HomeMy WebLinkAboutCordova Hydro Storage Assessment Project_Snyder Falls Creek Feasibility - Oct 2013 - REF Grant 7013013Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creep Hydroelectric Project Final Feasibility Cost Estimate �',MDRTON D. McAMLLE)f•; 4 Na, CE12523, Prepared For: Cordova Electric Cooperative Prepared By: McMillen, LLC October 30, 2013 MCMILLEN, LLC Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project TABLE OF CONTENTS Section1 ........... .......... ....... ............... ............................................................................................................ I Introduction................................................................................................................................................... I 1.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Purpose..........................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Scope.......................................................................................,.,...................................................1 1.3 Background...................................................................................................................................1 1.4 Pertinent Data Sources ...............................................................................................................1 1.5 Report Organization...................................................................................................................... 2 Section2 .......................................................................................................................................................3 EngineeringConsiderations ..........................................................................................................................3 2.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Engineering Geology and Dam Considerations............................................................................ 3 2.1.1 Engineering Geology........................................................... ........ 3 2.1.2 Dam Types.................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.3 Construction Materials..................................................................................................................7 2.1.4 Future Investigations.....................................................................................................................8 2.2 Project Description........................................................................................................................9 2.2.1 Location........................................................................................................................................ 9 2.2.2 Dam.............................................................................................................................................10 2.2.3 Reservoir.....................................................................................................................................10 2.2.4 Intake...........................................................................................................................................11 2.2.5 Power Conduit ................................................. ...............11 2.2.6 Powerhouse....„...........................................................................................................................11 2.2.7 Transmission Facilities ....................................... ..................11 Section3 ..........................................................,..,....,.................,................................................................12 Construction Approach and Cost Estimate................................................................................................. 12 3.0 Introduction...........................................,.....................,.........,.....................................................12 3.1 General........................................................................................................................................12 3.2 Basis of Cost Estimate... ............................................................................................................. 12 3.3 Cost Items................................................................................................................................... 12 3.4 Project Construction.................................................................................................................... 13 3.4.1 Site Access.................................................................................................................................. 13 3.4.2 Materials..................................................................................................................................... 13 3.4.3 Construction Methodology......................................................................................................... 13 3.4.4 Unusual Conditions (Soil, Water, and Weather)......................................................................... 13 3.4.5 Unique Construction Techniques................................................................................................ 13 3.5 Construction Approach............................................................................................................... 14 3.5.1 Mobilization................................................................................................................................14 3.5.2 Site Access.............................................................................................................................14 3.5.3 Dam Structure.........................................................................................,.............................14 3.5.4 Penstock......................................................................................................................................15 3.5.5 Electrical and Communication.................................................................................................... 15 3.5.6 Powerhouse & Equipment.......................................................................................................... 15 3.5.7 Switchyard & Transmission Line............................................................................................... 15 3.6 Project Cost Summary -------------- ................................................................. ................................. 15 3.7 Conclusions ........................ ......................................................................................................... 15 Feasibility Cost Estimate Page ii October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Section4.....................................................................................................................................................17 Conclusions and Recommendations...........................................................................................................17 4.1 Conclusions.................................................................................................................................17 4.2 Recommendations.......................................................................................................................17 TABLES Table 1-1. Report Organization and Purpose...............................................................................................2 Table 2-1. Preliminary Evaluation of Dam Types ...................................... 6 ................................................. Table 3-1. Estimated Project Costs (October 2013 dollars).......................................................................16 FIGURES Figure 2-1. This USGS topographic map of the project area presents some of the glacial and tectonic features present relative to the lower dam site. Note the lineament mapped immediately southeast of the lowerdam site...............................................................................................................................................4 Figure 2-2. This photograph is an oblique view of the lower dam site during the winter season. Note the abrupt vegetation line on the west side of the creek and the recent slide activity emanating from the snow chutes on the eastern ridge. Photograph source is Google Maps.................................................................. 6 Figure 2-3. Area Map of Snyder Falls Creek Project.................................................................................10 APPENDICES Appendix A — Cost Estimate Assumptions Appendix B — Bid Totals and Cost Reports Appendix C — Figures Appendix D — Photographs Feasibility Cost Estimate Page iii October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Section 1 presents the overall project organization, scope, and background as well as the purpose of the cost estimate study. 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this report is to present a feasibility level discussion of the construction approach and estimated project cost for the proposed Snyder Falls Hydroelectric Project (Project). 1.2 Scope The scope of this feasibility level cost estimate study included: • Visit the project site to view the proposed location and site conditions for the proposed Project; • Obtain available data related to the Project development including photos, previous reports and studies, and proposed project features; • Develop options for accessing the project site and constructing the project features; • Prepare a feasibility level cost estimate for the Project. • Summarize the analysis and results in a cost estimate report. 1.3 Background Cordova Electric Cooperative (CEC) submitted a Notice of Intent to file for an original license to construct and operate the Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project (Project) located near Cordova, Alaska in 2009. Within this submittal, a Pre -Application Document (PAD) for the Project was included which outlined the basic features of the project which included: • A 100- to 150-foot high concrete dam impounding a 433 to 933 acre reservoir, respectively; • A power conduit approximately 3600 feet long from the reservoir to the powerhouse; • A powerhouse, switchyard, and other appurtenant facilities near tidewater; and • A primary transmission line of submarine and overhead or underground construction. 1.4 Pertinent Data Sources The following data sources were used in developing the cost estimate study: • "Site Reconnaissance and Hydrology, Snyder Falls Creek" PowerPoint presentation prepared by Cordova Electric Cooperative, April 16 2013. • "Application for Preliminary Permit for the Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project near Cordova, Alaska", submitted by Cordova Electric Cooperative to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, November 2008. • "Notice of Intent, Pre -Application Document, Request to Use Alternative Licensing Procedures, Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 13238-000", prepared by Cordova Electric Cooperative, October 2009. • Aerial Images and Site Photos provided by Cordova Electric Cooperative, September 2013. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 1 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project 1.5 Report Organization The report presents the feasibility level review and cost estimate preparation for the Project. The report is organized to provide a logical representation of the cost estimate preparation for the Snyder Creek Hydroelectric Project. The major report sections and intended purpose are presented in Table 1-1. Table 1-1. Report Organization and Purpose Section Description 'ur ose 1 Introduction Summarizes the project purpose, background, and scope Presents the engineering considerations and assumptions 2 Engineering Considerations which served as the baseline for preparing the project cost Construction Approach and Cost estimates 3 Outlines the construction approach and associated cost Estimate estimates for the proposed project 4 Conclusions Summarizes the approach, conclusions, and recommendations from the study work effort Appendices A Cost Estimate Assumptions Outlines the assumptions used in developing the cost estimates B Cost Estimates Contains the cost breakdown and data C Access Options Presents sketches of the proposed access options considered for project construction D Photo ra hs Consists of relevant photos of the proposed project site Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 2 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project SECTION 2 ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS 2.0 Introduction Section 2 presents a brief overview of the engineering considerations associated with the Project. The information presented within this section was obtained from the reference documents (see paragraph 1.4) and the project team judgment related to the Project development. 2.1 Engineering Geology and Dam Considerations 2.1.1 Engineering Geology The project site is located within a glacially -carved cirque valley and the lower dam site is sited at the lip of this geologic feature (Figure 1). Based on reconnaissance photographs a small cirque nick -point is present at the lip, creating the incised channel that present today. The sides of this nick -point appear to be bedrock. Bedrock geology at the project site is anticipated to consist of thinly to thickly bedded greywacke sandstone with interbedded fine-grained rock types. The beds are steeply dipping (-80 degrees) to the south and are readily evident in bedrock exposed along valley walls. Published geologic maps and reconnaissance lineament mapping indicate there is a prominent lineament that trends north northeast across the valley immediately upstream of the lower dam site. Bedrock in the vicinity of this lineament is likely highly fractured due to movement along it. The majority of major lineaments mapped in the area have similar trends as that shown on Figure 1. However; there are mapped lineaments that trend to the northwest. This is a similar orientation as the Snyder Falls Creek drainage. Several northwest trending joints are visible in oblique aerial photographs of the nick point. The potential for a lineament trending down the drainage access should be evaluated as part of the site investigation. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 3 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Figure 2-1. This USGS topographic map of the project area presents some of the glacial and tectonic features present relative to the lower dam site. Note the lineament mapped immediately southeast of the lower dam site. Just upstream of the cirque lip, the valley floor is mantled by glacial soils that appear to be a combination of gravelly morainal and alluvial deposits. The thickness of these soils is unknown but is not likely to extend significantly below the depth of nick -point. Further up the valley, bedrock outcrop exposures are predominant in the valley floor. Based on preliminary evaluations the primary engineering geology uncertainty that could influence project feasibility and cost include: • Rock mass quality of the lower dam abutments • Seepage along faults and fractures • Slope stability at the dam abutments and slopes surrounding the reservoir • Snow avalanches Rock Mass Quality - Rock mass quality at the lower dam abutments will influence foundation support capacity for the dam and the configuration of how the dam connects into the abutment hill slopes. The rock lip lacks passive support on the downstream side as the slopes drop steeply off to the north. Aerial oblique photographs collected at the site indicate the rock appears to be moderately to highly fractured with thin to thick bedding. The thin interbeds are likely to be significantly weaker than the greywacke. Rock quality may also be compromised due to the presence of a large lineament immediately south of the lower dam site. Rock quality will need further evaluation to determine bearing capacity and the potential for rock block failure. These evaluations will influence the selection of the type of dam that most suitable for the site. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 4 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Seepage - Seepage is the loss of reservoir water through fractures and openings in a rock mass or interstitially in soils. Seepage is often worsened by the presence of highly fractured or faulted bedrock. If not controlled, seepage through rock and soil can lead to local slope instabilities or worst case, dam foundation failure. In addition, water volume loss through seepage under and around the dam would represent a significant drop in overall project efficiency. The through -going lineament mapped near the downstream abutment is likely to have created zones of higher permeability bedrock. Since the lineament roughly parallels the primary drainage to the north, the potential for seepage pathways perpendicular to the dam axis may have limited through -going pathways by the presence of fine-grained bedrock interbeds. However, the potential for a northwest trending lineament through the nick -point could create a preferential pathway for seepage to the north. Slope Stability - The primary slope stability hazards within the project area are rockfall and rock slides. Rock cliffs along the eastern ridge above both dam sites are likely to produce small to large rockfall events. These are unlikely to significantly impact the lower dam site but could damage the penstock and ancillary structures within the project area. Therefore, the project infrastructure should be designed to either avoid or resist rockfall impacts. Rockslides are typically much less frequent but can be significantly more damaging. A moderate rockslide may result in minor to moderate damage to project infrastructure. Large rockslide events may discharge directly to the reservoir, potentially producing a seiche that could overtop the dam when the reservoir is full. Evidence of large scale rock slope failure was not observed in the reconnaissance photographs. Snow Avalanche - There is significant exposure to snow avalanche hazards within the project area. At the lower dam site there are several avalanche chutes that extend over 900 feet above the dam foundation. Vegetation and recent snow slide history (Photograph 1) indicate that snow slides regularly reach the creek channel. Similar hazards are present at the upper dam site in association with the eastern ridgeline. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 5 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Figure 2-2. This photograph is an oblique view of the lower dam site during the winter season. Note the abrupt vegetation line on the west side of the creek and the recent slide activity emanating from the snow chutes on the eastern ridge. Photograph source is Google Maps. 2.1.2 Dam Types A preliminary evaluation of suitable dam types is summarized in Table 2-1. Based on site and seasonal construction constraints it appears that a concrete arch dam would be the most favorable type of structure based on current information. Alternative dam types may be considered based on geologic and site constraints. Table 2-1. Preliminary Evaluation of Dam Types. Dam Structure Advantages Key Considerations • Limited amounts of concrete • Rock needs to be hard, durable, and resistant to required weathering — high quality rock appears to be present in • Simpler to construct relative to valley upstream concrete structures - need • Structure requires relatively wide footprint — slopes on earthmoving equipment only the order of 1.51-1:1 V — 2H:1 V • Can be constructed in poor • Requires an impermeable membrane — a natural source Rockfill Dam Weather (rainfall does not (clay) is unlikely so would require artificial barrier such significantly impact) as concrete • Materials almost entirely • Settlement needs to be limited to maintain impermeable available on site membrane distress • Lowest foundation demands • Adaptable to a range of foundation and abutment conditions Concrete • Structure has a smaller • A high quality rock source for aggregate required for Gravity/RCC footprint than a rockfill RCC or PCC - It appears that local rock quality is Dam - structure suitable for aggregate Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 6 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project • Foundation demands less than • Structure width in between rockfill and concrete arch — concrete arch typical width ranges from 2/3x to Ix height of • Adaptable to a range of structure. foundation and abutment • Limited suitable aggregates source materials <3" in conditions size. Aggregate would likely have to be processed on • Can be curved or straight site. • Needs competent rock foundation • More weather sensitive than rockfill • Smallest structural footprint • Structure requires a relatively narrow gorge, typically • Structure requires lowest crest length:height ratio Is <10:1 — the site appears to concrete volume, therefore meet this criteria potentially least expensive • A high quality rock source for aggregate required for RCC or PCC - It appears that local rock quality is suitable for aggregate Concrete Arch • Limited suitable aggregates source materials <3" in Dam size. Aggregate would likely have to be processed on site. • Very high foundation and abutment load demands - need high quality rock in foundation and abutments Need high quality rock source for concrete aggregate — rock would be processed on site • More weather sensitive than rockfill Dam Site Evaluation. Based on review of the site topography, geomorphology, and aerial photos, it appears that the site is favorable both geologically and geometrically for the siting of a dam structure. The rock appears to have both high strength and weathering resistance which indicates that the foundation bearing capacity is likely sufficient for a concrete arch -type structure. This type of structure generally requires the highest foundation demands of any dam type, and thus the site may also be feasible for alternative structures such as a concrete or roller compacted concrete (RCC) gravity dam. The visible rock conditions and geomorphology also suggest a low to moderate risk of encountering significant seepage, and that seepage may be adequately controlled with a foundation and abutment grouting program. A concrete arch dam is potentially the most economical structure as it requires the least amount materials to construct. Such a structure also has the most stringent foundation requirements. Upper Dam Site Options. Potential sites for a second, shorter storage dam exist in the basin above the lower dam. Based on photos from the area, rock outcrops at the surface in these areas. These structures would have relatively large crest length to height ratios, and rockfill or gravity structures would be applicable. These sites would take advantage of favorable foundation and topographic conditions but would also be more vulnerable to rock fall and avalanche conditions. 2.1.3 Construction Materials The cost of any dam structure in a remote location is highly influenced on the availability high quality construction materials for use in fill and for concrete aggregate. The valley upstream of the dam appears to have a limited volume of fine aggregates due to glaciation; however, rock shallow rock is prevalent, which could be mined for use as aggregate. The rock quality in the valley appears to be high. Weaker, more highly fractured rock has likely been scoured from the valley due to glacial erosion, leaving stronger, more highly resistant rock. There are near vertical rock outcrops in the east side of the basin that have accumulated very little rock talus. This Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 7 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project suggests rock of high strength and durability, as talus has not been produced due to weathering of fractures and freeze -thaw action. It is anticipated that the native rock quality is sufficient for concrete aggregates. It is likely that material processing will be required to generate aggregates and other construction materials required for any dam structure. Processing will include sorting, screening, crushing, and potentially mining of rock. Native rock characteristics, durability, and suitability for use in concrete will be identified during future site investigations. These investigations will also characterize the thickness of overburden soils, and their potential for use as construction materials as well. The sand, gravel and cobble deposits at the lower dam site could also be processed and used for concrete aggregate. An additional benefit to using this material as an aggregate source is that the unit volume of material removed results in additional reservoir storage. 2.1.4 Future Investigations A number of issues need to be investigated further to characterize the suitability of the site for a concrete arch dam: Overburden Soils: Based on aerial photos, it appears that there may be 20 feet or more of overburden soils along the creek channel at the dam site. These materials will need to be excavated to competent rock for any new structure. Deep soils may require the use of temporary shoring and dewatering systems. Abutment Strength: The ridge that the dam abutments will tie into is oriented perpendicular to the line of thrust generated at these locations. The abutment rock strength will need to be investigated to determine if sufficient strength/mass of rock is present to support the structure. Downstream Geometry: The dam site is located near the crest of a significant slope dropping to the valley floor at sea level. The stability of this slope will need to be evaluated, especially in light of the large foundation loads for a concrete arch structure. The foundation may also provide limited passive resistance due to geometry. Characterization of the site should be conducted in a phased approach due to investigation cost and logistics associated with the site location. The preliminary investigation phase would be broken down into the following work phases. Phase 1 Preliminary Geological Reconnaissance: This effort would focus on collecting geologic information at the site though non-invasive methods. An initial desktop study would be followed by a field reconnaissance to map and characterize rock outcrops and soil deposits as well as identification of geological hazards. Particular attention would be focused on characterizing the rock mass in the vicinity of mapped lineaments. Potential abutments would be mapped to identify potential rock blocks for stability analysis. A geophysical program could be included to define the depth of unconsolidated deposits as well as potentially image the major north northeast lineament that crosses the drainage. A primary objective of this work would be identification of potential fatal flaws associated with the project location and proposed structure type. Samples of the surficial deposits would be collected to characterize onsite aggregate suitability for potential use as fill or in concrete mixes. These samples would be tested for strength, durability, and soundness. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 8 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Ground base survey of a remote location can be a considerable project cost at this phase of the project. An alternative to this is the collection of a high resolution Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) survey of the basin area. With sufficient ground control absolute accuracy of the final DEM would likely be well below a foot for the entire basin. This data could be obtained at considerable cost savings and used for preliminary engineering. This date could also be used for basin hydraulics, avalanche hazard analysis and identification of rock blocks in the vicinity of the dam abutments. Actual ground survey would be limited to the immediate dam areas as part of final design. Phase 2 Preliminary Subsurface Investigation. The initial geotechnical investigation would be designed to collect sufficient subsurface information to inform preliminary design and identify potential fatal flaws. This would include subsurface explorations along the ridge at the lip of the glacial cirque to assess their suitability as abutments. Borings would be intercepted to target potential lineaments for characterization. The proposed foundation locations for both the lower and upper would be investigated for overburden thickness and to characterize bedrock conditions. Because the bedrock is rotated to a near vertical orientation, angled borings will be required to better characterize the rock mass. Both insitu and laboratory testing would be conducted to develop rock mass characteristics. Insitu testing would include packer testing and the installation of vibrating wire piezometers to characterize rock mass permeability and groundwater levels. Laboratory testing would include index testing of surficial soils as well as strength testing of rock samples. This information would be used to characterize the rock mass for geotechnical engineering analyses. Future Phases: Based on the results of the preliminary phases of investigation, future phases would likely entail additional detailed geologic mapping and supplementary subsurface investigations to further characterize geotechnical conditions and develop dam design. 2.2 Project Description 2.2.1 Location The Project would be located approximately 5 miles north of Cordova, Alaska (Figure 2-3). The Project is located on the Alaskan mainland, within the Unorganized Borough of the State of Alaska. The approximate geographic coordinates for the Project are: N60 deg 39", W145 deg 35". Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 9 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project r � l `l I'• 1 � 1 S HYDO? FA US LOCATION MAP Nor to SLNE r r Figure 2-3. Area Map of Snyder Falls Creek Project 2.2.2 Dam As outlined in the PAD, the dam would be a concrete arch design located in the narrow canyon approximately 4 miles from tidewater. The existing canyon appears to support a maximum dam height of approximately 150 feet based on topographic features. The arch nature of the dam structure would transfer the loads from the dam section into the rock abutments allowing a thin concrete section to be utilized. In order to develop estimated quantities to support the cost estimate effort, similar concrete arch dams located in Alaska were used to determine an estimated dam configuration. The Blue Lake Dam located near Sitka Alaska is a thin shell concrete arch dam approximately 149 feet tall which is currently being raised by 83 feet to a height of 269 feet. The dam crest is approximately 256 feet long with a conventional 140 foot long ogee crest overflow spillway located in the center of the dam. The dam thickness varies from 25 feet at the base to 8 feet at the crest. Swan Lake Dam located near Ketchikan, Alaska is a thin shell concrete arch dam with a height of 174 feet and a crest with of 480 feet. Similar to Blue Lake, the dam has a conventional ogee overflow spillway located in the center of the dam. The dam thickness varies from 17 feet at the base to 6 feet at the crest. Using these two dam configurations, the Snyder Creek Dam was assumed to have the following characteristics: • Height of 150 feet • Crest length of 250 feet • Conventional ogee crest overflow spillway 100 feet long • Dam thickness ranging from 24 feet at the base to 8 feet at the crest with an average of 12 feet used to determine the estimated concrete volume. • Dam is keyed into the rock abutment and foundation. 2.2.3 Reservoir The reservoir created by the 150 foot dam would create a reservoir with a surface area of approximately 25.1 acres. The reservoir volume would be approximately 943 acre-feet. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 10 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project 2.2.4 Intake During construction, it is anticipated that Snyder Creek will be diverted through a hard rock tunnel excavated through the rock abutment. For the purpose of developing the cost estimate, it was assumed that the powerhouse intake would be constructed on the diversion tunnel with the penstock routed to the powerhouse. This would allow the spillway to discharge into the canyon downstream from the dam. An isolation gate would be constructed on the upstream face of the intake to allow dewatering of the intake structure and penstock for inspection purposes. A low level release would also be provided through the dam. 2.2.5 Power Conduit The power conduit would consist of a welded steel penstock approximately 3600 feet in length extending from the dam to the powerhouse. The penstock would be routed through the diversion tunnel then be surface mounted along the lower reaches of the penstock alignment. 2.2.6 Powerhouse The powerhouse would consist of a pre-engineered metal building constructed on a reinforced concrete foundation. The building would have a footprint of approximately 50 feet by 80 feet and a structure height of approximately 30 feet. A concrete thrust block would be located on the upstream side of the powerhouse to resist the thrust loads from the penstock loading. The powerhouse would be placed at approximately 20 feet with the maximum operating reservoir level of 1464 feet providing a rated head on the turbine of approximately 1430 feet. Assuming an average discharge of 53 cubic feet per second (cfs) based on existing hydrology, the powerhouse would have a rated capacity of approximately 3 MW. The powerhouse would be fitted with a single impulse turbine. 2.2.7 Transmission Facilities The Project power would be conveyed from the powerhouse switchyard to the existing Humpback Creek project transmission facilities located approximately 4.5 miles from the Project site. A new 12.5 kilovolt (W) transmission cable would be constructed between the Snyder Creek and Humpback Creek project sites. The transmission line would consist of either overhead or submarine lines depending on the site specific characteristics. The new transmission line would connect with CEC's existing transmission facilities at the Humpback Creek hydroelectric project located approximately 5.1 miles North of Cordova. This existing line currently connects the Humpback Creek project with CEC's electrical distribution network in the Cordova service area. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 11 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION APPROACH AND COST ESTIMATE 3.0 Introduction This section presents the conceptual cost estimate for the Project. The cost estimate was prepared based upon recent similar projects and past historical costs. A discussion of the basis for developing the estimate is presented in the following paragraphs. 3.1 General The pricing presented within this section is considered a feasibility level cost estimate for the Project. The presented costs are budgetary estimates based upon reasonable assumptions (see Appendix A) for work in this location and under the anticipated conditions found in the area. These prices are not intended to represent the lowest possible cost to perform the work under competitively bid conditions, but instead are intended for budgetary purposes only. The cost estimate for this project has been broken into the following cost items: • General Conditions • Mobilization • Site Access • Dam Structure • Penstock • Powerhouse & Equipment • Switchyard & Transmission Line Appendix A presents additional clarifications and assumptions used in developing the cost estimate. 3.2 Basis of Cost Estimate The included cost estimate for the Project is based upon the information provided by Cordova Electric Cooperative in the Application for Preliminary Permit for the Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project. The provided costs are based upon the quantities and dimensions stated in the application document referenced above. Additionally, several options for site access routes for personnel and equipment to reach the dam and intake location were developed. Each of these access options have been priced are included in the provided cost estimate backup. 3.3 Cost Items The cost estimate prepared and presented in Table 1-1 reflects the anticipated construction cost based upon current market conditions for similar work. The presented costs are based upon current prices and should be escalated appropriately to the anticipated mid -point of construction for accurate future costs. Costs are based upon construction work only the client can expect to pay to the general contractor, and do not include the costs for permitting, design, or construction inspection and oversight. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 12 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project 3.4 Project Construction 3.4.1 Site Access The project site is located 7.4 miles north of Cordova, Alaska on the Snyder Falls Creek. It is assumed that all construction operations will take place on property owned or operated by CEC. Multiple options have been identified for access to the upper limits of the project and are presented in the included cost estimate backup. It is assumed that the necessary amount of space required for project staging, material laydown, and job office set-up will be available the various work locations. 3.4.2 Materials Readily available construction materials are assumed to be used on this project including the use of onsite aggregates for use as sub -base material as well as in onsite batched concrete. The following equipment and materials required for this project would be considered long lead items and the submittal/approval/fabrication process should be started as early as feasible and expedited where possible: • Steel Penstock Pipe • Gates, Valves, and Operators • Electrical and Communication Cable • Turbine/Generator Equipment • Powerhouse Building • Bridge Crane • Switchyard Equipment • Transmission Line 3.4.3 Construction Methodology Standard construction practices, materials, and equipment are anticipated on this project with any possible exceptions being noted in Appendix A. 3.4.4 Unusual Conditions (Soil, Water, and Weather) The work season near Cordova, Alaska is anticipated to be approximately June through October. With the short work season and remote location, it is assumed that the selected general contractor will maintain working operations for multiple shifts in each day as well as a minimum of 6 working days per week. Wet conditions are anticipated requiring dewatering during below grade activities. Additionally, it is assumed that diversion of water via cofferdams will likely be required for the construction of the dam structure as well construction of the tailrace channel. 3.4.5 Unique Construction Techniques While the techniques are not atypical to the installation of hydropower facilities, careful planning shall be put into the following work items, with specific thought put towards activity sequencing, worker safety, and task efficiency. These considerations should include: • Location and construction of barge landing facilities for mobilization and staging. • Installation of site access roads to allow safe and efficient transport of personnel and equipment to all work areas. • Tunneling for both access purposes as well as possible dual use for penstock routing. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 13 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project • Construction of the 100 or 150 foot tall arch dam structure. • Penstock installation through steep terrain • Weather protection; especially pertaining to cold weather concreting. 3.5 Construction Approach 3.5.1 Mobilization Mobilization of equipment and materials will be accomplished via barge transport from major port locations, likely Seattle/Tacoma or Bellingham, Washington as well as Anchorage, Alaska. It is anticipated that a barge landing location will be developed either at the Humpback Creek hydro -facility location or further north in Nelson Bay, closer to Snyder Falls Creek. Early efforts will be required to develop the barge landing facility prior to arrival of heavy equipment and full material deliveries. 3.5.2 Site Access Several site access options were identified in an attempt to determine both the most cost effective as well as the most feasible option for safe and efficient personnel and equipment transport to the dam and intake location. While the options all vary in scope and cost, all contain varying lengths of a lower access road, a tunnel section through the steep terrain, and an upper access road. The options explored include the following: • Option l: Barge Landing at Humpback Creek — This option involves the development of a barge landing and offloading facility near to the existing Humpback Creek hydropower facility on Nelson Bay. Access to the upper work areas will be through the further development of the existing humpback creek intake road to the location of the lower tunnel portal (see Appendix Q. • Option 2: Barge Landing at Humpback Creek w/ Roadway at Shoreline — This option involves the development of a barge landing and offloading facility near to the existing Humpback Creek hydropower facility on Nelson Bay. An access road will be constructed along the shoreline to the north until the first suitable location (identified as Option 2 in Appendix C) for an access road up the hill can be created. It is assumed that multiple "avalanche sheds" will be required for this option to protect the shoreline road from being buried by avalanching snows. • Option 3: Barge Landing at Humpback Creek w/ Roadway at Shoreline — This option is similar to Option 2 as described above, but requires additional road at the shoreline prior to beginning the access road up to the dam site. The tunnel length required for Option 3 is shorter than that in Option 2. • Option 4: Barge Landing near Snyder Falls Creek — This option involves the development of a barge landing and offloading facility in the northern reach of Nelson Bay near to the proposed powerhouse location. Dredging near the shoreline may be required to allow for barges to access the shoreline near the northern reaches of Nelson Bay. This option allows for the shortest tunnel distance as well as upper access road from the upper tunnel exit portal to the dam site. 3.5.3 Dam Structure Construction of the dam structure will require the construction of a batch plant facility onsite, likely near to the dam structure location where gravel deposits are available for use in batching. In addition to the batchplant, it is also anticipated that a small crusher or screen plant will also be required to process the gravels for use as structural fill, sub -base, and for use in the structural concrete mix. While equipment sizes will ultimately be based upon the site access limitations (% grade of roads and tunnel diameter), a crane will be required at the dam location for the placement and lifting of formwork, lifting of rebar Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 14 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project cages, and the placement of concrete material. Either a mobile crane or a tower crane has potential for use on this project assuming the necessary picking heights and capacities can be met. Prior to construction of the dam, diversion of the existing Snyder Falls Creek will be required through the use of bulk sandbags, temporary sheetpile, or other flow diversion methods. This may require construction of the dam in a phased approach, until water can be passed through the intake structure located at the base of the dam. 3.5.4 Penstock The 24 inch steel penstock will be installed either above ground with the use of anchor blocks and pipe supports or direct buried. In either scenario and depending upon the decided site access location, is possible to use the created access tunnel for penstock routing as well. If it is not possible to route the penstock through the access tunnel, than steep portions of the project may require the use of a cable crane or helicopter support to transport, stage, and place penstock segments. 3.5.5 Electrical and Communication An allowance of $2.5 million was included to account for electrical and communication cables which will be installed alongside the penstock routing to allow for control of the intake gates from powerhouse location. 3.5.6 Powerhouse & Equipment The cost of a 50 foot by 80 foot pre-engineered metal building powerhouse facility, which will include the complete turbine/generator equipment, switchgear, and overhead bridge crane. Additionally, this item includes the installation of an assumed cast -in -place concrete tailrace channel. 3.5.7 Switchyard & Transmission Line This line item is based upon the installation of a pre-engineered switchgear building, a standby generator with enclosure, and a step up transformer building, all located immediately adjacent to the powerhouse building. Additionally, the cost for installation of the 4.5 submarine transmission line from the new powerhouse to the existing humpback powerhouse switchyard. 3.6 Project Cost Summary This conceptual cost estimate was generated in October of 2013 and is based upon the provided Application for Preliminary Permit of the Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project. The cost estimate is reflective of current market pricing and the best information available for the anticipated project direction for those areas where complete details or specifications are not currently available. Additional cost backup for each option is provided in Appendix B. 3.7 Conclusions Table 3-1 indicates the Total Construction Cost associated with the various project access options. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 15 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Table 3-1. Estimated Project Costs (October 2013 dollars) Estimate Low -30% High (+30% Access Option 1 $91,032,000 $63,722,000 $118,341,000 Access Option 2 $90,080,000 $63,056,000 $117,104,000 Access Option 3 $83,647,000 $58,553,000 $108,742,000 Access Option 4 $67,713,000 $47,399,000 $88,027,000 See Appendix B for supporting cost estimate data. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 16 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project SECTION 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Conclusions The available data related to the Project was collected and reviewed to develop a firm understanding of the site specific characteristics of the proposed hydroelectric project. In reviewing the project features, it was evident that access for construction equipment, labor, and materials was a driving factor affecting the overall project construction cost. The remote location coupled with challenging site topography has a significant impact on the ability to access the dam site. Several options were identified and developed as part of the cost estimate preparation. Once construction access is established, the short construction window is the second major challenge. The main construction window of June through October in the upper basin where the dam is located presents construction sequencing challenges requiring multiple work shifts to execute the dam construction within the available weather window. Based on the available topographic mapping and geologic information, a 150 foot concrete thin shell dam located within the existing natural narrow canyon appears feasible. Extending the dam above a 150 foot height may be feasible, but additional site specific topographic mapping will be required as well geologic investigations to determine the extent of suitable rock in which to concrete dam abutments. For the purpose of the cost estimate preparation, a 150 foot dam height was assumed. Upper storage dams constructed from local rock were also considered. These dams, thought feasible, present more challenges related to long term stability due to the harsh environmental conditions. Overall, the Snyder Creek Hydroelectric Project was determined to be a feasible project with costs ranging from $88 million to $118 million depending on the selected access route option. 4.2 Recommendations Based on the feasibility level cost review, the Snyder Creek Hydroelectric Project is considered to be technically feasible with an estimated cost range of $88 million to $118 million. Additional on -site investigations and engineering analysis will be required to refine the design layout, dam characteristics, construction schedule and sequencing, construction access, and overall project development. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 17 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project APPENDIX A COST ESTIMATE ASSUMPTIONS Feasibility Cost Estimate October 30, 2013 Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project General Assumptions • General Conditions have been applied at 12% of the project total costs • Mobilization has been set at 8% of the project total costs + Cost estimate based on current day pricing. • Construction assumed to be spread over two work seasons. + Cost estimate based upon the ability to install barge landing sites on Nelson Bay. Improvements including dredging may be required to accomplish this. • Cost estimate based upon access roads and tunnels remaining in place following the completion of construction. + Cost estimate based upon construction of the larger height (150') dam described in the application for preliminary permit document. • Cost estimate based upon an average dam thickness of 12' • An allowance of $1,000,000 has been included for intake gates, trash racks, and other misc metals required at the intake location. • Cost estimate based upon a 24" steel penstock as described in the application for preliminary permit. • An allowance of $2,500,000 has been included for electrical and communication cables running from the powerhouse to the dam/intake structure location. • Cost estimate based upon the construction of a 50' x 80' Pre -Engineered Metal Building structure for use as the powerhouse facility. • Cost estimate based upon the installation of a 3.0 MW impulse type turbine as described in the application for preliminary permit. • Cost estimate based upon the installation of 4.5 miles of submarine transmission line as described in the application for preliminary permit. Transmission Line to be buried on floor of Nelson Bay, assuming the presence of loose, sandy/silty materials.