HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnalakleet Wind Project Geotechnical Report - May 2009 - REF Grant 2195401Duane Miller Associates LLC Arctic & Geotechnical Engineering 5821 Arctic Bouievard, Suite www.alaskagoo.com Anchorage, AK 99518-1654 (907) 644-3200 Fax 644-0507 May 26, 2009 STG, Inc. 11820 South Garnbell St. Anchorage, AK 99515 Attention: Clinton White Subject: Geotechnical Exploration and Recommendations Unalakleet Wind Towers Unalakleet, Alaska DMA Job No. 4179.010 The letter summarizes our geotechnical field exploration and foundation recommendations for the proposed wind towers in Unalakleet, Alaska. Based on discussions with STG and BBFM, Inc., the project structural engineer, we understand six new Northwind 100 wind turbines will be installed in Unalakleet. Each tower will be approximately 120 feet tall with the following preliminary foundation design loads: Axial download: 44-kips Base shear: 28-kips Maximum moment: 2,471-kips-ft Torsional Moment: 23-kips-ft The wind turbine power generation units will be seated on steel monotube towers bolted to a reinforced concrete foundation. It is desired to use a gravity concrete foundation system without rock or soil anchors. Preliminary tower foundation dimensions are a nominal 21.5-ft by 21.5-ft by 3-ft thick primary subbase with an integral 8-ft diameter by 4-ft thick concrete tower pier. The concrete foundation base will be approximately 7 feet below grade and compact granular fill will be required above the primary concrete base to final grade. A field exploration program was developed to estimate the depth of soil overburden, weathered rock thickness, and the inferred depth to competent rock at the tower locations. A local air track drill rig was used to advance the test holes with geologic, thermal, and groundwater conditions inferred from the STG Unalakleet Wind Tower Project May 26, 2009 Page 2 Duane Miller Associates LLC drilling action and returned chip samples. Subsurface conditions would require verification by split barrel soil sampling or rock coring, but these exploration methods were not conducted under this scope of services. Geotechnical Exploration Duane Miller Associates (DMA) conducted a geotechnical exploration near the proposed new wind turbine locations. Joseph Marshall of DMA traveled to Unalakleet April 29 through May 1, 2009 to explore the subsurface conditions at the proposed tower sites. In the field DMA was assisted by Brennan Walsh of STG. The proposed tower site is on the east side of the Landfill Road near Borrow Pit 2. Prior to mobilization for the geotechnical exploration effort, two proposed turbine foundation orientations were developed for this area by STG. Paul Farmer, PLS of STG surveyed and marked the proposed tower lease lot, adjacent allotment parcel, and the proposed tower foundation centers for the original two alignments then left Unalakleet. After the surveyor left the area, a third tower alignment was provided to the field team. Project maps showing the proposed third tower alignment provided by STG were used for the geotechnical field exploration. The third tower foundation orientation and the test hole locations advanced for this exploration are summarized on the attached Site and Test Hole Location Plan, Plate 1. A total of 12 test borings were advanced in the project area. On April 29 two test holes were drilled along portions of the original tower alignments, DMA test holes Unk-01 and Unk-02. Upon receiving the revised tower alignment plan on April 30, the six revised tower locations were field located by the field team. Since the STG surveyor had departed Unalakleet, the revised tower foundations were located with a hand-held Garmin 60Csx GPS instrument based on the revised tower alignment latitude / longitude coordinates provided to the field team. The revised foundation coordinates were provided in text format with truncated latitude / longitude precision relative to the original tower location coordinates. Some field location error was incurred due to the truncated coordinates supplied for the revised tower locations. In addition, nominal 4 to 8 foot high alder brush and snow drifts near the proposed tower locations restricted drilling equipment access. STG Unalakleet Wind Tower Project May 26, 2009 Page 3 Duane Miller Associates LLC Six test holes were advanced near the revised tower foundations, labelled DMA test holes Unk-03 through Unk-08. Four additional test holes were advanced along portions of the original tower alignments, labelled DMA test holes Unk-09 through Unk-12. These additional test holes were advanced to define the general subsurface conditions along the ridge crest (Unk-09 and Unk-10). DMA test holes Unk-11 and Unk-12 were advanced along the Landfill Road right of way and the edge of the alder and snow drift area to compliment the revised tower alignment field data. The test holes were advanced with an air track drill rig was equipped with a 3-inch diameter bit. The drill is owned by Quality Asphalt and Paving, Inc. but was operated by James Saunders of STG. Subsurface conditions were inferred by drilling action, returned cuttings, and the field geologist's interpretation of subsurface conditions. Highly disturbed soil and rock samples were field logged by our geologist during the exploration by collecting returned cuttings at the top of the test hole. The samples were visually field classified with portions of the recovered samples sealed in polyethylene bags. Temperature monitoring pipes, closed end, solid 1-inch PVC, were installed in test holes Unk-03 and Unk-05. Slotted 1-inch PVC for groundwater measurement was installed in Unk-08. All test borings were backfilled with cuttings prior to departing the site. GPS coordinates of the test boring locations were recorded with the hand-held instrument. Inferred Subsurface Conditions The inferred subsurface conditions encountered near the revised alignment consisted of a surficial brown sandy silt with four test holes encountering 1 to 2 feet of peat over the silt layer. The silt was underlain by a reddish -brown weathered limestone rock with silt interbeds. Beneath the silts and weathered limestone a hard gray siltstone was consistently encountered to the test hole termination depths. Test hole depths varied depending on the inferred hard siltstone bedrock contact depth with most holes advanced 13 to 16 feet below grade. Test holes were advanced a minimum 5 feet into hard rock. Test holes Unk-01, Unk-03 and Unk-12, encountered approximately 8 feet of unconsolidated sediment over 7 feet of weathered and fractured rock. In these three test holes changes in drilling action and cuttings indicated hard rock at STG Unalakleet Wind Tower Project Duane Miller Associates LLC May 26, 2009 Page 4 approximately 15 to 17 feet below existing grade. Test holes Unk-02, Unk-04, Unk-06, and Unk-07 encountered 2 to 3 feet of unconsolidated sediment overlying 3 to 4 feet of weathered and oxidized rock. With the exception of Unk-02 where hard bedrock was observed at 4 feet below grade, hard rock was generally encountered 5 to 7 feet below existing grade. Test holes Unk-05 and Unk-08 through Unk-11, inclusive, encountered 5 to 6 feet of unconsolidated sediment over 2 to 3 feet of weathered rock. A hard, gray rock was encountered below the weathered rock in each of these test holes. Frozen soils were observed in test holes Unk-03, Unk-05, and Unk-08 to less than 10 feet below grade. The frozen soil is inferred to be seasonal frost. The remaining holes did not exhibit frozen ground conditions. Groundwater of any significance was not encountered in any of the test holes advanced at this site. However, the field exploration program was conducted prior to spring thaw but seepage or groundwater may be present after thaw. Soil, rock, and frost conditions observed in the test holes advanced for this project are summarized below. Test Hole Total Depth Soil Horizon Weathered Rock Horizon Depth to Harder Rock Contact Frozen Horizon Unk-01 22.0-ft 0.0-ft to 6.0-ft 6.0-ft to 15.0-ft 15.0-ft ------________ None Encountered ------_ Unk-02 ------- 13.5-ft -------- 0.0-ft ------------ to 2.0-ft 2.0-ft ------------- to 4.0-ft 4.0-ft -------- None Encountered ------------- Unk-03 22.5-ft 0.0-ft to 8.0-ft 8.0-ft to 16.0-ft 16.0-ft 0.0-€t to 10.5-ft Unk-04 11.5-ft 0.0-ft to 2.0-ft 2.0-ft to 5.0-ft 5.0--ft None Encountered _ _U_nk_-_05_ - - 1_6.3_-ft -��14.3-ft 0.0_-€t_ -0.0-ft to _ _8.0-ft -None Encountered !_6.0-ft ----- _8._0-ft _0.0-ft _ta_ 8_.0-_ft Unk-06 _ to - 2.5_-ft _2_.5_-£t_-to_ _ 6.0-ft None Encountered Unk-07 I3.6-ft 0.0-ft to 3.3-ft 3.3-£t to 6.0-ft 6.0-ft None Encountered Unk-08 r 16.3-f_t ---r16.0-ft _0.0_-ft to -4.0--ft _5._7-ft _5.7-f t _t_o 7.0-ft r _ _ _ -7_._0-_ft 2._0-_ft_ _to_ _ _5.5_-f t Unk-09 0.0-ft-to -0.04t 4.0_-ft to_y�9.0-ft 9.0-ft None Encountered Unk-10 16.5-ft to 5.0-ft 5.0-ft to 7.04t ^ ^ 7.0-ft -None _Enc_o_unt_er_ed _ Unk-I1 --- I_ 18.3-ft . ------------------- 0.0-ft to 7.0-ft 7.0-ft ------------ to 9.0-ft 9.0-ft -------- 1.5-ft-to 7.5-ft ------------ Unk-12 22.0-ft 0.0-ft to 8.0-ft 8.0-ft to 14.5-ft 14.5�-ft 1.0-ft to 6.5-ft Inferred geologic cross sections based on the field findings are summarized on Plates 2 (section A -A' roughly along the revised tower alignment) and Plate 3 (section B-B' roughly parallel to the Landfill Road right-of-way). Test hole elevations noted on the cross sections are inferred from the US Geological Survey topographic map based on a 50 foot contour interval and STG surveyed sTG Unalakleet Wind Tower Project May 26, 2009 Page 5 Duane Miller Associates LLC elevations at select locations within the investigation area. The test hole elevations presented on Plate 2 and 3 should be considered approximate and not used for civil engineering design until verified with a site survey. As noted on the cross sections on Plate 2 and 3, the exploration area has considerable topographic relief, on the order of 15 to 25 feet with a swale noted along section A -A'. This swale may act as a drainage area and had frozen soil above rock. Discussion and Recommendations The inferred subsurface conditions along the revised tower alignment encountered hard rock at depths considered suitable for the proposed concrete gravity tower foundations. Varying thickness of unconsolidated soil and weathered rock are present over harder rock. The unconsolidated soil and weathered rock are not considered suitable as bearing material for the proposed tower foundations. Frost was encountered in several test holes at the time of our field work. The tower foundations must not bear on frozen soil or weathered rock to avoid thaw consolidation. Also, the topography at the proposed revised alignment indicates swales or drainage areas may be present along the alignment. The potential for shallow surface water seepage or groundwater to enter the tower foundation excavations exists in this area. Construction planning should include methods to control water seepage or groundwater that may enter the tower foundation excavations. We understand the proposed tower foundations will be constructed during the summer/early fall of 2009 and a winter construction program is not expected at this time_ If a winter or freezing air temperature construction schedule is planned, we should be contacted to augment our recommendations for cold weather construction practices. Tower foundation footprints will be excavated with a track excavator with sufficient breakout capacity to remove frozen and unfrozen weathered and fractured rock. We understand a Cat 345 or equivalent track excavator is scheduled for tower foundation excavation work. Tower foundations must bear on hard, competent rock or compact fill as discussed below. All soil and weathered or fractured rock must be removed STG Unalakleet Wind Tower Project May 26, 2009 Page 6 Duane Miller Associates LLC under the tower foundations. The foundation bearing surface must also be free of discontinuities (joints, bedding planes, etc.) with orientations having soil infilling that could consolidate under the foundation loads. This is particularly important if frozen infilling is encountered. If hard, competent rock is not encountered at the tower foundation elevation, the tower foundation can bear on clean, well -graded fill placed and compacted from the hard, competent rock surface to the tower foundation elevation. For this project, fill material meeting Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) Subbase "A" is recommended. Subbase "A" has the following material material properties and gradation. I ADOT&PF Subbase "A" I Sieve % Passing by Weight 4-inch 100 - - - 2-inch- - - 85 100 - ---- -- 1-inch ----------- ----- inch ---------- ------_----------------- No. 4 20 - 55 ---- 16 --- ----------- No 200 T - - - 10 max. - - Subbase "A" must consist of hard, durable particles of fragments of stone or gravel. The particles must not break up when alternately frozen and thawed or wetted and dried. Muck, frozen material, roots, sod, or other deleterious matter is not permitted. Subbase "A" must have a maximum L.A. abrasion of 50 (test method AASHTO T-96) and a degradation of at least 40 (test method ATM 313). We have assumed Subbase "A" can be produced from Borrow Pit 2 near the site with some material processing. If fill is required under the tower foundations, it should be placed in a fully thawed state in nominal 12-inch lifts and compacted to 95%of maximum dry density as determined by test method ASTM D-1557. The tower foundation footprint excavation should extend at least three feet beyond the tower foundation perimeter and sufficiently wide to permit safe STG Unalakleet Wind Tower Project May 26, 2009 Page 7 Duane Miller Associates LLC access for equipment and labor. If fill is required under the tower foundation, the fill must extend at least three feet laterally in all directions from the tower foundation perimeter then slope at a 2H:1V (horizontal:vertical), or shallower, from the top of the fill section to competent, hard rock. A level rock surface is recommended under the tower foundation. However, some relief of the rock surface is permitted, but not to exceed 1 foot vertical in 10 feet horizontal under the tower foundation or fill section. Assuming a compact fill section is necessary under the tower foundation, an allowable bearing capacity of 4,000 pounds per square foot (psf) is recommended for sustained load states. An allowable bearing capacity of 5,500-psf is recommended for short term, transient load states. A significantly greater allowable bearing capacity can be developed for tower foundations cast directly on hard, competent rock. Estimated settlements for tower foundations bearing on compact fill are expected to be less than 1-inch total with less than 0.5-inch differential, provided fill sections less than 4 feet thick are needed. Thicker fill sections may experience greater total and differential settlements. The majority of the settlements are expected to occur concurrent with loading. Total and differential settlements for tower foundations cast directly on hard, competent rock will be negligible, provided discontinuity infilling that would consolidate is not present under the tower foundations. Lateral resistance can be developed by frictional resistance between the concrete tower foundation and the underlying bearing surface. If the tower foundations are cast directly on hard, competent rock, an allowable frictional resistance of 0.4 times the design dead weight is recommended. If the tower foundations are cast on compact fill, a allowable frictional resistance of 0.35 times the tower dead weight is recommended. Fill will be required above the primary (square) concrete tower foundation section to surrounding grade at each tower site. Fill placed above the primary foundation should be ADOT&PF Subbase "A", compacted to 901yo of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D-1557. STG Unalakleet Wind Tower Project May 26, 2009 Page 8 Duarte Miller Associates LLC The site is located in an area of moderate seismic activity and may be subject to strong ground motion. The spectral response acceleration for short period (SS) is 0.34g and 0.10g for a 1-second period (SI), both based on Site Class "B". Assuming the tower foundations bear on compact granular fill over competent rock, the proposed site should be considered site Class "C". Site coefficient factors FQ and F, are 1.2 and 1.7, for Site Class "C" respectively. Based on these values, the design spectral response acceleration for the short and 1- second periods can be determined as follows: SDs = 2/3 F.Ss and SD1 = 2/3 FvSl SDs = 0.27g and SD1= 0.11g However, it is assumed wind load would control the foundation design load and the base shear and maximum moment summarized earlier are based on the design wind load conditions for the proposed tower. Fill placed under the tower foundations should be field tested to verify compaction. At least three field compaction tests per lift are recommended for fill placed and compacted under the tower foundations. For the fill placed above the primary tower foundation, either field compaction testing or a compaction performance requirement can be used. If field tested, one compaction test per lift is recommended. Alternatively, a performance requirement of three passes with a vibratory compactor that develops at least 5,000 pounds of impact energy is recommended for fill placed above the primary tower foundation section. If a performance specification is used, a maximum 8-inch lift thickness is recommended. The rock surface under the tower foundations should be observed by a trained, experienced engineer or geologist to verify the rock bearing surface is in accordance with our recommendations. We should also review the project plans and specifications as they are developed to conformance with the intent of our geotechnical recommendations. We have not reviewed local borrow sites for suitability as concrete aggregate. If local materials are being considered for concrete aggregate and historic concrete performance data are not available that would satisfy the structural engineers' concrete design requirements, an experienced concrete STG Unalakleet Wind Tower Project May 26, 2009 Page 9 Duane Miller Associates LLC materials engineer or technician should be consulted to confirm the suitability of local material being considered for concrete aggregate. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Respectfully submitted Duane Miller Associates LLC Joe Marshall Geologist Attachments: Plate 1: Site and Test Hole Location Plan Plate 2: Generalized Cross Section, A -A' Plate 3: Generalized Cross Section, B-B' / . 19wk Richard Mitchells, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer J � � y / )L r a, N F-- 0 0 0 0 \ : �e z a a z 0 y a� U 3 O 0 1 w a J �1� Y C Vf w� z a w H N Q Q 00 d C n O C Ln d C Q c M O C m o C: Q) Y C O O ti J Y (6 (D 0 u 0 _ d 0 � "Q cc -0 Y .9 n p a v Y 0 H aj u O rp 0 Co c 0 v u v c v C 7 O C O u 0 C� E T V � t C 0-0 O1 j 0 O a) a-+ dJ Ln +- l7 '^ Ln D E o m rn a c 0 r� ai v au 0 r o , 0 U') O u� IZ3- Q m w— v > M +-.- 0 C I = o n 0 m �N u N O C ry) F m o C: a C O a L.L J U V v ru v 0 0 0 o -a o . �� E a 6 7 a ¢ v U fa a LL p CS 6 C O rro c O � V C QJ 7 f a C O C O V O in L •� V a~ v' ra E L, L C ❑. O p1 7 O Ili n. v o a l7 -- Ln ro v E v 0 0, C 41 tU V N � � C c C O � N ro o aJ u a o p L a H IF• & 6 o d Q Ln LU — a > m +• •— 0 C O O co O m CO