HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract-ATN Amendments 2ee a te Vendor No.Amendment NO j REG 84 028 8 STATE OF ALASKA Commodity Code Type 6110 Encumbrance Doc.No/AV No. 08 55014 ATN Number 82-0820 C AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT This agreement is between the State of Alaska, Department of Commerce &Economic Development/Alaska Power Authority hereafter,the State,and Contractor Republic Geothermal,Inc.; hereafter,the Contractor Mating Address Street of PO Box City State Zip Code 11823 East Slauson Avenue Santa Fe Springs California 90670 Prenous period of pertormance Amended period of performance From:1/1/82 to 6/30/85 FROM 1/1/82 to:9/30/85 Previous amount of contract This amenament is for This amended contract shall not exceed a total of s 4,476,298.82 $-0-s_4,476,298.82 In accordance with the provisions of the above referenced contract,the parties to that contract agree that the services to be performed by the con- tractor under the contract are amended as follows:(Use reverse for continuation of amended provisions if necessary.) Article 2 -Appendix B,Scope of Work Add:MAKUSHIN S?-1]WELLHEAD REPAIR AND PERSONNEL TRAINING The Contractor shall replace valves,install a door in the wellhead housing,and make other necessary repairs to the Makushin ST-1 wellhead to improve access,stop fluid leakage,and to prevent,to the maximum extent possible,future leakage while the well remains in a suspended status. ' The Contractor shall train Power Authority personnel and other individuals designated by the Power Authority in maintenance and repair of the wellhead. In full consideration of the contractor's performance under and including this amendment,the State shall pay the contractor a new total not to exceed $_4,476,298.82 The period of performance under this contract is increased/AEXHAXA by ___3 months to 9/30/85 Except those provisions inclusive to this amendment,all other terms and conditions of the contract remain in effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this amendment. CONTRACTOR STATE Name of Firm Division of Republic Geothermal,Inc.*Alaska Power wanSegnatureofAuthorizedRepre"LA Date :w/aProject Director Date ZALT7/15/85 ane Gt Le Ln thieAsTeedorPrintedNameofAuthonresRepresentativeTypedofPrintedNameofProjectDirector(/as John L.Smith Robert D.Heath i ite Title Vice President -Exploration Executive Director 4: APPROVAL BY THE CONTRACTING AGENCY APPROVAL BY THE DEPARTMENT.OF.ADMINISTRATIQN \ ery Vf:.:o .:NOTICE!This certitves the avarateun ot fungs tam aeace that certifying false,inaccurate.o7 WV Boxe u:7 Missaacing documents constitutes a unsworm tas:ation punishable under AS 11.56.210 :Ssgnature of Head of Contracting Agensy of Qeasgree f ahyPfay-foe :|AUG 6 1985jTredoFPrintedNampofAuthoncnyOffice:: i /:|'Loren H.Lounsburv ,Tethe <Lomnmissione BY.THE CONTRACT REVIEW COMMIT rer :ommissironer iKbrite4MLafeizbe7A;7 5 [So a See __t $MATICE?!Thin amendment hee nn affart until Ht le anneneed he te Mow tal & or i ©ar a | ,vem No t Amenameat No REG 028 7STATEOFALASKA'Commoaity Code type 6110 |AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT |revmence Ove.nosav Wo.'°CCO8-2334 i ATN Number 1 82-0820B i This agreement is between the State of Alaska,i Department of )Commerce &Economic Development/Alaska Power Authority hereafter,the State,and i Contractor Republic Geothermal,Inc.hereafter,the Contractor ; Mating Address Street of PO.Box Culy State 29 Cooe ' 11823 East Slauson Avenue Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 >*sevious period of perlormance Amended period of performance From:1-1-82 to:4-30-84 from:1-1-82 to,6-30-85 Nevious amount of contract This amendment 1s tor This amended contract shail not exceed a total of s 4,476,298.82 s -0-s 4,476,298.82 nN accordance with the provisions of the above referenced contract,the parties to that contract agree that the services to be performed by the con-factor under the contract are amended as follows:(Use reverse tor ation of o it ary. é Article 2 -Appendix B,Scope of Work Add attached Amendment No.7,Appendix B. Article 4 -Consideration -Appendix C,Article C-3,Key Personnel Replace Gerald W.Huttrer with J.L."Bill"Smith as Project Manager,Republic. ¢: Article 4 -Consideration -Appendix C,Article C-10,Insurance Delete Section 4,Professional Liability. fuil consideration of the contractor's performance under and including this amendment,the State shall pay the contractor a new total not to ceed $_4,476,298.82 ie period of performance under this contract is increased/deoreaced.by _-14 months to 6-30-85 cept those provisions inclusive to this amendment,all other terms and conditions of the contract remain in effect. WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this amendment. CONTRACTOR é STATE ne of Firm Division of Republic Geo thermal »Inc.Alaska Power Authority ure of ree .Oate WArojectai)E74avird4-18-84 Leaddad (alt.od &Printed Name of Authorized Representative KeorPrinted Napa Of Project Director oOJohnL.Smith ree,D.Crawford 'Title Jice President-Exploration Executive Director APPAOVAL BY THE CONTRACTING AGENCY APPRO'Y THE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION ICEL Tiis Certifies the avaltability of funds.t am aware that certitying faise,Inaccurate,or A P Pp R f g 3%\2rading6ntsann'Bugsan able under AS 11.56.210.Shee ature of Head of Contracting rt PAA : Richard A.Lyon MAY3dofPrintedNameofAuthonzingOfficial g 1984 Commissioner BY "An REVIEW COMMITTEELLL NY5-4 -$4 =LMuathsd feNOTICE!This amendment Rae an aflart camel be be anecanne &-ak mee e Amendment No.7 Appendix PB SCOPE OF WORK Phase II]-1984 Activities The Contractor will acquire the permits necessary for implenenta- tion of the 1964 activities,monitor operations so as te assure compliance with permit stipulations and develop and submit periodic reports as requirec by permit canditions and regulations.In addition,the Contractor will monitor all drilling and testing operations for environmental impact using qualified personnel for field sampling and operation inspection.The Contractor will implement standard environmental impact mitigation measures for all activities and conduct emergency contingency measures if necessary. Stage I.Mobilization The Contractor will plan,supervise,and implement the mobi- lization,transportation,and set-up of all facilities,equipment, and supplies necessary for the base camp and drill sites. Stage II].ST-1l Long-Term Testing The Contractor will plan,supervise and implement a long-term flow test of Makushin ST-1]from the reservoir encountered at a depth of 1946-1949 feet.The length of the flow test will be determined in the field by mutual agreement of the Contractor and the Power Authority,based on preliminary results of the test and logistical considerations.The test will be designed to provide data on reservoir behavior and longevity,and scaling and corrosion ten- dencies.For this survey,a "bubble tube"(capillary tube)and thermocouples will be installed or periodically run in the well to optimize the accuracy of long term data recording capabilities. Graphic and digital recorders will be used to obtain continuous data documentation. Stage III.Drill Sugarloaf Temperature Gradient Hole The Contractor will: A.Plan,supervise,and implement the drilling of a temperature gradient hole at location A-1 indicated on the map in Exhib- it 1 of this Amendment to a depth of approximately 1200 feet. The actual depth of the hole will be determined in the field by mutual agreement of the Contractor and the Power Authority based on preliminary results of the crilling,on logistical considerations,and on the allocation of funds for this task. PORV/VLI/D7/03 Pager | The Contractor's Drilline Manager or other qualified drilling supervisor approved by the Power Authority will be located at the project throughout the course of drilling operations. B.Collect drill cutting samples and cores for Jithologic charac- terization and rock-chip geochemical analyses.Transport from the drill sites te Putch Harbor any samples and cores tc be independently tested bv che Division of Geological and Geo- physical Surveys.Loa and record all geologic and thermal data tm accordance with accepted industry practice. Stage IV.Deepen and Test ST-] The Contractor will: A.Make a reasonable effort to seal off the producing zone at 1946-1949 feet and drill Makushin ST-1 to a total depth of approximately 2450 feet.The actual depth of the well will be determined in the field by mutual agreement of the Contractor and the Power Authority based on preliminary results of the drilling,on logistical considerations,and on the allocation of funds for this task.The Contractor's Drilling Manager or other qualified drilling supervisor approved by the Power Authority will be located at the project throughout the course of drilling operations. B.Collect drill cuttina samples and cores for lithologic charac- terization and rock-chip geochemical analyses.Transport from the drill sites to Dutch Harbor any samples and cores to be independently tested by the Division of Geological and Geo- physical Surveys.Log and record all geologic and thermal data in accordance with accepted industry practice. C.Conduct a preliminary flow test of limited duration immediate- ly upon encountering any significant hydrothermal resource to clean drilling debris out of the wellbore,determine resource type,and obtain a reservoir fluid sample to analyze for Short-term flow test design and environmental mitigation measures. D.Conduct a short-term resource flow test for any major hydro- thermal resource encountered.If flow is not naturally occurring,the Contractor will make all reasonable efforts to stimulate flow.The resource flow test will include the monitoring of downhole static and flowing pressure and temper- ature,the measuring of flow volume (at three different rates, if possible,until stabilized)utilizing a modified "James"or a "separator-weir"test method,the recording of surface flowing temperature and pressure,and the chemical charac- terization of the resource.Liquids will be discharged to a creek,if permitted,or discharged to a holding pond or i951/111/07/F)Forge? otherwise dealt with as required by permitting agencies.The length of the flow test wil!be determined in the field by mutual agreement of the Contractor and the Power Authority based on preliminary results of the test,on logistical considerations,and on the allocatior of funds for this task. Stage V.Electrical Resistivity Survey The Contractor will conduct an electrical resistivity survey over an area approximately delineated by the map contained in Exhibit 1 of this amendment.The areal extent of the survey may be modified by mutual agreement of the Cortractor anc the Power Authority, based on preliminary results of the survev,on logistical consid- erations,and on the allocation af funds for this task. Stage VI.Demobilization The Contractor will: A,Plan,supervise,and implement the tear-down and removal of facilities,equipment,and supplies from the sites upon termination of field work. B.Restore drilling sites and campsites as directed by the Power Authority and in accordance with appropriate permits and regulations. C.Transport or dispose of Power Authority inventory as directed by the Power Authority. D.Suspend Makushin ST-1 as directed by the Power-Authority and in accordance with applicable permits and _regulations. However,if it is determined by the Power Authority that Makushin ST-1 should be plugged and abandoned upon termination of the 1984 field work,the Contractor will plug and abandon the well in accordance with applicable permits and regulations for a reasonable cost as agreed upon by both parties. E.Plug and abandon temperature gradient holes A-1,D-1,and E-1 indicated on the map in Exhibit 1,in accordance with applica- ble permits and regulations unless directed otherwise by the Power Authority. Stage VII.Interim and Final Report The Contractor will prepare and submit reports to the Power Author- ity containing data analyses,results,conclusions,and recommenda-tions: 1951/111/07/F I area Analyze and interpret core geochemistry,lithologies,and thermal data collected during 1984 activities. Interpret all data collected during 1984 activities to charac- terize resource temperature,pressure,transmissivity,fluid auality,and productivity. Integrate these data with all previously ceathered geclouical, geochemical,and geophysical date. Refine and modify the Makushin geothermal system model te reflect the newly integrated data. Utilize the resource model to revise as appropriate previous estimates of commercial electrical generating potential. Revise aS appropriate the previously developed commerciali- zation scenario and development cost estimates. Prepare and deliver to the Power Authority no Jater than January 1,1985,ten copies and one one camera-ready master of an interim executive report that summarizes the project to date and contains results,conclusions,and recommendations. Prepare and deliver ten copies of a draft final report of the Phase III activities to the Power Authority no later than April 1,1985.The Power Authority will review the draft and submit comments to the Contractor within 30 days after receipt of the draft.The Contractor wil!finalize the report and deliver twenty copies and one camera-ready master of the final report to the Power Authority within three weeks after com- ments on the draft are received by the Contracter. Prepare and deliver to the Power Authority no later than April 1,1985,ten copies of a draft final executive report that summarizes the project and contains results,conclusions, and recommendations.The Power Authority will review the draft and submit comments to the Contractor within thirty days after receipt of the draft.The Contractor will finalize the executive report and deliver forty copies and one camera-ready master of the final executive report to the Power Authority within three weeks after comments on the draft are received by the Contractor. Budget and Schedule The budget estimate and tentative schedule for work under this Amendment shali be as follows: 1951/11 DF/E Pace 4 UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL EXPLORATION PROJECT BUDGET PHASE III Stage I Stage IT Stage [TT Stage IV Stage V Stage VI Stage VII Mobilization ST-1 Long-Drill TGH Deepen &Resistivity Demobilization Interim &Term Testing Sugarloaf Test ST-]Survey Final Report Total Republic Labor (Fringe &O/H)$26,300 $50,200 $27,100 $43,800 $12,900 $25,200 $65,000 $250,500 Republic Travel 1,600 14,500 4,500 9,500 2,900 1,700 34,700 Dames &Moore 9,000 13,500 4,500 9,000 9,000 5,800 50,800 Drilling 6,000 108,100 61,700 9,000 184,800 Well Testing 48,000 10,000 58,000 Helicopter 31,500 21,500 28,700 14,400 21,500 31,400 149,000 Resistivity Survey 129,800 129,800 Camp 15,000 7,200 9,000 9,000 10,800 20,000 71,000 Chemical Analyses 6,000 6,000 6,000 18,000 Prof.Liab. Insurance 6,300 6,300 Commmications 1,900 1,400 1,900 1,400 1,900 1,000 9,500 Other 5,900 3,100 1 10,000 2,300 3,100 5,800 1,000 31,200 Subtotal 103,500 165,400 199,800 167,100 182,900 103,100 71,800 993,600 Corp.G&A (4%)4,140 6,620 7,990 6,680 7,320 4,120 2,870 39,740 Total $107,640 $172,020 $207,790 $173,780 $190,220 $107,220 $74,670 $1,033,340 =o UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL EXPLORATION PROJECT STAGE | STAGE II STAGE Il STAGE IV STAGE V STAGE VI STAGE VII PROJECT SITE OPERATION DAYS (1984) 10 40 50 60 70 80 |elgi day gd hepa daa:- MOBILIZATION INCLUDES RIG MOVE ;|PP epINCLErao fy !PiTEEP LEP yp bey 3 il Poy bt azas |: \yy '40 DAY FLOW TEST OF ST-1 @j-REMOVE'!: ee ee eeLL7|rai |45 |50 ||eeL_INSTALL EQUIPMENT re ; poly '4 i move;:!ji 'rn DRILL SUGARLOAF HOLE Pry fy dyFERIG||ee{i jf af po |5°1 to:*60 69 it an i ryt i ||bide!Beeeenea SAY en |||{||DEEPEN ST-1/FLOWpafodts|||pot |TEST ; 1 | :14 Yo:3 ;|of ||Poe Gs '63 65 Fd boy : ar ,MOBILIZE-CONDUCT RESISTIVITY SURVEY @{ DEMOBILIZEiiroii: .:|1 |poo 60 2 i i a ||ji!a OEMOBILIZEioepigLpptEQUIPMENT, eee ee a |Py ia:ae PERSONNEL :of ,!:co 'i,;ee re Pid da da by:- PP a |a |PPP pe fei)i 1 :>ee ee ee REPORTS==een |ft ee ;Por g ' ''; °% _MP SERVI|be dedad EULER!S ie -||, ';'|i j ;;H ':'' NOMINALLY JULY 1 | NOMINALLY SEPTEMBER 13 ANTICIPATED DATES act ci0ss EXHIBIT 1 PROPOSED OPERATIONS ON UNALASKA ISLAND RESISTIVITY SURVEY TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLE COMPLETED IN 1982 TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLE PROPOSED IN 1984 SMALL DIAMETER GEOTHERMAL RESOURCE EXPLORATION WELL DRILLED IN 1983 9SOnnOmoeomomeneeeeeeTEMPORARY BASE CAMPSITE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH INDICATORS 2000 0 2000 FhekteheheeiSSr ROT0165 JS O¢CS £6 CH om, 1 *Yerwhe Nu ,'amenament No REG 028 7 .6110 tAMENDMENTTOPROFESSIONALSERVICESCONTRACT|£emerance Ove.NosAv No.t CCO8-2334 i ATN Number t 82-0820B i This agreement is between the State of Alaska,i Department of }Commerce &Economic Development/Alaska Power Authority hereafter,the State,and ' Jontractor Republic Geothermal,Inc.hereafter,the Contractor Aading Address Street of PO.Bor City State Zip Coce ' 11823 East Slauson Avenue Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 'revious period of performance Amended period of perlormance . Faom:1-1-82 to;4-30-84 From:1-1-82 to:6-30-85 'tewous amount of contract This amendment is for This amended contract shail not exceed a total of s 4,476,298.82 s -0-s 4,476,298.82 _ 1 accordance with the provisions of the above referenced contract,the parties to that contract agree that the services to be performed by the con-"actor under the contract are amended as follows:(Use reverse tor ation of °it ary. Article 2 -Appendix B,Scope of Work Add attached Amendment No.7,Appendix B. Article 4 -Consideration -Appendix C,Article C-3,Key Personnel Replace Gerald W.Huttrer with J.L."Bill"Smith as Project Manager,Republic. 7 , | Article 4 -Consideration -Appendix C,Article C-10,Insurance Delete Section 4,Professional Liability. full consideration of the contractor's performance under and including this amendment,the State shall pay the contractor a new total not to ceed $.4,476,298 .82 e period of performance under this contract is increased/deoreased.by __14 months to 6-30-85 cept those provisions inclusive to this amendment,all other terms and conditions of the contract remain in effect.| WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this amendment. CONTRACTOR STATE ne of Firm Division of Republic Geothermal,Inc.Alaska Power Authority , ure of aa .Cate Signature oject Director tj ahavi.was 4-18-84 "hae M ladpal q,SfvddrPrintedNameofAuthorizedRepresentativeTypedorPrintedWipeofProjectDirectoroO77 John L.Smith Larry D.Crawford Title fice President-Exploration Executive Director APPROVAL BY THE CONTRACTING AGENCY APPROXY MENT OF ADMINISTRATIONIeesich |sarICE!This certifies the availability of funds.|am aware that certifying false.inaccurate,of reading 6 ue an Ni falsitication pupenavie under AS 11.56.210.tture of Head of Contracting tPARichardA.Lyon MAYJofPrintedNameofAuthorizingOfficial g 1984 Commissioner BY THE CONTRACT REVIEW COMMITTEELythiuNistrr53-94 a 7 as NAeeneimee wn *ee Amendment Wo,7 Appendix PB SCOPE OF WORK Phase [JI -1984 Activities The Centractor will acquire the permits necessary for implementa- tion af the 1984 activities,monitor operations sm as te assure compliance with permit stipulations and develan and submit periodic reports as required by permit canditions and regulations.In addition,the Contractor will monitor ali drilling and testing operations for environmental impact using qualified personnel for field sampling and operation inspection.The Contractor will implement standard environmental impact mitication measures for all activities and conduct emergency contingency measures if necessary. Stage I.Mobilization The Contractor will plan,supervise,and implement the mobi- lization,transportation,and set-up of all facilities,equipment, and supplies necessary for the base camp and drill sites. Stage II.ST-1 Long-Term Testing The Contractor will plan,supervise and implement a long-term flow test of Makushin ST-1 from the reservoir encountered at a depth of 1946-1949 feet.The length of the flow test will be determined in the field by mutual agreement of the Contractor and the Power Authority,based on preliminary results of the test and logistical considerations.The test will be designed to provide data on reservoir behavior and longevity,and scaling and corrosion ten- dencies.For this survey,a "bubble tube"(capillary tube)and thermocouples will be installed or periodically run in the well to optimize the accuracy of long term data recording capabilities. Graphic and digital recorders will be used to obtain continuous data documentation. Stage III.Drill Sugarloaf Temperature Gradient Hole The Contractor will: A.Plan,Supervise,and implement the drilling of a temperature gradient hole at location A-1 indicated on the map in Exhib- it 1 of this Amendment to a depth of approximately 1200 feet. The actual depth of the hole will be determined in the field by mutual agreement of the Contractor and the Power Authority based on preliminary results of the arilling,on logistical considerations,and on the allocation of funds for this task. PORT/LLISO7/03 Page | The Contractor's Drilling Manager or other qualified drilling supervisor approved by the Power Authority will be located at the project throughout the course of drilling oferations. B.Collect drill cutting samples and cores for lithologic charac- terizaticr and rock-chip geochemical analyses.Transport from the drill sites tc Dutch Harbor any samples and cores tc be independertly tested by the Division of Gerlogical and Geo- physical Surveys.Log and record all geologic and thermal data ir accordance with accerted industry practice. Stage IV.Deepen and Test ST-] The Contractor will: A.Make a reasonable effort to seal off the producing zone at 1946-1949 feet and drill Makushin ST-1 to a total depth of approximately 2450 feet.The actual depth of the well will be determined in the field by mutual agreement of the Contractor and the Power Authority based on preliminary results of the drilling,on logistical considerations,and on the allocation of funds for this task.The Contractor's Drilling Manager or other qualified drilling supervisor approved by the Power Authority will be located at the project throughout the course of drilling operations. B.Collect drill cutting samples and cores for lithologic charac- terization and rock-chip geochemical analyses.Transport from the drill sites to Dutch Harbor any samples and cores to be independently tested by the Division of Geological and Geo- physical Surveys.Log and record all geologic and thermal data in accordance with accepted industry practice. C.Conduct a preliminary flow test of limited duration immediate- ly upon encountering any significant hydrothermal resource to clean drilling debris out of the wellbore,determine resource type,and obtain a reservoir fluid sample to analyze for short-term flow test design and environmental mitigation measures. D.Conduct a short-term resource flow test for any major hydro- thermal resource encountered,If flow is not naturally occurring,the Contractor wil]make al?reasonable efforts to stimulate flow.The resource flow test will include the monitoring of downhole static and flowing pressure and temper- ature,the measuring of flow volume (at three different rates, if possible,until stabilized)utilizing a modified "James"or a "separator-weir"test method,the recording of surface flowing temperature and pressure,and the chemical charac- terization of the resource.Liquids will be discharged to a creek,if permitted,or discharged to a holding pond or 1951/111/07/F 1 rage otherwise dealt with as required by permitting agencies.The length of the flow test will be determined in the field by mutual agreement of the Contractor and the Power Authority hased on preliminary results of the test,on logistical considerations,and on the allocatior of funds for this task. Stage V.Electrical Pesistivity Survey The Contractor will conduct an electrical resistivity survey over én area approximately delineated by the map contained in Exhibit ] of this amendment.The areal extent of the survey may be modifiec by mutual agreement of the Contractor anc the Power Authority, based on preliminary results of the survev,on logistical consid- erations,and on the allocation of funds for this task. Stage VI.Demobilization The Contractor will: A.Plan,supervise,and implement the tear-down and removal of facilities,equipment,and supplies from the sites upon termination of field work. B.Restore drilling sites and campsites as directed by the Power Authority and in accordance with appropriate permits and regulations. C.Transport or dispose af Power Authority inventory as directed by the Power Authority. D.Suspend Makushin ST-1 as directed by the Power-Authority and in accordance with applicable permits and regulations. However,if it is determined by the Power Authority that Makushin ST-1 should be plugged and abandoned upon termination of the 1984 field work,the Contractor will plug and abandon the well in accordance with applicable permits and regulations for a reasonable cost as agreed upon by both parties. E.Plug and abandon temperature gradient holes A-1,D-1,and E-1 indicated on the map in Exhibit 1,in accordance with applica- ble permits and regulations unless directed otherwise by the Power Authority. Stage VII.Interim and Final Report The Contractor will prepare and submit reports to the Power Author- ity containing data analyses,results,conclusions,and recommenda- tions: 1950 /111/07/F |Pert os A.Analyze and interpret core geochemistry,lithologies,and thermal data collected during 1984 activities. B.Interpret all data collected during 1984 activities to charac- terize resource temperature,pressure,transmissivity,fluid quality,and productivity. C.Integrate these data with ali previously uathered geolayical, geochemical,and geophysical date. D.Refine and modify the Makushin geothermal system model te reflect the newly integrated data. E.Utilize the resource model to revise as appropriate previous estimates of commercial electrical generating potential. F.Revise aS appropriate the previously developed commerciali- zation scenario and development cost estimates. G.Prepare and deliver to the Power Authority no later than January 1,1985,ten copies and one one camera-ready master of an interim executive report that summarizes the project to date and contains results,conclusions,and recommendations. H.Prepare and deliver ten copies of a draft final report of the Phase III activities to the Power Authority no later than April 1,1985.The Power Authority will review the draft and submit comments to the Contractor within 30 days after receipt of the dratt.The Contractor will finalize the report and deliver twenty copies and one camera-ready master of the final report to the Power Authority within three weeks after com- ments on the draft are received by the Contractor. I.Prepare and deliver to the Power Authority no later than April 1,1985,ten copies of a draft final executive report that summarizes the project and contains results,conclusions, and recommendations.The Power Authority will review the draft and submit comments to the Contractor within thirty days after receipt of the draft.The Contractor will finalize the executive report and deliver forty copies and one camera-ready master of the final executive report to the Power Authority within three weeks after comments on the draft are received by the Contractor. Budget and Schedule The budget estimate and tentative schedule for work under this Amendment shall be as follows: 1951/111I/D?7/t:Potts UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL EXPLORATION PROJECT BUDGET PHASE ITT Stage T Stage IT Stage ITT Stage IV Stage V Stage VI Stage VII Mobilization ST-1 Long-Drill TGH Deepen &Resistivity Demobilization Interim &Term Testing Sugarloaf Test ST-]Survey Final Report TotalRepublicLabor (Fringe &0/H)$26,300 $50,200 $27,100 $43,800 $12,900 $25,200 $65,000 $250,500 Republic Travel 1,600 14,500 4,500 9,500 2,900 1,700 34,700 Dames 4 Moore 9,000 13,500 4,500 9,000 9,000 5,800 50,800 Drilling 6,000 108,100 61,700 9,000 184,800 Well Testing 48 ,000 10,000 58,000 Helicopter 31,500 21,500 28,700 14,400 21,500 31,400 149,000 Resistivity Survey 129,800 129,800 Camp 15,000 7,200 9,000 9,000 10,800 20,000 71,000 Chemical Analyses 6,000 6,000 6,000 18,000 Prof.Liab. Insurance 6,300 6,300 Communications 1,900 1,400 1,900 1,400 1,900 1,000 9,500 Other 5,900 3,100 1 10,000 2,300 3,100 5,800 1,000 31,200 Subtotal 103,500 165,400 199,800 167,100 182,900 103,100 71,800 993,600 Corp.G&A (4%)4,140 6,620 7,990 6,680 7,320 4,120 2,870 39,740 Total $107,640 $172,020 $207,790 $173,780 $190,220 $107,220 $74,670 $1,033,340= UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL EXPLORATION PROJECT STAGE | STAGE II STAGE II] STAGE IV STAGE V STAGE VI STAGE VII PROJECT SITE OPERATION DAYS (1984) 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 :if 5 oe :°._--s ",J +yeep e bbb p epg pte,-_ a MOBILIZATION |#1INCLUDESRIGMOVE:|PPE ;boy ;||if fo.4 ! n i yo |j pp!poi . 3 ||7 ds ye te |434s |. .40 DAY FLOW TEST OF ST-1 el REMOVE:|: i :|'i F ' L 7 |PE |45 so ||||L_INSTALL EQUIPMENT :a , a ee Move}:|i i ||if iy |i ||DRILLSUGARLOAFHOLE]pig |j i 1:| ||: _Py hideii|Pri yp ty fp psa os Pepebop beep edad py bad 5 DAY en Pda de:||||[DEEPEN ST-1)FLOWieeitd|pity TEST roa:boyd |25271 7 |Pg 63 65Phapodeyd. Do |MOBILIZE -{@ CONDUCT RESISTIVITY SURVEY e}-DEMOBILIZE ;JY SG |on i |'60 "y \robb Gg oat 2 |»yy SfrnerPoPLyPoa DEMOBILIZEDor|Hoyt rods bot |'EQUIPMENT,ee ee ee PERSONNEL yo ,i td fo:i .4 i :. i 4 Port -it ||:||{ LePEGbigpeaepEPPEEdepreadebugflatfeadbptyeREPORTS==i i ff |1 f 20 5 'cor 65 pp fa da bt pe 'FULL FIELD CAMP SERVICE '-- ||::il ;J o4 i |i '|. | | NOMINALLY JULY 1 ANTICIPATED DATES ! NOMINALLY SEPTEMBER 13 act c1oss g EXHIBIT 1 PROPOSED OPERATIONS ON UNALASKA ISLAND 4 \awo ' 5 'a WE;UeaWGLe{S Bin y \ame APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY OF PROPOSED ELECTRICAL --#|RESISTIVITY SURVEY ESN 2 TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLE COMPLETED IN 1982 TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLE PROPOSED IN 1984 6 oO -SMALL DIAMETER GEOTHERMAL RESOURCEEXPLORATIONWELLDRILLEOIN1983|oO TEMPORARY BASE CAMPSITEY<>AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH INDICATORS 2000 [?)2000 SCALE (FEET)PIR INOUERE eCImés Contract 08-2334 ATN 82-0820 AMENDMENT NO.5 Contract No.08-2334 between 'the Alaska Power Authority and RepublicGeothermal,Inc.(RGI),for geothermal exploration at Unalaska Island,Alaska, is hereby agreed to and amended as follows: Article 2 -Appendix B,ScopeofWork Add attached Amendment Number 5 Appendix 8B. Article 3--Period of -Performance Change end date to April 30,1984. Article 4 -Consideration -Appendix C,ArticleC-2,Key Personnel Changeto read as follows: The following personnel are considered to be essential to the work to be performed under this Agreement.The'Contractor shall give reasonable advance notice of any substitutions,and shall submit justification in suffi-. cient detail to permit evaluation of the impact of any 4 substitutions on the Project.No substitutions shall be : made without the written consent of the Power Authority Contracting Officer,which consent shall not be unrea- sonably withheld. Function Name Project Manager,Republic .Gerald W.Huttrer ; Orilling Manager,Republic Dick Yarter i .Project Manager,Dames &Moore.Steve Grabacki om : Appendix-C;carticle C-10,Insurance polio'}-ReplaceSwith new insurance requirements described in Attachment ld. Appendix C,Article C-11,Compensation,(a)Payroll Costs,item (3) vo ange Lo read as follows: sa The percentage mark-up charged by the Contractor on payroll expenses shall be as follows:'rpFile code:38-02-02 x.Date 83.-_\hecogtyeeeRRS Item Rate and Base Fringe Benefits 37 percent of direct labor (excluding overtime premium). Departmental 40 percent of direct labor plus fringe Overhead benefits. Corporate Four percent of RGI direct labor,benefits, G&A overhead and non-salary costs with rates adjusted to actual,but Corporate G &A,not to exceed 4.5%. Appendix C,Article C-11,Compensation,Item (d)Fee Cost Change to read as follows: The fixed fee is $168,875 (cumulative).The fee paid,as of the effective date of this Amendment,is to cover interest on investedcapital,readiness to serve and profit,and shall be computed as J]percent of payroll costs inclusive of fringes,overheadand G &Aonsalarycosts. Replace previous Purchase and Billing Instructions in Amendment No.1 with new Attachments la and 1b. Add policies of Inventory Control,Attachment Ic. Appendix C,Article c-th,Limitation of Funds Add: The amount available for payment of work is_$4,456,298.82. Appendix C,Article C-16,OwnershipofEquipment Add: All leases,lease renewals,lease-purchases,additions and/or amend- ments to existing leases,third party or otherwise,for equipment of any nature which exceeds $2,500 during the term of the lease or in aggregate during any one-year period,must be approved by the Power Authority prior to any commitment,verbal or otherwise,by the using contractor. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Executed this }/day of MAAC tf 1983. FOR THE CONTRACTOR REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. oy Lidellaassen 3 fe]23Date: Original Contract Amendment No. Sub Total Amendment Sub Total Amendment Sub Total Subtract Amendment Sub Total Amendment Sub Total Amendment NEW TOTAL No. No. No. No. No. 1 2 3 $197,321. 50,000. $247,321. 2,959. 250,280. 1,537,253. 1,787,533. -50,000. 1,737,533. 305,965. $2,043,498. 2,412,800. $4,456,298. Contract 08-2334 ATN 82-0820 FOR OWNER ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ny:en AgDate:3/is /G>d DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION Richard A.Lyon,CommussionerDEED 3-30-43 AMENDMENT NUMBER 5 APPENDIX 8 SCOPE OF WORK Stage IX.Logistical Planning for Resource Confirmation and Delineation Wells. The Contractor will: A.Plan,schedule and obtain the required transportation,communication, and housing for personnel,equipment and materials to be utilized inthisphaseofwork.(The Contractor will submit a detailed drilling plan and Request for Bids to the Alaska Power Authority for approval,which shall be required prior to proceeding with the bid process.The Power Authority shall process and provide the necessary approval asquicklyaspossibletomeetprogramtimeconstraints.) B.Prepare plans for emergencies. C.Locate the nearest repair facilities for equipment to be used in this phase of work. D.Obtain additional permits as required. Stage X.Well Drilling. The Contractor will drill a "slim”resource confirmation well into thegeothermalreservoirortothedepthlimitofthedrillingequipment(approximately 4,000 feet).The Contractor and its subcontractors will: 'A.Mobilize and activate the camp. B.Oirect the move in and rig up drilling equipment and installation ofpersonnel,supplies'and facilities. C. Supervtse the drilling of the resource confirmation well following the drilling program prepared and submitted as part of Phase IB.Repub- lic's Drilling Manager,or a similarly qualified drilling supervisor,who must be approved by the Power Authority,will be located at the project throughout the course of drilling operations. 0.Collect drill cutting samples and cores for lithologic characteri- zation and rock-chip geochemical analyses.Log and record all geologic and thermal data in accordance with accepted industry practice. E.Complete the well as geological and mechanical conditions dictate. F.Conduct environmental impact mitigation measures,as designed in Phase IB,Stage VIII,and as may be necessary based on any changes in :Anawatiane Stage XI. Randomly monitor the drilling and testing operations using environ-mentally trained personnel.Such inspections will be in addition to monitoring conducted by drilling personnel in order to assure com- pliance with permit requirements. Utilize the established baseline environmental quality monitoring stations to detect changes which may be brought about by Phase IIoperations. Conduct a preliminary flow test of limited duration immediately after completion of the resource confirmation well to clean drilling debris out of the wellbore,determine resource type,and obtain a reservoir fluid sample. Direct the rig-down and remobilization of the drilling equipment to the resource delineation hole site. Supervise the drilling of the resource delineation hole to a depth of approximately 2,000 feet or until terminated by adverse weather or mechanical conditions. Collect drill cutting samples and cores for lithologic characteri- zation and rock-chip geochemical analyses..Log and record ali geologic and thermal data in accordance with accepted industry practice.:? Well Testing. -The Contractor,with assistance of its subcontractors,will: A.Analyze the reservoir fluid collected during the preliminary flow test as necessary for flow test design and environmental mitigationmeasures,__De, Construct resource test facilities and equipment. Conduct a resource flow test.The test method employed will depend on the resource type encountered.If flow is not naturally occurring, the Contractor shall make all reasonable efforts to stimulate flow. 1.A steam resource flow test will include the monitoring of down- hole static and flowing pressure and temperature,the measuring of flow rates and volume utilizing several orifice plates at different discharge volumes,the recording of surface flowing temperatures and pressures,the determination of steam quality (with calorimeter),the chemical characterization of the steam and discharge of steam to atmosphere.The duration of the flow testing is estimated to be not less than three days with four days scheduled for rig-up 'and tear-down. sabiStage XII. A. B. 2.A hot water resource flow test will include the monitoring of downhole static and flowing pressure and temperature,the measuring of flow volume (at three different rates,if possible, until stabilized)utilizing a modified "James"or a "separator- weir"test method,the recording of surface flowing temperature and pressure,and the chemical characterization of the resource. Liquids will be discharged to a creek,if permitted,or dis- charged to a holding pond or otherwise as required by permitting agencies. The flow test is estimated to last no less than seven days,with four to five days scheduled for rig-up and tear-down. Conclusions,Recommendations and Report. Analyze and interpret core geochemistry,lithologies and thermal datacollectedfrombothwells. Interpret all data to characterize the resource's temperature,pressure,transmissivity,fluid quality and productivity. Integrate these data with all previously gathered geological, geochemical and geophysical data. Refine and modify the Makushin geothermal system model to reflect the newly integrated data. Utilize the resource model to predict commercial electrical generating potential. Develop preliminary commercialization scenario and economics....... Report all findings and make recommendations for further action. 1.Ten copies of a draft final report shall be prepared and delivered to the Power Authority no later than March 1,1984. 2.The Power Authority will review the draft report and submit comments to RGI 30 days after receipt of the draft report. 3.RGI will finalize the report and-submit 20 copies and one camerareadymastertothePowerAuthoritythreeweeksaftertheCraftisreturnedtoRGI. Stage XIII.Oemobilization. The Contractor will: A.Direct the removal of equipment,personnel,supplies and facilities. B.Restore all drilling and campsites as appropriate. C.File all necessary reports with regulatoryagencies. aa.Dispose of inventory or otherwise handle as directed by the Powergatherersetaeon eet Si ae rome CEREBRO ERROR my emerge ae ene Omvnights Hee Serkan teers at Stage XIV.Suspension. The Contractor will: A.Secure drilled holes and well as directed by the Power Authority. Budget The budget estimate for work under this amendment shall be as follows: ultra-high flow and/or pressure t ITEMS oe :STAGES 5 IX X XI XII:XIE &xiv!TOTALS Republic Labor Fringe Benefits,& Dept.OH .$41,800 $84,700 §20,900 $58,550 $10,000 $215,950 Dames &Moore Labor 3,000 15,000 20,000 3,000 2,000 43,000 Travel 1,700 13,600 4,400 3,500 2,500 25,700 Drilling --1,112,000 ------1,112,000 Well Testing ----50,000 ----50,000 Helicopter --410,200 102,500 --27,000 539,700 Camp &Expediter --129,400 32,400 --8,500 170,300 Chemical Analyses ----15,000 ----15,000 Prof.Liability Ins.12,600 --------12,600_ Communications --8,000 2,000 --2,000 12,000 © Contingency (Abandon-3mentofEquipment)2 -------=100,000 100,000 Subtotal]$59,100 $1,772,900 $247,200 $65,150 $152,000 $2,296,250 Corporate G&A (4%)91,850 Total Costs 2,388,100 Fixed Fee 24,700 Total Costs &Fee $2,412,800 /Reflects grouping of Stages described in 2/14/83 "Scope" e/To be used in case containment of resource is unusually difficult,i.e., ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ATTACHMENT NUMBER la PURCHASING REGULATIONS 1.Purchase limitations are as per Contract. 2.It is the responsibility of the Contractor and each subcontractor to exercise prudent discretion in making any purchase of equipment, materials,or personnel services for the project Each Contractor will be held responsible for any abuse of the required prudent discretion in the purchase process. 3.The following regulations will apply: A.AS 36.98 Professional Service Contracts.The prime and/or subcontractor shall perform the following: (1)Give public notice soliciting proposals by publication at least three times in one or more newspapers, (2)first notice shall be published not less than 30-days before the date on which the Contractor expects to enter into contract, (3)review the Register of Professional Services Contractors maintained by the Commissioner and available through the Alaska Power Authority, (4)Request For Proposals (RFP)must be extended to a suffi- cient number of prospective providers of the required services to assure that public interest in competition is adequately served, (5)proposals from at least six persons or firms shall be solicited for contracts equal or greater than $100,000, (6)proposals from at least three persons or firms shall besolicitedforcontractsoflessthan$100,000, (7)maintain an auditable record of all procurement actions. B.AS 37.05 Contractural Services,Purchase,or Sale.The prime and/or subcontractor shall perform the following: (1)When the procurement is estimated to exceed $5,000, sealed bids shall be solicited,when practicable, (2)advertise in a newspaper calculated to reach prospective bidders, Rev.2/83 Page 1 (3)post notices in public places within the area where the work is to be performed, (4)solicit bids from known source, (5)bids must be sealed and opened in public at the hour and date stated in the notice, (6)contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. 4,The Power Authority may limit the solicitation of bids or negotiate directly if it finds that it is in the best interest of the state. 5.Alaska Bidder Preference.An Alaska bidder shall receive the award if his bid is not more than five percent higher than the lowest nonresident bidders price. 6.Emergency purchases may occur when an immediate demand for supplies,materials,or contractural services is required inpreventinglossoflifeorproperty.Each emergency purchase mustbeapprovedbythePowerAuthorityProjectManager.This authority may also be delegated to the project supervisor in the field. Each emergency purchase must be substantiated by a fullexplanationofthenatureoftheemergency.This justifica- tion must accompany the payment documents when submitted to the Power Authority. Rev.2/83 Page 2 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ATTACHMENT NUMBER 1b TO PROJECT SERVICE AGREEMENT BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 1.The monthly billing will be based on actual disbursements (cash basis)and will provide total support and adequate audit trails. This means that the system should summarize financial transactions and will provide a means of tracing the detailed components. Special provisions are indicated at #3.b and #3.c. 2.Internal Control The Contractor's bill shall be prepared by their accounting depart- ment and shall be approved by the Project Manager. The monthly bill will be verified by the Project Manager and Project Accountant and approved for payment by the Alaska Power Authority Director of Finance and/or the Executive Director. 3.Form of Billing 3a.The Contractor will provide the Power Authority with a compre- hensive billing within 15 days of the end of the monthly accounting cycle or calendar month,whichever applies. 3b.The Contractor will reflect on the monthly billing the current month's actual expenditures in the same format of the Cost Estimate which is part of the contract.The various activ- ities by task will be summarized under main titles and will constitute the total monthly bill for the project. 3c."Progress billing"will be accepted for amount totaling$100,000 and over inclusive or (estimated payroll,fringebenefits,overhead cost)and other incurred actual expenditures.The Power Authority will recognize payment of 60 percent of estimated payroll,fringe benefits and overhead costs and 100 percent of other supported actual expenditures. Fees shall not be included. "Progress billing"will also be accepted for purchase of equipment or other large expenditures totaling $100,000 and over. 3d.The monthly billing for each calendar month will reflect the total amounts of expenses incurred and any "Progress Billing" will be indicated after the "Total"as adjusting entries to reduce the amount due. Revised 2/83 Page 1 3e.The Power Authority's objective in recognizing "Progress Billing"is to streamline the Contractor's cash flow so that the Contractor may expedite its own commitments to the subcon- tractors and vendors.The Power Authority requires that the Contractor will allow payments on account to the subcontrac- tors included in the special and/or progress billing in amounts proportionate to the billing and the payment received by the Contractor for the given billing. 4,Other Direct Costs -Expenses 4a.Shall be billed as identified per Cost Estimate and/or Cost Estimate revisions.Any meaningful deviation from Cost Estimate and/or approved Revised Cost Estimate must be foot- noted.Each expenditure will be supported by a copy of original paid invoice or other traditionally accepted document of support. 4b.Any allocation of costs will be supported by detailed alloca- tion schedule. 4c.State and Local Taxes:The Power Authority is a tax exempt public corporation of the State of Alaska and will upon letter application by the contractor,provide the Contractor with a Sales Tax and Tax Exempt Certificate for the period of Contractor's performance under this contract. 5.Subcontractors The Contractor will provide the Power Authority with copies of contracts for each subcontractor at the beginning of the project or contracts will be provided according to the ongoing participation schedule of each subcontractor of the project. The Contractor will indicate each subcontractor on the monthly billing as a line item and will provide full support for individual transactions leading up to the total billed.The Power Authority expects that the same basic billing prerequisites of the Contractorwillapplytothesubcontractorsbillings(cash basis and 100 per- cent support). State and Local Taxes:(See 5.2)The Power Authority will issue specific certificates of tax exemption for each subcontractor according to need and only for major purchases.It will be the responsibility of each subcontractor to notify the prime Contractor and the Power Authority on a timely basis of the need of such document. Revised 2/83 Page 2 6.Form of Billing Documents: 6a.The Power Authority requires invoices to be submitted with documented cost summaries by Contractor,by subcontractor,to include the following with supporting schedules. 1. 4, 5. Payroll: a.Direct labor,excluding overtime. b.Fringe benefits. c.Overhead. d.Overtime (overtime does not carry fringe benefits and overhead). Other direct costs: a.One line item for total equipment purchases. b.Detailed back-up for equipment purchases. c.AS a separate schedule,one line item for other direct costs. d.Schedule of all other direct costs. Subcontractor cost by Contractor. Fee, Total invoice. 6b.The Contractor will provide the Power Authority with a current inventory of all purchased equipment as a supplement to the billing document. 7.Form of Payment THe Power Authority will provide payment through the Alaska Depart-ment of Commerce and Economic Development (Juneau Office)by wire transfer to any bank indicated by the Contractor for amounts over$100,000;payments for less than $100,000 will be made by warrant. Contractors with out of state headquarters will set up a system that will minimize the problem of remitting payments from their main office,aiming to reduce the number of days for mail delivery and clearance of out of state checks for payments to be made within the State of Alaska. Revised 2/83 Page 3 8.Contractor's Responsibilities: The Contractor hereby acknowledges its responsibilities for cor- rectly invoicing the Power Authority for costs incurred by it under this Contract,including invoices from subcontractors which Contractor approves for payment.In the event that the Contractor fails to properly document or to use due care in the invoicing of costs to the Power Authority,the Contractor agrees to reimburse the Power Authority for any additional handling costs incurred by the Power Authority resulting therefrom. Revised 2/83 Page 4 I. ATTACHMENT NUMBER 1c POLICIES FOR INVENTORY CONTROL PROPERTY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES A.Policies This Exhibit shall institute a Property Accounting Manual of Policies and Procedures for Contractor and each subcontractor. This procedure sets forth only minimum requirements,and in no way limits the Contractor or each subcontractor from estab- lishing internal controls which exceed these minimum stan- dards. Contractor and each subcontractor shall appoint individual(s)identified as a property custodian ("Property Custodian")who shall be responsible for maintaining current and accurateinventoryrecordsoftheAlaskaPowerAuthority("PowerAuthority")property under their control.The persons so designated shall be identified,in writing,to the Power Authority's Department of Property Management,through the Power Authority's Property Manager. General All property acquired with funds of the State of Alaska by the Contractor or by any subcontractor is the property of the Power Authority.These policies and procedures shall apply toalltangibleproperty(i)which is acquired for the Power Authority by the Contractor or its subcontractors for the performance of services,the cost of which is allowable undertheContract,and (ii)which is transferred to the Contractor or its subcontractors from the Power Authority's contractors and subcontractors.For the duration of the Project,the physical and fiscal control of the inventory will be the Contractor's and subcontractor's responsibility in accordance with the requirements of the Contract. Contractor is responsible for the performance of their subcon-tractor(s)application of these responsibilities as require- ments of the Contract. Definition of Controlled Property Controlled property shall mean ALL non-expendable personalpropertyownedORUNDERTHECONTROLOFTHEPOWERAUTHORITY;record of such property is a mandatory entry on the master inventory if any of the following factors are applicable; 1.When its current value is $500.00 or more,FOB Anchorage, regardless of funding source or means of acquisition,and Il. with a useable life of more than one year,with ex- ceptions of items that,when installed,become an inte- gral part of another unit of property. The $500.00 cut-off does not apply to sensitive propertyoritemsofpersonalissue,furniture,test equipment,or office machines.These specific items are considered controlled property regardless of cost and must have aPropertyControlNumber("PCN")applied and recorded. Sensitive Property (Group A): This classification of property includes items of unusualnaturethatwarranttightcontrols,and items that wouldnotnormally,by virtue of cost,be controlled,but because of other circumstances must be. Example:firearms,cameras,radios,items subject to extraordinary pilferage,risk,etc.Also,items of personal issue,furniture,test equipment,and office machines.A PCN shall be assigned to all sensitive property items and an inventory of such items maintained. Consumable Property (Group B): This classification of property includes items with anexpectedlifeofoneyearorless,such as small toolsandotheritemswhichareregularlyconsumed,such thatcontrolswouldcreateaburdeninmaintainingaccurate inventory records. Example:Hand tools,drills,saws,etc.These items must be controlled with the use of fluorescent orange paint,etchings,or other means that would easily identi-fy item(s)as the property of the Power Authority. Small tools and consumables are not assigned a PCN. However,all purchases of smal?tools and expendables will be appropriately cost coded to a separate SMALLTOOLSACCOUNTand/or a "Consumable Account".These account balances will be monitored for reasonableness. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES A.To standardize property accounting procedures. To establish a program of good management by providing aphysicalcountandevaluationofpersonalpropertyassets. To furnish the Power Authority a current list,as requested, of any class of property and location. To establish an inventory file as a master control. Ill. IV. E.To provide information that will eliminate unnecessary pur-chases due to lack of information of current inventory.Also, this will point toward better utilization of Power Authority- owned property and prevent pyramiding of stock. F.Provide immediate information to the Power Authority for other emergency needs. G.Instill]in the Contractor and each subcontractor the impor-tance and necessity of accurate record keeping and proper careofPowerAuthority-owned property. ROLE OF CONTRACTOR The Contractor will: A.Maintain a current,complete,and accurate inventory in compliance with the procedures and standards of the Power Authority. B.Report to the Power Authority's Property Manager any changes concerning controlled Power Authority-owned property. C.Follow standardized methods for marking and identifying PowerAuthority-owned property. D.Maintain a log of PCN's containing PCN DECAL Number,and other information:pertinent to the Power Authority in order tomaintainanaccurateinventory. E.Conform to procedures established for transfer of property. F.Conform to procedures established for reporting property lost,stolen,damaged beyond use without repair,and propertydestroyedbyaccident. G.Conform to procedures for reporting/confirming destruction of property. INVENTORY PROCEDURES An inventory will be prepared by Contractor and each subcontractor and drawn from information supplied by physical inventory reports from the camp and the Contractor's field office in Anchorage or any other applicable location.The geographic location will be iden- tified by keeping separate inventory for the "Camp"and the "Field Office -Anchorage",or any other applicable location.Each item will be clearly described and,if applicable,serial number,modelnumber,etc.,will be added;date of purchase and cost (net invoiceplusfreight)will be indicated too.General supplies,small tools,and consumables need not be listed. A complete inventory will be made available to the Power Authorityonan"as required basis",and on a monthly basis.Contractor and each subcontractor will provide a list of additions and deletions. Contractor and each subcontractor will appoint a Property Custodian for each inventory location.Each Property Custodian will be responsible for reporting the loss,theft,damage,or destruction as soon as the situation becomes known.If the incident involves notification of local police authority,this fact should be noted and a copy of the police report attached,along with any supporting information such as names and statements of witness(es). PROPERTY CONTROL NUMBERS AND DECALS Contractor and any subcontractor will be assigned a block of PCN's and Decals.Each decal will be assigned a PCN number which will be issued in numerical sequence.When an item becomes the property of the Power Authority,the PCN decal will be affixed to the item by the designated Property Custodian.The controlled items will atthattimeberecordedandreportedtothePowerAuthority.A copyofthepurchaseorderandtheinvoicewithitsassignedPCNisto be sent to the Property Management Department of the Power Authority with each original inventory update. A.Marking of Property All Power Authority property shall be numbered and identified with property control decals,etching,or paint,according to size or location of the item considered.The numbers and _codes used by the Contractor and each subcontractor must be {independent from Contractor and each subcontractor inventory 'numbers.Markings of vehicles or large equipment and/or all structures should be painted or marked to read:. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY CONTRACTOR NAME INVENTORY NUMBER In determining where to place the PCN Decals,no hard and fast rules are set forth,as much depends on the item being con- trolled and the type of marking used.It is important to have the Decal where it can be easily seen.The intent is that its location is to be as uniform as possible and not obscured or presenting difficulty of accessibility. When it is not practical to use a PCN Decal or the use of stencil with point,etching needle,steel disk,paint,or other practical method must be used.When marking is done byanymeansotherthanDecal,the Decal,1f prenumbered,must bedestroyed,to prevent the double use of any PCN being causedbyinadvertentapplicationofthedecaltoanotheritem. B.Property Records: The Power Authority shall direct the use of inventory records by the Contractor and each subcontractor to show all fixed and moveable property.The records shall be based on a physical VI inventory and charged with all subsequent purchases and shall be reduced by all property traded in,condemned,or otherwise disposed of.The accuracy of the property records shall be verified periodically by actual inspection of the property by Contractor and/or the Power Authority.Contractor and each subcontractor are required to take a physical inventory of properties annually and at other times if required by the Power Authority.As of June 30,of each year,a physicalinventorywillbetakenbytheContractorand_=eachsubcontractor,and the resulting fiscal reports will be made available to the Power Authority not later than the following July 31.Contractor and each subcontractor,with the approval of the Power Authority,may transfer,sell,or trade in supplies,materials,and equipment which is surplus,obsolete, or unused;and the Contractor and each subcontractor shall make proper adjustments in the accounts of the Contractor or subcontractor concerned. INVENTORY PROCEDURES In order to establish standards and procedures,inventory procedure and referenced controlled property inventory forms have beenimplemented.Whenever an inventory is required,compliance to thisprocedureismandatoryasisproperuseoftheformwhenapplica-ble. All items of controlled Power Authority property must be listed. General supply items need not be listed unless required by specificcontrols.Examples:a jack hammer,automatic nailing machine,or desk calculator would be listed,but not the bits,nails,or paperthatbecomeconsumedinusingtheequipment. Because virtually every area presents unique factors to be con- sidered in performing a physical inventory,the planning of the task is left to the discretion of the Contractor and each subcon- tractor. An additional form is to be included listing items of transferred property from another contractor.After reviewing the inventoryreportsthedesignatedcustodianwilladdnewitemswhichwillhavePCN's affixed to them,or delete items when transferred or disposed of per applicable procedures.PCN Decal or numbers should not be applied to any items without approval by the Contractor or subcon- tractor Property Custodian. Once the designated Property Custodian has completed an inventory report,that report will be filed as back-up until a subsequent record is submitted reflecting an update of the information report- ed.This back-up file will be made available to the property audit personnel when and if required in the performance of audit duties. The Property Custodian must maintain adequate documentation toensurepropertyaccountabilityforallacquisitions,deletions,and transfers. VII.GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORMS A.n>>"odEach Contractor and/or Subcontractor will receive a block of PCN's and Decals. As items are purchased and received,a numbered PCN Decal wil] be assigned and attached. List all items of Power Authority controlled property.ApplyPCNstickerstoallitemsofmorethan$500.00 purchase price or items of sensitive property. Type or print all entries. Each PCN will be recorded,in numerical order,on the property acquisition sheet. Each property inventory sheet will show twenty numericallylisteditems.Individual lines are to be used for each PCN item. At the end of an accounting period,each item will be posted to the ledger in its property category.Examples of ledger entries are as follows:office equipment,office furniture, service equipment,transportation equipment,heavy equipment, and structures,etc. Ledger entries will,reflect totals of all accountable items.Losses will be deleted from the master inventory list uponapprovalofthePowerAuthority's Property Manager. Some items can be numbered as a unit giving the quantitymakinguptheunit.An example would be a set of wrenches. Not all individual items are listed,but groups consisting of like items will be assigned a PCN.The total number in each group will be entered on the property acquisition sheet., In the "Description”column,enter information that describes item in a common and concise language. If more space is required for any item,enter a check mark in the remarks column,and make notes on the back of the form. Be sure to indicate the line number you are commenting about. List part or serial number when available. Enter the date of acquisition. Enter the inventory unit price and total. Each page is to be numbered in sequence. Submit a copy of updated inventory sheets monthly. VIII. IX. Be sure your report is dated and signed on each sheet before sending it to the Power Authority, Note:Each Property Custodian must keep an up-to-date file of the inventory he/she has signed for. PROPERTY TRANSFER In case Power Authority property is to be transferred from one contractor or subcontractor,the following steps must be taken: A. B. Notify the Power Authority of the transfer. Fill out transfer form giving proper identification informa- tion.This is to include the original assigned PCN, description,serial number,and condition code. Note:Once an item has been assigned a PCN,that number will remain with the individual item through the remainder of its useful life.At NO time will an item be assigned a new PCN. Actual transfer can be made only after Contractor and each subcontractor has signed and dated the transfer form.At this time,the necessary changes will be made on the propertyrecordsoftheContractorandeachsubcontractor. LOST,STOLEN,DAMAGED,OR DESTROYED PROPERTY A. i |Contractor and each subcontractor will]{mplement a method for processing reports covering lost or stolen,damaged or de-. stroyed property. Complete background information must be furnished to the Power Authority's Property Manager. The employee involved in any loss must submit a report to his/her supervisor relating to the details as to when and how the loss occurred;name and address of witnesses to the loss; steps taken to recover;whether State and local police author- ities were called,and the results.The Contractor will then forward this data to the Power Authority Property Manager. If damage results in total destruction,the word destroyedwillbeenteredasthefirstorlastwordindescriptionblock;the damaged block willbe checked as "Status of Proper-ty"entry. The Property Custodian will review the report to ascertain that all necessary information is entered,and that all necessary supporting documents are attached. Damaged property which is no longer usable or not economicallyrepairablemaybeexcessed,or may be certified as destroyed at the discretion and direction of the Property Custodian. A complete record,along with all supporting information for all inventory deletion,must be retained on file and made available upon request for auditing purposes. PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY PROJECT NO. DATECONTRACTORTRANSFERREPORT LOCATION FROM:TO: CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR PROPERTY MODEL OR CONDITION CONTROL ITEM DESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER |CODE REMARKS NUMBER ISSUED BY RECEIVED BY SIGNATURE SIGNATURE TYPE OR PRINT NAME TYPE OR PRINT NAME $- CONTRACTOR ALASKA 'POWER AUTHORITY _-PROJECT NO.---_:oe DATESUBCONTRACTORPROPERTYINVENTORYSHEETLOCATION----PAGE OF "ACCOUNT |INVENTORY PART OR -TSUPPLIER INVOICE |PURCHASER INVOICE]UNIT.- |NUMBER |NUMBER ITEM DESCRIPTION SERIAL NO.|SUPPLIER ["no.|oate |wo.|oate |PRICE |CONDITION/REMARKS|ee = TOTAL THIS PAGE ATTACHMENT 1d ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT FEASIBILITY STUDIES SPECIFICATIONS State:Saved Harmiess:The Contractor shall indemnify,save harmless,and.defendthe State,its officers,agents and employees from liabilityofanynatureorkind,including costs and expenses,for or on accountofanyandalllegalactionsorclaimsofanycharacterwhatsoeverre- sulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or persons orpropertyasaresultofanyerror,omission or negligent act of theContractorrelatingtoitsperformanceofthiscontract, All legal actions or claims including defense costs resulting from in-juries or damages sustained by any person(s)or property arising from the Contractor's performance of this contractor shall be apportioned on a comparative fault basis.Any such joint liability on the part oftheStatemustbedue-to active negligenceom the part of the State. The:Stateandthe Authority agree to waive their Rights of Recovery forLiabilityinexcessofthe:required limits, Insurance:During the life of this contract,the Contractor shall pur-chase andmaintain insurance with a carrieror carriers satisfactorytoDepartmentofAdministration,Division of Risk Management,covering injury to persons or property suffered by the State of Alaska orathirdparty,asa resultof errorsor omissions or operations whicharisebothoutofandduringthecourseofthiscontractbytheCon- tractor..The coverage will also provide protection against injuries to all employees of the Contractor engaged in work under this contract.Satisfactory evidenceof insurance will be furnished to the ContractingOfficerpriortobeginningworkunderthiscontract.This evidence willprovideawrittencancellation,non-renewal or material change with a prior notice of 30 days.Insurance companies shown on such evidence shall have acceptable financial ratings.Failure to furnish satis- factory evidence of insurance or lapse of the policy is a materialbreachandgroundforterminationoftheContractor's services. Before performing under this contract,satisfactory evidence of the following coverages will beprovided. 1.Workers!Compensation Insurance:The Contractor shall provide and maintain,for ali employees of the Contractor engaged in work under this contract,Workers'Compensation Insurance as requiredbyAS23.30.045... APA/PSC.(6/28/82)-1 "1+ To include: a.Statutory coverage for states in which employees are engaging in work; b.Employer's Liability Protection in the amount of $500,000 per person/$500,000 per occurrence; c..Broad.Form All States Endorsement; d.All State and Federal Acts where applicable;e..Voluntary Compensation Endorsement. Comprehensive General Liability with coverage limitsof $1,000,000 CSL.. To include: a.Premises Operations; b.Independent Contractors;Cc.Products/Completed Operations (maintained for two years after completion of contract;. d.Blanket Contractual; e.Explosion,Collapse and Underground (XCU)coverage; f.OQwner's/Contractor's Protective Liability;g.Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability Endorsement (ISO0G-222orequivalent). Comprehensive:Automobile Liability with coverage limits of$1,000,000 CSL. To include: a.ATT Owned Vehicles; b.All Hired Vehicles; c.All Non-Owned.Vehicles; d.Uninsured Motorists. Professional Liability:Coverageforall errors,omissionsor negli-gent acts which the Contractor oremployeesmay make which resultcinfinanciallosstotheStateofAlaska. Limits required:$500,000.If policy is.written ona "Claims Made"basis,the policy must be warranted to be maintained for a minimum of three years after expiration of the contract. Under this Section (4),the Contractor's liability shall belimited to $500,000,including deductibles orself-insured retentions. Further,the Contractor's liability to the State shall not be effected by the application of any Aagregated Insurance Limits on the required insurance. APA/PSC.(6/28/82)-1 -2- 5.Aircraft/Watercraft Liability:Combined Single Limit of $1,000,090 for Bodily Injury,Passenger Liability and Property Damage Liability.* a.Owned Aircraft/Watercraft; b.Non-Owned Aircraft/Watercraft; c.Hired,Chartered or Rental Aircraft/Watercraft, *To be included when aircraftorwatercraft.are to be used in perform-ance of the contract,either to beprovidedby Contractor for ownedaircraft/watercraft or persons/firms contracted.with. APA/PSC.(6/28/82)-1 -3- a?Qn CONTRACT 08-2334 ATN 82-0820 AMENDMENT NO.4 Contract No.08-2334 between the ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY and REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC.(RGI),for geothermal exploration on Makushin Volcano, Unalaska Island,Alaska,is hereby agreed to by both parties and amended as follows: APPENDIX B.SCOPE OF WORK Replace budget estimate for Item VI column and total column as follows: Item VI Totals Republic Labor(incl.OH &G &A)91,642 255,787 Dames &Moore Labor 32,060 95 ,980 Travel 12,700 27 350 Other 1,200 3,700 Drilling 626 ,340 626 ,340 Helicopter 221,073 308 ,465 Environmental -4,000 Camp 118 ,336 174 ,436 Chemical Analyses -22,000 Professional Liability Insurance -82,400 Geophysics -59,283 Equipment -9,000 Communications 11 ,652 17 ,302 Expediter 4,000 13,000 Subtotal 1,119,003 1,699,043 Fee 89 ,434 144,175 TOTAL 1,208 ,437 1,843,218 Code: ; File Code:3E.D2.O.2| J.Date:82.23%,| mes ceegj»42PenbleDernctb-mp &/Lb. Leu wall Quen Amendment #4 August 16,1982 Page 2 APPENDIX C.ARTICLE C-14.LIMITATION OF FUNDS: Change the amount presently available for payment from $1,737 ,533.82 to $2,043,498.82. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC.ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY By:By: Title:Executive Vice President Title:Executive Director Date:Date: APPROVED: Original contract $197,321.00 By: Amendment No.1 50,000.00 Sub Total $247,321.00 Date: Amendment No.2 2,959.82 Sub Total 250,280.82 Amendment No.3 1,537 ,253.00 Sub Total 1,/87 533.82 Subtract Amendment No.1 -50,000.00 Sub Total 1,737 ,533.82 Amendment No.4 305 ,965.00 NEW TOTAL $2,043 498.82 D.O2 0 CONTRACT 08-2334 ATH 82-0820 AMENDMENT NO.4 Contract No.08-2334 between the ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY and REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,IHC.(RSL),for geothermal exploration on Makushin Volcano,Unalaska Island,Alaska,is hereby agreed ta by bath parties and amendedasfollows:APPENDIX 8.SCOPE OF WORK Replace budget estimate for Item VI column and total colum as follows: Item VI Totals Republfc Labor(incl.OH &&&A)91 642 255,787 Dames &Moore Labor 32,060 95,980 °° Travel 12,700 27,350 we Other 1,200 3,700 © Drilling 626,340 626,340 Helicopter 221,073 308,465 Environmenta!-4,000 Camp 118,336 174 ,436 .Chemtca}Analyses __-22,000 Professtanal Ctability | a Insurance °82 ,400 Geophystes -59,283 Equipment -9,000 Communications 11 ,652 17 ,302 Expediter 4,000 13,000 Subtotal _1,119,003 1,699,043Fee89,434 "144,175° "TOTAL 1,208 ,437 1,843,218 tg +Mmendment #4 ( .August 16,1982 Page 2 'APPENDIX C.ARTICLE C-14.LIMITATION OF FUNDS: Change the amount presently available for payment from$1,737 ,533.82 to $2,043 ,498.82. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged, REPUSLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC.ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY By:Ere,Ze Liber rrok.By:2 WN ATitle:Executive Vice President Title:Executive Directora U..I 3 ASVDate:BUY ISVL .Date:- APPROVED: Original contract $197,321.00 By:Eber xg Mean baAmendmentNo.1 50,000.00 .eyes!Sub Total S 287,321.00 Date:AUG 2 4 1982 Amendment No.2 2,959.82 Sub Total 250,280.82 FOR THE CONTRACT REVIEW COMMITTEEAmendmentNo,3 1 537,253.00 Sub Total "1,787,533,82 Subtract . Amendment No.1 -50,000.00 Sub Total 1,737 ,533.82 Amendment No.4 305 965.00 Ales amedinne nT NEW TOTAL.$2,043,498.82 Coured Comers ww 'Cows &the prere Gut Yo porewe tycotCerdihensTran)ohana Myated.Fee\pe Mame.3 Crm€Awa,Contvacre d 21 bly shouldlhorsreAsebeltGuidrnatSetiet i 2.02 CONTRACT 08-2334 ATN 82-0820 AMENDMENT NO,3 Contract No.08-2334 between the ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY and REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC.(RGI),for geothermal exploration on Makushin Volcano,Unalaska Island,Alaska is hereby agreed to by both parties and amended as follows: STANDARD AGREEMENT Article 3.Period of Performance Change completion date to June 18,1983 APPENDIX B.Scope of Work "See attached Appendix B i Article 4.Consideration Appendix C'.Incorporate the terms and conditions as outlined in the attached appendix C,cost plus fixed fee basis as estimated in the budget estimate of Appendix "B". Delete AMENDMENT NO.1,dated 23 March 1982 All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC.ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY By:Sr:Delile br,By::D Title;Exec.Vice President Title:_Executive Director Date:S/3/ez Date:\|O Mey Sr fof . y APPROVED: Original contract $197,321.00 By:VL LaAmendmentNo.1 50,000.00 WA "tanSubTotalpool.Date:Pid (9352 Amendment No.2 2,959.82 amendnent No.3 250,280.52 FOR THE CONTRACT REVIEW COMMITTEE-1,537,253.09SubTotal3Subtract1,787,533.82 Amendment No.1 50,000.00NewTotal ;1,737,533.82 ' i (lun oc The oat Bren A wend”here wrk had to deus doa RGU's (aan ad malt phers We were sell iit Ate SUM A%L proayrambyThetereeawus __,2 <b (a wae )Proj.Code:7""A gamer,File CcZe:39.2202] J.Bote:C2Q.)23B.Q STAGE III. STAGE IV. A, APPENDIX B -SCOPE OF WORK LAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL FIELD WORK The Contractor shall carry out a program of all required data collection for well site selection.The well site selection data collection program is designed to complement the baseline environmental data collection program and to collect that data which,when integrated with the geologic and logistic information gathered during the initial field season,will allow selection of the optimum thermal gradient hole and deep geothermal well sites.Information to be collected willprimarilybegeneralgeotechnicalengineeringdata(slope,slope stability,and soil characteristics),although general hydrologic,biologic,and visual data will also be acquired. The Contractor shall carry out a program of all necessary baseline data collection and obtain permits for all field operations described in this Amendment.The baseline environmental data collection program is desianed to acquire that environmental information which is or may be required by permit-issuing agencies and other interested parties.It will also be utilized to optimize the selection of the thermal gradient or deep well sites and to establish an environmental data base upon which to judge the impact of operations. Although the complete range of environmental concerns will be evaluated,because of the nature of the area and the proposed operations,only certain types of information such as regards water quality,vegetation,wildlife,and rare or endangered species will be collected. FIELD EXPLORATION _The Contractor's staff aeoscientists will undertake the followingactivitiesbeginningmidorlateApril,1982,weather permitting: Page A.Confirm and expand upon existing geologic mapping accomplished by Drewes and Reeder.Samples will be taken of major rock lithologic types.The Contractor will inspect and describe major faults and lineaments detected via existing aerial photos and previously mapped by Reeder.The Contractor will sample,map,and classify hydrothermal alternation areas where accessible.The Contractor will study the surface geothermal manifestations,their locations,sizes,types,and tempera- tures,and we will determine their flow rates.The Contractor will also map and sample secondary geothermal manifestation deposits. The Contractor's geochemists will perform confirmatory analy- ses of the chloride and pH concentrations in the major hot spring systems and select and sample thermal waters for detailed chemical analyses that quantify 42 anions,cations, and trace elements.They will gather baseline chemical data from the primary cold springs and river waters and provide assistance to Roman Moytka of DGGS in continued sampling of fumarolic gases at Makushin fumarole fields. During the mercury soil survey,the Contractor's staff will collect approximately 250 grams of "in place"soils at 1 kmspacing,where accessible,for mercury (Hg)analyses.They will perform mercury analyses on the collected samples,using a Jerome Model 301 Mercury Detector,and plot and contour the reported mercury values on a 1:50,000 scale map. The Contractor will cause to be conducted a self-potential survey along a pattern of selected profiles that is designed to detect potential subsurface thermal anomalies and major fracture zones.Electrode spacing along the profiles will not | STAGE V. iA. exceed 200 meters with all profiles being tied to a zero reference point.Daily telluric variations will be monitored. The subcontractor,Harding-Lawson Associates,will reduce, smooth,and plot all self-potentia?voltage measurements along the sampled profiles to facilitate data interpretation. DATA COMPILATION AND PROGRAM PLANNING Following field mapping and sample collection,the Contractor will interpret geological data by: 1.Making and describing thin sections of selected rock types. 2.Determining the mineralogy of hydrothermal alteration by X-ray diffraction analysis. 3.Constructing geologic maps and cross sections that incorporate hydrothermal alteration,fault lineament,and lithologic-related data, Collected gas and water samples will be analyzed for major, minor,and trace chemical constituents.The Contractor will interpret gas,water,and soil (Hg)analyses to recognize potential thermal and chemical anomalies.These data will be used to determine migration paths of the water(s)in the system. The Contractor and its subcontractor will interpret and model self-potential survey results using filtering functions half-wavelength analysis,and induced current algorithms.The Contractor will construct a simple geometric model outlining possible regions of primary fluid flow and/or heat transfer. The Contractor will integrate the above geological,geo- chemical,and geophysical data into a comprehensive model of the Makushin geothermal system that defines potential] near-surface geothermal anomalies and the best exploration targets. The integrated geothermal model will be combined with environ- mental,terrain,and logistical parameters to select three primary and three alternate thermal gradient well sites. The Contractor will prepare thermal gradient well drilling programs for each of the three primary locations based on expected subsurface geology.The programs will include casing and tubing design;equipment and materials requirements and options;drilling methodology;fluid disposal;health and safety precautions;and logging schedules. Because of the timing requirements for the drilling of the thermal gradient holes,most of the permit applications for these operations will have been submitted prior to the com- mencement of Phase IB.To accommodate the lack of certainty for the locations of the thermal gradient holes,multiple sizes were described in those applications,as required. Tasks remaining to be accomplished include revision of these permits,as necessary,and working with the agencies to ensure their timely approval. Schedule drilling logistics for personnel equipment,and materials. "STAGE VI.THERMAL GRADIENT WELL DRILLING |The Contractor,with the assistance of its subcontractors,will'drill three thermal gradient holes to depths of approximately 1,500 |feet each.The Contractor and its expediter on Unalaska will: { Page2I Direct the move in and rig up of drilling equipment and installation of personnel,supplies,and facilities. Supervise the drilling of each gradient well following the drilling program prepared in Stage V. Collect drill cutting samples (or cores)for lithologic characterization and rock-chip geochemical analyses.We will also log and record all geologic and thermal data in accor- dance with accepted industry practice. The thermal gradient hole drilling operations will be moni- tored at random by environmentally trained personnel over and above monitoring by drilling personnel to assure compliance with permit requirements.Environmental quality monitoring stations set up during the environmental baseline data col- lection program will be remeasured,as appropriate,to detect changes brought about by the operations. STAGE VII.DATA SYNTHESIS AND DEEP WELL SITE SELECTION In order to accomplish this task,the Contractor will: AY PF. Analyze and interpret rock geochemistry,lithologies,and thermal data collected from each of the gradient wells. Integrate these data with all previously aathered geological, geochemical,and geophysical data plus any new data from other sources,such as DGGS investigations. Refine and modify the Makushin geothermal system model to _reflect the newly integrated data. Utilize the refined geothermal resource model to select three deep exploration targets. Combine the chosen target locations,environment data,ter- rain,and logistical parameters to locate an optimum deep exploratory well site. Prepare and design a deep exploratory well drilling program that includes drilling specifications,casing,mud,logging, and cementing programs.Well testing will also be designed in preliminary form,i.e.,logistics and site facilities. STAGE VIII.DEEP WELL PERMIT APPLICATION The Contractor will: AW D. |'E,| SCHEDULE 1) Page 3 Determine the methods to be followed for disposal of waste geothermal fluid. Design environmental impact monitoring,impact mitigation,and emergency contingency measures for 1983 field operations. Prepare and submit required permit application,in the name of the Alaska Power Authority. Prepare environmental document as required. Obtain required approvals. This contract amendment is subject to the delivery of the final report of Phase IA activities by the Contractor as scheduled and the approval of this report by the Power Authority.If an acceptable report is not received as scheduled,the Power Authority,at its discretion,may terminate the contract and pay the Contractor for costs(including penalties incurred through necessary commitments tosubcontractors)and fee incurred up to the time of termination. 2)The Contractor shall prepare a monthly report of projectstatusalongwiththemonthlybilling(which incorporatesSpecialandProgressBillings).This report shall indicate by stage budgeted manhours, budgeted cost, percent complete, budget expended, percent budget expended and comments.ooooo0o°o3)The Contractor shall report all raw data to the Authority within 2 months of acquisition and will make all data avail- able to the Authority and its other contractors (including theDivisionofGeophysicalandGeophysicalSurveys)as it is obtained. 4)The Contractor shall submit 40 copies of a draft Phase I report to include results of all Phase I activities and will address new data provided by others during Phase I.The report shall include technical data and interpretation of this data.The draft report shall be delivered to the Authority no later than April 30,1983.The Authority and others will review this draft and provide comments to the Contractor no later than May 28,1983.Fifty copies of the final Phase I report will be delivered to the Authority no later than June 18,1983, GENERAL STATEMENTS If the Contractor fails to obtain the necessary permits to proceed with any stage of activity described in this Amendment,this Contract shall,at the discretion of the Authority,be terminated. If the Contractor has put forth the best possible effort to obtain'the permit(s),the Authority shall pay the Contractor for costs(including penalties incurred through necessary commitments tosubcontractors)and fee incurred up to the time of termination. -The Contractor agrees to provide all rock samples to the State of 'Alaska for permanent storage in the State Repository. 'The Contractor further agrees to make the helicopter support contracted by them for this work available to the State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys for their 'performance of work on Makushin Volcano under a Reimbursable |Services Agreement with Authority.The Contractor shall also make the helicopter available to the Authority's project manager or other representatives for contract monitoring site visits.Use of _the helicopter by persons not employed by the Contractor or by'Subcontractor(s)will be limited to occasions deemed appropriate by the Contractor in light of Project work commitments.The Contractor will have no Insurance liability for such persons. Page 4 BUDGET ESTIMATE ITEMS |STAGES ITT TV V VI VIT___VITT TOTALS Republic Labor !$5,804 $53,486 $68,052 $55,642 $26,832 $9,971 $219,787 (incl.OH &G&A) Dames &Moore |25,030 3,850 16,680 12,060 1,540 16,820 .75,980 Labor Travel :4,800 7,250 -9,200 2,600 -23,850 Other |600 --1,000 700 1,200 200i 3,700 Drilling :---480,000 --480 ,000 Helicopter |22,464 64,928 -137,248 --224 ,640 Environmental 3,000 ----1,000 4,000 Camp |30,600 25,500 -102,036 --158,136 Chemical Analyses --7,000 -15 ,000 -22 ,000 Prof.Liability?82,400 -----82,400 ? .Insurance** , . Geophysics |-59,283 ----59,283 Equipment -9,000 ----9,000 Communications 1,400 4,250 -11,652°=-17,302 Expediter |2,000 3,000 2,000 4,000 2,000 -13,000 'SUBTOTALS 3 178,095 231,547 94,452 B13,058 48,172 27,791 1,393,078; "Fee -:10,527 25,470 10,388 89,434.5,299 3,057 144,175) TOTALS --STEE5625 -SUST SOL STON B20 SOCATEC S5S,ATT S30,84T $1,537,253 **Not subjectto fee.This Amendment supercedes Amendment No.1.Al}monies obligated or spent by the Contractor under Amendment No.1 shall be treated,for purposes of accounting,as costs presented in the budget estimate of this Amendment No.3. "Ta fur shown here *V2.oF [Ae eta minns Tha Poly Creda (ch Dyce Page 5 CONTRACTOR: Republic Geothermal,Inc. APPENDIX C Article C-1.Subcontracts: The Contractor shal?not enter into any subcontracts for any services subject of this Agreement without prior written approval of theAuthority. Article C-2.Key Personnel: The ;following personnel are considered to be essential to the work to be performed under this Agreement:The Contractor shall give reasonable advance notice of any substitutions,and shall submit justification in sufficient detail to permit evaluation of the impact of any substitutions on the Project.No substitutions shall be made without the written consent of the Authority Contracting Officer,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. | Function Name Project Manager Gerald W.Huttrer Republic _Project Manager Paul W.Neff Dames &Moore Article C-3.Release and Waiver of Liens: The Contractor agrees that upon the completion of services rendered hereunder the Project or premises shall be free and clear of any mechanic's and other liens of the Contractor and any and all of its successor,assigns,materialmen,laborers,vendors,and/orsubcontractorswhomayfurnishanylabor,material services,fixtures, apparatus,machinery,improvements,repairs,or alternations'in connection with the services rendered hereunder. The Contractor shall deliver a waiver of liens,in any acceptable form, to the Authority at the time of completion of the services. Article C-4.Royalties,Patents,and Licenses: The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees in connection with its services under this Agreement.It shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patents,letters patent,copyrights,or trademarks,and shall save the Authority harmless from loss on account thereof except that the Contractor shall not be responsible for any such loss when a particular process or product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is specified by the Authority,unless the Contractor has'been notified prior to the signing of the Aagreement that.the particular process or product is patented or is believed to be patented. Article C-5.Rejection of Work: The Contractor is responsible for proper performance of the Work.The Authority may reject any work found to be defective or not in accordance with the specifications contained in Appendix B hereto,regardless of the stage of completion,the time or place of discovery of error,and whether the authority previously accepted any or all of the servicesthroughoversightorotherwise. Page 1 | Article C-6.Waiver: The waiver by one party of any breach of this Services Agreement or the failure of one party to enforce at any time,or for any period of time, any :of the provisions hereof,shall be limited to the particular instance,shall not operate or be deemed to waive any future breaches of this Service Agreement,and shall not be construed to be a waiver of any provision,except for the particular instance. Article C-7.Entire Agreement: This Services Agreement represents and incorporates the entireunderstandingofthepartieshereto,and each party acknowledges thattherearenowarranties,representations,covenants,or understandings of any kind,matter or description whatsoever,written by either party to the other except as expressly set forth and hereinabove written.The Authority and the Contractor hereby agree that any purchase orders, invoices,confirmations,acknowledgements or other similar documentsexecutedordeliveredwithrespecttothesubjectmatterhereofshallnotbeconsideredpartofthisAgreement.This Services Agreement shall not be subject to change or modification unless by the execution of another instrument in writing subscribed to by a duly authorized officer of each of the parties hereto. | Article C-8.Severability: If any provisions of the Services Agreement shall be held to contravene or be invalid under the laws of any particular state,country,or jurisdiction where used,such contravention shall not invalidate the entire Services Agreement,but it shall be construed as if notcontainingtheparticularprovisionorprovisionsheldtobeinvalidinthe:particular state,country,or jurisdiction and the rights orobligationsofthepartiesheretoshallbeconstruedandenforced accordingly. Article C-9.Notices: I Any 'notice required to be given by either party hereto shall be reducedtowritingand,unless receipt of such notice is expressly required by the 'terms hereof,shall be deemed effectively served when deposited in the mail in a sealed envelope with sufficient first class postage affixed,and addressed to the party to whom such notice is directed at such party's place of business,which in the case of the Authority shall be:| Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Attention:Eric P.Yould and in the case of the Contractor shall be: |Mr.Gerald Huttrer Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 Slauson Avenue,Suite One Sante Fe Springs,California 90670 or such other address as either party shall hereafter furnish to the other party by written notice as herein provided. Article C-10.Insurance {Insurance:During the life of this contract,the Contractor shallpurchaseandmaintaininsurancewithacarrierorcarrierssatisfactorytoDepartmentofAdministration,Division of Risk Management,covering Page 2 injury to persons or property suffered by the State of Alaska or a third party,as a result of errors or omissions or operations which arise both out.of and during the course of this contract by the Contractor.ThecoveragewillalsoprovideprotectionagainstinjuriestoallemployeesoftheContractorengagedinworkunderthiscontract.Satisfactory evidence of Insurance will be furnished to the Contracting Officer prior to beginning work under this contract.This evidence will provide a written cancellation,non-renewal or material change with a prior notice of 30 days.Insurance companies shown on such evidence shall have acceptable financial ratings.Failure to furnish satisfactory evidence of insurance or lapse of the policy is a material breach and grounds for termination of the Contractor's services. Before performing under this contract,evidence of the following coverages will be provided as applicable: 1.Worker's Compensation Insurance:The Contractor shall provide and maintain,for all employees of the Contractor engaged in work under -this contract,workers'compensation insurance as required by AS :23.30.045, To include: a.Statutory coverage for states in which employees are engaging in work. b.Employer's Liability Protection in the amount of $500,000 perperson/$500,000 per occurrence. c.Broad Form All State's Endorsement. 'd,All State and Federal Acts where applicable. -e.Voluntary compensation endorsement. 2.Comprehensive General Liability with coverage limits per contract schedule: To include: a.Premises Operations. b.Independent Contractors. c. Products/Completed Operations.(Maintained for two yearsaftercompletionofcontract) d.Blanket Contractual. 'e.Explosion,Collapse and Underground (XCU)coverage. f. OQwner's/Contractor's Protective Liability. g.Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability Endorsement(IS0G-222 or equivalent). 3.Comprehensive Automobile Liability with coverage limits per 'contract schedule including: All Owned Vehicles All Hired Vehicles All Non-owned Vehicles Uninsured MotoristsaAamwa Limits required as per schedule: 4,Professional Liability:**Coverage for all errors,ommissions or-negligent acts which the Contractor or employees may make which 'result in financial loss to the State of Alaska. Page 3 Limits required as per schedule.If policy is written on a "claims made"basis,the policy must be warranted to be maintained for a minimum of three years after expiration of the contract. |Limits required as per schedule: 5.|Aircraft/Watercraft liability:*Combined single limit for bodily "injury,passenger liability and property damage liability. a.Owned aircraft/watercraft 'b. Non-owned aircraft/watercraft C.Hired,chartered,or rental aircraft/watercraft |Limits required as per schedule: _*To be included when aircraft or watercraft are to be used in.performance of the contract,either to be provided by Contractor 'for owned aircraft/watercraft or person/firms contracted with. LIMITS FOR ALL INSURANCE ARE PER THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE LIMITS REQUIRED SCHEDULE _CONTRACT AMOUNT MINIMUM REQUIRED LIMITS To $499,999 $1,000,000 per occurrence/ annual aggregate i -$500,000 to $999,999 $5,000,000 per occurrence/ !annual aggregate ;$1,000,000 to $4,999,999 $10,000,000 per occurrence/ :annual aggregate |$5,000,000 or over $20,000,000 per occurrence/ |annual aggregate Per'occurrence Maximum Deductible/SIR Acceptable:2%of annualreceipts. **See Item 4,Professional Liability."Claims Made"option with warranted 3 years of coverage maintenance after expiration of contract. Article C-11.Compensation: The Authority shall pay the Contractor for services performed for this project to cover the following items as hereinafter defined: (a)Payroll Costs: Shall comprise: (1)The salaries paid to personnel for time worked directly on the 'project plus fringe.benefits inclusive of all statutorypayrolltaxesandinsuranceaswellasvacation,holiday,sick _: Jeave,and retirement benefits.rene Stee be Me a Breet . Salaries shall be subject to adjustment in accordance with the standard review policies of the Contractor to be submitted to the Authority prior to the signing of this contract. '(2)Premium portion of overtime paid to said employees,which14shallnotbesubjecttomark-up for fringe benefits. |pcb urs we pve xPage4st.Tee. | Ths ©wl on)NAA ot awlyie word )ar it a\oo albered \19, om all suly aowtacl Goo d in tem ure re UbeCadillan'subs t o th,PA ATAM The aaWw The percentage mark-up charged by the Contractor for the below listed payroll expenses shall be in accordance with the following percentages:---Wen_-Per”Contractor schedule of estimated overhead by departnent /plus base salary x 1.3 estimated admin burden.Such overhead ;and administrative burden rates may be adjusted annually by'- -nhegotiationbetween theAuthority and the Contractor,ey ae a an (b)Overhead Costs: as :Overhead costs cover those items of doing business which must be 'paid out of project revenue but cannot be directly assigned to the i project,such as office space and equipment,insurance and taxes ;other than income taxes and those taxes associated with salary|costs,executive and administrative expenses,plus other necessary |costs for conducting business.Overhead costs are the percentages'as reflected in paragraph (a)(3)above. (c)|Direct Non-Salary Costs:,-i Payment for direct costs shall be made to the Contractor for those|'costs which are directly attributable to the work,including:1%Professional liability insurance costs per budget estimate, Exhibit B. *The costs of all materials and supplies used in the | performance of the Project. ;*Costs for reproduction of plans,specifications,reports,and ;other data,and for computer services at rates to be agreed upon prior to the signature of the contract. *Long distance communication costs. *All costs associated with outside consultants,subcontracts, and other outside services and facilities. .*Geotechnical and environmental field investigations. :*Costs incurred for travel and subsistence of personnel engaged in the performance of the Project. *Laboratory testing. _*Rental of special equipment and special field office at rates to be approved by the Authority in writing prior to the Contractor incurring said costs except in emergency cases when \the Contractor's best efforts shall be made to obtain goods \-_-->and/or Servier at the on posse rate.;AW)Foe tout' |The fee paid to cover interest on invested capital,readiness toSY|serve,and profit,shall be ;When the scope'of work is expanded or redu ced,the fee will be increased or'reduced accordingly on a lump Sum basis as computed by multiplyingthetotalcostofthechangeby?11%,No markup of any direct|non-salary costs as defined in paragraph (c)above will be allowed.Sub-contractor's fees are included in the prime Contractor's fees.Ct met .:wee 'whee -Article C-12.Estimated Costs: The costs estimated for performing the services subject of this contract are 'shown on Exhibit B of this contract. Page 5 Article C-13.Submission of Invoices and Payments: (a)The Contractor shall submit monthly invoices to the Authority within 30 working days of each month-end and in accordance with this Appendix C,Article C-11.Billing shall reflect actual expenditures and shall provide full support. (b)Fee,as defined in Appendix C,Article C-11(d),shall be paid as incurred until 85 percent of the Fee has been paid.The remaining 15 percent of the Fee shall be held in retention by the Authority until completion of services as defined in Appendix B of this contract. (c)The Authority shall pay invoices within 30 days of receipt of said invoices by the Authority.Should any discrepancies be found by the Authority,the Authority may at its option withhold payment totheextentofthediscrepancy(ies)or,pay the invoice and require i the contractor to provide supporting documentation and/or corrective action,within the next 30 days.If supporting documentation is not received within 30 calendar days,the Authority will reduce the next invoice accordingly.The contractor will not be compensated for any reduction in billing until the 'contractor has cleared the deficiencies to the satisfactory of the |Authority. Article C-14,Limitation of Funds: At no time will any provision of this agreement make the Authority liable for payment for performance of work under this Agreement inexcessoftheamountswhichhavebeenappropriatedbytheAlaskaState Legislature and designated for expenditure for the purpose of this Agreement. The Contractor will not incur any expenses exceeding the allotted amount unless and until the Authority has notified the Contractor in writing that such allotted amount has been increased and has specified in such notice an increased amount constituting the total amount allotted to the Project. In the event that the Contractor expects the allotted amount will be exceeded by the costs and fee that are incurred in accomplishing theworkthatis.a part of this contract,the Contractor will notify theAuthorityinwritingassoonassuchexceedanceisexpected. The amount presently available for payment is $1,737 533.82. Article C-15.Purchase and Billing Instructions: The .Authority is providing the Contractor with detailed purchase and billing instructions under Attachment #1. Article C-16.Ownership of Equipment: All 'equipment purchased with funds of the State on this contract will bebilledasaseparatelineitemandinventorycontrolofnonconsumable property maintained until final Acceptance or Termination of the contract. Page 6 Contract No.08-2334 ATN 82-0820 AMENDMENT No.2 Qo.” Contract No.08-2334 between the Alaska Power Authority and Republic Geothermal,Inc.,for geothermal exploration on Makushin Volcano,Unalaska Island,Alaska is hereby agreed to by both parties and amended as follows: APPENDIX A Article 3.STATE SAVE HARMLESS. Change to read: State Saved Harmless:The Contractor shall indemnify,save harmless, and defend the State,its officers,agents and employees from liability of any nature or-kind,including costs and expenses,for or on accountofanyandalllegalactionsorclaimsofanycharacterwhatsoeverresultingfrominjuriesordamagessustainedbyanypersonorpersonsorpropertyasaresultofanyerror,omission or negligent act of theContractorrelatingtoitsperformanceofthiscontract. All legal actions or claims including defense costs resulting frominjuriesordamagessustainedbyanyperson(s)or property arising from the Contractor's performance of this contract which result in joint liability of the State and Contractor shall be apportioned on a compara- tive fault basis. APPENDIX C Article C-l11.Insurance. Insurance:During the life of this contract,the Contractor shal] pa\.\.¥ purchase and maintain insurance with a carrier or carriers satisfactory - to the Department of Administration,Division of Risk Management;covering injury to persons or property suffered by the State of Alaska or a third party,as a result of errors or omissions or operations which arise both out of and during the course of this contract by the Contrac- tor.The coverage will also provide protection against injuries to all employees of the Contractor engaged in work under this-contract. Satisfactory evidence of Insurance will be furnished to the Contracting Officer prior to beginning work under this contract.This evidence will provide a written cancellation,non-renewal or material change with a prior notice of 30 days.Insurance companies shown on such evidence shall have acceptable financial ratings.Failure to furnish satisfac- tory evidence of insurance or lapse of the policy is a material breach and grounds for termination of the Contractor's services. Before performing under this contract,evidence of the following cover- ages will be provided as applicable: 1.Worker's Compensation Insurance:The Contractor shall provide and maintain,for all employees of the Contractor engaged in work under this contract,Workers'Compensation Insurance as required by AS 23.30.045. To include: a.Statutory coverage for states in which employees are engaging in work; b.Employer's Liability Protection in the amount of $500,000 perperson/$500,000 per occurrence; c.Broad Form All State's Endorsement; d.All State and Federal Acts where applicable; e.Voluntary Compensation Endorsement. Page 1 Proj.Cove J.Opts:€2./33,/ File Ccozis:3,Dw.O2. 7 + Contract No.08-2334 ATN 82-0820 2.Comprehensive General Liability with coverage limits per contract schedule: To include: a.Premises Operations; b.Independent Contractors;c. Products/Completed Operations.(Maintained for two yearsaftercompletionofcontract); d.Blanket Contractual; e.Explosion,Collapse and Underground (XCU)coverage; f. Owner's/Contractor's Protective Liability; g.Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability Endorsement(I1S0G-222 or equivalent). 3.Comprehensive Automobile Liability with coverage limits per con- tract schedule including: To include: a.All Owned Vehicles; b.All Hired Vehicles; c.All Non-owned Vehicles; d.Uninsured Motorists. Limits required as per schedule: 4.Professional Liability:**Coverage for all errors,omissions or negligent acts which the Contractor or employees may make which result in financial loss to the State of Alaska. Limits required as per schedule.If policy is written on a "claims made"basis,the policy must be warranted to be maintained for a minimum of three years after expiration of the contract. 5.Aircraft/Watercraft liability:*Combined single limit for Bodily Injury,Passenger Liability and Property Damage Liability. a.Owned aircraft/watercraft; b.Non-owned aircraft/watercraft; c.Hired,chartered,or rental aircraft/watercrafts; Limits required as per schedule. *To be included when aircraft or watercraft are to be used in performance of the contract,either to be provided by Contractor for owned aircraft/watercraft or person/firms contracted with. LIMITS FOR ALL INSURANCE ARE PER THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE LIMITS REQUIRED SCHEDULE CONTRACT AMOUNT MINIMUM REQUIRED LIMITS To $499,999 $1,000,000 per occurrence/ annual aggregate $500,000 to $999,999 $5,000,000 per occurrence/ annual aggregate $1,000,000 to 4,999,999 $10,000,000 per occurrence/ annual aggregate $5,000,000 or over $20,000,000 per occurrence/ annual aggregate Page 2 Contract No.08-2334 ATN 82-0820 Per occurrence Maximum Deductible/SIR Acceptable:2%of annual receipts. **See Item 4,Professional Liability."Claims Made"option with war- ranted 3 years of coverage maintenance after expiration of contract. It is agreed that compensation for the additional insurance required is$2,959.82 and will be billed as a separate line item to the contract. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Executed this /3 day of "Ae?4A47 ,1982. ( FOR THE CONTRACTOR FOR OWNER REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC.ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY "aBY:Ee dLehbacen BY:S.-Y \|Pee\DATE;executive Vice President DATE:{>324 77 1) DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION BY:OELacs,,Aligarh,pate:___MAY131962 Original Contract $1974351-00 FOR THE CONTRACT REVIEW CCHMITTEE Sub-total 247,321.00 | Amendment No.2 2.959.82 New Total ;. {liv amend wrod to Coren an addutrmas IWcucen 6 regres)wives yunaBuddomneimpose b Cw wd. Page 3 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 7,1982 Robert A.Mohn... Terry J.McGuire Patti DeJong -/ Republic Geothermal,Inc. Contract Amendments 2 and 3 STATEMENT OF JUSTIFICATION Contract Amendment #2 changes insurance requirements of Appendix C and allows the contractor to bill the Authority for their cost of insurance pursuant to the new State insurance requirements. Contract Amendment #3 allows the contractor to proceed with Phase I8activitiesasplanned.The orfginal contract was fixed price.Work performed under this Amendment will be billed to the State on a cest-plus-fixed-fee basis (due to the nature of the exploration program). SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTS Original Contract Amount Amendment No.1 Sub Total Amendment No.? Sub Total Amendment No.3 Sub Total Subtract Amendment No.1 New Total Criginal ATN $-197,321.00 50,000.00 2,959.82 <<e$1,537 ,253.00 -50,000.00 $5,000,000,.00 All funding for this contract is from Account No.08-7-4-281. PD:amy Carbons Aitachments cc __ PD wD P= Proj,Co":ALKS<A POWER-AUTHORITY 47:ardF&v:pases 9”SNR FP Ae |eT ,Cene-2334 |lay _--- -- The following Amendment to the contract dated January 1,1982 between'the ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY {hereinafter called the "Authority"'andREPUBLICGEOTHERMAL,INC.(hereinafter called the "Contractor'}forgeotherna!exploration on Makushin Votcanc,Unalaska Island,Alaska hasbeenagreedtobybethparties: Article 3:Chance June 30,1982 to December 31,1982.. Page B-2;Add Task 6. The Contractor shal]make necessary pre-drilling arrangements with appropriate Subcontractors to prepare for thermal gradientdrillinc.The Contractor shall tiwit the extent of penalty to notgreaterthan$50,000.This amount {s to be paid to the ContractorintheeventthattheContractorisunabletomakeuseofthe services of the subcontractors for reasons beyond the control oftheContractorfe.g.failure of the responsible federal and state -agencies to issue necessary permits tn a timely manner in spite of-the Contractor's best efforts to obtain the versits).The Authority shall pay onty the direct costs of the penalties,thetotalofwhichshallnotexceed$50,000.These costs will be paiddirectlytotheContractorforsubsequentpaymenttotheSubcontractors. The Contractor shall follow the Purchasing Regulations described inAttachment#1 to this Amendment for selection of subcontractors.Anvmaterialsobtainedasaresultofpavmentofapenaltyfeebecome property of the Authority. "O> Page B-3;Add 12/31/82 Bill for direct costs {per Billina {Mot to exceedInstructionsAttachmentNo.2)$50,000 REPUBLIC GEQTHERMAL,INC.seb,IvyELOMoOew.atExecutiveVicePresidentecutiveDYor .tthe ithe Date:3/10/82 Date:(2 Mth Be Amount of ATE ¢5 non np nt oO origina con rac o7, Amount of Amendment :50 ,000 New Total SUT RY 7 Amount estimated for , Phase IB $492,059 Amount estimated for Phase [Tf $3,974,310 Fite Code:Or OP.OF}| J.Cate:88.82./ ATTACHMENT MBRER #] PURCHASING REGULATIONS Purchase limitations are as per contract. It is the responsibility of the Contractor and of each subcontractor to exercite prudent descretion {in making any purchase of equipnent,materials,or personne?services for the Unalaska Geothermal Crillina.Each subcontractor wilt be held responsible for any abuse of the required prudent discretion in the purchasing process. The following reculations will apply: At least three (3)competitive quotations shal?be solicited when a commodity exceeds $300.00 per unit or $1,000 for a croup of items.and these documents pertainina to the purchase shall be made a permanent part of the resulting Purchase Order. For items costing less than $300.00 per unit the obtaining of three quotations is not mandatory,but should be considered orudent in order to assure purchase from the most economical source. The best choice will be the offer combining quality,convenientprices,convenient delivery.terms,and not necessarily the oneofferingthelowestprice.Selection not based on lowest pricemustbejustifiedanddocumented. Ataska Ridders Preference: An Alaskan bidder shall receive the award if his bid is not more than 5%hicher than the lowest nonresident bidder price. The Purchase Order will reflect the complete description of the item to be purchased:make,model,serial number,etc.Prices:are requiredtobefirm.An escalator clause may be appropriate when supplies ormaterialswillbefurnishedoveraperiodoftimeandthemarket condition of the commodity to be purchased is anticipated to fluctuate on a nationwide basis.Whenever an escalator clause is used ft must include a provision for a recuction in orice as wetl as ar increase. Fo Purchase Order will exceed the budget without prior written approvaloftheAlaskaPowerAuthority. Emercency purchases may occur when an immediate demand for supplies,materials,or contractual services is required in preventing loss oflifeorproperty.Each emergency purchase must be approved bytheUnalaskaGeothermalDrillingProfectManager.This authority mayalsobedelegatedtotheprojectsupervisorinthefield. Each emercency purchase must be substantiated by a full explanation ofthenatureoftheemergency.This justification muct accompany the payment documents wher submitted to the Alaska Power Authority. ATTACIRIENT HUMBER le TO PROJECT SERVICES AGREEMENT BILLING INSTRUCTIONS The proposed billing instructions are designed to pmwvide theAlaskaPowerAuthoritywithcoordinatedfinancialinfometim tcminimizetheeffortinvolvedinprocessingandsummarizingfinancialtransacticns. The monthly billing will be hased om actual distexsenents (cashbasis)ard will provide total suppert and adequate axiit trails.This means that the svstem should summarize financial transactionsandwillprovideameansoftracingthedetailedcomponents.Snecial provisions are indicated at #3.b and 23.c.° Internal Control The Contractor's bill shall be prepared by their accountingCerartmentandshallbeapprovedbytheProjectManager. Te monthly billing will be checked for payment by the Alaska PowerAuthorityInternalAuditorandapprovedforpaymentbythePower.Authority Director of Finance and/or the Executive Director. -Form of Billing 3.a The Contractor will reflect on the mnthly billing the currentmarth's actual exnenditures in the same format of the Cost Estimatewhichispartofthecontract.The various activities by task willbesummarizedundermintitlesandwillconstitutethetotalmonthlybillingfortheProject. 3.6 "Special billing”will be accepted for purchase cf equiomentorotherlarveexpenditurestotaling$100,000 and over. Purchase Orders approved bv officials of the Prwer kothority ane the Contractorwillbeacceptedas supecrt.Purchase Orders willindicateingreatGetailitemstobepurchased,unit cost,execterGateofinvoice(s)so that timely payrent bv the State of Alaskawillallowforcashdiscramtsand/or avoidance of penaities forlatepayment.Purchase Oniers will also indicate to whem thepavinemt.should be mace. 3.c."promess billing'will be accented for amomts totaling$100,000 and over inclusiveor festirated payroll,frinoe benefits,overhead costs),and other incurred actual expenditures.The PowerAuthoritywillrecoonizepaymentof603cfestimatedpavroll,fringe benefits and overhead costs and 100%of other supportedactualewmmenditures.Fees shall not be included. 3.d.The monthly billing for each calendar mmnth will reflect the total amounts of exnenses incurred and army "Special Billing”and/or"Procress Billing”will be indicated after the "Total*as adjustingentriestoreducecheamountcue. #23.e.The wer Authority's cbjective in.mizing "SpecialBillina”Vor "Progress Billine*is to streamline theContractor's cash flow so that the Contractor mav expedite its cencomsitmertstothesubcontractersandvendorg.'The Power Authority requires that the Contractor will allow payments on account to thesubcontractorsinc?uced in the special and/cr progress billing inamanitscroporticnatetothebillingandthepavmentreceivedbvtheContractorfortheqivenbillina. Porm of Payment The Power Authority will provide payment by wire transfer throughtheAlaskaDepartmentofCommerceandEconamicDevelomment(JuneauOffice)to any bank indicated by the Contractor for amounts over$100,000.Payments less than $100,000willbemadebywarrantthroughtheAlaskaDepartmentofCommerceandEconomicDevelcooment(Juneau Office).In tumn the Comtractor will set up a syste thatwillminimizetheproblemorremittingpaymentsfromtheirheadguartersaimingtoreducethenumberofdavsformildeliveryandclearanceOFoutofStatechecksforpaymentstoberadewithintheStateofAlaska. Other Direct Costs -Expenses 1.Shall be billed as identified per Cost Estimate and/or Cost and/or approved Revised Cost Estimate must be feotnotert.Fachexpenditurewillbesupportedbyacopyoforiginalpaidinvoice orothertraditioallyaccepteddoomentofsumpert. 2.State end Local Taxes:the Alaska Power AuthorityisataxexemptsubliccorporationoftheStateofAlaskaandwilluponletterapplicaticnbythecontractor,provide the Contractor with aSalesTaxandTaxExemptCertificatefortheveriodofContractor'sperformanceunderthiscontract. Subcontractors The Contractor Will provide the Power Authority with covies ofcontractsforeachsubcontractoratthebeginningoftheoroject orcontractswillbeorovidedaccordingtotheongoingparticipation:schedule of each subcontractorcftheProject. The Contractorwill indiceteeachsubcontractoron the monthivbillirgasalineitemandwillprovice42111supportforindividual.transactions leading up to the total hilled.The Power Authority expects that the same basic billing prerrouisites cf the Contractor will apply to the subcontractors billings (cash basis and 190% support}. State and focal Taxes:(Sea §.PF.2)The Power Authority wil!issue - specific certificates of tax exemption for each subormtrectoraccordinstoneedandonlyformajormirrchases.ft wil]se the responsibility cf each subcontractor to notify the prime ComttactorandthePowerAuthoritvanatimelybasisoftheneedcfsuch document. This attachment #1 "Billing Instructions”is intended to he asupplementtoArticleC-11 of the contract.If a conflict shouldarisethegeneralprovisionsofthecontractwillprevailovertheMnrestiFooLe Accom*Costs The Contractor shall maintain bonks and account of the RecoverableCostsinaccordancewithgenerallyacceptedaccamtingprinciplesandpractices,The Authority,Guring the Contractor's nor!business hours for the duration of this contract,end for a pericdofthree{2)years after the completion of the varticular Servicestowhichthecostsrelate,shall heve access to these books andaccountstotheextentrecuiredtoveritytheRecoverableCosts incurred hereun¢er;vrovided that such verification with recard tc.Yates ané allowances have been charged in accordance with the termsofthiscontractandthatitem:of direct cost so claimed have infactheenincurred. Billins and supporting documents wil}provide an audit fram thesubcentractor''s or vendor's invnices to the monthly invoice by theprimeContractor.any allocation of costs will be supported by .allocation schedules. Form of Billing Documents: a.Invoices will be submitted with documnted cost summarics byContractor,by subcontractor,to include the following: (1}Payroll(a)Direet labor,exclurira cvertinv:tb}Frince benefits {c)Overhead ;(2)Overtime {overtim:cece net carr;uverhecni) (2)Other direct costs{a}Qne line item for tota!coutpment purchases.(b)Detailed back-up fer ceuipmmt purchases.ic)As a separate scheduln.Cne line item for other direct costs. (a}Scherwle of all other direct mstr. (3)Subcontracter cost by contractcr (4)Fees on mibecuntractorrs,if anv. (S}Total invnice. b,The Contractor will provide the Authority with a currentinventoryofallpurchasedcyuipmentas©expplement co the DSilling document.Tes A r a \lowe ef RGE Te |82-0820 STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION AUTHORITY TO ENTER CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS This form must be executed prior to entering negotiations regarding PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS when the contract amount ig in excess Of $2,500 in an annual period.The PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE on the reverse side of this form must be completed in all circumstances.Refer to Administrative Manual,Section 8000 for further instructions. Oepartmant 08 Division Contract Type Commerce &Economic Development Alaska Power Authority 5E Amount of Contract Period Covered NTE $5,000,000 From December 15,1981 to June 30,1984 Purpose(s)of Contract |Develop drilling plan for Unalaska Geothermal_(FCCSSB 26,Section 27)and operate drilling program,including any necessary subcontracts for pre-drilling reservoir definition, drilling,analysis and all logistic support. = a 4 a:=--==[oer oO eeZFSo te oe)=zoOasuda=om.SS > a "S . |omnes We intend to negotiate with the following persons or firms.Agencies SHOULD list at least three choices or explain why it is not possible. Nate oe Address'Alaska Business Licens« This was advertised in Alaskan and other newspapers (and to a mailing list Cl ves (No Name Address Alaska Businass Licensé developed specifically for this project)in accordance with Alaska Power Oves Ono Name Address Alaska Business License Authority consulting engineer selection procedures.Oves Ono Name Address Alaska Business License O Yes 0 No |Name /-'Address Alaska Business LicanseeobiabLicCewwBerbeFlZrnrer[lyes ONo Naniwe y Addrass Alaska Business License QO Yes 0 No BUDGETARY DATA ° Buaget Entry Code °BRU Name Collocation Code 07-73-04-04-39 Alaska Power Authority 08-73-4-281 FOR THE DEPARTMENT COMMERCE &ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTDeparmentHeadoDuthorizedRepresentayiveTitle-we DateetaeyChasfC_DEPUTY COMMISSIONER eo & JTheconcurrence'eof the Department of Administration is sought so that we may proceed to negotiate the above contract. CONCUR Department gf Administration Tiel .mipris name |DateNsFORTHECONTRACTREVIEWCOMMITTEE DEC 29 1981 The proposed contract must be forwarded to the Department of Administration after contractor and Departmental signatures have been affixed but prior to execution or effective date,for final approval. 02-189 (Rev.7/81) » ,PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE Proposed Contractor Will the contractor be subject to supervision by agents,officials,or employees of the state? 2.Will the state be involved in training the contractor as to the methods and/or techniques that are to be used to accomplish the work that is to be done? 3.Willit be necessary for the contractor to render the services personally? 4.Will the contractor be hiring/firing,supervising and financing payment of non-state employees tn conjunction with the fulfillment of the proposed contract? 5.Will the state retain the right to specify the hours (e.g.,start/stop times,minimum or maximum hours,days of week,etc.)during which the contractor is to accomplish the work required by the agreement? If so,what will be the nature of the specification? G.Will the state retain the right to specify the location at which the contractor will perform the required services? 7.Will the state retain the right to specify the order or sequence in which the tasks involved will be accomplished? 8.Will the contractor be paid based upon time worked (e.g.,hours,days,months)(in contrast to payment for completion of a product or,in the case of progress payments,a specified portion of the total product)? 9.Will the contractor be reimbursed for miscellaneous expenses,such as travel,over and above the compensation agreed upon for the services to be rendered?(check ''not applicable”it no miscellaneous expenses,such as ytravel,will be involved in accomplishing the work to be done).A 10.Will the state supply tools and materials necessary for the contractor to accomplish the work to be done?Xx (check "not applicable'column if no tools and/or materials are involved in the work to be done). 11.Will the contractor be exposed to the risk of a financial loss under the terms of the proposed agreement?yAY 12.Will the contractor be afforded liability protection under state purchased insurance policies? iso,what type of cuverage?X K 13,Is the contractor currently a party to agreements for the provision of similar services to non-state entities?y 14.Does the contractor make his/her services available to the general public (i.e.,maintain an office in a public place,advertise in yellow pages,trade journals,etc.)?y 15.Will the state be supplying office or other work space for the use of the contractor?(check "not applicable” if work space is only incidental in providing the required services).X 1G.Will the state be able to discharge the contractor prior to completion of contract for reasons other than fail-Xuretoperformasspecifiedbytheagreementortheunavailabilityofappropriatedfunds?; 17.Wilt the agreement make the defaulting party liable for payment of damages rising out of the failure to per-yform?. 18.Will the state have the right of first call on the services of the contractor?X 19.Will the contractor be bound to comply with the general policies and procedures govering the behavior of v state employees by the proposed agreement?. 20.Why is it deemed preferable to contract for the required services instead of hiring an employee to provide them? Requires specialized-skills and experience not available on an mrlawoon hacicCMPTOyeevaso: The above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.Mo t Signature Tide DateMG?Contracts Administrator 8/27/81 Comments on any of the above answers may be appended. STATE OF ALASKA: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIO y Ne -70 fle-7-/ STANDARD AGREEMENT FORM C&non Z 334FORPROFESSIONALSERVICESCONTRACTM7482-0720Thiscontract,which ts effective only if it is approved by the Department of Administration,is between the State of Alaska,"Department of Commerce &Economic Development hereafter,The State,and Republic Geothermal,Inc.hereafter,the Contractor Mailing Address Sureet or P.O.Box City Strate Zin Code P.O.Box 3388 Santa Fe Springs,CA 90670 Alaska Business License Number Internal Revenue Service Number 033609 SIC 1382 95-2930282 This isa contract for professional services.AS_44.83 010 _authorizes the State to make this contract.The parties to the contract agree as follows:ARTICLE 1.Appendices.Appendices referred to in this contract 'and attached to it are considered part of it. ARTICLE 2.Performance of Services. 2.1 Appendix A,Articles 1 through 16,governs the performance of services under this contract. 2.2 Appendix 8 sets forth the services to be performed by the contractor. ARTICLE 3.Period of Performance.The period of performance under this contract begins __January |,1982 and ends vune 30,,1982 _.Performance may be extended for additional periods by the written agreement of the parties. ARTICLE 4.Consideration. 4.1 In full consideration of the Contractor's performance under this contract,the State shall pay the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of Appendix C. 4.2 When billing the State,the Contractor shall refer to the State Contract Number and send the billing to: Oepartment of , Attn:Division ofCommerce&Economic Development Alaska Power Authority Mailing Address C ONTRACTOR STATE Name of Firm Republic Geothermal,Inc.OeAlaska.or Agency &Econ.Development Signature of Ayshorized Representatiye orghature of ying Officer ray Lbrch,Pee usw!le Coben TT Ch fau]s L. Typed of Printed Name of Authorized Representative Typed or Printed Narhe of Certifying Olticer / .Wee 'bE.W.Wellbaum Eric P.Youl EM bheowh Title Title Executive Vice President Executive Director {Deputy Commissioner APPROVAL BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION ' NOTICE!This contract has no effect except as an offer by the Contractor until it is approved by the Department of Administration. Signature of Authorized Official of the Department of Administration Oate FDYETD»JAN 2 8 1982 Typeo or Printed Name of Authorizing Official y °rs ee net i ee preapoetBOUTRIRaviEWCOMMITTEE APPENDIX A Articie 1.Datinitions.an tw i 4.4.in th contract and appendices."Certilying Officer”means the person who signs this contract on dehail of the Department and includes a successor of authonzed regveseniaiive oo ae 1.2 "Department”means the agency for which this contract is to be performed and lor which the Certilying Officer acted in signing this contract.2 ca Anicie 2.inspeciion and Reports. 9 2.4.The Oegartment may inspect,in the manner and at reasonable times it considers appropriate,all the Contractor's facilites and activities under this contract.;tO2.2.The Contractor snali make progress and other reports in the manner and at the limes the Department reasonably requires.mM Article 3.State Saved Harmiess. The Contractor shall mdemnity and hold and save the State.its olficers,agenis and employees harmless trom bability of any nature or kind,including Coss and expenses,for or on account of any and all jegat actions or claims of any character whatsoever resulting trom injunes or damages sustained by any person of persons of property arising Irom ils per: formance of this Contract in any way whatsoever (OVER).eee : 7 7, . an .as Bp cea weateo wtf oe aT, ee NER ER et,OA RENT T cement eet pa CURT eens APPENDIX B SCOPE OF WORK This contract is for the performance of work required to formulate an exploratory drilling program to assess the geothermal resource on |Unalaska Island,located on Alaska's Aleutian Chain.The work under||this contract shall be performed in the following three phases: |Phase IA:Data review and technical planning meeting,data synthesis,detailed planning of Phase IB work. Phase IB:Land and environmental]field work,field exploration, data compilation and analysis,detailed planning of Phase TI work. Phase II:Thermal gradient drilling,data svnthesis,and deep well drilling.- i The decisions to procede with Phase IB and II work shall be contingent !upon the satisfactory completion of the previous phases and the negotiation of contract terms acceptable to both the Power Authoritv and Republic Geothermal,Inc.These latter phases shall be performed under amendments to the original,Phase IA,contract. This Phase IA contract shall be a fixed price contract totalling $197,321 to be paid as described in the schedule on pace B-3 of this appendix.The work to be performed under the Phase IA contract shalJ include the following tasks: Task 1.Data Review |The Contractor shall conduct a thorough Jiterature survey to assess what |applicable information has been obtained to date.This literature survey shall include analysis of the following: -literature available and in preparation -maps available and in preparation -air photos available and in preparation -satellite imagery -interviews with all previous workers Task 2.Technical Planning Meeting i,The Contractor shall conduct a technical planning meeting to he held in Anchorage for the purpose of facilitatinq information transfer hetween past Unalaska geothermal researchers and those presently involved in the Unalaska geothermal exploration program.The Contractor shall invite other participants whose technical expertise may be of benefit to the program.These participants shall include,but not be limited to, several who will be suggested by the Power Authority.Representatives 1 Of the Aleut Corporation and the Unalaska Village Corporation and other |government agencies shall also be invited. The Contractor shall determine the status of surface and resource !ownership,permit requirements and scheduling for geological/geophvsical |work,temperature gradient holes,deep exploratory wells,and well 1 tesing,and assess the existing environmental data base for the project area. i Task 4.Logistics i The Contractor shall obtain information regarding logistics of i performing Phase IB and Phase II exploratory operations.This{ |information shall include,but not be limited to,the followina: }B-1 alternatives for personnel transport;alternatives for equipment transport;overland access and travel;shelter,food and fuel; communications network;safety and medical considerations;and repair facilities. Task 5.Data Synthesis and Detailed Planning Subtask A -The Contractor shall synthesize all available geological, geochemical,and geophysical data and develop a preliminary conceptual model of the Unalaska geothermal systems in the vicinity of Makushin Volcano. Subtask B -The Contractor shall be responsible for all lard and environmental background investigation necessary to obtain access to the resource and the surface,and for obtaining all permits for geophvsical and geological work where such permits are required.The Contractor shall initiate permit applications for thermal and deep drilling to thedegreepossible(depending upon agency requirements for precise description of the location of the drilling site). Subtask C -The Contractor shall formulate a detailed plan for the 1982 geological and geophysical field work. The Contractor shall design a data collection program for optimizing temperature gradient hole and deep well site selection and a baseline environmental data collection program to meet permit requirements. The Contractor shall design a detailed plan of all loaistics for the Phase IB and II field work. 'The Contractor shall make necessary scheduling arrangements for the Phase IB,1982,field work. Subtask D -The Contractor shall prepare 25 copies of a Phase IA technical report to include the results of the literature inventory and Gata analysis,land and environmental findings,and the plans formulated in Phase IA.All raw data and analytic results obtained in the performance of this work will he reported to the Power Authority and will be provided in total to the Power Authority upon request. BILLING SCHEDULE AND SCHEDULE OF DELIVERABLES 2/28/82 Progress report and technical planning meeting proceedings. 4/30/82 Phase IA report B-3 $97,321 $100,000 1982DATE:___FEP 72,A938 FROM:__IG3_ANSEIPS |ORIGINATOR:CAIRRSEN ADDRESSEE: ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY o, a. ".eee SswpPor° ATIN:'TOOCANBESGIA Do4n HAzgworO Risee MAKrAGE MENT RE:REPLELIC Ge0teeRvan CCoOG-233$ATN F2-0820 CONPITM PROSESSIONAL LIASILITY COVERAGE BOUND TODAY WITH LiCvps oF LONDON FOR QIS MOLLICN COLLAR LIMITS WIT 25 TOUSAND DOLLAS DEDUCTIBLE FOR POLICY PERICD 2/22/82 TO 1/1/93.COVERAGE FOR REPUBLIC GUUIHERSL CONTRACT WITH THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FOR ASSESSING GSOINEFHAL FESOURCES Qi UNALASRA ISLAND, Le Cares bs AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION -UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ALASKA 88. FOURTH DISTRICT 18931 LegalSTATE OF ALASKA' ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The ALASKA POWER AuU- THORITY is soliciting from interested parties written propos:. als for the following: 1)Oata anatysis and. preparation of a detailed explor- atory driliing plan for the geotner-{ mal resource in the vicinity of Makushin Volcano on Unataska Island of the Aleutian Chain,and +2)Operations of the drililng pro- gram,including alt logisticarrangements., . .Proposals will be available from the Aiaska Power Authority Sep- tember 22,1981.Engineer selec- tion will be made by the Alaska Power Authority.Solicitation,se- lection and contracting for these services are to conform to.al!ap- Plicable statutes.Four copies of each proposal shalt be submitted In person or by mail to the following address not later than 4:30 P.M October 28,1981: Alaska Power Authorlty we femme 333 Wes!41n Avenue,Suite I} Ancnorage,Alaska 99501 Questions concerning proposai Preparation or format may be addressed to;: Patricia DeJang Phone:(907)277-9336 or (907)277-7541 .PUBLISH:September 23,24,25, 1981. | first duly sworn, :Before me,the undersigned,a notary public,this day person- »?ALICE HANSENallyappeared:,who,being according to law,says that he/she is an Advertising Clerk of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner,a newspaperpublishedatFairbanks,in said Fourth District and State, and that the advertisement,of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in said paper on the following day(s), 9/23/81 9/24/81 9/25/81 and that the rate charged thereon is not in excess of the4 rate charged private "Cd rth the us discounts. .”- 30 THSubscribedandsworntobeforemethisSEPTEMBER81°Lali Zh.Aen por"Notary PuBlic in and-for the LaredoAlaska. MARCH 43 1985 day of My commission expires CUSNRe 69124 LEGAL NO 18931-0 .ADVERTESING-ee 1 ICE MUST BE IN TRIPLICATE SHOWING AD\ISING DEPT.NO |A ONO. i ORDER ( (R.NO,,CERTIFIED AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICAT._..[PART -- ,2 OF THIS FORM)WITH ATTACHED COPY OF .-MENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH.INVOICE.aovertise |AQ-08 7382 if VENDOR NO.DATE OF AO. 8 Anchorage Daily News ADN 501 Sept.17,1981 r Pouch 6616 DATES ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED. s Anchorage,Alaska 99502 :Sept.20,22,24,1981 R THE MATERIAL BETWEEN THE OOUBLE LINES MUST BE PRINTED IN ITS ENTIRETY ON THE DATES SHOWN, 5 aan oar Authority |-BILLING ADORESS: R est 4th Avenae,Suite 31°. 0 Anchorage,Alaska 99501...Alaska Power Authority M 9 Oley...333 West 4th Avenue,Suite 31" Anchorage,Alaska 99501 AFFIDAVIT-OF-PUBLICATION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA oe -|yy STATE OF ALASKARECEIVEDa SACASKA, state of Lindh ss POWER AUTHORITY DPLrdk DIVISION.'|Tne ALASKA POWER ocT 2 198}|REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY from WMeresteaperteg = ;i s for 3EFORE ME,THE UNDERSIGNED,A NOTARY PUBLIC THIS DAY ©following: woe epoce . 1)Data analysis and prepara-PERSONALLY APPEARED Doha.Loans ,L WHO,;thon of a aetailed explorer amalresourceinthevicinily ')of Makushin Volcano onUnaiaskaIsiandofine BEING FIRST DULY SWORN,ACCORDING TO LAW,SAYS THAT _.. , Aleutian Chain,and. -a/vo 2)Operation:of the ering;program,including alt logisticHE(SHE IS THe eget CALk oF Dib.241)4 arrangements.;.a d Proposals will 'be available 1 .*.rePUBLISHEDAT___WZAd Ada -_INSAID DIVISION trom,1M eptember 72.1981.Co Engineer .selections will be /made by the Alaska PoweDAtsdanostateor_Altdha.-_aNO THAT THE Autortyoniracting1or IRese 2 services are-to contorm So all :. ;applicable statutes.; SDVERTISEMENT,OF WHICH THE ANNEXED 1S A TR UE COPY,Four copies of each proposalshallbesubmittedinpersonorbymail.to tne following AAS PUBLISHED IN SAID PUBLICATION ON THE OLY "DAY OF nares oper 2c 1981:aaa ,=we .."a Alaska Power Autnorily vashylinblr_9 8 AND THEREAFTER FOR:LBs wee .:To Miya Tgp te .yO aska TyseT 4 Anchorage,A CONSECOFMTE DAYS,THE LAST PUBLICATION APPEARING ON Questions concerning Peer oe - rae -addressed to:...wo mne_2#_pav ordenStsi03l,jano-THAT THE |BatreBEsgs+(907)277-7642 RATE CHARGED THEREON IS,NOT.IN EXCESS OF THE RATE Pub:,September 20,22,24, BO YAT Ue es A0-087352->: CHARGED PRIVATE INQIVIDUALS:-.. Ste tetewees |sb:ae oN SUBSCRIBED AND SWORNTO'BEFORE ME -:THIS__\__DAY OF_OC KS _1881 LS ;7 ;;1 cha |.Cr,be a _k NOTARY PUBLIC FOR STATE OF A - MY COMMISSION EXPIRES My Commission Expires REMINDER- ATTACH INVOICES AND PROOF OF PUBLIC =8 wena ; .-_;Inwiine 1 FYUBLIONER .»ADVERTISING -1 ICE MUST BE IN TRIPLICATE SHOWING AD\ISING DEPT _NO.A.O.NO- ORDER GnucR NO.,CERTIFIED AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION (PART ;2 OF THIS FORM)WITH ATTACHED Copy oF aovertise-|AQ-08 7353 MENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH INVOICE. Pp VENOOR NO,DATE OF ALO. 5 Southeast Alaska Empire SAE 734 September 17,1981 L 325 Second Street DATES ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED: s Juneau,Alaska 'Sept.20,22,24,1981E R THE MATERIAL BETWEEN THE DOUBLE LINES MUST BE PRINTED IN ITS ENTIRETY ON THE DATES SHOWN. ¢Alaska Power Authority BILLING AOORESS. 333 West 4th Avenue,Suite 31R'° o Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Alaska Power Authority M 9 333 West 4th Avenue,Suite 31 Anchorage,.Alaska 99501AFFIDAVIT.OF.PUBLICATION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA |ssSTATEOFDIVISION.| BEFORE ME,THE UNDERSIGNED,A NOTARY PUBLIC THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED Jeff Wilson -WHO, 3EING FIRST DULY SWORN,ACCORDING TO LAW,SAYS THATHE/SHE IS MeGeneral Manager -0F Jmeat Eupire” PUBLISHED AT Jimean _ AND STATE OF._Alaska ADVERTISEMENT,OF WHICH THE ANNEXED IS A-TRUE COPY,WAS PUBLISHED IN SAID PUBLICATION ON THe 22"Bay oF September IN SAID DIVISION "AND THAT THE - 19.81,AND THEREAFTER'RFOR__2 , STATE OF ALASKA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ts soliciting from interested parties proposals forthefollowing:.2)Data analysis and preparation of a detailedexploratorydrillingresourceinthevicinityofMakushinVolcanoonpianforthegeothermal 'Unalaska Island of the Aleutian Chain,and :+2)Operation of the drilling program,in'cluding all logistie arrangements..Proposals will be avatlabie from the Alaska ,Power Authority September 22,1¥61.EngineerselectionwillbemadebytheAlaskaPower Authority.Solicitation,selection and con- tracting for these services are to conform to ail »-applicabie statutes. .Four copies of each proposal shall be submit-ted in person or by mail to the following addressnotlaterthan4:30 p.m.,October 28,1981:'"Alaska Power Authority_333 West 4th Avenue,Suite 31 mn .Anchorage,Alasks 99501 . Questions conceming proposal preparation or:format may be addressed to: Patricia DeJong Phone:(907)277-9336 or (907)277-7541. ad 'Publish:Sept.2,2A,2,1981'900-89 : CONSECUTIVE DAYS,THE LAST PUBLICATION 'APPEARING ON . THE__28 DAY OF__September 19.81.AND THAT THERATECHARGEDTHEREONISNOTINEXCESSoFmEaCHARGEDPRIVATEees\di LEwae1SBox\NB "SWORN 'TO BEFORE MEDTHIS_267 DAY"OF Septenmper-lo.BL.-"teen LeyNOTARYPUBLIC FOR STATSOF AlaskaMYCOMMSSIONEXPIRES = My Commission expiresREMINDER-"September 8,1985 ATTACH INVOICES ANN DROQE OF oDtIRi IC ATION