HomeMy WebLinkAboutTerror Lake Capacity Design Scope of Work - Oct 2008 - REF Grant 2195460KODIAK ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION TERROR LAKE PROJECT — FERC No. 2743 i POTENTIAL INSTALLATION OF THIRD GENERATING UNIT SCOPE OF WORK FATAL FLAW ANALYSIS 1 APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AMENDMENT FINAL DESIGN 1 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INTRODUCTION The FERC License for the 22.5 MW Terror Lake Project, FERC No. 2743, was issued on October 5, 1981. The existing powerhouse is a conventional surface type structure located on the Kizhuyak Valley floor about 4.0 miles from the Bay. The powerhouse currently contains two 11.5 MW vertical -axis impulse Pelton-type turbine -generator units with space and provisions available for installation of a third unit. Overall construction of the Project was completed in November 1984. The Terror Lake Project produces the majority of Kodiak Electric Association's (KEA) electricity and is a key element to KEA's stated vision of producing 95% of energy sales with cost effective renewable power solutions by the year 2020. KEA is proceeding with the Pillar Mountain Wind Project. KEA is studying two options to firm up the delivered wind -generated power: construction of a battery bank or installation of the third unit at Terror Lake. Kodiak Electric Association (KEA) will receive the License from the Four Dam Pool Power Agency (FDPPA) following completion of Divestiture and Transfer of Assets currently owned by the FDPPA to the participating member utilities. Divestiture and Transfer of the Terror Lake C Project to KEA is anticipated to be complete in December 2008. In August 2008, KEA received a $38 million loan to purchase the Terror Lake Project. KEA is interested in investigating the feasibility of installing the third unit and will submit a Renewable Energy Grant Application to AEA due on November 10, 2008. Phases would include: PHASE DESCRIPTION COST ESTIMATE Phase I Fatal Flaw Analysis $ 90,000 Phase 11 Application for License Amendment $ 400,000 — 700,000 Phase III Final Design To Be Determined Phase IV Construction To Be Determined PROJECT TEAM: Project Manager Project Engineer Project Operations Mechanical Engineering Regulatory Environmental Constructability Review Nan A. Nalder A. Richard Griffith Adam O'Mara Peter Rodrigue Nan A. Nalder Jim Thrall John Magee & Dick Freeman Kodiak Electric Association Terror Lake Project — FERC No. 2743 Schematic Scope of Work Fatal Flaw Analysis 1 License Amendment 1 Final Design 1 Construction Management REV 1 - October 21, 2008 PHASE I FATAL FLAW ANALYSIS SCOPE: The purpose of the Fatal Flaw Analysis will be to evaluate the viability of installing the third unit in the existing bay of the powerhouse. Results of Phase I will be presented in an Appraisal Report. Task Order No. 01 Terror Lake Third Unit Addition: Engineering_& Regulatory Assessment Regulatory Review • Existing License: • Identify and discuss any risks regarding opening the License as a result of filing an Application for Amendment — i.e. exposure to agencies requiring modifications to recently agreed to modifications to monitoring and reporting procedures for the license -mandated minimum flow release (License Article 43) • Review License Exhibits and Articles - identify and discuss potential modifications that would triggered by addition of the third unit • Application for License Amendment Process: o Review FERC license amendment process options and recommend proposed approach o Review FERC requirements and identify potential amendment schedule o Identify potential environmental issues, and discuss potential study requirements with resource agencies o Identify approvals and permits required to support the FERC Application for Amendment a Prepare detailed scope of work and cost estimate to prepare and file the Application for License Amendment Engineering Review • Review existing third bay provisions in existing design — determine whether there any additional consideration slmodifications • Review adequacy of tailrace to accommodate modification in project operations with the third unit • Review constructability — e.g. third bay space and water conveyance connections • Review potential construction schedule and any potential effect on current operations • Verify that the As -Built Drawings and modified Exhibit F Drawings and Exhibit G Maps are adequate to proceed with planning Deliverable: Terror Lake Third Unit Addition: Engineering & Regulatory Assessment • Prepare a Report presenting the results of the above identified tasks. • Provide support for KEA's "Go/No-Go Decision" • Based on decision, prepare a detailed scope and budget for following Phases II Meetings: • Kick-off meeting with KEA staff to discuss proposed project • Site visit the powerhouse and tailrace area and other project features of interest to this effort • Presentation to KEA — discuss results of Phase I investigations and following Phases II and III 2 Kodiak Electric Association Terror Lake Project— FERC No. 2743 Schematic Scope of Work Fatal Flaw Analysis 1 License Amendment 1 Final Design 1 Construction Management REV 1 - October 21, 2008 Task Order No. 02 Terror Lake Third Unit Addition: Unit 3 Optimization Project/System Operations Review • Review existing water management and project operations — consider opportunities for better water management with addition of the third unit. • Review proposed operation of the Pillar Mountain Wind Project — identify potential role of Terror Lake Project to firm up wind -generated power Deliverable: Terror Lake Third Unit Addition. Unit 3 Optimization Meetings: BUDGET Phase 1 $ 90,000 PHASE II APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AMENDMENT BACKGROUND The FERC regulations and the existing License for the Terror Lake Project require that KEA prepare and file an Application for License Amendment to install the third unit. The FERC licensing regulations provide options to streamline the licensing process. The Application for Amendment will be filed with the Division of Hydro Administration and Compliance (DHAC). {\ Review of the Application will be coordinated by DHAC with other involved FERC offices and divisions, including the FERC Portland Regional Office and the FERC DC Office of General Counsel. Applicants for License Amendment have options regarding the pre -filing process including the ability to prepare an environmental report that addresses the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) concurrently with the FERC regulatory requirements for pre - filing consultation and preparation of the Application. By consolidating the NEPA and FERC requirements Applicants during the pre -filing process Applicants reduce the time between filing the application and issuance of the FERC order. The first step in preparing an Application for Amendment to License is review of the License Exhibits on file with the FERC and the requirements in the existing License. License requirements are expressed in the License Articles including the Standard Terms and Conditions of the License (L-form) and the Special License Articles that are included in the Order Issuing the License and the Amendments and other modifications to the terms and conditions of the License. Based on that review, we will identify specific sections of the License that will need to be addressed in the Amendment Application. The following Scope provides a step-by-step overview of the FERC licensing process for an Amendment Application. SCOPE • FERC Licensing Process and Studies Requests Kodiak Electric Association Terror Lake Project— FERC No. 2743 Schematic Scope of Work Fatal Flaw Analysis 1 License Amendment 1 Final Design 1 Construction Management REV 1 - October 21, 2008 • Identify preferred option; discuss with FERC Staff • Consult with Federal and State agencies and other Participants interested in the Amendment proceeding: • Discuss proposed installation of the third unit and purpose — e.g. to firm up wind -generation from Pillar Mountain Wind Project • Discuss potential Project -related effects during construction and modifications to current operations • Discuss necessary studies to support Application for License Amendment • Prepare Notice of Intent to File Application for License Amendment • Preliminary Application Document (PAD) & Scoping Document 1 (SD1) • Identify and discuss proposed modifications to existing engineering Exhibits A, B, C, & D; and F drawings and G maps. • Modifications to Exhibit E — the Preliminary Draft Environmental Assessment (PDEA) that addresses NEPA and the FERC regulations • Describe existing project and environmental baseline • Identify potential project -related environmental effects during construction and any modifications to existing project -related effects during long-term operation • Prepare PAD and SDI that describe proposed amendment to the Project and identify proposed field and office studies and investigations that would be conducted to support the Application for License Amendment • Public Scoping Meetings (Kodiak and Anchorage) & Site Visit • Provide PAD and SDI with invitation to attend Public Scoping Meetings and Site Visit to Federal and State agencies and other interested persons/organizations. • Publish Notice of Scoping Meetings & Site Visit. Scoping meetings would be held in Kodiak and Anchorage. • File Notice of Intent to Apply for License Amendment with the FERC • Conduct Public Scoping Meetings & Site Visit — NOTE: public meetings are to be recorded and a transcript filed with the FERC following the meetings. • Field and Office Studies • Complete Project Study Plan • Complete consultations with Federal and State agencies and other involved participants and prepare Final Project Study Plan. • Provide Final Project Study Plan to FERC and Federal & State agencies • Conduct first year studies and prepare reports • Conduct second year studies (if required) • Draft Application for License Amendment • Prepare Draft Application — Contents include: • Amended Exhibit A - Project Description • Amended Exhibit B — Project Operation • Amended Exhibit C — Construction History and Proposed Construction Schedule • Amended Exhibit D — Statement of Costs and Financing • Amendments to certain Exhibit F Drawings to show proposed installation of third generating unit • Review status of Exhibit G Maps to determine if modifications are required • Preliminary Draft Environmental Assessment • Prepare Applications for Permits and other Approvals required to support Application for License, e.g.: • Title 16 Permit from ADF&G 4 Kodiak Electric Association Terror Lake Project— FERC No. 2743 Schematic Scope of Work Fatal Flaw Analysis 1 License Amendment 1 Final Design 1 Construction Management REV 1 - October 21, 2008 • Nationwide Permit from USACE • Coastal Project Questionnaire and request for Consistency Determination from ADNRIDCOM • Provide Draft Application to consulted agencies and other involved participants, including transmittal letter that invites consulted agencies to submit preliminary recommendations for license terms and conditions • Issue Public Notice of availability of Draft Application • Provide copies available to the public in KEA's office and local public library • Receive comments on Draft Application • If necessary, discuss any comments that raise issues needing resolution with commenting agency Final Application for License Amendment • Revise Draft Application to reflect comments received and address agency - recommended terms and conditions. • File Final Application with the FERC and provide copies to consulted agencies and participants. • Issue Public Notice of Filing the Final Application with the FERC • Provide copies available to the public in KEA's office and local public library FERC Processing Post Filing • Respond to any FERC Staff Requests for Additional Information (AIR) • FERC Issues Federal Environmental Assessment (FERC Staff EA) (NOTE: based on KEA's PDEA filed with the Final Application) • Review and respond, if necessary, to FERC Staff EA FERC Issues Order Amending License BUDGET Phase II $400,000 to $700,000 NOTE. Refinement to Phase 11 Budget will be developed at conclusion of Phase 1. PHASE III FINAL DESIGN KEA could elect to proceed with Final Design in advance of FERC issuance of an Order or wait until the Order Issuing License Amendment is final. SCOPE • Prepare Basis of Design Document • Prepare Detailed Design Drawings and Specifications • Prepare Detailed Construction Cost Estimate • Prepare Construction Plans • Prepare Applications for Permits and other Approvals • Consult with FERC Portland Regional Office (PRO) regarding final design • Submit Final Design Package for review and approval by FERC PRO BUDGET NOTE: Phase 111 Budget will be developed at conclusion of Phase 11. PHASE IV CONSTRUCTION Kodiak Electric Association Terror Lake Project-- FERC No. 2743 Schematic Scope of Work Fatal Flaw Analysis 1 License Amendment I Final Design 1 Construction Management REV 1 - October 21, 2008 SCOPE • Assist KEA with issuance of the Construction bid package • Complete any required applications for construction permits and supporting plans • Provide Construction Management Services • Prepare As -Built Drawings • Prepare and file revisions to License Exhibits, as necessary BUDGET NOTE: Phase IV/ Budget will be developed at conclusion of Phase Ill and will depend on level of services requested by KEA. Kodiak Electric Association Terror Lake Project-- FERC No. 2743 Schematic Scope of Work Fatal Flaw Analysis I License Amendment I Final Design I Construction Management REV 1 - October 21, 2008 PROJECT TEAM: Proiect Manager Nan A. Nalder Ms. Nalder has over 40 years experience in natural resources management, architectural design, strategic planning, regulatory analysis, rulemaking development and implementation, EIS preparation, FERC licensing, compliance program management, public involvement programs and managing collaborative processes. Nan will serve as Project Manager for Kodiak Electric Association's Application for License Amendment and lead preparation of the FERC Application. She manages environmental and regulatory work for clients who own and operate hydropower projects and electric transmission infrastructure under regulation by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and State agencies. She has served in policy and management positions with federal agencies, including EPA, NOAA, FERC and the Bonneville Power Administration. She is a trained facilitator and uses those skills on behalf of clients in developing long-term resource management programs in the form of durable settlement agreements. Nan is presently managing FERC licensing services for the proposed Ruth Lake Hydroelectric Project and the proposed Allison Lake Project. She recently completed management of a Settlement Agreement for the proposed Whitman Lake Project and is currently working with the team to design the post -license -issuance compliance management program. She is assisting with a FERC license amendment application to rehabilitate the Humpback Creels Project. Nan served as Project Manager for the Southeast Alaska Intertie Project for the Southeast Conference and the AK -BC Intertie Feasibility Study for the AEA. Proiect Enaineer A. Richard Griffith Dick has 40 years experience in the hydropower industry and continues to serve Alaska clients since the late 1970's. Dick will manage the pre -feasibility study and optimization/operations analysis, and lead preparation of the engineering exhibits for Kodiak Electric Association's Application for License Amendment regarding the proposed Third Unit at Terror Lake. He is a Registered Professional Engineer, States of Washington, Alaska, Oregon and Idaho. Dick serves in leadership roles for the full range of services in the industry: feasibility studies, condition assessment of existing structures, Part 12 dam safety inspections, and analysis of new hydroelectric projects and preparation of engineering exhibits to support Applications for FERC License. Dick is currently working on pre -feasibility assessments; and managing engineering and project optimizationloperations studies and preparation of final design for several projects in Alaska: the proposed Whitman Lake Hydroelectric Project, Ruth Lake Hydroelectric Project and the proposed Allison Lake Project. He served as Project Manager for the Due Diligence Review of the proposed Mahoney lake Project. Dick served as the Independent Consultant for FERC Part 12 Safety Inspections for the Salomon Gulch, Bradley Lake, Terror Lake, and Blind Slough projects in Alaska. He conducted analyses and prepared sections regarding hydroelectric generation projects in Southeast Alaska in support of comprehensive studies regarding the Southeast Alaska Transmission Intertie Project and the AK -BC Intertie Feasibility Study. Project Operations Adam O'Mara Adam has over 8 years of engineering experience covering the energy, renewable energy, and water resources sectors both in North America and abroad. His primary responsibility includes leading and participating in complex hydrology and power and energy evaluations for hydroelectric assets. His experience includes optimization of cascading hydroelectric systems for long-term strategic planning, short-term and real time dispatch, upgrades and rehabilitation assessment, and power portfolio system cost assessment related to integration of various energy sources as well as due diligence evaluations. Adam will serve as lead in conducting the operationsloptimization studies regarding KEA's proposed third unit at Terror Lake and wind energy integration. In addition, he has recently led a number of wind power conceptual and feasibility studies and has been involved in wind power project development. His involvements include project management, detailed wind resource assessment, and wind flow, wind energy, and noise modeling to determine optimal turbine layouts and accurate energy projections, including quantified uncertainty analyses. Mechanical Engineerina Peter Rodriaue Peter is a Mechanical Engineer with 34 years experience in hydroelectric and water control projects. He has been responsible for the mechanical design aspects of hydroelectric facilities with capacities ranging from a few hundred kilowatts to over 1000 MW, and operating heads from less than 5 m to over 700 m. His experience encompasses plant layout, turbines, pump - turbines, valves, gage equipment, cranes, and mechanical services, and includes North American and international projects. Peter is currently assisting KPU with upgrades at its Ketchikan Lakes and Beaver Falls Projects. Peter will serve as the lead mechanical engineer for purposes of performing the studies for the proposed third unit at Terror Lake. Environmental Jim Thrall Jim has 35 years experience in planning and licensing of hydroelectric projects. He provides FERC license compliance and permitting services to AEA and the Four Dam Pool Power Agency (FDPPA). Jim currently serves as Permits Specialist for the FDPPA for all FERC regulatory compliance and State/Federal permitting programs for the Solomon Gulch, Swan Lake, Terror Lake, and Tyee Lake hydroelectric projects. Jim is responsible for all permitting and environmental compliance monitoring related to the operation and maintenance of these four projects. Duties include preparation and periodic updating of project Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures plans (SPCCs), Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) for the high hazard projects and routine reporting on project license mandated minimum fisheries flow release programs and dam safety inspections. Additional duties include obtaining state, local and federal permits as required for all major project maintenance work as well as routine coordination with state and federal resource agencies and FERC. Other Alaskan hydroelectric projects experience includes: Bradley Lake, Gustavus, Larsen Bay, Old Harbor, Pyramid Creek and Chackachamna. On the Terror Lake Third Unit assignment, Jim will work with Nan to conduct the required resource agency consultations to support the FERC Application for Amendment of License; lead the design and management of required field environmental studies; conduct review and analysis of environmental aspects of installing the third unit; and prepare sections of the Amendment Application. Constructability Review John Magee John Magee is a senior member of R&M's Civil Engineering and Construction Services, with 44 years of design and project experience, 38 years of which are in Alaska including: Terror Lake project, Bradley Lake project, Larsen Bay, Swan Lake, Humpback Creek, Susitna and recent tailings dams at mine sites. At the Terror Lake Project, John was the designer of the realignment of the tailrace to improve hydraulic conditions at the confluence with the Kizhuyak River. The realignment included training works to control erosion and bedload deposition by the river. He also served as Kodiak's owner's representative and project coordinator for the Terror Lake power tunnel inspection and evaluation and Terror Lake design oversight and construction management for the tunnel repairs and sediment discharge system. John will lead the constructability review activities for the Terror Lake Third Generating Unit. Constructability Review Dick Freeman Dick has over 40 years of experience with construction -related issues throughout the planning design and construction of civil engineering projects. Richard provides constructability concepts and order -of -magnitude budgets and estimates that become more definitive as the engineering design process approaches the construction stage; and as the site construction manager then implements plans with proactive input from the engineer until the project is turned over to the Owner. He is a Registered Professional Engineer, State of Washington, Alaska and California During the period 1982 —1986, Mr. Freeman served as Assistant Construction Superintendent for the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project. Responsibilities on this hydroelectric project included constructability review of project plants, project progress monitoring, evaluation of contractor claims, and preparation of formal progress reports to the client. Features of the $140 million project included three concrete -faced rockfill dams, a 5-mile-long hard -rock power tunnel, an exposed - steel penstock, a two -unit powerhouse, a 1 i-mile-long transmission line, and a computerized SCADA system to monitor and operate the remote facility from Kodiak. All tunnels, dams, and transmission line foundations incorporated DYWIDAG prestressed, post tensioned anchor bolt systems. Dick will lead the construction cost estimating for the Terror Lake Third Generating Unit.