HomeMy WebLinkAboutAtqasuk Transmission Line Project Preliminary Engineering Phase Supplemental Report - Jun 2014 - REF Grant 7040023Task 6.0 ® Atqasuk Space Heating Conversion to Electric Heat The information contained in this report is provided as a supplement to the Main Report entitled, "Prelirninar, Engineering Phase Final Report". Detaigied information included in this report could not be included In the Main Report due to the size of text and quantity of photographs. For report continuity, the Main Report includes the executive summary from this Supplerne.-Aal Report.. AtqasuL.- Line Project r�lrelirninary Engineering Phase Supplemental Report Task 6.0 - Atqasuk Space Heating Conversion to Electric Heat June 30, 2014 Project Sponsors: Alaska Energy Authority North Slope Borough Prime Contractor: Leland A. Johnson & Associates Subconsultants: RSA Engineering, inc. Energy Audits of Alaska FOREwoRD This Supplemental Report, entitled, "Atqasuk Space Heating Conversion to Electric Heat", May 2014 is companion to the main report," Atqasuk Transmission Line Preliminary Engineering Report", May 2014. C Three firms prepared the supplemental report, all of which have extensive experience working with North Slope villages, including the Community of Atqasuk. RSA Engineering, Inc. was C contractually responsible to Leland A. Johnson and Associates for this portion of the study and provided electrical and mechanical engineering services. Jim Fowler of Energy Audits of Alaska was the primary author and performed the field survey and energy analyses. HMS Inc. provided construction estimation services. The North Slope Borough has been exploring the development of an electric transmission line from Barrow to Atqasuk since 1981. The original concept of the project was to displace fuel oil used for electric power generation in Atqasuk with electric power fueled by natural gas from Barrow. The concept was expanded in 2008 to include the conversion of Atgasuk's oil -fired space heating demand to electric heat. In an NPRA funded study entitled "Energy Options for the City of Atgasule', the expanded project concept was selected as the preferred option. Electric heat became an option over the years due to the escalating price of fuel oil, which has tripled over the past ten years while the rate for electric power in Barrow decreased from $0.15/kWh to $ 0.1 UWh. G In 2011, both the Alaska Energy Authority and North Slope Borough sponsored a feasibility study C entitled,"Atgasuk Transmission Line feasibility Study". The conversion of both power and space heating again showed the greatest potential for savings and prompted the Alaska Energy Authority and the Borough to advance the project to the preliminary engineering phase in 2013. One task of the 2013 study was to take an in-depth look at the energy conversion to electric heat. The findings of the energy conversion project culminated in a task deliverable draft report. However, due to the large volume of data and the sheer size of the report, the decision was made to present the details of the study in a separate final supplementary report entitled, "Atqasuk Space �- Heating Conversion to Electric Heat". C The Supplemental Report includes a detailed presentation of the methodologies used, all the C energy data collected, narrative and calculations performed, facility photographs, mechanical room C plan views, manufacturer's specification sheets and estimates of energy loads and construction costs. For report continuity the main report includes the executive summary from this Supplemental Report and can be found in Section 6 of the main report. � f f Kent M. Grinage Project Manager ( Leland A. Johnson & Associates Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Abbreviations used in this Document AEA Alaska Energy Authority AHFC Alaska Housing Finance Corporation ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ATQ Atqasuk BEUCI Barrow Electrical Utilities Coop, Inc. BTU British Thermal Unit BTUH British Thermal Unit -hour CCHRC Cold Climate Housing Research Center cfm cubic feet per minute DHW Domestic Hot Water F degrees Fahrenheit FY Fiscal Year FOB Freight On Board gal Gallon HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning HWG Hot Water Generator (indirect hot water heater) HWH Hot Water Heater kW Kilowatt kWh Kilowatt-hour MBH Thousand BTU per hour MMBTU Million BTU NG Natural Gas NSB North Slope Borough NSBSD North Slope Borough School District O & M Operations and Maintenance YTD Year to date Atqasuk Conversion to Electric bleat 2 Atqasuk Transt-nission Line Study Supplemental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreward Abbreviations used in this Document Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary 1.1 Existing Conditions 1.2 Limitations of this Study 1.3 New Power Requirements and Peak Demand 1.4 Sensitivity of Results to Input Variances 1.5 Cost Summary 1.6 Technical Issues 2.0 Methodology 2.1 Top Down Methodology 2.2 Bottom Up Methodology 2.3 Peak Demand 2.4 Costing B%Le 1 2 3 4 6 9 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 17 3.0 Narrative & Calculations 18 3.1 Assumptions, Conversion Factors and Data Sources 18 3.2 Top Down Calculations 23 3.3 Bottom Up Calculations 27 3.4 Sensitivity Analysis 44 4.0 Basis of 5% Design 48 5.0 Village Conversion Cost Estimates 52 6.0 Acknowledgements 54 APPENDICES A. Schedule of Buildings and Structures with Electric Meters 55 B. Village Map 58 C. Building Photos & Mechanical Room Floor Plans 60 D. Manufacturer's Spec Sheets for Equipment in Estimate 90 E. Sample Generator Plant Operator Daily Logs 120 F. HMS Construction Cost Estimate — Report 122 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat This Supplemental Report, empart ofthe Mein Report, has been paid for with Alaska Energy Authority funds made available through the Alaska renewable Energy Fund Program. This study was performed by: Jim Fowler, PE Principal Energy Audits ofAlaska 1231N1Northern Lights Blvd, #8O7 Anchorage, AKS95O3 807-269-4350 Under subcontract to: RSA Engineering, inc. 22S1Arctic Boulevard, Suite 2OQ Anchorage, AK885O3 Contact: Mark Fhechkorn.pE Vice President 907-276-0521 L&Johnson&Associates P.O.Box 11O333 Anchorage, AK8@511 Contact: Kent Ghngge 907-8E4-3606 The village of Atqaeuh is one of two in the NSB which is inaccessible to fuel oil delivery bonzes. Each year, approximately 500,000 gallons of fuel oil is either flown in or brought in by nd|igone at an average cost of $670 FOB ATQ. This study is the most recent in an ongoing initiative to build a power tnsOmmiaekzn line from the generation facility in Barrow toATQ. thereby eliminating the use offuel oil in the village for local power generation, for space heating and for the production of DHW. Electricity at the Barrow facility is produced bygenerators fueled byNGfrom local wells. Although the main Barrow NG field is estimated to have a iQObo 180 year reserve mapecjty', it is not within the scope of this study to determine whet if any, additional capital equipment would be required at the Barrow facility tomeet the added ATQloads. ���stud estimated the annual 0 & M savings ofacomplete power and heating fuel conversion in /Q[Qxia this transmission line at $1.47 million, a 61 % cost reduction from then -existing 0 & M costs. This study was commissioned to achieve three 1. Powernequirements-detennine the electrical consumption and electrical peak demand load that would be required after this fuel connsreion, broken down between residential and commercial consumers ofelectricity. 2. 596 Design and Costing - produce "one -line" schematics of the proposed HVAC systems for sample buildings and estimate the costs for conversion. equipment and its installation. ( �ATQTranscmission Line Project Introduction Charlie Sakeagak, Director, 2013 ( zEne[gv Options for the City of Atqasuk 2U08,Leland A. Johnson & Associates & Northern Economics, Inc. � ( `- - Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report The village visit and building surveys took place over 4 days from August 18, 2013 through August 22, 2013. The school, fire station and USDW building in this village received investment grade energy audits (performed by Energy Audits of Alaska) through an AHFC managed program which was funded by ARRA grants in 2011 and 2012. These audits provided useful in this study. Benchmark Periods for Electric and Fuel Oil Consumption The only instance where fuel oil consumption is actually measured in this village is the generator plant fuel storage tanks, where the plant operator measures fuel oil levels daily. In all other cases, "fuel oil consumption" is actually the amount of fuel oil delivered to the building's fuel tanks. It is assumed in this report, that all fuel oil delivered in a benchmark year is consumed in the same benchmark year. For simplicity, the terms "fuel oil consumption" and "fuel oil delivered" are considered to be the same. For the buildings in this study, fuel oil consumption data is from the 24 month period from January 2011 through December 2012. The generator plant fuel oil consumption and kWh output data used in this study was the 24 month period from July 2011 through June 2013, which is FY 2012 and FY 2013. In this study, residential buildings include dedicated itinerant and school personnel housing, single and multi -family residences. Commercial buildings include all non-residential, federal, state, all community buildings and generator plant station loads and/or consumption. Building Summary A listing of all of the village electric meters was provided by village personnel. Each meter has an associated building number (some of which were inaccurate) and organization name, in the case of commercial buildings. This listing, used to read meters and invoice the building owners each month, was used as a master list to conduct surveys and compile the total number of village buildings. In summary, there are 72 single family residences, two duplexes, one 4-plex and a single family house adjacent to the school using the school's heating system, for a total of 76 residential buildings. There are 9 small commercial buildings and 15 large commercial buildings. Additionally, there are another 15 buildings which do not utilize fuel oil either because they do not have heat or because they use electric heat; included in these are several connexs at the airport. There is some question regarding the accuracy of these figures because there are a number of structures on the list which do not appear to be in use, and several which appeared to be in use but were not on the master meter list provided. During the village survey, this list was updated to be as accurate as possible. The list is found in Appendix A. Installed Capacity Figure 1.1 a below shows the total existing installed diesel fueled heating _ and DHW capacity in the village, and the post -conversion electric heating and DHW capacities. The new electric heating capacities below were calculated using 75% of the nameplate net output of the existing diesel fueled boilers and/or furnaces (nameplate net output is typically 80% or 86% of the gross input). Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 5 Existing diesel fueled heating & DHW New Electric Heating New Electric DHW MBH kW kVV M Residential a,=:= 1,738 509 288 54 Small Commercial 588 172 101 0 Large Commercial 21,192. 6,209 4,006 200 Totals 23,518 6,891 4,395 254 Conservative Assumptions and Safety Factor Conservative assumptions have been made throughout the calculations and estimates in this study, all assumptions are listed in Section 3.1. Additionally, a 10% safety factor was added to the final calculations of total village electric consumption and peak demand loads. 1.1 EE s, t � n a g Conditions ,F;�ucA OH The fuel oil consumption in ATQ is shown in Figures below. Because waste heat from the village power generation equipment is recovered and used to heat buildings (and for process heat in the water treatment plant), it displaces additional fuel oil so its energy content will add to the transmission line's required capacity. For this reason, it is included in Figure 1.1 b. Figure I.Ib — Average of FY2012 & FY2013 (source of building fuel data: daily village delivery ticket logs-, source of generation fuel data: operators daily logs; source of waste heat data: 30% of maximum recoverable energy from kWh produced by generators) Fuel Consumption (gallons) Residential 72,334 Commercial 142,037 Electricity GeneratJon 265,324 Transportation I 15,723 Other i 1,97.9 Use of waste heat (avoided Li.se of fuel oil} 19,610 Total 517,0071 3.0% 0.41 51 3.8% Figuva I. = FusO OH Distribution 14% used for residential heat & DWH 0 27.5% used for commercial heat & DWH 51.3% used for power generation (source: operator daily logs) I_..4% Unknown or questionable tickets 3% presumed to be used for (diesel) transportation 3.8% Use of waste heat (avoided use of fuel oil) Figure I.Id — Monthly Consumption 2-Year average (FY 2012 & FY 2013) fuel oil consumption ® by type of use 30,000 ­­ Buildings - Residential -Generator Plant (data obtained from plant operator daily logs, not delivery tickets) 25,000 Transportation (ULSD) Buildings - Commercial 20,000 0 15,000 M 10,000 5,000 0 > CL M CL 0 LL W 0 z Existing Conditions - Electrical Figure 1.1e — Average of FY2012 & FY2013 (source: generator plant operator's daily logs) 0 Residential Buildings � Commercial buildings Figure I.Ig - Distribution by Customer Type 9 - 2% 0.3% 1 2.2% Unbilled (Station load) 17.6% Residential & Seniors/Handicapped 0.3% Federal/State - 78% Commercial 1.8% Community Facilities Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 1.2 Limitations of this Study There are a number of significant factors which limit the accuracy of this study, all are discussed in more detail later in this document; they are summarized below: Inaccurate and/or inconsistent tracking and recording of fuel oil use for each building in the village throughout the benchmark period. The Village diversity factor which significantly affects the total peak demand in the village is difficult to estimate. The peak demand for each building is calculated, but the unknown village diversity factor is the percentage of the 100 buildings in the village that have their heat, hot water heater, lights, ventilation and other electrical components in use at the same time, on a design day when the outside temperature is -41 F. No village diversity factor was used to calculate peak demand; the utility provider should determine an appropriate factor. Due to budgetary limitations, it was not feasible to survey every one of the 76 residential dwellings. The 72 single family houses were categorized into 8 house types, plus 5 "unique" houses which did not fall into any house type. One each of the 8 house types was surveyed, as well as 2 of the unique houses. It is upon this sampling that the power calculations and cost estimates are based. Heat loads for every building. In order to determine peak demand loads and to properly size the heating equipment in a building, heat calculations must be performed based on exact insulation values, square footage, window and door areas and infiltration. It was not possible, within the scope of this study, to acquire this information for all 100 heated village buildings, so assumptions were made regarding wall, floor and roof insulation values and village maps and Google maps were used to estimate building sizes where they were not measured. A sample of houses were measured to obtain outside dimensions. (3) commercial buildings were previously audited (by the author), and therefore have accurate heat load calculations. Individual building peak demand loads. There is a direct linear relationship between the accuracy of heat load calculations and the accuracy of peak demand load calculations. Heat loads were calculated for each building, but the accuracy of the resulting peak demand load calculations is subject to the variables listed above. As previously mentioned, the master list of buildings provided by village personnel contained inaccuracies which will affect calculations in this report. 1.3 New Power Requirements and Peak Demand It is currently proposed3 that in the initial phase of the power transmission line project, power will be fed into the existing village power grid and only replace the existing generation capacity in the village. A second phase would convert all diesel -fueled heating and DHW production to electric - fuel. Figure 1.3a summarizes the power required for each phase. A 10% safety factor has been added to Phase 2 consumption and operating and cold start peak demand figures. The first phase peak demand simply replaces the existing peak demand measured at the generator plant. The second phase peak demand is presented in Figure 1.3a two ways: as an "operating peak demand" and as a "cold start peak demand". The operating peak demand is a calculation of the forecasted power generation capacity required under normal operating conditions. Village -wide diversity factors for heating and DHW reduce the operating peak demand load. The utility provider determines village heating and DWH diversity 3 Atqasuk Power Line Transmission Study, North Slope Borough, September 15, 2011 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat factors for a specific community. Figure 1.3a uses a village wide diversity factor of 100% (i.e. no diversity). For the purposes of this report, the "cold start" peak demand load is considered to be the sum of all of the newly -installed heating and DHW capacity in the village. It is considered an absolute, worst case figure used for bracketing purposes — it is not expected that this peak demand would be experienced. The "cold start" peak demand is the theoretical generation capacity which would be required to "cold start" the village after an interruption of power from the main transmission line into the village. It assumes that each building in the village has "cold soaked" and therefore all heating and all DHW is active immediately upon restoration of power. The design of the village grid, including its sub -feeds and switching equipment, and the utility's start-up protocol after a power interruption will determine the actual start-up peak demand load. The existing cold start peak demand load for the village is not known but would be added to the additional cold start peak demand load. Section 3.3 provides an explanation and more detail. From this point forward in this report, "peak demand load" is used to describe the operating peak demand load, not the cold soak peak demand load. Figure 1.3a ® Power required by phase * 10% safety factor included 1.4 Sensitivity of Results to Input Variances There is a wide range of accuracy and variance in the input data used to make the calculations presented in this report. The three groups of data most highly suspect, and therefore with the largest impact on results were determined to be: ® Fuel oil consumption data ® The amount of waste heat actually used by building's on the waste heat system ® Actual building envelope insulation values. Because an 11 % sample size of single family residential houses was used, fuel oil consumption data has a magnified impact on the results in this category. A larger, 38% sample size was used to calculate the average fuel oil consumption values, and therefore reduce the impact of source Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report data variances (Section 3.3). The extrapolated consumption correlates to within 94% of the actual consumption. Variations in the rest of the factors listed above have a linear relationship with the accuracy of calculated results, so it is their range of inaccuracy which determines the range of inaccuracy of the results. In all cases data was correlated on a year over year basis. Calculation results were compared to the results obtained by other independent methods and sensitivity analyses performed to determine a valid range of accuracy of the final results. See Section 3.4 for additional detail. 1.6 Cost Summary Cost estimates for the heating and DHW equipment and associated building electrical service costs are summarized in Figure 1.5a below. These estimates are based on a 5% design (Section 4.0), which includes sufficient concept development to acquire rough costs, but little or no engineering. "One line" schematics for each of the two design concepts described below are also found in Section 4.0. Basis of Design - Residences and Small Commercial Buildings: The 73 single family residences and 2 duplexes were assumed, based on sample surveys, to have either diesel fueled forced air furnaces and diesel fueled HWH's or hydronic boilers with HWG's and hydronic finned tube baseboard heaters. The 4-plex and 9 small commercial buildings all have hydronic boilers and either no DHW or electric HWH's. In all 85 of these cases, new finned tube electric baseboard heaters will be installed above existing heaters or in the typical wall/floor location in each room. In all normally occupied buildings (excluding for example, the Search & Rescue and ASTAC buildings) programmable 7-day thermostats will be installed in each room and all new wiring will be run in surface conduit from a new electric service entering the building via a new disconnect with a utility grade meter installed adjacent to the existing unit. In the cases where either a diesel fueled HWH or a HWG is in use, an electric HWH will be installed adjacent to the existing unit. In all cases, existing equipment will be left in place and will serve as backup in case of power interruptions. Basis of Design - Large Commercial buildings: There are 15 large commercial buildings with hydronic boilers. 'In all cases, new electric boilers will be installed and piped into the existing hydronic distribution system and a new boiler controller with outside air temperature reset capability will be installed. In cases where diesel fueled unit heaters and/or ventilators are in use, electric units will be installed adjacent to the existing units. New wiring will be run in surface conduit from a new electric service entering the building via a new disconnect with a utility grade meter, installed adjacent to the existing unit. In the cases where either a diesel fueled HWH or a HWG is in use, an electric HWH will be installed adjacent to the existing unit. In all cases, existing equipment will be left in place and will serve as backup in case of power interruptions. Using this basis of design, a schedule of equipment and the one -line schematics, costs were estimated by HMS, Inc., a construction estimating firm located in Anchorage. Additional detail can be found in Section 5.0 and the full HMS, Inc. report is found in Appendix F. Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 11 A,tgasi0 Transmission Liner Study Supple; nental Repori Figure 1.5a — Summary of Building Conversion Costs ESTIMATECOST +' Quantity Subtotal Cost Each Extended Cost Residences 76 $36,851 $2,800,676 Small Commercial Buildings 9 $20,776 $186,984 Large Commercial Buildings 15 $112,564 $1,688,460 Village Total $4,676,120 1.6 Technical Issues The author spent 4 days in the village surveying buildings for this study in August 2013 and 3 days in the village auditing buildings in 2011. During the most recent visit, he spoke with a significant number of residents whose general position on the transmission line was very receptive and positive. The most common question was, "When will it be in place?" With regard to the conversion of buildings from diesel fuel to electric heat and DHW, there were no significant technical issues observed. Some of the minor issues are: o there are several buildings which do not have ample space in their existing mechanical rooms to accept an additional electrical boiler, but there is adequate space elsewhere. This will result in additional piping, but will not create a serious technical concern. o Several residences will have limited wall space above the existing hydronic baseboard heaters, but again, workarounds can be made. o Every building will have to be surveyed, preferably by an installer and design engineer. m Although most of the residences and small commercial buildings will have a similar design solution, each will have unique aspects and must be considered individually, as will every large commercial building. © The capacity of village transformers serving the houses, and the service to the houses will have to be checked and probably upsized to carry the additional load that will be imposed by electric heat and hot water, since these are significant loads. Another issue will be maintaining "mothballed" diesel fueled boilers, furnaces, HWG's and HWH's in ready -to -run condition to serve during power interruptions. The same issue applies to the village generators. Additionally, the generators will require jacket heat year round to assure they are in operable condition to quickly pick up the load in the event of lost power from Barrow. Training will have to be provided to village personnel to maintain the electric HVAC equipment as well as the new electric switch gear, transformers and transmission equipment. A new, different spare parts inventory will have to be maintained alongside the old diesel equipment spare parts inventory. Atga.suk Conversion to Electric He ,- Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 2.0 Methodology A "top down" methodology was used to provide an initial rough estimate (accuracy of +/- 30%) of electric capacity requirements for ATQ. This method was used to meet an early deliverable requirement. Further refinement through a "bottom up" methodology was then employed and the results compared. The two methodologies are described below. 2.1 Top Down Methodology Consumption The energy contained in the fuel oil and in the waste heat used for heating and DHW production in the village has to be replaced by electrical energy. Village -wide fuel oil consumption was determined and diesel fueled boiler, furnace and HWH efficiencies of 80% and electrical efficiencies of 98% were used to estimate the electrical power required to replace it. Fuel oil consumption was determined throiugh 2 approaches: a. 3 years of bulk oil shipment invoices to NSB were reviewed for # 1 fuel heating oil, ultralow sulfur diesel and gasoline shipments to ATQ. This was determined to be an unreliable way to determine overall use of fuel oil in the village because it was not clear whether shipment was made to Barrow storage for future delivery to ATQ , or from Barrow to ATQ or directly to ATQ, or a combination of all three. b. The alternate approach used was to review 2-1/2 years (FY2012, FY2013 and YTD FY2013) of ATQ's daily oil delivery tickets maintained by NSB public works employees in the village. This was deemed the most reliable means to obtain accurate fuel oil usage. Annual village totals were validated by Kent Grinage, a former director of the NSB fuel division, who is familiar with ATQ's historical annual consumption. The steps included: a. Tabulate and categorize oil use by power generation, commercial building use, residential use, transportation and "other' b. The 2 benchmark years were evaluated, and a high year over year correlation was observed c. The total annual use of fuel oil was established by averaging the two most recent fiscal years d. Electrical consumption was obtained from the generator plant operator's daily log e. The use of oil for power generation did not reconcile with the total power generated and typical generator efficiencies f. A second set of fuel consumption data for power generation was obtained from the generator plant operator's daily logs, and this figure reconciled with typical generator efficiencies g. A maximum recoverable waste heat figure was calculated using a percentage of the energy content of the annual kWh's produced by the generator plant; the actual waste heat delivered to buildings was then estimated and de -rated by an estimate of distribution losses. h. The fuel consumption figures were then converted to electrical consumption using typical equipment efficiencies Peak Demand c. Peak demand for a single hour was estimated by identifying the single largest oil consumption month in the village, distributing that energy across the 744 hours of the month and adding this to the measured, existing peak demand in the village. This is not a very Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 13 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report accurate method to determine peak demand, but under the circumstances and time line, it was the only method available. 2.2 Bottom Up Methodology Where 2 years average oil consumption data was available, looked reasonable and had a high year over year correlation, electrical consumption was calculated based on the energy content of the annual oil consumption. In cases where accurate oil consumption was not available or the data looked unreasonable, an AkWarm-C4 model was created. If insufficient information was available to create an AkWarm-C model, then the EUI's from similar -use buildings in similar - climate regions were used to estimate a reasonable EUI for the subject building. From this EUI and the estimated building size, consumption was calculated. In all cases, final EUI's were evaluated for reasonableness and adjustments made as necessary. Energy conversions from fuel oil to electrical for this method used actual nameplate diesel fueled boiler, furnace and HWH efficiencies of (89% to 87%) and electrical efficiencies of 99%. Refined consumption calculations — Residential a. The 72 houses were categorized into 8 types by size & configuration; existing heating and DHW equipment were tabulated b. Determined sample pool size proportional to quantity of houses in each category type c. Used daily oil delivery ticket data to tabulate 2 years annual oil consumption for each house in sample pool, d. For houses with HWG's, identified typical DHW energy use per households and subtracted from existing oil consumption figures e. Calculated forecasted electrical consumption using 3 methods (described in 2.2 above): Used 2 year average daily oil delivery ticket data to: 1. Calculate variance within sample pool 2. Identified and removed outliers, used remaining data to calculate average consumption for each house type 3. Summed all residential consumption based on sample pool, correlated to "top down" oil consumption, calculated variance between village totals ii. Created an AkWarm-C model for each house type 1. used fuel oil as energy source to calibrate model 2. changed HVAC components in the model to electrical energy source and adjusted distribution losses 3. correlate model results to method "i." above, calculate variance 4. perform sensitivity analysis using house size and R factors iii. Used resulting EUI's — perform "reasonable-ness" evaluation, adjust as necessary Refined consumption calculations — Commercial a. Tabulate each building's size & configuration and existing heating and DHW equipment & capacities 4 AkWarm-C is a building thermal simulation software package developed by AHFC and CCHRC specifically to thermally model Alaskan buildings. Models are calibrated to actual consumption to assure accuracy of the model. 5 Source: AEA End Use Study of Energy Consumption W.H. Pacific, 2012 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 14 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report b. Calculated electrical consumption using "i." below if 2 years average oil consumption data was available and had a high year over year correlation. If no oil data was available, or it was unreasonable, calculated electrical consumption using "ii." below. If insufficient data was available to create an AkWarn-C model, used "iii." below. In all cases, evaluated resulting EUI's for reasonableness and adjusted as necessary. Used 2 year average daily oil delivery ticket data where available (not available for all buildings and some data was anomalous), waste heat was added and the total energy content converted to kWh after accounting for equipment efficiencies ii. Created an AkWarm-C model for buildings where oil data is not available or where the data is suspect; used 3 existing AkWarm-C models previously created by the authors: 1. used oil data (if it exists) plus waste heat as energy source to calibrate model 2. changed boilers and HWH's to electrical energy source 3. compared EUI resulting from model with similar use buildings iii. When no oil data was available or was suspect, and for high process load facilities (water treatment and sewer plants), calculated electric consumption using EUI's, as follows: 1. find like -building, similar -climate EUI's' and determined appropriate EUI for subject building 2. calculate consumption using estimated square footage 3. perform "reasonableness" evaluation of consumption and EUI, adjust as necessary. 2.3 Peak Demand Calculations Peak Demand calculations — Individual Buildings For an individual building, it is not possible to calculate peak demand for electric heating and DHW production from the fuel oil consumption figures used by the building's previously installed diesel fueled boiler 'and HWH or HWG. Furthermore, the peak demand figures produced by AkWarm-C were extremely unreasonable and not deemed usable. One of the methods described below were used for each building to calculate peak demand for that building. a. For commercial buildings, where an AkWarm-C model existed (i.e. USDW building and. Fire Station) the boiler and DHW were converted from fuel oil to electric in the AkWarm-C model. The resulting monthly electric consumption figures produced by the AkWarm-C model were then used as the basis to calibrate a new eQuests model. The eQuest model was then used to generate a peak demand load for the building. 6 Created for the ARRA funded, AHFC managed "Energy Audits of Public Buildings" program in 2011-2012 Source: Author's database of 100+ Alaskan buildings and AHTHC's 50+ energy audits of water treatment plants and health clinics 8 eQuest is a thermal simulation modeling software package created under the US Department of Energy's purview. It's calculations are based on hourly temperature data over a 30 year period (continued next pg.) Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 15 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report b. For commercial buildings where there was no AkWarm-C model, the design day heat load for the building was calculated through heat load equations using estimated building square footage figures, assumed envelope insulation values, assumed ventilation or infiltration air flow and the design day temperature for ATQ (- 41 F). For multi -zone buildings 80% of the resulting heat load was used as a peak demand figure based on an 80% building diversity factor (see Section 3 for diversity factor rationales). No diversity factor was used for single zone buildings. c. For residential and small commercial buildings. i. An AkWarm-C model was created for House Type E (32 of the 72 houses in ATQ are of this type) and calibrated to the average oil consumption for this house type. ii. The boiler and HWG were then converted to electric fuel inside the AkWarm-C model and the distribution efficiency was increased to 100%. iii. The resulting monthly electric consumption figures were used as the basis for calibration of an eQuest model of the same house and a peak demand figure was calculated iv. The peak demand figure generated by the eQuest model was then compared to the peak loads calculated via heat load equations, the results correlated at 94.6% V. Heat load equations were then used to calculate the design day heat loads for the rest of the house types. The building heat load figure was rounded up to the nearest 2 kW (heat is provided by 2 kW increment electric baseboard heaters), and multiplied by a building diversity factor of 80%. The resulting kW figure was used as a peak heating demand for the building. (See Section 3 for diversity factor rationales) vi. Peak demand figures for new electric HWH's, which are simply element sizes - typically 4.5 kW - were added to the heating peak demand figures for each individual house type. There was no assumed diversity between heating and HWH in an individual building. Peak Demand calculations — entire village Peak demand loads were examined from two perspectives: peak demand load under normal operating conditions (called "peak demand load") and peak demand load during the start-up after a power interruption in the main transmission line from Barrow (called "cold start peak demand load"). Village -wide diversity affects the peak demand load. Village heating diversity assumes that there will never be a time when every building in the village has its installed heating capacity active, all at the same time during a design day. Village DHW diversity applies as well. For the purposes of this report, no village -wide diversity was used (i.e. 100% of the building heating and DHW peak loads were summed) because the determination of this factor is typically done by the local power utility. The existing cold start peak demand load in the village is unknown. The additional cold start peak demand load will be determined by the post -conversion heating and DHW capacity, by the design of the village grid, it's sub -feeds and switching equipment and by the utility's start up procedure. For the purposes of this study, the added cold start peak demand load is the sum of the capacities of all of the newly installed electric heating and DHW equipment. A 10% safety factor was added to this total. whereas AkWarm-C's calculations are based on monthly temperature data over a 30 year period, so the peak demands projected by the eQuest model are as accurate as the input data allow. Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 16 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 2.4 Costing Component and installation costs were obtained by HMS, Inc., a local construction estimating firm. HMS was provided with a schedule of equipment, whose quantities and sizes were determined by the methods described above. A manufacturer and model were selected by the author to establish an "equivalent to" for HMS, Inc. Specification sheets for this equipment are found in Appendix D. Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 17 Supplemental ntal Report 3.0 Narrative and Calculations I This section contains all of the calculations and rationales as well as detailed and summary results of this study. Section 3.1 identifies the sources of data used and contains all of the assumptions that were made for calculations, design concepts and costing, as well as the conversion factors used. Sections 3.2 and 3.3 describe and present the results of the 2 methodologies used. Figure 3.Oa below summarizes the results of both methodologies. As previously mentioned, a 10% safety factor was added to the Bottom Up totals. Also, for the Top Down methodology, an 80% thermal efficiency rate was used for all diesel fueled boilers, furnaces and HWH's, whereas for the Bottom up methodology, actual nameplate efficiencies were used (typically 80% to 86%) These changes were made to err on the side of a conservative estimate. Prior to making these two changes, the variance between the two method's consumption results was less than 4% and the variance between the peak demand results was less than 1%. Figure 3.Qa SUMMARYOF Additional Electric BOTH METHODOLOGIES Capacity required Number of gallons of diesel fuel saved (i.e. net number of gallons replaced) Consumption (kWh) Peak demand (kW) - no village diversity factor used Bottom Up Heating DHW Tap down Bottom up Top Down Bottom up Top down Residential 2,362,572 2,387,532 171 54 463 67,205 72,334 Small Commercial 232,856 6,248,979 4,688,222 82 0 935 6,776 142,037 Large Commercial 1,092 200 136,711 Waste Heat 0 993,682 0 0 180 0 Safety Factor (apply above) 10% 0% 10% 0% n/a n/a Existing Generator Plant output 3,473,398 3,473,398 601 0 601 265,324 265,324 TOTALS 13,202,246 11,542,835 2,359 1 2,180 476,016 479,695 variance between methods 1 14.4% 1 8.2% -0.77% Assumptions and Conversions As previously mentioned, most of the assumptions made in this study are conservative and err on the side of increased electrical capacity and peak demand requirements. The following assumptions and conversion factors were used in the calculations made in this study: m A gallon of #1 diesel fuel contains138,000 BTU. A gallon of #1 diesel fuel can contain anywhere from 132,000 BTU to 138,000 BTU depending on its refinement and what �aCj<,_3k l.Oitv��tSfpR�; i_ � i�.let:irit ?-ie Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report additives have been used. Additives adjust the fuel's cloud and pour temperature points based on the climate it will be used. The high 138,000 BTU value was chosen so that all fuel oil to kW and kWh energy conversions were conservative. • 1 kWh = 3413 BTU (assumes site energy, not source energy) • In all cases except the generator plant, fuel oil gallon figures are gallons delivered to the building, so "fuel oil consumed" assumes that all delivered oil is consumed in the same benchmark year as it was delivered. In the case of the generator plant, the operator records consumption daily and those figures were used. • 2.90 MMBTU of energy is used in an average rural residence for DHW production in climate zone 8; ATQ is in climate zone 9, but there is no significant difference in energy use. • Hydronic heating systems with diesel fueled boilers have 86% thermal efficiency (default value if nameplate efficiency is unknown) and 90% distribution efficiency. It is understood that due to standby losses and cycling, most operating boilers and furnaces will have actual thermal efficiencies less than their nameplate ratings. Their nameplate ratings were used as a conservative conversion factor to calculate the electrical power needed to replace the fuel oil energy. • Forced air heating systems with diesel fueled furnaces have 80% thermal efficiency (default value if nameplate efficiency is unknown) and 75% distribution efficiency. Same comment as above applies to furnaces. • Hydronic heating systems with electric fueled boilers have 99% thermal efficiency and 90% distribution efficiency • Electric finned tube baseboard heaters and electric unit heaters have 99% thermal efficiency and 100% distribution efficiency • Conversion calculations from diesel fueled forced air systems and diesel fueled hydronic systems (residences only) take distribution inefficiencies into account by de -rating the net heat output into living spaces, per gallon of fuel • For residences and small commercial buildings, the inputs used in AkWarm-C and/or in the heat load equations are: • 67F temperature set point (this temperature was required to calibrate actual fuel oil consumption to AkWarm-C models) • .25 cfm per floor SF infiltration rate • R-19 wall insulation • R-38 floor and roof insulation • Built on pilings (exposed floor) • U-.26 windows • U-.49 exterior doors • All have 4 rooms, and therefore 4-zones of heating • Minimum heating element step in a zone is 2 kW (one baseboard unit) For large commercial buildings, the inputs used for AkWarm-C models and heat load calculation equations are: • 67F temperature set point (this temperature was required to calibrate actual fuel oil consumption to AkWarm-C models) • .25 cfm per floor SF infiltration rate • Minimum heating element step in a zone is 15 kW • The peak demand load in a single zone building with electric heat will be equal to the building's heat load on a design day with no building diversity • The peak demand load in a multi -zone building with electric heat will be equal to the building's heat load on a design day, multiplied by a building diversity factor (since not all Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 19 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report zones will be active at the same time). The minimum peak load must take into consideration, the minimum element step size (kW) used in the heating system — the peak demand load cannot be less than the minimum element step size, and must be rounded up to the nearest element step. • Peak demand resulting from production of DHW is simply the heating capacity of the HWH, as it is assumed that at some time, all elements will be on to supply "design day" DHW. • The diversity factors for a building (in this report, called "building diversity factor") will be different from the diversity factors for the village (in this report, called "village diversity factor") and the village diversity factor for heating will be different from the village diversity factor for DHW production. • For peak demand load calculations the following assumptions were made regarding diversity factors (rationale's are described in Section 3); these are considered conservative figures: • Building heating diversity factor for a multi -zone building is 80% • Building heating diversity factor for a single -zone building is 100% (i.e. no diversity) • No diversity factor (i.e. 100%) between HWH and heating within a building (i.e. they can both be on at the same time) • Village heating diversity factor is 100% (to be determined by utility provider) • Village DHW diversity factor is 100% (to be determined by utility provider) Data sources The 2 sources of energy used for space heating, DHW production and process heating (waste and potable water treatment) that will be eliminated by the fuel conversion are #1 fuel oil and the recovered waste heat generated by the village power generators. #1 Fuel Oil The sources of fuel oil consumption data for the village were identified as: • Bulk delivery records obtained from the fuel division of the NSB in Barrow • Daily fuel delivery ticket logs for all fuel oil deliveries made in the village, obtained from NSB administrative staff in ATQ. Deliveries include those made to the Village generator plant. • Daily logs of fuel consumption by the generator plant maintained by, and obtained from the generator plant operator A review of the bulk delivery records obtained from the fuel division personnel in Barrow determined that the records would not be of use in this study. It was not possible to definitively identify how much fuel oil was delivered to Barrow for future delivery to ATQ, versus oil delivered directly to ATQ, versus oil delivered to Barrow for ATQ but diverted elsewhere. Compilation and review of the daily village fuel delivery ticket logs determined that this data source would be used as the source for fuel oil consumption for all buildings except the generator plant. This data source was eliminated for the generator plant because when an attempted reconciliation between oil input and kWh output (from plant operator's hourly logs) was made, the resulting generator operating efficiency was calculated at 40%. See Figure 3.1 a below. This is an unreasonable figure for generator efficiency. Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 20 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report A second source of generator fuel oil consumption was identified as the plant operators daily fuel logs. When this consumption figure was used, the result was a generator operating efficiency of 32.4%, which is reasonable. Figures 3.1b and 3.1c also demonstrate the difficulty in using daily delivery tickets as the source of generator plant fuel consumption data. Based on these factors, the plant operator's daily fuel logs were used as the basis for generator fuel consumption. The benchmark period of this data (FY 2012 & FY 2013) was different from the benchmark period of the building fuel oil consumption data (Calendar years 2012 & 2013), but the benchmark period differences were deemed inconsequential. Figure 3.1a Generator! !n - Source comparison FY 2012 FY 2013 2 year Average Plant output (kWh) 3,413,280 3,533,515 3,473,398 Data source: Daily delivery ticket logs - gallons of fuel oil consumed 197,895 232,102 214,999 Resulting generator efficiency calculation 42.7% 36.4% 40.0% Data source: Gen plant operator daily logs - gallons of fuel oil consumed 260,407 270,241 265,324 Resulting generator efficiency calculation 32.4% 31.2% 32.4% Figure 3.1b Monthly fuel oil delivered to generator plant using daily delivery ticket logs 50,000 45,000 - - — - __ _._ -- _ - _. Generator Plant 2013-Generator Plant 2012 40,000 --- ---- .. 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 - - - ..-- 5,000 0 r4 N N CV N N m m m m m m 1� 11� 1� 1 �4 � 1-4 ' ac a +1 > v c .n L .1 C Qm a M (n Q z U_ Q Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Figure 3.1c Monthly fuel oil consumption by generator plant using daily operator logs 30,000 I — — -- 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 --Generator Plant 2013 —Generator Plant 2012 5,000 0 N tV N N N N m m m m m m c-i 1-i i i � 1- 1_ 1 1- V c 1 e-4 i-i i i Q V) O Z Q — 1.1_ Q 2 —i Electrical consumption and output Electrical consumption data, tabulated by meter number and month was obtained from the NSB Accounting department in Barrow. This data was cross referenced to the master utility meter list and a village map; both were provided by the generator plant operator. Samples are found in Appendices A and B. Electrical output data from the generator plant was obtained from the plant operator's daily logs. Daily kWh output was compiled by the operator from his hourly logs. The daily logs contain the average hourly and daily kWh consumed in the village, the daily fuel oil consumed by the plant, the peak demand and the daily kWh produced. Sample hourly and daily logs are found in Appendix F. Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission tine Study Supplemental Report 3.2 "Top Down" Calculations In order to meet an early deliverable for this study, rough calculations had to be made to establish preliminary estimates of post -conversion, village -wide electric consumption and peak demand loads. Consumption was calculated based on the fuel oil used in the village for space and process heating and DHW production plus 30% of the recoverable waste heat produced by the village generators. Peak demand was calculated based on the highest month's usage of fuel spread evenly over the month. Consumption calculations The approach used to calculate consumption requirements was to estimate the total energy input into the village in the form of gallons of diesel fuel on an annual basis, validate the total number of gallons with another independent data source, de -rate the energy output from the fuel oil based on reasonable heating and DHW equipment efficiencies, and convert the results to kWh. The author believes that this approach should be accurate to +/- 15%. Figure 3.2a - 2-year average oil consumption by category 2-year Average Buildings -Residential Jul 1,466 Aug 2,904 Sep 3,840 Oct 5,916 Nov 5,414 Dec 10,442 Ian 9,458 Feb 9,822 Mar 8,357 Apr 6,787 May 6,101 Jun 1,830 Annual Total 72,334 Buildings - Commercial 5,065 8,132 6,337 5,662 11,192 21,081 15,452 9,571 22,209 14,986 16,399 5,954 142,037 Buildings -Subtotal 6,531 11,036 10,176 11,578 16,606 31,522 24,910 19,392 30,566 21,773 22,500 7,784 214,371 Generator Plant (data obtained from plant operator daily logs, not delivery tickets) 19,279 20,156 19,486 21,303 22,807 24,580 25,961 23,7911 25,312 23,0091 21,312 18,3311 265,324 OTHER. Portable heaters, frost fighters, backup generators in buildings 21 16 174 19 13 56 498 398 749 0 0 37 1,979 Transportation (ULSD) 686 842 1,290 1,291 1,000 1,224 2,443 2,094 1,551 1,457 1,139 708 15,723 TOTALI 26,5151 32,0491 31,125 34,1901 40,4261 57,382 53,8121 45,6751 58,1771 46,239 44,950 26,859 497,397 The waste heat utilized in the village for space and process heating has to be added to the fuel oil consumption. Waste heat is captured from generator jacket cooling, transferred through a heat exchanger to glycol circulating through the village waste heat piping loop. Two (redundant) circulation pumps using 15 HP motors on Variable Frequency Drives (VFD's) circulate the glycol through the village waste heat system. Excess generator jacket heat is shed by radiators. The village buildings served by the waste heat system are: The school Fire station Water treatment plant USDW public works building Generator plant Vacuum sewer building Health Clinic Community Center Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report It is infeasible to measure the amount of waste heat used in each building without cumulative BTU meters installed in each building (which is always recommended). There are no such meters in use (the school may be an exception as it has a DDC control system which may have this capability). The alternative chosen to calculate waste heat, was to determine the maximum recoverable waste heat produced by the generators — estimated to be 32.5% of the energy input (i.e. fuel oil) - de -rate it based on an estimate of the percentage actually utilized by buildings — estimated to be 30% of the recoverable waste heat - and de -rate it again based on estimated distribution losses through the waste heat piping system — estimated to be 5%. This does not identify the amount of waste heat used, it only identifies the amount that might be used. Overall, this estimate of waste heat use is believed to be accurate to +/- 50%. The 30% utilization estimate was based on the following factors: • During the August 2013 site visit, the waste heat system heat exchangers in all buildings except the water treatment plant were valved off, so waste heat was not being utilized • During the site visit in October 2011, the fire station heat exchanger was valved off and the boilers were running • On -site personnel indicated during the October 2011 visit, that there are problems with Generator #3 cooling/heat exchange system such that a significant portion of generator heat is being shunted to the outside radiators; so the generator is running cool, and little waste heat is utilized from that generator. During the August 2013 visit, only generator #5 was running, so it is not known if the problem with #3 has been resolved. Figure 3.2b — Waste heat calculations Annual i • existing conditions Maximum Estimated amount recoverable of recoverable Average 2- energy (BTU) - energy (BTU) Net heat provided Required years of assumed to be actually used in to buildings using Electrical Energy fuel used 32.5% of fuel buildings (30% 5% piping thermal to replace Waste (gallons) used utilization) losses (BTU) Heat (kWh) 265,324 11,899,781,400 3,569,934,420 3,391,437,699 993,682 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Figure 3.2c — Fuel oil consumption & waste heat converted to electrical consumption Annual Energy required for heat and DHW production Fuel Consumption (gallons)• :consumption Residential 72,334 7,985,673,600 2,387,532 Commercial 142,037 15,680,884,800 4,688,222 Waste Heat 0 3,391,437,699 993,682 Total Annual Electrical Consumption (kWh) 8,069,437 Generation capacity required 8760 hrs/yr (kW) 921 Peak Demand calculations The approach used to calculate peak demand requirements was to identify the month with the highest consumption of fuel oil in the village, convert the energy content to kWh and spread this consumption over the 744 hours in the month to obtain the added peak demand resulting from the fuel conversion. This figure would then be added to the demand load resulting from converting waste heat to electrical heat plus the existing peak demand load to determine the overall village peak demand load. There are serious limitations to this approach but given the time constraint and limited data, it was deemed the best method to gain a rough figure for village peak demand. The limitations include: • It is not possible to determine peak electrical demand from the amount of oil consumed of previously installed heating equipment unless there is a cumulative, time -based meter fuel meter installed on the boiler • It is not possible to determine peak electrical demand load from the amount of annual waste heat utilized by a building • A 1-month resolution of peak demand is inadequate for anything except a preliminary estimate • The gallons of fuel oil in Figure 3.2a are delivered quantities, not consumed quantities Figure 3.2a shows that the peak monthly oil consumption of 10,422 gallons occurs in December for residential buildings, and in March for commercial buildings, with 22,209 gallons consumed. Of these two months, December has the highest total fuel oil consumption for combined residential and commercial buildings, with 31,522 gallons consumed. Using this combined figure to determine peak demand load with a 1-month resolution, 1,398 kW is required. l �._ Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Figure 3.2d Post -Conversion Heating & DWH -s • additional peak demand load ConsumptionFuel produced (gallons)C • • Residential (December) 10,442 1,152,796,800 344,660 Commercial (March) 21,081 2,327,342,400 695,822 Residential Peak Demand Load over 744 hrsJmo (kW) 463 Commercial Peak Demand Load over 744 hrsJmo (kW) 935 Total Peak Demand Load (kW) 1,398 The existing peak demand load is measured at the generator plant and recorded hourly (see Appendix E). 700 600 500 400 Y 300 + 200 100 0 o� Figure 3.2e — Existing peak demand load FY 2013 - Peak Demand at recorded at Generator Plant Jan 15 - 596 kW Feb 25 - 601 kW Peak kW in 24 hr period y��o�`titi �y`4�\ti3 oti o��Qy�ti3 Q�\oy�ti� o�\o�\ti� �\0���3 a The replacement of waste heat used to heat buildings with electrical heat will produce an additional component that will add to peak demand. It can be assumed that the maximum waste heat from the generators would be produced when the generators are producing their maximum load, that is, 601 kW. If 30% of a generator's output is the maximum recoverable waste heat output, then 30% of 601 kW, or 180 kW can be (very loosely) assumed to be the peak demand component generated from the electrical heating equipment which has replaced the waste heat. Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Figure 3.2f - Total Peak Demand The total village peak demand load, post -conversion is estimated to be 2,180 M. The estimated accuracy of this figure is +/- 30%. 3.3 "Bottom Up" Calculations Section 3.2 took a "top down" approach to estimating post -conversion electrical consumption by starting with the energy content of the total waste heat and fuel oil delivered to the village. A more accurate approach is to calculate the electrical consumption for each building and sum all the figures to obtain the total village consumption. If accurate, reliable, annual fuel oil consumption data for each building were available, conversion of the contained energy to kWh, using existing, nameplate equipment thermal efficiencies and published thermal efficiencies for new electric fueled equipment would be an accurate, preferred approach. Unfortunately, reliable fuel oil consumption data is not available for all buildings and even the reliable data demonstrates large (up to +/-100%) variations in year over year consumption for the same building, occupied by the same people. So, a number of methodologies were used and compared, and a blended electric consumption figure was arrived at for each building. These were then summed to obtain a total village electrical consumption figure. A 10% safety factor was added to this figure. Estimating peak demand was more difficult. A number of approaches were investigated and discarded. The selected approach was to calculate each building's heat load on a design day and, for multi -zone buildings use a building diversity factor to calculate each building's peak demand load based in its design day heat load. For single zone buildings no building diversity factor was used. All individual building's heating peak demand loads were totaled. Then a village heating diversity factor would be applied to the heating demand load, and a different village diversity factor would be applied to the summed DHW demand peak loads. For this study, the decision was made to let the utility provider determine the village diversity figures; so no village diversity was used. The sum of building heating and DHW peak demand loads were the added together to arrive at the total village peak demand load. A 10% safety factor was added to this figure. Consumption - Residential Step 1 — establish annual fuel oil consumption figures for the 72 standard houses The residential buildings in the village consist of 72 "standard" houses, 5 unique houses, 2 duplexes and a 4-plex. The 72 "standard' houses were grouped into 8 categories based on their configuration and size. One of each of the 8 house types were surveyed, as well as 2 unique Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report houses, both duplex's and the 4-plex. In each case, the exiting HVAC equipment was photographed and recorded and the mechanical rooms were measured. One each of the 8 house types were also measured (outside dimensions) by village personnel after the site visit and the information forwarded to the author. Figure 3.3a — Residential Building summary Residential Buildings Single family, multi -zone houses House type Quantity A 6 C 5 D 3 E 32 F 10 G 3 H 8 Unique 5 Subtotal 72 Multi -family, multi -zone dwellings Duplex's 2 4-Plex 1 Single zone house NSBSD teacher house (4024) 1 TOTAL 76 Figure 3.3b tabulates 2 years of fuel oil consumption data for a sampling of houses within each type. The sample size was roughly proportional to the quantity of houses in the in the category. The 2 year totals for each house were averaged and evaluated for variance from the mean. Outliers (shown in red in Figure 3.3b) were discarded. The "average by type" consumption figures were weighted based on the quantity of houses in the type, and summed (24,744). This total was compared to the "average of 1-year totals" which is the actual total gallons of consumption for the entire sample; the variance was -0.3%, so the type -averages are highly correlated to the annual sample totals. These "average by type" consumption figures were then converted, using nameplate boiler and HWH efficiencies, to electrical consumption and extrapolated to cover all of the 72 standard houses. House type G was not included in this analysis because all three of them are all less than 1 year old, they have no track record of consumption and are CCHRC experimental, ultra -high efficiency dwellings. An estimated EUi was used to calculate the annual kWh of consumption for these 3 houses. Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Figure 3.3b - Establishing and validating annual fuel consumption from a sample Annual Fuel House number Oil Consumption Type 2011 (gallons) -Sampling 2012 of year over year variance each House type Average by Type 2305 A 440 385 -139, 697 1001 A 664 873.4 32% 2301 A 530 718.7 36% 918 C 1141.21 1255.9 10% 1,089 602 C 1377.7 1044.8 -24% 630 C 767.85 947.1 23% 805 D 991.9 565 -43% 1,219 821 D 1392.72 1015.35 -27% 822 D 1478 2208.61 49% 913 E 811 0 -100% 969 910 E 882 695 -21% 422 E 1108.26 973.1 -12% 401 E 889.14 826.7 -7% 406 E 738.11 561.5 -24% 625 E 1166.4 1379.35 18% 617 E 1262.12 1190 -6% 606 E 1101.42 946.52 -14% 202 F 1285.6 1313.5 2% 836 variance of summed weighted type- 230 F 562.3 773 37% 229 F 989 977.1 -1% 213 F 767.84 1262.8 64% 205 F 570 502.9 -12% 217 F 1266.43 1116 -12% 1129 H 396.7 319.8 -19% 741 averages (24,744) from average of 1 yr totals 1120 H 1008.71 1156.76 15% 1121 H 755 603 -20% 1126 H 859.2 826.7 -4% Sample totals 25,203 1 24,438 -3.0% 24,744 -0.3% (24,820) Average of 1-year totals 24,820 Red entries were removed from sample averages Step 2 - Establish annual fuel oil consumption figures for 5 unique houses. 2 duplex's and 4- plex One of the duplex's had what appeared to be an accurate tracking of annual fuel oil use. After a small adjustment, it was extrapolated to the other duplex. The 4-plex had a single recorded oil delivery over 2 years, but it appeared to be reasonable when compared to single family and duplex consumption figures, so it was used. Two of the unique houses had consistent, year over year oil consumption figures; these were extrapolated to the other 3. The 4024 teacher house uses glycol piped from the adjacent school for heat. An AkWarm-C model was created for this house and used to determine electrical consumption. Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Step 3 — for houses with HWG's supplied with heat by the boiler In order to isolate the electric heating consumption from the DWH production, an estimate of annual fuel use for DHW production had to be made. The figure used was 24.2 gallonstyear.9 This was subtracted from the total annual fuel oil to calculate electric heating consumption. Figure 3.3d summarizes the residential building consumption calculations, Figure 3.3c is a key to the color coding in the summary table. Figure 3.3c Color.. - If "'Annual Total Consumption (gallons diesel)" Then consumption was calculated using: column below, looks like this: XYZ 2-year average of fuel oil consumption XYZ EUI's of similar buildings XYZ AkWarm-C Anomalous oil data, EUI's were used to back -check and XYZ adjust electric consumption 9 Source: Alaska Energy Authority End Use Study: 2012, WH Pacific, April 30, 2012 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Figure 3.3d - Residences - consumption summary 6dsdtg CafdfUons proposed Co M.. (added hr edslhg a8age elee&ktonwmptiotland demamij I EU I Anit of diesel (Incl. Amaral total ion tolalj emstimed Consumption fnrDMI[assume i Will— 230 MMBTtuunit dieseij frMAEAEaduse Study 2ni2j ( AddedAmmal EleCWCEUI Heatig AmmabHaitig DWH TotalAtmuai fa heating Houee House Qratuky HYAC Capacity oovsumpflon DHW 03padky Cmmmption Co"umption and DHW,If tM manber Iniftfle Desorkitim Ske F) slistemitype fkM IMNIIIIKWh) JkWhj added S irgle family, small, Elm FT i Al 1129 3 cr Inal Ionian 1008 697 24.2 baseboard 24 2 2 4.5 867 24519 83 exm atad rnir occupancyony ( .-in 5prny 20i3 \ S irgie family, small, Elec FT A2 2305 3 upgraded baler 1038 1 697 24.1 22 23AW 4.5 867 24 83 C 602 5 SI le fami 2-st 1536 1 9 ao Lbaseboard 29 37 71 ao O 37,871 84 Single family, modular, D 7C16, 821 3 7-window front 1269 1,219 26.3 21 38,597 4.5 867 35,4fA 146 ec baseboard Elm FT baseboard �.. Single famiy, modular, Jinx ES 617 10 1224 969 24.1 29 33,266. 4.5 967 34,133 95 estimate 1350 gallons now; Upgraded bola basil on 2311 aupiex 425 4-pl �. and a, Elm ad `- Single family, modular, Effie FT (!-- E2 625 22 new; od 'nal boiler 1224 969 24A baseboard 27 32,895 4.5 867 3,702 94 Am C Single family, old, 6 Elec FT ONY i spedk F 272 10 win dox front 960 836 0.0 baseboard 20 28734 0.0 0 28734 2 deltoryta 4-pkx Jan 2D13, all others to Elm FT "hoeing Ufl W, not clear where ai was G 1271 3 Single family, CCHRC 1350 200 ao baseboard 3 8.006 ao 0 8,005 20 �t+'erad; use 2418 Experimental house Efec FT -!� / slice t11—uP wkh �. baseboard dpl-co Ptions ingle family, new, 4- C. windmu front (same as is IEfecFT H 1226 8 AS) 1196 741 2A.2 baseboard 22 25,207 4.5 857 26,074 74 UNIQUE HOUSES Am Used Akwam, to cakvlate MBH c i"and kWh Singlefamity (Doug Em Fr co sunpdcn Unique-1 413A 2 Whiteman's house- - 522 0.0 � 15,830 0.0 0 15,8 120 also called 411) Elec /2ZO55 C Unique2 1 1217 1 3 Isinglefamily 627 I 0.4 I ad 3 1 4.5 0 2ZO56 1 110 MUUT-FAX DMLUlJGS i EIec FT C B 2311 313 1 Duplex 1343 4 baseboard a5 45,544 9.0 1,734 47278 103 CMSBSD Residential Elec 4024 1 housingsinglefamily bar and 15 25,725 4.5 1A61 27,176 132 C Duplex, NSBSD teacher F1ec FT 5002-1&-2 1 housing 1350 �48 baseboard 23 45,790 9.0 1,734 4 7,5 24 125 1 4-Pley. NSBSD teacher Elm FT 1 1 425 1 housing 2418.8 L o baseboard 41 85,087 0.0 0 85,087 56 TOTAL RES1111i Bkr"SS figwes era rst;mated bc. sed.n •ilagr nc, Total BUlb1)INGS T6 and t, **;bt maps Total Installed capacRy 266 64 S02,002 CDnsumpUar (kWh) I Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Consumption — Commercial Where accurate fuel oil consumption data was available and had a high year over year correlation (this occurred in only 3 of the 24 commercial buildings), a 2 year average was used to calculate the heat used by the building, using nameplate boiler and furnace efficiencies. If waste heat was utilized in the building, the amount of waste heat came either from an engineering study performed in 200710 or from the calibrated AkWarm-C file in the 3 cases where a full energy audit was performed. The net space heat delivered to the building was converted to kWh of electric consumption using 99% thermal efficiency for the electric boilers and baseboard heaters. When accurate fuel oil consumption was unavailable, as was the case with all NSBSD buildings except the school, 2 other approaches were used and combined to obtain a "best guess" annual fuel oil usage for the building: 1. A thermal model of the building was created in AkWarm-C (this was done for 7 buildings and included the 3 existing models) and the model determined the monthly consumption of fuel oil. The disadvantage of this approach is the lack of any actual data with which to calibrate the model. 2. EUI's for similar use buildings in similar climate zones (see footnote 8) were used for 11 buildings to choose a reasonable EUI for the subject building. This EUI was used, along with the building square footage and nameplate boiler and distribution efficiencies, to calculate fuel use for the year. The energy from waste heat, if utilized in the building, was added to the energy produced by fuel oil. 3. In 2 cases (NSB O&M building and PMC Sewage building) the EUI resulting from fuel oil calculations seemed excessively high and the oil consumption data was anomalous, but because there was no other source of data, the fuel consumption data was used to calculate kWh consumption for the building. The color key in Figure 3.3c above indicates which method was used to calculate fuel consumption in the Small and Large Commercial Building summary tables that follow. 10 Areawide Waste Heat Recovery Proiect, performed by RSA Engineering, Inc, 2007, commissioned by NSB Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 32 1 , 1i 4 �• � - 4 u � 1 3 Y C LIP � Y a c rG�F r m 4 �t Y � i a m o .aBV�' - _ I a $ I Im a u+ W r- I 'S ao Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report rIure s.tir — La a t.,ommerciai tsunarn s — consum Uon mary EUI Analysis B+isiing rotMitions PSOpased Condli[Wns(added to eidaftlg Village 910KI r consumption and dernand) Ann. of diesel (incL in total - ddnfumed far Added AMMITotal DHW(asstnna Heating Annual Heating DHW AnnUIDWH TotalAnnUa! Reasonable -Hess chedt df ekctrlt EUl 6nnkikng ConsunVtirn 21a-1U4a of 16g GpacRy comixnpul— CalisTRY COMWinitimf Carnesnption iorMnlag•DHWkJ1IbebwertMn number DescrirstWn SIMISF) (gaRoasdlesaU gallons) HVAC system (kW) (kWh) (kW) (KWhj (kWhj Oil EUlbecausa of afffefeneles) Building kept very told (use des m: =5 5 for heat Only 2012 data on daily NSBSD (Bus load calc), only has ticket logs (600 gat ail this 5007 Bam)facility 2,297 0 Elec Boiler 46 1",867 D 1fi4,867L1250% capacity rlts in ail EUI*which Is probably Isrobablyaicara3 �fnd- maincenance needed to property hexer the building current very low octuppa cy current fuel usage in �' but fbr transml sbn lyre untlerheated belie sttkV use EUI=200 to results In oil EUI =70.4 skrsalate full use with kittm Oil EUI = 200 used to simulate future 2550 TOHotei 60 Elec Boiler 57 127AS4 9 12-875 140,329 192 occupancy, current Slm: ally ticL t logs sl-. 5217 KYJ Camp ery low occupy and oil con ption galin 2t111 & 4311 gal A-t es EUI - 32. 12; averaging results qn UI=116 which seematoo bw; 2011 gallons Building kept very ATO cold and is 2550A C-PISKW - 1,493 0 Elec Boiler 63 94,268 0 0 9426 67 unoccupied, use Shop design day temp= 55 m heat oaks Solo & Community Typical community SO10A S,B47 505 (2) Elec Boiler 47 186,967 9 2"74 207,041 133 center and offce Ndditnonj Center building Clin is & Slightly higher than 4002 Morgue � ' - 522 Elec Boiler 91 164683 9 18,29B 182,981 116 average range for 68 clinicsin interior Meade River I n line with 4001 School 38,1.40 66,933 5,940 Elec Biller 675 2,195,256 150 195,057 2'"1'313 214 Wainwright School and Nuicisut Seems Iona, especially USDW Public considering l age OH 801 Works 17,424 15,691 287 Elet Boiler 692 554A17 9 9,473 563,480 110 doors, but In line with USDW building In Nuiasut 5006 Eire Station 4,608 51003 62 Elec Boiler 113 288,671 4.5 2,129 190,799 141 In In ewith fire stations in Barrow Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Re.pn; t achling Conditions Proposed Conditions (addedtoeAstingvgiageelectric consumption and demand) EUTAnalyads iF E AM. of diesel rand. intotal) consumed far Added Annual Total DHW (assume Heating Annual Heating DHW Annnml DWH TotalAnnuai Reasonable-ness cherk of electric Eul Building Consumption "d-10A of tftg Capacity Consumption Capacity Consumptitm Consumption for heating ►DHW jwRlbe kmrerthan number Description Size(SF) (gallonsdiesei} gallons) INAC system jkWl (kWh) jkW) JKWh) jkWhj D6ftilbecauseoteficiendes) u SF sesms N58 O&M wry high. Same 24D6A& B Shop/Warm M642 573 Elec Boller 463 967,014 9 2,22 9,239 376 building in Nuiasut has an oil heating EUI storage =134. Questionable f fuel oli dara. Quesonable all OilD01 PMIC Sewage 1Y,12Si D Eled Bailer 519 399,154 0 D 399,154 consumption & 18,133 gal results In EUI = 639 Seems reasonable Generator given large internal 1� Plant D Elee Boiler 65 244,63D D 2-04,830 125 sensible sensible heat rise from generators Seems reasonable iD2 Washeteria 4,269 0 Elec Boiler 490 153,201 D 0 153,201 75 ghren the build! is ed and generally unused Water verage for 6villages I 104 Treatment ,51 r+ 0 Elec Boiler 414 34.1,300 0 D 294 in inxeriora wnh Plant operating operating i wash eteri a's attached Public Safest 902 t Office(PSO) --. z,.^? 211 Elec Boiler SD 68,070 D 0 68,070 66 Seemsreasonable Use al EUI=282, i li based on roughly6 of a 2 points of sample data EUI=5D7 t 102A Vacuum Sewer Sower Plant 3,923 D Elec Boiler 199 138,017 0 0 139,017 245 and Pilot Station t! EUI=443J for combined potable water and sewer treatment plants in the interior Blue Sf figures are estimated otal bated on vulage maps and nstalled [Capadty(kW) ::1 15 T6TAL#BUILDINGS Google maps 4,OW 2 6,248,875 Total Consumption WH f diet logs grow .20 94 in 2011 and 33 gad in 2012; this is a a diacrepa cy. Based on mahlenass of EUI, use 2011 fglre Jim: Akwarm cdculaies 223 MH with 25% margin and no sensible heat gan in building aim: Akwam calculates 4268 gal for heat alone w1a any process ktads. Strx:e washeterla Is no longer in use for washtg, use this Rgura 311y tkkat kegs show i972 gal In 2011 and i,923.67 gal In 2012; this a large discrepancy. Use ,rouge in gat close to tenor Washistaia reragn EUI. ally ticket kegs straw L07.05 gal In 2011 (oil n = 79) and 1108.8 gal 2012 (EUI = 42), this is large d6orEpancy, the of A = 79 is mare realistic:, : should be higher if zupaxy was higher) use )11 fgure and assume ere was no waste heat n w In 2011 (valves were rre d off d r a g site Vection in 2011 also). onty data in Daily R legs is 345 gal In 2011, citvhtcsly Ted. Difficultto tlfy rea3xiable EUI n proms bade are iown-assume EUI, idn3 Waste fiat, d aid .assume waste was 6% of heat Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Peak Demand Calculations As previously mentioned, the total village peak demand load was considered from two perspectives: there is a normal operating peak demand load, and a cold start peak demand load (described in Section 1.3). The existing cold start peak demand load for the village is not known. The estimated cold start peak demand load that was added as a result of the new electric heating and DHW equipment is simply the total of all the installed capacity of this equipment, plus a 10% safety factor (Figure 3.3h below). The total -village (normal operating) peak demand resulting from the fuel conversion in ATQ was split into 2 components: heating peak demand and DHW peak demand. These 2 components were calculated separately, summed and then a 10% safety factor was added. Heating Peak Demand As previously stated, without direct, time based fuel oil metering at the boiler or day tank, it is not possible to calculate heating peak demand for an electrical heating system based on historical fuel oil consumption by previously installed, oil fueled heating system. A number of methods were investigated and discarded as inaccurate. The final process used to determine the heating peak is described below. The color key in Figure 3.3c, above, identifies which method was used for each building shown in the Peak Demand Summary tables which follow. The blue cells in Figures 3.3i and 3.3k indicated a single zone building. 1. Each building's heat load on a design day (i.e. -41 F) was calculated, either via heat load equations or through an AkWarm-C simulation model. 2. For single zone buildings, the heat load was considered to be the peak heating demand. For multi -zone buildings, a building diversity factor of 80% was applied to the heat load to calculate the heating peak demand load. The rationale for a building diversity factor is that at no time will all of the zones in a building be simultaneously calling for heat. This is due to the uneven impact of environmental factors on different building zones and how that affects calls for heat from each zone. Some of these environmental factors include: directional wind, occupancy, infiltration and the stack effect in larger buildings. It is also known that electric boilers have a number of smaller elements which are turned on incrementally if the initial calls for heat are not satisfied. Based on manufacturer's literature, the minimum element step size is assumed to be 15 kW for large commercial buildings and 2 kW for small commercial buildings. In every case, the peak heating demand load is rounded up to the nearest element step. 3. All residences except 4204 Teacher housing, were considered multi -zone, since each of the 4 assumed spaces will have its own heaters and thermostat. All small commercial buildings were considered multi -zone for the same reason. 5 of the large commercial buildings were considered single -zone, the rest were treated as multi -zone. 4. All building peak demand loads were summed (Figure 3.3h) and a 100% village diversity factor applied (i.e. no village diversity was used). There is a valid rationale for a village diversity factor because all the buildings in a village will not have a call for heat at the same time, but the determination of this factor lies within the utility company's domain. This said, the graph in Figure 3.4c below is provided to allow the identification a peak demand based on the village diversity factor chosen. DHW Peak Demand The peak demand resulting from DHW production using electric HWH's is determined to be the element size (usually 4.5 kW) in residential and small commercial storage hot water heaters. It is considered to be the total of all elements in a commercial electric storage hot water heater. Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 36 Atqasuk "transmission Line Study Supplemental Report There is a 100% diversity factor, (i.e. no diversity) between DHW production and building heating demand, as both can occurred at the same time, so the DHW peak demand is added to the heating peak demand for each building. There is a village DHW diversity factor because at no time, will all HWH's in the village be on at the same time. For the purposes of this study a 100% village DHW diversity factor was used for the same reasons as stated above. Figure 3.3h shows a summary of all peak demand loads and Figures 3.3i, 3.3j and 3.3k tabulate each building's figures. Cross check As an independent check on the peak demand values calculated by the methods above, an eQuest model was created for House Type E, the Fire Station and the USDW building. eQuest is considered to have very accurate peak demand calculations and includes diversity in its algorithms. Each model was calibrated back to actual fuel oil consumption, as shown in the calibration curves below. eQuest's predicted figures were then compared to those calculated by the heat load equations. The results correlated very well for the house, less so for the larger commercial buildings, but in each case, the heat load equations produced a more conservative result. Figure 3.3g — Cross check - Heat load equations vs eQuest (calibration curves shown) Number kW Building Peak demand loadsr Heat load equations (with 80% eQuest building diversity) Variance 617 House Type E 11.87 11.2 -5.6% 5006 Fire Station 43.84 64.5 47.1% 801 USDW 115.3 149 29.2% TOTALS 171.01 224.7 31.4% s 3 Y House Type E - eQuest Calibration - Heating and DHW Consumption 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 Soo Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Fire Station - eQuest Calibration - Heating & DHW Consumption 30,000 25,000 JF, 20,000 _____ _ ___ ____._---------_._.--.----_._.-_-----__..._-- s 15,000 —------- 10,000 -- - - -- — -- - - -- ---- 5,000 0 Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 90,000 80,000 - 70,000 s 60,000 3 Y 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -- -- __ 0 Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec USDW Building- eQuest Calibration - Heating & DHW Consumption -Actual eQuest (+,12%) Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Figure 3.3h — Peak demand loads — Summary PEAK DEMAND LOAD - SUMMARY Existing (kW) (no village diversity Added (kW} Heating factors used) Post -conversion DHW (kW) Residential 601 171 54 Small Commercial 82 0 Large Commercial 1,092 200 Safety factor 0% 10% 10% Totals 601 1,479 279 2,359 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 39 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Figure 3.3i - Peak demand - residential building summary hdstingfon6Han to tA. e[ co;wwWfwt wid drne ddlf CaPadtY lfshouse net Peak HMI NG (MMQkKL required MDH fieatkrg 0auww4(WI- Howe Have Mingty&r DHWH`wwG (75%ofdad HUAC tnwity DHW CapadV BOX"ft Peak DNW nurbev 1M De bon ike 5 aced I Mehineiv Net MON I cornolents s stesrtt &t If used OftTww Ina{ cases of MVG, assume diversity alimvs 40PMBHfor E*W t L 1 0X of MBH fu Eiec FT .41 1129 5 Sm2te farnll . small. on i,,A boiler 1008 123 67% 107 80 heat baseboard 24 4.5 9.6 4.5 Tankless HWH and indrect HNG supplies DHWand HNifor Eiec FT A2 li05 3 Sink famiy, ma, uiogieded baler i008 148 87% 99 74 hyd-ic htg22 4.5 9.6 4.5 Ekc FT 602 5 Sin lefann 2-sto ' 1536 124 66% 107 80 basabom-d 23 0.0 - 0.0 Elec FT D 706,621 ,. 7-wmd-frost 1269 120 60% 96 baseboard 21 4.5 112 45 Elec FT 803„ 0 .75 toli -0i ino t baseboard TwIlm HWH and Indfed HWG supplies 0HW and My for Eiec FT 146 99 h d-ic htt baseboard ;ingltfarrily, modulm-, new; upgraded E7 617 10 boiler 1224 67% 100 29 4.5 IL2 4.5 Bod!rmsuffi:knt to heat, leser79rgd dunngwinter months; 92%thermal Eff, 87% Elec FT 40 35 after cond-ing baseboard Ekc FT E2 628 Sin le fmit, modular my on adboil, 1224 145 86% 125 94 Au:a wd buminz stout baseboard 27 4.5 112 4.5 Ekc FT F 202 10 Single f-i old 6-wlnd-front 960 105 85% e9 67 baseboard 20 0.0 9.6 0.0 E+Isbng ties BB remmn Ekc FT G 1201 3 Singk family, CCHRC EapennuMsl house 1350 _ 9a?; 3kW 10 in fa:, baseboard 0.0 1.6 cc) 92%the rmal Eff but Ekc FT 15 87-0 13 87% a`tercondenslne baseboard Singk family, new. 4-window front llama as 1 £lec FT H 1226 6 A,) i19b 115 87% iQ0 baseboard 22 45 112 4.5 AvetageMHhfpersirf fem{tp{roue(rwrnique arld nD aMR 012COE HOUSS 92::; tfmrma( Effbut Urdgue-1 413A Singk fmn+IF(Doug Whitehouse-also ceded 411 J 15 87% 13 SS 67% attercondensin Eiec FT basl6axd 17 00 80 ?5% 60 6 75% 5 9Z, therrna4 Eff Git Eiec FT tJr+qw-2 1217 i Sin farniy 40 87% 35 2ti 675; atttrcond!nsin b�sebaard 8 4.5 4.8 45 MUUT-FAMILY DWEWHGS also Ekc cadet-ll htrs Ekc FT a 231 2313 1 Du Ie 181 W.1; 157 116 as bwkup baseboard 35 90 14.4 9.0 Gkycoi loop from sch.d Elec FT 4024 1 NSBSD Residential huusin .vIefwdIy V. 100Y> heat -this buld»e baseboard 15 4.5 8.0 4.5 500111&-2 1 Duple-., NSBSD tewherhousing E!ec FT baseboard 23 9.0 9.6 9.0 121 105 79 100?„ 0 Elec FT 425 1 4-7kr., NSBSD teachtrhousing 212 15,% 114 138 baseboard 41 0.0 41.6 0.0 i k. sf ausn Blue shaded ctks represent asingre- 76 TOTALfE54DEWE MALONLS 6-9*nr 1738 frputtstating MOO zone budds+g no buidngdNersity Totals 329 54 171 54 village in w factorused Rtgasuk l.f1nverSion fo Flechi,C Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Figure 3.3j — Peak demand — small commercial building summary Ekhdng C-MonS Proposed ComWons(addedto exIsUn ( TBilge 9XKWc consamptionand dos ymQ Reatkrg Cap-- Peak HEATING ENg 0".." PerbuNdkgH t (MU-nmWIedto Demmndikta3-a0% BuBdkg IM"Ind. DHW MDR17W.F HUAC 7W.4.1'-wag; J)"W buBdkgdh*,*V P-kDHWDn—.d mxr16er De SRe sF Q/N46used EffldemT NetMBH dkmd cWadtVI Continents arstuntrae cadamy dtvMAn used 22 87 b 19 419 I('AS a:lidg 14 6alseboard 4 0 6A 0.0 I—Mcfenttoht p 9�b bJdR In Wintar edstirg ldRr 421 Ua=Office - 10 99% already ded:rlcheat Fi O O 6.4 0.0 Baseboard 140 86% L27 902A Atqasuk Cal—tim Office S5 Elec FT 28 0 19.2 CIO baseb—d 97A the .[Eff but 413 rnaod 80 87% 70 52 87%after El eeFi 15 O 14.4 0.0 ccoderang, use100 bUmFT'tl .1I EUI 9296thermal Eff but 40 87% 35 87^b, after EIec FT 5008 Search&Re—ebUildng 54 cond— 16 0 11.2 0.0 U.EUI-705inte batehowd 50 75% 38 nice unacw ed 9296thermalE but 40 87% 35 SW after —d—i EI-FT 9 1001,,6 Use 134 Wendel 2402 NS BPW pPh7 fiUlldlrg 26 baseboard 8 0 4.8 0.0 EUI. wwme 5C Z from; 92%thermat Eff but 2406D Fud Building 22 87% 19 14 — rq: uR 120 h—b d 4 0 4.8 QO .11 cJl 4010 Post Office - 101 so% 81 61 EI-F 18 0 8.0 0.0 basebord a e ut no acccs to bulldnV TS t TA0Buddingdd 35.6 87% 36 27 35.6 MBH W.S Ell —FT g 0 6A O.O ceiculated usltg RSA 'abaarb Ae Sl fnni P 70TRLfiMALL CORIMERLIAt rnuMt :rea input heatkg MBH Tnbls dDl D a2 D 9111LDIN C3 � vtr Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 41 Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Figure 3.3k — Peak demand — large commercial building summary Eakting C-Ad— P.opvsed Co d.1 ss (added to edstim slag. eietick -- wEion and dexnard) P- btAdkxg Peak HEATHS Met MON HeaOngtbpacity. Added O—ond(ki'f)- Tow Hfg (7596 of (kW) metdxed A—bal Hm*w OHW A—wi OYM TOAI Axawd W% building OuHdkeg Opadtg diced to 759E of Cvnsewryxfion 6padty tbx-mpOon i--mptl— A.—ty usedfor Peak HNw m.nLer 0— ban Sire S MO Hikie- Met MOH d Opnments HVAC t— eds sa .dt Wh xrui&¢vne Oenmxd per Doug W. this I.only 1/2 of red htg capacity so double it in Elec capacity 121 87% 1 & -n..mti.n NSBSO (Bus W07 Barn)facility 79 Elec Boiler 46 164,36.7 0 0 164,867 '.0.0 0.0 aintGnanc[ bidg— rigtnally all decV.c, —acted to hydronits with Yeissman -Nu fSW4 Camp sw Vr— �1 I- boiler, for con—ption purp—, assume Elec ogler s7 127,459 9 i2,875 140, a29 22.4 9.0 norm.[ 0—pancy & kitchen in —; th—foxe oli EUI = 200 No Iongerin use 2550\ AT Q Oarp/SKNF Shot/ Elec Bailer 68 94,268 0 0 9a,+6e _ 6�A 0.0 had smaller noexie, changed to 1.35gph/180 100 80% 144 IOB MBH 145 87% 126 Oa.lyncket togs show 131i & 177. gat used, Way too Ivw 0-90%waste heat, Use 140 I—Otkrg Salo & 5010A (addition) Community Center 162 EU I mCl. WH; longer ivz Hra�ofHCe bidg+SO%(vr OHW (2)EI[c Boiiar 47 1$6,967 A 20,074 207,041 43.2 9.0 Waste ht pump. d from 150 150 HXlocatedIn ainic Fumatt he at5 hGW 105 85% 89 addition Morgue gets glycol pumped fmm QIn IC boiler capacity 486 85% 413 estimated. no. —plat. Second HX on dinic WH sends h4atto comm. 186 166 center 4002 CI i ni c & Morgue S.tG-! 310 El- Boi ler 91 164,683 9 18,298 182,931 41.6 9.0 Jim C,—cdb m— peck _040 80% 3072 Ioad— cdv[ated acing Quea 53 gal EHWH se 4001 Meade River School 3%140 1200 100% 1200 2304 oth wash n Ins vl El.c Boiler 675 2,190256 150 195.057 2,591,313 272.0 150.0 So gal EHWH serres kitchen 408 100% 408 801 USDW Public Works 17,424 H8 S2 80% 3106 2329 Elec Boiler 602 554,017 9 ?,473 56$490 149.0 9.0 590 7% `- 3 Valrestumetl aff duHng 266 100% "' 6 site visiT both 8m s' 5006 fire Station 4,608 365 Eitc Bailer 113 180,671 45 7: 129 190,799 645 4.5 68 20 MM 1-t.11ed 24o&k&8 NSS O&M Shop/Warm 729 87% 634 476 El -Boller 463 967,014 9 Z226 969239 152.0 9.0 M40 80% 147 2104 i 2250 MBH, not in us! per storage 803e a on -site ersonne! Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Neat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report EaisUnY Eosstiions Large Commercial Purposed roradiarts (added to eaisthV village tdectrk tonsusnption and denrstd) Per bullang Peak Is MG Net MD" Beathrupadw Added I 0—d(kW)- TotalBts (75%of (kW)-ttsatched Ararial Beotft BBW AnntssfDWH Total Aiswai W%buBdMz Bdiding Gpadta diesel to 75%of ionsa ptbn capadtg foosiinvoon roo"towtion diWAT use:dfor Peak BNW cum esober Bipn Sire(6P). MBB} iffitleim ttet MBd t d Ean—ts BVAC erns o dt (kViih) "Oh) (kWh) mutt -cane Remand tk" 200 htB H W a.^-t ail burner, in use, do not i, kb 0 rt ie!t 2]So 67% 2369 W Opt PMC Sewage 1772 Eitc boiler 519 199,154 0 p 395,15-0 0.0 nest bawd on 6090Z'�1+ 12,180 cRn G :.t) dy a:ross roil`,,it e g J {' h 162 162 tlo boiltr In p eA 32 IABH KC cap atity "th ;unthermsi+26 1p6 ntrataY f eplanl. ir_ilrtt'-ail fydron Ks 6 Eke P,u:ttr 65 N.'sw p 0 Zbe,g90 552 p.a utlh:t WH p MBH. ith Trant p A ilNarrn ca!Culates only 167 MBH It4uired -thaut mtecnai heat gai n a r prcaas Ioeds (washing. wattr heating, etc) Butfor safety, use the 1673 h1BH for 102 W"be-it, 2564 67`b" 2231 1675 transmission lint—.2 Eitc boiltr 490 153,2M 0 0 153,201 52.0 0.11 prt^.urn Cd to be used for hvdrom: dothts if yei. 07aq do not re lace 1n Y 104 yFaktr treatment 1415 Eke failtr 414 951,.0'7 0 ibi.350 } 0.11 Mont 500 f., aa9 n, 20 dT cross cal 600 elm, ..." 20 dT y,' {5 ross cal )S 1S6 156 via e r pre -heat with writ. heat i Ui,tnBu4on wattrioop h.Mm -- Raw water loop htann , - -16 6]a 902 Public ty Off" e (pi") 1 EI-Ender 3p 6$,070 0 p 62.070 28.6 0.0 - nan'tplMe it 1042 67l1 1 9p] ,»-- ewtr Plant 6E. Eke boll" 29" 138,017 0 '3 15:S01J O7 Use total heat EUI a 300 iMmg lud6%waste heat, uze oil EUI a 202 Ho h ipo hcahrt <outh taa heatin Farad Main hta5n^ 1400 dm a nt dT=-10 . E 4' 110 He K R appear. to be ustd f., S2 - process pre -neat 70MMWAGE d5 LBMMERCtAL BUItBIN65 24t92 ttrpttt irestilltt MBN ita�K `ell 1i� �� C �� T tak 4,W6 200 Si091.7 199.5 4� Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat ' Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Repor!. 3.4 Sensitivity Analysis The final village consumption and peak demand figures generated by this study are affected to various degrees, by the accuracy of the data used in calculations; it became clear during this study, that the input data had a very wide range of accuracy. The analysis described in this section resulted in the addition of a 10% safety factor on the final calculations of consumption and peak demand loads. The input data listed below was considered suspect, so an analysis was performed to understand the magnitude of impact that inaccuracies in this source data will have on final consumption and peak demand results. The results of this sensitivity analysis are summarized in the paragraphs and tables that follow. 1. Building insulation - R values and the condition of existing insulation. A single step in wall, floor and roof R value results in a 10% increase or decrease in annual fuel consumption for a building. See Figure 3.4a. 2. Fuel oil consumption data for 2 large commercial buildings with highly suspect annual figures — the NSB O&M shop and the PMC Sewage building. A 25% variance in annual fuel consumption by both of these buildings results in a 3.6% change in total village kWh consumption. The fuel oil data provided varied by as much as 65% year over year. See Figure 3.4b. 3. The amount of waste heat utilized by buildings on the waste heat system. A 25% variance in the amount of annual waste heat utilized by buildings, results in a 3% change in total village kWh consumption. The author estimated that only 30% of the waste heat produced by the generator plant was utilized, so it is easy to speculate that an additional 30%-50% could have been utilized and therefore would affect total village consumption by 6% to 9%. more See Figure 3.4b. 4. Building and village diversity factors. There is a linear relationship between the village diversity factor and total village peak demand. No village diversity factor was chosen, as the utility companies set their own community -wide diversity factors, and these will vary depending on the size and type of community. Figure 3.4c shows the resulting peak demand for a given village diversity factor. 5. Annual fuel oil consumption averages used for residential buildings. An 11 % sample size of single family houses was surveyed. Extrapolating fuel consumption data for this sample size can have a magnified impact on overall kWh consumption. This was mitigated by selecting a larger, 38% sample size to calculate average annual fuel consumption. Additionally, outlying and anomalous values were discarded, resulting in a 93% correlation to actual total annual residential fuel consumption. See Figure 3.4d. In the figures that follow in this section, variance information is highlighted by green cells as shown below. Variance and Sensitivity Information Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Figure 3.4a Annual consumption fuel oil (gallons) From daily delivery tickets ENVELOPE Calculated in AkWarm-C EUi comparison I House Type Value used in calculations Low value of2-grave. Low variance High value of2 grave. high variance PerAkwarm-C variance from value used variance with single decrement of Rvalue(trom a38floor&celRngandPA9 wall:} SF of I EUI - using Akwarm values oil EUi - using average daily deliveryticket values A - with HWG 697 413 -41% 769 10% 700 05% 10.1% 1008 91.7 91.2 -2story w/EHWH 1,089 857 -21% 1,211 11% 1001 -&1% 7.0% 1536 86.0 93.6 - Furnace & DHWH 1,219 992 -19% 1,478 21% 1037 -15.0% 1L0% 1269 107.9 126.9 c - with HWG 969 789 -19% 1,273 31% 950 -1.9% &g% 1224 102.5 104.5 -- Furnace with EHWH 836 536 .36% 1,300 55% 843 0.9% 10.4% 960 115.9 115.0 G - with EHWH 200 Insufficient data, house is too new Not enough info to model this house 1350 n/a 19.6 1- with HWG 741 358 sz%l 1,083 1 46% 759 25% 10.8% 1196 77.3 81.8 I Average %AkWarm underestimates consumption -3,5% 9.7% Average increase in consumption if Insulation is in poor condition I Figure 3.4b T 1• iF RESULT5-451116 BOTA FTIETAODUL41GIES Additional Electric Capacity required Number of gallons of Peak demand (kW) - no diesel fuel saved (i.e. Consumption (kWh) village diversity factor used net number of gallons replaced) Bottom Up Top down Bottom up Top Down Heating DHW Bottom up Top down Residential 2,362,572 2,387,532 171 54 463 67,205 72,334 Small Commercial 232,856 4,688,222 82 0 935 6,776 142,037 Large Commercial 6,248,979 1,092 200 136,711 Waste Heat 0 993,682 0 0 180 0 Safety Factor (applies above) 10% 0% 10% 0% n/a n/a Existing Generator Plant output 3,473,398 3,473,398 601 0 601 265,324 265,324 TOTALS 13,202,246 11,542,835 2,359 2,180 476,016 1 479,695 variance between methods 14.4% 8.2% -0.77% SENSITIVITY: 1,) 25% variance in oil consumption figures for O&M shop + PMC sewage building (and the tabulated gallons seem anomalous) results in 3.6% change in total village kWh consumption; 90% likelihood the 25% variance is exceeded 2.) 25% variance in amount of waste heat utilized by existing buildings results in 3% change in total village kWh consumption, 80% likelihood that this 25% variance is exceeded. Atqasuk Conversion} to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study 10 Supplemental Report Figure 3.4c — Impact of village diversity factor on pear demand in ATQ Atqasuk Total Peak Demand - Post conversion 1O0°!o- ---€ 90% 80% 70°% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2,199 1,759 1,319 880 440 kW Demand The 10% safety factor is not included in these demand figures. C Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heo� c- Atqasuk Transmission line Study Supplemental Report Figure 3.4d Annual House number Fuel Oil Type Consumption -Samplingofeach 2011 2012 House•' year over year Average variance by Type 2305 A 440 385 -13% 697 1001 A 664 873.4 32% 2301 A 530 718.7 36% 918 C 1141.21 1255.9 10% 1,089 602 C 1377.7 1044.8 -24% 630 C 767.85 947.1 23% 805 D 991.9 565 - 4 3 % 11219 821 D 1392.72 1015.35 -27% 822 D 1478 2208.61 49% 913 E 811 0 -100% 969 910 E 882 695 -21% 422 E 1108.26 973.1 -12% 401 E 889.14 826.7 -7% 406 E 738.11 561.5 -24% 625 E 1166.4 1379.35 18% 617 E 1262.12 1190 -6% 606 E 1101.42 946.52 -14% 202 F 128S.6 1313.5 29X. 836 variance of summed weighted type- 230 F 562.3 773 37% 229 F 989 977.1 -1% 213 F 767.84 1262.8 64c/o 205 F 570 502.9 -12% 217 F 1266.43 1116 -12% 1129 H 396.7 319.8 -19% 741 averages (24,744) from average of 1 yr totals 1120 H 1008.71 1156.76 15% 1121 H 755 603 -20% 1126 H 859.2 826.7 -4% Sample totals 25,203 24,438 -3.0% 24,744 -0.3% (24,820) Average of 1-year totals 24,820 Red entries were removed from sample averages Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 4.0 Basis of 5% Design A 5% design is a concept sufficiently detailed to obtain rough, preliminary cost estimates. It includes little or no engineering. A single design concept was established for all residential and small commercial buildings and a second design concept was established for all large commercial buildings except the new addition portion of the community center. The new portion of the community center is the only large commercial building that utilizes a forced air furnace for heat, so a third design concept was developed for this building. Existing HVAC and DWH equipment is to be retained in place and maintained in a fully functional state for use during power interruptions. All concepts were to be as simple and inexpensive as possible, require as little engineering and customization as possible, cause minimal impact on residents and/or employees and provide some measure of increased energy efficiency. In light of these factors, the following concepts were generated for cost estimating purposes. 4.1 Residential and Small Commercial Eight residential buildings were surveyed. Based on this sampling, it is assumed that all residence existing HVAC systems fall into one of these categories: Category 1. Forced Air: A diesel fueled forced air furnace with ducted air distribution and diesel or electric storage HWH 2. Hydronic Boiler: A diesel fueled hydronic boiler with hydronic distribution and either a HWG or en electric storage HWH All Small commercial buildings were surveyed and all fall into Category 2. The design concept for all of these buildings is to install electric, finned tube baseboard heaters on periphery walls. The heaters would be installed in the typical location in buildings currently utilizing Category 1 systems and directly above existing hydronic finned tube heaters in buildings currently utilizing Category 2 heating systems. New electric HWH's would be installed adjacent to the existing HWG's or HWH's. Heating control would be provided by 7 day, programmable, low voltage thermostats with setback capability, installed in every room that contains new electric heaters. Manual, low voltage thermostats will be used in buildings which are generally or frequently unoccupied. Electric baseboard heaters will all be 96" long, produce 2 kW and be supplied with current from a new electric service. The new electric service will be 200 amps, 240 volts, single phase power with a utility grade meter and will feed a 3-wire, 16 space load center. Interior wiring will consist of 3#10 wires pulled through surface, wire -mold raceways. See Figure 4.1 a for additional detail. 1. Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 48 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Figure 4.1a — Residential and Small Commercial schematic NEW 200A, 240V, 1PH NEMA 3R METER/MAIN/ LOAD CENTER WITH 150A/3P MAIN BREAKER AND 20 SPACE LOAD CENTER WITH (6 EACH} 25A/2P BREAKERS. SQD#SC2040M200S OR EQUAL COORDINATE WITH UTILITY FOR OVERHEAD SERVICE 2" WEATHERHEAD 2"C, 3#1/0 25/ 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 25/ 2 25/ 2 25/ 2 25/ 2 > 2 =KW 2KW 1> 2KW 2KW 2KW 2KW > zP 1 2KW 2KW > 2KW 2KW 150/3 25/ 2 25/ 2 25/ 2 "25/ 2 25/ 2 25/ 2 2 25/, EWH ��4,5KW VW 4 3#10 IN SURFACE RACEWAY (TYP) WIREEMOLD # V2000 SERIES, OR EQUAL T Y Pr I CAL RESIDENTIAL_ ONE -LINE No SCALE ATKASUQ POWER LINE STUDY GPL ATQASUK ELECTRIC HEAT UPGRADES Mechanical and Electrical SKE-11 Consulting Engineers TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL POWER ONE -LINE 2=*.h�s""Xw 1919—AlarAw AM*0MaVAKW= WMft�JW9"U Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 49 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 4.2 Large Commercial All 15 large commercial buildings were surveyed. The HVAC and DHW systems in these buildings fall into the following categories or a combinations of these categories: Category 1. Diesel fueled hydronic boilers with hydronic distribution providing all space heat and DHW heating. 2. Diesel fueled unit heaters or air handling units. 3. Diesel fueled forced air furnaces with ducted air distribution. 4. Waste heat Where heat is provided by a diesel fueled hydronic boiler, (Category 1) an electric boiler will be installed and piped into the existing hydronic distribution system. In cases where diesel fueled unit heaters used, electric unit heaters will be installed adjacent to the existing units. The electric unit heaters will be controlled by local, low voltage thermostats. There are 3 diesel fueled air handlers installed in the NSB O&M shop. According to on -site personnel, they are not in use, so their heating capacity will not be replaced in this conversion. The Community Center has the only instance of a forced air furnace within this group of large commercial buildings. In this case, an electric duct heater will be installed in the supply duct of the existing furnace and the existing furnace fans will be used. The same primary/secondary control strategy that is used for new electric boiler control (below) will be used for this application. In cases where waste heat is the only source of heat for either space heating (in the generator plant) or process heating (possibly in the water treatment plant), an additional piping loop from the new electric boiler will have to be installed to service the former waste heat loop or heat exchanger. All new boilers will have a constant speed circulation pump and the necessary valves, temperature sensors, pressure reliefs, etc. to allow a primary/secondary relationship between the new electric boiler (primary) and the existing diesel fueled boiler (secondary). The control strategy for all new electric boilers will be through a control unit which provides boiler temperature reset based on outside air temperatures and allows the new electric boiler to be the primary source of heat and the existing diesel fueled boiler to be a secondary source if the primary source does not satisfy the call for heat. All new thermostats installed in buildings with typical work weeks shall be 7-day programmable, low voltage units with unoccupied or night time setback capability. Figure 4.2a provides additional detail. �. Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 50 Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE, ROUTE TO GLYCOL TANK THERMOMETER (TYP) PUMP (TYP) OUTSIDE AIR TEMP SENSOR --a_ BALANCE VALVE (TYP) UNION, Figure 4.2a — Large Commercial schematic BALL VALVE (TYP)� H 017-- r t t r SECONDARY LOOP TEMPERATURE SENSOR TYPICAL COMMERCIAL BOILER INSTALLATION SCHEMATIC NO SCALE CHECKED ATKASUQ POWER LINE STUDY R S SHEET MRF ATQASUK ELECTRIC HEAT UPGRADES Machadcat and EfecfticW consuNin SKIM-1 DATE NEW ELECTRIC BOILER ADDITION nnM*9Engineers ,w.,.,. Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 51. 5.0 Village Conversion Cost Estimates The 5% design described in Section 4 is the basis for these cost estimates. The full Construction Cost Estimate Report is found in Appendix F. The final quantity of buildings in 2 categories changed after HMS initiated their estimating process. These adjustments to the totals have been made in Figure 5.Oa below but have not been made in the full report in Appendix F, therefore the final costs below are slightly different from the full HMS report. Figure 5.Oa COST ESTIMATE Quantity SUMMARY Cost Each Extended Cost Residences 76 $36,851 $2,800,676 Small Commercial Buildings 9 $20,776 $186,984 Large Commercial Buildings 15 $112,564 $1,688,460 Village Total $4,676,120 SUMMARY POINTS FROM APPENDIX F DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS Level of Documents: (2) draft concept study report drawings narratives and mechanical and electrical quantity sheets for each building. Date: October 2013 Provided By: RSA Engineering of Anchorage, Alaska RATES Pricing is based on current material, equipment and freight costs. Labor Rates: A.S. Title 36 working 60 hours/week Premium Time: 16.70% BIDDING ASSUMPTIONS Contract: Standard construction contract without restrictive bidding clauses Bidding Situation: Competitive bids assumed (electrical to be prime contributor) Bid Date: Spring 2015 Start of Construction: Summer 2015 Months to Complete: Within (10) months completion time including submittals, materials procurement, etc. (two seasons). EXCLUDED COSTS 1. A/E design fees 2. Administrative and management costs 3. Remediation of contaminated soils or abatement, if found during construction (Note: Hazmat survey not completed yet) GENERAL When included in HMS Inc.'s scope of services, opinions or estimates of probable construction costs are prepared on the basis of HMS Inc.'s experience and qualifications and represent HMS Inc.'s judgment as a professional generally familiar with the industry. However, since HMS Inc. has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment or services furnished by others, over contractor's methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, HMS Inc. cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids, or actual construction cost will not vary from HMS Inc.'s opinions or estimates of probable construction cost. This estimate assumes normal escalation based on the current economic Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report climate. While the recent global economic downturn appears to be moderating, it remains unclear how its effects and subsequent economic recovery will affect construction costs. HMS Inc. will continue to monitor this, as well as other international, domestic and local events, and the resulting construction climate, and will adjust costs and contingencies as deemed appropriate. CONTINGENCIES, OVERHEAD, PROFIT AND ESCALATION (included in total pricing) General Conditions, Overhead and Profit Bonds and Insurance Design Unknown Contingency Escalation to Summer 2015 at 3.5% per Annum (20 months) GROSS FLOOR AREA AND QUANTITIES BUILDING CONVERSION QUANTITIES Residences Small Commercial Buildings Large Commercial Buildings TOTAL: 47.00% 2.00% 15.00% 5.84% 76 EA 9 EA 15 EA 100 EA Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 53 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 6.0 Acknowledgements Energy Audits of Alaska would like to acknowledge the help of those individuals and organizations who have contributed important information and assistance, without which this study would have been impossible and/or inaccurate: NSB employees, including: - Fred Kanayurak: generator plant operator and member of the Barrow to Atqasuk power transmission line steering committee. Fred escorted the author through the village for three days, introducing him to building and home owners and requesting permission to enter and survey their buildings and/or homes. He also provided invaluable and detailed data from his hourly and daily operating logs as well as a comprehensive listing of all electric meters and buildings in the village. Fred is featured in many of the photographs in Appendix C. - Administrative staff in the USDW office, who provided daily fuel oil delivery tickets, and spreadsheet compilations. - Richard Bordeaux, who provided a vehicle during the author's stay in the village and authorized his accommodations in the NSB itinerant house. - The many homeowners and building occupants who allowed access to their homes and facilities. Doug Whiteman: vice -mayor and another member of the Barrow to Atqasuk power transmission line steering committee. Doug assisted the author in obtaining access to buildings, provided insight and history regarding the waste heat system and performed measurements and counts of houses after the site visit. BEUCI personnel: provided electrical consumption data for each building in the village. Dick Armstrong: provided a peer review of this report. Kent Grinage: former director of NSB's Fuel Division, provided background, previous studies and an historical perspective on overall village fuel use. L L_ Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report APPENDIX A Schedules of Buildings & Structures with Electric Meters Buildings 001 Description PMC Sewage 102 Washeteria 102A Vacuum Sewer Plant 104 Water Treatment Plant 106 Generator Plant 202 Type F - Single family, old, 6-window front 413 Chapel 413A Unique 1- Single family (Doug Whiteman's house - also called 411) 419 ICAS building 421 Liaison Office 425 4-Plex, NSBSD teacher housing 602 Type C - Single family, 2-story 617 Type E1- Single family, modular, new; upgraded boiler 625 Type E2 - Single family, modular, new; original boiler 706 Type D - Single family, modular, 7-window front 725-1 ASTAC Building old 725-2 ASTAC building, new 725A ATQ Cable 801 USDW Public Works 802A GCl Building 803 Old ATQ Hotel Restaurant 821 Type D - Single family, modular, 7-window front (itinerant) 902 Public Safety Office (PSO) 902A Atqasuk Corporation Office 902B NSB PSO Radio Building 1129 Type A1- Single family, small, original boiler 1201 Type G - Single family, CCHRC Experimental house 1217 Unique 2 - Single family 1226 Type H - Single family, new, 4-window front (similar to A) 2305 Type A2 - Single family, small, upgraded boiler 2310 UIC Sciences Station 2402 NSBPW CIPM Building 2550 ATQ Hotel /SKW Camp 4001 Meade River School 4002 Clinic & Morgue 4006 Corporation Store 4010 Post Office 4024 NSBSD Residential housing, single family, attached to school 5006 Fire Station 5007 NSBSD (Bus Barn) facility maintenance Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 5008 Search & Rescue building 5010 Community Center 2311/2313 Duplex 2320 & 2320A Airport Building & FAA connex 2406A & B NSB O&M Shop/Warm storage 2406C NSBPW Fuel Div. Connex 2406D Fuel Building 2406E UIC Construction Bull Rail 2550A ATQ Corp/SKW Shop 2550B Old ATQ Corporate offices 5002-1 & -2 Duplex, NSBSD teacher housing 5007A Corp. Dry storage Pole 92 Street lights - pole mounted meter Pole Al SDS University - pole mounted meter �. Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 56 Atqasuk Transmission Lime Study Supplemental Report First page of 5-page master utility meter list DATE: CUSTOMER NAME ACCOUNT METER# METER# HEAT TRACE REMARKS RESIDENT 370536 95191313 95191770 #202 RESIDENT 370538 95191750 95191315 #210 RESIDENT 370555 95191752 95191751 #214 NSBPW 370534 95191759 95191760 #218 RESIDENT 375132 95191762 95191758 #222 NEW HOUSE RESIDENT 370535 95191298 95191761 #230 RESIDENT 370516 95191297 95191300 #229 RESIDENT 370541 95191763 95191764 #225 RESIDENT 370501 95191757 95191783 #217 RESIDENT 370528 95191782 95191749 #213 RESIDENT 370523 95191316 95191314 #205 U MIAQ 370527 95191769 95191772 #201 NSB HOUSING DEPT.4- PLEX 375063 95191353 #425 HEAT TRACE NSBSD 4-PLEX 375156 95191802 #5 ADD -ON APPT. NSB HOUSING DEPT. 4- PLEX 375115 95191803 425 HALLWAY LIGHTS,ETC. NSBSD 4-PLEX NSBSD 4-PLEX NSBSD 4-PLEX NSBSD 4-PLEX 375064 95191801 #2 375063 95191804 #1 370587 95191214 #3 370579 95191216 #4 ICAS/NVA 375113 95191247 95191354 #419 #5001 #1 ---- NATIVE VILLAGE OF ATQ. NSB PLANNINGITELECONF. 375098 95191246 95191248 #421 #5001 #2 NSBSD 375065 95191816 95191815 #417 #414 ATQASUK CHAPEL 375049 95191807 95191808 #413 RESIDENT 370586 95191805 95191814 #413a #419 ALONGSIDE CHAPEL RESIDENT 370552 95191819 95191820 #409 L Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 57 r Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report APPENDIX B Village Map Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 58 Atqasuk Conversion to Elea- Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report APPENDIX C C Building Photos & Mechanical Room Floor Plans 1 /198 = 1 '-DR Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report House Type A2 — original boiler rb WILER 24e0 !it -41 1129 ALTERMTE HOUSE A NO UPGRADE FLOOR PLAN r �_ Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atgasur:. House Type C — 2-story 1/9 . = 1._13. Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat A`-jasuk Transmission !_.ine Siud House Type D L_J as 12" L_ 41--t® Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 63 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report House Type E ME Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heap Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report House Type F e'-Dv 1118M = 13-00 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric He Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report House Type G — CCHRC houses Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report House Type H TABL. 1" IATER TA14K +RV 6°41 GLK 1226 HOUSE H FLOOR PLAN i Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Heat alp 2311 Duplex 2311 & —13 DUPLEX 8 FLOOR PLAN L L. Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 5002 Teacher housing Duplex A UH 151-05 I. Atqasuk Conversion to. Electric Heat AtgaSUI Suppiernentai Report 4024 Teacher Housing 421 Liaison Office Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Repo 425 4-Plex Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 419 ICAS Building 5010/5010A Community Center Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 72 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 902A Atqasuk Corporation Office 5 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 73 Supplemental Report 413 Chapel 2446D Fuel Building Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 5008 Search & Rescue 2402 NSBPW CIPM Building Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 75 Atgasuk Transmission Line Study 4010 Post Office POSr OFFICE FLOOR PLAN 1/8 " = 1'-0M Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Supplemental Report Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 725 ASTAC Building —Old 5007 NSBSD Bus Barn Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study 2550A ATQISKWShop Supplemental Report Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 78 Supplemental Report 4002 Clinic 2b%-4" f kk 1 Aa. = 1'—[)" 13.10,03 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk L- 4001 Meade River School SCHOOL BOILER ROOM FLOOR PLAN 1/8. = I.-C. 13.1 D,04 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 801 USDW Building 2b'.Dlt USaw PUSUC WORKS FLOOR PLAN I ISE ' 11_D" 13.10.0 4 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 6006 Fire Station oil a FIFE STATION FLOOD PLAN 1/5, = 1 r-oR Atgasuk Conversion trile�t�ic. !chat fo �01 o� N99 Q&M SHOP FLOOR PLAN I /alp = ip—om Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supple! r 001 PMC Sewage ISSN 0I IM r FPTI I PMC SEWAGE FLOOR PLAN 1/611 = 1'—am 13.10. I13 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 106 Generator Plant Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 8` Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supple,., .: 102 Washeteria --_j 1' WASHEI-ERJA BOILER ROOM FLOOD PLAN 1/82 = 1'—flo l Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 13.1 D.1}4- Atgasuk Transmission line Study Supplemental Report I 104 Water Treatment Plant �IF WT WATER TREA'fNnOW PLAN FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = V—DO 1 3. i G.D4 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplementai Report 902 Public Safety Office Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atgasuk Transmission Line Studv 102A Vacuum Sewer Plant PfPINf FLf+IRS 24'� - J 6172 MI I� 1Tl-0• VACUUM PLMT FLOOR PLAN 1 /8" = id —DU Supplemental Report Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Neat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report APPENDIX D Manufacturer's Spec Sheets for Equipment in Estimate htgpsJ; cte�ell.caw`�t-iJ�'�'a�esr�eLitnrnrsspx?rnt.. Print Product sped icatiorss Appilicatim Dife+ensi ins (in.) Danensions (mm) Kern Type Mouirstiry Eedrical Ratings Frequency stages tperaWig Humidity Range ('x RN) supply Voltage Switch Positions (system) Switch Positions (Fan) Senslor Element Accuracy (F) Accuracy (C) Color Switctt Type Power Method Terminal Designations Display sine Terre Control Mode selections Chmigemer Suing Temperature Range (F) Setting Temperature Range (C) Cydes per Hour Coot Current Neat Currerrt TH 111©DV 10091U PRO IOW va cal Non-Progran matile Thermostats 1 Heatl1 Cod Conventional systeirris and Heat Pumps with I Awaliary Heat 4 11116 in. High X 2 718 in. Wide X 1 US in. Deep 120 rnrn hogh x 74 mm wdde x 28 mm deep Product Vertical 20 to 30 Vac or 754 mV 50 Hz.80 W 1 Heatll Coot 5 to 90% RH, non oondeetsing NEAT -OFF -COOL AUTO -ON Premier WhiteO Dual Powered: Battery or Hardwire R. RC. C. W, Y. G. O. B 1.32 sq in. Manual Heat: 40 F b 90 F: Coot: 50 F to 90 F Heat 4.5 C to 32 C: Coot 10 C to 37 C Healing 2 0 8 CPH: Cooling 2 -8 CPH 0.02 A to 1.0 A runt" 0.02 A to 10 A rvrting I of I 1&15.n013 IL10 PM Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat a Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report �PPP"---r!1 High Efficiency, Self -Cleaning c ,f"Ill '"111CWI w A T Residential Electric E R / E A T E R S 14-Year Limited Tank/Parts Warranty* • mum !��lfitl�uay 3 Inch 'Environmentally -Friendly' non-CFC foam insulation, external heat traps and other features combine to yield a higher 0.95 Energy Factor that maximizes savings on operating costs. • Fused Ceramic Shield A tough, thick, durable coat of ceramic is fused to the tank's interior surfaces at 16WF, forming a corrosion -resistant lining for years of dependable protection and use. • 31dWmaiMgDlfl mDoTabs Heaps reduce sediment buildup inside the water heater tank to preserve high Mlclrlcy auW lbr Vem of Muble4lim gpmrdm • Dual Incoloy Heating Elements Stainless steel sheathed, screw4n, direct immersion, 450Q-watt, 240-volt hem" demems fw wadnxim effiftKy PW kn9w W • CSA Rated and ASME Rated UP Relief Valve Conveniently located on the side of the tank to facilitate piping to a drain or external to the buiktng. • 3/4"Top Water Connections • Anode Rod Exclusive heavy-duty magnesium anode with stainless steel core, top - mounted for added tank protection. Maximizes tank life. • Built-in Electric Junction Box Top -located, convenient junction box, ready for 1/2'or 3/4'conduit. • Thermostat/High Limit Control Combination control allows adjustment of water temperature while providing overheat protection. • Durable, Tamper -Resistant Brass Drain Valve • Code Compliance Meets the Federal Energy Efficiency standards according to the current edition National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA) of 1992. Meet the standby loss requirements of the U. S. Department of Energy and current edition of ASHRAE/IESNA KlemnauedkTanofK)CandHUD str IUMLCalffiedtoUL1i4fae household electric water heaters. 'For caerpfate avmznty infcvrn000n convA the written waramy of American Wow Meam found ar aMGawtrK01►MObtrffi[!tp rpri or cog WO 99"515 !R}ne.tw.onanrapnauc•eraarfeaen•�na.+�n•an. d.*m 6«.twe I, f•-awl'wrwesan�ae�rac.wa.nren Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atcpslik Tra lisrrlisslorl LJO.6 Study GRABOFN SAg.. it' I I'-1■. ,.. ._ _. :.: +. _F.'"rT^ P.ea:SSe' I':. +: I 11-� . 1 f li !y cat, ^, i r a va _. i" Cart Captains: I01 Iterts HVAC and Refrigeration > Electric Heaters and Accessories > Electric Basettoard Heaters DAYTON Baseboard, Commercial I `:Tits: s Pe•:I<,ti I Peso sli Pevi_,v; 1 ?esc all %:'r. v rrvwer Sham This Product cduct Electric Baseboard Heater. Conventional. Commercial, voltage 208.2401277. 1 Phase. BtuH Output 68261511:313850, Mounting Type Floor, Length 96 In., Depth 2-718 In.. Height 6-3/4 in . 60 Hz. 7.216.315.4 Amps AC. Color Navajo White, Housing Material 16 ga. Steel Grainger ftem # 3K838 Price (ea.) 3295.80 Brand DAYrOti tdfr, Model# 3KB38 UNSPSC # 40101814 Ship Qty. OP 1 MOW Sep Qty. { r tit{ C$0', f" t Ship Weight (ibs.'l t8.5 Avaliatiddy Typicatty in Stock [] Catalog Page No- 4626 1 Country of Origin Chins 0 Enlarge Image (countryof o"Wri is suolect toclUrps,} City. 5 Add Grainger-rrtpleGuard's'1 repair d replacement coverage [I for VE.9` each. Te_ate, Check Availability Use your ZIP cods tc cstimata availahility Qty: ZIP code: 01 Compliance Restrictions MSDS NOW Item E _.. c asec.,;rc -eater Housing Style ..cr�ert•cr.?: Prirnary kpplicatton .Tr.a: Voltage 2)-5 24=' 277 Phase StuHOutput ; __B... Mounting Type Length 3? Depth _ Height-? 4 H>_ Amps AC Color rra.ar Housing Wtenal _ :- _._- Electric Heater. $532 BtuH. 96ln L Brato: DAYiON 3rainger Item a; 3ENC6 Price. Ss45 vS st), i I i w-9 Ear Plugs. 32dG. Corded, Univ, PK100 HSNEYWE-LL 3raaier Its a' 6XPS0 Safety Glasses. Clear, Uncoated Err:) ;},l sraiNeT heir = 5JDN77 Prig. I Thrmostat, Unit idt. 120+205 140!277, Rsdntl 9Tarr_- DA'.TON 3 ,rge ns, = 3UG91 Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 9-) BE)►THINK� iNNOVATE +% GRUNDFOS PRODUCT GUIDE i 4R" lot] tm-o 4Gnup4oF4ms*;p% c Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Product range Cast iron UP Series Closed systems Product number 115 V 230 V Flow [gpmj Head fit)Flanged Union NPT Sweat Check valve Page UP 15-10 F 59896248 - 0-8 0-5 0 32 UP 15.10 F R 69896249 0.8 0-5 0 32 UP 16.42 FC1MR* 59896804 0.16 0-14 0 0 44 UP 15-42 F 59896155 59896173 0.17 0-15 9 42 UP 15-42 FR 69896167 598N274 0-17 0-16 • 42 UP 15.42 FNS* 69996807 - 0-18 0.15 0 45 UPS 15.42 F - 59896180 047 0-16 0 43 UPS 16-60 FC 69896341 0.17 0-19 0 0 50 UPS 16.58 FRG 69896343 0-17 0-19 0 0 50 UP 15.100 F 59896300 0-9.5 00.33 0 51 UP 26-64 F 52722330 52722327 0-32 0-24 0 52 UP 26.64 FNS` 52722563 - 0.34 0-24 0 53 UP 28-98 F 52722341 52722338 0-27 0-30 0 54 UP 26.96 FNS* 627225W 0-32 0-30 0 55 UP 28.90 F 62722355 62722351 0.34 0.32 0 66 UPS 26.99 PC 52722512 52722513 0 0 57 UP 26-116 F - 52722377 0.38 0.37 0 58 UP 26-120 U 52722435 52722436 0.19 0-38 • 59 UPS 26-150 F 95906030 95906631 0-51 0-46 9 60 UP 43-44 F 52722437 52722438 0-64 0-13 0 61 UPS 43-44 FC 52722514 52722515 0 0 82 UP 43-70 F 96439644 - 15-86 1-24 0 63 UP 43-75 F 52722373 52722372 0.40 0-26 0 64 UPS 43-100 F 95906836 95906637 0.85 0-31 0 65 UP 43.110 F 96439643 - "0 1-37 0 66 UPS 60-44 F 62722557 62722669 0-65 0-14 • 67 UPS 5"0 F 97523134 97623135 0425 0-21 0 68 UP 50.75 F 52722352 52722353 0-40 0-26 0 89 * Nate: VS - variable speed, MR - MBciMizer, SU7P 16 cr•uutorrOME- 'I l- Atg2suk Conversion to Electric Flea 94 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Technical data ■■MM�� 2.4■��■��� 00 IM111111■ 111163-1 = �IIIIIII MW■�■ OR Nip- 0 ■■IO NWR �■ergir 0 ui Q jGpNq a UPS 15-58 FCIFRC Flow range: 0-17 gpm Head range: 0-19.5 feet Motors 2-pole, single-phase Max. liquid temperature: 230 °F (110 °C) Min. liquid temperature: 36 °F (2 °C) Max. system pressure: 145 psi (10 bar) Model Spd volt¢ Amps Watts Hp Capacitor 3 0.75 87 1125 UPS 15-W FUFRC 2 115 0.66 80 1/25 10µF1180 v 1 0.55 60 W25 Without check valve - — — - With check valve Approvals C&S LaSM bimensioAS l mohesj Connection tiodeltirpe Product number type Shgping weight A a C b E f andsize Wl UPS 15.58 FC 59896341 6 lt2 51M 4 4 3116 3 3 &32 GF 15<2e Mrga 7 114 (2) 11T' Ilia. nOit holes UPS 15-59 FRC 59SD6343 6 12 5 114 4 43116 3 3 5132 GF 15t26 MngE? 7 114 (2) 112" ewa. bolt Mies Hutrr The OniecK value Evan be retnofW. Dimensions in irChas unMs Otherwise notW 50 f MWVAIlXW= IX Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 95 Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Technical data H a 0-+ 0 4 c 12 if. 20 24 26 UP 26-99 F/BF Flow range: 0-34 gpm Head range: 0-32 feet Motors 2-pole, single-phase Max. liquid temperature: 230 °F (110 *C) Min. liquid temperature: 36 T (2 °C) Max. system pressure: 145 psi (10 bar) Closed system (F) and Open system (BF) Model Ya1ls Amps 1g" rip Capaeifor 115 2.15 245 1/6 101tFi18o V UP 26,99 FA3F 230 1.07 245 1/6 2.5µF/380V Approvals UP 26-99 F1BF UP 26-99 BF C @us USM AVAIr ftl Product number Dimensions (nchesl Model b/p a Connection Conape Shipping ppingweight 115V xiBY A B C D E F and sizeilosl UP 26A3 F 52722355 52722361 6112 6 318 5 1M6 4 118 3 1/2 3 5+32 GF 15126 Range 12 ,U,2 {2j liz,ttia, bolt notes UP 29-93 BF 52722347 52722M 61/2 6 318 51M6 4 1/8 3 112 3 5132 GF 15/26 Range 12 112 (2) 11T Oia. bolt tt " Note DUM%ions in irrhBS UnlessotherWizm MW 56 MEMMnaral•x Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 96 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Technical data UPS 26-99 F/BFC MM IIM Flow range: 0-33 gpm Head range: 0-29 feet Motors: 2-pole, single-phase Max. liquid temperature: 230 1 (110 °C) Min. liquid temperature: 36 °F (2 °C) Max system pressure: 145 psi (10 bar) Model Sod Vaft Amps Walls Hp Capacitor 3 1.8 197 116 20µF/180V UPS 26-99 FC 2 115 1.5 179 1t6 2oµF/18ov 1 1.3 160 1X 20µF1180 V 1 3 0.9 196 V6 5 µF1400 V N . , . i ... i . - ' UPS 23 FCIBFC 2 230 0.8 179 We 5µF/400V 4 4 9 12 15 20 2A 26 32 3E 6 l'3F 1 0.7 150 16 5µF1400Y cur Without check valve - — — - With check valve Approvals UP 26-99 FA3FC UP 2&.99 BFC e @us usM Wk ANN1NOM Product number Dimensions[Connectionnchesj a ' Model tlrpe #P ShAping weigh 115 V 230 V A B C D E F and size Pbs] UPS 26.99FC 52722512 52722513 6112 6 47M 3112 37116 35132 GF 15/26 flange 10.3 (2) 112"(1i3. bolt holes UPS 26-99 SFC 527226113 52722519 61/2 6 4 718 3112 37118 35/32 GF 15Y$ flange 10.3 (2) 112"dia, bolt holes Note T he check VaW can be remo l d. oimensnnsin il> heS untass otherWiW noted. �wluulol�lllrs 9R 57 Atclasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 97 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Technical data a Is IQ 16 0 ffi Mr W AA 0 0 ee O GPM%" UPS 26-160 FISF e c i� �e Flow range: Head range: Motors: Max. liquid temperature: Min. liquid temperature: Max. system pressure: UPS 25-150 F/SF 0-53 gpm 0-46 feet 2-pole, single-phase 230'F (110'Q 36 7 (2'C) 145 psi (10 bar) Mxiel Spd Volts Amps watts Hp Capacitor 3 3.5 370 115 2 115 3.1 335 116 40 µF1 Isov 1 2.5 255 116 _. . 3 1.7 350 1B UPS 2515D FISF 2 208 1.5 310 1B 101f I 4J0V 1 1.2 250 V8 Approvals .W. 3 1.7 370 118 2 230 1.5 335 1/0 10µF1 400V 1 1.2 255 1/8 Product number Dimensions@nches] Conneotiont Model type and size �pping (tr ]�� 115 V 08 1230 V A 8 C D E F UPS 26-153F 95905M 95QM631 6112 71/8 5M 37h3 33A 311a OF15126flange 1735 (2) VZ' dia. boR holes UPS 26-150SF 95900632 96908833 8112 7118 5We 3718 3314 3V8 OF1528flange 1T.35 T (2) 1i2" dia. boll holes Note: Dimensions in inches unless otherwise noted. 60 f KWPIDPOW'X Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 98 Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report Technical data H o 10 20 au Q W W V W sn IM eta 2D pan Q NS O M1 UPS:J F1SF , Flow range: Head range: Motors Max liquid temperature Min. liquid temperature: Max. system pressure: Closed or Open system UPS 50-60 F1SF 120 gpm 21 feet 2-pale, single-phase 230 T (110 `C) 36 -F (10 -C) 145 psi (10 bar) Model Spd Vohs Amps waft Hp Capacitor 3 3.6 395 116 2 115 3.4 350 V6 40µF1180Y 1 2.7 2W 116 � 3 1.9 395 1!6 UPS 60-W FISF 2 206 1.7 360 It6 1 1.4 290 116 10µ F1400V 3 1.8 395 V5 2 230 1.7 350 Va 1 1.4 260 116 Approvals OR. Product number Dimensieas ]-mehes] — Model tyrpe Connection a Sh- flip Shippingweight 115 V 206- 230 V A a C D E F and size ]Ibs] UPS50•W F 97523134 — 20 UPS 50-60 F — 97523135 20 8112 8" 6114 4314 3314 2718 OF50 UPS50-6DSF 97523136 — 19.6 UPS 50-60 SF — 97523137 19.5 Note Dimransions in inches unfessoth wi<_e noted 68 awvnoRos•X Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 99 C Atgasuk Transmission Line Study i� Supplemental Report PRECISION BOILERS ASME Section IV "H" Code UL Subject 834 NEC/NFPA Article 424-G ASME Safety Code CSD-1 National Board Registered Pressure Vessel ('150 PSI / 2XF) Full Size Structural Steel Base Heavy Duty Steel Boiler Vessel Housing Three Inch Fiberglass Insulation Flanged Inlet and Outlet (above 3") ASME Safety Relief Valve(s) Pressure Gauge w/Cock Digital Electronic Temperature Readout (except 1 & 2 step units) Full -Port Drain Valve Incoloy Sheathed Elements 0 75 WS! Construction per NEC & UL, with UL Label Integral Electric Control Panel with Key -Locked Doors) Internal Branch Circuit Fusing Heavy duty 16 gauge cabinet and structural steel base provides greater strength. All electrical components are UL listed or recognized. All units meet CSD-1 requirements. Close temperature control because sensor is located in the outlet pipe. Optional features and trim available to meet any custom design criteria. Large control cabinets with ample room for addition of options or field mounted interfaces. All wiring is color -coded and all electrical components are readily accessible for ease of field service. Individual immersion heating elements are 2 1/2" square flanged for ease of replacement. The elements are made of a highly corrosion -resistant Incoloy sheath, with a nickle-chromium resistance wire packed in magnesium oxide powder, and configured in a U-tube design. Elements are available in both 1-phase and 3-phase ratings, and are limited to 75 watts per square inch power density to assure long life. Contact Your Sales Representative for Many Other Options to Meet Your Specific Requirements. Magnetic Contactors rated 500,000 Cycles Main Supply Circuit Lugs 120 Volt Fused Control Transformer On/Off Switch with Pilot Light Status Pilot Light for each step Manual Reset Probe -type Low Water Cut -Off with Pilot Light and Test Circuit (>117 kw) Two Adjustable High Limit Cut-offs: 0) Auto Reset (1) Manual Reset Automatic Temperature Control Via: -On/Off Temperature Switches (1 & 2 step units) -Electronic Multi -Stage Control (3 & 4 step units) -Proportional Solid State Step Control (un its > 4 steps) Manual Limit Toggle Switches (one per s-cep) Atgasuk Conversion to Electric Heat L 100 Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report _..ELECTRIC HOT WATER :O .2 Non -Fused Disconnect or Non -Auto Breaker Local/Remote Switch (to Accomodate BAS Analog Fused Disconnect or Automatic Breaker Control Signal} Shunt Trip Circuit Interrupter Flow Switch (Installed) Ground Fault Detection System Auto Air Vent (Installed) Ammotor (1 or phase) High/Low Pressure Switches�Alarms Voltmeter (1 or 3 phase) Auxiliary Low Water Cut-off (Float or Probe type) Watt-hour Meter (Manual or Auto Reset) Time Clock (24 hour or 7 day) Temperature Gauge (3" / Installed) Alarm Buzzerwith Silencing Switch Oversrze Inlet/Outlet Connections Safety Door Interlock Linear Sequence Step Control Low Temperature Switch/Alarm Design Pressures Above 150 PSI Remote Reset of Setpoint %inlessStgelConstiuction(2109forDeion�LedWater (toAccomodate BAS Analog Reset Signal) Outdoor Reset Control PLC and Other Interface Provisions (Consult Factory) (REMOVAL CI LEFT Contact Factory for Many Other Options to Meet Your Specific Requirements ENT" ITHRU' NOTE 2, FRONT NOTE IiAMMUM OF 18' CLEARANCE AROUND BOILER W WM JM OF W IN FROM` OF CONTROLPANEL L 1 UR" IT utEr w TOP HW16S. 200 682 10 3" 1' 170 16*4 30 52 32 26 33 750 990 HW16D- 280 9S5 14 3- 1" 170 1604 30 I 56 32 26 St BOO 1040 HW20S- 320 1092 16 4'FLG 1- 300 ( M44 40 S2 36 3U :1 1000 l 1U0 HW20E- 520 1774 26 4'FLG 1-114' 300 20x44 40 S6 � 36 r 30 51 IASO : 1370 HW24S- 600 2047 30 4"FLG 1-1/4" 470 24A6 70 54 40 I 34 51 13U0 I 1860 MN24D- 920 3139 46 6"FLG I 1-1/2" 680 24x46 70 58 40 34 63 iSCV V 2060 HW30D- 1560 5323 78 6"FCG 1-1/2' 900 30r46 125 60 50 40 7S 19W i 2900 FAY36D- 2000 6824 100 8"FL3 2" 1170 3&A8 165 62 56 I 46 87 2400 j 3720 hiW42C- 3000 10236 150 10'FLG 2' 1840 4260 ( 260 64 76t 54 77 I 3600 I 5760 HW48D- 3600 12283 180 10"FLG 2" 1840 40c52 340 66 82t 60 89 4600 17420 (1) For compete model number, suffix given mnber by KW, element designation letter 0-1SKW; C-ISKW; D-2WM, voltage and pressure leg, HWZID-840D-480-iEd) 0 Element removal •c4 earanoe (R") is equal to 2 times the element KW. NOTE: Required both ands on -D" models, left end only on."S- models. t W1d11+ irociudes 2 powarparrals (fiont8. neon). R.d cUmxuwnc depend on optwns (eg. Numba cf 5+nps, Dlscomacia, efx.). Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat jj.n), Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report iPRECES"ION I s� :b HW76S1 Gc ! I: 115 j 5 5W3, 181 IIW3f1D-1320DI 4504 1320 66 't 124,3080 115n HW16., 1 1'1 5 :02.5 217. HW3GD-73600 464D 13h0 68 .720.2080 1637 HNJ 6520DD 1,W _ 20 5 7 5&40 'tt30 241 HW30D-i 400D� 4777 14M 70 I EC f 35 11*120,1090 � 16PS 01 2te6 15 253 h'W:41G-'440Dl 491&, 1440 72 ?0 I 36 12Vti10 1733 Hih+76Q 21EC .._- _.: " j 1E 6 6026 2E:0 M.N30C-14;;OD� 50501 t4,kO 74 0 j 37 9�720,56FA i 7781 6 1 6040 "•%0 76 1 i•3120,40W 7 7036 _ C 011 .11Fi0 78 20 I :,? i 110120,3�M f 1677 .. 7 7q0 =ICI . 11600 £C 20 1 40 I 1 0720, J I I? 92 32G 2 3«40 ! - b0 - 42 441 1228 3H' 1 j 1 : 10 iDO35 i 434 4 V36P 17tiOD oc,05 1760 G j 44 J 120120,4080 ,19 nW-40L)4WD 136$ 400 'r 1 tU :64440 482 HW3601840D 62,8, i847 46 1 140120,'08� .HN Z2OD-440C 11501 44G 1 ^p ti I 1.10 0 HW36D i920D 6551 11920 r 48 6s0 0 it HN72CC•dri1D 7:38 48C .. HW36D-2000D 6c'24 , 2000 SC 2407 HW26D S20D 526 J 1 ', ., ,,.r»p £"o l 11774 I ! I H41+42D'L080QI 7097I 2030 iG:l CO _ HW745•S60D HW24s-6000 911 ?047 j 550 6W 30 J i6 I ..o 72_ H`N42U-1160DI!! HW42D-2240D 7370 i 2160 7643 1 2240 1 1 . - 1 ,c. !IW241164111) 2184 640 ! 1 iW42Q2720D '7916, 2 ^4 1 ' H`N24D-b•900 2320 680 134 20 1 17 .:10 c'tc HW420-24001) 818912400 j 1<0 2l 1 ±= ,'er4V 10C HW24D-760D 457 I2593 720 aF 760 138 2D 20 18 19 EU :40 Ol5 MN'42U 24E0DI HW4211-25601) 646:: 2460 873512560 124 128 i 6-1 wI'0, 48 1 3i MW240300D • 2730 800 40 20 21 ! 0®80 -iW42D-26400 90081 2640 132 :0 I t6 I 220120 " HW24D-840C 1966 840 42 2D 21 I t 803I40 1 1jI1 HW42D-2720DI 928112720 136 20 I 68 20*120,4080 -1,73 HW'24D-Ml) 34D3 880 44 ,CS9 HW4P0-28001)� MA 12300 140 1 20 70 220120,2080 ..;i HV`r241392UD 3139 920 46 r, 1107 H14142D-2860D, 982712884 144 l 20 I 72 24ir120 2466 '. HW42D-29601)f 1Otoo 2964 1413. 20 74 201602244 i20 � ' HUr30D!76G1) HAWD 1OWDI 3 76 341 960 1 4 1DOC1L04 1156 HW42C 3U4UDI 50372 3P40 152 120 76 � 40160,2fM&i20 3658 ` ` I H1NXD-104OD1 HNnor1080D -:+', I "� "1 2S2 1300 HWedP-7120D� HW48DZZ, 10645 372O 109i8I '4t<"00 156 tc0 20 ?0 78 80 I 50160"S.,20 80160,160120 3755 3851 HW30D-tiND' ': --� "- P.J 1348 HW48D-3280D 1119t 1 3284 164 20 82 t0A160,?40120 i 3947 HW30D-1160DI 34✓r 1160I 1 w'o79zD 1396 H1V48D3350D� 11464� 3.360 168 20 84 I 12,0160,120I-n 4044 HW30D-i200Dj 4094 I 12GC 6012V,6COSO, 1444' HN!48D.344CD 11737 3440 t72 { 20 36 ;4016t 10441?0 4140 HU130D-1244D 423i 124tl = ::":' 70720,5080 4475 HW48D-3520D 12010I 3520 176 120 86 I ',6Q160,60120 1j 4236 HV✓IAD-1280J 4367 1280 5(1120.4050 1:AI HW480-36061) 12283; W2,, 190 1 20 90 j 18f,160.64120 4332 "For Ic}axr ! .V rxtiras, phew refs il- -,,,: 'C£;CGFAC' Boi!xr. t WA.I above I61X 'W xro [k eveii bie m 4O i' h,xanma. Rating Numb- fABH HW76s-1208 4U9 Elements KIN Oty 12G , 8 KIN Circuit, 15 j Number :1 of; St�ps KV; 4,030 j1:'j 183 Mod-, R,tinq Nu.,btq Ml?H KW 020 HW300-1020B7.10 Elements Oty KIN Circuits 68 15 Numb,r of: Steps r-.� KW tO090,2'060 (155I H4b1651508 512 15S :- 5®35 228 HW30C•105orD50 7ti 16.9Q1. �r 1596 H'VA 6D-1806 614 180 - i5 I 6030 274 HW30D-108C8080 7..- f id;:^0 1 1642 - iP-_106 f 7'7 1 :. 7030 320 HMOC-11406140 'x -. ... I I {Sere i) _0 j 8030 365. HW36U-;20464094 1 i COI :. 40 1 "G ! 1 j _ 106.0,7®30 2Qe60,64430 411 456 HW36D 1260B{ 4299 1260 HW36C-t s206j 4504 i t'C 84 ( 15 58 42 44 iw 75 MVd20Q.336E i« l 22 15 3t38 9I 380 'G-09 45 1 r_,:•��_ _; s8 :i'All o (AF HU720C 's 26 t4 15 1., 4060,a030 5064,3i&30 S47 51,3 HW36C-14408 4913; 1=40 '4N.'36D-15006I 6118; 1500 96 100 i15 4K 57 ,... .._ • -2s0 AV HW42D-:Swe 1 I .,,EO HUYC4 4506 i„35 !-'Ni?Cp-4806 { to3H 'S0 48C _- I i5 I 'I� ; 7060,1030 684 WVt+42D 1620BI 5 2 1po0 1CG 'S HW24NMOR 11740 510 j ?"- ) 15 1.7 I, 81060 7*60,3e30 7.11 775 MW42D-16908 HLN426i74013 '1740 1 116 FI � � 8•aGG,:.4s c0 �<:.5 N'N24D-540.6 !! I HW24D-5706 54C 570 138 to i'? j 19D60,20?4 94960,1030 821 867 HW42D-1P1.'r PW42D-1860E 1 1 1�; F! - 1194E :HW240.6008 j 2447 HW24D-6308 215E 601, 630 40 1 42 ! 15 I j 100,10 9660,3t930 912 958 HWQD 19 C Hh 4�0.+9806 ;c6C t r 0 6f5o 1984 t- : 13 ,._ �, 18090,4060 AM,k06D 2209E 1 - 3G'09 HW240-6606 660 l 44 15 10060,2030 '033 HW42D 2040E � 6960.1 040 1 � :14i90,401 � 101 i2252 HNJ24D-690E 12354 690 ! 46 15 I 11060,1030 i0.49 HN42D-21WE 71651 2100 140 I 15 70 2090,2+4610 13192 WW3GD.720E 12457 740 48 1= 124i60 1G95 HW42D-216013 HW42D-C'•UB7 71/01210 7 ? 2=e0 144 ' 148 I 15 � 72 74 24090 3^63 174 HOW30D-75G6 I2559 750 (50 115 I .., I*M119-60 i1144 HW42D-22BO8i 1 -"Po 76 I 2a1179120,2L§90 20".. 1 :55 HW300 780B roc. HW30D 108 12 Ci 7E0 810 I 1 .yt&7'J o.t7.Ct I 32 H 1148D 2's4081 7 8L -240 t.,C 15 78 1 06120,18190 I a557 HW30D-840E 1 266c 34 : N48D 24DOB I - "O 60 1S j N *120,16090 364S ttV13GD�706 149.,8 870 » i 15 I 29 W. 7s 0 I _3 �'*OM-2460BI o o. 2.c0 16 ( 'S I 0 1-C,140dr' I 39 HVd30D-9006 30?' HVl30Q 9306 1 3773 90G c- 9;A 6 15 I 31 j ,+59� aEG 70"q,,,Qfi0 ?: £: i414 HW48D P520E MWP 258AB I coat' 880 25 G 25zP 1 1 ' -- FS i ;t - ;0 922 �I'WY41)-96G8 0276 060 64 15 3690 M0 145,2 ile WL26408I GAP ^,',40 1 _:.F •' HW30P 9906 1 3376 9',0 1 66 15 :53 1 M*0,M0 1505 N48D-27008 9212 1 _70C 180 1 15l X.1„ 4n120,6*?0 1 4104 "For 4 .x KW rx nG,, pl- re?x t_ th Fr.zio—,, ' COMPP.C' Bo kr ' Mode!. db-108OKW ;;r_ 4I- —i!abk w, 3aV4 n<r>n -t, C- L Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat ^',tgas«k_ Transmission Lire Study 0 PRECIIS'40N OILERS KW = GPH x AT CO = LEH x AT CC) 4'10 862 KW = GPM x AT (aF) x .146 10K1N - 1.02 BHP - 34 Lbs Steam/H = 34,120 BTU/H GPH = KWx41O Amps (3 phase) = KW x 1000 AT CF) Volts x 1.732 GPH = BTU/H Amps 0 phase) = KW x 1000 8.33 x AT (T) Volts BTU/H = KW x 3412 BTU/H - AT x 500 x G PM 1 gal water at 62'F = 8.34 Lbs 1 cu ft - 7.48 gallons 1 cu ft water at 62'F = 62.4 Lbs 1 ft water = 0,435 psi Enthalpy of water = Temp ('F) -32 BTU/LB SATURATED STEAM: PRESSURE vs. TEMPERATURE 0 psig - 0 KPa - 212'F 150 prig - 1034 KPa - 366F 8 psig -55 KPa - 235`F 175 psig - 1207 KPa = 377'F 15 psig -103 KPa - 259F 200 psig - 1379 KPa - 388'F 30 psig -207 KPa - 27417 225 psig - 1551 KPa - 397°F 50 psig -345 KPa - 298'F 250 psig - 1724 KPa - 406°F 80 psig -552 KPa - 324`F 300 psig - 2068 KPa - 422'F 100 psig -690 KPa - 338°F 350 psig - 2413 KPa - 436F 125 psig -862 KPa - 353'F 400 psig - 2758 KPa - 448'F HW30D -1040D - 480 -125 T--j TT Hement Hot Water Designation Element Location Design Pressure S•SingIQ (left end) D•Da me (bath ends) Vessel Diameter Voltage HW765-1508 512 150 i It; i 15 1C ' S030 417HW20D3906 1d31 i 390 26 15 j 26 j 91060,3430 11084 HW16D-1656 I 563 165 111 I 15 11 I 1015,5030 469 HVMD-4058 I2K, I 405 27 15 I 27 1 50f1O,14t45,2030 11126 HW160.1808 j 614 180 122 ! 15 I 12 64:0 OI 1 WA1150-195B 665 195 113 I 15 13 1015,60X 54> HIV24S-4206 1433 420 28 15 28 1 6060,24430 11168 FRN166-2106 717 210 ( 14 jj 5 I i 14 ! 74 W 584-Hw245.4358 1484 435 I 29 15 29 1 6W,0,1045,1030 1210 HMNS-450B 1535 450 30 15 30 i 74 ',1*30 1251 Hw20s-2256 HW20S-240S 7^.8 819 e75 240 , 15 16 1 1 15 I 15 15 ( 16 1 1615,70.10 8030 626 MN24D-4656 668 iiW24D-4809 158.' 16n 465 I 420 i" 31 32 'S 15 3" 7060.1045 I 32 M60 11293 1334 H1lROD-2558 870 265 17 IS 17 1®45,70310 709. MN24D-195E 1655 495 33 1s 33 1 6®i0.1045,3030 1376 HW20D-2708 921 270 18 t5 18 j 19-60,7030 751 1-31424il-5103 I 1740' Si0I 34 15 I 34 I 7060,3e30 1418 tfW20D'85B '72 785 119 15 f9 -!400.1045,603r 793 HP124Ds25E 1791 525 35 15 j 35 7@60.1$45.2030 HW20D3WB 11024 3G3 4 20 15 I 20 I 2060,64D30 834 'n. 4D-5406 7842 540 36 15 + 36 I 8060,20301 . 1501 HW20D-3156 1075 315 + t5 i 21 2960.1*45.5030 876 1+1\^24D-S5.5$ 1894 j 555 1 37 :S I ,7 f,'v'�,hC,1�4a,1030 1543 NWWD-MB 1126 a30 22 '15 22 3"040,50'0 918 HW-14D-5708 1 1945 570I 38 15 1 38 ` 7060,1e4M 115:'4 HWZUD-3458 1t7: 345 `1 23 III 15 23 I 3i6U,14V5.4®3G 959 hiNlaD.bESP 1995 5"v5 ! 39 '.5 39 ;+0ef),i4i45 1G26 HW20D ,160E i 1228 360 1 24 15 24 I 4060.44530 fW1 HW24D-600E 2047 1 600 40 15 J 40 104*i60 11168 "FosborerYN rating,, please refertothe Fr-im "OOIAPAC Saiiar Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Hea Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report KW = GPH x A T (`F) = LPH x AT (°C) 410 862 KW = GPM x AT ('F1 x .146 10KW = 1.02 BHP - 34 Lbs Steam/H = 34,120 BTU/H GPH = KW x 410 Amps (3 phase) = KVV x 1000 AT ("F) Volts x 1.732 GPH = BTU/H Amps (i phase) = KW x 1000 8.33 x AT (T) Volts BTU/H = KW x 3412 BTU/H = AT x 500 x GPM 1 gal water at 627 = 8.34 Lbs 1 cu ft = 7.48 gallons 1 cu ft water at 62`F = 62.4 Lbs 'I ft water = 0.435 psi Enthalpy of water = Temp (T) -32 BTU/LB SATURATED STEAM- PRESSURE vs. TEMPERATURE 0 psig - 0 KPa - 212T 150 psig - 1034 KPa - 366'F 8 psig -55 KPa - 235'F 175 psig - 1207 KPa - 377'F 15 psig -103 KPa - 2SUF 200 psig - 1379 KPa - 388`F 30 psig -207 KPa - 274T 225 psig - 1551 KPa - 397T 50 psig -345 KPa - 298T 250 psig - 1724 KPa - 406'F 80 psig -552 KPa - 324T 300 psig - 2068 KPa - 422'F 100 psig -690 KPa - 338T 350 psig - 2413 KPa - 436T 125 psig -862 KPa - 353T 400 psig - 2758 KPa - 4487 PCW 2 -180 C - 480 Predsion T KW -7 Voltage T Compac 1 Input Water Vessel Element size Designation P::147-crG C•8 I 0 i 10 1*20 P';vV7-030 103 !1 20 ! 2 75 ? 1 r}30 PCW1-045 154 4F i 15 3 14D15,7�@30 PCV91.06C . r F i 2Zp30 PCW1-075 254 ?5 5 l .F. I I 1015,2&30 POAH-WO -21 1 SO c 7C 4.20 Ps'iPv`7 -,K7} 307 90 6 i 95 6 3ffi30 7 I 1S i 1015.3030 PCW1-120 409 120 8 15 9 4rM "F.r. lor:Sr l.W ratinc3-,. plsasc refarto the "COMPAC" B.H6, 56 h:VJ2.150 512 I 950 i t0 'r +G StS3C n17 84 'rVr-165 563 165 1 11 15 I- 11 I 1045.4A030 454 :+. r<rsz-1� 614 tea , 12 .5 7 III 2 66 G 50'. 125 PC VY -210 717 I 210 I 14 15 I 14 i 7 030 584 167 PION%.-2?5 768 I res 15 is 15 1445,6830 1 626 209 PIN3-240 43W 240 I 16 15 I 16 I 8030 668 222 P.^,W3-27C# 921 270 !E 7 751 251 PC'W r-3W# 1C24 I 3G6 20 95 I 20 ( 10030 ` 834 -C.?2 PCW3-330 1;24 330 ..2 1`5 i 22 tidD3C 918 33A PCVd3-3b0# 9228 360 I 24 15 1 24 120X 11001 For complete model number, suffix boiler KW by element KW letter designation, wherein A =10KW, B=15KW, 0=16KW, D=20KW, H=33KW, and voltage (208, 240, or 480 volts). (eg, HCWi-180C-480 indicates 180 KW using 18KW elements (9 480 volts) # Oversize control cabinets are supplied for these models at 208 & 240 volts. ## These models also available @ 3801415 volts derated by 25% t These models have 108 wsi elements. Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heal Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report PRECISION BOILERS 1-M11.015 1 51 1 15 1 1 15 1 I 1015 18 PCW2-240 .-.:1-016 PCWt-020 61 I 68 18 2G 1 I i 18 20 1 I iWa 22 1 1 102C ' 24 KWZ-240 PC'N3-252 =Cvtli M PC4V1-036 102 123 ZO 1 36 2 I 2 1E 18 , 1030 36 1 1W6 { 44 PCW3.270# PCM-280 : G0 PCW1-045 135 154 40 I 45 i 2 f 2C 15 1 1440 CE 2 1 1015,1030 54 PCN3.288 PCW3-200# rCW1-05a 164 54 I 3 IF 2 1016AV*6 65 PCdW3320 PCNI-060 I 205 60 1 4 15 2 24830 72 PCW3-3309 PCWI-072 246 72 1 4 t 8 2 -0.6 87 PCW3.3600 PCM-075 1 256 1 75 l 5 15 3 1 ta045,1030 90 PCW3.400## PCWI.080 1 2:3 80 ! 4 2C - 2040 96 Pr.W13-4a0## PCVt1-090 307 90 I 5 18 3 I 14i182&36 I i09 PCVJ3-48C#N PCW1-100 341 100 1 5 20d 1020,2040 121 PCW4$20## PCWI-105 I 358 I 105 17 15 4 I 1045,2030 I 126 PCW4-5600 PCWI-109 l -368 108 6 t8 3 3036 130 PCW4-60G## PCW1-120 409 120 6 20 3 3040 1 145 PCW5-640#4 PCW1-126 1 430 126 ,'• i8 4 !018.2036 7 152 PCJJ5-680#4 PCVJ2-135 461 135 9 15 5 1045,3030 163 PCW5-?20,4# PCW1-140 1 478 140 7 20 4 l 1020,3040 169 PCWI-144 1 491 144 8 18 4 I 4GQ% 173 I PCW1-165 t PCW2-150 "1-160 {{-512 546 150 1 160 tC1 1 6 15 20 5 S" 181 4 I 40D40 1193 PCN1-198T P^N1-2321 PCW2165 563 ( 165 t1 15 ! ff 1V45A63C 199 PCW1-264 t PCW2-180 614 180 10 18 5 I 50-16 I 217 PCW2-297 t PCWII.200 682 � 2C0 t0 20 1 F 5040 t 241 PCN2-330! PC4A'3-210 717 21C 114 15 7 1 7030 I 253 PCW2-363 t PCV+2-216 737 214 12 18 S 6,936 260 PCW2-3961 PC1A3-225 768 1 225 15 15 8 ' 1v15,61230 j 271 'F—&Pt 212°F. —Th.. models may—p-2 r—panela (add lY'1o'VJ"dun) 8T9 240 ' 12 20 6 6WO 289 819 2401 16 15 8 SWO 289 860 252 74 18 7 7036 304 921 270 15 118 8 1018,7036 325 955 290 14 20 7 f 1.11 � 337 M288 T6 18 1 8 r 8W6 347 1024 3W 15 20 8 1020,7040 361 1092 320 M, 2J 8 8040 i 388 1126 128 330 360 22 20 1 15 { 13 it 10 5030,30W 60362072 397 434 lass 400 20 1 20 10 60402080 482 1501 440 Z? 1.20 '.1 RM013080 5.10 16M 480 24 20 12 4040,4080 578 1774 520 26 20 13 3040.5680 626 1911 560 28 20 14 2440,60+80 674 2047: 600. 640 30 32 20 20 is 16 I*40,7480 8"0 I 72.'2184 771 2320 2457 680 720 ; 34 1 36 20 1 20 17 18 I 1040,80+80 1 9080 i f 819 867 563 165 5 1 33 5 5W3 1 ! 199 676 788 M 231 5 ( 7 35 133 6 7 6*312 1 7433 238 2-18 901 264 . 5 33 5 8W3 318 1013 297 9 33 9 I 9WI 358 1126 1239 33.')t0 3631 ti 33 33 t0 11 104033 1 11033 397 437 1351 3961 12 33 1 .2 I 12033 477 t t A.1-ab-10QKW are also , 401,s4 --I, * For complete model number, suffix bailer KW by element KW letter designation, wherein A =10KW, B=15KW, C=18KW, D=20KW, H=33KW, and voltage (208, 240, or 480 volts). (eg, HCW1 -1 8OC-480 indicates 180 KW using 18KW elements ig 480 volts) # Oversize control cabinets are supplied for these models at 208 & 240 volts. ## These models also available Q 380/415 volts derated by 25% t These models have 108 wsi elements. PC'h'1.015 1 51 1 15 1 15 1 1 1015 1 23 PCW2-165 1 563 165 it 1 15 I 6 1 1045,40231 1 251 KMI-on 1.1 132 2G 15 1 030 A6 PCW2-180 614 180 12 1 1 I 6 6010 i "74 WW1-045 i 154 45 1 2 I 5415.15@30 ! 66 PCW3.210 717 210 1 14 1 15 1 7 1 7420 320 PC'sVt-060 ?05 cC J c5 i. 24D3C 92 PCW3-225 1 768 225 1 15 15 8 1445.6l830 Pcwl-075 1 256 1 :5 1 5 15 3 1 1W,.,10"u0 t 114 PCW3-240 1 819 2401 16 1 15 1 8 MG l 365 11rV11-090 PCW' 105 i 3G7 1 90 I 6 358 105 7 15 15 3 4 Z030 10452030 1 137 iti0 PCINS-70# PCW3-3CC4t 1 921 1 1024 270 18 300 � 23 +5 1 15'L&60Ar3a ti '.13 60.7630 411 � 456 ii"Wt-52v PCW-91n i 409 1'?0 8 1 461 1 135 9 t5 15 4 5 44:30 1045':*30 183 ! ,^-05 MWI-i300 PCW3-3608 11^c. 1 122E 230 3601 24 t5 I 15 } 1f 12 3060,,5430 446u,4+1'2-0 -02 1 548 P( lv_'-150 1 51' 150 10 1 .F 5 5ee3.^: % 2A "From b#. 100°C "Ti--m odels may recp:i•e 2p—,p—'a(ad,3 12'1o'Mt"dorm TWdod-b-84W.'.V e-a aJ--1laym, MM naem en;, * For complete model number, suffix boiler KW by element KW letter designation, wherein A =10KW, B=15KW, C=18KW, D=20KW, H=33KW, and voltage (208, 240, or 480 volts). (eg, HCW1-180C-480 indicates 180 KW using 18KW elements (P 480 volts) # Oversize control cabinets are supplied for these models at 208 & 240 volts. ## These models also available @ 380/415 volts derated by 25% t These models have 108 wsi elements. Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Hea: Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 4: ThtrtNrrdgwDFoartifoe Professional Classic' electric water heaters are engineered for longer life - resistored heating elements and premium grade anode rod Efficiency •.86-.93EF • Isolated tank design reduces conductive heat loss • Resistored copper upper element and resistored Lifeguard' stainless steel lower element to prolong anode rod and tank life Performance • FHR: 42 - 99 gallons, based on gallon capacity • Recovery rate is 21 gallons at a QO degree Fahrenheit rise - System Sentinel (Avafable on selected models) • Exclusive diagnostic system with glowing LEDs that verify heating element operation. LEDs pin pant the exact location of functioning or non- functionfig heating elements Longer Life • Rheem exclusive R-Tech (resistored) anode rod provides long-lasting tank protection Features • Electric junction box located above heating elements for easy installation • fiver -temperature protector cuts off power in excess temperature situations • Automatic thermostat keeps water at desired temperature Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Plus... • EverKeen' self clearing device fights harmful sediment build-up with a high -velocity spiraling water stream - heps operating effidency by seeing energy, money and improving tank life f • Enhanced -flow brass drain valve • Temperature and pressure relief valve included • Low lead compliant Warranty • 8-Year limited tank and parts warranty' • With ProtectionRus' the 8-year limited tank warranty becomes 14year `Sae BasiderAW Waranty Certifbata forccrrplete darrrmion Units meetorexceedANol requirements endue been tested a000rdM to D.O.E. pecedures. Urits moat or exceed i he energy etficency requiumants of NAECA, ASHRAE standard 90, ICC Code and all state energy ofibiaroy performance criteria. Rasidan#� Elar�ic Water ProiaasiortmlMask WeterRoGtern Professional Claeeia 20 to 120-Gallon Capacities 240 Volt AUSingle Phase Double and Single Element Models Electric See cknenelons dwrt on ttadG w use Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplementai Report Professional Classic'" Specifications Residential Electric Water � professional Classic Water Planters DESORPTION FEATURES ROUGHING IN DIMENSIONS (SHOWN ININCHES)_ ENIERGYINFO. TYPE OAL CAR — NUMBER. HOUR — QAK_ RECOVOW __ - -FaaaE 106W A waro'c W a C I — we"Arr. pnp Tall M I PROES02 3493 48 91 45.6A 46,4A 17-39 80 0:05 Tall 30jPRM02R193EC4t 48 21 45-OA 45-39 17-3/4 OD 0.93 Tal _10 PnOE402 RH92 53 21 46-In 415-1t2 is -SA as 0,92 IWI 40 PROE402flH92ECII 53 21 46-IJ2 49-12 19-39 95 0:92 Tell 40 PROE40T2HHg2 $1 21- S9-1A 17-SA as 0.92 Tall 40 PR0E40T2RH92ECI1 57 21 1 WiA _59-1A 59-1/4 17-3/4 95 0.82 Tal 50 PROES02 R-H91 a? 21 57 $7 ig ICY 021 Tell 50 PROE502 RHSI EOlr 67 21 57 57 19 to? 0,91 To. 85 PROIE552 RH89 71 21 56I2 58-I2 21 ISO 0189 Tall 80 PROEW2 AH85 IS 21 69 50 23 177 0.80 Tell 119 PROEA 20 2 RH85 99 21 6212 6214 28-114 B24 0.65 Mad. 90 PROEWM2 RHge 44 21 38 se 19-3A so 0.99: Med. 50 PROE50V2F*W 62 21 45 46 21-3/4 117 020 Mad. 50 PROE50WRH90EClt 62 1 21 46 46 21.3/4 ill 0,66 SW 20 PROE-20 S2 RH - 21 311a 31-1,2 17 02 wk St -I 80 PROS80S2 F*49S Ir 42 21 3D so 1444 so Oft Short 30 PROEM 82 FI493 42 21 30 80 22-1/4 a . a 0L93 LlPROE38 iii 62 RH92 45 21 31-112 21-1,2 25 105 0.92- PROE38 G2 FkHQ% Ir 45 21 Sl_W 31-1,2 23 IDS 0.93 �IWJ 47 1 PROE47 62 FI491 55 21 32 32 26-IM 149 021 Energy Factor bmd on D.O.E. Pepertnent of Ever" testprocedurea. NMlv healer dinvrsions Poor to ftt*m kwabon blorket that mincluded with water heater. PROEM S2 RI-W 8 -The. milati- b**at add3 1-1/2 inches to tack height and 3 Inches ID tar k dianneW PROE38 G2 "3 B-The knolation blanket adds 1 inch o, bu* height and 2 inches bo tank dimoter. Wl"stwn Smtlnal. System SmUnal not awall.ble an alngla alarn-1, modal., evallabla on dual aternatt modals "IV. System S-11" not ovallabl. In —. or 5 kW on Me V modals. • Heaters Slashed with standud 240 VoItAC. *)& phase rai-sinxftw� winng. and 4600 watt upper and bwer headog If healingal ernant. of dNrw. t Wattanges than thn.. honun are demanded by am.rarynr.mrrta, they mint b. .Padmaltyr.q..d.d • Sh* elennom models avaiiebIo M Special order (6000W ma). SibstUte "I " far "r in model rumba. SpoCial Wiring Options -A Initiad mimber of special wring opWm are =Rab[e. Oxvitfactory for PWA and avatability. •All models equipped with beat tram -Recovay . wanage/2.42 x 1*11111 r[n *F. EXen1plM 46DW - 21 GPM 2.42 x SM wwRfooYWY cal0*00M Used We based on 460D watt elan —le used in norsnnAtamoua operation HOT WATER COLD CONNECTION WATER I CONNECTION NECTION CONNECTION ANODE ROD __AMETFR =C T A B I WATER CONNECTIONS ALL 3*' N.P.T. In k-pNV **h 49 P01ky otc-ft— progness -and jorodbct hrqv1e71d9n+4 1169am reserm the right to nWo dmiges withut;Q�L__ � Rhoem Water Heating - 101 Bell Road Montgomery, Alabama36117-4305 - w wyheern.corn Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 107 Alf COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS S EVIS0.10,000 SEH-200-10,000 STANDARD FEATURES Advanced Electronic Costrctl States new propriety electronic water heater control, provides praise + or- I°F temperature control, that is ideal for industrial and food service applications where exact temperatures of horwater are needed. • plain Tact -Animated icons dk* detailed operational and diagnortic information: Fault or Alert messages appear if sn operational issue occurs. • LawzXjarcr Cut Off- Factory standard on board low ware cut-off tires a remote electronic immersion type probe to prevarr energ zing of the elements in the event of low warer condition and eliminates accidental dry firmg. • PtogsessiveModulating (only available on units 150 kW or less) _ Srret die input of available elements to match current load conditions. Rotates and lead lags dement loads to provide long fife and equal wear. • FconomyMode Operation (only available on units 150 kW or less) - Control system automatically lowers the operating set point by a programmed value during user defined time periods. Seven-day clock may be programmed for night set back and or weekend shutdown to reduce operating cost and save money. • 100AQvr Compatible -Units can be monitored from remote locations. Call Aft om+nrn 1.888.WATER02 for more information, Now Units over 150 kW we analog controls, Solid State Modulating Step Coaxtaol (A3` Saud s a e ekcronic control dwicc that modulam input to match bad through progressive sequencing ofampe (up to 20 steps with maximum of one per contactor). act- , Immersion Henteis • Heavy-duty medium watt density elements (threelimmenion hearer) have incoloyshearh ng provide excellent protection against caridation and scaling. The input ranges from 15 kW to 3000 kW (see accompanying chart). `for more information on Eieciric via' er Heaters, contact tate %Va ter heaters 300 Tennessee Waltz parkrway AsMand City, iH 37015 800-365.0024 Tot -free USA www.datewaferheaters.com Tank interior is coated with glass spinally developed for use in water haters. Tanks rated at 125 psi working pressure,150 psi or 160 psi working pressure is optional Vernin proof fiber glass insuladon reducer costly heat loss. Constructed to Sidon IV ofAMM code, and UL standards. Teaks have channel skid base. A 4" x 6" handhole is fivniched on 500, 600 and 700-gallon models; I I' x 15' manhole- is famished on 800 gallon and larger sizes. • Control and power circuit fusing to meet N.EC. Meets the standby Ions requirements of the U.S. Department of Fnergy and current edition of ASHRAEtIESNA 901. �ViarizsetFc <,mtta.cicrr�si Heavy duty UL rated for 100,000 cycles. Color -coded circuitry for osier servicing • Anode rods for mm'mumcorrosion proration • Standard voltages include 208, 24o, 480, 6o0 volt single or three-phase For other voltage: consult factory • Factory -installed terminal blockts) • Cabinet has baked enamel finish Prow red ckmennt terminal 1.1 • Temperature and pressure rriief valve • 2" dial temperature gauge .S iz Provides emergency backup energy source or winterisarmner boiler operation Can be specified with optional vats to water or steam to vrater heat exchanger. Both single and double -wail heat changers are available. Complete control Farkages can be factory -installed for hook up and run capability, 4s€1st-d. hfareanty O><Orde • If the tank should leak any time during the first three Yeats, under tie tams of the war rang Stare wiL' reair or replace the heats; installarion, labor, handling repair or replace the hares; installation, labor, handling and local delivery extra.. THIS OUTLINE IS NOT A WARPANTY For complete information, consult the written warranty or State Customer Cate Center. Warranty does nor apply to product installed oumide of the Urited States of America. or its territorial possessions and Canada IE VA,Tj€RI HEATIE,,f� Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report 1. 7ti- ffi`tj `� fJ''• ` e,, �' � / F. F� �r t AM - HORIZONTAL MODELS VERTICAL MODELS { C/2 y, .- ,...a � eiePECT1Wi t PILOT LIGHT i "�� &SWITCH i - 1 OPENING _ 1Yk..1 C TOP t END VIEW VIEWSF 1- @ LIF TING LUGS _, RELIEF OUTLET—lt,-a- TEMPERATURE .,.±, -_ E� I' GAUGE .I RELIEF Ri 0 WIRE I! s , _ WGSNG FRONT A VIEW HURT F 1.� D -✓i 1 f -. excHuto7Dt _ I -_.. \` �� INLET CHANNELSIODS DRAIN ELEMENTACCESS -CENTER SKID WMWO GALLON f,ABQVE CONTACTORSFUSDMaf -' THERMDSUTS TEMPERATURE GAUGE THERMOSTAr ; i Fi10T LIGHT FRONT 1ACCs93 &SWITCH VIEW i 1 CONTACTORS 4�� & FUSING �-(D INSPECTION OPENING .-IN HEAT LET EXCHANGER (OPTIONAL) - O CHAHNEI,SKIDG� FDRAIN State Naminal Maximum Width Skid lnapactlon inFH Model Gallon kri Height (LangthA Depth Spacing Opening Outlet Drain Valve Number CaRacity input A 8 HORIZONTAL C D E r• F G Opaninq Opening Opening" SEH-20Q ZOO 180 38-1i2 77 36 10-7(2 17-1/2 31 1-7/Z 3/4 3!4 SEH-250 250 240 38-112 91 36 10.1/2 24 48 1-i/2 3/4 1 SEH 300 300 300 44q/2 81 42 8.1/4 17 36 Optional 2 314 SEH-350 350 330 44-112 93 42 8.714 23 48 2 3/4 1 SEH-400 400 390 44-112 100 42 8.1/4 26-112 55 2 3/4 7 SEH-500 Soo 480 Si 94 48 14 24 48 2 1.114 1 SEH-600 600 600 5 109 48 14 32 64 4" x 6" 2 1-1/4 t SEH-700 700 690 51 121 48 74 38 76 Handhae 2 1-1/4 1 SEH-800 800 780 57 111 54 16.1/2 32 64 2 1-1/2 1 SEH•1000 1000 990 61 111 60 16-1/2 29.1/2 59 3 1-1/2 1 SEH9'250 1250 1200 61 138 60 16.1/2 43 86 3 1-1/2 1 SEH-1500 1500 1500 61 150 60 1 16-i/2 50 98 7i" x 1S" Manhole 3 11(2 1 SEH-2000 2000 1980 70 777 66 20 61 120 3 2 1-1/4 SEH-3000 3000 3000 76 211 72 20 72i/2 131 3 2 1-it2 5EN-SQOD 5000 3000 82 296 78 20•i(2 113-1/2 195 3 2 i-1/2 SEH-7500 7500 3000 94 317 90 21-1/2 121 218 4 2 7-1/2 SEH•f0,000 10,000 3000 106 345 VERTICAL 102 ELECTRIC 22 STORAGE 132 220 4 2 SEV-140 140 1so 83-1/2 30 37 16 5 17 1.1/4 SEV-150 150 150 83.1/2 30 37 16 6 17 1-1/4 314 3/4 SEV-iSOL ISO 150 59-112 36 43 17.1/2 6 2; 1414 3/4 314 SEV-200 200 tSo 79-1/2 36 43 17-1/2 6 21 Optional 1.1/2 314 314 SEV-250 250 Z40 93 36 43 17-1/2 6 21 F-1/2 3/4 i SEV-300 300 300 83-V2 42 49 19 6 25-1/2 2 3/4 1 SEV-350 350 330 95•1/2 42 49 19 6 25-11/2 2 3/4 1 SEV-400 400 390 i02.7/2 42 49 19 6 25-1/2 2 3/4 1 SEV-500 500 480 97 48 55 21 6 30 4°' 6" x 2 1-1/4 1 SEV•600 500 600 172 48 55 21 6 30 Hand 2 1-7/4 7 SEV-700 700 690 124 48 55 21 6 30 2 1-1/4 1 SEV-800 800 780 116 54 61 23 8 34 2 1-1/2 1 SEV-1000 1000 990 116 60 6? 24-1f2 10 38 3 1-112 1 SEV-7Z50 1250 1200 143 60 67 24-1(2 10 38 3 1-1/2 SEV-1500 1500 1500 155 60 67 24-1/2 10 38 " Marit"xdlW15e 3 1-112 1 SEV-2000 2400 1980 �83 66 73 25 12 42.1/2 3 2 t SEV-3000 3000 3000 217 72 79 27.1/2 14 47 3 2 i-112 SEV-5000 5000 3000 309 78 85 30 14 51 3 2 I.It2 SEV•7500 1500 3000 330 90 97 30 14 59.1/2 4 2 1-1/2 SEV•10,000 10,000 3000 358 102 109 30 14 68 4 2 1-1/2 'Complete Model Numoer includes the desired kW at end, e.g.- SEV-500-120 when kW o 120. —Size nay vary according to kW input. Minimum installation clearances required. 30"`rom front, 12" from top. and 24" rrom right side. kCESSOO208 Revised October 2012 Page 2 of 4 © 2012 State ind(stries,Inc. Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat. Supplemental Report NUMBEROFSoAcDwAcroRs AMPERAQE DRAW STANDARD NUMBER OF IMMERSION BTU INPUT OPH RECOVER THREE-PHASE THREE-PHASE 208V, 240Y ASK 680V 2 oBV I 24W 4$W 800Y kW RATRIOS HEATERS & OUTPUT 100•F RISE i5 I-15 51,195 61 1 1 42 37 19 15 24 2-120'V ail 81912 9$ 2 2 67 58 27 23 33 2.1 SPIV Toz 3g0 123 2 2 83 72 3629 36 3.12KW 12Z,868. 147 3 3 too 87 43 35 45 3.15KW 153,585 184 3 3 126 109 54 d4 60 4.1 SKW ZOk 72U 246 4 4 167 145 72 68 75 5-1 SSim2S5,97S 307 5 S 209 181 90 72 90 6.1 SKW 307,170 359 6 5 29D _ 21T W 87 105 7-iSKW 35a:i65 430 7 5 292 253 127 101 123 8-15KW 409,560 492 a 5 333 289 145 11S ISO io•15KW 511,950 615 10 1 5 416 1 361 180 144 18D 12-1 SKW 614,340 738 12 1 6. 499 433 2t7 173 210 14.1 Sim 716.730 861 14 7 5$3 SOS 253 202 240 19.15Kw a19, 120 984 16 8 666 577 289 231 270 18.1SKW 921,510 1,107 18 9 750 6SU 325 29D 30a 20-ISKW 1,023,90o 1,230 23 10 832 722 361 280 330 22.1sw 1,126_'50 L353 22 11 916 794 397 318 MO 24.1SKW 1228;680 1,476 24 12 999 SE6 433 346 350 26-1 SKW 1,731.070 1,599 26 13 1,08.E 938 469 37S _ 420 28.iSKW 1,433.460 1 722 26 _ 14 1 4,166 IA10 SDS 404 4SU 30-15KW I-M850 1,845 30 15 1.249 1,0811 542 433 480 32.15KW 1,639,240 L968 32 16 1,332 I,i55 578 462 510 34.15KW 1,74UM 2.M1 34 17 fA16 1227 613 491 S4a 36.15KW 1 4a, Z214 36 18 1,499 1299 650 5S3 570 38-1 SKW i,945,410 Z337 - 38 19 1,S82 1,371 686 S48 600 40.15KW 2,047,8W Z.460 40 20 11664 IA43 722 577 630 42-1SKW 2,1SD, 19D iSS3 21 758 6W 660 4d. 15KW 2252.580 2,7r16 22 794 635 690 46.15KW 2,345,970 2,829 23 830 CIA 720 48.1SKW 2AS7,360 Z9S2 24 856 693 810 54'1SKW 2,764,530 3,Ml 27 974 779 ow 60.1 SKW 3 71,7w 3890 30 L083 866 990 66.15Kw 3,37aS70 4,0551 33 830 953 1080 72.1 SKW 3.6sis'm 4,428 36 '0 'a 866 1,039 1170 78.15KW 3993210 4,797 39 974 1, 126 1260 84-15KW 4,300 380 5,166 42 i,o83 40213 1390 90-15rw 4607,590 5,53S 4S 1,191 0W 1440 96'15KW 4914,720 519" 48 L299 0% f53o t02-1 SKW 5221,891 6,273 S1 1,408 1,473 1627 108-ISKW 5,53'im 6,642 54 Z} 1,516 11559 i80o 19890 120.1SKW 132, 15KW 6,141,600 6,757, 740 7,390 Q i 18 60 66 1,624 1,732 1,732 11905 2040 136.1 SKW 696Z520 8,364 68 Z 2 1,SA1 1,963 2223 148-15KW 7A3 860 9,102 74 1,949 Z 136 2290 150.15KW 7679,2SO 91225 75 2707 2. *5 2400 160.75Kw 8,186,800 9,840 80 4867 Z310 2540 176-iSKW 9,0 11%320 10,624 88 3,175 "'540 2820 188•Is M. 9,624,660 1f,562 94 3,392 Z7t4 3300 200•15KW I 10236,030 f2,300 100 313J8 ZIW7 SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS The heaterrst shall be State Large Volume Electric Water Heater Model Plumber or art approved equal, Heater(s) shall be I ratedat kW, V, phase,SAcyoleAC. The heater sNag be, for Nerticaljhorizontal)Installatlonwithditinglugsand channei skid base. Vessel shall be constructed to Section IV of the ASME Code for 125 psi working pressure. Vessel shall be g lassiined with anodic protection. Entire vessel and electrical controls areto be encased ir, a rectangular sheet metal enclosumvAth baked enarn"Ifini2h. Tanhtobo insulated with fiberglass insulation. Separate 2" dial type temperature gauge will be mounted onthefrorlt of the enclosure. Enclosure tc have. hinged lacking door over electric controls. There shall be individually replaceable_ kW, A bait flariae mounted, incolcy, Sheathed heating tiemeMs each complete -with prewired terminal leads. These elms will be switched by magnetic contactorswhich are operated by a 120V fused control circuit protected by manual reset high limit. Control circurt is activated ty a master pgot switch and electronic low water eutuff. The optional modulating control of the contacts shall be in stages through solid state modulatir gstep control which will balaac"the water heating input tothe.demand. This control shall preverAthe entire electrical ioadfrom being switched on instantaneousiv, The contrcd shall have even load grog mssiv" sequencing which utilizes the "first ore first off" principle thereby equalizing the operating time 01 heating ckmenu and contactors. Each magnetic contactor and heating efemwtt circuitwill be. protected by a maximum of 60 amp cartridge I type fuses vnth is minimum of 100.000 amp interrupting capacity. The entire water heating package shag be prewired tosolderiess terminal lugs,factorytested, compiete with ASME temperature and presnre re,?Iefvafs* and bear the Oftc!"riters' Laboratories label, H6ater(a) shall have a 3vyear limited warranty as outlined in the written warranty, Fully illustrated instruction manual included, UESSO N8, Revised Odober Z012 Page 3 of 0 Z01ZState Industries, Im.. Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heal :4. Enter Keyvord or part number HONEYWELL Digital Thermostat. 1 H< 1 C. 5.2 Program H%14C and Refrigeration n HVAC Controls = Low Voltage Thermostats i Write a Review I Reed all Reviews ( F.eac all paw & Answer Therm:stat, Programmable, Terminal Designations B. O, Y. G.W. RC. RH. Control Range 40 to 99 F, Stagg s Heat. Stages 1 wyel. Tamp Settings 4 Per Day. Pt w*r Method 24V.AC or Battery. Color White. Height 2 111e, In. Width 5 1'8 In, Depth 1 1!4 In. Vohs 24 AC. 750 mV DC, Program; e 2 Per Meek, Display Type Baddit, Horizontal Mounting, Ambient Tamp Range 32 to 120 F, Ambient Humidity Range a to 90 %, Includes Subbase, Battery Grainger Item # 61NU97 Price (ea.) $65.25 Brand HONEYWELL Mfr. Model# TH4110DID07 UNSPSC # 41112209 Ship aty. of 1 Sell City. iWili-Cak I't 1 Ship Weight (Ibs. f 0.7 Availability Ready to Strip Q Catalog Page No. 41179M— Country of Origin Mexico lCouMsy of or4po 4 subject to crones -I cay. Add C-+ainger TripleGuarag repair g, replacement coverage IT jfor Sle.9e each When can I get it? Use your ZIP code to estimate availability. Qty ZIP code ONA ft Enlarge Image Optional s Item Type - Stages Heat Stages Cool Temp Settings per pay - Programs per Week terminal Designations System Switching Fan Switching Display Humidification Control Battery Backup Low Battery Indicator ea Batteries Included es Dual TranSfOrmer romp3tible a. Power Method Voltage [ACl _ 75&nl.l Compatible __ Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 111 C Atclasuk Transnrl;ss,ior: !Jne Sti� OTam QtW2 M 100-14 S ,upw AdEs 1900 Series In -Line Pumps N.w, awail&i� 1.,azh varihb- speed e-smart"' is our Y&y of helping you quickly identify our most resource -;acing products. Efw*ae C,6-- W I'VI I pmledir,MA Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat 1 a. - a (AppradfflahO Materials of Construction Description Standard Optional Casing Cast Iron &-ono Impeiic�- Ore Piece Cast Bmn2e --- Shaft Alicv$teel -- Shaf Sleeve Cupr,-Nici-pi - Br2c'ret cai !nDn Cast iron w h StS ace Plate Pump Dimensions & Weights Model No. Speed Flange Size H.P. Dimensions (inches) A S G D I E F G, H j K 176D i- 2" (38) 1l4*- (.19) 3 (75) 1 14.0 (356) 14.0 (356) 14.0(356) 15� 151-1/2(1.1) 5(393) I5,5 (393} 10- to (260) 12-7l8 (327) 14.8 (376) 21.24 (539) 4.52 (115) 8.38 (213) 5 (127) 7 '175 4.25141I (108) 113 (.25) I!2 (.37) - () 3500 2 (1.5) 3 (2-25) 15.5 (393) 116.5 (420) 5(3.75) 1915 9 i 9 1935 1760 ! 3500 1760 f 1760 I -VT' (38) 2 (5 I) 2 (51) 113 (.25) '-1t8" {BD) 3 (75j 3-1/2" (89) 14.0 (356)' 14 15.0 (381) 16.0 (406) i,,0 (406) 13-112 (368) 14 1f2 (419) 13-1t2 (343) 16-1l8 (410) 17-3/8 (441) ` 16-118 (410) 14B (376) 19.2 (497) 14.8 (376) 14.8 (376) 19.2 (49) 22.86 (58) 28 (703)1 i 23.49 (---) 22.86 (580) 28 (703) 1 5.15 I (131) §.74 (146) 5.39 (137) 9.75 I (248) I 11.19 I (284) 9,94 i (25i) 5 (127) I 4.25 (I08) 4.25 (108) 4,25 (108) 112 (.37) 314 (.56) 1 (.75) 1-112 (I.1) 2(I.5) f6.0(406) 3(2.325) I6.0 (406) 17.0 (432)1 17.0 (432) 14.75 (375} 15.71 5 (4s3y �� 15.75 (400 17.5 (445) 13.75 (350 14.75 (375,y 5 (3.75) T5 (5.6) 314 (.56) 7 5 (127) 5 (127) '75} 1112 (1.1) 2(1.5) 112 (.37) 374 (.56) 1 (.75) 1-112 (1,1) 2 (1.5) 115.75 (483 i5.75 (400 3500 1 15.75 (400 3 (2-37) 5 (3.75) 16.0 (406) I ar 0 {432) 17 0 {432) 7.5 (5.6) 7 (175) 1'41 176fl l.51) 1-It2 (1.1) 115.75 3(92j„ j , (400 17.5 (445)� 24 16t Q ' i 16-1t2 . (419) 1 19-112 (495) 1 t 14.8 (376) I 24,55 I (b23) 6-47 1 (ill} 13.83 (32b) 5 i (127j 4.25 {108) 2 (1.5) 3 (2-37) -- A,tgastik Conversion to Electric Heat C MIt Muhl-Staging Replaces: Now Job Designer Contact The Boiler Control 274 is designed to stage multiple boilers using outdoor Temperature Reset. It can be used in applications ranging from a single zone of baseboard, multiple baseboard and fan coil zones, to dedicated domestic hot water heating in commercial buildings. This control regulates a single heating water temperature through Outdoor Temperature Reset and,or setpoint/DHW target control. It is capable of controlling (stage and rotate) up to 4 on/off boilers as well as the system pump (pump sequencing option). Front View Side View Mounting Base (13 tmi) 7tr I 0000 .� L` . �� 1YL" i t4mm E !• 1 7i8° (49 mm) � I 2-718 iPt" Knockout �{72 mm)� 0 3116 IS mm) (x 5 back) (x 5 bottom) (793 mm) Specifications Boiler Control 274 One tN4, Four Stage Boiler & DHW! Setpoint Literature —_ _ - — 0274 A274, D001, D070 w � Control Microprocessor control. This is not a safety (limit) control _ Packaged weight 3.3 lb. 1500 - - ---Y _— - -- Dimensions 6-5/8' H x 7-9/16" W x 2213/16" D f170 x 193 x 72 mml -Enclosure Blue PVC plastic, NEMA type 1 _ Approvals CSA G US, meets class B ICES & FCG Part 15 Ambient Indoor use only, 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C), RH K90%Non- conditions _ __ � condensing _ -� PPoow_e_r supply Relays 115 V a ±10%, 60 Hz, 7 VA. 1160 VA max 230 V A_1/3 Demands (acj-- _ 120 to 26_0 V (ac) 2 VA-----��- `---- --- Sensors NTG thermistar, 10 kid @ 77°F (25'C ±0.2`C) 6-3892 -included Outdoor Sensor 070,2 of Universal Sensor 082, and 500 0 Resistor I Warranty _ ____ ) .-_- __ .1____^__ Limited 3 Year (See D274 for full warrant r SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS NIA Energy Saving Features • Outdoor Temperature Reset • Setback built in for energy savings • Warm Weather Shut Down • Automatic Boiler Differential • tekmarNete4 Compatible Additional Features • Control up to 4 On -Off boilers • Primary pump sequencing • DHW pump operation • Optional DHW priority • Equal Run Time Rotation • Automatic Boiler Differential • Quick setup for easy installation and programming of control • User comfort adjustment to increase or decrease building space temperature • Advanced settings to fine-tune building requirements • Pump exercising • Powered system pump output • Test sequence to ensure proper component operation • 115 V (ac) power supply • Optional boiler pump(s) operation www.tekmarcontrals.com 1 of2 a2011 C274-01it1 Atclasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atq,::,,siA,I T' SuU11TY 14 12M M- MoMUHEC Hefizontal Discharge MOM UHEC Vertical Discharge Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Hez; General Data Table GD4 -Mods# t3NEC ElacWcaf Data Air Dalivety Bata Element Min. Supply Anow Apprcec Horiz. Rec. Max. Unit Ca 6Ly and Std. Mar. Grata Wire At An Pisa A'a Mamting Maid kYy BtW, Maor Element Contrd Amp Fuse couge Moto Data OWlet @ Outlet Thrm Hdoht U Pdumiser Rating IOOOS Vokage Phase Voltage Rating Sims '60'C! Hp Rpm (C.frn) (F) TO Hodz knit. t1HECAMAOCO 3.3 112 Wu I zm 15.9 20A 126 jil2b 1550 400 26 12 9 9 ME-C-OMBACO 3.W2.5 11.218.5 24WM 1 24(V208 117111.9 2OA115A 12GAtW.A 1,'125 1%0 400 26 12 9 9 UHEC-OMAACA 33 112 2O8 1 24 1" 20A 12G 11125 15W 400 26 12 9 9 LMEC-03M" 3.3 112 200 1-3 208 IE%S2t 20A 12GA V1125 1550 40O 26 12 9 9 i,HEC-(W8 CO 3.W.5 AWS.5 24WM 1-3 24%208 13-7111.9 20A'15A 12GANGA 11125 15W 400 26 12 9 9 7 916.9t UHEC-031COCO 3.3 11.2 277 1 217 11.9 15A 1".. 1/125 1550 400 26 12 9 9 I)iECdYACACA 3.3 112 277 1 24 11.9 15A 14G 1,125 1550 400 26 12 9 9 t1HEG033QACA 3.3 11.2 480 3 24 40 15A 14GA V125 1%0 400 26 12 9 9 UHEC-031BACA 3.3:2.5 11.?A..5 2 QfM 1 24 137/11.9 20W15A 12GA114GA 11125 1%0 400 26 12 9 9 UHE('-43W(,'A 33 11.2 203 1-3 24 IaO,'Y 2m 12GA 11125 1550 400 26 12 9 9 UHEC-O,IMCA 3.32.5 11=5 24WM 1-3 24 13.7111.9 7. 91 201415A 12GA+14GA 111Z 1550 AID 26 12 9 9 i,HEC-05IAOCO 5.0 17.1 208 1 2m 241 35A 8GA 11125 1%0 400 40 12 9 9 UHEC-052AACA 50 17.1 208 12 24 241/13.9 35A 8GA V125 1%0 400 40 12 9 9 tAiECi5t80C0 5A3.7 17.V12.8 24UrUrZ08 i 244208 2MMI 30A25A 10WOGA 11125 15W 4W 40 12 9 9 t1HEC452AOCO 5.0 17.1 208 1-3 208 241113,9t %A 8GA 1125 15W 40O 40 12 9 9 UHEC-0r12 0 5.43.7 17.VI2.8 240208 1.3 244208 20. M 1 2. 1IoAt 30AaA IOGN10GA 11125 1550 Mkt 40 12 4 9 UHFC-052MCA 5.48.7 17.V728 340JM 1-3 24 20.W18.1 30N25A 10GN1OGA 1,,125 MO 40 40 12 9 9 12.1/1O.4t VHEC-051C000 5.0 17.1 277 1 ?77 1&1 25A 10GA V125 1%0 400 40 12 9 9 jjEL053DACA 5A 17.1 480 24 6.1 154 14GA V125 1550 400 40 12 9 9 UHEC-051AACA 5.0 17.1 208 1 24 24.1 35A OGA 1/121. 1550 400 40 12 9 9 UHEC-051RACA 5.08.7 1'7.V128 244'208 1 24 20.9f1&1 30AITA 70GNIOGA 1ti25 1550 400 40 12 9 9 tkiEC-072BACA 7.!W',.6 21a6192 24WM 1-3 24 31,3r27A 40A735A 8GA(8GA: 1,60 1650 700 34 22 10 12 18.1 15ht UMC-07MACA 7.5 25.6 277 1 24 27.1 3r�A 8m W 1550 700 34 22 10 12 LIHEC-07MACA 7.5 M6 480 3 24 9.7 15A 14GA V5O 15W 700 34 22 10 12 LIHEC-102AACA i6O xi 208 1.3 24 47.W7.7t 60A 4GA V50 15W 700 45 22 10 14 UHEC102BACA 10W.5 34.1)25.6 240298 1-3 24 12.2 l GaNWA 4G&SGA V5f! 15W 700 45 22 10 14 24 O.St U1EC-101CACA 100 34.1 277 1 24 36.1 50A GGA 160 1550 700 45 22 10 14 UHEC.1O3DACA 160 34.1 480 3 24 ]21 20.A 12GA IM 1550 700 45 22 10 14 LW, 1534ACA SO 512 208 3 24 41.7 60A 4GA 120 1550 1100 43 32 11 20 UKEC-153BACA 15.N112 51.Z%4 24M 3 24 3&1131.3 5W40A 6Cv4GGA V20 1550 1100 43 32 it 20 UHEC-15MACA 15.0 51.2 480 3 24 1&1 MA UJGA 120 15W 1100 43 32 11 20 MEC-2038ACA 19.7/148 67.M.5 24tY2O8 3 24 47.841.1 ASMA 4GN4GA M 1550 1100 57 32 12 18 11HEC 203DACA 20.0 68.3 48+'7 3 24 241 35A 8GA 7i20 1560 1100 57 32 12 18 IA7EC-253AACA 25.0 85.3 208 3 24 69.5 90A 2GA V12 1550 2OWIMO 40144 45 12 22 UHEC-2538ACA 25.0/18.7 %,3,r4.0 24WM 3 24 60.21621 6(V490A 3GANGA V12 1550 20Oq%WO 4W44 45 12 22 tA1EC-253DA(A 25.0 W.3 480 3 24 307 40A 8GA tn5 1550 20061600 4W44 45 12 22 UREC-303AACA 30.0 1624 208 a 24 834 110A 1GA V12 1550 20 WWO 47M 40 12 20 UHEC-MBACA 30.422.5 102.4'76S 24VM 3 24 723f62.5 IWAAOA IGA13GA V12 1560 2006/800 47/53 40 12 20 MRi 303DACA 360 1024 480 3 24 3&2 50A 6GA V15 15W 200fY Wi 47M 40 12 20 UHEC-40WCA 40O 136.5 208 3 24 111.2 150A IAA 1/4 1550 3100M 4(y45 55 15 24 UHEC-4(QMCA 40.QIXO 1XFrIO2.4 240,M 3 24 96 M4 125/4110A 1rLOGA V4 1550 310WAW 4OV45 55 15 24 tAtEs:-4U,10ACA 39.0 1331 480 3 24 47.0 74A 4GA IFa 1550 310VMO 40145 56 15 24 UHEC-543AAf� 50.0 170.6 203 3 24 139.0 175A 2!0* 114 1550 310g2B00 51156 50 15 22 UHEC-50WCA, 50.4,W5 170.028.0 240'208 3 24 120SIR3 17EA-175A 2f0'270 114 I.W, 31O 28M 51F6 50 15 22 LHEC-503DACA 50.0 1706 480 _ 3 24_ _. _. 60.3 WA 3GA 115 1%0 31O 2S00 51,'S6 50 15 22 Notes 1.M orrmni anV ratkp indicates vn"ase onthoso units mtimNe for both single and threw-Mm. 2.25tlu..O, 54 kW -dal. a -Arad for two-sfaga, tmc voitageoorard. Thoseuniis era a1w oquipped v4th tvm-speod motors for Hilo fan opemion v4th adation of lon switch oplion. 3, Dual vdtago urat rdjrigs in Scat. Ngh.st witagoperfomsanra. 4.1 kW equals 3,413 M. .$-jWf wlm m thee. nr 6d: should have im ladon rated 76TrrinbTmm. t ArnpRagng for 11true-^*9 oiler atim 10 UH-PRC003-EN Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heal Unit Casing r� io Ic I� c of H I� I ,a� w---I i 1 1! 77 1 77V • Horizontal Air Discharge Vertical Air Discharge A o 11,11 I -- D—.I - j C r- --i C �-i -dff - E� ISr a i� 3 131 E to I_ t 0 Unk Casing 1Hrdres) Welddiitrt Loea iotrs in Inches ar MffktratW$ i ) Unit Size H w U Horizontal Vertical 3.35 17 N(451) 14"/,-(W) 61h(165) Unit Sim A B C D E F 7.5-10 24 ai,, 0318) 21 V, (546) 6'1, (165) 3.315 3 p> (P) 511,(133) 21ha (62) 1 rye (29) 11 1h., (20 51P, 0=1 15-20 28t1ha(7--M 21'h(546) 61h(166) 7.5-10 71f.(191) 5'A(133) 31h(89) 174(48) 16'ha(40M 6=14(162) 25-W M(W4) 29'/<(743s) 10'h 06) 15-20 7171_,�(191) 51h(133i a1h(89) 17ie(48) 207h4(519) 6'A OEM 2560 10 71r (275i 811,5a (224) 6' ;he (173) 17/a (48) 2614,(673) 5 ale ( M Horizontal Arc Discharge r' A 6 (182.4) HA EA�168,2) 6 (152�..a4) -• ��__ !n 5 All dimensions appumdmate. C,enified prints ava fable on request. 18 6 DIMENSIONS SHOWN IN ( )ARE IN MILLIMETERS 12 (BU) ails (6C Horizontal WaBjCeBhrg &wWel Bracket Clearance Regakemants orrtdw) Minimum Distance . Modal Adjacent Mounting Unit Mounting Caning Surface Floor Bracket Wt. Dinznsiom Size Bradwr To Unit To Unit To Unk" its. ft) A B C 3.3-5 A5105 12 (305) 12 (305) 84 (2134) 6 (2.7) 19151u (48T7 10'h (26T 9'A 35) 75,20 A5120 18 (457) 12 (W5) 84 (2134) 9(4.1) 23 (584) 12 (305) 19 `la (4K 2.5-50 A5150 18 OM 12 (305) 84 (2134) 11(5.0) 26111. (677) i3 ',`r (343) 19'A 1 %) +Do snt mwaed urathrtarimsn rmrntina hai0ht i/e ftW A*m mrrg Bracket fiance Rer{aaements andws) Minimum Distance Model Adjacent Mounting Unit Mounting Ceiling Surface Floor Bracket Wt. Dimensions Size Bradwrt To Unit To Unit To Unk+ lhs. (Kg) E F G 3.3-5 V5105 12 (305) 12(9.)5) 84 (2134) 9 ,,4.1) 26 (6a"0) 9',£ (232) 18 '114(476) 7.5-20 V5120 1814M 24(610) 84(2134) 13(5.9) 36 al+a(929) 13'/e(352) 241h(622) 25.50 V5150 18057) 24(610) 84(2134) 13(5.9) 42(1067) 137A(352) 281he(713) -N M e7sarl untt's rnwdrnaen mounting hMW, UH-PRC003-EN Atgasuk, Conversion to Electric Heat Atgasuk Trans , . Dimemional Data Vertical Mr (Aaahw9a Lowar core DI[tusw - P - -f DIA _�---I Dimensions awn in # } are in millimeters LouvarCameDffAm r ur;tsiv3 P R S T U3 & S,b NIA NIA NA ;V1A 07&10 111.02953i 1411,f362.0} 61.6065.1} 1s1{44.5} 15&20 11r612953} 1411413620} 61h{165.1} 1'4{44.5} i 50 5 'Af435.0; 21;563.4} 91AU47. } 2'Is;69.9) li P,PHCJW--E iJ 19 A.tgasuk. Conversion to F{ectric !Neat Atgasuk Transmission Line Study Y VES= Wiw"d V20001Uu-Pim Ski Sutface Winng SNstems Mare w d hfcati" with compact nomays to3lrtrraad ?`1.q�h, dixtile srt&ca MMM 9s4 arfre4tl�at e1WtTe kftttiCtar Brash ev to oF1pilnial Io 11Nf>�i1 to lb om 1f!s '�G5 UM aiheow, hldz y} t' f N predlt gpinm ki ut4hr Aur, aid 7rtt t spv ftlow OMM Pact Na 10.tc #foYot 1b. CMrsMIMr�Ii x N x Lt Otlit M Mfi cww T98776-%%M/ YAVMC 1%* t fi it 5 wry fitt np for Y24Dtl Raav;M 71i7603 f�ilssl 1 2 map n 00 VAN M 7iMfitl Yf8103 s:pp tt M 74361n&ati4D V2010A1 nUWCi`Y7!lMO KOa M7r/ 7M77SOM Y2010iYt cofwl1A7maed caw Nq ift we E:Yq, 'A, 707A i Y2011 Rat 9C' F DfM Muy IMF94t7744 Y.tM 1'Gvlg1WA-Vtkw iwrj 2C[wxi+;' ?SMI4Mfai MIR RUE FUV wtfti ^uM AUpW, Wiremoid V2 OOBC 1ic�o-Piece Steel Surface Wiring Systela>rs went ter drtr beffbon ws"AMM WA bw wre Mpawy ::mot a s;tm� tt�tarr4ur; !':'.KA�3 TSr>�1gde 111r 1r321i?a7f5 li,![ n>•{ittn! Ai(N t`.iref.7Q lF'_Il'f Lhtti 1:41J4 'Lwh, tlfaahtz e[r8Y11 fiE95M Sntk ar finish w be avetp ntid 'vdt'drpab;Y t1z3 ataMt'; last 9fR3 m,nr._, vd r4tlntnats umax s4tyan km a1hm`m bating wasco M ea M" Ma" ke. ON-04AM MAWBO r MR MY *44tM! V2dt1tUD S71 Woo 681E 1°%' t f M1fy 78WrM-1 T V7400C sn Curer 1 %* Motif Fitim- p for 11trf ra1.lwid 4'24DO Senc; Raawny ouwwft AM* Uftw ao. oeaaggsun aw 70TAH M 71 Y24D6 Sn C.abntt:OM Ctatt MR 786778-16661 V7407.2C41 CM SeAes 109 Ftwe DeOce BaCOM MY 7MT?9-15569 W2407-7rJ W-12 k' Speks 106 rump l wWa $eWW fray MUM-15bb4 V2407-3F.1 Trwprk' Se tof 106Frabe OMw flra It Wy 707440M V2410A STL inn" EM F1Mw. Mary 78F"641 73 W41M STL ah* fn11rM g MIMy Te6776- V241aen sn am*a r_rr eft aofy 768T76-1104t; V2410C sn i111ta" L'n ;• Intl X i;r1:L'ti 0 holy 786776-56%6 V241W-0 EMra%*IM;4bep1>aa1r'Ittt'0 Mxy 78STIG-, 71 V24stFC V240U rat tap L Y7arke L-0 Fwnq epwy T86776-56%8 V241WO OWdee, Fiat €Ccge3fN-rtYow MOry Y%r76-%%7 Y2411F0 Flat Pbe,14w1^ftow, Mor/ YO TWOM7 V2411M STt-P121€1tow tray 788776 14482 Y241SMO T .COtF'ew 7t7f33ti tee i78ig w" 786778-14481 V2415F0 2"-�rpew Tot., Mliq h" T86776-17A48 V2419A ST2Tee WY 7a6778-%M MIA" A" DM€Wd 7ritrft RDW-* CM' Flom Mary ?9677Gi6969 V2417T0 1nlal:ia]gwgmwabM Mary Supplemental Report tM Pwt 11w 4ht w b BM are in dK* ant! nMy to OW tttili > KIA f{ id 11 ti: ti9 falrntr wEwopin no, mks so" ft. 804"m C" 7TNT7i-17a0 VN17M Sn "am 9aiUtlew MIR 788T76-509M V2418MO ft"Rflt W RoefatW BWN wq 786TT6-1 BW 104111M r5t1e'tift rbwawr PbM ►aqr 786M I M5C- V2416M ST[ p iBtn1law illry 786778.11051 V24X mean Buie UM Socket FAM 260E MOry 7M77 iSM V2427GA pfxep(AW WO Ptp t: 15A,12% Mary 788n&lG&59 V2427GT F& woPMis'20h?25V PM 788778-548CR V2444 STL EM Deep Sta W9 7NIMG41106 V2444-2 ME E772 17eet1 device Scat 2 UX Hoer 78G776 0W7 V2441-21S Over fe We" Bmt 1ilN2 ra ig hury VOWN-64M V240D Ow TV Aacentw BM "T 7'MTM-OGDX V2444D-2A 2-6wfg Df wd twr wewq Dealot ft tomy 7UTM-MM V2448 STc swim 1i gPYgiBtle SM holm 786T, O3750 V2448-2 STL SWIM S ka"Cie WA 2 Gat1, WY 7aa77'f<-1747fi7 VMIM STi auk row FNMA Matt T88776-0707 V2475D Y24001? M" 24C67u015O0 Mpry 786T78 19476 Ow SR SW Foam 10 50C kaq 86 �4K/A�riNtaMM��i1111tiiC� Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report APPENDIX E Sample Generator Plant Operator Daily Logs Daily log for July 2012 Date Shift kWh Consumed each day Ave kWh consumed ea hour kWh Generated in 24 hr Peak kW in 24 hr period Fuel Usage in 24 hr 07/01/12 SWING 5397 317 9360 368 628.8 07/02/12 DAY 7926 330 6240 370 1 592.4 07/03/12 DAY 8107 338 9360 373 633.6 07/04/12 DAY 7623 331 6240 371 636.6 07/05/12 DAY 8068 336 9360 452 623.9 07/06/12 DAY 7754 337 6240 395 621.6 07/07/12 DAY 7537 328 9360 387 649.7 07/08/12 DAY 5518 325 6240 363 612.2 07/09/12 DAY 8431 351 9360 418 643.3 07/10/12 DAY 3939 358 6240 384 654.3 07/11/12 DAY 5793 351 9360 395 651.8 07/12/12 DAY 5792 341 6240 382 622.1 07/13/12 DAY 5762 339 9360 404 650.6 07/14/12 DAY 6867 343 9360 400 620.8 07/15/12 SWING 5742 338 6240 371 661.5 07/16/12 DAY 8887 370 9360 434 624.9 07/17/12 DAY 6325 372 9360 415 706.6 07/18/12 DAY 8298 346 6240 386 666.9 07/19/12 DAY 8517 355 9360 425 663.8 07/20/12 DAY 8722 363 9360 429 637.8 07/21/12 DAY 6582 329 6240 366 676.2 07/22/12 SWING 5525 325 9360 369 632.3 07/23/12 DAY 8488 354 6240 430 636.3 07/24/12 DAY 8311 346 9360 411 683.4 07/25/12 DAY 6116 360 9360 420 646.2 07/26112 DAY 8104 338 6240 396 689 07/27/12 DAY 8416 351 9360 412 648.4 07/28/12 DAY 7867 328 6240 378 668.1 07/29/12 SWING 5550 326 9360 361 599 07/30/12 DAY 8492 354 9360 395 639.2 07/31/12 DAY 8477 353 6240 417 679.7 20,001 L Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Neat 120 c C C C 7 asuk Tra nsmission Line Study Supplemental Report Hourly Log for July 2013 Nofth Slope Burou ' v h S, Vilh)- KW Avora��c Load Lop- Q A,rQASUK Total K W H R 3SE19t U u-1 IVNE Q Of q �,Ob� �Af KW11R Pei- Gillen I I,, A Glycol ('orl�ujnptioli Avciaoz LoadMOD011V 1&4W[j&j ll -ziumildoll Oil (_'on q C) w4 K-vk I -ond NiTonthly- ­_­1 fix-cl+ lj-� - N-1,01itli/year 3U ZIA"Ic. "_j 1 Of Total Load WL Gr-ntrator Opor&ors Initials Aw Rcadip� p,'! KWHR KW U­ad Time DUMber 8 w4 -1 to 12 12 to 8 3 T.N1.7 ---3U--- 7 rm ALq_ 4M _xw Vag- q I 'P�M -All A 13 XW X, 4 P 4FA A2 )a pot FM 327 73 JA_ep�, # 9 A K_ 10 A K 'aA.—i rwy- PK a4 3;-1 3 1 WK P g j 'I M4 30( e 3ql 39Z _21al— 4 re) A ph ...... KAK Is 7 3 97 31919 4 A" -4t- q At4A 9 AX (4 A— fix % . . aq 3.3 S 3 7s_ 7SH PK __KAK W 7qAq q 210 (p79q_____ 3go _3 3W q Pin -1 RAK — as -loll, F.FA ;aL q�6 I to V, b), e S -S, V t AA ��4, Iq _ 7 96 C, 11 q PK P, 8 Y, a4 R29II 3NS - --------- 1_ PK I tqkA KW LOOAoc Atqasuk Heating Conversion 121 . C C Atqasuk Transmission Line Study Supplemental Report APPENDIX F HMS Construction Cost Estimate - Report Atqasuk Conversion to Electric Heat C 122 N O Z U @ O O U @ Y co co C6 N w �— w O 0-� w Z w O U O N O F-- � QQ w'VY L w �Uj 0 co to E— %JQ Z w J O U- •r-6 a) L �e o cv �- U) 00 Q W c a m N Lo z O w O w m O Q Q w Q.¢ O O U� �W<t = NQ LO LL z w Nco -B @ O t U O Q a) .O 0 @ O U N G _C Cl) O » O w . L . Z w U / L U < q 2 ® w . b . / » e o 0 . w U Z Z O c R ® Of / E � e 0 Z U) / f w w 2 of R q kf/ @ ) 2 q < w 2 F k / } (0)z� 2 q 7 //LL L q<\ z m 2 / a) / f k : \ \ $ k 2 2 / k a) E \ k @ E \ U) k< = 7 k o < 7 \ 0 \\� %/Llj CNkw m w Q � r" k � � § ƒ $ k k k CD E / 0 _ » cn 2 0 � IL s D m 2 CD z � � m CO) / \ 0) $ 0 / E f & /CD -0 k/ %\ k 0/. = Co § CU / Cl) , 0 S f G _ \/ �E// c E = E /3(n/ § E z k E ƒ )/ A�/2 4- Cl) k kC) /\ibl CM)/ U) m 0 U � w O � � Q x w \ $ 7 a E S 0 ƒ 3 co E ƒ \ z 2 \ k E / / k 2 E 0 /f m /ƒ § f �k/ k 2 / : .0\ cnCD f & / § k<� w&a n r ± . o \ ƒ 00 § \ ° / ± 2 m G § c \ 2 C) -0 E / G a 2 0/ — 0 0 r- \ / � ) .\ kyy / \\ §E \ o\/ o o = = e > a a £ 0 7 0 = m — ° o— s o = o ° o m o 2 : 7 _ a) _0 5 0 2 g c o = E% E 5 _ 0/ m / / 0 ° c — / E \ 0 = k) _0 _ o g = $ § g 3 \ \) k 0 0 0 c E 0 $ o a E g o \ k / _ 0 _/ o o £ $ \ o e $ o E -0 ) ± 0 ® -0 \ / " co 0 c: ¥ . 0_02§ g§% o OL/ E G o m ± • 5 E 2 5 ° 5 & Z _ _ a) n o n 0 E _ = o= ± \ I & c o § 2 . § : (/ E % § 2 / & / E " 2 / \ « co G ® -0 %LU 2 < ¥ — — ? d 2� / \ 0 \ ( \ //�\ co / /\�-0 /) /2\ / / Co� ± O = I m/ E � 0 2 f 7 0 //\ 3 0 &Sf / E \ 0&�2(n 2)0 ƒ kfk%£ \\_ e S= g o/ e/ 8 / ° k / ) 5 o \ 7 E % 2 / // 0 e° o m 0/ E. c 2 y g m 2 = § m \ \ / ? / 2 £ 0 L @ I ƒ b E� CL j co Z$/ ) .§ o e m n= o q \ b \ / G \ � g < ..6$_ ) / � E ° Z / / o R E f 2 ƒ k\ c am co 3 §_ _ ƒ z k / / § / / E / q / < \ 7 0 « w � « ■ 0 0 -i LL cn @ 0 w 0 < < < < uLu L \ M \ 00 \ \ c .c 05 3 m mg ( ( m E E E 0 0 %QU f � b ƒ/_3 % \ M w o N CL N O 6i Q i C) 1' w Z w U_ F- w � � U Q J 2 w H O (f) w U) w 0 Z Z O 0 F- w U LL Of J_ U) O Z O Z U O � 0 w F- Z H v OU Q CL I}_— Q Z Z Y O Z) Z) U �QU- a` a U) O Q Q = U U U w w w 00 LO ti U U U w w w 00 ti LO CD O N m N �- 0) C14 m N N N � LO co 0 h N h 0 N Z a y m O U Z O Z Z zi 0 0 co m m O Q Q w of Q I.; w w Q U OU OU Z W w J w J 2 J W W ~ < O w < LO co w o CD N a N O W F- LU z w U_ F- F- wLU U Q J W O W F- CQ wO U w z _O 0 F- LU U L J F' co O z O z U O U 0 zF OQw F- Z z Y O � U Q L �CY� U) 0 Q _ Act N e.. y W V W W O 0) 00 co 1- 0 • 0000 N Ili V) L 0000 00 It N It LO N d CO co to 6 - �. O Nt O O • O r LO rl- • O co d• O C0 N cli N C7 d ti H} 00 Efl Cl 00 N O O In O C0 O co d t- 00 N I` �- O � � O a o 0 0 0 o 0 CD CD 0 0 000 N LO LO d~ O U o Z ^L LL O c LO V cu M PC Ln Z > N V O a� o a� p o c U E o W U O C E LU Q L O N C C O �'•' C O U U ° c E y U D O W LO Co.L o co C M C J L C O N Q O N w u) C� m° w a $ \ / f cc) / \ a $ 0 .. ® i « / 7 \ \ / / \ / \ . $ \ ® Cl) a CD 3 ƒ / I _ $ \ 06 A a / / / / \ \ ® ± & Z L U / ® / L O \ LU \ k_ / LU \ \ / U) ƒO O I z O_. E U m ƒ k _2 \ s b 2 \ / § 2 9 » S / / CL§ �\ L @ > m N @ \ m L /e z a 2 I kt / \ b § 2 ƒ § § / } k V E E k \ ] % o / 7 \ LL Oƒ / m 2 k 2 / R § / / z g \2 / o� k % m k K k % / 2 ti C o W O m Q � Q CN J IQ— Q 691 O O Wc-• W 1— Q 0 W C• C c� J o cc a m Q � C J O � ti J Q W C � W W Z W C U L- W U Q W } C W ti Z W j C } F CY C U CQ O W U C W o C LL 0-1 C O Z O 0 C W QQ U) Z�1F— v N OU Q w y W Q U d (� W ca qu 'e ZYO Z U ca �CYU- � y I c) OU Q 2 C C O N O O (M t!j CO N oo N O O O O Cn ui cco O O O 00 00 'T It M O O M cM O O O LO � cN W W 2 00 (�O co L 0 L L N c m C ate) t L cu a� L aJ g M o L) .r •C cu 0 L L V O L U a) a.a a) a) 3 co U) o w c a u zn o Q CD > E O coo 1) o ° cuU) > CO 3 >, U) ;i Lo t p) d C M = C i p ZZ m CU p X 2 N :3 a) Z W '0 0� o co (n cu c n 2 3 � / 0 2 \ 2 a o o q £ 0 0 0 0 o = o = ¥ o c = o k / 0 � / q � 2 \ k ® ® ~ 4 i & § � $ f f \ \ \ \ \ \ ? / \ It 2 \ / / \ / ~ ? q # \ � / / co k k L k � / / \. 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