HomeMy WebLinkAboutAngoon Low-income Housing Pellet District Heat Project - Final Technical Analysis Report - Dec 2015 - REF Grant 7081113Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Technical Memorandum 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 December 17, 2015 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us to: Craig Moore, Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority subject: Final Report project: AkWarm Energy Model Analysis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority has developed a Final Technical Report dated July 30, 2015 that includes an energy use assessment of their housing facilities. The energy use predictions in that report were based on AkWarm energy models of the buildings, which were also used to evaluate investments in energy efficiency measures. Alaska Energy Engineering LLC compared the AkWarm predictions with actual energy use. Energy data was gathered directly from the suppliers and utilities for 42 THRHA apartment buildings. The actual energy use was compiled into a spreadsheet and then compared to AkWarm predictions for 18 of the buildings. Discrepancies were found between the actual and predicted consumption. The models were reviewed and in many cases the discrepancies were due to incorrect modeling parameters. The program developer also provided insight into appropriate methods of modeling the buildings. The corrected models are more accurate in predicting energy use, validating the use of AkWarm energy models. The models also led to investigation into why a few buildings are using higher than predicted energy use. ACTUAL ENERGY USE The energy use for 42 THRHA apartment buildings is summarized in the Appendix. The energy use is normalized by the Energy Use Index (EUI) in kBtu/sqft and Energy Cost Index ($/sgft) to provide a metric for comparing the buildings. The following table shows the average EUI—the most valuable metric for comparing building energy use —and the breakdown between heating/DHW energy and non -heating electric loads. Average Building Energy Use Index EUI), kBtu/sqft EUI Percent Heat and Domestic Hot Water 47 78% Electric Loads 14 22% Total 61 100% I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 2 The data shows that 78% of the energy is used for heat and domestic hot water. The buildings consume nearly 15,000 MMBtu at an annual cost of $600,000 per year. Heating and DHW Energy Use Index A review of the energy data revealed that some of the buildings have relatively higher EUIs. The following buildings should be investigated to determine why they have heat/HW EUIs that are significantly above the average: • Angoon Triplex 7A, 7B, & 7C • Haines Senior Center • Hoonah Senior Center • Juneau Granite Drive 4063/4067 • Juneau Kanat'a Deyi (most buildings) • Petersburg Housing The Yakutat Senior Center has a low heat EUI because it is also heated with cordwood, which was not included in the total energy use. The Kasaan duplexes also have low EUI's, which is due to both a highly efficient envelope and the likely use of wood heat. Non -heat EUI Some of the buildings have higher non -heating EUIs. The following buildings should be evaluated to determine why they have non -heating EUIs that are significantly above the average: • Hoonah Senior Center • Juneau Granite Drive • Juneau Kanat'a Deyi (4468-4470; 4480-4482) • Kasaan Duplex 3A/3B AKWARM COMPARISON During development of the Final Technical Report, THRHA recognized that some buildings had significant discrepancies between the AkWarm energy predictions and actual energy use. A review of the AkWarm models was undertaken for the following buildings: • Angoon Low Rent • Haines Senior Center • Hoonah Senior Center • Juneau Fireweed Place • Juneau Granite Drive • Juneau Kanat'a Deyi • Juneau Valley Boulevard • Kasaan Duplexes • Ketchikan Fairview • Saxman Senior Center • Yakutat Sunrise Apartments I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 3 Energy Modeling The nature of an energy model is to predict energy use by inputting assumptions for building use and system efficiency. Since modeling the specific use of a building can be both difficult and tedious, an energy model is generally developed based on reasonable or average use of the building. This is effective when predicting differences in energy consumption for various options. It is less reliable as a predictor of actual energy use, which can vary widely with occupant use and system efficiency. To account for these modeling realities, the total energy use of all the buildings was compared with the total energy use predicted by the AkWarm models. Reasonable adjustments were then made to bring the predicted and actual energy consumption in close agreement as a group. Total Energy Use The AkWarm models predicted total energy use for all of the buildings that was 35% higher than actual energy use. A single building (Juneau Fireweed Place) accounted for a majority of the error. However, a review of the AkWarm models revealed inaccurate inputs for occupancy, system efficiencies, load definitions, and tenant preferences. These were corrected as noted later in this report. The most common corrections were: • Boiler seasonal efficiency (AFUE) was set at 70% for most of the buildings. Most models used a higher AFUE. A 70% value is more reasonable (it may even be lower) for boilers that are sized for a peak design load plus a peak domestic hot water load, effectively oversizing them significantly for average loads. Good information on boiler seasonal efficiency is not readily available. So, this inaccuracy is to be expected. • Indirect hot water heater efficiency was set at 65% to account for the boiler efficiency and a 5% loss factor for the hot water tank. • The ventilation rate was set to correspond to the size of the ventilation systems. • Electric use was changed from medium to low use, which is appropriate for multi -family apartments of modest size (as opposed to single family houses), especially in communities with high electric rates. After making the corrections to the models, the predicted total energy use came into close agreement at 0.4% higher than actual, a remarkable result. The following table compares total actual energy use for all buildings with the original AkWarm predictions and the corrected predictions. Comparison of Actual Energy Use and AkWarm Predictions —All Bldgs, MMBtu Energy Actual Original AkWarm Corrected AkWarm Heat/DHW Energy 3,930 3,400 (-13%) 3,870 (-2%) Non -heat Energy 2,900 5,790 (+99%) 2,990 (+3%) Total Energy 6,830 9,190 (+35%) 6,860 (+0.4%) The results show that AkWarm is a highly accurate tool for predicting energy use. However, this is only true if the models are developed based on a thorough understanding of building use and system efficiency. Making experience -based changes to the models and then verifying the changes with the actual bills obtained this level of precision. Modelers may not have the benefit of such feedback. I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 4 Building Comparisons After correcting the models so they accurately predict "typical use", the model predictions are a valuable tool for identifying energy use anomalies that may be related to tenant use or the energy systems. A comparison of the individual building energy use with the corrected AkWarm models revealed that variations between actual and predicted use of +/-25% is reasonable. The following buildings have actual energy use that is more than 25% higher than the prediction: • Angoon Bldg. 7 (triplex): The fuel oil use is 44% higher than the prediction. • Juneau Granite Drive 4060-4064: The electric use is 70% higher than the prediction. The low electric use results in less heat gain, causing the fuel oil use to be 149% higher than the prediction. • Juneau Granite Drive 4063-4067: The electric use is 41% higher than the prediction. • Juneau Kanat'a Deyi 4481-4483: The fuel oil use is 32% higher than the prediction. • Saxman Senior Center: The fuel oil use is 57% higher than the prediction. • Yakutat Sunrise Apart. A: The actual fuel oil use is 269% lower than the prediction. This indicates that the supplier fuel oil records are not accurate. • Hoonah Senior Center: The waste heat use is 52% higher than the prediction. • Kasaan Duplexes: Electricity use is 23% and 68% higher than predicted. These buildings should be evaluated for potential issues related to energy use. SUMMARY The Final Technical Report based its findings on energy savings predicted by AkWarm energy models. The models were found to contain inaccurate representations of building use and system efficiency. While the inaccuracies may lead to inaccurate energy use predictions, the inaccuracies tend to cancel when comparing energy use between two options, so any adjustments are likely to produce only slight changes in energy savings. Actual energy use is also not a good metric for comparing energy efficiency measures because it is based on the current use, which may differ greatly from average use. For housing buildings, average use is a more valid metric since tenants come and go. Thus, an energy model, despite its potential limitations, is the better tool for energy savings predictions. AkWarm was found to be a valid tool for predicting "typical" energy consumption, provided that reasonable accuracy is applied to modeling the building use and system operation and efficiencies. This is essentially the art of modeling which is to have an inherent understanding of energy systems and the important parameters that must be carefully determined. I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 5 AKWARM MODEL ADJUSTMENTS Angoon Low Rent Housing Description • Eight buildings —four duplexes, two triplexes, two 4-plexes • Heat: Fuel oil boiler for each apartment, except one of the 4-plexes, which has a single boiler; fuel oil consumption data from supplier. • Electricity: Supplied by Inside Passage Electrical Cooperative; data from utility Energy Use Actual energy use varies for the buildings. There is no correlation with building size or number of apartments. The variations are the likely due to tenant lifestyle and equipment efficiency. AkWarm Models The AkWarm prediction of energy use varies widely from 67% to 120% of actual energy consumption. One consistent trend is that the models over predict electricity consumption by an average of 156%. The models were reviewed and the following adjustments were deemed appropriate to more accurately model the buildings: • Fuel Type: Changed from #1 to #2 fuel oil • Boiler: The boiler was modeled with 82% seasonal efficiency and measured combustion efficiency. These were replaced with a seasonal AFUE efficiency of 70%. A 70% AFUE is appropriate for an oversized boiler supplying space heating and intermittent domestic hot water loads. • HW Heater: The hot water heater was modeled without accounting for the boiler AFUE. An energy factor of 65% was added which takes into account the boiler AFUE and an additional 5% tank loss. • Miscellaneous Electric Use: Reduced from medium to low. A reasonable adjustment given Angoon's high electric rates. R e-idYS The modeled electric use remains high at 119% of actual. This is likely because of high electric rates of 65¢ per kWh, which would cause occupants to use electricity more frugally. The model treats electric use as a heat gain, effectively reducing the heating load. This is not an equal trade- off in overall energy consumption because the boiler produces heat at 70% efficiency. The adjustments to the model were beneficial to bringing the energy predictions into closer agreement with the actual. Modeled energy consumption is 99% of actual, which is well within the accuracy of the energy model. Bulking Name Sin sgft Annuel EwW Coneumptlon Fuel Oil FJect is ty Waste Heat: Propane gallons kWh ; MMBtu gallons AMM CompaAson • Ori M Yodel Fuel UI Oectridry gallons %ofacualE kWh E%ofactuaf Taal kBtu AkYYum cavubon • Certew Model Fuel Oil lile&dry ToW 9albns E%ofactuall kWh :%ofachuaF I6lu AngoonDuplexlAendl6 2,688 1,148 f0,848 940 82Yo i3.103 126% E 90% 1.036 90% 10.276 95% 91% AngoonRom 2Aand 28 Z688 933 14,195 ; 940 101% E 13.556 95% E 99% 1,062 114% E 10.432 73% 103% AngoonDupkx3Aand 38 Z250 738 9,621 848 I 115% 13,190 131% E 120% 886 120% E 9,650 E 100% 115% Prom Duplex 4A and 48 Z250 851 7,042 848 100% 13,012E 185% 114% 968 E 114% 10.007 142% € 119% argoon4-plex5A585C5D 3680 t,325 14,702 988 75% ; 24.911 169% 95% 1,185 89% 18.993 € 129% 98% Angoon4�lex6A686C6D 3680 1294 13,485 1,048 E 81% 24,916 185% ? 102% 1,112 91% 18.997 141% € 101% ArgoonTAplex7A787C 1,794 1,171 9,463 521 44% 17.157 181% 67% 655 S6% E 13.324 141% E 70% AngoonTdplex9A969C Z250 728 ! 8,69 615 E 84% 17,206E 198% 110% 747 103% ? 13.311 153% E 11/% Totals 21,28g 8.188 ; 88.046 6.748 82% : 137,681 156% 98% 7,711 94% E 104.990 119% 99% I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 6 Haines Low Rent Housing Description • Building: 12-unit multi -family housing • Heat: Two fuel oil boilers; fuel oil consumption data from supplier. • Electricity: Supplied by Alaska Power Company; data from utility Energy Use The building consumes 4,314 gallons of fuel oil and 22,480 kWh of electricity. AkWarm Models The AkWarm model predicts energy use of 2,277 gallons of fuel oil and 67,125 kWh. The high electric prediction is treated as heat gain by the model, which is contributing to the low fuel oil prediction. The model was reviewed and the following adjustments were made to more accurately model the buildings: • Ventilation: Changed continuous ventilation airflow from 309 to 600 cfin. • Boiler: Added 68% AFUE which is reasonable for an oversized boiler. • HW Heater: Added 63% energy factor with accounts for the boiler AGUE of 68% and an additional 5% tank loss. • Electric Loads: Changed from medium to low use and eliminated the electric range and eliminated the electric dryer and range R eSul is The modeled electric use remains high at 137% of actual. This is likely because of high electric rates of 25¢ per kWh, which would cause occupants to use electricity more frugally. The model treats electric use as a heat gain, effectively reducing the heating load. This is not an equal trade- off in overall energy consumption because the boiler produces heat at 68% efficiency and electric loads produce heat at 100% efficiency. The adjustments to the model were beneficial to bringing the energy predictions into closer agreement with the actual. Modeled energy consumption is 99% of actual, which is well within the accuracy of the energy model. Annual Energy Consumption I AkWarm Comparison • Original Model AkWarm Comparison • Cor WW Model Building Name sin Fuel00 Ek�hiaty3WasleHeat Propane FuNQI Fleooidly Total Fuel0il Elentn ty Total sdft oalloisi kWh MMk dalkms I gallons %of add kWh N of xl al: kBtu oallons : m of actual kWh % of actual? katu I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 7 Hoonah Low Rent Housing Description Building: 12-unit multi -family housing Heat: Two fuel oil boilers; fuel oil consumption data from supplier. Electricity: Supplied by Alaska Power Company; data from utility Energy Use The building consumes 639 MMBtu of waste heat and 55,000 kWh of electricity. AkWarm Models The AkWarm model predicts energy use of 258 MMBtu and 68,000 kWh. The high electric prediction is treated as heat gain by the model, which is contributing to the waste heat prediction. The model was reviewed and the following adjustments were made to more accurately model the buildings: • Ventilation: Changed continuous ventilation airflow from 327 cfm, which is the code - required minimum. • Heat: Changed to district heat with 95% efficiency to account for heat exchanger losses. • HW Heater: The model would not accept a hot water heater connected to the district heat system. The hot water load was modeled as an electric hot water heater at 90% efficiency, which accounts for the heat exchanger efficiency of 95% and an additional 5% tank loss. The predicted how water energy was manually converted from electric energy to MMBtu. • Electric Loads: Changed from medium to low use. Results The modeled electric use is appropriate at 96% of actual. The modeled heating load is 50% of actual. There is concern that the waste heat Btu meter is not properly calibrated. The calibration will be verified. Modeled energy consumption is 82% of actual due to the low waste heat projection. Annual Energy Consumption I AkWarm Comparison • Original Model I AkWarm Comparison • Corrected Model �� NamSae Fuel Q ; Electnty ?Hasse Hea< Propane Waste Heat EecO aty Total Waste Heat Electnaty TotaBlai salt gallons i kWh' MMBtu gallons MMBtu %of acWal kWh `', of " k8tu MMBtu % of actual; kWh %of actual; kStu I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 8 Juneau Fireweed Place Senior Housing Description • Building: Residential apartment building; 65 units • Heat: Electric baseboard • Electricity: Supplied by Alaska Electric Light & Power; data from utility Energy Use The building has a house meter and individual apartment meters. Energy use and demand for the house meter has been reasonably consistent at 425,000 kWh per year and 79 kW demand per month. Use and demand increases in the winter months due to electric heating. AkWarm Models The AkWarm prediction of energy use is 1,140,000 kWh. The model was developed for the entire building. The model was modified to only capture the house loads and to more accurately model the building: • Perimeter: Reduced the wall, roof, floor, and window areas to reflect the areas served by the house meter. • Water Heaters: The apartment water heaters were removed from the model. Steady state efficiency was reduced from 100% to 95% to account for tank losses that are not being beneficial to heating the building. • Ventilation: Reduced the air flow to 8,000 cfm; reduced fan power to 9500 watts • Lighting: Removed the apartment lighting. R eSul is The modeled electric use is 109% of actual. This is a reasonable result given the unknowns about ventilation flow rates, heat recovery effectiveness, and weather variations. Annual Energy Consumption AkWarm Comparison • Original Model AkWarm Corparison • Comeded Model Building Name Size Fuel Oil Electricity Waste Heat Propane Fuel01 Elednoty Tonal Fuel Oi Ele,*dly Total sgft gallons kWh MMBW E gallons gallons Nofaclual; kWh %ofactuali kBtu gallons '%ofactualkWh E%ofatal k8tu Juneau Fireweed Place 54,323 : 423,920 ; :1.139.510: 269% 269`h : 462.705 109% 109% I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 9 Juneau Granite Drive Housing Description • Duplex housing building • Heat: Fuel oil boiler; fuel oil consumption data from supplier. • Ventilation: Heat recovery ventilator • Electricity: Supplied by Alaska Electric Light & Power; data from utility Energy Use The Granite Drive apartment buildings have high energy use when compared to other THRHA apartments. Actual energy use varies for each building due to tenant lifestyle and equipment efficiency. It is anticipated, however, that the modeled energy use will be in close agreement with average building energy use. AkWarm Models The AkWarm predictions of fuel oil and electricity energy use varies widely from the actual. The models were reviewed and the following adjustments were made to each model to more accurately model the buildings: • Occupants: Changed occupancy of each 3-bedroom apartment form 6 to 4. • Boiler: The boiler efficiency was reduced from 82% seasonal efficiency to 70%. A 70% AFUE is appropriate for a boiler oversized to meet high, intermittent domestic hot water loads. • HW Heater: The hot water heater was modeled without accounting for the boiler AFUE. An energy factor of 65% was added which accounts for the boiler AFUE and the tank losses of 5%. • Temperature: Turned off night setback control. • Miscellaneous Electric Use: Reduced from medium to low. Results The 4060/4064 duplex has a much higher electricity use (kWh/sgft) than other THRHA apartments. This high use causes that building to use less heating energy because of heat gain form the electric appliances. Disregarding this anomaly, the AkWarm prediction is within 5% of overall actual use. Annual Energy Consumption AkWorm Comparison • Original Model AkWann Comparison - Corrected Mode Building Name sin Fuel oilE Elecmaty ?Neste HeafE Prol Fuel 01 Elecowty Total Fuel Oil Electricity Total sqM gallons kWh WOW gallons gallons �4; of actual; kWh N of actual; i gallons °a of actual€ kWh %ol actual': kBlu Juneau Granite Drive 4060.4064 2,120 681 ; 35,677 i 1.378 i 202% 13,716 i t 110% 1,6 t 249% i 10.582 i 1 Juneau Grdnee l) im 4063-0087 2,694 1,826 E 18,827 1456 [ 80% i 14,634 f 78% i 79% 1,797 i 98% f 11,180 I 59% ¢ 91% Totals 4.814 2,507 54,504 2,634 113% 28.350 5Yh s 92% 3A92 139% 21762 40% 105% I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 10 Juneau Kanat'a Deyi Housing 4481-4483 Description • Duplex housing building • Heat: Fuel oil boiler; fuel oil consumption data from supplier. • Ventilation: Heat recovery ventilator • Electricity: Supplied by Alaska Electric Light & Power; data from utility Energy Use The Kanat'a Deyi apartment buildings have relatively high energy use when compared to other THRHA apartments. Actual energy use varies for each building due to tenant lifestyle and equipment efficiency. It is anticipated, however, that the modeled energy use will be in close agreement with average building energy use. AkWarm Models The AkWarm prediction of fuel oil and electricity energy use is 5 1 % and 127% of actual, respectively. The models were reviewed and the following adjustments were made to each model to more accurately model the buildings: • Fuel Type: Changed from #1 to #2 fuel oil • Boiler: The boiler efficiency was reduced from 82% seasonal efficiency to 70%. A 70% AFUE is appropriate for a boiler oversized to meet high, intermittent domestic hot water loads. • HW Heater: The hot water heater was modeled without accounting for the boiler AFUE. An energy factor of 65% was added which accounts for the boiler AFUE and the tank losses of 5%. • Temperature: Turned off night setback control. • Miscellaneous Electric Use: Reduced from medium to low. Results The modeled fuel oil use is low at 68% of actual. The modeled electricity use is in close agreement at 108% of actual. The reason for the low fuel oil prediction cannot be explained. The other buildings show similar fuel oil use so life style does not appear to be the cause. Annual Energy Consumption AkWarm Comparison • Original Model AkWarm Comparison • Corrected Model Sim Fuel Oil ElectriatyWaste HeaC Propane Fuel01 Beftly Total FuelOi Electraty Total Building Name sgft gallons kWh i MMBtu E gallons gallons Nofactual: kWh Nofactual: kBtu gallons i%ofaclualkWh :%ofactua k8lu Juneau KanafaDeyi 44814483 Z266 1,381 10,185 707 51% 1ZO 127% 63% NO 68% 10,961 108% 74% I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 11 Juneau Valley Blvd 8414, 8416, 8418, 8420 Description • 4-plex apartment building • Heat: Fuel oil boiler; fuel oil consumption data from supplier. • Ventilation: Heat recovery ventilator • Electricity: Supplied by Alaska Electric Light & Power; data from utility Energy Use The Valley Blvd apartments have relatively low energy use, when compared to other THRHA housing. However, modeled use is much higher than actual, ranging from 130% to 173%. AkWarm Models The AkWarm prediction of fuel oil and electricity energy use is 160% and 173% of actual, respectively. The models were reviewed and the following adjustments were made to each model to more accurately model the buildings: • Fuel Type: Changed from #1 to #2 fuel oil • Boiler: The boiler efficiency was reduced from 82% seasonal efficiency to 70%. A 70% AFUE is appropriate for a boiler oversized to meet high, intermittent domestic hot water loads. • HW Heater: The hot water heater was modeled without accounting for the boiler AFUE. An energy factor of 65% was also which takes into account the boiler AFUE and the tank losses of 5%. • Ventilation: The building has a 120 cfm HRV that serves the four apartments. The model showed 120 cfin being supplied to each apartment. The ventilation rate was lowered from 120 cfm to 30 cfm. • Temperature: Turned off night setback control. • Miscellaneous Electric Use: Reduced from medium to low. R ecnits The modeled fuel oil use is low at 68% of actual. The modeled electricity use is in close agreement at 108% of actual. The reason for the low fuel oil prediction cannot be explained. The other buildings show similar fuel oil use so life style does not appear to be the cause. Annual Energy Consumption AkWarm Comparison • Original Model AkWarm Comparison • Corrected Model Building Name size Fuel Qi Eke may *asse Heat propane Fuel Oil Geckle ToW Fuel Oil Elednnty T:4 W gallons kWh MMBW gallons gallons %ofaclual; kWh ;%ofacWel; kBW gallons %ofaul? kWh :%OfaCtual: K31 Juneau valley Boulevard 84"20 4,560 1.634 11,460 Z608 i 160% 28,372 1 248% 1rA Z157 132% i 21.448 187% E 1W. I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 12 Kasaan Duplexes Description • Duplex apartment buildings • Heat: Toyo Stove and wood stove; fuel oil data from supplier. • Domestic Hot Water: Propane hot water heater; propane data from supplier. • Ventilation: Heat recovery ventilator • Electricity: Supplied by Alaska Power and Telephone; data from utility Energy Use The Kasaan Duplexes have relatively low energy use, when compared to other THRHA housing. However, building 3A/313 has much higher electricity use than the other two buildings. AkWarm Models The AkWarm prediction of energy use is 118% and 66% of actual for buildings 2A/213 and 3A/313, respectively. The models were reviewed and the following adjustments were made to each model to more accurately model the buildings: • Ventilation: Increased to 50 cfm per apartment • Miscellaneous Electric Use: Reduced from medium to low. D,.-- — The modeled energy use is 116% of actual for apartments 2A/213 and 76% for apartments 3A/313. The predominant discrepancy is that actual electricity use in 3A/313 is very high. Animal Emrgy AkWann ComparBon • "Iril l Mod" MW4sm Contprhon • Ca rectod Mod" Mukifuel Buildings SW ONropaneE Eletlnary FONropane i Eleuncily Total FDRropane i Elecaialy i Energy lulu sgfl k8tu i kWh kBtu i%of actualkWh i%of actual: kBlu k8tu 1%of actali kWh of actual i Actual Mod"ed Ou Kesaen Duple: 2A and 2B 1.792 48.969 E 9.180 61.397 I 125% l 9,736 E 106% E 118% 69,430 E 142% E 7.032 E 77% E B0,291 ? 93AD E 116% hasaan Duple: 3A and 38 1,792 60.956 i 21.966 59.106 97% 1 9.114 f 41% f 66% 74,618 i 122% i 6.930 i 32% i 135.903 98.263 i 72% I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 13 Ketchikan Fairview Housing Description • 4-plex apartment building • Heat: Electric baseboards • Ventilation: Exhaust only ventilation • Electricity: Supplied by Ketchikan Public Utilities; data from utility Energy Use The building has moderate energy use when compared to other THRHA apartments. AkWarm Models The AkWarm prediction of electricity energy use is 94% of actual. The models was reviewed and was found to be an accurate representation of the building. Results The modeled electricity use is within 6% of actual, which is acceptable. hAW EW Canna j" AkWarm Comparison • Original Model AkWarm Comparison • Corrected Model BWkIq Sias Fud 01 1 Becbidlir 6* Heat propene Fuel UI 6 ecoiaty Total Fuel 011 dectno Total We SO AM kWh i Mlft i 9l Am Nofadual; kWh Nolactual'; kBtu gallons %ofwWalkWh %of actuaii kBtu Kelfikan ill IM 164,951 : 61,320 94% 94% 61,320 94% 94% I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 14 Saxman Low Rent Apartments Description • 12 unit apartment building • Heat: Fuel oil boiler; fuel oil consumption data from supplier. • Ventilation: Exhaust only • Electricity: Supplied by Alaska Electric Light & Power; data from utility Energy Use The model is predicting fuel oil use that is 39% of actual and electricity use that is 106% of actual. AkWarm Models The models was reviewed and the following adjustments were made to more accurately model the buildings: • Boiler: The boiler was modeled with 82% seasonal efficiency and measured combustion efficiency. These were replaced with a seasonal AFUE efficiency of 70%. A 70% AFUE is appropriate for a boiler oversized to meet high, intermittent domestic hot water loads. • HW Heater: The hot water heater was modeled without accounting for the boiler AFUE. An energy factor of 65% was added which takes into account the boiler AFUE and the tank losses of 5%. Results The modeled fuel oil use increased to 43% of actual. The reason for the low fuel oil prediction is not apparent. Annual Ene W Coamplion AkWarm Comparison • Original Model AkWarm Comparson • Corrected Model Buildin Name Size Fuel01 Bectio Waste Hea Propare Fuel01 Beftty Total Fuel Oil Deco Total 9 so go" i kWh MMBtu gallons ga'bns of actual; kY1'h `: of actual: kBtu gallons `ro of acwal kYVh %af adua' kBlu Saman Senior Cenler 31,300 3,693 : 64,980E 1,422 39% ; 69,009 : 106% : 59% 1,589 43% : e9,099 : 106% : % I I Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Page 15 YAKUTAT SUNRISE APARTMENTS Description • 12 unit apartment building • Heat: Fuel oil boiler; fuel oil consumption data from supplier. • Ventilation: Exhaust only • Electricity: Supplied by City of Yakutat; data from utility Energy Use The models are predicting fuel oil use that is 422% of actual and electricity use that is 270% of actual. AkWarm Models The models were reviewed and the following adjustments were made to more accurately model the buildings: • Boiler: The boiler was modeled with 82% seasonal efficiency and measured combustion efficiency. These were replaced with a seasonal AFUE efficiency of 70%. A 70% AFUE is appropriate for a boiler oversized to meet high, intermittent domestic hot water loads. • HW Heater: The hot water heater was modeled without accounting for the boiler AFUE. An energy factor of 65% was added which takes into account the boiler AFUE and the tank losses of 5%. • The apartments are individually meters; their energy use is not included in this analysis. The model was modified to only include exterior lighting and laundry loads that are on the house meter. Results The modeled fuel oil use comes to 369% of actual use. A review of the supplier energy data shows no consistency over the past 3-years. It is apparent that the supplier data is not reliable. The electric use is within 9% of actual, which is a reasonable estimate of use. IAnu*1 Enargy Constrmptlon I AkWarm Comparison -original Model I MWann Coprparlson - Cometed Model Building Name Size Fuel Oil ; Elecl 'Waste Heat Propane Fuel QI � FJeot6dly `. Taal Fuei Od ( Electncity i Total sett gallons kWh MMBtu galons galons ihOfactual: kWh i%oleCtual k8tu gallons °pofaG4lali kWh i%otactual l by: Jim Rehfeldt, P.E. yl N x d i J C� J N n A aJ Oj >. Qi co 21 o y .L r c S a� � Y ID a N X (6 LL @) i (Q �~ W = a O _ m rn O y W C', ;� O ca 'm U E Q _a (C (� O NCIJ y+ L C � � W -26 CDCD 0 m M (D Co 00 W 1--r t N �00 0O W M O N O r W V N( (o (D - N F (D (D (D (D (D W a N y N [O (D V M M I� M M O ()) O Ln Ln N V u7 N 'p m V- � � O N u) N N � � N N L ! : 0 0 V C y 0) N W N W 7 u7 N C)M N u) CD (D V V V R L C (o N 00 C)r� M u) N t u0 u0 V I- V N N m m -It mCOo r- I- m ul V V Co N C N W = N N O V rl �_ N O O V) f� C) N W rl O (o W M co O N Wj N U Cl!(O E O M M O I� Cl! V V (D M 00 O) u) 00 V N--- W IT -It -It -It -IT X u! V O M-IT M M CV M -IT -IT N N N N M N O K V3 b4 b4 b4 b4 b4 d3 b4 d3 b4 d3 b4 b4 d3 Ef3 H3 b4 b4 d3 b4 b4 6,3 6.3 6,3 69 d3 b9 N 'O c c N U O 00 M N Co � V u) W C:) u) M N M� N CO CD 00 M 0 to C M O I` CD LO M (o V (o Il- E N CD00 00 u) M CD B (o V (o V u) co M LO V D U N M N N N N N N O O O'It NLu O 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O Ln W N C l!J 2 m O fD M V u) u) u) CM LO u) 00 O N o) o) u) 00 M CO CO CO O � d) Co fD d) W I� fD fD (O CO N COM u) � u) O O O N O N � COfD CO N � CD I� O N O N N N N c" Cl Cl Cl ClN fA ff3 b4 Hi fA ff3 fH ff3 64 fH H) EF3 EF3 ff3 EF3 ff3 EF3 ER e03 69 64 b9 64 fA b4 fH ff3 fH 2 0) _ (6 0_ O IL-------------- U) O 0 = m LO T N lf3 N 43 C W w t C co a0 to M M M M m(D O O Nto C:) a0 CD cD V N co " V M Co M M M M M T M CO N . . 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