HomeMy WebLinkAboutGambell Wind Resource Report - Oct 2006Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Report written by: Douglas Vaught, V3 Energy LLC, Eagle River, AK Date of report: October 5, 2006 Photo © Doug Vaught General Site Information Site number 0030 Site Description Gambell, Alaska Latitude/longitude N 063° 46.748’; W 171° 42.828’ Site elevation 6 meters Datalogger type NRG Symphonie Tower type NRG 30-meter tall tower, 152 mm (6 in) diameter V3 Energy LLC 1 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Location: Gambell is located on the northwest cape of St. Lawrence Island, 200 miles southwest of Nome, in the Bering Sea. The City is 36 miles from the Chukotka Peninsula, Siberia. It lies at approxi- mately 63.779720° North Latitude and -171.74111° West Longitude. (Sec. 03, T020S, R067W, Kateel River Meridian.) Gambell is located in the Cape Nome Recording District. The area en- compasses 10.9 sq. miles of land and 19.5 sq. miles of water. History: St. Lawrence Island has been inhabited intermittently for the past 2,000 years by Yup'ik Eski- mos. In the 18th and 19th centuries, over 4,000 people inhabited the island in 35 villages. Sivu- qaq is the Yup'ik name for the village and for the Island. The City was renamed for Mr. and Mrs. Vene C. Gambell. A tragic famine between 1878 and 1880 decimated the population. In 1900, reindeer were introduced to the island for local use, and in 1903, President Roosevelt established a reindeer reservation. During the 1930s, some residents moved to Savoonga to establish a per- manent settlement there. The City was incorporated in 1963. When the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) was passed in 1971, Gambell and Savoonga decided not to participate, and instead opted for title to the 1.136 million acres of land in the former St. Lawrence Island Reserve. The island is jointly owned by Savoonga and Gambell. Culture: The isolation of Gambell has helped to maintain their traditional St. Lawrence Yup'ik culture, their language, and their subsistence lifestyle based upon marine mammals. Residents are almost completely bilingual. Walrus-hide boats are still used to hunt. The sale, importation or posses- sion of alcohol is banned in the village. Economy: The economy in Gambell is largely based upon subsistence harvests from the sea -- seal, walrus, fish and bowhead and gray whales. Fox are trapped as a secondary source of cash income. Some reindeer roam free on the island, but most harvesting occurs out of Savoonga. Ivory carving is a popular source of income. The abundant number of seabird colonies provides an opportunity for limited tourism by bird-watchers. Facilities: Water is derived from wells and Troutman Lake, is treated and stored in three storage tanks. One hundred sixteen homes are now connected to the piped water and sewer system. The schools and washeteria have individual water wells and septic tank systems. Thirty-seven homes in the origi- nal town site still haul water and honey buckets. A Master Plan is underway. A new water source is needed to ensure no shortages will occur. The landfill is not permitted; the City wants to de- velop a new site. Transportation: Gambell's isolated location on an island with no seaport results in heavy dependence upon air transport. The State-owned airport is currently under major improvements; it provides a 4,500 ft long by 96 ft wide asphalt runway. Regular flights from Nome and charters from Unalakleet are available. Lighterage services bring freight from Kotzebue and Shishmaref. V3 Energy LLC 2 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Climate: Gambell has a maritime climate with continental influences in the winter. Winds and fog are common, and precipitation occurs 300 days per year. Average annual precipitation is 15 inches, including 80 inches of snowfall. The Bering Sea freezes during mid-November, with break-up at the end of May. Average summer temperatures are 34 to 48 F; average winter temperatures are - 2 to 10 F. Extremes from -30 to 65 F have been recorded. (Above information from State of Alaska DCED website) Data Synopsis Wind power class (at 50 meters) Class 7 – Superb 30 meter average wind speed 9.13 m/s Maximum wind speed 35.2 m/s, 10/18/04 Mean wind power density (50 meters) 961 W/m2 Mean wind power density (30 meters) 919 W/m2 Roughness Class 0.00 (smooth) Power law exponent 0.0248 (extremely low wind shear) Data start date September 18, 2004 Data end date August 7, 2006 Tower Sensor Information Channel Sensor type Height Multiplier Offset Orientation 1 NRG #40 anemometer 30 m 0.765 0.35 north 2 NRG #40 anemometer 22 m 0.765 0.35 east 7 NRG #200P wind vane 30 m 0.351 125 305° T 9 NRG #110S Temp C 2 m 0.136 -86.383 N/A Quality Control Data was filtered to remove presumed icing events that yield false zero wind speed data. Data that met the following criteria were filtered: wind speed < 1 m/s, wind speed standard deviation = 0, and temperature < 3 °C. In addition, the data was manually filtered for winter data anoma- lies (obvious ice data that did not meet the above criteria). Note that data recovery during sum- mer months was nearly 100% but winter data recovery was less, as slow as 77 percent in January 2005. One interesting data anomaly was temperature data in December 2005 through February 2006. For an approximately seven week period of time, the temperature sensor gave erroneously high readings and then began reading correctly again. Ch 1 anemometer Ch 2 anemometer Ch 7 vane ) 53 Ch 9 temperature Year Month Records Recovery Records Recovery Records Recovery Records Recovery Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (% 2004 Sep 1,740 96.9 1,742 97.0 1,744 97.1 1,76 98. 2004 Oct 4,445 99.6 4,445 99.6 4,445 99.6 4 0 00 40 40 4,46 100. 2004 Nov 4,307 99.7 4,307 99.7 4,307 99.7 4,32 100. 2004 Dec 3,566 79.9 3,565 79.9 3,614 81.0 4,46 100. 2005 Jan 3,449 77.3 3,504 78.5 4,245 95.1 4,46 100. V3 Energy LLC 3 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report 2005 Feb 4,032 100.0 4,032 100.0 4,032 100.0 2 0 40 00 40 00 40 40 00 40 00 65 0 20 40 00 40 00 40 80 78 4,03 100. 2005 Mar 4,459 99.9 4,304 96.4 4,304 96.4 4,46 100. 2005 Apr 4,270 98.8 4,273 98.9 4,270 98.8 4,32 100. 2005 May 4,448 99.6 4,453 99.8 4,448 99.6 4,46 100. 2005 Jun 4,273 98.9 4,277 99.0 4,273 98.9 4,32 100. 2005 Jul 4,464 100.0 4,464 100.0 4,464 100.0 4,46 100. 2005 Aug 4,464 100.0 4,464 100.0 4,464 100.0 4,46 100. 2005 Sep 4,320 100.0 4,320 100.0 4,320 100.0 4,32 100. 2005 Oct 4,420 99.0 4,434 99.3 4,420 99.0 4,46 100. 2005 Nov 4,293 99.4 4,294 99.4 4,293 99.4 4,32 100. 2005 Dec 4,461 99.9 4,462 100.0 4,461 99.9 2,92 65. 2006 Jan 4,464 100.0 4,464 100.0 4,464 100.0 0.0 2006 Feb 3,993 99.0 3,992 99.0 3,992 99.0 2,90 72. 2006 Mar 4,451 99.7 4,448 99.6 4,448 99.6 4,46 100. 2006 Apr 4,311 99.8 4,311 99.8 4,311 99.8 4,32 100. 2006 May 4,432 99.3 4,412 98.8 4,411 98.8 4,46 100. 2006 Jun 4,303 99.6 4,309 99.7 4,303 99.6 4,32 100. 2006 Jul 4,464 100.0 4,464 100.0 4,464 100.0 4,46 100. 2006 Aug 948 100.0 948 100.0 948 100.0 94 100. All data 96,777 97.7 96,688 97.6 97,445 98.3 91,91 92. Monthly Wind Speed Averages The Channel 1 (30-meter) anemometer wind speed average for the reporting period is 9.13 m/s and the Channel 2 (20-meter) anemometer wind speed average is 9.04 m/s. The daily wind pro- file indicates very little variation, although wind speeds tend to be slightly lower from 11 pm to 3 am and slightly higher from 10 am to 2 pm. Ch 1 (30 meters) Ch 2 (20 meters) Month Mean Max Std. Dev. Weibull k Weibull c Mean Max (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) Jan 9.52 22.6 4.20 2.37 10.68 9.40 22.1 Feb 10.32 21.7 4.13 2.68 11.59 10.03 21.3 Mar 10.18 23.6 4.02 2.77 11.44 10.08 22.7 Apr 9.00 19.9 3.47 2.79 10.06 8.88 19.5 May 8.27 19.7 3.90 2.23 9.31 8.26 19.6 Jun 5.88 15.6 3.05 1.97 6.60 5.83 15.1 Jul 6.08 15.2 2.81 2.25 6.82 5.91 15.3 Aug 6.83 17.8 3.32 2.13 7.69 6.89 17.6 Sep 7.96 17.5 3.71 2.25 8.96 7.97 17.2 Oct 9.58 27.5 4.90 2.02 10.77 9.56 25.8 Nov 11.39 26.7 5.18 2.29 12.79 11.36 25.4 Dec 13.86 26.4 5.29 2.88 15.50 13.67 26.3 All data 9.13 27.5 4.64 2.04 10.28 9.04 26.3 V3 Energy LLC 4 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Wind Shear Profile The power law exponent was calculated at 0.0248 indicating extremely low wind shear at the Gambell test site. The practical application of this data is that a low turbine tower height is pos- sible as there will be very little appreciable gain in wind speed/power recovery with additional tower height. V3 Energy LLC 5 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Probability Distribution Function The probability distribution function provides a visual indication of measured wind speeds in one meter per second “bins”. Note that most wind turbines do not begin to generate power until the wind speed at hub height reaches 4 m/s; using this criteria, 13% of Gambell’s winds are calm winds (less than 4 m/s). The black line in the graph is a best fit Weibull distribution. Weibull parameters are k = 2.04, c = 10.3 m/s. Time Series of Wind Speed Monthly Averages The average wind speed at 30 meters for the measurement period is 9.13 m/s. Typically, the highest winds occur during the winter months of October through April with the lowest winds during the spring-summer-autumn months of May through September. The unusually low winds measured in January 2006 were due to a persistent high pressure system over Alaska that month that yielded calm winds and extremely cold weather Statewide. V3 Energy LLC 6 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Wind Roses Gambell winds are highly directional; the wind frequency rose indicates mostly north- northeasterly and some minor south-southwesterly winds. This observation is reinforced with V3 Energy LLC 7 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report reference to the power density rose below. Power producing winds are almost entirely north- northeasterly. The practical application of this information is that the project site on shore north of the village is ideal in that northerly to northeasterly winds travel an extremely long fetch of open water or pack ice before traversing the site. If more than one turbine were to be placed in Gambell, they should be oriented WNW to ESE (perpendicular to the prevailing NNE winds) with a minimum 2.5 rotor diameter placement hub-to-hub. Wind Power Density Rose (30 meters) V3 Energy LLC 8 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Wind Power Density Rose by Month (30 meters – common scale) V3 Energy LLC 9 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Turbulence Intensity The turbulence intensity (TI) is acceptable for all wind direction, with a mean turbulence inten- sity of 0.100 (Channel 1) and 0.104 (Channel 2), indicating relatively smooth air. These TIs are calculated with a threshold wind speed of 4 m/s. The spike of relatively high turbulence to the west and southeast in both graphs is due to the infrequent winds from these sectors. The impor- tant TI is for winds from the north-northeast. As indicated below, turbulence at the Kokhanok project test site is well below International Energy Agency (IEA) standards at all measured wind speeds and from all four quadrants of the wind rose. 30-meter Ch 1 turbulence intensity V3 Energy LLC 10 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report 20-meter Ch 2 turbulence intensity V3 Energy LLC 11 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Extreme Wind Analysis By probability, Gambell winds are expected to exceed 42.2 m/s at least once every 25 years and 44.4 m/s every 50 years. Note, however, that these graphs were generated with only three data points and should be used with considerable caution for design purposes – maximum expected winds may indeed by higher. Air Temperature and Density Over the reporting period, Gambell had an average temperature of -3.2° C. The minimum re- corded temperature during the measurement period was -26.0° C and the maximum temperature was 20.9° C, indicating a wide variability of an ambient temperature operating environment im- portant to wind turbine operations. Consequent to Gambell’s cool temperatures, the average air density of 1.302 kg/m3 is over six percent higher than the standard air density of 1.225 kg/m3 (at 20° C), indicating that Gambell, due to its cold annual temperature average and low elevation, has denser air than the standard air density used to calculate turbine power curves. This density variance from standard is accounted for in turbine performance predictions in this report. Temperature Density Month Mean Min Max Std. Dev.Mean (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (kg/m³) Jan -12.4 -20.3 1.2 6.62 1.288 Feb -13.9 -25.4 10.2 7.31 1.342 Mar -12.7 -26.0 0.4 6.33 1.355 Apr -11.3 -20.6 3.7 5.70 1.347 May -1.4 -10.2 20.9 3.15 1.298 Jun 3.8 -2.8 16.5 2.91 1.274 Jul 7.6 2.1 16.3 1.91 1.256 Aug 9.4 3.7 14.5 1.54 1.248 Sep 5.7 -3.0 10.3 2.47 1.264 Oct 2.0 -7.7 10.5 2.91 1.282 V3 Energy LLC 12 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Nov -4.1 -14.8 2.5 3.36 1.311 Dec -11.7 -25.7 1.3 5.64 1.328 All data -3.2 -26.0 20.9 9.33 1.302 Turbine Performance Predictions The turbine performance predictions noted below are based on 90% turbine availability with 10% downtime for maintenance and repairs and/or other outages. The manufacturer-provided power curve is presumed to be accurate. The power curves are presented for a standard air den- sity of 1.225 kg/m3, however the predictions of power production are density compensated by multiplying the standard density power output by the ratio of the measured air density to stan- dard air density. A special note for Gambell is that the 10-minute average winds often exceed 25 m/s, which is the shut-off wind speed threshold for most turbines. Although the power output V3 Energy LLC 13 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report predictions predict zero power output for winds exceeding 25 m/s, in practice turbines operate with a hysteresis loop where wind speeds must be well below 25 m/s for a set length of time be- fore the turbine will re-engage and begin producing power again. That dynamic will be ad- dressed in a later revision to this report. Entegrity eW-15:50 kW rated power output, 15 meter rotor, stall-controlled (power curve pro- vided by Entegrity Energy Systems) Vestas V15: 75 kW rated power output, 15 meter rotor, stall-controlled (power curve provided by Powercorp Alaska LLC) V3 Energy LLC 14 of 21 Ga V3 Energy LLC mbell, Alaska Wind Resource Report 15 of 21 Northwind 100/19: 100 kW rated power output, 19 meter rotor, stall-controlled (power curve provided by Northern Power Systems) Vestas V27: 225 kW rated power output, 27 meter rotor, pitch-controlled (power curve provided by Alaska Energy Authority) Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Turbine Power Output Comparison Manufacturer Entegrity Wind Systems Vestas Northern Power Systems Model eW-15 E15 NW100/19 Rated Power 65 kW 75 kW 100 kW Maximum Power Out- put 65 kW 75 kW 102 kW Hub Height (m) Mean Wind Speed (m/s) Capacity Factor (%) Avg Pwr Output (kW) Annual Energy (kW- hr/yr) Capacity Factor (%) Avg Pwr Output (kW) Annual Energy (kW- hr/yr) Capacity Factor (%) Avg Pwr Output (kW) Annual Energy (kW- hr/yr) 25 9.08 50.5 32.8 258,750 44.5 33.4 262,980 46.5 46.5 366,480 31 9.09 50.5 32.8 258,840 44.5 33.4 263,250 32 46.6 46.6 367,290 42 Vestas V27 225 kW 225 kW Hub Height (m) Mean Wind Speed (m/s) Capacity Factor (%) Avg Pwr Output (kW) Annual Energy (kW- hr/yr) Capacity Factor <20% Capacity Factor >20%, <30% 32 9.10 50.9 114.0 902,430 Capacity Factor >30%, <40% 42 9.16 51.3 115.0 910,440 Capacity Factor >40%, <50% Capacity Factor >50% Note: Annual energy production assumes a turbine availability of 90 percent. V3 Energy LLC 16 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Entegrity eW-15 at 25 meters Vestas V15 at 25 meters Time at zero power: 13.5%, time at rated power: 17.5% Time at zero power: 17.0%, time at rated power: 12.4% NPS NW-100/19 at 25 meters Vestas V27 at 32 meters Time at zero power: 13.7%, time at rated power: 13.0% Time at zero power: 6.3%, time at rated power: 13.0% V3 Energy LLC 17 of 21 Ga V3 Energy LLC mbell, Alaska Wind Resource Report 18 of 21 Annual Fuel Cost Avoided for Electrical Energy Generation by Diesel Genset Fuel Price (dollars delivered) Turbine Annual Energy Output (kW-hr/yr) Fuel Quantity Avoided (gallons) $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $2.75 $3.00 $3.25 $3.50 Hub Height (m) Entegrity eW-15 287,500 21,296 $42,593 $47,917 $53,241 $58,565 $63,889 $69,213 $74,537 25 287,600 21,304 $42,607 $47,933 $53,259 $58,585 $63,911 $69,237 $74,563 31 Vestas E15 292,200 21,644 $43,289 $48,700 $54,111 $59,522 $64,933 $70,344 $75,756 25 292,500 21,667 $43,333 $48,750 $54,167 $59,583 $65,000 $70,417 $75,833 31 NPS NW100/19 407,200 30,163 $60,326 $67,867 $75,407 $82,948 $90,489 $98,030 $105,570 25 408,100 30,230 $60,459 $68,017 $75,574 $83,131 $90,689 $98,246 $105,804 32 Vestas V27 1,002,700 74,274 $148,548 $167,117 $185,685 $204,254 $222,822 $241,391 $259,959 32 1,011,600 74,933 $149,867 $168,600 $187,333 $206,067 $224,800 $243,533 $262,267 42 Note: Gambell electrical energy production efficiency is 13.5 kW-hr/gal Note: Assumes 90% turbine availability with no diversion of power to a thermal or other dump load Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Temperature Conversion Chart °C to °F °C °F °C °F °C °F -40 -40 -10 14 20 68 -39 -38.2 -9 15.8 21 69.8 -38 -36.4 -8 17.6 22 71.6 -37 -34.6 -7 19.4 23 73.4 -36 -32.8 -6 21.2 24 75.2 -35 -31 -5 23 25 77 -34 29.2 -4 24.8 26 78.8 -33 -27.4 -3 26.6 27 80.6 -32 -25.6 -2 28.4 28 82.4 -31 -23.8 -1 30.2 29 84.2 -30 -22 0 32 30 86 -29 -20.2 1 33.8 31 87.8 -28 -18.4 2 35.6 32 89.6 -27 -16.6 3 37.4 33 91.4 -26 -14.8 4 39.2 34 93.2 -25 -13 5 41 35 95 -24 -11.2 6 42.8 36 96.8 -23 -9.4 7 44.6 37 98.6 -22 -7.6 8 46.4 38 100.4 -21 -5.8 9 48.2 39 102.2 -20 -4 10 50 40 104 -19 -2.2 11 51.8 41 105.8 -18 -0.4 12 53.6 42 107.6 -17 1.4 13 55.4 43 109.4 -16 3.2 14 57.2 44 111.2 -15 5 15 59 45 113 -14 6.8 16 60.8 46 114.8 -13 8.6 17 62.6 47 116.6 -12 10.4 18 64.4 48 118.4 -11 12.2 19 66.2 49 120.2 V3 Energy LLC 19 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Wind Speed Conversion Chart, m/s to mph m/s mph m/s mph m/s mph m/s mph m/s mph 0.5 1.1 10.5 23.5 20.5 45.9 30.5 68.2 40.5 90.6 1.0 2.2 11.0 24.6 21.0 47.0 31.0 69.3 41.0 91.7 1.5 3.4 11.5 25.7 21.5 48.1 31.5 70.5 41.5 92.8 2.0 4.5 12.0 26.8 22.0 49.2 32.0 71.6 42.0 93.9 2.5 5.6 12.5 28.0 22.5 50.3 32.5 72.7 42.5 95.1 3.0 6.7 13.0 29.1 23.0 51.4 33.0 73.8 43.0 96.2 3.5 7.8 13.5 30.2 23.5 52.6 33.5 74.9 43.5 97.3 4.0 8.9 14.0 31.3 24.0 53.7 34.0 76.1 44.0 98.4 4.5 10.1 14.5 32.4 24.5 54.8 34.5 77.2 44.5 99.5 5.0 11.2 15.0 33.6 25.0 55.9 35.0 78.3 45.0 100.7 5.5 12.3 15.5 34.7 25.5 57.0 35.5 79.4 45.5 101.8 6.0 13.4 16.0 35.8 26.0 58.2 36.0 80.5 46.0 102.9 6.5 14.5 16.5 36.9 26.5 59.3 36.5 81.6 46.5 104.0 7.0 15.7 17.0 38.0 27.0 60.4 37.0 82.8 47.0 105.1 7.5 16.8 17.5 39.1 27.5 61.5 37.5 83.9 47.5 106.3 8.0 17.9 18.0 40.3 28.0 62.6 38.0 85.0 48.0 107.4 8.5 19.0 18.5 41.4 28.5 63.8 38.5 86.1 48.5 108.5 9.0 20.1 19.0 42.5 29.0 64.9 39.0 87.2 49.0 109.6 9.5 21.3 19.5 43.6 29.5 66.0 39.5 88.4 49.5 110.7 10.0 22.4 20.0 44.7 30.0 67.1 40.0 89.5 50.0 111.8 Distance Conversion m to ft m ft m ft 5 16 35 115 10 33 40 131 15 49 45 148 20 66 50 164 25 82 55 180 30 98 60 197 V3 Energy LLC 20 of 21 Gambell, Alaska Wind Resource Report Selected definitions (courtesy of Windographer® software by Mistaya Engineering Inc.) Wind Power Class The wind power class is a number indicating the average energy content of the wind resource. Wind power classes are based on the average wind power density at 50 meters above ground, according to the following table. Source: Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the United States (http://rredc.nrel.gov/wind/pubs/atlas/tables/A-8T.html) Power Density at 50m (W/m2)Wind Power Class Description 1 Poor 0-200 2 Marginal 200-300 3 Fair 300-400 4 Good 400-500 5 Excellent 500-600 6 Outstanding 600-800 7 Superb 800-2000 Windographer classifies any wind resource with an average wind power density above 2000 W/m2 as class 8. Probability Distribution Function The probability distribution function f(x) gives the probability that a variable will take on the value x. It is often expressed using a frequency histogram, which gives the frequency with which the variable falls within certain ranges or bins. Wind Turbine Power Regulation All wind turbines employ some method of limiting power output at high wind speeds to avoid damage to mechanical or electrical subsystems. Most wind turbines employ either stall control or pitch control to regulate power output. A stall-controlled turbine typically has blades that are fixed in place, and are designed to ex- perience aerodynamic stall at very high wind speeds. Aerodynamic stall dramatically reduces the torque produced by the blades, and therefore the power produced by the turbine. On a pitch-controlled turbine, a controller adjusts the angle (pitch) of the blades to best match the wind speed. At very high wind speeds the controller increasingly feathers the blades out of the wind to limit the power output. V3 Energy LLC 21 of 21