HomeMy WebLinkAboutShaktoolik Wind Energy Project 95% Final Design - Jul 2011 - REF Grant 2195463Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Shaktoolik Wind Construction 95% Design Documents AEA Grant #: 2195463 July 7, 2011 Table of Contents Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1 Schedule and Budget Overview……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 Electrical System Overview…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Performance Modeling…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 Civil Design……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8 Electrical Design……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 Mechanical Design………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 Operations Planning……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 List of Included Attachments………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 Executive Summary The Shaktoolik Wind Construction project involves the construction of a two 100kW wind turbine (200 kW total generation capacity) power project in the community of Shaktoolik, Alaska on the South end of the old village runway. Activities are currently underway and the majority of project work is expected to be completed during 2011. Project activities are centered on the installation of three project components: 1. Two Northwind 100 (100 kW) wind turbines 2. New Automated Switchgear 3. New Secondary Load Controls Construction of the project is scheduled to begin during the summer 2011 season. Turbine installations will be completed during the summer of 2011 and associated integration activities are expected to be completed by the close of the year. Construction activities will be completed by Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) through existing construction management contracts and electrical integration activities will be completed by internal cooperative resources. Cost estimates have been outlined in the existing grant agreement between AVEC and the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA). Total project costs are budgeted at $3,023,000 and are based on the following contributions: Alaska Energy Authority $ 2,465,664 Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (Project Match) $ 262,296 Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (Additional Contribution) $ 295,040 Total Project Costs $ 3,023,000 Of the total project costs, $2,465,664 have been allocated to construction activities and $230,972 has been allocated to final design activities. Wind conditions at the project site have been estimated at 6.38 m/s (at 30 M hub height) through the combination of recorded MET tower data. The completed project is expected to run at a 27.5% capacity factor (90% availability) which will create a high penetration wind/diesel system once the project is fully complete. Average wind penetration level for the project is estimated to be 56% (90% turbine availability) based on an average load for Shaktoolik at 98 kW (max village load of 181 kW and estimated minimum load of 60 kW. Through the scope of work under this project, the installation is expected to displace approximately 48,342 gallons of diesel fuel annually. Completed geotechnical analysis indicates that the project site maintains some of the best soil conditions within community. The project site is located on the community’s abandoned air strip and, as a result of prior use, contains large volumes of structurally sound and well compacted fill 1 material to support the tower’s loading requirements. Geotech analysis has not revealed any conditions that the project team is not intimately familiar with through the execution of similar scopes of work in similar locations across the Norton Sound region. Foundation designs for the installed wind turbines have been designed with consideration of soil conditions at the project site and document a poured in place spread footing. AVEC has utilized a similar foundation design at the cooperative’s wind turbine installation in Gambell, but the design is most similar to the turbine foundations installed in Unalakleet. All wind generated electricity from the project will be managed through Secondary Load Controlling equipment installed at the Shaktoolik powerhouse facilities. Integration equipment installed as part of this project consists of automated switchgear, a secondary load controller, and resistive heat load equipment. All necessary secondary heat loads associated with the project have not been fully determined at this time, but AVEC intends to utilize a resistive dump load boiler (hot water heater) as the primary load controlling piece of equipment. Additional heat loads are expected to be installed and will be determined during the process of developing final integration designs. Heat generated from the excess energy will be utilized primarily at the community powerhouse; however, AVEC is in the process of determining other uses for the thermal energy generated by the project at locations elsewhere in the community. These other uses may include the implementation of dispatchable heating equipment in various community buildings locations in Shaktoolik. Major equipment (wind turbines) is covered under a two year manufacturer warranty and AVEC will service the new generation equipment in accordance with established procedures for AVEC’s existing wind energy systems. The Shaktoolik project will be the 11th wind-diesel installation the cooperative has undertaken. Installed equipment and operational procedures will be consistent with AVEC’s existing fleet-wide components and practices. 2 Schedule and Budget Overview Project activities for the Shaktoolik Wind Construction project are currently underway. As of December 2009, wind turbines for the project have been procured and will be delivered to the project site along with all other construction materials and equipment with the first barge shipment to Shaktoolik in 2011. Construction of the project will begin during the summer 2011 season. Construction activities for the wind farm and distribution line are expected to be completed by fall 2011 and integration work is expected to be concluded by the end of 2011. An updated version of the project master schedule is included as an attachment to this document. The total project costs for the wind power/intertie project are estimated to be $3,023,000 and the current project design of two turbines and the associated controls has been budgeted for as follows: Total Wind Project Costs $ 1,750,000 Total Integration/Control Costs $ 1,273,000 Total Project Costs $ 3,023,000 Consistent with AVEC’s/AEA’s grant agreement, a project budget is included below: TOTAL GRANT BUDGET BY TASK OR MILESTONE $ 255,500 $ 2,740,732 $ 26,768 $ 3,023,000 BY BUDGET CATEGORIES $ 442,688 $ 1,453,870 $ 488,482 $ 70,600 $ 50,000 Supplies $ 271,700 $ 245,660 $ 3,023,000 BY FUND SOURCES $ 2,465,664 $ 262,296 $ 295,040 $ 3,023,000 Milestone 3 TOTAL Grant Funds (90%) Grantee Match – Cash (10%) Other Contributions Construction Services Other Direct Costs Travel Contractural Services TOTAL BUDGET SUMMARY Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Equipment TOTAL Direct Labor and Benefits 3 Electrical System Overview AVEC expects the installed Northwind 100 wind turbines to produce approximately 56% of the electricity consumed in Shaktoolik today (based on 90% turbine availability). The wind turbines should supply almost 480,230 kWh of electrical energy annually, including excess energy used to heat water. The completed project will possess one of the highest penetration levels of the wind-diesel systems currently maintained by the cooperative and, as a result, will require load management equipment to efficiently manage energy supplies. Final integration designs are in progress and AVEC intends to utilize a secondary load controller, a dump load water heater, and resistive air heaters as the primary energy management tools. The wind turbines will interconnect with the existing diesel power plant in Shaktoolik. Secondary load control will dispatch the installed water heater (along with additional load management equipment that may be installed) as required to use excess wind energy while allowing the diesel generators to continue running at efficient/programmed levels. The wind-generated electrical energy will be delivered using a slightly extended electrical distribution grid also included as part of this project. The goal of this project is to reduce the cost of energy within the community and this will be accomplished through the displacement of diesel generation/heating fuels. Constraints Electricity generated from the project is subjected to the constraints of physical abilities to transmit the energy to where it is needed when it is produced (or stored for a use at a later date) and the total energy demands across the community. Neither constraint is expected to present significant challenge and will be considered with the development of final integration designs. Wind Resource Documentation Detailed information regarding the wind resource is included in the attached “Shaktoolik, Alaska Wind Power Report.” Annual Electric Load Data To evaluate Skahtoolik’s load profile, historic generation data was synthesized using the Alaska village load calculator spreadsheet developed by the AEA. The results were then adjusted slightly to match actual data recorded in Shaktoolik documented by AVEC in the cooperative’s annual power generation report. The result is a load profile with 98 kW average load, 181 kW peak load, and 60 kW minimum load. Seasonal, daily and Map profiles of Shaktoolik’s load can be found in the attached Shaktoolik, Alaska Wind Power Report. AVEC is currently in the process of installing digital data loggers at all of their generation facilities across the cooperative’s network. Data loggers are expected to be installed in Shaktoolik in 2011. Data 4 captured through these devices will be recorded at 15 minute resolution and will be utilized to further evaluate design and operational considerations for the new wind-diesel system. Load Projection The community of Shaktoolik has experienced steady growth in monthly kWh consumption that is consistent with AVEC’s system wide averages. Consumption/Generation in Shaktoolik has increased by approximately 35% since 1991 (1.7% annual average). It is expected that the load in Shaktoolik will continue to grow throughout the duration of the project’s lifespan at a rate that is comparable to AVEC system wide averages. Over the same period (1992-2009), consumption has grown by 27% (1.36% annual average) across AVEC’s entire network. Information involving trends regarding average monthly consumption Shaktoolik can be found in the chart below. 5 Performance Modeling Operational Modeling The relatively high penetration level of the completed wind-diesel system (estimated at 55.8% wind penetration – 90% turbine availability) in comparison to existing AVEC managed wind-diesel systems will result in excess wind generated energy. Due to existing AVEC established operating procedures and consumption patterns in the community, there will be periods when the amount of wind generated electricity on the Shaktoolik electrical system exceeds current demand. This excess energy will be managed through the use of secondary load controlling equipment. Excess energy will be utilized at the Shaktoolik powerhouse through an installed dump load water heater that is connected into existing heat loops within the facility. Excess energy supplies have been factored into economic modeling and estimates indicate that 20% of energy produced by the wind farm will be utilized for thermal applications. Anticipated wind production also correlates well to periods of high demand within the community. This also contributes to a more stable electrical system. More information about anticipated monthly energy contributions from generation resources in the community can be found in the attached Shaktoolik, Alaska Wind Power Report. A summary chart of expected wind penetration on the system can be found below: 6 Updated Economic Modeling Utilizing AEA REF grant assumptions, a revised economic analysis for the project was also completed. The results of this analysis and the assumptions utilized are noted below. Results NPV Benefits $2,446,546 NPV Capital Costs $2,120,841 B/C Ratio 1.15 NPV Net Benefit $325,706 The AEA analysis was based on the following assumptions: Performance Unit Value Displaced Electricity kWh per year 480,230 Displaced Electricity total lifetime kWh 9,604,600 Displaced Petroleum Fuel gallons per year 40,159 Displaced Petroleum Fuel total lifetime gallons 803,186 Displaced Natural Gas mmBtu per year - Displaced Natural Gas total lifetime mmBtu - Avoided CO2 tonnes per year 408 Avoided CO2 total lifetime tonnes 8,155 Proposed System Unit Value Capital Costs $ $ 3,023,000 Project Start year 2011 Project Life years 20 Displaced Electric kWh per year 480,230 Displaced Heat gallons displaced per year 5,360 Displaced Transportation gallons displaced per year - Renewable Generation O&M $ per kWh $ 0.022 Base System Unit Value Diesel Generator O&M $ per kWh $ 0.020 Diesel Generation Efficiency kWh per gallon 13.80 Parameters Unit Value Heating Fuel Premium $ per gallon $ 0.50 Transportation Fuel Premium $ per gallon $ 1.00 Discount Rate % per year 3% Crude Oil $ per barrel $ 110.00 Natural Gas $ per mmBtu EIA 7 Civil Design AVEC has spent significant resources evaluating potential project sites for the wind project within the community of Shaktoolik. Final civil designs document the project installation site for two turbines. The installation site is located on the community’s abandoned air strip on the Northern edge of the village. The installed turbines will be placed approximately 680’ apart and are referenced as site “T-1” and “T-2” in the attached diagrams/reports. At this time, FAA permits for both turbines have also been obtained for construction for this site along with several other project related permits. Civil works associated with the project also include the installation of new electrical distribution lines between the project site and the Shaktoolik power house. No significant site access construction will be necessary due to the project’s placement on developed lands at the old airstrip. Lease agreements for the project site have already been executed between AVEC and the land owner (Shaktoolik Native Corporation). A site plan for the project is included as an attachment to this document. Geotechnical Evaluation Significant subsurface investigation has been completed at the project site since it was first examined by the Alaska Department of Transportation in 1980. Shaktoolik is located about 10 miles east of Cape De nbigh and 35 miles north of Unalakleet on Alaska’s coast with Norton Sound. Shaktoolik lies within the Norton Bay Lowland, an extension of Yukon Kuskokwim Lowlands in the Bering Shelf Physiographic Province. Near the coast, the lowland is characterized by a series of low beach ridges marked by lines of thaw lakes. Wind-blown silt covers much of the area. Permafrost underlies most of the lowland and surface drainage is generally poor. Meandering streams with extremely low gradients are typical. Locally, the village of Shaktoolik occupies a low, narrow spit with the Tagoomenik River to the east and Norton Sound to the west. The Tagoomenik River joins the Shaktoolik River near the proposed wind turbine site, about 2 miles from the Shaktoolik River’s outlet into Norton Sound. The spit is generally composed of washed sand and gravel beach deposits and is about 10 to 15 feet above sea level. Undisturbed areas near the proposed wind turbine site are generally covered with tundra vegetation, and grasses are noted in some areas, including near the beach on the west side of the spit. The subsurface soil conditions observed at the proposed wind turbine locations consist primarily of sand with gravel beach deposits. At turbine location T-2, a granular fill pad from the old runway embankment was observed to a depth of about 4.5 feet, and was underlain by sand with gravel to exploration depth, 11.5 feet deep. Thermal conditions at the proposed wind turbine site differed at the two turbine locations. At turbine location T-1, surface thaw had extended 1 to 3 feet deep, underlain by frozen ground to exploration depths, 5 to 9 feet deep. Visible ice was observed in the test pits, between 5 and 10 percent as clear and white crystals. 8 Unfrozen conditions were observed beneath a seasonally frozen layer 6 feet deep in test pit G10-SKK-1 at turbine location T-2. There was no visible ice observed in frozen soil in G10-SKK-1. Ground water was not observed in the test pit G10-SKK-1 during the exploration. A complete geotechnical report for the project is included as an attachment to this document. Foundation Design AVEC will utilize a pre-cast foundation design for the project. The foundation is constructed in Seattle and will be barged to Shaktoolik for installation. The pre-cast foundation will be placed, tensioned, and installed in a non-permafrost location identified in the project sitemaps. A complete set of foundation drawings (95% level) is included as an attachment to this document. Distribution Design AVEC will install new distribution lines for the project providing a 3-Phase electrical connection between the wind project and existing power plant facility in Shaktoolik. The installed line will run west from the turbines along the old apron access road to its junction with the main road. The line would then be routed along the west side of the main road. The line would be attached to approximately eleven 40- foot tall poles. Each pole, approximately 12 inches in diameter at the base and approximately 40 feet tall, would be placed in a hole approximately 4-5 fe et deep. Typically, two guy wires would support each utility pole. Final designs for the distribution line are currently being developed. A map indicating routing for this new line is included as an attachment to this document. 9 Electrical Design The Shaktoolik project involves the installation of 2 Northwind 100B wind turbines (200 KW total generation capacity for the project), new automated switchgear, Secondary Load Controller (SLC), new secondary electric loads, and a wind dispatch control module. The installed turbines will be located on the northern edge of Shaktoolik, approximately 1 mile from AVEC’s existing power plant. The wind installation will be electrically connected into existing 3 Phase service and the energy produced from the system will be utilized across AVEC’s existing distribution network in the community. Communications with the installed turbines will be managed through an installed wireless system that links the wind generators with new controls located in the Shaktoolik powerhouse. All integration activities associated with the wind installation will be completed within the existing butler building. Final design activities are in progress and AVEC anticipates having all aspects of the wind energy system commissioned and fully operational by the end of 2011. Remaining integration activities are being executed internally by AVEC Operations and Engineering staff and equipment suppliers (Northern Power). AVEC is currently designing a SLC module internally (AVEC has procured this equipment from outside vendors in the past) which will be utilized for the Shaktoolik project. The design for the particular piece of equipment will be almost identical to other SLC’s designed for other AVEC wind-diesel applications (Mekoryuk, Quinhagak, and Emmonak as examples). The project will utilize a Wind Turbine Dispatch Controller, designed and constructed by AVEC, that will ultimately by integrated with the SLC. Almost identical to AVEC’s wind-diesel system under construction in Emmonak, the Shaktoolik installation will also utilize a dump load water heater to manage excess wind energy supplies and maintain overall system stability. This equipment is consistent with the fleet components that are found throughout the cooperative’s network of wind-diesel systems. Additional dump load heating equipment will be considered as necessary as AVEC gains operational experience with the new system. Due to relatively high penetration levels of Shaktoolik’s wind system, the completed project is expected to provide significant contributions towards heating loads. This operational situation will be considered during the development of final designs. The major integration components of Shaktoolik’s wind-diesel system consist of (equipment to be installed through the scope of this project in italic): šTwo (2) Northwind 100B wind turbines šWireless communication system (for installed wind turbines) šSmartView SCADA System šNorthern Power Wind Turbine Dispatch Controller (WTDC) šAVEC Secondary Load Controller (SLC) šSecondary Electric Load Equipment (dump load water heater and potentially additional resistive air heaters) šKohler Automated Switchgear šThree diesel-powered generator sets š207 kW š175 kW 10 š250 kW šKohler Supervisory Diesel Controller (PLC) Energy production estimates for the Shaktoolik wind system indicate that it should have an approximate 27.5% capacity factor which would result in average wind penetration level of 56% based on the reported average load of 98 kW (2009 data). It is expected that the penetration level of the completed wind system will result in operational situations when the energy output of the wind turbines exceeds the load in community. In situations when wind energy production exceeds current electricity demand within the community (along with total dump load capacity in the connected hot water heaters/heat loop) wind production is curtailed by shutting down wind turbines as necessary to maintain system stability. In Shaktoolik, it is also expected that these procedures will need to be fine tuned once the cooperative gains operational experience with this particular system. Decisions regarding the operation schedules for the Shaktoolik turbines along with the potential necessity for additional electric dump load equipment will be made through operational experience after the system is fully functional. AVEC anticipates the completion of all on-going integration activities for the Shaktoolik project during 2011. One way AVEC has accommodated excess wind energy without shutting down wind turbines in the past has been accomplished through the utilization of a Secondary Load Controller (SLC). AVEC has utilized this equipment at Selawik, Kasigluk and Toksook Bay with SLC’s supplied by Sustainable Automation. This is currently being completed at Chevak, Hooper Bay, and Gambell with SLC’s supplied by Northern Power as well. Similar to AVEC’s wind-diesel system in Quinhagak (and the one under construction in Emmonak), the cooperative will also utilize a SLC in Shaktoolik that is being designed, constructed, and installed through the AVEC’s internal Operations and Engineering departments in lieu of procuring a SLC supplied by an outside vendor as AVEC has done in th e past. The existing SLC’s at Selawik, Kasigluk, and Toksook Bay, and soon to be installed SLC’s in Chevak, Hooper Bay, and Gambell, all energize and de- energize resistive elements in a conventional water heater. At Shaktoolik, AVEC has decided to utilize a single dump load hot water heater (and potentially incorporate resistive air heaters if deemed necessary through operational experience) as load management equipment. As excess wind energy enters the electrical system, resistive elements within the water heater are turned on/off to balance overall energy flows and system parameters. The overall system design is almost identical to the systems AVEC is currently completing in Quinhagak and Emmonak. Primarily, the purpose of Shaktoolik’s SLC and resistive energy management equipment is to absorb excess energy generated by the wind turbines during periods of low village loads as well as to allow for maintaining some load on the diesels at all times. This will maintain overall system stability and reliability during periods of fluctuating wind. There is also an indication that through the extremely fast on/off switching of elements in the dump load hot water heater, the SLC will counter the rapid changes in the output of the wind turbines to improve overall power quality. It is expected that the AVEC designed SLC switching cabinet-dump load combinations will perform better than the systems previously supplied Sustainable Automation or Northern Power SLC switching cabinet-water heater combinations due to tighter and more integrated engineering elements. Similar in design to the dump load water heaters that AVEC has utilized in the past, the installed dump load water heater in Shaktoolik will have a total capacity above the total generation capacity of the wind system including all resistive steps. This design element will allow the boiler to accept additional energy supplies from the wind farm and on-line diesel genera tors if deemed prudent by operational set points and specific system settings. During the fabrication of the new SLC, the final size of the individual resistance steps (along with total resistive capacity) in the water heater will be documented. The water 11 heater consists of “off the shelf” technology and will be manufactured by Caloritech. Water heated though this system will be connected into the existing heat loop within the Shaktoolik power plant and utilized to offset the cooperative’s heating costs/operational cost at the facility. AVEC’s internally developed SLC is also being designed to incorporate the future functionality of dispatchable tertiary electric heating loads located across the community. It is anticipated that these tertiary systems (either hydronic or forced air) would be installed in public facilities (school, city offices, village corporation) and be utilized to supplement existing diesel fired heating systems in these facilities. The applicability and/or necessity of tertiary load management equipment and controls will be determined by AVEC once operational history/data is obtained from the newly installed wind system. Nonetheless, all integration equipment associated with the installation in Shaktoolik will be limited initially to the power house until AVEC gathers some operational experience with the new system. Once all integration work at Shaktoolik is complete, wind generated electricity will be managed through the utilization of the SLC. The primary function of the SLC will be to manage general generation parameters and set points established by the overarching diesel control system (PLC) which monitors village load conditions and diesel generation. The supervisory PLC controller also places generators on/off-line as required to meet system demands while sending appropriate signals to the SLC about the ability to turn wind generators on and off and where to direct wind generated electricity on the system (towards village electrical demand or towards heating loads). In Shaktoolik, as in all of AVEC’s automated village power systems, set points for individual generators are established in the PLC programming to regulate generator run times in order to: 1) Ensure that adequate generation capacity is on-line to meet current and anticipated system demands 2) Maximize diesel fuel efficiency 3) Provide individual generators within each village system relatively consistent run time 4) Maintain proper operation temperatures in the village power house Across AVEC’s network of isolated generation facilities, established generation set points vary widely depending on the make, model, and age of individual generators along with the overall system configuration in each village. Nonetheless, AVEC generally establishes set point parameters that allow individual generator sets to operate between 25% and 100% of their rated capacity. For example, in the case of a 200 kW diesel generator, an installed AVEC PLC would allow this particular generator to operate between 50 kW and 200 kW. Additionally, as a general operational rule, AVEC systems will not allow any generator to run below 50 kW of output at any given time, so the minimum set point of this particular set (or any generator below 200 kW max output) would be limited to 50 kW. AVEC’s general PLC programming guidelines will be followed in Shaktoolik which will essentially create three operational scenarios with the completed wind-diesel system: 1)Diesel Only Operation: When the wind turbines are offline, the generation system will function under normal demand control. When the system-wide demand exceeds 90% of the rated capacity generators currently on-line for more than 2 minutes, the PLC will automatically bring an additional (the most appropriately sized) generator on-line. Once the second generator is brought on-line and if demand drops below 80% of the generation capacity of either individual generator for a period of more than 5 minutes, one of the generators will be taken off-line. 12 2)Low Penetration Wind-Diesel Operation (system load greater 2x total wind project output): When conditions are such that the combined wind energy output is less than half the current total system demand, the power plant will function essentially as it does under diesel-only operation. In this mode, the PLC communicates with the WTDC to determine if/when turbines are allowed to run. Once this determination has been made, the installed SLC directs wind turbine energy supplies towards overall system demands (effectively reducing load on operating diesel generator sets) and/or diverts power to dump load heat elements as necessary to address quick shifts in power quality due to wind variation s. This functionality provides overall system stability and keeps generators running within established parameters. 3)Medium/High Penetration Wind-Diesel Operation (system load is less than 2X total wind project output): When the conditions are such that the combined wind turbine output is providing more than half of the total system demand, the SLC will control resistive heating elements in the installed dump load elements to ensure that generators are run above their minimum operating capacity. Thus, the SLC functions as an active load management device by diverting wind generated electricity towards the fulfillment of general system demands and/or resistance heating elements as necessary to maintain proper load management, overall system stability, and optimum efficiencies. Should temperatures in the dump load water heater rise above acceptable levels, warm air is vented from the facility to ensure that adequate heat load capacity is available. Should diesel generation demands drop below minimum loading set points through the loss of the SLC (or inability of the SLC to send excess energy to resistive elements), the PLC signals the WTDC to shutdown turbines as necessary to maintain system stability. As necessary, the SLC also controls the air heaters to deliver heat sufficient enough to maintain adequate loading capacity on operating diesel-generators. It is anticipated that under this operational scenario, some level of wind generated electricity would be diverted to resistive elements at all times. AVEC also anticipates having the WTDC module installed and commissioned in the Shaktoolik plant prior to the installation of the SLC. During this interim (period between WTDC commissioning and SLC commissioning), AVEC will run installed turbines conservatively through the use of the WTDC to manage wind generated electricity supplies. Under this temporary operational scenario, varying set point parameters will be tested and established to prevent wind generated energy supplies from overpowering the electrical system. These parameters will essentially limit the project to low instantaneous penetration levels until the SLC is installed later this year. AVEC anticipates the SLC to be installed concurrently with the installation of new, automated switchgear at the facility. Communication Integration Plan Reliable communications is essential to the monitoring, control and trouble shooting of the wind system installed in Shaktoolik. Northern Power’s web based Smart View SCADA System is the medium for providing this necessary information and control of the Shaktoolik wind system. AVEC will install a wireless communication system between the wind turbines and the Shaktoolik power plant to monitor energy production and system performance along with general turbine control. A decision was made to install a wireless system in lieu of the “hard wired” fiber optic cable system previously used at AVEC’s existing installations at Toksook Bay, Kasigluk, Savoonga, Hooper Bay and Gambell. The wireless system will be identical to what is currently being deployed in Mekoryuk, Quinhagak and Emmonak and consists of standardized AVEC fleet components. 13 Hardware for the communication system at Shaktoolik will consist of a L-Com Global Connectivity Hyperlink Wireless 900 MHZ Professional 8 dBi High Performance Omni Antenna Model HG908U-PRO at each wind turbine and at the power plant. This antenna is attached to a fiberglass support beam secured to the W36 main beam of each wind tower foundation with the top of the antenna 11’ 2- 5/32” above the top of the wind tower foundation and located to the right side of the steel service mast. AVEC Operations is expected to specify B & B Electronics LMR 400 cabling with an outside diameter of .405” and protected it with 2” liquid tight flex from the antenna to the spare conduit routed into the interior of the wind tower with the final designs. Inside the tower, AVEC Operations will utilize a new Hoffman cabinet mounted to the side of the Down Tower Junction Box. Included in this cabinet will be a 900 MHZ Wireless Ethernet Bridge. Both the bridge and the Ethernet switch utilize a 120 V power supply. At the Shaktoolik power house, AVEC will utilize the same antenna as in Quinhagak and Mekoryuk. The antenna cable will then be routed to a Hergo Brand 24” x 14” x 18” Communications Cabinet located in the Butler building. This Communications Cabinet will house the proposed Ethernet Bridge and the proposed Ethernet switch and is also supplied with 120 V power. Through this system, communications between the installed turbines and the Shaktoolik power house will be managed through the utilization of Northe rn Power’s SmartView Monitoring System which provides a data logging and diagnostic interface required to provide remote support for the Northwind 100. The SmartView platform provides a user-friendly, real-time monitoring, control, and reporting platform. The SmartView platform allows access to turbine control features, and reporting for wind turbine owners, remote monitoring services from the Northern Power Network Operations Center (NOC). The SmartView platform is based on a web-based HMI, but is currently being retooled to operate on AVEC’s internal Intranet. Ultimately, AVEC will assume all monitoring responsibilities for their fleet of Northwind turbines, but will continue to utilize Northern Power’s monitoring services for the Emmonak installation throughout the turbine warranty period (two years post-commissioning). Up to this time, Northern Power will provide web-based access so the 24/7 staffed NOC based in Vermont can provide support and turbine monitoring services to make sure the fleet is up and running and producing power at its optimum output. This configuration ensures that when a fault does occur, the system can get back on-line with the least amount of downtime. It is anticipated that the project will be operational through the use of the WTDC prior to AVEC assuming full monitoring responsibilities. General SmartView Specifications: Form Browser based real time human-machine interface (HMI). Distribution Via the Internet or an organization’s Intranet, allowing authorized personnel access to the system. Access Available on the web for public viewing or can be configured to operate within a network’s firewall. Information Included: Energy production, wind speed, capacity factor, turbine availability, estimated cost savings, and historical data. Once integration activities are completed and the SmartView system retooling is complete, AVEC will continue to utilize a modified version of the existing SmartView platform for system management and control. 14 Mechanical Design Due to the relatively high penetration level of the completed wind installation in Shaktoolik, the new wind system is expected to provide thermal energy contributions. AVEC will install load management equipment to manage this thermal energy/excess wind energy generated through the completed project. These particular integration components are included within the scope of this project to: šEnsure a high level of system stability šFully utilize all wind generated energy šIncorporate integration components that will allow for relatively seamless project expansion in the future Mechanical equipment installed through the scope of work in this project includes an electric dump load water heater and will be managed through the installed Secondary Load Controller and overarching power plant PLC. The installed water heater will be physically located in the Butler building and piped into an existing heat recovery system within the Shaktoolik power plant. An additional pump will be added during the installation of this equipment, but all other existing mechanical equipment will be unchanged. A mechanical drawing of the Shaktoolik power house that documents existing equipment, radiators, pumps, and controls is included as an attachment to this document. The existing heat recovery system at the Shaktoolik plant is piped directly to existing generator sets to capture heat/facilitate cooling during the generation process. At this time, the existing heat loop is located entirely within the generation facility, however, the potential expansion of the system to additional buildings within the community will be considered during the generation of final designs. Due to the relatively high expected thermal contributions of the installed wind system, it is also expected that some operational procedures regarding heat utilization will need to be adjusted once the completed wind project is operational and the cooperative gains operational experience with the system. The installed electric water heater will be sized well above any expected instantaneous power contributions from the installed wind system and comfortably within the overall mechanical system heat limitations. The water heater will be manufactured by Caloritech (CCI Thermal Technologies) with standard “off the shelf” technology that is consistent with existing fleet wide components utilized by the cooperative. 15 Operations Planning Once the Shaktoolik project is commissioned, AVEC will incorporate the new wind-diesel system into the cooperative’s existing operational and maintenance programs that are in place across the utility’s network of generation facilities. The project will be operated in a manner that will provide the greatest level of fuel savings possible. Currently, AVEC employs numerous individuals that have received factory direct training regarding the installation, operation, and regular maintenance procedures of the turbines that will be installed in Shaktoolik. AVEC has sent participants to Northern Power’s Level I and Level II wind technician trainings since 2005. These trainings occur at various times throughout the year. In anticipation of this particular project, AVEC sent a local resident from Emmonak to the turbine training in 2009 to make sure that there will be at least one individual with an understanding of the installed generators in the community. Once the project is commissioned, AVEC will follow the regular annual maintenance procedures outlined in Operation and Maintenance manuals supplied by Northern Power. These practices are consistent with the procedures that are implemented at all existing wind-diesel facilities maintained by AVEC. The completed project will be incorporated in the cooperative’s over-all depreciation schedules, maintained, and operated consistent with all other generation assets that are managed by the cooperative. The project presents no challenges or necessary changes to existing business practices maintained by AVEC. The installed turbines are covered under a two year manufacturer’s warranty which includes all parts and labor associated with repairs under this break-in period. Once this period expires, AVEC will maintain responsibility for performing any necessary repair or maintenance work. This procedure is identical to all other wind-diesel systems managed by the cooperative including those funded through AEA’s Renewable Energy Fund program. Should the project be expanded at a later date (additional installed turbines), AVEC will re-evaluate the potential availability of thermal/excess energy supplies and determine if enough will be produced to justify generating a thermal sales agreement and appropriate transmission infrastructure for these energy supplies. Attached to this document are complete warranty terms for the procured Northwind turbines included as part of the executed sales agreement. 16 Attachments 1. Updated Project Master Schedule 2. Electrical System Diagrams (15 sheets) a. Ground Grid Installation Diagram – 1 Sheet b. Shaktoolik Plant Plans – 4 Sheets c. Shaktoolik Control Module Foundation – 2 Sheets d. Shaktoolik 480V Sectionalizing Diagram – 1 Sheet e. Power Plant Wireway Diagrams – 3 Sheets 17 Activity IDResponsDepartmeActivity NameAtompletionActivity%CompleteStartFinishSHKT ShaktooSHKT ShaktoolikSHKT Shaktoolik2215d01-Jan-06 A08-Feb-12Shaktoolik Install Shaktoolik Install Two WinShaktoolik Install Two Wind Turbines2215d01-Jan-06 A08-Feb-12SHKT.WND.1730A.MMStop Work Issued0d100%16-Jun-10 ASHKT.WND.1720A.MMResume Work (Based on FAA Permit Approval)0d100%01-Sep-10 AConceptual DesignConceptual Design ReportConceptual Design Report260d01-Jan-07 A31-Dec-07 ASite Control (WO 97Site Control (WO 9724631)Site Control (WO 9724631)2215d01-Jan-06 A08-Feb-12Replat and RecordReplat and RecordReplat and Record2073d17-May-06 A01-Feb-12SHKT.WND.1010A.MMConveyed to AVEC0d100%17-May-06 A17-May-06 ASHKT.WND.1020S.SOReplat and Record After Construction10d0%11-Sep-1120-Sep-11SHKT.WND.1380A.MMDNR Approve Draft Plat120d0%21-Sep-1118-Jan-12SHKT.WND.1390A.MMRecord Replat and Quit Claim14d0%19-Jan-1201-Feb-12Convey to AVECConvey to AVECConvey to AVEC1607d01-Jan-06 A09-Jun-10 AConvey BackConvey BackConvey Back5d02-Feb-1208-Feb-12SHKT.WND.1040A.MMConvey Back to City5d0%02-Feb-1208-Feb-12Permitting (WO 97Permitting (WO 9724631)Permitting (WO 9724631)106d17-May-10 A01-Sep-10 AFunding (AEA)Funding (AEA)Funding (AEA)913d01-Jul-09 A05-Jan-12SHKT.WND.1060A.AWAEA Project 2195463908d74.78%01-Jul-09 A30-Dec-11SHKT.WND.1950A.MMFunding Agreement Signed0d100%16-Apr-10 ASHKT.WND.1940A.MMProgress Report #1: Inception through October 31, 20100d100%08-Nov-10 ASHKT.WND.2080A.MM65% Design Review0d100%31-Jan-11 ASHKT.WND.1960A.MMProgress Report #2: November 2010-January 20110d100%01-Feb-11 ASHKT.WND.1970A.MMMonthly Progress Report: February 20110d0%16-May-11SHKT.WND.1980A.MMMonthly Progress Report: March 20110d0%16-May-11SHKT.WND.1990A.MMMonthly Progress Report: April 20110d0%16-May-11SHKT.WND.2000A.MMMonthly Progress Report: May 20110d0%03-Jun-11*SHKT.WND.2010A.MMMonthly Progress Report: June 20110d0%05-Jul-11*SHKT.WND.2020A.MMMonthly Progress Report: July 20110d0%05-Aug-11*SHKT.WND.2030A.MMMonthly Progress Report: August 20110d0%05-Sep-11*SHKT.WND.2040A.MMMonthly Progress Report: September 20110d0%05-Oct-11*SHKT.WND.2050A.MMMonthly Progress Report: October 20110d0%04-Nov-11*SHKT.WND.2060A.MMMonthly Progress Report: November 20110d0%05-Dec-11*SHKT.WND.2070A.MMMonthly Progress Report: December 20110d0%05-Jan-12*SystemSystemSystem560d20-Apr-10 A02-Nov-11Power Plant 480v CPower Plant 480v ConversionPower Plant 480v Conversion (WO TBD)171d16-May-1102-Nov-11Engineering and DEngineering and DesignEngineering and Design30d16-May-1124-Jun-11SHKT.WND.1550AENDesign 480V Conversion (Greg?)30d0%16-May-1124-Jun-11MaterialsMaterialsMaterials32d28-Jun-1129-Jul-11SHKT.WND.1560AENGenerate 480V Conversion Staking Sheet0d0%28-Jun-11SHKT.WND.1570AOPCommit 480V Conversion Staking Sheet and Generate Ticket0d0%29-Jun-11SHKT.WND.1580APRProcure 480V Conversion Materials30d0%30-Jun-1129-Jul-11InstallationInstallationInstallation95d31-Jul-1102-Nov-11SHKT.WND.1590AOPConvert Plant to 480V90d0%31-Jul-1128-Oct-11SHKT.WND.1660AOPCommission New Plant Configuration5d0%29-Oct-1102-Nov-11New Automated SwNew Automated Switchgear (New Automated Switchgear (WO 9724621)528d17-May-10 A28-Oct-11Engineering and DEngineering and DesignEngineering and Design26d18-Mar-11 A25-Apr-11 AAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec2011 Shaktoolik Install Two Wind Turbines Multi-Project 1AVEC SchedulerSean Robbinssrobbins@avec.crg; 351-4752Page 1 of 3Printed 16-May-11 08:43Remaining Level of EffortActual Level of EffortPrimary BaselineActual WorkRemaining WorkCritical Remaining WorkBaseline Miles...MilestoneAVEC Project Schedule By Village and Project Data Date: 16-May-11 Activity IDResponsDepartmeActivity NameAtompletionActivity%CompleteStartFinishSHKT.WND.1890AENEngineer Switchgear Install (Adam)26d100%18-Mar-11 A25-Apr-11 AMaterialsMaterialsMaterials468d17-May-10 A29-Aug-11SHKT.WND.1090APRProcure Switchgear (PO103401, ticket 4372)134d100%17-May-10 A29-Sep-10 ASHKT.WND.1900S.SOShip Switchgear to Shaktoolik30d0%31-Jul-1129-Aug-11InstallationInstallationInstallation60d30-Aug-1128-Oct-11SHKT.WND.1120AOPRetrofit new switchgear into existing Butler building60d0%30-Aug-1128-Oct-11Switching Cabinet Switching Cabinet (WO 97246Switching Cabinet (WO 9724621)225d01-Feb-11 A13-Sep-11Engineering and DEngineering and DesignEngineering and Design18d01-Feb-11 A25-Feb-11 AMaterialsMaterialsMaterials0d25-Feb-11 A25-Feb-11 AInstallationInstallationInstallation45d31-Jul-1113-Sep-11SHKT.WND.1510AOPInstall Switching Cabinet45d0%31-Jul-1113-Sep-11Secondary Load (WSecondary Load (WO 972463Secondary Load (WO 9724631)319d29-Oct-10 A13-Sep-11Engineering and DEngineering and DesignEngineering and Design151d29-Oct-10 A27-May-11SHKT.WND.1260A.BTOps Decide SLC Configuration (w/ Heat Recovery?)0d100%29-Oct-10 ASHKT.WND.1170AENDesign Secondary Load System (Adam)10d0%16-May-1127-May-11MaterialsMaterialsMaterials242d29-Oct-10 A28-Jun-11SHKT.WND.1520A.BTGenerate Secondary Load Staking Sheet0d100%29-Oct-10 ASHKT.WND.1530AOPCommit Secondary Load Staking Sheet and Generate Ticket0d0%29-May-11SHKT.WND.1540APRProcure Secondary Load Materials30d0%30-May-1128-Jun-11InstallationInstallationInstallation45d31-Jul-1113-Sep-11SHKT.WND.1240AOPInstall Secondary Loads in/on Butler Building45d0%31-Jul-1113-Sep-11AVEC Dispatch ConAVEC Dispatch Controller (WAVEC Dispatch Controller (WO 9724621)171d16-May-1102-Nov-11Engineering and DEngineering and DesignEngineering and Design5d16-May-1120-May-11SHKT.WND.1640A.BTDesign Dispatch Controller (Installation Details)5d0%16-May-1120-May-11MaterialsMaterialsMaterials5d21-May-1125-May-11SHKT.WND.1650APRProcure Dispatch Controller5d0%21-May-1125-May-11InstallationInstallationInstallation5d29-Oct-1102-Nov-11SHKT.WND.1320A.BTCommission Wind Control and Secondary Load System5d0%29-Oct-1102-Nov-11Wireless Turbine CoWireless Turbine Controls (WWireless Turbine Controls (WO 9724621)159d21-Mar-11 A26-Aug-11Engineering and DEngineering and DesignEngineering and Design4d21-Mar-11 A25-Mar-11 AMaterialsMaterialsMaterials54d28-Mar-11 A20-May-11SHKT.WND.1610A.BTGenerate Wireless Staking Sheet0d100%28-Mar-11 ASHKT.WND.1620AOPCommit Wireless Staking Sheet and Generate Ticket0d100%28-Mar-11 ASHKT.WND.1330APRProcure Wireless Communications Materials (off-the-shelf)50d0%01-Apr-11 A20-May-11InstallationInstallationInstallation5d22-Aug-1126-Aug-11SHKT.WND.1340AOPInstall Wireless Communications5d0%22-Aug-1126-Aug-11Satellite CommunicSatellite Communications (WSatellite Communications (WO 9724633)153d01-Apr-11 A31-Aug-11Engineering and DEngineering and DesignEngineering and Design10d01-Apr-11 A11-Apr-11 AMaterialsMaterialsMaterials34d16-May-1118-Jun-11SHKT.WND.2130AENGenerate Starband Staking Sheet1d0%16-May-1116-May-11SHKT.WND.2140AOPCommit Starband Staking Sheet1d0%18-May-1118-May-11SHKT.WND.2150APRProcure Starband Materials30d0%20-May-1118-Jun-11InstallationInstallationInstallation10d22-Aug-1131-Aug-11SHKT.WND.2160AOPInstall Starband System10d0%22-Aug-1131-Aug-11Distribution to TurbDistribution to Turbines (WODistribution to Turbines (WO 9714661)487d20-Apr-10 A21-Aug-11Engineering and DEngineering and DesignEngineering and Design25d20-Apr-10 A25-May-10 AMaterialsMaterialsMaterials349d17-May-10 A02-May-11 AInstallationInstallationInstallation10d12-Aug-1121-Aug-11SHKT.WND.1110AOPFinish Installing Lines to Turbine Site10d0%12-Aug-1121-Aug-11Wind Turbine (WO 9Wind Turbine (WO 9724631)Wind Turbine (WO 9724631)504d06-May-10 A23-Sep-11Engineering and DEngineering and DesignEngineering and Design308d06-May-10 A11-Mar-11 AAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec2011 Shaktoolik Install Two Wind Turbines Multi-Project 1AVEC SchedulerSean Robbinssrobbins@avec.crg; 351-4752Page 2 of 3Printed 16-May-11 08:43 Activity IDResponsDepartmeActivity NameAtompletionActivity%CompleteStartFinishMaterialsMaterialsMaterials365d19-Jul-10 A19-Jul-11SHKT.WND.1830NPSShip Blade from CA to VT for Coating4d100%19-Jul-10 A23-Jul-10 ASHKT.WND.1860NPSCoat Blades1d100%26-Jul-10 A26-Jul-10 ASHKT.WND.1150S.GMShip Towers from Chevak (37m)17d100%07-Sep-10 A24-Sep-10 ASHKT.WND.1160NPSTransport Nacelles from VT to Seattle (20 ft containers)6d100%25-Apr-11 A01-May-11 ASHKT.WND.1760NPSTransport Blades from VT to Seattle (40 ft container)6d100%25-Apr-11 A01-May-11 ASHKT.WND.1750S.SOShip Turbine Components from Seattle to Shaktoolik30d40%04-May-11 A02-Jun-11SHKT.WND.1220S.SOSTG Procure Tower Foundation Materials10d0%16-May-11*25-May-11SHKT.WND.2100S.SOConcrete Tech Precast Bases in Seattle21d0%30-May-11*19-Jun-11SHKT.WND.2110S.SOShip Precast Bases from Seattle to Shaktoolik30d0%20-Jun-1119-Jul-11InstallationInstallationInstallation211d25-Feb-11 A23-Sep-11SHKT.WND.2090S.SOShane Oyster Replaced Gary Matthews as STG PM0d100%25-Feb-11 ASHKT.WND.1230S.SOSTG Mobilize Eqpt from Multiple Locations, Western Alaska30d0%01-Jul-11*30-Jul-11SHKT.WND.1910S.SOSet Precast Turbine Foundations15d0%31-Jul-1114-Aug-11SHKT.WND.1190S.SOErect Towers5d0%15-Aug-1119-Aug-11SHKT.WND.1200S.SOInstall Nacelle and Blades5d0%20-Aug-1124-Aug-11SHKT.WND.1130NPSTurbines Commissioned to Operate0d0%25-Aug-11SHKT.WND.1600S.SOSTG Demobilize30d0%25-Aug-1123-Sep-11SHKT.WND.1410NPSNPS Commission SmartView Package2d0%27-Aug-1128-Aug-11SHKT.WND.1420AOPProvide Information for SCADA Screens5d0%29-Aug-1102-Sep-11SHKT.WND.1430AOPInstall SCADA Equipment5d0%03-Sep-1107-Sep-11SHKT.WND.1440NPSOverall Turbine System Commissioning0d0%08-Sep-11SHKT.WND.1350AOPTurbine Should be Available to Generate Power0d0%13-Sep-11As-Builting (WO 97As-Builting (WO 9724631)As-Builting (WO 9724631)22d25-Aug-1115-Sep-11SHKT.WND.1400S.SOProvide Turbine As-Built Info5d0%25-Aug-1129-Aug-11SHKT.WND.1460AOPInventory Excess Materials for STG Backhauling2d0%25-Aug-1126-Aug-11SHKT.WND.1140A.BTDocument System Logic3d0%08-Sep-1110-Sep-11SHKT.WND.1360AOPSurvey and Document As-Built Conditions, Red Lines3d0%08-Sep-1110-Sep-11SHKT.WND.1300AENEngineer Inspect3d0%08-Sep-1110-Sep-11SHKT.WND.1450AOPInventory Excess Materials2d0%08-Sep-1109-Sep-11SHKT.WND.1370AENIncorporate Red Line and As-Buit Data into Drawings5d0%11-Sep-1115-Sep-11AprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec2011 Shaktoolik Install Two Wind Turbines Multi-Project 1AVEC SchedulerSean Robbinssrobbins@avec.crg; 351-4752Page 3 of 3Printed 16-May-11 08:43