential transformers shall be internal for voltages up to 600 volts. For voltages above 600 volts, provide fused external potential transformers to measure phase-to phase and phase-to-neutral/ground voltages ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16480 - 10 Sea Water Heat Pump Project F. Control power shall be capable of being supplied from the monitored incoming ac line without the need for a separate ac supply control circuit or from a separate remote power source (90 to 600 Vac or 48 to 250 Vdc) as shown on the drawings G. A solid-state relay KYZ pulse output shall be provided for use with a watthour pulse recorder or totalizer PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 FACTORY TESTING A. Representative motor control centers shall have been tested in a high- power laboratory to prove adequate mechanical and electrical capabilities. B. All factory tests required by the latest ANSI, NEMA and UL standards shall be performed. C. A certified test report of all standard production tests shall be available to the Engineer upon request. 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Provide the services of a qualified factory- representative to assist the contractor in installation and startup of the shall provide technical direction and assistance to the Contractor in general assembly of the equipment, connections and adjustments, and testing of the assembly and components contained therein. B. The following minimum work shall be performed by the Contractor under 1. Rig the MCC assembly into final location and install on level surface 2. Check all removable cells and starter units for easy removal and insertion 3. Perform insulation tests on each phase and verify low-resistance ground connection on ground bus 4. Connect all power, control and network wiring and verify basic operation of each starter from control power source 5. Torque all bolted connections made in the field and verify all factory bolted connections 6. Calibrate any solid-state metering or control relays for their intended purpose and make written notations of adjustments on record drawings. Perform startup of any solid-state starters and adjustable frequency drives C. startup report. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16480 - 11 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 3.3 FICATION A. A qualified factory-trained manufac writing that the equipment has been installed, adjusted and tested in be inspected prior to the generation of any reports. B. The Contractor shall prov 3.4 TRAINING A. representatives for 1 normal workday at the job site or other office location chosen by the owner. B. session. C. The training program shall consist of the following: 1. Review of the MCC one-line drawings and schedules 2. Review of the factory record shop drawings and placement of the various cells 3. Review of each type of starter cell, components within, control, and power wiring 4. Review contactor coil replacement and contact replacement procedures 5. Discuss the maintenance timetable and procedures to be followed in an ongoing maintenance program 6. Provide three-ring binders to participants complete with copies of drawings and other course material covered 3.5 EXAMINATION A. Contractor shall fully inspect shipments for damage and report damage to manufacturer and file claim upon shipper, if necessary. B. Contractor shall verify that overload relay settings are properly adjusted and coordinated for each motor starter unit. C. Contractor shall verify NEC clearances as dictated on the contract drawings prior to installation. Verify UL labeling of the assembly prior to installation. 3.6 INSTALLATION A. Contractor shall follow the installation instructions supplied by the manufacturer. B. Control wiring shall be as shown on the contract drawings except as modified by the approval and submittal process. Interface all local and remote devices into the control wiring and operational systems for each load. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16480 - 12 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. Shown on the contract drawing, Contractor is to provide all LonWorks and ModBus cabling connections external to the MCC. 3.7 FIELD ADJUSTMENTS A. The Contractor shall perform field adjustments of the short circuit and overload devices as required to place the equipment in final operating condition. 3.8 FIELD TESTING A. Contractor is responsible for generation of a field report on tests performed, test values experienced, etc., and make the report available to owner upon request. - END OF SECTION - ASLC-YCE/EDC 11/30/10 16465 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 16465 DRY-TYPE TRANSFORMERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Sup- plementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 DESCRIPTION A. This Section includes the following types of dry-type transformers rated 600 V and less, with capacities up to 1000 kVA: 1. Distribution transformers. 2. Buck-boost transformers. 3. Control and signal transformers. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data Include rated nameplate data, capacities, weights, dimensions, minimum clearances, installed devices and features, and performance for each type and size of transformer indicated. B. Shop Drawings: Wiring and connection diagrams. C. Manufacturer Seismic Qualification Certification: Submit certification that transformer assembly and components will withstand seismic forces defined in Division 16. Include the following: 1. Basis for Certification: Indicate whether withstand certification is based on actual test of assembled components or on calculation. a. The term "withstand" means "the unit will remain in place without sepa- ration of any parts from the device when subjected to the seismic forces specified." b. The term "withstand" means "the unit will remain in place without sepa- ration of any parts from the device when subjected to the seismic forces specified and the unit will be fully operational after the seismic event." 2. Dimensioned Outline Drawings of Equipment Unit: Identify center of gravi- ty and locate and describe mounting and anchorage provisions. 3. Detailed description of equipment anchorage devices on which the certifi- cation is based and their installation requirements. D. Source quality-control test reports. E. Output Settings Reports: Record of tap adjustments specified in Part 3. ASLC-YCE/EDC 11/30/10 16465 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as de- fined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with IEEE C 57.12.91. C. Energy-Efficient Transformers Rated 15 kVA and Larger: Certified as meet- ing NEMA TP 1, Class 1 efficiency levels when tested according to NEMA TP 2. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Temporary Heating: Apply temporary heat according to manufacturer's writ- ten instructions within the enclosure of each ventilated-type unit, throughout periods during which equipment is not energized and when transformer is not in a space that is continuously under normal control of temperature and hu- midity. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. Acme Electric Corporation; Power Distribution Products Division. 2. Challenger Electrical Equipment Corp.; a division of Eaton Corp. 3. Computer Power Inc. 4. Controlled Power Co. 5. Cutler-Hammer. 6. Federal Pacific Transformer Company; Division of Electro-Mechanical Corp. 7. GE Electrical Distribution & Control. 8. Hammond Co.; Matra Electric, Inc. 9. MagneTek. 10. Micron Industries Corp. 11. Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. 12. Sola/Hevi-Duty Electric. 13. Square D/Groupe Schneider NA. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Description: Factory-assembled and -tested, air-cooled units for 60-Hz ser- vice. B. Cores: Grain-oriented, non-aging silicon steel. C. Coils: Continuous windings without splices, except for taps. ASLC-YCE/EDC 11/30/10 16465 - 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1. Internal Coil Connections: Brazed or pressure type. 2. Coil Material: Copper. 2.03 DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS A. Comply with NEMA ST 20, and list and label as complying with UL 1561. B. Provide transformers that are internally braced to withstand seismic forces as specified in these specifications. C. Cores: One leg per phase. D. Insulation Class: 220 deg C, UL-component-recognized insulation system with a maximum of 150 deg C rise above 40 deg C ambient temperature. E. Taps for Transformers 25 kVA and Larger: Two 2.5 percent taps above and two 2.5 percent taps below normal full capacity. F. Fungus Proofing: Permanent fungicidal treatment for coil and core. 2.04 CONTROL AND SIGNAL TRANSFORMERS A. Description: Self-cooled, two-winding dry type, rated for continuous duty, complying with NEMA ST 1, and listed and labeled as complying with UL 506. B. Ratings: Continuous duty. If rating is not indicated, provide at least 50 per- cent spare capacity above connected peak load. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine conditions for compliance with enclosure- and ambient-temperature requirements for each transformer. B. Verify that field measurements are as needed to maintain working clearances required by NFPA 70 and manufacturer's written instructions. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been cor- rected. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Verify seismic bracing requirements with authorities having jurisdiction. Wall- mounting transformers may not be appropriate in areas of seismic activity. 3.03 CONNECTIONS A. Ground equipment according to Division 16 Section "Grounding and Bond- ing." ASLC-YCE/EDC 11/30/10 16465 - 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Connect wiring according to Division 16 Section "Conductors and Cables." C. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's pub- lished torque-tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indi- cated, use those specified in UL 486A and UL 486B. 3.04 ADJUSTING A. Record transformer secondary voltage at each unit for at least 48 hours of typical occupancy period. Adjust transformer taps to provide optimum voltage conditions at secondary terminals. Optimum is defined as not exceeding na- meplate voltage plus 10 percent and not being lower than nameplate voltage minus 5 percent. Submit recording and tap settings as test results. END OF SECTION ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16460 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 16460 ELECTRIC MOTORS PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. General: The CONTRACTOR shall provide electric motors, accessories, and appurtenances complete and operable, in conformance with the specifications and the Contract Documents. B. The provisions of this Section apply to constant torque AC squirrel cage induction motors throughout the Contract Documents, except as indicated otherwise. C. The CONTRACTOR shall assign to the equipment supplier the responsibility to select suitable electric motors for the equipment. The choice of motor manufacturer shall be subject to review by the ENGINEER. Such review will consider future availability of replacement parts and compatibility with driven equipment. 1.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 01300-Contractor Submittals. B. Complete motor data shall be submitted. Motor data shall include: 1. Motor manufacturer. 2. Motor type or model and dimension drawing. Include motor weight. 3. Nominal horsepower. 4. NEMA design. 5. Enclosure. 6. Frame size. 7. Winding insulation class and temperature rise class. 8. Voltage, phase, and frequency ratings. 9. Service factor. 10. Full load current at rated horsepower for application voltage. 11. Full load speed. 12. Torque characteristics. 13. Guaranteed minimum full load efficiency. Also nominal efficiencies at 1/2 and 3/4 load. 14. Type of thermal protection or overtemperature protection, if included. 15. Wiring diagram for devices such as motor leak detection, temperature, or zero speed switches, as applicable. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16460 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 16. Bearing data. Include recommendation for lubricants of relubricatable type bearings. 17. Power factor at 1/2, 3/4 and full load. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. General: Electric motors shall comply with NEMA MG-1 - Motor and Generator. B. NEMA Design: Electric motors shall be NEMA Design B unless otherwise indicated. In no case shall starting torque or breakdown torque be less than the value in NEMA MG 1. Motors shall be NEMA PREMIUM efficiency and suitable for the indicated starting method. Motors applied to variable frequency drives shall be inverter duty and shall adhere to NEMA Standards Publication MG 1, Part 30, Application Considerations for Constant Speed Motors Used on a Sinusoidal Bus with Harmonic Content and General Purpose Motors Used with Adjustable-Voltage or Adjustable- Frequency Controls or Both, or Part 31, Definite-Purpose Inverter-Fed Polyphase Motors. C. Insulation: Three phase motors shall be provided with Class F insulation, rated to operate at a maximum ambient temperature of 40 degrees C and at the altitudes where the motors will be installed and operated, without exceeding Class B temperature rise limits stated in NEMA MG 1-12.44. Motors shall be provided with insulation systems to withstand 1600 volt spikes, with dV/dt as defined in NEMA MG 1-31. D. Motors shall be totally enclosed, fan-cooled (TEFC) with a Service Factor of 1.15, unless otherwise indicated. 2.2 ACCESSORY REQUIREMENTS A. General: Motors shall have split-type cast metal conduit boxes. B. Lifting Devices: Motors weighing 265 lb (120 Kg) or more shall have suitable lifting eyes for installation and removal. C. Grounding Lugs: Provide motor grounding lug suitable to terminate ground wire, sized as indicated. D. Nameplate: Motors shall be fitted with permanent stainless steel nameplates indelibly stamped or engraved with NEMA Standard motor data, in conformance with NEMA MG-1-10.40. 2.3 MOTOR BEARINGS A. Motors shall have bearings designed for 100,000 hours (coupled) L-10 life. 2.4 MANUFACTURERS, OR EQUAL A. U.S. Motors B. Reliance Electric ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16460 - 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Motor installation shall be performed in accordance with the motor manufacturer's written recommendations and the written requirements of the manufacturer of the driven equipment. B. Motors shall be installed as required by the existing field conditions, including coupling and shims. C. Related electrical WORK involving connections, controls, switches, and disconnects shall be performed in accordance with the applicable sections of Division 16. 3.2 FIELD TESTING A. The CONTRACTOR shall perform the following field tests: 1. Inspect each motor installation for any deviation from rated voltage, phase, frequency, and improper installation. 2. Visually check for proper phase and ground connections. Verify that multi-voltage motors are connected for proper voltage. 3. Check winding and bearing temperature detectors and space heaters for functional operation. 4. Test for proper rotation prior to connection to the driven equipment. 5. Test insulation (megger test) of new and re-used motors in accordance with NEMA MG-1. Test voltage shall be 1000 VAC plus twice the rated voltage of the motor. - END OF SECTION - ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16455 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 16455 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE UNITS PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. This specification describes the electrical, mechanical, environmental, agency and reliability requirements for three-phase, Adjustable Frequency Drives (AFD) as specified herein and as shown on the contract drawings. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS 1.3 REFERENCES A. The adjustable frequency drives and all components shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest applicable standards. 1. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) a. IEEE 519-1992: Guide for harmonic content and control 2. Underwriters Laboratories (UL508C: Power Conversion Equipment) a. UL b. CUL 3. a. ICS 7.0: Industrial Controls & Systems for AFD. 4. IEC 61800-2 and 3. EN 50082-1 and 2 a. Fulfill all EMC immunity requirements B. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and those of the listed documents, the requirements of this section shall prevail. 1.4 SUBMITTALS - FOR REVIEW/APPROVAL A. The following information shall be submitted to the Engineer. 1. Dimensioned outline drawing 2. Schematic diagram 3. Power and control connection diagram(s) B. Submit four (4) copies of the above information. 1.5 SUBMITTALS-FOR INFORMATION A. When requested by the Engineer the following product information shall be submitted: 1. Descriptive bulletins 2. Product sheets ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16455 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 3. Harmonic Analysis 1.6 SUBMITTALS-FOR CLOSEOUT A. The following information shall be submitted for record purposes prior to final payment. 1. Final as-built drawings and information for items listed section in 1.04. 2. Installation information. 1.7 QUALIFICATIONS A. The supplier of the assembly shall be the manufacturer of the electromechanical power components used within the assembly, such as bypass contactors when specified. B. For the equipment specified herein, the manufacturer shall be ISO 9001 certified. C. The supplier of this equipment shall have produced similar electrical equipment for a minimum period of ten (10) years. When requested by the Engineer, an acceptable list of installations with similar equipment shall be provided demonstrating compliance with this requirement. D. Adjustable Frequency Drives shall be on the basis of Cutler-Hammer SVX9000 Series for function and quality. Products that are in compliance with the specification and manufactured by others will be considered as -approved by the Engineer fourteen (14) days prior to bid date. Alternate suppliers shall submit documentation showing itemized compliance to the specifications and experience specific to the proposed AFD including a list showing details of the installation, application, location, contact name and telephone number of at least 10 users. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Equipment shall be handled and stored in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. One (1) copy of these instructions shall be included with the equipment at time of shipment. 1.9 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Five (5) copies of the equipment operation and maintenance manuals shall be provided. B. Operation and maintenance manuals shall include the following information: 1. Instruction books 2. Recommended renewal parts list 3. Drawings and information required by Section 1.06. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16455 - 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Eaton / Cutler-Hammer Naming specific venders does not imply acceptance of their standard products nor relieve them from meeting these specifications in their entirety. 2.2 ADJUSTABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES (AFD) A. Where shown on the drawings, adjustable frequency drives 1 through 2000 Horsepower (HP), Constant Torque (CT) / Variable Torque (VT), shall have the following features: 1. The AFD shall be rated for 480 VAC. The AFD shall provide microprocessor-based control for three-phase induction motors. C ( CT ) / 40 C ( VT ) ambient and 10 kHz switching frequency below 40-HP. 2. The AFD shall be of the Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) design converting the utility input voltage and frequency to a variable voltage and frequency output via a two-step operation. Adjustable Current Source AFD are not acceptable. Insulated Gate Bipolar AFDshall run at the above listed switching frequencies. 3. The AFD shall have efficiency at full load and speed that exceeds 95% for AFD below 15-HP and 97% for drives 15-HP and above. The efficiency shall exceed 90% at 50% speed and load. 4. The AFD shall maintain the line side displacement power factor at no less than 0.96, regardless of speed and load. 5. The AFD shall have a one (1) minute overload current rating of 150% and a two (2) second overload current rating of 250% for constant torque drives. The AFD shall have a one (1) minute overload current rating of 110% for variable torque drives. 6. The AFD shall be capable of operating any NEMA design B squirrel cage induction motor, regardless of manufacturer, with a horsepower and current rating within the capacity of the AFD. 7. The AFD shall have an integral EMI/RFI filter as standard. 8. The AFD shall limit harmonic distortion reflected onto the utility system to a voltage and current level as defined by IEEE 519 for general systems applications, by utilizing the standard 3% nominal impedance integral AC three-phase line reactor. 9. Any harmonic calculations shall be done based on the kVA capacity, X/R ratio and the impedance of the utility transformer feeding the installation, as noted on the drawings, and the total system load. The calculations shall be made with the point of ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16455 - 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project common coupling being the point where the utility feeds multiple customers. 10. Total harmonic distortion shall be calculated under worst-case conditions in accordance with the procedure outlined in IEEE standard 519-1992. Copies of these calculations are to be made available upon request. The contractor shall provide any needed information to the AFD supplier three (3) weeks prior to requiring harmonic calculations. 11. The system containing the AFD shall comply with the 5% level of total harmonic distortion of line voltage and the line current limits as defined in IEEE 519-1992 12. The AFD shall be able to start into a spinning motor. The AFD shall be able to determine the motor speed in any direction and resume operation without tripping. If the motor is spinning in the reverse direction, the AFD shall start into the motor in the reverse direction, bring the motor to a controlled stop, and then accelerate the motor to the preset speed. 13. Standard operating conditions shall be: a. Incoming Power: Three-phase, 480 Vac (+10% to -15%) and 60 Hz (+/-5 Hz) power to a fixed potential DC bus level. b. Frequency stability of +/-0.05% for 24 hours with voltage regulation of +/-1% of maximum rated output voltage. c. Speed regulation of +/- 0.5% of base speed. d. Load inertia dependant carryover (ride-through) during utility loss. e. Insensitive to input line rotation. f. Humidity: 0 to 95% (non-condensing and non-corrosive). g. Altitude: 0 to 3,300 feet (1000 meters) above sea level. h. Ambient Temperature: -10 to 50 C (CT), -10 to 40 C (VT). i. Storage Temperature: -40 to 60 C. 14. Control Functions a. Frequently accessed AFD programmable parameters shall be adjustable from a digital operator keypad located on the front of the AFD. The AFD shall have a 3 line alphanumeric programmable display with status indicators. Keypads must use plain English words for parameters, status, and diagnostic messages. Keypads that are difficult to read or understand are not acceptable, and particularly those that use alphanumeric code and tables. Keypads shall be adjustable for contrast with large characters easily visible in normal ambient light. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16455 - 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project b. The keypad shall include a Local/Remote pushbutton selection. Both start/ stop source and speed reference shall be independently programmable for Keypad, Remote I/O, or Field Bus. c. The keypad shall have copy / paste capability. d. Upon initial power up of the AFD, the keypad shall display a start up guide that will sequence all the necessary parameter adjustments for general start up. e. Standard advanced programming and trouble-shooting functions shall be available by using a personal compute RS- software shall permit control and monitoring via the AFD RS232 port. The manufacturer shall supply a diskette with the required software. An easily understood instruction manual and software help screens shall also be provided. The computer software shall be used for modifying the drive setup and reviewing diagnostic and trend information as outlined in this section through section 18. f. The operator shall be able to scroll through the keypad menu to choose between the following: 1). Monitor 2). Operate 3). Parameter setup 4). Actual parameter values 5). Active faults 6). Fault history 7). LCD contrast adjustment 8). Information to indicate the standard software and optional features software loaded. g. The following setups and adjustments, at a minimum, are to be available: 1). Start command from keypad, remote or communications port 2). Speed command from keypad, remote or communications port 3). Motor direction selection 4). Maximum and minimum speed limits 5). Acceleration and deceleration times, two settable ranges 6). Critical (skip) frequency avoidance ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16455 - 6 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 7). Torque limit 8). Multiple attempt restart function 9). Multiple preset speeds adjustment 10). Catch a spinning motor start or normal start selection 11). Programmable analog output 12). DC brake current magnitude and time 13). PID process controller 15. The AFD shall have the following system interfaces: a. Inputs A minimum of six (6) programmable digital inputs, two (2) analog inputs and serial communications interface shall be provided with the following available as a minimum: 1). Remote manual/auto 2). Remote start/stop 3). Remote forward/reverse 4). Remote preset speeds 5). Remote external trip 6). Remote fault reset b. Process control speed reference interface, 4-20mA DC c. Potentiometer and 1-10VDC speed reference interface d. RS-232 programming and operation interface port e. Serial communications port B. Outputs A minimum of two (2) discrete programmable digital outputs, one (1) programmable open collector output, and one (1) programmable analog output shall be provided, with the following available at minimum. 1. Programmable relay outputs with one (1) set of Form C contacts for each, selectable with the following available at minimum: a. Fault b. Run c. Ready d. Reversed e. Jogging f. At speed g. Torque Limit Supervision h. Motor rotation direction opposite of commanded i. Over-temperature ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16455 - 7 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 2. Programmable open collector output with available 24VDC power supply and selectable with the following available at minimum: a. Fault b. Run c. Ready d. Reversed e. Jogging f. At speed g. Torque Limit Supervision h. Motor rotation direction opposite of commanded i. Over-temperature 3. Programmable analog output signal, selectable with the following available at minimum: a. Motor current b. Output frequency c. Frequency reference d. Motor speed e. Motor torque f. Motor power g. Motor voltage h. DC-bus voltage i. AI1 (Analog Input 1) j. AI2 (Analog Input 2) k. PT100 temperature l. FB digital input 4 (Field Bus Input) 4. Monitoring and Displays a. The AFD display shall be a LCD type capable of displaying three (3) lines of text and the following thirteen (13) status indicators: 1). Run 2). Forward 3). Reverse 4). Stop 5). Ready 6). Alarm 7). Fault ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16455 - 8 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 8). Input/Output (I/O) terminal 9). Keypad 10). Bus/Communication 11). Local (LED) 12). Remote (LED) 13). Fault (LED) 5. The AFD keypad shall be capable of displaying the following monitoring functions at a minimum: a. Output frequency b. Frequency reference c. Motor speed d. Motor current e. Motor torque f. Motor power g. Motor voltage h. DC-bus voltage i. Unit temperature j. Calculated motor temperature k. Voltage level of analog input l. Current level of analog input m. Digital inputs status n. Digital and relay outputs status o. Analog Input 6. Protective Functions a. The AFD shall include the following protective features at minimum: 1). Over-current 2). Over-voltage 3). Inverter fault 4). Under-voltage 5). Input phase loss 6). Output phase loss 7). Under-temperature 8). Over-temperature 9). Motor stalled ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16455 - 9 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 10). Motor over-temperature 11). Motor under-load 12). Logic voltage failure 13). Microprocessor failure b. The AFD shall provide ground fault protection during power- up, starting, and running. AFD with no ground fault protection during running are not acceptable. 7. Diagnostic Features a. Fault History 1). Record and log faults 2). Indicate the most recent first, and store up to 30 faults 8. Optional features to be included in the AFD: a. Thermal magnetic breaker to provide a disconnect means. Operating handle shall protrude through the door. The disconnect shall not be mounted on the door. The handle position shall indicate ON, OFF, and TRIPPED condition. The handle shall have provisions for padlocking in the OFF position with at least three (3) padlocks. Interlocks shall prevent unauthorized opening or closing of the AFD door with the disconnect handle in the ON position. Door handle interlock can be defeated by qualified maintenance personnel. b. Motor filter where shown on the drawings for use on motor cable runs exceeding 100 feet for motors with a peak voltage insulation rating less than 1600 Vac. 1). A properly sized line reactor shall be installed at the AFD output to reduce dv/dt levels and the resultant peak voltage overshoots at the motor terminals. c. Communication card for interface with Lonworks control system. 9. The AFD manufacturer shall maintain, as part of a national network, engineering service facilities within 100 miles of project to provide start-up service, emergency service calls, repair work, service contracts, maintenance and training of customer personnel. PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION 3.2 FACTORY TESTING A. The following standard factory tests shall be performed on the equipment provided under this section. All tests shall be in accordance with the latest version of UL and NEMA standards. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16455 - 10 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1. All printed circuit boards shall be functionally tested via automatic test equipment prior to unit installation. 2. After all tests have been performed, each AFD shall undergo a burn-in test. The drive shall be burned in at 100% inductive or motor load without an unscheduled shutdown. 3. After the burn-in cycle is complete, each AFD shall be put through a motor load test before inspection and shipping. B. The manufacturer shall provide three (3) certified copies of factory test reports. 3.3 INSTALLATION 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Provide the services of a qualified manufacturer's employed Field Service Engineer to assist the Contractor in installation and start-up of the equipment specified under this section. Field Service personnel shall be factory trained with periodic updates and have experience with the same model of AFD on the job site. Sales representatives will not be acceptable to perform this work. The manufacturer's service representative shall provide technical direction and assistance to the Contractor in general installation instructions, wiring, application dependant adjustments, and verification of proper AFD operation. B. representative shall perform the following minimum work. 1. Inspection and final adjustments. 2. Operational and functional checks of AFD and spare parts. 3. The contractor shall certify that he has read the drive accordance with those instructions. C. The Contractor shall provide three (3) copies of the manufacturer's field start-up report before final payment is made. 3.5 MAINTENANCE / WARRANTY SERVICE A. Warranty to commence 24 months from the date of start-up, not to exceed 36 months from the date of shipment, and include all parts, labor, and travel time. 3.6 TRAINING A. The Contractor shall provide a training session for up to 3 owner's representatives for 4 hours at a job site location determined by the owner. Training and instruction time shall be in addition to that required for start- up service. B. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16455 - 11 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. The training program shall consist of the following: 1. Instructions on the proper operation of the equipment. 2. Instructions on the proper maintenance of the equipment. - END OF SECTION - ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16450 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 16450 GROUNDING PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the electrical grounding system, complete and operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. The requirements of Section 16050 Electrical Work, General apply to this Section. C. Single Manufacturer: Like products shall be the end product of one manufacturer in order to achieve standardization of appearance, operation, maintenance, spare parts and manufacturer's services. 1.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 01300 Contractor Submittals and Section 16050 Electrical Work, General. B. Submit manufacturer's product information for connections, clamps, and grounding system components, showing compliance with the requirements of this Section. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Components of the grounding system shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI/UL 467 - Standard for Safety Grounding and Bonding Equipment, and shall conform to the applicable requirements of National Electrical Code Article 250 and local codes. 2.2 GROUNDING SYSTEM A. Exposed grounding connectors shall be of the compression type (connector to cable), made of high copper alloy, and be manufactured specifically for the particular grounding application. The connectors shall be Burndy, O.Z. Gedney, or equal. B. Grounding clamps shall be used to bond each separately derived system to the grounding electrode conductors. C. Equipment Grounding Circuit Conductors 1. These conductors shall be the same type and insulation as the load circuit conductors. The minimum size shall be as outlined in Table 250.122 of the National Electrical Code, unless indicated otherwise. 2. Metallic conduit systems shall have equipment grounding wires as well as being equipment grounding conductors themselves. D. Manufacturers of grounding materials shall be Copperweld, Blackburn, Burndy, or equal. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16450 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GROUNDING A. Provide a separate grounding conductor, securely grounded in each raceway independent of raceway material. B. Provide a separate grounding conductor for each motor and connect at motor box. Do not use bolts securing motor box to frame or cover for grounding connectors. C. Size in accordance with the NEC-Article 250 and local amendments. D. Route conductors inside raceway. E. Provide a grounding type bushing for secondary feeder conduits which originate from the secondary section of each MCC section, switchboard, or panelboard. F. Individually bond these raceways to the ground bus in the secondary section. G. Provide a green insulated wire as grounding jumper from the ground screw to a box grounding screw and, for grounding type devices, to equipment grounding conductor. H. Provide a separate grounding conductor in each individual raceway for parallel feeders. I. Interconnect the secondary switchgear neutral bus to the ground bus in the secondary switchgear compartment only at service entrance point or after a transformer. J. Measure ground impedance in accordance with IEEE STD 81 after installation but before connecting the electrode to the remaining grounding system. K. Shield Grounding 1. Shielded instrumentation cable shall have its shield grounded at one end only unless Shop Drawings indicate the shield will be grounded at both ends. 2. The grounding point shall be at the control panel or otherwise at the receiving end of the signal carried by the cable. 3. Termination of shield drain wire shall be on its own terminal screw. 4. Terminal screws shall be jumpered together using manufactured terminal block jumpers. 5. Connection to the ground bus shall be via a green #12 AWG conductor to the main ground bus for the panel. - END OF SECTION - ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16190 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 16190 SUPPORTING DEVICES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere. 1. Section 16110: Conduit and Fittings. B. Description of System. 1. Support and align raceways, cabinets, boxes, fixtures, etc., in an approved manner and as specified. PART 2 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 2.01 MATERIAL A. Support raceways and enclosures on approved types of wall brackets, ceiling trapeze hangers, or malleable iron straps. 1. 2. Plumbers perforated strap not permitted as means of support. 3. Stainless steel supports and hardware in wet locations. 4. Galvanized steel support in damp locations. 5. Provide end caps on all exposed corners and edges of supports and fittings. B. Material: Cold-formed steel, with corrosion-resistant coating. C. Metal Items for Use Outdoors or in Damp Locations: Hot-dip galvanized steel. D. Slotted-Steel Channel Supports: Flange edges turned toward web, and 9/16- inch- (14-mm-) diameter slotted holes at a maximum of 2 inches (50 mm) o.c., in webs. 1. Channel Thickness: Selected to suit structural loading. 2. Fittings and Accessories: Products of the same manufacturer as channel supports. E. Raceway and Cable Supports: Manufactured clevis hangers, riser clamps, straps, threaded C-clamps with retainers, ceiling trapeze hangers and wall brackets. F. Expansion Anchors: Carbon-steel wedge or sleeve type. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16190 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project G. Toggle Bolts: All-steel springhead type. H. Powder-Driven Threaded Studs: Heat-treated steel. I. Earthquake Anchorages. 1. Anchor equipment weighing more than 100 pounds to the building structure to resist lateral earthquake forces. 2. Total lateral (earthquake) force shall be 1.00 times the equipment weight acting laterally in any direction through the equipment center of gravity. Provide adequate backing at structural attachment points to accept the forces involved. 3. Provide equipment supported by flexible isolation mounts with earthquake restraining supports positioned as close to equipment as possible without contact in normal operation (earthquake bumpers). The maximum lateral displacement due to the computed earthquake force from above shall not exceed 1.5 inches. Floor mounted equipment weighing less than 2000 pounds may have one 6 x 6 x 3/8 x 18 inch steel angle bolted to the floor with four 5/8 inch diameter bolts placed on each of four sides of the equipment. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Pipe straps and hanger rods shall be fastened to concrete by means of inserts, expansion bolts, or powder-driven fasteners, and to hollow masonry by means of toggle bolts. B. Cable trays, multi-conduit runs, etc., shall be supported by double rods at each point of support and be supported independently of any other building system. C. Secure boxes, wall brackets, cabinets, and hangers by means of toggle bolts in gypboard and masonry CMU and wood screws in wood construction. Obtain permission before using any type of powder-powered studs. D. Support luminaires from structural members capable of supporting total weight, and independently from wiring system. Attach to gypsum board by approved toggle bolts (minimum of one bolt for each two (2) square feet of fixture or fraction thereof). END OF SECTION ASLC-YCE/EDC 11/30/10 16164 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 16164 PANELBOARDS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. The work under this section includes furnishing and installing panelboards and related appurtenances, complete. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Panelboards shall be UL listed and shall comply with the NEC. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings and Product Data: Submit shop drawings and product data for the products of this section in compliance with Section 01300. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Submit operation and maintenance manuals for the products of this section in compliance with Section 01300. 1.04 MANUFACTURERS A. Cutler-Hammer, Allen Bradley, Square D or equal PART 2 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 2.01 PANELBOARDS A. A nameplate shall be provided listing panel type and ratings. B. Bus bars for the mains shall be of copper, sized in accordance with UL standards. Unless otherwise noted, full size neutral bars shall be included. Bus bar taps for panels with single pole branches shall be arranged for sequence phasing of the branch circuit devices. C. The short circuit rating of the assembled panelboard shall be as indicated on drawing and in accordance with UL standards and their test verification. D. All panelboards shall be fitted with an equipment ground bar. E. Boxes shall be made from unpainted galvanized code gauge steel having multiple knockouts except where noted. Boxes shall be of sufficient size to provide a minimum gutter space of 4" on all sides. Lighting panel boxes shall use three-piece construction wrapper sheet for back and two sides with removable top and bottom ends. ASLC-YCE/EDC 11/30/10 16164 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project F. Hinged doors covering all switching device handles shall be included in all panel trims, except that panelboards having individual metal clad externally operable dead-front units may be supplied without such doors. G. Doors in panelboard trims shall conform to the following: 1. In making switching device handles accessible, doors shall not uncover any live parts. 2. Doors shall have flush-type cylinder lock and catch. Door hinges shall be concealed. All locks shall be keyed alike. A directory frame and card having a transparent cover shall be furnished on each door. Directory shall be typed, not handwritten. 3. The trims shall be fabricated from code gauge sheet steel. H. All exterior and interior steel surfaces of the panelboard trims shall be properly cleaned and finished with ANSI-61 paint over a rust-inhibiting phosphatized coating. I. Single pole 15 and 20-ampere circuit breakers shall be UL listed as "Switching Breakers" and carry SWD marking. J. Branch circuit devices shall be bolt-on type. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install panelboards so top breaker is not higher than 6 feet above the floor. B. Distribute and arrange conductors neatly in the wiring gutters. Contractor shall maintain the largest practical bending radius of conductors. C. Connect grounding electrode conductor to the equipment grounding terminal bar. Verify that the ground bar is securely bonded to the load center or panelboard cabinet and that it is not connected to the neutral bar except at "service equipment" as permitted in the latest revision of NEC Article 250. D. Inspect and remove any debris, scrap wire, etc. from the cabinet interior before installing fronts. END OF SECTION ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16120 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 16120 WIRES AND CABLES PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide wires and cable, complete and operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit product data in accordance with Section 01300 Contractor Submittals, and 16050 Electrical Work, General. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Conductors, include grounding conductors, shall be copper. Aluminum conductor wire and cable will not be permitted. Insulation shall bear the aboratories, Inc. (UL), the manufacturer's trademark, and identify the type, voltage, and conductor size. All conductors except flexible cords and cables, fixture wires, and conductors that form an integral part of equipment, such as motors and controllers, shall conform to the requirements of Article 310 of the National Electric Code, latest edition, for current carrying capacity. Flexible cords and cables shall conform to Article 400, and fixture wires shall conform to Article 402. Wiring shall have wire markers at each end. 2.2 LOW VOLTAGE WIRE AND CABLE A. Power and Lighting Wire 1. Power and lighting wire shall be No. 12 copper AWG minimum size. 2. Wire rated for 600 volts in duct or conduit for all power shall be Class B Type THWN wire. 3. Conductors for feeders as defined in Article 100 of the NEC shall be sized to prevent a voltage drop exceeding 3 percent at the farthest outlet of power, heating, and lighting loads, or combinations of such loads, and where the maximum total voltage drop on both feeders and branch circuits to the farthest connected load does not exceed 5 percent. 4. Conductors for branch circuits as defined in Article 100 of the NEC, shall be sized to prevent a voltage drop exceeding 3 percent at the farthest connected load or combinations of such loads, and where the maximum total voltage drop on both feeders and branch circuits to the farthest connected load does not exceed 5 percent. 5. Wiring for 600 volt class power and lighting shall be as manufactured by General Cable, Okonite, or Rome Cable. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16120 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Control Wire 1. Control wire in duct or conduit shall be the same type as power and lighting wire indicated above. 2. Control wiring shall be No.14, 19-strand copper AWG. C. Instrumentation Cable 1. Instrumentation cable shall be rated at 600 volts. 2. Individual conductors shall be No. 18 AWG stranded, tinned copper. Insulation shall be color-coded polyethylene: black-red for two-conductor cable, and black-red-white for three-conductor cable. 3. Instrumentation cables shall be composed of the individual conductors, an aluminum polyester foil shield, a No. 18 AWG stranded, tinned copper drain wire, and a PVC outer jacket with a thickness of 0.048-inches. 4. Single pair, No. 18 AWG, twisted, shielded cable shall be Belden Part No. 9341, or equal. 5. Single triad, No. 16 AWG, twisted, shielded cable shall be Belden Part No. 1119A, or equal. D. Tray Cable 1. Tray cable is not to be used. E. Cat 5 Cable: Cat 5 patch cable shall be 4-pair 24-gauge twisted pair rated to TIA/EIA 568-B Cat. SE and UL-listed. The CONTRACTOR shall install RJ-45 connectors as required. F. LonTalk and Modbus Network Cabling: Shall be as recommended by the network device manufacturer. 2.3 CABLE TERMINATIONS A. No splicing or joints will be permitted in either feeder or branch circuits except at outlet or accessible junction boxes. B. Compression connectors shall be Burndy "Hi Lug", Thomas & Betts "Sta-Kon," or equal. Threaded connectors shall be split bolt type of high strength copper alloy. Utilize compression type solderless connectors when making splices or taps in conductors # 8 AWG or larger. Utilize pre- insulated connectors, 3M Company "Scotchlok" or Ideal Industries, Inc. "Super Nut" for splices and taps in conductors # 10 AWG and smaller. C. Tape all splices and joints with Scotch #88 plastic tape to secure insulation strength equal to that of the conductors joined. D. Pre-insulated fork tongue lugs shall be Thomas & Betts, Burndy, or equal. E. Labels for coding 600-volt wiring shall be heat-shrink plastic tubing type with machine print. Lettering shall read from left to right, and face the front ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16120 - 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project of the panel. Field wires terminating at a Control Panels shall be labeled with the wire number shown on the Control Panel wiring diagrams. The CONTRACTOR shall mark all as-built drawings with wire labels. PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and terminate all power, control, and instrumentation conductors, except where indicated. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Conductors shall not be pulled into raceway until raceway has been cleared of moisture and debris. B. Pulling tensions on raceway cables shall be within the limits recommended by the cable manufacturer. Wire pulling lubricant, where needed, shall be UL-approved. C. The following wiring shall be run in separate raceways: 1. 24 VDC discrete signal and 4-20 mA analog signal. 2. All AC circuits. D. Wire in panels, cabinets, and wireways shall be neatly grouped using nylon tie straps, and shall be fanned out to terminals. 3.3 SPLICES AND TERMINATIONS A. General 1. Wire taps and splices are not to be used unless the CONTRACTOR can convince the ENGINEER that they are essential and the ENGINEER gives written permission. 2. Stranded conductors shall be terminated directly on equipment box lugs, making sure that all conductor strands are confined within the lug. Use forked-tongue lugs where equipment box lugs have not been provided. 3. Excess control and instrumentation wire shall be properly taped and terminated as spares. B. Control Wire and Cable 1. Control conductors shall be spliced or terminated only on terminal strips in panels or vendor-furnished equipment. 2. In terminal cabinets, junction boxes, motor control centers, and control panels, control wire and spare wire shall be terminated to terminal strips. C. Instrumentation Wire and Cable 1. Shielded instrumentation cables shall be grounded at one end only, the receiving end (i.e., in the control panel) on a 4-20 mA system. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16120 - 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project D. Power Wire and Cable 1. No 120/208-volt, 120/240-volt, and 480/277-volt branch circuit conductors may be spliced unless the CONTRACTOR can convince the ENGINEER that they are essential and the ENGINEER gives written permission. 3.4 CABLE IDENTIFICATION A. General: Wires and cables shall be identified for proper control of circuits and equipment and to reduce maintenance effort. B. Identification Numbers: The CONTRACTOR shall assign to each control and instrumentation wire and cable a unique identification number. Numbers shall be assigned to all conductors having common terminals and shall be shown on "as built" drawings. Identification numbers shall appear within 3 inches of conductor terminals. "Control Conductor" shall be defined as any conductor used for alarm, annunciator, or signal purposes. 1. Multiconductor cable shall be assigned a number that shall be attached to the cable at intermediate pull boxes and at stub-up locations beneath freestanding equipment. It is expected that the cable number shall form a part of the individual wire number. Individual control conductors and instrumentation cable shall be identified at pull points as described above. The instrumentation cable numbers shall incorporate the loop numbers assigned in the Contract Documents. 2. All 120/208-volt system feeder cables and branch circuit conductors shall be color-coded as follows: Phase A - Black, Phase B - Red, Phase C - Blue, and Neutral - White. The 480/277-volt system conductors shall be color-coded as follows: Phase A - Brown, Phase B - Orange, Phase C - Yellow, and Neutral - Gray. Color- coding tape shall be used where colored insulation is not available. Branch circuit switch shall be Yellow. Insulated ground wire shall be Green, and neutral shall be Gray. Color coding and phasing shall be consistent throughout the Site, bus bars at panelboards, switchboards, and motor control centers shall be connected Phase A-B-C, top to bottom, or left to right, facing connecting lugs. 3. General purpose AC control cables shall be Red. General purpose DC control cables shall be Blue. 4. Spare cable shall be terminated on terminal screws and shall be identified with a unique number as well as with destination. 5. Terminal strips shall be identified by computer-printable, cloth, self- sticking marker strips attached under the terminal strip. 3.5 TESTING A. Cable Assembly and Testing: Cable assembly and testing shall comply with applicable requirements of ICEA Publication No. S-68-516 - Ethylene- ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16120 - 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project Propylene-Rubber Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy. Factory test results shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01300 Contractor Submittals, prior to shipment of cable. The following field tests shall be the minimum requirements: 1. Power cable rated at 600 volts shall be tested for insulation resistance between phases and from each phase to a ground using a megohmeter. 2. Field testing shall be done after cables are installed in the raceways. 3. Field tests shall be performed by a certified test organization acceptable to the cable manufacturer. Test results shall be submitted to the ENGINEER for review and acceptance. 4. Cables failing the tests shall be replaced with a new cable or be repaired. Repair methods shall be as recommended by the cable manufacturer and shall be performed by persons certified by the industry. B. Continuity Test: Control and instrumentation cables shall be tested for continuity, polarity, undesirable ground, and origination. Such tests shall be performed after installation and prior to placing all wires and cables in service. - END OF SECTION ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16110 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 16110 ELECTRICAL RACEWAY SYSTEMS PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide electrical raceway systems, complete and in place, in accordance with the Contract Documents. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Pull and junction boxes, fittings, and other indicated enclosures which are dedicated to the raceway system, shall comply with the requirements of this Section. 2.2 CONDUIT A. Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT) 1. Electrical Metallic Tubing shall be mild steel, hot-dip galvanized inside and out. 2. EMT shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI C80.3 and UL-797. 3. Manufacturers, or Equal a. Allied Tube and Conduit; b. Appleton; c. Wheatland Tube. 4. GRC shall be used in all locations except outdoor locations or NEMA-4X locations. B. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit (PVC) 1. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit shall be schedule 40 PVC. 2. PVC conduit shall be manufactured to NEMA TC-2, Federal specification WC1094A and UL 651 specifications. 3. Manufacturers, or Equal a. Carlon b. Appleton C. Liquidtight Nonmetallic Flexible Conduit (LTF) 1. Liquidtight nonmetallic flexible conduit (LTF) shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 79-1985 and UL 1660. 2. Manufacturers, or Equal a. Carlon ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16110 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project b. Appleton 2.3 FITTINGS AND BOXES A. PVC Fittings and Boxes: 1. Fittings and boxes for use with PVC conduit shall be schedule 40, PVC nonmetallic, NEMA 4 rated. 2. Fittings and boxes shall have neoprene gaskets and non-magnetic stainless steel screws. All covers shall be attached by means of holes tapped into the body of the fitting. Covers for fittings attached by means of clips or clamps will not be acceptable. B. EMT Fittings and Boxes 1. Sheet steel boxes with stainless steel covers shall be used with EMT conduit. 2. EMT fittings and connectors shall be of the compression type. Set screw type not allowed. 2.4 WIREWAYS A. All wireways shall be painted ANSI 61 gray, galvanized 14-gauge steel with screw covers and a steel divider to separate the discrete signals from the analog signals. Wireways shall be Square D, or equal. B. Wireway shall be NEMA 3R in process areas and NEMA 12 in all other areas C. Wireways shall be used only in above ground indoor locations. PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. All wiring shall be run in raceway unless indicated otherwise. B. Raceways shall be installed between equipment as indicated. Raceway systems shall be electrically and mechanically complete before conductors are installed. Bends and offsets shall be smooth and symmetrical, and shall be accomplished with tools designed for this purpose. Factory elbows shall be utilized wherever possible. C. Separate raceway systems shall be provided for: 1. Analog and 24VDC discrete signals 2. 120 VAC and higher wiring D. Where raceway routings are indicated on plan views, follow those routings to the extent possible. E. Where raceways are indicated but routing is not shown, such as home runs or on conduit developments and schedules, raceway routings shall ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16110 - 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project be the CONTRACTOR's choice and in strict accordance with the NEC and customary installation practice. F. Routings shall be adjusted to avoid obstructions. Coordinate between trades prior to installation of raceways. Lack of such coordination shall not be justification for extra compensation, and removal and re-installation to resolve conflicts shall be by the CONTRACTOR as part of the WORK. G. Support rod attachment for ceiling-hung trapeze installations shall meet the seismic requirements. H. Exposed raceways shall be installed parallel or perpendicular to structural beams. I. Install expansion fittings with bonding jumpers wherever raceways cross building expansion joints. J. Exposed raceways shall be installed at least 1/2-inch from walls or ceilings except that at locations above finished grade where damp conditions do not prevail, exposed raceways shall be installed 1/4-inch minimum from the face of walls or ceilings by the use of clamp backs or struts. K. Wherever contact with concrete or dissimilar metals can produce galvanic corrosion of equipment, suitable insulating means shall be provided to prevent such corrosion. L. To facilitate future expansion, boxes and fittings are to be installed when indicated on the drawings. Unused hubs are to be plugged with proprietary devices. Raceways that include future expansion provision are to be sized to accommodate any such specified wiring without exceeding the requirements of this specification. M. The maximum allowable conduit fill for instrumentation and control wiring is given by the following table: Conduit Diameter No. of 14- Gauge Wires No. of 18- Gauge TWSH 8 2 16 4 1- 32 7 1- 48 10 72 17 Note: No instrumentation or control wiring conduit is to be larger than 2 inches in diameter. 3.2 CONDUIT A. Exposed conduit shall be PVC or LTF in process areas and EMT in electrical rooms. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16110 - 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Exposed conduit shall be 1/2-inch minimum trade size. Supports shall be installed at distances required by the NEC. C. Conduits passing through a slab, wall, or beam shall not impair significantly the strength of the construction. D. Conduit shall be placed so that cutting, bending, or displacing reinforcement from its proper location will not be required. E. Joints shall be tight, thoroughly grounded, secure, and free of obstructions in the pipe. Conduit shall be adequately reamed to prevent damage to the wires and cables inside. Strap wrenches and vises shall be used to install conduit to prevent wrench marks on conduit. Conduit with wrench marks shall be replaced. F. Connections to motors and other equipment subject to vibration shall be made with LTF not exceeding 3-feet in length. Equipment subject to vibration that is normally provided with wiring leads shall be provided with a junction box for the make-up of connections. The junction box is to be independently supported and not left free to hang from the equipment. G. Conduit passing through walls or floors shall have plastic sleeves. Core drilling shall be performed in accordance with Section 16050. H. Empty conduits shall be tagged at both ends to indicate the final destination. Where it is not possible to tag the conduit, destination shall be identified by a durable marking on an adjacent surface. A pull-cord shall also be installed in each empty conduit. This shall apply to conduits in floors, panels, manholes, equipment, etc. - END OF SECTION - ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16050 - 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 16050 ELECTRICAL WORK, GENERAL PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide electrical work, complete and operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. The provisions of this Section apply to all sections in Division 16, except as indicated otherwise. C. The WORK of this Section is required for operation of electrically-driven equipment provided under specifications in other Divisions. The CONTRACTOR's attention is directed to the requirement for proper coordination of the WORK of this Section with the WORK of equipment specifications, and the WORK of instrumentation sections. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. The WORK of this Section and all sections in Division 16 shall comply with the following, as applicable: NEC (NFPA 70) National Electrical Code NETA International Electrical Testing Association NEMA 250 Enclosure for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum) Seward Electrical Code amendments to the NEC. B. Electrical equipment shall be listed by and shall bear the label of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL). C. Installation of electrical equipment and materials shall comply with OSHA Safety and Health Standards, state building standards, and applicable local codes and regulations. D. Where the requirements of the specifications conflict with UL, NEMA, NFPA, or other applicable standards, the more stringent requirements shall govern. 1.3 SIGNAGE A. Local Disconnect Switches: 1. Each local disconnect switch for motors and equipment shall be legibly marked to indicate its purpose, unless the purpose is indicated by the location and arrangement. B. Warning Signs: 1. 600 volts nominal, or less. Entrances to rooms and other guarded locations that contain live parts shall be marked with conspicuous signs prohibiting entry by unqualified persons. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16050 - 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. Isolating Switches: Isolating switches not interlocked with an approved circuit interrupting device shall be provided with a sign warning against opening them under load. 1.4 PERMITS AND INSPECTION A. All electrical permits shall be obtained and inspection fees shall be paid for by the CONTRACTOR. 1.5 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 01300 Contractor Submittals. B. Shop Drawings: Include the following: 1. Complete material lists stating manufacturer and brand name of each item or class of material. 2. Shop Drawings for all grounding WORK not specifically indicated. 3. Front, side, rear elevations, and top views with dimensional data. 4. Location of conduit entrances and access plates. 5. Component data. 6. Connection diagrams, terminal numbers, internal wiring diagrams, conductor size, and cable numbers. 7. Method of anchoring, seismic requirements, weight. 8. Types of materials and finish. 9. Nameplates. 10. Temperature limitations, as applicable. 11. Voltage requirement, phase, and current, as applicable. 12. Front and rear access requirements. 13. Test reports. 14. Grounding requirements. 15. Catalog cuts of applicable pages of bulletins or brochures for mass produced, non-custom manufactured material. Catalog data sheets shall be stamped to indicate the project name, applicable Section and paragraph, model number, and options. C. Shop Drawings shall be custom prepared. Drawings or data indicating "optional" or "as required" equipment are not acceptable. Options not proposed shall be crossed out or deleted from Shop Drawings. D. Materials and Equipment Schedules: The CONTRACTOR shall deliver to the ENGINEER within 30 days of the commencement date in the Notice to Proceed, a complete list of all materials, equipment, apparatus, and fixtures proposed for use. The list shall include type, sizes, names of manufacturers, catalog numbers, and other such information required to identify the items. E. Owner's Manuals: Complete information in accordance with Section 01300 Contractor Submittals. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16050 - 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project F. Record Drawings: The CONTRACTOR shall mark up the contract drawings to show any changes made during construction as the work progresses. Record Drawings shall be prepared, be available to the ENGINEER, and be submitted according to Section 01300 Contractor Submittals. 1.6 AREA DESIGNATIONS A. General: 1. Raceway system enclosures shall comply with Section 16110 Electrical Raceway Systems. 2. Electrical WORK specifically indicated in sections within any of the Specifications shall comply with those requirements. 3. Electrical WORK in above ground indoor facilities shall be NEMA 1 unless otherwise indicated. B. Material Requirements: 1. NEMA 1 enclosures shall be steel, coated with ANSI 61 grey paint. 1.7 TESTS A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for factory and field tests required by specifications in Division 16 and by the ENGINEER or other authorities having jurisdiction. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish necessary testing equipment and pay costs of tests, including all replacement parts and labor, due to damage resulting from damaged equipment or from testing and correction of faulty installation. B. Where test reports are indicated, proof of design test reports for mass-produced equipment shall be submitted with the Shop Drawings, and factory performance test reports for custom-manufactured equipment shall be submitted and be approved prior to shipment. Field test reports shall be submitted for review prior to Substantial Completion. C. Equipment or material which fails a test shall be removed and replaced. 1.8 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING A. Continuance of facility operation during demolition and the installation process is critical at some facilities. Therefore, the CONTRACTOR shall carefully examine all work to be done in, on, or adjacent to existing equipment. Work shall be scheduled, subject to the OWNER's approval, to minimize required process or equipment shutdown time. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a written request including sequence and duration of activities to be performed during plant shutdown. B. All switching, safety tagging, etc., required for process or equipment shutdown or to isolate existing equipment shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR. In no case shall the CONTRACTOR begin any work in, on, or adjacent to existing representative and the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall remove the lock within 4 hours upon request of ASLC, in an emergency, and if the equipment is operable. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16050 - 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. The CONTRACTOR shall make all modifications or alterations to existing electrical facilities required to successfully install and integrate the new electrical equipment as indicated on the electrical drawing. Modifications to existing equipment, panels, or cabinets shall be made in a professional manner with all coatings repaired to match existing. The CONTRACTOR is totally responsible for ensuring all panels and equipment are UL-listed. The costs for modifications (including UL listing) to existing electrical facilities required for a complete and operating system shall be included in the CONTRACTOR's original Bid amount and no additional payment for this WORK will be authorized. Cost of repairs of damages caused during construction shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility without any additional compensation from the OWNER. D. The CONTRACTOR is advised to visit the Site before submitting a Bid to better acquaint itself with the WORK of this Contract. Lack of knowledge will not be accepted as a reason for granting extra compensation to perform the WORK. E. Installation of New Equipment: 1. The CONTRACTOR will install and terminate the new motor control center, control panels, wireways, cables, and instruments in accordance with the agreed schedule. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a list, daily, of the points that are ready for service as they are connected, calibrated, and tested. The CONTRACTOR shall only connect to equipment that is new or is out of service. 2. The recommended construction sequence is as follows: a. Remove all demolition items and make good all surfaces before applying appropriate surface finish and paint. b. Install new motor control center, control panels and instruments. c. Install new wireways between motor control centers, instruments, and new SCADA panel. d. Install all new wiring as specified. e. Complete wiring modifications to existing equipment. 3. Minimum down time Requirements: The CONTRACTOR shall minimize the amount of time a facility is out of service. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the ENGINEER with an estimate of the amount of time a facility will be out of service. 4. Warranty: The warranty shall start from the date of final acceptance of the completed project, and shall extend for 1 year. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Equipment and materials shall be new, shall be listed by UL, and shall bear the UL label where UL requirements apply. Equipment and materials shall be the products of experienced and reputable manufacturers in the industry. Similar items in the WORK shall be products of the same manufacturer. Equipment and materials shall be of industrial grade standard of construction. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16050 - 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Where a NEMA enclosure type is indicated in a non-hazardous location, the CONTRACTOR shall utilize that type of enclosure, despite the fact that certain modifications, such as cutouts for control devices, may negate the NEMA rating. C. On devices indicated to display dates, the year shall be displayed as 4 digits. 2.2 MOUNTING HARDWARE A. Miscellaneous Hardware: 1. Nuts, bolts, and washers shall be stainless steel. 2. Threaded rods for trapeze supports shall be continuous-threaded, galvanized steel, 3/8-inch diameter minimum. 3. Strut for mounting of conduits and equipment shall be galvanized or stainless steel as required by the area classification. Where contact with concrete or dissimilar metals may cause galvanic corrosion, suitable non- metallic insulators shall be utilized to prevent such corrosion. Strut shall be as manufactured by Unistrut, B-Line, or equal. 4. Anchors for attaching equipment to concrete walls, floors and ceilings shall be stainless steel expansion anchors, such as "Rawl-Bolt," "Rawl- Stud" or "Lok-Bolt" as manufactured by Rawl; similar by Star, or equal. Wood plugs shall not be permitted. 2.3 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION A. Nameplates: Nameplates shall be fabricated from black-letter, white-face laminated plastic engraving stock, Formica type ES-1, or equal. Each shall be fastened securely, using fasteners of brass, cadmium-plated steel, or stainless steel, screwed into inserts or tapped holes, as required. Engraved characters shall be block style, with no characters smaller than 1/8-inch in height. B. Conductor and Equipment Identification: Conductor and equipment identification devices shall be heat-shrink plastic tubing with machine printing. Lettering shall read from left to right and shall face toward the front of the panel. PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Incidentals: The CONTRACTOR shall provide all materials and incidentals required for a complete and operable system, even if not required explicitly by the Specifications or the Drawings. Typical incidentals are terminal lugs not furnished with vendor-supplied equipment, compression connectors for cables, splices, junction and terminal boxes, and control wiring required by vendor- furnished equipment to connect with other equipment indicated in the Contract Documents. B. Field Control of Location and Arrangement: The Drawings diagrammatically indicate the desired location and arrangement of outlets, conduit runs, equipment, and other items. Exact locations shall be determined by the CONTRACTOR in the field, based on the physical size and arrangement of equipment, finished elevations, and other obstructions. Locations on the Drawings, however, shall be followed as closely as possible. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16050 - 6 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1. Where conduit development drawings, or "home runs," are shown, the CONTRACTOR shall route the conduits in accordance with the indicated installation requirements. Routings shall be exposed. 2. Conduit and equipment shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid all obstructions and to preserve headroom and keep openings and passageways clear. Lighting fixtures, switches, convenience outlets, and similar items shall be located within finished rooms as indicated. Where the Drawings do not indicate exact locations, the ENGINEER shall determine such locations. If equipment is installed without instruction and must be moved, it shall be moved without additional cost to the OWNER. Lighting fixture locations shall be adjusted slightly to avoid obstructions and to minimize shadows. 3. Wherever conduits and wiring for lighting and receptacles are not indicated, it shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to provide all lighting and receptacle-related conduits and wiring as required, based on the actual installed fixture layout and the circuit designations as indicated. Wiring shall be #12 AWG minimum, and conduits shall be 3/4-inch minimum. Where circuits are combined in the same raceway, the CONTRACTOR shall derate conductor ampacities in accordance with NEC requirements. C. NEC Local Amendments: The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all requirements of the NEC local amendments. D. Workmanship: Materials and equipment shall be installed in strict accordance with printed recommendations of the manufacturer. Installation shall be accomplished by workers skilled in the work. Installation shall be coordinated in the field with other trades to avoid interferences. E. Protection of Equipment and Materials: The CONTRACTOR shall fully protect materials and equipment against damage from any cause. Materials and equipment, both in storage and during construction, shall be covered in such a manner that no finished surfaces will be damaged, marred, or splattered with water, foam, plaster, or paint. Moving parts shall be kept clean and dry. The CONTRACTOR shall replace or refinish damaged materials or equipment, including faceplates of panels and switchboard sections, as part of the WORK. F. The CONTRACTOR shall provide power wiring in conduit for the motor starters in accordance with Section 16480 Low Voltage Motor Control Center, for starters in MCC's and Section 16485 Local Control Stations and Miscellaneous Electrical Devices, for starters not in MCC's. 3.2 CORE DRILLING A. The CONTRACTOR shall perform core drilling required for installation of raceways through concrete walls and floors. Locations of floor penetrations, as may be required, shall be based on field conditions. Verify all exact core drilling locations based on equipment actually furnished, as well as exact field placement. To the extent possible, identify the existence and locations of encased raceways and other piping in existing walls and floors with the OWNER prior to any core drilling activities. Damage to any encased conduits, wiring, and piping shall be repaired as part of the WORK. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16050 - 7 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. All penetrations required to extend conduit or wireway through concrete walls, roofs, and floors or masonry walls shall be core drilled. 3.3 CONCRETE HOUSEKEEPING PADS A. Concrete housekeeping pads shall be provided for indoor floor standing electrical equipment. Housekeeping pads for equipment, including future units, shall be a minimum of 2 inches above surrounding finished floor or grade, and 2 inches larger in both dimensions than the equipment, unless otherwise indicated. 3.4 EQUIPMENT ANCHORING A. Floor supported, wall-, or ceiling-hung equipment and conductors shall be anchored in place by methods that will meet seismic requirements in the area where the project is located. Wall-mounted panels that weigh more than 500 pounds, or which are within 18 inches of the floor, shall be provided with fabricated steel support pedestals. If the supported equipment is a panel or cabinet enclosed within removable side plates, it shall match supported equipment in physical appearance and dimensions. Transformers hung from 4- inch stud walls and weighing more than 300 pounds shall have auxiliary floor supports. B. Anchoring methods and leveling criteria in the printed recommendations of the equipment manufacturers are a part of the WORK of this Contract. Such recommendations shall be submitted as Shop Drawings under Section 01300 Contractor Submittals. C. Panels, conduit, and other equipment shall be anchored and supported for Seismic requirements. 3.5 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION A. General: Equipment and devices shall be identified as follows: 1. Nameplates shall be provided for all panelboards, motor control centers, control and instrumentation panels, starters, switches, and pushbutton stations. In addition to nameplates, control devices shall be equipped with standard collar-type legend plates. 2. Control devices within enclosures shall be identified as indicated. Identification shall be similar to the subparagraph above. 3. Equipment names and tag numbers, where indicated on the Drawings, shall be utilized on all nameplates. 4. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish typewritten circuit directories for panelboards; circuit directory shall accurately reflect the outlets connected to each circuit. 3.6 CLEANING A. Before final acceptance, the electrical WORK shall be thoroughly cleaned. Exposed parts shall be thoroughly clean of cement, plaster, and other materials. Oil and grease spots shall be removed with a non-flammable cleaning solvent. Such surfaces shall be carefully wiped and all cracks and corners scraped out. Touch-up paint shall be applied to scratches on panels and cabinets. Electrical cabinets or enclosures shall be vacuum-cleaned. ASLC-YCE/EDC-11/30/10 16050 - 8 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. CONTRACTOR shall group, coil, and tie wrap all spare cables at the bottom of the Local Control Panels. The wires shall be grouped according to the device, control panel, or MCC section they originate from. Cable groups shall be tagged according to their point of origin. 3.7 CONTROL PANEL WIRING A. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure all panels are UL-listed upon completion of the WORK. - END OF SECTION - SECTION 15950 TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Testing, adjustment, and balancing of hydronic systems. B. Measurement of final operating condition of HVAC systems. 1.2 REFERENCES A. AABC - National Standards for Total System Balance. B. ASHRAE 111 - Practices for Measurement, Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Building Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning, and Refrigeration Systems. C. NEBB - Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Environmental Systems. D. SMACNA - HVAC Systems Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Submit name of adjusting and balancing agency for approval within 30 days after award of Contract. C. Field Reports: Submit under provisions of Section 01720. D. Field Reports: Indicate deficiencies in systems that would prevent proper testing, adjusting, and balancing of systems and equipment to achieve specified performance. E. Submit draft copies of report for review prior to final acceptance of Project. Provide final copies for Architect/Engineer and for inclusion in operating and maintenance manuals. F. Provide reports in soft cover, letter size, 3-ring binder manuals, complete with index page and indexing tabs, with cover identification at front and side. G. Include detailed procedures, agenda, and sample report forms prior to commencing system balance. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform total system balance in accordance with NEBB Procedural Standards for Testing, Balancing and Adjusting of Environmental Systems. 1.5 QUALIFICATIONS A. Agency: Company specializing in the testing, adjusting, and balancing of systems specified in this Section with minimum five years experience. B. Perform Work under supervision of NEBB Certified Testing, Balancing and Adjusting Supervisor. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15950 – 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.6 SCHEDULING A. Schedule work under the provisions of Section 01311. PART - 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that systems are complete and operable before commencing work. Ensure the following conditions: 1. Systems are started and operating in a safe and normal condition. 2. Temperature control systems are installed complete and operable. 3. Proper thermal overload protection is in place for electrical equipment. 4. Hydronic systems are flushed, filled, and vented. 5. Pumps are rotating correctly. 6. Proper strainer baskets are clean and in place. 7. Service and balance valves are open. B. Submit field reports. Report defects and deficiencies noted during performance of services which prevent system balance. C. Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Provide instruments required for testing, adjusting, and balancing operations. Make instruments available to Architect/Engineer to facilitate spot checks during testing. B. Provide additional balancing devices as required. 3.3 BALANCING TOLERANCES A. Hydronic Systems: Adjust to within plus 10 percent or minus 5 percent of design. 3.4 ADJUSTING A. Ensure recorded data represents actual measured or observed conditions. B. Permanently mark settings of valves, dampers, and other adjustment devices allowing settings to be restored. Set and lock memory stops. C. After adjustment, take measurements to verify balance has not been disrupted or that such disruption has been rectified. D. Leave systems in proper working order, replacing belt guards, closing access doors, closing doors to electrical switch boxes, and restoring thermostats to specified settings. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15950 – 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project E. At final inspection, recheck random selections of data recorded in report. Recheck points or areas as selected and witnessed by the Owner. 3.5 WATER SYSTEM PROCEDURE A. Adjust water systems to provide required or design quantities. B. Use calibrated Venturi tubes, orifices, or other metered fittings and pressure gages to determine flow rates for system balance. C. Adjust systems to provide specified pressure drops and flows through heat transfer elements prior to thermal testing. D. Effect system balance with automatic control valves fully open to heat transfer elements. E. Effect adjustment of water distribution systems by means of balancing cocks, valves, and fittings. Do not use service or shut-off valves for balancing unless indexed for balance point. 3.6 SCHEDULES A. Equipment Requiring Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing 1. HVAC Pumps 2. Heat Pumps 3. Heat Exchangers B. Report Forms 1. Title Page: a)Name of Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Agency b)Address of Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Agency c)Telephone number of Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Agency d)Project name e)Project location f)Project Architect g)Project Engineer h)Project Contractor i)Project altitude j)Report date 2. Summary Comments: a)Design versus final performance b)Notable characteristics of system ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15950 – 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project c)Description of systems operation sequence d)Summary of outdoor and exhaust flows to indicate amount of building pressurization e)Nomenclature used throughout report f)Test conditions 3. Instrument List: a)Instrument b)Manufacturer c)Model number d)Serial number e)Range f)Calibration date 4. Electric Motors: a)Manufacturer b)Model/Frame c)HP/BHP d)Phase, voltage, amperage; nameplate, actual, no load e)RPM f)Service factor g)Starter size, rating, heater elements 5. Pump Data: a)Identification/number b)Manufacturer c)Size/model d)Impeller e)Service f)Design flow rate, pressure drop, BHP g)Actual flow rate, pressure drop, BHP h)Discharge pressure i)Suction pressure j)Total operating head pressure k)Shut off, discharge and suction pressures l)Shut off, total head pressure ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15950 – 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15950 – 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 6. Heat Pumps: a)Identification/number b)Manufacturer c)Capacity d)Model number e)Serial number f)Evaporator entering water temperature, design and actual g)Evaporator leaving water temperature, design and actual h)Evaporator pressure drop, design and actual i)Evaporator water flow rate, design and actual j)Condenser entering water temperature, design and actual k)Condenser pressure drop, design and actual l)Condenser water flow rate, design and actual 7. Heat Exchanger: a)Identification/number b)Location c)Service d)Manufacturer e)Model number f)Serial number g)Steam pressure, design and actual h)Primary water entering temperature, design and actual i)Primary water leaving temperature, design and actual j)Primary water flow, design and actual k)Primary water pressure drop, design and actual l)Secondary water leaving temperature, design and actual m)Secondary water leaving temperature, design and actual n)Secondary water flow, design and actual o)Secondary water pressure drop, design and actual END OF SECTION SECTION 15550 HEAT PUMPS AND ACCESSORIES PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes packaged water cooled liquid heat pumps. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 15 - Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration. B. ANSI/ASHRAE 90.1 - Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings. C. ASME Section VIII Division 1 D. ANSI/UL 1995 - Central Cooling Air Conditioners. E. ANSI/AHRI 550/590-2003 - Standard for Water Chilling Packages using the Vapor Compression Cycle. F. AHRI STANDARD 575-1994 - Method of Measuring Machinery Sound Within Equipment Rooms. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit drawings indicating components, assembly, dimensions, weights and loadings, required clearances, and location and size of field connections. Indicate equipment, piping and connections, valves, strainers, and thermostatic valves required for complete system. B. Product Data: Submit capacities, components, weights and loads, equipment required for complete system, suggested structural steel supports. C. Performance Data: Submit & certify performance data for each of the five operating conditions described herein, including: heating capacity (MBH), cooling capacity (tons), unit power (kw), full load (kw/ton), heating efficiency (COP), cooling efficiency (EER), full load sound pressure (dBA), evap entering temperature (F), evap leaving temp (F), evap flow rate (gpm), evap pressure drop (psi), condenser entering temp (F), condenser leaving temp (F), condenser flow (gpm), condenser pressure drop (psi), compressor RLA & LRA (amps), compressor B10 bearing life (hours). D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Submit relevant instructions. E. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Operation and Maintenance Data: Include start-up instructions, operation data, maintenance data, controls, and accessories. Include trouble-shooting guide. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15550 – 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to ARI 550/590 code for testing and rating of screw water chillers. B. Conform to UL 1995 - Standard for Heating and Cooling Equipment, Safety Standard. In the event the unit is not UL approved, the manufacturer shall, at manufacturer expense, provide for a field inspection by an UL representative to verify conformance to UL standards. If necessary, contractor shall perform modifications to the unit to comply with UL, as directed by the UL representative. C. Performance Ratings: Coefficient of Performance (COP) not less than prescribed by performance specifications herein. D. Conform to ASME SECTION VIII Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for construction and testing of unfired pressure vessels. E. Conform to ASHRAE 15 code for construction and operation of chillers. F. Perform Work in accordance with industry accepted standard. 1.6 HANDLING A. Comply with manufacturer's installation instructions for rigging, unloading, and transporting units. B. Protect units from physical damage. Leave factory shipping covers in place until installation. 1.7 WARRANTY A. Provide a full parts warranty for one year from start-up or 18 months from shipment, whichever occurs first. B. Equipment supplier shall provide pricing for several Extended Warranty options to include: 1. Whole Units Parts Warranty (Year 2 plus) 2. Compressor Parts 3. Whole Unit Labor Warranty (Year 1 plus) 4. Compressor Warranty Option 5. Refrigerant Warranty Option C. Owner will accept any desired warranty options within 30 days of delivery of the equipment at the provided pricing. 1.8 MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Provide all inspections and service of units by factory trained and authorized servicing technicians. B. Furnish complete factory authorized service and maintenance of equipment for one year from Date of Substantial Completion. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15550 – 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. Provide and report quarterly, annual, and bi-annual maintenance in compliance with or better than ASHRAE Standard 180-2008. D. Include systematic examination, adjustment, and lubrication of unit, including controls checkout and adjustments. Repair or replace parts in accordance with manufacturer's operating and maintenance data. Use parts produced by manufacturer of original equipment. E. Provide emergency call back service during working hours for this maintenance period. F. Maintain locally, near jobsite, adequate stock of parts for replacement or emergency purposes. Have personnel available to ensure fulfillment of this maintenance service, without unreasonable loss of time. G. Perform maintenance work using competent and qualified personnel under supervision of manufacturer or original installer. H. Do not assign or transfer maintenance service to agent or subcontractor without prior written consent of Owner. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PACKAGED HEAT PUMPS A. Manufacturers: 1. The Trane Company Model RTWD Series R. 2. Substitutions: Permitted. B. Factory assembled and tested water cooled liquid heat pumps consisting of compressors, condensers, evaporator, thermal expansion valves, refrigeration accessories, and control panel in accordance with ARI 550/590. C. Compressor And Motor 1. Construct heat pump using semi-hermetic helical rotary screw compressors with independent circuits 2. Statically and dynamically balance rotating parts. 3. Provide oil lubrication system with oil charging valve and oil filter to ensure adequate lubrication during starting, stopping and normal operation. 4. Provide compressor with automatic capacity reduction equipment consisting of capacity control slide valve. Compressor must start unloaded for soft start on motors. 5. Provide compressor bearings rated for B10 100,000 hour life. 6. Provide crankcase heater to evaporate refrigerant returning to crankcase during shut down. Energize heater when compressor is not operating. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15550 – 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project D. Evaporator: 1. Shell and tube type built in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE 15- Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration. Design, test, and stamp evaporator refrigerant side for 200 psig working pressure in accordance with ANSI/ASME SEC 8. 2. Evaporator tubes shall be copper, internally enhanced and externally finned to achieve maximum efficiency. The nominal tube wall thickness shall be 0.025 inches. 3. Water boxes designed for 150 psig maximum waterside working pressure with flanged and gasketed heads for easy removal and access to the tubes. Provide grooved-type water connections for easy field chilled water and condenser water connections with proper orientation as referenced in the scheduled drawings. 4. Units with multi-stage compressors shall incorporate an interstage flash vessel economizer in the refrigerant cycle. E. Water-Cooled Condenser 1. Shell and tube type built in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE 15 Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration. Design, test, and stamp condenser refrigerant side for 300 psig working pressure in accordance with ANSI/ASME SEC 8. 2. Condenser tubes of copper, internally enhanced and externally finned to achieve maximum efficiency. Nominal tube wall thickness of 0.028 inches. F. Refrigerant Circuit 1. Provide units with 2 independent refrigerant circuits, each with a separate single compressor. If manifolded compressors are provided on a circuit, then individual compressor warranties must be provided for each compressor on the circuit. 2. Heat pump shall be able to unload to 20% of capacity with AHRI relief. 3. Provide for each refrigerant circuit a) Suction service valve b) Discharge service valve c) Liquid line shutoff valve d) Filter drier G. Controls 1. The heat pump(s) shall be controlled by a microprocessor-based, proportional and integral controller to show water and refrigerant temperatures, refrigerant pressures and diagnostics. A dedicated heat pump control panel with a non-coded display shall be supplied with each ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15550 – 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 2. The heat pump control panel shall utilize the following components to automatically take action to prevent unit shutdown due to abnormal operating conditions which will perform as follows: a) High pressure limit that is set 10% lower than factory pressure switch that will automatically unload the compressor to help prevent a high pressure condenser control trip. One switch is required for each compressor and indicating light shall also be provided. b) Current limit setpoint that is set to 120% of compressor RLA that will automatically unload the compressor to help prevent an overcurrent trip. One protector is required for each compressor and indicating light shall also be provided. c) Low refrigerant temperature limit that will automatically unload the compressor to help prevent a low evaporator temperature trip. 3. If the heat pump runs in any of the abnormal operating conditions, the heat pump will continue to run, in an unloaded state, and will continue to produce heated condenser water in an attempt to meet the load. However, if the heat pump reaches the trip-out limits, the heat pump controls will take the heat pump off line for protection, and a manual reset is required. Once the "near trip" condition is corrected, the heat pump will return to normal operation and can then produce full load. 4. The heat pump control panel shall provide control of heat pump operation and monitoring of heat pump sensors, actuators, relays, and switches. The panel shall be a complete system for stand-alone heat pump control and include controls to safely and efficiently operate the heat pump. 5. Manufacturer shall provide a compressor that is capable of loading and unloading to an infinite amount of positions in order to provide water temperature accuracy of +/- 0.5F. In the event that the compressor unloads to finite steps, the manufacturer shall provide eight (8) or more steps of unloading on each compressor or provide hot gas bypass (HGBP). 6. The heat pump control panel is to be provided with the following digital type pressure readouts: a) Evaporator refrigerant pressure b) Condenser refrigerant pressure 7. The front of the heat pump control panel shall be capable of displaying the following clear language as standard: a) Entering and leaving evaporator water temperature b) Entering and leaving condenser water temperature ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15550 – 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project c) Condenser water setpoint d) Electrical 3 phase current limit and percent RLA setpoint e) Electrical 3 phase amp draw f) Heat pump operating mode g) Condenser refrigerant temperature h) Elapsed time and number-of-starts counter i) Heat pump compressor run status j) Diagnostics with time and date stamp k) The control panel display shall identify the fault, indicate date, time, and operating mode at time of occurrence, and provide type of reset required and a help message. The historic diagnostic report shall display the last 20 diagnostics with their times and dates of occurrence 8. The heat pump shall provide the following points for system control and monitoring: a) A relay output that shall energize whenever a fault requiring manual reset is detected by the panel. b) A relay output that shall energize whenever the unit is operating in a limit mode for an extended time period. 9. The heat pump control panel shall provide a programmable soft load to prevent the heat pump from achieving full capacity during the startup period by imposing a ramped current limit, or a temperature rise rate. Either can be adjusted to limit how fast the heat pump can load after an initial startup. 10. The heat pump control panel shall provide an RS-232 or USB connection for interface to a printer. 2.2 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND COMPONENTS A. STARTERS 1. The motor starters shall be wye-delta closed transition type. Motor starters shall have a NEMA 1 gasketed enclosure. Enclosure shall be constructed of 12 gauge steel minimum with the exception of doors which shall be 14 gauge steel minimum. 2. Starters shall be unit mounted with ventilating louvers. 3. Motor starters shall include incoming line provisions for the number and size cables shown on the drawings. Incoming line lugs shall be aluminum mechanical type. Connection directly to the contactors is not permissible. 4. Contactors shall be sized properly to the heat pumps full load and locked rotor currents. Contactors shall have double break main contacts with weld resistant silver cadmium faces. Auxiliary interlocks that interface ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15550 – 6 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 5. Each starter shall include an advanced motor protection system incorporating electronic three phase overloads and current transformers. This electronic motor protection system shall monitor and protect against the following conditions: a) Three phase overload protection b) Overload protection during start-up c) Phase imbalance d) Phase loss e) Phase reversal f) Low voltage 6. Alternately the advanced motor protection system can be furnished in the chiller control panel. 7. Each starter/control shall be designed and able to operate in temperatures up to 104 F (40 C). 8. All field supplied wires, bus bars, and fittings shall be copper only. 9. Provide in the starter panel: a) Circuit Breaker - The disconnect handles, both internal and external, shall be capable of being padlocked in the off position. B. Requirements for electrical characteristics. 1. 131 rated load amperes. 2. 460 volts, three phase, 60 Hz. 3. 200 amperes maximum overcurrent protection. 4. 139 minimum circuit ampacity. PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Provide for connection to electrical service. If oil pump is electric include the connection of the oil pump to electrical service. C. Construct concrete housekeeping pad per manufacturer’s recommendation for floor mounting of packaged heat pump units. Provide Neoprene Isolation Pads to reduce vibration transmission. D. Furnish and install necessary auxiliary water piping for oil cooling units and purge condensers. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15550 – 7 Sea Water Heat Pump Project E. Arrange piping for easy dismantling to permit tube cleaning. F. Provide piping from heat pump refrigerant relief valve to outdoors. Size as recommended by manufacturer. G. Furnish initial charge of refrigerant and oil. 3.2 MANUFACTURER'S FIELD SERVICES A. Provide startup by factory trained and authorized servicing technicians confirming equipment has been correctly installed and passes specification checklist prior to equipment becoming operational and covered under OEM warranty. B. The manufacturer shall furnish complete submittal wiring diagrams of the package unit as applicable for field maintenance and service. 3.3 FIELD PERFORMANCE TESTING A. Demonstrate and certify during the one year period after system commissioning that each individual heat pump performs per at least two of the five following operating conditions: Condition 1 2 3 4 5 Evaporator Flow Rate – GPM (18% Propylene Glycol) 180 180 180 180 180 Evaporator Entering Temp 35.0 F 38.1 F 40.3 F 43.3 F 45.8 F Evaporator Leaving Temp 27.7 F 30.2 F 32.0 F 34.4 F 36.4 F Condenser Flow Rate – GPM (Water) 95 96.1 99.9 105.1 109.5 Condenser Entering Temp 100.9 F 100.0 F 100.0 F 100.0 F 100.0 F Condenser Leaving Temp 120.0 F 120.0 F 120.0 F 120.0 F 120.0 F Heating Capacity MBH 902.5 957.9 996.4 1049.6 1094.5 COP 3.37 3.52 3.62 3.75 3.86 ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15550 – 8 Sea Water Heat Pump Project ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15550 – 9 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 3.4 SCHEDULES Equipment Tag HP-1 & HP-2 Manufacturer: Trane Model Number: RTWD Series R High Efficiency Nominal Capacity: 90 Tons Evaporator -Flow Rate: 180 GPM -Entering Fluid Temp.: 35 F -Leaving Fluid Temp.: 27 F -Type Glycol: Propylene Glycol -Fluid Concentration: 18 percent -Pressure Drop: 5 psi Condenser -Flow Rate: 110 GPM -Entering Fluid Temp.: 100 F -Leaving Fluid Temp.: 120 F -Pressure Drop: 1.7 psi -Type Fluid: Water w/ corrosion inhibitor END OF SECTION SECTION 15120 HYDRONIC SPECIALTIES PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Expansion tanks. B. Air vents. C. Air separators. D. Strainers. E. Heat Transfer Solution. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 15105 –Pipe and Fittings. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data: Provide product data for manufactured products and assemblies required for this project. Include component sizes, rough in requirements, service sizes, and finishes. Include product description, model and dimensions. C. Submit inspection certificates for pressure vessels from authority having jurisdiction. D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate hanging and support methods, joining procedures. 1.4 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01720. B. Record actual locations of all tagged hydronic specialty equipment. 1.5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Submit under provisions of Section 01730. B. Maintenance Data: Include installation instructions, assembly views, lubrication instructions, and replacement parts list. 1.6 MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Furnish service and maintenance of heat transfer solution for one year from date of substantial completion. B. Semi-annual visit to make glycol fluid concentration analysis on site with refractive index measurement instrument. Detail findings with maintenance personnel in writing of corrective actions needed including analysis and amounts of glycol or water added. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15515 – 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.7 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Provide two extra 55 gallon drums of inhibited propylene glycol. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 EXPANSION TANKS A. Manufacturers: 1. Amtrol 2. Or Equal. B. Construction: Diaphragm type, Closed, welded steel, tank tested and stamped in accordance with ASME SEC VII, Division 1; cleaned, prime coated, and supplied with steel support base or saddles; with tappings for installation of accessories. C. Pressure rating: 125 psi. D. Size: As shown on the Equipment Schedule on the Drawings. 2.2 AIR VENTS A. Manual Type: Short vertical sections of 2 inch diameter pipe to form air chamber, with 1/8 inch brass needle valve at top of chamber. B. Float Type: 1. Brass or semi steel body, copper, polypropylene, or solid non metallic float, stainless steel valve and valve seat; suitable for system operating temperature and pressure; with isolating valve. 2.3 AIR SEPARATORS A. Combination Air/Sediment Separators: 1. Manufacturers: a)Bell & Gossett Model SRS b)Or Equal 2. Steel, tested and stamped in accordance with ASME SEC VII, Division 1; for 125 psig operating pressure, with tangential inlet and outlet connections, and internal stainless steel air collector tube. Welded sump for collection of removed sediment with purging tapping at the bottom and air removal tapping at the top of the unit. 3. Unit shall have an efficiency of 98% of 200 mesh sand and be capable of removal of heavier than water undissolved sediment of at least 40 microns. 2.4 STRAINERS A. Flanged PVC body for 175 psig working pressure, basket pattern with 1/8 inch stainless steel perforated screen. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15515 – 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Provide a bottom blow down tapping with motorized ball valve with discharge routed to drain. Ball valve shall open on a timed schedule to flush collected sediment from the basket. Provide an electronic 24 hour time clock and suitable relay to operate valve. 2.5 BALANCING VALVES A. Manufacturers: 1. Bell and Gossett, Circuit Setter Plus 2. Or Equal. B. Construction: 1. Three-inch and smaller: Brass or bronze body, NPT ends, brass ball with glass and carbon filled TFE seat rings, temperature and pressure test plug on inlet and outlet, ¼” NPT tapped drain/purge port, memory stop. 2. Four-inch and larger: Globe type 125 lb flanged cast iron body or grooved-end ductile iron body, bronze seat, replaceable bronze disk with EPDM seal ring, memory stop. C. Calibration: Control flow within 5 percent of selected rating, over operating pressure range of 10 times minimum pressure required for control. 2.6 RELIEF VALVES A. Manufacturers: 1. Watts. 2. Or Equal. B. Bronze body, teflon seat, stainless steel stem and springs, automatic, direct pressure actuated, capacities ASME certified and labeled. 2.7 HEAT TRANSFER SOLUTION A. Inhibited propylene glycol and water solution mixed to provide suitable freeze protection. 1. Evaporator Loop: 18 percent glycol solution. 2. AHU Preheat Loop: 40 percent glycol solution. B. Water with corrosion inhibitors suitable to protect steel and copper wetted surfaces. 1. Condenser Loop. PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install specialties in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15515 – 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15515 – 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Where large air quantities can accumulate, provide enlarged air collection standpipes. C. Provide manual air vents at system high points and as indicated. D. For automatic air vents in ceiling spaces or other concealed locations, provide vent tubing to nearest drain. E. Provide air separator on suction side of system circulation pump and connect to expansion tank. F. Provide valved drain and hose connection on strainer blow down connection. G. Support pump fittings with floor mounted pipe and flange supports. H. Provide relief valves on heat exchangers. I. Select equipment relief valve capacity to exceed rating of connected equipment. J. Clean and flush piping before adding heat transfer solution. K. Perform tests determining strength of glycol and water solution and submit written test results. * * * END OF SECTION * * * SECTION 15505 HEAT EXCHANGERS PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Shell and tube type heat exchangers. B. Plate type heat exchangers. C. Accessories and trim. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 15510 - Hydronic Piping. B. Section 15515 - Hydronic Specialties. 1.3 REFERENCES A. ANSI/ASME - Boilers and Pressure Vessels Code. 1.4 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to Section 8D of the ANSI/ASME Boilers and Pressure Vessels Code for manufacture of tubular heat exchangers and heat exchanger shells. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings and product data under provisions of Section 01300. B. Submit shop drawings and product data for manufactured products and assemblies required for this project. C. Indicate dimensions, locations, and size of tappings and performance data. D. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions under provisions of Section 01300. E. Submit manufacturer's certificate that heat exchangers meet or exceed specified requirements. F. Submit design data in sufficient detail to verify that heat exchangers meet or exceed specified requirements. G. Submit test reports of tube bundle pressure tests. 1.6 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Submit operation and maintenance data under provisions of Section 01730. B. Include start up and shut down instructions, assembly drawings, and spare parts lists. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver products to site under provisions of Section 01610. B. Store and protect products under provisions of Section 01610. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15505 – 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. Protect internals from entry of foreign material by temporary caps on flanged openings. 1.8 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Provide one set of replacement gaskets. B. Provide one set of wrenches for disassembly of plate type heat exchangers. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 TUBE IN TUBE TYPE HEAT EXCHANGER A. Manufacturers 1. Doucette Industries 2. Or Equal. B. Heated Water Tubes: Concentric type L or ACR hard copper construction with vent path. UL approved for potable water heating with non-potable fluids. C. Shell Tubes: Carbon steel construction surrounding heated water tubes. D. Tube bundles arranged in series and/or parallel with threaded or bolt-on caps to allow mechanical cleaning of heated water tubes. E. Piping connections: Copper sweat joint. F. Mounting frame: Steel construction G. Performance: See Equipment Schedule on the drawings. 2.2 PLATE AND FRAME TYPE HEAT EXCHANGER A. Manufacturers 1. Mueller Accu-therm.] 2. Or Equal. B. Frames: Carbon steel with baked epoxy enamel paint, stainless steel side bolts and shroud. C. Plates: Stainless steel Type 304 or Titanium per the equipment schedule. D. Gaskets: Nitrile rubber. E. Nozzles: 150 psig ASA flange type with stainless steel studs. F. Performance: See Equipment Schedule on the drawings. PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15505 – 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15505 – 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Install tube in tube heat exchangers to permit access to tube ends for mechanical cleaning with minimum disturbance to installed equipment and piping. C. Install plate and frame type heat exchangers to permit removal of plates with minimum disturbance to installed equipment and piping. D. Support heat exchangers on welded steel pipe and angle floor stand. E. Pipe relief valves to nearest floor drain. 3.2 WATER TO WATER HEAT EXCHANGER TRIM A. Water Inlets and Outlets: Thermometer wells, pressure gage tappings. B. Heated Water Outlet: Thermometer well for temperature regulator sensor (where shown), ASME rated pressure and temperature relief valve, valved drain. END OF SECTION SECTION 15190 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Nameplates. B. Tags. C. Pipe Markers. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASME A13.1 - Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Submit list of wording, symbols, letter size, and color coding for mechanical identification. C. Submit valve chart and schedule, including valve tag number, location, function, and valve manufacturer's name and model number. D. Product Data: Provide manufacturers catalog literature for each product required. E. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special procedures, and installation. F. Operating and Maintenance Data: Include a copy of valve tag and equipment nameplate directories in each set of Operating and Maintenance manuals. 1.4 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01720 B. Equipment Directory: List air handlers, terminal units, and other equipment nameplates. Include Owner and Contractor furnished equipment. List nameplate designation, area served or function, manufacturers model number, location of equipment, disconnect location, and normal position of Hand-Off- Auto (HOA) switch. C. Record actual locations of tagged valves. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 NAMEPLATES A. Manufacturer: 1. Seaton 2. Or equal. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15190 – 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Description: Laminated multi-layer plastic with engraved white letters on black background color. Minimum size 2-1/2” x 1” 2.2 TAGS A. Manufacturer: 1. Seaton 2. Or equal. B. Plastic Tags: Laminated multi-layer plastic with engraved white letters on contrasting background color. Tag size minimum 1-1/2 inch diameter. C. Chart: Typewritten letter size list in anodized aluminum frame. 2.3 PIPE MARKERS A. Manufacturer: 1. Seaton 2. Or equal. B. Color: Conform to ASME A13.1. C. Plastic Pipe Markers: Factory fabricated, flexible, semi- rigid plastic, preformed to fit around pipe or pipe covering; minimum information indicating flow direction arrow and identification of fluid being conveyed. D. Plastic Tape Pipe Markers: Flexible, vinyl film tape with pressure sensitive adhesive backing and printed markings. PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Degrease and clean surfaces to receive adhesive for identification materials. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install plastic nameplates with corrosive-resistant mechanical fasteners, or adhesive. Apply with sufficient adhesive to ensure permanent adhesion and seal with clear lacquer. B. Install tags with corrosion resistant chain. C. Install plastic pipe markers in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. D. Install plastic tape pipe markers complete around pipe in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. E. Identify pumps, heat transfer equipment, tanks, and water treatment devices with plastic nameplates. Small devices, such as in-line pumps, may be identified with tags. F. Identify control panels and major control components outside panels with plastic nameplates. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15190 – 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15190 – 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project G. Identify valves in main and branch piping with tags. H. Tag automatic controls, instruments, and relays. Key to control schematic. I. Identify piping, concealed or exposed, with plastic pipe markers or plastic tape pipe markers. Use tags on piping 3/4 inch diameter and smaller. Identify service and flow direction. Install in clear view and align with axis of piping. Locate identification not to exceed 20 feet on straight runs including risers and drops, adjacent to each valve and Tee, at each side of penetration of structure or enclosure, and at each obstruction. 3.3 SCHEDULES A. Indentify piping according to the following: Service Legend Color (background/lettering) Sea Water Supply Sea Water Supply Green/White Sea Water Waste Sea Water Waste Green/White Evaporator Supply Evaporator Supply Green/White Evaporator Return Evaporator Return Green/White Condenser Supply Condenser Supply Yellow/Black Condenser Return Condenser Return Yellow/Black Coil Pre-Heat Supply Coil Pre-Heat Supply Yellow/Black Coil Pre-Heat Return Coil Pre-Heat Return Yellow/Black Domestic Cold Water Domestic Cold Water Green/White Domestic Hot Water Domestic Hot Water Yellow/Black Refrigerant Relief Vent Refrigerant Relief Vent Yellow/Black END OF SECTION SECTION 15140 SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Pipe and equipment hangers and supports. B. Equipment bases and supports. C. Sleeves and seals. D. Flashing and sealing equipment and pipe stacks. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 15080 - Mechanical Insulation. 1.3 REFERENCES A. ASTM F708 - Design and Installation of Rigid Pipe Hangers. B. MSS SP58 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacturer. C. MSS SP69 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application. D. MSS SP89 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Fabrication and Installation Practices. E. NFPA 13 - Installation of Sprinkler Systems. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate system layout with location and detail of trapeze hangers. C. Product Data: Provide manufacturers catalog data including load capacity. D. Design Data: Indicate load carrying capacity of trapeze, multiple pipe, and riser support hangers. E. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special procedures and assembly of components. 1.5 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to International Mechanical Code for support of piping. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Hydronic Piping: 1. Conform to MSS SP69. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15140 – 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 2. Hangers for Pipe Sizes 1/2 to 1-1/2 Inch: Malleable iron or Carbon steel, adjustable swivel, split ring. 3. Hangers for Cold Pipe Sizes 2 Inches and Over: Carbon steel, adjustable, clevis. 4. Hangers for Hot Pipe Sizes 2 to 4 Inches: Carbon steel, adjustable, clevis. 5. Hangers for Hot Pipe Sizes 6 Inches and Over: Adjustable steel yoke, cast iron roll, double hanger. 6. Multiple or Trapeze Hangers: Steel channels with welded spacers and hanger rods. 7. Multiple or Trapeze Hangers for Hot Pipe Sizes 6 Inches and Over: Steel channels with welded spacers and hanger rods, cast iron roll. 8. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes to 3 Inches: Cast iron hook. 9. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes 4 Inches and Over: Welded steel bracket and wrought steel clamp. 10. Wall Support for Hot Pipe Sizes 6 Inches and Over: Welded steel bracket and wrought steel clamp with adjustable steel yoke and cast iron roll. 11. Vertical Support: Steel riser clamp. 12. Floor Support for Cold Pipe: Cast iron adjustable pipe saddle, lock nut, nipple, floor flange, and concrete pier or steel support. 13. Floor Support for Hot Pipe Sizes to 4 Inches: Cast iron adjustable pipe saddle, lock nut, nipple, floor flange, and concrete pier or steel support. 14. Floor Support for Hot Pipe Sizes 6 Inches and Over: Adjustable cast iron roll and stand, steel screws, and concrete pier or steel support. 15. Copper Pipe Support: Carbon steel ring, adjustable, copper plated. 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Hanger Rods: Mild steel threaded both ends, threaded one end, or continuous threaded. 2.3 SLEEVES A. Sleeves for Pipes Through Non-fire Rated Floors: 18 gage galvanized steel. B. Sleeves for Pipes Through Non-fire Rated Beams, Walls, Footings, and Potentially Wet Floors: Steel pipe or 18 gage galvanized steel. C. Sleeves for Pipes Through Fire Rated and Fire Resistive Floors and Walls, and Fire Proofing: Prefabricated fire rated sleeves including seals, UL listed D. Firestopping Insulation: Glass fiber type, non-combustible. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15140 – 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project E. Sealant: Acrylic. PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.2 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Support horizontal piping as scheduled. B. Install hangers to provide minimum 1/2 inch space between finished covering and adjacent work. C. Place hangers within 12 inches of each horizontal elbow. D. Use hangers with 1-1/2 inch minimum vertical adjustment. E. Support horizontal cast iron pipe adjacent to each hub, with 5 feet maximum spacing between hangers. F. Support vertical piping at every floor. G. Where several pipes can be installed in parallel and at same elevation, provide multiple or trapeze hangers. H. Support riser piping independently of connected horizontal piping. I. Provide copper plated hangers and supports for copper piping. J. Design hangers for pipe movement without disengagement of supported pipe. K. Prime coat exposed steel hangers and supports. Refer to Section 09900. Hangers and supports located in crawl spaces, pipe shafts, and suspended ceiling spaces are not considered exposed. 3.3 EQUIPMENT BASES AND SUPPORTS A. Provide templates, anchor bolts, and accessories for mounting and anchoring equipment. B. Construct supports of steel members. Brace and fasten with flanges bolted to structure. C. Provide rigid anchors for pipes after vibration isolation components are installed. 3.4 SLEEVES A. Set sleeves in position in formwork. Provide reinforcing around sleeves. B. Size sleeves large enough to allow for movement due to expansion and contraction. Provide for continuous insulation wrapping. C. Extend sleeves through floors one inch above finished floor level. Caulk sleeves. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15140 – 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15140 – 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project D. Where piping penetrates floor, ceiling, or wall, close off space between pipe or duct and adjacent work with fire stopping insulation and caulk. Provide close fitting metal collar or escutcheon covers at both sides of penetration. E. Install stainless steel escutcheons at finished surfaces. 3.5 SCHEDULES HANGAR ROD SIZING PIPE SIZE MAX. HANGER SPACING HANGER ROD DIAMETER Inches Feet Inches 1/2 to 1-1/4 6.5 3/8 1-1/2 to 2 10 3/8 2-1/2 to 3 10 1/2 4 to 6 10 5/8 8 to 12 14 7/8 14 and Over 20 1 PVC (All Sizes) 6 3/8 END OF SECTION SECTION 15130 LOOP CIRCULATION PUMPS PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Close coupled pumps. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 15080 Mechanical Insulation. B. Section 15510 Hydronic Piping. C. Section 15515 Hydronic Specialties. 1.3 REFERENCES A. UL 778 Motor Operated Water Pumps. B. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Ensure pumps operate at specified system fluid temperatures without vapor binding and cavitation, are non overloading in parallel or individual operation, and operate within 25 percent of midpoint of published maximum efficiency curve. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data: Provide certified pump curves showing performance characteristics with pump and system operating point plotted. Include NPSH curve when applicable. Include electrical characteristics and connection requirements. C. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate hanging and support requirements and recommendations. D. Millwright's Certificate: Certify that base mounted pumps have been aligned. 1.6 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Submit under provisions of Section 01730. B. Operation and Maintenance Data: Include installation instructions, assembly views, lubrication instructions, and replacement parts list. 1.7 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacture, assembly, and field performance of pumps with minimum five years experience. B. Alignment: Base mounted pumps shall be aligned by qualified millwright. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15130 – 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.8 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Products Requiring Electrical Connection: Listed and classified by testing firm acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated. 1.9 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Provide one set of mechanical seals for each pump. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 CLOSE COUPLED PUMPS A. Manufacturers: B. Paco C. Or Equal. D. Type: Horizontal shaft, single stage, close coupled, radially split casing, for 125 psig maximum working pressure. E. Casing: Cast iron, with suction and discharge gage ports, renewable bronze casing wearing rings, seal flush connection, drain plug, flanged suction and discharge. F. Impeller: Bronze, fully enclosed, keyed to motor shaft extension. G. Shaft: Stainless steel. H. Seal: Carbon rotating against a stationary ceramic seat, 212 degrees F maximum continuous operating temperature. I. Performance: As shown on the Equipment Schedule on the drawings. J. Motor: Premium efficiency, TEFC, rated for use with variable frequency drive (where noted), 1750 rpm unless specified otherwise. K. Wiring Terminations: Provide terminal lugs to match branch circuit conductor quantities, sizes, and materials indicated. Enclose terminal lugs in terminal box sized to NFPA 70. PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Verify that electric power is available and of the correct characteristics. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Provide access space around pumps for service. Provide no less than minimum as recommended by manufacturer. C. Decrease from line size with long radius reducing elbows or eccentric reducers. Support piping adjacent to pump such that no weight is carried on pump casings. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15130 – 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15130 – 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project D. Provide line sized shut off valve on pump suction, and line sized soft seat check valve, balancing valve, and shut off valve on pump discharge. E. Provide air cock and drain connection on horizontal pump casings. F. Provide gauge tappings on suction and discharge flanges with gauge cocks and gauges of the appropriate range. G. Provide drains for bases and seals, piped to and discharging into floor drains. H. Check, align, and certify alignment of base mounted pumps prior to start up. I. Install close coupled and base mounted pumps on concrete housekeeping base, with anchor bolts, set and level, and grout in place. J. Lubricate pumps before start up. END OF SECTION SECTION 15110 VALVES PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this Section: 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): a)B16.1, Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings. b)B16.42 Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 150 and 300. 2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a)A276, Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. b)A351, Standard Specification for Castings, Austenitic, Austenitic-Ferric (Duplex), for Pressure-Containing Parts. c)A536, Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings. d)A564, Standard Specification for Hot-Rolled and Cold- Finished Age-Hardening Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. e)A743, Standard Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application. f)B61, Standard Specification for Steam or Valve Bronze Castings. g)B62, Standard Specification for Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings. h)B98, Standard Specification for Copper-Silicon Alloy Rod, Bar, and Shapes. i)B127, Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Plate, Sheet, and Strip. j)B139, Standard Specification for Phosphor Bronze Rod, Bar, and Shapes. k)B164, Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy Rod, Bar, and Wire. l)B194, Standard Specification for Copper-Beryllium Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar. m)B584, Standard Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15110 – 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project n)D429, Test Methods for Rubber Property—Adhesion to Rigid Substrates. o)D1784, Standard Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds. 3. American Water Works Association (AWWA): a)C504, Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves. b)C509, Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service. c)C550, Protective Epoxy Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: 1. Product data sheets for make and model. 2. Complete catalog information, descriptive literature, specifications, and identification of materials of construction. B. Information Submittals: 1. Tests and inspection data. 2. Manufacturer’s Certificate of Proper Installation. 3. Operation and Maintenance Manual. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. All valves to include operator, actuator, handwheel, chain wheel, extension stem, floor stand, worm and gear operator, operating nut, chain, wrench, and accessories for a complete operation. B. Valve to be suitable for intended service. Renewable parts not to be of a lower quality than specified. C. Valve same size as adjoining pipe. D. Valve ends to suit adjacent piping. E. Size operator to operate valve for the full range of pressures and velocities. F. Valve to open by turning counterclockwise. G. Factory mount operator, actuator, and accessories. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15110 – 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 2.2 MATERIALS A. Bronze and brass valve components and accessories that have surfaces in contact with water to be alloys containing less than 16 percent zinc and 2 percent aluminum. 1. Approved alloys are of the following ASTM designations: B61, B62, B98 (Alloy UNS No. C65100, C65500, or C66100), B139 (Alloy UNS No. C51000), B584 (Alloy UNS No. C90300 or C94700), B164, B194, and B127. 2. Stainless steel Alloy 18-8 may be substituted for bronze. 2.3 FACTORY FINISHING A. Epoxy Lining and Coating: 1. Use where specified for individual valves described herein. 2. In accordance with AWWA C550 unless otherwise specified. 3. Either two-part liquid material or heat-activated (fusion) material except only heat-activated material if specified as “fusion” or “fusion bonded” epoxy. 4. Minimum 7-mil dry film thickness except where limited by valve operating tolerances. B. Exposed Valves: 1. In accordance with Section 09900, PAINTING. 2. Safety isolation valves and lockout valves with handles, handwheels, or chain wheels “safety yellow.” 2.4 VALVES A. Isolation valves 2 inches and smaller shall be as specified in Section 15050 Basic Materials and Methods. B. Butterfly Valves 1. General: Butterfly valves shall be in compliance with the following requirements: a)Suitable for throttling operations and infrequent operation after periods of inactivity. b)Elastomer seats bonded or vulcanized to body shall have bond integrity between seat and body assured by testing with minimum 75-pound pull in accordance with ASTM D429, Method B. c)Bubble tight with rated pressure applied from either side. d)No travel stops for the disc on the interior of the body. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15110 – 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project e)Self adjusting V-type or O-ring shaft seals. 2. Lug Wafer Pattern Butterfly Valve a)Ductile iron body, threaded lug type, ANSI 125/150 pattern. b)Type 304 stainless steel disc c)EPDM elastomer seat d)Type 416 stainless steel shaft e)Reinforced PTFE shaft bushings 2.5 OPERATORS A. Manual Operator: 1. General: a)Operator force not to exceed 40 pounds under any operating condition, including initial breakaway. Gear reduction operator when force exceeds 40 pounds. b)Operator self-locking type or equipped with self-locking device. c)Position indicator on quarter-turn valves. d)Worm and gear operators one-piece design worm-gears of gear bronze material. Worm hardened alloy steel with thread ground and polished. Traveling nut type operators threaded steel reach rods with internally threaded bronze or ductile iron nut. 2. Exposed Operator: a)Galvanized and painted handwheels. b)Lever operators allowed on quarter-turn valves 8 inches and smaller. c)Cranks on gear type operators. d)Chain wheel operator with tiebacks, extension stem, floor stands, and other accessories to permit operation from normal operation level. e)Valve handles to take a padlock, and wheels a chain and padlock. B. Motorized Operator: 1. General: a)Size to provide sufficient force to operate the valve under all conditions. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15110 – 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project b)Position indicator on quarter turn valves. c)Two position spring return or modulating as indicated on the drawings. 2.6 HYDRAULICALLY OPERATED VALVES A. Pressure Sustaining Valves (PCV-100) 1. Manufacturers: Cla-Val, Model 50-01, or approved equal, 2. Valve Function: The valve shall maintain a constant upstream pressure regardless of changing flow rate and/or inlet pressure. 3. Main Valve: The valve shall be hydraulically operated, single diaphragm actuated, globe pattern. The valve shall consist of three major components: the body with seat installed, the cover with bearing installed, and the diaphragm assembly. The diaphragm assembly shall be the only moving part and shall form a sealed chamber in the upper portion of the valve, separating operating pressure from line pressure. Packing glands and/or stuffing boxes are not permitted and there shall be no pistons operating the main valve or pilot controls. Valve body and cover shall be of cast ductile iron manufactured in North America. No fabrication or welding shall be used in the manufacturing process. Body shall have 150 pound ANSI flat-faced flanges. 4. Main Valve Body: a)No separate chambers shall be allowed between the main valve cover and body. Valve body and cover shall be of cast ductile iron material. No fabrication or welding shall be used in the manufacturing process. b)The valve shall contain a resilient, synthetic rubber disc, with a rectangular cross-section contained on three and one-half sides by a disc retainer and forming a tight seal against a single removable seat insert. No O-ring type discs (circular, square, or quad type) shall be permitted as the seating surface. The disc guide shall be of the contoured type to permit smooth transition of flow and shall hold the disc firmly in place. The disc retainer shall be of a sturdy one-piece design capable of withstanding opening and closing shocks. It must have straight edge sides and a radius at the top edge to prevent excessive diaphragm wear as the diaphragm flexes across this surface. No hourglass-shaped disc retainers shall be permitted and no V-type or slotted type disc guides shall be used. c)The diaphragm assembly containing a non-magnetic 303 stainless steel stem of sufficient diameter to withstand high hydraulic pressures shall be fully guided at both ends by a bearing in the valve cover and an integral bearing in the ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15110 – 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project d)The flexible, non-wicking, FDA approved diaphragm shall consist of nylon fabric bonded with synthetic rubber compatible with the operating fluid. The center hole for the main valve stem must be sealed by the vulcanized process or a rubber grommet sealing the center stem hole from the operating pressure. The diaphragm must withstand a Mullins Burst Test of a minimum of 600 psi per layer of nylon fabric and shall be cycle tested 100,000 times to insure longevity. The diaphragm shall not be used as the seating surface. The diaphragm shall be fully supported in the valve body and cover by machined surfaces which support no less than one- half of the total surface area of the diaphragm in either the fully opened or fully closed position. e)The main valve seat and the stem bearing in the valve cover shall be removable. Valve seat shall be retained by flat head machine screws for ease of maintenance. The lower bearing of the valve stem shall be contained concentrically within the seat and shall be exposed to the flow on all sides to avoid deposits. To insure proper alignment of the valve stem, the valve body and cover shall be machined with a locating lip. No “pinned” covers to the valve body shall be permitted. Cover bearing, disc retainer, and seat shall be made of stainless steel. All necessary repairs and/or modifications other than replacement of the main valve body shall be possible without removing the valve from the pipeline. Packing glands and/or stuffing boxes shall not be permitted and components including cast material shall be of North American manufacture. f)The valve body shall be coated inside and out with FDA approved fusion bonded epoxy. The coating shall be applied in accordance with AWWA coating specification C550-90. 5. Pilot Control System: a)The pressure sustaining pilot control shall be a direct-acting, adjustable, spring-loaded, normally closed, diaphragm valve designed to permit flow when controlled pressure exceeds ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15110 – 6 Sea Water Heat Pump Project b)The pilot control system shall include an opening speed control. c)The pilot control system shall include a strainer & orifice assembly. d)Material Specification for Pilot Control: 1).Body: Cast Bronze ASTM B62 2).Pressure Rating: 150 psi 3).Trim: Stainless steel 4).Rubber Material: Buna N 5).Tubing and Fittings: Stainless steel 6).Adjustment Range: 0-75 psi 7).Operating Fluids: Sea water PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Flange Ends: 1. Flanged valve boltholes shall straddle vertical centerline of pipe. 2. Clean flanged faces, insert gasket and bolts, and tighten nuts progressively and uniformly. B. Lug pattern butterfly valves: Do not install lug pattern butterfly valves adjacent to flanged control valves where the adjacent valve internals will interfere with full movement of the valve disc. C. Valve Orientation: 1. Install operating stem vertical when valve is installed in horizontal runs of pipe having centerline elevations 4 feet 6 inches or less above finished floor, unless otherwise shown. 2. Install operating stem horizontal in horizontal runs of pipe having centerline elevations more than 4 feet 6 inches above finished floor, unless otherwise shown. 3. Orient butterfly valve shaft so that unbalanced flows or eddies are equally divided to each half of the disc, i.e., shaft is in the plane of rotation of the eddy. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15110 – 7 Sea Water Heat Pump Project ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15110 – 8 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 3.2 TESTS AND INSPECTION A. Valve may be either tested while testing pipelines, or as a separate step. B. Test that valves open and close smoothly under operating pressure conditions. Test that two-way valves open and close smoothly under operating pressure conditions from both directions. C. Set, verify, and record set pressures for all relief and regulating valves. D. Automatic valves to be tested in conjunction with control system testing. Set all opening and closing speeds, limit switches, as required or recommended by the ENGINEER. END OF SECTION SECTION 15105 PIPE AND FITTINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and General Provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. Work under this section shall include furnishing and installing piping, fittings, and connections common to the various piping systems specified in Division 15. B. This Section includes pipe sleeves and seals. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Single Source Responsibility: Comply with the requirements specified in Division 1 Section, "Materials and Equipment". B. Flanges and fittings shall have the manufacturer's trademark affixed in accordance with MSS SP-25 to permanently identify the manufacturer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPING SYSTEMS A. Heating Water Piping (includes Heating Glycol): 1. Pipe: Black steel, Schedule 40, ANSI/ASTM A53. 2. Fittings, 2-Inch and Smaller: Screwed malleable iron, 150 lb. WSP, ANSI/ASME 16.3. 3. Fittings, 2-1/2 Inch and Larger: Ductile iron, ASTM A-536, grade 65-45- 12, grooved ends for mechanical couplings. Segmentally welded from schedule 40 pipe as specified above where cast fittings are not available. 4. Couplings, 2-1/2" and larger for grooved end piping: Rigid joint ductile iron, ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12, with heat treated plated carbon steel trackhead bolts, ASTM A-449 and ASTM A-183. Gaskets: EPDM, rated for -30F to 230F propylene glycol. 5. Grooved-end Adapter Flanges: Ductile Iron, ASTM A-536, grade 65-45- 12, ANSI Class 125/150 pattern. 6. Optional for pipe 2” and Smaller: a)Copper, Type ‘L’, Hard drawn, ASTM B88. b)Fittings: Wrought copper or bronze soldered, pressure fittings. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15105 – 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project B. Seawater and Evaporator Loop Piping: 1. Pipe: PVC, Schedule 80, Type I, Grade 1, or Class 12454-B, conforming to ASTM D1784 and ASTM D1785. 2. Joints: Socket-weld, except where connecting to unions, valves, and equipment with threaded connections that may require future disassembly. 3. Fittings: Schedule 80, conforming to the requirements of ASTM D2467 for socket type and ASTM D2464, for threaded type. 4. Flanges: One piece, molded hub type flat faced flanges, 125-pound standard. a)Gaskets: Full-faced, 1/8-inch thick, fabricated from ethylene propylene rubber (EPR). b)When mating flange has raised face, use flat ring gasket and provide filler gasket between OD of raised face and flange OD to protect PVC flange from bolting moment c)Bolting:. Type 316 stainless steel, ASTM A193, Grade B8M hex head bolts and ASTM A194, Grade 8M hex head nuts. Bolts shall be fabricated in accordance with ANSI B 18.2 and provided with washers of the same material as the bolts. 5. Solvent Cement: All socket connections shall be joined with PVC solvent cement conforming to ASTM D2564. Manufacture and viscosity shall be as recommended by the pipe and fitting manufacturer to assure compatibility. 6. Thread Lubricant: Teflon tape. C. Domestic Water Piping (Above Ground): 1. Pipe: Copper, Type L, hard drawn, seamless, ASTM B88. 2. Fittings: Wrought copper or bronze soldered, ANSI/ASME B16.22. 3. Solder : Lead free solder only. 2.2 UNIONS A. Copper Tube: Sweat, Nibco No. 733, Grinnell No. 9730, or EPC No. 4733. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION OF PIPING A. Close all openings in pipes with appropriate caps, plugs, and covers during storage and progress of the work to preclude introduction of contaminants. B. Provide for all expansion, locating offsets and spring pieces where necessary. C. Alignment Prior to Supporting and Anchoring: Place all piping in proper alignment and position prior to connection to anchors, expansion loop and equipment. Furnish jacking devices, temporary steel structural members and assembled ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15105 – 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project D. Supports: All piping shall be properly supported or suspended on stands, clamps, hangers, etc., of approved design and make as directed. Supports shall be designed to permit free expansion and contraction while minimizing vibration. Pipes shall be anchored where shown or directed by means of steel clamps or other approved means, securely fastened to the pipe and rigidly attached to the building construction. Equipment and equipment connections shall not support piping and pipe manifolds. E. Pipe ells shall be standard radius. Mitered piping ells are prohibited. F. Change size in piping with reducing couplings. Bushings will not be acceptable. G. Piping Connections: 1. Connections to Equipment: All piping connections to coils and equipment shall be made with offsets provided with screwed or flanged unions so arranged that the equipment can be serviced or removed without dismantling the piping. Unions shall not be directly screwed to coil header piping connections. 2. Short Pipe Connections: Close nipples are not permitted. For short pipe connections, use standard short nipples. 3. Flanged Connections: Make up joints with flanged faces true and perpendicular to the centerline of the pipe to which the flanges are attached. Bolts for flanged joints shall be steel square head machine bolts with heavy semifinished hexagon nuts. 4. Flanges: Wherever welded piping connections to equipment, valves, or other units need maintenance, servicing or require possible removal, the connecting joint shall be flanged. Pressure rating of the pipe flanges shall match the pressure rating of the flanges on the equipment to which the piping connects. 5. Insulating Couplings: Provide dielectric fitting at each joint between ferrous and copper piping. Dielectric unions are not acceptable. H. Concealed Piping: Conceal all piping in finished areas of the building unless noted otherwise. I. All piping shall be run parallel with building construction and 90° angles to same. J. Provide air vents at high points where piping turns down in direction of flow. K. Slope all pipelines and provide low point drains for all piping and equipment. L. Interferences: Arrange piping to avoid interference with light outlets, fixtures, ductwork and other obstructions. M. Provisions for Piping Covering: Allow sufficient space for the proper installation of the pipe covering. If piping is installed too close to other piping or equipment, the piping shall be moved to avoid such interferences. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15105 – 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project N. Cut pipe accurately to measurement established on building and work into place without springing or forcing. O. Install exposed work neatly and workmanlike. Run pipes parallel to the closest wall; maintain maximum headroom; avoid light fixtures. P. Use manufacturer recommended primer and joining procedures for PVC socket joining. Q. Use only strap wrenches to tightening threaded plastic joints, and take care not to overtighten these fittings. R. Correct piping leaks immediately. Use new materials. Leak-sealing compounds or peening will not be permitted. S. Pressure Piping Regulations: All piping work, except drainage, shall conform to the "ANSI Code for Pressure Piping," B31.1, including latest amendments. 3.2 THREADED PIPING JOINTS A. Screw threads shall be cut clean and true. Full cut threads and make up joints with no more than three threads exposed. B. Screw joints shall be made tight by using pipe dope or Teflon tape on male threads. C. No bushings or close nipples shall be used. All reductions shall be made with reducers. D. All pipe shall be reamed after cutting to remove all burrs. Ream pipe to full diameter. E. Do not caulk threaded joints to stop leaks. 3.3 GROOVED COUPLING PIPING JOINTS A. Pipe ends shall be clean and free from indentations, projections and roll marks in the area from pipe end to groove for proper gasket sealing. B. The gasket style and elastomeric material (grade) shall be verified as suitable for the intended service as specified. Gaskets shall be molded and produced by the coupling manufacturer. C. Assemble joints per the coupling manufacturer’s instructions. D. Use pipe grooving tools capable of cutting grooves to the coupling manufacturer’s specifications. 3.4 PVC PIPING JOINTS A. Use manufacturer recommended primer and joining procedures for PVC socket joining. B. Use only strap wrenches to tightening threaded plastic joints, and take care not to overtighten these fittings. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15105 – 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15105 – 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 3.5 COPPER PIPING JOINTS A. Ream thoroughly to remove all burrs. B. Polish contact surfaces of fittings and pipes with emery cloth, sandpaper or steel brush, and wipe clean before fluxing male and female surfaces of joints. 1. Steel wool not permitted for polishing. C. Insert pipe full depth into fitting socket, true and square. D. Silfos or Silbraz on all underground work. E. 95-5 solder, lead free Bridgit or Silvabrite solder for above ground joints. F. Provide solder unions, ground joint or flanged joints where necessary for access to equipment. 3.6 FLANGED CONNECTIONS A. Align flange surfaces parallel. B. Assemble joints by sequencing bolt tightening to make initial contact of flanges and gaskets as flat and parallel as possible. Use suitable lubricants on bolt threads. Tighten bolts gradually and uniformly with a torque wrench. END OF SECTION ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15080 – 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project SECTION 15080 MECHANCIAL INSULATION PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED A. Piping system insulation. 1.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 15010 Mechanical Work General B. Section 15050 Basic Materials and Methods 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: 1. Flame/Smoke Ratings: Provide insulation materials including accessories such as jackets, vapor barriers, cement, etc., with composite fire and smoke hazard ratings as installed, as tested by procedures indicated in NFPA 255 and U.L. 723. Flame spread index shall not exceed 25 and smoke developed index shall not exceed 50. Attach identification of the flame spread index and smoke developed index to each product or their shipping cartons. B. Source Quality Control: Provide insulation manufactured specifically for the service specified. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE INSULATION A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. Where Manville is the only manufacturer indicated, equivalent products by Owens-Corning, CSG and Knauf may be furnished. B. Glass Fiber, All-Purpose Jacket: (650 F Temp. Limit) Preformed glass fiber, one piece, with vapor barrier jacket, thermal conductivity less than .25 at 100 F. Manville "Micro-Lok 650 AP-T C. Flexible Elastomeric Closed-Cell Insulation: Armstrong "Armaflex II" with Armstrong No. 520 joint sealant. Pipe insulation, Armstrong "AP Armaflex." D. Metal Jacket: 0.016-inch aluminum jacket with z-joint connections and aluminum snap straps. Manville Type ML jacket. E. Preformed Pipe Coverings: One-piece PVC insulated pipe fitting covers. Manville Zeston. 2.2 PRESSURE SENSITIVE TAPE A. Acceptable Manufacturers: Where Nashua tapes are indicated, equivalent products by specified insulation manufacturers are acceptable. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15080 – 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PIPE INSULATION A. Applied Locations: 1. Cold Pipelines (Evaporator Loop, AHU coil piping above basement level): Thickness of 1-inch on pipe sizes above 2-inch. Flexible Elastomeric Closed-Cell Insulation. 2. Hot Pipelines: Thickness of 1 inch on pipe sizes up to 2 inches, thickness of 1.5 inches on pipe sizes 2 1/2 inches and larger; Glass fiber, all purpose jacket. B. General: Pipe insulation shall be continuous and installed on all fittings, valves, and appurtenances, unless specified otherwise. Installation shall be with full length units of insulation, and using a single-cut piece to complete a run. Provide jackets for all pipe insulation. 1. Apply insulation to connections, joints, welds, flanges, or screwed joints only after pipe tests are completed. 2. Apply insulation over flanged joints only after piping has been brought up to operating temperature and flange bolts have been fully tightened. C. Joints: 1. Joints shall have adjacent sections tightly butted, with jackets drawn tight and smoothly cemented down on all longitudinal and end laps. Jacket longitudinal laps shall overlap by at least 1-1/2". Butt joints shall be sealed with pressure sensitive, vapor barrier tape. 2. Exposed ends of insulation shall be cement sealed using either adhesive or factory-applied, self sealing system. D. Laps: 1. Self-sealing laps (1-1/2" minimum) and butt strips (3" minimum width) shall be used for sealing insulation joints. Staple with outward clinching staples on 4" centers. If any open gaps occur, add staples and lagging adhesive, or replace jacket totally. Jacket laps shall be smooth and without fishmouths. 2. For cold applications, provide lagging adhesive on all staples. E. Unions, Flanges, Strainers, and Valves: 1. General: Insulate Unions, Flanges, Strainers, and Valves. Accommodate accessible components, such as valve handles or blowdown openings. Cover flange bolts, union hex flats, and valve bonnets. Valve handles shall be extended past insulation jacket. 2. Screwed and Welding Fitting, and Screwed Pattern Valves: On exposed work, insulate to a diameter equal to insulation of adjacent piping. On ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15080 – 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project concealed work, same insulation thickness as on adjacent piping. In all cases, same material as specified for adjacent piping. 3. Flanges and Flanged Valves: Insulate on all piping specified for insulation. Use lags of same material as pipe insulation, overlapping adjacent covering, filled up to uniform outer surface with insulating cement. F. Thermometer and Test Wells: Insulate thermometer and other test wells over their exterior length. Insulate thermometer wells protruding above finish pipe or equipment insulation. Neatly taper insulation away from top of well. Insulation on thermometer wells shall be 1-1/2" minimum thickness. G. Hangers, Anchors, and Sleeves: Continue insulation through pipe hangers, anchors, and pipe sleeves. Inserts and shields shall be provided at hangers where the pipe is supported by insulation. H. Sleeves and Wall Chases: Insulation on pipes through walls and floors shall be full size, and jacketed same as adjacent insulation. Provide a metal jacket over the insulation on pipe passing through sleeves where caulking is required. 1. Where penetrating interior walls, extend the metal jacket 2 inches out on either side of the wall and secure on each end with a band. 2. Where penetrating floors, extend the metal jacket from a point below the back-up material to a point 10 inches above the floor, with one band at the floor and one not more than one inch from end of metal jacket. 3. Provide adequate support on vertical pipe to prevent slipping. I. Allowances for Expansion: At points where pipe will move during expansion and contraction (expansion loops), clearances between the pipe and encased insulation shall be sized to permit full pipe movement without cracking or damaging insulation and casing or jacket. 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field Tests: Testing of systems shall have been completed and systems approved prior to applying insulation. B. Existing Systems: 1. Repair existing insulation damaged during installation of work in existing. 2. Make neat connections where new and existing insulation meet. 3. Where existing piping, ductwork or equipment is removed, cover existing surfaces neatly to match existing. C. Accessibility: Provide removable insulation sections to cover parts of equipment which must be opened periodically for maintenance; include metal vessel covers, fasteners, flanges, frames, and accessories. Do not insulate boiler manholes, handholes, cleanouts, ASME stamp, and manufacturer's nameplate. Provide neatly beveled edge at interruptions of insulation. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15080 – 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project END OF SECTION SECTION 15050 BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1. General Provisions 15010 2. Mechanical Insulation 15080 B. Description: This section describes specific requirements, products, and methods of execution which are typical throughout the mechanical work of this project. Additional requirements for the specific systems will be found in the sections specifying those systems, and supersede these requirements. 1.2 JOB CONDITIONS A. Obtain approval form Contracting Agency prior to cutting any structural members or furring elements B. Structural Interferences: Should structural members prevent the installation of piping, ducting, or equipment, notify the contracting agency before proceeding. Consider minor changes in position of equipment, piping, or ducting, if decided upon before any adjacent connections have been made as part of the contract at no additional cost to the owner. C. Coordinate with structural and architectural work to determine acceptable locations for sleeves and supports which are required but may not be specifically shown on the plans. Schedule installation of sleeves and special supports in manner timely to the work of other crafts. Anticipate minor offsets necessary for proper coordination with other work and reroute systems appropriately. D. Replace any spray applied fire-proofing damaged by installation of mechanical if present in construction. 1.3 DIMENSION AND FIT A. Cut materials accurately from measurements taken at the job site, not from the drawings. B. Do not spring or bend pipe to fit conditions or make up joints. 1.4 SERVICEABILITY OF PRODUCTS A. Furnish all products to provide the proper orientation of serviceable components to access space provided. B. Coordinate installation of piping, duct-work, equipment, system components, and other products to allow proper service of all items requiring periodic maintenance or replacement. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15050 – 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. Replace or relocate all products incorrectly ordered or installed to provide proper serviceability. D. Provide code required access, power and lighting, and platforms as required. 1.5 ACCESSIBILITY A. Provide access doors in ceilings, walls, floors, etc., for access to traps, valves, dampers, automatic devices, grease duct cleaning panels, and all serviceable or operable equipment in concealed areas. 1.6 ROUTING A. Route all pipelines and duct-work parallel with building lines and as high as possible except where underground or shown otherwise on the building plans. B. Route piping and ducts to clear all doors, windows, and other openings, and to avoid all other pipes and ducts, light fixtures, and similar products. C. Conceal all pipes and ducts where routed through finished areas, unless authorized by Contracting Agency or otherwise indicated on plans. PART - 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE SLEEVES A. Interior Wall Sleeves: 12 gauge galvanized steel, flush with wall on both sides. B. Interior Floor Sleeves: 12 gauge galvanized steel and extend two inches above finish floor. C. Exterior Wall Sleeves: Cast iron, flush with wall on both sides. D. On Grade Floor Sleeves: Same as exterior wall sleeves. 2.2 FLOOR, WALL AND CEILING PLATES A. Furnish stamped split type plates as follows: 1. Floor Plates: Cast brass, chromium plated. 2. Wall and Ceiling Plates: Spun aluminum. 2.3 VALVES A. Select valves of the quality and type suited for the specific service and piping system used. Minimum working pressure rating of 125 psig steam and 150 psig W.O.G. B. Valves 2-1/2 inches and larger: as specified in Section 15110 Valves. C. Manufacturer: Nibco Hammond, Jenkins, Milwaukee, Stockham, DeZurek, Red and White, or other manufacturer of equal reliability. D. Gate Valves, 2" and smaller: Bronze body and trim, rising stem, solid wedge. E. Globe Valve 2" and Smaller: Teflon Disc, bronze body, bronze trim. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15050 – 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project F. Swing Check Valves 2" and smaller: Bronze body, horizontal swing, "Y" pattern, renewable disc. G. Ball Valves 2" and smaller: 2 piece construction, brass body, 1/;4 turn handle. Screw or sweat fittings depending on application. H. Drain Valves: Hose end gate valve, ball valve or gate valve with hose connection. Do not use sill cocks in lieu of drain valves. I. Square head cocks: All brass V-type plug, J. Valves specified elsewhere: Provide special valves such as motor operated valves, relief valves, temperature regulating indicated on the drawings. 2.4 BALANCING VALVES A. Circuit setter type, equipped with positioner with memory stop, integral valved readout ports, suitable for bubble tight shut off. Rated 150 PSIG for flow measuring operation. B. Provide flow meter designed for use with balancing valves used. C. Mfg: B &G, TACO, Armstrong, or approved equal. 2.5 UNIONS: A. Union for steel pipe: Ground joint malleable iron. B. Union for copper pipe: All brass C. Union between dissimilar metals: Dielectric type, to be unaffected by heat, cold, or fluid in pipe. EPCO or approved equal 2.6 EXPANSION JOINTS A. Provide expansion joints of the pipe size shown on the drawings, with 1-3/4 inches of compression and 1/4 inch expansion, working pressure of 150 psig and working temperature of 500 degrees F. Manufacturers: Metraflex, Keflex, Flexonics, Anaconda. B. Provide alignment guides of the size and type as applicable. Metraflex Style II pipe alignment guide or equal. C. Provide pipe anchors where shown on the drawings. Use black steel clamps for steel piping and copper plated steel or sleeved anchors for copper piping. Submit shop drawings. 2.7 AIR VENTS A. Automatic Air Vents: Provide air vents designed for 75 psig operating pressure and 230 F maximum operating temperature. Vents to be float type with integral air relief port and built in shutoff valve. Mfg: Honeywell Braukmann or approved equal. B. Manual Air Vents: Screw driver operated type designed for 50 PSIG operating pressure and 230 F maximum operating temperature. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15050 – 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 2.8 PRESSURE GAUGES A. Provide pressure gauges of the range required for the system installed, where shown. B. Gauges: 4 1/2" dial, adjustable pointer, movement bushed with parts of dissimilar metal to reduce wear. Bourdon tube phosphor bronze and silver soldered at tip and socket. Case is black finished aluminum with blowout grommet and acrylic window. 1/4" NPT lower process connection. Accuracy per U.S. Gauge Standard B40.1 of plus or minus 1% of full scale. Mfg: U.S. Gauge model 1900, Ashcroft Model 1377, Marsh Process series or approved equal. C. Provide isolation valve at all gauges. 2.9 THERMOMETERS A. Adjustable angle bimetal industrial type thermometers, with five inch dial type face and range at midpoint of operating conditions. B. Separable wells for all thermometers used in piping systems. C. Mfg: Trerice, Marsh, or equal 2.10 MECHANICAL SUPPORTING DEVICES A. General: 1. Securely fasten all mechanical work to the structure to prevent hazard to human life and limb, and to prevent damage to products of construction under all conditions of operation. B. Pipe Supports: Refer to Section 15140 C. Foundation and Supports: 1. Mount all equipment, plenums, piping and ductwork on foundations or suspend from additional structural members, to provide secure and safe permanent installation. Design supports for structural load imposed, and provide vibration isolation. 2. Provide concrete foundations, including housekeeping pads for fans and pumps located on cast in place concrete structures. Coordinate final sizes and locations. 3. Provide fabricated steel supports, frames, bases, and support or appurtenances for proper installation of all equipment. D. Inserts: Provide all inserts required for installation of piping. In poured concrete provide wrought steel or malleable iron adjustable type. Where expansion bolts are necessary to secure piping or equipment, use malleable iron type with expansion case, to be inserted by drilling concrete. Power driven inserts not permitted for supporting piping to ceiling. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15050 – 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project PART - 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PIPE SLEEVES A. Interior Floor and Wall Sleeves: Large enough in diameter to provide 1/4-inch clearance around pipe or insulation. Pipe penetrations through mechanical room and fan room floors shall be made watertight. B. Sleeves through Rated Floors and Walls: Caulk with fire barrier sealing system approved by Authority having jurisdiction and Owner's insurance underwriter, with rating equal to floor or wall penetrated. C. Exterior Wall Sleeves: Large enough to allow for caulking and made watertight. Caulking shall be from outside using oakum and lead. Secure sleeves against displacement. D. On-Grade Floor Sleeves: Same as exterior wall sleeves, caulked from inside. E. Layout: Lay out work in advance of pouring of slabs or construction of wall, and furnish and set inserts and sleeves necessary to complete the work. F. Coordination: Cutting or patching required as a result of lack of coordination of this operation shall be at no change in Contract Amount. 3.2 FLOOR, WALL AND CEILING PLATES A. Install on piping passing through finished walls, floors, ceilings, partitions and plaster furring. Plates shall completely cover opening around pipe. B. Secure wall and ceiling plates to pipe, insulation, or structure. C. Plates shall not penetrate insulation vapor barriers. D. Plates not required in mechanical rooms or unfinished spaces. 3.3 VALVES A. Provide valves where shown and for isolation of equipment requiring service. B. Provide system low point drain valves with hose end connection and with cap to affect a double seal. 3.4 BALANCING VALVES A. Provide where shown on drawings and at all hydronic units (baseboards, cabinet unit heaters, convectors, unit heaters, coils). B. Install per manufacturers instructions. 3.5 UNIONS A. Provide where shown on drawings and adjacent to all tanks, steam traps, coils, and other equipment requiring removal or replacement for service. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15050 – 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 3.6 EXPANSION JOINTS A. Provide where shown on drawings. Submit shop drawings showing anchor construction and attachment details to structural members. 3.7 AIR VENTS A. Provide where shown on drawings and at system high points as constructed. B. Provide a minimum 3/4" pipe size chamber below automatic air vents to collect air. C. Provide screwdriver operated manual vents at high points of installation of heat exchangers, and coils. 3.8 PRESSURE GAUGES A. Provide pressure gages where shown 3.9 THERMOMETERS A. Provide thermometers where shown. 3.10 MECHANICAL SUPPORTING DEVICES A. Pipe Supports: Reference Section 15140. B. Foundations and Supports 1. Provide where shown and per manufacturers installation instructions. 3.11 CLEANING A. General: Clean mechanical and plumbing equipment, fixtures, piping and ductwork of stampings and markings (except those required by codes), iron cuttings, and other refuse. B. Painted Surfaces: Clean scratched or marred factory finished and painted surfaces of rust or other foreign matter and paint with matching color industrial enamel. C. Additional requirements are specified under specific Sections of this Division. 3.12 EQUIPMENT PROTECTION A. Keep pipe, ductwork and conduit openings closed by means of plugs or caps to prevent the entrance for foreign matter. Protect piping, conduit, ductwork, fixtures, equipment and apparatus against dirty water, chemical or mechanical damage both before and after installation. Restore damaged or contaminated fixtures, equipment or apparatus to original conditions or replace at no cost to the Owner. B. Protect bright finished shafts, bearing housings, and similar items until in service. No rust will be permitted. C. Cover or otherwise suitably protect equipment and materials stored on the job site. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15050 – 6 Sea Water Heat Pump Project ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15050 – 7 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 3.13 PAINTING A. General: Coordinate painting of mechanical equipment and items with products and methods specified under Section 09900, Painting. B. Equipment Room and Finished Areas: 1. Insulation: Apply one coat of sealer and one coat of light grey latex paint, except aluminum foil faced materials. Paint before installing identifying bands. 2. Hangers, un-insulated piping, miscellaneous iron work, structural steel stands, un-insulated tanks, equipment bases: Paint one coat of black enamel. 3. Steel valve bodies and bonnets: One coat of black enamel. 4. Brass valve bodies: Not painted. 5. Equipment: One coat of grey machinery enamel. Do not paint nameplates or factory finished equipment. 6. Grilles, diffusers, registers: Paint sheet metal and visible ductwork behind grilles, diffusers and registers flat black. C. Concealed Spaces (Above Ceilings; not Visible): 1. Insulation: Not painted. 2. Hangers, un-insulated piping, miscellaneous iron work, valve bodies and bonnets: Not painted. D. Exterior Black Steel: Wire brush and apply two coats of rust-inhibiting primer and one coat of grey exterior machinery enamel. 3.14 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Before operating any equipment or systems, make thorough check to determine that systems have been flushed and cleaned as required and equipment has been properly installed, lubricated and serviced in accordance with factory instructions. B. Use particular care in lubricating bearings to avoid damage by over- lubrication and blowing out seals. Check equipment for damage that may have occurred during shipment, after delivery or during installation. Repair damaged equipment as approved or replace with new equipment. 3.15 TESTING A. Piping Systems: Piping systems shall be tested per applicable sections or per the authority having jurisdiction. END OF SECTION SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL CONDITIONS PART - 1 GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED A. The intent of Division 15 Specifications and the accompanying Plans is to provide a complete and workable facility with complete systems as shown, specified and required by applicable codes. Include all work specified in Division 15 and shown on the accompanying Plans, including appurtenances, connections, etc., in the finished job. This section of Division 15 is part of all other sections of Division 15. B. The Division 15 Specifications and the accompanying Plans are complementary, and what is called for by one shall be as binding as if called for by both. Items shown on the Plans are not necessarily included in the Specifications and vice versa. C. Imperative language is frequently used in Division 15 Specifications. Except as otherwise specified, requirements expressed imperatively are to be performed by the Contractor. D. The Plans that accompany the Division 15 Specifications are diagrammatic. They do not show every offset, bend, tee, or elbow which may be required to install work in the space provided and avoid conflicts. Follow the Drawing as closely as is practical to do so and install additional offsets, bends, tees, and elbows where required by local conditions from measurements taken at the Building, subject to approval, and without additional cost to the Owner. The right is reserved to make any reasonable changes in outlet location prior to roughing- in. E. Definitions: 1. "Provide": Includes the furnishing and installation of all materials, equipment, products labor subcontracts, appurtenances, mark-ups, taxes, permits, and any other item which may be required to provide complete operable systems. 2. "Furnish": Purchase and deliver to the job site, materials or labor as shown on the Plans or specified herein. 3. "Install": The installation, setting in place, connection to, bolting down, supporting or any operation to make complete and operable. 4. "Rough In / Connect Only": This means to provide an appropriate system connection such as supplies with stops, continuous wastes with traps, shut-off valves required, and all piping connections, testing, etc. 5. "Accessible": Means arranged so that appropriately dressed man 6'2" tall weighing 250 pounds, may approach the area in question with tools and products necessary for the work intended, and may then position himself ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15010 – 1 Sea Water Heat Pump Project to properly perform the task to be accomplished, without disassembly or damage to the surrounding installation. 6. "Serviceable": means arranged so that the component or product in question may be properly removed, and replaced without disassembly, destruction, or damage to the surrounding installation or piece being serviced. 7. "Streamlining" In many instances, the products, reference standards, and other itemized specifications have been listed without verbiage. In these cases, it is implied that the Contractor shall provide the products and perform according to the references listed. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: 1. General: All work and materials shall conform to all local, State, and Federal codes, and other applicable laws and regulations. 2. All clarifications and modifications which have been cleared with appropriate authorities are listed under applicable sections. 3. All equipment furnished utilizing electrical or electronic products, shall be certified as complying with the most recent list of accredited electrical testing laboratories approved by the State of Alaska. Equipment not complying shall be replaced with certified equipment at no additional labor or materials cost to the Owner. B. Materials and equipment shall be new. Work shall be of good quality, free of faults and defects and in conformance with the Contract Documents. C. Apparatus shall be built and installed to deliver its full rated capacity at the efficiency for which it was designed. D. The entire mechanical system apparatus shall operate at full capacity without objectionable noise or vibration and within the noise criteria set forth on the Plans and in the specifications. E. Materials and Equipment: 1. Each piece of equipment furnished shall meet all detailed requirements of the Plans and Specifications and shall be suitable for the installation shown. Notify the Engineer of any shortcomings found during the bid period. Equipment not meeting all requirements will not be acceptable, even though specified by name along with other manufacturers. 2. Where two or more units of the same class of equipment are furnished, use products of the same manufacturer; component parts of the entire system need not be products of the same manufacturer. 3. Provide all materials and equipment, new and free from defects and of the size, make, type and quality herein specified. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15010 – 2 Sea Water Heat Pump Project F. Workmanship: 1. General: All materials shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner. 2. Manufacturer's Instructions: Follow manufacturer's directions where they cover points not specifically indicated. If they are in conflict with the Plans and Division 15 Specifications, obtain clarification from the Owners Representative before starting work. G. Cutting and Patching: 1. Cutting, patching, and repairing for the proper installation and completion of the work specified in this Division, including plastering, masonry work, concrete work, carpentry work, and painting, shall be performed by skilled craftsmen of each respective trade in conformance with the appropriate Division of Work. 2. Fill holes which are cut oversize so that a tight fit is obtained around the objects passing through. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: 1. Prepare and submit working construction Drawings as requested, specified, or otherwise necessary to demonstrate proper planning for installation and arrangement of all work. Lay out Drawings to scale and show dimensions where accuracy of location is necessary for coordination or communication purposes. Show work of all trades, including Architectural, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical items which may be pertinent to proper and accurate coordination. Provide shop drawings for all products, systems, system components, and special supports which are not a standard catalog product and which may be fabricated for the Contractor or by the Contractor B. Product Data: 1. In general, submit product data for review on all scheduled pieces of equipment, equipment requiring electrical connections or connections by other trades, and as required by each Specification Section or by Drawing notes. Include manufacturer's detailed Shop Drawings, specifications and data sheets. Indicate construction, capacities, accessories, etc. Manufacturer's abbreviations or codes are not acceptable. 2. Indicate equipment operating weights including bases and weight distribution at support points. 3. In the case of equipment such as wiring devices, time switches, valves, etc., specified by specific catalog number, a statement of conformance will suffice. 4. Motor horsepower, electrical characteristics, service factor. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15010 – 3 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. Submission Requirements: 1. Shop Drawings and Product Data: a)Not later than 30 days after notice to proceed, submit shop drawings and product data on all work of Division 15, at the same time, in a 3 ring loose leaf binder, with each item filed under a tab, and labeled with its respective Specification Section Number, article, and paragraph and mark if applicable. b)Include a complete index in the original submittal, Indicate both original items submitted and note stragglers that will be submitted at a later date to avoid delay in submitting. c)The bulk of the shop drawings and product data, except controls and instrumentation, shall be included with the original submittal. Fire Protection and Controls and Instrumentation submittals may lag, but shall be complete when submitted. Partial submittals will not be accepted. Other stragglers submitted after return of the original binder shall include a tab similar to that originally submitted. Upon receipt of the returned late submittal, insert them in the previously submitted binder. 2. Samples: Submit samples required by each section of Division at the same time that Shop Drawings and product data are submitted. D. Contractor Responsibilities: It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to: 1. See that all submittals of Division 15 are submitted at one time with paragraph references within 30 days of signing contract and are in proper order. 2. Insure that all equipment, piping, duct work, etc. will fit in the space provided. 3. Assure that all deviations from Plans and Specifications are specifically noted and called to the attention of the Engineer in the submittals. Failure to comply will void review automatically. 1.4 ELECTRICAL WORK A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Electrical Specifications: Division 16 B. Unless otherwise indicated on the electrical plans or the electrical schedule of Division 16, provide all mechanical equipment motors, thermal overload switches, control relays, time clocks, thermostats, valve operators, float controls, damper motors, electric-pneumatic and pneumatic-electric switches, electrical components, wiring, and any other miscellaneous Division 15 controls. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15010 – 4 Sea Water Heat Pump Project C. Motors: 1. Motors shall be furnished as an integral part of driven equipment. They shall be totally enclosed fan cooled induction type unless otherwise noted. Motors shall be built to NEMA standards for the service intended. The motors shall be premium efficiency, rated for the voltage specified, suitable for operation within the range of 10 percent above to 10 percent below the specified voltage. 2. Motors 1/2 HP and larger: 208V, 230V, 480V, 3 Phase 60 Hz. service factor 1.15 unless specifically noted otherwise. 3. Motors under 1/2 HP: 120V, 1 phase, 60 Hz, complete with internal overload protection. 4. Furnish drives on belt drive equipment of not less than 150 percent of equipment brake horsepower required for performance specified. D. Starters and Disconnects: Provided under Division 16, Electrical, suitable for performing the control functions required, with the exception of self-contained equipment and where the starters and/or disconnects are provided or furnished as part of the control package. E. Equipment Wiring: Interconnecting wiring within a piece of mechanical equipment shall be provided with the equipment unless required otherwise. This does not include the wiring of motors, starters, and controllers provided under Division 16, Electrical. 1.5 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL AND PARTS LIST A. Submit three bound copies of manufacturers operation and maintenance instruction manuals and parts list to the owners representative for each piece of equipment or item requiring servicing. Literature shall be on 8 1/2" x 11" sheets or catalogs suitable for side binding. Submit data at the same time as shop drawings, packaged separately and clearly identified in durable binder. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Existing Conditions: Prior to bidding, verify, and become familiar with, all existing conditions by visiting the site and include all factors which may affect the execution of this work. Include all related costs in the initial bid proposal. B. Coordinate exact requirements governed by actual job conditions. Check all information and report any discrepancies before fabricating work. Report changes in time to avoid unnecessary work. Make changes as directed by the owners representative. 1.7 WARRANTY A. Provide manufacturers written warranties for material and equipment furnished under this Division insuring parts and labor for a period of one year from the date of Owner acceptance of work of this division. Correct warranty items promptly upon notification. ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15010 – 5 Sea Water Heat Pump Project ASLC – YCE/EDC – 11/30/10 15010 – 6 Sea Water Heat Pump Project 1.8 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION A. Identify equipment components of the mechanical systems in accordance with Section 15190 – Mechanical Identification to indicate their function and system served. 1.9 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A. Prior to final acceptance instruct an authorized representative of the Owner on the proper operation and maintenance of all mechanical systems, equipment, and controls provided under this contract. Make available a qualified technician for each component of the installation for this instruction. Give these operating instructions after the operating and maintenance manuals have been furnished to the Owner. Submit written certification, signed by the Contractor and authorized representative of the Owner that this has been completed. 1.10 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS A. In addition to other requirements, mark up a clean set of Drawings as the work progresses, to show the dimensioned location and routing of all mechanical work which will become permanently concealed. Show routing and location of items cast in concrete or buried underground. Show routing of work in permanently concealed blind spaces within the building. Work located in spaces with access, or above suspended ceilings, is not considered permanently concealed. Show complete routing and sizing of any significant revisions to the systems shown. B. Show the location of all valves and appropriate tag identification. C. At completion of the project, deliver these Drawings to the Owners Representative and obtain written receipt. PART - 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART - 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION INPUTS OUTPUTSINPUTS