HomeMy WebLinkAboutTerror Lake Capacity Design Project Preliminary Design Level Construction Cost Estimates - Jan 2007 - REF Grants 2195460, 7040013TERROR LAKE UNIT 3 HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PRELIM DESIGN LEVEL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY by Sub -Account (2007$) Acct No. DESCR YI10N AMOUNT 330 LAND & LAND RIGHTS 0 331 POWER PLANT STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENT 1,844,820 332 333 RESERVOIRS, DAMS & WATERWAYS WATER WHEELS, TURBINES & GENERATORS 21,540 .1 Turbines, Govemers, & Aux 2,850,000 .2 Generators, Aux, & Excitation 2,140,000 .3 Turbine & Generator Testing 100,000 333 , WATER WHEELS, TURBINES & GENERATORS - SUB TOTAL 5,090,0m 334 ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT .1 Connections, Supports & Structures 266,840 .2 Switchgear & Control Equip 490,000 335 334 ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - SUB TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT 756,840 250,000 336 352 353 354 356 357 358 390 61 621 ISUPPORT ACCESS ROADS SUBSTATION & SWITCHING STATION STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS SUBSTATION & SWITCHING STATION EQUIPMENT STI 354 STEEL TOWERS & FIXTURES - SUB TOTAL OV: 356 OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS & DEVICES - SUB TOTAL UN Ik# UNDERGROUND CONDUIT - SUB TOTAL UN ## UNDERGROUND CONDUCTORS & DEVICES - SUB TOTAL GE] 390 GENERAL PLANT - SUB TOTAL TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES - MOB/DEMOB CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 0 PROJECT SUBTOTAL (Rounded to nearest $1,000) Including Contractors Overhead & Profit) , Contingency @ 20% 1,01.3,000 SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS (Rounded to nearest $1,000) , 2,419,000 Owner's Overhead @25% SUBTOTAL DIRECT & OWNER'S OVERHEAD , , 484,000 Interest During Construction @ 5% of Subtotal Direct Costs TOTAL PROJECT COST Rounded to nearest $1,000} TERROR LAK12 UNIT 3 HYDROELECTRIC ..JECT UNIT 3 TURBINE ADDITION •I ,.. � �,.. � � it •'� i ►' 41 lncluclesi : . : �r1111lIEUErrrrrrr� IEErrrrrrlr���� _ I v Ei r r: I° E ► • ���1� POWER PLANT STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS-. 1 r 1 s - based upon Idaho estimate " 1t . -• w aims ■� r MEa • :: 1 r . 00 ■. a- -ter � 1 �aj .-W IIII III - Concrete East wing vv rjc Mau, M NEI kTlf'. nIK a Is a .1 ro-'rZ:rRl lu MINIM MEW MNMMi� M6�i■�■ :: f ■ mai . rr,ON ME! 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M 1.:4 1M-N {����y�`����rr�7�..,•�yy'� MEN ����^ ��-. -�' '� • 1 1Ti11 . a `IIt.Z!(ZT1tri5kl� • � 1 1 1'1 Unit 3 Cost Estimate Draft Submitted.xis, Details Devine Tarbell Associates Page 2 of 3 FDP - Terror Lake Unit 3 Addition Assumptions Assumptions & Knowns: Switchvard / New GSU location: Reference: Drawing — "Terror Lake Switchyard General Arrangement Plan", Dwg No. TL-57-021 (Rev 4: 12-6-85 As built Revisions). This drawing indicates space has been allocated for the addition of a future (Unit 3) 15MVA Generator Step Up (GSU) transformer and disconnect switches to be located in the South corner of the switchyard, next to the service road, adjacent to the access gate. In addition the drawing indicates "Note 3-typical" an adequate length of the 3" AL tube main bus on the south side has been provided for future Bus A Frame Connections. No additional bus has been provided. No indication as to the schedule or rating of the 3" AL tube bus has been provided on the above drawing. It is assumed the 3" refers to the nominal pipe size. Electrical properties of 3" nominal ASA Schedule 40 Aluminum Pipe Conductors (6061-T6-40% IACS typical) is 1460A*1 at 60 cycles. Conductors located outdoors with a 2-ft/sec crosswind. Normal oxidized surface (e = 0.50). The rating of the 3"AL tubing therefore exceeds the Full Load requirement by +I200Amps. The drawing indicates no provisions have been provided for oil containment for the existing Units 1 and 2 GSUs. Containment is however provided for the future Unit 3. (2) options exist with the addition of Unit 3. Option 1 is to feed the "Future 138kV" line as indicated on the above noted drawing or Option 2 to increase the output to the 138kV Airport Substation line. It is assumed the addition of Unit 3 is to increase the output to the 138kV Airport Substation line. The existing OCB feeding the 138kV line to the Airport Substation is assumed to have the capacity for the addition of the Yd GSU. The existing combined amperage of Units 1 and 2 is 125.5 Amps. The addition of the 15MVA Unit 3 GSU delivers an additional 62.8Arnps for a total of 188.3Arnps at 138kV. Typically these breakers have a frame size of sufficient capacity. No indication that a Fire Systems exists in the Switchyard. No provisions or consideration is given to a Switchyard Fire System. No provisions or consideration is extended beyond the terminals of the existing OCB feeding the 138kV line to the Airport Substation. Reference: *1 Technical Data- A Reference for the Electrical Power Industry, Square D Company, 1964, Table 53, page 52. FDP - Unit 3 Addition Estimate Assumptions.doc Page 1 1/11/2007 Terror Lake Unit 3 Cost Assumptions Station Service: Reference Drawing "Powerhouse Conduit Details & Panel Schedules", Dwg No. APA- 67692 M-514-2 dated 2/28/83. From notes taken during the site visit the existing Station Service Switchgear is (1) item. It is a double ended substation that feeds the general station loads and both units 1 & 2 service loads from Sub Panels PDPA and PDPB. From this the general loads such as station lighting, HVAC, crane, powerhouse drainage pumps, battery chargers, exciters, communications and then the individual machine loads like air compressors, governor oil pumps, water pumps, etc. are fed. Sub Panel PDPA currently shows from the above drawing: 500A of identified nameplate 3 Pole breaker load (+) 60A 3 pole breaker load identified as future Unit 3 (+) 130A 3 pole breaker load identified as spares. The total being 690A. Panel PDPA is fed via (3) 1/c 350MCM. It is not indicated that the feeders are copper (CU). It is assumed the feeders are CU which are rated for 350A at 9011C*2. Sub Panel PDPB currently shows from the above drawing: 740A of identified nameplate 3 pole breaker load (+) 480A 3 pole breaker load identified as spares. The total being 1220A. Panel PDPB is fed via (3) I/c 350MCM. It is not indicated that the feeders are copper (CU). It is assumed the feeders are CU which are rated for 350A at 901C*2. The total available is 902A off the 750kVA Station Service transformer. Obviously a load study was -completed at some time otherwise these panels would be pulling about 380A over what the station service transformer is capable of producing and the feeder cables would be undersized. The identified "Future Unit 3" loads and spares indicate there is room for the new U3 loads however not being aware of the load demand of the existing I can not be sure and can not recommend just adding breakers to take the new unit 3 loads. The original load study for the installation should be obtained and reviewed for the capacity to add Unit 3. The existing station service is located on the turbine floor. A new station service for Unit 3 is provided as a single ended substation. It is proposed the location be near Unit 3 on the turbine floor. Reference: *2 NEC, 2002, Article 310, Table 310-16, page 70-144. Station Battery: Reference Drawing "Powerhouse Conduit Details & Panel Schedules", Dwg No. APA- 67692 M-514-2 dated 2/28/83. Sub Panel 125V DC DIST PNL shows from the above drawing equal distribution circuits for Units 1, 2 and Future 3 with the exception of (1) 20/2 branch feeder for the exciter controls of Future 3. There are (4) 2 pole spaces FDP - Unit 3 Addition Estimate Assumptions.doc Page 2 1/11/2007 Terror Lake Unit 3 Cost Assumptions available. 1200A of identified 2 Pole nameplate breaker load (+) 40A 2 Pole identified as spares. The total being 1240A. In the panel Future Unit 3 breakers have a nameplate rating of 290A. There is no indication what cable size panel 125V DC Dist PNL is fed by. Notes from the site visit indicate the 125VDC panel is a double (side by side) located on the turbine floor and is 44 circuit, i.e. 44 - 2 Pole breakers with no extra spaces. The above drawing however indicates 44 — 2 Pole breakers with 4 — 2 Pole spaces. The nameplate on the existing panel indicates 125VDC, 100A, 2 Wire rating. The 1200A of identified breaker nameplate rating far exceed the rating of the panel 100A nameplate rating. The original DC load profile study for the installation should be obtained and reviewed for the capacity to add Unit 3. A new DC Panel is supplied for Unit 3--125VDC, 200A, 2Wire to be located in the general vicinity of the existing panel 125V DC Dist PNL. Station Battery Bank: Notes from the site visit indicate the existing 125VDC battery bank consists of 92 cells. The existing battery chargers have an output of 120.25VDC. For a 125VDC system with limits of 105 — 14OVDC and assuming the batteries being Nickel -Cadmium (NiCd) and the assumed value of minimum voltage per cell of 1.14VDC, 92 cells is appropriate*3. It needs to be confirmed the Batteries are NiCd. Due to insufficient data Ampere -hours (Ah) can not be calculated or confirmed. Reference: *3 Handbook of Electric Power Calculations, H. Wayne Beaty, Section 18, Page 18.20. Emergency Generator: Reference Drawing "Emergency Diesel Gen .Load Shedding", Dwg No. APA-6793 B- 504, sheet 161 dated 5/18/84. The existing Emergency Generator has a nameplate rating of 150kW, 187kVA, (.8)pf, 480Y/277V. This provides 225A @ 480V. The above drawing indicates the vent and heater loads are shutdown on energization. Reference Notes 1 & 2 on the above drawing. Sheets 135 and 136 could not be located to rr verify their purpose referenced on this drawing. Breakers 52A and B in the Service Station Switchgear are also monitored. It is not indicated which of the specific station FDP - Unit 3 Addition Estimate Assumptions.doc Page 3 1/11/2007 Terror Lake Unit 3 Cost Assumptions service loads are shed and/or in what sequence. The original Load Shed study should be reviewed. HARZA had suggested upgrading the genset to 400kW from the existing l50kW there now. The upgrade was never undertaken. Due to incomplete data, (the load shed study) I can not confirm either is adequate however the 400kW generator would provide 481A vs/ the 225A available now. The original load shed study should be reviewed. Based on the unknowns it is recommended the genset be upgraded to 400M Ground Study: The grounding study and mat or grid that is in place was fine for the installation in 1983. It should be checked to ensure nothing has changed prior to the installation of Unit 3. No consideration at this time is given to the ground study anlor modifications to the grounding mat. Station Lighting_ The Lighting load change (additions) would be minimal and no consideration is given at this time. Plant 14VAC: The Plant HVAC load change (additions) would be minimal and no consideration is given at this time. Unit 3 Protection Scheme: Protection for Unit 3 will require a protection study to determine the relay settings. The Settings on Unit 1 & 2 were determined and set most likely from the original study. The original study incorporating any changes made to Units 1 & 2 should be reviewed. No consideration is given at this time for a protection relay study. Unit_3 Generator Feeder Cables /13.8kV Duct Bank: Reference Drawings "Powerhouse Conduit & Tray Details", Dwg No. APA-6793 M-514- 1 dated 8/31/82. and "Powerhouse El.107.5' Conduit & Tray", Dwg No. APA-6793 M- 512 Dated 2/28/83. The sequence of connection is as follows: the generator feeder cables exit the generator terminal box and are fed to the generator breaker. From there they run the length of the power house to the 13.8kV Duct Bank located in Terminal Compartment FDP - Unit 3 Addition Estimate Assumptions.doc Page 4 1/11/2007 Terror lake Unit 3 Cost Assumptions M113 located on the North Powerhouse wall. From Compartment M1B the cables go into the switchyard to Compartment M2B. APA-6793 M-512 indicates space has been allocated for the new 13.8kV Unit 3 generator cables in the powerhouse but does not qualify if there is adequate tray and conduit provided to carry this new cable as no size or type is indicated. Additionally APA-6793 M-514-1 indicates in the 13.8kV Terminal Compartment M1B that (3) sets of (2) conduits for a total of (6) are there. It is assumed that (2) of the (6) shown are for the future U3 cables to the switchyard even though they are not marked as future. The distance from M1B to M2B or from the powerhouse to the switchyard Terminal box is unknown and further it is unknown if access to the 13.8kV duct is available or trenching /digging is required for a cable pull. Due to the unknowns the 13.8kV cable from the powerhouse Compartment M I B to the switchyard Compartment M2B is not considered at this time. FDP - Unit 3 Addition Estimate Assumptions.doc . Page 5 1/11/2007