HomeMy WebLinkAboutTriangle Lake Hydroelectric Project Feasibility Study - Sep 2017 - REF Grant 7040074Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project September 2017 Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project September 2017 |i Contents 1 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................1 2 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................2 3 Background Information......................................................................................................................3 3.1 Previous Studies .......................................................................................................................3 3.2 Site Visits...................................................................................................................................3 4 Hydrology ............................................................................................................................................4 4.1 Existing United States Geological Survey Data........................................................................4 4.2 Basin Discharge Analysis..........................................................................................................4 4.3 Flow Duration ............................................................................................................................6 4.4 Gaged Data...............................................................................................................................8 4.5 Summary.................................................................................................................................10 5 Project Considerations......................................................................................................................11 5.1 Penstock Routing ....................................................................................................................11 5.2 Usable Storage........................................................................................................................11 5.3 Access/Transmission Line Routing.........................................................................................11 6 Project Arrangement .........................................................................................................................12 7 Energy Generation ............................................................................................................................13 7.1 Assumptions............................................................................................................................13 7.2 Results.....................................................................................................................................13 7.3 Sensitivity ................................................................................................................................13 8 Cost Estimates ..................................................................................................................................14 8.1 Indirect Construction Costs.....................................................................................................14 8.2 Contingencies..........................................................................................................................14 8.3 Interest During Construction....................................................................................................14 8.4 Results.....................................................................................................................................14 9 Economics.........................................................................................................................................15 9.1 Financing Costs.......................................................................................................................15 9.2 Operations and Maintenance..................................................................................................15 9.3 Grant Funds ............................................................................................................................15 9.4 Results.....................................................................................................................................15 9.5 Ancillary Benefits.....................................................................................................................16 Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project ii | September 2017 Tables Table 4.1 – Basin Characteristics Comparison.............................................................................................4 Table 4.2 – Triangle Lake Surrogate Streamflow Frequency.......................................................................7 Table 4.3 – Triangle Lake Flow Frequency Comparison..............................................................................9 Table 6.1 – Triangle Lake Project Parameters ...........................................................................................12 Table 7.1 – Energy Summary .....................................................................................................................13 Table 8.1 – Cost Estimate Summary..........................................................................................................14 Table 9.1 – Energy Cost Summary.............................................................................................................15 Figures Figure 2.1 – Vicinity Map...............................................................................................................................2 Figure 4.1 – Triangle Lakeaverage monthly discharge based on surrogate data from Purple Lake, WY 1947-1956. ................................................................................................................................5 Figure 4.2 – Triangle Lake average monthly discharge scaled from Fish Creek, WY 1947-1956...............6 Figure 4.3 – Triangle Lake average monthly discharge scaled from Fish Creek, WY 1917-2016...............6 Figure 4.4 – Triangle Lake average monthly discharge, WY 2014-2015. ....................................................8 Figure 4.5 – Fish Creek average monthly discharge scaled, WY 2014-2015. .............................................8 Figure 4.6 – Triangle Lake mean daily flow frequency. ..............................................................................10 Appendices Appendix A – Geotechnical Reconnaissance Report Appendix B – Flow Duration Comparisons Appendix C – Drawings Appendix D – Energy Simulation Appendix E – Cost Estimate Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project September 2017 |iii This page is intentionally left blank. Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project September 2017 |1 1 Executive Summary Metlakatla Power & Light (MP&L) retained HDR Alaska, Inc. (HDR) to assess the feasibility of a small hydroelectric project using water from Triangle Lake. The Triangle Lake hydroelectric project would use 120 cubic feet per second (cfs) at a net head of 309 feet resulting in an installed capacity of 2.75 megawatts (MW). The project’s estimated construction cost is $29.6 million with an annual average generation of 11,555 MW hours operating in a run-of-river mode. Additional operational benefits and energy could be obtained if the lake level was allowed to fluctuate slightly. An additional project advantage would include a reduction in the strain on the communities’ existing water supply system by offsetting generation from Chester Lake. Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project 2 | September 2017 2 Introduction HDR provided MP&L with a feasibility assessment for a potential small hydroelectric project on Triangle Lake near Metlakatla, AK (Figure 2.1). The work performed quantifies the amount of energy and the cost of energy that could be used on Annette Island or transmitted on a Metlakatla-Ketchikan electrical intertie. Work scope included: Review of available project documentation and related information Field visit to the sites by team members A geotechnical reconnaissance investigation. Development of a conceptual project layout Review of existing hydraulic and hydrologic parameters Estimation of energy production and new facility costs Preparation of this summary report Figure 2.1 – Vicinity Map Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project September 2017 |3 3 Background Information 3.1 Previous Studies A hydroelectric project at Triangle Lake has been investigated at a reconnaissance level several times in the past originating with the Chester Lake Project Feasibility Report, May 1982,prepared by Harza Engineering Company. More recent work includes: Review of Chester and Triangle Lake Hydro Projects, July 2011,prepared by EES Consulting and Electric Power Systems, Inc. Hydropower Site Evaluation & Planning Services Project,December 2013, prepared for McMillen, LLC, and Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) by Tetra Tech. Annette Island Hydropower Evaluation Completion Report: Resource Development and Market Opportunities, June 2014, prepared by McMillen, LLC. 3.2 Site Visits In May 2016, two senior engineers from HDR and an engineering geologist from Golder Associates performed a reconnaissance of the proposed site. The site visit consisted of a review of the site, site access, and transmission line routes utilizing both a helicopter and ground-based investigations. The geotechnical reconnaissance review is included in Appendix A. A ground surveying scope of work was developed based on the initial site visit. A Ketchikan-based land surveyor performed field work during the summer of 2016 to establish elevations, develop contour mapping, and identify the locations of proposed project features. In October 2016, two senior engineers from HDR reviewed the survey and project layout information in the field. Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project 4 | September 2017 4 Hydrology The Triangle Lake drainage basin is located on Annette Island in Southeast Alaska, and is approximately 5.5 square miles at the lake’s outlet. It was delineated using a geographic information system (GIS). Basin characteristics were determined from publicly available information, including annual precipitation, mean elevation, and land cover. Much of the basin is composed of relatively broad valley floors between hills ranging in elevation up to 2,200 feet. The basin includes Triangle Lake, which totals 13 percent of the basin area (USGS National Hydrography Dataset 2016), is composed of forest and scrub (USGS National Land Cover Database 2016), and contains no glaciers (GLIMS Randolph Glacier Inventory 2016). The basin drains into Triangle Lake, which has a natural outlet on the lake’s north side. 4.1 Existing United States Geological Survey Data No United States Geological Survey (USGS) stream gage data exists for the Triangle Lake basin. However, the USGS operated a continuous stream gage (15058000) at the Purple Lake outlet from July 1947 through September 1956 and at Fish Creek (15072000) near Ketchikan from June 1915 to present. The Purple Lake basin is approximately 6.6 square miles, and is located on Annette Island, which is six miles south of the Triangle Lake basin. The Fish Creek basin is approximately 34.6 square miles, and is located near Ketchikan. It is 25 miles north- northeast of the Triangle Lake basin. Table 4.1 displays basin characteristics for these three sites. Table 4.1 – Basin Characteristics Comparison Characteristic Purple Lake Basin (15058000) Period of Record: 1947-1956 Triangle Lake Basin Fish Creek Basin (15072000) Period of Record: 1915-2017 Average Annual Precipitation (1971-2000 PRISM Dataset) 117 inches 126 inches 166 inches Basin Area (GIS-delineated)6.6 square miles 5.5 square miles 34.6 square miles Mean Basin Elevation (ASTER GDEM) 920 feet 991 feet 1280 feet Percent Lake Area (NHD)20%13%10% All recorded daily discharge data for USGS gaged sites was downloaded in January 2017. 4.2 Basin Discharge Analysis The strong similarity and geographic proximity between the Purple Lake and Triangle Lake basins provides a good frame of reference for estimating flows from Triangle Lake using USGS gaged flows from Purple Lake as surrogate data. The basin ratio was calculated by dividing the basin area of Triangle Lake by the basin area of Purple Lake Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project September 2017 |5 resulting in a ratio of 83.3 percent. The basin ratio was multiplied by the daily gaged flows for the period of record from Purple Lake to obtain estimated flows for the Triangle Lake basin. The Fish Creek basin also has similar basin characteristics to the Triangle Lake basin. The flow data from Fish Creek was scaled via basin size ratio to allow comparison to the scaled Purple Lake flow data. The Fish Creek to Triangle Lake basin ratio is 15.9 percent. Because of the significant difference in basin size, the Fish Creek data was used only for comparison, and not as surrogate data for the Triangle Lake basin flows. The estimated average annual surrogate flow for Triangle Lake during WY 1947 to WY 1955 was 75 cfs. The estimated average monthly discharge is shown in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 – Triangle Lake average monthly discharge based on surrogate data from Purple Lake, WY 1947-1956. The Fish Creek basin’s average monthly flows, scaled to Triangle Lake by basin size, are displayed in Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3. A comparison of WY 1947-1956 to the period of record (POR) WY 1917-2016 indicates a slightly higher discharge during the period from 1946 to 1956 during the months of October, May, June, July, and September. On average, the winter months have a lower discharge than the POR. This combination may be explained by a higher snowfall and larger snowpack during the period when the Purple Lake streamflow data was collected, which coincided with a negative (cool) phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (Mantua, 2017). In Southeast Alaska, negative phases of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation generally result in more snow during the winter, which in turn leads to lower winter streamflow but higher spring and early summer streamflow during snowmelt (Neal and others 2002). 130 103 91 63 74 52 77 77 60 37 51 79 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Triangle Lake Scaled from Purple Lake - WY 1947-1956 Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project 6 | September 2017 Figure 4.2 – Triangle Lake average monthly discharge scaled from Fish Creek, WY 1947-1956. Figure 4.3 – Triangle Lake average monthly discharge scaled from Fish Creek, WY 1917-2016. 4.3 Flow Duration To determine flow duration characteristics, the mean daily discharge data was sorted and ranked. Then the time that a given flow was equaled or exceeded was computed by dividing the rank by the total number of observations plus one and expressed in percentages. This method was used for the Triangle Lake surrogate streamflow scaled from Purple Lake, the Triangle Lake surrogate streamflow scaled from Fish Creek, and 118 79 57 31 41 29 56 101 96 62 56 83 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug SepAverage Monthly Discharge, cfsTriangle Lake scaled from Fish Creek - WY 1947-1956 110 89 67 59 51 42 57 79 73 53 53 74 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug SepAverage Monthly Discharge, cfsTriangle Lake scaled from Fish Creek - POR 1916-2017 Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project September 2017 |7 the discharge data measured at the outlet of Triangle Lake during calendar year 2015. A flow frequency table from the surrogate flow data for Triangle Lake scaled from Purple Lake is presented in Table 4.2. Average monthly flow frequency is presented for October through September, and is also presented as annual exceedance values. Flow data scaled by the basin ratio for Fish Creek is also presented as the POR and for the overlapping time the Purple Lake gage was operating between 1947 and 1956. Additional flow duration comparisons are included in Appendix B. Table 4.2 – Triangle Lake Surrogate Streamflow Frequency Percent Exceedance Month 1%2%5%10%20%30%50%70%80%90%95%98%99% October 333 314 271 244 196 159 111 77 58 42 32 27 25 November 260 258 231 207 162 123 87 63 53 36 24 14 13 December 362 320 213 163 124 108 76 53 42 26 19 11 8 January 207 199 163 128 98 78 58 33 19 6 3 2 2 February 417 417 183 135 97 76 56 36 25 16 14 13 11 March 208 155 128 98 67 54 43 32 28 23 18 17 17 April 321 276 193 143 89 83 63 46 38 28 19 15 14 May 245 217 177 130 103 83 63 53 46 38 33 29 27 June 248 236 156 113 79 60 47 35 28 20 15 12 11 July 178 131 92 73 55 44 28 19 14 10 8 7 6 August 234 227 181 128 88 60 27 14 11 6 4 3 2 September 291 263 205 169 125 98 57 37 28 18 9 5 4 Annual 304 251 201 153 108 83 55 36 27 16 10 6 4 POR Annual Scaled Fish Creek Discharge (15072000) Annual 300 250 181 138 98 77 51 32 24 16 12 9 7 1947-1956 Annual Scaled Fish Creek Discharge (15072000) Annual 302 248 183 141 103 81 52 29 19 12 10 7 6 Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project 8 | September 2017 4.4 Gaged Data MP&L collected stage data between September 2013 and December 2015 (WY 2014- 2015). Instantaneous discharge measurements were used to create a rating curve that was used to convert stage data into discharge data for the recording period. The rating curve was broken into multiple segments, and many of the data points were not used. The average monthly flows for available data are shown in Figure 4.4. Figure 4.4 – Triangle Lake average monthly discharge, WY 2014-2015. Triangle Lake average monthly flows scaled from the Fish Creek streamflow during the same time period are shown in Figure 4.5. Figure 4.5 – Fish Creek average monthly discharge scaled, WY 2014-2015. 74 63 69 81 43 56 80 27 22 33 42 65 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug SepAverage Monthly Flows, cfsTriangle Lake - WY 2014-2015 114 66 90 110 38 66 84 64 34 44 68 87 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug SepAverage Monthly Flows, cfsFish Creek Scaled - WY 2014-2015 Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project September 2017 |9 The January and April peak monthly discharges may indicate that 2014-2015 was slightly warmer than during the 1916-2017 POR for Fish Creek with precipitation falling as rain during January. Typical high flow for Southeast Alaska occurs during May and June as snow melts, though June had the lowest average monthly flow recorded. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation was in a positive (warm) phase during 2014-2015. Flow frequencies were compared between the gaged data, the Triangle Lake annual average surrogate data scaled from Purple Lake, and the Triangle Lake annual surrogate data scaled from Fish Creek. Table 4.3 illustrates the comparison. Table 4.3 – Triangle Lake Flow Frequency Comparison Percent Exceedance Data 1%2%5%10%20%30%50%70%80%90%95%98%99% 2013-2015 Gaged Discharge at Triangle Lake Outlet 193 162 139 122 95 78 45 23 14 7 5 3 3 1947-1956 Triangle Lake Annual Discharge scaled from Purple Lake 304 251 201 153 108 83 55 36 27 16 10 6 4 2013-2015 Triangle Lake Annual Discharge scaled from Purple Lake 305 259 188 148 110 85 56 37 29 19 13 9 6 1916-2017 Triangle Lake Annual Discharge scaled from Fish Creek 300 250 181 138 98 77 51 32 24 16 12 9 7 The reasonable correlation on an annual basis for all years indicates that peak and low flows tend to average out over a long term as indicated by the 100 years Fish Creek’s gaged data. Triangle Lake’s gaged discharge flow frequency was plotted alongside the flow frequency for the basin’s surrogate data, and is displayed in Figure 4.6. The graph shows good correlation of flow frequencies between 20 and 100 percent. The deviation between the USGS data and locally collected flow data at high flow may be due to the short duration of data collection or challenges with computing high flow streamflows with limited data. Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project 10 | September 2017 Figure 4.6 – Triangle Lake mean daily flow frequency. 4.5 Summary The Triangle Lake drainage basin has similar basin characteristics and is located a short distance from the Purple Lake drainage basin, which was gaged by the USGS from 1947 to 1956. The Purple Lake gage record shows the annual flow duration curve for the 10- year period is nearly identical to the Fish Creek gage’s annual flow duration curve of scaled streamflow for the past 100 years based. The Purple Lake data provides an excellent surrogate hydrologic record for Triangle Lake when analyzing annual flows. The average monthly flow variation identified in the Fish Creek basin indicates that WY 1947-1956 may have been wetter or experienced more precipitation as snow during the winter than the average year between WY 1917-2016. The limited flow data collected at the outlet of Triangle Lake corresponds well with the scaled Purple Lake surrogate data between the 20 and 100 percent annual flow frequencies. The general pattern during the WY 2014-2015 is similar between gaged flow data at Triangle Lake and scaled flow data for Fish Creek with high flows during October, January, April, and September and lower than average flows during June. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%Discharge (cfs)Daily Exceedance Probability Surrogate Data Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project September 2017 |11 5 Project Considerations The following issues were taken into consideration in developing the project arrangement. 5.1 Penstock Routing Triangle Lake is surrounded almost entirely by mountains. There are only two possible routes to convey water from Triangle Lake to a powerhouse located near tidewater. The first is the natural outlet from the lake, and the second is through a saddle approximately 0.5 miles east of the lake outlet. Based upon field investigations, it was concluded that it would not be economically feasible to route the penstock through the steep canyon section of the creek immediately below the lake. The remaining alternative of routing through the saddle will require a significant rock cut. 5.2 Usable Storage Triangle Lake has a surface area of approximately 450 acres at an outlet control elevation of 359.0 feet. Usable storage could be created by either constructing a dam to raise the pool elevation or by drawing the existing lake level down with a submerged intake. Construction of a dam was considered to not be a viable option due to the lack of a desirable site, difficult access considerations, and high costs associated with dam construction. Drawdown of the lake would be possible with a deep or siphon intake; however, lowering the lake’s water levels means the cut through the saddle would need to be deeper. Additionally, lake water levels below the natural outlet level would make the release of environmental flows into the existing stream channel difficult. As such, it was concluded the project would not attempt to utilize active storage. 5.3 Access/Transmission Line Routing The construction and maintenance cost for remote projects in Alaska is greatly influenced by the amount of and quality of access. Previous studies were based upon marine access, man camps, and helicopter construction of transmission lines. Based upon our experience, construction costs can be greatly minimized if road access to all project features is available. Our project arrangement focuses on providing road access to connect to the existing road system at the ferry terminal. This will provide for direct access to the goods and services available in Metlakatla and Ketchikan. Additionally an access road will allow the transmission line to be constructed and maintained using conventional methods, and it will greatly facilitate routine operations and maintenance throughout the life of the project. Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project 12 | September 2017 6 Project Arrangement The following are the proposed project features: 1. A concrete intake structure located approximately 0.5 miles east of the existing lake outlet. The intake will be equipped with trash racks, a bell-mouthed penstock entrance, and shut-off valve. 2. A 54-inch-diameter steel penstock (approximately 5,800 feet long) will convey water from the intake structure to the powerhouse located near tidewater. The initial 400 feet of the pipeline would have a mild slope, and be located in a deep cut in the hillside. This section of penstock will be buried for protection and to allow access to the intake. The remaining 5,400 feet of penstock will be above ground on saddle supports spaced at approximately 50 feet. Concrete thrust blocks will be provided at significant changes in alignment. 3. A powerhouse that is approximately 60 feet by 60 feet and 25 feet high, and that will be located near tidewater. It will be a pre-engineered metal building with a reinforced concrete foundation. A bridge crane will be provided to aid in equipment installation and maintenance. 4. A vertical five-jet Pelton turbine and synchronous generator with a rated capacity of 2,750 kilowatts. A Pelton turbine was selected to provide high efficiency generation across a wide range of flows and to reduce penstock-related costs. 5. A small switchyard located adjacent to the powerhouse. 6. A 34.5 kilovolt transmission line that will be approximately 6.5 miles to transmit the power from the switchyard to an interconnection near the ferry terminal. 7. An access road that will be approximately 6.5 miles to connect the project site to the existing road system at the ferry terminal. Bridge crossings will be required across the outlets of Lower Todd Lake and Triangle Lake. The key project parameters are shown in Table 6.1. Table 6.1 – Triangle Lake Project Parameters Headwater, ft 359 Turbine Centerline, ft 33 Net Head, ft 309 Design Flow, cfs 120 Capacity, kW 2,750 Project layout drawings are presented in Appendix C. Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project September 2017 |13 7 Energy Generation The project’s energy generation was estimated using HDR’s proprietary software Hydroelectric Evaluation Program (HEP). HEP has been specifically designed to model run-of-river operations. It uses tabulated daily flows, turbine and generator efficiencies, friction coefficients, and physical parameters to simulate energy production through a period of record. Turbine and generator efficiencies are determined from tables based upon equipment manufacturer’s data. Output from HEP consists of the unit(s) effective capacity rating, simulated production in megawatt hours (MWh), percent operating time, and overall plant factor. 7.1 Assumptions The following are the key assumptions used in modeling energy production: An environmental flow release of 5 cfs per month, and losses totaling 4 percent were included for station service, transformer and transmission losses, and scheduled downtime. 7.2 Results Using the assumptions and the project configurations described above, the project’s average annual energy generation is shown in Table 7.1, and in detail in Appendix D. Table 7.1 – Energy Summary Avg. Annual Energy, MWh 11,555 Capacity, kW 2,750 Plant factor 48% Days shutdown due to low water 14 7.3 Sensitivity The above analysis was based strictly upon a run-of-river operation, which is dictated by the need to provide environmental flow releases into the bypassed reach of the diverted stream. However, the outlet to Triangle Lake is a non-anadromous stream, and there is little if any use by native species (Tetra Tech, 2013). If the environmental flow release was reduced to zero, average annual generation would increase by approximately 500 MWh. More importantly, if an environmental flow was not required Triangle Lake could be slightly regulated to provide operational flexibility on the interconnected system, and to capture high flow events that would normally cause spills. For example, 2 feet of active storage would be sufficient to capture a vast majority of high flow events that would normally spill or to provide four days of continuous peak capacity with no inflow. Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project 14 | September 2017 8 Cost Estimates An opinion of probable construction costs was derived for the project presented above. Base work units and unit prices were developed and applied consistently to the various project features. For the generating equipment and penstock materials, budgetary quotations were requested from manufacturers. 8.1 Indirect Construction Costs Indirect construction costs associated with engineering, managing construction, licensing, permitting, and the Owner’s internal costs were added to the direct construction cost estimate as either percentages or lump sum amounts. However, due to the legal status that exists on Annette Island, it is unclear how much licensing and permitting would actually be required. 8.2 Contingencies A contingency of 30 percent was added to the direct and indirect construction costs totals to reflect the layout and design uncertainty that won’t be resolved until later in the development process. 8.3 Interest During Construction An assumed financial cost representing the interest accrued at a 5 percent annual percentage rate during a 24-month construction period was also included. 8.4 Results A detailed cost estimate is presented in Appendix E. The results are shown in Table 8.1. Table 8.1 – Cost Estimate Summary Item Dollar Amount Direct Construction Costs 18,970,000 Contingency 5,700,000 Engineering Licensing & Permitting 1,900,000 250,000 Owners Administration 450,000 Construction Management 900,000 Interest During Construction 1,400,000 Total Project Costs 29,650,000 Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project September 2017 |15 9 Economics This scope of work did not include a detailed economic evaluation. However, to get a conceptual view of the project’s economics we made some generic financial assumptions. The results are presented as the first year estimated annual costs per kilowatt hour in 2017 dollars. The assumptions and results are presented below. 9.1 Financing Costs Annual financing costs were determined assuming 100 percent debt and a constant principal and interest payment calculated over 30 years at a 5 percent annual percentage rate. All project costs have been assumed to be capitalized and financed. 9.2 Operations and Maintenance First year operations and maintenance (O&M) expenses were assumed to include labor, direct and indirect expenses, and insurance. It was assumed that the project would be designed for unmanned operations, and would be part of a larger organization meaning the project would experience lower administrative expenses. On-site O&M labor would be limited to periodic inspections and seasonal maintenance. Total labor, expenses, and owner’s general and administrative expenses were estimated at $50,000 per year. A repair and replacement fund of $15,000 was also included. General liability and business interruption insurance was estimated at $1.00 per $100.00 of asset. 9.3 Grant Funds Almost all hydroelectric projects in Alaska are constructed with some level of grant funding. The amount of potential grant funding possible for this project is unknown at this time. As such, we have analyzed the effect of grant funding in $5 million increments to show their effect on overall project economics. 9.4 Results Assuming a $29.65 million project development cost, $365,000 annual operating expenses, and 11,555 kilowatt hours of annual generation, the average first year cost of energy for the project is shown in Table 9.1. Table 9.1 – Energy Cost Summary Grant Funding Average First Yr Energy Cost, kWh 0 $0.20 $5M $0.17 $10M $0.14 $15M $0.12 $20M $0.09 Feasibility Study Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project 16 | September 2017 9.5 Ancillary Benefits The system load on Annette Island is in approximately 15,000-18,000 MWh annually. MP&L uses its hydropower resources to meet this load as much as is possible. One of these resources, Chester Lake, is also the community’s source of drinking water. During dry years like those that have recently occurred, hydro generation from Chester Lake has to be curtailed to maintain adequate lake levels for water supply. The community is currently looking at other options for providing additional water sources. The addition of Triangle Lake to the system would have the ancillary benefit of allowing more drinking water to be stored in Chester Lake, and would likely offset the need and cost of developing new drinking water sources. RE: GEOTECHNICAL RECONNAISSANCE, TRIANGLE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 METHODOLOGY 3.0 GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 Proposed Intake and Through-Cut Golder Associates Inc. Golder Associates: Operations in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America and South AmericaGolder Associates: Operations in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America and South AmericaGolder Associates: Operations in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America and South America 3.2 Penstock 3.3 Powerhouse 3.4 Road and Transmission Line 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Proposed Intake and Through-Cut 4.2 Penstock 4.3 Powerhouse 4.4 Transmission Line and Access Road 5.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 6.0 USE OF REPORT 7.0 CLOSING GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. Draft, No Signatures 8.0 REFERENCES FIGURES VICINITY MAP REFERENCE APPENDIX A REPRESENTATIVE FIELD PHOTOGRAPHS Project Title:Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project PHOTO 1 PHOTO 2 Project Title:Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project PHOTO 3 PHOTO 4 Project Title:Triangle Lake Hydroelectric Project PHOTO 5 PHOTO 6 PHOTO 7 Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Ltd Canal Head North, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 7BZ, England North American contact details; Darren Wager - d.wager@gilkes.com Telephone: +1 604-603-7139 GILKES BUDGET OFFER FOR THE SUPPLY OF HYDRO ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT Client: HDR Paul Berkshire Project Name: Annette Island Hydroelectric Project Gilkes Reference No: DW-PB-Annette-Jun16-2017 Date: Friday, 16 June 2017 HDR 2525 C Street, Suite 500 Anchorage, AK, 99503 USA Attn: Paul Berkshire Annette Island Hydro Project Vertical 6-Jet Pelton Dear Paul, Thank you for your continued interest in the supply of Gilkes equipment. Please find herein our budget offer for the supply of hydroelectric equipment for the above project. Based on the heads and flows given we have produced a turbine selection that we have every confidence will meet your requirements. We are providing you pricing based on the confirmations you provided in your April 27th, 2017 email. Our quoted package includes for a complete water-to wire package. As your project develops we would be more than happy to provide you with a more comprehensive offer tailored to your specific requirements. We hope you find our budget offer of interest. Should you have any questions or require any further information or a greater level of detail, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will assist accordingly. Yours Sincerely, Darren Wager Sales Director Gilkes Hydro Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Ltd. Mobile: +1 (253) - 318-0005 Email:d.wager@gilkes.com In all alternatives, Gilkes engineers offer the benefit of our experience in providing hydroelectric equipment for small hydro projects world-wide in the recommendations we make to our clients. and which we are confident will give many years of trouble free op Every hydro project supplied by Gilkes is subject to the attentions of a team of highly qualified engineers including a contract manager, degree qualified mechanical engineer, draughtsperson and the sales engineer whom you will be dealing with throughout the tender stage. We believe that this approach ensures that your needs are fully understood by the whole of the Gilkes team during the life of your contract with us. Your sales engineer becomes your representative inside Gilkes and, should you not receive 100% best attention from the rest of the team, will be happy to take up any issue you may have with the way your contract is being handled on your behalf and report back to you however this is very rare in our experience. esign our hydroelectric equipment with the benefit of real experience gained during over 16 projects In our experience it is always better to design for, rather than close our minds to, possible failure modes. We therefore accept that it is necessary for turbines to reach full run-away speed safely and have generators supplied to us tested at full run-away speed to ensure that no damage will occur. Some suppliers use lower cost generators which will handle 130% or 140% of normal speed and hope to be able to shut their systems down before the turbine has accelerated to full run-away, and accept that if the machine does ever reach full run-away the generator will be damaged. Gilkes experience is that full run-away is usually reached in less than 5 seconds and is therefore extremely difficult to avoid. The Gilkes Package We believe that Gilkes' reputation for service during a contract and after sales is well established and that our sub-contractors are selected because of their proven reliability. A Gilkes equipment package is comprehensive and exclusive of hidden extras; All factory assemblies which are stripped down for shipment are witness marked and colour coded to assist on site assembly. All major sub-contracted equipment is sourced from established suppliers from our approved supplier list. These sub-contractors have proved to be high quality, reliable suppliers with a technical appreciation and experience of small hydro generation projects, on previous contracts All foundation bolts, blocks, soleplates, lifting eyebolts are included. A comprehensive supply of packing shims essential for site installation are included Prices include packing of all equipment suitable for transport to site. Comprehensive installation and operating manuals are included. A Gilkes' project team is delegated to engineer the contract from start to finish and customer "single line" contact through a contract engineer is organised. The delivery schedule is handled by Gilkes' product control department and all sub- contractors are closely monitored to ensure on time delivery of all equipment. You will note from the above that Gilkes do not just offer a manufacturing service but a complete specializ n the small hydro industry. This service ensures that projects proceed smoothly and on time, with the minimum of project management and/or engineering design/consultancy services , quality equipment along with the experienced technical engineering experience that in the long term quality is an important requirement for a small hydro The Gilkes Pelton Turbine Pelton turbines are medium to high head free jet impulse turbines. The jet strikes the splitter edge of the double bucket and is turned through an angle of nearly 180 degrees before falling under gravity into the discharge channel or tailrace. reaction turbines do not rely upon maintenance of close operational clearances for As an impulse machine, The Pelton Wheel has a fairly flat efficiency profile over a typical site operational envelope. This contrasts with reaction machines where the comparable efficiency profiles have a fairly prominent peak and thus effective utilisation of available water is compromised, particularly in installations where the flow varies over a wide range during the year. For over thirty years Gilkes has been supplying multi-jet vertical Pelton turbines with our most noted ones highlighted below 1985 1050 P316_4 Jet @ 720rpm 7,318kW Output CA, USA 2009 1435 P346_6 Jet @ 450rpm 15,400kW Output AK, USA 2015 950 P346_5 Jet @ 750rpm 7,015kW Output Turkey Scope of Supply 1 off 1250 P324 Six-Jet Vertical Pelton Wheel Turbine. Spear valves and deflector mechanisms fitted with hydraulic actuators. 1 off Set of inlet pipework up to the inlet flange of the Turbine Shutoff Valve including the upstream transition inlet pipe that attaches to the incoming penstock to the powerhouse (inclusive of inlet manifold, branch pipes and dismantling joint) 1 off Main inlet valve, double flanged butterfly valve, weight to close, hydraulic actuator to open 1 off 60Hz, 300 rpm (24 pole) generator with the turbine runner connected to the turbine shaft by means of an overhung arrangement 1 off Generator lube oil and lube oil cooling system 1 off Hydraulic Control Module to control the actuators on the inlet valve, spear valves and deflectors 1 off Installation supervision of Gilkes supplied equipment 1 off Commissioning supervision of Gilkes supplied equipment Technical data The technical data given in this quotation, unless specifically guaranteed, will be subject to confirmation in the event of an order. Model : 1250 P324 Six-Jet Vertical Pelton No. of Units : 1 Mean Diameter of Runner : 1250 mm Bucket Width Modifier : 100% Rated Speed : 300 rpm Maximum Overspeed * : 570 rpm Maximum Continuous Overspeed Period : 5 minutes in any 24-hour period Runner Material : CA6NM or equivalent Stainless steel Shaft Orientation : Vertical Design Rating (Per Unit) Static Head : 344 ft Rated Net Head at Design Flow : 320 ft Design Flow : 120cfs Turbine Mechanical Output at Design Flow : 2,886 kW Turbine Shaft Peak Mechanical Efficiency at Design Head and Flow : 88.90 % Performance Curve The following hill chart and performance curve shows the turbines mechanical shaft power (kW) and efficiency (%) as a function of head (ft) and flow (cfs). Price Schedule Item Qty Description Price ($USD) 1 1 Gilkes 1250 P324_6J Vertical Pelton Impulse Turbine Included Case Runner Bearing housing Spear valves and actuators Deflectors and actuators Inlet manifold Shims and tools 2 1 Main inlet valve Included 3 1 Generator Included 4 1 Control panel and switchgear panel Included 5 1 Generator lube oil and lube oil cooling system Included 6 1 Hydraulic Control Module Included 7 1 Installation Supervision of Gilkes supplied equipment Included 8 1 Commissioning Supervision of Gilkes supplied equipment Included TOTAL BUDGET PRICE $USD DOLLARS $2,, All figures are exclusive of local, State, and Federal which will be charged where applicable. Import duties and delivery to project site is included. This pricing is indicative only and is based on the information made available to us prior to the date of this offer. None of the prices are fixed or firm and will be subject to further review by Gilkes should you wish to proceed with placing an order. Please note that this budget offer is not intended to form a legally binding relationship and Gilkes is not bound to accept purchase orders against this proposal. Exclusions We have not included the following items which are required for our equipment due to these being best supplied locally. All civils works including sealing of cable ducts Cable study, protective relay study, secondary injection testing to prove relay study All powerhouse cabling and conduit routing All on-site crane hire and lifting arrangements for the equipment Building Services Grounding services and termination points including grounding mat Broadband connection/phone line for any remote communication HV Switchgear Transformer Extent of Supply The supply of Gilkes plant terminates at the following points; Turbine inlet - at the upstream end of the main inlet valve Turbine discharge at the turbine case discharge skirt Electrical at the LV side of the switchgear terminal connectors Grounding system at the powerhouse grounding mat (installed by others) Turbine Description & Material Specification Pelton Runner: 13/4 Chrome Steel to BS 3100 425 C1; ASTM 473 S41500; A743 CA6N; EN 1.4313 or similar. The runner will of one piece construction: CNC machined from a fully heat treated forged disc with hand polished buckets. Statically balanced to ISO 1940 (1973) Grade 6.3 Turbine Case: Fabricated carbon steel plate. BS 4360-43A (similar to ASTM A516 GR 70). Fabricated in two flanged sections complete with external stiffeners and lifting lugs. Shot blasted, prime and finish painted. Turbine Shaft and Bearing Assembly: The Runner is mounted on a BSEN 10083-3 42CrMo4 turbine shaft and secured by a bolted flange arrangement. The shaft extends through a seal assembly and is supported by two sleeve bearings, pedestal mounted, suitable for forced feed lubrication. The bearings are fitted with PT100 type resistance temperature detector (RTD) for monitoring purposes. Shaft Seal: Labyrinth type incorporating catchment chamber and drain pipe. Jet Deflector: 13/4 chrome-nickel corrosion resistant cast steel. BS 3100 Grade 425 C11 (similar to ASTM A743 GR CA 6NM). The jet deflector mechanism is fitted inside the turbine case and is operated by an externally mounted hydraulic actuator driven from a HPU. The deflector will engage the jet stream in response to signals from the control system provided by you. Branchpipe: Fabricated carbon steel, BS 4360-43A (similar to ASTM A516 Gr. 70). The needle valve pipe is a flanged bend designed to direct the jet stream through the jet nozzle. The needle valves are regulated by hydraulic actuators. Spear Tip: 13/4 chrome-nickel corrosion resistant cast steel. BS 3100 Grade 425 C11 (similar to ASTM A743 GR CA 6NM). The needle valve tips are screwed and riveted to the needle valve rods to allow easy replacement, if necessary. Spear Rod: Martensitic chrome-nickel rust resisting steel. BS 970431.S29 (similar to ASTM A473 431) Spear Rod Support: Cast gunmetal, BS 1400 LG4-2 (similar to ASTM B145-4A). The needle valve rod support is mounted between the nozzle holder and needle valve pipe. Nozzle Plate/Seat: 13/4 chrome-nickel corrosion resistant cast steel. BS 3100 Grade 425 C11 (similar to ASTM A743 GR CA 6NM). The jet nozzles are flanged and bolted to the nozzle holders with stainless steel fixings to allow easy replacement, if necessary. Nozzle Holder: Ductile SNG iron, BS 2789 SGC1.420/12 (similar to ASTM A436 Type D2). The jet nozzle holder is mounted on the turbine case and is flanged for connection to the needle valve pipe. Foundation Bolts: All necessary foundation bolts plus a generous supply of packing pieces for installation setting up purposes are included. Example Drawing The following example drawing shows the typical layout of a P43 -Jet Vertical Pelton Turbine. Please note these drawings are intended for information purposes only and should not to be relied upon for construction. It is also our closest previously manufactured size to the unit being quoted here. Payment Terms Unless otherwise agreed, the following payment terms apply:- 10 % of total contract price with order 30 % of total contract price on presentation of the following drawings -General arrangement -Foundation details to allow civil works to proceed 10 % of total contract price on presentation of runner material certificates. 40 % of total contract price on readiness of equipment to ship to site, or on notification of readiness to ship, if site is unable to receive goods. Storage charge can be applied if delivery is delayed by more than 3 months. 10 % of total contract price due on Completion of Commissioning, or 4 months after delivery to site, or 6 months after notification of readiness to ship, whichever is the sooner. If Commissioning of Turbine is to be by others then final payment due on shipping. All payments net 30 Days from date of invoice. Estimated delivery All equipment will be delivered to site provided that access is available to standard road transport. The equipment will only be delivered to site if the site is in a complete and fit state to receive the goods. We estimate the delivery for the equipment offered in our quotation to be 50 Working Weeks, CIF Incoterms ® 2010; from receipt of an official order complete with full and final instructions to proceed and on receipt of any initial stage payment. Deliveries offered are indicative only. Firm delivery periods are dependent upon contract start dates, and are subject to Gilkes' factory work loading and major casting availability at the contract start date. Firm delivery periods will be reviewed at time of order. Production, Inspection and Quality Control Production, Inspection and Quality Control will be to Gilkes standard practice as detailed in the Gilkes Quality Manual and Production Control System Manual which are available on request and in accordance with our Quality Management System accredited to ISO 9001:2008. Unless otherwise stated all equipment offered is to Gilkes standard specification. Warranty Gilkes offer a warranty period of 12 months from completion of commissioning or 18 months from delivery; whichever is the sooner. Gilkes must present in a supervisory capacity at the installation and commissioning for the warranty to be effective applied. Insurances Insurance cover in relation to this contract is as Gilkes standard insurances. Details are available upon request. Contract Conditions A copy of our standard contract conditions can be made available on request and will need to be included, and or negotiated prior to any contract being signed for this potential project. From:Berkshire, Paul To:Berkshire, Paul Subject:Triangle Lake Canyon Estimate Date:Tuesday, July 25, 2017 10:57:52 AM From: Brett Bauer [mailto:brett.bauer@canyonhydro.com] Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 2:02 PM To: Berkshire, Paul <Paul.Berkshire@hdrinc.com> Subject: RE: Triangle Lake Budgetary Estimate Hello Paul, Thank you for the opportunity to assist with this project. For a net head of 320 feet and a design flow rate of 120 ft3/s, we have considered three primary options: Vertical five jet Pelton Horizontal two jet Turgo Horizontal shaft Francis You understand all the pros/cons of these choices, but a few highlights are: Pelton would give you the broadest efficient operating range with great ability to govern without penstock surges, at the expense of a tall powerhouse and slight increase in equipment cost. The Turgo also gives great ability to govern but is less efficient. The Francis has the smallest footprint but a peaked performance curve and requires penstock design considerations. For the Pelton, we propose the following scope: Canyon five jet vertical axis Pelton turbine, 300 rpm-2.8MW generator, TIV, HPU, LPU, switchgear/controls. Budget estimate for Pelton package as described is $2,140,000.00. For the Turgo, we propose the following scope: Canyon two jet horizontal axis Turgo turbine, 450 rpm-2.7MW generator, TIV, HPU, LPU, switchgear/controls. Budget estimate for Pelton package as described is $1,850,000.00. For the Francis, we propose the following scope: Canyon horizontal axis Francis turbine, 720 rpm-2.9MW generator, TIV, HPU, LPU, switchgear/controls. Budget estimate for Francis package as described is $2,080,000.00. Note: runaway discharge is estimated to be 59 ft3/s. I hope this rough comparison is helpful as you study the project feasibility. Please contact me if you have any questions. Best regards, Brett Brett Bauer | Canyon Hydro – V.P. Engineering | brett.bauer@canyonhydro.com | 1-360-592-5552 12005 N. Burgard, Portland, OR 97203 Phone: (503) 285-1400, (800) 824-9824 Fax: (503) 382-2327 To: Date: Phone: Project: Quotation No. Email: Budgetary Quotation SPECIFICATIONS: Pipe: Length: Joints: Coating: Lining: Freight: Delivery: Fabrication: Currency: Qty.OD Wall Yield Working D/T Unit Price Extension Item (lf)(in)(in.)(psi)Pres.(psi)Ratio $/lf Total $ For Further Information: Sales Representative Jeffrey S. Curl