HomeMy WebLinkAboutKaktovik Wind Diesel Feasibility Study Project Concept Design Report - Nov 2013 - REF Grant 7040025KAKTOVIK WIND PROJECT CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT Prepared For: North Slope Borough P.O. Box 69 Barrow, AK 99723 Prepared By: Mark Swenson, PE 3335 Arctic Blvd., Ste. 100 Anchorage, AK 99503 Phone: 907.564.2120 Fax: 907.564.2122 November 12, 2013 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 i 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report has been prepared for the North Slope Borough (NSB) to provide a conceptual design and cost analysis for the development of wind diesel power generation in the community Kaktovik, Alaska. Kaktovik is a rural, coastal community of approximately 239 residents (2010 U.S. Census Population) located on the north shore of Barter Island, between the Okpilak and Jago Rivers on the Beaufort Sea coast. The NSB currently provides the electric power in Kaktovik via a power plant which is comprised of four diesel generators. Integration of wind turbine power into the electrical power generation system will offset diesel consumption and provide a renewable energy resource for the rural community. A Project Layout Plan in Appendix A shows the project location, and major components of the project. In June, 2009, a meteorological (met) tower was installed at the south side of the village near the sewage treatment plant. The met tower was equipped with instrumentation and data loggers to evaluate and record the wind resource on Barter Island. Data obtained from the met tower had many missing gaps, namely due to a lost data card, ice and wind damage, and the loss of both 30 meter level anemometers. However, V3 Energy was able to use a wind modeling software to synthesize data via a gap fill subroutine. The results of the data acquisition and analysis of the wind resource are included in the Kaktovik Wind Diesel Analysis dated October, 2013 (Appendix B). Preliminary wind turbine sites were researched and analyzed in April and May of 2013. On June 11, 2013, (NSB), Hattenburg Dilley & Linnell (HDL), and V3 Energy performed a site visit to verify site conditions and to conduct a community meeting. Multiple wind turbine sites were investigated and one site was selected for evaluation for this report. The first site (Kaktovik Site 1) is located west of the community on KIC land. The second site (Kaktovik Site 2) is located closer to the community and water source lake, also on KIC lands. The third site (Kaktovik Site 3) is located south of the new airport and northeast of the new landfill on KIC lands. The sites were selected because they are at least 0.5 miles from the coastline which is recommended by the Alaska Energy Authority’s (AEA) Best Practices Guide to Environmental Permitting and Consultation, and because they minimize conflicts with the new airport’s airspace. All sites are located in a Class 5 wind resource (very good) and are within 2 miles of the power plant in Kaktovik. For this report, the consultant selected three wind turbine configurations for evaluation. • The first configuration includes (3) Aeronautica AW 29 225 arctic turbines. The AW29 225 turbine is stall regulated, has a synchronous (induction) generator, active yaw control, a 29 meter diameter rotor, is rated at 225 kW power output, and is available with 30, 40, or 50 meter tubular steel towers. The AW29 225 is fully arctic climate certified to 40° C and is new to the Alaska market with no in state installations at present. The (3) Aeronautica AW29 225 turbine array has a maximum power generation output of 675 kW. • The second turbine configuration consists of (7) Northern Power NPS 100 21. The NPS 100 turbine is rated at 100 kW, is stall regulated and operates upwind with active yaw control, has a direct drive permanent magnet synchronous generator, comes equipped with a 21 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 ii meter or 24 meter diameter rotor, and is available on 30 and 37 meter tubular steel monopole towers, or on a 48 meter four leg lattice tower. The NPS 100 21 is available as fully arctic climate certified to 40° C and is the most represented village scale wind turbine in Alaska with a significant number of installations in the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta region of the state, but also five turbines in Gambell and Savoonga on St. Lawrence Island. The (7) Northern Power 100 Arctic turbine array has a maximum power generation output of 700 kW. • The third turbine configuration consists of (3) Vestas V27. The V27 is pitch regulated, has a synchronous (induction) generator, active yaw control, a 27 meter diameter rotor, is rated at 225 kW power output, and is available with 30, 40, or 50 meter tubular steel towers. Each turbine would be installed on a group of steel piles and a concrete or steel pile cap that attaches to the tower base. A comparison of the three turbine configurations installed at each site is presented in Tables EX 1 and EX 2 below. Table EX 1: Turbine Alternative Comparison Summary Alt Turbine Selection Site Generation Capacity (kW) Estimated Capital Cost Estimated Capital Cost per Installed kW Estimated Annual Energy Production @ 100 % Availability 1 (3) AW 29 225’s 2 675 $7.8 M $11,579 1,684 MWh 2 (7) NP 100’s 2 700 $11.3 M $16,161 1,975 MWh 3 (3) V27’s 2 675 $7.1 M $10,552 1,739 MWh *Source:Annual Energy Production data taken from V3 Energy’s November2013 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Analysis Table EX 2: Economic Analysis Summary Alt Annual Wind Generation @ 80% Availability (kWh) Wind Energy For Power (kWh/yr) Wind Energy For Heat (kWh/yr) Wind as % Total Power Production (%) Wind as % Total Thermal Production (%) Heating Fuel Displaced By Wind Energy (gal/yr) 1 1,347,679 1,240,655 107,024 28 2.3 2,736 2 1,579,760 1,443,036 136,724 32.5 3.0 3,495 3 1,390,849 1,261,189 129,660 28 2.8 3,314 *Source:Annual Energy Production data taken from V3 Energy’s November2013 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Analysis Based on the analysis presented above, we recommend NSB proceed with design and permitting for installation of Alternative 3: Three V27’s at Site 2. If site control cannot be negotiated for Kaktovik Site 2, we recommend that the turbines be installed at Site 1. Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 iii Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................... i 2.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1 2.1 BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................................... 1 2.2 LOCATION ............................................................................................................................. 2 2.3 CLIMATE ................................................................................................................................ 3 2.4 EXISTING ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS ............................................................................. 3 2.5 ELECTRICAL DEMAND ........................................................................................................... 5 2.6 KAKTOVIK RECOVERED HEAT POTENTIAL ........................................................................... 7 2.7 CONTRIBUTORS AND SOURCES OF INFORMATION ............................................................ 7 2.8 LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 7 3.0 WIND DATA ACQUISITION AND MODELING.................................................................. 8 3.1 DATA ACQUISITION .............................................................................................................. 8 3.2 WIND MODELING RESULTS .................................................................................................. 9 4.0 KAKTOVIK WIND SITE ANALYSIS.................................................................................... 9 4.1 WIND SITE INVESTIGATION .................................................................................................. 9 4.1.1 Kaktovik Site 1 .......................................................................................................... 9 4.1.2 Kaktovik Site 2 ........................................................................................................ 11 4.1.3 Kaktovik Site 3 ........................................................................................................ 11 5.0 WIND TURBINE SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES...................................................................... 12 5.1 KAKTOVIK WIND TURBINE ANALYSIS ................................................................................ 12 5.1.1 Areonautica AW29 225 .......................................................................................... 13 5.1.2 Northern Power 100 Arctic..................................................................................... 14 5.1.3 Vestas V27 .............................................................................................................. 14 5.2 ALTERNATIVE 1 THREE AW29 225 TURBINES INSTALLED AT KAKTOVIK SITE 2 ............ 14 5.3 ALTERNATIVE 2 SEVEN NP100 TURBINES INSTALLED AT KAKTOVIK SITE 2 ................ 15 5.4 ALTERNATIVE 3 THREE VESTAS V27 TURBINES INSTALLED AT KAKTOVIK SITE 2 ........ 15 5.5 ALTERNATIVE COMPARISON SUMMARY .......................................................................... 16 6.0 ECONOMIC EVALUATION ............................................................................................ 16 6.1 METHODOLOGY AND APPROACH ..................................................................................... 16 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 iv 6.2 ECONOMIC EVALUATION RESULTS .................................................................................... 17 7.0 PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE........................................................................................... 17 8.0 GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW.............................................................................................. 17 9.0 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS............................................................................. 18 9.1 HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL: ALASKA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE (SHPO)....................................................................................................................................... 18 9.2 WETLANDS AND WATERS OF THE U.S.: U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS (USACE)...... 18 9.3 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA)................................................................... 18 9.4 BIOTIC RESOURCES AND FEDERALLY LISTED THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES: UNITED STATES FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS)............................................................... 19 9.5 CONTAMINATED SITES, SPILLS, AND UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ........................ 19 9.6 ANADROMOUS FISH STREAMS .......................................................................................... 19 9.7 STATE REFUGES, CRITICAL HABITAT AREAS AND SANCTUARIES...................................... 19 9.8 LAND OWNERSHIP.............................................................................................................. 19 9.9 SUBSISTENCE ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................... 20 9.10 AIR QUALITY ..................................................................................................................... 20 9.11 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT REVIEW (NEPA)........................................... 20 9.12 ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................ 20 10.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................. 22 11.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................................ 23 Figures Figure 1: AEA Wind Resource Map................................................................................................ 1 Figure 2: Site Map.......................................................................................................................... 2 Figure 3: 2012 load Data Provided By NSB.................................................................................... 6 Figure 4: 2013 load Data Provided By NSB.................................................................................... 6 Figure 5: Kaktovik Met Tower........................................................................................................ 8 Figure 6: Kaktovik Site 1............................................................................................................... 10 Figure 7: Kaktovik Site 2............................................................................................................... 11 Figure 8: Kaktovik Site 3............................................................................................................... 12 Figure 9: Aeronautica AW29 225................................................................................................. 13 Figure 10: Northern Power 100................................................................................................... 14 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 v Figure 11: Vestas V27.................................................................................................................... 14 Tables Table 1: Energy Consumption Data ............................................................................................... 7 Table 2: Wind Turbine Comparison............................................................................................. 13 Table 3: Alternative Comparison Summary.................................................................................. 16 Table 4: Economic Evaluation Summary....................................................................................... 17 Table 5: Environmental Summary Table....................................................................................... 21 Appendices Appendix A: Wind Project Conceptual Design Drawings Appendix B: V3 Energy’s November2013 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Analysis Draft Report Appendix C: Applicable Sections of North Slope Borough Village Heat Recovery Project Analysis Report Appendix D: Community Meeting Notes Appendix E: Capital Cost Estimates Appendix F: Geotechnical Review and Feasibility Study for Kaktovik Wind Turbines Appendix G: Miscellaneous Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 vi ABBREVIATIONS AAC Alaska Administrative Code ADEC Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation ADF&G Alaska Department of Fish and Game ADNR Alaska Department of Natural Resources AEA Alaska Energy Authority AVEC Alaska Village Electric Cooperative B/C Benefit to Cost Ratio CRC Cultural Resource Consultants, LLC DA Department of Army EA Environmental Assessment ER Environmental Review FAA Federal Aviation Administration FY Fiscal Year FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact °F Degrees Fahrenheit HDL Hattenburg Dilley & Linnell ISER Institute for Social and Economic Research kW Kilowatt kWh Kilowatt Hour M Million Met Meteorological Mph Miles per hour MWh Megawatt hour NLUR Northern Land Use Research NP100 Northern Power 100 Arctic NWI National Wetlands Inventory NWP Nationwide Permit OEAAA Obstruction Evaluation/Airport Airspace Analysis PCE Power Cost Equalization PCN Pre Construction Notification PLC Programmable Logic Controller PM Particular Matter SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Sec Section SMNC St. Michael Native Corporation USFWS United States Fish & Wildlife Services USGS United States Geological Services WAsP Wind Atlas and Application Program Yr Year Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 BACKGROUND This report has been prepared for the North Slope Borough (NSB) to evaluate alternatives for incorporating wind power into the power generation system in Kaktovik, Alaska. The wind turbines are necessary to reduce NSB’s dependence on imported diesel fuel and provide an alternate source of renewable energy to rural communities. Preliminary findings included in the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Alaska high resolution wind resource map (Figure 1) indicate that the Kaktovik region has a Class 5 wind regime suitable for wind power development. The purpose of this report is to provide NSB with alternative conceptual design and cost information for developing the wind energy resource in Kaktovik. This report includes an assessment of the wind resource, investigation of potential wind turbine locations, wind turbine generator comparison, and economic analysis of the turbine alternatives. Figure 1: AEA Wind Resource Map Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 2 2.2 LOCATION The proposed wind turbine project is located near the village of Kaktovik on Barter Island. Kaktovik is located on the northern shore of Barter Island facing the Kaktovik Lagoon and the Beaufort Sea. The village is on the northern edge of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), 640 miles northeast of Anchorage and 118 air miles southeast of Prudhoe Bay. Kaktovik is situated at approximately 70°7’03.56” North Latitude and 143°37’56.44 West Longitude (Sec. 18, T09N, R033E, Umiat Meridian). There are no roads leading to Kaktovik, its only access is by flight or by barge service. (See Figure 2). The barge service makes a trip once a year from Seattle leaving June and arriving in Kaktovik sometime in August. Year round aircraft access is available via an existing 4,820 foot long by 100 foot wide gravel runway in Kaktovik. Currently a new runway is under construction to replace the existing, which will consist of a 4500 foot long by 100 foot wide gravel runway. The runway is owned and maintained by the North Slope Borough. Kaktovik has a population of 239 residents (2010 U.S. Census Population), with 88.7% being Alaska Native or American Indian. The local residents depend heavily on the subsistence harvest of marine and terrestrial mammals. Primary employment in Kaktovik is with the North Slope Borough, North Slope Borough School District and Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation. Figure 2: Site Map Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 3 2.3 CLIMATE Kaktovik has a maritime influenced arctic climate, famous for short summers and long winters with blizzard conditions. The temperatures range from 56°F in the winter to 78°F in the summer. Annual precipitation averages 5 inches, with 20 inches of snowfall. 2.4 EXISTING ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS Existing Kaktovik Power Plant NSB’s existing Kaktovik power plant is located on Fourth Street South on the southern outskirts of Kaktovik. The power plant is owned and maintained by the NSB. The plant, built in 2000, consists of a 82 foot by 60 foot insulated pre engineered steel structure. The power plant contains generator appurtenances, day tanks, an office, bathroom, storage area, a maintenance area, radiator room and switchgear. The Power Plant does not have boilers; the building utilizes waste heat only. From the power plant two feeders serve the (2) 1000kVA transformers that feed north and south distribution loops for the village The building is founded on a passively refrigerated, insulated slab on grade type foundation. The power plant contains the following Caterpillar generator sets: (2) Caterpillar 910 kW 3512 diesel generator (Last Major Overhaul in 2012) (2) Caterpillar 450 kW 3508 diesel generator (Last Major Overhauled in 2012) 2,720 kW Total Generation Capacity Currently there are four generators installed with space available for two additional generators. An electric boiler could be placed within the space allocated for one of the future generators. This would still allow for one future generator should the village power requirements grow requiring a fifth generator. The existing power plant switchgear is rated 4000A, 277/480V, 3 Phase, 4 Wire consisting of six (6) generator sections, a master control section, and two (2) distribution sections. Four (4) of the six (6) generator sections contain generator breakers and controls (Caterpillar EMCP II) and the remaining two (2) generator sections are spared for future use containing only generator breakers without controls. The master section contains the Switchgear PLC, various controls, gauges and alarm indicators as well as a totalizing meter, east and west feeder meters and the station service meter. Distribution Section #1 contains the east and west feeder breakers as well as provisions for a future 1600A frame feeder breaker. Distribution Section #2 contains the Station Service feeder breaker as well as two additional spare feeder breakers. The switchgear was designed and manufactured by Controlled Power Inc. out of Bothell, WA for NC Machinery (generator supplier). The Power Plant is also scheduled for major upgrades and/or replacement, with design beginning as early as 2014. This work would include a new Paralleling Switchgear with a new Allen Bradley PLC and Woodward EasyGen Generator Control system. A new wind turbine installation would require the use of one of the existing spare switchgear generator sections. The existing feeder breakers in one of the sections could be utilized to Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 4 connect the new wind turbines to the switchgear. Only a trip unit would need to be replaced within the existing breaker as the frame size is adequate for the proposed wind turbine capacity, however, it may be desired to replace the existing breaker with a new GE PowerBreak II model per current NSB standards. The section would also need to be equipped with a new controller that would be connected to the existing Switchgear PLC to allow for proper load sharing between the new wind turbines and the existing diesel generators. Appendix A shows the existing Power Plant One Line Diagram with the addition of a typical Wind Turbine installation. The proposed location for the new wind turbines will require a new overhead, 2400/4160V, 3 Phase, 4 Wire distribution line as well as two (2) 750kVA pad mounted transformers, one at the wind farm and the other at the power plant, to step the voltage up and back down prior to tying into the existing power plant switchgear. According to the historic Alaska Energy Authority records (AEA) Power Cost Equalization (PCE) program, the power plant generated a total of 4,806,050 kWh in Fiscal Year 2012 with an average efficiency of 13.25 kWh per gallon of diesel consumed Waste Heat.Waste heat is captured from all four generators via the engine jacket water. Exhaust stack heat recovery is not being utilized at this time. The engine jacket water rejects heat to a waste heat plate and frame heat exchanger located in the power plant radiator plenum. Waste heat from the engines is distributed to the various NSB buildings via two centrifugal pumps connected to a waste heat pipe manifold. Two waste heat loops are connected to the manifold. The first loop is buried and connects the new power plant to the old power plant with a tee off to the Utilities School District Warehouse (USDW) and Public Works Vehicle Maintenance Shop (VMS) buildings. The second loop is an above ground loop that supplies the Water Treatment Plant, Health Clinic, and Fire Station. All facilities are operated by the NSB. Both loops are constructed with well insulated arctic pipe which results in minimal heat loss to the atmosphere or ground. The engine jacket water heat recovery system on average generates approximately 1.1 million BTUs per hour of useable energy. As presently constructed the village wide waste heat recovery system is able to absorb all of this heat for most of the year. Only during a few summer months is more waste heat generated than can be used. During this period the engine radiators are used to cool the engines; the rest of the year the waste heat system acts as the engine radiators. If wind power is generated in the village an electric boiler secondary controller would be used to store the energy that cannot be absorbed instantaneously by the electric power grid. The electric boiler would be located in the power plant or in a nearby module and would connect to the waste heat loop downstream of the jacket water heat exchangers. The new electric boiler will be fed from a feeder breaker from the existing switchgear Distribution Section #2. The existing spare 800A frame breaker should be adequate for the new electric boiler. If a new radiator is installed for excess waste heat rejection, the associated motor can be powered from the existing power plant Panel ‘AA’, similar to the existing radiators. Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 5 2.5 ELECTRICAL DEMAND Historical data from the AEA Alaska Power Cost Equalization Program (PCE) report was analyzed to determine trends in the Kaktovik energy consumption. The PCE program is a reliable source of historic power, fuel consumption, and energy cost information for rural communities throughout the state. The PCE program provides funding subsidies to electric utilities in rural Alaskan communities in order to lower energy costs to customers. This program pays for a portion of the kilowatt hours sold by the participating utility. The exact amount paid varies per location and is determined by the amount of energy generated and sold, the amount of fuel used to generate electricity, and fuel costs. Each year, AEA publishes PCE program information including fuel consumption, power generation and sales, and electricity rates for eligible communities. During the fiscal year 2012 (July 1, 2011 to June 30 2012), 83 residential and community facilities in Kaktovik were eligible to receive PCE assistance. Kaktovik customers received funding for 5.2% of kilowatt hours sold and had electricity rates reduced from an average of 15 cents per kilowatt hour to 13 cents per kilowatt hour. The Kaktovik Power Plant was built around 2000 and currently supplies all of the power to the Village. The main power loads within the Village are the School, the Water Treatment Plant, the Clinic, the USDW Building and the Vehicle Maintenance Shop which are all serviced via an overhead electrical distribution system operating at 2400/4160V. Other community buildings within the Village include the Fire Station and Public Safety Office. The exact condition, loading and phase balancing of the overhead distribution system is unknown, however, recent discussions with NSB Personnel have indicated that Kaktovik is due for an overhead line upgrade as early as the summer of 2014. The extent of this upgrade is not fully known at this time. The Power Plant Switchgear and Generators are configured to automatically follow the required load on the system at any given time. There are currently no diversion loads within the Village. Electrical load profile information is shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 below. The high and low kW values were taken directly from Excel spreadsheets provided by the North Slope Borough, and the average kW was interpolated from daily hourly values recorded by the Power Plant Operators. Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 6 Figure 3: 2012 load Data Provided By NSB Figure 4: 2013 load Data Provided By NSB The calculated average hourly load for calendar year 2012 was 547 kW, with a peak recorded load of 769 kW, and an average daily demand of 13,120 kWh. Figure 4 shows a maximum 780 kW Demand recorded by the Kaktovik Power Plant in January of 2013. Table 1 provides additional energy consumption data for Kaktovik. Assuming that the community demand for power will increase linearly with a 2% average population growth rate, it is estimated that the power generation system will experience an average power demand of 813 kW, a peak power demand of 1,143 kW, and an average daily energy demand of 19,496 kWh in the year 2032. HIGH LOW AVG 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 KW2012 LOAD DATA HIGH LOW AVG 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUSTKW2013 LOAD DATA Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 7 Community Total KWhs Generated Diesel Fuel Used Average kWh Load Peak kWh Load Customers (Residential and Community Facilities) Gallons Cost ($)Average Fuel Price ($/gallon) Diesel Efficiency (kWh/gallon) Kaktovik 4,806,050 362,584 1,552,904 4.28 13.25 547 769 83 *Source:Annual PCE Report FY 2012, Kaktovik Power Plant Operator Report 2012 2.6 KAKTOVIK RECOVERED HEAT POTENTIAL The power plant currently circulates waste heat from generator engine jackets to the old power plant, USDW, VMS, Water Treatment Plant, Health Clinic, and Fire Station buildings. A summary of the average, minimum, and maximum thermal loads is included in V3 Energy’s Kaktovik Wind Diesel Feasibility Analysis (Appendix B) and is used as the basis for the cost projections included in the economic modeling. Based on the analysis performed, the six end user buildings have a total estimated fuel consumption of approximately 115,000 gallons per year and it is estimated the existing heat recovery system offsets approximately 75,000 gallons of fuel per year. The wind power alternatives discussed in this report will incorporate excess wind power into the heat recovery system via a electric boiler secondary load controller. The addition of the wind power is estimated to save between 2,736 gallons and 3,495 gallons of heating fuel currently being used, resulting in a 2.3% to 3.0% boost in recovered heat production. Additional information about the Kaktovik recovered heat system is included in the relevant portions of the North Slope Borough Village Heat Recovery Project Analysis Report in Appendix C. 2.7 CONTRIBUTORS AND SOURCES OF INFORMATION Physical site information contained in this report was gathered by HDL during field investigations and through the use of GPS data and aerial imagery. Power plant controls, integration assistance, and historical electrical load data was provided by the NSB Department of Public Works. V3 Energy provided the Kaktovik Wind Diesel Feasibility Analysis. RSA Engineering provided the North Slope Borough Village Heat Recovery Project Analysis Report. Power plant and waste heat engineering assistance was provided by RSA Engineering. Kaktovik Community data was obtained from the Alaska Community Database available at www.commerce.state.ak.us/dca/commdb/CF_CIS.htm 2.8 LIMITATIONS This report, titled Kaktovik Wind Project Concept Design Report, was prepared for NSB in support of a grant funding request for design and permitting a wind tower project in Kaktovik, Alaska. Design information contained herein is conceptual for planning and budgetary cost estimation purposes only. Table 1: Energy Consumption Data Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 8 3.0 WIND DATA ACQUISITION AND MODELING 3.1 DATA ACQUISITION On June 26, 2009 NSB installed a 30 meter tall meteorological (met) tower located 650 meters (2,100 feet) south of the village boundary near the sewage treatment plant (See Sheet G1.03, Appendix A). The met tower location is owned by Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation (KIC). The met tower was equipped with three separate anemometers, a wind vane, a temperature sensor, a relative humidity sensor, and a voltmeter. Two of the anemometers were installed 30 meters above ground level and one was installed 20 meters above ground level. The tower collected wind data at this location until October 2, 2009 after which the data card was lost and all data from October 2 to November 13 were lost with it. Following the loss of the data card, December experienced a frequent occurrence of icing events which rendered the anemometers and wind vane inoperable for much of the month. Early January 2010 resulted in both the 30 meter level anemometers breaking off the tower and they were not replaced until March 3, 2010. The collected data was stored on a data logger mounted to the base of the met tower. Stored data was downloaded every 3 to 6 months during site visits to inspect the equipment. The quality of the data was poor with only 62 to 71 percent data return from the anemometers and wind vane. NSB contracted with V3 Energy to analyze the collected wind and temperature data and calculate wind speed, air density, prevailing wind direction, wind shear, and other factors effecting wind energy production. The data collection process and modeling results are further defined in V3 Energy’s November2013 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Analysis (Appendix B). Figure 5: Kaktovik Met Tower Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 9 3.2 WIND MODELING RESULTS The results of V3’s wind modeling are presented in the Kaktovik Wind Diesel Analysis (Appendix B). The collected wind data depicted Class 5 (very good) wind resources at the Kaktovik met tower site. Considering the anemometer problems, the data could not be used independently to calculate mean annual wind speed, thus it was necessary to use wind analysis software to insert synthesized data into the missing gaps, which ultimately resulted in a wind resource prediction in line with the Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) data source. Although the location of the met tower is not a proposed wind turbine site the data is still considered representative for areas elsewhere on the island due to the open tundra environment and relatively flat topography of Barter Island. 4.0 KAKTOVIK WIND SITE ANALYSIS 4.1 WIND SITE INVESTIGATION On June 11, 2013, Mark Swenson (HDL), Jason Johnston (HDL) and Tom Nicolos (NSB) traveled to Kaktovik. The purpose of the site visit was to investigate three potential wind sites identified through an office evaluation of access, permit requirements, land ownership, and potential strength of the wind resource using aerial imagery and topographic maps. During the reconnaissance, three sites were inspected for access and terrain. The three sites investigated include Site 1, Site 2, and Site 3, as shown on Sheet G1.03, Appendix A. Snow covered the tundra at the time of the inspection and detailed inspection of the ground features could not be performed. The consultant and NSB also made a presentation at the June 11, 2013 Kaktovik City Council meeting providing a status of the project, presentation of sites under consideration, and answered the community's questions, which are provided in Appendix D. During the community meeting a fourth site, Drum Island, was suggested by the community as a desirable location for wind turbines. The Drum Island site is located approximately 2.5 miles east of the community across the Kaktovik Lagoon. Because of the water crossing and distance it was discounted from further consideration because more feasible sites were identified. On August 20 and 21, 2013, Scott Hattenburg (HDL), Rico SanJose (NSBPW), Douglas Vaught (V3), Ralph DeStefano (RSA), and Rich Stromberg (AEA) traveled to Kaktovik to inspect the tower sites, surface geology, power plant, and facilities using waste heat. The team walked to Site 2 and met with the NSB power plant operator and inspected the generators, controls, and waste heat systems. 4.1.1 Kaktovik Site 1 Kaktovik Site 1 is located at 70û07’24.86” north latitude, 143û41’48.54” west longitude, approximately 1.95 miles from the power plant at an estimated elevation of approximately 50 feet MSL. This site is located west of the community on KIC land and approximately 2.4 miles west of the Kaktovik met tower. Terrain is very flat with no observable terrain features. Ground cover consists of saturated tundra grass vegetation. Subsurface conditions are expected to be a Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 10 thin organic mat (1 to 2 feet) with ice rich fine grained permafrost soils and the potential for saturated sands and fine gravel as deeper depths typical of the Barter Island area. Bedrock is not expected. The wind tower foundation type at this site would likely be a pile group (6 or 8 in a hexagon or octagon layout) of passively refrigerated slurry back steel piles in augured holes, with a steel or concrete pile cap to transfer loads from the tower base to the piling. Access to the site would be along an existing trail that will be upgraded during the airport project, and then a new access road across virgin tundra to the site. Easements with KIC would be required. Wind modeling suggests a potential Class 5 wind resource at this site. See V3 Energy’s November2013 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Analysis (Appendix B) for wind modeling information. The relatively high potential wind resource at this site makes it a desirable wind farm location. Figure 6: Kaktovik Site 1 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 11 4.1.2 Kaktovik Site 2 Kaktovik Site 2 is located at 70û07’30.71” north latitude, 143û39’44.91” west longitude, at an elevation of approximately 50 feet MSL. The site is located closer to the community and water source lake, and is also on KIC lands. The subsurface conditions, vegetation, terrain, and foundation type at this site would generally be the same as Site 1. Figure 7: Kaktovik Site 2 Wind modeling suggests a potential Class 5 wind resource at this site. See V3 Energy’s November2013 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Feasibility Analysis (Appendix B) for wind modeling information. This is the preferred site because it is of flat open terrain and is the closest site to the power plant which will equate to lower construction costs and lower maintenance costs for the power line and roads. 4.1.3 Kaktovik Site 3 Kaktovik Site 3 is located at 70° 06' 32.39" north latitude, 143° 39' 51.72” west longitude, at an elevation of approximately 40 feet MSL. The site is located south of the new airport and northeast of the new landfill on KIC lands. The area is wetter, contains numerous wetland ponds and is reported to be a subsistence waterfowl hunting area. The subsurface conditions, vegetation, terrain, and foundation type at this site would generally be the same as Site 1. Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 12 Figure 8: Kaktovik Site 3 At the time of the site investigation, Kaktovik Site 2 appears to be the most promising alternative for wind farm construction due to the higher exposure, lower environmental impacts, close proximity to the power plant and reasonably good access. Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 presented in Section 5.0 below include wind turbine options installed at this site. The extrapolated wind data from the Kaktovik Met Tower suggests a potential Class 5 wind resource at Kaktovik Site 2 which is sufficient for power generation. See V3 Energy’s report in Appendix B for wind modeling information. 5.0 WIND TURBINE SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES 5.1 KAKTOVIK WIND TURBINE ANALYSIS The following 3 turbine alternatives were selected for evaluation at Site 2: the Aeronautica 29, Northern Power 100 Arctic, and Vestas V27. The most significant factor with respect to the choice of wind turbines in Kaktovik is the height limitation dictated by the proximity of the prospective wind turbine site to the new airport. Obstruction heights are governed by FAR Part 77, Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace, and are subject to FAA review and approval to determine if the obstruction adversely impacts the national airspace system. These turbines were selected because they are small enough to meet the FAA height limitations and large enough to meet the power load of Kaktovik. See Table 2 for the comparative size. All configurations are classified as medium wind diesel penetration systems having a goal to offset 20% to 50% of the community’s energy demand with wind power. A medium penetration system provides a balance between the amount of energy provided and the complexity of the wind generation and integration systems. Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 13 Table 2: Wind Turbine Comparison Aeronautica AW 29 225 Northern Power NPS 100 21 Vestas V27 Rating (225kW) (100kW) (225kW) Hub Height (m) 30.0 m 30.0 m 31.5 m Rotor Diameter (m) 29.0 m 21.0 m 27.0 m Turbine Total Height (m) 44.5 m 40.5 m 45.0 m Foundation Height (m) 2.5 m 2.5 m 2.5 m Total Height Above Grade (m) 47.0 m 43.0 m 47.5 m Total Height Above Grade (feet) 154 ft 141 ft 156 ft 5.1.1 Areonautica AW29 225 The first turbine option is the Areonautica AW29 225 turbine. AW29 225 turbines are manufactured new in Durham, New Hampshire. The AW29 225 turbine is available with 30, 40, or 50 meter high tubular towers, 225 kW power output, active yaw control, and a synchronous (induction) generator. The turbines are equipped with a 29 meter diameter rotor. Currently there are no in state installations of the AW29 225, however they are fully arctic climate certified and have had a long and successful history in the wind industry. Three AW29 225s have a maximum power generation output of 675 kW at a wind speed of 33.6 mph. The blades are fixed pitch and stall regulated at high wind speeds. The blades are aerodynamically designed to stall during extreme wind events in order to maintain a safe operating speed. This method of control eliminates the mechanical and electric blade control systems involved with pitch controlled turbines. Figure 9: Aeronautica AW29 225 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 14 5.1.2 Northern Power 100 Arctic The second turbine configuration consists of seven Northern Power 100 Arctic (NP100s) turbines. The NP100’s are manufactured by Northern Power Systems in Barre, Vermont. The NP100 is a 30 meter high, 100 kW, permanent magnet, synchronous, direct drive wind power generator, with a 21 meter rotor diameter, and is the most represented village scale wind turbine in Alaska with a significant number of installations in the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta region of the state as well as five turbines in Gambell and Savoonga on St. Lawrence Island. Each turbine is equipped with active yaw control, but does not have blade pitch control capability. The seven proposed Northern Power100 Arctic generators have a maximum cumulative power generation output of 700 kW at a wind speed of approximately 32.4 mph. 5.1.3 Vestas V27 The third turbine option consists of three Vestas V27 turbines. Vestas turbines were originally manufactured in Denmark; presently they are manufactured under license in India. The V27 is pitch regulated, has a synchronous (induction) generator, active yaw control, a 27 meter diameter rotor, 225 kW power output, and is available with 30, 40, or 50 meter tubular towers. St. Paul Island, Alaska currently operates the V27 turbine, and they are presently available to Alaska as a remanufactured unit from Hauls Power Systems in San Leandro, California. 5.2 ALTERNATIVE 1 THREE AW29 225 TURBINES INSTALLED AT KAKTOVIK SITE 2 This alternative proposes installation of three AW29 225 turbines at Kaktovik Site 2 for a total cumulative generation capacity of 675 kW. The project includes construction of approximately 2,760 feet of 16 foot wide gravel access trail and three approximate 1,000 square foot circular gravel pads at the wind tower locations. The proposed trail and wind tower pads would be insulated with rigid insulation and are anticipated to be 4 feet thick and consist of locally available sand and gravel compacted to 90% maximum density. The drivable surface of the embankment is constructed with 6 inches of crushed aggregate surface course. The turbines Figure 11: Vestas V27 Figure 10: Northern Power 100 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 15 are installed on a 30 meter high, conical, monopole tower. The wind tower foundation would be a pile group (6 or 8 in a hexagonal or octagonal layout) of passively refrigerated slurry back steel piles in augured holes, with a steel or concrete pile cap to transfer loads from the tower base to the piling. Power is delivered from the wind turbines to the Kaktovik power plant by a 1.2 mile long transmission line. See Appendix A for the location and layout of Alternative 1. The wind farm modeling by V3 Energy (Appendix B) predicts that this alternative will add 1,347 MWh/year of annual energy production to the Kaktovik power generation system at 80% turbine availability. The construction cost for this alternative is estimated to be $11,579 per installed kW. See Capital Cost Estimate included in Appendix E. 5.3 ALTERNATIVE 2 SEVEN NP100 TURBINES INSTALLED AT KAKTOVIK SITE 2 This alternative proposes installation of seven NP100 turbines at Kaktovik Site 2 for a total cumulative generation capacity of 700 kW. The project includes construction of approximately 4,100 feet of 16 foot wide gravel access trail and seven approximate 1,000 square foot circular gravel pads at the wind tower locations. The proposed trail and gravel pads would be 4 feet thick. Embankments and foundations are anticipated to be the same as previously described in Alternative 1. Power is delivered from the wind turbines to the Kaktovik power plant by a 1.2 mile long transmission line. See Appendix A for a site plan of Alternative 2. The wind farm modeling provided by V3 Energy (Appendix B) predicts that this alternative will add 1,579 MWh/year of annual energy production to the Kaktovik power generation system at 80% turbine availability. The construction cost for this alternative is estimated to be $16,161 per installed KW. See Capital Cost Estimate included in Appendix E. 5.4 ALTERNATIVE 3 THREE VESTAS V27 TURBINES INSTALLED AT KAKTOVIK SITE 2 For the purposes of comparison, this alternative proposes installation of three Vestas V27 turbines at Kaktovik Site 2 for a total cumulative generation capacity of 675 kW. The project includes construction of approximately 2,760 feet of 16 foot wide gravel access trail and three approximate 1,000 square foot circular gravel pads at the wind tower locations. The proposed trail and wind tower pads would be insulated with rigid insulation and are anticipated to be 4 feet thick and consist of locally available sand and gravel compacted to 90% maximum density. The drivable surface of the embankment is constructed with 6 inches of crushed aggregate surface course. The turbines are installed on a 31.5 meter high, conical, monopole tower. The wind tower foundation would be a pile group (6 or 8 in a hexagonal or octagonal layout) of passively refrigerated slurry back steel piles in augured holes, with a steel or concrete pile cap to transfer loads from the tower base to the piling. Power is delivered from the wind turbines to the Kaktovik power plant by a 1.2 mile long transmission line. See Appendix A for a site plan of Alternative 3. The wind farm modeling provided by V3 Energy (Appendix B) predicts that this alternative will add 1,390 MWh/year of annual energy production to the Kaktovik power generation system at Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 16 80% turbine availability. The construction cost for this alternative is estimated to be $10,552 per installed KW. See Capital Cost Estimate included in Appendix E. 5.5 ALTERNATIVE COMPARISON SUMMARY Table 3 below summarizes the capital costs and estimated annual energy production for each turbine alternative. Table 3:Alternative Comparison Summary Alt Turbine Selection Site Generation Capacity (kW) Estimated Capital Cost Estimated Capital Cost per Installed kW Estimated Annual Energy Production @ 100 % Availability 1 (3) AW 29 225’s 2 675 $7.8 M $11,579 1,684 MWh 2 (7) NP 100’s 2 700 $11.3 M $16,161 1,975 MWh 3 (3) V27’s 2 675 $7.1 M $10,552 1,576 MWh *Source:Annual Energy Production data taken from V3 Energy’s November2013 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Analysis 6.0 ECONOMIC EVALUATION 6.1 METHODOLOGY AND APPROACH The Kaktovik Wind Diesel Analysis prepared by V3 Energy (Appendix B) includes an economic analysis of the Kaktovik power generation system using the HOMER energy modeling software for the turbine alternatives. The software was configured for a medium to high penetration system with the first priority to meet the community’s electrical demands and the second priority to serve the recovered heat system through a secondary load controller (electric boiler). The analysis considered an average diesel fuel price of $5.27 per gallon for the projected 20 year project life. The modeling assumptions and results of V3’s analysis are presented in Appendix B. V3 inserted the power generation and fuel consumption results from the HOMER modeling into the economic modeling program developed by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER). AEA uses the ISER economic model as the standard approach for scoring wind project design and construction grant applications. The ISER model considers the capital cost of construction and annual cost of operating and maintaining the wind turbines and weighs them against the benefit cost savings realized from the volume of displaced diesel fuel required for power generation and heating public facilities. The analysis develops a benefit/cost ratio that can be used to compare wind turbine alternatives. See V3’s economic analysis results in Appendix B. Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 17 6.2 ECONOMIC EVALUATION RESULTS Table 4 below summarizes the findings of the economic evaluation for each turbine alternative. Table 4: Economic Evaluation Summary Alt Annual Wind Generation @ 80% Availability (kWh) Wind Energy For Power (kWh/yr) Wind Energy For Heat (kWh/yr) Wind as % Total Power Production (%) Wind as % Total Thermal Production (%) Power Generation: Fuel Displaced by Wind Energy (gal/yr) Thermal Generation: Heating Fuel Displaced by Wind Energy (gal/yr) Benefit/ Cost Ratio 1 1,347,679 1,240,655 107,024 28 2.3 93,634 2,736 0.91 2 1,579,760 1,443,036 136,724 32.5 3.0 108,908 3,495 0.74 3 1,390,849 1,261,189 129,660 28 2.8 95,184 3,314 1.03 *Source:Annual Energy Production data taken from V3 Energy’s November2013 Kaktovik Wind Diesel Analysis 7.0 PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE Based on the findings of the site analysis, wind modeling, and economic evaluation, Alternative 3 is the preferred alternative for Kaktovik wind turbine development. This alternative consists of construction of (3) Vestas V27 turbines at Kaktovik Site 2. This turbine configuration has a 675 kW rated generation capacity, which exceeds the current average electrical load for Kaktovik. The economic evaluation above assumes that the turbine operates at 80% turbine availability without exceeding rated energy output levels. However, for better system performance, the turbines should be pitch controled to modulate energy output to a level that provides medium penetration to the Kaktovik grid and adequate excess energy to meet recovered heat demands. The recommended energy output level will be determined during final design of the control system. 8.0 GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW HDL performed a geotechnical review of the proposed tower locations based on available bore logs and previously completed geotechnical studies on Barter Island. The geotechnical review titled “Geotechnical Review and Feasibility Study for Kaktovik Wind Turbines” is included in Appendix F. The purpose of the review was to develop conceptual foundation reccomendations to be used for preliminary capital cost estimates for each alternative. Soil conditions at all three sites are anticipated to include an organic layer of varying depths above sands and silts with varying amounts of gravels. At depths of approximately 35 to 40 feet, we expect the soils to transition to silt or lean clay. The soils are cold (below 20 degrees F) permafrost with the active layer depth (seasonal thaw depth) in the range of four to five feet, but will likely be deeper in areas with disturbed surface vegetation. Accordingly, the design for the site should keep the underlying permafrost frozen using such methods as insulation and/or thermosiphons. Creep may occur if the permafrost is allowed to thaw. The foundation recommendations described in the alternatives presented in Section 5 consist of deep pile foundations that are Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 18 frozen back into the permafrost. The foundations are consistent with the preliminary recommendations of the Geotechnical Review. 9.0 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 9.1 HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL: ALASKA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE (SHPO) Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act requires project proponents receiving federal funds or requiring federal permits to consider the effects of their actions on properties in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Compliance with Section 106 requires consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and the North Slope Borough (NSB) Inupiat History, Language, and Culture (IHLC) Division if there is a potential adverse effect to historic properties. According to prior cultural resource assessments conducted in the vicinity of the project, there are seven known cultural resources on Barter Island. None of the known resources are in the immediate vicinity of any of the proposed site alternatives; however a field survey may be needed to determine the potential for undiscovered sites to exist. 9.2 WETLANDS AND WATERS OF THE U.S.: U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS (USACE) Section 404 of the Clean Water Act requires a permit for placement of fill in wetlands and waters of the United States. All of the undeveloped land on Barter Island is classified as wetland and is subject to USACE jurisdiction. Nationwide Permit (NWP) 51 for Land Based Renewable Energy Generation Facilities authorizes discharge of fill materials for wind tower construction if loss of wetlands does not exceed one half acre. The permit also covers utility lines, roads, and parking lots within the wind generation facility. Submittal requirements for NWP 51 include a Pre Construction Notification. Access roads and transmission lines not within the facility and used to connect the facility to existing infrastructure require separate permitting. NWP 12 (Utility lines) and 14 (Linear transportation) may be used for this purpose if loss of wetlands does not exceed one half acre for each permit type. The USACE recommends that wetlands delineations be completed within the designated growing season for specific regions. Barter Island is located within Alaska’s Arctic Coastal Plain ecoregion, which has a growing season that begins on June 20th and ends on September 18th. 9.3 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA) Based on preliminary review of the online Obstruction Evaluation/Airport Airspace Analysis (OEAAA) tool, all sites under consideration exceed CFR Title 14 Part 77 Notice Criteria for slope ratio. Part 77 regulations require an airspace study and filing Form 7460 1 for the proposed tower locations to determine the impacts to the national airspace system. Preliminary analysis Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 19 was conducted to select locations and turbine heights that would minimize impacts to airspace. Preliminary informal consultation with the FAA Flight Procedures Office (Hattenburg/Christiansen) concerning the proposed obstructions has occurred. Further coordination will be required and may include modifications to the published traffic procedures at the Kaktovik Airport to keep patterning aircraft south of the airport and away from the proposed tower locations. FAA permit applications for the recommended alternative were submitted on October 3, 2013. 9.4 BIOTIC RESOURCES AND FEDERALLY LISTED THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES: UNITED STATES FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) According to preliminary coordination with the USFWS, the spectacled eider is likely the only species of concern for this project. The project will require formal Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7 Consultation. This would include an avian field survey, biological assessment, and biological opinion from the USFWS. The USFWS will also likely advise maintaining a voluntary polar bear monitoring plan. USFWS recommends time periods for avoiding vegetation clearing for regions throughout Alaska. For northern regions, the following avoidance periods apply: Shrub and Open Habitat – June 1st through July 25th (except in habitat that supports black scoter) Black scoter habitat – June 1st through August 10 th 9.5 CONTAMINATED SITES, SPILLS, AND UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS A search of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s (ADEC) contaminated sites database revealed no contaminated sites within one mile of any of the sites considered. 9.6 ANADROMOUS FISH STREAMS According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Anadromous Waters Catalog, there are no cataloged anadromous streams located on Barter Island. 9.7 STATE REFUGES, CRITICAL HABITAT AREAS AND SANCTUARIES A review of the ADF&G’s publication regarding State of Alaska Refuges, Critical Habitat Areas, and Sanctuaries, found that no such areas are located in the vicinity of any of the sites considered. 9.8 LAND OWNERSHIP All sites are located on land owned by the Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation. Negotiations with the Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation will be required for site control. Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 20 9.9 SUBSISTENCE ACTIVITIES Coordination with Kaktovik community members will be needed to ensure there is little to no disruption of hunting and harvesting activities from wind farm development. Preliminary discussions with community members indicate that Site 3 is used for subsistence waterfowl hunting. The final location of the towers will be coordinated with the community during design to minimize impacts to subsistence activities. 9.10 AIR QUALITY According to Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) 18 AAC 50, the community of Kaktovik is considered a Class II area. As such, there are designated maximum allowable increases for particulate matter 10 (PM 10) micrometers or less in size, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. Activities in these areas must operate in such a way that they do not exceed listed air quality controls for these compounds. The nature and extent of the proposed project is not likely to increase emissions or contribute to a violation of an ambient air quality standard or cause a maximum allowable increase for a Class II area. 9.11 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT REVIEW (NEPA) An Environmental Review (ER) document will be required if federal funding is used for construction of the wind turbine project. Similar to an Environmental Assessment (EA), an ER will provide an assessment of potential environmental impacts and identify avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) determination by the funding agency will beneeded. 9.12 ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Table 5 below summarizes environmental data and permit requirements for development of wind turbines on each site investigated. Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 21 Table 5: Environmental Summary Table Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Historic and Archaeological Low potential for significant cultural sites; SHPO and IHLC review required; field survey may be required. Wetlands Wetlands delineation may be required; NWP 12, 14, & 51 if wetlands impacted and impacts less than ½ acre; Individual permit if impacts greater than ½ acre. Federal Aviation Administration Exceeds Title 14 Part 77 Notice Criteria for slope ratio and requires airspace study/7460 1; modifications to published traffic procedures Threatened & Endangered Species Avian survey and formal ESA Section 7 Consultation required. Contaminated Sites None located near project areas AnadromousFish Streams None located near project areas State Refuges, Critical Habitat, and Sanctuaries None located near project areas Land Ownership Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation. Subsistence NSB will coordinate with communities to identify areas important to subsistence activities. Within subsistence waterfowl hunting area. Air Quality Project not likely to increase emissions, contribute to a violation of ambient air quality standards, or cause maximum allowable increases for Pm 10 and nitrogen and sulfur dioxide. National Environmental Policy Act USACE lead federal agency; NEPA review conducted during USACE permit evaluation. Permitting Recommendations 1. Initiate Section 106 consultation for preferred site, in accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act as soon as possible to determine whether a cultural resource field survey is necessary. 2. File FAA form 7460 1 for wind towers at least 45 days prior to construction. 3. Perform wetlands delineation. 4. Initiate consultation with USFWS to identify potential effects at the preferred site to threatened or endangered species and possible mitigation. 5. Schedule vegetation clearing activities outside appropriate time periods of avoidance, per the USFWS recommendations. Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 22 10.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The high cost of diesel fuel and strong wind resource on Barter Island makes wind power an attractive component of NSB’s electrical power generation system for Kaktovik. The wind site investigation and subsequent wind modeling analysis determined that Site 2 has a Class 5/6 wind resource and is well suited for wind power generation. Economic evaluation of the turbine alternatives presented in this report resulted in a preferred turbine configuration of three Vestas V27 turbines installed at Site 2. The economic evaluation projected that this preferred alternative will contribute to approximately 28% of yearly power production and will offset approximately 37,136 gallons of fuel for power generation and 3,314 gallons of heating oil per year. Wind power could provide approximately 2.8% of the energy needed for heat recovery. Integration of the wind power into the diesel power plant will require a large secondary load controller to prevent overloading the grid with excess energy and tripping the generators offline. The following actions are recommended to continue the progress of wind turbine development in Kaktovik: Recommendations 1. Conduct a bird hazard study. 2. Begin discussions with the Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation for site control and access rights to Kaktovik Site 2. 3. Consult with Kaktovik community leaders to minimize the impacts to subsistence activities from a wind project development at Site 2. 4. Proceed with permitting per the permitting recommendations in Section 9. 5. Once the site is confirmed, perform a site specific geotechnical investigation of the proposed turbine location. 6. Incorporate a secondary load controller and wind energy integration controls into the power plant design. 7. If complications resulting from site control, permitting, or the geotechnical investigation make development of Kaktovik Site 2 not feasible, relocate the proposed wind turbine project to Site 1 and reinitiate the actions stated above. 8. Perform final design of the preferred alternative and apply for construction grant funds. Kaktovik Wind Diesel Project North Slope Borough Concept Design Report November 12, 2013 23 11.0 REFERENCES Alaska Community Database, Community Information Summaries (CIS) http://www.commerce.state.ak.us/dca/commdb/CIS.cfm?Comm_Boro_Name=Kaktovik Western Regional Climate Center,http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/CLIMATEDATA.html. Alaska Energy Authority (AEA). 2012. Statistical Report of the Power Cost Equalization Program, Fiscal Year 2012. Twenty Third Edition. April 2012. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). 18 AAC 50 Air Quality Control: As Amended through August 1, 2012. http://dec.alaska.gov/commish/regulations/pdfs/18%20AAC%2050.pdf. ADEC. Division of Spill Prevention and Response. http://dec.alaska.gov/applications/spar/CSPSearch/results.asp. North Slope Borough Village Heat Recovery Project Analysis Report. February 10, 2010. Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G). Wildlife Action Plan Section IIIB: Alaska’s 32 Ecoregions http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/species/wildlife_action_plan/section3b.pdf. ADF&G. Anadromous Waters Catalog. http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/sf/SARR/AWC/. ADF&G. Refuges, Sanctuaries, Critical Habitat Areas and Wildlife Refuges. http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=protectedareas.locator. . ADNR. Division of Special Management Lands. http://www.navmaps.alaska.gov/specialmanagementlands/. FAA. Obstruction Evaluation/Airport Airspace Analysis (OE/AAA). https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/portal.jsp012. USACE. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Alaska Region (Version 2.0). http://www.usace.army.mil/Portals/2/docs/civilworks/regulatory/reg_supp/erdc el_tr 07 24.pdf. USFWS. United States Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species: Listed and Candidate Species in Alaska, Spectacled Eider (Somateria fischeri). http://alaska.fws.gov/fisheries/endangered/species/spectacled_eider.htm. USFWS. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Land Clearing Guidance for Alaska: Recommended Time Periods to Avoid Vegetation Clearing. http://alaska.fws.gov/fisheries/fieldoffice/anchorage/pdf/vegetation_clearing.pdf. USFWS. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory. . V3 Energy. Kaktovik Wind Diesel Feasibility Analysis. September 12, 2012.