HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Narrative Business Operating Plan of the City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility NOVEMBER 17, 2003 City of Larsen Bay P.O. Box 8 Larsen Bay, AK 99624 Phone: (907) 847-2211 Fax: (907) 847-2239 City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 1 of 25 SEE BACK COVER FOR CD VERSION OF THIS PLAN. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... 2 Document Interrelationships ..................................................................................................................................... 2 II. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................... 3 Selected Statistics – Larsen Bay ................................................................................................................................. 3 III. FACILITY UPGRADE .......................................................................................................................... 4 Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Description ..................................................................................................................... 4 Project Exclusions ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Community Site Plan and Details ............................................................................................................................. 5 Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Capacity........................................................................................................................... 7 IV. FACILITY PARTICIPANTS................................................................................................................... 8 Participant Contacts .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Facility Component Ownership ................................................................................................................................ 8 V. PRIMARY OPERATOR ........................................................................................................................ 9 Turnover and Assumption of Responsibilities/Sustainability .............................................................................. 9 Staffing and Training ................................................................................................................................................... 9 Financial Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Operations and Maintenance Guidelines ................................................................................................................. 10 Renewal and Replacement Guidelines ..................................................................................................................... 12 Audits and Reporting .................................................................................................................................................. 12 VI. SECONDARY OPERATOR ................................................................................................................... 13 VII. INSURANCE ........................................................................................................................... 14 VIII. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................................. 15 IX. FINANCIAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 16 Key Financial Assumptions ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Key Operating Assumptions ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Bulk Fuel Facility Funding ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Subsequent Operating Year Revisions ..................................................................................................................... 17 TABLES Table A: Summary of Facility Expenses to Participant ........................................................................................ 18 Table B: Participant Allocation ................................................................................................................................ 19 Table C: Annual O&M Costs ................................................................................................................................... 19 Table D: 40 Year O&M Cashflow ........................................................................................................................... 20 Table E: 40 Year R&R Schedule .............................................................................................................................. 21 Table F: 40 Year R&R Cashflow ............................................................................................................................. 22 Table G: Loan Schedule ............................................................................................................................................ 24 APPENDIX A: PRIMARY OPERATOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATION APPENDIX B: O&M AND R&R COST ESTIMATE ADDITIONAL RELATED AND ATTACHED DOCUMENTS 1. SECONDARY OPERATOR AGREEMENT 2. SITE CONTROL DOCUMENTS 3. GRANT AGREEMENT 4. R&R FUND ACCOUNT -- SAMPLE DOCUMENTS City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 2 of 25 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Business Operating Plan (the “Plan”) provides a guideline for the City of Larsen Bay’s (City) maintenance, operation and sustainability of a new Bulk Fuel Storage Facility (the “Facility”). The City will be responsible to maintain and sustain the Facility. Therefore, a critical concern for the City is the ongoing sustainability of the newly installed Facility. This Plan has been developed to assist the City with that effort: it estimates operation and maintenance needs and costs, estimates renewal and replacement needs and costs, and a per gallon surcharge for fuel. The Bulk Fuel Upgrade Project will construct a new Bulk Fuel Storage Facility in Lar sen Bay that will replace all of the existing storage facilities of the City. The City will utilize its Facility assets to operate City owned utilities and directly retail fuel. The Facility will be turned over to the Primary Operator after the satisfactory completion, as determined by AEA or its representative, of a 14-day test period. After this test period, AEA will provide written notice (Certificate of Substantial Completion) stating that the Facility is ready for Beneficial Occupancy. Upon receipt of this Certificate, the City will become the Primary Operator and will assume responsibility for the use, day-to-day operations, and long-term maintenance of all Facility components, except those noted elsewhere in the Plan. When the project has been completed (the Facility is complete, crews have demobilized, invoices have been paid and there are no outstanding issues), the AEA will issue through its Grants Manager a Certificate of Project Completion. This Certificate is included in the Grant Agreement; see Additional Related and Attached Documents. This Plan focuses on wholesale operations only. Additional costs that will be borne by the end -user include fuel costs and other retail operation and maintenance costs (defined later in this Plan). These additional costs are not part of this Plan. See Table A: Summary of Facility Expenses to Participant for the estimated per gallon fuel surcharge. Document Interrelationships The Business Operating Plan is a plan, not an agreement. Attached to this Plan are four documents:  Secondary Operator Agreement  Site Control Documents  Grant Agreement  R&R Fund Account – Sample Documents The Secondary Operator Agreement references the Plan, and includes language requiring the Plan be followed. The Plan takes effect after this agreement is executed. Acceptance of the Plan by execution of the Secondary Operator Agreement is pre-requisite to funding from the Denali Commission (the “Commission”), which will be provided through a separate Grant Agreement (See Attachments). City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 3 of 25 II. BACKGROUND The Denali Commission was established by the Federal Government to fund improvement projects within the State of Alaska, including the Bulk Fuel Upgrade Project. The Alaska Energy Authority is a state-owned corporation that assists in the development of safe, reliable, and environmentally sound energy systems for Alaska’s communities. AEA will coordinate the planning, construction and funding of the City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility, which is to be partially funded by the Commission. The village of Larsen Bay is located on the northwest coast of Kodiak Island and is a traditional Alutiiq settlement, which practices a commercial fishing and subsistence lifestyle. The economy of Larsen Bay is primarily based on fishing and employment at Kodiak Salmon Packers. Transportation to the village is by air or water year-round, with regular and charter flights available from Kodiak. There is a state-owned lighted 2,700’ gravel airstrip and a seaplane base. Docking facilities are available and the Corps of Engineers began construction of a breakwater and boat harbor in the summer of 1997. A cargo barge arrives every six weeks from Seattle. Water is supplied to Larsen Bay by an infiltration gallery on Humpy Creek and is treated and st ored in a 50,000-gallon wood stave tank. All 40 homes are connected to the piped water system and a community septic tank with outfall lines; the majority of homes are fully plumbed. A new 200,000 - gallon water storage tank is needed due to significant leakage in the existing tank. Weekly refuse collection services are provided and the community uses an incinerator. The City provides most utility services; operating the water utility, sewer utility, refuse collection and electric utility. Selected demographic and historical data for the community is provided below: Selected Statistics – Larsen Bay Population 2000 115 1990 147 1980 168 1970 109 1960 72 1950 53 Housing (2000 Data) Occupied Housing 40 Vacant Housing Due to Seasonal Use 28 Other Vacant Housing 2 Economic Data (2000 Data) Unemployment Rate 10.26% Median Household Income $40,833 City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 4 of 25 III. FACILITY UPGRADE The Bulk Fuel Upgrade (BFU) Project will construct a new Bulk Fuel Storage Facility in Larsen Bay that will replace all of the existing storage facilities of the City (the “Participant”). Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Description The AEA contracted with HDR Alaska, Inc. to develop a Draft Conceptual Design Report (CDR), which was submitted to AEA on July 2000, and contracted with LCMF, Inc. to update the CDR on February 2001 and, subsequently, revised designs in May 2002 and July 2003. The purpose of these efforts is to provide a concept design and construction cost estimate for consolidation and upgrade of bulk fuel storage in the community, which are referenced in this Plan. This Plan is predicated upon the information contained in the preliminary designs and its acceptance by the community. The new Facility will be located adjacent to the existing City bulk fuel facility at a location near the outskirts of the City, and a new marine header will be located near the small boat harbor. Project Exclusions The BFU project does not include the following:  Decommissioning of existing tanks or environmental cleanup  Retail business: including licenses, revenue, prices, taxes, profits, or contributions to the wholesale fuel storage program The AEA and the Commission will not provide any guarantees, warrantees or ongoing support, other than that which is defined in the Plan. However, manufacturer warranties will be transferred at the time of project turnover (defined in Section V. Primary Operator). See the following diagrams for the details of the Facility: City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 5 of 25 Tank Farm Layout City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 6 of 25 Site Plan City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 7 of 25 Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Capacity The following table provides a summary of the tankage, by type of fuel (obtained from the Facility designs), which will be included in the Facility upgrade: Facility Components & Capacities Primary Storage/Dispensing Number Gallons Per Tank (Gross) Total Gallons (Gross) Gallons Per Tank (Net) Total Gallons (Net) City # 2 Diesel Primary Storage 3 25,000 75,000 22,500 67,500 Dispensing *1 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Subtotal Diesel 4 76,500 69,000 Heating Oil Primary Storage +1 10,000 10,000 9,000 9,000 Subtotal Heating Oil 1 10,000 9,000 Gasoline Primary Storage 1 25,000 25,000 22,500 22,500 Primary Storage +1 15,000 15,000 13,500 13,500 Dispensing *1 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Subtotal Gasoline 3 41,500 37,500 Total Primary Storage/Dispensing 6 128,000 115,500 Pipeline Components Number Marine header 1 Filler pipelines (From header to facility) 2 Marine dispenser on dock 1 Retail Dispenser 1 Dual-fuel retail dispenser 1 * One Tank with dual capacity for dispensing diesel and gasoline. + One Tank with dual storage capacity for heating oil and gasoline. The Facility’s storage capacity is similar to its present usage. However, if annual fuel requirements increase to levels above planned storage capacity, multiple fuel deliveries can be made each year. City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 8 of 25 IV. FACILITY PARTICIPANTS The Facility participant is: City of Larsen Bay Primary Contact Name: Allen Panamaroff, Mayor Phone: (907) 847-2211 Fax: (907) 847-2239 Address: City of Larsen Bay P.O. Box 8, Larsen Bay, AK 99624 Usage: The City will utilize its Facility assets to operate its utilities and to retail fuel. Facility Component Ownership The City owns 100% of the Facility, and is responsible for the Operation and Maintenance (“O&M”) and Renewal and Replacement (“R&R”) of the Facility and all associated costs. The Larsen Bay BFU Facility is organized as follows: 1. Land: The proposed fuel storage facilities will be located on land owned by the City of Larsen Bay and, therefore, a land lease will not be needed. 2. Pipeline Easements/Right of Ways: The City of Larsen Bay owns the land required for the upland portion of the Facility pipeline, and has been granted management authority by the State of Alaska for the tide and submerged land needed for the remainder of the pipeline. 3. Primary Operator: The City of Larsen Bay will be the Primary Operator (PO). The Denali Commission will select a Secondary Operator if the PO does not perform per this Plan. The PO will take care of the O&M (annual operations and maintenance, training, testing, etc) and R&R of common facilities. City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 9 of 25 V. PRIMARY OPERATOR The Primary Operator for the City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Storage Facility is the City. A detailed statement of qualification for the Primary Operator is included as Appendix A: Primary Operator Statement of Qualification. Turnover and Assumption of Responsibilities/Sustainability The Facility will be turned over to the Primary Operator after the satisfactory completion, as determined by AEA or its representative, of a 14-day test period. After this test period, AEA will provide written notice (Certificate of Substantial Completion) stating t hat the Facility is ready for Beneficial Occupancy. Upon receipt of this Certificate, the City will become the Primary Operator and will assume responsibility for the use, day-to-day operations, and long-term maintenance of all Facility components, except those noted elsewhere in the Plan. When the project has been completed (the Facility is complete, crews have demobilized, invoices have been paid and there are no outstanding issues), the AEA will issue through its Grants Manager a Notice of Project Completion. This Notice is included in the Grant Agreement; see Additional Related and Attached Documents. The Primary Operator is responsible for the long-term sustainability of the Facility for the benefit of the local community. The complete Facility will be maintained according to guidelines outlined in this Plan, all manufacturers’ recommendations for maintenance, and all state and federal laws, codes and regulations governing operation. The Primary Operator is responsible for the transfer of fuel and no costs for this activity are included in the Plan. The Primary Operator is responsible to establish and manage accounts for O&M and R&R to ensure that sufficient financial resources exist to sustain the Facility as specified in the Plan. Staffing and Training The Primary Operator will designate an Operations and Maintenance Manager (the “Manager”) for the Facility. The Manager will be the point of contact for communications between the Primary Operator, the Commission and all other interested parties. The Primary Operator will name the Manager prior to the start of operation and will inform the Commission in a timely fashion whenever a Manager is to be replaced. The Manager will manage the Primary Operator 's enterprises and will be given complete responsibility for operating the Facility in compliance with this Plan. It is recognized that there will be, from time to time, turnover in various operational, maintenance and administrative positions. Because all functions are essential to the successful operation of the Facility, replacements will be recruited and trained as necessary. The Manager will be responsible for maintaining adequate staffing and training at all times. When the Primary Operator lacks trained operators and administrative staff, training will be obtained to ensure sustained Facility operation. The Primary Operator will utilize training programs offered by AEA, the Alaska Vocational Technical Center (AVTEC) in Seward, the Commission and other training programs. City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 10 of 25 Financial Responsibilities There are two cost categories that will be incurred in the ongoing operation and upkeep of the Facility – O&M and R&R. The Primary Operator will incur a number of expenses relating to the O&M of the Facility. O&M items are defined as expenses that are incurred on a regular basis (administration, audits, etc) and maintenance expenses that are incurred on an annual basis. O&M expenses are detailed in Table C: Annual O&M Costs and a narrative detail is provided in Section IX: Financial Information to address estimates and assumptions. R&R costs are those expenses defined as items costing greater than $5,000 and/or that are not replaced on an annual basis. Table E: 40 Year R&R Schedule details the anticipated items, the frequency of their replacement and their present day value. The Primary Operator will maintain separate O&M and R&R accounts and will maintain a sufficient account balance to meet the O&M and R&R financial goals in this Plan. The O&M account may be an active non-interest bearing account, while the R&R account must be an interest-bearing, managed savings account, which requires two signatories and a community resolution for withdrawals, until such time as the cash balance makes an escrow account more cost effective; then the R&R account must be transferred to an interest-bearing invested escrow account that is acceptable to the Denali Commission. The Manager will be authorized to draw against the O&M and R&R funds for routine expenses of the Facility, however individual expenditures in excess of $5,000 will require the authorization of the Primary Operator’s management or governing body. See Appendix A: Primary Operator Statement of Qualification for an overview of the Primary Operator’s fiscal controls and accounting procedures. At least once a year, no later than May 31, the Primary Operator will develop a budget for the upcoming fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, for both O&M and R&R. Operations and Maintenance Guidelines The Primary Operator will establish an active non-interest bearing account for the Facility O&M so that the O&M schedule can be completed and the Facility operations can be sustained into the future. Section IX: Financial Information provides Table C: Annual O&M Costs as a guide to plan for annual maintenance activities and Table D: 40 Year O&M Cashflow as a guide to estimated yearly O&M required contributions. These costs are based upon the O&M cost estimate provided by HMS, Inc, see Appendix B: O&M and R&R Cost Estimate. City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 11 of 25 Participants’ Operation and Maintenance Responsibilities Operational Responsibilities City NA Cost Pipelines Diesel Filler Pipelines Marine Header – City Manifolds x City City Manifold – City Tanks x City Gasoline Filler Pipeline Marine Header – City Tanks x City Heating Oil Filler Pipeline Marine Header – City Tanks x City Tank Interconnections City – City x City Dispenser Pipelines City Tank – Diesel Dispenser x City City Tank – Gas Dispenser x City Tanks/Foundations City Primary Tanks x City City Dispensing Tanks x City Dispensing Pumps City Gasoline Pump x City City Diesel Pump x City Support Dikes x City Fence x City Footprint x City Electricity Lights x City City Distribution Pumps x City City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 12 of 25 Renewal and Replacement Guidelines The Primary Operator will establish an interest bearing escrow managed renewal and replacement account acceptable to the Denali Commission, which will ensure capitalization of an amount sufficient to maintain the R&R Schedule (see R&R Fund Account – Sample Documents for “How to Establish a R&R Account”). It is assumed that the R&R activities for Year 20 will be funded 40% from the R&R account and 60% from debt financing, at 5.5% over 10 years. Section IX: Financial Information provides Table E: 40 Year R&R Schedule as a guide to plan for annual R&R activities, Table F: 40 Year R&R Cashflow as a guide to estimated yearly R&R required contributions, and Table G: Loan Schedule as a guide to Year 20 R&R loan assumptions and payment schedules. These costs are based upon the R&R cost estimate provided by HMS, Inc, see Appendix B: O&M and R&R Cost Estimate. The Primary Operator will periodically remit R&R funds to the administrator of its R&R escrow account according to guidelines to be established by the Denali Commission. Management and other fees charged by the escrow fund administrator will be automatically deducted from the Primary Operator’s R&R escrow account, according to an Escrow Agreement or other similar document. The Primary Operator will use the estimates in this Plan for year one contributions, and in subsequent years will recalculate contributions based upon assets to be maintained as actually built. Audits and Reporting The Primary Operator will arrange for an annual financial reconciliatory audit that is conducted by qualified, independent auditors at their office. The auditors will not travel to Larsen Bay unless the Primary Operator requests an on-site audit. The Primary Operator will provide an annual report of operations to the Commission that includes a summary description of O&M and R&R projects, annual O&M and R&R budgets and expenditures, a projection of future O&M and R&R cash flows, and any other information appropriate to the Facility. The Commission will review the reports and the annual financial reconciliatory audits of Facility operations and will actively monitor the Primary Operator’s ability to operate consistent with guidelines outlined in this Plan. The Commission has reserved the right to visit the site and to access all books and records related to the Facility at any time upon written request. City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 13 of 25 VI. SECONDARY OPERATOR The Secondary Operator for the Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility project will be determined in the future by the Denali Commission, if the need arises. See the attached Secondary Operator Agreement for details. City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 14 of 25 VII. INSURANCE The Primary Operator is required to be insured for General Liability Insurance, which will be included in the annual O&M costs. Currently, the City is insured, for its bulk fuel facility, through the Alaska Municipal League Joint Insurance Association (AMLJIA), Inc., Policy # GP 2002 -062, for General Liability coverage of up to $10.25 million per occurrence at an annual cost of $459. It is anticipated, by the AMLJIA, Inc., that the cost of this insurance will increase by up to 30% over the next 12 months. Therefore, initial annual costs for General Liability Insurance have been estimated to be $600 per year. City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 15 of 25 VIII. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE The Primary Operator is responsible for ensuring the operation and maintenance of the storage tanks and transfer systems that they own and operate are compliant with state and federal requirements. The Primary Operator shall comply with the procedures e stablished in the spill prevention and response plans listed below and will maintain and be familiar with the following regulatory plans:  US Coast Guard Facility Response Plan (33 CFR Part 154)/EPA Facility Response Plan (40 CFR Part 112) – This plan establishes spill response procedures and organization for the tank farm. It commits the Participant to maintain adequate spill response equipment and to conduct annual training and drill programs.  US Coast Guard Operations Manual (33 CFR Past 154) – This plan describes the required procedures to be followed by the Participant when off-loading fuel from marine vessels to the tank farm.  US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC) (40 CFR Part 112) – This plan confirms compliance of the Facility with the spill prevention and operating requirements of 40 CFR Part 112. A Registered Professional Engineer must certify the plan. These plans include commitments and guidelines for spill prevention, response, a nd other related environmental information to ensure the environmental integrity of the Facility and the community. The plans will be developed near the end of tank farm construction. The Primary Operator will participate in development and review of the plans as requested. Estimated expenses have been provided herein and include the anticipated costs of implementing the plans, ensuring the reliability of the spill response equipment, maintaining the proper records, and conducting periodic spill drills. The Primary Operator shall ensure the plans are approved, maintained, and updated in accordance with Coast Guard and EPA requirements described in the plans. Formatted City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 16 of 25 IX. FINANCIAL INFORMATION All estimates and assumptions contained in this Plan are preliminary and are anticipated to change as the project progresses. Actual expenses may vary throughout the life of the Facility and these estimates should not be considered final. Key Financial Assumptions  Annual inflation rate of 1.53%.  Annual investment rate of 34.5%.  Annual General Liability insurance is estimated to be $600, based upon current coverage.  Year 20 R&R activities will be funded 40% from the Primary Operator’s R&R account and 60% from debt financing, at 5.5% over 10 years.  R&R funds may be deposited into an interest bearing invested escrow account. Fees are assumed to be 1%, beginning when the account balance is estimated to reach $100,000.  Detailed assumptions regarding labor rates, required labor hours, and other operating costs are provided in the tables that follow.  Existing debt, or other obligations, of the bulk fuel Facility are not included in this Plan. Key Operating Assumptions  Throughput – The annual estimated gallons of fuel that will flow through the Facility.  Initial annual throughput estimates: 179,000 gallons of diesel, heating oil and gasoline.  Throughput is estimated to grow annually at a rate of .5%.  Retail operations, or its profits, are not included in the Plan. City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 17 of 25 Bulk Fuel Facility Funding This Plan is not a commitment to provide project funding; however, it is anticipated that project funding will be provided by the State of Alaska and the Denali Commission. Subsequent Operating Year Revisions Starting with the second year, as operating experience specific to this Facility is obtained, the projections and assumptions upon which the Plan is based will be reviewed and modified. The following guidelines are for use in subsequent operating years in updating and modifying Plan projections and assumptions: Step 1: Review previous years’ O&M and R&R costs and compare to current projections Step 2: Adjust O&M and R&R projections and assumptions based upon actual experience Step 3: Recalculate City per gallon O&M costs based upon updated throughput estimates Step 4: Recalculate City per gallon R&R costs based upon updated throughput estimates Step 5: Recalculate total City per gallon fuel costs City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 18 of 25 Table A: Summary of Facility Expenses to Participants City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 19 of 25 Table B: Participant Allocation Table C: Annual O&M Schedule City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 20 of 25 Table D: 40 Year O&M Cashflow City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 21 of 25 Table E: 40 Year R&R Schedule City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 22 of 25 Table F: 40 Year R&R Cashflow City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 23 of 25 Table F continued City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 24 of 25 Table G: Loan Schedule City of Larsen Bay Bulk Fuel Facility Business Operating Plan Page 25 of 25 APPENDIX A: PRIMARY OPERATOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATION The Primary Operator Statement of Qualification includes: 1. A description of the Primary Operator, its personnel and experience, and its responsibilities and functions. This discussion includes a description of the ability and history of the Primary Operator to operate a bulk fuel facility as a business and/or its history of operating other business enterprises, as well as a description of the Primary Operator’s fiscal controls and accounting procedures. This discussion details organization history, management and structure; identification of key personnel, their experience and responsibilities; and, proposed organization of bulk fuel facility management and operations, including an organizational chart. 2. A description of the Primary Operator’s, if any, staffing or training needs. 3. A description of the training plan proposed by the Primary Operator to address current and future needs. APPENDIX B: O&M AND R&R COST ESTIMATE ADDITIONAL RELATED AND ATTACHED DOCUMENTS 1. Secondary Operator Agreement 2. Site Control Documents 3. Grant Agreement 4. R&R Fund Account – Sample Documents SECONDARY OPERATOR AGREEMENT SITE CONTROL DOCUMENTS GRANT AGREEMENT R&R FUND ACCOUNT -- SAMPLE DOCUMENTS