HomeMy WebLinkAboutCordova Biomass Feasibility Study (Native Village of Eyak) - Feb 2013 - REF Grant 7040054Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Prepared by Casey Pape Alternative Energy Coordinator Native Village of Eyak For The Native Village of Eyak City of Cordova Funded by The Alaska Energy Authority February 27, 2013 The Native Village of Eyak 110 Nicholoff Way Cordova AK 99574 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Table of Contents ExecutiveSummary........................................................................................................... 3 I. Introduction................................................................................................................ 3 II. Methods......................................................................................................................4 A. Project Scope (Area).................................................................................................. 4 B. Community Information............................................................................................ S C. Fuel Use and Proximity............................................................................................. 6 D. Community Energy Audit.......................................................................................... 8 E. Cordova Forest Inventory..........................................................................................9 F. Other Thermal Sources........................................................................................... 10 1. Cardboard from City Bailer.................................................................................. 11 2. Community Burn Pile........................................................................................... 11 III. Results......................................................................................................................12 A. Existing Building Systems....................................................................................... 12 B. Home Fuel Questionnaire........................................................................................ 15 C. Thermal Loads (Commercial Buildings)................................................................ 16 D. Thermal (Potential) Sources................................................................................... 19 1. Forest Inventory................................................................................................... 19 2. Alder Resources.................................................................................................... 20 3. Eyak Log Decks..................................................................................................... 21 4. Cordova Community Burn Pile............................................................................ 23 5. City Bailer Cardboard Waste Stream.................................................................. 24 IV. Discussion.................................................................................................................24 V. Economic Analysis................................................................................................... 26 VI. Recommended Actions............................................................................................ 27 VII. Cited Literature........................................................................................................ 28 1 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study List of Figures Figure 1. The City of Cordova and harbor (defined project area) ................................. 5 Figure 2. Fuel user data, provided by Shoreside Petroleum .......................................... 7 Figure 3. City overview with 0.2-mile proximity buffer ................................................ 8 Figure 4. Survey tally results from the Home Fuel Questionnaire .............................. 15 Figure 5. Heating loads of buildings within central downtown of Cordova...............17 Figure 6. EUI and energy use between surveyed buildings ......................................... 18 Figure 7. Eyak Corporation timber types 0-15% slope ................................................ 19 Figure 8. Accessible Timberland Strata Distribution by Area ..................................... 20 Figure 9. Available acreage of alder overgrowth on former timber cutting roads.... 21 Figure 10. Log decks at the 15-mile sort yard.............................................................. 22 Figure 11. Log decks on Cabin lake road....................................................................... 22 List of Tables Table 1. Cordova City Property Parcel Count.................................................................. 5 Table 2. City of Cordova Population Statistics................................................................ 6 Table 3. Caloric Values of Waste.................................................................................... 12 Table 4. Annual Wood Fuel Use Summary.................................................................... 16 Table S. Energy Efficiency of Buildings based on EUI.................................................. 17 Table 6. Log Deck Lab Test results................................................................................. 22 Table 7. Cordova Burn Pile Survey Assessment data .................................................. 23 Table 8. Thermal Resource Summary........................................................................... 24 Table 9. Equalized Fuel Costs to$/MMBTU.................................................................. 27 List of Equations Equation 1. Energy Utilization Index for a particular building ..................................... 9 Equation 2. Modified Energy Utilization Index for thermal use in buildings ............... 9 Equation 3. Calculated heating value of cordwood on the Copper R. Delta ............... 26 Appendices Appendix A Forestry Products for Small -Scale Commercial Harvest ........................ 30 Appendix B Wood Pellet and Biomass Product Resources ......................................... 36 Appendix C Cordova Burn Pile Assessment Report (by Simeon Haynes) .................. 41 2 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Executive Summary For the past several years, community interest in has been expressed in converting woody organic material (biomass) waste streams into usable forms of energy in Cordova, Alaska. Studies to date have demonstrated these resources are inadequate to recover the capital required to extract and utilize burnable waste for district heating purposes or creating useable products. The Native Village of Eyak, in partnership with the Alaska Energy Authority and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry, recently assessed timber stands on the Copper River Delta. Forest productivity on Eyak Corporation (EC) lands near the airport measured an annual net growth of 4,593 cords per year. This amount of biomass is the equivalent of nearly 500,000 gallons of diesel. An additional 1,632 cords are estimated to be available from Alder overgrowth on old logging roads (cut in the early 1990's) on EC land. These resources approximate an additional 179,000 gallons of diesel equivalent. At a delivered cost of $225/cord (for trees in areas with <15% slope), net growth harvest could offset diesel usage at a rate of $2.07 per gallon equivalent, presenting an attractive argument for a local sustainable harvest program in Cordova, into which the community's biomass waste stream could be incorporated. I. Introduction and Objectives The objective of this report is to provide reliable resource and fuel data in order to determine the feasibility of developing biomass -heating projects in the City of Cordova, Alaska. Approximately 670,000 gallons of diesel are used annually for heating fuel in the Cordova area (Biomass Heating Project, 2009). At present costs, fuel sales amount to roughly $3 million per year. In coastal Alaska, the high cost of fuel remains a continual burden on families and often impedes economic development. Although outright energy demand in Alaska is low compared to the national average, Alaskan per capita energy consumption ranks highest in the country - "more than three times the U.S. average" (EIA, 2012). In Cordova, finding stable and low cost sources of energy is of great interest as it could have a prodigious effect on improving the local economy and boosting community resilience. The scope of this analysis is to provide accurate fuel use and resource data so that projects have enough information to proceed to investment grade studies, system design and subsequent implementation. Studies performed in the past evaluating existing biomass waste streams have found the resource is too small to be commercially viable on its own. To develop these resources in a cost effective manner, additional harvest of standing biomass (timber) would also need to be evaluated (Deerfield, et. al., 2009). For this reason, a forest inventory assessment has been generated along with this report. Doug Hanson of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry (DOF) provided the assessment of standing green tree biomass resources. The methodology used to quantify available forest resources are detailed in the 3 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study "Cordova Forest Inventory Final Report"; they are summarized briefly in Section II.E and findings are addressed in Section IV.C.1-2 results. In order for a biomass heating system to be evaluated, an increase in the amount of locally harvested timber will be needed. Major land owners and managers of timber resources in the area are the Eyak Corporation (EC), the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the State of Alaska. For the purposes of this study, only the holdings on EC land are considered to be available for harvest in the near -term, as USFS lands are managed for wildlife habitat (as opposed to timber extraction) and appropriate state land has been set aside for community firewood gathering. For this reason, all discussion regarding timber harvest, including equipment required for extraction will focus on appropriate technology for EC land (Appendix A). II. Methods Information obtained for this report includes both quantitative and qualitative data from various sources. Fuel use and building information was gathered from individual interviews and building visits performed in Cordova from January 2012 until February 2013. The information was integrated into a Geographic Information System (GIS) database for characterization and summary of geospatial data. Satellite imagery (resolution: 0.6 m) was collected by the USFS during summer 2010 and made available to the Native Village of Eyak (NVE), and provides detail necessary to view individual buildings and tree stands. Buildings constructed since 2010, are not displayed in this imagery and may not be expressed by building polygons in the GIS dataset. Relevant cases where building information is known but not illustrated in the dataset are rare and addressed individually. A. Project Area (Scope) For the purposes of this study, the project area is defined as the immediate downtown and central district area of the City of Cordova (Figure 1). Fuel use and building data are only discussed within the immediate downtown area (from the harbor to just east of the Cordova Community Medical Center as this area contains the highest concentration of thermal loads. The downtown area is therefore most likely to be suitable for biomass district heat, should it be developed in the future. 4 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study ■ ■ 'doms.r Figure 1. The City of Cordova and harbor (defined project area). B. Community Information Information on city -owned buildings was obtained through public records. Privately owned and single-family home information were voluntarily submitted and approved for use in this study. Community breakdown by parcel count is provided below (Table 1). Table 1. Cordova City Property Parcel Count Real Property Type 2010 2011 2012 Residential 540 579 Vacant 841 715 Farm 0 0 Commercial 181 258 Industrial 0 0 Apartment 21 22 Condos 0 0 Mobile Home Parks 11 11 Mobile Homes 148 152 Other 2 36 Total Real Property Count 1,744 1,773 N/A W Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Table 2. City of Cordova Population Statistics Year Population *Census data 1910 1152 1920 955 1930 980 1940 938 1950 1165 1960 1128 1970 1164 1980 1879 1990 2110 2000 2454 2001 2512 2002 2434 2003 2372 2004 2298 2005 2288 2006 2211 Community information was obtained through a variety of public information sources, personal correspondence and interviews, and recent census data (Table 2). C. Fuel Use and Proximity Data Fuel records were obtained from several sources. To calculate thermal loads and heating loads, volumetric delivery and use records are more relevant than annual fuel budget records and were therefore, more desirable to the study. In cases where volumetric data was not available, budget records were used to approximate annual fuel usage. Local fuel supply business, Shoreside 2007 2194 Petroleum, maintains a three-year 2008 2161 record of fuel and delivery sales on a 2009 2126 per customer basis; however, this 2010 2239 information is proprietary and 2011 2289 therefore only available at the request 2012 Unknown of individual users. In most cases, records had to be first requested by a customer who then provided the information directly to the Native Village of Eyak for use in this study (Figure 2). Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study K . P� %brno tr �r Op _ •# I • �i Y Yf F i �t t e t r t a M -■-� ri n��1� * { I.rid7M.M_ r -Mt A _ f 4M: rrr tir �� Figure 2. Fuel user data, provided by Shoreside Petroleum. Cord, chip and pellet wood equivalents were calculated using linear equations provided by CTA engineers (Salmon, N., and Ratz, N., 2012). BTU conversions were performed taking into account relative differences in moisture content (MC). Approximate cordwood, wood chip, and pellet MC are 20%, 30%, and 7% respectively, and these values were used in our analysis. Fuel use records were analyzed using ArcMap 10, GIS to determine the magnitude and concentration of thermal loads in town. Heat load values were set as attributes of the building polygon layer and relative magnitude was expressed in gallons per year (Gal/yr). Radii of 0.1mi and 0.2mi were drawn to clearly illustrate thermal load proximity using the newly constructed Cordova Center as the center (Figure 3). 7 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study N ton -J] o tco+.ta.: Figure 3. City overview with 0.2-mile proximity buffer. It is important to note that the fuel oil deliveries provided in this study reflect the quantities of oil delivered to consumer fuel tanks. Though adequate for reporting overall yearly consumption, this method does not reflect fully accurate daily or monthly fuel usage. In order to quantify daily or monthly totals, tank volumes would have to be recorded by volumetric gauge line. Annual fuel sales and delivery records are sufficient for use in this study and provide accurate records of overall heat loads. D. Community Energy Audit Community information was obtained utilizing a variety of methods in order to provide a profile of heating fuel use among both commercial and residential buildings in Cordova. The information consists of visual and count estimates of energy waste streams, community questionnaire survey(s), and data gathered on individual buildings. For buildings with detailed energy audits performed within the last five years, information was incorporated into this study. In the summer of 2011, NVE Department of Environment and Natural Resources intern Simeon Haynes conducted an in-depth assessment of the community burn pile (Appendix C). In addition to monitoring the burn pile, Haynes conducted a mail survey of home fuel and energy use among residents of Cordova to solicit rk Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study information regarding seasonal heating use, home condition, wood stove use and square footage. Information was then used to approximate relative building efficiencies by determining energy use per unit area. Annual fuel use along with building square footage was collected and used to calculate a Thermal Energy Utilization Index (EUITherm). The value of the EUI is that it can be used to compare energy consumption to similar building types or to track consumption from year to year in the same building. Normally expressed in kBTU/ftz (Equation 1), EUITherm units have been simplified for the purposes of this study and are reported in Gallons per Square Foot per Year (gal/sf*yr-1) (Equation 2). EUI is typically a good indicator of the relative potential for energy savings. Comparatively high EUI indicates reduced efficiency, as the building requires more energy per unit area compared to other buildings of the same use -type. For each building and facility used in the study, building architectural, mechanical and electrical drawings were utilized to calculate and verify the gross area of each facility. The gross area was confirmed by building owners/managers. Equation 1. Energy Utilization Index for a particular building. Building Site EUI = kBT UElectric + kBT UFuel Oil Building Area Equation 2. Modified Energy Utilization Index for thermal use in buildings. EUIThermal = Gallons Fuel Oil Building Area It should be noted that information gathered pertained primarily to heating fuel usage and space heating requirements of buildings. Research efforts focused on accurate volumetric fuel consumption and primary method of heating. Additional energy used in the form of electric loads and building use (i.e. foot traffic, set temperature, etc.) data were not studied in depth. E. Cordova Forest Inventory The Forest Inventory was conducted to provide reliable growth data of timber stands on the Copper River Delta. A Cooperative Agreement was negotiated between the NVE and the State DOF to conduct a forest inventory assessment of standing timber resources near Cordova. Field visits were conducted in the first week of October 2012. State Foresters Doug Hanson and Mark Eliot, along with Casey Pape, Energy Coordinator for the Native Village of Eyak, measured timber stand plots on EC, State of Alaska, and US Forest Service land on the Copper River Delta. G Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study For this assessment, a variable plot radius sampling method was used to collect data on poletimber and sawtimber size trees. Using a basal area factor of 40 square feet, ten plots were spaced uniformly on a traverse located systematically through the stand area. Plot traverses were chosen in such a manner to attempt to capture variation within each stand. On five of the ten plots, information on species, tree vigor, crown ratio, defect type and defect percentage, were recorded and tree diameter, total tree height, bark thickness, and ten-year growth were measured (measure plots). Tree diameter was measured at 4.5 feet above ground, commonly referred to as diameter at breast height (DBH). Dominant and Co -dominant trees were cored at DBH in order to determine the average age and growth rate of the stand (referred to as `site index'). At the remaining five plots, relascope measurements were made, enumerating the number of trees by species and size class (count plots). Count plots are used to reduce sample error by increasing the overall plot numbers and economize time spent in the field. Trees with a DBH's of 5 inches or greater were sampled using this method. Additionally, a fixed plot sampling method was used to count trees with less than five inches DBH. These measurements took place at every other measure plot. Seedling and sapling trees, noting species and quality, were measured along with tree diameter and total tree height. Fixed plot radius was set at 7.45 feet, for a 1/250th acre plot. Forest timber volume estimates were then generated using the timber inventory software TCruise. For further detail on the methods used to perform the forest inventory, see "Cordova Forest Inventory Report". Fuel equivalence values were then calculated using published heating values of individual tree species expressed in millions of British thermal units (BTU) per cord (MMBTU/cord). Sitka spruce releases 16 MMBTU/cord, Hemlock 15.9 MMBTU/cord and Black Cottonwood 13.5 MMBTU/cord (Jenkins, B., 1993, Jenkins, et. al., 1998, Tillman, 1978). The relative proportions of each species stratum were used to assign a general heating value of all wood resources on the delta. The heating value of diesel fuel is estimated at 138,000 BTU/gal (Engineering Toolbox, 2013). F. Other Thermal Sources Though the main objectives of this study were to examine energy use of buildings and the quantity/quality of forest resources, community interest remains high for developing biomass waste resources in town. If these resources are to be pursued for development, volume and quality estimates will need to be made. Using data from the current study and past assessments of biomass waste streams, these volumes are addressed. 10 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study 1. Alder Resources on Eyak Corporation Lands Numerous access roads exist on EC land from logging operations conducted in 1995. Located north of the Cordova airport, these roads are presently overgrown with dense coverage of alder sapling and shrub material. Though sufficient funds were not available to measure this resource, an estimate of biomass potential has been generated for this report using GIS and data from similar studies. Former logging roads were mapped from base imagery color photos and plotted in the GIS dataset. Area volumes were calculated by applying a geoanalytical buffer to the logging road map layer. The buffer offset was set at 50ft and run for all connecting road segments, summarizing the available area in acres. Density and volume estimates were then given to the available acreage layer. A recent study of biomass resources in Tok performed by the DOF, measured Alder stands of similar size and quality to those present on Eyak Corporation land and determined an average tree weight of 3 pounds with a stocking rate of roughly 5,000 stems per acre, which was used to approximate alder available gross green weight tonnage. Fuel equivalence values were calculated using an alder heating value of 8.56 MBTU/ton at 50% MC (Hanson and Mullen, 2010). Therefore, 1 green ton of alder resource was considered to be the equivalent to 62 gallons of #2 diesel oil. 2. Cardboard from City Bailer Cardboard is a common material used for packaging in Cordova. To date, most of this material is discarded as waste at the city landfill as the City bailer does not sort trash. Observations made by staff at the City bailer estimate the cardboard resource at roughly 50-80 bales in a given year at 400 pounds per bale (Deerfield, et. al., 2009). The heat content of cardboard was assigned between 7,428 -7,939 BTU/lb (Dry) (Jenkins, 1993). 3. Community Burn Pile NVE performed a detailed observational survey of the Community burn pile in summers of 2008 and 2011. Materials were observed over twenty days during mid- day, when use of the burn pile was expected to be greatest. 61.7% of waste material at the community burn pile is allowable burnable waste. Daily volumes of burned material are estimated at 5001b per day, therefore the allowable burnable material was approximated at 308lbs per day (Haynes, 2011). Heating value was assigned by multiplying burn pile proportions by their respective heat values (Table 3). 11 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Table 3. Caloric Values of Waste (Engineering ToolBox, 2011) Type of Material Calorific Values (BTUs/lb) Dry wood 7,000 Newspaper 71540 Cardboard 7,700 Kraft 6,897 Beverage & Meal Boxes 6,855 Tissue 6,518 Colored Office Paper 6,348 White Office Paper 6,234 Envelopes 6,160 Treated Paper (NCR) 5,983 Glossy Paper 6,370 Mixed Paper 6,477 Solid Municipal Waste (dry) 5,050 Wet wood 4,000 III. Results A. Existing Building Systems AC Value Center Approx. 28,000 square feet. Heating provided by (2) independent oil -fired boiler units. Both are Johnson&Church Flexaire Furnaces in fair condition (1) 250,000 BTU/hr (Model# SDF-45-017H) and (2) 188,000 BTU/hr (Model# SDF- 15-017M). Hot water provided by Bock C-glass 173,000 BTU/hr (1.25gal/hr) hot water tank with 62-gallon capacity. Annual fuel consumption: 6,450 gallons, with EUITherm of 0.23. Alaska Housing Finance Corporation owns and operates several multi -housing projects in Cordova, AK. Eyak Manor: Four-plex, (4) separate units (16 separate living units total). Each building is approx. 4400 square feet and has an annual consumption of 1500 gal/yr. EUITherm of 0.34. Sunset Apartments: is a 22-unit apartment building. The building is 20,450 square feet, with an annual consumption of 5,200 gallons. EUITnerm of 0.25. Cordova Community Medical Center constructed in 1986. The building area is approx. 50,000 square feet (26,545 sq. ft 1st floor, 23,803 sq. ft 2nd). Annual fuel consumption: 28,800 gallons. EUITnerm of 0.573. 12 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Cordova Telephone Cooperative office building (4,000 square feet) and separated warehouse (2,500 square feet). Average fuel consumption of 6,963 gallons. EUITherm of 1.07. Cordova Electric Cooperative constructed in 1955. The building area is approx. 20,000 square feet, which includes the recently moved Ilanka Community Health Center (formerly located in the Cordova Community Medical Center Building). Annual fuel consumption of 8,717 gallons with a EUITherm of 0.441. Cordova School District is responsible for multiple buildings: [2] schools (the Cordova Jr./Sr. High School, and Mt. Eccles Elementary), and School Administration building, and separate and adjacent maintenance building(s). Last year, the district administrative offices were relocated to the newly constructed Mt. Eccles School. Mt. Eccles Elementary School is a new building, constructed in 2011. The 51,860 square foot building has an annual fuel consumption of 17,220 gallons, EUITherm of 0.332. Cordova Jr./Sr. High School is a 52,956 square foot building, originally constructed in 1966. EUITherm of 0.442. Boiler #1 is too large, and has not been fired in over 5 years; however, the heating loop was not closed through this boiler until recently, reducing system wide efficiency by an unknown value. Boiler 1 Fuel Type: #2 Oil Input Rating: 3,588,000 BTU/hr Rated Efficiency: 80% Idle Loss: 1.5% Heat Distribution Type: Glycol Boiler Operation: Not in the last [5] years Boiler 2 Fuel Type: #2 Oil Input Rating: 1,959,600 BTU/hr Rated Efficiency: 80% Idle Loss: 1.5% Heat Distribution Type: Glycol Boiler Operation: Sep -Jun Boiler 3 Fuel Type: #2 Oil Input Rating: 351,900 BTU/hr Rated Efficiency: 84% Idle Loss: 1.5% Heat Distribution Type: Glycol Boiler Operation: All Year 13 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Boiler 4 Fuel Type: Waste Oil Input Rating: 300,000 BTU/hr Rated Efficiency: 80% Idle Loss: 1.5% Heat Distribution Type: Glycol Boiler Operation: When available US Post Office was constructed in 1987. It is an 11,879 square foot building heated by a single oil -fired Weil McLain (Model# 480) boiler (491,000 BTU/hr, 3.55 gal/hr respectively), in good condition, with forced -air heating system. Annual fuel consumption: 3,676.4 gallons, with EUITnerm of 0.31. Native Village of Eyak was originally built in 1980, with renovations and an additional level being added in 2007. The building area is 9,740 square feet with a EUITnerm of 0.405. Annual fuel oil consumption of 3,946 gallons. Domestic hot water is currently being stored at 125°F. USFS Cordova Ranger District Headquarters is a three-story 8,925 sq. foot building originally constructed in the 1920's. The building was upgraded in the 1990's. Reported upgrades include roof upgrades, new windows, and increased insulation in walls and attic spaces. Hot water radiators along the building perimeter heat the building. Building heat and domestic hot water is supplied by a single oil -fired Well McLain (Model# 678) boiler with a rated output of 559,000 BTU/hr. The water temperature is maintained around 165°F, and there is an opportunity to reduce energy consumption through hot water reset or boiler cycling controls (USFS Audit, 2010). The radiators are controlled by wall -mounted pneumatic controls. During the summer, thermostats are turned down to 50°F. Annual heating fuel consumption for the main office is 4,417 gallons. EUITherm is 0.495. 14 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study B. Home Fuel Questionnaire During the summer of 2011, a total of 1,500 surveys were mailed to residents, of those, NVE received 39 responses to the Home Fuel Questionnaire, for a yield of 2.6%. Given that there are only 579 residences (Table 1) in Cordova and none of the responses were redundant (multiple members of a household reporting information on the same building), survey responses yield a 6.7% sample, which is assumed to be a representative sample of year-round residents in Cordova. Summer Fuel Consumption — Propane (lbs/month) — Heating Oil (Gallons/month) Wood (cords/month) 20 0 -A ` No. W6 ■ — 25-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-100 101-200 Amount Used per Month Winter Heating Fuel Consumption - Propane (lbs/month) — Heating Oil (Gallons/month) Wood (cords/month) 40 35 .� 30 25 W h c 20 w 15 0 10 5 0 0 0 25-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-100 101-200 Amount Used per Month Figure 4. Survey tally results from the Home Fuel Questionnaire. 15 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study C. Thermal Loads (Commercial Buildings) Annual building fuel consumption data was gathered from a variety of buildings determined to be representative of the major thermal loads in town (Table 4). Fuel matrix conversions were then applied to estimate biomass -heating loads for various fuel types. Table 4. Annual Wood Fuel Use Summar Building Cord Wood Wood Pellets Wood Chips Fuel Oil (gal) (cords) (tons) (tons) AC Value Center 6,450 56.4 51.4 70.9 AHFC Eyak Manor 6,000 52.4 47.8 66.0 AHFC Sunset Apts. 5,200 45.4 41.4 57.2 CCMC 28,800 251.7 229.5 316.6 CTC 6,963 60.8 55.5 76.6 CEC 8,717 76.2 69.5 95.8 CSD Mt. Eccles Elem. 17,220 150.5 137.2 189.3 CSD Jr./High School 23,400 204.5 186.4 257.3 US Post Office 3,676 32.1 29.3 40.4 Native Village of Eyak 3,946 34.5 31.4 43.4 USFS 4,417 38.6 35.2 48.6 City - City Center* 12,500 109.2 99.6 137.4 Bidarki* 3,300 28.8 26.3 36.3 Pool* 20,000 174.8 159.4 219.9 Harbor Master* 2,200 19.2 17.5 24.2 City Hall & Fire EMS* 14,000 122.3 111.5 153.9 Total 166,789 1,457 1,329 1,834 Assumed: Wood fuel use assumes offsetting 85% of the current energy use. *Estimated from budget actuals. Unit price assumed at $4.31/gallon. The information was then plotted on base imagery maps to illustrate scale and relative proximity to one another (Figure 5). Radii were then drawn at 0.1 miles and 0.2 miles in order to illustrate proximity to the Cordova Center, set as the circle center, a possible location of a future biomass heating facility. Major loads are represented by the magnitude of the 'Thermal Load' radius. 16 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study .pN. yl`'1 1 ..,I.a •mx a iooM., = • E N � it Figure 5. Heating loads of buildings within central downtown of Cordova. EUI were assigned by comparing annual fuel consumption to building gross area (Table 5). When compared across different building types, relative efficiencies based on loads can be compared to identify possible energy savings (Figure 6). Table S. Energy Efficiency of Buildings based on EUI Building Cord Wood Area (SF) EUI (gal/sf*yr) Fuel Oil (gal) (cords) AC Value Center 6,450 56.4 28,000 0.23 AHFC Eyak Manor 6,000 52.4 17,600 0.34 AHFC Sunset Apts. 5,200 45.4 20,450 0.25 CCMC 28,800 251.7 50,000 0.573 CTC 6,963 60.8 6,500 1.07 CEC 8,717 76.2 20,000 0.441 CSD Mt. Eccles Elem. 17,220 150.5 51,860 0.294 CSD Jr./High School 23,400 204.5 52,956 0.442 US Post Office 3,676 32.1 11,879 0.31 Native Village of Eyak 3,946 34.5 9,740 0.405 USFS 4,417 38.6 8,925 0.495 City - City Center 12,500* 109.2 36,000 0.35 Total 127,289 1,112 313,910 N/A *Estimated Fuel Usage (Source: Alaska Energy Engineering, LLC.) 17 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study r o. ft Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study D. Thermal (Potential) Sources 1. Forest Inventory The forest inventory focused primarily on EC Land located north of the Cordova airport. The project area at this site is approximately 21,726 acres. This area was assessed primarily because it is thought to be the most likely suited for commercial harvest. The total area of harvestable timber was determined at 3,539 acres. Translated into volume, the acreage amounts to a total volume inventory of roughly 162,335 cords or 294,254 tons respectively (Figure 7). Sustainable volume availability was determined by multiplying the forest inventory net growth rate percentages with the accessible area volume. When the amount of cutting is performed at or below the forest growth rate, the harvest is considered sustainable. Annual growth on EC land near the airport was determined to be roughly 4,963 cords within areas of <15% slope. This amount translates to nearly 8,150 tons of annual potential biomass harvest at or below the forest stocking/replenish rate. Digital elevation models were also incorporated into the GIS dataset to determine ease of access to timber stands on the Copper River Delta and used to rate delivered cost of wood. For stands situated in an area with <15% slope, tree volumes could be delivered at about $225.00 per cord or $147.00 per ton (Hanson, 2012). Eyak Corporation Timber Types 0.15% Slope }` t 0 05 1 150,000 A— Ca.d. Ta � ' ss). Ia7.73S 294.154 Cn.e. Tons � Black conon.-aoo t s,w soma — spCiCa • cdonv000 _ __.. 'n.aam Hamlocic Figure 7. Eyak Corporation timber types 0-15% slope. m Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Accessible timber proportions were calculated for each of the different timberland strata as described in the Cordova Forest Inventory Report. The area distribution was used to determine forest strata percentages and assign a general heating value for forest resources on the Copper River Delta (Figure 8). Timberland strata were assumed to be consistent with timber stands existing within the EC project area. Of the 4,593 cords annually available in accessible areas, 26% are of Sitka Spruce (1,195 cords), 35% are Western Hemlock (1,608 cords), and 37% are Black Cottonwood (1,790 cords). The remaining 2% Spruce -Cottonwood volume was added to the stratum with lowest heating value (i.e. Cottonwood at 13.5 MBTU/cord) to provide a more conservative estimate. AccessibleTimberland Strata Sitka Spruce 26% 37% —Western Hemlock 2% Sitka Spruce - Black 35% Cottonwood Black Cottonwood Figure 8. Accessible Timberland Strata Distribution by Area Fuel equivalence values were calculated by multiplying the available annual volumes) by specific heating value for each tree species then converting total BTU's into gallons of diesel. An assumed heating value of 138,000 BTU/gal was used for the diesel conversion calculation. Total forest resources available for sustainable harvest on EC land was determined at 68,852.2 MMBTU/yr or 498,928 gallons fuel oil diesel equivalent. 2. Alder Resources Applying a 50-foot buffer to the original roads layer, logging roads provide an additional harvest area of 386 acres (Figure 9). Based on available data for similar alder stands, a weight of 15,000 pounds per acre or 7.5 tons per acre of material are estimated to be present. Alder stocking rates appeared to be consistent on overgrown roads and uniform across all roads. Multiplied by overall acreage, the value equates to a rough estimate of 2,895 green tons in total alder material on EC timber roads. Assuming a MC of 50%, these resources have a heating value of 24,769 MBTU's or approximately 179,490 gallons of #2 diesel equivalent. T1] Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study r x; 10 Figure 9. Available acreage of alder overgrowth on former timber cutting roads. 3. Eyak Log Decks There are [two] sort yards located on EC land, designated after logging efforts took place in 1995. In 2009, the sort yard at Mile 15 contained roughly 1,863 cords (Figure 10), the sort yard at Cabin Lake Road contained approx. 1,358 cords (Figure 11), and the log pile near the airport contains 200 cords (Biomass Heating Project, 2009). The decks consist of Western Hemlock saw and pole timber and are mostly untouched since the logging efforts ceased in the area. Though some of the sort yard logs have been processed into firewood since 2009, the vast majority remains in place, unprocessed. Considerable decomposition has been noted on most logs. Samples were cut from protected logs inside an old log deck on Eyak Corporation Land near the airport, in July 2009, and sent for analysis to a certified lab (Deerfield, et. al., 2009). Table 6 shows the logs containing moisture content of 57%. When dried, the material demonstrates a heating value of 8,571 BTU/lb (Table 6). 21 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Due to the high moisture content of these logs, almost all of the present material would be expected to be consumed by drying efforts as approximately 1% of raw material will be consumed in order to dry the other 99% of the feedstock by 1% moisture content assuming no other heating inputs are used (Apted, D., 2011). Figure 10. Log decks at the 15-mile sort yard. If the feedstock contains a moisture content of 57% and has a target (dried) MC of 12% (0 = 45%), then roughly 90% of all the material will be consumed in order to convert the feedstock into a more desirable (burnable) product. As a result, the material contained at each of the specified sort yards on EC Land is regarded to be of extreme poor quality, with little to no value for heating use. Figure 11. Log decks on Cabin lake road. Table 6. Log Deck Lab Test results Ash Volatile Matter Heat Value Species MC (%) Content (/) (%) (BTU/Ib) Hemlock 57 0.08 34.68 (wet) 3,620 (wet) 82.09 (dry) 8,571 (dry) KK Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study 4. Cordova Community Burn Pile 61.7% of waste material at the community burn pile is allowable burnable waste (Table 7). Daily estimates of burned material are estimated to be 5001b per day therefore the allowable burnable waste is 308lbs per day. When burned, this accounts for 1,846,176 BTU's released to the atmosphere. This amount of material is equivalent to 13.3 gallons of diesel per day, 4,872 gallons annually (Haynes, 2011). Table 7. Cordova Burn Pile Survey Assessment data # of days % of days frequency (# of days observed / Item observed observed total # of observations) Burnable Items Brush/Trees 19 79.17% 20.21% Cardboard Boxes 9 37.50% 9.57% Ciggerette Cartons 1 4.17% 1.06% Lumber 2 8.33% 2.13% Pallets 8 33.33% 8.51% Paper 1 4.17% 1.06% Plywood 2 8.33% 2.13% Scrap Wood 12 50.00% 12.77% Wooden fishing spool 1 4.17% 1.06% Wooden furniture 3 12.50% 3.19% Unburnable Items Air Tank 1 4.17% 1.06% An old fishing net 1 4.17% 1.06% Beer Cans 1 4.17% 1.06% Foundation 1 4.17% 1.06% Garbage 3 12.50% 3.19% Garbage Bags 6 25.00% 6.38% Glass Bottles 2 8.33% 2.13% Nails 1 4.17% 1.06% Plant Pot 1 4.17% 1.06% Plastic Bags 8 33.33% 8.51% Plastic shrink wrap 1 4.17% 1.06% Plastic Wire Spool 1 4.17% 1.06% Shovel 1 4.17% 1.06% Tin Cans 3 12.50% 3.19% Tin Roofing 2 8.33% 2.13% Tires 2 8.33% 2.13% Wire Spool 1 4.17% 1.06% 61.70% 38.30% 23 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study 5. City Bailer Cardboard Waste Operators at the City bailer estimate a cardboard waste stream of 50-80 bales per year (Deerfield, 2009). At 4001b of cardboard per bale (NVE Biomass Heating Project, 2009), this amounts to 10 tons to 16 tons of annual cardboard waste. With a heating value of 7,428 -7,939 BTU/lb (Dry) (Jenkins, 1993), this resource is rated at roughly 1,080 - 1,840 gallons diesel equivalent. IV. Discussion Data suggest that biomass availability on EC land can appropriately match loads and target markets in town. Several large users are located within close proximity and could be linked in a small heating loop (<0.1mile) (Figure 5). Unfortunately, the largest loads in town are located outside of this radius circle (i.e. the Cordova High School and Cordova Community Medical Center, etc.). Additional heat losses and capital cost required for added piping may be feasible for heated water systems, but typically steam is used at distances over 0.25 miles due to higher heating capacity. District heating of this type is probably not available at a scale appropriate for Cordova. Based on obtained information of buildings in town, resources on the Copper River Delta appear to be adequate for supplying fuel wood for space heating (Table 8). Based on the magnitude of customer thermal needs, and capital cost of processing equipment and operation and handling requirements needed to develop biomass products, the study confirms the need to further develop (standing) tree timber resources if biomass thermal energy is to be utilized. Waste stream resources simply do not have yearly potential to support development efforts alone. Of the major landowners in the project area, the Eyak Corporation appears to be the only owner with the ability to harvest timber in areas with substantial acreage. For this reason, EC land has been examined most thoroughly for the purposes of this study and is reasoned that EC would be the only likely developer of biomass in the near term. Table 8. Thermal Resource Summa Thermal Source Heating Value (gallon diesel equivalent) Net Growth (EC) 498,000 Alder Overgrowth 179,000 Cordova Burn Pile 4,500 City Bailer (Cardboard) 1,080-1,800 /" Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study The most common fuel wood product in Cordova is cordwood. Cut and split wood is prevalent in the community and, though no commercial suppliers currently exist, commercial -grade equipment already exists in town to process cut logs into cordwood. Should a land holder such as the Eyak Corporation chose to further develop and sell timber for fuel wood in town, little would be needed to increase the amount of firewood production in the community; however, with the amount of annual rainfall and seasonal weather that cut wood would be exposed to, adequate storage and drying facilities will need to be secured in addition to increasing cutting efforts. Should cordwood be available on a consistent basis, biomass heating could be implemented for individual and multiple -adjacent building/offices with relatively little capital cost compared to other biomass fuel types. Garn boilers and individual building cord wood boilers are relatively inexpensive compared to more complex mechanically fed systems. Garn is owned by Dectra Corporation, located in St. Anthony, Minnesota. Garn boilers have already been installed and demonstrated effective at several sites in Alaska (Alaska Energy Authority, 2012). If multiple buildings are to be selected for biomass heating, building re- commissioning and programing of current boiler systems will be of major importance. To reduce cost, materials such as flexible plastic piping systems, manufactured by Rehau, which uses PEX carrier pipe could be used as substitutes for more expensive insulated piping. Waste materials, those that do not cut easily into firewood, are currently underutilized and sufficient mechanical equipment is not available locally to extract, process and burn the material. The simplest form of processing would be that of mechanical chipping wood and woody debris and storing/drying it in bulk. Of the potential chipped resource, alder sapling and shrub land areas are considered to be of highest interest for development. Operations are presently underway by NVE and USFS to cut alder growth as part of a strategy to supplement winter browse for Moose. These operations could easily be incorporated into a fuel wood product if, at the same time, chipping and collection took place by way of an industrial chipper with attached covered trailer. Such a method of extraction and collection is ideal as it greatly reduces the amount of dirt and debris material that needs to be sorted prior to burning. Of all biomass fuel types, pellets are by far the most efficient and fitting crossover material compared to fuel oil burners. Pellet stoves are relatively simple to operate, programmable by thermostat, and can heat large spaces with a single unit. At present, pellet products are not commercially available in Cordova and shipping costs has not been demonstrated to be cost competitive with diesel due to barging costs. A few hobbyists exist in town and bio-briquette products are beginning to appear in minute amounts, though heating value has not been tested thoroughly yet (Chris Grimwood, Kiwi Mechanical, pers. comm.) (Appendix B). W Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study At this point in time, community support for a biomass -heating loop is low (likely due to low public awareness). Efforts to develop and demonstrate viability of a sustainable harvest protocol will likely need to increase before biomass heating is adopted for larger projects. More public awareness and support would have to be obtained before a district -heating loop is pursued. V. Economic Analysis Forest resources in easily accessible areas (i.e. <15% slope, over alluvial outwash) are estimated to be available at $225.00/cord or $147/ton (Hanson, 2012). For this assessment, chips are also projected to be available at a rate of $147/ton, although this has not been directly measured. Based on the relative proportions of each of the stratum available on the Copper River Delta (Figure 8), an equation can be used to assign a general heating value per cord (Equation 3). Heat Value !MMBTUI JJ = 0.39x + 0.26y + 0.35z l\ cord Where x is the heating value of Black Cottonwood (13.5 MMBTUI cord J y is the heating value of Sitka Spruce (16 cord MMBTUI and J z is the heating value of Hemlock (15.9 MMBTU d) cor Equation 3. Calculated heating value of cordwood on the Copper R. Delta. From the equation provided above, a generic cord of firewood cut on EC land is thought to have a heating value of 14.99 MMBTU/cord. At a delivered rate of $225/cord, forest timber products can be estimated at approximately 66,622 BTU/$. With a heating content for fuel oil of 138,000 BTU/gal, fuel wood resources are estimated to be deliverable at a rate of $2.07/gallon diesel equivalent. It should be mentioned that this estimate does not take into account the relative efficiencies of the different technologies and is therefore somewhat misleading. To more accurately compare fuel -type efficiency and price point, equalized costs should be examined. For engineering purposes, equalized cost estimates are perhaps the more useful form of measure for determining fuel option viability as cost estimate take into account process efficiencies (Salmon, N. and Ratz, N., 2012). Table 9 illustrates the equalized costs of fuel wood types compared to diesel, with projected unit prices factored in. I•. Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Table 9. Equalized Fuel Costs to $/MMBTU Gross System Net System Delivered Gross Fuel Type Units BTU/unit Efficiency BTU/unit $/unit $/MMBTU $/MMBTU Fuel Oil gal 138,000 0.8 110,400 $4.00 $36.23 $28.99 $4.25 $38.50 $30.80 $4.50 $40.76 $32.61 Cord Wood cords 14,990,000 0.65 9,743,500 $200 $20.53 $13.34 * $225 $23.09 $15.01 $250 $25.66 $16.68 Pellets tons 16,400,000 0.7 11,480,000 No Local Supplier ** $279 $24.30 $17.01 Chips tons 11,925,000 0.65 7,750,800 $100 $12.90 $8.39 * $147 $18.97 $12.33 $200 $25.80 $16.77 * Estimated delivered cost for Cordova, Alaska (Hanson, 2012) ** Price of pellets from known suppliers in Anchorage, Alaska (Source: Home Depot) Using the information provided in Table 9, biomass resources are considered a favorable heat fuel resource compared to diesel at present rates ($4.69/gal #1, $4.67/gal #2, assumed at $4.31 for bulk fuel deliveries). Due to the comparatively low price of biomass products from local resource, it is determined that sufficient margins exist for developers to realize profit and demonstrate business viability. Considering a biomass thermal heating project could have a capital investment on the order of $1.5 - 4 million for a small district -heating loop, project buy back analysis is necessary to determine feasibility. In order to demonstrate the long-term viability and pay back of the project, a Cash Flow Analysis (CFA) will need to be generated. Due to the lack of information on project construction costs, a cash flow analysis was not produced for this report; however, sufficient information exists to perform this estimate if building costs are known. VI. Recommended Actions The data presented indicate that there is sufficient source and market for biomass heating development. At present, EC is the only reasonable supplier of feedstock fuel and milled wood in the area. If a sustainable harvest program is to be developed in the Cordova area, it is likely that the Eyak Corporation will be responsible for supplying fuel wood until other lands can be opened up/ leased/ secured from the State and US Forest Service, which is not currently part of their Forest Management Plan. Harvesting at or below the net annual growth rate documented in this report, Eyak Corporation has the opportunity to improve the health and quality of its forests through selective harvests while generating sales from use of its biomass waste and timber. Wood processors can easily absorb waste 27 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study stream materials once forest resources are utilized to increase overall market volume and market share supply. "A healthy forest often requires some active management. An enlightened manager may wish to remove small numbers of logs from the forest without damaging what is left behind." (Schroeder, 2012). Thinning practices are thusly encouraged for tree stands on Eyak Corporation Lands (Hanson, 2012). Large-scale and clear-cut harvest is discouraged as large equipment operators are "inclined to remove the largest and best trees, which is frequently inadvisable for the continued propriety of the forest." There are many advantages in using smaller and less expensive log - moving equipment, but much of the equipment needed for these efforts are just now becoming available in this country (Schroeder, 2012). A list of available small-scale harvesting products is provided in Appendix A. If further development is to be pursued towards implementation, funding sources will need to be identified and secured first. Most granting agencies will likely require a full feasibility assessment, which funds were not available to perform at the time of this project. A full assessment would be able to provide detail on air quality concerns, sustainable harvest protocols, business models and supply rate agreements, pipe routing schematics and construction conflicts, and system design of boiler units as well as current system integration. A full assessment will also help obtain more accurate cost estimates. As various projects may be viable at this time, more research is encouraged to identify and demonstrate the best project to proceed with for development. VII. Cited Literature Apted, Daniel. 2011. How to Make Wood or Biomass Pellets. Apted Technologies Inc., Anchorage, AK. 1515 E Tudor Road, Suite 7.907-277-6969 ext. 2, <http://www.alaskapelletmill.com/> Cain, Bruce. 2009. The Native Village of Eyak Biomass Heating Project. Dept. of Energy, Golden Field Office. Renewable Energy and Efficiency Deployment in Indian Country. DE-PS36-09G099014. Cordova, Alaska Deerfield, T., Deerfield, L., Miles, T., Sharpe, D., 2009. The Native Village of Eyak Feasibility Assessment for Biomass Heating: Cordova Biomass Energy. Prepared by Dalson Energy, Anchorage, Alaska. September 2009. EIA Analysis, 2013. Alaska State Profile and Energy Estimates. U.S. States Energy Information Administration. (Accessed: February 27, 2013) <http://www.eia.gov/beta/state/analysis.cfm?sid=AK> Engineering Toolbox, 2013. Fuel Oil and Combustion Values. <http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/fuel-oil-combustion-values-d_509.html> W. Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Jenkins, B., 1993. Properties of Biomass, Appendix to Biomass Energy Fundamentals, EPRI Report TR-102107 Jenkins, B., Baxter, L., Miles, T. Jr., and Miles, T.,1998. Combustion Properties of Biomass, Fuel Processing Technology 54, pg. 17-46 Tillman, David.,1978. Wood as an Energy Resource, Academic Press, New York Bushnell, D., 1989. Biomass Fuel Characterization: Testing and Evaluating the Combustion Characteristics of Selected Biomass Fuels, BPA report. Hanson, D., 2010. Forest resources on State forest lands in the Copper River Basin: A preliminary estimate. Fairbanks, AK: State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry. 39 p. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/BiomassEnergy/Glennallenlnventory(2).pdf. (15 May 2012) Hanson and Mullen, 2010. Supply Issues for Copper River Basin Applications. Ahtna, Inc. <http://www.ahtna-inc.com/pdf/005%20Supply%20Issues%20- %20Hansen%20and%2OMullen%20of%2ODNR.pdf> Hanson, D., 2011. Availability of Biomass Fuels on Ahtna Lands Gakona, Gulkana and Tazlina Villages. Fairbanks, AK: State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry. 23 p. (Sourced AEA, April 2012) Hanson, D., 2012. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area. Fairbanks, AK: State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry. Cordova, AK, December 21, 2012. Salmon, Nick, and Ratz, Nathan., 2012. Pre -Feasibility Assessment for Integration of Wood - Fired Heating Systems Final Report. Alaska Energy Authority: Nenana City School District. CTA Architects Engineers, Project: FED C_FAIRBANKS_NENANA, Missoula, MT. Schroeder, T., 2012. Forest Info: Logging Equipment Appropriate to Backyard Logging. Forest information for the San Juan Islands. Accessed: 11/14/2012. <http://www.rockisland.com/—tom/tools.html> i�7 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Appendix A Forestry Products for Small -Scale Commercial Harvest cut Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Forestry Products: 1. Nova Jack- http//www.novajack.com/en/0101_01.htm# (Photo Source: www.novajack.com) 31 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study 2. Forestry Future Products - http://www.futureforestry.com/log_arches.php 32 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study (Photo Source: www.lumbermenonline.com) 3. Comprehensive review of large-scale timber harvesting (Virginia Tech) - http://web 1.cnre.vt.edu/harvestingsystems/ 4. Small-scale harvesting - http://www.rockisland.com/—tom/tools.html S. OXTRAC harvester by Tremzac, Quebec, CA - http://www.tremzac.com/OXTRAC/Debusqueuse-OXTRAC/Debusqueuse- OXTRAC.aspx (Photo Source: www.fordaq.com) 33 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study (Photo Source: Agroforteka Company) 7. Farmi Products - http://www.farmiforest.fi/en/index.php?option=com_tuotekatalogi&view=tuotekat alogi&Itemid=4&page=tuote&tuote=89 Tractor Power Take Off (PTO) Log Winches (Photo Source: www.farmiforest.fi) (Photo Source: Redalderranch.com) CR Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Appendix B Wood Pellet and Biomass Product Resources M Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study 1. Chris Grimwood - Kiwi Mechanical (Cordova, Alaska) (Photo Credit: Casey Pape) 2. Rictec - http: //www.rictec.com.sg/grinder/pallet-grinder/ PALLET GRINDING SYSTEM Ir.ArNr p.M•4...•Flm rwl•I4. i����..r. ...I.I��e..v �nM ly►►yN rrrW .•..� r.r.� � • ••.! •� W YYr�rW� 11.. YrMw. w.1. � • arrurr • a rr •.r.rwarrw �... wn .- . �'•'.::«:+L;,•..+. +►ram �.. M..�e.er �WN..A• .«. � o.n.d. 37 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study (Photo Source: www.rictec.com) Schutte Buffalo Hammer mills - http://www.hammermills.com/size-reduction- product-categories-schutte-buffalo-hammermill/wood-grinders-1 4. Bio Briquettes Weima - http://www.weimaamerica.com/pages/briquetting- press /briquetting/briquetting.htm (Photo Source: directindustry.com) S. Alaska Pellet Mills (Apted Technologies Inc.) - http://alaskapelletmill.com/ (Photo Source: www.alaskapelletmill.com) CS Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Biomass Boilers 1. Garn Boilers - http://garn.com/ (Photo Source: garn.com) 2. PelHeat Biomass boilers - http://www.pelheat.com/Products.html#.ULfvPoWmCS0 3. Wiseway Pellet Stoves - http://zephyrgreenhousesystems.com/ 37 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study Appendix C Cordova Burn Pile Assessment Report (by Simeon Haynes) 40 Cordova Biomass Feasibility Study (Available Upon Request) 41