HomeMy WebLinkAboutTatitlek Wind_Hydro Feasibility Assessment - Dec 2011 - REF Grant 2195461Page | 1 Tatitlek Renewable Energy Resource Assessment AEA REF Grant #2195461 Submitted: December 22 nd , 2011 P Tatitlek Corporation 561 East 36th Ave. Anchorage, AK 99503 TDX Power 615 E 82 nd Ave, Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99518 Page | 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Background ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Wind Study .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Preliminary Siting ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Data Collection .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Ferry Dock ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Upland Meadow .................................................................................................................................... 8 Avian Study ................................................................................................................................................... 9 Hydroelectric Study ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Appendix 1 Avian Study ...........................................................................................................................10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Tatitlek Village IRA Council received a grant from the State of Alaska under the Alaska and/or hydroelectric development for the Tatitlek community. The Tatitlek Corporation and Tatitlek Village IRA Council jointly managed the project and commissioned TDX Power to complete the studies. The primary hydroelectric alternative is a spur line from a megawatt-scale hydroelectric project at Silver Lake that would be built primarily to serve the nearby community of Valdez. That larger project, however, is currently not being pursued; consequently, the Tatitlek spur line is not feasible at this time. Anemometry was installed in two locations near the village. Data from June 2010 August 2011 show the wind resource to be poor in both locations. An avian study was also conducted. No threatened or endangered species were observed in the project study area. No further study is planned at this time. Page | 3 BACKGROUND The village of Tatitlek is located on the eastern shore of Prince William Sound, approximately 21 miles southwest of the port town of Valdez [Fig 1]. The Tatitlek Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) Energy Fund to study the potential of wind power and hydroelectric power in Tatitlek. Wind development was the preferred alternative of the IRA Council and, therefore, the major focus of this report. Figure 1 Satellite image of Tatitlek and nearby south-central Alaska communities WIND STUDY PRELIMINARY SITING The AEA Alaska wind map [Fig 2] identifies the greatest wind potential for Tatitlek on or near the ridge northeast of town, on the flanks of Ellamar Mountain, 1500-2000 vertical Page | 4 feet above the town. However, the ridge is very steep and inaccessible for construction activities. Therefore, the study area was limited to the immediate vicinity of the village of Tatitlek. Figure 2 - AEA Wind Map of area surrounding Tatitlek The US Fish and Wildlife Service determined in December 2008 that no bald eagle nests were documented in the vicinity of Tatitlek, and only recommended that turbines be located away from the dump. A scoping site visit was performed in June 2010 to finalize site selection. Two sites were identified for anemometer tower installations, see Figure 3. The first site is in an upland meadow, east of the town site. The second is at the ferry dock, on the west edge of town. Both locations are within1/4 mile of the existing electrical distribution system. The upland meadow site was selected as a backup, in case the concurrent avian study indicated that bird activity at the ferry dock would preclude wind development along the coast. Anemometers were installed at both locations by the end of July 2010. Page | 5 Figure 3 - Map showing anemometer locations DATA COLLECTION Ferry Dock Two anemometers were installed 150 degrees apart, at the top of the ferry dock light pole, 30 meters above the dock. Each is mounted on a standard NRG® boom, attached to the light assembly (see Figure 4). The light pole causes significantly more disturbance to the wind when compared to a standard tower. The reported data is based on the highest- reading anemometer, which minimizes the effects that turbulence and shading from the tower or light assembly had on the data. The Channel 1 anemometer failed on June 1, 2011. From June 2011 to August 2011, the Channel 2 anemometer was used exclusively. Figure 4 - Ferry dock anemometry pictures Upland Meadow Ferry Dock Page | 6 Data was collected from July 22, 2010, through August 22, 2011, with a mean wind speed of 2.53 meters/second (m/s) at 30 meters. The seasonal profile is shown in Figure 5, below. The windiest months were November through February. Figure 5 - Seasonal Wind Speed Profile from highest reading anemometer at the Ferry Dock. More-robust sensing and recording equipment was used at the ferry dock, resulting in significantly improved data collection rates when compared to those from the upper meadow (see next section). The results, however, are no more promising for wind development in Tatitlek. The power winds came primarily from the southwest and southeast; see the wind energy rose (Figure 6). Figure 6 - Wind Energy Rose Page | 7 Based on the configuration of the anemometers near the light assembly, high turbulence readings were to be expected, as well as significant tower shading. Figure 7 shows the tower shading effect. Anemometer 2 was shaded primarily by southwest winds, while anemometer 1 was shaded by easterly winds and north-northwest winds. Figure 7 Tower shading wind rose Figure 8 shows the turbulence intensity for the Channel 2 anemometer, which measures 0.224 at 15m/s wind speed. This value falls within the IEC Turbulence Category S ; however, it is likely inflated above actual turbulence levels. If further studies are performed, a standard anemometer tower should be utilized. If that were done, lower turbulence intensity values would likely be measured due to lower disturbance from the tower. Page | 8 Figure 8 - Turbulence Intensity We were not able to calculate wind shear, since all sensors were installed at a single elevation. Upland Meadow A Power Predictor anemometer was installed at a height of 7 meters and started collecting data September 29, 2010. Installation of a larger anemometer tower was not possible because site access was limited to ATVs and foot traffic. Data collection continued until August 2, 2011. Some significant gaps were observed in the data (see Figure 9). Approximately 4.5 months worth of vetted data was collected, from March 25, 2011 through August 2, 2011. The average measured wind speed at 7 meters was 1.1 m/s. Page | 9 Figure 9 - Upper Meadow measured wind speed at 7-meter height AVIAN STUDY An avian study was performed concurrent with the wind resource assessment. Data was collected from June 2010 through May 20 ,2011. Limited bird sightings were observed, including bald eagles along the coast. The avian study results are included as Appendix 1. If wind development were to progress, further bird studies and a bat study is recommended. HYDROELECTRIC STUDY A literature review was performed to evaluate hydroelectric potential in the immediate vicinity of Tatitlek. The primary alternative for hydroelectric development is the nearby Silver Lake project, initially proposed by Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) to serve the nearby community of Valdez. Silver Lake is located on the eastern edge of Prince William Sound, between Tatitlek and Valdez. In 1915, it was identified by the United States Geological Survey as the most promising hydroelectric project in Prince William Sound. Recent pre-feasibility studies performed by Copper Valley Electric Association identified a feasible 15 megawatt power plant. Planners had envisioned tapping off this development to serve Tatitlek with an overhead spur line. In its February 2011 Strategic Issues Paper, CVEA announced that the board of directors had tabled the project due to the relatively high estimated cost of power, and uncertain permitting and land-use potential. With this announcement, Silver Lake is not seen as a viable option for hydroelectric development for Tatitlek. No further study of hydroelectric potential was conducted under this project. Page | 10 APPENDIX 1 AVIAN STUDY TO: Martin Miller August 5, 2011 Project Manager TDX Power, Inc., Village Power Group FROM: Business Contact: Knik Tribal Council Technical Contact: Richard Porter / Executive Director Bruce Wright, Director rporter@kniktribe.org bwright@kniktribe.org Final Report: Bird Movement Study in Support of a Proposed Wind Farm at Tatitlek, Alaska Introduction: The principal goal of this baseline bird study is to describe the temporal and spatial use by birds of the study area and provide baseline information on avian species sufficiently to use in evaluating the probable impact of installation of a wind turbine in Tatitlek, Alaska. Study History: The Knik Tribal Council (KTC) established the avian monitoring plan and changed the plan to reflect changes in turbine siting, provided avian monitoring protocol training to a local agent, collected avian data to determine bird activity at the delineated areas around the turbine sites described in the RFQ through December 17, 2010, record dead or downed (injured) birds at the site that may be the result of collisions with the meteorological tower, and prepared an avian monitoring dataset including back-up information and complete avian data. During May 2010, the contract was finalized and on June 1, 2010, Bruce Wright flew to Tatitlek to assist Connie Fredenberg in siting the met towers, meet the local people, arrange for a field technician, and offer ge work and preparing for the avian study. Page | 11 We identified a met tower site and Wright surveyed the area for bird activity. Consistent with early work in the area, gulls and kittiwakes traversed the area flying east and west along the shore and over the water. Bald eagles perched in the taller trees along the shore from north of the ferry terminal to town and the airport. During a total of 1.5 hours of observation time, four bald eagle sightings occurred where the eagle(s) flew just southeast of the designated observation area/study zone; (see yellow circle in Figure 1 of the Study Plan: BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES IN SUPPORT OF A PROPOSED WINDFARM AT TATITLEK in APPENDIX A). The only birds seen in the study zone were overflights (> 200 feet) of common snipes. A common snipe and song sparrow were flushed from the muskeg just southeast of the study zone. A change in personnel left the site without an observer from June 2010 September 2010. On my subsequent trip to Tatitlek in September 2010, I trained another technician, Ricky Kompkoff, to follow the established procedures/protocol for collecting data (see below). The technician was selected because of his availability, interest and experience in the local area with observing and identifying birds and other species. The observations were taken from the road between the ferry dock and power plant north across the open muskeg where the met tower will be installed. During the project Wright assisted Fredenberg and Rich Stromberg (Alaska Energy Authority) with the FAA permit process and contacts, secured some wind data from an existing weather station near the ferry terminal (http://ambcs.org/cgi-bin/siteHourlyData.cgi), attended meetings at the Alaska Energy Authority with Fredenberg and Stromberg, and assisted on this project by making decisions on met tower siting and collecting data cards from the met towers in Tatitlek. Data: Night observations (totaling 19 hours) did not reveal any night bird or bat sightings. No murreletes were seen or heard during the study. No bald eagles nests were observed in the study area. The observers regularly spotted swans, gulls and eagles flying along the beach (but over the water, which is outside the study area). More eagles begin using the beach area beginning in January when the schools of herring show up in front of Tatitlek. The herring usually spawn in Tatitlek Narrows in April and are accompanied by bald eagles, gulls and other species, all of which spend little time more than 200 yards from the beach. See (APPENDIX B). Data Summary: Observation Period: June 1, 2010 to May 20, 2011 Observation Time: Bruce Wright: 57.5 hours Tatitlek Technician: 700 hours Total: 757.5 hours Number of days with observations: 99 days Page | 12 Coastal bird sightings: These sightings were incidental to the observations of the upper meadow and outside the study plan. However, since they were made, the bird observations in the community are included in the dataset APPENDIX A. Proposed deployment of wind turbines in the community would likely cause bird mortalities (jays, crows and sparrows). Upper meadow bird sightings (inclusive of all field observations) were few and consisted of the following three observations: Bald eagle 1000 feet about meadow (9/28/10) Bald eagle 200 feet over water tank (10/1/10) (see image in observations below in APPENDIX B) Gulls seen flying in the meadow throughout the day (5/11/11) Dead or downed birds: None found Conclusions: Most of the bird activity was outside the study area, along the coast; gulls, bald eagles, crows, swans, jays, swallows and song sparrows were regularly seen nearby and flying over the beach and community. Very little bird activity was seen within the project study area. Bird mortalities in the upper meadow would be low and not likely to exceed one large bird (bald eagle or Larus gull) per year. Based on the bird observations in the community, it appears more bird activity occurs along the coast, from over the water to 30 meters inland. Further from the coast, the eagle and gull activity appears to decrease, but crows and jays can be seen throughout the community. If wind turbine development were to occur in the community, I recommend further bird studies in that area. No endangered species were seen during this study. If wind turbine development was to advance in the Tatitlek area, I recommend a bat study. The Cordov the Tatitlek area. Page | 13 APPENDIX A: Study Plan: BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES IN SUPPORT OF A PROPOSED WINDFARM AT TATITLEK (see below) which is a project deliverable. Study Plan: BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES IN SUPPORT OF A PROPOSED WINDFARM AT TATITLEK Project: Tatitlek Renewable Energy Study, Tatitlek, AK. Avian Study, BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES IN SUPPORT OF A PROPOSED WINDFARM AT TATITLEK The principal goals of the baseline bird studies are to quantitatively describe the temporal and spatial use by birds of the study area and provide baseline information on avian species and their habitat, sufficient for use in evaluating the probable impact of installation of a wind turbine in Tatitlek, Alaska. The specific methods to achieving the goals of this work are: - TDX Power (Matt Miller) will designate responsible local agent(s) and maintain oversight. - The Knik Tribal Council (KTC) will provide avian monitoring protocol training to local agent(s), collect avian data to determine bird activity at the delineated areas around the turbine site, record any dead or downed (injured) birds at the site that may be the result of collisions with the meteorological tower, and prepare avian monitoring reports including back-up information and complete avian data. Methods: The duration of the study will be one year, from summer 2010 through spring 2011. TDX Power will arrange for Tatitlek resident(s) to be trained to assist in collecting bird movement data. KTC will provide the study protocols and training. The data collection will consist of two main types of sampling: visual surveys and audiovisual surveys. The emphasis of all sampling will be to quantify the movements of birds at the proposed wind farm location adjacent to Tatitlek. All surveys will be accompanied by a standardized set of environmental data collected at the beginning of all sampling sessions: wind direction, wind speed, cloud cover, ceiling height, minimal horizontal visibility, light condition and precipitation. KTC staff will conduct several surveys during this study. They will use binoculars to conduct visual surveys during the daytime and nighttime. In addition, shorter and randomly spaced observation data will be used to validate the established observation schedule. The visual observers will locate and identify as many bird targets as possible. 24 hour observation periods will require more than one observer at the site and are required to test (calibrate) the basic observation methodology. Audiovisual surveys are used at night or during periods of low visibility (e.g., fog). Birds that are heard calling also will be recorded (e.g., murreletes). Page | 14 The US Fish and Wildlife Service was consulted and they are not aware of any bald eagle nests in the area. KTC staff will survey the area for bald eagle nests (active and inactive), roosts and perches, and incorporate the findings in the analysis and report. Seabirds and especially kittiwakes and some Larus gulls traverse Tatitlek Narrows between nesting colonies in Shoup Bay and the Cordova fish processing facility. Close attention to these bird flight paths will be noted and reported. Murreletes nest and roost on the land (or in trees) at night and often fly to and from these sites in low light. Special attention will be made to note murreletes flight movements and routes. The field technician, Ricky Kompkoff, will follow the established procedures/protocol (see below) for collecting data. The technician was selected because of his availability, interest and experience in the local area with observing and identifying birds and other species. The observations will be done from the road between the ferry dock and power plant north across the open muskeg where the met tower will be installed (Figure 1). Figure 1. Tatitlek study site in the yellow area circle and observation zone is red. Protocol, Tatitlek: Birds have been observed to collide with the blades of wind generators and associated infrastructure (e.g., meteorological stations). This project is designed to assess potential and real bird strikes at the guyed meteorological tower at Tatitlek, Alaska. The field technician, Ricky Kompkoff, will follow established procedures for collecting data to help evaluate the hazard of the towers to birds. Mr. Kompkoff was selected because of his experience in the local area with observing and identifying birds and other species of interest (e.g., bears and Page | 15 e has time available, but at least twice per week. To ensure observation consistency, Bruce Wright will travel to Tatitlek to train the field technician and gather data to reduce variability and increase confidence in search techniques. Mr. Malcuit will: (1) Make observations at least twice every week throughout the year to include spring and fall migration periods, and morning, afternoon, evening and night observations, and use the optical equipment provided (scope, binoculars, tripod and reference books) (2) Make observations from a location about 100-300 m from the guyed met tower (shown in red in Figure 1). (3) Approach the site in a vehicle to about 100-300 m from the guyed met tower; spend 30 minutes recording any predators or scavengers, especially dogs, ravens, or bald eagles. We are interested in collecting data on animals that may be scavenging tower-killed birds in the upper meadow. (4) Record all birds sited during the observation period(s), their numbers, heading of flight and approximate flight altitudes (shown in the blue circle in Figure 1). (5) After the 30-minute observation period is finished, exit the vehicle and walk the area under the tower up to 50 m (150 ft) out from tower or as permitted by thick vegetation, boggy ground and snow depth; record any dead birds found, including partially scavenged ones. Photograph all dead birds. Note any tracks in the snow or dirt, including rabbit (introduced snowshoe hare) and dog tracks and any other signs of predators (e.g., scat). (6) Record all observations of dead or downed birds. Include date, time of observations, observer's name, weather conditions, visibility, and observations (to include species of birds moving in the area and their proximity and altitude in relation to the met tower and proposed wind turbine; flight behaviors near the tower (e.g., fly through the wires, avoid wires, etc.); if dead birds are found, note their location on an area map, photograph the dead bird to help determine how it died, and revisit location on daily searches to determine when/if it is scavenged. Mr. Wright (Avian Project Manager, bwright@kniktribe.org, 907-354-8358) will: (1) Conduct several surveys during this study. He will use binoculars to conduct visual surveys during the daytime and nighttime. In addition, shorter and randomly spaced observation data will be used to validate the established observation schedule. The visual observers will locate and identify as many bird targets as possible. (2) 24-hour and/or night observation periods will require more than one observer at the site and are required to test (calibrate) the basic observation methodology. Audiovisual surveys are used Page | 16 at night or during periods of low visibility (e.g., fog). Birds that are heard calling also will be recorded (e.g., murreletes). (3) Make observations from a location about 100-300m from the guyed met tower. (4) Record all birds sighted during the observation period(s), their numbers, and approximate flight altitudes; also record all scavengers that may be present, as described above. (5) Record all observations of dead or downed birds. Include date, time of day, observer's name, weather conditions, visibility (wind direction, wind speed, cloud cover, ceiling height, minimal horizontal visibility, light condition and precipitation) and observations. Data Sheet Format Date: Time of day: Observer's name: Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): Observations (Any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows ravens and eagles. Note scavengers such as dogs.): Page | 17 APPENDIX B: Study Data TATITLEK BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES Overview: The principal goals of baseline bird studies are to quantitatively describe the temporal and spatial use by birds of the study area and provide baseline information on avian species and their habitat sufficient to use in evaluating the probable impact of installation of a wind turbine. The specific goals are to provide avian monitoring protocol training to local agent(s), collect avian data to determine bird activity at the delineated areas around the turbine site, record any dead or downed (injured) birds at the site that may be the result of collisions with the meteorological tower, and prepare avian monitoring reports including back-up information and complete avian data. Data Date: June 1, 2010 Time of day: 11AM to 5PM; 4 ½ hours observations Observer's name: Bruce Wright Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy, drizzle Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (Any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens and eagles. Note scavengers such as dogs.): Bald eagles were always along the coast sitting in the trees and flying along the shore and over water. During the entire observation period 5 bald eagles, 6 large gulls, a jay and a common snipe flew over the lower meadow. No bird activity was notes in or above the upper meadow. The water was full of herring schools and this was likely attracting the eagles to this area. Date: Monday, September 27, 2010 Time of day: 2PM to 9PM and 10PM to midnight; 7 hours observations Observer's name: Bruce Wright Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear with light winds & about 50 degrees Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (Any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens and eagles. Note scavengers such as dogs.): 4:15 2 large gulls traverse the lower meadow, 4:40 bald eagle flies over lower meadow bats seen or heard during night survey Page | 18 Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Time of day: began 7AM to 8PM; 8 hours observations Observer's name: Bruce Wright Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): overcast Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (Any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens and eagles. Note scavengers such as dogs.): 7:20 jay along shore near ferry terminal, 8:00 hairy woodpecker flies over town, 8:30 large gull flies over ferry terminal, 11:08 bald eagle flies over mariculture building, 16:00 bald towards mountains. Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Time of day: began 6:40AM to 21:30, 12 hours of survey Observer's name: Bruce Wright Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rainy and low overcast Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): poor Observations (Any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens and eagles. Note scavengers such as dogs.): 6:50 jay along lower meadow near road, 3:08 bald eagle over lower meadow and landed in trees along beach, 15:10 3 large gulls over lower meadow south to north. The rain let up and wind increased, between 15:10 and 20:00 no birds were seen in the study area. No murreletes were heard during the evening survey. Page | 19 Date: Thursday, September 30, 2010 Time of day: 0700-2000, 9 hours of observations Observer's name: Bruce Wright Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rainy, no wind Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (Any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens and eagles. Note scavengers such as dogs.): at 8:34 a jay was calling in the brush. The bald eagle has been in the tallest tree being the heading towards the mountains. Date: Friday, October 1, 2010 Time of day: 0800-2000, 10 hours Observer's name: Bruce Wright Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy, rainy, SE wind Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (Any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens and eagles. Note scavengers such as dogs.): early morning observations there were no birds around, the local jay was even quiet. Later a juvenile bald eagle was spotted flying at 11:06AM along the beach from east to west elevation and at 13:20 two gulls flew over the lower meadow at about 200 feet. At 13:30 a bald lower meadow and drifted off to the north towards the mountains. Page | 20 Date: Saturday, October 02, 2010 Time of day: 0730-15:30 7 hours Observer's name: Bruce Wright Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rain and wind from SE mostly Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (Any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens and eagles. Note scavengers such as dogs.): around 08:30 I heard a bald eagle and think it was sitting on the beach. At 09:45 a gull coast. Date: Monday, October 4, 2010 Time of day: 0800-1700 8 hours Observer's name: Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): Cloudy and light SE wind. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (Any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens and eagles. Note scavengers such as dogs.): approximately 0845 no bird sightings. At 1300 spotted two Sand hill Cranes along the coast just east of mariculture building flying about 75 feet over the coast. Approximately 12 gulls flying along the coast. Page | 21 Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2010 Time of Day: 0800-1700 8 hours Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): Cloudy and north wind. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (Any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens and eagles. Note scavengers such as dogs. ): 0830 no bird sighting. At 1030 spotted 1 adult eagle about one mile north of upper meadow flying at tree level. Spotted one juvenile eagle flying along the coast at 75 feet. 1400 no bird activity at upper meadow. 12 Crows flew at coastline south side of mariculture building about 50 feet. Date: Thursday, October 7, 2010 Time of Day: 0800-1700 8 hours Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): Cloudy and raining. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good. Observations (Any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens and eagles. Note scavengers such as dogs. ): 0900 six gulls flew at coastline south to north at about 50 feet. No other activity at lower meadow or upper meadow. 1230 four gulls were flying at the coastline about 50 feet from south to north. 1500 no activity near upper meadow and lower meadow two crows flying just south of mariculture about thirty feet. Page | 22 Date: Saturday, October 9, 2010 Time of Day: 0900-1100 2 hours Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): Cloudy and light rain. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good. Observations (Any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens and eagles. Note: scavengers such as dogs.): walked up to the upper meadow tower. No bird activity noticed in area and no animals affected by tower. Date: Monday, October 11, 2010 Time of Day: 0800-1700 9 hours Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy light rain. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens and eagles. Note scavengers such as dogs.): 0800 no birds sighted both upper and lower meadows. 1030 spotted three crows and a few gulls flying along coast south to north just on the east side of the mariculture building about 50-75 feet in the air. Page | 23 Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 Time of Day: 0800-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather Conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note scavengers such as dogs.): 0930 spotted one crow flying west to east about 50 feet below upper meadow and just above housing on upper road. Also two blues Jays flying around housing area. 1530 no activity noticed both upper and lower meadows. Date: Friday, October 15, 2010 Time of day: 0800-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rain Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note scavengers such as dogs.): 0930 spotted five crows flying about 300 feet between upper and lower meadows mostly on lower meadow flying from west to east to coast. Tow blue jays flying around housing areas on lower road. One Bald Eagle sitting on beach in front of village with four crows around it. No activity in upper meadow. 1330 no activity noticed both upper and lower meadow. Page | 24 Date: Monday, October 18, 2010 Time of day: 0800-1700 Observers Name: Ricky Kompkoff Weather Conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy, light rain, SE winds at about 20 mph. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad) good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note scavengers such as dogs.) 1000 spotted about six crows about 75 feet flying in lower meadow more on the housing side going west to east. No activity at upper meadow. 1400 hrs a few gulls flying along coast south to north. Walked to upper meadow tower. No activity at location. Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Time of day: 0800-1700 Weather Conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad) good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note scavengers such as dogs.) 0830 no activity sighted at lower and upper meadow. 1330 hrs six ravens near coastline flying about 50 feet south to north. Noticed blue jays flying around housing area. Spotted a bald eagle sitting on the beach in front of village housing. Page | 25 Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Time of day: 0800-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy with light rain. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad) good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note scavengers such as dogs.) 1000 no activity sighted at upper meadow. One crow flying about 50 feet from south to north. 1500 hrs noticed one bald eagle flying about three hundred feet above upper meadow more on the lower meadow side. Date: Friday, October 22, 2010 Time of day: 0800-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note scavengers such as dogs.) 0900 no activity sighted at upper meadow, spotted two blue jays flying around housing area along roadway. 1330 spotted about five crows flying west to east about 50 feet between housing area and lower meadow. Page | 26 Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010 Time of day: 0800-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): partly sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad) good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 0930 no activity noted at both upper and lower meadows. 1630 spotted two trumpeter swans flying about 75 feet east to west along coast. Date: Monday, October 25, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 1000 there were about fifteen crows on the rails on the ferry dock. Spotted two blue jays on the lower housing area, No activity noticed at upper and lower meadow. 1330, no activity noted at upper and lower meadows! Page | 27 Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 0930 there was not activity sighted at upper meadow. Spotted one crow flying through housing area at about thirty feet and west to east. 1245 hrs spotted one magpie flying at lower meadow at tree level of about twenty five feet. No activity noted at upper level. Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Obser Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): raining with southeast winds at 20 mph. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 1000 I spotted two magpies near housing at lower meadow area. No activity noted at upper meadow. 1445 one crow flying through housing area at thirty feet west to east. Page | 28 Date: Friday, October 29, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 1100 spotted one blue jay flying near housing area. Spotted two crows flying west to east at lower meadow! 1530 no activity noticed at both upper and lower meadow. Date: Monday, November 01, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy/rain Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 0945 no activity noted at upper meadow. Lower meadow about there were about 50-100 tiny birds flying very fast and in a group near roadway at lower meadow. Birds were flying too fast for me to get a good look at. 1330 thirteen trumpeter swans flying about 100 feet west to east below lower meadow and just above housing areas. Page | 29 Date: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy, rain and light wind form the north east. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 0930 I spotted one crow flying about 30 feet from south to west at the lower meadow. There was no activity at the upper meadow. 1330 I walked up to the upper meadow tower and there was no activity spotted. Date: Thursday, November 04, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy, raining, wind out of the southeast at 15-20 mph. Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 1000 there was not activity at the upper and lower meadows. 1330 there was still no activity at both meadows. Rain and winds continue out of the southeast at 15-20 mph. 1600 no change in weather and activity at both meadows. Page | 30 Date: Friday, November 05, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): partly cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 0900 there was one magpie flying at lower meadow near housing and roadway. 1030 there were six crows sitting on the guard rails on the ferry dock east of the lower meadow. At 1330 no activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows. Date: Monday, November 08, 2010 Time of Day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rainy, light south east wind. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) At 1000 I spotted about five crows flying west to east at the lower meadow housing area. There was also one eagle flying east over the water below lower meadow. 1330 there was no activity noticed at both upper and lower meadow. Page | 31 Date: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): snowing Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 0900 there was no activity sighted at both lower and upper meadows. 1230 spotted five crows flying east to west at coastline below lower meadow. 1500 I spotted nineteen trumpeter swans flying west to east at about 150 feet and below the lower meadow over the Tatitlek narrows. Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy, light snow. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 1000 there was one crow flying below lower meadow at about 50 feet going west to east. 1330 no activity noticed at both lower and upper meadows. Page | 32 Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy and rain Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 1000 there was no activity sighted at either upper or lower meadows. 1330 there were about eight crows flying south to north along the coastline east of the lower meadow about forty feet. 1600 there was no activity noted at either location. Date: Friday, November 12, 2010 Observers name: Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy and rain Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 0930 there was no activity noted at both upper and lower meadows. 1330 I spotted one magpie flying along road way at housing area below the lower meadow. 1645 there was no activity noted. I walked up to the upper meadow tower and no activity in area. Page | 33 Date: Monday, November 15, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy, light rain and snow Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 0930 no activity noted at upper or lower meadows. 1330 I spotted one magpie at tree level around housing area. Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny and north winds 25 plus mph. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 0900 there was no activity noted. North winds continue to blow. 1345 still no activity and north winds still continue to blow at 25 plus mph. 1600 north winds continue to blow at 25 plus mph and not activity noted at both upper and lower meadows or housing area. Page | 34 Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear with winds out of the north about 10-15 mph. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) North winds continued at 15-20 mph. There was no activity noted at 1000 at both upper and lower meadows. 1400 continued winds out of the north at 15 plus mph again no activity noted at both upper and lower meadows. Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 1000 I spotted two blue jays at the housing area below the lower meadow. I also spotted three crows flying west to east about 30 feet through the lower meadow near the housing area. 1400 there was no activity noted at both lower and upper meadow. 1645 I spotted one blue jay at the housing area below the lower meadow. Page | 35 Date: Friday, November 19, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 1000 I spotted about fifteen crows sitting on the ferry dock railing just east of the mariculture building. There was no other activity noted. 1330 there was no activity noted at upper meadow. I spotted two blue jays at the upper housing area. Date: Monday, November 22, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy and rain Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 0930 I spotted two crows flying through the lower meadow near the housing area from west to east, no other activity noted at upper meadow. 1200 I spotted one blue jay at the upper housing area along roadside. 1630 there were about ten blue jays on the road at the upper housing area. There was no other activity noted at the lower or upper meadows. Page | 36 Date: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy and rain Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.) 0900 there was no activity noted at both upper and lower meadows. 1230 there was about ten crows flying from trees to the road at the upper housing area. There was no activity noted at lower and upper meadows. 1530 I spotted one eagle flying above the water from east to west below the lower housing area and through the Tatitlek narrows. There was no other activity noted at both upper and lower meadows. Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy, rainy and light winds out of the south east about 10 plus mph. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs. ) 0930 there was no activity noted at upper and lower meadows. There were about ten crows on the road way at the upper housing area. The crows were on the road due to the pot holes filled with beach sand and they must have been feeding off of the sand mixture. 1330 there was about eight blue jays on the road way at the upper housing area. There was no other activity noted. Page | 37 Date: Thursday, November 25, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted about six crows flying around the housing area below the lower meadow about 25 feet west to east. 1500 there was about eight crows on the road way on the upper housing area feeding on the beach gravel used for filling pot holes. There was no other activity noted at the upper and lower meadows. Date: Friday, November 26, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear, sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 there was no activity noted at both upper and lower meadows. I spotted about six crows flying at upper housing area from trees along roadway to road. 1400 there was still no activity sighted at both meadows. There were still about seven to ten crows flying around upper housing area. Page | 38 Date: Monday, November 29, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): north winds 20-25 plus mph. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0845 I spotted one magpie flying at around trees about 10 feet around housing area below the lower meadow. At 1330 there was no activity noted at both upper and lower meadows. North winds continue above 25 plus mph. 1645 north winds continue above 25 plus mph. No activity noted at both upper and lower meadows. Date: Wednesday, December 1, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy, light north winds less than 10 mph. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0945 I spotted two magpies along the roadway trees at the upper housing area. There were about twelve crows sitting on the rails on the ferry dock just east of the mariculture building. There was no activity at the upper meadow. 1330 there was not activity at both upper and lower meadows. Page | 39 Date: Friday, December 3, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted two crows flying west to east below the lower meadow at the lower housing area. There was no other activity noted at both upper and lower meadows. 1400 I spotted one magpie at the upper housing area flying along the roadway in the trees. There was no other activity noted at both lower and upper meadows. Date: Thursday, December 9, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted five crows flying south to north along the coastline just east of the mariculture building. I also spotted one magpie at the lower housing area below the lower meadow. There was no activity noted at the upper meadow. 1400 there was a few crows flying around the housing area just below the lower meadow. Page | 40 Date: Friday, December 10, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): At 1000 I spotted two magpies at the upper housing area flying along the trees at the roadway. I spotted one crow flying west to east about 30 feet in the air at the lower meadow. There was no activity noted at the upper meadow. I walked up to the wind tower above the water tank and all was ok and activity noted. Date: Monday, December 13, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1030 I spotted two crows flying about 30 feet in the air going east to west along the lower housing area below the lower meadow. There was no activity at the upper meadow. 1400 I spotted one magpie flying from trees at the upper housing area. We also went up to the wind tower above the water tank and changed out the battery. All was ok at the site, no activity noted. Page | 41 Date: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy, north winds Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1030 I spotted two crows flying about 20 feet in the air from east to west at the lower housing area. 1330 there was one magpie along the roadside at the upper housing area. Not other activity noted at the lower and upper meadows. Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 there was no activity noted at both upper and lower meadows. There were two magpies spotted at the upper housing area flying from trees to ground. 1400 I spotted on crow flying from west to east about 20 feet below the lower housing area. There was no activity noted at the upper and lower meadows. Page | 42 Date: Thursday, December 16, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted three crows flying at the upper housing area. I also spotted one magpie at the upper housing area. There was no activity noted at the upper meadow. There was on crow flying at the lower housing area about fifteen feet going west to east. WEEK ENDING: 12/25/2010 Date: Monday, December 20, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted about six crows flying at the upper housing area from west to east about ten feet in the air. There was no activity noted at the upper and lower meadows. 1330 I spotted one eagle flying from west to east at the beach area below the lower housing area about seventy five feet in the air. There was also one magpie flying from tree to tree at the upper housing area. Page | 43 Date: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted one crow flying from west to east at the lower housing area through the lower meadow. Not activity noted at the upper meadow. 1400 there were three crows flying around the lower housing area about ten feet in the air. No other activity noted. Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted two magpies flying from trees to roadway at the upper housing area. No activity noted at the lower and upper meadows. 1330 no activity noted at both upper and lower meadows. Page | 44 Date: Thursday, December 23, 2010 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): Clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): Excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1030 I spotted about six crows flying west to east about 20 feet in the air at the lower housing area. There was one magpie flying from tree level to ground at the upper housing area. No activity at both lower and upper meadows. 1400 all is quiet and no activity at both meadows. WEEK ENDING: 1/8/2011 Date: Monday, January 3, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rain Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted two magpies flying from trees to road at the upper housing area. No activity at the upper or lower meadow. There were six crows flying west to east at the lower housing area. 1335 I spotted one eagle flying at the beach area landing on the trees on the beach coast. There was no other activity at both upper and lower meadows. Page | 45 Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rain Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): Poor Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1030 I spotted about twenty crows flying about 25 feet going west to east at the lower housing area. There was one eagle at the ferry dock sitting on the bollard at the end of the dock. There was no other activity at the upper or lower meadows. 1400 there were about ten crows flying through the lower housing area about 15 feet going west to east. There was one eagle sitting onto of the light pole at the ferry dock. No other activity noticed at both the upper and lower meadows. Date: Thursday, January 6, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 there were more than ten crows flying through the lower housing area about 15 feet going west to east. There was one eagle flying about 50 feet on the west side of the mariculture building and landed on the tree top along beach coast. No other activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows. 1330 I spotted one magpie flying at the lower housing area. There was no other activity noticed at both upper and lower activity. Page | 46 Date: Friday, January 7, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): Clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): Excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1030 there were about ten crows flying west to east at the lower housing area. There was no other activity noticed at the upper and lower meadows. 1300 I spotted one magpie flying around the upper housing area and one at the lower housing area. No other activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows. Usually around this time of the year we begin to see more of the eagles around the area, especially at the beach in front of the village. I think they come looking for food. I have gotten reports from other community members that some herring are beginning to show up around the ferry dock area. WEEK ENDING: 1/15/2011 Date: Monday, January 10, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted about ten crows flying about 25 feet going west to east through the lower housing area. I also spotted two magpies flying from trees to the road at the upper housing area. There was one eagle sitting on the tree top at the beach coast in front of community. No other activity noticed at the upper and lower meadows. 1330 there was still one eagle at the beach area in front of the community. Page | 47 Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear and north winds at 10-15 mph plus Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1030 I spotted two magpies at the upper housing area flying from tree level to roadway. There were also about 5 crows flying about 25 feet going west to east through the lower housing area. There was 1 eagle sitting on top of a tree on the beach in front of the community. 1345 the eagle was still sitting on top of the tree at the beach. No other activity noticed at both the upper and lower meadow. There was 1 eagle sitting on top of the light pole at the ferry dock. Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear and north winds at 15-20 mph plus Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 the eagle continues to sit on top of the tree at the beach in front of the community. There were no other activity notice through community and upper and lower meadow. 1315 there was no other activity noticed throughout the day with the north winds at both upper and lower meadows and community. Page | 48 Date: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): Clear north winds 15 plus mph Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): Excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1030 I continue to spot the eagle at the beach in front of the community. There were about 10 crows flying through the lower housing area west to east and landing on the ferry dock rails. No other activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows. Date: Friday, January 14, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted 1 eagle at the beach and about 10 crows. There was no other activity noticed at both the upper and lower meadows. 1345 still 1 eagle at the beach. I spotted 1 magpie flying from tree level to roadway at the upper housing area. Not other activity noticed at the upper and lower meadows. Page | 49 TATITLEK BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES WEEK ENDING: 1/22/2011 Date: Monday, January 17, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): no report Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): no report Page | 50 Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): snow Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted 1 eagle at the beach in front of the community and 1 eagle at the ferry dock sitting on the bollard at the end. There were about 10 crows at the ferry dock rails. I spotted 1 magpie at flying from tree level to roadway at the upper housing area. 1330 the eagle at the beach still on tree top. 5 crows flying through lower meadow from west to east about 25 feet. No other activity noticed at upper meadow. Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): snow Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1030 there was 1 eagle at the ferry dock sitting on the end bollard and 1 eagle sitting on top of light pole. I spotted 3 crows flying west to east about 20 feet through the lower meadow. 1330 there was 1 eagle still at the ferry dock sitting on top of the light pole. No other activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows Page | 51 Date: Friday, January 21, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rain Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0900 I spotted 1 eagle still sitting on top of the light pole at the ferry dock. There were about 5 crows flying at the upper housing area from tree level to roadway. There were 3 crows flying at the lower housing area about 15 feet west to east. No other activity noticed at the upper and lower meadows. There were also a pod of orcas swimming into boulder bay. Eagle on top of light pole at ferry dock Ricky Jr. performing maintenance to equip. Page | 52 WEEK ENDING: 1/29/2011 Date: Monday, January 24, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rain south east wind at 10 mph plus Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): poor Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 there were 2 eagles at the ferry dock sitting on top of the light pole and end bollard. There was not activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows to include housing areas. 1400 there was still 1 eagle sitting on top of the light pole at the ferry dock. No other activity noticed at both meadows. Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rain south east wind at 10-15 mph plus Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): Poor Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 there was only 1 blue Jay flying from tree levels at the lower housing area. No other activity noticed at both meadows. 1330 still rain and wind, no activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows. Page | 53 Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 there were more than ten crows flying through the lower housing area about 15 feet going west to east. There was one eagle flying about 50 feet on the west side of the mariculture building and landed on the tree top along beach coast. No other activity noticed. Date: Thursday, January 27, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): Clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): Excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0900 there were about 5 crows flying through the lower housing area about 20 feet west to east. No other activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows. 1330 still no activity noticed. Page | 54 Date: Friday, January 28, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted 2 crows flying about 10 feet at the upper housing area. No activity noticed at the lower housing area to include both meadows. 1430 still quiet at the community, no activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows. TATITLEK BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES WEEK ENDING: 2/5/11 Date: Monday, January 31, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): snowing Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): poor Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted two crows flying east to west through the upper housing area about 15 feet. There was no other activity noticed at the lower housing area to include the upper and lower meadows. 1345 it is still snowing with mixed rain. There was no activity noticed at all locations. Page | 55 Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rain south east wind at 10-15 mph plus Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): Poor Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted only one crow flying through the lower housing area going west to east. There was no other activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows. 1400 I spotted one eagle flying through the upper housing area going east to west. Date: Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rain Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): poor Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted three eagles flying around the trees at the beach in front of the community. There were two magpies flying at the upper housing area. 1500 I spotted three eagles still around the beach area in front of the community. Page | 56 Date: Thursday, February 3, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): snow Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): poor Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0900 there were about six crows flying around the upper housing area. I still spotted one eagle flying around the beach area. 1330 I still spotted the eagle flying around the beach and airport area well below the upper and lower meadows. There was no other activity noted at the upper and lower meadows. Date: Friday, February 4, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): clear Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): no rep Page | 57 TATITLEK BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES WEEK ENDING: 2/19/11 Date: Monday, February 14, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 all is quiet no activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows and through community. 1400 I spotted two blue jays flying from trees at the lower roadway. There was no other activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows. Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 there were about ten crows flying through the community at the upper housing area. I heard some blue jays in the trees below the roadway at the lower housing area. No other activity noticed at the upper and lower meadows. 1330 I spotted about five crows flying from trees to roadway at the upper housing area. Page | 58 Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 all is quiet and no activity noticed at the community area and both upper and lower meadows. 1330 there was about ten crows flying around the community area. No other activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows. Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Observe Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0900 I noticed two eagles flying about 500 feet above the community. Also about ten or so crows around the community area as well. 1330 still quiet at the upper and lower meadows. Page | 59 Date: Friday, February 18, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): snow Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): poor Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 there were about five or so crows flying around the community level at the upper housing area. No other activity noticed. 1330 still snowing and no activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows to include around the community area. TATITLEK BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES WEEK ENDING: 2/26/11 Working on catching up on the avian reports. Still not herrings showing up around the ferry dock. I have reports of them showing up at other areas near the village. Will continue to keep an eye out for them. Date: Monday, February 21, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): no report Page | 60 Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted two crows flying through the lower housing area. There was no activity noted at the upper and lower meadows. I spotted one blue jay flying from trees below the lower housing area in front of the Russian Orthodox Church. 1330 there was no activity noted at housing area and both upper and lower meadows. Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 e: Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted one magpie flying from the trees to roadway at the lower housing area. 1230 I spotted about five crows flying around the upper housing area, and heard magpies in the trees below the lower housing area near the old dock. No other activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows and the ferry dock. Date: Thursday, February 24, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Page | 61 Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0930 I spotted one eagle flying around the beach area. There was one magpie flying from trees to the roadway at the lower housing area. I spotted about five crows flying about 25 feet west to east through the lower housing area. 1330 I spotted about five crows flying through the lower housing area west to east about 20 feet. There was no other activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows. Date: Friday, February 25, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny, north winds 30+ mph gusts 40-50 Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 with the strong winds, there was not activity noticed around the community area and at both upper and lower meadows. Page | 62 TATITLEK BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES WEEK ENDING: 3/26/11 Date: Monday, March 21, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): No report Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted two crows flying at the lower housing level from south to north about 50 feet. I also spotted one eagle at the beach area in front of the community flying from south to north and landing on the trees at the beach. No other activity noticed. 1400 I spotted two crows continue to fly around the community area at the lower road. No activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows. Page | 63 Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted two bald eagles flying around at the beach area in front of the community about 200 feet. I also spotted about ten crows flying around the lower housing area from west to east about 20-30 feet. 1330 I continue to see eagles flying and landing on the trees in front of the community beach area. I still have not seen any herring at the ferry dock or old dock. There are still crows flying around the lower housing area. No other activity noticed at the upper and lower meadows. Date: Thursday, March 24, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): no report Page | 64 TATITLEK BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES WEEK ENDING: 4/2/11 Date: Monday, March 28, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): snowy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): poor Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0900 I spotted two eagles flying about 200 feet at the beach area and landing on the trees. I also spotted about six crows flying around the lower housing area west to east about 30 feet. 1330 I still spotted the two eagles in the afternoon flying at the beach area. I did not notice any herring in the area yet. Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted three eagles flying at the beach area about 200 feet and landing in the trees. There were about 10 crows flying west to east through the lower housing area about 15 feet. There was no other activity noticed at both upper and lower meadows. Page | 65 Date: Friday, April 01, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 : Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted two eagles at the beach in front of the community. There were also about 10 crows flying around the lower housing area and more than 12 seagulls flying around the beach area. 1330, there were still two eagles at the beach area sitting on the tree tops. Seagulls continue to fly along the beach east to west. There was no other activity noticed at the upper and lower meadows. TATITLEK BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES WEEK ENDING: 4/9/11 Date: Monday, April 4, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0900 there were about six crows flying through the upper housing area from west to east about 25 feet in the air. I spotted two eagles sitting on the tree tops at the beach area in front of the community. The herring fish are starting to show up around the ferry dock and the beach in front of the community old dock. 1300 the eagles are still around the beach area as more herring show up. We are seeing more seagulls along the beach coast as well. There is no other activity noted at the upper and lower meadow. The birds seem to just stay at the beach due to the herring. Page | 66 Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0900 the herring begun spawning in more areas around the ferry dock and the beaches in front of the community. I spotted more seagulls maybe 100 + feeding off of the herring fish and three eagles sitting on the beach. Again there is no activity in the upper and lower meadows as the birds seem to be staying either in the water along the beach or sitting on the beach. There were a few crows on the beach as well and flying through the lower housing area west to east. There was also one sea lion spotted feeding off of the herring as well by the ferry dock. Date: Friday, April 8, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted two eagles at the beach in front of the community. The herring are still spawning around the ferry dock. There are still more then 100 + seagulls in the water and on the beach. I also spotted three eagles sitting on the beach where the spawning is happening. There were about a dozen crows on the beach also. 1330 still bird activity at the spawning area along the beach near the ferry dock. I still do not see bird activity at the upper and lower meadows as the birds continue to feed off of the herring fish. Page | 67 4-13-11 Bruce, Here you There is lots of bird activity in the area but they continue to stay where the herring are spawning o watch the area as I have been. Ricky --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ricky Kompkoff [mailto:rkompkoff@tatitlek.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 8:02 AM To: Bruce Wright Subject: herring at Tatitlek Bruce, Good morning, I am working on getting you the avian reports, just wanted to let you know the herring has spawned around the ferry dock and the beach in front of the community. Ricky Ricky Kompkoff Shareholder Services Project Coordinator PO Box 131 Tatitlek, Alaska 99677 direct: 907.325.2338 cell: 907.325.4019 fax: 907.325.2339 Page | 68 TATITLEK BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES WEEK ENDING: 5/14/11 Date: Monday, May 9, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): No Report Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny light north winds Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1400 I spotted 5 eagles flying and landing at the beach in front of the community. The eagles were feeding on seal carcasses and fish carcass. There were seagulls flying thru the community about 200 feet along the coast. There were no other activities noted at the upper and lower meadows. Page | 69 Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny light north winds Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 1000 I spotted about 5 eagles still feeding at the beach in front of the community. There were also about 2 crows flying thru the lower housing area and seagulls continue to fly thru the lower and upper meadows throughout the day. Date: Thursday, May 12, 2011 Time of day: 0900-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): No Report Page | 70 Date: Friday, May 13, 2011 Time of day: 0730-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny with light southeast winds about 20+ mph. Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0730 I spotted five eagles sitting on the beach in front of the community continuing to feed on salmon and seal carcasses. There were also about 5 or more blue Jays flying from tree to tree at the upper housing area. 1400 there were several crows flying thru the housing area west to east and also spotted one crane flying above the lower housing area east to west. Seagulls continue to fly thru both directions throughout the day. The herring spawning have seemed to end. The crane was fairly high in the sky and kept flying west right past the village. TATITLEK BIRD MOVEMENT STUDIES WEEK ENDING: 5/21/11 Date: Monday, May 16, 2011 Time of day: 0800-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): at 0800 I spotted three eagles at the beach in front of the community. Seagulls continue to fly thru the lower meadow east to west along the beach coast. There were about 5 blue jays flying from tree to tree at the upper housing area. Crows are spotted throughout the day flying at the lower housing area as well. Page | 71 Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 Time of day: 0800-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): sunny Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0800 there were 7 crows flying thru the lower housing area west to east. Seagulls continue to fly through during the day both, west-to-east and east-to-west along the beach coast. Today is the first day I spotted the swallows the colors are that of the common house-martin. Hummingbirds have also returned and have been sighted for the past week. There is no activity noted at the upper meadow area. Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 Time of day: 0800-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): cloudy Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): excellent Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0800 eagles continue to be at the beach in front of the community. They have been feeding on herring left caught and left on the beach by local fisherman. There were about 10 or more crows flying through the housing area as this is the day for trash pickup and community members leave trash on the side of the roads to be picked up. Page | 72 Date: Thursday, May 19, 2011 Time of day: 0800-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rain Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0730 there were still about 3 eagles sitting on the beach in front of the community and sitting on the old dock. There are still swallows flying around the lower housing area as they built nests around the community for many years. Seagulls continue to fly along the coasts passing thru the community. There was one crane also on the beach in front of the community. There was no activity noticed at the upper meadow. Date: Friday, May 20, 2011 Time of day: 0730-1700 Ricky Kompkoff Weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, etc): rain Visibility (excellent, good, poor or bad): good Observations (any predators or scavengers sighted? Any bald eagles sighted? List any birds sighted including gulls, magpies, crows, ravens. Note any scavengers such as dogs.): 0745 I continue to see three eagles sitting on the beach or the old dock. I see a few crows flying thru the lower housing area. Humming birds and swallows also continue to show up around the houses as some residents put out feeders. Seagulls continue to fly thru the community as well along the beach coast. There was no activity noticed at the upper meadows.