HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Pilot Point Wind Power & Heat 65% Design - Jul 2017 - REF Grant 7014025May 4, 2015 113-95632
Mr. Patrick Boonstra
Intelligent Energy Solutions LLC
PO Box 91978
Anchorage, AK 99509
Dear Patrick:
Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) is pleased to present the results of our geotechnical investigation,
laboratory testing, and conceptual level engineering recommendations for the proposed 100-kW
Northwind 100 turbine planned for Pilot Point, Alaska. Our services have been conducted in general
accordance with our proposal to you dated May 31, 2011.
Subsequent to our draft report submittal, the project was apparently not authorized for final design or
construction, thus a final report was not requested from Golder. In April 2015, the project was apparently
reactivated and Golder was requested to provide a final report based on our draft report geotechnical
findings. We have not visited the site since our draft report submittal, thus we cannot verify current site
conditions are as described in this submittal. Verification of current site conditions is required for use of
our geotechnical recommendations presented herein.
We understand that the city of Pilot Point is considering installing at least one 100-kW Northwind 100
wind turbine near the village. The proposed wind turbine sites were determined by you or the city and are
labeled T-1, T-2 and T-3. We understand that T-3 is currently the preferred site. The proposed turbine
locations and our test explorations are presented in Figures 1 and 2, and are generally located as follows:
Site T-1:is located south of the Airport on the north side of Shangin Road
Site T-2:is located south of the Airport on the west side of Caribou Lane
Site T-3:is located on a low hilltop northeast of the sewage lagoon
Our scope of work was to review readily available existing geotechnical data, observe the test pit
excavations at the proposed sites, perform geotechnical laboratory testing on disturbed but representative
soil samples, and develop wind turbine tower foundation options. We understand at this time only one
turbine unit is under consideration but additional turbine units may be installed pending funding. If
additional wind turbines are authorized, additional site-specific geotechnical work may be required. We
must be contacted prior to use of the data and engineering recommendations presented herein for any
other proposed wind turbine systems.
Turbine tower base loads (unfactored) were provided with your July 5, 2011 email to us for a 120 foot
tower and a 68.5 foot diameter rotor. General foundation loads provided to us are as follows, and each
are resultants applied at the base of the tower:
Shear, Horizontal: 28.0 kips
Pilot Point Wind Turbine
Golder Associates Inc.
2121 Abbott Road, Suite 100
Anchorage, AK 99507 USA
Tel: (907) 344-6001 Fax: (907) 344-6011 www.golder.com
Golder Associates: Operations in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America and South America
Golder, Golder Associates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder Associates Corporation
Patrick Boonstra May 4, 2015
Intelligent Energy Systems LLC 2 113-95632
Vertical Compression: 43.6 kips
Overturning Moment: 2,471 kip-ft
Torsion: 23.2 kip-ft
Based on the provided tower base loads, overturning at the tower base will control the foundation design.
2.1 Regional Geology
Pilot Point is located on the northern coast of the Alaska Peninsula, on the north-east central shore of
Ugashik Bay about 84 air-miles south of King Salmon and 368 air-miles southwest of Anchorage (see
Figure 1). The surficial geology at Pilot Point is comprised of beach deposits with glacial outwash and
moraine deposits. Beach deposits, running parallel to the coast line, are primarily of fine to coarse
grained reworked glacial deposits. Moraine deposits are of glacial origin characterized by unstratified silt,
sand and gravel with knob and kettle features predominant on the surface forming small lakes (Detterman
et al., 1987). The moraines may also contain larger dimension cobbles, boulders, and glacial erratics.
These depositional features have been modified by recent surface erosion and geomorphic processes.
The region is mapped as “generally free of permafrost” (Ferians, 1965) with a few small isolated masses
of permafrost in the highlands and lowlands. Permafrost may be present under thicker peat or organic silt
deposits or along windswept ridges and areas of topographic relief. Permafrost, if encountered, would be
expected to be warm permafrost that is most likely in a thermally degrading state. Permafrost has not
been encountered within the city of Pilot Point (DCED, 2008).
2.2 Regional Climate Information
The climate at Pilot Point is maritime due to its coastal location. According to the Community Data Base
(DCED, 2008) the local weather is characteristically cool, humid, and windy. The average precipitation is
approximately 19 inches, including 38 inches of snowfall. The average summer temperature range is 41
to 60°F, and the average winter temperature range is 20°to 37°F. The winds are commonly from the
east or the southwest at an average of 14 miles per hour. Low clouds and fog restrict the ability to travel
to and from the city by plane.
The proposed wind turbine sites T-1 and T-2 are located south of the airport on the north and south sides
of Shangin Road. Both locations are on a glacial moraine that is gently sloping to the north and covered
with tundra vegetation and surface organic soils.
The proposed wind turbine site T-3 is located on a topographic rise northeast of the sewage lagoon. This
area is also covered with tundra vegetation. No significant access issues were encountered during the
geotechnical field exploration effort.
We reviewed geotechnical data from an area near the proposed wind turbine site.
Post Office: In October 1999, LCMF (now UMIAQ LLC) conducted a subsurface
excavation near the Post Office. One borehole was drilled to 12 feet deep with small
geotechnical exploration equipment. The borehole log shows a surficial organic mat
about one foot thick that overlies a reported clay layer that extended to the base of the
exploration, 12 feet below ground surface.
Pilot Point Wind Turbine
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Intelligent Energy Systems LLC 3 113-95632
Water Well Logs:The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) maintains a
water well log database (WELTS). Review of the database found seven water well logs
for Pilot Point with approximate locations noted in Figure 2. The water well logs are not
considered suitable for geotechnical engineering or design. However, the logs provide a
general indication of subsurface conditions. In general, the water well logs indicate
clayey materials with boulders, cobbles and ‘rock’ are present in the area. These coarser
grained materials may impact deep foundation options for the wind turbines.
5.1 Field Exploration
The geotechnical field investigation was conducted on June 8 and 9, 2011. Three potential wind turbine
locations were identified either by IES or city representatives. IES and Golder representatives attempted
to travel together to Pilot Point but flight restrictions did not allow IES representatives to accompany us.
IES previously conducted site visits to coordinate the turbine location along the eastern side of the city,
identified as site T-3 in this report. IES obtained access authorization for the geotechnical work and
subcontracted for the excavation services. Upon our arrival, the city requested we advance test pits at
two additional sites identified at T-1 and T-2 in this report. Access was granted by the city for this work
and the excavation services were provided through IES’s subcontract with the city. Prior to commencing
field explorations, statewide utility locates were completed by Golder and Golder’s on-site representative
coordinated local utility locates with Pilot Point utility representatives. No underground utility conflicts
were reported through the statewide system or local representatives at the proposed test pit locations.
Five test pits were excavated at three proposed wind turbine locations, TP-1 and TP-2 at turbine location
T-1, TP-3 at turbine location T-2, TP-4 and TP-5 at turbine location T-3. The proposed wind turbine
locations were not survey located in the field. The test pit locations were located in the field using a
handheld GPS instrument within the accuracy of the instrumentation based on locations provided to us by
IES or the city. The test pit locations should be considered approximate relative to the provided figures
and the proposed wind turbine locations. The test pits were advanced to between 13 and 16 feet below
existing grade at the turbine sites.
The test pits were excavated with a Link Belt 4300 Excavator owned and operated by the city of Pilot
Point. The test pits were logged and sampled by a Mr. Nick Owens, staff engineer with Golder.
Disturbed, but representative soil samples were obtained directly from the test pit walls up to a depth of
four feet then from the excavator bucket below four feet depth.
All samples were visually classified in the field with representative portions retained and sealed in
polyethylene bags to preserve their natural moisture content. All retained soil samples were delivered to
our Anchorage laboratory for additional soil classification and index property testing. Geographic
coordinates of the test pit locations were recorded with a handheld GPS instrument after each test pit
excavation was complete.
The test pits encountered numerous cobbles and boulders which were not possible to retain and transport
to our laboratory for geotechnical testing. The nature, extent, and estimated amount of the larger
dimensioned materials are noted on our test pit logs and are also provided with summary photographs.
One-inch diameter field-slotted PVC pipe was installed in test pits TP-1, TP-3, TP-4, and TP-5 prior to
backfilling with excavated material in order to facilitate groundwater measurements. The soils have been
classified according to the Unified Soils Classification System (USCS) according to ASTM standard D-
2487-05 as described in Figure A-1. The record of test pit logs are presented in Appendix A.
5.2 Laboratory Testing
In the laboratory, recovered samples were visually re-examined to verify field classifications and to select
samples for geotechnical index testing. Testing included natural moisture content, grain size distribution,
Pilot Point Wind Turbine
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Intelligent Energy Systems LLC 4 113-95632
hydrometer analysis, and percent passing the 0.075mm (US No. 200) standard sieve size. Grain size
distribution plots are shown in Appendix B. Please note the laboratory testing was conducted on retained
soil samples with the larger dimensioned material (cobbles and boulders) removed and screened to a
minus 3-inch material). Laboratory test results are shown graphically on the test pit logs and are
tabulated in the Sample Summary; Appendix C.
6.1 Subsurface Soil Conditions
The subsurface soil conditions observed at the proposed wind turbine locations T-1 and T-2 consisted
primarily of a surface organic mat about one foot thick overlying a soft to medium stiff organic silt ranging
0.5 to 5 feet below grade. Below the organic silt was a layer of dense gravel and sand containing
boulders up to 36 inches in nominal diameter throughout the depth of the excavations. Numerous
boulders were encountered at these two proposed tower sites.
The subsurface soil conditions observed at location T-3 consisted of a thin surface organic mat about one
foot thick overlying a soft to medium stiff organic silt extending 2 to 3.5 feet below grade. Below the
organic silt was a layer of gravel with sand ranging 8 to 9 feet below grade. Below the gravel with sand
was a layer of silty sand that continued through the depth of excavation. Larger dimensioned materials,
cobbles and boulders, were present at this site, but in significantly lower concentrations relative to sites T-
1 and T-2.
Groundwater measurements were taken using a groundwater indicator that was placed inside the slotted
one-inch diameter PVC installed within the replaced excavated material. Groundwater was not observed
in any of the test pits prior to our departure.
Permafrost or indications of deep seated seasonal frost were not encountered in any of the exploration
test pits.
6.2 Laboratory Test Results
Soil moisture content was measured in all recovered soil samples. Average soil moisture content, as a
percent of dry weight, was 110-percent for peat samples, 45-percent for organic silt samples, and 6-
percent for tested granular materials.
Grain size distribution tests were conducted on select samples recovered from the subsurface
exploration, including a determination of the percent passing the 0.02 mm size used to determine soil
frost classification. Grain size distribution testing was conducted on representative samples from
approximately 4 to 12 feet below existing grade, the expected depth range for a shallow tower foundation
option. Oversized material, particles larger than 3 inch nominal diameter was removed prior to
conducting the grain size distribution in accordance with ASTM D-4220 recommended practice. Based
on grain size distribution data, fines content (material passing the US No. 200 standard sieve) ranged
from approximately 9 to 26-percent of dry weight. Hydrometer analyses were conducted on two soil
samples to aid with soil frost classification. Based on the hydrometer results, the percentage passing
0.02-mm nominal gain size diameter ranged from approximately 5 to 17 percent.
The grain size and hydrometer data indicate the in-place materials within the expected tower shallow
foundation depth range are considered frost susceptible. Frost susceptible classifications range from
“S1”, Slightly Frost Susceptible (within the poorly-graded gravel tested) to “F3” Moderately Frost
Susceptible within silty sand tested based on the US Army Corps of Engineers soil frost classification
system (as described in Figure A-2).
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Intelligent Energy Systems LLC 5 113-95632
The three explored sites generally encountered granular soils below a surface organic material. In
general, the encountered granular materials are considered suitable bearing material for a shallow
foundation option for the tower provided site preparation methods discussed below are adopted. The in-
place soils at the expected shallow tower foundation depth range are frost susceptible and frost protection
measures are advised to reduce the potential for seasonal frost penetration under the tower foundation.
Two deep foundation options are provided. First, a larger diameter helical pile foundation system can be
considered. Helical piles would typically require 25 to 30 feet embedment to develop axial and lateral
capacity for the wind turbine units being considered. As noted, our test pit explorations did not extend to
the depths expected for a helical pile foundation, thus some uncertainty should be expected at all
proposed sites regarding subsurface conditions below the exploration depths. The water well logs
indicate a range of subsurface conditions can be expected below 15 feet ranging from clayey soils to
cobbles and boulders. Thus, if a helical pile foundation option is being considered, the owner and
contractor must recognize and accept the potential risks associated with advancing a deep foundation
below the depths of our test pit excavations.
Specific to helical piles, proposed tower sites T-1 and T-2 (test pits TP-3, 4 and 5) encountered
considerable amounts of larger dimensioned boulders 36-inch nominal diameter and larger. Material this
large will significantly impact helical pile installation and may severely damage the helices even with
predrilling. It is our opinion helical piles should not be considered for these two sites. If the owner desires
to use a helical pile foundation at these two sites, we recommend the owner conduct further subsurface
assessment, engineering analysis, and discussion with the helical pile manufacturer constraints regarding
installation in cobbles and boulders.
Site T-3 (test pits TP-1 and 2) did not encounter as numerous larger-dimensioned boulders, but cobbles
and some boulders were noted in the test pits. As with site T-1 and T-2, these larger dimensioned
materials can significantly impact helical pile installation. For site T-3, we consider a helical pile option
feasible, but not without installation risk due to the potential to encounter larger dimensioned subsurface
materials (cobbles and boulders). Again, we do not recommend use of helical piles at this site without
additional site assessment, engineering analysis, and coordination with the helical pile manufacturer
regarding installation of helical piles in cobbles and boulders.
Of particular concern is the requirement to maintain precise location for the helical piles within the
foundation system. If a helical pile is able to penetrate the cobbles and boulders, the larger dimensioned
material may deflect and force the helical pile from the desired target location. The amount of deflection
can be considerable and may not meet the design tolerances.
Driven pile is another deep foundation option for the wind turbines. Driven piles will need to be
embedded below the depth of the test pit excavations into undetermined materials. Based on the WELTS
well log data, it appears significant thicknesses of cohesive soil (clay) may be present within reasonably
expected pile embedment depths. If a driven pile option is being considered, we advise conducting deep
geotechnical soil borings at the proposed pile locations to determine the nature and extent of subsurface
materials for a pile foundation design. WELTS data, while useful, is not considered adequate for
geotechnical design.
Also, the presence of boulders may significantly impact pile foundation installation with the potential to
damage the piles during driving. The larger-dimensioned materials will prohibit use of displacement
(closed end) piles, thus H-Piles or open end pipe piles will most likely be required, particularly at tower
site T-1 and T-2. Predrilling and other methods may be required for pipe plies to achieve embedment
through the larger-dimensioned materials. Predrilling for H-piles is not advised.
Pilot Point Wind Turbine
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Intelligent Energy Systems LLC 6 113-95632
Based on the encountered subsurface materials and our discussions regarding the desire to reduce
foundation risk, we recommend a shallow gravity foundation system for the wind turbines. If helical piles
and driven piles are being considered as foundation elements, we must be contacted since additional site
exploration and geotechnical engineering analysis is necessary. For foundation design, we consider the
controlling load the base overturning moment, roughly 2,500 kip-ft (unfactored) as provided by the
Our analysis considered the orientation of this base overturning moment normal and orthogonal to the
foundation geometry. The orientation will impact the effective bearing area and required soil bearing
pressures for the shallow gravity option. For the shallow gravity foundation option, we have assumed
either a cast-in-place reinforced concrete foundation pad, or a post-tensioned, pre-cast foundation system
will be used. For the shallow gravity foundation option, we advise avoiding development of tension load
state under the foundation.
We have not tested or verified potential locally available concrete aggregate sources under this scope of
services. The availability and suitability of local sources for concrete aggregate and structural fill will
require confirmation by the design team.
8.1 Shallow Gravity Foundation Option
This option will rely on a reinforced concrete mat to develop adequate axial, overturn, and lateral
resistance against the design loads and moments. This option is considered suitable for all three
explored sites, provided proper site preparations are followed.
8.1.1 Site Preparation
All organic, deleterious, and silty material must be removed under the tower foundation. The exposed
subgrade must be proof compacted. Any soft or yielding surfaces noted during proof compaction must be
removed to a dense, non-yielding surface and replaced with structural fill. The tower foundation footprint
excavation should extend at least five (5) feet beyond the tower foundation perimeter to allow for
overexcavation and structural fill placement. The excavation should be sufficiently large and sloped or
shored to permit safe access for equipment and labor as well as meet all required OSHA standards.
Proof compaction should achieve at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by test
method ASTM D-1557. Vibratory compaction equipment is required and soil moisture conditioning may
be necessary.
At proposed tower sites T-1 and T-2, significant quantities of boulders were encountered in our test pit
explorations. Boulders are expected at the probable depths of the shallow foundation. If encountered, all
material greater than 8-inch in nominal dimension must be removed to at least 12 inches below the base
of the structure fill under the proposed concrete foundation. Careful observation is required at the base of
the overexcavation if boulders require removal to assure voids, loose material, or unacceptable bearing
conditions are not present prior to placement of structural fill. Proof compaction coupled with visual
inspection by an experienced geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist is advised to determine if
unacceptable voids or loose materials are present at the base of the excavation.
At proposed tower site T-3, silty sands may be encountered at or near the foundation depth. Silty sand, if
encountered, should be overexcavated at least 24 inches below the foundation depth, proof compacted
and structural fill placed above the silty sand. If silty sand is present at the base of the excavation, a
geotextile separation fabric similar to Geotex 801 is recommended prior to placement of structural fill. If
granular soils (gravel and sand) are present at the base of the excavation, a geotextile separation fabric is
not considered necessary.
Groundwater or surface water should not be allowed to accumulate in foundation excavations until the
foundations are backfilled to final grades. There is potential for surface water, precipitation, and/or
Pilot Point Wind Turbine
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groundwater to enter the tower foundation excavations and construction planning should include methods
to control water that may enter the tower foundation excavations. SWPPP and other discharge
regulations should be carefully planned as part of the construction effort. Dewatering may also be
necessary to control groundwater infiltration. Water ponding within the excavation footprint as surface
water or groundwater infiltration may significantly increase soil slope instability. Thus all ponded water
must be removed from the base of the excavation. If groundwater seepage is present, additional
groundwater dewatering methods may be required to control pore pressure buildup including, but not
limited to, well points. Water control is considered an essential design and constructability issue.
8.1.2 Structural Fill
Structural fill should consist of clean, well graded sand and gravel meeting Non Frost Susceptible (NFS)
or Possible Frost Susceptible (PFS) classification as determined by the US Army Corps of Engineers. If
local borrow sources cannot develop NFS or PFS material, Slightly Frost Susceptible (S1) gravel
aggregate can be used, but some additional frost related movements can occur and some constructability
issues may arise due to the increased fines content in S1 material. Structural fill should be in general
accordance with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Standard Specifications
for Highway Construction (ADOT&PF, 2015) Select Type A Material with a limitation of 3-inch maximum
particle size.
For all proposed tower sites, structural fill should extend at least 24 inches below the base of the concrete
mat foundation and seat on proof-compacted granular, mineral subbase material. All structural fill under
the tower foundation must extend at least three feet laterally in all directions from the tower foundation
perimeter then slope at a 1.5H:1V (horizontal:vertical), or shallower, from the top of the fill section to the
prepared subgrade, provided the structural fill is fully contained along the undisturbed excavation
sidewalls. If not, side slopes of 2H:1V or shallower is required.
Backfill placed above or on top of the base of the concrete foundation should be compacted granular,
mineral material meeting ADOT&PF Standard Specifications for Select Type A Material with a limitation of
3-inch maximum particle size.
8.2 Allowable Bearing Capacity, Estimated Settlement, Lateral Resistance
Soil bearing pressures were derived from design axial compressive loads, overturning moment at the
tower base and allowances for concrete foundation and fill placed above the foundation. The large
overturn moment will develop an eccentric load state along the base of the foundation. Our analysis was
based on not developing a tension load state to occur under the foundation during the design transient
loads. We also considered the orientation of the overturn moment relative to the foundation as normal
(one-way eccentricity) and orthogonal (two-way eccentricity).
Based on the provided design loads and design constraints, we recommend the reinforced gravity
foundation be at least 20 feet square (400 square feet) with the base of the concrete mat embedded at
least nine (9) feet below finish grade. Final foundation dimensions should be determined during detailed
design. The subbase under the mat foundation must be prepared as discussed above. Free-draining,
granular, mineral sand and gravel (preferably structural fill) should be placed and compacted above the
foundation mat to final grade. Compaction recommendations for structural fill should be followed for
material placed above the concrete mat.
Assuming our recommendations for site preparation and a shallow foundation are followed, an allowable
bearing capacity of 3,800 pounds per square foot (psf) is permitted for sustained load states. The
allowable bearing capacity can be increased by one-third for the short term, transient load states. The
axial compression load should also include the soil backfill above the foundation mat.
Estimated settlements for the tower foundations bearing on structural fill are expected to be less than 1
inch total with ½ inch differential, provided our geotechnical recommendations are followed. The majority
Pilot Point Wind Turbine
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Intelligent Energy Systems LLC 8 113-95632
of the total settlement is expected to occur concurrent with the tower construction and initial loading, while
differential settlement is likely to result from repeated eccentric loading and over time.
Lateral resistance will be developed as frictional resistance along the concrete mat/structural fill interface.
A friction factor of 0.2 times the axial dead load can be used for an allowable frictional lateral resistance.
Additional lateral capacity will be developed through passive resistance developed along the vertical face
of the tower mat foundation or a keyway (if needed) installed along the base of the concrete mat.
Assuming level grades and no groundwater influence, surcharge or seismic loads, an equivalent fluid
pressure of 200 pounds per square foot per foot (psf/ft) can be used for determining the passive
resistance at the base of the mat foundation. Similar values can be used to determine torsion resistance.
Developing full passive resistance will require soil movement, thus some total and differential movement
of the mat foundation should be expected.
8.2.1 Seasonal Frost Considerations
Seasonal frost is expected to advance 3 to 4 feet below grade at the site. However, deeper frost
penetration can be expected through the concrete or steel tower members as well as through lower soil
moisture content sand and gravel backfill. However, with the recommended 9 foot embedment depth, the
likelihood of seasonal frost penetration below the concrete foundation is considered low. Coupled with
the 24 inches of NFS to S1 fill directly under the foundation mat, we do not see the need for rigid
insulation thermal protection for this site.
8.2.2 Constructability Considerations
Fill installed above the mat foundation should be compacted granular material, and should extend to
surrounding the grade with a final grade that promotes surface water drainage away from the tower.
Surface vegetation should be considered for non gravel pad areas.
We understand that a winter construction program is not expected at this time. If a winter or freezing air
temperature construction schedule is planned, we should be contacted to augment our recommendations
for cold weather construction practices. Under no circumstance is frozen material permitted for use as
structural fill or fill placed above the mat foundation. All fill must be placed and compacted in a fully
thawed state.
It is recommended that the location of the tower foundation avoid any ground that may have been
disturbed by the test pits. Additional subgrade improvement may be needed if the tower foundations are
installed over our test pits since the test pits were not compacted during backfilling.
Appurtenances to the tower base should be designed with flexible connections to allow for seasonal frost
movements. Rigid connections between the surrounding soil and the tower or the tower base should be
The geotechnical recommendations provided herein are considered conceptual and are provided for site
planning. We must review the civil and structural engineering design elements if the project advances.
Under no circumstances should our geotechnical recommendations provided herein be used for final
design, bid documents, or construction without our review and coordination with the design team,
developer and owner.
This report was prepared exclusive for the use of Intelligent Energy Solutions and the owners of the
proposed facility. If there are significant changes in nature, design, or location of the facility, we should be
notified so that we may review our conclusions and recommendations in light of the proposed changes
and provide written modification or verification of the changes.
Pilot Point Wind Turbine
Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF), 2015, Standard Specifications for
Highway Construction.
Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCED). 2008 Community Data
Base Online (http://www.commerce.state.ak.us/dca/commdb/CIS.cfm). State of Alaska, Division of
Community and Regional Affairs.
Detterman, R.I., Wilson, F.H., Young, M.E., and Miller, T.P., 1987, Quaternary Geologic Map of the
Ugashik Bristol Bay, and Western Part of Karlik Quadrangle, Alaska. Prepared for the United States
Department of the Interior, U.S. Geologic Survey, Miscellaneous Investigation Series, Map I-1801,
and Open-File Report 2004-1009.
Ferrians, O.J., Jr., 1965, Permafrost Map of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geological
Investigations Map I-445, Scale 1:2,500,000.
United States Department of the Interior
Anchorage Fish and Wildlife Field Office
4700 BLM Road
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
In Reply Refer To:
April 20, 2017
Mr. Patrick Boonstra
Intelligent Energy Systems, LLC
110 West 15th Avenue, Suite B
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Subject: Wind to Heat, Chefornak and Pilot Point, Alaska (Consultation 2017-I-0156)
Dear Ms. Taylor:
Thank you for requesting section 7 consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(Service), pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq., as amended;
ESA) by correspondence received April 7, 2017. The United States Department of Agriculture
Rural Utility Service (USDA-RUS) is requesting informal consultation on two proposed wind
turbine projects to heat homes in Chefornak and Pilot Point, Alaska. The USDA-RUS has
designated Intelligent Energy Systems, LLC as their non-Federal representative for the purpose
of this consultation. The USDA-RUS has determined that, with implementation of the avoidance
and minimization measures listed below, the action may affect, but is not likely to adversely
affect, the federally threatened Steller’s eider (Polysticta stelleri) and spectacled eider
(Somateria fischeri).
The Chefornak project proposes 3 wind turbines, sited 0.4 kilometer east of the Village of
Chefornak. The project includes the following components:
24-meter tall lattice towers with 17-meter blades for total heights of 32.5 meters,
blade sweep, 15.5 meters from the ground to 32.5 meters in height,
access boardwalk from the 3 turbines, 0.4 kilometer long to east end of the village,
power placed under the boardwalk
constructed in late winter on frozen ground.
Mr. Patrick Boonstra (2017-I-0156) 2
The Pilot Point project consists of one monopole tower capable of been raised and lowered using
local equipment and labor. It is sited within the existing wind farm for the City of Pilot Point
and would include the following components:
• 31-meter tall monopole tower with a 21-meter diameter blade for total blade height of
42.3 meters,
• blade sweep, 21.9 meters from the ground to 42.3 meters in height
• 8 guy wires begin below blades, approximately 21.9 meters from the ground,
• fencing around project,
• buried power
• constructed in late fall or early winter, accessed by a City maintained road
The Chefornak wind project is about 10 kilometers (6 miles) inland, about 0.4 kilometer (0.25
mile) from the existing village of Chefornak. The village is surrounded by undeveloped coastal
wetland habitat. Spectacled eiders may nest up to 14.5 kilometers (9 miles) inland and are
known to breed along the coast in this area. The action area is located at the edge of spectacled
eider normal range inland.
The Pilot Point wind project is about 11.25 kilometers (7 miles) inland from the coast, and about
2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles) inland from Ugashik Bay. Steller’s eiders utilize Ugashik Bay for
spring staging (Rosenberg et al. 2011). Surveys also indicate this area of the Alaska Peninsula is
important for many other migratory birds as well, including king eider (Somateria spectabilis),
common eider (S. mollissima), emperor geese (Chen canagica), long-tailed duck (Clangula
hyemalis), and black scoter (Melanitta americana) (Dau and Mallek 2006; Larned 2005).
Studies of the flight patterns of various species of eiders indicate they normally travel 1.5 meters
to 15 meters over the water and do not generally travel over land (Day et al. 2003). However,
they have been known to fly overland in breeding areas and carcasses of eider have been found
under towers and power lines, thus we conclude that they sometimes fly over land, under certain
conditions, and may be vulnerable to collisions with towers and power lines.
The following measures have been incorporated into the project to reduce the potential for
impacts to listed eiders.
The site has been selected in a location near existing disturbed areas, the existing wind
farm and the village. Constructing the towers and turbines near existing development
may deter birds from using the area.
There will not be overhead power lines installed for the proposed turbines.
Guy lines used to support the tower will have bird deterrent devices attached. Bird
diverters will be kept in working order and will be repaired or replaced during
Birds may be attracted to lights on or near the coastline, especially at night or during
periods of low visibility. To avoid attracting birds to the towers, they will not be lit. If it
becomes necessary to light the towers or turbines in the future, only strobe lighting will
be used, which is thought to be less attractive than steady burning lights.
Mr. Patrick Boonstra (2017-I-0156) 3
No new ground lighting is planned, but if additional ground lighting is needed near the
towers/turbines in the future, the lights will be shielded downward to reduce visibility and
possible attraction to birds in flight.
During turbine inspections the site and surrounding area will be searched for carcasses,
piles of feathers or piles of hollow bones around all towers and guy wires to identify
whether collisions are occurring.
The potential for collision of a listed eider with the proposed projects is low because the
locations of the turbines are inland, near existing facilities, and are not located in the flight path
eiders would most likely use. Additionally, given the assumption that only 1 percent of Steller’s
eiders in the action area belong to the listed population, the probability that a listed eider will
strike a tower or guy wire is further reduced.
After reviewing the proposed actions and the likely effects, the Service concurs with the USDA-
RUS’s determination that activities associated with the two proposed wind turbine projects in
Chefornak and Pilot Point may affect but are not likely to adversely affect listed species or their
critical habitat. We have reached this conclusion based on the avoidance measures that will be
implemented to avoid potential harm from disturbance to both spectacled and Steller’s eiders.
Our concurrence relates only to federally listed or proposed species and/or designated or
proposed critical habitat under our jurisdiction. It does not address species under the jurisdiction
of National Marine Fisheries Service, or responsibilities under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act,
Marine Mammal Protection Act, Clean Water Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, National
Environmental Policy Act, Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, or other legislation.
In view of this concurrence, requirements of section 7 of the ESA have been satisfied. However,
this letter does not authorize take of listed species. Injured or dead spectacled and Steller’s
eiders must be reported as soon as possible (i.e., within 24 hours unless there are extenuating
circumstances) to the Service’s Office of Law Enforcement at 877-535-1795 and to the
Anchorage Field Office at 907-271-2888. Obligations under section 7 of the ESA must be
reconsidered if new information reveals project impacts that may affect listed species or critical
habitat in a manner not previously considered, if this action is subsequently modified in a manner
which was not considered in this assessment, or if a new species is listed or critical habitat is
designated that may be affected by the proposed action.
Additional Recommendations
Migratory birds can also suffer significant mortality from collisions with towers, blades, and
associated infrastructure such as guy wires. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) prohibits
the taking, killing, possession, transportation, and importation of migratory birds, their eggs,
parts, and nests, except when specifically authorized by the Department of the Interior. While
the MBTA has no provision for allowing unauthorized take, it must be recognized that some
birds may be killed at structures such as wind turbines even if all reasonable measures to avoid
such strikes are implemented. If project proponents do their due diligence to avoid and minimize
impacts to migratory birds, it can demonstrate a good faith effort, which may be viewed
favorably if unanticipated effects occur.
Mr. Patrick Boonstra (2017-I-0156) 4
The following recommendations are voluntary measures that if adopted, will further reduce the
possibility that migratory birds would be harmed by installation or operation of the towers or
Avoid clearing any previously undisturbed ground cover or vegetation during the nesting
The Service always recommends integrating monitoring and adaptive management
planning into wind projects. These measures may be necessary components of the
project when the likelihood of collision is high due to the size of a project or its specific
Report sick or dead migratory birds to the Alaska Sick or Dead Bird Hotline at 866-527-
3358, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Office of the State Wildlife Veterinarian
at 907-328-8354 or DFG.DWC.VET@alaska.gov.
If a carcass is found, note the location, date, and the condition. To keep yourself safe, do
not touch the animal. If possible, take pictures and note answers to the following
o How long has it been dead?
o Are all body parts present, and intact?
o Is there any evidence of the injury?
o Where is it in relation to structures overhead?
o What species of bird is it? If you don’t know, try to determine what type of bird
(e.g.,waterfowl, song bird, shorebird, or raptor).
o Is there any reason to think the bird died another way, (e.g., was shot or was found
beneath a large nest)?
Thank you for your cooperation in meeting our joint responsibilities under the ESA. For more
information or if you have any questions please contact Ms. Jennifer Spegon at 907-271-2768 or
at jennifer_j_spegon@fws.gov and refer to consultation number 2017-I-0156.
Douglass M. Cooper
Chief, Ecological Services Branch
Steve Polacek
Robin Meigel
Literature Cited
Dau, C.P., and E.J. Mallek. 2006. Aerial survey of emperor geese and other waterbirds in
southwestern Alaska, Spring 2006. Fairbanks, Alaska, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Day, R.H., J.R. Rose, R.J. Ritchie, J.E. Shook. 2003. Collision potential of eiders and other
birds near a proposed windfarm at St. Lawrence Island, October-November 2002. ABR,
Inc.-Environmental Research & Services. Fairbanks, Alaska.
Larned, W.W. 2005. Steller's eider spring migration surveys southwest Alaska, 2005. U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, Waterfowl Management, Anchorage, Alaska.
Rosenberg, D.H., M. J. Petrula, D. Zwiefelhofer, T. Holmen, D.D. Hill, and J.L. Schamber.
2011. Seasonal movements and distribution of Pacific Steller’s eiders (Polysticta
stelleri). Anchorage, Alaska, Alaska Department of Fish and Game:1-5.