HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlllison Creek Hydropower Project Water Quality Study - Apr 2010 - REF Grant 2195390Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study i Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska INTERIM REPORT: 2008-2009 WATER QUALITY STUDY ALLISON LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT VALDEZ, ALASKA TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................. i LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................ ii LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... ii LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................................................. ii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................... iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background ................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Project Location and Description............................................................................... 1 1.3 Contract Authorization............................................................................................... 3 1.4 Related Documents and Previous Studies.................................................................. 3 1.5 Regulatory Permits..................................................................................................... 3 2.0 WATER QUALITY .......................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Objectives .................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 Methods...................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1 Allison Creek In-Situ Water Quality ............................................................. 5 2.2.2 Allison Creek Continuous Temperature Monitoring ..................................... 5 2.2.3 Allison Lake Thermal Profiles ....................................................................... 6 2.3 Results ........................................................................................................................ 7 2.3.1 Allison Creek In-Situ Water Quality ............................................................. 7 2.3.2 Allison Creek Continuous Temperature Monitoring ..................................... 8 2.3.3 Allison Lake Thermal Profiles ....................................................................... 9 2.4 Discussion ................................................................................................................ 10 3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................ 12 4.0 CLOSURE ....................................................................................................................... 13 5.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 14 Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study ii Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Allison Creek Opportunistic In-situ Water Quality Data ........................................8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Vicinity Map ............................................................................................................2 Figure 2 Allison Creek Gage Locations .................................................................................5 Figure 3 Approximate Location of Allison Lake Thermal Profiles .......................................6 Figure 4 Allison Creek Continuous Temperature Monitoring 6 August 2008 to 9 October 2009 ............................................................................9 Figure 5 Allison Lake Thermal Profiles 26 September 2008 and 16 July 2009 ....................................................................10 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Photo Log ........................................................................................ A-1 through A-6 Appendix B Literature Review To Date .............................................................. B-1 through B-2 Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study iii Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADF&G Alaska Department of Fish and Game APSC Alyeska Pipeline Service Company ºC Degrees Celsius CVEA Copper Valley Electric Association DNR Department of Natural Resources (Alaska) DO Dissolved Oxygen FDPPA Four Dam Pool Power Agency FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission GPD Green Power Development Hatch Hatch-Acres Corporation mi Mile(s) N North NA Location Not Sampled That Date NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units pH Potential of Hydrogen R&M R&M Consultants, Inc. SI International System of units (abbreviated from Le Système international d'unités) TAC Temperature Acquisition Cable USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USGS United States Geological Survey µS/cm MicroSiemens per Centimeter W West WGS84 World Geodetic System 1984 WRCC Western Regional Climate Center Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study 1 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska INTERIM REPORT: 2008-2009 WATER QUALITY STUDY ALLISON LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT VALDEZ, ALASKA 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) is in its second year of investigating the potential hydropower development of Allison Lake near Valdez, Alaska (Figure 1). CVEA is being assisted in this effort by their principal consultant, Hatch Acres Corporation (Hatch). In a pre-feasibility study (Hatch, 2008) performed for this project, Hatch evaluated three alternative development schemes that would rely on flow from Allison Lake. These three alternatives were described in an Application for Preliminary Permit (CVEA, 2008) that was submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on 3 March 2008; FERC subsequently issued a Preliminary Permit for the site on 4 September 2008 (FERC, 2008). Information is needed to describe the hydrologic setting of the Allison Lake Watershed, to describe and quantify flow variations in Allison Creek, and to characterize the Allison Lake/Allison Creek water quality. To that end, studies of the Allison Lake Watershed began in summer of 2008 and will proceed throughout the 36-month life of the Preliminary Permit, as required to help determine the feasibility of this project. FERC typically requires at least two consecutive years of water flow and quality data to support a Development Application, and the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) typically requires a minimum of two years of data that may be correlated with other nearby stream data to make a five-year record. This report provides the findings of the 2008-2009 water quality studies. It supersedes the previous edition – describing 2008 water use and quality studies – that was issued in final form on 1 April 2009 (R&M, 2009). The 2008 water studies interim report was a single document describing both water use and water quality (R&M, 2009). The 2008-2009 work will be reported in two separate documents, water use and water quality (R&M, 2010). R&M Consultants, Inc. (R&M) conducted this work under contract to Hatch. 1.2 Project Location and Description Allison Lake is located on the south side of Port Valdez, near the Valdez Marine Terminal of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (Figure 1). The Allison Lake Watershed is located within the Chugach Mountain Range, a coastal range which intercepts moisture from the Gulf of Alaska and hosts numerous glaciers as a result of heavy, wet snows. The lake comprises roughly 247 surface acres and is located approximately 1,364 feet above mean sea level. Allison Creek flows northward from the outlet of Allison Lake down to Port Valdez. The headwaters at the south end of the long narrow watershed are fed by glaciated peaks of up to 4,900 feet in elevation. The Allison Lake Watershed is approximately 6 miles in length and up to approximately 1.4 miles in width. Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study 2 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska FIGURE 1 VICINITY MAP Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study 3 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska 1.3 Contract Authorization This work was completed under the terms of Agreement No. H-327730 between Hatch and R&M. This report is in specific fulfillment of Task 1 of B. Environmental Studies as outlined in Task Order No. 05 of the Prime Contract between CVEA and Hatch. Measurements and weights presented in this report are a combination of United States customary units and International System (SI) units. By convention, water quality data are reported in SI units. The remainder of the data is generally reported in United States customary units. 1.4 Related Documents and Previous Studies Allison Lake has been studied for hydropower development prior to this effort. Most recently, an entity known as Green Power Development (GPD) began to study this prospect under a Preliminary Permit from FERC. Their authorization expired in early 2008, following which CVEA immediately filed for a new Preliminary Permit. GPD developed a study plan (GPD, 2006), dated 28 February 2006, based on professional judgment and agency guidance. The plan ultimately gained approval from a number of State agencies, and was approved by FERC on 24 March 2006. The studies described herein are based on that plan, as approved by FERC. Prior to recent and current interest, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers studied the hydropower potential of Allison Lake in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. This effort culminated in a document entitled “Electrical Power for Valdez and the Copper River Basin: Interim Feasibility Report and Final Environmental Impact Statement”, published in March 1981 (USACE, 1981). 1.5 Regulatory Permits Several regulatory approvals have been obtained for water studies and other exploratory activities conducted at Allison Lake. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) issued Title 16 Fish Habitat Permits for the stream gages installed in Allison Creek (Permit # FH 09-II-0142) and for the water withdrawal (Permit #FH 09-II-0124) needed to support the July 2009 geotechnical investigation. Land Use Permit #27334 was issued by the DNR Division of Mining, Land and Water authorizing the stream gages and the stand pipes that were installed during the geotechnical investigation. The Division of Coastal and Ocean Management reviewed the water studies and geotechnical program and found them to be consistent with the Alaska Coastal Management Program under Generally Consistent Determination #4-Stream Gauges, and #8-Temporary Water Use. Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study 4 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska 2.0 WATER QUALITY 2.1 Objectives The focus of the water quality monitoring conducted for the 2008-2009 water studies was to characterize the existing conditions in the Allison Lake Watershed to establish an environmental baseline. To that end, the following three objectives were pursued: Perform monthly, opportunistic in-situ monitoring of pH, temperature, specific conductivity, and turbidity in two locations of Allison Creek, Continuously monitor stream temperature in two locations of Allison Creek, and Annually model the thermal profile of Allison Lake As Allison Lake hydropower development continues to be studied, its potential impacts to water quality may be assessed against environmental baseline data. The rationale for this effort comes from the fact that FERC and State agencies require at least two consecutive years of water quality data to support a Development Application. The two-year data set is stipulated to illustrate variations from season to season and year to year. As such, water quality monitoring has continued through 2009 on a regular basis, the results of which are included in this report. It is important to note that dissolved oxygen (DO) – often a key parameter in hydropower impact studies – was not included in the water quality monitoring program for Allison Lake. In their original study plan, Green Power Development did not adopt the DO studies requested by FERC. The GPD plan based this exclusion on the fact that “None of the resource agencies knowledgeable about Allison Creek…included DO studies in their study requests. Given the cold temperatures of the creek and lake [which tend to foster high DO saturation], existing information indicating relatively high DO [concentrations] and lack of project means to reduce DO, we do not find that DO studies are warranted on this project” (GPD, 2006). FERC concurred with this finding in their 24 March 2006 study plan approval. 2.2 Methods Water quality monitoring in the Allison Lake Watershed was begun in August 2008; monthly visits continued through October 2008. A final monthly visit for 2008 was attempted in November of that year, but adverse weather conditions prevented the trip after multiple weather delays. The water quality monitoring locations were visited again in February 2009, and then each month from June through October of 2009, the end of the water year. A helicopter was used to access the upper reach of Allison Creek, while the lower reach was accessed on foot. Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study 5 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska FIGURE 2: ALLISON CREEK GAGE LOCATIONS 2.2.1 Allison Creek In-Situ Water Quality Two water quality monitoring locations were established in Allison Creek in 2008, one each in the upper and lower reaches of the stream; these locations coincide closely with the permanent stream gage installations that are depicted in Figure 2. The lower reach monitoring location was the same as the stream gage installation, while the upper reach monitoring location was established approximately 210 feet upstream of the gage installation. Photographs of each location are presented in Appendix A. During each visit to the sampling sites in upper and lower Allison Creek, surface water temperature, pH (potential of hydrogen), specific conductivity, and turbidity were measured in-situ and real-time. This was accomplished in 2008 by placing a Horiba U-22 XD multi-parameter water quality meter directly into the stream and allowing sufficient time for all parameters to stabilize. In 2009, a Horiba U-50 multi-parameter water quality meter was used. Temperature was recorded in degrees Celsius (°C), pH in unitless hydrogen potential, specific conductivity in microSiemens per centimeter Units (NTU’s). The standard for reporting specific conductivity is to standardize the measured value to a compensated value at 25°C; both the U-22 XD and the U-50 perform this conversion automatically, so that the reported values are already standardized to 25°C. 2.2.2 Allison Creek Continuous Temperature Monitoring The Onset HOBO Water Level Data Loggers used for the stream gage installations (R&M, 2010) have a built-in temperature monitoring feature that allows continuous temperature data collection. In this way temperature data have been constantly collected at the Upper Allison Creek gaging station since 6 August 2008, and at the Lower Allison Creek gage station since 5 September 2008. Temperature readings are set to be recorded once every fifteen minutes; using Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study 6 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska this interval, the data logger has enough internal memory capacity to run unattended for approximately 226 days. Temperatures are recorded accurately to the nearest 0.1°C. 2.2.3 Allison Lake Thermal Profiles A thermal profile of Allison Lake was first successfully collected on 26 September 2008, and then again on 16 July 2009. The profile location was at an arbitrary point in the northeast quarter of Allison Lake at approximate WGS84 coordinates 61°03’06”N, 146°20’51”W (Figure 3). A small rubber raft and other equipment were mobilized to the north lake shore via helicopter. After paddling or motoring to the northeast quarter of the lake, a digital temperature acquisition cable (TAC) was lowered to the lake bottom; the end of the cable was weighted to ensure a straight cable run, and the raft was anchored to ensure minimal drift and a vertical cable run. The TAC is a flexible cable that houses sensors at periodic intervals; each sensor is capable of measuring temperature to an accuracy of +/-0.1°C. In this case, a 200-foot TAC with four-foot sensor spacing was utilized. Because each sensor is sequentially numbered from the end of the cable, a relatively accurate estimate of lake depth and the depth of each sensor within the lake was achieved. Once the cable was in the water column and had equilibrated over approximately one hour, a field computer was connected to the TAC output and a reading taken. The field computer stored the temperature at each sensor for later analysis. A photograph of the TAC and one of its sensors is included in Appendix A. FIGURE 3 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ALLISON LAKE THERMAL PROFILES Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study 7 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska 2.3 Results 2.3.1 Allison Creek In-Situ Water Quality In the upper reach of Allison Creek, opportunistically collected stream temperatures have ranged over time from 0.6°C (22 February 2009) to 11.6°C (4 September 2008). In the lower reach of the creek, the opportunistically measured stream temperatures have ranged over time from 0.9°C (22 February 2009) to 11.6°C (17 July 2009) (Table 1). General temperature trends are explored in Section 2.4. Stream pH was relatively consistent from the upper reach to the lower reach of the creek across all monitoring events (Table 1). It ranged from 6.5 to 7.4 across the 2008 and 2009 monitoring events. Specific conductivity measurements collected in the upper reach of Allison Creek fell within the range of 23 to 47µS/cm between August 2008 and October 2009. The lowest reading occurred in February 2009 and the highest in October 2008 (Table 1). In the lower reach of the creek, specific conductivity ranged slightly higher, from 26 to 54 µS/cm. The lowest measurement for this reach of the creek occurred in June 2009 and the highest in October 2008. Turbidity as measured in the upper reach of Allison Creek ranged from 4.2 NTUs (22 June 2009) to 17 NTUs (25 August 2009) (Table 1). In the lower reach of the creek, turbidity measurements ranged from 3.0 NTUs (22 June 2009) to 14 NTUs (25 August 2009). Turbidity tends to range slightly lower in the lower reach of the creek. In general, though, both sampling locations have exhibited similar turbidity readings over time. Higher turbidity readings have been recorded in the upper and lower reaches of the creek, as presented in Table 6 for September and October 2008. However, erratic turbidity sensor behavior at the time of sampling, as well as comparisons with trends over time in the upper and lower reaches of the creek, make these high readings highly suspect. This issue is discussed further in Section 2.4. Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study 8 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska TABLE 1 ALLISON CREEK OPPORTUNISTIC IN-SITU WATER QUALITY DATA Monitoring Location Date Temperature (°C)pH Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU’s) Upper Reach 8/6/2008 7.7 7.3 38 7.2 Lower Reach NA NA NA NA Upper Reach 9/4/2008 - 9/5/2008 11.6 7.2 46 33 Lower Reach 11.6 7.2 49 130 Upper Reach 10/8/2008 7.2 7.1 47 ** Lower Reach 5.9 7.2 54 260 Upper Reach 2/22/2009 0.6 6.7 23 5.0 Lower Reach 0.9 7.2 35 4.2 Upper Reach 6/22/2009 3.6 7.0 26 4.2 Lower Reach 5.3 7.0 26 3.0 Upper Reach 7/16/2009 - 7/17/2009 10.6 6.5 33 11 Lower Reach 11.6 6.9 33 6.9 Upper Reach 8/25/2009 8.8 7.2 28 17 Lower Reach 8.2 7.4 28 14 Upper Reach 9/17/2009 8.6 6.6 30 13 Lower Reach 9.1 7.0 33 8.5 Upper Reach 10/8/2009 - 10/9/2009 6.5 6.8 26 8.8 Lower Reach 6.3 6.7 32 6.7 Note: Shaded cells within the table indicate readings that have become questionable when compared to trends over time. Data should be used cautiously, as instrument malfunction is suspected. Key: °C – degrees Celsius pH – potential of hydrogen µS/cm – microSiemens per centimeter NTU – Nephelometric Turbidity Units NA – Location not sampled that date ** - Turbidity sensor malfunction; no reading taken 2.3.2 Allison Creek Continuous Temperature Monitoring Figure 4 graphically presents the variation in stream temperatures in both the upper and lower reaches of Allison Creek over the August 2008 to October 2009 monitoring period. The data gap in the lower creek record is due to a malfunction of the data logger, leading to unrecoverable data (Figure 4). As a result of this discrepancy, the lower data logger has since been replaced with a new unit. Stream temperatures in the upper reach of the creek ranged from 0.0°C to 10.1°C over the course of the monitoring period. In the lower reach of the creek, stream temperatures ranged from 0.0°C to 12.3°C. Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study 9 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 7/21/08 9/4/08 10/19/08 12/3/08 1/17/09 3/3/09 4/17/09 6/1/09 7/16/09 8/30/09 10/14/09Water Temperature (°C)Upper Creek Lower Creek FIGURE 4 ALLISON CREEK CONTINUOUS TEMPERATURE MONITORING 6 AUGUST 2008 to 9 OCTOBER 2009 Note: Depicted temperature values at or below 0.0°C are ice affected. 2.3.3 Allison Lake Thermal Profiles The 26 September 2008 temperature profile measured in Allison Lake ranged from 6.1°C at the lake surface to 3.9°C at the lake bottom, 133 feet in depth (Figure 5). The thermocline – defined as a transition layer separating warmer surface water from colder deep water – can be seen in Figure 18 at a depth of roughly 60 feet. The 16 July 2009 temperature profile for Allison Lake ranged from 10.4°C at the surface of the lake to 3.4°C at the lake bottom, 176 feet in depth (Figure 5). The thermocline is depicted in Figure 18 at approximately 30 feet. The difference in depth between the 2008 and 2009 thermal profiles is tied to the fact that the raft from which work was being conducted was anchored. Minor drift can still occur while at anchor, and the two profiles were therefore likely taken at slightly different locations over the lake bottom. Gap in Lower Creek data from 6/22/09-7/16/09 due to equipment malfunction Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study 10 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska -180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Temperature (°C) 7/16/2009 9/26/2008 FIGURE 5 ALLISON LAKE THERMAL PROFILES 26 SEPTEMBER 2008 AND 16 JULY 2009 2.4 Discussion Indications to date are that water quality is relatively consistent between upper and lower Allison Creek. Stream temperatures have followed generally expected trends of peaking in July, then beginning a cooling trend in August that continues through the fall months to bottom out in November. Daily temperature variations in Allison Creek tend to decrease markedly beginning in early September, likely coinciding with shorter, cooler days (Figure 4). Daily variations begin to increase noticeably in June when the snow melt becomes prevalent during daytime hours. The temperature data collected opportunistically (Table 1) show differences with the continuous temperature data (Figure 4) when compared data point for data point. Opportunistic temperature data were collected with an instrument of lower precision, and are considered less accurate than the continuously collected temperature data. Because it is a function of the type and quantity of dissolved solids in a given water body, specific conductivity can range widely between streams in a similar area (Radtke et al, 2005). Within a given stream, however, this property typically proves to be quite consistent. Available data (Table 1) indicate that specific conductivity is either equivalent between the upper and lower reaches of Allison Creek or ranges slightly higher in lower Allison Creek. The higher Bottom of lake = -133 feet at chosen sampling location Bottom of lake = -176 feet at chosen sampling location Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study 11 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska readings in the lower creek could be a result of the increased sediment load in the lower reaches of the stream after traversing a mountainside and receiving side input from multiple drainages. Ongoing data collection continues to more clearly define this trend. Turbidity levels in lower Allison Creek tend to range slightly lower than those measured in the upper reach of the stream. This trend contradicts the indications described in the previous edition of this report (R&M, 2009). At the time that the previous report was published as a final version in April 2009, insufficient data had been collected to illustrate the inconsistency of turbidity readings collected in September and October of 2008. When viewed against the backdrop of subsequent turbidity readings shown in Table 1, the September/October 2008 readings appear anomalously high. Based on this fact and on the obvious turbidity sensor malfunction experienced by the field personnel on 8 October 2008 (Table 1), the September/October 2008 turbidity readings are considered suspect. As such, they should only be used for modeling and/or regulatory purposes with caution, if at all. Excluding these readings from analysis leaves a clear trend to date of slightly higher measured turbidity in upper Allison Creek than in lower Allison Creek. The difference between upper station and lower station readings is relatively small, however, with a delta generally ranging from 0.8 to 4.5 NTUs. Seasonally, turbidity measurements to date in the creek tend to range highest in August (Table 1); this is expected, and is likely due to peak flows during that month (R&M, 2010). Turbidity is not an inherent property of water as is pH or temperature (Davies-Colley and Smith, 2001), and so it can be a useful indicator of the environmental health of a water body. Within the context of this study, it will be important to compare the potential effects of hydropower development at Allison Lake on turbidity within Allison Creek. Significant changes in this water characteristic as a result of development could be detrimental to the ecology of Allison Creek and its ability to support aquatic life. Additional study of the turbidity levels within Allison Creek will help to establish an adequate environmental baseline against which the potential effects of future hydropower development can be measured. Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study 12 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska 3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are made for continuation of the water quality study at Allison Lake in 2010. 1. The Onset HOBO data loggers installed at the stream gage locations will run unattended until spring 2010. The next data download should be performed manually at or prior to that time by visiting each stream gage installation, weather and snow cover permitting. 2. Monthly water quality monitoring visits should be continued, when weather and snow/ice cover permit, through 2010. Seasonal and other variations in water quality within the Allison Lake Watershed must be further characterized to support a Development Application. 3. Continuous temperature data collection in upper and lower Allison Creek should continue through 2010. Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study 14 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska 5.0 REFERENCES Note: A literature review effort is ongoing to support the water studies program at Allison Lake. Those references from that review that have not been used in this report are listed in a separate bibliography in Appendix B. The references cited below are also carried over in Appendix B. Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA, 2008) “Copper Valley Electric Association Application for Preliminary Permit, Allison Lake Project - AK”, Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 3 March 2008 Davies-Colley, R.J., and Smith, D.G. (Davies-Colley and Smith, 2001), “Turbidity, Suspended Sediment, and Water Clarity: A Review”, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v. 37, no. 5, p. 1085–1101. October 2001. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC, 2008), “Order Issuing Preliminary Permit” for Copper Valley Electric Association, Project No. 13124-000. 4 September 2008. Green Power Development, (GPD, 2006), “Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, FERC P-12530, Revised Study Plan, Revision #2”, 28 February 2006. Hatch Acres, (Hatch, 2008), “Allison Lake Hydropower Development Pre-Feasibility Study”, Prepared for Copper Valley Electric Association. February 2008. Radtke, J.B., Davis, J.V., and Wilde, F.D. (Radtke et al, 2005), “Specific Electrical Conductance, Version 1.2”, August 2005. R&M Consultants Inc. (R&M, 2009), “Interim Report: 2008 Water Studies Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project”, Prepared for Hatch Acres Corporation. 1 April 2009. R&M Consultants Inc. (R&M, 2010), “Interim Report: 2008-2009 Water Use Study Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project”, Prepared for Hatch Acres Corporation. 1 April 2010. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, 1981), “Electrical Power for Valdez and the Copper River Basin: Interim Feasibility Report and Final Environmental Impact Statement”, March 1981. APPENDIX A PHOTO LOG Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study A-1 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska Looking south into the Allison Lake Watershed from the upper reach of Allison Creek. 7 August 2008 The headwaters of Allison Creek at the outlet of Allison Lake. 6 August 2008 Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study A-2 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska Gaging station at Upper Allison Creek, looking upstream. 7 August 2008 Looking downstream from Upper Allison Creek gaging station. 7 August 2008 Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study A-3 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska Upper reach of Allison Creek near stream gage; wintertime conditions. 22 February 2009 Lower reach of Allison Creek near stream gage; wintertime conditions. 22 February 2009 Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study A-4 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska Gaging station at Lower Allison Creek, looking upstream.. 4 September 2008 Looking downstream from Lower Allison Creek gaging station. 4 September 2008 Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study A-5 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska Upper water quality monitoring site, looking upstream. 7 August 2008 Lower water quality monitoring site, looking downstream. 4 September 2008 Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study A-6 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska Thermal profiling underway in northeast quarter of Allison Lake. 26 September 2008 Temperature acquisition cable (TAC) with one blue sensor visible. 26 September 2008 APPENDIX B LITERATURE REVIEW TO DATE Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study B-1 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERATURE REVIEW TO DATE (31 DECEMBER 2009) Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Div. of Sport Fish Research and Technical Services, Letter from Christopher Estes to Cevin Gilleland, Habitat Biologist, Concerning Allison Creek Flow Enhancement. 22 November 1989 Bauer, Stephen B. and Ralph, Stephen C., “Aquatic Habitat Indicators and their Application to Water Quality Objectives within the Clean Water Act”, United States EPA Region 10 and Idaho Water Resource Research Institute. July 1999 Bigelow, Bruce B., “Hydrologic Data Collection Activities in the Solomon Gulch Basin Near Valdez, Alaska”, United States Geological Survey Open File Report 88-719. 1988. Bower, Jonathan, Hoferkamp, Lisa, and Hood, Eran, “Synoptic Survey of Major Solutes, Metals and Volatile Organic Compounds in Snowpacks of Valdez, Alaska” University of Alaska Southeast. 2006 Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA, 2008) “Copper Valley Electric Association Application for Preliminary Permit, Allison Lake Project - AK”, Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 3 March 2008 Curran, J. H., Meyer, D.F., and Tasker, G.D., “Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Streamflows for Ungaged Sites on Streams in Alaska and Conterminous Basins in Canada”, United States Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03- 4188. Davies-Colley, R.J., and Smith, D.G., “Turbidity, Suspended Sediment, and Water Clarity: A Review”, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v. 37, no. 5, p. 1085–1101. Ellsworth, C.E., Davenport, R.W., and Hoyt, J.C., “A Water-Power Reconnaissance in South- Central Alaska”, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 372, Government Printing Office. 1915 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Electric Power Regulation, “Final Environmental Impact Statement: Solomon Gulch Project No. 2742-Alaska”. 1978 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, “Order Issuing Preliminary Permit” for Copper Valley Electric Association, Project No. 13124-000. 4 September 2008 Fountain, A.G., and Tangborn, W.V., “The Effect of Glaciers on Streamflow Variations”, Water Resources Research, Vol 21 (4), pp 579-586. Four Dam Power Pool Agency, Information retrieved on the Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project from http://www.fdppa.org/servlet/content/11.html, No Date. Green Power Development, “Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, FERC P-12530, Revised Study Plan, Revision #2”, 28 February 2006. Hatch Acres, (Hatch, 2008), “Allison Lake Hydropower Development Pre-Feasibility Study”, Prepared for Copper Valley Electric Association. February 2008. HDR Engineering, “Allison Lake Reconnaissance Study”, Prepared for Alaska Energy Authority. 1992 Jones, S.H., and Fahl, C.B., “Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Alaska and Conterminous Basins of Canada”, U.S.G.S. Water-Resources Investigations Report 93-4179. Final Submittal 2008-2009 Water Quality Study B-2 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project, Valdez, Alaska National Marine Fisheries Services, Letter to Robert Bell from Linwood A. Watson, Jr. of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, concerning potential adverse impacts to existing and potential fish resources in the Allison Lake Basin. 7 July 1998 R&M Consultants Inc. (R&M, 2009), “Interim Report: 2008 Water Studies Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project”, Prepared for Hatch Acres Corporation. 1 April 2009. Radtke, J.B., Davis, J.V., and Wilde, F.D., “Specific Electrical Conductance, Version 1.2”, 2005. Reger, Richard D., “Deglaciation of the Allison-Sawmill Creeks Area, South Shore of Port Valdez, Alaska”, Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 90-19. September 1990. Roach, Cristopher H. and Shoulders, Macnamara C., “Allison Creek Dam Removal and Stream Restoration Near Valdez Alaska”, Part of Impacts of Global Climate Change World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2005. Roberson, Kenneth, “Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project Evaluation”, Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries. 1987 Robert W. Retherford Associates, “Environmental Report for Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project” Prepared for Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. 1970 United States Army Corps of Engineers, “Electrical Power for Valdez and the Copper River Basin: Interim Feasibility Report and Final Environmental Impact Statement”, March 1981. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Western Alaska Ecological Services Field Office, “Valdez Interim Southcentral Railbelt Study Allison Lake Hydropower Project Alaska”, Final Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report. May 1980 United States Geological Survey (USGS, n.d.), Water Data Report 2008, Solomon Gulch and Solomon Lake, http://alaska.usgs.gov/science/water United States Geological Survey, “Water Resources Data; Alaska Water Year 2003, Water-Data Report AK-03-1” Authors: D.F. Meyer, D.P. Bartu, J.D. Eash, W.A. Swenson. United States Geological Survey, “Water Resources Data; Alaska Water Year 2004, Water-Data Report AK-04-1” Authors: Meyer, D.F., Best, H.R., Host, R.H., Murray, R.P., Solin, G.L. United States Geological Survey, “Water Resources Data; Alaska Water Year 2005, Water-Data Report AK-05-1” Authors: Jackson, M.L., Castor, M.E., Goetz, J.M., Solin,G.L., Wiles, J.M. Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC, n.d.), Information retrieved on Valdez, Alaska (Station 509685) Period of Record Monthly Climate Summary for 9/1/49 to 7/31/09, http://www.wrcc.dri.edu Valdez Coastal District, Valdez Planning and Zoning Commission, Bechtol Planning and Development, “Valdez Coastal Management Plan: 2006 Plan Amendment”, 2006. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES IN THE ALLISON LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AREA: 2009 STUDIES AND IMPACT ANALYSIS PREPARED FOR HATCH ACRESSEATTLE, WASHINGTON PREPARED BY –ABR, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH & SERVICES FAIRBANKS, ALASKA ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Printed on recycled paper. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES IN THE ALLISON LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AREA: 2009 STUDIES AND IMPACT ANALYSIS FINAL REPORT Prepared for Hatch Acres 6 Nickerson, Suite 101 Seattle, WA 98109 By ABR, Inc.—Environmental Research & Services P.O. Box 80410 Fairbanks, AK 99708-0410 April 2010 iii Allison Lake Project Biological Resources TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................................................................iii LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................................iv LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................................................................v INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................1 PRIORITY FISH AND WILDLIFE SPECIES FOR CONSERVATION..................................................1 VEGETATION, WETLANDS, AND WILDLIFE HABITATS .................................................................4 WETLANDS...............................................................................................................................................5 MITIGATION OF WETLAND IMPACTS...........................................................................................10 WILDLIFE HABITATS...........................................................................................................................10 WILDLIFE HABITAT VALUE ASSESSMENT .................................................................................11 DIRECT IMPACTS ON VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE HABITATS..............................................15 AQUATIC RESOURCES...........................................................................................................................17 FISH POPULATIONS..............................................................................................................................17 FISH SAMPLING..................................................................................................................................18 PINK SALMON OTOLITH ANALYSIS..............................................................................................21 FISH HABITATS.....................................................................................................................................24 WATER QUALITY..................................................................................................................................28 MACROINVERTEBRATES....................................................................................................................28 POTENTIAL PROJECT-RELATED EFFECTS ON FISH.....................................................................29 TERRESTRIAL RESOURCES...................................................................................................................32 MAMMALS..............................................................................................................................................32 MOUNTAIN GOAT..............................................................................................................................32 BEARS...................................................................................................................................................34 AQUATIC FURBEARERS...................................................................................................................37 OTHER MAMMALS.............................................................................................................................37 POTENTIAL PROJECT-RELATED EFFECTS ON MAMMALS......................................................39 BIRDS.......................................................................................................................................................44 RAPTORS..............................................................................................................................................44 SEABIRDS.............................................................................................................................................48 WATERBIRDS......................................................................................................................................52 LANDBIRDS AND SHOREBIRDS......................................................................................................54 POTENTIAL PROJECT-RELATED EFFECTS ON BIRDS ...............................................................60 LITERATURE CITED................................................................................................................................67 PLATES.......................................................................................................................................................77 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Impact assessment area for the Allison Lake project near Valdez, Alaska..............................2 Figure 2. Wetland and habitat plot locations and infrastructure footprint of the Allison Lake project, Alaska..........................................................................................................................6 Figure 3. Wetlands map for the Allison Lake project, Alaska.................................................................7 Figure 4. Wildlife habitat map for the Allison Lake project, Alaska.....................................................14 Figure 5. Sampling locations for fish habitat assessments, fish sampling, and macroinvertebrate sampling in Allison Creek and Allison Lake, Allison Lake project, Alaska, 2008–2009......19 Figure 6. Fish habitat on Allison Creek, Allison Lake project, Alaska.................................................25 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources iv Figure 7. Locations of large mammals observed in the Allison Lake project area, Alaska, summer 2008 and 2009...........................................................................................................36 Figure 8. Locations of raptor nests in Allison Lake project area, Alaska, 2009....................................47 Figure 9. Survey stations for murrelet surveys and murrelet observations, Allison Lake project area, 3–8 June and 4–9 July 2009...............................................................................51 Figure 10. Location of the Red-throated Loon nest on Allison Lake, Alaska, 2009...............................53 Figure 11. Point count locations used to census breeding landbirds and shorebirds, Allison Lake project, 2009..................................................................................................................55 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Birds considered high-priority species for conservation that are known to occur in the Allison Lake project area....................................................................................................3 Table 2. Jurisdictional wetlands and uplands in the Allison Lake project facility footprints.................9 Table 3. Wildlife habitat types in the Allison Lake project impact assessment area ...........................12 Table 4. Wildlife habitat types affected by the Allison Lake project facility footprints......................16 Table 5. Fish species likely to occur in Allison Creek and Allison Lake, and in Solomon Gulch Creek and Solomon Gulch Lake..................................................................................17 Table 6. Minnow trap locations and set times in Allison Lake and upper and lower Allison Creek, 18–20 September 2008................................................................................................20 Table 7. Fish captured by trap in lower Allison Creek, 18–19 September 2008..................................22 Table 8. Fish habitat assessment sites in Allison Lake and in upper and lower Allison Creek, 18–20 September 2008................................................................................................26 Table 9. Ambient water quality at Allison Lake and upper and lower Allison Creek, 18–20 September 2008 and 6–7 July 2009.............................................................................29 Table 10. Mean macroinvertebrate community metrics, standard deviations, and level of significance of t-tests comparing upper and lower Allison Creek, July 2009........................30 Table 11. Mammal species known or expected to occur in the Allison Lake project area. ...................33 Table 12. Ranking of habitat value for selected mammal species in the Allison Lake project impact assessment area, Alaska..............................................................................................40 Table 13. Bird species known or expected to occur in the Allison Lake project area............................45 Table 14. Number, percent of total observations, and average occurrence of landbird and shorebird species during point-count surveys, Allison Lake project, June and July 2009.....57 Table 15. Number of point counts, focal observations, and species richness recorded in each habitat type during point-count surveys for landbirds and shorebirds, Allison Lake project, June and July 2009 ....................................................................................................58 Table 16. Relative abundance of landbirds and shorebirds by habitat during point-count surveys, Allison Lake project, June and July 2009...............................................................................59 v Allison Lake Project Biological Resources Table 17. Ranking of habitat value for selected raptor, seabird, and waterbird species in the Allison Lake project impact assessment area, Alaska............................................................61 Table 18. Ranking of habitat value for selected landbird and shorebird species in the Allison Lake project impact assessment area, Alaska.........................................................................62 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A. Literature sources for habitat-use information for bird and mammal species considered in the wildlife habitat-value assessments for the Allison Lake project, and outline of assessment procedures for landbirds and shorebirds..................93 Appendix B. Aquatic habitat assessment forms...................................................................................99 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources vi Introduction 1 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources INTRODUCTION The Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) has filed for and received a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) preliminary permit for the Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project (hereafter, the Allison Lake project). In support of the permitting process for the Allison Lake project, CVEA and Hatch Acres contracted with ABR, Inc., to conduct a review of published and unpublished data and reports on biological resources in the project area and prepare a gap analysis (ABR 2008) and, in 2009, to conduct field studies to fill data gaps and to assess potential impacts of the proposed hydroelectric project on biological resources. This report summarizes available relevant information, including results of 2009 studies, for terrestrial mammal, bird, and fish species in the impact assessment area and, for those species identified as conservation priorities, presents a semiquantitative, habitat-based assessment of potential impacts of the Allison Lake project. The impact assessment area boundaries (Figure 1) were defined as the assumed maximal distance of potential impact for any wildlife or fish species, resulting in inclusion of the entire upper and lower Allison Creek basin within about 1 mile of Allison Lake and the coastal portion of the Solomon Gulch drainage west of Solomon Gulch Creek. Marine habitats were excluded as not affected by the Allison Lake project. PRIORITY FISH AND WILDLIFE SPECIES FOR CONSERVATION Nearly all of Alaska’s birds are protected under provisions of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). The only species exempt from the ‘no-take’ provisions of the MBTA are introduced and invasive species, such as Starlings in Alaska. Bald and Golden eagles and their nests are further protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) protects all listed and candidate threatened or endangered species, as defined by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). In Alaska, Kittlitz’s Murrelet is a candidate species for listing under the ESA (USFWS 2007a) and, on 2 October 2008, the USFWS announced that the Marbled Murrelet also is under review for listing. Eight additional bird species that are confirmed in the project area are considered high-priority species for conservation in Alaska (Table 1). Although not federally listed or candidate threatened or endangered, these species are of increasing concern because of low and/or declining populations or other population threats. These species of conservation concern are likely to occur in terrestrial and freshwater habitats in the project area during the breeding, migration, and/or wintering seasons. Although few of the fish or mammal species likely to occur in the Allison Lake project area are considered priority species for conservation because of population declines or threats, most fish and many mammal species are of considerable conservation interest, largely because of their use in subsistence and/or recreational activities. The mountain goat, however, is considered a management indicator species by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and mountain goat habitats on USFS lands can be removed from logging plans. Other mammals also are of conservation interest to management agencies, largely due to the regulation of human harvest activities, such as sport hunting, trapping, and subsistence activities, which are managed by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG). Similarly, freshwater habitats for fish are protected by many state and federal water-quality and fisheries-habitat regulations. Because of their importance in commercial, sport, and subsistence harvest, anadromous fish (salmon and some trout populations) are of particular conservation interest and development activities that could potentially affect anadromous fish streams are highly regulated by ADFG and NMFS. Introduction Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 2 Figure 1. Impact assessment area for the Allison Lake project near Valdez, Alaska.146°23'W146°23'W146°22'W146°22'W146°21'W146°21'W146°20'W146°20'W146°19'W146°19'W146°18'W146°18'W Introduction 3 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources Table 1. Birds considered high-priority species for conservation a that are known to occur in the Allison Lake project area. Only species listed on 2 or more agency or conservation organization lists are included. Scientific names of birds are presented in Table 13. Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitats Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 4 VEGETATION, WETLANDS, AND WILDLIFE HABITATS By Wendy A. Davis General descriptions of the vegetation in the Allison Lake project area are available in NEPA documents and feasibility reports produced in support of earlier plans to develop hydropower at the site (Retherford Associates 1976, FERC 1978, USACE 1981, USFWS 1981, AEA 1992). These descriptions outline the occurrence of alpine rock and scrub tundra surrounding Allison Lake, the subalpine area of tall alder scrub at intermediate elevations, and the Sitka spruce forest stands at lower elevations. Spruce forests were noted to occur up to about 120 m (400 ft) elevation along Solomon Gulch Creek. No mapping of vegetation was conducted in these studies, however, and few details on the vegetation types are presented beyond noting several associated plant species that occur in the alder scrub and spruce forests. Vegetation maps for the Port Valdez area are available in Dames and Moore (1979b), Le Compte (1980), and USGS (1982) but these data are over 25 years old and are coarse scale. The mapping in Dames and Moore (1979b) was conducted from 1978 black and white aerial photography (1:24,000 scale) and that in Le Compte (1980) and USGS (1982) was coarser still, based on spectral image classification of Landsat satellite imagery from the 1970s. These mapping efforts did not provide the necessary resolution to accurately interpret vegetation types specific to the project area. Vegetation and land cover in the Port Valdez area is similar to that of other terminal bays in northern Prince William Sound that have been influenced by glacial events in the recent past (Crow 1977, Dames and Moore 1979b, Le Compte 1980, USGS 1982, Heusser 1983, DeVelice et al. 1999). Steep mountainous terrain alternates with relatively flat glacial outwash floodplains at the head of the bay, which are traversed by glacial streams. Elevation, slope, aspect, and available soils largely dictate the plant communities present. At the highest elevations in the mountains, along ridges, cliffs, and steep upper slopes, partially vegetated and barren alpine rock predominate. Alpine vegetation, dominated by dwarf ericaceous-scrub and patchy low willow (Salix spp.) and alder (Alnus viridis) scrub communities, occurs just below the exposed rock areas. The vegetation in these areas often is interspersed with colluvium and large boulders. Pure herbaceous communities are rare in the alpine zone but forbs are common elements of the dwarf-scrub and low-scrub communities, especially in more protected sites where water gathers. At lower elevations, alpine dwarf-scrub gradually merges into a subalpine zone where tall alder scrub strongly dominates on the mountain slopes. Lush graminoid and herbaceous plant communities occur in openings in the alder scrub and small black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) stands are common in protected swales and incised drainages. Near sea level and on more gentle slopes, Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) forests begin to dominate, especially on alluvial fans and the upper portions of floodplains. In more active outwash and river floodplains, open black cottonwood forests and mixed black cottonwood/Sitka spruce forests occur in areas with thin silt loam soils overlaying glacial outwash whereas alder and willow thickets occur in areas with more frequent disturbance and gravelly/sandy soils. Riverine barrens occur near active stream channels and saltmarsh and intertidal mudflats are common in estuarine areas. Rocky intertidal areas with small pocket beaches of cobbles and sand are occur where mountain slopes meet tidewater. In Alaska, areas are classified as wetlands using the 3-parameter approach described in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (USACE 1987) and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Alaska Region Version 2.0 (USACE 2007). To be classified as a wetland, a site must be dominated by hydrophytic plants, have hydric soils, and show evidence of wetland hydrologic conditions (saturation or inundation of sufficient duration during the growing season). Wetlands in the mountains in the Port Valdez area occur in low passes and valleys, morainal depressions, and locally on slopes in seeps and drainages. These wetlands include tall- and low-scrub types, sedge- and herbaceous- dominated meadow types, and scrub bogs. Other wetlands in the Port Valdez area include freshwater Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitats 5 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources lakes and ponds, streams and rivers, and at sea level, saltmarshes, intertidal mudflats, and marine waters. AEA (1992) presented wetland information for the project area that was derived from the existing National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data for Alaska. Lacustrine, palustrine, riverine, and estuarine wetlands were noted in the project area. Current NWI data for the Port Valdez area (USFWS 2007b) shows 5 wetland types mapped in the Allison Creek drainage and in the Solomon Gulch Creek drainage downstream of Solomon Lake. These include freshwater emergent wetlands and freshwater forested/shrub wetlands (palustrine), freshwater ponds and lakes (lacustrine), and riverine wetlands. The mapped estuarine wetlands at the mouths of Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch Creek were not included in this assessment because the Allison Lake project is not expected to affect estuarine areas. These NWI wetland types, mapped from aerial photography collected in 1978 and 1979 (USFWS 2007b), comprise approximately 129 hectares (320 acres) in the project area, and this includes the area for Allison Lake. This likely is an underestimate of the wetlands present in the area, however, because the wetland boundaries for these NWI data were drawn at a broad scale (approximately 1:24,000); for example, linear features are difficult to detect at a broad scale and many portions of Allison Creek are not mapped in the NWI data set. A wetlands mapping effort was conducted in August 2009 to provide vegetation and wetlands information for the NEPA process and to allow the preparation of a Section 404 wetlands permit application for the proposed project (ABR 2009). The wetland study area was restricted to actual Allison Lake project footprints and included the area for 2 alternative dam locations, the inundation area surrounding Allison Lake up to 1,450 ft elevation, the access road to the dam site, the powerhouse facility, and the buried penstock (Figure 1). A broader study area was used for the habitat map, to allow representation of all habitats in which project impacts to some wildlife species may potentially occur during either construction or operation. As such, the habitat map study area, hereafter the impact assessment area, included much of the upper Allison Creek basin, from ridge to ridge on the east and west and upstream to about 1 mile above the inundation area (Figure 1). To cover the proposed transmission line corridor, the impact assessment area also includes the coastal forest area between Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch Creek. WETLANDS Data for both the wetland delineation and the mapping of wildlife habitats were collected during the same field trip and standard wetland delineation forms used for both purposes. For the wetland delineation, the total area of potential ground disturbance was surveyed and mapped. For access roads, the estimated area of ground disturbance was 100 feet wide, except 200 feet wide in areas of steep switchbacks. For the penstock, both buried and open portions were estimated to have an area of potential ground disturbance 100 feet wide. For the inundation area, the elevation contour for 1,450 feet was used to approximate the reservoir water surface. For the wetland delineation, the entire proposed facility footprint area was sampled intensively either on foot or by helicopter. On 24 August, the lower portion of the access road was accessed by foot using the right-of-way cleared earlier in the year. On 25, 26 and 27 August, the helicopter was used to access the upper elevations of the basin when weather allowed; in poor weather areas in the lower basin were accessed on foot. In total, full wetland delineation data were collected at 30 sites throughout the broad study area and 3 wildlife habitat verification areas also were sampled (see Wildlife Habitats below), ensuring that all available habitat types were sampled in at least 1 location (Figure 2). The wetland field survey methods used followed guidelines in the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Alaska Region (Version 2.0) (USACE 2007). The methods specify a 3-parameter approach to determining wetland status, which includes an assessment of vegetation cover, soils, and hydrology. For mapping wildlife habitats, each site was assigned a vegetation type based on The Alaska Vegetation Classification (Viereck 1992). After the field survey, polygon boundaries were delineated on-screen using ArcGIS software Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitats Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 6 Figure 2. Wetland and habitat plot locations and infrastructure footprint of the Allison Lake project, Alaska.146°23'W146°23'W146°22'W146°22'W146°21'W146°21'W146°20'W146°20'W146°19'W146°19'W146°18'W146°18'W 146°21'30"W146°21'30"W146°21'W146°21'W146°21'30"W146°21'30"W146°21'W146°21'W146°20'30"W Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitats 9 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources overlaid on high resolution (0.3 m pixels) digital orthophotography obtained in September 2007 (USGS 2009). Each polygon was given a formal NWI wetland class following Cowardin et al. (1979). Acreages were obtained for each mapped wetland type using ArcGIS software. Six wetland types were delineated in the Allison Lake project footprints (Table 2, Figure 3; Wetlands Plates 1–9, page 77). Only about 40% of the project footprint occurs in upland habitats. About half of the project footprint falls into the category of non-navigable waters of the U.S.: specifically, Allison Lake, Allison Creek, and numerous intermittent tributaries to this hydrologic system. Excluding these waters, only about 14% of the project footprint comprises wetlands of just 3 types. The most common wetland type was Upper Perennial Unconsolidated Bottom/ Unconsolidated Shore (R3UB/US, 49 acres), which is located in the inundation area and consists of river bars and rapidly shifting flooded channels associated with the reach of Allison Creek that flows through the outwash plain at the south end of the lake (Figure 3, Table 2). This wetland type was either barren or partially vegetated (<30% vegetation cover) and was interspersed with permanently flooded channels. Seasonally Flooded Palustrine Shrub Scrub (PSS1C, 17 acres) was found occupying less well drained, stable areas of the outwash terrace. Dominant plant species in these 2 types include Barclay’s willow (Salix barclayi) with bluejoint grass (Calamagrostis canadensis) and alpine willow herb (Epilobium latifolium) in the understory. Seasonally Flooded Palustrine Emergent Meadow (PEM1C, 10.26 acres) was the third wetland type that occurred in the Allison Lake outwash terrace and this type also occurred in the upper portion of the proposed access road, within a small depressional area associated with a permanently flooded tributary to Allison Creek. The plant community composition in Seasonally Flooded Palustrine Emergent Meadow in the outwash terrace areas was similar to the graminoid and herb components of the other habitats in the outwash terrace (i.e., PSS1C and R3UB/US). In the access road footprint, Seasonally Flooded Palustrine Emergent Meadow vegetation was dominated by bladder sedge (Carex utriculata), round sedge (C. rotundata), bluejoint grass (C. canadensis), and Enander ’s sedge (C. lenticularis var. dolia). Table 2. Jurisdictional wetlands and uplands in the Allison Lake project facility footprints. Acreages are calculated for the downstream dam site option and include 100-foot-wide zones around the powerhouse, penstock, and access road center lines (200 feet wide in steep road switchbacks). All waters and wetlands are considered jurisdictional, due to their downstream connection with navigable waters. Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitats Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 10 General upland vegetation communities within the project footprint study area include, dwarf ericaceous scrub, herb meadows, tall alder scrub, and Sitka spruce forest. The majority of these types are found on steep slopes. Soils are well drained often with little soil development over underlying bedrock or colluvium deposits. MITIGATION OF WETLAND IMPACTS Section 204 of the Clean Water Act and Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands, requires that there be no practicable alternative to the proposed Action, and that the project includes all practicable measures to minimize harm to wetlands. The project has been designed to avoid wetlands to the extent practical and no practicable alternatives are available that have less impact on wetland ecosystems. Because it is impossible for the project to completely avoid wetland impacts, compensatory mitigation is the primary mitigation measure available to the project. The new Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources; Final Rule emphasizes a “watershed approach” to include all aquatic resources (water bodies and wetlands) in proposed mitigation plans: “[T]his rule should apply to compensatory mitigation for all types of aquatic resources that can be impacted by activities authorized by DA permits, including streams and other open waters” (73 FR 19596). Keeping the watershed approach in mind, the measures to minimize harm to the jurisdictional waters and wetlands associated with this project will be compensated by in-lieu fee mitigation in compliance with federal rules and regulations. The Proposed Project would impact approximately 11.45 acres of jurisdictional waters in Allison Creek and tributaries and 248 acres of Allison Lake, which will increase to 423 acres in surface area with the project, and 75.7 acres of jurisdictional wetlands (Table 2). Six wetland avoidance and minimization procedures are proposed for this project: •Project design has minimized the fill foot- print to the extent practicable; •Facilities would be consolidated to the extent practical; •Slopes subject to erosion and disturbed surfaces would be re-vegetated to mini- mize stormwater pollution; •Sediment prevention measures would be placed and maintained along the toe of all fill areas adjacent to wetlands or water of the United States, to prevent the introduc- tion of sediments and these devices would remain in place until fill and exposed earthwork are stabilized and revegetated; •Only clean sand and gravel would be used for fills; •Material would be stockpiled primarily in developed areas and/or on uplands. WILDLIFE HABITATS The availability of habitats for wildlife often is assessed using only a vegetation map but can be assessed more accurately by integrating mapping data on physiography and land surface forms with data on vegetation and land cover (Jorgenson et al. 2002, Schick and Davis 2008). For this study, habitats were mapped using a technique modified from an ecosystem-based method for use in ecological land surveys (Jorgenson et al. 1999a, Jorgenson et al. 1999b). Field methods were described above for wetlands and, as for wetlands, wildlife habitats were delineated on-screen using ArcGIS software overlaid on high resolution (0.3 m pixels) digital orthophotography obtained in September 2007 (USGS 2009). Three variables were mapped across the study area: vegetation type (Level IV; Viereck et al. 1992), physiography (a simplified list used as a proxy for geomorphology), and surface form. Rivers and Streams (which were sometimes obscure in the aerial photography) were delineated using a combination of field locations, a digital elevation model (DEM; provided by R&M), and U.S.Geological Survey hydrography data. These delineated boundaries were used to create a preliminary list of habitat types by concatenating all occurring combinations of vegetation type, physiography, and surface form. A final list of wildlife habitats was derived by aggregating 3-variable combinations that were similar in vegetation structure and function, particularly with Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitats 11 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources respect to the use of those habitats by the specific wildlife species occurring in the area. This habitat mapping method provides flexibility to isolate specific habitat characteristics where needed and to generalize in other areas that are less important for the wildlife species in the project area. To support the subsequent evaluation of impacts to wildlife habitats, wildlife distribution and habitat use information was compiled for focal wildlife species (see Wildlife Habitat Value Assessment, below). Habitats found in the project area were then ranked by importance for each focal wildlife species. The habitat map and habitat value indices then were linked via a GIS database to provide a means of assessing the distribution of habitat values across the landscape. Habitat information is summarized for each focal wildlife species in separate sections, below, and the results of the assessments of potential project-related effects for birds and mammals are presented at the end of those report sections, below. The Allison Lake impact assessment area is 4,236 acres in size and includes 6 physiographic zones: Coastal, Riverine, Upland, Subalpine, Alpine, and Lacustrine zones. The Coastal zone is limited to areas directly influenced by tidewater and is uncommon in the impact assessment area. Uplands include the lower forested slopes adjacent to the coast mainly composed of coniferous forest. The Alpine zone includes mountain heath, barrens, and partially vegetated community types found on mountain crests and ridge tops. Riverine communities include barrens, open water, and shrub vegetation types found commonly throughout the entire impact assessment area. The Subalpine Zone is the most common physiographic region and includes the entire area surrounding Allison Lake, primarily steep slopes supporting tall shrub, mixed forb, and mountain heath vegetation types. Lacustrine types include small ponds, but primarily comprise Allison Lake, which has a surface area of approximately 250 acres. Twenty-three wildlife habitat types were identified in the Allison Lake project impact assessment area (Table 3; Figure 4). The most abundant wildlife habitat is Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub, which covers 38% of the impact assessment area. Other habitats that comprise more than 10% of the impact assessment area include Subalpine and Alpine Dwarf Ericaceous Scrub (15%) and Subalpine and Alpine Herb Meadow (14%). Subalpine and Alpine Barrens covers 9% of the area, Upland Sitka Spruce Forest 8%, Lakes (i.e., Allison Lake) 6%, and Rocky Cliffs 5%. No other habitat type covered more than 5% of the total impact assessment area. WILDLIFE HABITAT VALUE ASSESSMENT To support the assessment of project impacts, information on habitat use and habitat values for focal wildlife species was collected from various sources. Two general types of information are available to contribute to an understanding of habitat use and habitat values: distributional information and habitat-use information. Detailed local distributional information requires some knowledge of species presence/absence or population data and is available (on the scale necessary for this type of review) mainly for managed game species. Information on the distribution of species and the distribution of harvest in the project area was obtained from various ADFG sources, including management reports, research reports, harvest statistics, survey and inventory reports, and Alaska Habitat Management Guides (ADFG 1986); from interviews with local biologists; and from surveys and observations conducted in the Allison Lake project area in 2008–2009. Additional information on habitat use was compiled from published and unpublished literature (see Appendix A) and from local species experts and included habitat-use patterns and biological requirements of both game and non-game species. For landbirds and shorebirds, local habitat-use data were obtained from field surveys described below. These various sources of information were used to evaluate habitat values for each focal wildlife species. Focal terrestrial mammal and bird species were identified by a combination of factors, but only those species considered likely to occur in the Allison Lake project area were included. From that group, species were selected for their ecological, conservation, or cultural importance. Unless of conservation concern, rare species were excluded. An attempt was made to include bird and mammal species representative of each of the most abundant habitats in the impact assessment area. The Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitats Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 12 Table 3. Wildlife habitat types in the Allison Lake project impact assessment area. Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitats 13 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources Table 3. Continued. Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitats Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 14 Figure 4. Wildlife habitat map for the Allison Lake project, Alaska.146°23'W146°23'W146°22'W146°22'W146°21'W146°21'W146°20'W146°20'W146°19'W146°19'W146°18'W146°18'W146°17'W146°17'W Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitats 15 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources selected focal species can also be viewed as representative of other species with similar habitat use. For each habitat and focal species, habitat value was ranked as none/negligible (coded as 0), low (1), medium (2), high (3), or essential (4), based on a qualitative evaluation of the data synthesis. Essential habitats were recognized only for those species for which a specific habitat was identified as essential to survival, persistence, or completion of the life cycle (e.g., denning, nesting/birthing, or brood-rearing habitats). High- value habitats are those known to be important seasonally; for example, habitats used during the breeding season for nesting, denning, rearing, and/or foraging or, for mammals, habitats important during winter for foraging or escape. Moderate-value habitats are those used regularly in any season but are less important, being used by fewer individuals or representing one of several available habitats that are used similarly by the species. Low-value habitats are those used little by the species under consideration; and the species is not expected to occur in habitats ranked as none/negligible. In general, habitat-use data tended to be of higher quality for most birds than for most mammals, primarily because field studies in the project area provided quantitative habitat use data only for birds. Therefore, a ranking system was employed to indicate the quality of information used to develop the habitat maps. The quality of rankings was characterized as “data-supported” (from project-specific survey data and scientific literature), “partially data-supported” (literature only) or “judgmental” (based on professional judgment). In data-supported evaluations, quantitative data and the range of habitats surveyed were sufficiently detailed to reliably assign a rank to most habitat types. For partially data-supported rankings, some quantitative data were available to evaluate many ecotypes and extrapolations to the Allison Lake project area were considered reliable. For judgmental evaluations, quantitative data were lacking or covered so few habitats that a quantitative ranking was difficult or impossible to derive from the referenced data. In such cases, general qualitative knowledge of species experts on life-history characteristics, breeding, and feeding habits was used to assess habitat importance. Results of the habitat assessment are presented for each species/group in the following sections. DIRECT IMPACTS ON VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE HABITATS The estimated ground disturbance by the Allison Lake project would total 301 acres, of which 58% (175 acres) would comprise the inundation area and dam footprint (Table 4). Of the remaining 126 acres, access roads would total 84 acres, the penstock 39 acres, and the powerhouse about 3.5 acres. The project would affect 8 acres of Rivers and Streams, 5 acres in the inundation area and 3 acres for the penstock and powerhouse. Excluding Lakes and Rivers and Streams, the habitats most affected by the Allison Lake project are Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub (105 acres), Subalpine and Alpine Dwarf Ericaceous Scrub (65 acres), River Barrens (51 acres, both types combined), and Subalpine and Alpine Herb Meadow (45 acres), which together comprise 88% of the total estimated ground disturbance. The dam and inundation area would increase the lake from 248 acres to 423 acres, inundating 175 acres of terrestrial habitats. Of the 175 acres inundated, 28% (49 acres) is Riverine Barrens (Outwash) at the inlet to the lake, 26% (45 acres) is Subalpine and Alpine Dwarf Ericaceous Scrub near the outlet of the lake, and 24% (43 acres) is Subalpine and Alpine Herb Meadow primarily along the steep eastern and western shores of the lake. Other habitats affected are Riverine Low and Tall Willow (10%), Riverine Graminoid Meadow (4%), Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub (3%), Rivers and Streams (Low gradient-high flow) (3%), and Riverine Barrens (2%). Access roads would affect primarily Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub (71 acres). Other habitats affected include Subalpine and Alpine Dwarf Ericaceous Scrub (8 acres), Subalpine and Alpine Herb Meadow (3 acres), and Subalpine Wet Graminoid Moss Bog (3 acres). The penstock would disturb 2.2 total acres of Rivers and Streams (i.e., Allison Creek and tributaries). Adjacent affected habitats would be Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub (25 acres) and Subalpine and Alpine Dwarf Ericaceous Scrub (11 acres). Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitats Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 16 The powerhouse would be located in Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub (3 acres) and would also affect a small area of Upland Sitka Spruce Forest (>1 acre) and Rivers and Stream (i.e., Allison Creek, >1 acre). The powerhouse is the only Allison Lake project facility that would affect Upland Sitka Spruce Forest. The Allison Lake project impact assessment area represents nearly all of the non-alpine habitats in the drainage basin and can be used to assess the relative effects of habitat loss in the basin. By percent of occurrence in the impact assessment area (and excluding the Lake habitat, which will increase), the most affected habitats in the basin are associated with Allison Creek: Riverine Graminoid Meadow (nearly 100% loss), Riverine Barrens (86% loss), Riverine Low and Tall Willow Scrub (60% loss), and Rivers and Streams (Low Gradient-High Flow) (53% loss). The only non-riparian habitats that will decrease in availability by more than 10% are Subalpine Wet Graminoid Moss Bog (59% loss, only one subalpine bog of 4.2 acres was mapped in the basin) and Subalpine and Alpine Dwarf Ericaceous Scrub (11% loss). Most of the project footprint lies in the most abundant habitat in the basin, Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub, which will be reduced in availability by about 7%. Table 4. Wildlife habitat types affected by the Allison Lake project facility footprints. Aquatic Resources 17 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources AQUATIC RESOURCES By John C. Seigle and Andra Love FISH POPULATIONS Seven fish species are likely to occur in freshwater systems in the Port Valdez area (Table 5). Nearly all streams and tributaries in the Port Valdez area are considered anadromous fish habitat and are known to support pink, sockeye, coho, Dolly Varden, and sometimes chum salmon populations (ADFG 2008). Other resident species are rare in these waterbodies. Allison Lake is not known to support fish but the lower 300 meters of Allison Creek supports spawning and rearing pink and chum salmon as well as Dolly Varden and sculpin (USACE 1981).The anadromous fish populations in these streams are sensitive to disturbance year-round and critically sensitive from late summer through winter, during spawning and overwintering. Pink salmon are the most abundant salmon species in Prince William Sound, with the wild population averaging 6.65 million fish 1989–1998 (Morstad et al. 1999). Pink salmon are considered particularly vulnerable to oil contamination in Prince William Sound waters because a large portion of the population spawns in the intertidal region of local spawning streams (Noerenberg 1963, Helle et al. 1964, Helle 1970, Morsell 1979). Dolly Varden are considered anadromous in Prince William Sound streams and have a complex life cycle that includes repeated annual migrations between freshwater rivers or lakes and the sea. Dolly Varden alevins emerge from spawning- stream gravel in May and remain in the stream for 2–4 years (Armstrong 1970). In Prince William Sound, most smolts leave spawning streams in May and June at ages of 2, 3, or 4 years to feed in saltwater, typically returning to overwinter in freshwater streams in fall. Numerous variations in life history exist (Armstrong and Morrow 1980) but each spring adult and immature fish migrate from freshwater and in the fall, at ages 7–9, mature fish return to their natal streams to spawn. Management is complicated by the various migration patterns because individual stocks are difficult to recognize and each lake or stream system may contain mixed stocks of Dolly Varden originating from widely dispersed streams (Currens et al. 2003). The Solomon Gulch hatchery raises mainly pink salmon; between 1989 and 1995, it was estimated that 75–205 million pink salmon fry were released each year, with 1.6% to 8.9% of these salmon making it back to Solomon Gulch to spawn (Jewett and Blanchard 1997). ADFG estimates that in 2006, hatchery returns for Solomon Gulch were approximately 9,176,489 pink salmon and 294,009 coho (Botz et al. 2008). A smaller hatchery run of coho salmon at the Solomon Gulch hatchery also supports a large fishery in August of each year (Coggswell 2000). In the late 1970s, Alaska Petrochemical Company commissioned studies to examine salmon-fry dispersion and freshwater aquatic habitats in the Port Valdez area (Morsell 1979, Morsell and Perkins 1979). Much of the focus of Table 5. Fish species likely to occur in Allison Creek and Allison Lake, and in Solomon Gulch Creek and Solomon Gulch Lake. Aquatic Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 18 the salmon-fry study was on the marine environment, or on other freshwater streams, but Solomon Gulch Creek and Allison Creek are discussed briefly. Morsell and Perkins (1979) provide a summary of estimated salmon escapement in Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch Creek using data derived from other studies: •Pink salmon escapement in Allison Creek was estimated at 300 in 1971 (Mattson 1974), 25 in 1973 (Mattson 1974), and 500 in 1975 (Johnson and Rockwell 1978); •Chum salmon escapement in Allison Creek was estimated at 700 in 1975 (John- son and Rockwell 1978); •Pink salmon escapement in Solomon Gulch Creek was estimated at 1,500 in 1975 (Johnson and Rockwell 1978); and •Chum salmon escapement in Solomon Gulch Creek was estimated at 10 in 1973 (Pirtle 1977). From 1960 to 1973, the ADFG sporadically monitored escapement in Allison Creek. Pink salmon reached a high of 1,000 fish in 1969 and a high of 2,660 chum were counted in 1963 (USACE 1981). Salmon spawning occurred all the way up to the weir, which was probably located ~200 meters upstream from the mouth where the gradient of the stream changes dramatically (the weir is no longer present in the stream). Jewett and Blanchard (1997) assessed habitat use of juvenile pink salmon from the Solomon Gulch hatchery during a 10-year period from 1985–1995. Salmon escapement and survival estimates were provided but the report focused mainly on habitat use in the marine environment. The ADFG produces annual estimates of projected and actual chum and pink salmon returns for Solomon Gulch and other Prince William Sound hatcheries. In 1987, the ADFG evaluated the impacts resulting from the Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project (Roberson 1987). The report summarizes ambient water temperature, flow, turbidity, and habitat conditions in the creek for pre- and posthydroelectric installation periods. The study found that temperatures were slightly higher in the creek after the hydroelectric project was built (3.74° C vs. 4.14° C, mean annual temperature, pre- and postconstruction, respectively), but that the benefits to fish habitat (e.g., lower turbidity, higher-quality spawning gravels) from construction of the dam at the mouth of Solomon Lake off-set the minor increase in temperature in the creek. In August and September 2008, ABR collected basic fish-habitat information in the lowermost and uppermost reaches of Allison Creek, sampled fish with minnow traps in lower and upper Allison Creek and in Allison Lake, and measured ambient water quality conditions at all sample sites (Fish Plates, page 77; see plates 1–30). In 2009, additional sampling was conducted to confirm 2008 results, to further evaluate the origins of pink salmon in lower Allison Creek, and to evaluate the macroinvertebrate community in lower Allison Creek (Fish Plates 31–42). FISH SAMPLING Minnow traps were used to verify fish presence or absence in lower and upper reaches of Allison Creek and Allison Lake. Upon retrieval of minnow traps the fish were removed, identified, and measured to the nearest millimeter by fork length or total length in the case of sculpin. At the time of trap removal ambient water quality parameters (temperature in ˚C, dissolved oxygen in mg/l and % saturation, pH, and conductivity in µS/cm) were collected using a YSI-85 multimeter and an Orion pHTestr2™. Turbidity (in Nephelometric Turbidity Units [NTUs]) was measured in the lake, upper creek, and lower creek using a Hach 2100p turbidimeter. On 18 September 2008, 8 minnow traps were set in 6 different habitats in the lower creek, most in swollen stream areas with very high flow (Figure 5, Table 6). The first 4 traps were located in higher-gradient waters above known salmon spawning and rearing habitat. A trap could not be deployed in habitat site AC-Low-03 due to an extremely high-gradient stream bed with high volumes of water and turbulent flow. The other 4 traps in the lower creek were deployed in lower-gradient waters in known salmon spawning and rearing habitat, in the lowest flow areas of various habitat sites in pools or riffles. Traps were baited with fresh coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) roe collected from the docks in Valdez and left to fish over night. All traps fished between 17 Aquatic Resources 19 Allison Lake Project Biological ResourcesFigure 5. Sampling locations for fish habitat assessments, fish sampling, and macroinvertebrate sampling in Allison Creek and Allison Lake, Allison Lake project, Alaska, 2008–2009.146°23'W146°23'W146°22'W146°22'W146°21'W146°21'W146°20'W146°20'W146°19'W146°19'W Aquatic Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 20Table 6. Minnow trap locations and set times in Allison Lake and upper and lower Allison Creek, 18–20 September 2008. Aquatic Resources 21 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources and 23 hours. Eleven Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma malma) were found in the first 4 traps between AC-Low-01 downstream and AC-Low-05 and these fish measured between 92 and 157 millimeters fork length (Table 7). Trap 2 had been pushed out of the water onto a rock due to high flows and did not catch any fish. Two Dolly Varden mortalities occurred in the traps caused by turbulent flows spinning the fish around in the trap. Juvenile Dolly Varden in Allison Creek appear to utilize very high-gradient and high-flow waters. There are no obstacles to their passage up to AC-Low-01. This use of steep-gradient, low-order tributaries year-round by juvenile Dolly Varden is common (Bramblett et al. 2002, Bryant et al. 2004). In the lower 4 traps at sites AC-Low-05 and AC-Low-06, 14 Dolly Varden and 59 sculpin (Cottus sp.) were caught. Traps in the area around the old dam site (AC-Low-06) caught 57 of the sculpin and all 14 of the Dolly Varden. Only 2 sculpin were captured in the lowest trap on the creek located at AC-Low-07. All spawning activity by adult salmon species had ceased by the time of our September sampling event. During our earlier August sampling event ABR documented the presence of hundreds and perhaps thousands of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in the lower reaches of Allison Creek (AC-Low-06 and AC-Low-07) (Figure 5). Site-specific permit issues made it difficult to estimate how many salmon were present at that time. Coho, sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka), and chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) are also well-documented as spawning and rearing populations in lower Allison Creek (ADF&G 2008). No spawning pink salmon were documented more than a few meters beyond the site of the old dam located at AC-Low-06. Beyond this area the stream begins to increase in gradient and suitable spawning and rearing habitat is scarce. Most of the stream beyond this point is suitable only for rearing Dolly Varden. On 20 September 2008, 6 traps were deployed in the nearshore lake and outlet area in 2 habitat sites, one with shallow, calm waters and the other in a transitional area between the lake and upper creek (Table 6, Figure 5). In the upper creek an additional 6 traps were set over 2 more habitat sites, one distinguished by shallow, constrained stream flow and the other a wider site in the river marked by less turbulent waters. Poor weather limited our helicopter support time to approximately 3 hours of fishing time per trap, or a total of ~36 hours of fishing time for the upper creek and lake. During sampling, the crew walked the nearshore lake environment and upper creek and saw no evidence of fish presence. All 12 minnow traps were found empty after the sampling period. Previous reports have suggested that there are likely no fish in the upper reaches of Allison Creek and Allison Lake (USACE 1981). Although studies have been conducted on salmon species in the creeks in the project area, little is known about the populations of Dolly Varden. ABR collected Dolly Varden in minnow traps at nearly all locations in the lower portions of Allison Creek during the September 2008 field survey. The Dolly Varden found in Allison Creek were assumed to be juveniles due to their small size. These fish probably will become anadromous adults, but current research on Dolly Varden in other parts of Alaska indicates dwarf resident populations also are possible. On 6–7 July 2009, ABR again deployed minnow traps in lower and upper Allison Creek. Three of the 4 traps in the lower creek were either pulled out of the water or partially destroyed by river otters and only 1 Dolly Varden was captured before traps were removed from the area to prevent further damage. An additional 6 traps were set in the lake and outlet/upper creek area. Traps were allowed to fish overnight. As in 2008, no fish were captured in the upper creek or lake and no fish were observed during visual surveys of the lake or creek shores. PINK SALMON OTOLITH ANALYSIS The otoliths of hatchery reared fish are marked during early development and prior to their release into salt-water holding pens by manipulation of water temperatures (http:// tagotoweb.adfg.state.ak.us/OTO/). These thermal marks on pink salmon otoliths allow scientists to distinguish hatchery-reared from wild adult salmon and, for the Allison Lake project, allow an assessment of the source of pink salmon that enter lower Allison Creek during spawning runs. On 7 August 2009, during a peak run of pink salmon, 22 spawned-out pinks for were collected from lower Aquatic Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 22 Table 7. Fish captured by trap in lower Allison Creek, 18–19 September 2008. No fish were captured at any site in upper Allison Creek or Allison Lake. Aquatic Resources 23 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources Table 7. Continued. Aquatic Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 24 Allison Creek for extraction and analysis of otoliths (Fish Plates 45–47). Otoliths were removed from the salmon, cleaned, dried and stored in coin envelopes until laboratory processing. In the laboratory, otoliths were glued to standard microscope slides using a low temperature glue heated over a hotplate. Otoliths were ground to near the primordial region using 1,200 grit wet/dry sandpaper and then fine-polished using 0.3 micron alumina polishing powder in aqueous solution. Otoliths were viewed under transmitted light on a standard bright field compound microscope with magnification between 100 and 200 . If the preparation was still too thick for proper light transmission for viewing the slides were returned to the hotplate and the otoliths were flipped over. At this point the otoliths were ground to near the primordial region to expose the area where a thermal mark would be viewable. Twenty-two otoliths were analyzed for a thermal mark indicative of a hatchery fish. In the case of Allison Creek pink salmon, the most likely hatchery of origin would be the Solomon Gulch hatchery operated by the Valdez Fisheries Development Association (VFDA) (Fish Plates 36 and 37). Pink salmon returning to Solomon Gulch hatchery or straying to Allison Creek in 2009 would be part of the 2007 brood year as pink salmon display a 2-year spawning cycle. The ADFG maintains an online catalog of hatchery-specific thermal marking patterns. The page associated with the 2007 brood year can be found on the ADFG website (http:// tagotoweb.adfg.state.ak.us/OTO/reports/VoucherS ummary.asp?mi=SGH07) and clearly defines the marking pattern that associated with fish released from Solomon Gulch hatchery later in 2008 (Fish Plate 45). Of 22 fish analyzed for hatchery marks, 15 (68%) show clear evidence of origin from the Solomon Gulch hatchery. The mark from 2007 brood year fish is marked by a regular pattern of 6 alternating dark and light bands (Fish Plate 46). The other 7 fish appear to have regular banding patterns near the primordia which would indicate a hatchery origin; however, they could not clearly be distinguished as Solomon Gulch hatchery fish. A search for mark patterns from other hatcheries did not confirm these fish as known hatchery fish. It is possible that these are native Allison Creek spawned fish or that they are the progeny of hatchery fish. FISH HABITATS In September 2008 and in July 2009, fish habitats of Allison Creek were documented and photographed and the extent of anadromous fish habitat was assessed by observed barriers to movement. In September 2008 and again in July 2009, a helicopter reconnaissance flight was used to cover areas of extreme gradient between the creek mouth and the lake. Between ground and aerial efforts, photographs were taken along the entire route and potential barriers to fish passage were noted. A potential barrier was described as an area in the stream with apparently impassable waterfalls and/or extreme gradients (Figure 6). Habitat characteristics in the creek and lake were documented for future field efforts. In the lower creek, 7 different stream reaches were described. In the upper creek, 2 reaches were described. Two additional reaches were described in the lake/creek transition zone. Three types of stream habitats were noted in the Allison Creek project area: low-gradient with moderate-to-high flow, high-gradient with turbulent flows, and lake habitat (Figure 5, Table 8). The nearshore lake habitat (AL-1) was marked by shallow waters with boulder (>256 mm), cobble (64–256 mm), and gravel (2–64 mm) substrates (Fish Plates 1–2). Periphyton appeared to be present on submerged rocks and moss on exposed boulders. AL-2 marked a transition zone between the lake and creek (Fish Plate 3). Boulders and cobble dominated the substrate, and periphyton and moss were prevalent. Water was generally shallow (< 0.5 m) in this transition zone and relatively slow-flowing as the outflow gradient was low (<3%). Sites AC-High-01 and AC-High-02 in upper Allison Creek were very similar in terms of substrate material. These sites were dominated by cobble habitat with slightly fewer boulders than in AL-2. Periphyton was diminished but still apparent as water flow increased to a moderate level outside the lake. Riffle, run, and pool habitats were numerous throughout AC-High-01 for the first 100 meters downstream from the lake outlet. The Aquatic Resources 25 Allison Lake Project Biological ResourcesFigure 6. Fish habitat on Allison Creek, Allison Lake project, Alaska.146°23'W146°23'W146°22'W146°22'W146°21'W146°21'W146°20'W146°20'W146°19'W146°19'W Aquatic Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 26Table 8. Fish habitat assessment sites in Allison Lake and in upper and lower Allison Creek, 18–20 September 2008. Aquatic Resources 27 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources stream in this habitat site was somewhat constricted with wetted bank widths between 10 and 20 meters. Mosses covered most boulders in this site (Fish Plates 4–6). Downstream from AC-High-02 the stream widens over a more significant flood plain as waters from the surrounding hills flows into upper Allison Creek and the gradient remains steady between 3 and 7% (Fish Plate 7). Cobble, gravel, and sand (0.06–2 mm) dominated the substrate in this section of upper Allison Creek. Mosses covered what few emergent boulders remained and bank vegetation consisted of a mix of grasses and dwarf willow. The stream width in this reach was between 10 and 30 meters (Fish Plates 8–9). Flow remained moderate in this area and resulted in typical riffle-pool combinations. The lower portion of Allison Creek (Figure 6) comprised 2 habitat and flow regimes: high-gradient and low-gradient. Habitat sites AC-Low-01 through AC-Low-05 are all high-gradient stream reaches with a mixture of boulder, cobble, gravel, and sand substrate. The high- gradient (>10%) and turbulent flow associated with these sites often result in plunge pools with very little riffle-pool-run habitat, and bedrock often is exposed. Vegetation cover was at least 20%, dominated by alder and spruce, with some ferns and mixed grasses (Fish Plates 10–23). The lowest 200 meters of the stream before the outlet to Port Valdez was marked by lower gradient (<7%) but still high-flowing, channelized stream conditions. The banks on either side of lower Allison Creek have been channelized and supported with rip-rap to provide bank stability for parking lots and roads for the TAPS facility (Fish Plates 24–30). Pools still were rare and flow turbulent. Some shallow riffle habitat was available to spawning salmon. The stream averaged ~8 meters in width and the substrate was mostly smaller boulders and large cobble. During an aerial reconnaissance, photos were taken to document at least 3 sections of mid-stream Allison Creek that appear to represent barriers to any upstream fish passage (Figure 6, Fish Plates 38–41). These sections were called barriers due to gradients greater than 50% over reaches with highly turbulent white water for runs exceeding 50 meters in length, as estimated from the air. On 6 July 2009, a habitat assessment was completed for the upper and lower portions of Allison Creek. The stream habitat assessment protocols were in accordance with the Alaska Stream Condition Index (Major and Barbour 2001), which are from EPA methods. Habitat parameters in stream are divided into 10 categories which briefly quantify the status of the stream's geomorphology, flow, bank, and riparian conditions (Appendix B). Each parameter is scored within sub-categories labeled Poor (0–5), Marginal (6–10), Suboptimal (11–15), and Optimal (16–20), such that increasing values equate to better habitat scores. The total habitat score is added from each category and averaged to give a sense of over all quality for instream habitat characteristics. The first 5 parameters represent habitat conditions within the sampling reach and the second 5 parameters represent a broader view of stream habitat in the surrounding area of sampling. Habitat characteristics in the lower stream were measured adjacent to the green pump shed (near the 2008 sample station AC Low-06 in Figure 5). Above this reach, the stream increases in gradient and useable pink salmon habitat is lacking. Below the sampling station, the left bank of the stream (looking upstream) was marked by rip-rap used to channelize the lower 200 meters of Allison Creek before it empties into Valdez Bay. The right bank (looking upstream) appears less altered downstream of the sampling station and is vegetated by alder and willow thickets where black bears congregate to feed on spawning salmon during the late summer and early fall. Habitat scores for this reach of lower Allison Creek were optimal reflect the suboptimal conditions resulting from channel alteration, but continue to provide high-quality epifaunal substrate with low embeddedness and an optimal variety of velocity/depth habitats. Habitat characteristics in upper Allison Creek were measured approximately 600 feet downstream from Allison Lake (near the 2008 sample station AC-01 in Figure 5). The stream in this reach is not altered by human activities and the habitat scores were optimal for all parameters. Aquatic Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 28 WATER QUALITY Ambient water conditions in the stream and lake were measured on 19 September 2008 in the lower creek and 20 September 2008 in the upper creek and lake (Table 9). Temperature and dissolved oxygen also were measured during macroinvertebrate sampling, on 6 and 7 July 2009 (Table 9). In 2008, temperatures in the upper creek and lake shallows ranged from 5.9 to 6.1˚C. The lower creek was warmer and ranged from 6.8 to 7.2˚C. In July 2009, the temperature difference between upstream and downstream sites was greater, 5.4 upstream and 9.5 downstream. This increase in temperature is to be expected as cold water flows from the lake and is aerated by the warmer temperatures found near sea-level around Port Valdez. Dissolved oxygen percent saturation was generally high throughout the lake and creek in September 2008 (86.5%–94.7%), and only slightly lower in July 2009. The lower creek was slightly higher in percent oxygen saturation on average than the upper creek and lake and this is probably due to turbulent mixing of creek water with air during its descent down Allison Creek. Conductivity was generally low throughout the lake and creek (26.3–30.5 µs/cm). This is likely due to the relatively low level of dissolved and particulate materials in the stream, also reflected in the low turbidity of the stream (2.7–4.6 NTU). While the lake is formed from glacial melt, most mineral material appears to settle in the lake leaving clear water at the surface to drain. The pH was highest in the lake and upper creek (8.7–8.9) and is perhaps a product of glacial material incorporated into the melt waters which form the lake. In the lower creek, pH ranged between 7.6 and 8.4. These levels are normal for high mountain glacial streams in Alaska (Hem 1985). MACROINVERTEBRATES The aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna was documented in both Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch Creek during surveys conducted in the early 1970s (Nauman and Kernodle 1974). Taxa composition was typical of cold-water Alaskan streams but little interpretation of the results was made. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities were sampled in lower (AC-Low-06) and upper (AC-High-01) Allison Creek on 6 July 2009 (Figure 5). Five replicate samples were collected from riffle habitats at each site using Surber samplers (363-µm mesh). Samples were placed into 1-L polyethylene wide-mouth sample bottles, labeled, and preserved with 70% ethanol for later sorting and identification at the ABR laboratory. Samples were sorted to remove a 500-organism subsample from each preserved sample. If fewer than 500 organisms were present in the sample, the entire sample was sorted. Total abundance was generally low with 29–517 organisms per sample (mean = 181 organisms per sample). Macroinvertebrates were identified to genus with the exception those in the family Chironomidae (midges); 20% of the Chironomidae in each sample were identified to genus. Macroinvertebrate community metrics were calculated for each sample, including total taxa richness, EPT richness (combined taxa from the orders Ephemeroptera [mayflies], Plecoptera [stoneflies], and Trichoptera [caddisflies]), percent EPT, and percent Diptera. The total density of organisms per m² of the stream bottom was calculated by multiplying the total number of macroinvertebrates collected in the 1-ft² Surber sample by a conversion factor of 10.82. Community metrics were calculated for each replicate sample, and means and standard deviations of each metric were calculated for both sites. Metrics from the upper and lower Allison Creek sampling sites were compared using t-tests. At the time of macroinvertebrate sampling, habitats were characterized using the Alaska Stream Condition Index, as described above. Macroinvertebrate habitats were similar at the upper and lower Allison Creek sampling sites. Embeddedness was optimal (low) at both sites, but somewhat greater at the upper site. Habitat variability was also was somewhat less (fewer velocity-depth combinations, categorized as suboptimal) at the upper site. Bank stability was lower at the downstream site (suboptimal on the left bank), as was bank vegetative protection (poor on the left bank), and the width of the riparian zone was less than at the upstream site (marginal on the left bank). Aquatic Resources 29 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources Upper Allison Creek (AC-High-01) had higher mean densities of macroinvertebrates (mean: 2,514 organisms/m²; range: 314–5,594 organisms/m²) than lower Allison Creek (AC-Low-06; mean: 1,410 organisms/m²; range: 454–3,228 organisms/m²; Table 10). This difference was not significant, however, due to high variability among replicate samples at both sites (p = 0.3280; Table 10). While macroinvertebrate densities were higher in upper Allison Creek, overall taxa richness (the number of taxa within each sample) was significantly lower (mean: 8 taxa; range: 5–12 taxa) than at the lower creek site (mean: 14 taxa; range: 10–18 taxa; p = 0.0314). Macroinvertebrates of the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT taxa) are known to be relatively sensitive to disturbance. EPT richness and percent EPT were significantly lower in lower Allison Creek than they were in upper Allison Creek (EPT richness, p = 0.0034; Percent EPT, p = 0.0025). The ranges in EPT richness were 1–4 taxa at AC-High-01 (mean: 3) and 4–6 taxa at AC-Low-06 (mean: 5; Table 10). At the lower Allison Creek site, mayflies were most common, comprising 91.6% of EPT taxa among the 5 replicate samples; stoneflies (7.1%) and caddisflies (1.3%) were less common. The mayflies Baetis bicaudatus (Baetidae) and Epeorus grandis (Heptageniidae) were the most common EPT taxa in lower Allison Creek. Mayflies of the genus Ameletus (Ameletidae) and the stonefly Isoperla katmaiensis (Perlodidae) were absent in lower Allison Creek but present in upper Allison Creek. Conversely, macroinvertebrates of the order Diptera, as a group, are known to be relatively tolerant to disturbance. Percent Diptera was significantly higher in upper Allison Creek than it was in lower Allison Creek (p = 0.0029). Chironomids of the genus Rheocricotopus were most common, comprising 82.8% of the dipterans collected at the upstream site. POTENTIAL PROJECT-RELATED EFFECTS ON FISH Potential project-related effects of the Allison Lake project on fish include: •Habitat alteration by sedimentation in lower fish-bearing reaches of Allison Creek during construction of the dam, pen- stock, and powerhouse upstream Table 9. Ambient water quality at Allison Lake and upper and lower Allison Creek, 18–20 September 2008 and 6–7 July 2009. Aquatic Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 30 •Habitat alteration by stream-bed distur- bance by powerhouse construction in lower fish-bearing reaches of Allison Creek, upstream of pink salmon habitat •Water temperature and flow changes in Allison Creek during construction that may affect spawning populations of pink and chum salmon, Dolly Varden, or other fish species present in lower Allison Creek •Accidental release of contaminants into Allison Creek during construction •Water temperature and flow changes in Allison Creek during operation that may affect spawning populations of pink and chum salmon, Dolly Varden, or other fish species present in lower Allison Creek Sedimentation during Construction During project construction, in particular during construction of the penstock, construction activities in the streambed may increase sedimentation, potentially affecting water quality in downstream fish habitats. The construction contractor will implement best management practices to protect the stream from sedimentation impacts. Stream-bed Disturbance The Allison Lake project facility footprints would alter the stream bed of Allison Creek in the footprint of the dam and inundation area (5 acres of Rivers and Streams, Table 4) and in some portions of the penstock and powerhouse footprints (2.2 acres and 0.4 acres, respectively). However, only the powerhouse footprint would potentially affect fish habitat (primarily Dolly Varden), because of upstream barriers to fish passage. The powerhouse would be located upstream of the anadromous salmon habitats in Allison Creek and no stream-bed disturbance would occur in salmon habitats. Water Temperature and Flow Changes during Construction Estimates of temperature and flow change during the construction period are unavailable, but will likely change from pre-development conditions with consequent potential effects on fish populations in lower Allison Creek. Construction schedule and practices will be designed to minimize impacts on fish, particularly for spawning salmon. Accidental Release of Contaminants during Construction Fuels and explosives will be used and stored in the project area and accidental spills or inappropriate handling procedures may pose some risk of contamination for Allison Creek and fish populations. The construction contract would require the contractor to control, contain, and remove any spill occurrence during construction. Any reportable spills as defined in 40 CFR 110 will be reported as required. The contractor would be required to develop a Hazardous Materials Containment Plan (HMCP) to address hazardous material that will be used during project construction and to detail measures to control discharges of such materials into waters of the United States. The risk of accidental spill is considered low and it is anticipated that Table 10. Mean macroinvertebrate community metrics, standard deviations (SD), and level of significance of t-tests comparing upper and lower Allison Creek, July 2009. Aquatic Resources 31 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources appropriate response will limit impacts of any accidental spills; the overall impacts of spills on fish in Allison Creek therefore are likely to be minor. Water Temperature and Flow Changes during Operation During operation of the Allison Lake project, water temperature and stream flow in Allison Creek will change from pre-development conditions, potentially affecting fish populations in lower Allison Creek. Estimates of stream temperature and flow are unavailable, but operations practices will be designed to minimize impacts on fish, particularly for spawning salmon. Mitigation of Impacts The proposed improvements would involve more than one acre of ground disturbance; therefore, compliance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities in Alaska would be required. CVEA will prepare an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP). The Contractor will use the ESCP to develop their Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), which will employ measures to protect water quality during on-site construction activities, including gravel mining and hauling material to the construction site. Work would be done in accordance with the Best Management Practices for Construction Erosion and Sediment Control (1997) to ensure that water-quality standards are met. All disturbed ground, consisting of silt and overburden, would be seeded, fertilized, and watered to establish ground cover and minimize stormwater runoff. Clean sand and gravel would be used for all fills. A Section 401 Water Quality Certification would also be obtained from the ADEC as part of the permitting for this project. Construction and operation practices and schedules will be designed to minimize impacts on fish in Allison Creek. Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 32 TERRESTRIAL RESOURCES MAMMALS By Brian E. Lawhead, Robert M. Burgess, and Jennifer H. Boisvert Approximately 32 species of land mammals are known or expected to occur in the Allison Lake project area (Table 11); the presence of several cryptic species of small mammals (shrews and microtine rodents) has not been confirmed by field surveys. The most notable species of mammals for this analysis are the mountain goat (which is considered a management indicator species by the USFS), brown and black bears, and furbearers, which are judged to be the species of concern for most stakeholders. The project area is encompassed by Game Management Unit (GMU) 6, an area of 10,140 mi² that includes all of Prince William Sound and the northern coast of the Gulf of Alaska. The project area is located in the subunit designated GMU 6D East, which is the portion of GMU 6D located south of Port Valdez and east of the Lowe River. Most of the available data on mammal populations in the project area come from survey and inventory activities conducted by the ADFG, focusing on large mammals and furbearers. MOUNTAIN GOAT Mountain goats are native to the mountains of south coastal Alaska, including those surrounding Port Valdez. Goat populations in coastal Alaska are limited principally by winter severity (mainly snow depth) and the availability of suitable habitat (Fox et al. 1989), but they have a low reproductive rate and thus are susceptible to predation and overhunting (Fox and Streveler 1986, Côté and Beaudoin 1997, Toweill et al. 2004). Goats generally summer around high alpine meadows and ridges and move to lower slopes in winter as snow depth increases (Hjeljord 1973, White 2006), often using cliffs and rocky outcrops near valley floors and beaches. Stands of old-growth forest near steep escape terrain provide important winter habitat for goats (Fox et al. 1989) and National Forest lands with evidence of goat use can be removed from logging schedules (Crowley 2004). Female goats seek rugged, isolated areas in which to give birth to kids in late May and early June. Females require adequate foraging areas nearby, generally located within 400 m of steep escape terrain (Fox et al. 1989, Hamel and Côté 2007). Summer habitats include alpine ridges, slopes, and meadows vegetated with grasses, sedges, and low shrubs (Hjeljord 1973, Fox et al. 1989). Mountain goats are sensitive to disturbance by aircraft (especially helicopters) and ground activities (Foster and Rahs 1983, Côté 1996), which has led to recommendations that helicopters avoid goat habitat by a buffer distance of 2 km. However, goats also are able to habituate to well-managed activities that restrict behavioral disturbance, flight altitudes, and approach distances (Smith and Van Daele 1987, Goldstein et al. 2005). Aircraft over National Forest lands in south coastal Alaska must maintain approach distances of >800 m and altitudes of 500 m or more in goat habitat. Goldstein et al. (2005) found that goats on steep slopes near escape terrain in coastal Alaska showed milder responses to helicopter disturbance than did goats on less steep ridges inland in Alberta, but also suggested that goats in areas where hunting is legal would be more disturbed by helicopter landings that dropped off people in goat habitat. Mountain goats around the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project on Kodiak Island experienced relatively few project-related impacts, evidently because it was located in an area of spring and summer habitat that received low-density use, and they appeared to habituate to human facilities and activities (Smith and Van Daele 1987). The key to habituation is that human activities be predictable and nonthreatening. The mountain goat population in GMU 6 has fluctuated widely over the last 60 years, primarily as a result of winter severity, hunting, and predation. Conservative harvest management and mild winters since the late 1990s have allowed the population to rebound from a relatively low level in the early to mid-1990s and the population is currently thought to be stable (Crowley 2008a). The current management goal for GMU 6 is to maintain a unit-wide population of at least 2,400 mountain goats. ADFG conducts aerial surveys in late summer or early fall to obtain data on the sex and age composition of the mountain goat population. In 1952, the goat population in GMU 6 was estimated roughly at 4,350 animals (Crowley 2006a). Aerial Terrestrial Resources 33 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources surveys began in 1969 but were not standardized until 1986. Beginning in 1986, goat harvests were regulated under a registration permit system within relatively small geographic units. The population in GMU 6 in the early to mid-1990s was estimated at 2,790 animals; by 1999, the population had rebounded to approximately 4,000 goats (Crowley 2006a). Unit-wide population estimates were 3,650 goats with 18% kids in 2000; 3,450 with 19% kids in 2001; and 3,650 with 17% kids in 2002 (Crowley 2004). The most recent unit-wide estimate was 4,125 goats in 2006, of which about 2,480 goats were estimated to inhabit subunit 6D (Crowley 2008a), with the highest densities recorded in GMU 6D East (in which the Allison Lake project would be located). Two separate aerial surveys flown by ADFG in recent years found very few goats in the Allison Lake basin (D. Crowley, pers. comm.), and the area is not considered to be critical goat habitat. An ADFG survey on 22 August 2002 found 9 goats, including 2 kids, above 750 m elevation in the Table 11. Mammal species known or expected to occur in the Allison Lake project area. Bold font indicates confirmed observation in the project area in 2009. Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 34 southwestern portion of the Allison Lake basin and a survey on 24 May 2006 found 1 goat on the eastern side of the basin about 3 km from tidewater. Although it appears that mountain goat densities are low, use of the project area by goats for critical life-history events such as birthing, rutting, and wintering is not well understood. No field surveys specifically for mountain goats were conducted in support of the Allison Lake project, however, all mammal sightings during other field investigations in 2008 and 2009 were recorded. The ADFG area biologist planned an aerial survey of the Allison Lake project area in late May to early June 2009, specifically to survey for birthing mountain goats, but was unable to complete the survey as planned (D. Crowley, pers. comm.). Aerial surveys for other species were conducted by ABR in the Allison Lake project area during early August 2008, late May 2009, and mid-June 2009, and a field camp near the lake outlet was occupied 3–8 June and 4–9 July 2009. The following mountain goat observations were recorded during field work in 2008 and 2009. •On 7 August 2008, 4 groups of mountain goats were observed: 3 groups (totaling 6 adults and 1 kid) were within the Allison Lake impact assessment area, all were located on upper slopes south and west of Allison Lake, 3.1–4.3 km from the lake outlet (Figure 7). Another group of 3 adults was outside the impact assessment area, farther south on Mt. Kate, 6.4 km from the lake outlet. •No mountain goats were observed in the project area on 28 May 2009. •During the first week of June 2009, indi- vidual mountain goats (1 female and 2 males) were observed foraging and resting about halfway up slopes west of the lake. On 7 June, a group of 5 goats was observed high on the ridge east of the lake. •On 5 July, a goat (sex unknown) was observed high on the ridge east of the lake. On 8 July and again on 9 July, another goat (male) was observed on the ridge east of the lake. •No mountain goats were observed in the Allison Lake project area during aerial sur- veys conducted during 5–16 June 2009. Most of the goats observed in the Allison Lake project area were lone males and only one nanny with a kid was observed (during August 2008). Taken together, the available evidence does not indicate that the upper Allison Lake basin contains important birthing or rearing habitats for mountain goats. BEARS Both black and brown bears inhabit the Allison Lake project area, with black bears being more numerous (Crowley 2007a, 2008b). Bears in the vicinity of Port Valdez frequent tidal flats after they emerge from hibernation in May and forage on adjacent mountain slopes as snow melts and vegetation is exposed. During spring and early summer they forage in grassy flats, sedge meadows, and bogs. During late summer, bears forage in intertidal areas and streams where they consume spawning salmon. Salmon and berries are the most important foods in fall. Denning begins by late October and most bears have entered dens by mid-December. Brown bears inhabit most of GMU 6, although they are absent from the western islands and western mainland of Prince William Sound. Brown bears occur on the mainland east of the Columbia Glacier and on several of the larger islands in Prince William Sound. Old-growth forests provide important habitat for coastal bears in Southeast Alaska (Schoen et al. 1994) and the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) Trustee Council acquired or protected most lands scheduled for timber harvest in subunit 6D, thus removing the threat of large-scale habitat loss in Prince William Sound (Crowley 2007a). The brown bear population of GMU 6 has been stable or declining slightly since 1989. Black bears are common throughout GMU 6 except on Montague, Hinchinbrook, and several smaller islands in Prince William Sound. Densities in GMU 6 generally are higher in western Prince William Sound and lower in eastern Prince William Sound and on the North Gulf Coast (Crowley 2008b). The highest concentrations of black bears in GMU 6 occur in the area of Valdez Terrestrial Resources 35 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources Arm, where they use coniferous forest and alder-dominated mountain slopes most heavily. Both species of bears likely use the entirety of the Allison Lake project area, including the upper basin and forested habitats between Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch, although black bears do not use alpine habitats as commonly as do brown bears. During a May 2006 ADFG aerial survey of mountain goats, a black bear was observed 1 mile below the Allison Lake outlet and other bear tracks were identified in the snow near the lake outlet (D. Crowley, pers. comm.). Security guards at the Alyeska terminal report both black and brown bears as common in both Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch, and along Dayville Road and the pipeline access road, particularly during the salmon-spawning seasons. Food abundance, weather conditions, and harvest levels can affect black bear populations in GMU 6 (Crowley 2008b). Salmon abundance and winter severity are particularly important factors affecting population size, and competition and predation by brown bears can be important locally. The highest densities of black bears occur where brown bear density is low. Harvest monitoring of brown bears and black bears in GMU 6 began in 1961 and 1973, respectively, with mandatory sealing of hides. In the late 1990s, the populations of both brown and black bears in GMU 6 appeared to be increasing and able to sustain the harvest levels occurring at the time (Crowley 2005). The brown bear population in Unit 6 was estimated at 850 in 2001, with an estimated 310 bears in subunit 6D (Crowley 2001). For the period 2004–2006, the number of black bears in Valdez Arm was estimated roughly at 466 animals and it was concluded that harvest levels in GMU 6D were high enough that the population may be affected (Crowley 2008b). Three of 19 black bears killed by hunters on the south side of Port Valdez during the last 5 years were taken between Allison Creek and Solomon Lake, but no brown bears were taken in the area (D. Crowley, pers. comm.). No field surveys specifically for mammals were conducted in support of the Allison Lake project, however, incidental sightings of bears were recorded by field personnel during other aerial and ground-based wildlife surveys in the project area in 2008–2009 (Figure 7; Mammal Plates, page 77). •During mid-August 2008, 5 black bears, including a female with 2 cubs, were observed feeding on pink salmon along Allison Creek. •In late May 2009, 2 black bears were reported during aerial surveys on 28 May. Both were located in recently snow-free herbaceous habitat on steep-alder domi- nated slopes, 1 in the Solomon Creek drainage near the ridge above Allison Lake, the other on the west side of the Alli- son Creek basin ~ 0.8 mi below the lake outlet. •During 3–8 June 2009, 4 different black bears (including 1 sow with a cub) and 1 young brown bear were observed foraging in recently snow-free habitats around Alli- son Lake (Mammal Plate 1). One of the black bears and the young brown bear also were observed crossing Allison Lake on the frozen ice (Mammal Plate 2). •On 15 and 16 June 2009, 2 black bears were observed using forested habitats along the proposed transmission line area in the lower elevations of the project area, and 2 black bears also were observed in upland herbaceous habitats on the lower slopes west of Allison Lake, just below the lake outlet. •During 4–9 July 2009, 4 different black bears were observed foraging in habitats around Allison Lake. One of these was recorded 3 times on the upper slopes east of the lake outlet, one was on the lower slopes west of the creek below the lake, one was recorded 3 times in the glacial outwash flats on the south end of the lake, and one small black bear was observed near Allison Creek downstream of the lake outlet. •On 4 July 2009, 1 young brown bear was observed fishing at Solomon Gulch and then along the coast towards Allison Creek a couple days thereafter. Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 36 Figure 7. Locations of large mammals observed in the Allison Lake project area, Alaska, summer 2008 and 2009. (Locations may represent repeat sightings of the same individuals for mountain goats and black bears).146°23'W146°23'W146°22'W146°22'W146°21'W146°21'W146°20'W146°20'W146°19'W146°19'W146°18'W146°18'W Terrestrial Resources 37 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources Black bears are particularly common in the project area and often were observed foraging in recently snow-free and herbaceous habitats in the lake basin, in lower elevation conifer forests, and along the coast throughout the summer. Most of the bears recorded in the Allison Lake basin in June and July were observed multiple times in the same general area for several days at a time. Many of the same individual bears may have been recorded on multiple occasions over the course of observations. In the lower elevations of the project area along Dayville Road, black and brown bears were particularly common during salmon runs in mid- to late summer. AQUATIC FURBEARERS River otters and mink are reportedly common with stable populations in GMU 6 (Crowley 2007b). River otters occur in aquatic and marine shoreline habitats where they consume mainly fish and invertebrates (Larsen 1983). They are common throughout most of GMU 6 and were reported as the most abundant carnivore in Prince William Sound since the early 1900s (Crowley 2007b). Since the 1930s, populations of river otters have fluctuated, apparently with trapping and hunting playing an important role in declines, as well as the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989. They are likely to use Allison Creek and adjacent shorelines, especially during salmon spawning. River otters were observed in estuarine waters adjacent to Allison Creek in June 2009 and river otters were documented in lower Allison Creek in July 2009, when they disturbed and destroyed several fish traps. River otters probably frequent much of the low-gradient reach of Allison Creek where fish are present and much of the shoreline and forested habitats along Valdez Bay. They probably also use coastal portions of other small creeks mapped in the impact assessment area. River otters probably are uncommon in the Allison Lake impact assessment area above stream reaches occupied by fish, including most of Allison Creek and all of Allison Lake. Mink inhabit the shores of streams, lakes, and marine coastlines, where they prey on fish and aquatic invertebrates, birds, and small mammals (Johnson 1985). Mink are common in most of GMU 6 and numbers may be limited by harvest (Crowley 2007b). Similar to river otters, they are likely to occur in Allison Creek primarily where fish are present and in shoreline and forested habitats adjacent to Valdez Bay. Mink were observed in estuarine habitats at the mouth of Allison Creek in June 2009. Although the species occurs in the region, there is little habitat for beaver in the Allison Lake basin. Beavers occur exclusively in association with woody vegetation and fresh water habitats, including streams, rivers, impoundments, and lakes, from sea level to alpine zones. They eat a variety of plants but their distribution is limited by the winter availability of woody plants, particularly cottonwood, aspen, willow, and alder. Beaver habitat is relatively limited in GMU 6D, although beaver are present in the Rude and Gravina river drainages, on Hawkins and Hinchinbrook islands, in Simpson Bay, and in the Sheep River drainage (Crowley 2007b). If present, beaver are likely rare in the project area. Muskrats are found in aquatic habitats with standing or slowly flowing water with emergent vegetation. Muskrats occur at low density in GMU 6 east of Prince William Sound, but appear to be absent from the Prince William Sound area (Crowley 2007b) and thus are unlikely to occur in the project vicinity. ADFG monitors trapping harvest of selected furbearers, such as river otter and beaver, by requiring sealing of hides, but generally does not conduct population surveys of furbearers. ADFG conducts scat counts and latrine surveys for river otters in GMU 6 (Crowley 2007b), but none have been done recently in the portion of Port Valdez near the project area (D. Crowley, pers. comm.). OTHER MAMMALS ADFG conducts periodic sex and age population surveys for moose in GMU 6, but has not recently included subunit 6D. The most recent estimate of the numbers of moose in GMU 6D was approximately 50 animals (Crowley 2006b). The reported annual harvest of moose in GMU 6D was 3 or fewer animals during 1999–2006. The only moose indigenous to Unit 6 are small populations in the Lowe River drainage and Kings Bay in subunit 6D, totaling about 40–50 animals (Crowley 2006b). These small populations have not extended their ranges since at least 1960. Moose are more abundant in other subunits of GMU 6 to the east, Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 38 having originated from translocations into subunit 6C (the Copper River delta) and subsequently spreading into adjacent subunits. Thus, the species is not an issue for the Allison Lake project. ADFG conducts annual pellet counts to assess the relative densities of deer (Crowley 2007c). Recent counts suggest no significant changes in the density of deer in GMU 6. The highest densities of deer in Subunit 6D (Prince William Sound) occurred on large islands and lower densities occurred on smaller islands and mainland areas (Crowley 2007c). The Sitka black-tailed deer population in GMU 6 resulted from introductions on Hawkins and Hinchinbrook islands in Prince William Sound during 1916–1923 (Reynolds 1979). Following those introductions, deer increased in number and dispersed to other islands and the mainland. The population peaks and declines periodically in response to winter severity and other limiting factors (Reynolds 1979). Snow depth and duration are the most important limiting factors for deer in the region; other factors include wolf predation, timber harvest and management, and hunting (Crowley 2007c). Old-growth spruce forest is critical wintering habitat because the tree canopy limits ground cover of snow, providing greater access to forage for deer in the region, but old-growth forests also are used during summer (Reynolds 1979, Shishido 1986). Deer are not numerous on the mainland but have managed to spread inland during periods of mild winters (Roberson 1986). Due to the marginal range available for this species in the vicinity of the project, deer are not an issue for the Allison Lake project. ADFG conducts periodic population surveys of wolves in GMU 6, but no surveys were conducted 1997–2003 (Crowley 2006c). A USFS study estimated a stable population of wolves in GMU 6 of 47–61 wolves in 8 packs in 1999 and 50–65 wolves in 8 packs in 2000. In 2006, ADFG estimated that Unit 6D has only 4–6 wolves in 2 packs (Crowley 2006c), down from 10–14 wolves in 3 packs in 2001 (Crowley 2003), but that pack size and distribution in Unit 6D remains speculative. ADFG requires sealing of harvested wolves and the reported harvest in GMU 6 ranged from 2 to 13 wolves in the period 1997–2003. Wolves have been present in low numbers in GMU 6 since at least the early 1900s and have increased in numbers since then, perhaps in response to increased abundance of introduced deer in Prince William Sound and moose in the Copper River delta, as well as the cessation of federal wolf control in the 1950s. Wolves are present on the eastern mainland of Subunit 6D, including Valdez Arm. In 2005, there were approximately 41 to 52 wolves in 8–11 packs in GMU 6 and numbers were relatively stable (Crowley 2006c). Pack size and distribution in the Prince William Sound area (Subunit 6D) remains speculative, although there were reportedly only 4–6 wolves in 2 packs in the Rude River and Lowe River areas (Crowley 2006c). Coyotes occur in low numbers in GMU 6, mainly where wolves are uncommon. Recent observations suggest that coyotes recently have declined in abundance as wolves have increased (Crowley 2007b). Coyotes were observed in June 2009 in the upper Allison Creek basin, near Allison Lake. Red foxes are rare in GMU 6, possibly having been displaced by coyotes (Crowley 2007b). ADFG requires sealing of the hides of marten, wolverine, and lynx. Marten sealing began in 1999–2000. Marten were reported as common and stable to increasing in abundance in GMU 6 in 2007, wolverine were reported as present at low to moderate densities and stable, and lynx were reported as rare or absent (Crowley 2007b). Marten populations in GMU 6 have been described as scattered and variable in density, and are frequently subject to heavy trapping (Crowley 2007b). The species is most numerous in forested habitats, and thus is probably not abundant in the project vicinity. Wolverines are present in most of GMU 6 and are likely to occur in the alpine habitats of the Allison Lake project area. In the 1930s they were considered plentiful and a nuisance and in 1954 a bounty was placed on wolverines that was removed in 1959 after excessive harvest. Harvests peaked in 1972–1978 and again in 1992–1998, probably due to both increased trapper effort as well as greater numbers of wolverines (Crowley 2007b). The primary prey of lynx is the snowshoe hare, which is cyclical in numbers. When hares are not abundant, lynx select alternate prey including grouse, ptarmigan, red squirrels, and microtine Terrestrial Resources 39 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources rodents. Neither lynx nor snowshoe hares were observed in the project area during field efforts in 2008–2009. The other small mammals likely to occur in the project area are poorly documented, but there are no mammal species of conservation concern in the area. Field surveys were not conducted specifically for mammals but incidental sightings were recorded by field personnel during ground-based surveys in the project area during 2009. •A mink was observed foraging in the inter- tidal zone at the mouth of Allison Creek in early June 2009. •A group of 3 river otters was observed on 6 June 2009 in the marine waters near Alli- son Point. •On 5 June 2009, a pair of coyotes was observed hunting together west of the out- let of Allison Lake in the Allison Lake basin (Figure 7, Mammal Plate 3). •In early July 2009, 1 porcupine was observed moving across the moraine area below Allison Lake and another was observed along the coast near Allison Creek. •Arctic ground squirrels were common in the lower alpine tundra habitats and herba- ceous vegetation on the lower slopes around Allison Lake during June and July 2009. •Red squirrels often were observed and heard in conifer forests in the lower eleva- tions of the project area along Dayville Road between Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch. •A red-backed vole was observed at the for- est edge near the mouth of Allison Creek in early July 2009. POTENTIAL PROJECT-RELATED EFFECTS ON MAMMALS Potential project-related effects of the Allison Lake project on mammals include: •Direct and indirect habitat loss or altera- tion due to project facilities, including the inundation area, penstock and powerhouse footprints, and access roads •Behavioral disturbance during project con- struction •Exposure to hazardous materials during construction •Behavioral habituation and attraction of scavengers during construction •Behavioral disturbance during project operation •Inhibition of free passage or a barrier to free passage of mammals across Allison Creek •Increased recreational and subsistence hunting and trapping, facilitated by improved access Habitat Loss Habitat loss for mammals will occur during the construction period for all species and most such loss is permanent. Nine focal species of mammals and small mammals (voles and shrews as a group) were selected for assessment of habitat loss (Table 12). Potential project-related effects on focal species are assumed to be representative of other mammal species with similar patterns of habitat use. In terms of percent loss in the basin, the habitats most affected by the Allison Lake project all are riparian (Riverine Graminoid Meadow, Riverine Barrens, Riverine Tall and Low Willow Scrub, and Rivers and Stream) and these riparian habitats are important for black and brown bears, river otters, and mink. The proposed project will affect habitats that were designated as essential for river otter and mink, specifically Rivers and Streams (Low Gradient-High Flow) which will be 50% less available in the basin with the Allison Lake project. High-value habitats for bears also will be affected by the Allison Lake project, including Rivers and Streams (Low Gradient-High Flow), Subalpine and Alpine Herb Meadow, and Subalpine and Alpine Dwarf Ericaceous Scrub. The project will not affect any habitats designated as high-value for mountain goats, porcupine, collared pika, red squirrel, or voles and shrews. Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 40Table 12. Ranking of habitat value for selected mammal species in the Allison Lake project impact assessment area, Alaska. Habitat value is ranked: 0 = none/negligible, 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high, 4 = essential. Data quality is characterized by font type as data-supported from project-specific data and scientific literature (bold), partially data-supported from literature only (regular), or professional judgment (italic). Terrestrial Resources 41 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources For river otter, mink, and bears, Rivers and Streams (Low Gradient-High Flow) is an important habitat primarily in the lowest reaches of Allison Creek where fish are present and the occurrence of Low Gradient-High Flow in the basin overestimates the availability of important habitat. For bears, the lower reaches of Allison Creek are an important habitat primarily in locations and seasons when salmon are present. Natural barriers to fish passage currently exclude fish from most of the available riparian habitat and no loss of habitat within the anadromous salmon reach is anticipated to occur. Unlike bears, which use a variety of habitats, both river otters and mink probably occur primarily in riparian and other shoreline habitats and they may be somewhat more affected than bears by the loss of riparian habitat in the basin. As with bears, however, the important habitats for river otters and mink are adjacent to river reaches that have fish, entirely downstream of the barriers to fish passage, where little loss of riparian habitats will occur. The loss of riparian habitats upstream of barriers to fish passage is not anticipated to affect bears, river otters, or mink. Although stream habitats will be greatly altered in some areas of Allison Creek that are affected by the penstock, some level of stream flow will be maintained and a stream channel with natural and modified habitats will continue to exist. Complete loss of riverine habitats will occur, however, in the inundation area and dam footprint. Nearly all loss of riverine habitats will be in the outwash area at the south end of Allison Lake and 60–100% of riverine habitats in the basin will be inundated. These riparian habitats in the outwash area are not high-value habitats for any species of mammals, although they are of moderate value to bears, porcupine, and voles and shrews. Their value for other species is limited by the absence of fish. Most of the non-riparian habitats that would be affected by the Allison Lake project are abundant in the basin. These upland, subalpine, and alpine habitats are important for bears, ground squirrels, and voles and shrews, but loss attributable to the project is unlikely to be significant. In terms of percent loss, only one of these habitats is strongly affected by the proposed project: approximately 60% of Subalpine Wet Graminoid Moss Bog available in the basin will be affected. Subalpine Wet Graminoid Moss Bog may be an important habitat to some species of voles or shrews but is a low value habitat for other mammal species. Only one subalpine bog occurs in the project area, in the footprint of the access road (Figure 4). For the Allison Lake project, the overall effects of habitat loss for mammals are negligible. Behavioral Disturbance during Construction Behavioral disturbance of mammals may result during July through September of each of the 3 proposed construction seasons. During the first and second construction years, project personnel will be housed off-site and helicopters will be used by construction crews to access the project dam site. Activities during the first year include clearing the access road, dam site, and powerhouse footprints and initial construction of the powerhouse. During the second year, the access road to the dam will be completed, the penstock site will be cleared, stream diversions and penstock construction will be initiated, the dam embankment will be raised to 1,365 feet elevation, and the intake structure will be built. During the third year, personnel will be housed at a construction camp at the dam site, the embankment will be raised to its final elevation (1,420 feet), the spillway, penstock, powerhouse, and transmission line will be completed, and the reservoir will be filled. No estimates of helicopter traffic rates, vehicle traffic rates, or on-site numbers of personnel are available, but all of these activities may result in disturbance of local mammals. Behavioral disturbance would affect primarily larger mammal species; small mammals would be displaced by the project footprint but continue to be present in adjacent undisturbed habitats. Among animals in general, the most common response to disturbance is avoidance or displacement: affected mammals move to areas where they are undisturbed or where humans are absent. Energy costs associated with startle reactions, escape movements, and other such disturbance responses also may occur. If present in the Allison Lake project area, wolves, wolverine, lynx, deer, and moose are uncommon and few individuals would be affected. Project construction in riparian Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 42 habitats could cause disturbance of bears and river otters, but these species probably occur primarily in fish-bearing reaches downstream of most project construction activity. No project activities are proposed in the lower reaches of Allison Creek where bears are numerous during salmon runs. However, some disturbance of bears, river otters, and mink may occur in riparian habitats near the powerhouse, where Dolly Varden are present, but just upstream of reaches with salmon. Behavioral disturbance and displacement are likely to have negligible effects on bears, river otters, and mink. Among mammals, behavioral disturbance would be of particular concern primarily for mountain goats. If disturbed in their subalpine and alpine habitats in the Allison Lake basin, mountain goats would probably move away from the disturbance, perhaps higher or farther south within the basin, or possibly into an adjacent basin. If so, affected goats may be displaced from preferred habitats during the 3 July–September construction seasons. Reports of observations of mountain goats in the Allison Lake basin confirm low levels of use by mixed groups in mid-summer. It is difficult to predict the distance at which mountain goats may react to project activities, but much of the goat habitat in the basin is more than 2 kilometers from the access road, dam, and penstock areas. Some level of habituation by goats to normal construction activities is to be anticipated, particularly since most construction activities will be predictable and non-threatening. However, mountain goats can be particularly sensitive to helicopter disturbance, so restrictions on helicopter activities would be appropriate, including restricting flight paths to the lower basin, no farther upstream than the actual dam site. With appropriate restrictions of helicopter traffic, impacts related to behavioral disturbance of mountain goats should be minor or moderate during project construction. Exposure to Hazardous Materials during Construction Fuels and explosives will be used and stored in the project area and accidental spills or inappropriate handling procedures may pose some risk of contamination for mammals. The construction contract would require the contractor to control, contain, and remove any spill occurrence during construction. Any reportable spills as defined in 40 CFR 110 will be reported as required. The contractor would be required to develop a Hazardous Materials Containment Plan (HMCP) to address hazardous material that will be used during project construction and to detail measures to control discharges of such materials into waters of the United States. It is anticipated that appropriate response will limit impacts of any accidental spills and that very few individual mammals would be affected. Overall impacts of spills are considered likely to be minor. Behavioral Habituation and Attraction of Scavengers during Construction Human-animal interactions may occur during both construction and operation, but would occur most frequently during the construction phase, when human activity would be most intensive and wide-ranging. The rate of human-animal interactions is further increased by the attraction of opportunistic predators/scavengers, specifically foxes, coyotes, bears, gulls, and ravens, to areas of human activity. The most important causes of attraction of animals are human foods and garbage. Attraction to the construction site and increased interaction with humans creates the potential for mortality from control measures (i.e., killing problem animals in defense of life or property [DLP]), vehicle strikes, or ingestion of toxic substances, as well as potential injury to humans from rabies or aggressive behavior. Regulations prohibiting the feeding of wildlife will be enforced, an employee training program will be required, and modern garbage-handling procedures will be implemented to minimize the occurrence of attraction and habituation of wildlife. Nonetheless, artificial food sources are powerful attractants and project construction may attract some individual foxes, coyotes, or bears. Control measures, including fox trapping and DLP kills of bears, may be necessary on occasion during construction. Such mortality would be expected to have minor effects on local populations of foxes, coyotes, or bears. Behavioral Disturbance during Operation The need for year-round access to the dam and upper penstock area during project operation may result in some level of ongoing behavioral disturbance of mammals. Because the access road Terrestrial Resources 43 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources will not be maintained after the construction period, access would be via helicopter. The frequency of required access has not been described, but is anticipated to be no more than several visits annually and effects on mammals would be negligible. Recreational activities, including helicopter supported skiing, snow machines, and all-terrain vehicles, are likely to increase in the Valdez area, and it is likely that human presence will increase in the Allison Lake basin, as in other sites in the region. However, because of security concerns at the Alyeska terminal, near the mouth of Allison Creek, the abandoned road will be gated and “no trespassing” signs will inhibit access via the abandoned right-of-way. Should human presence increase in the upper basin, behavioral disturbance would be a concern primarily for mountain goats, as described for the project construction period. There have been no winter observations in the basin, but mountain goats may be present in the basin in any season. If the posted signs inhibit access, the impact on mammals of increased human presence, facilitated by improved access, is likely to remain minor. Should recreational activities negatively affect mountain goats in the Allison Lake basin in the future, protective management action presumably would be implemented by the State of Alaska. Habitat Connectivity The penstock may inhibit or be a barrier to movements of mammals between habitats on either side of Allison Creek between the dam and the powerhouse. Although no specific movement corridors have been identified, it is likely that large mammals cross between the west and east sides of the basin primarily in the relatively low-gradient terrain within 2,000 feet of the outlet of Allison Lake. After construction, the dam and reservoir and the upper portion of the penstock may inhibit free passage primarily in this area. All mammal species could be affected, but such a barrier to movement would be of concern primarily for mountain goats that may periodically cross the basin to access preferred seasonal habitats. A habitat connectivity plan will be developed to minimize the effects of such a barrier to movement and, if necessary, measures would be taken to mitigate such impacts. If habitat connectivity appears to be an issue for mountain goats or other species, mitigation efforts are anticipated to reduce impacts to negligible levels. Increased Recreational and Subsistence Harvest The improved access provided by project construction may facilitate increased recreational hunting and subsistence activity in the Allison Lake basin. As described above, due to security concerns the access road will be abandoned and gated and “no trespassing” signs posted to minimize access. The Allison Lake basin is unlikely to become an important location for hunting or trapping, however, due to its high elevation, the limited availability of game animals, and the relatively small total area of the drainage. Should harvest increase, ADFG would implement regulations protective of game populations. It is likely that harvest concerns would focus primarily on mountain goats, which can be susceptible to over-harvest. With ADFG management oversight, increased harvest associated with the Allison Lake project is anticipated to have minor effects on mammals. Mitigation of Impacts Operation of construction vehicles would be limited to the permitted boundaries within the project area or on designated roads. Equipment servicing and fueling operations would not occur within 100 feet of Allison Lake or Allison Creek, or any drainage channels, wetlands, or other water bodies. The contractor would have the capacity to control, contain, and remove any spill occurrence. Adequate sorbent and spill response materials would be kept on site to contain and clean up any accidental fuel spills. Any reportable spills as defined in 40 CFR 110 would be reported as required. The contractor would be required to develop a HMCP to address hazardous material that would be used during project construction and to detail measures to control discharges of such materials into waters of the United States. All debris would be disposed of in compliance with all federal and state laws and requirements, and in accordance with 40 CFR, Parts 260–268. Dust would be minimized by watering during dust-producing activities, as needed. All exposed earthwork attributable to the project would be stabilized at the earliest date possible to prevent Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 44 erosion both during and after project completion, as addressed in the ESCP and SWPPP. Sediment prevention measures would be placed and maintained along the toe of all fill areas adjacent to wetlands or water of the United States, to prevent the introduction of sediments. These devices would remain in place until fill and exposed earthwork are stabilized and revegetated. As described above, the access road would be temporary and maintained only during the construction period. To minimize effects of improved access to the Allison Lake basin, the access road to the dam will be abandoned after construction, gated to prevent vehicle access, and “no trespassing” signs will be posted to minimize pedestrian and off-road vehicle access. BIRDS Habitats in the Allison Lake project area may be used by at least 73 of the nearly 150 bird species known to occur in the Port Valdez area (Table 13). The lake and stream habitats are used by several species of waterbirds (waterfowl, loons, and gulls) and shorebirds, and the forest, scrub, and tundra habitats are occupied by many landbird species (primarily passerines) and a few species of raptors and shorebirds. Two species of murrelets, one a candidate for listing under the ESA (Kittlitz’s Murrelet) and the other under review for listing (Marbled Murrelet) likely nest in alpine and forested habitats in the project area or may traverse the area between feeding and nesting areas. Eight bird species that are confirmed in the project area are considered high-priority species for conservation in Alaska (Table 1). RAPTORS By Jennifer H. Boisvert At least 12 species of raptors (eagles, hawks, falcons, owls) potentially breed in or migrate through the Allison Lake project area (Table 13). Bald Eagles commonly breed in Prince William Sound, including Port Valdez (Isleib and Kessel 1973), and primarily nest in large trees such as Sitka spruce and black cottonwood along the coast, often on or near salmon streams. In winter, Bald Eagles congregate in coastal habitats, such as Port Valdez, where they depend on open water for major prey including fish and waterbirds. Golden Eagles are rare breeders in coastal mountains, but typically nest on alpine cliffs (Isleib and Kessel 1973) in habitats similar to those in the upper Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch drainages. Other raptor species that likely breed or may be year-round residents in the Allison Lake project area include Northern Goshawks, Red-tailed Hawks, Peregrine Falcons, Great-horned Owls, Boreal Owls, and Northern Saw-whet Owls. Possible breeders also include Sharp-shinned Hawks, Gyrfalcons, Merlin, and Northern Harrier. Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) may also occur during migration, but do not nest at Allison Lake (due to lack of fish) and are likely uncommon in the area. Protection is provided for all raptor species under the MBTA, but more specific regulation under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act provides additional protection for Bald and Golden Eagles and their (active or inactive) nests. Several studies have documented Bald Eagles nesting in Port Valdez. Surveys conducted by the USFWS in 1976 located 10 nests in Port Valdez, 2 of which were located within 3 miles of Allison Creek (USACE 1981). Another study in the late 1970s (Dames and Moore 1979a) recorded 5 Bald Eagle nests, including 2 active nests along the coast in Port Valdez. One nest was near Old Valdez and 4 nests were in Dayville Flats, but none were reported near Allison Creek. Dames and Moore (1979a) reported that Bald Eagles were common in the Allison Creek area. Hogan and Colgate (1980) also located 5 Bald Eagle nests, including 3 active nests at the eastern end of Port Valdez in what appear to be the same locations reported by Dames and Moore (1979a). Data from ADFG in 1980 recorded 7 occupied and 7 inactive Bald Eagle nests in Port Valdez, including 1 active nest near Allison Creek (ACMP 1981). An aerial survey for tree-nesting and cliff-nesting raptors and active or inactive nests was conducted on 28 May and 3 June 2009. The specific focus of the survey was to detect Bald and Golden eagle nests and evaluate potential use of the area by cliff-nesting Peregrine Falcons and Gyrfalcons. Other nesting raptor species, such as Northern Goshawks, Red-tailed Hawks, and owls were recorded when observed. The survey was conducted with an R44 helicopter. Both biologists sat on the left side of the helicopter and surveyed all appropriate cliff and forest habitats for nesting raptors. Terrestrial Resources 45 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources Table 13. Bird species known or expected to occur in the Allison Lake project area. Uncommon migrants and species occurring only in marine habitats are excluded. Bold font indicates confirmed observation in the project area in 2008–2009. Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 46 In forested habitats in the lower project area, the helicopter was flown at approximately 150–250 ft (45–75 m) above tree tops and at 30–40 mph, slowing at potential nest locations. Suitable tree-nesting raptor habitat in the project area comprises spruce forest (with few or no deciduous trees) between Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek on lower elevation terrain along Dayville Road. In cliff habitats in the upper project area, survey altitude was dependent on cliff heights. Observers maintained a 45° angle of view, at approximately two-thirds the height of the cliff face and at ~150 ft (45 m) horizontal distance from the cliff face. For full coverage, larger cliffs required multiple passes at different altitudes. Cliff habitat is abundant in the project area, primarily in the upper portions of the Allison Lake basin south of the lake outlet. The survey area included both the east and west-facing slopes of the ridge dividing upper Solomon Creek and Allison Creek basins. During the survey, 2 active Bald Eagle nests were found in forested habitats along Dayville Road near Solomon Gulch, and 1 old stick nest (suspected Golden Eagle) was located on a cliff face above Solomon Creek (Figure 8; Raptor Plates 1–2, page 77). Bald Eagle nest 2 was outside the area that would be affected by the Allison Lake project (Figure 8). Bald Eagle nest 1 was not monitored subsequent to discovery, but other Allison Lake project personnel were notified of its presence and potentially disturbing activities near the nest were limited in summer 2009. The pair of Table 13. Continued. Terrestrial Resources 47 Allison Lake Project Biological ResourcesFigure 8. Locations of raptor nests in Allison Lake project area, Alaska, 2009.146°21'W146°21'W146°20'W146°20'W146°19'W146°19'W146°18'W146°18'W146°17'W146°17'W146°16'W Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 48 Bald Eagles associated with nest 1 was observed daily near Solomon Gulch between 3–8 June and 4–9 July acting defensively towards other birds and suggesting that the nest was active into mid-July. The cliff nest recorded during the survey was inactive and may have been several years old, and was suspected to have been used previously by Golden Eagles or Common Ravens. No other raptors were observed nesting during the 28 May and 3 June helicopter surveys. However, Bald Eagles were observed on a daily basis during June and July field activities, moving between the coast and spruce forest habitats or perched in trees along Dayville Road between Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch. Bald Eagles also were often observed in the upper basin near Allison Lake in June and July. Red-tailed Hawks were observed regularly during early and mid-June and in early July 2009 near a spruce stand near the mouth of Allison Creek and their behavior (territorial interactions with other birds and persistence at the site) strongly suggested that they were breeding nearby, although a nest was not located (Figure 8). Northern Goshawks were observed in the project area in early June near the mouth of Allison Creek and in mid-July soaring above the canyon. They were confirmed nesting in the project area in mid-June 2009 in forested habitat along the proposed transmission corridor between the Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch powerhouses (Figure 8; Raptor Plate 3). A Northern Saw-whet Owl was heard calling consistently from the spruce stand at Allison Point in early June, and may have been nesting in the area. SEABIRDS By Jennifer H. Boisvert Seabirds include species that are dependent on marine waters for their food sources over most of their annual life cycle. Excluding gulls (which are grouped with the waterbirds in this report), only 5 species of seabirds are commonly recorded in Port Valdez (Dames and Moore 1979a, Hogan and Colgate 1980, Hogan and Irons 1988): Pelagic Cormorant, Common Murre, Pigeon Guillemot, Marbled Murrelet, and Kittlitz’s Murrelet. Of these, Pelagic Cormorants and Common Murres occur in Port Valdez only during winter (Hogan and Colgate 1980, Hogan and Irons 1988) and do not use inland or terrestrial habitats such as those found in the Allison Lake project area. Pigeon Guillemots are present during summer months and commonly breed in Port Valdez (Hogan and Colgate 1980), but they nest on steep, creviced marine shoreline rock faces and outcroppings (Ewins 1993)—habitats that also do not occur in the project area. Marbled and Kittlitz’s murrelets use inland terrestrial habitats, such as those found in Port Valdez and in the Allison Lake project area, during breeding and nesting (Nelson 1997, Day et al. 1999, Kissling et al. 2007). Although they forage primarily in marine waters, Marbled Murrelets occasionally have been recorded foraging in very large freshwater lakes (i.e., Iliamna and Harlequin lakes; Carter and Sealy 1986). Marbled Murrelets typically nest in large coniferous trees in mature coastal forests, a habitat found in abundance in both Prince William Sound and Port Valdez. Mature coastal forest occurs in the Allison Lake project area, but most of the project area is above forested elevations. In some cases, Marbled Murrelets also nest on the ground in areas where trees do not occur (Nelson 1997), where prey is abundant, and where high-quality tree-nesting habitat is limited and ground predators uncommon (Marks and Kuletz 2001, Piatt et al. 2007). Even in unforested nesting areas used by Marbled Murrelets, vegetation cover is an important factor, and most ground nests found in southcentral Alaska have been located on steep, shrubby slopes that included an average of 17% open bare ground and 50% alder cover (Kuletz et al. 1994, Bradley and Cooke 2001, Marks and Kuletz 2001). Mature coniferous forest and open alder-shrub habitats such as those used by Marbled Murrelets for nesting occur in the lower areas of the project area, along Allison Creek and the lower slopes above Allison Lake. Kittlitz’s Murrelets nest in mountainous alpine areas, generally on unvegetated stable scree slopes or steep, rocky faces with crevices; both are habitats typically associated with recent deglaciation (Day et al. 1999, Kissling et al. 2007), similar to the upper Allison Creek basin. Kittlitz’s Murrelets have been reported in marine waters of Port Valdez during the breeding/nesting season (Hogan and Irons 1988), and alpine habitats within Terrestrial Resources 49 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources the project area are similar to sites where Kittlitz’s Murrelets have been recorded nesting. Populations of both Marbled and Kittlitz’s murrelets have been declining in recent decades (Piatt et al. 2007), and they are both considered high-priority species for conservation (Table 1). Both species’ general rarity, patchy distribution, and cryptic nest-sites make them difficult to study; consequently, little information about their populations and biology has been available historically (Nelson 1997, Day et al. 1999, Piatt et al. 2007). Marbled Murrelet populations in Washington, Oregon, and California were listed as threatened under the ESA in 1992, and the USFWS recently announced (2 October 2008) that the Alaska population also is under review for listing. More information about recent rapid population declines in both murrelet species in Alaska has elicited concern over their future population viabilities (Day et al. 1999, Kuletz et al. 2003, USFWS 2004, Piatt et al. 2007, Drew and Piatt 2008). Marbled Murrelets are estimated to have undergone a 60% population decline in Prince William Sound between 1989 and 2005, although this figure is lumped with other Brachyramphus murrelets observations because of identification difficulties between the species (Kuletz 2005, Piatt et al. 2007). Large population declines of Kittlitz’s Murrelets also have been recorded in Glacier Bay (Drew and Piatt 2008) and Prince William Sound (Kuletz et al. 2003, Kuletz 2005) in recent years. These declines, in combination with limited distribution and low population sizes, have led to the Kittlitz’s Murrelet's being listed as a candidate species under the ESA (USFWS 2004, 2007a). Previous studies of seabirds in Port Valdez have been initiated primarily in response to construction and operation of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline terminus and the Exxon Valdez oil spill. These studies have provided general information about the seasonal occurrence and abundance of seabird species and about general and specific seabird use of marine waters and coastal habitats in Port Valdez, Valdez Arm, and Prince William Sound. These studies have found that both Marbled and Kittlitz's murrelets occur in Port Valdez year-round (i.e., they are resident) and that densities are highest in summer, during the breeding season (Hogan and Colgate 1980, Hogan and Irons 1988). Murrelets typically use marine waters near their nesting areas prior to nesting, and they transit daily between their inland nest sites and nearby marine waters to feed themselves and their young during nesting and brood-rearing (Nelson 1997, Day et al. 1999, Marks and Kuletz 2001). Because both murrelet species are patchily distributed and cryptic while nesting, and because both nest in terrain that is difficult to survey, few studies have been conducted to identify nesting locations or murrelet nesting habitats in Alaska. Recent concern over their rapid population declines, however, has increased interest in understanding and identifying their current nesting distributions, breeding habitat needs, and nesting characteristics and has increased concern about impacts to their productivity (DeVelice et al. 1995, Kuletz et al. 1994, Marks and Kuletz 2001, Kuletz 2005, Piatt et al. 2007, Kissling et al. 2007, Kaler et al. 2008). On 7 August 2008, a helicopter-based reconnaissance survey was conducted to determine whether or not potential murrelet nesting habitat was present in the Allison Lake project area. Effort focused primarily on Kittlitz’s Murrelets nesting habitat and covered all suitable habitats within the lake basin and along the ridges that separate Allison Lake from Sawmill Creek, Solomon Gulch, and the Jack Bay drainage, including the bench between Allison Lake and Solomon Lake and the mountainsides and upper glacial cirques of Allison Lake, Solomon Lake, and the adjacent ridges of the Jack Bay drainage. The aerial survey of the project area was conducted by a single observer and pilot under near-optimal conditions, with partly-cloudy skies and a high cloud ceiling. All alpine areas in the project area were surveyed, particularly upland rocky scree-slope and/or cliff-crevice habitats that are preferred for nesting by Kittlitz's Murrelets (Day et al. 1999; Kissling et al. 2007, M. Kissling, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Juneau, AK, pers. comm.). Detailed notes and photos were taken and the terrain and habitats were classified as either “probably suitable” or “probably unsuitable” for nesting by Kittlitz's Murrelets based on their characteristics in the field and in photographs. Probably-suitable habitats typically included glacial cirques, stable scree slopes, and steep, rocky faces with crevices in which birds could nest (Day et al. 1983, 1999; Day 1995; Day and Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 50 Stickney 1996; Kissling et al. 2007). Probably-unsuitable areas and habitats included glacial ice, unstable (extremely steep) scree slopes, areas with shrubs, tall grasses, or other extensive vegetative cover, and streams and lakes. Survey observations and photo-documentation indicated that potential nesting habitat for Kittlitz’s Murrelets was present, but uncommon, in the Allison Lake project area (Figure 9, Seabird Plates 1–3, page 77). After verifying the presence of potential breeding habitats for murrelets in 2008, more extensive ground-based audio-visual surveys were conducted during June and July 2009 to attempt to detect murrelet nesting activity in the area, primarily by observing or audibly detecting adult murrelets flying between terrestrial nest sites and marine foraging areas. Ground-based surveys were conducted 3–8 June and 4–9 July 2009 and weather was optimal for surveys during both periods. Three observers conducted daily observations simultaneously during crepuscular hours (~2 h before to ~2 h after sunrise and from ~1.5 h before to ~1.5 h after sunset) when Kittlitz’s and Marbled murrelets are likely to make movements between terrestrial nesting habitats and marine feeding areas. Two observers were stationed in the upper Allison Lake basin near Allison Lake and 1 observer conducted surveys along Dayville Road between Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch. During the June surveys, 1 observer in the upper basin conducted surveys from a station on the western side of the lake near the outlet and the other observer conducted surveys from a lower station west of Allison Creek and downstream from the lake. During July, slightly different survey stations were used by the 2 lake basin observers, one being at the highest point on the western side of the moraine below the lake and the other down the moraine near the west side of Allison Creek (Figure 9). These sites were chosen to optimize visibility and detection of murrelet movements into and from the upper basin. Along Dayville Road, the third observer chose 1 of the 4 coastal survey stations each day to optimize detection of murrelets moving to and from the spruce forest habitat between Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek or to and from the upper Allison Lake basin (Figure 9). Observations during June indicated that available Kittlitz’s Murrelet nesting habitat was limited by persistent snow cover in spring and summer 2009. Persistent snow may limit habitat availability in most years over much of the area mapped as potential nesting habitat. Nonetheless, murrelets were detected in the project area on 2 occasions during early June: an unidentified murrelet observed in the upper basin flying toward Valdez Arm and a Kittlitz’s Murrelet observed flying out of the basin at the mouth of Allison Creek and then turning west into Valdez Arm (Figure 9). Marbled Murrelets were never observed in the project area during June surveys, although they were observed on multiple occasions feeding in waters of Valdez Arm near Dayville Road (see below). During July surveys, murrelets were detected using the Allison Lake project area on 5 separate occasions. Two observations of murrelets at the coast (1 leaving the Allison Creek drainage and another flying over the Dayville Road and into the Allison Creek drainage) could not be identified to species (Figure 9). Three additional detections on 3 consecutive mornings (at ~0330 h, 7, 8, and 9 July) were identified by calls as Marbled Murrelets and all were detected in the upper basin near Allison Lake. These calls emanated from the west side of the glacial moraine downstream of the lake (Figure 9), near a steep alder-covered slope mixed with alpine talus and rocky cliffs at the mid-slope of the ridge (Seabird Plate 4); an area that appears to be suitable ground-nesting habitat for Marbled Murrelets (Nelson 1997, Marks and Kuletz 2001). Marbled Murrelets are known to make calls as they transit over water or are in vicinity of nest sites (Nelson 1997; B. Cooper, ABR Inc., pers. comm.), and the detection of calls under these circumstances is strongly suggestive of the presence of nesting Marbled Murrelets in the western portion of the lower Allison Lake basin. Although not in the actual project area, small groups of Marbled Murrelets (1–4 birds) and sometimes Kittlitz’s Murrelets often were seen offshore of the Dayville Road near Allison Creek during June and July. In July these birds were sometimes holding fish in their mouths, which suggests a nearby nest with nestlings (Figure 9). Terrestrial Resources 51 Allison Lake Project Biological ResourcesFigure 9. Survey stations for murrelet surveys and murrelet observations, Allison Lake project area, 3–8 June and 4–9 July 2009.146°23'W146°23'W146°22'W146°22'W146°21'W146°21'W146°20'W146°20'W146°19'W146°19'W146°18'W146°18'W Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 52 Although nesting could not be confirmed in the Allison Lake project area, multiple observations of both Kittlitz’s and Marbled murrelets in the Allison basin strongly suggest that both species are nesting in or near the project area. WATERBIRDS By Jennifer H. Boisvert and Charles T. Schick Waterbirds in the Allison Lake project area include waterfowl (ducks and geese), loons, grebes, and larids (gulls and terns). Relatively few studies of waterbirds were conducted in the Port Valdez area prior to the mid-1970s (Gabrielson and Lincoln 1959, Isleib and Kessel 1973), but since that time the area has received great focus as the southern terminus of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System and various studies have documented the use of Port Valdez by waterbirds (Retherford Associates 1976, FERC 1978, Sangster 1978, Dames and Moore 1979a, Hogan and Colgate 1980, USACE 1981, USFWS 1981, Hogan and Irons 1988, North 1993). Few studies, however, have focused specifically on waterbird use of the Allison Lake or Solomon Gulch area. In NEPA documents and feasibility reports prepared for hydropower development plans at Solomon Gulch and previously for Allison Lake (Retherford Associates 1976, FERC 1978, USACE 1981, USFWS 1981, AEA 1992), only general information was documented on waterbird occurrence and little of it was specific to the areas proposed for development. The only waterbird species specifically recorded using the Allison Lake project area prior to 2008 field studies were Canada Geese. In the fall of 1979, a group of approximately 18 Canada Geese were observed using alpine habitats along the shore of Allison Lake along with another flock of molting geese observed on the lake (USFWS 1981). Based on an evaluation of potential waterbird habitats available in the Allison Lake project area, 11 species of waterbirds likely breed and/or occur in the area during migration (Table 13). Most waterbirds would not be attracted to Allison Lake because of the high elevation, persistent ice cover, and lack of emergent vegetation. No field efforts were conducted to evaluate waterbirds in the Allison Lake project area. However, observations of waterbird species using the project area were recorded during other bird surveys conducted during June and July 2009. Harlequin Ducks were observed daily in Allison Creek near the lake outlet during early June. Four pairs were observed daily loafing and foraging within about a mile of the lake outlet, upstream of where the stream increases in gradient. A similar number of Harlequin Ducks was reported in the area on 22 June (K. Pendergast, R& M Consultants, Inc. Anchorage, AK, pers. comm.). During early July, multiple Harlequin Duck hens and a few molting males again were observed daily in the same reach of Allison Creek. Small flocks of 4–8 adult Harlequin Ducks also were observed in Allison Lake during early July. Although no nests or broods were observed, it is possible that Harlequin Ducks may breed in the area—most likely in the low-gradient reach of stream near the outlet of the lake. Although breeding is speculative, a small number of Harlequin Ducks were resident in the low-gradient reach of Allison Creek throughout the summer and some use of Allison Lake also was documented. Harlequin Ducks are considered priority species for conservation (Table 1). The only other ducks observed in the Allison Lake project area were a pair of Mallards that landed in lower Allison Creek on 5 July. Two species of gulls (Mew Gulls and Glaucous-winged Gulls) were recorded using the Allison Lake project area during June and July (Table 13). Herring Gulls were observed along the coast at Dayville Road, but were not observed in the project area. None of these species were abundant in the project area, nor were they observed using Allison Creek or Allison Lake. A pair of Common Loons was observed on 4 different occasions in early June circling and flying over Allison Lake, which was mostly frozen at the time. Common Loons were not observed in the project area during July. During July, Red-throated Loons were observed daily on Allison Lake, and occasionally flying between the upper basin and marine waters in Port Valdez. The Red-throated Loons were confirmed to be nesting on the large island in Allison Lake near the creek outlet on 9 July (Figure 10). Red-throated Loons are considered a priority species for conservation (Table 1). Terrestrial Resources 53 Allison Lake Project Biological ResourcesFigure 10. Location of the Red-throated Loon nest on Allison Lake, Alaska, 2009.146°23'W146°23'W146°22'W146°22'W146°21'W146°21'W146°20'W146°20'W146°19'W146°19'W Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 54 LANDBIRDS AND SHOREBIRDS By Lauren B. Attanas and Charles T. Schick Excluding accidental occurrences during migration, at least 71 species of landbirds (primarily songbirds) and 30 species of shorebirds have been recorded or are likely to occur in the Port Valdez region (Gabrielson and Lincoln 1959, Isleib 1973, Isleib and Kessel 1973, Sangster 1978, Dames and Moore 1979a, Hogan and Colgate 1980, Hogan and Irons 1988, Gibson and Kessel 1989, North 1993). Based on habitats available in the Allison Lake project area, about 6 species of shorebirds and 50 species of landbirds (primarily passerines, but including grouse [1] and ptarmigan [2], hummingbird [1], kingfisher [1], and woodpeckers [2]) likely occur. Two shorebirds, Wandering Tattler and Lesser Yellowlegs, and 2 landbirds, Rufous Hummingbird and Townsend’s Warbler, observed in the Allison Lake project area are considered high-priority species for conservation (Table 1). Earlier studies that have documented landbird and/or shorebird occurrence in the Port Valdez area include those conducted by Sangster (1978), Dames and Moore (1979a), Hogan and Colgate (1980), Hogan and Irons (1988), and North (1993). These studies noted broad seasonal patterns of occurrence for landbirds and shorebirds in the Port Valdez area. They also provide site-specific information for many of the species observed but no data are presented that indicate presence or absence specific to the Allison Lake project area. Some coarse-scale information on habitat use by these bird species-groups in the Port Valdez area is presented by Sangster (1978), Dames and Moore (1979a), and Hogan and Colgate (1980). In the NEPA documents and feasibility reports prepared for previous hydropower development plans at Solomon Gulch and Allison Lake (Retherford Associates 1976, FERC 1978, USACE 1981, USFWS 1981, AEA 1992) surprisingly little information is presented on landbird and shorebird occurrence and none of it is specific to the areas that were proposed for development. Surveys for breeding landbirds and shorebirds in the Allison Lake project area were conducted during 15–17 June 2009, with additional surveys on 4, 6, and 8 July. These surveys were designed to collect baseline information on the occurrence, distribution, abundance, and habitat use of breeding landbird and shorebird species in the project area. Ground-based point-count surveys with 10-min observation periods were used (Ralph et al. 1995, Buckland et al. 2001). These survey methods are the standard for surveying breeding landbirds in remote terrain in Alaska (Handel and Cady 2004, USGS 2006) and have recently been adopted for inventories of breeding shorebirds in Alaska as well (ASG 2006, Ruthrauff et al. 2007). No field surveys for migrant landbirds or shorebirds were conducted but observations of some species during spring migration were made while conducting surveys for other bird groups (see above) in the project area. The majority of the point-count locations in the project area were pre-determined in GIS by first placing a “seed” point at the mouths of Allison Lake and Solomon Lake. Additional point-count locations then were determined by placing a total of 38 points within the project area—systematically radiating out from the seed points—subject to a set distance of 500 m between points (Figure 11). This plot allocation was done without the use of an aerial photo base map and resulted in a selection of point-count locations that was unbiased with respect to the distribution of habitats or breeding birds in the project area. In the field, however, navigating to some of the pre-determined point-count locations proved difficult; some steep slopes in particular were difficult to access either on foot or by helicopter. To compensate, the inaccessible point-count locations were moved, when possible, to nearby areas (with similar habitats) that could be accessed more easily. Point counts were conducted in all the prominent, snow-free, and vegetated wildlife habitats in the Allison Lake impact assessment area that could be discerned from (1) 2007 high-resolution aerial photography, and (2) reconnaissance flights during the survey period. The number of point-count locations that could be surveyed in the relatively small project area was limited by the need to maintain approximately 250 or 500 m between point-count locations and avoid the double-counting of individual birds. Handel and Cady (2004) recommend a distance of 250 m between point-count locations in forested areas and Terrestrial Resources 55 Allison Lake Project Biological ResourcesFigure 11. Point count locations used to census breeding landbirds and shorebirds, Allison Lake project, 2009.146°22'W146°22'W146°21'W146°21'W146°20'W146°20'W146°19'W146°19'W146°18'W146°18'W Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 56 500 m in open areas. These recommendations were followed in most cases, but when terrain features (e.g., ridges and slopes, which can block bird vocalizations and prevent the double-counting of birds) were present, a minimum distance of 250 m between point-count locations was used in both forested and open areas. In total, 38 point-count locations were surveyed, 31 of which were surveyed over the 3-day sampling period in June (Figure 11). In June, persistent snow and logistic constraints limited sampling in the upper Allison Creek basin. Therefore, on 4, 6, and 8 July, 7 additional point counts were conducted in the upper Allison Creek basin in areas not surveyed during June. Four point counts were conducted along the slopes of Allison Lake (2 on each side), and 3 were conducted above the south end of the lake in the glacial outwash/braided stream area (Figure 11). Point-count locations were accessed by helicopter and on foot and GPS was used to navigate to pre-determined locations or (when locating new points to replace inaccessible points) to maintain a minimum distance of 250 or 500 m between point-count sites, depending on terrain and habitat openness. Survey efforts were started as soon after dawn as possible, typically about 0500 h, and were stopped by mid-afternoon. Most observations were of singing or calling birds, as is typical in point-count surveys, and observation conditions during the survey period were good, with only limited rainfall and wind on 17 June. Additional observations of uncommon species and/or species of conservation concern were recorded when moving between point-count locations. The habitat being used by each bird observed in the field was recorded whenever possible to facilitate habitat-association analyses for each species (see below). Habitats were classified in the field using a combination of vegetation and physiography, following methods outlined by Jorgenson et al. (2002) and Schick and Davis (2008). These field habitat determinations were then revised to conform to the final mapped habitat types for the project area (described above under Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitats). During the point-count surveys, 25 bird species were observed (Table 14). Seven additional species were recorded before and after point counts or in transit between points. The dominant species group was passerines (songbirds) with 22 species, followed by shorebirds (3 species), raptors (3 species), waterbirds (2 species), and ptarmigan and hummingbirds (1 species each). It is likely all these species breed in or near the project area. No threatened or endangered species were observed, but 5 species of high-priority concern for conservation were recorded during the survey effort (Table 1). These included 2 waterbird species (Harlequin Duck and Red-throated Loon), 1 shorebird (Wandering Tattler), 1 hummingbird (Rufous Hummingbird), and 1 passerine (Townsend’s Warbler). Four species of passerines (Fox Sparrow, Wilson’s Warbler, Hermit Thrush, and Orange-crowned Warbler) were abundant in the project area and accounted for 61% of all birds observed during point counts (Table 14). The number of observations recorded for each of these species ranged from 36 to 57. Seven passerine species (Golden-crowned Sparrow, Varied Thrush, Savannah Sparrow, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Common Redpoll, Townsend’s Warbler, and Yellow Warbler) were common and accounted for an additional 31% of all bird observations; each of these species was recorded 8–20 times each during the point-count surveys. The remaining 14 bird species were recorded < 4 times each and were considered uncommon in the project area. Nine habitat types were sampled in the Allison Lake project impact assessment area and birds were observed in 6 habitat types: Riverine Barrens (outwash), Riverine Low and Tall Willow Scrub, Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub, Upland Sitka Spruce Forest, Subalpine and Alpine Herb Meadow, and Subalpine and Alpine Dwarf Ericaceous Scrub (Table 15). No birds were observed in Artificial Fill, Upland Human Modified Graminoid Meadow, or Upland Herb Meadow. These 9 habitats comprised 77% of the impact assessment area. Habitats that were not surveyed included Subalpine and Alpine Barrens (9%), Lakes (5.9%), Rocky Cliffs (5.2), and other habitats that together comprised ~2% of the impact assessment area. The number of species in each Terrestrial Resources 57 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources Table 14. Number, percent of total observations, and average occurrence of landbird and shorebird species during point-count surveys, Allison Lake project, June and July 2009 (* indicates observation of 1 nest, species observed before or after or between point counts occur at the bottom of the table without estimated numbers). Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 58 habitat ranged from 0 to 14. The average number of birds recorded per count in each habitat ranged from 0.0 to 10.3. Species richness and number of focal observations per count were highest in Upland Sitka Spruce Forest, with 14 species and 10.3 focal observations per count (Table 15). Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub had the second-highest species richness (8 species) and focal observations per count (7.4), followed by Riverine Low and Tall Willow Scrub with 7 species and 7.0 observations per count. Four species each were recorded in Subalpine and Alpine Herb Meadow and Subalpine and Alpine Dwarf Ericaceous Scrub and only 2 species were recorded in Riverine Barrens (Outwash). To evaluate habitat-use by landbirds and shorebirds, the average occurrence of each species was calculated in each habitat that was sampled by point count surveys (Table 16). Each point count station was assigned to a focal habitat (the habitat at the point) and only observations of birds in that focal habitat were included in analysis. For each species in each habitat, average occurrence was calculated as the number of birds observed divided by the number of point-count surveys in that habitat; this ratio corrects for different survey effort in different habitats, allowing comparisons of relative abundance among habitats. The 38 point count stations were distributed among 6 focal habitats, 211 individuals of 18 landbird and 3 shorebird species were observed in the focal habitats, and average occurrence ranged from 0 to 2 (Table 16). Thirteen of the 21 species were observed in only one focal habitat. Other species were observed in as many as many as 4 focal habitats and, for these species, different values of average occurrence indicate relative levels of abundance in each habitat. For example, Orange-crowned Warblers were most abundant in Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub, less abundant but present in Upland Sitka Spruce Forest, and also used Subalpine and Alpine Herb Meadow in low numbers. The 4 abundant species in the project area (Fox Sparrow, Wilson’s Warbler, Hermit Thrush, and Orange-crowned Warbler) were recorded in several different habitats but were most frequently observed and had their highest average occurrence (1.29 to 1.79) in Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub (Table 16). Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub was the only habitat in which Yellow Warblers were observed. The 6 other common species in the project area showed variable use of habitats. Golden-crowned Sparrows were most abundant in Riverine Low and Tall Willow Scrub (mostly in low scrub) but also were common in 3 subalpine habitats. Savannah Sparrows were most Table 15. Number of point counts, focal observations, and species richness recorded in each habitat type during point-count surveys for landbirds and shorebirds, Allison Lake project, June and July 2009. Terrestrial Resources 59 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources common in Subalpine and Alpine Dwarf Ericaceous Scrub but also were common in Riverine Barrens and Subalpine and Alpine Dwarf Herb Meadow, and uncommon in Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub. Common Redpolls were common in 3 habitats, Riverine Low and Tall Willow Scrub, Subalpine and Alpine Dwarf Ericaceous Scrub, and Upland and Subalpine Tall Alder Scrub, and were uncommon in Upland Sitka Spruce Forest. Savannah Sparrows generally occurred more frequently in low- and dwarf-scrub and meadow habitats at higher elevations. Common Redpolls also occurred more frequently in low- and dwarf-scrub habitats at higher elevations but were not found in meadow habitats. Varied Thrush, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Townsend's Warblers were found almost exclusively at lower elevations in Upland Sitka Spruce Forest. Data for uncommon species were few and may be incomplete (i.e., more observations might indicate greater variability), but of the 3 shorebirds observed each occurred in a single habitat: Spotted Sandpipers in Riverine Low and Tall Willow Scrub, Wandering Tattlers in Riverine Barrens, and Wilson's Snipe in Upland Sitka Spruce Forest. Breeding pairs of Spotted Sandpipers and Wandering Tattlers were concentrated in the partially vegetated glacial outwash area at the head of Allison Lake. All observations of these 2 species (including incidental observations) were recorded along Allison Creek or along the shore of Allison Table 16. Relative abundance (average occurrence a) of landbirds and shorebirds by habitat during point-count surveys, Allison Lake project, June and July 2009. Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 60 Lake. Similar habitats were used by Lesser Yellowlegs, another shorebird, during spring migration when ABR biologists were conducting the murrelet surveys (described above). Most of the uncommon landbirds also occurred in only a single habitat. Rufous Hummingbird, Gray Jay, Golden-crowned Kinglet, American Robin, and Dark-eyed Junco all occurred only in Upland Sitka Spruce Forest. Rock Ptarmigan occurred only in Subalpine and Alpine Dwarf Ericaceous Scrub. American Tree Sparrow occurred only in Riverine Low and Tall Willow Scrub. POTENTIAL PROJECT-RELATED EFFECTS ON BIRDS Potential project-related effects of the Allison Lake project on birds include: •Direct and indirect habitat loss or altera- tion due to project facilities, including the inundation area, penstock and powerhouse footprints, and access roads •Behavioral disturbance during project con- struction •Exposure to hazardous materials during construction •Behavioral habituation and attraction of scavenging species during construction •Behavioral disturbance during project operation •Increased recreational and subsistence hunting and trapping, facilitated by improved access •Increased mortality due to collision of birds with project infrastructure, in partic- ular powerlines, towers, and guy-lines Habitat Loss Habitat loss for birds will occur during the construction period for all species affected and most such loss is permanent. Twenty-eight focal species of birds were selected for assessment of habitat loss, 8 raptors, 2 seabirds (Kittlitz’s and Marbled murrelets), and 2 waterbirds (Table 17), and 2 shorebirds and 14 landbirds (Table 18). Potential project-related effects of focal species are assumed representative of other bird species with similar patterns of habitat use. The Allison Lake project will not affect any habitats designated as high-value or essential for 12 of the focal bird species, including 7 of the 8 raptors (all but Bald Eagle), both seabirds, and 3 passerines (Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Varied Thrush, and Townsend’s Warbler). For most of these species, high-value habitats are forested and the project footprint includes <0.1 acres of forested habitat. In terms of percent loss in the basin, the habitats most affected by the Allison Lake project all are riverine (Riverine Graminoid Meadow, Riverine Barrens, Riverine Tall and Low Willow Scrub, and Rivers and Stream) and these habitats are either high-value or essential for Bald Eagles, Harlequin Ducks, Wandering Tattlers, Lesser Yellowlegs, American Dippers, Fox Sparrows, Golden-crowned Sparrows, and Common Redpolls. For Bald Eagles, it is primarily fish-bearing reaches of Rivers and Streams that comprise high-value habitats and, in Allison Creek, the only fish-bearing reach is classified as Rivers and Streams (Low Gradient-High Flow). However, none of the anadromous salmon habitat in Allison Creek would be affected by the Allison Lake project footprint. The effects of direct habitat loss on Bald Eagles are therefore anticipated to be negligible. Because of the requirement for large trees for nesting, Upland Sitka Spruce Forest is considered an essential habitat for Bald Eagles. Although the Allison Lake project affects little forest habitat, USFWS guidelines for protection of nests recommend that overstory trees not be removed within 330 feet of a nest at any time of year, and that timber removal not occur within 660 feet of active nests (USFWS 2007d). The Allison Lake project is not anticipated to result in loss of important foraging or nesting habitat for Bald Eagles. For Harlequin Duck and American Dipper, the low-gradient reaches of Allison Creek (Rivers and Streams [Low gradient-high flow]) are essential habitat. About 50% of this habitat in the basin will be affected by the Allison Lake project, including virtually all of the areas in which Harlequin Ducks and dippers were observed, below the outlet of Allison Lake. Although some stream flow will be maintained below the dam in portions of altered and unaltered channel, it is uncertain whether the low-gradient habitat there will continue to support Terrestrial Resources 61 Allison Lake Project Biological ResourcesTable 17. Ranking of habitat value for selected raptor, seabird, and waterbird species in the Allison Lake project impact assessment area, Alaska. Habitat value is ranked: 0 = none/negligible, 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high, 4 = essential. Data quality is characterized by font type as data-supported from project-specific data and scientific literature (bold), partially data-supported from literature only (regular), or professional judgment (italic). Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 62Table 18. Ranking of habitat value for selected landbird and shorebird species in the Allison Lake project impact assessment area, Alaska. Habitat value is ranked: 0 = none/negligible, 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high, 4 = essential. Data quality is characterized by font type as data-supported from project-specific data and scientific literature (bold), partially data-supported from literature only (regular), or professional judgment (italic). Terrestrial Resources 63 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources Harlequin Ducks or American Dippers after construction. For both focal shorebirds (Wandering Tattlers and Lesser Yellowlegs), the low-gradient reaches of Allison Creek (Rivers and Streams [Low gradient-high flow]) are high-value habitat. For shorebirds, however, all important habitat in this type is located in the low-gradient reach of Allison Creek above the lake. Most of the low-gradient stream habitat for shorebirds in the outwash area above the lake lies within the inundation area and will be lost. Most of the riverine habitats in the Allison Lake basin also lie within the inundation area of this outwash, including about 86% of Riverine Barrens (Outwash) and 60% of the Riverine Low and Tall Willow Scrub in the basin. Riverine Barrens and Riverine Low and Tall Willow Scrub both are high-value habitats for Wandering Tattlers and medium-value habitat for Lesser Yellowlegs. The loss of riparian habitats to the Allison Lake project may decrease the abundance of breeding Wandering Tattlers and migrant Lesser Yellowlegs in the basin. Riverine Low and Tall Willow Scrub also is a high-value habitat for Fox Sparrow, Golden-crowned Sparrow, and Common Redpoll, but the latter 3 species (all passerines) are also abundant in other habitats that will be little affected. No habitat-related effects are anticipated for these species. Most of the non-riparian habitats that would be affected by the Allison Lake project are abundant in the basin. These upland, subalpine, and alpine habitats are important for 10 of the 14 focal species of landbirds, but loss attributable to the project is unlikely to be significant for any of these species. In terms of percent loss, only one of these habitats is strongly affected by the proposed project: approximately 60% of Subalpine Wet Graminoid Moss Bog available in the basin will be affected. Subalpine Wet Graminoid Moss Bog was not identified as a high-value habitat for any bird species. Although not included in the habitat map, the small island in Allison Lake presents a unique nesting habitat for one pair of Red-throated Loons. The Allison Lake project will result in the inundation of that nesting island and the reservoir is not anticipated to have any similar island habitat. It is likely that other nest sites are unavailable on the lake and that no further nesting on the lake will be possible for Red-throated Loons. In summary, habitat loss may result in decreased abundance of bird species associated primarily with low-gradient stream habitats of Allison Creek, in particular Harlequin Ducks, Wandering Tattlers, American Dippers, and Lesser Yellowlegs. Observations suggest that the number of birds affected is likely to be small, in part because of the relatively low availability of high-value habitats for these species in the basin. However, it is possible that Wandering Tattlers and Harlequin Ducks, in particular, will become uncommon or absent in Allison Lake basin due to loss of what the relatively limited riverine habitat that available there for those species. Red-throated Loons probably will cease nesting on Allison Lake, but only one nesting pair would be affected. For raptors, seabirds, and all other landbirds, the effects of habitat loss are anticipated to be negligible. Regionally, the bird species affected by habitat loss associated with the Allison Lake project are common and their habitats widespread. The small area of high-value or essential riverine habitat loss in the Allison Lake basin should result in negligible effects on the abundance of these species in the region. Behavioral Disturbance during Project Construction To prevent the destruction of most bird nests, clearing would be conducted prior to 1 May or after 15 July (see USFWS 2007c, Advisory: Recommended Time Periods for Avoiding Vegetation Clearing in Alaska in order to Protect Migratory Birds). Behavioral disturbance would affect birds nesting or using habitats adjacent to the project footprint. Outside of the nesting season, escape would be the primary response of birds to disturbance, and the primary effect limited to displacement, often without negative impacts. However, for nesting birds, behavioral disturbance may affect nesting success, body condition, and even survival of nesting birds. For the Allison Lake project, sources of disturbance would include road vehicles, helicopters, humans on foot, and off-road vehicles and heavy machinery. The July–September construction period would occur after the main period of nesting for many local bird species, but some species may have active nests Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 64 through mid-July; some raptors and loons even later. Disturbance effects would be of concern mainly for raptors (particularly eagles), listed threatened or endangered or candidate species (the Kittlitz’s and Marbled Murrelets, in the project area), and other species of concern for conservation. Known and suspected raptor nests in the Allison Lake project area include 2 Bald Eagle nests, 1 Northern Goshawk nest, and 1 Red-tailed Hawk nest, as well as an inactive cliff nest (potentially used by Golden Eagles) (Figure 7). Most are some distance from the project footprint, but all could be subject to disturbance by construction activities, in particular to disturbance by helicopter traffic. To prevent disturbance of active Bald Eagle nests, project pilots will be instructed to avoid flight paths within 1,000 feet (USFWS 2007d). To the extent possible, other raptor nests will be similarly avoided by helicopter traffic. To further protect eagle nests from disturbance, blasting and other loud activities will be limited within 0.5 miles of active eagle nests between 10 April and 10 August (USFWS 2007c, d). Other ground activities (pedestrians, vehicle traffic, etc.) will maintain a 330-foot buffer around active nests during the breeding season, especially for pairs that are not accustomed to similar activities (USFWS 2007d). Both Kittlitz’s and Marbled murrelets may nest in the project area, but potential nesting habitat for Kittlitz’s Murrelets is located only at high elevations in the upper basin. It is unlikely that nesting Kittlitz’s Murrelets would be disturbed by construction activities of the Allison Lake project. Marbled Murrelets may nest in mature coastal forest or in steep subalpine and alpine shrubby slopes, both of which occur extensively in the Allison Lake project area, throughout the lower elevations and on the slopes surrounding Allison Lake. Because of their nesting habits and mainly crepuscular activity, ground activities near the nest would be the most likely cause of disturbance for nesting murrelets and helicopter traffic probably would be less of a concern. It is possible that one or more Marbled Murrelet nests could be affected by on-the-ground construction activities in areas within or adjacent to the project footprint. Clearing prior to 1 May likely would prevent murrelets from nesting within the project footprint, but murrelet nests may occur in adjacent areas and may not be apparent. To minimize potential for disturbance of murrelet nests, construction personnel will be trained to recognize nests and nesting adult murrelets and to avoid disturbing known nests, in the event that any nests are found. Flight restrictions of helicopters to protect mountain goats in the upper basin will also be protective of nesting murrelets. In particular, helicopter traffic should remain clear of steep subalpine and alpine slopes above the lake to avoid potential disturbance of nesting murrelets. Blasting should be conducted prior to 1 May or after 10 August (Day et al. 1999) to avoid disturbing murrelet adults or chicks in nests. Among species of conservation concern, behavioral disturbance during construction of the Allison Lake project would affect mainly birds associated with the riverine habitats of Allison Creek, particularly in the low-gradient reach just below the lake, and Red-throated Loons (should they nest again on Allison Lake). In riverine habitats of Allison Creek, the species of concern for conservation that are likely to be affected by disturbance during project construction include Harlequin Duck, Wandering Tattler, and Lesser Yellowlegs. A small number of Harlequin Ducks and shorebirds may nest in habitats adjacent to Allison Creek in the low-gradient reach just below the lake, but these species are likely to have completed nesting each year by the time that project construction is initiated in July. Although no nests were confirmed and nesting habitats are unknown, Harlequin Ducks were observed in this low-gradient reach and construction activities after 1 July would probably result in disturbance of Harlequin Ducks. Construction activity may be fairly intense in this reach of Allison Creek that is constrained on the upstream end by the lake and on the downstream end by the waterfalls and rapids of the drop-off to the bay. For Harlequin Ducks, it may be that alternative habitats are not available in the basin outside of this low-gradient reach of Allison Creek. Therefore, any Harlequin Ducks that might be present in that stream reach in early July are quite likely to be subject to some level of disturbance by construction activities. For this small group of Harlequin Ducks, behavioral disturbance may be frequent, possibly resulting in some level of habituation, but potentially with Terrestrial Resources 65 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources some negative effects on survival or productivity. If alternative habitats are, indeed, absent in the basin, the habitat alteration in this reach of Allison Creek may reduce its suitability for Harlequin Ducks and prevent nesting during year 2 of construction. Although stream flow would be maintained in both altered and natural channels downstream of the dam, it is uncertain whether these stream reaches would be attractive to Harlequin Ducks after the construction period. Loon nests are active into July in the region and nesting loons can be particularly vulnerable to disturbance. The Red-throated Loon nest site, on the small island near the outlet of Allison Lake, is approximately 1,200–1,500 feet from the dam footprint and adjacent access road. In a survey of species experts, Red-throated Loons were considered likely to react to human activity on foot at distances greater than 500 m (1,640 feet), although wide individual variability and considerable habituation also were reported (Ruddock and Whitfield 2007). During the first and second years of construction activities in July, a loon nest on the island in Allison Lake would be susceptible to failure caused by human disturbance. If loons are present, activities on the island or on shore near the island should be prohibited while the nest is active. Should the nest survive, ground activities most likely would cause the young loons and their parents to move away from the nest island shortly after hatching to inhabit other parts of Allison Lake. During the second year of construction (probably after the nesting season), the island will be inundated and the nest site no longer available. In summary, behavioral disturbance during project construction may have negative effects on a small number of Harlequin Ducks and one pair of nesting Red-throated Loons. Because of disturbance or habitat loss, both species may be absent from the project area following the first or second year of construction and no longer subject to behavioral disturbance. Disturbance of raptor nests by helicopter traffic will be minimized by avoidance of known nests and effects are anticipated to be negligible. Disturbance of Marbled Murrelets by ground activities may occur, but few individuals would be affected and the effects are anticipated to be negligible. No disturbance-related impacts are anticipated to occur for other species of conservation concern (Wandering Tattler, Lesser Yellowlegs, Kittlitz’s Murrelet, Rufous Hummingbird, or Townsend’s Warbler). Exposure to Hazardous Materials during Construction Fuels and explosives will be used and stored in the project area and accidental spills or inappropriate handling procedures may pose some risk of contamination for birds. The construction contract would require the contractor to control, contain, and remove any spill occurrence during construction. Any reportable spills as defined in 40 CFR 110 will be reported as required. The contractor would be required to develop a Hazardous Materials Containment Plan (HMCP) to address hazardous material that will be used during project construction and to detail measures to control discharges of such materials into waters of the United States. It is anticipated that appropriate response will limit impacts of any accidental spills and that very few individual birds would be affected. Overall impacts of spills are considered likely to be minor. Attraction of Scavengers during Construction Ravens and gulls may be attracted to human activities and facilities during both construction and operation periods, but attraction would be greatest when human foods and garbage are present, primarily during the construction phase. Attraction to the construction site and increased interaction with humans creates the potential for mortality from control measures (i.e., killing problem animals), vehicle strikes, or ingestion of toxic substances. Regulations prohibiting the feeding of wildlife will be enforced, an employee training program will be required, and modern garbage-handling procedures will be implemented to minimize the occurrence of attraction and habituation of wildlife. Nonetheless, artificial food sources are powerful attractants and project construction may attract some ravens or gulls. No negative effects would be anticipated to result from a slight increase in the local abundance of ravens and gulls, should it occur. Terrestrial Resources Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 66 Behavioral Disturbance during Project Operation The need for year-round access to the dam and upper penstock area during project operation may result in some level of ongoing behavioral disturbance of birds. Because the access road will not be maintained after the construction period, access would be via helicopter. The frequency of required access has not been described but is anticipated to be no more than several visits annually and effects on birds would be negligible. To prevent disturbance of nesting Bald Eagles, known active nests will be avoided by any helicopter flights by a distance of at least 660 feet during the operation period. Recreational activities, including helicopter supported skiing, snow machines, and all-terrain vehicles, are likely to increase in the Valdez area, and it is likely that human presence will increase in the Allison Lake basin, as in other sites in the region. However, because of security concerns at the Alyeska terminal, near the mouth of Allison Creek, the abandoned access road to the dam site will be gated and “no trespassing” signs will inhibit access via the abandoned right-of-way. Few birds would be negatively affected by disturbance during winter, so increased recreational activities would affect birds primarily during nesting or, for some waterbirds, through brood-rearing and molting. Overall, the impact on birds of increased human presence, facilitated by improved access, is likely to be negligible. Increased Recreational and Subsistence Hunting The improved access provided by project construction may facilitate increased recreational hunting and subsistence activity in the Allison Lake basin. As described above, due to security concerns the access road will be abandoned and gated and no trespassing signs posted to minimize access. The only bird species present in the basin that typically would be subject to harvest are grouse and ptarmigan, and ducks and geese. None of these species is abundant in the Allison Lake basin and the basin is unlikely to become an important location for harvest due to the limited availability of game birds. Increased harvest facilitated by improved access is anticipated to have negligible impacts on birds. Increased Mortality due to Collision For birds, the Allison Lake project poses some risk of collisions with project facilities, primarily powerlines and communications towers. All species may be susceptible to strikes, but in the Allison Lake project area murrelets may be the species of greatest concern. Red-throated Loons in Allison Lake, like murrelets in the upper basin, make foraging flights between nest sites and feeding areas in marine waters and may also be susceptible to strikes. Bald Eagles also are susceptible to electrocution by power poles that are not designed appropriately. The Allison Lake project would supply power from the powerhouse to the Solomon Gulch powerhouse via additional wires on an existing line of towers. A very short distance of new powerline corridor would be required to connect the existing line to the powerhouse. Tower locations and designs have not been determined, but radio communications between the Solomon Gulch powerhouse and the Allison Lake dam and powerhouse will be used to control many functions and radio transmissions will be ensured by appropriate antennas, probably on towers at each site. Both Kittlitz’s and Marbled murrelets would be susceptible to strikes during daily movements between nests in uplands and marine foraging habitats. Murrelet nests may be active in the region between mid-May and late July and daily movements typically occur during crepuscular hours, when visibility is poor. Red-throated Loons nesting on Allison Lake make similar flights, probably diurnal and more frequent, particularly when carrying food from marine habitats to young at the nesting lake. Although no data are available on flight paths, it is anticipated that the addition of a power line to existing towers would result in a negligible increase in risk of collision for murrelets and other birds. Communication towers may pose greater risk to murrelets and loons, depending on their height and design, in particular the presence of guy wires. To minimize the risks of collision, new powerlines and guy wires would be marked and lighted according to best management practices for protection of birds. Any structures or communication towers would have lighting designed to reduce bird attraction and the potential for bird strikes. In general, the overall effect of Literature Cited 67 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources mortalities to birds from strikes of powerlines and towers associated with the Allison Lake project is expected to be minor to moderate, depending on tower designs and locations relative to flight paths of birds. Mitigation of Impacts The USFWS recommended time period for avoiding vegetation clearing in the Southcentral Alaska region to protect migratory birds is 1 May to 15 July (see USFWS 2007c, Advisory: Recommended Time Periods for Avoiding Vegetation Clearing in Alaska in order to Protect Migratory Birds), and would be followed for all vegetation clearing. Disturbance of eagle nests will be minimized by controlling ground activities, helicopter traffic, and blasting in the vicinity of known active nests between 10 April and 10 August (earlier if pairs are present). To minimize the risks of collision, new powerlines and guy wires would be marked and lighted according to best management practices for protection of birds. Any structures or communication towers would have lighting designed to reduce bird attraction and the potential for bird strikes. LITERATURE CITED ABR. 2008. Biological resources in the Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project area: Literature review and gap analysis. Report for HatchAcres, Seattle, WA, by ABR, Inc., Fairbanks, AK. 3 November 2008. ABR. 2009. Wetlands determination and functional assessment, Allison Lake hydroelectric project area. Report for HatchAcres, Seattle, WA, by ABR, Inc., Fairbanks, AK. Alaska Coastal Management Program (ACMP). 1981. Valdez coastal management program: resource maps. City of Valdez, AK. 14 pp maps. Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG). 1986. Alaska Habitat Management Guides: Southcentral region map atlas. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Habitat, Juneau. ADFG. 1998. 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Obtained from the Alaska Natural Heritage Program by ABR, Inc., Anchorage, AK. Viereck, L. A., C. T. Dryness, A. R. Batten, and K. J. Wenzlick. 1992. The Alaska Vegetation Classification. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, PNW-GTR-286. 278 pp. White, K. S. 2006. Seasonal and sex-specific variation in terrain use and movement patterns of mountain goats in southeastern Alaska. Proceedings of the Biennial Symposium of the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council 15: 183–193. Plates 77 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources PLATES Wetlands, 1–9 Fish, 1–42 Mammal, 1–3 Raptor, 1–3 Seabird, 1–4 WETLAND PLATES WETLAND TYPES Plate 1. NWI Class: L1UBH Plate 2. NWI Class: R3UBH Plate 3. NWI Class: R4SBC Plate 4. NWI Class: PEM1F VEGETATION TYPES Plate 5. Closed Sitka Spruce Forest Plate 6. Tall Closed Alder Shrub Plate 7. Subarctic Lowland Sedge Moss Bog Meadow Plate 8. Mixed Herbs Plate 9. Mountain Heath Dwarf Shrub Tundra FISH PLATES 2008 Plate 1. View of Allison Lake looking north with AL-1 habitat area in the right foreground. Plate 2. View of lake shallows in AL-1 habitat area with minnow trap and orange marker. Plate 3. View across the outlet of Allison Lake from west to east. Habitat area AL-2 is on the right and AC- High-01 is on the left. Plate 4. View of Allison Lake from outlet at AC- High-01 towards AL-2. Plate 5. View of Allison Lake towards the outlet and AL-2 and AC-High-01. Plate 6. Typical view of AC-High-01 looking downstream with submerged minnow trap. Plate 7. View above AC-High-02 on Allison Creek looking back at Allison Lake. Plate 8. A minnow trap submerged near a small island in wider, slow flowing section of Allison Creek at AC-High-02. Plate 9. Downstream extent of AC-High-02 on upper Allison Creek with submerged minnow trap. Note small flow-gauge sticking up to left of boulder. Plate 10. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-01 looking upstream. Plate 11. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-01 looking across and downstream. Plate 12. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-02 looking upstream. Plate 13. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-02 looking across stream from east. Plate 14. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-02 looking downstream. Plate 15. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-03 looking upstream (no fish trapping in this area). Plate 16. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-03 looking across from the east. Plate 17. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-03 looking downstream. Plate 18. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-04 looking upstream Plate 19. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-04 looking across stream from east. Plate 20. Lower Allison Creek at AC-low-04 looking downstream. Plate 21. Lower Allison Creek at AC-low-05 looking upstream. Plate 22. Lower Allison Creek at AC-low-05 looking across stream from east. Plate 23. Lower Allison Creek at AC-low-05 looking downstream. Plate 24. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-06 looking upstream. This is the approximate site of the old dam. Plate 25. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-06 looking upstream. Green building marks approximate location of old dam. Plate 26. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-06 looking across stream from the west. Plate 27. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-06 looking downstream. Plate 28. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-07 looking upstream. Plate 29. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-07 looking across stream from west at Alyeska perimeter fence with gravel parking lot on opposite side. Plate 30. Lower Allison Creek at AC-Low-07 looking downstream from west. 2009 Plate 31. ABR biologist John Seigle prepares minnow traps for deployment in lower Allison Creek Plate 32. ABR biologist Andra Love collects stream macroinvertebrates using a Surbur Sampler. Plate 33. Andra prepares to collect ambient water quality information using the YSI-85 multi- meter. Plate 34. View of upper Allison Creek at the outlet from Allison Lake. Plate 35. View of length of Allison Creek. Photo taken from helicopter hovering over Valdez Bay. Plate 36. Valdez Fisheries Development Association, Inc., operated salmon hatchery at Solomon Gulch. Plate 37. Pink salmon alevin holding pins near salmon hatchery at Solomon Gulch. Plate 38. Part of the upper most barrier region at Allison Creek . Plate 39. Long series of cascades creating barrier to fish passage in middle section of Allison Creek. Plate 40. Continuation of barrier section below area in plate 9. Note dead snag in both photos. Plate 41. Long series of cascades creating barrier to fish passage in lower area of Allison creek. Plate 42. Collecting spent pink salmon for otolith extraction in lower Allison Creek. Plate 43. Spent pink salmon collected from lower Allison Creek for otolith extraction. Plate 44. Spent pink salmon and otolith extraction kit in lower Allison Creek. Plate 45. ADFG standard otolith marking pattern for the pink salmon from the Solomon Gulch hatchery. (http://tagotoweb.adfg.state.ak.us/ OTO/reports/VoucherSummary.asp?mi=SGH07) Plate 46. Pink salmon otolith from Allison Creek in August 2009 showing markings typical of fish from the Solomon Gulch hatchery. Plate 47. Pink salmon otolith from Allison Creek in August 2009 showing indeterminate markings, probably not from the Solomon Gulch hatchery. MAMMAL PLATES Plate 1. Black bear sow with cub foraging in recently snow- free habitats on lower slopes near Allison Lake, early June 2009. Plate 2. Brown bear crossing lake ice on Allison Lake, early June 2009. Plate 3. Pair of coyotes foraging in Allison Lake basin, June 2009. RAPTOR PLATES Plate 1. Incubating adult Bald Eagle on active nest (Active Bald Eagle 1; Figure 8) west of Solomon Gulch near Dayville Road. Plate 2. Old inactive stick nest (possibly Golden Eagle; Figure 8) located on cliff above Solomon Creek. Plate 3. Active Northern Goshawk nest located along proposed transmission line between Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch (Figure 8). SEABIRD PLATES Plate 1. Allison Lake basin and availability of snow- free murrelet breeding habitat, early June 2009. Plate 2. Potentially suitable nesting habitat for Kittlitz’s Murrelets in Allison Lake basin, August 2008. Plate 3. Potentially suitable nesting habitat for Kittlitz’s Murrelets in Allison Lake basin, August 2008. Plate 4. General area of potential nesting habitat used by calling Marbled Murrelets detected in July 2009. 93 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources Appendix A. Literature sources for habitat-use information for bird and mammal species considered in the wildlife habitat-value assessments for the Allison Lake project, and outline of assessment procedures for landbirds and shorebirds. Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 94 ADFG (Alaska Department of Fish and Game). 1999. Population and habitat ecology of brown bears on Admiralty and Chichagof islands, research final report, 1 July 1989 – 30 June 1999. 15 pp. Ammon, E. M., and W. M. Gilbert. 1999. Wilson's Warbler (Wilsonia pusilla).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 478). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/478. Banasiak, K. 2001. "Sorex monticolus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed December 28, 2009 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/ Sorex_monticolus.html. Barr, J. F., C. Eberl, and J. W. Mcintyre. 2000. Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 513). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/513. Belik, T., and L. Olson. 2005. "Myodes rutilus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed December 28, 2009 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/ information/Myodes_rutilus.html. Bieberich, C., and L. Olson. 2007. "Microtus oeconomus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. 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"Sorex palustris" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed December 28, 2009 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/ Sorex_palustris.html. Christensen, B., and C. Van Dyke. 2004. Brown bear (Ursus arctos) habitat and signs of use: Berners Bay, Alaska, site survey - June 15–19, 2003. Unpublished report for SEAWEAD, Juneau, AK. 11 pp. Cook, J. A., and S. O. MacDonald. 2003. Mammal inventory of Alaska's National Parks and Preserves: Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, annual report 2001–2002. Idaho State University, Twin Falls, ID. 32 pp. Cook, J. A., and S. O. MacDonald. 2004. Mammal inventory of Alaska's National Parks and Preserves: Kenai Fjords National Park, annual report 2003. Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 34 pp. Day, R. H., K. J. Kuletz, and D. A. Nigro. 1999. Kittlitz’s Murrelet. In A. F. Poole, P. Stettenheim, and F. B. Gill (editors). The Birds of North America, No. 435. American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, DC, and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Dewey, T., and E. Ellis. 2003. "Lontra canadensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed December 28, 2009 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/ Lontra_canadensis.html.Partridge, S., T. Smith, and T. Lewis. 2009. Black and brown bear activity at selected coastal sites in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska: A preliminary assessment using noninvasive sites in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska: A preliminary assessment using noninvasive procedures: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1169, 62 p. 95 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources George, T. L. 2000. Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 541). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/541. Gill, R. E., B. J. McCaffery, and P. S. Tomkovich. 2002. Wandering Tattler (Heteroscelus incanus [=Tringa incana]).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 642). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/ species/642. Healy, S., and W. A. Calder. 2006. Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 53). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/053. Houston, C. S., D. G. Smith, and C. Rohner. 1998. Great Horned Owl. In A. F. Poole, P. Stettenheim, and F. B. Gill (editors). The Birds of North America, No. 372. American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, DC, and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. Ingold, J. L., and G. E. Wallace. 1994. Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 119). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/119. Jones, P. W. and T. M. Donovan. 1996. Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 261). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/261. Kingery, H. E. 1996. American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 229). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/229. Knox, A. G., and P. E. Lowther. 2000. Common Redpoll (Carduelis flammea).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 543). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/543. Kochert, M. N., K. Steenhof, C. L. McIntyre, and E. H. Craig. 2002. Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 684). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/684. Lee, W. 2001. "Sorex cinereus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed December 28, 2009 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sorex_cinereus.html. Lowther, P. E., C. Celada, N. K. Klein, C. C. Rimmer, and D. A. Spector. 1999. Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 454). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/ species/454. MacDonald, S. O., and J. A. Cook. 2009. Recent mammals of Alaska. University of Alaska Press. Fairbanks, AK. 387 pp. Macwhirter, R. B., and K. L. Bildstein. 1996. Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 210). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/210. Montgomerie, R., and K. Holder. 2008. Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 51). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/051. Nelson, S. K. 1997. Marbled Murrelet. In A. F. Poole, P. Stettenheim, and F. B. Gill (editors). The Birds of North America, No. 276. American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, DC, and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 96 Norment, C. J., P. Hendricks, and R. Santonocito. 1998. Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 352). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/352. Preston, C. R., and R. D. Beane. 1993. Red-tailed Hawk. In A. F. Poole, P. Stettenheim, and F. B. Gill (editors). The Birds of North America, No. 52. American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, DC, and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Robertson, G. J., and R. I. Goudie. 1999. Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 466). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/466. Schlimme, K. 2003. "Neovison vison" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed December 28, 2009 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/ Neovison_vison.html. Sogge, M. K., W. M. Gilbert, and C. Van Riper III. 1994. Orange-crowned Warbler (Vermivora celata).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 101). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/101. Squires, J. R., and R. T. Reynolds. 1997. Northern Goshawk. In A. F. Poole, P. Stettenheim, and F. B. Gill (editors). The Birds of North America, No. 298. American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, DC, and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Tibbitts, T. L., and W. Moskoff. 1999. Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 427). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/427. Weckstein, J. D., D. E. Kroodsma, and R. C. Faucett. 2002. Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 715). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/715. Wheelwright, N.T. and J.D. Rising. 1993. Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis).In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 45). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/045. White, C. M., N. J. Clum, T. J. Cade, and W. G. Hunt. 2002. Peregrine Falcon. In A. F. Poole, P. Stettenheim, and F. B. Gill (editors). The Birds of North America, No. 660. American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, DC, and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Wright, A. L., G. D. Hayward, S. M. Matsuoka, and P. H. Hayward. 1998. Townsend's Warbler (Dendroica townsendi). In A. Poole, ed. The Birds of North America Online (No. 333). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Accessed online at: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/ bna/species/333. Wund, M. 2000. "Sorex hoyi" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed December 28, 2009 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sorex_hoyi.html. Yuke, C., and L. Olson. 2007. "Sorex tundrensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed December 28, 2009 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/ information/Sorex_tundrensis.html. 97 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources Habitat Assessment Procedures for Landbirds and Shorebirds For each landbird and shorebird species selected for impact assessments in the Allison Lake project area, habitat values in each mapped habitat type were categorized into 1 of 5 value classes as described above under Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitats. Habitat-value assessments were conducted for habitats expected to be used by landbirds and shorebirds during both breeding and migration periods. The assessments of habitat value for these species were conducted primarily using the dataset of bird observations recorded during point-count surveys in the Allison Lake project area in 2009. When these data were insufficient (e.g., for habitats that were undersampled or unsampled for breeding birds or for habitats that were expected to be used during migration), additional habitat-use information was sought in the published literature (see table above) and supplemented by professional judgment based on observations of habitat use by these species elsewhere in south-central Alaska. To derive habitat-use information for landbirds and shorebirds, each bird point-count location surveyed in the Allison Lake project area in 2009 first was assigned a mapped wildlife habitat defined by the habitat map polygon that each point-count location occurred in (i.e., a spatial-join in ArcGIS was conducted). Average-occurrence figures then were calculated for each combination of bird species and mapped habitat. Average occurrence calculations standardize abundance data across habitats and allow direct comparisons of relative bird abundance among habitats. To determine the habitat-value class for each combination of habitat and landbird/shorebird species, the average-occurrence data for each bird species were inspected for natural groupings of average-occurrence figures and for breakpoints between those groupings. For the common species, it was often clear from the data which habitats were used to a substantially greater degree, which were used very little, and which were intermediate. In these cases, with 3 clear classes of average-occurrence figures, the habitats in the 3 classes were defined as high, moderate, and low value. For landbirds and shorebirds, essential-value habitats were only listed for those species which were observed almost exclusively in one habitat throughout the field studies in 2009. Negligible-value habitats were classified as those that were not observed to be used in the 2009 breeding season. For less common species, for which there sometimes were only 1 or 2 classes of average-occurrence figures in the dataset, the habitat(s) with the highest (or only) average-occurrence figure(s) was typically treated as high value; those with lower average-occurrence figures were treated as moderate- or low-value habitats depending on the numerical distance between the higher and lower average-occurrence figures. Several corrections to the habitat-value classifications then were needed for those habitats that were undersampled or not sampled during point-count surveys in 2009 and for the less common species, for which insufficient data were available to adequately evaluate habitat use. First, for habitats that were Allison Lake Project Biological Resources 98 undersampled (<4 point counts) or not sampled, habitat-value classes were determined by comparison with the data from adequately sampled habitats. Habitat-value classes for undersampled and unsampled habitats were determined to be similar to those assessed for adequately sampled habitats that shared similar vegetation structure and/or physiography. To account for the uncertainly involved, habitat-value classifications for the undersampled and unsampled habitats often were reduced 1 class from the comparable sampled habitat. When possible, habitat-association data from incidental observations made during the point-count surveys and from other observations made during other wildlife surveys in the Allison Lake project area also were evaluated to help classify habitat values for undersampled and unsampled habitats. In these cases, to account for the lower data quality in the incidental-observation dataset(s), the habitats used typically were treated as moderate or low value depending on how often the species was recorded in each habitat. Some exceptions were made, however, and some habitats were considered high value, especially when the habitats considered were known to be frequently used by the species elsewhere in south-central Alaska during the breeding season. In cases in which data from the surveys in 2009 were insufficient to assess habitat use for a particular species, the published literature on habitat use for that species (see table above) and professional judgment based upon knowledge of habitat use for the species elsewhere in south-central Alaska were used to classify habitat values for undersampled and unsampled habitats. Finally, corrections were needed to minimize the bias that can occur for uncommon species, which may be observed only in a few habitats but that actually use a greater number of habitats. For each bird species that was observed in 3 or fewer habitats, but that was expected to occur more commonly in the area, additional habitat-association observations were sought in the dataset of incidental bird observations recorded during the point-count surveys and from other observations made during other wildlife surveys in the Allison Lake project area in 2009. Any additional habitats used were given a habitat-value class, but, as noted above, to account for the lower data quality of the incidental observations, the habitat classes typically were treated as moderate or low value depending on how often the species was recorded in each habitat. Again some exceptions were made, and in cases in which the habitats considered were known to be frequently used by the species during the breeding season elsewhere in south-central Alaska, the habitats being assessed were considered high value. 99 Allison Lake Project Biological Resources Appendix B. Aquatic habitat assessment forms (the Alaska Stream Condition Index; from Major and Barbour 2001). CULTURAL RESOURCES IN THE VICINITY OF ALLISON LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT,ALASKA NORTHERN LAND USE RESEARCH,INC. Northern Land Use Research, Inc. P.O. Box 83990 600 University Avenue, Suite 6 Fairbanks, Alaska 99708 (907) 474-9684 nlur@northernlanduse.com November, 2009 CULTURAL RESOURCES IN THE VICINITY OF ALLISON LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT,ALASKA Report prepared for: Hatch Acres - Water and Wind Power 6 Nickerson, Suite 101 Seattle, WA 98109 (206) 352-5730 phone (206) 352-5734 fax Report prepared by: Richard O. Stern, Ph.D., Senior Project Archaeologist Peter M. Bowers, M.A., R.P.A., Principal Investigator Northern Land Use Research, Inc. Northern Land Use Research, Inc. P.O. Box 83990 600 University Avenue, Suite 6 Fairbanks, Alaska 99708 (907) 474-9684 phone (907) 474-8370 fax nlur@northernlanduse.com November, 2009 i Confidentiality Notice The locations of cultural resources given in this report are provided to facilitate environmental and engineering planning efforts only. Under the provisions of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act and the National Historic Preservation Act, site location information is confidential; disclosure of such information is exempt from requests under Federal and State freedom of information laws. This report is not a public document. It is intended for release to Hatch Acres-Water and Wind Power, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), interested Native American tribes and organizations, the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), and appropriate permitting agencies only. ii Table of Contents Confidentiality Notice......................................................................................................i Table of Contents............................................................................................................ii List of Figures.................................................................................................................ii List of Tables..................................................................................................................ii Acronyms and Glossary of Terms ..................................................................................iii 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Purpose...................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Cultural Resources Information Required................................................................ 1 2.0 Methods ........................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 Research Methods..................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Alaska Heritage Resources Survey (AHRS) Information ........................................ 4 2.3 National Register of Historic Places Information..................................................... 5 3.0 Cultural Environment ................................................................................................ 6 3.1 Regional Cultural Chronology.................................................................................. 6 3.2 Prehistory of Prince William Sound......................................................................... 7 3.3 Ethnographic and Historical Overview..................................................................... 8 3.4 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) ................................................... 12 4.0 Results ........................................................................................................................ 13 4.1 Section Organization............................................................................................... 13 4.2 Results..................................................................................................................... 13 4.3 Previous Cultural Resource Surveys....................................................................... 16 4.4 Identification of Indian Tribes................................................................................ 17 4.5 Identification of Other Interested Parties................................................................ 18 5.0 Summary and Recommendations ............................................................................ 20 5.1 Summary................................................................................................................. 20 5.2 Recommendations................................................................................................... 20 5.2.1 Plan to Do a Reconnaissance Level Field Survey ............................................... 20 5.2.2 Initiate Consultation under Section 106 and FERC Guidance............................. 20 5.2.3 Human Remains................................................................................................... 21 5.3 Limitations.............................................................................................................. 21 6.0 References .................................................................................................................. 22 List of Figures Figure 1. U.S. Survey 3328 Alaska, June 8, 1955............................................................. 1 List of Tables Table 1. Diagnostic Attributes of Cultural Stages in Prince William Sound..................... 7 Table 2. AHRS (2009) Sites Within and Adjacent to Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project. ................................................................................................................................... 13 iii ACRONYMS (1)ANDGLOSSARY OFTERMS (2) TERM MEANING ADNR, DOPOR, OHA Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, Office of History and Archaeology (Formerly AHRS Alaska Heritage Resources Survey AMRC Alaska Museum at the Rasmuson Center, Anchorage, Alaska ANCSA Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act APSC Alyeska Pipeline Service Company ARLIS Alaska Resources Library and Information Services, Anchorage, BP Before Present CMT Culturally Modified Tree CVEA Copper Valley Electric Association EA Environmental Assessment EIS Environmental Impact Statement EVOS Exxon Valdez Oil Spill FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission HPA Historic Preservation Act NAGPRA Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NLUR Northern Land Use Research, Inc. NRHP National Register of Historic Places OHA Office of History and Archaeology ROW Right-of-Way SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer (Office) THPO Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (Office) TAGS LNG Trans-Alaska Gas System, Liquified Natural Gas TAPS Trans-Alaska Pipeline System TCP Traditional Cultural Properties UAA/APU University of Alaska Anchorage/Alaska Pacific University Consortium Library USDOI, GLO U.S. Department of the Interior, General Land Office (later the BLM- Bureau of Land Management) UTM Universal Transverse Mercator WAMCATS Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System (1) Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words, for example SHPO (pronounced Ship-O) from State Historic Preservation Officer. Abbreviations are contractions of a word or phrase to represent the whole word, for example Dr. for Doctor. (2) Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Analyses commonly have lengthy lists of Acronyms in each volume. Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 1 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose The Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA-project licensee) plans to construct a hydroelectric facility at Allison Lake, Alaska. Hatch Acres is preparing the pre-application document/Draft PDEA for submission to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC, the “Commission”). The Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project is referenced as FERC Preliminary Permit No. P-13124. Hatch Acres contracted with Northern Land Use Research, Inc. (NLUR) to prepare the cultural resources section of the pre-application document. This report to Hatch Acres is Northern Land Use Research, Inc.’s submittal for use in preparing the pre-application document. This report should be placed in Section 3.3.7 Cultural Resources in the description of potentially affected resources of the Preferred Alternative. The pre-application document provides the Commission and the entities identified in 18 U.S.C. 5.6(a) (Conservation of Power and Water Resources) with existing information relevant to the project proposal that is in the potential applicant's possession or that the potential applicant can obtain with the exercise of due diligence. This existing, relevant, and reasonably available information is distributed to these entities to enable them to identify issues and related information needs, develop study requests and study plans, and prepare documents analyzing any license application that may be filed. It is also a precursor to the environmental analysis section of the Preliminary Licensing Proposal or draft license application provided for in §5.16, Exhibit E of the final license application, and the Commission's scoping document(s) and environmental impact statement or environmental assessment under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). 1.2 Cultural Resources Information Required Information required for the preparation of the pre-application document is listed at 18 U.S.C. 5.6(d)(x): “(x)Cultural resources. A description of the known cultural or historical resources of the proposed project and surrounding area. Components of this description include: (A) Identification of any historic or archaeological site in the proposed project vicinity, with particular emphasis on sites or properties either listed in, or recommended by the State Historic Preservation Officer or Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places; (B) Existing discovery measures, such as surveys, inventories, and limited subsurface testing work, for the purpose of locating, identifying, and assessing the significance of historic and archaeological resources that have been undertaken within or adjacent to the project boundary; and; (C) Identification of Indian tribes that may attach religious and cultural significance to historic properties within the project boundary or in the project vicinity; as well as available information on Indian traditional cultural and Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 2 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 religious properties, whether on or off of any federally-recognized Indian reservation. (A potential applicant must delete from any information made available under this section specific site or property locations, the disclosure of which would create a risk of harm, theft, or destruction of archaeological or Native American cultural resources or to the site at which the resources are located, or would violate any Federal law, including the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, 16 U.S.C. 470w-3, and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 16 U.S.C. 470hh).” The three sections of cultural resources information required are presented in the following sections of this report. Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 3 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 2.0METHODS 2.1 Research Methods Cultural resources information available for Alaska resides in numerous sources, varies in quality and availability, and presents a sometimes daunting challenge for researchers to identify, locate, and summarize during the preparation of literature reviews such as the present report. Several articles in the Alaska Journal of Anthropology recently reviewed cultural resources research and anthropology research in Alaska over the last 30 years. Dan Odess edited an entire issue devoted to the Arctic Small Tool tradition in Alaska (Odess 2005). Feldman, Langdon, and Natcher (2005) reviewed applied cultural anthropology. Tiger Burch (2005) reviewed sociocultural anthropology research, 1972-2002. Wheeler and Thornton (2005) reviewed subsistence research. James Kari (2005) reviewed linguistic work on Alaskan Athabascan languages; while Kaplan (2005) covered Eskimo- Aleut research. Scott (2005) discussed physical anthropology research. An entire issue of AJA presented articles discussing cultural resource management, curation, site destruction, human remains and other issues in Alaskan cultural resources management (Hanson 2007). An entire issue of Arctic Anthropology (Esdale and Rasic 2008) was devoted to the Northern Archaic in Alaska. All of these articles are excellent reviews of several decades of recent research within particular sub-fields of anthropology. None of these sources identify research in Valdez Arm in general, or the Allison Lake vicinity specifically. Cultural resource investigation reports from every community in Alaska are stored at the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, Office of History and Archaeology (ADNR, DOPOR, OHA)– the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), in Anchorage. The NLUR offices in Fairbanks and Anchorage maintain photocopies (or .pdfs), or both of many of these reports. The SHPO office has re-organized and re-filed its report library many times over the years. More than 10,000 file reports, letter reports, and project correspondence files are scanned, and can be downloaded at the SHPO offices. This is the OHA “Citations” database. Regrettably, the “Citations” database is not accessible from remote computer terminals. OHA does not know how many “reports” are filed. OHA receives more reports every month, and has a backlog of unreviewed and unscanned “reports” and “citations”. We searched the “Citations” database at OHA using keywords “Valdez”, “Allison Lake”, “Fort Liscum”, “Solomon Gulch”, and “Alyeska terminal” (including variations) to discover information relevant to the project vicinity. The search revealed several references, discussed further below. Previous research is often in the unpublished literature for a particular community. To identify these sources, it is common practice to locate a recent report, and then to examine the bibliography for references to earlier works. This “data mining” research Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 4 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 methodology is necessary when so many of the source materials are unpublished, narrowly circulated, and ephemeral reports. We examined published and unpublished sources of information pertaining to the cultural resources within and adjacent to the project area. We checked the NLUR in-house files and reports for information relevant to Allison Lake. We searched the electronic card catalogs of the Alaska Resources Library and Information Services (ARLIS), UAA/APU Consortium Library, Loussac Public Library, Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center (AMRC), and the University of Alaska Fairbanks Library electronic card catalog “GOLDMINE”. We reviewed the U.S. survey plats for homesteads and Fort Liscum located within and adjacent to the project area (website accessed various dates, 2009, http://landrecords.alaska.gov). 2.2 Alaska Heritage Resources Survey (AHRS) Information The Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Office of History and Archaeology (ADNR, OHA) maintains the Alaska Heritage Resources Survey (AHRS) database. The AHRS is primarily a map-based system that consists of an inventory of all reported historic and prehistoric sites within the State of Alaska. Sites include objects, structures, buildings, sites, districts, and travel ways, with a general provision that they are over 50 years old. ADNR, OHA assigns each site a unique designation consisting of a trigraph for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1:63,360 scale (inch to the mile) quadrangle map in which it is located and a unique sequential number within that quadrangle. For example, 49-ANC-00010 is the AHRS number for the tenth site recorded within the Anchorage quadrangle. The “49” prefix indicates that the site is in the State of Alaska, the forty-ninth state, but this number is commonly omitted, because it is implied that all the sites under discussion are within Alaska. Each individual site record contains information such as the site name, a description of the physical remains, data on the site's location, a list of bibliographic citations, site significance, affiliated cultures and dates, preservation status, site condition, property owner, and other associated site numbers. Access to site location information contained in the AHRS is closed to the general public (PL 96-95; AS 9.25.120, exception 4; Policy and Procedure No. 50200). OHA maintains a list of authorized users of AHRS information. Such users include representatives of federal, state, or local governments on official business; researchers engaged in legitimate scientific research; individuals or representatives of organizations conducting cultural resource surveys aimed at protection of such information or sites; or such individuals determined by OHA as having a legitimate need for access. The fundamental use of the AHRS is to protect cultural resource sites from adverse impacts. By using the AHRS as a planning tool, the location of cultural resources allows agencies to avoid project delays and prevent unnecessary destruction of these non-renewable resources. Listing on the AHRS does not, in and of itself, provide protection for sites; however, it does allow agencies to make knowledgeable decisions regarding the future of these sites. Listing on the AHRS is not the same as listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 5 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 2.3 National Register of Historic Places Information The National Register of Historic Places is the nation’s inventory of historic properties that meet specific criteria of local, state, or national importance. In order for a property to be eligible for the National Register, it must possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association, and significance under one or more criteria: • be associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; or • be associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or • embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or represent the work of a master, or posses high artistic values, or represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or • have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. There are some exceptions to these criteria for properties achieving significance in the last fifty years, certain cemeteries or religious properties and other property types. Traditional cultural properties (TCPs) are properties, or places that are eligible for inclusion on the NHRP because of its association with the cultural practices and beliefs that are (1) rooted in the history of a community, and (2) are important for maintaining the continuity of that community’s traditional beliefs and practices (Parker 1993). At the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, we examined the AHRS database maintained by the SHPO, and Alaska listings on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). There are no sites in the vicinity of the project area listed on the National Register of Historic Places. AHRS sites are discussed below under Results. The cleanup efforts following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) included numerous cultural resources research studies (Mobley et al. 1990; Restoration Planning Work Group 1990; L. Yarborough 1997 and references therein). Post-EVOS research on subsistence included reports on specific communities, specific species or species groups, and long-term studies of the EVOS effects on subsistence (for example Fall et al. 1996; Picou et al. 2009; Fogarty et al. 2000; Simeone 2008; Fall 2009 and references therein). NLUR senior project archaeologist Richard O. Stern, Ph.D. performed the literature search and wrote this report between August and October, 2009. Sites listed on the AHRS within and immediately adjacent to the Allison Lake drainage are presented in Table 1 in the Results section. Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 6 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 3.0 CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT1 3.1 Regional Cultural Chronology Prehistoric culture history in Prince William Sound is known from comparatively few sites, compared to other regions of Alaska. The low number of sites per unit area is likely a result of both natural and cultural factors. De Laguna (1956:255) discussed at length the paradox of a rich environment but low historic and prehistoric population numbers. Much of the region is glaciated with few or no subsistence resources. The region is tectonically active. Shorelines have risen and fallen over time, leaving coastal located sites vulnerable to erosion following subsidence. Earthquakes produce tsunamis and other waves that have rolled over the land, flattening trees, communities and the archaeological record. Late Pleistocene and Holocene glaciations have scraped the bedrock clean, resulting in shallow rocky soils in many areas with little opportunity for cultural stratigraphy to develop. Foremost among the natural factors affecting site density are the relatively few coastal locations that are favorable for human habitation over time. Steep, high-energy shores are not conducive to human occupation. Pocket beaches with protected access to the ocean, and nearby freshwater sources, protected small bays, the leeward side of headlands or small islands are favored winter village locations for people oriented to the marine environment for the bulk of their subsistence efforts. Summer fish camps or villages were typically located on or near the mouths of salmon streams. Ephemeral hunting or travel camps could be constructed anywhere. Other types of sites include defensible refuge or fort sites located on rocky headlands, or steep-sided and relatively inaccessible headlands. Petroglyphs and pictograph sites are known in the Prince William Sound region, and caves or rockshelters were used as temporary shelters and burial sites. People probably occupied or at least utilized the resources of Prince William Sound as soon as coastal, tidewater glaciations had retreated long enough for resources to occupy the previously ice-covered region. Evidence of these earliest occupations has not been identified yet within Prince William Sound, for the reasons noted above. In addition, Prince William Sound archaeology had not been given the same degree of attention or interest by professional archeologists as many other more accessible, less expensive, and less logistically demanding regions of the state. The cultural resources work that followed the EVOS event added greatly to our knowledge of the Chugach Alaska region. The cultural chronology of southcentral Alaska includes a general regional chronology, with specific periods named after the sub-regions in which they occur, such as Prince William Sound. The regional chronology from oldest period to youngest includes a hypothetical coastal Paleoarctic horizon dating from 9,500 to 11,000 yrs BP (Dixon 1999). A Paleoarctic period from 7,500 to 11,000 yrs BP is followed by the Ocean Bay period (3,500 to 7,000 yrs BP) on Kodiak Island and the Pacific Coast of the Alaska Peninsula. Kachemak period sites date from 1,000 to 3,500 yrs BP. The Late Prehistoric period (500 to 1,000 BP) follows the Kachemak period and 1 Much of this section is derived from de Laguna (1956), Mobley et al. (1990) and L. Yarborough (2000) Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 7 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 leads to the Historic Period from 500 BC to the present. The modern historic people encountered by EuroAmerican explorers and the Russian occupiers of Prince William Sound have ancestral ties to these prehistoric cultures. 3.2 Prehistory of Prince William Sound Prior to the EVOS event in 1989, the cultural sequence for Prince William Sound was known largely from Frederica de Laguna’s (de Laguna 1956) pioneering work in the 1930s. Excavations at the Palugvik site (COR-00001) and the Palutat rockshelter (SEW-00048) yielded four stratigraphic units covering at least 500 years of occupation predating European contact. Radiocarbon dates of 1753 + 105 and 1727 ± 105 BP (Rainey and Ralph 1959:358) were obtained from the deepest layer at Palugvik. De Laguna defined four cultural stages in Prince William Sound based on (1) diagnostic artifacts; (2) European trade goods presence or absence; (3) skeletal evidence of introduced European diseases; (4) degree of bone and shell decomposition in middens; and, (5) characteristics of trees regrowing in abandoned areas. Mobley et al. (1990:60) depicted these attributes in table form, adding information from the work done by Hassen (1978:37-38), and Workman (1980). That table is reproduced and updated as Table 1 below. The artifacts and features characteristic of each time period demonstrate the range of elements that can be predicted to occur within Prince William Sound archaeological sites. Table 1. Diagnostic Attributes of Cultural Stages in Prince William Sound. DIAGNOSTIC ATTRIBUTES OF CULTURAL STAGES IN PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND Period Date Diagnostic Attributes Historic after AD 1783 Appearance of small, “Glacier Island” trade beads and other European goods associated with the beginning of Russian expansion into the North Pacific and PWS. Human bones with evidence of European-introduced diseases. Christian burial practices. Historic mines, tunnels, shafts, and related equipment. Log cabins and dimension lumber shelters. Cultural Modified Trees (CMTs). Metal objects. Protohistoric undated - but possibly 300 to 1,000 BP Same assemblage as Younger Prehistoric with large blue “Cook type” beads and presumably some iron artifacts. Younger Prehistoric undated – but perhaps 1,000 to 1750 BP Less shell decomposition, emphasis on grooved splitting adze use, appearance of stone picks, absence of European trade goods. Very small adze blades or scraper, small ground chisels, barbed slate points, socket pieces with plain bases, presence of war clubs, presence of native copper. Abundant amounts of fire-cracked rock (implies sweatbath use). Older Prehistoric before 1750 BP Decomposed shells in middens. Incised stone plaques, a relative abundance of planning adzes and smaller woodworking tools, preference for simple stemmed slate Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 8 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 “Late Kachemak” blades and slender, awl-like slate points over barbed slate blades. Chipped ulu-shaped scrapers, socket pieces with bifurcated bases. Absence of native copper. Greater abundance of bone or shell beads, scarcity of fire-cracked rock. Adapted from Mobley et al. 1990:60, table 8 after Hassen 1978, and Workman 1980. Controlled excavations at the multicomponent Uqciut Village site (SEW-00056) in the 1980s and 1990s provided additional information about the culture sequence in Prince William Sound (L. Yarborough 2000). Trade beads dominate the artifact assemblage by numbers (1655 of 2200 artifacts). Lithics include slate and greywacke material shaped into hammerstones, grinding slabs, and broken and unfinished objects. Small amounts of shell and bone are present, and large amounts of firecracked rock. The assemblage and radiocarbon dates suggest relations with the Palugvik 1-2 and 3-4 levels. Linda Yarbrough examined recent faunal collections for Palugvik, the type-site for Prince William Sound, comparing them to de Laguna’s collections from the 1930s. She found a greater abundance of fish species in the zooarchaeolgical record, with cod and salmon predominating. Rockfish, flatfish and other fish taxa are present along with pinniped, bird, land mammal and some whale remains. During the Little Ice Age (600-200 BP), use of harbor seal and cod increased, while salmon use decreased (Yarborough 2000). Researchers from a number of institutions conducted archaeological investigations throughout Prince William Sound in the 1970s through the present time. Most of these are well outside the project area. M. Yarborough and L. Yarborough (n.d., 1998) and L. Yarborough (2000:68) reviewed that research, which is incorporated by reference. Research closer to the project area is reviewed below under Results. 3.3 Ethnographic and Historical Overview The study area in northeast Prince William Sound-Valdez Arm is part of the larger Pacific Eskimo culture area. The Pacific Eskimo are identified now as the Alutiiq people, who were variously identified (and mis-identified) in the literature as Pacific Eskimo, Chugach Eskimo, Aleuts, Chugach, Sugpiaq, or Sugtestun. The Alutiiq culture area extends from the lower Copper River to the middle of the Alaska Peninsula including Prince William Sound and the Kodiak Archipelago. The outer reaches of lower Cook Inlet were occupied historically by Dena’ina Athabascan Indians. Neighboring groups surrounding the Pacific Eskimos included the Tlingit, Eyak, Interior Athabascans, Dena’ina, Aleut (Unangan), and Yup’ik-speaking Eskimos. Relations between the groups ranged from peaceful to warring. As a result, all groups shared some traits through trade, ceremonial exchanges, and occasional marriages. At the same time, language differences and ownership of lands by use and occupancy formed clear boundaries between the aboriginal people of the region. Systems of lineage affiliation and social rankings formed the basis of social organization. The cultures of Alaska’s southern coast and southeastern panhandle were stratified societies with classes of elite people, commoners, and slaves (Crowell, Steffian, and Pullar 2001). Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 9 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 Exploration of Prince William Sound began with British, Spanish and Russian parties in the late 1700s. By the 1800s, the Russians had established their presence in Prince William Sound, but made only a few tentative trips into the Interior via the Copper River route. The Native settlement at Nuchek was the largest in Prince William Sound. The Russians added a trading post, “Fort Saint Constantine and Helen” at the site in the 1790s. Hostile Ahtna kept most Euroamericans out of the Copper River basin until the early American period after 1867. Early Russian explorers, fur traders, and clergy had a significant impact on the people of the Prince William Sound region, as evidenced by the present-day prominence of the Russian Orthodox Church and of "Russian" surnames. During the American period, copper mines and the commercial fishing industry brought many non-Natives to the Prince William Sound region. The Euro-American presence resulted in continued contact between Native cultures and non-Native beliefs and values. Native religious and social practices changed under the influence of Russian Orthodox teaching. American government interests in exploring, mapping, and defending the distant territory led to a number of exploration efforts. Army Captain Abercrombie failed to ascend the Copper River in 1884, but entered the Interior from the Valdez Arm. In 1885, U.S. Army Lieutenant Henry Allen began explorations in March at the Copper River mouth, traveled up the Copper, crossed the Alaska Range through Suslota Pass, then traveled down the Tetlin to the Tanana, descended the Tanana to the Yukon, and explored the Koyukuk River drainage before finally reaching the Yukon River mouth (Allen 1887). In 1898, Mendenhall’s geological expedition reached the Tanana valley via the Copper and Delta rivers. His party ventured as far as Jarvis Creek but failed to reach the Tanana before having to return to the Copper River (Sherwood 1992). While in operation from 1898 to the 1920s, Ft. Liscum supported the operation and maintenance of the WAMCATS telegraph line linking Valdez with other military posts throughout Alaska, as well as with Seattle, and the continental United States. Valdez was a critical link in this communication system, as submarine cables and the landlines converged at Valdez. Valdez offered an “All-American” route to the gold fields of the Klondike, Fairbanks, and Fortymile areas, allowing stampeders to avoid the difficulties of hauling goods over Chilkoot Pass on Lynn Canal (Brown 1975). Valdez (Old Valdez, Copper City, VAL-122) flourished as a year-round, open-water port for gold seekers entering Alaska. A party of 22 Klondikers arrived at the locality called “Swanport” in November, 1897, intent on crossing into the Interior over the Valdez Glacier (Brown 1975:8). The Alaska Commercial Company and the Pacific Steam Whaling Company used the head of Valdez Arm to offload passengers from their ships arriving from the west coast. Travelers to the Interior over Valdez Glacier, Klutina Lake and into the Copper River basin faced difficult, dangerous conditions, resulting in many lost outfits as well as lost lives. A better overland route to Interior Alaska and the Klondike was needed (Lethcoe and Lethcoe 1996). The Richardson Highway began as a result of the U.S. Army’s actions in 1898, which sent Captain W. Abercrombie to find an all-American overland route to the American gold fields in Alaska (Abercrombie 1900). Named for General Wilds P. Richardson, it is considered the oldest highway in the state (Alaska Route 4). In the spring of 1899, construction began on a 5- Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 10 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 foot-wide pack trail out of Valdez, which eventually became the first part of the Richardson Highway. By the end of the summer, 40 miles had been completed, and over 90 additional miles had been surveyed and cleared. By 1901, the Army had completed the Trans-Alaska Military Road, which extended from Valdez to Eagle City. In 1902, gold discoveries in the Tanana Valley encouraged the creation of a spur trail from Gulkana on the Valdez-Eagle route to Fairbanks. This Valdez-Fairbanks Trail became the northern portion of the Richardson Highway. Summer and winter travel was common on the Valdez to Fairbanks trail. By 1903, the construction of a telegraph line from Eagle at Fort Egbert to the mouth of the Goodpaster River, under the supervision of Lt. Billy Mitchell of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, was complete. The Washington/Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System (WAMCATS) linked Alaska to the continental United States. Stations were also at Tanana Crossing (later known as Tanacross), Fort Liscum in Valdez, St. Michael on Norton Sound, and other maintenance and repair station locations (Mitchell 1982; Antonson and Hanable 1992). The Board of Road Commissioners was organized in 1904, and General Wilds P. Richardson supervised the early upgrades from pack trail to wagon trail. The upgrades to the over 400 mile trail were a yearly undertaking, and by 1913, an Army truck successfully traveled the route from Valdez to Fairbanks and back, covering about 50 miles per day. But, by 1910, the Copper River and Northwestern Railway to serve the copper mines at McCarthy (Kennecott) reached Chitina from Cordova. Traffic through Valdez to Fairbanks diminished considerably, as travelers could go by rail from Cordova to Chitina, and then transfer to overland transportation from Chitina to Copper Center, and on to Fairbanks. By 1919, 90% of highway traffic was by motorized vehicle, and upgrades to accommodate faster vehicular traffic necessitated work camps; a camp was located at Big Delta in 1919. The completion of the Alaska Railroad in 1923 offered another year-round transportation route from tidewater to the Interior, further diminishing Valdez’ and the Trail’s importance. Highway maintenance was financed by tolls on commercial vehicles, beginning in 1933, and the highway was finally paved in 1957 (Naske 1982; Antonson and Hanable 1985). Fort Liscum was constructed in 1900 by soldiers from Company G, Seventh Infantry under the command of Captain James B. Jackson. By winter, 1900, 21 buildings were constructed including barracks for enlisted men, officers’ quarters, a hospital, storehouses, a stable and a bakery. A dock facility for the post launch enabled rapid transport to Valdez town, four miles north across Valdez Arm, weather permitting. The Fort provided an American presence in Alaska, and its personnel constructed, operated, and maintained the telegraph line from Valdez northward to the Gakona area. With the completion of the Alaska Railroad from Seward to Fairbanks, and the installation of wireless and submarine cable communication systems, the Fort’s operation was redundant. The Fort was closed in July, 1922 and the some of the buildings appraised and sold. Allison Creek was a source of water for the Fort. Michael Brown (1975:53-54) described the water and sewer system constructed in 1906. Completed in 1906, the new water system eliminated the old method of transporting water by cart to post buildings and disposing garbage and refuse in dry earth closets. A four-inch main conducted water from Allison Creek to distributing pipes with a pressure of about seventy-five pounds to the square inch. Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 11 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 Barracks, officers’ quarters, the hospital, and other buildings were thus equipped with enamel bath tubs and wash bowls, shower baths in the barracks, wash sinks, and closets. Two sewer mains drained into the bay near the limit of low tide. Fire hydrants were conveniently located about the grounds. Water pressure at the lower levels of the reservation was sufficient to throw two fair streams of water over two-story buildings. At higher points, the results were not satisfactory. By 1913, hydroelectric dams with an aggregate rated capacity of 700 horsepower were operating in Solomon Gulch, providing electricity for lights, heat, etc. for the post. (Ellsworth and Davenport 1914:178). The Alaska Water, Light, and Telephone Company built a small hydro-plant near tidewater at Solomon Creek. Alfred Iles rented water for its operation from 1907 to 1912. Another powerhouse was built on the right bank of Solomon Creek below the dam but was abandoned in 1943. The tidewater powerhouse ceased operation in 1949 or 1950. Ownership of the Federal Power Commission license changed hands several times until the CVEA Solomon Gulch dam and power project were built in the 1970s. Examination of the U.S. surveys referenced in the documents revealed no structures in the vicinity of Allison Creek, except the wagon road that crossed through Fort Liscum, and the telegraph line near the shore from Fort Liscum to Valdez (Robert W. Retherford Associates 1975:49-51 and FERC 1978:2-28). After Fort Liscum’s abandonment, several parties attempted to obtain the buildings through gift or purchase. By the late 1920s, the General Land Office (USDOI, GLO 1929) appraised the buildings. GLO also surveyed the Fort Liscum reservation (U.S. Survey 1746) for transfer to the Alaska Road Commission. The ARC removed and utilized some of the dilapidated buildings and razed others. Mr. Andy S. Day, Sr. bought some of the buildings and homesteaded the surveyed land in the 1930s. .The family is reported to have constructed a hand salmon cannery at the site (Wooley 1994:10). Dayville Road from the Richardson Highway across the Lowe River to the Alyeska Terminal is named after the Day family. In the 1970s and 1980s, construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS-now referred to as Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, or APSC) and oil storage terminal impacted the vicinity of the project area. These activities spurred several archaeological surveys and cultural resource discoveries which are further detailed below in Results. Construction of the TAPS oil terminal and storage facilities demolished what remained of Fort Liscum and the Day homestead. An Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks, Office of History and Archaeology memo indicated that the Fort Liscum Historic Site (VAL-00055) had “...been totally destroyed (seen by myself [R. Greg Dixon] in 1975, and therefore contains no site integrity” (Dixon, March 24, 1981 in Brown 1975). Disasters, both natural and man-made, have devastated the region. A smallpox epidemic decimated the community of Nuchek in the early 1900s. After depopulation, Nuchek’s prominence as a trading center and gathering ground declined. The Spanish Influenza after World War I and a pneumonia epidemic in the 1930s also had a significant impact on the region. By the time that detailed anthropological studies took place, some 150 years of Euro-American Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 12 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 presence had altered many aboriginal traits (Birket-Smith 1953). The 1964 Good Friday Earthquake and subsequent tsunami washed away many of the residents and most of the buildings in Chenega. Valdez and Seward suffered extensive damage and loss of life. The community of Valdez relocated from the floodplain of the Lowe River to its present townsite following the earthquake. The oil tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground on Bligh Reef in March, 1989, only seven miles from Tatitlek. The Exxon Valdez oil spill (EVOS) released an estimated 11 million gallons of oil which spread across Prince William Sound to lower Cook Inlet and on to Kodiak Island and beyond. 3.4 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) The passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) in 1971 settled aboriginal claims to land in Alaska. The act transferred title to 40 million acres of land and nearly a billion dollars over a ten year period to Alaska Natives. The Alaska land settlement was handled differently than any other that the U.S. government had reached. Historically, the federal government had settled Indian affairs by executing treaties and establishing reservations for Native American tribes. The model in Alaska was to not settle directly with tribes (or Alaska Native counterparts, villages). Instead, the U.S. government structured the settlement with federal legislation and established for-profit business corporations for Alaska Natives at village and regional levels. To implement ANCSA, the state of Alaska was divided into twelve geographical regions, based largely on the cultural affiliations within broad regions throughout the state. The for-profit regional native corporations roughly approximated aboriginal culture areas. Valdez lies within the Chugach Alaska Corporation boundaries. While there are many important consequences of the ANCSA legislation, the management of subsistence hunting, fishing, and gathering is one of the most important. The communities of Prince William Sound are traditional fishing communities. Subsistence gathering of fish, game, and plants for use during the winter are activities which dominate the summers. Villagers gather subsistence foods not just for the sake of feeding themselves, but as a social and ceremonial activity which involves entire extended families. Different family members have different duties depending on their age, gender, and skills. After harvesting and processing, subsistence food is shared within and between communities (Wolfe and Bosworth 1994). Studies of subsistence in Valdez indicate that non-Natives participate in subsistence hunting, fishing, and gathering at lower levels than Natives (Fall et al. 2006; Fogarty et al. 2000). There are seven coastal communities in Prince William Sound and on the southwestern tip of the Kenai Peninsula with significant Native populations. They are the constituent communities of the Chugach Alaska Native Corporation. From west to east these are Port Graham, Nanwalek (formerly English Bay), Seward, Chenega Bay, Eyak (near Cordova), Tatitlek, and Valdez. Abundant natural resources, especially fisheries and marine mammals, combined with commercial fishing, and permanent and seasonal employment support the region’s population. Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 13 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 4.0 RESULTS 4.1 Section Organization This section presents information on: (1) the known cultural resources within and immediately adjacent to the project area; (2) summarizes the previous cultural resources work undertaken within and adjacent to the project area; and, (3) identifies the Indian tribes that may attach religious and cultural significance to historic properties within the project boundary or in the project vicinity. A survey of available literature did not identify any available information on Indian traditional cultural and religious properties in the project vicinity. However, it does not appear that any specific research on this sensitive subject has been undertaken. Figure 1 shows the location of structures that were present on the former Fort Liscum property on the left (west) bank of Allison Creek during a cadastral survey in the 1950s (U.S. Survey 3328). The construction of the Alyeska marine terminal destroyed these properties. 4.2 Results The known cultural resources within and immediately adjacent to the project area are listed in Table 2 below. The sites are listed on the Alaska Heritage Resources Survey (AHRS) database maintained by the Alaska State Historic Preservation Office. This table fulfills the FERC requirement listed below: (A)Identification of any historic or archaeological site in the proposed project vicinity, with particular emphasis on sites or properties either listed in, or recommended by the State Historic Preservation Officer or Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places; Table 2. AHRS (2009) Sites Within and Adjacent to Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project. Site # Site Name/Location Current Project Effects VAL-054 Midas Camp, about 0.5 mile south of Solomon Gulch None. Probably inundated by Solomon Gulch project. VAL-055 Fort Liscum (Dayville), south shore Valdez Arm at site of present TAPS oil terminal facility. None. Site destroyed by construction of TAPS terminal. VAL-093 Solomon Dam None. Site inundated by Solomon Gulch project. VAL-090 Granby Roadhouse, south of Fort Liscum, near Valdez. Exact location uncertain. Never ground verified. Probably none Source: AHRS database, October 2009. Northern Land Use Research, Inc. Figure 1 depicts U.S. Survey number 3328, Alaska, situated on the south shore of Valdez Bay, about 4 miles southwesterly from Valdez (USDOI, GLO 1955). Though not labeled Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 14 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 on the survey, the northward flowing stream in the center of the survey plat is Allison Creek. The TAPS pipeline and the Alyeska marine terminal are in close proximity to the project area. Indeed, the TAPS pipeline crosses Allison Creek not far upstream from its mouth. The Environmental Impact Statement for the TAPS Right-of-Way lease renewal in 2002 discussed the pipeline and terminal and is worth repeating in its entirety here. “One historic structure worth noting is the TAPS itself. The construction of the TAPS occurred following the discovery of large oil deposits in Prudhoe Bay on Alaska’s North Slope in 1968. A pipeline was judged as the best method for moving oil from the North Slope to tankers bound for the lower 48 states. Numerous legal controversies involving land rights, Alaska Native rights, and environmental issues delayed pipeline construction. The controversy over whether the pipeline would be constructed ended with passage of the Trans- Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act in November of 1973. Construction of the TAPS began in March 1975, and the pipeline began carrying oil in June 1977. The TAPS consists of 800 mi of pipeline (about 420 mi of which is elevated and the remainder is belowground), 11 pump stations, and the Valdez Marine Terminal, where the oil is transferred to tankers. Pipeline operation has continued uninterrupted since 1977, with only minor shutdowns for repairs. An historical evaluation of the TAPS has not been conducted. However, because of its place in history as an example of remarkable engineering and construction over a short period of time, its central role in the economy of Alaska, and its contribution to the domestic oil industry, the TAPS infrastructure could be considered potentially eligible for listing on the NRHP.” (USDOI, BLM 2002:3.26-6) Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 15 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 Figure 1. U.S. Survey 3328 Alaska, June 8, 1955. Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 16 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 4.3 Previous Cultural Resource Surveys This section reviews the previous cultural resource surveys in the vicinity of the project area to fulfill the FERC requirement cited below: (B) Existing discovery measures, such as surveys, inventories, and limited subsurface testing work, for the purpose of locating, identifying, and assessing the significance of historic and archaeological resources that have been undertaken within or adjacent to the project boundary… The literature review did not identify any specific information concerning archaeology or cultural resources surveys in the project area prior to 1970. U.S. Surveys conducted for cadastral purposes before 1970 were reviewed, as described above. William B. Workman (1970:12) examined the area being cleared for placement of the Alyeska storage tanks in August, 1970. He commented that the clearing work was proceeding “…south of the remaining buildings of old Fort [sic] Liscomb.” But he did not document the number or condition of those buildings. By 1975, Brown (1975) reported that no physical features of Fort Liscum (VAL-00055) remained following demolition of the site, and construction of the TAPS oil terminal facility. This was confirmed by observations made by R. G. Dixon in 1981 (in Brown 1975), who worked on TAPS archaeology surveys in the area in the mid-1970s. G. Clark led the archaeology survey efforts for TAPS construction between Hogan Hill and Valdez in 1974 and 1975 (Clark 1974a, 1974b, 1975). Their survey efforts did not identify any cultural resources in the vicinity of the pipeline crossing at Allison Creek. Lobdell (1978) surveyed the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project and transmission line for cultural resources. We focus only on the Solomon Gulch research locale in this report, as the transmission line northward is outside of the project area. Lobdell conducted subsurface testing in the Solomon Lake and Gulch area. No prehistoric sites were discovered. Historic remains included evidence of the previous hydroelectric power facilities (VAL-054) and Midas Camp (VAL-054). The hydroelectric remnants included a caretaker’s cabin, the mostly rotted remains of the old penstock, the abandoned turbine and generator at the old powerhouse, and the original concrete dam on Solomon Gulch (VAL-093). Midas Camp included the flattened lumber remains of ten to 15 structures, and portions of an aerial tram system (support towers) used to reach the mine, which operated between 1914 and the 1920’s. The Environmental Report for the Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project (Robert W. Retherford Associates 1975:49-51 and FERC 1978:2-28) presents historical information about the development of and legal disputes surrounding the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric power plant constructed in the early twentieth century. The General Land Office prepared U.S. Survey number 642 for John F. Rice’s application for a Soldier’s Additional Homestead (USDOI, GLO 1902, amended 1907). Alfred Iles filed mineral Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 17 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 claim number 894 in 1905 (USDOI, GLO, MS 894). The survey plats show a flume, a house, a power house, and a wagon road on the claim. The wagon road led to Fort Liscum, located to the west, through which Allison Creek flowed. Legal actions continued between the parties until 1919 “when all unacted upon patents were cancelled.” A concrete dam was still present in the 1970s. Edwin S. Hall, Jr. and John E. Lobdell surveyed the proposed TAGS LNG plant and marine terminal area at Anderson Bay, west of the TAPS terminal facility (Hall 1990). Their review of the then-available literature on cultural resources and subsistence suggested that due to recent deglaciation, Valdez Arm was a low probability area for early prehistoric site locations. Wooley (1994) noted that absent more geoarchaeological research in Valdez Arm, no age period for prehistoric sites can be dismissed outright. Wooley (1994:7, 10) investigated the effects of the Eastern Lion oil spill response on cultural resources. He noted historic wooden features approximately 120m west of Allison Creek that may be related either to Fort Liscum or to the historic cannery that operated after Fort Liscum’s abandonment. Two areas of wood are present in the intertidal zone next to a small stand of spruce trees. Area 1 is a horizontal decomposing wood feature with rusted iron spikes eroding out of the bank into the intertidal zone. Area 2 is approximately 50m west of Area 1. Area 2 consists of a series of vertical timbers eroding into the intertidal zone. Wooley did not conclude whether the features were remnants from Fort Liscum or the old Dayville hand salmon cannery The State of Alaska upgraded Dayville Road in the early 1970s to support construction of the TAPS marine terminal. The road was reconstructed in 2004 to widen it, create more parking for RVs and fishing access, and to provide tourism experiences viewing fish and other wildlife at the recently constructed Solomon Gulch hatchery. We could not determine if cultural resources surveys were conducted prior to these three construction projects. 4.4 Identification of Indian Tribes FERC requirements to identify interested Indian tribes are cited below: (C) Identification of Indian tribes that may attach religious and cultural significance to historic properties within the project boundary or in the project vicinity; as well as available information on Indian traditional cultural and religious properties, whether on or off of any federally-recognized Indian reservation. The names and addresses of the Native organizations in the immediate project area are: Chugach Alaska Corp. 3800 Centerpoint Drive Suite 601 Anchorage, AK 99503 (907) 563-8866 (907) 563-8402 www.chugach-ak.com Valdez Native Tribe 1750 Zurich Loop Road PO Box 1108 Valdez, AK 99686 (907) 835-4951 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 18 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 Other Native and non-Native organizations may have an interest in the project although their present organizational boundaries may lie outside the immediate project area. At least the following organizations should be included in the initial consultation stage: Ahtna, Inc. P.O. Box 649 Glennallen, AK 99588 (907) 822-3476 (907) 822-3495 www.ahtna-inc.com/ Chugach Heritage Foundation 3800 Centerpoint Drive Anchorage, AK 99503 (907) 261-0386 1-800-858-2768 Alaska Native Heritage Center 8800 Heritage Center Drive Anchorage, AK 99506 (907) 330-8000 (907) 330-8030 www.alaskanative.net Eyak Corporation Box 340 Cordova, AK 99574 (907) 424-7161 (907) 424-5161 Mr. John Johnson, chair eyakcorp@ctak.net Tatitlek Corporation Box 650 Cordova, AK 99574 (907) 424-3777 (907) 424-3773 Mr. Lloyd Allen, chair Chenega Corporation 4000 Old Seward Highway Suite 101 Anchorage, AK (907) 277-5706 (907) 277-5700 Mr. Charles Totemoff, chair Ahtna Heritage Foundation PO Box 213 Glennallen, AK 99588 (907) 822-5778 (907) 822-5338 www.ahtna- inc.com/heritage_foundation.html 4.5 Identification of Other Interested Parties The parties and organizations listed below may have information about, or hold an interest in the cultural resources in the vicinity of the Allison Lake Hydroelectric project. USDA, Forest Service Chugach National Forest 3301 C Street, Suite 300 Anchorage, AK 99503 (907) 743-9500 USDOI Bureau of Indian Affairs Alaska Regional Archeology 3601 C Street, Suite 1100 Anchorage, AK 99503 (907) 271-4003 Valdez Historical Society, Inc. 705 N.Glacier Dr. Valdez, AK 99686 mailing address: PO Box 6. Valdez, AK 99686 (907) 835-4367 and 4377 USDOI, National Park Service 240 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 644 Judith Bittner, SHPO Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Office of History and Archaeology 550 West 7th Ave., Suite 1310 Valdez Museum and Historical Archive PO Box 8 Valdez, AK 99686 (907) 835-2764 (907) 835-5800 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 19 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 Anchorage, AK 99501-3565 Phone: (907) 269-8715 or 269-8720 Fax: (907) 269-8908 Judith.Bittner@dnr.state.ak.us http://www.valdezmuseum.org/ USDOI, Bureau of Land Management Glennallen Field Office PO Box 147 Glennallen, AK 99588 (907) 822-3217 (907) 822-7335 Attn: Cultural Resource Specialist Alyeska Pipeline Service Company 900 East Benson Boulevard Anchorage, AK 99504 (907) 787-8700 Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 20 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 5.0 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Summary Northern Land Use Research, Inc. conducted a cultural resource investigation of the Allison Lake Hydroelectric project. The investigation included background literature research, and the preparation of this report. No field survey was conducted. No agencies or individuals were contacted during this literature review, except that Alaska Office of History and Archaeology (OHA) staff provided assistance in locating unpublished reports held at the State Historic Preservation Office. A total of four sites are known from the literature in the vicinity of the Allison Lake Hydroelectric project. Two of them, VAL-00054, Midas Camp and VAL-00093 Solomon Dam are within the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project area and should not be affected by the Allison Lake project, if the sites still even exist. VAL-00055, Fort Liscum (Dayville) reportedly was completely demolished during the construction of the Alyeska marine terminal facility in the 1970s. It is possible that some features relating to the Fort and subsequent homesteading and cannery operations exist in upland areas. VAL-00090 Granby Roadhouse is listed in the AHRS on the basis of its presence on a 1923 National Geographic map (Smith 1974:67). Granby Roadhouse has never been field verified as to its location or condition. The Alyeska marine terminal and TAPS pipeline are not listed in the AHRS. The TAPS pipeline crosses Allison Creek. 5.2 Recommendations 5.2.1 Plan to Do a Reconnaissance Level Field Survey This literature review suggests that there might be previously unrecorded prehistoric and/or historic resources within the Allison Lake hydroelectric project area. A reconnaissance level survey (“Level I”) survey of the project area with limited sub-surface testing should be undertaken at the earliest opportunity. 5.2.2 Initiate Consultation under Section 106 and FERC Guidance The Section 106 process for the identification and evaluation of cultural resources includes consultation with interested parties throughout the project’s planning and development. One cultural resources practitioner sums up this process by suggesting consult early, consult with everyone interested, consult with sincerity, and consult often. Federal heritage laws do not call for preserving every historic property. They do call for flexibility and that historic preservation concerns be given fair consideration in planning activities (King 2009). Sections 4.4 and 4.5 above listed the known parties that should, at a minimum, be involved in the consultative process. Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 21 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 5.2.3 Human Remains Because archaeological materials, features, and other potentially significant cultural remains are commonly buried, they may not be identifiable from the surface or revealed in limited subsurface sampling. Should indications of additional potentially significant cultural resources be encountered during ground-disturbing activities, all work in that area should cease until the discovery can be fully evaluated by a qualified archaeologist, and the Alaska SHPO notified. In the event that human remains or other indications of burials are found on federal or tribal lands during ground-disturbing activities, the protocol established under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) must be followed. Immediate steps should be taken to secure and protect the human remains and cultural items, including stabilization or covering, as appropriate. The Project Manager should immediately notify both the SHPO and the local Native American organizations likely to be culturally affiliated with the discovered remains. A detailed protocol for the discovery of unexpected cultural resources and human remains should be developed as part of the cultural resources field survey and assessment program and in consultation with Tribes and other interested parties. 5.3 Limitations This project was carried out, and this report prepared, in accordance with generally accepted professional practices for the nature and conditions of the work completed in the same or similar localities, at the time the work was performed. It is intended for the exclusive use of Hatch Acres-Water and Wind Power, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer, interested Tribes and Native American organizations, and other authorized agencies or individuals for specific application to the referenced project. It should be noted that NLUR relied upon written information and/or verbal accounts provided by the agencies and individuals indicated in the report. NLUR can only relay this information and cannot be responsible for its accuracy or completeness. This report is not meant to represent a legal opinion. We do not warrant that we have identified all potentially significant cultural resources present at the Allison Lake Hydroelectric project through this literature review. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Any questions regarding our work and this report, the presentation of the information, and the interpretation of the data are welcome and should be referred to Project Archaeologist Richard Stern in Anchorage (907) 345-2457 or to NLUR Project Manager Burr J. Neely, or Principal Investigator-NLUR Peter M. Bowers in Fairbanks at (907) 474-9684. Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project Page 22 of 32 November, 2009 NLUR Project 09_908 6.0 REFERENCES Abercrombie, W.R. 1900 Survey and Opening Up of a Military Road from Valdez to Copper Center, 1899. In Compilation of Narratives of Explorations in Alaska. 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