HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of King Cove Energy Infrastructure Upgrade Projects - Assessment Report - Dec 2004ONE COMPANY Memo Many Solutions" To: Steve Stassel, AE&E From: Bob Butera, HDR Project: Delta Creek (King Cove) Hydroelectric Project FINAL CC: Date: August 16, 2004 Job No: 02000 Introduction The King Cove hydroelectric project was constructed on Delta Creek in 1994. Alaska Energy and Engineering (AE&E) is performing an energy analysis for the community of King Cove. As part of this analysis AE&E requested HDR Alaska, Inc. (HDR) review the hydrology for the project to determine whether there was sufficient water to operate the hydroelectric plant at prime kW rating. HDR was also requested to provide a list of potential improvements to the intake structures and operation that could increase firm power capability. Background The King Cove Hydroelectric project has two separate intake structures located on two separate branches of Delta Creek. The intakes are located on Glacier Creek and Clear Creek, the east and west tributaries respectively. Each intake is designed to divert up to 50 cfs of water for hydroelectric power generation. Buried steel pipelines run from each intake to a junction point approximately 300 feet downstream of the Clear Creek intake. The diversion crest elevation of the Glacier Creek intake is approximately 15 feet higher than the Clear Creek intake. The Glacier Creek intake is designed as a "slave" intake and the Clear Creek intake is the "master." Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of the King Cove Hydro Project. Tahle 1 — Praiert C.hararterictirc Location Delta Creek Turbine Rating, type 800 kW, Impulse Gross Head 292 feet Net Head at full load 242 feet Design Flow (peak) 50 cfs Penstock Diameter _ 32 inches Penstock Length 2400 feet Availability of Water The design study report for the King Cove Hydroelectric Project developed annual flow duration and monthly flow and power production estimates for the project. These estimates were based on 5 years of daily flow data (1981 to 1986) from Russell Creek. Russell Creek is located 15 miles west of Delta Creek and was gaged by the USGS. Delta Creek was also gaged during a similar period but the gage record was incomplete (approximately 60% of the period of record was missing). Russell Creek data was adjusted to simulate flow in Delta Creek. HDR Alaska, Inc. 2525 C Street Phone (907) 6,14-2000 Page 1 of 5 Sode 305 r ax (507! �44-20'12 A( cnorage. AK �.;9503 www ndnnc ;am Table 1 shows estimated annual flow duration data for Delta Creek at the project intakes. It includes both branches of Delta Creek. Table 1 — Annual Flow Exceedance Exceedance (%) Flow (cfs) 10 65 20 48 30 40 40 35 50 30 60 27 70 22 80 18 90 14 100 7 Table 2 shows estimated monthly flows for Delta Creek at the project intakes. It includes both branches of Delta Creek. Table 2 — Estimated AveraLye Monthlv Flows Month Average Flow (cfs) January 29 February 24 March 17 April 17 May 28 June 37 July 49 August 43 September 56 October 47 November 48 December 44 Annual 37 HDR Alaska, Inc. 2525 C Street Phone (907) 644 2000 Page 2 of 5 Suite K5 Fax (907) 644-2022 .ynchtJrgq{;, AK ;-,Y tmW ,v. hdrinr, cprn Table 3 shows estimated net power production based on the five years of daily flow record, a turbine flow range of 5 to 50 cfs, the project head and pipeline configurations, and assumptions for turbine r efficiency, transformer, switchyard and line loes and .atatinn power re0>>irementc. Table 3 —'Monthly Energy Generation Potential Month Average Flow (cfs) Usable Flow (cfs) Estimated Power Production (megawatt- hours/month) Average Power (KW) - January 29 29 300 399 February 24 24 200 296 March 17 17 200 263 April 17 17 190 260 May 28 28 290 387 _ June 37 37 _ 380 528 July 49 49 430 568 August 43 43 410 556 September 56 50 400 556 October 47 47 370 500 November 48 48 390 542 December 44 44 380 513 Annual 37 37 3940 The estimated effective peak capacity of the turbine (after all losses) was estimated at 720 kW. The estimated plant factor (ratio of amount of power produced over maximum potential of project) was 0.69. No additional flow data has been collected for the project. Data is available for actual monthly power production from hydroelectric power for the fiscal years (July to June) 2000 to 2004 in the State of Alaska, Alaska Energy Authority, Power Cost Equalization PCE Statistics Report. 'Table 4 shows the monthly MWH generated for the fiscal years 2000 to 2004. phis mtormation is taken from the PCE Statistics report. The years 2002 to 2004 appear reasonably consistent and an average of these years is compared to the estimated power production from the project design study report. HOR Alaska, Inc. 2525 C Slre-el Phone (907) 644-?000 Pa r; 3 of 5 oate 305 Fax 0_(,71 641-2022 Anchorage, AK 99503 O v w rdr rr ;;rn Table 4 — Comparison of Estimated Power Production to Actual Power Production Month Estimated Usable Flow (cfs) Estimated Power Production (MWH per month FY 2000 Power Production (MWH per month) FY 2001 Power Production (MWH per month)) FY 2002 Power Production (MWH per month FY 2003 Power Production I (MWH per month)) FY 2004 Power Production I (MWH per month) Estimated Production (MWH per month) Ratio of Average I 02.-04 to Estimate July 49 430 202 95 296 291 278 288 67% Au st 43 410 212 129 299 286 284 290 71% September 50 400 90 43 303 295 243 280 70% October 47 370 48 69 243 307 270 273 74% November 48 390 79 67 112 197 230 180 46% December 44 380 52 67 89 93 67 83 22% January 29 300 60 3 49 123 96 89 30% February 24 200 36 76 55 156 96 102 51% March 17 200 36 79 108 114 96 1 66 53% April 17 190 6 77 106 112 47 88 46% 28 290 6 44 222 205 274 234 81% __May June 37 380 260 0 295 278 280 284 75% Annual 37 3940 1086 749 2177 2457 2261 2298 58% Table 4 shows that during the fiscal years 2002 to 2004 the King Cove hydroelectric project produced about 60% of the previously estimated potential production. Several factors could be attributed to less power being produced than estimated. Factors could include that the estimated water available from the basin was higher than actual water available from the basin or that all of the available water is not being used. The estimated water available may be high because of the lack of streamflow data being available for project design. All of the water may not be used because some is used for sediment flushing. There may be periods of time, particularly during frazil ice formation, when it is operationally essential to shut down the plant. Finally, the project was designed on average daily flows but due to the peak nature of power demands, daily flows may produce too little power to meet peaks and more than is needed during night demands. Improvements to Plant The basic characteristics of the plant (turbine efficiency, pipeline energy loss, etc) cannot be altered. The primary means to increase power output would be to cuzu; c Lliat water is iiut wasieu. There inay be some operational changes that can be made to minimize water wasting. These changes may include: • Installation of remote operated web -type cameras at the intake would allow remote monitoring of the water level. This would help determine when flushing should occur. It would also allow monitoring during frazil ice formation periods (prior to creek freeze -over) to allow maximum use of hydro plant potential with less risk of penstock freezeup. • Installation of an ultrasonic type (or other) level sensor in the Glacier Fork intake settling chamber would provide a remote indication of sediment buildup, which would improve penstock maintenance, minimize sluice gate spillage and increase hydroelectric generation. • Interfacing the existing water level gauges (pressure transducers) at the intake structures with the proposed new diesel plant atttostart/autoload-sharing switchgear to predict water flow HDR Alaska, Inc. 2525 G Street Phone (907) 644-2000 Page 4 of 5 Suite 305 :; {907) 6,14 2022 i .Anchorage. AK 99503 a,:vw hdrinc corn j rates would optimize hydroelectric production and minimize diesel fuel consumption, while ensuring adequate spinning reserves and reliable power. Installation of remote operation of existing settling chamber flushing valve would improve system operation and maintenance. Installation of remote operated web -type cameras at the hydro power house would improve system maintenance. Review the past 10-years of intake water level sensor data to determine the amount of water that is spilled over the dam crests at both intakes. This may provide an indication of when additional water may be available for production of power. HDR Alaska, Inc. 2525 C street Phore 1907, 644 d)00 `age 5 of 5 Fax (90/) 6Z f1�2 r,r1cPc,;i',1e AK 9j:5o3 wwvi.hdiinc,.C;orn Alaska Energy and Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 111405 Anchorage, AK 99511-1405 Phone (907) 349-0100 Fax 349-8001 December 13, 2004 16 pages total sent via fax and email to: • Mr. Henry Mack, Mayor, City of King Cove, King Cove, 907-497-2594 fax • Mr. Clark Corbridge, City Manager, City of King Cove, King Cove, 276-7569 fax • Mr. Harlen Newman, King Cove Electric Department, 907-497-2594 fax • Mr. Bryan Carey, AEA/REG, Anchorage, 269-4688 fax • Mr. Glenn Guffey, Peter Pan Seafoods, King Cove, 907-497-2242 fax Re: King Cove Energy Projects Upgrade — Assessment Report Bryan Carey of the Alaska Energy Authority/Rural Energy Group (AEA/REG) and Steve Stassel and Clois Versyp of Alaska Energy end Engineering, Inc. (AE&E) performed a site investigation to King Cove from July 19t through July 2Ist 2004. The purpose of this site visit was to provide information to the community regarding the AEA programs and to obtain information to identify community energy related needs and potential energy infrastructure upgrade projects. During our site investigation and subsequent follow-up communications, issues were identified that need to be resolved in order to define the project scope so that it can advance to the conceptual design phase. This letter is provided to summarize and analyze these findings and to present a list of issues and possible options for the community to consider. The information is provided in the following sections, refer to drawing M1 for a community site plan: 1) Status of Existing Community Fuel Storage Facilities. 2) Status of Existing City Power Generation Facilities. 3) Status of Existing Electric Distribution System. 4) Estimated Future Community Power Demand. 5) Replacement Diesel Generator Selection. 6) Fuel Storage Facility Upgrades. 7) Diesel Power Plant Upgrades. 8) Diesel Plant Switchgear Upgrades. 9) SCADA System Upgrades. 10) Hydroelectric System Upgrades. 11) Electrification of the New Harbor. 12) Electrical Service for Peter Pan Seafoods Domestic Loads. 13) Electrical Line Extension to Lenard Harbor 14) Absorption Refrigeration at Peter Pan Seafoods Power Plant. 15) Other Potential Alternative Energy Projects. Kinq Cove Energy Protects Upgrade Assessment Report 1) Status of Existing Community Fuel Storage Facilities There are two major fuel storage and handling facilities in the community of King Cove. One is owned and operated by Peter Pan Seafoods and the other by the City of King Cove. The Peter Pan Seafoods fuel facility provides storage, distribution and dispensing of #1 and #2 diesel fuel and unleaded gasoline for fish processing operations (heat and electric generation), fishing vessels, and residential Beating fuei and gasoline. The Peter Pan Seafoods tank farm contains gross storage capacity in excess of 700,000 gallons. The tank farm was relocated and renovated in 1999; therefore, no upgrades are recommended to this facility as part of this project. The City fuel facility provides storage for 127,000 gallons of #2 diesel fuel for power generation and city heavy equipment operation. The City tank farm is located adjacent to the power plant, west of the "old" harbor. Fuel is delivered by a below grade six-inch welded steel pipeline that extends from the fill point at the new deep -water dock to the tank farm manifold. The pipeline is buried except where it crosses the bridge to the deep -water dock. The pipeline is coated and cathodically protected, and is equipped with check and isolation valves and a drip basin at the fill point. The tank farm consists of four horizontal tanks and one vertical tank located within a diked and lined impound area about 40 feet west of the power plant/warehouse. The earthen dike is 3-4 feet high, has a synthetic liner covered with gravel fill and vegetation, and is enclosed by an eight -foot tall chain -link fence. The impound appears to be impervious to the degree that stormwater is retained, but the dike is not of adequate capacity. The three 5,000-gallon horizontal, welded steel tanks are of similar single wall construction and are set on timber foundations. The 10,000-gallon horizontal tank is similar to the smaller tanks, except it is equipped with steel legs and bolted to heavy timbers. The horizontal tanks are top fill. The 102,000-gallon vertical tank is set on a compacted gravel and sand bed foundation. It is equipped with a level gauge, six inch vent, top and side mounted manholes, exterior ladder, two-inch water draw valve, three- inch blind flange, and three-inch gate valve that is flanged to the fill/supply piping. The power plant "day tank" is a 2,000-gallon horizontal skid mounted double wall tank located on the east side of the power plant. The City is currently upgrading the power plant fuel system, which includes replacing the existing antiquated buried threaded pipeline with a new 2-inch sche(irrlP 80 coated and cathodically protected pipeline, and renovating the power plant double wall daytank to comply with EPA requirements for alternative secondary containment systems. As part of the fuel system upgrade project, a new three-inch marine diesel fuel transfer line was installed from the tank farm to the "old" harbor bulkhead to provide marine fuel to fishing vessels. A temporary lined bulk transfer area at the tank farm is also under construction to provide loading of tank vehicles and portable tanks for heating fuel delivery and for fueling City equipment. Although the City has upgraded the marine header and fill pipeline, and is in the process of further upgrading ancillary components of the fuel handling system, the City tank farm is not code compliant and is in need of major improvements and should be replaced. A complete list of deficiencies will be included in the Concept Design Report. 2) Status of Existing City Power Generation Facilities. The City of King Cove power generation facilities include both a diesel and a hydroelectric plant. The hydroelectric project was built on Delta Creek in 1994. There are two separc-Ite int,_3ke ­_JrucWrPs located on >eparfite branches, of Delta Creek. The f_ "11 It_i .) r.,1 1,r:_ King Cove Energy Projects Upgrade Assessment Report intakes are located on Glacier Creek and Clear Creek. A 2400-foot long 32-inch steel penstock carries water from the two intakes to the powerhouse. The powerhouse is equipped with an 800-kW, Impulse type turbine, operating at 480 volts, three phase. The turbine wheel is subject to a high rate of erosion thought to be caused by silt from Glacier Creek. The primary turbine wheel was sent out for remanufacturing this summer. The backup wheel has failed from erosion and the hydroplant has been down since fall. The remanufactured wheel is tentatively scheduled for installation by late December 2004. The existing diesel power plant was constructed in the 1980's and is located within a portion of a 120 feet by 140 feet city owned storage building located near the old harbor. The building is an un-insulated wood frame building with a metal skin. The foundation consists of a concrete footing with a partial concrete floor. The building is primarily used for storage of fishing equipment and nets. The diesel engines, operator's office, and storage occupy a 68'Lx19'W area located in the southeast corner of the building. The diesel plant consists of four diesel generating units operating at 480 volt, three- phase, solidly grounded wye as follows: Unit No. 1: Caterpillar D353G, 1200 RPM, 300 kW. Unit No. 2: Caterpillar D353G, 1200 RPM, 300 kW. Unit No. 3: Caterpillar 3412, 1800 RPM, 545 kW. Unit No. 4: Caterpillar 3512, 1800 RPM, 650 kW. Units 1, 2, & 3 are located inside the power plant, and Unit no. 4 is in a module located on the east side of the power plant. Unit no. 4 provides prime power for the city. The other units are used primarily when unit no. 4 is off line for maintenance. Unit Nos. 1 and 2 are antiquated, very fuel inefficient, and should be replaced. Unit no. 3 had a major inframe overhaul in 2003 and has only 300-hours of operating time since. Total runtime on Unit no. 3 is unknown. Unit no. 4 has approximately 57,500 hours total operating time. Based on historic annual runtime of about 5,500 hours/year, it will take another 8 years before the engine reaches its rated 100,000-hour useful life. Both Units 4 and 5 could be reused in a new upgraded power plant, but may require new generator -ends should the power plant generation voltage be upgraded to 2400-volt (see Section 7). The power plant switchgear consists of two independent 480-volt switchgear lineups. Units 1, 2, & 3 feed the 480-volt switchgear located in the operator's office. Unit no. 4 has its own switchgear located inside the module. Both switchgear feed into a three phase pad mount step-up transformer located on the southeast side of the power plant. The switchgear is antiquated and not suitable for reuse in a new power plant. 3) Status of Existing Electric Distribution System. A 7.2/12.47kV three-phase, underground electrical distribution system provides power to the City of King Cove. The system was installed in 1977-1978 and the overall condition of the system appears good. Based on discussions with Mr. Dave Oliver (Electrical Engineer, RSA, Inc.), all recent work performed on the distribution system has used No. 2/0 AWG for the main runs with No. 2 AWG used for residential areas. Based on NEC Table 310-77, 90°C rating, one circuit, the ampacity of a No. 2 AWG aluminum conductor is 145 amps and the ampacity of a No. 2/0 AWG aluminum conductor is 220 amps. At a power factor of 0.95, the ampacity provides a loading capacity of 2.97 MW and 4.45 MW respectively at 100% of the cable ampacity. At the projected comrrlunity peak demand, this cable should be adequate for the foreseeable Kinq Cove Enerm Proiects Upqrade Assessment Report future. Other than upgrades required for the connection of the new power plant, no other upgrades are recommended for the existing distribution system. 4) Estimated Future Community Power Demand. Based on PCE data the peak demand for King Cove has varied between about 590 kW and 610 kW over the past four years, with an average demand of about 420 kW in fiscal years 2003 and 2004 (However, recent peak loads in early December 2004 have exceed 680 kW). Historically, during the months of late May to November the electric utility typically operates on nearly 100% hydropower. However, from November through May the hydroelectric plant has only provided about 25% to 30% of the total community electric needs. Although the hydroelectric plant usually provides electricity throughout the year, there are times during the winter and during maintenance or unplanned outages when the diesel power plant must carry the full electric load. It is important to evaluate the impact of planned near -term infrastructure improvement projects on existing utility systems. New construction and other community improvements can adversely impact the adequacy of existing utilities. At present, there is one existing project and three potential projects that may increase the electric kW demand. The potential projects include a new electric service to the Peter Pan Seafoods domestic loads, electrification of the new Harbor, and electrification of the airport. The current project is the construction of a new 40,000 square foot school, planned for 2006. The estimated demand of each of these is as follows: • New School: 50 kW. • Airport Electrification: 10 kW. • Peter Pan Seafoods Domestic Load: 250 kW. • Electrification of the New Harbor: 550 kW The peak demand of each of these new loads will likely occur at the same time. Should all potential infrastructure projects be implemented, the City power generation facilities will need to meet the sum of the new loads and the existing kW demand, plus an annual increase in base load. For planning purposes, the projected peak demand is separated into two cases. For the base case, it is assumed that the community base load will increase at a rate of 2% each year, in addition to the New School and Airport electric loads. The alternate case includes the potential Peter Pan Seafoods Domestic and New Harbor Loads. Based on this, the Base Case peak demand is projected to increase to about 810 kW, and the average peak demand to about 485 kW, over the next 5 years. Should all potential infrastructure projects be implemented, the Alternate Case projects the peak electric demand may increase to about 1500 kW, and the average peak demand to about 1000 kW. 5) Replacement Diesel Generator Selection. Due to the magnitude of the anticipated daily and annual load fluctuations, it is important to size new diesel generation equipment to both maximize fuel economy and to provide redundant generation capacity. Because of the magnitude of the anticipated electric load increase, it will be necessary to frequently parallel a diesel generator with the hydroelectric plant. Proper selection and sizing of the diesel generators to minimize fuel consumption is critical. To maximize the use of available hydroelectric power, as well as provide adequate diesel generation capacity when hydro -power is not available, the new power plant is proposed to be equipped with four diesel gensets. The diesel generators will be sized so that a variety of on-line diesel/hydro generator combinations are available to most 01`eri ly rnt�et the rlt-caric; Anytime, there i,> insufficient hydropower to rnf,(=,t the A King Cove Energy Projects Upgrade Assessment Report electric load, the optimum sized diesel genset will run in parallel with the hydroelectric plant. When hydropower is not available any combination of diesel gensets will operate to most efficiently meet the load. Based on the projected loads due to potential infrastructure projects, the proposed new power plant generating units have been preliminarily sized as follows: • Unit No. 1: 275 kW, Caterpillar 3456 • Unit No. 2: 600 kW, Caterpillar 3508B (1) • Unit No. 3: 1050 kW, Caterpillar 3512B • Unit No. 4: 1400 kW, Caterpillar 3516B (1) (The existing 3512 @ 650 kW or 3412 @ 545 kW adequate funding is not available for a new 350813) Advantages of these new gensets include: could be used in this position if • Adequate capacity to meet current peak loads as well as future peak loads. • Ability to operate with excellent fuel efficiency at low loads due to electronic controlled ignition. • Ability to be operated efficiently with any renewable energy sources that may be installed at a later date (refer to Section 15, Alternative Energy). The CDR will include a construction cost estimate for the generation equipment appropriate to meet future electric loads depending on which potential infrastructure improvements are to be implemented. 6) Fuel Storage Facility Upgrades. King Cove is located on a year round ice -free port with a deep -water dock capable of receiving line haul barges. Line -haul fuel deliveries are typically available at least once a month during January through April, and from June to September. PetroStar also operates a 180-class lighterage barge out of Dutch Harbor that is used for backhauling fuel from Dutch Harbor to local communities in the region. PetroStar reports the incremental cost for fuel delivered from Dutch Harbor is about $.10/gallon over the line - haul barge delivered cost. PetroStar requires a minimum fuel delivery of 300,000- gallons to route the line -haul barge to King Cove. For backhaul deliveries, a minimum fuel delivery of 100,000-gallons is desired. Peter Pan Seafoods operates a major fish processing operation at King Cove and receives frequent line -haul fuel deliveries Thn City of King Cove has the potential to arrange for fuel purchases off the line -haul barge at the time when Peter Pan Seafoods receives fuel. The impact of the potential infrastructure projects on power plant fuel consumption is difficult to estimate. The fuel use increase will depend on the total kWh used by the new infrastructure projects and the amount of diesel generated electricity needed to meet the increased power consumption. The following table provides an estimate of increased power plant fuel use. King Cove Energy Protects Upgrade Assessment Report ESTIMATED POWER GENERATION FUEL CONSUMPTION Est'd Peak Est'd Avg Est'd Annual Est'd Power New Load Load (kW) Load (kW) Elec Use Generation (kWh) Fuel Use (Gal) Base Load (1) 680 420 3,666,000 (1) 107,000(1) 2% Annual Increase 70 35 381,500(2) 11,000 (2) New School 50 25 175,200(3) 12,500(3) Airport Lighting 10 5 4300 (4) 300 (4) Base Case Total 810 485 4,227,000 130,800 New Harbor Electrification 550 275 602,200(5) 43,000(5) PPSF Domestic Load 250 125 876,000(6) 62,500(6) Alternative Total 1610 885 5,705,200 236,300 (1) Current Load from FY02-04 PCE data. Approx. 62% of total kWh was from hydroelectric (2) Estimated 2% increase in base load and corresponding annual fuel use over 5-years. (3) & (6) kWh is average load occurring 80% of the year. Fuel use is based on 14 kWh/gallon (4) kWh is average load occurring 10% of the year. Fuel use is based on 14 kWh/gallon (5) kWh is average load occurring 25% of the year. Fuel use is based on 14 kWh/gallon The City tank farm needs to meet the City's fuel needs, as well as comply with Denali Commission policies. Although all fuel is delivered to King Cove by barge, due to the frequency and availability of fuel deliveries there is no need to size the facility based on a 13-month fuel capacity. Rather, adequate fuel capacity should be provided to allow a minimum 100,000-gallon fuel delivery with at least a one -month reserve capacity. The gross storage capacity of existing City tank farm is 127,000-gallons. The proposed new bulk facility gross capacity of 150,000-gallons is approximately 118% of this, which is within the Denali Commission guideline of 120% of existing capacity. ThP fnllowinn table compares the combined annual use of each product to the roposed net useable tank capacity for the new facility using the Base Case, above. Adpditional fuel deliveries can be made to meet increased fuel use caused by additional infrastructure projects. ESTIMATED CONSUMPTION VERSUS PROPOSED CAPACITY Product Current Estimated Estimated Proposed Proposed Peak Increase Future Peak Net Net Annual Use Annual Use Annual Use Capacity Capacity (Gallons) (Gallons) (1) (Gallons) (Gallons) (Gallons) (1) (1) #2 Diesel 117,000(2) 23,800(3) 140,800 135,000 150,000 Proposed Total 135,000 150,000 (1) Net capacity (90% of gross shell capacity) (2) Power generation and i:ity equipment consurription �,3) Est�mater./ lncr��ase ;turn Generation Fuel Con.,urr�pnorr t�lhle for Eiasa C,1::e, �hnve 1::lq(t f> (,f I King Cove Energy Projects Upgrade Assessment Report The new tank farm is proposed to be constructed at the existing city/power plant tank farm site, and will be served by the existing 6-inch fill pipeline. This location is within the "industrial" area of town and will provide continued service to fuel large fishing vessels at the old harbor bulkhead. The facility will also be equipped with a lined truck/portable tank loading area to accommodate fuel delivery to the new power plant and for fueling City equipment and local fuel deliveries. The proposed new tank farm configuration will allow for future adjacent expansion by the City Should retail fuel sales to the fishing fleet warrant additional capacity. Proposed options for tank capacity are either 5-each, 30,000-gallon horizontal skid mounted tanks, or 3-each, 50,000-gallon vertical tanks, for #2 diesel. The proposed tank farm areas are shown on sheet M2. A detailed tank farm layout plan will be provided with the Concept Design Report. 7) Diesel Power Plant Upgrades. Based on the condition of the existing power plant building, and the need for increased generating capacity, it is recommended that the existing power plant be abandoned and a new power plant constructed on City property near the new school. The proposed new power plant building will be a pre-engineered insulated metal building with a slab - on -grade foundation. The new plant will include a generator room, operator's room, switchgear room, and storage area. The power plant cooling system will be designed to recover available jacket water heat for heating the Clinic and/or the new school. Initial estimates based on FY04 diesel generated electricity indicate there was the equivalent of roughly 25,000-gallons of recoverable heat available for space heating. The available recovered heat could almost double if all of the potential new electric infrastructure improvements are implemented. A new 12,000-gallon double wall bulk storage tank and a new 2,000-gallon double wall day tank are proposed to be installed at the new power plant. Both tanks will be equipped to comply with EPA requirements for redundant overfill protection for alternative secondary containment systems. The bulk tank will be truck filled (typically once or twice per month) from the city tank farm. The following proposed upgrades will modernize the power plant and improve the overall fuel efficiency, reliability, fire prevention/protection, noise control, and operations of the facility: • Provide two to four new electronically controlled diesel -generating units. • Provide new automatic paralleling and load sharing switchgear. • Provide critical grade silencers on all generators. • Provide sound -insulated air intake and exhaust fan ducting. • Provide premium core radiators with variable speed motor controls. • Provide heat recovery / engine cooling system. • Provide new fire suppression system?. • Provide sound insulated control room. • Provide new 12,000-gallon bulk storage fuel tank at power plant. • Provide new 2,000-gallon day tank with level control and overfill alarm at power plant. The current diesel generators operate at 480 volts. 480-volt generation is adequate for gensets up to about 800kW to 1000kW. For generators over 1000kW, typically the operating voltage is increased to 2400 volts to decrease the amperage rating of the required conductors and associated breakers. At this point, it has been assumed that the infrastructure projects will proceed and the electric load will increase so that a 1,400 �'61V rlc r,,;F_�t ti _�i�{�r�itirx; ; it 21,f00 voltt -, is warranted. f'his Nwr�ulci r��(7riire that all diesel King Cove Energy Projects Upgrade Assessment Report generators at the new power plant and the new switchgear also be 2400-volt rated equipment. Should some of the infrastructure projects not proceed, it may warrant the power plant operating voltage remaining at 480 volts. 8) Diesel Plant Switchgear Upgrades. The proposed new switchgear will be metal -clad switchyear with draw -out circuit breakers consisting of six separate sections. There will be one cubicle for each of the four generating units. The upper compartment will house the generator controls and relaying, and the lower compartment will house the circuit breaker. There will be one separate section for the distribution feeder, and one separate section to house the generator load control equipment. The new switchgear will provide automatic paralleling and load control of the four generating units. Load control shall be performed using an Allen-Bradley 5/05 programmable logic controller (PLC). The load control system will monitor the electrical demand on the generators and provide automatic selection of the most efficient generating unit or combination of generating units to meet the demand. The automatic paralleling system will automatically start the most suitable engine, bring it up to the proper speed, and automatically synchronize the unit and close the engine circuit breaker. If a unit were to be taken off line for maintenance or a reduction in electrical demand, the automatic paralleling system will automatically remove the unit from the switchgear bus, reduce the speed of the unit to an idle, and allow the engine to go through a cool down period before it was stopped. The generator controls and relaying will provide complete protection and monitoring of the engine and generator. The PLC will also monitor the operation of the hydroelectric system to determine if diesel generation will be required to supplement the hydroelectric generation. Based on information received from the SCADA system, the PLC will determine if the hydroelectric system can adequately meet the system demand or if diesel generators will be required to supplement the generation. The new switchgear will also be provided with a new load monitoring system. The load monitoring system will automatically monitor the generator parameters, such as oil pressure, water temperature, etc., and complete electrical load data, such as kW, kWh, kVA, power factor, line amps, line volts, etc. This data will be available for conversion to spread sheets or other presentation tools for submission of required PCE data or local utility usage. 9) SCADA System Upgrades. The existing supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system will be replaced with a new SCADA system that will monitor both the new diesel power plant and the existing hydroelectric plant. The new SCADA system will be a PC based system with provisions for web browser. The SCADA system will allow complete monitoring and control of both the hydroelectric and diesel generation systems. Provisions will be made in the SCADA system to incorporate wind generation, should this become available. A desktop PC will be provided in the new plant operator's office and the hydroelectric plant to allow operator access and control of the different systems. Trending screens will be available to the operator. A one -line diagram of the new power plant is shown on drawing El. King Cove Energy Projects Upgrade Assessment Report 10) Hydroelectric System Upgrades. Because of the high erosion rate experienced by the turbine wheel, it is recommended that a new abrasion resistant wheel be installed. Both the existing turbine wheels have a relatively low wear rating, and require remanufacturing on about a 4-year cycle. A ceramic -coated wheel is expected to double or triple the time between rebuilds, which should substantially increase the long-term reliability of the hydropiant. The economics of upgrading to a ceramic -coated wheel will be investigated further in the CDR. Additionally, water samples should also be taken from both intake structures this summer and analyzed to determine if the wear is caused by silt or sand. If sand is determined to be the cause of the high erosion rate, options for modifying the intake structure(s) should be investigated to desand the water prior to entering the penstock. Another potential water source has been tentatively identified near the existing hydroplant. There is a clear water stream to the west of the existing hydroplant that may be capable of generating between 200 and 400 kW. The drainage appears to be more coastally influenced than Delta Creek and streamflows should be off -cycle of Clear Creek and Glacier Creek. It is possible that a small capacity pelton wheel turbine could be viable since the stream is nearby the existing hydroplant. Stream gauge data is required to verify water flows and electric generation capacity, and gauging equipment should be installed this winter. The existing control system for the hydroelectric plant consists of a Square D Symax PLC installed in 1994. As part of the construction of the new power plant and installation of the new SCADA and plant load control system, the following upgrades are proposed to be implemented to the existing hydroelectric plant control system: • Replace the existing Square D Symax programmable logic controller (PLC) with a new Allen-Bradley 5/05 PLC. This will allow the new SCADA system to seamlessly coordinate the diesel power plant with the hydroelectric plant. The PLC will automatically monitor the generator parameters, such as oil pressure, water temperature, etc., and complete electrical load data, such as kW, kWh, kVA, power factor, line amps, line volts, etc. This data will be available for conversion to spread sheets or other presentation tools for submission of required PCE data or local utility usage. • Upgrade the SCADA communications link between the hydroelectric plant and the diesel plant. • Upgrade the existing hydroelectric control system to coordinate with tha nPw Iparl control and SCADA system. • Modify the hydroelectric generator circuit breaker controls to provide remote control operation from the diesel plant. • Install a network color camera in the hydroelectric powerhouse to allow remote monitoring of the generator room from the new diesel plant. • Install network color cameras at each of the two diversion structures to allow remote monitoring from the new diesel plant. i Upgrade the communications link between the diversion structures and the hydroelectric plant to provide improved control of the diversion structures and network connection for the remote cameras. S Install a new monitoring device to determine the amount of debris in the sluiceways at each diversion structure. ® Automate the operation of the existing electric motor operators on the existing diversion structure sluice gate valves. 0 Upgrade the existing level transmitters at the diversion structures with more reliable transmitters and incorporate the creek water levels into demand forecasting for the new load control system. King Cove Energy Projects Upgrade Assessment Report 11) Electrification of The New Harbor. The Robert E. "Babe" Newman Boat Harbor (New Harbor) was constructed in 2002 to provide moorage for large commercial fishing vessels. The existing "old" small boat harbor has area lighting and single-phase power available to the slips. The "new" harbor was designed to provide power to the slips, but electric service was not installed during harbor construction. The fishing industry in and around King Cove is booming and the City desires to provide electric service to the fishing fleet. Providing electric service to the larger fishing vessels will not only provide increased revenue from electric sales, but is also expected to boost the local economy by providing goods and services to the fishing fleet. To meet the needs of the fishing fleet, both 120/208 volt, three-phase and 120 volt, single-phase electric service are proposed to be provided. Power to the harbor will be from the City distribution system through a step-down transformer with a 120/208-volt secondary. Distribution panels will be provided to distribute the power to the pedestals on the floats. To provide commonality of electric service used at other Alaska harbors, pedestals and plugs will be identical to the pedestals and plugs installed at Kodiak. The pedestals will be stainless steel with all components enclosed in a lockable enclosure. All components, hardware and fittings within the pedestal will also be stainless steel to withstand the harsh marine environment. Power cables to the pedestals will be routed to the extent possible in existing conduits installed within the floats during harbor construction. Electric service will be divided into three categories of vessels; 80-foot to 150-foot; 50- foot to 79-foot; and 50-foot and smaller; with the following power connections provided: 80-foot to 150-foot: 100 amp, 3 phase, 120/208 volt. 50-foot to 79-foot: 60 amp, 3 phase, 120/208 volt. 50-foot and smaller: 30 amp, 120-volt, single-phase. The pedestals will be designed such that each pedestal will provide connections for two boats, with each connection individually metered. The 50-foot to 79-foot and 80-foot to 150-foot boats will use a Daniel Woodhead model DW5100T9 plug. Either 60A or 100A circuit breakers will be provided depending on the category of the boat. The 50- foot and smaller category of boats will use a 30-amp twist lock receptacle rated 120- volt, NEMA L5-30R. The estimated demand of the harbor on the electrical generation equipment is based on the harbor being full with the following types of boats docked: BOAT CATEGORY _ QUANTITY DEMAND (kW) (2) TOTAL DEMAND (kW) 80-f6ot to 150-f6ot 55 25 1375 -- DEMAND FACTOR: TOTAL DEMAND: 0.4(3) 550 (1) Based on future capacity of boats by installing an additional float. Only largest boat category used. Initially only room for 40 boats. (2) Based on 70% loading on the feeder. (3) Based on a 0.35 demand factor experienced at Kodiak Flarbor plus a small increase. ;� �;��nsfr�,�ction co�;t e�stirntIte rnaill tie inch. -d in the CDR. King Cove Energy Projects Upgrade Assessment Report 12) Electrical Service for Peter Pan Seafoods Domestic Loads. Historically, the City of King Cove has had the ability to receive power from the Peter Pan Seafoods plant. During the 1990's the City utility transformers at the Peter Pan substation failed and were removed. With the construction of a riew City diesel power plant, it is unlikely the City will need power from Peter Pan. However, Peter Pan Seafoods has expressed an interest in purchasing electric power front the City iur its 11 non --process" or "domestic" electric loads. Benefits of Peter Pan purchasing power from the City include freeing up existing Peter Pan generation capacity for increased process loads, as well as increased revenues for the city electric utility. Additionally, should the city hydroelectric generation capacity be increased, the domestic loads could be met predominantly by hydroelectric power, which would reduce air pollution. The City and Peter Pan Seafoods would need to negotiate and agree to a long term sales agreement prior to implementing this option. The proposed electrical service would provide City power to Peter Pan facilities that do not directly support fish processing. Potential facilities would the kitchen, laundry, store, Anchor Inn, dormitories and housing, and other non -process loads. It is estimated that the total demand of this service will be approximately 250 kW at a fairly high power factor. It is recommended that load monitoring equipment be installed during a peak loading period this winter to get a better estimate of the anticipated demand. The point of connection will be on the east side of the existing Peter Pan substation building. Feeder 11 currently feeds all "domestic" loads within the Peter Pan Seafoods processing plant from the Peter Pan 480 volt switchgear. Feeder 11 feeds a 1200 amp, 480-volt panelboard, which then feeds multiple loads, including some processing loads. The proposed arrangement will install a new 480-volt panelboard dedicated to loads considered non -essential for fish processing. Loads that are non -essential will be transferred to the new 480-volt panelboard. A new circuit breaker and meter will be installed on the outside of the substation building and an automatic transfer switch will control whether the domestic loads received power from the City or from the Peter Pan electrical system. A construction cost estimate will be included in the CDR. A one -line diagram of the proposed connection is shown on drawing E2. 13) Electrical Line Extension to Lenard Harbor. Cold Bay serves as the regional airport hub for communities in the vicinity of King Cove and Cold Bay. Due to frequent gale -force winds at the King Cove airport, a ► -NA1 roar+ and hovercraft project was approved by the Corps of Engineers in January 2004 and is currently under construction. The 17 mile long road and hovercraft facilities will provide improved all-weather access to Cold Bay. Six miles from the King Cove airport the road passes Lenard Harbor and the City of King Cove city limits. The City desires to extend its electric service along the new road to Lenard Harbor to provide power for new city facilities at Lenard Harbor and for residential properties along the roadway. The CDR will include a construction cost estimate to extend a 15 kV underground distribution line within the road right of way from the King Cove airport to Lenard Harbor, as well as investigate other potential power options that may be implemented for the city facility(s) at Lenard Harbor in lieu of a line extension. 14) Absorption Refrigeration at Peter Pan Seafoods Power Plant. The Peter Pan Seafoods processing plant operates both prime and backup power diesel plants. The prime power plant was constructed in the 1990 and is equipped with {CAT 3606 anti a SCAT 3516 diesel genset with cornbined capacity of 2600 M The h"Ackup pl�:Irlt i�-, pit the [iroz;essor sub ;tafion and has a combined capacity of Kin Cove Energy Projects Upgrade Assessment Report about 1800 kW. The backup plant is used when one of the prime power gensets is down for maintenance, and when electric loads exceed the prime power plant capacity. The prime power plant is equipped with jacket water, after cooler and exhaust heat recovery systems. The jacket water heat recovery system provides space heat to processing plant facilities. The after cooler heat recovery system is used to preheat the makeup water for the exhaust heat recovery boilers. There are two exhaust heat recovery boilers, one 70 HP and one 100 HP. The boilers are designed to provide 115 psi steam for processing loads. Both boilers have been out of service for the past 1 to 2 years, in part due to difficulties in achieving design steam flows to critical processing loads. The available energy from the exhaust heat recovery system with a prime power plant load of 2000 kW is roughly 3.6 million Btu/hour — or the equivalent of about 36 gallons/hour of diesel fuel. This available energy is currently being rejected to the atmosphere through the exhaust. The processing plant operates multiple refrigeration compressors that are part of a central ammonia refrigeration system. The connected load of the electric driven compressors exceeds 1000 kW (approximately 1400 HP). In addition to the electric driven chillers, there is also a 180-ton screw compressor driven by a CAT 3412 diesel engine. Due to available innovative absorption refrigeration technology, there is the potential to offset 150-tons of electric driven refrigeration load at a -40F evaporator temperature. This reduction in electric load, in combination with the City of King Cove providing Peter Pan Seafoods "domestic" electric loads, would likely allow Peter Pan's backup power plant to be relegated to standby duty. There may also be an additional benefit under Peter Pan's air quality operating permit by reducing its electric generating load and associated emissions, as well as deferring potential generation upgrades to the existing Peter Pan generation facilities. The City and Peter Pan Seafoods would need to negotiate and agree to a long term sales and operating agreement prior to implementing this option. 15) Other Potential Alternative Energy Projects. Currently a study is being performed under a grant from the Alaska Energy Authority to analyze the potential for wind energy. Preliminary results of the potential wind energy will not be available for six months. The city water system uses large horsepower pumps to pump well water to the City holding tank located between the airport and the city. The utility estimates the pumping electric load to be between 50 and 100 kW. The pumps currently operate during the day during peak electric loads. The well pump controls should be interfaced with the SCADA system to operate during periods of low electric loads during the evening and nighttime or when there is surplus hydroelectric power. No other potential alternative energy projects have been identified for King Cove. Please review the issues presented and call me at (907) 349-0100 to discuss or fax Your comments to (907) 349-8001. In order to keep the project on schedule we need to receive all comments no later than .January 10, 2005. Sincere y, Alas Era Er gineerinrl, Inc j. I{' I 'e, f 1 a King Cove Energy Projects Upgrade Assessment Report about 1800 kW. The backup plant is used when one of the prime power gensets is down for maintenance, and when electric loads exceed the prime power plant capacity. The prime power plant is equipped with jacket water, after cooler and exhaust heat recovery systems. The jacket water heat recovery system provides space heat to processing plant facilities. The after cooler heat recovery system is used to preheat the makeup water for the exhaust heat recovery boilers. There are two exhaust heat recovery boilers, one 70 HP and one 100 HP. The boilers are designed to provide 115 psi steam for processing loads. Both boilers have been out of service for the past 1 to 2 years, in part due to difficulties in achieving design steam flows to critical processing loads. The available energy from the exhaust heat recovery system with a prime power plant load of 2000 kW is roughly 3.6 million Btu/hour — or the equivalent of about 36 gallons/hour of diesel fuel. This available energy is currently being rejected to the atmosphere through the exhaust. The processing plant operates multiple refrigeration compressors that are part of a central ammonia refrigeration system. The connected load of the electric driven compressors exceeds 1000 kW (approximately 1400 HP). In addition to the electric driven chillers, there is also a 180-ton screw compressor driven by a CAT 3412 diesel engine. Due to available innovative absorption refrigeration technology, there is the potential to offset 150-tons of electric driven refrigeration load at a -40F evaporator temperature. This reduction in electric load, in combination with the City of King Cove providing Peter Pan Seafoods "domestic" electric loads, would likely allow Peter Pan's backup power plant to be relegated to standby duty. There may also be an additional benefit under Peter Pan's air quality operating permit by reducing its electric generating load and associated emissions, as well as deferring potential generation upgrades to the existing Peter Pan generation facilities. The City and Peter Pan Seafoods would need to negotiate and agree to a long term sales and operating agreement prior to implementing this option. 15) Other Potential Alternative Energy Projects. Currently a study is being performed under a grant from the Alaska Energy Authority to analyze the potential for wind energy. Preliminary results of the potential wind energy will not be available for six months. The city water system uses large horsepower pumps to pump well water to the City holding tank located between the airport and the city. The utility estimates the pumping electric load to be between 50 and 100 kW. The pumps currently operate during the day during peak electric loads. The well pump controls should be interfaced with the SCADA system to operate during periods of low electric loads during the evening and nighttime or when there is surplus hydroelectric power. No other potential alternative energy projects have been identified for King Cove. Please review the issues presented and call me at (907) 349-0100 to discuss or fax Your comments to (907) 349-8001. In order to keep the project on schedule we need to receive all comments no later than January 10, 2005. 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