HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Togiak Heat Recovery Feasibility Study - Dec 2016 - REF Grant 7050858HEAT RECOVERY FEASIBILITY STUDY TOGIAK, ALASKA Prepared By: CRW Engineering Group, LLC 3940 Arctic Blvd, Suite 300 Anchorage Alaska 99503 Phone: (907) 562-3252 Fax: (907) 561-2273 December 6, 2016 Togiak Waste Heat Recovery CRW Engineering Group, LLC i Job No. 30306.77 December 2017 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS ______________________________ 1-i 2. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ____________________ iii 3. INTRODUCTION ____________________________________ 1 3.1. Executive Summary _____________________________________ 1 3.2. Introduction ____________________________________________ 1 4. OVERVIEW ________________________________________ 3 4.1. Overview ______________________________________________ 3 5. ESTIMATED RECOVERED HEAT UTILIZATION ___________ 4 5.1. Estimate Recovered Heat Utilization _______________________ 4 6. HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION 5 6.1. AVEC Power Plant Tie-In _________________________________ 5 6.2. Recovered Heat Loop (Arctic Pipe) _________________________ 5 6.3. Site Control ____________________________________________ 6 6.4. End-User Building Tie-ins ________________________________ 6 6.4.1 Togiak City Office _____________________________________ 6 6.4.2 Senior Center and Health Clinic __________________________ 7 6.4.3 Police Station ________________________________________ 9 6.4.4 Water Treatment Plant ________________________________ 11 6.4.5 Old School __________________________________________ 11 7. PRELIMINARY EQUIPMENT SELECTIONS ______________ 13 7.1. Heat Exchangers ______________________________________ 13 7.2. Circulation Pumps _____________________________________ 13 7.3. Expansion Tank _______________________________________ 14 7.4. Glycol Make-Up Tank ___________________________________ 14 7.5. Controls ______________________________________________ 14 8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ____________ 15 9. APPENDIX ________________________________________ 16 9.1. CAD Drawings _________________________________________ 16 9.1.1 Cover Page _________________________________________ 16 9.1.2 Site Plan and Trench Detail _____________________________ 16 Togiak Waste Heat Recovery CRW Engineering Group, LLC ii Job No. 30306.77 December 2017 9.1.3 AVEC ______________________________________________ 16 9.1.4 End-User Building Heat Add ____________________________ 16 9.2. Cost Estimates ________________________________________ 16 9.3. Recovered Heat Utilization Simulation Worksheet ___________ 16 LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 Summary of Annual Fuel Usage & Estimated Delivered Heat ........... 4 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Senior Center/Clinic Boiler .................................................................... 8 Figure 2: Senior Center/Clinic Building Exterior .................................................... 9 Figure 3: Police Station Mechanical Space ......................................................... 10 Figure 4: Police Station Garage .......................................................................... 10 Figure 5: Police Station Exterior.......................................................................... 11 Figure 6: Existing Heat Exchanger at WTP ......................................................... 11 Figure 7: New Boiler in Old School ..................................................................... 12 Togiak Waste Heat Recovery CRW Engineering Group, LLC iii Job No. 30306.77 December 2017 2. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ANTHC Anchorage Native Tribal Health Consortium AVEC Alaska Village Electric Cooperative CRW CRW Engineering Group, LLC BTU British thermal unit EGT Entering glycol temperature F Fahrenheit HP Horsepower KW Kilowatt LGT Leaving glycol temperature MBH Thousand British thermal units per hour O&M Operations and maintenance PSI Pounds per square inch TDH Total developed head WPD Water pressure drop WTP Water treatment plant Togiak Waste Heat Recovery CRW Engineering Group, LLC iv Job No. 30306.77 December 2017 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1 | P a g e 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1. Executive Summary The Togiak power plant, water treatment plant, senior center/clinic, city office, old school, and police station were evaluated for heat recovery potential. The total amount of annual heating fuel used by the end users was estimated to be approximately 16,700 gallons of diesel fuel per year. The estimated savings from implementing a heat recovery system is approximately 16,700 gallons of fuel. The estimated cost for design and construction of the heat recovery project in Togiak is $1,079,544. The simple payback based on a fuel cost of $5.09 is 17.3 years. Assuming construction in 2019, the design and construction cost plus 1 year of 2% escalation rate is $1,094,874. The construction and design estimate exceeds the original estimate. The annual fuel savings of 16,700 gallons also exceeds the 13,700 gallons from the heat recovery system in the Heat Recovery Study dated June 20, 2010 prepared by Alaska Energy and Engineering. 3.2. Introduction CRW Engineering Group, LLC (CRW) was retained by Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) to review the feasibility of providing recovered heat from the new Power Plant in Togiak to the City Office, Water Treatment Plant (WTP), Police Station, the Library and Shop at the old school building, and the Senior Center/Clinic and provide mechanical and electrical engineering design for the heat recovery system. In October 2014, the first phase of design of a new heat recovery system for the community of Togiak was started based on the concepts identified in the Heat Recovery Study dated June 20, 2010 prepared by Alaska Energy and Engineering. The original study and project included connection of five community facilities in Togiak to a heat recovery system. The specific facilities proposed to receive recovered heat as part of the original project included the Clinic, Police Station, City Office, Water Treatment Plant (WTP), and the old school. These buildings were all located within a 500-foot radius of the AVEC power plant. Initial estimates place annual fuel savings at approximately 13,700 gallons if the heat recovery system was fully implemented. Since the original design and study were completed several of the buildings included in the study have had their heating systems upgraded with new boilers being installed. The old school has been shut down and modified to heat only a small section of the building that includes a library and City Shop area. A new AVEC power plant with different generators is currently being built across town from the original power plant near the old school. The AVEC power plant is scheduled to be completed and operational by summer 2018. The following assumptions regarding buildings and existing heat systems were identified: The Water Treatment Plant was upgraded in 2014. The upgrades included a heat exchanger and connections for recovered heat into the existing hydronic heating system and the WTP. The City Office, Police Station, and Senior Center/Clinic buildings are all hydronically heated. None of these facilities have existing provisions for heat recovery; however there is space to 2 | P a g e install the necessary equipment to incorporate a heat recovery system into each of the buildings hydronic heating systems. The old school which was originally tied to a recovered heat system served by the old AVEC plant, but the school and the recovered heat system have been shut down and are not operational at this time. The existing recovered heat system was evaluated, but no portion of this system is salvageable. Since the old school has been shut down, the equipment in the mechanical room has fallen into disrepair and is no longer operational. Therefore, this study limits its heat recovery feasibility evaluation of the old school to only the remodeled areas currently in use. These spaces include the City Library and Shop Area. In developing this study, CRW coordinated with AVEC personnel to determine anticipated plant operations, generator run times, and simulate anticipated available recovered heat for the new plant. Annual fuel usage was obtained from a variety of sources including the City of Togiak and engineered estimates were data was not available. Reported fuel consumption and engineered estimates were used to validate this feasibility study. Additional assumptions and brief analysis have been made in the development of this study, including but not limited to, the proposed arctic piping route, building heat loads, and flow rates and pressure drops of the power plant heat recovery system. However, the arctic pipe routing and equipment selections will be updated as the design progresses. 3 | P a g e 4. OVERVIEW 4.1. Overview The purpose of this feasibility study is to determine if the fuel savings identified in the original study is still achievable based on the changes in the community. This study will provide an estimate of the heat that is anticipated to be recovered from the AVEC power plant diesel engines and used to offset heating oil consumption at the WTP and other community buildings identified in this study. Useable recovered heat is quantified in gallons of heating fuel saved using a gross heating value of 134,000 BTU per gallon of No. 1 arctic diesel fuel and an overall boiler efficiency of 75% for a net heating value of 100,500 BTU per gallon. Five community buildings in Togiak were evaluated for heat recovery potential. All buildings are located within approximately a 800-foot radius of the AVEC power plant site. The buildings evaluated included the city office, police station, clinic/senior center, water treatment plant, and the old school (library and city shop). 4 | P a g e 5. ESTIMATED RECOVERED HEAT UTILIZATION 5.1. Estimate Recovered Heat Utilization Based on anticipated operations information provided by AVEC personnel during the course of this study, a heat recovery utilization spreadsheet has been developed to estimate recoverable heat based on anticipated monthly total electric power production, heat rates for new engines to be installed, building heating demand loads, heating degree days, passive losses for power plant heat piping and piping losses in arctic piping. Heating degree days for Togiak were utilized for this site. The spreadsheet uses monthly heating degree-days to distribute annual fuel consumption by month. The end-user hourly heat load is compared to the anticipated hourly available heat form the power plant, less power plant heating loads and parasitic piping losses, and the net delivered heat to the end-user is determined. The spread sheet uses estimated time of day variations for the anticipated electric power production and heat demand. Power generation data provided by AVEC is used in the spreadsheet. The estimated heat rejection rate for the lead power plant genset, Caterpillar 3456, is used to estimate recovered heat. All arctic piping is assumed to be routed below grade. All power plant hydronic piping is assumed to be insulated with 2 inches of insulation. The proposed conceptual generator power plant design was used to estimate the heating load for the power plant, with input from AVEC. The following is a summary of the annual fuel use (from 2010 Report) and the updated estimated heat utilization in equivalent gallons of fuel for each building: Table 5.1 Summary of Annual Fuel Usage & Estimated Delivered Heat Facility Estimated Annual Fuel Usage (Gallons) Estimated Heat* Delivered (Gallons) Water Treatment Plant 7795 7795 Senior Center/Clinic 1924 1924 Police Station 1155 1155 City Office 2710 2710 Old School 3186 3186 TOTAL 16700 16,700 5 | P a g e 6. HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION The heat recovery system captures jacket heat generated by the AVEC power plant that is typically rejected to the atmosphere by the genset remote radiators. The recovered heat is to be transferred by below grade arctic piping to the end users. The objective is to reduce the consumption of expensive heating fuel by utilizing recovered heat. Although heat recovery is an excellent means of reducing fuel costs, it is important to note that recovered heat is a secondary or supplementary heat source and it is vital that end-user facility heating systems remain operational at all times. The proposed system will utilize hot engine coolant piped through brazed plate heat exchangers for each genset at the AVEC power plant. Heat is to be transferred from the engine coolant to a recovered heat loop through the heat exchangers. The recovered waste heat will then be pumped through the arctic pipe and transferred to the end user facilities heating system. The end user heating system will be tied into the recovered heat loop using a brazed plate heat exchanger. 6.1. AVEC Power Plant Tie-In The new AVEC plant is being designed for Heat Recovery. Therefore no modifications to the AVEC power plant cooling system are anticipated or included in this study, except those required to connect the recovered heat system piping and heat exchangers. All exterior power plant coolant system piping is 4 inch pipe. This study assumes all header aluminum jacketing where exposed to the weather. All new valves will be either bronze ball valves or lug style butterfly valves with seals compatible with 50/50 glycol mixtures up to a maximum temperature of 200oF. The heating medium on the AVEC side of the system is to be a 50/50 ethylene glycol/water solution to match their existing system. On the end user side of the heat exchanger the heating medium of the heat recovery system will be 50/50 propylene glycol to provide freeze protection for the system and piping. Additional controls will be required for all heat exchanger tie-ins to the recovered heat loop. On the AVEC side of the heat exchangers a thermal management or monitoring panel which includes BTU monitoring capabilities and pump nodes will be required. Grundfos Magna3 pumps with integral VFDs will be specified in ac recovery design. All piping in AVEC will be specified to welded steel in accordance with their standard specifications. Air vents, thermometers, pressure gauges, drain valves, and pressure relief valves will also be required. 6.2. Recovered Heat Loop (Arctic Pipe) The proposed heat recovery lines will be buried arctic pipe, with some above grade portions at the connections to buildings. The proposed routing for the new heat recovery lines will be as noted in the attached site plan. The arctic pipe will be composed of polypropylene pipe, with a minimum of 3-inches of polyurethane insulation and an HDPE outer jacket. 6 | P a g e Since multiple users are attached to this recovered heat system, circulations pumps at the end user facility will circulate heating fluid to each user from the AVEC facility. When the end users heating systems are not calling for recovered heat, their systems will throttle down the heating fluid flow to minimize power consumption. The heating fluid for the recovered heat system will be a 50/50 propylene glycol solution which will provide freeze protection for the system. 6.3. Site Control Site control research will be performed during the design phase to determine property ownership for properties along the pipeline alignment. The research effort will also determine whether any easements are required for the project. It is assumed that no native allotments are located along the proposed pipeline alignment. 6.4. End-User Building Tie-ins End-user tie-ins will utilize a brazed plate heat exchanger to transfer heat from the waste heat recovery line to the end user facility. The heat exchanger will allow the transfer of heat without mixing of the system fluids. The plate heat exchangers will be located in the mechanical room or in near proximity to the boiler where the boiler is not installed in a separate mechanical room. The recovered heat design will tie into the boiler return headers in each facility. This preheats the boiler water solution prior to it entering the boiler. The maximum anticipated delivered heat for the system is 180oF. When there is insufficient recovered heat available to meet the building heat loads the boilers will fire to add required additional heat. A motorized bypass valve will be used to prevent back feeding heat to AVEC or other users. The valve will be sized to prevent excessive pressure drops in the building heating system. An off the shelf Honeywell controller Series T775 or similar controller will be utilized to lock out the recovered heat system when there is insufficient recovered heat available. Each facility will receive a BTU meter to provide recorded heat use totalization and instantaneous use. Heat recovery will be prioritized to the buildings such that the water treatment plant and then the senior center/clinic are first to be supplied if recovered heat is available. Other end users will be tied in after these buildings. Provided recovered heat is available the end users will be able to utilize it on a first come first served basis. All end-user facilities will utilize type L copper for interior piping with soldered joints. Isolation valves will be solder end bronze ball valves or flanged butterfly valves. All piping will be d jacketing. Air vents, thermometers, temperature sensors, drain valves, pressure relief valves will also be provided as required. Thermal expansion of piping and differential movement will be accounted for in the design. 6.4.1 Togiak City Office The boiler in this facility was installed in 2000. It is a Burnham Model LEDV2-GB125 with 117,000 BTU output. System design will be based on the installed boiler. Routing for recovered heat line was identified as well as possible equipment locations for additional mechanical equipment, including heat exchanger, pump, valves, and BTU meter. Mechanical room is located on an exterior wall, with a crawlspace below. The 7 | P a g e arctic carrier pipe for the recovered heat loop would be routed beneath the building into the crawlspace from below grade and transition to copper lines in the mechanical room. Mechanical equipment is to be located on the wall adjacent to the boiler. Figure 1: City Office Mechanical Room Figure 2: City Office Mechanical Room Figure 3: City Office Building Exterior 6.4.2 Senior Center and Health Clinic The boiler installed at this facility is a Multifuel Energy Logic Model EL-200B with 160,000 BTU output. Routing for recovered heat line was identified as well as possible equipment locations for additional mechanical equipment, including heat exchanger, pump, valves, and BTU meter. Mechanical room is located on an exterior wall, with a crawlspace below. The arctic carrier pipe for the recovered heat loop would be routed into the crawlspace near the front door of the facility from below grade and transition Crawlspace Access Heat Exchanger Wall Mounted at this location Alternate Heat Exchanger Location BTU Meter Location 8 | P a g e to copper lines in the mechanical room. This will avoid clearance issues with electrical services. Mechanical equipment is to be located on the wall adjacent to the boiler. Figure 1: Senior Center/Clinic Boiler Possible Recovered Heat Loop Pipe Penetration Location BTU Meter Location Heat Exchanger Location 9 | P a g e Figure 2: Senior Center/Clinic Building Exterior 6.4.3 Police Station This facility has an old Burnham V83 with 79,000 BTU output. Boiler is installed with domestic hot water heating coil. The boiler is utilized for heating and making hot water to serve lavatories, sink, and washer in the facility. System design will be based on the installed boiler. This boiler is installed in the garage bay and the burner was found to be Routing for recovered heat piping was identified as well as possible equipment locations for additional mechanical equipment, including heat exchanger, pump, valves, and BTU meter. The arctic carrier pipe for the recovered heat loop would be routed into the crawlspace below the police station side of the facility. It would penetrate into the heated garage below the stair landing prior to transitioning to copper. New mechanical equipment would be mounted on the wall behind the boiler. Consideration should be given to raising the boiler to be in compliance with code and even possible replacement due to condition and age of the existing boiler. Existing Fuel Tank Electrical Clearance Concerns Recovered Heat Piping Entrance 10 | P a g e Figure 3: Police Station Mechanical Space Figure 4: Police Station Garage Heat Exchanger and Btu Meter in this Location Crawlspace Access Route Piping Below Stairs Existing Boiler 11 | P a g e Figure 5: Police Station Exterior 6.4.4 Water Treatment Plant The Water Treatment Plant was upgraded in 2014. Upgrades to the plant included new boilers and well as a heat exchanger for future recovered heat. The new heat exchanger is three times larger than the one originally anticipated serving the WTP in the 2010 waste heat recovery report. The heat exchanger installed during Water Treatment Plant Upgrades has a capacity of 218 MBH. Heat recovery system design will take into account the larger anticipated loads at the Water Treatment Plant. A BTU meter will still need to be located and installed. This meter location and recovered heat piping will need to be coordinated with the ongoing work in the water treatment plant. Figure 6: Existing Heat Exchanger at WTP 6.4.5 Old School The old school is no longer in use. The City of Togiak is currently renovating the school for community use. The waste heat system that used to serve this facility has been Electrical Maintain Required Clearances Enter Crawlspace in this area 12 | P a g e demolished. However, the heat exchanger is still installed in the old school s mechanical room. Since the 2010 report was published portions of the old school have been demolished or repurposed. The City Library has taken over a portion of the old school and is now served by boilers dedicated to heating the Library space. In addition, a large section of the school has also been demolished. The City of Togiak is in the process of renovating the additional spaces within the old school for other purposes in the community and will be installing new boilers to accommodate the renovated spaces. The new boilers are 200 MBH. The existing Library boilers are not known and heat demand and fuel usage for this space is based on calculated engineer estimates. Figure 7: New Boiler in Old School 13 | P a g e 7. PRELIMINARY EQUIPMENT SELECTIONS The following equipment selections are based on our initial calculations and findings. 7.1. Heat Exchangers Heat exchanger sizing has been updated from the 2010 report based on our findings for this study. Design flow rates and pressure drops for the brazed plate heat exchangers selected appears to be adequate for all facilities. HX-1 an HX-2: (AVEC): Capacity: 600 MBH Primary: 85 GPM 195oF EWT (50% Ethylene glycol), <1.5 PSI max WPD Secondary: 55 GPM 190oF LWT (50% Propylene glycol), <2.0 PSI max WPD HX-3: (Senior Center/Clinic) Capacity: 65 MBH Primary: 12 GPM 180oF EWT (50% Propylene glycol), <1.0 PSI max WPD Secondary: 14 GPM 175oF LWT (50% Propylene glycol), <1.5 PSI max WPD HX-4: (Police Station) Capacity: 40 MBH Primary: 9 GPM 180oF EWT (50% Propylene glycol), <1.0 PSI max WPD Secondary: 6 GPM 175oF LWT (50% Propylene glycol), <1.5 PSI max WPD HX-(E) (Water Treatment Plant) Existing heat exchanger to be installed during Water Treatment Plant Upgrades will have a capacity of 218 MBH. A new heat exchanger will not be required for this facility. HX-5: (City Office) Capacity: 30 MBH Primary: 6 GPM 180oF EWT (50% Propylene glycol), <1.0 PSI max WPD Secondary: 7 GPM 175oF LWT (50% Propylene glycol), <1.5 PSI max WPD HX-6: (Old School) Capacity: 200 MBH Primary: 25 GPM 180oF EWT (50% Propylene glycol), <1.0 PSI max WPD Secondary: 20 GPM 175oF LWT (50% Propylene glycol), <1.5 PSI max WPD 7.2. Circulation Pumps Circulations Pumps serving waste heat recover loop at AVEC CP-1 and CP-2: Flow 85 3 65-120F. 14 | P a g e Circulation pumps serving waste heat recovery loop to end users buildings. CP-3: Heat recovery loop pump at Senior Center/Clinic: 40-80 F. CP-4: Heat recovery loop pump at Police Station: Flow = 9, Head 15 40-80 F. CP-5: Heat recovery loop pump at Water Treatment Plant: Flow = 25, 40-80 F. CP-6: Heat recovery loop pump at City Office: Flow = 6, Head 20 40-80 F. CP-7: Heat recovery loop pump at Old School: Flow = 25, Head 25 40-80 F. 7.3. Expansion Tank Total heat recovery loop is approximately 400-gallons. Pressure relief at the power plant heat exchanger will be 40 PSIG with a maximum normal operating pressure set for 90% of the maximum (45 PSIG). AMSE rated expansion tank will be required for system. ET-1: System Requirements: 46 Gallon tank and 28.2 gallon acceptance. Extrol AX-120V, 68 gallon and 34 gallon acceptance. 7.4. Glycol Make-Up Tank A glycol make-up system should be provided to accommodate filling the recovered heat system and adding additional glycol. It is recommended this unit be installed at the Water Treatment Plant. GT-1: Axiom SF100 55 gallon make-up tank. 7.5. Controls Heat recovery systems in each end-user facility will use a differential temperature controller to operate a heat injection pump. Control will provide load shedding, freeze protection, and prevent back feeding of boiler heat into the recovered heat system. In addition, a BTU meter will be provided at each facility to display instantaneous temperatures and heat transfer as well as Differential Controllers: Honeywell Series T775R2019 15 | P a g e 8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Estimated heat recovery costs were based on prior heat recovery project experience and include materials, equipment, freight, labor, and construction management, startup, and testing. All work in the power plant, end user buildings including the Water Treatment Plant, along with design and construction management administration for a complete project are included in the cost estimate. The 2010 Study found that the estimated cost for the heat recovery project was $486,180 and the simple payback analysis based on a fuel cost of $5.00 per gallon was 7.1 years. Our findings indicate the estimated project cost is $1,079,544 and estimated recovered heat avoided fuel cost is approximately $88,919 based on the fuel savings of 16,700 gallons and an updated fuel cost of $5.09 per gallon. Heat sales agreements with AVEC have included the community paying a recovered heat charge equivalent to 30% of the fuel paid by AVEC to produce the recovered heat. Consequently this reduces the net savings to the community. Assuming a 30% recovered heat charge the net savings to Togiak becomes $62,243 The simple payback of 17.3 years is estimated based on the ratio of project costs to the total fuel savings resulting from the recovered heat. 16 | P a g e 9. APPENDIX 9.1. CAD Drawings 9.1.1 Cover Page 9.1.2 Site Plan and Trench Detail 9.1.3 AVEC 9.1.4 End-User Building Heat Add 9.2. Cost Estimates 9.3. Recovered Heat Utilization Simulation Worksheet RATE (QTY PER DAY)Days (10 hr. Work Day)ElectricianElectrical HelperPlumberPlumbing HelperWelderPipe Crew ForemanEquipment OperatorLaborerExcavatorLoaderEQUIPMENT OPERATING COSTONSITE LABOR COSTMATERIAL UNIT COSTMATERIAL COSTBARGE FREIGHT COSTAIR FREIGHT COSTOTHER UNIT COSTOTHER COST RATE (QTY PER DAY)Days (10 hr. Work Day)ElectricianElectrical HelperPlumberPlumbing HelperWelderPipe Crew ForemanEquipment OperatorLaborerExcavatorLoaderEQUIPMENT OPERATING COSTONSITE LABOR COSTMATERIAL UNIT COSTMATERIAL COSTBARGE FREIGHT COSTAIR FREIGHT COSTOTHER UNIT COSTOTHER COST RATE (QTY PER DAY)Days (10 hr. Work Day)ElectricianElectrical HelperPlumberPlumbing HelperWelderPipe Crew ForemanEquipment OperatorLaborerExcavatorLoaderEQUIPMENT OPERATING COSTONSITE LABOR COSTMATERIAL UNIT COSTMATERIAL COSTBARGE FREIGHT COSTAIR FREIGHT COSTOTHER UNIT COSTOTHER COST Togiak Heat Recovery30306.7812/10/2017JIMMONTHKWH/MONTH USING GEN-1DAYS/MONTH AVE KW GEN-1HDD/MONTH (40F)HDD/MONTH (60F)HDD/MONTH (180F)MAX AVAILABLE HEAT (MBH) GEN-1PARASITIC COOLING SYSTEM LOSSES (MBH)ESTIMATED AVAILABLE HEAT (MBH) GEN-1MONTHWST HEAT ADD (MBH)CIRC LOOP HEAT ADD (MBH)SEWER MAIN HEAT ADD (MBH)SUM HEAT DEMAND (MBH)MONTHCITY OFFICE/ LIBRARY BLDG HEAT LOSS (MBH)CITY OFFICE BLDG HEAT LOSS (MBH)CLINIC BLDG HEAT LOSS (MBH)POLICE STATION BLDG HEAT LOSS (MBH)BLDG LOAD TOTAL (MBH)PROJECT:PROJECT NO.:DATE:CALCULATED BY: Togiak Heat Recovery30306.7812/10/2017JIMMONTHESTIMATED AVAILABLE HEAT FOR RECOVERY (MBH) GEN-1WTP HEATING DEMAND (MBH)TRANSMISSION LOSSES (MBH)BLDG LOAD TOTAL (MBH)TOTAL HEAT DEMAND (MBH)WTP RECOVERED HEAT BENEFIT GEN-1 (MBH)SYSTEM RECOVERED HEAT BENEFIT GEN-1 (MBH)MONTH AVEC FACILITY HEATING LOAD (MBH)ABOVE GROUND PIPE LOSS (MBH)RADIATOR LOSSES (MBH)PLANT PIPING LOSS (MBH)BURIED PIPE LOSS (MBH)GENSET PREHEAT (MBH)SUM TRANSMISSION LOSSES (MBH)MONTHWTP EST FUEL DEMAND (GAL)CITY OFFICE/ LIBRRAY EST FUEL DEMAND (GAL)CITY OFFICE EST FUEL DEMAND (GAL)CLINIC EST FUEL DEMAND (GAL)POLICE STATION EST FUEL DEMAND (GAL)BLDG EST FUEL DEMAND (GAL)TOTAL FUEL DEMAND (GAL)WTP RECOVERED HEAT AVIOIDED FUEL USE (GAL)SYSTEM RECOVERED HEAT AVOIDED FUEL USE (GAL)WTP RECOVERED HEAT AVOIDED FUEL COST (DOLLARS)WTP RECOVERED HEAT CHARGES (DOLLARS)COMMUNITY RECOVERED HEAT AVOIDED FUEL COST (DOLLARS)COMMUNITY RECOVERED HEAT CHARGES (DOLLARS)SAVINGS TO COMMUNITY (DOLLARS)PROJECT:PROJECT NO.:DATE:CALCULATED BY: