HomeMy WebLinkAboutSample R and R DocumentsCity of Larsen Bay R&R Fund Account – Sample Documents 1 First National Bank Alaska Renewal and Replacement Account Escrow Managed “First Investment” Account Agreement Dated:_______________________ Account No._____________ The parties to this deposit account agreement are ____________________, TIN No. __________________ (hereinafter “depositor”) and First National Bank Alaska (hereinafter “bank”). The agreement of the parties is as follows: 1. Money paid to bank for credit to the above account and interest earned thereon and credited to the above account shall constitute the “Renewal and Replacement Account” of depositor specified under the terms of depositor’s agreement with the Denali Commission intended for use by depositor for replacement and repair of capital expenditure items that are part of depos itor’s Energy Facility as contemplated under that agreement. Depositor hereby represents and warrants, which representations and warranties shall be continuing and shall be deemed to be reaffirmed upon each instruction given by depositor, that: (a) depositor is duly organized and existing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its organization, with full power to carry on its business as now conducted, to enter into this agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder; (b) this agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by depositor, constitutes a valid and legally binding obligation of depositor, enforceable in accordance with its terms, and not statute, regulation, rule, order, judgment or contract binding on depositor prohibits depositor’s execution or performance of this agreement; (c) the Taxpayer Identification Number shown above (TIN) is depositor’s correct taxpayer identification number; and (d) depositor is not subject to backup withholding because taxpayer is an exempt recipient under the Internal Revenue Service Regulations. 2. Under the terms of its agreement with Denali Commission, depositor is obliged to pay to bank the sum of $_______ and a like sum, not later than the last day of each and every month thereafter until the expiration of this agreement, equal to 1/12 of the annual deposit required in the respective year, as set forth in Attachment D entitled “40 Year Renewal and Replacement Cashflow” and any revisions thereof to be administered by FNBA in accordance with the terms hereof. . Bank will furnish to depositor payment coupons that may be submitted by depositor with a payment to bank for credit to the above account. Bank will give only provisional credit until collection is final for any item, other than cash, bank accepts from depositor (including items drawn “on us”). Actual credit for payments of, or payable in, foreign currency will be at the exchange rate in effect on final collection in U.S. dollars. Bank is not responsible for transactions by mail or at an outside depository until it actually record them at it Escrow Department. Bank will treat and record all transaction received after bank’s “daily cutoff time” on a business day bank is open, or received on a day bank’s escrow department is not open for business on the next following day bank’s Escrow Department is open. 3. Bank shall credit to the above account interest earned on the account balance in accordance with the provisions of bank’s “First Investment Account” agreement, as amended by bank from time to time. 4. Bank shall disburse credit to the account to the order of depositor when it receives a resolution from depositor in the form of Attachment A hereto. Any two officers of depositor, acting together, may execute a resolution in the form of Attachment A to withdraw or transfer all or any part of the above account balance at any time. Bank may require not less than 7 days after receiving such a resolution before a withdrawal. Depositor authorizes any officer of depositor to endorse any item payable to depositor or depositor’s order for deposit to the above account or any other transaction with bank. Bank may require the governing body of the legal entity opening this account to give bank a separate authorization telling bank who is authorized to act on its behalf. Bank will not honor the authorization until bank actually receives at its Escrow Department written notice of a change from the governing body of depositor. City of Larsen Bay R&R Fund Account – Sample Documents 2 5. Bank’s current fee schedule for its services hereunder is attachment B hereto. Bank’s set-up fee and first year’s annual fee have been paid to bank as of the date of acceptance of this account by bank specified below. Future annual fees shall be due and payable by depositor to bank on the same day each consecutive year of the term hereof. An annual fee is due and earned when an account year begins. The first account year begins on the effective date hereof. Any fee due and payable to bank hereunder may be charged against the above account when due. Bank may amend Exhibit B hereto from time to time on thirty days prior written notice to depositor. 6. On the last calendar day of each month of the term hereof, bank shall furnish to depositor and Denali Commission a written statement of the above account specifying the acco unt balance, and any payment(s) received and interest earned credited to the account, as well as all disbursements of credit to the account to the order of depositor and fees charged to the account by bank, since the last statement date. Until further instructed in writing statements shall be furnished to depositor and Denali Commission by mailing the same in a first class postage prepaid envelope addressed as follows: To Depositor: ______________ To Denali Commission __________ _____________ __________ _____________ __________ _____________ __________ Depositor must examine its statement of account with “reasonable promptness.” If depositor discovers (or reasonably should have discovered) any unauthorized signatures or altera tions, depositor must promptly notify bank of the relevant facts. As between depositor and bank, if depositor fails to do either of these duties, depositor will either share the loss with bank, or bear the loss entirely itself (depending on whether bank used ordinary care and, if not, whether bank substantially contributed to the loss). The loss could be not only with respect to items on the statement but other items with unauthorized signatures or alterations by the same wrongdoer. Depositor agrees that the time it has to examine its statement and report to bank will depend on the circumstances, but will not, in any circumstance exceed a total of 30 days from when the statement is first sent or made available to depositor. Depositor further agrees that if depositor fails to report any unauthorized signatures, alterations, forgeries or any other errors in its account within 30 days of when bank first sends or makes the statement available, depositor cannot assert a claim against bank on any items in that statement, and as between depositor and bank the loss will be entirely depositor’s. 7. Bank’s duties are determined from these instructions alone and without reference to other agreements, including, without limitation, any agreement between depositor an d Denali Commission, and no covenant or obligation shall be implied against bank in connection with this agreement. 8. The effective date hereof is the date of acceptance of the account as specified by bank below. Money received by bank prior to acceptance is deemed to be received on the date of acceptance. 9. Bank may assign its duties hereunder (and thereby be released from its duties) to any corporation regularly engaged in the business of providing, in Alaska, the service bank is required to provide hereunder. 10. Bank may terminate the above account upon 30 days written notice to depositor and Denali Commission. After such termination bank will pay any account balance to the order of depositor. 11. Bank is deemed to have notice only when notice is actually received at its Escrow Department office, which does not include any branch office of bank. 12. A claim against bank is unenforceable unless an action is commenced within 90 days after termination of this agreement. City of Larsen Bay R&R Fund Account – Sample Documents 3 13. Bank shall not be liable for any costs, expenses, damages, liabilities or claims including attorneys’ and Accountants’ fees (collectively, “Losses”) incurred by or asserted against depositor except those Losses arising out of the negligence or willful misconduct of bank. In no event shall bank be liable to depositor or any third party for special indirect or consequential damages, or lost profits or loss of business, arising in connection with this agreement. 14. Bank has no duty to look to the propriety or application of any payment or distribution made to depositor, or to the order of depositor, and depositor agrees to indemnify bank and hold bank harmless from and against any and all Losses sustained or incurred by or asserted against bank by reason of or as a result o f any action or inaction, or arising out of bank’s performance hereunder, including reasonable fees and expenses of counsel incurred by bank in a successful defense of claims by depositor; provided, that depositor shall not indemnify bank for those Losses arising out of bank’s negligence or willful misconduct. This indemnity shall be a continuing obligation of depositor, its successors and assigns, notwithstanding the termination of this agreement. 15. Bank shall have no duty or responsibility to inquire into, make recommendations, supervise, or determine the suitability of any transactions affecting the above account. 16. Bank shall be entitled to rely upon any resolution in the form of Attachment A actually received by bank and reasonably believed by bank to be duly authorized and delivered. 17. Bank is authorized to supply to any third party any information regarding the above account which is required by any law, regulation, rule or court order (including without limitation any subpoena) now or hereafter in effect. 18. Bank shall not be responsible for preparing or filing any tax report or return nor for the payment of any tax assessed against, or with respect to, any of the assets of the above account or any transaction for the account of depositor. 19. Each and every right granted to either party hereunder or under any other document delivered hereunder or in connection herewith, or allowed it by law or equity, shall be cumulative and may be exercised from time to time. No failure on the part of either party to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right will operate as a waiver thereof, nor will any single or partial exercise of any other right. 20. In case any provision in or obligation under this agreement shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be amended or modified in any manner except by a written agreement executed by both parties. This agreement shall extend to and shall be bi nding upon the parties hereto, and their respective successors and assigns. 21. This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the State of Alaska, without regard to conflicts of laws principles thereof. Depositor and bank hereby consent to the jurisdiction of a state or federal court situated in the Third Judicial District, State of Alaska, in connection with any dispute arising hereunder. Depositor hereby irrevocable waives, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable l aw, any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any such proceeding brought in such a court and any claim that such proceeding brought in such a court has been brought in an inconvenient forum. Depositor and bank each hereby irrevocably waives any and all rights to trial by jury in any legal proceeding arising out of or relating to this agreement. To the extent that in any jurisdiction depositor may hereafter be entitled to claim, for itself or its assets, immunity from suit, execution, attachment (before or after judgment) or other legal process, depositor irrevocably agrees not to claim, and it hereby waives, such immunity. City of Larsen Bay R&R Fund Account – Sample Documents 4 22. This agreement and the attachments hereto constitute the entire agreement of the parties. Bank has not made representations or assurances to depositor not stated herein. Date: _______________________________ ____________________________________ Depositor By:_________________________________ By:_________________________________ First National Bank Alaska accepted this account on __________________. By: _________________________________ City of Larsen Bay R&R Fund Account – Sample Documents 5 Wells Fargo Renewal and Replacement Account Escrow Managed “Regular Savings” Account Agreement , 2003 Account No. 1. The parties to this agreement are (Owner), and Wells Fargo. Owner hereby appoints Wells Fargo, acting through its Trust Department, as the Invested Escrow Agent for the investment and disbursement of the funds in accordance with this agreement. Wells Fargo agrees to serve as Invested Escrow Agent, pursuant to the terms set forth in this agreement. 2. Monies deposited by the Owner with Wells Fargo shall be for the purpose of establishing an R&R Account, which shall be used for replacement and repair of capital expenditure items with regard to the Owner’s Energy Facility, which is partially or fully funded with monies from the Denali Commission. 3. On or before , 2003, Owner shall deposit the sum of $_______ and a like sum, not later than the last day of each and ever y month thereafter,until the expiration of this agreement, equal to 1/12 of the annual deposit required in the respective year, as set forth in Attachment D entitled “40 Year Renewal and Replacement Cashflow” and any revisions thereof to be administered in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 4. The funds shall be deposited into an interest bearing “Regular Savings” account. Disbursements from this account will be restricted and can only be approved by Wells Fargo’s Escrow Department pursuant to this agreement. 5. Upon written instruction from Owner, in the form of a Resolution identical to Attachment A, signed by two parties, Wells Fargo’s Escrow Department shall disburse funds to the Owner. 6. The interest earned on the account shall accrue for the benefit of the Owner. 7. Wells Fargo will assess the fees and charges set forth in the fee schedule which is attached as Attachment B. 8. Wells Fargo will compile a “Monthly Report”, at the end of each calendar month, on all Renewal and Replacement Accounts that are established under similar agreement. This report will show all account activity by each Owner including; deposit amounts, date of deposits, disbursements, and date of disbursements. Monthly reports shall be sent to: Denali Commission Attn: Chief of Staff 510 L Street Suite 410 Anchorage, AK 99501 City of Larsen Bay R&R Fund Account – Sample Documents 6 9. Wells Fargo shall have no duties not expressly provided for herein, and will not incur liability if it substantially complies with the instructions contemplated herein, using reasonable care in executing transactions, and in safekeeping the funds. Wells Fargo By: Date Its: _________________________ (Owner) Date By: Its: Taxpayer ID # Address: City of Larsen Bay R&R Fund Account – Sample Documents 7 PLEASE COMPLETE THIS AREA TO INSURE CORRECT ROUTING  ORIGINATED BY ESCROW AGREEMENT ACCEPTED COPY Acct. # RETURN TO TO: WELLS FARGO BANK ALASKA (WF), its successors and assigns Date: I hand you herewith the following described item(s): Beginning Balance $ Payments of $ Maturity Date Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annually Annually First payment due: Interest start date at % Payments made in excess of the regular scheduled amount will will not satisfy future payments due. Excess funds will will not be applied to prior mortgage/debt. Interest calculation based on 360 days 365 days. Attached: Exhibit A Special Payment Provisions Exhibit B Multiple Disbursements Exhibit C Partial Releases Exhibit D Reserves Additional Instructions: You are authorized to charge my WF Account # for the scheduled escrow payments, balloon payments. Payer Signature Remit payments to payee: Address Or Credit Payments to: Cashier’s Check E.F.T. (Enclose voided check) Checking Savings: WF Acct. No. (Disbursement fees paid by payee per payment/ transaction) Upon execution of this agreement the parties herein agree to pay fees in accordance with the current fee schedule, fees are collected per payment/transaction. Set up fee: paid collect from first payment. Fees Paid by: Payee Payer Divide Equally (Fees Subject to Change Without Notice) We request late payment monitoring (additional fee) Unless otherwise instructed, all service charges and fees will be charged to Payee. WF is hereby authorized to deliver, by registered mail or personally, the instrument(s) and/or document(s) herein mentioned to any one of the undersigned Payees for and on behalf of all Payees at any address given below or such other address as any one of the undersigned Payees shall designate in writing upon Payee’s request or at WF’s option under the following conditions: At Payee’s request when: (a) Any payment is delinquent 30 days or more; or (b) Payee furnishes WF evidence that Payer has received at least 20 days’ written notice of Payee’s intent to terminate, delivered by registered or certified mail. At WF’s option when: (a) One payment has been delinquent for three months and WF has provided 10 days’ prior notice to Payee and Payer. (b) Upon 30 days’ prior written notice by WF to Payee and Payer. We the undersigned have read this Agreement, including the Terms and Conditions set forth on the reverse side, and understand the contents thereof and acknowledge that the terms of the Agreement are satisfactory to each of us. Upon receipt by the Bank of the final payment, the Bank will deem the contract satisfied and the Instrument(s) and/or document(s) will be released to the Payer. Under penalty of perjury, I certify that the Social Security or Employer I.D. Number provided below is true, correct and complete, and I am not subject to backup withholding. Date Date PLEASE PRINT NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NO. OR EMPLOYEE I.D. NO. PLEASE PRINT NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NO. OR EMPLOYEE I.D. NO. X X PAYEE (SELLER) SIGNATURE PAYER (BUYER) SIGNATURE ADDRESS ADDRESS PLEASE PRINT NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NO. OR EMPLOYEE I.D. NO. PLEASE PRINT NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NO. OR EMPLOYEE I.D. NO. X X PAYEE (SELLER) SIGNATURE PAYER (BUYER) SIGNATURE ADDRESS ADDRESS Received above item(s) subject to conditions herein mentioned. Wells Fargo Bank Alaska. By PLEASE COMPLETE THIS AREA TO INSURE CORRECT ROUTING  City of Larsen Bay 8 R&R Fund Account - Sample Documents WELLS FARGO BANK ALASKA ESCROW AGREEMENT Terms and Conditions Payments. Payer shall pay all sums due Payee from time to time in the manner set forth herein to WF Escrow Service Department, at P.O. Box 100600, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-0600 or such other address as may be directed by WF in the future. WF shall accept all payments tendered on this transaction, rega rdless of whether they are partial, full, or additional payments or whether they are tendered before or after the payment due date. WF shall have no duty or obligation to refuse any payment nor shall it be responsible for determining the sufficiency of any such payment unless otherwise agreed in writing by WF. WF will credit the account for payments as received and will disburse funds the following business day, but shall not be required to disburse to Payee prior to the time WF determines the payment is from collected funds. If any check received by WF is dishonored upon presentment for any reason, WF may notify Payee of such disho nor and the amount of funds which WF has disbursed to Payee or other named Payees in reliance upon Payer’s dishonored payment. Upon receipt of such notice, Payee shall promptly remit to WF the amount of such funds so disbursed by WF together with WF’s then customary charge for the handling of returned checks, which charge shall be stated in the notice sent to Payee. WF is here by given authority to reverse the credit to an account to which it has disbursed funds and/or to deduct from Payee’s account the amount of the charge plus the amount of funds it has disbursed in reliance upon said dishonored payment. If two (2) checks are dishonored during any calendar year for any reason, WF may without notic e terminate this account, cancel this Agreement and return the documents to Payee. Interest Computation. Interest will be computed on a 365-day factor, except for leap year. Payments will be applied first to WF’s fees, then to interest, the remainder, if any, to principal. The parties shall have 30 days in which to dispute the application of payments as computed by WF. WF shall be notified of any such dispute in writing within 30 days. If WF does not receive such notice within 30 days, all computations made by WF shall be conclusively deemed correct. Nothin g in this paragraph shall modify or change any of the agreements between, or rights and remedies of Payer and Payee, as between the two. Any modification to this method of co mputation must be agreed to in writing by WF. Service Charge. WF may deduct its fees and service charges from payments received or credited to Payee’s account. If fees or service charges are not received within 30 days of their due date, WF is authorized to terminate this Agreement without notice and deliver the documents to Payee. The expenses of closing of this collection may be deducted from the proceeds of the final payment. Service charges and fees are set forth in WF’s published rates, which are s ubject to change from time to time without notice. Disputes. In the event of any dispute or misunderstanding, WF shall have the option to close the escrow and deliver instruments or documents to any one of the Payees or on behalf of the Payees upon 30 days prior written notice by WF to Payee and Payer or to hold undisbursed funds, or to require settlement by a neutral party, such as an arbitrator for determination, or to pursue any legal remedies which may be available to it, including the right to deposit the subject matter hereof in interpleader in the appropriate court of the Third Judicial District, Anchorage, Alaska, and upon so doing to be absolved from all further obligations or liability hereunder. Payee and Payer jointly and severally agree to pay to WF all costs and expenses incurred by WF, including actual attorney’s fees, in any interpleader action. Limitation of WF’s Responsibility. WF shall be responsible only for the exercise of ordinary care in performing the duties set forth in this Agreement. WF shal l be relieved from any further or additional liability beyond the performance of the duties expressly set forth herein. The parties hereto jointly and severally agree to defend, indemnify, and hold WF, its officers, employees, shareholders, attorneys, directors, agents and representatives harmless from and against, a nd to pay on demand all claims, costs, damages, judgments, attorney’s fees, expenses, obligations and liabilities of every kind and nature suffered or incurred in connection with this Agreement except any liability founded upon WF’s failure to exercise ordinary care in performing the duties contained herein. Payee and Payer agree that WF will not be responsible for any of the fol lowing. (a) To notify any party of nonpayment or declaration of default, condemnation or the condition of any property; (b) To construe, enforce or determine the performance or nonperformance of any terms of the documents underlying the transaction; (c) To determine if any agreement or document is in compliance with local, state, or federal laws and regulations; (d) To determine the authenticity, validity, enforceability or sufficiency of any document deposited, or for the accuracy of description of any su ch document, the description having been furnished by the parties; (e) To give notice of any change of ownership or to enforce any due-on-sale or similar provisions; (f) To determine if any payment schedule will amortize any obligation; (g) To determine the sufficiency or verification of the account balances on any other previously or subsequently-recorded encumbrance or security interest against the property, including security interests which this collection agreement may, in whole or in part, satisfy; further, WF does no t assume any responsibility for determining if any payments being made by this escrow to satisfy, in whole or in p art, any other obligation will, in fact, amortize the obligation receiving the payments hereunder at or before the satisfaction of this escrow; (h) To pay or notify any party regarding recording of documents, perfection of security interests, or nonpayment of insurance premiums, taxes or other assessments or encumbrances; (i) To assess, bill, collect or pay any late charges due under the terms of the documents deposited herewith unless otherwise agr eed in writing by WF; (j) For the determination of balances to third parties or overpayments to them where instructed to credit payments to persons other than the Payee; (k) To verify or determine whether the assignment of the payments under this escrow for security purposes or otherwise does not c reate a default in the terms of the documents underlying this transaction; (l) To account or give credit for any payment made or received outside this collection; (m) To vote or exercise any of the rights of ownership of corporate stock or similar items deposited herewith ; or (n) To perform any act not expressly set forth in this Agreement even though contained in any documents deposited herewith. The liability of WF for negligent performance, or negligent non-performance, shall be limited to the amount of charges or fees charged to the parties hereto, under this Agreement, for the month in which any damages are incurred. Under no circumstances will WF be liable for any special, conseq uential, or punitive damages. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, WF will not be liable for any damage, loss, liability, or delay caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by those it ems set forth above. Lien-Offset. WF shall have a first and paramount lien on all documents, monies and things deposited in connection with this Agreement and the right of offset against any WF account of any party hereto to secure payment of all costs, expenses, obligations and fees due WF. Agreement Controls. In the event of conflict or omission between the documents deposited in connection with this Agreement, this Agreement shall control as to WF. WF shall not be responsible for determining the existence of any such conflict or omission. Authority to Release Information. If any party to this Agreement sells or contracts to sell the property described in the documents deposited herewith, or applies for financing secured by the property, WF is authorized to furnish to the lender, closing agent, or any other interested party, any informa tion concerning the status of this account, including the payment records and copies of the documents deposited. Authority to Transfer. WF is authorized to assign, delegate and/or transfer all its duties and the documents held hereunder to another institution u pon ten (10) days’ prior written notice to Payer and Payee. Upon such transfer, WF shall be relieved of all further duties and liabilities under or related to this Agreement. Notice. Any notice to WF required or permitted hereunder shall be sent certified or registered mail to Wells Fargo Bank Alaska Escrow Service Department, P.O. Box 100600, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-0600, or such other address as may be designated by WF. Notice shall be effective only when received in the Escrow Service D epartment. General. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by written instructions accepted by WF and payment of the applicable fee. This Agreement is intended for the sole benefit of the parties hereto, and shall not be construed to create any rights in third parties. This Agreement shall b e governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Alaska, and any litigation arising out of or relating to this Agreement to which WF is a party shall be commence d and maintained only in the appropriate court of the Alaska State Court System, Third Judicial District, at Anchorage. City of Larsen Bay 9 R&R Fund Account - Sample Documents ATTACHMENT A Resolution for Disbursement of Renewal and Replacement Funds for Energy Facility An Identical Resolution to This Must be Passed and Signed by the Community To Withdraw Funds from The R&R Account Community of_______________ Resolution No. ______ WHEREAS, the Community of __________ has established an escrow managed interest bearing renewal and replacement account with the financial institution of _____________ for the purpose of renewal and re placement expenditures related to the _____________facility, which was partially or fully funded by the Denali Commission, and WHEREAS, pursuant to the communities approved business plan for _____________facility the community has agreed that funds deposited into this renewal and replacement account will only be used for the renewal and replacement of _____________facility, and WHEREAS, eligible withdrawal of funds from this account must be for the labor, transportation, equipment rental, professional services, materials, equipment and other costs for the replacement and repair of assets essential to the on-going sustainability of the ___________________facility. For energy facilities this is including but not limited to: Access Roads, Buildings, Poles, Transformers, Generators, Radiators, Electrical Systems, Wires, Meter Systems, Pumps, Fencing, Fuel Storage Tanks, Fuel Distribution Systems, Walkways, Access Roads Dispensers, Fill Stations, Tank Liners, Fencing, Pad, Valves, Pipelines, Piling, Decks, Manwalks, Headers, Ground Maintenance and Containment Systems THEREFORE, the Community of _____________ hereby attests that the funds being requested from the escrow managed interest bearing renewal and replacement account with the financial institution of __________________ is for renewal and replacement expenses related to the ____________________facility as outlined above and is not being used for any other purpose, and THEREFORE, the Community of ______________ requests the total sum of $_______ for t he following detailed expenses___________________________________________ __________________________________. Signed by two people representing the community, City of Larsen Bay 10 R&R Fund Account - Sample Documents ATTACHMENT B How to Establish a Renewal and Replacement Account for Denali Commission Funded Public Infrastructure Background Under the guidelines of Denali Commission funding a community is required to have a business plan that outlines how the Denali Commission funded project will be operated and maintained. One of the conditions required i n the business plan is a community established Renewal and Replacement (R&R) Account. An R&R account will provide a mechanism for the community to save money for the inevitable renewal and replacement costs associated with the facility. General Guidelines of a Renewal and Replacement Account  Allows community to make monthly deposits  Must be an interest bearing account  Only allows withdrawal of funds for Renewal and Replacement costs of the facility. o Requires a Resolution from the community certifying fund s are being used for Renewal and Replacement expenses related to the facility that was partially or wholly funded by the Denali Commission.  Account must allow for Denali Commission and other Auditing agencies to monitor deposit and withdrawal activity (Monthly Reports on account activity must be sent to Denali Commission) Financial Institutions The Denali Commission has negotiated terms with two Financial Institutions that will allow for the unique guidelines of these R&R accounts. Other institutions that will allow accounts that meet the guidelines above are acceptable. First National Bank Wells Fargo Contact Person Lorraine O’Neal Sr. Escrow Officer First National Bank Operations Center 1751 Gambell St. Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: (907) 777-3424 Fax: (907) 777-3446 Jackie Zuspan Escrow Manager Wells Fargo 301 West Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 Phone: (907) 265-2162 Fax: (907) 265-2170 Type of Account Escrow Managed “First Investment”Account Escrow Managed “Regular Savings” Account Set-Up Fee $30.00 $35.00 Annual/Monthly Fee $50.00 Annual Fee and $5 monthly fee until account balance is above $2,500 $3 Monthly Fee until account balance is above $300 Disbursement Fee $25.00 each time a community requests funds (through approved resolution) $5.00 each time (for a Money Order) when a community requests funds (through approved City of Larsen Bay 11 R&R Fund Account - Sample Documents resolution) Check Writing None None Reports Monthly Report to Denali Commission on Deposit and Withdrawal activity (.50 Charge) Monthly Report to Denali Commission on Deposit and Withdrawal activity (No Charge) Requirement for Withdrawal of Funds Approved Resolution Identical to Attached Template must be submitted to Escrow Department Approved Resolution Identical to Attached Template must be submitted to Escrow Department Interest First Investment Account Tiered depending on balance of account (based on current Treasury Bill). Below are 1/02/02 rates: $0-$2,499 .557% $2,500-$4,999 .778% $5,000-$24,999 .825% $25,000-$49,999 .846% $50,000-$99,999 .887% $100,000+ .917% Based on the Regular Savings account: 5/20/02 rate = 1% To establish an account: 1. Contact one of the representatives above 2. Tell them you need to establish a “Denali Commission Renewal and Replacement Acc ount” 3. Sign the Account Agreement for the institution. 4. Pay set-up fee and fill out other general information to establish account Sample documents attached include: o Business plan language that requires R&R accounts o Account agreements (between institution and community) templates o Example of the resolution that is required to withdraw funds from a R&R account City of Larsen Bay 12 R&R Fund Account - Sample Documents ATTACHMENT C EXAMPLE OF LANGUAGE IN ALL DENAI COMMISSION FUNDED ENERGY FACILTIES Financial Responsibilities There are two cost categories that will be incurred in the ongoing operation and upkeep of the Facility – O&M and R&R. The Primary Operator will incur a number of expenses relating to the O&M of the Facility. O&M items are defined as expenses that are incurred on a regular basis (administration, audits, etc) and maintenance expenses that are incurred on an annual basis. O&M expenses are detailed in Table C: Annual O&M Costs and a narrative detail is provided in Section IX: Financial Information to address estimates and assumptions. R&R costs are those expenses defined as items costing greater than $5,000 and/or that are not replaced on an annual basis. Table E: 40 Year R&R Schedule details the anticipated items, the frequency of their replacement and their present day value. The Primary Operator will maintain separate O&M and R&R accounts and will maintain a sufficient account balance to meet the O&M and R&R financial goals in this Plan. The O&M account may be an active non-interest bearing account, while the R&R account must be an interest-bearing, managed savings account, which requires two signatories and a community resolution for withdrawals, until such time as the cash balance makes an escrow account more cost effective; then the R&R account must be transferred to an interest-bearing invested escrow account that is acceptable to the Denali Commission. The Manager will be authorized to draw against the O&M and R&R funds for routine expenses of the Facility, however individual expenditures in excess of $5,000 will require the authorization of the Primary Operator’s management or governing body. See Appendix A: Primary Operator Statement of Qualification for an overview of the Primary Operator’s fiscal controls and accounting procedures. At least once a year, no later than May 31, the Primary Operator will develop a budget for the upcoming calendar year, July 1 through June 30, for both O&M and R&R. Operations and Maintenance Guidelines The Primary Operator will establish an active non-interest bearing account for the Facility O&M so that the O&M schedule can be completed and the Facility operations can be sustained into the future. Section IX: Financial Information provides Table C: Annual O&M Costs as a guide to plan for annual maintenance activities and Table D: 40 Year O&M Cashflow as a guide to estimated yearly O&M required contributions. These costs are based upon the O&M cost estimate provided by HMS, Inc, see Appendix B: O&M and R&R Cost Estimate. Renewal and Replacement Guidelines The Primary Operator will establish an interest bearing escrow managed renewal and replacement account acceptable to the Denali Commission, which will ensure capitalization of an amount sufficient to maintain the R&R Schedule (see R&R Fund Account – Sample Documents for “How to Establish a R&R Account”). It is assumed that the R&R activities for Year 20 will be funded 40% City of Larsen Bay 13 R&R Fund Account - Sample Documents from the R&R account and 60% from debt financing, at 5.5% over 10 years. Section IX: Financial Information provides Table E: 40 Year R&R Schedule as a guide to plan for annual R&R activities, Table F: 40 Year R&R Cashflow as a guide to estimated yearly R&R required contributions, and Table G: Loan Schedule as a guide to Year 20 R&R loan assumptions and payment schedules. These costs are based upon the R&R cost estimate provided by HMS, Inc, see Appendix B: O&M and R&R Cost Estimate. The Primary Operator will periodically remit R&R funds to the administrator of its R&R escrow account according to guidelines to be established by the Denali Commission. Management and other fees charged by the escrow fund administrator will be automatically deducted from the Primary Operator’s R&R escrow account, according to an Escrow Agreement or other similar document. The Primary Operator will use the estimates in this Plan for year one contributions, and in subsequent years will recalculate contributions based upon assets to be maintained as actually built. City of Larsen Bay 14 R&R Fund Account - Sample Documents ATTACHMENT D 40 YEAR RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT CASHFLOW