HomeMy WebLinkAboutFive Mile Creek Hydroelectric Project Scope of Work - Apr 2019 - REF Grant 7091226FIVE MILE CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AEA# 7091226 - APPENDIX C GRANTEE SCOPE OF WORK 4/4/2019 Page 1 of 4 TASK 1.0 FINAL PERMITTING AND DESIGN CEI will work to obtain outstanding pre-construction permits and complete project designs. Task 1.1 Permits CEI will work with applicable resource agencies to obtain necessary project permits, including: A. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). FERC has previously determined this project is non-jurisdictional (FERC order in docket DI12-1, issued 5/3/2012). B. State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). A review of the Alaska Heritage Resources Survey was completed in August 2014. No known historic properties were noted to exist within the project’s area of potential effect. SHPO finding of no historic properties affected will be sought for the project. C. Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOTPF) right of way permit. A draft utility permit application was submitted to ADOTPF in 2014. A new permit application will be submitted using the revised concept design. D. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 404 permit (wetlands / waters of U.S.). A permit application will be filed based on the revised concept design. It is expected the project will be authorized under a Nationwide Permit. E. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). FAA has issued a Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation for the 2014 project layout. A new application will be submitted to FAA using the revised concept design to reaffirm this finding. F. Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) fish habitat permit. A fish habitat permit application will be filed with ADFG based on the revised concept design. Prior consultations with ADFG indicate there are no habitat concerns upstream of the highway culvert and habitat concerns downstream of the culvert will be mitigated if water is returned immediately downstream of the highway culvert. This position will be verified or amended based on the revised concept design. G. Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) water rights permit. An application for water rights for the project was filed with ADNR in October 2014 (LAS 29948). The application is awaiting ADNR adjudication. H. ADNR dam safety review. It is expected the diversion structure will not fall under dam safety jurisdiction. A hazard analysis prepared by a registered professional engineer will be prepared and submitted to ADNR’s Dam Safety Program for review and agency concurrence. I. Fire Marshal plan review and approval of hydro powerhouse building. Task 1.2 Business Plan CEI will prepare a Business Plan detailing the project, estimated cost, economics and rate model, financing, and construction and project operation planning. The final project cost estimate will be prepared after completion of Phase 1 construction (Task 2.0) and Phase 2 design (Task 1.5). The draft plan will be submitted to AEA for review and comment. The final plan will address AEA comments. FIVE MILE CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AEA# 7091226 - APPENDIX C GRANTEE SCOPE OF WORK 4/4/2019 Page 2 of 4 Task 1.3 Project Financing and Site Control CEI will finalize project financing, which will include the following: A. Loan/grant applications, origination fees, and approvals. B. Demonstrated financing / grants in place for project construction and start up including appropriate contingencies. With the exception of the Edgerton Highway right of way, project land is owned by Chitina Native Corporation (CNC). CEI is a wholly owned subsidiary of CNC, and use of the project footprint is an in-kind contribution to the project. CEI and CNC will finalize site control documents, which will include recorded easements, rights of way, and/or leases from CNC to CEI as agreed by the parties. It is expected final property descriptions / exhibits will be prepared and recorded after completion of Phase 1 construction and Phase 2 design (Tasks 2.0 and 1.5, respectively). Task 1.4 Final Design, Phase 1 Construction CEI will prepare final designs for Phase 1 of project construction. Phase 1 will include construction of access roads up to the intake site and geotechnical exploration of the intake site. Phase 1 final designs will be based upon the 35% conceptual designs completed in AEA Grant 7040012. 65%, 95% and final designs will be issued for AEA review and comment. The final designs will be stamped by a professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska and stamped “Issued for Construction”. The design will include the following project elements: A. Site control. B. Access corridors needed for project construction and operations, lay-down and staging areas for access road construction as applicable. C. Diversion and intake structure (35% design, for reference only). D. Penstock (35% design, for reference only). Task 1.5 Final Design, Phase 2 Construction CEI will prepare final designs for Phase 2 of project construction. Phase 2 will include the balance of construction for the project. Final design will be based upon Phase 1 as-built drawings, geotechnical information obtained in the course of Phase 1 construction, and the 35% conceptual designs completed in AEA Grant 7040012. 65%, 95% and final designs will be issued for AEA review and comment. The final designs will be stamped by professional engineers registered in the State of Alaska and stamped “Issued for Construction”. The design will include the following project elements: A. Phase 1 Construction record drawings. B. Site control. C. Supplemental work on access corridors as / if required. D. Lay-down and staging areas as applicable. E. Diversion and intake structure. F. Penstock. FIVE MILE CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AEA# 7091226 - APPENDIX C GRANTEE SCOPE OF WORK 4/4/2019 Page 3 of 4 G. Hydro Powerhouse. H. Tailrace. I. Electrical design (turbine/generator controls, switchgear, and utility interconnection (power and controls). J. Other project elements as required for a functional hydroelectric project capable of paralleling with the existing diesel plant and stand-alone utility operation. K. Excess energy dispatch system: i. Communications link between hydro plant controls and distributed excess energy utilization circuits. ii. Hydro plant controls to govern authorization of distributed excess energy utilization circuits on the utility grid based on availability of excess hydro generation capacity. iii. Electrical upgrades to existing buildings for excess energy utilization circuits. iv. Mechanical upgrades to existing buildings for excess energy utilization circuits. Task 1.6 Prepare Phase 1 Contract Documents CEI will prepare contact documents for competitive procurement of a contractor to construct Phase 1 of the project. Task 1.7 Prepare Phase 2 Contract Documents CEI will prepare contact documents for competitive procurement of a contractor to construct Phase 2 of the project. TASK 2.0 PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION 2.1 Bid Project Phase 1 Construction CEI will procure a contractor in accordance with its procurement requirements and associated government requirements. A. Contractor solicitation / bid process. B. Review of bids from prospective contractors. C. Contractor procurement results, notice of award, contract negotiation. 2.2 Award and Manage Contract CEI will award and manage the construction contract. This activity will include the following: A. Execute construction contract, notice to proceed. B. Monthly Reports / Invoices. C. Review and approval of submittals. D. Periodic inspections and inspection reports during construction. 2.3 Construction Contract CEI’s contractor will perform the following general tasks under CEI’s management supervision. The specific scope will be as set forth in the contract documents prepared in Task 1.6. FIVE MILE CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AEA# 7091226 - APPENDIX C GRANTEE SCOPE OF WORK 4/4/2019 Page 4 of 4 A. Obtain Construction Phase Permits i. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Stormwater Permit. ii. Final authorizations from land owners for construction (as may be stipulated in land authorizations / right of way permits). iii. ADOTPF authorizations for right of way work / road closures (safety plans, highway work plans, traffic management plans, etc). B. Construction C. Post Construction Deliverables TASK 3.0 PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTION 3.1 Bid Project Phase 2 Construction CEI will procure a contractor in accordance with its procurement requirements and associated government requirements. A. Contractor solicitation / bid process. B. Review of bids from prospective contractors. C. Contractor procurement results, notice of award, contract negotiation. 3.2 Award and Manage Contract CEI will award and manage the construction contract. This activity will include the following: A. Execute construction contract, notice to proceed. B. Monthly Reports / Invoices. C. Review and approval of submittals. D. Periodic inspections and inspection reports during construction. 3.3 Construction Contract CEI’s contractor will perform the following general tasks under CEI’s management supervision. The specific scope will be as set forth in the contract documents prepared in Task 1.7. A. Obtain Construction Phase Permits i. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Stormwater Permit. ii. Final authorizations from land owners for construction (as may be stipulated in land authorizations / right of way permits). iii. ADOTPF authorizations for right of way work / road closures (safety plans, highway work plans, traffic management plans, etc). B. Construction. C. Plant Start Up and Commissioning. D. Post Construction Deliverables.