HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Kotzebue Biomass Energy Project Feasibility Study Report - Dec 2012 - REF Grant 7040029KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY TABLE OF CONTENTS ExecutiveSummary .............................................................................................................ES-1 1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW...........................................................................................................1-1 1.2 STUDY AND REPORT ORGANIZATION................................................................................1-1 2 Biomass Feedstock Assessment................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE (MSW) SUPPLY.........................................................................2-1 2.2 REFUSE -DERIVED FUEL.......................................................................................................2-3 2.3 MSW ENERGY CONTENT....................................................................................................2-7 2.4 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE(C&D)............................................................2-8 2.5 ALTERNATIVE FEEDSTOCK SOURCES..................................................................................2-9 3 Technology Evaluation............................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 ENERGY GENERATION TECHNOLOGIES..............................................................................3-1 3.2 ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION.................................................................................................3-4 3.3 PRE-PROCESSING AND STORAGE.......................................................................................3-6 3.4 TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATION...................................................................................3-9 4 Local Energy Demand and Facility Siting.................................................................... 4-1 4.1 LOCAL FACILITIES AND ENERGY DEMAND.........................................................................4-1 4.2 PROJECT SITING ASSESSMENT...........................................................................................4-5 5 Conceptual Engineering Design.................................................................................. 5-1 5.1 FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS.....................................................................................................5-1 5.2 SCENARIO 1— RDF BOILER SYSTEM...................................................................................5-1 5.3 SCENARIO 2 — MSW GASIFIER............................................................................................5-7 5.4 BIOMASS POWER PLANT OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS............................................5-10 6 Permitting and Environmental Analysis..................................................................... 6-1 6.1 PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS FOR A BIOMASS ENERGY PLANT........................................6-1 6.2 EMISSIONS CONCERNS FROM COMBUSTION AND GASIFICATION OF WASTES................6-3 7 Project Financial and Economic Analysis.................................................................... 7-1 7.1 FACILITY CAPITAL COSTS....................................................................................................7-1 7.2 FINANCIAL MODELING INPUTS AND CONDITIONAL ASSUMPTIONS.................................7-3 7.3 PRO FORMA FINANCIAL MODELING AND PROJECTED RETURNS......................................7-5 8 Conclusions and Recommendations........................................................................... 8-1 APPENDIX A: LIFE CYCLE COST MODEL PROFORMA — RDF BOILER SYSTEM APPENDIX B: LIFE CYCLE COST MODEL PROFORMA — MSW GASIFIER SYSTEM December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY FIGURES N Figure 2-1: Average U.S. MSW Composition................................................................................................1 Figure 2-2: Kotzebue Refuse Baler...............................................................................................................2 Figure 2-3: Photo of AC Cardboard Bales and Pallets...................................................................................4 Figure 2-4: Photo of Maniilaq Health Center Waste Stream.........................................................................5 Figure 2-5: Schematic of Materials Recovery Facility....................................................................................6 Figure 3-1: Waste -to -Energy Conversion Pathways......................................................................................1 Figure 3-2: Advanced Combustion 2-Stage Process Description..................................................................... Figure 3-3: Generalized Decision Chart for MSW Based Energy Systems.......................................................5 Figure 3-4: MSW Shredder (Photo Courtesy of UNTHA)..............................................................................7 Figure 3-5: Wood Shredder (Photo courtesy of UNTHA)...............................................................................7 Figure 3-6: Biomass Pellets (Source www.cleantechloops.com).................................................................8 Figure 3-7: MSW Briquettes (Source www.bhsenergy.com)........................................................................8 Figure 4-1: Photo of Hillside Area and Site 2................................................................................................7 Figure4-2: Biomass Energy Plant Sites........................................................................................................9 Figure 5-1: Scenario 1— RDF Boiler Block Flow Diagram............................................................................5-5 Figure 5-2: Kotzebue Biomass Power Plant Facility Configuration (In -Town RDF Plant).............................5-6 Figure 5-3: Scenario 2 — MSW Gasifier Block Flow Diagram.......................................................................5-9 TABLES Table 2-1: Kotzebue Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Composition.................................................................2 Table 2-2: Kotzebue Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Energy Content.............................................................8 Table3-1: CHP Generation - Best Case Scenario Analysis.............................................................................5 Table 3-2: RDF Storage Pile Volume Comparing Storage Scenarios...............................................................6 Table 3-3: Product Parameters Concerning Densification Technologies........................................................8 Table 3-4: Summary of Technology Parameters...........................................................................................9 Table 4-1: Kotzebue Government Building Heating Demands...................................................................... 2 Table 4-2: Scenario 1 Energy Uses...............................................................................................................3 Table 4-3: Kotzebue / KEA Add -Heat System Parameters.............................................................................4 Table 5-1: Scenario 1 Seasonal Variability.................................................................................................5-3 Table 5-2: Biomass Energy Plant Operating Parameters.......................................................................... 5-11 Table 5-3: Biomass Energy Plant Inputs and Outputs.............................................................................. 5-11 Table 6-1: Sample Performance Claim for Batch Gasification of MSW Application . ................................... 6-4 Table 7-1: Biomass Power Plant Capital Cost Estimate..............................................................................7-2 Table 7-2: Summary Financial Metrics......................................................................................................7-5 Table 7-3: Results of Baseline Scenario Financial Analysis.........................................................................7-6 11 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 24/7 24 Hours Per Day, 7 Days Per Week APC Air Pollution Control AC Alaska commercial company value center AEA Alaska Energy Authority AK DEC Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation BTU British Thermal Unit C&D construction and demolition CHP Combined Heat and Power DOER Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPC Engineering, Procurement, and Construction EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right -to -know act FIA USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis National Program HAPs Hazardous air pollutants IC Interconnection Customers IRR Internal Rate of return LHV Lower Heating Value MCF Measured in cubic feet MW Megawatt KEA Kotzebue Electric Association KIC Kikiktagaruk Inupiat Corporation KOTZEBUE City of Kotzebue MRF materials recovery facility MSW Municipal Solid Waste iii December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY a NWI National Wetlands Inventory PTE Potential to Emit RCRA Resource Conservation Recovery Act RDF Refuse derived fuels REC Renewable Energy Credits SBA Small Business Administration SPEED Sustainably Priced Energy Development Program SCIA Statement of qualification application Syngas Synthetic Gas Fuel T&D Transportation and Delivery TCLP Toxicity characteristic leading procedure Tetra Tech Tetra Tech Inc. TPD tons per day UCF University of Central Florida WTP water treatment plant iv December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY N EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROJECT OVERVIEW The City of Kotzebue (Kotzebue) is the regional hub of Northwest Alaska, located roughly 20 miles above the Arctic Circle on the Chukchi Sea. The city is currently reviewing an opportunity to generate energy from waste through construction of a biomass -fired energy generation plant. Kotzebue has many existing features that are advantageous for development of such a project. Fundamentally, the city is located in an isolated region, and would benefit from the ability to produce its own energy and reduce dependence on expensive energy imports. Furthermore, Kotzebue owns several government buildings and is responsible for treatment and heating of citizens' water supply, either or both of which could absorb the energy produced by such a plant and reduce the city's high energy costs. Kotzebue also has a readily available source of combustible biomass in the form of municipal solid waste (MSW) that is currently being disposed in the local landfill. The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) sponsored this analysis into the viability of a biomass -fired community energy project in Kotzebue. Engineering firm Tetra Tech, Inc. (Tetra Tech) and project partner DOWL HKM (DOWL) conducted the evaluation. Kotzebue has pioneered renewable energy projects in the past in conjunction with the local energy utility Kotzebue Electric Association, including a 2.94 MW wind farm, solar thermal projects, and waste -heat capture, amongst other projects. Therefore, the desire for renewable energy projects fits well with the progressive government approach to locally produced energy. Converting waste to energy, while new to the region, is a proven and commercialized technology field. There are over 100 MSW energy projects operating in the world, processing over 40 million metric tonnes of waste per year and producing over 26 million megawatt -hours (MWh) of electricity and 7.4 million MWh of thermal energy per year'. Versions of this technology have been in operation at large scale since the 1970's. Community -scale projects, such as those for remote towns, and military bases, have been developed in the last several decades in response to the rise in basic energy costs, and as process technologies have advanced to manage the material inputs and emission outputs associated with MSW. The State of Alaska has unique intrinsic characteristics that provide opportunities for waste to energy applications. 90% of rural, remote Alaskan villages dispose of combustible waste in landfills that are often not compliant with EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) standards2. Meanwhile, the villages ' http://wteplants.com/ 2 Colt, et al. "Sustainable Utilities in Rural Alaska; Effective Management, Maintenance and Operation of Electric, Water, Sewer, Bulk Fuel, Solid Waste. " University of Alaska Anchorage, 2003. ES-1 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY pay approximately $7 to $10 per gallon for heating fuel and diesel powered electric generation. These fuels are often barged or airlifted to the rural villages, a non -sustainable energy cycle. While many of these villages, such as Kotzebue, have seemingly viable conditions for a waste to energy system, it is required that logistical, technical, and organization issues are carefully evaluated to lay out a sound strategy and plan. WASTE STREAM FEEDSTOCK One of the primary goals of this study was to evaluate the biomass material available in Kotzebue that could be used as feedstock to generate energy. This study focused primarily on waste -based feedstocks. It was found that the energy content of Kotzebue's Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) stream is equivalent to nearly 120,000 gallons of fuel oil per year. In just the wood -based combustible materials (e.g., paper, cardboard, and wood -based materials), over eight billion Btu's of are thrown into the Kotzebue landfill annually, equivalent to over 62,000 gallons of fuel oil. Assuming that all commercial enterprises in Kotzebue separated their garbage before disposal (i.e., in a source -separation program), there is a potential to capture 250 tons per year of refuse derived fuels (RDF) feedstock. The wood -based materials (e.g., paper, cardboard, and wood) from the overall waste stream, referred to as RDF, would be the material of interest for a waste to energy project. Laboratory analysis of the city's waste stream is recommended to confirm these estimates prior to final engineering of a biomass energy plant to ensure anticipated values are consistent with the waste composition. Source separation of wastes is preferred over post -consumer separation of RDF materials. The City of Kotzebue recently implemented a waste can separation collection system for its residents. The program has already achieved success, and is a good sign for the implementation of a more formalized source -separation and/or recycling program in the city. Wood pellets or briquettes are an additional supplementary biomass feedstock that can be purchased and imported to Kotzebue to supplement waste -derived feedstock supplies. On an energy value basis, bulk - purchase pellets are significantly less expensive than fuel oil, and complement RDF fuels in boiler systems by promoting a more efficient and complete combustion. FEASIBILITY STUDY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Waste to energy technologies have advanced significantly in recent years and are currently available for commercial applications. Numerous technologies were investigated in this study; however two technologies including gasification of unsorted MSW and the combustion of sorted refuse derived fuels (RDF) were identified as options carried forward in detailed analysis. Gasification is a more sophisticated technology which can convert nearly the entire waste stream into energy extracting the maximum energy possible, while RDF combustion technologies offers a more commonly used technology and presents an opportunity to operate in conjunction with a city recycling program. These scenarios are referred to as MSW Gasification and RDF Boiler scenarios, respectively. The relatively small scale of both analyzed systems precludes electrical generation or combined heat and power. However, both systems clearly aim to turn Kotzebue's waste streams into valuable resources. ES-2 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY These attributes, as well as other logistical considerations, were evaluated in the feasibility study. Two (2) potential operational scenarios were developed. One system envisions combustion of a combination of RDF briquettes and wood pellets to produce building heat at the public works campus; the second evaluated gasifying all of Kotzebue's MSW at an off -site location to potentially pre -heat city raw water supplies. Conceptual designs of both biomass energy plant scenarios were created based on the evaluation, and financial viability of the project was evaluated. The evaluation determined that both project scenarios are technically and financially viable prospects. Both technologies are commercially available from multiple vendors, and both are robust for harsh climate and remote locations such as Kotzebue. As analyzed, each scenario is able to repay project debt obligations within a reasonable timeframe, while covering operating costs, employee wages, maintenance and materials, and produce a small additional annual income for the city. Revenue for the projects is derived in the form of avoided fuel oil purchases. The RDF Boiler scenario can support one additional full-time licensed boiler operator position, while the MSW Gasifier scenario will require four (4) full-time staff positions. The RDF Boiler scenario is highly sensitive to project capital cost and throughput (i.e., RDF capture rate). It is likely that improvements can be made to the conservative capital expense estimate, which includes a nearly 200% remote Arctic construction cost factor increase, as well as the conservative capture rate of RDF (estimated to be 50%, but could be improved to 60% + through source -separation programs). While both scenarios require additional city planning and detailed engineering steps typical for projects of this nature, Tetra Tech recommends pursuing either of the two scenarios. An RDF Boiler located on the Public Works campus is an immediately implementable project contingent only on securing financing for the project. The MSW Gasifier scenario is contingent on re -development of the city's water treatment system at an off -site location, likely a long-term project. Additionally, the reduced capital expense of the RDF Boiler in comparison makes it a more attractive near -term investment. Tetra Tech also recommends laboratory analysis of representative samples of Kotzebue's waste stream. The scope of the study only allowed for empirical review of available information and estimation of Kotzebue's waste composition. Analysis of combustible materials from the city's waste stream will determine the actual energy content of the material, as well as contaminants and other values that will affect subsequent engineering. Analysis can also help to indicate expected product capture rate of RDF. Laboratory characterization of the feedstock source should be combined with test -burns in the selected conversion technology to solidify burn characteristics, emission profile, and required equipment for combustion (pre- processing, ash handling, etc). Kotzebue's remote location is also a project driver. The difficulty of transporting materials to Kotzebue significantly increases capital cost, as noted in the project report. However, cost to import fuel must be borne throughout project lifespan, whereas a biomass energy system has locally -produced and reliable fuel source in the city's waste stream. A prospective deep -water port being planned to service Kotzebue from Cape Blossom would likely reduce material costs (steel, concrete, and equipment) to support capital projects, but ES-3 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY is unlikely to have much effect on fuel costs, which are tied to global increases in energy demand and expense. The findings of this study should be considered applicable in corollary for the region, not only the City of Kotzebue. The smaller villages in the Northwest Arctic Borough have expressed interest in similar waste -to - energy solutions, scaled to fit the feedstock sources and heating needs of the respective villages. The difficulty and expense in sourcing fuel oil shared by all of these communities presents similar opportunity for biomass energy systems as Kotzebue's opportunity. The concept in theory has been shown to be viable, but each situation should be carefully evaluated for its technical and logistical viability, financial cost, and approval within the respective communities. In conclusion, what can be determined from this study is that a significant amount of Kotzebue's trash is being unnecessarily landfilled, and could instead be used as a sustainable source of energy. The city could also avoid importing a significant amount of fuel oil with the development of a biomass energy plant. Total energy production of the RDF Boiler scenario would displace over 30,000 gallons of fuel oil each year, and divert over 300 tons of waste from the local landfill annually. This project exemplifies the type of sustainable energy project that can win support at the local, state, and national level for its ability to reduce fuel imports, increase community self-sufficiency, and improve waste management and disposal practices. This biomass energy project can be a model program for other Alaskan villages, continuing the tradition of Kotzebue in pioneering sustainable and renewable energy practices. ES-4 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW N The City of Kotzebue (Kotzebue) is the regional hub of Northwest Alaska. The port city is located roughly 20 miles above the Arctic Circle on the Chukchi Sea. Kotzebue has engaged Tetra Tech, Inc. (Tetra Tech) and project partner DOWL HKM (DOWL) to review the feasibility of a biomass -fired community energy project, assisted through funding from the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA). Kotzebue sees an opportunity to generate energy from waste through construction of a biomass -fired energy generation plant. The area has many existing features that are advantageous for development of such a project. Fundamentally, the city is located in an isolated region, and would benefit from the ability to produce its own energy and reduce dependence on expensive energy imports. Furthermore, Kotzebue owns several government buildings and is responsible for treatment and heating of citizens' water supply, any of which could absorb the energy produced by such a plant. Kotzebue also has a readily available source of combustible biomass in the form of municipal solid waste (MSW), which can be converted into energy. 1.2 STUDY AND REPORT ORGANIZATION The City of Kotzebue project analysis and report is organized to address the five key aspects requested within the project RFP. These are: 1. Paper and Wood Stream Analysis for Kotzebue 2. Identification and Evaluation of Viable Technologies 3. Conceptual Design and ROM Cost Analysis 4. Permitting and Environmental Analysis 5. Economic and Financial Analysis The report is formatted in such a way as to track the flow of materials utilized by and produced from the waste -to -energy plant, starting with a review of MSW supply. The report finishes with a review of permitting and environmental requirements and a financial analysis of the project. The report contains the following sections: An Executive Summary to summarize the findings of the study. Section 1 includes this introduction to the project that provides the background and explains the scope and purpose of this study. Section 2 provides an assessment of the MSW (feedstock) availability in the city. The analysis also addresses feedstock energy content and logistics associated with collecting and sorting MSW. This section also 1-1 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY N introduces the potential use of supplementary feedstocks (wood pellets/briquettes) and estimates the cost for such feedstocks to be delivered for use at the project. Section 3 reviews available technologies for conversion of MSW to thermal energy, and recommends two potential technologies for this application. Based upon the needs of these technologies, MSW handling and processing equipment sets were reviewed for use at the project site. Section 4 reviews the current energy demand profiles of Kotzebue controlled facilities, and reviews potential project sites in light of available infrastructure and interconnection logistics. Three potential project sites are identified and further evaluated. Section 5 provides process descriptions and conceptual engineering design of two project scenarios found to be technically viable for converting MSW to energy in Kotzebue. The facility process and engineering is carried out to a standard 10% design completion for both scenarios. Section 6 reviews permitting requirements for all aspects of the reviewed technologies. Environmental concerns relating to air emissions from reviewed technologies are also addressed, and contact information is provided for various regulating agencies. Section 7 includes an estimation of the capital and operational costs, energy savings and revenues for the most likely facility operational range. These estimates are included into a financial model for the site. Section 8 discusses the final conclusions and recommendations of the study. Tetra Tech extends our appreciation to the City of Kotzebue for the opportunity to work on this project. 1-2 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY 2 BIOMASS FEEDSTOCK ASSESSMENT N Feedstock supply is the single most important aspect of a biomass energy project. Consistent volumes of underutilized energy sources are critical to a project's operational and financial viability. In this task, Tetra Tech has analyzed the available and accessible volume of biomass supply in the Kotzebue, Alaska region. The following section quantifies the waste -derived biomass feedstock supply potential in and around Kotzebue, in terms of supply volume, consistency, and fuel quality. 2.1 MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE (MSW) SUPPLY Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management is a more acute problem in Alaska than elsewhere in the world. Export of materials for disposal, or even recycling, is rarely cost-effective, and the vast majority of waste products end up in city landfills. In addition, 90% of rural Alaskan villages dispose of waste in open dumps not compliant with EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) standards3. Below is the standard percentage composition of waste materials in the U.S., according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'. Figure 2-1: Average U.S. MSW Composition Average U.S. MSW Compostion Data �r Source: US EPA 3 Colt, et al. "Sustainable Utilities in Rural Alaska; Effective Management, Maintenance and Operation of Electric, Water, Sewer, Bulk Fuel, Solid Waste. " University of Alaska Anchorage, 2003. ' http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/nonhaz/municipal/index.htm 3-1 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY N Data concerning the composition of waste materials in Kotzebue was gathered through interviews with the city's Refuse Manager and empirical data regarding waste composition. Kotzebue, with a population of 3,201 as of the 2010 US Census, is large by Alaskan village standards, and has a relatively sophisticated waste management system to process and dispose of its citizen's trash. Each year approximately 1,625 tons of raw MSW are disposed in the city's landfill. Kotzebue's landfill is currently classified as a 'Class II' landfill by RCRA and meets EPA operational guidelines. Wastes are collected throughout the town and brought to a central processing point on the Public Works campus, known as the Bailer building. Hazardous materials are separated for processing, and the remainder of the refuse is compacted into approximately 1800 lb, 4 foot by 4 foot cubes to reduce landfill space and reduce waste dispersion in the landfill. Figure 2-2: Kotzebue Refuse Baler A breakdown of the distribution of materials (i.e., the percentage of paper vs. plastic. vs. cardboard, etc) in Kotzebue's waste was calculated based on US EPA aggregate data. Due to its remote location, Kotzebue's distribution values will likely differ from that of a standard US mainland city. The two expected major deviations from the norm are 1) lawn and yard biomass of which there is none produced, and 2) cardboard content. Cardboard content is expected to be approximately 20% higher than average due to packaging and shipping of consumer content to the city. These numbers present a conservative overview of the composition of Kotzebue's waste stream, specifically the divertible material (paper products and wood). Laboratory analysis of the city waste stream is recommended prior to final engineering of a waste -to -energy system to ensure expected values are consistent with the waste composition. The resulting estimated MSW composition breakdown for Kotzebue is displayed in Table 2-1. 3-2 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY Table 2-1: Kotzebue Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Composition 0 Material Wet Weight N Wet Weight (ibs/day) Avg. Moisture Content Dry Weight (Lbs/day) Dry Weight (tonslyr) Cardboard 18.7% 1,665 5% 1,582 290 Food Waste 18.6% 1,656 70% 497 90 Paper 14.1% 1,255 6% 1,179 220 Plastics 12.3% 1,095 4% 1,047 190 Metal 8.6% 766 2% 752 140 Wood 6.5% 579 40•% 347 60 Glass 4.8% 427 3% 417 80 Textiles 2.8% 246 10% 222 40 Rubber 2.8% 246 0% 246 40 Leather 2.8% 246 13% 216 40 Garden Trimmings 0.0% - 60°% - - Other 8.1% 721 0% 721 130 Total 100.0% 8,900 7,200 1,310 Paper, Cardboard & Wood Fraction 39.3% 3,500 3,100 570 Source: EPA, Tetra Tech analysis 2.2 REFUSE -DERIVED FUEL Refuse derived fuel (RDF) is a separated combustible portion of MSW. RDF is processed to be a consistent, homogenous fuel, free of contaminants, dirt, glass, metals, and other non-combustible materials. Large-scale RDF production and combustion systems, process non -recyclable plastics, food wastes, and other combustible materials. It is expected that an RDF system employed at Kotzebue will focus on wood -based materials, specifically lumber, paper, and cardboard. Careful attention must be paid tin the sorting process to avoid contaminants, such as plastic, painted or stained wood, or other materials that may foul an RDF boiler or produced unwanted air emissions from combustion. RDF is often compressed in to pellets or briquettes after processing to further improve combustion characteristics and efficiencies. Densification and stabilization of RDF feedstock is discussed in more detail in Section 4. 2.2.1 SOURCE SEPARATION OF RDF FEEDSTOCK The easiest way to avoid contamination of the cardboard -paper -wood fraction of Kotzebue's waste stream is to divert those products prior to entering the mass waste stream. Source -separation systems are likely to be employed at the only the largest RDF producers in the area. The two primary producers are Alaska Commercial Company Value Center (AC), and the Maniilaq Health Center. Secondary point -source producers of RDF materials are the school buildings, cafeterias, and maintenance buildings of the Northwest Arctic Borough School District, Nullagvik Hotel, Rotman's Store, and the various restaurants in town. Another source of wood (pallets) are the local air cargo firms that supply this regional trading hub, which include Alaska Airlines, Arctic Transportation Service, Lynden Air Cargo, Northern Air Cargo, and Village Aviation, Inc. 3-3 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY N • AC Value Center. The Alaska Commercial Company Value Center produces the largest volume of cardboard waste of any single entity in Kotzebue, through the packaging of all of the products it sells. Cardboard is separated from the common waste stream and baled onsite. The AC produces between 9- 12 bales per week, at 100-150 Ibs per bale, the pre-sorted output of this facility is estimated at 25 to 50 tons per year. Paper and wood (pallets, etc) can be separated by employees in the same bin that baled cardboard is for pick-up. Including paper and wood, the AC may produce as much as 100 tons per year of source -separated RDF raw material. Figure 2-3 below shows a pile of pallets and baled cardboard, which constitute a ready supply of ideal RDF feedstock. Figure 2-3: Photo of AC Cardboard Bales and Pallets • Moniilaq Health Center. The local Health Center is one of the largest institutions in Kotzebue. Waste is an issue at the health Center; currently the space available for refuse containers is not sufficient for the volume of waste produced by the hospital. Figure 2-4 shows an overflowing roll -off at the hospital, and also clearly shows the large percentage of cardboard and paper materials in the waste stream. A container for cardboard, paper, and wood only can be placed in another location and reduce the congestion of waste at the Health Center. Specific volumes of RDF produced by the Health Center are unknown; it is expected that the cardboard volume, supplemented by significant paper waste, could rival the tonnage produced by the AC. 3-4 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY Figure 2-4: Photo of Maniilaq Health Center Waste Stream O Assuming all commercial enterprises in Kotzebue were incorporated into a source -separation project, there is the potential to capture 250 tons/year of ready RDF feedstock. AC has the potential to provide up to 100 tons per year of primarily cardboard and pallets, and Maniilaq can potentially add an equal volume of cardboard and paper product. Source -separation at other installations may provide 5-10 tons/year each, or 30-50 tons/yr aggregate to supplement. 2.2.2 INCENTIV/21NG SOURCE SEPARATION An incentive program will be greatly improve the chances of success, at least initially, of Kotzebue's RDF sorting system. This will likely be required for several years, and then the system will become standard operational procedure for customers. Incentives can be applied through the rate system, whether it is reduced fees for companies participating in the program, or increased fees for other waste materials. A model program that this can be based on is Sitka, a town roughly twice the size of Kotzebue but with a similar opportunity to reduce landfilled waste. Sitka's voluntary recycling program diverts over 1.4 million 3-5 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY N pounds of material from landfills each year. According to the city recycling website, RecycleSITKAs, in one month in 2011 over 50 tons of cardboard, newspaper, and mixed paper were brought to the city recycling center 6. Adjusted for Kotzebue's size, that is equivalent to over 300 tons per year of feedstock diverted from the waste stream. This program can also be implemented along with a recycling program in Kotzebue to divert additional materials from the local landfill. Aluminum and tin, which are easy to separate and are the most cost- effective materials to recycle, can be removed from the waste stream either in conjunction with a source - separation program, or as post -consumer sorting. The City of Kotzebue recently implemented a can waste collection system for its residents. The program has already met with success, and is a good sign for the implementation of a source -separation and/or recycling program in the city. 2.2.3 POST -CONSUMER MATERIALS RECOVERY RDF feedstocks not separated at the source need to be removed from the waste stream at the waste transfer point. This would likely occur at the Bailer building. Post -consumer refuse separation occurs in a materials recovery facility (MRF). MRF's are common only in large cities, where waste volumes warrant large-scale recycling efforts. Figure 2-5 is a stylized schematic of a mechanized RDF system in operation. Figure 2-5: Schematic of Materials Recovery Facility Waste (paper, glass, plastic, metals, ) stone bottles Sieve Cork, paper, Source: Based on "Energie en grondstoffen in de toekomst" by Robbin Kerrod s http://www.sitka.net/sitka/utilities.html 5 http://www.cityofsitka.com/government/departments/publicworks/RecycleSitka.html 3-6 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY N The majority of MRF's, even in large metropolitan areas, are mostly or entirely operated manually, with employees separating various contaminants and recyclable materials from the waste stream. Due to the relatively small volumes of material being processed, a mechanized system does not make financial sense. Manual processing into large rolling bins is the likely mode of RDF separation. It is assumed this will occur in the Bailer building, with the discard material continuing to be baled. 2.2.4 RDF SUMMARY A RDF-based biomass energy system in Kotzebue is conservatively assumed to achieve 50% recovery of the desired cardboard -paper -wood fraction, due to the difficulties inherent with hand -sorting and emphasis on avoidance of contaminants in the RDF stream. Rather than sorting the contaminants out of the RDF stream, which leads to a certain amount passing unnoticed into the energy plant, this methodology will separate cardboard, paper and wood from the waste stream. Total capture is 320 tons per year of material. If the capture rate is increased to 60%, that number jumps to over 380 tons per year, an achievable rate with a well -organized source -separation system in place. An RDF sorting system can also be combined with a recycling effort in the city, separating recyclable metals (tin, aluminum) and potentially glass form the Kotzebue waste stream. Even assuming a capture rate of 50% acquisition of RDF material, combined with recycling of aluminum and tin, can equal a reduction of almost 30% of material going into Kotzebue's landfill. If all combustible materials are captured, the amount going to the landfill is nearly halved. 2.3 MSW ENERGY CONTENT Energy content of the materials in Kotzebue's waste stream was calculated based on generally -accepted vales for the materials' Btu content. A study of tested values for sorted MSW material Energy contents, conducted by UCF7 was used as the basis of the analysis. 7 Reinhart, Debora. Estimation of Energy Content in MSW. University of Central Florida. 2004. htto://www.msw.cecs.ucf-edu/Thermachemicai%2OConversion.or)t 3-7 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY Table 2-2: Kotzebue Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Energy Content Material Heat Value Btujlbd weight) Heat Value (Btu/day) Heat Value (MM Btu lyear) Cardboard 7,000 11,072,705 4,041.5 Food Waste 2,000 993,699 362.7 iPaper 7,200 8,488,045 3,098.1 Plastics 14,000 14,658,230 5,350.3 Metal - - - Wood 8,000 2,778,082 1,014.0 Glass - - - Textiles 7,500 1,662,842 606.9 Rubber 10,000 2,463,470 899.2 Leather 7,500 1,616,652 590.1 Garden Trimmings 2,800 - Other - - 'Total 32,661,000 11,921 Paper, Cardboard & Wood Fraction 22,339,000 8,1M Source: University of Central Florida, Tetra Tech analysis N The theoretical limit energy content available from Kotzebue's waste stream is 11,921 MM Btu per year. The paper, wood and cardboard (RDF) fraction of waste, if 100% captured and utilized, contained a maximum of 8,154 MM Btu per year. Tetra Tech recommends laboratory analysis of representative samples of the combustible material to determine actual energetic value of the material, as well as contaminants and other values. Collection of sample product can also help to indicate expected product capture rate. Laboratory characterization of the feedstock source should be combined with test -burns in the selected conversion technology to solidify burn characteristics, emission profile, and required equipment for combustion (pre-processing, ash handling, etc). 2.4 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE (C&D) 2.4.1 PRIMARYSOURCED Pallets are a likely additional resource an RDF boiler system. A portion of the used pallet supply in Kotzebue is collected by city residents to be burned in home fireplaces. It is expected that the biomass energy plant will source the pallets not collected for this purpose. The total supply can be increased by requesting wood pallets for shipping instead of plastic pallets. Construction and demolition wastes are also considered as additional feedstock. This category involves wood waste derived from byproducts of the construction industry, such as warped or otherwise unusable wood planks, and materials removed from buildings during remodeling or demolitions. This category only refers to non -contaminated wood products, and does not include wood with coatings or treatments, such as paints or stains, preservatives, etc. or wood with plaster or other construction materials imbedded or stuck to the 3-8 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY wood. Nails, staples, and other inert metals are safe for use in an RDF combustion system and will be removed with the bottom ash at the end of the combustion cycle. 2.4.2 LANDFILL 'MINING' It is expected that landfill mining will be limited to choice picking of uncontaminated wood and cardboard from the city landfill. Transport of entire bales for deconstruction and harvesting of 'feedstock' is likely a net loss; it does not produce an equivalent amount of energy as that required for the harvesting process. The practice may also conflict with several state waste control regulations. 2.5 ALTERNATIVE FEEDSTOCK SOURCES The project scope also called for evaluation of alternative feedstock sources. Tetra Tech found only one such alternative feedstock source for the proposed biomass energy system; wood pellets / briquettes imported into Kotzebue from elsewhere in Alaska or from abroad. Pellets and briquettes produced as byproducts from wood harvests or mill operations are a rapidly growing heating fuel source, with over 14 million tons produced worldwide as of 2010. If produced from timber industry byproducts, pellets and briquettes have been found to carry significant life -cycle emissions and other environmental benefits to fossil fuel use. Superior Pellet Fuels of Fairbanks is the only Alaskan producer of volume, but Canada and the lower 48 are producing significant volumes available for export to Kotzebue. Prices are quoted in the range of $300 per delivered ton. Pellets as a supplementary fuel carry several benefits. For one, vendors have noted that blending wood to a high cardboard -content material improves combustion characteristics in their RDF boilers. As well, purchased pellets can be used to increase the output of a system limited by locally -available feedstocks, better matching the demand needs of the end user of the produced energy. Particle size is the major difference between pellets and briquettes; either would be satisfactory additions to an RDF boiler. Pellets are also much more cost-effective than heating fuel. At current heating fuel prices of $6.04/gallon, it would cost $45.00 for 1 MM Btu of heating value. That same 1 MM Btu of heating value in pellet would cost only $21.50, less than half the price of heating fuel. It therefore makes financial sense to purchase pellets or briquettes, in addition to the environmental benefits of the biomass fuel. 3-9 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY 3 TECHNOLOGY EVALUATION O Tetra Tech reviewed major biomass energy generation technology options that are applicable to the general project conditions thus far determined. The following section identifies the most likely process technology for a biomass energy plant in Kotzebue. 3.1 ENERGY GENERATION TECHNOLOGIES The options evaluated included standard combustion systems for the paper, cardboard and wood fraction of MSW and gasification systems for bulk unsorted MSW. Each of these technologies was evaluated to determine which technology platform can most cost-effectively utilize the available fuel source, is fairly easy to implement considering the site operations and location, has a history of success under similar operating conditions, and is commercially available for full scale operation. Evaluations are based on previous experience with comparable projects. Ultimate selection of technology may depend on the preferred vendor, as vendors may include specific proprietary improvements, modifications, and interpretations to each given technology. Figure 3-1 illustrates the various pathways to produce energy from wastes. This project will focus on thermal conversion pathways of combustion and gasification, more applicable to the scale and feedstock available in Kotzebue than pyrolysis or biochemical conversion pathways. Figure 3-1: Waste -to -Energy Conversion Pathways TNT[ria Bloch eR lcM Elms Padia No Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen _ _ _ Pretreatment � fliPk PV10WA gest�an yr fermentation 1� 4 Transesterifi[ation Heat Fuel Gases [ r, gases, aerosols {Producergas) (syngas) 4W*HrFCQ 4r lq� 4 41 Source: NREL 3-1 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY 3.1.1 COMBUSTION a Combustion can be defined as the burning of fuel to produce power and heat. The combustion process is highly developed commercially and is available in numerous vendor specific designs. It has been used throughout the world for power generation and heating. Incineration technology is well -established and easy to use, and systems using this process have evolved to be robust and long-lasting investments. Combustion occurs with oxygen in slight stoichiometric excess to rapidly complete the thermal oxidation reaction. Waste products are an ash residue and an off gas made up of predominantly nitrogen (NA carbon dioxide (COZ), and water vapor. The off gas must be treated to meet regulatory requirements for chemical pollutants and particulates. The emissions will vary considerably from one vendor to another. Most vendors prefer to select and design specific Air Pollution Control (APC) equipment for each project that addresses pollution and particulate emissions. Combustion is a highly exothermic (net heat output) process; therefore, the technology lends itself to heat recovery in many applications. It is critical to maintain correct airflow and exposure of the fuel bed to ensure complete, clean, and efficient combustion. This is done by a combination of methods, including rotating kilns, fluidized bed reactors, and traveling grates. All of the systems work in conjunction with any number of controlled air flow systems including induced draft, forced air, and over fire/under fire systems. Stoker boilers are most commonly used in existing industrial operations due to their ease of use and maintenance. The stoker boiler process simply involves traditional combustion of feedstock in an oxygen enriched environment, with the thermal energy generated from the combustion used to generate steam. The system is robust and proven over many applications. Boilers may either produce steam or hot water for use as a working fluid. More commonly, these are known as steam boilers or hydronic boilers. The working fluid is used as a medium to transport thermal energy produced by the boiler to the desired user. Steam is a more efficient medium for heat transfer, however it requires a greater rate of thermal input from the feedstock than hydronic boilers. Steam boilers are generally used for industrial applications, while hydronic boilers are more than sufficient to provide building heat. Hydronic boilers recommended of Kotzebue have a working fluid operating at approximately 230°F and 58 psi. 3.1.2 GASIFICATION Gasifier boilers increase efficiency as compared to stoker boilers by separating the combustion process into 2 phases. In these processes, a 'synthesis gas fuel' (syngas), also called 'producer gas' is created from the MSW in an oxygen starved pre -burn chamber. The syngas is immediately burned in a second combustion chamber or used as a fuel in an attached combustion device. Figure 3-2 provides an outlined illustration of this process. 3-2 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY Figure 3-2: Advanced Combustion 2-Stage Process Description •Raw MSW input •Starved Oz environment •1200-1500°F •Wastes turned to ash & combustible 'syngas' •Syngas combusted in afterburner •1800°F •Retention time 2-3 seconds •Combination of temp. and time destroys many POPS N •Thermal energy from stage 2 •Non -hazardous ash from stage 1 •Air emissions (see table 6) This second destruction stage results in a higher efficiency of conversion for the fuel, and improved environmental and energy performance. The key to this improved performance is the conversion of the fuel source from a solid to a gas in the stage 1 primary chamber. This is because gaseous fuels can be combusted at higher temperatures and pressures than solid fuel. Combustion at higher temperatures and pressures increases the maximum operational efficiency of any system according to Carnot's rule of thermodynamics. These higher temperatures and pressures also allow for easier removal of sulfur and nitrous oxides (SOX, and NOx), and trace contaminants such as mercury, arsenic, selenium, cadmium, etc.8 Environmental improvements provided by increased temperatures also allow for the environmentally responsible use of other MSW combustibles such as non -recyclable plastics within the fuel source. Gasifier systems offer the benefit of being able to accommodate a wide range of feedstocks, thus limiting the need for preprocessing and sorting of the MSW feedstock in question. This added feedstock flexibility would improve overall system efficiency by: decreasing the man-hours needed to separate wastes, significantly reducing the need for pre-processing of waste material, increasing the system's energy generation potential, and increasing reliability by diversifying the project feedstock portfolio. Feedstocks that can be accommodated by this technology include: untreated/unsorted MSW, construction and demolition waste, tires, fish and animal remains, waste wood, and others. Inert materials such as glass and metals that may be mixed in with MSW can more easily be separated from the ash after the reaction is complete and later recycled (if desired). 8 National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Advantages of Gasification. http.1/www,neti,doe.govLtechnologies/cloalpowerasification asifi edia 7-advanta es index.html 3-3 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY Gasifiers are offered in one of two feedstock delivery configurations, batch or continuous. Batch gasification systems operate by loading large quantities of feedstock into the primary reaction chamber, where the feedstock is heated in a starved oxygen environment to generate syngas. This primary reaction is allowed to continue to completion, and then the system is shut down to remove ash before re -loading. Conversely, continuously fed systems introduce feedstock to the gasifier at a constant rate, and are shut down only to perform maintenance. Previous gasification applications installed in Alaska (Barrow, Egegik, Skagway) have been almost entirely of the batch variety, due to these systems relative ease of operation and lessor infrastructure requirements. For the proposed systems involving energy production as well as waste destruction, a continuous -feed system is recommended. A drawbacks of batch systems is that, due to their long periods of down -time (10-12 hours per day), are unable to provide a steady source of thermal energy for heat recovery activities. Furthermore, the need to constantly re -start the batch system from a cooled stage greatly increases the need for fuel oil which initiates the primary reaction. Information for the vendors indicated that fuel oil requirements for a batch system would be nearly equal to the fuel oil displaced by gasifying MSW. A continuously fed system will come at a higher initial price, but will solve the issues presented by collecting heat from a batch system. This system is expected to require only 2.5 gallons of fuel oil per hour to supplement the MSW feedstock. Waste oils can be used for this requirement. 3.2 ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION Biomass -fired stoker boilers and gasifiers can be coupled with turbines to produce electricity. In this process, water is heated to generate high pressure steam by the boiler. The pressurized steam is expanded to lower pressure in a multistage turbine as it expands energy to rotate the turbine and generator. The steam is then either condensed or, more often in biomass -based combined heat and power (CHP) installations, sent as low pressure stream or hot water to process heat, space heating, or other applications. Steam turbine technology is well understood and steam turbines enjoy the benefit of a relatively long lifespan. However, it is the working experience of Tetra Tech and its network of preferred technology vendors that electricity production via CHP or direct electricity production is not financially feasible for projects of the scale available in Kotzebue. As well, producing electricity requires high-pressure steam production, driving up boiler costs and operational expenditures. A generalized decision chart for waste to energy systems based on TPD feedstock input is shown in the Figure below. For reference, all Kotzebue MSW (both combustibles and non -combustibles) totals approximately 3.5 TPD. 3-4 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY Figure 3-3: Generalized Decision Chart for MSW Based Energy Systems 4— ELo WASTE sottmoHs F Batch 11 Continuous Feed 2tpd 510 10tpd 10tpd 5010d-, Hot Water Source: Eco Waste Solutions Electricity N Additionally, a simple scenario analysis was performed to evaluate electricity production in Kotzebue. The analysis assumed best -case scenarios; 100% of all wastes could be used to generate a steady year-round source of electricity and steam, and electrical efficiency was set at 30%, at the high- end of what is achievable for a turbine of this scale. Using these aggressive numbers, generator capacity would be extremely low for both scenarios (80 kW for a combustion boiler, 160 kW for a gasifier). Table 3-1 displays the parameters in the analysis. Table 3-1: CHP Generation - Best Case Scenario Analysis Parameter Combustion Gasification Feedstock MM BTU/day 22.3 43.7 Feedstock MM BTU/hr 0.93 1.82 Electrical Efficiency* 30% 30% Output Capacity (kW) 80 160 * Electrical Efficiency = net electricity generate/total fuel into system; A measure of the amount of fuel converted into electricity Tetra Tech's experience with related projects suggests that the capital costs associated with generator construction, increased costs for boiler upgrades and electrical interconnection equipment, and hiring skilled labor to manage the electrical system, outweigh any financial savings realized by electricity production at this scale. 3-5 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY 3.3 PRE-PROCESSING AND STORAGE N Due to the seasonal variations in heating requirements, Kotzebue will find it necessary to store collected feedstocks in seasons of low heat demand to supplement heat production later in the year. Storage of biomass over prolonged periods of time presents a number of important but manageable challenges that will need to be addressed by this system. These issues include feedstock homogenization, space management, and moisture management. • Feedstock Homogenization. In order to ensure a clean and even burn, boilers are designed to operate optimally within a somewhat narrow range of feedstock energy values. Because MSW is a combination of several types of feedstocks, and because these feedstocks can vary in Btu values from source to source, shredding and/or densifying raw MSW fuel helps to maintain a consistent Btu flow. ■ Space Management. The combustible portion of MSW feedstocks available in Kotzebue consists primarily of wood wastes, cardboard, and paper products. When loosely stored, the shape and structure of these biomass sources will inherently generate a very porous storage pile. Practically speaking, this means that if the biomass is left unprocessed, long term storage could require a significant geographical footprint in Kotzebue. A maximum storage need (if used to supplement Add -Heat) is 6 months' supply. Table 3-2 shows the benefit of densification in feedstock storage, reducing storage building space from 6,321 cu yd to just 584 cu yd. Densification also stabilizes the material and inhibits microbial and rodent attacks on the feedstock supply. Table 3-2: RDF Storage Pile Volume Comparing Storage Scenarios RDF summer storage Months of Storage 6 Separated Ibs /day 3,500 Total RDF mass for storage (tons) 319.20 Storage - loose (cu.yd) 6,321 Storage - densified (cu.yd) 584 • Moisture Management. Regardless of what method of biomass storage is used for the proposed system, moisture management will be critical to reduce and eliminate rotting and other biological activity that can lower the overall Btu value of the feedstock. Moisture management can involve both preliminary drying (where necessary), and storage in a low moisture environment. 3.3.1 SHREDDING The first step in many systems that address the issues of feedstock homogenization and storage space management is mechanical shredding of the material. Shredding is recommended for both RDF and bulk MSW systems. Shredders are widely used, robust pieces of machinery which can be provided by a number of different vendors. Shredding advantages include: 3-6 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY N • Improved handling material qualities • Improved homogenization capabilities • Improved fuel density • Readies material for further processing Figures 3-4 and 3-5 below depict generic shredders similar to those that may be employed in Kotzebue. Figure 3-4: MSW Shredder (Photo Courtesy of UNTHA) 3.3.2 PELLETIZATION $ BRIQUETTING Figure 3-S: Wood Shredder (Photo courtesy of UNTHA) After the shredding phase, one way to further improve the storing and handling characteristics and process efficiencies of the MSW is through densification. This is accomplished through one of two processes; pelletization or briquetting. In pelletization, shredded MSW would be fed into a hammer mill reducing it to sawdust sized particles. This material would then be mixed with a binding agent (such as waste oil), and passed through a mechanical extrusion pelletizer. Briquetting also mechanically compacts shredded MSW, though without the additional step of hammer milling. Despite the different processes, both methods accomplish similar goals. These include: • Densification — Storage space can be reduced by up to 50% over material that is only shredded. • Transportability — The increased energy density of the pelletized/briquetted feedstock improves transport efficiencies several orders of magnitude. Because of this pellets/briquettes could be imported to supplement shortfalls, or increase anticipated system size. • Homogenization - Wood, cardboard, paper, and (maybe) binder waste oil can be combined into a single fuel source with a consistent density, BTU value, and thus consistent combustion properties. 3-7 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY 0 Table 3-3 illustrates some of the key operating differences between pellets and briquettes and Figures 3-6 and 3-7 display the physical appearance of these feedstocks. As can be seen, both have their advantages. Pellets are the more dense, durable, and commonly used option. They also hold an advantage in transportability. However briquettes require less pre-treatment, are cheaper to produce, and the equipment used is considered to be more robust. For these reasons, briquetting will likely be more a more attractive option for the proposed plant. Table 3-3: Product Parameters Concerning Densification Technologies Parameter Pelleting Briquetting Needs Binder No (But helpful) No Pre -Conditioning Shredding Shredding Hammer Milling Drying (If MC> 20%)(a) Drying (If MC> 15/)1a) Moisture Resistant Yes Yes Final Bulk Density (lb/ft) 34 — 41 28 — 33 Product Durability Good Fair Estimated Production Cost ($/ton) $30 - $40 $8 - $14 Estimated Cost of Purchasing $300 $300 Additional Feedstock ($/ton delivered) Additional Feedstock Availability Very Good Fair (a) Kaliyan, N., Morey, R.V. (2009). Factors affecting strength and durability of densified biomass products. Biomass Bioenergy 33 (3), 337-359. (b) Based on conversations with CPM & FFS Pelleting companies (c) Based on performance claims from Reinbold Briquetters & Nielson Briquetters (htto://www.brlguettioltsy,stems.com/ieaselcosts.htm#nieIsen23 ) (b)&(c) Electricity costs set to $0.15 per kWh Figure 3-6: Biomass Pellets (Source www4e n echlo om) Figure 3-7: MSW Briquettes (Source www.bhsenerev.coml 3-8 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY 3.4 TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATION O As can be seen, there are a number of factors that affect the ultimate technology selection and as many different system arrangements for consideration. Table 3-4 below summarizes some of the critical project parameters discussed in the preceding sections. This table also shows the two scenarios that will be carried forward in the subsequent sections of this report. Table 3-4: Summary of Technology Parameters Parameter Scenario 1: RDF Boiler Scenario 2: MSW Gasifier Feedstock Use Paper All MSW Combustibles Cardboard Wood Feedstock Processing Sorted Material Unsorted MSW Shredding Shredding Densification 3.59 Feedstock TPD Produced 1.56 Feedstock BTU/Day Potential 22.3 MM 32.7 MM Combustion Stages 1 2 Electricity Generation Not economical Not economical Air Emissions May not require Within permit regulatory limits Ash/Residuals Non -hazardous Non -hazardous Ability to import additional Yes No feedstock Operational Concerns Sorting process must Potential for emissions eliminate within city limits contaminants Technically speaking and as shown in the above table, gasification holds an edge in the availability of feedstock volume and pre-processing demands. As such, offers Kotzebue the greatest energy potential. However, concerns over system footprint and the cost of storing MSW on site could de -rail the project. RDF, on the other hand, has the advantage of being a better understood platform that can be supported by imported feedstock thus increasing project stability. Both technology platforms will be evaluated further in the study, to determine potential site locations (Section 4), conceptual design of the processes (Section 5), permitting and environmental issues of each (Section 6), and financial feasibility of the options (Section 7). 3-9 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY a 4 LOCAL ENERGY DEMAND AND FACILITY SITING The following section describes the energy consumption in the project region, and identifies and quantifies energy loads that can potentially be satisfied by a biomass -fired energy generator plant. Recommendations for potential plant sites follow in the second portion of the section. This takes into consideration that biomass plant siting must be in close proximity to the user groups of the energy produced. 4.1 LOCAL FACILITIES AND ENERGY DEMAND Tetra Tech conducted a biomass energy use audit in the City of Kotzebue. Several facilities were identified as beneficial users of thermal energy (heating) produced by the prospective biomass energy plant. The analysis also evaluated interconnection of the energy customer facilities to the prospective plant. 4.1.1 DISTRICT ENERGY MULTI -BUILDING HEATING AT KOTZEBUE CITY -OWNED BUILDINGS Space heating was indicated at the project outset as a focus area for use of the energy produced by a biomass energy plant. Kotzebue heats most of its public buildings with diesel -fired boilers, supplemented by electric heat, at a rapidly rising energy cost to the city. Below are listed some of the city -owned facilities that were found to be viable options to use the energy produced by a biomass energy plant. Bailer Building data was unavailable for the study and was estimated based on Maintenance Building. Information displayed was gathered by the city of Kotzebue as part of an EPA Energy Star energy use accounting program. • Public Works Campus • Water Treatment Facility • City Maintenance Shop • Refuse Bailer Building • City Public Works Offices • Kotzebue City Hall • Kotzebue Recreation Center • Kotzebue Fire Hall • Kotzebue Police Station • Kotzebue Corrections Facility 4-1 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY N Table 4-1: Kotzebue Government Building Heating Demands Water Kotzebue City Kotzebue City Kotzebue Kotzebue Treatment Maintenance Bailer Building KotxeWe PubiIt Recreation Kotzebue Fire Kotzebue Palle Corrections Kotzebue City Facility Shop (est) Woda carer Hal) $Won FaciJity Hall January 7,864,266 4,314,803 257,810 106,620 6,561,515 3,353,003 298,097 3,789,581 664,939 February 7,871,092 6,404,768 S08,889 1KO06 7,963,897 6,402,359 0 7,510,959 1,062,078 March 12,117,572 9,789,307 693,722 252,836 7,777,948 6,912,993 528,547 7,167,405 913,045 F April 5,168,530 3,299,432 267,167 96,689 6,498,402 5,292,877 1,461,479 5,211,353 1,110,650 v May 6,643,068 3,739,939 297,454 84,952 4,609,327 2,036,944 169,977 2,135,462 309,593 S liune 2,748,000 2,561,136 144,626 47,785 2,005,582 2,501,925 175,643 2,410,866 0 > liuly 3,369,181 2,603,952 147,717 46,243 2,217,902 2,339,789 0 0 0 p August 3,545,806 2,660,241 147,791 34,522 1,440,484 290,313 0 3,235,548 733,539 m Sept 6,551,461 2,061,229 127,248 50,940 1,717,500 870,200 0 836,766 0 In October 7,558,995 3,213,609 194,702 86,183 3,590,129 2,730,049 266,822 2,171,906 1,149,063 November 8,129,5W 4,465,500 254,444 279,889 7,497,918 6,812,292 427,314 11,965,479 905,924 December 14,032,529 1 10,362,619 231.295 230.724 10293,703 8,333.085 731,766 5,544,229 ma153 Average Daily load BTUs/da 7.133,333 4.623,045 321,90S 122,616 5181,026 3,989,636 337.470 4,414,955 619,741 c Average Annual Wad m (BTUs/year) 2611324,785 1697373,390 117,495469 61171&540 88971Z351 1,452,661,500 123,474,510 1,603,161.216 225.871,86D < Maximum Oberved Wad (BTUs/day) 17,427,639 14,963,303 831,295 S,038,000 1Z47Z374 9,751,854 2,464,040 1$015,888 1,.826090 The total thermal energy demand of these buildings is 26.74 MM Btu/day, or 10,327 MM Btu/year. Currently, over 94,000 gallons of fuel oil is purchased by the City of Kotzebue per year to heat this collection of buildings. This is considered the primary opportunity for const savings through biomass energy use in Kotzebue. 4.1.2 PRIMARY BUILDING HEATING SCENARIO Total thermal demand of the city's public buildings is roughly equal to the total energy content in Kotzebue's waste stream on a Btu basis. Once the inherent efficiency losses of a waste to energy conversion system are factored, the heating demand in the city's public buildings is greater than the ability of a waste to energy system to serve that need. A top -down selection process was employed to determine the most cost effective buildings and energy systems to convert to biomass heat. Of the Kotzebue public buildings, the top energy consumers are the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and the Maintenance Building. Upon further review, these buildings present as the logical choice for district energy location. Their current heating plants are both diesel boilers, and are some of the oldest on the Public Works campus. As well, the energy demand of these facilities closely matches available energy production from biomass energy plant. These plants were factored into the conceptual design as the energy consumers of an RDF plant in Scenario 1, discussed in Section 5. 4-2 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY Table 4-2: Scenario 1 Energy Uses Kotzebue City Water Treatment Facility Kotzebue City Maintenance Shop Scenario 1 District Energy System Total January 7,864,266 4,314,803 13,759,170 February 7,871,092 6,404,768 16,438,102 March 12,117,572 9,789,307 25,290,465 AprilI 5,168,530 3,299,432 9,798,452 May 6,643,068 3,739,939 11,563,761 June 2,748,000 2,561,136 5,968,656 July 3,369,181 2,603,952 6,655,700 August 3,545,806 2,660,241 6,827,450 Sept 6,551,461 2,061,229 9,071,148 October 7,558,995 3,213,609 12,102,281 November 8,129,500 4,465,500 15,938,400 December 14,032,529 10,362,619 27,757,016 Average Daily Load (BTUs/day) 7,133,333 4,623,045 11,756,378 Average Annual Load (BTUs/year) 2,611L324,785 1,691,373,390 4,302,698,175 Maximum Oberved Load (BTUs/day) 17,427,639 14,963.,303 32,390,942 N Additional energy demand centers, such as the school district complex, Maniilaq Hospital, and others were not polled for their interest level or logistical feasibility of converting to biomass -supplied energy. Metering and sale of energy to third -party consumers adds a difficult, and as shown here, unnecessary, management layer to a biomass energy plant's business plan. Recovery of capital expenditure through fuel savings and avoided disposal costs is the simplest pathway form a business and logistics standpoint. 4.1.3 'ADD -HEAT' FOR CITY WATER SYSTEM Another potential use for biomass -produced thermal energy is the Kotzebue 'Add -Heat' city water heating system. The Add -Heat system currently heats treated water prior to distribution in the city water loops to prevent freezes. Kotzebue Electric Association (KEA) provides waste heat from its diesel-electric generators into the return portion of the lagoon Loop water line to serve this heating need, on a contract with the City. The heated water is blended the rest of the city water supply. The water is heated to an average of 60 deg F, at an average flow (return) of 193 gpm, resulting in an average heat input of 982,600 Btu/hr, or over 23.5 MMBtu/day. Additional diesel -fired heating is available at the WTP itself, but is reportedly rarely used. Thermal energy is sold to the city based on Btu content, at approximately 87.5% of the price of heating fuel (nearly $40/MM Btu going into the 2012/2013 heating season). Kotzebue requires an average of 171 heating days to ensure steady water supply to its residents. Table 4-3 below shows the five-year historical Add -Heat operating parameters. 4-3 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY Table 4-3: Kotzebue / KEA Add -Heat System Parameters supply eturn Operating Flow emp. Temp. STU1hrNov07-May08 Date Days (m e .Fda . f 173 239 5 63 995,000 Oct08Apr08 182 227 5 63 1,122,000 Nov09-Apr40 157 229 48 188 58 940,000 Nov1 Q-Apr11 147 239 47 200 58 1,100,000 Nov11-Ma 12 1196 224 471 1891 551 756,000 Avera a 171 232 49 1931 591 982.600 D lly Load 1 23,582.400 ' Calculated using "Advantage Engineering BTU Calculator' ht�:llwww.advarrtageemineeri ng.com/fyi/288/advantageFYl288.php N KEA is currently in the process of overhauling its energy generation portfolio, focusing on increasing reliance on renewable energy with more turbines at the local wind farm and testing and potential rollout of solar panels. As well, KEA is scheduled to replace several if its diesel —electric gensets with newer, more efficient units that produce less waste heat. KEA has indicated that it can continue to provide as much Add -Heat from its waste heat production as the city needs, but that issue will have to be revisited in future years as the new equipment is installed. A biomass energy plant heating the WTP and Maintenance building, as described above, can supplement the Add -Heat system if a shortfall arises. Considering the finite amount of biomass feedstocks available, it is recommended that the city only supplement the Add -Heat system with biomass energy, rather than replacing the system outright. The Btu's produced are better used to directly displace fuel oil use elsewhere within Kotzebue. 4.1.4 PREHEATING 'ADD -HEAT' FOR CITY WATER SYSTEM Alternately, Add -Heat energy can be injected into the front end of the water treatment to assist in the treatment process, in addition to avoiding freeze -ups in the distribution pipes. The present treatment system is expected to benefit somewhat from higher -temperature water, but this option becomes much more viable if the proposed redesign of the WTP goes forward. The advanced water treatment technologies, including micro- and nano -filtration, operate at an optimal water temperature of 457. The WTP may be re -designed at the existing location at the Public Works campus, or it may be re -located to the Hillside area town, along the raw water distribution line from Vortak Lake. This is therefore considered a long-term option, contingent upon the construction of a new WTP. Ambient inlet water temperature at the WTP is a relatively steady average of 347, based on monitoring conducted by WH Pacific, at a flow rate averaging 220 gpm. Heating 220 gpm from 347 to 457 is expected to consume 1,610,000 Btu/hr, or 38.68 MM Btu/day. This is greater than the demand for heating all of the public buildings in Kotzebue, as calculated in Section 4.1.1.. After accounting for production and heat transfer inefficiencies, it is expected that output of the proposed MSW gasifier system very closely matches the demand curve of an Add -Heat preheater for a re -designed WTP. The RDF boiler scenario, as proposed, will supply approximately 25% of the needed energy. 4-4 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY 4.2 PROJECT SITING ASSESSMENT N The selection of a proper site encompasses many issues, such as transportation (i.e., road access for feedstock delivery trucks) and utility availability (i.e., electrical and substation access), but also should take into account issues such as the environmental impact, the status of current and future production technology, the ability to expand production as required, and more. Tetra Tech conducted a project siting analysis with assistance from project partner DOWL HKM. The drivers for siting of the biomass energy facility include (ranked in relative order of importance): 1. Proximity to energy user (load) 2. Land owned or controlled by project stakeholders 3. Compliance with city Zoning Code 4. Accepted by neighboring landowners S. Compliance with County, State, and Federal regulations 6. Access to feedstock delivery and storage Steam piping and hot water piping are predominantly the limiting factor in project siting, and a distance of over 1,000' between source and use is not recommended due to piping cost and energy loss over the pipe run. In this project as in most, proximity to the end users of the energy produced is the single largest determining factor in facility siting. The city of Kotzebue has no zoning laws, thus zoning is less important, but land ownership and potential impacts to neighbors of the biomass plant are both critical siting factors. While the environmental impact of a biomass power plant is minimal, there still remains a need to ensure that such a facility does not negatively impact the community. The plant will also need to be designed with appropriate setbacks and safety features to comply with applicable safety regulations. At present it does not appear that the land and space requirements for either of the proposed plant scenarios will be a limiting factor in site selection. Bulk feedstock storage appears to be minimal, and plant processing equipment indicates the process building will be within the range of existing industrial buildings in Kotzebue. Process building and storage requirements for the biomass energy plant are described in greater detail in Section 5. In and around Kotzebue are many areas with preliminary wetland designation in the Kotzebue National Wetlands Inventory (NWI). Sites 2 and 3 are designated as 'freshwater emergent wetlands'. Site 1 does not have a designation, but standing water was noted in one of the areas identified as suitable for plant siting. These designations are for planning purposes only, and it is likely the sites will qualify for development under a national Wide permit with the designations. An onsite delineation survey is recommended prior to final site selection. 4.5 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY A map of Kotzebue identifying the prospective sites follows the discussion (Figure 4-2), and includes overlays of the preliminary wetland delineations in the city. 4.2.1 SITE 1: PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY Several available locations at the Kotzebue Public Works campus are suitable for construction of a biomass energy plant, including to the west of the Bailer building and vehicle storage Quonset hut, and to the northeast of the WTP and water tanks. Siting at the Public Works campus carries a number of project benefits, including proximity (both to feedstock source and energy users) and land ownership and control. Regarding distance to potential energy users, producing renewable energy to serve either space heating at city -owned buildings or the city Add -Heat system is logistically feasible at this prospective site. Hot water distribution piping is minimal in either plant configuration. As well, Kotzebue already owns and controls access to this land, which will speed permitting and reduce safety requirements at the site. There are also potential drawbacks to these sites. For one, the available space is limited. Not only is available unused land at a premium in the city, the site is bordered closely by facilities on all sides, and residential property to the southeast. This is more of a challenge to a large-scale MSW gasification system than a smaller -scale RDF boiler, which is expected to have greater noise, odor, and air emissions than a facility processing pre-sorted feedstock. This location is the most sensitive of the sites identified to potential noise, visual, emissions, or other impacts. An additional consideration is that there is currently standing water in the area to the west of the bailer Building. The city has considered filling the standing water area with dredged material from the upcoming Swan Lake Boat Harbor upgrades project, thus creating a location for the facility. 4.2.2 SITE2: HILLSIDE The Hillside area to the southeast of Kotzebue is also under consideration as a potential biomass energy plant site. The city of Kotzebue has plans to develop areas of the hillside for residential use, and proposed in the 2009 Sanitation Master Plan to locate a new water treatment plant on the east side of the Hillside area. The area has been platted and lots subdivided, with the city of Kotzebue owning the majority of lots in this area. Kikiktagaruk Inupiat Corporation (KIC) owns the surrounding land. Figure 4-1 is a picture of Hillside area and approximate site location, from the city looking east. 4-6 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY Figure 4-1: Photo of Hillside Area and Site 2 N The hillside siting offers the advantage that a proposed biomass facility could be located near the proposed water treatment plant, making an "add heat" system logistically simple. Once again though, if the biomass is insufficient in providing all the required "add heat", a separate "add heat" system would also be required. Since this area is not fully developed, the facility size is not as important. Lots could be combined or a new lot, altogether, could be developed for this facility. Large storage facilities could easily be located here. This location has several advantages, including city ownership, and ample space available for siting and configuration of any size facility. The infrastructure on the hillside is underdeveloped. Site grading and connection to utility infrastructure would be required for development of the site. Also, plans exist for developing this area, but it may be a few years before construction begins. Thermal energy produced by a facility at this location can only be used for heating city water, as a supplement or a replacement to the current Add -Heat system. A redesigned Add -Heat system could absorb the entire production of with an RDF Boiler or an MSW Gasifier system at this location. Outlets for any additional produced energy would be limited to building heat for the redesigned WTP. 4.2.3 SITE 3: CITY INDUSTRIAL SECTOR NEAR KEA POWER PLANT A third alternate plant site could be located near the KEA Power plant, in the industrial part of Kotzebue. This location would allow smoke stack emissions to be concentrated in one area, instead of spreading them out over the city. The lots directly south of the power plant are an option. These are owned by NANA Regional Corporation, and it is likely that a transfer of ownership could be arranged for plant siting. While 4-7 December 2012 KOTZEBUE BIOMASS FEASIBILITY STUDY 0 relations between the city and NANA are strong, land conveyance processes are slow, however, and this could present significant additional cost to the project. The city of Kotzebue has plans to construct a designated Add -Heat line from the KEA power plant to the city's water treatment and distribution center. Currently heated water is added to one of the city's distribution loops. If the biomass were used for heating water in an Add -Heat system for the city's water system, this location would be advantageous, because it could take advantage of planned infrastructure. However, if the biomass energy potential is insufficient to provide all of the city's Add -Heat requirements the city would still have to purchase Add -Heat from KEA, which it currently does on a fixed fee basis, and a new Add -Heat water main would be required anyway. If the biomass is insufficient in providing all the required Add -Heat, alternative facility types should be considered. 4-8 December 2012