HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Chignik Indian Creek Monitoring Report - 2013 - REF Grant 2195388City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 1 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Project Report March 17, 2014 City of Chignik Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance Distribution City Clerk, City of Chignik Commission Secretary, FERC Agency Consultation List 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft Table of Contents 1.Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1Monitoring Requirements .............................................................................................................. 2 1.1.1Article 401. Stream Flow Gauging and Water Use Monitoring Plan ................................... 3 1.1.2Article 402. Fish Spawning Monitoring Plan ....................................................................... 3 2.Indian River Stream Gauging .............................................................................................................. 3 2.1Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2Dam Stream Gauge ...................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1Description .......................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.2Stage Discharge Curve ....................................................................................................... 5 2.3Bridge Stream Gauge ................................................................................................................... 7 2.3.1Description .......................................................................................................................... 7 2.3.2Bridge Site Stage Discharge Curve .................................................................................... 8 3.Pipeline flows ........................................................................................................................................ 9 4.Summary of Stream Gauging Results ................................................................................................ 9 4.1Data Quality Assessment ............................................................................................................. 9 4.2Stream Gauging Results Summary ............................................................................................ 10 5.Aquatic Monitoring ............................................................................................................................. 12 5.1Results ........................................................................................................................................ 12 5.2Aquatic Monitoring Discussion .................................................................................................... 13 6.Agency Consultation and List ........................................................................................................... 13 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 2 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 6.1Agency Comments Received ..................................................................................................... 13 7.Recommendations ............................................................................................................................. 14 8.References .......................................................................................................................................... 14 9.Appendix ............................................................................................................................................. 15 9.1Chart of Indian Creek Discharge, both Gauging Sites, 2013 Water Year .................................. 15 9.2Chart of Indian Creek Discharge During 2013 Aquatic Surveys ................................................ 16 9.3Revised Indian Creek Daily Average Discharge Data, 2008-2013 ............................................. 17 9.4Fish Count Forms ....................................................................................................................... 33 9.4.1August 6th ......................................................................................................................... 33 9.4.2August 9th ......................................................................................................................... 34 9.4.3August 15th, Full River Survey ......................................................................................... 35 9.4.4August 15th ....................................................................................................................... 36 9.4.5August 22nd ...................................................................................................................... 37 9.4.6August 22nd Notes ............................................................................................................ 38 9.4.7August 29th ....................................................................................................................... 39 9.4.8September 6th ................................................................................................................... 40 9.4.9September 13th, not done, river too high ......................................................................... 41 9.4.10September 19th ................................................................................................................. 42 9.4.11October 3rd ....................................................................................................................... 43 9.4.12October 4th ....................................................................................................................... 44 9.4.13October 8th ....................................................................................................................... 45 9.4.14October 11th ..................................................................................................................... 46 10.End of Report ...................................................................................................................................... 47 1. Introduction As the Licensee for the Chignik Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project Number P-620), the City of Chignik is required to annually submit the results of the required monitoring activities. The draft report was submitted to the agencies addressed for a 30 day comment period. The Licensee is required to file with FERC the annual report, along with any agency comments, and how the Licensee plans to accommodate those comments. This report has been revised based on the comments received. This report presents the monitoring data gathered in 2013. This represents the final annual report under the current monitoring requirements. A project operations report is to be subsequently prepared and filed with FERC after consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA Fisheries, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources in accordance with Article 405 of the License. 1.1 Monitoring Requirements Articles 401 and 402 of the project license require that the licensee conduct fish studies and flow measurements for a period of 5 years, beginning with the 2008 water year and extending City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 3 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. through the 2012 water year. The licensee did not conduct fish surveys in 2010, and proposed extending the five-year monitoring requirement by one year (i.e. until the end of the 2013 water year on September 30, 2013) in order to compensate for this loss of data. FERC approved this extension on October 24, 2011. The required monitoring is described in the Licensee study plan dated October 3, 2006, approved by the Commission on August 22, 2007, and modified by Commission on March 18, 2011 and October 24, 2011. Additionally, the Commission provided 10 specific action items on February 25, 2013 to improve monitoring efforts. The basic monitoring orders are as follows: 1.1.1 Article 401. Stream Flow Gauging and Water Use Monitoring Plan The licensee shall monitor stream flow in Indian Creek downstream of the project’s dam and quantify flow being diverted into the project’s pipeline for a period of five years. The licensee shall, at a minimum, (1) provide for stream gauging of Indian creek; (2) maintain a flow meter and record flows within the project’s pipeline; (3) conduct annual consultation meetings with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA Fisheries, the U.S Geological Survey, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources; and (4) provide annual stream gauging and pipeline flow reports to each of the agencies identified in item 3 above and to the Commission. 1.1.2 Article 402. Fish Spawning Monitoring Plan The licensee shall monitor fish spawning in Indian Creek for a period of 5 years. At a minimum, the licensee shall: (1) identify species that use Indian Creek for spawning; (2) count the number of spawners by species; (3) identify the location of redd(s) by species; (4) identify the time and duration of spawning activity by species and associated stream flow; (5) conduct annual consultation meetings with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA Fisheries, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. 2. Indian River Stream Gauging The following analysis and report is for stream gauging activities for 2013. The referenced December 13th, 2013 Stream Gauging and Project Reconnaissance Trip Report (Hatch, 2013) is included as an attachment. 2.1 Overview As part of the monitoring requirements for FERC, monitoring of pipeline flows and gauging of stream flows at the dam, pool, and bridge sites in Indian Creek has been required. Analysis of past stream flow monitoring efforts are found in the annual monitoring reports filed with FERC which are available through the e-library for project P-620. Flow monitoring began in April of 2003 but results over the years have been sporadic because of equipment failures, limited site accessibility, and the general remoteness and harsh conditions at the site. City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 4 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. This report includes an update of stage data, flow rating curves, and discharge calculations for the dam and bridge sites. Consequently, the results that are included in this report supersede previous reports. 2.2 Dam Stream Gauge 2.2.1 Description The existing dam spillway is approximately 10' high1 and impounds Indian Creek creating a reservoir with a surface elevation of approximately 440'2, an area of 21.6 acres3, and an assumed active storage depth of 7'. Outflow from the reservoir occurs via the following mechanisms (in order of occurrence): x Flows through the pipeline to the existing water treatment plant and hydro turbine in the NorQuest facility. Flows through the water treatment plant and existing turbine are assumed equal to amounts granted by water rights. x Flows over the dam spillway, and x Flows through the auxiliary rock cut spillway. Gauging equipment configuration at the dam presently consists of a bubbler type pressure transducer equipped with a data logger that is located upstream of the dam in the reservoir. A staff gauge is also installed in the reservoir. The gauge is a Sutron Accubar constant flow bubble gauge that measures the height of water in the reservoir using compressed air. The gauge was installed on October 17, 2008. Elevation reference monuments for this gauge, shown in the photo below, were presented in the 11/30/2012 Field Activity Report (Polarconsult, 2012) but are revised based on the 12/13/2013 Stream Gauging and Project Reconnaissance trip report (Hatch, 2013). The reference monuments include: x RM#1 elevation = 5.02', an anchor bolt set horizontally in the rock face. x RM#2 elevation = 10.92', an anchor bolt set vertically on a small rock shelf. x Top of staff gauge elevation = 7.32' Photo 1 - Dam Gauge Reference Monuments 1 FERC license application Exhibit F, sheet 9. 2 The crest elevation of the existing dam's spillway is 439.71' based on the average of 4 RTK GPS survey points measured on 5/13/2005 using the DCRA monument HV307, with an established elevation of 231.47', as a datum. 3 FERC Exhibit G lake boundary City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 5 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 2.2.2 Stage Discharge Curve The stage discharge curve derivation is detailed in the Indian Creek Fish Spawning and Stream Flow Monitoring, Annual Report, Final 2012, Revision 0, October 14, 2013. The same procedure is utilized with the following supplemental information. 1. Past efforts to establish a stage discharge curve were hindered by questionable reservoir stage data associated with flow measurements. This was resolved by performing multiple surveys to establish the dam and rock cut spillway elevations. The results establish an elevation of 2.59' for the dam spillway crest and 2.85' for the rock cut spillway point of zero flow (crest) using the staff gauge as the datum. See the attached December 13, 2013 Stream Gauging and Project Reconnaissance Trip Report (Hatch, 2013). 2. A low flow measurement at the dam was obtained in October 2013 which greatly improves the stage discharge curve. The flow measurement was 19.7 cfs with a corresponding reservoir level of 2.865' (the bubbler reading observed in the field of 2.88' less the 0.015' offset correction). 3. The bubbler data record uses a 0.0 foot offset calibration from installation until 10/8/2009 when an offset of 0.1327' was added to the pressure readings to correspond with the staff gauge datum. This adjustment was made in the field based on a staff gauge observation of 3.51' although wave magnitudes of 0.5' were evident on the staff gauge at the time. On 10/8/13 11:30 AM a staff gauge measurement was made in flat calm conditions that indicated the current offset of 0.1327' should be reduced by 0.015' to 0.1177'. Stage data presented in this report is adjusted appropriately to match the staff gauge datum. Equipment at the dam site is functioning fairly well although ideally the discharge tube from the bubbler would be located as low as possible in the reservoir to catch winter time draw downs. Also, to alleviate the icing correction problem, the bubbler discharge tube would be located such that air bubbles can rise and spread across the entire reservoir surface unimpeded. However, the air pocket accumulation could be alleviated by the lowering the discharge tube to just below the bottom of containment tube or by drilling holes above the discharge tube in the containment tube. Overall, the stage discharge rating curve for the dam spillway is significantly improved. Should stream gauging be continued, the minimum recommended maintenance is to annually perform a level survey and perform low flow discharge measurements, if possible, for the purpose of continued feasibility assessment of hydroelectric resource potential. City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 6 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Table 1 - Flow Measurements to Develop Dam Gauge Stage Discharge Rating Curve Date Staff Gauge Reading, ft Reservoir Height above Crest, H, ft Flow in Rock Spillway, Qr, cfs Flow over Dam Spillway, Qd, cfs Combined Flow, Dam and Rock Spillways, Q, cfs 10/6/2003 3.30 0.71 3.1 73.21 76.3 7/10/2012 3.35 0.76 2.5 80.1 82.6 5/13/2005 3.45 0.86 5.52 78.3 83.8 5/24/2004 3.63 1.04 12.42 100.8 113.2 10/5/2003 3.82 1.23 23.9 1493 172.9 10/7/2013 2.865 0.28 0 19.7 19.7 1 Reported Erroneously as 49.7 cfs 2 Calculated from rock cut spillway rating curve 3 Estimated from scaled bridge flow Table 2 - Dam Spillway Stage Discharge Equation Dam Spillway Flow before 12/6/2009: Qd=C*(23.7-0.6*H)*H^1.5 Dam Spillway Flow after 12/6/2009: Qd=C*(25.7-0.2*H)*H^1.5 C =-1.024*h + 5.57, >=4 H = Staff Gauge Reading - 2.59' Rock Cut Spillway: Qr=26.08*(H^1.5)^2-0.22*(H^1.5), >=0 H = Staff Gauge Reading - 2.85' Total Discharge (spill) at Dam: Q = Qd +Qr Figure 1 - Dam Stream Gauge Rating Curve (Dam + Rock Cut Spillways) 76 83 84 113 173 19.7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 2.6 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.6 SpillwayFormulaCValueDamSpillwayDischarge,cfsStaffGauge Reading,ft Total Spill MeasuredFlow CValue City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 7 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 2.3 Bridge Stream Gauge 2.3.1 Description This gauging station is sited just downstream of the bridge crossing Indian Creek. It is located close to the end of a riffle section that has a bedrock streambed on the north half of the channel and broken rock and cobbles on the south half of the channel. Stream flow is confined by the bedrock on the north bank and a vertical sheet pile bridge abutment just upstream of the gauging station on the south bank. The station location appears generally adequate and stable with a reasonable stage discharge curve at this time. Ideally the gauge location would be slightly further downstream at a large boulder in a pool section that would also support a staff gauge installation. A vented pressure transducer is installed with the cable routed up the stream bank to a Sutron Monitor 1 data logger mounted to the timber abutment underneath the north side of the road bridge. The data logger is powered by a lithium battery pack. Elevation reference monuments for this gauge, established in the 11/30/2012 Field Activity Report (Polarconsult, 2012), are revised based on the December 13, 2013 Trip Report for Stream Gauging and Project Reconnaissance (Hatch, 2013). The revised elevation monuments include: x RM#1 elevation = 3.23', an anchor bolt used to install gauge located beneath RM#2 x RM#2 elevation = 21.34', the head of a lag set on the bridge structure (shown in photo below). Photo 2 - Bridge Gauge Reference Monument RM#2 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 8 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 2.3.2 Bridge Site Stage Discharge Curve Table 3 - Flow measurements to develop Bridge gauge stage discharge rating curve Date Stage (ft) H Flow (cfs) 9/2/11 1:10 PM 3.04 1.54 7.6 10/26/11 2:55 PM 3.78 2.28 63.7 10/28/11 3:55 PM 4.34 2.84 165 7/11/12 11:45 AM 4.74 3.24 205.9 7/13/12 10:45 AM 3.76 2.26 66 9/26/12 9:45 AM 4.09 2.59 90.3 10/6/13 3:33 PM 3.60 2.10 37 10/8/13 11:06 AM 3.83 2.33 52 Pt of zero flow 1.5 0 0 Table 4 - Bridge Gauge Stage Discharge Equation Forstageheightsupto5' Q=EXP(C2*(H^1.5)^2+C1*H^1.5+b) H=WaterDepth(StageͲ1.50') C2=Ͳ0.089 C1=1.460 b=0.0 For stage heights over 5' (estimated using stream cross section) Q = 24.2*S^2 - 61.5*S + 39 S=WaterLevelStage(pressuretransducerreading) Figure 2 - Bridge Gauge Stage Discharge Curve 7.6 63.7 165 205.9 66 37 52 90.3 0 50 100 150 200 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5BridgeSiteDischarge,cfsStage,ft Stage Discharge Equation forFlow(cfs) MeasuredDischarge (cfs) City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 9 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 3. Pipeline flows Pipeline flows are reported in the December 13, 2013 Trip Report for Stream Gauging and Project Reconnaissance (Hatch, 2013) attached with this report. The dam stage and flow data coincident with the apparent pipeline flow interruptions did not show any change in flow at the dam that could be associated with the pipeline flow. 4. Summary of Stream Gauging Results 4.1 Data Quality Assessment Data quality has been a major concern in the past, particularly at the dam. The area of concern with respect to data quality and accuracy is in the low to moderate flow regions of the stage discharge curve which is important for hydroelectric feasibility and aquatic habitat assessments. The December 13, 2013 Trip Report for Stream Gauging and Project Reconnaissance (Hatch, 2013) resolved several data quality issues as explained below: x The level surveys have generally resolved past errors in establishing the correct water stage, point of zero flow, and reference monument elevations although the two side shot measurements at the bridge site of RM#1 and the 0 flow downstream differ from past surveys and should be verified again in the future if gauging is continued. x The collection of the low flow measurement at the dam filled a large data gap in the stage discharge curve resulting in a significant improvement in data quality. x The relocation of the downstream gauge from the pool site to the bridge site was made because it is thought the bridge site is more stable. Thus far, it does appear to be and has resulted in larger numbers of applicable flow measurements for creating the stage discharge curve. Review of the stage discharge curves above shows the low to moderate flows at the dam site are reasonably well defined with the addition of the single flow measurement of 19.7 cfs although additional low flow measurements would be desirable. Review of the stage discharge curve for the bridge site indicates that there are some potential problems with defining low flows because of the dramatic shape in the curve. This is likely due to the lower flows transitioning from a downstream crest controlled water surface elevation to a cross section/energy loss controlled water surface elevation because the gauge is installed at the tail end of a riffle section. Ideally the gauge should be installed slightly downstream. Two charts are provided in the Appendix that illustrate the correlation of discharge monitoring data. The first shows the entire 2013 water year with discharge plotted on a logarithmic scale while the second shows the discharge at both sites during the fish monitoring period of August through September. Observational differences include: City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 10 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. x The bridge gauge reports slightly higher discharge than the dam gauge at most times. This is generally expected given the larger basin area for the bridge site. x As the discharge drops below around 10 cfs, the ratio of discharge at the dam site versus the bridge site changes with the dam site continuing to drop at a steady rate until spill at the dam ceases versus the bridge site which exhibits a more steady discharge and with flows generally remaining above zero. This may be due to inaccuracies in the low flow region of the stage discharge curve, the withdrawal of water through the pipeline, differing basin characteristics, or a combination of all three. Continued collection of pipeline flow data, relocation of the bubbler to a lower depth, and improvement of the bridge gauge is required to better understand what factors are influencing low flow differences in Indian Creek at the dam versus the bridge. At this time, it is concluded that the stage discharge curve accuracy at both locations has improved significantly from past reports and that the calculated discharge at each gauge site is reasonably accurate at low to moderate flows. High flow discharge calculations are not accurate. 4.2 Stream Gauging Results Summary Table 5 - Median Monthly Flows for Period of Record, Dam Site Month 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1 10 11 26 45 0 10 2 9 11 17 7 0 4 3 8 9 18 0 0 0 4 8 24 2 0 0 0 5 20 25 75 32 10 29 6 28 81 103 87 122 7 26 64 68 77 59 8 40 45 45 25 9 163 11 62 18 36 24 10 46 5 32 43 18 42 9 47 11 21 15 22 9 13 13 2 12 12 7 40 85 10 24 0 Table 6 - Median Monthly Flows for Period of Record, Bridge Site Month 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1 8 63 3 15 2 9 39 7 8 3 5 32 2 5 4 8 10 57 0 6 5 20 118 72 35 6 32 141 161 7 25 105 68 62 8 18 45 40 30 9 19 29 19 33 29 10 51 35 14 10 81 11 22 45 11 6 12 12 26 25 6 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 11 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Table 7 - Monthly Flow Cumulative Frequency (2008-2013), Dam Site Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0% 564 65 111 366 601 706 881 1728 598 1933 226 2243 10% 65 22 26 11 131 174 127 123 78 70 30 134 20% 39 18 15 7 92 145 87 69 58 48 23 66 30% 26 15 7 2 77 125 77 55 45 38 19 39 40% 19 13 1 0 61 110 71 45 36 30 15 30 50% 12 8 0 0 47 98 66 39 29 25 12 24 60% 6 4 0 0 32 88 63 34 25 21 9 15 70% 3 0 0 0 21 79 58 30 20 16 8 9 80% 0 0 0 0 8 72 53 26 17 8 5 5 90% 0 0 0 0 5 64 44 21 12 4 1 0 100% 0 0 0 0 0 48 21 8 5 0 0 0 Table 8 - Monthly Flow Cumulative Frequency (2011-2013), Bridge Site Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0% 171 277 390 37 405 589 400 812 555 627 265 395 10% 46 82 11 19 203 347 134 144 84 117 27 51 20% 18 26 6 14 114 247 81 72 53 56 20 36 30% 12 13 5 10 77 204 73 51 42 38 14 26 40% 9 10 4 6 46 179 68 41 33 22 11 20 50% 6 8 4 5 32 157 64 35 26 14 8 13 60% 4 6 3 5 26 134 59 32 22 11 6 9 70% 4 5 2 5 17 123 55 28 19 9 5 6 80% 3 5 2 4 13 113 51 25 17 8 5 4 90% 2 4 1 0 10 101 36 19 14 6 4 4 100% 1 0 0 0 9 83 20 15 11 4 3 3 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 12 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 5. Aquatic Monitoring 5.1 Results Table 9 - 2013 Indian River Fish Counts Bridge Full River Date Coho Dolly Varden OtherPinks Sockeye Total Coho Dolly Varden OtherPinks Sockeye Total 8/6/2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/9/2013 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 8/15/2013 0 0 0 14 0 14 0 0 0 151 0 151 8/22/2013 0 0 0 70 0 70 0 8/29/2013 0 0 0 208 0 208 0 9/6/2013 0 0 0 214 0 214 0 9/19/2013 0 0 0 111 0 111 0 10/3/2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/4/2013 0 0 0 11 0 11 0 10/8/2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013 Total 0 0 0 629 0 629 0 0 0 151 0 151 Figure 3 - Indian River Pink Salmon Count Compared with Chignik River Pink Salmon Count4 4Values obtained from Table 3, Chignik Management Area Salmon Annual Management Report, 2013. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 7/16 7/23 7/30 8/6 8/13 8/20 8/27 9/3 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/8 10/15FishCountDate ChignikRiver Weir2013Estimated Pink Escapement Indian CreekBridge Count City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 13 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 5.2 Aquatic Monitoring Discussion The 2013 aquatic monitoring was performed in accordance with the monitoring requirements except as noted below: 1. Fish surveys were not done for the week of September 23rd. Copies of the completed Indian River fish count forms are included in the Appendix. 6. Agency Consultation and List The draft report, dated January 6 2014, has been sent to the following agency list for comments. Bradley Dunker, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, bradley.dunker@alaska.gov Donn Tracy, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, donn.tracy@alaska.gov Drew Harrington, Natural Resources, drew.harrington@alaska.gov Eric Rothwell, National Marine Fisheries Service, Eric.Rothwell@noaa.gov Frances Mann, US Fish and Wildlife Service, frances_mann@fws.gov Henry Brooks, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, henry.brooks@alaska.gov Jeff Conaway, U.S. Geological Survey, jconaway@usgs.gov Joseph Klein, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, joe.klein@alaska.gov Judith Bittner, Alaska State Historic Preservation Office, judy.bittner@alaska.gov Kim Sager, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Kimberly.sager@alaska.gov Lori Verbrugge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, lori_verbrugge@fws.gov Matt Schellekens, USGS, matts@usgs.gov Melissa Hill, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, melissa.hill@alaska.gov Monte Miller, State of Alaska, monte.miller@alaska.gov Phil Brna, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, phil_brna@fws.gov Shina Duvall, Alaska State Historic Preservation Office, shina.duvall@alaska.gov Susan Walker, National Marine Fisheries Service, susan.walker@noaa.gov 6.1 Agency Comments Received Comments were received from: x Alaska Department of Natural Resources on February 7 2104 (ADNR, Melissa Hill). A copy of the agency comments is attached with this report and the report has been revised to incorporate those. Revisions to the report include the following: 1. Revised rating curve for bridge site (for stage heights over 5'). 2. Included the supporting stream gauge report as direct attachment. 3. Provided correct rock cut spillway discharge equation. 4. Discharge report tables updated with corrected values. City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 14 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 7. Recommendations This is the last of year of the monitoring program. A project operations report is to be prepared as required by FERC License Article 405. Recommendations regarding future monitoring efforts will be addressed in that report. 8. References Polarconsult, November 30th 2012, Field Activity Report, 13 pages. Hatch, October 14, 2013, Indian Creek Fish Spawning and Stream Flow Monitoring, Annual Report, Final 2012, 33 pages. December 13, 2013 Stream Gauging and Project Reconnaissance Trip Report (Hatch, 2013). Table 3, Chignik Management Area Salmon Annual Management Report, 2013, November 2013, Fishery Management Report No. 13-43, Alaska Department of Fish and Game. City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0Page 15© Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9. Appendix 9.1 Chart of Indian Creek Discharge, both Gauging Sites, 2013 Water Year 1101001000OctͲ12 NovͲ12 DecͲ12 JanͲ13 FebͲ13 MarͲ13 AprͲ13 MayͲ13 JunͲ13 JulͲ13 AugͲ13 SepͲ13IndianCreekDischarge,cfsDateBridgeGaugeDamGauge(damspill) City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 16 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.2 Chart of Indian Creek Discharge During 2013 Aquatic Surveys 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 8/1 8/8 8/15 8/22 8/29 9/5 9/12 9/19 9/26Discharge,cfsDate Bridge Gauge DamGauge (damspill) City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 17 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.3 Revised Indian Creek Daily Average Discharge Data, 2008-2013 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 10/17/2008 3.08 41 10/18/2008 3.38 82 10/19/2008 3.26 63 10/20/2008 3.16 51 10/21/2008 3.10 43 10/22/2008 3.05 38 10/23/2008 3.02 34 10/24/2008 2.98 30 10/25/2008 2.96 28 10/26/2008 2.94 26 10/27/2008 2.92 24 10/28/2008 2.92 23 10/29/2008 2.91 22 10/30/2008 2.97 29 10/31/2008 3.01 32 11/1/2008 3.03 35 11/2/2008 3.01 32 11/3/2008 2.98 29 11/4/2008 2.96 28 11/5/2008 2.94 26 11/6/2008 2.93 24 11/7/2008 2.91 23 11/8/2008 2.94 25 11/9/2008 3.00 32 11/10/2008 2.98 30 11/11/2008 2.95 26 11/12/2008 2.93 24 11/13/2008 2.91 23 11/14/2008 2.90 21 11/15/2008 2.89 21 11/16/2008 2.88 20 11/17/2008 2.91 23 11/18/2008 2.92 23 11/19/2008 2.88 19 11/20/2008 2.87 18 11/21/2008 2.87 18 11/22/2008 2.86 17 11/23/2008 2.88 19 11/24/2008 2.88 19 11/25/2008 2.85 17 11/26/2008 2.85 16 11/27/2008 2.85 17 11/28/2008 2.84 16 11/29/2008 2.83 14 11/30/2008 2.82 14 12/1/2008 2.81 13 12/2/2008 2.92 23 12/3/2008 4.39 431 12/4/2008 4.28 282 12/5/2008 3.73 143 12/6/2008 3.43 89 12/7/2008 3.24 62 12/8/2008 3.25 63 12/9/2008 3.15 49 12/10/2008 3.07 40 12/11/2008 3.02 35 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 12/12/2008 2.99 31 12/13/2008 2.97 28 12/14/2008 2.94 25 12/15/2008 2.99 30 12/16/2008 3.13 48 12/17/2008 3.64 126 12/18/2008 4.12 232 12/19/2008 3.49 100 12/20/2008 3.24 61 12/21/2008 3.13 47 12/22/2008 3.07 40 12/23/2008 3.03 35 12/24/2008 2.99 31 12/25/2008 2.98 29 12/26/2008 2.95 26 12/27/2008 2.96 27 12/28/2008 2.99 31 12/29/2008 3.09 42 12/30/2008 3.03 35 12/31/2008 2.93 24 1/1/2009 2.92 23 1/2/2009 2.89 20 1/3/2009 2.88 19 1/4/2009 2.91 22 1/5/2009 2.92 23 1/6/2009 2.88 19 1/7/2009 2.85 16 1/8/2009 2.85 17 1/9/2009 2.84 15 1/10/2009 2.89 20 1/11/2009 2.86 18 1/12/2009 2.83 15 1/13/2009 2.91 22 1/14/2009 3.20 57 1/15/2009 3.16 51 1/16/2009 3.56 116 1/17/2009 3.16 51 1/18/2009 3.11 45 1/19/2009 3.04 36 1/20/2009 2.99 31 1/21/2009 3.02 34 1/22/2009 3.12 47 1/23/2009 3.48 97 1/24/2009 3.26 65 1/25/2009 3.12 46 1/26/2009 3.04 37 1/27/2009 3.00 32 1/28/2009 2.97 28 1/29/2009 2.95 26 1/30/2009 2.92 24 1/31/2009 2.91 22 2/1/2009 2.92 24 2/2/2009 2.92 24 2/3/2009 2.89 20 2/4/2009 2.87 19 2/5/2009 2.86 18 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 18 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 2/6/2009 2.85 16 2/7/2009 2.84 16 2/8/2009 2.82 14 2/9/2009 2.82 14 2/10/2009 2.82 14 2/11/2009 2.82 14 2/12/2009 2.84 15 2/13/2009 2.94 26 2/14/2009 2.89 21 2/15/2009 2.89 21 2/16/2009 2.88 20 2/17/2009 2.86 18 2/18/2009 2.86 17 2/19/2009 2.90 22 2/20/2009 2.88 20 2/21/2009 2.87 19 2/22/2009 2.86 18 2/23/2009 2.85 17 2/24/2009 2.84 16 2/25/2009 2.84 16 2/26/2009 2.83 15 2/27/2009 2.82 14 2/28/2009 2.82 14 3/1/2009 2.81 13 3/2/2009 2.81 13 3/3/2009 2.81 13 3/4/2009 2.93 27 3/5/2009 3.39 83 3/6/2009 3.11 45 3/7/2009 3.02 35 3/8/2009 3.11 44 3/9/2009 3.12 46 3/10/2009 3.06 39 3/11/2009 3.02 34 3/12/2009 2.98 30 3/13/2009 2.96 27 3/14/2009 2.94 25 3/15/2009 2.93 24 3/16/2009 2.91 22 3/17/2009 2.89 20 3/18/2009 2.88 19 3/19/2009 2.87 18 3/20/2009 2.85 16 3/21/2009 2.84 15 3/22/2009 2.84 15 3/23/2009 2.83 15 3/24/2009 2.82 14 3/25/2009 2.85 16 3/26/2009 2.82 14 3/27/2009 2.81 13 3/28/2009 2.83 15 3/29/2009 2.82 13 3/30/2009 2.79 11 3/31/2009 2.79 11 4/1/2009 2.78 10 4/2/2009 2.76 9 4/3/2009 2.75 8 4/4/2009 2.72 6 4/5/2009 2.70 5 4/6/2009 2.69 4 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 4/7/2009 2.68 3 4/8/2009 2.64 1 4/9/2009 2.63 1 4/10/2009 2.59 0 4/11/2009 2.53 0 4/12/2009 2.45 0 4/13/2009 2.38 0 4/14/2009 2.38 0 4/15/2009 2.33 0 4/16/2009 2.29 0 4/17/2009 2.27 0 4/18/2009 2.24 0 4/19/2009 2.20 0 4/20/2009 2.16 0 4/21/2009 2.16 0 4/22/2009 2.38 0 4/23/2009 2.95 27 4/24/2009 2.98 29 4/25/2009 3.11 46 4/26/2009 4.22 264 4/27/2009 4.25 269 4/28/2009 3.70 136 4/29/2009 3.63 122 4/30/2009 3.80 155 5/1/2009 3.45 93 5/2/2009 3.30 69 5/3/2009 3.27 66 5/4/2009 3.33 74 5/5/2009 3.35 77 5/6/2009 3.26 64 5/7/2009 3.19 55 5/8/2009 3.17 52 5/9/2009 3.19 55 5/10/2009 3.20 56 5/11/2009 3.21 58 5/12/2009 3.31 71 5/13/2009 3.42 87 5/14/2009 3.40 85 5/15/2009 3.42 88 5/16/2009 3.43 89 5/17/2009 3.33 75 5/18/2009 3.38 82 5/19/2009 3.36 79 5/20/2009 3.22 59 5/21/2009 3.19 54 5/22/2009 3.15 50 5/23/2009 3.19 55 5/24/2009 3.27 65 5/25/2009 3.34 75 5/26/2009 3.48 97 5/27/2009 3.73 140 5/28/2009 3.60 118 5/29/2009 3.40 84 5/30/2009 3.39 83 5/31/2009 4.00 236 6/1/2009 4.48 353 6/2/2009 4.24 280 6/3/2009 3.79 154 6/4/2009 4.64 417 6/5/2009 3.97 197 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 19 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 6/6/2009 3.62 122 6/7/2009 3.48 97 6/8/2009 3.58 114 6/9/2009 3.40 84 6/10/2009 3.36 78 6/11/2009 3.43 89 6/12/2009 3.43 89 6/13/2009 3.30 70 6/14/2009 3.26 65 6/15/2009 3.31 71 6/16/2009 3.28 67 6/17/2009 3.87 175 6/18/2009 3.86 168 6/19/2009 3.55 109 6/20/2009 3.41 86 6/21/2009 3.31 71 6/22/2009 3.26 65 6/23/2009 3.21 57 6/24/2009 3.19 54 6/25/2009 3.18 53 6/26/2009 3.16 51 6/27/2009 3.16 51 6/28/2009 3.23 61 6/29/2009 3.24 61 6/30/2009 3.19 55 7/1/2009 3.17 53 7/2/2009 3.28 67 7/3/2009 3.40 84 7/4/2009 3.31 71 7/5/2009 3.26 64 7/6/2009 3.33 74 7/7/2009 3.31 72 7/8/2009 3.26 65 7/9/2009 3.21 58 7/10/2009 3.19 55 7/11/2009 3.19 54 7/12/2009 3.18 53 7/13/2009 3.24 61 7/14/2009 3.24 62 7/15/2009 3.19 55 7/16/2009 3.13 47 7/17/2009 3.17 53 7/18/2009 3.12 46 7/19/2009 3.12 45 7/20/2009 3.19 57 7/21/2009 3.91 187 7/22/2009 3.39 83 7/23/2009 3.32 72 7/24/2009 3.23 60 7/25/2009 4.13 312 7/26/2009 3.83 167 7/27/2009 3.96 190 7/28/2009 3.90 187 7/29/2009 3.84 169 7/30/2009 3.40 85 7/31/2009 3.24 62 8/1/2009 3.19 54 8/2/2009 3.66 131 8/3/2009 4.32 309 8/4/2009 3.89 177 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 8/5/2009 3.45 93 8/6/2009 3.48 99 8/7/2009 4.02 206 8/8/2009 3.56 110 8/9/2009 3.34 76 8/10/2009 3.23 61 8/11/2009 3.15 50 8/12/2009 3.10 43 8/13/2009 3.07 39 8/14/2009 3.07 40 8/15/2009 3.05 38 8/16/2009 3.01 33 8/17/2009 2.99 31 8/18/2009 3.00 31 8/19/2009 2.99 31 8/20/2009 2.98 30 8/21/2009 2.97 29 8/22/2009 2.97 28 8/23/2009 2.96 28 8/24/2009 2.95 26 8/25/2009 2.94 25 8/26/2009 2.92 23 8/27/2009 3.12 49 8/28/2009 3.19 55 8/29/2009 3.07 40 8/30/2009 3.03 35 8/31/2009 3.00 32 9/1/2009 2.99 31 9/2/2009 3.03 35 9/3/2009 3.00 32 9/4/2009 2.98 29 9/5/2009 2.97 28 9/6/2009 2.95 27 9/7/2009 3.50 106 9/8/2009 4.17 249 9/9/2009 3.49 100 9/10/2009 3.27 66 9/11/2009 3.17 52 9/12/2009 3.12 45 9/13/2009 3.10 43 9/14/2009 3.08 41 9/15/2009 3.68 139 9/16/2009 3.47 97 9/17/2009 3.29 68 9/18/2009 3.32 73 9/19/2009 3.48 99 9/20/2009 3.51 103 9/21/2009 3.25 63 9/22/2009 3.15 50 9/23/2009 3.13 48 9/24/2009 3.66 128 9/25/2009 3.36 79 9/26/2009 3.29 68 9/27/2009 3.25 63 9/28/2009 3.19 55 9/29/2009 3.24 61 9/30/2009 3.17 52 10/1/2009 3.11 44 10/2/2009 3.13 48 10/3/2009 3.21 57 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 20 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 10/4/2009 3.12 46 10/5/2009 3.07 40 10/6/2009 3.26 65 10/7/2009 3.26 64 10/8/2009 3.63 123 10/9/2009 4.58 610 10/10/2009 4.69 479 10/11/2009 4.24 273 10/12/2009 3.48 98 10/13/2009 3.19 55 10/14/2009 3.06 39 10/15/2009 2.99 31 10/16/2009 2.94 26 10/17/2009 2.90 21 10/18/2009 2.88 19 10/19/2009 2.86 17 10/20/2009 2.95 26 10/21/2009 3.17 52 10/22/2009 3.21 58 10/23/2009 3.27 66 10/24/2009 3.10 43 10/25/2009 3.01 32 10/26/2009 2.94 26 10/27/2009 2.92 23 10/28/2009 2.89 21 10/29/2009 2.86 17 10/30/2009 2.84 15 10/31/2009 2.82 14 11/1/2009 2.82 14 11/2/2009 2.79 12 11/3/2009 2.84 16 11/4/2009 2.83 14 11/5/2009 2.80 13 11/6/2009 2.79 12 11/7/2009 2.78 11 11/8/2009 2.77 10 11/9/2009 2.76 9 11/10/2009 2.78 11 11/11/2009 2.81 13 11/12/2009 2.78 11 11/13/2009 2.79 11 11/14/2009 2.77 10 11/15/2009 2.76 9 11/16/2009 2.75 8 11/17/2009 2.75 8 11/18/2009 2.76 9 11/19/2009 2.74 7 11/20/2009 2.72 6 11/21/2009 2.72 6 11/22/2009 2.75 8 11/23/2009 2.73 7 11/24/2009 2.71 5 11/25/2009 2.71 5 11/26/2009 2.72 6 11/27/2009 2.70 5 11/28/2009 2.69 4 11/29/2009 2.69 4 11/30/2009 2.74 7 12/1/2009 2.70 5 12/2/2009 2.70 5 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 12/3/2009 2.68 4 12/4/2009 2.76 10 12/5/2009 5.18 770 12/6/2009 5.60 1111 12/7/2009 4.22 260 12/8/2009 3.81 163 12/9/2009 3.43 90 12/10/2009 3.87 172 12/11/2009 3.40 85 12/12/2009 3.19 55 12/13/2009 3.05 37 12/14/2009 2.97 28 12/15/2009 2.90 21 12/16/2009 2.87 19 12/17/2009 2.87 19 12/18/2009 2.86 17 12/19/2009 2.83 15 12/20/2009 3.44 133 12/21/2009 4.93 573 12/22/2009 3.65 128 12/23/2009 3.29 69 12/24/2009 3.56 112 12/25/2009 3.38 81 12/26/2009 3.59 117 12/27/2009 3.45 93 12/28/2009 4.00 208 12/29/2009 4.42 324 12/30/2009 3.69 138 12/31/2009 3.23 61 1/1/2010 3.06 43 1/2/2010 2.98 32 1/3/2010 3.08 46 1/4/2010 4.33 328 1/5/2010 4.44 369 1/6/2010 3.89 190 1/7/2010 3.65 140 1/8/2010 3.33 81 1/9/2010 2.81 28 1/10/2010 1.70 0 1/11/2010 0.66 0 1/12/2010 -0.20 0 1/13/2010 1/14/2010 1/15/2010 1/16/2010 1/17/2010 1/18/2010 1/19/2010 1/20/2010 1/21/2010 1/22/2010 1/23/2010 1/24/2010 1/25/2010 1/26/2010 1/27/2010 1/28/2010 1/29/2010 1/30/2010 1/31/2010 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 21 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 2/1/2010 2/2/2010 2/3/2010 2/4/2010 2/5/2010 2/6/2010 2/7/2010 2/8/2010 2/9/2010 2/10/2010 2/11/2010 1.95 0 2/12/2010 1.70 0 2/13/2010 1.45 0 2/14/2010 1.24 0 2/15/2010 0.85 0 2/16/2010 1.11 1 2/17/2010 1.92 2 2/18/2010 2.74 8 2/19/2010 2.74 8 2/20/2010 2.74 8 2/21/2010 2.80 13 2/22/2010 2.79 12 2/23/2010 2.77 10 2/24/2010 2.76 10 2/25/2010 2.74 8 2/26/2010 2.73 7 2/27/2010 2.72 7 2/28/2010 2.71 6 3/1/2010 2.71 6 3/2/2010 2.70 5 3/3/2010 2.69 5 3/4/2010 2.69 5 3/5/2010 2.70 5 3/6/2010 2.67 3 3/7/2010 2.67 3 3/8/2010 2.66 3 3/9/2010 2.63 1 3/10/2010 2.63 1 3/11/2010 2.62 1 3/12/2010 2.63 1 3/13/2010 2.64 2 3/14/2010 2.62 1 3/15/2010 2.58 0 3/16/2010 2.55 0 3/17/2010 2.50 0 3/18/2010 2.46 0 3/19/2010 2.41 0 3/20/2010 2.35 0 3/21/2010 2.29 0 3/22/2010 2.22 0 3/23/2010 2.14 0 3/24/2010 2.10 0 3/25/2010 2.09 0 3/26/2010 2.02 0 3/27/2010 1.94 0 3/28/2010 1.86 0 3/29/2010 1.78 0 3/30/2010 1.68 0 3/31/2010 1.63 0 4/1/2010 1.61 0 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 4/2/2010 1.49 0 4/3/2010 1.35 0 4/4/2010 1.21 0 4/5/2010 1.08 0 4/6/2010 0.93 0 4/7/2010 0.78 0 4/8/2010 0.61 0 4/9/2010 0.50 0 4/10/2010 0.47 0 4/11/2010 0.44 0 4/12/2010 0.41 0 4/13/2010 0.52 0 4/14/2010 0.58 0 4/15/2010 0.62 0 4/16/2010 0.68 0 4/17/2010 0.68 0 4/18/2010 0.88 0 4/19/2010 1.13 0 4/20/2010 1.45 0 4/21/2010 1.77 0 4/22/2010 1.99 0 4/23/2010 2.16 0 4/24/2010 2.31 0 4/25/2010 2.43 0 4/26/2010 2.56 0 4/27/2010 2.67 3 4/28/2010 2.68 4 4/29/2010 2.67 3 4/30/2010 2.66 3 5/1/2010 2.65 2 5/2/2010 2.63 1 5/3/2010 2.62 1 5/4/2010 2.61 1 5/5/2010 2.65 2 5/6/2010 2.70 5 5/7/2010 2.75 9 5/8/2010 2.83 16 5/9/2010 2.85 18 5/10/2010 2.94 28 5/11/2010 2.97 31 5/12/2010 2.95 29 5/13/2010 2.93 26 5/14/2010 2.91 24 5/15/2010 2.92 26 5/16/2010 3.71 156 5/17/2010 3.66 143 5/18/2010 3.35 85 5/19/2010 3.12 50 5/20/2010 3.07 44 5/21/2010 3.00 35 5/22/2010 2.98 33 5/23/2010 3.01 35 5/24/2010 2.98 32 5/25/2010 2.98 33 5/26/2010 3.05 41 5/27/2010 3.51 113 5/28/2010 4.26 304 5/29/2010 3.97 212 5/30/2010 4.35 326 5/31/2010 3.73 155 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 22 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 6/1/2010 3.49 108 6/2/2010 3.59 126 6/3/2010 3.55 120 6/4/2010 3.29 75 6/5/2010 3.30 77 6/6/2010 3.75 161 6/7/2010 3.85 180 6/8/2010 3.73 155 6/9/2010 3.43 97 6/10/2010 3.31 78 6/11/2010 3.24 67 6/12/2010 3.37 87 6/13/2010 3.40 93 6/14/2010 3.66 141 6/15/2010 3.59 127 6/16/2010 3.46 102 6/17/2010 3.51 111 6/18/2010 3.39 91 6/19/2010 3.27 72 6/20/2010 3.29 75 6/21/2010 3.57 123 6/22/2010 3.67 142 6/23/2010 3.51 112 6/24/2010 3.33 81 6/25/2010 3.30 76 6/26/2010 3.46 104 6/27/2010 3.72 153 6/28/2010 3.53 116 6/29/2010 3.39 91 6/30/2010 3.28 74 7/1/2010 3.39 91 7/2/2010 3.31 78 7/3/2010 3.25 68 7/4/2010 3.22 65 7/5/2010 3.31 78 7/6/2010 3.24 67 7/7/2010 3.27 72 7/8/2010 3.26 69 7/9/2010 4.04 268 7/10/2010 3.78 166 7/11/2010 3.43 98 7/12/2010 3.34 83 7/13/2010 3.34 83 7/14/2010 3.33 81 7/15/2010 3.26 70 7/16/2010 3.23 66 7/17/2010 3.23 66 7/18/2010 3.25 68 7/19/2010 3.26 70 7/20/2010 3.27 71 7/21/2010 3.18 59 7/22/2010 3.12 50 7/23/2010 3.15 54 7/24/2010 3.05 41 7/25/2010 3.04 39 7/26/2010 3.06 42 7/27/2010 3.02 37 7/28/2010 3.05 41 7/29/2010 3.13 51 7/30/2010 3.31 79 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 7/31/2010 3.17 58 8/1/2010 3.08 45 8/2/2010 3.10 47 8/3/2010 3.24 67 8/4/2010 3.23 67 8/5/2010 3.10 47 8/6/2010 3.15 55 8/7/2010 3.14 52 8/8/2010 3.21 63 8/9/2010 3.22 64 8/10/2010 3.13 52 8/11/2010 3.03 39 8/12/2010 2.97 31 8/13/2010 3.41 121 8/14/2010 4.90 652 8/15/2010 3.84 182 8/16/2010 3.43 97 8/17/2010 3.28 73 8/18/2010 3.17 57 8/19/2010 3.06 43 8/20/2010 2.99 33 8/21/2010 2.96 30 8/22/2010 2.95 28 8/23/2010 2.97 32 8/24/2010 2.97 31 8/25/2010 2.92 25 8/26/2010 2.90 23 8/27/2010 2.92 25 8/28/2010 2.93 27 8/29/2010 2.96 31 8/30/2010 2.94 28 8/31/2010 2.90 23 9/1/2010 2.91 24 9/2/2010 2.90 23 9/3/2010 2.85 18 9/4/2010 2.93 27 9/5/2010 2.88 21 9/6/2010 2.90 23 9/7/2010 2.93 27 9/8/2010 2.84 17 9/9/2010 2.83 16 9/10/2010 2.80 14 9/11/2010 2.77 10 9/12/2010 2.76 10 9/13/2010 2.76 9 9/14/2010 2.75 8 9/15/2010 2.74 8 9/16/2010 2.73 7 9/17/2010 2.72 7 9/18/2010 2.74 8 9/19/2010 2.86 20 9/20/2010 2.92 26 9/21/2010 3.26 72 9/22/2010 2.98 32 9/23/2010 3.00 35 9/24/2010 3.07 43 9/25/2010 2.94 27 9/26/2010 2.87 20 9/27/2010 2.84 17 9/28/2010 2.83 16 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 23 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 9/29/2010 2.83 16 9/30/2010 2.81 14 10/1/2010 2.79 13 10/2/2010 2.78 11 10/3/2010 2.76 9 10/4/2010 2.76 10 10/5/2010 2.75 9 10/6/2010 2.74 8 10/7/2010 2.73 7 10/8/2010 2.72 7 10/9/2010 2.71 6 10/10/2010 2.71 6 10/11/2010 2.70 5 10/12/2010 2.70 5 10/13/2010 2.69 4 10/14/2010 2.68 4 10/15/2010 2.71 6 10/16/2010 3.22 65 10/17/2010 2.98 32 10/18/2010 2.90 23 10/19/2010 2.85 18 10/20/2010 2.86 20 10/21/2010 3.19 60 10/22/2010 3.05 41 10/23/2010 3.05 41 10/24/2010 3.02 38 10/25/2010 2.95 29 10/26/2010 2.89 23 10/27/2010 2.92 25 10/28/2010 2.95 29 10/29/2010 2.90 24 10/30/2010 2.88 21 10/31/2010 2.85 18 11/1/2010 2.82 15 11/2/2010 2.80 13 11/3/2010 2.78 12 11/4/2010 2.77 11 11/5/2010 2.76 10 11/6/2010 2.75 9 11/7/2010 2.74 8 11/8/2010 2.73 7 11/9/2010 2.72 7 11/10/2010 2.82 15 11/11/2010 2.82 15 11/12/2010 2.89 22 11/13/2010 2.82 15 11/14/2010 2.79 12 11/15/2010 2.77 10 11/16/2010 2.75 9 11/17/2010 2.73 8 11/18/2010 2.73 7 11/19/2010 2.72 6 11/20/2010 2.71 6 11/21/2010 2.80 14 11/22/2010 3.13 53 11/23/2010 3.42 98 11/24/2010 3.09 46 11/25/2010 2.96 30 11/26/2010 2.90 23 11/27/2010 2.86 19 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 11/28/2010 2.82 15 11/29/2010 2.80 13 11/30/2010 2.81 14 12/1/2010 2.78 11 12/2/2010 2.76 10 12/3/2010 2.90 23 12/4/2010 2.82 15 12/5/2010 2.80 13 12/6/2010 2.78 11 12/7/2010 2.76 10 12/8/2010 2.75 9 12/9/2010 2.73 7 12/10/2010 2.73 7 12/11/2010 2.55 5 12/12/2010 12/13/2010 12/14/2010 12/15/2010 12/16/2010 12/17/2010 12/18/2010 12/19/2010 12/20/2010 12/21/2010 12/22/2010 12/23/2010 12/24/2010 12/25/2010 12/26/2010 12/27/2010 12/28/2010 12/29/2010 12/30/2010 12/31/2010 1/1/2011 1/2/2011 1/3/2011 1/4/2011 1/5/2011 1/6/2011 1/7/2011 1/8/2011 1/9/2011 1/10/2011 1/11/2011 1/12/2011 1/13/2011 1/14/2011 1/15/2011 1/16/2011 1/17/2011 1/18/2011 1/19/2011 1/20/2011 1/21/2011 1/22/2011 1/23/2011 1/24/2011 1/25/2011 1/26/2011 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 24 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 1/27/2011 1/28/2011 1/29/2011 1/30/2011 1/31/2011 2/1/2011 2/2/2011 2/3/2011 2/4/2011 2/5/2011 2/6/2011 2/7/2011 2/8/2011 2/9/2011 2/10/2011 2/11/2011 2/12/2011 2/13/2011 2/14/2011 2/15/2011 2/16/2011 2/17/2011 2/18/2011 2/19/2011 2/20/2011 2/21/2011 2/22/2011 2/23/2011 2/24/2011 2/25/2011 2/26/2011 2/27/2011 2/28/2011 3/1/2011 3/2/2011 3/3/2011 3/4/2011 3/5/2011 3/6/2011 3/7/2011 3/8/2011 3/9/2011 3/10/2011 3/11/2011 3/12/2011 3/13/2011 3/14/2011 3/15/2011 3/16/2011 3/17/2011 3/18/2011 3/19/2011 3/20/2011 3/21/2011 3/22/2011 3/23/2011 3/24/2011 3/25/2011 3/26/2011 3/27/2011 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 3/28/2011 3/29/2011 3/30/2011 3/31/2011 4/1/2011 4/2/2011 4/3/2011 4/4/2011 4/5/2011 4/6/2011 4/7/2011 4/8/2011 4/9/2011 4/10/2011 4/11/2011 4/12/2011 4/13/2011 4/14/2011 4/15/2011 4/16/2011 4/17/2011 4/18/2011 4/19/2011 4/20/2011 4/21/2011 4/22/2011 4/23/2011 4/24/2011 4/25/2011 4/26/2011 4/27/2011 4/28/2011 4/29/2011 4/30/2011 5/1/2011 5/2/2011 5/3/2011 5/4/2011 5/5/2011 5/6/2011 5/7/2011 5/8/2011 5/9/2011 5/10/2011 5/11/2011 5/12/2011 5/13/2011 5/14/2011 5/15/2011 5/16/2011 5/17/2011 5/18/2011 5/19/2011 5/20/2011 5/21/2011 5/22/2011 5/23/2011 5/24/2011 5/25/2011 5/26/2011 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 25 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 5/27/2011 5/28/2011 5/29/2011 5/30/2011 5/31/2011 6/1/2011 6/2/2011 6/3/2011 6/4/2011 6/5/2011 6/6/2011 6/7/2011 6/8/2011 6/9/2011 6/10/2011 6/11/2011 6/12/2011 6/13/2011 6/14/2011 6/15/2011 6/16/2011 6/17/2011 6/18/2011 6/19/2011 6/20/2011 6/21/2011 6/22/2011 6/23/2011 6/24/2011 6/25/2011 6/26/2011 6/27/2011 6/28/2011 6/29/2011 6/30/2011 7/1/2011 7/2/2011 7/3/2011 7/4/2011 7/5/2011 7/6/2011 7/7/2011 7/8/2011 7/9/2011 7/10/2011 7/11/2011 7/12/2011 7/13/2011 7/14/2011 7/15/2011 7/16/2011 7/17/2011 7/18/2011 7/19/2011 7/20/2011 7/21/2011 7/22/2011 7/23/2011 7/24/2011 7/25/2011 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 7/26/2011 7/27/2011 7/28/2011 7/29/2011 7/30/2011 7/31/2011 8/1/2011 8/2/2011 8/3/2011 8/4/2011 8/5/2011 8/6/2011 8/7/2011 8/8/2011 8/9/2011 8/10/2011 8/11/2011 8/12/2011 8/13/2011 8/14/2011 8/15/2011 8/16/2011 8/17/2011 8/18/2011 8/19/2011 8/20/2011 8/21/2011 8/22/2011 8/23/2011 8/24/2011 8/25/2011 8/26/2011 8/27/2011 8/28/2011 8/29/2011 8/30/2011 8/31/2011 9/1/2011 9/2/2011 3.04 12 50 9/3/2011 3.05 12 50 9/4/2011 3.04 12 47 9/5/2011 3.24 18 47 9/6/2011 3.28 19 49 9/7/2011 3.24 18 51 9/8/2011 3.27 19 49 9/9/2011 3.24 18 49 9/10/2011 3.14 15 48 9/11/2011 3.11 14 47 9/12/2011 4.93 319 48 9/13/2011 5.28 380 47 9/14/2011 4.48 181 44 9/15/2011 4.35 146 46 9/16/2011 3.98 77 45 9/17/2011 3.83 58 47 9/18/2011 3.74 50 44 9/19/2011 4.18 110 44 9/20/2011 3.84 59 45 9/21/2011 3.67 43 44 9/22/2011 3.52 32 44 9/23/2011 3.44 27 45 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 26 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 9/24/2011 3.37 23 44 9/25/2011 3.29 20 43 9/26/2011 3.21 17 44 9/27/2011 3.15 15 43 9/28/2011 3.09 13 42 9/29/2011 3.05 12 41 9/30/2011 3.08 13 43 10/1/2011 3.05 12 44 10/2/2011 3.01 11 41 10/3/2011 3.00 11 42 10/4/2011 2.95 10 46 10/5/2011 3.17 16 47 10/6/2011 3.18 16 43 10/7/2011 3.08 13 39 10/8/2011 3.02 11 39 10/9/2011 3.00 11 41 10/10/2011 2.94 9 38 10/11/2011 2.89 9 39 10/12/2011 2.85 8 41 10/13/2011 2.88 9 40 10/14/2011 3.20 17 43 10/15/2011 3.11 14 41 10/16/2011 3.02 11 40 10/17/2011 2.95 10 39 10/18/2011 2.90 9 37 10/19/2011 2.92 9 35 10/20/2011 4.46 216 40 10/21/2011 4.88 285 41 10/22/2011 4.24 124 41 10/23/2011 3.83 58 37 10/24/2011 4.17 112 40 10/25/2011 4.09 95 36 10/26/2011 3.80 55 38 10/27/2011 3.65 42 34 10/28/2011 3.91 85 35 10/29/2011 4.05 90 35 10/30/2011 3.07 43 3.71 46 37 10/31/2011 3.04 40 3.61 38 34 11/1/2011 2.96 30 3.45 27 32 11/2/2011 2.89 22 3.30 20 32 11/3/2011 2.93 27 3.37 23 40 11/4/2011 2.98 32 3.43 27 36 11/5/2011 2.98 33 3.41 26 36 11/6/2011 2.99 34 3.43 27 35 11/7/2011 2.92 25 3.27 19 30 11/8/2011 2.94 28 3.15 15 30 11/9/2011 2.84 17 3.14 15 35 11/10/2011 2.81 14 3.06 12 35 11/11/2011 2.86 19 3.19 16 36 11/12/2011 2.87 21 3.22 17 36 11/13/2011 2.82 15 3.09 13 32 11/14/2011 2.80 14 3.04 12 32 11/15/2011 2.79 12 2.97 10 26 11/16/2011 2.76 10 2.88 8 23 11/17/2011 2.76 9 2.85 8 23 11/18/2011 2.76 9 2.90 9 33 11/19/2011 2.76 10 2.91 9 32 11/20/2011 2.74 8 2.84 8 28 11/21/2011 2.72 7 2.72 6 22 11/22/2011 2.70 5 2.63 5 14 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 11/23/2011 2.68 4 2.65 5 15 11/24/2011 2.68 4 2.67 5 17 11/25/2011 2.67 3 2.61 5 18 11/26/2011 2.66 3 2.56 4 20 11/27/2011 2.69 5 2.62 5 26 11/28/2011 2.66 3 2.54 4 20 11/29/2011 2.71 7 2.68 6 31 11/30/2011 2.85 18 3.21 17 34 12/1/2011 2.81 14 3.07 13 31 12/2/2011 2.98 32 3.38 24 33 12/3/2011 3.56 131 4.20 141 40 12/4/2011 3.42 101 4.13 113 32 12/5/2011 3.01 36 3.52 32 27 12/6/2011 2.92 26 3.39 25 35 12/7/2011 3.17 57 3.98 80 37 12/8/2011 3.05 41 3.68 43 37 12/9/2011 2.95 29 3.46 28 31 12/10/2011 3.45 115 4.28 174 35 12/11/2011 3.19 60 3.93 73 31 12/12/2011 2.98 32 3.54 33 29 12/13/2011 2.91 24 3.39 24 31 12/14/2011 2.86 20 3.29 20 31 12/15/2011 2.91 25 3.58 37 33 12/16/2011 2.91 24 3.70 46 33 12/17/2011 2.96 30 3.72 48 34 12/18/2011 3.03 38 3.89 68 32 12/19/2011 2.91 25 3.52 32 30 12/20/2011 2.89 22 3.47 29 32 12/21/2011 2.84 17 3.29 20 26 12/22/2011 2.80 14 3.17 15 26 12/23/2011 2.78 11 3.06 12 23 12/24/2011 2.75 9 2.96 10 17 12/25/2011 2.73 7 2.90 9 13 12/26/2011 2.72 6 2.88 8 15 12/27/2011 2.70 5 2.85 8 15 12/28/2011 2.69 5 2.79 7 16 12/29/2011 2.69 5 2.74 6 14 12/30/2011 2.71 6 2.69 6 13 12/31/2011 2.71 6 2.66 5 10 1/1/2012 2.69 5 2.65 5 11 1/2/2012 2.67 3 2.62 5 14 1/3/2012 2.69 4 2.54 4 8 1/4/2012 2.76 10 2.47 4 15 1/5/2012 2.76 10 2.52 4 12 1/6/2012 2.70 5 2.52 4 12 1/7/2012 2.66 3 2.54 4 12 1/8/2012 2.57 0 2.53 4 14 1/9/2012 2.56 0 2.49 4 23 1/10/2012 2.70 5 2.92 10 30 1/11/2012 2.63 2 2.67 6 13 1/12/2012 2.51 0 2.57 5 8 1/13/2012 2.40 0 2.51 4 22 1/14/2012 2.28 0 2.47 4 20 1/15/2012 2.18 0 2.43 3 18 1/16/2012 2.10 0 2.39 3 17 1/17/2012 2.03 0 2.36 3 14 1/18/2012 1.99 0 2.33 3 24 1/19/2012 1.92 0 2.32 3 12 1/20/2012 1.83 0 2.32 3 13 1/21/2012 1.73 0 2.29 3 12 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 27 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 1/22/2012 1.64 0 2.26 3 6 1/23/2012 1.55 0 2.24 2 5 1/24/2012 1.45 0 2.19 2 4 1/25/2012 1.32 0 2.11 2 2 1/26/2012 1.19 0 1.96 2 2 1/27/2012 1.06 0 1.83 1 4 1/28/2012 0.95 0 1.79 1 22 1/29/2012 0.86 0 1.75 1 29 1/30/2012 0.72 0 1.71 1 28 1/31/2012 0.58 0 1.61 1 28 2/1/2012 0.52 0 1.72 1 27 2/2/2012 0.42 0 1.66 1 7 2/3/2012 0.26 0 1.40 0 10 2/4/2012 0.45 0 1.89 2 30 2/5/2012 0.33 0 4.01 99 33 2/6/2012 0.19 0 4.23 118 33 2/7/2012 0.44 0 4.54 189 32 2/8/2012 0.89 0 4.48 172 33 2/9/2012 1.83 0 4.72 235 32 2/10/2012 2.74 13 4.05 102 32 2/11/2012 2.99 34 3.58 36 32 2/12/2012 2.91 24 3.35 23 31 2/13/2012 2.86 19 3.10 14 33 2/14/2012 2.83 16 2.96 10 31 2/15/2012 2.82 15 2.98 10 33 2/16/2012 2.80 13 2.98 10 32 2/17/2012 2.70 5 2.84 8 33 2/18/2012 2.63 2 2.82 8 34 2/19/2012 2.49 0 2.76 7 30 2/20/2012 2.41 0 2.72 6 30 2/21/2012 2.07 0 2.66 5 27 2/22/2012 1.70 0 2.60 5 29 2/23/2012 1.49 0 2.55 4 29 2/24/2012 1.45 0 2.52 4 26 2/25/2012 1.52 0 2.57 5 33 2/26/2012 1.59 0 2.66 5 34 2/27/2012 1.58 0 2.60 5 19 2/28/2012 1.53 0 2.58 5 13 2/29/2012 1.47 0 2.51 4 13 3/1/2012 1.46 0 2.50 4 26 3/2/2012 1.37 0 2.51 4 16 3/3/2012 1.24 0 2.46 4 12 3/4/2012 1.04 0 2.42 3 16 3/5/2012 0.87 0 2.39 3 25 3/6/2012 0.67 0 2.37 3 31 3/7/2012 0.45 0 2.35 3 25 3/8/2012 0.19 0 2.33 3 21 3/9/2012 -0.05 0 2.32 3 15 3/10/2012 -0.06 0 2.30 3 10 3/11/2012 -0.07 0 2.28 3 5 3/12/2012 -0.08 0 2.26 3 12 3/13/2012 -0.08 0 2.25 2 13 3/14/2012 -0.08 0 2.22 2 11 3/15/2012 -0.08 0 2.18 2 13 3/16/2012 -0.08 0 2.13 2 13 3/17/2012 -0.07 0 2.06 2 13 3/18/2012 -0.08 0 2.01 2 12 3/19/2012 -0.07 0 1.94 2 8 3/20/2012 -0.06 0 1.87 1 3 3/21/2012 -0.07 0 1.80 1 7 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 3/22/2012 -0.08 0 1.75 1 18 3/23/2012 -0.07 0 1.71 1 28 3/24/2012 -0.08 0 1.67 1 32 3/25/2012 -0.08 0 1.67 1 30 3/26/2012 -0.06 0 1.66 1 30 3/27/2012 -0.08 0 1.83 1 33 3/28/2012 -0.08 0 1.93 2 32 3/29/2012 -0.08 0 1.78 1 31 3/30/2012 -0.08 0 1.60 1 32 3/31/2012 -0.08 0 1.40 0 27 4/1/2012 -0.08 0 1.26 0 24 4/2/2012 -0.08 0 1.17 0 24 4/3/2012 -0.08 0 1.16 0 27 4/4/2012 -0.07 0 1.28 0 32 4/5/2012 -0.08 0 1.60 1 26 4/6/2012 -0.08 0 2.51 4 25 4/7/2012 -0.08 0 2.23 2 36 4/8/2012 -0.05 0 2.18 2 32 4/9/2012 -0.08 0 4/10/2012 -0.07 0 4/11/2012 -0.08 0 4/12/2012 -0.08 0 4/13/2012 -0.08 0 4/14/2012 -0.08 0 4/15/2012 -0.08 0 4/16/2012 -0.08 0 4/17/2012 -0.08 0 4/18/2012 -0.08 0 4/19/2012 -0.07 0 4/20/2012 0.38 0 4/21/2012 0.86 0 4/22/2012 1.31 0 4/23/2012 1.91 0 4/24/2012 2.44 0 4/25/2012 2.72 6 4/26/2012 2.72 7 4/27/2012 2.73 7 4/28/2012 2.73 8 4/29/2012 2.74 8 4/30/2012 2.77 10 5/1/2012 2.76 10 5/2/2012 2.74 8 5/3/2012 2.73 7 5/4/2012 2.71 6 5/5/2012 2.70 5 5/6/2012 2.69 4 5/7/2012 2.68 4 5/8/2012 2.68 4 5/9/2012 2.70 5 5/10/2012 2.70 5 5/11/2012 2.70 5 5/12/2012 2.70 5 5/13/2012 2.69 5 5/14/2012 2.68 4 5/15/2012 2.70 5 5/16/2012 2.76 10 5/17/2012 3.15 57 5/18/2012 3.82 174 5/19/2012 3.39 91 5/20/2012 3.21 63 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 28 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 5/21/2012 3.11 48 5/22/2012 3.06 42 5/23/2012 3.05 41 5/24/2012 3.08 45 5/25/2012 3.26 72 5/26/2012 3.43 98 5/27/2012 3.33 81 5/28/2012 3.34 82 5/29/2012 3.64 137 5/30/2012 3.41 95 5/31/2012 3.32 80 6/1/2012 3.36 85 6/2/2012 3.26 70 6/3/2012 3.24 67 6/4/2012 3.24 67 6/5/2012 3.38 89 6/6/2012 3.32 80 6/7/2012 3.36 85 6/8/2012 3.42 97 6/9/2012 3.24 67 6/10/2012 3.14 53 6/11/2012 3.12 50 6/12/2012 3.22 64 6/13/2012 3.65 138 6/14/2012 3.63 135 6/15/2012 3.63 135 6/16/2012 3.55 120 6/17/2012 3.81 170 6/18/2012 3.59 126 6/19/2012 3.47 105 6/20/2012 3.57 123 6/21/2012 3.73 154 6/22/2012 3.70 147 6/23/2012 3.67 142 6/24/2012 3.59 127 6/25/2012 3.38 90 6/26/2012 3.32 79 6/27/2012 3.35 85 6/28/2012 3.29 75 6/29/2012 3.30 76 6/30/2012 3.30 77 7/1/2012 3.27 72 7/2/2012 3.30 77 7/3/2012 3.29 74 7/4/2012 3.29 75 7/5/2012 3.19 60 7/6/2012 3.19 59 7/7/2012 3.37 88 7/8/2012 3.56 120 7/9/2012 3.39 91 7/10/2012 3.42 97 7/11/2012 3.72 153 4.30 132 52 7/12/2012 3.38 90 3.97 77 47 7/13/2012 3.24 67 49 7/14/2012 3.69 158 4.30 151 47 7/15/2012 3.79 171 4.49 179 51 7/16/2012 3.37 88 3.98 78 48 7/17/2012 3.26 70 3.83 58 45 7/18/2012 3.56 122 4.22 121 53 7/19/2012 3.68 144 4.38 149 56 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 7/20/2012 3.62 132 4.30 133 51 7/21/2012 3.41 94 4.04 88 49 7/22/2012 3.22 65 3.81 56 48 7/23/2012 3.17 57 3.72 47 48 7/24/2012 3.17 57 3.73 48 50 7/25/2012 3.21 63 3.79 54 50 7/26/2012 3.28 73 3.89 65 51 7/27/2012 3.32 80 3.93 71 54 7/28/2012 3.26 70 3.83 59 51 7/29/2012 3.28 74 3.86 62 50 7/30/2012 3.32 79 3.90 66 49 7/31/2012 3.24 67 3.79 55 48 8/1/2012 3.23 66 3.79 54 49 8/2/2012 3.13 52 3.64 41 47 8/3/2012 3.06 42 3.53 33 51 8/4/2012 3.08 45 3.58 36 48 8/5/2012 3.12 50 3.63 40 51 8/6/2012 3.19 59 3.74 49 50 8/7/2012 3.11 49 3.64 41 50 8/8/2012 3.02 37 3.48 29 48 8/9/2012 2.97 32 3.40 25 53 8/10/2012 3.00 35 3.46 28 54 8/11/2012 3.27 73 3.82 63 50 8/12/2012 3.71 150 4.40 155 49 8/13/2012 3.67 144 4.33 143 49 8/14/2012 4.96 628 5.89 519 48 8/15/2012 3.90 194 4.81 260 47 8/16/2012 3.52 114 4.34 142 50 8/17/2012 3.25 68 3.95 73 50 8/18/2012 3.18 59 3.84 59 52 8/19/2012 3.12 51 3.75 50 50 8/20/2012 3.07 43 3.64 40 48 8/21/2012 3.02 37 3.56 35 51 8/22/2012 2.99 34 3.51 31 49 8/23/2012 3.05 41 3.60 37 49 8/24/2012 3.00 35 3.51 31 51 8/25/2012 2.97 31 3.46 28 56 8/26/2012 2.98 33 3.47 29 56 8/27/2012 3.04 39 3.57 35 54 8/28/2012 2.94 28 3.41 26 53 8/29/2012 2.93 26 3.34 23 52 8/30/2012 3.28 75 3.94 74 51 8/31/2012 3.00 35 3.51 31 49 9/1/2012 2.91 24 3.33 22 47 9/2/2012 3.01 36 3.48 31 52 9/3/2012 3.03 39 3.54 34 51 9/4/2012 3.22 67 3.80 65 49 9/5/2012 3.24 68 3.88 65 48 9/6/2012 3.02 38 3.54 33 47 9/7/2012 2.93 27 3.37 23 46 9/8/2012 2.91 25 3.33 21 45 9/9/2012 2.89 22 3.27 19 46 9/10/2012 2.86 19 3.20 17 43 9/11/2012 2.86 19 3.21 17 48 9/12/2012 2.86 19 3.21 17 45 9/13/2012 2.84 17 3.16 15 48 9/14/2012 2.82 15 3.11 14 48 9/15/2012 3.04 41 3.47 34 49 9/16/2012 3.20 62 3.80 55 47 9/17/2012 3.14 54 3.70 48 46 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 29 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 9/18/2012 3.13 52 3.72 48 47 9/19/2012 3.09 46 3.66 42 46 9/20/2012 3.00 35 3.52 32 42 9/21/2012 2.94 28 3.40 25 40 9/22/2012 3.06 42 3.62 39 43 9/23/2012 3.00 35 3.52 32 43 9/24/2012 3.17 67 3.75 72 39 9/25/2012 3.97 241 4.87 274 46 9/26/2012 3.29 74 4.02 83 41 9/27/2012 3.13 52 3.79 55 41 9/28/2012 3.01 36 3.57 35 36 9/29/2012 2.93 27 3.42 26 35 9/30/2012 2.87 20 3.29 20 38 10/1/2012 2.87 20 3.27 19 44 10/2/2012 3.30 82 3.94 90 44 10/3/2012 3.60 136 4.38 165 46 10/4/2012 3.57 126 4.40 162 46 10/5/2012 3.14 53 3.84 60 43 10/6/2012 3.02 37 3.63 39 42 10/7/2012 3.17 57 3.83 58 48 10/8/2012 3.05 40 3.64 41 45 10/9/2012 2.96 30 3.48 29 44 10/10/2012 2.91 24 3.38 24 47 10/11/2012 2.91 24 3.37 23 45 10/12/2012 2.93 27 3.39 24 45 10/13/2012 2.87 20 3.24 18 37 10/14/2012 2.82 15 3.12 14 33 10/15/2012 2.78 11 3.03 11 32 10/16/2012 2.76 9 2.96 10 31 10/17/2012 2.73 8 2.90 9 31 10/18/2012 2.72 7 2.85 8 30 10/19/2012 2.70 6 2.81 7 32 10/20/2012 2.69 4 2.78 7 35 10/21/2012 2.68 4 2.75 6 35 10/22/2012 2.67 3 2.72 6 37 10/23/2012 2.66 3 2.69 6 33 10/24/2012 2.64 2 2.66 5 33 10/25/2012 2.65 2 2.67 5 37 10/26/2012 2.68 4 2.75 7 38 10/27/2012 2.69 5 2.80 7 38 10/28/2012 2.67 3 2.74 6 39 10/29/2012 2.65 2 2.68 6 38 10/30/2012 2.64 2 2.64 5 31 10/31/2012 2.62 1 2.59 5 27 11/1/2012 2.61 0 2.55 4 24 11/2/2012 2.59 0 2.54 4 29 11/3/2012 2.58 0 2.52 4 28 11/4/2012 2.56 0 2.47 4 27 11/5/2012 2.52 0 2.45 4 27 11/6/2012 2.45 0 2.43 3 27 11/7/2012 2.39 0 2.42 3 26 11/8/2012 2.42 0 2.49 4 37 11/9/2012 3.33 85 3.86 74 43 11/10/2012 3.48 110 4.14 116 39 11/11/2012 3.08 45 3.62 39 37 11/12/2012 2.92 26 3.31 21 34 11/13/2012 2.99 34 3.43 28 39 11/14/2012 2.99 33 3.44 27 37 11/15/2012 2.90 24 3.27 19 30 11/16/2012 2.92 27 3.03 12 27 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 11/17/2012 2.93 29 3.05 14 25 11/18/2012 2.75 9 2.89 9 19 11/19/2012 2.70 5 2.80 7 18 11/20/2012 2.68 4 2.76 7 17 11/21/2012 2.65 2 2.71 6 16 11/22/2012 2.63 1 2.68 6 17 11/23/2012 2.61 1 2.67 6 21 11/24/2012 2.60 0 2.62 5 19 11/25/2012 2.58 0 2.59 5 22 11/26/2012 2.56 0 2.57 4 27 11/27/2012 2.68 5 2.73 6 34 11/28/2012 2.66 3 2.72 6 30 11/29/2012 2.59 0 2.65 5 25 11/30/2012 2.53 0 2.51 4 21 12/1/2012 2.47 0 2.55 4 28 12/2/2012 2.40 0 2.50 4 26 12/3/2012 2.33 0 2.45 4 19 12/4/2012 2.26 0 2.45 4 15 12/5/2012 2.20 0 2.47 4 12 12/6/2012 2.12 0 2.41 3 16 12/7/2012 2.01 0 2.43 3 18 12/8/2012 2.29 2 2.87 11 33 12/9/2012 2.98 33 3.53 34 34 12/10/2012 2.75 9 3.08 13 30 12/11/2012 2.68 4 2.91 9 29 12/12/2012 2.76 10 3.03 12 35 12/13/2012 2.70 5 2.93 9 32 12/14/2012 2.65 2 2.81 7 27 12/15/2012 2.59 0 3.19 16 19 12/16/2012 2.50 0 2.93 10 24 12/17/2012 2.44 0 2.68 6 26 12/18/2012 2.43 0 2.75 6 21 12/19/2012 2.33 0 2.60 5 12 12/20/2012 2.26 0 2.55 4 16 12/21/2012 2.21 0 2.52 4 9 12/22/2012 2.15 0 2.56 4 17 12/23/2012 2.08 0 2.49 4 12 12/24/2012 2.01 0 2.46 4 17 12/25/2012 1.93 0 2.41 3 20 12/26/2012 2.29 0 3.52 47 32 12/27/2012 2.88 21 3.64 40 31 12/28/2012 2.78 3.51 35 31 12/29/2012 2.89 22 3.72 50 31 12/30/2012 2.78 11 3.46 28 30 12/31/2012 2.75 9 3.31 21 32 1/1/2013 2.75 9 3.16 15 31 1/2/2013 2.76 9 3.16 16 32 1/3/2013 2.76 10 3.24 18 31 1/4/2013 2.72 6 3.01 11 29 1/5/2013 2.69 4 2.96 10 30 1/6/2013 2.66 3 2.88 8 30 1/7/2013 2.61 1 2.79 7 29 1/8/2013 2.51 0 2.73 6 27 1/9/2013 2.48 0 2.79 7 30 1/10/2013 2.60 1 2.82 8 30 1/11/2013 2.69 4 2.92 9 31 1/12/2013 2.92 29 3.47 44 38 1/13/2013 3.35 85 4.10 95 36 1/14/2013 3.20 61 3.85 62 32 1/15/2013 2.95 29 3.43 27 29 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 30 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 1/16/2013 2.82 15 3.16 15 25 1/17/2013 2.76 10 3.01 11 20 1/18/2013 2.72 6 2.98 10 27 1/19/2013 2.98 35 3.84 82 34 1/20/2013 3.19 60 4.05 90 35 1/21/2013 3.19 60 4.19 114 33 1/22/2013 3.16 56 3.95 77 32 1/23/2013 2.94 28 3.56 34 31 1/24/2013 2.85 18 3.34 22 30 1/25/2013 2.79 12 3.16 15 26 1/26/2013 2.74 8 3.01 11 21 1/27/2013 2.70 5 2.94 10 20 1/28/2013 2.70 6 3.27 23 26 1/29/2013 2.71 6 3.65 44 32 1/30/2013 2.80 13 3.21 17 32 1/31/2013 2.78 12 3.10 13 31 2/1/2013 2.87 20 3.45 31 33 2/2/2013 3.05 41 3.80 64 34 2/3/2013 3.06 43 3.82 60 32 2/4/2013 2.90 24 3.46 28 32 2/5/2013 2.81 15 3.23 18 30 2/6/2013 2.76 10 3.09 13 25 2/7/2013 2.73 7 3.00 11 31 2/8/2013 2.71 6 2.97 10 32 2/9/2013 2.92 26 3.58 40 34 2/10/2013 2.89 23 3.37 24 29 2/11/2013 2.80 13 3.15 15 29 2/12/2013 2.75 9 3.03 12 30 2/13/2013 2.73 7 2.98 10 29 2/14/2013 2.69 5 2.90 9 25 2/15/2013 2.66 3 2.80 7 18 2/16/2013 2.66 3 2.82 7 25 2/17/2013 2.63 1 2.79 7 23 2/18/2013 2.58 0 2.72 6 22 2/19/2013 2.60 1 2.78 7 31 2/20/2013 2.61 0 2.74 6 26 2/21/2013 2.53 0 2.67 6 25 2/22/2013 2.46 0 2.64 5 31 2/23/2013 2.43 0 2.63 5 31 2/24/2013 2.36 0 2.59 5 29 2/25/2013 2.34 0 2.73 6 23 2/26/2013 2.20 0 2.77 7 20 2/27/2013 2.21 0 2.52 4 22 2/28/2013 2.17 0 2.48 4 24 3/1/2013 2.08 0 2.46 4 24 3/2/2013 2.07 0 2.53 4 29 3/3/2013 2.09 0 2.64 5 31 3/4/2013 2.02 0 2.59 5 33 3/5/2013 2.02 0 2.84 8 33 3/6/2013 2.24 0 2.87 10 31 3/7/2013 3.13 53 4.67 230 34 3/8/2013 3.21 63 3.96 75 32 3/9/2013 3.08 45 3.67 43 29 3/10/2013 2.88 21 3.34 22 33 3/11/2013 2.79 12 3.13 14 30 3/12/2013 2.74 8 3.02 11 29 3/13/2013 2.71 6 2.94 10 28 3/14/2013 2.68 4 2.90 9 26 3/15/2013 2.64 2 2.93 9 21 3/16/2013 2.61 0 2.76 7 32 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 3/17/2013 2.57 0 2.72 6 32 3/18/2013 2.53 0 2.69 6 30 3/19/2013 2.47 0 2.65 5 27 3/20/2013 2.38 0 2.63 5 28 3/21/2013 2.33 0 2.59 5 27 3/22/2013 2.28 0 2.57 4 35 3/23/2013 2.24 0 2.55 4 31 3/24/2013 2.23 0 2.52 4 26 3/25/2013 2.15 0 2.57 5 19 3/26/2013 2.08 0 2.48 4 20 3/27/2013 2.05 0 2.49 4 31 3/28/2013 2.13 0 2.65 5 34 3/29/2013 2.14 0 2.63 5 35 3/30/2013 2.18 0 2.62 5 33 3/31/2013 2.16 0 2.60 5 35 4/1/2013 2.09 0 2.58 5 33 4/2/2013 2.05 0 2.59 5 33 4/3/2013 2.06 0 2.70 6 35 4/4/2013 2.65 9 3.44 28 33 4/5/2013 2.77 10 3.27 19 35 4/6/2013 2.71 6 3.06 12 35 4/7/2013 2.66 3 2.93 9 28 4/8/2013 2.63 1 2.85 8 21 4/9/2013 2.58 0 2.80 7 17 4/10/2013 2.51 0 2.75 6 23 4/11/2013 2.42 0 2.70 6 21 4/12/2013 2.34 0 2.66 5 22 4/13/2013 2.27 0 2.62 5 27 4/14/2013 2.22 0 2.59 5 34 4/15/2013 2.16 0 2.57 5 34 4/16/2013 2.09 0 2.60 5 36 4/17/2013 2.00 0 2.59 5 34 4/18/2013 1.92 0 2.60 5 34 4/19/2013 1.81 0 2.61 5 38 4/20/2013 1.69 0 2.61 5 33 4/21/2013 1.57 0 2.63 5 40 4/22/2013 1.51 0 2.71 6 35 4/23/2013 2.07 0 3.18 16 37 4/24/2013 2.72 7 3.27 19 43 4/25/2013 2.85 18 3.49 30 44 4/26/2013 2.83 16 3.36 23 40 4/27/2013 2.79 12 3.24 18 34 4/28/2013 2.75 9 3.12 14 35 4/29/2013 2.73 7 3.07 13 38 4/30/2013 2.73 7 3.07 13 35 5/1/2013 2.74 8 3.11 14 36 5/2/2013 2.74 8 3.11 13 35 5/3/2013 2.72 6 3.05 12 36 5/4/2013 2.70 5 3.00 11 35 5/5/2013 2.69 4 2.96 10 36 5/6/2013 2.68 4 2.94 10 35 5/7/2013 2.67 3 2.93 9 37 5/8/2013 2.76 10 3.26 20 36 5/9/2013 2.95 30 3.66 46 36 5/10/2013 3.07 43 3.81 57 43 5/11/2013 3.04 39 3.71 46 38 5/12/2013 2.94 27 3.56 35 43 5/13/2013 2.95 29 3.57 35 42 5/14/2013 2.95 29 3.55 33 42 5/15/2013 2.94 28 3.50 30 39 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 31 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 5/16/2013 2.90 23 3.44 27 40 5/17/2013 2.88 21 3.36 23 31 5/18/2013 2.83 16 3.23 17 33 5/19/2013 2.79 13 3.16 15 40 5/20/2013 2.81 14 3.21 17 41 5/21/2013 3.09 48 3.75 56 43 5/22/2013 3.39 91 4.13 100 42 5/23/2013 3.27 72 3.97 76 46 5/24/2013 3.27 72 3.99 78 46 5/25/2013 3.49 109 4.29 134 40 5/26/2013 3.73 154 4.66 218 38 5/27/2013 3.99 218 4.96 304 39 5/28/2013 3.91 199 4.90 287 43 5/29/2013 3.65 138 4.49 175 48 5/30/2013 3.55 119 4.39 154 43 5/31/2013 3.46 103 4.24 120 43 6/1/2013 3.37 88 4.13 100 43 6/2/2013 3.91 207 4.83 267 42 6/3/2013 4.53 400 5.58 451 41 6/4/2013 3.71 152 4.69 230 45 6/5/2013 3.44 99 4.28 129 41 6/6/2013 3.46 102 4.29 130 48 6/7/2013 3.49 109 4.34 143 55 6/8/2013 3.73 154 4.67 220 57 6/9/2013 3.55 119 4.41 161 48 6/10/2013 3.34 83 4.16 106 50 6/11/2013 3.38 89 4.18 110 51 6/12/2013 3.40 93 4.19 113 44 6/13/2013 3.58 125 4.42 162 45 6/14/2013 3.44 99 4.24 122 48 6/15/2013 3.51 112 4.31 136 48 6/16/2013 3.79 167 4.70 230 53 6/17/2013 3.57 124 4.42 162 48 6/18/2013 3.50 111 4.33 139 52 6/19/2013 3.51 111 4.31 137 45 6/20/2013 3.78 166 4.66 220 44 6/21/2013 3.63 134 4.48 174 46 6/22/2013 4.57 441 5.57 443 44 6/23/2013 4.11 257 5.14 350 44 6/24/2013 3.83 186 4.86 274 47 6/25/2013 3.48 107 4.37 148 56 6/26/2013 3.74 158 4.68 226 56 6/27/2013 3.66 141 4.58 199 53 6/28/2013 3.43 97 4.24 120 51 6/29/2013 3.41 94 4.19 112 53 6/30/2013 3.62 132 4.49 176 49 7/1/2013 3.37 87 4.12 101 48 7/2/2013 3.18 58 3.86 62 47 7/3/2013 3.18 58 3.85 60 47 7/4/2013 3.17 57 3.84 60 48 7/5/2013 3.14 53 3.79 55 49 7/6/2013 3.22 64 3.91 67 49 7/7/2013 3.18 59 3.86 62 50 7/8/2013 3.22 64 3.91 68 47 7/9/2013 3.16 56 3.82 58 53 7/10/2013 3.18 59 3.86 62 51 7/11/2013 3.21 63 3.89 66 48 7/12/2013 3.26 70 3.95 73 50 7/13/2013 3.24 67 3.93 70 50 7/14/2013 3.22 65 3.91 67 51 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 7/15/2013 3.19 59 3.85 60 49 7/16/2013 3.25 70 3.91 71 53 7/17/2013 3.66 139 4.55 190 55 7/18/2013 3.53 115 4.35 144 56 7/19/2013 3.21 63 3.91 68 59 7/20/2013 3.25 69 3.97 75 59 7/21/2013 3.17 58 3.84 60 56 7/22/2013 3.23 66 3.93 71 60 7/23/2013 3.17 57 3.85 61 60 7/24/2013 3.18 59 3.89 65 61 7/25/2013 3.06 42 3.68 44 62 7/26/2013 3.00 34 3.55 34 57 7/27/2013 2.96 30 3.48 29 53 7/28/2013 2.92 25 3.40 25 53 7/29/2013 2.90 23 3.34 22 53 7/30/2013 2.90 23 3.34 22 52 7/31/2013 3.60 139 4.44 187 54 8/1/2013 3.33 81 4.08 93 54 8/2/2013 3.50 121 4.28 145 52 8/3/2013 3.51 117 4.38 161 53 8/4/2013 3.12 50 3.80 56 52 8/5/2013 3.36 111 4.09 123 50 8/6/2013 4.97 656 6.22 597 48 8/7/2013 3.69 150 4.79 257 49 8/8/2013 3.23 66 4.11 98 51 8/9/2013 3.07 44 3.84 60 50 8/10/2013 2.98 32 3.68 43 51 8/11/2013 2.91 25 3.56 34 55 8/12/2013 2.88 21 3.48 29 56 8/13/2013 2.85 18 3.42 26 50 8/14/2013 2.91 25 3.50 30 52 8/15/2013 2.86 19 3.42 26 54 8/16/2013 3.00 35 3.62 39 50 8/17/2013 3.01 37 3.64 41 50 8/18/2013 3.10 47 3.79 54 52 8/19/2013 2.96 30 3.58 36 49 8/20/2013 2.90 24 3.47 29 53 8/21/2013 2.88 21 3.43 27 55 8/22/2013 2.87 20 3.41 25 54 8/23/2013 2.84 17 3.36 23 53 8/24/2013 2.81 14 3.28 19 58 8/25/2013 2.81 14 3.27 19 52 8/26/2013 2.80 13 3.24 18 50 8/27/2013 2.78 11 3.20 16 52 8/28/2013 2.80 13 3.23 18 48 8/29/2013 2.83 16 3.29 20 50 8/30/2013 2.80 13 3.25 18 58 8/31/2013 2.78 12 3.20 17 53 9/1/2013 2.79 13 3.21 17 52 9/2/2013 3.05 41 3.69 48 57 9/3/2013 3.00 35 3.64 40 54 9/4/2013 2.91 24 3.48 29 51 9/5/2013 2.86 19 3.36 23 50 9/6/2013 2.83 16 3.30 20 50 9/7/2013 2.80 13 3.23 18 52 9/8/2013 2.96 33 3.49 39 47 9/9/2013 3.09 46 3.79 54 50 9/10/2013 3.00 35 3.63 40 48 9/11/2013 2.91 24 3.48 29 48 9/12/2013 3.83 188 4.76 264 49 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 32 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 9/13/2013 3.27 73 4.08 94 49 9/14/2013 3.04 40 3.74 49 50 9/15/2013 2.94 28 3.56 35 47 9/16/2013 2.87 21 3.43 27 47 9/17/2013 2.84 17 3.36 23 46 9/18/2013 2.79 13 3.26 19 45 9/19/2013 2.78 11 3.22 17 46 9/20/2013 2.79 13 3.24 18 45 9/21/2013 2.82 15 3.30 20 43 9/22/2013 2.82 15 3.27 19 40 9/23/2013 2.81 14 3.26 19 43 9/24/2013 2.89 23 3.38 25 46 9/25/2013 3.04 39 3.65 41 47 9/26/2013 3.02 38 3.63 40 44 Dam Bridge Stage Flow Stage Flow Temp Date ft cfs ft cfs deg F 9/27/2013 3.18 60 3.87 68 42 9/28/2013 3.15 54 3.85 61 39 9/29/2013 2.97 31 3.58 36 38 9/30/2013 2.89 22 3.43 26 39 10/1/2013 2.84 17 3.33 21 40 10/2/2013 3.51 165 4.28 189 41 10/3/2013 4.35 389 5.49 425 41 10/4/2013 3.27 72 4.15 106 40 10/5/2013 3.04 40 3.80 56 39 10/6/2013 2.94 28 3.66 42 41 10/7/2013 2.93 27 10/8/2013 3.15 54 City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 33 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4 Fish Count Forms 9.4.1 August 6th City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 34 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4.2 August 9th City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 35 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4.3 August 15th, Full River Survey City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 36 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4.4 August 15th City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 37 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4.5 August 22nd City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 38 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4.6 August 22nd Notes City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 39 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4.7 August 29th City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 40 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4.8 September 6th City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 41 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4.9 September 13th, not done, river too high City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 42 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4.10 September 19th City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 43 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4.11 October 3rd City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 44 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4.12 October 4th City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 45 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4.13 October 8th City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 46 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9.4.14 October 11th City of Chignik - Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance 2013 Monitoring Report, Final Draft P-620 2013 Monitoring Report, Rev. 0 Page 47 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 10. End of Report Daniel Hertrich DJH: Attachment(s)/Enclosure Alaska Department of Natural Resources Consultation Comments, February 7, 2014, 1 page. December 13, 2013 Stream Gauging and Project Reconnaissance Trip Report (Hatch, 2013), 16 pages. 1 Hertrich, Daniel From:Hill, Melissa E (DNR) [melissa.hill@alaska.gov] Sent:Friday, February 07, 2014 4:05 PM To:Hertrich, Daniel Subject:Chignik Hydroelectric Project FERC P-620 2013 Annual Monitoring Report Categories:chignik dam HiDan,  ThankyoufortheopportunitytocommentontheChignikHydroelectric,PͲ620,FERC2013MonitoringReport,Draftfor Review.  Unfortunately,givenmycurrentworkload,Iwasunabletocompleteathorough,formalreviewofthe2013Monitoring Report.However,belowareafewbriefinformalcommentsthatmaybeuseful:  x TheDecember13,2013StreamGaugingandProjectReconnaissanceTripReport(Hatch,2013)appearstobe missing x Therockcutspillwaystagedischargeequation(page6)appearedtobetranscribedincorrectly,soplease recheckthis(2.85feetisalreadysubtractedincalculationofH) x Maywanttoconsiderreportingdischargesestimatedusingratingcurvestowholenumbers(Tables1and3)  x Isthebridgesitestagedischargeequation(page8)forestimatingflowsforstageheightsover5.2feetusedto estimatedailyflowsinTable9.3?Ifso,pleaserechecktoensurethatthereportednumbersarecorrect.  x AretheplotsshowninCharts9.1and9.2usingdatafromTable9.3?If,sotheplotsdonotappeartocoincide withthedata.  Kindestregards, MelissaE.Hill,Ph.D.,P.G. AlaskaHydrologicSurvey Phone907.269.8646 550West7thAvenue,Suite1020 Anchorage,Alaska99501  If you disagree with any information contained herein, please advise immediately Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 1 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. H340309 Trip Report December 13, 2013 CE2 Chignik Hydroelectric, P-620, FERC Compliance Distribution Brian Aklin, CE2 City Clerk, City of Chignik Stream Gauging and Project Reconnaissance Date: October 2-8, 2013 Location: Indian River Chignik Bay, AK Present: Daniel Hertrich, Hatch Purpose: Download stream gauges and investigate proposed hydro locations. Contents 1.Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 2 2.Logistics ................................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1Field Activity Daily Summary ........................................................................................................ 3 3.Access Trail ........................................................................................................................................... 3 4.Proposed Project Reconnaissance .................................................................................................... 3 5.Pipeline Flows ....................................................................................................................................... 5 6.Stream Gauging .................................................................................................................................... 8 6.1Level Surveys ............................................................................................................................... 8 6.2Flow Measurements ..................................................................................................................... 8 6.3Stage Data .................................................................................................................................... 9 7.Diesel Power Plant ............................................................................................................................. 12 8.Appendix ............................................................................................................................................. 13 8.1BPE Record of Flow Measurement, Bridge Site October 6th, 2013 ........................................... 13 Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 2 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 8.2BPE Record of Flow Measurement, Dam Site October 7th, 2013 ............................................. 14 8.3BPE Record of Flow Measurement, Bridge Site October 8th, 2013 ........................................... 15 9.End of Report ...................................................................................................................................... 16 1. Introduction Daniel Hertrich of Hatch traveled to Chignik Bay to perform stream gauge maintenance, proposed project reconnaissance, and inspection of the existing hydroelectric project and other facilities. The work was conducted in support of the Chignik Hydroelectric Feasibility Study and the FERC required monitoring and infrastructure assessment for project P-620. This report presents the findings of the field investigations relating to stream gauging and proposed project reconnaissance. In 2012 NorQuest Seafoods Inc. (wholly owned by Trident Seafoods) transferred the license for the Chignik Bay Hydroelectric (project), which consists of an aging dam and pipeline that powers a 60 kW turbine. The project’s primary purpose has been to supply potable water for the community and provide base load generation to the former NorQuest facility during the winter months. The project infrastructure is deteriorated and in need of immediate maintenance and repairs. The City desires to evaluate the potential to improve on the utilization of Indian Creek as a hydroelectric resource. The City also requires maintaining operation of the existing project until such time as it is replaced or reconstructed. 2. Logistics Lake Clark Air Services operating out of Merrill Field and Port Alsworth provided passenger service from Anchorage to Chignik and back. Mr. Hertrich flew to Chignik on October 2, 2013 and returned to Anchorage on October 8, 2013. A Leica laser level, tripod, and stadia rod for level surveys was rented from Surveyors exchange. A flouremtric dye tracer and fluorometer stream flow measurement device and other field equipment was provided by Bering Pacific Engineering (owned by Mr. Hertrich). A Hatch owned laptop was used onsite for data collection. Food and equipment totalled 8 pieces of luggage with an approximate weight of 160 pounds. Mr. Hertrich stayed at the City apartment located above the City office during the site visit. Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 3 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 2.1 Field Activity Daily Summary DateActivity 10/2/2013TraveltoChignik 10/3/2013Inspectnewaccesstrail,reconproposedprojectareas,andattemptgate openingatdam 10/4/2013Inspectexistingpipeline,daminspectionandrepairs,interviewtrident 10/5/2013Streamgaugeequipmentcheckatdam,reconproposedpipelineroute 10/6/2013Streamgaugelevelsurveyandflowmeasurementatbridge 10/7/2013Streamgaugelevelsurveyandflowmeasurementatdam 10/8/2013Pipelinedataloggercheck,flowmeasureatbridge,maintenanceatdam gauge,traveltoAnchorage 3. Access Trail The City has pioneered a road through the quarry that connects the main road, on the south side of Indian Creek, with the existing ATV trail that led to the dam. This is a significant improvement in the ability to access the dam using ATV's or other off road vehicles because it eliminates the Indian Creek crossing, the wetland and Lower Indian Lake stream crossing, and a section of steep gradient rutted trail. The City of Chignik also improved the ATV access trail to the dam by using an excavator to clear vegetation and improve some intermittent stream crossings. The City excavator was then used to carry a load of timbers to the dam. The improvement in access allows an ATV to easily access the dam. A one way trip can now be made in under 20 minutes under dry conditions. The trail is still very basic with the only improvements being clearing and minor grading. The surface primarily consists of overburden which softens and makes travel difficult, if not impassable, when saturated. There are also some very steep grade sections with one a being a challenge for an ATV, particularly when loaded. 4. Proposed Project Reconnaissance The Preliminary Findings Report (Hatch, 2013) provided a map with the proposed penstock route selected based on USGS topography. The field trip included reconnaissance of the proposed route and found that actual topography may not be suitable for construction of the pipeline along the north side of Lower Indian. Of concern is whether the elevation is too high and whether construction equipment could traverse some of the steep gradient sections near the head of the lake and the outlet. Consequently, the feasibility assessment should include a route that follows the existing ATV trail as a consideration. If you disagree with any information contained herein, please advise immediatelyChignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. APage 4© Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Photo 1 - Lower Indian Lake Outlet Photo shows the notched drainage outlet of Lower Indian Lake and ridge on north side of lake (left). Photo 2 - North Side of Lower Indian Lake and Outlet Photo shows Lower Indian Lake at the far left and the terrain on the north side of the lake. Photo is taken from the south side of the drainage notch. If you disagree with any information contained herein, please advise immediately Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 5 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 5. Pipeline Flows The pipeline flow meter located in the NorQuest processing plant, that also houses the hydro turbine, has a USB data logger attached that records the meter's 4-20 mA loop output. Communicating with the data logger for the purpose of configuring and downloading data required installation of EasyLogUSB software. Data was downloaded on 10/5/2013. It appeared that the power to the flow meter had been turned off on 5/27/2013. Trident was instructed to leave the power to the meter on at all times, as practical, because of the FERC requirements for data collection. The data logger was reinstalled on 10/7/2013 9:30 am. The flow at the time of installation was approximately 200 gpm. The low flow was due to the open bypass valve at the Indian Creek slough. The chart below shows the data that was collected. A table of daily average pipeline flows follows. Figure 1 Penstock Flow at Turbine 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 9/26/12 11/25/12 1/24/13 3/25/13 5/24/13 7/23/13 9/21/13 PenstockFlow,cfsPenstockFlow,gpmDate HourlyPipelineFlow 24per.Mov.Avg.(HourlyPipeline Flow) Nodatadue to powerloss. Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 6 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Table 1 - Penstock Daily Average Flow at Turbine Date Flow, cfs 9/26/2012 2.46 9/27/2012 2.44 9/28/2012 2.44 9/29/2012 2.43 9/30/2012 2.44 10/1/2012 2.44 10/2/2012 2.44 10/3/2012 2.42 10/4/2012 2.43 10/5/2012 2.43 10/6/2012 2.43 10/7/2012 2.43 10/8/2012 2.44 10/9/2012 2.43 10/10/2012 2.44 10/11/2012 2.44 10/12/2012 2.45 10/13/2012 2.44 10/14/2012 2.45 10/15/2012 2.45 10/16/2012 2.43 10/17/2012 2.43 10/18/2012 2.43 10/19/2012 2.43 10/20/2012 2.38 10/21/2012 2.35 10/22/2012 2.36 10/23/2012 2.34 10/24/2012 2.35 10/25/2012 2.34 10/26/2012 2.31 10/27/2012 2.30 10/28/2012 2.32 10/29/2012 2.30 10/30/2012 2.29 10/31/2012 2.29 11/1/2012 2.29 11/2/2012 2.31 11/3/2012 2.32 11/4/2012 2.30 11/5/2012 2.32 11/6/2012 2.32 11/7/2012 2.30 11/8/2012 2.29 11/9/2012 2.31 11/10/2012 2.32 11/11/2012 2.33 11/12/2012 2.32 11/13/2012 2.33 11/14/2012 2.35 11/15/2012 2.35 11/16/2012 #N/A 11/17/2012 2.17 11/18/2012 2.45 11/19/2012 2.49 11/20/2012 2.50 11/21/2012 2.50 11/22/2012 2.51 11/23/2012 2.51 11/24/2012 2.52 11/25/2012 2.51 11/26/2012 2.51 11/27/2012 2.49 11/28/2012 2.51 Date Flow, cfs 11/29/2012 2.48 11/30/2012 2.49 12/1/2012 2.49 12/2/2012 2.49 12/3/2012 2.48 12/4/2012 2.46 12/5/2012 2.46 12/6/2012 2.46 12/7/2012 2.44 12/8/2012 2.42 12/9/2012 #N/A 12/10/2012 #N/A 12/11/2012 2.40 12/12/2012 2.39 12/13/2012 2.38 12/14/2012 2.39 12/15/2012 2.40 12/16/2012 2.40 12/17/2012 2.39 12/18/2012 2.39 12/19/2012 2.38 12/20/2012 2.38 12/21/2012 2.38 12/22/2012 2.39 12/23/2012 2.37 12/24/2012 2.39 12/25/2012 2.38 12/26/2012 2.38 12/27/2012 2.39 12/28/2012 2.39 12/29/2012 2.37 12/30/2012 2.38 12/31/2012 2.38 1/1/2013 2.35 1/2/2013 2.34 1/3/2013 2.34 1/4/2013 2.34 1/5/2013 2.33 1/6/2013 2.32 1/7/2013 2.31 1/8/2013 2.32 1/9/2013 2.31 1/10/2013 2.32 1/11/2013 2.31 1/12/2013 2.31 1/13/2013 2.32 1/14/2013 2.33 1/15/2013 2.31 1/16/2013 2.31 1/17/2013 2.31 1/18/2013 2.39 1/19/2013 2.44 1/20/2013 #N/A 1/21/2013 2.44 1/22/2013 2.43 1/23/2013 2.43 1/24/2013 2.41 1/25/2013 2.41 1/26/2013 2.41 1/27/2013 2.42 1/28/2013 2.42 1/29/2013 2.42 1/30/2013 2.40 1/31/2013 1.47 Date Flow, cfs 2/1/2013 0.43 2/2/2013 #N/A 2/3/2013 2.39 2/4/2013 2.39 2/5/2013 2.41 2/6/2013 2.39 2/7/2013 2.41 2/8/2013 2.38 2/9/2013 2.41 2/10/2013 2.44 2/11/2013 2.42 2/12/2013 2.42 2/13/2013 2.42 2/14/2013 2.42 2/15/2013 2.42 2/16/2013 #N/A 2/17/2013 2.42 2/18/2013 2.41 2/19/2013 2.42 2/20/2013 2.42 2/21/2013 2.40 2/22/2013 2.40 2/23/2013 2.39 2/24/2013 2.40 2/25/2013 2.41 2/26/2013 2.40 2/27/2013 2.39 2/28/2013 2.40 3/1/2013 2.39 3/2/2013 2.38 3/3/2013 2.38 3/4/2013 2.36 3/5/2013 2.34 3/6/2013 2.35 3/7/2013 2.36 3/8/2013 2.36 3/9/2013 2.37 3/10/2013 2.39 3/11/2013 2.39 3/12/2013 2.38 3/13/2013 2.36 3/14/2013 2.37 3/15/2013 2.36 3/16/2013 2.36 3/17/2013 2.36 3/18/2013 2.34 3/19/2013 2.35 3/20/2013 2.34 3/21/2013 2.33 3/22/2013 2.34 3/23/2013 2.35 3/24/2013 2.36 3/25/2013 2.35 3/26/2013 2.35 3/27/2013 2.35 3/28/2013 2.35 3/29/2013 2.35 3/30/2013 2.34 3/31/2013 2.30 4/1/2013 2.30 4/2/2013 2.29 4/3/2013 2.31 4/4/2013 2.33 4/5/2013 2.32 Date Flow, cfs 4/6/2013 2.32 4/7/2013 2.35 4/8/2013 2.36 4/9/2013 2.38 4/10/2013 2.34 4/11/2013 2.32 4/12/2013 2.31 4/13/2013 2.32 4/14/2013 2.31 4/15/2013 2.33 4/16/2013 2.32 4/17/2013 2.30 4/18/2013 2.30 4/19/2013 2.29 4/20/2013 2.27 4/21/2013 2.27 4/22/2013 2.26 4/23/2013 2.28 4/24/2013 2.31 4/25/2013 2.31 4/26/2013 2.31 4/27/2013 2.31 4/28/2013 2.29 4/29/2013 2.28 4/30/2013 2.27 5/1/2013 2.25 5/2/2013 2.23 5/3/2013 2.22 5/4/2013 2.21 5/5/2013 2.20 5/6/2013 2.19 5/7/2013 2.19 5/8/2013 2.19 5/9/2013 2.19 5/10/2013 2.19 5/11/2013 2.20 5/12/2013 2.22 5/13/2013 2.22 5/14/2013 2.23 5/15/2013 2.22 5/16/2013 2.22 5/17/2013 2.22 5/18/2013 2.19 5/19/2013 2.19 5/20/2013 2.19 5/21/2013 2.18 5/22/2013 2.19 5/23/2013 2.16 5/24/2013 2.17 5/25/2013 2.15 5/26/2013 2.14 5/27/2013 #N/A 5/28/2013 #N/A 5/29/2013 #N/A 5/30/2013 #N/A 5/31/2013 #N/A 6/1/2013 #N/A 6/2/2013 #N/A 6/3/2013 #N/A 6/4/2013 #N/A 6/5/2013 #N/A 6/6/2013 #N/A 6/7/2013 #N/A 6/8/2013 #N/A Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 7 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Date Flow, cfs 6/9/2013 #N/A 6/10/2013 #N/A 6/11/2013 #N/A 6/12/2013 #N/A 6/13/2013 #N/A 6/14/2013 #N/A 6/15/2013 #N/A 6/16/2013 #N/A 6/17/2013 #N/A 6/18/2013 #N/A 6/19/2013 #N/A 6/20/2013 #N/A 6/21/2013 #N/A 6/22/2013 #N/A 6/23/2013 #N/A 6/24/2013 #N/A 6/25/2013 #N/A 6/26/2013 #N/A 6/27/2013 #N/A 6/28/2013 #N/A 6/29/2013 #N/A 6/30/2013 #N/A 7/1/2013 #N/A 7/2/2013 #N/A 7/3/2013 #N/A 7/4/2013 #N/A 7/5/2013 #N/A 7/6/2013 #N/A 7/7/2013 #N/A 7/8/2013 #N/A Date Flow, cfs 7/9/2013 #N/A 7/10/2013 #N/A 7/11/2013 #N/A 7/12/2013 #N/A 7/13/2013 #N/A 7/14/2013 #N/A 7/15/2013 #N/A 7/16/2013 #N/A 7/17/2013 #N/A 7/18/2013 #N/A 7/19/2013 #N/A 7/20/2013 #N/A 7/21/2013 #N/A 7/22/2013 #N/A 7/23/2013 #N/A 7/24/2013 #N/A 7/25/2013 #N/A 7/26/2013 #N/A 7/27/2013 #N/A 7/28/2013 #N/A 7/29/2013 #N/A 7/30/2013 #N/A 7/31/2013 #N/A 8/1/2013 #N/A 8/2/2013 #N/A 8/3/2013 #N/A 8/4/2013 #N/A 8/5/2013 #N/A 8/6/2013 #N/A 8/7/2013 #N/A Date Flow, cfs 8/8/2013 #N/A 8/9/2013 #N/A 8/10/2013 #N/A 8/11/2013 #N/A 8/12/2013 #N/A 8/13/2013 #N/A 8/14/2013 #N/A 8/15/2013 #N/A 8/16/2013 #N/A 8/17/2013 #N/A 8/18/2013 #N/A 8/19/2013 #N/A 8/20/2013 #N/A 8/21/2013 #N/A 8/22/2013 #N/A 8/23/2013 #N/A 8/24/2013 #N/A 8/25/2013 #N/A 8/26/2013 #N/A 8/27/2013 #N/A 8/28/2013 #N/A 8/29/2013 #N/A 8/30/2013 #N/A 8/31/2013 #N/A 9/1/2013 #N/A 9/2/2013 #N/A 9/3/2013 #N/A 9/4/2013 #N/A 9/5/2013 #N/A 9/6/2013 #N/A Date Flow, cfs 9/7/2013 #N/A 9/8/2013 #N/A 9/9/2013 #N/A 9/10/2013 #N/A 9/11/2013 #N/A 9/12/2013 #N/A 9/13/2013 #N/A 9/14/2013 #N/A 9/15/2013 #N/A 9/16/2013 #N/A 9/17/2013 #N/A 9/18/2013 #N/A 9/19/2013 #N/A 9/20/2013 #N/A 9/21/2013 #N/A 9/22/2013 #N/A 9/23/2013 #N/A 9/24/2013 #N/A 9/25/2013 #N/A 9/26/2013 #N/A 9/27/2013 #N/A 9/28/2013 #N/A 9/29/2013 #N/A 9/30/2013 #N/A 10/1/2013 #N/A 10/2/2013 #N/A 10/3/2013 #N/A 10/4/2013 #N/A 10/5/2013 #N/A Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 8 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 6. Stream Gauging As part of the site visit the stream gauges located at the dam and bridge were downloaded and flow measurements were taken. The desiccant protecting the internal electronics from moisture were also recharged in both gauges and the batteries appeared adequate for continued service. The dam gauge utilizes a solar panel for recharging a lead acid battery while the bridge gauge utilizes a 38 amp-hr lithium ion battery. Because the reservoir was full during the site visit the bubbler tube for the stream gauge at the dam could not be modified to eliminate the occasional ice induced errors that result from air accumulation in the housing tube. Similarly, flashboards could not be installed on the crest to improve low flow resolution. 6.1 Level Surveys Level surveys were performed to verify that stream gauge pressure transducer elevations did not change. The survey was done using a Leica laser level system with rod rented from Surveyors Exchange in Anchorage. The tables below include the raw measurements along with the calculated elevations (all values in feet). Table 2 Level Survey of Bridge Stream Gauge Transit Rod Rod Setup Location Height Elevation set 1 24.05 RM#2 - lag 2.71 21.34 temp - beam 9.01 15.04 set 2 19.64 temp - beam 4.6 15.04 temp - bolt 1 12.95 6.69 set 3 7.05 temp - bolt 1 0.36 6.69 Water Surface 3.43 3.62 RM#1 - bolt 3.82 3.23 0 flow at gage 5.86 1.19 0 flow downstream 5.55 1.50 RM#2 - lag -14.29 21.34 Pressure transducer reading at time of survey (10/6/2013 14:30) was 3.61'. Table 3 - Level Survey of Dam Gauge H Elev Setup 1 13.285 RM 2 2.375 10.91 RM 1 8.265 5.02 Top of Staff Gauge 5.965 7.32 Rock Cut Spillway 10.445 2.84 Setup 2 14.565 RM 2 3.65 10.915 RM 1 9.545 5.02 Top of Staff Gauge 7.245 7.32 Rock Cut Spillway 11.73 2.835 West Dam Spillway Crest 12.015 2.55 East Dam Spillway Crest 11.94 2.625 Setup 3 13.695 RM 2 2.775 10.92 RM 1 8.685 5.01 Top of Staff Gauge 6.375 7.32 Rock Cut Spillway 10.835 2.86 West Dam Spillway Crest 11.135 2.56 East Dam Spillway Crest 11.07 2.625 Datum, Top of Staff Gage 7.32 Average Dam Spillway Crest Elevation 2.59 Average RM 1 Elevation 5.02 Average RM 2 Elevation 10.92 Average Rock Cut Spillway Elevation 2.85 At beginning of survey water height in reservoir was about equal to the zero height flow in the secondary spillway. 6.2 Flow Measurements Flow measurements with the corresponding pressure transducer and staff gauge readings (dam site only) are shown in the table below. Gauge readings were taken from the instrument displays at the time of the measurement (raw stage data). Flow measurements were done Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 9 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. using a flourometer and dye tracer by Bering Pacific Engineering. The summary reports for each measurement are attached with this report. Table 4 - Stream Flow and Staff Gauge Measurements Location Time Flow (cfs) Pressure Transducer Stage Reading from data collector, ft Staff Gauge Reading (ft) Reference Monument Distance to Water (ft) Comment Dam 10/5/2013 12:50 3.02 2.00 Bridge 10/6/13 3:33 PM 36.7 3.61 Dam 10/7/2013 10:41 2.90 2.87 14:41 bubbler time, choppy conditions (~0.1' waves) Dam 10/7/13 2:46 PM 19.7 2.88 2.87 2.15 wind picked up, rain started falling Bridge 10/8/13 11:06 AM 52.4 3.83 Dam 10/8/2013 11:30 3.09 3.075 1.950 Lake is flat calm 6.3 Stage Data The following chart shows the raw and corrected stage data downloaded from the stream gauge data loggers. The corrections were made to the dam gauge data due to icing related stage errors. Daily average stage since the last download is reported in the table following the chart. Figure 2 - Indian Creek Stage Chart 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 9/8/12 10/28/12 12/17/12 2/5/13 3/27/13 5/16/13 7/5/13 8/24/13 BridgeStage,ftDamStage,ftDate DamͲ RawStage,ft DamͲ CorrectedStage,ft Bridge Stage,ft Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 10 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Table 5 - Indian Creek Stage Data Bridge Dam Date Stage, ft Temperature, deg F Raw Stage, ft Corrected Stage, ft 9/8/2012 2.93 2.93 9/9/2012 2.91 2.91 9/10/2012 2.88 2.88 9/11/2012 2.87 2.87 9/12/2012 2.88 2.88 9/13/2012 2.86 2.86 9/14/2012 2.83 2.83 9/15/2012 2.98 2.98 9/16/2012 3.24 3.24 9/17/2012 3.12 3.12 9/18/2012 3.19 3.19 9/19/2012 3.11 3.11 9/20/2012 3.03 3.03 9/21/2012 2.96 2.96 9/22/2012 3.06 3.06 9/23/2012 3.04 3.04 9/24/2012 3.75 38.9 3.03 3.03 9/25/2012 4.86 45.5 4.07 4.07 9/26/2012 4.03 41.4 3.33 3.33 9/27/2012 3.79 40.9 3.17 3.17 9/28/2012 3.57 36.1 3.04 3.04 9/29/2012 3.42 35.1 2.96 2.96 9/30/2012 3.29 38.0 2.90 2.90 10/1/2012 3.27 43.5 2.88 2.88 10/2/2012 3.94 44.3 3.23 3.23 10/3/2012 4.38 46.3 3.49 3.49 10/4/2012 4.39 45.6 3.73 3.73 10/5/2012 3.84 43.3 3.20 3.20 10/6/2012 3.63 41.5 3.04 3.04 10/7/2012 3.83 48.5 3.17 3.17 10/8/2012 3.64 45.3 3.08 3.08 10/9/2012 3.48 44.4 2.99 2.99 10/10/2012 3.38 46.9 2.93 2.93 10/11/2012 3.37 44.9 2.92 2.92 10/12/2012 3.39 44.6 2.95 2.95 10/13/2012 3.24 36.9 2.89 2.89 10/14/2012 3.12 33.3 2.84 2.84 10/15/2012 3.03 32.4 2.80 2.80 10/16/2012 2.96 30.6 2.77 2.77 10/17/2012 2.90 30.7 2.75 2.75 10/18/2012 2.85 30.0 2.74 2.74 10/19/2012 2.81 32.1 2.72 2.72 10/20/2012 2.78 34.9 2.70 2.70 10/21/2012 2.75 35.1 2.69 2.69 10/22/2012 2.72 36.9 2.68 2.68 10/23/2012 2.69 33.4 2.68 2.68 10/24/2012 2.66 33.4 2.66 2.66 10/25/2012 2.67 37.4 2.66 2.66 10/26/2012 2.75 38.2 2.69 2.69 10/27/2012 2.80 38.2 2.71 2.71 10/28/2012 2.74 38.9 2.69 2.69 10/29/2012 2.68 37.6 2.67 2.67 10/30/2012 2.64 31.0 2.66 2.66 10/31/2012 2.59 26.6 2.64 2.64 11/1/2012 2.55 24.5 2.63 2.63 11/2/2012 2.54 29.4 2.61 2.61 11/3/2012 2.51 27.8 2.60 2.60 11/4/2012 2.47 27.3 2.58 2.58 11/5/2012 2.45 27.2 2.55 2.55 11/6/2012 2.43 26.9 2.48 2.48 11/7/2012 2.42 26.5 2.41 2.41 11/8/2012 2.49 36.8 2.41 2.41 11/9/2012 3.86 42.7 3.25 3.25 11/10/2012 4.14 39.2 3.46 3.46 11/11/2012 3.61 37.2 3.14 3.14 11/12/2012 3.31 34.5 2.96 2.96 11/13/2012 3.43 38.7 2.98 2.98 Bridge Dam Date Stage, ft Temperature, deg F Raw Stage, ft Corrected Stage, ft 11/14/2012 3.44 37.0 3.02 3.02 11/15/2012 3.27 30.2 2.93 2.93 11/16/2012 3.03 27.0 2.88 2.88 11/17/2012 3.05 24.8 3.01 3.01 11/18/2012 2.89 19.0 2.84 2.77 11/19/2012 2.80 18.4 2.93 2.72 11/20/2012 2.76 16.6 2.91 2.70 11/21/2012 2.71 16.5 2.88 2.67 11/22/2012 2.68 16.6 2.86 2.65 11/23/2012 2.67 20.5 2.84 2.63 11/24/2012 2.62 18.8 2.82 2.61 11/25/2012 2.59 22.0 2.81 2.60 11/26/2012 2.57 27.5 2.79 2.58 11/27/2012 2.73 34.4 2.75 2.66 11/28/2012 2.72 29.9 2.70 2.70 11/29/2012 2.65 25.2 2.63 2.62 11/30/2012 2.51 21.5 2.66 2.56 12/1/2012 2.55 27.6 2.71 2.50 12/2/2012 2.50 26.0 2.64 2.43 12/3/2012 2.45 18.9 2.57 2.36 12/4/2012 2.45 14.9 2.50 2.29 12/5/2012 2.47 11.7 2.44 2.23 12/6/2012 2.41 15.6 2.36 2.15 12/7/2012 2.43 17.5 2.25 2.04 12/8/2012 2.87 33.3 2.39 2.18 12/9/2012 3.53 34.1 3.12 2.98 12/10/2012 3.08 29.9 2.79 2.79 12/11/2012 2.91 29.5 2.70 2.70 12/12/2012 3.03 34.8 2.76 2.76 12/13/2012 2.93 31.8 2.73 2.73 12/14/2012 2.81 27.4 2.68 2.68 12/15/2012 3.19 19.0 2.65 2.62 12/16/2012 2.92 24.0 2.74 2.53 12/17/2012 2.68 25.6 2.66 2.45 12/18/2012 2.75 21.3 2.67 2.46 12/19/2012 2.60 12.3 2.57 2.36 12/20/2012 2.55 15.7 2.50 2.29 12/21/2012 2.52 9.4 2.44 2.23 12/22/2012 2.56 16.8 2.39 2.18 12/23/2012 2.49 11.5 2.32 2.11 12/24/2012 2.46 17.1 2.25 2.04 12/25/2012 2.41 20.0 2.16 1.95 12/26/2012 3.52 32.0 2.30 2.19 12/27/2012 3.64 30.6 2.86 2.86 12/28/2012 3.51 30.6 2.77 2.77 12/29/2012 3.72 31.2 3.12 2.92 12/30/2012 3.46 30.5 3.02 2.81 12/31/2012 3.31 31.8 2.97 2.76 1/1/2013 3.16 31.4 2.95 2.77 1/2/2013 3.16 31.8 2.76 2.76 1/3/2013 3.24 31.3 2.79 2.79 1/4/2013 3.01 29.4 2.73 2.73 1/5/2013 2.96 30.0 2.72 2.72 1/6/2013 2.88 30.3 2.68 2.68 1/7/2013 2.79 28.6 2.64 2.64 1/8/2013 2.73 26.9 2.54 2.54 1/9/2013 2.79 30.3 2.48 2.48 1/10/2013 2.82 29.7 2.59 2.59 1/11/2013 2.91 31.0 2.70 2.70 1/12/2013 3.47 38.5 2.83 2.83 1/13/2013 4.10 35.5 3.37 3.37 1/14/2013 3.85 32.3 3.25 3.25 1/15/2013 3.43 28.5 3.00 3.00 1/16/2013 3.16 24.9 2.85 2.85 1/17/2013 3.01 19.8 2.79 2.78 1/18/2013 2.98 27.2 2.86 2.74 1/19/2013 3.84 33.8 2.95 2.90 Bridge Dam Date Stage, ft Temperature, deg F Raw Stage, ft Corrected Stage, ft 1/20/2013 4.05 34.5 3.22 3.22 1/21/2013 4.19 33.4 3.19 3.19 1/22/2013 3.95 32.5 3.21 3.21 1/23/2013 3.56 31.2 2.98 2.98 1/24/2013 3.33 30.1 2.88 2.88 1/25/2013 3.15 26.4 2.81 2.81 1/26/2013 3.01 21.1 2.76 2.76 1/27/2013 2.94 19.7 2.86 2.72 1/28/2013 3.28 26.2 2.92 2.71 1/29/2013 3.65 32.5 2.93 2.72 1/30/2013 3.21 31.8 2.82 2.80 1/31/2013 3.10 30.7 2.80 2.80 2/1/2013 3.45 33.3 2.85 2.85 2/2/2013 3.81 33.9 3.02 3.02 2/3/2013 3.81 32.0 3.12 3.12 2/4/2013 3.46 32.5 2.94 2.94 2/5/2013 3.23 30.3 2.84 2.84 2/6/2013 3.09 25.4 2.79 2.79 2/7/2013 3.00 31.4 2.75 2.75 2/8/2013 2.97 32.4 2.72 2.72 2/9/2013 3.59 33.5 2.88 2.88 2/10/2013 3.37 28.8 2.94 2.94 2/11/2013 3.15 28.7 2.83 2.83 2/12/2013 3.03 30.2 2.77 2.77 2/13/2013 2.98 29.2 2.75 2.75 2/14/2013 2.90 24.5 2.72 2.72 2/15/2013 2.80 18.3 2.68 2.68 2/16/2013 2.82 25.4 2.68 2.68 2/17/2013 2.79 22.6 2.65 2.65 2/18/2013 2.72 21.8 2.60 2.60 2/19/2013 2.78 30.9 2.61 2.61 2/20/2013 2.74 26.0 2.63 2.63 2/21/2013 2.67 24.9 2.56 2.56 2/22/2013 2.64 30.7 2.48 2.48 2/23/2013 2.63 30.8 2.45 2.45 2/24/2013 2.59 29.2 2.40 2.40 2/25/2013 2.73 23.4 2.36 2.36 2/26/2013 2.76 20.4 2.23 2.23 2/27/2013 2.52 22.3 2.23 2.23 2/28/2013 2.48 23.6 2.20 2.20 3/1/2013 2.46 24.4 2.11 2.11 3/2/2013 2.53 29.0 2.07 2.07 3/3/2013 2.63 30.9 2.10 2.10 3/4/2013 2.59 32.7 2.05 2.05 3/5/2013 2.84 32.8 2.02 2.02 3/6/2013 2.87 30.9 2.19 2.19 3/7/2013 4.67 33.9 3.03 3.03 3/8/2013 3.96 31.6 3.23 3.23 3/9/2013 3.67 29.4 3.13 3.13 3/10/2013 3.34 32.8 2.92 2.92 3/11/2013 3.13 29.8 2.81 2.81 3/12/2013 3.02 29.3 2.76 2.76 3/13/2013 2.94 27.6 2.73 2.73 3/14/2013 2.90 25.9 2.70 2.70 3/15/2013 2.93 21.1 2.83 2.66 3/16/2013 2.76 32.0 2.84 2.63 3/17/2013 2.72 31.6 2.80 2.59 3/18/2013 2.69 29.8 2.77 2.56 3/19/2013 2.65 26.7 2.70 2.49 3/20/2013 2.63 27.7 2.62 2.41 3/21/2013 2.59 26.9 2.56 2.35 3/22/2013 2.57 35.0 2.51 2.30 3/23/2013 2.55 31.5 2.47 2.26 3/24/2013 2.52 26.3 2.31 2.25 3/25/2013 2.57 18.5 2.38 2.17 3/26/2013 2.48 20.2 2.26 2.10 3/27/2013 2.49 30.8 2.06 2.06 Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 11 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. Bridge Dam Date Stage, ft Temperature, deg F Raw Stage, ft Corrected Stage, ft 3/28/2013 2.65 33.9 2.13 2.13 3/29/2013 2.63 35.2 2.15 2.15 3/30/2013 2.62 33.0 2.19 2.19 3/31/2013 2.60 35.0 2.18 2.18 4/1/2013 2.58 33.2 2.23 2.12 4/2/2013 2.59 33.4 2.18 2.07 4/3/2013 2.70 34.5 2.06 2.06 4/4/2013 3.44 33.5 2.55 2.55 4/5/2013 3.27 35.0 2.80 2.80 4/6/2013 3.06 34.5 2.73 2.73 4/7/2013 2.93 28.1 2.68 2.68 4/8/2013 2.85 20.8 2.65 2.65 4/9/2013 2.80 17.1 2.73 2.61 4/10/2013 2.75 23.3 2.75 2.54 4/11/2013 2.70 21.2 2.66 2.45 4/12/2013 2.66 22.1 2.57 2.36 4/13/2013 2.62 27.3 2.50 2.29 4/14/2013 2.59 34.2 2.37 2.24 4/15/2013 2.57 33.7 2.18 2.18 4/16/2013 2.60 36.3 2.29 2.12 4/17/2013 2.59 33.9 2.11 2.03 4/18/2013 2.60 33.6 1.95 1.95 4/19/2013 2.61 38.4 1.85 1.85 4/20/2013 2.61 33.0 1.73 1.73 4/21/2013 2.63 39.6 1.60 1.60 4/22/2013 2.71 34.9 1.52 1.52 4/23/2013 3.18 36.8 1.93 1.93 4/24/2013 3.27 43.5 2.69 2.69 4/25/2013 3.49 43.6 2.85 2.85 4/26/2013 3.36 40.4 2.85 2.85 4/27/2013 3.24 34.1 2.81 2.81 4/28/2013 3.12 34.8 2.77 2.77 4/29/2013 3.07 37.7 2.74 2.74 4/30/2013 3.07 35.2 2.74 2.74 5/1/2013 3.11 36.3 2.75 2.75 5/2/2013 3.11 35.2 2.75 2.75 5/3/2013 3.05 35.9 2.74 2.74 5/4/2013 3.00 34.6 2.72 2.72 5/5/2013 2.96 36.3 2.70 2.70 5/6/2013 2.94 34.7 2.70 2.70 5/7/2013 2.93 36.6 2.69 2.69 5/8/2013 3.26 36.0 2.75 2.75 5/9/2013 3.66 36.4 2.91 2.91 5/10/2013 3.81 43.3 3.10 3.10 5/11/2013 3.71 38.1 3.06 3.06 5/12/2013 3.56 43.2 2.96 2.96 5/13/2013 3.57 41.6 2.96 2.96 5/14/2013 3.55 42.1 2.97 2.97 5/15/2013 3.50 38.6 2.96 2.96 5/16/2013 3.44 40.1 2.92 2.92 5/17/2013 3.36 30.9 2.90 2.90 5/18/2013 3.23 32.8 2.86 2.86 5/19/2013 3.16 39.7 2.81 2.81 5/20/2013 3.21 40.9 2.81 2.81 5/21/2013 3.75 42.9 3.02 3.02 5/22/2013 4.12 42.4 3.41 3.41 5/23/2013 3.97 45.6 3.29 3.29 5/24/2013 3.99 45.6 3.28 3.28 5/25/2013 4.29 39.6 3.43 3.43 5/26/2013 4.66 38.3 3.75 3.75 5/27/2013 4.96 39.1 3.91 3.91 5/28/2013 4.89 43.3 4.02 4.02 5/29/2013 4.49 47.9 3.67 3.67 5/30/2013 4.39 42.8 3.59 3.59 5/31/2013 4.24 43.4 3.49 3.49 6/1/2013 4.12 43.2 3.40 3.40 6/2/2013 4.84 42.4 3.73 3.73 6/3/2013 5.58 40.9 4.59 4.59 6/4/2013 4.69 45.4 3.85 3.85 Bridge Dam Date Stage, ft Temperature, deg F Raw Stage, ft Corrected Stage, ft 6/5/2013 4.28 41.2 3.47 3.47 6/6/2013 4.29 48.0 3.46 3.46 6/7/2013 4.34 55.3 3.47 3.47 6/8/2013 4.66 57.0 3.72 3.72 6/9/2013 4.41 48.5 3.63 3.63 6/10/2013 4.16 49.6 3.37 3.37 6/11/2013 4.18 51.5 3.37 3.37 6/12/2013 4.19 43.7 3.44 3.44 6/13/2013 4.42 45.5 3.54 3.54 6/14/2013 4.24 47.6 3.49 3.49 6/15/2013 4.31 48.1 3.46 3.46 6/16/2013 4.70 52.6 3.79 3.79 6/17/2013 4.42 48.5 3.63 3.63 6/18/2013 4.33 52.5 3.50 3.50 6/19/2013 4.31 45.4 3.54 3.54 6/20/2013 4.66 44.3 3.73 3.73 6/21/2013 4.47 45.7 3.70 3.70 6/22/2013 5.57 44.2 4.45 4.45 6/23/2013 5.14 43.7 4.10 4.10 6/24/2013 4.85 46.8 4.02 4.02 6/25/2013 4.37 56.5 3.48 3.48 6/26/2013 4.68 55.6 3.69 3.69 6/27/2013 4.57 52.9 3.75 3.75 6/28/2013 4.24 50.8 3.45 3.45 6/29/2013 4.19 53.0 3.42 3.42 6/30/2013 4.49 49.1 3.61 3.61 7/1/2013 4.12 47.7 3.45 3.45 7/2/2013 3.86 47.1 3.21 3.21 7/3/2013 3.85 47.1 3.17 3.17 7/4/2013 3.84 47.8 3.20 3.20 7/5/2013 3.80 49.1 3.15 3.15 7/6/2013 3.91 48.6 3.22 3.22 7/7/2013 3.86 50.3 3.21 3.21 7/8/2013 3.91 46.9 3.24 3.24 7/9/2013 3.82 52.9 3.16 3.16 7/10/2013 3.86 50.7 3.21 3.21 7/11/2013 3.90 48.2 3.22 3.22 7/12/2013 3.95 49.6 3.27 3.27 7/13/2013 3.93 50.3 3.26 3.26 7/14/2013 3.91 51.4 3.24 3.24 7/15/2013 3.85 49.0 3.21 3.21 7/16/2013 3.92 53.1 3.21 3.21 7/17/2013 4.55 54.6 3.64 3.64 7/18/2013 4.35 56.2 3.59 3.59 7/19/2013 3.91 59.5 3.25 3.25 7/20/2013 3.97 59.3 3.27 3.27 7/21/2013 3.84 56.4 3.20 3.20 7/22/2013 3.94 60.0 3.24 3.24 7/23/2013 3.85 60.1 3.19 3.19 7/24/2013 3.89 61.1 3.21 3.21 7/25/2013 3.68 61.7 3.10 3.10 7/26/2013 3.55 56.8 3.02 3.02 7/27/2013 3.48 52.8 2.98 2.98 7/28/2013 3.40 53.2 2.94 2.94 7/29/2013 3.34 53.2 2.91 2.91 7/30/2013 3.34 52.4 2.91 2.91 7/31/2013 4.45 53.9 3.54 3.54 8/1/2013 4.08 53.5 3.36 3.36 8/2/2013 4.29 51.9 3.35 3.35 8/3/2013 4.38 52.9 3.70 3.70 8/4/2013 3.80 51.8 3.16 3.16 8/5/2013 4.10 50.4 3.14 3.14 8/6/2013 6.21 48.4 4.98 4.98 8/7/2013 4.78 48.7 3.90 3.90 8/8/2013 4.11 50.7 3.29 3.29 8/9/2013 3.84 50.5 3.11 3.11 8/10/2013 3.68 51.4 3.01 3.01 8/11/2013 3.56 54.5 2.94 2.94 8/12/2013 3.48 55.7 2.90 2.90 Bridge Dam Date Stage, ft Temperature, deg F Raw Stage, ft Corrected Stage, ft 8/13/2013 3.42 50.4 2.87 2.87 8/14/2013 3.50 52.3 2.92 2.92 8/15/2013 3.42 53.8 2.89 2.89 8/16/2013 3.62 49.5 2.99 2.99 8/17/2013 3.64 49.6 3.00 3.00 8/18/2013 3.79 52.3 3.13 3.13 8/19/2013 3.58 48.7 3.00 3.00 8/20/2013 3.47 53.4 2.92 2.92 8/21/2013 3.43 55.3 2.90 2.90 8/22/2013 3.41 54.1 2.89 2.89 8/23/2013 3.36 53.3 2.86 2.86 8/24/2013 3.28 57.7 2.83 2.83 8/25/2013 3.27 52.0 2.82 2.82 8/26/2013 3.24 50.0 2.81 2.81 8/27/2013 3.20 52.1 2.80 2.80 8/28/2013 3.23 48.4 2.81 2.81 8/29/2013 3.29 50.4 2.84 2.84 8/30/2013 3.25 58.4 2.82 2.82 8/31/2013 3.20 53.2 2.80 2.80 9/1/2013 3.21 52.4 2.80 2.80 9/2/2013 3.69 57.2 3.04 3.04 9/3/2013 3.64 54.1 3.02 3.02 9/4/2013 3.48 51.4 2.94 2.94 9/5/2013 3.36 50.0 2.88 2.88 9/6/2013 3.30 49.8 2.84 2.84 9/7/2013 3.23 51.6 2.82 2.82 9/8/2013 3.50 47.2 2.89 2.89 9/9/2013 3.79 50.3 3.15 3.15 9/10/2013 3.63 48.2 3.03 3.03 9/11/2013 3.48 48.3 2.93 2.93 9/12/2013 4.76 49.5 3.72 3.72 9/13/2013 4.07 48.8 3.37 3.37 9/14/2013 3.74 50.1 3.08 3.08 9/15/2013 3.56 47.4 2.97 2.97 9/16/2013 3.43 46.9 2.90 2.90 9/17/2013 3.36 46.5 2.86 2.86 9/18/2013 3.26 44.8 2.81 2.81 9/19/2013 3.22 45.5 2.79 2.79 9/20/2013 3.24 45.2 2.80 2.80 9/21/2013 3.29 42.9 2.83 2.83 9/22/2013 3.27 40.3 2.83 2.83 9/23/2013 3.26 42.9 2.83 2.83 9/24/2013 3.39 46.3 2.87 2.87 9/25/2013 3.65 47.5 3.04 3.04 9/26/2013 3.63 43.8 3.05 3.05 9/27/2013 3.88 42.4 3.14 3.14 9/28/2013 3.84 39.0 3.20 3.20 9/29/2013 3.58 38.2 3.00 3.00 9/30/2013 3.43 38.7 2.92 2.92 10/1/2013 3.33 39.7 2.86 2.86 10/2/2013 4.30 40.9 3.18 3.18 10/3/2013 5.48 41.0 4.58 4.58 10/4/2013 4.14 39.6 3.36 3.36 10/5/2013 3.80 38.6 3.08 3.08 10/6/2013 3.66 41.0 2.97 2.97 10/7/2013 2.91 2.91 10/8/2013 3.15 3.15 If you disagree with any information contained herein, please advise immediately Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 12 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 7. Diesel Power Plant The data logging meter in the diesel power plant was temporarily removed in order to download data. It was found that the meter was not in record mode since the date of last download on 6/19/2013. The meter was reinstalled in the diesel plant and set to record data. Downloading data from the PEL or reading the data files from the SD card requires the PEL DataView software. The table below summarizes the data downloaded from the power meter. Table 6 - Power Meter Daily Demand Data Power Meter Daily Demand Date Average (kW) Peak (kW) 3/29/2013 65 78 3/30/2013 64 93 3/31/2013 62 89 4/1/2013 65 80 4/2/2013 68 82 4/3/2013 71 87 4/4/2013 75 92 4/5/2013 70 95 4/6/2013 62 77 4/7/2013 66 89 4/8/2013 76 91 4/9/2013 76 92 4/10/2013 75 93 4/11/2013 76 95 4/12/2013 77 98 4/13/2013 68 86 4/14/2013 62 79 4/15/2013 80 102 4/16/2013 88 107 4/17/2013 74 101 4/18/2013 64 85 4/19/2013 62 73 4/20/2013 61 80 4/21/2013 59 80 4/22/2013 76 103 4/23/2013 91 105 4/24/2013 88 101 4/25/2013 114 144 4/26/2013 138 156 Power Meter Daily Demand Date Average (kW) Peak (kW) 4/27/2013 142 171 4/28/2013 146 170 4/29/2013 145 159 4/30/2013 143 159 5/1/2013 141 153 5/2/2013 145 162 5/3/2013 155 177 5/4/2013 155 179 5/5/2013 154 168 5/6/2013 158 179 5/7/2013 157 176 5/8/2013 161 188 5/9/2013 166 190 5/10/2013 157 176 5/11/2013 164 191 5/12/2013 158 188 5/13/2013 158 181 5/14/2013 164 191 5/15/2013 165 190 5/16/2013 168 190 5/17/2013 179 211 5/18/2013 182 208 5/19/2013 168 185 5/20/2013 172 192 5/21/2013 174 196 5/22/2013 168 189 5/23/2013 166 188 5/24/2013 163 189 5/25/2013 177 216 Power Meter Daily Demand Date Average (kW) Peak (kW) 5/26/2013 180 202 5/27/2013 183 209 5/28/2013 177 206 5/29/2013 154 180 5/30/2013 153 175 5/31/2013 160 183 6/1/2013 156 179 6/2/2013 168 207 6/3/2013 174 207 6/4/2013 164 191 6/5/2013 171 201 6/6/2013 150 186 6/7/2013 145 170 6/8/2013 139 161 6/9/2013 146 165 6/10/2013 148 177 6/11/2013 147 170 6/12/2013 149 171 6/13/2013 157 188 6/14/2013 162 186 6/15/2013 150 168 6/16/2013 149 172 6/17/2013 164 203 6/18/2013 139 169 6/19/2013 139 174 Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 13 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 8. Appendix 8.1 BPE Record of Flow Measurement, Bridge Site October 6th, 2013 Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 14 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 8.2 BPE Record of Flow Measurement, Dam Site October 7th, 2013 Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 15 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 8.3 BPE Record of Flow Measurement, Bridge Site October 8th, 2013 Chignik Chignik stream gauge trip report 20131213, Rev. A Page 16 © Hatch 2014 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents. 9. End of Report Daniel Hertrich