HomeMy WebLinkAboutKivalina Wind-Intertie Project Conceptual Design Report - May 2014 - REF Grant 7030016Kivalina Wind-Diesel Conceptual Design Report This report prepared for Alaska Village Electric Cooperative by and Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | i This report was written by Douglas Vaught, P.E. of V3 Energy, LLC under contract to WHPacific, Inc. for development of wind power in the village of Kivalina, Alaska. This analysis is part of a wind energy feasibility project for Northwest Arctic Borough, NANA Regional Corporation and Alaska Energy Authority. Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1 Project Management ........................................................................................................................... 1 Kivalina.................................................................................................................................................... 1 Kivalina Power Plant ............................................................................................................................ 3 Wind-Diesel Philosophy ........................................................................................................................... 4 Wind-Diesel Hybrid System Overview ...................................................................................................... 5 Wind-diesel Design Options ................................................................................................................. 6 Low Penetration Configuration ........................................................................................................ 6 Medium Penetration Configuration ................................................................................................. 7 High Penetration Configuration ....................................................................................................... 7 Wind-Diesel System Components ........................................................................................................ 9 Wind Turbine(s) ............................................................................................................................... 9 Supervisory Control System ............................................................................................................. 9 Synchronous Condenser .................................................................................................................. 9 Secondary Load ............................................................................................................................. 10 Deferrable Load ............................................................................................................................. 10 Interruptible Load .......................................................................................................................... 10 Storage Options ............................................................................................................................. 11 Kivalina-based Wind Power Project ....................................................................................................... 12 Wind Resource Assessment - Kivalina ................................................................................................ 12 Met tower data synopsis................................................................................................................ 12 Wind Speed ................................................................................................................................... 12 Wind Rose ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Temperature ................................................................................................................................. 14 Turbulence Intensity ...................................................................................................................... 14 Extreme Winds .............................................................................................................................. 15 WHPacific and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | ii Kivalina Wind Site Options ................................................................................................................. 15 WAsP Modeling ................................................................................................................................. 18 Turbine Site Options ...................................................................................................................... 18 Wind Turbine Options, Kivalina .......................................................................................................... 21 Northern Power Systems 100 (NPS 100) ........................................................................................ 21 Vestas V20 and V17 ....................................................................................................................... 23 Cold Climate Considerations of Wind Power ...................................................................................... 25 Wind-Diesel HOMER Model, Kivalina ..................................................................................................... 26 Kivalina Powerplant ........................................................................................................................... 27 Electric Load ...................................................................................................................................... 27 Thermal Load..................................................................................................................................... 28 Wind Turbine Configuration Options ................................................................................................. 28 System Modeling and Technical Analysis ............................................................................................... 29 Model Results – Wulik River Site ........................................................................................................ 30 Northern Power NPS 100-24, two (2) turbines ............................................................................... 30 Vestas V20, two (2) turbines .......................................................................................................... 31 Model Results – Kisimigiuktuk Hill Site ............................................................................................... 32 Northern Power NPS 100-21, two (2) turbines ............................................................................... 33 Northern Power NPS 100-21, three (3) turbines ............................................................................. 34 Vestas V17, two (2) turbines .......................................................................................................... 35 Vestas V17, three (3) turbines ........................................................................................................ 36 Economic Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 37 Fuel Cost ........................................................................................................................................... 37 Wind Turbine Project Costs................................................................................................................ 37 Economic Model Results .................................................................................................................... 38 Red Dog Port-based Wind Power Project ............................................................................................... 39 Wind Resource Assessment – Red Dog Port ....................................................................................... 40 Met tower data synopsis................................................................................................................ 40 Data Recovery ............................................................................................................................... 40 Wind Speed ................................................................................................................................... 40 Wind Rose ..................................................................................................................................... 41 Turbulence Intensity ...................................................................................................................... 42 WHPacific and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | iii Extreme Winds .............................................................................................................................. 42 Red Dog Port Wind Site Options ........................................................................................................ 43 WAsP Modeling ............................................................................................................................. 43 Wind Turbine Option, Red Dog Port ................................................................................................... 44 EWT DW 52-900 ............................................................................................................................ 44 Red Dog Port Powerplant .................................................................................................................. 46 Electric Load .................................................................................................................................. 46 Thermal Load ................................................................................................................................. 47 System Modeling and Technical Analysis ........................................................................................... 48 Model Results – Red Dog Port............................................................................................................ 49 EWT DW 52-900, one (1) turbine, 75 m hub height, 90% net AEP ................................................... 49 EWT DW 52-900, two (2) turbines .................................................................................................. 50 Economic Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 51 Fuel Cost ........................................................................................................................................... 51 Wind Turbine Project Costs................................................................................................................ 52 Economic Model Results .................................................................................................................... 53 Development Considerations................................................................................................................. 53 Geology ............................................................................................................................................. 53 Environmental Review ....................................................................................................................... 54 Vegetation ..................................................................................................................................... 54 Avian Resources............................................................................................................................. 54 Other Mammals............................................................................................................................. 55 Fisheries ........................................................................................................................................ 55 Threatened and Endangered Species ............................................................................................. 55 Cultural Resources ......................................................................................................................... 56 Permitting and Agency Consultation Requirements ........................................................................... 56 Wetlands and Waterways .............................................................................................................. 56 Alaska Pollution Discharge Elimination System............................................................................... 57 US. Fish and Wildlife Service/National Marine Fisheries Service ..................................................... 57 Federal Aviation Administration ..................................................................................................... 57 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ......................................................................................................... 57 Alaska Department of Fish and Game ............................................................................................ 58 WHPacific and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | iv State Historic Preservation Office .................................................................................................. 58 Discussion ............................................................................................................................................. 58 Cost ................................................................................................................................................... 59 Aesthetics .......................................................................................................................................... 59 Redundancy....................................................................................................................................... 59 Support ............................................................................................................................................. 59 Commonality ..................................................................................................................................... 59 Recommendation .................................................................................................................................. 60 Appendix A – Kivalina Wind Resource Report .......................................................................................... A Appendix B – Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report .................................................................................. B Appendix C – FAA Notice Criteria Tool, Wulik River Site ........................................................................... C Appendix D – FAA Notice Criteria Tool, Kisimigiuktuk Hill Site ..................................................................D Appendix E – FAA Notice Criteria Tool, Red Dog Port Site ........................................................................ E WHPacific and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 1 Introduction Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) is the electric utility for the City of Kivalina. WHPacific is working with Northwest Arctic Borough and NANA Regional Corporation to consider renewable energy options in Kivalina. WHPacific has contracted V3 Energy, LLC to help prepare this conceptual design report. The primary focus is to evaluate wind power options at the met tower site for the village at its present location. A secondary focus is to model the wind resource at Kisimigiuktuk Hill, which is the planned new location for the village after relocation, and consider wind power options in that location. Additionally, an electrical distribution intertie has been proposed to connect between Red Dog Port and Kivalina. Should this connection be constructed, the presumed location for wind power development would be Red Dog Port with larger utility-scale turbines. This scenario is evaluated in this report. Project Management Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Key Accounts Department, has executive oversight over development of wind power in Kivalina. AVEC, Northwest Arctic Borough, NANA Regional Corporation, and the City of Kivalina wish to install wind turbines in Kivalina primarily to reduce diesel fuel consumption and save money, but also to: Reduce long-term dependence on outside sources of energy Reduce exposure to fuel price volatility Reduce air pollution resulting from less fossil fuel combustion Reduce possibility of spills from fuel transport & storage Reduce Northwest Arctic Borough’s carbon footprint and its contribution to climate change. Kivalina Kivalina is at the tip of an 8-mile barrier reef located between the Chukchi Sea and Kivalina River. It lies 80 air miles northwest of Kotzebue. It lies in the transitional climate zone, which is characterized by long, cold winters and cool summers. The average low temperature during January is -15 °F; the average high during July is 57 °F. Temperature extremes have been measured from -54 to 85 °F. Annual snowfall averages 57 inches, with 8.6 inches of precipitation per year. The Chukchi Sea is ice-free and open to boat traffic from mid-June to the first of November. Kivalina has long been a stopping-off place for seasonal travelers between Arctic coastal areas and Kotzebue Sound communities. It is the only village in the Northwest Arctic Borough region where people hunt the bowhead whale. At one time, the village was located at the north end of the Kivalina Lagoon. It was reported as "Kivualinagmut" in 1847 by Lt. Zagoskin of the Russian Navy. Lt. G.M. Stoney of the U.S. Navy reported the village as "Kuveleek" in 1885. A post office was established in 1940. An airstrip was built in 1960 using metal mattings. Kivalina incorporated as a city in 1969. During the 1970s, new houses, a new school, and an electric system were constructed in the village. Prior to 1976, high school students from Noatak would attend school in Kivalina and board with local families. Due to severe erosion and wind-driven ice damage, the city intends to relocate to a new site 2.5 miles away. Relocation alternatives have been studied, and a new site has been designed and engineered. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 2 Kivalina is a traditional Inupiat Eskimo village. Subsistence activities, including whaling, provide most food sources. Topographic map of Kivalina Google Earth image of Kivalina WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 3 Kivalina Power Plant The Kivalina powerplant is owned and operated by AVEC. Operating personnel are village residents and employed by AVEC. The following information was obtained by WHPacific in 2011 and for this report is considered current. Equipment Data Unit Engine Mfr Engine Generator Generator Model Set Rating 1 Detroit Diesel DDEC3-S60 Kato 6P4-1025 229 2 Caterpillar D353 Kato 6P4-1700 337 3 Cummins LTA 10 Kato 4P3-1475 203 4 Detroit Diesel DDEC4-S60 Newage HCI504C 363 Generating voltage: 480Y/277 The Kivalina power plant is currently equipped with two peak load generator sets, each capable of individually meeting the current peak load requirements. The highest output unit is a relatively high- efficiency 1800 rpm Detroit Diesel Series 60. The next highest output unit, a Caterpillar D353, is no longer manufactured. The Kivalina power plant is also equipped with two remote radiators on the 1800 rpm Detroit Diesel Series 60 which provide redundant cooling capacity along with a heat exchanger and hydronic heating system for transfer of heat to the plant structures. The Kivalina tank farm has adequate useable fuel storage capacity to meet the annual requirements of the next two-year period. Major system improvements completed for the Kivalina distribution system include replacement of the remaining URD (underground residential distribution) sections of the distribution system with overhead lines. Major systems improvements planned for the Kivalina generation system include replacement of rusted powerplant step-up transformers. Existing features Powerplant shortcomings Low system losses in 2004, 2006 and 2008 Two redundant peak load generator sets One fireproof generator set module Three redundant remote radiators Welded fuel fill line Impermeable liner underneath tank farm New bulk fuel storage tank bottoms Slightly excess fuel storage capacity Two state-of-the-art electronically timed diesel sets High overall operating efficiency in 1998, 2002, 2006 and 2010 Relatively high generating efficiency High station energy consumption Undeveloped wind energy potential One remaining non-manufactured Cat D353 No engine jacket water heat recovery system Low 208 volt generation Three year pattern of increasing average outage time; many outages in 2010 No blending system for used lubricating oil No fence around power plant site Fluctuating system losses and station energy consumption Fluctuating overall adjusted operating efficiency Fluctuating adjusted generating efficiency Large fuel adjustment in 2010 Five year pattern of increasing fuel costs Power plant and tank farm located adjacent to beach potentially subject to erosion Tank farm located far from power plant Remote location of tank farm requires long transfers of fuel Fuel transfers increase spill risk Declining unadjusted generating efficiency WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 4 Existing features Powerplant shortcomings Unrealistically high adjusted generating efficiency Larger fuel adjustments since tank farm was located to a remote location from previoustank farm Wind-Diesel Philosophy Installing wind turbines and creating a wind-diesel power system in an Alaskan village is a demanding challenge. At first glance, the benefits of wind power are manifest: the fuel is free and it is simply a manner of capturing it. The reality of course is more complicated. Wind turbines are complex machines and integrating them into the diesel power system of a small community is complicated. With wind- diesel, a trade-off exists between fuel savings and complexity. A system that is simple and inexpensive to install and operate will displace relatively little diesel fuel, while a wind-diesel system of considerable complexity and sophistication can achieve very significant fuel savings. The ideal balance of fuel savings and complexity is not the same for every community and requires careful consideration. Not only do the wind resource, electric and thermal load profiles, and powerhouse suitability vary between villages, so does technical capacity and community willingness to accept the opportunities and challenges of wind power. A very good wind-diesel solution for one village may not work as well in another village, for reasons that go beyond design and configuration questions. Ultimately, the electric utility and village residents must consider their capacity, desire for change and growth, and long-term goals when deciding the best solution to meets their needs. The purpose of this conceptual design report is to introduce and discuss the viability of wind power in Kivalina. Many options are possible, ranging from a very simple low penetration system to a highly complex, diesels-off configuration potentially capable of displacing 50 percent or more of fuel usage in the community. It is possible that AVEC and Kivalina residents ultimately will prefer a simple, low penetration wind power system, or alternatively a very complex high penetration system, but from past discussions and work it appears that a moderate approach to wind power in Kivalina is preferable, at least initially. With a moderately complex project design framework in mind, a configuration of relatively high wind turbine capacity with no electrical storage and no diesels-off capability was chosen. This provides sufficient wind capacity to make a substantive impact on fuel usage but does not require an abrupt transition of Kivalina’s power generation from low to high complexity. Although conceptually elegant, there is a trade-off to consider with this approach. Installing a large amount of wind power (200 to 300 kW of wind capacity are recommended) is expensive, but without electrical or thermal storage some of the benefits of this wind power capacity may not always be used to best advantage. The thermodynamics of energy creation and use dictates that wind power is more valuable when used to offset fuel used by diesel generators to generate electricity than fuel used in fuel oil boilers to serve thermal loads. Referring to the energy production summaries for the turbine configurations under Modeling Results, one can see that the wind turbines are expected to produce relatively small amounts of excess electricity, even at 85 percent turbine availability. This excess electricity, although minimal, WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 5 must be shunted via a secondary load controller to the diesel generator heat recovery loop or simple radiation heaters to avoid curtailing wind turbines during periods of high wind and relatively light electrical load. Although perhaps not readily apparent in the report, this compromise of wind capacity versus complexity is contained within the economic benefit-to-cost tables. This compromise, which is endemic to wind-diesel, results in high capital costs, but usage of the energy generated is imperfect from an efficiency point of view. The most efficient usage of wind energy from a technical point of view – offset of electrical power, may be too expensive from a cost-benefit perspective. It is important not to focus strictly on benefit-to-cost ratio of a particular configuration design or particular turbine option, but also consider a wider view of the proposed wind project for Kivalina. Installing 200 to 300 kW wind power capacity has considerable short-term benefit with reduction of diesel fuel usage, but more importantly it would provide a platform of sustainable renewable energy growth in Kivalina for many years to come. This could include enhancements such as additional thermal load offset, battery storage and/or use of a flywheel to enable diesels-off capability, creation of deferred heat loads such as water heating, and installation of distributed electrical home heat units (Steffis heaters or similar) controlled by smart metering. The latter, presently operational to a limited extent in the villages of Kongiganak, Kwigillingok, Tuntutuliak, has enormous potential in rural Alaska to not only reduce the very high fuel oil expenses borne by village residents, but also to improve the efficiency and cost benefit of installed and future wind power projects. These opportunities and benefits are tangible and achievable, but their cost benefit was not modeled in this report. Lastly, it must be acknowledged that a wind power project in Kivalina will provide benefits that are not easily captured by economic modeling. These are the externalities of economics that are widely recognized as valuable, but often discounted because they are considered by some as soft values compared to the hard numbers of capital cost, fuel quantity displaced, etc. These include ideals such as long-term sustainability of the village, independence from foreign-sourced fuel, reduction of Kivalina’s carbon footprint, and opportunities for education and training of local residents. Beyond these somewhat practical considerations, there is the simple moral argument that renewable energy is the right thing to do, especially in a community such as Kivalina that is in the vanguard of risk from climate change due to global warming. Wind-Diesel Hybrid System Overview There are now over twenty-four wind-diesel projects in the state, making Alaska a world leader in wind- diesel hybrid technology. There are a variety of system configurations and turbine types in operation and accordingly there is a spectrum of success in all of these systems. As experience and statewide industry support has increased so has overall system performance. The following figure illustrates the locations of installed wind projects in Alaska. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 6 Alaska wind-diesel projects Wind-diesel Design Options Wind-diesel power systems are categorized based on their average penetration levels, or the overall proportion of wind-generated electricity compared to the total amount of electrical energy generated. Commonly used categories of wind-diesel penetration levels are low penetration, medium penetration, and high penetration. The wind penetration level is roughly equivalent to the amount of diesel fuel displaced by wind power. Note however that the higher the level of wind penetration, the more complex and expensive a control system and demand-management strategy is required. This is a good compromise between of displaced fuel usage and relatively minimal system complexity and is the preferred system configuration of Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC). AVEC is Alaska’s leading utility developer of wind-diesel power systems, and a useful guide for North Slope Borough. Low Penetration Configuration Low-penetration wind-diesel systems require the fewest modifications to the existing system. However, they tend to be less economical for village installations due to the limited annual fuel savings compared to the total wind system installation costs. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 7 Medium Penetration Configuration Many of the AVEC communities, Toksook Bay for example, have 24% of their energy from wind. The figure below indicates the configuration and key points on using a medium penetration, wind-diesel system. High Penetration Configuration Other communities, such as Kokhanok, are more aggressively seeking to offset diesel used for thermal and electrical energy. They are using configurations which will allow for the generator sets to be turned off and use a significant portion of the wind energy for various heating loads. The potential benefit of these systems is the highest, however currently the commissioning for these system types due to the increased complexity, can take longer. The figure below indicates the configuration and key points on using a high-penetration, wind-diesel system. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 8 The above system descriptions can be summarized in the table below. The level of instantaneous penetration is important for power quality design considerations. The annual amount of wind energy on the system is considered the average penetration level and helps to provide a picture of the overall economic benefit. Categoriesofwind-diesel penetrationlevels Penetration Category Wind Penetration Level OperatingCharacteristicsandSystem Requirements Instantaneous Average Very Low <60%<8%Diesel generator(s) runs full time Wind power reduces net load on diesel All wind energy serves primary load No supervisory control system Low 60 to 120%8 to 20%Diesel generator(s) runs full time At high wind power levels, secondary loads are dispatched to insure sufficient diesel loading, or wind generation is curtailed Relatively simple control system Medium 120 to 300%20 to 50%Diesel generator(s) runs full time At medium to high wind power levels, secondary loads are dispatched to insure sufficient diesel loading At high wind power levels, complex secondary load control system is needed to ensure heat loads do not become saturated Sophisticated control system WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 9 Penetration Category Wind Penetration Level OperatingCharacteristicsandSystem RequirementsInstantaneous Average High (Diesels-off Capable) 300+%50 to 150% At high wind power levels, diesel generator(s) may be shut down for diesels-off capability Auxiliary components required to regulate voltage and frequency Sophisticated control system Wind-Diesel System Components Listed below are the main components of a medium to high-penetration wind-diesel system: Wind turbine(s), plus tower and foundation Supervisory control system Secondary load (plus controller) Deferrable load Interruptible load Storage Synchronous condenser Wind Turbine(s) Village-scale wind turbines are generally considered to be 50 kW to 500 kW rated output capacity. This turbine size once dominated with worldwide wind power industry but has long been left behind in favor of much larger 1,500 kW plus capacity turbines. Conversely, many turbines are manufactured for home or farm application, but generally these are 10 kW capacity or less. Consequently, few new village size- class turbines are on the market, although a large supply of used and/or remanufactured turbines are available. The latter typically result from repowering older wind farms in the United States and Europe with new, larger wind turbines. Supervisory Control System Medium- and high-penetration wind-diesel systems require fast-acting real and reactive power management to compensate for rapid variation in village load and wind turbine power output. A wind- diesel system master controller, also called a supervisory controller, would be installed inside the Kivalina power plant or in a new module adjacent to it. The supervisory controller would select the optimum system configuration based on village load demand and available wind power. Synchronous Condenser A synchronous condenser, also referred to as a synchronous compensator, is a specialized synchronous- type electric motor with an output shaft that spins freely. Its excitation field is controlled by a voltage regulator to either generate or absorb reactive power as needed to support grid voltage or to maintain the grid power factor at a specified level. A synchronous condenser or similar device is needed to operate in diesels-off mode with wind turbines equipped with asynchronous (induction) type generators. This is to provide the reactive power necessary for operation of the asynchronous generator. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 10 Synchronous condenser at the Kokhonak, AK powerplant Secondary Load A secondary or “dump” load during periods of high wind is required for a wind-diesel hybrid power system to operate reliably and economically. The secondary load converts excess wind power into thermal power for use in space and water heating through the extremely rapid (sub-cycle) switching of heating elements, such as an electric boiler imbedded in the diesel generator jacket water heat recovery loop. As seen in Figure 16, a secondary load controller serves to stabilize system frequency by providing a fast responding load when gusting wind creates system instability. An electric boiler is a common secondary load device used in wind-diesel power systems. An electric boiler (or boilers), coupled with a boiler grid interface control system, could be installed in Kivalina to absorb excess instantaneous energy (generated wind energy plus minimum diesel output exceeds electric load demand). The grid interface monitors and maintains the temperature of the electric hot water tank and establishes a power setpoint. The wind-diesel system master controller assigns the setpoint based on the amount of unused wind power available in the system. Frequency stabilization is another advantage that can be controlled with an electric boiler load. The boiler grid interface will automatically adjust the amount of power it is drawing to maintain system frequency within acceptable limits. Deferrable Load A deferrable load is electric load that must be met within some time period, but exact timing is not important. Loads are normally classified as deferrable because they have some storage associated with them. Water pumping is a common example - there is some flexibility as to when the pump actually operates, provided the water tank does not run dry. Other examples include ice making and battery charging. A deferrable load operates second in priority to the primary load and has priority over charging batteries, should the system employ batteries as a storage option. Interruptible Load Electric heating either in the form of electric space heaters or electric water boilers could be explored as a means of displacing stove oil with wind-generated electricity. It must be emphasized that electric heating is only economically viable with excess electricity generated by a renewable energy source such WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 11 as wind and not from diesel-generated power. It is typically assumed that 40 kWh of electric heat is equivalent to one gallon of heating fuel oil. Storage Options Electrical energy storage provides a means of storing wind generated power during periods of high winds and then releasing the power as winds subside. Energy storage has a similar function to a secondary load but the stored, excess wind energy can be converted back to electric power at a later time. There is an efficiency loss with the conversion of power to storage and out of storage. The descriptions below are informative but are not currently part of the overall system design. Flywheels A flywheel energy system has the capability of short-term energy storage to further smooth out short- term variability of wind power, and has the additional advantage of frequency regulation. The smallest capacity flywheel available from Powercorp (now ABB), however, is 500 kW capacity, so it is only suitable for large village power generation systems. Batteries Battery storage is a generally well-proven technology and has been used in Alaskan power systems including Fairbanks (Golden Valley Electric Association), Wales and Kokhanok, but with mixed results in the smaller communities. Batteries are most appropriate for providing medium-term energy storage to allow a transition, or bridge, between the variable output of wind turbines and diesel generation. This “bridging” period is typically 5 to 15 minutes long. Storage for several hours or days is also possible with batteries, but this requires higher capacity and cost. In general, the disadvantages of batteries for utility- scale energy storage, even for small utility systems, are high capital and maintenance costs and limited lifetime. Of particular concern to rural Alaska communities is that batteries are heavy and expensive ship and most contain hazardous substances that require special removal from the village at end of service life and disposal in specially-equipped recycling centers. There are a wide variety of battery types with different operating characteristics. Advanced lead acid and zinc-bromide flow batteries were identified as “technologically simple” energy storage options appropriate for rural Alaska in an Alaska Center for Energy and Power (ACEP) July, 2009 report on energy storage. Nickel-cadmium (NiCad) batteries have been used in rural Alaska applications such as the Wales wind-diesel system. Advantages of NiCad batteries compared to lead-acid batteries include a deeper discharge capability, lighter weight, higher energy density, a constant output voltage, and much better performance during cold temperatures. However, NiCads are considerably more expensive than lead-acid batteries and one must note that the Wales wind-diesel system had a poor operational history and has not been functional for over ten years. Because batteries operate on direct current (DC), a converter is required to charge or discharge when connected to an alternating current (AC) system. A typical battery storage system would include a bank of batteries and a power conversion device. The batteries would be wired for a nominal voltage of roughly 300 volts. Individual battery voltages on a large scale system are typically 1.2 volts DC. Recent advances in power electronics have made solid state inverter/converter systems cost effective and WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 12 preferable a power conversion device. The Kokhanok wind-diesel system is designed with a 300 volts DC battery bank coupled to a grid-forming power converter for production of utility-grade real and reactive power. Following some design and commissioning delays, the solid state converter system in Kokhanok should be operational by late 2013 and will be monitored closely for reliability and effectiveness. Kivalina-based Wind Power Project This section examines the options for a wind project based in or near Kivalina and serving only electric and thermal loads in the village. Wind Resource Assessment - Kivalina The wind resource measured in Kivalina is good, with measured power class 3 to 4 winds. In addition to high annual mean wind speed and wind power density, Kivalina experiences directional prevailing winds, low turbulence and calculations indicate low extreme wind speed probability. A 30 meter met tower was installed in May 2011 about two miles south of Kivalina near the Wulik River at the planned re-location site for the village. The met tower datalogger failed in May 2012 and the met tower itself collapsed in a severe wind storm with accompanying flooding in autumn 2012. The met tower debris was removed from the site in August 2013 and remaining rebar guy wires anchors were cut-off at ground level in February 2014. The complete Kivalina wind resource report, dated June 2012, is included in Appendix A of this report. Met tower data synopsis Data dates May 9, 2011 to May 18, 2012 (12.3 months) Site number 9750 Site location (NAD83) N 67° 43’ 26.64”; W 164° 26’ 25.38” Wind power class Class 3 to Class 4 Wind power density mean, 30 m 325 W/m2 Wind speed mean, 30 m 5.84 m/s Max. 10-min wind speed average 26.7 m/s Maximum 2-sec. wind gust 33.6 m/s (November, 2011) Weibull distribution parameters k = 1.65, c = 6.51 m/s Wind shear power law exponent Not determined due to faulty 20 m anemometer Roughness class Not determined due to faulty 20 m anemometer IEC 61400-1, 3rd ed. classification Class III-C Turbulence intensity, mean 0.075 (at 15 m/s) Calm wind frequency (at 33 m)35% (< 4 m/s) Wind Speed Anemometer data obtained from the met tower, from the perspectives of both mean wind speed and mean wind power density, indicate a good wind resource. Mean wind speeds are greater at higher elevations on the met tower as one would expect. Note that the cold mean annual air temperature in Kivalina contributed to a higher wind power density than otherwise expected for the mean wind speeds. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 13 use elsewhere in this report. problems with the 20 meter level anemometer. Anemometer data summary Variable Speed 30 m A Speed 30 m B Speed 37 m synthesized Measurement height (m) 30 30 37 Mean wind speed (m/s) 5.84 5.79 6.02 Max 10-min avg wind speed (m/s) 26.7 26.7 27.5 Max gust wind speed (m/s) 33.2 33.6 Weibull k 1.65 1.61 1.65 Weibull c (m/s) 6.51 6.44 6.71 Mean power density (W/m²) 323 321 353 Mean energy content (kWh/m²/yr) 2,830 2,810 3,090 Energy pattern factor 2.43 2.48 2.43 Wind speed profile Wind Rose Wind frequency rose data indicates that winds at Kivalina are relatively directional, with north- northeasterly and east-northeasterly predominating. The mean value rose indicates that infrequent southeasterly winds, when they do occur, are of high energy and hence likely are storm winds. The wind energy rose indicates that winds for wind turbine operations power-producing are northerly and southeasterly dominant. Calm frequency (percent of time that winds at the 30 meter level are less than 4 m/s) was 34 percent during the met tower test period. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 14 Wind frequency rose Wind energy rose Temperature Kivalina has an exceptionally cold climate with a below freezing mean annual temperature and a minimum measured temperature during the test period of -48.7° C (-55.7° F). Summer temperatures can be quite warm however. Kivalina temperature data Mean Mean Min Min Max Max Month (°C) (°F) (°C)(°F) (°C)(°F) Jan -30.7 -23.2 -44.5 -48.1 -8.9 16.0 Feb -15.9 3.3 -48.7 -55.7 2.7 36.9 Mar -20.2 -4.4 -34.5 -30.1 -7.4 18.7 Apr -7.9 17.7 -28.4 -19.1 10.6 51.1 May 1.8 35.2 -15.4 4.3 25.0 77.0 Jun 12.2 54.0 0.7 33.3 28.1 82.6 Jul 12.9 55.2 2.6 36.7 28.9 84.0 Aug 11.3 52.4 0.4 32.7 23.5 74.3 Sep 6.8 44.3 -5.1 22.8 19.3 66.7 Oct -3.5 25.8 -17.6 0.3 8.7 47.7 Nov -16.5 2.2 -31.5 -24.7 1.8 35.2 Dec -15.5 4.0 -35.0 -31.0 0.5 32.9 Annual -5.4 22.3 -48.7 -55.7 28.9 84.0 Turbulence Intensity Turbulence intensity (TI) at the Kivalina met tower site is well within acceptable standards with an IEC 61400-1, 3rd edition (2005) classification of turbulence category C, which is the lowest defined. The mean TI at 15 m/s is 0.075 and the representative TI at 15 m/s is 0.105 (30 m A anemometer), both which can be considered very low and hence very desirable for wind turbine operations. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 15 Turbulence intensity, 30 m A anemometer, all direction sectors Extreme Winds A modified Gumbel distribution analysis, based on monthly maximum winds vice annual maximum winds, was used to predict extreme winds at the Kivalina met tower site. Industry standard reference of extreme wind is the 50 year probable (50 year return period) ten-minute average wind speed, referred to as Vref. For Kivalina, this calculates to 35.8 m/s (at 30 meters), which qualifies as an International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61400-1, 3rd edition criteria Class III site, the lowest defined. All wind turbines are designed for IEC 61400-1 Class III conditions. Extreme wind probability table, 30 m A data Vref Gust IEC 61400-1, 3rd ed. Period (years) (m/s) (m/s) Class Vref, m/s 3 26.8 32.8 I 50.0 10 30.7 37.5 II 42.5 20 32.9 40.2 III 37.5 30 34.2 41.8 S designer- specified 50 35.8 43.8 100 38.0 46.5 Kivalina Wind Site Options The primary difficulty in identifying and selecting a wind turbine site in Kivalina is the status of the village. Wind turbines in or very near Kivalina are not possible due to the very confined nature of the community and the alignment of the runway which precludes large structures near the village. But, due to the ever-increasing erosion of the barrier island that Kivalina occupies which separates the community from Kivalina Lagoon and the Bering Sea, the village may move to a more secure location. Several years ago the preferred new location was one mile up the Wulik River (about two miles from the present village site), very near the site of the Kivalina met tower. This location, however, was deemed WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 16 unsuitable by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers due to flooding risk, hence a site on the east slope of Kisimigiuktuk Hill (“stands alone”; also Kisimiguiqtuq) was chosen for re-location of the village. Kisimigiuktuk Hill is seven miles northeast of Kivalina and would require construction of a causeway across Kivalina Lagoon and a substantial road construction project to cross several miles of marshy tundra. Kisimigiuktuk Hill is stable and dry upland terrain and suitable for construction of infrastructure. Kivalina site options Wulik River site, view to west Kisimigiuktuk Hill Wulik River site; met tower site Kivalina Kivalina Wulik River site; met tower site WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 17 Kisimigiuktuk Hill, view to west Kivalina wind turbine site options table Wind Turbine Site Advantages Disadvantages Wulik River Near the existing village location Site large enough to accommodate several wind turbines with sufficient room for future expansion Sufficient distance from the Kivalina airport to allay air traffic operations concerns Two miles of new distribution line required; complicated distribution line route with water crossing This site is no longer the preferred location for the re- location of Kivalina Marshy permafrost site; expensive foundation; substantial fill required Summer access undeveloped; would require improved boat landing on the Wulik River Winter construction required Kisimigiuktuk Hill Area of the preferred site for re- location of Kivalina Very good wind exposure Rocky eroded mountain geotech; ballast type foundation possible Site large enough to accommodate several wind turbines with sufficient room for future expansion Presumes re-location of Kivalina without which this turbine site is not viable Road must be constructed to top of Kisimigiuktuk Hill (presuming preceding construction of road from Kivalina to Kisimigiuktuk Hill Kisimigiuktuk Hill Kivalina WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 18 Wind Turbine Site Advantages Disadvantages Presuming Kivalina airport is not relocated from the barrier island, no turbine height limitations Dry site; likely good geotech conditions for turbine foundations WAsP Modeling WAsP (acronym for Wind Atlas and Application Program) is a PC-based software to predict wind climate, wind resource and power production for wind turbines and wind farms. WAsP modeling was used in this conceptual design report to predict the wind resource on Kisimigiuktuk Hill with the Kivalina met tower as the wind resource reference point. WAsP modeling begins with import from the National Elevation Dataset of a digital elevation map (DEM) of the subject site and surrounding area and conversion of coordinates to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). UTM is a geographic coordinate system that uses a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system to identify locations on the surface of Earth. UTM coordinates reference the meridian of its particular zone (60 longitudinal zones are further subdivided by 20 latitude bands) for the easting coordinate and distance from the equator for the northing coordinate. Units are meters. Elevations of the DEMs are converted to meters if necessary for import into WAsP software. Kivalina is within the boundary of new, high resolution elevation data with modern datum geographic reference. This new data was used for the WAsP analysis in this report. Once converted for use in WAsP software, a met tower reference point is added to the DEM, wind turbine locations identified, and a wind turbine type selected to perform the calculations. WAsP considers the orographic (terrain) effects on the wind (plus surface roughness and obstacles) and calculates wind flow increase or decrease at each node of the DEM grid. The mathematical model has a number of limitations, including the assumption that wind regime of the turbine site is similar to that of the met tower reference site, prevailing weather conditions are stable over time, and the surrounding terrain at both sites is sufficiently gentle and smooth to ensure laminar, attached wind flow. WAsP software is not capable of modeling turbulent wind flow resulting from sharp terrain features such as mountain ridges, canyons, shear bluffs, etc. Turbulent flow modeling requires computation fluid dynamics methods. Turbine Site Options As previously described, there are two site options: the Wulik River site at or near the met tower location, and on the summit of Kisimigiuktuk Hill, presuming eventual relocation of the village of Kivalina to this area due to the accelerating trend and increasing risk of erosion and coastal flooding. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 19 WAsP wind speed overlay, Wulik River site and Kisimigiuktuk Hill WAsP wind speed overlay, Kisimigiuktuk Hill site area Kisimigiuktuk Hill Wulik River site WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 20 WAsP wind speed overlay with wind rose, Kisimigiuktuk Hill Site, view to the west Comparative prediction of Kivalina met tower and wind turbine sites Location Wind Speed (annual mean), (m/s) Power Density, (annual mean), (W/m2) Weibull k Weibull A, (m/s) IEC 61400-1 classif. Kivalina met tower (30 m A measured with synthesis) 5.84 323 1.65 6.71 III-C Kivalina met tower (37 m 6.02 353 1.65 6.71 Kivalina met tower (37 m WAsP observed wind climate) 6.11 328* 1.57 6.60 Wulik River site (37 m WAsP predicted) 6.14 331 1.68 6.90 III-C Kisimigiuktuk Hill site (37 m WAsP predicted) 8.28 830 1.60 8.70 II-C** *WAsP wind power density calculation does not consider temperature/air density **predicted/assumed WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 21 WAsP observed wind climate (37 m extrapolated), from Windographer data file Wind Turbine Options, Kivalina The wind power options for a Kivalina-based project are limited to robust turbines in the approximately 100 kW capacity range. For the Wulik River site, these are the Northern Power NPS 100-24 and the Vestas V20. Given the prediction of much higher wind speeds at the Kisimigiuktuk Hill site, the Northern Power NPS 100-21 and the Vestas V17 are a more conservative consideration and likely more appropriate with respect to IEC classification of extreme wind speed probability. Northern Power Systems 100 (NPS 100) At 100 kilowatts of rated power, the Northern Power 100 (previously known as the Northwind 100) is an innovative wind turbine with gearless direct drive design, permanent magnet generator, best-in-class reliability, and pleasing aesthetics. The turbine is marketed in two versions: the NPS 100 for temperature climates and the NPS 100 Arctic for cold climates such as Alaska. Differences between the two include heaters and insulation for the Arctic version, plus certification that metal used in the tower and nacelle frame are appropriate for operation to -40° C (-40° F). Power Curve (NPS 100-24) Power Curve (NPS 100-21) Basic NPS 100 turbine features, beyond those noted above, are a 21 meter rotor for IEC Class II wind environments and a 24 meter rotor (21 meter rotor blades with blade root extenders) for IEC Class III/s wind environments. In a suitable wind regime, the NPS 100-24 can generate 10 to 15 percent more energy per year than the NPS 100-21. Northern Power noted that new full span blades (no blade extenders) for the NPS 100-24 will be available soon that will boost energy production even further, WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 22 perhaps by additional 12 percent over the present NPS 100-24 configuration. The NPS 100 turbine is normally available on 23, 30 and 37 meter tubular towers. A future option of a 48 meter lattice tower is planned. The generator and rotor of the NPS 100 are directly coupled and rotate at the same speed. By eliminating the gearbox, Northern Power has simplified the drivetrain design by significantly reducing the number of moving parts and wear items. This gearless design results in a high reliability turbine with lower operating costs. The turbine’s relatively simple design allows owners and operators to perform their own O&M functions (with factory training), saving service calls and increasing wind plant availability and performance. The proprietary permanent magnet generator is central to the design of the NPS 100 drivetrain. Permanent magnet generators offer high efficiency energy conversion, particularly at partial load, and require no separate field excitation system. Permanent magnet generators are lighter, more efficient, and require less assembly labor than competing designs. The Northern Power permanent magnet generator was designed in conjunction with its power converter to create an optimized solution tailored for high energy capture and low operating costs. The NPS 100-21 generator is passively cooled directly by the wind with no requirement for auxiliary fans or air transfer through the generator. The new NPS 100-24 configuration uses active fan cooling to ensure full system output during the warmer summer months, and/or during extended periods of high energy production. A key element of Northern Power’s direct drive wind turbine design is the power converter used to connect the permanent magnet generator output to the local power system. Northern Power designs and manufactures power converters for its wind turbines in-house, with complete hardware, control design, and software capabilities. In 2006, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) awarded its annual Technical Achievement Award to Northern Power’s Chief Engineer, Jeff Petter. It recognized his expertise and leadership in the development of Northern Power Systems’ FlexPhase™ power converter for mega-watt scale wind turbine applications. The FlexPhase power converter combines a unique, patent-pending circuit design with a high bandwidth control system to provide unique generator management, power quality, and grid support features. The FlexPhase converter platform offers a modular approach with a very small footprint and 20-year design life. The Northern Power System NPS 100 wind turbine is manufactured by Northern Power Systems in Barre, Vermont. The NPS 100 turbine is rated at 100 kW, is stall-regulated and operates upwind with active yaw control, has a direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous generator, comes equipped with a 21 meter or 24 meter diameter rotor, and is available on 30 and 37 meter tubular steel monopole towers, or on a 48 meter four-leg lattice tower. The NPS 100-21 is the most represented village-scale wind turbine in Alaska with a significant number of installations in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region of the state, and also in Gambell and Savoonga on St. Lawrence Island. More information can be found at: http://www.northernpower.com/. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 23 Design class of the NPS 100-21 (21 meter rotor) is IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) Class II-A (air density 1.225 kg/m3, average wind speed below 8.5 m/s, and 50-year peak gust below 59.5 m/s). Northern Power Systems 100 wind turbines, Toksook Bay, Alaska Vestas V20 and V17 The Vestas V20 and V17 wind turbines were originally manufactured by Vestas Wind Systems A/S in Denmark and are no longer in production. They are, however, available as remanufactured units from Halus Power Systems in California (represented in Alaska by Marsh Creek, LLC). The V20 is similar to the V17 but designed for lower wind speed environments. The drivetrain and control system of the two turbines are identical, but the V20 is equipped with dissimilar rotor blades (not just blade root extenders) from the V17. The V20 and V17 turbines are equipped fixed-pitch, stall-regulated rotor coupled to asynchronous (induction) generators via gearbox drives. The original turbine designs included low speed and high speed generators in order to optimize performance at low and high wind speeds. The two generators are connected to the gearbox with belt drives and a clutch mechanism. In some installations though – especially sites with a high mean wind speeds – the low speed generator is removed to eliminate a potential failure point. Vestas V20 Vestas V17 WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 24 Vestas began mass production of wind turbines in the mid 1980’s with a 55 kW model. Thousands of Vestas turbines were installed in California in the 1980’s and most of these turbines are still operational. Vestas is the largest wind turbine manufacturer in the world and the only major Danish pioneer wind turbine manufacturer still in business. Although the sub-megawatt Vestas turbine models offered by Halus Power have not been manufactured for a number of years, Vestas still sells new parts for these units, enabling easier operations and maintenance than with turbines from manufacturers who no longer in business. For the fixed pitch V17 and V20, Halus manufactures an after-market controllers as replacements for Vestas’ original turbine controllers. Unlike PLC-based controllers with generic PLC’s designed for a wide variety of industrial control systems, Halus’ microprocessor-based controllers are designed specifically for stall-regulated wind turbines. As a result, according to Halus, the new controllers enable more functionality and are easier to troubleshoot than a PLC-based controller. Some of the controller features: Advanced soft-start motor control with user-definable thyristor trigger angle and cut-in slope Automatic motor start support for two-generator (low speed/high speed) designs, common on many wind turbines Power factor control including user-definable delay for capacitor connection and capacitor discharging time User-definable grid frequency, voltage, and current ranges Remote monitoring and control system (similar to SCADA systems used by wind farm operators) Optional relay protection system to meet utility interconnection IEEE standards Pre-mounted on galvanized steel stand to minimize labor time in the field If desired by the client, Halus offers remote monitoring and control of their turbine models (the turbine can be accessed by the customer as well). Some of the available remote functions are: monitoring of voltage, current, power, energy, frequency, wind speed, generator and rotor rpm, temperature, and system status, modification of controller limits, sending commands to the turbine, reading and resetting the error list, and generating power curves. This type of functionality may be more suitable, however, may be more suitable for utility-connected stand-alone turbines that for isolated grid applications. Remanufactured Vestas turbines installed in cold climates are equipped with heaters controlled by digital temperature controllers that have network connectivity options, extra insulation of components, and application of black coatings to absorb heat. Tower options include tubular, lattice, tower extensions, and custom colors. For remote locations where turbine erection by crane is not possible, tilt-up installation is possible on select turbine models. Additionally, customer logos on the turbine nacelle cover or (tubular) tower are possible. The logos are high-quality outdoor vinyl with ten-plus year life. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 25 Vestas V17 wind turbines in Kokhanok, Alaska Cold Climate Considerations of Wind Power Kivalina’s harsh climate condition is an important consideration should wind power be developed in the community. The principal challenges with respect to turbine selection and subsequent operation is severe cold and icing. Many wind turbines in standard configuration are designed for a lower operating temperature limit of -4° C (-20° F), which clearly would not be suitable for Kivalina. A number of wind turbine manufacturers offer their turbine in an “arctic” configuration which includes verification that structural and other system critical metal components are fatigue tested for severe cold capability and/or a proven history of extensive cold climate operations. In addition, arctic-rated turbines are fitted with insulation and heaters in the nacelle and power electronics space to ensure proper operating temperatures. With an arctic rating, the lower temperature operating limit generally extends to -40° C (- 40° F). On occasion during winter Kivalina may experience temperatures colder than -40° C which would signal the wind turbines to curtail. Temperatures below -40° C are relatively infrequent however and when they do occur, are generally accompanied by lighter winds. A second aspect of concern regarding Kivalina’s arctic climate is icing conditions. Atmospheric icing is a complex phenomenon characterized by astonishing variability and diversity of forms, density, and tenacity of frozen precipitation, some of which is harmless to wind turbine operations and others highly problematic. Although highly complex, with respect to wind turbines five types of icing are recognized: clear ice, rime ice, mixed ice, frost ice, and SLD ice (www.Wikipedia.org/wiki/icing_conditions). Rime would not be expected at the sea-level Wulik River site, but possibly may occur to a limited extent on Kisimigiuktuk Hill. Clear ice is often clear and smooth. Super-cooled water droplets, or freezing rain, strike a surface but do not freeze instantly. Forming mostly along the stagnation point on an airfoil, it generally conforms to the shape of the airfoil. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 26 Rime ice is rough and opaque, formed by super-cooled drops rapidly freezing on impact. Often "horns" or protrusions are formed and project into the airflow. Mixed ice is a combination of clear and rime ice. Frost ice is the result of water freezing on unprotected surfaces. It often forms behind deicing boots or heated leading edges of an airfoil and has been a factor airplane crashes. SLD ice refers to ice formed in super-cooled large droplet (SLD) conditions. It is similar to clear ice, but because droplet size is large, it often extends to unprotected parts of a wind turbine (or aircraft) and forms large ice shapes faster than normal icing conditions. SLD ice on an airplane Wind-Diesel HOMER Model, Kivalina Considering AVEC’s goal of displacing as much diesel fuel for electrical generation as possible and yet recognizing the present limitations of high penetration wind power in Alaska and AVEC’s desire to operate a highly stable and reliable electrical utility in Kivalina, only the medium penetration wind-diesel configuration scenario was modeled with HOMER software. Note that low penetration wind was not modeled as this would involve use of smaller farm-scale turbines that are not designed for severe cold climates, and low penetration would not meet AVEC’s goal of significantly displacing fuel usage in Kivalina. As previously noted, a medium penetration wind-diesel configuration is a compromise between the simplicity of a low penetration wind power and the significant complexity and sophistication of the high penetration wind. With medium penetration, instantaneous wind input is sufficiently high (at 100 plus percent of the village electrical load) to require a secondary or diversion load to absorb excess wind power, or alternatively, to require curtailment of wind turbine output during periods of high wind/low electric loads. For Kivalina only, appropriate wind turbines for medium wind penetration are generally in the 100 to 300 kW range with more numbers of turbines required for lower output machines compared to larger output models. There are a number of comparative medium penetration village wind-diesel power systems presently in operation in Alaska. These include the AVEC villages of Toksook Bay, Chevak, Savoonga, Kasigluk, WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 27 Hooper Bay, among others. All are characterized by wind turbines directly connected to the AC distribution system. AC bus frequency control during periods of high wind penetration, when diesel governor control would be insufficient, is managed by the sub-cycle, high resolution, and fast-switching capability of the secondary load controller (SLC). Ideally, the SLC is connected to an electric boiler serving a thermal load as this will enhance overall system efficiency by augmenting the operation of the fuel oil boiler(s) serving the thermal load. Kivalina Powerplant AVEC powerplant configuration information indicates that four diesel generators are in use, as presented in the table below. Should the village relocate to the Kisimigiuktuk Hill area, it is possible that new diesel generators would be installed in the new powerplant. Given the likelihood of an upgraded powerplant for Kivalina prior to development of wind power, diesel generator fuel consumption is modeled as equivalent for all four units for this study. Diesel generator HOMER modeling information Diesel generator DD S60D3 Cat D353 CMS LTA10 DD S60K4 Power output (kW)229 337 250 363 Intercept coeff. (L/hr/kW)0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 Slope (L/hr/kW output) 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 Minimum electric load (%) 15.0% (35kW) 15.0% (51 kW) 15.0% (37 kW) 15.0% (55 kW) Heat recovery ratio (% of generator waste heat energy available to serve the thermal load; when modeled) 35 35 35 35 Notes: Intercept coefficient – the no-load fuel consumption of the generator divided by its capacity Slope – the marginal fuel consumption of the generator Electric Load AVEC monitors Kivalina with a data logger that records energy demand on 15 minute intervals. With some data processing, Homer can import this data as hourly or 15 minute data points. For this report, the 15 minute interval was used as it is more granular than hourly. Data interval obtained from AVEC was December 23, 2012 to December 29, 2013. Additionally, data from August 17, 2012 to August 24, 2012 was used as most data of that time period in 2013 was missing due to a telephone communications problem in Kivalina. Excel software was used to combine the data into a representative year for transfer to Homer software. Kivalina 15 min. interval electric load data from AVEC WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 28 Kivalina electric load data Baseline Scaled Average (kWh/d) 3,553 3,553 Average (kW) 148 148 Peak (kW) 362 283 Load factor 0.523 0.523 Thermal Load At present, there is not an operational recovered heat system in Kivalina, hence thermal loads are not modeled. Jacket water heat is dissipated to the atmosphere by the radiators in the powerplant. Should wind turbines be installed at the Wulik River site to serve Kivalina in its present location, excess wind energy could be diverted to thermal loads such as the school or water plant via a secondary load controller and electric boiler configured as a remote node. The thermal load demand of these facilities, however, is unknown at present. Should the village of Kivalina be re-located to the Kisimigiuktuk Hill site area, presumably the new powerplant would be constructed with recovered heat capability to serve thermal energy demand in the new community, but estimating that load is beyond the scope of this report. Wind Turbine Configuration Options AVEC’s goals with their wind-diesel systems is to offset a significant percentage of fuel used in the powerplant, but not create a highly complex system with significant thermal offset and/or electrical storage capability. This philosophy dictates a medium penetration design approach where wind power is approximately one-third of the annual electric energy demand, but at least one diesel generator is always online to provide spinning reserve. Medium penetration design, though, means that instantaneous wind power will at times be well over 100 percent of the load. This may result in unstable grid frequency, which can occur when electrical power generated exceeds the load demand. In a wind- diesel power system without electrical storage, there are two options to prevent this possibility: 1. Curtail one or more wind turbines to prevent instantaneous wind penetration from exceeding 100 percent (one must also account for minimum loading of the diesel generator). 2. Install a secondary load controller with a resistive heater. The secondary load controller is the fast-acting switching mechanism commanding heating elements to turn on and off to order to maintain stable frequency. The resistive heater can be as simple as a heater ejecting energy to the atmosphere or an interior air space or, more desirably, a boiler serving one or more thermal WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 29 loads. The boiler can be installed in the powerplant heat recovery loop and operated in parallel with fuel oil boilers. In either case, system frequency control features are necessary in medium penetration design as, generally speaking, the diesel generator paralleled with the wind turbines during periods of high wind energy input may not have sufficient inertia to control frequency by itself. This design philosophy is typical of most wind-diesel systems presently operational in Alaska and provides a solid compromise between the minimal benefit of low penetration wind systems and the cost and complexity of high penetration wind systems. Many utilities prefer to install more than one wind turbine in a village wind power project to provide redundancy and continued renewable energy generation should one turbine be out-of-service for maintenance or other reasons. Referencing the medium wind power penetration design philosophy discussed above, the Northern Power NPS 100 and the Vestas V17 and V20 turbines are considered for a Kivalina-based wind power project. Turbine types are not mixed, however, as it is assumed that AVEC will select only one type of wind turbine. System Modeling and Technical Analysis Installation of wind turbines in medium penetration mode is evaluated in this report to demonstrate the economic impact of these turbines with the following configuration philosophy: turbines are connected to the electrical distribution system to serve the electrical load and a secondary load controller and an electric heater or boiler to divert excess electrical power to offset thermal load(s) via a secondary load controller. HOMER energy modeling software was used to analyze the Kivalina power generation system. HOMER was designed to analyze hybrid power systems that contain a mix of conventional and renewable energy sources, such as diesel generators, wind turbines, solar panels, batteries, etc. and is widely used to aid development of Alaska village wind power projects. The following wind-diesel system configurations were modeled for this conceptual design report. Modeled wind-diesel configurations Site Turbine No. Turbines Installed kW Tower Type Hub Height (meters) Wulik River Northern Power NPS 100-24 2 200 Monopole 37 Vestas V20 2 240 Monopole 30 Kisimigiuktuk Hill Northern Power NPS 100-21 2 200 Monopole 37 3 300 Vestas V17 2 180 Monopole 30 3 270 Modeling assumes that wind turbines constructed in Kivalina would operate in parallel with the diesel generators. Although excess energy will serve thermal loads via a secondary load controller and electric boiler that would augment the existing jacket water heat recovery system, it is not modeled as such to WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 30 conform to AEA’s methods with use of the ISER cost model spreadsheet. Installation cost of this turbine project assumes three-phase upgrade of the distribution system to the wind turbine site. Technical modeling assumptions Operating Reserves Load in current time step 10% Wind power output 50% (diesels always on) Fuel Properties (no. 2 diesel for powerplant) Heating value 46.8 MJ/kg (140,000 BTU/gal) Density 830 kg/m3 (6.93 lb./gal) Fuel Properties (no. 1 diesel to serve thermal loads) Heating value 44.8 MJ/kg (134,000 BTU/gal) Density 830 kg/m3 (6.93 lb./gal) Diesel Generators Efficiency 13.6 kWh/gal (FY2013 PCE report data) Minimum load 15% Schedule Optimized Wind Turbines Net capacity factor 85% (adjusted by reducing mean wind speed in Homer software) Turbine hub height 37 m (NPS 100); 30 m (V20 and V17) Wind speed – Wulik River 5.84 m/s at 30 m level at met tower site; wind speed scaled to 5.26 m/s for 85% turbine net AEP Wind speed – Kisimigiuktuk Hill 8.01 m/s at 30 m level at met tower site; wind speed scaled to 6.70 m/s for 85% turbine net AEP Density adjustment Density not adjusted (i.e., STP turbine power curves) Energy Loads Electric 3,467 kWh/day mean annual electrical load Thermal Not modeled but possible with remote node to absorb excess energy Fuel oil boiler efficiency 85%(not modeled) Electric boiler efficiency 100% Model Results – Wulik River Site The Wulik River site wind resource is nearly identical to that measured by the met tower. This site likely is not height restricted, hence large wind turbines and/or high hub heights are possible, although given Kivalina’s modest electric load, turbines larger than 100 kW class are considered impractical at the present time. Note that turbine energy production is modeled at 85 percent net. Northern Power NPS 100-24, two (2) turbines This configuration models two Northern Power NPS 100-24 wind turbines at Wulik River site at a 37 meter hub height and generating 85 percent of maximum annual energy production. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 31 Two NPS 100-24’s, Wulik River, 37 m hub height, 85% net AEP Chart, two NPS 100-24 turbines, Wulik River Vestas V20, two (2) turbines This configuration models two Northern Power NPS 100-24 wind turbines at Wulik River site at a 37 meter hub height and generating 85 percent of maximum annual energy production. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 32 Two V20’s, Wulik River, 30 m hub height, 85% net AEP Chart, two V20 turbines, Wulik River Model Results – Kisimigiuktuk Hill Site The projected wind resource at the top of Kisimigiuktuk Hill was modeled with WAsP software and transferred to Homer software for wind-diesel energy balance modeling. Compared to the Wulik River site, turbine options were modified to the NPS 100-21 and the V17, both of which are more suitable for 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Energy, MWhElectric Load Turbine Energy Excess Energy to Thermal WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 33 the presumed high energy, potentially IEC 61400-1 Class I or II wind resource at the top of Kisimigiuktuk Hill. Note that turbine energy production is modeled at 85 percent net. Northern Power NPS 100-21, two (2) turbines This configuration models two Northern Power NPS 100-21 wind turbines at Kisimigiuktuk Hill at a 37 meter hub height and generating 85 percent of maximum annual energy production. Two NPS 100-21’s, Kisimigiuktuk Hill, 37 m hub height, 85% net AEP Chart, two NPS 100-21 turbines, Kisimigiuktuk Hill WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 34 Northern Power NPS 100-21, three (3) turbines This configuration models three Northern Power NPS 100-21 wind turbines at Kisimigiuktuk Hill at a 37 meter hub height and generating 85 percent of maximum annual energy production. Three NPS 100-21’s, Kisimigiuktuk Hill, 37 m hub height, 85% net AEP Chart, three NPS 100-21 turbines, Kisimigiuktuk Hill Month Electric Load Turbine Energy Energy Generated Turbine Energy to E. Load Wind Penetra- tion Excess Energy to Thermal Excess Energy to Thermal kWh kWh kWh kWh % kWh % 1 130,706 59,770 150,707 39,769 39.7% 20,001 9.0% 2 120,024 98,997 154,071 64,950 64.3% 34,047 16.8% 3 122,140 93,716 157,236 58,620 59.6% 35,096 16.5% 4 116,441 66,643 140,705 42,378 47.4% 24,264 11.6% 5 105,313 81,917 134,043 53,187 61.1% 28,730 15.9% 6 76,898 66,229 106,808 36,319 62.0% 29,910 19.5% 7 79,555 68,175 110,948 36,783 61.4% 31,392 18.4% 8 88,480 74,038 119,521 42,998 61.9% 31,041 18.5% 9 102,637 104,225 148,009 58,852 70.4% 45,373 23.8% 10 115,766 87,886 146,394 57,258 60.0% 30,628 14.9% 11 118,042 97,046 150,343 64,745 64.6% 32,301 16.2% 12 120,850 136,007 180,738 76,118 75.3% 59,889 26.6% Annual 1,296,852 1,034,650 1,699,523 631,979 60.9% 402,671 17.3% WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 35 Vestas V17, two (2) turbines This configuration models two Northern Power NPS 100-24 wind turbines at Wulik River site at a 37 meter hub height and generating 85 percent of maximum annual energy production. Two V17’s, Kisimigiuktuk Hill, 30m hub height, 85% net AEP Chart, two V17 turbines, Kisimigiuktuk Hill WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 36 Vestas V17, three (3) turbines This configuration models two Northern Power NPS 100-24 wind turbines at Wulik River site at a 37 meter hub height and generating 85 percent of maximum annual energy production. Three V17’s, Kisimigiuktuk Hill, 30m hub height, 85% net AEP Chart, three V17 turbines, Kisimigiuktuk Hill Month Electric Load Turbine Energy Energy Generated Turbine Energy to E. Load Wind Penetra- tion Excess Energy to Thermal Excess Energy to Thermal kWh kWh kWh kWh % kWh % 1 130,706 47,860 144,234 34,332 33.2% 13,528 6.6% 2 120,024 80,951 142,439 58,536 56.8% 22,415 12.1% 3 122,140 74,401 145,083 51,457 51.3% 22,943 11.7% 4 116,441 53,385 132,329 37,497 40.3% 15,888 8.2% 5 105,313 61,766 120,877 46,202 51.1% 15,564 9.7% 6 76,898 50,004 96,628 30,274 51.7% 19,729 14.0% 7 79,555 51,550 100,987 30,118 51.0% 21,432 13.7% 8 88,480 55,580 107,731 36,330 51.6% 19,250 12.5% 9 102,637 82,665 132,857 52,444 62.2% 30,221 17.2% 10 115,766 68,193 135,875 48,085 50.2% 20,109 10.6% 11 118,042 76,521 138,029 56,533 55.4% 19,988 11.0% 12 120,850 113,585 164,920 69,515 68.9% 44,070 21.2% Annual 1,296,852 816,461 1,561,990 551,323 52.3% 265,138 12.4% WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 37 Economic Analysis Modeling assumptions are detailed in the table below. Many assumptions, such as project life, discount rate, operations and maintenance (O&M) costs, etc. are AEA default values. Other assumptions, such as diesel overhaul cost and time between overhaul are based on general rural Alaska power generation experience. The base or comparison scenario is the Kivalina powerplant with its present configuration of diesel generators and the existing thermal loads connected to the heat recovery loop. Fuel Cost A fuel price of $6.11/gallon was chosen for the economic analysis by reference to Alaska Fuel Price Projections 2013-2035, prepared for Alaska Energy Authority by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), dated June 30, 2013 and the 2013_06_R7Prototype_final_07012013 Excel spreadsheet, also written by ISER. This price reflects the average value of all fuel prices between the 2016 (the assumed project start year) fuel price of $5.00/gallon and the 2035 (20 year project end year) fuel price of $7.26/gallon using the medium price projection analysis with an average CO2-equivalent allowance cost of $0.59/gallon included. By comparison, the fuel price for Kivalina reported to Regulatory Commission of Alaska for the 2013 PCE report is $4.17/gallon, without inclusion of the CO2-equivalent allowance cost. Assuming a CO2- equivalent allowance cost of $0.40/gallon (ISER Prototype spreadsheet, 2013 value), the 2013 Kivalina fuel price was $4.57/gallon. Heating fuel displacement by excess energy diverted to thermal loads is valued at $7.16/gallon as an average price for the 20 year project period. This price was determined by reference to the 2013_06_R7Prototype_final_07012013 Excel spreadsheet where heating oil is valued at the cost of diesel fuel (with CO2-equivalent allowance cost) plus $1.05/gallon, assuming heating oil displacement between 1,000 and 25,000 gallons per year. Kivalina fuel cost table, CO2-equivalent allowance cost included ISER med. projection 2015 (/gal) 2034 (/gal) Average (/gallon) Diesel Fuel $5.00 $7.26 $6.11 Heating Oil $6.05 $8.31 $7.16 Wind Turbine Project Costs Construction cost for wind turbine installation and integration with the diesel power plant will be accurately defined during the design phase of the project. Project costs are estimated in this conceptual design report in order to provide comparative valuation. The Wulik River and Kisimigiuktuk Hill site options are presented separately, both with start years of 2016. It is recognized, however, that although possible for Wulik River, re-locating the village of Kivalina to Kisimigiuktuk Hill and initiating a wind project by 2016 is unrealistic. But, for purposes of comparative consistency, 2016 is retained as the project start date for the Kisimigiuktuk Hill site option. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 38 Economic modeling assumptions Economic Assumptions Project life 20 years (2016 to 2035) Discount rate for NPV 3% (ISER spreadsheet assumption) System fixed capital cost (plant upgrades required to accommodate wind turbines) Included in turbine project cost Fuel Properties (no. 2 diesel for powerplant) Price (20 year average; ISER 2013, medium projection plus social cost of carbon) $6.11/gal Fuel Properties (no. 1 diesel to serve thermal loads) Price (20 year average; ISER 2013, medium projection plus social cost of carbon) $7.16/gal Diesel Generators Generator capital cost $0 (already installed) O&M cost $0.02/kWh (ISER spreadsheet assumption) Efficiency 13.6 kWh/gal (Homer model) Wind Turbines Net capacity factor 85% (adjusted by reducing mean wind speed in Homer software) O&M cost $0.049/kWh (ISER spreadsheet assumption) Wind Turbine Project Costs, Wulik River Site Wind Turbine Project Costs, Kisimigiuktuk Hill Site Economic Model Results Economic benefit-to-cost is shown by the ISER method. This method does not account for heat loss from the diesel engines due to reduced loading and subsequent impact on heating fuel usage to serve the thermal loads. ISER cost modeling assumptions are noted above or are discussed in the 2013_06_R7Prototype_final_07012013 Excel spreadsheet. Net annual energy production of the wind Config- uration No. Turbs Turbine Freight Install Civil Distribu- tion Power- plant Project Cost Cost/ kW NPS 100- 24 2 200 0.70 0.40 0.80 1.00 0.70 0.20 3.80 19,000 Vestas V20 2 240 0.28 0.30 0.70 1.00 0.70 0.20 3.18 13,300 Wind Capacity (kW) Estimated Cost (in $millions) Config- uration No. Turbs Turbine Freight Install Civil Distribu- tion Power- plant Project Cost Cost/ kW 2 200 0.66 0.40 0.60 0.70 0.30 0.10 2.76 13,800 3 300 0.99 0.60 0.85 0.95 0.30 0.10 3.79 12,600 2 180 0.26 0.30 0.55 0.65 0.30 0.10 2.16 12,000 3 270 0.39 0.45 0.80 0.80 0.30 0.10 2.84 10,500 NPS 100- 21 Vestas V17 Wind Capacity (kW) Estimated Cost (in $millions) WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 39 turbines was assumed at 85 percent to reflect production losses due to operations and maintenance down time, icing loss, wake loss, hysteresis, etc. As one can in the tables below, it is anticipated that developing wind power at the Kisimigiuktuk Hill site has a significant economic advantage over development of the Wulik River site. This is readily understandable from the higher (projected) wind speeds and lower project development costs at the Kisimigiuktuk Hill site compared to Wulik River. But, this presupposes that an access road to Kisimigiuktuk Hill is developed and that the residents of Kivalina commit to moving their village to the slopes of Kisimigiuktuk Hill. The Kisimigiuktuk Hill site electrical distribution connection, for instance, is assumed to be the short distance from the Kisimigiuktuk Hill site to the planned new village location on the east slope of the hill, not the seven mile distance to the existing village location on the barrier island. Economic valuation table, Wulik River site Economic valuation table, Kisimigiuktuk Hill site Red Dog Port-based Wind Power Project This section assesses the possibility of a wind power project based at Port of Red Dog with the port as the major electrical energy load and Kivalina served via an intertie, which must be constructed. A WHPacific and V3 Energy, LLC report titled Red Dog Port to Kivalina Transmission Line was submitted to Alaska Village Electric Cooperative in May 2014. This report details right of way considerations, required environmental documentation, power needs and alternatives, and permitting requirements for construction of an electrical intertie connecting Kivalina, 25 miles distant, from Red Dog Port. In this scenario, all electric power – diesel and wind-generated – would be located at Red Dog Port and supplied to Kivalina. The Kivalina powerplant would no longer function as a primary generating station and would be transitioned to a standby facility for use in the event of loss of power from Red Dog Port. Given the larger electrical load at Red Dog Port and its industrial nature and greater support, larger wind turbines are possible. This is advantageous as larger wind turbines generally are lower cost per kilowatt Config- uration Project Cost NPV Benefits NPV Costs B/C NPS 100- 24 200 3.80 2.60 3.38 0.77 32,371 2,165 34,536 Vestas V20 240 3.18 1.98 2.83 0.70 26,698 2,031 28,729 Diesel Fuel Saved (gal/yr) Wind Turbine Capacity (kW) Heating Oil Saved (gal/yr) Petroleum Fuel Saved (gal/yr) (in $ millions) Config- uration Project Cost NPV Benefits NPV Costs B/C 200 2.76 3.34 2.45 1.36 40,127 3,887 44,014 300 3.79 5.25 3.37 1.56 65,865 3,887 69,752 180 2.16 2.51 1.92 1.31 34,331 2,154 36,485 270 2.84 3.37 2.52 1.34 41,144 6,778 47,921 NPS 100- 21 Vestas V17 Diesel Fuel Saved (gal/yr) Heating Oil Saved (gal/yr) Petroleum Fuel Saved (gal/yr) (in $ millions) Wind Turbine Capacity (kW) WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 40 of installed capacity. This is due to the cost of the turbine itself and also lower costs for foundations, roads and pads, distribution connections, and overall construction time. Wind Resource Assessment – Red Dog Port A 33 meter Rohn lattice-type communications tower at Red Dog Port was equipped with wind measurement sensors in 2008 and data was collected for a 34 month period. The Rohn tower, located about two miles inland from the coast on the connecting road to Red Dog Mine, is near the primary prospective wind turbine site and was outfitted with sensors as a substitute for erection of a met tower. The complete Red Dog Port wind resource report, dated September 2011, is included in Appendix B of this report. Met tower data synopsis Data dates October 10, 2008 to August 10, 2011 (34 months) Wind power class Class 4 to 5 (good to excellent) Wind power density mean, 33 m 574 W/m2 Wind speed mean, 33 m 6.05 m/s Max. 10-min wind speed average 38.5 m/s Maximum 2-sec. wind gust 43.5 m/s (January, 2009) Weibull distribution parameters k = 1.24, c = 6.52 m/s Wind shear power law exponent 0.180 (moderate) Roughness class 0.73 (lawn grass) IEC 61400-1, 3rd ed. classification Class II-C Turbulence intensity, mean 0.119 (at 15 m/s) Calm wind frequency (at 33 m)45% (< 4 m/s) Data Recovery Data quality was very good with data recovery of all four anemometers greater than 96 percent and data recovery of the wind vane greater than 95 percent. Data loss is limited to winter months only and is attributable to icing events which are characterized by non-variant output of the anemometer at the minimum offset value (essentially zero) and by non-variant output of the direction vane at the last operable direction with temperatures near or less than zero degrees Centigrade and relative humidity at or near 100 percent. Wind Speed Anemometer data obtained from the Red Dog Port communications tower, from the perspectives of both mean wind speed and mean wind power density, indicate an excellent wind resource. Mean wind speeds are greater at higher elevations on the tower, as one would expect. Note that cold temperatures contributed to a higher wind power density than otherwise might have been expected for the mean wind speeds. Also note, as discussed in the previous section, that anemometer summary information is the table below is post gap-fill. Non-gap-filled mean wind speeds and power densities are slightly higher than below. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 41 Anemometer data summary Variable Speed 33 m A Speed 33 m B Speed 21 m A Speed 21 m B Measurement height (m) 33 33 21 21 Mean annual wind speed (m/s) 6.02 6.02 5.71 5.68 Max 10-min avg wind speed (m/s) 38.5 36.7 36.1 34.4 Max gust wind speed (m/s) 43.5 41.8 42.0 40.5 Weibull k 1.24 1.26 1.28 1.31 Weibull c (m/s) 6.52 6.52 6.22 6.21 Mean wind power density (W/m²) 577 529 467 435 Mean energy content (kWh/m²/yr) 5,050 4,634 4,093 3,810 Energy pattern factor 4.08 3.75 3.89 3.66 Frequency of calms (%) 44.5 43.3 45.9 44.9 1-hr autocorrelation coefficient 0.945 0.942 0.941 0.940 Diurnal pattern strength 0.046 0.041 0.066 0.062 Hour of peak wind speed 15 15 15 15 MMM = mean of monthly means Time series calculations indicate high mean wind speeds during the winter months with more moderate mean wind speeds during summer months. This correlates well with the a typical village load profile where winter months have a high electric and heat demand and summer months a lesser demand. The opposite load profile exists however at Red Dog Port where summer loads are high and winter low. Wind speed profile Wind Rose Wind frequency rose data indicates that winds at Red Dog Port are highly directional, with northeasterly and southeasterly wind predominating. The mean value rose indicates that southeasterly winds, when they do occur, are of high energy and hence likely storm winds. The wind energy rose indicates that for wind turbine operations power-producing winds are very strongly southeastern dominant. Calm WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 42 frequency (percent of time that winds at the 33 meter level are less than 4 m/s) was a very high 45 percent during the met tower test period. Wind frequency rose Wind energy rose Turbulence Intensity Turbulence intensity (TI) at the Red Dog Port test site is well within acceptable standards with an IEC 61400-1, 3rd edition (2005) classification of turbulence category C, which is the lowest defined. The mean TI at 15 m/s is 0.069 and the representative TI at 15 m/s is 0.096, both which can be considered extraordinarily low and hence very desirable for wind turbine operations. Turbulence intensity, 33m B, all direction sectors Extreme Winds A modified Gumbel distribution analysis, based on monthly maximum winds vice annual maximum winds, was used to predict extreme winds at Red Dog Port. Due to the unusual seasonal variation in wind speeds at the site and in an effort to better match the monthly data Gumbel approach to the annual data approach, a modification to the analysis was made to exclude May through September WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 43 data. Note below that the extreme wind analysis shows relatively energetic extreme wind probability compared to measured mean wind speed. Extreme wind probability table, 33 m A data Vref Gust IEC 61400-1, 3rd ed. Period (years) (m/s) (m/s) Class Vref, m/s 3 33.4 38.7 I 50.0 10 37.3 43.2 II 42.5 20 39.5 45.8 III 37.5 30 40.8 47.3 S designer- specified5042.4 49.2 100 44.6 51.7 Red Dog Port Wind Site Options A likely and hence presumed wind turbine site at Red Dog Port is an exposed outcropping of rock and gravel a short distance west of the communication tower that served as a met tower for the Red Dog Port wind resource study. The advantage of this site is that it is a very short distance from the Red Dog mine-port road, it would have minimal impact to tundra, and a relatively short distribution line upgrade is required. Other sites in the port area are possible though. Red Dog Port wind site option WAsP Modeling WAsP software modeling indicates relatively consistent winds across the port area with the exposed rock and gravel outcroppings both east and west of the communication tower wind reference point (Red Prospective RDP wind turbine site Wind data site WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 44 Dog port Site 9476 placemark) as slightly better wind resource than the lower-lying terrain surrounding them. Wind speeds are higher, however, on the eroded mountains and hills east of the port, but installing wind turbines in this area is somewhat impractical. Note that the vertical blue and green line in the image below is an artifact of merging two digital elevation maps for use by WAsP software. WAsP wind speed overlay, Red Dog Port area Wind Turbine Option, Red Dog Port For the option of wind turbines at Red Dog Port that supplies power to both Red Dog Port and Kivalina, the EWT DW 52-900 is evaluated in this report, although other wind turbines such as the 750 kW Aeronautica AW 750 and the 500 kW Vestas V39 and 600 kW Vestas V44 are highly suitable as well. Should a wind project based at Red Dog Port proceed, additional analysis to include these other turbines should be considered. EWT DW 52-900 The DW 52/54-900 is a direct-drive, pitch-regulated wind turbine with a synchronous generator and inverter-conditioned power output. More information regarding the EWT DW 52/54-900 wind turbine is attached and available on EWT’s website: http://www.ewtdirectwind.com/. The turbine boasts a track record of over 400 operating turbines in many different wind climates. At present, five DW 900 turbines have been installed in Alaska: one in Delta Junction, two in Kotzebue and two in Nome. For Red Dog Port, the 52 meter rotor version likely would be most optimal. Type DW 54 / DW 52 Rotor diameter 54.0 m / 51.5 m WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 45 Variable Rotor Speed 12 to 28 rpm Nominal Power Output 900 kW Cut-in wind speed 2.5 m/s Rated wind speed 13 m/s Cut-out wind speed (10 minute average)25 m/s Survival wind speed 59.5 m/s Power output control Pitch controlled variable speed Type Certificate IEC 61400 wind class IIIA (DW 54) IEC 61400 wind class IIA (DW 52) Drive System Generator Synchronous air-cooled EWT-design, multi-pole, wound-rotor. Power converter Full-power, IGBT-controlled AC-DC-AC ‘back-to-back’ type. Control System Bachman PLC control system. Possibility for remote access via TCP / IP internet and the DMS 2.0 * SCADA system. Tower Type Conical tubular steel, internal ascent. Hub heights 40, 50 and 75 meters. Safety systems Main brake action Individual rotor blade pitch (three independent brakes). Fail-safe brake Individual rotor blade pitch by three independent battery-powered back-up units. EWT DW 52-900 wind turbines in Kotzebue WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 46 Red Dog Port Powerplant The current redundant power generation capability at Red Dog Port is 1,300 kW. This is comprised of two 650 kW generators running in parallel with one extra as backup. In order for RDP to provide full redundancy at the projected output requirement of 2,362 kW peak, two sets of one 1285 kW generator plus one 650 kW generator running in parallel are required. Hence, one new 1285 kW generator would be required. Future provisions in the existing distribution equipment exist for this; however, the current- carrying capacity of the generator paralleling power system is insufficient at 3000 amps. A total new Red Dog Port station load of 2,362 kW equates to 3,552 amps at 0.80 power factor. The existing distribution equipment would need to be upgraded to at least 4000 amps with the addition of the new 1285 kW generator mentioned above. Should the potential addition of mining equipment or infrastructure become necessary in the future, taking a long range view on the power distribution equipment would justify upgrading the distribution equipment to 6000 amps now to prevent additional down time. Diesel generator HOMER modeling information Diesel generator Gen 1 Gen 2 Gen 3 Gen 4 Power output (kW)1,285 650 650 650 Intercept coeff. (L/hr/kW)0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 Slope (L/hr/kW output) 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 Minimum electric load (%) 15.0% (193 kW) 15.0% (98 kW) 15.0% (98 kW) 15.0% (98 kW) Notes: Intercept coefficient – the no-load fuel consumption of the generator divided by its capacity Slope – the marginal fuel consumption of the generator Electric Load Red Dog Port electric load data was obtained from Teck Alaska in 2011 for a wind power review project. Loads may have changed since that time, although it is believed that no major system upgrades have occurred since 2011, hence the 2011 load profile is modeled as current in this report. Note that counter to a typical village or city seasonal load profile that has higher loads during the cold winter months, highest load demand at Red Dog Port occurs during the summer months when the port is ice-free. It is during this period that the ore is loaded onto barges and ships. Red Dog Port electric load data from Teck Alaska WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 47 Red Dog Port electric load data Baseline Scaled Average (kWh/d) 22,296 22,296 Average (kW) 929 929 Peak (kW) 1,988 1,988 Load factor 0.467 0.467 Shown below is the Red Dog Port electric load profile and Red Dog Port electric load combined with that of Kivalina. The latter is used in the wind turbine analysis in this section of this report. Red Dog Port and Kivalina combined electric loads Red Dog Port-Kivalina combined electric load data Baseline Scaled Average (kWh/d) 25,849 25,849 Average (kW) 1,077 1,077 Peak (kW) 2,151 2,151 Load factor 0.501 0.501 Thermal Load Although Teck Alaska makes extensive use of waste heat from the Red Dog Port powerplant recovered heat system to supply thermal loads in the facility, these thermal loads are not defined and hence are not specifically modeled in this report. If wind turbine(s) are installed at Port of Red Dog to serve the WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 48 facility and Kivalina, excess wind energy could be absorbed by the recovered heat loop or be diverted to a remote thermal load at the Port or in Kivalina. System Modeling and Technical Analysis Installation of wind turbines in medium penetration mode is evaluated in this report to demonstrate the economic impact of these turbines with the following configuration philosophy: turbines are connected to the electrical distribution system to serve the electrical load and a secondary load controller and an electric heater or boiler to divert excess electrical power to offset thermal load(s) via a secondary load controller. HOMER energy modeling software was used to analyze the Red Dog Port power generation system. HOMER was designed to analyze hybrid power systems that contain a mix of conventional and renewable energy sources, such as diesel generators, wind turbines, solar panels, batteries, etc. and is widely used to aid development of Alaska village wind power projects. The following wind-diesel system configurations were modeled for this conceptual design report. Modeled wind-diesel configurations Site Turbine No. Turbines Installed kW Tower Type Hub Height (meters) Red Dog Port EWT DW 52-900 1 900 Monopole 75 EWT DW 52-900 2 1,800 Monopole 75 Modeling assumes that wind turbines constructed in Kivalina would operate in parallel with the diesel generators. Although excess energy will serve thermal loads via a secondary load controller and electric boiler that would augment the existing jacket water heat recovery system, it is not modeled as such to conform to AEA’s methods with use of the ISER cost model spreadsheet. Installation cost of this turbine project assumes three-phase upgrade of the distribution system to the wind turbine site. Technical modeling assumptions Operating Reserves Load in current time step 10% Wind power output 50% (diesels always on) Fuel Properties (no. 2 diesel for powerplant) Heating value 46.8 MJ/kg (140,000 BTU/gal) Density 830 kg/m3 (6.93 lb./gal) Fuel Properties (no. 1 diesel to serve thermal loads) Heating value 44.8 MJ/kg (134,000 BTU/gal) Density 830 kg/m3 (6.93 lb./gal) Diesel Generators Efficiency 13.8 kWh/gal (Homer model) Minimum load 15% Schedule Optimized Wind Turbines WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 49 Net capacity factor 90% (adjusted by reducing mean wind speed in Homer software) Turbine hub height 75 meters Wind speed 6.02 m/s at 33 m level at met tower site; wind speed scaled to 5.60 m/s for 90% turbine net AEP Power law exponent 0.123 Density adjustment Density not adjusted (i.e., STP turbine power curves) Energy Loads Electric 25,849 kWh/day mean annual electrical load Thermal Not modeled but possible with remote node to absorb excess energy Fuel oil boiler efficiency 85%(not modeled) Electric boiler efficiency 100% Model Results – Red Dog Port The wind resource at the presumed Red Dog Port wind turbine site is nearly identical to that measured on the nearby communications tower. This site will not be height restricted, hence large wind turbines and/or high hub heights are possible. Note that the DW 52-900 annual energy production is modeled at 90 percent net compared to 85 percent net for the NPS 100 and Vestas turbines in the Kivalina only option. This is due to the sophistication of the larger EWT turbine and a presumed enhanced operational focus of a wind turbine at an industrial facility compared to a village setting. EWT DW 52-900, one (1) turbine, 75 m hub height, 90% net AEP This configuration models one EWT DW 52-900 wind turbine at Red Dog Port (prospective site) at a 75 meter hub height and generating 90 percent of maximum annual energy production. One DW 52-900, Red Dog Port, 75 m hub height, 90% net AEP Month Electric Load Turbine Energy Energy Generated Turbine Energy to E. Load Wind Penetra- tion Excess Energy to Thermal Excess Energy to Thermal kWh kWh kWh kWh % kWh % 1 858,271 162,421 858,531 162,161 18.9% 260 0.0% 2 772,986 182,357 774,499 180,845 23.5% 1,512 0.2% 3 819,735 188,663 821,829 186,569 23.0% 2,094 0.3% 4 749,274 136,467 750,336 135,404 18.2% 1,062 0.1% 5 703,608 92,944 704,059 92,493 13.2% 451 0.1% 6 587,705 59,504 588,793 58,416 10.1% 1,088 0.2% 7 792,258 83,525 792,895 82,887 10.5% 637 0.1% 8 854,746 112,930 856,442 111,234 13.2% 1,696 0.2% 9 739,069 119,908 740,057 118,920 16.2% 988 0.1% 10 860,465 207,665 861,568 206,562 24.1% 1,103 0.1% 11 803,579 183,052 804,853 181,778 22.7% 1,274 0.2% 12 893,169 289,933 893,821 289,281 32.4% 652 0.1% Annual 9,434,865 1,819,368 9,447,682 1,806,551 19.3% 12,817 0.1% WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 50 Chart, one DW 52-900 turbine, Red Dog Port EWT DW 52-900, two (2) turbines This configuration models two EWT DW 52-900 wind turbines at Red Dog Port (prospective site) at a 75 meter hub height and generating 90 percent of maximum annual energy production. Two DW 52-900’s, Red Dog Port, 75 m hub height, 90% net AEP Month Electric Load Turbine Energy Energy Generated Turbine Energy to E. Load Wind Penetra- tion Excess Energy to Thermal Excess Energy to Thermal kWh kWh % % 1 858,271 324,841 935,408 247,703 34.7% 77,138 5.9% 2 772,986 364,715 874,500 263,201 41.7% 101,514 8.5% 3 819,735 377,326 929,428 267,634 40.6% 109,693 8.3% 4 749,274 272,933 817,532 204,675 33.4% 68,258 5.6% 5 703,608 185,887 734,666 154,829 25.3% 31,058 2.7% 6 587,705 119,008 605,602 101,111 19.7% 17,897 1.8% 7 792,258 167,049 809,070 150,237 20.6% 16,812 1.5% 8 854,746 225,860 885,608 194,997 25.5% 30,862 2.7% 9 739,069 239,817 774,344 204,542 31.0% 35,275 3.2% 10 860,465 415,330 958,409 317,386 43.3% 97,944 7.7% 11 803,579 366,103 890,505 279,177 41.1% 86,926 7.0% 12 893,169 579,867 1,050,942 422,094 55.2% 157,773 11.9% Annual 9,434,865 3,638,736 10,266,015 2,807,586 35.4% 831,150 5.5% WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 51 Chart, two DW 52-900 turbines, Red Dog Port Economic Analysis Modeling assumptions are detailed in the table below. Many assumptions, such as project life, discount rate, operations and maintenance (O&M) costs, etc. are AEA default values. Other assumptions, such as diesel overhaul cost and time between overhaul are based on general rural Alaska power generation experience. The base or comparison scenario is the Red Dog Port powerplant with its present configuration of diesel generators and the existing thermal loads connected to the heat recovery loop. Fuel Cost A fuel price of $5.03/gallon was chosen for the economic analysis by reference to Alaska Fuel Price Projections 2013-2035, prepared for Alaska Energy Authority by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), dated June 30, 2013 and the 2013_06_R7Prototype_final_07012013 Excel spreadsheet, also written by ISER. This price reflects the average value of all fuel prices between the 2016 (the assumed project start year) fuel price of $4.08/gallon and the 2035 (20 year project end year) fuel price of $6.02/gallon using the medium price projection analysis with an average CO2-equivalent allowance cost of $0.59/gallon included. Because fuel costs for Teck Alaska are not available, the ISER fuel cost tables of nearby Kotzebue are used as stand-in data for economic valuation. Heating fuel displacement by excess energy diverted to thermal loads is valued at $6.08/gallon as an average price for the 20 year project period. This price was determined by reference to the 2013_06_R7Prototype_final_07012013 Excel spreadsheet where heating oil is valued at the cost of diesel fuel (with CO2-equivalent allowance cost) plus $1.05/gallon, assuming heating oil displacement between 1,000 and 25,000 gallons per year. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 52 Red Dog Port (Kotzebue cost reference) fuel cost table, CO2-equivalent allowance cost included ISER med. projection 2015 (/gal) 2034 (/gal) Average (/gallon) Diesel Fuel $4.08 $6.02 $5.03 Heating Oil $5.13 $6.07 $6.08 Wind Turbine Project Costs Construction cost for wind turbine installation and integration with the diesel power plant will be accurately defined during the design phase of the project. Project costs are estimated in this conceptual design report in order to provide comparative valuation. The Wulik River and Kisimigiuktuk Hill site options are presented separately, both with start years of 2016. It is recognized, however, that although possible for Wulik River, re-locating the village of Kivalina to Kisimigiuktuk Hill and initiating a wind project by 2016 is unrealistic. But, for purposes of comparative consistency, 2016 is retained as the project start date for the Kisimigiuktuk Hill site option. Economic modeling assumptions Economic Assumptions Project life 20 years (2016 to 2035) Discount rate for NPV 3% (ISER spreadsheet assumption) System fixed capital cost (plant upgrades required to accommodate wind turbines) Included in turbine project cost Fuel Properties (no. 2 diesel for powerplant) Price (20 year average; ISER 2013, medium projection plus social cost of carbon) $5.03/gal Fuel Properties (no. 1 diesel to serve thermal loads) Price (20 year average; ISER 2013, medium projection plus social cost of carbon) $6.08/gal Diesel Generators Generator capital cost $0 (already installed) O&M cost $0.02/kWh (ISER spreadsheet assumption) Efficiency 13.8 kWh/gal (Homer model) Wind Turbines Net capacity factor 90% (adjusted by reducing mean wind speed in Homer software) O&M cost $0.049/kWh (ISER spreadsheet assumption) Wind Turbine Project Costs, Red Dog Port and Kivalina Config- uration No. Turbs Turbine Freight Install Civil Distribu- tion Power- plant Project Cost Cost/ kW 1 900 1.85 0.50 1.50 1.80 0.50 0.30 6.45 7,200 2 1,800 3.70 0.90 2.80 2.20 0.60 0.30 10.50 5,800 Wind Capacity (kW) Estimated Cost (in $millions) DW 900 WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 53 Economic Model Results Economic benefit-to-cost is shown by the ISER method. This method does not account for heat loss from the diesel engines due to reduced loading and subsequent impact on heating fuel usage to serve the thermal loads. ISER cost modeling assumptions are noted above or are discussed in the 2013_06_R7Prototype_final_07012013 Excel spreadsheet. Net annual energy production of the wind turbines was assumed at 85 percent to reflect production losses due to operations and maintenance down time, icing loss, wake loss, hysteresis, etc. As one can see in the table below, EWT DW 52-900 wind turbines, in both one and two turbine configurations, are projected to be economically beneficial over a 20 year project life. Note however that this economic evaluation does not include construction cost of an electrical distribution intertie between Red Dog Port and Kivalina, at either its present location on the barrier island or at Kisimigiuktuk Hill. The projected distribution cost only assumes connection from the wind turbine(s) to the Red Dog Port powerplant or nearest three-phase connection point. Economic valuation table, Red Dog Port and Kivalina Development Considerations Given that a Kivalina-only wind power development scenario is most likely with Kisimigiuktuk Hill as the project site, geotechnical, environmental and permitting will focus on it alone. Some of these considerations will apply to Red Dog Port as well, but because an electrical intertie must be constructed for this wind power development scenario to be possible, geotechnical, environmental and permitting for Red Dog Port won’t be addressed in this report. Geology Kisimigiuktuk Hill is a semi-isolated, low, rounded knob located approximately seven miles inland (northeast) from the village of Kivalina. The elevation of the peak is approximately 460 feet above sea level. The upper elevations, above the vegetated areas, are quite steep, but at the lower elevations, the slopes are generally less than ten percent grade. The hill is characterized by exposed limestone subcrop and rock rubble at the surface. The surface rocks have been frost-fractured to a depth of approximately three feet. While no large outcrops of limestone were observed, it is anticipated that below the surface larger frost-fractured rocks and boulders may exist. The slopes on all sides of Kisimigiuktuk Hill are mantled with limestone rubble, which terminates abruptly at the toe of the hill. The transition to tundra, which has well-developed tussocks, takes place within 100 to 150 feet. Config- uration Project Cost NPV Benefits NPV Costs B/C 900 6.45 7.46 5.73 1.30 123,736 328 124,064 1,800 10.50 13.26 9.33 1.42 192,300 21,246 213,546 Diesel Fuel Saved (gal/yr) Heating Oil Saved (gal/yr) Petroleum Fuel Saved (gal/yr) Wind Turbine Capacity (kW) (in $ millions) DW 900 WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 54 The surface rock observed is composed of fine- to medium-grained crystalline limestone. The limestone is occasionally oolitic (limestone comprised of minute rounded concretions resembling fish roe), emits a fetid (hydrocarbon) odor upon breaking, and reacts strongly to dilute HCL. Further exploration and testing will be required to identify the depths, extents, and quality of the underlying bedrock. At this point it appears that a driven pile foundation system, as was proposed for the Buckland Wind Turbine project, might be an appropriate turbine foundation. Alternatively, a conventional concrete foundation tied back to bedrock with rock anchors may be feasible. However, this will need to be confirmed with a geotechnical investigation to determine the depth, type, and strength of the bedrock at the hill. Environmental Review This environmental review addresses issues of concern with respect to flora and fauna of the area. Vegetation Terrestrial vegetation in the vicinity of the Kisimigiuktuk Hill is expected to transition from wet tundra at the base of the hill to sparsely vegetated uplands near the top of the hill. The soils on the upper reaches of the hill are thin and the area is exposed creating habitat supporting a sparse sub-alpine type vegetation regime characterized as dryas-sedge dwarf shrub tundra. Avian Resources Birds are numerous in the Kivalina vicinity, and include many migratory species such as Canada Goose, Sandhill Crane, White-fronted Goose, Tundra Swan, all four species of loon (Yellow-billed, Common, Pacific, Red-throated), and both Steller’s Eider and Spectacled Eider. The area around Kivalina is a staging area for migratory waterfowl in the spring and fall (USEPA 2009). The Red Dog Mine EIS (USEPA 2009) states that the adjacent areas are high quality habitat for breeding and molting Canada geese. Tundra provides critical breeding, feeding and molting habitat for many different species of migratory birds. Lagoons, wetlands and barrier islands provide important nesting, molting and staging habitat (North Slope Borough 2006). Bird species are especially sensitive in nesting and molting areas. Because of their federal status, Yellow-billed loon, Steller’s eider, and Spectacled eider are species of particular concern in the Kivalina area and in relation to the proposed evacuation route. Yellow-billed Loon Kivalina is included in the breeding range for Yellow-billed Loon, however the highest concentrations are on the North Slope (USFWS 2006). Yellow-billed loons nest in coastal and inland low-lying tundra with permanent fish-bearing lakes and forage in nearshore and offshore waters near their breeding grounds during summer (USFWS 2009). Migration routes are thought to be primarily marine (USFWS 2006), but during spring and fall migration these birds use coastal waters, rivers, and large inland bodies of water (Audubon). The yellow-billed loon is a candidate for federal listing under the Endangered Species Act. Breeding is thought to be limited by available habitat (USFWS 2006). These birds are shy and will flee their nest if disturbed, leaving eggs or young vulnerable to predation (Audubon). Gravel extraction and road construction are two of the main conservation concerns for YBLO, and their habitat is sensitive to WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 55 infrastructure development disturbance, wetland filling, hydrology alterations or thermokarst action (USFWS 2006). Interviews with Kivalina residents and Kivalina Subsistence Committee (7/9/2012) suggest that YBLO are seen on occasion in the Kivalina Lagoon, but occurrences are typically sporadic and likely associated with migrations or transient individuals. Steller’s and Spectacled Eiders Kivalina is not within the breeding, molting or wintering range of the Steller’s eider, or Spectacled eiders, both of which are federally listed as. Kivalina is within the historic breeding range of the spectacled eider (USFWS 2012). The breeding ranges for both species are far to the north of the Kivalina area and the molting and wintering ranges are far to the south. However, they could be in the project area at times and will require Section 7 consultation. Both species of eiders are not typically observed inland preferring to remain close to shore or over open water (Jewell Bennett personal interview 2014, USFWS). Bats No bat species are known to range in the vicinity of Kivalina. Other Mammals Mammals that may occur in the Kivalina area include caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti), Muskox (Ovibos moschatus), moose (Alces alces), brown bear (Ursus arctos horribilis), grey wolf (Canis lupus), wolverine (Gulo gulo), and small fur-bearing animals such as fox, hair, marmot, beaver, muskrat and voles (Red Dog Mine EIS, 2009). Many of these terrestrial mammals are hunted for subsistence, primarily caribou and furbearers. The species listed here have generally healthy population numbers, and are not federally listed as species of concern in Alaska. Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are considered marine mammals and are listed under the Federal Endangered Species Act. Fisheries The Wulik River and the Kivalina River are listed anadromous streams by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG 2011). The Wulik River supports chum salmon (Oncorynchus keta), coho salmon (O. kisutch), Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha), pink salmon (O. gorbuscha), sockeye salmon (O. nerka), Dolly Varden (Salvelins malma), and whitefish species (Coregonus spp., Prosopium cylindraceum). The Kivalina River supports Chinook, coho, sockeye, chum, and pink salmon, Dolly Varden, broad whitefish, Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus), and possibly least ciscoes (Coregonus sardinella). The Kivalina Lagoon contains coho, chum, Chinook, pink, sockeye, Dolly Varden, and undifferentiated whitefish. The Wulik River is also the main source of freshwater for the village. Threatened and Endangered Species Species most at risk from wind development projects varieties of birds with habitat in the project vicinity. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists three species including the Steller’s eider, spectacled eider and the yellow-billed loon as federally listed species with habit potentially ranging through the project area. Both the Steller’s eider and the spectacled eider are federally listed as threatened species and the yellow-billed loon is a federally listed candidate species. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 56 Other listed species are present in the region; however, they are marine or terrestrial species that would likely not be impacted by the proposed project, or bird species with no range in the area. These include the short tailed albatross, polar bear (discussed above), Kittlitz’s murrelet, Pacific walrus, bearded seal and ring seal. The project area is within polar bear critical habitat, as both Barrier Island Critical Habitat and Sea Ice Critical Habitat extend 25 miles inland. Cultural Resources Kivalina has remained a traditional Inupiat Eskimo village, relying on an understanding of the environment for subsistence activities such as hunting, fishing, berry picking and egg gathering for many food and cultural resources. Caribou are the largest part of the subsistence diet in Kivalina with marine mammals also representing a significant component as does the fall and late spring fisheries for Dolly Varden in the Kivalina Lagoon and Wulik River. The first recorded history of the village occurred in 1847 when Lt. Zagoskin of the Russian Navy noted the small community at the northern end of Kivalina Lagoon, he wrote the name of the village as “Kivualinagmut” (City of Kivalina 2012). According to the City of Kivalina website, the original population consisted of survivors of aboriginal Kivalinarmuit Society as well as refugees from the Shishmaref, Noatak, and Kotzebue regions (City of Kivalina 2012). Historically, the Kivalina area was a stopping place and meeting area for trade, to gather food and for communication for people living on the mainland, or traveling by land or by sea (Northwest Arctic Borough 2009). The current village site was established in 1905 when a federal school was established. The forced migration to the barrier island in order for the children to go to school caused a lot of stress in the early population. The population of Kivalina was decimated by disease and starvation in the early 20th century (City of Kivalina 2012). Missionaries came to Kivalina in the early 20th century and the Episcopal Church ordained at least two residents as ministers in early years. The first post office in Kivalina was established in 1940; the first airstrip was built in 1960; and Kivalina was incorporated as a city in 1969. The 1970’s brought a new school, new houses, and a modern electric system. The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) established the regional corporations in 1971 (City of Kivalina 2012). NANA Regional Corporation is the area corporation (State of Alaska 2012). The majority of the city currently does not have modern plumbing. Water is collected from the Wulik River during months when the river and ground are not frozen, and at times of lower turbidity. This water is stored in large tanks in the center of town, where villagers collect for household use (Personal communication with Kivalina Village, 7/9/2012). Permitting and Agency Consultation Requirements The environmental permitting requirements listed below are discussed in Alaska Wind Energy Development: Best Practices Guide to Environmental Permitting and Consultations, a study prepared by URS Corporation for the Alaska Energy Authority in 2009. Wetlands and Waterways Kisimigiuktuk Hill is an upland area and does not have any wetlands or “Waters of the United States” that would require permits in order to place fill. The project area is, however, surrounded by a vast WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 57 area of wetlands associated with the Wulik and the Kivalina Rivers. As stated, the Wulik and Kivalina Rivers are located in the vicinity of the project area. Alaska Pollution Discharge Elimination System State regulations (18 AAC 83) require that all discharges to surface waters, including storm water runoff, be permitted under the Alaska Pollution Discharge Elimination System (APDES). The goal of the program is to reduce or eliminate pollution and sediments in stormwater and other discharges to surface water. Under the state APDES program, projects that disturb one or more acre of ground are subject to the terms of the Alaska Construction General Permit (CGP) and are required to develop a project Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) outlining measures to control or eliminate pollution and sediment discharges. A wind project in Kivalina is likely to disturb more than one acre of ground during the construction of wind turbines, supporting infrastructure and access roads and would be subject to the requirements of the CGP. Prior to construction, the contractor would be required to file a Notice of Intent (NOI) with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) prior to submitting the project SWPPP. ADEC would issue an APDES permit following the public comment period. US. Fish and Wildlife Service/National Marine Fisheries Service Although the project is not a Federal action and effects on bird and animal species will likely be minor, consultation with the USFWS is necessary to insure there are no unintended impacts as a result of the project. Consultation will also establish post construction monitoring guidelines, if determined to be necessary, to comply with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and/or the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. USFWS regulations and guidance under the MBTA prohibits the taking of active bird nests, eggs and young. In their Advisory: Recommended Time Periods for Avoiding Vegetation Clearing in Alaska in order to protect Migratory Birds, USFWS has developed “bird windows” statewide that prohibit clearing activity. The bird window for the Northern region of Alaska, including Kivalina is June 1st – July 31st for shrub and open type habitats (tundra and wetlands) and May 20th – September 15th for nesting seabird colonies. The clearing window for black scoter habitat is through August 10th. Clearing prior to these dates is allowed. If clearing has already occurred then construction may proceed during these dates. USFWS Wind Turbine Guidelines Advisory Committee developed guidelines and recommendations for wind power projects to avoid impacts to birds and bats. These recommendations have been released to the public as draft U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Land-Based Wind Energy. Federal Aviation Administration Prior to turbine construction an FAA Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration (Form 7460-1) is required to be completed. Filing a 7460-1 may result in additional discussions with the FAA regarding turbine siting and appropriate lighting requirements that would need to be incorporated into the project specifications. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) requires a permit for the placement of fill in “waters of the United States”, including wetlands and streams, under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). The WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 58 proposed Kisimigiuktuk Hill turbine site is no likely to be wetlands as there is exposed bedrock at the site. If, however, some component of infrastructure or access road is determined to be within waters of the U.S. a Section 404 permit from the Alaska District USACE and an accompanying U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Section 401 Water Quality Certification would need to be obtained. Currently, Individual Permits and Nationwide 12 permits are being issued for wind power projects in Alaska. An individual permit would be required for activities related to the construction of access roads or pads in wetlands. A Nationwide 12 Permit would be appropriate for activities related to utility installation (i.e. power lines). Depending on the site selection and potential impacts, a jurisdictional determination (wetland delineation) may be necessary to obtain a Section 404 permit. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 1 May 2014 Alaska Department of Fish and Game The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) oversees activities that may have an impact on fish habitat and anadromous fish streams. An ADF&G Title 16 Fish Habitat Permit would be required if the proposed project includes construction of access roads and infrastructure that may impact fish habitat or would involve installing a culvert in a fish stream. State Historic Preservation Office Consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for State of Alaska-funded projects is required under the State Historic Preservation Act. The act requires that all state projects be reviewed for potential impacts to cultural and historic resources. During the permitting phase of the project prior to construction, consultation with the SHPO would be initiated to determine if the project may impact these resources. The extent of needed infrastructure (pads and new roads) and the presence of known archaeological sites in the vicinity of the project area may trigger the SHPO to recommend an archaeological survey of the site. Discussion For this conceptual design report, only proven and robust wind turbines were considered for evaluation, hence any of the evaluated configurations can be designed and operated to meet expectations of high performance and reliability. Integration requirements will vary depending on the type of electrical generator in the turbine (synchronous vs. asynchronous), inverter-conditioning, soft-start or other similar grid stability control features, VAR support if necessary, minimum loading levels of the diesel generators as a percentage of the electric load, secondary load controller resolution and response time, among others. These design elements are beyond the scope of this conceptual design project, but the technology is mature enough to be assured that the wind turbines operating in a medium penetration/non-storage mode in Kivalina are controllable. With these issues in mind, the primary deciding factors for selection of wind turbine(s) for Kivalina will be cost, aesthetics, redundancy, support, and commonality. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 59 Cost The highest benefit-to-cost ratio wind turbine configuration calculated in this conceptual design is the Northern Power NPS 100-21 turbine at the Kisimigiuktuk Hill site, although the projected benefit-to-cost ratio of Vestas V17 turbines is high as well. Note however that the cost estimates in this report were not produced at the same level of precision and accuracy as will occur during the design phase and so should be considered with a level of caution. Also note that many cost parameters such as operations and maintenance costs over the life of the project are estimated using Alaska Energy Authority default values and may not be realistic for a particular turbine configuration option. Aesthetics This is a highly subjective consideration that may elicit strong and conflicting opinions. Ultimately, Kivalina residents must collectively agree on the aesthetic impact of wind turbines in their community, especially at Kisimigiuktuk Hill as the turbines will be near the new community and easily visible on a prominent landmark. Should an intertie to Red Dog Port be constructed to supply electrical power to Kivalina, wind turbines at Red Dog Port would not be visible from Kivalina and would only present an aesthetic consideration for Teck Alaska. Given the industrial nature of the port facility, aesthetic objections to wind turbine(s) at Red Dog Port are unlikely. Redundancy A single wind turbine would be redundant in the sense that diesel generation will continue to exist to meet electrical load demand should the turbine be off-line for maintenance or a fault condition. On the other hand, a single wind turbine is not redundant with respect to wind generation itself. Should the turbine be out of service for an extended period of time, wind power would not be generated during the outage and the community would revert to a diesels-only mode of operation. Support Manufacturer warranty and support will be a primary consideration of AVEC given its responsibility as electrical utility for Kivalina. The Borough must have confidence that the turbine manufacturer and/or its representatives will be available throughout the life of the project. This is a matter of trust and ultimately a value that AVEC must determine for itself. Commonality This is a practical consideration in that several AVEC communities are equipped with Northern Power wind turbines, which can be considered to be AVEC’s “fleet” turbine. There are many desirable aspects of a fleet turbine of value to AVEC: a single supplier and point of contact, a common control system for all turbines in the fleet, common parts, and technicians that must learn only one turbine, not two or more. On the other hand, AVEC has at times expressed interest in working with other wind turbine suppliers and developing alternative wind power configurations. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 60 Recommendation The configuration of two Northern Power 100-21 wind turbines at the Kisimigiuktuk Hill site is recommended as the AVEC’s best option for wind power development in Kivalina, assuming a Kivalina- only configuration. This recommendation is based on the following considerations: Cost – Development of wind power at the Kisimigiuktuk Hill site is recommended, but as noted elsewhere in this report, this assumes relocation of the village to the Kisimigiuktuk Hill area. This recommendation also assumes that relocation costs will be borne by other funding sources. This report does not recommend development of wind power at Kisimigiuktuk Hill to served Kivalina at its present location on the barrier island. With respect to development of wind power for Kivalina in its present location, although this is possible at the Wulik River site, this option is not cost effective with the evaluated wind turbines, and is not recommended. Note that should wind turbines be installed at the Wulik River site to serve Kivalina and then the village subsequently re-located to Kisimigiuktuk Hill, the turbines would be orphaned in an undesirable location. Aesthetics – Presuming the relocation of Kivalina to Kisimigiuktuk Hill area and wind power development on Kisimigiuktuk Hill, undeniably wind turbines will be have an aesthetic impact. This can be perhaps be partially mitigated by microsite decisions regarding view angles and exact turbine location. Should an intertie to Red Dog Port be constructed and wind power developed at the port, aesthetic considerations will be a moot point for Kivalina residents. Redundancy – Installing at least two wind turbines enables continuity of wind power production should one turbine be out of service for an extended period of time and is recommended for a Kivalina-only wind power project. Should an intertie be constructed and wind power developed at Red Dog Port, redundancy considerations will be the province of Teck Alaska to decide, although two or more wind turbines would be recommended for Red Dog Port for the same reason they are recommended for a Kivalina-only option: continuity of wind power should one turbine be off-line. Support – All three (two when considering Kivalina-only options) turbine manufacturers evaluated in this conceptual design report are professional companies with extensive depth and capability to provide warranty and continuing support over time with both factory personnel and Alaska-based representatives. But, given AVEC’s long history with Northern Power Systems, continuation of this relationship in Kivalina is recommended. Commonality – Given AVEC’s long history with Northern Power Systems, NPS 100 turbines would be most straightforward for AVEC to integrate into its operations department. It must be emphasized that for this report the wind resource at Kisimigiuktuk Hill was modeled by reference to only one year of met tower data collected five miles distant at the Wulik River site. With that in mind, a met tower should be installed on Kisimigiuktuk Hill to verify the wind resource modeled in this report. At publication of this report, it was reported that WHPacific, AVEC, Alaska Energy WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | 61 Authority, and NANA Regional Corp. are working to accomplish that goal during the summer 2014 field season. WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | A Appendix A – Kivalina Wind Resource Report WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Wind Resource Report Kivalina aerial photo by Doug Vaught, July 2011 June 27, 2012 Douglas Vaught, P.E. dvaught@v3energy.com V3 Energy, LLC Eagle River, Alaska Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 2 Purpose The Kivalina wind resource report is a component of a larger feasibility study to install wind turbines in either Kivalina or at the Red Dog Port facility located 27 km (17 miles) to the southeast. The feasibility study includes an analysis of a potential electrical intertie connecting Kivalina to Red Dog Port. A follow- on version of this wind resource report will include a comparison of wind data being collected at Red Dog Port. Summary The wind resource measured at the Kivalina met tower site is good with measured wind power class 4 (description: good) if considering power density and wind power class 3 (description: fair) if considering only mean wind speed. Given the cold temperatures in Kivalina, higher wind density results in a higher power density than at standard temperature and pressure. In other respects, Kivalina’s wind characteristics are ideal with exceptionally low turbulence and low wind shear. Kivalina experiences very cold winter temperatures, which will increase energy production of both variable pitch and stall- regulated wind turbines, but the low elevation of the site keeps it free of problematic rime icing problems that have been noted elsewhere in northern Alaska. The Kivalina wind resource study was funded by the Alaska Energy Authority and managed by WHPacific for the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC). WHPacific contracted V3 Energy, LLC to write this wind resource report. AVEC and WHPacific points of contact, respectively, are Brent Petrie, Key Accounts Manager (bpetrie@avec.org), and Katherine Keith, Distributed Energy Specialist (kkeith@whpacific.com). Met tower data synopsis Data dates May 9, 2011 to May 18, 2012 (12.3 months);status: operational Wind power class Class 3 to Class 4 Wind power density mean, 30 m 325 W/m2 Wind speed mean, 30 m 5.87 m/s Max. 10-min wind speed average 26.7 m/s Maximum 2-sec. wind gust 33.6 m/s (November, 2011) Weibull distribution parameters k = 1.66, c = 6.56 m/s Wind shear power law exponent 0.194 (moderate)(see report for notes) Roughness class 2.11 (few trees)(see report for notes) IEC 61400-1, 3rd ed. classification Class III-C Turbulence intensity, mean 0.075 (at 15 m/s) Calm wind frequency (at 33 m)34% (<4 m/s) Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 3 Test Site Location Wind measurement instrumentation was installed on a six-inch diameter 30 meter NRG tubular Tall Tower (met tower) approximately three kilometers (two miles) east of the village of Kivalina and approximately 1.5 km (1 mile) from the Chukchi Sea coast. The tower is located on open tundra in the general vicinity of the new Kivalina town site should the village be relocated due to continuing erosion and flooding risk at the existing village location, which is on an exposed coastal barrier island. The met tower was installed on May 6, 2011 by Echelon Energy Corp. of San Jose, California. Site information Site number 9750 Latitude/longitude N 67° 43’29.64”W 164° 26’25.38”, NAD 83 Site elevation 3 meters (10 ft) Datalogger type NRG Symphonie, 10 minute time step Tower type NRG Tall Tower, 30 meters, six-inch diameter Topographic map Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 4 Google Earth image Tower sensor information Channel Sensor type Height Multiplier Offset Orientation 1 NRG #40 anemometer 30 m A 0.765 0.35 north 2 NRG #40 anemometer 30 m B 0.765 0.35 south 3 NRG #40 anemometer 20 m 0.765 0.35 north 7 NRG #200P wind vane 29 m 0.351 351 351° T 9 NRG #110S Temp C 3 m 0.138 -86.3 north Tower sensors photo (view to the southwest) Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 5 Data Quality Control Data quality is generally very good for the 30 meter level anemometers, excellent for the wind vane and temperature sensor, and very poor for the 20 meter level anemometer. An installation error with the 20 meter anemometer resulted in it being located directly in line with the north-facing third-level guy wire, resulting in fouling of the sensor in the wire after the tower settled in the tundra a bit and the guy wires slackened. In the data analysis, a filter was used to remove 20 meter anemometer data significantly divergent from 30 meter A anemometer data, but that is not a precise tool and it is not possible to definitively determine all times that the 20 m anemometer was fouled. Recovered 20 m level anemometer data is not usable by itself for wind speed or other data, but it is usable, with qualification, for calculation of the wind shear coefficient. Data loss due to icing conditions was very infrequent in Kivalina compared to coastal sites in western Alaska. This may be due to the extremely cold winter of 2011/2012 and the otherwise normal extensive sea ice offshore of Kivalina and resulting low moisture content in the air. Icing conditions in the anemometer data are characterized by output of the anemometer at the minimum offset value of 0.4 m/s, standard deviation of zero, and temperatures less than 1 degree Centigrade. For wind direction data, icing is characterized by non-variant output at the last operable wind direction (standard deviation of zero) and temperature less than 1 degree Centigrade. In addition to icing, 30 meter level anemometer data was filtered for tower shadow using an algorithm that identifies wind from a 30 degree sector opposite the anemometer and filters that data. With frequent northerly winds, the south-facing 30 m B anemometer was filtered more frequently than the north-facing 30 m A anemometer. Data recovery summary table Possible Valid Recovery Sensor Units Height Records Records Rate (%) Speed 30 m A m/s 30 m 54,018 51,676 95.7 Speed 30 m B m/s 30 m 54,018 47,240 87.5 Speed 20 m m/s 20 m 54,018 15,965 29.6 Direction 29 m ° 29 m 54,018 53,408 98.9 Temperature °C 54,018 53,868 99.7 Anemometer and wind vane data recovery 30 m A 30 m B 20 m Vane Temp Year Month Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (%) 2011 May 88.6 92.2 43.7 95.5 100.0 2011 Jun 93.9 88.5 9.7 100.0 100.0 2011 Jul 93.7 95.5 5.7 100.0 100.0 2011 Aug 94.5 96.2 15.3 100.0 100.0 2011 Sep 96.2 81.4 25.8 100.0 100.0 2011 Oct 99.3 90.5 25.0 98.3 100.0 Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 6 30 m A 30 m B 20 m Vane Temp Year Month Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (%) 2011 Nov 99.4 85.5 18.5 100.0 100.0 2011 Dec 90.8 80.5 57.2 91.4 96.8 2012 Jan 98.0 87.2 54.7 100.0 100.0 2012 Feb 97.8 84.3 44.0 100.0 100.0 2012 Mar 99.3 74.8 27.0 100.0 100.0 2012 Apr 94.7 93.0 26.0 100.0 100.0 2012 May 96.0 89.1 39.8 99.8 99.8 All Data 95.7 87.5 29.6 98.9 99.7 Data flag statistics Anemometer Possible Records Icing % Low quality % Tower shading % Speed 30 m A 54,018 0.4% 0.0% 3.6% Speed 30 m B 54,018 0.4% 0.0% 11.4% Speed 20 m 54,018 24.4% 68.6% 0.0% Note: low quality and icing flags of 20 m anemometer often overlap. Fouled 20 meter anemometer Wind Speed Anemometer data obtained from the met tower, from the perspectives of both mean wind speed and mean wind power density, indicate a good wind resource. Mean wind speeds are greater at higher elevations on the met tower as one would expect. Note that the cold mean annual air temperature in Kivalina contributed to a higher wind power density than otherwise expected for the mean wind speeds. Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 7 Anemometer data summary Variable Speed 30 m A Speed 30 m B Measurement height (m) 30 30 Mean wind speed (m/s) 5.87 5.52 Median wind speed (m/s) 5.20 5.00 Max 10-min avg wind speed (m/s) 26.7 26.7 Max gust wind speed (m/s) 33.2 33.6 Weibull k 1.66 1.62 Weibull c (m/s) 6.56 6.15 Mean power density (W/m²) 325 274 Mean energy content (kWh/m²/yr) 2,845 2,398 Energy pattern factor 2.41 2.47 Frequency of calms (%) 34.4 37.3 Time Series Time series calculations indicate high mean wind speeds during the winter months with more moderate mean wind speeds during summer months. This correlates well with the typical village load profile where winter months have a high electric and heat demand and summer months a lesser demand. The a diurnal profile indicates remarkably stable wind speeds throughout the day with a minor “valley” of wind speeds during the morning hours and a minor “peak” of wind speeds during late afternoon. 30 m A anemometer data summary Mean Max 10- min Max Gust Std. Dev. Weibull k Weibull c Year Month (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (-) (m/s) 2011 May 5.58 14.0 17.2 2.83 2.04 6.29 2011 Jun 5.09 14.9 18.3 2.70 1.95 5.73 2011 Jul 4.71 13.8 17.9 2.53 1.92 5.29 2011 Aug 4.98 12.5 15.6 2.35 2.19 5.60 2011 Sep 6.45 17.8 22.9 3.14 2.15 7.28 2011 Oct 5.69 18.5 22.9 3.08 1.92 6.42 2011 Nov 6.88 26.7 33.2 4.08 3.55 10.12 2011 Dec 8.51 21.2 25.6 4.19 2.14 9.60 2012 Jan 4.81 24.7 27.1 4.24 1.17 5.08 2012 Feb 7.17 21.2 24.8 4.43 1.64 8.00 2012 Mar 5.94 16.7 19.5 3.47 1.71 6.63 2012 Apr 4.94 17.6 22.9 3.87 1.21 5.24 2012 May 5.41 13.5 16.1 2.60 2.19 6.10 All Data 5.87 26.7 33.2 3.63 1.66 6.56 Mean of monthly means 5.88 Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 8 Wind speed time series graph Diurnal profile Note: disregard the Speed 20 m curve due to problems with data recovery Wind Speed Distribution The probability distribution function (PDF), or histogram, of Kivalina wind speed data indicates a shape curve somewhat dominated by lower wind speeds, as opposed to a “normal” shape curve, known as the Rayleigh distribution (Weibull k = 2.0), which is defined as the standard wind distribution for wind power analysis. As one can see in the PDF of 30 meter A anemometer, the most frequently occurring wind speeds are between 4 and 6 m/s with very few wind events exceeding 25 m/s (the cutout speed of most wind turbines; see following wind speed statistical table). Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 9 Wind speed distribution of 30 m A anemometer Weibull k shape curve table Weibull comparison table Algorithm Weibull Weibull Proportion Power R k c Mean Above Density Squared (-) (m/s) (m/s) 5.872 m/s (W/m2) (-) Maximum likelihood 1.660 6.560 5.864 0.435 291.8 0.977 Least squares 1.704 6.586 5.875 0.439 283.8 0.980 WAsP 1.603 6.496 5.823 0.427 299.2 0.970 Actual data (51,676 time steps)5.872 0.427 299.2 Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 10 Occurrence by wind speed bin Bin Endpoints (m/s) Occurrences Bin Endpoints (m/s) Occurrences Lower Upper No. Percent Lower Upper No. Percent 0 1 2,224 4.5% 14 15 604 1.2% 1 2 3,420 6.9% 15 16 443 0.9% 2 3 5,226 10.5% 16 17 287 0.6% 3 4 6,219 12.5% 17 18 180 0.4% 4 5 6,821 13.7% 18 19 122 0.2% 5 6 6,261 12.6% 19 20 78 0.2% 6 7 5,213 10.5% 20 21 37 0.1% 7 8 4,327 8.7% 21 22 18 0.0% 8 9 3,236 6.5% 22 23 13 0.0% 9 10 2,271 4.6% 23 24 17 0.0% 10 11 1,610 3.2% 24 25 22 0.0% 11 12 1,270 2.5% 25 26 25 0.1% 12 13 962 1.9% 26 27 13 0.0% 13 14 757 1.5% all 49,817 100.0% Wind Shear and Roughness A wind shear power law exponent () of 0.194 indicates moderate wind shear at the site. Related to wind shear, a calculated surface roughness of 0.114 meters (indicating the height above ground level where wind velocity would be zero) indicates moderately rough terrain (roughness description: few trees) surrounding the met tower. This data is comprised however by very poor data recovery from the 20 meter level anemometer, which was installed such that it was often fouled in the third level north- facing guy wire. The power law exponent is calculated only with time step data with valid anemometer data from the selected sensors (the 30 m A anemometer and the 20 meter anemometer); in this case only 28 percent of the time steps qualified. This is a statistically sufficient amount of data except that filtering of the 20 meter data to remove the time steps where the anemometer was fouled is not precise and some data that should have been filtered was undoubtedly retained. Although the power law exponent and roughness length are generally reasonable, one might expect both values to be lower considering the flat, featureless, and typically snow-covered terrain surrounding the met tower. Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 11 Vertical wind shear profile Comparative wind shear profiles Extreme Winds A modified Gumbel distribution analysis, based on monthly maximum winds vice annual maximum winds, was used to predict extreme winds at the Kivalina met tower site. Industry standard reference of extreme wind is the 50 year probable (50 year return period) ten-minute average wind speed, referred to as Vref. For Kivalina, this calculates to 35.8 m/s (at 30 meters), which qualifies as an International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61400-1, 3rd edition criteria Class III site, the lowest defined. All wind turbines are designed for IEC 61400-1 Class III conditions. Extreme wind probability table, 30 m A data Vref Gust IEC 61400-1, 3rd ed. Period (years) (m/s) (m/s) Class Vref, m/s 3 26.8 32.8 I 50.0 10 30.7 37.5 II 42.5 20 32.9 40.2 III 37.5 30 34.2 41.8 S designer- specified5035.8 43.8 100 38.0 46.5 Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 12 Extreme wind graph Temperature and Density Kivalina experiences cool summers and very cold winters with resulting higher than standard air density. Calculated annual mean air density during the met tower test period exceeds by 7.8 percent the 1.225 kg/m3 standard air density at a 3 meter elevation. This is advantageous in wind power operations as wind turbines typically produce more power at low temperatures/high air density than at standard temperature and density. Temperature and density table Temperature Density Month Mean Min Max Mean Min Max (°C) (°C) (°C) (kg/m³) (kg/m³) (kg/m³) Jan -30.7 -44.5 -8.9 1.456 1.335 1.543 Feb -15.9 -48.7 2.7 1.374 1.279 1.572 Mar -20.2 -34.5 -7.4 1.395 1.327 1.478 Apr -7.9 -28.4 10.6 1.331 1.243 1.441 May 1.8 -15.4 25.0 1.284 1.183 1.369 Jun 12.2 0.7 28.1 1.237 1.171 1.288 Jul 12.9 2.6 28.9 1.234 1.168 1.279 Aug 11.3 0.4 23.5 1.240 1.189 1.290 Sep 6.8 -5.1 19.3 1.260 1.206 1.316 Oct -3.5 -17.6 8.7 1.308 1.252 1.380 Nov -16.5 -31.5 1.8 1.376 1.283 1.460 Dec -15.5 -35.0 0.5 1.367 1.224 1.481 Annual -5.2 -48.7 28.9 1.321 1.168 1.572 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Period, years Vref gust Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 13 Annual temperature boxplot Air density DMap Wind Speed Scatterplot The wind speed versus temperature scatterplot below indicates that a substantial percentage of wind in Kivalina coincides with cold temperatures as one would expect. During the met tower test period, temperatures fell below -40°C, the minimum operating temperature for arctic-capable wind turbines, on a number of occasions. Wind speeds during periods of extreme cold are generally low, however, and loss of wind turbine availability during these times would not be significant. Also note that periods of high winds (wind speeds greater than 20 m/s) are characterized by cold temperatures, between 0°C and -25°C. Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 14 Wind speed/temperature Wind Direction Wind frequency rose data indicates that winds at Kivalina are relatively directional, with north- northeasterly and east-northeasterly predominating. The mean value rose indicates that infrequent southeasterly winds, when they do occur, are of high energy and hence likely storm winds. The wind energy rose indicates that winds for wind turbine operations power-producing are northerly and southeasterly dominant. Calm frequency (percent of time that winds at the 30 meter level are less than 4 m/s) was 34 percent during the met tower test period. Wind frequency rose Mean value rose (30 m A anem.) Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 15 Wind energy rose (30 m A anem.) Scatterplot rose of 30m A wind power density Monthly wind energy roses (common scale) Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 16 Turbulence Turbulence intensity (TI) at the Kivalina met tower site is well within acceptable standards with an IEC 61400-1, 3rd edition (2005) classification of turbulence category C, which is the lowest defined. The mean TI at 15 m/s is 0.075 and the representative TI at 15 m/s is 0.105 (30 m A anemometer), both which can be considered very low and hence very desirable for wind turbine operations. Turbulence intensity, 30 m A anemometer, all direction sectors Turbulence table, 30 m A data Bin Endpoints Records Standard Representative TI Lower Upper Mean Deviation Peak (m/s) (m/s) in Bin TI of TI TI 0.5 1.5 2,744 0.363 0.155 0.561 1.091 1.5 2.5 4,280 0.180 0.090 0.295 0.800 2.5 3.5 5,847 0.126 0.064 0.209 0.815 3.5 4.5 6,725 0.100 0.049 0.163 0.771 4.5 5.5 6,568 0.086 0.041 0.138 0.633 5.5 6.5 5,732 0.081 0.038 0.130 0.468 6.5 7.5 4,858 0.076 0.032 0.117 0.299 7.5 8.5 3,763 0.076 0.032 0.117 0.364 8.5 9.5 2,704 0.076 0.029 0.114 0.299 Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 17 Bin Endpoints Records Standard Representative TI Lower Upper Mean Deviation Peak (m/s) (m/s) in Bin TI of TI TI 9.5 10.5 1,883 0.077 0.028 0.113 0.269 10.5 11.5 1,398 0.078 0.028 0.114 0.252 11.5 12.5 1,155 0.078 0.027 0.112 0.265 12.5 13.5 808 0.074 0.023 0.104 0.167 13.5 14.5 662 0.076 0.023 0.105 0.174 14.5 15.5 545 0.075 0.023 0.105 0.166 15.5 16.5 347 0.076 0.023 0.105 0.167 16.5 17.5 241 0.074 0.019 0.099 0.145 17.5 18.5 151 0.073 0.016 0.094 0.120 18.5 19.5 98 0.068 0.013 0.084 0.115 19.5 20.5 58 0.069 0.012 0.085 0.100 20.5 21.5 24 0.072 0.014 0.089 0.103 21.5 22.5 16 0.078 0.015 0.097 0.103 22.5 23.5 12 0.080 0.024 0.111 0.104 23.5 24.5 17 0.090 0.016 0.110 0.120 24.5 25.5 28 0.087 0.015 0.106 0.108 25.5 26.5 20 0.090 0.006 0.097 0.104 26.5 27.5 4 0.086 0.003 0.091 0.091 Wind Turbine Performance The selection of suitable wind turbines for a wind power project in Kivalina is beyond the scope of this report, but for initial planning purposes, predicted annual energy output and capacity factor for the 100 kW Northwind 100 B model (21 meter rotor, 37 meter hub height) is presented below. Note that the Alaska Energy Authority considers 82 percent turbine availability (percent of time that the turbine is operational and available to produce power, irrespective of wind speed) as the default value for planning village power projects. Many wind turbines in rural Alaska operate with better than 82 percent availability, but for a number of reasons some operate with lower than 82 percent availability. For this turbine performance analysis, adjustment of power output (from standard temperature and pressure conditions) of the NW100 turbine due to air density was not considered as Northern Power Systems has not published density-specific power curves for the turbine. NW100B/21 at 37 m, 82% availability Hub Height Time At Time At Mean Net Mean Net Net Wind Speed Zero Output Rated Output Power Output Energy Output Capacity Factor Month (m/s) (%) (%) (kW) (kWh/yr) (%) Jan 5.03 41.1 2.6 16.1 12,001 16.1 Feb 7.48 14.6 4.8 30.1 20,242 30.1 Mar 6.17 20.3 1.9 22.9 17,036 22.9 Kivalina Wind Resource Report P a g e | 18 Hub Height Time At Time At Mean Net Mean Net Net Wind Speed Zero Output Rated Output Power Output Energy Output Capacity Factor Month (m/s) (%) (%) (kW) (kWh/yr) (%) Apr 5.08 38.1 2.5 17.6 12,655 17.6 May 5.60 21.2 0.0 18.5 13,758 18.5 Jun 5.26 21.0 0.1 15.4 11,071 15.4 Jul 4.93 24.5 0.0 13.4 9,993 13.4 Aug 5.27 18.7 0.0 15.2 11,272 15.2 Sep 6.87 10.8 2.7 26.2 18,896 26.2 Oct 5.95 15.7 1.7 19.9 14,817 19.9 Nov 7.22 8.8 2.2 24.9 17,928 24.9 Dec 8.76 8.2 5.5 40.4 30,036 40.4 Annual 6.10 20.4 1.9 21.5 188,215 21.5 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | B Appendix B – Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report Red Dog Port communication tower, view to the southeast, D. Vaught photo September 7, 2011 Douglas Vaught, P.E. V3 Energy, LLC Eagle River, Alaska Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 2 Summary The wind resource measured at the Red Dog Port communication tower (Site 5) is very good with measured wind power class 6 (outstanding) if considering power density, but wind power class 3 (fair) if considering only mean wind speed. Given the cold temperatures of Red Dog Port area, higher wind density results in a higher power density than at standard temperature and pressure. This increases wind turbine power production, but the boost is not linear. By more useful measure with respect to potential wind turbine energy production, the site would classify as Class 4 to 5 (good to excellent), depending on individual turbine performance. In a general sense, wind classification at Red Dog Port should be viewed with caution as the statistical characteristics of the wind at this site are somewhat unusual with a wind speed probability distribution skewed toward lower wind speeds but also comprised of high wind events, the latter which strongly influence the mean annual wind power density. Intuitively, this can be grasped by considering that although the mean annual wind power density is quite high, the site experiences 45 percent calm winds (wind speeds less than four meters per second). Another indication of the periodic high winds at Red Dog Port is the extreme wind probability calculation which, depending on one’s assumptions, classifies the site as IEC Class I or II. In other respects, however, Red Dog Port wind characteristics are ideal with exceptionally low turbulence and low surface roughness. The Port experiences very cold temperatures, which will increase energy production of both variable pitch and stall-regulated wind turbines, but the low elevation of the site keeps it free of problematic rime icing problems that have been noted elsewhere in northern Alaska. Met tower data synopsis Data dates October 10, 2008 to August 10, 2011 (34 months); status: operational Wind power class Difficult to classify; likely Class 4 to 5 (good to excellent) Wind power density mean, 33 m 574 W/m2 Wind speed mean, 33 m 6.05 m/s Max. 10-min wind speed average 38.5 m/s Maximum 2-sec. wind gust 43.5 m/s (January, 2009) Weibull distribution parameters k = 1.24, c = 6.52 m/s Wind shear power law exponent 0.180 (moderate) Roughness class 0.73 (lawn grass) IEC 61400-1, 3rd ed. classification Class II-C Turbulence intensity, mean 0.119 (at 15 m/s) Calm wind frequency (at 33 m)45% (<4 m/s) Test Site Location Wind measurement instrumentation was installed on an existing 33 meter Rohn lattice-type communication tower at the Red Dog Port area and approximately three kilometers (two miles) from Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 3 the Chukchi Sea coast. The tower is located on a small gravel pad immediately adjacent to the haul road which connects Red Dog Mine to Red Dog Port. There is considerable area in the near vicinity of the Port complex to accommodate several or more large turbines. Site information Site number 9476 Latitude/longitude N 67° 35’ 48.90” W 163° 59’ 42.10”, WGS 84 Site elevation 49 meters (160 ft) Datalogger type NRG Symphonie, 10 minute time step Tower type Rohn lattice tower, 33 meter height Topographic maps Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 4 Google Earth image Tower sensor information Channel Sensor type Height Multiplier Offset Orientation 1 NRG #40 anemometer 32.6 m (33 m A) 0.760 0.36 000°T 2 NRG #40 anemometer 32.6 m (33 m B) 0.757 0.41 115° T 3 NRG #40 anemometer 20.7 m (21 m A)0.761 0.33 000°T 4 NRG #40 anemometer 20.7 m (21 m B) 0.758 0.33 115° T 7 NRG #200P wind vane 29.0 m 0.351 180 000° T 9 NRG #110S Temp C 3 m 0.138 -86.3 N 10 iPack batter voltmeter n/a 0.021 0 n/a 12 RH-5 relative humidity 2 m 0.098 0 N Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 5 Tower sensors photo Data Quality Control Data quality is very good with data recovery of all four anemometers greater than 96 percent and data recovery of the wind vane greater than 95 percent. Data loss is limited to winter months only and is attributable to icing events which are characterized by non-variant output of the anemometer at the minimum offset value (essentially zero) and by non-variant output of the direction vane at the last operable direction with temperatures near or less than zero degrees Centigrade and relative humidity at or near 100 percent. Data recovery summary table Label Units Height Possible Records Valid Records Recovery Rate (%) Speed 33 m A m/s 32.6 m 148,962 144,189 96.8 Speed 33 m B m/s 32.6 m 148,962 143,962 96.6 Speed 21 m A m/s 20.7 m 148,962 144,176 96.8 Speed 21 m B m/s 20.7 m 148,962 144,871 97.3 Direction 29 m ° 29 m 148,962 142,369 95.6 Temperature °C 148,962 148,841 99.9 Voltmeter volts 148,962 148,841 99.9 RH-5 Humidity %RH %RH 148,962 148,841 99.9 Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 6 Anemometer and wind vane data recovery 33 m A 33 m B 21 m A 21 m B Vane Possible Valid Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery Year Month Records Records Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (%) 2008 Oct 3,168 2,862 90.3 90.3 89.8 90.3 76.3 2008 Nov 4,320 3,553 82.3 83.1 81.8 90.9 87.1 2008 Dec 4,464 4,188 93.8 93.8 93.8 93.8 95.1 2009 Jan 4,464 4,464 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 85.3 2009 Feb 4,032 4,032 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2009 Mar 4,464 4,464 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2009 Apr 4,320 4,200 97.2 97.2 97.2 97.2 97.2 2009 May 4,464 4,165 93.3 96.8 96.7 97.1 92.2 2009 Jun 4,320 4,320 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2009 Jul 4,464 4,464 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2009 Aug 4,464 4,464 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2009 Sep 4,320 4,320 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2009 Oct 4,464 4,157 93.1 93.1 93.1 87.4 95.7 2009 Nov 4,320 3,355 77.7 78.3 77.3 76.6 100.0 2009 Dec 4,464 3,981 89.2 89.2 89.2 89.2 100.0 2010 Jan 4,464 4,464 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2010 Feb 4,032 4,032 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2010 Mar 4,464 4,464 100.0 91.7 100.0 95.1 100.0 2010 Apr 4,320 4,320 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 84.8 2010 May 4,464 4,464 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2010 Jun 4,320 4,320 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2010 Jul 4,464 4,464 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2010 Aug 4,464 4,464 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2010 Sep 4,320 4,320 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2010 Oct 4,464 4,464 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2010 Nov 4,320 3,189 73.8 72.0 71.3 89.1 54.6 2010 Dec 4,464 4,464 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 74.7 2011 Jan 4,464 4,464 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2011 Feb 4,032 4,032 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2011 Mar 4,464 4,464 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2011 Apr 4,320 4,320 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2011 May 4,464 4,345 97.3 97.3 97.3 97.3 100.0 2011 Jun 4,320 4,320 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2011 Jul 4,464 4,464 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2011 Aug 1,362 1,362 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 All data 148,962 144,189 96.8 96.6 96.8 97.3 95.6 Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 7 Icing Event The Red Dog Port communication tower site is at an elevation of less than 50 meters; hence rime icing is not a concern. But freezing rain and other similar cold climate events do occur on occasion which can compromise anemometer and wind vane data, but are not likely to seriously impede wind turbine operations. Apparent icing event, November 2009, temp and RH data Apparent icing event, November 2009, anemometer data Data Gap-fill Although the overall loss of anemometer data due to icing was less than 95 percent, this includes the summer months which naturally do not experience icing conditions. Wintertime icing loss was higher, with data recovery of the anemometers in the 75 to 80 percent range in November 2011. In the quality control process, ice event data is removed from the file to avoid biasing the mean wind speed low (i.e., logging zero wind speed when the wind is likely blowing), but that can create the opposite situation, where the data set bias is high (i.e., no recorded wind speed during the ice periods, leaving just higher wind speeds in the data set). To overcome these errors, a data gap-fill algorithm contained in Windographer software was employed to synthesize missing data and create a statistically truer representation of the Red Dog Port wind resource than the data without the gaps filled. Note: dotted lines below are synthesized data. Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 8 Gap-fill of November 2009 icing event Wind Speed Anemometer data obtained from the met tower, from the perspectives of both mean wind speed and mean wind power density, indicate an excellent wind resource. Mean wind speeds are greater at higher elevations on the met tower, as one would expect. Note that cold temperatures contributed to a higher wind power density than otherwise might have been expected for the mean wind speeds. Also note, as discussed in the previous section, that anemometer summary information is the table below is post gap- fill. None gap-filled mean wind speeds and power densities are slightly higher than below. Anemometer data summary Variable Speed 33 m A Speed 33 m B Speed 21 m A Speed 21 m B Measurement height (m) 33 33 21 21 Mean wind speed (m/s) 6.06 6.05 5.74 5.71 MMM wind speed (m/s) 6.02 6.02 5.71 5.68 Max 10-min avg wind speed (m/s) 38.5 36.7 36.1 34.4 Max gust wind speed (m/s) 43.5 41.8 42.0 40.5 Weibull k 1.24 1.26 1.28 1.31 Weibull c (m/s) 6.52 6.52 6.22 6.21 Mean power density (W/m²) 596 546 483 449 MMM power density (W/m²) 577 529 467 435 Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 9 Mean energy content (kWh/m²/yr) 5,223 4,782 4,232 3,935 MMM energy content (kWh/m²/yr) 5,050 4,634 4,093 3,810 Energy pattern factor 4.08 3.75 3.89 3.66 Frequency of calms (%) 44.5 43.3 45.9 44.9 1-hr autocorrelation coefficient 0.945 0.942 0.941 0.940 Diurnal pattern strength 0.046 0.041 0.066 0.062 Hour of peak wind speed 15 15 15 15 MMM = mean of monthly means Time Series Time series calculations indicate high mean wind speeds during the winter months with more moderate mean wind speeds during summer months. This correlates well with the a typical village load profile where winter months have a high electric and heat demand and summer months a lesser demand. The opposite load profile exists however at Red Dog Port where summer loads are high and winter low. 33 m A anemometer data summary Mean Max Gust Std. Dev. Weibull k Weibull c Year Month (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (-) (m/s) 2008 Oct 6.89 20.2 23.1 4.59 1.50 7.62 2008 Nov 6.03 18.2 20.4 3.63 1.68 6.74 2008 Dec 11.21 28.9 32.6 7.20 1.45 12.27 2009 Jan 6.18 38.5 43.5 7.11 0.96 6.05 2009 Feb 7.92 30.8 36.7 7.53 0.97 7.83 2009 Mar 9.57 31.5 36.0 6.58 1.42 10.49 2009 Apr 5.91 22.7 28.0 4.96 1.13 6.17 2009 May 4.79 21.0 27.7 3.10 1.63 5.36 2009 Jun 4.12 14.9 19.3 2.56 1.67 4.62 2009 Jul 4.60 18.4 24.6 2.83 1.67 5.15 2009 Aug 5.12 18.1 22.4 3.08 1.70 5.74 2009 Sep 5.10 15.0 17.8 2.70 1.94 5.74 2009 Oct 5.69 21.0 24.6 3.80 1.54 6.33 2009 Nov 5.20 19.1 22.7 3.77 1.37 5.68 2009 Dec 8.52 27.4 32.6 6.55 1.29 9.21 2010 Jan 5.46 23.1 26.1 5.01 1.15 5.75 2010 Feb 5.01 17.1 19.7 3.82 1.27 5.39 2010 Mar 5.25 26.1 30.3 4.97 1.15 5.54 2010 Apr 5.43 27.3 32.1 4.42 1.33 5.94 2010 May 3.62 16.4 19.7 2.52 1.57 4.06 2010 Jun 3.36 13.7 18.9 2.36 1.51 3.74 2010 Jul 4.24 12.7 16.7 2.55 1.73 4.76 2010 Aug 4.71 15.5 21.6 3.11 1.55 5.24 2010 Sep 5.64 18.0 21.2 2.99 1.96 6.35 Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 10 2010 Oct 7.88 23.1 28.0 4.34 1.87 8.86 2010 Nov 8.14 20.2 25.0 5.24 1.61 9.10 2010 Dec 9.62 28.3 32.1 6.37 1.46 10.57 2011 Jan 7.00 25.9 29.5 6.74 0.97 6.92 2011 Feb 9.93 30.5 34.1 7.56 1.21 10.55 2011 Mar 5.99 25.7 29.1 6.47 0.90 5.69 2011 Apr 4.70 20.3 22.4 3.87 1.21 5.01 2011 May 5.02 19.3 21.9 3.77 1.41 5.54 2011 Jun 4.21 14.9 17.1 2.54 1.73 4.73 2011 Jul 4.47 15.4 21.6 2.72 1.70 5.01 2011 Aug 5.49 13.2 16.7 2.85 1.95 6.15 All data 6.06 38.5 43.5 5.11 1.24 6.52 MMM 6.02 Seasonal time series graph Annual daily wind profile Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 11 Monthly daily wind profile Probability Distribution Function The probability distribution function (PDF), or histogram, of Red Dog Port wind speed indicates a shape curve dominated by lower wind speeds, as opposed to a “normal” shape curve, known as the Rayleigh distribution (Weibull k = 2.0), which is defined as the standard wind distribution for wind power analysis. As one can see in the PDF of 33 m A anemometer, the most frequently occurring wind speeds are between 2 and 5 m/s with a number of wind events exceeding 25 m/s (the cutout speed of most wind turbines; see following wind speed statistical table). Note also the Weibull k value which describes the Red Dog Port site is unusually low and indicative, as one can see, of a site dominated by calm winds but periodically exposed to high winds. PDF of 33 m A anemometer Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 12 Weibull k shape curve table Occurrence by wind speed bin Bin Endpoints (m/s) Occurrences Bin Endpoints (m/s) Occurrences Lower Upper No. Percent Lower Upper No. Percent 0 1 12,529 8.64% 20 21 878 0.61% 1 2 15,229 10.50% 21 22 733 0.51% 2 3 18,666 12.88% 22 23 610 0.42% 3 4 18,537 12.79% 23 24 482 0.33% 4 5 15,125 10.43% 24 25 374 0.26% 5 6 12,586 8.68% 25 26 290 0.20% 6 7 10,116 6.98% 26 27 202 0.14% 7 8 8,187 5.65% 27 28 141 0.10% 8 9 6,488 4.48% 28 29 88 0.06% 9 10 5,123 3.53% 29 30 76 0.05% 10 11 4,478 3.09% 30 31 47 0.03% 11 12 3,483 2.40% 31 32 23 0.02% 12 13 2,981 2.06% 32 33 12 0.01% 13 14 2,569 1.77% 33 34 11 0.01% 14 15 2,220 1.53% 34 35 9 0.01% 15 16 1,836 1.27% 35 36 2 0.00% 16 17 1,299 0.90% 36 37 3 0.00% 17 18 1,242 0.86% 37 38 3 0.00% 18 19 1,169 0.81% 38 39 2 0.00% 19 20 1,113 0.77% 39 40 0 0.00% Wind Shear and Roughness A wind shear power law exponent () of 0.127 indicates low to moderate wind shear at the site. Related to wind shear, a calculated surface roughness of 0.0079 meters (indicating the height above ground level where wind velocity would be zero) indicates very smooth terrain (roughness description: lawn Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 13 grass) surrounding the met tower. These data indicate that it might be possible to construct turbines at a lower hub height for cost saving purposes, yet still obtain high energy production. Vertical wind shear profile Comparative wind shear profiles Extreme Winds A modified Gumbel distribution analysis, based on monthly maximum winds vice annual maximum winds, was used to predict extreme winds at Red Dog Port. Due to the unusual seasonal variation in wind speeds at the site and in an effort to better match the monthly data Gumbel approach to the annual data approach, a further modification to the analysis was made to exclude May through September data. Note below that the extreme wind analysis shows relatively energetic extreme winds compared to the measured mean wind speeds. Industry standard reference of extreme wind is the 50 year probable (50 year return period) ten-minute average wind speed, referred to as Vref. For Red Dog Port, with the assumptions noted above, this calculates to 42.4 m/s (at 33 meters), which is on the threshold of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61400-1, 3rd edition criteria Class I site and possibly Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 14 should be considered as such. Note that Class I or II extreme wind classifications indicate the possibility of highly energetic wind events. Not all wind turbines are designed for IEC Class I or II winds, so this must be considered during turbine selection. Extreme wind probability table, 33 m A data Vref Gust IEC 61400-1, 3rd ed. Period (years) (m/s) (m/s) Class Vref, m/s 3 33.4 38.7 I 50.0 10 37.3 43.2 II 42.5 20 39.5 45.8 III 37.5 30 40.8 47.3 S designer- specified5042.4 49.2 100 44.6 51.7 average gust factor: 1.16 Extreme wind graph Temperature, Density, and Relative Humidity The Red Dog Port area experiences cool summers and very cold winters with resulting higher than standard air density. Calculated mean-of-monthly-mean air density during the met tower test period exceeds the 1.219 kg/m 3 standard air density for a 49 meter elevation by 7.0 percent. This is advantageous in wind power operations as wind turbines produce more power at low temperatures (high air density) than at standard temperature and density. 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Period, years Vref gust Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 15 Temperature and density table Temperature Air Density Month Mean Min Max Mean Min Max (°C) (°C) (°C) (kg/m³) (kg/m³) (kg/m³) Jan -17.6 -36.2 3.7 1.375 1.267 1.481 Feb -16.7 -39.8 3.4 1.370 1.269 1.504 Mar -14.9 -36.7 3.3 1.360 1.269 1.484 Apr -7.6 -24.9 9.1 1.321 1.219 1.413 May 2.4 -14.9 23.6 1.274 1.182 1.359 Jun 9.9 -3.2 26.7 1.240 1.170 1.300 Jul 12.2 -0.4 28.8 1.230 1.162 1.286 Aug 10.4 -2.8 22.2 1.238 1.188 1.298 Sep 5.9 -10.5 19.1 1.258 1.201 1.336 Oct -3.4 -18.8 10.9 1.301 1.219 1.379 Nov -11.9 -28.2 2.3 1.343 1.274 1.432 Dec -12.8 -33.9 6.3 1.348 1.256 1.466 Annual -3.6 -39.8 28.8 1.305 1.162 1.504 Annual temperature boxplot Temperature data, measurement period Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 16 Air density DMap Wind Speed Scatterplot The wind speed versus temperature scatterplot below indicates that a substantial percentage of wind at Red Dog Port coincides with cold temperatures, as one would expect. However, during the met tower test periods, temperatures did not fall below -40°C, which is the minimum operating temperature for arctic-capable wind turbines, but did fall below -30°C on a substantial number of occasions, but as one can see, periods of extreme cold are characterized by relatively light winds. Also note that periods of very high winds (wind speeds greater than 30 m/s) are also characterized by cold temperatures, between -5°C and -20°C. Colder temperatures than recorded during the test period may occur during particular severe winters, but it is likely that temperatures colder than -40°C are extremely rare at the site. Hence, restrictions of wind turbine operations due to extreme cold should not be expected. Wind speed/temperature Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 17 Wind Direction Wind frequency rose data indicates that winds at Red Dog Port are highly directional, with northeasterly and southeasterly wind predominating. The mean value rose indicates that southeasterly winds, when they do occur, are of high energy and hence likely storm winds. The wind energy rose indicates that for wind turbine operations power-producing winds are very strongly southeastern dominant. Calm frequency (percent of time that winds at the 50 meter level are less than 4 m/s) was a very high 45 percent during the met tower test period. Wind frequency rose Mean value rose (33 m A anem.) Wind energy rose (33 m A anem.) Scatterplot rose of 33m A wind power density Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 18 Wind density roses by month (common scale) Turbulence Turbulence intensity (TI) at the Red Dog Port test site is well within acceptable standards with an IEC 61400-1, 3rd edition (2005) classification of turbulence category C, which is the lowest defined. The mean TI at 15 m/s is 0.069 and the representative TI at 15 m/s is 0.096, both which can be considered extraordinarily low and hence very desirable for wind turbine operations. Turbulence intensity, 33m B, all direction sectors Red Dog Port Wind Resource Report P a g e | 19 Turbulence table, 33m B data Bin Endpoints Records in Bin Mean TI SD of TI Representative TI Peak TI Lower Upper (m/s) (m/s) 0.5 1.5 12,626 0.420 0.172 0.640 1.333 1.5 2.5 15,946 0.217 0.116 0.366 1.067 2.5 3.5 17,579 0.152 0.080 0.254 0.840 3.5 4.5 15,929 0.124 0.067 0.210 0.875 4.5 5.5 12,858 0.103 0.057 0.176 0.681 5.5 6.5 11,533 0.092 0.048 0.154 0.691 6.5 7.5 9,401 0.086 0.045 0.144 0.681 7.5 8.5 7,922 0.081 0.038 0.130 0.494 8.5 9.5 6,081 0.080 0.035 0.125 0.418 9.5 10.5 4,894 0.081 0.033 0.123 0.418 10.5 11.5 4,088 0.079 0.029 0.116 0.333 11.5 12.5 3,351 0.076 0.027 0.110 0.271 12.5 13.5 2,826 0.072 0.025 0.104 0.291 13.5 14.5 2,477 0.069 0.023 0.098 0.229 14.5 15.5 1,819 0.069 0.021 0.096 0.243 15.5 16.5 1,575 0.066 0.020 0.092 0.172 16.5 17.5 1,324 0.068 0.019 0.093 0.155 17.5 18.5 1,235 0.066 0.019 0.090 0.167 18.5 19.5 1,072 0.065 0.017 0.087 0.168 19.5 20.5 841 0.063 0.015 0.083 0.150 20.5 21.5 659 0.063 0.016 0.084 0.156 21.5 22.5 574 0.063 0.017 0.085 0.148 22.5 23.5 394 0.060 0.013 0.077 0.123 23.5 24.5 305 0.060 0.013 0.077 0.110 24.5 25.5 217 0.058 0.011 0.073 0.093 25.5 26.5 132 0.059 0.010 0.072 0.089 26.5 27.5 90 0.060 0.010 0.073 0.083 27.5 28.5 68 0.061 0.009 0.073 0.079 28.5 29.5 38 0.058 0.011 0.072 0.093 29.5 30.5 20 0.057 0.006 0.064 0.070 30.5 31.5 9 0.053 0.010 0.066 0.068 31.5 32.5 11 0.049 0.008 0.059 0.060 32.5 33.5 6 0.056 0.007 0.064 0.067 33.5 34.5 3 0.051 0.004 0.057 0.056 34.5 35.5 3 0.054 0.005 0.060 0.058 35.5 36.5 3 0.052 0.005 0.059 0.058 36.5 37.5 1 0.052 0.000 0.052 0.052 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | C Appendix C – FAA Notice Criteria Tool, Wulik River Site WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | D Appendix D – FAA Notice Criteria Tool, Kisimigiuktuk Hill Site WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014 Kivalina Conceptual Design Report P a g e | E Appendix E – FAA Notice Criteria Tool, Red Dog Port Site WHPacific, Inc. and V3 Energy, LLC 7 May 2014