HomeMy WebLinkAboutBethel Wind Farm Resource Assessment - Feb 2006 - REF Grant 2195432�� ALASKA 401rD EPiEFbCYAUTHORIIY lli hd RP:swirce Assessment for 13ETHEL, ALAS KA raric 0511TKxjir-cd. bT -'20M Lmp by: Mho peMlhe. 517E SUI14141ARY Sd-E If 5334 Latitude ?NAI)27)' N' 47' 8' N N E1i.7$56 Magnade Dedlnoian: 14' 5V Cost Tow, e r Tylaw, 604eter N RG Tell Towu SanEar Hits: 30m. 40m, 60m ElmlW: 42-3 malara (1-28 It) Monihcr Start: 12WC04 MOO Mgrti1 r E14: 211 00511: DD In D-ccembeir 204, a 50-meterrnetew-obgioal 1awarwm Installed 8rF hlgh gmund we-st ofilIhe Bethol ai" The purpusu Othis munkring eFfuA is to eval--tatett-m feagihdity dutiltzing urlllty-s"lawind ifk the et-MmunAy. The measungd M,A Ypeed and direction date St [he slta was rrompsred ko 1vng4wm i aNs In the :raa Wit aedmatnw om iralcjulMod for ft pVlantial anargy produdhon From %-Pious tV of v4nd WMIn . MN RESOURCE SUMMARY Arinu.1' Average Wind Opvnd 150m heigh* 7.3 mks (1 & 3 mph) Annual-A-varage Vdlnd Speed (33m Melgf}; 0.7 rn-'s (1h-u mph) Aver-i9@ VM4 f 4wv Drrislty (50m hulghi) M4G V rn" Avenge VWAd Pcwes Density i 30m heighij W WArnk W-rd Cla" (ram ■ -1 �o 7�: Claw 4 9,Wlrlg (Poor. Mwglnal. Fair, i3u{xd, ExrdLunt, Outstanding): GaDd Prevailing W4nd Direction: Nt P1ehdAhry1NiAAffkm. F.ricedi r--- -- -' wrr,a iG.*&d 1Pervr4 I �� --- --- —hti� dt� — dui 4i�i ddr6dr�,dP#31,.�##Ir � A 4' #! -*.A" 00% HirjM ihn Naryha OWW rnwlnd Wd & 1 df 13 PabvarX 2LLM Alaska EnergyAuthor4 BITTHEI,, AK Wind R,o&auro,--c*srnarql 1NTRCOUCMON Prdivious vAld mun•tharing affur#6 have been LQ"ducied in U-.e Bethel Qr;m vrih Ie!$s Ihan haw-aroktC MU Rs, The equipment used to those shsdies waa mounted an �O-nWeer lower and wwo located adjawmt to the buldings that would be sen%ed by Q wwA turbine. The Nzeij energy AulhahLy )ftlt that tba ch3so prar ng4yr Iataul gs a---�d 1he ICW elevalko OF the stlxn rawlted In a wind resoce chat ;gas rKA repmmmsuva of the area Qnd that winds sitar for a utility -scale wirdd p-evjaLt ;uauld be Lund a -6hw diuwnca plaid* pt twm. I n Decembw 21M, AlEA, VSEnoFW, and focal resldews indalle4da 50-meter meWarokglcpl lowrx (lets in;ie1 Coach %lvA t) an pflyaW rand west Qf luwn. This location c% mart llkeiy I4 bq tspmsontrya gf 9ethaVs lest wind rasourw are and was raczrnmended by wwiOsitha m0lamlogisl John Wade- The purpose of iNs manitorlrig eftart is to evaluala the fe;mIbih V of tAlliZing Udljb► sCalo wend dvwrgy+ in the camnunit}. This report summarizaa- the wind resource data collactud and 1he Ionglerrn eneii-o praductian pwejlial al the sits. SITE DESCR1 PMON Selh,el is looted near the rnWn of the Ku#k4CWiin RW&. sWut 40 miles inland tiant 1h,% Bering -Sea and 40D air M1166 W&O Of A40orage. Figure 1 Ish+€ ws 1he location of iha-met tower mtkvn is the surrounding terrain. The nil tuwerIs lacat$d on a ridge e• ai;g'dY higher elewEdan Man the town site. HF LWA kT lab {[!1hMfzL til4 •IPl .: k hrTr r7 T! Si TPCAL . E=\ = M&=j.MPML MW Rowe 1. T-Ppowsphic Map of Met Tcwor Situ and SuTroundfng Area www. al*,enargv !homyr- ragrarrrmmd.mmI Page 2 of ' 3 FWbn-Lv' 2in]G Alas*a Energy Au hordy BETI EL, AK Wind Reuwrce Assesgmeiv-1 The phoWs below jOusimte the Burr*undrrq Veund anmr and any mejordinitian5_ which cauH affect how the wirld Mdwp ffimF tree tarmin %nm a party dvadlirn- As &hmvn, Hie larhdacap n aurromcling the mat tnwar site is free -of nlistnactions and nelaiively flat - ' iti"1r North N_. E=asl Se Scarlh SW 'AP-SL Figure 2. Views Taken from Mel T#W4F ftSd Table 1 lists the types at sensors thal u,&e USed, Joe Cheri"l Ot the dtala luggr that each ssfsu-was wrnrud rota, ari where *mh i nos r was mountW on she I r, tabu #_ :Rurrimary M S&Ftioft In -dal lnd nn thn MA Tnwpr Ch ig Sonaw Typo Ohl C#fsOL Bien Orieintablon NRG S;landaw 20' Trus 1 *40 Anenwneter ISU m W AnL-m¢rn&tar 64 m f RG tar�dsr 29 ' Tr1J a AlOAnemarrreter ha m NRG Indwd 110, True # 11s#O nemornetar 3D m MRS Glanderd 2&' True; 7 #nDP VWA Vane 60 m 209'True 110' True 8 #21011P 1r*W Vane #0 m 1IT True 290' True 0 #11 M Temperature 4 M I NR-G Stands _ N aQmi, Menem 1 NE IIfGH2, 5ftanarn 5 , 4Om pno5r'.'i W F p Tmmnr P , Uhl an� SV51 5 CIaF, 56m -mne gCRA,4ti„ Aerial view of equipment on Lower ti+Ww pegaaof 13 Fdbfubrlr 2DX AiaS�;g EM6W ArrilV.nl4 BETHEL. AK Wind Ftesaurcc-Asserssrnerd DATA PROCESSING PRDCEIOUFLES AND DEFINITIONS The r-gowing ini rma�i Llrti� riz� L�� dek� promising pr�oedures 1ha1 r�era p-wfo-gad caRn rww maasure+d data in order 4o create an ermual dalasetof (typical' wind spaeds, could then he used to calculate potential pgwer Rroducl-co lrgm wind turbinea. There Ora vwlous melhods *nd res-sons for adaushng the raw data. so the purpose of Vwne rpMes Is to doowAwl wh�A wa& done In this situohon. The raw Bala W Is a4l8ble -an the Alaska Ereqyr Authority wBbsite fya4thor�l .4r�� so orre could parr -arm their own cl:pta progesging pncedures. The praceErr_d date set is also availsWe Unlfs- i;inra mast wind turbine specifir"ations are provided in m>.eft unitg, ftwe wails are used in thin report. 7 rrreterr o1d 5 2.24 mphr = 1.95 kn 1 "tor;- 3.28 Feel 1 'C = &M ('F-32� FoWMr :5i,9dbW -The tcwer ileelf ran afferi readingsfrrxn LhesnemomeMr;M times when. the enemometar bs lacalad dnwrvmid of" Inwer Taavoad tNtL effect, two an inetarl«>rr pad at thatop ievol so Thal tleitilmr would �e In thew$ke 011W lower at lhC- sumo irnor. Ohe data rM is vwnpRed-hrum the 2 anamomstersdepending on this dirrrckrt4thewind et aau given iana- Ieling - ArtonlWles IM LM,1Jta tar sug t When iha sensars were not recording accwaleh due Co xing events S; wind Ymms tend to Frep7e hefnrrfifrr anemometers, icing are typii:ally 41ntAhed wherfe"r the IOh minute stand;3ed tkqrUV1inn of M-8 W kd wane is Mr-O {the wind vans` is mI rrua'ainq) and Lhe temperature h at or belum freezing- Som addi,ivnal time buFare and allr the idng -scum are remuved W aoeouni fu- Lha stow buildup and shedding of Ice on the sensors. VitFing Gaps - "h€�nevnr measured mat tmrref data is aw-milablL% rl Is u d- Two digit mvffigde air$ r,>:ged to fill in the ramaining portion of the year First, it nearby Ort d LS availat�*, a br>"r "rWalim vquallon is defined ballvow the wiport and meA Ww r site, and airport data is iadjusted to fill the gap_ If neither meL tamew nm sirpcat dalta is avadabbe For a giiren lrmestap, the software pmgram VArAogr$pher fwurw.rnlsi g-42) Is used. V& apeher uses esMlliol nwMhWsbas4Ld on pdtterfs M 1h4 data summ id ng 1}ie-quip, and is gcxA furging OM 9tps In data. Langftrm ENWatas -The year all dalacolect&d of Lhm rrbat tower We can he sdjusbr d to eecuuO for InLer-annual; fiuCLuarti�ms In lha wind resnu€e. To-do this, a nearby weslher stet an with a hilt-oaal n5cord of wind data and with a stnxq cnrrela0an i� the rrr,el lower kwMrcq is ne ed. If 1l irultableSUtiarl: it nai availabIle. th" is a higher W-tel of of carb;iitV In the wind "cocd IWI is nurasurad being repxesantaliw+e of a tTpical year. 7orhuIen�+ Intenmil - Tgrhukr" l Se l Is tha most fear measure of tho turiuulanue of t1m wRA. Turhuilenae uiiterivy Is ell Mated at r&rh 1 Orn-muto tirnestap by dividing Me slanderd deviation of ilM w nd speed d uring the; fimaMinp by the awarap Yylnd speed aver that tvrreetap_ it ,% cak-Aftd only wharf the row wi nil spa r!D ;al leovl d rn s_ Telly, a turbulencia inier 4 of 0.10 or less Is de�ired irof M6*!1i51,hrtar on wind LurbicA� companeTiis. Wind Sheer-TkpbnnW, wrrd speeda incnee�s with heighlobom glau d level. This werllcal voidatlan is wind d is1$lled wirwl shear and le lnfluemce4 byr suftc4 r hneaa, surraund:rg terrain. and aimospheHc stabYrty. The Ma 10Mr' N ifigmpped wilh arremcmebms at diiff rant heightrs as that the wind shear aapnnani. Q, nan ba caIgukate�d attar ir,g bathe pawerlaw brmule- $ w � wfm!�rc H i mW HU are the het hts. and v, and v, are 1he measuro wlrh3 "geds, k t~e 1Nir1d sheaT y9 aalcufeted orrlywhh wind speed date move 4 nv$, Valuet erirl MM06 frbfM O:M to 0:2-5, with A lyrpical 54Lre of.0.14. w w akariergmmhant'rAK"r mer►nulrtiritrnt Pega 4 rtf 13 Fa"rV 2aC6 Ak�ska EneW Aulkx ty BETHEL.AX Wrin Ri�&Mirce Asseasmenl Scaling to Hktb 14olght - If the wired imbine huh height is dti%FeM from the height et which the wind rtLsburca is mmmsurod, the wind mum" c*n he adjusted ulIng tihe power kaw rormulls %crihed aba-s and uslag IM wAnd Ai-bardwa adWatad at the city. Air EW-n!&lt+ Adju rent -- TP4 Pw6r 1h9 c.,m tHt eAruted frc.m the wvid [a fka- tly related to the density of the alp. Air dens , p. is a tunOffn of lauq mrsturr, and pmmum and It <Ak:daWd for &wh U-mute FimesLep aiding baihelollmmng equation (units for airdlensityr era kghn)- _ 11 RAT Wharo R is pr+esaure (kPa). R is fho gas ornElant for air (21T7.1 ,l ftKj..and Ti is temporaiure In ftv1;r. Sarro fir pr sura is not me$sured of The mel loner iite, the 9--le elevation is used to calculate an annual avimaga air phtisuro u.-Cie at -coming loIma foll&mrg ftWelion: Pm1.2-0.104x1GO) xeL-,vatian Since winrd lurbirie power;Lvves are based un a Awe dard jair denrikyL cl 1.225 kWmS. LhuY&d spy measUrsrJcil the met tvmr site ire a-lywsied 0 droulk� WaWwd wlO 9peQd vplue& LW on be =TWrtd Rg the standard power curYas. The 4uvrnont is made aczordmp to that tblbMirg Ba la; r Wlmd FawBr Comity - Wind power denslEy pmvidea a more wourate repre'sen eMn of a siLdr, wind eorgf p lChrial il'rarr the AMMWW eti-8rap w1ma spy bainnum e1 erciudes how speeds ere disWbutad around .he avwaga Eks mdNI as the local air donshy. Unite of v*W power donsity ar4 mats par spuaru meter and repmwt thv per produeed per square meter of area that the blpdee sweep. 11ldind Rower Class -A sewn laeek clasailIc-Otion syBtern based an wind power densly fs used to si`mW.Hy the comporlson of pctentiel wife :skw Areas of Olms A and higher ore annsMered-9Wable ror tufi%-uSa wind pcwar de mIDprr,ont. WasscA of Warnd PoworConsltyr 10 M 31>rn Sam F tl �fa9■ WPD (1hke2ji Speed {mho WFID {4 W12) Spa -ad (ra}� WFID fffiru'll Sid Erna-D} 1 _ ; 9-,4..q -1 W -. I --M _f5fia Per a 100 1!50 44-&1 log -M 5.1 -5.d 2ap-;30D 5A-5.4 fdlsrglnal t5U . 200 5.1 -sic 249 - MID SA 8.6 -30D - 4OU $.4- 7.d Fair 2W-20 M-6.0 3M- 40D &5-7.0 4M-SOD 7A.7-6 G"d 280 - Sao CC[ -i8.� 400. 7.0-7r+1 � -6aD 7-5-LO Excelwl d �-4M M - 7.0 480-134�D 7.4-62 em -1100 8.0 -&S Outstanding }are 7.70 3-MO }42 �onm i�a_fi Wetbu11 Olalrlibutlen -The Wmbull dl&trkgkon is commonly tiwd to spp•rvximete qhe %iW speQd frequency d:strikftn The Welbull Is tkefirwd a!s follows - No__ I,)", CX4 1011), r _9 here P(v) Is t3',e probpblilR r of Wind sped v occu", a is the scale fit-orwlh& is staled to the eweWe wind spaod and k Is the ape #atlor-Wh4h d6%erias tM -di#nbutien -of th& Kvd speea5. Typical 1c we1ue3 ranW km 3.& is I n, ti JIM ICMar k Yalues ires4brg3 in r:igheF nvaraoa wind pow -or den-aitins- www-Rki3ner,poLlhoMy-aM)pnXramWnd #rlml Pop E of 13 F5bworg 2UOU Alaska Energy A ftrity BETHEL, AK l&d ResowteAssessmeW LONG-TERM RUERIENCE STATION 'Arind data from the SeCell alrpcM w aSher =tlun. looxad 2.5 miler. eav cif Ihe met tawerafte, seRms ss a long-term reference for the wind re3crurae M the area. Doc dr. nmoBured at a halght of 10 rare ainve 9ro-Yid ICI -ond ton i �4Yxlrn of 87.5 r iftts. The Nalianal Saltier Service upgraded the rnetecmbgLW Ir nik#ring ;� plx*er l; a,.1ho thel *UNrt to -in Automaled Surface Ohsorwing Sy. tvm (A45 ) on Nmmmhar 1, 1 WS Thla new equlpmerrl, allhough mar$ fate, rep resen,s a discontinuity in the 1c g-berm wind epeed record. Therefure, this report i!s W on rrre2swrernenli:5 begiaming January 1, 1909. Figure 3, ASOS Equlpment I Guflavl Hourly rand speed measurements from the $ethel airpr3rt vaasEheir etalion Dick are cony=urr-ent with fecuodrngs from tho mdj tower slW weft purchaa d Isom tt f+ aNnaK-Clilm tiC Cla;a Can1t�r• the cQrrg9Aipn coaffii-�w-1 between these sites is 0.87 (a valU-6of 1 ir. perfect}_ l7,is sUggeSt:i that, although tfiia WuA mind spy values ;'L#k*two sil,er. ere different, the paltem of *rrd speed fluctuations is similar between the sites Any historical patit-ms m the swpart station da-la can alo he applr!!pd La 1he meL Winer sits with a h;gfh dhi�yree of certainty. AL:P sFry an in Tahf� 2 and FDWre 4, the ar�a h-es a s rang searonal pstl--m, with g reeteff wind ap&W& in Uis wiFAW months ;hon th& wvAmeir mrAhs. The long-tavw uviuol zwerage wand speed at Jibe $Shot slrwrl a4a is S-2 which la faldy u nsisternt, fluctuating up to So- From yeaT to yruar Tabfe 2. t uTithfy Averaau Wlnd Epuvd!&at B thvl Airpurt, 104netartmight Cmfs) Ynar lain Feb Mar Apr INay dun Juk Aug Scp GrA Nov Doc Ave %of Lon Term AYe 1999 7.0 4.6 3 8 -5.6 4.7 4.13 4.9 4.3 4_ r 4.4 5t:15 99% 2UDD Fo.8 5.0 U 6.0 1.3 4.0 4.4 -5.2 4.9 4.7 62 6.4 &2 1UWFi 2001 :5A 5.8 U 6.9 B.2 4.7 +4--5 44 4.3 6.0 5.0 5,2 642 100% 2002 6.5 U. f 5.2 0.5 44 AI +4.0 -d.;3 53� 15,-0 51 4.7 52 101 W 2003 6.3 5.5 7.0 S.5 4.5 -45 4.9 4.1 4A 4.8 5.3 4.9 S-2 1 W% 2DD4 6.3 0.2 5.2 4.0 4.7 +4.3 3.8 4.2 4.2 3-6 6-2 5.8 5.1 67 % 120051 7.4 5-2 3,7 5.0 4.6 41 42 4.8 5.!a 45 $.3 0.0 5.3 1 Ua% iv.!5 li�-5 §,l " 4.7 4-S 4A C5 4.@ 5•0 5•1 5.7 1W% 111141 dill" 411I10Ilglllll11 llll IIIIril I_II� �II�III�IIII�M! �� --------------- ---- jFMAMj ALA S-E JDIFUMiJASOND4FWUN rJ,FWNOJFWW).'ASCNDa r MJJAS!)NDJFMAhW MJ Jrks'D L-'a +jis M 11§1110 joliF7 : MM 2-" 7 AM "6 $ M" IT Fkgur*e 4_ Monilklg and Annual Average Wind Speeds at 18stt3e9 Airport, 10-nelerheight xu+r�_B rr►sr uthorit�.u�� rare x�d trtr�l Paguaflf 13 Fe�uwry2006 Alaska Energy Authority QETHEL, nd R ro� Agsessrrw ,1 Aco" ng to Lbo ABOS data, Ike avert i2 viind spead in Lho yaar 2Oa5 was 5% -grg;Xer Dian 1he long4erm amt,@ggi, to '1`hrofore. lh*vrnd spW dp9a ruorijed al tha rrmet tower alto iJurrrq tho year 2005 E wasadjuved dowrTrvards by 3"A to wore 0El � aeeurslaty reflect what would be expected r the lexq tern,. 'r measured and m 4 - 22-4 Ck bng-germ -data!sot5 3t the airport and mot c - 3: 2 { i Lugkw Mat Rover Eaunale — 4,a Umr sites ers spawn in Figure b. 9 m Meawred art Data 11 Oro heol� E!Amrnewired spends rv�;Wded all the r_y — LangWrn krpor DuI4 Ob Bethel A803 am summed in Table 3. JAM Feh MAr Apr MFiV Jun Jul A-i2g Seri �2 Abnv EI&6 Re fastml mile Is defined as the speed of one mde �w�nd 1M 1 Re sea �h +�-seat er Figure 5. Wonsumd Versus Lang -Tartu Wind Spaeds In RdkGml r,Whsiri arid can t�crW!6hJevrd as ih-g maxeern :6us1aiP-,ed vsnnd speed. Theiaateritarea Feoarded aver a4t-year ve6cd was 27.7 Mh in Febnory 1951. The peak gust Ewer a 1-S-VLesr period was 34.4 WE in aber 15 Tables 3. Extreme Wind Speeds in BetF�el, 10m hel hers urce: Wastern RtgianaI C111mate CentaFj Aipat FastwaMilo ~( 1H7 1194 Ji 'd Ailrwart Reak dust 11092-10995 Mfg nigh _Ye*r 21.1 �4 1 1lsnfh im Feb 27.7 62 1 E61 1W 21 S 45 1 r 1 R_7 44 1979 r 11 41 11 43 ire 40 _ 1 74 Jun Jul! 1D,2 173 luq_ 2M 4-113 1970 24At 55 1960 Od 23.3 52 I t Nov 2& 9 60 19na #W 2FL$ 59 19Z? Ulm Will yew 2TS .0i 1 20.4 59 1 25-0 58 _5_1 53 49�1- 1995 22A 7 fi91 _ 1 fflo 1 W. 59 46 204 26-0 W 1W na as im .4 77 i .20.5 86 logo 1 29.9 The- vir lempm-a1iga e-on affect wind power prpdwllan In (po pronasy ways: 1) coWer impera;umn lead 94 higher air dt�mitlas and 4h6fafora m&a powur produdic", -and 2) savors wind turbines shul down in vegy cold 3itr s (usually ar:o+und—25`C). Theft* mveragetanvo a.ungE forBeQwl af$ shown Fel9w. Typically. the temperature drama below -25"G during 2_16 of the year, nr 185 hours pee -year. Weeured (mil lower) w - - Lvq-Term (alrpl" i5 r- -i� Jarr Feb Rao TArt u -12.4 42.7 -1 6.d -8.0 ,9.2 4LQ A -T.-D -2_2 Me& 73 6,3 ,dun Aug Sep 13.3 12,9 YfF.-Jti _ 1Z3 1 F.7 8-1 - Tic oat_ -1-2 46 V I -rye. I -0.2 uruw ar nor s4rll�a t-�rcJ�pr�rs�tixfntl hdml Rage 7 arf to Fubi my 2We +4 k@ Energy Amhv4y BETHEL, AK Wind ResuumB Assessment VAND DATA RE:SdJLTS FOR SETHEL I11ET T A !gr.M Table It :&Umrn-3rtos tt amount of d-31a tha; waa 5uzcemfullyr r$t'ivied from the defer bgger at tttc met tamer Site. There was sig fricerrtdata Ims duffing Ihewinuw manths due to k5ag of 1he sam"ts, cuWttyr In N vcrhb&. r rind Fmbnhwy. The rilrpert ASOS data wart used t-a A theme qaps whmrri pbsslhw. Th* rhmaininq gapa w &a filled wllh iffiind rlphar. Tnbin d_ daita Racnvonr Rate far Uu4 T&uwr AnPrr nmiLtmkm _ h Ja sryr 200S Mft Rmwr FW; Ilata-1.�i Due 1a leing 1 1 1% FebrueN 2005 11 100% - 1 34% - �B% bkirth 2oo5 Aped 2005 may 2M 11 0% J unt-28G5 1W% J* 2005 1 0% Aupw DS 1 UG% 0% swernlw 20GS I W% 0% mbar -205 1 ISO% 1 IVanmhar 2-COG I X% 31 % a rnber 2d05 100% % AMUal Aw iv 100% 13% V19nd SpmW Afsaarrra-menrs The wind re oun3a rude rrh--asu-ad at w$rieus n0ghls an lhe! iower. LOURS "1111 fhe 54melm and 30-m-btw ha�ghts we sure mnri�m tuolaw. fti Wt drtnlla of the 50-mi tar lewtfl era shawn 3n Ta e & Table S. Mea!5u" and Long -Term Average TrllSpe-eds iat M-etT -ar Silo, Wrkd SDeadr. Vmr] ,tan Fet} Nor Apr May Wn Jul Aug set UO Nbv Ocr-- A,rej 54rnflipht, Mn:su'Dd i0 f r.$ 0.5 70 5 !a 5 3 5.6 :6.6 3.3 6.0 B.B 9.1 ?.5 Nm Haight, L m .4 8.3 7 7.6 5.0 5 5 5.5 6.2 6.7 7A 7.9 e.4 30m :Hei-ght, wieasved 10-0 TO 7.7 62 5 A 4 9 5.1 6.1 7.5 6.1 7.5 8.3 15.0 Wm FlaigK Lcaq ` l i 3.8 7.4 7_8 r5 3 S ry 51 52 5.7 .15, T 6..9 7.-U 7.16 6.1 The sesunal wind speed profile shchn lffel the highest wlr'rd fflamm 21 Jarivar+y Ond Ihb IrrWnst wind rrrorM It Juna- ThedaLq wind speed pNft sh6w% 1hal wnd spce& bra lyrp V greebu in L1ha arftemann and ev ayng haum and rakner in the marningi- LongtermMm H*rpht � L�rl�idrlM�Ri ril;l�r11 IF k2 0 6 U i$ :2.4 T J F M A M J 4 A S 0 N1k lirxr&UX Figure 6. Saasanal and Dhxna}Wind Slond PraflIi for Met TGWeT Site, Lcirrg-term Estimata wriw.oftnrrgymrow".or[iprograrr=wnd.html PC)" h W 13 Fpbruffrr 2aDrT Alaska Energy Au hcrit+,r SETHr%. AK Wind Rtsj:?urQc A!5 rri T-vLhE� G. Latlrriated Lon gmTerm 1i4llnd ds at foot Toww Site, Sorb Hr}I q ht mtaj #four Jan F&b Mar Apr May Ju" Jul Aug Sep Oct Hqv Dw, ! 0 RIG 0.5 a.8 $.t -5.4 6.0 -0.8 8.4 8.5 78 6.1 9.4 7.8 1 9.4 8.-5 8.7 8-0 B-3 H-0 U-4 -9-2 &-5 7.0 7-0 n-:3 7:5 2 0.5 8.1 8.6 8.0 6.0 5.9 5.9 6.0 :5.4 7.0 7 7 9.8 7.4 a Q.5 -Q.q $.4 8.0 0.0 5.8 5.8 5.9 6.5 7.9 7.0 6.7 7.4 4 9:5 8.5 .5.7 7.9 6.0 5.1; 5,6 5.6 0.5 7.5 7 g E1.5 7.3 5 -0.3 8.4 $.$ 8.1 S.S 6.4 5.3 8.0 E 5 7-4 7.7 H.3 7.3 5 9.1 9.2 0.7 7.9 5.7 5.0 5.2 SS &4 7_a 7 0 0.8 7.1 7 -9.3 8.0 8.7 7.9 5.2 d.7 4.6 5.6 tk. 3 7,6 7-Q R.3 7LO S -0.3 8.2 8.5 7-5 5-0 4.7 4-8 5-9 6-3 7.9 7 A n-5 7,0 9 9.2 8.8 8.7 7A S. i A.8 6.1 5.8 O.3 7-7 b-.1 8:4 7A 10 S3 8.1 8:9 6.7 5.6 5.0 5.01 8.1 6,7 7-4 U 6.2 7.1 11 9.4 8.1 8.8 6.9 SA 5.2 5.1 0.4 6�O 7,4 al-3 a 1 72 12 9-3 $.! $.$ 6.7 S.9 0.3 6.3 -8.4 &9 7.6 6.1 EI.2 7.2 13 9.3 8.1 8.8 7.01 6.0 53 5.2 6.6 7-2 7A 74 EI.2 7.Z 14 :9.3 8.4 $,4 7J $,1 6.3 ! ti3 5.7 7.3 7.6 7.7 &7 7-3 15 9.6 8.3 8.7 7.3 6-1 5.4 5.7 8.7 T-S 7-$ 7.7 84 7,4 16 A6 $.2 $.7 7.3 6.4 6.6 8.01 &0 7.0 7-3 7.6 U 7-4 17 9-7 8-3 8-13 7-6 $-7 5.7 58 6-6 $.9 7.5 7.6 &S 7.4 1$ 8.:5 V 4.3 7.7 & S 5:0 0.0 6;6 & H 7-6 8.0 8.7 7.6 19 9.5 8.4 8.5 7.9 6.2 6.0 6.1 6.3 & 7 7.6 8.1 8.7 7,6 2C R3 &1 8-8 8.0 -0.3 0.0 5.7 6.9 0.7 7.7 7.9 SA 7-4 21 9.3 8.0 8.8 3.2 E.6 5-9 5.7 6-1 U 7.9 7.9 $:3 7A 22 0.6 -8.1 8.0 8.Z 8 G 00 B-0 H_4 B-8 s-2 7-9 B-7 7_6 23 9.4 8.2 8.8 8.2 GA 6.2 6-4 6.3 7,D 4.0 8.1 $.6 74 A -0.4 8.3 8.7 7.6 5 d 5.5 56 ix 2 0.7 7.0 7.9 8.4 7.3 The adma"d long-rfrm mr a wind spc+trd i!s 7.3 rru:s at a height of 5D meters at:o-oe gruu:nd level. Ward 1=r€r �irr A oon-.rngn method of displaying a year a! wield �M i; 8 w1nd lreqwtmcy -dIsIribAlon. which mows the percent of lhne ih3, -etch wind spnd um Flpura 7 Bhcwt Nhe mamue<d wind frequency distribution $s mil ea She best m.-R0*d 11YuIWIl diWt crn- iF1 :q C fl zjr to LL A Probability dWbA n Fulle#Jan Lanul"m &fir® Hr Ight Im fe ) �4aurat � �a4TA Yrb�1 �irslr ��� 31. 2'T aer7a� Nn;nfa HrW�r � dd i 151 2 396 3 72� # 3� 969 d5 17 tL:44 7 1,m 5 942 9 772 to 672 11 365 12 AR 13 1711 14 103 rti mks Htrsi r 15 7-2 15 EFB 17 27 t� 15 20 a 21 8 22 4 V ail 26 La yew 41�7w Ftgura 7. WIrrid 9paW FmquencY DWdlbutlan of Mot tower Data. 604rpater kmlght The vA4n wrrd speed 0 many wWW Minas Is 4 MIS and (her -mt-out wind imps is usually 15 rWs The ftequenqy disc ibuflan shown that a large pemwAega of Sm Wrrd: in RE.Ahel W wil;him this QPVWkmW Zoe, ww rPage 0 d 13 Fehmary Araska Ener>Wf Authority BETF•.EL, AX Wind Fesourcv Assosv+evil Wod Dkvc6OA WMnd pu el ox urs. Auw tha psruenl Uf+i ed pUOMFlhwt !�5ararlable in Lh-s wind by dirudlon. Tp-b iarl nuol wiad power robe far the n-et tower eke is mrnpared W 1he airy Oe in Figure 8. The mEft bower site is based Qn Qne ye-ar Qr ds1a, whim lhesigxrt sikQ iV OaWd on igrrwen yL-� ul dais The co=r-elarion me-f iLJBnt hetw-een the silos ig 0.97- Thu pr rrilrentwind driscgorl aI Wth I=tions t nortbwd Met Tnwer SR& (217111!5) Airport S4e {1 '�90--201715) N N 7fM yd r 14 F t', 9- E�x 1�+L IE K � Ffigure 8. Annual lilfind Power RQaes fgrUutTgwtrr SIN and Akpurf Situ Morrthty wind pamr rmea for the met towers4e are sl' own belva The rrlronq vvint$r•mridscorrrro from Iha irpOem2t, uk'ita the IMhtarsummer vAM& oend to a from the &autn. F1 •i ��y L �Si APr r ti • , illy Ir . W- 92 do �r im x Ir E �l it -� �` m - ■� ��_� NLI �I 2i�1�: �I�►` �I�; guts S. Monthly VAn d Power f*r Met Ta wrr� aissrr€€ ardtl -nr ypra r� r htrrl P 10 rrF13 Febni" 20M Alaska Energy Auttronty BETNEL. Al€ Wind RemurceAsseswem TurbufenLe Wensi y 4brous p. tulenme irri,errsity eharkckon are ahawn In Rpre 10. Tha Wrtrulen-ce Intanwy Fram nj d1racdons and for all momhs Is low and wNkeN 1a vfltr&Ajs to axms2w&vm&r of wand lurbinw. Mlonth TurbWarx Imemily Jan 0_D8 Feb a-08 Mar Q. 06 Apr D_07 May D_12 .Jun 0-14 JU a_13 12_11 Oct 1108 a-OG O 06 hlvw b _AMe Dan J ura 1 Q. Turbulsn 4 a •f q .re 9ntenalty Charanterlstlr s Df NlwtTawerSite WWi*d t rM nits — MA Cdit ilrAL - -- 1EA Caiegaryf 0 FWre 10 plds the ati-erageWrbulence int-Br;ei;V versus yv nd spW Wing rnat L r slte asvroll a4fcx C�Atirgor€A and D turbwfwe sitesas dened bythit Ir.iamatianal Bec-trartedwical CcLmmlssian 5b3radardB140I)_1, 2'" Edi#ian. Category A reprasonts s bigharturaulance model %an Cmegcq B. 1n dais C8W, flue rnethWer date is less Drrbuleitthen both ca(eW-es $ergs lhev hole range of vAnd!speWs. llffindShasr Wrld s rwa3 "Imloted Niweipm the 50-mftr anemamigGdr and Rhe 30-maWr.ana ominter, and rsulks are aummarbW 0 Figum 11. hllarltll 30m to Mid Sheer aaf 0.11 Feb 0.20 War 0.23 Apr 0.23 May Jun (-17 Jul -13. W ! Aug -D. 1-9 Sep -D.143 ❑cr fl-2-1 NOV a-18 Dee :0.23 Average all 3D alarn Shur C C UP �c G GQW MW 'UMM fteffic Avrg 1 0.19 1 gure 11.VAnd Sheer CharmEbartgUr!i & UatT-Dwar Stte The average wind shear fr)r the !W&. Is 01 S A!s sue, the w!ndsh"r Qades Ipy monlb, dkwion of L+�e wln�, an-j tirrro of -dirg. T1'rb5a 4wkvd shear valuas can ba uaad to e,*rA to wind resourue data to heights other than lhos-a 9hait wm-o measured r;rd rspoFwd here, are dest:&Led in lhL- asta Pmcesaing Pr-ccedurea and E�efinilinns smWn. wva�Y akenei }�ulliorirq-9rg. rogr�rxvid-hlml F}$ge 11 of 1:1 F-porigrp 2 Nua sus 3P3nyou P aIBDLa9 swmlugpP l We Z a 13 EsFunsa SOW fngrluszrnonlgwuas}LowS4 No\o. cisnImlugL62onlc6'mpicpiz 3aoq,}mmiuq bUGLgshslobwsu} gpsus{csbscpA}scfOL}oLPLBs2cslsmluq scconu{'lpsSAKSasMiugbarnslgMffN}oL4pszife12V30P&Uj 11n21u}ouueflouWsuafpslBelpslpees 6LonuglsnslsugA'\Wizstspshp{g39wsf�' ls(uu04pslacs101Lgsuzi�Ougmiuq�ssgqzplpnpaumlo If 12 82Pwef9q !.Ps{{ps IouB-fslW eu0313ns<e2s,wuq absG Of fps 2118 12 y 3 wia Of 3 pslBpl of 2p Wslslz 3Poes iu}ouu9pou M92 n2eq to wsp3 bLsgic{lout 3z fo 1pe bols4I3l eustD blagrcliou }law Miuq {mpusz 31 {ps 9113 OlLbogmsO{pstzp{lou'szgwO{szrnslswsgs{oasO{sOloub;sLwgO{szq}oLlpsEs{pslWsf{ormazi{s 1piz Bs(Psl'tlls�s �sqsfsMsac�ubslsq�lou�slwi�ugzlu�sswssuq'ps2�{�couslsilouzMpP�sBslPsl 1pm Lebog hLOAIg62 s 2rwwsul of miuq Ls20nLcs qsp collGf4sq pau DGCsWP6L Al PC* gsunscl300E lu CONCrf1210N }ps 8mz2 csbscgh }scloL 12 wnlflbpeq pA 0 604Q sceonul }oL IP626 }eclol2' Ls2nlflu8lu 4p6 usf CtSCI x }3cfaL IRe Oq 20111ud a} fps plsgsz' xW 102262' 910A 1022s2' suq KLUG Ms91PGL eouglp0c2 csu P4psL lsgncs lnlpms onlhnq MSLsj0ObsL9(69;Lsfsgbom9L}mlps9upLsA63t'ILGWCIGUCl922ntp321L3U2}aLWepp,Ue1a2232'MLPltleg0M11{IW8' sonuf o} susLBA bLogncsq gwgsq pA fps wsxwnw swonul o};L&B 1psf conlq ps bLogncsq g 1ps m,uq fmplus ys2np2sLszpamuiulsPlsA y2u0uBtpsL62np2121psdLaz2cshsmfx}scfm'Mplepl2gspusgs2@sscfnsl gsu2gx' {pees psiep42 psesq ou qrs wssemsq miuq 2psOL Ol {ps 2146' 1ps Mluq Lsemcs mse Oleo Oglnz{eq to 2pugOLq 911 Ws1sL{011lorma'MppssuxfpluBlsLBsunonlgpsWonu4sgousqp-WotsLtaMSL 1psmiugLs2onLcsms2sgin2lsqlo pciapf2{o p6 con212fmf q 12 s22nw6q fps{ suA miuq lmpus Lsfsq 91 1pp Khj OL 1622 monlq P6 wonupq ou 9 3g- pseeq ou ips loub-p w mluq L92onLCG gals 261' jq{pondp qlp suf miuq {mpyee OLs OgsLsq Mgp q!VLsul fomet AMR miuq {nLpluse' Ilzfsq lu lopls j ?AaG n2sq fo Csxnlsfc fps boisuflol 3esLiilr btognc;lou of ;PG WsgwnsL gas bOIENlltlr 60MEV bHoDnuom 615oW MIND inaim V19ep Eusbvrjpougx BE1HR'VK rypuggseomcspseewsu4 y ro C - OL -0� %. y 19 ED 6 �. r r; IS g E C3 it N C� k l E 2 r �kEM U3 r U. i �4 0 ro r m w d R tj 4i1/� IQ T 0 iY ' i`AI Lu C Lu m rJ N Y r Y 1`t [1 hl C+5 E m 4, 14 a I- p ej 0 9 41 IT;O! £F R1 P'i :o Fr ' Y} � iQ7 qm 8 �7 0.31 Iti 9D C� 44 90 g OF ro 17r Q � C' J to r r r r � f11 � Sil Stil UU. in 41 0 rn di Bethel City Shop Wind Energy Project The Installation and Operation of a NorthVVInd 100: A Fe@ i b it ity Study est F,,V s Y The 1nstaflatilon and Operation of a NorthWind 100 Feasibility Study February 10, 2008 asrel C Rog�•s, P.E. RKt@ Abe Vbbeuq!x C - ECou0WIC V22622woul gnbbal!ua pslslCousabougsuee ..................-a 8 Vbbeuglxg-VEVMluggs20mcevmnuioul...... ....... ............... ............ ................... I jVbbsuq!xV - ULesp!sb................................................................................................."a d COuc!naloue................................. ......... ..... ................................................ ........,.............. � 3'3 E!usuClsl2nwwsLA'...................................................................................................2 3'4 Vembpouesug2omco20}AS" .........................................................................3 3 En1sclsl............................................................................................................................3 3'3 Obaspou suq Wslulsosocs......................................................................................3 3,4 lmp!usieeneLsjoL.....................................................................................................5 3 biolec( locpuoloal suq yyslpog0loaA.............................................................................5 J'S bLo!sc{ psecubpou................._....................... ........... .,........... .,.......... ......................� .............. ............................... Jlu(Logncllou l'd H12to ............ ............... ..................... ............. ............. ................... I ... .................... ..� lspls 01 Coalsu12 oloo oup!10?Ino qGp C9� 2pob Muq EueLM bLa!sc{ Uhl M 8@1Ml Wind Energy Rftj" t~ W10D FesaslbUfty S&Wy+ 1 rntmd udon In omder to mvide lu%er cost afit�rnatives fur power ransr,rmers in Beltier, the City of Bethel ("GOB") hm been inyosligaft the feasibility -of becoming an indent per pfdrcer land sending e6clVicityr genae vled from wind Into the Eethal utillity grid. Tho CRy I-nv11&d the Imal ubliit}, Bette Utiiitf Oup"lon. SUS'}, to p+a rkicipate in ift endsavor by ceding Monthly 211tornaVm QrWqY mime tee meelil s, proyid ing information to energy moult , and endorsing a small vdrid Uabine pro-ect in Belhel 1.1 --list UeShel, Cke ether rural Alaska hub conunundl", hae, rehW suWAyr cn del generation for The generation of e3ec cat emgy. With the inGrg:5�!�eu. in cost, t}ath in the tit price of funl and In the cats or 1wspoM41orr to rural NEvAa., communities such am Bath LI have seen on5ts Gf aledwty escalate. On imrder to Rt 01Y pomLw altem-a ives to diesel p alion, the COID hired EivVtOr, Pu ur SyrS*MS. Inc, CLFY} to as!ist them in an4ping the viabifityf anti 6mincial return- frrf various vAnrd systems. Additiork2ily, 11tie COS. w1th assieWnve kum IN Ala: ka Enwgy AudwIty ('AE " ), in led a rvt staliofr In Sethel and I ;qped wkW data for the cornmLerl y. Aizording to the report from AEA. the grind re:qimu vas (avorable at thm rnct rite fvr wind generaOon, In -�ub"gve k e-mails, ALA reported drat the wind regine i-,alptured at the ' Dodger$" site ODUld b0 flen-EM ized to the &then ar-02, anti err Ratki-�u Iar. to the City Strop area near tha BothA lancM11 and sewer lagoons.' The -COS A conki n ul-ag to kr gate kNv. rr edkirn, and high perpetralbDn wind rysterns_ but 1 hie -ion-firm nature of the higher penetration systftm is wuee Fir vonu@ru with BUG. While still nsidehrig motions for higher penetral sy 6lLems, the CRy of Rathel has diareved EPS to pursue a low prikraii5n a 4sm vp un al the City Shcrp area. 1.2 Project Descriplon The Bethel City Shop Wind Energy Projom 1 calls fir the purchase of one 10D Rilowall wired lurhina and tubgiFar ter and install Og # w Wvmr near the City Shop, The wvin,d turbine and lewaf pieces would rye rnanuNdmred and barged to Bethel from either Sea#ile or Anchorage The Ferr uF ihel and CiVs PUMIc Works Department wmad assist in the transpartation of tha turbine and ter pieoes to to aft If needed. The City Shop location was chi as a Wta fc4 -a 100 M wind turbine for the folkyMng r*aGonc I_ Ideah rocution rrorih of tern, away hum htiomeg, bv5l ress buildingia, and irlfrastrucluFe that oDLAd cause distortion in the wkWI patterns. Bee the -neaps altachred In Appendix A. Z Few residents live w4hln t$00 Feet of the prgmsed instal nation -s to. Tha arxalpents of syx houw W II; Itm OW -toted for thew €u mmenls an the installation of a wkid turbine taw" -rear their horses 3. Tw a large City a ewer lagoons are duk north of line "smavd wired tower site, m0ktg for a feat surfaca over which wind can 13awel on its ray to to turbine. Ths CWs stroNeaf winds carna frS m VI* nod heat irn Ll u winter 1ine. See Wind Resource AssemfflaM 0090=hed In Appendix 13. 1 ErrFail k rn Aar na D&u. AEA Wind Envr9y Managff. February 10, ZDM page 1 �#tea Cilyr of ®elhMYlrnd Ener-gy Project NIVY1 DD Fai�:Ohility Study 4, ProxiMy of the seiner Iageans -and Landfill fafther north n ake 11 unlikely that residents of BSI wit build homes or businassos dose to the zb, 5. The City Stomp housm the Ciltif s prepertyr m airy nenw -grew, their tuel:5, arkd equipment. The crew wJIJ be MPOnayb10 ror epwating arld mauntaininy the wind turbine. 6. The City $ham cons heavy equipment (e_9:, -dump truce, (ront-end Ioadliffs, grader) t u tt lr� the oantrnEckien €4 he project acd to help mairrta;n Vw [IMMO W of 1110 -9dr1d p , f�uundation, and cable Varkch. 2 P reject Tec hnolog y a nd M othodol a gy 2.1 Turbirlef el Brat -or Ss"ral wind turbine manuNcturer:� mailm 100 kW wind turbines Dr wMnd turbines In a Size ranRu of 91) k V -120 kVV. A vrind turbine at or near 100 kW in sim is aGceptnble to the 001B and will aczmnolsh this Baal of tWr. prgect. Par ft purposes of this analysis, the N-Grt"i nd 100 rNWI DW) Wind twbine gerwrartcir was used as the modal machine. Figures and caleulat;or_s cgrillsibed in this -application are bid on the pro, ghipp n, lina tlation, and t}perdimn of the NW10, manufactured by Distributed Energy Syeterns (MS)_ A quote to purchase and instil a Nuahwinkd I DO wind twhine and ti er Brae provided by Di irihrated Fnerg yr Syntnma end constudon =npany STG. The actual purchase and installation cost may vim, fttwlah If the bidding process is used_ The -ETG des g ru!:suppI&nrrMrLxtt qu#te ks iryrlil Jr -App!endix O. The Cty irtitands to purchiase and install a single NO M wind turbine with all as-90dated hardware and soflvare. The turbkw nacelle Inaludes the huts, generalar. minframe_ mite cover. and pnWer eorrYeraien equipment. The City intends w purchase nna a7 water tuWarr tc+MF and asseciiated appar-attin In alkwv for its perrner,ent IMAMIation. The viand turUne will hawe a 21 meter rctar. There ON be a power converter and elec-trival1corftl iffleffam at the base of the la wer. the m-ertliew Monitcring System, a wab-based remote moni"Oring systarrr, eernes with tits purr_ A hibuliar st-ael rr nopoln tvmr wiW ba wised t6 supp4m She wind turNne. The NW100 insuflatien Wll be pOratOly r1 Omd. and vall provide power dwectlyr to the BtlG grid. Variations In outpul per d the side N W100 will have negAgibla ell s inn th€, regulation of the BUC sy stern, .2 Opefation and MaIntenarce The City of Baths[ plains to have all fmw of its Property Maintenance parsanni l Irain&d to operate and m airrtoin the wind turbine. The Uty may train ether Puhlit Wnrks Onpartmmnt employees who work In the City Shop In or -der t6 hie kri6wledpablt people orti sTA in ease Of, absence~ and w i�oo. A final of t4is project is for Oily perwnnel to be sufficiently trained such that the City pwswnal Al not only be able to support the aperdbns and r 2intenan)e of thn Rathal units, but alw be auailDble ns a regional rescKxas for the nther unlis lnslall;�d In the Yukon-LDwmr Kuskol€ Mai regr-nn Wayne Ogle, COB Public VVGrks erector, will ba responsible for insunng that one or mere of his -suburdinat-us in the Public Wor# s Oapartrnent are pMonning the receswry operations and monitoring Was du6nq dally turbine operation, The Public Wor ka Department is ope-n six days February 1-D, 20W Page 2 Pink Pkff � City bf flethfil Wind ErLsTy Froj;d WJ100 Feaslbifity-Studyr a wee1c, Wriday though Saturday. 7 am to 5 pm. On Surrd:qy, the turbjna'!� eperetion vAll be men it tired using tha Baia rt View Manitatiing System, This System will alb a Public arks em plciM to nmrdtor the -Dperalliw of the !ystem from his ar her homa onrnptAar with IntarnAl awns. Mr. Ogle will also be respnaibla far the prapar mrrattivA and �revariloliiwe maintenance neommry W I>7e Bethel Wind systarn- 3 Financial 3.1 A ssumptions aad Sour-aus of Dafa The folfwwing general fironcial parameters are 3ssurnad for lhh� analysis; Irnamal Econorri i� i=�rtotrs PfaPtt R€ l 3-0% invoed UfA 30 Table 1 — llntarra€ Ecionarrde Faclam T-ablo 2 Is the ras-Wt OF dsYVQping a tip o4a 1 elk tv raluulate th-D ®ccinarnic viability of the COS wind proja-Gt. The aa5urn-p errs for lures used in Table 2 are enumorxed Wow. Backup rnarteriatl ror these assurnpikm iz a daiaed in Appe€tol. ■ Installed " turnkayr' 1Pr1ca — S799.554, per STG qua, Reoeiued from GOEUDhn Sargent on 2Ja'04 %da arnali, + Annual Fnargy Pirndue-ttart — 2611W kWh SnML y, per email usage From aE&Qrolt Piringree la t1OWJOhn Sargent, F ined From OOB 2008. Prica per kWh (FM by AUG) - SO-3253 peg k r, per BUG qumetefty filing with the R-agulat C-0nM rai:S9kxt al Alesku. Note that the 2DD4 Ming is also lnckk:bad. in order is get averse of the increase seen by Bethel corsumars in rac4rij N6Wry. ■ Imurance - UMLU eMV.011Y. per Ur"n quole le -COED, recoW ffm m John S�ir(*nt gn MW -Aa a ll. + A Drl cal Maintenance - $6.700 arinua IIy, per a KC6 DES bid la COB.' * A n-n ual J nuu ra nue audiuuti ble Agoo unt — $2500. A holding account to anticlpale E;,�tg*QpNu damage to the unH- fists haiwe Man Included in the eslimste for an insuranca pufiq with a $26K de ducWa. A len year event recurrence has been assumed, and this account would be ttllzad to cover the dedru0bia should an incur i;hl-A Prot. 2 inftul5on. of this fgure was included In the anal , ai� it ir.-assumed Awl; any jngre 0 mlateriance due la Iftil'WIM will be WfNI by: itri�kAsM Iridbum -due do an increased awoided t of per, which is ultimal" due to ark ftmErA in fuel priori. I-1ist-orical Inarearom in added cimil (inume to COB) W the paned From 2005 —2K7-weq-aged 14%, O@sW Qn BUC:5 filings with the RCA fincluftcl In Appondix Q. FebrLmFy 10, 2008 Page etA^^ft-samis C .lu - 8V14,T 9 1 6 C4 a C5 M 0 r IG r ^ A � r C r di LLJ 16 { W rir} 09 ' in LO r— m LO G7 C 0 CM , ail rk- Ed ill ' _ m• �� Q ' W r!P l�4 E L Lo at L7 04 r� u-, (y� 4�# rq alp aft UPT VI) C } c ? :q, a :ate j� 7a � a.5 cri 15 qp In f, City riF GAthAl VV-W Ensn3yr pmjeGt NX100 F$asibllityf Study 3_2 Financial Summary The financial analyds shown in Table 2 above II lustralas the relative, es well ns nbsome, casts and Ra of the NW 100, or similar, wind system i n 6e4hel. Nola that the analrsls F-s Msed -on COa'a perspectW. mlritive to the arnnuni aF investment that s$ raquEfM her the Gig - The financial snarls For all of the caws are run a rLd alialyzed based on an annual return. INNI uapital 4-oQats are contired d W an anrwQ1 suin of payments. bazedi on the prgea Ide (30 yeara� and the Projeut Rol J. This cant JAnnuivllzed Debt Service), in addition to the annually recrurring O&M oast of tkia project {Subtotal - Annual re-curring Project ExVnaas J0$.1%1111� are con4mrisd to the Income garoroted from the pmjeot tkk :snles to the local Uirlity at their avoided full Mi (SubWbl - Arin ual Income frorm Einerrgy Production). 1n all three can:s examined, the project of a posibwe vale of return, and a b frl to Cost ratio ('SCR') in on;en of 1,0, indh3ating a benaridal project In tl'le DO Only" case. it is assumed that 100% of im.,es1went dollars for the project are provid&d by the 9. In this ,and Siven the o66wrTmo-uriu diauusaed at* . the pr�a� rwales revenue annwllyf in ems of the -Owt -of debt seruice plus WA of approAmaftely Fir the Wip castes where the GOO has subsidized participation by AFi or AEADanali and USDA. tale positive an n-ual econornlc value to thn COO Increeses, as does the pfojact B-CR. 4 Conclusions ThA InsialWorp of a VP-W turbirm system similar 14 the N 100 by the City} of Eethel, given thre parameters and waumptions outlined in this do-Gurnent provlideG a positive barka-rit to the City of Bethel_ The project reduces the nurnbor of gallons of dial WmvO 11-p 9@nurat-ig wer m than community, aria r nepWsly+ irrrpa t Jhs operadun otth$ BUC system. and utili tec1hnoho1} trot i$ b0VOMing reWively ;uummon in rural Alaska. The annual number cd gsllcins of dfe�l fuel. expected to be displamd bV tite ImpLa-mortaWq yr tfre Bethel CRy Shop VAnd Energy Probed Is 21,541. i v4w the Wfe of the wand turtApe and tgwer. 646,230 gallons of &-asel fwef W11 le di5ptaQe,d. The City of Qethal as -!;Prrsmi ted t-P undertaking the installatiofl of a small wind turbine irr the community, vAth a vision of adding ad&Nonal grind snorgy production afi; the viability of dt technology, and 2s$urnptions regarding 1,he firan ial porformanw of that Wdhcmugy. is pjuvw, Addithwally, It �s the COS's vision to act a :� a rugi-Orlal hub -uf rural wind power expertise, w as W pr-amulyate the leQhWWy regivnalkyr throtughoul this Lower Yukm-Wuskokwlrn region_ simMar to the role that Kotzebue Elchic is performing in Nor#hwmist ale s, Aa di5ciussed above, gig the huh price of ekoctdcAy In rur'at Ata�ka the prVje;-,t i15 economically �uMlfwl, evanrwan 10$aiiipe#iyen 11he likelihood that fuel prices w:li cAnn1hnUe to ris-o In nits[ ,JA-�k;o, thv rvWm gin inveslrnent mould ultimately uulperform tho anWy 15i3 ate. Based on the w5urriptions provided and discussed above, the prc J@cl appeass to tA bath *chnicaVy and lr"ncially foarsit4e for the COS, along viri1h th i?lr Funding pafterF. In vAni-Qh tQ ingest. Fetwuaryr 1 C� 20M Pale 5 el Pk0k City of Refit Wnd Energy PrDJac# hkWI OO FeasitAity ftrdk 5 Append i x A— Area Map Fp.bruay 10. 2008 Pap B CD,IUXVG � Bethel C-Ity Shop mind Enargy Project C4 Shop N r V%r E s Z.'01 R City od €eOel Wind Enemy PWe# NWT Ua F&asiniity -Sandy 6 Appendix ® --AEA Wind Resource Assessment FeI ruwy 14, NOS Pj3g-e .5 t k P6w Sgin ALAS KA �Or= ENERGYAUTHQRITY Wind Resource Assessment #o r BETH EL, ALASKA Dam last mddi led iJ20-.-C :CilQd by. Wia Devins S 11 E SIJ UMfrRY 1� i[�; 4 5,134 Lahudo INA027): B1' 4T O' N N 607858 LongkUdo NAD21): 761 ` 6X U' VV W 181. 1ti notic DwlinWicn: 1jV SY Egypt Tower Type: 5■rnetmr14R(3 TaA Trnrar Sensor Heights: 20M. 40M. Km EIora#an: 42.3 mil:vs (128 ft) KNriWr Star-- 12)IM04 18:0g ktaniMrEnd: VIVZODO11:00 In December20 4, a 50-rr%Lerr meteurokqiiA Rawawis InsW11&d -an high grDum wdtatc3r thb H8th81 AIrW Tft pose of this momltaring eKon as to ealuow the reoWhijItV elilfzlrq ollilyr-seAe wirtd energy in the commumii3�. The maawurtgd wind -apced and diractlmn data R1 the aitewas rnmlparEd to Inng4nrm trAenda In the• anga and e0niabds war*-(-,&kuWwd tur the RcAan1W c.trgr pixlucC n rixm yahow tyrpft d w1mo turbines. WIND RESOURCE SUMMARY Anal Avdragc Vftd NWd (50n hcVht) 1.3 trim (I r3 3 fmoh) Annuel .Awarsge Y&ad Speed {fin heiight): 0.7 rrUa (15.0 mph) Awaratge VVtnd Prrwer DenadV (313tn i,eight ' 34:5 V4ern Wmd Pwer Clam (fange ■ 1 m 7): CId$$ Rating (Povr, Marginal, Pair, Gaocd, IE"Iont, Dwlsti tnding� G4c-d Pmvailing Wind Mrathan: Ntaih■wn3t LnftdrradAw IMlgtd ¢Lf7 AAjdaiL —ohd'--1PANMIdoeIW4Q"2 wF�� N N. d D" i aor+sagrr wuw *gnprWoulhorty �wg.4-ctgnrffjnrid h1ml page 1 of 1a Fabrvafy2GGO A72ua EneFW AumcritV BETHEL, AK 1ftd R.esoum Aum mant Pxamua mind mwla--.�rg affarts haver been aond Wed in 1h a BeV�] area wPth less than tavofabl6 resum s_ Th& equipment u-sed In lhasa siu r$g was mnurdM mn 20-rag" kmmrs end warn located edjar-Fria W the buildings that S id L*del �y ;o wtindturblrl4 The Alai a E"r-gyALlh" {AEA) Belt Chet the +l me Prow" to huiidinge end 1ha low els alian flFthe ales iparMsd In a wind re:�duroo lhjvttiwas nW tepta,etrlathre ofthe$refit-ondtha; wing eui'ahle fora utili"naln ww.d psred cmd he found a ah-ai d1etArrce oijbida of tcrwn_ Ir1Cfta fZOW, , V�EnemN, arad Iaaal reelderga inselred a 534neter metaarixogiaal Iaww Oaasedftm ChLrngerh EkH2rio) to OyElt-a mid wit oflown. This lacetcn is nib Ikelyr W he rnpresentaliva off Bethal's heist wind raenuFc.R arse and was rccorrimarmled by wiad sitk`i$ trllrqemlogisl Jobin Walla. The purpose of lhls monit-aring eftrt ie In eia~alueta Ltm teasihifiyr rif Mikzino wind dtiMW Ih lh-M eMMMunily- nis ntpori summinrkzas the wtnd rmurce did cd-Pected and 1he tang -teem anew production pQtrwffal ci the si6e. 51717 D SWI PTICN &vlhal 1�s toc-ii near the i llr at1he KkiPi*wim PI-vor, about 40 miles inrand i1rarri the Hering Sea -and 400 air rqL-s wesl or AnL-Forego. Figure 1 s1 s .he It �akion of 1.Fr6 ri M lxWW roWiw to the surtoun6ng lerrialn The rem lower Is kaeated on a 6dgs ai aligIdly higher elewsban t tEn the town site. A"a l u M ez .ry s�#SRTrir`��as � FN � rM Md F t 1 RIM tuba Yrrq. rY ALA!/ *Iq7 lit NO& M ti I N vak� iitl ■ RM pr� W-mm— --S -M Yam§ ■ loam ■ - -N&M Flgu re 1 _ T13praQ rapid G p 1f Isar Tarr NO and Surmndlroq Ok vdww.mkrinan3Vnurhwr'{.-nr-Wpi~ @mMwin L,-hm: page 2 uF 13 Pebrumv 2W5 AloskD IE:rorgy Aathar�y Or --THE L. M Wind Rvaaur-ce As& menl Pa photas below dlugrate 4he Eummndling gr-rund cower and my majorobs1=t13na, which cold sffi td how" w 4 A w s uowr chit lemin i u psrEkxl4w dLmdon. As shown.1he rar► 04:0pe pr mwmdln!a 1116 mm w-&W site lis frm of obsi am, and rcFaflvoly Mat. t Norlh NE EW SE E aul h Sty Imst Figure 2. Views Takan from Met Tower Base Table 1 I :9e t-7 a typae of sensors Iha1 wero used, lhe channai of trA3 data logger that each ren6flr wm wfted Into, and where each sensor wog meunlcd ort the nm&mr. feble 1- Sumrriaffv of S,-ne,nm Imts:11M an thin Ma Tower Ch -0 Swmr Type IFIF-I ri Off se@ Boom QrieW lion 1 #4OAneimometer :50 m NRG Stmiard 20' True 2 PIO Aneinamister 60 m NRG Sbmk rd 260' True J IAOArrem meter 40 m NRG Stardard 1 10'True 4 940 Anomornotar 3D m #PIRG Sbandard 280' True 7 =013P Wrid Vane !9D rrt 2W Tnm 1 10'Truce s NZWP Vied Vern 40 m 1 W 7tva 210' Tmd 11 0110S7err"ratur 4-m I NRG ftndi m 0CH1, 5fr mom NM�4 'j4F- meHtz, 5D-n Rnem ■ €:H3, .4orn amen G% -N, awn anon cw. W varLe R ',3Re Aerial wlew of pm&mt an tower www-.vkont�rgyRu#nwTty. wVprv7v RmindJ*p1 Page of 13 Febrvjery 20M AWka Energy Authority BETHEL. AX 'Xifld Re�&.:roe A'35 "-Pnt DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURES AND IUINITIOM The forming infenk'ralfon 3urnrrrorkges ft darla Pf6r5ftsing pmcadures that wars peft med an Ilia Sri' rrmimm red data in order 6a cmata an annual dalasm 1!kF'ty lcal' f wind surds, whlrJh could then be uasd to aalmista ipatarJtial power pro6jctlon ftm wind to rbinea Thera aria varkkra melhCdS and mL3swir for; adjuLsting 1he raw dam, &a tf',e purpase of theaa rrr is to doeument what wft dons In ifw.a r0ua4on- The my Me sail Is auallWa f�n the AAmke Enorgy AuihnntywabsAa (Www ak-Mn raidh"-p ob rm ack4n could perib rthm, urn dsia pnxesging procedur$s. The pmcasmA data eel iisalsDava"ble Unks - Since most wind bibine specihow ons are pravidedl irk me-- a unitq, thw umd.% are used In this sport - - 1 materMacand a 2.24 mph :a 1:95 §tell i maer- 3.2a lent 1T- &9 ('F,-321 1'awV Shalddw -1 ha ;owor dsolt can affect readings fncm the anemorneter rut tims Vk hell %B ;an* 0MetaF fs located doti4mind of the bm+er. Ta ayo d phis effect two Dnernornet4 rm w &c placid at the Wp level sa that nadher would Ise in thswaM of she uyw at the some theta. Qnd data set is compiled fn3m the 2 snr--nomelnrs depending on Me der Wr) 4V tl'rt#Wi*d of err{ rgivon Irma. Icing - Anm- pti5 In Me deft c;m suggetwhen tho Eanrors ware fxot reearding aec"elyr due to lcnq euerds. SInca wired wanes tend to tDue berore th-m anemmeter9 kWg events ore ttij ily I +Ii!riCd v&."evtsf tho, 10- minub standard deviation of Lhe wind gene ISZere (016 %Irld VanO Is nd greeting) and The temparsturg3a at or bw4miw ifpWIng, itiamol Uhie Wfam and after M Lang evemi are removed to account for1he Mow build up and shedding of lee an ft sensors- PMII:ng Gape - Ywhenewr mearurod met to r data is a'Aaioble. It A used. Two ddterent rriellheds &.6 used to fdl in the rernaWng portion of tixa year. Fir�1, if r rtkyr plr pr�r# Ito aAahte, a finelar rrglal ion equaliorr defined EalWeE k 019 QIFW Pnd rW 10MF tilt. and sirW dalla is adlustad isfil the gap. If neklher met Umer rear irk d.ala Is wtallable for a given iime€*, thesn#iwars program VAn&gfWV A.f $-' Ised.r Windogmpher us6s slatisfiical mr-1hdda boisd $n ipdtlernh In tM dala surr-ounding the gap aid is scud fnr f!fling short gaper in - Lang-enm Ev tmes - TKe yw a-digm tffedtd &I ;ha mnl Imw srle can he adqurVed tc acraunt for inlor-erlr,Ual fluter; Icons in Lhu urn d Fe5au . Te do this, a nearby weather statlon vhn.h a-4naimem.1 hIsi*ical forded of wired data and with a atrcng [*elation to the mat liner Iao-Strap is rr ed If a surtaW-n stsl= 68 not awailahBa, lhera la a higher level of uneertalnty In thei%Wnd Speed Plat is nhp- surEd baing represenla;ive of a typical yau. Turbulence Intensity - T-urbulenca Imw6iq 11 Lhe ikOMbk:kic mxbi wire attha luahulencenFtha wWd- Turbt&nnL* In;eMrty i:s. CVCUFaW of OaO 1 Irtuft tineetop by di rig the standard -dewiallon a the wind apace dUdrq; that tlmmep by the av+eraQe wind speed amr thalt tikrrgstep. It Is tale -dated only wh" the Mhah wmd speed Is at least 4 n-Va. Typirah. a iurbu�er,Ee Intansky of U 1L) or lest is foe minimal wear an waled turbxe c-Dmponenia. Wind Sh ear - Typically. wind spoed9 inares a Mi t he4 nt obove jeduW fie ti The var'tical wanaban in wind speed is cam lad wind shear and i:s irrkueneed by sorface raughzfisr., surnn riding terrain, and stmospikaric webi*y. The met t"ar Is 4quipp0 with antoio ietam at different halghm so that the wand shear exponent, a, wft be-calculatad acwrding W tm power law formula: [.�L v ;--(!L) wh®r a H, and H2 are ihe halghts and wk 4and try are the rnw3ur wind ems. z Ya ) Wind rfhear is adculallitd only with w kd speed data above 4 map VaUn ran rinnga frtxn 0.05 to 0.26. wiEh a "eel welue of 0.14. 'WV-:;RWrraQ YjUUWft4r.orWRfO9ramwinoiICMI Page 4 d 13 Pewit 2006 Aaske Eneigy Auhority BETFiEL. AK Mind Rozourca Assessmanil $clill" to huts Hiftht — If ih-!� wind Hine hub height is Offerant from the height gl whirrh Lhe wind renounce is measured, thavMnd Twmurca caul be adjusted using tho mower Iaw XormuID-devrtlE�d above arW uzhg Me wind shear date i;alculaled at the ska. Afr Densft Adjustmord — The powar Mal can ba uArach d from ihiswkd Is dinadly relied to 1ho derisly -of the ai. Airdensiy, p, is a function -if benVefebum and psassure Ewd aft calmdaled rar each 10-minuia bwri&!FI:tp acmdIng €u 1he fmb wing equation I; O!$ NX arrdlsrakyr sno kgfi'� P P RxT Wh" F is pmgrtura (kPa) h is the gas un! tWnt (nor eir (207.1 AgK}, and T is tamperai" en KaMnL Si:w� air prfasurer is +mil weawred of the mel lower ske, the Ott elewatiw is 6MCd to C*IoulatA On anftal -Werge! Sir piassure mua 4cci7rdirtg tot�,,u fulturoving uqui bo: P=1.—(1.104X101-X MW--n s-rtcwind lu!' ine Amyervxues ore hosed on a AYLdardalr denamy of 1.226 kWM:L the yAnd spends meosurea of Khe mat ter Mo are adjusted to crea% s'an&Wd wind Vend vakws that can bb e,rpartd to the :�,.omrtard Wme-. r euNsm. The edjustmant Is roadie acimirdmg to the fallowing formals- �7 r V �R x � HF �� }x wll�+i 16� A rid mower lllierisKy — ti'tiflnd fixerder44 pmvides a rr uraft repreunlown of -a sits's wind inert pobential lHaDfFe ronuaf Ewarage wind i6pwd fuecausv A irlcludets howwirrd Weeds are cNstrlbuled arm th* -mga ee will as the lard a, r danruit . Units aF wind powea d-ensity ara wralts per squasa meW and n9preaeotthe pmer prods W iWare mftr ar area th-M to b e% sweep Wri.d Power CMas --A vww Iewel Mssifc*ticn system ba on Ondpmw ePmMy Is uiied In airnpli#y the cvvnptal"m ulrpulw1ja1 wind site3 -Amuspf ClassA and higher ara F_vnsWt(Cd swiable for UWKY-ale grind power devibpmenl. CIsrsaes W VVTad Rawer Denslty lam San 50m 4�Ie Rating *PQ 1wft1121 Speed; Msj WPU (Afma,2) Spemd (mil WPD fWam"Ij Smd M4) 1 i 1 Q4 4.4 -:16C <240 {5.5 r �- lco-150 4A-5-1 1M-Nn 6-1 -5.6 2M-!IDD !kG-6&4 MR*'11 1W_2W 51.5$ 140-M 0.8-$S :u:q.duo 7-0 Fair zw-M 5.5-4.0 320-400 e.5-lk 401}-900 7.0-7.5 Gwd -3Co 43.0 - �A 400-4410 7.0-7-4 M •000 7.Ft-;�_1) Efwi4rd WD-+laQ 6.4-7.13 4e4-C40 7A-e-2 e00-8GO 9.0-&B �ul�larr rQ 2.,10g :!.7.0 3-d40 -U NEW 2.19.13 vfmbull u1stribWan -- Thf'. eibWl dMirlbutren IS a W!: clad $0 oppwArnate the wind ;tea te!q lemy d-stnbuban. Tho We�Dull i& dafined as faLows: g C(C) C Whets P v) Is tht! -proboWlity -of wind speed v occurrinq, ;r is the !:calif i t wh:c-h i% reloled W 1he Q"rege wind speed, snd It is the shape fadkg which describes Li-@ diskritcut:un or bho wind speeds. Typical k %alwes range fronn 1.5IQ 3-0, with kmw k va'ues resuhing in higher arvemge wind picNaer densities. uww_r ner�yrsrlr�ritry�.�rg� ra�rarrrwi�d.htrrrl Page !S oaf 13 Felix a 2006 Enerpy Authoro BETHEL, LONG-TERM REFERENCE STATION Mind d9a from tllra BeAhel aPWrt weather stnt%n, located 2.6 mlies east of the ma t, wer pile. $ es in a ing-Te m refereme forttw w+rrd reseutca do Iha stea. data i:5 meaaumW al a height of 1-0 mellers ebm�e gmund hqvd and an W vatiort of -7.5 meta_ The fatlanW Vftalllrer Seme upgraded IMa mv*uro[ogks1 monitoring equipment ad We Bethel aagortt,o anAulamabad Surface Oh ing Syrstem (ASDS) Gn Nivembez 1. 19B9. 7hl6 nor equlpment, although mra ercura?e, Feposents s dis llrrwily m the 4mg-term wind need reogrd, Tmefvw. this report le biasi�d -an rneasurernonrs beginnirLS Januaq 1, 1999. hand Re5aurc4 Assesvnent ,I. „ Rlgu re 3. ASSUS Equipment in Selhal Hourly -Mnd swd measrpm-menlo Vom the Oelhol uj."rtwunther slatlon tkr rl are-ymurrentWh reeordimpfrom Rhe met tower vAe we'r-9 purchased arum the-Natical Climatic Data CoMar= 7h@ cor tiart coamclent b4ween lhene eitEa is C1.87 (a %rWue of t is per j. This s uggssh thal, although tlra add wind speed vAuas A the halo sites are 41ffereM, the patlem of wind speed fluvuations is similar between the sites. Any fr-storical patterns in the airRoK station data Carr alw be apalleld W .he 41W, tower sv.e vyiLh a high der" 4f rAmii rtv- AG showr4 In Tama 2 and FIgum 4. the o wr;h greaWr wind speeste in th,eirnter menlha then the sumrwr rrmunthr}. The ko-g-ierrrl annual avwagu xArind WQP_-d at tho Be" oirpert ilbe ws 5.2 m� % wig i'aWyremaistant, fl i+tuating up to 3% rrern yaar;ayear. ToUla 2. Manthhv Awwrage Wind Speedpr at Se hel Al rpiuM i d-fneWr hefght jmn s} 'ftar .tarn Rob Mar AFr May Jun .lvl Aug Serr Oct Nary Dar; Jura U efF Lang T 1999 7.0 4.5 5.B .5.5 4.7 4:0 4.5 4.3 4.7 4_4 � 5 �_7 5.1 2OW M :5.0 6.3 5.0 +4.3 4.0 4.4 6.2 CH 4.�r b,2 b.4 5.2 1 UU% 2a741 &4 ;5_9 6.2 5.q &2 4.7 4.6 4-6 4.3 5.0 6-t5 6.2 6.2 I M% &5 6.1 5.2 6.6 4.9 4.2 4.0 4-3 &3 6.6 5.3 4.7 5.2 fOl% 2W3 6.9 5.5 7.0 5ti:5 4-5 4:.5 4:9 C1 4A 4.8 5.3 4.9 5.2 $00% Z004 15.3 0-2 5.� 4L6 4.7 4.3 " 4-2 42 5,$ 6.2 6.8 SA 90% 5 1 77.4 5.2 -97 &0 4.6. .4_1 4.3 4_9 a.9 4-5 0.1 6_0 S3 103% Ave 1 6.6 .5.6 1.8 di.,4 4.7 4-3 4A 4A 4.9 60 5.7 5.e �.:Z I __] Figuro 4. MonthIyr Ind AnnUb1 AVP. bgn Wind -5�eds:i W Se1-110 Airport, 1:0-meter lie Ight vnv+rr.ml+�rier3pa�ih�rrl.�r�l�agrnu�nn�_fx �l page 6 of i Alsaka Eriergy Au hcaiy RETHEt .AK W nd Ngv rca ses nt Atcufdig to Ih'a ASDS dels, the a-io-erage wind speed in the peer 2WS ages 2% greaterlhan the long4erm mq*. ThVrvfW_VL th4 Ond !S"W dam nKAYdOd al the met lower ske during the year 20M waa adjusted dowirnvarda by 9% W more -pceurslelyt rAe# whai wovid km� e er am the WLg form. ftt4 rneasured aW flung -term d= riots at the;lrvort and met rawer fides are ah �n Figure 5. 12 , 2ELB F 11) y a4 CL o ; • d - ■ -1 aA v 0 � C as Wasured Met Tower D;;a (SOrn ht4111) Ta%%w Estinrata :- 4 5 h a�,ired AlrpM DA2110M hel h E-Arame Wnid speeds rwcarded at the ,1 iar term Alrpar� Jima 4.-D Ba fml ABOS ens summarized In Tail 3. Jar} F-PL Mar Anr May .krr5 Jul kuO Sgp Od Nor L�t, The West mile 11« daflnw es thll vveed of one midi~ of wand that pas-ses the weWher Figure 9- Wjm-ured Vergu4 Lnnjj-'Ferm 1fWrrd Speeds in Bethel Airbon land Gars bewnstdwW es the max -mum :iusleined wind speed. The fastest mile recurde+d over a 41-year period waa 27_7 usN in Fehrvar� 1951. The peak guW1 o-r-r a 1 "ear period was 34-4 nFu� in Omber 1912. Tabfe :3, Exh-ame WInd Speeds In Bethel, tOrn hea ht aource: Waslem FUlonal Cllmeba Center) _A rt FRetestt Mon 196p-i11t1 1Orrtll iris rn h Ymr 64 - 1979 Jan 24.1 Feb 2-1,} 02 1961 Mr 21.9 413 1 1077 44 19A 41 196 — 43 1978 40 1074 4s 197.04.$ r 19.E Jun 4 12 Aug20JB 55 10u 52 1 bu 7 me �� 1 Oct 23.2 Nov 26.13� Dft: AlrpoFit ReA *uat 1 a$2-1 Rot mph Year 27-a 1 i 4993 2.5.0 66 1991 22.8 fit 53 1995 11 1 S- lima 1 W. 23.7 21,4 59 - 20.8 4� 5.0 M WX 29.6 g to � 67 Iwo 1 me - The air ternpenkwe can AP ct wind pmer Production in tw* primary way w 1) aaar temperalures lead 14 I119h4r air denAvF, and theiefQra mc-re puw-er prud6;bun, and 2) same *iW turbirpm Out dvYvn Irt very vdld situations (usually around ­}. The monthV average terrparalurm for Bethel are &-own bolaw. 7ypkaUy, the tiNnperatvns drops beEaya-25'+C dunrg 2% of IM }year, or 185 here per year. rn!wrW (mat tm'er) - - , toq-7erm taupnrto -is _ •- ftmumd- •il •h i ' -i ,tare '� r. Fab -12.4 i -12.7 -16A Mai -8.2 AUD Apr -7.0 -2.2 MW 7.3 &3 Jim 13.3 12.5 ,fri1 US 12.7 13.1 12.3 8-1 od -1.2 �. Nov .14-13 -7,Z tir _ -1.5. -0.2 W.AW4KOrefr jty.nrVgr �dlWI Pop 04 13 Fatpruaryr 2009 A abha Er+ergy Au,hcd.yr BETHEL, AK VAnd R$sourceA&&essFnenk WIND DATA RESULTS FOR ISETHEL MET TOWER -SITE Table 4 summaftres tha arrourit of bete that weg riuocessfullV rWevea rrlgarr ft doz logger a[ Nhe h1m There was 9gmficarlt dala los3 dui the Yolmter oftrllh& dui 1-o iiccjrq al the semim. pwIiculsr<y in NoVambinr, I eftr;0W and Fnbru Tied airj5 ft ASS dMA W" used to Till iNwAs naps who_ pmrble. The renomrrinp {peps were filled with Windcgrapher_ T1sbI!a #. Ora Raaovary Rate i-or Mftt T-ower Arramarri tars Month dam L wmmry k9e fiefs Lain$ oue to lcing jonwryr 2005 1DO% 34% F- rub 216 Mani 2.5 ion% 8% 012006 1 W% 6% _ MukY 1 5 1ou% 2% Jrfa 2d5 1 I0% July 2006 190% 113 4% — August 2005 SW.wrnber 200¢ 1[)a% O,4obat 20% tirn�emhsr9 113 16% 1 dQ°6ti 3i6 Dcwm er 2005 1 W % Aonuel ,4 ain 1 OVA 13% wold9pt.ad W-NI[Irearw "ts ThL, wind romurrt W-" rrea:kumd a1 vanous ti&ii�hls nn the townr F�aa r�s from thin 50 rele�er sn�J 30-meFer he:�tiis a -a summarized balaw_ PAcre details c4 the 5&-me[ar L=vEg are sown in Table 6. Table & Maasur$d and Long-Tarrrt AvoKacba Moiithiv Mind 5 aeeda at Met Tower Site 4Nirld SOeeds (ftv Jan Feb Mar Apr May .1 un Juj Aug -65 Sip tad 16�W V= eve 60m Heght. fAeasur-ed 10.7 7.9 9.5 7.0 :5.5� S.} E 5 8.3 6.q S.-5 9.1 F 5 60.,1 Helgh1L Lattp-Germ Del B.:j 13.7 7.5 G U 55 d 2 S.7 7.6 13 E 4 T a 3g111 Hd.Vht, M $uf-ad 1p.,Q 7.0 7.T 52 5.4 49 ail 8:1 7.5 15.1 T$ 5.3 15_9 3QqL HaIgrr1. L-kfirtrl I 0A 1A 7A - 5.9 :5.5 &1 52: 53 V. T 6.6 - 7-.0 7.6 I r.7 Thrt w4gonni Wind spend !prrfile shows ;haC Rho hlohm wmd month is Jenuaq end the i mmi;l wed month is Juno. The deiY vend spud profiles shins -hat wend speeds are typsmih} Omar 1n the afternoan and &vening heir% cnin,ier in L,%e mom ng. r1� 4 a 24 JE earl PI OTYO P. LtnptsrrA30M Kaiphi 8 11; 24 J F M A M d J A 6 U N to Vow d Day F Ig ure G_ Eeasona I and 0 i u me I YVInd Rimed Profile fo r Met Tower StW, Long-term Estlrnate NOMINEES wv.w.akwmrggauth Atyt.nnginwmmd.htmI Page $ of 13 F r rr .desks Enerp Autharity BETHEL, AK Wind Rmutce } se:ssnrent TaWa S. Emimatkll Long -Term WI;nd Sed$ at Mot Tower SAD, SOm 4o1ht (Ws) 14wr Jzm Feb %3r Apr May Jun Jul Aug Spp -Dct Nov Dm A 0 9.6 8-:S 8.8 8..1 6.4 6.D 6.3 6.4 6.8 7,.5 5.1 9.4 7.0 1 9.4 8.!S 8.7 &-D 0.3 6.0 6.4 6.6 7.8 7.-0 9.3 7.5 2 9.5 8.4 8.6 0.0 G.0 5.9 S.9 d�-0 6.4 7.6 7.7 Q.iS 7.4 :3 9.5 9.2 6.4 9.D 6.9 5.6 5.6 &9 6.8 7.8 7.13 6.7 7.4 1 9.5 8.5 8.7 7.91 6.0 5.6 5.6 5.8 1S.-S 7.8 a 0.5 7.3 9.3 8 4 80 9.1 5.9 5.4 5.3 6.0 7.4 7.7 6.3 7.3 9.1 32 8.7 7.2 5:7 5.0 5.2 5.0 6.4 7.4 7.'0 H.3 71 1 9.3 8.9 8.7 7.$ 52 4.7 4.$ 6.6 $.,� 7.6 7.J 9.3 7.4 v 9.3 8-2 8-9 7-5 5.0 4.7 4.6 5-9 8.3 7.9 7.9 9,5 7.0 9 9.2 8.5 $.7 7.1 -5.1 6.6 5.1 5:6 kU. 7.7 6 1 6.4 7.1 10 9.3 8-1 B-9 5.7 5-6 5-0 5.0 3_1 8-7 7-4 8-3 F1-2 7.1 11 9.4 8.1 8.8 6.4 5.8 5.2 5.1 6.4 6.9 7.4 U 8 1 7-2 12 9.3 6.2 8-6 6.7 6:$ 5.3 6.3 6.4 6.9 7.-D 9.11 &2 7.2 13 9-3 BA 0-6 7-13 6-0 5-3 52 B-13 7-2 TA 7-5 U 71 14 M $A 8.4 7.1 6.1 5.3 6.3 Ell 7.3 7.5 7.7 8.7 7-3 15 0.6 8.3 8.7 7.3 6.1 5.4 5.7 6.7 7.9 7.6 7.7 8.3 7.4 1t! 9.6 8.2 8.7 7.3 0.4 5.6 -8.0 �.G 7.1) 7-3 7.1 9.3 7.4 17 9.7 8.3 8.8 7.6 6.7 5.7 5.8 -8.6 ra.9 7.3 7-6 &a 71A 18 9.5 $.a $l 7.7 6.5 6.0 6:4 i5.b -6.5 7.5 1S.0 8.7 7_b 19 9.5 8.4 8-5 7.9 6.2 5.0 6-1 6.3 & 7 7-8 8.1 8.7 7-6 la 9.3 8.1: .5.9 9.0 CS 6.0 Ell 5::R -5.7 7.7 7.9 5.4 7.4 21 9.3 8.0 8.8 8.2 6.6 SA 5.7 9.1 & 7 7.9 7.9 8.3 7A 22 9.6 8.1 8.8 8.1 6.0 0.0 8.0 9.4 :6.8 8.2 7.9 8.7 7.8 23 9-4 8.2 8.6 8.2 6.4 9l 5A 9.3 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.6 7.6 Avg 9.4 8.3 9.7 7.9 $.!O 5-5 $4 6.2 6. r 7.5 7.9 19.4 7:3 The asUrr-OLed lang4arm t r 4 W nd 3 � 7.3 rrdszrt a helgtk or50 motors ekm ground Eel. Windt rAlgluffeyf M.SlribuLbn A aarnman mandd d dtspkWing n year of wind tl$ta 4 -B wind ffoquemq dgthhw ,. Wh 41 obws tho pumunt of time that itch wind speed accum Figuto 7 sF,"alha measured wind fraquenay dierrihurion as dell as the hest makhed Walbull distriWian Prnbabft r ❑taTJbutlon Fanetlan -LEE- tJ 5 10 15 20 25 Longterm Mw 1-bIgbi tmhi) - Aet� d�rla "" Bps;-iil V�iausl d�4zbvlicn {1�2,3 �. �=&.2'F rr�� bin mrs 11"r o � 1 IN 3 390 a 722 � Sao d M14 9 l.QM 7 1 A73 14 1i M 12 13 170 1# j 103 Mn s _ 15 7B 1s 58 17 27 19 15 19 11 21 8 22 4 23 5 v Z 26 2r 1 29 I ?� 0 Rgwe 7. WInd Spy Fraq�tonc+ ClixtrIbutloo of Ate# Towe UW2k, 50-mvlef helUbt rnrf v1-Irt wind spead of marry} Wind iur Ines as 4 rnA and the trot -out wind speed is usually 2B rrOs. The ftquarmy distribution sbcwa that a large percentage-Drthe Y&W In Bethel its WIhln this operatkxmal zma. •amwid-hurl pop 9 Of 13 F4wuwy1000 T7. m f11� i! Wt t Nf lid Fj ure J. Ma—Chlyr Wind Pl€Fwcr R-Dsss Fcw Vut Tyr Skit ov— iib< LngF nkhokh +1y wV rarr►wirjhW Rage 1d of 13 20W Al; rik:, F nergy AzjlhDFlt){ BETHEL, Ali{ Wind Resource Assessment W;nd Wractr-urp VLiind pier maes Rhow the pemcent of total powerchet is2vailable in the wind by dirertio+i. The annual wii-A power rwe= ?r the PW Nowier #lte Iis Gorrwred W I4 alrpW 9Mrrin Nvre S. The met Vaer site is based on one weer of data. while tho DirW, Oa rrs 1ba�,d on wven yea m -of data Thb wdx4l�ti�n w ink f? en yh� si�ee os 15. ;r. The pradcoWri ul.wind diractimn A Loth locations is rmrthaast Met T4wtr Sitar (2WG) AIwrt Slte� 09994045) tti M Pm +I E way Rih % SW rr 1, 9E r Figure S. Annual Wind Puy Roaesfgr fdut Tcwc!r 3ibe and Airport Slits Monlhlyr waW per r-a9£'9 fortm met to-w rsite are snows belaw. The 6tnY4 wirier kinds come cram Rhe r rli a�'I. wNPO the lipllermMn Winft Md W OW the M[hw Jon 66 ' M** A" rem f An IL Ud AJ"k,a Er%ergy Authontyr B ETHEL, AK Wind F mDurGr- 4 ssfnent Turb.uhifiea Infunsily Vwi*wt turhulerree ,ntansirtyr ahamaodauas are ebwn In Flgwa 10. The lurbLIonoe Wensity from al diredim s -and Far el manths is lowand unlikely to 1rW&10 eaomlMe wearetrwhd turbines. hilanth JIM Feb frl�r Aer Jun ;T Aug Sep Oct Deo A7 lure Turboulawa lair nslLw 0.06 0.06 0.06 0_07 1( 0.12 0.14 0.13 CIA 1 0.10 rLfle 19_06 0-06 GLIB 7NP F4rr* Mp GWdk- a 0 MEN _o d 10 Vd 20 sz 310. vAnd Spv*d jMftp — Dot} — ICA s atrga-re k - 11A Cmkpary @ Inlensity ChaFa-aterlstins of Wit Tawar Sle IR1gUxe 10 IpW!4 she aueroge turWbpnce inlenridy versus wind epeed fbrLhe met tuwwr site a6 web as futCAtagory A and B turbuJonoo 54e4 as dofi:ad t'the IntemadonW IiWdrdLechniral Comrn!seipn Standard 61400-1. 29 Edition_ tWoFW A repre6ents a higher turhtknnce model than Categaq B. In this rase, the ff4- K1 rdv4a Is I Ilurbluleni. then both c;;o,,"Qrles geraesa the what range cf wind speeds_ Wnd nitro' Wnd shag was Calculated belvwaon Ve 69-meter anemom r w4 the -meter erw ameler, and rebuts &,e summarized In Figure 11. J44a th Urn Do om Wrid Shear Jen 0.11 Feb 13 —,RI Mar 1 1323 Apr D May D,1a Jun 4-17 Jul 0:15 Aug 0: to Sao 0.18 Oct 02-3 + 0:1 bwerege of 30-50m Shear E 'Dec 0.2 Ave D. ig NUra 11r WfInd $h"r Cho t-erl0rs of NWETower Sits W" The averap wind rhea: for the she Is 0.151. As jhmun. If ewind Omarvsdes h' rranth, direacm a[ the Wiind. and: lima of day_ Ttms a wind shear walum Can bG usad to 9t tha wnd twowt <Iata to be t-s other 1Man fho a that wer-p mgpsrged erA r:eperled here, as deter -riled ixvvla,. 4r in tfra Dale Pruce6sing Prxedums and DeMnllions section. yr,�wM-:�kVMrMMLjIhrgi;y Qr .1pragarnwirtni.htrnl pegQ it of 13 Feb"An yF 2oix ��sK�eLBgssiNo9ihcf}kwdiwumluq'prwl 6shs}Se J3 6spmaL 500e {mplusa monlq wAs {Low S} —3eo\° C1922¢mluqumomc6'mplcp12 amii,,pLMfugboMGLg6n61obw6u(MIwq ecconut'�esnslgBsaLiugboa�sLgsual}h�,L(ps2i,{s!a�pMpus �ulalu{awspouwssuz6PsiBsiPslPgsg aLonuq Ishsl suq e'1 wi2 gig pslapf o{ 30 LuGim jsplwa ips Ioo9l siL gsu2lA suq mluq 2bssq gla(gpn}lou luto li p seppateq [poi ips louaim suunol wwao mluq absoq si fpo a!ts la S8 uqa of o pol3pi o} @O wensla spans upwoniou mw n2sq to wsp huoq!cgous sz to ips bofsupsl euGA hLognetpu µow wuq n ium at ips 21 e SANMssipsLzisgou'szlws{szmsswsgsiocss{ssloua•{swgsisas{{ou}psBslpslws{icrosLaps D12 Betpel' VlsaKe' lPe qe(9 m92 Cewbel6q W lewa-!9 U pewga lU {p6 9Le9 9sqPsasq ow CewBletlowa Mpp 4pe Be@el jpieLsbu4bLagigse92nwwsu oimiugLseonLcsgspcellsc}sq}mwDsuswpsLSepq{pLonapgswnsL�SWeN OONOIN210N jps aum csbsclta Scot Is wnli!bl!sq pa 0'60 io morut }OL Runs }squa' usaniqua N ipe us; csbecA {sgoL 112{eq' sulpuae{{psplsgsz ANP2esi 91Lsh102292 9ugsXLSLusMss(psLwugq!ouecsu}ngpsLLsgncsinLpiwson{bN MOLO to Olomis 5; Ualoci bomok ioLp oulp Aeor IIUGWIcisucls22ncps2imaiouuoultuelotim,inUitiusgomuiiws' swanutol suaaa bwgncsq gmRGq ph Rio wsximnw swims{ o{ su6Laa (psi conlq po hwgncsq it iVs mmq ptim6 Kw'n1{e sle apaMu iu j�Is g ywuua }ps Lsanpa le {ps awez Lsbscl�, }seioL' mP!ep 12 gspusq ss ips se}nsI gsuei1 tpsaspsiapiapszsgoutpsusssanLsgmluq2pssLst{ps2ic 1psmlugLs20nLcsm92g2osqlna{sq{o2{sugsLgslL we{eL1511lowkmplieUXPivaISO%ffionlgpeuffulegouse0-ujepLtOser 1psmluquseonLceM2sgjnatag10 pslapiz (o ps coueie{su} g 12 s2mueq justsua muq }nLplws wisq sf 100 KM aL 1622 monlq ps wenuisq ow s 30. ps2sq ou ips loA-faw muoq moacs qs}s zs{' VI{ponap glgsisutmluq inLplws2 sLs ogsLGq mop ggistsutiamsL Est MmNginLlnusa'112{eq Iu lsple S' meue naeq to oslenlsis t bofsullsl emaa bLogncpcu si ipe Lust {om%age bOlEN1iVr bOMEK bKODB0lION EKON MIND InBWE2 V19atsEuetaaVnlpogla BE1NE0'VK MugKsaonwsyzasaaLwsu{ fit- 73 N� La` C �n U7 I g U. I v ?k C3 ig�t E 'T 1 I z LLP � s � � 4 lb ih W 1[] ag RE C Y =5 di stir 4 •� C ZI W �` C m W -I ��kl'rl � M Ld 1 w --- a m w a a T m ' Lo m m i. fl . t� flG r t+5 Ln li3 C� r trJ [� fF5 dt d? G� !*y GH fi7 S.2 M1 w En 1 ir W; r � � � to $ a* 70 P- 0 0 Am�yy m LD C � iM 1F] co M — 13, d) � L r 03 d r ro t C5J r r r f r r r � r sY r`I r Ni ME C m qj �- Ty - 4} 1�F G i�7 fi'] li I C 50'9 �co�w® � r m � � m 4 c 4� �- City of eat 1l iFd Eneryy ftojeu NWIOO FeasitAity Study Appendix G — Economic Assessment S up-portiin9 I aWCorrespondence FL*-hF'ui3iy 113, 2DD8 Page - F141 61i%71na-rrun iJi] >>pa�a� (aoa) �ar3a�1 yI1CfIDlufl4' YK WO H13lsgaat /,ogau p uyp gp+c vjuquDiIf6LL3 fiVOLIP,, m!agyoftul susffcr }+{9[gt19 D9Go 3szl96hlg2, ip q hon ou2�ul asq ot`I`»I30d?)' �toLW91 ai gggpugi lquwegou ou fir ms4-mpm 2!le` Mega Mum We 19Ws2 jgu86U 51GSS tggl JWe p ots fps ;%Cl Wgt-1cmgu qep }ot hone brLbc2R 14 ion ussq tps qg(g lu g q gm; Dset UILVPe' {O ps n2sq }OL CIA zpob lu ploOMI Zoc{lau yllomlud neo oEM!uq psis Gopoc;oq I�oupms2E O} iomu EW911 }LOW MIA p9po' VEV M!uq bLOaLSW Wsusdst INg Cql ki &in ft.w aoa �W,..: n�o-Y ,kil pige P': Wl LL` P)MV m INTklk g Pr 1VN15 pa,i x zguf,ng waMe P P:uYx Cl U IkY eu dts IW ":ra Ma l k x'ig 'e oklk g J lvmnars q rrtryp qeh iw o[k'si t n Na'rypvFl gill af+'gw*S NOZ � , . ..., 0PS4SS•BOJB psniq EWAsv pucpai98s'gK 832d2 aJoso2CURI 2l;nst W, PC' ZnRoaREI P% CO ul gGgPgl, WH �suapenelobU&IW9096GL jopu 2si11sul P� :i°l'.o f+ 9apw..I mum, dIlgtz q uMij Ieilo gc ¢'47 r no 1qr 1111 bnk; gfI'c 6 broI lasl4ot lnwyst, b�oJsct Add�dd9 PG{VtSW'd101 R0.4�4a5,1164i 30;SIOLld{P. AA L&IO i1, 9 1gappgnx suq MUVIoulud ZMOoq` amlemcLII eouuscrnv:p1614220p'120 7[IAACa lleplp; nw Ilws m1pu! vua4 Co-.Ju a4o VTUI!IWP i393 tl@9 suq qeu d of Ips beilseq Iwpque q seonlre suq :suruuu9lw nq cnbsu gonsgsi al.as.�gz g2b, $ QOtfb;lfPil�liuq rR!o log0u b,ysslLG 7uplu6' VII galasgsu qs dusuq EF'�aq�l7az.?u ...�,,.� ...,. •TE'8`tU0 2geuehnc eunge oqusv�x9e61 nzawB �gaprmnsl Nciy J;91 io Ills I,Ism's I iMl[IPOC I'M .aelBimia nu-?+r sle@,r> In suq gmupawgo;I ma gam 49Rla Caux:mq vuq I'aalml P&I[epniva �^�I'y Pua� na sqr lu�Elaav ui a'I ,llwagrq lqi&>jnC/.(Gg rrc�mxl7Uglr IB g.Qugngqrf�t imlat,),¢ouggxoq pnuq :.ojstc;aog zltglr. y Syr II31Ma a.e'nerinq (m�p�uPc 10. x+C lcLdi�i;m)Ieq Y'p6�Vi lol2l`6}�yclpc �4 �GII IadPrf @4 � i,l ' JdfE Oq Wu n nau RU1 i�t219 � .uot YI rqs 64�lGOOn EOI i udui Iraq p{ nv ink � i !� tnmw�x nkSU03' i,mo:a'tl�'ai:eslp Ct: nipu hwrr•r yi... 6lsgl oGa {rgmIutpcn,r li'"�P �ge�Yi,�� I of 0 iiik <iuic to i I Lu 4t� q t(Paq(',104 ttFni,M@Nn: Et r pi,+. P, nl�,`l am8m ❑�r;tam'G14 aYirumuCrbwni'i}'z ql Xaq k Ut'oh^�9G JLq mesr. P' nzcg gn aj{J, a 41s'P '= LI �u�np b11Ic ac orFq m Cu6 p b uc IgAh �mm mry4lu a1Pc Ys � I,IY iiic qum N irn. ucrns bqs t II eis .aluq m l� r+ a a (,� a;tn p;'rosrnl? Io is iI uafLugnr ngC»$Iog1 vuq auosqumrgo lr=='JiWTV J. a,IV I'mw-1 ;q civa plj xliiG.t?! isp tilgIF w CM nsawgvellp IFc Im blw,l yueau8 suo, beUusu(IsuUa Nrn:oo Mf' I.Ge ywnuan� sppauin�.pl Nog4em pabw'. l lcm 3gp2c i0mi p3ec uuA dna2gon2 tobmcpaa' Gnaulr'sugcomiaaron). couuc & bzcgvou' 3uq obawjou optnzpluc) p cxbccxq to pc ¢0 optPa A3 M (cot( bmbcr (eyuq wzpmc' moral' panugapou' 3uq ciccj�cal ctlolIucut ucmu6l pot 1Pa tuctea2eq pa nce colt cxbscleq bay Asui to cono2 tpe loaa of gneo° of Tr, Cocboaullou,2Iq e V44crtA to tpc buplic Il1oip, pnpg A 3uq pc rouusctcq m Hcgxl f1Rp m 100 U luatos toga ncui tpe bopllc gog2 pmlgmu pgs miuq tnip!uc mrq b2onrgs canst ga bm cps2a' matuQulma uuq oba ggou ops 2ujgl colmoicl3l mmq pnp!ue ou u Pc C to o} 3sgTsl Pa 2uppc�cut lispipta coeamc m 1p cxlagug n amsucc 6alrc to ba Oa mwi lelsbpoua counamfloa Yn poi, BE: C{tA oiBainsl lun uca rpol, VK 00226 bo Box 138R CA o%uatPal lopu 23 acid boPtm3ta 12S06P mCEHCA Evx (am) sea-eua Keusl' vK aae;. E00°ti9 SG3: 1 J 0 2 Nelloffi' 24a2 (BDS) 583'188tl EDAM r' AICEbtlE210EN. J Ll i��Indaa�No'g — eNs�o�a; l0\f 33\8B gUGLU yjvzxs coumnurq} o{ pcPps? Bzon797d E7sc7L7c 2sLnrts qO qya yucpo.�dO yjna g d3203 c 3280 c 2FLGW 2niCs 37D RUM QoJIMIE2 conoB llog 43. 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V�,s moups';ps eombeul&.p lop.�ta gg E10o g Vinp Vpla nl'.ppsa t' KEP1216Y,OcF.(ihTC421.KdSE'dJICZlWE,11 �• Goil o{bomcy sgimpUaal (�laaa C� 29'1l@Sr%MH [ P gezeNgG[bols: 2-0`' F1KA 2 bco7sclsgara{o[bux�^ (?) 1 (d7 203S231KMtt3 I I' naFC=aq K6lH,a toa F bagoq b'b01'2!d ?' toffs) o[ W n'q (S) i3'3SS'.1d2 3' Hulsueemgpyypeleucm4suamgs¢oZpe(ops:CFQ01 E 14iCq Loll 23'pQ333a bmsps2sc onss 0009 9 D'2cihr.c! pw)ilp'1' E3'dPP E?Sq)a3d go�aoo nsuurA pu!!('Aai 14{0l p7pun;a �r!mstsq !' pZlws4;qcoeR{o:gesemoe17a7s3!uucppeposal`SflbJ n' gElk'd'n�'dA0N0ECO21a�6QMEKtlIDIlBLWevy }�ESHEC �ISIPLtT�8i0TCb03{�drt0 Fc,gsalsq gpsttrv?o'? ai �eivcl, cruc�mB dui a 2UECEIAELD 071 V5DCNc'C3 P2N�a;�9 3VsstNo`?02 1NOWV2 2' 21E8NE111' gk '�`!Ills CON1tlOt1EH 122ORR pk gEaNEf l io MhoSVIJON � laVt{V9nlBBNd 33 Epscpne: I01T1dT Lncsnsu; ;o OLQ6L ND- S Tv DDcPF n-DT-TO nssq ;o g6fGUTue ;Vs LenTasq GOLV' '1 d7 v ce7cn7s;TDu oz Fps mOu;VT% pSTsucyua scconu; ;ps bea; TS soups, {} V ecVegnTe oT mDu;VIX MDAs;; PonL eaTsa Toy. anpsT;;aq ;ps; snbbu; {nsj bnLcV986T 51 Dobrea 0; zneT maycse uo; bLBArOnaTv TS oou;pa• evq asonu; ab6v; ;o bnxcpeaa how Tu ;Ps bsaF ecVsgnlO eVOATua ;ps onspsL 01 KTTOAP;; PPnLe £` NEA12JOR U 0021 Ob LQM; VDT081HEMI (CDWVneq} 0 vtlnc Hv cBDtelllu8 OLOToa1 aPB6t NJ � Fn{'Ir if,; ('v2 CPWW;221O1i �13199(de2K0 tlpeq N0 30' E A E D City of Bethel Land Ownership �A a o3o?vraeuz�su L«.__�'�l1�•� i } Lei �,:•� >ili d B' as.cest �'er'eo'oN -..2 - 1La1_J, r, ec,eeet ,ja��/- .i it •(» IN I, si: a.ii qqs a m . d' '�'dd> sa r _i 3 lu , q� tYeJ r♦ 6 I: jY r. dal.-ti p_ > m, IIII o O O Ty (1 n�YA It 5 3 m u( dung a a ro f{i + Iwo' .®,,ui'°I�r;+` i:" mz•+ a =: N iYy °off )o em "a. of o j aafd an RAej o q N n. It \\ N �' e0 f °a _ i m o s r hJ �y 'C ri" ? �• n� hw"aaa ems Is, c ,ly atr � i`: �� t t n .f wIt N ti( Y a.n fie ruil :t,I ,Wal"I n.r i u WRY vIIWa-elf 144111pf i fi1 o o rw t a pi° of of owthyirwt o..a.. 1-7 1 Rail ;G re, a m, vaww wmmr am rio, I. III 1Po.WN ea ww a 9 1.1n. n4min W ram( w. nai R-r 1,It'll f>W, w. 44 uu NO Fiii 4M TR Iro M mww w=A'e' yy Net Rilxp Eun AIWW, Ra W rMf11�04 FR4 0 �Po W] 9R I I MttW tla in 6Mfl4 { Y mRm Me of tla*V at.y,(f vn IMPA& n,il fgFF i (�11 iF5-12N eCe�3aApivapa aaam pl N,a: 5W It ID. VON CCN20(12N2 2fdhEhdE12' PNC �eua > a e r aoxniN=.re"'a Aaa!N' �rn2x !I +rr: FairV�f Vp11M1F Gam' mH llai Y';Y.2Y HIM M rmaox nraav Kli R we ww,YR.Il at Rating ARM ni At INI rf nnua . nx WIRK s — all tl.rti to 6 insoe A no ePwlw aii 31 li ImAry I. mnt.IN(M R&WO IH[:IA4plot Tr in %4PoII lv V bTA f vll nm�us:A.n.wa Roux a.wa yuw' m7 AD1MA,3 pG%NOpIEWRkitl re \9nce �Y i Ytl1I u. p(wl,m yEg R, gw;nilm vuuq TiYou pM at a Fl mwtl.y trr Xg to iw MItI-It a OYle [140 uawm nel fm.fa:rrgI ant, Yi mRu4%of will TIi IDv rwr'p MAIM WIf[o I at WHO pw.• 4yyattu li iyi M4{leo fup llui La RNa ' fmlkllNr I'mf?t mgrlA ryRta£N WfiwVi e{ry. MIL C� !i'i-i 4 is Me, A'I IAaA Na, n'tvY 64�C'1981 MtRV If 111 ^!z4III I%i If III o . \k i w p 1 w 4 • er ii